#and there's a huge difference between that and being in a clinic having a procedure where you can't just get up and leave
thethingything · 1 month
finally processing that we're probably gonna have to have these teeth removed with either sedation or general anaesthetic and unfortunately I have a phobia of both of these to the point where just thinking about it gives us panic attacks and I genuinely don't know what to do because I absolutely want to avoid this at all costs but we also might not have any other option
#personal#thoughts#🍬 post#vent post#there is no amount of comfort or reassurance that can make me feel okay being sedated#like it's not even that I'm scared of side effects or risks or anything#I just can't even begin to express how much I absolutely do not want someone giving me a drug that's going to make me drowsy and incoherent#and also not remember anything afterwards#the premise of a stranger giving me a drug that's going to fuck up my ability to process anything or remember any of what happened#feels so incredibly violating and awful#like yes it's a medical context. yes I know it's so they can do the treatment. yes I know I'm supposed to trust them or whatever#but our brain doesn't process it like that. it's a stranger drugging you. that's terrifying regardless of the context#and given how much medical trauma we have and how awful some medical professionals have been to us#it happening in a medical context actually makes me feel worse#once again I'm not even necessarily scared of anything bad happening#even if you could absolutely guarantee that nothing bad would happen I would not be okay with it in the slightest#it's specifically the idea of my consciousness not being under my control#I take co-codamol for pain and that can make me drowsy and incoherent and fuck up my memory#but that's me choosing when to take it and how much to take and being able to stay away from people if I feel like I need to#and being able to make notes about what I've done and stuff like that#and there's a huge difference between that and being in a clinic having a procedure where you can't just get up and leave#and someone else is administering the meds and choosing the dosage and you're not the one in control of this situation#this makes me sound like a control freak and yeah I probably am#but that's kind of what haappens when you've had your bodily autonomy violated so many times by so many people
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invivoinsomnium · 11 months
You decided to go with IVF in order to have kids, and you find a doctor willing to do it for almost free, so long as you come back to his clinic for all checkups, and to give birth. You rationalize the discount, maybe he's just starting out. After the procedure, you are informed it was a success! Only one of your embryos implanted, but you're just fine with that. You start showing early, and it feels like your skin can't keep up with the growth. At every checkup, he informs you that your baby is healthy, if a little on the chunky side. You can't shake the feeling that something is off though, but the doctor reassures you that all IVF mothers worry. Then when you start to feel movements, it feels almost like popcorn in your belly, and you wonder if that's normal. You're starting to really get huge, and even though you only see one baby on the scans, you swear you can feel more than four limbs and a head pressing against your insides. Finally, the time comes, and your belly looks massive. Your labor feels short but intense, as though your body is more than eager to evict your giant baby. Finally, when your baby slides free at last, you feel exhausted, and relieved. The Dr hands you your baby, and rubs your still huge belly. "Alright, take a quick rest, and then we'll get the rest out." 'the rest'? You're confused, but a dreadfully cold understanding settles on you. Over the next 12 hours, you push out three more babies, but each is carted away as soon as the umbilical is cut. Turns out, the doctor was running a shady surrogacy service under the table, and making a profit on both sides.
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I'll be honest here anon, I'm more into the forced pregnancy aspect instead of willingly allowing myself to be artificially inseminated. That being said, this is quite hot. The idea of being turned into an unwilling surrogate, of being tricked by someone I should be able to trust. This definitely ticks a few boxes.
Add in a shady underground clinic, forced articial insemination and some restraints....
I scream and shout, fighting against the leather straps on my wrists as I'm wheelled into the exam room, a nurse gripping my legs tightly as I try to kick her. I was just meant to be going in for a routine exam...an MOT for my body if you will. Now I find myself fighting against doctors and nurses I've never seen before. My trousers and underwear are pulled from my body before my legs are secured into stirrups. I wince at the sharp pain as they're stretched wide. "Yes. She will make an excellent surrogate. I can see many clients bidding for the use of her womb," a male voice remarks as he sits down between my spread legs, as a nurse applies cold gel just beneath my abdomen and another wheels in a tray of instruments. "Of course they're going to have to wait, we've already had a client pay for her." "Pay for me? What the hell are you talking about? What are you going to do to me?!" I demand still trying to struggle. "Hush 7298, it's better if you cease struggling, this isn't a very pleasent procedure as it is. Now take a few deep breaths for me," the male voice orders me, "I'm going to implant a fertilized embryo into your womb. You're going to be helping a very rich couple have an heir of their own. The wife doesn't want her body ruined with pregnancy and has decided you'll be the perfect surrogate," the voice continues, "Of course every client is different, some want their own eggs used, others will want your eggs used, sometimes we'll be implanting other times we'll be fertilizing, it all depends on the buyer." I can barely breath as the truth comes to light. I try to renew my struggles but I'm given something to help my body relax and make me pliable. "Yes, she'll be very popular indeed," the male voice chuckles, "nurse, make a reminder to set 7289 up for an egg retrieval procedure, after the delivery and she's had time to heal," the voice adds. Is this my life? Forced into surrogacy? Forced to bear offspring after offspring despite my desire to never become pregant?
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quilavastudy · 11 months
What kind of person would make a good doctor in your opinion?
This is a difficult question because there's so many different qualities that can be helpful in medicine, not to mention the huge variety of specialties and the often varying personality types between them!
E.g. for me, I'm a fairly introverted person, I like having time to sit and think about things and I like going into detail, I like interacting with people and forming a rapport with patients, but don't necessarily want to spend ALL my time interacting with them, I like research and nerdy stuff, and I don't particularly like working with my hands/doing procedures. Therefore I think haematology* is a good fit for me. I know my personality wouldn't fit specialties like surgery or A&E, I'm too introverted and too much of an over-thinker for those.
An extroverted person who likes things being fast-paced, bouncing from case to case and really getting stuck in, who would get bored seeing the same patients many times and sitting in clinics, would probably hate the idea of doing haematology. But you need those types of people in other fields!
It sometimes makes me think of Hogwarts houses - there are specialties that are so Ravenclaw, and there's specialties that are so Hufflepuff and so on. There's actually a sort-of joke paper on what hogwarts houses tend to do certain specialties which I found quite amusing.
Overall, of course I think there's some traits that are probably necessary for all doctors. Eg. hard-working, a decent amount of emotional intelligence, resilience, communication skills, honest, conscientious etc. But I don't think there's one particular 'type' of person that makes a good doctor (which is good - it would be very boring if we were all the same).
(*I know there are procedures in haematology but generally, haem consultants don't do many)
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ukftm · 1 year
Just had my second appointment with Nottingham GIC and they've said I need a third one. I wasn't expecting hormones or anything but I just feel really angry like... it already got pushed back for 'unforeseen circumstances' and I feel I've just wasted my time. I won't say anything different than I haven't already -- I'm dealing with pretty persistent depression (talking like 9-10 it started) so I don't know if that's anything to do with it. I'm just worried what happens if I get to the end of all these extra appointments and they're like 'no sorry, we can't help you, you don't qualify' or whatever. I'm aware 2 appointments probably isn't the norm anymore it just all feels so frustrating because I don't know what more they want from me. I'm not treating all this as a magic pill that will make my depression completely go away and I even said as much, it'll just make it better in a way because I don't have this huge chunk of a cause of it hanging over my head anymore. Apologies for the rant. Does anyone have experience with needing 3 or more appointments and what generally happens? I'm just worried I'll have my time wasted. The woman I spoke to didn't say why she thinks I need another one though.
Hi Anon,
Needing multiple appointments before being put on T is very normal. But it is of course really frustrating being made to wait longer.
When you have your next appointment, ask for clarity. Ask why it is taking them so long to agree to putting you on T. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you are not sure what someone is telling you, always ask them to explain it.
Getting on T is really important to so many guys, but the GICs have procedures in place which differ between each clinic. Some will only require two appointments, while others are 3+. This is unlikely to be a personal thing but rather just a tick box exercise for the clinic to do your referral.
If you are concerned about the number of appointments you are being required to have, contact the GIC and ask them why. If they don’t give you a good enough answer then ask for further clarity.
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lizzybeth1986 · 8 months
Headcanon: The Park-Tennyson Kids!
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(Steve Tennyson - Lucas Till
Nadia Park - Cassie Ventura)
My hc for all my PM universes so far have been that Steve gets saved from the Arctic HQ in each one, and therefore that they get married soon after the finale. I kinda see both of them as loving the idea of a big family, so I gave them 5 kids! (MC will have two, Sloane will have two, and Hamza is basically the big brother to the entire group of young 'uns 😁)
The eldest three of Nadeve's kids are adopted, and the youngest two Nadia had through treatment at a fertility clinic. Kim and Sloane definitely helped her through that process.
Nadia and Steve had taken almost two years before they actually started the procedures for adoption. They spent their first year settling together and being comfortable with each other, and the topic of children came up often during that first year. Both preferred a large family in a big house at Cedar Rest someday, and both were open to adoption and preferring to leave fertility treatments for a little later.
Ruth Park-Tennyson
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(FC: Ayo Edebiri)
• One year before they adopted Ruth, Nadia and Steve made sure to do as much research as possible - which organisations, how to prepare their home etc. Nadia was always the kind that grew up in a huge family and loved the dynamics. And the more settled Steve became in the identity Eros had crafted for him, the more comfortable he was with himself and the more eager to grow his own family. So they really wanted to give this first adoption, and this first kid, their best.
• It was (parental) love at first sight for both of them with Ruth. She was a year old when they adopted her.
• Ruth was a voracious reader from the time she turned three. Like most little kids, she loved the "textured" books but soon moved towards picture books, comics and long-form books as she grew.
• She showed an interest in her mom's art but more as an observer than as someone who wanted to make their own. Ruth always had a knack for pulling out multiple meanings and interpretations for a single work of art, a quality that delights and baffles both her dad and her uncle/aunt Hayden (basically these kids are part of all four universes 😄)
• She's a real academic at heart and loves writing. Dark Academia and Gothic Horror are her favourite genres to write. She eventually writes a series of her own and gains worldwide fame as an author.
• As a kid she was aware that her Auntie Sloane was writing books for children, and would often nick her drafts, put on fake glasses and tell her what she liked about it.
• She's quiet in public but VERY bossy towards her siblings. The biggest advantage to that is all of them definitely aced all their languages thanks to their sister 😄
• She gets a PhD in English Literature in her mid-30s. Dr. Ruth Park-Tennyson!
David Park-Tennyson
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(FC: Nick Galitzine)
• David was three when Steve and Nadia adopted him, and was roughly the same age as Ruth...maybe 6 months younger.
• People would often say that there was a tiny bit of resemblance between David and Steve, which puzzled the hell out of Steve.
• Steve would later find out that one of David's birth parents was distantly related to his former Handler, Robert Tennyson. Robert Tennyson had based Steve on several members of his own family, which accounted for some of the resemblances.
• Would Ruth read aloud her favourite books to David once he became part of the family? Yes she did. Yes she did.
• When he grows up, all my Haydens (in different universes) realize he has a knack for theatre and can sing. They encourage him to join theatre and try Broadway.
• Like all my Haydens he also enjoys the opera 😁
• He does also eventually launch an independent music career at some point, mostly in contemporary pop.
• Nadia designed the cover for his first album, and his second - which focused on themes of home and identity - featured pictures of Steve, Nadia and their whole family.
Joshua Park-Tennyson
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(FC: Rohit Saraf)
• Josh is two years younger than Ruth and David, and was adopted when they both were four.
• Gamer and loves digital art. The gaming company Khaan worked in before taking over Eros, Blue Fire, still operates and has released amazing games in the years since. It's always been Josh's dream to work there.
• Loves art in general...but digital art is where he is most gifted
• His mom Nadia is his biggest cheerleader. His dad too, though it can be a struggle for Steve to comment more beyond "indescribable". (Usually Hayden and Steve bypass that simply by concentrating on story elements or details they notice in the background, so it isn't too hard now).
• Nadia and Josh love different mediums, but every once in a while they like to sit and sketch stuff together. Preferably out in the open!
• Always the first to jump up and go whenever Nadia feels like visiting an art museum or exhibition. For one of his birthdays, they all go to the Louvre.
• He eventually does work at Blue Fire for a few years, then builds his own games and has his own company.
Tabitha Park-Tennyson
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(FC: Michelle Lee)
• Tabby is the animal lover of the family and eventually becomes a vet.
• At some point, after thinking over it and seriously consulting Kim and Sloane, Nadia decides to try fertility treatments. By the time she has Tabby, Ruth and David are 7, and Josh is 5.
• The older siblings spoil Tabby silly, and Tabby also joins them in spoiling the youngest, Matt, silly.
• Tabby always brought all kinds of injured tiny animals home, and tried to nurse them back to health or take them to the vet when her parents advised her to.
• She absolutely LOVES Dipper and Sloane's cat Felicette.
• Favourite food (to Hayden's chagrin) is pineapple on pizza. Steve and Tabby always have a dad-daughter pizza night whenever they can 😄
Matthew Park-Tennyson
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(FC: Han Hyun Min)
• Matt is the youngest, but ironically is the one who loves to pamper everyone and bake them cookies.
• He will ABSOLUTELY make all the treats, for any house party, by hand.
• He loves baking! He picked it up from Steve, of course, and is the only person who has the privilege of knowing exactly how to recreate his dad's lemon bars.
• He also picked up knitting and crocheting at some point as a stress buster. He often makes cute little things with those skills for not just the family but their larger family (the cousins, the group etc) too.
Family HCs:
• The Park-Tennysons eventually relocate to Cedar Rest sometime between the years of Josh's entry into the household and Tabitha's birth.
• All the kids have a sweet tooth so don't be surprised when food wars erupt just coz they ran out of chocolate lol
Tagging @nadiaparkappreciationweek and @sazanes for NPAD 2023!
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draftmare · 2 years
Some of you may have noticed the sudden lack of pony on the blog lately, and it’s because unfortunately we have been working through some soundness issues that cropped up while I was off for my surgery. Vet has been out twice now. First time around we did a full lameness eval and imaging on her left stifle. Imaging showed not a huge difference between the left and right, but vet recommended we go ahead with injecting the stifle to see if we could get the lameness under control. At that point the lameness eval was showing a bit of a “chicken and egg” relationship between her being sore in her loin and lame in her stifle.
After 10-ish days she was looking just as lame as she had looked at the eval, so I reached out to the vet again. 10 days was when I was told I would start to know if the injection was going to be the “magic cure” we were hoping for. Vet recommended we x-ray the hock and go from there, so we set that up. On Saturday (three-weeks post injection) I noticed a significant improvement in soundness on the lunge line, but still not 100%. Monday the vet came out. Hock x-rays showed fairly normal hocks for a 14 year old. There were some minor changes, but no smoking gun, and nothing worth injecting. We also ruled out soft tissue injury based on other clinical presentations/signs. Vet noted that she felt Sydney was significantly more sore in her loin area than she has been at the initial lameness eval and suggested chiropractic adjustment and acupuncture treatment. She then gave me her blessing to ride the following day to see if things had progressed at all.
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The ride on Tuesday (yesterday) Sydney felt great walk/trot (she had looked and felt great this entire time at the walk and trot), but canter still felt like garbage, so obviously still not sound. Not that I was expecting one chiro adjustment to fix all of our problems. Vet wants me to get a massage therapist involved and to also have my saddle triple checked by my saddle fitter. We think my swap to the Bates dressage saddle (it has now been side lined and I am back in the County for any test riding/light riding) may be our smoking gun, maybe, or maybe we are both just grasping at straws because the imaging for the entire leg is coming back squeaky clean. Our only other option, really, is to start blocking that leg and Sydney HATES needles near that leg. Like, has to be stoned out of her mind before a needle can get near that leg, and horses have to be fully awake during blocking procedures (she partially degloved that leg several years ago, and then re-injured it in THE EXACT SAME SPOT because WTF HOW two more times that required stitches and is now a pill about needles near her hind legs).
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drpaulsinstituteseo · 3 months
Exploring Laser Training: Aesthetic vs. Medical - Understanding the Distinctions
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With the revolution of the latest innovations in the aesthetic industry, people are embracing new technology to make themselves look good. The prospect of existing career opportunities of laser training has made them a popular choice for individuals who seek a transformative look. Laser training has opened two distinct career choices: Aesthetic Laser Training Courses & Medical Laser Training Courses. These exciting fields have brought unique advantages along with them. 
Let's embark on the laser world to see the distinctions that make them so special.
Aesthetic Laser Training Courses
This laser training course will foster confidence; a diploma in aesthetic laser training is based on the principle of transforming the look of an individual and giving them a feeling of satisfaction. This laser technology field will help the individual to enhance their complexion, which will boost their self-esteem. Just imagine if you choose this course, you can make the individuals experience comfort and confidence when they look at themselves in the mirror. Aesthetic laser professionals will conduct laser treatments, which include pigmentation, body contouring, and anti-aging treatment.  
Medical Laser Training Courses
Medical Laser Training is far away from the world of beauty, it lays its importance on healing and strengthening health priorities. This respective field is for those who can use lasers to treat a plethora of health conditions. For instance, medical laser experts can assist in surgical procedures, vision correction, and many other health-related medical conditions. Medical Laser Training acts as a connecting bridge between technology and healthcare services.
Education & Training Of These Two Exciting Streams
Aesthetic Laser Training Course
There is a huge difference between these two streams. Aesthetic laser training does not need any formal education. A diploma or certificate obtained through a training course can make you get employed in the beauty world. Dr Pauls Institute is a renowned institute that offers a diploma in aesthetic laser training course that will provide the requisite skills and training to start your journey in the field of laser cosmetics. 
Medical Laser Training Course
Medical Laser Training, on the other hand, requires more formal and comprehensive education. Those who want to be aspiring professionals should have a license as doctors or nurses. The specialized medical laser training is designed specifically for use in medical health treatments.  
Probable Workplaces
Aesthetic Laser Training Course
You can work as a laser expert in a skin care clinic, beauty salon or wellness center.
Medical Laser Training
The professionals who get the Medical Laser training find their careers growing in hospitals, medical clinics, and eye hospitals. 
The Art of Treatment
Aesthetic Laser Training
In the aesthetic world, the job is to remove unwanted facial hair, acne treatments, or wrinkle reduction. 
Medical Laser Training
This field revolves around the medical sector, so the professionals should be ready to face critical health-related issues. For instance, the removal of a tumor or correcting the vision will significantly impact the health and well-being of an individual.
Safety Comes First
Both aesthetic laser training courses and medical laser training courses aim at the safety of an individual. The doctors or nurses undergoing the medical laser training should be more diligent and careful because the life of a person is directly involved. So precision is the order of the day, so they abide by strict safety procedures.
Your Future Career: Time To Shine
Aesthetic Laser Training
A diploma in aesthetic laser training can lead to opportunities like becoming a beauty therapist or a laser technician. A skin care therapist can offer wonderful guidance to individuals who seek to look their best.
Medical Laser Training
You can easily venture into medical laser training, which will open new ways as a successful laser surgeon, an ophthalmologist, or a medical laser technician. Skilled professionals can treat severe health disorders and make an individual have a better life. 
The Choice Depends On You
To embark on the journey through the aesthetic laser training course or make a successful career in the health industry through medical laser training rests on your shoulders. Both the opportunities are rewarding and open new doors to help individuals transform their lives.
Through laser training, you have all the world open its arms to embrace you. Whether you choose between the two laser career options in the world of health or beauty is a decision that you should make. The choice is yours, and both streams promise to offer you amazing experiences to make individuals feel better. 
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endoscopybasavanagudi · 9 months
Finding The Right Gastroenterologist In Bangalore
Gastrointestinal problems can be a cause of fundamental soreness and can affect our standard of well-being. Whether one experiencing digestive problems, abdominal aches, or any other concerns related to your gastrointestinal device, it's critical to seek advice from a certified and skilled gastroenterologist in Bangalore. With numerous professionals to be had in the town, finding the right healthcare professional may be a daunting challenge.
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First and most importantly, it's far crucial to apprehend the qualifications and understanding of the gastroenterologist you are considering. Look for medical doctors who have completed their scientific levels from legitimate institutions and feature specialized schooling in gastroenterology. Board certifications and affiliations with esteemed medical associations are indicators of their credibility and commitment to imparting exceptional care. Additionally, a good gastroenterologist ought to have a considerable amount of enjoyment in diagnosing and treating a huge variety of digestive problems.
When attempting to find a gastroenterologist in Jayanagar, don't forget the area and accessibility of their medical institution. It is positive to pick out a doctor whose medical institution is quite simply located in or near your area. This will save effort and time when you have to attend everyday appointments or in case of emergencies. For individuals living in Jayanagar and Basavanagudi, it's far more beneficial to find a gastroenterologist who is within proximity to those areas.
Another vital component to recall is the recognition and patient opinions of the gastroenterologist. Reading testimonials and comments from preceding sufferers can give you insight into the medical doctor's treatment method and patient delight. Online systems, clinical forums, and social media businesses can offer a wealth of facts and private reviews. Look for wonderful opinions concerning the medical doctor's verbal exchange talents, attentiveness, and average effectiveness in providing appropriate remedies.
In addition to qualifications and critiques, it's far vital to assess the centers and generation to be had in the gastroenterologist's health facility. A properly geared-up clinic with superior diagnostic equipment can make certain accurate and efficient analyses. Look for clinics that provide services including endoscopy, colonoscopy, and different applicable processes. Access to these facilities can help in acquiring a complete assessment of the condition and eventually receiving appropriate remedies.
It's miles important to discover a gastroenterologist who demonstrates empathy and compassion towards their sufferers. Digestive issues may be sensitive and might require open and honest verbal exchange between the medical doctor and patient. A caring and understanding gastroenterologist will listen to your concerns, solve your questions, and involve you in the selection-making procedure. Feeling cushty and confident with your selected doctor is essential for a positive healthcare enjoy.
Finding the right gastroenterologist in Basavanagudi, Jayanagar, and Bangalore, calls for cautious consideration of their qualifications, area, recognition, facilities, and patient-targeted method.
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tallmantall · 11 months
#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth – Ozempic, Other GLP-1 #Drugs Under Safety Review For Risk Of #SuicidalThoughts
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Ozempic and other GLP-1 drugs are currently under safety review in several countries after a small number of cases have reported an increase in #suicidalthoughts while taking the medications - GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy, and Trulicty are under safety review following reports that the medications may cause #suicidalideation. - The risk of #suicidalthoughts is not currently listed as a potential side effect of GLP-1 drugs. - A handful of cases have reported #suicidalthoughts and #self-harming #behavior in people using GLP-1 medications. - Research shows no evidence of a direct cause between GLP-1 #drugs and #suicidalideation. Semaglutide (sold under the brand names Ozempic and Wegovy) as well as other GLP-1 medications that can aid with #weightloss are currently under safety review for the potential risk of increasing #suicidalthoughts. Following a relatively small number of cases reporting #suicidalthoughts and #self-harming #behavior in people using GLP-1 receptor agonists, agencies in Canada, Europe, and the United Kingdom are assessing whether the side effect is caused by the medication or is associated with underlying conditions. Suicidal thoughts are not currently listed as a potential side effect of Ozempic, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s drug label and the EU product information. Along with Ozempic and Wegovy, here are some other GLP-1 #drugs currently under review: - AstraZeneca’s medication exenatide (Bydureon) - Eli Lilly’s dulaglutide (Trulicity) - Sanofi’s lixisenatide - Sanofi’s Soliqua “GLP-1 receptor agonists have been used to treat type 2 diabetes for more than 15 years and for treatment of #obesity for 8 years, including Novo Nordisk products such as semaglutide and liraglutide that have been on the market for more than 10 years,” Novo Nordisk, Ozempic’s manufacturer, said in a statement. Semaglutide is the active medical ingredient in Ozempic. “The safety data collected from large clinical trial programs and post-marketing surveillance have not demonstrated a causal association between semaglutide or liraglutide and suicidal and #self-harming thoughts,” the company said. Ozempic and other GLP-1 drugs are not directly linked with #suicidalideation #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleFind out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundationwebsite www.yourgiftoflife.org Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com “At this time, GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic have not been directly linked or even evaluated for a potential link to #suicidalideations,” said Dr. Mirela Loftus, PhD, medical director for Newport Healthcare. “There has been no causal effect documented in any literature,” said Dr. Steven Batash, FACG, a gastroenterologist currently affiliated with NYU Medical Center, Lenox Hill Hospital, and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital to Healthline. Batash provides endoscopic weight loss procedures or non-surgical #weightloss. He adds that in his practice, he hasn’t come across anyone experiencing #suicidalthoughts after taking a GLP-1 receptor agonist. “The manufacturers deny that #suicidalthoughts were reported during their trials,” said Dr. Jodie Pepin, clinical pharmacy program director at Harbor Health and an assistant professor of pharmacy at the University of Texas in Austin. “As far as the newly reported #suicidalthoughts possibly related to the GLP-1s, there will have to be an abundance of evidence that proves causation, not just correlation,” she said. Pepin also explains that millions of people have taken these medications, and the more people who take them, the more likely these side effects will show up. “The numbers of #suicidalthoughts are relatively small compared to the number of prescriptions written for these medications,” she adds. “The population who takes these medications have comorbidities or underlying conditions that may influence their response to drugs,” she tells Healthline. Examples include pre-existing #mentalhealthconditions like #depression or comorbidities like heart disease, which can often be associatedTrusted Source with #depression, she adds. “These responses may have little or nothing to do with the medication they are taking,” she said. What to know before taking GLP-1 medications Be sure to discuss your concerns about side effects from GLP-1 drugs with your #doctor. GLP-1s are intended for people with higher BMIs GLP-1 medications mimic the hunger hormones that suppress appetite and promote satiety or a feeling of fullness. “We have to remember that medications like Ozempic and Wegovy are meant for people who are over a BMI of 30 or 27 with one comorbidity,” said Batash. “These medications are frequently used off-label for people who are below a 27 BMI,” he adds. “Please remember that these medications got approved for weight loss only recently and we don’t know long-term side effects of these medications and dosages that are currently taken for weight loss,” he told Healthline. Black box warnings provide crucial safety information about GLP-1 drugs Pepin said the safety warnings around the GLP-1 drugs are very explicit in the prescribing information. “A Black Box Warning, or the most serious type of warning that can be included in prescribing information, is common among these medications,” she said. The FDA warning is to avoid these GLP-1 agonist medications if you have a history of or a family history of: - medullary thyroid cancer because the GLP-1s may cause an increased risk of this type of cancer - pancreatitis, so it is recommended to avoid the #drugs in people with a history of pancreatitis or at risk of pancreatitis “Side effects of these medications can be pretty severe, and if your quality of life is affected, you should look for other methods that can help you lose weight,” said Batash. GLP-1s are not a sustainable long-term solution for #weightloss Batash said these medications are not a long-term solution for #weightloss unless you are willing to commit to a lifetime of taking them. He also said you will need to consider the cost of medication use over a long period of time, asking yourself if it makes sense to spend large amounts of money to use medication that may not be medically necessary. Pepin agrees. “People should consider the cost of the #drugs because they are very expensive, particularly when taken for #weightloss.” “Very few, if any, insurance companies will pay for them,” she said. What to do if you have #suicidalthoughts while taking Ozempic or other GLP-1 #drugs “You should always be aware and be well-informed of all possible side effects of medications you are taking,” said Batash. “It is important to be under medical supervision while taking any of the medications but especially ones that can affect your #mentalhealth,” he added. “If you feel like you might be experiencing any of the side effects listed for medications that you are taking, it is important to inform your medical provider immediately.” There are a few more things to consider if you’re taking a GLP-1 medication and experiencing suicidal thinking. First, Pepin recommends the person call a #suicidehotline or their #therapist if they have one, immediately. If you or your loved one experiences #suicidalthoughts, thoughts of #self-harm, or extreme #hopelessness, call the #NationalSuicidePreventionLifeline, for free and confidential support at #988. Then, Pepin suggests that the person contact their provider as soon as possible and have a discussion regarding the continuation or discontinuation of the #drug. “The provider can look at the individual’s health history and comorbidities to determine, if in their clinical judgment, it is prudent to continue the medication or not,” she said. “A risk-benefit analysis should also be done to aid in this situation,” said Pepin. Batash echoes this, noting that it’s important for any #physician who is prescribing these medications to do a screening. “A #patient who has history of having #mentalhealthissues or experience #suicidalthoughts should not be prescribed GLP-1 agonists for #weightloss or #diabetes and should be strongly cautioned about potential side effects,” said Batash. Read the full article
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hpscreations1 · 1 year
Significance Of Lanyard Card Holders
Lanyard are assisting with making work environments, schools, and public structures more secure with lanyard holders that can be utilized to show an individual's ID. In this blog, we investigate the significance of lanyard card holders, and take a gander at where they may be utilized and what your choices are with regards to tweaking them.
What are lanyard connections?
A lanayard is a slight piece of texture that is worn around the neck in a circle. The material (typically polyester) can be variety coordinated and printed with a logo or message that mirrors your organization's visual character.
They likewise accompany security breaks fitted, yet we can supply them without assuming you like. Wellbeing breaks are intended to snap to forestall stifling in the event that the lanyard is at any point pulled or gets found out on something.
Custom lanyard are perfect for raising brand mindfulness, which makes them well known with advertisers, yet their usefulness goes past promoting. You can likewise browse a scope of helpful clasps and connections that provide your lanayard another motivation.
Every one of our lanyard accompany a metal trigger clasp as standard, however you can browse others, for example, a split ring, a carabiner, a lobster paw, a Japan snare, or a crocodile cut.
From enjoyable to practical, there are an entire scope of lanyard connections, however our most famous is the lanyard card holder. This inflexible plastic connection can hold an ID card the size of a Mastercard, which can be worn around the neck for full perceivability.
Why utilize a lanyard card holder?
lanyard card holders are staggeringly pragmatic - they offer workers and understudies an approach to conveying their ID so it's noticeable all the time without them digging into their pack or pocket to bring it out at whatever point they're inquired.
It gives security groups (and different representatives) the capacity to recognize individuals at a speedy look and promise themselves that the wearer is qualified for be there. Whether it's a working environment, a school, or a diversion scene, this degree of safety is expected to guard everybody.
As well as being unimaginably valuable for security, lanyard card holders likewise give consolation to individuals utilizing a help. In a clinic or care home, for instance, it's soothing to know the main name of the individual taking care of you or your cherished one.
Having the option to call out to somebody by them adds a truly necessary human touch!
Where a worker's ID serves as their key lanyard, having it on a lanyard gives them simple admittance to it at whatever point they need it. What's more, they're ensured not to fail to remember it when they move between various region of a structure.
Where are lanyard card holders utilized?
lanyard card holders are utilized where security is significant, and an individual's character should be noticeable constantly. We've selected these spots as specific illustrations, however there are some more:
schools, universities, and colleges
essential medical care settings (a specialists medical procedure or clinic)
care homes/other comparable settings
government workplaces and committee structures
other huge business workplaces
air terminals
crisis administrations for example a police building, fire station and so forth.
Schools and other instructive settings are genuine instances of where just individuals who have passed specific security checks ought to be nearby, which is the reason lanyard card holders are so well known in this area.
At Just lanyard, we are glad to work with a few of Delhi's instructive establishments, including the university of Delhi and Delhi College, where understudies and staff are spread across grounds in various pieces of the city.
What are your printing choices?
Our lanyard card holders are accessible in one or the other scene or representation, and you can decide to have one side open - or both.
We likewise offer a completely encased lanyard holder for those events where you want a lanyard card holder to convey a participation card, key card or ID card however it needn't bother with to be noticeable.
Your choices initially - lanyard card holders
open on one side,
open the two sides,
or then again completely encased
You can exploit the space on one side of your lanyard holder by having it printed with your logo or another plan. Utilizing your Pantone or RGB variety references, we can print your logo to precisely match your image's visual character.
Very much like the lanyard material itself - which can likewise be printed - this is an optimal chance to utilize a space that sounds left clear.
Customized lanyard make incredible limited time instruments since they are seen by different individuals any place the wearer goes. The more helpful your lanyard is, the almost certain it is to be worn once more, giving your image more openness.
The option in contrast to a lanyard card holder
As well as lanyard card holders, we likewise supply clear PVC pockets that fit collapsed paper and lanyards. These connections are great for holding brief recognizable proof, similar to the benevolent you could print to provide for a guest.
They can be utilized with most cord clasps, and they likewise work with twofold finished fashioner lanyards.
PVC pockets are well known at meetings, career expos, and systems administration occasions for showing participants' business lanyards, and they can be utilized for holding celebrity passes and tickets at occasions, similar to live events.
The delicate, adaptable pockets arrive in a scope of sizes from Visa measured (92 x 57mm scene) up to A6 (152 x 135mm scene or representation), and they can be uniquely designed in a size to suit you.
With regards to picking the right custom lanyard connection, we don't anticipate that you should be a specialist - that is where we come in. At Just lanyard, we have long stretches of involvement with assisting clients with picking the right answer for their organization, image, or occasion.
Lanyard are assisting with making work environments, schools, and public structures more secure with card holders that can be utilized to show an individual's ID. In this blog, we investigate the significance of Lanyard card holders, and take a gander at where they may be utilized and what your choices are with regards to tweaking them.
What are lanyard connections?
A lanayard is a slight piece of texture that is worn around the neck in a circle. The material (typically polyester) can be variety coordinated and printed with a logo or message that mirrors your organization's visual character.
They likewise accompany security breaks fitted, yet we can supply them without assuming you like. Wellbeing breaks are intended to snap to forestall stifling in the event that the lanyard is at any point pulled or gets found out on something.
Custom lanyard are perfect for raising brand mindfulness, which makes them well known with advertisers, yet their usefulness goes past promoting. You can likewise browse a scope of helpful clasps and connections that provide your lanayard another motivation.
Every one of our lanyard accompany a metal trigger clasp as standard, however you can browse others, for example, a split ring, a carabiner, a lobster paw, a Japan snare, or a crocodile cut.
From enjoyable to practical, there are an entire scope of lanyard connections, however our most famous is the lanyard card holder. This inflexible plastic connection can hold an ID card the size of a Mastercard, which can be worn around the neck for full perceivability.
Why utilize a lanyard card holder?
lanyard card holders are staggeringly pragmatic - they offer workers and understudies an approach to conveying their ID so it's noticeable all the time without them digging into their pack or pocket to bring it out at whatever point they're inquired.
It gives security groups (and different representatives) the capacity to recognize individuals at a speedy look and promise themselves that the wearer is qualified for be there. Whether it's a working environment, a school, or a diversion scene, this degree of safety is expected to guard everybody.
As well as being unimaginably valuable for security, lanyard card holders likewise give consolation to individuals utilizing a help. In a clinic or care home, for instance, it's soothing to know the main name of the individual taking care of you or your cherished one.
Having the option to call out to somebody by them adds a truly necessary human touch!
Where a worker's ID serves as their key lanyard, having it on a lanyard gives them simple admittance to it at whatever point they need it. What's more, they're ensured not to fail to remember it when they move between various region of a structure.
Where are lanyard card holders utilized?
lanyard card holders are utilized where security is significant, and an individual's character should be noticeable constantly. We've selected these spots as specific illustrations, however there are some more:
schools, universities, and colleges
essential medical care settings (a specialists medical procedure or clinic)
care homes/other comparable settings
government workplaces and committee structures
other huge business workplaces
air terminals
crisis administrations for example a police building, fire station and so forth.
Schools and other instructive settings are genuine instances of where just individuals who have passed specific security checks ought to be nearby, which is the reason lanyard card holders are so well known in this area.
At Just lanyard, we are glad to work with a few of Delhi's instructive establishments, including the university of Delhi and Delhi College, where understudies and staff are spread across grounds in various pieces of the city.
What are your printing choices?
Our lanyard card holders are accessible in one or the other scene or representation, and you can decide to have one side open - or both.
We likewise offer a completely encased lanyard holder for those events where you want a lanyard card holder to convey a participation card, key card or ID card however it needn't bother with to be noticeable.
Your choices initially - lanyard card holders
open on one side,
open the two sides,
or then again completely encased
You can exploit the space on one side of your lanyard holder by having it printed with your logo or another plan. Utilizing your Pantone or RGB variety references, we can print your logo to precisely match your image's visual character.
Very much like the lanyard material itself - which can likewise be printed - this is an optimal chance to utilize a space that sounds left clear.
Customized lanyard make incredible limited time instruments since they are seen by different individuals any place the wearer goes. The more helpful your lanyard is, the almost certain it is to be worn once more, giving your image more openness.
The option in contrast to a lanyard card holder
As well as lanyard card holders, we likewise supply clear PVC pockets that fit collapsed paper and lanyards. These connections are great for holding brief recognizable proof, similar to the benevolent you could print to provide for a guest.
They can be utilized with most cord clasps, and they likewise work with twofold finished fashioner lanyards.
PVC pockets are well known at meetings, career expos, and systems administration occasions for showing participants' business lanyards, and they can be utilized for holding celebrity passes and tickets at occasions, similar to live events.
The delicate, adaptable pockets arrive in a scope of sizes from Visa measured (92 x 57mm scene) up to A6 (152 x 135mm scene or representation), and they can be uniquely designed in a size to suit you.
With regards to picking the right custom lanyard connection, we don't anticipate that you should be a specialist - that is where we come in. At Just lanyard, we have long stretches of involvement with assisting clients with picking the right answer for their organization, image, or occasion. https://www.hpscreations.in/digital-lanyard
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legendarybeardduck · 2 years
The Study of The present Innovation, Information Science
Innovation today…
As of late, there has been a flood in the utilization and development of data based innovation everywhere. Each individual, from a youngster to a 80-year-elderly person, utilize the offices the innovation has given us. Alongside this, the expansion in populace has likewise assumed a major part in the colossal development of data innovation. Presently, since there are a huge number of individuals utilizing this innovation, how much information should be enormous as well. The ordinary data set programming like Prophet and SQL aren't sufficient to handle this colossal measure of information. Thus the terms 'Large information' and 'Information science' were authored. Enormous information an affects the world and information science has as of late ascended to be quite possibly of the most smoking point. Presently how are these two related?
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What is information science?
It is the area of science where different logical methodologies and procedures are consolidated to concentrate on data innovation. In layman language, it is actually the science for concentrating on information. This specific field has developed immensely throughout the long term and as of now pretty much every college has teachers and understudies investigating on learning and investigating this field.
However, for what reason is it a particularly hotly debated issue?
There has forever been a need to record the information made by individuals which will help in foreseeing the future and furthermore in concentrating on the development of individuals' approach to everyday life. It here assumes a major part in recording, overseeing and recovering this information. It is expected to deal with the enormous number of patients being confessed to medical clinics, vehicles being produced each day, anticipating the environment state representing things to come years and so forth.
What more to be familiar with it?
From the models given above, you probably understood that innovation is all over the place. Do you have any idea how Netflix knows the motion pictures and shows you could like? All things considered, it is all a direct result of information science. It utilizes AI calculations and ways to deal with comprehend the necessities of yours and helps you by being out in front of you. The dialects which are utilized in this field are Python, Java, SQL, and so on. Before you step into a universe of information science, you must have a lot of information on math and software engineering alongside these dialects. Both can be considered as the fundamental prerequisite of this subject.
Also Read : Why Is Information Science Preparing Generally Liked?
There has been an ascent in the interest of information science as a subject in the colleges, however sadly, there is definitely not a specific educational program which can be continued in this field since it is an extremely summed up field. Fascinating that information science has been mistaken for information examination ordinarily. On the off chance that you deal with a similar issue, you ought to realize that the fundamental distinction between the two fields is that though in information examination one investigations the past of the information, in information science you won't just learn about the past yet additionally the present and the eventual fate of information. It is likewise said that information science is the foundation of fake learning and everybody knows how computerized reasoning has made an emotional entry into our lives.
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Designing Administrations: Plotting a Lifelong Way
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In deciding a vocation frequently youngsters think extremely broad. My little girl frequently says she needs to be an educator yet never thinks into what field she would facilitate her schooling in. The equivalent goes with specialists, legal counselors, designers and innovation. While pondering professions we want to urge our teens to begin contemplating precisely exact thing everyday issues interest them. On the off chance that they think designing is where there interests lay, they ought to dig further to choose the field of designing that intrigues them prior to beginning their school programs. On the off chance that they truly love being outside a profession as an ecological specialist would play better into their inclinations then biomedical designing.
We will investigate a portion of the designing administrations field underneath. Summing up the field of designing into subcategories will frequently assist with igniting interest in on field over one more for teenagers getting ready to additional their schooling.
Broadcast communications Designing: This sort of designing works in frameworks, for example, telephones, PCs, fiber optics and programmed tellers. They are expert in the field of correspondence whether it is between a vehicle and a bank employee or organizations working with one another from inverse sides of the world. More info here power engineering services
Electronic Designing: This kind of designing administrations offers an opportunity to work with frameworks that are intended for the catch, stockpiling, investigation and transmission of data. They do this by planning an instrument that utilizes electrical energy that can work and control bits of day to day existence.
Aviation design: This sort of designing would be ideal for somebody who is keen on the space and innovation field. They configuration, make and control airplane, space transportation and energy frameworks. These designing administrations are utilized via carriers, common avionics and states.
Natural Designing: This sort of designing is ideally suited for an individual keen on working with issues that influence the world we live in earth. They study, asses and right issues influencing the climate. This incorporates air, water and soil and the protection and utilization of normal assets.
Material Designing: This sort of designing administrations includes the assembling, organizing and treatment of various substances be it metal or not. This field is exceptionally different concerning working circumstances. You could wind up in a foundry, steel/aluminum, plant or even think-tanks that utilization different combinations.
Biomedical Designing: This sort of designing is for every one of the people who need to work inside the medical clinic industry however are not intrigued by the patient consideration side of the field. These individuals have a different work. They can be fixing hardware, for example, Feline scanners, pacemakers to helping a medical procedure groups with fake appendages. They help to work on the personal satisfaction of people.
Structural Designing: This kind of designing administrations is managing the ordinary designs we use in the accommodation of our regular daily existences. Spans, bridges, streets, rail lines and water frameworks are all potentially regions that structural architects will work in.
Designing is only one field where the breakdowns in study are huge and differed. Each time my little girl examines her arrangements for school and chasing after a degree in the field of training we talk about the numerous parts of this field of review. She wants to ponder what age bunch she would be keen on and what subjects she would need to represent considerable authority in. Picking a vocation is a troublesome remember to ponder when you are simply winding up out of secondary school. We actually should direct our kids however much as could reasonably be expected in settling on decisions that will help their better great in the long haul.
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digitalraghul · 2 years
Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods to Diabetes
In This Article, we are going to see about artificial Intelligence methodologies and their application to diabetes in the most efficient way. Let's get into the Article.
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Over the last ten years, the combination of continuous glucose monitoring and data from insulin pumps has changed the management of diabetes. More recently, wristbands or watches have been able to track a wide range of physiological characteristics and functions, including heart rate, sleep duration, steps taken, and activity. Future updates will include more information including barometric pressure, hydration, and geolocation. When all of these factors are considered, it can assist patients and clinicians make decisions. In recent years, there has been a rising interest in the development and implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to decision assistance and knowledge acquisition. Similar new scenarios have emerged in the majority of medical professions. Diabetes-related journals are increasingly including articles that discuss the use of AI techniques in the treatment of the disease. In conclusion, diabetes management situations have undergone a significant transition that compels diabetologists to draw on expertise from other fields. The purpose of this essay is to clearly explain the most popular AI approaches in order to encourage the involvement of healthcare professionals—doctors and nurses—in this field.
AI Methodologies
Expert Medical Systems
Expert systems (ES) are the most prevalent class of AI systems used in everyday clinical practice. In order to assist healthcare providers in their daily job, they are defined as systems with the capacity to capture expert knowledge, facts, and reasoning procedures. 
By using inference techniques to support decision-making or problem-solving, ES attempts to emulate the clinical competence of the doctor. ES is capable of handling facts to draw logical judgments. Among its many utilities, ES is used for picture interpretation, diagnosis support, and alert creation.
RBR relies on the transmission of knowledge from a subject-matter expert to a computer. As a result, the computer must be able to tackle issues that would often require a specialist. If-then sentences are used to describe knowledge so that the chain of reasoning can be clarified. 
A series of conversations between the expert and the knowledge engineer who will ultimately build and test the ES serves as the beginning of the knowledge acquisition process. The domain expert sets all the possibilities during these interviews, and the engineer then encodes this information to make it "machine-interpretable."
CBR uses previously effective solutions to related problems to find answers to new ones. Features of case studies must be mentioned in order to be useful in obtaining other cases. 
Additionally, features must be discriminatory enough to prevent the retrieval of case studies that might provide incorrect solutions due to their extreme differences. Unlike RBR, CBR only needs to find new examples with important features—this is how CBR "learns"—instead of requiring an explicit domain model.
Machine Learning
Algorithms that use machine learning (ML) have the capacity to learn over time without being explicitly designed. Problem-solving, typically based on data classification, is one of machine learning's key aspects. Heuristic methods have been gradually replaced by ML techniques. 
Data mining is the process of extracting useful knowledge from huge databases, like those found in electronic medical records, that may contain implicit regularities. 
Additionally, ML can be used in fields where a computer program must dynamically adjust to changing circumstances. For instance, ML algorithms are important in an artificial pancreas system to learn from each patient monitoring data set and adapt over time.
ANNs are based on how linked neurons work in the human brain. The basic unit, the neuron, produces only one output while taking in several inputs. Each link has a weight that corresponds to the significance of the output. 
The neural network "learns" by practicing with predetermined inputs, comparing the observed output to the expected one, and using the difference in output to change weights. As a result, the links that lead to the right answers are reinforced, while the links that lead to the wrong responses are weakened.
Deep learning
A new area of machine learning called deep learning is based on how neurons behave in human brains. It uses a hierarchical level of ANN to carry out the classification process, hence it may be seen as an evolution of ANN. 
Deep learning algorithms are especially effective at learning processes and give systems based on them a high level of intelligence. The term "deep" in deep neural networks alludes to the fact that numerous layers of processing convert input data—whether it be images, audio, or text—into an output that can be used to make judgments.
A process of adaptation in the field of diabetology is necessary to include new strategies for managing diabetes. For both patients and healthcare professionals, technology, in particular sensors and computer programs, has emerged as a crucial tool in the management of diabetes. Doctors and nurses must overlook the fundamentals in order to better identify answers to each patient's circumstances, even though modern diabetes care units should have a diabetic technologist to deal with technology. In addition to a list of pertinent papers on AI used to treat diabetes, this article offers a comprehensive explanation of the fundamental ideas, definitions, and terminology typically used in applications linked to Artificial 
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activelifedocs1 · 2 years
Choose The Best Weight Loss Clinic For Successful Weight Loss
Fat wins sensations, where a huge number of people all over the planet are running day to day to their nearest  Weight loss clinic in Bakersfield ca and furthermore one more kind of wellness to lose their weight and look great yet a couple of individuals get accomplishment while different other perspiration for extended hrs with no outcome. In the event that anybody is expecting that they will do their own, after that, they are making the best screw up because of the way that terrible weight is a youth's play. It needs a few levels of skill and self-motivation since simply those individuals can do who have tirelessness as it might not be many weeks as well as a month in the middle between, you want to do it with any void constantly.
Assuming that any individual is genuinely intrigued and wishes to shed their weight after that quite possibly of the most urgent point you need to do is to get wellbeing and wellness experts who have long periods of involvement and are likewise adequately qualified to guide you appropriately as well as effectively in accomplishing your objective. Prior to taking on any kind of actual wellness approach, it would absolutely be vastly improved for you to ensure on your own that anything you have brought on the procedure for thinning down is solid and hazard-free.
To get take out these issues continually execute any sort of Weight loss exercise in an exceptional Weight loss office under the direction of qualified and experienced wellbeing and health specialists and furthermore experts that comprehend everything concerning wellbeing and wellbeing resorts.
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Assuming you are major for losing your weight in the most right means, then, at that point, it would positively be vastly improved for you to take on a suitable system, which should be ready by the specialists while keeping up with private person and type as the main priority. Continuously pick a deeply grounded and furthermore known Weight loss center that is upheld by extremely gifted wellbeing experts to guarantee that the get-healthy plan goes productively and you are substantially more benefited. At such actual wellness, very gifted specialists recommend the technique as well as one should stick to exactly the same to limit weight and after that do all solutions in your home.
Moreover, you should make the right eating routine technique as suggested by wellbeing and health-trained professionals. Balance diet is exceptionally essential because of the way that it is only one of the most effective strategies to thin down so assuming you are deciding on going to a Weight loss facility, then you begin with the need to choose concerning diet due to the way that in need fitting eating regimen plan likewise, consistent perspiring will positively give zero result.
Before joining any wellness club or embracing a well-being and health actual workout schedule, it is essential for you to counsel your clinical expert or well-being and health experts who will lead in taking on the well-thought-out plan and furthermore suggest your eating regimen and furthermore the best suitable wellbeing and wellness. Because of the way that certain individuals experience issues while perspiring in actual wellness while others have an unfavorably susceptible response with explicit activity so remembering these things, wellbeing experts and furthermore clinical experts wellbeing and health you losing your weight inappropriate means.
In the hour of procuring wellbeing and wellness devices, you must be incredibly cautious since there are heaps of organizations that stock and sell exactly the same in the market without a get leeway testament from the wellbeing and health division or approval of clinical experts that kind of gear might be risky for you so ensure on your own that the instruments you have purchased are logically approved and licensed by clinical experts or wellbeing experts.
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stargazer-sims · 2 years
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19 - Zahir and Dylan
"Are we ready for this?"
Dylan gazes across the café table at his husband. They haven't said anything to each other in the last five minutes, but despite there being no thread of conversation, Dylan doesn't need to ask what Zahir is talking about. Zahir has that look on his face that he always gets when he's thinking hard about something; a distracted frown and a crease between his brows.
"It's a little too late to ask that question now, don't you think?" Dylan says. "I mean, we had the procedure yesterday."
Dylan still can't get over how easy the whole thing had been. He'd been preparing himself mentally for a major production, but the implantation procedure had actually turned out to be quick and straightforward. He and Zahir had arrived at the clinic for his appointment at two in the afternoon, and they were home again by half-past four. By five, Dylan was tucked into bed and sleeping like a rock, inexplicably exhausted, but largely unharmed as far as he could tell.
At the clinic, one of the staff had gotten Dylan settled in a room that didn't look all that different from a regular hospital room. They let Zahir help him undress and change into a thing like a backwards hospital gown that closed in the front, and then they'd given him a light sedative. Once the drugs had kicked in and he was way more chilled out than he'd ever been in his life, someone else came along to escort him to the room where the procedure would be performed.
Zahir was allowed to stay with him the entire time, and the local anesthetic Dr. Zira gave him made it so he could barely move the lower half of his body and couldn't feel a thing. The nurse put up some sort of curtain — Zahir said it was called a surgical drape — and they were both spared having to witness Dr. Zira inserting a needle into Dylan's stomach. Zahir stroked his hair and sang quietly to him and generally tried to keep him distracted, although Dylan suspected it was more to calm himself. Dylan was so mellow at that point, he couldn't have cared less what the doctor was doing to him.
No more than twenty minutes later, Dylan was back in his little room, resting and waiting for the drugs to wear off enough to satisfy Dr. Zira that it was okay for Zahir to take him home.
"I still can't believe you're not experiencing anything they said you would," Zahir says. "It's been twenty-four hours. Do you think this means it didn't work?"
"No." Dylan takes a bite of cake that undoubtedly qualifies as impolite. Around the mouthful, he says, "It's literally been less than twenty-four hours, Zahir. I think it's too soon to tell if it worked or not."
"Are you sure you're not feeling ill or anything? No fever or fatigue or pains in your belly?"
"You know I was feeling tired right after they did it, but the only pain in my stomach was from being absolutely freakin' starving this morning, after not being allowed to eat all day yesterday. I'm still mad that I couldn't find a place to order a pizza before eleven o'clock in the morning."
"If you're like this now, what are you going to be like when the pregnancy cravings start?" Zahir teases.
"I'll be super extra mad when I can't get a takeaway pizza before eleven in the morning," Dylan tells him. "And to answer your other question, I think we're ready. If we're not ready now, we're never going to be. Obviously, there's gonna be a huge learning curve, so I guess we're not prepared in the technical sense, but emotionally and physically and financially, I know we've got this."
"If you're confident..."
"You know what your problem is? You worry too much about everything," Dylan says. "You gotta be more Zen."
Zahir laughs. "You know this is why you're the one who's having the baby, right? I'd be a wreck if it were me."
"I know," Dylan says. "Me? I just roll with whatever."
"I'm glad you do," Zahir says.
Dylan smiles around another bite of cake. "You need my calming influence."
"I do," Zahir concedes.
"We balance each other, 'cause I need your organizational skills. Imagine what a mess I'd be without you."
"You're still a mess, even with me." Zahir picks up his napkin, reaches across the small table and wipes a bit of icing off Dylan's face. "Honestly, Dylan. Why are you like this?"
Dylan catches Zahir's hand before he can pull it back. "Are you complaining?"
"How did you even get frosting on you, that far from your mouth?"
"It's a talent," Dylan says. "This cake is awesome, by the way."
"I suppose it wouldn't do any good for me to remind you that you're going to have to start eating healthier after this. No more lunches that are just cake, coffee and soft drinks."
"You're not going to try to talk me into eating celery or something, are you? Also, just so you know, pizza covers all four of the major food groups, so it's technically healthy. Even if you won't let me have cake, you can't say no to pizza."
"Well, I could, but I'm afraid you'd make me sleep on the sofa if I tried."
Dylan tilts his head, pretending to think this over. "Tough choice there," he says. "Pizza, or sleeping in the same bed as my fabulously sexy husband. I choose... pizza."
Zahir groans. "That's it. We're getting a divorce."
Dylan laughs out loud. "You dumbass. You know I love you way more than pizza. Besides, who's going to sing me to sleep if you're downstairs on the sofa? I'd have to come down there and try to sleep with you."
"I don't think that'd work very well."
"Yeah, 'cause my wide butt wasn't made for sleeping on narrow couches. So, of course I'm going to choose you over pizza, because I want my big comfy bed and I want you in it," Dylan says. "But, I still want a little pizza on the side."
Zahir shakes his head. "How did I end up married to such an adorable idiot?"
"It's your own fault. You were the one who asked me, remember? And then we did that big thing where your family had to meet me and give their approval and stuff. I felt like maybe I was marrying them, too. Remember how your grandmother was super confused, and she was all, 'Zahir, your girlfriend looks like a man'. I nearly hurt myself trying not to laugh."
"Wait until she hears you're pregnant," Zahir says.
"I'm not officially pregnant yet," Dylan reminds him. "We still have to wait ten days and then go for the scan or whatever, to see for sure if the implants worked or not."
"Are you hoping both of them will work?"
"Oh, hell no," Dylan says. "I'm cool with one baby, but I think I'd struggle with two. We could manage two somehow, but I'll be more than satisfied with just one. Anyway, we shouldn't worry about it too much. You remember what Dr. Zira said. If one implants, the other usually doesn't."
"Right," Zahir says. "We shouldn't tell anyone anything until after we get all the results from your scan, I guess."
"Yeah, I think it'd be best to wait," Dylan agrees. "Just in case it doesn't work at all, although I'm positive it's going to. After we know, then we can tell your grandmother and everyone else in our families."
"My grandmother's reaction is going to be priceless, I think."
"I almost want to go for a visit and tell her in person, just to see," says Dylan. "That's probably kind of mean, though, isn't it? Laughing at an old lady's expense."
"Probably most of my family won’t really believe it," says Zahir. "Even if we show them the images from your first scan when the time comes, I doubt they'll be convinced. I think they're actually going to have to see you with a belly."
"You mean, with more of a belly than I have now? It might be a while before anybody believes it, if that's the only thing they're going by," Dylan says. "On the plus side, I might get to avoid a few awkward conversations with people at work for a while. Those nerds have no filters."
"I thought you were going to start working from home."
"Only if I don't feel good. Like, I'm totally not interested in puking in the men's room at the office every morning. If I'm going to lose my breakfast, I'd rather not do it in a public washroom. Oh, and let's not forget the potential dizziness and fainting. Passing out at work? No thanks."
"Fair enough," Zahir says. "No tough guy stuff, though, okay? If you aren't feeling well, I really want you to stay home too."
"Since when have I ever tried to be a tough guy when I'm sick? The first time I have even a hint of an upset stomach in the morning, I'm exercising my option to do remote work. And then I'm gonna put on my dragon onesie and lie in bed with my laptop like the lazy person I am, and be super whiny and dramatic about how terrible I feel.”
"I’m still waiting for the day when I see you get dramatic over anything,” Zahir remarks. “Also, you’re the only adult I know who can unironically wear a onesie."
"Dude, I was built for clothing without waistbands. Overalls, onesies, bathrobes... you know. I'm legitimately going to use pregnancy as an excuse to dress like a slob. It's gonna be great."
Zahir gives him an amused look. "I'm glad you're taking this so well."
"I'm ready for it, like I said," Dylan says. "Anyway, what's the point in being stressed out? Whatever is going to happen, will happen. I don't think we'll have too many problems, but if we do, we'll deal with them as they come up."
"We should plan ahead a little bit, though," says Zahir.
"Yeah, of course we're going to plan stuff. There's still a lot to figure out, but none of it is urgent and none of it is worth losing sleep over."
"I doubt anybody else is handling this as well as you."
"What do you mean, anybody else?" Dylan asks. "Who else is there, besides you and me?"
"No, I didn't mean who's handling it better between the two of us," says Zahir. "Obviously, that’s you. But, I was thinking about the support group. Do you think any of the others are as calm as you?"
Dylan shrugs. "No idea, but I guess we'll find out tomorrow."
"If you're feeling up to it."
"There's no reason to think I won't be," Dylan says. "I'm completely fine right now. If I was going to have any of the side effects the doctor said I'd have, I think I'd have them by now, so I'm sure it'll be all good."
"Are you nervous about meeting the other people in the group?"
"Not really. Are you?"
"A little bit," Zahir admits. "I just keep imagining what they’ll be like. I wonder what sort of people decide to have this procedure."
"You mean, besides fat, nerdy white dudes and their smokin' hot partners?"
Zahir makes an undignified snorting sound while trying to suppress a laugh. "Do you ever take anything seriously?"
"You know I do," Dylan says. "I take this very seriously. I just have a philosophical objection to being boring, that's all."
"My love, you will never be boring."
Even after all the years they've been together, Dylan still melts a little every time Zahir calls him 'my love'. He recalls the first time, lying on a beach on the island of Sulani during spring break of their final year of university. They'd already been seeing each other for nearly three years at that point. Dylan knew he was in love with Zahir only a few months after they'd met, but it'd evidently taken Zahir a bit longer to come to the realization that he loved Dylan, and longer still for the typically reserved Zahir to say so out loud. When he finally did, though, Dylan felt it'd been absolutely worth waiting for.
Later that year, during Winterfest, Zahir asked Dylan to marry him. Dylan didn't hesitate to say yes. They had a long engagement, but they'd wanted their wedding to be perfect, and for that, they'd needed to save money. In March of the year they were both turning twenty-five, they returned to Sulani to say their vows on that same golden beach, with their families and close friends looking on.
Dylan marvels at the fact that they celebrated their eighth anniversary only a few months ago. Everything about their relationship is astounding to him, if he stops and thinks about it. Sometimes he's still shocked that of all the people Zahir could've had, he's the one Zahir ended up with. Beautiful, posh, sexy, talented Zahir had all the choice in the world, and he chose the chubby geek from the trailer park with no grace or sense of style.
But, if he's learned anything at all from being with Zahir, it's that real love goes deeper than what's on the surface. To outsiders, he supposes that he and Zahir couldn't possibly appear any more different, and a lot of people likely look at them and try to figure out how they even got together. The truth that he and Zahir know is that they're connected on a level that transcends social or economic class, cultural background, upbringing, or any of their physical characteristics. They understand each other in ways that no one else ever could, and they have similar views on humanity and the world. They have shared goals, and they recognize that each of them needs the other's support to reach those goals.
They are a team. Dylan never wants that to change.
"You know something?" Dylan says. "I feel like the luckiest person in the universe right now."
"Oh?" says Zahir. "Because of the baby?"
"Because of you," Dylan says. "There wouldn't be the slightest chance of a baby without you. But, even if this doesn't work, even if we never have kids at all, you'll still be here."
Zahir smiles. "You know how some people are always asking their partner for reassurance that they'll be with them forever, no matter what? I love that you never do that."
"I don't need to do that. You're not going anywhere. I know you care about me too much to leave me, regardless of what's going on in our lives."
"You are the most amazing person," Zahir says. "I hope you know that, too."
Dylan feels himself blushing at this praise. "I guess it's a matter of perspective."
"Well, from my perspective, you're brave and confident and a lot stronger than I would be in this situation.”
"Because I've got you beside me," Dylan says. "We're doing this together."
"Absolutely," says Zahir. "Every step of the way."
"I wonder if the other people in our group can say that?"
"I don't know," Zahir says. "I hope so. I can't begin to imagine making this huge a decision without knowing your partner is with you one hundred percent, but then again, not everyone is like us. Maybe some people are okay with taking extreme risks."
"I hate to think what their futures will look like."
"Then, try not to," Zahir says. "Let's just focus on ours. We've got enough to do on our own. Everyone else can sort themselves out.
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tallmantall · 11 months
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