#and they describe it in the silliest sounding way possible
thesoundofchains · 3 months
There's a certain subset of Star Wars fans who I think describe Padme's death as "dying from a broken heart" to make it sound sillier when in ROTS the exact way it's described is that she loses the will to live.
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holdinbacksecrets · 7 months
uninhibited (and drunk) voicemails from seventeen
forever sending gratitude and love to j @un-love for helping assign these
seungcheol: “i watched you tonight with another man. he held your hand and kissed your forehead. he drank your tea first to check the temperature. he made you laugh. for real. i know because you covered your mouth, still feeling insecure about how far it opens when the reaction can’t be avoided—when the something said was so funny it surprised you. you’re wearing red. your arms were exposed for a while, and i felt my eyes prick with tears at the sight of more tattoos on your skin. ones i didn’t know about. maybe ones you mentioned when they were still just possibilities in your head. not once did i think i wouldn’t see them actualized. not once did i imagine another man’s fingers brushing the ink through the motion of draping his jacket around your shoulders.”
jeonghan: “i’m at home and alone, and it’s wrong to call you. it’s so unfair to call you. i didn’t know how to tell you that the wanting is scary. that the way we love each other is impossible—not for a second do i believe it’s possible to have again, and i’m fucking afraid, probably because i know how much you’ve grown. the thought of letting you down leaves a sour taste, and i’m trying not to be so fucking afraid.”
joshua: “i’m sobering up now, sitting on my mom’s back porch. earlier, i was trying to describe the color of your hair. the best i could come up with was blue frosting like the cupcakes she made for my 10th birthday party. isn’t that outrageous? embarrassing? in my head was a poem, but the alcohol released the silliest set of words i could’ve possibly used to describe a part of you.”
jun: “everything is weird. everyone is strange to me today except for you. i’m drunk. i lost my shoes at some point in the night i think. i can’t recognize anyone around me. their voices don’t sound familiar. i wish you were here. i wish you’d tell me this is miserable for you too; it’s not worth it anymore. would you tell me the truth if i asked? sorry. what a stupid question. i don’t know anyone more honest.”
soonyoung: “i should’ve watched you all day more often. i dream about that. i wanted to, but something always had my attention or interrupted its focus on you. i’m laying here with my eyes closed, imagining all the moments i did watch and wondering if every single one pieced together could consume an entire day.”
wonwoo: “is it ok that i still have your spare key? i’d like to believe it’s something you’d ask to get back, but i wonder if that call isn’t worth making. if the idea of seeing me makes you anxious. but you trust me. out of everyone to still have access to your home, it’s ok that it’s me. i feel sad thinking about it.”
jihoon: “you baked cookies. i froze half of them. there’s one left, and i’m debating whether or not to eat it today. it’s freezing outside, and any view through my window is ruined by the snow. it feels like the perfect night for a cookie with what’s left of my second americano like i can risk losing sleep, but what will be left from you if i give in? everything else feels lifeless—it’s been so long since you’ve touch the clothes and read the books.”
seokmin: “i’m going to a wedding tomorrow. your old neighbor is getting married, and i thought about so many things when he sent me the invitation. i thought he was in love with you for the longest time. remember that? it took me months to admit. then he told me he’s just protective, and i realized there are so many people who see us and care without us ever knowing. so i wondered about a what if between us… what if our paths crossing was shallow and they never intertwined? what if you were just a woman in the grocery store who i’d see once in a while if the timing was right? how long would i think about you before forgetting your face, before forgetting i ever saw you? unless i never would and end up talking about you in my old age to adult children who only know i loved their mother.”
mingyu: “is it ok to call you in the middle of the night? you told me i could. years have passed since that conversation. *laughs* is it strange to think about us back then? how we started on a park bench, basically dated for two years on a park bench. i still think about how your approach to reach me gave away your feelings. you started poised, avoiding eye contact. then it became goofy looks and confident strides before calling my name and skipping to singing the song stuck in your head while you ran to me. i can’t help but wonder what would it look like now?”
minghao: “if you listen to this voicemail, can you tell me what you want? whatever comes to mind after hearing the question. from something small to something weird and the the thing you believe is better left unsaid as if i’d judge the answer, but i won’t. i have no reason to judge you. all i have is curiosity and love and hope for your every day, every want, every touch, every song you sing, every picture you hang, and every night spent barefoot on the balcony- i want to marry you.”
seungkwan: “there’s something on my mind. i’ve wanted to tell you all day. i thought about it at breakfast and started texting you before my manager called and interrupted. so here it is: i used to not understand how tired you’d be with me around. i thought i was boring you for the longest time until i visited my sisters. they exchanged a knowing smile before telling me you’re completely comfortable, that you feel safe enough to slip into the kind of vulnerability that only sleepiness and sleep allow, with your guard lowered, and your heart open. i appreciate how much of you i’ve seen, how deeply i know you—knew you… know you? hmm…”
hansol: “are you traveling? i hope you’re traveling. i know it’s something you promised to do at the start of your 26th year. where did you go? … are you taking lots of pictures? … how does the moon look? that’s your souvenir: the moon in the sky a thousand miles away from home. when you told me the moon thing, i realized i knew nothing about you, and i wanted to know everything.”
chan: “you were in the audience tonight? i didn’t… i wasn’t… thank you for coming. i mailed a ticket, but it was returned to sender. *clears throat* you’re the only person i couldn’t shake wanting to be there. do you know what i mean? people from our pasts we wish could still be present, especially for things they witnessed in early stages. i could shake off all the other absences… old friends, a mentor, but you… *sigh* no way.”
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whiskersz · 7 months
Haaaaaaiii (mysteriously) i was wondering if I could ask for both matchups? :33 (you don't know me btw...)
My name's Tezel, I'm a 20 yr old agender aromantic bisexual and I go by they/it!!
I'm not entirely sure how to describe myself, but I guess I could say I enjoy spending time with others a lot! I always try to be friendly, and when I feel comfortable enough with someone, I might end up talking way too much...Sometimes I feel like I should probably apologize to them!
Also, I'm not really one to judge people, so I always try my best to be as understanding as possible. I'm not someone who gets angry w their friends easily either...Guess that'd take a lot!
As for my interests, I really enjoy drawing, and I also really like listening to music! ^_^ Something else I enjoy is collecting plushies, so I will always be extremely thankful to anyone who'd think of giving me one as a gift! Also, I absolutely love dinosaurs, so I might accidentally go on a ramble about them with someone I'm speaking with! I just think they're neat :P
Something else about me, which I'm definitely not proud of, is that I easily end up getting anxious over the silliest things. If it gets too bad, I might try to seek comfort from my friends or anyone I'm close to. Usually, that helps a lot.
If I'm close enough with someone, I will definitely be very cuddly around them, or at least give them hugs often! Of course, if I'm not sure if they're comfortable with it, I will ask beforehand if they're ok with it! I always value people's feelings before my own.
And lastly, I know many random facts about animals, so I'll often bring them up to people I'm speaking with if a certain animal is brought up or if I'm asked something about it! I'm often told I know a lot a lot about them :3
Anyways, that should be everything. I really hope the info I gave you works just fine!! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to do this... ^_^
Hey you!! I finally got to your matchup, yay!! Now, I know veryyy well who your favourites are – but! I tried to read this as if I didn’t know you, apologies if the characters I chose aren’t really of your liking, I tried XP
With aaall of that said, your romantic matchup is...
Sir Pentious!
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I can totally see you and Pentious bonding for a very wide number of reasons. I don’t usually do this in matchups, but I can see you approaching him first and complimenting him on how cool he looks – he’s a snake after all, and you love animals -; he even sounds cool, with all the inventions he comes up with! He’d get really flustered over someone paying this much attention to him but at the same time be very proud of himself, and he’d totally take some time to brag a little, encouraged by your shower of compliments. This is kind of how your first meeting would go, in my opinion!
After that, you two would be inseparable: you’d ramble about your interests and he’d ramble back about his, and you’d give each other opinions on what the other has said. This would continue for hours on end! He’d also grow so fond of you to let you witness him and the egg boys at work; you’d think of this as the coolest thing ever. Eventually, you’d end up dating, probably planning to confess in the same exact moment too. It’d be a bit of an awkward confession, but one full of chuckles and hugs and reassurance!
Pentious is a biiig cuddle bug – he loves hugs, snuggling up against you, hand holding and when you do all of that to him! Therefore he doesn’t mind your hugs at all, he actually asks for them himself. He’s the type to hold your hand under the table while you’re all having dinner at the Hotel and then blush about it, and he also plays with your hands a lot. his hand is probably pretty big and slender, so he loves to point out how small your hands are compared to his.
He absolutely adores when you show him your art, he definitely goes a little overboard with compliments sometimes as he tends to exaggerate things in general but he does think everything that he says, so his comments are very genuine. If you draw him sometimes he’ll be very flustered about the fact that you find him handsome enough to make him a portrait!
He’s actually the type of demon to sit down next to you if he notices you drawing and join you in your activity. Not that he’s great at it himself, but what matters is that he’s willing to spend some quality time with you doing something that you enjoy.
You and Pentious also don’t get on each other’s nerves often at all. If one of you does something mildly annoying you both always end up apologizing immediately afterwards in fear that the other will get mad at you, so it’s very rare that you get mad in this relationship.
Also, if he does do something that upsets you, he’ll be feeling awful all day and do something to cheer you up, like get you a new plushie or bake something for you. Not that he doesn’t do little acts like these randomly during your relationship too though; he’s actually a big gift giver and he loves acts of service so it’s not rare for him to show up at your bedroom door with a trail of freshly made cookies or a handmade little gift. In fact, most of his time in his room/studio is spent figuring out what to make for you next!
When you start panicking over something for the first time, he gets a little bit anxious himself as well, not going to lie. With time though he learns that all you really need from him is for him to act natural and distract you a bit with some silly jokes, and perhaps a bit of light hearted comfort and a cuddle. From that point on he cherishes it every time you turn to him for help, as you’re his first supporter too.
I hope you enjoyed reading that as much as I enjoyed writing it!! As for your platonic matchup, I think you’d be besties with...
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To start off, these will be a little bit on the shorter side as they’re platonic headcanons. Anyways, you and Charlie sure love to hang out and listen to each other ramble! She’ll stare at you with big wide eyes and wonder on her face as you spew facts about dinosaurs and animals; she’ll be especially interested on the cute ones, she adores cute things!
She’s also big on physical affection, so she will never decline a hug from you! Now, longer cuddling sessions might be a little off-limits as she’s dating Vaggie and the latter can get a bit jealous over these things, so you both decide to respect her and stick to hugs and the occasional friendly hang holding while walking around.
Charlie gladly joins you and Pentious in your drawing sessions; she’s a little better at drawing than he is, and will fill the entire page with doodles of hearts and rainbows and stars if you don’t stop her...it’s very endearing!
She values everyone’s feelings a lot, so when she senses that you’re in distress she’ll immediately be by your side. She can be a little bit awkward at offering advice sometimes as she doesn’t have much clue of what goes on in humans’ minds after all, but she’s trying her best to cheer you up and that’s what matters. She will also refrain from judging you herself, as she is the Princess of literal Hell.
Charlie loves your plushie collection; she’s got one of her own! She’s obsessed with taking pictures of her plushies so she’ll definitely do the same thing with yours, too, especially the ones that she finds adorable. When your birthday or some other kind of celebration comes around, a plushie will definitely be her main present from you; she might let the secret escape though while excitedly asking which ones you’d like to get if somebody got you one, right now...
(bgff <33)
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abluehappyface · 1 year
Time for the fifth installment of the Marisa Takeover! This time it's a... Haunted House cover??? That's the only way I can describe this. I know I've made covers that apparently sound like haunted houses before, but I know they weren't to THIS degree. This is quite possible the start of a new genre...
@motsimages @magicalgirlpropaganda @mango-frog@mayumijoutouguu @nucg5040 @caniscreamintoanabyss @castanets @lesserbeans @leafboy-the-great @k4ndi-c0spl4y3r @kinokomynx @just-a-rainy-child @he-was-beautiful @hecho-a-mano @funkyfrogofficial@dunkelfuerstin @fembutchboygirl @semisentient-entity @siegesquirrel42 @soulless-paper-bag @space-frog-boy @aoihibikii @pastelstarpieces @insertusernamethatsnottaken @the-cinnamon-snail @the-kneesbees @that-bastard-with-all-the-bones @reblogging-corner @rude-occurrence @womensrightsstegosaurus @22ndcenturyschizoidman @please-put-me-in-the-microwave @hoodie-prince-kid @da-silliest-snek
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anyways-wonderwall · 4 months
Eurovision Special!
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I would just like to start this by saying woah. I have been keeping up with Eurovision for the past 7 years and have written about the last four, and this is easily the biggest shitshow I have ever seen. Never before has my Twitter been solely about Eurovision, and never have I seen Americans actually kinda care.
Just to make it clear from the beginning, Israel should not have been in this competition and should never be invited back after all they did this year, although we all know that since they own Moroccan Oil they will never face any consequences. Not only that but their song this year sucked! It got the lowest rating from me this year, even putting controversial stuff aside.
Anyways, it is time for the annual tradition of me telling you what my five favorite songs were and what I thought of the entries this year. If you've read any of my other Eurovision posts (I've reviewed 2021, 2022, and 2023), you'll know that I go through and grade all of these songs on a spreadsheet through a very objective rigorous process. I grade on five categories (which are eerily similar to what the jury does): Singer, Song, Catchiness, Performance, and the bonus points category Diversity. The max score is technically a 40, but that last category can and has put some songs over the edge. Oh and this ranking is based on how much I like the song, so the order may not fully match the scores.
All the drama aside, this was one of the best years song-wise for Eurovision (this was definitely the hardest its been to rank the songs ever). I think countries are starting to understand that being quirky pays off, so now we're getting real song diversity and really amazing performances. Also, Eastern Europe really gave it their all this year and I cannot thank them enough. (Oh and all of these songs, minus Croatia, are NOT IN ENGLISH!! Truly an incredible year)
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5. Netherlands - Europapa by Joost Klein
Score: 35/40
Notes: good energy song itself is meh
Final Ranking: uhhhhhh, that's a long story
Look I get it, this song truly embodies Eurovision in every way. It's in Dutch, one of the silliest languages out there, he's out there wearing crazy outfits and has a silly haircut, its a euro-techno hit, he has the emotional angle since it was dedicated to his parents; this is one of the most perfect Eurovision songs to enter. All that aside though, its not that interesting or awesome as a song. The main riff is incredibly catchy and the production choices with the piano are pretty cool, but it just feels like a rip off of the silliness of last year's "Cha Cha Cha," down to ending in a boring techno breakdown. I think this song is a clear response to that (down to the shoulder pads) but it still is pretty good and did a great job making this year even crazier than anyone thought possible.
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4. Greece - ZARI by Marina Satti
Score: 33/40
Notes: I've never been more flummoxed
Final Ranking: 11th
This song on the other hand, is one of the most interesting things I have ever heard. Marina Satti as an artist and this song has been occupying my thoughts nonstop, because what the hell is happening here. It's like Rosalina-style cumbia got lost in the East Mediterranean and the music video leaves me even more confused. The crazy jumps from Arab traditional flute sounds to strings to a cumbia baseline to a men's choir, to a melodramatic echoey bridge? I took a whole class on writing about music and I can't find the words to describe this one. And all of her media around it uses 2005 word art fonts and clip art? And she is serious about everything the entire time. Everything she does is hilarious and off the wall, yet she continues the persona of a pop diva. I seriously cannot get enough of her.
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just want to point out that this is one of her real album covers. The word icon doesn't cover it.
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3. Armenia - Jako by LADAVINA
Score: 41/40
Notes: Trumpet player hot or not
Final Ranking: 8th
Speaking of icons, look at these two! I really think this year was countries really embracing their native genres, whether that be Eurodance, Mediterranean Cumbia, Eastern European Emo, or Armenian folk music. This song just truly embodies fun. The lively beat, the screaming and yipping, a crowd cheering, the wailing trumpet, the random instruments whispering in the background. Listening to this makes you feel like you are a part of the coolest party ever, with flute and ukulele solos, and freedom to yell as loud as you want. I cannot get enough of this song and the energy these two bring to it, and I am so glad Armenia picked an absolute banger to represent them this year.
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2. Estonia - (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi by 5MIINUST x Puuluup
Score: 44/40
Final Ranking: 20th
This song is just awesome, in every way. You have this weird Estonian string thing, voices so low that it sounds like throat singing, all mixed with that kind of techno that feels so intrinsically Eastern European. The music video has them driving around a Soviet-style building complex just messing around in abandoned warehouses and parking lots. This is what I'm talking about when I say that countries are going back to their roots and not just trying to send what they think is the most marketable. I see this as a sequel to Moldova's entry last year, which involved a Eurovision veteran with some new faces, mixing old and new to make a masterpiece that has so much personality.
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Croatia - Rim Tim Tagi Dim by Baby Lasagna
Score: 43/40
Notes: Meow cat, please meow back
Final ranking: 2nd!
Look at this guy, he looks like someone who you would love to bring home to your parents and would like cats. He wasn't supposed to compete for Croatia this year and was put in last minute and I'm so glad because my life would have been so much darker without this banger in it. It's a classic emo anthem about leaving your farm-filled hometown to go to the big scary city, but he doesn't take himself too seriously with a name like "Baby Lasagna" and a chorus of nonsense words. The music videos as sped up farmers dancing and a cat that looks exactly like mine (both one-eyed and orange), and is a perfect mix of vulnerable and silly. This really seems like someone who was genuinely making something fun and expressing himself, and just happened to almost win Eurovision in the process.
Here's to hoping Eurovision actually happens next year after everything that went down, and if you're curious my least favorite songs were the offensively boring entries from Israel and Albania.
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lindwurmkai · 2 years
Oh I forgot to mention this here but recently I actually figured out the reason why I sometimes have that seemingly bizarre reaction to other people's benign descriptions of their experiences where I get disproportionately annoyed just because my own experiences are different. (Idk if my post about that still exists; I suspect I may have deleted it)
It's just the tail end of a long chain reaction that started with regularly having my emotions and perceptions dismissed as a child. Later I would frequently describe my internal experiences to all kinds of people from friends to therapists, only to find no one understood what the hell I was talking about. That's why a large part of my time on social media has been spent desperately posting about these things over and over, hoping to find anyone who could relate - because I needed someone to confirm that it was possible for a human to have these experiences. Or I secretly wanted to be challenged so I could at least defend myself. I was already being attacked by my own subconscious after all, and an external opponent would have been easier to defeat.
Unfortunately, during many years of regular oversharing, the most common response I got was total silence though. Sometimes a friend would express sympathy or someone would say they could relate, only to immediately reveal they misinterpreted my words and meant a slightly different experience. It was extremely rare that I found someone who actually experienced the same thing.
This silence started to feel more and more hostile over time. "No one ever answers me when I ask for advice on here!" "I bet they all think I'm talking nonsense and they're just too polite to say it!" "Come at me already! Tell me why you think my experiences are fake or morally wrong!" "Stop ignoring me when I nonconfrontationally point out that my experiences don't match a common narrative; it's tempting me to do it again but in a confrontational tone this time!"
The only thing attacking me was my deeply ingrained mistrust of my own perceptions though. I didn't even consciously feel like I was doubting myself half the time, I was just preparing for battle with some theoretical person who would surely emerge from the woodworks any moment now, or if they didn't, well, then they were clearly a coward. 😐
Once this had happened a few times in relation to a specific subject, any mention of that subject that even alluded to a different experience than mine would remind me of the frustration of never getting a response. I would skip straight ahead to the anger I had eventually ended up feeling the previous times. "This shit again. I bet if I said something, I'd be ignored as usual."
(I'm sure it doesn't help that I used to have friends who would literally ignore me, in direct conversation, because they didn't feel like explaining why they were mad at me or thought a question I'd asked was stupid. My mother did that, too.)
Unfortunately this makes me sound like the villain in that "hi! Most annoying person you've ever met here" meme, but that's not how I usually address these things. I'll either make my own post or reblog with an addition along the lines of, "This is fascinating because I experience the exact opposite. Does it work that way for anyone else here??"
But because I don't get any responses, sometimes the silliest things turn into huge pet peeves very fast. Next thing I know I'm in the notes of every post about the subject that crosses my dash, searching for that one person who is expressing disagreement or confusion for the same reasons as mine. But I'm afraid even when I find one, and see that they're being ignored, it's still not much of a comfort. The need to have my perceptions confirmed as Real, Possible Human Experiences by just one person has suddenly morphed into the need to be acknowledged by those who feel differently.
Perhaps at that point it's about wanting permission to continue having that experience. Permission to exist. But I cannot stress enough how often the subject matter is something completely silly where morals shouldn't even enter the equation! And I'm thirty-six. I can't help but feel like I should be much more mature and well-adjusted by now. The way people my age sometimes talk about younger people can ironically set off this phenomenon as well because it makes me think I can't be a real person who exists if I relate more to the teenager being criticized than the person my age who's doing the criticising and making it about being young like that explains it.
Is it any wonder the form of dissociation I experience most often is depersonalisation? On reflection, no.
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herhiddenphase · 4 months
Tu nazm nazm sa mere
Honthon pe thehar ja
Main khwab khwab sa teri
Aankhon mein jaagun re
(you're truly ,madly , deeply in love the kind of love where you jot down poetries on their lips , send them love letters ,you use songs, analogies to describe them because mere simple words would simply not do justice to your love ,they're constantly in your minds too , in the silliest possible ways )
Haath thaam le piya 
Karte hain vaada 
Ab se tu aarzu 
Tu hi hai iraada
Mera naam le piya 
Main teri rubaai 
Teri hi toh piche piche 
Barsaat aayi, barsaat aayi
(you expect promises , promises of love ,the ones you'd give it in a heartbeat you promise to do everything,everything but to take them for granted , how you want them to say your name again and again and again until it sounds like a poetry to your ears , how they bring the drought land of a heart of yours to life , just by simply existing)
Tu itrr itrr sa mere
Saanson mein bikhar jaa
Main faqeer tere qurbat ka
Tujhse tu maangun re
( you're so devastatingly in love , that you long for their vicinity , you create a safe space for them to be comfortable, vulnerable and to break down in your own very being , how your spirit , soul and everything aches for their nearness and all you can ask them for is to simply just exist,
exist near you or maybe with you)
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onlyswan · 11 months
hi, art, my love!! first of all thank you so much for the sweet treat you just posted. I have so many things to say but to start, I want to say that this drabble made me realize how open and carefree our lovely oc has become around jungkook. it makes my heart ache so much imagining how much courage they must've gathered to show jungkook their messy, unpredictable, uncensored, and vulnerable side of them considering how they've been independent for so long.
second is, it's such a refreshing experience being able to view oc in jungkook's lenses. eyes that twinkle with eagerness fluttering shut; you pull away with smacking sound, giggly and bubbly, might be his favorite version of you; you're so pretty, everywhere, even when naked and bare. no especially. it's all he can think about. those are just a few that I could recount at this moment but even in the silliest, simplest, or even most risqué moments of oc, he is still talking about them in a lovesick way - his heart is hopelessly pierced, chest bleeding with so much love, and the arrow is oc's existence itself.
third, I would like to talk about the moment where oc whining about them running out of protection and them abruptly wanting out of the car because they saw a cart of their favorite snack. really. jungkook, I understand you now. oc is such a stubborn and I could say even more spontaneous than him and how kook put up with that and seeing it as just oc being oc is such a... I have no idea how to put it into words but you know how most guys (or people) would consider that being immature and wanting their partners to change and seeing such traits as a flaw just because they aren't like that? I don't know, it's just crazy for me to see such a small thing like that possible in a relationship.
fourth is... "he turns around, and he knows it's going to sound extreme silly, but damn, you make his life feel like a movie - because you're jogging towards him, and the universe begins moving in slow motion." art, when I tell you that I fell in love with you at this moment, I mean it! as someone who likes to read, the format of how you wrote it, literally made everything play out inside my head so vividly that I could see it and describe every little things inside that moment. I love how you use words to paint a picture but at the same time you remind us that we are inside jungkook's brain and that this is the pov of this certain character. also, the cuts of every scene and how you continue it with a different scene but without us getting lost. like really, you even do that with flashbacks such as the lost key in the ocean drabble, it's just so amazing how it felt like you are holding my hand with a tight grip as we both travel into someone's library full of their memories and you are the librarian that guide us throughout. you get me? I hope it makes sense hahsha!
lastly, I could say that oc is right, being one dimensional is boring, but being different things all at once is sexy. I am personally, have interests that are in different ends of spectrum and with all these aesthetics and stuff going on with people my age, I struggle to really know who I am because I like a lot of things therefore, I couldn't really find an aesthetic that fits for me. But oc made me realize that maybe it's okay to not fit in, or just be me and maybe, make your own.
I'd like to end this review/long message with a song recommendation by beadbadobee called "lovesong". It reminded me of the in which couple as it talks about devotion, connection, as well as longing and missing your lover constantly. I just think that the lyrics describes them so much. I hope you enjoy it!
I would never get tired of expressing my gratitude for sharing this little adorable and gut-wrenching story with us. I hope the universe would always be nice to you and give you all of the things thwt makes you happy!
hello my sweet swan anonie 🥺🩷 i’m sorry for getting to this so late, i wanted to read your thoughts in my free time so i could take it all in <3
first!! 😭 you’re already making me cry from the start lol god this is so true :( oc really took a gamble on jungkook and bared theirself to him </3 oc must be protected at all times i do make the rules !!!!!
second!! hehe i’m so relieved to hear that 🥺 i was worried that it would feel off or boringhdjskdjfdjkf but it was really so much writing from his pov!!!
his heart is hopelessly pierced, chest bleeding with so much love, and the arrow is oc's existence itself.
🥲🥲🥲 i’m so emotional. you said it so perfectly!!!! cupid found jobless due to oc’s charms LOL
third!! jungkook, I understand you now. oc is such a stubborn and I could say even more spontaneous than him. lmaoooo idk if i said this answering an ask or in a drabble but jungkook definitely met his match in spontaneity in oc and it’s been interesting writing about this dynamic 😭
how kook put up with that and seeing it as just oc being oc is such a... I have no idea how to put it into words but you know how most guys (or people) would consider that being immature and wanting their partners to change and seeing such traits as a flaw
our kook is just so hopelessly in love ☹️ loves oc for everything that they are and as someone who’s spontaneous aswell he loves that oc is so unpredictable sometimes looool. i remember someone pointing this out too !! after the drabble where oc lost his car keys went out lol and considering this was set in 2018 and that one in 2023… 🥹 i won’t start talking bcs then i won’t stop </3
fourth!! art, when I tell you that I fell in love with you at this moment, I mean it! 😚😚😚
I love how you use words to paint a picture but at the same time you remind us that we are inside jungkook's brain and that this is the pov of this certain character.
thank youuuuu oh my god this is honestly something i’m very conscious about when i’m writing 🥺 as much as possible i really want those pictures i describe to feel alive !!!
also, the cuts of every scene and how you continue it with a different scene but without us getting lost. like really, you even do that with flashbacks such as the lost key in the ocean drabble, it's just so amazing how it felt like you are holding my hand with a tight grip as we both travel into someone's library full of their memories and you are the librarian that guide us throughout.
ohhh my god this makes me so happy to hear you have no idea thank you 😭🩷 trying to connect scenes seamlessly is not easy like generally i imagine it like a movie but it’s not really the same with writingsjdhfjfhjf and yeah what the hell it totally makes sense that’s literally the vibe i’m going for with the entire series !!!! 🥹🥹🥹 i could kiss you rn for real
But oc made me realize that maybe it's okay to not fit in, or just be me and maybe, make your own.
this warms my heart so much 🥺 i think having your own identity instead of fitting yourself in a mold is so important to live a happy life. humans are complex and we should embrace that :")
LOVESONG !!!! is one of my favorite songs in the album 🥹 brings me so much joy that such a beautiful song is associated with the iw!couple i’m tearing up. thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to write this long message <3 your kindness is very healing to the soul :( i wish you all the best things life has to offer 🫂 love you
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to-the-stars8 · 2 years
Learning to Love Slowly
Parings; Jason Todd x Reader 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19-Just the Two of Us and A Kiss
“Just the two of us. We can make it if we try,” You sang poorly along with the music. “Just the two of us.”
You hummed the rest of the tune as you danced across the kitchen to the fridge. Swaying your hips, you lost yourself into the song to the point you didn’t hear Jason coming in through your window. He heard the music before he heard you, but the moment your voice hit the air he made his steps to the kitchen quieter. 
Jason leaned against the doorway as soon as he made sure you didn’t notice him and just watched you. He liked the way your body moved to the beat, and that you were only in a supersized shirt. A smile was on your lips as you sang, out of tune and lacking behind some of the words, but he was in love with your little performance nonetheless. 
The longer he stared the more he grew to admire you. He wasn’t sure there were enough words, in any language in the world, to describe how he found you so amazing and perfect. 
“Building them castles in the sky. Just the two of us,” The whisk had suddenly become your microphone. You swayed side to side. “You and I…Jason!”
The whisk clattered to the ground as you threw it in surprise. Your face flushed from embarrassment and you tried to hide it by hiding it with your hands. Jason didn’t give you time to be too embarrassed as he went to you, taking both of your hands to do some kind of poor half-assed dance. 
“Come on, Sweetheart,” He said, smiling. “You looked so pretty when you were dancing. Dance with me this time.”
You nodded before dragging him into the silliest dance you could. Jason wondered as you spun his tall ass around how insane he must have looked, but he rested well on the fact that it was just the two of you. 
Laughing, you pulled him closer by the hips, leaning up to place a kiss on his cheek. For a moment, when the courage of touching you and being with you was hot in his chest, he turned his head to cautiously give you a peck on the lips. 
The kiss surprised you, but when you pulled back you saw a light in his eyes that made your heart flutter. Looking down at his lips again, you waited until he gave you a little nod. Jason wanted you to want to kiss him, even if he wasn’t entirely sure. 
Pressing your lips together lightly, you reveled in the feeling of the warmth they gave you. His lips were dry but soft. It even felt sweet, if that was even possible to feel. 
When Jason pulled away he couldn’t go on with dancing as you as now he was flustered and a bit confused. Giggling, you pressed kisses along his jaw to just see the red on his face a little longer. He laughed lowly, a sound that had you nearly vibrating with excitement. 
“Thank you,” You mumbled as you placed one last kiss on his chin. “For the kiss.”
“You don’t need to thank me for that,” Jason said, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
You played with a strap on his jacket, humming the tune of the beat as the song died on the speaker, smiling to yourself as you thought of Jason’s lips. 
“Your cookies need your attention,” He nodded his head to the bowl on the stove.
You looked up at him. “They can wait. I haven’t seen you in a whole three days.”
Fuck, he felt horrible for that. You needed someone who was there for you, but as soon as the thought was there he pushed it away. That left behind the anxiety. 
What if were starting to think that he was gone for too long? Jason couldn’t always be there, which he should be. Not like he could drop the whole Red Hood thing anyway. His arms around you fell to his sides and he stepped back. 
“What’s wrong, Jaybeans?” You asked. After a second of silence, you went on. “Was it too much?”
“No. I…” Jason thought about it. Maybe it was. He should have slowed down to think if he wanted to kiss you, just to make sure everything was right. What had to be right, though? You were happy to see him, despite the initial scare he gave you. The kiss had proved to him that you were real-- that he actually had a girlfriend. 
Shit, the anxiety was eating him alive. Taking a deep breath he reminded himself that you were here, you cared for him like crazy. 
“I don’t know. Maybe it was, just a bit,” He admitted. Not sure of what his feelings were, especially the new one that bloomed in his chest. “I got too confident.”
You stopped yourself from reaching to him. “It’s okay. We’re still pretty new at this, remember? We’ll do things we think we’re ready for but aren’t. That doesn’t mean we can’t go back and try again. Hell, Jay, you could feel like you aren’t ready now, but if you asked me again in ten minutes I promise I would still say yes.”
Jason nodded then laughed a little at himself. “Where do you get all this emotional maturity from? Makin’ me feel like I know nothin’.”
“Been in therapy a lot longer than you’ve been Red Hood,” You jested. 
“Huh, right. Gotta get me one of those so I can throw some of that emotional maturity back at you when you least expect it.”
You laughed. “I’ll be looking forward to that day, Jason Todd.”
Motioning him over to the stove, Jason watched as you baked and talked. You told him about the drama at work and how your mom was dying to meet him. Not that would you ever push that subject onto him. 
Jason was thinking of a thousand different things that didn’t involve meeting your mom, but rather just you. He thought of how much you liked watching you cook, the way your hair framed your face, your eyes, smile--Just you. He thought about your lips searing into his skin. 
God, he was sure that when he looked in the mirror when he got him there would be burn marks on his face. And he fucking liked it. It would be better than the other scars he had. 
“Jason?” You asked, snapping him from the sea of his mind. “Did you hear what I asked?”
“No, sweetheart, I’m sorry. Say it again?”
You thinned your lips, trying to decide to pry what was wrong out of him or repeat yourself. Unfortunately, you chose the latter. “What did you do while you were gone? I feel like I’ve been talking about myself for ages.”
“Uh,” Jason scratched the back of his neck. “Letting people know what it means to fuck around and find out.”
“Ah,” You said, so impartial that it was hard to know what that little noise even meant at first. Then, a smile crossed your face. “Is that the Red Hood motto?”
“I don’t have a motto,” Jason laughed. “Guess it has to be now.”
You giggled and fell silent, letting the sound of pots and spoons clinking together speak for you. Jason observed you, thinking about what you might have done while he was gone. Sometimes he didn’t tell you when he was coming back, or when he was coming over--not now anyway-- so when he arrived it was like getting to glimpse into the time when he wasn’t there. 
Jason said your name, and it made you feel like a perfect summer day. “What do you do when I’m not here?”
“Masturbate, mostly,” You said nonchalantly, looking out the side of your eye to see Jason’s surprised expression. A laugh bubbled up your throat until it poured out in what Jason would describe as heavenly cackling. When you were done, you continued. “I partially jest, of course. What I really do is work a lot. If I’m not doing that I’m cleaning my apartment, grocery shopping, or reading.”
“Do…do you ever get tired of me being away?”
“Tired isn’t a good word for it. I miss you. I want you, that’s what I would say,” You thought about the words you meant for a second. “Kind of like when you were a kid and you would get super excited for Christmas to the point you’re restless waiting for it, you know? That’s what I feel when you’re gone.”
Jason liked that answer, despite the slight confusion. He felt better, at the very least, and happy that you felt the same he did when apart. What you had said lifted a bit of a weight off his shoulders, and the anxiety felt lessened, too. 
“Can I try to kiss you again?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, to know if I’m really ready or if it’s just..anxiety,” Jason admitted. 
You nodded and leaned forward, placing your lips on Jason’s again. It was like the first kiss he gave you, nothing less than a peck on the lips. When you pulled away, you watched Jason try to think over kissing you before dipping down to place another one on you. It was the same as before, experimental, slow. 
“Well?” You asked after he drew back. 
Shyly, he said, “Just a little more time.”
“You and I got plenty of time, honey.” You smiled.
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
I need a very loving Laszlo smut, either top or switch with him, take it any direction you want, any build up, any kinks. But I just... my soul needs this V I need to see this man happy and satisfied
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Coming Back Home [Dr Laszlo Kreizler x Wife!Reader]
Word count: 3k
Warnings: SMUT (fingering, mild victorian dirty talk)
Author’s note: I am weak to see this man happy, my mind went a bit overboard, but I just couldn't hold it back, to see him happy and fulfilled in all his means, professional and private. Thank you so much for feeding my obsession and being my supporter @cazzyimagines <3
The cold air hit him as a welcome back in the moment he exited the carriage, he was back in New York after six months of study and hard work in Wien, he hated and loved it: he learned a lot and got the chance to talk with some of the best alienists in the field granting himself some valuable resources and upcoming publications, the city was amazing and romantic. But all day, every day, he was with his mind on the life he left here, on you and your baby boy waiting at home patiently, easing his pains with letters and little colourful sketches, reassuring him that he would come back to the same house he left.
It was late, he could see the light in baby’s room was off already and it pained him to be late for the goodnight story.
The driver dropped his belongings beside the door with a huff before taking his money with a big thank you.
Laszlo nodded, a sense of tension taking over him, what if something indeed changed? What if you hate him for leaving for his own interest? Will his son remember him? 
The silliest questions took over him and he just rang the bell before the spiral would take over and make him sleep in the garden out of his imaginary shame.
Stevie opened the door and his face lighted up instantly, Laszlo’s hand moved close to his own face with a finger up to signal him to keep quiet. The young lad nodded opening the door more, but a loud whine came out of his lips when he saw the heavy trucks beside Laszlo. 
“Stevie? Who is it?”
Your voice vibrated through the walls enveloping Laszlo like a distant memory and a fresh breath of air at the same time.
Stevie mumbled something “Nobody Madam, only some funny head playing with bells at night” he said as Laszlo nodded at him.
He left the coat at Stevie with his gloves and hat making his way to the bedroom upstairs trying to be as quiet as possible, your vanity the first thing that appeared to his sight, he shifted lightly so he could spot your figure reflected in the mirror without being seen.
You were already in your white night dress, hair down wrapped in a braid that rested on your shoulder, his own dark blue night gown draped over you making you appear even smaller, a book resting in your hand, the other hand toying with the fabric of his gown. A soft sigh left your lips and a little smile, you are liking the book. You turn the page with your features lighting up by interest, he felt almost guilty to interrupt you.
“Guten Abend, my love”
Your head shot up, eyes wide in surprise, a smile growing on your lips as he walked inside the room revealing his presence. A sense of nervousness still on him.
“Laszlo” you called rushing to him, discarding the book and throwing the covers onside,  closing the distance between the two of you by jumping out the bed like an excited child. Your hands wrapped quickly around his neck, you pulled him in, lips clashing against one another. He smiled in the kiss, eyes a bit teary as the happiness you were able to blossom into his chest since the first time he met you was still there. He cupped your cheek with his left hand, the kiss being long and followed by little short ones, and then again a long one.
“You should have told me” You whispered and he smiled at you noticing how you also got a bit of tears streaming down your cheeks, but all due to happiness. You picked his right hand kissing it lovingly, oh that ritual of yours, that mindless action you always did to kiss the part of him he despised the most.
“Welcome home, my love”
He smiled widely, so wide he felt his cheeks and jaw hurt, while he leaned his forehead against yours and you closed your eyes enjoying it. Your little telepathy thing, like he could pour his thoughts to you and vice versa.
In the meanwhile Stevie kept himself far from the two of you not wanting to interrupt or witness anything he shouldn’t. Laszlo pulled back from that position as he stared down at you, your eyes met again as you gulped down a little, his eyes travelling onto your neck as none of you seemed able to pick what words to let out first, too many informations gathered in six months that letters couldn’t covert.
His eyes raising up to yours, you moved first guiding his right hand still safe in your grasp inside that warm robe hiding your body, his fingers meeting with the obscenely thin fabric of your night dress, the shape of your breast clear under his touch, his thumb brushing over your nipple earning an immediate reaction from you. 
His breath itched, his tongue wetting his lips as you kept supporting his weak arm while his hand discovered once more what hidden treasure was the body of his wife.
His left hand undoing the silky bow around your neck that kept that useless piece of clothing closed, your breasts being exposed as he leaned his head down lacing his lips with you nipple and giving it a tempting suck, his tongue roaming over it as a sense of home and comfort surged into his stomach, then he spoke and his hot breath against your wet nipple made you shiver.
“Have you done the exercises that I gave you?”
His eyes shoot up at you, a mix between the need to scold you and desire in them.
“I could do it only with your letters” you added.
“Not touching yourself enough must have been painful, exasperating, you could have brought yourself to hysteria”
“I know, but I was waiting for this moment”
He smirked, the idea to be a vital part of your sexual expression turning him on immensely.
“Which letter was your favourite?”
“The one where you described your fingers inside me, I could imagine it so clearly while I was doing it to myself”
He almost let out a groan only by the sound of your words, the need to go knuckles deep inside you now almost impossible to hold back as the image of your distressed figure rolling onto the sheets trying to emulate that pleasure he only can give you clouded his mind.
His left hand almost angrily undoing the fabric belt the nightgown around your waist before moving behind your back to pull it off your shoulders, you gently let go of his right hand helping him in the task, your hands now tugging his jacket, his waistcoat, beginning already with his shirt buttons, you were so in need, but he was the same. He tugged his shirt off probably ripping off some buttons, the urgency you both felt filling the air.
His eyes trying to take in all your figure as you finally let go of that white dress.
“Oh, meine Frau, no statue or artwork or inspiration I have seen in this travel equals your beauty” he groaned as he felt like he almost forgot how he worshipped your body, how your only presence triggered obscene desires through him.
There was almost a moment of suspense before he leaned his warm body against yours, skin on skin again.
His erection already brushing over your lower stomach as you guided him onto the bed with you laying down for him. “Laszlo” you were about to beg him not to make you wait, not to tease you but his left hand fingers were already between you legs and a yelp of pleasure left you lips immediately.
“Soaked wet without me even touching you”
He was so pleased, you didn’t need to look at his face to know, but you whimpered when his long finger pushed inside you, he knew it, he knew exactly how to touch you, how to manipulate all of you. His lips laced to your neck, he sucked on it, bit it, hickeys soon will follow the passage of him. He is back.
To see your own neck pale and empty from his marks pained you everyday, but now he is at home and there won’t be a single centimetre of you spared. Another moan followed as his mouth found your nipples again, your legs trembling as a second finger joined the first one making you gasp for air. The ultimate pleasure approaching in you too quickly, abnormally quickly, but you missed him so much and six months without his care on you was a torment.
His prideful smile gave you the freedom not to restrain your pleasure, your hips jolting up and trembling, more wetness gathering on his fingers before he pulled them out knowing that it would make you feel empty.
He punished you with distance as he sat down on the bed, you crawled over him, legs still feeling like jelly as you forced yourself to straddle him. You didn’t need to rest, you wanted him to bring you to exhaustion and he knew it, he knew you won’t wait anymore. So you aligned him with your folds, his hard cock opening his way into you easily thanks to your recent orgasm, a loud growl leaving Laszlo’s lips.
“My wife, it appears to me that you’re back being a virgin after only six months away from me” 
You blushed because his words made you sensitive and proud in a very peculiar way, you moaned slowly beginning to ride him as he kept muffling how tight you’re pressing his forehead against your chest, his left arm wrapping around you. You voiced your pleasure freely, fingers tangling to the back of his head, now it was your turn to guide his pleasure, to set the rhythm, but the pace was slow and deep, the desire still feverish in you, but the closeness inspiring you tenderness. 
“How horrible to rest in the cold Wien without you, how empty to walk without your presence” he spoke directly to your chest, to your heart “every achievement was not an achievement if I couldn’t share it with you” he confessed, his hot breath against your breasts.
“You’re back now, next time we will come with you”
You smiled as his eyes shone looking up at you “my wife”
He loved to call you that, he always did, the pride in his voice when he asked you  to be his wife the first time came back to your memory. You didn’t need many nicknames, wife and husband, the holy duo, the balance, the symmetry.
“I love you, my husband”
You moaned against him, his fingers digging into your skin, his right hand settling over your hip.
You couldn’t guess how much it lasted, you impaled deliciously yourself over him, he loved to stare at you going on your own on top of him, love it, express fully your feminine power. His left hand teasing your clit sapiently mimicking your movements making it nauseatingly perfect, your mind clouded by pleasure. He cursed, he growled biting onto the side of your breast when filling you up and gaining another moan from you, he held you down as he kept rubbing your clit until he felt your walls clasp deliciously around him, he still didn’t want to move.
He loved to see you helpless, washed over by pleasure, legs jerking aimlessly and fingers pulling onto him and his hair.
You didn’t take time to recover from that second orgasm, his skilled fingers knowing their ways around you, you bowed your head joining your lips again, you still couldn’t believe it.
“I am such a lucky man to have you”
You smiled kissing his forehead “I am lucky with such a husband like you”
You stayed like this, hugging, the time to talk will come, the time to exchange gifts and come back to routine. But not now. After countless minutes you slowly shifted from that position, freeing his hard on from you but slowly moving beside his sitting figure staying on your all fours, the braid that held your hair almost completely loose.
“Come my husband, you only had one orgasm, I know you love even numbers”
The next morning the light from the window hit his eyes, he frowned stirring as he blinked tiredly. Your figure tangled to his in bed, the covers over the both of you. He kissed your forehead out of habit, the marks already forming on your neck made him proud, your regular breathing and gentle perfume mixed with the sweat of sex made his senses alive. You felt him move and woke up pretty easily, probably due to have slept alone for so long. You smiled at each other, no words yet needed, a soft kiss placed on each others lips.
The a soft sound, more like little sounds following one another, little feet rushing down the hallway.
“Mama” being whispered by a very shy boy, his clear brown hair peaking up from the doors.You smirked covering Laszlo completely with the duvets.
“My baby” you said sitting up holding the covers over your body.
“Mami!” He gasped surprised “what happened to your neck?”
“Oh, it is normal my baby, is it so late?”
He nodded and you smiled as he hopped on top of the messy bed, Laszlo smirked from underneath the covers, it seems like somebody took a habit of sneaking into the big bed.
You smiled as your boy resembled so much his father, he crawled to move to your lap and that’s when Laszlo sat up with a loud “Who’s in my bed?” holding his hand up like a claw.
The boy squared but soon threw himself against his father’s chest.
“Apa visszatért!!!” He shouted so loud at you like you didn’t notice Laszlo at all and you chuckled finding the two of them so adorable.
“I am going to get some breakfast done” you said willing to leave them their space. Laszlo nodded at you as you wrapped yourself into your dress and then the thick nightgown. You could hear them talk softly, Laszlo was all about speaking to him in his mother’s language but also in German, so your boy was always mixing the three. “Have you being a good master of the house while I was away?” “Yes Papa, I have been extra good and mommy was happy too, but it is not like when you’re here” Laszlo’s little chuckle won you over even by distance. You had to learn Hungarian through Laszlo, even if you were lucky enough to know German already. But how sweet it was to learn along with your boy.
“Little Andrea woke you up, mrs Kreizler?” The cook, a very nice and good hearted woman asked once you reached the kitchen still wrapped in your night clothes and redoing your braid.
“He did, but his father is back, I couldn’t detain him in any way” You assured as you instructed about the breakfast to make something special. When everything was ready and settled you saw the two of them coming downstairs together, Andrea holding his father’s weak hand into his, still babbling in German to him. The two of them still in their night clothes, you loved to be unruly with them, half of the world outside would be shocked to see a family have breakfast in their night clothes, but who cares. You sat all together as Laszlo begun narrating about his travel, Andrea almost forgetting to eat as he sat down staring at his dad with shiny eyes like he could disappear any time.
“Andrea, at least the juice” you said and he nodded vehemently in particular after you whispered something to his ear.
“Do you have secrets with me?” Laszlo inquired with a smirk, his messy hair a blessing in such bright day.
“Always had” you said with a smirk and he chuckled softly before standing up and leaving for a moment coming back with some boxes.
He handed his boy one and two to you, while Andrea was busy unwrapping the gift Laszlo moved behind your sitting figure “open the small one first”
You obeyed quietly as the box was clearly hinting it was jewellery, inside you found some white gold and blue sapphires earrings.
“Laszlo, you ..” He shushed you softly “come on, wear them for me, jewellery over night dress, a new fashion from Europe” He joked softly but you obliged his wishes putting them on, Andrea making happy cheering sounds as he found the model train of his dreams. The earrings dropped beautifully on you, framing the new Laszlo loved so much “I knew only a Venus like you could sport them” he said making you blush, he always spoke in a way that made you feel like courting never ended.
“What about this?” You asked about the second box and Laszlo smirked just gesturing you to go on. Inside there was a study for a portrait, your portrait, clearly inspired by the picture Laszlo had with himself of you.
“I met this young painter in Wien, a bit struggling with money but extremely talented as you can see, a craftsman that works with gold, I invited him to come here next month and work on your portrait, he fell in love with your figure already, I already know I will have to guard your safety.”
“What is his name?”
“Oh, he is not famous, Gustav Klimt”
“Well, we can make him famous then” you said and Laszlo just smiled more as you kissed his lips to thank him for the beautiful gifts, knowing Laszlo he probably had way more hidden in his trucks “I knew you’d say something this kind of sweet”
“Mama, you look beautiful” Andrea called you staring like he was waiting for you to say something and you smiled nodding “yes, now it is the perfect time”
“For what?” Laszlo asked as you took his hand guiding him to the living room.
“Please, take a sit now” you said slowly guiding him to his armchair, the comfort of the familiar place relaxed him, the fresh flowers in the vase, the books laid on the table.
“Andrea has a surprise for you” you said leaning to sit on the arm of the chair looking up a his confused face, but he was unable to let go of that smile creeping on his lips.
“Come inside darling” you called “we are ready”
You took Laszlo’s right hand guiding it on your lap, the curiosity already eating him alive as little Andrea came holding his little violin, still looking extra cute in that night dress that made him resemble some cute baby penguin. He puffed his chest blushing as you gave him a nod of encouragement, Laszlo’s eyes shining to see his son like this and the chemistry you two have.
“I have learned this piece to welcome you back home” he announced as his shaky voice betrayed a bit his nervousness.
He placed the violin carefully onto his shoulder resting his cheek on it, your hands holding Laszlo’s while tapping with you finger to keep the tempo for Andrea. The melody was simple, but quite impressive for such a young player, Laszlo was unable to look away from his son, from the way he relaxed while playing, for the way you clearly helped him to gain the confidence to do this little performance.
He looked up at you as you two shared that look of complicity.
Life was bright over Kreizler’s household. 
Tagged @cazzyimagines​ @lieutenantn​ @handmaiden-of-mischief​ @thesunflowersutra​ @zemomybeloved​​ @fictionlandslanddreams​ @charistory​ @greeneyedblondie44​ @apparrio​ @hb8301​ @whatawildone​ @rhymerhymerhyme
Let me know if you want to get tagged too <3
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
Morning Coffee - [Reid x Reader]
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Request: hello, i was thinking if you could write the fluffiest fluff possible about spencer x reader (i’m a girl but it can of course be gender neutral), i’m okay with anything you desire. the only thing is i’d like the reader to be a little shy, just a little :) thank you so much!!!! 
Summary: Reader has just moved to their new neighborhood and finds more at their local coffee shop than they had expected. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid / Gender Neutral!Reader (no pronouns used)
Word Count: 1.6k
Genre: Fluff
Rating: G af. 
Content Warning: None that I can think of. 
A/n: I’m sorry this took me so long, anon. I wasn’t feeling very fluffy. This is truly the best I can do, I’m sorry. I’ve also never written a character that was more like me before. I hope y’all are okay with that. 
-- Morning Coffee -- 
My first order of business once I moved into my new neighborhood was to find a coffee shop that could become my coffee shop.
I didn’t stop to pick up coffee every day, but I liked having a set place to go. I liked to know the menu so I wasn’t nervous whenever I had to order. My friends didn’t understand why I felt that way, but the thought of ordering something during a crowded morning and then not knowing what I wanted and holding up people’s morning because I wasn’t prepared?
It made me never want to stop for coffee ever again.
I had always gotten anxiety about the strangest things. I was perfectly comfortable giving presentations at work, but I couldn’t approach one person in a coffee shop and introduce myself.
On my third morning in my new neighborhood, I found a smaller coffee shop about a block away from my apartment. I had walked by a few times, and I looked them up online. I felt relatively confident in my decision.
I always got up earlier than I technically needed to. I liked to allow time for something to go wrong. My mother had engrained punctuality into my very soul.
On that crisp morning in late September, at 7:37 am, I was walking towards the coffee shop from the east end of the street, and there was a man walking from the west. I could tell from our pace that we were going to arrive at the same time, and now I was trying to decide if I wanted to speed up and beat him, slow down and go in after him, or just let events unfold.
Like I said, anxiety about the silliest things.
I sped up, which turned out to be a mistake. I had underestimated how long the man's legs were. He was a head taller than me, wearing gray suit pants and a black coat. He had a scarf wrapped around his neck and it looked like he hadn't brushed his curly hair in at least a week.
He was slim with angular features. His cheekbones and jaw were both well defined. He was beautiful.
None of that is what really drew my attention.
He looked sad. Not outwardly sad. It was the sort of sad that seeped into your bones and promised to be your companion for much longer than you wanted.
The beautiful man got to the door a second before I did; he gave me a tight-lipped awkward smile when he opened the door, waving me inside.
I muttered my thanks and slipped through the door right before he did.
“You go ahead,” I said to the man. “I don’t know what I want yet.”
A complete lie. I knew that menu better than the baristas probably did.
He had brown eyes, but it was almost an insult to call them brown. They looked like caramel with little flecks of gold.
“Oh,” he mumbled. “Thanks.”
Another terrible thing about me is how I romanticize people in my mind. I recognized a sadness in this beautiful man and suddenly found myself fascinated by him.
Which is why I made getting coffee every morning around 7:37 am a part of my routine.
This went on for weeks; somedays I would see that man, and my days were always a bit darker when I didn’t. I couldn’t discern any sort of pattern about the days he came in, but I kept searching for one.
My best friend laughed at me every day but in a sweet, teasing way. I learned most of the baristas' names and they learned mine. I liked June the best; she was in her 20's and had curly black hair. She had a piercing in her left nostril and she always laughed politely at everyone's jokes.
I always tipped my baristas, but I tipped her best.  
It was the third week of October now. I was making my daily trip to the coffee shop, my headphones in my ears, my gaze sweeping over the changing fall leaves. I couldn’t even begin to describe how much I loved autumn.
I hadn’t expected to see him today; he hadn’t been there for the past two days, and he was usually gone for at least 4 days at a time. So, I wasn’t paying attention. I was watching the orange and gold leaves sway in the breeze, my hands shoved in my coat pockets.
When I looked up, he was holding the door open, waiting for me.
I felt my cheeks heat. “Oh my god,” I mumbled. “You didn’t have to hold this for me. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention!”
The man just chuckled, and smiled down at me, revealing his straight white teeth. “I haven’t been holding it long,” he offered, waving me through the door.
Once we were both inside, I waved him ahead of me.
He smiled at me again. “Is this a habit with you?” I raised my eyebrows at him, indicating my confusion. “Letting people who hold the door open for you get in line first?”
I gave an awkward laugh. “You remember that?”
We walked over to the line, standing side by side. “I sort of remember everything.”
“That must come in handy.”
That same sadness appeared in his eyes for a moment before it washed away. “Sometimes,” he mumbled.
When we both got up to the counter, June was working the counter. “Hey, y/n!” she called out, a huge smile on her face. “Usual?”
I nodded.
"You must come here a lot," the man said.
“More often than I should.”
"I've seen you every morning I've come in here since September 27th.”
My head snapped up to look at him. “What? You remember the day?”
“I have an eidetic memory,” he answered sheepishly. “I can also read 20,000 words per minute, and I have an IQ of 187.”
I couldn’t stop my eyes from going wide. “Wow.”
He just offered a slightly awkward chuckle.
June came back over with my drink, telling me my total. The man interrupted. “I’ve got it.”
June’s dark eyes went comically wide.
“Oh, you don’t have to,” I began.
“I know,” he said. “But I want to.”
I might have imagined it, but I could have sworn I heard June let out a squeak.
“Well…thank you.”
Nobody ever bought me coffee. Nobody ever really bought me anything, come to think of it.
“Did I make you uncomfortable?”
I shook my head. “No, not really. I’m just…not used to people doing that.”
He looked confused. “You’re not used to people buying you coffee?”
I felt my cheeks heat again. “No, not really.”
June rushed back over with his drink before taking his money. "Keep the change," he said, turning and walking away from the counter with me. He looked down at his watch…which he was wearing over top of his shirt sleeve. Odd. “I have to go,” he muttered, almost sounding sad.
“Oh, okay.” I went over to the door, holding it open for him. “Well, it was nice to meet you.”
The man smiled at me again, a real smile that made the corners of his eyes crinkle. “It was nice to meet you too, y/n.”
With a wave, we turned and walked in opposite directions.
I was halfway to the train station when I realized I hadn’t asked him his name.
He wasn’t at the coffee shop the following morning.
But June was.
“So, what was that?!” She had whisper hissed the second she saw me.
“I don’t know,” I mumbled.
“What do you mean?”
I just shrugged, grateful for the lack of customers. “I had never talked to him before. I didn’t even ask his name.”
She pressed her fingers against her forehead. “A cute guy buys you coffee and you don’t get his name? Or number?”
I nodded, my teeth digging into my bottom lip. “I got nervous,” I defended.
June huffed out a sigh. “I know he’s told me his name before.” She pondered for a moment before she turned and called out over her shoulder. “Steven! Who was that guy who bought y/n’s coffee yesterday?”
Steven just blinked at her. “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
Her hands went to her hips. “Yes, you do! He’s skinny, he has curly brown hair, dresses like a professor but he isn’t old enough? Cute, got a jawbone that could cut glass?”
“Spencer,” a voice supplied from behind me.
I froze, my eyes fixed on June's face. She turned back to look at me and gave a bright smile to whoever was behind me. "His name is Spencer….?" She trailed off.
“Dr. Spencer Reid,” the man in question supplied.
My eyes just shut tight. Maybe if he couldn’t see me this wouldn’t happen.
Of course, my luck was never that good. He stepped up to the counter beside me. "About 2 minutes after I walked away yesterday, I realized I hadn't told you my name."
I pulled my lips between my teeth, letting out a deep sigh before I turned my head to look up at him. He had the same coat on today, his hair was in similar disarray, but his eyes didn't seem quite so sad. They were sparkling today, and the tips of his ears were red like maybe he was embarrassed too.
“It took 2 minutes?” I asked at last.
Dr. Spencer Reid just nodded. “It probably would have taken less, but I was busy mentally kicking myself for not asking for your number.”
I dug my teeth into my bottom lip, but even that couldn’t suppress my smile at his words.
“We can probably fix that,” I teased.
"That's a relief," he confessed. "Then I just have to ask you out. That shouldn't be too hard." He let out a self-deprecating laugh like that wasn't the sweetest thing I had ever heard.
I knew for certain I heard June let out an excited squeak that time.
Permeant Taglist : @rachelxwayne @pinkdiamond1016 @sickeninglyshoujo @justagirllookingforherplace @nanocoool @andiebeaword @imjusthereformggcontent @rainsong01 @violentvulgarvolatile @mys2425 @al3xmnd @imfalling-inlove @cielo1984 @shadyladyperfection @kissingvalentino​
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mcmorn1ng · 3 years
I love shinwon so much I’m about to implode. he had his first official DJ show last night, and this radio segment is set to be aired every single night from 10-12. this mf is really so... perfect in every single possible way. I don’t even have a proper hyperbole to describe how wholesome and lovely shinwon is. on his first show, dowoon called in, put on a fake high pitch voice (that sounded like himself anyways) and pretended to be a listener. he congratulated shinwon and says that he is very empathetic and patience at listening to others. shinwon in return said that more than a musician dowoon is now a rock star, and he’s from korea’s best rock band day6. prior to the first episode, he already told him that he is free to come whenever he likes but he had no idea he’d call in right away. during the show shinwon also mentions that he wishes for jinho to guest on his show once he’s discharged because he knows jinho wanted to be a radio DJ and he wants him to appear and have a position swap for an hour. the staff also bought him flowers and a cake which he almost dropped. I can’t explain to you how much I love shinwon. I think bit by bit little by little his unconditional sweetness and warmth will touch those around him... since debut he has always been considerate, careful and respectful not just to his seniors or those he’s obliged to, but to his members, to people he’s never met, to those younger than him, to universe, to everyone. he might trend for the silliest things, but and he’s grown into someone who knows how manage his negative emotions properly, who knows how to take care of others, and who knows what he wants out of his career. shinwon never had goals or dreams before he met pentagon, and during the past 5 years he’s participated in so many activities that truly display how personable and caring he really is. the list of heartwarming stories shinwon has told and been involved in are endless, and I have no doubt that eventually everyone will understand why this seemingly normal and paper doll-esque guy has a fanbase that constantly showers him in compliments and support. 
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mst3kproject · 3 years
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The Phantom from 10 000 Leagues
I found this movie online while looking for From Hell It Came (which I haven’t yet found – someday I will and then you’ll all be sorry) and it looked bad, so I checked out the details.  Turns out it stars Kent Taylor from The Crawling Hand, Cathy Downs from The Amazing Colossal Man, and was written by Lou Rusoff, who was behind It Conquered the World, The She-Creature, and… oh god, he also wrote Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow.  This is gonna suck goat nads.  I must watch it right away.
You shouldn’t picture me groaning when I write stuff like that, by the way.  You should picture me giggling like a maniac and rubbing my hands together with glee.
A monster is killing people at sea near an incredibly bleak and depressing California college town, and the bodies and wrecked boats it leaves in its wake are scorched by radioactivity! Washington sends Agent Grant to find out what’s going on, and he soon discovers that the Pacific College of Oceanography is positively overflowing with suspicious characters.  There’s the reclusive and paranoid Professor King, who is working on weird experiments in his locked laboratory.  There’s King’s assistant George, who follows him around and hides in the bushes to watch what he’s doing.  King’s secretary Ethel blames the professor for the death of her son and wants revenge, and George’s girlfriend Wanda is a foreign agent.  Not to mention the visiting Dr. Stevens, a radiation expert with an unsettling habit of turning up just in time to discover the bodies.  Someone among this motley crew has created a sea monster… and someone else is planning to sell it to the highest bidder!
You know how some movies save their monsters until the last minute, in order to build suspense?  Or because what we imagine is always scarier than what we actually see?  Or because the monster sucks and they’re ashamed of it?  Or some combination of the above?
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Phantom from 10 000 Leagues is not one of those movies.  Before we’re even a full minute into it, the monster has appeared on screen in all its ridiculous glory.  Stevens calls it a hideous beast that defies description but I think I can make an attempt.  It looks sort of like the lovechild of a saber-toothed tiger and the Horror of Party Beach.  There’s a ridge down its head and back like an iguana and a poorly-camouflaged window in its neck so the dude inside can see what he’s doing.  The whole costume is also rather buoyant, and the actor is having to work hard to stay underwater.  Sadly, this beast remains lurking in the depths and never shambles out onto the beach to menace sunbathers, which is the only thing it would have needed to make it a perfect bad movie monster.
The creature is not the only nuclear threat in this movie… or even the silliest one!  During an investigatory dive, Stevens discovers a glowing patch on the seafloor which he says represents an ‘activated’ uranium deposit with the potential to form a naturally-occurring death ray!  We finally get to see this in action when stock footage of a ship passes over it – and turns into a different ship that immediately blows up! I’m just sad this only happens once. The glowing stone itself is represented by a mirror with a light shining on it in underwater shots, and by the reflection of the sun when seen from the surface.
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So the effects are not special and make an already silly threat even more hilarious.  What about the story?  Like all cheap monster movies, the focus of The Phantom from 10 000 Leagues is not the creature killing people but the investigation into it.  There’s a large number of potential monster-makers here, which could have made the movie a bit messy – but by the time the words The End appear, we know who all these people are, how they’re involved, and what they hope to accomplish.  Even the women are given distinct motivations and personalities, although those fall neatly into the ‘maiden, mother and whore’ tropes I’ve discussed in the past. The dialogue is not exactly subtle, but it seems like I can’t wholly blame Lou Rousoff for Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow.
It’s also nice that, despite the preponderance of White Men In Suits (Stevens and Grant both walk along the beach in suits and ties at all hours of the day and night), the characters all look different enough that I can tell them apart!  None of the cast are great actors, with a lot of stilted or awkward line deliveries, but then, a lot of the things they’re saying are completely ridiculous, so I probably can’t lay that entirely at their feet.
Unfortunately, the plot of Phantom From 10 000 Leagues is rather unfocused, and like so many of these films it’s not sure who its main character is.  It seems like either Agent Grant or Dr. Stevens, who are each conducting some kind of investigation into the goings-on, ought to be the protagonist… but both are introduced in contexts that make them seem potentially suspicious.  Dr. Stevens is actually significantly more suspicious than Grant, because when he first turns up he gives a fake name, and later proves to have actually performed experiments with mutating sea life in the past.  Yet for much of the movie, it’s Stevens we’re watching, as he cozies up to Professor King and flirts with King’s daughter Lois.  He actually gets far more screen time than Grant, with the latter sometimes being out of the movie for long enough that the audience kind of forgets he’s there.
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Stevens and Lois’ love story is, as is probably inevitable for a movie of this kind, completely bland.  Kent Taylor and Cathy Downs have no appreciable spark between them, and one gets the uncomfortable impression that he’s about twice her age. The movie never offers even an approximate age for either character, but Lois is still unmarried and living with her father, which in the 1950s suggests she’s in her early twenties.  King describes Stevens as a ‘young man’ but between his appearance and his impressive academic credentials he’s obviously not, and when I looked up the actors I learned that Taylor was forty-eight when The Phantom from 10 000 Leagues was made, while Downs was twenty-nine.  That’s… well, they’re both adults, but he’s still old enough to be her father, and the younger we assume they both are, the worse the two decade gap gets.
Once we actually get to know the characters, the solution to the mysteries is fairly obvious, but this lets us spend some actual time with these men and find out what they think about the situation.  Stevens, who’s been down this road before, wants these terrible experiments to stop before any more people get hurt.  King, hearing about it for the first time, is more excited about what he might be able to learn by building on Stevens’ work. This represents an interesting inversion because if you’ll recall, King is supposed to be significantly older than Stevens (though actor Michael Whelan was actually born only five years before Taylor).
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Usually knowledge and wisdom are both associated with age.  This is a very old trope and has some fairly sound logic behind it: the elderly have had longer to learn and to experience.  In Phantom from 10 000 Leagues, however, we have the older Professor King excited by the ground-breaking discoveries made by a younger scientist and wanting to learn more about them, even when the (supposedly) younger Stevens warns him about Tampering in God’s Domain.  Each assumes the role their ages might make us expect of the other.
This is reflected in their respective fields: depending on how you define it, oceanography is as old as mankind.  Humanity has been mapping the seas for as long as we’ve known how to sail across them, and marveling at the monsters we pull from its depths for as long as we’ve been catching fish.  That is the Professor King’s domain. Stevens, on the other hand, is a specifically nuclear scientist. Nuclear physics technically begins with the discovery of radioactivity in the 1890’s, but it seemed like a new and scary field in the 1950s, as the development of atomic weapons forced scientists to take a closer look at the phenomenon’s effect on living tissues. To King, who is an expert in another field, the possibilities of this relatively new work outweigh the potential consequences.
As sloppy and poorly-made as Phantom from 10 000 Leagues can be, this contrast between Stevens and King does make it a movie with something to say.  It of course has the standard moral for a fifties atomic monster piece, about paths science is not meant to tread, but it also wants us to think about that connection between age and wisdom.  On the one hand, King’s interest in Stevens’ work tells us that you’re never too old to learn something new.  On the other, just because somebody is young doesn’t mean they have nothing to teach. If King had taken in Stevens’ wisdom along with his knowledge, a lot of suffering need not have happened.
Even if you’re not into that, the crappy monster, the bad acting, the ridiculous science, and all the sneaking around and backstabbing that goes on makes Phantom from 10 000 Leagues plenty of fun watch.  It’s much like Beginning of the End in that it ticks all the MST3K boxes, while remaining coherent enough that you can enjoy the actual story along with the badness.
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regalbanshee · 4 years
John Bender x fem! reader - Detention? Part One
Fandom: The Breakfast Club
Pairing: John Bender aka the criminal x fem! reader
Summary: imagine you are a sixth student at that Saturday in detention (you can be the musician, the singer, a genius - basically anything you want)
Word Count: 629
Warnings: none, apart from one canon mention of drugs
I have a special announcement coming out tomorrow, both here and on my other blog @imperialpirates, so keep an eye out for those.
Hopefully I have proofread this properly so there shouldn’t be any grammatical errors, but if there are, please do let me know. So, without further ado......
Vernon, that stupid asshole of an idiot, just took Bender out of the room, and I don't think he's gonna be coming back. That's good, I mean, I was getting rather a lot of unwanted attention from him, but it was nice to get attention from a guy for once, especially from the guy I had been crushing on since the beginning of my high school career at Shermer High School. I was left staring at the back of Claire's head, daydreaming about what it would be like to stand by my locker and have Bender walk up to me and ask me to prom. Oh wow! literally a dream come true! Except that dream would never come true. I was stuck in my lovely dream that would never ever come true when there was a crash from behind one of the wall sections in the library, then the one and only Mr John f****n' Bender came waltzing round the corner and down the stairs. Looking right at me. But then we heard Vernon coming and Bender ran to hide under the desk. Right next to me. Or in front of me. Either way you want to describe it he ended up basically sitting on the floor at my feet. Vernon came storming in, demanding to know what that sound was, which of course we all tried to cover by coughing and sneezing and eventually he got tired of our lame excuses and left. What a relief. Until I remembered about Bender sitting at my feet. He emerged all cocky, a smirk plastered across his face, and walked over to Brian, sticking his hand out for the drugs he had slipped to him before Vernon had taken him away. He went to the back of the library and Brian and I followed. In a few minutes we were all high on the weed, laughing about the silliest and strangest things.
Later, the group, and by that I mean Claire and Andy, suggested we should play seven minutes in heaven, which of course Bender was all for. Allison just let out this weird sound - she has been doing that all day - Brian tried to reason why that wouldn't be a good idea, and I, well I knew that no one would hear my protests of not playing the game so I simply went along with it. Bender said he would go first, so using some random pen he had picked out from a pot lying around in the library he spun it round on the floor in front of us where we sat in a circle. Part of me wished it would land on me, cos, duh, dream come true, but then another part of me didn't want it to be me - there was no possible way Bender felt the same way to me as I did for him, so it would be sure to just be an incredibly awkward seven minutes. But it landed on me. Of course it did. Surely I should be happy about that right? so why did I get this sudden feeling of dread? Back to real life, and Bender was stood up and reaching down, grabbing my hands before tugging me along to one of the private study rooms off of the main library. He closed the door behind us and pulled the blind down - he was still holding my hand and wouldn't let it go btw - and then he spun me back into his chest. I looked up into his eyes. Was that love? No, it couldn't be. Oh, but how I hoped it was. Either way, I now had seven minutes of just me and Bender in a locked room together. It could go brilliantly or terribly.
I hope you liked this. Thank you so much for all the love on my other posts.
Do keep sending in your requests. I love hearing from you guys
I have a special announcement coming out tomorrow, both here and on my other blog @imperialpirates, so keep an eye out for those. 
Thanks for stopping by, and if you liked this, be sure to leave a like or comment below, and if you could re-blog this that would be amazing as well, because then hopefully more people will see it. Follow me for more content.
Remember to always be yourself over anything.
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koscheimaryas · 4 years
"SEND ME A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU ─" joshuacassandra cash
 send me a ship and i’ll tell you ─ starring cassandra and joshua!
where was their first date?: they met each other in a halloween party hosted by mutual friends, cassandra’s last resort to cheer herself up, that ended with her sporting very unenthusiastically drawn whiskers and cat ears that she found inside her closet. that night would’ve sucked had she not met the pre-med student joshua, that made her laugh like no one else ever had in her entire life. she probably knew he was the one that day; the way her ears rang and her cheeks hurt from smiling that much were enough proof of it. 
what my muse would do to cheer your’s up: every time joshua went to her place after a tough day, cassandra made sure that she only played cheerful, calming pieces in order to help him get his mind straight. inviting him over to binge-watch his favorite true crime shows always worked out as well, and as a last resort, sex was the ideal icebreaker.
who wakes the other up with kisses (and where)?: that probably depends on the day. joshua is always most likely to wake cassie up with sloppy kisses all over her face, making it hard enough for her to wander around dreamland for too long when her very own favorite fantasy was right beside her. there are times, however, where she wakes up before him, and these are days incredible enough for her to make sure he’s been kissed thoroughly before they get up from bed, with featherlight caresses that always end up with both of them panting and wearing the silliest, most satisfied smiles.
who would pour water on the other to wake them up?: oh, joshua definitely would. he’s stupid enough to pull such a prank and leave cassandra mad, with a scowl so unique that only her boyfriend would be able to provoke. 
how my muse would wake your’s up: cassandra always tests the waters by shaking him by his shoulders and then whispering as quietly as possible that it’s already morning, and he’ll be late for his first classes of the day if he doesn’t get up. “you shouldn’t have watched four episodes of Making a Murderer, Joshua. how the hell am i supposed to lift your big ass body since you won’t move?” she always ends up appreciating the peaceful face he makes when he’s asleep, peppering kisses all over his face while he can’t make fun of her by calling her a hopeless romantic. 
who would start a food fight while baking or cooking?: joshua, obviously. cassandra isn’t the best cook out there, always used to having people catering to her every need. her boyfriend, however, makes sure she won’t perpetuate her spoiled brat attitude by cooking what he knows and teaching the basics to her. somehow, she always ends up with flour all over her face, but he swears it wasn’t on purpose.
who would suggest putting marijuana in the brownies?: is that even a question? joshua nam, and he’s probably done it a hundred times. being the stoned bitch he is, he probably thinks watching cassandra get high is the funniest thing ever, and swears that baking pot brownies will enhance her cooking abilities. she’s never complained, though. 
who said i love you first and how (or when) did they say it?: as surprising as it can be, cassandra did. she’s usually not much of a talker and people misunderstand her all the time, but she made sure that joshua understoond her feelings the second she came around them herself. however, words would never be enough to explain how much she loves him. that’s the reason why she makes sure joshua is in every single piece she composes, every single loving line. 
who would get into a physical altercation over the other?: if cassandra was drunk enough, she definitely would.
who insists on purchasing a pet together (and what kind of pet)?: joshua does, and it would probably be a loud, stray dog, just like him. he’d insist on naming him chewbacca or whatever weird name from one of the star wars’ characters, and cassandra would wrap her mind around the possibility after a while. she’d end up loving the dog more than anything in the whole world. 
who is louder (in and out of bed)?: cassandra is louder in bed, but joshua is louder out of it. for someone who’s usually not that much talkative, she sure puts those vocal cords to use when they’re both sweaty and wrapped around each other in her sheets. out of bed, however, he’s the one who’s used to blabbering. 
who takes more risks (in and out of bed)?: joshua, and it is so not funny. cassandra’s already lost count of how many weird things he proposed they did when having sex, the night he made her dress up in a slave leia costume still embarrassing her every time she remembers it. she always goes all the way through the humiliation, no matter how terrible it is. deep down, she’s sure she’s got a submission kink. 
who would bring up the word ‘daddy’ first?: he would, but only so that he’d make her say it. and she does, even though it is extremely embarrassing. she loves how ridiculous it sounds. 
what is their shared, favourite kink?: they reach some kind of agreement by meeting each other halfway: it would probably be bondage, with any object bindable enough that they could put to use. even cassandra’s g-strings work out when it comes to it. 
describe their typical kiss: it’s usually a peck on the lips when they see each other for the first time in a day or the laughing, silly kiss that is deepened as both get a taste of what awaits them. 
how my muse shows their love for your’s: by looking at joshua with loving eyes, or naming a few compositions after him. most of them got “for joshua” scribbled down the far corner of the scores, and they’re usually her best works.
their favourite ways to give affection: kissing and just spending time with each other, no matter how. they love fridays the best because their nights are reserved to heading to their favorite bar and watching nba, the occasion being even better when their teams are playing. they usually spend the weekends together as well, since cassandra always takes joshua to her family’s sacred sunday brunch, where he is sweet-talked by every single friend of her mother.
who is more dominate?: that probably depends on the day, but cassandra likes to leave everything to joshua. she’d much rather spend all her nights under him, enveloped in his arms and his warmth. he definitely doesn’t hate being given free reign of her body. 
who sings in the shower?: joshua does, but he is tone-deaf and it hurts cassandra’s ears. she usually just hums whatever melody she got inside her head. 
who washes the other’s hair in the shower?: joshua loves to wash her hair, and cassandra would probably wash his if she ever reached his strands without giving herself cramps. she really loves the feeling of his fingers sliding down her blonde hair and taking extra care with every single step.
who initiates shower sex despite being in a rush?: cassandra does, since she’s the biggest morning sex enthusiast. she always lets joshua head into the shower first and then sneaks inside while he’s distracted. they usually end up late for their classes when that happens.
who teases the other under the table at dinner with the family?: joshua, obviously. since his family isn’t from new york, cassandra made sure he’d accompany her to every single choi dinner and brunch. whenever he feels she’s getting worked up, he puts his quick fingers to work.
who has the weirder taste in music?: cassandra, probably, since she’s used to listening to every kind of music in order to compose her own. she’s discovered a lot of different styles throughout the years, but classical stuck. 
who would initiate dancing in the rain?: joshua would, and it would make cassandra embarassed at first, but then she’d just shrug it off and laugh in complete delight. new york streets look beautiful when it rains, and even more beautiful with a couple so in love twirling around. 
who would be the one to suggest marriage?: joshua would voice the suggestion, but the possibility would be roaming inside cassandra’s mind for much longer. being from her family, it is only fair that her mother would touch the subject way before they completed one year together. “the more choi, the merrier”, she would say. and cassandra would surprisingly agree, as long as it meant she had joshua by her side.
what would they name their children?: they’d give them names that are easy to spell, but that would still be approved by her mother. definitely something to reminisce the choi glory.
who would their children take after more?: the girl would be a carbon copy of her father, as lively and silly as he is, always the life of the party. she’d admire joshua more than anything, and cassandra wouldn’t even care the fact that her daddy is her daughter’s favorite. the boy, however, would be disgustingly cassandra choi. he would not be much of a talker, and would probably take on her music genes, but he’d always voice his concerns to his mother, who would be there to aid him every time.
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sxciallygray · 5 years
Let her go (Colby Brock)
A/N: Hi everybody!! So here I am with a Colby imagine that I hope you like as much as I liked writing, just keep in mind this is not the end of it. The idea that came into my mind (inspired by the song Fix You by Colplay, that you can find on this playlist I used while writing this part) is much longer, but I figured it was better to separate it in two parts because at first I thought about waiting until I had both parts written to post anything but I’m way too excited to wait.
I also have a bunch of little imagines in mind related with these two, so don’t be shy and send me some asks about whatever you want if you want us to discuss ideas :)
Warnings: English is not my first language so I’m sorry in advance if I made some mistakes and this part has mostly angst, but also little fluffy flashbacks.
Colby and (Y/N) had started dating at a young age, 18 years old – which is consider young if your goal is to find the person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with. (Y/N) was a firm believer that, nowadays, if you start dating young odds are you’re not going to last and it wasn’t a belief she liked, she was a romantic and wanted to find her soulmate.
That is the reason why, before Colby - as sad as it sounds - the few people she had dated were doomed to not last. However, Colby was different, she wanted him to be the person she spent the rest of her life with. Same was for Colby, he was infatuated by (Y/N)’s big heart, her love for animals or how caring she was with everyone around her, not to mention the smile that made him lost track of time, how she goes quiet whenever she feels anxious, the way she laughs at the silliest things, the fact that she enjoyed watching horror movies by herself – like a complete psycho.
It was no secret they were made for each other, but they were young and life has its ways of stepping on people’s happiness.
Although they had a lot in common, starting with their adventurous nature – (Y/N) didn’t hesitate for a second when Colby asked her to move with him and Sam to LA, she was ready for a new chapter – they didn’t share a path career wise. Colby wanted to persuade his and Sam’s dream, while on the other side you have (Y/N), the one who loved studying and keep learning new things the damaged education system had to offer. She had a plan for herself in LA, she wasn’t going to settle to be Colby’s girlfriend on the eyes of the world because she was made to be the leader of her own exciting story.
As mentioned before, (Y/N) has a huge heart, she loves helping people in every way possible, so she enrolled college as a future social worker, she wanted to see a change in the world and as small as her part on it was, she wanted to start somewhere. Colby supported her every step of the way, he would surprise her by picking her up at campus, he would stay up until crazy hours of the night to make her company while she studied and if needed he would help her quizzing her about the subject she was preparing, but he would specially be there for all those times she would break down crying out of stress because there were too many papers, exams, also the part time job she took so she could afford living in LA once she ran out of her savings didn’t help her with the time management.
 “You’re a liar!” (Y/N) couldn’t believe her eyes as she ran towards an amused Colby leaning against his red Toyota parked right outside her faculty.
Colby had been gone for over a week to film a Sam and Colby video and he had told (Y/N) a different date for his return, one that was a couple more days down the line.
“I can leave if you want” he joked when she was close enough to throw herself in his direction, giving him the tightest hug.
“Please do, it would add more drama to the situation” they both laugh, still hugging each other, only to lock lips as soon as (Y/N) pulled back “I missed this” she hummed against his lips as the kiss got heated, specially from Colby’s side “maybe we should go home and catch up” with all the strength in her she had to pull back and keep her hands on Colby’s chest when his lips tried to follow hers to continue the kiss.
“I made plans for us” Colby groaned, to what (Y/N) could only laugh at how he looked so bumped out by the plans he had made himself, suddenly seeing the lust on (Y/N)’s eyes and how she wanted to ‘catch up’ sounded like the perfect plan.
“Then we’ll have to wait” her eyes couldn’t lie, she was excited about those plans he had in mind for them, she loved how thoughtful Colby was.
“But I want to catch up” he whined in a funny tone that only made (Y/N) laugh harder.
 Colby was as supportive as she was for him when it came to his youtube career. Countless times she would come up with ideas for his videos, she would take part on them if it was necessary, she learned how to edit so she could finish his videos every time he would fall asleep after being seated in front of the computer for hours, she would go with him to every award show, premiere or party that he got invited to even if she had to wake up bright and early the next day.
 Three hours was how long it took for (Y/N) to check on Colby after he disappeared into his office to edit his new video, she had taken that time to do some cleaning around the apartment and finish a paper for one of her classes. It was late and it wasn’t like Colby to not take a break to come out and eat something during his process of editing, that’s why she decided to check on him.
What she found when she opened the door was heartwarming. Colby had his head laying on the desk, mouth slightly open, eyes closed and headphones weirdly positioned on part of his face while there was nothing playing on the screen because it had been too long and the program had run out of footage.
“Colby” she kept her voice a whisper to not scare him, although she knew it would be unlikely to wake him up by just whispering “Coooolby” now the tone was louder while she removed the headphones from his head, but still no reaction at all.
It wasn’t going to work unless there was physical contact so she started to run her fingers through his hair, gaining a hum from the sleepy boy “Come on, let’s go to bed” she said softly, getting closer so she could kiss his temple, to what he reacted by finally opening his eyes, he looked confused and kind of lost “you fell asleep while editing” she explained “come with me” with a light pull on his hand Colby stood up, not keeping his balance very well, he was still more asleep than awake.
“I have to finish the video” it was almost impossible to understand what he was saying, he was finally lying in bed and he automatically closed his eyes when he started mumbling a bunch of nonsense.
“Just take some rest, you’ll finish it later” that made him shut up about the video and fall back to sleep, which (Y/N) took as her opportunity to go into his office and finish editing the video for him.
The whole thing ended up with Colby waking up the next morning really confused, first because he didn’t know how he had ended in the bed, and second because (Y/N) wasn’t sleeping next to him.
He looked around the small apartment, her phone was on the kitchen counter next to her laptop and a pile of notes for her classes, but she was nowhere to be found, so he tried the last place he thought she would be – his office.
“(Y/N), hey, wake up” he squatted next to the chair where she had fallen asleep, takin her hand in his and giving it a squeeze. When she opened her eyes and met a smile appeared on Colby’s face “why are you doing sleeping here?” he chuckled when she frowned like she didn’t even know the answer to that, but memories came quick to her memory.
“I finished your video” she pointed towards the computer, she still sounded a little groggy “and then… I don’t know” while she rubbed the sleep from her eyes she tried to remember at what point she fell asleep, but there was no memory of that.
What (Y/N) couldn’t realize in her tired state was the adoration on Colby’s face, he thought it was impossible to be more in love with her, but every day he found something else that made him fall harder and harder.
“Why don’t we go back to bed? Both of us” at that appealing proposition (Y/N) could only nod, a big smile on her face as she took Colby’s hand and let him lead her to their bedroom.
    It had been two years of their new found dynamic when (Y/N) got herself the opportunity of a lifetime; she had got offered a scholarship to study her third year in Chicago. To say she was excited wasn’t good enough to describe how she got home that day, bursting through the door screaming and jumping, talking so fast Colby couldn’t understand what she was saying, but once he did he was just as excited for her as she was.
They both knew that if she took that opportunity they would have to deal with a long distance relationship, for the year that the scholarship lasted though. Here’s the thing, they were okay with it, they supported and loved each other so much that they would go through a year of texts, facetimes, phone calls and brief visits if that meant (Y/N) got to live an experience like that.
Their willingness to go through didn’t mean they expected it to be as hard at it ended up being. At first they called each other every day, but as their schedules got busier it became harder to keep that pace. They didn’t make a big deal out of it because they still talked regularly.
But things got rough, whenever (Y/N) felt the stress of classes taking over her and she couldn’t get a hold of Colby she felt like they were getting farther away than the distance between Chicago and LA. Same for Colby, whenever he got frustrated with a video and he needed (Y/N) to feel better about it, but she wouldn’t pick up because she was in class meaning he had no idea when he could talk with her, Colby got even more frustrated.
Love was stronger than that, or so they liked to believe, because they didn’t want to face a reality where they were drifting apart.
As the year came to an end Colby thought they would finally go back to their normality, the beautiful dynamic they shared. They would be a team again, but (Y/N) had other plans and she was scared to share them with Colby in case things ended poorly.
Her fears made her not say a word about it for the first couple of days once she was back home, but Colby knew her very well and he knew behind all that happiness there was something hiding.
“What’s going on?” Colby was sitting on the kitchen counter, watching (Y/N) make dinner, when the question he had been dying to ask left his lips.
“What do you mean? I’m making dinner, that’s going on” (Y/N) chuckled, not even turning around, not realizing how serious Colby was.
“No, what’s going on with you?” that made (Y/N) turn to see the expression on Colby’s face, he looked sad and that’s when she knew it was time to tell him “you’re back, but most of the time it feels like you’re still gone”
The boy wasn’t wrong, she stressed so much about how to tell him that a lot of times she was somewhere else deep in her thoughts.
(Y/N) moved closer to him, standing in the gap between her legs, she grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. Colby smiled softly, giving her hand a squeeze, he couldn’t help it every time she was close to him and as much as she hated doing it (Y/N) had to break the news to him, even if seeing him smiling at her like that in front of her made the girl question her decision, she had to do it.
“I got offered an international voluntary work” Colby’s smile vanished, it was replaced by a confused frown.
“Did you take it?” he was scared of the answer, of how it would feel to know she had made such a big decision without telling him first, not like he had to give her permission, but she was planning on making a huge change and they were on a relationship, he deserved to know, right?
“No, I told them I needed to think about it, I wanted to talk about it with you first” that made him feel like a weight had been lifted of his shoulders “but I want to go” he shouldn’t be surprised, but he was. He didn’t intent on letting go of her hand as fast as he did, but he did it anyways. The action broke (Y/N)’s heart as much as her words had broken Colby’s.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” the tone on his voice was calmed, almost distant.
“Because I was scared of how this could affect us” they were an honest couple, they shared their fears with each other even if that fear involved the other person.
“and how is this supposed to affect us?” he needed to know where she wanted to go with all of it, did she want to break up with him?
“I don’t know… I guess I was hoping we could just keep going the way we had been going this past year” breaking up was the last option, but she didn’t want to lie to herself because it was still a possibility.
Silence filled the room, Colby’s brain working at full speed trying to process the situation unfolding in front of him and how to respond to it, he wished there was a manual with an answer of what to do in a moment like this.
Even if he wanted to say it was going to be okay if they did that, if they spent separated who knows how long this time, he couldn’t – because he didn’t know if they would be okay doing that again.
“Can I…” his voice got caught up, making him have to clear his throat to speak with a steady voice “Can I just have some time to think about it?”
“Yes, yeah, of course you can” (Y/N)’s tone was understanding, because even if this situation broke her heart, she had time to process the information from the day she was offered the job up until this point, so she wasn’t going to ask an immediate response from Colby right away “I’m sorry Colbs” that caught his attention “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner”
He flashed a sad smile in her direction, he knew she was really sorry and not only for not telling him sooner but for putting them in that position.
“We’ll figure things out, don’t worry” one of his hands moved up to her cheek, having physical contact with Colby again made (Y/N)’s nerves die down, it made her hopeful they would actually find a solution “we always figure things out” he murmured before planting a kiss on her temple.
The next couple of days were weird. It felt like something had been taken away from both of them already, the tense atmosphere every time they were in the same room at the same time. (Y/N) was waiting on Colby to say what was going on through his head and Colby didn’t know how to word the thoughts running wild in his mind.
Trying to figure things out by his own became a nightmare so he spent more time at Sam’s apartment than his and (Y/N)’s making her think things were worse than what she anticipated.
It all happened exactly four days later while they were watching a movie in the comfort of their living room, the fact that something felt odd didn’t mean they weren’t a couple or didn’t stop them from their routine.
“Do you really think we can do long distance again?” That was the question that started all. One second they were paying attention to the movie, the next Colby was asking that out of the blue “it’s not like you’re going to Chicago, you’re going who knows where internationally”
(Y/N) moved to be sitting sideways, facing Colby, if they were about to have that conversation it had to be face to face “Mozambique” last time they talked about it they didn’t get to the point of where was she going exactly and knowing it know didn’t help either.
“That’s not a plane ride away, that’s a different continent and a whole different hemisphere!” Colby didn’t really wanna lose his shit, but he did. Because deep down he thought maybe they could do it, maybe they could go through it again and make it to the other side victorious, but knowing she was going to the other side of the world was a different story “tell me, do you really think we can do that much of a long distance?” as quickly as he had lost his nerves he went back to calmness, at least an exterior one.
(Y/N) didn’t answer right after, she knew the answer to that question and she didn’t want to say it out loud, she didn’t want to be the responsible for trashing their relationship, but even given the circumstances Colby didn’t blame her, not even the smallest bit. He could be feeling all kinds of heartache, but at the end of it all he would always be proud of her for chasing after her dream, he would blame himself if he tried to stop her just to stay there with him.
“(Y/N) I want you to be yourself, I want you to experience everything life has to offer you” he placed a hand on her knee and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
She knew what he meant, she knew each of them were their own person and it was just too bad their paths weren’t crossing but taking very different directions.
“Are we…” it was too scary for her to finish the sentence and Colby was quick to cut her off.
“No” he chuckled, maybe way too nervous to admit that they were going to do what he least wanted “I love you”
“And I love you too” (Y/N) almost interrupted him, but she needed to know she had reminded Colby.
“More than I’ve ever loved anybody”
“But what if that is just not enough anymore” the words left her mouth before she could even process them.
The room fell silent again, making both look down, realizing that it was probably not enough to keep their relationship alive for another year while they were apart.
“So what does this mean? Are we…” his voice was low, almost a whisper. Neither of them could finish the damn sentence and say out loud anything related to breaking up because that was too real.
With all the hurt in her heart (Y/N) nodded, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes. It was over, just like that, four years of relationship had come to an end. For some reason she wished it was different, that she could blame Colby because he had done something wrong or because they didn’t love each other anymore or the relationship had become toxic, she wished she could hate him, but that wasn’t the case. It was over while they still loved each other deeply and unconditionally.
The moment (Y/N) looked up she noticed the silent tears running down Colby’s cheeks, making her sight get blurrier with her own tears.
“I should…” she was pointing in the direction of their room, unable to finish the sentence with her shaky voice. Colby knew what she meant, nevertheless. she meant she should pack her things, so he just nodded as he whipped his tears and tried to collect himself.
(Y/N) didn’t wait another second and started her way to their room, a tight feeling growing in her chest with every step she took, she couldn’t believe that was it, that would be one of the last moments she would live with Colby, the boy she considered the love of her life as cheesy as that sounded – she hated cheesy stuff, but not when it was related to Colby, she loved everything about that goof emo boy.
Colby stood up too, with the intention of going next door to his best friend’s apartment. If there was something he couldn’t do that was watch (Y/N) pack her things to leave him all by himself in their apartment, the one they had decorated together, the one they had so many memories in. He couldn’t stand the thought of letting her go, so he had to get out of the picture.
Before he could move from his spot (Y/N)’s arms were wrapped around his neck in a tight hug and he didn’t hesitate a second when it came to hugging her back, he wrapped his arms around her trembling body. He couldn’t see her face, but he could hear her sniffles, he could feel her racing heart against his chest and her wet cheek when it came into contact with the skin of his neck.
Sometimes actions speak louder than words, this was one of those times. The only sound audible in the room being their quiet sobs as they held each other close for one last time, too scared to let go of that moment because they would be entering the unknown, a new chapter on their lives they didn’t count on it being them taking different directions.
After a few minutes (Y/N) had to pull back, she knew if she stayed longer she would never leave and she had to. Colby didn’t make it easy either, he was holding onto her for dear life, he knew that saying about letting someone you love go, then if they come back that means they’re yours, but in that moment he thought that was bullshit – for Colby it had always been clear, they were it for each other.
Sadly, for the young man, he couldn’t make her stay if that wasn’t what she wanted. For the look on her face when she pulled back from his embrace he would swear she wanted to stay there with him, his body reacted to it automatically dropping his hands a few inches to hold her tight by her waist.
A little smile appeared on (Y/N)’s sad face at his action, but it also made the tears roll faster down her blush cheeks.
Unlike Colby’s hands, (Y/N)’s went up, from his shoulder to his neck, using her thumbs to caress his soft jaw. Eyes traveling from his lips – those she adored kissing – to his nose, with that shiny piercing that she remembered holding his hand while he was getting it, up to his gorgeous blue eyes now filled with tears. One of her hands moved further up to his cheeks – his immediate reaction was leaning on her touch – while her other hand traveled up to the blue tips of his hair, that only made his beauty look even more out of this world.
In that moment Colby only wanted to do one thing, beg her to stay. He would get on his knees if that was what it took. Instead, he said nothing, he just looked at her with eyes still filled with love and adoration like they had always been for her.
“Please take care of yourself Colbs” voice broken just like the look on her eyes as she pulled away from him, immediately feeling cold without his touch against her skin.
Colby couldn’t bring himself to say anything back, he could only watch as she turned around and made her way into their bedroom, closing the door behind her instead of coming back to his arms again.
With a door between them is when they finally broke. (Y/N) didn’t even take a step before dropping on the floor, back against the door, and broke into an uncontrolled crying, she had never felt that kind of pain before, how her chest hurt as if her heart had actually broken and how it felt like there was a part of her starting to get numb and lost.
On the other side of the door Colby could hear her sobs and it didn’t make it easy for his own crying. He couldn’t be there, not while she was crying on the other room and much less when she packed her things and leave, so he left to a safe place – Sam’s apartment.
That is how things turned out. That was the last time Colby saw (Y/N) before she left to start her new adventure far away from him, but don’t let them fool you, because that wasn’t the last time their paths were going to cross, just the same way life stepped in their way once it was about to step a second time to shake both of their worlds and change everything they thought they knew.
let me know what you think :)
All you had to do was stay, part 2
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