#and they are having to reduce the number of student staff
astriiformes · 4 months
Sometimes you just have to have a little cry in the middle of a bunch of 500 year-old books, and that's okay. I am telling myself it's okay.
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Earlier this week the trade union for doctors and medical students in the UK issued a warning about the number of doctors that have had to quit or reduce their hours due to long covid – the number was one in five. This story was covered in a limited way in a couple of places, which while not good enough was still a welcome jolt of covid reality in a landscape of denial. But tellingly, the media ignored something else the British Medical Association said. Something angry, something as equally demanding of attention, perhaps even more so than the headline statistic. Addressing the current spread of covid, particularly in healthcare settings, they said, “Infection control guidelines are fundamentally flawed: SARS-CoV-2 is airborne. It is outrageous that three-and-a-half years into this pandemic, staff and patients are still, knowingly and repeatedly, being exposed to a level-3 biohazard – a virus known to cause brain damage and significantly increased risk of life-threatening blood complications even in those recovered.” The union entrusted by 173,000 doctors and medical students in the UK to speak on their behalf is angrily castigating politicians and decision makers for refusing to face reality. The reality of covid as an airborne virus, and its reality as something much nastier than a cold or flu. They are demanding the reintroduction of infectious disease controls, and explicitly calling out covid as a brain damaging virus, and equivalent in its danger and infectiousness to yellow fever or West Nile virus. 
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By Hayley Gleeson
There wasn't a dramatic "lightning bolt" moment when Colin Kinner realised he needed to roll up his sleeves and start tackling what he'd come to see as a pernicious problem: the largely unchecked spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Australian schools.
What spurred him to act, in the end, was the growing pile of evidence that COVID was a serious health threat, and his concern that school communities seemed to be shrugging their shoulders at it.
He was tired of hearing about schools allowing teachers to come to work while COVID positive. Of sick children being permitted to stay in class and infecting others. Of schools asking parents not to tell them if their child had COVID, but routinely sending home letters about head lice or chickenpox. Of teachers and kids catching the virus and not recovering.
"As a parent, I want my son to be safe at school, so that was a key part of my motivation to do this," says Mr Kinner, the Brisbane creator of COVID Safety for Schools, a free online course that aims to correct misinformation and teach school staff and parents how to reduce the risk of the virus spreading. "But also, having spoken to lots of other parents and teachers, it's clear that most schools are lacking an understanding of some of the absolute basics of COVID. And in the fifth year of the pandemic, I find that very troubling."
Every week in Australia too many students and teachers are catching COVID at school, Mr Kinner says, resulting in disrupted learning, teacher shortages, increased transmission in the broader community and disabling chronic illnesses like long COVID. It's hardly surprising: a packed classroom can be the perfect place for an airborne virus to thrive, with one US study finding more than 70 per cent of COVID transmission in homes began with an infected school-age child.
Schools aren't necessarily at fault: in most states they've been starved of good public health guidance, Mr Kinner says — they've been told "they can treat it like any other respiratory illness, so that's exactly what they're doing".
Step one: correct misinformation A science and technology communicator and startup mentor, Mr Kinner's solution was to assemble a team — some of Australia's leading experts in public health, medicine and engineering — who could explain in simple video tutorials the health risks of COVID, the science of how it spreads, and strategies schools can use to keep staff and students well. The ultimate goal of COVID Safety for Schools, he says, is to change minds and behaviour and, since it launched in February, 600 participants have signed up, about half parents and half teachers.
But perhaps its greatest challenge is engaging people in the first place, particularly those who believe COVID is harmless or no longer worth taking precautions against.
For the past couple of years Australians have been encouraged to keep calm and carry on as if the virus is in the rear view mirror, even as it continues sickening and killing people, albeit in smaller numbers than years gone by. News reports often downplay its severity, if they cover it at all, while political leaders, public health officials and doctors have claimed it is no cause for concern, especially in children, and that catching it is not just inevitable, but necessary.
But mounting evidence shows the opposite. Even in vaccinated people and those who suffer "mild" infections, COVID can trigger a range of health problems including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurological conditions and immune dysfunction. Then there's long COVID, a debilitating multi-organ illness that has upended the lives of hundreds of millions of children and adults worldwide, many of whom do not fully recover.
"COVID is like an accelerator for all the other diseases that we hate — it's actually an aging accelerant as well," Professor Jeremy Nicholson explains in one of the course videos. "And we don't want that for our kids or anybody else."
Simple steps can stop COVID spreading Once apprised of the health risks, course participants are taught about evidence-based tools schools can use to reduce viral transmission. These are not outlandish or burdensome interventions, but common sense steps like encouraging teachers and students to stay home if they're sick; improving indoor air quality with ventilation and filtration — with air conditioning systems, air purifiers and good old-fashioned open windows; and promoting mask wearing particularly in high-risk settings like crowded indoor gatherings or bus trips.
Of course, some education departments already require schools to take similar measures. In Victoria, for instance, all public schools must "maximise" external ventilation, ensure air purifiers are used, encourage good personal hygiene and make face masks available for those who want to wear them. But that doesn't mean schools actually follow the guidelines or use the tools at their disposal (in 2021 the government delivered tens of thousands of air purifiers to schools across the state, but many are no longer used and some have since been listed for sale on Facebook Marketplace).
The federal president of the Australian Education Union, Correna Haythorpe, says any initiative that educates people about COVID and what schools can do to prevent infections is "welcome". Teachers who have to take sick leave because they've caught COVID or developed long COVID are an additional burden on schools, many of which are struggling with the "chronic" national teacher shortage, she says. Then there's the disruption to learning: "A contagious disease can very quickly … take out significant numbers of students. And fundamentally, we want kids to be engaged, we want them to be well, we want them to be learning."
Improving the situation, though, requires stronger leadership from education departments, Ms Haythorpe says. "Current government approaches to limiting COVID infection, repeat infection and long COVID demonstrates a lack of concern for the health and wellbeing of students, teachers and broader school communities," the AEU wrote in its submission to Australia's parliamentary inquiry into long COVID. Mitigation measures in many public schools are not adequate, it said, "and a lack of capital investment … since 2017 means that conditions are often cramped with inadequate air flow".
'Long COVID basically ended my career' For Amanda Sharpe, these problems are personal. Before she developed long COVID after catching the virus from her children in 2022, Ms Sharpe taught advanced maths at a high school in Bundaberg, Queensland. She used to spend full days on her feet, relishing the buzz of helping her students solve complex equations, preparing them for careers in fields like medicine and aerospace engineering.
Now, just sitting upright for a short spell or reading a simple news story can quickly worsen her symptoms and wipe her out for days. "Long COVID basically ended my career and I doubt that I'll ever be able to return," she says. "Unless there is an actual cure, I think that will be it for me."
It's bewildering that schools aren't taking stronger action to protect their staff and students from COVID, says Ms Sharpe, who tells her story in the COVID Safety for Schools course. A major issue is that many people still think of COVID as a respiratory illness, she says — they don't realise it can also attack the vascular system, damaging blood vessels and increasing the risk of clotting abnormalities, stroke and heart disease.
She also wishes more people knew that the virus can cause brain changes and cognitive impairment: one study, for instance, found people who recovered from "mild" COVID infections had lost the equivalent of three IQ points.
"With the maths I teach, you really can't afford to have your IQ drop," Ms Sharpe says. "I just don't understand why schools aren't implementing simple measures like improving indoor air quality — especially private schools, where academic results link directly with enrolments and success."
In response to previous disease outbreaks like Spanish flu and tuberculosis, schools moved lessons outdoors — sometimes in freezing winter temperatures — to stop children from getting sick, she says. "But we don't want to have classroom windows open in Queensland? It just seems insane to me."
What about WHS laws? It may also be unlawful. Australians may have been led to believe that public health orders in force until 2022 were the key reason employers, including schools, had to take steps to protect staff from COVID, says Michael Tooma, a partner at the law firm Hamilton Locke. But schools have always had to comply with workplace health and safety laws — "there has always been a duty of care", he says. "COVID presents a risk to health and safety and, like any other risk, it needs to be managed with proactive policies and procedures that try to eliminate the risk or reduce it as far as reasonably practicable."
At the very least, Mr Tooma says, schools should be excluding people with COVID from the workplace, improving ventilation in classrooms and auditoriums and maintaining sensible cleaning and hygiene regimes.
Schools that fail to meet their WHS legal obligations may be reported to and investigated by state regulators, which can issue improvement notices and in some cases bring prosecutions for serious breaches of the relevant legislation.
Still, Mr Tooma says he's not aware of any schools being prosecuted for COVID-related breaches and in general, regulators tend to focus on industries that have higher risks of serious physical harm and death, as well as "campaign" issues like mental health. "Regulator activity tends to follow public interest and so as public interest in COVID and COVID safety has waned, so has regulatory activity around it, in my experience."
Mr Kinner suspects it's probably going to take successful litigation for schools to start taking COVID more seriously. He points to a UK case in which 120 teachers with long COVID are suing the Department of Education for allegedly failing to protect them at the height of the pandemic. Those involved say they were not given good enough guidance for managing the risks the virus posed, with data showing teachers suffered high rates of infection and long COVID.
"I think it's only a matter of time before we see similar legal action in Australia," Mr Kinner says. "It could be from teachers, it could be from families who caught COVID because it came into their household via the school. I think it's inevitable."
In the meantime, he will keep trying to get COVID Safety for Schools in front of as many teachers, parents and principals as he can — even if it takes a while, even if they don't want to hear its message.
"I've been very surprised at how school leaders don't act when they're presented with this information, even people who go through the course and understand — or should understand — that this is a virus we should be taking very seriously," Mr Kinner says. "Because facts remain facts. Even if you don't like them, even if they make you feel uncomfortable, they're still facts."
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
According to the World Resources Institute, the number of electric school buses operating or delivered in the United States more than doubled—from 598 in 2022 to 1,285 through June 2023—all driven to serve school children while providing cleaner air in 40 states.
Looking into the near future, the number of electric school buses that were already funded or on-order nearly tripled, and were spread across districts located in 49 states.
The emissions-free buses are found in 914 U.S. school districts and private fleet operators, according to the evidence-based nonprofit’s report published in September, 2023: State of Electric School Bus Adoption in the US.
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California leads all states, with over 2,000 committed electric buses across the sprawling territory. This is more than five times as many EV buses as the next leading state, Maryland, with 391 commitments.
New Jersey has the second largest increase with 107 new buses, while West Virginia has the third largest increase with 42 new commitments. The updated data shows electric school bus commitments are now more evenly distributed across all regions of the country.
The Top 5 School Districts by Number of Electric School Buses are:
Montgomery County Public Schools (Maryland)
Los Angeles Unified School District
New York City Public Schools
Twin Rivers Unified School District (California)
Troy Community Consolidated School District (Illinois)
“We estimate approximately 69,000 students across the country are currently served by electric school buses that are delivered or in operation,” said the report authors, Lydia Freehafer, Leah Lazer, and Brian Zepka.
Zero pollution from tailpipes while buses are idling or driving means the students, staff, and community will be exposed to significantly less harmful air particulates that contribute to asthma and lung disease. The environment also benefits from reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
The federal government’s Clean School Bus Program, administered by the Environmental Protection Agency, is one of the biggest funders of these vehicles, having awarded 2,339 electric school buses—with more on the way.
-via Good News Network, December 30, 2023
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Best and Worst of both Worlds (part 1)
Tw: yandere oc guy, but i dont think this chapter shown that yet, but readers a fuckin stalker loser this time, university horrors
Okay guys so this story im literally pitting Yves and Montgomery together, gonna be a little slow burn but we r gonna get 2 da conflict like eventually
Also da settting in university cuase its da most relevant 2 me 💯
He's so beautiful and ethereal. The man has been plaguing your mind for the entire week, you're being distracted from your assignments just because of this unbelievably gorgeous man with silky, long hair and dressed to the tens.
You grinded your teeth and scratched your skin, you know where he frequents. The university's library. And you obviously want to get closer to him after he caught you from falling. You slipped on a sheet of paper that you dropped and this mysterious stranger was there to catch you by the waist before your body could make any devastating impact. Unfortunately, your stacks of textbooks and other miscellaneous documents were scattered to the ground.
"Are you alright?" He asked, his voice was smooth and pleasant with a unique, suave accent to it.
You were reduced to a nervous, stuttery mess. He gently brought you back up to your feet, he helped you gather your things and even arranged it by size and weight, so that it would be less likely for it to topple over. The man took a further step to smoothen the frizzles of your hair, fix your collar and sleeves. He even zipped your backpack up, you were unaware that it was open in the first place, adding to your embarrassment. You couldn't really push him away because your arms are occupied with your belongings.
It was hard to look into those stunning emerald eyes without flustering yourself even further, so you looked away while you stammered a "thanks" to him.
"Be careful." He said as he tilted your head by the chin to make direct eye contact. You know that you're as red as a tomato, but he didn't comment on it. The man lets you go before walking away, he fixed the handles of his luxury bag on his shoulder. Luscious curls bouncing with every step.
You felt like you wanted to explode right there and then, it took you a while to regain composure, other university personnel wondering why you're just standing in the middle of the path like that. Aren't you tired of holding all that stuff? It looked heavy.
You were snapped back into your senses when someone who you assumed had a bad day, told you to get out of the way. You scurried along the traffic, having the incident fresh in your mind.
You wonder who that man is, a student? A professor? A staff member?
You came to know that he's in the library for a few hours every weekday afternoons. He doesn't have a particular spot, the mystique spontaneously appears in random but fairly secluded reading spots in the library.
You felt like a stalker, but that's what you are. Too shy and afraid to talk to him, yet content with watching from afar. His ears are covered by his hair, so you don't know if he had any earbuds in. Fuelling your hesitance to make any contact first.
He could be reading a thick novel, handwriting something down on his notebook, or he could be typing away on his sleek, black laptop. In either instances, you have no idea what he's doing, it's either in a foreign language, full of numbers or completely made up of technical jargon.
You don't know why you're doing this instead of studying for your midterms. You're never like this to any of your crushes, not this obsessive over a real person, so why now? What compelled you to become this... creep? It's like you can't stop. You're scared of rejection but you can't get rid of the butterflies in your stomach.
You had no one to talk to about it because university is a very lonely place. At least, for personality types like you. You didn't want to bother your other friends, they have their own problems to worry about.
It reaches a point that you tried following him out of the library, wondering where he will go next. Before you could step past the automatic sliding doors, you looked at the book in your hand.
'Wait a minute, this is fucked up.' You thought to yourself. This isn't like you, exams are in spitting distance and you're subjecting this poor person to this harassment just because of a singular interaction.
You made a 180⁰ turn and marched back to your all-time favourite seat. Which happened to be occupied by the stranger earlier, maybe that made you a little peeved because you "claimed" it first at the start of the year. But he took it for the day.
To your surprise, there lies his notebook on the ground. He must have accidentally left it. You picked it up and looked around to make sure the coast was clear, then you flipped through it.
You were blasted with numericals, diagrams, words you weren't sure if it was written in English or otherwise and even floorplans of a building of some sort. You couldn't understand anything.
"Excuse me."
You whipped your head to the whisper. It was him! Your blood ran cold as he caught you snooping through his item. You opened your mouth, but no sound came out.
You struggled to form a coherent sentence as you pointed at it, you're done for, you're going to be confirmed a creep. But he only watched you with the utmost patience.
There came a point where you gave up, placed the closed book on the table and pushed it towards him.
Luckily though, you didn't have to say another word.
"You found my notebook. How careless of me to have dropped it." He pulled a chair opposite of you and sat down. You watch him place his handbag on another chair.
He elegantly picked the journal up and slid it into his bag. You were sweating at this point, the dread is about to make you vomit on him and that's not great. You wished that he would go away now, but seeing that he's locked onto his seat, it's highly unlikely.
You prayed hard for it though, he finished his business for the day. There shouldn't be any reason for him to linger.
"Thank you for keeping it safe. I hope you found whatever it is you were seeking from me." He continued, crossing his legs and resting his hands on the table.
You asked what he meant by that.
A teasing smile made its way to his rouge lips.
"You were watching me." You grew pale and you scrambled to explain yourself, but he raised his index finger to signal you to let him continue.
"Your tact could be improved upon; I could see you trying to hide behind the shelves, I could hear you mumbling to yourself, and you shouldn't think so lowly of yourself." He propped his head up on one elbow.
Your cheeks felt hot. That is true, you were berating yourself for being too wimpy to go ahead and talk to him. You just didn't think you were that loud.
"I would have enjoyed having a chat with you. I wouldn't have thought that you were-- and in your own words, a 'creepy, loser-freak'."
Oh. He heard that too. You wish that you could disappear this instant.
"I'm flattered that you thought highly of me. However, I was disappointed that you thought that I was intimidating." He pouted playfully. "I won't bite." He twirls a lock of his hair around his fingers.
Your nerves are frazzled as he leans in. You didn't know what to say or what to do. He seemingly picks up on that and continues leading the conversation.
"Let's start with names. Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine." You felt his shoe brush against your leg.
You almost forgot your own name as you watch the bead of sweat drip down your nose in horror. He must think you're a stinky slob.
But all he does is stare straight into your soul while drumming his fingers against the table.
You told him your name, with a severe stutter. Each passing second felt like a serrated knife slicing through your flesh.
He repeated it, syllables rolling through his tongue wonderfully. He pronounced it correctly on the first try despite your cripplingly anxious enunciation.
"Yves." He replied. Finally, you have his name. You're totally not going to use that to dig for more information on him.
"You have a beautiful name." He complimented.
You nervously returned the compliment and let out an awkward laugh. Trying your best to ignore the growing sweat stain between your pits.
"How charming of you, (name)." He stood up and pushed his chair back under the table. Yves collected his bag and turned his attention back to you.
"I'd love to talk longer, but I must go now. I believe you have an exam to prepare for. Best begin your revision now, I hope our brief conversation has helped to quell your worries."
...and you mumbled that part about yourself too. It's pretty safe to assume he heard all your thoughts.
Yves extended a manicured hand to you. Taking this as a clear request for a handshake, you accepted it.
Only for him to bring it up to his lips, tenderly and fleetingly kissing your knuckles. This entire time, his piercing gaze never left your eyes.
You wanted to claw yourself out of your flesh and die out of embarrassment.
"Study well."
He lets your hand down and presses it momentarily with his larger ones.
You watched him saunter away with his back turned against you.
You brought the back of your palm to your sight.
There is a faint, reddish tint on it. It must have been from his lipstick.
You're not sure if you ever want to wash your hand after this.
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sourcreammachine · 3 months
[not a pejorative, party founder Screaming Lord Sutch was himself bipolar]
tdlr: “we are fighting this election on the basis of CHANGE… LOOSE CHANGE as this is all we’ll have left under a labour/conservative government”
reduce taxes to 5%
get rid of value-added tax as it adds no value
ban the tipping of flies
convert number 10 and number 11 into a hairdressers called Government Cuts
abolish stamp duty because stamps are too expensive
fit airbags to the stock exchange, ready for the next crash
halve dole queues by making jobseekers stand two-by-two
improve quitters’ self-esteem by encouraging them not to start in the first place
employ 80.00 teachers, police officers and nhs staff
reduce pregnancy from nine to seven months
reduce hospital waiting lists by using a smaller font
reduce class sizes by shrinking desks and making students sit closer together
glue unruly pupils together because if you can’t beat them, join them
give pensioners an ice lolly allowance when temperatures exceed 70°
build five million new homes
aid “levelling up” by providing free spirit levels
fill five million potholes
introduce an ROT to make sure all roads are carworthy
fit vehicles with a bungy rope to save fuel on the return journey
save money on paint by painting double-yellow lines where you CAN park rather than where you can’t
create the world’s biggest carwash by punching holes in the channel tunnel
send all MPs who misbehave to rwanda
reduce net migration by making sure all nets are secured firmly to the ground
make terrorists wear little bells so we know where they are
replace border guards with GP receptionists to stop anyone getting in
introduce a court of human lefts
reduce prison overcrowding by releasing innocent prisoners
oppose capital punishment as it is not fair to londoners
wind farms to be constructed across the country where all will be encouraged to break wind
get more green cars on the road, with politicians having fluorescent green so everyone can see them coming
paint the grey squirrels red
greyhound racing will be banned to stop the country going to the dogs
puddles deeper than 7cm will be marked with a plastic duck
MPs will have to sit in stocks during surgeries while constituents throw custard pies at them. companies to be encouraged to design new stocks, to be sold at the stock exchange
introduce a “cooling-off period” to allow voters to change their mind
replace the foreign secretary with a UK one
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
If this seems like a relatively subdued Pride Month, that's because the LGBTQ+ community is under more threat than usual this year.
For those in the LGBTQIA+ community, Pride month is a chance to be out, loud and proud.  But in the United States, there's been an uneasy quiet hanging over this June.  Big brands who once didn't think twice about cashing in on the pink dollar have scaled back support. The American offshoot of Target reduced the number of its stores carrying Pride-themed products this year after getting backlash in 2023. Nike, who became the subject of boycott calls last year over its marketing partnership with a transgender influencer, has also pulled back after offering Pride collections since 1999. [ ... ] The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) says it's currently monitoring 523 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills across the country. Over 300 of these bills were introduced in the first three weeks of 2024 alone, and 149 are still advancing or have been passed into law.
Just want to interject that the introduction of a bill in a state legislature does not mean it will pass. 2 homophobic bills were introduced in socialist/hippie Vermont, 6 in Illinois which was the first state to abolish sodomy laws, and 9 in liberal New Jersey. Don't count on them passing. But the 39 in deep red Missouri adds to its reputation as currently having the most homophobic state government in the US.
The majority of these bills relate to educational measures, through school sports bans, school facilities bans that prevent transgender students from using communal rest rooms, or curriculum censorship around in-school discussions of the queer community.  Increasing anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric has also seen bills introduced that would forcibly out teachers and staff.  [ ... ]
Trailing slightly behind is healthcare restrictions, where more than two-thirds of the bills (69 per cent) are aimed at limiting the accessibility of gender-affirming healthcare for transgender youth.  This is despite the American Medical Association resolving to "protect access to evidence-based care for transgender and gender-diverse youth" in June last year. 2023 also marked the first time the ACLU saw drag bans introduced across US states.
It's not just Republicans in state legislatures to blame for increased homophobia. There also billionaire extremists with social media empires.
Notably, Dr Ellis points to billionaire Elon Musk's October 2022 takeover of X — formerly Twitter — which saw the mention of grooming slurs against the LGBTQIA+ community jump by 119 per cent, according to the Center for Countering Digital Hate.  The social media sphere also saw anti-LGBTQIA+ sentiment being taken up by foreign actors ahead of US election campaigns to sow division, according to Meta's head of Cybersecurity Policy, Nathaniel Gleicher.
Perhaps the most bizarre group in American politics is the Log Cabin Republicans.
Log Cabin Republicans president bizarrely defends Donald Trump's anti-LGBTQ+ record
Seriously, people in the LGBTQ+ community who support Republicans, Trump, and MAGA are in deep need of therapy. Imagine a hypothetical group like "Gazans for Netanyahu" to get some idea of how self-hating the Log Cabin Republicans are. Republicans are largely under the control of extremist Christian fundamentalists who would pass the most repressive homophobic laws they could get away with.
Back to the legislatures. It's a big mistake to neglect state government. Find out who represents you in your legislature. If they are Republicans, contact your state or county Democratic Party to learn how you can help defeat them.
Find Your Legislators Look your legislators up by address or use your current location.
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 years
How exactly did Red end up as the archmage of the Circle? Were there no other staff who were older/more experienced than him?
Good question! I can't remember in how much detail this was expounded upon in the game, but essentially, all Circles have always had trouble finding and retaining long-term faculty, instructors, and staff. In the old days before the Castigation, teaching positions at places like Solhadur were essentially like collegiate professorships at universities: you'd teach your classes, conduct office hours and head up research and projects, but you still had a home, life, and typically family outside of the school that you would return to once your day or week was over.
After the Castigation, of course, instructors don't really have this luxury: it's not as if you can risk being regularly seen making trips up to "the old abandoned castle" on the outskirts of town and then coming home to your house and family in Capra every night, exactly as if you... worked at the old abandoned castle that used to be a Mage academy, so instructors have to teach and live on the grounds under the same restrictions that the students have. Your whole life has to be about the Circle, by necessity, for everyone's safety. Except that students will eventually graduate after a few years and have the opportunity to leave and go their own ways in the world (if they want to); and teachers don't really get that luxury.
So if you try to source teachers from the outside, you already face a great deal of obstacles: you have to 1) find teachers who are experienced, advanced, and skilled enough at magic to teach it (hard enough when learning magic is outlawed by the Autarchy, so you're already dealing with a drastically-reduced pool of candidates), 2) someone who has the aptitude and demeanor suitable for teacher (further reducing the pool), 3) someone who has the willingness and capacity to devote their lives to the Circle and forego having a family, life, residence, or pursuits outside of it* (reducing the pool even further), and 4) to do all of this scouting, vetting, and recruiting in a way that doesn't result you both in getting caught by the Inquisitors or other authorities.
*There are exceptions to this, of course: nothing precludes the instructor from bringing their family to live with them at the Circle, but this also introduces new complications: what will your partner do for a living? What if your kids grow older and don't want that kind of life, or long to have friends outside of the Circle? Etc.
And then even if you manage to do all of this and hire an instructor, nothing guarantees that they'll want to teach forever. So your retention rate is pretty regular, with some teachers exiting after 5-10 years (and some even less), whether due to retirement or illness or seeking a new career or settling down and starting a family/lifestyle that isn't compatible with the Circle or having to go back home to take care of someone, or any number of reasons; but your hiring rate is drastically reduced.
(What about hiring internally, you ask, rather than finding instructors from outside the Circle? Well, consider your average high school or small college population. Of all the students you graduated with, how many of them would want to stick around after graduation to continue teaching? Let's say that number is higher than average because of the altered circumstances of the Autarchy: there aren't a lot of professions that allow young Mages to keep using their powers in a way they've now become accustomed to, so let's say interest in staying on as a staff member is far higher than the average student population. But of that number, who are also actually suited to be good teachers?)
Anyway, in the early days of Archmage Tevanti's tenure, he was actually pretty successful at scooping up a great number of faculty members who were interested in helping maintain the Circle: he was the son of the last Archmage of Solhadur and had that clout going for him, and he was very old when he died (around 200), so when he started his recruiting, it was actually in the early years directly after the Castigation. So there were still a number of pre-Castigation educated Mages willing and able to teach, and under his leadership, he garnered more over the years. But once he got older, active recruitment stagnated, partially because he already had his set faculty members and wasn't actively seeking new, fresh, younger blood; and also because the difficulty and danger of traveling on the roads seeking Mage instructors increased with the return of the Endarkened as well as heightened activity and zealotry from the Inquisitors, especially once Enik took charge. By the time Archmage Tevanti died, recruitment efforts had basically halted entirely, and it was left to "his" generation of teachers to keep things going. But over the years, many had already retired or died at the normal rate of decay, so where he may have started with, say, 40, in his twilight years there were 10. It was just bad luck that, because they were all of similar age to him, many of them also became ill, retired, or passed away around the same time as him, just before, or just after; so by the time it came to choosing a successor, the "senior" generation of faculty members were pretty much all gone or on the way out, and the middle generation were exiting for their own reasons (too dangerous, tired of teaching and quitting after a normal rate (say five years), wanting a career change or new pursuits, settling down and starting families, disheartened by his loss, etc.). So, to his thinking, you'd want someone younger, stronger, and sharper, someone who has a lot of years to give and isn't prone to noping out because of the demands of middle age or looming retirement, someone who could tackle this enormous task of being Archmage with the necessary fresh perspective and vigor of youth... which is why he chose someone like Red, and not the fifty-year-old Charms instructor who had indicated he would be retiring soon to spend more time with his granddaughter within a few years. It was just really, really bad luck that Red's stepping into the role coincided with anyone more senior than him (who could at least serve as an advisor or consultant or mentor) being eliminated/whittled down due to unfortunate circumstances and extremely bad timing: I think he mentions some professors were there to help him in the first years, but one was hit by a curse, one fell ill, and etc. It was probably on Archmage Tevanti to have recruited younger, fresher teachers sooner so Red would have a pre-established faculty before he took over, but again, a lot of circumstances prevented him from being as active in his recruitment as he should have (not even mentioning his long illness), and he really couldn't have predicted how things would go.
This is a long explanation, but hopefully that paints a better picture of how Red was essentially launched into a very stressful position without the guidance and direction Archmage Tevanti was expecting he would have, and why many of the teachers currently at the Circle are around the same age as him! However, after joining the Shepherds, there's obviously a lot more contact with Mages, so the faculty is more diverse in age and experience again and he can take a step back from his Archmage duties without feeling like it's all on him, as there's an actual support system for it all now! Hope that all makes sense!
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While civil rights law continues to play an important role in how DEI programs operate, they have since evolved and expanded, especially in the last decade. With the establishment and rapid growth of the Black Lives Matter movement and the popularization of critical race theory, there has been an explosion of interest among colleges and universities in establishing or expanding DEI programs not just to reduce social inequality, but to fight the systemic injustice that leads to it. Although the same identity groups remain the focus of DEI efforts, those efforts now view them through the lens not of social inequality but of systemic oppression.
How do Jewish students fit into this picture? Until 2004 they were not afforded Title VI protections from discrimination, because they were regarded solely as members of a religious group — not a protected category under Title VI. As a result, campus affirmative-action or equal-opportunity programs had no reason to include Jewish students in their efforts. But even after 2004, when Jewish students were deemed eligible for Title VI protection as members of a national origin group, neither they nor antisemitism was integrated into most DEI initiatives, despite an increasingly hostile campus environment.
The blindness of DEI programs to Jewish students and antisemitism is likely the result of two factors.
First, although Jews were once a historically marginalized and underrepresented group in American higher education, that is certainly no longer the case. Consequently, despite having endured thousands of years of oppression, including one of history’s largest genocides, and even now suffering more hate crimes in America than any historically marginalized and underrepresented group except African Americans, Jews are not viewed as oppressed at all within a DEI framework. On the contrary, they are generally seen as white, privileged oppressors who do not merit the attention of DEI programs.
Second, even if Jewish students manage to secure a seat at the DEI table, a thornier problem awaits. Although a growing number of DEI officials are willing to respond to and educate the campus community about acts of classical antisemitism, such as swastikas painted on a Jewish fraternity house or neo-Nazi fliers distributed on campus, many of those same officials are unwilling to acknowledge and address anti-Zionist-motivated harassment. Yet this is by far the predominant form of antisemitism facing Jewish students today.
The disparate treatment of these two types of antisemitism is very much related to the ideological leanings of most DEI programs. Because instances of classical antisemitism are often perpetrated by individuals associated with white-supremacist groups, who are also perpetrators of racist attacks on many historically marginalized groups, calling out and educating about this type of antisemitism actually kills two birds with one stone.
On the other hand, many instances of anti-Zionist harassment on campus are perpetrated by members of identity groups served by DEI programs. In addition, many DEI staff themselves harbor virulently anti-Israel sentiments, as demonstrated in a 2021 report examining the social-media postings of DEI staff at major universities. Drawing heavily on ideologies undergirding most DEI programs, these postings portrayed Israel as a racist, settler-colonial state, linked the plight of Palestinians to the struggles of oppressed minorities in America, and implied that it was the duty of antiracist activists to support the liberation of Palestine “from the river to the sea,” a rallying cry for the elimination of the Jewish state.
Against this backdrop, it’s not hard to see why so many DEI programs are loath to acknowledge the antisemitic nature of anti-Zionist behavior that so often leads to the harassment of Jewish students. But that hasn’t stopped Jewish advocates from trying.
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mythologeekwriter · 10 months
God this is horrifying
[Note: I am not copying the whole of these articles, please do read them, I'm just sharing the bits that I think illustrate why you should in fact read them.]
Five-point plan to cut UK immigration raises fears of more NHS staff shortages | Immigration and asylum | The Guardian
Cleverly told MPs on Monday that “migration is far too high and needs to come down … enough is enough”. He added: “Today I can announce that we will go even further than those provisions already in place, with a five-point plan to further curb immigration abuses that will deliver the biggest ever reduction in net migration. “In total, this package, plus our reduction in student dependants, will mean about 300,000 fewer people will come in future years than have come to the UK last year.” Along with raising the salary threshold and scrapping the “shortage occupation list”, Cleverly announced that social care workers would no longer be allowed to bring their dependants when they came to work in the UK. He also said people living in the UK – including British citizens – would now be allowed to sponsor family members to move to the UK only if the person living in the UK earned £38,700, up from £18,600 currently. Finally, the government is asking the Migration Advisory Committee to review the rules for those who have completed undergraduate degrees in the UK. A spokesperson for Downing Street called the package “the biggest clampdown on legal migration ever”. They added: “We believe this is a package which will enable us to significantly reduce numbers whilst achieving economic growth.” It forms one part of a two-part plan to reduce the numbers of people coming into Britain legally and illegally. This week Cleverly is likely to fly to Kigali to sign a new asylum treaty with Rwanda, with ministers ready to bring forward new legislation in an effort to finally kickstart the government’s Rwanda plan.
Families face being split up by UK plan to cut legal migration, lawyers say | Migration | The Guardian
Data suggests this could make it impossible for between 60 and 70% of workers to bring their family into the UK. The crackdown has caused concern among some senior Tory MPs. Alicia Kearns, the chair of the foreign affairs select committee, said on Tuesday she was worried the package as a whole risked dividing families. She told LBC: “It risks being very unconservative”. Madeleine Sumption, the director of the Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford, said: “This is definitely completely different to what any other high income country does.” Under the new rules, someone will be able to bring a family member into the country if they earn £38,700 year. If the partner is already in the UK, both people’s incomes will be taken into account. If someone does not qualify under those rules, they will still be allowed to bring in family members if they have sufficient savings. Under current rules that figure is £62,500, but the government is consulting over whether to increase it.
Lawyers and applicants say, however, that it has led to distress and confusion, with many families already in the process of applying for visas now unsure of what the changes will mean for them. Kelly Robinson, an American PhD student living in Norwich with her partner, Owen Sennitt, had applied for her spousal visa last week, confident Sennitt’s job as a local journalist would be enough to qualify for it. Now she believes she may have to return to the US after eight years living in Britain. “It is a real shock,” she said. “The entire life we have built is being taken away from us overnight.” Nick Gore, a partner at Carter Thomas solicitors, said: “This is devastating for many people that just about meet the existing financial requirements. There is a huge spectrum of people who are affected – some are on minimum wage jobs, others have started their own businesses. This will split families up.”
Thanks to James Cleverly, I may never live in the same country as my kids again | Claire Armitstead | The Guardian
When I mentioned their predicament to a lawyer friend he was dismissive, saying that middle-class families always found a way round these problems. Other friends suggested we remortgage our house to raise the £62,500 capital that was the alternative route to a spousal visa. But it would have to have been in their bank account for a minimum of six months before they even reapplied; this was time their soaring stress levels meant they didn’t have. And anyway, they wanted to pay their own way. The Home Office said any change to the capital threshold would be announced in due course. At the old salary rate, they probably would eventually have worked something out, but at the new one there is no chance. Their relationship will always be based on them both working, and while their combined income would very probably exceed £38,700 a year, neither is going to make that much on their own. My eldest and his partner are now happily settled, so wouldn’t want to move back anyway. The sort of social care work she does is more highly valued in Spain. Meanwhile, my Australian daughter-in-law is in the crazy bind facing citizens of so many of the UK’s former colonies: expected to bend the knee to the monarch of a British state that doesn’t want them. Australia asks the foreign partners of its citizens only to prove their relationship is genuine.
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Benefits of Studying in Greece
Unilife abroad career solutions
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Good Weather Conditions
If you love the sun, Greece is perfect for you! The number one pro among the Pros and Cons of Studying in Greece is undoubtedly the weather. After Valletta, Athens is the warmest Capital in Europe. July is usually the sunniest month and December the cloudiest. That said, this country is blessed with sunny days and good weather conditions almost all year around.
Top Business School in Greece
The American College of Greece is one of the top graduate business schools in Europe, located in the historic capital of Athens. Alba faculty comprises of staff from all over the world who have experience in prestigious schools in the area of business and management and beyond, such as Harvard Business School, Stern School of Business, Wharton, London Business School etc.
Low tuition fees and low living expenses
If you are an EU/EEA student, you most likely will not be charged with any tuition fees for a Bachelor’s degree. However, an increasing number of Masters is requiring students to pay. If you are an international student, then you will have to pay tuition fees that range less than €10,000 per year, which includes textbooks. Depending on the university, books might be given to students at no extra cost. For example, The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki offers hot meals twice a day and the free use of the gym to all its students.
To live in Greece, students spend on average between €450 and €700 per month, inclusive of accommodation, bills, phone plan, public transport pass, etc. If we compare this to other European destinations, like Spain and Germany, then the average monthly living costs might easily rise to a minimum of €800, depending on the city.
Enjoy the local cuisine
If you are going to study there, you will get to enjoy the delicacies that the country has to offer. Tsatsiki, feta, olives, gyros are just some of the many Greek specialties which should not be missed. The Mediterranean diet is considered to be one of the healthiest. Fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, just to mention some, help lower inflammation in your body, reduce the risk of diabetes, and more.
Health care
EU citizens have free access to most healthcare services provided by public hospitals in Greece with the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
Students coming from some non-EU countries might benefit from free medical care due to reciprocal agreements with Greece. If this is not the case, you will need to arrange private health insurance before your departure to Greece. However, most hospitals that accept foreign insurance are those in Athens or Thessaloniki.
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rwby-redux · 2 years
How has been Beacon be changed for redux? Any new staff or classes introduced?
All of the academies (Beacon included) have been pretty radically overhauled. Most of the major changes were applied to the curriculum, campus, staffing, licensing system, and application process, along with a handful of miscellaneous stuff.
Since you asked specifically about classes and teachers, I’ll focus on them for now.
All of the academies share the same basic course structure. There are eight academic departments: Applied Combat, Archotherology, History, Legal Structure, Pneumatophysics, Rhizology, Weapons and Maintenance, and Wilderness Survival. Each department is overseen by a department head.
Applied Combat is exactly what it sounds like, but at the same time, it’s more than just pitting students against each other in sparring matches. These classes emphasize the importance of knowing how to adapt accordingly, by having an excellent foundational knowledge of any number of scenarios. Like knowing how to fight cooperatively versus fight independently. Or knowing how to handle a single opponent versus handling multiple opponents at once. There are also classes that focus on de-escalation tactics, and how to disarm/subdue opponents without injuring them. [1] Likewise, there are classes that teach students how to use stealth and traps to incapacitate/capture their targets. Finally—and perhaps most importantly—students are educated on mental illnesses that frequently crop up in a Huntsman’s line of work (PTSD, depression, substance abuse, etc). The purpose of classes like this is to destigmatize these conditions, teach students how to recognize their symptoms/warning signs, and provide them with resources for seeking treatment.
Archotherology consists of classes that prepare students for contending with Grimm. There’s an extremely broad range of topics that get covered: identifying all known species of Grimm; knowing where each species lives; knowing their placement on the threat level scale; having an understanding of Grimm anatomy, physiology, and behavior (including related terminology); knowing all of the various adaptations (fire-breathing, envenomation, etc) that Grimm have, and how to counter them; learning how to recognize signs of Grimm activity within an area; knowing the locations of all major psychometric imprints across Remnant; and so on. There’s a handful of elective classes, too, like the history of all the competing Grimm origin hypotheses. Students with an interest in trapping and handling live Grimm can also choose to take intensive, specialized electives. Those courses usually involve working one-on-one with a professor, and doing a lot of field work (in addition to working within the school’s on-site Grimm containment facility).
History covers a rather long list of subjects, ranging from the individual histories of each country, to a recounting of the most recent global armed conflicts and civil rights movements. Students are given a basic overview of each country—their cultures, demographics, climate zones, economy, and so on—to prepare students that wish to work abroad (and to help reduce the impact of culture shock). There are also a handful of classes that focus on the history unique to Huntsmen, including their traditions, predecessors, and influential figures.
Legal Structure focuses on the laws surrounding Huntsmen; what they can and can’t do. These are arguably the most important classes taught at the academies, because they define the limitations found in their line of work (and the legal consequences, should a Huntsman overstep them). Students that fail to complete these classes cannot graduate. The reason why everyone makes a big deal out of them is because a fully trained, licensed Huntsman is incredibly dangerous. There are laws that exist to prevent/minimize the harm that they can do. Remember that fight between Qrow and Winter in V3, when they decided to duke it out in a public space surrounded by spectators? In the Redux, both of them would have had their licenses immediately suspended on the grounds of property damage and civilian endangerment, and they would’ve incurred heavy fines. That’s why it’s so important that Huntsmen are regulated, and that they’re made aware of what they’re legally empowered to do. Not only does graduation hinge on completion of these classes, but the type of license that a Huntsman has is contingent on taking specific classes (along with additional years of schooling, but we’ll come back to that later).
Pneumatophysics covers everything that a Huntsman could possibly need to know about their Aura (and by extension, Semblance). Students are given an in-depth overview of all the offensive, defensive, and auxiliary uses of Aura, including (but not limited to) shielding, healing, thermoregulation, extrasensory perception, amplification, and unlocking. Professors will also work with students individually to determine factors such as their Aura reservoir (basically, how much Aura a person has) and their Aura regeneration rate (how long it takes for a depleted Aura to be replenished). Introductory courses are used to help familiarize students with Aura-measuring technology (pulses, scroll apps), and how to monitor their Aura during combat. There’s at least one class that teaches students about Auratic diseases. Semblances get plenty of attention, too, with classes that educate students on the various types they can encounter, and how common they are within the general population. Students with Semblances are highly encouraged to speak with professors that they share a Semblance with, so that they can get more specific advice on how to best hone theirs.
Rhizology primarily concerns itself with the chemistry, physics, and application of Dust. This is one of the few (if only) academic departments that includes both lectures and lab work in its courses. It’s vitally important that students are not only taught all the characteristics and properties of each Dust type, but how to safely handle them. Although most Huntsmen use processed Dust (usually in a cartridge/battery format), it’s still necessary for students to know how to work with Dust in its crystalline form. Dust (in addition to being an energy source) is a potent weapon against Grimm. Being able to scavenge it in the wilderness and use it in its raw form can often make the difference between death and survival. For that reason, classes will also teach students where to find Dust deposits, and how to identify them.
Weapons and Maintenance consists of classes that are part lecture, part workshop. Students are given in-depth explanations of all the most commonly-encountered melee and ranged weapons, along with practical demonstrations of how they’re used in a fight. These classes not only serve to teach students how to wield their own weapons, but how to deal with opponents that might be wielding them. Additionally, classroom discussions will go over proper safety techniques for each type of weapon, and how to correctly perform routine maintenance. Workshop-based classes are mostly elective, as the vast majority of Huntsmen don’t craft/repair their own weapons or armor, but pay for the services of a weaponsmith or engineer. There is, however, a small subset of Huntsmen that do express an interest in learning how. For those students, the academies offer courses on how to design and build their gear.
Wilderness Survival classes are fairly self-explanatory. They prepare students for the possibility of traveling between settlements, particularly in areas that have minimal to no development. Course subject matter includes remedial first aid, advanced first aid, necessary provisions, shelter building, resource acquisition, trailblazing, navigation, reconnaissance, tracking, and scouting. Naturally, the subject matter for each of these classes changes in accordance with the ecosystem. (Since, understandably, the techniques used for surviving in the arctic won’t be applicable to surviving on a tropical island.) Students are educated on all of the potential environments they could find themselves in during a combat scenario (deserts, forests, mountains, etc), and how to use them to their advantage. Similarly, they’re taught about all of the potential hazards they could face when fighting in certain environments. Another important skill that these classes teach is mental fortitude—how to maintain a healthy mindset, and not panic or succumb to stress, when surviving in the wilds. A lot of these courses include regular field trips into the local wilderness (along with a few exams that are done entirely outdoors).
These are all fairly basic summaries of each academic department, although I’ve definitely omitted a lot of details. When I eventually do a formal write-up of the course catalog, I’ll go into specifics.
The faculty segment is going under a readmore.
At present, Beacon Academy’s faculty roster is the most developed out of the four. I’m still working on the exact number of teachers that each school has, so nothing is definitive yet. I try to keep most of the staff non-OC where possible, but inevitably, I run out of canon characters to fill in the gaps. I’ve had to come up with a few clever workarounds to expand the faculty rosters.
So far, this is what I’ve got:
Applied Combat
Glynda Goodwitch (Department Head, Deputy Headmistress) Tyto Maurice Ann Greene Harold Mulberry
Peter Port (Department Head) Avery Loch Cressida Theria
Thales Melanion (Department Head) Bartholomew Oobleck Francis Ojutai
Legal Structure
Sonali Venti (Department Head) Aaron Balche
Jocasta West (Department Head) Dyson Iris
Weapons and Maintenance
Louise Baldemar (Department Head) Morgan Currant Rory Volpex
Wilderness Survival
Thumbelina Peach (Department Head) Gamle Björnen Raya Austringer
Leonardo Lionheart
Applied Combat
Nakmor Shen (Department Head) Azura Durham Oshoku Tzu
Slate de Sena (Department Head)
Legal Structure
Lali Choi (Department Head)
Caspian Toma (Department Head, Deputy Headmaster) Roux Forhan
Weapons and Maintenance
Ferrifex (Department Head)
Wilderness Survival
Coram Hyssop (Department Head) Ayress Umbra
James Ironwood
Applied Combat
Stephanie Santiago (Department Head)
Legal Structure
Fria (Department Head, Deputy Headmistress)
Weapons and Maintenance
Sel Lefebvre (Department Head)
Wilderness Survival
Onyx Churmon (Department Head)
Applied Combat
Xanthe Rumpole (Department Head, Deputy Headmistress)
Legal Structure
Weapons and Maintenance
Rowena Sunnybrook (Department Head)
Wilderness Survival
Sayon Toren (Department Head)
[1] Although Huntsmen are pretty much always expected to use deadly force against Grimm, when it comes to fighting people, Huntsmen are generally supposed to try and non-violently diffuse the situation first. Even for Class-B licenses, combat should be a final measure. There’s a famous quote from Wonder Women—“Don't kill if you can wound, don't wound if you can subdue, don't subdue if you can pacify, and don't raise your hand at all until you've first extended it”—that accurately sums up how Huntsmen are expected to deal with people in a hostile situation.
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mariacallous · 2 years
The Home Office left asylum seekers from the Manston immigration centre in central London without accommodation or warm clothing, as officials attempted to reduce acute overcrowding, the Guardian can reveal.
A group of 11 asylum seekers from Manston were left at Victoria railway station on Tuesday evening with nowhere to stay, without winter coats, many of them in flip-flops, according to volunteers with the Under One Sky homelessness charity, who provided them with emergency supplies of food and clothes.
“They were stressed, disturbed and completely disoriented,” said Danial Abbas, a volunteer with the charity. The group, from Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq, some of them wrapped in blankets to keep warm, were confused about what they were meant to do, he said. “They were also very hungry.”
About 50 asylum seekers from Kent were also deposited from a bus by Victoria coach station at around 11pm on Saturday, according to a witness. “They were still on the street at midnight, trying to work out what to do, where to go. They had no money, and hadn’t even been told where they were,” said the witness, an Afghan asylum seeker, who asked not to be named. He has been housed in a nearby hostel for the past 14 months, and watched them arrive. “I was shocked. I tried to help; I showed them where to get free wifi, where to sit and get warm in the station.”
Hundreds of asylum seekers have been rapidly moved out of the Manston camp in the past two days amid heavy criticism of overcrowded conditions at the immigration centre, where this weekend about 4,000 people were being held at a site designed for 1,600.
The immigration minister, Robert Jenrick, said the number of people at Manston had fallen substantially on Tuesday, but on Wednesday evening he admitted that there were still about 3,500 at the centre. Appearing on ITV, he told Robert Peston: “We gripped this immediately when we appreciated the scale of the challenge at the weekend, it’s now falling very rapidly and I expect that we’ll get down to an acceptable level within about seven days.”
The 11 men left without accommodation on Tuesday told charity volunteers they had been driven from Kent to London earlier on Tuesday afternoon as part of a larger group of about 40 asylum seekers. Other members of their group had family members or friends they were able to contact and stay with, but 11 were left by the station without anywhere to spend the night.
One of the men, a 29-year-old economics student from Iraq, said he had been held at Manston for 21 days after arriving in the UK by boat. “There were so many people there. They gave food, but only a little,” he said. He said he was told on Tuesday afternoon that he was being taken to London. “We were told we should go to our families or friends. I don’t have any family in the UK,” he said.
When they arrived in London he told the driver that he had nowhere to go, but he was asked to get off the bus. He had no money of his own and had not been given any funds by the Home Office. “I asked what should I do for the night, it’s cold. He said: you need to go.”
Volunteers from the charity, which distributes food to homeless people on the streets in London, took the asylum seekers to Primark and spent more than £450 buying them gloves, thermal jackets, shoes and socks. The volunteers telephoned the Home Office, which said there had been an “operational error”. At 1am on Wednesday, eight hours after they had been dropped in the street by the station, two taxis were sent to Victoria to collect the 11 men and they were driven to Norwich, where they were placed in a hotel.
A British Transport Police spokesperson said staff responded to reports of a group of asylum seekers looking for assistance at Victoria station at 10.33pm on Tuesday. “Officers engaged and liaised with charity partners, rail staff, and government colleagues to help them find accommodation for the evening,” they said.
Abbas, from Under One Sky, said the offloading of people at the station may not have been a one-off incident. “A British Transport Police officer at Victoria told me that that has been going on since Saturday – coaches of refugees are just being dumped here,” Abbas said.
The witness who saw the bus-load of asylum seekers being dropped at Victoria station on Saturday night said no Home Office staff were on hand to assist.
He said most of the asylum seekers appeared to be from Afghanistan, and they told him they had spent the past 10 days in a Home Office camp near Dover. “Each of them had a blue plastic bag full of their belongings, and a paper tag around their wrists. They were freezing and hungry. I went to the shop on the corner and bought them some cakes. I felt sorry for them – they were asking me where they should go,” he said.
Some had relatives in Birmingham and Manchester, he said, but no money to travel there. Others were able to call friends in London, and left the station area to find them. By about 1am all of them had disappeared. “They said they had been told there was no space for them in any hotel or hostel accommodation. I don’t know where they all went,” the witness said.
Clare Moseley, of the refugee charity Care4Calais, said the Home Office had a duty to house asylum seekers who did not have the means to support themselves. “They should not be leaving people on the street. We have had heard of another case of someone being driven from Manston to Southhampton, where there was no hotel room for them. It is absolutely chaotic and horrific.”
On Wednesday the prime minister, Rishi Sunak, said the government faced a “serious and escalating problem”, adding: “We will make sure that we control our borders and we will always do it fairly and compassionately, because that is the right thing.”
But Enver Solomon, the chief executive of the Refugee Council, said: “People are not being supported with dignity, humanity and compassion.”
The Home Office has been contacted for comment.
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spintly-co · 8 days
The Importance of Biometric Identification in the Education Sector
In today’s digital era, ensuring security, efficiency, and accountability in the education sector is more critical than ever. Educational institutions have become increasingly complex, with a growing number of students, staff, and visitors moving through campuses daily. To streamline operations and enhance safety, many schools and universities are turning to biometric identification systems. These systems provide a secure, reliable way to verify individuals’ identities based on unique biological traits, offering a more robust alternative to traditional ID cards or passwords.
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What is Biometric Identification?
Biometric identification refers to the use of unique physical or behavioral characteristics — such as fingerprints, facial recognition, iris scans, or voice patterns — to verify an individual’s identity. Unlike traditional identification methods, such as passwords or ID cards, biometric data is nearly impossible to replicate or steal. This makes biometric systems highly secure and efficient for various applications, including access control, attendance tracking, and exam authentication.
Why Biometric Identification is Essential in Educational Institutions
1. Enhanced Security on Campus
Security is a top priority for educational institutions, especially in today’s world, where incidents like unauthorized access and threats to student safety are growing concerns. Biometric identification provides an advanced layer of security by ensuring that only authorized individuals — students, staff, and registered visitors — can access school buildings, dormitories, and other restricted areas.
For example, biometric access control systems can replace traditional keys or ID cards, which can be lost or stolen. With biometric identification, a student’s fingerprint, facial scan, or other biometric trait is used to grant access to specific areas, reducing the risk of unauthorized entry and enhancing the overall safety of the campus.
2. Accurate Attendance Management
One of the most common applications of biometric identification in education is attendance management. Manually taking attendance can be time-consuming, prone to errors, and easily manipulated. Traditional methods such as paper-based attendance registers or even digital ID card systems can fall short when it comes to preventing issues like “buddy punching” (where one student signs in for another).
Biometric identification, on the other hand, ensures accuracy and accountability. For example, students can be required to scan their fingerprints or use facial recognition to mark their attendance, ensuring that only the individual in question can verify their presence. This not only improves accuracy but also saves time for teachers and administrators, allowing them to focus on other important tasks.
Furthermore, biometric attendance systems integrate seamlessly with school management software, providing real-time updates to parents and administrators about a student’s attendance record. This transparency helps maintain accountability and keeps all stakeholders informed.
3. Streamlined Exam Authentication
Another critical area where biometric identification is making a significant impact is exam authentication. In many institutions, verifying student identity during exams can be challenging, especially in large classes or exam halls. Traditional methods like checking photo IDs can be time-consuming and may not prevent impersonation fraud.
By implementing biometric authentication systems during exams, institutions can verify a student’s identity quickly and accurately. For example, a facial recognition system can match the student’s face with their registered biometric data, ensuring that only the right individual takes the exam. This reduces the risk of fraud and enhances the overall integrity of the examination process.
4. Improved Time Management for Staff and Students
Managing the daily schedules of students, teachers, and administrative staff in educational institutions can be complex. With biometric identification, the entire process becomes more streamlined. For example, staff members can use biometric systems to clock in and out, providing accurate work hour data without the need for manual time tracking. This data can then be integrated into payroll systems to ensure fair and accurate payment.
For students, biometric identification can be used to manage library access, cafeteria payments, and even extracurricular activities. Instead of carrying multiple cards or remembering passwords, students can use their fingerprint or facial scan to access these services, simplifying their daily routines.
5. Preventing Identity Theft and Impersonation
Identity theft and impersonation can be serious issues in educational institutions, especially during important processes like admissions, exams, or graduation ceremonies. Traditional ID cards or passwords can be easily shared, misplaced, or misused, leading to fraudulent activities.
Biometric identification provides a foolproof solution to this problem. Since biometric traits are unique to each individual and cannot be shared or duplicated, the risk of identity theft is virtually eliminated. For instance, using fingerprint or facial recognition during the admission process ensures that only the rightful candidate is admitted. Similarly, during graduation ceremonies, biometric systems can ensure that only the actual graduate receives their diploma.
6. Cost-Effective and Sustainable Solutions
While implementing biometric identification systems may require an initial investment, they can be more cost-effective in the long run compared to traditional methods. Physical ID cards can be easily lost, damaged, or require frequent replacements, leading to additional costs for the institution. Biometric systems, on the other hand, require minimal maintenance once installed and do not involve recurring costs like reprinting ID cards.
Moreover, biometric identification systems contribute to sustainability by reducing the need for paper-based attendance registers, ID cards, and other physical materials. This aligns with the growing focus on eco-friendly solutions in education.
In today’s education sector, biometric identification plays a crucial role in enhancing security, streamlining operations, and improving accountability. From access control to attendance management and exam authentication, biometric systems offer a reliable and secure way to manage large numbers of students and staff efficiently.
At Spintly, we offer cutting-edge biometric identification and access control solutions designed to meet the unique needs of educational institutions. Our solutions not only enhance campus security but also improve the overall efficiency of managing student and staff attendance. One of our successful implementations includes collaboration with Manipal, a leading educational institution, where Spintly’s biometric solutions have played a pivotal role in enhancing security and automating attendance processes.
If you’re looking to revolutionize your educational institution’s security and operational efficiency, consider integrating biometric identification systems to provide a safe and seamless experience for everyone involved.
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makoonsplayschool · 10 days
Unlocking the Potential of Preschool Franchise in India: A Gateway to Quality Early Education
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In recent years, the concept of early childhood education has gained immense importance. As parents realize the significance of early learning, the demand for preschools is rapidly increasing. Among the various educational models, franchising has emerged as one of the most effective ways to meet this demand. If you're passionate about education and entrepreneurship, owning a preschool franchise in India could be a rewarding opportunity. This blog will explore the benefits, challenges, and potential of investing in a preschool franchise, with a special focus on Makoons Preschool’s unique approach to early childhood education.
Why Choose a Preschool Franchise in India?
The early childhood education sector in India has seen remarkable growth due to the rising awareness among parents regarding the importance of foundational learning. Preschools serve as a crucial stepping stone for children, helping them build essential skills, social behaviors, and cognitive abilities. As a result, the preschool market in India is projected to continue its growth trajectory.
Opting for a preschool franchise in India offers several advantages:
Proven Business Model: Unlike starting an independent preschool, a franchise model provides a tried-and-tested business plan. It includes curriculum development, staff training, operational procedures, and marketing support, reducing the risk of failure.
Brand Recognition: A franchise gives you the benefit of operating under an established brand name, attracting parents who are already familiar with the quality and reputation of the preschool. This brand credibility is crucial in winning the trust of prospective students' families.
Support from the Franchisor: One of the most significant advantages of a preschool franchise in India is the comprehensive support provided by the franchisor. From setup assistance to training teachers and marketing strategies, the franchisor ensures smooth operations, enabling the franchisee to focus on delivering quality education.
High Demand: With the increasing number of working parents and the growing awareness of early childhood education, the demand for quality preschools is higher than ever. Opening a preschool franchise in India allows you to meet this demand while contributing positively to the education landscape.
The Makoons Preschool Franchise Opportunity
Makoons Preschool is at the forefront of providing world-class early childhood education in India. Our goal is to respond to the call of creating the emerging leaders of tomorrow by instilling a synergy of skills, knowledge, and values in children. We aim to equip them with an inner voice that will help them succeed in the 21st century.
As a Makoons Preschool franchisee, you benefit from a comprehensive support system designed to help you succeed. We provide:
A Unique Curriculum: Makoons Preschool offers a well-structured, research-based curriculum that focuses on the holistic development of children. Our pedagogy blends play-based learning with structured lessons, ensuring that children enjoy the learning process while developing essential cognitive and motor skills.
Teacher Training Programs: We understand the importance of having skilled teachers who can deliver quality education. Makoons offers regular teacher training programs to ensure that educators are well-equipped to handle young learners' needs.
Marketing Support: Building brand awareness is critical to the success of any franchise. We assist our franchisees with digital and traditional marketing strategies that ensure your preschool reaches its target audience effectively.
Ongoing Assistance: At Makoons, we believe in fostering long-term relationships with our franchisees. Our support extends beyond the initial setup and includes ongoing assistance in curriculum updates, staff recruitment, and operational challenges.
Steps to Start a Preschool Franchise in India
If you're interested in opening a preschool franchise in India, here are the steps to get started:
Research the Market: Before investing in a franchise, it's essential to research the local market to understand the demand for preschools in your area. Identify potential competitors and assess the demographic requirements.
Choose a Trusted Franchise Brand: Opt for a reputable and established preschool brand that aligns with your values and offers comprehensive support. Makoons Preschool is one such trusted name in early childhood education, offering franchisees the backing of a well-known and respected brand.
Secure Funding: Opening a preschool requires initial investment for infrastructure, teacher salaries, marketing, and other expenses. Makoons Preschool provides a detailed breakdown of costs and helps franchisees create a budget plan.
Set Up Your Preschool: Once the legalities are in place, focus on setting up a child-friendly environment. Makoons provides guidelines for setting up the infrastructure and ensuring safety measures are met.
Recruit and Train Staff: Hiring qualified teachers and staff is crucial. With Makoons Preschool, you'll have access to teacher training programs to ensure your educators are ready to meet the needs of young learners.
Promote Your Preschool: A strong marketing strategy is vital to attracting students. Leverage both online and offline platforms to promote your preschool. Makoons provides digital marketing assistance, including social media campaigns and SEO strategies.
Challenges and Solutions
While investing in a preschool franchise in India offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to be prepared for challenges:
Initial Investment: Setting up a preschool franchise requires a significant upfront investment. However, with the backing of a trusted brand like Makoons, the long-term returns are substantial.
Local Competition: The growing number of preschools means stiff competition. Having a unique curriculum and a trusted brand name like Makoons can help you stand out in the market.
Regulatory Compliance: Preschools must adhere to various government regulations and safety protocols. Makoons helps franchisees navigate these legalities and ensures all compliance requirements are met.
Investing in a preschool franchise in India is a promising venture for entrepreneurs passionate about education. With increasing demand for quality early childhood education, the potential for growth is immense. By partnering with Makoons Preschool, you gain access to a trusted brand, comprehensive support, and a curriculum designed to nurture the leaders of tomorrow. Embark on a rewarding journey with Makoons and contribute to shaping the future of India's children.
About Makoons Preschool
At Makoons Preschool, our mission is to cultivate the emerging leaders of tomorrow by providing a balanced blend of skills, knowledge, and values. We strive to empower young minds to discover their inner voice and prepare them for success in the 21st century. Our franchise model is built on a foundation of trust, quality education, and holistic development, making Makoons one of the most sought-after preschool franchises in India.
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recruitmentuktests · 10 days
How Online Assessments Are Changing Education and Training
In today's fast-moving and increasingly digital world, little else is changing as fast as the means of educating and training. Among the most important changes that occurred in that respect is are rapid development of online assessments that totally changed the way we measure and develop skills, from online personality tests to psychometric tests; these e-tools really create a stir in education and training. How online assessments have been improving the fields is elaborated on below.
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1. More Accessibility and Flexibility
Probably the most important and welcomed advantage of online assessments is that they make them more accessible and flexible. This is because students and trainees can now sit for assessments from any location where they may have access to the internet, reducing geographical barriers and making participation from remote areas a reality. Such flexibility allows for more inclusivity in education and training, catering to diverse learning needs and schedules.
2. Real-Time Feedback and Improvement
Online assessments provide real-time feedback. As a matter of fact, this real-time response allows the identification of how well the learners have done and where they need to improve. In educational settings, this could lead to more dynamic and responsive teaching strategies since the instructor will easily vary his teaching methods based on the insight he gains from these assessments. In training programs, real-time feedback helps staff respond to skill gaps and improve their competencies at a faster pace.
3. Better Data Collection and Analysis
Digital assessments will facilitate data collection and analysis at a whole new level. Using psychometric tests, among other web-based tools, educators and trainers will be able to capture complex data regarding trends in performance, learning styles, and skill levels. Such data-driven insights provide a far more accurate method of pinpointing strengths and weaknesses, informing targeted interventions and personalized learning opportunities.
4. Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency
Online assessments are also, more often than not, much more affordable than their traditional assessment methods. They save on physical materials, reduce administrative overhead, and accelerate the process of testing. In education and training contexts, this efficiency in functioning would mean considerable financial savings for institutions to reinvest in improving the learning experience.
5. Customized and Adaptive Testing
Online tests today can be made to suit the precise needs of the learner. Their adaptive testing algorithms automatically adjust the difficulty of questions based on the user's response style. This solution not only gives a close-grained insight into the result but also offers the assurance that the assessments match the individual's competence level.
6. Learning Management Systems Integration
Most Learning Management Systems can combine multiple online assessments for a perfect educational experience. It helps in recording the results of the assessment automatically, tracking progress, and allowing curriculum goal alignment. For trainers and educators, this simply means a more integrated way of managing and delivering education.
7. Integrating Psychological Insights
The online personality tests and psychometric tests provide clear psychological insights that are beneficial for educational and training outcomes. These assessments will help in comprehending the learning style, motivation level, and cognitive abilities of individuals. Further, through such insight, strategy formulation in education and training is possible in a manner that matches the profiles of individual learners.
8. Scalability and Reach
The online test has the advantage of easy scaling for large numbers and is hence, ideal for widescale education and corporate training. This enables institutions and organizations to efficiently test and train a wide audience without sacrificing quality or accessibility.
There is little question that online assessments are changing the game in education and training. With greater accessibility, real-time feedback, and data-driven insights, these digital tools mark the path toward personalization and efficiency of learning. Whether these are online personality tests, psychometric tests, or any other advanced form of assessment, the power of technology, education, and training has entered an entirely new realm.
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