#and then went back on it when they realized it wouldnt work like they planned?
ceasarslegion · 5 months
Just saw someone use the term "eat the rich" to refer to shane and ryan from watcher lads we are NOT going to make it if thats who you think "the rich" are or what that phrase refers to. Jesus christ log off
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lavender---sunshine · 2 years
i am so deep in my feelings right now, i both sad and mad enough that i cannot sleep
#ive been angry oscillating between angry and sad pretty much the whole day#i had a rare saturday off and i feel like i wasted half of it for my mom and she didnt appreciate it#i wanted to take her to somewhere new for brunch and a cool bookstore and to get our nails donw#and she drove like 30 minutes in the wrong direction and wouldnt listen to me and tried to blame it on me#im not allowed to be sick on my own. she has to be sick too. if i have a headache so does she and worse#if im nauseous in the afternoon she 'threw up' that morning. she'll say its something we ate even if we ate nothing in common#ive broken our in hives that keep popping up and the whole day she was acting as if she was itchy too AND dizzy.#we had to stop multiple times because she was so dizzy. im not saying she was lying but it stopped her from cleaning#she didnt want the original breakfast place near the bookstore and salon and when we got to the second one it was closed#found a third but she didnt want to deal with parking. went to option 4 and she didnt like her food.#she also kept asking me what she was getting instead of just ordering herself. 'what was it that i wanted? yes can you tell her i want xyz'#(and let me just say i have 0 patience left for people who cant do anything themselves. helplessness is a hard hard no for me#we didnt go to the bookstore or the salon and shes like oh okay tomorrow. i told her i had plans and shes like oh you always make plans#with your friends and none with me. Girlfriend. what are we doing right now?#went home to try to clean up our apartment and got overwhelmed when i realized i have to do everything myself because she no help#while she laid down and watched pitch perfect for the 1000th time#im also trying to figure out how to tell an ex friend i dont want them back in my life because theyre so much work#but i dont have room in my life to have that conversation. im also probably going to start looking for a different job soon#i just want my parents gone. my apartment furnished. free time. and a vacation.
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sugar-omi · 3 months
love when the ex tries to get back together with their former love until they see them happily together or married with kids. Love the angst.
Imagine 10-15 years later, MC still isn't satisfied and their marriage is slightly crumbling and becoming hollow. They check on Cove (maybe on facebook or something) and see pictures filled with his new love and family.
god, imagine that and MC acts kind of, very, bitter...
maybe you went on and tried to have the white picket fence with kids and/or fur babies. tried to have that storybook marriage. clung onto your fist of delusions and daydreams because they're truly all you have now, they're the only things that stood tall in the rubble of your life when you threw it into the fire.
because it has to work out. you love him, he loves you? why wouldnt it work? you built a life together, whatever it looks like.
so why do you feel so bitter, so empty.
why does the image of cove's happy family glare at you on the screen, why does your heart clench and throb, your stomach swirling with a pit of something nasty. something you can't dwell on for the sake of your marriage, or the shell of it anyway.
i wonder if consciousness has hit MC, the reality, the gravity of your situation. your actions. have fallen on your head and knocked you off your feet..
when, if, it hits you. do you look around your living room, comfortable but still hauntingly pristine compared to sand on the floor, suits and button ups where you used to find shorts and thin tanks, piles of clothes where a fish tank should be.
do you look around and miss the sound of running water from the fish tank, miss the sound of heavy feet followed by a heavy body draping across you, a soft voice, like a sweet lullaby sung by a tired dad, calling your name.
baby blues staring back at you, the sky in his eyes and all around. long hair in your hands. a hot body pressed against yours, warming up your cold hands easily for someone underdressed.
does that haunt you, the sound of love always heavy on his tongue, heavier in his eyes. the weight of it in his hands that pull you in.
only rewarded by your empty, yearning gaze. your heart is somewhere else, even if your body is in his hands. your lips move but you aren't talking back. you blink but that's just to wipe away your tears, brush away your visions.
your hands move across his skin, hold his hand, and you know the difference in their skin, their touch. your rub lotion into cove's rough palms and try not to think about the smell of baxter's shampoo in your nose when you hugged him goodbye.
do you recall your empty i love you's and your irritable responses, do you cringe and feel judgment lay across your back when you remember all the times you rejected him. rejected his confession the first time, rejected his date plans. rejected his touch and yelled at him for being so clingy.
do you realize your parents anger and disappointment, cliff and kyra's anger and disappointment, was hardly worth waking up to alluring amber hues and messy, short locks of gray.
do you drag your hands over your face and think your friends disappointment and distance was not worth this echoing house.
are your chat logs, texts short and far between worth many late night dances in your kitchen, in the ballroom at his work.
do you avoid baxter's eyes and give short answers when he tells you about the scene at a wedding when the bride's affair partner crashed the wedding.
do you stuff down the feeling rising from the dark pit of your stomach and choke on the bile in your throat.
do you look at the sky, stare at the far ocean and remember his sad expression. his pleads for your love. to look at him, love him, turn your affection at him. call his name in your sleep, reflect his face in your eyes, play songs about him.
do you turn off all the sad songs because you overplayed them up until now... do you try not to think about how a lot of, maybe all, of your actions were made out of sad, movie style longing for a summer love and that maybe you over-selled this too much.
when you celebrate your anniversary comes around, do you ignore the emptiness around you.
you built this life, this family, whatever it looks like.
and even if there's sound around you. when those missing pieces haunt you, who do you feel guilty for?
fuck, are these feelings you have genuine regret, or bitter anger that cove's world is brighter than yours. are the ghost haunting you born from a genuine regret, or bitter comparison. do you compare and quickly shove away anything that says this wasn't worth it. wasn't right.
do you let it haunt you because you want to prove you're right, you're happier. and that cove's tears were worth 5 minutes of baxter's hand in yours.
does this become your pit of bitter that you stew in simply because the ringing of it is forced to echo around you? does it only hit you like this, do these thoughts only come to your mind, trying to force guilt onto you because you know you're wrong but as always, you have to be right.
because this love was greater than anything cove can offer, and you're definitely not selfish enough to want it all when you see how happy he looks. or wish he was more miserable than you.
are you miserable? because this could be genuine love, your love with baxter floats around your home daily. but maybe it's just the bitter emptiness from having to give up the fork you stuck in cove.
after all, what kid wants to give up a cake when you can have both. a bite here, there, drool over the 2nd cake before you push the 1st away, deeming it inferior once the richness of the 2nd cake hits your tongue..
is this misery simple you wanting it all. wanting to be on top. not wanting to see someone else appreciate the flavor of the first cake you abandoned.
how cruel and selfish of you to yearn to drain more from a cup that isn't your own...
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cuddl3s4shur1 · 1 year
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆:Drug Dealer Riri x F!Y/N
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𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎:Riri has went to jail for a crime,while you are pregnant and for the next 2 years you've been dealing with the pregancy and the raising of your child.
𝐀/𝐍:To be honest this has been in the works for MONTHSS
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆:Angst , Fluff ?
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Thats how you felt when riri told you those words .
Those simple words shattered you and those plans you had in the future
You never thought that one day riri would somehow get into trouble… Big Trouble At that
Flashback: Riri’s Call
Your phone starts to play your ringtone yet you thought you turned it off but it was whatever. You turn your phone to see who it could be this late at night. “MCC Chicago” you roll your eyes. What trouble did riri get in know ? “Riri Why are you in jail, I made you food an hour ago and now it's getting cold” You explain to riri. You were hoping that riri wouldn’t say anything bad and were only hoping for the good . “About that..” riri goes quiet after those 2 words hinting something bad happened. “What is it riri” you say trying to be demanding yet calm. “I got caught” You sigh at riri’s respond knowing this wasn’t good . “How many grams ,“ you ask her hoping it wasn’t a lot . “3” You clench your left fist becoming angry at riri, although you loved her you told her to stop doing this for the family. You and riri where starting a family and you where around 2 months pregnant. you wanted Needed riri to stop with dealing and the beef with people so yall family could be healthy. But now that dream was going to go down the drain . “Riri do you know how many years you could get… I told you to stop dealing “ you exclaim to riri . “I know i know “ riri says you roll your eyes. “Well whens your court hearing” you ask riri hoping it will be coming soon. “Around 3-4 weeks “ riri says . Each time you ask a question hoping it would get better it wouldn’t . It would go back to phase 1 and not even make it to phase 2 . “I’ll be visting you weekly and talking until the court date alright “ you explain to her . “Alright Love you Ma”
Flashback: Ends
You would call your mom after hanging up the call. You needed queen advice you needed some type of motivation speech so you could get through it. You knew how you felt and you just wanted to cry but you didn’t because you knew Riri wouldn’t want to see you like that she wouldnt want you to be tearing up .
“Hey siri FaceTime mommy” you ask her on the verge of tears. Calling “💕👑 Mommy👑💕”. ‘Called failed’ popped up on the screen 10 seconds later.
You would start to slowly shed tears . You call shuri hoping she could give you some support or comfort , you needed some of Shuri’S big sister love.
“Hey siri FaceTime Big Sister🖤” You ask slowly tearing up again. The call would ring intil you would get a awnser to the FaceTime call. “Hey what’s up” shuri asks. You put the camera at angle so she wouldn’t see your face. “She got caught” youu say starting to cry .”Who-Who got caught” shuri asked not knowing what you where talking about.”Riri she got caught while making a deal” you say crying more .”it’s ok y/n she’s going to get out “ shuri says trying to calm you down. “She’s not ri, she’s having a court date” you say with a sniffle . “It’s going to be right “ she says . “Is it though because I’m not going to see her for a while not to mention we have a baby on the way” you say realizing you told shuri that’s your pregnant.
You never told you any of your family back in wakanda about the pregnancy. You and riri decided you guys would go to wakanda ,have a brunch and tell your family.
“Looks like I spelt the tea , oops” you say lighting the mood. “Your-Your pregnant “ shuri says .”who said that” you question her as you act like you scratch neck. “Y/n are you pregnant” she asks you trying to be more serious. “Maybe” you say giving a mid side eye.”y/n hold up what do you saying ‘be for real’ right “ she asks you. “Yes shuri” you say while laughing , she sounded like a old person. “Well , girl be for real” shuri says “you can’t maybe be pregnant” you say while laughing. “Ok fine yes I am but don’t tell mom” you say. She sides eyes you . “Ok I won’t-“ shuri says before your mom walks in. “Your not telling me what” she asks . You give shuri that look ‘Don’t tell mom’ . “Don’t tell you that she has a surprise for you “ she says trying to play it off . “You know how I feel about surprises” she says . “I know I know,but maybe you’ll like the surprise “ you tell your mom through the phones.
Your mom was a queen, not like the compliment way of queen . You meant a real queen , to be exact she was the queen of wakanda . Your mother was Ramonda.Queen Ramonda .
“Mommy you didn’t answer my call” you tell her . “Sorry I was in a meeting she exclaims . “This late “ you question her whereabouts. “Yeah but anyway when are you going to come back to wakanda , the family misses you”. She says you start to think about when you could go. “I wish I could go mama but it’s something’s that I need to do in the us but I’ll be coming” you say sadly. “When you are going to come let us know” she says . “Don’t worry I will” you say . You would end the conversation with your shuri and Ramonda about 30 minutes later. You would explain what happened to riri and how all they could is to pray intill the court hearing.
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bisquuet · 3 months
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hi! still alive! AN UPDATE: LONG READ :D no new devlin content since im focusing on my oc comic :( ( speaking of comics. remember that other comic i posted here like once and never talked about it again?? yeah.. ) - lets talk about that. will i ever go back to that comic? -yes, when? i don't know.. i realized i went into the comic very.. unprepared.. or less prepared than i thought i was. so it got me second guessing things and getting confused..!! i have a VAGUE idea of how I want it to go, or atleast i DID, now im not so sure.. I think i need to sit down, splurge out my thoughts and ideas and go from there,, now i technically have a WHOLE post that is done that was supposed to be dropped shortly after the first one. but i thought to myself, oh ill just work on the next update and once im halfway THEN ill drop the second one! i never got halfway. i ended up just sketching more up ahead and adjusting and ''fixing'' things in the second update. making me loose track of time and getting behind, not only i had school to deal with too! so i just have a LOT of storyboarding of pages...that im slighlty afraid of looking at cuz i know that ill want to fix it but ill be unmotivated to actually fix it.. (bad rawr!!) eventually i have to get to it..!! >< ANOTHER major factor of the delay was my confidence, i wasn't satisifed and even frustrated at times when something didnt come out as good as it did in my head. i REALLY like the first update pages! especially devlins scene! but i think i got too ahead of myself and put WAY too much onto my plate, raising expections, of others and myself, mostly myself.... and I was trying to copy to a manga style, rather than convert my style normally into a manga setting, if that makes any sense. so i wasnt.... 'comfortable' drawing.. i dont know how else to describe it! but ever since then and even before, ive been getting less confident with my art and my style, feeling like its ugly or its getting worse. forcing myself to keep drawing, straining myself trying to make something that looks good to me. i have lots of fun and joy drawing for others, the reason i draw is BECUZ i just want to share what i make! as shallow as it sounds i like creating content for others to enjoy! it makes me happy and proud of what i draw! so. when i make something i dont like, i cant bring myself to show it cuz I dont like it.. others may, but that wouldnt change how i would feel about it. i felt that way deeply with the second update, which is why i kept tweaking it,,, and so I just let myself get caught up with other things.. feeling upset and guilty that I kinda just.. abandonded the comic..! saying that ill pracitce and oh ill do that , i Need to do this and this and this when i havent even done ANYTHING! i think, and i genuinely mean this, i think ive only recently started to ACTUALLY do things.! like development for my OC comic, writing for it, making content and sharing about them to whoever would lend an ear! so in a way the seewar comic walked so that my OC comic could run, hopefully.. so, unfortunately ill be focsuing more of my attention on my OC comic, and i honestly can't promise anything. the only thing i CAN say is that i will share the second update that i finished long ago.., no matter how much internal rawr doesnt want to, i feel like thats the first step to overcoming this fear and dread ive associate with the comic, which is something i DONT want. ill be scheudling to drop this weekend since ill be away.. i dont know when ill actively start working on the seewar comic again becuz i genuinely want to finish it and share it, i just have to not be too ambitious and plan out whats necessary. anyways.. now that school is out im finally paying all of my debts and owed art.. its rough but it has to be done. thanks if you have read all of this,, i greatly appreacite the support, from friends and followers, fossils, (thats what my fans are called wink wink) love yall fr <3
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ok i scribbled this out really quick so yah lol its not great
Hatred to the point of obsession. Obsession to the point of addiction. Years of chasing down the most notorious criminal, nights filled with the vision of your gun shooting him, his reign of terror ending, as satisfaction and relief blossom inside. Countless times you've run into him just for him to come up with a wild escape and lose him by the tip of your fingertips. The neverending chase. Long ago any friends you had left you, which was ok at the time because it gave you more time to work on your research and plans to stop him. In your office there were papers everywhere, layouts of buildings, places he's been and newspapers hung on the wall. Even a photo of him printed out, used for knife target practice. A wonderful stress reliever. 
If you were honest with yourself back then you could say life was good. Not perfect but you had purpose, something to look forward to every day. When you did encounter him it was always a wild adventure. All black clothing, long trailing coats, red spikey hair and a cheeky grin. He pleasured himself by making some snarky remark and going on long rants about his evil plan. Occasionally he would catch you, tie you up to a chair, be forced to watch him steal valuable items or blow up some empty government building until you could escape and stop him. But he would never kill you. You didn't think to question it at the time but thinking back he never had a problem killing before.
Nonetheless that was all over now. Just a week ago you turned on the news to see there was a big accident, something to do with a malfunction in a train causing it to derail. Of course followed by fire. By the time police got to it, any passengers there were dead. That wasn't what was important. It was sad, sure but the important detail was where your long nemesis was seen moments ago. you couldn't believe it.
A few hours before the crash you were chasing him, he was terrorizing a bank. Making everyone dance to some shitty music he put on while his henchmen carried the money to their van. Well, after you got there it was the normal. He tried to get you to dance but after some threatening from you and flirty jokes from him he dropped a smoke bomb and made a run for it. The chase had started. His henchman drove away with the money after he waved them to go without him. You and him, like old times, before he got a whole team to help. After a bit of running you saw your chance and raised your gun, just at that moment you realized these rails aren't as empty as you thought. A train pulled by, he grabbed onto the side, pulling himself in. You tried to run after it but it was too late. So you went home to brood. And figure out where the train was headed.
It was the same train on the news. You called the day off work (some customer service call line job you got after being sacked from the police for “being too obsessed”). Eventually they released a few passengers' names and pictures of them.
“Felix Blink.” next to the name there was a picture of your redheaded nemesis. so that was his name. you had always called him Shadow Flame. or Flame for short. That name was chosen after a particularly long session when you were tied up and you started asking questions about who he was, when he wouldnt say you tried coming up with a nickname for him. He thought the name was genius and called himself that from then on. Even if the name was a bit goofy.
Of course the obvious answer was that it was all part of his plan. Another evil ploy to cause mayhem and destruction. He probably jumped out of the train at the last second. So you just had to wait for him to resurface.
But it's been six months. half a year and not a whisper from him. You couldn't get yourself to take down the papers and research. Even now you are sitting in your office, surrounded by years of your journey with Flame. Oh how life was so pointless now.
Two months later. you couldn't stand your office anymore and started going to the actual building for the job, your little box office was boring even with the Cat Stevens poster you put up. After a bunch of calls from annoyed customers you went on break for a cup of coffee and a smoke outside the building. Some of your coworkers were gossiping about the news that they identified Felix as Shadow Flame. About time, you think to yourself.
“Explains the lack of news from him.” The girl that is two boxes down from you spoke.
“Honestly, what I always thought was worse than any crime he committed, yes even the murders, was his terrible name. Who calls themself Shadow Flame?” The guy who's office is a few rows down from you chuckled to himself.
You couldn't help yourself from defending the name, “Oh come on. Like you could come up with a better name. Plus it's a bit demeaning to the victims to say that was his worst crime.”
“Are you seriously defending a criminal?! Oh god, Martin, you aren't one of those crime freaks, are you?” Few rows down guy spoke again, before taking a sip of his coffee.
You sighed, smoke trailing out of your mouth. “No. I was simply stating there is much more to complain about than his name.”
“Hah, alright, sure.” Sarcasm seeped into his words. He turned to the door when someone walked out. They went to gossip about some random other news. Luckily you were able to escape to finish your break in peace.
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airandyeah · 7 months
Its Better This Way
A Fyodor X F!Reader Smut. Minors DNI. Warnings: blowjob, Dom!Fyodor, Sub!Reader, mentions of Nikolai and Sigma, choking, Fyodor is a warning, piv sex
Please help, people I hang out with gave me this writing prompt and I've been meaning to write it.
You and your work 'friend' were standing in a large room, discussing some plans for the next portion of your work. Sigma would be given the coin explosives, and Nikolai would... Well... Be Nikolai. You and Fyodor had come to this room to talk about it because it used to have a large table in the center of the room.
Apparently, someone moved it.
So you both stood in the center of the room, speaking to eachother. After the plans where discussed, you two began to simply have small talk. You looked down after a while and noticed your shoe was untied, so you kneeled down on the floor to tie it.
Fyodor's body went into action faster than his thoughts as he walked towards you and stopped in front of your kneeling self. Before you could speak, Fyodor simply said, "It's better this way."
You were flabbergasted, speechless, and lost for any kind of response. Before you knew it, Fyodor's pants were unzipped and his cock was buried in your warm throat while he fucked your face.
As he fucked your face he would groan out degrading statements, "Oh, I'm sure you're loving this you little whore.", "what are you? A cockbrained slut?", "oh you filthy bitch, taking my cock like it was made for your throat, keep going."
His degrading slowly faded as his moans grew louder, he was getting close. His hips were bucking faster into your mouth, his wet balls slapping your chin from the sheer amount of gathered saliva. His hands gripped the back of your head, grabbing tightly at your hair as he fucked your face harder.
He wasn't the only one enjoying this. While he was busy fucking your throat, you had slick gathered in your panties, surely making a large wet spot, maybe even going through them. Your thighs rubbed together while your cunt pulsed around nothing, his degrading words and roughness turning you on to no end.
You couldn't deny, you had imagined this before. Fyodor was a handsome man, he had a beautiful accent, and he was so damn smart. Ignore he murdered people, you did too.
It was only when his cum was rushing down your throat did you snap back to reality, you swallowed quickly as he pulled his soft cock from your mouth. Fyodor planned to button up his pants and leave you like that, but oh, the look on your fucked up face made him so badly want to pound your cunt till you couldn't walk back to your apartment.
So that's how you ended up how you are now. Shoved against a wall being pounded by Fyodor who is back to his continues degrading comments. His hand was wrapped around your throat and with every thrust you saw stars. Whatever he was saying, you had no idea anymore. Too fucked out to even realize he was speaking.
You came when he gripped your throat even tighter, cutting off more oxygen so you couldn't breath, all the while you reached your high.
Fyodor was a smart man, he knew he had no plans of bringing a new life into the world. So right before he came, he pulled out of your warm cunt and shot his load onto your bare lower half. Also reducing mess so it wouldnt be visible on your clothes.
He fixed his appearance and right before he left, he turned to you, leaning against the wall, wobbly legs like a newborn fawn, he simply said "It's better this way." And walked out the door.
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loser-jpg · 3 months
if there’s one thing i’m good at, it’s asking questions- seriously, give me a minute and i’ll come up with questions you didn’t even think to think about call me ?? anon shdhdhdh
anyway, care to elaborate on dee and leona’s relationship? how did dee see the beastman at first, how did he realize he started having feelings, etc?
ohhh boy oh boy. leodee is prime example of 'i cannot fucking stand this guy' to 'holy shit i would kill for him'
so the first meeting is in the garden when dee steps on his tail, and dee is obviously sorry for this but shortly after leona does that thing in canon where he sniffs the prefect finding out they have no magic. when this happens dee gets the biggest ick. like fully cringes and gives leona the dirtiest look because hes like 'did you just fucking sniff me???' and when leona right after starts spouting his egotistical nonsense dee decides right there he fucking hates him. and he continues to hate him for quite a bit of time right up until around leonas overblot. going through the events of book 2 dee learns more about leona and gains a bit of insight onto just how smart and cunning he is. for dee strategical intelligence is an extremely attractive quality, so even though dee finds leonas plan petty and pathetic to stoop so low as to cheat, he begrudgingly admires the craftiness that went into it. at the same time dee is also starting to realize leonas ego isnt just hot air, and that its actually based in leonas actual talent. you can hate a prideful character all you want but its a bit harder when theyre able to back that pride up with skill. then when leona overblots and dee learns about his past he immediately is hit with a wave of sympathy. dee had an older sister, one who often he was overshadowed by, and he has experience with being ignored in favor of others, so he fully understands what it feels like to be the second choice. realizing that leonas acting out was from a place of being essentially bullied by the adults in his life, and being proved time and again that any effort wouldnt lead to what he wanted, dee couldnt hate him for the petty reasons he did at the beginning. it took a while for him to get used to leonas ego, but after the overblot all dee could really feel for leona was sympathy and understanding. through book 3 dee starts to gain huge amounts of respect and admiration for leona. book 2 essentially broke down any assumptions dee had about leona, while book 3 built his perception of leona from the ground up. being shown how leona leads savanaclaw (the few times he actually does lmao) and being shown again leonas strategic mind made dee start to really admire those qualities about him. what he saw he felt was natural qualities of the leader and king leona wanted so badly to be, and even though he was never going to be king, dee saw that leona still had all those qualities, and that even if leona said there was no point in putting in effort if he was never going to get what he wanted, in a way he was still working toward that goal even if unattainable. leona was still leading people and earning their respect through his leadership even if he didnt get to be king, and he was doing it all almost subconsciously. so by the end of book 3 dee was pretty whipped.
all of dees feelings are based entirely out of an intense respect for leona and just general admiration for how much of an intelligent leader he is. i dont think itd really be a sort of 'falling in love' pipeline, but much more a growing respect that sort of just got so intense that once romantic feelings started to form you could barely tell the difference lmao. leona and dees relationship is entirely built off of respect. obviously any relationship is but for them its like, in every little detail of their relationship. both have had experiences of feeling not respected by people around them, and both have a clear understanding of exactly how much respect a person deserves, and how the level of respect they were treated with in the past was unfair. i feel like dee would have to work a lot harder to gain leonas respect, but given how much he admired leona he definitely wanted leona to respect him too. he wanted to be on equal footing to leona, he wanted to be his partner and other half, not just an accessory or someone who could be seen as lower. he was fully aware how much work he would have to put in to be seen with the level of respect he wanted from leona, and he would not back down.
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timelessxmemories · 9 months
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@miss-midnightt , @the-main-characters , @gmanwhore , @ghostlyplacetobe
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[ aka me, Crow, letting my oc, Lock, be happy for once in canon and actually have an okay relationship with her dad! Yippee! ]
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Lock has a 4 year old daughter named Amaris. She's been a single mother for as long as she can remember, but once she began dating Sera, she was grateful that she was no longer alone in raising her 4 year old girl. Also. Your selfships with her is canon. To me. In her lore. So when she first met you as well, she was so overwhelmed with love and care that she probably ended up crying because holy shit there's people out there who actually love her. Wow. It was actually when she met you that she realized that she's pan and poly. Her daughter Amaris of course took this really well, and was so so so happy that she had more people to bethwte for her and her mom and just absolutely loved and still loves to draw you guys things, including Sera because she really really really loves everyone who her mom loves!
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When Amaris was born, both her mom and her dad were there, but her father soon left the both of them and left Lock to raise Amaris all by herself. Keep in mind, this was during Lock's time in SOLDIER as a first class so she already had a lot of stress on her from that, so while she was out doing her missions with Sera (assuming they were partners in canon), Amaris would either be left in the Turks care or Hojo's care while she was gone. Surprisingly enough, when she was left in Locks father's care, (Hojo's), Hojo was actually really nice to her and tried his best to be a good granddad to try (not really) and make up for lost time. This resulted in Hojo gaining a bit of Lock's trust back. Because everyone deserves a bit of character development every now and again. Also, another thing to note is that Amaris does not have wings like her mother does, however, she still has the Celestial blood in her veins, meaning when she's old enough to use Materia, her Materia will be enhanced and made stronger due to her genetics. It's unknown how exactly the Celestial blood works with Materia, but Hojo suspects that it's because Lock's blood is also transfused with Jenova Cells, and because Lock had an offspring, those genetics were transferred down to Amaris. Yet another thing to note, the birth of Amaris wasn't forced on her by Hojo, Hojo didn't even have any plans to have Lock create an offspring because, yknow, just because he's a mad scientist, doesn't mean he doesn't have any morality or humanity left in him for his daughter. He still loves her, but, in his own way I suppose. He also really loves his granddaughter Amaris to bits, when Amaris came along, that's kind of when he realized that oh. Life is precious. Even my daughters. And then he toned down the experiments and now he's actually trying to be an okay dad! Yeah. I know, before, originally, he was supposed to be a shitty person to her, but like, I'm giving him a fraction of a heart, some morality and reasoning behind what he did to Lock, after killing Starlight he went into a spiral which meant he did things he shouldn't have, and then Amaris came along and saved her mom's life, and without even realizing it, fixed (kind of) Lock's relationship with her father. Good job, Amaris!!! We love you!! Anyways, if Hojo is the one watching her at the time, he will show her all around the lab, all of his experiments (probably shouldn't be showing those things to a child, but it's Hojo, when is he ever thinking of these things??), his machinery and whatever else all while carrying Amaris around on his hip, straining his back but that's okay, because sacrifices must be made. (as one does with a toddler), he'll even actually take a break from his work just to read a picture book with Amaris (much to his disappointment because he wanted to read a book on Quantum Physics, but *sigh* he supposes it wouldnt hurt to read a picture book), or even colour or draw with her which is really rare because this man literally never stops working. Also, every now and again he'll let Amaris wear his lab coat. Why? Uhh, because she's an adorable child, and who can say no to such a cute face??? Also, Lock likes to take Amaris for shoulder rides and fly around with her wings, Amaris loves it. Lock tries her absolute hardest to try and take care of Amaris, and with everyone helping her, it makes it much easier, Amaris is never deprived of love, she has so much love. everywhere.
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Also, a little bonus: Lock and Amaris have a Holland Lop Rabbit named Snickerdoodle and an Australian Shephard Puppy named Charlie!
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Snickerdoodle [Female]: (Obviously not my picture)
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Charlie [Male]: (Once again, not my photo)
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- Charlie and Snickerdoodle are really good friends, Snickerdoodle tends to think that Charlie is her baby and tries to take care of him like her own. It's cute. I promise. But Charlie tends to think that Snickerdoodle is either a really soft pillow or a play thing. Don't worry. Charlie doesn't hurt her.
- Snickerdoodle is a rescue from the SPCA in Midgar, she was found near a dumpster which at the time was on fire, she was rescued and brought into care, she wasn't injured, but she was already a domesticated rabbit so they couldn't set her free into the wild. She was most likely previously abandoned by her previous owners. While Lock was off duty, she decided to stop by the local SPCA and take a look, that's when she met Snickerdoodle and immediately fell in love. Snickerdoodle now has a very loving family and home. Charlie of course, when he first met Snickerdoodle, he immediately decided to play with her, which in turn, Snickerdoodle let him do so because she was tired, and then Charlie tuckered himself out and fell asleep with his paws covering Snickerdoodle's back.
- When Amaris first saw Snickerdoodle after Lock came back with the rabbit, she instantly ran over and started petting Snickerdoodle, bombarding her mom with loads of questions which in turn Lock responded as best as she could. And if Amaris asked too many questions, she'd just either give her a cookie to shut her up or send her to either Sera, Sephiroth or Zack.
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Ruby infiltrating Salem's inner circle, maybe getting closer to Cinder as time goes on for Reasons™ Fallen Petals AU?
(Ruby defection arc?)
It all started as an easy mission. Salem hadn’t known about Ruby or her silver eyes, just a mysterious huntress that seemed to get in her way. But now, as she sat at the table with Salem and her followers, everything seemed to have become more complicated. She was still no closer to finding out Salem’s true goals, only able to delay the attacks on the academies for the relics by sharing her own information about the maidens. 
“Red,” Cinder said as she nudged her. “Are you going to answer her?” 
Ruby paused for a moment as she realized everyone was looking at her. “I… I’m sorry but I didnt catch the question.” 
Salem frowned and stood up, eyes locked onto Ruby. “Then I’ll ask you one more time: how do you know so much about the maidens?” 
Ruby froze for a moment as she tried to think of an answer, one that wouldnt get her killed. She very well couldnt tell Salem the truth, but if she lied. Her voice cracked as she tried to answer, her eyes looking down at the floor as a glyph started to open up under her. “I-I uh…”
“She’s been intercepting reports to Ozpin.” 
Ruby went quiet and looked over at Cinder for a brief moment. “I… have a contact that works with Ozpin and have been getting his reports that way. Its how I knew where the fall maiden was so Cinder could obtain those powers. And how we know the whereabouts of two other maidens.” 
Salem slowly sat down. “I see. And how do we know that you havent been giving information in exchange?” 
“You dont. However, Ozpin hasnt made any further moves to stop you. Qrow was still late to stop Cinder from killing the fall maiden, everything is still going according to plan in Vale with Roman, and Atlas is starting to become more and more divided between Atlas and Mantle. I… I can also get Cinder to the Beacon Vault to take the relic without alerting Ozpin. Take it right out from under him and move onto the next one.” 
“If you’re certain that you can do that, then you and Cinder will go collect the crown. Once you have it, we’ll move to our next target as soon as Leonardo gives us the whereabouts of the spring maiden.” 
Ruby sighed and nodded. “Yes, my goddess.” 
“You and Cinder will make your way to Vale to obtain the relic-” 
“But we cant yet!” Ruby hesitated when she realized she had stood up and slowly sat down. “I-I need to make sure everything is correct and-” 
“And you’ll do as you’re told.”
Ruby froze as she was pulled to the ground by a few arms that came out of a glyph and started to pull her down. “I… I’ll take Cinder to the vault…” 
Salem smiled. “And there wont be any problems.”
Ruby picked herself up as the arms let go of her and started to disappear. Her body shook as she took a deep breath and nodded. “I’ll make sure we dont have any trouble.” 
“Then see to it that you come back with the relic.” 
Ruby nodded and stood up to get herself ready, shaking with each step she took to her room. Her mind started to wander as she tried to think of a way to spin this to Ozpin, though she kept coming up short. Sure, she could tell him immediately, though if anything happened, Salem would be the first to find out and it wouldnt be long before she was on the chopping block. But if she didnt, then she’d have to make everything convincing for Cinder if they were caught. And the last thing she wanted was to fight her friends while she was supposed to be learning Salem’s plans. 
She practically jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder and instinctively reached for her scythe, pausing when she saw Cinder next to her. “Oh, Cinder. I… I didnt see you there.” 
“Alright Red, what has you on edge?” Cinder asked. “You’re not acting like yourself today.” 
“Its… nothing.” Ruby slowly lowered her arm and continued walking. “We’ll get to Beacon, get the relic-” 
“And probably have to fight a few people you know, right?” 
Ruby stopped in her tracks and put up a fake smile, hand twitching as she started to look for a way out. “What makes you think I know anyone there?” 
“Because I’ve seen your scroll.” Cinder sighed. “I wont let anyone know, but that does mean you’ll have to make a choice soon. Either continue to help us, or help whoever it is you’re really working with.” 
Ruby looked away from Cinder and dropped the smile she wore. “And if I dont make that choice?” 
“Then someone will have to make it for you. And trust me, if it ends up being someone else, they can spin it however they want.” 
Ruby faced Cinder again and watched her curiously. She wasnt sure when she started following Cinder or when she found her hand on the woman’s shoulder. “What do you mean? You’ve been through this?” 
“Everyone here has.” Cinder opened the door to her room and motioned for Ruby to join her inside. “For me, it was my mentor. I… didnt exactly have a great childhood. Abandoned as a baby and sent to an orphanage, adopted by a woman who only wanted to use me as a slave and shocked me any time I messed up. Then… I met Rhodes. I stole his weapons to use to free myself, but he caught me and started to train me as a huntress. But, as time went on, I… I couldnt take it anymore.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Dont be. I killed my adopted family and Rhodes condemned me. He made my choice for me before I even had a chance. Hazel is here because Ozpin let his sister die. She was sent on a training mission that went wrong long before she could graduate Beacon. Hazel went to Ozpin for answers but was ignored and sent away before meeting Salem. Watts… well… he’s just an ass. I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now.” 
Ruby nodded and sat down on Cinder’s bed. “And Mercury and Emerald?” 
“Mercury was abused by his father and Emerald was in a similar position as me. So, I took them in and offered them a spot. But Salem, she ended up with the worst of it.” 
“What happened?” 
“She was cursed by the gods for daring to want her lover back.” Cinder scoffed. “Not like it really mattered to them. They cursed her and left her to wander in her own grief. Its why she wants to change the world. Undo the shackles of this world so no one has to know loss. So no one has to go through what she did.” 
Ruby looked down at the ground and sighed. “Sounds like its been rough for all of you.” 
“It has.” Cinder moved her hand to Ruby’s and smiled a bit. “And, if you end up staying with us, you can help us make a lasting change.” 
“I… I dont know…” 
“You have time to think things over.” 
Ruby blushed a bit as she felt Cinder kiss her cheek. On instinct, she looked away to hide her blush, hand shaking slightly. “What was that for?” 
“For helping me get these powers. Now, go get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us.” 
Ruby nodded and slowly got up to make her way to her room, mind racing as she walked. Her heart was torn about fighting her team or staying with Cinder, wanting to make sure things could change no matter where she went. Once she made it to her room, she turned her scroll off and laid down to rest.
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heart-cream · 2 years
Pt.2!!! Creds to idea:Now I personally wouldn’t let that slide🤔,First I would get reincarnated into a different body but act the same and dress the same way when I was In my old body,then I will purposely go inside there life’s and mess with them to the point they get paranoid,After that I will die in front of them the same way past me did😻
Read part 1 to understand
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After you died a few months ago your soul was unrestful and vengeful. You wandered the earth not able to cross to the celestial realm nor the devildom. You watched everything with a dead expression pretty ironic huh?
While you were doing your daily floating around with oz you watched a small kid pull out a book from the library. You knew her at one point what was her name...?
She was that one flower girl called flora! You looked at the book she picked out, it was a kids book with pictures. You sat next to her and read along.
It was a story about a girl reincarnating after the whole town treats her terrible and acting like her old self scaring the town shitless.
It was a comedy book despite the dark backstory. You realized that this would be a perfect plan for revenge. You overheard the other ghosts talking about some human program and started planning it out.
You found out how to reincarnate and though about how you wanted to look the complete opposite of how you used to look (for ex:blond to black) and got to work.
Thankfully when you reincarnated you werent born and had to go through childhood. You were given an electro vision. You pulled every string you could and began to go back to your old house and got all your clothes and other things.
When you got delivered the letter the show began.
When you arrived with oz (now called zo since he also want to avenge you) took on the form of a snowy owl.
You started the same thing that happened last time. They greeted you. Zo attacked yadayada. The brothers soon noticed something off about you.
You acted exactly like her
You dressed in the exact clothes that only a few things were different.
You were the same but looked so different????
You had the same persona but you called yourself the prinzessin ver devutilang. A close nams but also different
Soon they became attached because you resembled f/n so much.
But then...
You became too much like her.
You even had a bird called zo! Thats just oz backwards!
They became wary of you and started watching you
You would be so sweet to thsm like f/n. They became paranoid and would watch you every move carfully.
You engaged in the same hobbies as f/n and acted exactly the same.
They became obsessed with you.
Lucifer would let you off the hook for anything. What do you mean miss.lucia? Y/n didnt beat the shit out of a student using their vision to the point that the student almost stopped breathing?
Mammon became over protective and wouldnt leave you alone for a long period of time.
Leviathan would try his best to keep you in his room without mammon interfering
Satan would get mad and act like a maniac to whoever got too close / even slightly rude to you
Asmodeus did everything he would do with f/n with you such as make outfits based on the clothes that you and f/n would wear.
Beelzebub brings you to places and qould be extra intimidating to ward off people
Belphegor kept you close to him and would occasionally mumble your old name.
After you had tugged yourself tight into their life the vision started doing its job of killing you.
You got insanely sick and the brother's noticed but this time they actually cared until you died because pf your vision along with zo
The brothers wailed and went through grief after thinking you sent y/n as a gift
You can finally rest easy now that you got vengeance on them
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mekatrio · 9 months
too sick to draw or do anything else which means its the perfect time to watch mca and be a little autistic nitpicky bitch about it. planning to do a post like this per episode, this one's for episode One. well episode one part one bc nothing in my life is easy and i keep forgetting theres a fucking image limit for posts 🙄
- I HATE THIS FUCKING ANIME ok i needed to get that off my chest...... groaned so loudly at the first four seconds fucking... Church Bells and POLES?!?!? POLES?!?!!! i hate shaft's enviromental choices ok moving on
- how the fuck did i not realize that ayano's VA is rena ryuugu lmfao its all i can hear nowadays
- right theyre on a fucking clock... for some reason.... also honestly i dont like ayano's voice that much. like the voice is fine but i dont think it fits ayano's character
- also this clock sucks i wish it was like more More you know more gears more machinery like ep12 insanity ok wait. are shinaya 3d models here lmfao.. maybe?
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- i like this line. saur mysterious
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- hahaha.... the Kaien Panzermast
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now that i think abt it i have no idea why its called kaien panzermast. like i what its referring to (the song siren thing thats telling kids to go tf home) but what the hell is a Kaien Panzermast?
- this scenery is near meaningless to kagepro literally just a whole bunch of nothing when i say i hate shaft's choices for this anime..... like what is any of this shit. also orange??!? orange of all colors..... god damn man
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-- this part is cool tho. a bit too heavy handed in the symbolism but i appreciate the gesture
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- lol at this:
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BECAUSE SHE DIDNT! not until 2017 lmfao. this makes me suspect that the revelations from mr2 were initially supposed to be in the anime. but in the end for whatever reason it couldnt fit itself there, so the only revelation we got was The First Tragedy Exists. and no elaboration.... now that i think of it, iirc me and many fans were pretty thrown off from this opening back when it first aired cuz this was like, the first time we've seen ayano act like this. wait. let me check my timeline
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ok nvm lol. second time. first time shes ever like this is in the manga:
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but anyways back in 2013/2014 before the LTM episode, there was like no context whatsoever for Why Is Ayano Like That. so that was a doozy
- damn can u imagine working on some songs writing a novel and getting these amazing voice actors to voice ur characters... ohhh i wouldnt know how to act
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i mean thats um. one way to show a timeline getting thrown away... I Guess. ignoring the fact that Mary Has Long Hair (which she shouldnt), its a cool visual idea but the execution is um... hfjkssjk
- hehe
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headphone actor mv on the left and mca countdown thingy on the right. holy shit they are near identical damn, i just thought they were similar but no, its practically identical. thats so cool T_T if only the rest of this anime was this cool.... whatever onwards i go
- shintaro's stupid futuristic high-rise apartment... i loathe thee
- the fuck is this
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- first instance of shaft's trademark of putting random shit on the screen and im already annoyed its gonna be bad for me for the rest of this rewatch if i can even last that long. i know i will at least til ep 10 (11???) cuz i need to see baby mekatrio
- no aku benci lmfao shaft hates to animate so much they threw this story into the future so they could just conveniently project things onto shintaro's cyberwall hahaha..... i fucking hate this anime
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- looks like shintaro was drawn by 4 different artists in these various shots that only span like 5 seconds
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- damn in the anime its not even ene's fault that shintaro spilled the soda lmfao. thats all on him this time
- also shinene's voices are srsly perfect
- XX you say...... 🤨
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- storyboarding sucks shit they went from flashback to not a flashback to flashback again my fucking god dude. the only reason i can make sense of any of it is cuz im rewinding every little thing
- literally no reason to add 'roomie' to this translation but it made me laugh so I GUESS
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maybe i should hunt for the official crunchyroll subs. but im too lazy
- lmfao
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text from Mekakucity Talkers 24, translated by x0401x. only difference from tht and the screenshot is that shintaro still has hair lol
- hm. i wish it made a bigger deal of shintaro leaving the house. yeah he threw a fit but i wish the actual stepping outside aspect was more dramatic yknow. like how Children Record emphasized it
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- also curiously this episode is missing this sentence from shintaro abt someone rebuilding the city bit by bit which is in the novels and the manga, which is meant to foreshadow saeru's influence. but then again the first 17 manga chapters are taken nearly word-by-word from the novels so maybe thats all it is 🤷
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- also it took like 6 minutes for shintaro to leave the house... theres other things being done ofc, establishing shinene's dynamics, quick exposition of how ene ended up with shintaro to begin with, and spilling soda onto the computer and leaving the house. but i feel like it wouldve been better if the anime stuck to what the novels + mr1 does, where ene blares a loud fucking alarm. that quickly establishes shinene's dynamic and easily leads to a So You Must Be Wondering How I Got Here type of thing, and then knock over the soda leave the house bam easy. instead the anime really took its time with like..... idk making shinaro look ikemen. yeahhh not the best choice, especially considered how rushed the last few episodes are gonna be. ok back to watching the anime
- also aku benci x2 like its only futuristic when its convenient which is soo fucking Lazy. theres literally no reason for this story to be set in the future. like all this city scenery is based off actual modern day Kashiwa its just... ugh. barely any care put into this anime at all
- this anime is cool sometimes
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- reused this pencil texture from the start of the episode... wonder how many times ill be seeing that
- the fucking comedic timing of these terrorists lmfao. and right theyre clowns... for some reason....
- also dude ill still never understand why only their thumbs are the only parts ziplocked like what. also isnt that harder to animate... THIS STUPID ANIME
- this is a completely fair reaction to having kano shuuya speak to you for the first time
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- no the fuck he isnt he hasnt thought of shit my god.
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that comic person on here was not lying shaft really fucked up the order of events here bigtime. kano only speaks to shintaro after shintaro's done brooding.... also seto doing fuckall lol. ik he'll say smth in like 2 seconds but i do find it funny that we've seen him for like the past minute and he hasnt said shit
- ok but its cool that kano's hand just doesnt obey the ziplock.... very clever of the artists to just make him put his hands behind his head and other gestures to indicate that theres something up with him
- why are his eyes red.
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weirdbabs · 2 years
i will say, now that ive had time to ruminate on it a little, i dont really like what the show is doing with the fireflies. we havent seen much of them, just in the boston episodes, but what little theyre giving me and how theyre portraying fedra as well is making me 😬 a leeeetle bit sus
gonna put this under cut bc it got Long
i mean. right away theres a difference in how were exposed to them in that the game gives us news clips letting us know whats happened over the 20 years, how cities have been placed under marshal law, how riots have broken out as rations hit all time lows, how the fireflies started fighting back and how their public charter calls for the return of the branches of government, how fedras started holding public executions for “alleged fireflies”. the show doesnt give us anything like that, instead shows us that little boy who they let in and test, before promising that they were going to take care of him and he was safe now only to cut to the burn cart/pit where we find his body is. sure that lets us know that theyll lie and promise to protect you only to kill you but you can argue in their favor. he was infected, theres a short incubation period and who knows when he was infected, they did it in a gentle way (seems like euthanasia), they made an effort to help him. they saw this boy faint and they brought him inside the qz. the game fedra wouldnt have let him in even if there wasnt the chance he was infected, there were issues with rations as it was.
there are changes in what were shown of fedra too, little but they add up. we dont see them pulling people out of a condemned building and shooting anyone who tries to run/resist. we dont see any evidence of people being selected for “outside work duty”, but instead see people volunteering for work in hopes for extra ration cards. we dont see the ration line that hasnt opened yet, that people have been waiting in for who knows how long bc theyre running low. dont get to hear the guy telling his friend to keep his voice down when complaining about fedra bc otherwise he might die. sure they still have their public executions for unauthorized entry/exits of the qz, sure they still hold tess in a cell overnight bc they think she might be a firefly, but theyre still shown overall in a kinder light
and then we have the introduction of the fireflies. in the show theyre holding ellie, chained to a wall, who we learned they snatched off the street. they leave her like that, come check on her once or twice a day, take notes and leave. they dont even give her a change of clothes based on the fact shes wearing what she was when she was bit. i didnt see any bucket or anything so i dont know what they were doing for her bathroom situation cause they sure as shit werent gonna let her out of their sight. when we meet ellie in the game, shes free to move about the room shes hiding in as she wishes. shes hiding there by choice, bc she specifically sought marlene out after she was bitten. she knew for about 3 weeks that she could be the cure rather than finding out the day she was being shipped off.
when it comes to meeting “the queen firefly herself”, marlene is shown in show to be strategic and cunning. shes planning on how to get her troops out of the city by causing as much chaos as possible, spread the fedra soldiers thin and hope to keep them distracted so they can hopefully sneak out unnoticed. in the game theyve been planning on leaving the city for weeks (presumably from the moment she realized ellie was immune) and they went quiet. but fedra needs a scape goat, they need someone who they can blame the problems on, someone other than themselves who the qz can hate. so theyve been picking fights, hoping to rile them up. the fireflies are in a desperate situation trying to defend themselves rather than taking a stand
and then of course you have them changing it from the fedra hunting joel, ellie, and tess down under the assumption that they were fireflies (tying into what is reiterated throughout the game: that people are just as dangerous as the infected) to a hoard of infected chasing them, and removing the fireflies helping overthrow the pittsburgh kansas city qz (who wanted them to help take the fight to other qzs, and were instead captured and hung by the citizens)
and then in episode 7 they made one of the biggest changes yet in terms of the fedra/firefly dichotomy. in the show, the mall has recently been hooked up to the power when fedra opened a new block of buildings, which allows riley to show ellie the best day of her life. she knows about whats in the mall bc shes been stationed there by the fireflies, this 16 almost 17 yr old is stationed there alone in a building that hasnt even been properly cleared.
but in the game its a completely different story. the mall didnt suddenly gain powere, its had it the entire time. riley reveals this to ellie and we learn that fedra has the ability to provide power to every part of the city, they just say that it doesnt work as a way of controlling the populace. the fireflies dont have anyone stationed there, fedra do. a soldier named winston who was there to prevent people (and infected) from sneaking into the qz, who riley and ellie were sorta friends with and who taught ellie how to ride a horse.
by making those changes in left behind, suddenly you can make the argument that fedras not that bad. sure in some places like the kansas city qz theyre terrible but in others theyre actually trying to help the people! look how they expanded the qz! they got the power up and running and suddenly places like the mall work bc of that! look at the soldier who gave the warning to joel! sure he doesnt want to lose his supplier but he didnt have to give him the warning! and inversely you can make the argument that the fireflies are just as bad. look how they left a 16/17 year old alone with bombs! look how they open fire on the streets without care of whether they hit civilians! look how they view their personnel as expendable!
it feels like theyre gearing up to be like “actually the fireflies are just as bad as fedra” and im afraid if they go that route theyll have some shit take like “fighting your oppressors using aggressive/violent tactics makes you just as bad as the oppressor” or “if the fireflies make a cure theyll use it to ensure the people are under their control” or some shit like that
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my-lunaberg · 2 years
Okay, this confrontation/chase has been going on for too long, Im not sure if Im capable of actual analysis rn so Im just jotting all my thoughts so far down bullet point style
I find it very telling that Dream just got out of prison, where he was almost completely isolated and rarely visited and starved and also actively tortured for about half of his almost year-long time there, and instead of going to his base or finding shelter or resting or anything like that, he seemingly went straight to Logstedshire after getting the gear from Punz. Idk if hes there bc he suspected that Tommy would try and get the axe of peace or bc he wanted to remisce but either way, very interesting
Im too lazy to dig up my old posts where I try to predict the effects that the prison will have on Dreams psyche and I dont really remember what I even said, but I do know that I said the prison would make him a lot more unhinged so I'll take that as a win for me
That being said, Im not entirely satisfied with the way Dream is acting so unaffected by like, the physical torture especially. Yeah sure, it does seem like being trapped in jail for a while was part of Dreams game plan all along somehow, but I dont think Quackitys torture was, judging by how surprised he seemed when he showed up. And even if it was, while I do think of Dream as a pretty deluded character, no amount of delusion is gonna make the Literal Fucking Torture hes endured for months on end not feel like Literal Fucking Torture
When the confrontation started my first thought was "oh, his manipulation tactics are a lot sloppier and a lot more obvious, I feel like Tommy wouldnt fall for that even if he didnt already know that Dream was bad news" but then I thought again and I realized that hes talking in a very similar way to when Tommys exile started, where he just kinda says stuff to try and bring him down because hes so confident in his manipulation tactics that he thinks he can just make Tommy forget all about how he compared him to an annoying bug right before he started saying he was his friend. Now, he got progressively more unhinged over the course of the confrontation, so his attempts at manipulation land even worse but still
Basically, I think hes trying to do exactly what he did at the start of exile which is to say, break him down and make him "his" in some weird way, only that with the exile the goal was to get him on his side and become Dreams protegee of sorts, while this time its mostly just to beat him down and break him like a toy
Idk Ive made a lot of analyses of Dream and one the things i keep coming back to is the fact that he wants absolute control over everything everyone and he cannot handle the loss of that control, but deep down he still desires Challenge and Tommy gave him that. His relationship with Tommy is fascinating because its essentially Dream attempting to reconcile those two fundamentally uncompatible parts of his psyche. However, I dont think he wants Challenge anymore. Even if the stay at the prison was planned, it nevertheless showed him what its like to experience loss of control, to truly eperience being challenged and its clear to me that he doesnt want it anymore and that he just wants to break Tommy down until he listens
This is another complaint that sorta ties into Dream being so unaffected by the torture and a suggestion to 'fix' it. I realize that theyre working with Minecraft mechanics and everything so it doesnt matter that much, but Dream should definitely be having issues with food after being starved and only given raw potatoes for that long and I also dont think he should be able to sprint. I feel like they couldve done something really neat and have Dream be like "no Im not hungry" when Punz gives him those baked potatoes and then later when hes chasing Tommy around maybe he starts out sprinting but after a short while hes just kinda jumping around and you realize that hes starving but hes szill not eating and just keeps following Tommy with his pearls and maybe a trident if he has one rn. Idk just something that couldve been cool
I realize that Tommy is obviously there too and I feel like I shouldve written more about him but honestly, I dont have any thoughts abt him rn, maybe I'll have some later down the line. Idk man, I like c!Tommy a lot but hes not really a character that I like to write analysis posts about (i love reading others analyses though!! I think hes interesting, I just dont have a lot of interesting thoughts about him beyond that sry), while c!Dream very much is lol. I see a lot of myself in and thats definitely part of the reason I enjoy him so much and why I symphatize with him so strongly and why analysing him is so fascinating, its kinda cathartic for me. I know a lot of people in the fandom tend to really dehumanize him, both bc he doesnt have his own POV which makes it easier and bc they seemingly just dehumanize any Bad People in fiction, but its honestly a struggle for me to try and do that too, simply because I am human and I know hes human because we have done similar things for similar reasons (only that hes obviously worse bc its fiction and things get exgerated yknow)
Idk thats about it for now, I just spent like two hours writing this when I probably shouldve just kept watching the video lol
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bambaooo · 2 years
i doubt anyone is still on here anymore lol. shit, i barely am, i saw the las thing i posted and i dont even remember when it was lol
but yeah, 2022 was a wild ass year. alot has happened, and probably the most eventful year of my adult life thus far. 
soooo, in january was my last month of work at my job at the time. I was put in a weird position where the contract I was working for ended early and i was laid off. i feel like any other person would have been freaking out, but luckily i was still finishing up my last semester of grad school. For the first time since graduating undergrad was basically free any not working. coming from me, ive since i was in highschool I was always the type of person to want to work work work and make bread. So basically from once i could work when I was 16, i was working every chance i could get until this month. I looked at it as my opportunity to finally take somewhat of a break from working cause I know I wouldnt get an opportunity like this again. 
Although i did have hella plans for the next 6-8 months after finishing my job, i still had grad school to finish so basically from February to like Mayish I kinda just laid low and just took hella walks, worked out, and did school. i was going to sleep pretty late every night, waking up whenever and just going with the flow. there were some events scattered here and there like family parties, Allison’s cousins’ wedding in march which was fun. 
But come end of April into May, is when the real fun shit began. Went to the first of many muisical preformances. the first one was Brian McKnight which was wild. He is hella good live. and then shorly after I finished grad school.  First I finished grad school with two fucking masters degrees. One witha  4.0 and the other with a 3.9. I want to take a moment to realize how wild that is. In undergrad I legit was on academic warning and have a 1.7 gpa LOL. shit was wild. But also early on in May we went to see jame arthur in silver spring which was fun. Around mid May I went to Miami fora  day trading conference, definately a wild expereince. I learned a lot, but also met a lot of cool people. First solo trip and it was fun. A few weeks later went to my friends wedding wehre i got to catch up with other hommies and it was chill. 
Before we knew it, it was June. Something in the water was definiately something to remember, dope to see all these live performances and just be out and about. Glad to have experienced once while it was in DC for probably the only time ever. And literally a day or two after I went to trip 2 of the summer to Massachusettes for adrians weddings. First time doing a road trip like that, and it was pretty fun. Being with old friends, in a new area, just enjoying life. I was able to eat edibles, get drunk. and try lobster by itself for the first time ever and it was a good time. Stopped by in jersey on the way back and went to jersey smorgasburg and it was dope! it just kinda sucked a little while after, cause I found out i had covid a day or 2 after coming back from from the trip. but luckily it was very mild and was good to back by 4th of july. 
After a few more weeks in july, i was on my way to SoCal. 2nd a last solo trip. this trip was probably one of my favorite trips I have taken in my life to be honest. teh weather was good, was able to go to the OC fair, smorgasburg LA, and went to a reggae festival. I know the way I am with island music might seem a little weird to people, but shit, that festival was fun af. Going to concerts by yourself is fun af. Also while I was there i got to meet up with some VCU hommies and my cousin! 
After getting back home it was only a few more weeks until the last trip of the summer. Me and Allisons first trip of the year to Miami after her semester ended. It was fun too cause i didnt really go to the beach when I went in May. And I got to eat a bunch of food that I didnt get to eat the first time too. Its honestly just nice to hangout and do what we normally do, but in a different environment. 
A few weeks afterr we did a little trip to RVA/charlottesville. Allsion got us tickets for WIcked and it was dope. We were able to explore around richmond, and I got to show allsion on my favorite places to eat in rva. 
During this whole last few months from July to septermber I was consistently apply for jobs, going through interviews be lowkey being stressed about job searching. I was stressed, but not that stressed cause I knew id get a bite eventually but not knowing when was stressful. Luckily in september I got my first offer and was able to start my job in october. Fully remote and working in my field. 
October was a bunch of going back and forth between DC for work stuff and learning shit. November I kinda realized that I will have a lot of free time and that its gonna be alot of free time and pulled the trigger on fulfilling my lowkey dream of working in a grocery store. 
Holidays this year were very chill and nothing to crazy. Thanksgiving we bounced around between Allisons and My family. Christmas was more bouncing around MD and VA, being around familiy and enjoying ourself. It was honestly the first time in a while that Christmas felt like something worth celebrating. Also I actually reached out and caught up with friends. Like i feel like its very rare for it to happen, but getting together with my friends is something I will always enjoy. and tonight its NYE. My ass is at home, with no plans cause I got work a whole foods tomorrow and im completely okay with it. My life has been full of celerations and family and im okay with going into the new year chill. 
2022 has honestly been such a blessing. Going into the new year, many people want to exceed what they did in the previous year, but im already at the point that I am accepting that this past year was just so crazy that 2023 might just be a chill year. I remember I had a year i called teh “rebuild” in like 2017 or 2018, when it came to lifitng, but this will be a different type of rebuild, financial and health rebuild. I want to get my money right and get back lifting again.
but yeah, 2022 has been just full of blessing and i am fortunante to have been able to do the things that I have been able to do this year. Unlike 2022, I do not have any big plans for the year, and whatever happens will happen. Im excited for it, and am ready for what ever comes back at me. 
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sangyeonsmuse · 1 month
BREAK THE WALLS | Kim Hongjoong
Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Full Chapter List
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🀥 Government agent Hongjoong x Rebel Oc
🀥 genre | dystopian society, halazia x geurilla concept , enemies to lovers
🀥 word count | 1.1k
🀥 Summary | An organization by the name of Sector 1 was well known for their work in the underground, theyve been well known for the recruiting of teens and using them to form an army since the year 2034. Collecting strays for their rebellion against those in higher power. Now the year is 2064 and the organization still runs strong they run like a family, with the new technology theyve found ways of keeping alive those that have been scorned in any past battles theyve had against the government.
When the government sends in 7 of their best men to infiltrate the organization. What will they do when their cover is blown and their true intentions are revealed? Will they join the rebellion or will they continue to let the government pull their strings like the little puppets they once were?
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Skylar district May 11th 2064
"We passed, great but now that we know what Yeosang needs for that surgery we still aren't in the clear." Seonghwa announces as he flopped down onto the couch followed by Yunho and Mingi.
"And we dont have much time to come up with some a plan, the rebellion is ten days away." San sighs as he takes the chair across from the three.
"I'm more than sure since we know the place inside and out they'll make the G team the one responsible for getting inside. This may not be a good look but I think I just might have an idea." At Wooyoung's words all heads turn to him.
"The same day the rebellion is taking place Eden will have already been expecting us all back with information on the organization. While we feed him all that we know it should give Yeosang enough time to snag some of the microbots from the laboratory."
"Well thats a good plan and all san but im more than sure Mingyu wouldnt send is seven in alone."
"Which is exactly why youll need me." Neither of them knew when exactly Jongho had made himself present in the room, but they were more than sure that by what he just said he had heard everything.
"We have got to stop conversing in the living quarters." Mingi facepalms at all of their carelessness
"I assume the microbots are for Yeosangs Tahani blueprints? I found them a few days ago when i went to look for Eris in the lab. Youre not very good with hiding things by the way."
"They were literally stacked away, wrapped in a plastic file and put at the very top shelf of the equipment shelf."
"Okay i may have been snooping around just a little." Jongho admits
"You can use me as leveredge to keep Eden convinced that you're on his side. Your plan is a good one but Yunho was right Mingyu would never send you there alone."
"So its settled then we get the microbots before the rebellion takes place and make sure to get yeosang out of the building no matter what." Seonghwa nods his head, satisfied that they had finally come up with a good plan
"What will we do if Eden somehow realizes that we've switched sides." Yeosang questions
"Leave him to me." The entire time they were discussing hongjoong had stayed silent up until now
Skylar district May 12th 2064
"When will you allow me to open my eyes? I swear Kim Hongjoong if I run into anything because of you ill fuck you up." Tahani complained as Hongjoong covered her eyes and walked her down the hallway.
"It's not like you'd feel it anyways." He responds cheekily
"That's not the point, the point is don't let me run into anything." Amidst the girls' continuous nagging the click of a door could be heard. Upon entering the room hongjoong finally removed his hands from the girls eyes allowing her to see. Hongjoong had decorated the Memory room for the two of them. Candles, blankets and some if Tahanis favorite snacks lie spread out on the floor. All she could do was stare with her mouth hung wide open unsure if she wanted to cry, scream, or laugh at how cute he was. As she turned to face hongjoong his eyes had already been on her.
"Before you say anything just, just listen to me for a second yeah?" Sitting her down on the blankets he took his usual seat in the chair sat next to the control panel.
"When Seonghwa asked me how I felt about you a few months ago, I was completely unaware that I'd ever fall for you this hard. The more I'm with you I find myself admiring you and all that you are more and more. Whether I'm sparring with you, watching repeated memories, laughing with you and the guys, I always find my heart beating faster than it should. Back then I told Seonghwa I could never be with you, that I didn't trust myself you. That if i gave in and allowed myself to have you, you wouldnt be okay. But the more i think about it i wanna be selfish. I can no longer deny that you're the entire reason I put so much into staying here. Yes I want what's best for this city but more than that I want what's best for you. To see you happy because ever since the first time I've seen you smile I crave to see it more and more. You have this way of making people see things your way and just worming your way into people's hearts but it seems you've gotten to mine in far too many ways. So I'm simply asking that you give me a chance, Tahani, a chance to prove that I can be good for you but most of all that I'm not Loren."
After those words a video began to play up on the screen. Memories of the two together, memories of the sleepless nights Hongjoong spent with Seonghwa going back and forth with him about his feelings for the girl. The last scene to play on the screen was the day all seven of them had had their evaluations. The day Hongjoong had stolen Tahanis first kiss.
Tahani didn't know when she started crying, but as the slide of memories came to an end she found herself unable to stop the tears that fell as she sat looking at the man who had just poured out his entire heart to her. Without a word she stood up on her feet, walked over to hongjoong and kissed him. She didn't understand why he wanted to be with her knowing they couldnt be like a normal couple, but at that moment she didn't care. She found herself melting away in his embrace, the one place where she felt completely safe to show her true self. Not the tough, stubborn, fighting Tahani, but the soft, vulnerable broken girl that she truly was beneath that exterior.
The two spent the entire evening rewatching old memories and eating snacks with one another until nightfall. It was no surprise when the two of them found themselves walking into their living quarters hand in hand, and neither the guys nor Eris let them hear the end of it.
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