#and then i was like hey castys what if i put that in you
brutal-nemesis · 4 months
big question!! dude can we please see a scene in the AU where castys has his tongue cut off and he has to deal with that? like man, the shock and the pain and the fuckin grief? and neteri just being herself ofc
anyway the latest erebus chapter was heartbreaking you’re so good at being awful to these lads (i can’t stop reading)
Thank you I try,,,,,
Okay strap in fellas I think this is banger as hell I had a great time and let me know if you have any other requests for the AU!
Ingredients: shockingly, tongue gets cut off! some suffocation as well
Castys wasn’t great at sitting in chairs normally, something his parents had always reprimanded him for, but, hey, they’d never taken it as far as to fucking tie him to one, and Castys was grateful. This shit was uncomfortable. Like, yeah, the rough ropes around his wrists and ankles were tight and itchy, but also the position just sucked. Not that he’d rather be standing or something-
“You must be Castys!” The door had swung open, and now this little lady with a white coat on was walking up to him. 
“Yes, I’m Castys,” he said flatly as she scurried behind him before coming back without her bag. And then she just…stared at him. Castys wasn’t sure what she was looking at, since there really wasn’t much to see, just, like, him. Eventually her eyes wandered up to his, and she jumped in place a bit.
“Oh, right, I’m Neteri.” She stuck her hand out like she expected him to shake it.
“You know I’m tied up, right?”
“Ah. Yeah.” Her skin was dark enough that it wasn’t immediately obvious that she was blushing, but Castys was pretty sure she was. She ended up awkwardly grabbing his right hand and shaking it a bit. “I, um, I’ll be preparing you for this afternoon. Sorry, I’m just a bit nervous.”
“Well, you’re not tied to a chair so I think you’ll be okay.”
She laughed. “You’re right, you’re right, but I’m just…I think I’m going to do something I’m not supposed to do.”
Castys raised an eyebrow. “Let me go because I’m funny?”
Neteri rolled her eyes, but she was smiling, so clearly she did think he was funny. “No, you’re staying put, sorry bud. But I think I’m going to keep you. You’re kind of perfect.” She tried to cup his cheek in her hand, but Castys leaned away, staring at her with wide eyes.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” His mouth was really dry all of a sudden, he wasn’t perfect, he was a fuck-up, a useless heir, that had been his goal, he wasn’t good at anything he was supposed to be good at, he wasn’t well-mannered or polite, he had a huge fucking scar on his face and a lopsided smile because of it, he was filthy and vulgar and didn’t have any interest in getting married he was absolutely anything but perfect. So why the hell did she want him?
“It’s not important right now. You’ve got a big day ahead of you!” She clapped her hands, dismissing the subject entirely. He wanted to press her further, but after seeing the lovely object she pulled out of her pocket, everything else was forgotten.
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Aw, what are you gonna do about it, Castys? I thought you were tied to a chair!” Great, now it was his turn to feel his face grow hot, because, yeah, what the fuck was he gonna do?
Normally, he doubted he’d immediately recognize it for what it was, but today, right now, after just being told this lady wanted to keep him, it was instantly clear. And Neteri was right, he was only able to squirm uselessly and lean away as she wrapped the collar around his neck without much trouble. His first swallow after she’d sealed it shut felt horrible, and he absolutely did not want to get used to it.
“See, it’s not so bad. It looks cute on you!” She ruffled his hair, which only made Castys more uncomfortable.
“I don’t want to be cute. I’m not a fucking dog.” He wasn’t sure whether the collar was part of Neteri’s weird desires or just to humiliate him, but either way he hated it.
“No, you’re not, but you’re also not a prince anymore, and you’re the property of the Xernan Empire, and this is a good reminder of that,” Neteri said as she walked around behind him, probably to her bag. Castys rolled his eyes. He didn’t need to be reminded that he wasn’t a prince, since it was his favorite new development in all of this. Unless…unless it wasn’t just a reminder for him, but for everyone else, too…He really, really hoped there wasn’t going to be some sort of public display, but given how Neteri’d said he had a “big day” ahead…fuck, that was probably the case, huh?
“Now, I’m going to…oh, I might get in so much trouble for this,” Neteri muttered as she stared at the floor, standing in front of him once again. She had leather gloves on, which would have been nice earlier when she was touching him, and she was holding…a pair of shears? He didn’t think she’d put on gloves if she was just going to cut his hair, and given that she thought she might get in trouble for it, it seemed like she was going to…maim him somehow. Castys curled his hands into fists as Neteri slapped her cheeks with her palms, still talking to herself. “No, I’m going to do this. I deserve it. It’s not that far off from what the emperor wants. Okay,” she held the shears up and gave Castys a concerningly bright smile. “Any last words?”
For once, Castys didn’t take the opportunity to speak.
Instead, he locked his jaw shut tight, teeth clenched so hard it hurt, lips pressed together, walls of protection around his tongue. 
That’s what she wanted, wasn’t it?
Neteri cocked her head, watching him. “Nothing to say all of a sudden? No jokes?” Her smile disappeared as her eyes narrowed. “You figured it out, didn’t you, Castys? What I’m going to do to you.”
He didn’t bother nodding.
Neteri stepped up to him, her knee on the chair in between his legs, leaning over him, her face right above his as he craned back to avoid her. “You’re going to have to get used to obeying me, Castys.” The cold metal of the shears rested on his cheek. “So open your mouth.”
If there’s one thing Castys was good at, it was disobeying orders.
After a few moments of neither of them moving, Neteri pinched Castys’s nose shut with her free hand, not saying a word. Fine, he could play that game. Hold on as the pressure in his chest built, as his head started to spin, as his vision started to darken, every fiber of his being screaming at him to just give in to the inevitable and take a breath. He could do it quick, a little gasp, fast enough that she wouldn’t be able to do anything. Okay, three, two…
The exhale was shaky, but it was fine, just a quick inhale as he snapped his mouth shut-
His teeth scraped against metal, the sensation sending shivers down his spine.
Neteri stared at him with a detached coldness as she rotated the shears, forcing his jaw open wide, wide enough for her to stick her hand in and grab his tongue, pulling it out despite his attempts to pull it back, turning the shears to the side now, opening them up, the cold blades-
Castys’s mouth was hot it was burning he was choking the smell of blood was so strong he was suffocating on it her hand was still in his mouth her fingers pressed against his wound magic piercing through his jaw he’d scream if he had the air and then that was it her hand was gone he lurched forward coughing and spitting blood and saliva all down the front of the threadbare shirt he’d been given and once he saw the discarded little piece of pink flesh on the floor he couldn’t look at anything else he couldn’t believe that was it it was gone it wasn’t in his mouth his mouth was empty there was only the blood still dripping out and when Neteri laid a hand on his back he wanted to growl at her not to touch him but he couldn’t he couldn’t say anything anymore he was quiet nothing to say no thoughts or opinions of his own just how his parents had wanted him-
“It’s alright, Castys, just breathe. It was a little more difficult than it needed to be, but you did it.” And why did it need to be at all? “Just two more things left today and then you can rest. And then hopefully…” Her hand slid up, resting on the back of his neck, on that awful collar, and Castys wanted to scream. He never, ever wanted to belong to her.
But what he wanted didn’t matter anymore.
Castys was dragged out and whipped and branded and left out on display, brought back and patched up by Neteri and given soup that he couldn’t taste, and when the door slammed shut behind her, he finally allowed himself to cry.
His back and chest hurt, of course, the wounds aggravated no matter how he moved or what position he laid in, but he could deal with it. It was nothing compared to what he’d lost, the little pocket of empty space inside his mouth.
Words were all he’d ever have to really fight back, complaining when he was forced to do things he didn’t want to, scaring off all the suitors his parents picked out, jokes keeping him calm when he was scared or upset, even when he couldn’t do anything he could still say something, make sure everyone knew how he felt, and now he was more helpless than ever before and he couldn’t say a single fucking thing. 
He didn’t even know where he was going to end up, either sold off to some asshole or left in Neteri’s clutches, and no matter what, he wasn’t going to be treated like a person. The collar made it pretty clear. He was less than human now, a pet, a lab rat, property, something that didn’t need to have thoughts or opinions anymore. 
He’d rather be a prince after all.
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump​ @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
@hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump 
@starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words​ @misspelledwitch @suspicious-whumping-egg​ @pumpkin-spice-whump​ 
@painsandconfusion @i-can-even-burn-salad @befuddled-calico-whump​ @whumpinggrounds​ @whump-queen​
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sweettjrose · 2 months
Hey, do you know some really good comic books about Mickey?!
Oh boy.
To be honest, while I love talking about the Mickey comics I feel like I have a hard time sharing recommendations about them. But I'll do my best.
I think the most important thing to know when getting Mickey Mouse comics is that while there isn't really a set canon to them, most of them branch off of the stories made by Floyd Gottfredson. He's sort of the Carl Barks of the Mickey comics. So if you wanna get a good understanding of the core of comics Mickey Mouse and read some pretty solid adventure comics, I would check out his stuff. Though keep in mind that some of these comics haven't aged well. Another good person to check out is Romano Scarpa as I also feel like he does a good job following up with what Gottfredson lays down.
However, beyond that there are just so many stories all with different tones, lore, humor, and characters that it can be hard to know what to recommend. There are the X-Mickey comics that have a bit of an edge to them, but also Topolino has been releasing a lot of great comics recently (in Italian) that can range from gag comics to multipart epics. I think the best way to learn more is to just take a plunge and try out a comic if it seems interesting or ask around and see what other people are recommending or talking about. For example here's a thread from @cosmosrebellion who asked a similar question:
And if you want a catalogue of all the comics documented along with ratings and information on each one check out inducks:
As for my current favorites, I am so far a big fan of Marco Nucci and Casty's comics. I really like their Phantom Blot Trilogy and I think both of them do a good job adding a bit of depth and seriousness without removing the fun. @applestabs has fantastic scanlations of the Phantom Blot Trilogy which I definitely recommend for anyone getting into the comics who likes seeing Mickey put in more difficult situations than usual. I am also starting to become a fan of Stefano Turconi's work.
I also would check out the original "Mickey Mouse Outwits the Phantom Blot" story as it holds up extremely well and is a good introduction to the Phantom Blot who becomes very pivotal to many Mickey comics and is a fan favorite. Also check out other stories from Nucci and Casty.
If you want to know how to read the comics, I use a mix of Amazon (though you can also find them in other stores online), scanlations here on Tumblr (or similar sites), or even people will just share comics with me. There's also other read comics free online sites you can use.
Honestly though I think the best way to get involved is to interact with the community. Many people here are so kind and helpful and would love to recommend their favorites. In fact if anyone reading this wants to give their two cents. Please do so. I want to read your thoughts too.
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otemporanerys · 3 years
So every time I see this truly excellent Solana Vakarian fanart, my diseased mind goes “what if there was a CW show sibling love triangle between Solana, Garrus and Shepard”
As I always do when I have an exciting new way to emotionally torture Garrus Vakarian, I ran it past @misseffect​ - we put our heads together and this is what we came up with:
Solana, all of the Vakarian charm, none of the untreated anxiety disorder, is a merc passing through Omega (she’s not part of Archangel, it’s just a coincidence). Shepard’s at a bar after recruiting Mordin 
Solana: 😏 hey
*seduction roll is successful*
Shepard: slightly weird question to ask of a one-night stand, but do you wanna join my suicide mission
Solana: Yeah why not
First mission is, obviously, to go get Archangel
Garrus, after recovering from the rocket to the face: It’s so weird that you ran into my sister. How did you two meet?
Shepard: Uh, about that...
Solana: *walking out in nothing but a towel* G, you never told me she was hot
Shepard and Solana are keeping it casual, Garrus is very Angry and Upset at the thought of Shepard sleeping with his sister, wonder why that might be
Eventually Solana’s watching Shepard and Garrus interact and she realises “oh wait, these fools are in love with each other”
Solana: I think we should break up
Shepard: why
Solana: *pinches the bridge of her nose* I don’t know how to say this but I think you might be the only woman who could make my brother happy
Solana, passing Garrus in the hallway after: you owe me big-time
Garrus, internally: oh shit what did I do
Shepard once offhandedly mentions that Garrus isn’t a cover hog unlike some people and he, very seriously, tells her, “I’m only going to ask this once: please never ever tell me ANYTHING about what you two did together”
Solana: hey, can I borrow the skycar
Garrus: no
Solana: does Shepard still like it when you --
Garrus: *throwing the keys at her and covering his ears* SPIRITS FINE TAKE IT
Never Have I Ever is banned on the Normandy, this is the only time Shepard ever pulls rank
Jack: Hey Shepard, which of ‘em is better in bed
Shepard: ... I have to go
Tali: *under her breath* Told you it was Sol
The only time Shepard ever jokes about it is when she meets Castis for the first time and then when he leaves she says, “you know, your dad’s kind of hot, too”
Garrus and Solana, simultaneously: 
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
The Stand In Chapter One
Being an assistant on the witcher set is a dream come true for you, helping bring to life the books and games you were brought up with. But when the project is threatened to be cancelled completely your called in to save the day! But can you really fill in for an actress?
Warnings: swearing
A/N: hello! So this was wrote on a whim sort of. I don't know if Keira is in the books honestly and I have no idea if she will be in season two but I wanted to write somthing different. Got a few ideas of where I can go with this but like I said just wanted to write something a little different. Hone you enjoy xxx
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​ @angelofthorr @iloveyouyen​
logo divider is by @writeyourmindaway​ other one is by me xx
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You moved through the hustle and bustle of the set your trusty clipboard what was you doing? Well the people needed feeding so you were taking orders, some people onset would eat at the food tent some would want to order in today it was your turn to take the orders and deliver them to the chefs. You grunted looking at your watch you needed to move quicker they'd be filming soon and expect the food to be ready by the time they finished...sounded easy but the guys were cooking meals for nearly one hundred  people and that took time... especially out here... You jogged up to the tent with an apologetic smile"Sorry guys had to round em up you know how it is!" You got a few chuckles. Yes they did know how it was having to take turns doing it themselves. You were just a regular onset dogs body, you help in any way shape or form and that’s that.
You smiled at them hanging the clip board on the hook for them to see clearly then They began barking orders to one another down the line  getting to work. You left them to it weaving in and out of everyone to get back to set incase someone needed anything again. Once you reached half way across the site your name was called turning you saw Mathew one of the other assistants.
"Hey y/n your needed in the directors tent chop chop!"
"What? why?" He shrugged then through his hands out wide walking backwards away from you he seemed in a hurry.
"Don't know was just told that you had to be there asap" You sighed and quickly turned on your heal towards the tent...If this was another coffee run you were gonna scream! It took forty five minutes to drive down this god forsaken mountain and you didn't really want to be bitched at by camera crew about delivering a cold fucking coffee again.
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Henry and Joey panicked looking to each other Cancelled? They could be cancelled after all the fans and money the show had pulled in? They stood in the tent with Tomasz,Lauren and Talitha or 'Tee' as she prefers.
"So she just decided not to do it? A week before she was meant to be here? She had all the time over lock down to tell you and she left it till now?" Tomasz nodded stiffly to Henry who spoke, Henry and Joey were angry. Hell they all was, but them more so because they were actors and this was something you just didn't do. No integrity or respect. Lauren piped up.
"To be fair its a huge blockbuster role she was offered its no surprize she dumped us in favor of it... But now everything is up in the air she was a big role in this season and we can't start casting for it now, the two other back ups can't come and fill in either, one is recovering from covid and the other has a contract for another role." Joey placed his hands on his hips
"Well what about her contract? She sighed one didn't she? Surely she should honor that?" Lauren and Tomasz shared a look.
"Yes but two things one imagine forcing her to play a role she no longer wants...Could be very awkward and two the contract had dates...We couldn't stick to the them so she managed to wriggle out of it." They each huffed Henry spoke up
"Can't we put it on hold for a few weeks rush through the casti-" he trailed off at Tomasz' severe look and shake of his head.
"No we aren't being given an extension we have to find someone...Preferably here on set so we don't have to navigate the covid travel restrictions, we can't afford two weeks quarantine for whoever it is we bring in" Tee looked up to her bosses.
"So?...You need someone on set to take the role? I suppose they can't be a major part of the crew?" Lauren nodded to her and smiled
"You up for it?" Tee shook her head
"Fuck no but there is someone that could do it...Y/n shes a general assistant, the one you like! the one that picked up the wardrobe the other day when the truck couldn't get up the hill" Lauren's face lit up as she put a face to the name
"Oh! lilac bob? Green eyes?" Tee smiled nodding
"Yeah! Her she isn't to busy really just runs errands, shes an extra pair of hands" Tomasz tilted his head it sounded viable, it would be a god send he crossed his arms.
"But she would have what a week? To read up on the character, learn lines and go through costume...It would be a hectic rush would she agree to it?" Tee smiled knowingly
"Yes..She hasn't done acting before...well not properly she had a part in bugsy malone play at primary school but that was about it...But I have no doubt that she would do it she loves the witcher. As for reading up on the character you don't have to worry I dread to think how many times shes re-read those books and played the games...She even based her gcse textiles project on the witcher making a screen print tapestry! Trust me she will know Keira metz' personality so half of the job is already done!" Tomasz nodded secretly getting excited over the prospect of having another fan in the mix,  yet he covered it well not wanting to get anyone’s hopes to high."Okay call her in get her to read some lines...Lets not tell her what its for first see if theres some chemistry between the three of you first then go from there" they all nodded it was the best way to go about it.
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When you got to the tent you instantly knew something was up. First person you noticed was your best friends Tee it was her who'd got you the job here. She had been working on the first season and was one of the directing assistants she was always around the producers and directors making sure everything was running smoothly and when they top dogs changed things it was her who made those changes get through the grape vine to everyone who needed to know. Then you noticed Henry  and Joey were here ,how you didn't see them first is a mystery as they were both fully kitted out in the characters costumes.
Holy shit! He was so fucking hot! So so fucking yummy you wanted to jump him and run away and hide at the same time 'Okay breath don't fucking squeal bitch be cool that's it calm down don't make it obvious you want to hump his leg!...If he offers though ride tat thigh like a fucking pony!...No! Stop your going red! Calm it! There we go...Nice and calm well done give yourself a pat on the back' and breath.
You took a calming breath after your little pep talk the fan-girl locked up tight inside you relaxed slightly. Could you help it? No Henry is like your celebrity crush and has been since your little virgin eyes saw him fucking on Tudors. You'd seen him around set obviously you can't really ignore the huge man in the silver wig. You’d wanted to get his autograph and a photo but couldn't trust yourself not to do something stupid so you kept your distance. But damn he was much finer up close in person. You gulped just praying to god you did not squeak at him you'd never ever live it down.
Everyone looked on edge even the director Tomasz and producer Lauren? none of them noticed your arrival speaking in hushed tones to one another like they didn't want anyone to overhear what was happening. You cleared your throat placing a hand on one of the metal supports by the entrance of the tent unsure if you should enter with them all looking so serious you didn't want to hear anything you shouldn't.
"Err knock knock? you wanted to see me? If its a bad time I can come back..." they jumped a little obviously caught up in their conversation. You shrunk under everyone's gaze as the sets of heavy eyes rested on you.
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Henry's eyes widened a little at you he swallowed dryly peering at you from his spot in the tent. You were beautiful he suddenly found himself hoping you would be the one to take the role. Not only could he then have a reason to be around you without you running off. But there were sex scene between the two characters and as ashamed as he felt he had already spent a considerable amount of time envisioning just that, alone at night in his trailer with nothing but his fist to ease his needs. He couldn't help it he had never spoke to you but he wanted you. So selfish or not he would thoroughly enjoy enacting those particular scenes, the image of you below him was just to much.
Joey prodded him slightly making him snap his gaze away and turn to the 'bard' He raised his brows at him nodding to the lilac haired woman as if to say 'look who it is?' Henry flushed a little and blinked yes Joey knew.
It started when Henry had seen you around set, capturing glimpses of you he had wanted to go and talk to you. Each time he saw you around he would excuse himself from whatever he was doing and turn to make his way over to you. But every time he turned and took a step in your direction you flushed and bolted.
He did like you. He liked very much. He found out you were an assistant someone to run errands and Tee had got you the job he was meant to ask her about you but you both seemed close. What if Tee told you? What would you think if you found out he had been asking about you?. So no instead he bit his tongue and kept trying to catch you out and have a chat. He couldn't put his finger on it you just appealed to him, you looked sweet and sexy all in one.
He wanted so desperately to talk to you but you seemed scared of him for some reason so he in the end he settled for admiring you from afar. He'd never got more than six feet near you and that six feet was close enough to make him swoon. You had been diligently taking coffee orders around the set and was taking a list from the directors tent and he was waiting to speak to Tomasz and Lauren queuing behind you in a sense one person separated you.
You were so caught up in trying to take names and coffee orders you hadn't noticed him hovering behind you. He had leaned to the side taking full advantage enjoying eyeing your behind admiring the taught cheeks hugged by your zebra print workout leggings, you must have been in a thong because they snuck up your ass a little making him groan. He'd give anything to be up there himself! He sighed smoothing his hands over his face trying to push away the teasing thoughts, it was not the time to imagine drilling your perfect little ass, fucking you roughly on all fours until your little body sucked the cum out of his balls and he left you with a fully stretched freshly fuck little pucker.
No it was not the time, not when he had another few scenes to shoot. But they were just there! Teasing him a few quick shuffles of his feet and he could be right behind you, he could accidentally graze your pert full bottom. But no he held himself back he groaned when the wind changed and caught a scent of your hair mango and passion fruit.
He had been on a high all day after that. That’s when Joey was certain Henry was getting a little crush on the lilac haired beauty that had gained the nick name Tink's. To Joey you looked like a real life colorful little fairy and he had named you after Tinkerbell. Henry bit his lip trying to contain his excitement, as you cleared your throat nervously today was going from really really bad to absolutely fucking incredible.
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You eyed Henry carefully he was..staring well until Joey prodded him then he snapped out of whatever it was flushing. You didn't have much time to consider it as Lauren moved waving you over smiling like nothing was wrong. Okay? Weird.
"No no! Come in your just the woman we needed to see." You walked in slowly still uneasy but managed to cross the threshold. There was a pause and they looked like they were appraising you? What the fuck? Tomasz cleared his throat and nodded giving Lauren the go ahead for something apparently.
"Y/n I was hopeing you could go over some lines with these two, they haven't got anyone to practice with and we really need to start getting rehearsals in. Flights are running few and far between so the actress who was supposed to be here last week, can't get here until we are actually filming the scenes!" You blinked huh? Read lines? You began going shy and shaking your head
"I don't-" but before you could get anymore words out Tomasz spoke up.
"And with covid setting us back we can't afford delays we could be cancelled" you froze at that...Cancelled? You looked to Henry and Joey who both gave hopeful puppy eyes you sighed a shaky breath.
"O-okay I suppose I could...Help out... It is what I'm here for.." You missed the looks all four shared as Joey handed you a sheet from the script. You skimmed it as quick as you could and your face instantly lit up with a bright smile.
"Holy shit keira? I didn't realize you were doing that-" quickly realizing you may have been fangirling you shut up. Tomasz head lifted smiling
"You know the character?" You chuckled nervously well aware of The witcher still eyeing you from the side. Joey smirked at him and gave a chuckle making Henry freeze and look away flustered. You hesitated whilst talking to Tomasz.
"Hehe well Yeah sort of....I know the book's and the games sooo yeah..Sorry...Got excited there..Can't help it" he grinned shaking his head.
"No no its perfectly fine...I do always love seeing people et excited over our work! But you know her so can help the guys immensely. If you could try and portray the character that would help a lot as well, so we can see how these lines and dynamics will work" you blinked looking at the page going blank. Try to in act the scene to? Okay keira what do you remember shes...Playful catty and a little manipulative.Petty but confident yet can switch to cold bitch on a dime. Your not sure our up to the task.
"So? You want me to try and act properly? but...But bare in mind I'm not an actress...Never done any acting or anything so if I'm shit I apologize."
"Its fine, just try your best...We don't want a carbon copy of the games we want a believable character, just create your own Keira for the time being as I said we just want that feeling for the scene and the relationship that's all. If you could read from half way down..'Seriously I mean this is it?' Okay? don't mind the blank we just haven't settled on the last few bits of dialog just keep going...Go with the flow as it were" you nodded taking a breath really out of your comfort  zone  but it literally  said 'help when needed' in your job description so you didn't have much choice. You took a peek at the lines it the scene was based around the camp at night.
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Henry and Joey sat on stools you followed their lead really nervous trying not to steal glances or stare at the witcher before you even if he didn't seem to care himself, his gold eyes not leaving you for a second, he wasn't even blinking.
You pulled at the page slightly forcing back the anxiety but sucked it up when were you ever going to get the chance to do this again. To read lines with your crush on set in full delicious Witcher get up.You decided to throw caution to the wind and give it your all if you looked a tit well atleast you had fun and you'd never have to again!
You gulped you were supposed to start. You took a breath and pulled some confidence out of your ass, she was a fierce woman that was almost childlike. You used a sarcastic un-amused flat tone.
"Seriously....I mean this is it? this is the great adventuring? Wandering the continent aimlessly for contract's that may or may not be actual monsters..." you tilted your head to the side blinking slowly as you looked between Henry and Joey. Both seemed to be caught unaware as you transformed from a frightened quivering ball of nerves to a catty confidant sorceress.
Henry smiled cheekily at you  knowing that with that transformation you'd already bagged the role, you were his keira.
"Well you are welcome to return to your healing house" Henry drolled in Geralt's deep voice sounding unimpressed tilting his head at you slightly with a bored expression. Joey hummed.
"Yes I second that witch you don't have to be here you can just go your own way" he waved his hand near you and you leaned in giving him a wicked warning grin making him pull back and lean towards Henry, a typical Jaskier move...Well for the moment he was Jaskier.
"G-go and curse children poison or cattle or whatever it is you do" you scoffed rolling your eyes pulling back a little and tilted your head looking at Henry.
"Geralt your Jester appears to be in a foul mood would you like me to help? I'm sure I have a remedy that can silence him for a while...Permanently if you'd like" you smirked as Joey snpped his head looking between the two worriedly.
"JESTER I-YOU I am a bard! And I have made Geralt here the famed white wolf! Tell her Geralt! " Henry rolled his eyes ignoring Joey's out burst
"The Jester is right you don't have to travel with us you can leave, return home if our adventures aren't exciting enough for you. And I'd warn you keep the potions to yourself"  you paused the page was now empty. You too a breath and spoke anyway.
"What? Me leave? and go back to treating the lords son and his frequent bouts of cock rot..." the two men bite back a laugh managing to stay in character...Just. You blinked leaning forward placing your face on your palm
"That’s not as thrilling as one might think loses its charm on the third and forth round...Much like the boy himself" Joey sputtered trying to hide his giggles. But contained himself to make an insulting Jaskier quip.
"Cock rot...begs the question do you cause it or cure it?" he twitched waiting for your reply. You hissed at him then calmed yourself and fluttered your eyes at him and continued in a sultry tone.
"Your welcome to find out for yourself Jester" he stuttered going red
"I-i a no hah thank you for the offer but noooo...Had enough of witches for a life time.. Thank you very much!" he said almost choking on his words you leaned back huffing
"Hmm...Shame you almost look like fun could have livened up the trip...I do always enjoy the loud ones..." Joey chuckled and looked to Henry with a face saying 'help me out here buddy' Henry was finding it very hard to keep himself together, was he jealous of you flirting with joey? Yes did he want to turn the tables? Yes could he think of a way to do it? Fuck no.
He settled for shaking his head, he was certain you had the role already and if not he was definitely going to vouch for you,you were good and portrayed Keira well enough to make Joey's Jaskier fidget which Keira did.
"I'm sure you can find fun where ever you find yourself Keira" Henry piped in wanting to see where the scene can go, wanting for you to give him your sultry voice and flirt with him. But you stuttered a little his gaze was intense hot and hooded.
"Y-yes you'd think that!..But there is no fun to be had at home anymore!...Well that's not strictly true there is this one acquaintance a deaf eunuch " Henry spoke up needing to hear the end of this one, trying to fight off his disappointment that you hadn't given him the same treatment as Joey, didn't you like him? Was Joey more your type? No there must be more to it.
"And this deaf eunuch is fun? How so?" you wiggled your eyebrows at him
"Well Witcher he only had one way to show me his gratitude...Any man who only has his hands to speak develops a very....dexterous set of fingers~" Joey slipped out of character confused as Henry burst out laughing. Despite his sour feelings over your non-flirting he couldn't deny that was a funny and well thought out bit of improv.
"Deaf eunuch? F-fingers?..I don't get it-OOHHH!HOLY SHIT YOU DIDN'T! OHH OH MY FUCK" he then started roaring with laughter with Henry making you go shy blushing.
"Oh my god yes...She is definitely the one we need...Defiantly my Keira!" Henry wheezed through his laughter leaning over slapping his knee.
"huh what?" You looked between everyone what do the mean need? It was Tomasz was nodding smiling and spoke up clarifying what Henry had meant.
"That was....Well...It was an audition and you got the part. You became the character very easily it was natural and flowed nicely and you were nervous once relaxed you will make a perfect Keira!" you blinked at him. An audition? For a part in the show "Are you having a laugh? I can't act for shit...Like that was...It was err" Henry smirked lifting a brow
"Acting? Maybe?" You  blushed at him as he leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. You leaned back sitting upright then pulled a face. He was right technically.
"Okay it was kind of acting....But why are you doing this here now? Surely you already have someone? this don't strike me as normal." Lauren sighed
"No your right its not normal...The actress who was playing Keira has pulled out we have a week to find a replacement or will are probably getting cancelled they won't let us delay again" you sat up pin straight
"Wait what? An actress bailed on us last minuet...That’s a bit of a dick move... That's like a big dick move not in a nice big dick way either... Like a dick dick move" Henry and Joey snorted at your statement and Tee creased up. Tomasz moved over to you
"I'm afraid so...I know its a big ask but were were supposed to start filming her scenes the middle of next week and we need a replacement. Fast. Sooo what would you say to stepping in and saving the day? you fit the bill and your here now and from what I've just seen you can do it...You gave her a cheeky, petty vibe which in all honesty was missing from who we selected...We can get you ready I'm sure Henry and Joey can help you, teach you the tricks of the trade so to speak" he lifted his head to the both of them. They nodded Henry speaking up
"I can even mentor you if you want, to get you more comfortable... Me and Joey will look after you I promise" you gulped then looked back to Lauren and Tomasz. You'd never even thought of acting or anything and it was daunting prospect.
"Look...We have run into a problem that could potentially bring production and filming to a halt...Something that could cancel season two completely....But you can help us. We can continue as planned but we understand its a big thing to spring on someone .We can afford to give you a few days to think it over if you need to..." you took a breath it sounded incredible,  like one of those talent scout tales...Could you do it? You didn't want to see the show go down the pan you loved the first season as a viewer and was over the moon when Tee got you the job onset. You loved the witcher as a whole...Maybe helping bring it to life could be fun? A lot of work and you didn't know shit but you could give it a go. But then you’d be working close with Henry who pretty much turned you into a fucking trembling mass of girly hormones "...But I'm not an actress...I doubt I'd be any good.." Tee snorted
"Fuck off 'not an actress', acting is a big expensive game of pretend! And no offense but you've been pretending to be an adult since we left school! You've got this besides everyone will know your situation so if things go pear-shaped or you get confused we can all help sort you out, we wont scream at you over it..." she moved standing between Joey and Henry squishing their faces
"Come on loooook! Look at there poor little faces! Don’t let Jaskier and Geralt die! If we get cancelled that’s what will happen! These charters will die! I will take them out back and shoot them myself! Never to be seen again!" You giggled at her antic as both men in her grasp tried their hardest to pout up at you with there scrunched up faces. You sighed you were gonna regret this.
"Okay okay fine I will try... But don't say I didn't warn you.." everyone took a deep breath relived. Henry and Joey shared a grin now super excited to carry on with the show. Henry more so then Joey he was ecstatic! He can't wait to start getting close to you.
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Lauren moved over to you with some long ass looking scripts.
"Here...These are for you! Start reading through these today...Do one episode at a time for now you'd have more chance learning the lines and you need to go to costume.  Tee could you tell them whats happened and get her over there today? let them measure her up luckily it's mostly lace up so shouldn't have to change much" Henry stood up quickly making you jump.
"I will take her and introduce her to everyone...I’m finished for the day so I’m going there anyway" he explained a little sheepish realizing he may have seemed eager. Joey chuckled at him Standing beside him patting the mans back Tomasz shook his head
"Thank you for the offer Henry but we still need you were going to re shoot one of the scenes again, we think there is a better angle we could get" Henry pouted chest deflating a little and nodded to the director
"Right so Tee you escort her , oh where are you staying by the way? In the hotel in town? Well we will need to move you into Keira’s trailer so you'd be onset. Tee could you show her the trailer first then wardrobe and then finally I will pop over with a contract for you this afternoon..." you froze. Contract?. What the fuck? You don't know anything about contracts! Henry caught on to your panic and lit up like Christmas finding another way he could spend time with you.
"Hey its okay...Just a bit of paper saying you've got the job and a bit of legal jargon...I can look over it with you and have my agent look over it if you want? just to be sure everything's good okay? don't worry we will take good care of you I promised didn't I?" You smiled shyly and nodded. 'Holy shit he's looking at you, speak girl stop fucking staring! SPEAK! BREATH!' You took a breath avoiding his gaze a little trying to forget who he was wanting to act cool when you did finally speak it was in a quiet voice.
"I-I Suppose so...I mean yes I'd appreciate someone sorting that out..I get the feeling there are a lot of big words involved" Joey laughed you liked Henry, he could see it and something told him you would both become very close. Well close he estimated you'd be fucking within two weeks. He noted the fact you had both gone quiet Henry's eyes boring into you again as you fiddled with script in your hand. He rolled his eyes you were blushing squirming under the witchers staring gold orbs and he didn't seem to care he was just quite happy to gawk at you. Joey finally decided to cut you so e slack.
"Your not kidding...But like Henry said nothing to bad just a you got the job! And how your being paid really" you chuckled rubbing your neck.
"Fuck! haha you know I didn't even think of that" Tomasz chuckled and nodded. Breaking his silence, he to had noticed the tension between the two of you but would say nothing it wont be a problem after all there was a sexual atmosphere between Geralt and Keira so it would do well on screen.
"Well your an actress now, so of course you'll be paid as an actress, it will be in the paper work, I suggest you go and start reading the scripts Keira is heavily involved in this season she is travelling with Geralt and Jaskier for a while... And a word of advice I'm going to have to take your name to a few higher ups with the video of your audition and names on official websites for the cast will be changed, probably in a day or two...You may want to go and clean up any social media ect that you might have...It could blow up a little bit its...What we are doing is pretty much unheard of" you frowned at him
"You...You filmed that? What? who?" Tee waved her phone up at you gaining your attention.
"Its fine y/n just need it for the records and for a few others to see..." she turned to Lauren
"Might be an idea to put this up somewhere to just to introduce her as the character..." Lauren shook her head
"Not yet get her in costume then a few photos we can film a short teaser scene with them...That can be her debut" Tee nodded and began making a list of things to do then snapped her head up looking at you.
"Seriously change your face book to friends only...And get a fucking twitter on that thought get a bloody snapchat and Instagram to! Okay? life will be easier trust me on this" Henry frowned at you stumped.
"You don't have twitter, Snapchat or Instagram?....No what? How have you? What do you do all day on your phone?" You shrugged and smiled impishly at him.
"I read...Write...Scroll tumblr for hours on end and play games...Never bothered with that social media crap don't know how to use it...Was on tumblr for years before I ever got the courage to post something" Joey smiled taking a step forward and patted your back
"Well at least you have Tumblr which I will want by the way! But never mind about the others I will show you cos your gonna need it!" You smiled at him giggling maybe this wont be so bad? You nodded at him feeling more at ease, it sounded like they were going to help you with all this shit, the only thing you had to do was keep the inner Cavill fangirl at bay, which was gonna be a hell of a job now that you weren't going to be able to avoid him but it was that or watch this show be cancelled and that was not going to happen!. You looked over to Lauren who was still giving Tee a list of jobs and people to contact.
"Okay...So where do I start?" She smiled and quickly stood in front of you as you stood between Joey and Henry both pointing out on the scripts certain things explaining what things meant and how things would work when filming. You nodded trying to take it all in. You took a breath looks like you were doing this.  
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dcforts · 4 years
the laundry room -
Dean simply cannot sit around all day, not since Michael, not since they’ve turned the bunker into a shelter for hunters from another world, not since his brother is working his ass off day and night. He is not into the whole hunter network thing, but he knows that it’s a good thing, it’s the right thing.
Only, he can’t sit around all day, so he keeps busy, trying at the same time to stay as much as possible away from all the others. He doesn’t need their eyes on him. They are respectful and kind, but Dean knows. Dean knows that deep down they are asking themselves how could he, after seeing what Michael did to their world – how could he, and since he could, what is wrong with him, what is he hiding, can he really be trusted?
Dean doesn’t want to think about that, so he stays away. He puts himself in charge of all the things that need to run smoothly in the background to make sure the hunters don’t need anything. He fixes pipes in some bathrooms, air vents in some bedrooms, opens up some more rooms to accommodate researchers and nappers alike.
He runs into Cas in the hallway one afternoon as he’s going to the laundry room. They almost crash into each other, but they both take a step back just in time. Cas says “Dean” as if he was looking for him, and studies his face for a long moment as if he’s able to check the history of his facial expressions of the last few days, those he wasn’t around to see, as Sam had sent him to meet Claire somewhere to take down a nest of vamps.
“Hey, you’re back. How did it go with Claire?”
Cas’ face immediately softens at her name. “Surprisingly well. As you know she -”
Dean interrupts him and motions to follow him “Talk and walk, there’s something I need to do.”
So Cas trails after him to the laundry room and keeps talking as Dean reaches the first dryer on their left, takes out the fresh load to dump it in a pile over a counter and checks the other cycle that’s still going in the second dryer. He keeps talking as Dean grabs an empty basket form a corner and puts it in front of him on a stool and one after the other, starts neatly folding towels and kitchen rags. Pinch the corners, fold once in a rectangle, turn to the side, fold again in a square, done, into the basket.
Dean likes doing laundry. Not exactly the time he spends collecting dirty clothes from dirty hunters that understandably - after years of living in an apocalypse and in a constant fight and flight mode - didn’t prioritize washing their clothes regularly; and not really the part when he has to grab handfuls of wet, blood smeared, smelly towels to dump them in the washing machine, but he likes this part a lot. When everything comes out new, neat, clean. Whatever goes in, no matter how bad it is, comes out reborn.
And he likes how the smell of the softener fills the room, likes the warmth fabrics under his fingertips and how quiet his head gets as he does the same movements over and over again, once, twice, three times. In there, he can’t get it wrong. He never gets it wrong.
Cas takes in the surroundings, as he does when he enters every place and then he gets closer. He is still talking.
“…I think she’s grown a lot. She misses Jody and Alex, I can tell, but I think she found her balance. I may be worried about her but I’m happy that -”
As soon as he approaches the basket Dean unceremoniously throws a kitchen rag at him. Cas catches it but stops talking and looks at him confused.
Dean shurgs. “You could help.”
Cas is dumbfounded for a moment. He looks down at the striped rag in his hands like he has never held one before.
He seems about to talk then he settles for a: “Um -”
Finally he looks at Dean intently and replicates his moves. Fold, rectangle, side, fold, square, done, basket.
“As I was saying” he starts again, as he dubiously picks up another kitchen rag from the unfolded pile, this one with white daisies embroidered on the hem, “now that Sam is mostly the one who passes hunts onto her, I’m glad that we can direct her towards things that are not as dangerous as they could be. I know that when you were her age you were thrown in all sorts of situations, but you had your father, and then you had Sam. She is alone and -”
He picks it up pretty easily and soon enough a rhythm has settled between them. Their hands don’t reach for the same piece of laundry anymore and Cas interrupts himself and loses his thread of thought more than once as he focuses on his task. Then he moves to fetch another basket, takes the kitchen rags pile away from the bathroom towels and keeps going.
“Have you asked her if she wants to come here? Be part of the Lebanon squad?”
Cas shakes his head, “She values greatly her independence. I suggested the idea of a hunting partner but she is not interested in that either.”
The kitchen rags are all gone and there’s a moment of silence. Castiel rests his hands on the edge of the basket and looks up as Dean folds the last of the bathroom towels. 
“She is still thinking about Kaia” he adds with a tinge of a sadness in his tone.
Dean catches his eyes and nods in understanding. “Yeah, I figured.”
Then the dryer at his right beeps and Dean moves to take out the new load and drop it where the first one just disappeared. Castiel looks at it with a frown like it personally offended him.
This time Dean doesn’t need to say anything before he moves to resume his task. Silence falls upon them. Dean sneaks looks at Castiel as he works. He looks at his hands, strong and efficient but careful, as gentle as they can be as they hold something that is not lethal, pointy or dangerous in any way.  
Dean has to admit that it’s an endearing sight. He looks at his sturdy frame, his messy hair, what he can see of his features from this angle, as he keeps his head low and his actions meticulous. It’s just – nice to share that space with him doing such a mundane task. It’s like seeing him under a different light.
Dean catches himself smiling dumbly right when Sam passes by the door. He instinctively raises a hand towards Dean as a greeting, then does a double take when his eyes register Castiel. He makes a disbelieving face at Dean behind Cas’ back and Dean just shrugs in response. They share a smile as Sam walks away.
Then the second pile is also done and they carry their baskets down the hallway; stop at the linen closet where Dean stuffs in the bathroom towels, and then they go towards the kitchen where Cas dumps the content of the kitchen rags basket.
He turns to face Dean “What else?” he asks matter-of-factly.
Dean huffs a laugh and slaps his back. “We’re done, Cinderella. Good job though. Did you have fun?”
“It wasn’t unpleasant.”
“Yeah? This was the easy stuff. I’ll have you fold sheets and sofa covers, we’ll see what you think then.”
the kitchen -
Dean dumps the groceries on the kitchen table with a sigh right when Castiel pokes his head in.
“Hey, where’s Jack?” asks Dean. “He was supposed to help me with this” he says gesturing towards the overflowing bags.
It took him three hours to get everything from the store. Even when they had enough money, he and Sam never really were the kind of people that bought a lot of food. They had no place to store it first of all, and even when they first got to the bunker, they never knew for how long they would stay away, hunt after hunt.
But time had changed a few things and Jack had changed a lot of other things. Packing long shelf life items, experimenting with flavours to teach him and show him, working through their supply at the speed of light were just a few of these things. They spend a lot more time at home and Dean for the first time in his life is not in a rush anymore when he goes to buy something. He takes his time, does his maths, ponders his choices, has favourite things now – not just chips and beef jerky, but things like favourite kind of pasta sauce - and he likes it.
“Still training with Bobby. Can I help you?” Cas asks taking a step forward.
Dean shrugs “If you want”, he says, but he looks more cheerful as he grabs the yogurt from the top of the closest bag and goes over one of the mini fridges. He looks back. “Pass me the things that go in here first”.
So Castiel goes from bag to bag for items that need to be refrigerated looking like a bee flying from flower to flower.
“This is a lot of food.” He says as he selects and passes on.
“Yeah, well, I wanted to make sure we had enough for a while.” Dean says as they meet in the middle of the room and Castiel hands him a pile of trays of different kinds of meat.
They keep going, settling into their roles. Castiel takes out the items from the bags and arranges them neatly for types on the table and Dean moves through the kitchen to put them back in their designated places.
The kitchen has plenty of storing space. Sam has organized everything in a way that he thinks is the most practical, so now they have things like a spice cupboard and a candy and chocolate drawer. Dean likes that.
Castiel on the other hand has not really familiarized with the space yet. He knows only where the basic stuff is: the coffee, the cups, the glasses, the beers. He knows where they keep their cutlery. So when there’s nothing more to take out of the bags and he tries to be helpful, he ends up opening cupboard after cupboard and then looking at Dean to ask “Where do these go?”
Dean snatches the instant noodles from his hands. “Away from Sam,” he says holding the little plastic cups against his chest like they are puppies. “He won’t ever make me hear the end of it.”
Castiel huffs a laugh. “I have seen nothing then,” he promises as he goes back to the last items on the table.
“Where’s Krunch Cookie Crunch?” he asks then and Dean stops in his track in the middle of the room to turn on his heels and look at him in disbelief.
“Excuse me?”
“The cereals. For Jack” he explains.
Dean feels a smile growing on his lips. “Oh, right.” He shakes his head. “It must be in there somewhere. It was the blue box, right?”
Castiel holds up the only blue box of cereals on the table. It has a cartoon version of a white haired official of some kind on the front. “You mean this? This is Cotton Candy Crunch. It’s different” he says affronted, as seriously as if they were talking about matters of life and death.
Dean cannot believe this is a conversation that he’s actually having with an angel of the lord. He tries very hard not to laugh and not sound like he’s making fun of him when he says “Yeah, you’re right. Sorry, my bad.” It doesn’t really work.
Castiel is still wearing a frown as he turns the box in his hands and looks at the ingredients. “I suppose Jack will like them anyway. There is a dangerous amount of sugar and chemicals in these as well.”
Dean goes over to him and stops right behind his back to look over his shoulder. Maybe he takes a step or two more than it is necessary because when Cas turns his face on the side to catch his eyes he find himself a little too close “Perhaps is best if we hide this from Sam as well,” he suggests conspiratorially and his breath brushes over Dean’s cheek.
Dean laughs then, puts a hand on his shoulder and says “Yeah, good idea.”
Cas looks at him expectantly for a moment, then frowns slightly and drops his gaze and it takes Dean a beat or two to follow it and realize that Cas is holding out the box for him to take. He was too focused on his face to notice it and when Cas says “Dean?” his eyes go to his lips and it makes things even worse.
Dean clears his throat and takes a step back, snatching away the box and turning his back. He hurries to the designated breakfast cupboard to strategically place it on the far back, behind other bottles and boxes.
“Next time you can tag along and show me the right kind” he says to break the silence, throwing a strained smile over his shoulder.
the garage - 
It’s the middle of the night.
Sam is yawning in the passenger seat and Castiel, who Dean can see form the rear view mirror, seems lost in thought. They decided to skip the stop to the motel and go back to the bunker right after the hunt and although it’s been a long and mostly quiet journey, Dean doesn’t feel tired. He is still fuelled by the adrenaline that has washed over him when he’s found himself way too close for comfort to a set of werewolf’s teeth. It had taken him all he had to shove the werewolf away enough to swing his machete and cut her head off.
He brings the car to a stop and Sam is the first to get out and go towards the trunk to take out the duffels with their clothes and weapons.
He hands one to Dean as he comes out from his side but Dean doesn’t take it.
“Can you bring it in? I’m gonna stay here and wash the blood off the car.”
Sam blinks a few times as if it’s taking some time for him to register what he’s heard. “What? But it’s late. You just drove seven hours straight. Aren’t you tired?”
Dean shrugs and takes off his jacket to shove that in his arms as well. “It’s not gonna take long. I just want to take the worst out of it.”
Sam shifts his gaze towards the blotches of blood on the windshield and the doors, on the windows and the headlights. They had been surprised by the pack during their stake out when they thought they were well hidden in the woods. That was also the reason why they opted out for an extra night in town. The police would have knocked at their door in the morning for sure if they’d parked that bloodied thing out in the open.
“You go” adds Dean reassuringly, knowing that Sam is probably considering staying behind to help him.
“Alright” Sam concedes “I’m gonna grab a shower and get something to eat. I’ll leave you a sandwich in the kitchen, then I’ll head straight to bed.” He yawns again. “I’m exhausted.”
Before he turns around to go his eyes stop somewhere behind Dean. “Cas?” he asks, and Dean remembers then that Cas is there too, just a few steps behind them.
“I’m staying with Dean.”
Sam nods and disappears through the door, leaving the garage in silence.
Dean gets to work, grabs his usual tools, his bucket, his brush, his towel and the car-wash soap. He turns around and Cas is right behind him.
“What should I do?” he asks.
“I wanna help.”
“Oh.” Dean considers for a moment the idea of telling him that he doesn’t need help. This is the thing that comes so easily to him he could do it with his eyes closed. But he doesn’t want to turn Cas away.
There was a moment during the hunt when Cas had reached towards him - as he sometimes does - to step in front of him, to face the danger himself and shield Dean from it, but he was intercepted and thrown against the car and before Dean could do anything, that werewolf had jumped him, almost killing him – so it’s like that moment they had, suspended, never completed, left him with a sense of loss and now he wants Cas close. He wants Cas to always be able to reach him.
So he looks down at the items he is holding and he hands him the bucket that Cas promptly steps forward to take and without another word goes to fill in the sink in the corner. Dean walks around the car trying to decide where it would be best to start.
A little soap in the water, an extra brush for Cas and soon enough they are going after the blood smeared on the roof. 
Dean hovers around Cas to make sure he’s being gentle with that brush and doesn’t forget any spot.
Castiel feels his eyes on him. “I’ve washed a car before, you know.” He says, and there’s a playful tone hidden underneath his low voice.
“Have you? When?”
Castiel shrugs, “Cars were around a long time before you were born, Dean. I was there to see it.”
“Well, I still need to make sure. Cause no car is this car. My car.”
Cas rolls his eyes. The water washes away the pinkish suds and Dean towels her off like he himself is a well-oiled machine, making always the same movements, always in the same shapes, with the same kind of towel in his hand, and underneath it, always the same solid, black and silver surface.
Dean looks up to see Castiel focused on doing the same on the other side. The hems of his sleeves are wet and he can see splashes of suds on his tie and trenchcoat.
The sight makes him smile and as he keeps towelling the hood, he walks around the car to get closer to Cas. When he’s within reach he holds out a hand to grab his tie and tug a little at it, forcing him to stop and turn towards him.
Dean uses his thumb to rub the suds on the blue fabric. “You’re gonna need a wash too.” he says.
Castiel looks down at his clothes. “Oh”.
Dean huffs a laugh and lets go of the tie but his hand refuses to retreat and it goes and pokes at the wet spots on Cas’ white shirt, right above his right pec, and all down to his side.
As he does so he looks up at Cas, who is standing like a pillar of salt now, and if Dean didn’t know that he didn’t need to breathe he would have been worried.
He smiles fondly. “You’re a mess.” he says, and the same bold, brave, uncontrolled hand goes to pinch the wet hem of the trenchcoat collar.
It stays there as Cas says, “You are in no better condition” and reaches up, unsure, to brush his fingers in his hair, right above his ear.
Dean follows his eyes, he feels them travelling down his neck and on the front of his tshirt, soaked and sticky on his chest. Cas doesn’t touch though.
Instead, he steps back and looks away. Dean’s hand has to let go of the hem, and he feels a pang of disappointment that surprises him. He hadn’t even realized that he was expecting something.
“About earlier -” starts Cas and from his tone nothing good is coming “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help you with that werewolf.”
Dean sighs and gets his legs moving, picks up the bucket and goes over to the sink to empty it and wash out the dirt. He says “Cas, come on, it’s nothing.”
Behind him, he hears Cas say “It’s not nothing. I wish I was -” he sighs. “I wish I could do more. I never seem to be able to help you when it matters.”
Dean closes the tap and turns around. “This must be the stupidest thing you’ve ever said.” he says firmly, “You help me all the time.”
Cas smiles ruefully and his tone drips sarcasm when he says “In the laundry room and the kitchen. Does that matter?”
“Yeah,” he says earnestly. “Look, hunting is our job. Sometimes we can control what goes down, sometimes not. It’s not our fault. But then the curtain falls or whatever you wanna call it and - it’s what’s behind that matters.” He gestures towards the car “This -” he says “you chose to spend your time helping me. This – matters to me.”  He takes a breath as if he’s trying to say something that just won’t come out. “Cas y- You’re always talking about -” he struggles. He closes his eyes for a moment and Cas is unsure if he should say something. But then Dean starts again, “You want to give me what I need” he says, and it sounds like a question so Cas nods. Dean drops his head and his voice, “and that’s just us.” he manages to say in the end “It’s all I need.”
As soon as he says it, he turns around again.
He doesn’t even wait for a reply, and Cas is too taken aback to give one anyway, and he adds hastly, a little embarrased: “Now, get over here and help me wring out these towels so I can go to bed before dawn, will you.” 
Cas steps foward then, covering the distance in a few strides and stopping right next to him by the sink. Dean hands him one of the towel, their fingers brushing, their eyes meeting. Dean’s smile is a little strained after his little speech but it’s there, cause this - them, like this, side by side - it feels right. Dean looks back down shaking his head a little, as if he’s regretting something he has done or something he can’t still bring himself to do.
He feels Cas’s gaze studying his profile and tries to relax his face as much as possible. Then he can’t resist and sneaks a look his way that Cas intercepts. They both open their mouths at the same time but nothing comes out.
The case, the hunt, the long drive; the things he can’t say, do, want they all catch up to Dean at once, in that moment. He dumps his towel in the sink and takes a step to the side, crowding Cas’ space. Against him, Cas feels as solid as a statue and Dean wants nothing more than to rest his whole body against his. He feels worn out, he longs for closeness. He searches Cas’ eyes for some kind of warning, a stop sign, an I’m-about-to-flee sign, but there’s none of that. It’s just Cas. Maybe, if he had a breath, Dean thinks he would be holding it, but it’s just Cas.
Part of him knows that there’s something that he should be saying, that one of them should be saying at least, but nothing is said. Maybe it’s their bodies that do the talk for them somehow. Cause one moment Dean wishes very hard to be wrapped in Cas’ arms and the next, there he is. Everything else disappears as he sighs and melts completely in his embrace, his face in the crook of Cas’ neck. He smells like blood and car wash-soap. Cas’ arms hold him as he sinks.
His own hands cling at the back of the trenchcoat, and when he moves his head a little so that his lips brush against Cas’ neck he says “Dean” in a breath. It makes him smile.
It doesn’t feel like an event or anything new, really. It feels like letting go. It feels like there was something that they’ve restrained and held back for a long time and now it’s free. Their bodies can naturally crash into each other, right where they were always supposed to be.
Cas slips his fingers through the hair on the back of his neck and presses his cheek against his.
“What are we doing tomorrow?” he asks after a while. 
“I need you to help me stay on the couch all day, how does that sound?”
“It sounds good,” whispers Cas, his hand in his hair.
Dean keeps his eyes closed.
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The Elf on Too Many Shelves
Part 3 of 4 of Winter and Warmth
👉 Read it on Ao3 
Domestic destiel - 3k - angst, case fic Bad luck galore. What’s Christmas without a case? Benny tries to help.
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Dean was taking a batch of cookies out of the oven when he heard the front door close.
“Hey babe”, he shouted, “how was Christmas shopping?”
He heard rustling. He knew Castiel doesn’t like to shout from the other side of the house, so he put the cookies to cool on the rack while he waited for him to come around.
 “Hello, Dean.”
“Welcome back, bud. So? Did you find anything?”
“Um… The shopping mall does not sell the type of things I would think to gift to Sam or Eileen.”
Dean shoves another sheet in the oven. “Like what?”
“Books or weapons they could use.”
Dean chuckled. “Yeah. No, you won’t find that there, sorry.”
“So I asked some employees and I ended up with this, but it doesn’t feel right.” Castiel takes out a tie and a gold necklace. He looks at Dean questioningly.
Dean can barely hold it. “Dude. Sam with a tie? The only time I saw him in a tie is at his wedding.” He looked at the necklace. “It’s nice, but it’s weird coming from you.”
“I also have never seen Eileen wear jewelry.”
They both looked at each other and nodded, as they spoke at the same time. “At her wedding.”
Dean smirked. “It’s alright. We’ll go together tomorrow and I’ll help you find something else.”
“Thank you, Dean.”
 Dean pointed to the bag, which didn’t seem empty. “Got something else?”
“Oh, yes.” Castiel takes out a very simple doll of an elf. “There seems to be a new worship besides the pagan god of Christmas.”
“The pagan god of – Oh! Santa.”
“Yes. This is the elf. I never heard of this god.”
“Cause it’s not. The elves help Santa make toys for kids.“
Castiel put the elf back on the table. “Oh.”
“But what’s new is that this elf is mischievous. He plays pranks on kids in the night. It’s a whole thing, I don’t get it.”
“Hm. I guess we’ll take it back too.”
“Eh, it’s fine. We’ll put it under the tree. It’s your contribution.”
Castiel put the tie and the necklace back in the bag and sat at the counter. He looked at the cookies without looking at them. “I really don’t know what to get them.”
“It’s fine, babe, I’ll help you.”
Dean took the cookies out of the oven and when he turned around, Castiel was munching on one absentmindedly.
Castiel stopped chewing. “What?”
“Those are for taking to Sam and Eileen’s!”
“Oh.” He chewed again, a guilty sadness in his eyes.
Dean snorts. “It’s fine. Are they good?”
Castiel took the last bite and smiled softly. “Yeah. They’re really good.”
“Kiss me, I wanna know.”
He didn’t need to ask Castiel twice.
 Christmas Eve morning came. Dean stayed cuddled up to Castiel as he got his phone. It didn’t turn on. In his groggy state, Dean tried again. Nothing. He let his arm fall over Castiel, phone still in hand.
“What’s wrong, Dean?”
“Phone doesn’t work. I don’t get it.”
“Is it charged?”
“Yes, it’s charged, I plugged it in last night.”
Dean tried again, again, again. Held the power button. Nothing. Tried to hold various combinations of buttons together. Nothing. “The fuck…”
Castiel offered, face still buried in the pillow, “Just take mine…”
Dean stretched to get Castiel’s phone off the charger. “Fuck.”
 Both men untangled themselves from each other and the covers, and sat up, each with their phones in their hand, trying to get them to work.
Dean slumped. “I got nothing. Shit.”
Castiel showed his to Dean, the screen stubbornly black. “Me neither. That’s strange.”
Dean pursed his lips. “One more thing to buy at the mall I guess. Like we have time for this shit.”
“At what time are we supposed to be at Sam’s?”
“Around 4, I guess, but getting there earlier would be nice. It’s been a while since we’ve all been together.”
 After showers and breakfast, they headed out.
As Dean turned the key, the Impala… didn’t start. Dean looked puzzled for a beat, then tried again. Nothing. “The fuck?” He looked over to Castiel, who looked just as puzzled.
Dean popped the hood and looked around. Nothing seemed out of place.
He tried the car again, listening closely. Nothing. “The fucking battery is dead. Stupid winter.” He got out of the car and slammed the door. Castiel got out too and asked him, over the roof, “So what do we do?”
“We call for a towing to get this fixed.”
“We don’t have phones.”
Dean punched the hood. “URGH!!!!”
“Don’t you have some old phones?”
“I think I left them all in a box and didn’t recharge them. We’re retired, remember?”
Castiel answered, “I don’t know if we will ever be. Just last week, we helped with a werewolf problem.”
Dean threw his arms in the air. “Let’s plug them in, then!”
 They went back inside and Dean found the old cell phones box. They were all dead, so he plugged one in, at least to call a tow truck, or a garage, or Sam. Then it dawned on him. “I don’t know any number.”
“They’re all in my phone. I don’t remember Sam’s number since he changed it last time. And I don’t know any other number except 911.”
They looked around their house, as if the sofas and the tables could help them.
Dean rolled his eyes. “This is a load of crap. I can’t believe how fucking annoying this is. I can kill a whole damn vampire nest by myself and yet this? This???? URGH!!!”
“Exactly, Dean. This is not a life or death situation.”
Dean could barely contain himself. “This is Baby we’re talking about. Have you met me?”
Castiel nodded in defeat.
 Dean passed a hand on his face and groaned. “Alright. I’m gonna go ask Benny for help.”
Castiel stiffened up. “Oh?”
“Benny’s a good mechanic and he’s always happy to give a hand.”
Castiel mumbled under his breath “I bet he is.”
Dean seemed too inside his head to see Castiel being crossed. “Yeah. Benny can boost me or call for a tow truck or something.”
“Benny is going to be happy to boost you I’m sure.”
Again, Dean didn’t notice. “I have the cables anyway.” He got up. “Be back in a few. Can you stay here in case Sam calls one of the old phones?”
“Sam has no idea what’s going on. Why would he call?”
“If we’re not there in time, he’ll call.”
“It’s still morning, Dean.”
Dean frowned his eyes shut, and gestured nervously. “Castiel, just… OK? Please.”
“Of course, Dean.”
 Castiel watched Dean walk to Benny’s. Neighbours weren’t too close in the country side, but Benny was close enough. Dean walked briskly.
 Castiel decided to plug in all the phones because why not. If for some reason Sam wants to call an old phone, might as well have any phone ready. He plugged them around the house.
 He went and stood by the window, watching over at Benny’s. He couldn’t see the expression on their faces, but he could read body language. Benny was standing a bit too close to Dean to Castiel’s liking. Soon enough, they hopped in Benny’s car and drove back.
 They popped the hoods and installed cables while Dean was very vocal about his opinion on the weather. Then Benny got into his car and started it and… his car started smoking. Dean made big gestures, and shouted ‘stop the car!’ Then they were both standing there looking at their cars, Benny scratching his head and Dean banging his fists on the roof. That is when Castiel noticed a little buzz sound in the house. He turned around just in time to see sparks fly from the outlets, and the power went out. “Oh no…”
 Castiel ran outside. “Dean!”
Dean turned around, eyes wide with hope. “Did Sam call?”
“No. The electricity went out in the house. The outlets made sparks.”
“WHAT?” Dean took a moment to think. “WHAT?”
“I don’t know, Dean. I plugged all the phones in case Sam calls and-”
“Did you plug them all together?”
“Of course not.”
Dean threw his arms in the air. “WHAT IS GOING ON?”
 Benny was confused as well. “You mean your phones don’t work, the car doesn’t work, and now your power went out… that’s a lot.”
Dean added, “Yeah. Add that to your oven that burns all hell, and now your car. How’s your phone?”
Benny took his phone out. “It’s fine.” He looked closer. “Wait no. I have no bars. That’s weird.”
 A short red-haired woman appeared in the driveway. “Hey guys!”
Castiel beamed. “Hi, Charlie!”
Dean was too grumpy to be cheerful. “Let me guess. Something’s wrong?”
Charlie looked at the cars, then to the men, and said, “Yeah. My toilet overflowed and every sink too. How did you know?”
Dean answered, “Cause it seems we’re all having bad luck this morning.”
Charlie said, “Well, my problem is very stinky and has the potential of damaging my house. So maybe we can deal with mine first? Not to impose or anything, but I’m a bit stressed about it.”
All the men nodded.
Dean said, “Yeah, Benny and I will go, and Cas…” he looked at Castiel, “Castiel too, since our power is out anyway.”
Charlie was filled in with all the morning bad luck on the way to her house.
 All the men helped with mopping. Then, everyone tried to understand which pipe was clogged up. They put products in sinks and drains, hoping it would work.
 While the products were doing their thing, they waited in the living room, coffee in hand, in silence.
Castiel seemed to notice something. He picked up an ugly doll of an elf. “I see you have it too, Charlie.”
“The elf. Dean says it’s for children.”
“It is. My girlfriend will be back with her niece tomorrow and she’s all about the elf. She barely bothers with Santa.”
Benny added, “I have the ugly doll too. My great-granddaughter finds it fascinating and my son-in-law is quite the prankster, so my house will be a mess for a week when they get here tomorrow.”
 Castiel put the elf back and glanced out the window. “Dean, the power is back on at our house.”
At that moment, there was all sorts of blings and dings. Everyone patted their pockets in a frenzy for their phones and took them out.
Dean beamed. “Yes! It works!”
Everyone’s cell phone worked too.
Dean fiddled quickly on his phone. “I gotta call Sam.”
They heard a furious gurgle, and as they turned to look at where the sound came from – the kitchen sink – water shot up and splattered around.
“What the-“
Dean had his phone to his ear while Benny, Castiel and Charlie were in the kitchen trying to clean up. “Come on, Sam, pick up pick up pick up pick up.”
 “Hi, Dean. What’s up?”
“Sam, quick, before I lose my phone again – “
“Yeah, it died this morning. Look, Cas and me, and Benny, and Charlie, we’ve all had weird bad luck all at the same time this morning and we all have a stupid elf on the shelf doll –“
“Dean, I’m losing you.”
Dean looked at his phone. One bar. What the fuck. “Elf on the shelf. Cursed or not?”
“The doll? That’s weird.”
“Sam! Our lives are weird! Cursed or not?”
“Wait, Rowena is here, I’ll ask her.”
The line went dead. Dean checked his phone. Dead. “FUCK”
He joined the others. “I lost my phone again. How’s it going here?”
Charlie pointed to the buckets full of water. “Pretty much everything is cleaned up. I don’t know what else to do.”
“Sam is on it.”
Benny asked, “On what?”
“The case.”
Charlie asked, “What case?”
Dean explained, “I just wondered if those elves things are cursed. We all have bad luck, it’s weird. And Cas and me never had that doll before. Have you?”
All said no.
Dean continued, “And Rowena is at Sam’s for some reason. He said he’d ask her. So with Sam’s brains and Rowena’s witch stuff, I guess we’ll know soon enough.”
Benny asked Dean, “Maybe we can try your car again.”
“But yours is dead too.”
“Maybe not. We should check it out.”
“OK.” Dean didn’t notice Castiel’s ears had turned red. “So Cas, you’re staying with Charlie?” It wasn’t as much a question as a request.
Castiel glanced at Charlie, whose eyes darted from Dean to Castiel. “OK.”
Dean left with Benny.
 Castiel was shaken off staring out the window by Charlie who asked, “Are you OK?”
He forced himself to look away from his husband and their neighbour. “Yes, it’s fine.”
“Castiel, you look like you want to kill, but worse. What’s the word again?”
Castiel was not catching on Charlie playing stupid. “Smite.”
“Can you still smite people?”
“Unfortunately, no.”
“Castiel…” Charlie’s warmth was barely registering with Castiel, but she kept on. “You have to talk to Dean.”
“About what?”
“And say what? Nothing happened.”
“But it’s eating you up. Talk to Dean. Tell him how you feel.”
 The rest of the morning was spent going back and forth between problems, and more neighbours joined in the bad luck. Dean verified, and yes, everyone had those stupid elves. But besides Benny and Charlie, he couldn’t explain yet to them why their food had all rotten overnight in the fridge, why their TV was showing only Korean dramas on every channel – no subtitles – or why their microwave was freezing the food instead of heating it.
 Rowena finally arrived, with Sam. “Eileen is elbows deep in food prep for tonight.”
Dean was surprised. “Eileen cooks?”
Sam chuckled. “It’s her ‘retirement project’. She never had time before, so she’s trying all sorts of things. It’s going great, actually.”
 They all sat down in Castiel’s and Dean’s kitchen, after Rowena made a point of saying how Castiel was glowing as a husband. “Love looks good on you, dear.” Castiel didn’t know what to say, so he blushed as he muttered a thanks. Dean smirked fondly, but Castiel didn’t see it.
 Sam started. “So, what you’re saying is, people who have the elf on the shelf doll are having back luck.”
Dean explained how the morning went. “So, I’d say, yes. So far.”
Rowena asked, “Have you tried burning a doll to see if it lifts the curse?”
Dean facepalmed. “Gimme one sec, we’ll try it right now.”
He came back with the elf, put it in the sink, and got his lighter out. “Sorry babe. We gotta try.”
Castiel nodded.
As the doll burned, all the old cell phones that were plugged in dinged back to life, as did Castiel’s and Dean’s.
Dean checked his phone. “Full bars, too. Full charge.” He looked up to Rowena. “Seems to work.”
Rowena confirmed, “Then it is the dolls that are cursed. Good. We can work with that.”
Benny nodded towards Dean. “Maybe we should check the cars again.” Dean got out of his chair without a word and they went out.
 While the men started working on the Impala again, Rowena explained that they needed an intact cursed elf to do a spell to locate and identify the source and the intent of the curse.
As Charlie got out to get hers, Castiel heard the rumble of two cars outside and shouts of happiness.
Castiel mused, “I guess the cars are working now.” He went to the window and saw Benny and Dean hugging. “And they’re happy.” Castiel’s tone wasn’t.
Rowena and Sam exchanged glances.
 Once everybody was back in the house, Rowena put the doll on the kitchen table and got some things out of her bag. She did some fire (candle), water (just a glass from the tap) and earth (one of Castiel’s potted plants) combo and said some things nobody understood. A map appeared on the table, with a marker on a specific spot.
Rowena moved the elf on the spot.
The map zoomed in.
Charlie said, in awe, “My god it’s like Google maps, but magic.”
A name, Stephany Jones, and an intent, vengeance, appeared.
Rowena smiled. “Look who we have here. That little brat can’t do magic properly. Again.”
Dean asked, “You know her?”
Rowena lifted her chin up. “We used to hit certain establishments together to find men with money. Her spells often backfired.” She made a face. “She’s sloppy.” She started to get angry. “And who do you think had to clean up after her?”
Sam said, “It looks like you need to clean up after her again. But this time, we can help.”
Rowena picked up her things and shoved them into her bag. “It’s fine. I’ll take care of it. Being Queen of Hell has some perks after all.”
Castiel said, “No killing.”
Rowena feigned indignance. “Of course not.”
Dean scoffed.
Rowena pursed her lips. “I will take care of her magic. She needs to be stopped. I know I like a little chaos, but she’s not even poetic about it.”
 Rowena left with Sam, who assured he’d call to tell them when the witch had been dealt with, while ensuring she’d still be alive. But before leaving, he’d checked in with Eileen and declared everyone was invited to Christmas dinner.
 Benny accepted Sam’s invitation. He then drove home, saying he had an elf to burn and a new one to buy.
 Castiel was stiff as a board, fists clenched. He was only shaken out of his misery by the surprise punch on the shoulder from Charlie. “This is gonna be so much fun!”
 Castiel looked at Dean, who was scrolling on his phone. He hoped Charlie would be right.
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Part  4. Mulled Wine Cider
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snizabelle · 4 years
Alright, finally got to a point where I’m happy enough with this fic to actually post it. I’ll probably be putting any further chapters on AO3, enjoy.
It took exactly 148 steps from the sandy base of the ruins to get to its former grand lobby, Castis had counted every one meticulously. Barely anything stood of the ancient skyscraper but its pillars. The roof had long been destroyed, or caved in with time, allowing the light and sweltering heat of the desert sun to cover most of the floor. Crouched in the shadows by the weathered railing was a figure, aiming a rifle into the sandy valley below.
Cas aimed his pistol. “Freeze!!" 
It wasn't an unusual sight, the ruins were usually crawling with bounty hunters, vagrants, and thieves.
The suspect remained still, as they hadn't been moving in the first place. I told an unmoving person to 'freeze', he thought. Spirits, I am a fool. He tried again. "Stay where you are!" That's even worse. I wish I was dead.
This was hardly his first arrest, but he was still rattled by confrontation. Everything was so much simpler on paper; doing the actual dirty work was too nerve-wracking. He had already spent 6 months on this crappy planet and dealt with his fair share of riffraff. Nolvion may have been a dwarf planet in the back end of the terminus systems but you wouldn't think it with the amount of scum it collected. The small security outpost he was a part of was the only thing driving it back, though the real objective was considered classified. He tried to keep his hands from shaking as his thoughts continued to scream through his head. "Look, just get up-no stay where you, uh, raise your-" (aaaAAAAUUUGH!!) Finally, the suspect stirred. They were wearing thick, but shoddy, ill-fitting armor, head obscured by a large standard-issue helmet. Without turning, they raised a single finger, indicating whatever Castis was spouting could wait. Wait....what? "I - excuse me!!", he sputtered, "I am an officer of Fort Audax!" There was a brief pause. Then, the suspect stood, and slumped forward with an exaggerated sigh. This intrusion seemed to leave them put out. 
Castis was getting impatient. "I demand you turn around slowly with your hands in the air now!!"
After what seemed like an eternity, the suspect turned and- There was a deafening sound and the floor flew up to meet Castis' head. His jaw cracked on the ground and tasted blood in his mouth. He could feel a bruise forming where the kick had landed on his mandible. Enraged, he scrambled to his feet, head pounding. The culprit stood there, seemingly baffled. "Did you just ..." Castis felt only anger now. "...assault me?!” He heard something that sounded like an 'uh oh' noise muffled in the helmet. Castis barred his teeth. You're goddamn right 'uh oh'. He may have been a terrible negotiator but he was pretty damn good at hand-to-hand combat. Before the offender had a chance to do anything else, Castis had lunged forward and grabbed their wrist, twisting it, forcing their knees to buckle. Before they could react, he headbutted them on the bridge of their helmet, causing the cheap material to crack. As the assailant fell backward, Cas swept their right leg, hearing a distinct crack as they fell backward, helmeted head thudding on the ground. Panting, Castis steadied himself and surveyed the assailant. There was no movement. He walked carefully around the body and pushed their discarded rifle away with his foot. "Vakarian! Come in Vakarian!" A voice crackled onto the communicator on his omni-tool. Cas answered the comm, still trying to catch his breath. "This is Vakarian." "Status report." "Sir,” he panted "Suspect attacked me, but I have rendered them unconscious. Sustained minor injuries. Suspect is unarmed and incapacitated."
There was a pause. The voice cracked again. "Just shoot them."
Cas clenched his jaw. "I repeat: the suspect is unarmed and incapaci-" "I heard what you said." There was a shuffling sound as though the person speaking was shifting, agitated. "Do it." Cas swallowed hard, fingers clenching and unclenching. He chose his next words carefully. "Sir...It would be more...prudent... to bring in the suspect for questioning and proces-”
"Damn you Vakarian!!" Cas jerked his head back so violently it smacked the stone wall lightly behind him, "Do we have to go through this every time?! Do we have to spend hours of paperwork for every infraction!? Just shoot the f -"
He disconnected without thinking.
Damn. Gonna pay for that later.
He glanced over at the motionless figure. ‘Just shoot them.’
Well, crap. Marcella was in incredible pain. Hopefully, her leg wasn't broken but it certainly felt like it was. Damn it all. Usually, one kick to the face made rent-a-cops drop like drunk elcor. Should've sized this one up better. You're getting sloppy. The crackle of the cop’s comm echoed over to her. "Just shoot them." Spirits..... If I had known it was my last day alive I would've....would've... She struggled to think of something meaningful one could do in their last hours while the comm screeched. There was abrupt silence and she heard the scraping of boots as the officer turned around. 
Shit. Shit! Not like this! 
More silence. From inside the helmet, she peeked open her eyes for a second to see what he was doing. He was leaning in close. Inspecting her? There was a hunting knife on her hip. Maybe if he leaned in close enough she could get him in the neck. It was her only shot. She felt her helmet jostle and snapped her eyes shut again. Hot air rushed her face as her helmet was removed. Just play dead. Don't move...! She heard a thunk as her helmet was tossed aside. Her hand was laying under her back by her left side. She could feel the shape of the knife pressing against the back of her thigh. He had straightened up again. Her fingers inched toward the knife, touching the hilt. I could just go for it... maybe he'll be so surprised he won't react? Or I'll just get shot in the face. Well, I'm dead either way. There was another loud crackle as his comm buzzed. and almost made her jerk. "Female. No facial markings." She heard the cop say. "Taking into custody. Will report at 0500." What..? She relaxed her fingers, retreating them from the hilt. Interesting.
Faldos can flay me for all I care. Castis holstered his gun and submitted his report verbally in his comm. "Female. No facial markings." Do things right or not at all. He walked over to his bag, laying where he had set it by an old pillar. He shuffled through it for a bit, though as usual, it was perfectly organized. He retrieved his handcuffs and turned. The suspect already had one leg up on the ledge and was in the process of climbing over. "Hey-! You- F-FREEZE!!" He dropped the cuffs, awkwardly grabbed for his holstered gun, and pointed it at her back. She froze accordingly. "Ugh, come on!" Slowly, she turned, hands begrudgingly in the air. She starred at him, seizing him up.
The first thing Cas noticed was her eyes. They were a piercing blue. He felt a strange pulling in his chest. She had no clan markings but had slight scarring on her left mandible. The way it traced up the side of her face was almost memorizing. She was tall, even for a turian, and her waist was - “Well?” she said suddenly, shaking him out of his thoughts  She sounded slightly amused.
Cas blinked and shook his head. What the hell was that!?  
"S...state your name!" He could feel his face grow hot in embarrassment.
She smirked and said nothing.
Castis blinked nervously but didn't relent. “You are trespassing. You are not authorized to be here. Show me identification now or I will take you into custody."
She shrugged her shoulders, the universal sign of indifference.
"Are you aware you attacked an officer of Fort Audax?" Cas said.
"Well yeah,' She shrugged again. 'I figured the uniform wasn't for show.”
Castis felt himself burn, "Excuse me?!"
She smirked again, seemingly excited she was able to get under his skin. He exploded, "Get on the ground now!!" Her smile faded. 'Well, I'll try." She visibly struggled to kneel on her left leg, glaring at him all the while. Castis felt a brief bout of shame wash over him. "Hey, uh...I'm sorry if I was too rough. it's okay, I have medi-gel if you need it.” She continued to glare "I’m fine." She tried to lean on one leg and winced.
"No, you're not. You're hurt." Castis stepped forward.
'Really? You kick my ass then offer to clean me up?" The suspect's eyes flashed. "Go ahead and give me two pops in the back of my head when I kneel, make it quick okay?"
Castis slowly lowered his gun to the ground. He took a few more steps forward and raised his hands. "I promise I'm not gonna hurt you."
The perp raised her eyebrow plates but said nothing.
"Do you...would you mind if I...?" Cas took a few more cautious steps forward. She paused for a second then extended her leg almost dramatically. 'By all means, admire your handiwork." He shuffled close to her and knelt by her outstretched leg. Dispensing some medi-gel, he began to apply a numbing agent to her upper thigh. He was uncomfortably close. Look forward, look forward look forward, don't be weird don't be weird - "Enjoying yourself?" His head snapped up to meet her gaze. "NO!" She was smirking again. His face burned as he hastily rubbed the rest of the medi-gel on her thigh as quickly as possible. He staggered to his feet rubbing the excess off his hands. "Alright, how does it feel now?" The suspect leaned on her leg gently, then gave a few light stomps. "Hrm, not bad." She took a few light steps toward him. "Do you make a habit of sensually patching up every girl you brutalize?"
Castis felt his face burn even hotter. "Y-you attacked me first!"
She shrugged, "Eh details...' Details?! "Either way, since you refuse to provide any form of identification - and you attacked me -” Castis glared, “ - I'm going to have to take you in." There was a long pause. She sighed then extended her wrists. Castis blinked. "Really?" "It's only fair, you patched me up." She looked off in the distance as though not wishing to engage in the situation. "Well....good!” Cas huffed a small sigh of relief. Finally, things are gonna stop being needlessly difficult. He approached her warily. "Now please extend your-" She's already doing that you WORTHLESS- "YEP just like that, uh, let me just-" He lifted his noticibly empty hands. Cuffs. YOU NEED CUFFS AAAAA- "Just.....one...second," Cas mumbled awkwardly. The suspect blinked lazily at him, seemingly bored. Castis ran awkwardly back to the pillar where the cuffs lay. He grabbed them and whirled around. "Okay! Now let me just-" She was gone. "HEY!!"
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The End: Part Two
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,677
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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Tearing open your father’s front door, the first thing you noticed was how dusty and dirty the place was. It was as if no one has lived here in years and considering half the town was infected and stir-crazy, you pushed past the trash and rushed inside.
“Dad! Dad!” you exclaimed before turning the corner to his library room. Freezing in your spot, you zeroed in on your father’s wheelchair which was turned over with bullet holes in the back of the chair. Not only that, there was dried blood by the holes.
“No, Dad,” you whimpered as you stumbled to the chair. Getting on your knees, you let the first wave of tears come as you stared at the bullet holes. He wasn’t here, and based on this find, you knew he was dead.
“Where the hell is everyone?” Dean said as he rounded the corner. He saw the broken look on your face and when he noticed the bullet holes, he pieced together the puzzle. “Come on, Y/N.”
“No! He’s dead!” you cried as your boyfriend helped you up on shaky legs.
“The only thing we can do is try to figure out what the hell went on in here. I know just where to start looking,” he said before walking over to the bookcase next to the web-infested fireplace. Reaching into an empty shelf, he felt around for the hidden door and popped it open before taking out his dad’s journal. “This should tell us where to start first.” He flipped through pages before stopping on a photograph of Castiel, your father, and three unidentified men.
“Who are they?” you sniffled.
“It’s not as important as the sign behind them. Camp Chitaqua. That’s where they are and that’s where we’re going.”
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“What the hell is this? It’s like a prison,” you muttered as you approached the sign from the photograph in John’s journal. There are several men inside the campgrounds with rifles, patrolling the area with stern faces.
“Quiet,” he hushed as he dashed behind some bushes. Looking over your shoulder, you spotted something very near and dear to Dean’s heart, and it broke your heart at the sight of how trashed she was. 2014!Dean would never let Baby get this destroyed, not for you or for Sam.
“Dean, look,” you whispered as you focused his attention on the beat-up car in the bushes.
“Oh, baby, no,” Dean gasped as he made his way to the broken car. The windows were gone, the outside was dented, and the inside was basically rusted to hell. Both you and Dean inspected the car from a much closer look, and Dean ran his hands over the leather seat regretfully.
“Oh, no, baby, what did they do to you?” he asked painfully. A twig snapped from behind you, and you barely turned to see who it was before you were hit in the head with something sharp and hard. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your body slumped, the darkness taking over your mind and body.
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The rattling of chains is what woke you up when you tried to touch the back of your throbbing head. Your hands were handcuffed to a bed post, and the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes was Dean’s hard eyes as he stared into your own.
“What the hell, Dean? Knocking me out and handcuffing me is not the right way to get laid,” you groaned.
“Sounds like you… looks like you… but it’s not you.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Coming back to me after all this time is a real dick move, Amara,” Dean growled.
“Dean, I have no idea,” you spotted another body across the room and realized it was Dean, “what you’re talking,” you looked back and forth between the two Deans with wide eyes, “about.”
“What the hell?” Dean groaned as he moved his hand which was handcuffed to a ladder that was bolted to the ground.
“I should be asking that question, don't you think?” 2014!Dean said as he tore his gaze from you to look at his body-double. “In fact, why don't you give me one good reason why I shouldn't gank you right here and now?”
“Because you'd only be hurting yourself?” your boyfriend said in a questioning tone.
“Very funny.”
“Look, we’re not shapeshifters or demons,” you said as you shifted in your spot.
“I wasn’t talking to you,” 2014!Dean snapped at you. Quickly shutting your mouth, you looked at your boyfriend who just shrugged to your questioning gaze.
“I did the drill while you were out,” 2014!Dean said to your boyfriend. “Silver, salt, holy water—nothing. But you know what was funny? Was that you had every hidden lockpick, box cutter, and switchblade that I carry. Now, you want to explain that? Oh, and the, uh, resemblance, while you're at it?”
“Come again?”
“I'm you from the tail end of 2009. Zach plucked us from our bed and threw us five years into the future.”
“You’re not Amara?” 2014!Dean asked you in a whisper.
“No, I’m not. I would never say yes to her.”
“Yeah, that’s what she said before she did exactly that,” he sighed painfully before turning to his double. “Where is Zachariah? I want to talk to him.”
“I don't know. Look, we just want to get back to my own fucking year, okay?”
“Okay. If you're me, then tell me something only I would know,” 2014!Dean said with a glare as he knelt down next to his past self. Dean side glanced at you before smirking.
“Rhonda Hurley. We were, uh, nineteen. She made us try on her panties. They were pink. And satiny. And you know what? We kind of liked it.”
“Are you serious?” you laughed. “Is that the time when you were happy high? You had on satiny panties?”
“And you, how do I know you’re not Amara pretending to be the woman I loved? Back for some more torture? You didn’t have enough before?” he yelled at you.
“Dean, I’m not Amara. Would she know how many sleepless nights we’ve spent together when Sam was off to college and John was missing? Would she know that you saved me from humiliation and gave me my first kiss? Would she know my undying love for you?”
“Anyone could know that,” he glared.
“Look, is the Croatoan virus the angel’s endgame?” Dean asked to get his future self away from you. He didn’t like seeing and hearing himself talk to you like that.
“It's efficient, it's incurable, and it's scary as hell. Turns people into monsters. Started hitting the major cities about two years ago. World really went in the crapper after that,” 2014!Dean answered as he turned his back to you.
“What about Sam?”
“Heavyweight showdown in Detroit,” 2014!Dean said after a heavy pause. “From what I understand, Sam didn't make it.”
“You weren't with him?”
“No. No, me and Sam, we haven't talked in—hell, five years.”
“We never tried to find him?”
“We had other people to worry about,” 2014!Dean said as he grabbed a duffel bag and started heading to the door.
“Where you going?” you asked.
“I got to run an errand.”
“Whoa. You're just gonna leave us here?”
“Yes. I got a camp full of twitchy trauma survivors out there with an apocalypse hanging over their head. The last thing they need to see is a version of The Parent Trap. And they certainly don’t need to see your face, especially after what Amara pulled last time she was in here. So, yeah, you two stay locked down.”
“Okay. Alright. Fine. But you don't have to cuff us, man. Oh, come on. You don't trust yourself?”
“No. Absolutely not,” 2014!Dean scoffed as he left.
“Do I really say yes to her?” you asked in horror.
“Get us out of here, please. I guess he doesn’t realize you stiff have witchy powers,” Dean sighed. Without another glance to your handcuffs, blue magic swirled up your arms and to the cuffs before unlocking them which se you free. Getting out of bed, you walked to Dean before doing to the same to his cuffs. Tiptoeing to the door, you peered outside before casually walking around like you two belonged there.
“If what future me says is true, I don’t know if it’s a good idea to show your face around here.”
“What do you want me to do, get a new face?” you asked before you were interrupted by Chuck calling Dean’s name.
“Hey, Dean. You got a second?”
“No—yes. Uh, I—I guess. Hi, Chuck,” Dean chuckled nervously. Shaking your head, you made sure your hair covered some of your features as to not raise alarm in Chuck.
“Hi,” he smiled as he glanced at you. “So, uh, listen, we're pretty good on canned goods for now, but we're down to next to nothing on perishables and—and hygiene supplies. People are not gonna be happy about this. So, what do you think we should do?”
“I—I don't know. Maybe, uh, share? You know, like at a kibbutz.”
“Wait a minute. aren't you supposed to be out on a mission right now?”
“Absolutely. And I will be.”
“Who is this?” Chuck asked before putting a hand on your shoulder. Your hair fell away from your eyes, and his own widened not I fear but something else.
“Y/N, Amara let you go?”
“The others won’t believe it.”
“Then why do you sound like you do?” you wondered. Before Chuck had a chance to explain, he coughed awkwardly before shuffling away. A woman marched right over to Dean and shoved his chest before slapping his cheek hard enough to catch him off guard. Chuck grabbed your hand and pulled you to him so he could shield you away from the woman. If she saw you, then panic would ensue.
“Whoa! Jeez! Easy, lady!”
“Risa,” Chuck whispered to Dean.
“You spent the night in Jane's cabin last night, didn't you? I thought we had a 'connection'.”
“Well, I'm sure that we do,” Dean coughed. Your first instinct was to protect Dean, but Chuck as preventing you from slugging her.
“Hi, Risa,” Chuck chuckled.
“Screw you,” she scoffed before leaving.
“Hey, Chuck, is... Cas still here?”
“Yeah. I don't think Cas is going anywhere,” he said as he pointed to a nearby cabin. Looking around, you quickly dashed over to it before entering. Letting Dean go first, you shuffled behind to see 2014!Castiel and a group of women sitting in a circle.
“So, in this way. We're each a fragment of total perception—just, uh, one compartment in that dragonfly eye of group mind. Now, the key to this total, shared perception—it's, um, it's surprisingly physical,” he smiled before spotting Dean. “Oh. Excuse me, ladies. I think I need to confer with our fearless leader for a minute. Why not go get washed up for the orgy?”
“What the fuck?” you whispered as the ladies left the cabin one by one until it was only the three of you inside.
“What are you, a hippie?” Dean scoffed.
“I thought you'd gotten over trying to label me.”
“Castiel, we have to talk,” you said as you made yourself known.
“Whoa, strange,” he said once he laid eyes on you before moving his gaze to your boyfriend.
“You... are not you. Not now you, anyway.”
“Yeah, exactly. I’m not Amara.”
“I didn’t think you were,” he smiled. “What year are you from?”
“Who did this to you? Is it Zachariah?”
“Interesting,” 2014!Castiel breathed.
“Oh, yeah, it's fucking fascinating. Now, why don't you strap on your angel wings and fly us back to our page on the calendar?” Dean demanded.
“I wish I could just, uh, strap on my wings, but I'm sorry, no dice.”
“Are you stoned?” you asked as you narrowed your eyes.
“Uh, generally, yeah.”
“What the hell happened to you?”
“Life. Looks like your guy’s back. Better hurry off,” 2014!Castiel said as he pointed to a car and jeep that were arriving back into base. Looking at Dean, you rushed out of there to go back to your cabin when you realized there were too many people in the way.
“Come on,” you whispered before dodging behind some bushes which gave you a pretty good view of the front of the jeep. 2014!Dean and some other soldiers climbed out before the fearless leader grabbed two beers and tossed one to a soldier. They both open the beers and started drinking before 2014!Dean took out his gun and pointed it at the same soldier.
“Lookout!” you and Dean yelled as you made yourselves known to everyone. 2014!Dean shot the soldier in cold blood as everyone stared at you with fear in their eyes.
“Damn it,” 2014!Dean muttered.
“She’s back!” someone yelled loudly.
“I'm not gonna lie to you. Me and them—It's a pretty messed-up situation we got going. I wouldn’t let Amara back in this place and you all know it. But believe me, when you need to know something, you will know it. Until then, we all have work to do,” he announced before walking over to the two of you before gripping your arms. “Come with me.” He dragged you to the cabin where you were handcuffed before throwing you inside it and slamming the door shut.
“What the hell what that?!” 2014!Dean yelled. Everything about this man scared you, and you couldn’t ever see Dean acting this way towards anyone, and especially not towards you.
“What the hell was that? You just shot a guy in cold blood!” you yelled.
“We were in an open quarantine zone. Got ambushed by some Croats on the way out,” 2014!Dean explained, and by the confused looks on both your faces, he explained a bit further. “Croats. Croatoans. One of them infected Yeager.”
“How do you know?” Dean asked.
“'Cause after a few years of this, I know. I started seeing symptoms about a half an hour ago. Wasn't gonna be long before he flipped. I didn't see the point in troubling a good man with bad news.”
“'Troubling a good man'? You just blew him away in front of your own people. Don't you think that freaked them out a little bit?”
“It's 2014. Plugging some Croat, it's called commonplace. Trading words with my fucking clone and seeing your face back here—that might have freaked them out a little.
“Alright, look—”
“No, you look,” 2014!Dean said with a glare as he cut you off. “This isn't your time. It's mine. You don't make the decisions. I do. So, when I say stay in, you stay in. I should have known you would come back with witch powers otherwise I would have done a better job of tying you down. I don’t need you running around here scaring people, and I certainly don’t need you in here with me. You left me, so you’re lucky I’m even letting you live because I would have put a bullet in your skull the minute I laid eyes on you.”
“Alright, man,” Dean said to calm everyone down. Tears welled up in your eyes at the man Dean became. It wasn’t him, and he terrified you. “I'm sorry. Look, W—we’re not trying to mess you—me—us up here.”
“I know,” 2014!Dean said with a sigh as he grabbed three glasses and the alcohol bottle. However, when he passed you a glass, you refused to take it.
“What was the mission, anyway?” Dean asked as the two doubles drank from their glasses. He could see the hurt in your eyes, but he didn’t want to make matters worse with his future self by starting a fight with him. 2014!Dean reached in his jacket and pulled out a gun—the Colt.
“The Colt? Where was it?”
“Everywhere. They've been moving it around. Took me five years, but...I finally got it. And tonight—tonight, I'm gonna kill the devil.”
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tetrakys · 5 years
My rewrite of Castie’s date from episode 13. I liked the original one so this is just an extra.
While playing these games I found out I can be a petty person sometimes… apparently my Candy is too.
This was supposed to be a romantic night out, instead I had never felt this uncomfortable watching a movie before. Castiel was sitting right next to me, but it was like he was far, far away. He was mad, and I knew exactly the reason why.
It had started so well, we had finally found a way to spend some time together. Going to the cinema on a Sunday night wasn’t ideal, but I would have done anything to have a proper date with him. There wasn’t a huge crowd in the movie theatre, still he hadn’t gone unnoticed. People were either looking at us or asking him for news about his next concert. I could tell this made him a little uncomfortable, but when we’d finally taken our seats, he was back to his usual flirty self, ready to spend the next two hours in the dark not watching a single minute of the film.
Right then, a paparazzi had taken our picture. I was surprised and yes, a little annoyed, but whatever, our pictures had already been plastered all over the internet, what was one more at this point. Castiel, instead, was furious. After trying in vain to catch the photographer, he had announced we were leaving.
Just like that.
That irked me like nothing else. A few days ago, he had explained how this was his life now, and I had to get used to it if I wanted to be with him. Was it ideal? No, of course not. But was I complaining? Not at all. Apparently, I wasn’t the one who had problems getting used to it.
I could have behaved as the understanding girlfriend, taken his hand and left the cinema without a word, but that wasn’t me, he knew it very well. He had never been able to boss me around when we were teens, I wasn’t going to let him now. That was actually one of the things he loved about me at the time but, considering the cold vibes he was emanating, I wasn’t sure he still felt the same way right this moment.
All our encounters since we had started dating again added to either locking ourselves in my room for half an hour, or spending the night in his flat. I was his girlfriend, not his secret hook-up, I was promised a real date and that was what I was going to get. I stood my ground and said that I was staying, he was free to leave if he wanted.
For ten excruciating seconds I thought he was really going to take off and stand me up, but he didn’t. He had taken his seat again and hadn’t said a word to me since. We were almost at the end of the movie and he hadn’t touched me one single time.
I felt slightly guilty for sort of forcing him to stay and, to be honest, I would have been more accommodating if it wasn’t for what had happened before the incident. I had kissed him in the hall of the cinema and he had distanced himself, saying that he didn’t like public demonstrations of affection.
In the past he had been all over me all the time, he didn’t care about what other people thought. I remembered one specific event when he had been a big fan of having an audience.
“Woooooow it landed on the student body president!” Alexy cried excitedly. “Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
I waited several seconds before looking up. How was I going to get out of the situation?! I just had to say no, but no one had refused a dare yet, and no one could know why I couldn’t do it. Why couldn’t the stupid bottle have landed on Castiel?!
Nath stood up while looking at me straight in the eyes. He sat in front of me and he raised a hand to gently cup my cheek. He got close… he was really going to do it! I would have never thought that…
“Hey watch out!” Melody protested while Castiel roughly made his way towards the glass doors.
“Sorry I’m going to go. I’m going to walk around.”
Things were not going well… I couldn’t let him leave. I had to talk to him… Oh well if the others saw me. I rushed out of the room and followed him.
“Castiel…” I said tentative once I caught with him in the farthest and darkest corner of the garden.
“I swear I let it go, but I am not far off from blowing a fuse! If I hadn’t interrupted he would have kissed you!”
He was really furious, I had never seen him so mad before, pacing back and forward trying to calm himself. He kept blubbering about how it was Nath’s thing to go after his girlfriends. I tried to point out that what had happened with Deborah had all been plotted out by her, but he was so angry he was beyond reason.
“Let me remind you he doesn’t know about us!”
“And maybe he should!” he uttered coming towards me. “You know I’ve never been a fan of this idea of yours of keeping our relationship secret, and it seems I was right! Everyone seems to be entitled to take a shot at you!”
“Everyone… Castiel, I know you’re mad, but you’re exaggerating now!”
“Am I?” he replied with an evil smirk, “you have no idea, do you? About how soldier boy has had the hots for you since he was still a scrawny thing. About how the geek acts even lamer when you are around. And…” a pained look crossed his face, “even Lysander, the way he looks at you… my own best friend!”
“I should stake my claim, here and now!”
“Castiel, please… I think people noticed us already, please…”
He got even closer to me, his eyes full of rage.
“I don’t fucking care…” he placed his hand against the tree behind me, “and I would have never let him kiss you… I would rather kiss you in front of everyone else in this place.”
He put his other hand on the other side of my face, effectively trapping me between the tree and his strong body. With a glint in his eyes he brought his face closer to mine.
“Who do you belong to, Candy?”
“No one,” I replied.
“Wrong answer,” he said with a mischievous smile, his lips hovering over mine just a breath away, I so wanted him to kiss me.
“I’m no one’s property,” I said stubbornly.
“Mmm…” he caressed my cheek with his lips, so lightly… then left a small kiss under my ear. He wasn’t touching me anywhere else, just his lips tracing a path along my neck, so sweetly it was making me lose my mind.
“Castiel…” I whispered grabbing his t-shirt. “Kiss me…” I asked pleadingly.
“Why should I?” he said, his warm tongue licking my neck, sending shivers up my spine.
“What if someone sees us?” he asked …the devil!
“I don’t care… Castiel, please… I’m yours…” my skin was burning up.
I felt his smirk on my skin, then he placed a kiss on my neck and sucked.
“Ouch…” I blurted surprised at first. Then an amazing sensation took over and I tilted my neck to grant him better access. He sucked for a few other seconds, marking me, his purpose right from the start. When he was done I put my hands in his hair and pushed his face towards mine, lips finally meeting in the kiss I was so desperate for. And that was exactly what it was… a desperate kiss, full of jealousy and possessiveness. It seemed to say, “you are mine, only mine…” and I was replying the same, “you’re mine and I’m yours.”
When I finally came up for air we looked at each other for a while, lost in our own world. Then, with a satisfied smirk he said, “I think he got the message.”
With the corner of my eye I saw a movement on my right… wha… Nathaniel!
“Now he knows he is a dead man if he ever tries to touch you…” he said patting my hair, looking at me lovingly, “now he knows we are indestructible.”
He’d just outed us to Nath on purpose. I should have been mad but… he was right.
We were indestructible.
 I wish it had been true. We had crushed and burned, and my heart had broken into thousands tiny pieces. But we had found each other again… it must’ve meant something, damn it!
I couldn’t let this coldness between us last a second longer. Without looking at him I raised my hand to his, on the armchair, intertwining my fingers with his. I felt him stiffen at first, remaining completely immobile for a few minutes.
I stubbornly left my hand where it was and even tightened my grasp. He wasn’t pushing me away and I considered it half a victory. After a while he closed his fingers around mine and we stayed like that until the end of the movie.
“I’m going to walk you back to campus,” he said while the credits were rolling. We headed back to my dorm silently, but his hand was still holding mine.
At some point I had to break the silence, it was awkward and defining and I needed to fix that, whatever that was.
“I don’t care if your life is in the public eye now Castiel. I don’t even care if this means having to spend 99% of our time together locked up in your place alone. But I’m not going to run away from the world. I’m not going to hide our relationship, we are not sixteen anymore. You were right at the time, it was a stupid idea then, and it’s a stupid idea now.”
I stopped in front of the campus gates and pulled him towards me. He was so tall I now had to raise my head to look at him.
“You are everything I want, Castiel. Everything I’ve always wanted. We have a second chance here and I’m not going to waste it being afraid.”
He raised his other hand to my cheek and caressed my lips with his thumb.
“You’ve always been stronger than me,” he said looking at me in the eyes, “and you’ve always been able to calm me whenever I needed it the most, how do you do it? How do you have this power on me?”
“I’m a witch,” I replied with a smirk. Then a very interesting and funny thought crossed my mind and added, “come, walk me to my room, my roommate will be back really late tonight.”
We made our way across the quad and reached the dorm. I could feel a buzz of electricity between us while we rode the elevator. His fingers started drawing small circles in the palm of my hand.
When I finally opened my door, I pulled him inside by his tie and he kicked the door shut behind him.
“So…” I said with an inviting tone, “what was that you wanted to do to me once you finally had me alone?”
He smirked his devilish smile I loved so much, “you really want me to show you…?”
“Mmm…” I replied faking indecision, “maybe I want to be the one to show you.”
I pushed him and he fell with his back on my bed. Raising himself on his elbows, he looked at me hungrily while I walked towards him with confident steps. Straddling his hips, I took his face in my hands and kissed him languidly. He followed me in the kiss immediately, our tongues caressing each other in their own dance.
Putting my hand under his t-shirt, I grazed his rock-hard abs with my nails, getting closer and closer to the button of his jeans, and a moan escaped his lips.
He had just grabbed my ass with one of his hands, to push me closer to his length, when we heard the door open and a surprised yelp, followed immediately by the door slamming back closed.
“Didn’t you say your roommate was out late tonight?” Castiel asked me, looking puzzled.
“Well… I think she got the message, what do you say?” I smirked.
He was completely dumbstruck.
“And you… did you get the message?” I asked mischievously, I lowered my lips to his ear and whispered.
I’m still waiting for Yeleen to run into Castiel in our bed in game.
See? I told you I can be petty.
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Hi! you’re absolutely incredible I saw your recent work in the age play verse and I loved it! it made me think of a possible little Sam and Daddy Gabriel scenario revolving around his hair lol. Little Sam and little dean are playing and dean makes fun of his hair and when Sam and Gabe get home he cries and asks Gabe to cut his hair so dean would love him again. Daddy Gabe and Uncle Cas talk on the phone dean gets punished, sam’s hair is safe and the boys hug it out and dean apologizes.
Thank you SO SO SO much for this. I had a crazy week last week, and it was made worse by being cut off my internet, so I loved having this prompt as one of my things to write <3 
Read below or on AO3: Playdates & Arguments
Playdate & Arguments
“Pow pow!” Sammy yells, pretending to be the bad guy while superhero Dean takes him down. He always gets stuck being the bad guy, because Dean thinks Sammy would ruin his pretty red cape. Sammy promises he won’t, but Dean’s older, so he gets to choose.
“Psh psshhhh!” Dean makes little noises as he moves his hands, pretending to use his superhero laser powers. “You dead bad guy!”
Sammy falls to the ground, because when Dean says he’s dead, Sammy doesn’t ever argue. Sammy never argues with Dean. Dean always knows best. Well, no… Sammy’s daddy Gabriel knows best, but when on their own, Dean is the boss. He’s older, getting to wear pull-ups, drink from sippy cups instead of bottles, and watch Scooby Doo even though Sam isn’t allowed to.
“I bored,” Dean declares. “We play new game.”
“Yes! Yes!” Sammy jumps in the air, clapping his little hands in excitement. “We pway bwocks? Dee, pwease, oh, Dee pweeeeeeeasse we pway bwocks?”
“Blocks is borin’. We play new game. Daddy lemme watch princess movie. We play rescue da princess.”
“But - but,” Sammy sucks in a shaky breath, lips wobbling. He doesn’t want to play rescue the princess. That doesn’t sound fun at all.
“Come on, Sammy. No be a baby! I no play wiff babies!”
Sammy pulls himself together immediately, sniffling as he wipes at his tears. “Sowwy, Dee. I be big boy. We cans pway save da pwincess.”
“You go over dere! Preten’ yous in a biiiiiig tower, ‘n a dragon is gonna eats you!” Dean pushes Sammy toward the couch, then sets down Sammy’s stuffed pink elephant named Ellie on the floor, indicating that she’s the dragon in this scenario. Sammy doesn’t like that Ellie has to be the mean dragon. Ellie is not bad! She’s good. She makes Sammy happy. Sammy isn’t sure he can pretend, but he will try really really hard. “Oskay, Sammy. You stay dere, ‘n I be da prince comin’ save you!”
Sammy sticks out his bottom lip. “I no wanna be da pwincess… I a pwince!”
“No, you da princess.”
“I a pwince. My daddy say so. He caww me his wittwe pwince!”
“Your daddy wrong! You a princess cuz you looks like a girl!”
Sammy’s eyes well up with tears as he balls up his fists in frustration. “No I don’!”
“Yes you do! Your hair is like da princess in da movie. It too long for a boy. So you da princess. Princess Sammy.” Dean says that last part in a sing-songy voice that is clearly teasing Sammy.
“I no wike dat! Stop stop stop! I no wook wike a pwincess! I wook wike a pwince!” Sam feels his little chest quake as he begins to openly cry.
Dean rolls his eyes. “Stop bein’ a baby! It your fault you look like girls. If you no have stupid ugly hair, you could be da prince, but you a princess.”
“I not!” Sam yells, stomping his feet as he cries harder.
“You is! Or I no play wid you ever ever again!”
“Boys!” Castiel yells from the other room, making them both freeze. “I don’t know what’s wrong, but say sorry and come eat!”
Dean hurries away from the crybaby, not apologizing. Sammy stays back a minute, frantically wiping at his cheeks and nose, hating himself. He already looks like a girl because of his hair. Dean will just make fun of him more if he’s crying like a girl baby .
At least Sammy’s daddy shows up before he’s finished his snack, saving Sammy from actually having to be the princess. Next time they play, Sammy will be the prince. He just has to figure out how.
Sammy thinks long and hard during his ride home, sucking fiercely on his pacifier and clinging to Ellie as he sits strapped down in his carseat. One of the three things in the whole entire big world Sammy could never ever lose is Dean, and Dean hates him now! He thinks Sammy’s hair is ugly, and makes him look like a princess. He knew being a princess was a bad thing, too, because of the way Dean said it. Sammy has played princess dress up before, with Dean in fact, but today was different. Sammy doesn’t know why. It doesn’t matter.
Sammy knows what he has to do.
The second his daddy has him in the house, setting him on the bench in the foyer to take his shoes off for him, Sammy asks, “Daddy…. Wiww you cuts my haiw?”
Working on the velcro strips of Sammy’s shoe, Gabriel shakes his head and laughs softly, “Buddy, you would be so sad. You love your hair.”
“But - but,” Sammy sucks in a breath that shudders and shakes before giving into a watery sob. “I hates my haiw!”
Gabriel stops immediately, only one shoe off of his boy. He cups Sammy’s face, confused when he finds big tears rolling down it. “Baby boy, calm down. What’s going on?”
“I no baby boy!” Sammy cries, balling his fists and kicking his feet. “I big boy! I hates my haiw! You gotta cuts it now! Wanna wook exac - ac- exac- tiwwy wike Dean!”
“Sammy, buddy, you love your hair. Why would you want to suddenly get rid of it?”
“No wuv! No no no! Hates!”
Gabriel scoops his little boy up, not caring that one foot is covered in a sock and the other has a shoe dangling on it still. When they get to Sammy’s nursery, Gabriel heads to the rocking chair. There’s a blanket there that he pulls over Sammy, his arms tightening around the boy to make him lay down and relax. Since Sammy spat out his paci earlier during his meltdown, Gabriel reaches over for another one and pops it in his mouth. Sammy looks up at him with the biggest, roundest eyes in that way that makes Gabriel feel like he’s Sammy’s whole world.
It’s by far the greatest feeling in existence.
And Gabriel would know. He’s spent his entire life indulging in great feelings.
“Alright now, little prince. Just calm d-”
“No!” Sammy grabs his paci and yanks it out. “I no wittwe pwince! I stupid pwincess! ‘N my haiw ugwy! ‘N - ‘n - ‘n,” Sammy sucks in a gulp of air, then continues to sob barely intelligible words, “Dee Dee gonna hatesmewiffugwy haiw. Needs to cuts it owbepwincessinstpwince! Pwease, daddy. Pwease!”
Gabriel looks at his little one in shock, understanding enough to know what’s going on now. “Sammy, honey, did Dean tease you about your hair today?”
Rubbing a tight fist against his eye, Sammy nods and sniffles.
“Oh, baby. That was very mean, and he is naughty for doing that. Especially since my little prince’s hair is so so beautiful. Daddy loves to play with your long, pretty, soft strands. Don’t you like when daddy does that, baby? You always smile and get sleepy when daddy does that.”
More sniffles. Then a timid, “Yeah… Sammy wike haiw pwayed wiff. Feew good.”
“See? And sometimes you like to put bows in your hair to match your pretty outfits. If we cut it, you can’t do that either.”
“No… dat twue.”
“Don’t let Dean teasing you make you do something that will just make you more sad, baby boy.”
Sammy starts crying again, though this time it’s subdued. “But - but I jus’ wants Dee to wuv me again! Cuz I wuv him wots wots wots, ‘n me supew sad he no wike me no mowe.”
“What were you two doing when he said this to you?”
“Pwayin’ save da pwincess. I da pwincess cuz my ugwy haiw. I say no, but he say he no pway wiff me!”
Gabriel nods, starting to understand the situation fully. “Dean just said those things because he wanted to get his way. He wanted to play the prince, so he lied.”
“No, Dee no wie! Wyin’ bad!”
“Everyone makes mistakes and does bad things, little prince. Even Dean. Even daddy.” Sam gasps, making Gabriel chuckle. “I bet Dean doesn’t hate you or your hair at all. I bet he was just being stubborn and wanted to get his way.”
Sammy cautiously grabs his paci again, his fingers wrapping around it nice and tight. He lays on his daddy’s chest, resting his cheek on daddy’s shoulder. He nuzzles his nose into the soft skin of his daddy’s neck and wiggles closer to him. Sighing happily at the familiar scent, Sammy lets himself relax. Dean might be bigger than him, but daddy always know best, even more than Dean. Daddy must be right. Dean is pretty stubborn. He’s heard Uncle Cas say that lots, and it’s usually while Dean is getting in trouble.”
“Oskay daddy,” Sammy whispers, coming to a decision. “We no cuts my haiw.”
“Good. Daddy is proud of you for staying true to what you want, and not letting Dean change your mind.”
That was a lot of words, and the concept is too big for Sammy’s little brain. All he heard is his daddy is proud, and Sammy knows that daddy being proud is really really good. He smacks a loud kiss on his daddy’s cheek before cuddling in closer to him.
“I takes nap now. T’s been quite da day,” Sammy informs him before sticking the paci in his mouth and closing his eyes.
Gabriel has to fight not to laugh at how fucking adorable his little baby is in his arms. Especially when he says things exactly like Gabriel does. Gabriel is always saying ‘it’s been quite the day’, usually to convince him to eat, or nap, or take a bath, or relax.
Once Sammy is asleep, Gabriel gently places him in his crib and kisses his forehead. Then he dials his brother. Castiel answers on the third ring.
“Hey, Gabe. You forget something here?”
“No. It’s about Dean.” Gabriel frowns. He loves his nephew, and hates the idea of getting him in trouble, but Sammy will always come first, and Dean broke Sammy’s little heart today. That’s not okay. “We need to talk.”
Dean stands in front of his daddy, hands anxiously pulling at the shirt covering his belly. His little lips are wobbling, and his cheeks are flushed and covered in tears. Castiel looks down at him with a stern frown, trying hard not to let his emotions get in the way right now. His little one needs to be punished, no matter how sad or how cute he looks.
“So, is what Sammy saying true? Did you say all those mean things?”
“I - I,” Dean stops, trying to breathe to calm himself down like his daddy taught him. It just adds fuel to his sob though, making it loud and watery as it escapes his little pink lips. “I sowwy! I sowwy!”
Castiel frowns. “Yes, well, you will be.”
When Castiel picks his boy up and puts him on his hip, heading to his bedroom, Dean starts to wail. He kicks and punches, begging Castiel in hysterics. When they are sitting on Castiel’s bed, bedroom door locked so Dean can’t run, Castiel puts Dean on his feet. “Now, you are going to get five spanks for how mean you were to Sammy. Five more for the tantrum you just threw, because you know kicking and hitting is very naughty.”
Dean doesn’t try to argue. Castiel’s not sure if he could. The boy is crying far too hard.
“Now, come here baby boy.” Dean looks up at Castiel through tear soaked eyelashes, carefully shuffling forward. When Castiel picks him up and lays him over his lap, belly down and little bum up, Dean’s self-preservation kicks in.
“P-pwease! Pw-pwe-pease pease pease daddy! No! NO spanks!”
“Hush, or you’ll get even more,” Castiel warns, using his daddy voice as he tugs Dean’s elastic waist jeans and mickey mouse pull up down to his knees. His pull up is wet, as it usually is when his little one gets upset like this, but Castiel will just clean it up later.
Dean is quiet now, his tiny body trembling as he sucks on his thumb.
That doesn’t last long. After Castiel brings his hand down with the first harsh smack, the sobbing begins.
Dean hates spankings. Hates hates hates them. He likes his daddy giving him kisses and smiling at him. He likes cuddles and hugs. Not spankings. Not daddy’s angry face. Dean hates making his daddy upset. He hates disappointing him.
He hates how his little bum burns and aches as his daddy keeps spanking him.
He hates that he hurt Sammy’s feelings so badly.
He hates spankings, but he hates the rest so much more, and that’s why he cries so hard he can barely breathe.
“Shhh, little one. Just two more,” Castiel whispers, rubbing a palm over the boy’s bright pink bum. He can see his handprint on Dean’s left cheek, and he hates that, but even as a little boy Dean Winhcester has an obnoxiously high pain tolerance. Castiel learned early he can’t just give the boy a few tiny swats. They aren’t effective. Dean cries, sure, but then within an hour he forgets.
Dean never forgets now.
The boy squirms and sobs for the last two, little fists clenched around the bunched up fabric of Castiel’s pants.
Relief floods Dean when it’s all over. His daddy picks him up and lays him on the big bed. He slips a thumb into his mouth, sucking furiously. Every movement makes his little bum’s owies hurt worse, so he stays extra extra still. He doesn’t even complain when his daddy starts to change him like he’s a baby. He just winces around his thumb, sucking it harder when the baby wipe brushes over his sore bum. Dean usually gets so embarrassed during this. He’s a big boy now. Daddy potty trained him. Accidents are so scary, and they make him super duper anxious and sad. But right now he has too much to be upset about. The accident is the least of his worries.
Once powdered, a new pull-up in place, Castiel hands Dean a paci and his huge stuffed bumble bee. He leaves the boy on the bed while he goes to change his pants that got some pee on them. Castiel throws both his pants as well as Dean’s into the wash, then returns to his bedroom.
Dean sniffles and makes grabby hands at his daddy, clearly not liking that his daddy left. Castiel scoops him up and carries him out of the room. As he walks down the hall, Castiel peppers dozens of kisses on his damp cheeks. His little one doesn’t giggle or smile, but he does finally stop crying.
“Daddy is going to make you a little snack, and get you some juice. When I’m in the kitchen, you will stand in the corner. When daddy comes back, you’re all done being punished.”
“But - but I gots my spanks!” Dean whines.
“Yes, but you were very upset and distracted during that. Now I want you to think about why you got in trouble, and what you’re going to say to Sammy to make him feel better.”
Dean looks down at the floor, bowed legs turning in even further as he touches his toes to each other. He fiddles with his stuffed bumble bee, sucking his paci hard and fast. His daddy picks him up and carries him to a corner of the living room where Dean can take peeks and see his daddy in the kitchen. That helps Dean relax a little. He has a very hard time trusting that his daddy won't leave him. Especially when he’s been naughty.
Going to the kitchen, Castiel collects Dean’s favorite pink sippy cup and pours apple juice into it. He rummages in the cabinets before giving up and heading to the fridge. He always wants Dean to eat something healthy and little after punishments. Just enough to help settle him. Once Castiel grabs a strawberry go-gurt, he heads back to the living room.
His little one behaves well. Even though Castiel knows Dean is aware his daddy is back in the room, Dean continues to stand in the corner, Dean’s pull-up covered bum facing him. Dean still has his paci in, cheeks bright red and covered in tears, nose all stuffy. He has his bumble bee tight in his arms, up against his chest high so his face is against Dean’s neck.
“Alright, baby. All done,” Castiel announces, walking over and picking the boy up. He carries him to the couch, then settles with him in his lap. Dean takes the juice when it’s offered, shaky hand removing his paci so he can drink. He chugs half of it before putting it in his lap and making little grabby hands for the go-gurt.
Once Dean’s little belly is all full, and his crying has stopped, his daddy cleans his face. Daddy pops his paci back in and helps him get comfortable with his bumble bee. This time when daddy kisses him, Dean squirms and smiles. Then he buries his face in his daddy’s neck and nuzzles him, not caring when his paci keeps bumping and getting in the way. When he settles in his daddy’s arms, feeling very sleepy but very loved, his daddy brushes his hair from his forehead and whispers, “I love you so much, Dean. So so much. No matter how much trouble you get in, always remember that daddy is here. Daddy will never ever leave you. He loves you big lots, okay?”
Dean nods and mumbles through his paci, “Me wuv daddy big wots too.”
With a smile, Castiel kisses the top of Dean’s head. That’s all the little one needs before drifting off to sleep. Castiel puts his head back against the couch and closes his own eyes, exhausted. It’s been quite the day.
Dean and Sammy’s playdate is four days later. When Dean comes over with his daddy, he sheepishly peeks up at Sammy and mumbles, “‘M sorry for hurtin’ you feelin’s ‘n sayin’ all dose mean tings. I no mean dem. I wuv your hair!”
Already over this argument, Sammy just smiles wide and throws his arms around Dean, squeezing him extra hard. “It’s ‘kay. I still wuvs you!”
Hand in hand, the two go running off to the playroom. Dean lets Sam be the superhero AND the prince. They’re going to be best friends forever.
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brutal-nemesis · 3 months
ok siiince you asked for requests for demon boy castys… the tongue cut out + gag seemed like such an adorable situation for him <33
Giving you that and a little extra because I wanted More Whump 💕
←Previous - Castys Masterlist
Ingredients: manhandling, a lot of unsexy noncon touching, slight dehumanization, partial nudity
Castys wasn’t sure if he slept at all that night, but after what felt like an eternity, Neteri reappeared wearing different clothes under her white coat.
“Good morning, Castys!” She sat on one of the stools from last night and motioned for him to do the same. “Get up, I’ve got wonderful news to share!” 
Castys opened his mouth to retort, but he found he couldn’t form the words. His tongue was still…he looked away, swallowing, and sat up while remaining on the floor. 
“You’re going to have to start listening to me, you know. Because,” she broke out into an excited smile, “I get to keep you!” Upon seeing Castys’s glare, she just laughed. “I figured you wouldn’t be excited, but trust me,” she held up a finger, “you’ll be much better off in my hands than if you were sold as a pet to some bored aristocrat. I’m sure they’d beat that personality right out of you, and I don’t plan on doing anything of the sort. As long as you cooperate with my experiments, you’re free to be yourself. You can even hate me as much as you like!” Castys raised an eyebrow at her final statement. He’d see about that.
After rummaging in her bag for a moment, she pulled out a little silver medal and moved to crouch next to him on the ground. “Hold still now,” she ordered as she started to bring it towards his neck. Castys wasn’t sure what was happening at first, but after a moment, it clicked, and he decided he’d rather not listen, leaning back. Neteri just sighed. “You’re not off to a very good start.” Well, it’s not like he wanted to be.
Suddenly, Neteri changed tactics, shoving him down on his back and straddling his waist before he could try to sit up, pinning his arms down with a knee on each elbow. Castys cried out, the wounds on his back from the whip lighting up in pain, and that combined with her full weight on him kept him from moving. He bared his teeth as her hand came closer, daring her to get within range, but she just curled her other hand in his hair, yanking it back and keeping his head firmly in place. Great. He was once again powerless against this tiny lady, forced to keep still as she attached that dumb little tag to the collar and sealed the metal shut with the same spell that kept him from taking it off.
“There,” she said once it was on. She tapped the tag, cold against his throat. “Property of Neteri Crozien. Whether you like it or not. Now,” she grabbed his chin, “are you going to let me put some new restraints on you or should I call the guards to manhandle you? Your resistance is pointless and only delaying the inevitable, exactly like every other time. Just nod if you’re going to cooperate.”
Did he want to get manhandled again? Not particularly. He’d had more than enough of being grabbed and held still while chains were taken off and put on. And it’s not like he was resisting out of pride or something stupid, he just fought back when it was something he really didn’t want to happen. Which was most things in the past couple days, but, hey, if new restraints meant he got to leave this boring-ass cell, he was okay with it. Her grip on his hair had loosened enough to allow him a small nod, so he gave one, praying she’d get the fuck off of him now.
Neteri smiled brightly at his cooperation. “Great! Although,” she got off of him and stood, thinking, “maybe just stay laying down. I don’t really trust you not to try and run at the moment, so just roll on your stomach and I’ll take the chains off.” Castys sighed in annoyance but complied, gritting his teeth as his weight went from his injured back to his burned chest. The cold stone floor felt a little good on it, at least, but it was a small consolation as he watched Neteri walk back over with a key and a coil of rope. 
She squatted down and-fuck, that was a knee on his back, not her full weight but enough to make him gasp in pain. Paying him no mind, Neteri unlocked the manacles around his wrists, and he could barely enjoy the feeling of not having anything around them for a moment, just wishing she’d tie him up and get the fuck off of his back. It didn’t feel like she was going particularly slow as she pulled his arms behind him and wound the rope around his wrists, but the seconds still dragged by at an agonizing pace. 
Finally, she finished tying the knot and took her knee off of his back as she stood. “There we go!” Castys just groaned, rolling on his side. “Oh, stop being so dramatic. It’s not like I was hurting you.” Castys’s glare deepened, and he awkwardly used his bound hands to pull up the back his shirt enough to expose the bandages wrapped around his torso. Neteri’s jaw dropped slightly, and she just stared at him for a second before worry took over her features.
“I…I’m so sorry I…I completely forgot. That you were hurt. I wouldn’t have done that if I remembered.” Her head hung slightly. “I’m really sorry, Castys.” Her apology seemed genuine, but how the fuck did she forget he got whipped and branded yesterday? She looked back at him again. “Let’s just hurry and get you to your new home so I can heal you up, okay?” Wait, new home? She was taking him somewhere else? At first the idea was scary, but then Castys remembered that he’d never particularly loved living in the castle, so whatever. It was probably just going to be a different prison cell, anyway.
With ridiculous difficulty and a lot of groaning in pain, he managed to sit up, using his elbows to help him do it since his hands were kind of useless. By the time that was done, Neteri was standing above him with…a chain? He was already tied up what the fu-no. No fucking way. He growled as her hands moved towards his neck, baring his teeth once more.
“Seriously, Castys? You said you weren’t a dog yesterday, but you sure are acting like one.” Yeah, sure, whatever, but since he couldn’t fucking talk, he was forced to resort to other means of protest. He honestly wasn’t entirely sure where the growling came from himself, and, yeah, it was a little animalistic, but that didn’t mean he deserved to get put on a leash. “This is happening either way, so just give it up already.” Her hand was moving closer, closer, the clasp at the end of the chain open, ready to-
Once again, instinct took over, and before he knew it, his teeth were buried in the flesh of her hand.
Neteri cried out, jerking her hand back and dropping the leash. “Lyte! Seriously?!” She winced as she dabbed the wounds with what smelled like the stingy liquid from yesterday and used her magic to close them up, during which Castys couldn’t help but smile smugly. Once she was done healing, she pulled on her leather gloves and grabbed a couple rolls of bandages from her bag. “I figured you were going to be difficult to keep in line, but this is just ridiculous.” Castys took pride in being ridiculous, so he’d take the compliment. What he didn’t want to take were the consequences of his actions, but he was a little bit helpless at the moment, so there wasn’t much he could do as Neteri shoved a wad of bandages in his mouth and tied a strip around his head to keep him from spitting it out.
“There. You’re just about the only person who’d need to be gagged when they can’t talk.” Castys just looked away, feeling his face grow hot as she clipped the leash to the collar. She gave it a tug, but he didn’t budge. Now he was just resisting out of spite. Neteri’s expression grew even more frustrated, and it looked like she was about to say something before she stopped herself and took a deep breath, calming herself down. She crouched down to look Castys in the eye.
“Look, I’ve been going about this the wrong way. I hurt you when I didn’t mean to, so I’m not going to punish you for biting me. We’ll just call it even.” She paused and held up a finger. “The gag stays until we reach our destination, though. Just for safety’s sake. But I’ll tell you something about my plans for you. If you come with me, you’ll have a tongue again by the end of tomorrow. Does that sound good?” 
Castys could be stupid and stubborn and petty and shake his head and sit here and then end up getting dragged off to wherever, or he could just suck it the fuck up and get the ability to complain back. Complaining would be nice...After weighing his options he nodded, and Neteri broke into a smile. “Good. Let’s go, then.” She helped him stand, and she seemed to do her best not to pull on the leash as they walked along. Soon enough, they had reached the teleportation stone, and Castys…he couldn’t help but be a little excited to leave this stupid place. He knew he was a fucking prisoner now, but he was basically a prisoner in his old life, too, minus the chains and plus a comfy bed. 
At least he was going somewhere else.
The other palace was pretty cool, at least, the short glimpses he got before he was pulled into the lower levels, down halls and through doors until they arrived at his lame little prison cell. It did have a bed, though, so that was an upgrade. And a private bathroom?! Why did the prison cells in his family’s dungeon have to suck so much ass? He only spent two nights there, but still. If he was ever in charge of a dungeon, he would make sure it was at least a little comfy in case he got thrown in there.
Neteri clamped a manacle around his ankle, which was whatever, because that meant she untied his wrists and took that stupid leash off. And then, true to her word, she healed his wounds. The brand scarred, of course, which was…the symbol was kind of cool, but since it meant he was “property” or whatever he wasn’t too excited about it being on his chest for the rest of his life. At least shirts existed.
After that was done, Neteri instructed him to clean himself off and left him alone for a bit. He wandered into the bathroom, chain clinking with every step, and paused in front of the mirror. He looked pretty much the same as always, just a little more tired and blood-covered than usual. Oh, and the stupid collar around his neck. Neteri was fucking delusional, it didn’t look the slightest bit “cute” on him, it just looked…He didn’t want to see it anymore.
Once he was clean and dressed in some slightly comfier clothes, Castys tried out his new bed. It was nowhere near as nice as his old one, but it was way better than the floor, so he’d take it. Just as he was drifting off to sleep, Neteri poked him in the face.
“I’m back, Castys, get up and take your shirt off.” Castys sat up, but didn’t take his shirt off, instead just crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. His wounds were healed, so what the hell did she need it off for? “Come on, I’m just going to examine you and take some measurements. Nothing painful, I promise.” Not painful, sure, but probably still not pleasant. Even so, he didn’t really have much choice but to listen, so he pulled off his shirt and stood, hoping this wouldn’t involve too much touching.
His hopes were in vain.
It started off fine, her measuring his height and a few other things with a strip of leather, but then she started running her hands all over him, poking at him, moving him this way and that. He couldn’t help but flinch every time since he hated being touched, and Neteri was clearly getting annoyed by it. His full-body recoil after she ran a hand down his spine was the final straw. Wordlessly, she clamped a manacle around one of his wrists before shoving him down onto the bed. He tried to stand back up, but she basically fucking tackled him, pinning him down on his back for the second time today. And, to top it all off, she managed to loop the chain around the top of the cot before cuffing his other wrist, leaving him pretty much helpless.
“I wouldn’t have to do this if you’d just kept still,” Neteri sighed, seeing his frustration. Well, it was a little fucking hard to be still when someone who’s basically a stranger is running their hands all over your bare skin. He considered trying to kick her, but she’d probably just chain him up more and keep going, and he’d rather this bullshit just be over with already.
Being chained down on his back somehow made this infinitely worse. There was nowhere to run, nothing he could do, Neteri looming over him as she put her hands all over him, touching his chest, his brand, squeezing his arms, grabbing his chin, pulling at his eyelids, gloves on now, hands in his mouth, poking at the stump of his tongue, feeling his teeth, gripping his hair to turn his head from side to side, his skin was crawling, crawling, his muscles tense, breaths coming short, fast, he just wanted her to get off stop touching him examining him taking notes reducing him down to just numbers just a body not a person not someone who got boundaries or personal space no just someone who gets touched and touched and touched-
“Castys! Hey, hey, just breathe.” Neteri was standing over him now, fiddling with the cuffs on his wrists, releasing him. Castys hadn’t even realized he was hyperventilating, but he tried his best to calm down as he scrambled to the other end of the bed, as far away from her as he could get. Neteri watched him sadly. “I…I was making you uncomfortable, wasn’t I? I’m sorry, I just thought you were trying to be a nuisance.” No shit he was fucking uncomfortable, how the hell did she misread that?! At least she looked upset by this, but it was way too late for that. Castys still felt like there were bugs crawling all over him, and he could feel his heart pounding out of his chest. 
Neteri reached out a hand in a misguided attempt to comfort him, but after seeing how Castys flinched and bared his teeth, she backed off. “Okay, okay, I’ll leave you alone. Well, I’ll go get you something to eat, and then I’ll leave you alone. Until tomorrow, and then you’ll have a tongue again and you can complain all you want and yell at me, okay?” Castys would rather never have to see her stupid face ever again, but that’s not how this was gonna work, so he just nodded silently, not relaxing until she’d left the room. 
He almost wanted to take a shower again, just to wash the feeling of her hands off, but it was starting to subside, so he just pulled his shirt back on and hid under the covers. What was that, exactly? He knew he didn’t like being touched, and he’d never let anyone do it remotely that much, so maybe being touched for so long in such an invasive way had been too overwhelming. Castys had thought he’d be a little tougher than this, since the thought of pain didn’t really scare him, but apparently being pinned down and touched was too much for him? Kind of…pathetic. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if he could talk, protest, fight back a little bit with his words. Maybe he’d be okay once he could talk again.
He just hoped Neteri wasn’t lying about giving him his tongue back.
Castys Cult: @as-a-matter-of-whump​ @blackrosesandwhump @fanmanga1357-blog​​ @thehopelessopus​ @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
@hearse-song​ @muddy-swamp-bitch @whumpasaurus101 @yet-another-heathen​​ @galaxywhump​ 
@starnight-whump​ @his-unspoken-words​ @misspelledwitch​ @suspicious-whumping-egg​ @pumpkin-spice-whump 
@painsandconfusion @i-can-even-burn-salad​​ @befuddled-calico-whump​ @whumpinggrounds​ @whump-queen​
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avyssoseleison · 6 years
when half spent was the night
Extremely sappy DeanCas Christmas fluff (Warning: Brief mention of John being abusive) | On AO3 | 2k
Castiel finds Dean in the living room, bathed in the light of the Christmas tree, sprawled out all over the sofa, his entire body loose and lax, and his eyes half-closed. He cannot help but want to kiss him as he is, this very picture of relaxation, and so he does: with quiet steps, he bridges the small distance between them, cards his hand through Dean’s hair, who does not rouse beyond blinking up at him and sighing softly, and presses a kiss to his forehead.
Dean’s eyes flutter closed at that, in that content and fulfilled way they used to only ever do once the two of them had found their pleasure in each other, especially so at the beginning of their relationship, when Dean seldom allowed himself any display of vulnerability or honest emotion. But, it happens frequently now. The sight of which never fails to elicit a sense of deep satisfaction within Castiel, and he simply has to lower himself to his knees to reach even better Dean and kiss him again.
The smile that curves Dean’s lips up at the unexpected gesture makes it just as worth it for Castiel as the scent of his hair, the feel of his soft skin, the taste of his husband’s lips. Dean’s mouth is slack, but not unresponsive; it is obvious that he did more than just lie here, probably had fallen into a state of rest, somewhere between wakefulness and sleep, and is not fully conscious, yet is still receptive to Castiel kisses. He still wants them; wants him.
The heat that blooms within Castiel’s chest upon this realization almost wants him to take Dean back to bed, just not for sleep, and to enjoy him in this utterly vulnerable and incredibly beautiful state, in which he is conscious enough to consent, but not enough to even attempt to put up a barrier. Not that he does so often with Castiel, not anymore. Still, for Castiel not even having to coax him into letting his guard down, to instead just receive Dean’s sweet sighs and open kisses like this, must be the greatest gift he has received tonight.
He pulls away from Dean as he feels his own kisses to grow headier while Dean’s stay the same, without heat or hurry, and places his forehead against his to calm himself. In careful measures, he inhales and exhales again, willing his body and heart to be satisfied with this merely level of physicality without urging for more.
Dean gives a half-snort at that -- as always amused by how easy his mere presence serves to arouse Castiel --, closes his eyes as their foreheads touch, and breathes with him. That he does not push for more or less shows Castiel that he has made the right call; that Dean indeed wishes for merely this.
Castiel blows out a long, slow breath, and then opens his eyes again, although he does not even recall closing them. From beneath him, Dean is already looking back at him, his own gaze not quite as half-lidded as before, yet still far from fully awake. Maybe it is because of all the food and drinks he consumed today that he seems only semi-conscious still.
“You okay there, babe?” Dean murmurs so sweetly and sleepily that Castiel simply has to catch his lips in yet another short kiss. It is a peck more than anything else, for Castiel fears that he might not be able to hold himself back again if he received yet another proper taste.
“I missed you,” Castiel says honestly, “when I woke up, you weren’t in bed.”
“Hmm, I woke up and couldn’t fell back asleep, so I came down here.” He shifts minutely, the tip of his nose brushing Castiel’s cheek.
“Are you alright?” Castiel asks, concern seeping into his desire and content. Just like Dean used to be prone to shying away from showing any sort of vulnerability when their relationship was a new and tender thing, so was he prone to nightmares and uneasy sleep. Throughout the years, due to many sessions of therapy and to some small degree probably also due to Castiel’s unconditional love and support, he has become better about both of these things, but every now and then, the demons of the past come back to haunt him. He is only human, after all.
“Hey, now, no need for that face,” Dean chides, his lips following the path that his nose took moments before in a soft line of kisses along Castiel’s cheek. Castiel does not even know what sort of face he must have made for Dean to attempt to -- by all intents and purposes -- kiss him bcretter, but he decides to simply accept his husband’s loving treatment. “‘m okay, no worries. I just got into thinking about the last few days, the entire Christmas time, really, ‘n wanted to see the tree again. And the decorations. And everything.”
Any other time -- not in the middle of the night, for starters --, Castiel might have simply found Dean’s actions adorable, smiled to himself at any excitement Dean might have had about the Christmas tree or the twinkling decorations in the window. But he could not shake off his concern nor could he ignore that wistful, preoccupied expression on Dean’s face. “Is this about your childhood?”
This time, Dean snorts fully. Probably, as Castiel belatedly realizes, because of the bluntness of his statement, and because Dean has long since given up on trying to teach him more tact. “Yes and no. But a bit, I guess. It’s about my childhood to the extent that it’s not about it. I mean, you know how we grew up, Sammy ‘n me, that we didn’t have all--,” he makes a tiny jerking motion with his chin, but it is enough for Castiel to know that he is gesturing towards the decorations, the house, himself, “that, and I found myself thinking about how I do have it now. The holly-jolly, the merry and bright, the goddamn silent night, and I was…” he drifts off for a moment, his gaze flitting away from Castiel and towards the Christmas tree, decked with red and golden baubles and ornaments, one of the most traditionally decorated trees Castiel has ever seen, “I was thinking about how lucky I was. As a kid, I always believed I’d never get anything like this, that not being hungry or-- or being beaten was all I should be asking for for Christmas. That it would be enough. Just Sammy ‘n me, some stolen snacks, a candy cane or two, and badly-wrapped gifts.  And look at me now: hosting a real Christmas dinner for Sammy and everyone else who’s family now, decorating the house that I bought with my own family and that belongs to me and that I only share with my husband, who supports me and loves me and makes me feel so good and…” Although the Christmas tree is the only source of light in the room, Castiel can still see the tears shimmering in Dean’s eyes. “So, yeah, I’m lucky.”
Castiel’s arms are slung around Dean’s shoulders before he has even made the conscious decision to do so. Simple kisses would not suffice; he needs to be as close to him as is possible, as close as he can get aside from entering him, which he could not do right now.
Dean is trembling in his arms, though only slightly so -- and his breathing is steady. He is not breaking apart like he used to; and it is Dean’s strength that has Castiel speak with his voice dipped as low and intimate as the cradle of them calls for.
“You’re not just ‘lucky’ , Dean. You have worked very hard for this. You did not let how your father treated you stump your growth, but instead, you worked for a good education, you worked for a rewarding job, you took up therapy, you worked on becoming a man capable and deserving of a fulfilling relationship, and none of it was luck. All of it was you. Surviving.” He places a kiss onto his forehead. “Persevering.” To the tip of his nose “Earning your reward.” And to his gently parted lips.
“Cas,” Dean whines into the last kiss, but Castiel accepts no objections. Instead, he takes Dean’s face into his hands and licks into his mouth, well-aware of how his own desire will flare up again for naught, but also of how content Dean is to just receive kisses like this, open and earnest, even -- and some days especially -- without any ultimate purpose.
As they break their kiss this time, Dean finally looks fully awake. There is still a shimmer to his eyes, but also something darker -- Dean’s desire swelling in kind --, the sight of which Castiel has grown familiar with over the years, longs for so often that is is pitiful at times.. For yet another time in his life, Castiel catches himself realizing how helplessly in love he is with Dean, that there is nothing he would not do for him.
“If childhood-you could see you right now,” Castiel says, a bit more breathless than he wants to be, “I am sure that he would be as proud of you as I am today. You are not the child from so long ago anymore.” Dean’s hands are on his neck and shoulders, pulling him back in, pulling him onto him. “You are a man now.” Castiel goes willingly. He twists himself from their rushed embrace to fully drape himself on top of Dean, one hand in his hair, the other on his chin, all of their bodies connected, one solid line, from head to toe. “You are truly yourself now.” Dean presses up against him, warm and willing, tempting and beautiful, making it almost impossible for Castiel to control himself any longer. “And an incredible husband, too,” he sighs into Dean’s ear, earning himself a shuddering moan.
“Cas, please, ” Dean begs.
“Please what, Dean?” Castiel asks, not as a tease, but a reassurance. Despite the evidence of Dean’s desire pressed up against his own, he needs to know that Dean truly wants him like this right now, whether this is alright. Because heat has been growing inside of Castiel ever since he had come downstairs, and he does not want to burden Dean with something he might not be in the right headspace for right now.
Apparently, though, he is not alone in his longing.
“I want you like this,” Dean whispers, sweeping Castiel with relief, “I want you here.” In the light of the Christmas tree, surrounded by the proof of everything he has achieved, everything he has become, he does not say, but Castiel hears it all the same -- understands.
Because the true meaning of Dean’s words is in his hands that stroke the shoulders and side of his husband, gently guiding Castiel into a rhythm; it is in the comfortable Christmas pajamas underneath which his skin still carries scars, but underneath which his skin is also growing warmer alongside his arousal; it is in his eyes, which are dark with memories and desire but which also reflect the lights of the Christmas tree, the fruit of his own labor.
“I will have you wherever you want,” Castiel promises, with nothing but truthfulness in his voice and heart, “I want you however you will have me.”
And when Dean responds with yet another sigh, this one even sweeter and softer than any before, Castiel muses that this is, after all, what Christmas is truly about. What it should have been about whenever John hurt Dean and what it was about whenever Dean wrapped yet another stolen present for his brother. And also back when Dean and Castiel met each other for the first time in their lives, one cold Christmas Eve, in a run-down bar at the edge of town, drunk out of their minds and seeking nothing more than another lonely soul to spend this most painful of nights with, to forget about what they did not have.
Yes, it is and was and will always be about love and peace, and finding home.
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We entered the door, and delved into a small hallway, with three glowing archways in three alcoves. Standing before these niches was another ghost, this one resembling a wizard. We spoke to him, to get his take on the matters. Ghostly Wizard: “You there! Slave! Why haven’t you brought me the ritual scroll?” Trials: “...” I flared my snout at him. “Excuse me??” Ghostly Wizard: “I need it to fight the dremora! ...or was it to summon the dremora? ...summon the Aylieds? I... do not remember... “Anyway, it is somewhere in the Agreasel. Bring it to me, quickly!” Trials: I narrowed my eyes at him. “No, no, go back. What did you just call me?” Ghostly Wizard: “And a word of caution, slave--” Trials: “I will punch you!” Ruin: “Trials, you cannot punch a ghost.” Trials: “I will find a way!” Ghostly Wizard: “--The portals are... unstable... for some reason. They do not work as expected. You may not always appear where you think. And have a care for that dremora who stole the Waters of Anu. He’s in here somewhere. Probably need those to restore the Sacred Well. Put them back in.”
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Once I suppressed the urge to introduce this ghost’s nose to my fist, I processed the task he’d given us. We had a strange dungeon to explore, and explore it we will. It took me a while to figure this out, but the place is a bit like a maze. The glowing archways could take me and Ruin around to the different rooms in this place, but only one could actually advance us to the next area. The rest would send us back to the beginning of the maze.
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Ruin and I began to explore... and were stopped short by the dremora forces right away. Every inch we advanced was hard-won, as dozens of dremora stood between us and our advance. It didn’t really help matters that we fell afoul of the traps in this place. Firstly, there were the broken archways, booting up back to the beginning of the maze. Then, there was the Dark Welkyn stone, which fired the gods-damn lightning of Julianos at me. I think I’m still smoking from being hit by it. And then there was the inconspicuous red circle, in the room with the white fire coming out of braziers. Sure, it looked like a decorative bit, much like the red markings on the floor I’d seen throughout the Agreasel. Then I stepped on it, and a Storm Atronach appeared from thin air! The thing packed a wallop, able to send me reeling with but a blow, and it’s shock spells hurt almost as much as that cursed Dark Welkyn stone. Ruin could tank those hits a little more easily than I could, so he ran interference while I sniped it from afar. Granted, a huge golem made of electrified stones could take a plinking with arrows like a champ, and Ruin was forced to retreat before it was downed. Thus led to me poking my head out to shoot, followed by ducking back behind a pillar to dodge the lightning. A few more shots finally downed the Daedra, much to my relief.
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So something I’d been glossing over; I learned to summon a Golden Saint a while ago. She’s been an asset, saving my leathery hide on more than a few occasions. Well, while enlisting her help in this dungeon, a thought occurred to me. Trials: “...hey, uh, may I ask you something?” Golden Saint: Curt. “Speak quickly, mortal!” Trials: “Yeah, sorry, I really should have asked this sooner; what do I call you?” Golden Saint: She gave pause, and blinked at me, confused. “...what?” Trials: “Your name? We’ve worked together for a little while, now, but I never got your name.” Golden Saint: “...’Lilitham.’“ Trials: “Huh. Sounds pretty.” Lilitham: She flushed visibly. “Th-thank you... mortal.” Trials: “Call me ‘Trials’.” Lilitham: “...very well, ‘Trials’.”
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After making my way through this maze, I found... this strange room. Large stones covered in runes stood before me, with plates in front of each one. Starting at the northen-most stone, and going clockwise, they were listed as; the “Tree Stone,” the “Waves Stone,” the “Flame Stone,” the “Mountain Stone,” and the “Sword Stone.” A stone plate in the middle gave me a rough idea what to do. The stones needed to be activated in a particular order, and that order had to include the Tree Stone as the first, and the Mountain Stone as the third in sequence. The center tablet also mentioned that any sequence where the Tree Stone was first, and the Mountain Stone was second, would likely be very, very bad. So I was sure to avoid any such combination. That still left me to try and figure out the sequence, but while I looked for clues, I noticed five Soul Gems of increasing quality on a shelf in one corner of the room, laid out around a glowing, white flame. I compared them to the standing stones, and thought that they, perhaps, lined up. Indeed, if we assume the Tree Stone, which we know is first in sequence, was the Petty gem, then it lines up with the Mountain being the Common gem, the third in quality. So assuming that was my ‘key’ to this puzzle, I activated the stones in sequence, and... jackpot! Well, about as ‘jackpot’ as a huge, glowing, red portal can be. My, oh, my but that seems quite ominous. However we’d come this far, so we might as well dive in the rest of the way. Turns out, Ruin couldn’t follow. The portal only admitted me. So it was up to me  to scale the spiral staircase overlooking an abyss of nothingness, to the top of this tower, and face whatever lies there. Yay.
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What lay at the top? A dremora calling himself the “Storm Magus.” Well, that name alone sounded like bad news, and I’d had enough of being hit with Shock spells today. Thankfully, I had a counter for him. From one of the lesser dremora throughout the dungeon, I’d looted a staff that could cast Silence. That stopped most of his spell-casting, cold, and while he was so disabled, I called on Lilitham, as well as another Dremora from a scroll. The two of them worked the Storm Magus down, while I ran interference and kept him Silenced. Lilitham got him good in the side, and I’d thought the fight was won, only for the Magus to chug a potion and return to the fight immediately. Curses. Only I’m supposed to avoid dying by chugging potions like a chump! My two stalwart Daedra continued to whittle down the Storm Magus while I kept him quiet and non-spell-casty. But he just kept chugging potions every time he was dealt a mortal blow. It was a race to see who would run out of resources first; his potions versus the charge in my staff. Both were running low, and sweat beaded my brow as I could feel the staff losing power. Once it ran out, he’d have access to his magic again, and I’d be screwed! Finally, Lilitham slammed him with a sucker-punch, knocking the Magus off of his feet. Then she plunged her sword into his gut. I waited with baited breath as he reached into his pocket, but I could see by the look on his face that he found nothing within. He was finally out of potions. He slumped back with a groan, vanquished at last... and just as my staff ran out of charge. What a dramatic finish!
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Now that he was down, I pinched what was left on him, and began to search the top of this tower for any decent loot. Among them, I found this strange, magical shield, with “Divine Shield of Lightning” inscribed on it. I recalled, now, that it was mentioned among the stolen items on the notice board in town. So, turning it in back there was sure to offer a nice, sizable reward for my efforts.
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Also among the treasures, I’d found the Waters of Anu. I now had what I needed to restore the Sacred Well. I had not, however, found the Ritual Scroll that boorish Ghost-Wizard had requested. I’d have to find it later. Right now, however, I’m both overloaded with treasure, and feeling quite overwhelmed. I only just barely managed to defeat that Storm Magus, and that was after fighting my way through hordes of Dremora, and barely surviving traps that nearly killed me on their own. I feel ill-prepared for all of this, and I need something, anything more that could give me the edge. The treasure we’d plundered from this dive can more than pay for a little trip. So, it’s time; we’re putting the Cheydinhal Business on hold, and returning to Anvil in order to seek the tutelage of a Sword Master. The Chronicles of Anvil book I found while there said “Rhano” at the Fighters Guild trained in the blade, so I will travel there, and return to this story, when I’m a master of swords.
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purplefictionmom · 7 years
GarrusxReader Pt. 5
Continue under the cut for the next part of this story!
Anon requested GarrusxReader so I took it and ran with it, haha
Disappeared again, but I’m still planning on finishing this. Interest has been sort of dropping with each part, so we’ll see how long before I realize no one cares hahahaha.
I appreciate any likes/reblogs and feel free to drop me an ask!
A Citadel Love Story Garrus/Reader Pre-ME1, though it may start to spill into ME1 events Warnings: hints of an abusive past relationship, some stalking (i’ll add more as I go along since the story isn’t finished yet)
Garrus went straight from his own home to your apartment when he checked his work email that morning. He had been woken up by a call that he missed in his sleepy haze--he thought he saw his father’s caller ID and wasn’t too sorry it went to voicemail--but when he heard his work mail ping him, he checked it before worrying about what his father wanted so early in the morning.
He recognized your email address, but there wasn’t any sort of message in your mail; instead, you had snapped three pictures.
The first chilled him. He recognized your living room, but now he could see clothes--he assumed they were yours--on the walls that were shredded. There was a slight blur in the image and he guessed you were shaking when you took the picture. Not that he blamed you.
The second was of bare closet and the third was a close-up of a pink note attached he couldn’t make out since it was in some human language.
He answered the second time his father called him.
“Why is a human woman requesting you in a domestic case?” His father didn’t bother with pretense or pleasantries.
“It’s a long story and I’m in a hurry,” He had said while he rushed to dress and put on his C-Sec armor.
“It isn’t your division, Garrus,” Castis Vakarian said and Garrus could almost hear the older turian folding his hands in that way that meant his father was disapproving of Garrus, “And you aren’t scheduled for duty for another three hours.”
“Then consider this as me checking on a friend,” Garrus snapped before hanging up and heading for the door.
The conversation made Garrus wonder if he’d be halted when he arrived at your apartment, once he saw that C-Sec had already made an appearance, but a few of those working were friends of his and he wasn’t even stopped as he walked through your apartment door to find the investigations team already taking photos while a couple of officers sat with you in your small kitchen, asking question.
“No, you’re not listening,” You were rubbing your face, “I know it’s my ex who did this; I know his handwriting and there’s no one else I talk to on this floating trash can!”
“Ma’am please ca-”
“If you ask me to calm down one more time, I’ll scream,” You growled, crossing your arms.
“I’ll take over here,” Garrus quickly cut in.
The two officers--another turian and a human--looked more than grateful to be relieved.
“Careful, Vakarian,” The other turian muttered quietly, “She’s as hard as any krogan I’ve seen.”
“Got it,” Garrus waved him off before sitting across from you and asking, “How are you holding up?”
“How would you be holding up if your ex-boyfriend broke into your house and trashed your clothes and then get questioned for two hours as if you’re the crazy one?” You didn’t snap at him, at least, not exactly, but you quickly sank forward and buried your face in your hands.
“Probably not good,” Garrus admitted.
You snorted, but it didn’t sound filled with too much humor, “Well, at least you get it.”
A short silence passed between the two of you and he let his eyes wander over the scene; he could still see the clothes attached to the wall--from what he could guess from watching the investigators trying to pull them down, it was attached with some sort of adhesive--and the small pink notes that were put up like decorations.
“What happened?” He finally asked, though his eyes were still taking in the damage.
So you went over the events of the night before from the moment you woke up until you finally emailed him and called C-Sec.
“I figured you’d be asleep,” You were speaking slowly, “So when I called, I just blurted out your name without thinking...I think I surprised the chick I was talking to, but she didn’t say anything; I’ve heard some of the officers joking about it when they thought I was too busy being questioned to hear them. Did I do something wrong?”
Your eyes were searching his, but when he opened his mouth to answer you interrupted him with a look of sudden worry, “I didn’t get you into trouble, did I?”
Garrus thought of the phone call from his father earlier that morning, but shook his head anyway, “No, I’m not in trouble; the guys probably just think it's weird since usually I wouldn’t be connected to this kind of case.”
You paused as he spoke, “Why?”
“It's not my department,” He said, and after a short pause, he added, “That being said, they’ll probably want me to stop meddling.”
The way you seemed to sink into yourself as he said this made him regret it almost immediately, “Red tape, right? I’m sorry, this is probably hard for you, I shouldn’t have-”
You stopped yourself, but he could see something like a light blinking out in you.
“No, don’t apologize for that,” Garrus said suddenly, “I already told you I hate red tape, and I don’t let it stop me for long.”
Garrus tried not to think about how glad he was that you looked relieved after he said that. Still, he had to wonder just how Brian Grypht managed to get past the security upgrades he had made to your apartment. His thoughts were interrupted by one of the officers by the door.
“Hey, Vakarian,” The officer called, “The Director wants you to report to his office.”
He felt his mandibles click in irritation, but he didn’t rush from his spot at your table as he answered with a short acknowledgement.
“Do you work today?” Garrus asked, his eyes settling on you again.
“Yeah,” You answered, “Though, even if I didn’t, I’d probably go try to pick up a few extra hours just to get away from the house.”
“What time do you get off?”
You blinked slowly before saying, “About 8 or so.”
Garrus passed you a small notepad that he pulled from some compartment or another on his armor, “Write down your work address for me; I’ll swing by to pick you up and we can figure out what else we can do about all this.”
Even after you wrote the address, you hesitated to give it to him; where exactly did his duty as an officer end? As much as you appreciated how far he seemed willing to go for you and your safety, there was just a nagging worry that you were going to get him in trouble or worse. Still, you passed the notepad back and promised him that you would wait until he came to pick you up.
There was a sense of dread in Garrus’s stomach as he left the apartment and headed for the station to meet with his father; he couldn’t decide if it was because he didn’t want to have to face Castis or if it was because there was a very real danger that you might not show up for your shift at work. Despite the way it made him feel uneasy, he just logged it away as his duty to try and keep you safe--even if the nagging doubt plagued him that even as an officer, there was only so much he could do.
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cardinalwrites · 8 years
They met at a dog park.
Which is weird in and of itself because a) Dean hates driving dogs in his baby; b) it's not even his dog; and c) He's still pissed at Sam for skipping out on him and their dad only to come back with a dog sized golden retriever he named Bones of all things. Jesus, Sam, you’d think you’re have a little more imagination considering you hid from one of the best damn trackers for two weeks only to name a dog after something we see every day. 
Dean sighed to himself. All that and he still has somehow found himself on pooch duty in some dog park in the middle of Illinois of all things. 
“He is limping.” Dean turned to the sound of a gruff voice coming from right behind in. 
“Yeah well, he’s old.” His comeback was coming out before he got a good look at the guy he was talking to. 
“Just because a dog is old does not mean that he should be limping, especially golden retrievers.” The man was speaking as if this was the most important thing Dean needed to know. Hell, maybe the guy just thought that way. “I would expect an experienced owner to know this.”
“Woah, pal,” Dean raised his hand to put some distance between them. He could practically see the inner pupil of the other guy’s eyes with how close he was to Dean. “ First off, I don’t know your name. Second off, the dog’s not mine. And third off, are you some kind of veterinarian or something?”
The other man regarded Dean through squinted eyes. If Dean didn’t know any better he could’ve sworn his soul was being looked into by how close this guy’s gaze was. It set off his hunter reflexes immediately. Did this guy know him? Was he gonna call the cops over Dean not being able to take care of a senior dog? The other man paused before looking down at his own hands, at which point Dean realized the other guy didn’t have a leash or anything to even remotely tag him as a dog owner.
“My name is Cas––Jimmy Novak. Forgive me, we have not met. If you are not the owner, than I can only assume you are related to them, and to answer your last question: No, I am not a veterinarian, just a man that has seen the extent of injuries prolonged by life.” Woah. Deep. 
Dean looked at the guy. Okay. Weird. “So Cas or Jimmy––’cause don’t think I didn’t catch you making up a name–– I’m Dean. The dog’s my brother’s, but we just found him. His name’s Bones. Our dad’s gonna make us leave him at a pound nearby since we can’t take him with us. And that last part was deep.”
“Yes, I suppose so.” Cas (He flubbed the first part, so that’s probably got to be his real name) didn’t speak for a few minutes, electing instead to just watch Bones play with the other dogs. It felt odd but not in an uncomfortable way, the silence that stood between them.
“So, which one’s your’s?” Dean didn’t know why he wanted to keep the conversation running, but hey, he could relate to the things this guy had already said. And there was just something about him that screamed familiarity. Screw him if Dean didn’t want to find out why.
The question seemed to catch Cas off guard. “Erm, I actually just came to watch the animals.”
“What you get off by watching dogs or something?”
“No, Dean,” Cas sounded as if this wasn’t the first time they’d had this conversation. It was odd, but Dean found himself strangely okay with how easy it was to talk to this dorky guy in a trench coat. “I just enjoy nature.”
“I’ll give you that, I guess.” Dean met the other man’s eyes and offered a smile. The other man returned it tenfold, and boy did it not make Dean’s heart skip upon seeing it along with it that same sense of nostalgia mixed with deja vu. I really need to figure out where I know this guy from. 
Bones was barking in the background, having caught the attention of a Yorkie. It was enough to divert Dean’s attention to make sure Bones didn’t end up having Yorkie bacon for lunch.
“I’m not a fan of Yorkies. They run too fast for their size.”
He heard Cas laugh beside him, once again bringing back those feelings and strange senses with it. “It sounds as if you are speaking from experience.”
“No, just a thought I’ve had. I can outrun one, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“I’m sure you can, Dean.” Cas was looking at him with almost sadness in his eyes, the same sadness Dean would give if he knew he was talking to a ghost. What makes this whole thing weird is that Dean can feel it, too.
“Look man, I have to ask because it’s bugging me. But, do I know you from somewhere? Have we met?” Instantly, Dean knew the answer even though he couldn’t explain how.
“When we did, you’re first reaction was caused by upbringing.” Cas didn’t even sound surprised at the question, like he was expecting it. 
Dean paused for a beat, digesting the information. “So you’re saying what, you’re from the future?”
Castiel turned to him with the same seriousness he’d used when he was accusing Dean of animal cruelty “... Yes, to a degree; one where it has been a long time since I have seen you. One where we are friends and been through countless battles together. One where you never show your limp even though we both know your bones have broken far too many times than I can count. One where I have spent days trying to figure out how to bring you back.” There’s that sadness grating Cas’s voice again. The guy looks like he’s on the verge of tears. Dean felt it too somehow, though he’d spent years figuring out why. He suddenly felt tired.
“... We’re not just friends are we.” It wasn’t a question, but Dean was hopeful of the answer.
Cas huffed, an unexpected emotional smile showing up as if the question was absolutely too absurd to be considered. “We’re more than that, more than anything I had ever thought imaginable, but to tell you anything more would jeopardize your safety.”
Hearing the first part filled Dean with a joy he never thought he’d feel and yet he knows he’s felt before. The second part caught his attention for an entirely different reason. “Why? Why do I feel like I know you and you’re not telling me everything?”
To his credit, Cas looked like he wanted to. He wanted to tell Dean more than anything. “I can’t. It has to be your decision. You have to figure it out.” Cas sounded like he was about to admit defeat. It was all up to Dean now.
Dean understood, but not before he found himself gravitating to try to comfort the almost complete stranger to him. Though to be honest, he never felt like a stranger had he? “You do what you gotta do, Cas. I’ll figure this out.” He was about to reach out to touch the man’s shoulder when he felt a pull. Something was holding him back, preventing him from touching Cas. What the hell? 
“I’m sure as well, Dean Winchester. You’ve always figured it out.” Hearing his name come from Cas caused something to stir in his mind. Cas... Cas, I do know that name. His body started getting more tired and the people in the park looked like they were disappearing. Bones’s bark sounded off. Cast... Casti...
I know that name! 
“Am I dreaming, Cas?” The words were out of Dean’s mouth before he could process them. It was starting to make sense, why Dean was in a place he wouldn’t otherwise be, with a dog Sam never brought back with him. His dad wasn’t still alive. It’s been years since John died, way longer. And he was getting more and more tired by the minute. There was only one explanation.
He had to be dreaming. 
Dean’s eye’s widened upon the realization, causing a chain reaction in Castiel as he raised his arm. “That is all I need. Stand back!”
Instinctively, Dean reached up to protect his face, but no harm came to him. Castiel punched through a barrier wall between them, shattering the world around him as the dogs became clouds of smoke warehouse taking their place. It was dark, musty, and tasted of copper. Oh wait, that was Dean tasting the blood in his mouth.
He remembered everything then, like a flashback gone wrong. A djinn had attacked him while he and Cas had been on a hunt. It had sucked everything from him, but in order for him to not figure it out he’d been put in a world where he’d never met Castiel; where he’d never met his angel. The only way Cas got in was by siphoning his grave to get into Dean’s dream. Cas ripped the needle out of his arm as Dean’s eyes started to close.
“Dean!” He felt arms wrap around him as fatigue crashed into his body, the dream wearing off into the brutal reality. “Dean! Open your eyes, you have to open your eyes!”
And Dean did, but not without difficulty. He found blue all around him, Castiel’s face so close that he could see the tears flowing freely. “Castiel,” He breathed. His voice was raspy. I know that name. I love that name. 
“Castiel... Heya, Cas.”
Castiel shuddered. “Hello, Dean,” his voice broke before he planted a chaste kiss on the hunter’s lips. “Welcome back.”
Dean chased after Castiel and rested his forehead against his angel’s. “It’s good to be home. Real home.”
“We need to get out of here. The djinn is dead, but you need rest.”
“Sounds fair, and Cas?”
“Yes, Dean?”
“Let’s never go to a dog park.”
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snizabelle · 4 years
Okay. So. 
I’ve been working on this fic about how Garrus’ parents first met and I’ve been poking away at it F O R E V E R and I’m REALLY trying to finally pull the trigger and finish it to the point where i can actually post it so I’m like....actively forcing myself to post a WIP. it’s still in super early stages so just...tell me what you think or don’t like oh my god just take it i don’t care anymore holy shit.
He pointed his gun at the figure crouched by the ledge in the ruins, overlooking the sandy valley below. It was a usual sight, the ancient ruins were large, old, and crawling with bounty hunters, vagrants, and thieves.
The suspect remained still, as they hadn't been moving in the first place.
I told an unmoving person to 'freeze', he thought. Spirits, I am a fool.
He tried again. "Stay where you are!"
That's even worse. I wish I was dead.
It wasn't even his first day on the job. He had already spent 6 months on this crappy planet and dealt with his fair share of riffraff. Nolvion may have been a dwarf planet in the back end of the terminus systems but you wouldn't think it with the amount of scum it collected. The small security outpost he was a part of was the only thing driving it back, though the real objective was considered classified.
He tried to keep his hands from shaking as his thoughts continued to scream through his head. "Look just get up-no stay where you, uh, raise your- (aaaAAAAUUUGH!!)
After what seemed like an eternity the suspect stirred. They were wearing thick, but shoddy, ill-fitting armor, head obscured by a large standard-issue helmet.  Without turning, they raised a single finger, indicating whatever Castis was spouting could wait.
"I - excuse me!! I am an OFFICER of Fort Audax! I DEMAND you turn around slowly with your hands in the air!!" he sputtered.
There was a brief pause. The suspect then stood a little straighter and sighed as if this whole thing was leaving them incredibly put out. Then they turned and-
There was a deafening sound and the floor flew up to meet Castis' head. He felt his jaw crack on the ground and tasted blood in his mouth. He could feel a bruise forming where the kick had landed on his mandible.
He scrambled to his feet, head pounding. The culprit stood there, seemingly baffled.
"Did you just ...!" Castis felt only anger now. "...assault me?!”
He heard a noise that sounded like an 'uh oh' noise muffled in the helmet.
Castis barred his teeth. You're goddamn right 'uh oh'. He may have been a terrible negotiator but he was pretty damn good at hand-to hand-combat.
Before the offender had a chance to do anything else, Castis had lunged forward and grabbed their wrist, twisting it, forcing their knees to buckle. Before they could react, he headbutted them on the bridge of their helmet, causing the cheap material to crack. As the assailant fell backward, Cas swept their right leg, hearing a distinct crack as they fell backwards, helmeted head thudding on the ground.
Panting, Castis steadied himself and surveyed the assailant. There was no movement. He walked carefully around the body and pushed their discarded rifle away with his foot.
"Vakarian! Come in Vakarian!"
A voice crackled onto the communicator on his omni-tool.
Cas answered the comm, still trying to catch his breath. "This is Vakarian."
"Status report."
"Sir,” he panted "Suspect attacked me, but I have rendered them unconscious. Sustained minor injuries. Suspect is unarmed and incapacitated."
There was a pause. The voice cracked again "Just shoot them."
Cas clenched his jaw. "I repeat: the suspect is unarmed and incapaci-"
"I heard what you said." There was a shuffling sound as though the person speaking was shifting, agitated. "Do it."
Cas swallowed hard, fingers clenching and unclenching. He chose his next words carefully. "Sir....It would be more...prudent... to bring in the suspect for questioning and proces-”
He hung up without thinking. Damn. Gonna pay for that later.
He glanced over at the motionless figure.
Just shoot them.
Well, that didn't go well.
Marcella was in incredible pain. Hopefully, her leg wasn't broken but it certainly felt like it was. 
Damn it all. Usually, one kick to the face made rent-a-cops drop like drunk elcor. Should've sized this one up better. You're getting real sloppy.
The crackle of the cop’s comm echoed over to her.
"Just shoot them."
Spirits..... If I had known it was my last day alive I would've....would've...
She struggled to think of something meaningful one could do in their last hours while the comm screeched. There was abrupt silence and she heard the scraping of boots as the officer turned around.
Shit. Shit! Not like this!
More silence. From inside the helmet, she peeked open her eyes for a second to see what he was doing. He was leaning in close. Inspecting her? There was a hunting knife on her hip. Maybe if he leaned in close enough she could get him in the neck. It was her only shot. She felt her helmet jostle and snapped her eyes shut again. Hot air rushed her face as her helmet was removed.
Just play dead. Don't move...!
She heard a thunk as her helmet was tossed aside. Her hand was laying under her back by her left side. She could feel the shape of the knife pressing against the back of her thigh. He had straightened up again. Her fingers inched toward the knife, touching the hilt.
I could just go for it... maybe he'll be so surprised he won't react? Or I'll just get shot in the face. Well, I'm dead either way.
There was another loud crackle as his comm buzzed. and almost made her jerk.
"Female. No markings." She heard the cop say. "Taking into custody. Will report in 0500."
She relaxed her fingers, retreating from the hilt.
Faldos can flay me for all I care.
Castis holstered his gun and submitted his report verbally in his comm. "Female. No Markings-"
Do things right or not at all.
He walked over to his bag, still laying where he set it by an old pillar. He shuffled through it for a bit, though as usual, it was perfectly organized. He retrieved his handcuffs and turned.
The suspect already had one leg up on the ledge and was in the process of climbing over.
"Hey-! You- F-FREEZE!!" He drooped the cuffs, awkwardly grabbed for his holstered gun and pointed it at her back.
She froze accordingly. "Uggggh come ON!"
Slowly, she turned, hands begrudgingly in the air. Her eyes were a piercing blue. She had no clan markings but had a slight scarring on her left mandible. She blinked at him, seizing him up. He felt a strange pulling in his chest.
“Well?” she said expectantly. She sounded slightly amused.
"S...state your name!" He could feel his face grow hot in embarrassment.
She smirked and said nothing.
Castis blinked nervously but didn't relent. 'You are trespassing. You are not authorized to be here. Show me identification now or I will take you into custody."
She shrugged her shoulders, the universal sign of indifference.
'Are you aware you attacked an officer of Fort Audax?
"Well yeah,' She shrugged again. 'I figured the uniform wasn't for show.”
Castis felt himself burn, "Excuse me?!"
She smirked again, seemingly excited she was able to get under his skin.
He exploded, "GET ON THE GROUND NOW!!"
Her smile faded. 'Well,... I'll try." She visibly struggled to kneel on her left leg, glaring at him all the while.
Castis felt a brief bout of shame wash over him.
"Hey, uh...I'm sorry if I was too rough. it's okay I have medi-gel if you need it.”
She continued to glare "I’m fine."
She tried to lean on one leg and winced.
"No, you're not. You're hurt."
Castis stepped forward.
'Really? You kick my ass then offer to clean me up?" The suspect's eyes flashed. "Go ahead and give me two pops in the back of my head when i kneel down, make it quick okay?"
Castis slowly lowered his gun to the ground. He took a few more steps forward and raised his hands. "I promise I'm not gonna hurt you."
The perp raised her eyebrow plates but said nothing.
"Do you...would you mind if I...?" Cas took a few more cautious steps forward.
She paused for a second then extended her leg almost dramatically.
'By all means, admire your handiwork."
He shuffled close to her and knelt by her outstretched leg. Dispensing some medi-gel, he began to apply a numbing agent to her upper thigh. He was uncomfortably close.
Look forward, look forward look forward, don't be weird don't be weird -
"Enjoying yourself?"
His head snapped up to meet her gaze.
She was smirking again.
His face burned as he hastily rubbed the rest of the medi-gel on her thigh as quickly as possible. He staggered to his feet rubbing the excess off his hands.
"Alright, how does it feel now?"
The suspect leaned on her leg gently, then gave a few light stomps.
"Hrm, not bad." She took a few light steps toward him.
"Do you make a habit of sensually patching up every girl you brutalize?"
Castis felt his face burn even hotter. "Y-you..attacked me first!"
She shrugged, "Eh details...'
"Either way, since you refuse to provide any form of identification - and you ATTACKED me,” Castis glared, “ - I'm going to have to take you in."
There was a long pause.
She sighed then extended her wrists.
Castis blinked. "Really?"
"It's only fair, you patched me up." She looked off in the distance as though not wishing to engage in the situation.
"Well....good!” Cas huffed a small sigh of relief, finally things are gonna stop being needlessly difficult.  He approached her warily.
"Now please extend your-"
She's already doing that you WORTHLESS-
"YEP just like that, uh, lemmie just-"
He lifted his notably empty hands.
"Just.....one...second." Cas mumbled awkwardly
The suspect blinked lazily at him, seemingly bored.
Castic did an awkward run by the pillar where the cuffs lay absentmindedly. He grabbed them and whirled around.
"Okay! Now let me just-"
She was gone.
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