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꒰Masterlist♡꒱ 🎐☁️🧸✨She/her. 23.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
peachbearies · 2 years ago
Hello everyone. Update on life really. I’ve been going to therapy to deal with my depression that has gotten worse over the course of 2023. So I went completely no social media contact. Digital detox really helped me a lot so I want to formally apologize for not answering any messages or requests for an imagine or a blurb. I’m really sorry but once I feel a bit better I will reply to each message and request, I hope you can understand where I’m coming from and respect my decision thank you and I love y’all 💛
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peachbearies · 2 years ago
# Prettymuch masterlist, is it okay if I ask for more Edwin smut. I love the Poseidon one, it just mad me feel so loved and special.
Yes of course!!! Request to your hearts content okay?? 🧡
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peachbearies · 2 years ago
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
Go read @sundaiys imagine!! ; she’s responsible for helping me on the Ateez imagine called “dial tone” her writing is impeccable!! ♡♡
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
Distance | K. Tsukishima
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— [♡] ; SYNOPSIS: her boyfriend isn't the best, but she'd hope he would change after telling him how she felt, now she was feeling uncomfortable in a grocery store and her boyfriend wouldn't come out the house to get her, so her best friend comes to the rescue.
— [♡] ; PAIRING: Tsukishima Kei x fem!reader
— [♡] ; RATED: any age can read
— [♡] ; GENRE: fluff/angst/ hurt comfort.
— [♡] ; CW: sexual harassment, mentions of sex, toxic relationship, manipulation, being followed (if I missed something, please let me know)
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— [♡] ; A/N: this is just me getting my feelings out in an imagine. This happened to me on the week of new year's, my bf and I are no longer together after this. I'm still a bit scared of doing outside by myself, so I go out in the day now. Also my bestfriend now offers to drive me to the store together since I’ve been so afraid, I’m slowly getting better so thank you for reading.
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Late night shopping, wasn't something she felt comfortable about. But it had to be done. Living on her own had its perks and its downsides. Perks: peace, freedom, and much more space. Downsides: loneliness, late-night shopping, and paranoia. Her boyfriend, has been begging for her to move in with him, but, she's not ready for that big of a commitment. Plus he was rarely home, and even though they live separately they rarely hang out anymore. Grabbing her shopping cart she pulls out her phone along with her Blue tooth headphones so she could speed up the process of shopping.
Her fridge wasn't empty, but nearly close plus she ran out of snacks for her pantry so she'd figure to get everything in one sweep. Opening her shopping list she looked for her items crossing them off one by one. Taking a quick detour she browsed at the makeup section, she was running low on certain items. Her skin started to jump out off her bones the chilling feeling of someone's eyes burning holes in her skull. The taste in her mouth transitioned from minty to sour quickly. Gagging through her mask she placed the make-up down hurriedly getting out that aisle her breath getting new oxygen.
Pulling the sleeves of her hoodie down other knuckles, she feels the presence of someone tailing her. shrugging it off as just normal shoppers walking in the same direction she goes by the dairy section in hopes of finding almond milk, opening the door she grabs the milk with honey, looking over her shoulder a guy was standing in the aisle diagonally from her, his eyes undressing her while he runs his fingers over his stomach. Her eyes filled to the brim with water. “No, you can't cry right now, he hasn't done anything to you, you're fine” she repeated to her anxiously, walking towards the sandwich meat section, he stands two feet away from her.
But this time he actually speaks “why you out so late dressed like that?” the tone in his voice sent shivers down her spine. His voice was laced with bad intentions, he sounded very low and gruff. “Nowhere, just shopping” she gives off fake laughter, removing herself from this area, she tries to find the baby wipes upon finding it she tries to reach for the ones up top but can't “wheres my boyfriend when I need him” she stands on the toes of her converses pinching the back with her index and middle. Struggling until she feels a has upon her waist and lower stomach elevating her up. Grabbing the baby wipes she backs away from the man.
His smile grew bigger at the feel of her skin in his hands “your body is so small, I didn't wanna break you” he attempts to compliment her “do you have a boyfriend?”
“Baby..” he sighed “I'm busy right now, you need to get out that phase, not everyone is there to hurt or judge you, you're the one that decided to go out late at night”
“Baby..” he sighed “I'm busy right now, you need to get out that phase, not everyone is there to hurt or judge you, you're the one that decided to go out late at night”
Practically crying to him she begs “please come get me, I think this man may try to rape me, baby please” her tears getting in the way of her vision. All the was wearing was gym shorts and an anime hoodie, she just came from the gym after her college classes. What did she do to deserve this? ‘Maybe I should've worn leggings?’ ‘or sweatpants?’ she thought to herself “Baby, you're being dramatic just cause a man stares at you he doesn't want to sleep with you alright? You're hot as fuck who wouldn't stare at you?!”
His compliments felt worse then the guy that was touching her. How could he say that? Out of all times, he chose now? Hanging up on him she lost the man in the crowded aisle fingers shaking over Tsukishima’s number. Shaking she picks her hangnails begging for him to answer. It's 9 pm usually by now he's getting out of practice or he's studying. Completely hiccuping as tears stream down her face.
“Why are you calling so late?” he sounded even more annoyed but at least he wasn't pushing her away, hearing her choked hiccups he knew something was wrong gripping his steering wheel with one hand he looks down at his phone as if he could see her “hey? What's wrong talk to me, where are you”
“I'm at a grocery store , some man was following me and he touched me whilst I was shopping” her stomach feeling queasy by repeating the events. “I called my boyfriend to come to get me but he wouldn't I don't know what else to do I'm scared Tsuki please...”
Fuming with anger he pressed on the gas, not minding anything else in his way, his mind was to get to her and fast. “Stay on the phone with me okay? , is he still following you?”
“No, I lost him in the crowd I slipped in between some people” her throat decreasing in moisture. “Good girl, I'm proud of you alright?, stay where you are I'm five minutes away from you”
“Please come get me” she cries out, fingers balled up her hoodie, her tears dripping on her cheeks down to her mask “I'm coming dear, old coming okay? I'm still here alright? I'm never leaving you” frantically looking around she sees the guy pondering around for her, Tsukishima parking his car as he rushing on the place to look for her.
“There you are baby, you can come to my house I have condoms, or I can just buy you a plan b” he smiled, she walks backwards into someone's chest squealing at the feeling of someone else.
“It's me” Tsukishima spook, though he wanted to be calm his voice was laced with rage she held his waist tightly hiding her face in his neck while she sobbed. Tsukishima held her tighter never taking his eyes off the guy in front of them.
“You disgusting waste of a fucking human, I hope your mom regrets not swallowing you” he gritted his teeth, “think you're so high and mighty every woman wants you, but who would date someone that doesn't even respect themselves nor the sole purpose of why they're here on earth” Tsukishima smirks feeling the seething rage coming out of this guys pores.
“So she does have a boyfriend huh? , you shouldn't leave her unattended” he licked his lips Tsukishima frowned holding in the itching urge to punch him “noted, it wouldn't be such a problem of there wasn't for all this garbage around, it's getting suffocating let's go” he places his hand on her lower back. But before they leave he gives him one final burn.
“Man with that face and your steady advancements i’d want your confidence but then again id be fucking miserable, I would be a loner” passing a security guard that stopped them both to ask questions tsukishima answered for her to his best abilities letting them handle the situation. Throwing his jacket around her, he walks with her to his truck sneaking concerned glances at her scanning her body for any bruises. He knew this would be something he had to tread lightly on, her cries on his chest made his heart twig with pain, seeing her sob and shake so violently wasn't something he ever wanted to see.
Opening the door for her, she sat in the passenger seat he leaned down to her level hands placed away from her body to not scare her. “Where’d you go mmm?” his voice honeyed In her ear, “look at me, please?” her eyes locked onto his, the puffy redness around her tear ducts she reaches for his hands to feel, to believe he's actually here, and he knows. He catches on. “I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, though I wish I could beat his ass you're my main priority”
“You want me to drop you off at your house or mine?”, she places his hands on her cheeks to which he soothes her swollen cheeks from the gritting of the teeth, and crying, his thumb slides across her skin gently. “Can we go to your place? I don't want to be alone” he nods leaving a tender kiss on her forehead. “Okay”
Arriving to his house, the warmth and aroma of comfort seized her body, goosebumps of security made her lips tug in a smile. But that smile didn’t last long thinking of how her boyfriend could care less that she was harassed, and he didn’t dare to think she may be in danger. Holding tsukishima’s jacket to her chest she gasped for air, eyes watering as they blind her vision everything felt like a foggy window, her ears hearing nothing but static.
The cries she wanted to let out, were silenced by the fear swallowing her alive. Tsukishima turned around staring at her spaced out form, her eyes drawing a blank, her body inhumanely still. He placed his hand on her lower back, cooing her softly.
Calling her name, he tries to bring her down to earth, it wasn’t until his forehead touched hers and he breathed softly in and out, patting her back as he used too when her attacks were far worse then now. Her eyes looking into his golden ones. “Tsukishima?” He hums indicating he’s still here, and he isn’t leaving.
“Do you think I’m not worthy of anyone?” He saw the hollowness in her eyes, the dark tint that was hiding the sparkles he adored. The anger he thought was gone, was now combined for two people. “Do you think that I’m incapable of love? Am I not loveable? Am I difficult?”
Tsukishima stops her rambling with a mere hug his chin on top of her head trying his best to calming the fire raging voices he wants to scream out. Settling for a soft silence to collect his thoughts his fingers the vibrations of her phone interrupted the peaceful moment they had, looking at the name that caused her to panic in the first place her fingers couldn’t bare to move and answer his call. But tsukishima did.
“Hey baby, why’d you hang up on me?” She looks up at tsukishima who’s eyes are darkened by his judge of character. “Oh? So I see your brain only works when it wants too, not needs too” the livid silence ringing from them both. Neither or liked each other, but tolerated one another for the sake of the girl. Specially tsukishima.
“Why the fuck do you have her phone?” Her boyfriend growled “easy there grizzly bear, you should be mad at yourself shouldn’t you? Dare to leave someone all alone and terrified when they needed you? Sounds like someone needed to clean up your mess” the grin on his face plastered at the sound of him shuffling in the background, probably to head towards her house. Her eyes widen at the thought , fingers wrapped around tsukishima’s wrist neatly. Those pleading eyes he hated it. Hated the terror this man placed upon her.
“I got news for you, she’s not home if you’re looking for her, and she’s surely not coming back to you, so I would suggest you start getting those fists ready for the wall, because you’ll never see her again, but then again you’re not anything she’d miss” hanging up the phone he cuts her now ex boyfriends scream short.
Tsukishima looks down at her with a reassuring smile “he won’t hurt you again, I promise, and if I have to beat his ass trust me I’ve been dying too and I won’t hesitate” handing her phone back he sighs softly “I sent him a text that you’re breaking up with him, and he’s blocked everywhere if he tries reaching out to you, contact me”
Walking closer to her figure, his thumb tips her chin to his gaze “as for before, there’s nothing wrong with you, and there’s nothing in this world that would make you unworthy people come and go, for good and bad reason that’s just life, but the ones that really care, are here to love you with you flaws and dreams, you’re easy to love, easy to talk too , just a really amazing woman” tsukishima groans at the cheesy weight of his words, but he means it. Every drop of his vowels.
“Anyways, I won’t say it again” he lied , “but you’re special to me, and many more that are around you, so don’t let some failed rat experiment dictate who you are as a person instead believe in those whom care about you” shoving his hand into his sweatpants pockets he rolled his eyes from feeling so many emotions.
“Suki?” She whispered, his eyebrow raised at her shaken voice, she finally gained that sparkle in her eyes because she couldn’t take her gaze off his. It was hard for her to leave her boyfriend cause she thought he would change, maybe he would realize the pain he’s caused her, but he never felt any remorse, and only kept her around for things he needed, wanted. But tsukishima. Damn tsukishima. He gave her everything she’s been searching for, it sucks it took her this long to realize what true love really meant. Standing on the balls of her toes she pressed her lips against his they were warm and soft.
Tsukishima was hesitant at first believing this is something she didn’t want, but in actuality she initiated it. She he wastes no time settling her feet flat on the ground dipping into her height to deepen the kiss, his slender fingers wrapped in her hair as the other hold her firmly by the waist. He pulls away for air both painted with hues of red on their noses and lips.
“Tsk” he lets out before flicking her forehead, holding the spot with her hand she pouts, he removes her hand giving her a tender kiss in replacement. “Next time you’re going out late call me, I never wanna look for you when you’re not by my side” he grumbles the last sentence smiling she goes into his chest hearing the rhythm of his sporadic heartbeat
“Suki? Can you take it slow with me? I promise I won’t be annoying-“ cutting her off he bites her earlobe “ow” she squeals “did you say something annoying? I couldn’t comprehend”
He grabs her hand leading to his room, throwing her one of his hoodies and a pair of his shorts he leaves the room for her to change in them. The smile of his warmth wrapped around her body erased all the insecurities for today, at least for now. She was safe and tsukishima wouldn’t hurt her intentionally. The eyes of worry when he finally found her made her heart ache, she didn’t want him to be stressed out over her, he had other things to ponder about.
Volleyball. Studies. Maybe a job. What college he’s going too. She wasn’t worth the worry.
“You most certainly are” his voice slipped through the cracks of her mind, her eyes followed the source. Tsukishima with a cup of steaming tea, and her favorite snack. “You are worth the worry, you’d think I’d drive all the way across town for anyone? Specifically at this time of night” setting the mug on his night stand she met him halfway wrapping her hands around his waist. “So stop thinking that bullshit” flicking her forehead she whines the smirk on his face evident that he’s fallen more in love with her. “I’m not your fucking pig of an ex, I’m Tsukishima Kei, the man who’s gonna love you entirely”
“The man who’s always going to make sure you’re safe” his Golden eyes scan over her features drinking in every single detail that made him fall for her more “the man that’s going to love you”
“I love you too Suki” she smiles, pulling him down to her height she kissed him with so much passion, the spark she so desperately wanted to feel with her ex was now found in Tsukishima and she didn’t want it to stop.
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
—the love bug. (m)
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⟶ pairing: jungkook x reader
⟶ genre: spiderman!jungkook + fluff / smut
⟶ words: 20,649 (sorry)
⟶ rating: 18+
⟶ summary: every night, jungkook puts on the red mask and flings himself confidently into perilous danger; but that same heart of steel that fuels his will and spirit seems to fail him whenever it comes to you 
⟶ warnings: coarse language, mild violence, jungkook is really shy and cute and dumb bc he’s so smitten, also jungkook’s butt in spandex is nice, needy/clingy sex, oral sex (fem!receiving), face riding, fingering, riding, missionary, unprotected sex
⟶ disclaimer: this is a repost of a fic i had on my old blog! 
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You see Jungkook every night without fail.
When the sun has set below the distant horizon and plunges the world into a formidable darkness, driving most ordinary civilians to seek shelter in their homes, he stumbles into the café tucked cozily on the corner of a busy street in Lower Manhattan. The concrete city is still very much alive in a harmonious mix of sirens and the hum of cars but is subdued, muffling under the night sky and is most susceptible at this time to misconduct. Usually, at this point of night, the café you work at is nearly empty, save for a few stragglers that huddle tiredly at certain round tables. Most times, these are students from the university you attend just around the bend, whose weary eyes peer over the laptop in front of them as they meticulously work on an essay due the next morning, only fueled by the cup of coffee next to them.
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
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BAKUGO in S5 x 9
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
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you're done, you're done.
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
home with you
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peter parker x avenger!reader
w/c: 1.4k
warnings: NWH SPOILERS, swearing, angst here and there
summary: you remember spider-man, but you don’t remember peter… or so he thinks
a/n: this is my first official fic in god knows how long HELLO! it’s also my last of 2021 which is absolutely insane but i’ll save that sappy shit for a post of its own lmfhsjshs anyways a few of you requested something where the reader remembers peter after the spell so ask and you shall receive :D it’s mostly if not entirely fluff bc i feel like we’ve suffered enough already </3 much love and as always i hope y’all enjoy
“karen, which way am i-“
peter puffs air from his cheeks in frustration.
“right. this suit doesn’t have a karen.”
he squints to better see through the eyes of his mask, still getting used to navigating without stark tech. it can’t identify him anymore. despite his directional dumbness, he manages to expertly stick his landing when he arrives at the avengers compound.
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
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“Hi, I’m Seonghwa. And you’re watching Disney Channel”
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
TikToker Under Fire For Making Racist Gestures And Condescending Remarks To ATEEZ At Their Fanmeet
She allegedly mocked their English speaking abilities.
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A Russian TikTok influencer has become the center of mass controversy for her racist and condescending behavior at a recent ATEEZ fan event.
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After having moved to South Korea not too long ago, TikTok user @just_2alina (name Alina Sharanova) began to gain popularity for her K-Pop dance covers and other K-Pop related videos. The influencer, who boasts over 124,000 followers on TikTok, was always praised for her dance covers but in the most recent news, she has found herself in an ugly situation.
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A few days ago, ATEEZ held a fan meeting event, which proved itself to be a rare opportunity for real fans due to the limited 30 spots that were available. The intimate meeting should have been filled with heartwarming interactions, but a recent TikTok video featuring none other than Alina Sharanova has started to go viral on Twitter due to her condescending and racist behavior.
According to different Twitter users, the TikToker can allegedly be heard asking some rude questions to some of the ATEEZ members, while mocking their English speaking abilities.
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Her attacks against Mingi didn’t end there, as she was also heard telling him to spend his time “learning English.”
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Following her rude remarks and questions about Mingi‘s English, it was reported that the ATEEZ member participated in the rest of the fan meet looking down in his spirits.
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I am worried about Mingi. He didn’t say a word for the whole time, was sitting there silently, nodded a few times and didn’t even smile. I wouldn’t too after your words.
— English translation provided by @babieteez/Twitter
In another clip, the TikToker allegedly accused an ATEEZ’s Wooyoung of “imitating Jimin,” while backhandedly praising him for finally finding his “own style.”
However, this is not all. @just_2alina took her rude behavior a step further by making a racist gesture targeted towards the Asian population. Following the conclusion of the ATEEZ fan event, she logged on to Instagram live to discuss her thoughts on the fan meeting. It was here that Alina made the racist slanted eye gesture while expressing her surprise regarding “how big” San‘s eyes were in real life.
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However, this is not the TikToker’s first controversy. Previously, the dancer came under fire after recording herself throwing away boxes of ATEEZ albums and merchandise. At a gas station, @Just_2alina can be seen happily dancing, while throwing away all of the ATEEZ goods.
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Following the uploads, it didn’t take long for all of the clips to spread online, as Alina’s racist, rude, and condescending behavior spread like wildfire. ATINYs (ATEEZ fans) all over the world banded together to heavily criticize the TikToker for her behavior.
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The TikToker has since apologized for her actions, but has been met with even more backlash from ATEEZ fans. You can read @just_2alina‘s apology down below.
It is Sharonova Alina. First of all, I SINCERELY want to APOLOGIZE for all this situation about fan sign event and about my Insta-live in which you saw one of racist gesture. Though I have been interested in Asia for more than 10 years and have been living in asian already for more than 5 years, I did not know how serious meaning this gesture have. My friends immediately let me know it after they saw first posts. I HAVE NEVER BE A RACIST and never intended to offend someone who is not same nationality with me. I have friends all over the world and the biggest part of them are Asian, whom I regard a lot. I am so sorry for using this gesture thoughtlessly and hurt your feeling! I swear from this moment I will carefully think about each gesture and word.
All of you are mad with me for those comments on video that I added in moments nothing can be heard. (IT WAS NOT THE THINGS I TOLD! NEVER! IT WAS ONLY COMMENTARY OF SITUATION THAT IS GOING ON SCREEN, NOT MY WORDS TO BOYS!)
I do not deny that in video I could use some words in Russian language that have dual meaning. I want to explain for people who do know not know Russian that our language have many words that are frequently used in everyday life, but they can become rude and offensive in some situation.
I SWEAR absolutely all comments were made without any intention of offending any ATEEZ member, KQ Entertainment staff and etc. I did not expect Russian people would take it as an insult towards the boys and spread it into fandom like I had an intention of offending ATEEZ. I am really sorry for misunderstanding and this situation. I am not searching for your excuse, but just want to let everybody know that ATEEZ means a lot in my life and I will never offend/insult/abuse on purpose. They are a huge part of my world and for me saying bad about them is same as abusing myself.
— Alina Sharonova @AlinaMin98/Twitter
Credit: Koreaboo 
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
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SAN ✶ THE REAL (211215)
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
best part + hq pls!
— kuroo tetsurou
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"...huh?!" the weight leaning on Kuroo’s shoulder instantly jolted up once the road encountered a bump. with a tired look, you look around, questioning where you are before soon remembering.
“you’re still sleepy, Y/n.”
the sun has barely risen yet, and honestly, the main reason why you're the only one wanting to drift off was the lack of nerves from the upcoming game. everyone else on that bus was preoccupied, trying their best to focus on what's to come.
"it's not my fault you leave so early." you attempt to stifle a yawn. "will you let me—?"
“you don’t have to ask,” he assures you, slowly putting your head back on his shoulder, “of course, i will.”
you give him a content smile, snuggling a bit closer before continuing to take your nap. once you were fully asleep again, Kuroo eventually put his arms to wrap around your shoulder before placing a kiss on your forehead. as the soft rays of sun seep through the curtains, the moment seemed like something from a movie.
this was already the best part of his day, and no win or loss could further change that.
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a/n: LUH KILIG ULI AQ AAA TENCHU AGAIN !! i hope this is ok ?? enjoy mwaa i can't rlly see u with anyone besides kuroo so— hehe
[ 500 event: songs to see masterlist ]
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
"you! do you like me or something?"
first year of high school— you were roaming around the halls of your school with your friends, boisterous laughter following each of your steps. when all of your friends decided to head back to their classrooms, you've decided to head to the school vending machine instead to get yourself a drink before returning, not even caring if you're going to be late for the next class.
just when you thought you're the only student left loitering outside class, you saw your classmate who probably had the same idea as yours.
you called him out, seeing him turn to you with his usual stoic expression. the boy was holding two cartons of milk in his hand. turns out the machine malfunctioned while he was getting his drink, dropping two instead.
"oh? what's this for? do you like me or something?"
you teasingly joked around, taking the extra milk carton he offered to you before walking back to your classroom.
third year of high school— you and tobio became closer to each other. you both failed the same subjects and took the extra classes together, you both spent summers together as you help him and his teammates with extra practices as their ball girl, even going through lengths as attending their games, even in the nationals level.
it was their final game as high school students and of course, you were present. it was a tight match between your school and their opponent and seeing your friend put all his might in their final game as seniors suddenly brought tears in your eyes. at that moment, you were wishing for nothing but for their team to win the game, for the team to feel the high of winning for one last time. unfortunately, the match concluded with the other team as winners.
you sank down on your seat, hands covering your now sobbing face. your friends tried to comfort you but it wasn't until you heard a familiar voice speak to you that made you look up from your hands.
"why are you crying when i'm the one who lost the game? do you like me or something?"
his words were followed by a small chuckle, his hand placed on top of your head as he was kneeling right in front of you, eyes fixed on yours.
tobio's head turned to look towards you as you stood at the entryway of your kitchen, arms crossed in front of your chest as you grin smugly at him. the sight of him making breakfast in his white shirt and baggy sweatpants is as rare as the blue moon but since you were complaining nonstop about feeling extra tired from your work, he decided to wake up earlier than usual to prepare a breakfast for you.
"y/n, i married you. now sit down, breakfast is almost done."
he says, clicking his tongue at another one of your stupid antics. you quickly followed his order but not without noticing the smile that then painted his lips. he puts the plate of breakfast he prepared in front of you, pressing a small kiss on your head and a mumbled 'good morning' before returning back to the kitchen counter to prepare his protein shake.
"you like me."
you say proudly, taking a bite of the food he made.
a/n: idk what this is but here's a short self-indulgent kageyama drabble. i hope you're having a good day! ♡
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peachbearies · 3 years ago
"please just let me go" with Tsukishima <3
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Prompt: “Please just let me go.”
Character: Tsukishima Kei
A/n: I’ve not written for Tsukishima before, so I hope I did an ok job!
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“Please, just let me go.”
A sharp silence settled between you, grip loosening against his shirt, hand falling to your side as you clenched them until your knuckles strained. His voice jaded into the wind, a strange tone you had yet to decipher.
After managing to find him through the heavy crowds of people, you dragged him to a secluded area, ready to find out why Tsukishima had been acting differently. His blunt texts and one word answers out of the blue had left you confused, annoyed but mostly, hurt.
His back was to you as he shrugged you away, causing you to wince. Taking a deep breath in preparation for your next question, you bit your lip.
“Do you not love me anymore?” You asked, heart waiting anxiously.
“Of course I do,” he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, you could almost hear his eyes rolling as he spoke. The words however – no matter how strange the situation – put your heart at ease, knowing that there still was something to save, that there was still a part of him that loved you.
“Then why are you pushing me away?” You asked frustratedly. You always knew how he was. It was always a huge effort to get him to open up, but when he did, it was like you found the treasure at the end of the map; satisfied and proud that he trusted you enough to share little pieces of him that helped you understand him better.
“Why do you think?” He exclaimed, turning now. Face to face, you tried to read his expression but he remained as stoic as ever.
“Please enlighten me!” You shouted, the conversation continuing in circles, “Because I thought we were happy.”
“We were, being with you does make me happy.”
“Then, what’s the problem?”
He was quiet for a few moments before muttering, “I’m not good enough for you.”
His confession upset you, “Oh Tsukki, you’re too good to me, always looking after me so well.”
“I think it would be better for you if you let me go.”
“So you’re basically saying that you want me to be miserable?”
“Have you listened to a word I’ve said?” His exasperation rubbed off on you as you tried to convince him that he was it for you.
“Yes and if I have to let you go, I’ll be miserable and lonely forever. I will be very lonely and I’ll adopt seven cats and scare away all the children who live near me.”
A small smile slipped through his façade. Your eagle eyes noticed but you refrained from commenting in the hopes of not ruining the moment.
“We can’t have that can we?”
“Definitely not, I’d smell like cat food all of the time,” you paused, “But on a more serious note, I need you Kei. You’re the best thing I have, anything else is settling as far as I’m concerned.”
His eyes shone for a split second before returning to normal, draping an arm around your shoulders to walk you back home. You clutched onto him tightly as a reminder that things were going to be okay.
“I’ll never again let you forget how much you truly mean to me.”
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