#and then if they change numbers like :| ur disrespecting me
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starscelly · 2 years ago
i really want to get invested in other teams but im so bad at it because i get annoyed when i don’t know every single persons name/number/face it’s like it breaks an immersion
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qfitpac · 11 months ago
Tips for sharing your ao3 fanfic with the world
Part 1: ao3 mechanics
So you wrote a fanfic. Or made some fanart. And you want to post it on Ao3 and you want people to see it and read it, and maybe kudos/comment, and maybe even read your other stuff too. What do you do?
(This is kinda qsmp specific but can be applied to any fandom if you want. This is specifically to explain what Ive found to be the best ways to share your fic with people, so no info on archive warnings, ao3 rules/guidelines, etc)
Let's assume you're starting from 0. No subscriptions, you don't have fandom friends to boost ur numbers, nil. There are 3 main ways that someone will see your fic: in tags, on your user page, and linked on another website.
Tags are essential but it is possible to both under and over utilize them and both can affect your reach. People tend to avoid fics with 100 tags that take up their entire screen, or fics that have like 2 tags where they don't know what's going to happen in there.
Popular tags get more traffic but people tend to be more picky: when you're looking in a tag with 15 fics, you may as well read them all even if it doesn't sound like exactly your thing. In a tag with 1500, you're a lot less likely to give every new fic a chance. If you only tag with fandom, character, and pairings, people may skip over since they don't know what they're getting into. That's why more specific tags are important.
If you have too many tags, such that they take up an entire phone screen or more, that may be a turnoff to some people. If you don't know where to start, choose your tags like this:
Main characters (I go by "do they have more than one speaking role)
Main pairings (if a ship is mentioned in the background like once, I tend to not tag it)
Tone/genre (angst, fluff, smut, crack, etc)
Situation (café au, canon compliant, fix it fic, prison, pwp, etc)
Maybe a funny custom tag (eg "don't ask me how they got in prison ok just go with it")
Now when people are searching through bigger tags they can find yours more easily: in the qsmp tag, an angsty prison fic, with fitpac as the main pairing. That narrows it down a lot more than just using general tags.
Although ao3 does include people's real names in their character tags, it doesn't have to be this way. When entering a character or relationship tag, write it out the way you prefer and hit enter. It will still (eventually (ty tag wranglers)) be included in that main character tag, but it will not be displayed with their full name. I usually do something like FitMC (QSMP). Note that capitalization depends on the very first person to use that exact tag. If typing FitMC changes to fitmc every time you post, that's why. This same principle works for relationship tags as well.
User page:
The second way ppl might find your fics is via your user page.
A quick authors note at the end of your fic like "don't forget to check out my other works!" (and maybe even a link to one) can help you share your Fics with more people.
"But lev!" I hear you cry. "This is my first fic! Why would anyone visit my user page at all?"
Well, although ao3 is not specifically a social media, there is one place where users interact: comment sections.
"Uh, lev, I'm not going to go self promote in other people's fics?" I hear you say. Well first of all, thank GOD, and second of all, you don't have to.
When you're reading, esp in the fandom you write for, leave comments! Compliment people, give second kudos, point out lines you love and moments that move you. Fandom is a community and by participating positively in that community, the more likely people will engage positively with you in return. I've found some great authors just by looking in the comments on my own fics.
Linked on other websites:
The third main way ppl might find your fic is via links on other websites. As much as it is disrespectful to self promote in other people's spaces, don't let those feelings follow you to your own space. Your own account or blog is the PERFECT place to self promote. Post a link to your fic! Post MANY links to your fic! (over time, perhaps) Tag for qsmp fic, fic recs, pairing, and characters. You can also use a personal tag (mine is #levlies fic)
People might just scroll by a link, so make sure to add something to let people know that oh, this might be something they'd like to read. A short excerpt, a tag list, or a summary can all be good options although if it's getting to be long, consider paring down or adding a readmore.
If you're part of fandom discords that have a channel for fanfic or for self promo, don't hesitate to send a link there as well.
If you keep promoting your fics, people who like your fics will be more likely to stick around to see when new updates are posted. You can even make some friends!
Part 2 will be about summaries and authors notes. Part 3 will be about comments. I'll edit this later to link them (or follow me 😶)
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chussyracing · 2 years ago
give the opinions please I'm bored at work
getting myself cancelled? why not. i'm on mobile (and it's too late to make coherent sentences) but i'll try to put it all under the cut
in the order anon sent them:
Sebchal - one of the less bad ones but honestly? so much about it was idolised and cliche-ed out of proportions over the years. Seb was going through a lot at the time, as much everyone knew. As a 4 times champion coming to the most prestigious team, the pressure must have been enormous and he was failing the mission he set for himself. I think all of us dumb red horse team fans wanted him to win a championship with said team but it didn't look good and turned basically impossible the day Charles stepped a foot in the team. He probably had a bit of an boy crush on Seb who was still the mighty 4 times wdc and number 1 driver in his dream team. At least for some time it turned pretty sour especially on the track and ultimately every piece of content from that time (minus the infamous helmet message) falls a bit one sided and always has. Not to speak about how fan space is made up by fans first and content second and a lot of fans of sebchal just try to push the "he's like father to him" narrative that I can't help to find mildly disrespectful. I get and appreciate the fandom jokes about grid dads and grid kids and don't get me wrong, sometimes they are funny, but in this particular case it always felt like some people take it too far.
Chewie - one of the best ones honestly. I think they are friendly towards each other, Lewis hypes him like he always does with young drivers and Charles has a lot of admiration for him (and let's be real probably some jealousy too, because Lewis is the greatest driver there has ever been). So far so good but when people in the fandom get involved in shipping them I can easily imagine it as mildly problematic in the classical produced content (like fics fanart and stuff) - with age gap or stereotypes or whatever.
Piarles - I love that Charles has a bestie in the paddock that he grew up with and that he knows better than any other driver and hangs out with outside of racing too. But that's it. It was a lot sweeter back in the day and came out as more genuine. Maybe I just never paid that much attention or their different career moves changed them (and that's valid and definitely not something I should judge) but... if you follow the subtle patterns lately one side comes out as exploiting the opportunities that come out with hanging out of the other more. If you asked me years ago this might be my first go to though so to some extend I understand why people like it. What I don't understand are those who see besties hanging out together and start yelling about them being on a date or being in love or whatever. They got used to it no doubt, because one they're properly famous (which naturally comes with lots of people being weird about you) and two they're both fairly present on social media so I bet they saw things. That's on people who ship them and not on any of them personally tho. As someone who was on the receiving end of those "ur dating haha ur so in love" talks with multiple of my friends in the past, I can tell u that there's just a few things that made me so uncomfortable.
Chalex - this might honestly take the crown for the best current Charles ship? Alex knows him for a long time as well and also knows what it is like to be his team mate during the worst times (puberty lol). I can openly admit I wasn't always very fond of Alex because.... you guessed it, Red Bull. He just came out as quite arrongant (and I guess because for one you need to always be confident about yourself in this sport to continue doing it on such a high level and the moment you stop, you're out, and two of course your self esteem increases if you get a seat in a top team). I properly enjoyed him during the twitch sessions though, he always seemed (and seems currently) as the sweet happy-go-lucky person who knows how to live life fully. He's also a little tease and paired with Charles it just works somehow. Again, I just don't really enjoy when people take it too far and start speculating if it's real and what not. Alex is happily in a relationship and they're good friends who often joke with each other during driver parades.
Charge - this might be short, because there's not much to say. It's cute and I love the vibes. They give off the energy of George calling him snickerdoodle or gigglebunny or fuzzybear while Charles grows more confused and concerned each time and asks what if means to which George just thinks "goodness gracious...." and tries to patiently explain the british gibberish. Sweet, fun and niche but I don't think there's much to work with nowadays so twitch days were definitely more fruitful time for Charge shippers.
In short: I don't have any big problem with Chewie, Chalex or Charge (and if so, they're minor) but Sebchal and Piarles are not as ideal as people make them seem. But then again I don't consider myself a shipper at all, so as long as people use correct tags and don't flood charles' main tag with shipping posts I don't mind them.
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katesadventureworld · 2 years ago
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    The Grinder Experience
** DISCLAIMER this blog features topics words and language that may not be suitable for under 18s adult supervision advised.**
Hey boos…  so, this was meant to be a sort of lighthearted look into the world of using Grinder and other dating apps. but recently I’ve been hit with a reminder to why so many people like myself find it hard to find dates, or struggle with there mental health…
Before we get into that let me explain Grinder! I’ve been on grinder on and off for quite a number of years now in that time I’ve made 2 friends and had to block at least 200 people…. so why is this? Well in general My experience with grinder had been full of fake profiles creepy old guys and people who want to blind date apparently. ( There profile has NO photos and they then send a dick pic as an opening… ew.) It’s an extremely frustrating app trying to find someone close by and who is genuine. (I’m also very fussy. so that doesn’t help me personally) Though on occasion there are some lovely people who pop up who just want to chat or leave a really nice complement even though they know they aren’t what I’m looking for.  But for the most half I’m bombarded with messages such as ( And these are genuine messages) “ Fuck me ur hot I’d deffo smash ur tight little pussy” “come sit on daddys lap baby ill show you a good time” or my personal dis-favorite “Wow your hot Ide deffo bend you over with my hand on your throat and fill you up with my cum then eat your ass out you want that baby “ Safe to say anyone who sends me those as opening lines get blocked instantly like WHY would you send messages like that sometimes accompanied with the worst dick pics I’ve ever seen as an opening WHO IS THIS WORKING ON! Its so distasteful and disrespectful and makes the App a vile place to be.
Before I move on to the competitors (Tinder POF Hinge and Badoo ) lets address my biggest issue with dating apps, Mainly Grinder and why this isn’t the light hearted look I wanted it to be.
You see, I identify as a “Trans woman” as this is easier to explain my situation (Please read my previous Blog “Me and Him” for more..) This can give some people easy ammo to use if I ignore them or simply don’t reply and delete there messages, it seems if you don’t reply they take it as I must try again and again and each time get a little bit more ruder, in the past I’ve been called all sorts and perhaps there is another blog in there somewhere about that, But just today as I write this post I was on grinder checking my messages and I received a message from a guy I simply didn’t reply too from 2 days ago, - I’ve been busy!  So his simple way of getting my attention and ending our chat was this. again, this Is a genuine message “ You are an arrogant man” now, Those who know me know I simply do not and will not accept any slander like this aimed at me or to anyone I know that said this hit me hard I’m already struggling with my MH at the moment although I don’t talk about it, so this comment has sent me into a spiral.  I AM NOT A MAN. IM NOT MANLY IM NOT A CROSSDRESER I AM NOT A TRANSVESTITE I AM A WOMAN.  I do constantly worry that I don’t look beautiful or feminine enough something that’s led me to hide away at home rather than go out shopping this week or do something I wanted to do which was write up some blogs in a coffee shop for a change of scene. I’ve been unable to be free due to my own thoughts getting to me so when I received this message I just wanted to try and scream at them Ironically I did reply with “WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME” and before I had a chance to get a reply or block them they had blocked me, so I guess I won without trying but this isn’t the first comment of this type I’ve got on this app, And although its slowed down a lot it still happens and it’s really not right in this day an age..
It’s only fair I now delve into the other apps I use So how do the other apps compare with grinder?
-Tinder … YAWN… same type of “Fuck boys” over and over I’m tired of swiping left! But those who I have matched with seem genuine with only one “Bott” now and again but they are so easy to figure out and block it doesn’t affect the overall experience of swiping left.. 3/10
-Badoo …. Notification central… and my god it’s a bit weird it had the same features as tinder with more options to see people and chat or send likes on their photos, but it just seems a little confusing like do people see the likes or what?? You also can’t message unless you match so what’s the point of being able to see them off the swipe feature?  So far seem like lots of genuine people on there and although I don’t think I’ll find Mr/Mrs/Them/There Right I think it’s a great place to make friends. BUT MY GOD ARE THE NOTIFICATIONS ANNOYING!  1/10
-  POF… Perhaps the most legendary app who hasn’t been on it right! Well, it seems to have died off almost completely, The old features I once enjoyed are gone, and the profiles seem to be people who forgot to delete them! shame as it could be good but they ruined it ,  1/10
- Hinge … well they say in there marketing it’s the app designed to be deleted.  YES it sure is get it in the bin its awful. You get like 5 likes a day.  There is so many tabs at the bottom that seem to do nothing to help you find someone it really is crap. 0/10 would not recommend.
And as for grinder….. Well, what can I say, its got me some attention and I’ve met up with one bad person. (currently writing that blog but its very hard to write.)  but also met up with a handful of respectable people I’ve had fun with. It’s not an app I want to use. But at the same time where would I be without it, I check it daily and nothing ever changes, 5/10 for me…  
With all of this said I am still trying to find genuine people to date but I’m so exhausted with it all. And must add that if I get ANY messages from people on grinder that do not match what I’m looking for to save the hassle of potential spam/ Hate messages I do block them straight away… maybe one day ill find an app that works or who knows meet someone who makes me want to never use them again!
Thanks for reading boos be great to know what you think of my blogs and what you experiences on apps have been I’ve been Katie-Mae Ellis and this has been a Kates adventures blog.
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mune-writes · 3 years ago
Eddie and his lesbian bestie
as a queer woman myself, i love this.
ok picture this:
you come out to eddie, your best friend of god knows how many years who's known you since you were practically in diapers, despite how you trust him with all your deepest, darkest secrets, you can't help the fear that crawls up your throat while you told him your truth: that you liked girls.
you chewed your lip as he pursed his, features clearly conveying that he was still processing what you had just told him, before he sucks his teeth and utters: 'so like, see any cute girls lately?' in his dorkiest voice to lighten up the mood. and all you can do is roll your eyes and punch him in the arm because of course he'd say that.
honestly, nothing in your friendship changes, like, at all.
he's your bestfriend, he loves and accepts you wholeheartedly with his entire being.
he !! is !! your number one supporter in everything and anything u do. he's proud of you, he always is, and even though he might not say it often, he's eternally grateful that you had trusted him enough that you came out to him.
sometimes he can't help but play into stereotypes tho.
'hey (y/n), can you help me out with my sink? it's leaking again.'
'eddie, i'm not your fucking plumber.'
'ok fine i'll get my wrench.'
if u ever want to get piercings or tats, eddie immediately pulls up to your house *insert get in loser, we're going shopping gif*
sometimes you can't help but steal some of his clothes, after all, punk rock looks rad asfuck on you.
'is-is that my old flannel?'
'yeah? got a problem with that, doofus?'
eddie shakes his head. 'nah, looks better on you than me.'
and if youre more of a femme gal, eddie uses whatever money he earns from selling weed to get u cute shit, whatever it may be. amps it up 1903838298 times more when ur birthday or christmas comes around.
sometimes when u play d&d with him he just randomly inserts love interests for u.
'and here comes a beautiful maiden, bow in hand--'
'eddie, i told u, i'm not interested--'
'--with taut biceps she earned from all her training in the art of archery--'
'i want to roll a charisma check'
'but i haven't even--'
whenever you gush to him about the cute girl with finger tats who worked at your local coffee shop who memorized your order by heart, he can't help but be all giddy with you, hyping you tf up.
despite being best friends, eddie often views you as his sister, naturally protective of you, especially when people tease you.
a few days after you had been openly out, the two of you had been cornered by a bunch of bullies who used to make your life a living hell since middle school, one of the, a guy, sends a disgusting homophobic remark your way, and eddie just sees red.
next thing you know he's knocked out on the floor, nose bloody and cheek imprinted with marks from eddie's rings.
if you ever have difficulties involving your parents, he's always there by your side, arm wrapped around your shoulders as he rubs your back comfortingly, listening to whatever you had to say intently. damn the whole world if they ever showed you an ounce of disrespect for your sexuality, if anyone wanted to bring you down for loving who you wanted to love, they'd have to deal with him first. if he could defend you from all the cruelty the world had to offer he would. (he can and he WILL protect you at all costs bc you are simply one of his favorite human beings that deserves nothing but love and respect)
eddie's always there for you, through thick and thin, and all he wants is to be in your life for the long run, celebrating who you are and whoever you choose to love.
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elvisabutler · 3 years ago
okay now i NEED to know lisa marie’s opinion of all of this in ur hcs…..omg especially bc i feel like she’d have such a soft spot for austin while priscilla wants to kill him sometimes
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so let me preface this with saying i do not know lisa marie or priscilla but damn if i am not hella protective over them both naturally because those are two women who have lived their lives the best they can and lisa in particular has been through a whole hell of a lot. i mean no disrespect to her or her family and especially and i cannot make this clear enough the memory of her son. tw: mild slut shaming and mention of death.
anon you are 100% correct on that. to be honest lisa marie and priscilla tend to be on the complete opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to you and austin. or at least, they each favor one of you over the other.
lisa marie essentially ends up adopting austin as sort of a son figure. in real life, she literally says she's protective over him post watching the film so for arguments sake? she'd be protective no matter what when she saw him acting as her dad and seeing how much effort he's put into embodying him.
so consider what do parents do when someone starts dating their child. they investigate said person dating their child. so guess what lisa marie does to you.
consider! those rumors that austin knew about you? lisa also finds out about them. they are not the best of rumors you have never ever confirmed them neither have any of your costars. but they're there and it's a universally acknowledged truth that at least one of them is true. hilariously the one everyone thinks is true? totally isn’t. you and him always laugh about it when you run into each other.
basically you look like someone who sleeps with costars or costar adjacents so their friends. this is not necessarily a lie but before austin you had kind of learned your lesson by this point and had told yourself you wouldn't do it again and then you know that Dick though.
she does not like this she figures that you are going to move on like you tend to always do once you've got a new movie to do. never mind that literally you are always the one getting broken up with never are you the one doing the breaking up.
point being she thinks this is a bad idea she tells austin as such that this is a bad idea. he disagrees and doesn't necessarily explain why he disagrees. consider this mildly changes when you break up with him like you do.
her mom has to remind her to not murder you because you hurt her surrogate son. because she thinks this is mildly all your fault and not just you know both of your faults.
but she's an adult and still interacts with you just fine. eventually, actually talks to you at graceland's private showing because again, actual adult. and by this point you and him are back together again.
"you hurt him." "we hurt each other." "do you love him?" "more than anyone i've ever known." "you hated admitting that to me, didn't you?" "you're the closest thing he has to a mom now, figure i kind of have to since i can't really tell lori it." "get my number from him."
she settles down once she sees how honestly happy the two of you are. and once she knows you two are going to therapy and working on your issues.
she is invited to your wedding when almost no one else is. she comes and enjoys it well enough. she thinks you look too much like her mom in your something borrowed hair piece. austin agrees and they both kind of hate it.
she let's the two of you give your son benjamin as a middle name.
she declines being his godmother.
"be careful with them." "they're my boys, i can't be anything but."
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miizpah · 4 years ago
mine | sakusa kiyoomi
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anon asks : listen to this!!! being sakusa bimbo wife, ur so fucking beautiful that whenever ur both at social events for vball, there’s always someone coming up and hitting on u. mr sakusa doesn’t like that ::))) and he can’t wait to get home to punish his wife silly and leave marks that will defo show everyone that she’s taken :):):):)
post timeskip ��️
tw. degrading, consensual roughhousing, a bit of manipulation.
author note : i am simp for sakusa !! this ask for me hyperventilating into orbit. girl, y/n a little too brave in this one, like miss girl gon ahead and sit down we all know who dom here. and not how there’s only a small part of smut in this, yo, i’m sorry it’s not longer but my motivation for this fic went whoosh. and not me being in the middle of changing up my theme 🙄 and struggling at that.
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One second you had been nodding along to a conversation being held by one of the team’s older PRs, the next second you were being guided away by your husband’s tight grip, your wrist exploding in dull pain as all you could do was follow after him. Praying you don’t trip over your satin gown.
You didn’t understand what exactly caused him to snap, he was always respectful and polite when attending events such as these. They were public appearances the entirety of MSBY had to attend, and he was already tittering on the edge becuase of the sheer number of people and crowds. But, he’d never left an event early, and he never blatantly disrespectful to a staff on his team.
The underground parking lot was empty as you both entered, in search for his car. “How dare you let his filthy hands touch you?”
It made sense then, your mind wandering back to the entire conversation. You had been sipping on a glass of wine with Atsumu and Shouyo by your sides, since Kiyoomi tended to stay away from the crowds, you were the one who would mingle around in his stead. Atsumu had promised to keep an eye on you, like always, and by extension, Shouyo gladly tagged along.
Now, you began to understand the glare Atsumu was giving the PR, and the worried looks Shouyo casted over his shoulders. Now, it made complete and total sense. The man had been flirting with you. You hadn’t notice, your mind was a bit clogged up with Kiyoomi and the way his suit fit him too perfectly, you hadn’t even noticed when he had touched your shoulder.
You barely had enough time to register your surroundings before your harshly pressed against his sleek black car, his hand around your throat and his eyes dangerous. The mere look sent bouts of pleasure and fear coiling around your body, and you only tighten your thighs around the knee pressed between you.
“Omi, you’re hurting me,” You whimper softly, pathetically, tears prickling at your eyes.
“I asked you a question, dumb bitch. I expect an answer.” He spat, eyes glaring angrily into yours. His grip tighten a bit, just enough to tease your airway.
“I’m sorry, Omi! I didn’t realize it, I promise!” You cry, hands coming up and grabbing at his arm. He didn’t move for a moment, eyes boring into your watery ones.
He sighed under his mask, loosen his grip. “Hm, you’re right, my little wife never realizes it.” His hand removes from your throat and cards through your hair softly, he kisses your forehead through his mask. “This is why I have to protect you, too dumb and pretty for your own good. You know that, right?”
“Only for you, Omi.” You mutter, wet eyes staring up at him with a doe like express. “Only pretty and dumb for you.”
He smirked, though unseen. “Yes, you are. Come, let’s get you into the car.”
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“Ack! Eight, ‘m sorry Omi.” You whimper, trying to keep as still as possible as Kiyoomi rubs almost lovingly at your burning ass cheek. If you’d thought you were getting away for being a little dumb bitch and not noticing that filthy man’s hand on you, you were wrong. Kiyoomi was clear when it came to you, his beautiful ditzy wife, that no one was allowed to touch you. Not unless he’s permitted it.
“N-Nine! ‘m sorry Omi,” your hands clench the bedsheets in a tight grip, eyes squeezing close as the harsh pain spread around your bottom.
“Ah! Ten, ‘m sorry Omi.” You cried out, happy to finally be done with this punishment. You just wanted to shower, take off your makeup, comb through your hair, and sleep. But the moment you both had entered the house, he’d chased you down the hallway and sprayed you over his knees, bunching your expensive satin dress up to your waist and dealt his punishment.
You stood then, dress falling around your bare ass and legs. You couldn’t walk away, not when Kiyoomi’s large hand yanked you forward. “Did I tell you to stand, hm?”
“I wanna shower,” you whine, trying to pull your arm free. But, he only rose a brow at you. The way he looked at you, as if he knew that you didn’t want to shower, sparked a small amount of anger in your veins. And as a serious as you could, you shot him a nasty glare. “Let me go, Kiyoomi. I want to shower.”
“Watch your tone, angel.”
“Not unless you let me go.”
“Oh? Baby trying to argue?”
You huff in annoyance, trying to yanking your arm his tight grip. “Let me go, Sakusa!” You yell angrily, arm finally breaking free and you walked away then, mumbling angrily to yourself.
If there was one thing you’ve never learned when being with Kiyoomi, is to never turn your back on him when fighting. Not only is he going to get angry, but it will lead to some pretty hard fucking, and your ability to walk tomorrow is gone. But, you never learn, you’re a bit dumb, it’s okay. You both get what you want in the end.
You didn’t have enough time to prepare yourself before you find yourself against the bedroom wall, his large hand entangled in your hair, exposing your neck to the wall. “Who do you think you’re talking too, Y/N?”
“I’m talking to Sakusa Kiyoomi, who else?” Brave? No. Smart mouthing? Yes. Is that a good idea? No. Ten out ten would recommend if you’re looking for good sex. But, right now, you were not looking for good sex, right now, you wanted to shower, you wanted to sleep.
“Your mouth is going to get you into some trouble, baby.” His breath was warm against your ear, and you struggled to hold in the shiver of pleasure. “I’m going to ask you again, and you better answer me correctly. Who do you think you’re talking to?”
You swallow, eyes flickering up and meeting his. The defiance in your eyes were clear. “You.”
He chuckled, “my silly little wife.” He backed away, turning you around then. “I can see that you’re not in the playing mood, right now.”
You stare at him in momentary confusion, this was a new reaction. “W-what?”
He looked at you, “what?”
“But, s-sex?”
“You want to shower, no?”
Yes, you wanted to shower. You wanted sleep. Not sex. That’s what your brain wanted of course, your body wanted Kiyoomi. “No...?”
“No?” His smirk widen almost cruelly. “Too bad, I’m not fucking you after that disgusting man touched you.”
“What happened to Sakusa?”
“I-I... No, touch me, please!”
He shook his head, backing away and sitting on the bed. “Sorry, I’m not touching you until you shower.”
Why were you complaining? You wanted this. You wanted to shower, not have sex. Why were you practically begging him to fuck you?
Huffing, you nod firmly. “Fine, I’m showering. And we’re not having sex for a month!”
“Ditzy wife.”
“Two months!”
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Obviously, Kiyoomi was a man that knew how to get his way. It always his way or the highway. That had been the biggest deal breaker when you first met the man. He was too... much for you. Too clean, too big, and too mean for someone like you. Admittedly, you weren’t the smartest person in the word, you passed high school but wasn’t smart enough to get into college, but that was okay.
Your mother always said that you should be grateful that you were beautiful, you could find yourself a rich man and be taken cared of. That had been exactly what you did, you ound a man, who was rich, who was handsome, and you thought yourself clever enough to play him. You had been wrong. God, he was mean, so mean, and cruel, but he had emotions, and it was rare to see them, but they were there, and he was taking care of you.
It didn’t take long for you to actually fall in love with the man. And him, loving you. Your family hated him, though. He was a famous, professional athletic. Your parents didn’t believe that to be a good enough job. Your mother wanted you to find a rich, old ceo old to marry, cause lord knows you’ll only ever work at a restaurant or club if you had to fend for yourself, that way when he died, and everything was left in your name, you would be rich, and a ceo.
Even you knew it didn’t work that way. You didn’t care that they didn’t like Kiyoomi, you loved him, and he accepted you, as you accepted him, and that was all that mattered.
But, as you said. Kiyoomi was a man who knew how to get what he wanted.
And, right now, he wanted his dumb little wife folded in a mating press as he fucked into you mercilessly. Your mouth stuffed with his fingers, and your legs shaking as the pleasure rack through your body.
Your moans were muffled, and Kiyoomi stared at you in amusement and lust. “My ditzy wife looks so pretty with my fingers done your throat, and your cunt stuffed full of my cock.” He pushed his fingers down further, and you choke, hands gripping at his biceps in a death grip.
He pulled his fingers away, holding your mouth open before leaning down and spitting directly inside your mouth. “Hold it there, whore. You swallow and you’ll get punished.”
His arms formed pillars around you, his cock dragging against your gummy, fluttering walls in quick strokes. “You’re mine, my wife, my whore. No one else’s, you hear me?” You could only nod, eyes fluttering close. “No one is allowed to touch you, fuck your messy little holes but me, got it?” Your moan is muffled.
“Swallow,” he demanded, and you did as told, swallowing and opening your mouth so he could see. “Good girl,” he hummed, quickening his pace.
Your body was covered in marks, ones that had did the moment he jumped into the shower with you. He left them on your neck, your breasts, your tummy, and thighs, he’d even bitten into your wrist. He didn’t plan to stop until all of your limbs had at least two marks on them.
“Ah, ah, ah, ah!” You moan, hands moving to his back and nails scratching shallowly at his skin. “Omi!” With each thrust, you could feel your stomach tightening and your walls fluttering. The pleasure coursed throughout your body rapidly, his warm breath against your cheek causing shivers.
“C-cumming!” You announce sharply, nails digging into his back as your thighs tense. “P-pull out, I’ll make — ngh! — make a mess!”
Kiyoomi didn’t listen, leaning back and hooking his hands underneath your thighs. His eyes zeroed in on your sopping cunt, watching the way you stretch around him. Your warnings about making a mess went through one ear and out there other.
Your moans grew louder, head turning into the pillows to muffle them. You try to close your legs, anything to minimize the forthcoming of your squirting release. But, Kiyoomi’s hand were strong and he held your legs open as you release over him.
Immediately, you feel a sense of dread forcing your high away. Your mouth formed the words, but your throat gave away when a hard pressure was placed there. Opening your eyes, you were met with Kiyoomi’s dark ones, looking at you as if you were the best damn meal he’d ever had.
He pressed a kiss to your cheek, then your lips before uttering, “keep still, angel, I’m doing this again.”
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note — i hate this, i hate this, i hate this, i hate this. i’m literally in the middle of trying to change my theme and writing style and i’m throwing up?? pls, anon, don’t hate me, i tried with this. it’s not a long piece of smut bc i didn’t know if u wanted it, :(
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leejungchans · 4 years ago
— juliet on kingdom (intro stage).
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a/n: contains very slight spoilers from the first episode of kingdom (april 1) under the cut!!
BABY :((((
she was so nervous but excited!!!
so starstruck by btob, sf9 and ikon!!!!!!!!
her and jeongin were the maknaes of kingdom :’)))
literally everyone fawned over the two of them bc uwu babies
she was so excited to see chan and felix again pls 🥺🥺🥺🥺
they gave the three of them a mini aussie reunion segment 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
“oi juliet! how are you :D”
“oi felix! oi chan! g’day my friends!!!!”
everyone was: Whipped™️ for her (as they should✨)
okay let’s say she did san’s part at the end with the flaming torch before jumping onto the human pyramid the boys made 🤩🤩🤩
hot girl shit ✨
chanlix cheered so loudly for her :’))))) we stan three besties!!!!!!
when ateez came back felix hugged her and chan high-fived her uwu
literally became the other five’s groups hypewoman 🤩 you could hear her cheering and whooping in the background occasionally
jakdhwjdj mnet filmed quite a lot of her reactions bc she was like 😮🥺😍🥰😮🤩😛🥰🥺
so tbz and skz were stretching before their performances... and this happened
wooyoung: changbin-ah stretch well 🥰
juliet: lixie chris you too 🥰
ateez: they are our sunbaes here u two should show more respect/speak more formally 🥴🥴
juliet: BaNg cHan SunbAeniM fELiX suNbAeniM StrEtCh weLL~
chan: [laughs shyly] thanks i will!! 🥺
felix: [cringes bc they literally have known each other for almost a decade now 💀 but he’s still whipped for her (in a platonic way!!)] i will 🥰🥰🥰
man she lost her shit when chan did that flip
yeah mnet definitely cut out that part 💀
so blown away by skz’s (and honestly everyone else’s) performance
she’s just here to jam out ✌️😎
to conclude, juliet is here to make friends and have a good time 🤩
juliet 🤝 changbin: being the popular kids at kingdom 🤩🤩🤩
good luck trying to evil edit her 🤪
secretly interacted with tbz english line after filming ended and got their numbers so they could chat!! (bc apparently mnet didn’t let the groups interact with each other after filming 🙄🙄)
honestly she was so worried before the filming bc she was the only girl there so she didn’t know how the other groups would feel or react
but everyone was just so so nice to her and the senior groups were just like “uwu small child hello what’s ur name btw great job out there!! :3”
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— juliet’s outfit;
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the reason why i blur artists’ faces in these outfit collages is because they are the hairstyle references, and i didn’t want to cause confusion in regards to my oc’s face claim; blurring the artists’ faces is in no way meant as a form of disrespect, the sole purpose is to put the focus on the hairstyle and there is absolutely no ill intent. thank you for understanding!!
as mentioned in my main masterlist: i do not own any images here (unless otherwise specified), and all credits go to the original owners. i only made the collages and made minor tweaks to the photos to fit my oc (eg. changing the hair colour).
click on the image for higher resolution!!
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a/n: hehe just a short update bc i’m so blown away by this episode and it’s only the first one 😭 i may not stan all six groups but they all did so so well and i’m so proud of them all!!! atz skz tbz my babies 🥺🥺🥺 honestly all six groups’ interactions with/ reactions to each other were so so cute and it makes me so happy to see that everyone is nothing but supportive of each other ;;;; 💕💕
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angstlizard · 4 years ago
wait why do you hate hawks?? just curious not wanting to start an argument or anything
hawks is a lil bitch and if I ever saw him irl it'd be on sight. unfortunately he is a fictional character so that cannot happen, but it'd be fun to beat him up. like, sure, I might be even shorter than him with no ability to fight, n my only defenses are knives and fire, but in my soul I know I could win against this sky bastard.
nshsksjsj but like in all seriousness (warning for manga spoilers)
im a league stan first n foremost and holy shit was was everything involving twice's murder horrific and i cried so much fkdjkdk
hawks really went "twice was a good guy and I wanna be like him. how do I do that? hmmm.... I know, by supporting an abuser!" how dare u disrespect my mans honour. perish.
he's a grown ass man who is also in a position of power as not only a hero but the number two hero. and he decides to support an abuser. idc if his fans argue that "he has trauma from abuse so that's why he still supports endeavour." if I was in the bnha universe I wouldn't want someone who tries to argue that "he's changed now" in charge of protecting me.
speaking of his job as a hero, and twice, he states his mission clear as day. he was not tasked with murder. he was only to apprehend him and take him into custody. and legally, that's all heroes can do! their job is not to kill villains, nor even arrest them, but to detain them until the actual police show up to arrest 'em.
ALSO. LOOK. as much as I love dabi, and I don't wanna see him suffer any more than he already has, if hawks would've killed either of them in self defense, it would've been dabi. you don't-- you don't kill an exhausted man via literally stabbing him in the back (neck, technically) and claim the moral high ground
^^ that was specifically aimed towards his fans tbh. with the except of a few, his stans make me hate him even more
they shove him in EVERYTHING. can the league exist without hawks??? y'know, like they've been doing??? hawks is unnecessary and we as a society have progressed passed the point of needing him (we never needed him actually)
any time I see the infernal trio + hawks I am sent into a rage. y'all really erasing the rest of the league??? there is No Need to use hawks in ur "traumatized league members" posts or whatever bc the majority of the Actual League Members have tons of trauma already
dabihawks. need i elaborate
good god hawks has permeated dabi content so much there is at LEAST like, three untagged d/h posts or just solo hawks posts every time I make the mistake of going into the dabi tag. spare me
I have what I think might be a genuine phobia of being murdered or smth, might be related to trauma things, and christ was the "hawks shows duffel bag body" scene NOT it for me. bad vibes all around n it makes me sick to even think of it. horrifying to me even tho I hate best jeanist
(also dabi didn't even say "murder someone" this man just instantly went to murder, we should've known what would happen w twice)
speaking of trauma, hes like... very narcissistic and manipulative imo and when it comes to characters like that I bounce bc those r traits way too close to my own abuser
thank u for coming to my ted talk and I am SO sorry for writing like... a whole ass essay on why I hate him dnksbskdj I sincerely hope none of this felt like I was being aggressive or hostile towards you, and I apologise if it came off that way btw!! it Was pretty aggressive but it was meant towards hawks himself + certain types of hawks stans
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starr-fall-knight-rise · 4 years ago
HASO, “Diplomatic Breakdown.”
Had a really hard time writing today, but I have gotten something out, so I hope you all enjoy :)
He felt the ship change course.
It seemed strange after five years to feel something moving beneath him. Most of the time you couldn’t tell as the ship was going steadily in one direction, but occasionally a course correction could be noticeable through the ship.
It was odd though, he thought they were heading back to the Bran home planet.
He had been laying in the temporary crew quarters for the mining party, playing with a shiny piece of metallic rock. He didn’t think most people had a favorite rock, but this one was his favorite.  It’s magnetic properties were enough to burn out small metallic circuitry if held up right against it. Nothing had been done to the rock to make it that way, it was just it’s natural way of being.
He found it fascinating.
However, that fascination was starting to wear off as he tried to determine where they could be going.
Curiosity got the better of him.
It wasn’t something he noticed immediately, as curiosity had been what had gotten him in trouble in the first place so many years ago. If he hadn’t gone hunting to see what that sound was maybe none of this would have happened. Ever since then he had done his best to squash any of his curious urges.
He thought they were gone now, though his silent trek through the ship was demonstrating that to be wrong.
He made his way past plenty of other aliens in the hallway. Humans, Drev, and even one of those Fuzzy little Celzex aliens, which he tried to keep a wide birth around. They were relatively dangerous creatures or so he was told, not particularly intimidating when close and personal, but with the most powerful weapons in the galaxy and an angry streak to mainin. 
The Drev were almost the opposite. They were scary in person, and could probably kill you as soon as look at you, but their personal space technology was barely capable of getting them to their home planet’s moon, and so they mostly borrowed from others.
The stairs up to the bridge were clear, and it gave him a good enough perspective, where he could sit in the door and watch as the Admiral gave orders.
This human had come a long way since being the one to scare ket into the deepest hole in the galaxy.
He was now Admiral of the entire galactic Armada, though Ket wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about that particular decision.
Looking through the open door and onto the bridge he watched the Admiral lean forward in his seat.
Through another door, came the mining foreman, who stepped up beside the Admiral, “Sir, why are we changing courses. I thought we were heading back to-”
“The GA has called us in for some kind of emergency meeting. I promise from there we will be able to warp back to your home planet within the day.”
The foreman went silent.
One of the other officers walked up, “What is the GA calling in about?”
“I am not entirely ure, but they said it was urgent…. Sounds like something has gone wrong, but knowing the GA, it could be anything..” he waved the foreman away and continued talking to some of his other officers.
“Do you think it’s the kree again sir…. Or maybe….”
“I feel like they would have told us if it was something that urgent, but they didn’t talk specifics over the com so I am thinking something like the leviathan or Deus.”
The other officers shrugged, and they went silent
“Preparing for warp sequence.”
The announcement came over the comms ust as Ket began wrapping his tail around the nearest railing.
The wrap of his tail turned into the wrap of his entire body around the metal structure, and he curled tight as the warp countdown began.
He wouldn’t be able to make it to a seat in time, so this was going to have to do. He heard that warp on human ships was a nightmare, but as the countdown hit one he was surprised to find that it wasn’t too bad. They must have borrowed a warp dampener off of one of the other species.
It didn’t take more than twenty minutes until they were in position before the GA headquarters. On either side the two glowing warp gates pulsed as ships began to arrive. They were flashed in to one of the docking stations, and ket had to pull to the side as the Admiral and some of his others marched down the walkway and towards the docking bay.
He followed them at a distance, still to curious for his own good, feet padding across the open metal.
No one really noticed he was there, as they all seemed very intent on their current work, so he followed with near impunity, out the docking bay down the ramp and into the human controlled section of the station. The air was a bit to humid for Ket’s liking. Like the rundi, they didn’t react well to water, though the Bran weren’t SOO bad as to have to worry about it being in the air.
The Admiral and his men were waylaid at a checkpoint.
“Identification please.”
The Admiral frowneed, “This is new.”
“This is protocol now.
“I guess then, how would you like us to proceed?”
The man waved the group of humans off to the side and held up something in one hand, “Chip reader for implanted devices, the easiest way to identify someone based on the device serial number.”
Ket watched very carefully as the man held up the device to the admiral’s head.
There was a bright flash so he didn’t really see what happened, but the Admiral took a staggering step to the side, one hand on the side of his head. His men rushed forward to catch him, “Sir, sir are you ok?”
He wobbled a bit and shook his head, “yeah I…. fine.” He turned to glower at the other man, “That thing feels like being punched in the head.”
The man shrugged, “The price we pay for security, sir.” He motioned the man forward and then waved in the other humans who approached with some apprehension as the man used the device on them too.
It seemed very odd.
Ket would have thought they might just use the device’s inherent wireless barcode to scan, and he couldn’t think why it would cause something like that.
But he wasn’t a mechanic.
It seemed strange to him, as he stepped inside, that this protocol only seemed to apply to the humans. Everywhere else on the station he found no men with their strange devices. He wondered if that was because they were testing it on humans to make sure it worked. Something like that might kill another species depending on how fragile they were in comparison to humans.
In fact the entire things struck him as odd. \
Every conversation he overheard, and every group he passed seemed just as confused about what was going on as he was.
No one seemed to know what they were here for, which seemed rather odd to him.
Soon the entire group of them had been crammed into that center sphere of the station. Ket was surprised to find that no one stopped him as he tried to get in. Was it just him, or did security seem a little lax?
He didn’t know much about these things though.
Maybe they just didn’t see him as much of a treat.
Someone called the room to order and the chairwoman stood up, “Order!.”
The crowd fell silent.
She turned to look at the Drev, “You called this emergency meeting.”
There was a silence in the room for a moment as the Drev delegate turned to look in confusion, “I didn’t call anything.”
There was a murmuring around the room.
“What do you mean, I got your transmission no more than an hour ago.”
There was a grumbling from around the room.
“You called the meeting counselor.” The human’s voice was loud in the echoing space.
The chairwoman turned to look at the human who had his arms crossed over his chest, a peeved expression on his face.
“No. I made no call for an emergency council.”
The human shifted, his frown deepening.” Behind him the other human muttered, 
Ket crouched low behind one of the seats his rock still held tightly in hand.
Was it him or did the humans seem, off?
“Do you want to go ahead and explain to me why you called us in to waste our time.” The human’s voice was cutting and cold, and even ket, not having known the human for long thought it was a bit strange.
The chair woman looked a little taken aback, “Admiral-”
The human representative stood from their seat, “We knew your council was ineffective chairwoman, but now you don’t even know who called your own meeting.”
There was a mummer of surprise from around the room.
The human turned to look at them, “Now which one of you was it.”
The humans behind them seemed to be growing agitated, but not with the heightened level of anger shown by their counterparts, but they themselves seemed to be growing more and more restless.
Admiral Vir turned toward the counselor, his one eye narrowed,  “Do you ever know when to shut the hell up.”
“Excuse me.”
“I had this under control and now you have to pipe in when you aren't wanted.”
“You would disrespect me-”
“You're a politician, you deserve it.”
Behind them at least two of the humans were looking hungrily across the council chambers towards the iotins. Another pair of humans were looking hungrily at each other. The council chamber was frozen in shock. The humans were growing more agitated by the second. A fight broke out in the back row of the delegation, and one human went tumbling down the steps. The admiral and the representative had started a pushing match that soon devolved into a fistfight, which wouldn’t have lasted so long if the Admiral didn’t seem interested in, not only beating his opponent, but dominating him.”
He had him by the front of the shirt.
There was screaming in the council chamber now as the aliens kept up to flee.
Two humans vaulted the railing and raced towards the Iotins who screamed and ran.
Another human was stalking the Celzex delegation with great intent.
Unnoticed at the back of the room, that pair of humans that had been eying each other earlier now looked as if they were trying to eat each other’s faces.
Ket turned his eyes away as the room split into absolute chaos.
The Admiral had beaten the councelor bloody knuckle senseless and was now eyening the room, teeth barred. He was crouched down almost on all fours, but when he saw one of the other delegates from across the room, he vaulted the little walkway and began a chase.
The Drev delegates were the only one who had NOT run screaming.
One of them tackled the human chasing after an Iotin, but was having trouble pinning them down as the human snapped at them with their teeth and kicked violently this way and that.
The human was pressed hard into the ground as the Celzex delegation stood patiently waiting.
The human approached, and was immediately stopped with a current of force.
The human flailed, convulsed and then fell to the ground still.
Other humans were running INTO the room now, those that had been held back on the ship, and they raced forward confused, not sure who to help at first until one of them was tackled by a member of the delegation.
A human screamed as they were bitten by one of their counterparts.
The Drev named Sunny came charging into the room with a contingent of Drev From the Omen.
She caught the Admiral around the chest and sent them both spinning to the floor slamming him to the ground.
Ket thought he was going to try and fight her but instead his expression switched as he saw her, turning from livid…. To hungry…. Or something similar.
Sunny did her best to pin his hands.
Ket cowered under his seat confused and scared.
And then he remembered.
That strange human at the door. He tried to remember back to who the man had scanned and realized that all of the out of control humans…. Were the ones that man had scanned. He didn’t really know what that meant, and nervously clutched the rock to his chest.
The rock.
Could it be?
Could it be that the man had done something to their implanted translation devices? And if so…. Would his magnet work through skin.
Off to his side two Drev were doing their best to hold down one of the marines who was sapping and flailing at them like some kind of beast.
The Drev pulled back a fist and slammed the human’s head painfully into the floor. It didn’t knock them out but they were momentarily dazed. 
In a moment of sheer panic Driven psychosis, for that’s what it must have been, ket ran across the floor towards the dazed human, and pressed the lucky rock against the human’s temple. The human went to move, struggled a little and then melted into a look of extreme confusion. They held a hand to their head, and curled up to moan piteously.
The Drev graved him by his shoulders, “What did you do!”
“Magnets… translation implants.” He squeaked out.
The Drev stood cupping his hands around his mouth and bellowed for the others, “Find something magnetic! It’s the translation implants.”
Below them, the once angry human looked up in confusion unable to understand them but no longer angry.
Across the room Sunny looked down at one of her arms where a small piece of her carapace had been replaced by a silver and gold bracer. She unhooked it from its magnetic stripping and pressed it to the side of the thrashing human’s head.
The man flailed for a moment, paused then grew confused.
He looked.
When he spoke, Ket could not longer understand him.
Sunny shook her head.
He said something in a guttural language and jumped to his feet. 
They were rallying now racing towards the affected humans, sometimes catching them just in time and pressing the magnets into the skull just behind the ear. Every reaction was the same, confusion followed by embarrassment or horror.
The entire episode hadn’t lasted more than five minutes, and by the time guards and emergency workers had arrived everyone was sitting around in various stages of shock and confusion. THe concealer had woken up and was holding a rag to his bloodied nose while the Admiral Sat next to him nursing his bruised knuckles. Neither of them could look at each other. In fact the entire delegation of humans was one big mess of confusion, embarrassment and concern.
A few of the other delegates demanded to leave and were let go, while a few others milled around in confusion.
Some of the delegates filtered back into the room, mostly the braver species.
The Iotins, Bran, Vrul, and gromm had up and left, leaving the Burg, Tesraki, Rundi, Drev and Celzex (and a few assorted others) as the only ones remaining.
The Tesraki delegate rose from their seat, “What was that!”
The human delegate wasn’t exactly in a palace to speak, so Amiral Vir stood. He opened his mouth to speak but that is when the Drev representative took to their feet.
“I believe someone is attempting to sabotage diplomacy in the GA.”
Admiral Vir leaned over to translate for the other humans, who could not understand Drev.
The GA chairwoman had something whispered to her, and switched her output speech to Drev for the convenience of the human.
“What do we know.”
“The implanted translation devices inside the human’s heads seem to have been tampered with upon entering the GA facility. We would need to examine one to find out what truly happened but we believe it-”
The Admiral stood cutting in, “I believe it has similar effects to a device I’ve run into in the past. I thought it was a one time issue, but it seems as if I Might just have been the test run. As I recall, the device stimulates the base center of the brainstem and heightens instinctive reactions, food, fighting and uh… other behaviors.”
“Then how did this happen?” Someone shouted
It was just then that two Tesraki security agents ran into the room, “We rewound the security footage.”
SOmeone walked up to the holoprojection and inserted something into one of the slots. The room watched silently as an unknown human pretended to ‘scan’ the incoming delegation.
“Do we know who that is?”
Someone did a quick facial recognition search.
“Nothing…. He’s not in the system.”
“Impossible, everyone who goes off planet has to has to be run through the software.”
“That still doesn’t change the fact that there are no matches, we are not infallible.”
The room erupted into pockets of speech and argument.
Ket remained were he had hidden under the Admiral’s chair holding his lucky rock to his chest. The admiral wanted him to speak on what he saw but he had argued against giving the man permission to lead people in the right direction.
It seemed clear to him what was going on.
Someone was trying to ruin diplomacy for he humans.
And it looked like tonight might have been a partial success.
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lucenties · 4 years ago
i just found ur account and whooo boy i love ur writing sm 🥺🥺 is it ok if i request headcanons for the bucci gang (if not all then maybe just fugo,mista and trish) with an s/o who comes out as nonbinary??
coming out as nonbinary
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It makes me so happy to hear that!! disclaimer: I am not nonbinary! please correct me on any mistakes I have made
⤷team bucciarati ; nb!reader
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♡ Coming out to Fugo is relatively easy. You know he is a sensible person who absolutely adores you and you know his view of you will not be negatively affected.
♡ He is incredibly smart which allows him to understand your feelings and adapt your relationship to your needs. Simply let him know what your pronouns are and what other changes you would like him to accommodate for in order to make you comfortable. He is quick to make any changes and easily remembers what causes you discomfort.
♡ If you have days in which gender dysphoria has a clawed hold on you, Fugo is willing to spend the day doing your favorite activities in order to cheer you up and help you forget about your insecurities. If he isn’t able to set aside the entire day for you, expect frequent, loving calls throughout the day in which he urges you to take care of yourself and tells you he will be home soon to offer his affections.
♡ He will take the time to further educate himself in his spare time on what being nonbinary is like, often sharing any interesting finds with you, so he can meet your every need and be the boyfriend you deserve.
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♡ Mista would have a harder time wrapping his head around a concept of divergent gender identities, like being nonbinary. You will have to explain in lots of detail for him to properly understand the topic and he would ask lots of questions. He is not judgmental in his inquiries, but rather curious.
♡ Once he does understand, he will make it his personal mission to make sure you feel comfortable both with yourself and with him. He can be overcautious with his actions may slip up once or twice if you have different pronouns than what he first thought, freaking out and immediately apologizing while you assure him that it is okay. He gets used to things pretty quickly, though, and soon enough, his need to be careful around you diminishes.
♡ Mista loves complimenting you in order to keep your self-esteem high. Calling you a string of affectionate nicknames and emphasizing the praise on his favorite things about you, he just wants you to always feel great in your own skin. Hey may be cheesy and exaggerate his compliments, but he means every single emotion behind them.
♡ He keeps an eye out for you when you meet new people. If he ever hears someone sneer at your clothing expression or appearance, or if anyone purposefully misgenders you, he will not hesitate to beat them up on the spot while yelling something about being respectful of others.
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♡ Trish is very serious and a little worried when you tell her you want to discuss something. When she hears your confession about being nonbinary, however, that worry melts away and is replaced by joy for you. She holds your hand and cheers for you, excited to be your number one supporter.
♡ Your girlfriend is very conscious of her own appearance so she understands how important a good outfit can be in gaining confidence. She offers up a shopping trip with her if you want to explore other options in clothing. If you accept, she will drag you to her favorite shops and help you choose from whatever you pick out, making comments and suggestions that will keep you both busy for a few hours.
♡ It makes her sad that there are people who belittle your identity. On the rare occasions that Trish feels she wouldn’t be able to do an adequate job of protecting you from any kind of negativity or harm, she goes to Bucciarati for advice on keeping her head up. She wants to be strong for you; to be your rock and your shield!
♡ She is probably going to insist on taking you to Pride or any other kind of event celebrating LGBTQ+ inclusiveness. If you accept, be prepared to hear her be loud and vocal about her support for you and the community to the point where the attention she gathers embarrasses you.
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♡ Right after coming out to Giorno, he will give you a big hug and thank you for trusting him enough to do so. It is of the utmost importance to him that you are happy and that you feel you can tell him anything.
♡ He checks up on you frequently to make sure you are doing okay. While he is away taking care of gang business, he will send a bird your way with a message on its leg telling you how much he loves you and how lucky he is to have you.
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♡ Bucciaratti will immediately offer his full support whenever you need him. He is like a father, telling you how proud he is of you in your coming out and assuring that his feelings for you will not falter.
♡ If you choose to come out to him while you are further along into your relationship, he might feel a little hurt that you didn’t come to him beforehand, but he will understand your hesitance to do so and will not be upset with you.
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♡ Narancia already held you in extremely high respects, but hearing you come out made that respect increase tenfold. Like Mista, he doesn’t understand exactly what you mean right away but he thinks it’s so cool of you to express your true self.
♡ He will offer himself up as your humble servant whenever your insecurities begin to creep. Ask him to move the stars for you and he will be on his way to the space station demanding to have your wishes be fulfilled. He will do anything you ask of him, all in order to make you happy.
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♡ Your coming out is met with a rare warm smile and a hug from Abbacchio, who says he is proud of you but makes no major changes in the way he treats you. He doesn’t care about gender norms or labels since he does traditionally non-masculine things like have long hair and wear lipstick, so he is unfazed by your confession and continues to treat you the way he always has.
♡ He will also be one to shoot dirty looks at anyone who even implies any kind of disrespect to you. He will beat them quickly and mercilessly so he can rush back to your side and make sure you are doing alright.
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shatteredxglass · 3 years ago
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@avariciousheir​​ commissioned:  # u alredy kno . 💰 || Send ‘#’ For Your Information in Elias’ Phone || ACCEPTING
Your Muse’s Contact Name: For a long while in Elias’ phone, Greed’s contact name was just under one of the fake identities Elias set Greed up with, aka “Henry Baker” however after learning about the fact that Greed not only made his contact name “pretty bird” but about the cheating and wives cover up, Elias decided to play into it a little bit.
So Greed’s contact name in his phone is now “Hubby❤️❤️”
Your Muse’s Picture: It’s a picture of a dog- not his own dog and not a dog Greed owns. Just a cute dog picture he found online that made him think of Greed, because the dog looks like it has not a SINGLE thought in it’s head.
Your Muse’s Ringtone: LOOK UR GONNA LAUGH BUT....it’s changes frequently depending on Elias’ mood and how “loving” he wants to look to his students if Greed calls him during his DO NOT CONTACT hours. It changes between ABBA’S “Money Money Money” and “Lay All Your Love On Me”
Elias laughs every time his students cringe about it.
Last Text Sent: {text: Hubby❤️❤️}: I told you not to TOUCH your taxes until i get there {text: Hubby❤️❤️}: rehearsal will be over in like 20 minutes and I’ll be at the bar : / {text: Hubby❤️❤️}: Greed answer your fucking phone {text: Hubby❤️❤️}: I am NOT going through another audit for you fucking jackass ANSWER THE PHONE
Your Muse’s Contact Name: Elias isn’t sure how he ended up with Ling’s number in his phone butttt he’s put him under the contact name “Mooch.” and that’s it, that’s Ling’s only identifier, no emoji or anything.
Your Muse’s Picture: A picture of Ling, performing a scene from Hamlet when Elias had him substitute in for someone during a rehearsal because “i feed you everyday you OWE me.” Elias won’t say it but he thought Ling’s performance was rather good, and took a candid shot to coumarate it.
Your Muse’s Ringtone: Ling....I’m so sorry to do this do you bud but you’re getting slapped with....
Annoying Dog Theme- Undertale
I think it’s pretty obvious why Elias picked this one for Ling but either way it’s still rude and disrespectful as hell
Last Text Sent: {text: Mooch.}: open my window?? {text: Mooch}: LING WHERE DID YOU GET THAT PICTURE {text: Mooch}: Delete that right now what the fuck {text: Mooch}: Respect your teacher you little shit
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turbo-slut-420 · 3 years ago
I saw something that's only tangentially related and wanted to make my own post.
I agree when people say that you need to communicate in relationships. There's no way to have a functional relationship of any kind without some form of communication, non-verbal or otherwise. It's also incredibly difficult for some people to express discomfort or discontent in relationships for any number of reasons. And I get that it's difficult for people, ND or not, to pick up on social cues. But I don't think either is an excuse for continually ignoring what is ultimately increasingly obvious cues that someone is not feeling safe or okay.
Like...idk if someone constantly tries to stay out of arm's reach or flinches or stiffens and looks upset when you touch them, maybe stop trying to touch them. Idk I just don't think that's subtle or unreasonable to expect that someone might pick up on something in that vein, and this is coming from someone who struggles with social cues.
It feels kinda victim-blamey when we shame people who aren't comfortable speaking up about stuff. Like I haven't confronted a couple of coworkers about their behavior despite being on (formerly) friendly terms because it stands to make my life much harder and they've proven by nature of refusing to pay attention to the way their words and actions affect others (and me) that any communication will be met with some sort of punishment. Not consequence. Punishment. And because the specific environment means I can't easily escape them or necessarily speak to someone about it. Am I then to blame for not communicating, even actively refusing to do so, when the result is having to deal with something significantly worse? That feels...wrong and bad.
Only vaguely related, but ghosting. Yeah it sucks when it happens, but not everyone deserves an explanation as to why they don't warrant a space in your life and not every reason feels "good" enough to justify saying it. And not everyone has the mental fortitude or whatever to say "dude ur annoying and I just don't vibe with u". Even when said nicely, it's rarely worth saying to someone. It just serves to make everyone else feel worse. I'd, personally, rather be ghosted. I ghosted someone last year and was shamed for it. I'd known him for like 2 months and the reason I ghosted him was because he violated my boundaries several times and got defensive and continued to disrespect them when confronted. Even knowing that, people still shamed me for it. Because they felt I was obligated to tell him why despite the very clear behavior indicating it wouldn't change anything because "boohoo how else will the poor widdle boi learn uwu". I am not obligated to be practice for anybody to learn how to treat people. Especially not a grown-ass man. I am not obligated to teach anyone by virtue of being first disrespected.
Idk communication is important, but can we not shame people for either not knowing how or opting to not do so altogether? Like everyone should learn how to communicate and how to accept feedback on behaviors/whatever that might upset people, but can we also respect and understand that sometimes it's just not fucking worth it? That sometimes, we just need to trust that people know what's best for them and their situations? Idk this is mostly just a rant but...yeah.
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hellishmoth · 4 years ago
This message is not meant to be anon hate, I like you Zick ur a cool dude, not trying to make it seem otherwise here. That said the implications of some of your messages lately have made me feel a bit uneasy. Many times you have seemed to take it as a compliment when people have said you don't make Val overly sexual, and it kinda rubs me the wrong way. I get he's your muse and you are the one who defines his character, but there seems to be this dialogue where you think hypersexuality(1)
is wrong or is something people should be ashamed of. I might be reading too much into it of course because of my own sensitivity as I myself am hypersexual. It’s just very disheartening to have someone I look up to, as well as a number of your other followers that send those asks seem to have this view that a part of my identity and how I express myself is something to be ashamed of, or rather something I should feel the need to change. (2)
first of all, thank you for reaching out this politely. it's the kinda thing people would address much more aggressively and less nicely, so I really appreciate that of you
to answer your concerns, I never wanted to invalidate hypersexuality. at all. I never even thought about the fact that my opinion might make anyone feel invalidated, just because I have nothing against hypersexuality! it's not my business to dictate how people feel about sex, as long as you're happy and aren't hurting anyone on purpose you do you, it's all good. i also admit that I don't know that much about hypersexuality, and I'm not the kind of person that judges something they don't know, so that's also a thing
my "problem" with how the fandom perceives Val is that a good chunk of it seems to make sex the biggest part of his personality and making him sort of one-dimensional, deleting any other possible layers he may or may not have (which is an issue I have seen in how people portray Angel as well sometimes). it's like... an innuendo that gets stale after a while, in a way. it isn't something I personally enjoy, and ofc I'm happy to know there's people that agree with my headcanons, BUT if someone does headcanon him as hypersexual that's cool! you go!! you do what makes you happy and what you want, I'm supporting you regardless of any divergences!
I'm sorry if my behavior made you uncomfortable in any way (trust me, it was never my intention to be disrespectful), so I hope this clarifies things - and if you still feel not at ease following me despite this explanation, feel free to unfollow me, really. no hard feelings. you feeling at your ease is the most important thing here
so yeah, i hope this helped in any way! if you got any more concerns/questions feel free to contact me off anon as well
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illogicallyinclined · 5 years ago
Hi I would just like you to know that this is the first time since my diagnosis with a heart issue that I've been able to enjoy some sort of contact sport. It has been years since the diagnosis but everytime I see people playing a contact sport it has always made me a little bit jealous. But now thanks to your hockey AU I have some sort of contact sport that actually makes me happy. Even if it is just one to look forward to. Thank you for that. - Ezra (hope this doesn't sound rude)
!!! it doesn’t sound rude at all. i’m happy you could live vicariously through these terrible, wonderful boys. here are some game-time hcs for ur time
goalies usually don’t take well to being snowed by the opposition (because it’s disrespectful af, get ready to be destroyed), but Logan will occasionally request that one of his own teammates snow him at the end of the period before heading down to the locker room for intermission because he runs Super Hot and the ice shavings Feel Nice
a Good Number of the Florida Aces speak a secondary language, so you can usually hear insults being yelled out in a Multitude of languages at any given game
occasionally, hockey announcers will say that a player “breaks ankles,” meaning that they’re so good at moving the puck that whomever is defending against them will lose their balance and topple over or stumble as though they’ve broken their ankles; having said that, Virgil “breaks ankles” of offending players often, much to the amusement of his teammates
sometimes, when Remy’s playing back-up goaltender and chilling on the bench, he’ll pretend to be an announcer and do a play-by-play of the game just so he can clown his teammates on the ice
other times, he’ll whistle as loud as he can to see if he can trick the opposing team into thinking that their coach is calling for a line change; (note: this works more often than you’d think)
the Aces Twitter: if Roman Prince lost a tooth, he’d end up leaving for an “upper-body injury” and we’d never hear from him again; Roman: it’s true but they shouldn’t say it
Patton: hockey is a contact sport, but there’s no need for gratuitous violence; an opposing player: *ruthlessly bullies Virgil for his eyeshadow*; Patton, snapping his stick in half with nothing but his hands: Would You Care To Repeat That 
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peachbearies · 4 years ago
omg ion know if ur taking. Requests rn but I was wondering just a cute lil imagine bout zion in which the reader and him are dating and it's they're one yr aniversary or sum idk lol but just zion being a cutie and telling how much he loves her and shiii (because we all know that his ass acts all big and bad but he is a 6'4 teddy bear irl) yaa ik that was supper cringey but shehej yee okay byee (ur an amazing writer btw I've read all ur work and may I saY I stan 💖)
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Promise: Z.kuwonu
›› Synopsis: it’s your first anniversary with Zion, around this trademark period it makes you apprehensive but Zion reminds you how much
›› Genre: Fluff
›› Paring: Female Reader x Zion Kuwonu
›› Warnings: Slightly hinted nsfw, lots of cursing (I mean it Zion so…), a little glimpse of toxic behavior.
›› A/N: what?! This is not cringe at all baby! I admire cheesy romantic headcanons/ imagines like this. My likes and drafts are filled with fluffs or angst to fluff🤧. I’m sorry this is a tad bit delinquent And thank you for reading my work that means a lot I’ve been exploring a lot of vocabulary words to scrutinize my writing, this may be a long one I apologize I got too into it.
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The marvels of what a year could do. From going through a hurricane of songster roaring at each other, the strikes of austere comments leading up to the thunderstorm of a anguish. Your ex-fiancé cheated on, with considerable women before you found out. The ring on your finger was nothing but a reflector and leverage for him, he wanted to appear a saint to the kingdom, but a devil in the moonlight. Apologizing and buttering you up like a slice of bread, didn’t make you dawdle.
Your lucidity and rectitude were more caliber than staying, so you moved out of your shared apartment a week later, during the rotation of moving haphazardly you’ve incoherent yourself from the boys' realm, nor have your inner circle heard of you. You dissipated from the earth. And if you had to be adequate, you relished it that way, what was anyone overlooking anyways? but you were silently asking for space, you would give your leg for it.
Zion stirring in disgruntle, pushing profanities in between his gritted teeth. Don’t get mistaken he wasn’t mad you were ignoring him, just by the way your handling things on your own, he knew it had to be really fucked up if you couldn’t come to him. The veins crawling up his proffered hands outstretched for the keys. The boys jumping up in fear he may do something reckless, Brandon putting his hand in front of the boys to halt them. “Listen—even if we stop him, say anything to him or follow him, he will remotely do exactly what you think he’s going to do, you know how much he cares about (y/n), all we can do is have faith in him” Brandon confirms, but deep inside that rickety heart of his fear was kicking his ass too. They all discern Zion, once the peak of anger overflows his eyes only opines vermilion.
Zion parked in the lot, not noticing your car ghosting its rightful place. His mind was set on figuring what was wrong with you. Climbing the flight of stairs, he knocks on your door, his foot tapping the pallid base. When the door swung open it was ex-fiance, their eyes met in pique just burning to throw punches and a few sparks of curse words. “What do you want?” Your ex tempts him.
For your sake, Zion never snapped in front of him the way he should’ve. “Not you that’s for sure” commenting on his current attire, which was shirtless and some sweatpants. “Where’s (y/n)?” He queries, a scruffy ‘tsk’ pass through his lips. “Not here, that bitch moved out after she broke up with me”
Zion looked at his watch the time read 9:35 pm. “Cool, all I need is nine minutes of your time” Zion tranquility explains to him. Swinging and docking him in the throat; the girl that was staying with him bolting into the living room finding the source of the thump. She screams for Zion to get off him, after give or take six punches, Zion walks away not giving him or her the slightest sight. “If I catch you or her around y/n, better make sure you have good health care insurance and dental”
The next day he waited outside your classroom leaning his foot up against the wall; few girls noticed him but that wasn’t on his mind. When your silhouette appeared, he excused himself in a rush to catch you. “Pretty rich seeing a smile from a ghost” your heart dropped; the voice you were scared to dump your problems on.
What lie could you conjure? “Hey Zion” you breathe, turning in his direction. “That’s my fault I’m sorry, dealing with classes and moving I lost track of time” which was half correct, but it wasn’t the biggest factor. Zion tilted his head, signature hand in hoodie pocket. Closing your eyes with a heavy sigh, you knew he didn’t believe you nor did he want to push you. “Zion—“ he groped your wrist pulling you to the parking lot, he leaned on his car's hood without saying a drop of words, he wants for you to stream all your worries.
“Well, that’s half the reason. Okay, I didn't mean to go completely ghost, life just wasn't easy for me lately, I didn't want to add more dead weight to your shoulder. Sorry” zion scoffs pushing himself away from the car with no hands. But they followed the path to your jawline. ”burden on my shoulder or not, they're made for you to cry on. Stop going through things on your own alright?, as long as I'm here you don't have to sink”
Ever since you and zion grew close, a year later and he still gazes at you like a diamond. Even after a year, the astonishment gets the better of you. The insecurities start raging in, fighting in a war of love and hate. Your phone was laid upon the cherry wooden table, the vibrations frightening you, the goosebumps crawling up your arms. The name it read was “Love🤍”
“Hello?” You answer still shaken up; Zion lets out a soft scoff that vibrates through your body “you’re still in bed mamas? you should be awake beautiful” rubbing your eyes slightly, the clock flashed the numbers ‘ 2:30 pm’ your groan only makes him smile bigger.
“Goddamn I love you, look how ravishing you are in the morning” Zion's eyes shimmering in adoration. Those eyes always reflected his emotions, deep down you knew Zion loved you wholeheartedly, but the fear of having something good taken from you. That is what kept you hesitant. “No, I don’t stop lying” you stroke his ego.
“Me? Lie? Babygirl, I can’t and won’t lie to you stop playing” Zion said in a low octave, your stomach stirred in feelings “do me a favor baby” “Which is?” You reply, Zion looks over on his nightstand smiling. “Why are you smiling? Are you being mischievous again?”
“Who me? Nah” Zion shrugs off. The ringing of the doorbell distracted you from his spreading grin “answer that” sighing you walk towards the door, propping your phone on the counter, Zion moans out loud. “Maybe I should’ve slept over last night! Who told you to look that good mamas?” Ignoring his flirty antics you open the door, glimpsing at fresh bouquets of your favorite flower and a self-care basket. “Baby!!!” You screech, Zion simpers at the brightest smile on your face. The sun doesn’t shine as bright as you did at the moment.
“Why?, why are you so loving to me” you start to happy cry “Nah baby none of that, I love you too damn much for you to self-deprecate” Zion shuts your negativity down. Flipping the card over you read the message. ‘You thought I’d forget the day you changed my life? I’ve always loved you and I’ll continue to love you, but it’s not your love that I adore the most, it’s those gorgeous eyes that look back at me. Like I’m some type of angel when we all know that’s you, it’s the way you’re compassionate about others, I love your free spirit baby you’re a dove to me, even though I get under your nerves, I wouldn’t want anyone else to deal with me or my problems happy one year’
You look up at Zion, his eyes were already glossing by admiring your figure. Oh, how you wish jumping through a screen wasn’t just a cartoon thing. “Fuck” you whisper covering your face “angel, you are beautiful” Zion reminds you “stop!!! I’m in my feelings!!” You Jokingly spat at him. “What you wanna do for our anniversary it’s up to you” Zion smiles.
“Can we go to a petting zoo then get tacos?” Your eyes sparkling as your lips turn into a pout, Zion looking up towards the ceiling as his Adam’s apple points at the camera. “Yes, how could I say no” twenty minutes later Zion was at your house, complimenting you the whole car ride. Protectively and passionately rubbing circles on your knees being careful not to raise his hand any further.
“Look! Rabbits” Zion follows your finger pulling you in that direction, you sit on the bench holding the rabbit in your lap feeding it the food. Zion takes pictures of you getting the best angles, falling in love with your beauty, even more, the way the golden light bounced off your skin. It made him think twice if you were real or just a lucid dream. Feeding the monkeys were the best part, they hugged you and Zion; even gave you two kisses. The giraffes were the most exciting to you, joking to your boyfriend “wow look something taller than you”. Walking into a blue-lit aquarium a class of fish surrounded the both of you. Your finger softly touching the fish that was pressed against the glass, it followed your every move. Never realizing Zion detached his hand from yours, it hasn’t hit you until a ring was slid on your finger.
“Not an engagement ring, but soon don’t worry this is a promise ring, and I promise that you’ll feel nothing but comfort and love with me” his fingers gripped into your waist “with a side of pleasure too” you smack his shoulder while smiling ear for ear. “You promise?” “Of course I do, I wholeheartedly promise, I will never hurt or disrespect you baby, you mean too much to me”
Once you were back to the apartment your body couldn’t even make it to the bed, but Zion helped you to the bathroom. To wash off the dirt and sweat, even helped you with your skin routine. His fingers padding over every inch of your back, your soft snores in the crook of his neck. “I’m so glad to be the girlfriend of your dreams” you whisper “oh lord she’s finally figured it out!!” Zion pushes your buttons “should I send you back home?” You test him, “you wouldn’t dare, you need me tonight” Zion teases his swollen lips attacking your neck upwards your jawline, a low gruffly growl trickles down your spine.
“So is this the side of pleasure?” You press your teeth into your lower lip “if that’s what you want”
“Well, you did make a promise” wasting no time Zion straddles you, your legs wrapped around his waist, giggling at how he fumbled to remove his shirt.
“You damn right I made a promise, and I’ll show you how serious this promise is” Zion kisses up your stomach “I love you”
Your hands cupping his jaw the breathing becoming erratic “I love you too”
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