#and then when they referenced lee I was like oh yeah
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Why didn't you do a Lee Norris read? I was so upset with you. -Rider
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rrxnjun · 2 years
annoying (derogatory). ldh
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pairing: lee donghyuck x fem! reader genre: college au, halloween au | crack(?), fluff wc: 3k (2.920) warnings: too much alcohol, kind of rushed and very stupid a/n: i know its technically not halloween anymore but this idea came to me this morning and i just had to write it. haven't posted anything in a while and i missed writing a lot <3 also thank you @decembermoonskz and @yaesnovels for the help with this fic!
you arrive at a halloween party only to find out your biggest nightmare came true in real life: you accidentally wear matching couple outfits with your biggest enemy. or where annoying (derogatory) turns into annoying (affectionate).
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Black skinny jeans, blue jean button-up, black shoes and a tacky black coat. Your eyes meet with none other than your main enemy, a shit-eating grin slowly creeping at his face making you freeze in your spot and arch your back like an angry cat when you realise a fact that is immediately confirmed by the snicker coming from behind your ear.
“Your couple costume is so good guys, didn’t know you were dating-”
“Jeno, shut the fuck up. You know damn well this is not a couple costume,” you mutter, not liking the fact that your friend is feeding into this situation.
“Oh,” Jeno blinks, faking a surprise, “but he’s Edward. And… you’re Bella… isn’t it a couple costume, then?” he asks, pouting, acting lost in thought.
“No, it’s not-”
“Just admit that you planned this all along, Y/N,” Donghyuck grins, “you wanted to match with me, obviously.”
“I did not! I didn’t even know you’re going as Edward. If I knew, I wouldn’t have gone as Bella, for fuck’s sake,” you mourn in agony, hating the Halloween party you were invited to already, solely for the fact that you’re accidentally wearing couple costumes with the guy you hate the most on this earth. 
Lee Donghyuck has been on your death wishlist for as long as you’ve known him. His annoying (derogatory) attitude and the confidence he radiates was already a hint for you that you wouldn’t like him when you first met him at university, but it was only solidified on one sunny day when he made fun of your haircut. Yeah, it might have been a bad, terrible haircut– you can even admit that– but he really didn’t have to call you Dora the explorer every time he saw you at campus until your hair didn’t grow back. Yes, this was the exact situation that made you hate the guy more than you hate anything in this world. Some would say you’re petty. You just think you’re being reasonable.
“I talked about it in the groupchat!” Hyuck exclaims, referencing the Whatsapp group chat you’re both in because of mutual friends.
“Well, I have your number blocked so I don’t have to read your annoying messages every morning,” you snap, seeing Donghyuck only smile at your frustrated figure, making you more annoyed.
“I’ll have you know, Ryujin enjoys my good morning texts,” he smugly proclaims, shrugging.
“Yeah,” you nod, “because she lacks common sense,” you add, seeing the man in front of you snicker at your nasty remark, loving the sight of you all worked up and frustrated.
“Don’t be mean,” he says, “I thought that was my job. Or, at least, that’s what you told me when I called you Dora-”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, not this again,” you roll your eyes at him, not wanting to see the look on his face he always has when he teases you. “See? He’s being annoying again-” you turn around, wanting to find comfort in Jeno, only to realise he’s no longer watching over your little quarrel, but is standing in the corner of the room with his friends from class instead, drinking out of a small red cup.
Turning back around to see Donghyuck leaning on the kitchen counter, hands resting at the very top, you try hard to ignore the grin on his face. Catching him eyeing you from head to toe, you furrow your brows and shake your head in disapproval. “Stop staring at me, weirdo.”
“Just wanting to see if you’ve done a better job than me, that’s all.”
“Yeah, sure,” you sigh, walking over to the kitchen counter, looking for a cup that would contain something you’d enjoy drinking– because you can’t even smell vodka without wanting to physically carve your stomach out of your body (you’d call this reflex your bad flashbacks from war)– Donghyuck’s voice lands into your ear once again, possibly the effect of his figure standing so close to yours.
“Chill out already, would you? Let’s dance,” he says, pointing his chin towards the living room, resonating with roaring music and filled with various other people from your university, all dressed in costumes. A rumor has it that Johnny-- the host-- was kicking out everyone that came without one, and with how much this guy loves Halloween, you don't even try to doubt the information.
You huff, laughing at Hyuck's proposal. “I would rather die than to dance with you, Lee Donghyuck.”
Silence– well, to a certain extent, with the loud EDM music playing in the background– overtakes the two of you after your response, your eyes still searching through the sea of alcohol poured in various red cups over on the kitchen counter, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Do these people really not drink anything other than vodka and cheap beer? Sighing in disappointment, almost reaching for the beer– because everything’s better than vodka– a hand holding a single red cup comes into your rear point of vision, making you look up at your silent companion in confusion.
Taking the cup into your hand and sniffing, your eyes meet your supposed enemy, to which he expressionlessly says: “Rum and coke. I know vodka makes you puke.”
“Thanks,” you say, hesitantly taking a sip and averting your gaze from the male, taken aback by his sudden act of service.
“Will you dance with me now?”
Sighing, you shoot him a glance, seeing the shit-eating grin appearing on his face again, making your blood boil at unreachable heights. “I will kill you tonight, Hyuck.”
“We’ll see about that, spider monkey.”
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“Oh, you two look amazing together-”
“We’re not a couple,” you cut off the stranger passing you by on your walk down the street, sighing to yourself.
A few drinks, screams at the top of your lungs on the dance floor and selfies in your Halloween costumes later, you two and another few friends– the most sober ones of the group– were sent on a McDonald’s run. You argued that you could just order pizza, or that you could just get Postmates, but Jisung got too drunk to remember how it works and insisted on you getting it personally, because, quote, the stranger could eat his chicken wings, and, well, Jeno can never say no to Jisung, so… here you are.
“Not gonna lie, dudes,” Mark says, laughing to himself, “the disgusted look on Y/N’s face every time she has to explain this to someone is the only thing keeping me going right now.”
“I’m glad that at least someone is having fun,” you mutter under your breath.
“Who said he was the only one? I am enjoying this,” Donghyuck snickers, walking by your side as if to annoy you even further. Every time his hand accidentally brushes against yours as you walk– because even though you’re the most sober of the group, the amount of rum and cokes you’ve drank tonight is still enough to make you walk a little to the side– makes you want to turn around on your heel and scream into an endless void full of your misery. 
Every time you see the man next to you grin with his perfect pearly whites, the hairs on your arms stand up in nerves, your stomach feels funny and the pit on the very bottom of it only deepens. You’ve never felt this much frustration, annoyance and anger towards someone. Normally, you’re a pretty chill person– it’s just that Lee Donghyuck is a menace to society and to yourself twice as much. 
Walking into the McDonald’s that’s luckily only a few streets away from Johnny’s house, you stand in line and wait for your turn to finally order the endless list of meals the group waiting back at the party managed to stick together. Looking around, seeing a long line of teenagers dressed in various costumes, you find a new sense of appreciation for humanity. Isn’t it funny how once a year, we dress as someone else for one day just because we feel like it? Humans are actually pretty cute, if you think about it.
Lost in your thoughts, you almost don’t notice Donghyuck talking to someone that’s standing behind him. His words blur in your tipsy mind, allowing yourself to relax for just a bit and calm down before you have to carry the bags with food down the street again, back to the party, when the words girlfriend and Bella startle you awake.
“Yeah, it took me so long to convince her to come as Bella, ‘cause she always refuses to watch the movies with me, but she loves me too much, so she finally agreed-”
“What the fuck are you talking about, Donghyuck?” you ask, not even having enough energy to scream at him anymore, just furrowing your brows in resignance. 
“Don’t mind her, she gets a little grumpy when she’s drunk, right, sweetie?” Hyuck grins at you as he puts an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. The smell of his showergel mixed with the cologne he uses– strawberries and coconut with just a hint of pinewood– hits your nose, making you swim in a weird sense of comfort and jumpiness. You once told him he uses too much cologne. He joked that it was so you would notice him, but ever since, the smell of his cologne has become less prominent, the sweet mix of strawberries and coconut making itself more known to your nose every time he was close to you in any way.
“We’re not even dating…” you lock eyes with the stranger dressed like Batman as you sigh, seeing the confusion in his hooded eyes when they jump from your figure to Donghyuck’s close to each other in a comfortable embrace.
Standing in the line at McDonald’s, various grinning teenagers pointing towards you two and telling you what a cute couple you are, you grow tired of explaining to them that your matching costumes are a mere coincidence. And with Lee Donghyuck sabotaging your every attempt at getting it straight and telling everyone that you actually hate your supposed other half, it becomes impossible to spread your truth, and so you just eventually stop trying.
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Drinking so much the world is spinning and you feel hot in your cheeks, talking in the kitchen with Jaemin, Jeno and (ignoring) Donghyuck, you feel like this evening couldn’t get any better. You see, you may sound like an alcoholic right now, but the more rum and coke you drink, the less you mind Hyuck’s annoying teasing and the bad music choices from the resident DJ Jungwoo. You asked him to play Pitbull twice. He refused both times, and if that’s not a sign of a bad DJ, you don’t know what is.
Laughing at a joke Jaemin made, you momentarily lock eyes with Hyuck before you jump up in surprise at a loud scream coming from behind your back.
“Bella! Where the hell have you been, loca?!” 
Turning around, you see a tall man with a wig on, wearing the most ratchet outfit cut out of a 2009 movie– there was no doubt, this was none other than Xiao Dejun dressed as Jacob from Twilight. Laughing at the whole situation– because there’s nothing else you’re able to do now, after realising that the three of you accidentally wore the costumes of a love triangle without knowing the other’s intentions, you watch as the man replicates the scene from the movie and runs towards you to pick you up into a spinning hug.
“This is getting ridiculous,” you giggle when he puts you on the ground.
“Why? You didn’t plan this?” he asks, seemingly not knowing about the rivalry between you and Hyuck as his eyes dance from him to you, seeing you shake your head in disapproval.
“Don’t listen to him if he tries to tell you otherwise, but no, we did not plan this,” you laugh, seeing Dejun join you in the little moment of you slowly going crazy. 
“Well, that’s just great, because that means I can drag you to the dancefloor without Edward here getting mad at me!” Dejun yelps as he physically drags you to the living room by your right hand, body swaying to the beat of the never-stopping EDM music playing through the speakers. You don’t really remember you and Dejun being this close, you only had a few classes with him last semester, but it seems that the alcohol level in your blood is no longer letting you have any barriers tonight. Eyes shortly switching to the kitchen– completely subconsciously, really– you notice Donghyuck staring at the two of you with a cold look, jaw clenched. It only adds to the costume of Edward, you’d say, since you don’t remember the man having any other expressions in the movie, but the sight of Hyuck looking like that makes you a little taken aback, since you’ve never seen him with this face before.
“Are you sure you two didn’t come together? ‘Cause Edward Cullen over there looks a little jealous, if I may say so myself,” Dejun screams into your ear, making you roll your eyes at the comment.
“Don’t mind him,” you shake your head, “we hate each other.”
Dejun’s eyes widen at your last sentence, surprise overtaking his features. “Really?” 
“Yeah,” you snicker, “he called me Dora the explorer for two months after I got a really bad haircut, I can’t stand that guy,” you laugh, seeing Dejun only snicker as he takes your right hand and rises it towards the ceiling, urging you to twirl for him like a ballerina. 
“Well, that’s understandable,” he laughs, “even I’d hate him for that, if I was in your place.”
When the song ends and Dejun finds another familiar face in the corner of the living room, you find yourself sitting on the abandoned sofa in the middle of the room, finally letting yourself take deep breaths and try to force your head to stop spinning. Fanning your face before you take off your statement Bella zip-up hoodie, you let your eyes rest for a moment as you notice the sharp pain in your left temple– the first sign that you’ve had enough alcohol for tonight. Telling yourself you’re only gonna stay until you don’t feel a bit better, you try to force your brain to not shut off, before a painful slap to your thigh startles you awake as the sofa dips next to you with the weight of another figure. 
“You okay?” you hear the all too familiar voice of none other than tonight’s Edward Cullen. After so many hours of being around him, you don’t even hate it as much anymore– in the loud screaming of the evening, you’d even consider it a safe haven.
Humming in agreement as you nod, you notice his hand on your thigh lightly massaging the spot he slapped before, the touch of his hand burns your clothed skin, sending shivers down your spine. “You want some water?” he asks, but as you shake your head to say no, there’s not a single thought in your head as you focus on the motion of his fingers on your leg, thinking of how you’ve never seen him so caring before, making you believe that maybe if he wasn’t so annoying towards you, you wouldn’t hate him as much. 
“Do you want to go home?” he asks again, making you want to curse at him for breaking the silence (well, not really, since the havoc is still happening and the music is still playing), but instead, you only hum and cover his hand on your thigh with your palm, not even thinking about your actions. The danger of drinking is that you never know when the drink you have is the last one that takes you over the edge of having fun to being absolutely fucking miserable, and you think that the one you had right before Dejun dragged you to the dance floor was exactly the one doing just that.
“In a bit. Want my head to stop spinning so much first,” you say, letting your head drop onto his shoulder, enjoying the calmness of the situation after the stress and loudness of the whole night.
The smell of strawberries and coconut overtakes the smell of alcohol lingering in the room, calming your senses and making you wonder why you never gave Hyuck a chance before. It’s not like he was wrong about the haircut, after all… 
“I’m team Edward, just by the way,” Donghyuck mumbles into your ear, making you snicker. To think you were considering that he wasn’t so bad just a few seconds ago…
“You know, Hyuck, I’m starting to think you’re an actual vampire, with how you’re sucking out my energy the whole evening,” you mutter, hearing the boy laugh at your comment before his tone turns suggestive as he leans even closer to your ear.
“Maybe I can suck your neck instead, like an actual vampire, you know-”
Feeling hot in your cheeks from the comment that just escaped from between his lips, hating the way it made you feel all funny in your stomach, you sigh and move away from him, standing up from the sofa in urgency. “I’m actually going to kill you, you know-”
“Oh, come on,” he giggles, taking you by your hand and dragging you back down to the sofa, “sit for a bit and then I’ll walk you home, okay? I was only joking…” he says, seeing you roll your eyes, but your body slides deeper into the sofa cushions, getting comfortable. “Unless…?” 
Yeah, never mind. Lee Donghyuck is still the most annoying (affectionate) human being you’ve ever met in your whole, entire life.
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shefaniquotes · 8 months
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Songs that have been referenced by Blake or Gwen in connection to their relationship or are otherwise associated with them
1. Hotline Bling – Drake
💬 Blake: "Gwen sang it to me on 'The Tonight Show' one night, so ..."
🎼Call me on my cell phone Late night when you need my love I know when that hotline bling That can only mean one thing
2. Step By Step – Eddie Rabbitt
💭 Blake often sang this song in BSers Lounge – fans associated it with Shefani
🎼First step, ask her out and treat her like a lady Second step, tell her she's the one you're dreaming of Third step, take her in your arms and never let her go Don't you know that step by step, step by step, you'll win her love?
3. Leather and Lace – Stevie Nicks
💬 Blake: "We should [cover that song]." Shefani fans favorite since Gwen performed the song in December 2015
🎼But I carry this feeling When you walked into my house That you won't be walking out the door Still, I carry this feeling When you walked into my house That you won't be walking out the door
4. I've Been Lookin' – Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
💭 Back in summer 2018, Blake’s mom posted a video of them singing this song while driving in OK
🎼I've been looking for a love Someone to hold as I lay sleepin' I'm not talking 'bout someone Who's scared of promises Or keepin' 'em I'm just looking for a love To stand the test of time I've been lookin' for someone To be all mine
5. Baby I'm-a Want You – Bread
💬 Gwen: "What’s that song that I love…?" - Blake: "Baby I'm-a Want You by Bread?"
Blake on The Voice: "Gwen's not kidding. We listen to Bread all the time."
🎼Used to be my life was just emotions passing by Then you came along and made me laugh and made me cry You taught me why Baby, I'm-a want you Baby, I'm-a need you
6. There’s No Stoppin’ Your Heart – Marie Osmond
💬 Blake: "I love that song ‘There’s No Stopping Your Heart."
🎼I plan to be the one who sticks around Ooh your love could lift me up above the clouds I get so high when I'm with you, I may never come down When forever starts, There's no stopping, no stopping, no stopping your heart
7. I Want To Know What Love Is – Foreigner
💬Gwen: "You took a song that’s actually on my makeout playlist"
🎼I wanna know what love is I want you to show me I wanna feel what love is I know you can show me
8. So Small – Carrie Underwood
💬 Blake on The Voice back in 2016: "I completely got wrapped up in the lyrics of that song. You delivered the message to me tonight, and I totally related to the lyrics of that song."
🎼And what you've been out there searching for forever Is in your hands Oh, and when you figure out love is all that matters after all It sure makes everything else Seem so small
9. Haven’t Got Time for the Pain – Carly Simon
💬 Gwen: "I would dedicate this song to @Blakeshelton gx."
🎼All those crazy nights when I cried myself to sleep Now melodrama never makes me weep anymore 'Cause I haven't got time for the pain I haven't got room for the pain I haven't the need for the pain Not since I've known you
10. Stricken – No Doubt
💬 "She asked me if I knew the song Stricken and told me she recently sent it to Blake."
🎼I love you completely I guess I'm kinda mad about you I love you, I love you I do Love overcomes all of my senses Lowers all of my defenses, yeah
11. Defenseless – Kirk Jay
💬 Blake: “This is my life right now.”
🎼Oh, I'm defenseless Like a drought to a flame I’m defenseless Girl, when you say my name But the thing is I have never felt safer than this
12. Lookin' For Love – Johnny Lee
💬 Blake before playing the song: "I’ll try. I gotta do it for Gwen."
🎼Well, I spent a lifetime lookin' for you Single bars and good time lovers were never true Playing a fools game, hopin' to win And tellin' those sweet lies and losin' again You came knockin' on my heart's door You're everything I've been looking for
13. Turn Your Lights Down – Bob Marley and the Wailers
💬 Blake: "Gwen and I have a playlist. I want their version." - John: "It's a good love song for when you guys..." - Blake: "You're talking about loove."
🎼This potion might, this ocean might, carry me In a wave of emotion to ask you to marry me And every word, every second, and every third Expresses the happiness more clearly than ever heard (uh) And when I play 'em, every chord is a poem Tellin' the Lord how grateful I am because I know him (what? word) The harmonies possess a sensation similar to your caress (uh)
14. In Your eyes – Peter Gabriel
💭 The first dance song
🎼In your eyes The light, the heat (Your eyes) I am complete (Your eyes) I see the doorway to a thousand churches (Your eyes)
15. Islands in the Stream – Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton
💬 Gwen: "That song would be my dream if me and Blake could do that song together one day."
🎼I can't live without you if the love was gone Everything is nothing if you got no one And you did walk in the night Slowly losing sight of the real thing But that won't happen to us and we got no doubt Too deep in love and we got no way out
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My redneck neighbor Doug watches 'The Return'
Doug and I have made up for our disagreement regarding Montana. I did not, in fact, go to his St Patrick's Day party (due to the fact I was busy with my daughter's Scout pack being in the parade), but we bonded over the insane weather in our region recently.
He had a lot of strong opinions on this, and it was a little scattered. Kind of like most TV shows, I guess.
CW: Doug Doug's on and continues to have Feelings about Certain Geographic Locations. Enjoy!
Episode 4: “Redneck Family Bonding”
You know how I know them clone boys is from Florida?
Because the show opens to Little Orphan Blonde sleeping in their busted work van wearing a puka shell necklace while her brother Daddy Warcrimes is shooting fruit on the beach all while their adopted mutant dog chases critters away from the trash can.
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Yup. Average day in Florida. 
Of course Daddy Rambo is sitting on the ledge, watching Daddy Warcrimes and mumbling to himself. Do you think he peeps on the neighbors in the other part of Space Daytona? He totally does. Daddy Rambo, you need a girlfriend, make that fruity robot wear a skirt and take it out on a date or something. 
Hell YEAH, my boy Toaster Strudel is BACK! Look at him hugging everyone. Good man. Love him. Why is Daddy Warcrimes still wearing that fisherman sweater, is it St. Patrick’s Day still? Where’s Rex? Oh well. 
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And they’re chilling out on Hoops’s porch, chugging the man’s liquor and eating his sushi. I would, too. Oh man, they’re referencing Ryan-from-Accounting. I’m sad now. Where’s Church Lady? Probably realized she was too good for Ryan-from-Accounting, or maybe she found his bitch wife Laura and now they wine buddies. I guess. 
Aw, Mutant Jimmers is friends with the monkeys. God damn, I love Mutant Jimmers. 
No one can hack into the iPad Little Orphan Blondie took from her internship at the Museum of Science and Industry. Little Orphan Blondie’s a kid, make the kid do it! All kids know how iPads work! 
They still kept Daddy Warcrimes’s armor with the Georgia colors and the skulls! And that’s why Daddy Rambo won’t look at him–look at Daddy Rambo’s colors, man’s a Gator fan and the SEC decides everything now don’t it. 
So…they’re going back to Space Wyoming? Oh man, I remember this dump. I hope they threw THAT BLOND JACKASS’S body in a dumpster and let the bears eat it. 
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Back to the walk-in refrigerator where Daddy Warcrimes hung out with….oh. Oh. Sassy Park Ranger. Oh. But hey they found an ATM! How else are they gonna buy weed out here? 
You know it’s a redneck family vacation because someone’s gotta get out of the trailer and turn on the circuit breaker cause there’s no power and they gotta watch the Saints play. At least they ain’t hot wiring the HMS Search Warrant to power shit up. Actually, it would be great if they did–that’s some redneck engineering right there and it’s good bonding for those angry boys. 
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Oh the daddy fight! Daddy Warcrimes and Daddy Rambo need the therapy and they ain’t gonna get it so they gonna do what rednecks do when they upset and need to talk…go outside the trailer and scream and shove each other while the dog barks at everything. Someone needs to trip on a rusty rake now. I feel like I’m watching my own family on Christmas.
Of course, turning off the power means the critters are coming! Is it gonna be a snow gator? No? Oh man it’s one of them worms from that sand movie that Bobbie Lee keeps talking about! 
Go go Daddy Warcrimes go! Save Daddy Rambo! 
Once again, they rednecks, because nothing solves a problem like shooting a gun repeatedly into the ground. Don’t none of these folks have a taser? Some bear mace? Come on, there’s a Wal Mart on Space Daytona I know there is. 
Mutant Jimmers is helping everyone out! Go Mutant Jimmers go! When does Mutant Jimmers get her own show? 
Toaster Strudel bitching at everyone as he gonna do. I agree Toaster Strudel, I agree. 
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Man look at Little Orphan Blondie go and there’s Julio doing all the work while being chased by the snow critter. Why does every animal on earth wanna mate with Julio I swear to God. 
And they turned the power back on and boom no more critter chasing. This is the most redneck show I swear I’m watching a show about my idiot brother in law and his friends in Wyoming. 
Nothing brings the family together like going out to an abandoned trailer, searching for the power, shooting guns, getting chased by critters and a screaming shove-fight outside while the dog chases a big-assed animal away from the garbage. Yup. Space rednecks. They all need NASCAR shirts. 
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Well, they got the iPad working again….back to Space Florida! And they all getting along.
Meat Muffin, why did this episode make me so happy?
Tagging Doug's fans because yes: @skellymom @cdblake1565 @megmca @sued134 @eyecandyeoz @amalthiaph @yeehawgeek @eelfuneral @thecoffeelorian @lightwise @archivistofnerddom @askyourfox @heavenseed76 @totallyunidentified
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Miraculous Gaang
So, General rambling.
1.) So like. My general idea for the Peacock was just that Sozin grabbed a Miraculous to use to sort of “prove his point”, but made a giant senti that went nuts, and he and Roku had to fight it. But, of course, Sozin leaves Roku to die, and runs off after the other miraculous (or tries to). The Peacock Miraculous breaks during this, so Sozin can’t use it without harming himself. He still keeps it, trying to figure out how to fix it, and warning his kids about it. Ozai eventually gives it to his “Mayura” conveniently leaving out that detail, cause what does he care? (This is where the initial “Azula as Mayura” idea came from, but like. I feel like Azula would be smart enough to go “Ok, you haven’t been using it this whole time for a REASON, I am sceptical of your motivations for handing me this.”)
Zhao absolutely works, though who’s your “Avatar!Ty Lee” OC?
Ozai getting the Butterfly, was like (broad strokes). So, Gyatso has spent YEARS hiding the Miraculous, but he’s beginning to feel like maybe hiding away isn’t the BEST idea? And he meets someone who really wants to help people, so he convinces himself to lend out the Butterfly. This results in a chain of events that end with this person dying, the Butterfly getting “lost”, and 3-year-old Aang being orphaned. Gyatso ends up adopting Aang, cause he doesn’t have anyone else, and tries to keep a low profile, while also keeping a vague eye out for the Butterfly. I’m not sure if the Butterfly gets “lost” because it was stolen, like either Azulon caused all the drama to steal it, or if it ACTUALLY got lost, and Azulon found it later. Then, like, part of Ozai scheming to kill his dad is because he finds out the old man has the Butterfly, and Ozai wants it. Iroh would be unaware of all of this, focusing on his family, and trying to leave the whole “Hunting Reality Warping Objects Of Power” behind.
2.) Not sure how well this works, but when I tried to envision the Gaang as Heroes, only Zuko was actually wearing a mask, the rest had face paint. Cause I was cross-referencing with the show, and besides Zuko, most of the time, when these kids want to hide their identities, they wear face paint. So, I thought, like. A combo of eye-coverings, masks, face paint? Like.
Zuko’s mask apes the “Blue Spirit” one he wore in the show, but red and gold. His hero outfit is a bit “Fire Nation”-y.
Sokka has a mask, but it covers most of his head, but more “hood” style? His lower face is visible.
Katara has the “Painted Lady” make-up.
Suki has the Kyoshi Warrior face-paint, but snake influenced. Stuff like that.
Oddly attached to Tiger!Toph having eye coverings that are basically a fancy blindfold.
Also names! Names have been knocking around my head, but I only have a few! 
Also also! I’m just going to REALLY lean into my headcanon that the Miraculous weapons are magic and so (within reason) are a bit malleable, and can change a bit to suit the wielder. This is variable, and you may feel free to disregard this portion! Also, as always, open to suggestions!
Ladybug!Sokka - honestly, I feel like “Captain” should be in there somewhere, but not sure. So far, I’ve got “Captain Harmonia” based on Harmonia axyridis, which is a large variety of ladybeetle, also commonly called a harlequin beetle. “Captain Harlequin” could also work, I guess? Costume, Lord Beetle crossed with Water Tribe armor? Oh, and an on running joke that his “Lucky Charms” are either Macgyvre-esque nonsense, or a boomerang. He gets boomerang a LOT. Eventually, he just starts carrying one with him everywhere. Tikki shows him how to make a magic one.
Black Cat!Katara - name, again, got very little. “Panther” something feels appropriate, but also, enh? Are there cats that LIKE swimming? Like. All I really got was “Painted Panther”. Costume … yeah, I got nothing. Also, on weapons, Katara’s water bending manifested a lot as whips, so I feel her staff should have a “cat-o-nine-tails” mode.
Turtle!Aang - Lion Turtle. His hero name should be Lion Turtle. Mostly cause I have zero other ideas. I’m thinking his season 3 monk look, but with sleeves, for his costume, with a hood, maybe some goggles? Weapon … So like. He HAS to have a shield, but I’m really attached to Aang’s glider, so. Is there a way to combine those, you think?
Snake!Suki - um. First thing I thought of was Diamondback? Not sure how well that works … Teal Mamba? Ok, Black Mamba’s are super poisonous, but Teal Mamba sounds silly. Kyoshi Warrior, but like. A bit more form-fitting. Face-paint, and Snake eyes. Weapon is her fans, or if makes a bit more sense, the harp can have a chakram mode.
Tiger!Toph - honestly, first thing that popped into my head was “the Blind Tiger”. Costume a take on her in-show outfit, but with a tail, Kitty ears, and a fancy blindfold. Only one who I don’t see the weapon changing, maybe just giving her some awesome boots, but would she have Clout, Invisibility, or eventually both? Is that her arc, learning to both be seen, but also to hide?
Dragon!Zuko - Name, uncertain? Like, “Blue Spirit” is an actual alias he had in the show, but “Blue Dragon” sounds odd. “Druk” is what he names his ACTUAL dragon, but I see that as his pet iguana. He DOES have a version of the Blue Spirit mask, though, as part of his costume. The sword can easily be the two dao swords he actually uses.
Fox!Azula - uh. Yeah, for Azula I have. Basically nothing. My girl, I am failing you, I am so sorry.
Rabbit!Yue - “Chang'e” is apparently the name of the moon spirit in Chinese folklore, that gets equated with the Moon Rabbit, but I’m not sure how that feels as a name? Got basically nothing for you either, Yue, my darling, forgive me.
Pig!Jin - also nothing here.
Bee!Ty Lee - or for you.
Mouse!Mai - or you, really, my brain is failing all of you.
Other people! Figured out who could be drafted into this if we needed other Miraculous users!
Ox!Haru - Haru, the earthbending guy the Gaang saved from that prison on the water? Katara gave a big speech, but everyone was apathetic, and then later they gave him a dumb moustache.
Monkey!Kuzon - Aang’s friend from the Fire Nation before it all went to hell! Here, he’s Aang’s only real friend before Aang starts going to school! 
Horse!Teo - the kid in the wheelchair, who’s dad made him the glider, so his kid could fly? I like the idea of the wheelchair transforming with Teo, so he’s got some kind of insane ride.
1.) Okay so my one note is that I think Ozai getting the Butterfly should be more recent. I don’t think he would’ve waited
Also the OC! She’s uh. Actually her name is funny because I chose Noriko completely forgetting that got used in the comics for Ursa’s new identity and I thought about renaming her but the name’s stuck.
I made her initially for the Avatar!Ty Lee AU because since Azula joined the Gaang, I needed someone to fill the roles she had in Canon re: the major antagonist for Book 2 and a side-threat in Book 3.
But she’s. I say ‘Nathalie but more unhinged and evil’ but she’s literally the Harley to Ozai’s Joker(yes that’s a joke on his VA). She matches his freak in being a power hungry asshole down to murder. Like her introduction is saying ‘wow I can’t wait to kick off my honeymoon with the execution of my traitorous step-children!’.
2.) Actually I really like this idea of everyone having various facepaint for masks. And Zuko having a proper mask makes sense because he still has his scar, so he’d feel like face paint wouldn’t really hide his identity as well.
The rest of the notes on outfits are great!
Haru can work, as can Teo. Kuzon is debatable in the sense of like. We don’t ever really get to see him in canon so idk how to handle him.
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jutdwae-archives · 1 year
Bsf!SKZ Members when they take care of you while you're sick (Hyung Line)
pairings: bsf!hyung line x gn!reader
genre: really cute fluff/comfort
word count: 495
mentions: being sick (coughing, sneezing), mention of phlegm in hyunjin's one, the hyung line is just really comforting (please lmk if i missed anything!)
hyung line ver. | maknae line ver.
this art of fiction is not meant to portray the members in real life.
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Bang Chan:
now this man would just be your dad atp
the leader/dad instinct kicks in and automatically will take care of you
you start coughing, he'll have medicine by your bedside table
say you have a sore throat, he'll bring you some lemon ginger honey tea to soothe it
say you're hungry? he will cook for you but he'd rather have Lee Know cook instead cuz he knows that he is the 5-star michelin chef in the group (totally not referenced)
all in all, this man will be by your side as he is working on tracks
ngl i feel like he'd get sick with you but then having to work on the comeback and practice would just have him to try not to get sick
he'd also give the best cuddles as he takes a break from making music just to watch your guys' favourite studio ghilbi movie
Lee Know:
now, we all know that Lee Know is the kinda guy to be the tsundare of the group
he'd be the type to care for you quietly
make you whatever food, bring you medicine
check up on you to make sure you're doing ok
probably bring in soondoongdori to cheer you up or just act really loud but then apologise for yelling
maybe hop on the bed with you and watch your fav anime/tv show
but yeah i feel like he'd be the quiet carer
maybe get a couple of questions from the members
like "why are you making soup?" "oh it's for them... hope they feel better"
changbin would be another case of the guardian
probably jokingly scold you for getting sick
he'd clean up all your dirty tissues and give you medicine
just the usual
would probably drag you to the gym while you're still sick just to stretch cuz he wouldn't want to be curled up in the room all day like a sack of potatoes
constantly remind you to eat as he is a foodie himself
also remind you to keep your fluids up
would honestly try to cook soup for you (following a recipe)
but then when you try it he accidently put sugar instead of salt
so he would just order some soup from a little take-away restaurant and heat up some rice to make 국밥 (rice soup) later on
would also give you cuddles and feed you your food
he's honestly a sweetheart
would honestly stay clear from you as possible
he doesn't want to get sick
the common saying of "eW" everytime you sneeze into tissues or like cough up phlegm
would paint you a picture though
or bring kkami over to play with
would bring you medicine
mayyybeeee if he's feeling generous, he'd clean up your dirty tissues occasionally complaining "this is so disgusting.."
he would have a snack session with you and order some of his and your favourite dishes just to keep to content until the next meal time
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A/N: Hi guys! J.A here! hope you liked my first work on my page.. still trying to get used to the layout and everything but i will try and keep posts up cuz school is just going to be a pain until this term is over..
but yeah hope you liked it! the maknae line will hopefully be posted within this week :)
Much Love, J.A
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roukabi · 2 years
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Hee hee! hee hee ho! My grubby furry hands will contaminate everything you love!
(Designs are free to use with credit, if anyone’s interested!)
Exhaustive design notes/trivia/extras are under the cut!
[Image IDs: a series of animal designs for Vide Noir’s characters. Buck Vernon is a sand-colored whitetail deer (how creative) with dented antlers, a brown-and-white striped bandanna, and a guitar slung around his back. Lee Green is a peach-and-cream fox with a white lily above her ear. Frankie Lou is a clouded leopard with a wavy black ‘mane’ of sorts. Jasper and Hontanx are mutts; Jasper is slender and mostly grey with brown dorsal coloring while Hontanx is more boxer-like with short, white fur and grey patches. Johnnie is a german shepherd mix, with half of his face scarred by black-braining, and sports a red bandanna on his leg and a leather World Enders jacket. Moonbeam is a black lop-eared rabbit with lavender undertones, also wearing the World Enders jacket. Alex is a doberman with slicked-back hair, also (also) with a World Enders jacket and much smaller black scar on his cheek. Toby is a very scruffy rufous treepie (don’t ask), mostly tan with a black head and wings with white accents. Finally, Z’Oiseau is a melanistic Bengal tiger, where his stripes are large and take up the majority of his fur. The final image is a lineup of all characters, with heights considered. Each design is still sketchy, and construction lines can be seen. The artist’s signature overlaps each image. End IDs.]
Well, well, well. It appears I’m at the stage of obsession where I make furry designs for the characters. Because I’m always paranoid that I need to explain myself for everything I do, here’s the comprehensive guide to each design. If I’ve done a good enough job, you can tell who’s who pretty easily. 
Buck: Hmm, now how did he end up as a deer, I wonder...? 
Silliness aside, Buck’s antlers actually play a pretty big role in representing his psyche/self-esteem, as they break off in certain scenes until the end, where they become shattered stumps. Jasper breaks + steals one antler when Buck gets black-brained, which I’m sure can be used as a metaphor for something.
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He’s also got big ol’ floppy ears. When I make animal designs, I try to mimic the form of someone’s hair via the ears or cheek fur, though, as you’ll soon see with Frankie, that’s not a hard-and-fast rule. You’ll also notice that he wears a bandanna, even though he doesn’t in the film. This is because I felt his design lacked color. And bandannas are cool. And my brain is addled with Hadestown parallels. 
“But Rook!” I hear you say, “If Buck’s a deer, how can he play guitar? And how is he supposed to hold a gun?” Well, the answer to the first question is that he plays with his teeth. Obviously. And the obvious conclusion to the second question is that he doesn’t need artillery when he has a crown of stabby stabby bone.
Lee: Lee is a fox - outwardly desireable and a character of multiple folktales. There’s not much to say about her design otherwise, except for the addition of a lily - referencing ‘Fool For Love’ with “I’m asking Lily to be my bride” as well as ‘La Belle Fleur Sauvage’. Oh yeah, and she’s way too big compared to the other characters in the height chart lmao pretend she’s the average fox size 
Lee fascinates me, and I think I’m the only one who thinks that way lol. It’s revealed at the end that she had Way more agency over her situation than everyone realized. Did she know about Z’Oiseau’s kill count before getting with him? Does she know now? AFWP says that she overcame the Vide Noir addiction, how did that go? Did severing herself from the drug sever connections to Z’Oiseau’s empire? What does she actually think of him? What are her songs like? Is she okay? Does she regret anything? Is she the same Lee who’s known as Lee Avery in the World Ender MV? AAAAAAAAAAAA
Frankie Lou: Picking the animal was easy, designing her was not. Clouded leopards are native to Cambodia, and I wanted Frankie and Z’Oiseau’s designs to complement each other in some way (I’d made Z’Oiseau’s design before I made Frankie’s). So there’s a spotty kitty and a stripey kitty. Clouded leopards are also insanely elusive, which adds to Frankie’s mysterious ghost facade in the film. 
I normally don’t like adding ‘human’ hair to animals, but when I initially made Frankie without her hair, it really felt like something was missing. I like the way it looks now, and her plumed tail ties it together. The spots are not end-all-be-all, and can be simplified for animation.
Jasper and Hontanx: What better to chase after our Arthurian White Stag (Buck) and Teumessian Fox (Lee) than a pair of hunting dogs? Jasper and Hontanx needed to complement each other in the classic “Big Guy, Little Guy” trope, with the ‘little guy’ (Jasper) being tall, slender, and shrewd, while the “big guy” (Hontanx) is muscular and rarely speaks. Their names even follow the Kiki-Bouba effect. 
I thought about making Hontanx fluffier, but the boxer look fits well, too. There’s some patches of longer fur around his neck and shoulders.
Johnnie: Everyone’s favorite little hurricane! Johnnie gives me exciteable puppydog vibes, so I made him a German Shepherd mix (mix, being “something fluffy”). His cheek fur is missing on his black-brained side, and his eye is a little messed up, but here’s what he looks like when he’s a-okay:
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Moonbeam: Rabbits are associated with the moon in multiple mythologies, so it’d make sense to make Moonbeam one. I haven’t drawn her in her fortune teller gear, but I think she’s happier to don the World Enders jacket instead. She’s also got some purple undertones for flavor, and they make her stand out as the only design with a cool color pallete. She’s just got that transfemme swag, I suppose.
Alex: For a character who only appears for 2 seconds, Alex seems to have made a permanent impression on Vide Noir fans, including myself. Strong, tall, and effortlessly cool, I wanted him to look like a model World Ender. This mayyyy have resulted in him looking nothing like his younger brother, but maybe one takes more after their father, and the other, their mother. Idk. I have this whole backstory thing with Cobb where the Redmaynes have this godawful father that Cobb helps them... get rid of. Because Cobb is the better dad.
Alex is the last of this bunch to be a canine, which I’m sure you’re all glad to hear. I don’t know why there are so many dogs. They just have that rugged look to them that suits the World Ender/Bounty Hunter style. Well, these ones do, anyway. Not Lee.
Toby: Toby was by far the most aggravating to design, and it’s pretty apparent in the final result. I mean, have you heard of a rufous treepie? 
I had no idea what I wanted Toby to be, but I wasn’t about to draw another canine. As Z’Oiseau’s nephew, he’d be associated with birds by default, so I started thinking about the kind of bird Toby could fit - it’d have to be territorial, annoying, and/or aggressive.
 Like... blue jays?
 While blue is not a color I’d associate with Toby, for whatever reason, I was getting somewhere. Blue jays are a part of the family Corvidae. Corvidae has birds that are black. Blackbird = Z’Oiseau! See? There’s a connection! 
I scrolled down through Wikipedia’s corvid list until I came across the Rufous Treepie, a bird not only described as ‘opportunistic’, but ironically has a symbiotic relationship with local deer populations... It’s also large enough to get stabbed by an antler from a certain less-willing-to-cooperate deer. 
So that’s what I went with. Toby’s meant to look more like a fledgling, given the scruffiness. I took some creative liberties with facial markings, but like. Who cares. 
“But Rook,” you say, “If Toby’s a bird, and Z’Oiseau isn’t, how are they related?” Well, the obvious conclusion to come to here is that you should stop asking questions.
Z’Oiseau: It’s Zazo time! With a name like 'bird’, you’d expect him to be a bird. But I figured that making him a big cat would play very well into the irony of his name and would present him as a real threat. After all, you didn’t find Tobey very scary, did you? And who names a bird “bird”? 
Because Z’Oiseau’s original name, Zozo, is Euskara, a language spoken in the Pyrenees, that was my first place to look for animals. Nothing jumped out to me, though, so I moved on to looking up big cat species and hoping for the best. Then an idea came to me - what about a tiger, but with reversed stripes? It’d fit the reasoning behind the “blackbird” name, and he’d be the most powerful big cat out there. To my surprise, melanistic tigers do exist, and they’re really cool. I picked the Bengal tiger of India for Z’Oiseau, as most of the ‘black tigers’ have been spotted there. 
Z’Oiseau’s stripes can be simplified for animation or what-have-you. Or you can draw every individual stripe as presented in the photo, I’m not gonna stop you.
Well, that’s that! Might make Tubbs Tarbell and Cobb Avery later. For now, as a reward for making it this far, here’s some silly scribbles + shitposting:
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sloshed-cinema · 3 days
Killing Romance [킬링 로맨스] (2023)
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How to even start with this movie? This is one of those completely off the wall bonkers comedies that grabs you by the collar and drags you along mercilessly from second one. Don't know what's going on? Fuck off!! This is like if Wes Anderson and Takashi Miike decided to co-direct a Scott Pilgrim type flick after Wes decided he really liked K-pop, except someone kept spiking everyone's drinks with magic mushrooms. Loner, low-achieving student Kim Beom-woo learns that he lives next to the insanely wealthy real estate mogul Jonathan Na, but more importantly, his wife Hwang Yeo-rae. She's a retired actress known for hocking shitty soda. Their marriage is far from ideal thanks to Jonathan's controlling nature. Naturally, the only recourse is to kill Jonathan, which the pair conspire to do in various ways before Beom-woo's conscience gets the better of him, saving the mogul from various means of demise. But it's not so hard to see why offing Jonathan is so difficult: the late, great Lee Sun-kyun portrays him with gleeful, charismatic malice. He's a master of machismo, with a control to delivery which commands respect and awe. Sure, he's a narcissistic tangerine hurler and ostrich killer, but it's so fun to watch.
Everything is presented in storybook fashioin, even down to an old English lady periodically interjecting narration. THings have an intentional artificiality: the hotel on the fictional island of Qualla is a cardboard box version of the Grand Budapest, and Jonathan's ludicrous mansion doesn't even try to appear authentic. Action scenes are carried out with an anarchistic Andersonian energy, the frame busy with crazy action and something to spot in every corner, precise in its disarray.
Oh yeah, and it's a musical. At random intervals our characters break into song to express their feelings of desire or repression. Yeo-rae has her own obnoxious fan club theme song but can also fall under the spell of Jonathan's crooning. There's no rhyme or reason to any of it, which makes for added charm. Yeo-rae's "I want" song is played straight, but later when she starts to sing her desire it completely baffles Beom-woo. Sometimes it's a karaoke fantasia, others just a brief interlude. As a whole Killing Romance seems primed for cult movie status. It's a little longer than it really needs to be, but if that lets us hang out in this world a little longer, so be it.
A fake product is named.
A type of animal is referenced.
Beom-woo climbs out his bedroom window.
Someone starts to sing.
A new plot to kill off Jonathan is hatched.
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elvesofnoldor · 4 years
so i disappeared the last couple of days because i was watching the second and third season of atla to catch up to speed so that i can start watching legend of korra and MAN did i have a BLAST!!! obviously i knew it was going to be great and guess what, it was great!!! 
the downside to this is that im so caught up in the euphoria of having just finished watching something really good that i don’t think i can start LoK anytime soon. i gotta savour atla for a while before i can do that lmao
#i already knew all the important plot beats from reading meta analyses and looking at gif sets on tumblr obviously#i never actually got around watching the 2nd and 3rd season cause i didn't get around watching it with the friend i watched 1st season with#that being said seeing everything coming together is still exciting and knowing abt the stuff beforehand didn't ruined anything for me#mae overshares#i even saw the full clip of aang vs ozai fight on youtube and remembered a lot from it. but watching it in the context of the episode?#IT WAS FUCKING AWESOME. it was like watching it for the first time#but because i read metas beforehand i kept thinking abt those analyses when i was watching scenes with azula#some of those scenes referenced in that meta post abt toxic friendship azula has with ty lee and mai are shorter than i expected#i liked azula even before watching any of episodes she was in & i still liked her. i expected her to be a great antagonist & she delivered!#i sort of worried that i wouldnt like azula if i watched the episodes she was in cause i worried i missed something abt her#but no she's exactly how i imagined her to be. i didn't learn anything new abt her#sometimes you just gotta appreciate a girl that's genuinely fucked-up in the head you know#i think it was A LOT easier to like her because she was a girl too. i wouldn't appreciate her kind of character if she wasn't a woman#that being said I love katara and aang and TOPH (oh toph!!!) more than i thought i would!!!!#and those posts that said azula wasn't that great of a bender? yeah no her bending was ok. she was proficient but that was it#she didn't invent anything. and katara DID beat her twice!!! her genius lays in her ability to emotionally manipulate people#also abt katara....oh i love her so much more than i thought i would. i love her so much. abt that episode where she sought vengeance?#im in fact so very glad she didn't forgive. actually her anger was so justified that i almost didnt think she should let that go either#katara was the kind of character whose anger is so righteous and justified that it almost felt wrong to tell her to let the anger go#but her anger was hurting her. so im glad she found peace but you dont need to find peace from forgiveness. great message#also i thought i'd see katara and zuko being together but i don't. i like all the canon romances (even tho they are all hetero! rare for me)#if zuko didnt fucked up at the end of season 2....maybe. but he did and they were barely friends. so. no. im glad nothing happened#and despite knowing literally everything abt the episode with hama. the episode abt katara's quest for vengeance and the beach episode#i still watched all these episodes all the way through without skipping a single scene because they are so important and good#altho i do have second thought abt hama. cause i was remembering the meta i read abt her being the reason katara's mom is killed#and unfortunately yeah. as much as i sympathized with her trauma and her need for vengeance. she in fact did get katara's mom killed#i reblogged the metas that only sympathized with hama but not the one that pointed out her selfishness...it was a shame. that post was right#so anyways atla blogging gonna start soon sdfjasdf
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17boyzz · 2 years
love me in secret - lee jihoon
seventeen as romantic tropes - jihoon as your secret lover
idol au, woozi x fem!idol!reader
you were only acquainted with him through your best friend who entered the industry a little while before you did. he would often bring you over to record a cover duet for both of your fandoms to enjoy, so it’s not like you could avoid him. you couldn’t even look the poor man in the eyes whenever he talked to you. you would nervously stutter upon your words, and it was an absolute shitshow when you had to sing in front of him. your best friend also managed to catch on, as well.
lee seokmin wasn’t an idiot. he might be a little oblivious sometimes, but he’s not dumb. he’s known you long enough to know when you’re interested in someone, and now that certain someone just happened to but his group mate. jihoon… he was a special guy. a little more oblivious than seokmin when it came to things like this. or at least that’s what seokmin thought.
seokmin never told you he knew you liked jihoon, but he definitely let you know that he knew. his sneaky comments about the way you act around him and jihoon’s abnormalities whenever you were around, trying to build your confidence. fast forward to now, though. he was doing a little too much…
“hold on you two, i’ll be right back. this is really important, i have to take it” seokmin promptly leaves jihoon’s studio while taking the ‘really important’ call, ignoring jihoon’s complaints about leaving in the middle of a recording.
“that guy… he really has so nerve sometimes, doesn’t he?” jihoon signed and leaned back in his chair.
“i- uh yeah he definitely does mhm what a guy am i right…” you smiled awkwardly at him, a little too obvious about how nervous you are. he smiled back before laughing a little,
“i’m not as dumb as he makes me out to be, by the way. i know everything” he turned to his computer, adding little touch ups to your recorded track.
“oh, um… what do you mean?” you chuckled nervously, hoping he wasn’t referencing to your behavior around him.
“you know what i mean, babe” he didn’t look away from his computer, yet still watched out of the corner of his eye as you blushed and struggled to comprehend his words.
“i…i’m sorry?” you asked once more. did he just call you babe?
“have i got it wrong? don’t you like me?” he asked, finally turning to you once more. his smile grew a little as you looked like a dear in headlights.
“well, no- i mean yes- wait i mean no- wait-“ you struggled with your words, and jihoon couldn’t help but laugh at how cute he thought you were.
“do you like me?” he asked once again, waiting for your response. you gulped.
“well… yes… but-“
“then let’s go on a date” he offered, and you paused. although you and seokmin had entered the industry around the same time, it took you a couple more years to debut, leaving you currently in a 2, almost 3, year old group. because of your company’s dating ban, you weren’t exactly allowed to say yes… but could that stop you?
“o-oh. um, i’m not sure, honestly…”
“how come?” jihoon was only a little nervous now, fearing rejection from you.
“well, i mean, i do like you and all, but like, i have a dating ban, and-“
“they don’t have to know. our companies already think we’re just friends, right? we can go out and hang out as just friends for the rest of the world, only we need to know we’re dating. nobody else. not even seokmin” he smiled a little, hoping you’ll accept his answer.
“well… okay then. but if we ever get caught, this is completely on you” you pointed at him and he raised his hands in defense with a small chuckle,
“whatever makes you feel better”
it had been around two weeks since you last saw jihoon in person, so you were a little nervous. because of your conflicting schedules, it took the two of you awhile to find a time to go out that worked for everyone.
you managed to convince your manager that it was just a friendly little dinner, the same things you do with seokmin… just with jihoon this time. your manager was a little suspicious, but eventually dropped it and let you go.
“let me know if he stands you up or something… i’ll be 5 minutes away” your manager sends you out of the car with a little smile before driving off. you stand in front of the restaurant, observing it for a bit before texting jihoon that you’ve arrived.
jihoon: oh, come in. i’m already at a table
oh god, you’ve kept him waiting this whole time? you tried to keep your nervousness and panic contained, shakily reaching for the door and scanned the inside to find jihoon. you quickly found him, making your way over as he watched you.
“hey” he said with a small smile on his face.
“hi” you gave him a little friendly nod, which you now were internally scolding yourself for.
“don’t be nervous, y/n. it’s just me” he spoke gently, trying to get your attention and out of your head.
“it’s just you, that’s why i’m nervous” you replied sheepishly, embarrassed at how much of a mess you were.
“oh? do i make you that nervous?” he leaned his chin on his palm, acting nonchalant but you could tell he was trying to hide his amusement.
“after all this time and you still haven’t caught on, huh?”
“don’t know. couldn’t tell if it was me or going on a date as an idol or-“
“shut up! it’s not a date, it’s just a nice little friendly dinner. the same ones i go on with seokmin” you reminded him, beyond terrified of getting caught.
“oh, is it now?”
“you know what i mean, jihoon” he was beginning to stress you out a little. he chuckled a little before looking off to think about only god knows what. was that it? did you just ruin your chance with woozi? lee jihoon?
“let’s order to go and head somewhere more private, this public restaurant doesn’t seem to be working out for us” he picked up the menu to quickly decide what he wanted, you doing the same. still, how were you going to let your manager know this?
“hold on, i need to text my manager we’re going to be leaving soon…” you mumbled, only hoping that jihoon would be able to hear it.
y/n: there’s some people in here bothering us
y/n: we’re going to order to go and go somewhere else where people will just let us be
you put your phone back into your pocket, too scared to look at the response.
he hasn’t exactly told you where he’s taking you yet, just that he knows a place. of course you trusted him, you were also just scared of people seeing you two together and thinking something wrong. well, thinking something right technically, you just didn’t want anyone seeing or thinking about the two of you at all, really.
the more you walked, the more you began to recognize the building he was taking you into.
“isn’t this your dorm building?” you asked.
“so… you’re taking me to the dorms?”
he was so confusing. either way, you kept on following him, even to the elevator where all he did was click the up button. not even a floor number, just the up button. you’ve always wondered where that goes. and now you’re finding out.
the roof. of course it leads to the roof, you’re so stupid. why wouldn’t it lead to the roof?
“what’s got you so quiet over there?” he questioned, picking a spot and setting out yours and his food.
“i’ve just never been up here, is all. i’ve always wondered where the up button took you, of course it’s the roof” you chuckled at yourself a little, before sitting to join jihoon.
“well, where else would it take you?” a smile grew on his face, glancing at you.
“that’s the thing, i don’t know! that’s why i feel so dumb. where else would the up button take you? the land of tigers or something?”
“oh god, soonyoung would love that. if that were a real option, we’d never see him again. either from him not wanting to leave or him getting eaten by a tiger”
the conversation continued on smoothly, as did the rest of the date. there was no one there to listen to or bother the two of you, leaving you guys to talk about any and everything freely.
“you know, i thought you were so pretty when seokmin first introduced us. i think my heart almost stopped” he spoke so casually. the two of you now laid on his jacket together, side by side, looking up at the slowly darkening sky.
“oh… really?” you turned to him, only to see him already looking at you.
“yeah. what about you?” he flipped it onto you.
“well… don’t tell seokmin this but you’ve always been my seventeen bias so i was already over that phase… still nerve-racking to meet you in person, though” you admitted something not even seokmin knew, and it seemed as if he were satisfied with your answer.
“oh really?” he was now laying to face you, you mirroring him.
“of course. you’re lee jihoon, what isn’t there to like about you?” you moved away some of his hair that fell into his face, leaving him to blush and smile dumbly.
“i like you so much, y/n. you honestly have no idea” he confessed quickly, only slightly regretting it.
“you’re right, i don’t. i wouldn’t have even thought you felt anything positive for me until that day”
“really?” he was surprised, as that wasn’t the answer he was expecting.
“mmm… you were always just so focused. any funny business or jokes just didn’t amuse you, i completely thought you hated me until you asked me out”
while jihoon was surprised, the more he thought back on his behavior the more he could see how you felt that way. he had ignored every effort you made to get along it build a friendship because he didn’t want his feelings for you to show.
“i’m sorry i made you think that” and for the first time that night, he took your hand into his.
“it’s okay, jihoon. i know how you truly feel about me now…” you trailed off, squeezing his hand a little.
“i hope one day we can fall in love with each other…” he scooted a little closer to you, having the sudden desire to be in even closer proximity with you, to which you didn’t mind. you wanted to kiss this man every time you saw him.
“if we do… please love me in secret. until we can’t get in trouble”
“if we do… it’s when we do, y/n. when we fall in love, i’ll love you in secret, until it’s safe to go public” he smiled, bringing his free hand up to hold your cheek, thumb rubbing a little bit.
and with that, he kissed you.
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aninklingof · 2 years
Revenge Of The ‘eeee!’
Lee! Karl
Ler! Sapnap
Warnings: swearing
SFW tickle fic; Completely platonic!!
Enjoy! ❤️
Edit: the clip that this is referencing is here. Idk why I didn’t put it in before, sorry 😅
Sapnap flopped back into his chair the second Karl shut off the camera, a tired but content smile stretched across his face. The ‘you laugh you lose’ stream that he, Karl, Quackity and Foolish had just wrapped up had been the most fun the brunette had in a while. The floor was wet with spit from all the losing they’d done, and they were all giddy from the fun they’d had.
Foolish, who had left after the stream ended to grab towels to clean the floor, came back and tossed one right at Sapnap’s face. “Hey!” He exclaimed.
“Help me wipe the floor,” Foolish said with a smirk, dropping his towel and mopping the floor with his foot. The younger huffed playfully, following the taller man in cleaning the puddles of spit-water.
“Bro there’s gonna be some priceless clips after today,” Quackity piped up from where he sat.
“There’s always good clips after one of us streams,” Foolish replied.
“Yeah but Karl literally tickled Sapnap on stream today!” The beanie-wearing man laughed.
The brunette flushed and said, “Shut the fuck up, Quackity.”
“Awe, is Sappy embarrassed that I got him on stream?~” Karl teased, leaning toward the younger with a smug smile.
“No!” Sapnap exclaimed. “It was unfair! You’re not allowed to do that during you laugh you lose!”
“Sounds to me like you’re grumpy I won.”
“Okay that’s it.”
Sapnap lunged toward Karl, knocking him to the floor and squeezing his sides. The older began cackling, flailing between pushing Sapnap off and hiding his face.
“Sahahahapnahap! Nahaha— stohohohop it yohohou dihihihick!”
“Oh now you’re calling me names huh? Might want to rethink that,” Sapnap purred, moving to the laughing man’s lower ribs and making him gasp. “Given the situation you’re in.”
“Faha—! Fuhuhuck ohohohohoff!”
“Suit yourself.” The brunette moved to spider and scratch all over Karl’s sensitive belly, making sure not to leave a single spot untickled.
Karl squealed at the change of spots, slamming his foot into the ground to release some of the ticklish energy surging through his middle.
Quackity chuckled from across the room. “That sounded a lot like the ‘eeee’ he did as he was tickling you, Sapnap.”
“It does doesn’t it?” Sapnap smirked, lightening his touches and migrating back to gently tap over his sides. “Remember that? Eeeee~”
“Nahahahehehe! Sahahapnahahap dohohon’t doho thahahahat!” Karl giggled, having given up on moving the younger’s hands and simply settling for holding his wrists gently.
Sapnap ignored Karl’s plead, mimicking the noise again and poking at the sides of his stomach. Karl squeaked with each poke, his face glowing a pretty shade of pink.
“Sahahap—! Yohohohou’re beheheheing stuhuhupid! Cuhut it ohohohout!” Karl hiccuped happily.
“Eeeee~” Sapnap continued anyway, poking anywhere he could reach from Karl’s belly to his ribs, his sides and hips, and even his collarbone at some point.
The entire time Karl giggled softly, his laugh spiking whenever Sapnap hit a particularly sensitive spot. He never asked him to stop, having given up on talking and giving in to the teasing and tickling.
He was in such a state of ticklish bliss he didn’t even notice when Sapnap stopped, just laying in a pile of giggles. When he finally realized he wasn’t being tickled anymore he opened his eyes and was met with three adoring smiles from his friends. Karl squeaked and hid his face quickly, earning chuckles from the men above him.
“That was adorable as fuck,” Quackity cooed.
“Honestly,” Foolish agreed.
“Juhust help me up,” Karl groaned through his fingers.
Sapnap stood up, helping the older man up after him and leading him to the couch. They plopped down and immediately Karl cuddled into Sapnap’s side sleepily. Quackity and Foolish sat too, and the four ended up watching a movie and cuddling until they’d all fallen fast asleep.
Sorry it was kinda short, but there you go @fluffallamaful ! Hope y’all liked it!
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looooooooomis · 4 years
F I N A L  G I R L  |  O N E
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You were his final girl.  And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   o n e  |  c o r n   m a z e
masterlist here 
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader  word count: 4.3k warnings: implied/referenced cheating, swearing (obv), angst, drinking, fluff, pending smut + mentions of smut. as mentioned, part 2 will be allllllllll the smut x
You were going to kill Randy.
In fact, as the five of you crossed the threshold into the corn maze, you thought of the various ways you could do it without it coming back to you. You could strangle him with the tape of one of his precious Jamie Lee Curtis flicks, you could push an entire shelving unit of said movies on him during one of his shifts, hell, you could just lure him over to your house with the promise of sex before ultimately throwing him out your window. Any of the above sounded good to you tonight because the bastard was running late. Which meant that you were currently fifth wheeling on what was supposed to be a slightly boozy corn maze with your friends. Only now it was a slightly boozy corn maze with yourself and two loved up couples as you all impatiently waited for the idiot to arrive.
Yeah, you were definitely going to kill Randy.
You and Randy were friends, had been for years, and you were always there for each other when it came to these types of activities. Nobody liked being a fifth wheel but at least with two single people in your little gaggle of friends, it made things easier. You were happy as a clam being single, you preferred it in many ways if you were being honest, but at least with Randy around, you could ignore the weight of his stare.
Billy’s stare.
His brown eyes were on you constantly. You could feel them on your skin, feel them raking over every inch of you as though he was trying to soak you in from afar. His stare had a weight to it, you found. No matter how far away he was or where you two were – be it at school or hanging out or even in a goddamn corn maze – you felt him all over you.
At least with Randy around, it was easy to ignore. The two of you could joke around and escape the couples long enough to focus on anything else but the weight of Billy’s stare. But tonight, it was impossible to ignore, and you hated Randy in that moment for unknowingly leaving you with the one man you hadn’t been able to get out of your head for the better part of three years.
You hated Billy more, though, for making you feel as though every inch of your skin was on fire. For making you feel this level of guilt each and every time you hung around with Sid. Sid was one of your best friends, as was Tatum, which only made this entire situation so much worse.
“You think they’ll kick us out if they find out we’re loaded?” Stu asked with a quiet chuckle, glancing behind them for effect as though he was being tailed by the owners of the farm.
Tatum smacked his chest. “Maybe if you said it a little louder, Shit for Brains.”
Stu giggled again and slipped his hand into his jacket before pulling out a mickey of cheap vodka wrapped haphazardly in a brown paper bag. “Then I guess they’d be really mad at this.”
Tatum opened her mouth to tell him off but seeing it as your only saving grace, you reached across the divide and plucked it out of his hands to take a big sip. The vodka burned all the way down your throat, and you could feel all eyes on you as you licked the remainder of it from your lips and bottled it back up before handing it back to Stu. “You’re a saint, Stu.”
“Damn, Y/N,” Tatum laughed, “I can’t even be mad at that.”
Stu was smirking across at you, knowing exactly why you were choosing the bottle tonight which only made you feel worse than you did. Of course he knew. Where there was a Billy, there was a Stu. The pair didn’t have secrets between them much to your chagrin which only made nights like this all the more awkward.
“Everything okay, Y/N?” Sid asked, sweet as ever.
Your stomach twisted in your gut at the genuine concern radiating off of Sid’s features and your heart fell into your stomach when you watched her lovingly place her head on Billy’s shoulder. Where the fuck was Randy?
“All good, Sid,” you smacked on a breezy grin and shot her what you only hoped was a convincing wink. “I haven’t done a corn maze since I was a kid, just preparing myself is all.”
Tatum leaned into Stu’s lean torso and frowned. “Why? You scared?”
“Nah, she’s not scared,” Stu hummed, grinning across at you with a gleam in his eye. “On edge, maybe. Why so jittery, girl?”
You rolled your eyes and flipped him the bird just as Billy spoke up. “She’s not jittery, pencil dick,” his velvety voice was closer than you’d expected and when you saw him reach for the bottle in Stu’s pocket to take a rather big gulp himself, you swallowed hard. “She’s just getting this party started.”
You held his stare for a moment, feeling your entire body light up like a switchboard, before the familiar voice of Randy rang out. Breathlessly, he waved you all down and grinned. “What’s this I hear about a party?”
Tatum rolled her eyes and hugged her jacket closer to her body. “About time you got here, dick, it’s fucking freezing out here.”
“I know a way we can warm up,” Stu teased as he leaned down to nibble at her neck.
Despite your mood, you found yourself smiling across at the pair. They were a good match and you could tell that Stu genuinely made Tatum happy. Just as Billy made Sid happy. Your smile fell at the thought.
Randy’s eyes circled around your group of friends briefly before he threw an arm around your unsuspecting shoulders. “What did I miss?”
“The usual,” you chimed in, smiling across at him. “Tatum and Stu sucking face, Billy and Sid cuddling up and me drinking my weight in cheap beer from Stu’s dad’s mini fridge in the garage.”
Randy grinned. “I chugged a couple beers before I left the video store, so good to know we’re all on the same level.”
Your chest was already starting to feel lighter now that Randy was around. Granted, Billy’s eyes hadn’t left yours for a second since Randy slung his arm around you, but that was to be expected. At least you had Randy here now. With that kind of distraction, you’d be just fine.
“Why don’t we make this interesting?” Billy suggested, running a hand through his unruly mop of brown hair. When everyone’s eyes were on him, you could have sworn he gave you a little smirk before shoving his hands in the pockets of his jacket. “We should split up.”
“Fuck that,” Tatum laughed, “no chance in hell.”
“Yeah,” Sid agreed quietly, “I don’t know.”
“That’s literally what they tell you not to do in scary movies,” you chuckled. “When everyone splits up, trouble starts.”
Sid shivered and leaned into Billy’s chest. “Yeah, Billy, I don’t know. I don’t think that’s a great idea.”
“Oh, come on,” he was grinning excitedly now, looking between Stu and Randy for backup. “It’ll be like the movies. Dumb teenagers wander into a corn maze and split up for the sake of the plot. Halloween’s tomorrow - why the hell not, right?”
A slow grin began to pull on Stu’s face as he listened to Billy. There was a mutual understanding between the two men in that instance and if you blinked for just a second longer, you would have missed it.
It made you nervous.
“Dumb teens wander into a corn maze on the night before Halloween,” Randy repeated, “you know what, I like it. I’m in.”
You snapped your neck up to look at him. “What the hell happened to the Do’s and Don’ts of a horror movie? This is easily number one: Don’t split up.”
But Randy only shrugged. “I’m still a virgin, I’m safe.”  
“How about you three idiots stick together,” Tatum gestured to the boys, “and the three of us stick together. Whoever makes it out first gets a prize.”
You and Sid were nodding along to her words, but Stu simply pulled her in for a quick kiss and laughed. “Or we all split up and see where the night takes us.”
“I’m not Lewis and Clark, Stu,” you grumbled, “I had every intention of letting Randy and Sid lead us out of here alive while the rest of us idiots followed.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” Billy smirked across at you, “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
Sid seemed to still be unsure of the entire situation as she mulled over the suggestion. “Y/N is right, what if people get left behind?”
“It’s corn, not the berlin wall,” Stu pointed out incredulously. “Fucking walk through the stacks until you find an exit if you get too lost.” As if on cue, Stu’s eyes lit up as he noticed one particular bend of the maze that held six different options. With a burst of laughter, he took off running towards it and pointed to his newfound discovery. “If this isn’t fate, I don’t know what is.”
You, Sid, and Tatum begrudgingly followed the boys to where Stu now stood giddily beaming across at everyone. “This is a stupid fucking idea,” Tatum grumbled as she took her place in the row beside her boyfriend. “We only brought one flashlight, how do you idiots plan on seeing the route?”
“Here,” Billy gently tossed the flashlight to Tatum and shrugged. “Moon is bright enough for me.”
With another roll of her eyes Tatum flicked the flashlight on and scowled across at her route. “Girls, if you see a flashlight, come to me.”
Stu laughed. “What about me?”
“You lost that right when you agreed to this stupid idea,” she groused. “You’re on your own.”
Grinning – and probably much drunker than he gave himself credit for – Stu rubbed his hands together and began counting down from three.
“You okay to do this, Sid?” You found yourself asking. Her mother had only died a few months prior and the idea of the poor girl meandering around alone in a cornfield sounded barbaric considering what she’d just been through.
“I’m fine,” Sid vowed, “I’ll see you guys soon.”
“It’s okay, Sid,” Randy muttered. “You’re safe, I promise.”
By the time Stu reached one, you took a hesitant step forward and embraced the darkness that surrounded you once you delved further and further down your path. You could hear the footsteps and crunches of the stacks around you as your friends eventually all split up to take their own trail and you swore that you heard Randy bump into Sid a few minutes in, putting you slightly at ease to know she wasn’t going through the maze alone. But, as time went on and you continued to circle the gigantic moonlight maze by yourself, your nerves began to eat away at you.
You weren’t one to scare easy but there was something about being on your own in the middle of a corn maze that was eerily off-putting. You’d seen Children of the Corn one too many times to feel at ease right now and the fact you could only see a few feet in front of you at any given time wasn’t helping one iota.
Hugging your denim jacket tighter around your body, you turned left and were met with a dead end. Groaning, you threw your head back in defeat and turned on your heel to retrace your steps but stopped when you heard a loud snap come from the wall of tall corn stacks before you. Swallowing hard, you narrowed your eyes in an attempt to see through the wall of decaying crop, but it was to no avail.
You couldn’t see a damned thing.
Another snap of a corn stock echoed out before you, making your skin crawl. Why the fuck had you agreed to splitting up? This is exactly how every horror movie you’d ever seen started and sure enough, here you were. About to be killed by a child of the corn on the eve of your favourite holiday.
Another snap.
And then, just as you were prepared to run for your life, a husky raccoon came bounding out of the thick hedge with a mouthful of hard corn. Your scream caught in your throat as you jumped back from the wild animal but, before you could think of bounding away, your back connected into someone’s chest.
With a high-pitched yelp, you turned only to be met with Billy’s wide brown eyes watching your every move. “Hey,” he cooed, reaching across to steady you. “You okay?”
That familiar cologne of his hit you like a tonne of bricks and for just a second, you allowed yourself to get lost in it. You knew that smell well. You couldn’t count how many times you’d woken up to that smell all over your pillows and sheets, wafting all over your bedroom like a slow mist that never quite subsided. Swallowing hard, you blinked out of your reverie and took an instinctual step back. “I’m fine,” you breathed out, “a racoon just scared me, is all.”
He glanced over your shoulder briefly before those brown pools soaked you in yet again. “You sure you’re okay?” He asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket. “You’ve barely said a word to me all week.”
You offered him a polite smile. “I’m fine, Billy. Just been a busy week. With swimming practice and—”
“You know that’s not what I meant,” he muttered, voice strained. “You’ve been avoiding me.”
“Billy,” you sighed, pinching your brow, “I’m not doing this here. We can’t.”
His brows pulled together and a pained look crossed over his handsome features. “I meant what I said,” he rasped out. “You’re my girl, Y/N.”
“No, see that’s bullshit, Billy,” you bit back, “Sid is your girl. I’m just an easy lay. That’s all I’ve been for the last six months and I can’t do it anymore. I won’t.”
“You can’t believe that,” he stepped towards you and visibly flinched when you stepped back. “Sure, Sid’s a good girl but it’s compli—”
“Complicated,” you choked, “yeah, you’ve mentioned that a few hundred times in the last six months, Billy. And you’re right. It is complicated because me and you are making it complicated. For god’s sake, she’s one of my best friends, Billy. I’m fucking one of my best friends’ boyfriends. Do you get how fucked up that is?”
“Me and Sid are complicated,” he reiterated, ignoring your little tirade entirely. “But me and you, sweetheart, we work. We’ve always worked. You’re it for me. You’re my final girl.”
You shook your head and grabbed his wrist, yanking him closer to you to avoid having one of your friends creep up on the two of you and hear him rambling on. “Jesus, scream it a little louder, moron,” you growled, pulling him into the corner of the maze where the racoon had just jumped out of. “What is wrong with you? Do you want one of them to hear you?”
“I don’t care,” he admitted, “I miss you. I miss feeling you squirm against me when we watch a scary movie. I miss smelling you all over me the next morning. My fucking pillow smells like your shampoo and the fact that you haven’t so much as said a word to me this week is killing me, Y/N.”  
Looking over his shoulder to ensure none of your friends were coming, you nearly hissed as you pulled him further into the thick wall of corn stocks. The tall stacks towered over the two of you and shielded you away from any prying eyes.
“One week, Billy. It’s been one week and it’s hurting you? Try being in love with someone for three fucking years and watching them fall in love with someone else. And then, when he can’t get his whistle wet with his girlfriend, he ends up in your bed.” You ground your teeth together in an effort to control the burst of emotion pounding in your chest. “That is the shit that hurts, Billy. I wasn’t good enough to be your girlfriend, but I was easy enough for you to sleep with and I was so enamoured with you that I was willing to overlook the fact I’m hurting Sid each and every time we do it. I won’t do it anymore.”
The moon managed to seep in through a barren patch of the maze wall and struck Billy in such a way that you lost your breath. Those brown eyes you’d fallen in love with all those years back were glued to your face. He’d always had this air of intensity about him but, right now, looking at the long shadows cast against his face from the illumination of the moon, that intensity had all but dissipated. You’d never seen Billy look more beautiful in your life.
The silence that followed your words was thick and tense, but those damn eyes never left your face. Not even for a second. Slowly, Billy leaned in and, in the softest voice you’d ever heard him speak, he managed to break your heart all over again. “You love me?”
“Oh, shut-up,” you snarled, “like you didn’t know.”
“How the fuck would I have known that?” he whispered, taking a step closer to you. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you?” You snapped. “Billy, you have a girlfriend. I’m already fucking you, what am I going to do? Confess all of this in between sucking your dick and packing up before Sidney catches wind of us?”
“Don’t cheapen it,” he cautioned, “not when it comes to us.”
“There is no ‘us’, Billy!” You reminded him. “There is a you and there is a Sidney. Then there is me.”
“Fuck Sidney,” he snarled through gritted teeth. “And don’t act like it’s only been sex between us.”
You snorted. “Maybe the odd movie, sure.”
Anger flickered across his face as he took another step closer, backing you into a particularly sturdy corn stock. This was a side of Billy you rarely saw, this unhinged almost animalistic side that came out when his emotions got too overwhelming. You’d seen this look only once before. It was few weeks into your sneaky little affair when Billy had snuck in through your bedroom window with red, bloodshot eyes and bleeding knuckles. It was the night his mother had left, and he’d just had lost a one-sided fight with the brick wall of his house.
“You were there for me when nobody else was,” he leaned his forehead against yours and you watched the muscle in his cheek clench several times over as he chewed on his words. “When my mother left, you were the one that was there for me. Not Sidney, not my father – you.” You felt his hands trail up your jean-clad hips before guiding your hips towards the thick corn stock behind you. You should have pushed him away, stuck to your guns, and ran off to find the rest of your friends. But, you couldn’t. Not with Billy looking at you the way he was.
“Billy,” you tried, but there was no conviction behind it. “I meant what I said.”
“Which part?” He asked. “When you said you loved me or when you said you couldn’t do this anymore.”  
“Both,” you told him. “Sidney’s a good friend and—”
A growl escaped his throat as he shut his eyes, but he never stepped away. With his forehead still leaning against yours, it was as though he was afraid to break contact in fear of losing you all over again. “Can we not talk about Sid for one goddamn second?” He took a few even breaths before those brown eyes opened back up, capturing your gaze instantly. “I love you.”
“Don’t,” you warned him. This time it was your turn to shut your eyes as the pain of hearing those three little words sliced you from stem to stern. “That’s not fair, Billy.”
“What? You don’t believe me?” You felt his hands slither up the side of your waist and up the length of your body until they cradled your face. “Look at me.”
“No,” you griped, “to both of your questions. Don’t say shit you don’t mean, not when it comes to that. It’s cruel.”
His calloused thumb danced across the apple of your cheek. “Look at me,” he demanded, barely above a whisper. “Sweetheart, look at me.” Frowning, you opened your eyes but remained silent. Bumping your nose with his, Billy pushed your hair back and away from your face and shook his head. “I fucking love you.”
“You’re with Sidney,” you reminded him, sounding like a broken record. “If you loved me, we wouldn’t be hiding in the middle of a goddamn corn maze while our friends blindly stumble around looking for the exit.”
“Stu knows,” he admitted. “And when it’s a good time, so will everyone else.”
“Colour me shocked,” you rolled your eyes. “Stu knows everything.”
“You think I don’t want to parade you all over town?” Billy questioned. “I get so heated when I see Randy or any of those goons on the football team flirt with you. I want you every second of the day.”
You swallowed hard. “Then please, Billy, just be honest with me. Tell me why things are so fucking complicated with Sid? I get break-ups are hard but cheating on her isn’t the answer.”
Billy was truly torn as he took in the desperation in your eyes. Things with Sid were complicated but not in the way you thought they were. There were no feelings involved with Sid, at least not the romantic kind, but there was no chance in hell he was divulging his plans with Sidney. Not with you. He couldn’t stomach the idea of losing you knowing full-well you’d try and sway him on it. Or worse. What if you went to the police about it? What if you tried to stop him? No. He wasn’t getting you involved. You were the one person in his life who hadn’t let him down and he was hell-bent on doing the same for you.
The less you knew, the better.
“Just give me some time, alright?” He pleaded, grabbing your hands to ghost his lips across your knuckles. “She’s still dealing with the loss of her mother. I can’t spring a break-up on her, too. Not yet. But soon,” he kissed your hand, “I promise.”
“I don’t want to hurt her any more than we already have, Billy,” you told him, “we could end this here and now and then when you do break-up, we can continue whatever the hell this is. But we shouldn’t d—”
Before you could say another word, he leaned forward and captured your lips in a bruising kiss. Everything about this man was electric and despite everything –  the guilt, the secrets, all of it – the way his lips seemed to mould against yours so perfectly, stopped you dead in your tracks. Placing sloppy kisses down from your mouth and along your jaw, Billy nipped at your ear. “I really do fucking love you.”
You leaned into the kiss and tangled your fingers through his hair, tugging at the ends. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he continued his assault down your jaw towards your neck where he nipped and sucked at the sensitive flesh. “You give me a fucking hickey and you’re dead,” you chastised breathlessly. When he responded with a gentle bite, you gave his hair another gentle tug. “I mean it, Loomis.”
Pulling back from your neck, you were met with one of Billy’s rare but genuine grins. He was all teeth as he leaned his forehead against yours again, scraping his thumbnail gently across your cheek as he fought to catch his breath. “You’re perfect, you know that?”
“Your girlfriend would beg to differ, but I appreciate the sentiment.” Groaning quietly at the mess you and Billy had created for yourselves, you reached up and pushed a strand of his brown hair back and away from his face. “We should go,” you told him. “Before anyone besides Stu finds us.”
Giving you one final peck, he nodded in agreement and pushed a few stocks aside for you to escape from. Before you stepped out of the covering, however, Billy reached for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I promise, Y/N, everything is going to work out for us.”
Giving him a small, resigned smile, you leaned in and gave him a quick, chaste kiss. “I’ll leave my bedroom window open tonight,” you told him. “Do what you will with that information.”
Billy watched you disappear back into the maze with a shit-eating grin on his face. God, he was in deep with you. Too deep, perhaps, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Not yet, at least. For now, he had you back and he had no intention of letting you go again.
part two HERE
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My thoughts on Clementine’s story in the “Skybound X” Comic
Okay, so before I jump into my opinion piece on the comic, I’m going to give a little explanation and break down of the issue, for all of you confused as to why everyone’s talking about this story.
What is it?
A while ago, Skybound announced that they would be continuing Clementine’s story via comic. It is supposed to be a trilogy taken place in the same universe as both the game and TWD comic series (with Rick Grimes). It is intended to be a continuation of The Final Season.
Why is everyone yelling about it?
Back when the comic was first announced, the reception was mixed with some people excited to see Clementine again, some who expressed scepticism on how Skybound would treat our beloved characters (and the ending of TFS which seemed like a perfect end note to Clem’s journey and arc) and wanted nothing to do with it, and some who were “cautiously optimistic” - shall we say, to what a sequel comic would entail for Clementine.
How would Skybound handle the choices? does this mean half of the playthroughs will no longer be canon? how can you even continue Clem’s story at this point without messing with the characterization or the playthroughs? 
Well, the comic finally released and people read it and...yeah, our hesitance was justified. 
So, it’s impossible to describe this comic without spoilers, so for anyone who wishes to read the comic themselves and form their own opinion beforehand - do not read below this cut as I will be going through the entire comic plot. You’ve been warned!
The Story
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So, the story starts off early in the morning, with Clementine gearing up to leave the school.
We follow her as she leaves the school grounds (alone), goes to the hut to pack supplies and finds a map. She hears a noise outside, which turns out to be a walker so she leaves the hut and kills it. Then goes back to looking at the map.
So far, so good right? like it seems odd that Clementine’s leaving the school in crutches alone with no back up, but hey, maybe she’s just trying to regain some independence and get in some early morning hunting for the group or something, right?
Well this is when shit starts to go South...
Clementine hears another noise, and thinking it’s a walker she opens the hut door wielding a knife, only for it to be AJ.
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(Also I think it’s been a couple of years since TFS, because AJ’s looking pretty tall for a 5 year old and apparently they’ve got new settlements to trade with).
It turns out, that Clementine was planning on ditching the school and setting off on her own. Without even a single goodbye or bothering to tell anyone about it. AJ is rightfully confused by this (fucking same, little buddy). And it leads to this exchange:
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Yup. So Clementine, not only was planning on ditching her new family and home, but she was also going to leave AJ without a single goodbye and just vanish from his life. Breaking any promises or teachings she told him from their time spent together.
And you know what the worst part is?
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She’s doing it because she’s “not happy” (and no, she doesn’t elaborate on this, we’re just supposed to accept it). AJ just tries in earnest to convince her to stay and that he can make her happy and all Clem says is “you can’t”.
If I were to analyse this short scene, I would say that perhaps it’s an internal war Clem’s got going on in her head, where there IS no rational reason for her leaving, but rather it’s something mentally that she can’t get over (possibly depression) and she feels like she has to leave to deal with it better. Honestly, in any other story this would be an incredibly interesting character complexity to witness.
The issue here is that it does NOT at all match Clem’s characterization from the game.
Clem was happy with the school. All she ever wanted in her life was for somewhere safe to call home and spend the rest of her days without constant fear and having to be on the move. She wanted to belong somewhere after losing Lee and her family. 
Clem’s character has never been about this badass who’s always on the move for thrills or looking for adventure or excitement. Does it happen to her? yes. But her character has always wanted to settle down somewhere with people and to have a family. She’s a homebody at heart, and the ending of TFS even plays with this by having her be the leader (which is what the series was building her up for) who strategizes and sends other people out while she stays in the middle of it all. The reason that ep4 was so beautiful was it came full circle with Season 1 in that Clementine can finally rest and LIVE her life now, without fear of being on the run or having to feel alone anymore, knowing everyone around her is safe and happy.
You mean to tell me, that Clementine would risk her life to save a community of people and protect “a home” only to up and abandon it because “idk it’s not for me” - fucking bullshit, Skybound. Clementine loves the Ericson kids and AJ, even if she didn’t form a romance with Louis or Violet. Those people meant something to her, and even if she did feel like it was safe to leave them, she wouldn’t. Because she enjoys being with them and loves them.
Clem did not go through hell for these people and spend years hunting down AJ only to up and ditch them - WITHOUT EVEN A GOODBYE, mind you.
She has plenty of opportunities to leave them, and she didn’t. Not even when there was a risk to her life.
Also, the best part about this? after Clem gives us her pity me tears, a walker sneaks up behind her and AJ shoots it before it gets her. 
It’s supposed to represent how well Clem has taught him throughout the years, but I find it hilarious because we’re now supposed to be okay with Clem venturing out on her own after almost getting chomped (again).
AJ finally accepts her decisions and runs back to the school, while the final shot is of Clementine walking into the horizon.
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Final Thoughts
Honestly, the fact that even the writer of this comic couldn’t even bother giving Clementine a reason beyond that vague “I’m not happy” statement is a slap in the face itself, and just goes to show that even they don’t fully believe in the plot of the story either and it’s purely being used as a means to cash in on a Clementine spin off without having the other characters there and the potential backlash of referencing the game choices.
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Oh it was something special, all right. It’s like an angst fanfic.
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HOW on earth is this comic staying “true to Clementine’s journey”? did you even play the games, Skybound? because besides a few quirky buzzwords like “still not bitten”, I don’t think you understand the story of TWDG or Clementine’s “journey” at all.
Not only was this comic unnecessary, but I’m confident that even the writers of TFS never believed this to be an outcome for Clementine either give how often they spoke about ep4 as being the conclusion to her story and her arc being “finding a home and what it means to protect one”.
With all that said, please don’t send hate to Tillie Walden. If anything, it’s Skybound themselves that should be scrutinised for greenlighting this script and thinking it was an appropriate sequel for the game (if it even needed one).
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(Also apparently adventurer Clem is no longer tying her hair up anymore and is growing it out, which makes 0 sense when she’s out exploring).
In Conclusion
This short comic was a hot mess, but we’ve got 2 more to go.
The only way I can see this comic being salvaged is if they pull off the cliché storyline of Clementine realizing she was wrong and that the school IS her home and where she wants to be, so returns back to Ericson’s in the end.
But that would be both pointless and still make this entire intro nonsensical, so I guess we’ll just need to wait and see.
I’ve honestly no clue how Clementine is expecting to find something better out in the world for herself that makes her happy, when she herself knows how rare it is to find a home like that in the apocalypse and how dangerous it is elsewhere.
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hesgunnalovethis · 4 years
Not That Bad
Leonard McCoy x Reader
Summary: You have the severity of your injuries in a twist sending Leonard McCoy’s blood pressure through the roof
TW: injury descriptions and strong language 
ft. bestie Jim Kirk <333
Word Count: 1737
“Yes. No. I understand Mr Spock. Cuttings on your desk in 40 minutes. Got it.” You closed your comm and checked your watch. 
 You’d spent 16 hours Planetside and after a complication that had landed most crew in the MedBay, you agreed to help out botany to complete the mission report. Really you didn’t have a clue what you were doing but you concluded it couldn’t be that hard. 
 Cross referencing the plants in front of you to the list on your PADD, you picked up the plier looking utensil and began clipping the stems from the root. 
 “Maybe I should transfer to science.” You muttered to yourself after you’d successfully pressed the first few cuttings into their sample bags. 
Taking the next stem between your fingers you picked up the pliers and cut through the green and your fingertip, simultaneously. Blood shot upwards from your finger. You scoffed at the inconvenience. 
 You grabbed the first aid kit and examined the content that your Chief Medical Officer boyfriend had once talked you through and began to wish you’d listened. 
 Failing to remember anything, you wrapped a plaster around the top of your finger and watched it turn from white to red almost immediately. You tried layering another on top which bled through just as fast. After a failed third layer you took yourself from the lab and started towards the MedBay. 
 You stopped for a moment scouring your brain for which corridors to take. It had been so long since you’d actually journeyed to the MedBay by choice. You’d been utilising your doctor shared quarters. 
 Arriving at the desk you checked your watch again. 20 minutes before Spock was expecting you. You began to panic and turned to the receptionist. 
 “Could you ask Doctor McCoy to see me? It’s pretty urgent.” You said, grabbing a bundle of tissues from the display to contain the droplets falling from your finger. 
 The receptionist did as you asked and you heard Leonard through the comm.
 “On the bridge?” He asked. 
 “No, Sir. Here in the MedBay.” The receptionist in front of you responded. 
 “In the Med-“ You heard a fuss beginning through the comm and then a room number you were to be assigned. 
 No sooner had you arrived, a half scrubbed in Leonard burst through the door desperately searching for what heinous emergency had beckoned you to his MedBay. 
 “Are you being serious right now!?” Leonard asked ripping off the last of his scrub uniform. 
 “Always good to see you too, Lee.” You responded, smiling. 
 Sighing softly he shot you an apologetic look and planted a kiss on your cheek. 
 “Hi, darlin’” He whispered letting down his doctor guard and allowing his southern drawl back in. He began to look you over again, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” 
 You lifted your hand removing the tissue to reveal your slightly bloodied finger. Leonard took a step back rubbing his temples. 
 “Y/N, darlin’. PUT A PLASTER ON IT?!”
 “I tried that! It keeps bleeding though!” You whined. 
 “There are people DYING in here, Y/N.” 
 “Oh go on, please. I have lab work due in 15 minutes and I can’t work with this bleeding all over the samples!” 
 Leonard sighed and moved to the other side of the room to collect the dermal regenerator. Taking your hand in his he kissed the cut before placing it under the machine.
 He caught your eyes with his. “I left a 6 hour surgery for this.” 
 The next day you took your healed finger with you on your next mission where your team successfully released several hostages and transported their authoritative grasp to Enterprise Security.  
 “All clear, Jim.” You said to your comm after clearing the last room on your final check. 
 “Received. Take the turbolift to the bridge and let’s get out of here.” 
 Stepping into the foreign tube you found it very similar to Starfleet’s and got it moving towards the bridge. You began to hear Jim’s voice on the other side before the lift stumbled to a halt. 
 “Um, Jim?” You shouted through the metal. 
 “Great.” Jim said clocking the flashing error sign on the lift. “Don’t worry Lieutenant. We’ll... pry it open.” 
 “Full proof.” You said to yourself, getting ready to pull from your side. 
 After a brief plan outline and a countdown you began to pull. A small gap opened to the side and you managed to squeeze your body through before the door clattered closed on your newly regenerated finger. 
 “Again?! Why is it always you?” You asked your finger, pulling it from the metals grip and eying the purple residue left on it. 
 “Me?” Jim asked, doubled over from the effort he’d just exerted, before being distracted by his comm, “Bones! Yes, just calling to let you know of the ZERO injuries incoming to the MedBay!”
 “Zero injuries?” You cut him off. “This is a broken bone for sure.” 
 “Oh my god.” Jim said in disgust looking at the weird purple oil all over the metal, your finger and subsequently his uniform. “Why is it that colour?!” 
 “Dammit, Jim.” You heard through the comm before Leonard hung up and Jim reconnected to the transporter room. 
 You arrived back on the transporter pad to Leonard’s eyes burning a hole in you and pinching the bridge of his nose. 
 “Broken bone?” He said walking towards you.
 “This bastard finger.” You said and Leonard took your wrist to examine it.  
 “THIS-“ He stopped abruptly and calmed himself. “This is a finger, Y/N. BARELY a bone.” He examined it further, “I’m not even convinced that’s broken?” 
 “Tell you what though, it really fucking hurts.” You petted your lip at him. 
 Slipping an arm around your waist he led you out of the transporter room and towards the MedBay. “Let’s get you patched up sweetheart, but we really have to talk about your hyperbole.” 
 It was a few days before you were due to arrive at your next destination and Jim had roped you into helping with his ensign combat training. 
 “It’s basically target practice.” Jim said in conclusion to a confused looking group of redshirts. “The phasers I’ve given you won’t shoot, but will read on the side if you’ve hit your target. It’s like laser tag! You’ve all played laser tag, right?” The room was silent. “And that’s another added to the list of shore leave activities.” 
 “Captain Kirk and I will be over here as moving targets.” You started, taking over from Jim. “Try and shoot me without hitting the Captain. Got it?” 
 You and Jim moved over to the course beginning the same choreographed fight you’d been using for years. You heard the pathetic fake phaser shots over and over and were beginning to question almost all of your life choices as a deafening shot fired and struck your side. 
 “Y/N!” Jim fell to your side, “PHASERS DOWN!” He shouted to the group briefly trying to determine which one hadn’t followed his only instruction ‘Do not bring your own phaser.’ 
 There was a small commotion before you heard Jim’s voice again. “Kirk to MedBay I need a team to training room 1 immediately.” 
 You found yourself back in the same biobed you’d frequented for past 3 days consecutively and tried to keep up with the nurses’ quick conversations. 
 “Someone page McCoy now.” You heard one of them say. 
 “Not Leonard-“ You interrupted, “He’ll jus- is there anyone else?”
 “Not anyone who could patch you up like Doctor McCoy.” One of the nurses stated opening their comm. “Doctor McCoy to room 6. On the double. It’s-“ 
 “Lieutenant Y/L/N?” Leonard cut off the nurse. 
 “Yes.” She replied. 
 “For once I’m not even surprised.” 
 The nurses continued fussing around you and your biobed beeps became angrier. 
 You watched the door open and Leonard’s face turn from passiveness to urgency in a millisecond. 
 “My god!” He shouted, dropping his board and beginning to order nurses to different machines connected to your bed. 
 “Listen, Leonard it’s not THAT bad.” 
 “NOT THAT BAD?! YOU’VE BEEN SHOT?!”  Leonard flicked his eyes between you and your vitals. 
 “Yeah, but, shot in a controlled environment.” 
 “You’ve been in here with a cut and a stave, guns blazing, and now you’ve been shot it’s ‘NOT THAT BAD?!’” 
 “Granted this doesn’t look-“ You were cut off by a wave of pain that sent you wincing. 
 “Hell.” Leonard turned to his own station briefly. “You’re not gonna like this sweetheart but you can tell me all about it when you’re back in one piece.” Leonard planted a kiss on your head and a hypo in your neck, sending you into sleep. 
Coming back to, you heard your biobed beeping at a normal rhythm and a strong accent beside you. 
 “I don’t care what his test scores are, he shot a Lieutenant I want him gone.” 
 “Leonard.” You scolded. 
 “Darlin’” He moved to you instantly closing his comm without a word. “How are you feeling?”
 “I’m fine. Sore neck.” You said rubbing where he’d hypo’d you. His eyes were still racked with worry. “It was an accident. That’s why we train them we-“ 
 “Darlin’ if he isn’t removed from this ship the only accident will be me prescribing him with cyanid capsules instead of his iron tablets.” He looked over your vitals again before picking up his clipboard, “But you let me worry about that. You can worry about this.” He handed you a laminated sheet entitled ‘Doctor McCoy’s Guide to a Serious Injury.’ 
 You shot him an annoyed look. 
 “Just so there’s no more confusion.” He winked at you. You glanced over the ‘Serious Injury: To Be Reported’ column. 
 “I hardly think ‘A sudden cough’ is a serious injury, Leonard.” You scoffed. 
 “Oh sure. Let’s just let your DNA de-evolve into non humane codes exterminating crucial pairings.” 
 “Noted.” You said admiring the doctor’s bedside manner, “Is there a second page?” You said spotting another sheet in his hand. 
 “No. This is Jim’s copy.” Leonard replied. 
 “Of course.” 
 Leonard brushed your hair behind your ears and smoothed your forehead. “I’m glad you’re finally visiting the MedBay doll, but I would prefer if you kept your trips to mandatory immunisations and essential check-ups.” 
 “I wouldn’t hold your breath, Doctor.” You said brushing your lips against his. 
“And somehow I still wouldn’t change you for the world.” Leonard said quietly before closing the space left between you.
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Laid out cold, now we're both alone (part 2)
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A/N: Hello, this fic is very important to me because I tried my best to give justice to such a cool idea and I hope I did a good job. Plus I don't do multichapter ofter, so this was a challenge. 
I wanna thank the lovely @livdonna for proofreading my work, you're literally the best <3. 
P.S. If you want to get tagged in the next chapters, let me know.
Summary: Nikki visits Mick to give him a very important task.
Warnings: Major Character Death,Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Drug Use, Angst, Overdose.
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Tommy Lee
Chapter 1
Taglist: @slashscowboyboots @witchytombstonesmile @arnold-layne @emometalhead​ @i-dont-like-rice​ @nikki-sexx​ @smokeandmirrorz​
Mick was supposed to not give a shit about Nikki. He and the stupid drummer had tormented him and his wife for months on ends, making the whole tour a living hell and he didn’t need to have even more things to worry about. So what if his bassist decided to get addicted to heroin? He was a fucking dumbass but it wasn’t his problem.  He would end up killing himself and it wasn’t like Mick could have done something, not when his whole body was torturing him.
The only problem was that he cared, deep down. He cared about the fucker and hearing the news that he was gone forever hit him.  He lost one of his friends and the band all together in a day, what would have happened? He hated to admit he was scared about the future, it was hard to imagine Motley Crue without Nikki.
He sighed, turning off yet another discussion about his death. They didn’t call him yet but something was telling him that they had to release a statement soon.  Doc was probably freaking out somewhere crying for all his millions of dollars lost.
“Fucking Nikki, you had to die at the worst moment, didn’t you?”
“Yeah… sorry about that, man” A voice incredibly similar to Nikki said, making Mick jump up.
Nikki didn’t feel anything, one moment they were in the ambulance and the other they were on the beach.  He was confused for a moment before he remembered that Mick had a beach house, and stared at it for a bit. He didn’t know much about the guitarist, maybe almost nothing but he respected him so much.  He was one of the strongest dudes he had ever met.
The weirdest thing about all of this was probably how he was only able to feel certain things, no cravings or sand under his feet as he was walking, yet he would still feel guilt, fear, love, worry… it didn’t make sense but he wasn’t in the mood to question the universe’s rules.
People can’t see you until you decide to show yourself. You have to remember or otherwise they can’t hear or see you.
The voice still freaked him out, but at the same time he was grateful for it to be there… it made him feel less alone, which was great considering how he felt lonely for his entire life.
“You’re not alone Nikki, I’ll always be there with you, through highs and lows”
“God it sounds like a marriage vow, T-Bone”
“Well if I could I’d marry now…”
He shook his head, trying to get the memory out.  It wasn’t the time to be sentimental and risk fucking everything up, so he walked ( more like flew) through the front door and found Mick sitting on the couch.
“Fucking Nikki, you had to die at the worst moment, didn’t you?”
“Yeah… sorry about that, man”. The bassist hoped that he was heard, otherwise it would have been pretty embarrassing.
Mick visibly jumped at hearing Nikki’s voice and quickly turned around to look at him.  From his widened eyes and confused expression, he knew he probably looked fucking transparent.
“Okay first of all why the hell are you here talking to me if you’re dead? Then why the fuck can I see myself through you ?”
The black haired man just realized that he had no idea how to explain everything and be believed, he just went along with whatever the voice in his head was saying, but now it was different. He fumbled with his hand and realized he couldn’t feel them, while he tried to come up with the best way to explain to his friend how he was a ghost and why he was there.
“I died… I have no idea how I came back but I have unfinished business and I need to talk to you!”
The guitarist looked at him up and down, clearly skeptical.  However, there wasn’t much arguing… Nikki’s ghost was literally standing in front of him.
“Okay I have no idea if this is a dream, I’m dead or in a coma, or simply I drank too much but now I’ll grab some vodka and you’ll spill your little secrets as you like”.
Nikki smiled a bit… He honestly felt normal for the first time since he was brought back.  Having Mick joking was so familiar, usually Tommy was the aim of his jokes and they all laughed because they were all so unexpected…
Tommy. Thinking about him still hurt, again he wondered if he was okay and how much he missed him… but it wasn’t his time now.  He had other things to talk about as Mick came back into the living room with his glass.
“Mick… you gotta promise me that you won’t let Motley Crue die, that you will fight to keep the band’s legacy.”
The older man looked at him surprised, rolling his eyes.
“Well that’s a bit hard when our bassist and songwriter died!”
Rage and resentment were heavy in his voice but there was more : fear and sadness. Nikki felt guilty and he fucking hated it, it was so unlike him but he couldn’t help it… Mick cared about the band as much as he did.  He always said the band was his life, before heroin came into the picture, but it was also Mick’s and he probably destroyed everything.
“You will find another one, another bassist who is also a songwriter…” The words felt so foreign coming from his mouth.  They even hurt a bit but they were necessary.
“I know you care about this band as much as I do, Mick. I know how much you’ve worked your ass off in shitty bands, trying to find the one that was going to break… I might be dead but Crue can’t have the same fate”.
Mick scoffed, taking a long sip of his vodka.
“It’s not easy, it’s not like we can find the perfect match like we did. Plus, everyone will probably hate him for replacing you!”
The frustration was almost tangible, but there was something else… Mick was scared, he knew everything was about to fade away because of Nikki’s actions, he was already looking at the boat sinking. Nikki started to panic because his band had to live, even in his death! It was pointless and selfish but that was the only thing people could remind him of.
“If you give up, then Vince and Tommy will do the same! I know that you think no one will take you, but the truth is they will. Crue is what it is because of our vision, you are part of it and I’m asking you to keep it going. Think of this as my dying man’s wish… even if I’m already dead”
The older man’s grip on his glass got tighter, his eyes lost in thought as he was pondering Nikki’s words. It was hard to take in, hell that was an understatement, it was fucking insane and probably wouldn’t work but the bassist needed to have this false hope.
“It’s so fucking weird, you know? To realize you’re fucking dead yet here talking to me.”
He was deflecting, Nikki knew it, but didn’t want to push it too far. He learned to know Mick, he kept his promises and he was a hard worker and with a good dose of luck and jokes, you got him to your side.
“Yeah, do you remember how I said you weren’t going to make it in that interview? Well, karma hits like a bitch!”
“Mick might not make it , he drinks a little too much and it looks rough” Mick quoted, trying to imitate Nikki’s voice.
“Yeah and then you said something like I heard what you said and you’re dead, fuck I guess you were right” He laughed but Mick didn’t.
Oh c’mon so what if he was joking about his death? It’s not like anyone really cared about him.  They just saw him as a burden, which he was. Not his mom, nor his band or his Tommy would have really missed him… they would eventually move on.
“You’re a fucking idiot.” He said annoyed but his lips formed a small smile.
“I know, I know. Mick… please promise me that. If Crue is going to end, then my whole life didn’t mean anything! Ple…” He stopped himself, he was so fucking close to begging but he couldn’t. Nikki Sixx didn’t fucking beg, not in life or death.
“I’m thinking about it!”
He really meant the first part. He spent all his teenage and adult years creating the band of his dreams and making sure they conquered the world.  This band was his escape; his attempt at redemption after his shitty childhood. Nobody loved Frank Feranna but he didn’t care, he would become Nikki Sixx and be super fucking famous!
He didn’t need anyone’s love, except that he did.
“ I love you, Nikki.”
“ No you don’t, nobody does, T-Bone”
“Well I fucking do. You gotta pass on my dead body before you’ll hear me not saying it over and over”
His heart might have stopped, but he still felt the big wave of nostalgia hitting him. He couldn’t do it, he would have never been ready to see him again.
“Okay, I will. But listen to me, it won’t be easy and I’m an old man with a fucked up back, so don’t send demons against me if I fail!” The little spark of determination in his eyes relaxed Nikki, he was on board.
“I fucking knew you were the best, Mars! If I wasn’t dead I’d probably tattoo your face on me as a thank you!”
“Oh gross, never say that again!” He pretended to be disgusted but his eyes betrayed him, the small softness in them told Nikki he felt touched.
“Who knows, maybe in hell they have tattoos for the ghosts. God we used to hate each other and now we are two peas in a pod.”
“I still hate you.”
“Ugh, you crushed my heart Mick”
The guitarist flipped him off, rolling his eyes. Nikki desperately wanted to keep talking, if he did then he could have pretended nothing changed, right? He didn’t have to face Vince and Tommy and go through the light… everything would have stayed the same or he could fool himself that it would.
I think it’s time to go to the next person.
The voice was demanding yet still calm. Nikki knew that he couldn’t stay forever, they had to prevent spirits from just lingering into the real world like that, it made him a bit angry but he understood it. It wasn’t like he could have done much anyway…He was just a shell of what he used to be.
“I gotta go Mick…” He wanted to punch himself because he sounded so fucking pathetic, but the other man gave him a compassionate smile.
What he fuck are you, a little small puppy? Oh look Frankie is scared to leave his illusion of a family.
Mick walked him to the other without saying anything, but before turning the handle, which was pointless because Nikki could have just passed through the door, he broke the silence.
“Try to give us some signs, okay? Show us that you’re there… but don’t you fucking dare spill my vodka or I’ll make you two times dead!”
“Oh that’s exactly what I’ll do, thanks for the suggestion!”
He stepped outside and looked at Mick one last time.
“You promised, alien. You gotta do it!”
“Yeah yeah, you better repay me when I come to join you there…” And with one last look, Mick closed the door.
Nikki felt all of the weight crushing down on his body, even if it was made of air. He simply stood still, his mind racing like a freight train, trying to take everything in but also getting ready for his next move… being overwhelmed was an understatement, he felt peeled down like an orange and this was only the beginning. He felt like a fucking coward but he just wanted to get over it, was it that bad to accept his fate and disappear without facing anyone?
You are going to abandon him again? You know why you need to talk to Vince, and you know this will be your last chance to see him, asshole!
He went to kick the sand, but he couldn’t touch it. God, how frustrating was that!
So where are we going next?
Nikki would have wanted to scream at him, give him the middle finger and just run away but it wouldn’t have been helpful, would it? So he forced himself to be as neutral as possible.
“Vince Neil. Take me to his house.”
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mouseratz · 2 years
Gotham season 4x15-17
-martin :(
-"uncle penguin sent me to get you" IM GONNA CRY IM GONNA CRYYY
-thats not how you say memaw.
- "DUDE, I thought you stopped being a cop?"
- "save it. cuz you're probably gonna be a douchebag to me later anyways." "Missed you too."
- he's still got a bloody nose sniffling LMAO
- you've got that stupid fucking hat again.
- "it's a fantastic plan."
- he's in the sewers....just like comics
- "but you're not Ed anymore."
- "oh, god, no."
- hey there Barbara.
- lmfao....victor
- Jesus Christ. riddler
- kinda down with it though. Sooo fun. Best scene everrr
- "I'm not even gonna ask."
- where? what the.....
- covered in frost. so angry
- Jim got shot. SAD. well, there are other mediocre white men
- twice....
- "can't catch a break today. let's go get a milkshake.'
- penguin came for him. they're back here, again.
- "you gave up your revenge for me?" gay.
- "....but I trust you, Ed."
- "I have a strong desire to never, ever see this pier again." "I agree."
- glad lee is having her girlboss moments.
- ra's?
- ew. Tetch.
- just remembered when me and my cousin used to yell LETS BLOW THIS POPSICLE STAND.....everytime we left somewhere as an inside joke but I no longer know what it referenced
- actually tetch is funny now that he's just annoying and likes to rhyme
- Selina and Bruce are fun too.
- whaaat is the Barbara and ra's plot.
- okey dokey.
- Bruce's plot is sooo funny. I love his lying.
- he's soooo rude.
- "that toilet paper jingle I love so much."
- Jerome is preddy awesome still
- his family really did suck LMAO
- "got it. Lost it. Write it down.'
- he is so good. Soooo funny.
- this episode is so good.
- "alright. See ya crazy kids later!'
- the sisters of the league....hashtag feminism
- "I can do this crazy thing, cuz if it goes sideways, Jim Gordons gonna save me." Bullock do you have something to share with the class.
- They're all so cute together in their little outfits. Boys night!
-what are these guys up to now....
-jim knew it was the clock....but there were too many.
- penguin is SLAYING
- his hair is soooo good.
- "ooh. Pun worthy. Excellent."
- Im an artist.
- Jerome and the old lady....
- "oh, don't get up. I won't waste too much of your time."
- "Jimbo! oh, buddy, oh pal, it's great to see ya!"
- she is sooo dramatic.
- bitches love wheels.
- whoever that is, she was READY
- I looove Oswald's coat an amazing amount.
- I do want to remind Oswald, you know, you did cut off his hand. You weren't exactly the best boss, we can agree, yeah?
- the heart hands. LMAO
- he....has a twin? ok
- "she thinks stapling a barracuda to someone's face isn't damn good entertainment."
- trust! that's my guess
- ugh. a promise. close.
- Jerome really can solve the labyrinth. Huh.
- he didn't actually do those things?
- them all running by.....
- I love you. that's the words. but it's a trap.
- she reciprocated? that's a hell of a surprise. Lee I'm gonna be honest your taste in men has not been shown to be fantastic.
- the cgi wasn't great.
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