#and then the next day my older sister laughed at me when she found out what happened
robotvitamins · 1 year
Every once in a while I remember some bullshit that happened to me and like “hmm so that’s why I’m Like This”
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
can I request a blurb where reader always forgets or looses hair ties and Lando noticed this so he started to always wear one on his wrist for her?
"It's so hot", you grumbled as you walked around the city, Cisca and her boyfriend joining you and Lando on your day out since they came over to spend the week with you in Monaco.
"Do you want me to get your cardigan, lovie?", Lando asked, "no, thanks though, I'll just tie it to my bag", you smiled, doing so before latching your hand back in his, his thumb rubbing your soft skin, "you're good?", he asked and you nodded after looking at your wrists.
"Is the restaurant still far?", Cisca asked, "no, just around that corner", you mused.
It was not the time of the year where you had sunlight until later on, so Lando suggested you take a drive around the city, you and Cisca sitting in the back while Lando drove and his sister's boyfriend sat next to him, "are you two safe back there?", Lando checked again.
"Yes, we are", you said, trying to keep your hair behind your ears so your hair wouldn't be a mess later.
"You've been dying to tie your hair for at least five hours now but you didn't bring a hair tie like usual", Lando said as he stretched his wrist out for you once he got to the red traffic light.
"I'm not going to use one of your bracelets to tie my hair - it will probably snap and the beads will get tangled in my hair", you reasoned as you noticed Cisca patting her pocket and check her wrists, "I don't have any on me", she apoligised.
"I have a hair tie for you in there, you muppet", Lando smiled, feeling your fingers gingerly touching his wrist as you found the thin black elastic band.
"Thank you, baby", you smiled, using your fingers to pull your hair back properly and get it out of the way, checking with Cisca as she flashed you a thumbs up.
"Looks good", she smiled before patting her brother's shoulder, "who knew the boy used to come into my room and ruffle my dolls' hair and do crazy hairstyles on them would be carrying a hair tie for his girlfriend when he was older? Good job, you! You turned out okay after all!", she teased Lando in a sisterly manner, the four of you laughing as you and Lando blushed.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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pensbridgerton · 3 months
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On the sixth of April, in the year 1812—precisely two days before her sixteenth birthday—Penelope Featherington fell in love.
It was, in a word, thrilling. The world shook. Her heart leaped. The moment was breathtaking. And, she was able to tell herself with some satisfaction, the man in question—one Colin Bridgerton—felt precisely the same way. Oh, not the love part. He certainly didn’t fall in love with her in 1812 (and not in 1813, 1814, 1815, or—oh, blast, not in all the years 1816–1822, either, and certainly not in 1823, when he was out of the country the whole time, anyway). But his earth shook, his heart leaped, and Penelope knew without a shadow of a doubt that his breath was taken away as well.
For a good ten seconds.
Falling off a horse tended to do that to a man.
It happened thus:
She’d been out for a walk in Hyde Park with her mother and two older sisters when she felt a thunderous rumbling under her feet (see above: the bit about the earth shaking). Her mother wasn’t paying much attention to her (her mother rarely did), so Penelope slipped away for a moment to see what was about. The rest of the Featheringtons were in rapt conversation with Viscountess Bridgerton and her daughter Daphne, who had just begun her second season in London, so they were pretending to ignore the rumbling. The Bridgertons were an important family indeed, and conversations with them were not to be ignored.
As Penelope skirted around the edge of a particularly fat-trunked tree, she saw two riders coming her way, galloping along hell-for-leather or whatever expression people liked to use for fools on horseback who care not for their safety and well-being. Penelope felt her heart quicken (it would have been difficult to maintain a sedate pulse as a witness to such excitement, and besides, this allowed her to say that her heart leaped when she fell in love).
Then, in one of those inexplicable quirks of fate, the wind picked up quite suddenly and lifted her bonnet (which, much to her mother’s chagrin, she had not tied properly since the ribbon chafed under her chin) straight into the air and, splat! right onto the face of one of the riders.
Penelope gasped (taking her breath away!), and then the man fell off his horse, landing most inelegantly in a nearby mud puddle. She rushed forward, quite without thinking, squealing something that was meant to inquire after his welfare, but that she suspected came out as nothing more than a strangled shriek. He would, of course, be furious with her, since she’d effectively knocked him off his horse and covered him with mud—two things guaranteed to put any gentleman in the foulest of moods. But when he finally rose to his feet, brushing off whatever mud could be dislodged from his clothing, he didn’t lash out at her. He didn’t give her a stinging set-down, he didn’t yell, he didn’t even glare.
He laughed.
He laughed.
Penelope hadn’t much experience with the laughter of men, and what little she had known had not been kind. But this man’s eyes—a rather intense shade of green—were filled with mirth as he wiped a rather embarrassingly placed spot of mud off his cheek and said, “Well, that wasn’t very well done of me, was it?”
And in that moment, Penelope fell in love.
When she found her voice (which, she was pained to note, was a good three seconds after a person of any intelligence would have replied), she said, “Oh, no, it is I who should apologize! My bonnet came right off my head, and . . .”
She stopped talking when she realized he hadn’t actually apologized, so
there was little point in contradicting him.
“It was no trouble,” he said, giving her a somewhat amused smile. “I— Oh, good day, Daphne! Didn’t know you were in the park.”
Penelope whirled around to find herself facing Daphne Bridgerton, standing next to her mother, who promptly hissed, “What have you done, Penelope Featherington?” and Penelope couldn’t even answer with her
stock, Nothing, because in truth, the accident was completely her fault, and she’d just made a fool of herself in front of what was obviously—judging from the expression on her mother’s face—a very eligible bachelor indeed.
Not that her mother would have thought that she had a chance with him. But Mrs. Featherington held high matrimonial hopes for her older girls. Besides, Penelope wasn’t even “out” in society yet.
But if Mrs. Featherington intended to scold her any further, she was unable to do so, because that would have required that she remove her attention from the all-important Bridgertons, whose ranks, Penelope was quickly figuring out, included the man presently covered in mud.
“I hope your son isn’t injured,” Mrs. Featherington said to Lady Bridgerton.
“Right as rain,” Colin interjected, making an expert sidestep before Lady Bridgerton could maul him with motherly concern.
Introductions were made, but the rest of the conversation was unimportant, mostly because Colin quickly and accurately sized up Mrs. Featherington as a matchmaking mama. Penelope was not at all surprised when he beat a hasty retreat.
But the damage had already been done. Penelope had discovered a reason to dream.
Later that night, as she replayed the encounter for about the thousandth time in her mind, it occurred to her that it would have been nice if she could have said that she’d fallen in love with him as he kissed her hand before a dance, his green eyes twinkling devilishly while his fingers held hers just a little more tightly than was proper. Or maybe it could have happened as he rode boldly across a windswept moor, the (aforementioned) wind no deterrent as he (or rather, his horse) galloped ever closer, his (Colin’s, not the horse’s) only intention to reach her side.
But no, she had to go and fall in love with Colin Bridgerton when he fell off a horse and landed on his bottom in a mud puddle. It was highly irregular, and highly unromantic, but there was a certain poetic justice in that, since nothing was ever going to come of it.
Why waste romance on a love that would never be returned? Better to save the windswept-moor introductions for people who might actually have a future together.
And if there was one thing Penelope knew, even then, at the age of sixteen years minus two days, it was that her future did not feature Colin Bridgerton in the role of husband.
She simply wasn’t the sort of girl who attracted a man like him, and she feared that she never would be.
Romancing Mister Bridgerton - Prologue
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7s3ven · 23 days
ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER. neteyam x fem! metkayina! r
IN WHICH… Y/N and Neteyam’s walls suddenly come crashing down one night after a heart to heart conversation.
( requested )
Notes: mentions of sex (not written out, though), throwing up (morning/pregnancy sickness), small panic attack, a little angst, fluff ending
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Neteyam was thankful for the Metkayina allowing his family into their home but he missed his own. He missed the trees and the forest and his friends. The forest was all he had known. He was supposed to be the next clan leader, it was a job he had been preparing for since his birth. But it was all ripped away from him when he and his family were forced to leave. Now, he had nothing. No status, no promises of greatness, and almost no friends. Lo’ak didn’t count because he had to see his idiotic brother every day.
The night was quiet and cool as Neteyam slowly stepped over Lo’ak, who was sound asleep on the floor of the hut. Neteyam rolled his eyes at his brother, who was always sleeping in odd places.
He had been sneaking out regularly, trying to get away from his crushing responsibilities. Neteyam always sat in the same spot on the beach yet when he arrived, he found it was already taken. He recognised the Metkayina as Y/N, Tsireya and Aonung’s older sister and the future Tsahik. Kiri was better friends with her than Neteyam was. Nevertheless, he slowly walked up behind her.
“Out here all alone?” He questioned, crouching down. Their shoulders brushed as Y/N turned her head to glance at him. Her narrowed eyes softened at the sight of him.
“Oh, it is only you.” She murmured.
“Sorry. Did I startle you?”
Neteyam heard Y/N quietly laugh. “A little. What are you doing out so late?” She tilted her head, looking up at Neteyam. He sat down, shrugging.
“No reason.” He replied, “I just needed some peace and quiet.”
Y/N nodded in understanding. “I am doing the same. As mean as it might sound, I had to get away from my family for a little bit. Aonung’s snores are always so loud too.”
A small smirk crept across Neteyam’s lips. “You should hear Lo’ak. Sometimes, he’s snores so loud that it wakes my dad up.”
“How is your family settling in, Neteyam?” Y/N inquired, leaning back to stare up at the starry sky. Neteyam held back a sigh.
“We are trying our best.” He uttered, “But it is not easy. We are used to trees… not sand and water.”
Y/N hummed. “Do you miss the forest?” She mentally scolded herself for asking such a question. Of course he did. He would not be talking about it if he did not.
“Yes. And as much as I try to enjoy all this, I will always prefer the forest.” Neteyam abruptly shook his head to rid himself of such thoughts. “But I cannot complain. We are lucky to be here.”
Y/N looked Neteyam up and down, observing his body language. Slowly, she reached out a hand, placing it on Neteyam’s. “You can complain to me.” She gently told him. “I will not judge. I will only listen.”
It seemed Neteyam had been waiting for this exact words. He launched into describing his home with a smile on his face. He told Y/N of the banshees, the mountains, and the trees that stretched across the land for endless miles. It all sounded very foreign yet fascinating to Y/N.
“My parents would not want me to complain. Lo’ak, Kiri, and Tuk are allowed to miss the forest but not me.” Neteyam fidgeting with his fingers, a constant reminder that he would never be viewed as true Na’vi.
“Do they expect you to be perfect?” Y/N spoke up, her voice a soft whisper over the sound of the waves crashing against the sandy shore. Silently, Neteyam nodded.
“I am the golden child. I should not be saying such nonsense… but I miss my old life. Here, I get in trouble for every little thing Lo’ak does. I know as the oldest sibling, it is my job to look out for them, but it is growing tiresome.” Neteyam looked at Y/N, who was listening intensively, “Do you ever feel that way… about your siblings?”
“Yes. Aonung is always getting into mischief and I am given the job of picking up his slack. I am the future Tsahik yet with all the scolding I receive from my parents because of Aonung, it makes me feel like a failure.” Y/N aimlessly picked at the small shells nestled in the grains of sand as she spoke. “I love Tsireya and Aonung… but I cannot always be there to protect them. And that scares me.”
Neteyam nodded. He was closer now, barely an inch away from Y/N. She would have pushed him away if he was any other boy. But it was Neteyam, sweet Neteyam who was trying his best to gain his father’s approval and protect his family. She made no move to shove him.
“I feel that something terrible is approaching… and I am scared that I can no longer shield my siblings.” Y/N kept speaking as Neteyam drew soft circles in the palm of her hand to comfort her.
“I understand.” He muttered, locking gazes with Y/N. They held eye contact and for the first time in years, Y/N felt truly seen.
The feeling of finally being understood without judgement clouded Y/N’s mind as her back hit the soft sand and she returned Neteyam’s kiss.
The days after their sudden incident were a jumbled blur. Y/N had been feeling moody as of lately and it all made sense when she threw up the food she had eaten just minutes ago. Y/N shook as she wrapped her arms around herself in disbelief.
She was frozen in fear, barely able to register that Tsireya was calling out her name. “Y/N! I’ve been looking for you. Would you like to swim with Aonung and I and the Sully kids?” Tsireya brightly beamed, having no idea of the panic plaguing Y/N’s thoughts.
“I am alright, Tsireya. Thank you for offering. I do not feel good.” Y/N willed Tsireya to disappear so that she could figure out her situation.
“Oh… of course. I will tell Neteyam you cannot make it. I hope you feel better soon, sister.”
The mention of Neteyam’s name almost made Y/N spin around and throw up again. It was partly his fault she had gotten into this mess. Why did he have to be so kind and understanding?
Y/N quietly groaned in frustration as Tsireya walked away. She lay on her back, staring up at the brightly lit sky. Her thoughts weren’t giving her a break to think clearly. Obviously, she could not confide in her parents. She would not be surprised if they threatened to throw her out. Tsireya could not keep a secret for long and Aonung… well, Y/N would never willingly tell him. He would use every chance he got to remind her.
And Y/N dreaded telling Neteyam. He was already having a hard time fitting in, he did not need the trouble of this either. If word of this spread, his family would be outcasted even more than they were already.
She aimlessly wandered the beach, thinking to herself. The pressure of gaining her parents’ approval was becoming all too much.
As expected, Neteyam and Y/N avoided each other. Neteyam thought it was best to leave her alone and give her space to think, which was something he desperately needed as well.
Y/N was feeding her ilu when Tsireya and Aonung approached her. “Sister.” The latter uttered, folding his arms over his chest, “We need to talk.”
Y/N merely sent him a confused glance. “About what?” She questioned.
“Why are you avoiding us?” Tsireya got straight to the point. She huffed. “You never want to swim with us… and you are hardly around. You do not even eat with us. Why?”
Y/N looked away, petting her ilu. “I am busy.” She lied through her teeth. “Mother is encouraging me to oversee the affairs of the village and it is more tiresome than I expected.”
Tsireya faltered, suddenly feeling bad for accusing her older sister. Aonung, on the other hand, was not so easily fooled. He had always been annoyingly good at reading people. But neither of Y/N’s siblings asked any more questions. They simply accepted her answer and left her to tend to her ilu.
A few quiet minutes passed before the wood beneath Y/N creaked. She looked over her shoulder, almost jumping at the sight of Neteyam.
“Sorry.” He muttered. “Just came to check up on my ilu. She’s been more hungry lately.” He sent her a sheepish smile, hurrying over to the creature. Y/N tried not to pay him any attention as she kicked her legs in the water, the cool droplets splashing against her body.
“So… how are you?” Neteyam spoke up. There was an awkward pause. It took Y/N a moment to register his words.
“I am good.” She responded. Neteyam took her short answer as an attempt to ice him out, which he did not blame her for. In reality, though, Y/N was trying to stop herself from exposing her secret. She knew if she kept talking to Neteyam, then his sweet voice would coerce her into revealing everything.
“Right… I’ll see you later, I guess.” Neteyam walked off, rubbing the back of his neck. Y/N tried not to show her hurt at how quickly he left, seeming like he wanted nothing to do with her.
Her ilu nudged its head against Y/N’s thigh, cooing. Y/N sighed as she pet it once more. “What am I going to do?” She murmured. Time was running out and she still had no idea what she was going to do.
She clasped her hands over her belly, sighing as she lowered her head. She rarely ate with her family now, doing everything she could to avoid them. Her siblings and even her parents were bound to become more suspicious; Tsireya was already questioning it and Aonung did not believe any of her lies.
Y/N was a strong girl, both physically and mentally, but she could not handle this. Having to keep such a large secret from her parents and her siblings, whom were her world, and Neteyam was eating at her.
Her attempts to distance the eldest Sully boy from her were becoming harder but the secret could not be revealed. She knew Neteyam would ultimately talk. It was up to her to ensure his family would not be isolated any further.
Y/N’s heartbeat spiked and despite her underwater training, she could not slow it. She placed a hand over her chest, gasping for air. “Shit.” She murmured out a word she had heard Neteyam say, which only sent her further into a spiral.
It was becoming increasingly harder to clear her mind and she suddenly felt uncomfortable in her own skin. Her thoughts exploded into a flurry of negativity.
Her father would be so disappointed in her careless behaviour. And her mother… Y/N almost threw up at the mere thought of Ronal’s look. She would be livid that her perfect daughter, her daughter who consistently kept Aonung out of trouble, her daughter who was the future Tsahik, had engaged in such acts with a forest boy.
She clawed at her skin, trying to rid herself of such thoughts that caused more harm than good. Y/N leaned forward to comfort herself but she ended up diving right into the water purely by mistake. She thought of just staying under the glistening water. It brought her comfort. There was no one talking to her while she was on the verge of a breakdown. It was peaceful.
A hand suddenly grabbed onto her forearm, heaving her up. Y/N spat out a mouthful of water, coughing in surprise. “Aonung!” She exclaimed, slapping her brother’s shoulder. Though, it probably did not hurt him as much as she wanted it to. Aonung was a few months younger than Y/N but had much more muscles.
“Why are you lying in the water?” Aonung questioned as he pulled her back onto the dock. “It is not like you to be so distant. What is the matter?”
To others, particularly the Sully boys, Aonung was mean and a bully and an outright nuisance to be around. But to Y/N, he was sweet. He was Y/N’s sweet little brother who used to come crying to her when he scraped his knee.
“It is none of your concern. I am fine. I am simply stressed.” Y/N reassured him. Unfortunately, her soft words did not have the impact they had on Tsireya.
Aonung narrowed his eyes like he always did when he could tell Y/N was lying. “You are not telling the truth. You can tell me. I will not tell mother or father or even Tsireya. It will be our little secret.”
Y/N stared at her brother then at her shaking hands which had not stopped trembling since she found out she was pregnant. “I am with a child.” She suddenly blurted out.”
Aonung was silent. He opened his mouth to say something but the pair heard a gasp behind them. Y/N quickly looked behind her, partly relieved that it was only Tsireya. She had been holding a bowl of fruits, which were now rolling around in the floor.
“I am sorry.” She immediately apologised, covering her mouth with her hands. “I did not mean to eavesdrop. I just wanted to bring you some fruit so you would feel better.” She quickly crouched down to pick everything up. “Is it true… are you really?”
Tsireya sat on the other side of Y/N. Aonung swiftly reached over, grasping a piece of fruit despite Y/N’s look. She had always told him not to eat anything from the floor.
“Yes.” She hesitated.
“Damn, who knocked you up?” Aonung carelessly asked. Tsireya clicked his tongue, her long tail slapping him.
“Do not, Aonung.” She warned. “We will not tell anyone, Y/N. Do not pressure yourself into telling us the dad. We will let you take your time.”
“It’s Neteyam.” Y/N blurted out. She could not contain it anymore. Beside her, she heard Aonung choke. Y/N promptly slapped his back.
“Neteyam?!” Aonung exclaimed but Tsireya and Y/N both hushed him. “Mother and Father will not be happy.”
Y/N sent him a glare, “I am aware.” She muttered.
“Wait, this is good. This will top anything else I do. Father will be like, ‘Aonung, why did you slap Lo’ak?’ And then I’ll just reply with ‘well, remember when Y/N got pregnant?’” Aonung faced his sisters only to be met with their unimpressed faces.
“Aonung, take this seriously.” Tsireya hissed, resting her hands on Y/N’s shoulders. “Whatever you do, Y/N, we will be here to support you.”
Neteyam was not doing any better. The last few days had felt like a constant test on his patience. His father was always ordering him around and Lo’ak was getting on his nerve.
The last straw was when Jake had decided to scold Neteyam for Lo’ak’s actions. Neteyam had returned from the docks, still wondering as to why Y/N was suddenly acting so cold. He tried to forget that night, to move past it, but it was easier said than done. Y/N seemed to be everywhere Neteyam was.
The oldest Sully boy walked into their hut, exhausted and fully prepared to collapse. However, when he saw Jake standing in front of Lo’ak, his father’s arms crossed sternly over his chest, Neteyam almost groaned. Neytiri and Kiri were inside as well, exchanging worried glances. Tuk was nowhere to be seen, most likely playing with her newfound friends.
“Neteyam.” Jake said. Neteyam dragged himself to stand beside Lo’ak, his back straightening.
“Yes, sir?” Neteyam murmured, wanting to get this over and done with so he could tend to his own thoughts.
“Your brother got into another fight today.” Jake uttered. “Where were you? You’re supposed to keep an eye on him.”
“I was busy, sir.”
“Why weren’t you with your brother? Sully’s have to stick together.“
Neteyam, who had been trying to hold down his bubbling anger, suddenly snapped. “I wasn’t with my brother because it’s not my job to keep him in check.” It was the first time Neteyam had ever talked back. His ears flattened down, an action he didn’t usually do but had started doing because of Y/N. “What Lo’ak does with his spare time should be none of my concern. It is not my fault he fights every day.”
“Yeah, but you’re the older brother. It’s your responsibility to look out for him.” Jake poked Neteyam’s chest, causing everything to come crashing down. Neteyam, who had been trying so hard to hide his fury at how unfairly he was being treated, broke.
“It is none of my responsibility! I can’t be everywhere with Lo’ak, babysitting him! You forced me away from my home, from the forest in which I grow up in. I know nothing here! I am simply too busy trying to fit in to watch over Lo’ak! He is not the only one who needs comfort. I am still a teenager! Have you ever asked how I feel?!” Neteyam didn’t waste a heartbeat in spinning around, storming off. His swishing tail hit a bowl, causing it to fall. It did not break but Neteyam wouldn’t have cared anyway.
Neteyam left his parents and his siblings in shock at his outburst. He always took the blame for Lo’ak, what had changed?
Kiri quickly followed after Neteyam. Lo’ak, with a small nod from Jake, followed.
“Ma Jake,” Neytiri reached out for her mate, “What is wrong with Neteyam? He has been acting strange lately.” Jake held her hand, staring at the spot where Neteyam had been standing moments ago.
Jake wasn’t stupid. He saw how Neteyam’s gaze always found its way to stare at the Chief’s oldest daughter. He had been 16 once upon a time; it did not take long for Jake to form a suspicion.
“Neteyam!” Kiri grabbed her brother’s wrist, forcing him to turn around. “What is the matter with you? You have been acting so moody lately.” She pouted.
“Nothing!” Neteyam harshly insisted. “I am not acting moody.” Lo’ak caught up with his older brother but remained silent, knowing Neteyam’s anger was a result of his recklessness.
“My idiot brother, why must you be so stubborn?” Kiri groaned, “You are like Y/N sometimes, so hardheaded and annoyingly independent.”
Her name set Neteyam’s face alight. A dark blush spread across his cheeks. “She is the problem.” He finally admitted. “Y/N is.”
“Did she reject you or something?” Lo’ak voiced, arching an eyebrow.
Neteyam wished she did. This situation would have been much easier. “No… Y/N and I, we…” Neteyam trailed off, suddenly embarrassed.
Kiri got the hint. She slapped his shoulder. “You did not!” She hissed. “She is the Chief’s daughter!” Lo’ak stood beside Kiri, ever so clueless.
“What? What did they do? He didn’t even finish his sentence. You guys are acting like they”- Lo’ak paused, “Oh. I get it now.”
“It was an impulsive decision.” Neteyam uttered as he resumed walking.
“One that will get you killed.” Kiri added. “You are lucky she is not betrothed yet. Have you talked to her?”
“Briefly. She does not wish to speak to me.” Neteyam was met with another slap from Kiri.
“Idiot! She must be lonely. You must speak to her so that you can resolve this!”
Neteyam groaned, walking faster in hopes his siblings would leave him alone. “She avoids me.” He said to Kiri. “I told you, she doesn’t want to see me.”
“Then try harder to talk to her! Y/N is as stubborn as you. Do you not see the pattern?!” Kiri yanked Neteyam back, “You must tell Father and Mother.”
Neteyam scoffed. “I have caused enough trouble already. I will do no such thing.”
“You are foolish. If Tonowari and Ronal find out, Father will be able to calm them. If you do not tell, then at least speak to Y/N.”
Neteyam exasperatedly sighed. “Fine. I will talk to her. Happy?” He wandered off, leaving Kiri and Lo’ak behind. He knew where to find Y/N. During her spare time, she was always at the docks, playing with her ilu or swimming.
“Do you not ever move from this spot?” Neteyam spoke as he halted behind Y/N, who was sitting where he suspected. He saw her back tense up.
“No. I have moved. To eat. I came back.” Y/N was careful with her responses. One stumble and she’d end up spilling everything.
“Kiri says I should talk to you.” Neteyam muttered as he sat beside her, dipping his feet into the water. Y/N turned to face him, staring with wide eyes.
“You told Kiri?”
“And Lo’ak.” Neteyam’s reply did not ease her panic. “But I suspect you told Tsireya and Aonung.”
Y/N nodded. “I cannot hide anything from them for long.” In truth, Y/N had returned to the docks to mentally prepare herself for telling her mother. She could hide the sudden pregnancy but her body could not. It would start to show.
“How are you feeling?” Neteyam questioned.
Neteyam lowly chuckled, staring down at his hands. “Kiri is advising me to tell Mother and Father. But I do not want to do it without your permission.” Y/N almost melted at how sweet and considerate Neteyam was.
“I do not mind.” She muttered, “As long as they do not spread the word.” It was not Neteyam who would get the harsher punishment anyway. As the daughter of the clan leaders, Y/N had a standard to uphold. She had failed after managing to balance it for so long.
After a much needed talk, Neteyam and Y/N parted ways. The latter slowly walked into the medical hut where she found her mother grinding leaves. “Mother.” Y/N said, hands clasped in front of her. Ronal hummed, too busy with her task at hand. “I have something rather important to tell you.”
“What is it, child? Could it not wait until after dinner?”
“I am pregnant.” Y/N quickly said, half heartedly hoping she had spoken too fast for her mother to understand her. Ronal paused. The leaves she had been holding previously fluttered the floor.
“You are pregnant… by who?” Ronal was trying to keep calm.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, her head lowered. “Neteyam.” She whispered.
Ronal hissed in anger. “You allowed this?! When he is not your mate?!”
“I did not mean to, mother.” Y/N insisted, stepping forward.
Ronal thought for a second. “We must find you a mate.” She announced after what felt like an hour.
“But what about Neteyam?” Y/N frowned, “He is the father! Does he not deserve to know?”
“He is not Metkayina.” Ronal almost sneered, “If word of this gets out, it will create a scandal. Your father and I will find you a suitable mate.” Her mother turned to walk away but Y/N desperately grabbed onto her arm.
“No… please… mother, do not make me do this! I want him to be the father! I do not want any other idiotic boy!”
Ronal softly caressed Y/N’s face as small tears dripped down her cheeks. She finally allowed herself to cry after holding everything in. “I am sorry, my child, but it is for the best.”
Y/N abruptly straightened her back. “No.” She firmly refused, surprising Ronal. “I have been the perfect daughter for you and Father. Do I not receive a reward in return?”
“You have a baby without a mate. I could hardly call that a reward.”
“Why will you not allow me to decide? You say it is for the best but do you really want to live the rest of your life knowing I am miserable? Will you put me through that just to keep your reputation? Is your reputation among the clan more important than your own daughter’s happiness?!” Y/N had not inherited Tsireya’s gentleness nor Aonung’s ego. She had inherited her mother’s temper.
“Listen to me, child, they will leave sooner or later. They will not stay here, no matter how much Neteyam will claim he loves you.”
“Then I will pay the price. Let me do this, mother. I have already suffered enough. I cannot do it again.”
Ronal narrowed her eyes. “Come.” She beckoned her daughter out of the hut. Y/N did not ask where Ronal was leading her; she simply followed behind.
Ronal’s sudden appearance in the Sully Family’s hut caused them to quiet down. Neteyam shared a look with Y/N, confused.
“It seems my daughter has found herself… involved with your eldest son.” Ronal spoke, sending Y/N a subtle glare. Y/N chewed the inside of her cheek. “This is not the Metkayina way but unfortunately, she is pregnant.”
Chaos broke out. Jake spat out a mouthful of water while Neytiri coughed to hide the fact that she had almost choked in shock. Lo’ak muffled his loud laughs as a look of horror crossed Neteyam’s face. Kiri quietly clicked her tongue, staring at her eldest brother.
“For some unknown reason, my daughter wishes for Neteyam to be the father. I will allow this if your son proves to me that he will be able to provide for Y/N. She is the future Tsahik and I will allow only the best for her. That is all.” Ronal walked away, expecting Y/N to follow.
“You knocked up the Chief’s daughter?” Jake said as soon as the two Metkayina women were gone. Lo’ak could finally freely laugh while Neteyam shoved him.
“Shut up.” He muttered, standing to run after Y/N.
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mysunshinetemptress · 8 months
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I love you
Alexia Putellas x sisters best friend reader
Warnings: fluff, slight angst,
Alexia hadn’t always liked you let alone love you, to her you where her little sisters annoying best friend who would do anything possible to annoy her daily. She would huff and roll her eyes every time you would bounce over and ask for her to watch a dance both yourself and Alba had just come up with, or slam her bedroom door in your face anytime you knocked, you where a constant pain back then.
But to Alba you were her best friend who had been there for her through her worst and best times. Alexia and Albas father had died when Alexia was 18 and Alba was 15 with you still being 14 and you had been Albas constant being there from the beginning of their worst nightmare until Alexia decided to shut you out. It was something you always brushed off stating it was understandable you weren’t family and Alexia simply wanted to mourn such a massive loss with her sister and mother in private much to Albas dismay who constantly stated she needed you and Alexia had no right to push you away in that manner, especially when she knew how much you loved her sister.
Alva had been there for just as much as you had for her especially when her sister had began to date her teammate Jenni Hermoso breaking your heart in the process. Alexia didn’t know of your feelings swearing Alba to secrecy but her constant show of affection towards Jenni at the Putellas family home saw you avoid the house much to the older girls delight.
Alexia didn’t think she could dislike you anymore until in her words you “tried to take Alba away from her home.” You had been accepted into the Paris Opera Ballet School at the age of 18, she had screamed at you much to your, Eli and Albas horror, once again you had left the Putellas house on the older girls wishes only this time you didn’t return, instead you said goodbye to your best friend and boarded a plane. A year later Alba flew out to you and never looked back instead she began flying around the globe with you as you began your professional Ballet career stating you need a reminder of home (her).
But now at the age of 25 you where heading home for the first time, you where taking a well deserved break before your next contract started up opting to travel home to spend time with family and friends.
That’s how Alexia found you relaxing on the couch in her family home “Y/n.” You turned looking at the eldest Putellas smiling softly “Hola Ale.” Alexia looked at you stunned “you…you are home.” You nodded “Sí for a while I have a break in my contract so I thought why not.” Alexia nodded unable to take her eyes off of you “well eh..it’s nice to see you.” You smiled brightly at her “it’s nice to see you too Ale.” Alexia let out a nervous laugh before rushing into the kitchen to find her mother as Alba trotted down the stairs “what was that.” You let out a huff “that was me realising I might still have feelings for your sister Al.” Alba smacked you laughing “dios mío, y/n you told me you where done with her the night you left.” You shook your head “I know but Al, I forgot how hot your sister was.” Alba through a pillow at you head as you laughed.
You spent nearly every day at the Putellas house like the old days only this time Alexia didn’t seem to care as much, maybe it was the fact she had her own place now but you often found her sitting watching movies with you and Alba or sitting at the dinner table having coffee in the morning. What blew your mind altogether was when she invited you on a night out with her teammates, “Alba will be there, but I just thought I would ask you know incase you wanted to meet them or just go out for the night.” You smiled happily nodding “I’d love to, eh I’ll be here at 7pm.” Alexia couldn’t help the butterflies in her stomach “sounds good Osa.” You couldn’t help but blush at the nickname remembering back to when the word adesoso used to follow after it.
You had been panicking since 4pm on the phone to Alba “I don’t have clothes Al.” Alba huffed “yes you do amor, wear the black corset and trousers you know the leather ones and your boots you look hot in them.” You rolled your eyes “ok are you sure.” Alba rolled her eyes “you could wear a bin bag and Ale would think you are hot.” Three hours later you were stood outside the Putellas house nervously talking yourself up to ring the doorbell looking up suddenly when you head Alexia’s voice “Joder, eres preciosa.” You looked down as your face reddened “Gracias Ale.” You finally looked up staring at the older girl “wow Ale you look wow.” Alexia shook her head before grabbing your hand and pulling you in the door shouting out to Alba that you were here and ready to go.
Arriving at the club you scanned the room before catching eyes with Barcelonas best known defender “Mapi.” Maria turned on a dime laughing as she ran to scoop you up “Bebé pequeño.” You laughed at the nickname you kissed her cheek as she put you down not turning as you felt a hand on your back thinking it was Alba “how are you amor, what are you doing here, oh I have someone I want you to meet.” You laughed at Mapi’s excitement “Más despacio,Maria.” The hand left your back as Mapi dragged you towards the crowd “Mi Vida I have someone you have to meet.” You froze slightly at the sight of the tall Norwegian until she smiled brightly at you “Maria did you kidnap a ballerina.” Mapi looked confused “eh no, this is Y/n mi Bebé pequeño.” Ingrid shook her head “no you kidnapped one of the best Ballerinas in the world.” You laughed shaking your head before putting your hand out to shake Ingrid’s hand “Hola, I’m Y/n.” Ingrid looked surprised as you leaned into Mapi “how do you two know each other.” You both looked at each other and laughed “Ale and Alba.” Ingrid looked even more surprised before you began to explain “I grew up with Al, and then when I moved to Paris to study Alba followed me over a year later.” Ingrid looked stunned “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched you perform either live or on screen you are incredible.” You felt your cheeks reddening at her compliment before a hand grabbed your back again, once again assuming it was Alba you relaxed into their arms “My friends are actually trying to organise seeing you in Vienna.” Finally the voice behind you spoke causing you to stiffen “Vienna.” You turned looking at Alexia “sí, I leave in two weeks to begin rehearsals and then my next show is in Paris and then my agent said something about dancing in London.” Alexia felt her stomach drop “so when are you coming home.” You looked at Alexia confused “probably not for a while, why you aren’t going to miss me.” You laughed half heartedly but stopped at Alexia’s frowning features “of course I will.” You shook your head “you hate me.” Alexia sighed “I don’t hate you Osa, I’ve never hated you.” You wanted to push further but Alba grabbed your hand “Come on show off those moves we all know you’ve got.” You couldn’t help but look back at Alexia eyes softening as you looked at the frown spread across her face.
You had been dancing for hours getting lost in the moment with Alba like you both normally did, although this time you couldn’t help but look for Alexia sighing every time you noticed her talking to someone else before shaking your head and going back to dancing. You stiffened suddenly as an unknown hand wrapped around your waist before someone began speaking to you “Hola, guapa.” You turned looking at an unfamiliar face before smiling nervously “hola.” You turned looking for Alba before seeing her talking to a girl “it’s ok she’s with my friend.” You looked at the strange woman confused “ehh ok.” You quickly looked at the table of Barcelona players trying to catch someone’s eye but finding no one, you couldn’t help but squirm uncomfortably as the girls hand stayed on your waist squeezing it before you turned to Alba grabbing her hand “Al Por favor.” Alba simply brushed you off to busy batting her eyes at the girl she was flirting with “Al.” You tried again only to feel the random girl pull you towards her “hey why don’t we go get a drink.” You shook your head “no gracias.” But she wasn’t taking no for an answer as you put your hands on her shoulder trying to push her off you. You gasped quickly as you were pulled into a different pair of arms relaxing immediately as you took in Alexia’s perfume unable to stop the gasp you let out “Ale.” Alexia ignored you pulling you before she grabbed Alba “Al we are leaving.” Alba turned to argue before she caught your eyes and a worried expression spread across her face “what, what happened Y/n.” Alexia huffed “you would know if you took your head out of that girls ass and stopped flirting with her.” Alba huffed pulling her sister back towards her “why do you care.” Alexia shook her head “leave it Alba, I’m not doing this here.” Alba shook her head not taking that “no we are, you have hated Y/n since our friendship started, you haven’t made it a secret so don’t try to deny it.” Alexia huffed “I don’t hate her.” Alba cut her off “yes you do.” Alexia was getting angry “no I don’t, I love her.” Alba looked at her sister surprised “I love her, I’m in love with her.” You looked surprised at Alexia “you love me.” Alexia turned to you shocked “well….i…..ehm.” You grabbed the older girls face pulling her into a searing kiss “I’ve wanted to do that since I was four years old.” Alexia laughed kissing you again “let me take you home Osa.”
You groaned lightly turning to see Alexa’s relaxed features as sleep took over her body until she groaned at the sound of the knock on door until Eli pocked her head in “Gracias a dios, you grew a pair Ale.” You couldn’t help but laugh “hi Eli.” Eli smiled at you “Papa would be so happy.” Alexia looked at you smiling softly “I know, he told me if she wasn’t going to be his daughter in law he would disown me.” You laughed pulling the older girl into a kiss “slow down mi amor, you only admitted to your love to me yesterday.” Alexia sighed happily “yeah but I know this is forever.”
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d-targaryenshoe · 3 months
Books And Looks - Luke Thompson
Word Count: 1006
Summary: Some say even well-known actors can have a crush on authors, can they not?
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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city as the cast of Bridgerton wrapped up another long day of filming for season four.
Jonathan, Claudia, and Luke Thompson found themselves at their favorite pub, unwinding with drinks in hand.
“To another successful day!” Jonathan cheered, raising his glass.
“To another successful day!” echoed Claudia and Luke, clinking their glasses together.
They settled into a comfortable silence, the camaraderie of their shared experiences providing a soothing backdrop to the evening.
After a few sips, Jonathan leaned back in his chair and sighed.
“It’s going to be strange going back to normal life after this,” he mused. “I’ve gotten so used to the hustle and bustle of the set.”
Claudia nodded. “I know what you mean. There’s something about the energy here that’s hard to replicate in the real world. But I am looking forward to seeing my sister again.”
“You have a sister?” Luke asked, intrigued.
They’d spent so much time together on set, yet there were still many things they didn’t know about each other’s personal lives.
Claudia smiled warmly. “Yes, she’s a few years older than me. We’re very close, even though she’s quite the introvert.”
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. “An introvert? Doesn’t sound like anyone in your family.”
Claudia laughed. “You’d be surprised. She’s a famous author, but she avoids the spotlight as much as possible. Her books have a huge following.”
Luke’s ears perked up at this revelation. “A famous author? What’s her name?”
Claudia hesitated for a moment, then said, “Y/n Jessie Peyton.”
Luke’s eyes widened, nearly spilling his drink in his excitement. “No. Are you serious? She’s one of my favorite authors in the world! I’ve read all her books at least twice.”
Jonathan chuckled at Luke’s sudden burst of enthusiasm. “Looks like you’ve got a superfan on your hands, Claudia.”
Claudia shook her head, laughing. “Luke, she’s very private. She doesn’t like the spotlight, and she doesn’t do meet-and-greets.”
Luke’s expression turned pleading. “Please, Claudia, you have to introduce me. I promise I won’t make a scene. I just want to tell her how much her work means to me.”
Claudia sighed, seeing the sincerity in Luke’s eyes. “I can’t make any promises, Luke, but I’ll talk to her. We’ll see what happens.”
Over the next few weeks, Luke didn’t let up.
He would bring your name up in conversation whenever he could, his admiration for your work shining through.
Claudia found it endearing but was also protective of your privacy.
One evening, after another long day of filming, Claudia received a call from you.
You chatted about your lives, and inevitably, Luke’s name came up.
“Luke Thompson?” you repeated, surprised. “The actor?”
“Yes, the very same,” Claudia replied. “He’s a huge fan of your work, y/n. He’s been pestering me non-stop to introduce you two.”
You laughed softly. “Well, that’s flattering. I didn’t realize my books had such an impact on people. Maybe… maybe we could arrange something. A small, casual meeting. No big deal.”
Claudia smiled. “I think that would make his year, y/n. Let me know when you’re free, and I’ll set it up.”
A few days later, Claudia walked onto the set in full 'Eloise' with a secretive smile.
She had arranged for you to visit, and she couldn’t wait to see Luke’s reaction.
As they broke for lunch, Claudia spotted Luke and Jonathan chatting by the catering table.
“Hey, guys,” she said, trying to keep her excitement in check. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. “A surprise? What kind of surprise?”
Before Claudia could answer, you walked onto the set, looking slightly out of place but wearing a warm smile. Luke’s jaw dropped as he recognized her.
“No way,” he whispered, his eyes wide. “Is that…?”
Claudia grinned. “Luke, Jonathan, this is my sister.”
You stepped forward, extending your hand. “Hi, Luke. Claudia’s told me a lot about you.”
Luke shook your hand, trying to keep his composure. “It’s such an honor to meet you. Your books have had such a profound impact on me. Thank you for your incredible work.”
You blushed slightly, clearly not used to such direct praise. “Thank you. It means a lot to hear that.”
Jonathan, sensing the significance of the moment, clapped Luke on the back. “See, dreams do come true, mate.”
You all laughed, the initial tension easing into a more comfortable atmosphere.
You spent the rest of their lunch break chatting about your books, the writing process, and life on set.
Luke found himself captivated not just by your words but by your presence.
There was a quiet strength to you that drew him in, and he could tell you felt a connection too.
As the days passed, your visits to the set became more frequent. You and Luke would steal moments to talk, sharing stories and laughter.
It was clear to everyone around you that there was something special brewing between you two.
One evening, after a particularly long day of filming, Luke and you found yourselves alone on set.
The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over everything.
You sat on a bench, enjoying the peaceful silence.
“You know,” Luke began, “I never imagined I’d get to meet you, let alone spend so much time with you. It feels like a dream.”
You smiled, your eyes reflecting the fading light. “Life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn’t it? I never thought I’d enjoy being on a set, but here I am.”
Luke took a deep breath, gathering his courage. “Listen, I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I’d love to get to know you better, outside of all this.”
You looked at him, your expression softening. “I feel the same way. I’d like that very much.”
You shared a smile, the unspoken promise of something more hanging in the air.
As the first stars appeared in the night sky, Luke reached for your hand, and you didn’t pull away.
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
Bad Timing
Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Bridgerton
Day 25 Prompt: "Do I look like I knew that?"
Summary: When Eloise needs help with a problem, she knows she can count on her brother and his new wife for help.
Word Count: 1,047
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"You know, lazy days like this are by far my favorite," I mused, curling into my husband's side as we laid in bed together. "No galas, no gossip from the Ton. Just the two of us."
"I certainly have to agree," said Benedict, my husband, as he traced patterns on the bare skin of my back. "Although, I do enjoy watching Colin wade through the swarm of Mamas every time we go out, now that he is the only unwed Bridgerton son. At least until Gregory gets a bit older."
"I'd say you were being mean, but he did ditch you and Anthony for quite a while in his travels."
"Yes, he did. So he deserves this."
I laughed, shaking my head a bit at my husband's antics. A moment later, he pulled me tighter to his side, rolling us so I laid completely on top of his chest. I rose up on my elbows to meet his eyes and found him looking at me with a mischevious smile.
"You know, it's just occurred to me," he started. "There are quite a few ways I can think of that our time would be better spent than talking about my brother."
"Oh really?" I asked, grinning and leaning down closer to Benedict. "And what might those ideas be?"
"Well for starters..."
With that, he brought his hand up to the back of my neck and pulled me into a searing kiss. I rested all my weight on him, kissing right back, until a knock at the door jarred us both out of the moment.
Reluctantly, I pulled away, and Benedict let me. We shared a look.
"Maybe whoever it is will go away if we ignore them," he whispered in suggestion. As if he'd willed it into happening, a voice from the other side of the door called out.
"Y/N! If you're in there, please, I need to talk to you."
Eloise. Benedict's little sister, who I'd become close with throughout the course of Benedict courting me. I gave Benedict an apologetic look.
"No," he whined as I rolled off of him, quickly wrapping a robe around myself and heading for the door.
"I have to," I replied. "I can't ignore her. Make yourself decent."
With that, I turned from my husband and went to open the door just wide enough to see Eloise on the other side, and for her to see me.
"Oh, thank goodness!" she cried, moving to push past me and into the room. I let her, just hoping that Benedict had done as I'd said. Eloise and I had done this a few times as we'd gotten closer, and whenever it happened, I knew she really, truly needed me.
I turned around to follow Eloise back into the room after shutting the door behind me, only to find her frozen just a few steps from where she'd come in. Benedict stood next to the bed, looking tired but resigned to our new morning activity as he laced up his shirt.
"Good morning, Eloise," he said, a little edge of teasing in his tone. "You know, I was trying to enjoy the morning with my wife-"
"Do I look like I knew that?" she cried. I fought back a laugh as I walked forward to wrap my arm around her shoulder.
"It's alright, Eloise," I said. "Benedict and I were about to get up for the morning, anyway."
Benedict shot me a look with his eyebrows almost into his hairline, and I glared right back, imploring him to go along with me. He cleared his throat.
"Right. That we were. What did you need help with, sister?"
She hesitated, so I walked around to face her, putting both of my hands on her shoulders and blocking her eyeline to Benedict. I gave her a small smile, so she'd know everything was alright, then spoke in a low voice that I knew Benedict wouldn't be able to hear.
"If this is a ladies' problem, or one you don't want your brother to know about, El, I'll throw him out of here right now and we can talk, alright? But if you're embarrassed about knocking when you did, then you truly don't need to be. We love you, and we'd both drop far more important things to help you whenever you need it."
Eloise sighed, nodding a little as she did. The bright red blush that had risen to her cheeks started to fade, and she at last met my eyes again.
"Thank you. I... suppose it wouldn't hurt to have Benedict's input as well," she said. I nodded, giving her a bright smile before turning around to face my husband.
"Put your problem-solving hat on, Benedict," I said. I started drifting for the couches by Benedict's turret window, one of my favorite features of his room. "We've got a family matter to deal with."
They both beamed at me as they started following me over to the couch. I'd considered a few of Benedict's siblings as good as family for a long time now, but it felt amazing to be able to say that and have it be completely true.
Benedict and Eloise settled into the couch on either side of me, Benedict resting his arm across my shoulders. Those kinds of casual touches would've been scandalous before we were married, but now we could do them whenever we wanted to, which also made my heart sing.
Eloise gave us both one last look with a raised eyebrow, then launched into her explanation of the problem that had brought her to our doorstep, which had something to do with a boy of virtually no social status who'd caught her attention. Benedict and I spent the rest of the morning, helping her as best we could, in the way only we could.
Although I hated that Eloise had to deal with the problems she dealt with, a small part of me sang the entire morning as Benedict and I worked together, the perfect team, to help his little sister. This was going to be the rest of our lives, with Eloise and maybe someday with children of our own, and I couldn't be happier thinking about that future with Benedict. We made the perfect team.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
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pixiesfz · 6 months
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mother’s day s.c x child!reader
apart of sunshine series
plot: you first call Steph mum on Mother’s Day
warning: fluff
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Some of the girls still wondered as to why you hadn’t called Steph your mum yet, it had now been almost a year since your adoption and yet you still called her “Steph” or “Stephy”.
But you called her teammates your aunties, not Kyra though she had come around so often that you thought of her as a sister, she reminded you of Lara before she was stuck to her bed in the hospital room.
You had never really thought of labelling Steph as your mother, she was always just Stephy to you and that’s what she was to Lara.
You were still trying to adjust to the fact that she was gone.
Kyra somehow was allowed to babysit you one night as Steph was out on a ‘date’ but you didn’t really know what that meant so you shrugged it off.
You and Kyra were eating spaghetti Steph pre-made before the older girl opened her mouth.
“You know sunshine, Mother’s Day is coming up” she told you and you looked up to the girl who was looking hesitant “Mother’s Day was earlier in the year Kywa”
She shook her head “Well Stephy’s Australian so we celebrate on a different date” she explained and you looked down.
“Is that like a birthday?” You ask and the 22 year old laughed “no it’s a day where we celebrate our mums and what they do for us kids” she explained
You furrowed your eyebrows “The boys at my school say Steph isn’t my mum because she didn’t push me out of her belly” you say, crossing your arms as Kyra gasped
“A mum doesn’t have to the one who gives birth to you, a mum can be someone you trust completely and looks after you”
“Steph does that” you pointed out “yes she does” Kyra smiled before you went back to your spaghetti, thinking.
Kyra flinched when you jumped on your chair
“We should make Stephy a present!”
Kyra raised her brows at your eagerness but nodded anyways “I agree!”
You told Kyra your idea before going to bed with a smile, having to do a few laps around the house before you grew tired, a trick Harper taught you at camp.
When Steph arrived and saw you sleeping in your bed with Kyra asleep on a blanket and cushion next to you she laughed softly and took a picture.
It was at training the next day that you ran to Kyra who had an extra bag to bring and a “foot injury” she had to check out.
“You two are glued to the hip now” Steph pouted when you excitedly ran to the girl “She’s my sister!” You cheered and Alessia smirked “sunshine?, if she’s your sister then what is Steph?”
You furrowed your brows “Steph is my Stephy” you explained like it was the simplest answer before running away, bringing a ‘limping’ Kyra with you.
“You don’t need to try, Less she’s never had a mum she doesn’t really know the understanding of it all, I won’t force her to call me that” Steph said to her friend who meant the best.
Whilst it seemed a little darker on the field you and Kyra were giggling and doodling posters that you were making for Steph.
Today was Australian Mother’s Day and you wanted to make it special.
Steph was your mum, you realised that now.
“What does yours say?” Kyra asked and you showed her your very glittery sign that read ‘luv you mummy’
“What does yours say?” You ask and Kyra excitedly turned hers around that said ‘not just a team mum’.
“What does that mean?” You ask and she crossed her head “you’ll find out later in life”
Kyra finally brought out your last request which was a charm bracelet with the initials of yours and Lara’s names.
“Why’d you choose this?” Kyra asked and you smiled “because Scarlett at schools mum has a necklace just like it, she showed me it was cool” you smiled and Kyra nodded.
When training came to an end the two of you found yourselves quickly cleaning up your stations before running to the change rooms where you both posed with your posters as the girls came in.
Small gasps and ‘aw’s’ were heard before finally Steph walked in.
Your smile dropped as tears took over her face.
“Mummy don’t cry!” You yelled but it only made it worse as she let out a sob.
“Mummy!” You yelled out, giving your poster to Kyra who was smiling proudly before running over to Steph.
“Oh sunshine” she smiled before bringing you into a big hug
“Happy Mother’s Day Steph” Kyra yelled from her spot, grabbing the present with the bracelet inside and walking over, passing it to her.
“Thank-thankyou Kyra” she told her with a now blotchy face and Kyra scratched your head “all her idea”.
You lifted your face from your mums shoulder “Aussie mummy day!” You cheered and the girls in the room laughed.
“I think we should go out for a nice dinner Sunshine and open my present together, how does that feel” she said, feeling embarrassed that her teammates where seeing her this vulnerable.
“Okay mummy”
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arsenalfanf1 · 6 months
Charles Leclerc x reader where she meets his family for the first time but she’s Pierre’s sister so they already know about her.
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It’s how you met Charles through Pierre. You took a liking to him straight away while he was causation because of who your brother was. He dmed you through instagram asking you out on a date and it had been amazing ever since.
Charles had met your family for dinner at the weekend and now it was your turn. You were meeting his mum and two brothers. You had never met Arthur but had seen each other in passing.
“You don’t need to be so nervous” he said catching your attention. You had arrived at the house and hadn’t noticed. You had been nervous all day.
He got outside and made his way to your side and opened the door for you, always a gentlemen. As you were getting out you couldn’t help but see his brother’s peeking out, which made you laugh.
As you approached the front door it opened revealing his mum. She gave you a big hug which shocked you “Charles has told me so much about you, especially your beauty” she said which make you turn red with embarrassment.
When you got in the house you met his brother’s who were lovely. You also got a house tour, you also got a tour of his childhood bedroom, where he promised one day he would bend you over and fuck you but of course that was for another day.
“You know we found some embarrassing photos of Charles when he was younger” Arthur said, wanting to embarrass his older brother.
You were sat next to his mother getting shown the pictures. There was young Charles holding young Arthur looking so proud of him. He got shown your embarrassing childhood photo so it was only right you got to see him.
“I’m so glad Charles found you, I always worried he would be by himself” She said “Well you can thank my brother for that” you joked “You’re a nice girl for my boy, that’s all I want for all my boys” she said “You have raised them all very well, all very well mannered” that wasn’t a lie either.
“See that wasn’t bad was it?” He asked “No, your mum is lovely, you can tell she loves you” you replied and it was true, there was a warm feeling you got.
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atlabeth · 1 year
(not so) simple pt3 - anthony bridgerton
summary: coercing lord bridgerton into pretending to court you to avoid the affections of a baron is very simple — that is, until it isn’t.
a/n: so first of all let me apologize for how long it took for this to come out. literally nine months. a whole baby has passed. i lost my bridgerton inspo HARD but like i always want anthony bridgerton even if it's deep within me and that just came through today as i finally pushed through and finished it. hopefully you guys still care about this series because i sure do and the end is in sight, like i literally have most of it written i just have to do the in between parts and connect it all and this horrible wonderful terrible amazing mini series that has killed me will be done. anyways here she is and i hope you enjoy!!
wc: 9.7k
warning(s): historical inaccuracies, fluff, angst, a lil bit of violence/injuries, a cliffhanger that will make you want to kill me. yn is going kind of crazy because she's never felt pleasant emotions before
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The next month was akin to a blur. With each day your mother grew more and more excited about your courtship with Anthony, so much so she’d even begun knitting a blanket as a wedding gift to the Bridgertons. 
(When she’d first told you about it over dinner, you’d nearly choked. You were beginning to dread telling her the truth more than you dreaded your fake courtship). 
That, perhaps, was beginning to become a lie. Dread was not the proper word for how you felt about your courtship. 
It was still strange, knowing that everyone around you believed you and Anthony were to be married. Though your secret was still one well-kept, you could hardly contain yourself whenever you overheard snide remarks with you at the center—it seemed they had still not gotten over the fact that their precious opportunity at becoming a Bridgerton had been stolen by you. Perhaps their daughters would get their chance in the next season, once you and Anthony had broken things off. 
But that was not enough to hold his image in the same sour view as before.
Anthony was irritating as ever, yes, and but he was no longer the mere rake, the sarcastic older brother who firmly believed you were running out of time, the womanizer Lady Whistledown painted him as. 
At least, you did not see him as such. He certainly did not act that way around you anymore. 
Anthony Bridgerton was lighter around you—he smiled more, laughed more, joked around with you in a way that Benedict told you he hadn’t seen in years. And of course, he was only able to tell you that because Anthony brought you along on outings with his family. 
The Worthings had always been friendly throughout the years with the Bridgertons, especially because of your closeness with Eloise and, more so when you were younger and before her debut, Daphne. You were fond of the rest of the family as well, Benedict and Colin looking on you fondly as that of an annoying younger sister much like Eloise—you were happy to fill the role. Francesca was pleasant when she wasn’t off traveling, and Gregory and Hyacinth were always a delight. Hyacinth seemed more attached to you because of the courtship, and truly looked forward to welcoming you as a sister. 
Anthony had always been the older brother that foiled your fun with Eloise, that urged you to take your role more seriously if for no other reason than to influence Eloise down the path as well. 
Now you felt closer than ever to him, and though it was merely for your ruse, you couldn’t help but enjoy it. 
Stranger yet, though, was how your image of Anthony had changed since that first dance the night you agreed to this ruse. When at first you could only stand his company because of the promise of continuous jabs and protection from suitors, you now found that you actually… enjoyed being around him. You recalled the night out in the Bridgerton gardens with Anthony far more than you should have.
He certainly had no right to keep you awake at such late hours the way he did. 
You no longer despaired early wakings to promenade with him, no longer wrinkled your nose at the prospect of dancing with him. Though you still dreaded the glitz and the glamour of the ton all the same, Anthony himself did not spurn the same response. 
Of that, you did not know exactly what to think, but you supposed the absence of misery was something to celebrate. 
You and the viscount were becoming friends. You enjoyed his presence. You began to look forward to your next outing with him, time spent with him outweighing your dislike of early wakings. 
You were a frequent visitor of Bridgerton family outings because of your friendship with Eloise, and you only found yourself more involved with their picnics and promenades through Anthony. 
Invitations found their way to your doorstep far more often because of the Bridgerton name attached to yours, and you found you enjoyed them more on Anthony’s arm. 
You attended operas together in their private box. He frequently called on you, leading to conversations in your drawing room and promenades all about. You dined with them at least once a week, always sitting next to Anthony and whispering things to each other throughout. 
In addition to the time you spent with Eloise, your proximity to the Bridgertons, especially Anthony, was near constant.  
And you enjoyed every moment of it. 
Truly, there was something very wrong with you. 
But perhaps the strangest of all was your newfound fame. If there were ever any hope of keeping your ruse even the slightest bit secret, it was crushed by virtue of Lady Whistledown, who aided you with your most fantastical feat yet—you were mentioned by name in every single edition she’d published since the night you and Anthony partook in your first dance together. The ton knew you well now, far too well, and even when you were not around the viscount you were attuned to the glances and whispers of gossips. 
You found it interesting how easily you had become a source of intrigue, simply because it looked as if you were the object of Anthony’s affections—but you also found it largely annoying. You did not much like the attention. 
Running off to the country sounded better and better with every passing day. 
“I swear,” you muttered as you went through the stack of pamphlets, “news of our relationship makes up half of Whistledown’s repertoire these days. Truly, we should get a cut of her wages for providing so much material for her.” 
Anthony’s lips quirked up in a smile. The two of you were sat in your drawing room, chaperoned as usual by Julia, a stack containing each edition of Lady Whistledown during the length of the season set between the two of you. It was past the traditional hours of a caller, but the “advancement” of your “relationship” allowed Anthony leeway. He had brought with him yet another pamphlet of Lady Whistledown, which Eloise had confronted him with after getting her hands on it. 
“We do seem to be quite popular,” he agreed. “But at least that will make it easier for the news of our parting to spread.” 
“I just wish she did not make it so dramatic,” you huffed, and you picked up the most recent edition that Anthony had brought. You brought up the pitch of your voice and made your accent as haughty as possible as you read the printed words:
“The mystery that is the Viscount Bridgerton and Miss Worthing continues to unravel. The two were sighted together in a box at the newly redecorated Adelphi Theatre, admiring the opening night of Rossini’s Tancredi. I begrudgingly commend them on the taste in opera; I too, am a fan of Voltaire. One can only wonder the sort of activity they commenced in with their privacy.”
Anthony allowed himself a laugh as you shook your head and let out a sigh. “It’s ridiculous. She makes it sound as if we are engaging in the most scandalous behavior there is, when we were merely watching the opera! The only activity we commenced in was discussion.” You set the pamphlet down on the table with a huff. “It was quite intellectual discussion, if I do say so myself.” 
“Certainly,” he said with a nod, and he smiled wryly. “Are you saying you are not a fan of all this attention, though? Surely it is your dream for every member of the ton to know of you and your exploits.” 
“I am certainly not—” you began, but your attention was drawn to the doors as your mother walked inside. 
“Lord Bridgerton!” she exclaimed as a smile tugged at her lips. Though your mother looked happy, you saw through the practiced expression—she held a letter in her hands, turning it over and over as if to calm nervous energy. “How lovely to see you here.” 
“It is just as lovely to see you, Lady Worthing,” Anthony greeted, the charm flowing effortlessly through his words. “And may I just say how effervescent you look, even at this late hour?” 
Your mother smiled. “You know exactly what to say to get yourself out of trouble, don’t you?” 
“It is a virtue,” Anthony joked, and when he stood up you did as well. “I apologize if I have overstayed my welcome—I simply enjoy your daughter’s presence far too much. She is a sure credit to your family.” 
“Oh, it is of no mind,” she said, brushing her hand through the air. “I always enjoy having the Bridgertons over. You are no exception.”
“You flatter me so, Lady Worthing, but I must insist I take my leave.” He bowed to her and then turned to you, taking your hand in his and pressing a delicate kiss to the back of your palm. “I bid you a good night, my lady.”
You suppressed the flutter in your chest at his touch. Your hands were typically gloved whenever you held hands during dances or promenades, but not at this hour. His lips against your bare skin made your breath catch for a moment, even for such a slight occurrence. 
“I can escort you to the door,” you said, smiling through the uncertainty in your chest. 
Anthony nodded, a small smile on his lips as well. “I welcome your company, my lady.”
Anthony offered his arm and you took it, and you could sense the excitement from your mother even from afar.
“Do not stay out too long, you two!” she called with a grin as you strolled out the door, and you had to stifle your laugh.
“You are going to be the death of me, Miss Worthing,” Anthony murmured in your ear as you walked out, his breath tickling your skin.
“Not if you get to me first,” you countered. 
“I think the opposite is far more likely,” he said. 
“How so?” you said, feigning disbelief. “You are the one keeping me up past natural hours with your presence. You are the one dragging me with you into Whistledown infamy.”
“But you are the one who got me into this in the first place.” Anthony glanced at you. “Quite the predicament, I might say.”
“Oh, do not act as if you are not enjoying it by now,” you said. “We are friends at this point, yes?”
A small smile quirked on his lips. “I suppose so.”
Again, that warmth in your chest. If Anthony knew, he would surely understand that he was far more likely to be your undoing than the other way around.
You reached the doors, and when you opened one and peeked outside, there was a notable absence of a carriage.
“My deepest apologies Viscount Bridgerton.” You turned around to see your head maid hurrying across the floor, slightly out of breath. “There has been a miscommunication between our two estates—your carriage will arrive, but it will be delayed. It should not be too long a wait, albeit, but—” 
“It is of no worry,” Anthony interrupted, bowing his head. “I thank you for your dedication. Please, enjoy the rest of your night.”
She looked to you for confirmation and you nodded. “Thank you, Emma. You can retire for the night.”
She smiled gratefully. “I appreciate your kindness, my lady. It shall be here soon.”
You let go of Anthony’s arm as she began walking to the servant’s quarters and you pushed the door open again.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“We have time to waste,” you said, looking back at him mischievously. “Do you trust me?”
“…You make it seem as if I shouldn’t,” Anthony said.
“Oh, relax. We have some time to ourselves and a night sky above us. Surely you can indulge me once.” 
“I believe I have indulged you far more than once,” Anthony said, but he followed you anyway. He planted his hand against the door, taking the weight off of yours, and for some reason even that act made you take a deep breath. 
Thank God for the cool air, you thought hastily as you stepped outside, because your cheeks were burning for no good reason. 
“I apologize on Emma’s behalf for the delay,” you said, thankful that he was following slightly behind you. “The Worthing estate has been in a state of disarray lately. I try to help around, but my mother insists it’s not my place.”
“I already said it was a nonissue,” Anthony said, and you bit your lip as he took a step closer and put you on equal ground. You’d no idea what was wrong with you.
“And I thank you for your continued grace, but I still feel as if I must apologize anyway,” you said. “You likely know of our… monetary issues.”
His brows knit together. “Of course, but that means nothing. Of your status, I mean.” 
You smiled a bit. “To you, perhaps. But my mother is so ashamed of our lack of staff, she hardly ever has her friends over for tea anymore. We’ve never been able to afford much, but we had to let many of our staff go over the past summer.” 
“It is noticeable. You’ve no doormen, few maids and servants,” Anthony said. “But it shouldn’t matter to any true gentleman.”
“I suppose that makes you a true gentleman, doesn’t it?” you said playfully.
Anthony chuckled. “After all the years my mother has spent trying to turn me into one, she would certainly hope so.”
“That is why this is all such a problem.” You glanced at him. “Why my mother is so delighted of our courtship. She believes you will be my— our entire family’s— saving grace upon marriage.” 
“Quite the burden upon us,” he said dryly, though his words did not hold the usual humor. There was a certain solemnity about him. 
“Indeed.” You sighed. “Our ruse frees me from the hand of other men for this season, but there is still the problem of… of what awaits.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, the night chill beginning to get to you along with something else. “I am certain I will think of a plan eventually, but still I worry more each day of what I will do when it is all over.” 
Anthony didn’t say anything, and you didn’t fill the silence though you felt his gaze upon you. Suddenly, though, you felt the heaviness of fabric over your arms. 
Anthony’s jacket, you realized when you looked at him. Your lips parted, words stuck in your throat, but he didn’t give you the chance to get them out. 
“You were cold,” he shrugged, answering your question before you could ask it. “It would be unfathomably rude to force my dearest betrothed to freeze.”
“You noticed,” you said. 
“Always,” Anthony said. 
You care.
You could not help but stare at him, if not just for a moment, because— because God, the man was beautiful. There lay no use in denying it. There was a reason that, despite being the ton’s most infamous rake, he was still so desired by countless ladies. 
His eyes almost as dark as the night around you holding a kindness he didn’t share with many, his white undershirt with slightly-rolled sleeves in stark contrast to it all, the curve of his jaw and the slope of his nose and the barest coif of his chestnut hair.
He was beautiful, and he was the one thing you could not have. 
“Miss Worthing?” 
Which did not matter, because you did not want him. 
“My apologies.” You blinked and cleared your throat, Anthony breaking you out of your spell, and you gestured with your head as you continued along your way. Heat burned inside of you, all the way from the tips of your ears to the soles of your feet, and you could hardly stand it.
“You seem… distracted,” he said. 
That was one way to describe it.  
“Apologies,” you repeated with the slightest of smiles. “I’m merely… in my head, is all.” 
This was all fake. You had to remember that, even if you had to bash it into your head for it to stick. The charm practically oozed off of him, and though you’d been near immune to it when you were able to despise Anthony, it was much more difficult not to fall victim to it now that you considered each other… friends.
You are a lady, and he is a gentleman, you could picture your mother saying. It is nature’s oldest tale. There is no shame in it. 
He is my brother, and you hate him, you heard Eloise scoffing in the same vein. The thought made you smile. 
“Where are you taking me, Miss Worthing?” Anthony’s coy voice brought you out of your stupor once again, and you blinked. 
As you looked around, you realized you’d already made it there. You turned to Anthony with a smile, your hands out as you gestured at the open field of grass behind your estate. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” you asked. “I’ve brought you here to stargaze.” 
“Stargazing,” he repeated, and he laughed a bit. “I’ve never…” 
“You’ve never stargazed?” you finished, and he nodded. “It makes sense. A serious viscount such as yourself cannot be bothered with such frivolities.” 
Anthony shrugged. “If you enjoy it, I would love to try.”
“It isn’t something you try so much as you just do,” you said as you sat down on the ground. You smoothed out your skirts and then looked up at Anthony, amused by the expression on his face. 
“It’s alright, my lord,” you said. “I promise, the grass will not hurt you. My maids have worked out many a stain in my youth, so I assure you that will be alright as well.” 
“I have a carriage coming,” he said. 
“They can wait,” you said. “Can they not?” 
He hesitated for a moment, and then his lips quirked into the slightest smile as he took a seat next to you. You took his hand, ignoring the skip of your heart, and you pulled him back so you were both lying down. 
“How do you feel?” you asked. “Have you fallen ill yet?” 
“Very funny,” Anthony said wryly. “I am just fine. Your worries are much appreciated.” 
“I would never worry about the great Viscount Bridgerton,” you said haughtily. “He has everything handled at all times.” 
“Hardly,” he countered, and he let out a sigh. “Lately it seems as if I’ve got nothing handled at all.” 
You made a noncommittal noise. “Then you are quite the actor, my lord. You’re very good at looking perfect.” 
“You think I look perfect?” 
You turned your head to see Anthony looked at you, a sly smile on his lips, and though your rolled your eyes you could not hold back your amusement. 
“Yes, Viscount Bridgerton,” you said playfully. “Quite perfect.” 
“It is good to know that my betrothed no longer hates me.” Anthony allowed one of his hands to rest in the grass, and you could feel his eyes on you. 
“Oh, we are not betrothed yet,” you said offhandedly. “The way my mother acts, though, you would certainly think so.” 
“Well, then,” Anthony said, “would you further prove your devotion by showing me some of your constellations?” 
You chuckled. “Of course.” 
Your gaze turned to the sky, squinting slightly as you searched for your favorite. When you did, you made a sound of triumph and you sat up on your elbows. “There— do you see those? 
He frowned as he pushed himself up as well, and in his focus he unconsciously leaned closer to you. “I do not see anything,” Anthony said, and you laughed. 
“Right…” you shifted closer to him, and you took his hand in yours as you held it up to the sky. “There.” You traced the outline with his finger, and you glanced at him. “Do you see it now?” 
“I do, but…” Anthony’s lips twitched into a smile for a moment. “It is just… lines. A triangle with lines.” 
You laughed, full and bright. “It is, that much is true. But it is the constellation of Libra, in relation to astrology.” 
“I did not know you were educated on astrology.” 
“Oh, I am certainly not,” you said. “But it is the sign of my mother’s birth month, and it was the first constellation she taught me to find. Now, it is always the first one I seek out on nights such as these.” 
His eyebrows rose ever so slightly. “You used to stargaze with your mother?” 
You hadn’t truly realized the implications of what you’d said until his words, and you paused for a moment before you took your hand away from his and laid back down. 
“It is alright if you do not want to talk about it,” Anthony said softly. 
“It is not that,” you said, and you sighed. “It is just… that the relationship I have with my mother is a complicated one.” 
You felt Anthony’s eyes on you still, and you bit your lip. 
“I have always felt so small whenever I look to the stars,” you murmured. “I think it is part of the reason I still do it— for the perspective. To remind myself of how minuscule I am in the broad scheme of things.”
“I… think I feel the opposite, funnily enough,” Anthony said. “I do not stargaze, obviously, but I have always viewed an individual’s contribution as meaning far more than I can even imagine. Each and every person who has walked through my life has made some sort of impact— you have been, and still are, one of those.” He looked over at you with a surprisingly earnest expression. “You are certainly not minuscule. Not by any sort of margin.”
You found your cheeks heating up from his words, and you could not hold back your smile. “Why, Lord Bridgerton, that was quite a compliment. Are you sure you are feeling well?”
“I feel wonderful,” he said, his eyes still not leaving yours. You felt your cheeks heat and you had to look away. 
“I know my mother only wants what is best for me. She pushes me so because there is no other choice, and she truly believes that it will just… click for me someday.” You pulled Anthony’s jacket tighter around your arms, but it was of no aid when the chills came from within. “And I feel as if I am failing my entire family by not being able to accept it.” 
“I understand what it is like to have the weight of your bloodline on your shoulders,” Anthony said after a moment’s hesitation. “It is my job to ensure that my family stays afloat, that our finances are handled, that my siblings are provided for, that everything runs smoothly without a hitch. It is…” he huffed a small laugh. “It is overwhelming, I cannot lie. But it is my responsibility as the head of house, and so I take it on.” 
“You are saying that I should pursue a real courtship,” you said dryly. 
“That is not what I am saying,” Anthony countered with a glance at you. “You were correct when you said that I could leave at any time if I so desired. I do not, but if I wanted to, I could. I am pushed on through even the most difficult moments because of my love for my family. Everything I do is for them.” 
“I still am not following.” 
“If you want to be happy, then you must find your motivations,” Anthony finally said, “and you must follow where they lead you. No matter where that is.”
“So you are supporting my ill-advised rebellion.” You sat up, looking down at him with the beginnings of a smile. “Is that it?” 
“I thought that quite obvious the moment I agreed to this ruse,” he responded wryly. “You are a bad influence, Miss Worthing. I am a man of honor.” 
“Of course.” Your words were laced with mock austerity, and you sighed. “I just do not understand why I was born the sole daughter of a struggling family. It seems a cruel joke when there is none I despise more than marriage.” 
“We are quite similar, you know,” Anthony said offhandedly. “We both have the fate of our families on our shoulders, and we both know what we must do for our name. It should be woefully easy, but… it isn’t.” 
You shook your head. “We are not similar, my lord. Perhaps in structure, but not in much else.” 
He raised his eyebrows, silently urging you to go forward. 
“You are a man,” you said simply, “and you have everything because of it. You can have whatever life you please. It is not required of you to marry, though your mother might like it to have an heir from the first son. But I have nothing— I am nothing— without a man. The life that I so desperately want is one that I will never be able to have, not without giving up everything I hold dear.” 
You swallowed thickly in your throat, turning away from Anthony to not give him a view of your imminent tears. “I either have to marry a man I will never love or abandon my family and become a disgrace, but I do not want either. It is as Eloise has always said — I just want so desperately to fly. Unfortunately, my wings are doomed to be clipped.” 
“Miss Worthing…” Anthony started, but he trailed off just as quickly. He could not seem to find the right words to quell your worries, and it infuriated him beyond any sort of reason. He did not have a way with words like Eloise, he did not have the effortless charm of Colin nor the presence of Benedict, and he most certainly was not able to comfort others like Daphne — and yet the need to fix problems he himself was incapable of fixing washed over him so suddenly and so intensely he could hardly bear it. 
“I am truly sorry.” It took him far too long to break the silence that hung in the air, only punctured once by your sharp intake of breath in an attempt to hold back tears. “I wish there was more I could do for you. There should be more I could do for you as a viscount, but…”
Sure that you would be able to hold back any tears should they decide to pester you once more, you turned to face Anthony with what you hoped was a convincing smile. “You need not apologize, my lord. You have already done far more for me than any rational man should have in your position.” 
“One could argue it is because of you I’ve done all this,” he said. “You have a way about you that makes a rational man want nothing more than irrationality.” 
That brought a genuine smile to your face, thankfully able to avoid the tears you thought were sure to come. 
“You flatter me, Lord Bridgerton,” you said wryly. 
“Anthony,” he said, and you blinked. 
“I believe we are far past Lord Bridgerton,” he explained with a slight smile. “What, with how many times you have bared your soul to me this season, I should think Anthony is perfectly acceptable.” 
You felt your cheeks heat up under his warm gaze as you nodded. “Then Anthony it shall be.”
Trying to recover from the embarrassingly soft moment, you cleared your throat and turned away once more. “Of course, your permission is not needed to refer to you as your name rather than a title, but I suppose it cannot hurt.” 
This time, the smile was nearly palpable in his words. “Of course, Miss Worthing.” 
You shook your head as you said your name. “If I am to call you Anthony, you shall call me by my given name as well. It is only fair.” 
He raised his eyebrows. “When has fairness ever been a concern of yours in regards to me?” 
“Anthony,” you said, though not without slight mirth, “will you do it?” 
“If it is what you desire.” Anthony then said your name, and you could not deny how your chest spurned in such a way at the sound. 
There was so much you yearned to say, so much on the tip of your tongue, nearly all of it relating to the man in front of you. How could there be so much of him on your mind, when just a mere fortnight ago you were joking with him about how much you could not stand him?
After ensuring none of your inner emotions were visible on your face, you turned back to him and offered a small smile. “It certainly is.”
But as he smiled back at you, that slight quirk of his lips that softened his features and brought out the light in his eyes that you had grown to appreciate but he did not have nearly enough…
You feared you were beginning to desire much more. 
You looked at the sky above, and the stars twinkling back at you suddenly made you remember as you turned back to Anthony. 
“We should get back,” you said. “It would be woefully inappropriate for a man of honor to miss his carriage.” 
His lips twitched at your words. “You end our outing so soon?”
“You were against it in the first place,” you pointed out. “And I believe this has lasted far longer than I initially planned.” 
“I was also against your ruse,” Anthony said, and when he stood up, he offered his hand. “But you seem to be quite skilled at changing my mind.” 
It was so different from all the others, when he offered his arm for a promenade or took you to the dance floor, and it was why you hesitated. But you pushed the thought aside as you took it, and Anthony pulled you up from the ground. 
“I suppose I am,” you joked.
“Thank you for this.” He brushed off his clothes, a smile as genuine as the others pulling at his lips. “It was enjoyable.” 
“Just enjoyable?” you asked playfully. 
“My apologies,” Anthony said. “This was fantastic. Incredible. Is life-changing satisfactory?” 
You nodded, biting back your smile. “I believe so. Nothing with me is anything less than life-changing.” 
“That is certain,” he agreed.
Anthony offered his arm and the two of you began walking back to the front of your estate. The silence was comfortable as it lingered in the air, only broken once you stopped in front of the carriage that he was indeed late for. 
“I do mean it,” Anthony said, “my thanks for this. Sincerely so.” 
“Of course,” you said. “If you ever find you are in need of some stars, my yard is always open.” 
His lips quirked into a slight smile. “The stars do not have much meaning without you beside me to give them one.” 
You huffed a slight laugh as your gaze turned upwards again. “Well, that is Cassiopeia,” you said with a gesture at the sky, and you managed a wry smile. “Though you will probably just see more lines.” 
“If you tell me they are more than lines, then they are more than lines,” Anthony said. “That much, I know.” 
You felt the warmth rise to your cheeks, and you curtsied to him. “I will see you tomorrow, Lord Bridgerton.” 
“I will see you tomorrow.” Anthony hesitated, gazing into your eyes with abandon. He lifted your hand and pressed a gentle kiss to it, murmuring your name before he let it go. 
And then he entered the carriage, though there was some form of reluctance in his movements. You waited until his departure, even longer after until he and his men were nothing but a speck in the distance, and it wasn’t until then that you could breathe freely. 
“My lady?”
Your focus was broken at the sound of your lady’s maid’s voice, and you blinked a multitude of times as you turned around.
“Julia,” you said. “What brings you here?”
“You, my lady,” she said with a slight laugh. “You’ve just been… standing out here. Alone. Doing nothing.”
“My apologies,” you said with a practiced smile, though you wrought your hands together. “I appear to be in my head tonight. You needn’t come out here for me.”
“I wanted to make sure you were alright,” Julia said. “Is the viscount gone?”
“He is. I saw him off.” The skin where his lips touched still burned, and you felt a swell of something inside of you. “I— I should be settling in for the night.”
You began walking in at a hasty pace, but Julia easily matched it. “Of course. I will help you get ready.”
You shook your head, and you couldn’t help but cast one last glance out the door before it closed. You cleared your throat and looked back at Julia. “All I request is that you help me into my dressing gown, and then you can retire. I would like some solitude tonight.”
She nodded. “Of course, my lady.”
“Is my mother still awake?” you asked as the two of you walked up the stairs together.
“No,” Julia said. “She retired shortly after you and the viscount took your leave.”
“Good,” you murmured. You did not think you could deal with her much tonight. Not after… whatever it was that went on between you and him. 
Julia did as asked, helping you out of your layers and into your nightgown before she took her leave. 
Lying in bed alone, you found yourself staring at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. 
All you could think of was Anthony. His eyes boring into yours, the heat of his lips against your bare hand, his willingness to do something he likely saw as ridiculous merely because it made you happy. The weight of his jacket against your shoulders, the attentiveness he had towards you for him to have realized. 
The softness with which he said your name, every syllable a symphony in your ears, more beautiful than anything simply because Anthony spoke it. 
Your heart hammered in your chest as the realization struck. 
You were doomed. 
Split down the middle. It was an apt designation for how you felt in the coming days and weeks. 
One part of you—the idiot, lovesick part—wanted nothing but to spend more time with Anthony Bridgerton. A singing heart every time Julia told you he awaited you in the drawing room, weakened knees when he offered his hand to pull you onto the dance floor, an unavoidable smile throughout any of your conversations. You finally realized what all those ladies saw in the Viscount Bridgerton. 
The other part—the intelligent part that knew this was the one thing that could absolutely not happen—wanted nothing more than to ignore his every call. To stay silent during promenades, to refuse his dance offers, to stay shut in your room when he called on you. To be able to avoid him in every possible way because you could not encourage your feelings further.  
It was terrible. Awful. Horrendous. You were quite sure that you loved Anthony Bridgerton, and the one thing you were meant to do was not love Anthony Bridgerton. 
The more time you spent around him, the more you thought about him, the more you felt for him, and there was not a single way to avoid it because his courtship was the only thing keeping you above water. 
You really were doomed. 
“Are you even listening to me?” 
You blinked as Eloise said your name, and you looked over at her. “I apologize. I was in my head.” 
“You’ve been in your head quite frequently as of late,” Eloise said, and she huffed a sigh as she flopped onto the couch next to you. “I can only assume my brother is to blame.” 
You felt your cheeks heat. If only she knew how true that was. 
“He is part of it,” you admitted, turning your head slightly so she could not see any visible embarrassment. “It may not be easy to be a Bridgerton, but it’s by no means easy to be courted by one, either.” 
“I can imagine,” she said with another sigh. “For how serious Anthony always is, he certainly is dramatic.” Eloise eyed you. “Would you like me to speak plainly?” 
Your brows creased slightly, though you still didn’t look at her. “Always.” 
“I honestly think he may be enjoying this,” she said. “Anthony has never been much for… anything, really. Anything besides duty. He’s pleasant around us for the most part, and I love him with all my heart, but he’s always so serious.” She shrugged. “It appears that you’ve brought out another side of him.” 
Your breath caught in your chest for a moment. You still could not bring yourself to meet her eyes. “Truly?” 
“Truly,” Eloise nodded. “When you end this, I believe he’ll come out the other side a better man. So I suppose I should thank you for this whole ruse.” 
A smile played on your lips for a moment, but it fell just as quickly. You’d always known it was going to end—the ruse was your idea in the first place—and yet you were the one fighting against her impossible feelings. You were a damn doomed fool. 
You had to fight the urge to hit your head against the back of the couch. You felt as if you were going insane, but you could not reveal the whirlwind inside your mind to anyone. 
“There is no need to thank me,” you finally said. “It’s been a pleasure.” 
“A pleasure,” Eloise said dryly. “Really?” 
You nodded, finally sitting up and looking at her. “Yes. Anthony was a bit of a nuisance at first, but…” you smiled just at the thought of him. “We’ve become friends after all this time. Quite close friends.” 
Eloise’s nose wrinkled, and then she sighed yet again. “I suppose it is a good thing if you two are getting along. As long as you will still trade barbs with me about him.” 
You chuckled. “Always.” 
You couldn’t tell her. You wouldn’t tell her, because there was no use in creating such a problem for no reason. 
You loved Anthony, you were sure of that by now, though you had not previously thought it at all possible. And none of it mattered, because by the end of the season, your courtship would be a distant memory. 
You and Eloise continued your idle chatter, but your heart was not in it. How could it be, when you could only think of Anthony? You could only think of Anthony, the one man you never thought you would want and now the one man you can never have. 
It was ridiculous. He turned you into a ridiculous woman and you would never forgive him for it. 
You’d always wondered how you would end your ruse when your mothers had grown so attached to the courtship, the idea of you as a Bridgerton. 
Your mothers were no longer the problem. 
The middle of the season came and went, your feelings for Anthony growing ever stronger—your disdain for those feelings grew alongside them. 
Your parents were working harder than ever as the peak of the season approached—your father spent most nights bent over documents and papers regarding the finances, pushing pennies so that you would be able to afford the frivolities of the ton and appearing on the arm of a Bridgerton. 
Your mother had a job of equal difficulty—she had to maintain the Worthing image and name. It had never been the best to begin with as one of the poorer families of the ton, but Anthony’s courtship had pushed you through the ranks. Your mother was determined to keep you there. 
The pairing between you and Anthony should have remained the same stagnant charade, but it was difficult to act the same as always with your feelings evolving ever so. It did not help that both your mother and Lady Bridgerton were convinced a proposal was to be just around the corner when nothing could be further from the truth. 
And it was not as if they were wrong for holding that belief. Were this a traditional courting, Anthony would likely be preparing to get down on one knee—instead, your promenades consisted of discussions on how best to end your situation. 
(“Perhaps you could have a meltdown,” Anthony had suggested once. “It would certainly not come as a surprise to the ton—they would merely see it as what has been coming all along.” 
“Your faith in me is truly astounding, Anthony,” you said dryly. “It is sure to be a mystery on how we did not work out.” 
He chuckled and shook his head. “I am only trying to work with you. Must I remind you that it was you that started this, all because you did not want to get married? This would simply be an extension—you’ve never wanted to marry a man before, what is one more to add to the list?” 
“Yes, but…” you shook your head and sighed. “I fear we may have performed our act too well. At this point, it feels as if any means of our splitting will hurt our mothers and cause a riot in the ton, no matter how we do it.” 
“I think you may be right,” Anthony said, and he frowned. “I do not know whether I want Hyacinth to find out you will not be her sister through Whistledown or through me—I know I could not handle the look on her face, but to let her discover it through gossip seems even worse.” 
You could not help a sly smile at that. “Are you telling me I have charmed your family even more than I had before?” 
He offered a smile of his own. “I believe I have charmed your family just as much, if not more. Your mother adores me more than ever.”) 
No, it did not help that your mother adored him, and it did not help that Hyacinth and Gregory adored you. Every second spent around Anthony and his family pushed you further to your doom, and what a lovely doom it was. 
Seeing Anthony dressed up at every ball was also not of aid, and you could not help but smile when your eyes met at the latest ball. You knew of your mother’s watchful eye over both of you, but you found you didn’t care when he offered his hand. 
“You look beautiful,” Anthony murmured so only you could hear it as he led you out to the dance floor. You took up your positions and started the waltz—you had Anthony to thank for the increase in your skill, for the amount of dancing you did these days made it impossible for your ability to remain stagnant. 
You chuckled a bit. “Thank you, Anthony, but nobody can hear us. You do not need to keep up appearances.” 
The smile remained on his lips for just a moment too long before he blinked and nodded. “You are correct. I suppose it is just becoming a habit.” 
Butterflies erupted in your chest, and in your flustered state, you fell out of the rhythm and missed your next step. If it hadn’t been for Anthony leading so well, you would’ve fallen. 
How could he just say those things? How could he just say those frustratingly charming things without blinking an eye, words that made you trip over your feet and spurned warmth in your core and drove you insane? 
Did Anthony even know what he did to you? 
“Are you alright?” he questioned, and for a moment all you were able to do was stare into his eyes. They were beautiful. 
“Yes,” you finally managed, clearing your throat as you glanced away for a moment. 
It is just becoming a habit, he said, words that near perfectly echoed your own situation.
Each time you slipped your arm around Anthony’s, each time he was a caller in your drawing room for an early morning—early mornings which you were becoming all the fonder of with each outing—each time he smiled at you in that way of his, each time you looked into those warm brown eyes, each time he was just the slightest bit too close and you were able to feel your heart speed up and your breath hitch. 
Being around Anthony Bridgerton was becoming a habit for you, you realized, a habit you did not want to let go of. 
You did not realize Anthony was speaking to you until he said your name again and you snapped out of your thoughts, staring at him for a moment before you nodded. 
“Apologies,” you covered up, “it seems I am very in my head tonight.” 
“It is alright,” he said, smiling softly. “I was merely asking if your outing with your parents the other night went well.” 
“Yes,” you breathed, “yes, it was quite pleasant.” 
Though you answered, you could still hardly focus. And it was all because of the man you were dancing with, because of the delicate yet sure grip he had on your hands, because of the sweetest eyes you’d ever known gazing at you with reassurance. 
You were horribly in love with Anthony Bridgerton, and there was nothing you could do about it. 
“…So,” Anthony said as the two of you trailed through the streets, “remind me what you have roped me into?”
“I have not roped you into anything,” you said. “I am taking you to a rally; one for the advancement of women. I believe it would do you some good to see what your myriad of sisters put up with because of men like you.” 
“Men like me?” he repeated, having the gall to sound slightly offended. 
“Yes, men like you,” you agreed. “Men who do not even question why they are so deserving of their position so high above us, and do not even think to change things because society solely benefits them.” 
“Do you ever get tired of your constant bitterness?” he asked dryly. 
“No,” you responded cheerfully, “I only get tired of you.” 
“Ah,” he said with a nod. “That is why you have not only decided to be my fake courtee for an entire season, but to willingly bring me along on one of your weekend escapades.” 
“I put up with you so I will not have to put up with those even more irritating,” you reminded him.
“And that is why you always smile at me with the strength of a thousand suns while we dance?” he asked. “Why you continue to promenade with me and indulge my conversational whims and accept me without complaint as a constant caller?” 
You shrugged, and you hoped the heat rushing to your cheeks was not visible. Perhaps he could read you better than you thought. “As I said, it is so I will not have to put up with those more irritating. I have come to appreciate you.” 
“Times like these, I wonder if we are truly faking it,” Anthony said. “We already bicker as much as a married couple — perhaps we have somehow skipped the engagement and the wedding and gone right into the arguments.” 
“I believe that is simply called friendship, Anthony.” 
He raised his eyebrows, a smile tugging at his lips as he said your name. “You see me as a friend?” 
“And now I regret saying it,” you laughed.  
“Oh, do not lie,” Anthony said wryly. “Why have you brought me here, if not to argue on the way?” 
“It is simply a learning experience for you,” you scoffed. “It is actually quite enriching, Anthony. You may want to take your leave now though, lest you end up learning something.” 
“You are truly hilarious,” he said, devoid of emotion. He glanced down at the basket you carried in your hands before looking back to you. “And what is in there?”
“Any goods I can spare,” you said. “I am one of the poorer ladies in the ton, but I am still more fortunate than many of the women that attend these rallies. They are often working mothers and sisters trying their best to support their families, but it is hardly ever enough. I do what I can to make it even the slightest bit easier for them.”
Anthony went silent, and when you glanced at him he had an odd look on his face, his gaze set on you.
“What?” you asked, and he offered the smallest smile.
“That is quite a gesture,” he finally said. “Most families in society tend to ignore anyone beneath them. They would not be caught dead in a place like this.”
“They are not beneath me,” you corrected. “They are not beneath any of us. None of them have chosen the lives they lead; wealth begets wealth, and poverty the same. It is a vicious cycle that hardly anyone is able to break out of. I see no reason why I should not use my privilege to make anyone’s life even the slightest bit easier.”
“Besides,” you said with a raise of your brow, “you are here with me, are you not?”
Anthony nodded after a moment. “I suppose you are rubbing off on me.”
You smiled. “I am glad to have gotten through to you on at least one thing. Helping others with your wealth is perhaps the best thing for you to pick up from me, I think.”
“You are quite good at ruining the moment, are you aware?”
“Oh,” you said with a cheeky smile, “I absolutely am.”
You soon made it to the opening where the rally was being held. Though some were underground in the metaphorical sense, this one was rather out in the open. It was in a darker corner of the city, so you supposed the organizers did not think they would be disturbed. 
You wandered around with Anthony for a bit as you emptied your basket to a variety of women and youths, and by the time the first speaker had begun, you had handed out everything you’d brought. 
You took Anthony’s hand and pulled him behind you as you moved through the crowd to get closer, and when you tried to let go of his hand, he wouldn’t let you. You smiled up at him, and it seemed as if he’d only realized what he’d done in that moment. 
“I do not trust this part of town,” he whispered to you. “It is for your protection.” 
“Of course,” you whispered back, though you could not hide your mirth as you turned back to the speaker. 
It was wonderful. She spoke of all sorts of things relating to women and the betterment of your sex, how they deserved a place in Parliament and a voice and respect for more than motherly duties, how— 
“This is unseemingly,” Anthony huffed. 
You frowned. “How?” 
“This is hardly a proper place for anyone.” His eyes darted around. 
“This is where I am to end up if I do not figure out a better way out of the ton,” you said. “This is how a majority of London lives.” 
“I am aware of that,” he muttered. “Do not think me so naive that I do not understand my privilege. I just…” Anthony shook his head and sighed. “No matter. How many of these have you been to?” 
“Five, I believe.” You frowned. “Six, actually. There was the time I told my parents I was ill and snuck out.” 
“It is a miracle you are still alive,” Anthony marveled. 
You shrugged. “I never said I was intelligent. Merely smart.” 
He laughed, genuine and full, and you found yourself smiling. 
And then there was yelling. 
Your brows creased again as you looked to the front, only to see a man. His burly and unkempt appearance weren’t the only off-putting things about him. He spat rhetoric against everything the rally stood for, and the look in his eye was chilling. 
You’d heard of this happening before, of men from the city who indulged their baser instincts and liked the world just the way it was now, invading rallies and meetings held by women just to create problems and spread fear.  
Some cries ran out around the crowd, and your head whirled around to see other men like the one yelling pushing through the sea of people, intimidating and snapping their way through. You went to take a step back, but Anthony was already ahead of you as his grip on your hand tightened. 
It appeared that this was one of those times. 
“Ah,” you said, beginning to back up alongside Anthony. “I forgot to mention one thing to you.” 
“And that is?” he asked, annoyance coloring his words. 
“This gathering is not exactly legal.” You winced as a pairing shouldered past you, but you held fast onto Anthony’s hand. “I’d say it’s quite illegal, actually. Which is why it can be interrupted in this fashion.” 
“Wonderful,” he breathed. “I’d say that it is time to take our leave. Would you agree?” 
“Yes,” you said, “I would.” 
The glint of a knife caught your eye even from afar, gripped in the hand of one of the men, and a lady’s scream pierced the air. 
And then full-on chaos broke out. 
Everything after that was mostly a blur. Something triggered inside of Anthony, clear in the wild look in his eye, and his only thought was seemingly to get you out unharmed. It worked for the most part, to his credit, though you didn’t get away completely unscathed. 
You also did not get away together. Somewhere in the middle, someone had barreled between the two of you and broken your link. Anthony had lost you in the rush, and he felt as if he was going insane. 
This may have been your idea, illegal as it was, but he was not going to allow anything to happen to you. He couldn’t allow anything to happen to you— he couldn’t. 
He shouted your name, once, twice, three times, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried his best to navigate through the insanity. This was no longer a rally, this was a riot, and with you missing Anthony truly feared the worst. His stomach twisted into knots just thinking about it.
He shouted your name, once, twice, three times, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried his best to navigate through the insanity. This was no longer a rally, this was a riot, and with you missing Anthony truly feared the worst. His stomach twisted into knots just thinking about it.
He’d just passed an alleyway when a hand darted out of nowhere and pulled him to the side; though his first instinct was to break away, the weight of his anxieties disappeared when he saw who had dragged him over.
Anthony said your name with complete relief, his shoulders dropping as the tension faded away. “I couldn’t find you, and I thought the worst— thank God you’re safe.” 
“Thank God you are safe,” you murmured, and he chuckled as he shook his head. Somehow, in this situation, you were worried about him. 
“I still cannot believe you are here,” Anthony huffed. He moved to the edge of the alleyway to watch, waiting for the chaos to clear out. “Is this truly what you are engaging in every weekend? Barbaric riots where its attendees are lucky to make it out alive?” 
“I promise,” you said through a shaky exhale, pressing your aching fingers to your chest as you held your good hand against your bleeding nose, “they are never like this.”
His eyes darted back over to you, and that was when he noticed the injury. “God, what happened to you?” 
You opened your mouth to diminish it, but Anthony moved over and began examining you for worse injuries. You let out a breathy laugh and shook your head. “I am fine, Anthony, trust me. Men in these parts believe in one vein of equality, at least, seeing as I was punched in the face.” 
His eyes widened and it only made you smile more. “Do not worry. I punched him back.” You held up your hand, bunching it into a fist. “I believe my knuckles will bruise something fierce later, though.” 
Anthony shook his head, another breathless laugh taking him. “You are truly something else.” 
“And I am fine,” you assured, though the slight strain of your voice said something different. Anthony did not notice, though, and he moved back to his spot on the edge watching for clearings.  
“You said you have been to six of these before,” Anthony said. “And they have never been like this?” 
“Then I assume this riot was something special they planned just for me.”
“You jest, but you may not be far from the truth.” You chuckled but immediately winced. “You are bad luck, Anthony.”
“I am bad luck?“ He turned and fixed you with a pointed look. “You are the one who threw herself into the middle of a fight; it is fortunate you got away with so few injuries.” 
You huffed a laugh but a sharp pain once again shot through your chest, far more extreme than the last, and you barely managed to stifle your gasp of pain. You took your hand away from your nose and pressed it against your side, but all it caused was an even greater ripple of pain throughout your entire body. 
When you took your hand away, every part that had been against your dress was coated in a shimmering layer of blood, a small drop falling from your finger and splattering to the ground below. Your heart caught in your throat as you weakly pulled at the hem, crimson red seeping through the laceration in the fabric as a confirmation of the injury below. 
So it seemed you had not been lucky enough to get away with only a bloody nose and bruised knuckles. 
“...Anthony?” you managed weakly, your limbs growing heavy as your vision began to blur. “I… it…” 
Anthony’s head whipped around. His eyes were the last thing you saw, wide with fear and lips moving in silent panic as he lunged towards you. 
And then the world around you faded into darkness.
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77 @simonsbluee @kwyloz @masteroperator @louderfortheback 
bridgerton tags: @theonewithallthemilkshakes @rach2602 @milkiane @korol-lantsov @heyyitsreign
not so simple tags: @ifilwtmfc @readers-post @fangirling-galore @funkydinosaurs @baby-i-am-fireproof @mess-is-my-aesthetic @likeballet @mdkfh @brezzybfan @magical-spit @lafy-taffy @miss-celestial-being @mercurysrhapsody @evilsailorsenshi @mainstreambitchlife @aangsupremacy @chloepluto1306 @lostaudfound @panhoeofmanyfandoms @blhemmings @my-acrylic-heart
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smoooothoperator · 3 months
What Was I Made For?
02: Lose Control
Charles Leclerc x driver!OC (Dafne Morelli)
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers
Warnings: alcohol, Charles being an asshole
a/n: Hello hello!! Second chapter! And things will get even more and more exciting!
previous part | next part
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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I never liked the taste of the champagne. It was bitter and the bubbles of it always annoyed me whenever I tried to take a sip of it, making me hold the same glass the entire night whenever I went to a gala.
But now? Now the champagne tastes like glory, like a drink made by the gods to reward their champions.
And that's what I am. A champion.
The first step of the podium gave me the best view I could ever ask for: a gigantic Ferrari flag, tons and tons of people dressed in red with flags in their hands, and a red fog that ascended up to the sky, painting the clouds by the crimson red.
The anthem, played for the second time today, sounded louder than before, with all the Tifosi screaming it with the top of their lungs, watching how I stood in the highest step while I looked up at the sky with a proud smile on my lips.
He's looking at me from above, he was the one that helped me. 
I looked down at the crowd. My family was there. My sisters hugged each other, jumping excitedly like when we were kids while they sang the anthem. My parents stood next to them, and next to my family was Charles' family, looking at me too with a proud smile.
This is my day and nothing will ruin it. Nothing and no one.
I hugged the trophy close to me, walking out of the podium and not letting it go until I got inside of my room. My safe place.
I knew I made mistakes. I knew I argued with my engineer more than I should, that I held that position for the entire race until I found a chance of taking the lead. I defended and fought like a lioness, and that's why I deserve the trophy and the glory.
My glory.
I sat on the bed, scanning with my eyes that heavy piece of metal with a bug number 1 on it and the Ferrari champagne bottle, already planning where I should put them in my apartment. Somewhere everyone that walked in could see it, showing them that I'm a race winner too, that women can win in a category dominated by men.
I felt the anxious buzzing in my mind of what I will be doing for the next few days: interviews, social events, meetings with sponsors.
But it's worth it, because for once, I want to go to those things. For once I want to choose a dress that I'll have to wear for hours while I stand surrounded by high society people that smell like expensive perfume and eat caviar as an entree to their meals. I want to read little cards to remember possible questions to the interviews for the TV. I want to go to show the world what I did.
Because I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it. I deserve it.
“Here is our winner!”
I looked at the door, watching my parents and sisters walking inside of the small room and somehow fitting in it.
My dad, a man with thick beard and brown hair, was wearing a cap of my collection, and my mom, a woman that was the older version of Soleil, with dark blonde hair and bright eyes, was wearing a red summer dress. Every race they assist, they wear red, all my family dress with my colors.
“How are you feeling?” my mom asked, sitting next to be in the bed and wrapping her arm around my shoulders, kissing my temple.
“Mom, I'm soaked in sweat and champagne!” I gasped when I felt her body pressed against mine. 
“The smell of a champion” she chuckled.
I laugh softly, watching how my dad grabbed the trophy and held it, taking pictures of himself with it and then with my sisters.
“Well… We will have dinner” my dad said, looking at me. “With the the Leclerc’s”
“What? Why with them!” I frowned.
“Because they are our friends” he frowned. “When will be the time that you two stop acting like kids? It has been twenty years already! Are you tired of this rivalry?”
“No, Dafne” he said, pointing at me with his finger. “Stop this now. Can't you see that it's not funny anymore? Act like adults, now you two are teammates, and I heard that the team already gave you a warning”
I clenched my jaw, looking at him and then at my sisters. When the team gave us that warming the only ones that knew were them, and I asked them to not tell anything to my parents.
“I'm sorry but he's right” Soleil sighed, looking away. “It's only you two… We get along with Charles, you are the only one that can't stand him. Why?”
I took a deep breath and looked away, avoiding their gazes.
They wouldn't understand. Why would they? They don't know what happened. And they won't know. 
“Whatever, I have to go to the press” I said, grabbing the Ferrari cap. “It will take me a while, I'll see you at the restaurant. The same one as always?”
“Yeah” my dad sighed, watching me get up and walk out of the room, leaving them there.
No one will ruin my day.
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I don't know how I ended up in this situation.
An hour ago I was leaving the track alone, my sisters went with my parents to the hotel to get ready while I was finishing the last interviews and team pictures. The music was high in the speakers and I just sang along to it. My backpack was on the backseats with the box of my trophy and the empty champagne bottle. When I arrived at the hotel, the fans saw me and they immediately walked towards me, chanting my name and wanting to take pictures with me.
At that moment, I was on cloud nine, loving the attention they gave me and not remembering that I was going to have dinner with him.
As I walked inside my room and saw the outfit my sister chose for me to take to the dinner, I tried to not think about it.
The black sparkly midi dress is one of my favorites, that hugs my body in the right places and is perfect to wear to formal events and even to parties. Just what I needed.
After I did my makeup and hair I grabbed my bag, taking a deep breath before opening the door of the room and walking out. The heels were uncomfortable, but at least I looked good in them. While walking downstairs to go to the restaurant of the hotel, I started to wonder if that girl Charles brought was going to be there too.
And to my surprise, she was. Dressing like she was in a high society gala. Again, it's like she doesn't know where she is.
“Did you explain to her that my nickname is only a nickname?” I said looking at Charles, watching how he rolled his eyes.
“She wears whatever she wants to wear” he groaned. “She looks fine”
“Fine?! You told me I look gorgeous!” she gasped, talking with that high pitched voice that made everyone close their eyes. 
I saw Charles sigh, grabbing a glass of wine and drinking half of it. Well, the dinner starts strong.
“Well, Melanie” I smiled looking at her. “What's your job? I'm curious”
“Oh, I'm trying to be an influencer” she said, looking at me with a smile. “It's starting to work, somehow”
Sure, because you are hinting you fuck Charles Leclerc.
“Mhm, which brands contacted you? Maybe we will meet in one?” I smiled. 
“Oh none…. Yet” she smiled weakly.
I felt Charles' eyes on me, his angry gaze piercing a hole in my head and how he drank the entire glass of wine. 
When the waitress walked us to the private room where the dinner will take place, our families did everything to sit us two next to the other. The long dining table separated us from our parents, yet it felt like Charles and I were worlds apart. The polite hum of conversation was just a background noise to the storm between us. 
My father stood up with his glass of whine, looking at me with a big proud smile. I sighed, grabbing my own glass and raising it like the rest of the table.
“To Dafne” he smiled, pointing his glass towards me. “The first woman to win a Formula 1 race”
I smiled and looked at everyone at the table. Arthur and Lorenzo were sitting next to each other, sitting in front of my sisters. My father was next to my mom and Pascale, and Melanie was just sitting next to Charles.
"To success," Charles said, his voice had a big amount of irony. "And to the people who think they can buy it"
"Success is earned, Charles. Some of us know the value of hard work" I shot him a look, trying to keep my composure.
"Oh, I know all about hard work," he scoffed, taking another sip of his refilled glass of wine "And the people who take advantage of it."
“Oh, really? You do?” I laughed, looking at him and then at Melanie. “I think you don’t, but okay. Good for you if you think you can recognize who works hard for something and who just buys their way to it. Clearly you should look around more often”
Our parents exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the undercurrent of hostility. Melanie, blissfully unaware, just sipped her wine and looked around the room with wide eyes.
"What exactly is your problem, Charles? Are you upset that I won today?" I leaned in closer to Charles, keeping my voice low so only he could hear. 
"I'm not upset that you won, Dafne. I'm upset that you think you can walk all over everyone to get what you want. That win should have been mine, I had more pace and better tyres” he groaned lowly.
“You did? Then why didn't you overtake me, hm? You clearly know that I would do whatever Ferrari orders me to do” I smirked. “And I didn’t hear a team order of letting you pass me”
Our families were now fully aware that something was off. My mother gave me a warning look, and Charles' older brother cleared his throat, trying to steer the conversation back to safer waters.
"So, Dafne," he began, forcing a smile. "How did you feel about your performance today? It was quite impressive."
 "Thank you. It was a challenging race, but I'm happy with how it turned out” I said, taking a deep breath, ignoring the man next to me. Charles scoffed quietly, and I shot him another glare. "Is there something you'd like to add, Charles?"
He looked at me, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and something else I couldn't quite place. "Just that it must be nice to always get what you want."
I opened my mouth to respond, but Erica cut in, sensing that things were about to escalate. "The food looks amazing, doesn't it? Let's enjoy dinner."
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The bass vibrated through the club, reverberating against the walls as red neon lights danced over the sweaty bodies of the dance floor. The music was loud, making everyone scream if they wanted to talk to someone or even take a step closer and talk to someone directly in their ears.
With the adrenaline of the race and the tension that took place during the dinner, I made my way towards the drinks bar, ordering whatever that doesn’t taste like alcohol but definitely has alcohol in it. With the cold glass already in my hand, I walked back to the table where my sisters were sitting with some girlfriends of the drivers.
“Have you seen Melanie?” I chuckled, feeling tipsy and looking around.
“Who?” Lily, Alex’s girlfriend, frowned. 
“Charles’ girl! She’s a wanna be influencer” I laughed, scanning with my eyes the crowd, trying to find the monegasque driver.
I heard my sisters sigh and sip their drinks, trying to ignore me. Alex and Carmen looked at me, frowning and following my gaze.
“Are you jealous? You sound jealous” Carmen pointed. “When will you stop talking about Charles? You say you hate him but you can’t stop looking or even talking about him”
“Me? Jealous?” I laughed. “Don’t get me wrong, that guy can take whoever he wants to his bed”
“Then let him live” Erica sighed. “Yes, we saw that Melanie is a gold digger. Yes, we saw she’s making everything to get his attention and fame. But that’s his problem”
“Erica is right” Soleil sighed. “You even sound worried about him, always talking about how bad the girls he choose are”
“I'm not!” I gasped.
“Mhm, whatever” the four of them sighed.
I groan and look away. They don't understand. They don't understand! 
I just stayed quiet, hearing them talk and focusing on a random spot at the other side of the club, drinking and drinking.
This is my day, no one will ruin it.
But then that idiot decided to grab a microphone and open his mind.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please listen!” he said, standing on top of a table. “I would love to say some words”
I frowned, getting up and already feeling tipsy, having to hold myself against the railing of the balcony where the VIP room was. He was holding a glass of some liquor, raising it up with a smile on his lips.
“I want to congratulate my fantastic teammate, Dafne! Daf, where are you?” he exclaimed looking around. “I guess she's hiding as always…”
“Fucking idiot” I mumbled, watching him look around.
“Well, maybe she's not here” he chuckled. “I'm sure she's with someone, maybe a random dude so she can keep going higher on her career. After all, that's how she got in Ferrari, hm?”
I looked at him and then I started to hear people talking, their eyes all moving around to search me.
“Jules always said that everyone has a chance in Formula 1” he giggled. “But her? Oh, no. She got in this sport sucking the dick of every person she found that could get her a seat. Mick! Mick, where are you? Is she good at that? Is she good at fucking you? I bet you two did it, she always ended higher than you… Head for some points? How pathetic, Daf”
My cheeks were red. My ears were red. Everyone who found me was looking at me. I heard steps behind me and a pair of hands trying to hold my arms, but I moved faster and ran downstairs towards him.
“Oh there she is! Who was the unfortunate one?” he giggled.
“Get down” I groaned, clenching my jaw. Somehow I am sober now. “Now!”
“Get down!” I screamed.
“No!” he laughed, drinking from his glass. “Aren't you satisfied? You had your win, you are in your dream team. I think you should take another step. Maybe… I don't know, suck Max's dick so he can give you a championship?”
“Charles Leclerc you are a dead man!” I screamed, running towards him and grabbing his leg, trying to get him down from the table.
This was supposed to be my day. My party, without someone like him ruining it.
Two pair of arms grabbed mine, stopping me and pulling me away from the club before I could do something worse. Soleil and Arthur were holding my arms, pulling me away from the crowd while Lorenzo and Erica tried to put down Charkes from the table.
“Let me go! I'm going to kill him!” I screamed.
“You are going to your room and stay there until you sober up” my sister said, frowning, sinking her nails on my arm to make me stop.
“That asshole is saying shit about me! And I'm the one that will be punished? Bullshit!” I exclaimed, but clearly they are not listening to me. “He should be the one that has to be punished! And you should wash his mouth with soap! And drown him on the toilet!”
“Enough!” Soleil exclaimed. “I'm so done with this. We all are done with you two. You are acting like kids”
“Why are you two like this?” Arthur frowned. “Why can't you two see that only you are the ones that hate each other? It's making the team and our families have problems”
“I did nothing wrong” I mumble, letting them take me to the elevator. “I didn't suck anyone's dick. I did every right”
“And we're not saying you did something like that. But you two always find a way to start a fight” Soleil sighed. 
“I did nothing wrong” I whispered.
Soleil sighed and grabbed my keycard, opening the door of my hotel room. Arthur and her helped me get in the room and then she took off my clothes to get me in bed.
“Don't do anything you'll regret tomorrow” Arthur and Soleil said before getting out of my room. 
I groaned, showing them my middle fingers before they walked out and closed the door. 
The silence in my room was too loud and the drum on my chest was beating too hard. I tried to walk side to side in the room,trying to calm down. The drops of the faucet in the bathroom are too loud, just like the air conditioner.
But then two hard knocks on the door broke the noisy silence in the room. 
I groaned, walking towards it to open it. 
And I shouldn't have done that.
“Oh fuck off” I groaned closing the door again, but he was faster and put his foot to stop me. “Charles-”
Before I could stop him, or even kick his balls, his lips were on mine, pushing me inside the room.
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@racinggirl @elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni @itsjustkhaos @scaramou @tapedeck-hearts @apollosfavkiddo @sltwins @glitterquadricorn @ladystardust05
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xiaosonlybeloved · 11 months
First Words~ Gojo Satoru
featuring:- Gojo Satoru, fem!reader, Megumi, Tsumiki, [d/n] is your daughter's name tags:- fluff, reader has a child with Gojo, Megumi and Tsumiki are still kids and live with them, reader is called mama a/n:- oh my god people writing this killed me how do yall write fluff T.T the next fic i write is gonna be hardcore angst as compensation dudhsufi, also my first time writing fluff and jjk hope u like it :)
wc:- 1.1k
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“Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but have you seen a white-haired man with a small kid anywhere?” You frantically asked the nearest shop employee. You had turned your back on your husband for just a few minutes, which had apparently been enough for him to disappear somewhere into the large supermarket, with your child. Thank the gods atleast Megumi and Tsumiki had the good sense to not follow him. Unfortunately, neither of them had caught Satoru disappearing. 
You tightly held Megumi’s hand to ensure that you two wouldn’t be separated, keeping your eyes peeled for the albino male. Tsumiki, being a little older than him, had decided to independently search for Satoru, both of you agreeing to return to the billing counter once you’d found him. “I swear, when I find him, he’s gonna have it from me.” You muttered under your breath as you hurried with Megumi through the endless rows in the supermarket. 
And voila, where do you finally find him? In one of the multiple rows of the sweets and deserts section, one hand carefully balancing your child and keeping her from grabbing at the chocolates, while he stocked the cart with packets of chocolates, in addition to the pile of donut packets and sweets and what not. You narrow your eyes as you leave Megumi’s hand and angrily stomp towards him, causing him to freeze as if he’s been caught red-handed -which he had been. He hadn’t even finished the humongous stock at home, and he was buying more! At this rate, he deserved to develop diabetes with his crazy sweet tooth.
Satoru nervously grins at you as you narrow your eyes at him. “Oh, darling, there you are-” “Cut the crap, Gojo Satoru. You had me searching for over 15 minutes, do you know that? You weren’t even answering your phone, the sheer audacity. We are outside right now, so I won’t make a scene, but you damn better be prepared when we get home.” You shift your attention from your husband to your daughter, whose eyes had lit up on seeing you and was grabbing at you with her chubby fingers, almost falling out of Satoru’s arms. You let out a sigh of relief as you take her into your arms, giving her a kiss on her forehead, which made her giggle and laugh as she started babbling, attempting to say ‘Mama’. It was always so adorable to see her say gibberish- she was starting to speak these days, much to your and Satoru’s elation. From beside you, Megumi gently held her hand, and she closed her fist tightly around his finger. You gently bend down a bit so that Megumi can squish [d/n]’s cheeks and she can grab his spiky hair with her other hand as both you and Satoru chuckled. 
“Gu.. Gu..Mi… Gumi!” Your daughter suddenly exclaims after many attempts, using the nickname you two had given Megumi. All three of you freeze, amidst [d/n]’s babbling of “Gumi! Gumi!” Satoru is the first one to break out laughing as he throws an arm around Megumi, saying with a grin, “Well, would ya look at that? Her first word isn’t Mama or Papa, its you! Man, I’m a bit jealous, but oh well.” Megumi looks stunned as she sticks out her tongue at him, something she recently learned from Satoru. But slowly, a soft smile spreads across his face as he hesitantly reaches his arms out, asking you if he could hold her. You readily give him his little sister as she starts laughing once again, grabbing two fistfuls of his hair. He doesn’t seem affected as he gently plays with her a bit.
Just then, Tsumiki comes running in. “I see you found him!” She exclaims between pants. “What did I miss?” Satoru happily tells her what happened as [d/n] again shifts her attention from Megumi to you, reaching out for you again. He quickly hands her over to you, satisfied, and she snuggles into your shoulder, mumbling her second word- Mama, as you grin and play with her hair affectionately. Satoru excitedly hurries behind you to see his adorable little daughter’s face, but all she does is frown at him for ‘disturbing her time with her mom’. She turns her face away, burying it into your neck, when Satoru tries to get a reaction out of her by poking and pinching her cheeks. “Cmon, sweets, just say my name once? Just once?” He tried to prod at her, and she glared at him, or well… tried to- she just looked adorable as ever with a baby scowl. Tsumiki giggled at his relentless attempts, finally pulling him away from his daughter with a scolding of “Stop annoying her!” Then she walks up to you for her turn of holding [d/n], welcomingly holding her arms out for her. [d/n] stares at her for a bit, before agreeing, as if deciding that she wasnt likely to annoy her. All four of you ignore Satoru’s gasp of utter betrayal. 
“My own family doesn’t stand by me anymore.” He wept dramatically in the middle of the supermarket as the four of you grin and play with [d/n], who finally says her third word- ‘Miki’. (Store employees and other people give you weird looks but ignore you.) You’re surprised at how quickly she’s learning- probably something she inherited from her dad. Ironically, her dad’s name is the only name she hasn’t spoken yet. 
She quietens down after a while, causing the three of you to look at her in puzzlement. “I guess she’s tired by now.” You hummed as she started reaching out of Tsumiki’s arms again, but towards her dad. He immediately grabs the opportunity, quickly taking [d/n] into his arms. She rests her head on his shoulder, as if she was about to fall asleep, and you all look at your little bundle of joy with a soft smile.
Just before she starts snoring, she mumbles another word, the last one before she falls asleep- ‘Papa’. A warm grin spreads across your husband’s face, as he first looks at his daughter, then at his family- all of whom are smiling happily at him too. 
Luckily for him, the scolding you were supposed to give him at home slipped your mind amongst all the excitement in the supermarket. After all, you do love him and the rest of your family with all your heart, so you suppose you can forgive his childish antics this once. (And many more times in the future too.)
requests are open, and darn it i have no idea how to write fluff aaa. reblogs, tags and comments are very much appreciated , thanks for reading :)
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tiyawnyana · 11 months
Kinktober: Day 19
A/N: hi I think this was my favorite
Pairing: Neteyam x (fem) Omiticaya reader x Ao'nung
Warnings: pining, teasing, tail play, fingering, oral (fem receiving), p n v, creampie, multiple orgasms, slight voyeurism
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You distinctly feel the two pairs of eyes on you as the festivities commence.
It was celebrating you and a few other navi, along with your friend Kiri.
Now, 4 years ago you had decided to leave with your best friend. When the sullys had decided to leave, you had talked to your adopted father, Norm, and he had relented. He had shoved that tablet into your chest and made you promise to call him all the time, to which you've done.
And off you went, following your friend. Norm was almost convinced you would either mate Kiri or remain by her side forever, anyways.
But no, there were no feelings for your friend, as easy as that would be. She knew you and you knew her, almost like soul sisters.
That meant she also unfortunately knew of your silly little childhood crush on her older brother. At first it was just that; a silly little crush. But over the years, and as you grew and found out things you were attracted to, the oldest Sully boy seemed to check every box.
And unfortunately, as your luck may have it, so did another one.
Ao'nung was strong, resilient. As soon as he pulled his head out of his ass, he took charge of being the next Olo'eyktan. He was cocky, but humble now. He was a good warrior, a kind nurturer. He was the other side of the same coin with Neteyam.
Now, Ao'nung didn't exactly strike you as your type at first. He was an ass, he picked on Kiri and her brothers and tugged your tail one too many times to count.
But thankfully, it seems what with Lo'ak punching him in the face, then later the sully boy taking the blame for what happened at three brothers rock, he smartened up. He and Neteyam even got closer, they often sparred and learned from one another.
Your feelings for them only grew more and as soon as Tsireya had learned of your ever growing crush on her brother, she made it her mission to set you up with him. Then there was the issue with the other one. Lo'ak made it his mission to get his brother to finally see you.
So you had the lovebirds trying to set you up with someone, but not the same person.
What a headache.
You're finally able to slip out of the crowd after being tugged into a dance with Kiri, she snickers as you stumble, a little disoriented from the swaying.
"Shut up," you huff, taking a drink from one of the carved cups.
"Hey, yo, you got eyes on you," your friend smacks your arm, spilling part of your drink.
You hiss lightly, rolling your eyes,"Who?"
You're wiping your hand and wrist dry when she snorts, so you look up at her with your browbone quirked.
"Oh, shit," she chuckles.
"What??" You look around. You do feel the eyes, but you can't seem to find them.
"So, here's the thing," she turns to you, a shakey shit eating grin on her lips,"Lo'ak and Tsireya have been trying to set you up with their brothers, but neither of them know."
"Excuse me- what now?"
"Tsireya is trying to set you up with Ao'nung," she covers her mouth to stifle her laugh,"And Lo'ak is trying to set you up with Neteyam, and neither of them know."
Your jaw drops and you blink in surprise,"Uh- since when? Why? I- oh god, that's so embarrassing," you cover your face with both hands after putting your cup down.
"Since a little before you were training to claim your tsurak, since you becoming an adult and all needs some celebrating, and because you've been pining over them for forever," the last part comes out as a playful whine, and she takes your wrists and tugs your hands away from your face,"And quite frankly, you need to get laid. You've been alone for a while.. you shouldn't have to soldier through those heats alone, you know."
She almost seems worried, at first, but snickers at her own words.
You huff, thinking of a rebuttal but none come to mind,"So then, who do I choose? Your brother, or the ass who was mean to you?"
"Oh, come on now," Kiri rolls her eyes, smacking your shoulder lightly,"We've all but forgotten that, we were all kids."
"Yeah, yeah," you start, crossing your arms defensively.
"Hey, don't get all huffy with me," she yanks your arms down,"Just.. don't be so reserved anymore. You deserve to go and have some fun- but please, spare the details. I'd rather not hear of your escapades with either of them."
"But- I-"
She backs up quickly, giving you two thumbs up before disappearing into the crowd of dancers, surely to go and find Spider.
You sigh, picking your drink up and sip at it. You try to think, still feeling those eyes on you before a rough tug at your arm has you spilling the liquid.
"My drink- hey!"
"C'mere, I have someone I want you to talk to," Lo'ak smirks, dragging you somewhere.
Only, you're stopped, another hand wrapped around your other arm and tugging. You spot a grinning Tsireya and you whine as more of your drink is spilled to the sand.
"Come, come, wait, Lo'ak?" She looks at the boy with wide eyes and he mirrors that look,"What are you doing?"
He then grins,"I'm setting her up with someone," then tugs you to the side.
Tsireya keeps her grip firm, not relenting.
You snort at this, huffing at inspecting your cup and seeing nothing in it.
"What do you mean? I'm setting her up with someone.." Tsireya narrows her eyes at him.
Thankfully, it seems Eywa has blessed you to not have to literally be in the middle of this.
Only to curse you all over again.
A warm hand gently touches your back, and another, your shoulder.
"Sister," A raspy voice speaks,"I do believe Mother was looking for you."
You peer over your shoulder and go bug eyed at the sight of the ever growing Metkayina prince. He smirks lightly down at you.
You snap your head around, gazing at the oldest sully child. He only stares at his brother, seemingly telling him with his eyes to leave. Tsireya grips Lo'aks upper arm and drags him off, bickering.
The hand on your back guides you forward, and you realize quickly that it's Neteyam. Ao'nung has seemingly split off somewhere.
You're honestly at a loss for words. You look back at Neteyam in shock and he chuckles.
Thankfully, on the opposite side of the fire and dancing, there's logs to lounge on. He brings you to some far off, away from the noise enough that it's almost private. Several palm trees surround the particular area he's brought you to and you can't help but feel nervous.
Just as soon as you sit, Ao'nung is back with a fresh cup.
"I had seen that they had spilled your drink," he grins lightly.
"Oh- thank you," you grin back, taking it and sipping the cool fruit juice. You bring the cup down, watching as they settle on either side of you and you shrink in on yourself, unable to think of something to say.
Thankfully someone else does.
"Congratulations on your achievement," Neteyam speaks soft, proudly.
"Yes, that is truly a great step, you have done well," Ao'nung nods, turning to you as he straddles the log.
You blush lightly, nodding,"Thank you- was a lot of effort but truly worth it all."
You see Neteyam turning towards you and you gaze down at the drink in your hands,"So, uh-" You clear your throat,"What's up?"
Neteyam snickers quietly, turning away for a moment. Ao'nung grins cheekily, leaning to the side to catch your eye; you do end up gazing at him, wide eyes and nervousness clear.
"Nothing, tahni," he teases,"How are you enjoying the party?"
"Oh- it's great! Kiri and I danced a lot, Tuk joined for a bit but was dragged off by some other kids," you grin lightly.
"We saw, yes, I'm glad you've enjoyed the night so far," he scoots closer,"Got your eye on anybody?"
"What- huh?"
He smirks, tilting his head, but Neteyam speaks up,"Has anyone here caught your attention?"
"I- um, I don't know," you blush heavily, shrugging, then sip at your drink. God, this is a nightmare and a dream.
"Really, now?"
"Okay, Ao'nung," Neteyam grins lightly, shaking his head before redirecting his attention to you,"Sorry, he's been wanting to tease you for a while."
"I- what?"
"We started to notice that our siblings were," he smirks,"to put it shortly, trying to set us up with you. But they were doing so separately.."
"So one day, after sparring, Lo'ak had come by and I happened to overhear-"
"Oh, you were blatantly eavesdropping, Ao'nung," Neteyam rolls his eyes with a chuckle.
"Anyways- Lo'ak started to talk highly of you and low and behold, we've all been played!"
You snort out a laugh, shaking your head fondly and your shoulders slump as you relax,"Kiri had just told me before she left."
"So," Ao'nung draws out, scooting even closer. You idly feel Neteyam closer beside you, now seemingly straddling the log as well.
"So?" You question, nervous all over again.
"We wondered why they want us to be set up with you," The male behind you rasps,"Have you perhaps got something to tell us?"
By this point, Ao'nung has slid closer to you and leaned into your space. You're leaning back, nervous but only lean into Neteyam. You're suddenly very aware of the fact that you all are very much still outside, and you swear you can distinctly feel some lingering gazes of surely some jealous Metkayina women who see you as a potential threat. Taking a quick glance, you huff a sigh of relief, you're just out of sight for anyone to really decipher that it was you with two of the most sought after males.
"No- Nope, I don't," you mumble, blushing hotter as you struggle to keep eye contact with the metkayina.
He gently takes your free hand, dragging it forward and kissing along your knuckles. You choke on a gasp and he grins, turning your hand over and kissing your palm, slowly working up to your wrist.
"How about now, yawne?" Neteyam asks gently, now completely pressed into your side. He trails his fingers lightly up your spine, then back down, thumbing at the base of your tail.
You bite your lip to muffle the whine bubbling up from your throat.
"Come on, stop- stop teasing me," you mumble, looking away from them.
Ao'nung then grasps your left knee, lifting it and dropping it on the other side of the log, making you straddle it too. Your drink spills a little, but you don't care this time, and Neteyam gently takes the cup from your hand to drop it to the sand, spilling it. The metkayina gets even closer now, and you gasp as Neteyams hands grip at your sides to drag your back into his chest. You lean against him completely now and you feel your face grow even hotter if that were possible.
"Okay, enough teasing," Neteyam sends a warning look to Ao'nung,"We just want to know of your feelings, if they're returned, really."
Your eyes grow comically wide,"Returned? Wait, wait," you look at Ao'nung in confusion,"I- what is happening right now."
"We like you, and we'd love to have you for the night," Ao'nung is straight to the point, seemingly restless from dancing around the subject despite enjoying teasing you only moments ago.
"If you'll have us.. we can give you pleasure for the evening," Neteyam speaks soft into your hair, hands gently caressing your forearms.
Your breathing gets slightly heavier at the thought. God.. the things you have imagined while alone in your marui would make Eywa blush..
You swallow thickly, blinking up at the man in front of you,"No teasing?"
"Of course not," Neteyam reassures you.
Ao'nung grins,"Maybe not here," only to receive a smack on the shoulder.
You ponder it over for a moment before nodding softly. Ao'nung is quick to lean in, only to be held back by Neteyams hand on his forehead. He grunts in annoyance.
"Are you sure? Yes or no, tiyawn, your comfort is top priority," his voice is soft and tender.
You nod quick, clearing your throat,"Yes- yes, I'm sure."
Neteyam lifts his hand, and Ao'nung cups the side of your jaw to angle your face as he kisses you deeply right away.
You release a surprised noise, sighing into him as he licks into your mouth and you can't stop the whine you let out into his mouth. Neteyam leans down to press soft kisses against your shoulder.
Ao'nung kisses hot and fast and by the time he pulls back, kisses trailing down your throat, you're panting for breath.
Neteyam takes the other side of your jaw and turns your head to kiss you too. He kisses soft, sweet and tender, gently tonguing at your lips and diving in slowly. The lips at your neck suck marks, soon moving down to your clavicle and you jolt back with a surprised gasp at the hand traveling up your thigh.
"Can we- can we go somewhere private?"
The boys nod quick, taking your hand and lifting you from the log to lead you off. Thankfully it's only a few moments walk, but that's due to Ao'nungs impatience and he lugs you over his shoulder and takes off down the bouncing paths as you shriek out with giggles, to his own private marui just on the outskirts. Neteyam chuckles as he follows you both in, turning to tie the flaps closed before turning to you and grinning lightly.
You blush, suddenly everything hitting you and those nerves pile up. You watch as Ao'nung is cleaning parts of his marui, making his bed nicer. It seems Neteyam realizes your nerves rising, and comes over to cup your arm.
"Hey, if you change your mind or anything makes you want to stop, you tell us, ok? Your comfort is most important, no matter when, you tell us," he speaks reassuringly.
You nod and smile lightly in thanks,"I will, I promise."
"Good girl," he mutters before cupping your neck, angling your face up and kissing you softly once more.
Now it's Ao'nung that crowds in behind you, lifting your hair out of the way and again kissing your neck. You shiver in delight especially when four hands start to caress your body.
Two glide along your sides, tracing the ridges of your ribs, rolling up the notches of your spine and almost massaging up your back.
The other two cup your neck, trailing down your chest and glide over your breasts, down your sides and the thumbs dip into your navel to settle on your hips.
Neteyam disconnects from the kiss to press his lips down your jaw and along the column of your throat, and Ao'nung is quick to tilt your head, leaning down you kiss you deeply once more.
He pulls back after a moment, thumbing at the strings holding your top up,"Can I take this off?"
You nod quickly, breathing heavily.
"That breathless after a kiss? Thought I taught you better, paskalin," Ao'nung teases and you roll your eyes, then he's quickly untying the top as Neteyam peels it off, tossing it to the side.
Ao'nung groans, peering over your shoulder as your nipples harden up just slightly. He trails his hands up, cupping the underside of your boobs.
Neteyam cups your lower back, presses soft kisses down to your clavicle and nipping there, then quickly down to your chest. He kisses over the soft skin, then makes eye contact with you as he licks over your nipple. Your hips buck, a broken gasp seeping from your puffy lips.
He wraps his lips around the bud and teases, suckling lightly. You moan out as Ao'nung drags a hand up to pinch at your other nipple.
Your tail whips between Ao'nung's legs, smacking his calves and he chuckles at this, stepping back just an inch and bringing his other hand down to grab the base of your tail.
You yelp, eyes fluttering and head tilting back against his shoulder.
"Oh?" He grins, pressing a chaste kiss to the nape of your neck. He rubs his thumb at the skin around your tail, teasing the base and you whine, cutting it off as you bite your lip.
Neteyam lightly nips your nipple between his front teeth and you jolt, arching your back and pressing more of your flesh into him.
Neteyam releases your nipple, descending down your front,"I must taste you, paskalin," and he kneels before you. A shot of adrenaline races up your spine at the sight,"Great mother, you are divine."
You huff, blushing hot.
Ao'nung latches his head over your shoulder to watch as Neteyam unties your tewng, helping as he unlaces it from your tail, and its tossed to the side quickly. The metkayina ends up using his foot to spread yours, making you spread your thighs and Neteyam shoves himself through. He tenderly kisses your inner thighs and you sigh shakily, groaning when Ao'nung returns his attention and hands to teasing your nipples, pinching the softening buds to harden them up again.
The Omiticaya lifts one of your thighs, laying it over his shoulder and eyeing your pussy. It's wet, slick having gathered at your inner thighs already and he groans, taking in your scent greedily before he licks hot up your folds, delving his tongue between them by the top and locating your clit.
You bark out a moan, hips rolling and you lift your hands to cling to Ao'nungs forearms.
"Oh, f-fuck," you gasp out in surprise as his tongue curls over your clit, stroking over the sensitive bud relentlessly.
Ao'nung sucks marks into your neck and lightly grinds his growing cock into your backside as he watches.
The Omiticaya between your legs moans against you, then gently lifts a hand to prod at your dripping hole, pressing in,in,in, until he's knuckle deep.
You moan lowly, drawn out, nearly overwhelmed with the pleasure of him suckling on your clit and pulling that finger out then thrusting back in to your pulsing walls.
"Good girl," Ao'nung praises into your neck and you whine breathlessly.
Neteyam adds another finger, then recreates his pattern but quirks his fingers around, almost searching and-
"Oh! Fuck, wait!-" You jolt, hips bucking your cunt against his face.
He fingers into your gspot, grinning as he licks over your clit lazily.
The fingers teasing your nipples, tongue on your clit and those two long fingers fucking into your clenching cunt has you babbling incoherent words, shrieking out a moan and your back arches, head craning back as you cum. You heave for breath, blinking blearily and whine as he still drives his fingers into you. Your thighs clench and he chuckles, finally pulling out, and you sigh in relief.
"We're not done, tahni," Ao'nung grins into your neck before lifting you quickly and walking over to the bed where he lays you down. Neteyam follows behind silently, then kneels above you on the bed, watching and lazily untying his tewng.
Ao'nung unties his tewng quickly, then quickly moves between your thighs to bully his head through, weaving his arms up and under your thighs to grip the your hips, holding you in place. Once satisfied with his grip, he licks hot and rough at your folds, searching until he finds your clit. He licks over it teasingly then sucks just right and you cry out, thighs clenching around his head as you try to push at his head but he only grins into you, continuing to eat you out like he hadn't eaten in days. Neteyam strokes his cock languidly, sighing out of his nose as he watches you arch into Ao'nungs mouth.
"Please- Oh, shit, fuck," you whine, pleading for him to stop or to keep going, you don't know. All you know is that this is heaven despite your clit being oversensitive. Your hands grasp into his braid, tugging and he growls into your cunt.
He disconnects from your clit only to press his tongue into your waiting hole, the bridge of his nose perfectly grinding into the bundle of nerves as he fucks his tongue into you. He's enjoying this so much, he grinds his cock into the bedding.
You're reaching that crest quick, moans and whines are tumbling out of your mouth as you drag his face into your pussy. Everything snaps, you cry out desperately as you cum again, right on his tongue. He moans into you as your walls pulse around his appendage. He drags it out for a few moments and you whine, weakly pushing him away and he chuckles. He rises, and you blink up at him and shiver at the sight. His nose, chin, lips, even dripping down his neck is your slick. Shiny and a lot.
He grins,"You taste so sweet, paskalin."
You blink lazily, but then your gaze then snaps down to his waist and you swallow thickly.
He's huge- that same light teal color with a deeper blueish purple color at the base, small ridges flaring up around the base and those little tahni coming up in a pattern.
He comes in close, stroking himself after wiping his face of your slick. He gently cups your hip in one hand, lifting you slightly and prodding at your hole with his cock.
He gazes up at you,"Ready?"
And you nod quickly,"Yeah, yes," with a rasp.
He presses in, and there's little to no resistance so his tip pops in with ease, slowly filling your walls.
You choke on a moan, head craning back in shock. Neteyam watches, gently cupping your cheek and nodding at you, whispering praises that have your body lighting up even moreso.
Soon, Ao'nung presses completely inside, hips flush with yours. He grinds into you, leaning forward and bracketing his arms on either side of your head, then he pulls out, only to thrust back in. He tests the waters a few times, then finds a good rhythm, building up his speed.
All you can do is release punched out moans and whines, clinging to the underside of his biceps.
The Omiticaya sighs, fist speeding up around his cock and reaching down to thumb at your nipples.
Your cunt tightens around Ao'nung, pulsing hot and wet, slick leaking from your hole as he fucks into you quicker.
You feel it coming, unable to breathe for a moment as this one came around too quick, and your back almost hurts as you arch upward, crying out as it gushes through you. You cum hard, collapsing against the fabrics and struggle to catch your breath. He's relentless, though, continuing to drill his cock into you at a near punishing pace, hitting every sensitive spot inside and his pubic bone almost smacking against your clit. He finally leans down, groaning into your neck and biting the side of your neck lightly as he presses his hips flush to yours, cumming deep into you. You sigh shakily, bones like jelly and your chest heaves.
He takes a moment, and Neteyam brushes his thumb over your cheek tenderly while brushing away some stray hairs.
Ao'nung finally pulls out, gentle and slow, and you groan as your cunt clenches around nothing. Cum spills out of you and the metkayina grins at the sight.
He's quick to lean down, lifting you gently. You go with ease, after all not feeling your bones makes you pretty pliable.
"Neteyam, lay down, sit down, whatever," Ao'nung instructs, turning me around in his hold to face the Omiticaya.
Neteyam sits back, leaning against a beam and cups your hips as Ao'nung brings you closer,"Can you take me as well?"
You lick your lips, grinning weakly,"Not a quitter," and you chuckle weakly.
He grins, shaking his head before gripping the base and aiming, other hand clinging to your waist and Ao'nung gently guides you down onto his friends cock.
You whine, head tilting back onto Ao'nungs shoulder when you finally take Neteyam to the hilt.
The metkayina keeps you there for a moment and you breath shakily.
The Omiticaya reaches so much deeper at this angle, tip kissing your cervix.
You moan airily, hips gyrating on the cock and the shaft rubs at your inner walls perfectly.
You're then lifted, then thrusted back down his length with a broken cry.
Again; lifted, then dropped, completely at Ao'nung and Neteyams mercy as the metkayina fucks you onto his friends cock.
"Great mother- how are you still this tight?" The sully groans, fangs bared in a pleasured grimace. He moans, panting as your pussy clenches around him, not wanting to release him.
Ao'nung keeps helping you, and you're beyond thankful because you could not feel your thighs.
Slick drips down onto Neteyam, making every time you're dropped down create a wet slap. Your moans are drawn out, incoherent and desperate despite having already came 3 times.
"Look at our good girl, Neteyam," Ao'nung praises and you whine, embarrassed.
Neteyam grins, hand squeezing your hip in appreciation before drifting the other hand down to thumb at your sensitive clit.
You choke on a cry, your hands weakly trying to slap the hand away but to no avail.
"Pleasepleaseplease," you whine, groaning in desperation.
Ao'nung kisses your neck, rolling your hips up and down, quickening the pace and grinning at your desperate cries and moans.
You don't even have time to prepare for this one, it practically sucker punches you. Your pussy clenches again around the cock, seemingly milking it, and your vision blacks out as you cum, head tilted back in a silent gape. You squirt and it leaks down onto Neteyams navel.
Ao'nung just keeps bringing you up and down before the Omiticaya finally grips your hips tight and tugging you down flush on his cock. He groans deeply, also tilting his head back as he cums into you.
You remain on him for a while until you're able to come back to your senses, breathing finally normal and blinking blearily as you slump against Neteyam.
Ao'nung had spent that time to grab water, towels, and extra blankets.
You're in and out of sleep, only waking when Neteyam gently lifts you off of him and groaning at the emptiness, then when they're cleaning you gently.
They manage to wake you long enough to drink some water, dabbing away the sweat across your forehead and chest.
You're dozing off officially when they set you down in bed, curling up on either side.
They whisper praises, kissing your lips, cheeks, shoulders.
You slept real good that night.
A/N: I am so eepy
(Lmk if you want to be added!)
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Okay, hello! I love your work so much and wanted to make a request (if they're open let me know if I've been too rude to you dear) for "being Isabella Swan's big/little sister and being Jasper Cullen's mate." BECAUSE, at first he tried to repress that feeling by acting weird around her, and she hated the way he wrinkled his nose every time he saw her. Another thing, she grew up in Forka with Charlie... That's it, I'm sorry if I threw this too hard in your lap 😔. Kisses 💗
Being Bella's big sister and dating Jasper Hale headcanons
Paring: Jasper Hale X Swan!Reader
A/n: thank you for the request and don't feel bad for requesting, I always love writing for Twilight.
Main master list Emmett cullen story
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So first off, I think thst you being Bella's older sister and living with Charlie kinda changes the story a bit. First off there's something special about you, but you living with humans all your life none notices.
You were about two when your parents devorced so when it came to living situations you stayed with your father.
You met the Cullens before Bella even showed up. Like everyone else at Forks High to took notice to the family. You weren't upsets with figuring out their background like everyone else though.
Your first day meeting Jasper was his first day in your history class. The only empty seat left was next to you.
He hesitated as he sat down next you. When he did he tensed up and turned his nose away. You glared at him wanting to know what his problem was. When the bell rang he was out in a flash.
The next few days he didn't show up. When he did he remained silent but didn't turn his nose like you stunk.
Instead of turning his nose away he would silently look at you then turn away before he would get cought. This went on through out the class. You would look at him then look away before he noticed.
The first words you actually exchange words till you had to work on a history project together.
“your name is y/n Swan right?” he asked. You nodded immediately falling for his southern accent. “yeah, and your Jasper”
He smiled slightly. “sorry for being so rued last week” you shrugged. “not a big deal, we all have bad days”
You guys continued to talk and he quickly got comfortable talking to you. He started to fall for everything about you. He knew you were his mate but he started finding small and big details about you that made him enternally thankful it was you.
Jasper took another aproch than his dear brother when it came to relationships. He 'corted' you by becoming friends with you first, you actually became best friends. As your relationship grew you became close to his siblings too, especially rose.
Your first date was the movies and suprisenly you guys just sat there for two hours laughing at the gore in the horror movie you picked.
After your first date he confessed to being a vampire and to his reilef you didn't freak out. He was so scared that you would leave him but he didn't want to lie to you.
“I understand if your scared... But I didn't want to start our relationship with a lie”
I immediately wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tight. “I don't care, I still want to be with you”
You started officially dating about a month before Bella showed up.
You don't get along with Bella or your mother, so let's just say you weren't thrilled when you found out she was moving to forks.
During the time she started to settle in at home with you and Charlie you spent more time with Jasper and his family. You told Jasper that you two never got along and the hate and neglect your mother caused you.
The first time Bella saw Jasper is when he was picking you up for school. She kept pushing on who he was but you bairly awnsered. “he's my boyfriend, bella”
Dispite Bella and Edward dealing with their problems you and Jasper have a very strong relationship.
You two may not have much in common but that doesn't mean you two don't show interest in each other's Passions.
Your a movie nerd so he'll happily watch any movie with you. He's a history buff and he's was around for most of it so if he wants to talk about something you'll always there to listen.
Speaking of history, it didn't take long for him to open up about him training new borns and Maria using him.
He's very gentle with you at first, he would hate himself if he ever hurt you, but later on in the relationship he's more confident and isn't afraid to touch you as much.
Speaking of which, his kisses are always full of passion and love. His favorite place to kiss you is on your forehead beacuse of how much taller he is than you.
He's always holding your hand. He always needs to be touching you and needs to be close to you. Emmett teases him for being Clingy but it's mostly just an anxiety thing, especially if he's around Humans he needs to ground himself by holding your hand or his arms around you.
If your wondering, Charlie loves him. At first he thought Jasper was weird(much like Edward) but he appreciated how kind and and well mannered he was. He knew he could trust Jasper with you.
Through your relationship with Jasper you had also gained a best friend through Rosalie and Emmett.
Rosalie loved you immediately and took you under her wing. Alice is a loyal friend but your not thst close.
Carlisle and Esme are like your second parents and they love you like your part of the family.
During the events of New Moon Jasper refused to break your heart. He knew that was Edward's plan with Bella, but he's not Edward. Yes they did move but you two stayed in contact. He would call you every day and you'll see each other on weekends.
He came to your graduation during the time the whole family moved then proposed to you a few months later.
Your wedding was unfortunately put on hold due to the who new-born army. It didn't bother you, you understood under the circumstances but Jasper was furious with not only Bella but Edward too. It wasn't their fault, he knew that, but then again Bella made it all about her and ignored the fact the vampires were after you too.
During the battle you were hurt causing Jasper to turn you. He didn't want to and he blamed himself for fighting instead of protecting you.
You loved being a vampire and never once blamed him. And it's a good thing he had experience with New-borns beacuse he was with you every step of the way during your transition.
You had your wedding about four months before Edward and Bella's. You went to Memphis for your honeymoon and stayed out till it was time to go home for the other wedding.
Oh I forgot to mention, Bree survived and since you were now an adult you and Jasper adopted her as your own. Your amazing parents and you three make an adorable family.
Later on in life and when everything was peaceful, no one dying or fighting, you two adpot two twins. They were both infants and needed loving parents.
Jasper is very loving husband and even if being a vampire is hard sometimes you wouldn't change your life for anything.
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munsonslove · 2 years
Hi! I love you writing and I was wondering if you could write a fic we’re Eddie and the reader kinda have like a frenemies vibe going on and then one day they sleep together but Eddie has no idea the reader is a virgin because of people saying stories about her and then they sleep together and he finds out after they did it??
Can I Kiss You?
(18+ only)
a/n: thanks so much for the request, & thank you everyone for 1k followers!!! i’m so happy people are liking my little stories <3 a few notes: reader is dustin’s older sister in this fic, but i make it a point to say that she was adopted, so you can def read this as not white reader still. i also briefly mention the reader’s birth parents passing away when she was very young, so tw for family death. and there’s a part where it’s said that the reader’s last name isn’t henderson (because she kept her original surname after being adopted) so if anyone’s reading this and your irl last name is henderson… just like pretend it’s not for a sec? oh also i hid a taylor swift lyric in here. first person to find it wins! anyways i hope y’all like it!!
summary: Your little brother's annoying DM is always hanging around and trying to bother you. Embarrassingly, you developed a crush on him, you were just too proud to do anything about it.
wordcount: 7.3k
tags/warnings: fem!virgin!reader (18+ and a high school graduate), also adopted!henderson!reader, slight mention of family death, fluff, smut, friends/frenemies to lovers, praise kink, fingering (f receiving), descriptions of masturbation (both f and m receiving), use of pet names (baby, princess), unprotected p in v penetration (she’s on the pill, use condoms irl of course), no use of y/n
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“He’s not here,” you deadpan with a roll of your eyes as you open the front door. You weren’t expecting any visitors, so when you heard knocking you were quick to find a makeshift weapon before seeing who it was. Your paranoia diminished when you saw it was merely your little brother's DM.
“I’d be tempted to say ‘how do you know I’m not here to see you?’, but that lamp in your hands has me second guessing myself,” Eddie replies with a laugh, pushing past you to enter your home without permission. “You gonna attack me, princess? Didn’t know you found me that annoying.”
“I’m a young woman home alone, and a lot of really strange things happen in this town,” you explain, setting the lamp back down on the end table. “Sue me for being defensive.”
He shakes off his backpack and tosses on the floor. “Better safe than sorry I guess,” he agrees, though you can hear his amused smirk in his tone. “Why you home alone? Your mom got a hot date or something?”
“Book club,” you correct him while crossing your arms, “And Dustin’s sleeping over at the Wheeler’s.”
Eddie hums in response, licking his lips as he looks you up and down. “Cute pajamas,” he says, winking at you.
At his comment, you realize with a start that your robe had fallen open, and crossing your arms only accentuated the suggestive low cut of your silk nightie. Quickly scrambling to cover yourself and retie the knot, you frustratedly grumble, “What are you even doing here? Dustin didn’t say anything about you coming over.”
He flops down on the couch, kicking his feet up on the coffee table and settling into the well-worn cushions, making himself at home. “He talked me into letting him DM for a campaign, so I thought I’d stop by with my copy of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. He was bitching about only having the Player’s Handbook and Monster Manual, so…” he trails off with a shrug as he leans forward to snatch the remote to the TV from next to his boot.
“Get your dirty shoes off of my mother’s clean furniture,” you scold before physically grabbing his ankles and forcing his feet to the floor. “Can you at least pretend to have manners?”
“I could try, but then you wouldn’t have a crush on me anymore,” he laughs, then hooks one of his fingers into the belt of your robe, pulling you down to be seated next to him. He rests his arm on the back of the couch behind your shoulders, not reacting when you retort with a curt ‘In your dreams.’
You know that logistically you could make him leave- this was your home, after all- but the possibility of him actually going without protest was very low. It seemed like Eddie’s favorite thing in the world was annoying you, and sometimes you find yourself missing the days back when he barely acknowledged your existence. He was originally two years ahead of you in school, but due to him being held back twice he ended up being a part of your graduating class. You didn’t run in the same crowd, in fact you couldn’t have been further out of each other’s social spheres. You were quite popular, invited to many parties, even won prom queen your senior year. Eddie, on the other hand, only showed up at parties to sell drugs, and didn’t attend prom for any of his senior years. 
When your little brother entered high school, you worried about him being bullied. You were aware that most of the school’s population were under the impression that Dungeon and Dragons was a devil worshiping cult, and the Hellfire club along with it. Having been exposed to the game for so long thanks to Dustin’s nerdy interests, you knew better than what the propaganda surrounding D&D tried to peddle to the public, but you held concerns that your status-obsessed ‘friends’ wouldn’t be so easily convinced otherwise. Popularity was never something you sought out, it just came naturally to you, and while it was nice always having weekend plans there was no way in hell you were going to let anyone give your baby brother and his friends any shit. If sticking up for your family made the ‘cool kids’ at school not want to have you in their clique, then that was fine by you. To your surprise, everyone seemed to get the message loud and clear that Dustin and his band of misfits were off limits bullying-wise, and you were able to stay relatively well liked by your peers.
The first time you stood up for Dustin, it was a few weeks into his freshman year in the hallway before first period. One of the guys from the basketball team was giving him a hard time, and you marched right up to the meathead jock and shoved him away. You made sure to get your point across that if you ever saw him fucking with your brother again that you weren’t afraid to fight back. The opposing boy cowered away, not expecting one of the most popular girls at Hawkins to so adamantly defend who he considered a ‘nerd’. Word traveled fast, and by lunchtime the hottest gossip was how you sucker-punched Damian Smith square in the jaw outside of Mrs. Hackett’s classroom this morning. It wasn’t true by a long shot, but you found it rather amusing how much the story got twisted when there were so many witnesses. That day was also the first time you spoke to Eddie.
He had cornered you in the cafeteria, and was attempting to use his ‘bad boy, outcast’ demeanor to intimidate you into leaving Dustin alone. Some of the cheerleaders got the attention of their boyfriends, and pretty soon a group had gathered to see why someone at the bottom of the food chain was messing with you. You called them off with a wave of your hand, then took Eddie’s arm to drag him out into the hall and figure out what the hell he was talking about. He clearly had the wrong idea, because he was telling you off about ‘pretending to stand up for the nerdy freshmen’ and how he ‘knew this was part of some elaborate prank’.
He had no idea you were Dustin’s sister. It made sense, you didn’t look all that similar and you didn’t even share a last name. Your biological parents were family friends of the Hendersons, and they died when you were fairly young. You were legally adopted by your godmother, and were raised as a member of the family. Most everyone who you’ve told has tried to console you after learning the truth, and while it is sad that you didn’t get to grow up with your birth mother and father, you know you were lucky to be a Henderson (by love, not by name). Family is family, even if there’s no blood relation, and that’s exactly what you told Eddie. You let him know that he could accuse you of being one of those airheads whose main concern is how many pages of the yearbook they make it on, but that wasn’t going to stop you from beating the shit out of anyone who tried to give your brother a hard time.
With Eddie becoming a close friend of Dustin’s, even somewhat of a role model (much to your dismay), you saw him pretty often. He was always finding excuses to come over, and you suspected it had something to do with his new life mission of bothering you at every waking moment. The two of you didn’t hate each other per se, on the contrary you actually always secretly enjoyed spending time with the metalhead, despite your differences. That being said, your rapport consisted mainly of jestful bantering, constantly trying to have the one-up in the exchange. You both finished high school together, he actually gave you a ride to graduation (not without a snide comment on the length of your dress, prompting a middle finger from you). Now you were taking a gap year before college and he was staying in Hawkins to focus on his music, the plan being to move to Indianapolis when the final member of Corroded Coffin graduated. With the freedom awarded by not attending Hawkins anymore- from both the stressful preparation for another four years of school and the pressure to stick to the status quo- you found yourself spending a lot of downtime with Eddie. You’re not quite sure either of you would readily call the other a friend, but maybe relationship labels were overrated. All you knew was that if Dustin was hitching a ride home, you could count on Eddie’s van being parked in the driveway for at least a couple hours while he berated you inside.
Lately though, the playful bickering between you two morphed into what almost felt like flirting. Eddie seemed to be laying it on thicker and thicker each time he came to see you, as if he was testing the waters for how much he could get away with without you getting upset. What he didn’t know, however, was that you’ve been harboring a secret crush on him for a while now. After actually getting to know him through the excuse of you both caring about Dustin, you came to the realization that he’s not all bad like his reputation.
Eddie switches on the TV, turning it to your favorite channel without asking and setting the remote back down on the table. It’s the little gestures like these that have you falling harder for him everyday. You lose your train of thought getting lost in fantasies of doing exactly this with him, only while being able to call him your boyfriend. You’re ripped back to reality when his arm shifts from the back of the couch to actually over your shoulders. His face doesn’t show any sign that he thinks of this as overly intimate, so you try to not let any reaction show.
Some hours pass this way, and you wonder how long Eddie plans to stay for. You silently pray that your neighbors won’t say anything to your mom about his van parked in the driveway, but even if they do, the tingling you felt in your chest was well worth it- and besides, no matter what she said, you were an adult. Just as you're thinking this, Eddie stands to pick his bag up off of the floor, slipping the books he brought out onto the coffee table, before zipping it back up and holding it awkwardly in his hands.
“I guess I should probably get going,” he says with a shrug, “It’s getting late, and your mom will be home soon.”
“She said they were going to drink wine,” you respond. “You know Claudia, she wouldn’t drive after having even a sip. She’s going to sleep on her friend’s couch.”
“Oh,” he says, his eyes lighting up a little before he purses his lips and looks out the window. “Well, it’s pretty dark out now. I don’t wanna keep you up…”
There’s a brief pocket of silence, neither of you wanting to be the one to suggest what you’re thinking for fear of the other not returning the same feeling. You don’t want your disappointment at the idea of him not staying to be too evident, but you’re not sure how convincing you’re being. Your gaze drops down to his pretty lips, distracted by how he’s biting them, and wishing you could bite them instead. Faintly, so faintly you’re almost unsure if you even really heard it, he speaks your name, bringing your attention back to his eyes. You watch as he gathers the courage for his next words. 
“Can I kiss you?”
It’s like time stops. You resist the urge to squeal like a little girl with a crush, but that is exactly how you feel. Slowly, you nod your head before moving your lips to say, ‘Yes,’ though no sound escapes you. He drops the bag, and kicks it out of the way when it lands at his feet before taking long strides toward you. The both of you lean forward, and he tilts his head slightly to make room for your noses. His breath fans your lips as he hesitates to close the distance. Impatient after months of pining, you grab him by the zipper of his jacket and finally do what you’ve been dreaming about for so long. 
His lips are as soft as they look, and you conclude that your theory about his chapstick addiction is correct. With as much as he smokes (medicinal or otherwise), he must moisturize them pretty often. He actually tastes very faintly of tobacco, and you remember how he said he was trying to quit and only smoked cigarettes when he was jittery. You wonder if that meant that you make him as nervous as he makes you. The dirty taste was thankfully mostly covered up by a strong minty flavor, and that only makes you wonder even more, this time about if he also obsesses over little detail when he knows he’s going to see you. Whenever Dustin would inform you Eddie was on his way over, you would find yourself primping in front of the mirror, making sure your hair fell in place just the right way and your skin was clear of any blemishes. You even did this before you fully understood your feelings for the man were romantic. Picturing him having the afterthought to pop a mint before driving over to see you had you smiling against his lips.
“What?” he laughs, pulling away from you slightly and raising an eyebrow with both curiosity and amusement.
“Nothing,’ you reply, giggling softly. “Just thinking.”
“Oh? What about?” he asks, leaning in once again to peck you chastely before simply resting his forehead against your and gazing into your eyes. He walks you backwards, back to the couch and sits, pulling you down next to him.
You shake your head, still smiling. Your mind was racing a mile a minute and it was too much to explain, especially when the only thing you wanted was for him to kiss you silly. “Not now. Just come here,” you whisper as you thread your fingers through his hair and push yourself flush against him, ending up fully sat in his lap with his hands gripping your thighs.
You two last like this for a while, (mostly) innocently kissing, just enjoying the feeling of finally giving into temptation. Pretty soon, Eddie’s touch begins to roam, and your hips begin to rock. It was very quickly crossing the line from PG-13 to R. When you feel his cock harden beneath you, you make up your mind about what you want to happen.
“Eddie,” you moan while his tongue circles a bite mark he left on your neck, soothing the sting. He dismisses the sound, lost in his own world as his hands find purchase on your butt, assisting your movements against him. “Eddie,” you try again, shaking his shoulders slightly.
He immediately slides his hands up to a more modest area on your waist, and he lifts his head away from your neck to look at you. His pupils are blown wide, and his hair is wild. “Yeah, baby?” he says, sounding out of breath.
“Do you want to go to my room?” you ask. You can tell by the way he glances back down at your lips, then to your thighs, and finally back up to your eyes, that he knows exactly what you are implying.
“A- are you sure?” he forces out, barely believing what he’s hearing.
“I’m sure,” you confirm. “I’m ready.”
You’re both hurrying down the hallway, nearly tripping over each other’s feet in your haste. The walk to your bedroom is short, but after putting off the inevitable for so long, you can barely wait and have to resist jumping his bones before reaching your destination. Throwing open the door, he ushers you inside and shuts it behind him.
Eddie’s heavy leather jacket thuds as it hits the floor, his shirt being discarded soon after. Your mouth waters at the sight of his tattoos, but you barely have time to admire his partial nudity. He’s on top of you in a flash, pressing you into the wall and kissing you passionately. His curious hands rake over your body, and their wandering loosen the knot on your robe’s belt, causing the thick fabric to open slightly and expose your collarbone. Like a man starved, Eddie’s lips never lose contact with you as he rips the tie from your body, almost making you fall with the force behind it. He steadies you with his hands back on your waist, this time underneath the robe, and you can feel his touch so much better with only the thin silk of your nightgown between you. Shrugging the robe off, he helps you pull it down your arms before tossing it onto your carpet, and the cold air of your bedroom is fought off by his body warmth invading every inch of you.
“Do you want this as much as I do?” he whispers gravelly after parting his lips from yours.
He doesn’t need to clarify what exactly he wants, because you want it all with him. “I do,” you confirm.
He leads you over to your bed, a queen-sized four-poster, still unmade from this morning. You climb on top and turn to face him while sitting on your knees. He looms over you, standing at the foot of the bed with you kneeling on the mattress in front of him. His pretty eyes darken as he looks down and takes in your form.
“God, I like you like this,” he laughs from above you, “Is this what I gotta do for you to shut your mouth?”
“You like my mouth” you shoot back, sitting up to reach him and tangling your hands in his curls. You make a fist, thus pulling his hair slightly.
He grunts as you tug on his locks, but doesn’t let the innuendo in your last comment go. “You do have a real nice mouth,” he says as he swipes his thumb against your bottom lip. Before he can retract his hand, you open your mouth and suck the digit into it, swirling your tongue around the tip while looking up at him from behind your eyelashes.
“Fuck, baby,” he brokenly breathes out. 
The only thing you see in his eyes is pure unadulterated lust, and you feel your belly grow warmer at the thought of what he was going to do about it. He withdraws his hand only to place it on your neck, his palm on the front of your windpipe. He’s not applying any pressure, so you can’t call it choking, but just the implication of such a touch has arousal pooling in your underwear. His thumb is warm and wet on your throat, and when he trails his hand from your neck to the back of your head, the breeze of air on the leftover saliva makes your skin feel cool. Eddie drops his head and his lips meet yours once again, but only just barely making contact. You try to deepen the kiss, but he’s returned the favor of holding onto a tuft of your hair, making it impossible to press against him more firmly without your hair being pulled. He laughs at your cries of protest, but gives in, sucking on your bottom lip and nipping at it before licking his tongue past the threshold of your mouth.
Kissing like this isn’t the most comfortable, what with the springs of your mattress digging into your knees and your neck craning up to be able to reach Eddie, but you could stay in this position for hours if it meant he was going to keep touching you the way he was. The hand not tangled and tugging at your hair was sliding up your side, dragging the silk of your nightie up. He bunched the fabric up in a fist, which caused it to be lifted enough that your cotton panties were on display. You briefly worry about whether he was going to think the underwear you had on was sexy or not, considering it wasn’t silky or lacy like your nightgown was. It was just a simple and comfortable pair of navy blue panties with a white elastic waistband. 
While you were busy overthinking, Eddie bent at his knees and kissed down your jaw, releasing your hair to raise the fabric on the other side of your nightie up to the same level, then backed away to pull it the rest of the way up over your head and off your body. You felt a little self conscious, bare chested in nothing but a pair of underwear that wasn’t even sexy. Your arms went to fold in front of you, but Eddie dropped the silk and  grabbed your wrists, stopping you.
“Don’t cover yourself,” he whispers, his eyes glued to your body, “You’re so beautiful.”
Blood rushes to your head as you bite back a smile at his compliment. Any anxiety you previously felt about him judging you vanishes, and in its place comes even more need. Eddie tells you to lay down as he softly nudges your shoulder, and you do as he says with no contest. He hooks his fingers underneath the elastic of your panties before waiting for one last head nod from you. When you give the okay and lift your hips, he slowly pulls the fabric off of you, sucking in a breath when your bare pussy finally crosses his line of sight.
He crawls onto the bed and kisses up your torso, starting at your hip bone and making his way all the way up to your clavicle. The hard tent in his jeans rubs against the delicate skin of your inner thigh as he spends extra time marking up your neck, and you get impossibly wetter at the proof of the effect you have on him. When he pulls away, the mattress dips by both sides of your face due to him propping himself up by his arms. His legs bend as he sits up, successfully caging you in, and he takes a moment to just look at you.
“I’m gonna get you ready for me, okay baby?” he says quietly, one of his hands leaving their spot next to your head as he traces his fingertips lightly down the dip in between your breasts, over your belly button, and caresses your dripping slit.
“Yeah, okay,” you mutter out your consent. With your brain as cloudy as it was, you weren’t entirely sure what he was proposing, but you were at a point by now where you would agree to anything.
His middle digit slips easily past the soaked folds around your weeping hole, and he circles the entrance teasingly, collecting your juices before finally breaching, and just his fingertip enters into you. An embarrassing high pitched squeak escapes from your throat, and you raise yourself up onto your elbows to get a better look at what he’s doing to you.
“You wanna watch as I warm you up with my fingers, princess?” he croons at you sweetly. “It’s pretty, ain’t it?”
You take a deep gasp of air as his finger disappears further into you, his hands are bigger and tougher than your own, and the difference is very noticeable. He bends and straightens his wrist over and over, pumping in and out of you with ease, and the foreign feeling is strange yet pleasurable. Another finger slides inside, and he works them into you, opening you up. He’s determined to make the next step after this as satisfying for you as possible.
“You’re so wet and tight, baby. You’re gonna feel so good on my cock,” he practically mewls. There’s a wild look in his eyes, and it only steers you closer to your climax. “You want that, baby? You wanna make me feel good? Make me crave you all the time, even more than I already do?”
His words are slurring together as he rambles on about how perfect he knows your pussy is going to feel around him. For the life of you, you can’t form any response that isn’t loud moaning, but Eddie doesn’t seem to mind one bit. You feel the build up inside of you start, and your entire body tenses involuntarily as you prepare for what you know will be a mind-blowing orgasm.
“Are you gonna cum? My princess is gonna cum?” he asks, and you nod your head to the best of your ability given that the muscles in your neck are locked up. “You’re squeezing my fingers so fucking tight, baby. Show me how pretty you are when you cum. Show me, and I promise I’ll fuck you so good, so right. I’ll fuck you as many times as you let me, and I’ll do it anyway you want. Hard, slow, soft, fast… Just show me how perfect my girl is when she’s cumming around my fingers and I’ll give you what you need”
His promises push you over the edge, and you finish while crying out his name. Literally, you feel moisture leak from your eyes as your head pushes into the pillow beneath you. Eddie leans forward to kiss away the tears, all while still fingering you, helping you to ride out your orgasm for as long as possible.
“That’s it, that’s my girl,” you hear as you start to come back to the world. His hand slows down slightly, more focused on a deep and sensual rhythm, and you feel his hot breath on your temple as he continues to soothe you through your come down. “Did such a good job, sounded so pretty moaning my name, wanna make you make those sounds forever…”
He trails off as he pulls his hand away, and you both stare at his hand and watch how the light reflects off the glistening slick coating his fingers. He plunges them into his mouth, and groans around them at the taste as your jaw drops in disbelief. It was the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. Still recovering from both your shock and intense orgasm, you grunt out in annoyance when Eddie rolls off of you and stands up. You’re about to complain at the loss of contact, until you realize his reason for doing so was to unbutton his jeans. You instantly rise. Your head feels dizzy from sitting up too fast, but you push through the lightheadedness in order to give your full attention to what was about to happen.
Eddie hurriedly moves to yank his tight jeans down his legs, stumbling slightly but regaining his balance enough to not fall, then succeeds pulling down the denim and kicking his legs out of it. His legs are pale- as could be suspected from wearing nothing but full length pants in Indiana- and they look rather soft. You want to reach your hand out and graze his calf to see if they’re as soft as they appear, or if looks are deceiving and his dark wisps of leg hair actually have a coarse texture. There’s no time to dwell on that instinct, as very soon after discarding his pants he follows his boxers with them, and you’re distracted by hair in another area.
Eddie’s cock springs to his stomach when he straightens up from pulling off his underwear. The sight of it both makes you want to spread your legs and squeeze your thighs together, but the choice is made for you when Eddie takes your knee with one of his hands and settles between your legs on the bed. His lips met yours as his shaft grazed your soaked lips, brushing against your clit and causing you to buck up into hip, but your hips are pinned down by his pelvis. The pressure allows some relief, but you crave more.
“Fuck me,” you beg, “Please fuck me, Eddie.” You sound pathetic even to yourself, but you’re far past the point of no return as far as shame goes.
“Do you have protection?” he asks, in between kisses. “I didn’t bring condoms. I didn’t think- I didn’t expect you to actually-”
“I’m on the pill,” you cut him off. “Just fuck me.”
“Oh my god,” he groans, “Are you sure, princess?”
“Please, Eds,” you whine, “I need you.”
“You need me, baby?” he smiles against you while you nod your head. His teeth clash with yours as you try to pull him somehow closer to you than he already is. “I know what you need. I’m gonna give it to you, don’t worry.”
He lifts himself up so that he can grasp the base of his shaft, and slides up and down your slit before he positions the head of his cock to be poking your entrance. There was a stinging sensation as he stretched you out, sinking in slowly inch by inch until you can’t take anymore and have to stop him.
“Too big?” he asks, and the tone of his voice leads you to believe he’s asking this with genuine concern rather than inflating his own ego. He really doesn’t want to hurt you.
“I just need a s- second,” you stutter out while adjusting your pelvis, trying to ease the dull ache.
“Take all the time you need,” he murmurs while pecking you on the tip of your nose. Your hand immediately flies up to guide his lips to your own, and the emotion behind the kiss distracts you from the tenseness you feel, allowing you to loosen up slightly.
“God,” he moans, “you feel even more perfect than I imagined.”
A smug smirk crosses your face and you lift an eyebrow at him. “So you’ve imagined?” you ask, tilting your head and chuckling.
“Don’t act you haven’t fucked yourself with those fingers of yours while calling out my name,” he responds with a challenging look, “I can just picture it now, your sheets all crumpled from you tossing and turning, your hands cramping up but you ignoring it cause you’re so desperate to cum. Tell me, princess, when we would hang out, how long would you wait after I left to run up here and start rubbing this pretty little clit.”
As he tortures you with these (very true) accusations, his right hand snakes its way in between your bodies to start playing with your clit. He touches the nub with the tip of his thumb, applying pressure before rolling it in gentle circles. It’s too much and not enough at the same time.
“I asked you a question, baby,” he says, his lips now moving against your jaw as you focus on relaxing and getting used to the feeling of him inside you. “You gonna be a good girl and answer me?”
His vulgar words combined with his hand’s actions send you a wave of slick arousal, and suddenly you’re ready, and you want him deeper. “Eddie,” you whine, “more.”
“Nuh-uh,” he mutters, not moving an inch and keeping that deviously slow pace with his fingers. “I wanna hear about you touching yourself, princess.”
“Ugh!” you groan, kicking your leg out like a kid throwing a tantrum. “Eddie! It’s embarrassing!”
“No it’s not,” he comforts you, his left hand stroking your cheekbone as he leans down to kiss you sweetly on the lips. “When I’m thinking of you, I like to go nice and slow at first…”
Your breath gets stuck in your throat as you realize what he’s about to do. He’s going to tell you about him getting off to dirty thoughts of you. It should disgust you to know the boy who was teasing you and picking little fights for the past almost two years has been fantasizing about you, but it only gets you going more. You force your eyes open to look at him, and he’s already staring deeply at you, his face showing no signs of mocking.
“I think about those pretty lips, so soft. I think about what they’d feel like on my skin, around my cock.” His unabashed admissions are doing nothing to help with how impatient you’re getting, but his fingers stop circling your clit when you try to slide down deeper onto his dick yourself.
“I know you want it baby, but I’m trying to talk to you,” he whispers, “You don’t wanna be rude, do you? You already wouldn’t answer my question.”
“Sorry,” you whimper weakly, hoping that if you play along he’ll hurry up.
“So sweet for me,” he says as his hand starts up again and he nips at the sensitive skin in the crook of your neck. “I knew you’d be sweet. I knew your tough girl act was a show. All the times you got mouthy and bratty with me, you just wanted to be my sweet, good girl.”
“I take off everything but my panties. And then I lay down in bed, with the fan on cause I get hot. And I start feeling up my stomach-”
He cuts you off with a chuckle. “What are you talking about, princess?”
You bang your head on the pillow and start squirming. “I’m answering your question,” you whimper, “You’re taking too long, Eddie, I need it!”
His fingers circle your clit fast and he finally, finally sinks the rest of the way in you, bottoming out and filling you up so deep and full. “Keep going,” he orders as he starts rocking in and out of you at such a cruelly slow rate. As if reading your mind, he adds on, “I’ll go faster if you keep going.”
“Fuck, Eds,” you moan out in ecstasy, your mind empty and only able to think about his cock and what he’s doing to you. But you want- no, need- him to go faster, so you summon every brain cell you have and force yourself to speak semi-coherently.
“I feel up my stomach til I get goosebumps, and I start massaging my tits and thinking about what it would feel like if it was your h-hands,” you start to stutter as his left hand mimics your descriptions, tickling your abdomen as it makes its way to your chest. “And while I did that, I would spit on my fingers a little bit then stick my hand in my underwear, and I would start rubbing my clit.”
“And you imagined it was me doing it?” he interrupts, now thrusting into you a little harder and a little deeper, his hand massaging your breast before taking a nipple in between his thumb and pointer finger and rolling it gently. 
You nod your head, too lost in the feeling to answer verbally. He really started to pick up the speed now, hitting a spot in you that you were never quite able to reach on your own, and it’s so sinfully delicious that you feel like you’re going to black out from the intensity of the pleasure. He feels so perfect moving against you, the velvety skin of his cock merging so right with your inner walls. You chastise yourself for holding out for so long, if you had known how blissful it would be, you would have confessed the day you realized your feelings. The idea that you could have been doing this for nearly a year has you cursing whatever forces that kept you apart, though a bitter voice in the back of your head reminded you it was your own stubbornness.
“Then what do you do?” he urges you on.
“Um, I would stay like that for a little while,” you continue, finding it difficult to get your thoughts out into full sentences, “and then when I was close I would… um, like stop playing with my tits. So that I could use that hand to finger myself.”
“Fuck, princess. The way you describe it… I bet you look so pretty when you’re touching yourself,” he groans, now pummeling in and out of you in a steady, fast rhythm. His eyes keep switching between watching you and being scrunched closed, like he’s trying to focus on making this last but still wants to look at your face. “I wanna see it someday. Will you show me?”
“Yeah, mhm, sure,” you agree, not even really paying attention to what he was asking you due to being too lost in what you were experiencing. Your orgasm was near, and you wouldn’t be able to hold it off for much longer. “Eddie, I’m close,” you warn, your nails digging into his back as your arms tighten around his neck.
“Me too, baby,” he says back. The rocking of his hips combined with the closeness of his face caused his lips to brush against yours in a repeated pattern, and the intimacy of that only builds your climax up faster. “Where do you want it?”
Eddie Munson, the bane of your existence for the past couple of years is asking you where you want him to cum. “Inside,” you answer without thought. “Inside me, Eds, I wanna feel you leaking out of me.”
“Oh fuck. You can’t say shit like that to me. How am I supposed to keep living my life like normal after this?” he whines, “Are you gonna cum for me, baby? I want you to go first.”
As he finishes telling you this, the wire snaps and you feel electricity shoot throughout your body. Your second orgasm is much stronger than your first, and considering how the first one had you nearly losing consciousness, that was really saying something. The shockwaves make you feel like you’re literally vibrating around him, and being able to feel his dick twitching as he released his load into you only added to that feeling. You were a moaning mess, gasping in and puffing out little breaths of air as you hopelessly cry out, ‘I’m cumming, Eddie, you’re making me cum,’ along with assorted swears over and over and over. His grip on your waist loosened as he wrapped his arms around your middle and held on tight, burying his head into your neck as he rode out his own orgasm. He muttered something into your skin that you couldn’t quite make out with it being muffled, but it sounded suspiciously close to, ‘I love you,’ and your heart leapt at that possibility.
After a few minutes, after you both gathered yourselfs, he rolled over onto his back and you cuddled up to his side. Your head rested on his bare chest and your arms hugged around his stomach, pulling him as close as you could.
“So,” he starts, his arms folded behind his head and a crooked grin adorning his face, “was I the biggest you’ve taken, or does that happen with all the guys you bring home?”
You furrow your brows in confusion as you turn your head to look at him. “What do you mean?” you manage to mumble out.
“I mean, how tight you were. And how you couldn’t take all of me at first,” he says, like it was obvious.
“Well, in sex-ed they said the first time usually hurts. This wasn’t as bad as I was expecting though, just kinda stung a little bit at first,” you explain, laying your head flat against him once more and scraping at the nail on your index finger with your thumb.
Eddie stops moving and is quiet for a good thirty seconds. You start to feel a trickling of doubt, and become anxious that you somehow said the wrong thing. He reaches up to take your hand in his, effectively stopping your nervous finger picking and stealing your attention. When you glance back up at him he’s staring at you with wide eyes and an open mouth.
“Princess,” he says slowly, like somehow you were the one in this situation not making any sense, “You’re not telling me that was your first time.”
Oh. You suppose that was a pretty important tidbit of information you withheld that he probably would’ve liked to have known before you engaged in intercourse. In your defense, there was no reason for him to assume you weren’t a virgin. You only graduated high school the year prior, and during your time at Hawkins you never had a serious boyfriend. Even when you were being crowned prom queen, your date to the dance was James McKenna, and he came out as gay the week after graduation before moving to New York. Sure, you were privy to the rumors thrown around in the boy’s locker room about what you did to this guy under the bleachers and what you did to that guy at Skull Rock, but there was no more gossip surrounding you than the average cheerleader.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize, suddenly feeling guilty for not being completely transparent. “I guess I just thought you knew, or like, would be able to tell?” you say, your intonation changing to a questioning lilt by the end of your sentence.
He starts blinking his wide eyes frantically, his head shaking in disbelief as he tries to think of what to say. That self conscious dread from earlier starts to sneak it’s way back in, and you begin having second thoughts, worrying if he- like your high school friends- thought it was weird that you waited to have sex. He must have noticed the fear in your eye, because he held you tighter against him and comfortingly rubbed up and down your forearm.
“It’s nothing bad, I promise,” he says, speaking quickly. “I guess I just assumed. I mean, you were so popular. Everyone wanted you, anyone would have been lucky to have you-” you smile and blush at his words- “And those guys on the basketball team were always bragging and telling stories-”
“If a plate of spaghetti grew legs and started walking around, those guys would claim that they fucked it. Why would you listen to that noise?” you interjected, your annoyance clear.
He held his hands up in defense. “You’re right, I don’t know why I believed any of that crap. I know you have better taste than that. I mean, you like me, so that proves you have a much more sophisticated taste in men.”
“Sophisticated is one word for it, I guess,” you mumble while rolling your eyes, before sitting up to grab your nightie from the foot of the bed.
“If you weren’t active, why were you on the pill?” he questions you while rubbing your back.
“I’m a grown woman. I figured it was going to happen eventually, and I wanted to make sure I was ready when it did,” you answer distractedly as you work on turning your pajamas the right side out.
Eddie hums in understanding but is otherwise quiet as he watches you redress yourself, except for a cheeky wolf whistle when you need to bend over to pick up your panties. Once you're covered up again, you turn around to see him staring at you in amusement.
“What?” you ask with a smile, climbing back onto the bed and throwing a leg over his thighs, settling onto his lap. The tips of your noses brush against each other as you see that gleam in his eyes you recognize as him trying to stifle laughter when teasing you. “What is it?” you repeat, shoving him gently on his chest before looping your arms around his neck.
He shakes with silent laughter then leans back to quirk a brow at you. “A plate of spaghetti?” he asks. You grab a pillow to hit him in the head with, but drop it when you’re tackled and pinned down, giggling and kicking your feet as he kisses up your collar bone.
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charlie-lec-stories · 9 months
Invisible string // CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc / Vettel!Sister
Summary: While on a difficult time in his life, Sebastian discovers that his family is way bigger than he thought.
Warnings: Alcohol and drugs consumption, strong language.
Author’s Note: This story is and is not about Charles, but it's a nice story and I thought that it would be nice to include it on this blog. I'm not comfortable with writing about the death of real people, so even though reader is Sebastian's little sister, I changed the names of his parents and to feel more comfortable with the plot. You have to remember that this stories are originally done for my own fictional characters and I adapt them to the F1 world to include Charles on them, so when I write about Sebastian's family I am not speaking of the real one. Rate: +16 (sensitive language and mature activities)
"Sebastian, I'm so sorry for your loss". It was the tenth time he had heard that phrase in an hour, and even though he was grateful for so many people being there for him, he was sick and tired of the condolences. He smiled sadly at yet another friend of his father, Klaus, and quickly looked around, searching for Hanna, his wife, to save him from the situation. He found her at the other side of the room, she instantly understood him and made her way to where he was. She started some light conversation with the older man, sending Sebastian a complicit look, giving him his cue to leave. He swiftly escaped to the kitchen and hid there for a few minutes. 
"Hi, kid". Sebastian looked up to find Henry, his father's best friend. The British man was like family to Sebastian and now that his father had joined his mother in Heaven, Henry felt like the last piece of family Sebastian had. "I've been looking for you".
"Well, you found me. I thought I had done a better job at hiding though. I'm not really in the mood for more condolences". Henry pulled away a chair and sat next to him, patting his back lightly, trying to be as comforting as he could.
"You don't need to hide from me, Seb". They both laughed softly, the tension on Sebastian's back loosening a bit.
"I know. I'm just... overwhelmed, I think". He let out a long sigh, and Henry squeezed his shoulder, his heavy hand finding a home there.
"I know, I felt the same when my father passed away. My brother was a good help at the moment, he took care of everything, I just felt like it all was too much. I actually went to your father's and hid there for hours. Came back home, stoned as fuck, just in time to put the old man to the ground". Sebastian smiled, he knew that story, his father had told him about the time he and Henry smoked weed like two Woodstock hippies the day Henry's father died. "Klaus was a good friend, but sometimes I feel a big debt with my big brother, he really stepped up that day".
"You're lucky to have a brother to be there for you at a time like that. I think that's one of the cons of being a single child". Sebastian felt Henry tense up, and the warm hand that was once on his shoulder, now slipped away, as if Henry was unable to maintain the contact. "What? What is it?".
"Seb...". The tension grew so thick that Sebastian had to move away slightly. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. "You know I wasn't just your father's best friend, I was also his lawyer". The younger man nodded slowly, his narrowed and confused eyes focused on the older man. "I may just give you this now, I would rather see you next week for the will's reading with this information a little bit more processed".
"What are you talking about?". Henry looked inside his coat, taking an envelope out of his pocket and handing it to Sebastian, who took him with trembling hands. "Henry, what is this?".
"That's a letter your father wrote to you, twenty years ago". Sebastian took the letter out and started reading right away.
"A sister? A baby sister?". Henry saw the array of emotions that passed the younger man's eyes: confusion, anger, sadness, disappointment, happiness. Sebastian felt every emotion he was capable of in just a few seconds, as his father's words sunk in. The letter was about the time when his parents had briefly separated and Klaus had gone to Henry's home in England to spend a few weeks, while he decided what to do about his marriage. He wrote about how he met a lovely woman, and that after one night with her, he decided that he was getting a divorce, but then, a 9 years old Sebastian called him and asked him when he was coming home and he understood that he loved his life in Germany, with Sebastian and Lina, his wife. He left the lovely woman behind and went back home, just to get a call a year later, letting him know that he had a daughter but the lovely woman wanted nothing to do with him. The letter finished with Klaus begging for Sebastian's forgiveness. 
"He left half of everything he had to that little girl, who's not so little now. He asked me to find her once he passed away and let her know that there were some things that he wanted her to have, but, most importantly, he wanted you both to meet". Sebastian, who just then noticed that he was crying, wiped his tears away angrily.  
"Why? Why hide this from me?". Henry gathered the courage to place his hand on Sebastian again and ran his finger through the grieving man's blonde locks.
"Because he was too scared to do anything about this while he was alive, but he knew that you deserved to know the truth".
A week later, Sebastian was sitting in Henry's office, Hanna by his side and Henry drinking a cup of tea in front of him while they waited for the girl to show up. Henry found her in the same town Klaus had met her mother, a little town that was Henry's home for a short period of time in 1996. It was crazy, but she was born on July 3rd, 1997, exactly on Sebastian's 10th birthday. He had always wanted a little sibling so it kind of felt like a birthday present, one he had hoped to know about way sooner. They waited but as the minutes passed, Sebastian started to lose hope on ever meeting his sister. What if she didn't show up? What if she didn't want to meet him? Henry sent the letter, but she never answered. What if she just didn't care about her father's side of the family? Hanna grabbed his hand and he felt a little bit of comfort, but the fear in his heart could only subside with the mystery girl's presence. There were some muffled voices that rang on the other side of the door and Hanna turned around expectantly to see who they were, but Sebastian couldn't move, not even when the door opened and his wife gasped, him too afraid to turn around. 
"Good afternoon, is this Mr. Henry Wood's office?". Even if the thick Northern British accent took him by surprise, Sebastian was still petrified, and he saw Henry get up to welcome the people who walked in. 
"Yes, I'm Henry. You must be Eleanor". Two sets of feet could be heard and Sebastian understood that his sister didn't show up alone. They both reached the desk and just then, he could move to look up. There was an older woman, in her 50s, dark reddish hair and green eyes looking down at him with an expression he couldn't quite read. Next to her was a younger girl, her face shared a lot of features with him, she was unmistakably his sister, a Vettel without a doubt. It was strange, looking at her, a complete stranger, and still finding himself looking back. Her hair was lighter than her mother's, but they both shared green eyes. 
"Yes, I'm Eleanor. This is Y/N". The girl shook Henry's hand, but she sat down not even looking at Sebastian once. 
"Seb, if you don't mind, I'd like to start with Y/N's part of the will". Hanna had to elbow him, because he was zoning out looking at the girl.
"Yes". He finally said, looking back at Henry and clearing his throat. "Of course I don't mind".
Henry took his time, properly going through every part of Klaus' will. The older German left the summer house, one car and half of his bank account to his estranged daughter, and the rest to Sebastian, which included the family home, one car and the other other half of the money. Y/N never said a word, if it wasn't for him constantly looking at her, he could have sworn that she wasn't even there. Eleanor spoke up a few times, asking about legal processes and such, she sounded like a sweet woman, but Sebastian could see that she was trying to put on her mean face, doing her best to protect her child. Hanna had excused herself in the middle of everything, a chaotic call from their children sending her out of the office to play referee between their arguing toddlers. Henry walked out once the will was completely read, telling them that he needed to grab some other papers for them to sign. Eleanor started telling her daughter about what they were going to do with the summer house, that they could keep it or sell it, that if she wanted to sell it, they could rent a hotel room and use the money to do some remodeling and sell it for a higher price. Y/N spoke for the first time, agreeing with the selling.
"You're welcome to stay with us-". Sebastian started, but Eleanor cut him off.
"No, thank you". She had a hard look on her face, but the broken gesture on Sebastian's softened her a little. "I made a choice twenty years ago, and I stand by it, Sebastian. She's not a Vettel".
"But-". Eleanor got up and pulled her daughter with her.
"I said no. She's been more than fine without her father's influence. She won't start with this now". With that, she started to walk away, ready to wait outside for the final papers.
"I am not my father". Sebastian's angry tone made the two women turn around to look at him. He was still sitting, his body resting on the back of the chair, his gaze on the ground, until he looked up at them, tears threatening to spill out. "I was lied to, for twenty years. You knew we existed, I didn't. I was robbed of the chance of meeting her sooner, of watching her grow. I was robbed of the chance of being a brother, of forming a bond. So excuse me for trying to start now! Excuse me for wanting to get to know my sister!". Eleanor exchanged a look with Y/N, then, the girl walked up to Sebastian. The staring contest went on for a few seconds, then, she sat back down and wrote her phone number on a paper that she found on the desk. 
He was shocked when Y/N showed up at his door the next month without Eleanor, her mother still choosing to stay in a hotel instead of Sebastian's house. Even though it was unrealistic, when he let her into his home, he kind of expected them to click instantly, but his bubble quickly popped. The following two weeks were a disaster, Sebastian learned that they not only had nothing in common, she actually seemed to dislike him. If he said white, she said black, if he said sweet, she said sour. Sometimes he wondered if she was doing it on purpose, just to start a fight. He had never met anyone so different to him and they argued for almost every little thing on a daily basis. He complained to Hanna every night, he didn't know what to do, he wanted his sister to like him, he wanted to build something great with her, but she only pushed him away. But Hanna told him something that made him keep fighting: "She could go back home whenever she wanted, she could even go to her mother, staying just fifteen minutes away from us, still, every night, she chooses to stay here. She may be having a hard time letting you in, but she's not backing down and neither should you".
There was one thing that he noticed she couldn't hate about his life, and that was racing. Every day she walked down the stairs, he could hear her stop for a few minutes to stare at his pictures on the walls, most of them from his Red Bull days, but some from his now Ferrari era. He could tell that she liked Formula 1, even if she tried to hide it, he could see the spark in her eyes whenever she lingered a little too long on a trophy in the living room, or when he and Hanna went over the last details of the new season starting next month. She always seemed to listen to those conversations without making any mean remarks. That shared interest gave Sebastian an idea, he could take her with him to the races, maybe she would like him a little better if she could see him in his element, doing what he loved and maybe showing off a little. It was also a chance to spend more time with her, just the two of them, getting to know each other better. It could be his chance to be an older brother. She accepted the offer, not before making a whole scene of her showing almost zero interest and telling him that she was doing it more for the chance of meeting cute drivers than to spend time with him. He pretended to believe her, whatever means necessary if it meant her spending time with him.
"Y/N, are you ready?". He yelled from the bottom of the stairs, his German punctuality stressing over the fact that she was taking her sweet time, guaranteeing them to be 10 minutes late for the time he had to be at the airport. 
"Stop yelling! Jesus, you're insufferable". She complained as she walked down the stairs, her luggage heavy and hitting the edge of every step. He almost puked when she stood in front of him and saw what she was wearing. She had a white shirt with a Mercedes logo and number 44, Lewis Hamilton's name written on the back. She smirked at him and he looked back at her seriously, not finding anything funny in her little act. 
"You know my number is 5, and I drive for Ferrari, right?". He loved Lewis, he was one of his closest friends, but there was no way in hell his sister was wearing that to the paddock.
"I know". She simply stated and walked past him, saying goodbye to Hanna and going to the car. He spent the whole ride to the airport thinking of a good excuse to give to his Team Principal about why she was wearing that, but there was nothing that he could come up with.
"Well... That's... something". Maurizio, his team principal said as Y/N sat on the jet and put on her earphones, ignoring everyone.
"She's not my biggest fan". Sebastian admitted, sighing as he looked at his sister buckling up.
"I can see that". Maurizio laughed a bit, finding the situation a lot funnier than Sebastian.
"I already like her". He heard Kimi, his teammate, add without looking up from his phone, his eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses. It was going to be a long season.
To say that a white Mercedes shirt stood out in the sea of red would be an understatement. She was like a LED sign saying "I hate Sebastian Vettel'' and her little number caught the paddock's attention instantly. Walking into the paddock, she quickly ran away from him, going who knows where while he did everything that was required before the first practice. He spent all Friday without seeing her, until it was time to go back to the hotel and on Saturday, she was already making friends around and ignoring him. Her insistent effort to pretend like he didn't exist only fueled him to win, still, Lewis got pole and Kimi followed the Brit on the starting grid. Sebastian was fuming when he saw Y/N grin as she looked at him, satisfied with his anger. She was a menace, like a Vettel, but he could be even pettier, that's why, on Sunday, he ended up winning the race and enjoying the little tantrum she did before going back to the car locking herself in until he was ready to take her back to the hotel.
The next race, Sebastian got pole and won the race, enjoying more the fuming expression of his little sister than the win itself. But then came China and he ended up 8th even though he got pole position and it was her time to laugh. After almost a month hanging around the paddock, Y/N had made a lot of friends, especially with the drivers that were close to her age. She quickly befriended Max Verstappen and Pierre Gasly, who introduced her to the Alfa Romeo rookie, Charles Leclerc. Sebastian liked Charles, he was a talented kid and there was this rumor, almost confirmed, that he was the one that would take Kimi's seat the following season and become Sebastian's teammate. But Charles was a boy, and the German soon discovered he didn't like her sister hanging out with boys. The next two races ended up with Lewis taking the P1 spot and Sebastian wasn't sure what he hated more, losing or his sister being so incredibly happy with Lewis' wins. Maybe what he hated more was Y/N going out every weekend, clubbing with her new favorite drivers while he waited awake and stressed out for her to go back. She was twenty, it wasn't like he could ground her, but she was still a kid in his eyes and the idea of her drinking with those three boys wasn't his happiest thought. 
"I'm going out". She informed him casually, then, he walked out of the bathroom and grabbed his jacket. She looked at him, frowning.
"Let's go". He said as he walked to the door.
"What are you doing?".
"It's obvious, innit?". Replied, smirking and making fun of her accent.
"There's no way you're coming with us". She crossed her arms and they heard her phone ring with a message notification, probably one of the boys telling her that they were outside to pick her up. 
"I'm not asking you. Answer the text, tell your friends that I'm taking us to the club". She opened her mouth to complain, but he saw her face morph into a big grin.
"Sure, Seb". She took her phone out of her purse and quickly replied, with a suspicious look, she watched her walk out of the room and he followed her. 
He learned that night that, if he pushed her buttons, he'd probably end up paying a high price. She drank her weight in alcohol and made out with half the club, she even got into a fight with a guy way bigger than her, and he was the one that ended up with a sore cheek. He had to literally tear her away from Max Verstappen, and then from Charles Leclerc, and somehow, from three other guys. She did everything she knew would make him mad and the next morning, she ignored his 20 minutes long sermon about her actions. But, she didn't win. He kept joining her on her clubbing and made it his mission to keep her away from trouble - and Charles' disrespectful hands, well she wasn't exactly complaining, but Sebastian still didn't like it-. 
It was around their birthdays when they discovered that they were actually having fun together and, before they could notice, they ended up walking out of clubs laughing their asses off. The press had a field day with them, but Ferrari didn't seem to care, and it wasn't like he was getting in any trouble with Hanna for his nights out. Austria was the race before their birthdays and Max won, Sebastian coming in third. The Dutch celebrated shoving his tongue down Y/N's throat and Sebastian decided that he had enough, he could deal with the fights and the drunken mischief, but she was definitely not dating a driver. They spent their birthdays together in England, the first time they had a good time together without alcohol doing its magic. Charles Leclerc sent a gift and it had Sebastian rolling his eyes in annoyance, but it still was a sweet gesture, one he noticed his sister liked a lot. Eleanor was in a better mood, and Sebastian could appreciate a sweeter side of her. It was his best birthday so far. Thirty-one felt great and being an older brother felt even better, even if they still were having some issues. 
The next weekend was Silverstone, and the Vettel siblings fell into their previous dynamic. It was Y/N home race and Sebastian wanted to win it more than anything, but she still wore Lewis' shirt. The Brit got pole position, but Sebastian won the race and, for the first time, his sister congratulated him for his win. They hugged tightly, he even let some tears roll down his face, it was their first time ever hugging. They didn't go out that weekend, instead, the party kids decided to join the Vettels for a nice and tranquil dinner. Sebastian got to appreciate better the developing relationship between his sister and Charles, how the young driver was slowly but surely winning her over, and he didn't like it, Sebastian didn't like it one bit. He thought he disliked Max, but he discovered that he could dislike Charles even more. Hanna noticed, because if there was someone on Earth that knew Sebastian like the back of their hand, that was Hanna. She could see the possessive spark in his eyes, the way he tensed as he watched Charles whisper something in Y/N's ear while she giggled. She knew that he was close to exploding, but to her surprise, Sebastian didn't do anything.
The following six wins from Lewis were interrupted by Sebastian's win in Spa, and again, even if she was still wearing white, his sister was there to congratulate him. He could feel that they were getting closer, but as their relationship got stronger, so did hers with Charles. By the end of the 2018 season, Sebastian finished second in the championship and his sister had officially started dating Charles, who was confirmed to become his teammate for the 2019 season. It was going to be uncomfortable, especially since Sebastian had made clear that he didn't like the relationship. He was convinced that Charles would cheat on her, because there were very few drivers that could be trusted and, from Sebastian's perspective, Charles wasn't in that selective group. She spent Christmas with the Vettels and her mother and New Year in Monaco, with the Leclercs. Sebastian was fuming, but he did what he could to keep himself in check. His relationship with Y/N was better, but she still kept him at arms distance, she still didn't trust him fully. 
There were no words to express just how happy Sebastian was when he saw her dressed in Ferrari red, but the number 16 was definitely bugging him. Him and Charles got asked a lot about the tension of being teammates and in-laws in press conferences, and the German did what he could to play it cool, even if he was constantly day-dreaming about cutting Charles' hands off. Charles was nice and seemed to admire Sebastian a lot, he was a four times world champion after all, but the older driver just couldn't stand the Monegasque. It was a shame, because if it wasn't for Charles' relationship with Y/N, Sebastian was sure that he would like Charles. The thing is, he was jealous, he hated the fact that she trusted Charles more than him, even if she had known him for less time. The couple shared so much, and Sebastian just wanted his sister to share just one little thing with him, but they were in this weird position where she accepted him as her brother, but they weren't close. Charles had gone to her house, been in her room, knew what she liked, knew childhood stories and shared some inside jokes with her. Sebastian didn't know anything more than what he could guess from the time they had known each other, but she refused to share information with him. They were amicable, but they didn't have a bond and Sebastian hated that she did form one with Charles.
Mercedes dominated and won the first eight races, Max won Austria again and then, after a very tense first half of the year, it was Sebastian and Y/N's birthdays again. After that, came Silverstone, and the tension that had been building up for so long was finally ready to explode. The race was the last drop, the glass was full and Sebastian was ready to set the world on fire. Charles finished on the podium and Sebastian 16th, after being given a ten-seconds penalty for nosing Max's car with his Ferrari. He did the best he could to smile for the cameras but he wanted nothing more than to go back to the hotel and take the longest shower of his life. He watched Y/N kiss and hug Charles before he went to the podium and something inside him just snapped. He grabbed his sister and pulled her to the Ferrari garage as quietly as possible. They started arguing, because they were amazing at getting each other angry, and what started as a petty but harmless sibling fight, ended up with Y/N crying her eyes out and storming out of his driver's room. He went back to the hotel and took his so wanted shower, but when he got out, he didn't feel any better. As the time passed, he felt worse, and when he got an angry message from Eleanor, he knew that he had to fix what he had broken. He knew that she wasn't exactly helping to make things easier, but he was the big brother and if he really wanted the role, then he had to step up.
The trip to Eleanor's house wasn't long, and he noticed that he spent more time standing outside the door than he spent driving there. It was the first time he went there, the previous year they celebrated their birthdays in a restaurant and Y/N had refused to invite him to their home. He walked up to the door and after three failed tries, he finally rang the bell. He waited, the anxiety eating him alive, his heart beating faster as he heard footsteps getting closer to the door, what he didn't expect was Charles to be on the other side of it. He frowned, while the younger driver looked back at him, unamused. Charles actually looked like he was judging him and that angered the german, still, he did his best to contain himself and remembered, he was there to apologize. 
"She's not here". Charles said and Sebastian raised an eyebrow at him, Charles rolling his eyes and then explaining. "She went to buy some ice-cream with her mom".
"Can I come in and wait for them?". He saw Charles hesitate, but then move aside to let him in. They sat on the living room sofa, in complete silence. Sebastian took a moment to look around, a lot of pictures of his sister hanging on the walls. "Do they leave you alone here often?".
"Well, yeah". Sebastian was curious, how could Charles have all that privilege while he was constantly begging for his sister's attention.
"This is my first time here". He admitted, and Charles just nodded, shifting uncomfortably on his end of the couch.
"Uhm... I know". Sebastian just scoffed. 
"Of course you know. You know more about my sister and our relationship than me". Charles could hear the venom dripping from the words and tried to calm down.
"Don't say that. It's not like I know everything". The sour laugh Sebastian let out was pushing Charles closer to the edge.
"Well, you must be more than aware that she hates me". 
"She doesn't-". But the other cut him off.
"Don't lie to me, not about this". It was the hurt in Sebastian's voice that gave Charles the last push.
"Come with me". Charles got up and he followed, both of them walking up the stairs and stopping in front of a white door, Y/N name painted on it. "I promised her I wouldn't tell you, but I can't stand this anymore". The Monegasque opened the door and walked in, Sebastian right behind him. The sight inside left him speechless: His face was everywhere. There were posters, Red Bull merchandising, Ferrari flags, everything with the number 5, everything with his name. The posters were notoriously old, some were even roughed up by the years. "I know that you think she knew about you her whole life, but she didn't. She got a letter, for her twentieth birthday, from your father. Her mother had to tell her then, the truth about who her father was. But the craziest thing is, she was your biggest fan, even when she didn't know you were related. She saw you win your first championship when she was thirteen and begged her mother to buy her everything she could find about you. You were her hero. She worshiped you, Seb".
"I signed this". He said, his fingers faintly gazing at a Red Bull cap that was hanging from the headboard of the bed.
"She went to Silverstone 2012, Webber won, you were third. She was outside the paddock when you walked up to them as you were going in. Signed her cap and told her to follow her dreams. It meant the world to her. She used to race in karting". He couldn't stop the tears even if he wanted to, full on crying as he sat on the bed and hugged the cap close to his chest.
"But then why does she hate me so much?". How could this happen? She felt it, she felt the bond. Even when they didn't know, she did, deep down, she did. 
"Your father went back to your family, left her mom alone, then her mother wanted him out completely when she had the baby. She just grew up hating the man that used her mom as a night-stand and then ran back to Germany. When she learned that the same man she hated her whole life was also your dad... it was just too much". Charles walked up to the bed and sat down next to him, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "She loves you, Seb. She loves you so much".
"What the fuck, Charles?!". They both looked up and found Y/N and Eleanor standing at the door, Y/N furious as she gripped a bowl of ice-cream. The Monegasque opened his mouth to explain, but she was quicker. "How could you do this to me?".
"Mon amour, I'm so-".
"Bullshit! You're not sorry, you're a fucking traitor". Her accent got a lot thicker the angrier she got. Sebastian, still crying, got up and stood in front of her.
"Don't, please, don't get mad at him". Sebastian begged. "I needed to know this, I needed to know that you actually like me. Y/N, please, I love you so much. I dreamed and begged for you my whole life, you have no idea how much happier I am knowing that you exist. I know that my father was a piece of shit to you both, I know that I can't fix that, but please, I'm begging you, give me a chance". He saw her doubt, he saw her hurt, but the moment she jumped on him and gripped him tightly he knew they were never letting go. "Thank you". He whispered on her hair and she just squeezed him on a deadly grip. They pulled apart and she looked at Charles, who was patiently waiting for her to forgive him, or kick him out. "You know, Charles is alright. I mean, 16 is not that bad of a number".
"I'd rather wear number 5, though". She said and Charles looked down. "But I don't want to be a shitty girlfriend, so I guess I can wear a cap with the number 16 along with my Vettel shirt". Charles looked up again and smiled wide at her. "Okay, listen, I swear to God, if you spill my secrets again, I'm dumping your ass".
"Won't happen again, Amour, I promise". He then looked at Sebastian. "So... I'm alright?".
"Don't push it, Leclerc". 
This story was based on a real case of two brothers separated when they were little, and the younger became a fan of his older brother's band without knowing they were related. It was really bittersweet when they discovered that they were brothers. I hope you liked this.
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