#and then the song 'harry in winter' played
skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months
I posted a sketch of Abel being happy so now I guess the tax must be paid and he must have angst again
It didn't take long for the excitement to wear off.
The outburst started gently, at least. Link wandered anxiously, hands held out in front of him as if he were going to grab something or play with something, and then he wrung them nervously. He sniffled, eyes widening and watering.
"Link?" Abel prompted, putting the last of his armor on his bed.
And that was all it took. Abel stared in alarm as his little boy burst into tears, catching the attention of their roommate, Norri, who flinched.
“I want to go home,” Link cried.
Abel knelt down to be at eye level with the boy, trying to settle him quickly. “Link, we can’t go home.”
“But I want to go home!”
“I know,” Abel acknowledged, putting his hands on the little one’s shoulders. Link’s eyes were puffy now, his face red as he stood there and sobbed. “I know you do. But we can’t go home. We have to stay here.”
“I want Mama!”
Abel’s heart clenched. For a moment he couldn’t speak, emotions drowning his voice, but Link’s wails pierced through the fog, and he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up as Norri began to look agitated.
Quickly picking his boy up, he hastened outside, pressing Link’s face to his shoulder both to wipe his tears and try to muffle his cries as he whispered again, “Link, calm down. We can’t go home. I told you we would be here a while.”
It was ridiculous to assume a four-year-old would truly understand his words when he had explained the trip and he knew it. It was foolish to think this was going to be fine. But he had hoped… after running into the king himself had managed to not be disastrous, and after Link had spent two days wandering without incident, he’d hoped it would be all right.
Link cried louder, legs wiggling as he started to progress to a full-on meltdown. Abel held on to him helplessly. Tilieth always had more patience for these moments, always knew how to soothe their child when he himself didn’t know how to do so. Abel was of no use in this situation – he expressed his emotions so differently, so quietly in comparison to that of a child. He tried to remember what his sisters did, but Ama always focused outward on their younger sister, and he’d never really figured out how to calm Shola down so much as just argue with her. So he… had no experience in this.
“Link,” Abel said helplessly as he finally made it outside to avoid causing a ruckus in the palace. “Link, settle down. We can’t go home; you have to accept that.”
No matter what words Abel chose, Link wouldn’t accept that. He repeated his displeasure continuously, so much so that Abel was afraid he’d wake all of Zora’s Domain. He tried to hide in a corner somewhere, climbing one of the passageways that twirled around the Domain, ignoring the damp chill that began to settle through his light undertunic and trousers. Link didn’t seem to notice it, though he felt the little boy’s fingers steadily turn to icicles.
Frustration started to pull at him. He couldn’t calm his child, he couldn’t get him to be quiet, he was screaming in his ear—it wasn’t as if Abel himself didn’t want to see Tilieth, as if he weren’t worrying about his wife who was on death’s door with illness—
Abel, stop. He’s a child.
And? He’d stared at his dead father’s face, smelled the stench of rotting flesh despite the perfumes liberally poured around him, all when he was a child. He’d watched it kill his mother slowly for two years before she finally joined him.
You were eight at that point. He’s four. He doesn’t understand and you know that.
The frustration grew, though, despite his arguments, despite him knowing that his boy couldn’t help this. Perhaps it was just because he was angry at himself for even thinking about this, for ever suggesting and fighting for bringing a four-year-old child to a diplomatic mission, for having to shoulder the responsibility of the entire family while his wife was dying—
Abel bit his lip until it bled, trying to ignore the sobs coming from his son. Instead, he held him tightly, rocking back and forth, out of words, out of patience, out of emotions, out of everything. His repeated whispers devolved into hushes, offering what little comfort he could. It didn’t feel like nearly enough. It never felt like enough.
Link cried himself into exhaustion, his wailing finally settling into hiccups, and Abel released a full breath, having been rigid as a board for what felt like an hour. Slowly, hesitantly, he started making his way back to the central part of the Domain, thankful for the lack of people in the area, but hesitated before going to the palace. He himself was too full of emotions and energy now, and he knew he couldn’t sleep. Instead, he tucked Link more closely to the center of his chest, head right under his chin, and continued to sway back and forth with a light bounce to his knees. He wandered aimlessly, mind helplessly full of cotton and unable to process words anymore, before he found himself in front of the statue of Hylia.
It was a small statue, carved in the luminous stones of the area, giving it an ethereal glow. Some aquatic plant was adorning her head like a crown. It was lopsided, like a child had placed it there and wasn’t quite tall enough to get it right.
Abel slid to the ground, back against the railing behind him, Link held ever so closely. The boy was limp with exhaustion, asleep and warm in the embrace. Abel shivered.
He had no words to offer in a prayer. Instead, he just stared. Hylia smiled serenely back.
Abel stayed there, in a strange trance, overwhelmed and underwhelmed, energized and exhausted, until the sun started to reflect on the sparkling stones.
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soracities · 2 years
what are your suggestions for starter poetry for people who dont have strong reading/analysis backgrounds
I've answered this a few times so I'm going to compile and expand them all into one post here.
I think if you haven't read much poetry before or aren't sure of your own tastes yet, then poetry anthologies are a great place to start: many of them will have a unifying theme so you can hone in based on a subject that interests you, or pick your way through something more general. I haven't read all of the ones below, but I have read most of them; the rest I came across in my own readings and added to my list either because I like the concept or am familiar with the editor(s) / their work:
Staying Alive: Real Poems for Unreal Times (ed. Nick Astley) & Being Alive: The Sequel to Staying Alive (there's two more books in this series, but I'm recommending these two just because it's where I started)
The Rattlebag (ed. Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes)
The Ecco Anthology of International Poetry (ed. Ilya Kaminsky & Susan Harris)
The Essential Haiku, Versions of Basho, Buson and Issa (ed. Robert Hass)
A Book of Luminous Things (ed. Czesław Miłosz )
Now and Then: The Poet's Choice Columns by Robert Hass (this may be a good place to start if you're also looking for commentary on the poems themselves)
Poetry Unbound: 50 Poems to Open Your World(ed. Pádraig Ó'Tuama)
African American Poetry: 250 Years of Struggle and Song (ed. Kevin Young)
The Art of Losing: Poems of Grief and Healing (ed. Kevin Young)
Lifelines: Letters from Famous People about their Favourite Poems
The following lists are authors I love in one regard or another and is a small mix of different styles / time periods which I think are still fairly accessible regardless of what your reading background is! It's be no means exhaustice but hopefully it gives you even just a small glimpse of the range that's available so you can branch off and explore for yourself if any particular work speaks to you.
But in any case, for individual collections, I would try:
anything by Sara Teasdale
Devotions / Wild Geese / Felicity by Mary Oliver
Selected Poems and Prose by Christina Rossetti
Collected Poems by Langston Hughes
Where the Sidewalk Endsby Shel Silverstein
Morning Haiku by Sonia Sanchez
Revolutionary Letters, Diane di Prima
Concerning the Book That Is the Body of the Beloved by Gregory Orr
Rose: Poems by Li-Young Lee
A Red Cherry on a White-Tiled Floor / Barefoot Souls by Maram al-Masri
Deaf Republic by Ilya Kaminsky
Tell Me: Poems / What is This Thing Called Love? by Kim Addonizio
The Trouble with Poetry by Billy Collins (Billy Collins is THE go-to for accessible / beginner poetry in my view so I think any of his collections would probably do)
Crush by Richard Siken
Rapture / The World's Wife by Carol Ann Duffy
The War Works Hard by Dunya Mikhail
Selected Poems by Walt Whitman
View with a Grain of Sand by Wislawa Szymborska
Collected Poems by Vasko Popa
Under Milkwood by Dylan Thomas (this is a play, but Thomas is a poet and the language & structure is definitely poetic to me)
Bright Dead Things: Poems by Ada Limón
Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth by Warsan Shire,
Nostalgia, My Enemy: Selected Poems by Saadi Youssef
As for individual poems:
“Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver
[Dear The Vatican] erasure poem by Pádraig Ó'Tuama // "The Pedagogy of Conflict"
"Good Bones" by Maggie Smith
"The Author Writes the First Draft of His Weddings Vows (An erasure of Virginia Woolf's suicide letter to her husband, Leonard)" by Hanif Abdurraqib
"I Can Tell You a Story" by Chuck Carlise
"The Sciences Sing a Lullabye" by Albert Goldbarth
"One Last Poem for Richard" by Sandra Cisneros
"We Lived Happily During the War" by Ilya Kaminsky
“I’m Explaining a Few Things”by Pablo Neruda
"Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" //"Nothing Gold Can Stay"//"Out, Out--" by Robert Frost
"Tablets: I // II // III"by Dunya Mikhail
"What Were They Like?" by Denise Levertov
"Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden,
"The Patience of Ordinary Things" by Pat Schneider
“I, too” // "The Negro Speaks of Rivers” // "Harlem” // “Theme for English B” by Langston Hughes
“The Mower” // "The Trees" // "High Windows" by Philip Larkin
“The Leash” // “Love Poem with Apologies for My Appearance” // "Downhearted" by Ada Limón
“The Flea” by John Donne
"The Last Rose of Summer" by Thomas Moore
"Beauty" // "Please don't" // "How it Adds Up" by Tony Hoagland
“My Friend Yeshi” by Alice Walker
"De Humanis Corporis Fabrica"byJohn Burnside
“What Do Women Want?” // “For Desire” // "Stolen Moments" // "The Numbers" by Kim Addonizio
“Hummingbird” // "For Tess" by Raymond Carver
"The Two-Headed Calf" by Laura Gilpin
“Bleecker Street, Summer” by Derek Walcott
“Dirge Without Music” // "What Lips My Lips Have Kissed" by Edna St. Vincent Millay
“Digging” // “Mid-Term Break” // “The Rain Stick” // "Blackberry Picking" // "Twice Shy" by Seamus Heaney
“Dulce Et Decorum Est”by Wilfred Owen
“Notes from a Nonexistent Himalayan Expedition”by Wislawa Szymborska
"Hour" //"Medusa" byCarol Ann Duffy
“The More Loving One” // “Musée des Beaux Arts” by W.H. Auden
“Small Kindnesses” // "Feeding the Worms" by Danusha Laméris
"Down by the Salley Gardens” // “The Stolen Child” by W.B. Yeats
"The Thing Is" by Ellen Bass
"The Last Love Letter from an Entymologist" by Jared Singer
"[i like my body when it is with your]" by e.e. cummings
"Try to Praise the Mutilated World" by Adam Zagajewski
"The Cinnamon Peeler" by Michael Ondaatje
"Last Night I Dreamed I Made Myself" by Paige Lewis
"A Dream Within a Dream" // "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe (highly recommend reading the last one out loud or listening to it recited)
"Ars Poetica?" // "Encounter" // "A Song on the End of the World"by Czeslaw Milosz
"Wandering Around an Albequerque Airport Terminal” // "Two Countries” // "Kindness” by Naoimi Shihab Nye
"Slow Dance” by Matthew Dickman
"The Archipelago of Kisses" // "The Quiet World" by Jeffrey McDaniel
"Mimesis" by Fady Joudah
"The Great Fires" // "The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart" // "Failing and Flying" by Jack Gilbert
"The Mermaid" // "Virtuosi" by Lisel Mueller
"Macrophobia (Fear of Waiting)" by Jamaal May
"Someday I'll Love Ocean Vuong" by Ocean Vuong
"Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou
I would also recommend spending some times with essays, interviews, or other non-fiction, creative or otherwise (especially by other poets) if you want to broaden and improve how you read poetry; they can help give you a wider idea of the landscape behind and beyond the actual poems themselves, or even just let you acquaint yourself with how particular writers see and describe things in the world around them. The following are some of my favourites:
Upstream: Essays by Mary Oliver
"Theory and Play of the Duende" by Federico García Lorca
"The White Bird" and "Some Notes on Song" by John Berger
In That Great River: A Notebook by Anna Kamienska
A Little Devil in America: Notes in Praise of Black Performance by Hanif Abdurraqib
The Book of Delights by Ross Gay
"Of Strangeness That Wakes Us" and "Still Dancing: An Interview with Ilya Kaminsky" by Ilya Kaminsky
"The Sentence is a Lonely Place" by Garielle Lutz
Still Life with Oysters and Lemon by Mark Doty
Paris, When It's Naked by Etel Adnan
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tetragonia · 5 months
Masters of the Air characters as aesthetics
John 'Bucky' Egan
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Bucky was a golden hour, warm hues of gold and amber casting a soft, ethereal glow over everything. Giggles and banters over a sip of liquor. He was a low hum in a pub, filled with chatter and joy. Bucky was a worn sheepskin jacket, familiar and comforting. Waves crash against rugged cliffs, vivid colors pop against a backdrop of blue skiess. He was gentle and dominating, yet he asked to be taken care of behind closed doors. Back arching high against the bed sheet, hands pinned and left marks everywhere. He was a smoky jazz club alive with the sound of saxophones and clinking glasses, the sound of people laughing so loud until the stomach hurts. Grass stained knees. Running through the rain without an umbrella. He was classical music blasting from a cheap speaker. He was Apollo playing his instruments.
Gale 'Buck' Cleven
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Buck was a calm before a storm. A misty forest enveloped in fog, with towering trees draped in moss and winding paths leading to hidden glens and secret clearings. He was both silent movies and thunderstorms that you'd feel inside your chest. Raised eyebrows and cold hands, pinching the bridge of your nose. Watching a painting a bit too long before the gallery was closed. Long walks to the library. Winter winds and freezing hands, subtle glances across the room. He was soft murmur of reassurance and a gentle touch behind the doors. Consensual and always asked if it's okay. Dark red lipstick, chilled red wine. A quaint cottage nestled in the countryside with a thatched roof and ivy-covered walls, surrounded by a garden bursting with fragrant herbs and vibrant flowers. He was Hestia tending the sacred flames.
Harry 'Croz' Crosby
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Harry was the swirling feelings in your stomach night before a trip. A vintage typewriter sitting on a weathered wooden desk, surrounded by stacks of yellowing paper and antique books. The soft autumn sun. He was handwritten letters and cracked statues. Silver waves lapping at the shore and seashells scattered across the sand like scattered jewels. The rattling of rain against the window, messy and needed direction. He was scribbles and ink stains, messy notebooks, and the tea kettle whistling in the silent morning. He was urgent and hurry, but comforting afterwards. He was everything about pleasure behind closed doors. A disheveled bedroom with rumpled sheets and discarded clothing strewn across the floor, with posters peeling off the walls and sunlight filtering through grimy windows. He was Poseidon guarding with his trident.
Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal
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Rosie was a vintage record player spinning vinyl records, filling the room with the warm crackle of music. He was sweet smiles and clear eyes. Paper planes. Overgrown rose bushes. That one song you always skipped but ended up loving it. He was tweed jackets and loose blouses. A field of wildflowers stretching out as far as the eye can see, with colorful blooms dancing in the breeze and the scent of earth and pollen filling the air. Gentle and nurturing, caring and soft behind the doors. He was a giver and always maintained satisfaction. He was pink-tinted blush. A pair of combat boots scuffed from countless adventures. Smiling at strangers on the street. He was all kind and modesty, but also Athena leading battles.
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wlntrsldler · 9 months
marvel masterlist
bucky barnes:
DOPPELGÄNGER: Bucky has only been in love once and it was before he was put in ice and way before he became the Winter Soldier. What happens when Bucky meets Y/N, the exact look alike of the girl he used to love? (Social Media AU) (WIP) DISCONTINUED
ROSES: Bucky tells Y/N he’s the Winter Soldier. The next day, he’s taken by the government and that’s the last Y/N sees of him... until they cross paths again. But what if Bucky doesn’t remember her? (COMPLETED)
TO BE SO LONELY: When Bucky and Y/N signed up for this online penpal system, they never expected to grow attached to the other person behind the screen. (COMPLETED)
FALLING: Bucky has been distant lately. Y/N doesn’t know why. (COMPLETED)
THE BREAKUP CHRONICLES: A collection of imagines that can be read independently or as a whole fic about Y/N and Bucky’s relationship post-breakup. DISCONTINUED
one shots
NOT MY TYPE AT ALL: Y/N isn’t Bucky’s type but honestly, he doesn’t care about that anymore. (Not My Type At All by Jacob Whitesides)
SLOW DANCING IN A BURNING ROOM: Y/N knew that Bucky had to leave someday but that didn’t mean that she was ready when the day came. (Slow Dancing In A Burning Room by John Mayer)
CLOSE TO YOU: Requested! Bucky loves Y/N, he didn’t mean to snap at her. (Close To You by Rihanna)
LAST KISS: 1940’s Bucky tells Y/N that he got his orders. (Last Kiss by Taylor Swift)
KISS ME SLOWLY: Bucky keeps running away from Y/N. He doesn’t want to get attached. (Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute)
FALLING LIKE THE STARS: Bucky and Y/N fall in love but he’s sent off to fight the war. (Falling Like the Stars by James Arthur)
HARD PLACE: Bucky and Y/N can’t stop fighting and it’s getting too much. (Hard Place by H.E.R)
F&MU**: Bucky and Y/N hate each other… but they can’t stop letting their anger out through sex. (F&MU by Kehlani) 18+!
MAY I ASK: Y/N and Bucky see each other for the first time since the breakup. Y/N confronts Bucky on why he ended things. (May I Ask by Luke Chiang)
I WILL BE FOUND:  Bucky finally found the place where he belongs when he met Y/N but at times, he wished that he could somehow take the life he used to have and magically fit it into the life he had now. (I Will Be Found by John Mayer)
10 AM: REQUESTED! Bucky is hopelessly in love with Y/N. He stops himself from saying anything to her because he’s afraid of getting hurt again, not knowing how much more he can take in his lifetime. (10AM by Keaton Henson)
FLAWLESS**: Bucky and Y/N are friends with benefits. They found a new thing to play with in the bedroom. The Winter Soldier. (Flawless by The Neighbourhood)
CHERIE: Bucky doesn’t understand why Y/N is always so happy. He never thought he would be one of the people who got entranced by her until he was. (Cherry by Harry Styles)
TEE SHIRT:  Bucky and Y/N walk into a music shop and she hears the song her and her ex used to love playing in the background. (Tee Shirt by Birdy)
I’M LONELY: lex’s writing challenge! enemies to lovers; “Will you wait for me?” (i’m lonely by luz)
LOUD: Every time Y/N is afraid, she plays her music too loudly but this time, Bucky is there to comfort her.
BUBBLES: Short Bucky imagine about bubbles.
DOCTOR ME UP: Y/N is Bucky’s doctor when he wakes up in Wakanda. 
WHITE DRESS: Bucky loves her, so so much, especially as she walks down the aisle in her white dress. 
SHAWARMAS: Bucky has a crush on Y/N, the cashier from the Shawarma place. 
NO CLUE: Y/N and Bucky hate each other. Nobody knows why. Whenever someone asks, the pair just say, “I have my reasons.” Some think that something happened between them when Bucky was in hiding. Some think that Bucky did something to Y/N when he was the Winter Soldier. Some think that there’s no actual reason- they simply hate each other.
RITUALS: You died on a mission and all Bucky has left is the voicemail you left him before you got on the Quinjet. 
FAMILIARITY: Love is a foreign concept to Bucky. 
peter parker:
JEALOUS: Where Peter tells Y/N that he’s Spiderman and things go down. (Jealous by Labrinth)
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espumado · 2 months
Guys, you don't know what just happened to me!! I love soundtracks so I stopped to listen to The Bear's, i found the official FX playlist on Spotify and was listening to it when suddenly a podcast starts and I was like???? So i looked and it was about a horror film??? I, tring to understanding, went to the FX site to see the playlist and the episodes and saw that it was the song from the beginning of the ep5- Children (the lullaby) with our beloved Natalie💖...So what happened was that the music is from a horror film and instead of putting the soundtrack they put on this podcast!!! And I don't know if it was on purpose or just a mistake!!! (And all this reminded me of the people here who started a tag, I don't know who, about The Bear being a haunted/ghost story💀)
It's this scene, with this song:
And the Playlist has this podcast:
But i was like Nat why you have a horror movie song playing in your head??? And cause I'm curious, I went to find out more about the film, cause I didn't know the movie (horror isn't really my thing) and I discovered that: 
The Night of the Hunter is a 1955 American film noir thriller directed by Charles Laughton. Despite receiving negative reviews upon its original release, it has been positively re-evaluated in later decades and is now considered one of the greatest films ever made. “The movie is best known for Robert Mitchum's extraordinary performance as serial-killer-posing-as-priest Harry Powell, a menacing religious misogynist who marries widows for their money and kills them off in the name of the Lord. Having been jailed for stealing a car, he shares a cell with father-of-two Ben Harper, soon to be hanged for murder and the theft of $10,000. Before his arrest Harper hides the money in a rag doll belonging to his little daughter Pearl, making her and his 10-year-old son John swear never to tell where the money is hidden. The plot hinges on Powell's pursuit of the money and John's determination to protect his sister and escape from a psychopath whom others assume is virtuous. Hiding his past, Powell woos, then marries Harper's widow Willa (Shelley Winters). When she discovers his motives he murders her, and the children escape on a boat down the river. A tense chase ensues. The film exists in that cinematic no-man's-land of fairy tales for adults, is a children's fairytale – strange and idiosyncratic – but also a noir thriller, laced with the darkest elements of both genres: death, guilt, greed, poverty, cruelty, biblical references and a terrifying pursuit by the scariest of bogeymen. Laughton described it as "a nightmarish sort of Mother Goose tale". John, played superbly by the steely eyed Billy Chapin, is pivotal as the boy who is alone in perceiving Powell's true motives. In a tale of innocence and experience, he must quickly grow up in the most sinister of circumstances; he must resist adult hypocrisy and stupidity, and a new "father" who pretends to be loving, but is secretly abusive. Gripping in its narrative, the film is also frequently and darkly humorous.”
“Thinking of The Night of the Hunter in terms of its visual impact on other filmmakers, there’s a striking echo to be observed between its unseen presence in films by Scorsese, Spielberg, the Coens, even Ari Aster, and the influence of silent cinema on Laughton’s own filmmaking choices.”
“We can notice the importance of one particular scene: the escape of the children in a boat (they are running away from the killer). This scene, being so important, is also one of the most memorable of the entire film. The components that make it so memorable are: setting, lighting, framing, blocking and music. In the river sequence, the usual realistic environment of the film disappears, giving place to such an artificial setting that it seems that we are watching a whole new film.[...] Again, we feel that the children are safe again in the boat, as they run away from their hunter.
“The river symbolise safety – it is what separates (even temporarily) John and Pearl from Powell. In a way, it is a metaphor for the transformation of a past full of terror into a brighter future¹ with Rachel.”
About the music: “Composer Walter Schumann called the heavy four brass chords that often accompany Preacher a “‘pagan motif, consisting of clashing fifths in the lower register,’” which cede to the lullaby “Dream, Little One, Dream” with a shot of Gish. This celestial lullaby foreshadows her adoption of the children after they escape downriver. In the opening and river sequences especially, audio-visions juxtapose fantasy and reality, and good and evil, to propel the children to safety.[...] In these sequences, Laughton’s visual constructions and Schumann’s score establish abstract contours that take root in spectatorial memory. When the overture transitions from Preacher’s pagan motif to a tranquil lullaby, celestial sounds and Gish’s presence seem to safeguard the children from Preacher’s tyranny.[...] Schumann’s pagan motif, Miz Cooper’s lullaby, and the sounds of the children’s river journey mix realistic tropes and emotional flourishes in the manner of 1950s melodrama films, which especially employed music to articulate these opposing poles. For Peter Brooks, music punctuates the wordless gestures of the melodramatic “text of muteness”: its sweeping rhythmic motions render space and time tangible to imbue characters—especially muted victims—with emotional depth².[...] Analyzed through a motivic model that binds characters to themes, Hunter’s river lullabies foreshadow the children’s eventual safety with Miz Cooper even though maternal figures are not visible.”
So there is this important and well-known scene in the film when the song plays. When the kids are finaly safe in a boat on the river (the part of the song they use in the series starts at around 3:55):
So basically: there's a father who hid some money in the kid's toy (which reminded me of the money in the cans of tomatoes- KBL); an orphaned brother and sister; children looking for shelter; during the escape they are they feel safe in a boat on a river (when the lullaby plays) and in the end they are adopted and everything is fine.
I wanted to understand what this means for Nat, what it has to do with her. When the scene starts the song says "fear is just a dream…" then she thinks about her fears: her brother, mother and a mom's funeral (Marcus), then the song continues "so dream, little one, dream", like, it's not real, no need to fear it!
So…this is ep5 called Children, where: 1-Syd and Marcus take his mother's stuff out of the house and talk about their family 2-we find out that Ever is going to close (a funeral will happen) 3-Marcus and Nat talk about his mother and to start a new project to honor her while Nat is resting from pregnancy discomfort 4- it's the ep The Computer appears and Nat defends Marcus 5- there are the Faks, including John Cena, talking about their family and the hauntings 6- Syd and Uncle Jimmy talk and he says he wishes he had done more for the kids (she reminds him that he is there for them) and finally 7- Carmy goes to the basement and finds a box with photos of the family (Donna and Mike and himself too and a baby that could be Nat?!!!) then some riffs of the song Mixed Emotions by Rolling Stones start and it cuts to the credits with the lyrics right in the part: You're not the only one, You're not the only ship, Adrift on this ocean. And that's it! Just these lyrics and then just instrumentals. They cut the song to fit the scene and without any other part of the lyrics!!!
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Carmy my man, Nat needs you! And she was the one who reminded him in the first season: "did you know i recently had a brother die too?" She's trying. She wants help, she already told him, "the thing that pisses me of is that you never ask her how i am doing!!!" but he can't ask her that "because he feels trapped, because he can't describe how he feels, so asking someone else how they're feeling seems crazy to him" (like, he literally told her that in S1). They need to talk, they need each other, they need family (a new one probably...the restaurant...uncle Jimmy too?? She talked with him about be a parent last season and he is always there for them, saving them). Nat managed to talk to her mother, even asked for help (it’s not a solution for everything, but it was a start)...but Carmy...there's still a long way to go, a next season thing. But I think it may be a thing they need to do together somehow, i dont know...
Nat is afraid of her past, motherhood and knows family is complicated, she is looking for a brighter future¹. She and Carmy (and Mike) are children of a abusive/alcoholic parent and live with the consequences of that (some people here have already talked better about the subject). So they are like the kids from the movie, who are muted victims—with emotional depth², in a complicated family, going throught the river until they reach a safer place with better people.
And also, last seasons they showed the "pyromaniac tendencies" of the Berzatto brothers, there were these references to setting the restaurant on fire as if that was the solution to their problems...and now in season 3 I thought that had been forgotten...instead, the ep1 already starts with (first a train, and then) a lake, which appears other times throughout the season... Copenhagen Carmy living in a boat on a river!!!, and all happy and safe, drawing on a bridge over a river!!!
We also had a scene with water being thrown on the kitchen countertop and "flooding" the space (with a song by Trent Reznor and Atticus for a war doc! that the director describes as profound, haunting, unsettling and deeply moving!!!) in a moment that the crew is cleaning the kitchen and everyone is tired and overwhelmed; there is Donna talking about the fish tank that breaks in a dream that takes place in a place she doesn't know that looks gray except for the tank (surreal, like a noir thriller maybe). These don't seem so safe, but they seem to be about the past, something to be overcome... And there's even a scene of Syd reflecting in front of a lake... Several water references...and I have no idea if that really means anything...or if i am going to deeper into this?😅
...but Nat, dear, are you okay?!...you feel like in a horror movie with your remaining brother seeking safety together somewhere or with someone, running away from a curse, a haunting in your family??? (in S1 Carmy talks about how she blames the restaurant, not her mother or Mike, she says the place sucks up all the work, money and time and all they get back is chaos and resentment) But seriously, someone help her!!!...and Carmy...She must have felt very lonely this season with Carmy like that...But I guess this all means that everything will be fine in the end, like in the movie!
Seriously, I couldn't come to a better conclusion about this but it left me curious and confused... And of course, it might mean nothing and just be an interesting song from an amazing movie that director Chris Storer likes because he likes great movies and that's all 🙃 But with all the movie references, great directors and hauntings...maybe I'm not so crazy😅 <<<I tell myself to feel better🫠
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peleksstuff · 10 months
fluorescent l harry styles x bassist!reader
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*gifs not mine*
Summary: In an empty office, a tense conversation unfolds between you and Harry Styles about the aftermath of a shared moment. Despite the connection, Harry insists on maintaining a professional relationship. The studio, once a place of collaboration, becomes a battleground of emotions as you grapple with the pain of unrequited feelings.
The fluorescent lights hummed above, glowing sterile in the otherwise empty office. As you nervously approached Harry Styles ' desk, the air felt heavy with the weight of unspoken words. The memory of last night lingered a bitter aftertaste that left you feeling vulnerable and uncertain.
"Harry, we need to talk," you began, your voice barely above a whisper.
He looked up from his work, his green eyes meeting yours with a mixture of guilt and hesitation. "Sure, what's on your mind?"
Last night's shared moment played in your mind like a haunting melody. The kisses, the whispered confessions – they had all felt so real. But reality had a cruel way of settling in, and you needed to confront it.
"Harry, what are we?" you asked, the vulnerability in your voice echoing the ache in your chest.
He sighed, running a hand through his disheveled curls. "I thought we were on the same page, you know? Just colleagues, nothing more."
You felt a lump forming in your throat, struggling to hold back the tears threatening to spill. "But last night—"
"Last night was a mistake," he interrupted his words cutting through the air like a sharp knife. "I'm not ready for anything more than what we have."
The words hung in the air, a painful silence settling between you. The reality crashed down, and you felt the sting of rejection like a cold wind on a winter's night.
"I don't understand," you whispered, your voice breaking. "You kissed me. You made me believe that there was something between us."
Harry avoided your gaze, his eyes fixed on the paperwork in front of him. "I got caught up in the moment. It doesn't change anything. We're colleagues, and that's all I can offer right now."
The tears you had been holding back finally spilled over, tracing a path down your cheeks. You couldn't comprehend how something that felt so real to you could be dismissed so casually by him.
"I thought we had something," you choked out, your voice betraying the hurt within.
Harry sighed again, a heavy burden on his shoulders. "I can't give you what you want. I'm not in a place for a relationship. I thought I could, but I was wrong."
You nodded, the weight of his words sinking in. "So, that's it? We go back to being just colleagues?"
He looked at you with a mixture of regret and remorse. "I think it's for the best. We need to focus on work and keep things professional."
The next day at the studio felt like a cruel twist of fate. The air was thick with tension as you set up your bass, avoiding eye contact with Harry at all costs. The once familiar rhythm of collaboration now felt strained and awkward.
The fluorescent lights hummed above once again, but this time, the sterile glow highlighted the awkwardness in the air. Every stolen glance, every accidental brush of hands felt like a painful reminder of what could never be.
As the song's first notes filled the room, you couldn't help but feel a pang in your chest. Music had always been your solace, but now it was a painful backdrop to the fractured connection between you and Harry.
You found yourself outside the studio during a break, needing a moment to breathe. The cool breeze did little to soothe the storm raging inside you. You replayed the conversation from the office, the sting of rejection still fresh in your mind.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice Harry approaching until he spoke. "Hey, you okay?"
The words hung in the air, a heavy question that begged for an answer. You nodded, your throat tight with unspoken emotions.
"I'm sorry," Harry began, his eyes filled with genuine remorse. "I didn't mean for things to get so complicated."
A bitter laugh escaped your lips. "Complicated? Harry, you made me believe there was something between us, and then you just dismissed it as a mistake."
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I messed up. I got caught in the moment and should have been clearer about my intentions."
Tears welled up in your eyes, a mix of frustration and hurt. "Intentions? What exactly are your intentions, Harry?"
He hesitated before speaking, choosing his words carefully. "My focus is on my career, and I thought I could handle something more, but I was wrong."
The reality of his words hit you like a tidal wave. The man you had shared stolen moments with, the one whose music resonated with your soul, was not ready for the kind of connection you craved.
"So, what now?" you asked, your voice trembling. "We pretend like nothing happened?"
Harry looked at you, his eyes reflecting the turmoil within. "I still want us to be friends, to work together professionally. I care about you, but I can't give you what you want."
You took a deep breath, attempting to steady your emotions. The pain was palpable, but you nodded, accepting the reality of the situation. "Friends," you echoed, though the word felt hollow and distant.
For the rest of the recording session, you pushed through the heartache, focusing on the music and the professionalism that had once defined your relationship with Harry. Each note played felt like a reminder of what could have been, a melody of lost possibilities.
Days turned into weeks, and the studio became a battleground of emotions. The camaraderie you once shared with Harry was now replaced by a strained politeness, a facade of the connection that had crumbled. Colleagues by day, strangers by night.
As time passed, you found yourself avoiding Harry outside of work. The pain of seeing him, knowing that the warmth you once shared had turned cold, was too much to bear. The fluorescent lights of the office and studio continued to hum, casting a harsh light on the shattered remains of what was once a promising connection.
One evening, as you gathered your things to leave the studio, you noticed a hushed conversation between Harry and a woman near the exit. Their laughter echoed through the empty hallways, and a knot tightened in your stomach. The fluorescent lights seemed to flicker, mirroring the uncertainty in your heart.
The next day, rumors about Harry's new girlfriend buzzed around the studio. Whispers followed you like a shadow as you navigated the familiar spaces that now felt foreign. The fluorescent lights, once a backdrop to shared laughter and music, now served as cruel witnesses to your heartache.
It wasn't long before you saw them together – Harry and his girlfriend. They strolled through the studio hand in hand, a public declaration that sent a sharp pang through your chest. The sterile glow of the fluorescent lights illuminated the scene, emphasizing their connection while casting shadows on your solitude.
It was a bitter pill to swallow, witnessing the person you longed for being proudly shown off with someone else. The ache in your chest deepened as you continued to navigate the professional facade during work hours. Colleagues and friends – those were just distant echoes of what once was.
Weeks turned into months, and the ache in your chest persisted. Once a sanctuary of creativity and collaboration, the studio now felt like a battleground of emotions.
Harry walked in one day as you sat alone in the breakroom, nursing a cup of lukewarm coffee. The air thickened with tension as he hesitated near the doorway. It was a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken rift that had formed between you.
"Can we talk?" he asked, his voice carrying the weight of regret.
You sighed, looking into his eyes, searching for answers. "What's left to say, Harry? You made your choice."
He took a seat across from you, his eyes avoiding yours. "I never meant to hurt you."
"You didn't mean to hurt me?" you scoffed, bitterness lacing your words.
"Actions speak louder than words, Harry. I saw you with someone else while I was stuck here, trying to pick up the pieces."
He looked down, unable to meet your gaze. "It's not that simple."
"Isn't it?" you retorted, frustration bubbling to the surface. "You said you weren't ready for a relationship, but here you are, happily dating her. What was so wrong with me?"
Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's not about you. It's about me. I'm still figuring things out, and I never meant to lead you on."
The wounds reopened with his words, the pain resurfacing like a tidal wave.
"Well, congratulations, Harry. You've figured things out, and I'm left here dealing with the aftermath."
He reached out tentatively as if to comfort you, but you pulled away.
Silence hung in the air, broken only by the distant hum of the fluorescent lights above. The breakroom, once a place of shared laughter, now felt like a mausoleum of a connection buried too soon.
"I just want things to go back to how they were," Harry whispered, his voice filled with remorse.
You shook your head, a bitter smile on your lips. "That's the thing, Harry. They can't. You made sure of that."
Days turned into a monotonous routine of work, each encounter with Harry a painful reminder of what once was. The fluorescent lights continued to hum, indifferent to the shattered fragments of a connection scattered in their glow.
One evening, as you packed up your belongings, you caught a glimpse of Harry through the studio window. He was engrossed in conversation with his girlfriend, laughter echoing in the empty halls. The sight twisted the knife in your heart, and you turned away, swallowing the bitter pill of reality.
As time passed, the pain dulled, but the scars remained. You found solace in the music, pouring your emotions into every note you played. The studio, once tainted by heartache, became a sanctuary once again, a place where you could escape the echoes of a fractured connection.
The fluorescent lights continued to hum, casting their sterile glow on the studio. But this time, you walked through their light with a newfound strength, a resilience born from the ashes of a love that never had the chance to bloom. The melody of your music became a testament to your healing, a reminder that even in the face of heartbreak, the music would endure.
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brairslair · 11 months
Hey!! I loved your Peter Parker fic!!
I hope you're taking requests, if yes can you please write harry potter x ravenclaw!reader? Where reader is a muggleborn and loves muggle music, she does this thing where she gives all her friends a song which reminds her of them, even multiple to Hermione (who secretly loves it and listens to those on loop) and ron( who tries to act like he doesn't care but secretly feels loved) but she's never given harry a song, despite him being her best friend. But after one of DA meetings they are alone and harry asks her why doesn't she give him a song (fallin' all in you- Shawn Mendez) and she plays it for him a and that it reminds her of him, AND THEY KISS!!
I'm really sorry if it's too specific, please feel free to change anything! THANK YOU SM!! I LOVE YOUR FICS!!❤️❤️✨
definitely not too specific! i love that you gave me so much to work with, so ty anon! i did switch it up a little bit, but i hope it turned out to your liking!
318 Hours 43 Minutes ˗ˏˋ H.J.P ´ˎ˗
“Be my summer in a winter day, love”
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harry potter x ravenclaw!reader
REQUESTED: yes requests are open! fandoms: marvel, stranger things, harry potter (any era), scream
WARNINGS: fem reader, not proofread, fluff fluff fluff, muggleborn!reader, reader is described as somewhat of a musical prodigy, modern music, mobile phones, and spotify all exist in this timeline, 7th year, kissing, idiots in love, best friends to lover ig, joking mentions of death, lmk if i missed smth!
A/N: i'm sure there are tons of grammatical errors in here but lets pretend we don't see them!
ALL CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY ARE 18+ remember to like, comment, and reblog to support my writing!
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If there was one thing you couldn't live without, it would be music. It was almost impossible to recall a time you had left your dorms without your headphones. Music had just always been a huge part of your life. Growing up, your parents got you into piano lessons, and you were playing Beethoven by the end of the first month. After that, you picked up as many instruments as you could afford, starting with violin, then guitar, the flute, and now the harp. Your parents had to soundproof the house.
Once you got your acceptance into Hogwarts as a witch, your whole world turned upside down. You were sorted into Ravenclaw, which felt very fitting, and were assigned a dormmate, Padme Patil. The two of you clicked immediately and became instant friends. After a few months of hanging out with the Patil sisters, you were introduced to three Gryffindor students in your year; Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter. Instantly, you felt some sort of a connection pulling you to them, but you couldn't put your finger on it.
You started hanging out with "The Golden Trio", as you affectionately called them, all the time, and the four of you eventually became a quartet. You had grown especially close with Harry, and the two of you did almost everything together. Well, everything except study.
After one particular study date with Hermione, you were thrilled to learn that she shared the same love for muggle music as you did. The two of you rambled on and on about your favorites, uncharacteristically losing track of your studies.
"The song Rises the Moon reminds me a lot of you!" You mindlessly exclaimed, watching as Hermione's eyes lit up.
The rest was history. You were known to associate songs with the people around you, and you had no shame in telling them. You had given Hermione, Ron, and the Patil sisters a countless number of songs over the years. In fact, you had given them so many, that a few had made playlists to keep track of all of them. Ron was the most hesitant to accept the recommendations, but Hermione told you she had caught him singing along to them in the common room on multiple occasions.
Every once in a while, you would even see another student studying in the library, maybe one you had only said 'Hello' to in passing, and a song would just scream out to you so loudly that you had to leave them a note about it as you left.
It was like your own personal love language, and you loved being able to make people smile, even if they never listened to the song.
The one person close to you whom you had never given a song to, was the infamous Harry Potter, and it was painfully hard for him to ignore. After almost seven years of being best friends, you would think he would have been worthy of at least one song, right?
He watched as you expertly conjured up the Draught of Peace potion the class was supposed to be working on, smacking Ron's hand away when he goes to touch it. Watching you was the only thing that made this class somewhat bearable.
He can't get it out of his head... the fact that you've never given him a song. He's been thinking about it non-stop since you gave that Hufflepuff boy a song in the dining hall a few days ago.
It wasn't news to him that he had been in love with you since 5th year, probably longer than that before he had even realized, but he would sooner die than admit it out loud.
You were the most important person in the world to him, but he was almost positive you didn't feel the same way. He would never be able to forgive himself if he ruined your friendship. So, he just kept his big mouth shut and pretended like there was nothing there.
He thought he was really good at faking it too. He wasn't.
Anyone with eyes could see the way he looked at you, the way he spoke to you, the way his smile looked ten times brighter when you were around. It was blatantly obvious he had it bad for you.
What wasn't as obvious was that you were just as infatuated with him as he was with you. You may have been much better at hiding it, but anyone close to you could see it clear as day. I mean, it was silly really. The way you were both so stupidly in love and too scared to see it.
Harry snapped to attention as Professor Snape called on him, spitting out to 'straighten his spine and get back to work'. He grumbled something under his breath before following instructions. When he looked back at you, he found your eyes already on him, giggling at the scene he had caused before returning to your schoolwork. He loved hearing your laugh.
As the class ended, Harry gathered his things into his bookbag, slinging it over his shoulder as he straightened his robes. Snape was the first to leave the classroom, followed by a small swarm of students who were anxious to get back to the common rooms for some much-needed free time. Harry looked over to where you and Ron had been sitting, watching you pull out a scrap of parchment with messy little scribbles on it, before sliding it over to the red head.
"I found a new song the other night, and it reminded me so much of you, I just had to write it down before I forgot the title." You smiled, watching Ron look over the writing, thanking you awkwardly as he shoved it into his pocket.
Harry suddenly felt his pockets get lighter.
"I'll be in the library with Hermione tonight. Wants to tutor me for Transfiguration." He said in an annoyed tone, though you knew he was secretly looking forward to it. "You wanna come? Could use all the help I can get."
Harry secretly hoped you would say no.
You packed up all your belongings, making sure not to forget any of your notes, "Yeah, sure! Just have to do a few things first, but I can stop by in a bit." You smiled, the way you always do, as you shoved folders into your bag.
"Alright," Ron nodded, "I'll see you." He said as you waved each other goodbye, Ron heading for the exit. "Oh hey, Harry." He threw out casually as he left the room, calling attention to the boy in the back of the otherwise empty classroom.
You quickly turned around, smiling brightly when you saw him still sitting awkwardly in his seat. "Oh hey, Harry!" You repeated, "You're still here?"
Harry regained common sense then, now realizing he had been staring at you for the past hour, he stood from his seat and walked over to you. "Yeah..." He trailed off dumbly, still in his own thoughts. He head got cloudy as your perfume surrounded him.
He had debated on bringing it up for the past few months, but was to scared of your response. Honestly at this point, he could barely focus on anything BUT asking you about it. He figured that at this point it would be better to just get it over with. Like ripping off a bandaid.
"Hey, uh... Could I ask you something?" His voice cracked.
"Yeah, of course!" You finally slung the bag over your shoulder, giving Harry your full attention. "Ask away."
Your voice sounded sickly sweet, and it somehow made him more nervous. "Alright... Well, uh, I was just wondering-" He felt far too vulnerable to look into your eyes, so instead he looked at your shoulder. He had to clear his throat, "I was wondering why you've never given me a song?" He slurred out, trying to act casual about it while his heart was beating at top speeds.
Your smile immediately dropped, and Harry's stomach fell into his shoes at the sight. Now it was your turn to avoid eye contact, looking down at your feet and chewing on your cheek as you debated a response.
Harry felt like he was about to pass out. His hands grew clammy, and he could hear his heart hammering in his ears. The only times he had ever seen you not smiling were when something really terribly tragic had happened, or when your friends were upset themselves. This had to be a bad sign, right?"
Meanwhile, a million thoughts swirled through your head. You had hoped he hadn't noticed the exclusion, but you knew it was only a matter of time before he brought it up. You felt sick to your stomach. How could you lie your way out of this one? You hated lying, especially to Harry, and you didn't want to hurt him. Could you really risk telling him the truth? What if he freaks out and goes running for the hills and all your years of friendship are ruined?
"You know what, it doesn't matter." Harry brushed off weakly, starting to back away from you, "I don't need to know! It's no big deal, just forget I even said anything-"
"Harry, wait-" you instinctually grabbed his hand, making him freeze. You let go to reach into your bag, Harry cautiously getting closer. His confusion increased when you pulled your phone out, rapidly typing on it to pull something up. When you finally found it, you took a deep breath. Once he saw what you were about to show him, there would be no turning back. Finally, you made yourself turn the phone around so Harry could see the screen.
It was a private playlist titled "For Harold", and the cover photo was a picture that Hermione took of the two of you after a snowball fight last Christmas break. Falling all over each other in laughter, completely covered in snow.
You handed the phone to him, limbs shaking too much to hold it steady. He looked below the title to see the timestamp read 318h 43m.
You felt like your stomach was being tied in knots.
"This is why I've never given you a song." You admitted quietly. His expression was hard to read. Brows furrowed and mouth slightly open in shock. "I just... There were too many that reminded me of you."
Harry still hadn't looked at you or said a word, and you started to feel like you'd bounce right off the floor with how much you were vibrating.
Then he stopped scrolling, staring at the title of one particular song much too long for your liking. Even worse, he pressed play. As soon as the song started, you shrunk down into the desk behind you.
Sunrise, with you on my chest No blinds in the place where I live Daybreak, open your eyes Cause this was only ever meant to be for one night We're changing our minds here Be yours, be mine, dear
You busied yourself by playing with your fingers, looking absolutely anywhere but at Harry.
So close with you on my lips Touch noses, feeling your breath Push your heart and pull away, yeah Be my summer in a winter day, love
You started to feel incredibly antsy, regretting ever showing him the playlist. "We really don't have to listen to the whole thing-"
I can't see one thing wrong Between the both of us Be mine, be mine, yeah Anytime, anytime
You squeezed your eyes shut to try and save yourself from some embarrassment, but when you opened them, you found Harry looking at you with the biggest smile you'd ever seen in your life. Your belly flipped.
You are bringing out a different kind of me There's no safety net that's underneath, I'm free Fallin' all in you Fell for men who weren't how they appear, yeah Trapped up on a tightrope now we're here, we're free Fallin' all in you
Harry was beaming, putting the phone down on the desk beside him. He slowly made his way closer to you, and no matter how badly you wanted to look away from him, you couldn't.
He was now so close to you that you could feel his breath fan across your lips, and the song faded in the background as your heart pounded. "Is this how you really feel? About me?" He asked as his cheeks turned pink, and you couldn't help but find the silly question endearing.
You nodded your head, deciding that your voice would give out if you tried to speak right now. The eye contact was almost unbearable, and you broke it with a quick glance down to his lips.
The second you did, his lips were immediately on yours, pressing hard into you. You gasped against his lips in shock. You felt like your whole body was on fire.
He pulled away too soon, mumbling a boyish "Sorry about that-", before you chased his lips and pulled them back down to yours, muffling the rest of his apology. This time it lasted.
Your lips felt like they were home against his, moving slow and sweet, like you had all the time in the world. You sighed happily into the kiss, pouring the years of pent-up feelings out for each other. His lips tasted like pumpkin, and butterbeer, and the sweet vanilla chapstick you gave him. It made you giggle a little against his lips.
You melted as he mindlessly cornered you against the desk, his hands gently holding your face like you were made of glass. You wrapped your arms around his neck to ground yourself. His lips curled up into a smile against yours, and you involuntarily matched the expression. It all felt so... right. Like all of the pieces were finally falling into place.
Unfortunately, you both need oxygen, so you were forced to pull away. He rested his forehead against yours, as you share the air between you. You pulled him impossibly closer, nudging his nose with yours, both knowing you felt just as lovesick for each other.
Then your phone dinged. Harry looked down at the message from Ron, reading "Hey, you still coming tonight?"
He picked it up to respond, "Can't, sorry!" before flipping it over carelessly, both of you giggling as he pulled you back for another kiss.
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i had so much fun writing thissss ugh this was such a sweet prompt. tysm anon!
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esther-dot · 9 months
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tis the damn season 5k by @wildflower-daydreamer
Every year, Sansa comes back to her small hometown of Winterfell for Christmas. And each year, she and Jon fall into their old routine for her short stay. This year would be no different. Okay, maybe a little different. Inspired by the song 'tis the damn season by Taylor Swift. corresponding gif
Mistletoe Merriment 4k by @geekprincess26
Theon Greyjoy loves kissing pretty girls, so naturally he loves breaking out the mistletoe and spiked punch every year at the Starks' annual Christmas party. And every year, the girl he kissed the prior year shows up with an awesome new boyfriend - every girl except for Sansa Stark, who ends up with slimy, pathetic gits. Theon will have to go to ridiculous lengths, not to mention risk the legendary wrath of Jon Snow, in order to get Sansa the boyfriend she deserves. But he'll do it, because Theon Greyjoy is a loyal friend - and he'll never let a stupid sprig of mistletoe get the better of him.
When the Grinch Met the Redhead 1k by @yenstarkofrivia
the one where Sansa likes to sing Christmas songs at 3am and Jon is a miserable Grinch
merry and bright 27k by @cellsshapedlikestars
ex-child star Sansa Stark is in desperate need of money and takes a role in a Hallmark Christmas movie, filming in the mountain resort town of Wintertown, Vermont. There, Fire Chief Jon Snow is on set to oversee safety regulations. Sansa hates Christmas and she hates small towns, but a casual fling with a rugged local fireman might be just what she needs.
four 5k by @cellsshapedlikestars (I've reread this fic many times)
She had never put Jon and Christmas together, but now she thinks she'll never be able to separate them. or, four Christmases, three midnight excursions, two angry siblings, and one boy at the center of it all
Be My +1 47k by @vivilove-jonsa
Seven months after she attended a wedding with her brother's work colleague (and gave him a tipsy, unrequited kiss when he walked her to the door), Sansa Stark finds herself in the unenviable situation of desperately needing a date for her prep school reunion at a ski resort which will also be attended by her ex-boyfriend/boss's son, Harry Hardyng and her Former-BFF/Frenemy, Margaery Tyrell.
The Best Christmas Present (Is You) 3k @foreverreadingbeautifulbooks
Every year the Starks and honorary Starks spent the week of Christmas in the most northern of the lodges they owned. No guests were allowed to visit the lodge during that week and it was the one time a year where no one in their family was allowed to work. Everyone hung out, played in the snow, skied, baked, ate lots of food, and simply enjoyed being together. It was refreshing to spend so much time with her family since she felt like she’d barely seen them this last year. But, if Sansa was honest, after five days of hanging out with them nonstop, she’d been looking forward to spending a little bit of time by herself. Every year on Christmas Eve, while her mom and dad picked out the tree, Bran would play chess with their neighbor’s son, Lyanna - who was notorious for buying gifts at the last minute - went shopping, Arya and the rest of the boys would challenge each other to skiing contests, and Sansa would take that opportunity to have her own private holiday celebration indoors. She would warm up some hot chocolate, turn up her Christmas playlist, and snuggle down in some blankets to wrap all of her Christmas presents. But not this year. This year she was stuck with Jon Snow and his broken ankle.
the perfect gift for christmas for me would be 5k
“Be my boyfriend,” Sansa says. Jon's eyebrows raise, and she amends, “My fake boyfriend." or, Sansa, Jon, and fake dating for the winter holidays.
Christmas Carriage Ride 1.5k
Jon Snow has grown tired of his holiday job driving a horse-drawn carriage around the streets of Chicago. Then Sansa shows up, and Jon sees the city through new eyes
#LockedinLovers 8k by @amymel86
the one where Sansa and Jon are locked in a big ol' department store over Christmas because of a convenient snow storm
The Nightmare Before Christmas 3k by @ladysalvatore3
Sansa Stark was far from being perfect; she occasionally forgot to put the lid back on the toothpaste, she was constantly arriving late to places, she didn’t know how to change a tire or had any idea of what path her life was going to take, but there were three things that Sansa was absolutely sure about. She loved to write. Christmas was the best holiday ever. She hated Jon Snow.
'Tis the Damn Season 4k by @justhereforfandomandfriends
Four times Jon doesn’t ask Sansa to stay, and the one time he does. Sansa Stark was sneaking out of her childhood bedroom to sleep in Jon Snow's bed. If you'd told teenage Sansa, she'd have laughed in scorn (but she’d have flushed too). Twenty-nine year old Sansa was almost used to it. By now, it was practically a tradition, and there was nothing Sansa loved more than holiday traditions. corresponding moodboard
when the snow falls and the white wind blows 10k
Sansa Stark and Jon Snow had never been particularly close, but since her brother died and the two moved to the same city they have been spending more time together. Sansa tells herself Jon sees her as the little girl who lived in the house beside his. Jon tells himself Sansa sees him as nothing more than her brother's best friend. But when the two are snowed in on the way back home for Christmas, their thoughts change.
Shamelessly Un-christmas 3k by @jade-masquerade
After Jon denied her a kiss under the mistletoe last Christmas, Sansa tries to make amends.
A Tale of Two Christmases 2k by @jade-masquerade
A Christmas gift mix-up involving a special sweater brings Sansa and Jon together. corresponding fanart by @grrmartin
all i want for christmas is you...to tell everyone we're together 2k by @ben-barnes-is-my-husband
It's Christmas and all Jon wants is for he and Sansa to be public with their relationship.
Who's coming to you tonight? 1k by @kissed-by-circe
“So you want me, me and no one else, to dress up as Nikolaus and bring wee-“ his mind scrambles as he tries to remember the boy’s name, because Arya only uses pet names for him, and he doubts that her sister named her child Woolfling, Dr Snuggles, or Baby-Bear, “wee… Ar- Artos some candy, and tell him that he’s been naughty?” Arya forces Jon to play Nikolaus for her lil nephew, and somehow forgets to mention that singlemom!Sansa is really really hot
Lights 7k by @charmtion
Two years ago, Arya turned up on Jon and Sansa’s doorstep and left after a single, soul-aching conversation. Now they are gathered back together for a Stark family Christmas, where old wounds and new secrets threaten to collide.
Door to Door Delivery 2k by @hilarychuff
A drabble inspired by my While You Were Sleeping (1995). Jon walks Sansa home during a Chicago winter.
The Spirit of Christmas Gifset by @aureliacamargo
All I Want for Christmas Jonsa vid by @aerishe
(yes, that commercial prompted Jonsa content which makes me laugh so it gets a special shout-out!)
Perks of the Queen 5k by @intothecest
After years in his exile in the Night's Watch, Jon Snow finally answers a summons to Winterfell from his sister, Queen in the North, just in time for a festival. Gifts are exchanged, long-simmering feelings percolate up, and, oh yes, coffee has come to Westeros.
The Best Part of Waking Up 5k @jillypups
After a long stint up in Alaska doing manly things, Jon Snow comes back to the Stark family home where he spent nearly all of his childhood, where he called the Stark kids brother and sister. But things change after a few years go by.
Gifset by @cindy-clawford
Light in the Darkest Days of the Year Little Women AU/historical AU 9k by @sibyldisobedience
Winterfell was a handsome old house of modest proportions, that had once seen better days. Its green shutters and gables had faded to a dull grey. Its stone walls could use a new coat of whitewash. And its family, the Starks, had once been counted amongst the most distinguished in Wintertown — a small, sleepy hamlet, just north of the bustling port city of White Harbour, where it was as likely to snow in the summer as not. But despite this dreary description, Winterfell was the happiest little home in the neighbourhood.  Even on the darkest, coldest days of winter, the little grey house radiated warmth and light from its frosted-over windows, like a beacon. 
Fairy Lights and Mistletoe 3k Hogwarts AU, by @maybetwice
Sansa has every intention of going to the Yule Ball with Jon, even though he isn't sure why.
Shine Your Light on Me 2k canon verse @thatgirlnevershutsup
Let's celebrate a Northern holiday with Sansa and Jon! Think about a Hallmark Christmas movie set in Westeros, and you're on the right track.
A Stark Solstice 1.5k canon verse @ritzintherabbithole
It’s only fitting, she thought, that fresh snow should blanket the land around Winterfell today of all days. It is pristine, virgin white snow, seemingly pure, but Sansa know knows the kind of monsters that hide in the cold and her time spent in King’s Landing cured her of any instinct to trust appearances.
A midwinter night's dream 2k canon verse
After the Long Night, Sansa fears winter more than ever. How will her new born daughter survive a winter that might last for years? But magic is gone from Westeros, and soon it becomes clear that every season only lasts for a few moons. Though winters are still brutal, there is always an end in sight. And every year on the darkest day of them all, the Starks in Winterfell have a feast.
Festive Jonsa Edit
Christmas Is Here Gifset and Merry Christmas Gifset by @tiny-little-bird
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elfwondy · 10 months
christmas + taesan
genre: headcannon, fluffy, a part of christmas series including: a small headcannon, a small scenario, a moodboard & a mini playlist w: mention of drink, cuddling, giggling
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♡ warm and close ♡ matching band tees and caro pants ♡ bedroom filled with blankets and pillows is your fixed location ♡ he will create a mutual reading list for both of you to read during the whole winter ♡ dark red as the theme color ♡ taking your guitar out and have some jamming sessions ♡ playing a christmas playlist that only oldies listen to on the vinyl player ♡ customizing hot chocolate cups ♡ journaling random self-written lyrics and poets ♡ movies that embodies: the dreamers (2003), harry potter and the goblet of fire (2005)
‘what are you doing?’ you ask as you see him running aroung the kitchen
‘making some hot chocolate for us in our cute little gorgeous tiny tiny gilmore girls cups.’
then you come and wrap your hand around his waist. now you’re being face-to-face.
‘last Christmas, I gave you my heart. but the very next day, you gave it away. this year, to save me from tears,...’ from wham!’s song by the way.
‘this year, to save me from tears…’ you mumble the lyrics underneath your breath.
‘you will love me more, right, right?’ he says while putting little pecks of kiss on your face.
then you both dance slowly to the music played on the vinyl recorder.
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🌈 Queer Books Out December 2023 🌈
🌈 Good afternoon, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
❤️ Caught in a Bad Fauxmance by Elle Gonzalez Rose 🧡 Heartstopper #5 by Alice Oseman 💛 This Cursed Light by Emily Thiede 💚 All The Hidden Paths by Foz Meadows 💙 Vampires of Eden: Book One by Karla Nikole 💜 Not My Type by Joe Satoria ❤️ Storm in Her Heart by KC Luck 🧡 Eternal Embrace by Luna Lawson 💛 A River of Golden Bones by A.K. Mulford 💙 Tomb of Heart and Shadow by Cara N. Delaney 💜 Through the Embers Volume 2 by Adriana Sargent 🌈 Lucero by Maya Motayne
❤️ The Poison Paradox by Hadley Field & Felix Green 🧡 Second Chances in New Port Stephen: A Novel by TJ Alexander 💛 Matrimonial Merriment by Nicky James 💚 Under the Christmas Tree by Jacqueline Ramsden 💙 Every Beat of Her Heart by KC Richardson 💜 The Memories of Marlie Rose by Morgan Lee Miller ❤️ Playing with Matches by Georgia Beers 🧡 Always Only You by Chloe Liese 💛 Fire in the Sky by Radclyffe and Julie Cannon 💙 Nuclear Sunrise by Jo Carthage 💜 The Naked Dancer by Emme C. Taylor 🌈 Resurrections by Ada Hoffmann
❤️ Destiny’s Women by Morgan Elliott 🧡 Framed by Kate Merrill 💛 The Spoil of Beasts by Gregory Ashe 💚 Catered All the Way by Annabeth Albert 💙 A Cynic’s Christmas Conundrum by L.M. Bennett 💜 Yours for the Taking by Gabrielle Korn ❤️ One Swipe Away by Nicole Higginbotham-Hogue 🧡 The Gentlemen’s Club by A.V. Shener 💛 A Death at the Dionysus Club by Melissa Scott and Amy Griswold 💙 Secrets of the Soul by Holly Oliver 💜 Like They Do in the Movies by Nan Campbell 🌈 Limelight by Gun Brooke
❤️ Heart First by S.B. Barnes 🧡 Grave Consequences by Sandra Barret 💛 Haunted by Myth by Barbara Ann Wright 💚 Invisible by Anna Larner 💙 The Murders at Sugar Mill Farm by Ronica Black 💜 Coasting and Crashing by Ana Hartnett ❤️ Fairest by K.S. Trenten 🧡 A City of Abundant Opportunity by Howard Leonard 💛 The Dark Side of MIdnight by Erin Wade 💙 Mending Bones by Merlina Garance 💜 Transform by Connal Braginsky & Sean Ian O’Meidhir 🌈 The Apple Diary by Gerri Hill
❤️ TruLove by Nicole Pyland 🧡 Structural Support by Sloan Spencer 💛 Whiskey War by Stacy Lynn Miller 💚 Overkill by Lou Wilham 💙 Heart of Outcasts by Nicole Silver 💜 In the Shadow of Victory by J. E. Leak ❤️ Just Like Her by Fiona Zedde 🧡 Gingerbread: Claus For Christmas by Miski Harris 💛 Lies are Forever by C. Jean Downer 💙 The Boys in the Club by M.T. Pope 💜 Lasting Light (Metal & Magic) by Michelle Frost 🌈 Tell No Tales by Edie Montreux
❤️ Radio Silence by Alice Oseman 🧡 Even Though We're Adults Vol. 7 by Takako Shimura 💛 The Accidental Bite by Michelle St. Wolf 💚 Mated to the Demons by Taylor Schafer 💙 Someday Away by Sara Elisabeth 💜 Gatherdawn Luminia Duet Volume 1 by Lee Colgin ❤️ Curse of Dawn by Richard Amos 🧡 Healing the Twin by Nora Phoenix 💛 Ride Me by KD Ellis 💙 How to Bang a Vampire by Joe Satoria 💜 Cthulhu for Christmas by Meghan Maslow 🌈 Prestige by Toni Reeb
❤️ Don't Look Down by Jessica Ann 🧡 Winter and the Wolves by Chris Storm and Kinkaid Knight 💛 Hat Trick by Ajay Daniel 💚 Starborn Husbands: Return to the Pleiades by S. Legend 💙 Dead Serious Case #4 Professor Prometheus Plume by Vawn Cassidy 💜 Practice for Toby by Amy Bellows ❤️ The Siren's Song by Crista Crown 🧡 Hers to Hunt K.J. Devoir
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myohmine · 5 months
Song Theory of Taylor Swift’s The Tortured Poets Department: Track 28
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Because Matty Healy is a stinky red herring. Let me tell you why Track 28 Peter is actually about Louis Tomlinson whose favorite number is 28, and present the evidence that Taylor Swift really said: forget that guy on the chief coming straight home to me. Goddess Karlie can STEP ON ME.
ps. I blame this entire song analysis on Taylor releasing folklore on One Direction’s 10th HBD.
Forgive me, Peter, my lost fearless leader
“my lost fearless” could refer to Taylor’s second studio album. She lost that masters to Big Machine. Before she announced her re-release of Fearless (Taylor’s Version), Louis released his solo debut album Walls, with a song called Fearless, “Cash in your weekend treasure for a suit and tie, a second wife” seemingly referencing her Lover era (ME! mv) as well as her past relationship with Dianna Agron and her present with Karlie Kloss.
“Now I’m not saying that you could’ve done better. Just remember that I, I’ve seen that fire alight.” Louis knew Taylor was planning to come out and was well on her way to execute that plan before it all went wrong. (Re: The 2019 NYC Pride Parade Outfit She Never Wore)
His song was encouraging her to become that fearless again. To tell her that he knew she tried. But why did Louis have to reassure Taylor? Why did Taylor feel the need to apologize to Louis?
In closets like cedar preserved from when we were just kids.
Both Louis and Taylor were queer kids who got stuck in the closets as soon as they stepped foot onto the music industry scene. It’s not a pleasant place to be. Just listen to the anxiety in Taylor’s voice when she asked “Are we out of the woods?”
Was it something I did?
Who could ever forget the Haylor Winter Romance? One Direction dropped their second studio album “Take Me Home”. During that promo season, Harry Styles and Taylor Swift got papped together a lot. The fandoms were divided. Some fans still believed in Larry Stylinson and/or Swiftgron. But the tabloids insisted it gotta be Haylor. Is it Taylor’s fault that they’re still stuck in the closet today? If she hadn’t participated in handholding in Central Park/NYE kiss/Blue Dress on a Boat, would everything be different today?
The goddess of timing once found us beguiling
Both Louis and Taylor were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time for their music career to start like shooting stars (Louis: we were lucky once, I could be lucky again.)
The things about “beguiling” is that it doesn’t only mean enchanting/charming, it has the connotation of being deceptive. The goddess of timing did not find them to be truthful.
She said she was trying.
Actual deity is all powerful and rarely has to try. This is such a human quality. This person is comparable to a Goddess but she’s still just a person. I believe that the Goddess of Timing here is Kali, while the person Taylor is calling a Goddess is Karlie.
Kali is a Goddess from Hinduism aka the same place as the concept of karma (who is Taylor’s boyfriend when she wrote the songs. But once she put it out and performs it for the audience, she no longer thinks of the song Karma as her own. In her mind, it already belongs to the fans. And if that’s the kind of entertainment they’re expecting, she will continue to sing “Karma is the guy on the Chief coming straight home to me.” Because the Goddess already sees her as a liar, what difference adding one more lie is gonna make? (Did she forget about the last straw?))
Peter, was she lying?
For the Goddess of time, this is the same question about fame (what Taylor earned with the help of fortunate timing) that Taylor has been wondering about since her first Speak Now era: Never Grow Up (Keep this line in mind, it will come into play later: It’s so much colder than I thought it would be, so I tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on. Wish I’d never grow up. (Such a Peter Pan thing to think.) Continued into RED (Lucky One: Now my name is up in the light. I wonder if I’d make it out alive) All the way to Clara Bow in the tortured poets department. It’s the question that’s been haunting her for ages.
For the person comparable to the Goddess, was Karlie lying? Well, if she really is with Taylor then she’s also very deep in the closet and hiding a core truth about herself. So, yes, she was lying.
My ribs got the feeling she did
This is the line that cements it for me.
This Goddess must be Kali.
And Taylor fancies herself Kali’s consort.
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One of the most popular form of Kali is Dakshina Kali. She is typically shown with her right foot on her consort’s chest. It’s a show of his devotion to her.
I got the information of Kali legend from Wikipedia, and this is what THE POETS got to say about the guy at her feet.
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Here’s the thing, those who worship Kali are said to be able to overcome death itself. (Honey, I rose up from the death I do it all the time. Reputation is a Karlie album confirmed by a Goddess.)
Another thing about Kali is that she is not just a Goddess of Time. She is also known as Mother Goddess; Goddess of Time, Change, Creation, Power, Destruction and Death. (So basically, the entire theme of the Tortured Poets Department. Damn, girl. Way to talk about devotion.)
Another form of Goddess Karlie Kali with her left foot on her consort, Shiva, is much more violent. She was in uncontrollable rage. To stop her from destroying the entire universe, Taylor Shiva laid down on her warpath. When she stomped on him (and likely hurt his ribs in the process, ouch), she realized with horror that she had gone too far. (Taylor’s The Great War: The worst was over…I vowed, I will always be yours.)
And I didn’t want to come down.
I thought it was just goodbye for now.
The pre-chorus subject will later change from I to We, but the theme of thinking they would have more time keeps coming back around. Taylor still wanted her name up in the light. She thought she would have more time. She thought hiding crucial part of herself was just a temporary thing.
You said you were gonna grow up and you were gonna come find me.
This chorus is why I think the YOU in this song is Louis/Harry. The anxiety-inducing repetition is reminiscent of Out Of The Woods aka the song I believe was written from Louis’s perspective, and also contained one of her earliest blatantly queer-coded lyrics: The rest of the world was black and white but we were in screaming colors.
Said you were gonna grow up and you were gonna come find me.
In the early One Direction days, Louis once admitted that growing old is one of his worst fears. Isn’t that the most Peter Pan thing you’ve ever heard? Taylor be like “I think I’ve seen this film before, and I didn’t like the ending” This is one of the many reasons why I think William Bowery has never, ever, ever been Joe, but rather was actually Louis William Tomlinson (who curses like a sailer so much that infects Taylor. She never dropped f-bomb before she started writing with WB). The ships passing in the night imagery is such a Louis and Harry thing, and Taylor started using it heavily from 1989 onwards. Aka the album she wrote Style and invited the fella over there with a hella good hair to come shake it off.
Said you were gonna grow up and you were gonna come find me.
But can they really shake off the tumultuous emotions of hiding the love of your life like a skeleton in your closets? No matter how many hiding places she knew?
Words from the mouth of babes
Exhibit A to infinity: baby boyfriends
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Promises oceans deep
Rope & Anchor, Ship & Compass, Pirates and nautical theme couple tattoos. You name it, they got it. Louis’s Strong and Harry’s Happily lethal combo: My hand, your hand tied up like two ships. I don’t care what people say when we’re together.
But never to keep
Exhibit crying in a cool way:
1D’s Something Great: The script was written and I could not change a thing.
1D’s Story of My Life: Written on these walls are the stories that I can’t explain
Harry horse-noises-and-i-would-lean-towards-no Styles, Sweet Creature who? Never heard of her.
Louis doesn’t-know-what-tattoo-he-got Tomlinson, but this compass is so sweet for pointing home, innit?
Never to keep
How many times are they going to have to deny their love? How many times do they have to parade around with someone else for the camera? How many times do they have to bring up conspiracies and how unfair it is for their loved ones? They keep doing things that practically break a promise of ALWAYS IN MY HEART. Are they doomed to never keeping their promises?
Are you still a mind reader?
It’s not just Louis’s Fearless song before she unlocked the vault to Fearless (Taylor’s Version), just look at the way he wrote lyrics that Taylor clearly had in mind:
Louis in Don’t Let It Break Your Heart: I know you left a part of you in New York
Taylor in Hoax: You knew I left a part of me back in New York
Louis for 1D’s Love You Goodbye: Baby, go on, twist the knife
Taylor in Hoax: my twisted knife, my winless fight
Louis for 1D’s Midnight Memories first leaked: Diana, let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life. I don’t think you even realize, but, baby, you’d be saving mine.
Taylor in reputation’s Call It What You Want: You don’t have to save me. But would you run away with me? Yes. And keep this line in mind: My baby’s fly like a jet stream.
A natural scene stealer?
I mean, I am very biased. But Louis has always stolen the scene. Whether it be “NO! Jimmy protested” on the staircase, Kevin the Pigeon, it said do not dial 9 so I dialed 9, or when singing/carrying 1D choruses, especially clear in What Makes You Beautiful and Story of My Life a cappella version.
In relation to Taylor, as soon as Haylor officially ended according to tabloid, Louis proceeded to get this giant Swift bird tattoo in his right arm.
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And remember the game 1D played for FOUR promo? Louis wasn’t even trying to do anything funny and the universe was like let’s make sure the pulling-words-out-of-hats game has the funniest possible outcomes.
Harry: mine said Louis Tomlinson
Niall: got papped snogging
Zayn: Taylor Swift
*chaos erupts*
Louis: *incredulous laughter*
Harry: *seize the opportunity for the funniest joke ever* I mean, you could’ve told me
Louis: Jesus.
Anyhow, I digress. Niall said without Louis, 1D would be the most boring band in the world.
I’ve heard great things, Peter.
I mean, World Tours/Festivals/Faith in the Future. Yup, great things indeed. But it also implied that they hadn’t seen each other in person for a while. (That’s why I still on the clown train that WB is Louis. They wrote together in lockdown. Nobody was out to see anybody.)
But life was always easier on you than it was on me.
This is where I am extremely dubious of my own clown theory. I don’t believe Louis had it easier than Taylor, especially given how he lost his mom and his sister. But it helps that the next line made it clear which aspect of life she was talking about.
And sometimes it gets me, when crossing your jet stream.
This line really takes Harry out as a contender for being Peter/you. Because he already has his own place here. He’s the “your jet stream”. My baby’s fly like a jet stream. Harry is Louis’s baby. It’s been well-documented in the Larry Stylinson fandom/organization/conspiracy/call it what you want to. 😂
We both did the best we could do underneath the same moon in different galaxies.
Both Taylor and Harry did the best they could do under the same circumstance. From the point of view on earth, there is only one moon. It seems so big and just within reach. But when we zoom out to the level of galaxies, it’s practically impossible to pinpoint the same moon among billions of other celestial bodies. Yet, the dark night cycle for Taylor and Harry is exactly the same. They’re both stuck in the same style of closet from when they were just kids. (Womanizer/Slut aka someone with many different partners, before it shifted to long-term low-key/marriage material themes. Likely due to the songs they kept writing which couldn’t possibly be about one-night stands, no matter which angle anyone look at it. The messages are loud and clear. They are in love and deeply devoted to one person only.) The difference is Taylor didn’t get to meet Karlie before the industry broke her spirit down. (Let all your damage, damage me.) But Louis and Harry have always had each other to rely on. #welivetogetherdealwithit.
Harry was once asked if falling in love is the best part of a relationship. Well, he said he actually believed the best part after that initial rush of infatuation is becoming a team. If that’s not enough to sound like someone in a long-term committed relationship. Harry also has a habit of singing “I’m in love with Lou and all his little things”/ “You’re still the one I run to, the one that I belong to. You’re still the one I want for life.” /“Hopelessly devoted to Lou.”
So, yeah. No wonder Taylor believed life was always easier on Louis and Harry than it was on her. Not even mentioning the things she said on The Man: I’m so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I’d get there quicker if I was a man.
And I didn’t wanna hang around.
So Karlie and Harry was seen hanging out once and never again.
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We said it was just goodbye for now.
I think Louis/Harry and Taylor/Karlie were always planning to come out at the same time, but that coming out schedule kept getting postponed.
You said you were gonna grow up and you were gonna come find me.
Said you were gonna grow up and you were gonna come find me.
Said you were gonna grow up and you were gonna come find me.
Words from the mouth of babes
Promises oceans deep
But never to keep
Never to keep
It’s the same ol’ shit, just different days. The anxious anticipation and fear of consequences for when they finally come out feel oceans deep. They can’t get rid of it. But they still can’t commit to it 100% either. All they could do was making promises after promises with blatant Easter eggs like Harry running around with rainbow flags on stage, Louis wearing a giant golden H on his chest for his livestream during COVID-19 lockdown, Taylor’s entire Lover era. The list goes on and on.
And I won't confess that I waited, but I let the lamp burn.
I’m gonna let the burning of Lover house in the Eras tour speak for itself. Their plan to come out was a failure time and time again.
As the men masqueraded, I hoped you'd return.
As Taylor kept switching out these Kens, while stuck in the same ol’ closet, she still hoped Louis won’t give up on their plan.
Well, here’s Louis in Just Like You aka the song he announced on National Coming Out Day saying: 25 and it’s all planned.
Did that plan include dropping his album Walls with Come so far from Princess Park & For every question why, you were my because on the last day that Harry was 25 years old? Because that happened.
And here’s Taylor in Lover for Death By A Thousand Cuts: Paper cuts sting from our paper thin plans.
Did that paper thin plan include Taylor releasing ME! on Lesbian’s Visibility Day? Because that happened.
Soon we will see the reason why Taylor would be asking for forgiveness from Louis. But let’s see first what she was hoping for and didn’t get.
With your feet on the ground, tell me all that you'd learned.
Remember Cloud lyrics from 1D: Some days you’re gonna see the things that I see… Never coming back down.
And from Louis’s Walls in We Made It: Never coming down with your hand in mine.
Because the thing about We Made It, is Louis still had to throw in a line for his girlfriend Eleanor. Yes, Harry and Louis made it. But they’re still stuck in the closet, anyway.
'Cause love's never lost when perspective is earned
This is when I realize that Taylor has been tracing the stepping stones, starting from most recent events and making her way back to the start in a non-linear manner. Well, she certainly did called this album a post-mortem study. But exactly whose death are we mourning in this particular song right here?
And you said you'd come and get me, but you were twenty-five
And the shelf life of those fantasies has expired
Lost to the "Lost Boys" chapter of your life
Remember Harry’s “Not That Important”? Or all the Rainbow Bondage Bear and Sugar Baby Bear RBB/SBB shenanigans? Louis and Harry were throwing themselves at the closet door, banging against it and making such loud noises. They wanted so badly to show the world that they’re together while still in the band. That fantasy was one hell of a drug. Especially after Zayn left and they felt like they’ve got nothing left to lose. That was, until Belfast (where a Victorian-styles woodvale park is located, remember that not-an-Easter-Egg-I-promise! in Taylor’s hide-and-seek edition of folklore? Uh huh.) and babygate caged them into ironclad closet. But it wasn’t only just those events and One Direction going on hiatus that ensured Louis was completely and utterly lost.
Louis was trying so hard to make everyone sees that he’s not the father. He was so, so loud about it. So loud that it’s still causing troubles every time he brings up Freddie TODAY. Way too loud to ever be shut down, basically.
Louis was doing everything he could to leave the closet. But in December 2016, he lost his mom and turned twenty-five.
How could anyone expect a grieving boy to have another fight left in him?
Forgive me, Peter, please know that I tried to hold on (hold on) to the days (to the days) when you were mine.
Louis performed Just Hold On for the first time only days after his mom passing. In front of the person who made damn sure he couldn’t be himself under the spotlight. It’s a testament to his strength and I will never stop admiring his resilience. And although Taylor didn’t come through with their coming out plan, someone else made sure to have done the leg work.
Before her passing, Johannah, Louis’s mother, took the time to delete all of Freddie pictures off of her instagram, two weeks after she told Louis that she had terminal cancer.
(How do I know this? Well, it’s a hindsight is 20/20 thing. When Jay did that, fans had no clue she was sick and dying.
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Years later, Louis talked about his mom breaking the bad news when he was at Jamie Vardy’s wedding.
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And that wedding happened a fortnight before Jay removed all of Freddie pictures.)
Louis’s mom took out the rose thorns and made damn sure her baby boy could walk down their memory lane with the least pain possible. Louis had a great mom who taught him how to get through the darkest nights.
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And though it’s not acknowledged so publicly, Louis has had Harry by his side all this time. I don’t think Louis ever needed an apology from Taylor just because they couldn’t complete their plan to come out/“Speak Now” in time for his mom to hear it, too.
Regardless, it’s possible that Taylor still felt really, really shitty for failing to execute their coming out plan as grief-stricken Louis ran out of time. By the time her scathing reputation prologue letter came around (as if inspiration for music is as simple and basic as a paternity test), it seemed Louis was in too deep with the conspiracy from One Direction days to ever be rid of it now. Quite literally lost to the lost boys chapter of his life
But the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light.
And I’m not gonna lie, the sudden reappearance of present tense in descriptive lyrics here gave me a jolt of anxiety. Taylor already released Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) in which she repeated “So I tuck myself in and turn my nightlight on. Wish I’d never grow up.”
See, if we’re sticking with the original story of Peter Pan, Wendy grew up and Peter Pan didn’t. But in this version of the story, our Peter Pan aka Louis had been through such grief that pushed him to grow up first. He’s actually the one waiting now. Wendy aka Taylor had been playing catch up. (Fuck 🛴 for that.) Hence, this present tense about the woman who has turned out the light is the continuation of wait for the signal and I’ll meet you after dark.
By the way, how does the intro sequence of The Eras Tour go again?
It’s been a long time coming. It’s you and me. It’s Fearless. Big reputation. And they said Speak Now. Into folklore. My name is Taylor and I was born in 1989. Hey! evermore. Loving him was red. Meet me at midnight. Nice! Lover.
It’s you and me that’s my whole world. They whisper in the hallway she’s a bad, bad girl.
Taylor started her Eras Tour with Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince. The song I believe was written to Louis from Harry’s perspective. “You know I adore you. I’m crazier for you than I was at sixteen.” Corresponding nicely with the song 18 that one of her best friends, Ed Sheeran, wrote for One Direction. The one Louis used to sing as “I have loved him since we were eighteen.” And Harry immediately followed up by screaming “Sixteen!” at the crowd.
You said you were gonna grow up
Then you were gonna come find me
Said you were gonna grow up
You said you were gonna grow up
Then you were gonna come find me
Said you were gonna grow up
This set of repeating chorus above isn’t the same as the other ones before. Can you spot the difference? Here’s the rest of the chorus that actually looks the same as the ones in the beginning.
You said you were gonna grow up
Then you were gonna come find me
Said you were gonna grow up
Then you were gonna come find me
Said you were gonna grow up
Then you were gonna come find me
Both contain six lines, but I assure you, there are differences. The order changed. The last line changed. Devil’s in the details.
Words from the mouths of babes
Here’s the most surreal experience for me as someone who read too much between the lines. In Louis’s own documentary All Of Those Voices, out of all the song he has written, this is the one he chose to play as an opening segment for Freddie, aka his son who is arguably the most controversial and divisive topic in his fandom: Angels Fly.
This is a song about helping someone process grief, from someone who’s already been there before.
In hindsight, Louis’s babygate was a boon of sort. A blessing in disguise, if you will. Fans were so busy tearing this paternity narrative apart. Louis was able to keep quiet about the actual tragedy he was facing. Whatever drama Louis needed to keep his name on the papers, Freddie’s family helped provide it in spade. He was allowed to carve out truly private time to prepare for the inevitable. And when the news of his mom’s sickness broke, Harry was the one who got papped near the hospital that she was staying at. He took that publicity burden off of Louis’s shoulder. If that action did not speak of Harry’s immeasurable love for Louis, I don’t know what else will.
Promises oceans deep
Remember how Taylor almost had to go through the same thing Louis did? With her mom’s diagnosis? On my very first listen of Peter, I felt the same gut-punch of grief as when I heard her Soon You’ll Get Better, or Ronan, or Louis’s Two of Us. It’s the worst kind of heartbreak to recognize. And it doesn’t matter how long it’s been, that pain is edged oceans deep into your soul.
But never to keep
Fortunately, with time, anyone who has experienced such great loss will begin to realize that grief has ebb and flow, like ocean waves. You learned to live with the pain. You start to see silver linings. Maybe you quantify this grief with the size of the moon. So you build a galaxy around it and the eclipse doesn’t seem so daunting anymore.
I think Taylor is 1) apologizing to Louis for postponing their coming out plan over and over again, 2) acknowledging that the fear of consequences for coming out is nothing compared to the grief of losing your loved ones forever, and 3) confirming the plan to come out. Sure, words from the mouths of babes, promises oceans deep but never to keep. However, they’re both grownups now. So remember:
Wait for the signal and I’ll meet you after dark.
And now:
The woman who sits by the window has turned out the light.
Hello, darkness my old friend 👋
Most importantly, Taylor worships Goddess Karlie, byeeeeee.
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hyunpic · 1 year
list of songs hyunjin has played on his lives/recommended:
note: im probably missing some & i couldn’t put links to all of them cause apparently tumblr has a link limit 🤨
lauv: julia, lonely eyes, invisible things, paris in the rain, never not, im so tired, the story never ends, i like me better
offonff: photograph, cigarette (ft. miso & tablo), dance, bath
beyoncé: crazy in love (remix)
billie eilish: i love you, &burn, idontwannabeyouanymore, ocean eyes, before i go, tv
honne: day1, la la la that’s how it goes
christina perri: a thousand years
shawn mendes: mercy, treat you better, in my blood
dvwn: phobia
dpr live: jam & butterfly
jehwi: dear moon
leehi: rose
bts: dna, waste it on me, make it right
colde: where love begins, string (ft. sunwoojunga), the museum, wa-r-r, your dog loves you (ft. crush), control me, a song nobody knows, im in love
got7: miracle, hard carry
justin bieber: lonely
josef salvat: call on me
taemin: criminal
night off: sleep
sam kim: make up (ft. crush), like a fool, sunny days summer nights
niki: lowkey
iu: the visitor, lullaby, knees, love poem, give you my heart, my sea
cha ni: starlight
sia: snowman
akmu: happening
sunwoojunga: run with me
the black skirts: everything
korea cracker: ocean (ft. hoyeon kim)
cosmic boy: can i love?
penomeco: no.5 (ft. crush)
yerin baek: blooming memories, limit
10cm: so…., however
day6: i’ll try, love me or leave me, when you love someone, you were beautiful, congratulations, zombie, days gone by, afraid
dean: d (half moon), instagram, what 2 do, bonnie & clyde
exo: first snow, the eve, love shot
sam fischer: this city
jukjae: do you want to walk with me?, lullaby
ph-1: nerdy love (ft. yerin baek), as i told you
baekhyun: love again, un village
amine: blackjack
young k: come as you are, guard you
flume: say it (ft. tove lo)
twice: dance the night away, fancy
ariana grande: thank u, next
hajin: we all lie
about: it has to be you
caroline says: winter is cold
h.e.r: u, wait for it
bol4: to my youth
monday kiz: winter is as i wished
paul kim: the road, additional
sweden laundry: the winter
jung seung hwan: in that winter
chungha: gotta go
zion.t: no make up, snow
airman: gloomy star, i’ll be your spring (ft. j_ust)
motte: dont run away
seventeen: a-teen, super
khalid: location
lukas graham: 7 years
imagine dragons: believer
bo kyung kim: dont think you are alone
jung ilhoon: spoiler (ft. babylon)
davichi: falling in love, 이 사랑
coldplay: everglow, viva la vida
lyn: my destiny
jus2: focus on me, long black, senses (jpn version)
crush: beautiful, you and i
ed sheeran: lego house, perfect, photograph, beautiful people
croosh: why
20 years of age: x
tori kelly: paper hearts
seulgi: always
luna: do you love me? (ft. george)
wisue: someone’s shining
epik high: eternal sunshine
jp saxe: if the world was ending
seori: fairy tale
bruno mars: marry you
the weeknd: earned it, die for you
jung seunghwan: its raining, an ordinary day, dear
sam tinnesz: play with fire
post malone: motley crew
jihyo: stardust love song
kim feel: your voice
sung sikyung: solar system, heejae
younha: stardust
wonpil: a journey
taeyeon: invu, some nights, toddler, drawing our moments
nct dream: boom
ha hyunsang: 3108
huhgak: memory of your scent
se so neon: nan chun, a long dream, midnight train, stranger
umi: remember me
tvxq!: mirotic
johnny balik: honey
red velvet: psycho
new jeans: hype boy
christian kuria: losing you
cigarettes after sex: k. , each time you fall in love, sunsetz, apocalypse
dpr ian: nerves, no blueberries, 1 shot
samm henshaw: broke
woodz: drowning
kelly clarkson: underneath the tree
kimmuseum: to you who cant sleep
taylor swift: betty
lana del rey: young and beautiful
harry styles: watermelon sugar, she
pink sweat$: honesty
masego: tadow
olivia rodrigo: vampire
troye sivan: youth, for him
kai: mmmh
2pm: my house
oasis: wonderwall, hey now
mac miller: that’s on me, everybody
nothing but thieves: amsterdam
bren joy: sweet
back number: i love you
mac ayres: next to you, roses
daniel caesar: blessed, ocho rios, get you (ft. kali uchis), take me away (ft. syd), do you like me?, disillusioned
green day: dilemma
puma blue: already falling
bruno major: nothing, easily, places we won’t walk, the most beautiful thing, old soul
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smilesstyless · 2 years
Needing you
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Summary: Harry and y/n had an huge argument and they broke up. Y/n is worried about him because of his depression
Pairing: singer!harry x fem!reader
Wordcount: 959
Trigger warnings: angst, depression, mention of depression
A/N I was listing to little freak last night and it popped into my mind
Harry was thinking about her all the time, he made a mistake and now he realizes that. He wants to be with her, but he messed up.
He’s lying in his bed and thinking all day about her. Every song he writes is about her. He tries to let her go but he can’t. He needs her in his life. Sarah told him it was a mistake to let her go.
She brought light into his dark days full of depression and anxiety. She was good for him, she made him less nervous before a show or an interview. Since he broke up with her, he is in such a dark place. He got stronger medicine for his depression, if he is honest he doesn’t take them. He lies in bed and waits until this day is over, he can’t do this without her. Sometimes he writes or plays guitar but it doesn’t help that he always thinks about her. He can’t let her go.
He’s thinking about her.
Sarah made him dinner; he hasn't touched it in days. “Talk to her, call her, h. You’re not fine,” she tells him. She misses the old Harry who made dad jokes and who was happy she misses the happy guy who loves kids more than anything in the world.
“I’m fine,” he mutters, “took my medicine,” he mumbles.
“Don’t lie about the medicine, they are—”
“Shut up,” he raises his voice at her. Sarah flinches as he raises his voice at her. She barely heard him yelling at anyone, he’s at his worst right now. He doesn’t listen to her, he listens to nobody except y/n.
“Harry I’m just suggesting that you have to talk to her, she will miss you too,” she just wants him to talk to y/n or anybody else it doesn’t really matter about the break up. She just wants him to talk, she doesn’t want him to eat everything into himself.
But she isn’t doing well. She pretends it’s fine they broke up. She cries herself to sleep every night she hates to be without him. She just wants to lie in his arms and cuddle with him. In the day she looks happy and at night she cries so much until she is asleep.
She knows about his depression and it makes her worry about him. In winter it’s always worse and she takes care of him every day until it is the first day of spring. She made him dinner, she gave him his medicine. When she found out he threw them out they had a huge argument and he told her it wouldn’t work. So he broke both of their hearts. Sometimes she just wants to call him and check on him. Which she does but he never picks up, she guesses his phone is dead.
Today is one of those days she calls him and he doesn't answer. It made her worry even more. It's been over a week since he charged his phone. She grabs her keys and drives over to his place. She wants to make sure he is okay.
It’s been almost a month since they talked.
She opens the front door and closes it quietly. She sneaks upstairs into his bedroom. He is lying in his bed, he hasn't changed since the fight so she assume hasn’t showered in two weeks.
“Harry,” y/n breathes out. He turns around and sees her standing in the doorway. She puts her stuff away and sits down on his bed.
“Hi,” on his lips is a short smile.
“How are you feeling?” She is going through his messy, greasy hair. Harry rests his head on her thighs.
“Now a bit better,” he whimpers. “I’m sorry,” he sobs out.
“Don’t apologize, can you tell me which color you’re feeling?” They talked with his therapist about the colors. She suggested the color thing and it helps them a lot. Harry doesn't see a point in it but he answers it. Green is good, yellow is okay and red is bad.
“Red,” he mutters.
“Sunshine, look at me. It was a stupid fight I know you don’t feel well. Wanna eat something?” He nodded his head.
Y/n made him his favorite pancakes with chocolate chips. She came back upstairs with a plate and a glass of water. “Did Sarah made you something?”
“Yes, couldn't eat. I made you worry because I’m sick,” he took a sip of the water.
“Yes, I was scared. It’s okay to be sick, you will get better again,” she kisses his greasy hair.
“Hate that, I can’t take care of you. You always take care of me. I’m supposed to take you out on dates, but instead we sit in my bedroom and watch a movie,” he sips his water. Y/n hands him his medicine out.
“Please,” he swallows them down. “You’re not supposed to take me out. I like staying in with you and watching a movie. Don’t think that,” she kisses the tip of his nose. “I’m so proud of you,” she kisses his knuckles.
“I love you, sunshine.” He calls her sunshine because he brings light into his dark days like a sun. “Do I have to shower?” He mutters under his breath.
“No, but if you like to I would draw you a bath,” she looks at her boyfriend who has a slight smile on his lips. He looks pale and dark bags under his eyes from staying awake all night.
“Tonight, maybe,” he lies down and closes his eyes. The first time in a while he felt like he’s going to be okay. Y/n is here and the world seems fine, he seems fine. He missed her touch.
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malarkgirlypop · 10 months
BoB dance moves while drunk
inspired by that one post of how they would act when drunk from @contrabandhothead
Dick Winters:
Is a sucker for a slow dance, tries to wrangle anyone onto the dance floor with him but mostly Nix who doesn't like slow dancing. Is very huggy and will whisper unintelligible things in your ear while dancing. Will give you that very drunk I love you smile when he pulls away.
Lewis Nixon:
Does not dance, will not dance. But can sometimes be convinced by Dick if he is drunk enough. Rather would sing loudly while sitting down.
Ronald Speirs:
When very intoxicated will boogie, he is the one who will just stand in the middle of the dance floor and jump up and down. While trying to sing the song but he doesn't know the lyrics so he drunkenly sings nonsense at you. Goes from one group to the next. If dancing in a circle he will jump in the middle and bust a move before disappearing. Lip will sometimes have to wrangle him away from people cause he is interfering with their night.
Carwood Lipton:
Is a shy dancer will tap his foot and bob his head to the beat, but spends most of the night trying to contain the very excitable Ron, who is a loose unit on the floor if not supervised. Is always excusing himself to go and get Ron.
Harry Welsh:
Is too drunk to stand, but he can party lying down! Wants to dance with Kitty but can't find her. Would probably pull out moves such as the sprinkler and pushing the trolley.
George Luz:
Does the most bizarre moves you have ever seen. Has his own style called the George. Will spin you round and then need to sit down immediately cause he is going to throw up. Back out onto the floor once he has recovered, him and Ron together are a fucking nightmare, as they harasses innocent bystanders to dance with them. Will high-five you if you get too close, but does the fakeout of "High-five, dolphin dive."
Joe Toye:
Is the best dancer when drunk, like professionally good, but will only dance if very inebriated. Likes to people watch and laugh at the chaos that is George. Will lean and drink and shoo Luz away when he asks him to go and dance. Saying "I will when I finish this drink." But then orders another one so that he can use the same line.
Bill Guarnere:
Dance fights! "you want a piece of me?" then does very complicated footwork. Light on his feet. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Aggressive dance moves when drunk, will shake you with force if he gets a hold of you. Sings loudly as he dances. Always has the best night.
Joe Liebgott:
Crumps aggressively, somehow is very good a twerking. Knows how to pop that puss. Does that dance move when you hold your leg up and then have the other hand on your head and jump around (idk how to explain this move, but I see it in my head). Will try and incite a dance battle. Always the centre of attention. Likes it that way.
David Webster:
Dances like a basic white girl. Feeling himself up. Is a very weirdly sensual dancer. Kinda gets him going. Will say this is my favourite song to every basic pop song that comes on. Still doesn't know the words though.
Buck Compton:
Will aggressively do the hoe down throw down and somehow has whole choreographed dances to the songs. You will never see him do the same move twice. By the end of the night he has taken off all of his clothes and is drenched in sweat.
Eugene Roe:
Is a modest dancer. Will just nod along while lip-sinking. Will have a confused face on but when people ask him if he is ok just grins at them nodding. Is always looking for Babe.
Babe Heffron:
Manages to integrate himself into a group of people he isn't with for the night, teaches them his signature move that is the dougie. Will pester the person playing the music for the song that goes with the dance so that he can do it all for them. Normally gets his way and does the whole dougie in the middle of the dance circle while people cheer him on. He eats it up every time and brags about it later.
Skip Muck:
Does classic dance moves with Alex. Likes to dance with another person so he has a buddy to shimmey into and then shimmey back. Will do spins with Alex and always does it way too aggressively and sends Alex flying across the floor to crash into people like a bowling ball.
Alex Penkala:
The most clumsy dancer when drunk. Will fall over nothing, Skip does not help either, somehow always managing to push over his friend by accident. Alex is like a fucking bouncy ball and is up on his feet in seconds. Will wake up the next day covered in bruises and is unsure of how he got them.
Donald Malarkey:
Gains the confidence of a professional dancer and believes it, but is totally not. Will totally do that thing where you move your chest up and down and get people to move their hands over him to make it look cool. Likes the song get low, as he likes the part where it goes low, low, low, low so he can do his matrix back bend. Get's worse the more he gets drunk.
Frank Perconte:
Is a fucking B-boy and will break it down, somehow can do head stands and that thing where you spin around on your head, and that one move where you are lying on the ground and push yourself to your feet.
Johnny Martin:
Is a fucking wild card. Some nights he will chill and then others he is breaking it down on the dance floor. It mostly depends on the liquor he is drinking, if it's spirits you're in for a crazy night.
Bull Randleman:
Will line dance to any song, you can't tell him other wise. Does that lasso move to Perconte and lasso's him onto the dance floor, Frank loves it. Will do Gangnam style if drunk enough and will tell you every time his favourite part is the move where you look like you are riding a horse.
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avatar-anna · 2 years
A Nice Surprise
so...no one asked for this, but i'm in a domestic!harry mood
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“Sleigh bells ring, are you listenin,’ in the lane, snow is glistenin,’ a beautiful sight, we’re happy tonight…” Y/n hummed along to the song that had been playing on the radio just seconds ago in her car. She always found Christmas carols ironic, seeing as most of them were about white Christmases, winter wonderlands, and the joys of cold weather when it was barely cold enough to see your breath outside in Los Angeles. Winter wonderland or mornings out on the water to surf, she thought the songs were catchy and did a pretty good job of getting her into the Christmas spirit.
Unlocking the front door of her house, Y/n stepped inside and hung her keys up on the hook on the wall. After work, she’d gone out to buy gifts for her family. She had a list of everything she needed to get in her purse, and happily scratched off each one when she found it. Y/n didn’t usually like shopping for herself, but there was something satisfying about knowing exactly what a family member wanted and going out to find it. And now that she had a daughter, she couldn’t help but feel smug as she picked up the last doll in the store that all the other moms wanted to purchase for their daughters as well.
Speaking of daughters, she looked down at her belly. Y/n was barely showing, and she still feared that something would go horribly wrong. Even with all the modern advancements in medicine, pregnancy and giving birth could still be so traumatic. Not to mention that this time around she would be having twins. The news was certainly cause for celebration, but Y/n would always worry, would always think about possible outcomes until Harry distracted her.
Her doctor told her everything looked perfect at her last appointment, and Harry consistently told her not to worry, so she tried to be positive, which was easy when her two daughters were around. The thing that kept her mind at bay the most was cuddling Harry and Simone, her oldest, on the couch and watching a movie while baby Colette slept soundly against her chest, and maybe taking a walk along the beach, too. Though after being on her feet all day, Y/n felt like skipping the walk and settling for just watching the sunset from the deck chairs on their back patio. Sometimes Y/n wondered if she and Harry were even ready for one new baby let alone two, but those thoughts were fleeting, and it was easy to let them go when Harry was more than excited about her having twins.
As Y/n walked through the house, she realized Simone didn’t seem to be home. She, along with the two dogs, was always the first person to greet her when Y/n came home, but she only got the two dogs today. Curiously, she walked further into the house after sufficiently petting her dogs. At the faint sound of music and finding little candles leading upstairs, Y/n really began to wonder what the hell was going on. Following the candles all the way to the door of her bedroom that was slightly ajar, she tentatively walked inside.
“Harry! What the hell are you wearing?”
Nothing. He wasn’t wearing anything, the only thing keeping him looking decent being a small Christmas gift that left very little to the imagination. Y/n had turned around when she saw him, her cheeks flaming red. She had been ready for a relaxing night huddled up on the couch with her daughters and husband, and now it seemed Harry had very different plans for tonight.
She could practically hear his grin as he spoke. “You’re acting like you’ve never seen me naked before. How do you think you wound up pregnant three times?”
Harry loved how flustered Y/n got when either of them tried to “spice things up.” After having Simone at such a young age, enrolling her in school, and their conflicting schedules, and with Colette currently not sleeping through the night, both of them found it a little harder to find time to be truly alone, so they took liberties where they could and seized opportunities when they had the chance.
There was a rustling on the bed that told Y/n Harry had got up from it, and then he was right behind her, his hands landing on her shoulders to turn her back around. Looking up into his face, she saw that he’d gotten a haircut sometime today, the sides a little shorter than they were this morning. It made his features look more pronounced, his jaw and cheekbones sharp enough to cut glass. Opening her mouth to comment on his little surprise, his haircut, apologize for acting like an idiot, anything, Y/n immediately clamped her hand over her mouth and rushed to the bathroom instead, dropping down to her knees so she could empty the contents of her stomach into the toilet. A minute later, Harry was there, holding back her hair and rubbing soothing circles into her back until she was done.
When she felt strong enough, she flushed the toilet and let Harry help her to her feet. Facing him again, she saw that he’d slipped into his robe before coming to help her, which only made her feel bad for ruining his plans, whatever they were. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, walking over to the sink so she could brush her teeth and rid herself of the lingering horrible taste in her mouth.
“What for? You only threw up at the mere sight of me,” Harry joked.
Y/n glared at him for a moment, but once she was done brushing her teeth, she walked over to him and fell into his awaiting arms. “Whoever said morning sickness gets better with each pregnancy is a liar,” she mumbled. Then, looking up at him, she said, “I know you probably had…plans for us, but I’m really tired and I feel gross, and I probably killed the mood just now. Can we take a raincheck?”
Harry squeezed his wife and kissed the top of her head. “Of course, lovey. How about a bath instead?”
He knew that there was a slight possibility that his plans for tonight would fall through, but he had prepared for that. He bought some bath bubbles with a very subtle scent, knowing that anything too strong would make Y/n nauseous, he bought sparkling cider in lieu of wine, and he got her all her favorite sweets. Harry also knew that her mood swings might make her more than eager for his original plans for tonight, too, so he held out hope and focused on enjoying an evening alone with his wife.
Y/n nodded and let Harry get everything set up, more than happy to let him do this for her. It had hit her all of a sudden. She’d been mostly fine all day, working and walking around the large mall a couple minutes away from work to buy presents, but now she felt exhausted, four months of being pregnant hitting her out of nowhere.
Harry helped Y/n into the bathtub and got in behind her so that her back was resting comfortably against his chest. He felt her relax against him, almost purring when he began to undo the braid her hair had been in all day and comb his fingers through it. Grinning, he kissed her cheek and asked how her day was. Y/n told him, her voice quiet as she rested against him, letting his hands soothe her tired limbs. It wasn’t until she got to her return home that she remembered that Simone and Colette still nowhere to be found.
“Yes, my love?” he replied, kissing all along her bare shoulder and neck.
“Where are our daughters?”
Harry paused for a moment when Y/n leaned her head back to look him in the eye. His grin was a little sheepish as he said, “Uncle Niall took them out for an evening of fun.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow at him. “That sounds ominous.”
“They’ll be fine. I just told Niall to take them to a movie and ice cream or something so we could have a couple of hours to ourselves.”
“Oh…okay,” she said before turning to face forward again.
Harry thought her response was a little odd, but he didn’t question it until he heard her sniffle. “Lovey, are you crying?” He was familiar with Y/n’s behaviors during pregnancy, but the crying always amused him. His wife hardly ever cried, so to see her do it at the drop of a hat was definitely interesting.
She sniffled again and raised a hand to her face, presumably to wipe a tear away. “Yes, but it’s just the hormones. I really wanted to see them and then they weren’t here and then you were so loving and it’s all too much so now not only have I ruined your kind gesture by throwing up, but now I’m a crying mess of hormones too.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” he mumbled, wrapping his arms around her as best he could. He pecked her cheek a couple times, one of his hands sinking into the bathwater to rest on her baby bump. “I love you so, so much. Even if you’re a crying mess of hormones, you’re my crying mess of hormones, okay?”
Y/n huffed a small laugh and swatted at Harry’s arm, but his grin only widened. When she finally calmed down, he said, “And if you want, we can call Niall and he can come back early. Just say the word.”
“Yeah?” Y/n asked, and when she looked back at him again, her eyelashes were all stuck together and her eyes were still glassy, but her voice wasn’t wobbling anymore.
Harry kissed her, his thumb brushing lovingly against her cheekbone as he held her face in his hands. “Yeah. Spending time with my girls is one of my favorite things, you know that.”
Y/n smiled, and Harry thought it was the most beautiful thing. “And what’s your favorite thing?”
“Well, you would’ve known if you hadn’t thrown up. I had some pretty great tricks up my sleeve for tonight.”
“Oh fuck off,” Y/n muttered at his teasing, but Harry only gasped at her.
“Babe, you can’t swear! They can hear you,” Harry gasped, and she knew he wasn’t teasing this time.
“Okay, first of all, we don’t know that they can hear—”
“I just know, okay? And I’ve read that even at this stage, babies can—”
“Harry shut up!”
“See, that’s exactly what I’m saying. You can’t—”
Y/n rolled her eyes and grabbed his wrist and brought it to her stomach. “Harry. Shut up and feel. They’re moving.”
Harry did shut up then, too entranced by what Y/n had said to focus on anything else. The bathroom went absolutely silent while they waited for the babies in her belly to move again, and when it did, Harry gasped, utterly in awe. “That’s—” he tried to say, but he couldn’t find the words.
“I know,” she replied, knowing exactly what he meant. Then, raising her free hand to her mouth to hide her smile, she asked, “Are you crying?”
He didn’t even try to hide it, just grinned and nodded, kissing her over and over again.
They stayed in the tub until the water went tepid. Once they were ready to get out, Harry stepped out of the tub first so he could get a towel for his wife. Y/n grinned at how delicate he was with her. Harry had always been careful with her since they found out she was pregnant, but this was different somehow. Like now that he had felt their babies moving around, her pregnancy felt all the more real.
Y/n normally was more than capable of getting out of the bathtub herself, but with the baby, she didn’t want to risk possibly slipping and falling, so she reached her hand out for Harry to take. She shouldn’t have been surprised when her husband wrapped her in a towel and lifted her out of the tub, carrying her over to their bed. She laughed as Harry set her down as gently as he could instead of playfully tossing her onto the mattress like he normally would have. Still wrapped in her towel and Harry in his robe, Y/n pulled him down to her and kissed him, threading her fingers through his still damp hair. While her hands stayed in the same place, his were everywhere—tracing the sides of her arms, the curve of her waist, even her stomach where he could feel the tiny bump that seemed to be growing every single day.
At one point, Harry shifted so that he was on his back, letting Y/n put her weight on him. Their kiss was interrupted when she heard something crinkle, though, and pulled the forgotten gift from where Harry had laid on top of it. “What is this?” she asked him, eyeing the box curiously.
Harry blushed a little and tried to take it out of her hands. “Nothing. Just—Nothing.”
“Oh come on. Tell me,” Y/n whined, doing her best to pout at him. Harry was a lot better at it than she was. “You can’t keep secrets from me when I’m carrying your child. Children. I’m carrying two of your children currently.”
Harry’s responding look was incredulous. “I can’t believe you just said that,” he said, but motioned for her to open the box anyway.
Leaning in to kiss Harry once, she took the gift and opened it, eager to see what had made his cheeks all pink. Y/n looked at him with raised eyebrows when she peeled away two sheets of tissue paper and saw what was in the box. With two fingers, she raised it up so that it was hanging from her hands between them.
“Wow, you really did have plans for us tonight,” was all she managed to say without laughing.
“It’s not like that,” Harry said with a roll of his eyes. “I just know you’ve been uncomfortable sleeping lately and I thought wearing something like that would help, but when I got online, there were so many options and cuts and colors, so I figured I’d make it a little festive.”
“And you love me in red.”
“Yeah. I do absolutely adore you in red.”
Y/n inspected the nightgown closely. It was fairly simple, which led her to believe that while Harry had claimed he wanted something that would be fun for the holidays, she could wear it beyond Christmas too. It was cool to the touch, the satiny red fabric soft under the pads of her fingers. The lace on the bodice looked hand stitched, and she noticed that the tag was conveniently missing. She didn’t like Harry spending so much money on her, but she’d learned a long time ago that he loved giving, that he got a kind of thrill from seeing someone open a gift he’d picked out.
“It’s beautiful,” she said, still running her fingers over the fabric. Y/n was aware of the fact that she was still in her towel from the bath, and suddenly wanted to be wrapped up in the nightgown. Harry had been right when he said she’d had trouble sleeping as of late; she was always too hot and too uncomfortable at night, and she knew that it would only get worse as the babies in her belly grew, but she loved that Harry did whatever he could to ease some of that discomfort.
“Mm,” was all Harry said, or didn’t say.
Y/n looked up at him, only to find that he had a far away look in his eyes. She knew that look, knew that he was most likely picturing her in his gift. “I’m assuming this was a bit of a self-indulgent gift, too.”
“What? No,” Harry said, but they both knew he was lying. When Y/n pressed him with a look, he sighed in mock defeat. “Okay, so it’s possible that I fantasized about you in that nightgown with you on top of me. It’d be bunched around your hips because of my hands,” he paused then and pursed his lips like he had more to say but wasn’t sure he should continue. Eventually he did. “And I may have noticed that you’ve filled out a little in the chest department, so it’s possible that I also imagined you practically spilling out of this thing.”
Y/n was quiet for a moment, taking in Harry’s “possible” fantasies. It was pretty tame as far as those kinds of things went, and honestly, after knowing him for so long, it was not nearly the oddest thing she had ever heard him say. However…
“Chest department?”
“Shut up, I was trying to be polite. You were complaining about them the other day, but I will never ever complain about them. Ever.”
Y/n was only teasing, though. She loved how attentive to every little change her body went through since they found out she was pregnant. And while she’d complained a little about her change in the “chest department,” that was one thing she liked about pregnancy. Aside from the babies themselves, obviously.
Without saying anything else, Y/n stood up and walked back into the bathroom, nightgown in hand. She ignored Harry’s protests and shut the door behind her and quickly got to work.
Y/n fixed up her hair, combing it a little and fluffing it at the roots, hoping it didn’t look limp around her shoulders. Next, she rubbed lotion into the skin of her arms and legs before spritzing a little perfume onto her collarbones. Once she was satisfied that her skin was soft and moisturized, she touched up her makeup that she’d had on all day, cleaning up smudged mascara under her eyes and adding a little more blush to her cheeks. She wanted to look good for Harry, to make up for putting a stop to his initial plans for tonight by throwing up almost as soon as she saw him. She didn’t know how long they had before Niall came back with Simone and Colette, but she figured they could make the most of it.
When she thought she was ready, she slipped the nightgown on and examined herself in the mirror.
Harry’s desires of seeing her spilling out over the top of the nightgown would have to wait another day. It seemed he had bought the nightgown a size or two larger than her usual size to accommodate the baby bump that would continue to grow in the next few weeks. But if she pulled the nightgown tight, she could see her bump through the satiny fabric, and the sight alone left a lump in her throat, tears of joy threatening to spill over her eyes.
Running a hand through her hair one last time, Y/n opened the bathroom door again. Harry was waiting on the bed in almost the exact same position that she’d found him in when she’d come home from the mall earlier. The sight made her sigh and shake her head, but she met him on the bed anyway, eager to make any wish he had come true.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i also have a blurb about how niall's evening with the kiddos went, so lmk if that's of any interest to anyone!
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cadaverre · 1 year
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ welcome ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
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about me
you can call me juno or astraea
im a cancer sun, libra moon and sagittarius rising
my pronouns are they/she (and my pronoun page is here)
i'm a proud bisexual (i am very sapphic lol)
im taken (you can hear about my love via the “them tag <33")
i am a minor (i won't immediately block people 18+ but if you're creepy i will <3)
australian!! also a bunch of different places, none really interesting
this blog is for me to dump thoughts, interact with people and just have a good time :)
i play the drums and im currently in two bands! i also love playing guitar and one of my 2024 goals is to get better at playing!!
currently listening -> 🍁☕️🎸 nyc
currently reading -> the odyssey translated by emily wilson
currently watching -> doctor who and rewatching gilmore girls
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things i like
i love: literature, the arts, queer culture, astronomy, feminism (no terfs allowed!!!!), fruit flavoured drinks, flared pants, converse, dark red, nail polish, eyeliner, burgundy lipgloss, tank tops, tote bags, brie (always dreaming of cheese), pinterest, spotify, my headphones, the ocean, my grandparents house (im there rn i love it), spring+winter, very specific shades of pink and green, black <3, folklore and 1989 girl, fiddling around on the guitar, fantasising about being a famous musician, finding new music, snow, picking silly little outfits,
books: osemanverse, the hunger games, books by rhiannon wilde, tim te maro's subterranean heartsick blues, all the best liars, books by octavia butler (specifically parable of the sower and parable of the talents), the last true poets of the sea, acotar, the weight of the stars, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo, the picture of dorian grey, house of hollow, howls moving castle, harry potter (mainly marauders, FUCK JKR), i kissed shara wheeler, red white and royal blue, song of achilles
movies + tv shows: dont look up, little women (2019), scream (i like most of them but 1996 is my fav by far), ladybird, barbie (2023), some of the mcu (thor and guardians of the galaxy <33), spiderverse (itsv is my love), gilmore girls, stranger things, loki, heartstopper, arcane, scott pilgrim takes off, she ra
musicians/bands: boygenius, taylor swift, lovejoy, glaive, brakence, paramore, ricky jamaraz, melanie martinez, lana del rey, ashnikko, girl in red, billie eilish, doja cat, big thief, adrienne lenker, ethel cain, mitski, remi wolf, cigarettes after sex, ericdoa, tv girl, clairo, the neighbourhood, bon iver, deftones (getting into them just a little), maneskin, courtney barnett, poppy
my favourite colours are black, dark red, burgundy, denim blue, sage green, soft pink, glaucous blue, golden yellow (i love colour theory so all colours are beautiful in their own context but here are my favs to wear/see)
i really want to get into more poetry so if you have any recs lmk!!
i have recently begun practising some very simple witchcraft, so feel free to talk to me about that and i would love to learn more!!
i love learning about astrology and use my birth chart frequently
i write very, very infrequently and think of more stories than i even start to plot lmao.
i draw way more than i write and will occasionally post some!! its not good by any means but its fun ig
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talk to me + dni
my asks and dms are open!! feel free to talk to me about anything and everything!! i love talking!!
i love my mutuals so much so if ur my mutual *looks you dead in your eyes* i love you
my discord is the same @ as here, i literally just got it today so idrk how it works but feel free to add me there <33 but please lmk if you do if your username is different
if we’re very close you can ask for my insta!!
i rarely follow people without an intro post/descriptive enough bio (with name, age group, pronouns) so if you want to be mutuals please have one!! if not just shoot me an ask about who you are and what you like so we can be friends <33
dni: rude, racist, homophobic, transphobic, zionist, terfs, sexist, ableist, antisemitic people
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#juno.txt -> ramblings, original posts
#asks -> asks ive answered
#ask bait -> hehehe send me asks <3
#tag games -> tag games ive participated in
#beautiful mutuals -> interactions with my beautiful mutuals!
#spotify -> my music obsession dw im fine fhdklfhdal
#them tag <33 -> posts that remind me of my wonderful bf <3
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links + sideblogs
@likeasugarcubeinateacup -> my notes app poetry
@slowrotburiedinthepark -> a random sideblog i post art and occasional web weaving on
@stabbingstarsthroughmyback -> my writing sideblog (ask me about my wip!!)
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stunning dividers by @chachachannah :))
here is a totally beautiful and amazing moodboard by @svnflowermoon that always makes me so fhadkfhakd
last updated: jan 19th 2024
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