#and then sings a romantic song in front of the whole school to her
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madelynpryor · 8 months ago
audrey rose they could never make me hate you
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whenthegoldrays · 6 months ago
TOP TEN EUNEUN MOMENTS (according to me)
10. Festival scene
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The perfection of this scene, Eun Gyeol at his down-baddest and Eun Yoo putting on a brave face while literally going through some of the most distressing moments of her life, and their being kept apart by the (very understandable) misunderstanding and just. wanting to reach out and be comforted but staying behind those barriers. Chef’s kiss.
9. “Tears in Heaven”
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The significance of his singing to her, singing this song specifically because it’s part of the connection they share and don’t realize yet, plus the lyrics being so peculiarly perfect for their situation. And the tenderness in his eyes! (This scene is also enhanced by Eun Gyeol’s later conversation with Mr. Choi.)
8. “You’ll be born just fine”
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A tiny moment but so perfect because not only does it show off Eun Yoo’s slightly unhinged sense of humor, it’s also a perfect establishment that they are, in fact, on the same page now. And their facial expressions absolutely sell it.
7. “Under one condition”
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This is technically a moment between Eun Gyeol and Yichan, but the fact that Eun Gyeol told Eun Yoo he hated her all of three minutes ago and is now publicly declaring his love for her in front of the whole school (and exposing himself to everyone’s anger in response) is simply too iconic and hilarious and to me, wraps up the essence of the show’s character dynamics flawlessly.
6. “Ajumma???”
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Their delivery lives rent free in my head, and they just. hate each other so much right here. Kind of a delight.
5. Once more around the block
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Am I overly attached to this scene because of the soundtrack playing over it? Maybe. But the way he cares!!! They’ve had the most emotionally and physically exhausting day and then they get this moment to calm down, for Eun Yoo to lie her head on his shoulder and for him to let her rest undisturbed for a few extra minutes. And!! she goes along with it, because she likes his nearness.
4. “You have three seconds”
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The layers and layers to this scene. Both of them pushing their own agenda, both of them wary of the other, both of them YAPPING. The way Eun Gyeol goes from oblivious to apologetic to scared for his life to flustered to baffled in the span of like 45 seconds. And the chemistry is chemistry-ing.
3. “That’s the real me!”
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My deep and abiding love for this exchange. Eun Yoo calling back to the pool scene and possibly expecting another fake answer, and Eun Gyeol answering her immediately. He doesn’t have to think up an answer anymore, he knows when he started liking her, he knows why and how, and the truth — that he likes her for her, not for her assumed identity — is so blindingly beautiful to her that she can only shout for joy.
2. “I’ll take my time figuring it out”
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Obsessed with everything about this scene, from the callback to the last lightning storm, to Eun Gyeol’s promise to both help Eun Yoo get home and also make sure to draw out their time together as long as possible, to the tension. The longing. And the way the scene is structured around what you’d expect to be the most important part — but instead it draws a curtain of privacy around that moment and leaves the emphasis on his promise and how important and heart-fluttering it is to her. Add to that the beautiful OST and Eun Gyeol dancing down the street in joy and you’ve got a perfect scene to feed my mental illness.
1. “Let’s just stay together”
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You knew it was coming. I love few things in this world more than a romantic rain scene, and this one deserves the world for so many reasons. The bigness of their emotions leading up to this moment — her whole plan and perception of her past has been shattered, and she runs away in distress, and he runs after her! He runs through the airport in desperation, he can’t lose her. They’ve been yelling and fighting and sobbing and everything feels like so much, but when he finds her everything slows down, everything can be still and he can just speak honestly. He wants to stay with her. The objections don’t matter. What matters is he wants to be by her side. He wants to shield her from the storm. And she takes his hand and stands up again and suddenly everything is a little less bleak, a little bit warmer. Plus Master watching them in satisfaction that they’ve found their helper? CHILLS.
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zzeraphilm · 9 months ago
his hidden notebook (II)
akaashi keiji x f!reader part one summary: akaashi and y/n work together for her best performance yet. words: 2,440 Lyrics used are from Aurora by Daisy Jones and the Six
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“Because they’re about you. All of them. I write them, whenever I see you sing, when you walk down the halls or when you daze off into space during English class. I catch images of you in my mind from moments where you’re always out of reach, where you bless others with your shining aura. Y/N, you’ve been my muse for all of my work.” 
If Akashi could erase his memory he would, one thousand times over he would, he wanted to stab himself with a thousand daggers to forget what he said to Y/N. Never has he ever felt this deep feeling of regret and embarrassment. He was a fool, nothing changed between him and Y/N, the day after his confession, Y/N greeted him with the tiniest of smiles that only insects could see. Akashi felt defeated, he could only put pen to paper again, he resented this hobby of his for this very reason. If it wasn’t for this hobby of his, Y/N wouldn’t see him for the clown he was. 
It was unusual as well for the H/C haired student, since reading Akashi’s work and hearing his confession, Y/N started to see him more than the perceived image she thought of him. She began to notice his long eyelashes that flutter when he blinded, he often did so when he was nervous or trying to answer the teacher. She noticed the way his shirt would cling onto his flexed muscles when he would wipe the blackboard clean. She noticed the way his pupils would float towards her direction when they would wait in line for the cafeteria. Has he always been this beautiful?
Y/N was both enamoured and ashamed of how she felt. If the proclamation of a romantic act was all it took for her to fall in love, did this show how shallow she was deep down? That she only liked someone who was completely besotted of her, regardless of how she truly felt? Her mind spiralled out of control every time she saw him, she wanted to be near Akaashi, she wanted to recreate the mesmerising promises from his poems together with him, she wanted to feel the same emotions he felt for her. Y/N couldn’t help but question her own purpose for liking the vice-Captain. Maybe she was just attracted to his attraction of her, maybe she didn’t actually like him, she just liked the idea of him. 
So she made a plan, get to know him. Get closer to him, figure out if it's him or just a fantasy. 
“Hey Akaashi,” the boy looked up from his maths textbook, he had thrown himself into his studies and volleyball to forget his encounter with his muse. “Do you think you could help me with something?”
“What is it that you need L/N?” 
With a shaky laugh and a scratch on her neck she coughed out her reply, “I’ve been struggling with writing a new song for the school festival…and well, I wanted to know how you write your stuff. Of course you can say no! It’s just I wanted to write as well as you do.” 
Akaashi felt his heart skip a beat, he forgot how to breathe for a second and felt himself sinking further into his seat. 
“Oh it’s okay. Yeah I’ll help.” He only managed to spit out an indifferent response without a goofy smile slipping onto his face. 
“Perfect! Well do you have practice after school today?” He shook his head. “Alright, so come meet me in the music room after your last class. I don’t need to show you where it is do I?” She teased, she was well aware of his observant eye. 
Despite being the vice-Captain of the volleyball team, representing an entire school to the whole nation during tournaments. This was the most nervous he had felt. His hand gripped the door handle, he had dreamt of this moment countless times. Once the door opened he would see Y/N perched on a table, their legs carefully sat on a chair in front of them balancing a guitar, lightly strumming its strings and humming a tune so familiar to him. The sun would set upon her, a golden beam would cast its kisses onto her skin as she would play absentmindedly. He'd have this dream time and time again till he memorised it, maybe this time it could be a reality, he selfishly hoped. 
“You gonna open the door or what?” 
Akaashi jolted back, causing Y/N to burst in a string of giggles.
“Oh, who would’ve thought you’re so jumpy! Well you do play volleyball. Huh, get it?” Her shit eating grin was both cute and punchable. 
As the two settled their bags onto a spare table, Y/N brought out a few clipped pages, some scrunched up, one being a random tissue from the nearby family diner. The ink on the tissue had bled to be unrecognisable. 
“Yeah, don’t mind that one. This dad said something cool and I wanted to remember it, I only had tissues on me.” 
Akaashi didn’t think he would be sat with his muse, reading her work, using a spare red pen to edit her rhyming couplets and breaking a few lines that were too long for his liking. Y/N couldn’t keep still seeing Akaashi read her lyrics, she felt like she was sat in front of a teacher. 
“Here, I changed a few things but other than that it’s really good.” When he gave her the sweetest of smiles, she swore her breath was ripped straight out of her mouth. He was basking in the setting sun's haze, his eyelashes fluttered with the light breeze that the window let in.
Things continued from there, on days where there was no band or volleyball practice, Y/N and Akaashi would creep into the music room and get lost in the scribbles of their minds. They didn’t speak about themselves as much as they had wished for, their conversations ranged from poetry, music and on occasion homework. Y/N showed Akaashi some of the artists she took inspiration from; boygenius, Phoebe Bridges and Amy Winehouse. Names of which Akaashi was familiar with in passing. He wasn’t a large music fan to the point where he’d memorise the names of the artists. But he found himself nodding along to a few songs Y/N introduced him to on his walk home. In return, he gifted Y/N a pocket anthology of poems that reminded him of her. 
“The author's called Cerys Matthews, she’s a songwriter but also writes poems, you should read some.” 
She grasped the book tightly, as if it would shatter like glass if it fell to the floor. 
“Hah, it’s just like us then!” 
The more weeks passed, the closer the school festival would lurk over everyone’s heads. With exam period over, all students put their efforts into preparing for their events. As per Bokuto Koutarou's request, the volleyball team were teaming up with the soccer team to host their own maid cafe, where the boys would dress in French maid outfits and serve their fellow classmates drinks and desserts. Akaashi was too worried over his muse’s disappearance in the last few weeks to care about the maid outfit he had been placed in. His meetings with Y/N dwindled down as fast as a dying flame. Her band were doing daily practice for their performance at the festival. Y/N only spoke about it once to him. 
“I’m scared. We’ve only ever performed covers of songs. But this time we promised to perform a new song, an original song. It’s on me to make it perfect. Everyone’s going to be watching us,” her head was permanently screwed to face the floor. She couldn’t bare to see Akaashi’s pitiful eyes. Instead, he leaned forward, reached out his hand and rubbed her forearm lightly, barely grazing her skin. 
“It’ll be alright. We will write an incredible song for the festival. Together.” 
Their last meeting was eating him up inside, he had invited her round to his, since the rain was getting heavier that evening and the school had to be shut early for renovations. He felt like he was floating walking side by side with Y/N under his umbrella. She clutched her bag to protect the papers inside from getting soaked. The summer rain held a heavy heat along with the splashes of water. Each raindrop that beat the umbrella created a rhythm that Y/N couldn’t help but point out. She lightly hummed a new melody he hadn’t heard before in tune with the rain. 
He insisted on having them stay at the dining room table, he couldn’t cope with the thought of his muse, the light that guides his way to be sat in the same room that he sleeps in. Y/N’s curious eye didn’t help his predicament. Eventually she found herself in his room, peering at the open notebook on his desk. Another poem. 
She was drawn in from the first stanza, she felt her heart cling to each echoing beat that reverbed throughout her body. She couldn’t help but sing. A soft melody, the same rhythm from the rain, the light tapping of her fingernails on the wooden desktop. 
“What are you doing in here?” 
Y/N flipped her head back, so fast she heard her neck click. She hadn’t felt embarrassed around him since his confession three months ago. 
“N-nothing! I just, I was just looking!” Akaashi walked up to her and held onto the back of the chair she was perched on. He leaned over her to read the page, he was so close to Y/N’s face, she could smell his cologne. A smooth, cedar wood tone with hints of a citrus musk. It was addicting. 
“Aurora. That’s my favourite one so far.”
“I think it's my favourite as well.” A comfortable, silent lull blanketed them for a few minutes, reading the poem line by line, Y/N lightly humming the new melody she created.
Neither them had to mention who Aurora was, both of them knew. He always referenced his Aurora in every poem he wrote. Neither of them said a world, they just allowed the feeling of something blooming to take its roots between them.
Her posters were stuck on every wall in the school, an amateur drawing of instruments and a mic, along with bubbled text that read:
Fukurodani Academy presents Double Helix’s summer stage!
Akaashi craved to see Y/N in her world, he had only seen her perform from afar in a tiny music room, in a deserted school. The thought of Y/N illuminating a stage fed his hunger to see her.
It was the middle of the first day of the festival, he was incredibly uncomfortable in the maid dress, despite his black shorts under the skirt, he regularly had to take a break to calm himself from the ridiculousness. It took awhile for the other boys to get used to the dresses but eventually they found the humour in the situation and their business was booming. Whilst jotting down a gaggle of girls’ orders, he was cut short with the sudden guitar strum and a heavy beating drum. It’s starting. He couldn’t abandon his shift, but he had to see Y/N. 
“Ah, ah. 1, 2. 1, 2." 
Akaashi slammed the notepad on the table causing the groupies to screech, within a second he was running out the door screaming to Bokuto that there was an emergency he had to attend. He didn’t care for the stares he received as he weaved through the crowds of people in the hallway. The windows were wide open and he could hear her from the courtyard. 
You found me in flames, it’s the daylight of change.  Baby all that stuff is done. You’re my morning sun.
He knew this piece. They were his words. It was his favourite. Their favourite. He jumped over a few stairs, ignoring the strain in his calves. Till finally he made it to the courtyard, zipping through the cluster of fans dancing along to Y/N’s siren voice. 
You called from a fever dream,  The crazy wasn’t done You’re my morning sun.  Oh Aurora, you’re my morning sun.
There he was, in his stupidly pristine French maid dress, basking in the light of a star. Her body moved like the ocean waves, flowing with the soft summer breeze under the blazing sunlight. Her voice drew him in like a drug. She was up there, singing his words. His feelings. The jumping feet of the crowd behind him and the electrifying instruments made his heart feel suffocated by the intense noise. He didn’t care for it all, because in front of him was Y/N. 
Kinda thought that night was gonna last forever, Kinda thought that night was gonna last forever, Kinda thought that night was gonna last forever, Kinda thought!
The set continued with three more cover songs and an encore requested by the audience. Akaashi felt like he witnessed an angel fly down and kiss him on his forehead. With the final cheers the band walked off stage for the next performers to come on, a few people dispersed from the crowd once Double Helix left whilst others joined. Akaashi felt his arm be dragged down.
“Akaashi what the hell are you wearing?!” She cackled, and he finally saw her wide smile that brought his heart to its knees, it had been weeks since he saw her this close. 
“Oh, I- Well- You were incredible L/N.”
“Thank you! I had to use your stuff it was too good to be hidden! But of course I added some of my own work in there. So really it's our song!” She winked. “Anyways, I gotta take a picture of this version of Akaashi! I don’t think I’ll ever see you in something like this ever again!” She pulled out her phone and dragged his shoulders to pose for a photo. Before he could even notice the shutter camera noise, Y/N had turned her head to leave a light peck on Akashi’s cheek. Click. 
It was a mere second, Akaashi was at a stand still, there was no one else around them. Just Y/N and him. Then, she laughed. Her infectious laugh that he would love to hear every waking hour. 
“You better come to tomorrow's performance, Keiji!” Y/N shouted as she ran back to her bandmates, far from Akaashi Keiji who was as still as a marble statue, his hand permanently stuck on his cheek. 
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bellysoupset · 11 months ago
I’d love a story with sick Angie (it doesn’t matter what it is) with the emphasis on Jonah as her caretaker. And I’d love it if you could write about what Jon said in that vertigo fic, were Luke was the only caretaker, about feeling like he doesn’t know Angie.
Hi there! I had a lot of fun typing this up, it's a bit more tender than my usual stuff, since Jonah's is slightly off his element!
There were things Jonah knew how to do: read Leo like a book, feel Wendy’s annoyance from across a room, suture a wound with an eye closed. And then there were things that he didn’t… 
Currently the issue was understanding what was going through his little sister’s mind. 
It hurt to say out loud, but Angie was half family, half stranger. She had been only ten when Jonah left for college, however during five of those ten years they supposedly shared, he had been away in boarding school, coming home only three times a year. In sum, he had truly known Angie only for five of her seventeen years. 
It had been a pleasant surprise to learn she didn’t think of him as some stranger, but as her brother, and that she wanted them to be close. Or, as Leo had put, “Jon, she worships you.”
Since Christmas last year, they had been chatting much more frequently and she had come over to Welton at the end of January, staying over at Jonah and Leo’s place for three days. 
This time around she was supposed to stay all week, which Jon was equally nervous and excited about. 
“I’m the one who should be nervous,” Leo had joked as they drove to pick Angie up at the airport, “not you.” 
However Jonah was nervous, because despite never wanting to say this out loud — and not needing to, Leo knew it already — he was terribly invested into making this new relationship work out. 
Normally Angelina was a bubbly, chatty teenager, never quite managing to contain her excitement. During her last visit, she had pestered JD so much that the cat had all but vanished during her last day over, hiding in Leo’s side of the closet. 
Tonight she was sullen and Jonah was nearly crawling up the wall trying to figure out what had changed. 
After picking her up at the airport, they had opted for having dinner in Portland instead of doing the full one hour and a half drive back to Welton without eating. Dinner had gone smoothly, Angie was a little quieter than usual, but Jonah had jolted this as her giving Leo time to gush about the proposal, something she seemed very interested in. Her whole face had lit up as she saw the engagement ring and she had pushed her chair closer in order to inspect it, pulling Leo into a hug that had the blonde’s face turning beet red, much to Jon’s amusement. 
The drive back had been even more quiet. 
“Why don’t you connect your phone with the radio, Angie?” Leo asked, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. He was mortified of getting carsick in front of his future sister-in-law, so he had insisted on driving both ways, “pick some music for the ride.”
“No, it’s fine…” Angelina answered, curling up on the backseat, “I think I’m just gonna nap, if you don’t mind…” 
“No, that’s alright,” Jonah turned on the passenger seat, “there must be a neck pillow stuffed behind my seat, is it there?”
“Yeah,” she retrieved it and kicked off her sneakers, spreading out in the back, “thanks, Jon.” 
He turned back to face the road. Something was off and he wasn’t sure what. 
“Relax,” Leo poked his side, a couple minutes later, whispering, “chill.”
“I am chill,” Jonah lied, not putting any effort behind it and once again looking over his shoulder, to where his sister had curled up in the backseat. 
They got home without a hitch, Leo had put on one of his ultra romantic songs and was drumming along with Michael Bolton’s Missing You Now, much to Jonah’s eternal amusement. His fiance couldn’t keep up with the beat if they paid him. 
“Baby I just can't wait! Till I see your face,” Leo leaned in to sing to him, as they parked, a cheeky smile on his face, “chase awaaay this loneliness insideee!” 
Jonah snorted, shutting him up with a kiss, “oh God, shut up, Leo,” his cheeks heated up as the song ended and the initial lyrics of the When A Man Loves a Woman started playing, Leo getting ready to serenade him, pointing at Jon’s chest as he said, “When a man loves a woman. Can't keep his mind on nothin'else-”
“Leeeeo,” Jonah groaned, pushing his door open, but not getting out. Instead he turned on his seat to shake Angelina awake. He half expected her to be awake and giggling at the whisper concert Leo was making, but no, she was still sleeping soundly, “Angie. Angie, we’re here.” 
It took him shaking her once more, before she woke up, looking completely lost for a minute.
“Let’s go inside so you can sleep in a proper bed,” Jonah circled the car, helping her out and raised his eyebrows, letting out a surprised noise when Angie collapsed against him and made no movement to pull away. He hesitantly lowered his arms around her in a makeshift hug, unsure of what to do. 
Leo grinned at him, getting out of the car as well and going to retrieve Angie’s bags. 
She barely let go of him, putting only enough distance that they were able to walk to the elevator, but snuggled back once they were inside. Jonah felt like his face was tingling and he couldn’t bring himself to meet Leo’s eyes, extremely embarrassed. 
This time around, Angelina paid no mind to JD. The cat came running to greet them at the door, only to stop once she saw the girl and sniffling her suspiciously, serpentining between Angie’s legs and settling for meowing at Leo’s feet as if asking who this was. 
Jonah fully expected his sister to grab JD like she had done last time, but instead she only yawned and waited patiently as he guided her to the guest room. 
“You know where’s everything, right?” Jonah hung awkwardly at the door, once Leo put the bag inside and Angie sat down on the bed. She yawned again, nodding. 
“There’s extra towels in the bathroom if you feel like taking a shower,” Jonah grimaced at his inability to sound as warm as he was supposed to, “and you don’t have to ask to go through the fridge…”
“I’m fine, Jon, thank you,” Angelina dismissed him easily, “I think I’m just gonna sleep, though.”
“Okay…” he glanced at the television, “there’s Netflix and Prime and Max-”
“Jon,” Leo grabbed his elbow, chuckling, “let the girl sleep. Goodnight Ange.”
“Goodnight,” Angie smiled at them, clearly agreeing with Leo and Jonah sighed, relenting and allowing the blonde to pull him out of the guest bedroom. 
“It’s only nine o’clock,” Jonah complained as they entered their own bedroom, Leo already ahead of him in the bathroom, stripping for a shower. They were both still in work clothes, “what type of teenager falls asleep at nine?”
“Your sister’s type,” Leo shrugged, getting under the shower stream, “relax Jon, she’s probably just tired after the flight.”
Jonah didn’t quite believe that. 
They ended up going to bed around eleven, so Jon was surprised when he woke up at only 6 AM, an hour before his alarm. He wasn’t sure why he was up. It was a Thursday, which meant Leo had court and would start working later, but would also be held up until whatever hour. The blonde was passed out next to him, head buried in the pillow. 
Jon’s shift only started at 9… 
He yawned, rubbing a hand over his face and getting up to pee. He was getting back in bed, when a noise down the hall caught his attention. Something falling?
It wasn’t JD, because the cat was happily asleep on Leo’s side. 
Jonah got out of the bed to investigate and wasn’t surprised when he found the guest bedroom door open, or the guest bathroom door closed. He knocked on it softly, “Angie, you alright? I heard something falling…”
“Urgh…” was the pitiful answer he got, “Jon…”
Well, shit. 
“Can I come in?” he asked nervously, biting the skin of his thumb, “Angie?” 
Jonah didn’t wait for an answer and pushed the door open. 
Angelina was really skinny with long limbs, like a model, and currently she was folded like an origami project in front of the toilet. Her rich, dark skin looked damn near ashen, and she had a trembling hand on the porcelain, the other pressing to her lips.
“Don’t… I don’t feel good…” 
“Oh darling,” Jonah sighed, feeling a selfish wave of relief wash over him at finally being able to pinpoint what was wrong and that it wasn’t him. He crouched down, “have you been sick yet?”
Angie shook her head, gulping down, “soon…” she leaned in, squeezing her eyes shut, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- To-” she got interrupted by a hiccup and Jonah scoffed, scooting closer so he could rub her back. 
“Don’t apologize, it’s all right,” he cringed as he realized her really long, curly hair was getting near her mouth. They didn’t have a single scrunchie in their place. 
At Bella’s advice, or rather, order, they had stocked the guest bathroom with pads, just in case — that had been an interesting little grocery trip, given neither of them had any idea of what they were doing and Leo looked positively mortified —, but the ginger hadn’t said anything about hair ties.
“Jon-” Angie whined, oblivious to his thoughts and leaning further over the toilet. Another sick hiccup shook her entire frame, this one turning into a gag at the end and Jonah cringed as he saw clear saliva hit the water. 
“You’re okay,” he carefully pulled his sister’s hair back with one hand, the other staying firmly on her back, “just get it up, don’t fight it-”
She retched once more, before getting up to her knees, and burying her head in the bowl as vomit gushed out. The movement was so sudden that Jonah had to move as well, so he wouldn’t pull on her hair. 
He gagged as he heard the horrible noise of his sister bringing up last night’s dinner, his stomach souring considerably as she pulled back, clumsily trying to flush, with vomit clinging to her bottom lip still.
“God-” Jonah pulled back the hand that was on her back, slapping it over his lips and biting down a retch of his own. Angelina let out a little hurt noise, much like JD did when they accidentally tripped on her.
“I’m sorry-” his voice came out husky, “shit, Angie, I’m sorry-”
“You’re sick too?” she managed to flush and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, causing Jonah to gag once more. He shook his head, gulping convulsively to keep his stomach in check.
He was so used to Leo, that someone else puking around him was news to his body. The routine was different, the noises too. Worse.
“No, I just-” Jonah cleared his throat, “I get sympathy sick.”
“Oh,” Angie’s big chocolate eyes were dazed and he suspected she was burning up a fever, “I’m sor-”
“Are you done?” 
“I dunno,” she rubbed her stomach, uneasily, “don’t wanna risk going to bed and- And getting sick…” 
“We can sit on the couch and watch TV,” Jonah offered, getting up to grab her a glass of water and Angie took it with her hands shaking. Jon took advantage of the fact her hands were busy, in order to feel his sister’s forehead. 
Surprisingly, she didn’t flinch or pull back at the sudden touch, leaning completely on it. She was really warm.
“Not a high fever, but a fever,” he pulled back after a second, as Angie gulped down the water and hung over the toilet once more, letting out a sickly burp, “you’ll be okay on your own for a second?”
“Uh-hu,” she nodded, gagging but not bringing up anything. Jonah rushed out before his stomach decided to join the party as well. 
He put together a little nest in the living room, grabbing her a set of blankets and a pillow, a bowl, meds, water and thermometer. After a couple minutes he heard the bathroom flush and the tap running, Angelina brushing her teeth, then she stumbled in the living room. 
“Come lie down,” he pulled her to the couch, unsure of what she liked when sick. To be left alone or dotted on? So far the dotting was proving successful, but Jon was scared at any minute she’d snap at him. Or worse, cry. 
Instead of doing either, Angelina curled up on the little nest he had created for her, tugging on his arm so he’d sit alongside her and then scooting up, resting her pillow half on his leg, “I feel horrible, Jon…”
“I’m sorry, darling,” the nickname slipped out, as he stroked her hair back and Jonah froze for a second, but Angie didn’t seem bothered in the least. In fact, she cuddled up even more, turning on her side and shivering, “I need to take your temperature,” he said, leaning to grab the thermometer and passing it to her. 
He was genuinely surprised by how easy of a patient Angie was, after dealing with Leo and their friends for years now. They were a crew of stubborn people, while his baby sister seemed to be the most docile person ever.
She took the thermometer without complaining and didn’t whine when he fed her medicine, barely paid any attention to the television, seeming content just cuddling and shivering like hell, no matter how many blankets she had. 
“Jon,” Leo woke him up, pressing a kiss to his temple, and Jonah realized he had drifted back to sleep with Angie’s head resting on his lap. It was hard not to feel sleepy when she was a little furnace, “you okay?”
“Uhm?” he rubbed his eyes and frowned. Leo was almost finished dressing for the day, which meant it was nearly 9 already. His tie wasn’t done and Leo was holding a coffee mug. 
“What happened…?” Leo gestured to their current situation and Jonah darted out a hand, so his fiance could help him slip from under Angie without waking her up. The young girl only stirred, grimacing and curling up even more. 
“Woke up with her throwing up at 6 AM,” Jonah whispered, following Leo to the kitchen and sitting by the counter, while the blonde got the coffee maker working, “I’m gonna have to call in sick at work.”
He wasn’t happy about that, Jon was on a quest to not miss any more work days, since he’d take the month off for honeymoon, probably at the end of the year or as soon as they stopped to settle on a bloody date. 
“I’ll do it for you,” Leo planted a mug of coffee in front of him, squeezing Jonah’s shoulder, “should I worry?”
“No,” Jonah yawned, leaning to rest his head on Leo’s shoulder, “she’s alright, it’s just a 24 hour bug.”
“I don’t like this,” Leo sighed, “I’m going to be offline all day, I have no way of knowing-”
“I’m the doctor,” Jonah said smugly, grabbing the blonde’s chin, “I can handle one sick teenager. Relax.”
“Look who’s talking,” Leo smiled at him, rolling his eyes, “text me updates anyway, alright?”
“Yes, sir,” Jon’s tone was sassy, but he meant it. He yawned in his fist, pulling Leo closer by his tie and starting to do the knot for him, “you’re gonna be back for dinner?”
“I’ll try to,” Leo wrinkled his nose, “but I doubt. You think she’d like balloons? Popsicles?” 
“She’s seventeen, not five,” Jonah snorted, lifting himself up on his seat enough to kiss him, “bring us something yummy for dessert.”
Once Leo had left, promising he’d not forget to call the hospital to let them know of Jonah's absence, Jon had nothing but time to dedicate to his sister. It was so weird.
He took a shower to get ready for the day and fixed her up with some soup — well, ordered some soup —, then crouched down in front of the couch, pushing a curl away from her forehead, “Angie. Ange,” he shook her gently, “Angelina.”
“Uhhm?” She still had a fever, he could tell. The previous round of meds had lowered it, but not eradicated it, “what time is it?”
“Almost eleven,” he helped her sit up, “how’s your tum- stomach?” he was going to kill Leo.
Angie frowned, yawning, “sore. Kinda queasy,” she blushed, “did you say tummy?”
“No,” Jonah scoffed, sitting on the foot of the couch, “I got you some soup, think you can handle it?”
She hesitated, before nodding. Jonah eagerly shot up, he hadn’t been expecting a positive answer, and put everything on a tray, the soup, bread, some water and juice because he didn’t know what she preferred…
“I’m sorry, I don’t know your favorite flavor, so I just ordered mine,” Jon grimaced, settling the tray down on Angie’s lap. 
She squinted at it, “is it pumpkin?” 
“Yeah, and some chia seeds,” Jonah looked away, “Leo hates it, so we have plain tomato soup if you do too-”
“No,” Angelina shook her head, “I like it. My favorite is onion cream, just so you know,” she curled up her feet, in an invitation for him to sit closer and stirred the warm meal, “but I don’t think I could handle it right now.”
“I don’t think so either,” Jonah mentally stashed the information in his growing file of facts about his sister. So far he knew she really loved anything artsy, that she was attracted to Wendy’s colorful clothes and style like a butterfly to a flower, that she adored cats and that she got quiet and withdrawn when sick, “uh- Do you like popsicles…?”
Angie giggled, rolling her eyes, “doesn’t everyone?”
Well shit, he’d have to apologize to Leo.
“I don’t,” Jon shrugged and she frowned, starting to eat very slowly. 
“Are you a robot?” Angelina inspected him up and down, “no type of popsicles?”
“I’m partial to gelato,” Jon shrugged, “or frozen yogurt.”
She shook her head in a tired manner, reaching for the juice instead of the water, “you’re so very weird, Jon…” then she frowned, blinking slowly as if trying to process some information, “don’t you have work today?”
Originally, Angie had planned to visit the museums and the university, that was the guise behind her visit. At least to Jonah it was, he was pretty sure she had openly told Leo she just wanted to visit them. 
“I called in sick,” Jon pointed at her bowl, “staying down?”
“Yeah,” she yawned, “but it’s a lot.”
“You don’t have to eat all of it. Get as much as you want, then we can watch something or you can go back to sleep-”
“Can we go out to the park? With JD?”
He paused, “aren’t you sick?”
“I’m not dying,” Angie pouted, “and I already won’t be able to do everything I had planned so…”
“Yeah, uh- Sure. I don’t know where Leo keeps her leash, he’s the one who walks her, I just- I have to look…” He felt so incredibly out of place, “yeah, lemme go look-”
JD let out an indignant meow at being trapped in her leash and swatted at his hand with all little kitty force, trying to draw blood. Jonah sighed, scratching the kitten behind her ears, “I’m sorry, but you’re gonna take one for the team and be a good kitty.”
The cat didn't feel like being nice and once they got outside, walking to one of the benches since Angie got breathless not even five minutes after they left, JD simply crawled up Jon’s lap and tried to hide in his coat. 
“She’s not outdoorsy at all, is she?” Angie grinned, leaning on his shoulder and trying to pet the animal, JD pointedly ignoring her. Jonah shrugged, leaning back and enjoying the fresh air. 
“She’s a bit of a prick just like me,” he answered truthfully, hissing as he felt JD’s claws sink through his sweater, “she’ll get used to you.”
“I hope so,” Angie sighed, leaning against his side and resting her face on his shoulder, uninvited. She was so… Tactile. Clingy, even. Jonah pressed his cheek to the top of her head, “I hope she’ll grow to love having me around.”
He had the distinct feeling she was no longer talking about the cat. Jonah rolled his eyes, kissing the top of Angie’s head, “I’m certain she will, darling.”
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daphnebowen · 1 year ago
Today’s prompt for twelve days of rina is favorite musical moment. I am going to be completely honest I have no idea what this means. Is it talking about song wise or like actually performance wise during an actual musical?
I’m gonna go with the first one.
my absolute favorite rina song has to be love you forever. and sure, Gina really doesn’t sing a whole lot during the song but does that matter? No. It’s about Gina, for Gina, to Gina. the implications of this song are incredible. Ricky is promising his whole life and forever to this girl. he’s known her for a year and a half basically and thru that year they have been thru so much together. They’ve grown together, grown apart, grown towards each other, and now are growing together again. some of my favorite absolute lines from love you forever(this might turn into a whole lyrical analysis bc there are so many good lyrics so just buckle up):
“I’ve never been more sure of what I’ve got, I’m staring at the only thing I want, so”
UGH. this line. It kills me, every time! Ricky is confident in his love for Gina. He knows what he feels and he’s known it for a while, but the problem is he didn’t know when to tell her. their lives have been a whirlwind of crazy for a couple of months but I am fairly certain that Richard Bowen has moved Gina Porter for a long time.
“I’ve been running I don’t know what from”
this is Ricky Bowen to a tee. He’s the guy who runs, he’s the guy who disappears when things get rough, he’s the guy who hides away when he doesn’t want to confront his feelings. so the fact that Ricky is now admitting this to Gina and showing her now that he knows what he’s done in the past but he’s changing! He’s gone thru so much character growth and he’s better for it! And I think that takes so much courage to be able to admit that because everyone he’s friends with knows Ricky’s habits. they can put two and two together. The camera guys, they don’t get the meaning of this line, eh whatever, he’s noncommittal, but it’s not that, it is so much more than that, and Gina knows that and Gina gets that.
“but you and I’ve become a sacred kinda home”
ah yes. this line. Gina is Ricky’s home. Gina is the place where she feels seen, and understood, and known. Ricky was the first person to see Gina for who she truly was and look past all of the intimidation and the fronts she was putting on so people wouldn’t know the real her. but Ricky saw her for who she was. and for me, this is a promise to Ricky. They’re building their own sacred home together and that to me is so special.
“so rare so real right here in this moment”
oh my. I love this line so much. the usage of the word rare is so amazing I have no words, bc rare really does define Gina and Ricky’s relationship. they’ve gone thru so many unique problems and really did get it all, because in so many movies you can’t have it all. If this were any other show Gina would have had to pick between New Zealand and Ricky, between her future job and her future love. but in this case her futures are tied together, they are one and the same, if that makes sense. she can have both and she will have both, because Ricky and Gina’s relationship is rare and true and beautiful and absolutely real.
“cause I love you feels a lot like high school and forever after that”
again, I just love this line because of the implication that rina can and will have everything that they want. they beat the odds, essentially. They’re meant to be and they’ve proven it. love can be found all over, whether romantic or platonic even. The relationships that you make in high school don’t have to end when you graduate - they can last forever beyond that and Ricky and Gina are proving it. and like I said earlier, how in some movies the girl has to choice between her dream career and her dream guy and with hsmtmts season four, she doesn’t. She makes her own future with both of her dreams in it. and that is so powerful and profound. bless these script writers and these song writers.
“I wanna finish what we started in the stairwell where we met”
oh my gawwww-
this is probably one of the most rooted lines in rinas history (that sentence did not make sense but I’m too tired to find out a way for it to make sense so suck it up). the fact that they met and instantly clicked and had a gut instinct from a two minute conversation in a stairwell about an ex and how to win her back. Even when Ricky didn’t think he was going to speak to her ever again both of them did what they do best: give each other some of the best advice of their lives, whether they realized it or not. Gina wouldn’t have gone to theater club if not for Ricky. Ricky wouldn’t have sang itikyk and gotten Troy and started rina on this whole crazy journey if he hadn’t spoken to this “intimidating” girl and gotten her advice. and even though we know this flashback wasn’t shot originally in season one (I’m pretty sure, right?) you can tell that the chemistry is off the charts. From one sighting. and the “finishing what we started,” going big with the declaration of love, that’s what Ricky is finishing. He’s finishing what they started but also continuing their love story on. and that is beautiful and heartbreaking and I will never ever be over them.
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likeadevils · 1 year ago
2003 Lover Diaries Transcripts
Mar 23, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Ok, where did I leave off? Friday. Ok, on Friday in school we had a “Code Red” drill. That’s when someone comes into the school and everybody gets freaked out and the teachers move all the students to the back of the room and turn off the lights. That night I had to babysit Austin while mom + dad went to a Vonda Shepard concert. Saturday mom and I got up early to go to NY for an hour ½ voice lesson. On the way we listened to a CD that mom bought from the concert the night before. It was this band called Sugarland and the lead singer is this girl that’s really good. I like their one song called “Baby Girl”
May 17, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Hey. Today Mom and I went to New York. We talked and laughed all the way up and parked in a garage near my voice lesson. We walked to her apartment and we worked on Smoky Black Nights after doing all of her warmups. I didn’t do it well @ first but she said that the song was “ingenious.” Cool. After mom and I went to this cowboy/western store nearby. We got a white shirt that buttons up, jeans, and a white T w/notes in it. Then we had pizza at a pizza place and walked back to the car stopping @ Tasti D-Lite, our FAVORITE ice cream store. It’s kosher, non-cholesterol, Extremely tasty, dreamy, frozen yogurt, and only 40 calories. Does it get any better than that? Then we went home and got movies. You know, sometimes I think about what my first kiss is going to be like. It’s going to be great and romantic. I’m such a romantic. I just dream about looking into someone’s eyes and feeling something I’ve never felt before, you know? I just never was able to put a face to my fantacy. But something tells me that my first kiss really far away from happening! Because the guys in our school aren’t even worth worrying about. They are all in it for one thing and I think you know what is, sex. I guess I’ll be okay without a first kiss!! XOXO Taylor
May 19, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Oh I was SUCH a b**** today! When mom picked me up, she was late again because she thought I had Varsity Singers. I was nasty to everybody!! Oh, I tried to practice my songs for Nashville, but I completely psyched myself out and broke down crying. I don’t know if I can do this. I want it so bad but I get so scared of what might not happen! When I miss notes, I dive bomb and the whole thing goes crashing down. I just have to breathe in … and breath out … breathe in …. relax, Nashville is not going to kill me … I can handle it. I’m okay. I’ll be fine. I’m young. I’m talented. They’ll see it in me. I’ll be ok. I’ve got to hang on. Can’t worry. I’m only 13. I’m allowed to make mistakes, right? Oh, this is a lot to handle. Taylor XOXO P.S. Pray for a better day tomorrow!
Jun 5, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Hey Journal, I had to sing @ the Garden Party today so Mom and I went to the field and got some of the equipment set up. Then we went home and I got ready. When we got there, all of my friends were there, and they helped set up (kind of). I started my show and in one first three chords of the first song, my guitar pick broke in half and flew out of my hands! There was this huge silence! It was awful! I had to bend over and pick it up in front of everyone! And while I was singing, this guy was shouting stuff like, “Go on, b*#@h! Sing that country bullsh*t! Go on motherf*cker!” It was awful. After the Garden Party, we all went to the Reading Hospital to visit Nanny. She looks worse everytime we go. I sang I Used to Fly, A Little More Like you and Same Girl for Nanny and her roommate, Penny. Penny has liver cancer and is bald from chemo. All of the nurses loved listening to it. It went really well. Then we went home and I worked on a song called Not One day. It’s ok, but I don’t know. Taylor Swift
Jun 19, 2003- Nashville, TN
Hey Diary, This morning, I woke up and I went over to RCA records and did a small showcase and “chatted” with them. We talked to this girl and she was really hip and cool with me. They really liked me and said they would call on Monday because she would be on vacation that weekend. Then we headed over to Capitol Records and met with the president and vice president of the company. They totally flipped out over me! They even said I was the most talented 13-year-old they had ever seen! They told me that I should be thanking God every day for the incredible gift he gave me. Well, I appreciate the compliment, but then they followed it up with “I’d just hate to see you jump into this right now and have a short-lived career.” They very politely agreed that country is directed to 35-year-olds. Radio just doesn’t play teens. That’s where I’m gonna prove them wrong! Well, he took me on a tour of the building and gave me about 25 cds of Capitol’s artists. Isn’t that nice? Then we went back to the hotel and then we went to the Bluebird Cafe, this cafe where like 4 songwriters go in and sing their songs. We sat all the way in the back. I have a radio call, meeting with Warner, and flight to catch tomorrow. I need my sleep!! Taylor I have a good feeling about RCA! <3
Jun 24, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Hey Diary, I got a record deal! AHHHHH! RCA records in Nashville wants to give me a development deal!!! We were taking Sassy to the airport (late) and when we headed home, we stopped at a Taco Bell. My manager called us on Mom’s cell and she gave the phone to me. He had Dad on conference call. He started out by saying, “Well, we got follow ups on all of the labels. And they think you need a couple years to grow so they can put you on the radio … Except for RCA, who wants to sign you!! Congratulations!” I was going crazy. I cried. I guess I never really expected to get one! It’s a development deal, but those are the only details we have. I told a bazillion people! We were making CDs for a New Hampshire concert I have Friday til 2:00 AM tonight. AHHH! Record deal! R • C • A baby! Taylor
Aug 25, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Hey, Today was my first day of school! And you won’t believe how much better 8th grade is than 7th!! The real problem last year was the grade above us, and now they’re 9th graders so we never see them. I love being older than the 7th graders! I never knew how stupid I must have looked, carrying around that HUGE book bag running and bumping into everybody trying to get to class on time! Okay, here’s my schedule! 1. Accel. integrated studies 2. science 3. american studies 4. latin 1 LUNCH 5. Accel. English 6. Accel Math 7. Intro. Computer studies 8. Chorus/Gym I think I might just live through this year!! I just hope I can keep up. My locker is 117 and my combination is 35-8-27. I love being older! I think my teacher’s gonna give me a spotlight solo in chorus! This year could be fun. I don’t care what people think of me now because I won’t let them bring me down. <3 Taylor
Oct 15, 2003- Wyomissing, PA
Hey, I really have decided that school is a big disappointment. It's only cool when you're popular. I'm not. It's only cool when you have a boyfriend. It's cool when everybody likes you. I don't have that. But my extracurricular "life" is what really matters to me. I guess I'm just not good enough for people my own age. Or maybe I'm not bad enough? [peace sign] Taylor Swift XOXO <3
(2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007 & 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 & 2017)
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ranchthoughts · 2 years ago
Tinn’s worst memory being messing up the lyrics in a school singing test as a kid and getting teased became a much more consistent plot thread then I expected.
We first learn about that bad experience in ep 4, as Gun and Tinn both shared things from their pasts. But Tinn sings on stage in front of lots of people to help Gun in ep 2, and then also sings a song for Gun in ep 9, so I assumed that was just sort of a side anecdote and character beat that was getting hand waved because Thailand loves making their boys sing.
But then it comes up again in ep 11, as Tinn’s mom (dealing with the idea that her son is growing up and has a life she doesn’t know about/that he didn’t share with her) goes through his baby book and sees a photo of him crying in her lap, and we learn that photo was taken the time she had a conference and had to go away for a week and Tinn was really upset and then messed up his singing test and got teased really badly. It's a significant enough memory to Tinn and his family that they all remember it.
And later in ep 11, Tinn’s mom goes to Gun's mom's cafe and talks to Gun and learns a bit more about this boy that clearly her son has a closer connection to then she realized (and probably a romantic one, if the cute profile pic and heart in his contact name she spotted is anything to go by). And she mentions that no one in her family is very musical or sings, not like Gun, and Gun says "but your son has a lovely voice" and tells her about the times Tinn has sung for him, specifically the time he got up on stage in the bar to help Gun finish a set after his voice was exhausted.
And Tinn's mom realizes that there's even more about her son she doesn't know. That he sang, that he sang for Gun, that Gun has heard her son sing and she hasn't, that her son overcame this childhood trauma and she didn't even know. And music becomes another thing that Tinn has hidden/hasn't told her about/she didn't know, like his sexuality and budding relationship with Gun. The singing thing is just another nail in the coffin of things she doesn't know about him. 
The school singing test isn’t just significant for Tinn though. We learn in ep 5 that Gun’s worst childhood moment was ALSO related to that singing test. Gun aced the test and was so excited to tell his dad (a guy who loved music and dreamed of being a musician but never made it happen) but before he could tell his dad, he got a call saying he had been killed in a car accident.
Obviously, the whole show is about music - MSP is about Tinn trying to help keep the music club afloat, and about Chinzilla trying to win Hot Wave, and about how Tinn and Gun can’t date because the club forbids dating until after Hot Wave. The show revolves around music, and most obviously Gun’s connection to music. But that thread of Tinn’s bad experience with the song test persists through the show too, and through it, Tinn’s connection to music. The show isn’t just about Gun and the Chinzillas and music, it’s about Tinn and music too.
Tinn fell for Gun in the first place because when he was alone on his birthday Gun was nice to him and sang a song that seemed very directed at cheering him up. Tinn’s dad has a guitar he keeps secret from his wife because it is expensive and she wouldn’t approve, and it’s this guitar that Tinn procures for Gun when the music club loses their instruments. Tinn steps in and sings for Gun when his voice starts giving out at the end of a long set at the bar. Tinn writes a song, with the help of his father, to sing for Gun when he is stumped writing for Hot Wave. At prom, Tinn knows the words to the song Gun serenades him with and sings along.
Music, and specifically Tinn’s singing, is connected to the two most important/significant relationships he has in the show: his relationship with Gun, and his relationship with his mother (and the show is about both). Tinn "hiding" his singing from his mom, or rather, it being a part of his life that she isn't really privy to, and Tinn "hiding" (in a much more classic sense) his relationship with Gun and his relationship with the music club and all he is doing for them from his mother (and from the music club themselves). Music and Gun are things Tinn hides or doesn't share, even with a mom he adores, spends a lot of time with, and usually tells everything to, and music is so closely tied to his relationship with Gun...
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violettawriting · 2 years ago
Chapter One
Francesca's POV
Friday night. Another college party. The 4th semester started three weeks ago and I already feel like I've been to enough parties for a lifetime. Me and the girls stop in front of the fraternity hosting the party, observing the decoration - which consists basically of a huge banner that reads "Happy 21st Birthday, Leon!!!" with questionable calligraphy and ink stains here and there.
"Ugh, men... why can't they make a simple banner right? Nothing in this decoration is appealing to the eyes." - Cami mumbles by my side and gets a laugh from Vilu.
"Cami, don't be mean. The boys did their best..."
I watch the place while my best friends discuss the manual skills of our male friends. Some people come in and out of the place, the music is muffled from outside and some flashes of colored lights escape through the windows. In the midst of the groups of people circulating around the facade of the house, I see Marco. He sees me too and smiles.
"Hey, I saw that." Camila nudges my arm. 'I was already wondering where our dear Marco Tavelli was. I haven't seen him in ages."
"Tonight promises to be interesting, huh, Fran?" Violetta laughs, teasing me. I roll my eyes and smile.
"Ha Ha. Girls, you know how my story with Marco is. Since he requested a transfer to London, we decided to take a break from... whatever it was that we had. I adore him, but it wasn't meant to be. Good thing he moved before we got into a serious relationship."
"Well, I like him. If you guys atarted dating, I'd approve 100%."
"I know, Vilu. You made that clear since the first time I bumped into him in the university corridors."
"Well, what can I say. I'm a romantic" she says, shrugging and then slotting her arms between mine and Cami's. "Now, let's go in. My boyfriend is waiting for me inside and I'm really in the mood for a drink."
The party has been going on for 3 hours now, and I'm slightly drunk. Not drunk like Cami, who is currently engaged in a dance battle - if you can call it that - with a group of Brazilian boys, but drunk enough to stumble twice on my way to the sofa in the corner of the room. Our whole group of friends is here tonight, as well as the rest of the entire university. After all, it's not every day that the motocross king and vocalist of the biggest band in Buenos Aires gives a birthday party. Funny how even in college, you can still feel like you're in high school sometimes.
I sit on the sofa, finally, and emit an involuntary sound as I feel my legs relax for the first time tonight. I close my eyes and lean my head against the wall, letting the music enter my ears and take over me. Although I'm not a fan of this song - or more specifically, of the person singing it - I start humming the lyrics of Destinada a Brillar quietly. After a few minutes, I finally open my eyes and instantly regret it.
I see the guy sitting on the other end of the sofa, all dressed in black leather and his hair messy, staring at me with a mocking expression.
"What?" I ask impatiently.
Diego doesn't answer, he just laughs and turns his gaze to the crowd. Ugh, this guy….
Vilu and him have kissed a few times at parties just like this one, when her relationship with León wasn't going well and they took a break. I never liked that jerk and definitely never understood what she saw in him. Camila says it's the magic of bad boys, that seduces you when you least expect and makes you want more and more. Anyway, I wasn't surprised at all when my best friend came to me telling that Diego had gone braging to León about the great time he had with her the night before. Vilu eventually forgave Diego, but I didn't. This guy is always looking for trouble and seems proud of being an idiot.
It's no secret to anyone that Diego Hernandez is involved in illegal stuff. He's a drug dealer and I've heard that he once stole some shit from a rich girl from the university. Normally, I don't have much contact with him. In fact, I don't even remember that he studies with us most of the time. But from time to time he reappears, getting into fights or... hanging out with Marco.
Yes, Diego and Marco are friends. Best friends. That will never stop sounding crazy to me, considering that Marco is the sweetest and most respectful boy I've ever met. When I first started hanging out with Marco - before he told me he was moving to the other side of the world and ended our "relatioship" - I tried to ignore my convictions about Diego and have a good relationship with him, for everyone's sake. But that's just impossible. Diego is everything I disapprove of.
"Hey, Di." a short girl with curly hair and dark red lips approaches and starts talking to him (read: flirting). "You disappeared. I missed you this week in class."
I roll my eyes and try to ignore the conversation happening next to me. I try to focus on watching my drunk friends doing embarrassing things in the middle of people and it actually works. Until a guy with an unhappy expression enters my field of vision and starts approaching with wide, firm steps.
"Dude, are you crazy?" the guy yells when he stops in front of Diego, who just looks boredly up at his face from under his long, thick lashes. "You're kissing my ex-girlfriend in front of me, knowing damn well we broke up four days ago?"
"Man, you're drunk. Just go back where you were, I'm not looking for trouble, okay?" he replies. The girl, now sitting on his lap, huffs and rolls her eyes at her ex-boyfriend.
"Do you think I'm joking, asshole?" The guy's fingers tighten around the beer bottle in his hand, and I see a vein in his forehead about to explode. "I'm not afraid of you, Hernandez. Don't doubt that I'm capable of beating your ass up."
At this point, people around are already paying attention to the discussion. The music is still too loud but it's possible to hear some cheers coming from drunk boys. I look back at Diego and he slowly takes the girl off his lap and stands up, facing the man.
"Dude, seriously. I don't want to fight, okay? I'm not doing anything, just enjoying the party. And you should too. If you want to fight, go fight alone. It's not my fault your girl chose to spend her nightsitting on my lap". He stares the guy with firm and challenging eyes.
And suddenly, the guy punches Diego in the face.
Before I could understand what was happening, a fight broke out and everyone around me started shouting. Some people backed away as punches were thrown, forming an circle around the two fighters. The girl with red lips - now smeared - screamed desperately. I was stuck between the wall behind me and the two men fighing in front of me, meaning i couldn't leave to a safer place. After what felt like an eternity, a few boys managed to hold the furious guy for a few moments. And then, before I realized what I was doing, I pulled Diego by the arm firmly, guiding him to the nearest bathroom door, pushing him inside and entering right after him, slamming the door shut. When I locked the door, I turned to face Diego.
"Are you fucking serious?" I shouted, irritated. "Can't you go to a party without ruining everyone's night? Is fighting the only thing you know? You -"
Suddenly, aggressive knocks on the door behind me made me jump, and the drunk guy's slurred voice spitting threats to Diego only made me more stressed out.
After some time, the knocking stopped, and I heard what sounded like León's voice yelling. I spin around to face Diego, feeling my face hot with angry.
"Are you happy? This fight just ruined León's birthday. And now I'm stuck in this bathroom with you because aparently I'm the only one trying to prevent the death of two young men tonight. Why are you even here? For God's sake, I--" I interrupted my speech when I see blood dripping from Diego's fingers, where his hand was holding his head. "Holy sh...did he hit you with a bottle?" I asked in shock.
"That's what it seems" Diego says dryly.
I run to grab something to clean the blood. I hand the toilet paper to Diego and rummage through the cabinets for some first aid supplies.
"Fuck, this hurts," Diego cursed while trying to stop the bleeding with the paper.
Finally, I found a box of band-aids and other first-aid materials and turned to the boy leaning on the sink counter, staring at the injury through the mirror reflection, clearly not knowing what to do. I took a deep impatient breath.
"You know what? Here, let me do this." I guided Diego to the edge of the bathtub, and he sat down, becoming shorter than me and giving me a good view of the huge cut on his scalp. "This is going to hurt," I say, short and to the point. I take a clean cloth and wet it a little, then bring it close to the wound, and when I finally touched Diego, he flinched and made a noise of pain.  I clench my jaw and sigh, trying to contain my frustration.
"Fuck," he's tense, the word is said through gritted teeth. "Careful".
"I'm trying".
I go for it again, and this time, Diego doesn't flinch. After long minutes, I managed to clean the entire wound, including the blood that had dripped onto his ear, and improvised a terribly made bandage.
And then, for the first time, I looked down at his face, and Diego was staring at me attentively. I ignored it.
"Your eyebrow and lip are cut too," I stated.
"Really? Huh, that's funny. I hadn't noticed the bloody taste in my mouth and the pulsating pain above my eye," he said sarcastically.
"Ha." I said, annoyed. "For God's sake, what did I do to deserve this? I knew I should've stayed at home studying for my next exam," I kept rambling while Diego just stood still, letting me continue to clean up the mess on his face.
When I finally touched the gauze to his lip, it twitched, and Diego gasped weakly. I unintentionally raised my eyes to his, and something inside of me softened as soon as those big brown iris met mine. And before I could bring myself to apologize for a reason I didn't fully understand, he whispered a quick "sorry" and  swallowed dry, while still holding my gaze. I looked away.
When I finished my work, my annoyance had dissipated a little, and I was able to talk to him again without spitting curses and yelling.
"That's the best I can do," I step back, observing my work.
"Thanks," he says weakly, standing up slowly and walking toward the mirror. Upon seeing the messy bandage, Diego let out a low mocking laugh. He's laughing. "We already know you definitely can't be a nurse."
I stare at the man in front of me incredulously, my mouth open. "I'm sorry? You're seriously gonna make fun of me after I saved you from bleeding to death?" Diego chuckles again and raises his arms in a sign of surrender.
"Okay, yeah, sorry. You did an awesome job fixing my bleeding head and face, okay?."
As I was about to reply something, a new voice echoes from outside again. "Fran? Diego? Are you guys in there?" I recognize Violetta's voice. "León already kicked that boy out. You guys can come out now."
I look at Diego as I respond to my friend. "Hey, Vilu. Yeah, I'm coming." I pass right by him, towards the door and unlock it, but before i open it and finally leave that crazy situation, I turn to Diego one last time.
"Just to be clear, the fact that I didn't leave you bleeding in the middle of this party doesn't mean I like you or can stand you. And just because that lunatic started the fight doesn't change the fact that you also messed up. Next time, do everyone a favor and don't show your face around here, okay?"
And with that, I walk out of the bathroom, without looking back.
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91062854-ka · 2 years ago
Alexandria Calaway (Played by: Taylor Momsen)
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Real name: Alexandria Leila Calaway
Ring name(s):
Alice Angel (currently)
Raven Black (formerly)
Alex (real life)
The Princess of Darkness
The Angel of Darkness
Devil's Little Angel
The Deadman's Daughter/Little Angel
Sister Abigail (by the Wyatt Family)
Born: July 26, 1990 (age 25)
Hometown: Death Valley
Height/Weight: 5'8"/121Ibs
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Platinum blonde
Mark Calaway/The Undertaker (Father)
Jodi Lynn Calaway (Mother)
Sara Calaway (1st Stepmother)
Michelle Calaway/Michelle McCool (2nd Stepmother)
Gunner Calaway (Younger brother)
Chasey Calaway (Younger stepsister)
Gracie Calaway (Younger stepsister)
Kaia Calaway (Younger stepsister)
Kolt Calaway (Younger stepbrother)
Glenn Jacobs/Kane (Uncle figure/Godfather)
Romantic interest(s): Jonathan David Good/Dean Ambrose
Face paint: (this screen shot is from iHasCupquake YouTube video of her Alice Angel Cosplay)
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Theme song(s):
Take it Out on Me by Thousand Foot Krutch (TNA)
In NXT and in WWE:
It starts with Alice humming,
Then Alice begins to sing, but it only happens during her debut promo, her official debut in WWE and during WrestleMania, (without the jumpscare at the end)
Then finally this song plays.
Wicked Enchantment by CFO$
Finishing moves:
Tombstone Piledriver
Kiss of Darkness (Lifting double underhook sitout facebuster)
Submission moves:
Hell's Gate (Triangle Choke)
Angel's Hell (Kneebar)
Angel's Gate (Armbar)
Signature moves:
Last Ride
European Uppercut
Belly to Back Suplex
Diving Crossbody
Roundhouse kick
Snake Eyes or Rebounds off the ropes on the opposite end and lands a big boot
Running Corkscrew Neckbreaker
Running Legdrop
Wheelbarrow Bulldog
Snap DDT
Running DDT
Corner Body Splash + One Leg Monkey Flip combo
Rope Stunner
Leaping Clothesline
Apron Leg Drop
Old School
Over the Top Rope Suicide Dive
Front Body Slam
Running DDT
Paul Bearer (before his passing)
Paige (off-screen)
Becky Lynch (off-screen)
Charlotte Flair (off-screen)
Sasha Banks (off-screen)
Bayley (off-screen)
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose (before falling in love with him)
Randy Orton (off-screen)
Triple H (off-screen)
Stephanie McMahon (off-screen)
Shane McMahon (off-screen)
Vince McMahon (off-screen)
Shawn Michaels
Big Show (off-screen)
John Cena
Brock Lesner (off-screen)
Paul Heyman (off-screen)
Nikki Bella (off-screen)
Brie Bella (off-screen)
Alicia Fox (off-screen)
Naomi (off-screen)
Tamina Shuka (off-screen)
Finn Balor (off-screen)
Kevin Owens (off-screen)
Trained by:
The Undertaker
Michelle McCool
Trish Stratus
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H
Shawn Michaels 
Brock Lesner
WWE Idol(s):
The Undertaker
Michelle McCool
Trish Stratus
• Alexandria was inspired by her father and her uncle when she watched them wrestle when she was a little girl.
• Alexandria met her new stepmother when she was backstage while watching her father and uncle wrestle and formed a positive relationship with her.
• Alexandria met her trainers when she was in backstage waiting for her father with her new stepmother, so she knows everyone as she grew up in WWE her whole life.
• Even though Alexandria wears different black ring gears as Alice Angel, her signature piece on her every gear is a black headband with a pair of white devil horns with a semi-broken white angel halo. She also wears white angel wings, but only during WrestleMania.
• Since Bendy and the Ink Machine didn't come out until 2017, Alexandria came up with the name because her debut took place in 2015.
• Alexandria has a very good singing voice from years of practicing on how to sing when she used to take choir classes in school, her first career choice was to become a singer but later changed it to become a wrestler to follow her father's footsteps. She recorded her singing to hum a creepy song and used it as a part of her entrance in the wrestling world as Raven Black and later as Alice Angel.
• As Alice Angel, she has supernatural powers that are similar to Kane and the Undertaker's, but she still has her own powers, such as a siren song and basically has all the powers as Alexa Bliss once had. Because of this, knowing who her father and uncle are, and later knowing what she's capable of, she is just as feared as they are in both NXT and WWE.
• Alice is very good at manipulating, tricking and play mind games with her rivals to mess with them. She learns these tactics from Kane and the Undertaker.
• Alice can wrestle both men and women throughout her wrestling career.
• She actually appears in WWE twice before her official debut in 2015: Her first appearance was in 2013 after her father defeat Dean Ambrose and before the Shield can causes any more damage to him, Alice Angel appears and attacks the Shield, and saves her father from getting anymore injured. This means Alice Angel will come to WWE from NXT soon. Her second appearance was in 2014 during The Undertaker vs Brock Lesner match in WrestleMania 30, to distracted Lesner so her father can take the win, this implies that Alice Angel will soon later becomes Brock's new rival in their future storyline.
• Because of her supernatural powers and what she's capable of, the Wyatt Family believes that she is Sister Abigail who came to life before them. Alice uses this to her advantage and use them as her bodyguards, playing mind games with them as she unofficially becomes a member of the Wyatt Family. However, it is unknown if they're playing mind games with her, or if it's the other way around, due to how unpredictable Alice Angel and the Wyatt Family are.
• Alice Angel sat up the same way as her father and uncle did during her matches in both NXT and WWE to frighten her opponents, as well as appearing from under the ring to drag them to hell, doing the throat slit and crossing her opponent's arms the same way after delivering the Tombstone Piledriver, but she doesn't roll her eyes back like her father, instead she smiles sinisterly.
• Alice's Twitter account is @WWEAliceAngel. (It's not real, so don't bother trying to find it)
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year ago
Glee Musical Retrospective: Express Yourself (The Power of Madonna)
Sung by: New Direction Girls Original Artist(s): Madonna
Welcome to Madonna week guys!!
Overall, I think this is a good episode full of great performances but the biggest thing is that it completely changes the way music is used on the show. While, yes, it does start a little with the previous episode, here is where we get not only a thematic episode, but our first full on tribute episode. The story is molded to fit the theme, and that theme is Madonna. We can argue about how well these tribute episodes work later on, but here is really the apex of this idea. Everything is bold and brash and in the flamboyant style that is Madonna. And the show kind of never looks back.
The other thing I want to point out about the music in this episode is that how its used deviates a lot from the original set up. Not only are we getting flashier, styled performances that don't really jive with what a high school glee club can do -- we also get music being used outside of reality (though that's later). The whole concept of having the music be sung in a realistic way is just kind of thrown out the window. And you know what? That's not necessarily a bad thing....
Story Analysis
While not the first music heard in the episode (I'll get to that in the extra long extras post for this episode) this is the first performance. And the set up is important -- the fact that the girls feel like they've had to take a second seat to the guys, or feel belittled by the guys... Or just don't feel sure of themselves in general.
As Sue however hammers the message of the episode in -- the whole point of Madonna is help women feel empowered. I kind of side eye the fact that the girls don't come up with it themselves and Will does - but at least he has a good point in that they should be allowed to express themselves however they want. And to not have the guys be asshats to them in the process.
Then Puck makes such a weird comment that Madonna doesn't translate to show choir. I realize it's for the sake of the narrative. But haven't we learned by now that you can turn anything into a show choir song?
Anyway... I'm glad the girls get to kick it off with this song, which boils down to the idea that men should really treat women with the respect that they deserve.
Don't go for second best baby Put your love to the test You know, you know, you've got to Make him express How he feels and maybe then You'll know your love is real
It's interesting that the song is called 'express yourself' and is about a woman singing her thoughts on romantic relationships, but really calls out the man (or partner) to express actual feelings. It's such an interesting twist -- in that the woman of the song doesn't want fake things money can by or fleeting sexual encounters but something real. And the women knowing this and not backing down? Knowing what they want and being able to express that? That's where the real empowerment comes from.
While each of these characters will go up and down with the idea of self worth and empowerment -- in this moment, and in this performance, they do own it. They're confident in themselves, and the point of the episode is that singing Madonna helps them get there. This song is definitely an anthem for them. And while each of them have individual struggles -- the come at this song as a unit, as a unified front that says -- hey, we're here and not backing down -- so deal with it.
It's the first time we really have a performance that the whole group of them can relate to -- it's not about one person's story, but the collective story being told.
I'd argue there's a metatexual element to this song as well. I'm sure this must have been one of Ryan Murphy's get up and go songs he listened to as a young person. There's a kind of air about this song that says --- hey, this is the new Glee -- so you need to get on board because we're doing this and not backing down.
Technical Thoughts
Okay, there is a lot going on...
One of the nice things about this song is that we get to hear all the girls' voices. It's the first song that Naya sings on. And the first time (it sounds like) they aren't doubling and tripling back up singers on the track. These ladies are talented, and they sound great together. It's nice that you can hear the different strains of voices come in and out of the bigger text.
The choreography is based a lot on Madonna's original choreography. They do a really good job with it -- and it's so different from the (sometimes dull) look that New Direction group numbers often had up to this point. The girls are also really throwing themselves into this performance - and it looks really good.
Another thing inspired by Madonna is the costumes. Interestingly, Madonna stayed with a black and white theme, while the costume designers used a lot of color here. Not only did each of the girls wear a color that looked good on them -- but the color pops on the stage, making them look even more striking. There's just an overall really captivating visual componant to this song -- and it's done purposely!
The other thing about the song itself is that it's very energetic and upbeat. I think that adds to the intention of the song -- to get these girls (and the show) energized and empowered. It never lets up and never backs down.
As an interesting exercise - check out all the guys uninterested reactions. Kevin McHale said it was hard to do because the girls were so good on stage! However - Chris, as usual, is hamming it up in the background as Kurt. I will say, though I understand why they did what they did, it's hard to believe that a bunch of teenage boys wouldn't be captivated by these girls dancing so provocatively.
Also - random thought, there are certain little strains of this song that remind me of Lady Gaga's Born This Way -- I wonder if this song inspired her.
vs. The Studio Version: Stylistically, there isn't really any difference (though I always appreciate how the studio version sounds cleaner). They add in the second verse, as well as a bridge - that gives the song another minute or so.
vs. The Original Version: This episode pushes really hard to copy everything about Madonna. The arrangement for the Glee version is exactly the same -- and it's a trend that Glee is going to continue to do, backing away from a more show choir-esque style of the Front 13. Head to about the middle of this video if you want to see the costume and choreography inspiration for the girls' performance.
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sankta-starkova · 1 year ago
024; most likely too
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previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist
summary: the one where ej and andy realise that there may be some romantic feelings between them that hadn't been there before, or had they? the new year test this revelation
wordcount: 1.4k
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The group all sat there in rehearsal, Andy yawning at how early in the morning it was.
"Hi, thank you all for coming to rehearsals in the morning. I know its a crazy day with the career fair and all but given all your behavior last week, I believe we are lucky to be rehearsing at all," Miss Jenn explained.
They could all hear the disappointment in her voice at the way that they had acted.
"Okay. I'm just gonna say it, Zack Roy stole out Beast mask. Why are you not freaking out?" Carlos questioned.
Andy nodded her head in agreement. EJ kept reaching over, brushing his finger against hers and smiling innocently whenever she shot him a glance telling him to stop or they'd expose themselves.
"Because winners don't freak out Carlos," Miss Jenn said, nodding her head, "When they go low, we sing high,
"Uh, have either of you seen Nini?" Ricky asked Big Red and Andy who were on either side of him.
"Every time I open Instagram," Big Red said, holding up his phone to show Ninis singing page.
"I think he means here in school," Andy explained and Big Red nodded his head.
"Okay let's rehearse. EJ, remember where you are emotionally, Belle has just rebuked your marriage proposal and LeFou is rallying the guys to boost you back up. Let's hit it," she said.
"Dont forget to start on your left foot at the start of the chorus," Gina said, turning to EJ and Andy.
"Thank you. Anything else?" He asked and Gina nodded.
"Dont be distracted by your girlfriend, I dont care how secret you two are, his heart eyes are gonna give it away," Gina said, smiling at them.
Andy felt the blush growing on her cheeks and she looked away, hoping that nobody had heard that.
"And don't fall over," Andy suggested, EJ laughed, smiling at her.
Every day it was becoming more and more difficult to not show their relationship off but he wanted Andy to feel comfortable, and if she wanted to wait a little while to tell everyone. He'd wait, he'd wait a hundred years for her if he had to.
Andy and Gina walked over to the stands, sitting in front of Ashlyn who cheered Big Red on.
Seb started playing the song and Big Red started singing. Everyone cheered him on.
It was hard for Andy to take her eyes off of EJ, despite the fact that Big Red was acing the performance.
Everyone applauded for them, EJ getting up at his part, "As a specimen yes I'm intimidating," he sang, flexing his muscles and shooting Andy a wink.
They continued to sing, Andy blushing profoundly at his gesture. "When I said don't be obvious, I didn't mean show of your muscles and flirt with your girlfriend," Gina said.
Andy chuckled, her face still burning as she looked at EJ. Gina smiled at her friend, the two laughing about it before focusing on his and Big Red performance.
He started juggling a bunch if eggs, everyone applauding him and Big Red. The boys were amazing, nobody able to compare to their talent.
"Dancers, glorious. Big Red, hilarious. And EJ, victorious," Miss Jenn said and he smiled, everyone applauding.
"Nice emotional connection to the material," Carlos said. EJ had the biggest grin on his face, smiling at the fact that he finally managed to get that right.
He had been wanting to be able to grow as an actor ever since and it was nice to know he'd finally gotten it right.
"And as much as I hate to break that connection, I'm afraid I'm the bearer of some bad news," Mr Mazzara said as he walked in, "We just got a call from the disciplinary board of an organisation I'm not sure even exists,"
He then explained that the production had to be shut down for a week as punishment for the trespassing. Everyone gasped, even though North High received the same punishment.
"Miss Jenn, we can't lose a whole week when we haven't even started blocking the second act yet," Carlos stated.
"We are going to keep our heads down and our chins up," she said unconvincing.
"I don't...I don't think thats physically possible," Seb said, trying to do it himself.
"Its an expression Sebastian," Miss Jenn scolded, not seeing the hurt expression on Sebs face as she said that.
The school bell rang and EJ and Andy started walking to the next lesson, Andy complementing him on everything.
He had the biggest grin on his face as they talked about the rehearsal. She sat down in class, him sitting in front of her.
They sat there, EJ turning around to talk to Gina, Carlos, Andy and Seb, "Do guys have any guesses on the guest speaker?" He asked.
"Unless it's Alan Menken himself coming to apologise for what happened to us, I'm not here," Carlos explained.
"Ooh, I would die if it was like, Greta Gerwig," Seb said, a huge smile on his face.
"As long as she brings Timothée Chalamet or Saiorse Ronan, they're so hot," Andy said, her and Seb smiling at each other, "And great actors of course,"
"You know you're not picking the person, right?" Carlos questioned, Seb shrugging his shoulders.
There was something weird going on between the duo and Andy had only just noticed it.
"Whoever it is, I'm sure they'll remind us to seize the day and then let it go," EJ said, Andy nodding.
"Every year, same speech, but I'm still rooting for it being Satan one year," she confirmed, EJ smiling at her.
He laughed at her silly little joke and she looked over at him.
It was surprising that everyone hadn't noticed how head over heels he was for her yet with all those grins and flirty looks.
"Class, class, I am thrilled to present one of East High most generous benefactors," their teacher said as a man walkes in.
Andy saw EJ tense up instantly. It was his dad. She reached over - because she sat behind him - and gently squeezed his shoulder before watching him sink down into his chair.
"Mr Cash Caswell with tips on success in life," Mrs Day explained and everyone applauded except for Andy and EJ.
"Called it," Andy whispered to herself, talking about the fact that she knew Satan was visiting today.
"Students, its an honour. Success is all about legacies. The ones that we inherit, the ones that we build," he explained.
Andy couldn't see EJ's face but she knew he was uncomfortable, he never was happy when his dad was around.
"I'm lucky to have a son that carries the Caswell name with pride," he explained, "In fact, I wasn't going to do this today but come on up here Eej,"
EJ looked around before standing at the front of the class, "This isn't gonna go well," Andy said to Gina who was sitting next to her.
"Oh come on, his dad seems like an okay guy," Gina said, not knowing what Andy knew.
She had known him for so long and had known the family that she knew what Cash Caswell could be like. He was manipulative and a had person to him.
"Just wait," she said, staring at EJ at the front. She gave him a reassuring smile, one that he struggled to return.
"My father gave me this when I got into Duke, now its yours," Cash said and EJ looked at it confused
Everyone applauded, Andy joining in but seeing that her boyfriend was clearly distressed.
She knew that he hadn't gotten in. She had been there to comfort him when it had happened so she was confused what was going on now.
Cash whispered something in EJs ear before EJ sat down, holding his Duke jumper in his hands and putting on a fake smile.
"Now, how many of you are familair with the phrase, seize the day?" Cash asked.
"You okay?" Andy whispered, leaning over her desk.
He looked back at her, shaking his head, "I'm fine," he said. She wanted to just reach over and pull him into a hug and promise everything was gonna be okay but she couldn't.
She knew that there was something going on here and she was going to get to the bottom of it.
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@maggiecc @hesfasttandshesweird
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cherish-lou · 1 year ago
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“Cherish Lou!”, she looked back with a smile on her face.
4 years ago, she was still running around high school, chatting away with her friends. everywhere she goes, you could hear people murmuring her name. well, some might shout away her name, like earlier. so, who is this person people have been raving about…..?
a soul as passionate as red, and as pure as white. everything she did, she did with her whole heart. whether it was the way she greeted the morning sun with a heartfelt smile or the way she sang her heart out to the open sky, her passion shone through every action. many thought she was just a perfect little girl from Korea who enjoys shopping for cute things and music. well, no one is perfect一 including Cherish.
her enemy, love. she has seen the highs and lows, the laughter and the tears that it brought. somewhere in her heart, she was scared that love might take over her completely. she wasn’t the smartest in her school, of course. however she is knowledgable enough to pour this fear of hers into something better: 𝑚͟𝑢͟𝑠͟𝑖͟𝑐 ✧˖°
the inability of receiving love from a significant person turned into a piece of art. the songs she wrote, the melodies she sang, everything screams 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲. of course, she had a circle of friends who loved her dearly. warm and comforting love was always offered to her, the kind that came from years of shared laughters and secrets. yet, she couldn’t help but feel a void in her heart, and life. she yearned for a love that was conveyed through infamous love songs, something 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲, 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗲, and 𝗮𝗹𝗹-𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴.
“when will you stop being stuck in your room singing about love on a Saturday night and ACTUALLY go out and talk to someone?”, her friends joked.
the thing is, it was never that easy. see, Cherish was a hopeless romantic, and still is. the lyrics kept deep in her notebook painted vivid pictures of love stories she had only dreamt of一 amusement park dates, drinking coffee together, stolen kisses, and the kind of love that made the world disappear.
born since 2002, she has been pretty content with her life now. I mean, she got to hang out after class, goes to a karaoke and sings her heart out and goes back home to her loving family. now in university, she is still that social butterfly that people know and envy as all they see from her and her life is beauty, brain, talent, and popularity. when people thought her life couldn’t be more exciting, a pamphlet blown by the wind arrives in front her as she walks to the grocery in one cold autumn morning.
“we are open for auditions…?”
as curiosity washes her, she decided to give them a call. the next thing she knows, she is sitting alongside a row of people just waiting for their name to be called.
“number 049, please come in to the audition room.”
a week has passed since the audition, Cherish has went back to her peaceful daily life, oblivious that she might be accepted into one of the biggest music label known. that is until she receives a phone call from an unknown number. she picked it up with suspicion, being mindful of scammers out there. what she did not expect is to find herself sitting in a nondescript room, nervously listening to the terms and conditions from two strangers sitting across her.
“𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙇𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙨, 𝙇𝟭𝟵𝟲𝟴”, they greeted.
now this. this is where her actual journey starts. her journey to reach out to the world, to showcase her voice to people who needed, to seek for friendships, happiness, and a soulmate along the way. what happens next would be up to Cherish and her new blank workbook. 🪶
⊹ 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑒𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝘩𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝐶𝘩𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑠𝘩 𝐿𝑜𝑢. ⊹
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chemical-irwin · 2 years ago
I saw people discussing when they think Ricky knew about his romantic feelings for Gina, and honestly I feel like him (and Gina) knew from the pretty much the beginning.
In 105 Ricky is upset Nini rejected his kiss and ‘friendzoned’ him so he decides to stop pursuing her and goes to homecoming with Big Red. He makes a pact with his dad that they would put themselves out there and Red says “So put yourself out there. Like, tonight”. and the next shot is Gina and EJ asking to sit.
The show establishes that Ricky is in the mindset of looking for a romantic connection and then places Gina in front of him.
He lashes out at her, and when he goes to apologise he basically tells her that he felt a connection with her, and he kind felt disappointed because he thought she felt it too (he was jealous 😭) and he has a high opinion of her. “I thought you were classier than that,”
After the convo and kiss on the check in the car, I think that he knows there’s potential there, but might be hesitant because she had just told him she that doesn’t date.
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When Big Red asks ‘what happened with Gina, Ricky says “I’m not sure yet,” again, confirming that Ricky is deciding on if it’s a crush or not.
And then Gina asks to hear him play her the song, and he KNOWS that he likes her.
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like look at his face, he is cheesing. This whole scene is SOOOOOO excellent. The way Gina asks him to play so they could stay for 5 minutes more because the night before the had confessed how much they enjoyed having a place to go after school, (him being flattered because nobody takes him seriously) ALSO WTWMAY is such a loaded song choice
After they both shower each other in compliments (because they are so 🥰🥰🥰) Ricky says to her:
“I kinda can’t forget about anything that happened at homecoming,”
Which I feel is Ricky telling Gina that he has a crush on her.
Look at the way he says “anything,” with the raise of the eyebrow, the small step towards her, as he tells her he’s been thinking about her, and the kiss with a hopeful smile.
And Gina understands it. You can see her process the information.
I’ve seen people joke that S1 Rina were dating without labels- and I literally think it’s true. Ricky tells Gina he felt a connection with her, she asks for a ride home and kisses him on the cheek. He tells her he can’t stop thinking about her, she walks him to a party and makes him a hat. They were courting each other, and that’s why they were both devastated when she got the call from her mom and she cut him off.
Gina’s confession on opening night is her verbally confirming to Ricky that she felt the connection too, and she was really sorry (heartbroken) that she had to give up on it.
Just like in the s3 finale, where she understood his confession in Kristof’s Lullaby, she verbally confirms that she wants to be with him.
Ricky doesn’t blink when Big Red thinks he wrote a song about Gina, because he knew he was romantically pursuing her. When Ricky says he let Gina slip through his fingers, I think means he’s sad he didn’t fight when they both knew they liked each other, and it’s why he feels EJ stole her. In s2 Gina says “Nini’s back and he’s so happy now,” she was a sad because he moved on, not because her crush was unrequited! And he only moved on because she had told him to, he doesn’t see her as an option after she moves (he thinks the follow my dreams resolution was about Gina) and he bury his feelings for her. He put himself out there and got disappointed again, and Nini was the safer option for a moment (i’m just saying Ricky wasn’t particularly heartbroken over his first break up with Nini)
The TL;DR is
Ricky is very open with Gina about his feelings for her in s1, he has always known that they were romantic and he basically tells her he has a crush on her after singing WTWMAY.
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sukunasbabymama · 4 years ago
Latino gang, pt. 1
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⌗ Summary: Toman’s guys dating a latina.
⌗ Pairing: Manjiro Sano (Mikey), Ken Ryuguji (Draken), Baji Keisuke, Chifuyu Matsuno, Mitsuya Takashi, Hakkai Shiba, Naoha Kawata (Smiley), Souya Kawata (Angry).
⌗ Warnings: Las tías chismosas.
⌗ A/N: my dominican ass is loving this a little too much pls someone take my phone. Also, I tried to make it as neutral as possible so everybody could enjoy it.
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Manjiro Sano Mikey.
Can’t take him anywhere.
Your family just love him a little too much and you started to worry because you know they would actually take his side if you had an argument.
Starts blabbering Spanish words he heard you say at home to your grandma and she is delighted.
“Qué bonita” He says deadpan but in a soft tone, and she’s already dragging him to the kitchen to make him anything he wants to eat.
Has the same amount of tea for your tías about his friends of groups that they have for him about you.
If you don’t see him in the backyard go straight to the kitchen and he’s there in a corner with your mom talking shit about everybody.
Yup, even about you.
“Yes, mamá, one time she tried to fight me because I fell asleep after eating”
“Pero Dios mío! Everybody needs their nap time after the meal!” She says throwing you an offended look while Mikey is looking cocky behind her.
You don’t even bother to tell her that he fell asleep in the middle of the restaurant when y’all were already late for one of his meetings.
Go ahead and try to convince me he didn’t come out being a whole Ana Gabriel stan with his emo ass.🤨
Ken Ryuguji Draken.
That “let’s take things slowly”? Forget it.
You come from school and he’s in some shorts and shirt cleaning the house with your mom.
You’re there like 🧍🏾‍♀️
While your mom and him looked like their husbands left them for another family singing La Boda from Aventura.
On other days you wake up from a nap just to see him on the couch with your dad watching some bike race on the tv.
“Yes, that bike is good but it can be difficult with the route they gave— Yup, look at it!”
“Oh, son! Just like you say!”
Again you’re there like 🧍🏾‍♀️
CAN eat, no listen to me, he would eat EVERYTHING your mom cooked for him and would still agree to take some plates to the brothel.
One day you took his phone to put a song and found out that he has more Aventura songs than you on your own.
Baji Keisuke.
He thought he was tough till y’all went serious on the relationship and he sees your routines.
Why are you waking up so early to do the laundry? To clean the house? WHY ARE YOU WAKING UP EVERYBODY? You even woke up his cats because you were gonna wash their beds.
And, why the hell do you have to blast the music so loud, why are you singing like he broke your heart? You haven’t had an argument yet!! Who hurt you!!!
Cultural shock detected.
But he gets the hold of it rather quickly.
He finds the fun in your dances while mopping the floor so he goes and sweeps his bedroom while dancing to whatever song you’re blasting at the moment.
Watch him going to you with his hairband so you could make him a comfy hairstyle so his hair doesn’t get in the way while he’s helping you.
Get you mad on purpose and then sits quietly to heard you curse at him in Spanish. Does that religiously. Will look at you like your chanting opera.
Would bother you till you put “that one song that sounds romantic” and it’s Vete from Bad Bunny… the song is about a break up. You don’t say nothing.
End up with a “rolitas para trapear con Fabuloso” playlist.
Chifuyu Matsuno.
Manga? He doesn’t know them.
As soon as you introduced him to telenovelas mf is obsessed.
That’s how he won your mom. He started talking to her about Pasión de Gavilanes and she fell harder than you.
Now he goes religiously to your house every day to watch an episode with your mom.
Almost ended the whole relationship when you gave him a spoiler.
No, really, he was getting ready to throw hands with you in front of your mom.
Swears he’s learning Spanish with your mom but she’s actually just teaching him how to ask her for food.
Your grandma calls just to see him and doesn’t give a fuck if you get mad about that.
“Ay m’ija, just wanted to see el nene de la casa, stop being dramatic!!” And he’s all giggling like a high school girl because he can understand that.
Yeah, sorry to break it up to you, but you’re not allowed to break up with him now.
Not that you wanted to.
Mitsuya Takashi.
He would make you give him a whole course on Selena Quintanilla because he heard she was a fashion icon.
Then one day he would come to your house with a whole bustier and your mom actually screams excited.
What he doesn’t know about latinos is that there’s no “when you use it one day”
Your mom tells you right away “put it on and model for us!” And he’s like 😨 n-now?
He also made one with the Toman logo and you used it just when you’re hanging out with him because that’s your little secret.
Let you made him a whole playlist for when he has to work a lot and can’t see you.
You put a bunch of Julieta Venegas, Chayanne, and Shakira’s oldie, just bc. And he loves every single one of them.
It's the favorite of your tías las chismosas because from time to time he made them some shirts and stuff, while you are judging his ass in the back.
"Why is it a bad thing that I made tía a shirt with the design she wants?"
"Cause she talks shit about everybody!"
"Not me though"
"Cause you keep making her clothes!"
"Then a that's a good thing, right?" Doesn't understand the chisme culture.
Always has a love-drunk face when you perform El chico del Apartamento 512 in the bustier he made for you.
You’re not even singing it in the right tone, he just likes to hear you talk, sing, everything in Spanish.
Hakkai Shiba.
Y’all can get in line if y’all want to fight me on this one or come at me all at the same time but…
He knows how to dance. Periodt.
And he dances really well.
He explained to you that every time he and Yuzuha were alone they would binge-watch a bunch of dance videos so he knows how to dance by that.
And then you teach him the basics in bachata.
He’s a natural!
Dance a little bit slower from what you know how it is but it’s okay!! You don’t know that much either!!!
Would dance with you in your room almost every day.
Y'all know those couples who have something banal that they do every single time they are together like eat certain food or nap? Y’all dance.
Has all the old popular bachata on his phone.
Gets intimidated by your cousins blowing him up with questions one time you facetime them with him.
They wanted to know if he was a model, and he if has friends that looked like him.
You say no in his place.
It’s more the baby of your house than the baby of your house.
One time you went out with Yuzuha to buy something for your mom and when y’all got back he was resting his head on your mom’s lap while they were watching a cooking show.
You and Yuzuha were like 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️
Isn’t he shy with…? Never mind, you can’t be happier that your mom loves him to that extend and that he’s that comfortable around her.
Yuzuha is part of the deal!! All🗣 the🗣 time🗣
She’s learning how to cook for when she has to do it for him from you and your mom.
What she doesn’t know is that he’s learning to do the same for her too.
Yup, you aren’t allowed to break up with this one either. Your mom would whoop your ass.
Nahoya Kawata Smiley.
This menace found his happy place.
He could die a happy man when he went the first time to your house.
Your mom? In love with his smile. You grandma? In love with his smile.
You? About to whoop his ass if he doesn’t stop telling you to ask your mom the recipe of the food she made.
You almost had to fight your cousins for him. And when they found out there’s another one like him? Yup, you may or may not have had to throw hands.
He’s fake.
He has that pretty smile for all your tías and uncles and then goes to the kitchen to talk shit about them with your mom.
Plss not even you have done that to that extent.
Why the fuck is your mom telling him about your auntie’s third divorce?!😭 she’s fake too.
Makes your brother the joke of the night.
Because your brother tried to intimidate him and got intimidated. By a guy with a smile.
Was on cloud 9 when he learned how some reggaeton could be dance. Almost faint after knowing that you could dance like that in front of your family.
Makes you teach him how to dance without looking like a clown but as soon as you bend down he has his hands on your ass. A clown.
Another one that gets happy when you are so mad you switch languages. Actively seeks ways of making you mad to hear you call him a pendejo.
Does it so much that he's starting to catch on when you are cursing at him and when you are threatening to beat his ass.
When you are alone in your room ask you to put songs that he can recognize and start singing them with his heart.
Tells you to look at him, that he’s learning Spanish really fast!
Whole-time you’re praying that he’s not summoning a demon in your room because you just cleaned it.
Souya Kawata Angry.
Almost cries from happiness when nobody got intimidated by his resting bitch face.
You talked about that with your parents beforehand. Not because they would get intimidated, but for them to hold their tongue.
Just like with his brother and with you, also get babied by your parents.
You think your mom doesn’t know his name because she just calls him “my baby”.
Was confused when you invited him to a party and told him to bring his brother, he was like “she wants me to go to meet her other family members with my brother? Isn’t that weird?”
Gets there and understand that everybody invites everybody and there are even some people who were brought by the boyfriends of your cousins and so on.
Gets overwhelmed by all the attention he’s getting from your tías and instead of running to your side goes to your mom.
You’re there offended as hell.
While your mom has him under her arm in an affectionate hug.
Is shocked to the core when he sees your drunk uncle sleeping on the floor in a corner.
Ask you if he needs help.
You say no.
Is so cute that even with his angry expression your tías don’t have venom for him. But they have for you as soon as you stop them mid-way when going to touch his hair.
Your mom loves his cooking and he cooks ramen for her more than you cook at all.
Is shocked again when she starts talking about his ramen shop with his brother like it’s a family business.
He’s not offended, just fucking happy at the way all your family accepted him.
Not in a “that’s Y/N lil boyfriend” but as “that’s a family member and that’s it”
Loves your voices in your native language, plsss. He rests his head in your chest and hears you talk on the phone with your cousin religiously. Does it so much that he can say very clear "tú no sabeeeessss!"
Like Mikey, listen to Ana Gabriel because your mom taught him, but blast some Chayanne that your auntie showed him.
All the time you’re looking at him with a mocking expression because he has this resting bitch face while humming at the rhythm of El Cigarrillo.
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@saturnmitsuya @milliumizoomi @haitanigigi @melaninnntae @yunho-leeknow @keimisan @welkinmoongrab @dai-tsukki-desu idk if y’all rock with this one cuz it has dem spanish part but– 😵‍💫
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abimess · 3 years ago
The Story Of Us - Chapter 3
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Masterlist | Library Blog
Summary: You and Wanda have known each other since you were little. And a love story that could've been as simple as a clichéd romantic comedy suffers the effects of stubbornness and immaturity, ending up becoming something almost like a Greek tragedy.
Chapter warnings: fluff, Y/n being an oblivious idiot [3.851 words]
You do NOT have permission to repost or translate my work on any platforms (even with credit)
Series Masterlist | Previous chapter (Read on: Wattpad || AO3)
───── ⋅ ✮ ⋅ ─────
You Are in Love
You’ve been performing for more than an hour, but instead of feeling exhausted, all you feel is ecstasy and excitement.
Everyone in the pub is singing along, applauding, and screaming your name in between songs. But your focus is on your friends on the front roll, all of them cheering and dancing wholeheartedly.
The most animated of all is Wanda, her eyes locked on yours as she sings and shouts, making you smile every time. You can't wait for the show to be over so you can hug her.
When your performance is over you thank the audience, who applaud and shout in appreciation. As you leave the stage, you exchange greetings with the band, a happy and proud grin from ear to ear on your face.
As soon as you meet your friends, you smile broadly at them, who do the same. “Hey there, rockstar!” Nat says cheerfully, making you giggle. “You were so good, Y/n!” Carol says proudly, and you thank her sheepishly.
After that Nat excuses herself, saying she’ll look for Tony and Steve, and you’re left alone with Carol. You talk and laugh, but your smile soon fades when you notice the one you wanted to see is not around.
“Hey, have you seen Wanda?” You ask the girl, your brows knitted in confusion. “Oh, I’ve seen her, alright.” Carol answers with a suggestive tone and you frown even more. Before you can ask, however, the blonde points to a corner on the other side of the pub.
You follow the direction with your gaze and feel your stomach sink when you see Wanda talking to a guy. Too close. When said guy touches her cheek and leans in, Wanda meets him halfway, kissing him, and you feel the urge to look away.
“Someone’s having a lot of fun tonight.” Carol teases with a giggle, and you feel like you should do that too. Not understanding why seeing Wanda with that guy made you feel weird, you decide to think of something else.
“But what about you, Carol?” You ask and the girl looks at you with curiosity. “I noticed you came with Maria.” You observe suggestively and the blonde smiles simply.
“Yeah, we’re having fun. But you know me, I’m not the kind to settle down.” Danvers says with a shrug, and you giggle. “She came with some friends, by the way. And they really wanna meet you.” Her words come with a knowing smirk, to which you reciprocate with a nod of your head. “Lead the way.”
And like this, you spend long minutes talking to a bunch of Maria’s friends. And you’d be having fun with them if your eyes weren't constantly wandering to Wanda and the unknown guy who, for some reason, seems unable to keep his hands off her.
You have no idea why the scene is bothering you so much, but when the two of them leave the pub hand in hand, you feel irritation rising through your body and then you make out with the first girl who flirts with you.
Now you're in one of the booths in the bathroom with said girl. You don't even remember her name, but you do everything you can to distract yourself while you are there. But, infuriatingly, Wanda remains in your mind the whole time.
You wake up Monday morning with a terrible migraine. Maybe it’s because you haven’t been able to sleep since the day of the concert.
But you get ready for school and try to use the knowledge that the year is ending as motivation to keep moving, even though all you want to do is go back to bed.
Your parents barely talk to you, but you don’t even bother anymore. Ever since you told them you want to be a musician, things got weird between you. They don’t support you, even though they don’t try to stop you from doing what you want. And they don’t say anything about you making your concerts here and there, but they always act weird after you do.
It doesn’t take long for you to get to the Maximoff house after you leave your place, and Wanda and Pietro come out of their house soon after you texted them saying you arrived. As usual, the twins animatedly talk about what happened during the weekend. But you don’t feel much like talking this time, so you remain silent.
The three of you get to school and walk towards your locker, where Nat and Carol are chatting. When they see you approaching, they greet you with warm smiles.
“Hi, Wanda.” The redhead greets in a singsong voice, a smirk on her lips, and you immediately clench your jaw, remembering the night at the pub. “Nat, stop,” Wanda warns with a timid giggle, her cheeks turning pink.
“What? I didn't say anything. I didn't even mention your hook-up on Saturday.” The redhead retorts, her brows raised teasingly, and you try to distract yourself with the books and notebooks on your locker. “And what a hookup,” Carol adds, “you disappeared!”
“Girls, that’s enough, it’s my little sister you’re talking about,” Pietro asks, not really sounding mad, and Carol snorts. “You’re twins.” She reasons, but the boy crosses his arms. “I’m twelve minutes older.”
After that, the conversation changes to more innocent topics, but you remain frowning and Wanda remains shy.
“Maximoff?” Coach Okoye's voice is heard after a while, and you all turn to look at her. “Can I have a word with you?” She requests, and Pietro nods. “Sure, coach.” He says politely and, after saying goodbye to you all, walks away.
“Okay, Wanda,” Carol says when the boy can no longer hear you, “now that mister twelve-minutes-older is gone, tell us everything.” She asks curiously, and Wanda giggles shyly. “There’s nothing to say, guys.”
“Of course there is!” Nat retorts and you distract yourself by tidying up your locker. “Who is he? What’s his name?” The girl asks, almost interrogates, and Wanda fiddles with the rings on her fingers, her cheeks burning red.
“His name is Simon,” she starts shyly, and you hate the unknown irritation that starts to rise in your body, “and I have no idea who he is or where he’s from. We just talked and then-”
“You made out.” Carol interrupts and you clench your jaw tightly, the sight of Wanda so shy by your side making you feel weird and you don’t even know why. “Carol!” Nat scolds, but she’s giggling amusedly.
“What? It’s true!” The blonde girl defends herself, making the redhead shake her head lightly. “And he’s hot, by the way, Y/n can confirm it,” Carol says, looking at you, and you almost choke, definitely not wanting to be a part of that conversation.
“Nah I barely saw him,” You manage to say, “but he’s alright, I guess.” You complete, shrugging your shoulders dismissively, but Carol snorts, looking at you in disbelief. “Oh, come on, Y/l/n! The guy was more than alright.”
“I don’t know!” You say, growing impatient as you shove some books inside your backpack. “His hair was way overdone and his clothes were kinda weird if you ask me. Who wears running shoes in a pub?”
“A lot of details for someone who barely saw him.” Nat retorts with a knowing tone, her brows slightly raised in defiance. All you’re able to do is glare at her, your irritation grown and turning into anger. But the other girl holds your gaze firmly, and then you huff before looking away.
You try to think of something to say, but you’re faced with nothing. And so the bell rings, and you take that as the perfect opportunity to leave. “See you guys at lunch break.” You murmur, leaving before giving your friends the chance to say anything else.
As you walk away, you have no idea Wanda has been watching you with a mixture of curiosity and hope.
You’re angry. And the fact that you don’t know the reason for it only makes you even angrier.
You can’t focus on anything, you can’t pay attention to the classes and you can’t write songs, which you so easily do during Mr. Odin's lessons. For some reason, all you can do is think of the conversation with your friends this morning and of Wanda with that stupid dude.
“Hey, Y/l/n,” Nat’s voice in the middle of the school hallway wakes you up from your thoughts and you startle before looking at her, “can I talk to you?” She asks, her brows furrowed, and you hum in agreement. “Sure, what’s up?”
“What was that earlier?” She asks as you two walk to the cafeteria and you immediately tense up. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You say dismissively, but the redhead laughs through her nose. “I’m talking about you hating the guy Wanda hooked up with for no reason.”
“I didn’t hate him.” You answer right away, defensive, and Nat looks at you in amusement. “You didn’t like him either.” She hits back and you roll your eyes, starting to feel irritated again. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know I had to.” You say sarcastically and notice through the corner of your eye the redhead smiling.
“You don’t,” Nat states, placing a hand on your chest, motioning you to stop, and you do, facing her next, “if you’re jealous.” She accuses, a mixture of defiance and teasing in her face, but you chuckle hoarsely. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Nat, I just care about her.”
“Oh really?” She says, arms crossed and eyes squinted in disbelief. “And how exactly is that?” The girl asks, and you shrug. “I just think she deserves someone better.” You answer simply and see a small smile appear at the corner of Nat's lips. “You don’t even know the guy.”
“I don’t have to.” You hit back and the redhead tilts her head, clearly amused. “Why?” She insists and you huff, running your hands through your hair in irritation. “You are impossible today.”
“I just asked you a question.” She strikes back in a tone of false innocence. You stare at her, but she holds your gaze unflinchingly. “Why?” She asks again and you groan in anger.
“Because she deserves better!” You explode, attracting the attention of some students passing by. “She’s kind and sweet and funny and deserves the whole world, not some random dude in a bar.” You get it off your chest, your breathing slightly ragged with the intensity of the moment, and Nat looks at you with a satisfied expression. “Don’t look at me like that, I mean it as a friend.”
“Y/n, wake up!” The redhead says holding your arms and shaking you, an incredulous smile on her lips. “You are in love!” She declares and the words make your heart stop for a second. “No, I’m not.” You deny with a choked laugh, taking a few steps back and releasing yourself from her grip. “This is all friendly stuff.”
“Really?” Nat asks in disbelief, crossing her arms again. “Picture all that friendly stuff with me then.” She challenges. “I’m your friend, right? So it should be the same thing.” She explains when sees your confused expression.
You roll your eyes, an incredulous smile playing on your lips. But you do as she says, and start to picture how the situation would be if it were with Nat. You frown. Nothing. Maybe you’re not doing it right. So you start imagining if it was with Carol instead. You widen your eyes as the realization comes.
“Holy shit, I’m in love.” You breathe out, looking at the redhead in front of you in shock, but she giggles softly, incredulous with your obliviousness. You are in love with Wanda Maximoff. Your best friend since forever. How did you not notice? And how can such an unexpected revelation make so much sense?
And as a witch that has been summoned, Wanda shows up right next to you. With her green eyes that suddenly are too beautiful, her smile that suddenly is too bright, and her skin that suddenly looks too soft.
“I gotta gay-go! I gotta go.” You stutter your panicked words and sprint through the hallways before you can see Wanda's confused gaze on you. As you try to run from the one you just realized you’re in love with, you don’t properly see the people in front of you and end up bumping into someone.
“Jesus, Y/n, where's the fire?” Rogue asks annoyedly, but you hold her by the arms and she widens her eyes at you. “I’m in love with Wanda.” You say, the words sounding so foreign yet so familiar. The girl rolls her eyes.
“Congratulations, buddy, you’re the last one to know.” The girl says unamused, and you furrow your brows in confusion. “What do you mean?” She giggles dryly. “Come on, you two are like two lovesick puppies, it’s disgusting.”
“That’s not true.” You say with a grimace, your neck starting to grow warm. “Of course it is.” She retorts, crossing her arms. But then she narrows her eyes in curiosity. “Why the rush, though? Are you looking for her?”
“I’m actually running away from her.” You explain clumsily, scanning the corridors for any sign of Wanda. “What? Why are you... You know what? Whatever. Go do your thing.” The girl says impatiently, and before you can say anything else, she adds. “See you at the music club, if you have stopped running away by then.”
“Bye, Rogue.” You say, but she’s already walking away and you think it’s best if you go find somewhere you can be alone with your thoughts.
Wanda has barely seen you this last week. In fact, she’s barely heard of you this last week.
It is as if you were avoiding her like the plague and weren't even trying to hide it. Any attempt by Wanda to talk to you face-to-face was a failure, as you'd always make up excuses not to talk to her at that moment. And the lamer the excuses became, the more it hurt Wanda.
You were even late for school several times during the week. And Wanda knew that the only possible explanation was that you were avoiding having to drive her and her twin brother to school, because you were never late for anything.
And now, your newest method to avoid her was not answering the messages she sent you. Absolutely none of them.
An unexpected knock on her bedroom door startles Wanda, waking her from her thoughts. “Come in!” She shouts, recovering from the fright, and soon the door opens, revealing Pietro on the other side. “Hey, sis,” the boy greets warmingly, “wanna watch Star Wars with me?”
“I’m a little tired, Piet, but thanks.” The girl declines with a small apologetic smile and the blond frowns. Wanda never says no to Star Wars. “Are you alright?” He asks, approaching her and sitting on the edge of her bed.
Wanda sighs heavily. She doesn’t really know what she’s feeling. Maybe she could start with confusion and hurt. She also doesn’t know if she should tell her brother or not. What she knows is that she needs answers, and maybe he could help her find them.
“Have you talked to Y/n?” The girl asks finally, her question and her uncertain tone making Pietro knit his brows in confusion. “Yeah I was talking to her just now.” He answers, and the way Wanda sighs sadly worries him even more. “Why?”
“I think she’s avoiding me.” The brunette mutters the best she can with the lump in her throat, tears pooling in her eyes. “Oh...” Her brother murmurs softly, unsure of what to do. “Wanna talk about it?”
“Not really,” Wanda says, smiling sadly in appreciation, “I think I want to be alone for a while.” She suggests, wanting to be left alone with her thoughts, and her brother smiles softly in return, nodding slowly.
“Okay.” He says as he gets up, walking towards her next. When he deposits a soft kiss on the top of her head, Wanda smiles gratefully. “But don’t worry little sister, I’m sure you’ll work this out.”
“How can you be so sure?” She asks, furrowing her brows in a mixture of confusion and disbelief, but her brother just smiles. “Because you’re Wanda and Y/n.” The boy explains simply and the brunette feels the lump in her throat grows harder. She manages to smile though.
“Goodnight,” Pietro says as he gets to the door, a loving smile on his lips. “Goodnight.” The girl murmurs back, a brief smile making itself present on her lips before her brother closes the door behind him.
Now alone, Wanda stares at her phone again, a bunch of messages she’s sent you and you left unread. Sighing heavily, the girl decides to just give up and go to bed. You certainly wouldn’t answer her anytime soon. Maybe she could try talking to you at school on Monday.
Lying in bed, Wanda rolls from side to side for long minutes, sleep never coming as thoughts of you run rampant in her mind. Just as she is about to give up and go try to distract herself with anything, a noise catches her attention. The sound is short and hollow, but it's enough to make her wonder where it might have come from. When the noise happens again, Wanda furrows her eyebrows.
While getting up, Wanda recognizes that the repetitive sounds are coming from the window and so she walks over to it, opening the curtain. Looking down, the brunette squints her eyes to get used to the darkness.
As soon as she recognizes your figure down below, she widens her eyes slightly, her heart beginning to beat faster in a mixture of excitement and irritation. You see her too and smile at her, but Wanda contains the butterflies in her stomach at the sight and returns to her bed, reaching for her cell phone afterwards.
What the hell are you doing, Y/n?
Wanda watches for a few seconds as the message goes to “read” and then the sign that you’re typing before your answer shows up on her screen, the words making her roll her eyes.
Throwing pebbles at your window?
Come down here and talk to me.
The brunette bites her lips to contain a smile as the sounds of the pebbles hitting the glass keep going on. But she’s still mad at you. Acting weird all week and in the end just showing up at her window expecting everything to be fine? No way.
I’m not going down there, Y/n, it’s 2 am
You have your phone for a reason, use it.
The girl watches the screen for a while, the warning that you read but no sign of you typing. Before she can think you give up, though, a loud bang on her window makes Wanda startle. Wide-eyed, the brunette walks quickly towards the window, opening it next.
“Did you just throw your fucking phone at my window?!” She asks lowly in disbelief, but you just smile amusedly at her. “I can’t hear you, guess you’ll have to come down here.” You hit back, clearly not meaning it, and Wanda rolls her eyes, smiling as she steps away from the window.
The girl walks to the back door with silent footsteps and a beating heart, her mind questioning herself the reason for you being in her backyard at two in the morning. When she opens the door, the cold night air greets her, but she feels warm under your endearing smile.
“What do you want, Y/n?” Wanda asks, trying to sound unaffected by your presence there while her heart pounds anxiously in her ears. “I wrote a song.” You say, showing her your guitar, that you left leaning against the trunk of a nearby tree.
“And you couldn't wait until tomorrow to show it to me?” She asks in a mixture of mockery and confusion, that not really explaining your presence there. “No, actually...” You answer with a shy giggle, “I wrote it for you.” You reveal and Wanda widens her eyes at your unexpected words.
“Can I- Can I play it for you?” You ask cautiously, taking her silence as a negative reaction, but Wanda nods frantically and then you smile in response. You hold the guitar for a while, tuning the strings, and Wanda watches you with a loving smile and patient eyes. Not after long, you start to play.
The melody is soft and slow and, to Wanda’s ears, the notes match with your voice in an almost angelical way. You sing about two people, an oblivious lover and someone too good to be true. When you finish, Wanda looks at you with a bright smile and watery eyes.
“What are you trying to tell me, Y/l/n?” She asks with a shaky voice, affected by the tears she tries to keep from falling. You smile, resting the guitar against the tree again before walking over to her.
“That I’m dumb?” You start as soon as you’re only a step away from her. “That I’ve spent so many years not seeing what was right in front of me.” You confess, Wanda’s eyes locked on yours as she listens attentively to your every word.
“But I do now.” You say, taking her hands on yours and smiling and Wanda allows it. “And now I can hear it in the silence. I can see it with the lights out. I’m in love.” You pour your heart out, and the silence from the late-night around you makes it possible for you to hear Wanda's breathing hitch.
“I promised I would never fall in love, but I already did. I fell in love and it’s entirely your fault, Wanda Maximoff. Can you deal with it?” You ask and Wanda giggles, the tears finally falling from her eyes.
“I can,” she says, letting go of your hand only to move hers to your face, “I can. That’s all I want.” She confesses breathlessly and you giggle, bringing your hands to her waist. “I’m in love with you too, Y/n Y/l/n.”
The words make your heart feel at peace in a way you never thought it was possible and you giggle happily, Wanda following you right away. When the laughter stops, the two of you are engulfed by the silence again, you completely mesmerized by the green in her eyes as Wanda admires every inch of your face. But after a few minutes, she raises her brow.
“You better kiss me now, Y/l/n, or I will.” She threatens teasingly and you giggle, your heart beating faster as you lean in. Wanda meets you halfway, her lips connecting to yours softly. The kiss is slow, as you get to know each other, but charged with emotion, immediately taking you to cloud nine.
And as your lips move together, you finally understand all the songs about love.
───── ⋅ ✮ ⋅ ─────
And that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed it, thoughts and comments are always welcome ツ
Part 4
Taglist: @yuhloversxx @madamevirgo @an-evergreen-rose @helloalycia @wandas1mp @cantcontroltheirfear @diaryoflife @ironscarletwidowsoilder @cristin-rjd @ensorcellme @aimezvousbrahms @natasha-danvers @purplemeetsblue @randomshyperson @peggycarter-steverogers @b0mbdotc0m @ethereal-pxradise @stephanieromanoff @tomy5girls @gingerbreadcookieforlife @imapotatao @musicinourlips @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @allfiguredout @olsensnpm @magicallymaximoff @nothing-isimpossible @mionemymind @itsmionet @xastrydx @sxfwap @nicole-rayleigh-hot @wellsayhelloaagin @midnight-lestrange @1-800-depressedlesbian @theperfectlovestory @b-5by5 @blackwow34 @nervoustrack @somewhatgreatexpectations @yeetus-thyself @chelleztjs18 @franfineashell @mrromanoff (let me know if you wanna be tagged)
342 notes · View notes
retrievablememories · 3 years ago
love thy neighbor | kun (m)
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title: love thy neighbor pairing: kun x black reader genre: fluff, smut, neighbors to lovers request: “Hello again Rain! I hope you're doing well and I'm happy to see you're open for requests again. Your writing in general is a treat to look forward to. An idea for a fic I'd like to suggest is wayv kun/black oc where they're neighbors that secretly pine for another and do feel free get very nsfw lmao. TY!” word count: 5.7k warnings: alcohol use, protected sex, dirty talk, dry humping, riding a/n: i used a prompt from this list of ideas to help me create this fic.
i’m sorry, this fic could’ve theoretically been finished long ago but took me 3893 years because kun intimidates me (and i don’t know why) and that makes it hard to write for him l m f a o chile anyway...
Your neighbor might actually kill you one day—but only in the figurative sense.
Kun is too beautiful and kind for your sanity; he’s like one of those men out of a romantic novel who simply should not exist. In other words, the ideal guy. One who helps all the little old ladies in the building take their groceries up to their apartments, one who feeds all the stray cats that hang around the complex, one who helps new tenants move their things in without even being asked.
Your roommate Charlotte would probably be totally smitten over him just like you if she did not already have her own happy relationship with her girlfriend. But since she does, she has decided to spend her time instead teasing you about your crush on him and trying to persuade you into getting tangled up in a matchmaking mess.
“I’m sure he already has a girlfriend, I don’t know, trying to shoot my shot seems ridiculous,” you say to her, worrying the edge of your blanket in your hands. You toss and turn on the couch, flipping onto your stomach and sighing before shuffling onto your back again. “People like that can never stay single for long. Right? They get snapped up quick.”
“You’d know if you simply asked,” Charlotte points out. “Staring holes into his head won’t help you find out more about him.”
“I guess you’re right,” you say, your fingers stumbling over the blanket as it momentarily slips from your hands. Still, the idea of asking him if he’s dating anyone, whether discreetly or more openly, makes you nervous. You’ve talked to Kun several times before, even hung out with him at those friendly get-togethers your apartment building always holds to get the residents mingling, but you’re still anxious around him. It makes you feel silly, like you’re back in high school; but you aren’t quite sure what to do with those emotions or how to form them into something coherent. “Easy to say all that when you already have the person you want, though.”
“Oh, girl. Love is not easy, but that’s why you have to fucking work for it. AKA, go for what—or who—the hell you want and stop pining over him like some lost Juliet on our couch. It’s better than watching you flop around like a dying fish.”
You stand up from the couch abruptly, leaving your blanket to the side and glaring at her. “You don’t get it, ugh.”
“I get it! But you refuse to let me help—”
“Yes, because if I did, you’d say something completely ridiculous and tell him I’m madly in love with him or something.” You head to the bathroom to check yourself in the mirror.
Charlotte throws her hands up in surrender. “Hey, maybe. But that wouldn’t be a lie.”
“Really? I don’t think—”
“I think so. The way you talk about this guy, it’s definitely sounding a little like love to me.”
Once you’re satisfied, you come back in the main room and grab your keys, wanting to end this conversation before Charlotte sets a world record for how many times she can make you feel embarrassed. “Whatever you say. I’m gonna go to the corner store, so...speak now if you need something or forever hold your peace.”
“You can’t run from it,” Charlotte sing-songs, going back to reading her magazine. “And no, I don’t need anything.”
Once you get out your front door, it’s just your luck when you see Kun’s door is also open. You are not dressed for running into him, of all people; your “corner store” clothes being just a T-shirt, leggings, and slides. You freeze in place and momentarily think about unlocking your door and bolting back inside, which you realize is utterly ridiculous. By then, it’s too late; he’s already coming out his door and closing it behind him. 
He perks up when he sees you outside, smiling at you with those deep dimples that make your insides melt. “Hey Y/N, good to see you.”
“Kun! Uh—great to see you too.”
“Are you going out somewhere?” he asks. Inwardly, he feels a bit silly for asking because you clearly are, keys in hand and everything.
“Yeah, just to the store to get a few things.” You wave your hand, and you almost have the urge to lean on your doorframe to appear more calm and collected than you are. Which could potentially end up looking sillier than you intended. “How about you?”
“Going to see a friend,” he answers, and he brushes his hand through his hair in a way that’s completely casual but somehow modelesque at the same time. This is unbelievable, you think to yourself. “We haven’t met up in a while, so…”
“Oh yeah, it’s always nice to go out with old friends,” you say, smiling at the thought of it. Kun nods his agreement, and then has an abrupt, wild idea to ask if you’d like to go out somewhere sometime. Too busy warring with himself over whether he should take the dive, he doesn’t notice you heading towards the stairs already. “I hope you two have a good time!”
“Oh—thanks. Hope you enjoy your trip.” He chuckles, following you down the steps to get to his car. Well, that moment has passed. Sure, he could probably still ask you now if he was bold enough about it, but it feels too awkward to randomly ask someone out in the middle of a stairwell.
You wave bye to him once you both get in the parking lot. He watches you walk to your car with a wistful smile on his face. He wants to say more to you, but the timing isn’t right and it’s best not to hold you up right now. Plus, Hendery’s probably already waiting for him.
It would’ve provided you with a lot of relief if you knew Kun was facing a similar dilemma to you. He’d never had much problem talking to women he liked in the past, but something about you made him feel clumsy and hesitant. But just like with your inability to move forward, there’s no way for you to know his feelings without him saying anything about it—which he has been hesitating over for the longest. 
Maybe he was also still cowering from the embarrassment of the time he’d tried to show you a magic trick that didn’t quite work out, but it was a convenient excuse. At least for him, anyway.
One day he’d get the courage to tell you how he felt, but he didn’t think today was that day.
Some strong shots and a few hours at the club was exactly what you needed to unravel your nerves after a long week. You and a few others from your work had decided to go out that Saturday night as a group effort to unwind from dealing with your overbearing boss. “Just a couple shots” eventually turned into more than that, though, but you weren’t complaining. As long as it gave you the opportunity to discard all your issues for a while, you didn’t mind losing yourself a little.
However, your night of fun quickly dissolves into frustration when you realize you’ve lost your keys and have no way to get back into your apartment. You’re not even sure where they might’ve disappeared—in the club, or in the rideshare back to your apartment?
Charlotte is out of the city for the week visiting her long-distance girlfriend, so there’s no way you’re getting back in your apartment tonight. The main office won’t be open at this hour, either; it’s the weekend, and nobody will be there regardless until Monday. And you’re definitely not drunk enough or desperate enough to try to bust the door down.
Though it pains you to do so, you knock on Kun’s door, your head throbbing and dizzy. You feel bad about this. He won’t even be awake at this hour and might not answer, but you don’t know what other options you have. You aren’t familiar enough with your other neighbors to ask this of them. Especially not the old lady living on the other side of you who has a perpetually judgmental aura towards everyone in the apartment building. The only person she seems marginally approving of is none other than the man himself—Qian Kun.
It takes a good minute or two, but you hear the latch unlock, and Kun is suddenly standing in front of you, a look of concern on his sleepy face. He is adorable like this, in his pajamas and his hair mussed and his eyes foggy with sleep. He’s so cute it makes you want to cry—and so you do. 
But your tears are mostly because you’re very tipsy and tired and currently locked out of your very comfortable apartment.
This awakens Kun immediately. “Y/N? What’s wrong?” He gently pulls you into his apartment, his tone quiet but panicked as you put your face in your hands and cry. You just shake your head for a few moments, crying too much to say anything to him. When you don’t reply, he doesn't try to press you for answers; he just puts his arms around you, a bit carefully as if you’re made of some easily breakable material, and lets you wet his T-shirt with your tears.
Finally, when you’ve collected yourself some, you abruptly feel foolish for crying over something like this. He probably thinks someone’s died, and you’ve gotten him all worked up for practically nothing. “I-I’m locked out,” you sigh heavily, and he has enough politeness not to outwardly react to your alcohol breath with your close proximity. “And my roommate is gone…forever.”
His eyebrows lift. “Forever?”
“The whole week, Kun...but it feels like...f-forever.”
“Ah...I see. Is that why you were crying?”
You put your head back in your hands. “Just kill me.”
“Don’t feel bad about it,” Kun says, and there is a tiny lift to his mouth like he wants to smile at your dramatics. “It’s fine. You can stay here tonight.”
“Kun, thank you.” You’re still loosely embracing each other, and you squeeze your arms more tightly around him. Maybe it’s just a reason to rest your head on his chest again and hear his heart beating strong against your cheek, but you wouldn’t admit that. Wait, why is his heart beating so fast? “Thank youuu, I love you so much, this means the world to me.”
Kun’s mind catches on the words I love you so much, and he knows you’re just drunk and need to sleep it off and aren’t really thinking about what you’re saying, but he cannot help lingering there for a moment. He’s glad the front room is still dim from the single lamp he turned on, otherwise you might notice the flush growing on his cheeks. “I...it’s no problem. We should get you comfortable, then.”
As it turns out, get you comfortable means he lets you sleep in his bed while he takes the couch. In another context you’d protest, not wanting to kick him out of his own space, but you are simply too smashed to think about it. You’re seconds away from falling asleep where you stand now that the adrenaline of discovering you’re locked out has worn off. Kun has the idea to make you drink some ice cold water, though, which wakes you up enough to take a proper shower.
By the time you get out of the shower and are wearing his clothes—his clothes—you are feeling a little more sober. You also feel like you’re going to have another small meltdown over all this. “This” being: wearing Kun’s clothes and standing in his bedroom, which is decorated with all his interests and treasured belongings. There’s a small studio setup in one corner, which interests you, but you don’t investigate it any further.
Now you have another little problem, though; what are you gonna do about the pillows? You don’t have anything to cover your hair with, with all your scarves and bonnets in your own apartment. One night of sleeping on a cotton pillow wouldn’t kill you, but that doesn’t make it any less distasteful to think about.
Kun comes into the bedroom to check on you and sees you puzzling around, sitting on the bed and looking awkward. “What’s the matter?”
“Oh. It’s nothing really,” you rush out, unsure if you should tell him about a problem he likely won’t even understand. It must be at least 4:00 a.m. by now, meaning you both desperately need to get some sleep.
“You can tell me, I won’t bite.”
I wouldn’t mind if you did pops into your head, but you immediately try to ignore that thought and are silently grateful that you do not blush visibly.
“Uh, my hair.”
“Your hair?”
“Okay, I need to cover it at night so it won’t get all broken off or anything—sleeping on cotton does wonders for destroying moisture—but I don’t have anything here to use. I mean—it’s...not a huge deal though, I can deal with it for a night?” You’re rambling now. Kun just nods, taking in all this information like he’s listening to something very important and very interesting.
“So then, what would you do to stop that?”
“Wear a scarf, or a bonnet, or using a silk pillowcase works, too. But you probably don’t have any of that stuff, you don’t have to bother with it—”
“Well, let me see.” Kun disappears into his closet and you pause, wondering for a moment if he actually does have a bonnet or something in there. Which would probably be a little hilarious to you.
He comes back out with not a bonnet of a scarf or even a pillowcase, but one of his own shirts. It’s just the right material though, being a pretty purple silk.
“Oh—Kun.” At this point, there are several emotions all trying to come to the forefront, though you have no clue which one to settle on. “Your shirt? You really don’t have to. I could…”
“It’s just a shirt, Y/N. There are a lot more where that comes from...I don’t mind.” He chuckles.
You sigh bashfully but take the shirt from him. “Thank you, it’s really thoughtful of you.” You cover the pillow with his shirt, and it works perfectly.
“Anyway, if you need anything else, just tell me,” he says, lingering by the door.
“I will...thank you,” you say, your voice quiet as you give him a nervous smile. Only when he shuts the door and his footsteps fade away do you allow yourself to bunch the comforter in your fists and scream into it. Everything in here smells just like him, which is probably more than enough to fuel all of your Qian Kun-related daydreams for the next 8 months.
It doesn’t take long for you to drift off when you finally do lie down, and your mind is blissfully empty of anything throughout the night.
The next day takes a bit of settling into. You’re momentarily alarmed when you wake up faced with a strange room until you remember last night’s events and recall where you are. There is also the smell of food, good food, which is also sadly unfamiliar to you. Charlotte can’t cook to save either of your lives, so you know you’d never be waking up to the smell of a professional chef-approved breakfast if you were still in your apartment with her.
Walking out of Kun’s room, you see that he’s in the kitchen, halfway finished with cooking breakfast for the both of you. It’s more like brunch at this hour, but what does that matter.
You linger at the doorway for a moment, allowing yourself to imagine that this is what things would be like if you were dating. Getting this view everyday? Life cannot be this unfair.
Maybe not too much, though, since you are standing in his kitchen.
“Oh, good morning,” he greets you, breaking your reverie. “Did you sleep well?”
“Good morning. I slept great. Thanks again for, you know, the shirt, haha…”
He grins, and his dimples come out. “Sure thing. Go ahead and sit! Breakfast will be ready soon.”
It’s the best breakfast you’ve eaten since living with Charlotte; maybe some of the best food you’ve ever had. “I had no idea you could cook this well,” you say. “I mean. I guess I wouldn’t since I haven’t—you know, uh—eaten here before, but—it’s great.” It’s just your luck that your thoughts come out in this fumbling mini-rant, but Kun only laughs good-naturedly.
“Thank you, I’m truly glad you like it.”
You both continue eating breakfast while making light conversation. This just might be the longest conversation you’ve had with each other, and that knowledge seems surreal. You’re almost a little glad you lost your key. Almost.
“So...today is Sunday. And the leasing office still won’t be open until Monday.” Kun says this over the remnants of breakfast. He speaks in a measured tone, like he’s trying to ensure he says the right thing. Whatever that could possibly be. “And you told me your roommate won’t be back until Monday.”
To your credit, you hadn’t exactly accounted for this when you first came over to his place in your distressed state. That means another night spent in his apartment though, which becomes very obvious to you now. “Ah. Sorry, am I imposing?”
“What—no, I-I just wanted to make sure you knew you can stay here tonight, or—however long you need.”
Relief floods through you, and you briefly wonder why you even worried about it; as far as you know, he’s not the kind of person to just kick someone out. “Ohh, of course—that’s good to know. Thank you for all this!”
“You’re welcome.” You miss the smile he gives to your response as you’re busy drinking your juice, but it’s one filled with a certain affection.
It feels a bit awkward to just sit around in his apartment all day, with nothing to do and all your belongings still locked out of your reach in your own place, so Kun shows you the studio in the corner of his room. He’d talked about being into music before, but you’d never heard anything of his until now.
When he plays the keyboard for you, it’s to the tune of a beautiful self-composed song. You almost pinch yourself to remind yourself this isn’t a hallucination or a fever dream. A man this appealing really exists, and you’ve stayed the night in his apartment and eaten his breakfast. You give a small round of applause when he finishes.
“Wouldn’t it be cool if you became a famous singer or something? I’d come to all your concerts,” you say lightly, kicking your legs on the edge of his bed.
“All? Really, all?” He laughs.
“Yes, all. A voice and talent like that deserves all the attention.” You lean back on his bed, stretching your legs out. “But all your venues would probably be sold out. Hopefully you’d remember me from your lil’ ole apartment building. I’m sure you’d be living in a penthouse by then.”
Kun smiles bashfully at your compliments, waving his hands as if it’s too much. “Thank you. But I don’t think I could ever forget you.” His voice grows a bit softer. His expression is more genuine than you expect for a conversation that was so playful only seconds ago, and you find it hard to hold eye contact all of a sudden.
It is your turn to be bashful, and you shrug in an effort to seem natural. “Well, I’m flattered.” Despite your unaffected demeanor, you don’t think those words will leave your mind for a good while, even if you wonder about the meaning of them. 
Later that evening, Kun makes dinner and you watch TV together, flipping to whatever channels have dramas or movies playing.
You two eventually fall into another conversation when you can’t find anything good to watch—one that does not make you overly nervous for once. During a lull in the talking, that big question pops up into your mind, and you wince internally at how Charlotte would’ve already told you to make a move. You aren't sure how to do that without making him uncomfortable or seeming too sudden, but you decide to make an attempt.
You edge into it with, “So, um, your place looks pretty nice for one guy. It’s just you here, right?”
“Ah yeah, just me. Thanks, I do try my best.”
“Haha, I’m used to my guy friends all having super messy apartments until they get a girlfriend and she teaches them how to clean a stove for the first time…”
“Oh really? That’s a bit sad for them, isn’t it?” He chuckles. “I’m not dating anyone right now, so it’s all me.”
Just the information you were looking for. You try not to show your elation. “Why not?” you blurt out. Then you cringe because this might sound too invasive or even judgmental, but Kun only grins. “It’s just, it’s a little surprising. You’re such a generous person. You seem to care about everyone, even those poor stray kitties that stay outside the apartments all the time.”
He smiles timidly in response to receiving more of your compliments. “I guess it seems curious when you put it like that.” Just like when you’d drunkenly said I love you so much, there’s suddenly heat on the back of his neck that he hopes won’t turn into another blush that’ll expose him. “I don’t really know, I haven’t thought much about it; life’s weird like that.” He isn’t really sure how to answer that question in a way that won’t be too big of a hint that he’s interested in you, though he’s also not entirely sure why he’s still trying to hide it. Wouldn’t now be the perfect opportunity? When will you two have this much time together again? Still, you staying in his apartment for two days doesn’t mean you like him, and maybe he’s jumping the gun.
“That’s true. Guess that’s the same reason why I’ve been alone for a while now.” You shake your head.
“You?” Kun is equally surprised to know this about you.
You laugh incredulously. “Does that shock you or something?”
“I...well.” He rubs the back of his neck as he searches for the words. “I just thought...you’re very pretty, and you’re always really kind when we speak, so...”
“Oh?” Your face heats up at that.
“Yeah, I…think anyone would be lucky to be with you.”
“Oh.” Your body’s first instinct is to freeze with nervousness, but you know Charlotte would be kicking your ass in gear right now if she were somehow here. So, you decide to stop stressing about it and just do it. “Well...wouldn’t it be nice if we both had a way to fix our problems at the same time?”
Kun pauses for a moment before replying. “What do you suggest?” He knows what you are proposing—you can see in his eyes and his slight grin and his posture that he knows—but maybe he wants to hear you say it out loud.
“Hm, well…I don’t know, what do you think?” You lean a bit closer to him, raising your eyebrows and trying your best to look innocent and unassuming. His smile turns into something different with your increased proximity. Something a little more sly.
Mirroring your actions, he inches nearer to you until there’s little space left between. “Well, I think…” Kun tentatively closes the remaining gap between the two of you, the rest of his sentence left to linger as his soft lips envelop yours.
Maybe it’s corny to say it, but it definitely feels like one of those fairytale kisses with the fireworks going off and streamers popping; even though you’re sitting on his couch wearing his pajamas, some movie in the background you’ve long forgotten the plot of, empty dinner plates sitting on the coffee table in front of you.
You aren’t sure how you end up in his lap—who made the first move? Was it his hand on your back or your hands on his shoulders? You straddle him on the couch, your arms slipping around his shoulders and his hands on your back but assuredly traveling farther down your body.
Kun’s hands come to rest on your thighs, pulling the fabric of his shorts up a few inches higher. “I never thought I’d see you wearing my clothes,” he says lowly, grinning against your mouth.
“I also never thought I’d be sitting in your lap like this, but maybe sometimes dreams do come true,” you say jokingly, your lips rubbing against his skin as you slowly kiss his jaw.
You can’t see his expression, but his eyebrows shoot up at that. “Dreams, huh? You think about me often?” His voice pitches lower when he asks this, aroused by the thought of you imagining anything quite so lewd about him. You’ve definitely incriminated yourself now and won’t be able to wiggle out of it without an answer.
“What do you think about me?” Kun grips your hips, which quickly turns into him grabbing your ass—tentatively at first to test the waters, and then firmly enough to grind you against his hardening cock. Sensing him solid and warm underneath you sends a shockwave down your spine, and the sensation heightens when his voice caresses your ear, all low and tense with arousal. “It’s just the two of us here. No one else has to know.”
“I think about your...lips. How you might kiss me. Or what you might say to me. And...your hands.” You pause there, a quiet breath whispering past your lips. “You have really big hands, you know.”
“My hands…” Kun places one on your chest, spreading his fingers across and touching your collarbone. The heel of his palm glides on the top of your breast, and just that touch is enough to get you more worked up. “Hmm. Actually, I’ll admit I’m pretty good with my hands.” He smirks, and he’s possibly the finest thing you’ve ever seen. “What else, Y/N?”
“I thought about how you’d touch me.” His hand slides between your breasts now, down your sternum, and to your stomach. “Maybe I’d invite you into my apartment when Charlotte wasn’t there. We’d watch some stupid movie and pretend to be into it, but we’re really just thinking about each other. You’d eventually end up slipping your hand up my skirt...and making me cum all over your fingers.”
You aren’t sure how you’re saying all this to Kun right now, the dude you have a major crush on, without bursting into flames.
His shaft rubbing against your clit even through your layers of clothes makes you sigh dreamily, pressing your forehead to his and gripping at his shoulders and biceps. His bangs are soft against your forehead, and your breath stutters when he moves to kiss the side of your neck. He has to know how hard your heart is beating right now.
“And then what?” His voice is barely a whisper, then.
“And then you’d fuck me, of course.” There’s a slight laugh in your voice at the ticklish feeling of his lips kissing your skin.
“And then I’d fuck you...hm,” he echoes. “Sure, I can do that.”
The promise of it entices you, and more heat pools between your legs, amplified by the fabric rubbing against your sensitive parts. His hand that’s still on your stomach travels under your shirt then, and your hips falter in your rhythm against him when his fingers brush across your nipple. He brings his lips to your other breast, lapping his tongue against your nipple over the fabric.
You soon come like this, his shaft grinding against your clit and his clothes rubbing against your skin, his hands on your ass and his lips traveling across your breasts. The orgasm is sudden and surprises you, but it’s good, and you convulse as the waves of pleasure course through you. You weaken and slump against him, with him still teasing your breasts with his mouth and hands. Pushing your face into his hair, you moan into the black strands until the quivering stops.
You’re breathless when you speak again. “You haven’t come yet.”
“I’d rather do that when I’m inside you,” he replies. You giggle quietly.
“...What are you waiting for, then?”
“Hold on.” Kun carefully maneuvers you off his lap, and you already want to complain at the lack of his touch. “I have to get a condom.”
“Hurry, or you’ll miss all the fun,” you say as you pull your shirt off with your back to him. You look back over your shoulder at him and grin mischievously.
“You’re such a tease…”
Kun goes into his room to fetch a condom, and when he returns he’s already pulling his shirt off, leaving it on the floor somewhere. You’re fully naked now, your legs pulled up to your chest and your chin resting on your knees as you sit on the couch. Kun’s eyes drop between your legs, your inner thighs still glistening from your previous orgasm, and he swipes his tongue across his lips at the sight of you, wet and ready for him.
Likewise, your eyes drop to the dark trail of hair leading into his pants and his bulge just below it, the way his sweatpants cling to his length, and your pussy throbs with the desire to be filled.
“Please, hurry.”
Kun doesn’t waste any time in getting the rest of his clothes off, shoving his pants and underwear done in one swift move and rolling the condom over his shaft. He climbs onto the couch, grabbing your legs and guiding them around his waist, and you giggle at his eager but gentle touch as you recline on the couch pillows behind you.
He grabs his dick and lines it up with you, then pushes it in slowly at first. The stretch makes your toes curl, but it is a good kind of stretch, the kind that fills you to the brim. Like the missing element you needed.
“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice husky from the pleasure.
“Fuck, please,” is your answer as you shift your hips and try to get him all the way inside quicker. Noticing your urgency, he slides the rest of the way in until your hips are flush against each other and starts thrusting into you. His length dragging across your walls feels much better than you could’ve imagined on any given night, and you clasp your legs tighter around him to get ever closer.
After a point, he pushes your legs up with his hands behind your knees so he can get a deeper angle, and you both moan at the difference in sensation and how much tighter you get around him.
There is no ignoring the messy wet noises of your bodies colliding due to the slickness of your previous orgasm and the new wetness he’s continually fucking out of you. Each thrust reaches deep inside you, deep enough to make you nearly sob, your hands fumbling over your breasts and your clit all the while.
“Kun, god yes please,” you whimper, rocking your hips into the rhythm of his own. You fucking him back makes him groan deeply, his bangs hanging off his forehead as he dips his head to watch himself slide in and out of you. You could not control the urge or the motion of your body even if you wanted to; you want all of him, as close as he can get.
“I don’t want this to end,” he moans, and he pulls out without a warning. You gasp at the sudden emptiness, and your discontent comes out in a full whine. You’d be more embarrassed about it if you weren’t currently consumed with desire, but you presently do not care.
Kun sits back on the couch and pulls you on top of him again. “Ride me,” he says. So you grasp the base of his cock, him grunting as you do, and you press the tip against your entrance before pushing it in. He watches himself slip inside of you while fully enraptured, one hand tight on your hip.
Once you are full with him again, you experimentally grind against him to see how it’ll feel in this new position, and your arms tremble as his pelvis stimulates your clit.
“Go ahead,” he whispers, grasping the nape of your neck and kissing you hard once more, “fuck yourself on me.”
So you keep grinding your clit on him like that, your limbs shaking from the stimulation and your walls fluttering around his cock. You can barely catch a complete breath from him kissing you hard enough to make your lips swell, and your head is so fogged with lust that all you can concentrate on is getting yourself off just like he told you to do.
“Kun…” You roll your head onto his shoulder, pressing your forehead into his skin, your body tiring as you get closer to reaching that high. You’re so close to coming, but you’re not sure if you have enough strength left to get there on your own. Kun notices the state you’re in and grasps your hips to pull them into his, effortlessly sliding himself into you while making sure your clit gets stimulated at the same time.
The new friction of his dick rubbing against your g-spot in this position is enough to have you finally coming and crying out against his neck.
You continue babbling nonsense against his neck as he keeps fucking you, searching for his own end. His hands are hot on your body as he moves you up and down his length.
His climax comes soon after yours, his dick pulsing and his pace slowing. Your back arches at the sensation of him throbbing inside you and releasing his cum into the condom. The way he groans in your ear has your stomach clenching.
For a few minutes after, you both sit quietly and do nothing but cling to one another as you come down from the pleasure.
“So, does this mean we’re together now…?” Kun asks hopefully, running his hands over your back as you lie against him.
You smile against his skin. “Obviously. But if you still want to convince me, we can go a couple more rounds…”
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