#and then napped from 4 pm to 7 pm
guys i think im nocturnal
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julesnichols · 7 months
The past like two and a half hours have been nonstop whiplash
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There should be a study done on the amount of sleep I get
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periipheral · 10 months
i may have finally fixed my game <3
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 9 months
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[7:09 pm]
(cw: parents!au)
Every parent knew what silence meant. Silence meant some huge mess was being made, someone was hiding, being mischievous, general mayhem being had. This was especially true in your home with your daughter and 3 cats. It was never this quiet in your house with the four—five troublemakers in your house. It couldn’t be the main troublemaker because he was sitting right next to you, fully invested in a a reality tv show.
“Jaemin, listen,” You said quietly while you muted the tv.
He looked at you quizzically, “I don’t hear anything… what could she be doing now?”
“It’s not her nap time yet, I have a very bad feeling about this,” you replied nervously.
Your daughter had a sweet face, she was nice and friendly in public. She always waved at strangers with a huge smile on her face. She knew to stay by your side when she wasn’t sitting in a shopping cart. She very rarely threw tantrums, a perfect little angel. People had even told you so.
In the comfort of your home on the other hand, she was hyperactive and loud. She wreaked havoc on the daily. And the cats were either right her side or far, far away from her. There was no in between. When the cats decided she was being too much your daughter would try to climb their scratching posts to reach them or pull on their tails. The poor animals. When they decided to help her the house was loud, something got destroyed, scratched, or simply broken.
The last time the 4 of them had joined forces you needed to buy a new bookshelf for the living room with all new frames for the pictures that filled up some empty spaces on the shelves.
“Rock, paper, scissors to see who goes,” Jaemin offered. You rolled your eyes but complied. Softly hitting your fist against the palm of your hand. One paper and one rock, you lost.
“Wish me luck please, and have your credit card ready to shop. Oh my god, I think I’m gonna be sick,” you muttered, standing from the couch and walking toward your daughter’s room, but not without pouting and sending pleasing looks to your husband.
You tiptoed quietly to her open door and took a peek inside. Oh good, she was playing with her baby dolls. Wait, since when were they covered in fur?
You ran back to the living room whisper yelling, “Honey, you have to come see what your daughter is doing!”
Jaemin tilted his head back and shut his eyes, “why is she only my daughter when she’s being naughty?”
“It’s not even that bad, no new furniture. Just come see!” You tugged on his arm until he was up and quietly sneaking behind you.
You both peeked into the open door and watched as your daughter swaddled up one of the cats, Luke. And he liked it! He was purring and nuzzling into your daughters small and unusually gentle hands. “Ok baby! It’s time for a nap!” She told the cat before placing him in her toy bassinet. The poor doll who it belonged to could be seen face down under her bed.
“And for the other baby, it’s lunch! Time for your bottle,” she told Luna, picking up the cat and holding her like a newborn while holding a toy bottle to the cat’s mouth. And poor Lucy was sitting on a doll bed with a bonnet tied below her chin, but she looked unbothered.
“I think the cats… like it?” Jaemin whispered in confusion.
You looked at him, “weirdly enough, I think they do too.”
You and Jaemin continued to watch the four of them play and interact. They were all calm and playing happily, until, she turned and caught sight of you.
She bounded over to you and jumped into your arms, knocking the wind out of you.
“I’m practicing!” She smiled brightly.
“What are you practicing for, baby?” You asked her, moving some hair out of her face.
“Daddy said he’s going to get me a baby brother! So I have to practice being a good big sister!” She smiled, stating it like it was obvious.
Your fave dropped, looking at Jaemin with a raised eyebrow, “did your dad say that? That’s news to me. What else did he tell you, baby?”
Jaemin’s face dropped and your daughter began spilling all their secrets. How he always bought her candy before ballet, they sometimes snuck some ice cream together after you were asleep, Jaemin put sugar in her cereal, and how he promised her new toys if she didn’t mention anything about a new sibling. “Do I still get my toys daddy?”
“Uh! No! She would not be getting any new toys!”Jaemin yelled in his mind.
“You can ask daddy later, he’s about to be in very big trouble.”
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flippinpancakes64 · 3 months
The Cullens with a reader that REALLY loves to nap/sleep?
This was on my list of ones to do so thank you! And I hope you like it!
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He got really concerned for a while
There was a period of time, before he started stalking you at night of course, where you would go hours without responding to his texts
He got so anxious one day that he just showed up at your window to make sure you were alright
And you were asleep
Pretty much every time after that if he wanted to know where you were he knew that's what you were doing
When you start dating and he can come and go more freely he'll cuddle up next to you and just watch (creepy)
But then it gets to a point where he gets a bit scared
You guys are out and about and you mention that you're tired and just want to go home and sleep
Or instead of watching a movie with him you'll just drift off
Genuinely asks Carlisle if this is normal
He needs reassurance from both you and Carlisle that this is normal and that sleeping is just fun <3
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Before you two start dating, when you guys are still just friends, she finds it odd that you won't hang out with her
Like wdym you don't want to spend a whole Saturday shopping
Also finds it odd that you don't want to text or call all the time
She just straight up asks you tho
Almost doesn't believe you when you say it's because you're napping/sleeping
"Okay yeah I toootally believe that you sleep from 7 pm to 4 pm"
But it's true
When she eventually makes her own Edward-style trip to your house in the middle of the day and sees you sleeping she has no choice but to believe it
When you guys start dating she gets a little more annoyed
Like come on you are her partner dammit why are you sleeping all day?
She makes the mistake of waking you up one day
That doesn't go too well
She doesn't do that again
She gets a bit huffy when you sleep all day but just make it up to her by letting her drag you wherever she wants one day and you're good to go
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Your relationship is slow to build
You start off only seeing each other in school
Then talking a little bit
Then hanging out at school
Then talking a little bit after
Then hanging out a little bit after
So he doesn't really question anything when you don't talk to him most of the time
He just thinks you don't want to move on to being that close yet
But once you guys start dating, that's when he notices it
For a while he thinks it's just him because he's so used to Alice literally always being there and ready to talk to him
But when he goes over to your house for the first time to hang out and you just take a nap
He puts the dots together
He doesn't mind one bit
He's quiet after all
I feel like he would appreciate the peace since his house is never quiet
And not to mention that he can feel the tranquil and calm emotions radiating from you
You bet your ass he is cuddling with you
He just likes to lay there and close his eyes
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She was pretty quick to notice tbh
I feel like she's one to pick up technology pretty quick
So she's a texter
And she notices that you go dark at like 4 pm every day only to respond again sometime in the middle of the night then stop again
She gets a little annoyed
She thinks you're ignoring her
She gets petty for like, a week
Won't acknowledge you in the hallway or answer your texts
It's only when you basically have a breakdown in front of her that she tells you why
And then you have another breakdown explaining that you're literally just sleeping
So then she feels bad
Cue a week of apology gifts
After that though she starts coming over to nap
Sleep sesh
She brings over a book or a movie to watch while you sleep next to her
She loves it
Like Jasper she loves the tranquility
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He'd also notice pretty quick that something's up
Like wdym you don't want to go throw rocks at cars or whatever he does for fun
He would just take it as you being a whimp tho
"You don't want to hang cause you're scared of *insert random thing* right?"
You give in one time and go do something with him and he notices like an hour in that you are yawning like crazy and walking super slow
You explain that this is your regularly scheduled nap time and then it makes sense to him
Unfortunately tho he's not one to just lay around
Something's gonna have to change
Maybe one day dedicated to doing what he wants and then the rest you can sleep as much as you want
Compromise :)
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Honestly she's down
When you first come over she thinks she's prepared for anything humans would need but then you start drifting off at like 4 and she's like "oh"
Instantly is putting you in a room and telling everyone to be quiet
Is a little concerned but also she thinks it's cute
And it makes her lowkey miss being human and being able to take naps too
LOVES laying with you tho
Will grab a book and lay there with you for hours
Chill queen
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He's concerned
He can't help it
He sees people come in multiple times a day every day with similar symptoms and rarely do any of them have nothing wrong
Once he has learned the extent of your sleeping, he takes you to do some testing
Not even an at-home consultation
You are going into the clinic no ifs, ands, or buts
When he finds that there's nothing wrong though, he'll ease up
Just a little
Is still super concerned though
Will check up on you every once in a while when you're sleeping
He likes spending time with you though
His favorite thing is if you take a nap on the couch in his office
He loves just having you there while he does paperwork for the clinic
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Vampire! Bella:
She remembers naps all too well
And she misses them too
Even though she loves being a vampire she does miss getting to rest and disappear from the world for a couple of hours
She will never ever wake you up
Unless there's like an emergency or something
Loves to chill
Again, would be content just reading a book or drawing while you're sleeping
Would like to cuddle too
She likes the warmth and the comfort
Might even convince someone in the Cullen house to buy a nice bed for when you come over (if she doesn't already have one)
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cowgirlcherrie · 1 year
STARTEAM ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ volleyball! loser! ellie drabble
a/n: there is no plot for this it’s just a thought I haven’t been able to shake since seeing the amazing volleyball! ellie art by @caspervi ♡♡
volleyball! ellie art. support their work here!
update: also just realized @elliespeach has a wonderful volleyball! ellie fic and basically kickstarted the idea so support their work here too !!
content: 18+ MDNI, sexual themes, lowk saliva play if u squint bro, fem! water girl! reader
— song(s): STARTEAM by lastclass & byelilfly
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Ellie was in timeout. 
Well not literally, but being benched felt like she was. Suddenly she was 5 again and her teacher was moving her card to red, for her indecent behavior. Ellie wanted to whine, she wanted to fight back – bitch and moan. She had been putting in the work! Up in the gymnasium at the crevice of the glowing somber night to practice her bumping and setting; perfecting her spikes and it seemed as if she would never get to reach tranquility. She couldn’t be an ace, she couldn’t beat her opponents. 
She was drenched in sweat head-to-toe —  the fabric of her jersey sticking to her chest like glue. Beads of fresh sweat dripped down her forehead as she licked her dehydrated lips. She needed to breathe. But Ellie didn’t know breath control. She didn’t know stopping either, her routine was damaged, she was jaded and her brain was fuzzy the plays didn’t even make sense to her. Her brain was insanely flawed.  Nothing but incoherent doodles as her coach yelled in her face to take 5. 
All she knew was routine:
Wake up at 5 am. Go for a run at 7 am. Nutritious breakfast at 9 am. Practice 10-4 pm. A quick nap and muscle soak before a game.
All her hard work burned into ashes; eventually to dust and crumbs as it became nothing but a false sense of dedication. Sleepless nights and aching muscles just to be benched. Ellie was incandescent. Her eyebrows furrowed, cheeks a pulsing red – like clown makeup from the intensity. Her blood cells flowed healthily and her heartbeat was in the root of her ears like the pulsing of the music that kept her going.  While some may say a body is a temple; her’s was a ticking time bomb ready to go off in any second. 
Ellie couldn’t keep her eyes open, the sound of sneakers against the freshly polished floors made her eardrums bleed, similar to scraping a metal ruler against a school board. 
Dropping her head as she looked down at her legs. Her thighs were drenched in sweat the shin guards cutting off any circulation, making her thighs look wonderfully plump and 10x more muscular. Ellie was becoming hyper-aware until a sudden tap on her back and a sweet toothache-inducing smell filled her nostrils. 
It was you.
The water girl, her hero. Just the right person to fix her cravings. A thin white ridged paper cup in your hand with water filled to the brim as you held it out in front of you with a gentle smile. Ellie always thought your sweetness was ravishing. She thought her teammates were undeserving of such pleasure and authenticity from you. The other girls would dim your light – and by dimming it she meant flirting with you. Calling you sweetheart and asking to take you out to dinner which was followed by your rich voice telling them, “It’s unprofessional!” but she was too bashful to admit it; she wanted to do it too. 
The word baby could not escape her lips without being immediately flustered by it, Ellie was too smitten and starstruck by you. Quiet and lightly spoken, hell she was called ‘Bitchless 7 Williams’ for a reason. Stuttering over her words, hands shakier than ever, her affection becoming aggression she wanted nothing more than to drag herself out. She wishes she could be more flirty, more outspoken; then just maybe she would have been lucky to snag you, her water girl. 
You knew she could get down, she palpably could get rough with the right motivation. It was the way her anger transcended on the court, you were sure it would manifest in other places too. But part of you loved it, it turned you on, when you were alone at night, entangled in your duvet as you wondered what she would look like calling out your name. She was a fucking loser, a pathetic whiney player that still took the fall.
Initially, you thought you were sweeter; more gentle but Ellie was more bashful than you. She wasn’t like her teammates. Ellie didn’t make eye contact with you at all or call you names. She did, however, stare at your boobs for too long through your tightly fitting workout jacket that hugged every crevice of your body just right. Giving your boobs an extra push. It was perverted, but you caught her every time. Coincidentally that’s what got you hooked on her. You weren’t going to stop her. 
Like a hound dog you could smell what she wanted, you never failed to see the drool finally dripping from her tongue that she masked by bringing up her cup with great speed as the stretchy saliva dripped down the edge of her fingers and her cup. You did notice how she would leave a sticky residue; her clear fluids all over the cup before handing it back to you. Running off right before you can get a word in.
“Hope you’re thirsty It took me hooours to pour this” you teased, holding out the cup towards Ellie with a smile. That soft grin of yours that easily made anyone swoon on you. Ellie caught herself doing it again. In a room with so many people, her team, friends, and family, she sent a quick look at your boobs before looking back at the sparkles in your eyes. Like diamonds and pearls; vibrant and warm. Lewd thoughts raced in her brain like gnats. 
She was giving you teeth, as she took her shirt up; again, to wipe her forehead clear of the everflowing liquid. 
“Oh yeah,” Ellie taunted back, with a smirk on her face. She wasn’t sure where this confidence was coming from, so she reached out to take the cup from you. Bringing the cup up to her lips as she tilted her head back, taking large gulps of the water not breaking eye contact with you. You saw the string of saliva again as she dropped the cup from her lips, taking a soft breath. 
“More . . .” Her voice was breathy as if she ran a mile. 
“More what?”
“More water…please?” Ellie pleaded, she spoke fast and in a whisper shaking the empty cup as she handed it back to you.
“Sure thing Els,” You confirmed taking the cup from her hands feeling the sudden dampness of her drool around the cup. Almost damaging to the deteriorating paper. “You got something here”
You pointed to your own chin with your pointer finger, as Ellie quickly rushed a hand up to wipe off any excess liquid with the back of her hands, fingertips covered in bandaids. 
“Sorry,” it was a quiet whisper. 
You turned to the back this time giving Ellie a full view of the way you looked in the short shorts — that were almost as tight as your top. Ellie had to look away. Almost as if she were being under surveillance, she had to behave; control her wandering eyes that betrayed her more than often.
Just as you were about to give Ellie the cup again, a shout from her coach filled the spacey gymnasium. With that simple shout, Ellie became a machine. Lifting her legs up forgetting about her water request and rushed back onto the court. If she was so lucky to have the chance, she’ll fetch the water from you later. Hopefully with a reward on her back. 
Williams! Back on the court! Let’s try it again #7 Hustle! 
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The One Piece World Timezones [Fixed]
Okay, so I did a big WHOOPS. I thought the Grand Line is the equator. Someone in the notes pointed out that no, the Grand Line is not the equator and honestly, yeah, my fault for not going a bit deeper into my research.
Here is how the globe is and how the Grand Line goes. The blue thingy is I suspect the actual equator.
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The reasons I thought the Grand Line is on the equator is:
1) weather
2) natural occurences
3) map on the One Piece Wiki
Crazy shit happens in the equator in our world.
Here is how the Grand Line is positioned as told by Law.
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Now, let's fix the mistake. (Sighs)
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Here it is. I sighed many sighs while rotating this and maybe I cried a bit at getting everything 3 hours wrong and then cried some more that Dressrosa & Hawaii aren't in the same timezone bcs goddamn it, that fit, as did Mariejois.
But FINE. I'm doing this for all the Doffy x Reader writers, all the One Piece x Reader writers, all the One Piece fanfic writers, full stop. I REFUSE TO ALLOW MY MISTAKE TO BE A CURSE. I'll also edit the OG post and put this pic there so both posts have the correct one.
Okay, one more time, 100% correct this time:
Reverse Mountain [UTC -1]
Cape Valley [UTC 0]
Cactus Island [UTC 0]
Little Garden [UTC +1]
Drum Island [UTC +2]
Alabasta [UTC +3]
Island where Luffy Kicked Bellamy's Ass Vol 1 Jaya [UTC+4]
Skypiea [UTC +4]
The Arc I Skipped After Seeing It Became Filler Ring Long Island [UTC +5]
Water 7 [UTC +5]
I'm so sorry, Snail 😭
Ennies Lobby [UTC +6]
Florian Triangle [UTC +6]
Sabaody Archipelago [UTC +7]
Amazon Lily [UTC +7]
Impel Down [UTC +8]
Marineford [UTC +8]
Holy Land of Mariejois [UTC+8]
All the thematic representation of it being UTC +12, splash into the water 😭😭😭
Fishman Island [UTC +9]
New World:
New Marineford [UTC -8]
Punk Hazard [UTC -8]
Dressrosa [UTC -7]
Totto Land [UTC -5]
Wano [UTC -4]
Law vs Blackbeard Island [UTC -3]
Elbaf [UTC -3]
Weird that it's Elbaf that's Northeast, since shouldn't Law have gone there as his route? Maybe Kid lied and went there still after Law said Northeast is the quickest path, while Law took a detour onto Winner Island to fight Blackbeard.
Hachinosu (Pirate Island, Blackbeard's HQ) [UTC -3]
Egghead [UTC -3]
Even though Egghead's not shown on the map, Luffy went directly south from Wano, and by the line, the Sunny would have entered the UTC -3 zone.
Lodestar Island [UTC -2]
Calculating Guide:
From East to West
- if it's 17:00 (5 pm) in Marineford (UTC +8) and you want to know what time it is in Dressrosa, this is what you do:
1) (Current time in Marineford) - (UTC time number of Marineford) which is
17 (5pm) - 8 = 9 am (UTC 0)
2) now that you have UTC 0, you put another minus, this one from Dressrosa's UTC, which is UTC -7, so it goes
9 am - 7 = 2 am
So it's 2 am in Dressrosa, while it's 5 pm in Marineford!
From West to East
Say it's 22:00 (10 pm) on Saturday in Dressrosa, what time is it in Holy Land? Here are the steps.
1) (Dressrosa current time) + (Dressrosa's Timezone Number) = time at UTC 0
So that's:
10 pm + 7 = 5 am Sunday (UTC 0)
2) UTC 0 time + Holy Land Time Number
So: 5 am + 8 = 13:00 (1 pm) Sunday
So while it's 10 pm Saturday in Dressrosa and Doflamingo is conducting business with the Paradise part of the Grand Line, in the Holy Land, the ugly Celestials are eating lunch on Sunday or napping bcs they are freeloading cu- (censored) unlike Doflamingo who's actually working!
(looks at the maps of my previous timezone post) Okay. It's fine. I only missed Dressrosa by 3 hours. IT'S FINE.
(it's not fine, I'm crying, it's not FINE, my favourite island and I couldn't even get it right the first time, if Doffy turns me into a toy I deserve it)
I'll go climb the Red Line and jump off it. This is the greatest shame as a scientist. Wrong numbers.
A/N: Of course, if what the pic above said is true, it might as well could be that the original tinezone map I made is semi- correct and the entire territory up until Wano has a timezone from UTC -12 to UTC -9 if it's only the first third of the New World, as those are the "thirds" of the west timezones. I don't read the manga, but I'm caught up with the anime and if the manga does reveal a map, actual map like that curved one in the picture with Law or Oda finally makes one, I give the manga readers full permission to send it to me in an ask and I will update the posts again. For now, this is the most "official" map we have, and the most recent one. Also, the Grand Line being in the shape of a rollercoaster is fitting, haha.
Taglist: @fanaticsnail @moonbaby26
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widowbitessting · 1 year
Bedtime? What Bedtime? A Sugar Mommies Drabble
Prompt: Reader/baby reacting to getting a bedtime after not resting enough in one of her exam periods.
Word Count: 908
Rating: General with fluffy scenes. SFW!
Dom!Natasha Romanoff, Dom!Wanda Maximoff, Dom! Carol Danvers x Sub!Reader
“A bedtime?” You say, eyes nearly bulging from your head. “What am I? 4?” 
“The way you’re acting right now, yes, yes, you are.” Natasha replies. 
“I am not going - no! No way! That’s ridiculous! Wanda, back me up here!” 
The older woman just shakes her head and holds her hands up in a mock surrender. 
“Normally I would, but this time I actually side with Carol and Natasha; baby girl.”
You glower at her. How could she? 
“I am not having a bedtime.”
“How much sleep did you get last night, detka?” Natasha asks. You open your mouth to reply, a cocky response on the tip of your tongue, your inner brat riling up, ready to swing; but when the red head raises her perfectly sculpted eyebrow, your brat vanishes in a puff of pathetic smoke. 
“I - why is that important?” 
“Because your dom is asking you, that’s why.” She replies. “Now answer the question.” 
“...I don’t see why I have to…” 
“What?” You stare at Wanda. 
“What is she doing? Why is she counting?” 
“Answer Natasha’s question, Y/N. Your final warning before things get ugly.” Wanda says, her glare fixed just on you.
“I don’t know…I finally…I…crashed around 3…maybe 4am?” 
“When did you wake up?” Wanda asks, stepping towards you. You automatically try to step back but Carol is there behind you, blocking your body from any chance of escape. 
“That had better be PM babygirl.” Carol whispers into your ear. 
“So last night, you’re telling me, you slept for 3 hours?!” Natasha shouts, she really doesn’t mean to, but she knows for sure people at the local Starbucks heard her.
“Maybe? I mean…it was like a nap…”
“Not helping your case there, bunny.” Carol murumers. 
“Yeah, I didn’t think that through.” You try to move from around Carol’s body but her grasp tightens around your wrists and she doesn’t let you budge.
“Oh no, sugar.” She smirks. “You’re not getting away that easily.” 
“What are we going to do with you?” Natasha sighs. 
“Oh I know perfectly well what to do with her,” Wanda glares at you, causing you to let out a pathetic sound and burrow into Carol.
“Save me and I’ll do your chores for a month, Danvers.”
The blonde cackles, momentarily letting you go, and you take your chance. Making a dive for freedom that is short lived. Carol snatches you back up and holds you in a hold so tight that no amount of wiggling will set you free.
“Nice try, baby, but you aren’t going to bribe me that easily. Now be good, accept your punishment like a good little brat.”
“But -” 
“No buts, unless it’s yours.” Carol says. 
Your grin slides off your face when you make eye contact with Wanda. 
“Now, whilst we discuss your brand new and very permanent bedtime, you may go to your corner and kneel, and think about the apology letters that you will be writing to each of us.” 
“With no complaints.” Her tone is firm and you really have to fight the urge to roll your eyes at her. Instead, you just gape at all of them.
“I - what…?” 
“Off you go, sweetness. The grownups have some stuff to discuss.” Wanda tells you, squishing your cheeks as you pass her. “You know what to do and what position we like. I’ll come and tap your shoulder when you’re done; understood?”
Her fingers squeeze just a little harder.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, mommy.” 
“Good. Off you go.” 
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That night, at 9:55pm, you’re lying in bed with Wanda as she reads to you another chapter from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. You lie there, facing her, head cradled against her chest as she reads some of the dialect from Albus Dumbledore and you can’t help but shake the exhausted feeling in your body. Your eyes are heavy, burning with sleep and you fight with them to stay open. It’s when you yawn, do you catch Wanda’s attention and she leans down to kiss your temple.
“Sleep, detka. Don’t fight it. We will all be here in the morning when you wake up.”
“But -” 
“- and you can finish your work too, with breakfast if you’d like.”
“No…I wanna know what happens in the book.”
Wanda giggles, and looks down at you with adoration.
“How many times have you read these, baby?” she asks.
“And yet you want to know what happens?” 
“Just call me Dory.” 
That earns you another laugh and this time, a peck on the lips.
“How about this, if you fall asleep, I stop reading immediately and we can continue on during breakfast. Does that sound okay?” 
“...I’d like that.” You yawn again.
“Good girl,” she says. “Now shut those beautiful eyes for me.”
You do as you’re told.
“And don’t forget, bedtime is at 10pm, yes?”
“One day it might even be 10:30. But for now, 10pm works just fine I think. Don’t you think so?” 
She’s baiting you. But you’re far too exhausted to bite. So you just sleepily agree and vow to fight her on bed time tomorrow, when you’re fully refreshed. 
It’s a very good plan. Foolproof some might say. 
You fall asleep as Wanda reaches the end of the chapter and dream of nothing.
Smiling when Wanda tucks you in and settles down for the night also. 
One word on your mind: bliss. 
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thsc-rockau · 3 months
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Doodle some Worker!Henry i drew in Magma, just his daily routine
His daily routine:
Wakes up at 3 or 4 in the morning to catch the train and bus because his place of work is far from his place.
Arrive at the office at 7-8 am, start working and continue the previous assignment sometimes doing a lot. His mistake made him redo all the work again.
The break time only gave him 30-45 minutes, he used this time to buy some snacks and energy drinks.
After finishing work at 11 pm or later, he go home by walking because train is close so as bus, sometimes he doesn't have time to go home. He just stays in the office and sleeps there. He rarely even took a sleep/nap because the deadline is due, having hard time to finish it.
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liqhtheartedd · 1 year
❝ Give me you ❞ - jk oneshot [18+]
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listen to 'filter' while you read this <33
summary: you join your crush and your friends to go the club one night. you were unsure at first, but you deserve this night, since you've been studying so hard. the night goes better than expected.
pairing: f reader x jungkook
warnings: alcohol, finger!ng, some spanking, oral (f receiving), penetrat!on, cussing, mature language, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it up!), overstimmulation, multiple orgasms, jungkook is allegedly a fuckboy, dancing in the club
word count: 3.5k
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You threw your backpack onto the couch in your living room. As you're taking off your headphones and coat, you see your phone screen light up.
1 message from Kookie:
"hey you're up for tonight, right?"
Some of your friends had decided to go to the club tonight, and they insisted you come along with them. Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi, Taehyung, and of course... Jungkook was going to be there. You'd had a crush on Kookie for the longest time. But you'd never tell him that, though. He's known to be a charmer. He flirts with all the girls, and he's kind of a fuckboy, at least you've heard. But he's a good friend to have around? So you don't mind being with him, as friends, at least.
You take your phone into your hand and wonder if you should really go to the club tonight. With the guys too? Would it be alright? Jungkook's probably going to start chatting up other girls, and do you really want to witness that? Ugh, but you really could use the weekend to take a break from all the studying you'd been doing for your finals.
You reply to his text," Yeah, I'm coming." You weren't going just for Jungkook. This is also for yourself, of course. You needed that break, it was gonna be fine.
1 message from Kookie:
"k, i'll pick you up at 8."
What? Why would he come pick you up? You could just uber. You text him back, "It's all good, I'll uber."
1 message from Kookie:
"jimin's gonna come with me so, we'll pass by your place anyway, no need to waste your money babe"
You read his reply. Babe?. You cringed at the text message. It did unleash some of the butterflies in your stomach, though. Whatever You had to make lunch and you wanted to take a nap, honestly. You were exhausted from your morning classes. You send you a simple "Alright" to jungkook.
You woke up from your nap. Stretching and yawning you get our of bed. You look over to the alarm clock on your bedside. It was 7:01 pm. You had to get ready for tonight. You thought about what you wanted to wear for tonight. It was the club, anything would be fine really.
You hop into the shower and of course, you were gonna do your whole routine for tonight. You weren't trying to impress anyone, but what's wrong in feeling your baddest? You put on music on your speaker and start showering. You use your favourite scented body wash and you shave your arms and legs.
You get out of the shower and wrap yourself in a soft towel. You start drying your hair. You hear your apartment door being opened and shut. Who the hell just came into your apartment? You put down your hairbrush and tighten your towel. You slowly open the door and peak outside. You see black boots, black pants, and as you open the door further, you see jungkook sitting at your desk. He was in a black leather jacket. He looked so good, and so effortless.
Still slightly behind the bathroom door, you yell, "What the hell are you doing in my apartment, Jungkook!?" You ask shocked. A little startled by you yelling suddenly, he got up from your chair.
"Well you weren't replying or picking up my calls," he said holding up his phone, "and your front door was unlocked too. Are you ready yet?"
You saw on his phone that it was 7:56pm. "You're still 4 minutes early, so no, I'm not ready yet."
"You look pretty ready to me," he slyly said with a slight smile on his beautiful face. His bunny smile was so cute. You clutch your towel tighter. "Well, I'm gonna need you to leave my room, I have to get dressed!"
"What are you gonna wear?" He asked, curiously.
"What kind of question is that?"
"Is it this one?," He said as he picked up the black dress from your bed. It was a black satin dress with a pretty bare back except a few designs. It was a little short, too. He held up the dress in front of you.
"Yes...?" You said.
"Oooh, not gonna lie, it's pretty hot." He said chuckling. "Never imagined you'd be wearing something like this." Ugh, this idiot. You grab a pillow off your bed and chuck it at him.
"Leave my bedroom, you creep," you say as you threw the pillow at him. He drops the dress back on your bed and puts his hands up in surrender.
"Okay, okay! I'm going, gosh... so mean," he says as he walks out of your bedroom door. He leaves your bedroom and waits just by the front door. He uses his phone as he waits for you leaning on a table. You close your bedroom door and start getting dressed. You didn't exactly have a lot of time to do your hair now. You quickly do your makeup and decide to just leave your hair down. You apply your lipgloss and smack your lips together. You put on the satin fabric. It hugged your body and it honestly, accentuated your curves.
You put on your favourite perfume and grabbed your small purse. You inspected yourself in the full mirror in front of you. You looked good. Even you had to admit, this wasn't a dress you would normally wear. It stopped at your thighs and the neckline was a little bit low. But it looked stunning on you.
"Y/N, are you ready yet~!?" You hear Jungkook saying from outside your door.
"Yeah, just a sec!" You quickly reply, fixing your hair quickly in the mirror. You put your heels on and open your bedroom door. Jungkook is right in front of you. You almost bump into him as you go to walk out. You're looking straight at his chest in front of you.
"Aw, look at you," he says as his eyes examine you from top to bottom. "Jimin's waiting in the car, c'mon."
"What took you both so long, gosh!" Jimin says frustrated, putting his phone down onto his lap.
"It didn't even take that long," Jungkook says, opening the car door for you.
"Sorry Jimin, I was running a bit late," you tell Jimin as you get into the car. Jimin looks at you, jaw dropping on the floor.
"You're excused, Y/N, you look so good," he says as Jungkook get's into the drivers seat. "Awe thanks," You say to Jimin. You buckle your seatbelt up, blushing a little bit. Jungkook clears his throat, more like scoffing, cocking up an eyebrow. You look to Jungkook, and the both of you lock eyes, and he gives you a slight smirk. You quickly look away. Jungkook starts the car and begins to drive.
Jimin starts playing music from his phone. 'Lost in the fire' starts playing in the car. Jimin starts singing to the lyrics of the song. You join in. Both of you are vibing to the catchy music.
You join Jungkook and the rest of the guys at bar counter. Namjoon, Taehyung, and Yoongi all greet you, telling you how great you look. Jungkook leans back and sips on his drink. Jimin comes over with two cups in his hand, he hands you a glass. You thank him for the drink and start sipping on it.
You were all a couple drinks in at this point. You felt a little bit hot and buzzed. You were still with Jungkook and Jimin and the others were on the dance floor.
"This is my favourite song, c'mon dance with me Y/N," Jimin says. You put down your drink, and look over at him, a little bit surprised. You weren't much of a dancer. You hesitate. "Uhh, I don't think I can-," you say to Jimin. You look over at Jungkook, and he tilts his head, almost giving you permission to dance with Jimin. "Yeah, you should go dance Y/N," he says, backing up Jimin's plead. You're still a little bit reluctant but you finally decide to go. You were here to have fun.
"Alright then," you let Jimin hold your hand and guide you to the dance floor. 'Filter' is playing throughout the club. The neon lights pour over throughout the club. The both of you find an open spot on the spot. Jimin holds onto your waist with your back facing his. You were still a little bit tense.
"It's alright, don't be shy. Just let loose, Y/N," he says, gliding one of his hands to your hand and your fingers entangling together. He begins moving his hips and soon you're also moving to his beat. You sing along to the music, and turn around to Jimin. The both of you dancing close, and singing along. His hands guiding your hips. Your hands are in the air, vibing to the music, and letting loose.
But your hands are brought down. Someone's hands entangling yours. They bring your hands to your side. You feel someone else's hips behind you, also moving with the same rhythm as yours. You glance at Jimin, and Jimin looks behind you, smirking to whoever's behind you.
"Hey Y/N," you knew this voice all too well. It was Jungkook. He was the last person you expected. You thought he'd be in the bathroom somewhere with some girl. His hands still holding yours and his lips meeting your ear. He lightly bites your ear and trails his tongue and lips down the side of your neck. His hands let go of your hand and they rest on your thighs, playing with the hem of your already short dress. He caresses your thighs.
Jungkook's hips grind against your ass. At this point, another girl comes to take Jimin away. "Have fun Y/N," he says smirking and leaving you with Jungkook. You watch Jimin disappear into the crowd with this random girl.
"Shit, why are you so tense, baby?" Jungkook whispers. Him talking so close to your neck sends shivers down your spine. He had never been so bold before. He'd already had many drinks. But you kind of loved this new side of him.
"I'm not! What are you talking about, hmph," you say back, trying to not seem phased by his frisky actions. You didn't want him to think he was getting to you. Confidently, dancing on him, even pushing yourself more onto him. You face him, putting an arm around his neck. His grip on your waist tightens and he brings you closer.
You feel a hard bulge near your stomach. Oh my god. It was his bulge. You almost fell over. He was hard. One of his hands snakes its way to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze. Fuck. You look up at the man in front of you. "Fuck, it's not my fault that you look so good," Jungkook says looking down at your lips.
"Please, you probably say that to all the girls who are willing to listen to your words," you say to him, chuckling, trying to not seem flustered.
"Huhh~ No I don't!" He scoffs. His words are elongated and dragged out. He leans closer to your neck. He plants kisses and sucks on the same spot of your neck, making sure to leave a mark for the next morning. "You know, I've liked you for so long," he says still buried in your neck. "But you're so busy all the time with your classes, I don't even think you have time for me," he says chuckling against your skin.
The bites on your neck make you feel butterflies in your stomach. "Ah-," a small moan escapes your mouth. The sound only turning Jungkook on more. Your voice was so sweet to him. He breaks away from your neck and he looks into your eyes. Your face is so red. "Wait, I didn't-," before you could finish your sentene, his lips crash onto yours. His hands gripping onto your face.
You could taste the tequila from his lips. The kiss was intoxicating. You didn't realize how much you were craving his lips on yours. Soft moans escape both of your lips into the kiss. The feeling of euphoria taking over the both of you. You glide your hand down his chest and onto the waist of his black jeans, toying with the belt. You let your hand explore further, you could feel his cock through his jeans. You rub his length through the hard denim. Deep groans escape his lips. His hand lifts up your dress up slightly to feel your plump skin. He lightly slaps your ass.
"I wish you weren't wearing any panties right now, damn. I'd fuck you right here, on the dance floor if I could," Jungkook breathes out. "Let me fuck you Y/N, I need to have you," he says, almost begging you. His hand find its way to your clothed entrance. You were so wet. He rubs you through your panties and it makes you feel all sorts of feelings. You wanted him more than ever right now.
"I want you so bad right now," you finally say. His lips crashing back onto yours, and his hands grip your ass tightly.
"I've never seen you like this, Y/N, I love it," Jungkook says as he holds your hand and guides you to the bathroom. As soon as you both enter the bathroom, Jungkook has you pinned against the counter. His lips attack your neck. You tilt your neck to give him more access. His hands work to lift up your dress. As far as you knew, you two were the only ones in the bathroom, but you didn't really care at this point. Jungkook's touch was so potent. It was addictive. The way his hands and his cold rings caressed your skin made you obsessed.
His long, slender fingers move to the hem of your panties. He pulls the thin, lace fabric to the side. His rings send shivers down your back. His lips graze yours, and his eyes lock with yours, as if asking you permission to go further.
"Touch me already Kookie~," you finally say. You needed to feel him, right now. You didn't want him to stop at all. The feeling of ecstasy beginning to wash over you. His thumb presses onto your clit and he begins to rub you. The sensitive spot causing you let our soft moans.
"You're so wet baby, ah," his fingers encircling your clit. He's making you feel so good. The sensation makes it difficult to catch your breath as his fingers continue to work your pussy. You can't stand it, you're already so wet. You want him so bad.
"Fuck me already, please Jungkook," you say between your soft moans.
"Don't worry, I will. I wanna take my time with you Y/N," Jungkook says. His fingers play with your wet slits, and soon he inserts his finger into your wet cunt. Soon, he inserts another digit. He begins moving his thin fingers in and out. He pumps his fingers faster, and the rings make you feel even better. The curves of the metal against your walls. Your arousal coating his fingers. The sight of his finger tattoos even wet with arousal turns you on so much. He fastens his pace. The sensations cause you to moan in pleasure. You're arching your back from the feeling. He's going so fast.
"F-Fuck Jungkook! I'm gonna cum," you whine as your as hands grip his back. Your arms make their way around his neck, so you don't end up falling over. Your long nails digging into his still clothed back.
"Then cum for me, Y/N," he says looking at your desperate face. The strands of his hair are stuck to his forehead from the sweat. Your walls tightening around him. His fingers getting coated in wetness. You reach your orgasm and your eyes roll back in bliss. Your mouth lets out a string of curses. He kisses your shoulders and you ride out your orgasm on his fingers. You press your lips together from all the stimulation.
Kook brings his fingers to his lips. Licking your juices off them.
"You taste so fucking good, I wanna eat you out, fuck," he says as he picks you up from your waist and sets you down on the counter. His hands quickly move your legs apart and he starts kissing your dripping cunt. You run your fingers through his beautiful hair, pulling, you want more of him. His tongue flicking over your clit. You had just cum once, this was going to send you over the edge. You could here the perverted sounds echo in the bathroom, even over the loud music outside. The wet noises that came from him slurping up your arousal and fucking you with his tongue. His hands gripping onto your thighs for dear life. Your grinded on his face. The sinful sounds start escaping your soul. You moaned his name over and over again as he ate your desperate pussy, like he'd been starving for days.
"You're a very dirty girl, you know Y/N?," he rhetorically asks before burying his face back into your heat.
"Look who's talking~," you snarkily say back at him. He wasn't one to talk since he was the one who was hard in the first place, hmph. As he continued, you felt another knot in your stomach. You rode out your second orgasm, on Jungkook's handsome face.
He comes up, kissing your lips. "Taste yourself, aren't you delicious," he says before he kisses you. You could taste yourself on his lips. The salty wetness was smothered over his pink lips. Jungkook began undoing his belt. He pulls away from the kiss, a string of saliva connecting both of your lips. He flips you around and you're leaning against the sink. You could see yourself in the mirror. You were a mess, your hair moved to the side, and the sleeves of your dress hanging onto your arms.
Jungkook rubs your ass and begins to stroke his already hard dick. He teases your sensitive entrance with his cock. His cock was wet, and throbbing. He wanted you so bad. He grinded against your wet folds, but not giving you the satisfaction of feeling him inside you.
You were getting frustrated. Your bucked your hips back, and met his eyes in the mirror. "Come on Kookie~," you teased him while moving your ass back at him.
"So eager?"
"Of course," you reply slyly.
You finally feel his cock slam into your opening. The sudden movement causing you to jerk forward. His huge cock filled you up so well. He begins fucking you, bottoming into you everytime. "Oh my god! Fuck, you're so big-," you exclaim. The sound of skin slapping together echoed along with Jungkook's moans. His deep moans turned you on so much. Jungkook pulls you back towards him. Your back facing him, and you could look at your reflection in the mirror.
You looked like a total slut right now. Jungkook thrusting hard into you from behind, and his hand curled around your neck. He whispered all sorts of obscenities into your ear. His dick is slamming into your cunt, sending you over the edge.
"You feel so good-," you manage to say between your moans and groans. You couldn't think of anything right now, except Jungkook's cock deep in you. That was the only thing on your mind. You could barely string your words together. Your ass and his hips coming together rhythmically. You could feel that you were close again. The wet sounds filled the air.
"Fuck. I'm gonna cum, babe," Jungkook said between his thrusts. "Beg for it, sweeheart" he ordered you.
"Cum. In. Me. Jungkook. Please-," you begged between his slow but deep thrusts. He groaned louder, his thrusts began getting messier. He was reaching his climax. He pressed himself deeper into you. His hands held your waist so tight, as if he was afraid you'd disappear from his sights.
"I love you so much Y/N," he says as he reaches his orgasm. The thick, hot liquid poured into your insides, and your gripped onto the edge of the sink counter.
"I love you too Kookie," you reciprocate back.
He let his head fall into your shoulder and he breaths heavily. He plants kisses on your shoulders. He lets out a long sigh, and hugs you from the back. His hands wrap around you and he kisses your cheek. He made you feel pure bliss. His hands reach for your hand, and you feel your hand being intertwined with his.
"Stay with me tonight, Kookie," you say sweetly to him. And he seems to share the same feelings that you feel.
"Anything for you, sweetheart," he says, giving you a peck on your lips.
this took me so long to write, but i love how it turned out. jk is so cute in this <33 i really hope ya'll enjoyed this. requests are open ^^
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wekiamo · 2 years
fell harder pt 2
skeet ulrich x fem!reader
a/n: here goes part 2! this is a lil longer than my fics usually are, i hope thats not a problem! have fun reading 🤍 BTW SKEET IN THIS GIF BYEE that man is something else
pt. 3 & masterlist
warnings: swearing, fluff
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you didn’t get to sleep a lot at night. maybe it’s the anxiety you’re feeling, knowing that today you were going to meet almost everyone you were going to see very often from now on. it’s not a big deal for you, the only big deal is that in “everyone”, skeet ulrich is included.
you fear you’re gonna get nervous and say something weird, act weird making him dislike you. if that was anyone else, it would be okay. but imagine skeet ulrich disliking you? that’s what you think for almost 5 minutes after getting up from bed, while looking at yourself in the mirror.
you figure out you have to convince yourself that he’s a normal person just like you, and that there’s nothing to be scared about.
“yeah, it’s not a big deal. so what if he doesn’t like me?” you tell youself, before opening your fridge and grabbing an apple. you continue talking “i shouldn’t care about what he thinks of me. he’s a human like anyone else, so i’m gonna act like i always do. that’s it!” you sound more convinced than you thought you would be, and that makes a smile grow in your face.
you jump happily around the house, until you get to the couch and throw yourself on it. you turn on the TV and you start watching some kids show, too busy biting your apple to change the channel.
it’s silly, but you find yourself not wanting to change it, so you just keep watching it until you’re done with your apple. you turn off the TV, and start feeling sleepy.
you close your eyes slowly, and then you fall asleep.
“damn, that was the best nap i’ve took in such a long time” you say, before checking what time is it.
it’s 4 pm. you remember you didn’t ask dave what time you’re supposed to show up to dinner, then you make your way to your room to get your phone.
“Hey Y/n, meet us at 7. I can pick you up if you want to” 2:20 pm
“smart guy” you think “it’d be cool if he picked me up. meeting someone for the first time in their car would be a… would be definitely a new experience”
“hey, sorry for taking too long, i took a nap” 4:07 pm
“but yes! imma send you my address rq hold on” 4:07 pm
you send him your adress.
you’re hungry.
it’s time for Topanga’s Burgers - your favorite place in the world. well, not really but thats what you call it. actually, it’s just your favorite place to eat burgers. its really near your house and that makes you love it even more. you have befriended literally all the workers there. you love the fact they’re all kind and they really like what they’re doing, you really appreciate it. it makes you remember of how amazing would it be if you had a job you’d love doing. and your last job was definitely not something you loved doing, in fact, it was the complete opposite. you quit it not too long ago and you were living with your savings and your mom’s salary. she lives with you, but she’s on vacation now. anyways, Topanga’s Burgers definitely gives you motivation to keep working hard to get where you want.
you take a bath, put on some clothes you like, do your personal hygiene, and you leave your house.
“y/n!!” a worker greets you with a big smile on her face, leaving the cashier area to come and give you a hug.
“keisha! hey, how have you been?” you hug her back tightly, happy to see her again.
keisha is a 40 years old cheerful and awesome woman. she’s probably one of the most fun friends you have. she also gives you amazing advice about literally anything you ask her about. she’s the best
“i’ve been worried about you. it’s been 3 days you’re not even coming to greet us anymore!” she says, with a genuine look of worry in her eyes. that statement of hers make it pretty obvious you come here a lot.
“yes, and i’m sorry! but i got some pretty good news”
“save it just for a minute” she says, and turns around to call the rest of the workers to hear the news you have “guys, come here! y/n’s back with good news”
everyone in the burger shop starts looking, but you don’t really care. it doesn’t embarrass you anymore.
you greet everyone coming your way as they make a circle and adjust to it, to hear the news.
“come closer” you say, and they do.
“you know when i auditioned for scream 7, right? so… i did it”
“YOU GOT THE ROLE?” keisha screamed, as some other workers gasp.
“I DID” you reply with a big smile and a happy nod, as they start jumping and screaming in excitement as you do too.
“you’re not so useless, are you?” tom joked, and everyone laughed including you.
“but seriously now, who’s going to be working with you?” tom asked in a curious tone
“there’s someone special. really special”
“hurry and give us a hint” said angelica, a funny old woman who works as a cleaning lady.
“okay, okay, you’ll have to get it right. it’s this really hot middle-aged man who you all know i always had a crush on”
“no way. skeet ulrich? he’s going to be in scream 7 too?”
“yes ma’am!”
“guys, didn’t scream end in the third movie?” linda asked.
“shut up linda, let her speak” the old woman shushed her daughter, making everyone let out a laugh
“and i’m going to meet him. today”
“wait the shootings are already starting?” tom asked you.
“no, it’s just that the cast is going to have dinner together today. and i’m going to meet SKEET ULRICH”
“tell us more. where’s it gonna be?”
“i’ll tell you all after you take my order, ‘cause im like really hungry… please?”
keisha comes running to the cashier area, to get your order. there’s another man there too in all black with a black cap too, kind of covering his face - he's probably waiting for a while now since the workers were all in a circle screaming and jumping few seconds ago.
you watch keisha greet the guy and take his order, walking to the cashier area to stand right beside him.
as she’s there taking notes of his order, he looks at you and pushes his cap up, while you turn your head to see him. you’re now able to see his face.
“oh my fucking god” you think.
“hi, i’m skeet. what a funny coincidence! we’re filming scream 7 together, right?” he greets you with a handshake and a grin, as you turn your body to him and not just your head
keisha gasps. she starts laughing at your face as she goes to prepare his order.
there’s no fucking way. skeet ulrich is right in front of you and 100% heard you saying he’s hot and you have a crush on him. your cheeks turn red.
“hello” you say stuttering a bit “i’m y/n y/l/n, it’s nice to meet you” your hands still in his. his touch is warm and you find yourself not wanting to drop it. but you did, before it makes the situation awkward.
it’s not like you love him. it’s just that you’ve had a crush on him for the last 15 years. not a big deal… right?
you remember your own words.
i shouldn’t care about what he thinks of me. he’s a human like anyone else, so i’m gonna act like i always do.
“that’s it” you finish your sentence once again, but this time not out loud.
“so…” he starts
“here’s your order, sir. sorry for the wait, again”
“it’s okay, don’t worry about it. i was called hot, you know”
he really heard you. “shit”, you think to yourself
keisha laughs. you eye her, looking done and she covers her mouth to stop laughing.
“i’ll wait for you”
“nice. he wants to sit with me. how awkward is that going to be?” you think, but you stop quickly “no. it’s not going to be awkward. once again, he’s just a normal guy who’s talking to me! nothing more than that”
“like always, please”
keisha nods, still with a smile in her face stopping herself from laughing again. she goes to the kitchen and start preparing your order.
“listen, i’m sorry. can you pretend you didn’t hear me? please?”
“right ma’am. you didn’t lie, though. i am indeed hot”
“hey!” you reply, chuckling.
“sorry, sorry. but you laughed”
you start talking to him, waiting for keisha to come with your order. she’s usually really fast with your order, but today it’s taking a little too long.
she’s definitely doing it on purpose for you to keep talking to him.
you’re really enjoying it, though. he’s a nice guy and you’re a nice girl, a perfect match. you seem to get along really well. you notice something quickly - his moves are gentle and not too fast. you’re the complete opposite, but you love it when people move calmly like this, it comforts you, you have no idea why.
keisha gives you your order as you thank her and gives her a smile.
“let’s go ma’am” he smirks at you, guiding you to a table.
“you come here often?” he asks, obviously making fun of you
“take a guess” you say and you both giggle.
“is it going to be your first time?” he asks
“playing a part in a movie”
“ah yes. i’ve never been part of a movie before. i’m really nervous about it to be honest. i’m not sure if i’ll be able to do my best”
“don’t worry, it’s not rocket science. all you’re going to do is pretend to be someone for a while”
“are you sure that’s all?”
“well, i told myself that exact same thing for every role i played and it went great”
“i’m talking to billy loomis right now, so i guess i’ll have to trust you.”
“yes, i’m a middle aged hot man, you should trust me”
you both laugh and he starts again “jokes aside, i’ll always be on set. if you need some advice, just call me and i’ll help you, ok?“
“thank you skeet. i really appreciate it”
you kept talking to him until you were both done eating.
somehow, this guy makes you feel comfortable around him. maybe it’s just your daddy issues, but you doubt it. this man has something in him that feels just right.
“we gotta go now. we have dinner with the cast, remember?”
“am i gonna have to see you again?” you joke as you get up and he does too, and he gasps ironically
“the middle-aged man here did not like it!”
“oh stop it” you say walking beside him to the exit and he chuckles softly.
“you want a ride home, kid?” skeet asks you, as he turns to you.
“no thanks, i live near here. you can go”
“okay then, see you later tonight!” he waves tilting his head and smiling softly as he enters his car. you wave back.
“do you want me to pick you up for dinner?”
oh god. you wanted to say yes, but what about dave? wouldn’t he be upset?
“i’m sorry skeet, dave’s already going to pick me up” you say, with sort of a sad tone, trying not to upset skeet.
“it’s alright. dave, huh?” he smirks at you
“do not.” you reply quickly, raising your eyebrowns and lowering your head
“okay, okay” he laughs “see ya!”
you smile in response.
in 3 seconds, you’re going to process everything that just happened.
“no way” you say out loud.
someone touched your shoulders behind you, making you jump with the unexpected touch, relaxing right after you see it’s angelica
“little girl you better tell me everything” she said with her hands still on your shoulders.
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turcott3 · 8 months
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tj hughes x fem! reader
warnings?: cursing, kissing, fluff!!
when you know you know
as you finished packing your bags, you hung up the facetime and turned to your fellow team girlfriend, alexis.
“i’m so excited for this trip, i still feel so new to the group, it’s only been 4 months so it’ll definitely be nerve wracking.” you admit to her
“we all love you so much, you have nothing to worry about. we all hoped tj could land a girl like you.”
“you’re too nice stop it.” you say, a blush creeping onto your cheeks.
“no i’m being serious. he’s a good, sweet, and responsible guy. we’re so glad he has you, and then we also get to have you. it’s a win win.” she smiles as you hug her.
“are you sure it’s okay that tj and i have our own car? it’s a long drive, id feel bad if only we traveled alone.”
“yes babe, it’s totally fine.” she laughs exiting your room.
“goodnight lex.” you call out.
“good night y/n.” she yells back.
early the next morning, the lot of cars arrive outside to pick the girls up.
“i’ll see you when we get there.” alexis smiles climbing into the vehicle with rutger and kayleigh.
“you ready to go?” tj asks, appearing next to you leaving the car running.
“yep.” you say smiling.
“me too.” he replies kissing you on the cheek and grabbing your luggage.
“you don’t have to carry that.”
“well i’m not letting you so, it doesn’t matter.” he replies back and you roll your eyes jokingly.
“catch yall in pcb.” frank says rolling the window down before they take off down the street. tj opens the car door for you to get in and puts on the playlist you two made together.
“damn, long drive.” you scoff looking at the screen.
“yeah well at least it’s just me and you.” he says placing a light hand on your thigh.
“yeah baby?”
“can we stop? i need a snack.”
“yeah of course, look at the exit signs and let me know.” he says without hesitation.
“this next one has a nice gas station.”
“perfect.” he says, pulling off the long interstate. you enter the gas station grabbing a few snacks and drinks for the ride. you place them all on the counter and they get rung in.
“your total is 11.84. cash or card?” the woman asks.
��card.” tj interrupts stepping up beside you.
“tj i-“
“don’t care, i’m paying.” he smirks before quickly pecking you on the side of the head causing you to giggle. the pair returns to the car, snacks in hand, for the remainder of their 15 hour ride.
“is it okay if i take a nap? i woke up at 4 and it’s really ruining my vibe right now.” you ask.
“yeah of course, however long you need.”
“okay i just wanted to make sure, didn’t wanna leave you lonely.”
“i’m never lonely with you.” he smiles turning to look at you which you gladly return. you shut your eyes with your head leaned up against the window, praying this long drive could be over soon so you could enjoy time with everyone. you were quick to slip from reality soon after you shut your eyes. after what seemed like a few short minutes you woke up and saw the clock had gone from 12 pm to 3 pm.
“woah i slept for a long time.” you say quietly breaking the silence.
“good morning sunshine, how’d you sleep?” he giggles.
“oh i slept wonderfully.” you reply stretching out.
“we only have about 7 more hours to go.”
“ONLY?” you say in disbelief, this ride was endless.
“yeah i know, it’s taking forever. they’re like a solid hour ahead of us.” tj says.
“wow we’re gonna be fashionably late.”
“that’s because we’re awesome.” he turns to you smirking.
those 7 hours passed dreadfully and you’d finally arrived. you see the condo building approaching.
“finally.” you sigh as tj passes it without hesitation.
“isn’t that where we’re staying?”
“no baby, that’s where they’re staying.” he smirks.
“what do you mean they’re staying?”
“my aunt owns a house a little further down the coast. she’s letting us stay there.” he says placing a hand back onto your leg.
“you’re joking?”
“not joking.”
“who else is there?”
“it’s just for us y/n.”
“like we have a whole house just for me and you?” you ask and he nods.
“does everyone already-“
“yes, they know. i told them.” he quickly replies.
“they weren’t mad?”
“no of course not. we’ll still see them.” he giggles, squeezing your leg slightly. you pull into the driveway of a gorgeous beach house. as soon as the car is off, you open the door and inhale the salty scent of the ocean.
“it’s beautiful.” you say.
“i’m glad you like it.” he says grabbing your luggage and carrying it up the front steps. he unlocks the door, opening it for you to enter. you observe all of the cute and modern coastal decorations that littered the entryway.
“where’s my room?” you ask.
“you mean our room?” he says and you turn your head.
“this is our first big trip together, of course we’re sharing a room. i don’t wanna spend a split second away from you.” he says hugging you from behind.
“oh i’m so excited. i’m gonna go unpack.” you say grabbing onto his arms.
“sounds good, i’m gonna go grab my stuff.” he says pulling away and exiting the house back out to the car.
after you finished unpacking everything, it was late. you’d spent the whole day in the car and just finished unpacking at a ripe 10:30 pm. you step into the bathroom, pushing your hair back with your big tacky bow headband to wash your face. once your skincare was complete, you walk back into the room to tj already tucked in, waiting for you to join him.
“i love that pink headband you use to wash your face. it’s so goofy.” he says as you tuck yourself under the covers.
“it keeps my hair out of my face and i look great in it.”
“touché to that.” he giggles reaching over to pull his lamp string.
“goodnight my love.” he says kissing you sweetly on the lips.
“goodnight tj.” you smile, rolling over and drifting off into a peaceful sleep. when you wake up the next morning, the bed is cold and empty.
“what the-“ you say looking over at the alarm clock that read 8:30. you get out of bed and slide on your slippers, waltzing into the bathroom to put your contacts in. you make your way out of the bathroom and follow the strong sent of something being cooked, which lead you to the kitchen. you’re met with tj leaned over the stove in his boxers and your bright pink bow headband.
“good morning.” he smiles at you.
“good morning my beautiful bow head.” you giggle walking into the kitchen to kiss him on the cheek.
“hey it really does keep my hair out of my face.”
“and you look great in it.” you say, just like he had last night.
“honestly, can you order me one? cards in my wallet on the counter.”
“yes teej, i’ll order you a pink bow headband.” you laugh.
“i’m being fully serious i hope you know.” he says turning to you smirking.
“you are very hard to take serious in that bow babe.” you state, pulling up amazon on your phone.
“i’m a very serious person, haven’t you noticed.” he scoffs, returning his focus to the pancake that was ready to flip. you order him his prized bow headband and pull yourself up onto the counter to watch him hard at work. once he’s finished his cooking, the two of you eat and get ready for a day alone at the beach.
“white or purple?” you say holding up your bikinis.
“whichever one shows more of your butt.” he says, his words muffled by his toothbrush. you took note of the grey swim shorts he was wearing and how they complimented his skin tone. he was practically irresistible.
“lord.” you laugh, setting the white one back in your suitcase.
“what? is it a crime to stare at my girlfriends butt?” he asks, spitting the remaining toothpaste out.
“no tj, it’s not.” you laugh, changing into your swimsuit.
“look at you, do a spin.” he smiles getting a good look at you. you do as your told and approach him, his arms wrapping around you and sliding down your back onto your ass as your arms linked around his neck.
“you’re so beautiful.” he smiles.
“all you babe.” you reply kissing him and pulling away.
“got everything ready?” he asks, picking up the two chairs.
“yup, i’m ready to go.” you say, leading the pair out the door. after a few hours spent on the beach together, you come back to the beach house to get ready to go to dinner with everyone.
“first day at the beach, check.” you say setting everything down on the deck, out of breath from the hellish walk back.
“new favorite thing, going to the beach with you.” he smiles, pressing a kiss to your warm sunkissed cheek.
“baby, i’m getting in the shower.” you call out from the bathroom before starting the water. once it’s a temperature you liked, you step in, washing away all the remaining sand. completely relaxing in the shower. once you were fully rinsed, you step out and wrap your body in a fluffy white towel before hearing tj’s voice. you could tell he was on the phone so you tip toe over to the door, pressing your ear up to it, trying to see who he could be talking to.
“it’s been great mom, the weather is so nice.” he says, you not being able to hear the other end of the conversation.
“she’s been incredible. couldn’t ask for a better woman.” he says before pausing for a good while.
“i really do think i love her mom. i don’t think i’ve ever felt this way about-“ he begins and you back away from the door, not wanting to spoil anything for yourself.
“he loves me?” you whisper to yourself, your heart growing giddy at the fact that you felt the exact same way. you just never knew when to say it. you finished drying off, blowing out your hair and exiting the bathroom.
“bathrooms free if you wanna shower.” you smile at the strawberry blonde boy.
“perfect, i’ll be out in like two seconds okay?” he states.
“okay.” you blush as he kisses you on the head in passing.
the two of you got ready for dinner, listening to your playlist.
“which button up?” he asks holding up two of the shirts you’d bought him.
“i like the white one, we’ll be matchy matchy.” you laugh, applying a layer of aquaphor. he reappears in the doorway in his shirt and gives you a little twirl.
“you look great babe.” you giggle stepping towards him and attaching your lips to his.
“i’ll never look better than my lady. look at you, pure perfection.” he says, grabbing your hand and twirling you around.
“okay baby, let’s go, don’t wanna be late.” he says grabbing the keys and opening the front door for you.
“so where is it we’re going?” you ask buckling your seatbelt.
“well we have to make a pit stop first since the sun is setting. told them to give us 30 more minutes.” he winks at you.
“tj we are not fu-“
“that is not what i was implying, chill out.” he laughs, placing a hand in your lap and you interlock your fingers with his. he drives to a beach just down the road and pulls into a parking lot. you meet at the front of the car, him reaching his hand out to yours and you gladly accept. you both remove your shoes before walking down the short path to a beach that was completely empty.
“this is so peaceful.” you say as you get further out onto the beach.
“my mom and i used to come here every first sunset of our trips.” he smiles, stopping in his tracks.
“it’s beautiful tj.” you say looking around. he grabs onto your other hand to focus your attention onto him.
“just like you.” he smirks.
“stop you’re gonna make me blush or whatever.” you giggle together.
“listen y/n. we’re been together for 5 months 2 weeks and 4 days. those have been the best 5 months 2 weeks and 4 days of my life all because of you baby. you make my everyday so much brighter. i couldn’t stand living another day without telling you how much i love you. i love you so much i don’t even have to proper words to express it. you’re so beautiful, gracious, funny, sweet, kind. the list could go on forever. you’re fucking incredible. i love you so much.” he says, not losing your eye contact a single time, even as the tears welted up, eventually spilling over.
“i love you tj, i love you so much.” you say hugging onto the boy.
“why are you crying honey?” he giggles holding onto you tightly.
“i’ve never felt this way before. which sounds so tacky but everything just feels right with you. no icks, no complaints, nothing. you’re perfect i love you.” you say grabbing onto his face and bringing his lips to yours.
“you think we can still make it to dinner in time?” he giggles pulling away and wiping your tears delicately with his thumbs, bringing his lips to yours again for a short moment.
“i think we can, come on.” you say grabbing his hand and running back to the car. you make it back completely out of breath and quickly rinse your feet to get in the car, speeding off down the road to get to dinner. once the two of you finally arrive, you enter the restaurant to everyone sitting and waiting for the two of you.
“sorry for the hold up guys.” tj laughs pulling your chair out for you before he takes a seat beside you, placing an arm around your waist.
“and no before any of you fuckers ask, we were not having sex in the parking lot.” you say pointing at duker and rutger.
“hey i wasn’t gonna say anything.” dylan says defensively.
“he’s right, but i definitely was.” rutger says and kayleigh smacks him on the arm.
“what was the hold up then hm?” mark asks as frank nudges tj’s arm.
“you guys are acting like i proposed or something.” he laughs.
“well?” mark repeats.
“i told her i loved her.” he admits and the whole table smiles and rutger hands dylan a 20.
“yall bet on us?” you laugh.
“sure did.” duker smirks as rutger flips him off.
“did you say it back though?” alexis asks from beside frank.
“yes i sure did.” you smirk, leaning on tj’s shoulder as his hand brushed gently up and down your side.
“new official lovers have entered the group, we’re getting crazy now guys.” ethan says causing the whole table to laugh. this trip turned out to be the best thing that could’ve happened this semester, you were there with your best friends and what turned out to be the only guy you’ve ever truly loved.
(sorry for the tacky ending, didn’t know how to round it off😍)
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pengweng-quack · 6 months
Carlisle Cullen x Human!OC
Summary: Place Carlisle in the Edward situation of falling in love with a human, and see what happens
Chapter 2/?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
This is on Ao3 under the same title and username if you'd like to read it there (https://archiveofourown.org/works/54527830)
Posting (just like before) is random lol, hope you guys enjoy this story
Much much longer than Being a Witch with Vampires by the way, so we're in a long ride (or you are, because I already know the story)
Word Count: 2040 words
General warning: I used some religious references in this story so read with caution if you're not so keen into reading that
TW for this chapter: None
PM or Comment to be added on the taglist for this one!
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Celine woke up, feeling her head be on someone’s shoulders, Carlisle’s. It was a comforting surprise, knowing he had accompanied her during what was meant to be a brief nap to recharge. She checked her watch, 1:43 PM was displayed.
“Carlisle?” Celine asked, grabbing the doctor’s arm
Why was he cold? She questioned as she softly shook him awake, watching as the man fluttered his eyes open. A confused look on his face as to what was happening
“We fell asleep in the office.” She answered to the ‘what happened’ question behind the man’s eyes
“Are we off today?” Carlisle asked her. Celine answered with a nod, gathering her stuff into one hand, her phone on the other.
Carlisle grabbed his keys and phone, joining Celine as she goes out of their office, making sure to lock the room. Though Celine still showed signs of drowsiness, she offered him a reassuring smile, promising to be careful in getting home.
As they stepped outside the hospital, a rush of fresh air greeted them. Carlisle couldn't help but catch a whiff of Celine's scent, causing an internal struggle as he fought against the urge to bite her and turn her into one of them. He closed his eyes, wishing to whichever deity that will listen to him to give him strength from the temptation that was Celine.
“Enjoyed not being cramped in that four walls?” Celine asked him teasingly. He opened his eyes and looked at her, a soft smile forming on his face
His actions were betraying his words.
“I would have spent longer there with you had you decided to stay.” Carlisle answered before turning around and going to his car, not wanting to turn around and see Celine’s reaction
Celine furrowed her eyebrows, watching as Carlisle rushed to his car. Not even looking behind to see what she would have reacted with his words.
‘Did he just openly flirt with me?’ She pondered
Despite Carlisle's attempts to maintain a professional facade, Celine couldn't ignore the subtle advances he made, like the sharing of coffee every day and joining her during night shifts. She wasn’t naïve, she’s 27 already, she understood the signals that he was sending. Celine’s just waiting until Carlisle drops the word, and she will gladly say yes to him.
She chuckled and rolled her eyes at him before making her way to her car, knowing the need to call it a day and grant her body the rest that it desperately needs.
Carlisle decided to go to the forest before heading home, the enticing scent of Celine making him even hungrier. He found a deer, immediately rushing to feast on it. But even as he consumed the deer, thoughts of Celine lingered persistently in his mind, her smiles and eyes and basically the entirety of her refusing to fade.
That’s when he realized what was happening to him.
He quickly disposed of the deer’s dead body before rushing back to his car. He rushed home, having just driven a little under the speed limit.
Carlisle was fucked.
He’s had his taste of temptation, the temptation perfectly made to destabilize him and his 382 years of existence, the temptation that was named Celine.
And now it was lingering on him, a stain that will never be removed. A sin that will never be forgiven.
Arriving home, Carlisle remained seated in his car, allowing his mind to drift amidst a sea of questions and uncertainties. What ifs and maybes swirled around him, casting a veil of doubt over his thoughts. Lost in contemplation, he was startled when a knock suddenly sounded on his car window, jolting him back to the present.
“Your kids would appreciate it if you walked in the house to talk to them, instead of keeping it all to yourself.” Esme said knowingly. She was right, again.
Stepping out of his car, Carlisle followed her into the house, where he was met by the gaze of the seven of them gathered there. Their eyes held an unreadable expression, leaving Carlisle unable to decipher their intentions.
“Couldn’t stick with your words, could you?” Rosalie asked. Carlisle knew that if he even thinks of pursuing Celine, that it would aggravate his eldest daughter
“He couldn’t even if he wanted to.” Edward answered for him “Instincts.”
“And besides, it’s fate leading them to this now.” Alice added “I haven’t done a vis—
Alice's sudden change in demeanor caught Carlisle's attention. Her eyes unfocused, signaling that she was experiencing one of her visions. Edward was reading into it, his eyebrows getting more and more furrowed as he keeps reading into her mind.
Carlisle couldn't help but wonder about Edward's increasingly concerned expression. What could Alice be foreseeing that was causing such a reaction from Edward?
“Carlisle!” She yelled, snapping out of her vision “Celine!”
“What?” Carlisle asked them “What did you see?”
“There’s a rogue vampire roughly 5 miles south of her house planning to attack her.” Edward said “Celine’s scent stuck by him way back when she was a child, now that the vampire’s back in Forks, he’s come to get her. Alice can’t see if he would turn her or feast on her.”
“It means that it’s still undecided.” Jasper realized, looking at Alice in nervousness “What else do you see?”
“He plans to wait until she’s dead asleep. I can’t see what he plans next.” Alice answered “He’s taking advantage of the fact that she had a 24-hour shift.”
Rosalie gasped at the news, her mind already racing to devise a plan to keep Carlisle's mate safe from harm without revealing the truth. She knew just what was needed to be done to get the Cullens there to check out for the perimeter without growing suspicion of what they were
A silent betrayal on her stance.
“Emmett, get Carlisle some clothes, preferably one for a date.” Rosalie ordered her husband, watching as Emmett rushed up to Carlisle’s room before looking at Carlisle “Carlisle, call Celine and ask her out on a date.”
“I thought—
“Do it now or she dies tonight.” Rosalie ordered
As Carlisle dialed her number and held the phone to his ear, a tense silence enveloped the room, every member of the Cullen family fixated on the ringing sound from the device. Each ring seemed to echo, heightening the anticipation in the air as they awaited a response from the other end of the line.
“Hello?” Celine’s voice said over the phone. It was obvious that she sounded tired, having just had a back-to-back shift
“Hi!” Carlisle said, he ran his hands through his hair. Rosalie was using her facial expressions to tell him to get straight to the point “I was just wondering what you’re doing now?”
“What are you thinking? I thought you didn’t want Carlisle to change her?” Esme asked, moving to be next to her
“I still don’t. But there’s a higher chance that the rogue vampire would kill her over changing her. And who knows what he’ll do before killing her.” Rosalie said, explaining her realization
“She’s using Carlisle to lead Celine out the house so we could do some checking around the perimeter of her house for her safety.” Bella continued, being able to get what was the plan going on Rosalie’s mind
“Rosie, you’re a genius!” Alice yelled, going and hugging her sister
“I-I was wondering if you’d like to get some drinks with me? Like, right now preferably.” Everyone heard Carlisle ask Celine
The ways that this 27-year-old woman gets this 382-year-old vampire nervous and stuttering amuses them all, they’re not gonna lie.
“Can I know why you’re suddenly asking me out?” Celine asked, everyone was listening intently
“Just wanted to let you know that I was sincere on my feelings and not just letting you believe on something.” Carlisle answered, getting Bella to open her mouth in shock “I know it may seem too rushed, but I really just want to let you know what I feel for you.”
The silence on Celine's end was deafening, each passing second feeling like an eternity as they listen intently to the phone call. No one knew if they were either too late in protecting her or if she was pondering her answer. It seemed like they could hear every clock ticking, a nerve-wracking moment of waiting before a soft “I would love to” came out from her side.
“Okay.” Carlisle said, a grin forming on his face “I’ll see you in a bit.”
Carlisle couldn't help but break into a wide grin as he ended the call, the warmth of Celine's acceptance washing over him. Esme chuckled at the sight; her brother finally being given a chance at love. It made her happy beyond words.
“Here’s the clothes, get ready.” Emmett yelled, going downstairs and grabbing Carlisle this navy-blue polo shirt with matching khaki slacks.
‘Thank heavens that he’s been with Rosalie to know what pair looks good together.’ Carlisle thought, getting Edward to chuckle. He rushed to his room, closing the door and getting dressed in the clothes given to him
“What’s changing in the vision?” Rosalie asked Alice as she has another one of her visions “Is she safe from the vampire?”
“The vampire is gonna go in Celine’s house while she’s gone now, positioning himself to surprise attack her. If we do the timing right, we can attack him and burn him just by the edge of the treaty line just before Celine and Carlisle gets back.” Alice answered
“Alice, tell them the truth.” Edward called her out, getting the rest of them to look at Edward, then to Alice “One way or another, we’ll have to face it.”
“This whole fiasco that we’re doing for Celine doesn’t ensure that she’ll be human for eternity.” Alice admitted “I peeked a little further into her future, she was always gonna be a vampire. We’re only preventing it from happening now.”
“Is it her own choice or was it a ‘Carlisle needed to’ situation?” Rosalie asked
“Her own choice, she would be the one to state when she wants it done too.” Alice answered to her question, giving Rosalie the assurance that Celine did have a choice
“How about the date? What will happen to Carlisle and Celine?” Esme asked, a hint of hopefulness in her tone
“Carlisle, just make sure to…wrap it up.” Alice yelled as Carlisle walked out of the room, wearing what Emmett made him wear with some matching shoes
“Ew!” Rosalie yelled in disgust, realizing what Alice meant “Is there any way to prevent…that? What if he doesn’t get to control his instincts?”
“Come on Rosie, Carlisle will take care of her.” Emmett comforted her, rubbing her shoulders with his hand “And besides, he’s been practicing this for over 300 years. I’m sure he’ll manage just fine.”
“Rosie’s right.” Edward said, agreeing with her, something that happened on very rare occasions “Is there a way to prevent something like that from happening?”
“I can’t see a vision where they don’t end up…tangled in the sheets. Do you think you’ll be able to deny her Carlisle?” Alice asked, looking at the vampire who was just wearing his shoes
“He has to.” Edward answered for him “Carlisle may have been exposed to human blood thousands of times already, but this is different. Celine’s his blood singer, he needs to be extra careful with her.”
“We have to go now.” Esme said, ushering everyone out “You decide the separations.”
“Jasper, Edward, Bella, you’re with me.” Emmett said, rushing to his jeep “We’re on hunting duties.”
“We’ll follow behind you, Carlisle.” Alice assured him “Just say that we’re supporting you or something, I’m sure she’ll be amused with that.”
“Don’t get too tipsy!” Emmett yelled, getting a smack from Bella
As they drove towards Celine's house, Carlisle couldn't shake the unease that gnawed at him. Fidgeting in his seat, he found himself grappling with a flood of emotions he hadn't anticipated. The reality of his existence as a vampire loomed large in his mind, a constant reminder of the potential danger he posed to Celine.
Carlisle has already dipped his head in the temptation, he might as well dip the entirety of him in it.
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pretense-pence · 4 days
Wake-Up Times: AVALANCHE Edition
I forgot to set an alarm for the morning I began writing this so that’s what inspired this post.
Cloud: He seems like the type to wake up from between 5:30-6:00 am. He was a trooper and they probably had to wake up super early. Cloud honestly also feels like the type to do some sort of workout as soon as he wakes up. 
Tifa: She definitely wakes up at like 6:00 am. And like Cloud, does some sort of workout. Sometimes she’ll workout with Cloud.
Barret: He probably wakes up at like 6:00 as well. He uses that time to clean his gun arm and make sure he has everything ready for the day. 
Aerith: She wakes up at like 7:00 am. She thinks this is plenty early but the earlier risers have to disagree. She also probably doesn’t have that much of a morning routine. She’s just ready to go. 
Nanaki: He wakes up at like 5:00 am. Typical cat/dog behavior. He expects breakfast to be ready at that time. Which is never the case during the days they were chasing after Sephiroth since hotels don’t usually serve breakfast that early.
Yuffie: People think she wakes up late, but really, she wakes up at 5:30 am. It’s the perfect time to train her ninja skills! And steal from her sleeping comrades. Sadly, Nanaki always catches her.
Cait Sith: He’s a robot so he doesn’t need to sleep, but he does have shut down time. Said shut down time typically corresponds with when Reeve is asleep. So, typically, he’s awake at like 6:00 am. Though, it’s not completely unusual for him to be randomly up at 4:00 am. 
Reeve: Speaking of being up randomly at 4:00 am, Reeve’s sleep schedule is kind of fucked. He tries to wake up at 6:00 am but usually is awake way earlier. He’s always stressed so as soon as he wakes up, no matter the time, he’s up. 
Vincent: Either he doesn’t sleep or he’s up at like 3:00 pm. Sadly, the others force him to wake up at 8:00 am if he isn’t already awake. Even if you wake him up at 8:00 am, there’s a chance he’ll find somewhere to nap shortly after waking up.
Cid: He’s up at like 6:30 am. The first thing he does when he wakes up is go out for a smoke.
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delilahluvsu · 9 months
oh, its what you do to me pt.1
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chris x reader (delilah)
warnings: cursing, suggestive but no actual smut (yet), mentions of death and grief
a/n: this is my first story. It might be a little rough but I hope you enjoy!!! ; no requests
characters- matt sturniolo, chris sturniolo, nick sturniolo, delilah moore, aria moore
When I was 16 and my sister was 13, both our parents died in a car accident. It was the hardest day of my entire life. Immediately, the sturniolo family took us in and we have been living with them ever since.
the sturniolos have always been close family friends of ours and often, my family would go over to their house for dinner, or just to hang out as one big family.
I guess I would say that I'm close with Matt and Nick but I'm definitely closest with Chris. We have the most in common, and we overall just clicked the best from the beginning.
On that day, December 4, 2019, my life completely changed. I got the call from my sister and my heart immediately sank to the floor. I broke down sobbing before rushing to the scene and falling into my sisters arms. We held each other and mourned the loss of our parents who had raised us and given us such a wonderful life.
When the sturniolo family had found out about what had happened they got to the scene as fast as they could and reassured me and my sister that everything was going to be okay. I had always looked at Mary-lou like a second mother; someone I could always count on to treat me like one of her own children and love me as she loves them too.
They took both me and my sister in right away. I remember that night, we were sobbing in the triplets arms. I’ll never forget it. They planned the funeral and paid for everything since all the money I have is from my job and I don’t have a lot, and my sister doesn’t have a job.
Ever since, the triplets and their family have done so much for me and my sister and i’m so grateful for them.
-jump to a year later-
my room is in the same hallway as all three triplets and my sister. i wake up from a good ass nap and I realize that it’s 7 PM. “ugh” i groan, annoyed that I had just wasted the day. I guess Chris heard me from the hallway because he knocked on my door while cracking it open. “you good?” he says confused. “yeah i just took a long ass nap and i didn’t mean to” “damn sorry bout that” chris says with a smirk and closes your door. i roll over and sigh and i decided to gather myself and not be lazy for the whole day. I make myself get out of bed and wash my face and I put on a little make up just to look presentable.
I put on a hoodie and grey sweatpants and i just threw my hair into a messy bun because i don’t feel like doing my hair since it’s later in the day and im lazy. As soon as i walk out the door i bump into chris who was seemingly about to open my door. “sorry” i say with a giggle. “you’re good delilah, i was just wondering if you wanted to come watch a movie with me, matt, nick, and aria?” “sure” i say with a smile. “let me grab my blanket real quick” “okay” chris says as he heads downstairs.
The boys are all sat on the couch with the movie “the conjuring” queued on the tv. my sister races down the stairs and plops down on the couch next to matt and nick. i look at the screen and say “really” with a confused tone. they all laugh. they know i’m a big baby when it comes to horror movies. “you’ll be fine, delilah” nick says “its just a movie”. “yeah its stupid, and don't worry, if you get scared you can just hide under the blanket" Chris says. "like a little baby" Chris says softly but just loud enough so nick, matt, and aria could hear and we all start dying laughing. Chris motions me over to him. He is sitting on the bigger part of the couch with more room. In my opinion, it's the comfiest part of the couch so I'm glad he picked it. I sit on the couch next to him while putting my blanket over both of us. The blanket is huge so it covers us nicely and keeps us warm. A few feet away from us are Nick, aria, and matt are all snuggled under a cozy blanket. I look at them and smile. They're so adorable, I think to myself.
The movie starts and my back and neck start to hurt so I search for a more comfortable position. Chris notices "what's up?" he says softly so no one could hear but me. "oh, nothing my back and neck are just killing me" I say with my hand rubbing the back of my neck. "okay, do whatever you need to make yourself comfortable" Chris says with a smile. "okay" I say while smiling back. I am closer with Chris than I am with matt and nick so it is not unfamiliar for us to be physical in a platonic way (of course). I put my head on Chris' chest and shift my body sideways a little. Chris looks down at me and tucks my hair behind my ears before looking back up at the movie.
All of a sudden there's a jump scare and I hide under the blanket. Chris starts laughing and so do matt and nick. "it's okay D, nothings going to hurt you" Chris says with a reassuring tone. "I know" I say with a tinge of heat flooding my cheeks from embarrassment. We continue watching the movie and when the movie is over, all of us go upstairs. The triplets and my sister say goodnight to me and we all head to our rooms.
I suddenly wake up when I hear footsteps heading downstairs and I check my phone. It's 3:20 AM. I put on my slippers and I walk downstairs to see who it is. It's Chris. standing in the kitchen, shirtless. the moonlight from the window shining onto his body. he looks gorgeous and I am taken aback by the sight that is in front of my eyes. he's popping open a Pepsi can. After he takes a sip he turns around and looks at me. I'm standing in the doorway looking at him in a way I never thought I would before. "hey" Chris says. "what are you doing up?" "I heard footsteps and I was just checking to see what was going on" I say as I walk over to the fridge and I take out cranberry juice. "oh okay" Chris says. "what's that look on your face for" chris says playfully. "its nothing" I say while blushing and trembling a little bit from this newfound feeling I never imagined feeling for Chris. "okay" chris says, not believing that its nothing. "why are you drinking a Pepsi at 3 AM chris, thats crazy" I say while giggling while I snatch the Pepsi can out of his hands and run downstairs with it. He runs after me and we're both giggling like idiots. I squeal as he catches up to me and wraps his arms around me pushing us both on the couch in attempt to steal his Pepsi back. "nuh uh" i say, struggling to keep him from grabbing the Pepsi. Suddenly he flips me around while he grabs his Pepsi from my hands and he pins me on the couch while taunting me with the Pepsi he just stole back from me. "hey!" I say feeling defeated but still giggling. Chris says "don't ever do that again" while laughing. suddenly my heart starts beating faster. He still has me pinned to the couch. We're looking into each others eyes and I feel that feeling once more. I start to feel heat in between my legs because I don't know why but him pinning me down like that made butterflies fill my stomach and wish he would never move. But he did. He slowly moved off of me. "seriously if you ever do that again, Delilah" "I promise, never" I taunt him while thinking to myself that I will definitely do that again sometime without a doubt. we both head back to the kitchen and then back up to our rooms.
As I lay in bed, I can't help but think about that feeling that I felt when I was with Chris today. It's new and scary and I've never felt that way about Chris before. The triplets and I had always been really close but never have I ever had thoughts like this for any of them until now. I think about the way Chris tucked my hair behind my ear, the way he reassured me that nothing was going to hurt me during the movie, the way he looked while the moonlight shone on his shirtless body and his perfect hair, the way he pinned me down and looked into my eyes and the way that it made me wet. it. made. me. wet. Chris sturniolo made me wet. My mind travels and I wonder if Chris is thinking about me right now, about the moments we shared today that gave me that feeling. that familiar yet so unfamiliar feeling. I wonder if he felt that feeling too. I find myself fantasizing over if he were to come into my room right now and do unspeakable things to me, but I quickly catch myself. "what the fuck??" I snap myself out of the trance "no no no this can't happen" "never" I say to myself while rolling my eyes and sighing with disgust. I roll over in defeat and I doze off to sleep.
I thought sleeping it off would help, but my dream is about chris.....
stay tuned for part 2..
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