#and then lance is such a sweetheart and would be a friend to all animals
pui2tui2 · 1 month
terrified of bugs x friend to all bugs klance except idk who is who. pls tell me your thoughts
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rocorambles · 3 years
Surprise Interview
Pairing: Kenma x Reader
Genre/Warnings: NSFW, Yandere, Pseudo-Cest, Dub-Con/Non-Con, Verbal Humiliation, Manipulation
Summary: Kenma sees if you have what it takes to be Bouncing Ball’s newest employee.
A/N: This is for @sugawara-sweetheart ‘s Decadence Collab. So excited to be a part of this collab and to be able to indulge in such a delicious prompt and theme. Be sure to check out everyone else’s works! As always, thanks for beta-ing @sawamooora ~
There’s a familiar peace and a new nervousness about coming back home for the holidays. Mostly because home isn’t quite the same home it used to be. You can feel warmth blooming in your chest at the thought of seeing your mom, telling her about everything and everyone (as if your daily phone calls aren’t enough), and just lounging around while she fills you up with her cooking. But you can also feel a certain shyness as you approach the house, a building that still feels brand new and strange to you.
Your mother had gotten remarried during your earlier college years after your father’s passing and you were elated for her. If anyone deserves all the happiness in the world, it’s her. You had met Mr. Kozume quite a few times and you have no qualms with the man. He treats your mother like a queen and even though you playfully gag as they sweet talk and kiss in front of you, you wholeheartedly approve of their relationship.
However, what you aren’t quite as prepared for is having a new step-sibling.
You don’t know much about Kenma Kozume. Well, not much more than the rest of the world does.
Professional gamer. Successful stock trader. Popular YouTuber. Founder of his own corporation.
You know exactly who your new brother is, but other than seeing him a few times in person at family gatherings and exchanging polite greetings, there’s no real connection. Which is why your heart races as you nervously ring his doorbell, anxiety already making your leg twitch as you wait for the door to open.
Your mother and step-father are on a couple’s vacation and won’t be returning for a few days.
(“We just want some romantic time together before we have a full house again for the holidays. Plus this is a great chance to get to know your older brother better!” You hadn’t even been able to get a word of protest in before she had laughed and hung up on you, leaving you speechless and on your own as you hesitantly texted Kenma, letting him know what day to expect you.)
Kenma is quiet as ever as he nods in greeting, silently leading you to your guest room before quietly telling you to make yourself at home and leaving to do his own thing. You let out a huge sigh of relief as the door closes behind him.
There’s nothing wrong with Kenma. He’s smart and successful. Maybe a bit on the quiet side, but that only adds to his down to earth charm. You know your mother and step-father adore him and you can’t blame them. Yet, you can’t help but feel scrutinized, seen so clearly in a way that terrifies you when his feline eyes gaze at you. It takes everything in you not to immediately scurry away whenever you’re in viewing distance of him, desperate to hide all the flaws you imagine he’s noticing and calculating. Your step-father had mentioned how Kenma used to be the strategist of his high school volleyball team, and has always been able to evaluate and accurately break down situations and people. And you believe it.
You’re just grateful the house is large enough to avoid each other and that Kenma tends to reside mostly in his home office and bedroom.
But even the founder of a company needs a break from time to time. Kenma shuffles towards the gaming room, only to blink in surprise when he sees you already inside of it, happily smiling as Animal Crossing visuals and sounds fill the space.
He had known you owned a Nintendo Switch, a piece of information your mom had shared to break the ice a bit. And it’s really no surprise that this is your go-to game. But knowing and seeing are two different things and he can’t help but let his own lips twitch upwards at how calm and relaxed you are tending to your garden, decorating your home, choosing your outfit.
Kenma’s never been good with people, has never been the one to initiate a friendship. He knows he should have made more of an effort to be friendly and welcoming to you as your new older brother. There’s a slight pang of regret in his chest when he sees how at ease you are while you’re unaware of his presence. His eyes are as sharp as ever and he locks in on the way your body slightly stiffens, fingers nervously fidgeting when you finally notice his figure in the doorway, words already stuttering an apology for using his game room without explicitly asking.
You look like a scared mouse about to flee from the claws of a cat. And it pisses him off.
He hasn’t made the best efforts to bridge the gap between you, but for you to fear him? That seems a tad unnecessary, and more than a tad insulting. It’s more than enough to make the sadistic streak in him want to give you something to be scared about.
But he’s never been impulsive and he just quietly sits beside you on the floor, reassuring you it’s fine to play, smirking when you sneak little side glances his way as you continue collecting fruits.
“Kozume, do you want to play-”
“Just call me Kenma.”
Entranced eyes watch as you grow flustered at his words, mouth silently testing the weight of his given name in your mouth. For once, Kenma could care less about playing video games when a shaky timid “Kenma” slips past your soft lips.
“Kenma, do you want to play something together?”
You have no idea how badly he really does want to play together, but it’s a game you’re not ready for. So he calls upon any restraint he has to pluck your device from your hands and change the game to Mario Kart.
It’s amusing how easily you soften besides him, brow furrowing in concentration, eyes intently and eagerly following the screen, any anxiousness quickly forgotten as you get into the game. He greedily watches as you pout when you make a mistake, as your eyes light up every time you pass someone.
If he had known how easy it would be to make you warm up to him, he’d have done this sooner and he genuinely laughs when you whine and fake glare at him as he wins yet another round.
He asks about school. You ask about work. He tells you about his childhood. You share your own stories.
It’s a comfortable rhythmic back and forth and he’s afraid of ruining it, but a certain question nags at his mind, a question he knows may ruin the entire flow of the conversation.
“You’ll be graduating soon. Have you decided what you want to do after college?”
“Kenma not you too!!!”
His shoulders relax at how well you react to the question, smiling at the way you flop onto your back and groan about how mom and dad are already on your case about future plans.
“I’ve been applying to places, but who knows. Maybe I’ll just work for you at Bouncing Ball.”
There’s a playful lilt in your voice when you say it, a giggle and teasing smile accompanying the words. But there’s nothing funny about it to Kenma and your smile falters a bit when you see how tightly Kenma’s gripping his controller, the way his eyes pin you down.
“Kenma? It’s just a joke. I would never take advantage of-”
You try to get up from your reclined position, only to whimper in confusion when Kenma’s hand on your shoulder forces you back down. And suddenly you’re pinned down by more than just his stare as he moves to straddle you, knees on either side of your body, hands next to your head, his whole body caging yours.
It’s a lighthearted joke in the family that if all else fails, you could always work at Bouncing Ball. A joke your step-father and mother always dish out when the arguments get too tense as the three of you talk about your future. But it’s become less in jest for Kenma, especially after Kuroo sent him a scandalous picture of his newest secretary kneeling between his long legs, lips wrapped around his cock.
It wasn’t the first picture, nor was it the last incriminating photo the older businessman had sent him. Kenma merely rolled his eyes before deleting the image from his phone, wondering when Kuroo would grow bored and find a new toy to play with. But he freezes when he sees the following text message from his long-time friend.
“You’re the CEO of a company, Kenma. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone convenient around? A pretty warm body? I bet that cute new step sister of yours would look really good under your desk. Doesn’t she graduate from college soon? If you don’t make a move, maybe I’ll snatch her up right from under your nose. I’m due for a change of secretary soon.”
There’s absolutely no reason for the hot anger that lances through him at Kuroo’s taunting words and he grimaces at playing right into his ex-captain’s hands, already hearing Kuroo’s braying laughter in his head if the older man saw just how much his words affected him.
But initial irritation aside, he lets himself really think, really imagine what a life with you at his beck and call would be like. And he likes what he sees. He doesn’t delete Kuroo’s photos as quickly as he used to, replacing the female faces with yours in his imagination as his hands slip under the hem of his boxers.
He knows it’s a longshot, knows there’s a high chance you’ll continue your lives as is, never destined to exchange more than a few polite greetings at family outings. But now...now hearing you voice the idea out loud yourself, hearing the way his first name sounds from your lips…
Maybe it’s not the silly pipe dream he had believed it to be.
“I��m in need of an assistant if you really do want to work at Bouncing Ball, but you’d need to prove why it would be worth hiring you.”
He almost laughs at how you perk up despite the precarious position you’re in, almost ready to launch into an elevator pitch of your qualifications flat on your back underneath him. You’re quite the multitasker already and he groans at the thought of having you cockwarm him while he tests out a new video game, making you answer all his calls stuffed full of him and desperately trying to hide the lustful tremble in your voice.
But he’s not here to listen to your carefully crafted speech. (Guess you really were practicing for job interviews like you said you were. What a good girl.) And he firmly presses his lips against yours to silence you, taking his time to immerse himself in the way your mouths mold against each other.
Your taste, your smell, your warmth. It’s all intoxicating and he slips his tongue inside your parted lips, subtly rutting his groin against your body. He can feel your body jostle as you lift your arms and he waits for the weight of your arms to lovingly wrap around his neck, only to be shocked when you weakly press against his shoulders until he finally relents and pulls back just enough to look down at you in irritated confusion.
“We- we shouldn’t be doing this.”
It’s not the words that have him clenching his fists, not even the way your palms still timidly press against him in a laughably weak show of defense.
It’s the fear in your eyes, the way you look at him like he’s some monster. It's the way he can almost palpably feel and hear your desire to be anywhere other than here, with anyone other than him, wishing to put as much space between the two of you as possible.
It’s your rejection.
It hurts to know that he isn’t enough just as he is, that he needs to resort to less...savory and straightforward ways to entrap you. But he’s not Hinata or Kuroo. He doesn’t have an electrifying personality or roguishly handsome features and charm to woo you. He only has his cunning and sharp tongue.
And he fully intends on maximizing his gifts.
“Of course, you don’t have to. You can just keep on applying and getting rejected by every company you speak to, if they even bother meeting with you after seeing your pathetic resume. Average college. Average grades. Average major. Tell me, how many interviews have you actually been reached out to for?”
He’s going out on a bit of a limb, but his suspicions are right and he cruelly smirks at the way tears bubble in your eyes at his words, no comeback or denial rolling off the tip of your tongue. He had a feeling you were struggling from the bits and pieces he’s picked up as your parents quietly talk and fret over you actually being able to find a job after graduation.
“Our parents are too nice to say anything about it, but you know they’re disappointed in you, right? Have you noticed how they always avoid talking about how school is going or asking you about how job hunting is going? How they only ask me how work is going? It’s because they know you’re just a loser whose life is going to amount to nothing.”
“That’s not true! They love me-”
“I’m not saying they don’t love you, but doesn’t that make it even worse? Making your loving and caring parents worry and stress over you when they should be preparing for retirement, an easy life? Instead of letting them finally enjoy a carefree life, you’ll be their freeloader daughter who uses up all their remaining funds. Is that what you want?”
You really are too easy and his lips curl in satisfaction at the way you frantically shake your head side to side, fat wet drops streaming down your face, adorable sniffles filling the air.
“If you become my assistant, I’ll compensate you well. You can live here with me, have your own room, a roof over your head, all the food and clothing you need and want. Think about how relieved and happy our parents will be seeing you provided for, seeing us getting along. Isn’t that what you want? For them to be happy?”
He knows how close you are to your mom, how important this idea of a perfect family is to you. He knows how insecurity and doubt about your own capabilities torment you. And he knows you’re hooked on his claws when your hands that are still pressed against his shoulders drop limply besides you, not even a hint of resistance left in you when he leans down once more to rest his forehead on yours, one hand cupping the side of your face.
“This is all you’re good for anyway. Working underneath me.”
If you notice his pun, you don’t acknowledge it, too busy wincing and squirming as he harshly nips and bites a trail from your lips to your neck as he pushes up the hem of your shirt until your chest is on full display for him. There’s something experimental, cold, meticulous about the way he gropes and fondles your breasts.Your face heats in humiliation at how he treats you like one of the many game consoles he’s reviewed for his audience.
But you don’t do anything about it, telling yourself that this is just his version of an interview as he pinches and prods at you, meanly twisting your nipples and chuckling at your yelp of pain. You obediently let him spread your legs apart, only letting out an agonized cry as he tests your flexibility, staring at him with a trembling lower lip as he sharply tells you to shut up while scrutinizing your panty-covered sex.
“You really are made for this, aren’t you?”
You whimper as he nudges the small wet spot on the thin fabric, clenching your eyes shut in denial at how hot and wound up your body feels from his touch, unable to hide your gasp as he pulls the layer aside and rubs your aroused clit.
There’s something so different about the way his fingers slowly sink into your wet pussy, almost lazily curling against your soft walls, his thumb never stopping its careful massage on the bundle of nerves at the apex of your thighs. So different from your own fingers desperately thrusting in and out of you. So different from the drunk partners you’ve hooked up with at college and their sloppy, rapid, frantic movements.
You can feel something large, something intimidating slowly rising from deep inside of you, a volcano about to erupt compared to the bright and fast to fade shooting stars you’re used to. You’re scared. Scared of the intoxicating feeling, of how easy it is to grow accustomed to Kenma’s presence, of how his cat-like eyes are all you can see and think of.
How can something feel so wrong and so right at the same time?
That’s the last coherent thought you have before your world goes blank, pleasure rocking through you as you soak the carpet and your step-brother’s hand with your juices. You’re moaning as Kenma continues to rock his fingers in and out of you, fingertips insistently massaging your clit and g-spot as you ride out your orgasm, body trembling and convulsing.
But even when the tremors slow, when pleasure becomes something sharper, more overwhelming, he doesn’t stop. You wail, begging him to stop, to let you rest, slumping in relief when he finally drags his hands away from you, carelessly wiping the mess you’ve made of his hand on your skin, covering you in your own essence.
Your heavy eyelids threaten to flutter shut as you let exhaustion wash over you, already dreading having to get up and wash yourself. But you’re shocked back to reality as something hard begins to nudge at your still fluttering entrance.
“Kenma! No! Too much-”
You break off into a sob as surprisingly strong hands dig into your hips, holding you still as he pushes and pushes until he’s fully settled inside of you, balls resting against your ass.
You’re still so tight, your quivering walls clamping around the intrusion, and he groans at the thought of being able to sink into this hole every day, multiple times, whenever he wants. His cock is already aching from holding off for so long, from watching your body and face contorted in pleasure. Kenma can feel his end quickly approaching as you scream and wail underneath him, eyes rolling back in your head, drool trickling from the corner of your mouth. You look absolutely obscene and he doesn’t think he’ll ever get enough of this side of you.
But despite the way his balls are tightening, despite the stutter in his hips, he’s determined to watch you fall apart once more, to see you shatter to pieces yet again. He grits his teeth, fingers reaching down to furiously rub at your already oversensitized clit, reveling in how your back arches, thighs shaking in overstimulation, and then you snap.
He wonders what his parents would think of their dear dumb daughter now, looking nothing like their silly angel, looking like a wanton used whore, incoherent garbled noises slipping past your lips as you twitch uncontrollably, your pussy milking him dry as he cums inside of you.
There’s only silence mixed with your pitiful whimpers as he slides out of you, grimacing at the sticky mess you’ve made of yourself and him. But that’s what your other hole is for and he orders you to suck him clean, admiring what a quick learner you are, eager to please as you noisily slurp and lick him clean, moaning at the taste of your combined fluids...
Maybe too eager and he shoves you off of him when you become too enthusiastic, his cock beginning to twitch in interest once more.
You look so lost, still sprawled out on the ground, staring up at him with wide imploring eyes as he pulls up his pants. So vulnerable and in need of guidance.
Good thing you have such a great boss to manage you.
“Not bad. Consider these next few days your internship and if all goes well, I’ll be more than happy to hire you as Bouncing Ball’s newest employee this summer. Now clean up this room and show me that my future assistant can do more than just be a slut.”
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dnightshade0 · 3 years
Voltron: if the paladins had a Pokémon team 😋
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I imagined that shiro would have a dark and flying type Pokémon team.
Mainly because his lion has wings and specialize in air. The dark typing I thought would add an interesting mix to it... what?....... ok yeah, so it’s also to do with the dark theme the black lion has... don’t look at me like that! >_>
The Zoroark I put in not only cause of the dark typing but because Zoroark is “the master of illusions” a Pokémon that transforms into people and Pokémon to trick others. I imagine people could make all kinds of kuron references and jokes here XD
I also imagine Zoroark would have itself some jolly good fun messing with the other paladins by pretending to be shiro. Only eventually getting found out when either the real shiro showed up or that tail became visible XD
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Keith’s team is of course fire type, cause of his lion’s element. And I picked the fire types that would match his personality best. Fire types (like the red lion and ironically like Keith XD ) are known to be temperamental.
And yes, I put two dog Pokémon in cause Keith has a wolf for a pet. He’s gonna have a fun time with those two XD
I have also heard that Keith’s favorite animal is a hippo? So of course I threw those in there too just for that.
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Lance’s team I made to fit his personality as well. (Actually, I did that for all of them) all of lance’s Pokémon reflect his interests as well as his lion’s Affinity for water and ice. Yes, I know, I threw a mermaid/selkie in there. Of course I did, it’s been made clear that lance loves mermaids so yeah, I put that one in. He also likes to boast that he’s a ninja sharpshooter, so I put in greninja.
I imagine his Pokémon might end up spending more time keeping lance out of trouble then anything. Greninja would probably be dragging him away every time he started flirting with a girl.
Vaporeon would probably hose him down for shiro XD
Lance “ I thought you guys were supposed to be on my side?! DX”
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Hunk’s team is all ground or rock types. Cause his lion’s element is earth. hunk is a sweetheart and a teddybear, so I picked Pokémon that would reflect his kind lovable big guy personality. I considered putting an onix in his team, but it was mentioned to me that he would like cute adorable Pokémon better. And I gotta agree, hunk doesn’t seem like a snake person.
I made cubone part of his team cause come on, as a lonely Pokémon, your days of feeling sad and lonely are over when your around hunk 😊
And despite wearing its mother’s skull on its head, I know hunk would love having this cute little guy around. Maybe even be a handy little helper around the kitchen. He could make mashed potatoes using its bone XD
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Half of Pidge’s team is plant type (because her lion’s element is forest.) but I put some different types into the mix because of pidge’s own interests in tech. I put the elekid in cause hay, with all the time pidge spends on her laptop, it’s gonna run out of power eventually. Would make sense to have a “backup power generator” right? XD
And the kecleon is do to pidge’s genius in adding cloaking tech to her lion. An invisible accomplice would be handy in getting into all kinds of techy mischief XD
And the Porygon-Z, it was made from science so why not? It might help her with hacking (shrugs)
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Allura’s team... ok don’t judge me! I can’t help it if mice are her thing! >_< though it’s funny how most mice Pokémon happen to be electric types. I did add a Sylveon cause it seemed to match her personality...ok so it’s pretty! It’s a cute Pokémon that is pink ok?!
The only animals I’ve seen allura interact with the most are the mice so it’ s only natural that she’d work great with mice Pokémon. And if lance annoys her with any of his flirting, she can just have pikachu use thundershock on him X3
Allura “thank you little friend ^_^”
Pikachu “pika! ^_^”
Lance “X_X” KO’d ( Keith nudges a twitching unconscious lance with his foot)
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einsteinsugly · 3 years
My Character Preferences, That '70s Show:
Characters I Like: 1. Eric: My favorite character, and the reason I got into T7S in the first place. He's not perfect, and can occasionally be a bit of a lazy jackass, but that's okay. Nobody's perfect. An awkward, snarky geek and an overall nice guy with his heart usually on his sleeve, I identify with him. A lot. Except my heart isn't necessarily on my sleeve, but I have good intentions.
2. Hyde: I really, really like him, most of the time. He's smart, rebellious, and is overall an absolute badass. Way more badass than I can ever be, as I'm more of an Eric type, but whatever. In the present day, he'd be the cool boomer.
3 (tied). Donna (seasons 1-3): Early seasons Donna was badass. Ambitious, smart, rightfully opinionated, politically astute. She had her issues, but she was going places. Until her mother left, and then things went downhill from there. Blame the writers for not letting her grow as a character, by letting her fall into complacency. And I identify with Donna a lot too, but I'm smart but awkwardly opinionated, so yeah. The socially awkward Eric in me holds me back, honestly.
3 (tied). Jackie (season 5 onward): Early on, Jackie was annoying. Superficial, because that was all she knew. But as she became part of the gang, and became acquainted (and in love) with Hyde, she emerged from her cocoon. Into a butterfly.
4. Kitty: An absolute sweetheart, who is absolutely hilarious. Too bad they dumbed her down and made her an alcoholic in the later seasons.
5. Red: I may disagree with him politically, but all in all, he's a good guy. A bit grumpy, but aren't we all?
6. Brooke: She had so, so much potential. She was Kelso's foil, who somehow made him somewhat bearable. Characters that are just fine (main only): 1. Leo. Nothing against him, but after awhile, he was used as a punchline.
2. Bob and Midge. They're okay. Stupid but lovable. Bob can be sexist af, though. Characters I Dislike: Main (at any point; worst to most tolerable): 1. Kelso. He has his cute moments, but most of the time, he's a selfish jackass. I wish, to some extent (at a bare minimum), the others would cut him out of their lives. But unless he does something really horrific, I can't picture them doing it.
2. Fez. From seasons 1-4, I'm fine with him. He's not someone I'd necessarily be friends with, but he's not a bad person. However, from season 5 onward, he's an absolute creep. Other than season 8 as a whole, his worst moment when he takes a picture under Donna's skirt. I mean...eww. How one could be friends with someone after that, and all the other creepy crap he did, I don't know.
3. Laurie. She has some potential, but eh. She's manipulative, flaky, and selfish. Every time she tries to better herself, she ends up falling back into her old ways. And honestly, I think that'll be her pattern for her entire (or most of her) life.
4. Randy. I don't hate him, necessarily, but I hate what he represents. An obvious Eric replacement, with a little bit of Kelso tossed in there for good measure. And no one can replace Eric. Nope, nope, nope. Minor (worst to most tolerable, once again): 1. Lance Crawford. Okay, he was only there for one episode, but he gave some serious stalker and serial killer vibes.
2. Bud and Edna. Alcoholic, abusive, piss-poor animals. That is all.
3. Mitch. Holy crap, he's an awful person. Evil little shit. The type who profits off of one's suffering. Which is why I have him as a divorce lawyer in my Two Worlds Apart universe.
4. Pam Burkhart. What a selfish, superficial fool. A terrible influence for her daughter, if Pam's around to negatively influence her at all.
5. Casey. Totally forgot about him when I was first writing this. What a tool. He's worse than Kelso, if that's humanly possible (it is, by the way).
6. Sam. She was just a one-note character whose main purpose (and reason for existing) was to break up Jackie and Hyde.
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bonniebird · 4 years
The Lust Demon Familiar
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John x Demon / Familiar!Reader
“Wait. So you’re saying it wasn’t the warlock?” Ava asked Nate and Charlie as they explained what had happened during their recon mission.
“Look, I’m telling you it was the warlock’s magic. But it wasn’t him. Nate was there with him the whole time!” Charlie insisted. Nate agreed and explained when he’d seen happen, which really wasn’t very much.
“So there is something using the warlock’s powers to summon demons and other creatures to this town?” Sara asked slowly, throwing the idea out. She cocked her head before turning to look at Constantine who was looking unnervingly thoughtful.
“There is only one creature I know that can do that.” He said after a while.
“What is it?” Ray asked quickly.
“That’s a difficult question to answer, mate.” Constantine said as he pulled a cigarette from behind his ear and twirled it between his fingers as he turned to face Sara. “I do have a friend I could ask though.”
“When did you get friends?” Sara joked as she walked past him.
“In fairness she isn’t exactly a friend. Haven't seen each other in a while.” John admitted.
“Oh well I’m sure this will go great!” Ava exclaimed.
Constantine raised his eyebrows as if he agreed with Ava and glanced over at Gary. “Think I could borrow you for some magic assistance.” “Oh I would assist you with anything.” Gary said before blushing as the Legends gave him an odd look.
“Grand. I’ll be needing your help too. The beast we’re summoning tends to ignore me till she wants a favour. Poor thing is a sucker for authority.” John said as he looked over at Ava.
“Well I suppose someone should be supervising.” Ava agreed. John led the way, Gary following him out of the room, close at his heels.
“Good luck babe.” Sara said with a light chuckle to her tone. She kissed Ava’s cheek before Ava left the room. “The rest of us can start looking into what's happening more closely.”
“So why are we at your mansion and what are you summoning?” Ava asked as John finished up the magic drawings and runes on the floor. Gary had directed each one and they’d talked for at least twenty minutes about positioning of runes. It had gone over Ava’s head but she appreciated how difficult getting it exactly right must have been.
“There are very few things that can use a warlock's powers in the way our Nate and Ava described. I’d bet my last cigarette that it’s a kind of familier.”
“A familiar! Like black cats and toads!” Gary asked with an excited expression on his face.
“Not always. Any animal will do for a powerful warlock. Sometimes they’re a specific type of demon that you can summon to serve you in exchange for the life of… well a pet that is spoiled rotten.”
“So you’re going to summon this, demon… familiar?” Ava asked reluctantly as she watched John lead Gary into the circle and sit, both holding hands.
“No. We’re going to summon mine.”
“You have a familiar! What’re they like?” Gary asked, cutting off Constantine who had started chanting.
“She was the runt of her family, so to speak, took her in so she wouldn’t die off. Something she doesn’t like to be reminded of. Small sweet little thing in a good mood. But you mark my words mate. You piss her off; she'll have your throat in her teeth before you realise her mood has changed. Had to lock her away the last time she lost it. Might have left her for too long.”
Ava wanted to question if this was a good idea. But she recalled the people being attacked and kept quiet as Gary and Constantine chanted. There was a glowing between the two of them and the smaller circle in the center became so bright she looked away. When they were done there was a loud hiss and something small and black shot out of the room.
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“Do excuse me. I need to go and grovel to my cat.” Constantine said when it didn’t come back in.
Ava rolled her eyes as he left and shook her head. “I hope this works.”
“(Y/N)?” Constantine called as he started looking through the rooms of his home. A low hiss drew him to the room you were in. Seeing you perched on the fireplace, glowering at him. “Alright love, no need to be snippy.”
He stepped back when you hopped off the fireplace with a gentle thud and shifted into your human form.
“Wow!” Constantine turned to see Gary and Ava looking into the room, curiously staring at you. “She changed! Did you see that. Incredible.”
“Well finally someone who appreciates me.” You almost purred, smiling at Gary who started sputtering and backing away when he realised you were completly naked.
“Alright now! No need to scare him off.” Constantine scolded.
“Oh! Of course. How could anyone pay me a compliment. I forgot I’m some awful demon monster that needs to be locked up!” You spat out at Constantine, squaring up to him.
“Hey now! You brought that upon yourself when you started attacking people.”
“You blabbed about my being a familiar to a bunch of wanna be warlocks! They didn’t even know about familiers.”
“That doesn’t sound like her fault, if anything it sounds like you started it.” Ava said. She looked alarmingly nervous when you actually purred and stroked a finger up her arm, across her shoulders and down the other as you circled her.
“I like this one.” You muttered smiling when she tried to maintain eye contact and not look as nervous as she felt.
“Alright, enough of this.” Constantine said as he shrugged off his coat and draped it over your shoulders. “I need you to help me find another familiar.”
“No.” You said and started to leave. Constantine muttered a few words and the next thing you knew you’d walked into a brightly lit metal room. Turning slightly you could see a group staring at you.
“(Y/N) this is Sara Lance, and the Legends.” Constantine said as he, Ava and Gary followed you through.
“Hi!” Ray said as he went to shake your hand. You purred batting your eyes as you used his outstretched hand to pull him close. His eyes went wide and he glanced at Constantine.
“Careful with this one, half lust demon.” Constantine warned Ray who backed away quickly while you giggled at his reaction.
“I’m not helping you.”
“Not right now you’re not. However as you master you’re going to help me because I command it.”
“I thought you were the one that liked to get bossed around.” You said casually as you stepped close enough to Constantine that he leant back and smirked down at you. “At least that's what Lucy told his demons.” Sara spat out a laugh she tried to hold back and turned away from the two of you.
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Constantine frowned at you as you spotted Charlie and smiled, swaying your way to her. She grinned at the attention and watched you curiously. “Well hello there. Where’ve you been hiding?”
“Johnny locked me away and I’ve been so bored.” You said with a flirty breathless tone.
“Well that seems just awful.”
“Alright, you can play when you’re done. I need your help.” John said as he snapped his fingers. The Legends, except Charlie, and Ava all hopped back in surprise when you returned to your cat form. You hissed at John as he picked you up, smacking him in the face with your thrashing tail for good measure.
“I’m only helping you if you let me go!” You snapped. Constantine had managed to lock you to a spot in the library and convinced you at the very least to wear one of his shirts. Back in your human form, all you needed was to be let go so you could stretch your legs and explore.
“I can let you go if you really want love, but you won't be around long enough to appreciate it.” He warned as he flipped through a book that had the names of all familiars that were sworn to warlocks.
“If you lock me back up in that horrid house again I’ll eat that nervous one. I bet he’d let me go.” You said to yourself, lounging as best you could in the small spot on the floor.
“You harm a hair on Gary’s head I’ll be sending you to hell.”
“Hey, Sara found some more information that might help you.” Nate said as he stepped into the room. He tried handing Constantine the papers he had in his hand but missed when you rolled over, biting your lip and swinging your legs as you batted your eyes.
“Easy there mate. She’ll rock your world but leave you with some pretty nasty scratches.” Constantine said as he held his hand out.
“Oh! No. I wasn’t. I didn’t. I um.” Nate spluttered as he shoved the papers in Constantine’s outstretched hand and almost ran out of the room.
“These people are fun to play with Johnny. Can’t you just let me out for a little while.” You tried pouting and batting your eyes. It would have worked. But he gave you a casual look and shook his head.
“Sorry sweetheart but it’s work before pleasure here.”
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“Oh I don’t need your permission to have pleasure.” You purred and ran your hand down your body as you rolled to your back. Constantine snapped his fingers and walked over to you, seeming to have found the spell he was looking for.
“Look sweetheart. This bastard is hurting people. I know deep down you want to help. Besides. Help me and I will be your magical wingman. We can have a rager. Charlie, the shifter can come, whoever you want but you have to help me first.” As he spoke he’d picked you up and scooped you into his arms, you rubbed against his chin, enjoying the feeling of his stubble. He found just the right spot to itch.
“This is… weird. You need a moment?” Sara asked from the doorway.
“Just a little sweet talking.” He said as he set you down on his chair, changing you back. Sara’s eyes went wide and she spun around when you were suddenly, human shaped and naked again.
“It’s this one.” You huffed and pouted at him. Sara slowly glanced back when he snatched up the shirt you’d been using, tossed it your way and Constantine took the book to show it to her.
“You’re sure. She doesn’t seem to like you.”
“Covered myself in catnip. Poor thing can’t resist it. Now, let's get going. I need to get back to my cat before she gets mad at me.”
Sara glanced at you, seeing you curled up in Constantine’s chair, napping under his shirt. “She’ll be ok like that?” She asked and he nodded, fumbling in his pocket for his cigarettes.
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“Oh yeah, nap for a couple hours. Although I’ll need to be back before she does wake up. Lust demons get a little frisky when it comes to large doses of catnip. Everyone is her type and I did promise her some fun and unless everyone here wants to get some, we’re probably best dropping her for some time at the peak of the sexual revolution so she can calm herself down.” Constantine winked at Sara as he passed her on the way to the brig.
“Good for her.” Sara muttered, recalling Ava saying how awful she felt for you, being locked up by Constantine for defending yourself.
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loveafterthefact · 4 years
Love After the Fact Chapter 16: Communion-ity
Keith meets a certain head chef and his tiny half-clone. Said tiny clone is very fond of cats and Lance.
First  Previous  Next
Keith’s tail twitches nervously. On the other side of this door is one of Lance’s oldest, dearest friends. Given Lance's reputation, Keith can only imagine what they might have gotten up to together. Most likely things that would have him trembling for the better part of the next decaphoeb. After that, probably only disgusted.
“Anyway, Hunk is one who runs the kitchens. He makes every single one of your meals himself. Because, y’know, all of our food apparently tastes disgusting to you.”
“It’s the ‘sweet’ thing. I don’t know what it’s supposed to taste like, but Galra can’t taste it. And apparently you freaks like nothing else.”
“Hey. If Pidge makes that implant for you I bet you’ll love sweet food.”
“Makes a what now?” Keith asks, but Lance throws open the doors, stepping inside with a flourish, bowing halfway amidst a chorus of greetings.
“Alright, everyone. I have my spouse here to see the kitchens, so please be kind to him.” Another chorus from cheery Alteans. Lance holds out his hand for Keith to take, tugs him into the kitchen. Keith stays close, watching Alteans scurry about, preparing to feed not only the royal family, but also the guards and a portion of Altean’s military, the ones garrisoned at the castle.
As Keith walked past, these Alteans stare at him, forgetting themselves for a moment before averting their gazes. It's better than gossip, in a way, but it causes a sort of ache. Loneliness?
“Kitty!” To Keith’s alarm, a very small creature comes running at him, toddling in its chubby legs. Keith grips Lance’s arm, managing not to extend his claws into his spouse’s arm as the child grabs him around the legs in a hug. “Hi, kitty!”
“Rosetta! Rosetta leave the kitty alone- Oh! Oh, gosh! Rosetta, come here!” A pair of very large hands reach down and pry the child from Keith’s legs. “I’m so sorry about that. She’s little.”
Keith looks up to see a very large person in a spotless apron and yellow headband holding the little child. “It’s… fine. It’s all fine. Um. What’s a kitty?”
“You ever seen Honerva carry a little animal around?” the man asks. Keith nods. “That’s Kova. Her cat, also known as a kitty.”
“I don’t look like that.”
“Tell that to a toddler. I’m Hunk, by the way. Nice to meet you.” Keith blinks, looks the towering Balmeran up and down.
“Nice to meet you too,” he mumbles. “Why do you have a child in the kitchens?”
“Oh. My wife is pregnant and needed a break. Toddlers, man. Tiny monsters, I’m telling you. Besides, it’s never too early to begin learning different spices. Isn’t that right?” Hunk bounces his daughter, beaming with delight. He's nothing like Keith had expected.
“You guys are so great,” Lance says, smiling from where he’s leaning against a table covered with produce. “Hunk and Shay are just the perfect little family. Also, they can make cave bugs taste amazing. You wouldn’t believe it.”
“Hey, I can’t take credit for that. My grandmother-in-law taught me that recipe. It’s one of Rosie’s favorites too, isn’t it Rosie?” The child nods, still watching Keith with interest. “So how have you two been getting on? You doing alright?”
“We’re getting on fine,” Lance answers, scowling at a message on his datapad. “Overworked and underappreciated, but fine.”
“I wish I were overworked,” Keith grumbles, ears pinning back against his head. “I mean, what exactly do they expect me to do? Pidge said that all of my devices are monitored until they can find a way to secure my connections and the guards took everything but my knife when I arrived. There’s not a whole lot of damage a lone Galra can do.”
“Hm.” Hunk passes Rosetta to a delighted Lance, who bounces the little one on his hip. “Remember when ‘innocent until proven guilty’ was a thing?”
“That’s only a thing if the commonwealth asks. The reality is that ‘anything to protect our people’ covers a lot of quiznakery.” Lance sighs, tosses his datapad aside in favor of a cluster of some orbed fruits. He takes one for himself, passes one to Rosetta.
“Thank you,” the child chirps.
“You’re welcome.” Lance beams indulgently at the child.
“Thank you, thank you.” Rosetta grins a wide grin at the prince.
“Well you are very welcome, sweetheart.”
Keith silently watches the exchange, watches as Lance expertly handles the child, bouncing her around and chatting with her while Hunk starts in on an enormous basket of some kind of tuber. The prince seems a natural, happy to engage with the child, setting her at a small table in the corner with a collection of toys, playing some game or another.
Something Keith hadn’t realized he’d been clenching unfurls watching his spouse interact with the child. He imagines that Lance won’t reject him when he inevitably must bear them a kit, and won’t reject their kit either. No. Lance will adore their kits, be a good sire, good father, good mate.
“He loves kids. Wants a small army.” Hunk chuckles. “We’ll see what he says after you guys have your first.”
“Hm.” Keith smiles. “Does he have children already? I know his reputation well, at this point.”
“No. He’s always been careful to prevent such a thing, and if any… prior liaison had a child within a given timeframe, he checked to see if they were his by some small chance. Said that he’d take responsibility, make sure they had that second parent.”
“An honorable cad.”
“I suppose. Oh, there’s a tray of samples for you in that coldbox over there. I’d intended it for lunch, but grab it now and let me know what you think. I haven’t had the opportunity to ask about your food.”
“Thank you.” Keith retrieves the tray, sits across from Hunk and his tubers. “And… thank you. For making me food.”
“It’s all good. Fun, actually. I’ve never experimented with Dabazaani cuisine, despite how close Daibazaal is. You guys have good food. I mean, pretty much everybody has good food, but that purple grass you guys use to make bread? Amazing. Rosie loves it, too. She likes it in her stew.”
Keith smiles. “We like to dip it in stew, too... Why do Alteans all eat off their own plates?”
“Most peoples do. Galra don’t?”
“No. Food is… communion. It’s something to be shared. We take from the same pot. We use a sort of flat, crispy bread-like thing to eat softer foods? It’s difficult to explain. We mostly eat with our hands… Sporks are annoying. I don’t use them if I can help it.” Hunk hums, delightedly interested. Keith takes a risk. “It’s why I didn’t eat with everyone for the first few quintants. I was trying to get better at using one.”
“Really? Lance thought you were just very shy. And maybe didn’t like him all that much." Hunk catches Keith’s eye only for the Galra to look away, folding his arms, hunching over slightly on his stool. He is shy. And seems pretty sweet. “Hey.” The Galra shifts, nervous. “Tell me more about what you like to eat.”
“I like spicy things. And… meat. Altean adults don’t seem to eat meat.”
“No, they don’t. Infants do, for a while. They go through a phase where they eat nothing but meat, actually. I’ll reach out to my contact in Daibazaal to see about adding some to my shipments. Have you been to the infirmary at all?”
“You should go and get checked for any deficiencies. I want to make sure you’re getting proper nutrition. Make sure Altea is agreeing with you and all that. It’s very different, isn’t it?”
“Yes. There are plants covering everything! They’re really pretty! And the animals here are cute and don’t bite a whole lot.” Keith's ears perk a bit, his tail sweeping over the floor in long strokes.
“The animals are very friendly -mostly-, and this planet has a lot of vegetation. My home planet is more like Daibazaal. Or maybe a mix of the two. Plenty of plants and animals, but not quite as many. Balmera grow crystals like spines along their nerves. During certain times of year, they will all resonate, and may create a brand new balmera.”
“What… Is Balmera alive?” Keith cocks his head, ears perked with curiosity. He's got wide eyes, Hunk notices, big and dark like the night, shining with curiosity. Lance is doomed.
“Balmera are mineral-based organisms the size of planets. Most are inhabited by entirely unique species. My people are found only on a single Balmera. We love her and care for her. We exist in a completely unique symbiosis.”
“That sounds nice.”
“It’s very nice. Making the sharing of food a part of your daily routine sounds nice too. Your people must have strong bonds with their friends.”
Keith smiles, strangely emotional. “Thank you. Others don’t say nice things about my people very often. Especially not here… They look at me like I’m a monster. They hate me.”
“Well I don’t hate you. Pidge, my best friend, doesn’t hate you. They seem to like you a lot, actually. As for the Alteans… xenophobia is an integral part of their culture. Lance is frothing at the mouth trying to find a way to take them all down a peg.
“At any rate, don’t pay them any mind. You are not a monster. You’re just a guy, who happens to be a Galra. Just like I happen to be Balmeran. Just like Lance happens to be Altean. Life is arbitrary, but community is not, right? We choose who we share our pot with. I think I’d share mine with you.”
The Balmeran smiles at Keith, and Keith smiles back, eyes suspiciously moist. Poor little buddy. Hunk would absolutely share his pot with him. He’d give Keith a hug, but suspects that he wouldn’t like it. He doesn’t know Hunk well enough. Instead, Hunk finishes preparing his last tuber to be sent to the garrison for the castle’s military, heads to the coldbox.
“I don’t have any pots going at the moment, but I’ve got some dough here for your bread. We can share some of that.”
“Can I help?” Keith asks, looking hopeful. “I can cook. I know how.”
“Of course. Food tastes better with more hands. Lance! Rosie! Come help make bread.”
Lance trots over with the toddler, setting her in a special chair. Keith settles in next to his spouse, teaching him how to knead the grainy dough and twist it into traditional patterns. Hunk and Lance carry most of the conversation, switching from common to Altean every now and then so Rosie doesn’t understand the less appropriate anecdotes and gossip.
Apparently, there’s one particular courtier named Seran who spends most of her time ruining her two children and harassing people for even the slightest perceived inconvenience. They both make good sport out of loudly recounting hyperbolic stories for Keith, complete with exaggerated voices for Seran and her evil, entitled children. Apparently, Seran's wife, Renli, is almost as bad.
It has Keith doubled over with laughter, eyes watering with mirth as Lance recounts the time Seran’s gardener trimmed her moss slightly too short and she’d chased him off down the street while swinging his own rake at him.
It’s not until he and Lance are returning to their room, sneaking loaves of Daibazaani bread back with them, that Keith realizes he’s still smiling. He bumps against Lance’s side, happily twists his tail around Lance’s ankle.
“Thank you. For today, I mean.”
“You are most welcome.”
“Thank you for everything else, too.”
“You’re welcome, Keith. Always.”
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bonesthebeloved · 4 years
Loved- Roceit
I hope this is alright @transformationloveb​ as you asked for wholesome Roceit married fics. 
Summary: Roman and Dee are married, soft, and use the same pet names me and my partner use. Also, Dee really wants one of the puppies Remus rescued.
TRIGGER/SQUICKS: None. This is a wholesome one my dears :)
Also, Amata is an Australian Sheperd because they are my favorite type of dog and I love her.
Also also. Amata means loved (the feminine version of it) in Italian and as I’ve made some real nifty Italian friends on here and I thought it was a fitting and a quite pretty name, so here we are. (If I’m being dumb and it does somehow not mean that let me know okay? Take care my dudes, dears and fellow queers.)
“Starlight, could you come here for a moment?”
Dee’s call woke Roman up from his pleasant half slumber. Having dozed off while reading the book one of their friends had given him so many years ago. So long ago even that the pages were slightly dusty and he’d sneezed a few times when opening it for the first time.
He got up from the couch, cracking his neck a couple of times to get rid of the stiffness that had snuck in when his head had lulled forward, before getting up and patting over to his husband. His bare feet making gentle ruffling noises on the carpet.
Dee was standing in the kitchen. Rotating the ring around his finger with his other hand. He was nervous, Roman knew. He’d only do that when he was nervous or when he was extremely hungry and about to pester him until he’d go and make him something to eat.
They’d eaten two hours ago. So he must be nervous.
“What is it sunshine?” Roman asked, the pet name slipping off his tongue easily and Dee smiling slightly at it. It’d been one he’d picked up quickly after Dee had started calling him starlight. His husband had sputtered and shoved his shoulder in a mock offense the first time he’d used it, so of course, it had stuck around.
But that wasn’t important right now. What was important was that Dee was rotating the obsidian black wedding band with his thumb and pointy finger and that meant that he was nervous.
He was now also refusing to look him in the eye.
So Roman approached, carefully reaching out and with his slower movements asking his husband if today was a day that he was okay to be touched.
When Dee nodded he put his hands on the other’s waist and carefully brought him closer, pulling him in for a hug and swaying them slowly from side to side. Left to right and forwards and backward in a motion that could almost be described as dancing if Dee wasn’t still rotating the ring.
“You can tell me anything, my love. Whatever it is that has got you so riled up, we can deal with this together alright?”
A soft huff of laughter was blown against his neck and Dee nodded his head. Carefully pulling away but staying close enough for Roman to be able to hold his waist still.
“Your brother called yesterday evening.”
Roman tensed up slightly, hands tightening the slightest bit on his loves waist but loosening right away.
That didn’t mean bad news. Remus called often these days.
After Dee convinced him to talk to his brother and the two of them had gone to joined therapy sessions together to figure out what had gone so wrong in their past and how they could reconnect, they had slowly begun to do just that.
So Remus calling didn’t mean bad news anymore.
Remus calling Dee instead of him and Remus calling late enough for Roman to not have noticed made the chances of it being good news significantly slimmer though.
Dee seemed to be able to sense his growing worry. And now it was his turn to put his hands on his husbands’ cheeks and look him in the eye.
“What did he say?” “Nothing bad sunshine, I promise.” “Then why are you so nervous about it?"Dee inclined his head at that as if acknowledging his own nervousness for the very first time. He didn’t seem too worried to continue though. And so he did.
"He said he found some stray puppies yesterday. He’d been walking back home after being at the bar-” Roman winced at that and Dee rolled his eyes and pinched him. Trying to remind his husband that they’d gone there too. And often as well, dancing through the night together..
“-when he heard squeaking. Apparently, he found them in a dumpster at the back of the Denny’s. Took the entire box with him because he didn’t want to leave them there.”
Roman slowly nodded at that, dropping his hands from his husband’s waist and leaning against the kitchen counter instead. Cold tiles under his feet sending shivers down his spine and trying to subtly tik tik tik his hand with the ring on it on the counter without making too much noise.
Dee’s gaze traveled to the hand, and Roman stopped right away before Dee planted a small kiss on his partner’s cheek and a soft smile took over his loves features. “You know you don’t have to tone that down when it’s just me dear. You know I don’t mind.”
Roman nodded and gave him a smile, ticking a little more freely, a little more animated as he tried to focus on the subject they were discussing.
“So your question is…?” “It’s not really a question more than that it is a request. We’ve wanted a dog for such a long time now. You told me the house gets too quiet when I’m out at work and you’re home writing. I thought… Well, I thought this was as good a chance as any!”
“Starlight…” Romans started, a heart so full of love for this man. So full of doubt about this decision. “Have you thought this through? You know how much work these things are and, while I’d love nothing more, there are so many things we’d need to get them if we would take one in.”
Dee nodded at that and, miraculously, magicked up an entire list of items they’d need and where to buy them on his phone, Romans eyes widening more and more with each thing he listed of.
“You really want this dog don’t you love?”
Dee simply nodded, quickly pulling up a picture of Remus, soaking wet but smiling from ear to ear, holding three seemingly just bathed tiny puppies in a soft fluffy towel.
“I’m not talking you into this if you don’t want to as well. But I know it’s been your dream to have one and we’ve talked about it so much!”
Roman slowly began nodding his head at that, looking at the picture in front of him as one of his hands found his husbands and locked their fingers together carefully. Securely. Safely.
“Which one did you have your eye on?” he asked casually. Not missing how his love’s eyes lit up and he began to speak in a more animated way as he explained how he’s fallen in love with the middle one because of the white spot under her eye that looked like a spade and how Remus said they were very sweet pups and how she was running around his apartment all day exploring.
“How about we go pay Remus a visit hm? Then we can meet the pups and get to know them a little better and I can finally have that game of twister I promised him.”
Dee lit up at that and, already going over all the things they needed to do and how he could buy most of it online and wondering about where the should put her bed, he flung his arms around his love, picked him up and twirled his shorter companion around excitedly, Roman’s skirt fawning out as he did so.
“Amata sweetheart, come here.”
A dog with a yellow bandana around her neck ran towards him at full speed. Coming to an abrupt stop on the carpet and staring up at him, mouth open, tongue lolling out. “Up.”
It had been an interesting five months since they had taken the dog home.
After they’d gone to Remus and Roman watched his husband play with the puppies, nearly crying when the lovely lady that was currently on his lap licking all over his face fell asleep on his chest when he laid down, he’d been won over.
They’d taken her home right away, making an appointment with the vet and going to buy all the things they needed right away for her. The pup wagging her tail the entire time they were in the car. Her little paws on the door and her head barely reaching high enough to look out of the window.
It had been interesting indeed. With having to scrub the carpet clean over and over before she was fully potty trained and watching Dee’s eyes light up when she sat on command for the first time. Feeding her bits of egg under the table or watching he be absolutely baffled by the fact that upside-down bowls could hide stuff.
Interesting yes. But not at all unpleasant.
They went on long walks through the forest near their home more often. Driving to the beach on hot summer days where their backs stuck to the car seats to sunbathe and watch through tinted shades as Dee and Amata chased the waves before running back when they got too close.
And, as he sits here now. Autumn leaves covering the grass of their little garden, the faint smell of paint on and dried smears of it still on his hands from his newest creation, Dee snickering quietly as he takes picture after picture of his husband laying on the couch with the pup as Amata seemed to be trying to lick every inch of his face before giving up and laying down in his lap, he can not imagine a time wherein he had been more content with his life than this exact moment.
I hope this is alright. I just felt like writing something very soft and now I have created another animal that I would absolutely die for so Naja, meet Amata I guess
@purp-man @crazycookie13o @deceitifullies101 @sapphire-knight @ragingdumpsterfiremess @chronophobica @lance-alt @mylifeisadeceit
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moonbeambucky · 5 years
Lance, Interrupted
Pairing: Lance Tucker x Reader Word Count: 4442 Warnings: fluff, light smut
Summary: Weather, accidents and a new friend plague Lance with interruptions as he tries to spend time with you
A/N: What’s a drabble any way? hehe this one kind of got away from me in the word count but I think it’s worth it
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The sky is as blue and bright as the ocean whose cool waves lap along the coast. A mass of cubic white houses and blue domed churches are nestled into the mountainside, with the scent of food and wine mixing in with the salt filled air, or at least that’s how your mother described it to you. 
Your parents were travelling again, this time in Greece, sending you breathtaking pictures and videos of them enjoying the beautiful landscape and delicious food. 
“Look how incredible that looks,” you swiped to the next photo, angling your phone so Lance could see it. 
“I still don’t think it’s fair that your parents are away on our anniversary,” Lance huffed, raising an eyebrow to you.
Seven beautiful years of marriage had passed and yet you could still remember every detail of your wedding like it was yesterday. As your anniversary approached you and Lance were mulling over ideas on how to celebrate, deciding on a long weekend in Turks and Caicos, but when you asked your parents if they could watch Ariel and Theodore they regretfully declined. 
Their own trip had been booked for a while and you understood. Besides, you didn’t need to be on a beautiful island to celebrate your love. With the kids fast asleep you and Lance had the perfect opportunity to show each other just how much you mean to one another right here. 
Reaching over to turn off the lamp, you rolled over into Lance’s arms. He wrapped you into the warmth of his chest, smooth and solid as you placed your hand against it. The tip of his nose grazed along your forehead prompting you to tilt your head up to meet his lips. They were soft against yours, lingering with the taste of chapstick. His tongue parted your lips, your hips shifted against him as he swallowed all the soft moans you offered him like sweet music. 
Strong hands pulled you on top of him, guiding your hips to grind against his growing arousal. A flash of lightning illuminated the darkened sky outside the window and a loud roll of thunder made you flinch.
Lance chuckled softly, the shadow of a smile spread across his face as you playfully scolded him for laughing at you.
“What!?” he said, shifting to sit up with you still in his lap. “You’re adorable.
Face to face again you could see the love in his eyes through another flash of lightning. Your arms went around his neck as he pulled you closer to him.
“I love you,” you said in tandem, laughing and smiling again before your lips molded together.
Clothes were discarded, thrown carelessly on the floor as you were desperate to feel the bareness of your skin against each other’s. Rain was hitting the window in a steady rhythm just as you were moving on top of Lance. With your hands intertwined together you were climbing the ladder of ecstasy, nearly reaching the top until– 
Ariel sobbed outside your door.
In an instant you were off him, heart pounding as you scrambled to find anything to wear. Lance groaned, rolling his head back on the pillow as he suffered with the loss of you around him, covering himself with the blanket for modesty.
With your tank top and sleep shorts on you opened the door, turning on the light in the hallway to find Ariel sitting with her head in her knees, rivers of tears running down her face that she lifted at the sound of your gentle voice.
“What’s wrong Ariel?” You swallowed a heavy gulp to steady your breath, your heart still racing from the unexpected interruption.
She stood up with open arms wanting to be lifted up. “The thunder,” she sobbed against your neck, the wetness of tears mixing in with your sweat glistened skin. “It was too loud, I got scared.”
“Oh sweetheart, everything’s okay.” You hugged her tightly against you, comforting her as much as you could and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I know thunder sounds scary sometimes but you’re safe here. Mommy and Daddy will never let anything happen to you.”
She pulled her head back to look at you, her eyes welling with tears, “You promise?”
Your thumb swiped gently at the wetness on her cheeks, staring into her deeply innocent eyes as you reassured, “I promise Starfish.”
Ariel smiled at her nickname and you felt relieved to see your sweet girl happy again. You carried her back to her room, tucking her in and making sure Teddy was snuggled right up against her. 
She asked if you would stay with her until she fell asleep and although you know you can’t make a habit out of this you couldn’t tell her no. You wondered how Lance was in your absence as you settled beside her, watching as the blues and greens of her night light danced on the wall, swirling softly like ocean waves. 
When you were certain she was asleep you gently crept out of the room, peeking in on Theo just to be sure he was asleep (and thankfully he was) before you got back into your bedroom. 
Lance was sitting up against the headboard scrolling through his phone.
“Sorry about that,” you said, climbing into bed. 
“No need to apologize. Everything okay?” He overheard the reason for Ariel’s interruption, wishing he could have helped comfort her but obviously he couldn’t in the state he was in, the state which was now lost; you hadn’t realized how long it took for Ariel to fall back asleep. 
“I’m sorry babe.” Your lips pressed into a thin line. “We could try again, I just have to pee first.”
“Nah,” he said, not having to say the mood had passed. “Go pee then get your sweet ass back here.” He smacked your cheeks as you got out of bed, laughing as you rubbed them on your walk to the bathroom. 
Even though it was disappointing to have been interrupted during sex, you and Lance knew the importance of putting your children first. Plus, there was always tomorrow. 
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The kitchen was busy with everyone helping out to make breakfast. Ariel pulled her little step stool in front of the sink as you held the measuring spoon out for her to pour in the almond milk needed for the oatmeal you were making. The container emptied before the cup was full.
“Hey babe,” you shouted over your shoulder hearing Lance’s footsteps behind you. “Could you get us more milk?”
Ariel continued to add oats and chia seeds into the pot as you instructed.
With Theo on his hip Lance opened the refrigerator door, smirking as he asked, “You want the nut milk?”
You shook your head at your husband, smiling and ignoring the way he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to say some sexual innuendo.
“What?” he smiled, as he held the carton. “Say it. Say you want my nut milk.”
Time slowed down as you stared at the fire burning in the depths of his eyes, biting his lip so seductively. 
“What’s nut milk?” Theo asked, his question acting like a bucket of water that immediately doused the fire.
“Some milk comes from animals like cows, and other times you can get milk from nuts, like almonds or cashews,” he replied, placing Theo on top of the counter.
You shifted in front of him so he didn’t fall and Lance uncapped the almond milk, letting Ariel place her hands along the carton as he mainly held it up to fill the rest of the measuring cup. Afterwards Lance turned to you, his lips ghosting above your ear as his warm breath softly whispered his desire to give you his nut milk tonight.
Heat flooded your cheeks as you switched places with him. You grabbed the berries from the fridge, placing them on the counter for the kids to wash them as you went to the stove. Some splashing ensued as Ariel and Theo washed the fruit but with Lance’s supervision the mess was kept to a minimum, the giggling however was contagious. 
Setting the table was normally the kids’ job but since they were having fun you grabbed everything, all while stirring the oatmeal occasionally. With everything divided into bowls you let Ariel and Theo throw handfuls of fruit on top though you controlled the cinnamon to a tiny sprinkle.
“Easy Theo,” Lance said as he drank nearly his whole sippy cup in one go. 
Theodore let out a big breath after gulping his juice down. “I’m tirsty.”
It was hotter than normal today and especially humid after the thunderstorm so you didn’t worry about it too much.
Swallowing a spoonful, you asked Lance if he would be able to drive Theo to his play date today. He had been playing with Terrence and Jordyn quite often lately, with Ariel even wanting to join in ever since their parents got a dog.
Your children were obsessed, begging you and Lance every day for a furry friend of their own. Neither of you grew up with a dog, and Lance’s childhood was filled with so much gymnastics practice there wouldn’t have been a single minute he could have devoted to caring for one. Knowing Dorothy though, if Lance wanted one she would have gotten one, taken care of the animal herself despite the financial hardship just to see the smile on her son’s face.
Ever since the kids began hounding you, which sometimes meant a headache inducing encounter of them crawling on all fours and barking (it really was not helping their case) you and Lance began discussing it. 
Technically it was possible. Your schedules were already pretty flexible. With the success of Tucker Gymnastics Lance was able to hire more employees which helped out in having him available to watch the kids. You weren’t travelling anymore but you still had Skype sessions and phone calls with athletes, on top of writing think pieces when needed. Adding a dog to the mix would almost be like having another child but you could make it work. Besides, if it meant that much to Ariel and Theodore to have a dog you were absolutely going to get them a dog. 
“I can drop him off on my way to the center,” Lance answered, with a knowing glimmer in his eye of your surprise to take the kids to the shelter tomorrow. 
The day was pretty full, starting with you and Ariel spending some time together, first with some errands and then to get your nails done. She picked out a shimmering watermelon color and insisted you had to match. Theo was picked up on the way home and the kids helped out once again when it was time to make dinner.
Giving them tasks was not only an important way to teach them responsibility but to show them that in this family everyone is part of the team. With everyone’s hands washed you began preparing dinner, starting with the chicken that needed seasoning. 
Spices were divided between the kids, each with their own set of measuring spoons. It was a messy math lesson as you tried to familiarize Ariel with fractions while preventing Theo from overpouring each spice. You were smart enough to let them pour first over the sink before you brought the pan over chicken over.
Ariel was smoother in her technique of spreading out the spices while Theo was… not. Maybe Lance wouldn’t mind super salty chicken. 
“Mama, tirsty,” Theo said, picking up a cup from the drain board. 
A worrisome frown spread across your face. “Theo, did you have anything to drink at Terrence and Jordyn’s house?” 
He shook his head back and forth and midway changed his mind to affirm he had. Perhaps a call to his pediatrician is in order. 
Lance got home just in time to help set the table, but not before lifting the kids up in both arms and spinning them around the living room. Laughter filled the air as they twirled, plopping each one down with a kiss.
He came up behind you, arms around your waist as you plated the food. 
“I missed you baby,” he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
“Mmmm, I missed you too,” you sighed, smiling as he brought the kids to the table.
As you sat down you covered your mouth to hide the smile forming as Lance took a bite. His face scrunched as he chewed and you shifted your eyes away from his bewildered gaze.
“Daddy do you like it?”
“We helped maked it!” Theo added.
He swallowed his forkful with a smile, correcting Theo’s grammar first before proclaiming, “It’s delicious!”
It was a half-lie, everything was delicious except for the over salted chicken. You shifted a plate of lime wedges that seemed to help towards Lance with a devilish smirk as he washed down the taste with his drink.
Clean up was quick and after some playtime together the kids were given their baths, and tucked into bed with a story.
“Finally,” Lance said, sighing happily as he shut your bedroom door. He turned to face you, cupping your cheeks as he brought his lips to yours, desperate and hungry for the time you’d be spending alone together. 
He was needy, his tongue exploring the depths of your mouth, and as your heart began to race you pumped the brakes, pulling away.
“Lance, I hate to do this but Sue asked me to write a quick blurb.” His expression faded to disappointment the longer you spoke. “I’m sorry, I promise, thirty minutes and I can bang this out.”
It was too late before you realized the words you used, and Lance already jumped on the opportunity to say, “Thirty minutes and then I’m gonna bang you out.”
A smile, a laugh, and a few more stolen kisses before you left him for the office downstairs to work. It was a little more than thirty minutes but you finished, heading back upstairs with one thing in mind.
Pushing the door open you saw Lance laying down with his eyes shut, his lower half wrapped in a white towel with his notorious tattoo sticking up from the top. He smelled deliciously clean, with light notes of citrus and sweet musk. 
His lips were blowing soft puffs of air as he slept. With the light still on you know he must not have meant to fall asleep. As much as you would love to let him rest you knew the best way to wake him up.
Untucking the towel you opened it to expose him, giving a few teasing licks before taking him in your mouth. Lance awoke with a moan, grinning and leaning on his elbows to get a better view of you.
It felt so good to see the pleasure spread across his face, to make him feel good. To finally have time together… that is until the door pushed open
“Mommy? Daddy?”
You forgot to lock the door. 
“Oh fff– ” You scrambled to get off Lance once again, as he sat up, wrapping the towel back over himself.
Theo rushed in, sniffling and rubbing his eyes.
“What’s wrong Pumpkin?” you asked, but looking down you saw the issue, a large wet spot on his pajamas in between his legs. 
“I wetted the bed,” he cried.
Now was not the time to correct his grammar, you didn’t want him to think you were upset with him for having an accident. 
“There’s no need for tears my sweet boy. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” you smiled, taking his hand. Turning back towards Lance you asked, “Can you help with the sheets?”
He nodded his head before letting out a huff, “I’m gonna need a few minutes.” 
You understood, giving him an apologetic smile before you took Theo into the bathroom to clean him up. By the time you were done Lance was waiting in Theo’s room, fully dressed. He had stripped the bed, removed the mattress cover which was thankfully water resistant, replacing the sheets with new ones.
Lance took Theo from your arms, freshly washed and wrapped in a hooded frog towel. 
“Are you feeling better?” he asked, kissing Theo’s soft cheek. 
He nodded in return and Lance placed him down, grabbing the new underwear you pulled out.
As Lance made sure Theo was dry, you held out two options for pajamas. “Fishies or dinosaurs?”
“Uhhmm, fishies! No, dinosaurs!”
With Theo cleaned up, changed and finally in bed you and Lance went back to your bedroom. Lance laid back on the mattress, not giving himself a chance to get comfortable before he popped up.
“Wait, did Theo pee again before we put him to bed?”
“Yeah, after I cleaned him up. I think he just drank too much today.”
“We need to make sure he paces himself and takes more potty breaks.” You hummed in agreement. “And next time we need to lock the door.”
Lance glared at you, shaking his head. “I’m so sorry. He didn’t see anything, right?” Lance shook his head. “Two nights in a row, wow,” you chuckled. 
“It’s definitely not funny,” he deadpanned.
Another night and the mood was killed. You needed to shower anyway, inviting Lance to join you but he was pretty tired. When you were finally ready for bed you snuggled up to him pressed a kiss to his cheek and excitedly anticipated the following day.
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“Where are we going?” Theo asked, dangling his legs from the car seat. 
“It’s a surprise Pumpkin,” Lance answered.
Ariel wasn’t satisfied with that answer. “What’s the surprise? You haaaave to tell me!” She stressed the word so dramatically. 
Neither you or Lance gave in, instead driving an unfamiliar route to the animal shelter about a half hour away. When you finally pulled up and took the kids out of the car they didn’t know where you were until you told them.
“We’re getting a dog!” They both rang out, jumping up and down.
Hand in hand you walked into the shelter. Lance filled out forms as you tried to calm the kids down and remind them to use their inside voices.
“Some of the doggies here might be scared to meet new people, so we have to be calm and quiet, okay?”
Not long after a smiling woman named Angela greeted and guided you to the back. Lance held Ariel by the hand and you carried Theo just to ensure he didn’t stick his little fingers where they shouldn’t be.
The barking grew louder as you got closer to the section for dogs and once inside it broke your heart. Each one leapt up, their paws pressed against the chain door of their enclosure, wagging their tails and barking as you entered. Their pens had bowls for food and water, a bed and a toy but you could see in their eyes how lonely they were. 
Angela gave you some background on the dogs, some were turned in by people that couldn't take care of them anymore, others were left with nowhere else to go after their owner died, but most were found on the street.
“Every dog is up to date on their shots and any that have shown signs of aggression are not permitted to be up for adoption until they are cleared by our behavioral specialist.”
That was reassuring especially with the amount of pit bulls that were unfortunately there. It reminded you of your first article for the Northwest Herald when the news broke about Michael Vick and his dog fighting ring. You knew it was never the dog’s fault for reacting to the trauma they’ve lived through, but still you needed to make the best choice as a parent.
Theo was squirming to get out of your arms, itching to go up to the dogs. Lance was kneeling beside Ariel as they stood watching a playful terrier mix jumping around, excitedly trying to lick them through the fence. 
The thought of picking only one out of all of these sweet dogs seemed impossible. As you and Theo visited each gate the dogs were practically begging for you to adopt them. Every dog barked, jumped, wagged their tails, all but one in the corner.
You and Theo walked quietly to the cage, glancing at the name of the dog with his head resting on his paws– Wally. He was the cutest thing, a beautiful deep beige color that reminded you of wet sand. He had a little bit of black around his muzzle with a speckle of white by his nose. It matched his paws, splotches of white on them as if he ran through paint. His ears were flopped over, nearly blocking his big chocolate eyes. 
“Wally misses his mom,” Angela explained. “Trixie was adopted the other day. She was a boxer but we think he’s got some pit in him.”
No wonder this poor baby looked so sad. He was just two months old, born in the shelter, the only one to survive his litter and now he was all alone. 
“Is he sweet?” you asked. You’re not sure why; looking at Wally you could tell there wasn’t a bad bone in his body.
Angela nodded and stood back as you and Theo got closer to the gate. 
“Theo, say ‘Hi Wally’ okay?”
“Hi Wahyee.”
At the sound of Theo’s soft voice Wally picked his head up, unsure at first if he wanted to come over but the more Theo called for him the more his long tail began to swipe back and forth along the floor.
It wasn’t long before he got up to approach the fence cautiously. You extended your hand first, placing it low so Wally could sniff you and when he did his tail was wagging furiously from side to side. His tongue shot out to quickly lick your hand. You took Theo’s hand, holding the back of it up to Wally who sniffed it first and then jumped with excitement. 
“That’s the happiest I’ve seen him in days!” 
“Lance, Ariel, come over here,” you called, watching Wally continue to slobber all over Theo’s hand making him giggle. 
“Puppy!” Ariel gasped.
After she received her own fair share of licks you and Lance had an unspoken conversation with your expressions; bright eyes, widening smiles, a few nods of the head. You were on the same page, asking Angela if she could bring him out. It was the start of a brand new beginning for Wally.
It took forever to get home after stopping at the pet store to some buy much needed items for the dog. Ariel and Theo threw in nearly every toy into the cart, most of which were put back, but you gave them the special job of choosing a new leash and collar for him. 
“I want this one!” Ariel exclaimed, holding a pink leash patterned with popsicles.
Theo picked out a green harness with bones on it. You were sure Wally wouldn’t mind not matching. 
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Dinner was a lot more distracting than usual, with the kids focused on Wally as he ate from his bowl behind them. The whole day was spent playing with the dog and letting him explore the house. 
There was a minor meltdown when Ariel and Theo realized he would not be sleeping in either of their beds. Tears were quickly licked away thanks to Wally which brought their smiles back.
Waving your hands in front of their faces, “Ariel, Theodore, pay attention to your food.” 
“Wally wants you to eat too, okay? Come on,” Lance encouraged.
Wally. It didn’t sit right with you. There’s nothing wrong with the name, but this dog didn’t feel like a Wally. 
“Do you like that name?”
Lance scrunched his nose as he gave a quick shake of his head. The kids agreed and so the rest of the night was spent coming up with names. 
Sunshine, Buttercup, Tyrannosaurus; nothing seemed to suit your new furry family member.  
The vibration of your phone on the countertop startled you and Wally was at your side making sure you were okay.
“Good boy,” you said, scratching his ears as you answered the call. “Hi Ava. Yes we did! He’s right here.”
You moved out of the way with Wally as Lance and the kids were about to start working on making pudding from scratch for dessert.
“I’ll have to send you pictures, he’s the cutest thing!”
With Lance’s instruction Ariel grabbed the right ingredients from the pantry, high fiving her for a job well done.
“The kids love him.”
“Nut milk!” Theo shouted.
Your head whipped around fast to see Lance holding the milk carton in his hand, cringing as he placed it on the counter. 
“Cashew milk, Theo, say cashew milk!” he corrected, mouthing an apology to you. 
Lance’s insistence fueled Theo’s giggling, which made Ariel laugh. Feeling left out Wally joined them and began barking to get in on the fun.
“Sorry about that Ava. Can we talk tomorrow or something? Okay great.” You hung up the phone, smirking as you came up beside Lance. “This is all your fault,” you teased Lance, “but it gave me an idea.”
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With the kids in bed and the dog resting in his crate in the living room, finally you and Lance had some time to be alone.
“Come here,” he said, lifting you up and pressing his lips to yours. He walked until his shins felt the bed, gently laying you down and climbing on top of you. Clothes were being taken off in haste and just as hands began to explore each other’s bodies you heard it. 
Bark, bark, bark!
“Are you kidding me!?” Lance huffed. “We’re not supposed to go to him, right?”
“Right, not when he’s barking, but if we want him to stop we need to reward him when he’s quiet so…” you nudged him off you, looking for your shirt.
Lance sighed heavily, “When are your parents coming back?”
Your footsteps were quiet as you hung out near the stairs. When there was a steady break from barking you went downstairs and grabbed the dog treats.
“What a good boy!” you praised, letting him eat the treats from your hand. 
He circled his bed a few times, scratching at the material to claim it as his own before placing his head down on his outstretched paws again. He looked so different from this morning, the weight of loneliness lifted from his shoulders.
Turning around, you shut off the light and before heading back upstairs you whispered, “Goodnight Cashew.” 
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sacrifice-writes · 4 years
being home alone was a rare occurrence when you lived with two free lance animators, but thats the price you pay to live with your friends. although you did feel rather guilty that you thought of both of them in a way that was blatantly more than just friends. you couldn’t help your feelings. chris and zach were both very attractive and charming in their own ways. not that you would admit it to either of them. you we’re pretty sure zach’s ego was big enough as it is and chris was already awkward enough. that didn’t mean that you couldn’t think of them like that though. and being home alone meant you could think of them out loud if you wanted to. sure you could jack off at night, and you did, but having to be quiet sucked majorly. but now you had the house to yourself. zach was at some kind of meeting and chris was out with niall so you thought you definitely had time. you set yourself up nice and pretty on your bed and pulled you pants off letting your underwear come with. you let your hand fall between your legs and began prodding, getting to your clit and beginning to rub circles into you bud. letting out a sigh you picked up the pace. “mmm, fuck! zach!” you let the words fall out of your mouth. without thinking, you stuck the fingers of your opposing hand in your mouth and sucked, only removing them to moan more. “god, chris,” you continue on letting your mind wonder about both of them and the things you’d let your roommates do to you. “zach, chris, fuckkkkk!” it was too bad your own moans wouldn’t let you hear the door open. “jesus, chris, holy shit, zach fuck fuck” you just let yourself keep going. thunk. the noise startled you back to reality. quickly sitting up, the the thoughts of intruders and burglars run through your head until you make eye contact with zach. there your roommate stood in the doorway, with his mouth slightly agape and his phone on the ground. you felt relief wash over you only for a second before the weight of the situation crushed you like a soda can. zach’s eyes trailed over you and you could feel a blush ride up your neck to the tips of your ears. suddenly his surprised demeanor changed as he leaned himself against the doorframe.
“well don’t stop on my account,” he told you, smirk resting on his face. “i mean really this seemed to be about me anyways.” you stare at him in shock. you were mortified in embarrassment. this really couldn’t be happening could it? zach kept his place in the doorway staring you down.
“i- well- i-”
“that’s okay, just keep going then.”
your face may have already been flushed but you felt your cheeks burn hotter. you had no idea if this opportunity would present itself again, so with a small nod, and broke eye contact, and continued on with what you had been doing, only this time taking your fingers out of your mouth. even without looking, you could feel zach’s eyes watching your every move as you continued to work yourself.
“oh, what? just because i’m here you’re not gonna talk? come on, y/n, i heard you as soon as i walked in, ‘oh zach, oh chris’” the last part of his sentence was mocking, from his tone to his movements. somehow the embarrassment only made you wetter. you looked back at him, unsure what to do, what to say. sure you’d thought of this countless times but when it got down to it, you were a mess. you let out a bit of a whimper hoping it would suffice, too embarrassed to actually say his name out loud while he was standing right in front of you.
“alright, fuck it,”
you looked back at zach to see him walking toward you unbuckling his belt as he went. “get on your hands and knees,”
you wasted no time getting in place as zach got on the bed behind you.
“head down,”
you obliged, letting your back arch as you placed your head on your arms in front of you. your ass was in full view of the man behind you as your mind raced with the fact this was actually happening. it was the sound of him rustling his jeans down and his hands on your waist that really brought you back. the feeling of him sliding his tip against your folds made you shiver.
“are you ready?”
you nodded maybe a bit too eagerly. zach pushed the tip of his member in and you let out an involuntary moan. god he had you worked up from so little. you heard him curse under his breath before he pushed himself more. fuck he felt good in you. you pushed back on him a bit hoping to push him deeper. you felt the grip on your hips tighten, stopping you from pushing any further.
zach grabbed you by your hair, pulling you up, “you’re not in charge here, sweetheart,” he told you, his breath hitting your ear, sending chills up your spine.
“yes, sir.” the words came out of your mouth almost instinctively and he chuckled.
“good girl,” zach pushed himself into you, starting to set a pace, quickly turning you into a moaning mess.
“holy shit”
you look up wide eyed. this really could not be happening. chris stood in the doorway, staring at the sight of zach bent over you.
“so you just gonna stand there and enjoy the show or are you gonna join?”
“zach??” you couldn’t believe the words that just came out of his mouth. he couldn’t be serious.
“you know you want that, y/n. don’t act like i didn’t catch you with your hand down your pants moaning for both of us,” you looked down, face flushing again. “come on, y/n, tell chris. don’t leave out how you were sucking on your fingers. wasn’t that a cute little show.”
you looked back up at chris and nodded. there was no sense in denying it, especially n your position.
“dude, i don’t kn-”
“c’mon chris, your basically busting out of your jeans,”
zach was right. chris’s boner was pressing against his jeans hard. “fuck, dude,” chris mumbled as he walked to the bed. kneeling right in front of your face, he looked down on you. his cheeks were just as red as yours were, his eyes saying he was unsure if this was okay. you gave him a nod and you watched all the nerves run from his face. he made quick work of pulling his pants down and his underwear along with them, letting his dick spring free from his pants. he pressed himself against your lips to which you happily opened your mouth for him. you let your tongue swirl around his tip, eliciting a moan from the irish man. you pulled off of him letting your tongue fall over your bottom lip as he slid himself into your mouth fully. he gave a few light thrusts, testing the waters before he got greedy. chris grabbed your hair and pushed you down on him, your nose almost touching his pelvis causing you to gag a bit, but it was nothing you couldn’t handle. he quickly set a pace and zach took this as a good time to start back up and thrust into hard, pushing you into another one of chris’s thrusts. you felt tears welling in your eyes from how good it felt to have zach fucking you and having chris’s cock down your throat.
“you’re such a good girl, y/n,” zach told you as he slapped your ass. the contact made you yelp onto chris and you felt his grip in your hair tighten. “don’t you think so, chris?”
“fuck, y/n, you look so pretty with my dick down your throat, feels so good,” chris tells between breaths.
you moan at the praises being thrown at you as revel in the ecstasy of the hard and fast pace they’ve set.
“i bet you love how it feels to let us fuck you like this, have your little fantasies come true, letting your friends fuck you.” zach told you, grabbing your hips harder.
“you’re a little brat for not telling us sooner, y/n.” chris continued off of zach, “we would’ve been more than happy to fuck your brains out like this.”
your head buzzed with their words as you felt that coil in your stomach tighten. you weren’t sure how much more you could handle. and you let out a pleading moan, muffled by chris.
“don’t you dare thinking about finishing until chris does.” zach’s words shocked you, only pushing you closer to the edge. he smacked your ass again as he continued, “you can hold out, i know you can. be a good little girl for us, y/n,”
chris must’ve been enjoying zach’s words too as his thrusts into your mouth became more erratic. you looked up at him to see his eyes screwed shut as he focused on how you felt around him.
“oh fuck, y/n, fuck, fuck, fuck,” without warning chris came down your throat, riding himself out, having you swallow. chris pulled himself out of you and threw himself onto the bed.
zach took chris moving off of you as an opportunity to push your head back down into the bed. you let yourself moan and make as much noise as you wanted now that your mouth wasn’t occupied.
“zach, please,” you pleaded to him and he kept thrusting into you hard and fast.
“please, what?” you felt his rhythm shift.
“please i need to cum so bad, please let me cum zach,” you whined. you couldn’t believe he was doing this when you could tell he was close too.
“you really wanna cum that bad, brat?”
“yes, zach, please!” you were basically screaming at this point
one word was your downfall as you finally got your release. tears welled in your eyes again and you felt them stream down your face. your legs shook as you felt bliss rip through your body. your rode through your orgasm as zach continued to thrust.
“shit, fuck! y/n!” he cried out as he finished in you and pulled out. you collapsed onto your stomach as zach fell back into the bed. you pushed yourself up and headed to the bathroom to clean yourself up. coming back you found neither of the boys had moved from their respective spots on the bed and you let out a little chuckle.
“and what’s so funny?” zach asked you with out looking up.
“nothing important,” you told as you plopped yourself between them. there was a silence for a while as the three of you lied there. you couldn’t tell if no one wanted to say anything or if you were all too tired so you left it alone. if the boys wanted to say something, they could.
“so are we gonna talk about what just happened?” chris finally broke the silence.
“no we’re gonna sleep.” zach was quick to reply, making you both laugh.
“i second that,” you said pulling up one of the blankets from your bed onto yourself. zach and chris made their way under it too.
“fine, but i’m not letting this one go.” chris added before turning over. you could get used to them both being here like this.
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pidgesbabygirl · 4 years
Double Matchup for @bisexualmattholtstan
Hiya Bella! Sorry it took me soooo long to send in a matchup ~ i decided to FINALLY make a tumblr account just for this so my days of being an anon are over 😂 Since I’m bi, could i get a matchup with both a female & male character pls? I’m a 4”10 (why am i so short) girl w/ golden brown skin & long black box braids. I’m an ENFJ, Ravenpuff, Lawful Neutral, Ambivert, Aquarius. I’m EXTREMELY sarcastic, witty & empathetic. Antisocial introvert at first but extroverted w/ the right people. Either the serious leader mom friend {therapist} or crackhead (Apparently i give good a advice?) I struggle with anxiety, insomnia, trypophobia, and I handle others needs before my own & hold in problems to myself. I love cheesy 80’s movies, mystery & crime shows/movies, music (especially Conan Gray uwu), writing, reading, animals, anime, superheroes, fashion, volleyball, soccer, basketball, & swimming! i’m lowkey such a nerd & i love meeeeemes & hugs! Thanks babe!! 💗💖💘
                                                        - @bisexualmattholtstan​
Hey love !! I am so happy to see you created an account ! When I received your message I literally sat up from nearly being passed out and basically yelled, ‘Awwww ! Ima jus turn my light on to match ya.’ . Now after researching what ENFJ means since I am a bit rusty on my personalities I instantly knew who I would pair you with.
I pair you with …
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            𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰 “𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭” 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐭 ~ !!!
【The Jokester's】
Best friend’s turned sweetheart’s, you two were joined at the hip the second you met each other. You both give off crackhead energy and have wayy to many inside jokes that even Pidge can get lost when hanging out with you two. Matthew understands you more than the rest of your friends as he struggles with many of the same things you do and because of this you both have formed a strong bond that took years to develop. He trusts you enough to get serious with you, venting his problems to you and you to him. Most people categorize you two as the couple who is simply always silly which each other but what people don’t see are the times when you breakdown from all your pent up emotions nor do they see Matt swooping in to comfort you the only way he knows he can; by being patient and doing anything you need. Your emotion bond is deeper than most which allows you both to truly come to understand the meaning of being with the other ‘ for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish ’. 
Now when I was thinking of who to match you with, this gem INSTANTLY popped into my head so here we go
I have decided to pair thee with … 
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                        𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐚
【The Dynamic Duo】
Everyone around the two of you understands that the two of you together are wayy better than you two apart. Allura has struggled with the overwhelming pressure of having to step-up and help save the Universe allowing you two to relate effortlessly with your struggles. It took awhile for you to open up in that way to the Princess but when you began to voice your problems she seemed so relieved to have found someone who not only trusted her with their problem’s but also someone who she could relate to so easily. Due to your motherly tendencies, you have earned the little nickname ‘Space Mum’ which was given to you by Allura after you spent a week coddling Lance because of what happened to him despite him being fully healed from the pod. The name caught on because of Allura’s persistence with it. Allura and you got closer when you began to introduce her to earth games, especially earth sports which Allura absolutely loves to play with you and the other paladins. Her favorite thing to do is have mini-sleepovers with you so you can introduce her to some earth shows. Doing this allowed you two to form a strong bond that lasted for many years and thrived even through the tough times.
~ 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒫𝒾𝒹𝑔𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓍𝓊𝒶𝓁 𝐵𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶
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blackestnight · 5 years
[BANGING ON YOUR DOOR WITH SOUP(tm) AND THESE] 8/22/52/76/111/132/161, answer with WHOMSTEVER you please
8. Who has the worst luck?
addie. who is not, technically, one of my Active Kids(TM), but god this poor girl. she gets shot by a poacher, first, and when she wakes up from that it’s only to hear that her best friend for all time slash possibly crush but she’s bad at this emotions thing has up and left for fucking limsa, of all places, and when she manages to haul her own ass there to track elysa down, elysa is gone. again. to goddamn ul’dah. it is, essentially, the saddest, gayest game of cross-continental tag ever. everyone’s sad and no one wins.
22. Do any of your characters have someone named after them? Or are they named after someone else?
rhela’a is technically named after his mom, just because of how keeper names work, but elysa is named after her grandmother (whose full name is actually elysandra but that’s so old fashioned). while not named after a person, hanami’s moms named her hanami because...she was born during a hanami festival...which is like naming your kid “noel” because they were born on christmas day; she kind of hates it. it’s one of the few things she’s actually so embarrassed about that her brother doesn’t make fun of her for it.
52. Would your character prefer to have history know the truth or have many different versions of their life?
hanami doesn’t give a shit either way. what other people choose to think of her is their problem; the only people whose opinions matter to her are her family, the scions, her “kids” (which really just means rielle, because mune is an actual blood relative and ryne is scion-adjacent), and aymeric. sidguru gets a special invitation to fuck off with the judgy looks.
rhela’a would like to write an autobiography, someday, if he ever stops losing all his manuscripts to sudden gusts of wind...or ixal raids...or dropping them in proud creek...or accidentally shuffling them in with adders reports...actually, now that i think of it, he’s got pretty shit luck too, and also needs to actually use a journal.
76: Would your character like to live on a farm and raise sheep?
hanami wouldn’t mind it! she’s not wild about animals, she’s more used to growing crops, but she kinda misses living on a farm. it’s got structure, you’re not super likely to die if you know what you’re doing, there’s no syndicate members breathing down your neck 24/7...
she’s the only one, though. sjanna especially would hate it. she’s a city girl down to her bones.
111. Do any of your characters have dogs for pets?
hanami does, technically, although she thinks of kira as more of a working dog because she’s a good tracker. she also has a cat, technically, although the cat is longer than she is tall and can rip people’s throats out, so...for given value of “pets” she’s a solid maybe.
132. Who is the precious cinnamon roll?
y’know what, sure, let’s just do the meme.
beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure: rhela’a. he’s pastel, he’s smiley, he just wants to have a good time and make cookies.
looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll: hanami. she’s the screamo emo “darkness, no parentssss” meme but she’s also such a softie...deep, deep down. no, deeper. keep going. you’ll find it eventually.
looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: addie. she’s got a vicious streak, despite spending most of her time stuck in white robes and communing with the bushes or whatever.
looks like they could kill you and would actually kill you: sjanna. she’s cursed by an ancient sentient forest that gave her a glowing red eye, okay, she looks scary and she is scary. the fact that she prefers to focus on reviving ancient forms of magic rather than world domination is a blessing.
could kill you, but is still a cinnamon roll: elysa. she’s a sweetheart, even if she’s not afraid to bust out the giant lance when shit hits the fan.
sinnamon roll: haruki. he will not close his shirt properly, he refuses.
would kill for a cinnamon roll: tavi. she’s killed people for worse reasons, probably.
161: Your character’s opinion of pineapple?
hanami thinks it’s okay but she prefers fruits without the sour notes, haruki loves it, elysa would eat it every day if she could afford it, rhela’a doesn’t like it at all, sjanna thinks it’s pretty good but it’s in top form when grilled. sjanna would also eat pineapple pizza.
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crimson-mage-02 · 5 years
Nightmares Part 2
A/N: Hope you all like this part 2 one-shot. With a little bit of warning there will be angst in this chapter but overall, enjoy reading. Please give comment and feedback! Thanks! 
@spacelion-loveshermulletson @junimullet @whatusernamex3000 and here you go @cyangarden, i have done your fanfic request and i hope you like it!
After helping Keith to finally grieve and move on, Luka was having her own nightmares. Late at night she would toss and turn on her bed. She was trembling, whimpering and mumbling words. She held on to the bed sheets.
“NO!” Luka woke up panting shakily with cold sweat and then looked around her room and her other side of her bed, seeing that Keith is not there in their bedroom. He was on a mission with his mother and Kolivan. She sighed as she put her hands together and hugged herself. She was dreaming about her working alongside Honerva, everything she knew was a lie. Told by that wretched witch.
She wished Keith was here to comfort her like he always does when he was sleeping by her side. She then turned to see a red flower on her bedside table with a note: “Dear Luka, thanks for helping me out. I really appreciate it. As a reward, maybe we could go on a date? Love, Keith.”
Luka smiled and smelt the Earth flower called a rose. She loved the flower roses and loved them since she saw them on her last visit on Earth. It was a magical time and a wonderful date. He took her everywhere in Earth. She got to see the animals she wished to see and got to take a swim in the ocean and seeing so many sea creatures. Luka even got to see a bunny rabbit that Keith has told her so much. They were now her official favourite animal on Earth.
She loves Keith so much. He has shown her the great wonders in the universe outside of Altea and got to explore Earth. Keith has done so much for her and giving her the life, she would live to the fullest. He loves her for who she is. She looked at her clock and saw it was early in the morning and decided to go back to sleep.
Throughout the night, she didn’t have any nightmares. She waited and waited for Keith to come back from his mission. Luka then took a long walk in the juniberry field with her friends, Romelle and Merla. She wasn’t too absorbed in the conversation they were talking about.
“Luka? Altea to Luka!” Merla waved her hand in front of Luka who was now pulled back from her thoughts.
“Oh, apologies Merla, I was uh, thinking about Keith.” Luka apologised as she smiles.
“Oh, thinking about your muscular man? I must admit. I had a crush on him when I first saw him. You have great taste. Lu-Lu.” Merla teased as Luka growled lightly playfully.
“First of all, he is my man and second of all, don’t call me that! I am not child anymore!” Luka says as Romelle giggled.
“Oh, come on. Luka, she was joking around. And besides there is nothing to worry about. I am sure Keith can look after himself. He was the Black Lion’s paladin and the leader of Voltron.” Romelle assured her friend.
Luka smiled and hoped she was right. She knew Keith can look after himself but also worried that he might get in danger or get hurt. Scared that something might happen to him. Luka wished she could come with him, but Keith always worries about her getting hurt. She can look after herself and is capable in fighting off bad guys.
Somewhere in a planet, Keith was scouting ahead for rogue Galra soldiers. He has been trying to contact Acxa, his second-in-command but there was no response. He then got hit by one of the Galra soldiers and fought him with his mother’s blade. He gritted his teeth as he saw that he was cornered by the rogue soldiers. He was hoping for this mission to be done and get over with so he could go back home to his fiancée, Luka.
He swung his sword around as he kicked and punched one of the rogues and ran up the mountain to get away from them. Keith was punched hard in the face by the leader and fell down to the ground, breaking his arm. He winced in pain, holding his arm and crawled to get to his sword but was stomped and kicked by the soldiers. Then he was repeatedly kicked by them until they saw Keith passing out.
“Looks like he’s out.” Said one of the soldiers.
“Good, take him in the ship. Chain him up.” The leader ordered as he smiled wickedly. His followers complied as they dragged him all the way to their ship and chained him up.
On the ground somewhere on the mountain, Keith’s communicator was left with Acxa calling out to him desperately. “Keith? Do you copy? You there? Please, talk to me Keith! Keith!”
In Altea, Luka was humming as she was walking around the Castle with a book in hand. She was reading an Earth fairy-tale story called, ‘Beauty and the Beast.’ She loved all of the Earth books Keith had brought for her, but Beauty and the Beast was one of her favourites.
Kosmo whined, getting her attention as she saw him looking out in the night sky, hoping to see Keith coming back. “Oh, I am sure Keith will be back to us anytime soon.” Luka assured the cosmic wolf, with a smile.
Luka then went and put back the book on her bedside table and went to sleep for the day. With Kosmo laying down on the edge of the bed. Later that night, she has nightmares again.
Luka was walking in the pit of darkness with no one with her. “Hello? Is anyone there?” Luka kept on walking until she heard a familiar evil cackling in the distant. She got shivers down her spine as she spun around to find where it was coming from until she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“My dear Luka, you have come and avenged me!” Honerva appeared in her mech suit as well as Luka. She gasped in horror as she saw she was in her mech and she destroyed the Black Lion. She put her hand to her mouth, with tears flowing down her cheeks.
“No! NO! Keith!” Luka gasped and sobbed.
“You have done well, my child.” Honerva cackled.
“NO!” Luka cried out as she panted in cold sweat again as Kosmo climbed on her and licked her tears away. Luka hugged Kosmo tightly and wiped her tears away and sniffed. She got up and decided to go for a walk around the Castle or go outside to have some fresh air.
She went down to the stairs and saw her Uncle talking to her future mother-in-law, Krolia. She was about to call out to her but then saw that something was wrong.
“Don’t know, Coran. I don’t know what happened to Keith.” Krolia says to Coran.
“What happened? What has happened with Keith?” Luka asked in concern as she walked to her uncle and Krolia.
“Sweetheart! Thought you were in bed.” Coran exclaimed as he put his hands on her shoulder.
Luka frowned then faced Krolia. “What happened with him?”
Krolia sighed and decided to let her know. “Something happened during our mission with Keith. We can’t track him or contact him. Someone must’ve got to him. I’m sorry Luka.”
Luka put her hand to her mouth as tears rolled down and Krolia hugs her tightly. “Don’t worry. He’ll be alright. He is a smart man; he’ll know what to do.” She felt Luka nodding in her embrace. Coran rubbed her back in comfort, also worried about Keith.
In the morning, Coran had contacted the former paladins to go to Altea immediately. As soon as the paladins got the message, Lance came running inside in a quick speed. “WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR TEAM LEADER? DID HE DO SOMETHING TO YOU?!”  
“I am fine, Lance. Really. He didn’t do anything.” Luka assured him.
“Ok, so what really did happen?” Lance asked as Pidge came and punched him on the arm.
“Don’t run off like that!” Pidge scolded and then turned to Luka. “Are you okay?”
“I am fine. Just worried.” Luka replied.
“Why? What happened to Keith?” Lance asked in deep concern.
“Keith is missing and we all are going to find him.” Krolia declared as Lance and Pidge’s eyes widen in fear. Worried what will happen to Keith.
“Don’t worry, Luka. We’ll find him.” Pidge said.
“Oh, I know. And that’s why I am going with you.” Luka says confidently with Pidge smiling proud of her friend. Same with Lance.
“Great. All we need to do is wait for Shiro and Hunk to come.” Lance says. “Then we can find Keith and get him back home.” Luka nodded and smiled grateful at her friends and family. As soon as Shiro and Hunk arrived, they all went out and find Keith.
Keith woke up to hearing clanging sounds and saw himself in a dark cell. He saw his hands were cuffed, just like when they were captured by Zethrid and Ezor. This time, it was just him. He felt weak, frail and fragile right now. He hasn’t eaten food in ages.
“Oh, look. He is up now.” Said one of the Galra soldiers.
Keith growled at him and looked away. Not wanting to deal with him. “Oh, come on, oh, great Paladin of the Black Lion, where is that Galran side of yours? Show me that true form of yours.” The solders haunted as Keith gritted his teeth in anger.
“I heard he was in love with that Altean Princess. Wish she was here to see him like this. Oh, wait, she is not here because of you, she is dead.” One of the soldiers laughed at him.
Keith’s eyes turned yellow and his pupils were dilated and then grabbed him by the collar of his suit and begin to bang his head again the cell door repeatedly hard and violently with the Galra soldiers backing away in fear.
Keith managed to get himself out of the chains and put his broken arm in place. He then looked at the soldiers and charged at them and fought them as he tries to escape from them. He ran through the tunnels. He wished that Kosmo was with him.
Luka and the paladins were trying to find Keith but couldn’t find him anywhere. Luka was growing worried that they might not find him in time. They were in the Atlas trying to find him. “Come on, buddy. Where are you?” Shiro whispered looking out of the window.
Keith panted in exhaustion as he had some cuts and scratches all over him and his blade uniform was ruined. He was still being chased by those soldiers and hid in a room full of computer equipment. He took this chance to contact anybody whoever can answer back to him, hoping his mother or even his friends can answer back. Keith worked his way on sending out coordinates, hopefully he’ll reach out to them.
Hunk was sitting down on one of stations and none of them were aware of the red blinking light. “Do you think we’ll find Keith?” Hunk asked.
Pidge groaned tiredly, after trying so hard to find him. “Not yet, Hunk. We still don’t know where he is. Keith didn’t even tell us where he was.”
“Yeah, that’s definitely Keith.” Lance nodded.  
“I know, would just send us a signal to tell us where he is.” Luka said. “I hope will be alright.” Shiro and Coran were working on finding where Keith is. But they have been travelling all over the galaxy, looking for a sign to find him. Hopefully they won’t be too late to save him.
Keith was fixing up the computer as fast as he could to try and contact anyone who can get his distress signal. Then the computer screen lit up, “Hello? This is Keith. Leader of the Blade of Marmora. Send in backup, I repeat, send in back up! I need help here!” Keith cried out until a blast came and destroyed the computer. Keith gritted his teeth as he saw one of the druids. Keith was defenceless. Have no weapon. No backup and no one to help him.
“No one will help you this time.” Said one of the druids. He walked to him slowly as Keith looked for something to use as a weapon until the two of them heard a rumbling from up the surface and heard shouting inside the tunnel.
He then saw Lance and Hunk shooting their bayards at the druid and then Luka came in leaping in the air and swung her spear at him. Luka then ran up to Keith, “Keith, oh thank the ancients you are alright!” Luka exclaimed hugging him tightly.
“Ugh! It’s good to see you, too but please let me go so I could breathe.” Keith grunted.
“Oh, sorry!” Luka apologised as she helped Keith up and let the other paladins deal with the druid. But the druid knocked Luka and Keith, but Luka charged at him with her spear, but he disappeared. Luka looked everywhere for him frantically until he appeared behind her and electrocuted her in front of Keith.
She screamed in pain as Keith watched, it was just like the last time when Allura was electrocuted by Macidus. His eyes widen in anger when he saw her laying on the ground and he got up, glaring at the druid. The druid disappeared again, and Keith looked everywhere for him and closed his eyes, trying to sense where his is.
He saw him coming closer than he took Luka’s spear and threw it at him, successfully killing him. He let out a sigh of relief and turned to his friends. Pidge came up to Luka who was trying to stand up, “Luka, are you okay?”
“Oh, I am fine.” Luka nodded as Keith came and knelt down, looking at her and cupped her face and pressed his lips on hers. Pidge rolled her eyes, letting them to have a moment alone. Lance wrapped his arms around Pidge and Hunk, looking at Keith and Luka with big smiles on their faces.
Keith pulled away from the kiss and had their foreheads pressed. “It’s good to see you.” Keith sighed.
“And I you. And second of all...” Luka says as Keith looked at her confused until she saw him pull her arm back and slapped him across the face. “Where were you? Why didn’t you call us for help before you get into trouble? I waited for you for, like, what, three quintants?” Luka cried as tears rolled down her cheeks.
Keith felt his heart torn in two and wiped her tears away. “Sorry, I tried but I got beaten up these guys before I even got the chance to call.” Luka nodded in understanding and kissed him.
“Let’s go, home and get all healed up.” Luka smiled. Keith nodded in agreement as they both laughed for a few minutes and Luka helped him to stand up and all of them walked back to the ship. Krolia cried tears of joy and relief when she saw Keith with Luka. She was glad that he was alright but still worried about his injuries and health. They took him back to Altea to heal up and have him fed.
Luka was sitting on her side of the bed with a content smile as she kept on playing with Keith’s hair while he sleeps in peace. Luka smiled and put her book down her bedside table and kissed his temple.
She pulled covers over them with Luka caressing Keith’s cheek. She put his hair out of the way. She was glad to have Keith by her side again and then placed her hand over her stomach, wondering if she would tell him or not. Maybe one day. Just one day, she’ll tell him.
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years
Yes lesbian!Kidge please 😍😍😍
Can I just say I’m so happy that so many people were interested in this self-indulgent little idea of mine??? It makes me so happy! x3
Also, this fic is based loosely in canon, somewhere between S7 and S8, since I started to write this out before S8 hit. Also, in regards to Female!Keith in this, I was vague so that the reader can view it however they’d like. If you want to read this as Cis Female Keith or Trans Girl Keith, you’re free to! x3
Keira Kogane had to have pissed off some cosmic force in herlifetime, with what she was facing in that moment.
"I don't see why you're making such a big deal aboutthis," She said, crossing her arms and glaring at the figure before her,poised over a large box filled with clothes. Off to the side, she saw Shiroleaning against a wall and skimming through a magazine, seeming quite contentto hand the reins over to another set of hands. She narrowed her eyes to flashhim a half-hearted glare.
Filthy traitor, leaving her to fend for herself against thewolf.
She perked up as the other hoisted himself up, hands settledon either side of the box, flashing her a chiding look with his bright blueeyes. "Because, my poor, misguided friend," He said before seeming tospot something in the box that he liked and diving back down, "a date is abig, big moment for a blossoming romance. And I can tell that your experienceregarding romance is... Well, let's just say it leaves a lot to be desired.Plus, gonna be honest, but your sense fashion could use a serious helpinghand." He pulled out a bright yellow and blue tube-style shirt and lookedat her with a bright grin.
She made a face and, with a small huff, he cast the shirtover his shoulder and resumed his searching. Feeling a bit braver, she walkedover and peered over his hunched form into the box, arms crossing on instinctover her chest. "What's wrong with the way I dress?”
"Have you lookedat your jacket recently? It's like a poorly constructed matador cape!" Helaughed, casting an incredulous look at her over his shoulder.
"It does not!" She snapped back.
“It totally does. Besides, it doesn’t fit you right anymoreanyway. You need to update your fashion sense as well as your ensemble. Getsomething that actually fits,” He retorted, tone dismissive.
"I really like my jacket. It's comfy and I can movereally well in it. Who cares if it isn't the height of fashion?" Sheasked, waving one hand in the arm as if to dismiss him in turn.
"Pidge will,"Lance sang back, the smug look on his face causing her to flinch back.
It hadn’t been something she’d been planning to do, really,despite how badly she wanted to. In the weeks following their last huge fightagainst the strange Robeast that showed up on Earth, the Paladins hadn’t seen awhole lot of each other. Or, rather, Keira hadn’t seen too much of the others.Galra contained a slightly elevated healing rate than humans and, due to herown heritage as a Halfling, she’d been cleared to leave the medical bay muchsooner than the others. And once she was cleared, Shiro and Commander Iversonhad scooped her up to help with this or that, as well as to give statements toEarth and coalition-based media outlets about the situation as it stood.
It was in this time that she stood back and examined things.In specific, an interesting conversation she’d had with Iverson about missedopportunities was what caused her to decide she needed to act. She’d spentplenty of time sitting on her hands, quietly wondering if she even stood achance if she were to put herself out there like that. After all, Pidge wasbasically living starlight; brilliant and vibrant and vivacious. She was loyaland intelligent and passionate. Oh, and how her eyes lit up when she gotrambling about her latest research project!
And then Keira was just… Well, she was just a mopey, lonelysort that got stuck being the leader of the most powerful weapon the universeshad to offer. She wasn’t the type of person that people like Pidge Gunderson,or Katie Holt or whoever she was took an interest in. But, when she’d dared tosay as much outloud, Commander Iverson had cast a curious glance at her. “Notlike you to give up without a fight, but it sounds like you’re ready to pullyour hat out of the ring before it even touches the dirt. Not as brave as Igave you credit for, huh?” He said, tone near wistful.
And Keira, a creature of pride and impulsiveness, hadstormed off to find the other young woman and ask her out.
She’d found Pidge by chance, heading to the hanger to checkon the Lions with Hunk. Hunk, dear sweetheart that he was, had sensed the moodand excused himself. Keira had stumbled through her words, barely managing toget it out that she wanted to go out with Pidge. Just the two of them. On adate. She’d been startled when the shorter girl had actually flushed and lookedaway, everything about the gesture coy and nearly painfully cute, beforelifting her head and nodding, still clearly embarrassed but also giddy.
“I’d love to,” She had breathed out, her voice a littlewispy. The two had agreed to a few days later, when they were to have a freeday to start milling about the rebuilt portions of town, and then parted. Asshe was heading back to her room, though, the reality of what she’d just donesettled in and she was faced with another challenge.
Which was how she’d ended up where she was in that moment,wincing as she shifted her weight from foot to foot. "Do... Do you reallythink so?" She asked quietly.
There was suddenly a hand on her shoulder, causing her tolook up at a smiling Shiro. "No, she won't. Lance is just beingLance," He said, calmly placing the shirt Lance had tossed aside back intothe box. Lance groaned and shoved the shirt aside as he riffled through andpulled out a neon orange spaghetti strap thing. He set that one down beside thebox; to offer to Allura or Romelle, Keira hoped. She then glanced back up ather mentor, taking his gentle squeeze as a way to get her attention. "Pidgewouldn't have agreed to the date if she didn't like you for you, Keira."She blinked then smiled, feeling a bit more reassured, as Shiro reached intothe box himself and pulled out a denim skirt. "Although I will concede,trying out a new outfit or two might be more worth it than you'rethinking."
"If I may also add, Shiro" Lance mused happily ashe turned to look at the two, "the outfit can help set the mood. I mean,you want to make it clear to Pidge that you're interested in her. It's why youasked her out in the first place, after all."
"Well, yeah," Keira said with a small scowl. Shethen cocked her head a bit. “But, shouldn’t the fact I specified it was a datebe enough to get the point across?”
“A date and a dateare two totally different things! You need to make sure to wear the rightattire to get the differentiation clear!”
Keira frowned and glanced up at Shiro. Ever helpful, hesimply shrugged and shook his head, as lost as she was. “O… Kay?” She trailed,turning her attention back to Lance.
"And you're the one who asked me for help on picking anoutfit, right?"
"Actually, you were eavesdropping when I was asking Shiro to help me. And then, as you'reprone to doing, decided that you just had to take over,"
"Eh. Tomato, tomatoe," He huffed, waving a handbefore grabbing a few items that he’d pulled to the edge of the box closest tohim. "Now let's see... Your usual color preferences are towards reds,blacks, and purples, from what I've seen. How do you feel about exploring andtrying out some other ones?"
She knelt down beside him, peering in curiously. "Aslong as you go with darker shades, I'm open to going a little bit farther outof my norm. Oh, but I'm not big on patterns" She said. Lance nodded,taking three of the items in his grasp and setting them at the other end of thebox. "And nothing that’s, like, super ruffly or frilly or has any kind ofglossy material to it. No dresses or skirts, either. Oh, and nothing toorevealing. Like, if I have to go with short sleeves, I’d rather have a coat orjacket or something to wear over it. And I'd really like to wear some boots. Ormaybe just my usual boots would be fine."
Lance dropped all the articles in his hand and let out along, drawn-out groan.
Keira shifted back a bit. "Or... I guess just whatlooks good?"
Shiro settled in on Lance’s other side and shook his head ashe started to look through the box as well. "No, Keira, this is good.You're the one going on the date, not Lance. You should like what you wear andhave final say on it,"
"Shiro's right. I just wish you were a little more...Diverse in style," Lance said, rummaging to the bottom of the box until hepulled out a pair of light blue denim shorts. "How about thesehigh-waisted shorts? Pair these off with some nice, dark colored leggings,maybe?” He prompted.
She reached out and gently took the shorts, holding them upto her hips. The looked like they’d fit just fine. "I like these,"She said, offering him a small smile as she settled them in her lap.
He whooped and pumped one fist in the air. "There wego! I'll take this little bit of progress!" He reached back in and pulledup a shirt, looking it over with his head tilted a bit. "So, I know yousaid no to patterns, but how do you feel about stripes?"
"Stripes are fine. I more just meant, like, floral oranimal prints," She elaborated, trying to get a glance at what he waslooking at.
He snorted as he pulled out a red and white striped shirtthat was knotted at the shoulders in lieu of proper sleeves. "Well Iwouldn't put you in those kinds of prints. It takes a very classy,sophisticated lady to rock those prints and you aren’t in that class by a long shot,"
"Rude," She hissed lowly.
"Not rude; honest. There's a difference," He said witha smug grin, holding the shirt up to her to make sure it would fit her alright.
She snatched the shirt from him and set it in her lap, aswell. “Kinda like the difference between a cargopilot and a fighter pilot,” Shesaid, waggling her eyebrows at him playfully.
Lance let out a faux-scandalized gasp, pressing one hand tohis chest. “Rude girl!”
She merely shrugged before leaning further into the box,spotting something that looked black and stretchy off to the side."Tomato, tomatoe,"
They both jumped in surprise when Shiro started busting uplaughing at the jab.
He blinked when they both stared at him, the tips of hisears turning pink. He then cleared his throat a bit. "What? You have toadmit that was pretty clever, Lance!"
The other hummed and turned his attention back to the box,his blue eyes mirthful as he continued his searching. "I'll take your wordfor it. Now, back on track, if we could?"
In the end, they found a pair of black leggings, as well asan oversized cardigan in a light grey. And, instead of boots, Keira agreed toswing for a pair of ankle-high converse-style sneakers. The sneakers clearlyweren’t name-brand, but they were surprisingly similar and comfortable to wear.Her hair was tugged back with nothing more but a simple red headband, whichfelt strange with how the little teeth gripped at her head. She normally justwore it back in a ponytail or let it loose. Lance had wanted to try and get herto accessorize further, but she’d opted into only wearing a modest silvernecklace with a heart charm at the end, a small topaz at the center.
It had been a gift from Krolia; the pendent one that Keira’sfather had given her before she left, so that she’d always have something toremember their daughter by.
She shifted a bit as she hovered by the small path that ledinto the city proper. It wasn’t much of a city anymore, admittedly, but it hada certain charm to it. Made her think of the kinds of elaborate villages Coranwould describe when Pidge and the others had played Monsters and Mana with hima handful of times. It reminded Keira, too, that she should ask about them allgetting together sometime to play. The idea of playing a game with the othersafter she’d been away from them for so long seemed kind of fun, and she’dalways been a bit of a sucker for fantasy-style worlds.
She’d never played a game like that before, but she figuredit wasn’t too hard to pick up. Besides, she was certain that Pidge would helpher figure things out, if it was that big of a struggle.
"Oh, wow, you look really pretty,” A voice gasped justa few feet away, snapping her from her musings. She must have looked surprised,see how immediately Pidge’s face was turning bright red and she held her handsup in an almost defensive manner. “I mean-! You always look pretty! You don'thave to try to look pretty but you look even prettier when you try! Oh, wait,that's not what I meant either!"
Keira blinked then giggled a bit, covering her mouth withone hand. "Hey, it's okay. I know what you mean. And thank you," Shesaid, cracking one eye to size Pidge up. Her outfit was a simply one, too; apair of dark blue capris, a sleeveless green top with a lightly ruffled edgealong the collar in white, and a pair of pale pink flats for an added splash ofcolor. The thing that really got Keira’s heart thrumming was how the blush onher cheeks made her freckles stand out even more. "You look super cute, bythe way."
She visibly relaxed at that, shoulders slacking a bit, butthe blush remained high up on her cheekbones. "Thank you," She saidbefore perking up and stepping a bit closer, so she was standing beside her."So, what's on the agenda?"
Keira smiled and gently led Pidge down the path, resistingthe urge to take her hand or offer her own arm. She didn’t want to be tooforward. "Well, I was mostly just thinking we could walk around, see how therebuild is going," She explained, glancing over at the canopy-coveredshops not far ahead. She knew most of what was here already from her check-inswith Shiro, but she knew Pidge hadn’t had the chance to come exploring justyet. She then offered Pidge a small smirk. "I may have also found arebuilt ice cream shop not too far from here, if we wanted to get some."
"For real?"Pidge gasped, eyes lighting up like the tail of a comet.
Keira nodded, having to swallow and compose herself a bit. "Yeah!I’ve been coming down here with Shiro since I’ve been cleared to leave the medicalbay, so we could do proper introductions with the coalition volunteers. Whilehe did that, I wandered off on my own a couple of times. They were almost donewhen I stopped by," She explained as they walked along. The paused for amoment at the first stall once they entered the shopping area proper, Pidgeleaning in to look at the alien ores laid out curiously. "They said theselection might be a little limited, though."
She sat back up and looked at her, still glowing at theprospect. "Pssh! Who cares? It's icecream!" She laughed happily. The darker haired woman could feel ablush creeping up to her own cheeks. It was ridiculously charming how riled upPidge was getting at the idea of something as simple as getting ice creamtogether. “Though, I suppose we do need to resolve one thing before we go anyfurther.” She said, tone suddenly somber, gaze at Keira expectantly.
She blinked a bit and cocked her head. “Uh.. Sure, what?”
“Rum raisin… Any thoughts?” Pidge asked.
Keira couldn’t help but make a face and stick her tongueout. “Ugh! Rum raisin is disgusting!”
“Thank you!” Pidge blurted, throwing her hands up in theair.
“Who in their rightmind was trying to defend rum raisin?”
“Matt! He was trying to claim that it ‘isn’t that bad’!Like, did all the space travel screw with his taste buds? I feel like I mighthave to disown him for this,” She said, using air quotes and flailing her handsabout as she spoke.
Keira snickered slightly. “I can’t believe Matthew Holt isfucking dead,” She mused.
Pidge let out a quiet yelp before bursting out laughing. “You’vebeen brushing up on memes! You’re so sweet!” She said, her smile turning tosomething a bit fonder.
Keira’s heart leapt in her chest as she watched Pidge’sexpressions shift, noticing for the first time that a few of the largerfreckles on her left cheek could be traced to form a miniature inversion of theLeo constellation, as if she’d been born with a marking of stardust to helpguide her to her fate.
Before they part ways later that evening, Keira makes sureto press a quick peck over the little mark, and delights in how theconstellation becomes more profound at the blush that crops up from the smallpeck.
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sage-selfships · 6 years
Sage H. D. - Bully Self-Insert
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This is my Self-Insert for Bully/Canis Canem Edit! I made the art myself and would appreciate if you didn’t use it! The Template was created by Silkvale and found here! I will post updated versions to @kitty-selfshipping so uhm yeah, follow that blog to read it when it’s totally finished or edited.
If you are interested in reading the current info about my Bully Self-Insert, please read under the cut!
Biographical Information Full Name [& Pronunciation] - Sage Holland Drage ( S AI J ) ( H AW - l uh n d ) ( d r ai j ) Meaning - Herb or Prophet, Ridgeland, Dragon Set Age - 14-15 Certified Birthdate - 12 January 1992 (not my real birth year, but shh) Astrological Sign -  Capricorn Pronouns - They/them or He/Him Aliases & Preferred Nicknames – Dumbbell - Sage might not actually like the nickname, but Mandy WIles insist on calling Sage it whenever Mandy sees Sage, so Sage is  Dragon - As some people may not be able to pronounce Sage’s surname, Sage just call themselves Dragon to make it easier for everyone. Ms. Shy - Even though Sage prefers to go by he/him or they/them pronouns, people insist on calling them ms, and many people consider them shy because of how they seem terrified of new people Puppy - A nickname Sage got from Kirby Olsen, that they claim matches their general personality Ethnicities Distant Descendants : American, British,  Dominant Descendants : Norwegian, Swedish, Danish Physical Description Hair Color - Brown Eye Color - Blue Weight – Height - Typical Clothing Wear :  Maroon or pink vest, purple skirt, blue bow, purple bow, pink shoes - School   uniform  Red stained dress and blonde wig - Halloween costume, that is supposed to resemble Carrie White from the movie Carrie Faux fur coat, faux fur ushanka - Winter attire Figure/Build - Distinguishing Features/Scars/ or Birthmarks – A mole just over their lip Explain: Tattoos: Piercings: Frequently Worn Jewelry: Choker belt around their neck Personal Information Current Living Arrangements - Sage currently lives with three of their American relatives, but also they technically live at Bullworth, in the girl’s dorm Originated from - Vestfold, Norway Traveled Territories - Hobbies -   Fears – Spiders, snakes, insects, heights, scarecrows, most of the jocks Religion/Beliefs – Atheist Why?: Sage grew up in an atheist family, as simple as that. Health Behaviors Physical Ailments/ Disabilities/ Issues – Addiction(s) [Sex, Drugs, Smoking, Alcohol, Other]  Why?: Any regular medication taken? – Medication for their Iron Deficiency and for their Hives Chronological Information Profession - Student Likes - Dislikes - Goals/Ambitions – Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience - Story behind experience: Weapons/Equipment - Sage mostly fights using their hands but can use a baseball if they need to Personal Attributes Personality - Strengths - Weaknesses - Good Habits - Bad Habits - Fetishes/Strange Behaviors - Stereotype - Shy kid with few friends As you know them better(and you like them) : As you know them better(and you hate them) :   Ratings on Personal Qualities (don't go overboard make reasonable stats for your character) Physical Strength : 4/10 Sage might not regularly train, but surprisingly Sage is stronger than they seem Attractive : 5/10 Sage doesn’t consider themselves the most beautiful and mostly blames it upon their parents and grandparents for how they look Honesty : 7/10 Sage hates lying in general, but still does lie if they need to. Rule Abiding : 3/10 Sage thinks certain rules are to be broken and others are to be broken. Sociability : 3/10 Sage is quite shy when it comes to meeting new people, but if they muster up enough confidence they can make new friends. Bullworth Academy Information Reason for enrolling: Sage has lacked disiplince and Sage’s parents had relatives that lived close Bullworth, so they decided on sending them to a Clique - Standing and Rank in Social Circle  - Room Number – 4 Roommate(s)-  Zoe Taylor & Beatrice Trudeau Favourite Subject(s) – English,  & Art Why?: Sage loves English because they’ve felt so motivated and  Least Favorite Subject(s) – Why?: Favourite Teacher – Mr. Galloway & Mrs. Philips Why?: Mr. Galloway - Sage takes a liking to Mr. Galloway, mostly because he encouraged and gave Sage a warm welcome to the school, during Sage’s first day at Bullworth Mrs. Philips - Sage got a few compliments Least Favorite Teacher –  Mr. Slawter Why?: Sage is quite afraid of Mr. Slawter, mostly because he yelled at Sage during their first class Knowledgeability Language(s) – Norwegian, English Schooling Level - Grade 8-9, Expertise – Chemistry - Math - English - Geography - Sage knows a few things, like where certain European countries are, but after that, nothing more Politics/Law - Economy - Cooking/Culinary - Shop - Botany/Biology - Mythology - high / Sage knows a lot about Norrøn Mythology and enjoys learning more and more about it Art - high / Sage highly enjoys Art and feels that they know a lot about the rules about realism and perspective Photography - Sage knows how to use a camera, and what settings look good or not, so they consider themselves at a 5/10 Reading Level - Overall Intelligence Level(s) - Interpersonal and Naturalistic. Relationships Statuses   (once you list characters here, delete them from the other list near the end of this information sheet, makes things less confusing) (Also, please describe the relationships of your character with other characters) Trusted Companions Closest Friend(s) –   Milliz - “I trust her with my life. Nothing more or less to say. And might I add that her and Earnest are really freakiNG ADOREABLE?” (Jeg beklager ikke for at du er satt på denne lista, Milliz) Friend(s) -   Kirby Olsen - Despite Kirby being a jock and Sage being afraid of most of the jocks, Kirby and Sage are pretty close and    
Hated Rivals Worst Enemies – Intolerable Students - Harmless Acquaintances Tolerated Students - Tolerated Townsfolk - Hot Encounters Hinted Attractions - Crush(es) - Lover(s) - Gary Smith, Jimmy Hopkins and Petey (Ey, don’t judge me please or make comments about this please, I just ship myself with all of them :( I will also make like another post or tweet where I just describe everything from lore to headcanons about this ) Ex(s) - None Extra Information Eating Habits Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore – Favorite Food(s): Favorite Drink(s): Disliked Food(s): Disliked Drink(s): Added Information Proclaimed Theme Song(s) - Either Dancing Queen by ABBA or Scent – Favourite Color: Favourite Season: Favourite Animal: Sage  Favourite Music Genre: Sage can’t really choose, but they are very fond of country and Pop Most Memorable Quote – Various Quotes Through Interaction :  “ Walking around – “I sure hope Mandy was joking when he called me a dumbbell...” “I don’t know jack dritt about math, how am I supposed to get a good grade?” “Gary mentioned something about rats, wondered what he was on about.” “I’m considering joining a clique... but which one?” “ “ “ “ When the fire alarm goes off – “Stuff like this always happens when you least expect it.” “Sure hope this isn’t a drill, I don’t want my slippers to get wet again without reason.” Greetings Good Terms: “Hiya!” “Hey there, best friend!” “How ya doing, sweetie?” “How are you doing, buddy?” “Hey, anyhting fun happen recently?” “Bro! What’s up?” “Heisann!” (Norwegian for ‘Hey there’) Bad Terms: “Please leave me alone” “I rather not talk.” “Ew.” “Get out of my face!” “Leave me alone!” “Continue being around me and I’ll beat you up! Or cry!” Saying goodbye – Good Terms: “Have a good day! “See you later!” “Hope you have a good night!” Bad Terms: “”See you in Hell, I uhm mean class.” “Leave already.” “I’m getting a headache, gotta go.” “Byyeee, see you never.” When Flirted With – Good Terms: “I uhm...” “Thank you....” “Well I uhm, thank you so much! I uhm haha, we should hang out or something!” “I feel flattered. I’ll uhh have to go over there until the blushing stops.” “Continue acting this sweet and you’re going to be getting ladies really quickly.” “ “You’re such a sweetheart!” “If I were of age, I would marry you right here on the spot, but I’m still too young.” Bad Terms: “I wouldn’t say I don’t like you, but I’m not that interested.” “Not to be rude, but no.” “That better not be trying to make me blush, because it didn’t work at all.” “ “
Watching a fight – “I know I shouldn’t watch this crap, but damn it feels so right, right now!” “ Attacking – “I’m sorry!” “I have no choice in this situation, so I apologize beforehand!” “I learnt this one from my friend!” While Fighting – “I really wish it didn’t have to end with one of us being hurt!” “Ouch! Thanks, I guess!”
Chasing someone – “You can run, but you can also hide!” “Come back here! please...!” Out of breath – “This always happens....” “Why do I have to have iron deficiency? When hidden from – “ Knocked out – “ Stinkbomb explodes – “I can’t see shit!” “I should be happy I can’t smell anything from before!” Opinions on students who reside at Bullworth Academy– (in alphabetical order) Bullies   Davis White: Ethan Robinson: Russell Northrop: Tom Gurney: Trent Northwick: Troy Miller: Wade Martin: Zoe Taylor: Greasers Hal Esposito: Johnny Vincent: Lefty Mancini: Lola Lombardi: Lucky De Luca: Norton Williams: Peanut Romano: Ricky Pucino: Vance Medici: Jocks Bo Jackson: Casey Harris: Damon West: Dan Wilson: Juri Karamazov: Luis Luna: Mandy Wiles: Ted Thompson: Nerds Algernon Papadopoulos: Beatrice Trudeau: Bucky Pasteur: Cornelius Johnson: Donald Anderson: Earnest Jones: Fatty Johnson: Melvin O'Connor: Thad Carlson: Non-Cliques Angie Ng: Christy Martin: Constantinos Brakus: Eunice Pound: Gloria Jackson: Gordon Wakefield: Ivan Alexander: Karen Johnson: Lance Jackson: Melody Adams: Pedro De La Hoya: Ray Hughes: Sheldon Thompson: Trevor Moore: Preppies Bif Taylor: Bryce Montrose: Chad Morris: Derby Harrington: Gord Vendome: Justin Vandervelde: Parker Ogilvie: Pinky Gauthier: Tad Spencer: Opinion on Adults who teach and patrol at Bullworth Academy – (in alphabetical order) Miss Danvers: Miss Peters: Mr. Galloway: Mr. Luntz: Mr. Matthews: Mr. Wiggins: Mrs. Carvin: Mrs. MacRae: Mrs Peabody: Ms. Phillips: Neil: Prefects – Edward Seymour II: Karl Branting: Max MacTavish: Seth Kolbe: Opinions on People in the cities of Bullworth – (in alphabetical order) Townies Clint(aka Henry): Sage doesn’t like saying it, but they’re quite afraid of him and  Duncan: Edgar Munsen: Gurney: Jerry: Leon: Omar Romero: Otto Tyler: Residents in the city of Bullworth – Bethany Jones: Denny: Dr. Bambillo: Krakauer: Mihailovich: Miss Abby: Mr. Brekindale: Mr. Buckingham: Mr. Castillo: Mr. Doolin: Mr. Huntingdon: Mr. Johnson: Mr. Martin: Mr. Ramirez: Mr. Salvatore: Mr. Smith: Mr. Sullivan: Ms. Rushinski Mrs. Lisburn: Osborne:
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aph-newyorkcity · 6 years
My coping mechanism: fanon. I know a lot of you are sad and disappointed. Hopefully this will help.
Part 1
Part 3
I Can Be Myself With You
Rating: G//597 words//completed//fix it fic
Upon realizing that his feelings have changed, Lance goes to Keith after his first date with Allura.
It was storming outside
Rating:G//2898 words//completed//fix it fic
Keith’s plan was thrown out the window as he tumbled in the window. His foot caught on the ledge and he gasped as he practically flung himself onto the bed, landing on top of Lance and blinking at the sudden pressure of a bayard against his temple.
“Don’t shoot,” he said meekly, trying to smile at Lance, who was blinking the sleep out of his eyes.
All the way down
Rating: T//39k+ words//completed//canon-verse, klance at a festival, I'm not giving it the credit it deserves.
Lance went slack-jawed as his eyes adjusted to the white-blue light of Krossin’s distant neutron star, and he almost stumbled as he and the other paladins followed Allura and Coran out onto the grass to take in the view laid out before them. This place was a utopia.
You are the moon that breaks the night
Rating: T// 64k+ words// completed//werewolf Lance & soulmate AU
The simple truth is that Keith Kogane is in love with his childhood best friend, Lance McClain. It's a simple truth he plans to keep locked away until the day he dies, but that was before Lance survived a grisly animal attack. Now, a month later, Keith is resolved to confess, but the full moon has other plans for them...
Hey, mom, I met a boy
Rating:T//29k+ words//completed//glimpse of the future where they're together AU
“Sweetheart,” says Lance, his hair longer, his shoulders broader, the slope of his nose uneven now where it didn’t used to be, “you don’t know the half of it.”
Rating:T//82k+ words//completed//high school, secret admirer
After a bad day leaves Lance miserable and embarrassed, Keith takes a chance and uses the Garrison’s school messenger system to comfort him as an anonymous admirer named Unknown. What was supposed to be a one-sided message of hope turns into the strangest friendship in the school, and soon Keith finds himself closer to Lance then he’d ever dreamed he would be. But keeping a secret this big is hard--especially when a few chance encounters lead him to become friends with Lance in real life as well.
The Customer is Always (a) Right (asshole)
Rating:T//20k+ words//completed//modern, department store
Keith has been working at this huge department store for three years now. He's not particularly good at it. In fact he's awful. He knows he is, and the customers seem to have no problem telling him this. He needs help
Maybe this new guy who seems to have a natural talent for customer service will be able to give him some tips.
Homesick at Space Camp
Rating: T//74k+ words//completed//fake relationship
Lance realizes he's been an asshole to Keith, and on a diplomatic mission to a key planet for the Voltron alliance he... overcompensates.
Rating:T//1k words//completed//snuggles!fluff! This was the first Klance Fic I ever read so I couldn't resist putting it in here
Lance takes the precious moments that he's awake before Keith to worship his body. Every blemish, every imperfection, every mile of skin. And he does it so well.
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A Loving Family
Domestic Klance family tickles! Contains and oc.. you’ve been warned. 
It was late into the night. A rather large room was dimly lit by two side table lamps and the flicker of the television. A brown couch that sat in the room was inhabited by two men. Lance McClain sat lazily against the arm of the couch, his husband Keith cuddled up next to him wearing a blanket as a cloak. "But my king, what am I to do," Keith rolled his eyes, burying his face deeper into Lance's stomach. "What, you dont like this," the other asked. Keith looked up, chin resting on the soft surface. "Lance you know what I like," Lance smiled a bit. "Yeah... I know. But none of your shows were on tonight," Keith closed his eyes. "But this isn’t even one of your shows," He argued looking at the screen. Lance shrugged, " The title looked cool enough, thought we could give it a chance." Keith laid his head back down, wrapping the blanket tighter to his body. "Can we just go to bed," he asked. Lance pet along the top of Keith's blanket covered head. "No kitty, we don't get to bond often," Lance chose his words carefully. Well one word anyway, Keith was a sucker for bonding. Keith huffed before looking up. "Can you change the channel at least," Lance sighed. "Yeah sure, what so you want," Keith shrugged before getting onto his knees. "Anything but this garbage," Lance pouted as Keith shed his warm, thick, cloak. "Wait where are you going," he asked as Keith started to walk away.
"To the bathroom and to check on Jerome real quick," out if all the names in the world Lance had to choose Jerome. Not that it was a bad name, no not at all. Keith rather liked, it was old. But he felt that Jerome should have been named something like Kevin or something, he didn’t look like a Kevin though. Standing up he started he journey. Lance looked boredly at the tv as he flicked through the channels, until something caught his eye. Not touching the remote again, he watched the bright colors of the cartoon. It had been one he used to watch as a kid, he was surprised it was still airing, it had to be older than his sister. "Really Lance," Keith had finished his mission. "A kids cartoon," he asked skeptically. "Yeah. I used to watch this as a kid," he was now sitting up facing the tv. Keith looked at the screen once more before shaking his head. It was like being married to a damn child half the time. Sitting down he wrapped his blanket around his body. "It's literally just this animal thing that gets into trouble each episode," Keith curled up against Lance studying the pictures on the screen. "It’s rather creepy," Lance scoffed offendly. "How dare you! It’s a classic from the early 90's," Keith rolled his eyes. "Uh huh," he kisses Lance on the cheek before situating back in his spot. " All is forgiven," Keith snorted a bit at the comment. Watching the tv an idea hit Lance as the mad doctor had captured the animal like creature. He had him tied down and a large saw was about to cut him open. Only it didn’t, it tickled. He was laughing and crying his head off...rather creepily. Lance smirked, his hand resting on Keith's side. " Besides don't you like creepy? You watch those damn cop shows where they go over how some died," Keith shrugged. "Depends," he jumped slightly when a ticklish sensation spread through his side. "Lance stop," he warned nuzzling his head into the other's side.
"H-Hey! Kehehith," Keith smirked. "Dont tickle me and I wont tickle you," Lance blushed. How did he know that was on purpose? "I don’t think so Keithyboy," Keith was pushed back into the couch giggling as ten fingers descended onto his firm tummy. "Ehhhehehhe! Lhahahance stop it," He was now cold. "Leheheht mhehehe ghahahaoooooo," Lance grinned evilly before moving to his husbands sides.”Aw can my big, bad hubbie not take a few tickles,” Lance teased earning a blush from Keith. “Or does my kitty love to be tickled,” he asked, smirking when Keith’s blush increased. “S-Shhuhhahaht up,” he giggled trying to push Lance’s hands off him. “Ah, ah, ah. I don’t think so,” he said dodging the hands while still tickling every area available on Keith’s body. “Coochie, coochie, coo,” Keith thre his head back and screamed when Lance hit his under arms. “N-Nhat therhehehere! L-Lahahance sthahp thehehasing,” Lance new he was making the sensation worse for his poor hostage but… he really didn’t care. This was simply adorable! Keith snorted and squeaked each time he’d switch tickling tactics. Even with his arms pinned to his side lance could still maneuver enough motion to keep the half galra mad.
A small boy tossed and turned on a rather large mattress. Little noises of discomfort escaping his mouth as he slept. This gained the attention of a certain wolf who looked over from his side of the bed. As another whimper escaped the small boy Kosmo brought his head closer in an attempt to comfort him through nuzzling. It almost worked… until a scream rang out through the house, probably loud enough for Kultinecker to hear from his little barn outside. Kosmo was on high alert, climbing on top of Jerome who jumped from the sound. Another scream rang out, it didn’t sound painful but it sounded like his Keith. Jumping off the bed Kosmo sprinted down the stairs before a flash of light indicated he teleported. Jerome looked around the dark room, his little cow night light doing little to fight of his fears of what could be in the dark. The noise from downstairs wasn’t stopping and he was growing more and more scared, he no longer had his friend to protect him.
He could call for his daddy or papi but what if that was them screaming? Who was screaming? Was there someone in the house? Flashbacks from his nightmare came rushing up. He let out a yelp and held his stuffed elephant tight, eyes squeezed shut at the thought. “No Lance! Get away from-- EEE,” he heard by his door. The sound of heavy footsteps pounding about mixed with his parents yells did little to calm him. Looking over at his little alarm clock he noticed it was pretty late. Well late for him. It was eleven thirty at night. Mustering up his courage Jerome took his elephant and baby blanket and tentatively made his way out of his room. “Dada,” he called softly. He waited a minute before continuing to walk. “Papi,” he tried again still walking. When he made it to the stairs he could hear the sound a bit better, it was laughter. Confused but still scared the four year old made his way slowly down the stairs. Upon reaching the living room he was met with the look of annoyance by Kosmo, who was just laying on the dining room part of the connected rooms’ floor.
Looking over he saw his papi sitting on the back of his dad’s calves tickling his bare thighs. “L-Lhahahheheance sthahahp,: Keith giggled hysterically. His eyes were watering from tears. He had escaped before, why didn’t he make a better break for it? Why didn’t he fight back? Questions he asked himself before Lance managed to pin him back to the couch. He jerked his head up when Lance started tickling his inner thighs. “AhA! Not thehehere,” he bucked a bit before slamming his face into the couch cushion below them. “Aw I’m sorry, does this tickle,” Lance asked with a fake sympathetic voice. “L-Lahahance seriously! Nahahaha! E-Ehahase up a bit plhehehase,” Keith did love bonding moments like this, especially when they involve physical contact but there was only so much one man could take. “Alright, alright,” Lance stopped, both still oblivious to the child in the room. “Heh… heheh…. You suck,” Keith could feel the smirk on Lance’s lips. “And you--,” Keith cut him off. “Don’t. Idiot, let me up,” he asked. Wel rather demanded.
“Why would I do that sweetheart, kitty, princess, Keithyboy, mullet, love of my life,” wow he knew how to get Keith flustered. “Because you love me and have tormented me enough for one night,” the small Cuban boy wanted to say something but it was late and he was still tired, the sense of fear leaving. He stood on the tile by Kosmo just watching in a zombie like daze. “It’s not torment when you looooovvveee it,” Lance giggled wiggling one finger on each side of Keith’s sides. “Ahahaheheh! Ah-- Lahahnce,” Keith giggled softly. Stopping Lance stood up before rolling his husband over. During the flip Keith noticed the boy standing in the room and nearly jumped. He loved his son but the kid could freak him out and starel him sometimes. “Jerome help me,” he cried out as a last resort. Lance looked over his shoulder and noticed the small boy standing with his blanket pressed to his nose. “Oh shoot, did we wake you,” Jerome nodded a little.
Lance frowned before looking at Keith who was watching him with fearful eyes. A smirk played on his face. “No Lance d-d-- aha,” Keith bucked when Lance dove back into his armpits. “EHhahahahaha! N-Not thehehre! Not theheheree! Bhahaby help me,” Keith laughed helplessly kicking his legs as Lance straddled his waist. Jerome observed the scene in front of him. The idea seeming both like a game which excited his small mind, but also he was tired and … eh just blanked out. “N-No! Lhaha-- ahahaha,” Keith had given up as Lance lifted his arms over his head and began blowing raspberries on the clothed area. Jerome walked forward slowly before tugging gently on his papi’s shirt. Nose still to blanket he looked up with big blue eyes. Lance stopped and smirked down at his son. “You shouldn’t have done that Jerome,” he said crawling off of Keith. Jerome giggled groggily, moving backwards slowly. Kosmo was on high guard, this was a pup. A pup he had claimed. You harm his pup, you die.
Keith was giggling still on the couch, a hand over his face. Looking over he smiled, well with intention, at the sight before him. “Cause now… the tickle monster… is gonne eat you,” he yelled before grabbing ahold of the shrieking child Kosmo stood up but Keith clapped his hands gaining his attention. Lance stopped before looking over his shoulder, a wave of nervousness hit him. “He’s not hurting him,” Keith assured. The space wolf retreated back to his spot on the cool tile before Lance looked at Keith. Keith just glared at him before his attention returned to Jerome. “Any way, as I was saying….  The tickle monster has you now little boy,” Lance let out and evil laugh before placing the the dark haired child on the floor and tickling his tummy. Jerome squealed and kicked his legs out of reflex, his blankey and elephant lost in the battle. Small pudgy hands attempted to grab aged, but young, semi- chubby hands. “Rawr,” Lance hoolard bring his head down and lifting the large t-shirt. “I’m gonna eat you up little boy,” Jerome shook his head before suddenly bursting into a fit of loud laughter. Keith rolled his eyes, finally breathing normally again. It was time he joined in. “No one eats my baby,” he yelled over the child’s shrill screams.
Lance jumped when Keith’s fingers found his sides. “Ahaha! K-Keieith,” he giggled stopping his attack. Jerome giggled still despite the tickling stopping. “I think the tickle monster needs a taste of his own medicine, huh,” Keith asked smiling mischievously at the four year old. Jerome shared the same look before crawling onto his papi’s mostly crossed legs. “O-Oh nohohohhahaha,” Lance there his head back as Jerome started moving his small pudgy fingers along his tummy. Keith liked wearing Lance’s old shirts to bed along with boxer briefs. Jerome wore Keith’s old shirts from before he and his mom lied on the space whale for two years and typically just wore his underwear. During winter though Keith’s made him wear pants. Lance prefered to sleep in not just a long sleeve and pants but a robe… which stopped after the first night he tried to sleep with Keith like that. Too much heat, no cuddles, sad Lance, cranky Keith. However tonight he had on a thin t-shirt, and sleeping shorts, neither of which were doing him any good.
He jumped when Keith started poking under his arms. “N-Nnahahahat thahaht,” he shook his head. “Get ‘em daddy, get ‘em,” the small boy giggled just watching his parents now. He moved of his father’s lap as it was becoming unstable from his reactions to pull away. “Not this? Okay… how about,” Keith quickly grabbed Lance’s exposed ankle, pinning it down he started scribling along the soft soles. “S-Shhhhahahahahaha! K-Keieiehahahahahahaththheheh, nhot thheheheret! Nhohtoht thehehere” he cried desperately. Dark brown locks lay scattered on the tan, wooly carpet as he fell over. “Should have thought about that before trying to make a snack of my baby,” Keith teased  scratching under the ball’s of Lance’s foot. A mole his a very ticklish spot Keith knew all too well. “C-Chohohjmehehe on! I- Didhahahah! I didn’t thhahhahahickle yhohour fheheht,” he rsquirmed trying to dislodge his foot from his husband’s hands.
Jerome smiled in amusement, holding his elephant close. Keith smirked, “Jerome, does Ellie think we should let pa-- I mean the tickle monster go,” Jerome thought for a moment before looking at his giggling father. He nodded. Keith immediately stopped, dramatically pulling his hands away. “You two,” Lance panted. “Are evil,” Keith glared. “Says the one who tickled me for like an hour straight in all my worst spots. You only lasted about ten minutes,” Lance sat up in defense. “I did not get all your worst spots, but I can if you’d like,” Keith pulled his feet away leaning back. “Don’t you dare,” they weren’t truly fighting per say, but it was close enough to Jerome. He frowned and covered his ears, what he would normally do when the two fought. Keith and Lance both hated it but sometimes discussing feelings and topics weren’t easy. But it would normally stop because Keith would typically start crying because he hates upsetting Lance, and even more so their child… and he actually doesn’t take being yelled at very well. The fights don’t last long unless Keith’s still yelling through his tears but then much family cuddles and typically movie night happen.
Keith noticed the sudden movement and pushed his foot in to the irritated Cuban’s stomach. Moving his head to the side Lance followed the direction and stopped. Looking back at Keith he sighed before standing up and walking to the small boy. “Hey, pumpkin,” Lance said pulling the boy into his lap. Jerome peeked out one of his eyes before uncovering his ears. He really didn’t like loud noises, and not that his parents truly fought a lot just Keith sounded scary when he was mad, they both did. It wasn’t toxic either, just normal, verbal fights. “We’re not fighting,” Keith said joining them. Sitting down he pushed some of the dark strands of hair out of the small tan face. “No we’re just trying to prove daddy’s a ball of tickles,” Jerome giggled a bit at the statement. Lance would pay for that latter. “There’s that laugh,” Keith said in a sickly sweet voice before grabbing one of the little socked feet and tickling it. Jerome shrieked with laughter and fell against his papi. Lance smiled, he loved nights like this.
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