#and then i spent twenty minutes sanding hides today
tetedurfarm · 4 months
twenty minutes with the pressure washer two days ago and my ulnar nerve is sooooooooooooooo mad. forgot about that guy
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gi4hao · 6 months
🗓️ ᡣ𐭩ྀི ˎˊ- anniversary dates with seventeenྀི
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hyung line version! (scoups -> woozi)
had a really sunny weekend so please enjoy these sunshine-fueled scenarios!
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— seungcheol
turns out your anniversary took place during a vacation together, a week-long holiday near the beach. on the d-day, he refuses to say anything about his plans, no matter how many times you ask, to the point where you end up blindfolded as he leads you to his surprise. when you take the blindfold off, the only thing you can see is a white boat awaiting on the shore. at first you’re scared he might have actually bought the boat, but he ‘only’ rented it for a private dinner. the sun has just started to set and you’re glad to have picked one of your cutest outfits because you just know he’s going to be taking as many pictures of you as he can. you might be admiring the sunset, but he'll be admiring you the whole time.
— jeonghan
he truly racked his brain to find the per-fect date idea. on the day, he keeps you guessing with more than vague hints (like “we talked about doing that one day” as if you didn’t talk about literally doing everything together). but he’s confident in his surprise and rightfully so: at first you think it’s just a regular picnic, which would have been fine on its own, but as more people start to gather around you, you realize that a lantern festival is actually taking place here tonight. together, you scribble your wishes and dreams for the future on your lantern. and you love how he’s not even trying to hide what he’s writing: one thing about jeonghan, he’ll never try to conceal anything about his feelings for you.
— joshua
this one has a proud smirk plastered on his face the entire morning, hinting at a surprise. you get in his car around 9am and drive for about twenty minutes until he stops in front of a fancy looking building. “you know how we always talk about moving to a bigger apartment yet never actually visit anything? well i figured today would be the day…”, he tells you excitedly. and it’s only when the realtor meets you on the street that you realize joshua has actually booked a visit. more than one, in fact: throughout the day, you visit four apartments, walking from one to the other hand in hand, already fantasizing about what life is going to look like for the two of you.
— jun
both having a busy schedule, you recently told jun you missed having a proper dinner together and it’s given him the best idea for your anniversary: a nice dinner together without the practical difficulties of going to a fancy restaurant. when you come back home that evening, you find your place tastefully decorated with various candles, flowers and fairy lights. as for jun, he’s done his hair the way you like it best, dressed in an outfit you love, wearing the same perfume from when you first started dating. with a sheepish smile, he guides you to the balcony where the table is set, revealing the stunning city view from your apartment.
— hoshi
his plan for today is to make you feel as loved as ever, and that requires day-long dedication, starting with mandatory prince.ss treatment all morning. around 11, he tells you it’s “time to go” although you still have no idea what he’s talking about. but a 45 minutes drive later, you can make out the blueish color of the sea in the horizon. with him by your side, you know it won’t be just any beach day: picnic on the sand, a long walk along the shore spent saying “look, it’s us!” when you see two relatively close rocks, and most of all, soaking up the sun together in the water, all while being that clingy couple who cannot stop swooning over each other.
— wonwoo
this morning, wonwoo wakes up particularly early to cook breakfast for the both of you. you’re already awake by the time he’s done, but he looks so adorable trying to balance the tray while opening the door with his foot that you pretend like you’re still asleep. later, he surprises you with a gift which looks… a bit odd. you didn’t really expect a QR code. but you scan it anyways, and then everything starts to make sense: the QR code brings you to a website, a shelter website more specifically. “are we…”, you start, a huge smile already on your lips. “going on a shelter date to get a cat? absolutely”, he replies, glad you’re enjoying his surprise as much as he hoped.
— woozi
to him, this is the perfect day to show how much your relationship means to him, because he fears you might not know it well enough (you do). so he’s got a little something prepared… the first part of his plan is to fake an apology: “i’m really sorry, i completely forgot…”. second part is to say he’ll take you to movies another day, which you accept, still half-upset. and finally, last part is to welcome you home on the d-day, takeout ready on the table but most importantly, with a homemade outdoor cinema right in your backyard. thick mattresses, fluffy pillows and a large white screen facing a brand-new projector, he went all out to make sure you feel as cherished as he always does.
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hannamoon143 · 2 months
Whatever you want
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Req by @intrikatie
Pairings: Minsung (It is not mentioned as a ship,you can put it as whatever you want, best friends,relationship,everything fits lol)
Genre: Fluff,comfort,a tiny bit angst if you squint
Summary: finally a day off at the beach. Minho and jisung are looking forward to some peace and fun. just lots of silly little cutie fluff
a/n:a little minsung drabble ( i wanted to post it at stay birthday,but i weren't feeling well so i post it today,one day later <3) requested by @intrikatie. Hope you like it! As always take care of yourself,go drink some water and have a great day.💖
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"Give me ten more minutes"Minho whines. "No min,you already had twenty minutes to say bye to soonie,doongie and dori.its only a day" Jisung said,rolling his eyes.He had a annoyed undertone in his voice,also if he couldn't entirely hide that he found it cute when minho got all clingy and whiny about his cats.Especially since he usually wasn't very affectionate. Jisung pulled minho to his feet and dragged him to the car.Minho tried to free himself from jisungs grip,wanting to kiss his cats one last time.
"Nooo,my babies will miss me! I love you soonie doongie and dori!" He screams through the last open door slot.Jisung giggles and opens the car door.He sits down in the driversseat with a amused smile.With a pout minho sits down besides him,crossing his arms.Jisung only gigles at that.
"They will miss their dad"
"They will survive"
"I wanna drive"
"We talked about that"
"I hate you.and the babies hate you too." minho says stubbornly,looking through the window.
"I know you don't" Han giggles,squishing minhos cheeks.
"Yah!Look at the street!"
Jisung only continues giggling at minhos pouty attitude.He knows that he is looking forward to a day at the beach just as much as himself.They could relax,have fun and enjoy the warm,sunny weather,wich was a welcome change to all the stress
When they were at the beach jisung parked.Minho jumped out of the car,pulling the bags they brought out. Jisung also got out.he inhaled deeply.the fresh ocean breeze was relaxing and felt good in his usually always stressed mind. Minho pinched his side. "Ready to go down to the beach,or do you need time to process the air cause you don't know how it is outside the studio?"Minho smirks and runs down on the sandy beach.Jisung yells after him,following him with tiny runs. He acts annoyed as always but he enjoys finally seeing minho relax too.The comeback was exhausting for them all,and they all spent a lot of work and effort into it.It was a big relief that they had done it now,and that stays liked it so much. The others stayed at the dorms,wanting to do a live later.
When jisung approached minho he was laying the picnic blanket they brought,down on the warm sand. Jisung started packing out the food (Minho insisted on cooking himself besides bringing little snacks) and his little digitalcamera. "You still have this little thing?Isn't the quality extremly low?" Minho asks,taking out the ramen he had made earlier.
"Yeah but low quality is the best quality.It gives the pictures a little vintage touch."Jisung prudly says,standing up to take a picture of the ocean with his camera.Minho pats at the place he sat before and says: "Sit down sungie,i wanna eat and if you dont take your ramen i will eat them myslef." Jisung quickly sits down and takes the little box of noodles minho gives him.
They both quietly eat,looking at the soothing waves.
After a while minho speaks up: " Also if my babies will miss me the day long,this is really nice. Relaxing now that the comeback is finished. To just sit here and not having to do something for the camera" Jisung finishes his ramen and smiles at him. "You are right min.but you now when you won't be so relaxed anymore?" Minho looks confused now,but before he can answer something jisung jumps up,takes his shirt off and runs towards the water. "When i win the race who is first at the water."he yells,laughing. Minho doesn't hesitate to also take his shirt off and chase after jisung. They both land in the cool waves,laughing and almost choking at the water.
They splashed water at each other,not noticing that they went further and further into the deep water.Suddenly a big wave came.It was quick there and minho and jisung got pressed underwater.Minho immediately came back to the surface of the water.He coughed a bit and almost started laughing again but then he noticed that jisung was nowhere in sight.He looked around,but when jisung wasn't anywhere near to find minho got a bad feeling.
"Sungie? Han?" anxiety immediately filled his body.that couldn't happen...
He didn't hesitate when he dived into the water. He opened his eyes and after a few seconds he saw jisung.His foot was stuck betweent two rocks and he was anxiously trying to free himself.Minho dived down.His own air was getting less to but somehow he managed to pull the rock away,and jisung back to the surface.They dragged themself back to the warm sand.
Jisung coughed a little bit water out,that he swallowed when he panicked.
"Are you okay hannie? Oh god i was so scared.W-when the wave came and pulled us u-underwater and i immediately was at the surface again,but you w-weren't near and i...i thought you drowned or w-worse and-"
Jisung stopped the anxious rambling from minho, by putting his hand over minhos mouth.
"Min it's okay,i'm fine alright?" Jisung said with his voice a bit hoarse from the salt water but a smile in it.
Minho let out a shaky exhale,noticing he hadn't breathed. He leaned nearer to jisung,who wrapped his arms around him.
"Why are you comforting me now?"Minho asks skeptically,but laying down his head on jisungs shoulder.He was glad nothing happened to jisung.
Jisung chuckled. "You are like a little cat,you always need comfort and someone who tells you that things are alright"
Minho snorted. A little cat? Jisung had a courage to say that.He was the one always acting like a baby.Altough minho liked being a bit babied and cared for secretly.
They both went back to their things.trying to dry their clothes.After a good sun bath,one more snack time and a bunch of jokes it's time to go home.
"It's getting dark we should drive back to the dorms"Minho says,starting to pack up the things. Han nods and also starts packing things.But then he remembers something. "Min!Will you make a pic with me with the digitalcamera? I make pictures with is since our debut so i can remember every good moment we all have." Minhos gaze softens when he sees the excitement so bright in jisungs eyes. He sits down besides jisung,and together they make a few pictures,of them with the ocean on it. Jisung kindly smiles when he looks through the photos. He loved collecting memories. At the sight of him smiling at simple photos made minhos heart melt.Jisung was a pure guy.
but suddenly minho gets distracted.Jisung almost had a heart attack when suddenly minho jumped up and ran a few steps and then crouched down in the sand.
Oh no.Jisung knew that pose.It was his look-what-a-cute-cat-i-found pose.That meant they wouldn't be able to drive home for the next thirty minutes.
"Give me the cat food from my jacket"Minho demands and jisung sighs and walks over to him and the cat, with the food.
Minhos eyes sparkle.It looks like suddenly the cat put a thousands stars in them.Exactly like when jisung looks at his pictures. Jisung had to hold back his laughter,minhos felt the same with cats that he felt when he looked at memories.he really could be a weird but a really kind guy. But also,Jisung liked when his eyes were like this.They looked deeper than the deepest spot in the ocean,prettier than all the stars on the sky.Jisung would give the world just so that spark never gets lost.Jisung smiled and looked at the cat.
"It's really cute"
"Yeah right?! I wanna take it home but soonie doongie and dori don't want another brother." Minho says with excitement but thena little pout steals its way on his face. Jisung only laughs at it. "Come on min,you fed the cat well,it will survive but your real babies miss you.or did you forget them already?" Jisung faked a dramatic gasp. " I will drive home alone then and give them to felix." He said,sounding sad and dramatic. He walked to the car but minho ran after him,getting in first.
"Noone trades my cats."
Jisung laughs at the pouting boy.
"Whatever you want min."
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anchanted-one · 2 years
Book of Storms Chapter 42. Setback
Old man Grommik was talking to himself when they arrived. He was older than Kira had expected, probably in his late seventies. But he was still largely self-sufficient, going by the small number of droids in a farm this size.
“‘Twenty more minutes until I’m leaving,’ I told him. ‘Then the doors are closing. Forever. Wallner, I love you like a brother, but doors have to close.”
The boss coughed right then (a real cough—poor guy’s throat was probably dry as the sands outside) and the man turned around in surprise. “Hullo? You weren’t here a moment before! Have you come to fix my machines? My sensors and defenses have either malfunctioned or been destroyed by the local wildlife. I’d step outside myself, but I’m too scared to step outside with my sensors offline.”
“I really wish we were repairmen Sir,” the boss sounded genuinely apologetic. “But we’re Jedi. We’re here on urgent business. Your old bosses are looking for the facility you were employed in. And their overseer is willing to leave a trail of bodies to do it.”
“I see.” He stroked his chin. “Trying to dig up things best left forgotten, then doing it again because a few years are enough for greed to triumph over sense. That certainly does sound like my old employers. Well, I wouldn’t mind giving you everything I know for a price.”
“Name it.”
“My equipment. If you can repair anything at all…” he was looking at T7 specifically, but the boss sighed.
“Are you sure we can’t tempt you with credits? Or a few cans of water?”
“That last one does sound tempting… but no. I need my defenses back if Czerka’s out to get me.”
“We could just take you into protective custody—”
“I can see this heat getting to you, son. You’re hiding it well, but I can see.”
The boss didn’t say anything.
“But you know what? A lifetime staying here… it acclimatizes you to even a clime as hostile as this one. I’ve lived on Tatooine for fifty years now. I can’t leave. Any other place would cripple me. And there’s no significant Republic presence here. The safest place for me is right here, if I can protect myself.”
“I understand. You won’t believe how urgent our mission is at the moment, but… yeah, it would feel wrong not helping you protect yourself.”
“Thank you, Son. You’re a good lad. You can stay inside, I’m sure you can manage.”
“No, I can help. I’m good with farm equipment. Kira, find out what he knows. Keep him safe. T7 and I will handle the repairs.”
“Yes, Master.”
Kira watched the old man fiddle with the droid he’d been repairing as they walked in. “Such a good boy! I’ve seen people on difficult missions before. They insist that they can’t wait. That they need what they’re after now. It’s nice to meet someone who doesn’t bludgeon people with how important he is.”
“Just so you know, our objectives are one ultra-powerful superweapon, and something your ex-employers classified as an object that can depopulate an entire planet! Delays today might be more costly than normal.”
“My word! Then for once the self-importance would have been warranted! And yet, he decided to humor an old man! A nobody… I’m just a simple man. Not a senator, or a noble.”
“Simple people are whom the Jedi are sworn to protect. If only there were more of us out there. We’d be able to meet all our demands without having to pick and choose.”
“Right you are. Unfortunately, I’ve lived long enough to know that not all Jedi are like that kind of Jedi you just described. Most are…”
“Arrogant, preachy, opinionated, out-of-touch, stubborn…?”
“A combination of the above.”
“Tell me about it. No, actually, tell me everything about the facility, and the project. In as great detail as possible.”
They spent the next hour going over maps and diary entries. Kira made it a point to keep detailed notes, but really, there was little of interest except for vague logs about the device that had been dug up, and speculation about who had left it there.
A chief scientist scoffed at her subordinate’s notion of the ‘Infinite Rakata empire,’ calling it ‘fringe science at best,’ but even Jedi like Kira knew about the Starforge that had been the center of Revan’s campaign three hundred years ago. Kira had even heard Jazz mention a theory that the Khrayii were a devolved offshoot of the Rakatans. She wondered what kind of standards Czerka’s scientists had to meet. Maybe they were more interested in exploiting found resources, rather than being good scientists.
When I’m the Supreme Chancellor, I swear I’m gonna turn Czerka into yesterday’s news.
She got a call just as she was finishing up. “Elo?”
“We’re all finished out here.”
“Boss, you alright? You sound a little…”
“I’m fine—huh?”
“Master? What’s happening out there?”
“There’s a ship approaching. A gunboat. It’s coming right at us. I have a bad feeling about this…” he waited another moment before screaming. “Kira, get out of there! Get Mister Kurthson out too!”
Kira burst into action at once. She grabbed the startled old man—picking up the notes as an afterthought—and bolted out of the building. They’d just made it out the door when the shots began to rain down on the homestead.
“Nooooooo!” old man Kurthson groaned. “I put twenty years of my life into that farm—”
“Worry later,” Kira advised. “Survive first. Come on, run!”
She picked him up in a fireman’s lift and continued to run, making for the perimeter. Once she was outside the danger zone, she paused to catch her breath. Vajra came scrambling up to her. Something about how he moved…
“Kira…” he hugged her fiercely, eyes fixed on the ship that was turning the once-quaint homestead into rubble.
“Happy to see you too, Master. T7—”
<T7 = alright. Location before bombardment = outside the target zone.>
“Got it.”
He pointed at the ship. “Bring that down.”
“Pull it out of the sky. I’m not strong enough. But you are.”
“Not strong enough? But—”
“I’m limited to twenty meters, alright? Now bring it down! We can’t let him have another chance! Loose cannon that he is, he might attack Anchorhead next!”
“Got it.” Kira had never tried moving something as big as a ship before, but now was as good a time as any to try. She took a few calming breaths to focus herself, then Reached out. The Force was waiting, as always, as though her wish was but a clear request away from reality.
She drew from the bottomless reservoir, then latched onto the ship that was raining fire onto the already-levelled homestead. Someone up there must have noticed what happened, because the guns cut out at once, and the thrusters kicked in.
Kira strained and gritted her teeth. She redoubled her effort, her mind’s eye weaving together a vision of the engines straining; the fuselage being torn apart.
Someone up there had the bright idea to open fire on her new position, but most shots went wide. The few that did come close changed trajectory when they entered her Master’s range.
Kira grinned. Good to know that short-ranged didn’t mean he wasn’t out of options outside of his blade. Ten seconds of sustained effort later, the engines burst out of the fuselage and went spinning into the ground a hundred meters away. The rest of the ship fell spinning to earth.
“Nice job, Kira!”
“All part of the service, Master.” The boss walked up to the flaming wreck, Kira following closely behind.
Several people spilled out of the ship. Kira recognized one.
“Lex sand day, I presume,” Master Vajra croaked. His steps were getting a little off-balance.
“That’s Leksende!” the man seethed, rising ungainly tohis feet. “Curse you! I was having fun up there! Everything was going perfectly! I had you Jedi right where I wanted you! Shots raining down, pillars of dust rising into the sky! I was laughing harder than I had in years! Why did you have to go ruin it for me?”
“The one who pulled you out of the sky was Kira. And I couldn’t be prouder. Am I supposed to be apologetic about foiling your little-dicked attempt to kill us?”
“Oh, you know nothing of regret, ugly alien!” he gave a cruel smile. “But I’m going to show you. You will die slowly, and painfully—”
“How about ‘no?’”
“AUGH!!!” The man had opened fire, but predictably, it had bounced off Master’s Lightsaber and hit him in the groin. He fell, clutching his crotch. “AAAAAUGHHHH! SONOFAKARKING RANCOR’S MUTANT FLATWORM! AAAHHH!” The boss picked up the fallen blaster and shot him and his surviving comrades with a stun bolt.
“Fauler…” his voice was so tired. “I’ve got some news that might make your day. I captured Leksende. Alive.”
“Really? That IS something. Pity we’ll have to give him up when his rich dad comes calling—”
“He admitted to knowingly opening fire on a Jedi. I think that qualifies for some extra time.”
“That it does. Hold on tight! We relocated to a base close to your position, and can send in SIS agents to pick him up.”
“Much obliged. Please hurry.”
“Master… you’re really not looking so good!”
His answer was unintelligible. He swayed dangerously where he stood, then keeled over and fell onto the sand.
“Oh, no!” Kurthson had reached them. “He’s suffering from heatstroke! We have to get him to my—oh.” His eyes momentarily glazed over as he remembered that his house was gone. He shook himself. “No, no, mourn later. I have a fallout shelter attached to my house. The exit should be over there. Let’s get him out of the sun, then call for an ambulance.”
“What ambulance?!” Kira cried hysterically. “We don’t have time! We might only have a few minutes!”
T7 zoomed up to them, whistling like mad.
“Good evening, T7-01. How may I assist you?”
<Situation: critical! Jedi: Vajra: status: fainted. Dying of heatstroke. C2 = come at once!>
“Oh, my! Yes, we’ll be there at once! I’ll get the med bay prepared! Dear, oh dear!”
“Good call, T7. Sorry. Lost my head for a second.” She pulled out several water bottles and began pouring them all over her fallen Master. She then Pulled their speeder to her and tore out the first-aid kit. “Come on, come on!” she pulled out the vial she was looking for and loaded it into the syringe. She inserted the needle into his throbbing vein and pressed the plunger. Thanking the stars for all the water they’d taken from the old Czerka base, she drenched a blanket and covered her Master with it. “Please don’t die,” she begged him. “I need you to live so I can deck you for not telling me you were suffering!”
T7 agreed fervently.
The Garuda arrived in record time, a mere twenty minutes after T7 had called. Padawan Kira and Kurthson had pulled Vajra up the ramp and straight to the med bay, where C2 had prepared a tub full of cold water for him.
“This way, this way!” he said, waving his arms frantically.
Kurthson already knew what to do. He stripped off Vajra’s clothes in a mad rush—the girl yelped and ran out, clearly having no desire to see her friend naked.
Putting him down in the tank, he expertly slipped an oxygen mask over his face as the droid inserted IV needles into two of his hands. “We greatly appreciate your help, kind, kind citizen!” the protocol droid wrung his hands in gratitude. “Thank you for all your help!”
“Think nothing of it. Your Masters saved my life. And they were so kind to me, too! Stopped to help when they really didn’t need to. In fact… goodness, it’s probably my fault that he got heatstroke. He was out there fixing my equipment.
The Astromech said something, which the protocol droid translated. “That is not your fault. It is Jedi Knight Vajra who failed to mention how close he was to his limit—what? T7, I understand your frustration, but please behave yourself!”
“Give him a good drubbing from me when he wakes up. And tell him Grommik Kurthson’s first rule of survival in harsh territory: always know your limits.”
“I shall gladly do so, Master Kurthson. Please, if you need anything, feel free to take it from the pantry. I need to tend to my Master.”
“Of course. I’ll leave you to it.”
Kira stared into her reflection as water dripped off her face. It was much cleaner than when she’d started, but the wear from a single day of traveling in the desert was showing. Her lips were badly chapped, and her skin and hair were dry and lusterless. But that paled in comparison to her Master.
The veil had done a good job of hiding just how badly the sun had affected him; his skin was not only burned and blistered, it was almost grey. His eyes were so shot with blood, it looked like there was a river of it about to burst forth.
But how? How had it happened so fast? They’d been drinking gallons of water, she had managed to dress him up for the weather, and he was conserving his energy! She decided to leave the speculation for later. She quickly got dressed in fresh clothes and returned to the med bay, where her Master had been placed inside the kolto tank.
Thankfully he was not completely naked. She couldn’t take that, not from her friends.
C2 looked up as she entered. “Master Kira!”
“Give it to me straight, C2. How bad is it?”
“I’m afraid he’s going to be out of commission for a little while, Master Kira. I looked through his file, and it seems he hails from a cold world. His species isn’t built to handle heat. But it gets worse. He’s resistant to all but the strongest drugs we’ve got, which is why the measures you took didn’t work in the first place. I’ve given him a kolto infusion. He’s showing signs of improvement already, but I’d rather he didn’t step out into that sun again.”
“I see…” she shook her head and looked at Mister Kurthson, who was eating a sandwich just outside the med bay door. “I’m still really grateful for how you stepped up, sir.”
“Think nothing of it, young miss. Just returning the favor. Like I said, you and your master helped me when you really didn’t need to.”
“It’s our duty.”
“Call it what you will. Here on Tatooine, we remember kindness. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll need to go to Anchorhead and request aid in rebuilding. I’m not sure I have it in me to start over, but if I do, you’re welcome to come find me again.”
“We can take you to Anchorhead,” Kira said quickly, looking over at C2. “We’re probably headed in that direction too.”
“I appreciate it.”
Her Master’s comm chimed again right then. Kira answered it reluctantly.
“Greetings, Jedi. Brikk and his crew have repaired the generators, but we have a small complication.”
“Go on.”
“The Shock Drum has a locator beacon, but we’re having some serious trouble pinpointing its location thanks to the quakes it’s generating. We have the general location, but it’s thousands of square kilometers.”
Damn. “I hope you have a bright idea,” Kira said.
“Brikk had a great idea. We can use ultrasonic scanners. If we place around twenty of them in a wide pattern, they should be able to triangulate the Shock Drum’s location.”
Brikk chittered off to the side.
“Yes, Brikk. I don’t want this world to go boom boom either. Unfortunately, the endeavor is a dangerous one. Tatooine is full of dangers.”
“So, I guess it falls to me to place these scanners,” Kira said defeatedly. “Alone.”
“Alone? What has happened to—”
“He’s down for the count. This heat was too much for him. So, you’re down to one Jedi Apprentice. One with little experience working solo.” After a moment of silence, both women said at the same time, “We’re so fucked.”
Her Master surprised her by speaking up. “Go, Kira. You can do it.”
“Awake, are we? Welp. It’s not like I have a choice.”
“Funny. I spent much of my own apprenticeship thinking the same thing. But it did help out, in the end. Go on. Be a hero. Maybe they’ll make you a Knight.”
“Heavens forbid!” Kira shivered. “That’s the opposite of incentive, so far as I’m concerned.”
He chuckled weakly. “I know what you mean. Sorry. Too tired to think of a real reward.”
“I don’t need a reward. I’m a Jedi. Like you, and Master Kiwiiks.”
“Right. She’s waiting for you. Go on, C2 is looking after me. Take T7 with you. Don’t feel like getting socked or shocked right now.”
“Oh, don’t worry, C2’s got that covered. For now. C2? Please make sure he understands how annoyed everyone is with him right now?”
“I—alright, Master?”
“Good. Drop Mister Kurthson off in Anchorhead. I’ll see you when I see you.”
“It’s been a pleasure, young miss.”
“You can do it, Kira. I believe in you.”
Despite her Master’s (understandably weak) encouragement, as Kira stepped out of the ship and into the cold, cold night, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was in way over her head.
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
Prompt 47 and 49 with Armin please if that's okay. Also congrats on 300 girl! 🧡
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Prompt #47: “you sound so pretty when you moan” + Prompt #49: “I’m going to put a baby in you tonight.”
♡ TW: I didn’t proofread so if you see any typos shhhh, public sex, breeding kink, mature things duh, 18+, MINORS DNI or I’ll bite your ankles 
♡ WC: 1.8k cause I got carried away besties 
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You weren’t quite sure what to think when Armin woke you up earlier than usual for the two of you with his bright blues staring directly into your eyes and a smile wide enough on his lips to show off the small dentition that he had on the right side of his cheek, easily missable if you hadn’t spent most of your time observing his soft beautiful features on his face.
“Come on, get up and get dressed and meet me in the car in like twenty minutes. We’re going to the beach!” He spoke up once he felt that you were at a conscious enough level to take in his words, not even staying a second longer after those words left his mouth, but jumping off of the bed and heading immediately to what you presumed to be the direction of the car. You had no choice but to protest against his orders or complain about the good slumber he had woken you up from. Instead you followed his directions and got dressed with nothing to go off except for the fact that the two of you were going to the beach.
Curses slipped past your lips underneath your breath constantly throughout your whole routine and even throughout the duration of the car ride; Armin’s overtly bubbly mood this early in the morning causing confusion upon confusion, but still you smiled from ear to ear as you watched him sing his heart out to the cheesy pop song on the radio, enjoying the subtle serenade he was giving you and even joined him towards the end of the song. Giggles and jokes from the both of your terrible singing filling up the car. Your semi sour mood from earlier already being pushed to the back of your mind. 
The sunshine that kissed your skin when you stepped out of the car moments later filled you with a warmness all over and it was then that you were grateful Armin decided to force you out of the house today.
“Are you finally going to tell me what we’re doing here?”
“A picnic!” He answers you in a sing song voice as he makes his way around the car to the trunk where he removes all the needed supplies for your rendezvous, handing the picnic over to you once his hands got too full. 
“A picnic?”
“Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with that I hope?”
“Not at all,” You’re quick to answer him with the shake of your head and soon a smile creeps its way onto your features, “I’ve just never been on one before.”
“Well, I’m honored to be your first.” Though his tone is teasing, his smile is wide enough to crease the corner of his eyes letting you know that there was some genuity in his words. 
The two of you took your place on a spot where the concrete sidewalk met the sand, deciding that you didn’t want to be directly in the sand just incase it got in the food you two had packed with you which consisted of sandwiches, strawberries, a mini charcuterie board, and even champagne to be more on the boujie side. The choices of food showing that Armin had planned this out thoroughly and put quite some thought into it. Not to mention that few people occupied the space where you two were at, too early in the morning for people to come flocking to the beach.
Laughs, reminiscing, and conversations about everything and nothing filled up a good portion of your picnic. The warmth and breeze of the beach adding to the feelings of security and comfort you felt by Armin’s side, the glances his blue eyes would give you making you feel loved and appreciated without him even having to open up his lips, but still he does: “You’re so beautiful. I can’t believe I got lucky enough to get someone as beautiful, kind, and smart as you in my life.”
His words left your cheeks warming up and not from the harsh rays of the sun, each one of his words hitting you in your gut and leaving your stomach fluttering with butterflies. Before your lips could even open up to request a stop to his compliments his lips are on yours in an instance, molding so perfectly against your like they always did, like they were made exclusively for yours like he claimed so many times. What started off as a sweet passionationate kiss in the sun quickly switched gears to something more sensual. Armin’s tongue sliding past your lips and teeth to gently swirl around yours, the remnants of the strawberries and champagne on your buds warranting a soft groan out of his mouth.
Before you knew it, the soft padding of his hand is travelling up your thighs and spreading the soft flesh with his palm, gripping it lightly but not moving another inch just to mess with you. But the moment you wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer into the kiss he gives in, hand disappearing underneath the fabric of your sundress and immediately allowing his middle and index finger to travel up to the thin fabric of your underwear and massage your clit. 
“Armin,” You pulled away with flushed cheeks and a breathy moan to scan the environment around the two of you. Though there still seemed to be no people around except for a few strangers scattered far away at the waters of the ocean, there was no telling how it might change in the next couple of minutes. Because there was no stopping your lover once he got started. 
“Don’t worry about anyone around us. Focus on me.” Though his tone was sweet and soft as ever, the action of his fingers moving your panties to the side to give his middle finger access to run up your slit was the complete opposite. And focus on him you did indeed, face trying to remain stoic as ever and even going as far to tuck your bottom lip between your teeth to hide the moan that dared to escape from your lips when you felt the pressure of his middle finger entering your cunt with ease. 
“You’re so wet for me already baby, did I do this to you, hm? I got you this wet?”
You nod in an attempt to keep your mouth closed knowing the next time you opened it a moan would slip out with ease and possibly catch the attention of those at the water despite their distance from you two, but he wasn’t having any of that. His index soon followed his middle one, curving up against the soft spongy part of your insides that he knew got a reaction out of you no matter what and he was right because a stifled moan left your lips soon after. “That’s my girl,” He praised, fingers beginning to move in a constant beckoning motion inside of you, “Give me some more moans, come on. I want to know that I’m doing a good job.”
Bullshit, he always knew he did a good job. No one, not even you, was able to work your body the way that he did. Get reactions out of you that you didn’t even know you had in you and make your body do things that you didn’t even know that you could do. 
“Y-You always make me feel good.” You finally let out, lips connecting back to his to silence your moans once more, but he only allows you to kiss for so long before he’s pulling away, your head resting in the crook of his neck to hide the expressions of pleasures that find its way onto your features and to muffle your moans so only he can hear them. 
“You sound so pretty when you moan for me. I wish all these people here could hear how pretty you sound for me, know how good you’re feeling.” It was these words that finally brought you to your orgasm, eyes shutting tightly, toes gripping on to the blanket underneath them, and walls clenching around his fingers as he purposefully pumps them into you quickly to let you ride it out until his fingers were soaked with your orgasm.
He gives you no time to recover from the orgasm you only experienced seconds ago before he’s tapping at your hips for you to lift them as he moves to remove your underwear from underneath your dress and placing them inside of the picnic basket you brought along with you. In those few seconds you decide that missionary would be too obvious even with the few people that surrounded you, so you make the decision to push Armin on his back and take a position where you;re straddling him from above. A smug look on his face as he watches your nimble fingers work at unzipping his jeans, hips lifting to allow you to pull his boxers down enough for his erection to come smacking against his fabric clad stomach, the tip flushed and pink with precum leaking from it showing that he had been wanting just as much as you had for the last few minutes.
“Fuck, y/n,” An airy grunt leaves his lips when he pushes his hips up against yours and slides deep inside of you with one swift motion, hands going to your hip to hold you in place with each deep long stroke he sent up in you. 
“Just like that,” You let out the prettiest sounds that are music to Armin’s ears from below and encourage him to buck up into you faster at a pace that has your tits bouncing against his face, his hand going up to pull the top of your dress down to expose them and mouth opening to catch one of your nipples into it. “Your cock feels so good, Armin.”
“Yeah? Yeah?” He breathes out, hand dropping underneath your dress to rub at your clit in sloppy circles trying to get you as close to your orgasm as he is right now. You feel so good and warm around him and the way you clench around him has his eyes rolling to the back of his head, he can’t help but allow that warmth in the depth of his stomach to accumulate more and more with each thrust up into you. 
“I’’m going to put a fucking baby into you tonight, y/n, but you’d like that wouldn’t you? You’d like to grow round with my seed and be my personal breeding toy, wouldn’t you?” With each word that leaves his lips makes his thrusts harder and faster at the thought and it’s the only warning you get before warm strings of cum are shooting up into you. Instead of pulling away and letting the two of you gather yourself and get clean Armin holds you in this position for a while, face planted in your chest as he heaves against it coming down from his orgasm.
 “Let’s stay like this for a while.” He suggests in between a breath, adjusting his head so he’s looking back up at you, sly smirk on his features, “Make sure my cum stays inside of you and so you can keep my cock nice and warm.”
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marigoldvance · 3 years
Trick or Treat 14
prompt: (Belated Treat) A magical travel agency, which sends their customers to other dimensions and parallel worlds.
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Kíli hated his job. One would think that having access to the Realm of the Crossroads would be exciting, a never-ending supply of adventure, but one would be unequivocally, insurmountably wrong. Kíli spent his days, and sometimes his nights, connected to his terminal by a cord that attached to his headset, trapped in a cubicle, in a building as grey and gloomy as the weather always seemed to be beyond it.
“RC Agency, your gateway to the cosmos; if you can imagine it, we can get you there. Where may I direct you today?” Lobelia rattled out the company mantra in her droning, nasally voice, gum smacking her molars on every punctuation. “No sir, there’s no discount for that.” She picked up her nailfile and began shaping her irrationally long, bubblegum pink talons, “No sir, I can’t offer you a deal just because you found a Whollump in your suitcase last time. It comes with the territory.” She paused her chewing and filing simultaneously, eyes narrowing, “Literally.” And with a flourish of her wrist and the press of a button, she hung up on her client.
Kíli dropped his head into his arms and groaned miserably.
What made the rut marginally better were the in-person clients. Most opted to call, but some felt more comfortably seeing a friendly face… Or just a face, Kíli amended, casting a glance around him at the coworkers he could see.
Lobelia could curdle milk with her mug and Faramir looked somewhat like a skittish cat that’s tail’d been stepped on one too many times. Mahal knew, the longer Kíli spent there, the greyer in pallor he was becoming, slowly blending into his environment.
Thankfully, today, his supervisor had him scheduled for one of those in-persons. The floor was on rotation and it happened to be Kíli’s turn. Don’t fuck it up, Mr. Solomon Saruman had told him in an ominous tone. Kíli knew he’d be sacked if he did. He already had three demerits against him, reported by Lobelia, obviously. She hated him for no reason he could discern. Kíli assumed she hated everyone equally but picked on him in particular because he happened to be in her line of sight.
The meeting wouldn’t be for another twenty minutes, so Kíli did what little he could to prepare: He knew the client’s name, age and address, and where they wished to go. Rather, he knew the kind of place the client had in mind, the client’s answers to the agency’s questions as broad as they always were: Sun, but not hot, no sand, lots of stars, maybe a camping option? Etcetera, etcetera.
There were a million – probably more – places branching from the Crossroads that could accommodate those requirements. It was Kíli’s job to narrow it down and preferably sell the most expensive option.
Five minutes before the client was due to arrive, Kíli’s phone rang. He answered on the second ring and heard Mr. Saruman’s voice, deep as the belly of a mountain, “Don’t fuck it up.”
“No, sir.” Kíli said.
He tidied up his workspace, straightened his agency-issued tie, made sure the stain on his left breast was covered by his nametag, and then made his way to the meeting room.
It was decorated to feel cozy but not too comfortable, welcoming but neutral, cushy chairs and a big, mahogany desk with several paintings of various destinations hung on the walls.
Kíli entered the room and almost swallowed his tongue.
His client was already there, draped casually in the chair on the guest’s side of the desk, an ankle on the opposite knee and hands linked on his stomach. His shirt did nothing to hide the fact that he was in very good shape beneath it, the ripples and mounds of well-defined muscle accentuated by the shadows in the tight fabric. Blond hair was swept up in an artfully messy bun. Eyes bluer than the bluest oceans of Khand. A neatly kempt beard with a playfully braided mustache. He was absolutely divine.
Heaven help him, Kíli didn’t know how he was going to speak in coherent sentences, never mind sell the man one of their premium packages.
The man stood up, probably not in slow-motion but that’s how Kíli’s gooey brain interpreted it, as soon as Kíli entered the room and held out a large hand. Body working on autopilot, Kíli accepted the man’s hands, was acutely aware of the man’s thick, slightly calloused fingers curling around his firmly in a solid handshake.
“Hello,” The man said – and it was Fíli, wasn’t it? Fíli Durin – and his voice rumbled down Kíli’s spine and pooled in inappropriate places.
Kíli cleared his throat, summoning every ounce of professionalism he could, “Hello, Mr. Durin, it’s a pleasure—” Yes, it certainly was “—Please, have a seat and why don’t we get started?”
He was immensely proud of himself for not stammering, though he could’ve done without the squeak on the last word. It wasn’t his fault he accidentally glimpsed Fíli’s crotch; eyes drawn to the bulge that Fíli’s painted-on jeans had no chance of concealing.
He was doomed.
He didn’t see a wedding ring.
He had no sense of priority.
“Right,” Kíli said as he sat down behind the desk, trying for casual but achieving awkward, “Where can I help you go today?”
Fíli smiled. Kíli’s mouth went dry.
“I’ve heard Erid Luin is great this time of year—”
“You’re the outdoorsy type?” Kíli winced at the sound of his own voice interrupting.
Fíli took it in stride, chuckling the sound of sex and gravel and nodding, “A bit, yeah.”
Kíli blinked away the dreamy stars and hearts that had appeared around Fíli, “That’s good then, because you heard right, Erid Luin is wonderful this time of year for hikes and—” His mind blanked at the thought of Fíli in the woods below one of Erid Luin’s mountains, topless, muscles rippling, a thin sheen of sweat making his skin glisten while he cooled himself down by pouring water over his head. “—Uuuhhh … chopping wood… leaves. There are leaves.”
Fíli raised an eyebrow, making him even more unfairly attractive.
“I like leaves.” Fíli said, clearly teasing.
Kíli felt the heat rise to his face. Bollocks.
Erid Luin wasn’t a premium package. In fact, it wasn’t even a package. It was one of those destinations that people asked about when they wanted to try their hand at living off the grid; the type of place that gave people a good idea of what it would be like.
He, himself, had never seen the appeal. Until now.
“Excellent,” Kíli croaked and reached into the left bottom drawer of the desk to retrieve the relevant pamphlet. He handed it to Fíli and had to bite the inside of his cheek when their fingers grazed. “I can get you in touch with their Gatekeeper, who will schedule your entrance through the Gate to Erid Luin. Obviously, we’ll get you into the Crossroads. If you could just fill out this form—” Kíli pulled the form out from the top right drawer, “And sign here, here and here, we can get started on making imagination reality.” The last part of the sentence flopped, Kíli unable to deliver the agency’s script with enthusiasm. It almost felt like lying and, for some reason, he couldn’t do that to Fíli.
Fíli winked, a gesture that made Kíli’s blush darker, and did as he was told.
The meeting concluded shortly after and Kíli’s heart plummeted. Even if Fíli decided to return to the agency to inquire about another destination, the chances that Kíli would be the agent scheduled were slim to none. Unless Fíli waited 30 years and by then Kíli would surely be the color of old pork.
“You know,” Fíli said thoughtfully as he stood to leave, “I have one more question.”
“Mm?” Kíli acknowledged, inwardly sulking. He then remembered the agency’s script, “It’s our utmost pleasure to accommodate all our clients’ needs!”
Fíli chuckled again, the sound a purr against Kíli’s scalp.
“Well, that’s good news, because I was hoping I could take you to lunch?”
Kíli sat, stunned, mouth agape and eyes wide. He came to all at once, shook his head and asked, “Beg your pardon?”
“Lunch? It’s,” Fíli checked his watch, “Noon, so I assumed—”
Kíli’s lunch break wasn’t until 1:30PM.
“You assumed right!” He slapped his hands down on the desk and pushed himself to his feet, a grin splitting his face.
Perhaps his job didn’t suck as much as he thought it did after all.
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uirsoi · 3 years
summary : eren jaeger confesses his guilt to his therapist , fearful of the boy he suspects of killing.
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“You’re awfully quiet today. Something on your mind, Eren?”
Some was on his mind indeed. A heavy thought. Agonizing…piercing his mind as it replayed over and over. Nonstop. Twenty seven minutes had passed. Twenty seven minutes flooded in an alarming silence, ringing in his ears, blaring at his decision to keep quiet and bottle up the series of repetitive nightmares that refused to leave his slumber.
But his lips were glued shut. His tongue swallowed back into the depths of his mouth, refusing to come out and let the words fall out and into confession. As much as it hurt, Eren Yeager couldn’t find it within himself to exhale his worries. No. Instead he had to suffer in the pain of it clawing the edges of his throat, digging deep into his flesh and yearning to pierce out the other end of his neck.
Nails sunk deeper into his skin, the faded dents from his previous grip resurfacing. Pain. Panic. Fear. Not a trepidation…but a constant dread of the truth as crimson soaked hands zapped before his eyes in a quick flash, yanking him back to the dream he had been stuck in for days.
Speak out, Eren thrashed in his mind. Tell him.
No. You can’t! What if he proves you right?
You’ll never find out if you don’t say anything. What if it’s good news?
No. No. NO.
Speak ! Use your words. Use your tongue.
Do it.
Like a long awaited inhale, Eren’s chest heaved outwards, his shoulders rising as the air infiltrated his longs and the knot on his tongue loosened. “I 𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱 someone.”
It was that mere statement that caught Doctor Veer’s attention. However, his expression remained unchanged. Unphased. As though Eren hadn’t just admitted the gravest sin. “What makes you think that? Did you remember killing someone?”
The tightness of his fist released, warmth beaming at the crevices of his nail markings. Pools of an evergreen fury slid down to inspect the palms of his hands, revealing the gathering of the scarlet substance at the surface of where skin split. Shit. He had done it again.
Hide it. Before they suspect you of harm.
He pressed his hands against the arm of the couch, forcing the blood inwards as he gripped the edges instead. “I’ve been seeing him again. That 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗲 𝗯𝗼𝘆.”
“The one you suspect to be your relative?”
He shook his head, the image of his innocent face resurfacing to invite back the guilt that coiled around his faltering heart. “No. He…had longer hair, darker than…the other one. And he was around my age.” Eyelids fell down to relieve him of the landscape around him that shoved at his senses. Instead, he found comfort in the darkness, a darkness that Eren yearned to spend more time in as the nightmare waved into the open opportunity.
A wide glistening smile revealing pearl white teeth and pure joy. The snaking rivulets of water onto quiet sand.
Thick umber brows pinched at the sting of images, his body curling at the sight before him, a soft whimper escaped, the grip tightening. “We…we were at the ocean. He was so happy, practically laughing. It…” He lifted a hand to dig into the area of his head around his ear, an attempt to block the ringing sound. “It just echoes…”
The school of fish. The throbbing hands.
“My hands…” Oh, they wouldn’t stop shaking. “They wouldn’t stop…hurting. Screaming at me in pain.” Eren gasped out for air, his sobs tearing out through the hard barrier he had managed to maintain successfully for days in their sessions spent in guilty silence. But he could no longer take it. No longer suck it in. “We…W-we saw a school of fish. He was pointing at it, down at our feet…and…and he kneeled down to get a closer look.”
A head dive. No. A shove..
Lowering his hands and releasing the tight clench of his eyelids, the sight of his enemy burned into his vision, almost setting him in a blinding rage. It was their fault. It was all their fault. They trembled violently in anger. Screams of agony slicing beyond the small cuts of his nails. No. This pain was far different. It was murderous. Controlling. It reigned over his ability to fight.
“I…I swear, I kept fighting. I kept pulling back, but they wouldn’t let me!” Eren pleaded desperately. Were his efforts not enough? Was he too weak? Too lost? Too far gone? “Next…” He swallowed up the next sob, regaining his strength, regaining what little dignity he had. He could do this. The ball in his throat grew bigger and bigger with every second he paused. He could tell him. It sizzled against the edges of his inner tissue. He had to tell him. “Next thing I knew, my hands were on the back of his neck. His head…”
Thrashing. Thrashing.
“His head was in the water. It never…it never left the water.”
Loneliness once again.
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fi0r3 · 3 years
Just A Black Coffee - Ch.2
Warning(s) ⇾ profanity 
Pairing ⇾ Kuroo x!Reader
Genre ⇾ fluff and slight angst, college au,  mini-series
WC ⇾ 3.1k
Summary ⇾ You just got out of a toxic relationship and now you need a new place to stay. Your friend just so happens to know someone who’s looking for a roommate who can help out with the rent for the apartment.
AN ⇾ Idc if some things are cliché, let me write what I want :D 
j.a.b.c master list || previous chapter  || next chapter
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Chapter 2: Moving In 
After the meeting with Kuroo, he agreed to you being his new roommate. His demeanor was not what you expected at all. You were afraid that he wouldn’t accept you, but thankfully he did. You were now sitting in the living room with Abby packing the few things you had. Kuroo had told you that the apartment was only halfway furnished. Abby had offered to go furniture shopping with you after checking the place out. You hear a knock on the door and assume that it was Bokuto. You open the door to let him in. “Hey hey hey, we all ready?” he asks excitedly. “You seem more excited to see the place than I am.” He goes over to Abby and gives her a quick peck on the cheek. “Well I have been wanting to come over, but he says the place isn’t ready yet so this is my excuse.” You put in the last few things in your suitcase and zip it up.
“Alright, I’m all set.” “Great let’s head out,” Abby says. All of you make your way to Bo’s car. He picks up your suitcase and puts it in the trunk. You get in the back seat and Abby hands you Bo’s phone to put in the address. “So how was the meeting?” Bo asks once he steps into the car. “It was...interesting,” you say hesitantly. “Interesting  how?” Abby questions. “Oh, you’ll see.” She looks at you through the front view mirror with curiosity. The rest of the car ride you listened to music while the couple in front had their little conversation. 
After a twenty-minute drive, you arrived at the address. You grab your suitcase out of the trunk and make your way into the building. You all head into the elevator and head up to the fifth floor. When you reached the floor, you walked over to the correct door and pulled out the keys Kuroo gave you. Unlocking the door you were unexpectedly met with a half-naked Kuroo and a towel barely hanging on. You stood there mouth agape. “I didn’t know my roomy was a perv,” he says in a teasing manner.  “Didn’t know my roommate couldn’t afford clothes,” you snap back. “Whoa, what’s with all this tension,” Bokuto jokes. Abby slaps Bo on his arm and he pouts. Kuroo walks to his room to get dressed while the rest of you walk in. 
“Now I see what you mean by interesting,” Abby comments. After regaining your composure, you decide to go look at your room to see how much space there was. It was a decently sized room. You noticed that there was a futon placed in the center of the room. “I placed it there so you could have something to sleep on until you get the furniture you need.” You jumped hearing a voice behind you. “Oh, thanks.” You walk back out to the kitchen to meet with the others. “Kuroo, this is Abby, my girlfriend, and y/n’s friend.” Abby walks up to introduce herself. “Hey I’m Abby and if you’re a bitch to y/n your dead to me,” she says with a grin. He chuckles at her intimidating warning. “I will keep that in mind.” 
“So when are you gonna get this place some furniture?” Bokuto asks. “I don’t know, I’ve been putting it off because I don’t know what to get.” You made eye contact with Abby and could see the mischievous look in her eye. “Why don’t you go with y/n? She was going to go look for some things today.” You look at her in disbelief, how dare she abandon you like that. “Wait babe I thou--” she elbows Bo making him go quiet. “That way you two can get to know each other better and get things you need for the apartment.” You sand there, silently shaking your head at your best friend. “Doesn’t sound bad, right?” Kuroo says as he turns to you. You look at him, eyes slightly wide, “Yeah...sure.” 
      You arrived at Ikea, looking at different things for your room. Both of you decided on splitting the costs for the furniture in the living room. While Kuroo went to pick out the living room furniture, you looked for different bed frames and mattresses. Because you didn’t want to spend all your money, you opted for the cheapest options. You then went to look at the desks and other necessities for your room. Once you finished getting everything you needed, you texted Kuroo to see where he was to meet up.
Kuroo Tetsurō: “I’m in the couch section still trying to pick one out.”
You quickly make your way to the couches to help out Kuroo. “Dang, quite a lot of stuff you got,” he says as you walk up to him. “Obviously,” you roll your eyes. “Which ones did you have in mind?” you ask. After some careful consideration, you opted for the L-shaped couch and moved along. “Last thing we need is a coffee table and then we’re good to go.” You nod as you move your way to the tables. At the corner of your eye, a familiar figure, making you quickly turn around. 
“Uhh why don’t we look around for other things first?” you ask. “But we’re already here. We can look around after we pick a table,” he says walking past. You mentally sigh. You hoped your ex wouldn’t notice you. Even though a few weeks had already passed, you were still trying to heal. You walk up to Kuroo, trying to hide while helping him to choose a table. “What about this one?” You look at it for a second and quickly nod your head yes. “Great we have everything, let’s--” you were cut off by someone calling out Kuroo’s name. 
“Hey, Kuroo!” a familiar voice said. “Damn it is you. I haven’t seen you since high school.” ‘They know each other?’ you thought. You tried to hide behind Kuroo so that Daisho wouldn’t see you, but once he got closer he immediately took notice of your presence. “Oh...hey y/n…” You don’t lift your head from the ground, afraid to see his face. “Yea, hi.” Kuroo was confused about how you two know each other but doesn’t say anything. “Uhm...how ya been?” he asks you, forgetting about Kuroo. You take a deep breath and lift your head to meet his gaze. “I’ve been fine,” you say with a straight face. He nods and turns back to Kuroo. “How bout you, how have you been?” “Yea I’ve been good, uh how do you two know each other?” Kuroo asks curiously. “We were friends,” you say nonchalantly. Daisho was caught off guard by your response. “Just friends huh?” he smirks. “Well, then you shouldn’t have gotten all mad when I cheated on you then.” You were appalled by what he said. You watched as he turned his back and walked away. “Nice runnin’ into ya both.” he waves without looking back. A mix of anger and disgust could be seen on your face. You didn’t realize your hands were in fists before Kuroo tapped your shoulder. “You good?” he asks in a concerned tone. You look him in the eyes and say, “Yea I’m fine,” before turning around and walking away to the checkout area. 
After you both finished paying for everything, you loaded everything into the trunk of the truck that Kuroo had rented. The both of you were silent during the entire ride. You were visibly upset, but Kuroo didn’t know what to say. He too was surprised by Daisho’s appearance. “He was always full of himself during high school. Acting as if he could ever beat me and my amazing volleyball team,” he brags. A light chuckle escapes your lips hearing his attempt to cheer you up. “You sure you aren’t full of yourself?” He shakes his head while grinning. “I guess I have a habit of attracting guys with cocky attitudes,” you say as you fiddle with your fingers. “How dare you lump me in with him,” he jokes. You both start laughing. “All seriousness though, good call on dropping him.” You look at him and just nod in agreement. The rest of the ride home was spent in comfortable silence. 
When you arrived back at the apartment, you text Abby telling her to get Bo to help bring the furniture up. They decided to stay at the apartment and make lunch, while you and Kuroo went shopping. “Damn you guys bought a lot,” Bo says as Kuroo opens the truck. All of you made multiple trips bringing things up to the apartment. Once that was done, you all sat in the kitchen to eat lunch. 
“Bo, guess you won’t believe who I ran into,” Kuroo starts. He looks up from his food, “Who?” Before he responds, he looks over to you, as if he was asking for your permission to speak. You give him a reassuring smile, signaling that it would be fine. “I ran into Daisho, from Nohebi.” Abby’s eyes go wide after hearing that. “Omg, what!” she exclaims. “What’d he say to you? I swear if he said some dumb shit--” “We just said hi,” you cut her off. “We wished him well and continued with our day.” You didn’t want to tell Abby what he said because you know she’d be livid. She would have called him and gone off on him if she knew what happened. ‘Ugh, that man, no boy, just pisses me off,” she pauses, “A man wouldn’t act like such a bitch.” You sigh, “Couldn’t agree more.”
After you all finish lunch, you and Abby go to set up the furniture in your room while the guys set up the living room. “Are you sure nothing else happened when you met Daisho?” she inquires. “Because the way you looked after, told me otherwise.” “I was just shocked to see him. It’s only been two weeks and I guess I’m still hurting.” However, you were hurting even more now since the whole run-in at Ikea. That whole situation made you think. How did you never notice how much of a douche he was? Were you so blinded by infatuation that you chose to ignore it? Or did you believe that you would be the one to ‘change’ him? Could you even call what you had with him a relationship? So many thoughts ran through your head. “Y/n!” Abby screams. “Can you hand me the instructions so we can build your bed?” You look at her and then grab the piece of paper and hand it to her. “You’re gonna have to stop daydreaming for a while so we can get your room set up before we become eighty,” she jokes. You shake the thoughts from your mind and focus on the task at hand. If you were gonna overthink, might as well do it in a comfortable space. 
It was now 5 pm, Abby and Bokuto had left after you all finished setting up the furniture. You were all extremely exhausted. At least now you have a bed to sleep on. You were gathering all the boxes in your room to go and throw them out. “Hey, are there any boxes you want me to throw out?” you ask Kuroo who’s sprawled out on the new couch. “Yea they’re over there by the doorway,” he replies. You pick them up and attempt to open the door. As Kuroo sits up he sees you struggling to try to carry all the boxes. “If you need my help you could just ask sweetheart,” he smirks to himself. “Haha, I’m perfectly capable of throwing out a couple of boxes,” you say trying to push the door open. He decided to play with you a little more. “Oh, well then if you don’t mind, could you throw out these other boxes from my room?” You turn your head and glare at him. “Why not take care of your own shit?” you question. “Well, just a minute ago you asked if I had boxes to throw out so…” You scowl at him. “You can be annoying at times,” you say as you walk out, hands full of cardboard. “You’ll learn to love me,” he calls out. 
When you return to the apartment you see Kuroo standing by the kitchen counter with a bunch of takeout menus spread around. “What are you doing?” you ask. “Trying to figure out what dinner should be.” You stand next to him and stare at the options. “Rock paper scissors to see who pays?” He looks at you and smirks, “Heh, oh you’re for sure paying.” You raise your eyebrows, “What’s got you so confident?” He shrugs, “Just cuz.” You roll your eyes. “Rock, paper scissors, shoot!” You threw up paper while he threw up scissors. You groan at your defeat. “Hah, better luck next time.” He grabs the pizza menu and calls the number to order. “I’m going to go broke.” Twenty minutes passed and you heard the doorbell ring. You got up from your desk and went to open the door. “Delivery for Kur-” The delivery guy looks up at you and stares in awe. “Uh- uhm..delivery for Kuroo?” “Yep, here you go,” you say, handing him the money. He puts the pizza in one hand and takes the money with the other. “This pizza’s a great choice,” he says. He hands you the pizza and you thank him with a smile. “Geez what took so long?” Kuroo asks. You set the pizza on the counter and went to grab the paper plates in the cupboard. As Kuroo went to open the pizza box, he noticed that the receipt had a number on it. 
“Hey what’s this?” he asks, holding up the receipt. You turned around and took the piece of paper from his hand to see what he was talking about. As you saw the number a little smile grew on your face and you let out a small chuckle. “No wonder he was so talkative.” You put the receipt in your pocket and bring the plates to the island. “Are you actually going to text him?” You smirk and shrug at his question. “Maybe, who knows. I might text him if I want some fun.” You tease grabbing a slice of pizza and leaving him there in the kitchen. Your response irked him for some reason. The thought of you texting that guy made him irritated, but he didn’t understand why. He brushed it off and sat in the living room to eat and turned on the T.V. 
“Omg what!” your best friend screams through the phone. You decided to call Abby to tell her about what just happened with the pizza guy. 
“Jeez, you don’t have to yell,” you laugh. 
“So are you going to text him? Hold on, was he even cute?” 
“I am not texting him,” you reply, “and yea I guess.”
 You hear her gasp. “Why not?” You furrow your brows. “Gee I don’t know, maybe because I just got out of a  horrible relationship and I don’t want to jump into another one?”
 “Ok, but no one said you couldn’t have a friend with benefits” You shake your head at her comment. “Yea how about no.”
 “Ooo what did Kuroo think?” You tilt your head to the side, “What do you mean?” 
“Like did he seem bothered when he saw the number?” “Why would he be bothered if some random pizza guy gave me his number?”
 You can hear her holding back a chuckle. “J-E-A-L-O-U-S-Y,” she spells out.
 “Why would he be jealous? We’ve known each other for about a week and even then we barely talked to each other ‘till now.” 
“Maybe he developed feelings when you first met and doesn’t want to admit them yet,” she teases.
“Yea, I’m sure that totally happened.” 
“Okay well, I gotta go. Tell me how your budding romance with Kuroo goes.” 
As you hang up the call you lean back in your chair and rub your eyes. You ponder on the thought of you and Kuroo being in a relationship. ‘Yea right, we just got to know each other.’ you thought. You couldn’t see yourself being with him. Yes, he was attractive, but his mischievous personality and cocky attitude were not something you admired. You shake the thought away, not wanting to get too deep into it. You grab your empty plate to throw it away and went to go brush your teeth. As you enter the main room, you see Kuroo passed out on the couch. ‘Damn he must’ve been really tired to pass out at 9.’ You move to the coffee table to pick up his plate to throw it away. You go back to wake Kuroo and to tell him to sleep in his room.
“Psst, Kuroo. Heyy wake up.”
You nudge his arm to try and shake him awake. ‘He’s a deep sleeper’ “Kuroo, c’mon go sleep in your room.” Just as you were about to give up, you feel his hand wrap around your wrist and he tugs you toward him. You hear him mumble something. You lean in a little closer to hear what it was. In doing so, you accidentally slip, causing you to fall and jolting him awake. 
“Trying to take advantage of me hun? He snickers. You got back up and sneered at him. “No, I was trying to wake you up so you could go to your room.”
“Aww, no need to be embarrassed about it. If you wanted to be with me shoulda just said so,” he teases. 
You tilt your head to the side and cross your arms. “You are unbelievable.” You turn away and make your way to the bathroom to do your night routine. You could already feel the stress build up in you with his constant provocation. 
As you get out of the bathroom, Kuroo walks up to you. “Can I see the receipt real quick?” he asks. “Why?” He shrugs, “Just wanna see how much the pizza was.” You were skeptical, but you pulled the paper out of your pocket. Without a second’s warning, he yanks the receipt from your hand and goes to the kitchen. 
“Okay didn’t know you were so eager to see the price,” you gawk. You follow him to see what he was going to do with it. He dashes into his room and slams the door shut.“What the- I thought you were just gonna look at it?” “I’m too tired to look at right now. Night roomie!” You stand outside his door, baffled by his actions. ‘Weird’
Living with him was definitely not going to be boring.
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Hi first of all I love your works and it's so great, can i ask for male reader? If i can, Ari Levinson X Male Reader, After a long day work at the Resort, Ari and reader decided to had a Cuddling night with each other and talk about their relationship (some beautiful memories , etc) and then led into Ari Proposing to reader, and Ari forget the ring so instead he gave reader a necklace, And then Continue cuddles and kiss until they both fell asleep (reader sleep on ari chest while ari holding him tight). Just Pure FLUFFINESS. Lots of love for you ❤️
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a/n - Hey lovely people! at last, a fic! this goes out to @evansphnx12 - thank you so much for the amazing request<3 this is my first time writing for Ari and I love him🥺 lots of love for you too, i’m so sorry it took so long and i hope you like it!! very slight proofreading on this one, sorry in advance if there are any mistakes! also, in the story, Ari calls reader a nickname in hebrew, and it’s in a male form (like, you would say it differently if you wanted to adress a female), which i thought was a nice touch:) Enjoy!<3
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: none:)
You and Ari stepped into your room, both exhausted. Ari let out a tired sigh as he plopped down on the bed, motioning for you to join him. You gladly did, laying down facing him. He clutched your hand in his, bringing your joint palms up to his lips and kissing your knuckles, slowly lowering it back.
"Hey," you said, your voice soft.
"Hi," Ari smiled, his eyelids slightly droopy yet his eyes still twinkling in the adoring look you've come to know and love.
"God, this was a long day," you sighed.
"Yeah, but I got to spend it with you," Ari caressed your cheek with his hand.
"What's gotten you so sappy?" you giggled.
"Well… you probably don't really remember this but today two years ago was the day I met you."
"Really?" you propped yourself up on your elbow, looking down at him, amazed he remembered. You and Ari took quite a few months to admit your feelings, and you've now been dating for some time over a year, and you didn't remember the date you met, just the date of your anniversary, the date of your first date, which you told Ari, "I didn't remember," you chuckled. "I only remember the date of our first date."
"God, that seems so long ago," Ari chuckled in response. "But it's one of my favorite memories."
You had just gotten out of the shower when you saw Ari's text. "Be down in five", it read. You smiled, quickly getting dressed and going down to the lobby, where Ari was waiting for you.
Sure, you had doubts about this. Plenty of them. Going on a date with your coworker was never the safest decision. But the nerves in your stomach quelled and turned into butterflies, fluttering around in you stomach at the sight of him, long jeans and polo t-shirt fitting snugly over his biceps, a slight smile playing over his lips.
"Hey," you greeted him when you got closer.
"Hey," he smiled. You started walking out of the resort, and without even thinking about it, you turned towards the parking lot, assuming you were driving somewhere.
"Wait, uh- this way," Ari said, pointing in the other direction, the direction of the beach.
"Oh, okay," you smiled, a little unsure. You walked in companionable silence, the sound of the waves crashing filling the space between you. Tentatively, you reached your hand out, and you kept in a relieved breath when Ari took it in his.
"I, um," Ari started. He looked around for something, smiling slightly when he found it and pulling your joint hands, leading you towards the rocks. He took out a picnic basket from behind one of the rocks, wiping a bit of sand from it before sitting down on the rock. Wordlessly, you sat down next to him.
"I just thought we should stay close by," Ari said. "So, I got this from the kitchen," he gestured at the food inside the picnic basket.
"It looks great," you said sheepishly.
You ate in silence, watching the bright moon reflect onto the calm black sea. Upon feeling Ari's eyes on you, you turned your head to meet his gaze, his blue eyes shining in the moonlight.
"Did you ever want a moon?" he asked.
"I'm not sure what you mean…"
"The moon is what causes the tide. It controls the height of the sea, keeps it in check. So the tides are high when they need to be and low when they need to be. This shiny rock in the sky soothes the water," he chuckled. "I always feel like my tides are too high," he added in a whisper.
"I do want a moon then," you smiled. "So I could give it to you."
"Yeah, it's one of my favorites as well," you chuckled, your hand resting on his bearded jaw as you reminisced. "Huh. I never thought you'd remember the day we met. It's not like it was such a good one," you smiled.
"Well, that's true. But that doesn't mean it wasn't special. I mean, after all that's when I met you," Ari smiled back.
The sun was hitting you with a ferocious heat you still weren't quite used to. You shielded your eyes with your hand and got out of the car, looking at the agents that were there to greet you. There were only two of them outside, the rest probably in the resort, and you weren't really given much information about any of them. Hell, you weren't even that sure what your own mission was, besides "helping".
"Good morning," you nodded at them and introduced yourself.
"Nice to meet you," the girl said and shook your hand.
"Agent," the guy said, extending his hand as well.
As you walked into the resort, they started showing you around a little bit. “And this is the-” the girl started, when suddenly her phone rang. She answered it and by the expression on her face, you could tell something was wrong.
“Ari,” she motioned at the man, and clearly he got what she meant because he grabbed your arm and started walking. At least now you knew his name was Ari.
After many twists and turns, he got to the door he was looking for. Honestly, if he wasn’t leading you to it you wouldn’t have noticed its existence, which - as became clear when he opened in to reveal a tiny storage closet - was well intended.
“Get in,” he said, his gruff voice urgent. You did as he said, and then he got in after you, closing the door behind him.
“What’s going on?” you asked.
“They’re coming to search the resort. They can’t see you yet, you don’t look like you belong here.” He eyed you up and down, as if to confirm his statement.
“Well, does it matter? I mean, isn’t this supposed to be a resort for tourists?”
“Of course it matters. You’re not supposed to be a tourist. We either had to hide you now or hide you every single time they came, because if you’d look like a tourist they’d expect you gone in a matter of days. If someone who isn’t staff stays too long, they could get suspicious,” he explained. 
He seemed impatient to you, like he was explaining something that was common knowledge. It made you want to roll your eyes in exasperation, but you contained the urge, knowing you should at least try to leave a good impression on your first day on the job.
“Makes sense,” you nodded instead.
You looked at Ari as he reached into his back pocket for his phone, checking it for updates. Now that you were locked in a very small supply closet with him, you noticed how… huge the man was, for the lack of a better word. His broad frame filled so much of the space you were almost bashful, feeling like he might reprimand you at any moment. His presence loomed over you, and if you weren’t a trained agent you’re pretty sure you would’ve cowered from him.
You spent about 20 minutes in there, staying silent the whole time. Sometime in the middle you heard voices from outside and tensed up, feeling him do the same beside you, but they faded after a few seconds. You let out a silent sigh of relief. It was pretty dark, so you couldn’t see Ari’s reaction. 
But you could see enough of him, it the time you were in there, to realize he was hot, and you were very screwed.
“Ah yes,” you smiled, “the fateful supply closet.” 
 Ari laughed. “Yeah, the fateful supply closet,” he echoed your words. “You know, we spent… what, twenty minutes in there? twenty five?” You nodded to affirm him and he continued. “It felt like forever. Being cooped up in such a small space was… overwhelming. At the time I didn’t really understand why,”  he smiled and you returned it.
“Well, I see your fateful supply closet and I raise you the time you first called me ‘ahoov sheli’,” you grinned.
“Good morning sunshine,” you smiled as you opened the curtains, waking Ari up from his sleep.
“Good morning, moonbeam,” he laughed. You plopped back down on the bed next to him.
“Do you still need a moon?” you asked, cupping his face in your hand.
“Not really. I have you, ahoov sheli,” he smiled.
“Hebrew for ‘my love’. If you don’t like it, I-”
“No,” you cut him off with a smile, “I love it, ahoov sheli. Just like I love you.”
“I always loved that nickname,” you giggled. You looked at Ari, who had a far-off look in his eyes. “Penny for your thoughts?” you asked with a smile.
“Marry me,” he blurted out.
You stared at each other for a moment, the silence between you charged with the question, which seemed to echo in your mind a thousand times before he spoke.
“You know what, i didn’t really think about it until right now, but screw it,” he said with a soft chuckle. “Why shouldn’t I ask? I love you. You are, without a doubt, the best thing that has ever happened to me, ahoov sheli. There isn’t, and there won’t be, anyone else for me. You’re my person, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. No takebacks,” he smiled.
“I love you,” you said softly, tears shimmering in your eyes. “And I would love to marry you.”
Slowly, Ari reached out and cupped your cheek, bringing you closer until your lips met in a tender kiss. His soft lips moved against yours, your tongues meeting in a languid dance while your hand tangled in his hair, fingers weaving between his smooth locks.
“I don’t have a ring,” he admitted with an uncharacteristically timid smile, “but here,” he reached and took his necklace from his neck. Gently, he reached and put it around yours, his hand caressing your collarbone before pulling away to take hold of your hand.
“This will do for now,” he smiled and you nodded in agreement, beaming. “But that doesn’t change what it stands for - i’m yours, forever,”  he pulled your hand up and kissed your knuckle.
You were tired, being after a long day of work, but you felt so giddy at his words, at his promise, that you felt like you could jump up and down. Instead, you kissed him once more before you pulled away, unable to stifle your yawn. 
“Let’s go to sleep,” he chuckled, and pulled you close into his arms. Your head was resting against his chest, and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulled you to sleep, your excitement wearing off as you drifted into a peaceful slumber in the arms of the love of your life.
Your life was unpredictable, you knew that, even more so as you were an agent. Even so, if someone had told you before you got here that you would find your person, your love, you would’ve probably laughed. But you did.
And there’s nowhere else you’d wanna be more than right here.
hope you liked it! feedback is super appreciated<3 also, the next thing i’m gonna work on is probably the next part or rumor has it, but no guarantees as to when i’ll post it because life is absolutely kicking my ass, which is why i’m not posting as much in general:)
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plainbrunettelbl · 5 years
ABO (A) Lumberjack Kirishima Eijiro x (O) Teacher Reader Battling With Time (Chapter Two)
Word count: 2955
Warnings: None. 
Title: ABO (A) Lumberjack Kirishima Eijiro x (O) Teacher Reader Battling With Time (Chapter Two)
Summary: You see the shark-toothed Alpha again and invite him over for dinner. 
(Gif not mine credit to the amazing wonder) 
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🦈-You had talked to the kind mayor and he was all too quick to agree with you taking over while Maybelle recovered.
🦈-You had stopped by Maybelle’s house to pick up her lesson plan for the children. You knew it must have been hard teaching students of all ages instead of just one age group.
🦈-You might have looked down the street to see if you could spot a certain shark-toothed Alpha. You didn’t want to outright ask the slow-moving Omega which house her sweet neighbor lived in.
🦈-She gave you a stack of papers to go over before sending you on your way.
🦈-The schoolhouse wasn’t hard to miss. It sat a little ways away from the town overlooking a small pond. It was painted white and you could tell it doubled as a church when school wasn’t in session.
🦈-Maybelle had given you the key so you let yourself in. The place was a bit of a mess. School papers were scattered around and the chalkboard needed a good dusting.
🦈-You separated all of the papers into piles on your desk before getting to work dusting the place and opening the curtains. The place could have used a little bit of light.
🦈-You noticed the row seats and chairs had seen a few years. You were surprised there were still upright with all of the wiggling children did. You only had about twenty minutes before the kids started coming in.
🦈-The littlest of the pups were too cute. They asked you for help hanging up their scarfs and hats. The oldest ones seemed nice as well but they were more focused on their friends rather than the new teacher.
🦈-You went up to the board and wrote your name.
🦈-“Are you gonna be our new teacher?” A tiny hand shot up.
🦈-“I will be your temporary teacher until Mrs.Ito recovers.” You hum, smiling at the adorable pup.
🦈-You noticed a pair of teen boys instantly slump in their seats. They must have been the ones playing around and had caused the accident. Once a few more questions out of the way you began class.
🦈-It was after class when a few small pups walked up to you with gloomy faces. Your Omega was quick to push forward.
🦈-“What’s wrong?” You bent down to them.
🦈-“We go splinters from our table.” One pouted holding up their finger. The rest followed suit.
🦈-You spent the next fifteen minutes plucking them out before sending them on their way home. They thanked you with bright smiles and happy giggles before dashing out the door.
🦈-You went over to where they sat and examined the table. It did look a little rough. You needed something to smooth it down. Where could you borrow a tool like that?
🦈-You pondered a bit before brightening. Maybe you would get to see that sweet-tempered Alpha again.
🦈-You had asked for directions to the sawmill and made your way down there. The ground was a little uneven for your shoes but you made it down just fine. If you were staying longer than two weeks you would have thought about buying a pair of boots.
🦈-Sadly, they would be left unused when you went back to the city so you tossed the idea aside.
🦈-You found the big wooden building nestled in the trees. It looked like a big log cabin with huge windows that no doubt gave a beautiful view of the lush forest. You were hesitant to go in but the pups sad faces pushed you forward.
🦈-A man with bi-colored hair greeted you as you walked in. He was dressed in a grey three-piece suit. He looked liked he belonged in the big city rather than an up and coming town like this one.
🦈-He looked up from his paperwork, his eyes widening when he realized an Omega walked through his door and not one of his crew. He instantly was on his feet and greeting you.
🦈-“Hello, welcome to Todoroki Lumber Co, what can I do for you today?” He gentle led you to a leather seat across from his desk before sitting himself in his own expensive leather chair.
🦈-“Oh well you see I was wondering if I could borrow something from your job site.” You replied clenching your hands in your lap.
🦈-“Borrow something?” His head tilted, interest shining in his eyes. He leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands over his stomach. His calm expression settled you a bit.
🦈-“I am stepping in as the school teacher while the previous one is recovering from an injury. A few pups came up to me today with splinters on their hands that they got from their table. I was wondering if I could borrow something from here to smooth it out.” You asked, shuffling your legs.
🦈-He nodded his head, “I would be more than happy to help. I can send down one of my workers to get the job done.”
🦈-You brightened, “Thank you so much!”
🦈-“I can have someone meet you at the schoolhouse tomorrow before school starts.” He gave you a small smile before leading you out.
🦈-“I really appreciate it.” You sent him a wave before heading to home.
🦈-It was thirty minutes before school started, you were sitting at your desk going over the lesson plan for today. There was a gentle knock at the door you making you look up.
🦈-“Come in.” You called, setting your lesson plan down.
🦈-A head of red hair peeked in, his ruby eyes caught yours before letting himself in and smiling wide.
🦈-“It is good to see you again, Y/N.” He greeted, carrying a heavy toolbox.
🦈-“It’s good to see you! Thank you for coming over to do this. I know you said  work had been busy.” You stood up and lead him to the table that needed sanding.
🦈-“Oh it’s no problem, kids getting splinters takes priority over work orders.” He grinned setting his toolbox down before eyeing the table. Its harsh surface made him wince.
🦈-“No wonder those pups got splinters, this wood looks like it is fresh off the chopping block.” He shook his head, and began talking his tools out.
🦈-“I checked the whole classroom for any more rough spots. There are a few more on different tables all around the room.” You grimaced, wondering how Maybelle didn’t get this fixed earlier.
🦈-“I’ll get to work on it right away. You can go back to whatever you were doing.” He gave you a grin before getting to work.
🦈-His presence made the room made it seem brighter. You tried to stop peeking at him as he was bent over the table, shaking your head you got to work on writing questions and equations on the chalkboard.
🦈-You gently hummed as you did so, Eijiro nearly stumbled over the table at the sound. His Alpha was instantly sitting to attention enjoying every soft hum that met his ears.
🦈-The sanding took a while and before he knew it little feet were pounding up the stairs. You went to greet the children at the door. You helped the little ones with their coats. The sight nearly made him purr.
🦈-He could imagine small ruby eyes with your smile looking up at him. His Alpha rumbled at the thought. He pushed those thoughts aside. He still needs to win you over first before he starts thinking about pups.
🦈-“Who’s that man?” A small voice questioned, small ice-blue eyes looked up at him.
🦈-“He is here to help fix out little splinter problem.” You smiled, enjoying the way he flushed at the attention.
🦈-“Is he your mate?” Another pup asked, tugging on your long skirt.
🦈-Now it was your turn to blush.
🦈-“No, his is just a really nice friend of mine.” You corrected, herding the rest of the children inside.
🦈-“You should be his mate. He seems nice.” The pup peered at Eijiro seeing if he would agree and mate their nice teacher.
🦈-He merely coughed while packing up his things.
🦈-“I think I am done here, Y/N. Feel free to call me if something else comes up.” He smiled, heading towards the door.
🦈-You followed him out.
🦈-“Thank you again, Kirishima.” You thanked, walking down the steps with him.
🦈-“It’s no problem. I was glad to help.” He replied, sending you a toothy grin.
🦈-“I was wondering if you would like to come over tomorrow and eat dinner with me.To thank you for coming down here. I know you said you liked pot roast.” You offered, fiddling with your fingers.
🦈-If it was even possible his grin got even wider. His Alpha already yipping in joy at the thought of spending more time with this sweet Omega and the promise of meat.
🦈-“I would love to. What time should I be over?” He asked, trying to keep himself from jumping up and down.
🦈-“I think seven should be fine.” You informed, hiding a grin and his clearly excited face.
🦈-“Seven it is. I look forward to it!” He agreed, shooting you one last smile before heading back to the lumber mill.
🦈-He couldn’t wait till tomorrow. His heart was beating fast the whole walk back to the mill. He knew this Omega was the one. He just had to convince her he was the one for her as well.
🦈-Your cousins house smelled like roasted meat and vegetables. You had came home straight after school had let out. You went out and bought the supplies you needed yesterday.
🦈-You all but skipped your way to the general store and butcher shop.
🦈-Your cousin’s house was warm and comfy but you couldn’t stop yourself from thinking of a certain scarlet eyed Alphas house that appealed to your Omega.
🦈-She was ready to make it her own.
🦈-You playfully shoved her aside, blushing at the mere thought of living with the kind Alpha. You could see yourself snuggling up on a rocking chair on his back porch enjoying a good book while he chopped up some wood.
🦈-Maybe admire a little more than the words on the pages.
🦈-You slapped your cheeks shoving those thoughts aside and got to work on kneading the bread for the meal. You had minced up some garlic and mixed it with butter. You were gonna spread it on the bread as soon as it was out of the oven.
🦈-You really hoped he enjoyed what you were cooking. You really enjoyed his company and you couldn’t stand the thought of serving him a bad meal. Especially since it was his favorite.
🦈-Your Omega was all for pleasing the gentle Alpha.
🦈-You smiled as you stirring the bubbling pot not knowing what was happening across town.
🦈-“What the heck do I wear!?”  Eijiro paced around his bedroom in a pair of boxers and a white undershirt.
🦈-A series of clothes thrown on his bed. It ranged from jeans, black slacks, button-up long sleeve shirts, and different colored vests.
🦈-“Jeans or slacks? Vest or no vest? Should I wear my work boots or cowboy boots? What if I show up in jeans and she thinks I didn’t dress up enough? What if I dress fancy and she dressed causally?” He tugged on a white long sleeve shirt.
🦈-“Okay the shirt is done. Now I just need to pick my pants and to decide if I want to wear a vest or not.” He tugged at his collar in his mirror, his hair was down and framing his face.
🦈-He finally settled on jeans with a tan vest to put over his white shirt. He rolled up his sleeve since they were a little tight on his forearms. When lumber season picked up he tended to gain more muscle.
🦈-He was glad his size hadn’t intimidated you.
🦈-Some Omegas would cross the road when they saw him approaching. His Alpha would whine at the action. He wanted a mate he could cherish more than anything, their avoidance made him think no one would ever want him.
🦈-Now that he had a sweet Omega in his life he wasn’t tempted to let you go anytime soon.  
🦈-He slipped on his cowboy boots and made his way towards you cousins house. He had asked for directions when he was at the restaurant the last night. Mable was more than happy to give him the address and some more of the town gossip.
🦈-He couldn’t enjoy his meal yesterday since he kept thinking about how he was going to be eating something you made. His Alpha couldn’t wait, roasted meat and spending time with his Omega was heaven to him.
🦈-He had just barely knocked on the door when he realized he didn’t bring anything to give to you. He shuffled his eyes to the flowerbed the neighbor had and wondered if he could get away with picking a couple.
🦈-Before he had a chance to pluck a couple the door was pulled open.
🦈-You brilliant smile greeted him. His Alpha purred at the adorable sight of you standing in a apron with flour on your forehead. He hoped with all his heart he would get to see this for the rest of his life.
🦈-“Hello, please come in! I didn’t have the chance to freshen up a bit before you came. The fire stove was being a bit temperamental.” You chuckled, wiping your hands on your apron and leading him in.
🦈-“I’m sorry I didn’t bring anything with me.” Eijiro stumbled, his brain trying to restart after looking at your heavenly figure.
🦈-“Oh, you are fine. All you needed to bring was yourself and a huge appetite.” You led him to the kitchen and started stirring a heated pot while talking to him. He didn’t know if he should sit down at the table so instead he leaned against it instead.
🦈-He was glad he chose to wear his cowboy boots because he would have been mortified to track in dirt on the clean floors.
🦈-“I might have made too much. I hope you are hungry.” You smiled over your shoulder.  
🦈-He hastily nodded, his stomach growling at the delicious smell filling the house. Something told him this was gonna be the best pot roast he ever had. He helped you bring the piping hot pot to the table.
🦈-Once everything was on the table he settled into his chair across from you. You had taken off your apron and revealed a nice dress underneath. It was paler in color than the red one he first had seen you in.
🦈-It still made his heart flutter.
🦈-He nervously played with the napkin on his lap while you served him. He could have done it himself but you snatched his plate up before he had the chance. He didn’t care how much you protested, he was gonna be helping you with the dishes after the meal was done.
🦈-“So how was work yesterday? Anything new?” You asked, placing his steaming plate down.
🦈-“Not really. We are still finishing up a big order. Someone the next town over wants to build a new barn for his cattle before winter hits.” He said, blowing on a spoonful of meat and potatoes.
🦈-As soon as it hit his taste buds he was a goner. His Alpha would do anything to eat this for the rest of his life. His Alpha was happily wagging his tail at each spoonful.
🦈-“This is the best pot roast I ever tasted, Y/N.” He complimented, looking up at you.
🦈-You flushed under his praise. You Omega was very pleased with his reaction. She nearly purred to show how happy she was. You held it down, barley. She pouted at the censorship.
🦈-“Thank you. I was worried I had under-seasoned it.” You smiled, digging into your plate as well. You had been watching him for his reaction and hadn’t touched yours yet.
🦈-You hummed as it hit your tongue. It was perfect.
🦈-“I don’t think having leftovers will be a problem.” He eyed the huge pot, eager to eat every ounce of it.
🦈-You laughed at his desperate display for more. A warm feeling bloomed in your chest.
🦈-“Thank you for the meal. It was lovely.” He thanked, standing by the unopened front door.
🦈-“Thank you for coming. I really enjoyed your company. I don’t know a lot of people in town so it can get pretty lonely.” You explained, fiddling with your dress.
🦈-“Well I am more than happy to keep you company.” He grinned, taking in your sweet face before he had to walk out the door. His Alpha was already whining at the thought of going home to an empty house.
🦈-You didn’t know how to respond to that without making a fool of yourself.
🦈-“Get home safe.” You ordered, opening the door for him.
🦈-Before you knew what you were doing you grabbed a fistful of his vest and tugged him down. You soft lips met his slightly rough cheek. Before he could get a word out you pushed him out of the house.
🦈-He was starstruck and dazed on the other side of the door. You were pretty winded yourself leaning up against the door for support. Never had you done anything that scandalous before. You weren’t even courting!
🦈-All you knew for certain was that you were going to go buy a pair of boots tomorrow.
Another Western AU! I am thinking of doing the part 2 for Tamaki next. Please let me know what you think of this one! Wasn’t Kiri’s distress over his clothes too cute! 
Please reblog to show your support. It really motivates me to write more. Leave a note as well! ❤️❤️
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personasintro · 4 years
his secrets | ksj drabble
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⏤𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴; your boyfriend has planned it all for your birthday with a couple of secrets up his sleeve, one particular that you almost find out
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨; seokjin x reader
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: fluff, established relationship
⏤𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 3.5k
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: strong language, making out, mentions of sex
𝘢/𝘯: commissioned by the sweet @ninjastef09​ for her friend and her upcoming birthday, happy birthday love!!! this one's for you!
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The car comes to a halt before the engine is turned off. You're clueless where you're, the only thing your eyes are met is darkness, blindfolded by one of Seokjin's ties he barely gets to wear. It's the one your mom gave him on his birthday last year, maybe you should be offended that he's using it to blindfold you.
Dating for four years, you should be used to Seokjin's weird ideas. Some part of you wishes you could say that you are, but you're not. This man, whom you call your boyfriend, is capable of surprising you to this day – the perfect example of today.
You kind of assumed he planned something, considering it's your birthday. He kept typing into his phone, hiding the screen way before you could catch a glimpse of his secret plans, or suddenly tried to visit his parents but insisted on you not coming, which is weird. His parents loves you and he always brings you to visit them as well. He started to act weird, especially when he got home and said 'let's go' all of a sudden.
You barely got into Seokjin's car, being told to turn around before your eyes were covered by his tie and you were no longer able to see. The whole ride, you've spent perking your ears at the littlest sounds trying to figure out his secret plans. You even threw a casual kidnapping jokes which Seokjin laughed at, throwing something like 'I don't have to kidnap you, you're already mine'.
Safe to say, it messed up your heart a little. He has that effect on you, even though sometimes you consider your choice of boyfriend, especially that time when he started to tell his dad jokes at your uncle's birthday party. He did that for at least twenty minutes, laughing so hard that some guests even turned around to check if the sounds coming from his mouth are even possible. His face got all red along with his neck from the attention, but you know he secretly loved it. But you wouldn't trade him for anything.
“Is this really necessarily?” you ask, shifting the fabric against your closed eyes.
“Stop complaining, woman. You've been doing that enough for the whole ride.” you hear your boyfriend complain, and if your eyes weren't covered, he'd be flashed with your typical glare of irritation and maybe even by your middle finger as well.
“It seems like you're the only one complaining,” you mutter under your breath, knowing he heard you by the exhausted sigh he lets out. “Is this some kind of kink that I don't know of? Jesus Jin, if you wanted me to try this, you should've just said so.” you complain, knowing some part of you is joking but the other one is telling the truth.
“For fucks sake, it's because I didn't want you to see where we're going. This is supposed to be a surprise.”
Of course, you know. You just like to annoy him and when he sees the grin spreading on your tinted lips, he rolls his eyes but chuckles nevertheless.
He gets out of the car, the sound of closing door takes you by surprise before you can't hear a thing. That's until the door on your side is being opened, and breeze hits your face. He takes off your seat belt before he helps you to turn around, your legs hanging off the car as you feel him working on the knot of his tie. A few seconds later, and the fabric is finally pulled off your eyes which causes you to shut them right away from the brightness. Opening them again, you adjust them to the lightening before you see your boyfriend in front of you.
He's grinning at your frowned expression, licking his thumb before he's wiping off the mascara that got smeared under your eyes. The stupid tie ruined your makeup, but you don't seem to care because you know that deep down, you loved not having a clue where he's taking you. You were excited, even though you've spent the entire ride complaining about him blindfolding you and being kept in darkness.
But of course, Seokjin knew. That's why he didn't take your threats and complaints seriously. He knows your period is coming anyway, so you're more snappy and emotional than usual.
Curiously looking around, your brows shoot up in shock at the view your eyes quickly catch on. There is a beach that stretches miles along to the point you can't see where it ends, wild waves wetting the sand near water. There is no one, a few birds sitting on nearby stones before they fly away. It leaves you speechless.
“What do you think?” he asks, smug grin plastered on his juicy lips by your reaction. “Do you like it?”
The answer is most evident on your features, there's no need for words.
“I love it.” you tell him honestly, giving him a soft smile in return before he stretches his arm, helping you to hop out of his car.
“Let me just grab a few things.” he says, quickly making his way to the back of the car to open the truck.
You follow him, surprised by the stuff he managed to pack without your knowing. He pulls out a few beach bags, blanket you recognize very well – it's the one you bought on your holiday in Malta.
The memories there warms your heart almost immediately, remembering the two of you making love every night with incredible view from your hotel room, before you repeated the same thing in the morning.
You help him by taking one of those bags and a blanket, as you follow him to the beach. The breeze feels comfortable against your warm skin, making this hot weather at least somehow more bearable. The sand feels smooth and nice underneath your feet as the two of you make your way to Seokjin's planned spot. He stops, rationally picking a spot in natural shade before he motions for you to hand him the blanket. You watch him sprawling it on the sand, making sure there are no creases before you can sit down on it. He's pulling out a different containers and two plastic champagne glasses that makes you snort.
“What? The glass ones could break.” he exclaims, glancing at those champagne glasses he specifically bought for this occasion.
Watching him in amusement and adoration while he sets up everything, he finally sits down next to you with a bottle of champagne. He plops it open, having a difficult time to do that for a moment, before he opens it with a grimace and fear of getting hit by a cork.
“Thank you,” you tell him softly, watching the sparkling yellowish liquid being poured into your glass. “Not just for the wine, but for this. Thank you for taking me here.”
“Of course,” he says with a smile, pouring some to himself before he clicks your glasses against each other, grimacing when the sound isn't quite right. The both of you laugh at that, tasting the champagne with approval hum.
“How did you even find this place?” you ask him, carefully placing the plastic glass down as you lean against your hands, enjoying the scenery in front of you. But still, you find yourself looking at your boyfriend instead, finding it more beautiful.
He wears a white loose shirt, the first few buttons opened exposing his collarbones, which still manages to compliment his broad shoulders. His black hair is swiped back, showing off his forehead and honey skin. Denim shorts gives you the opportunity to eye his thighs muscles that you can't get enough of.
“I knew I wanted to take you here, but there are mostly a lot of people on the other side of the beach. I thought this would be much more intimate and special.” he explains, making you turn around to really see no one nearby.
You just hope he didn't pay someone to rent this part of the beach or something – as much as you try to save up money for bigger apartment, you're aware how capable of doing that Seokjin is. Where it comes to you, he never cares about money and buys you stuff without thinking, hence the huge unicorn plushie in your bedroom. He bought it when you were at amusement park last year and he saw you eyeing the huge toy. No matter how many times you've told him not to buy it and you don't really want it, he just came up straight to the man and paid not a small amount for it. Since then, it's laying on your bed and is thrown in the corner of your room when you go to sleep. It's too huge to sleep with it, and Seokjin already takes up most of the space in bed.
“You're amazing. You know that, right?” you ask him, dreamily gawking at your boyfriend who smugly grins, wiggling his thick eyebrows at you.
“I'd say I'm perfect. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't find a better man than me.”
Snorting, you shake your head in disbelief. “You wanna bet?” you joke, your time to wiggle your eyebrows at him as he dramatically frowns.
“No,” he says, leaning towards you. “I'm not letting you go,” he tells you before he pecks your lips, kissing them softly. He doesn't pull away, your noses brushing against yours as you silently giggle.
“I'm sorry but you're stuck with me for the rest of your life.” he murmurs, his tone light which causes you to giddily smile.
“I kinda liked the sound of that.” you whisper, not surprised when he dives back in and kisses you with much more passion, putting pressure onto your lips as they mold together perfectly.
He cups your jaw, pulling you even closer to him as you moan at the taste of him, his other hand grabbing your thigh. His touch feels electric, million jolts of joy and excitement going straight through your body, even though your thin sundress is the only barrier. Your hands automatically go to the back of his neck and head, tugging onto his roots earning a growl that's muffled by your mouth. The both of you are forced to pull away, trying to catch your breaths with flushed cheeks that's not caused by the heat.
“Fuck,” he breathes out, forehead leaning against yours as he pecks your nose. “I wasn't going for a beach sex.” he jokes, the two of you chuckling at the thought of it.
“I'm not opposed to that.” you beam, smirking as you see his widened eyes and him choking on his spit.
“Baby, don't do this to me. I might have to go into the water to freshen up myself.” he whines, sounding like a little kid in a toy store.
You don't provoke him any further, plopping some of the strawberries into your mouth as soon as he opens the container full of fruit. Enjoying the taste and the nice breeze, you close your eyes trying to soak in the warmness and relax, completely aware of what your boyfriend is doing. That's until you hear him saying a typical 'birthday song', holding a small cupcake with a single candle plugged in the pink topping.
The whole time he sings to you, you can't hide the huge grin and blush flushing your cheeks, trying not to cry when he's done. “Happy birthday, my love. I love you.” he tells you, totally prepared for your kiss full of love and gratitude, before he hands you the cupcake.
“Thank you, I love you.” you tell him, taking the cupcake as you blow off the candle.
“Wait, you didn't make a wish!” he exclaims, surprised how fast you've blew it off.
You stop for a moment, before you cup his cheek and caress it. “I already have everything.” you tell him, the corners of his mouth stretching so widely that his cheeks are puffed out.
He's so damn cute, your heart full of love just from the single sight of your boyfriend.
“I wanted to get you a birthday cake, but it'd melt on the way here.” he tells you, causing you to wave him off, silently telling him that it's okay.
You taste the topping, humming in approval noting he bought your favorite flavored one from your favorite bakery shop. You split it in half, making sure you share it with him despite of his protests. It's melting but it's still delicious.
“You know, thank you for doing this,” you start, gulping the last piece of cupcake as you notice Seokjin rolling his eyes dramatically. He hates when you keep thanking him, as he told you a million times. “I know, I know. I just feel like a bitch. I kept complaining the whole day and you've planned all of this, and I feel like a bad girlfriend--”
“Woah, woah,” he stops you right away, his eyes widening when he sees the tears in your own as you quickly wipe them off. “I did this because I love you. And it's your birthday. You deserve this for putting up with my ass on daily basis. This is the least I could do for you, you know I'd give you the world if I could.”
But his lovely words make you cry even more, and before you can realize they're ruining your make up again, streaming down your cheeks. You're being pulled into Seokjin's arms, his chin on the top of your head as he starts to laugh at your emotional state.
“I love you.” you murmur into his chest, sniffling slightly as he kisses you into your hair.
“I love you too, princess.” he tells you, kissing your hair again just to prove his point.
“Gosh, what are we going to do when we get old? We're going to bicker like that old couple in convenience store.” you sniffle, hearing his laugh vibrate in his chest.
“Are you saying we're going to get married and grow old?” he asks, a teasing tone behind his voice and when you pull away, you're met with his cheeky grin.
“Isn't that what you want as well?” you pout, wondering if you've crossed any lines.
You already live together, getting married should be another milestone and even though you had a couple of talks about a possible wedding, it was just that. A casual conversations between two partners.
“I want to, I want that so much,” he tells you, all cheekiness gone from his face as he stares at you. Frowning in confusion behind his weird change of attitude, you're pulled into another kiss before you're tossed over his broad shoulder, squealing loudly.
“What are you doing? Seokjin, put me down!” you laugh, hitting his plump ass before he smacks your own, walking towards the shore. “Don't drop me!” you panic, seeing the clear bluish water that looks incredibly beautiful, but very cold.
Even Seokjin's gasps are a proof of the real water temperature.
“I won't.” he assures you, but as he tries to put you down off his shoulder, wanting to hold you in his arms, he looses balance and you slip from his arms, catching you clumsily.
Luckily, the water isn't shallow, just up to Seokjin's knees but enough to soak the hem of your summer dress. Your body shakes from a shock of the cold water, before you glare at your boyfriend who nervously smiles at you.
“Sorry?” he says unsure, giving you a crooked smile.
You touch the water surface, before a smirk pushes onto your lips and before he can react, you splash him with a water. He yelps, surprised and almost falling onto his ass but manages to balance himself before he does the same thing to you. Both of you are laughing, completely getting soaked as he tries to chase you and dodges your every attempt to splash some water in his face again.
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The sun is settling down, creating a perfect blaze above the water as it starts to get chilly. After playing in the water and eating the rest of fruit that Seokjin made an effort to pack, it's time to go home. Your clothes are still wet from your previous activity, haven't fully dried even with you moving to the sun. None of you have brought spare clothes, causing him to complain about the possible ruining of the leather seats in his car.
“It was your idea to drop me.” you remark, grinning when you see him gasp at you.
“For the tenth time, I wasn't planning on doing that. It just happened, this muscles are weak after holding you in the shower for good twenty minutes!” he exclaims, causing you to roll your eyes.
“It's your fault for interrupting my shower time and deciding that shower sex is the best idea.” you accuse him, a loud and dramatic gasp leaves his mouth as he dusts off the blanket.
“Have you seen yourself naked? It's hard to resist that ass.” he hums, sending a wink your way as you roll your eyes.
“I'm locking the door from now on,” you tell him, knowing you won't do that. You're just teasing him and he knows that, judging by the typical smirk decorating his lips. “Fuck, mascara is running down my cheeks.” you note, seeing your fingertips black as you try to wipe your under eyes.
Seokjin starts to fold a blanket, glancing at you in the process. “There should be a small towel in the glove box.” he tells you, throwing you a car keys which you successfully catch.
You listen to him, planning to go help him once you're done anyway, slowly making your way to the parked car. Unlocking the car, you open the door and listening to Seokjin's instructions, opening the glove box next. He was right. A gray small towel is folded on the top of other stuff as you wipe your face and ruffle your wet hair with it. It's already drying down, but you could use a hairdryer.
“Y/N,” you jump at the sound of your name, closing the glove box and turning to Seokjin.
He stands just a few meter away from you, a weird look darkening his features as he studies your face with a puzzled look.
“Is everything okay?” he asks, eyes shifting between your eyes as you frown in confusion.
“Yeah, weirdo,” you tell him, confused by the change of his attitude. “Have you packed everything?” you ask, noticing the bags and blanket in his arms as he nods.
“Yeah, let me just put it in the trunk so we can go.” he tells you, smiling before he makes his way to the back of the car and loads it with all the stuff.
You sit on the passenger seat with a mere confusion, waiting for him. Once he's back, he smiles at you and starts the engine. The radio plays some pop music while you watch at the scenery from the window, sad to be leaving but you hope you'll be back soon. You're truly touched by Seokjin's romantic idea of spending your birthday. It was minimalist, yet absolutely breathtaking and eventful. All you need is him, you can always celebrate it with your friends and family some other day.
Just as you're smiling, genuinely happy from today's day, until you see the huge red sign.
Seokjin speeds up, hoping you haven't seen the sign but when you exclaim his name in disbelief and anger, he knows he's busted.
“It's okay, princess. We haven't got caught.” he tries to reason, lucky he's driving and you can't hit him.
“I can't believe we trespassed!” you exclaim, wondering what could have happened if someone caught you. “You're crazy.” you mutter, shaking your head at him trying to hide a smile from him.
He takes your hand, interlocking your hands together as he kisses the back of your hand, hiding a grin.
But the warning sign isn't the only thing he hoped for you wouldn't see. That's the least of his worried. His heart is still beating with nervous shakes as he prays you won't open the glove box again, finding a small silver box with shiny ring inside of it.
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courtofcwls · 4 years
snake in the sea
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Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: none 
A/N: I got tired of the lack of Oberyn content out there so I did it myself. This is a character study of one of the most underrated asoiaf/got characters, my boy Oberyn Martell. This isn’t a ship piece though his relationship with Ellaria is talked about. This is just a short thing loving on my prince and all his layers. 
Dorne was hot.
Everyone in the world knew that, gods, probably even the wildlings beyond the wall knew it. Yet, despite expecting sweltering heat and knowing it all his life, Oberyn still found himself boiling. It did, however, seem like he wasn’t alone. As he made his way down to the Summer Sea it became obvious that half of Dorne had his idea of going to the water to cool off. Had he been back at the Water Gardens his ability to cool off would’ve been much easier but alas he was needed in Sunspear on royal business.
Not that he ever had much royal business as the second son, but from time to time Doran would ask him to accompany Arianne when the gout would not allow him to be there himself. Arianne was fine on her own, more than fine, she had her father’s temperament and talent for politics. Pair that with some of her uncle’s charm and aunt Elia’s good heart and Dorne had a fierce Princess heading for the throne. Still, Doran fussed, more-so as a father than a Prince, and wanted her to have Oberyn there as help if needed. It was days like today that Oberyn resented his older brother’s lack of faith in his eldest child. As much as he wished to be back at the Water Gardens he would make do with the sea.
Making his way to a secluded part of the beach not too far from the palace but far enough away from prying eyes, Oberyn snuck past the groups of people as he passed swiftly and unnoticed. Despite the moniker “The Red Viper” still being semi-humorous to him after all these years, it was not an unwarranted title. He went without a robe the minute his morning meetings were done and made his way out of the palace in only his trousers and a bright orange tunic. A small smile appeared on his face when he realized that he got through the crowds quickly and quietly enough that he wasn’t spotted even while wearing a shirt almost as bright as the sun overhead.
A viper indeed.
Once he finally found a spot that was secluded but with enough foliage to hide some of the sun, he stripped his tunic off, rolled up his pant legs, and made for the crystal clear water ahead. Oberyn sighed the moment the water hit his feet and coolness washed over him. He continued to wade out into the sea until the water came to his knees. Part of his trousers would be wet but at that moment Oberyn couldn’t find it in himself to care. Taking a deep breath in, he smelled the wildflowers native to Dorne wafting around him and the spices from the markets whose scent lingered in every corner of Sunspear. On his next breath in Oberyn closed his eyes and allowed himself a moment of respite.
Though he never wanted for anything, his life still managed to always be caught up in some sort of chaos or another. It wasn’t a bad thing, it matched the unruly spirit of the hot-headed Prince quite well. Ellaria would often joke that the Gods granted Dorne mercy when making him his mother’s third child and not their first. Oberyn did not have the temperament for ruling full-time. He was a man that could never be tamed and did not want to be. He spent his life traveling the world, dueling the greatest swordsmen alive, and fucking anyone who caught his eye. Staying in one place and doing one thing didn’t suit him. That’s not to say he couldn’t be tied down. No matter where he went Oberyn always returned to his home and his family.
His love of adventure did not outweigh his love of his family and his people. Nothing in the world meant more to him than his family. Luckily for Oberyn, his family was, for the most part, as free-spirited as him. Hell, there were few adventures he had been on in his life that Ellaria wasn’t by his side for. His paramour was his twin flame and when they were together they burned so bright they rivaled the powerful sun beating down on Oberyn as he stood still in the sea. Ellaria understood him in ways no one else in existence ever could. She could never hold him back because she was freer than he was. She did not have his royal duties and thus spent her days living as she desired. The only true duty she held was being a mother to the youngest four Sand Snakes.
Oberyn opened his eyes to stare at the vast sea in front of him and felt himself smile at the thought of his girls. To him, the best thing his travels ever gave him was his daughters. His eldest four came to be because he brought his passion with him to every corner of the world he went to. And when he met Ellaria, she gifted him with four more vipers. Each day that passed he became more and more amazed by his children. They were all fierce in their own ways. Obara and Nymeria were shaping up to be fearsome warriors, ones that would rival even their father. Tyene shared his knowledge and weaponization of poisons and Sarella his intelligence as she studied at the citadel like her father before her. His youngest four were still very young and were forging their paths but he saw the Martell will and passion in them, already the best parts of Oberyn and Ellaria.
The waves continued to rise and fall around him as Oberyn took in his moment of peace. If he had to wager a guess he would say he’s been out there for a little over twenty minutes and someone would be looking for him soon. He had one more meeting that day before he could pack his things up and return home.
Making his way back to the shore, he reached down and grabbed his discarded tunic and put his trousers back into place. He didn’t want to leave the little sanctuary he carved out for himself but unfortunately princely duties took precedent over his own desires. He decided to cut through the main part of the market on his way back to the palace so that he could have a bit more time to himself.
Smart enough to slip some coins in his pocket before he left earlier, he pulled them out and handed them to a shopkeeper in exchange for a small bowl of raspberries. Oberyn munched on them as he walked back slowly, slithering through the crowds unnoticed once more like the viper he was.
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deathonyourtongue · 4 years
Willow Run | Ch. 1
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Summary: On a horse ranch in Texas, life is far simpler than on the streets of Bakubah, but Syverson has a bad habit of taking in strays of all kinds, no matter what demons may be after them. Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC Word Count: 3K  Warnings: Mentions of physical abuse A/N: Dusting off an old one I’ve never quite been able to shake. Cowboy!Syverson, anyone?  _______________________________________________ Message me if you’d like to be added/removed from the tag list! @fumbling-fanfics @skiesfallithurts @pinkpenguin7@madmedusa178 @crushed-pink-petals @fangoria @bluestarego@caffeinated-writer @my–own–personal–paradise @tastingmellow​ @honeychicana​ @lua-latina​ @angelicapriscilla​ @swiftyhowlz​ @schreiberpablo​ @pinkwatchblueshoes​ @kirasmomsstuff​ @prettypascal​ @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom​ @nardahsb​ @playbucky​ @veryfastspeedz @queen-of-the-kastle​ @freyahelps​ @cajunpeach​ @godlikeentity​ @captainsamwlsn​ @nakusaych9@katerka88 @katerka88 @kirasmomsstuff @melaninmimii@alienor-romanova @downtowndk​ @redhairedmoiraandtheliferuiners​ @safiras​ @agniavateira​ @henryfanfics101​ @fatefuldestinies @iloveyouyen​ @justaboringadult​ @xxxxxerrorxxxxx​
Dust made up ninety percent of her body. It clung to her hair, baked into her skin, coated the inside of her nose like a clay mask drying much too fast. Her eyes stung with it, whipped up by the permanent breeze that crossed the flats of the farmland she traversed with slower and slower steps. Her hair—black with a cobalt undertone—stuck to her lips as she walked, making each step more hazardous as it cut out what little the sun hadn't taken of her visibility. Her shoulders burned even through the cream cardigan she wore to protect herself from the sun. Her water bottle empty, she let it slip from her fingers, slowly beginning to come to terms with the fact that she wouldn't see another sunrise. 
Sasha had been walking for nearly eight hours, moving from the suburbs of Austin's south side towards the dry scrub of central Texas, no final destination in mind. Her only goal was to put as much distance between her and the bungalow as she could. Behind her, she knew her life would end in a matter of days. The phone call she shouldn't have heard made it all too clear. So, she took what she could carry—what she could access—and booked it, taking the only method of transportation available; her feet. 
Her attempt at hitchhiking had been disastrous. The first car to stop had been full of men in their early twenties and her exposed legs and cleavage had made her an immediate bullseye for their testosterone-fueled desires. She'd spent an hour hiding in the women's bathroom of a convenience store, weeping softly, afraid to come out until the owner of the store knocked and told her the men had gone. Each step after that was taken with a glance over her shoulder, her tears coming back full force as her mind made a gruesome collage of images past and present, the men chasing her taking the spotlight for that particular day. 
After another hour and a half of walking, her worn shoes breathed their last and dime-sized holes in the rubber brought her in full contact with the earth beneath her feet. Step after step she felt her soles burn a little further, her once-pink skin blistering and chafing as the gravel shoulder bit into her feet. It was agony, but she wasn't about to stop when he could reach her with a simple drive down the interstate. 
Civilization had begun to die away at the three-hour mark and the only landscape markers were ranch-style homes that dotted the landscape every few miles. At the five hour mark, even the trees dwindled, providing little in the way of protection from the sun and leaving her exposed to the afternoon's rays at their hottest. 
By mile twenty, she was staggering, Sasha's body shutting down as the sun, lack of water, and exhaustion overtook her. In the sharply contrasted lights and shadows of the path in front of her, she could only just make out a two-story home encircled by old Willows, green meadows as far as her eyes could see. With a final burst of energy, she made a beeline for the home, praying that someone would be home. Sasha hit the gate before she realized it was there, her body crashing to the dirt drive, one final insult added to her already-injured body.
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The farrier was booked solid for a week, but Syverson's horse couldn't wait that long. If he didn't re-shoe him today, he'd be lame come the end of the week. As much as he felt his shoeing skills subpar, Syverson knew it was better than leaving the ill-fitting shoe on longer. So, come six in the morning, he was out in the stable, cleaning, sanding, prepping, and re-shoeing Wolf. Syverson worked diligently, and when he finally looked up, it was already heading on closer to nine. With a smile, he gave Wolf part of an apple, stroking his long black mane as his horse ate the fruit happily, all four feet now comfortably on the ground.
Satisfied that his horse was in good spirits, had a fresh barrel of hay, and was no longer in any discomfort thanks to his footwear, Syverson started the trek back to the main house, his leg aching from squatting for so long. The ATV his father had given him last year for his birthday had never come in handier. Before he'd received it, Syverson had been either driving his pickup over the acreage, hoofing it up to the stables, or riding one of his horses when he felt like getting some fresh air. Now, he had the best of both worlds; out in the open, and with more than one horse to power his trip.
As he rounded the corner, Syverson caught sight of something at his front gate. From the distance he was at, it was just a dark smudge, but the closer he got, the clearer the image became and when Syverson realized it was a person, he put the ATV in full throttle.
Within minutes, Syverson was lifting the lock on the large swinging gate, the ATV still purring behind him as he crouched down next to the slumped-over body of what seemed to be a young girl. With one glance, Syverson quickly realized a few things. For one, she wasn't that young, as a small tattoo on her wrist pegged her for at least eighteen. Secondly, someone had beat her senseless, and third, she'd walked a very long way, the worn-out soles on her shoes indicating the last fact quite clearly. Most noticeable, however, was her swollen belly; whoever she was, she was most definitely pregnant. 
Careful not to touch any part of her that was bleeding or black and blue, Syverson kept his tone soft as he gently shook her, knowing she wasn't dead by the fact that her back was rising and falling at a steady, albeit shallow, rate.
"Ma'am, can you hear me? Open your eyes, ma'am, can you do that for me?"
Sasha’s eyes opened at the voice and her flight or fight response took over immediately. 
“Get the fuck away from me!” She screamed, voice raw and hoarse from lack of water. Shaking visibly, she did her best to get up, although the moment she got upright, her legs gave way, muscles contracting involuntarily thanks to her emergency exodus. 
Syverson backed up, hands up in surrender as he gave her the space she needed.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, but you collapsed out here in front of my house, ma'am. I wanted to make sure you were breathin'," he explained, still keeping his tone soft as he slowly stood, hiding the wince of pain he felt shoot down his right leg.
"Did you get into a car wreck or something? You're pretty busted up, there," he continued, looking around for any signs of a car in a ditch. While the road leading to his ranch was long, it was mostly flat so he could see all the way to the highway, some two miles down.
"Listen, why don't we go inside, get out of this heat. You can wash up, I'll grab a couple of ice packs and some ice water for ya, and we can figure out what happened," Syverson reasoned, pointing towards the main house just a few feet up the hill from the gate.
Sasha’s mind reeled as she tried to come up with a plausible explanation for why she looked the way she did. One eye black and swollen, cuts and bruises covering every inch of visible skin, and lip split open, she was quite the sight, but she wasn’t certain she could just pawn it off on a car accident, especially as she didn’t have a license. Unable to think of another reason as to why she looked like she’d gone twelve rounds with a pro boxer, Sasha decided to use a diversion tactic, ignoring the topic altogether.
“I’m fine. I was just...tired. I’ll go. I’m sorry for...fallin’ asleep at your gate.”
"You're not fine. You're not sweating, which is a problem given it's almost 100 out. You're all cut to shit, and I'll bet anything that if you try to get up again right now, your legs still won't hold.” Trying the straightforward approach first, Syverson hoped that keeping to the facts would help her process the information better, given her condition.
"Let's get you inside, get you some water, a couple band-aids and once you start seeing 20/20 again, we'll get you a ride home. Okay?" Syverson tried again, using more of his straight-and-narrow approach. If she was so hellbent on being 'fine', he'd help her along and then make sure she got wherever she was going in one piece.
Squinting against the sun despite the baseball cap he wore, Syverson reached out a hand for her, knowing full well he was going to end up carrying the poor thing inside; her shaking was getting worse and there was no way she’d be able to move under her own power.
Eyeing his hand warily, Sasha took a moment before managing to shake her head, her hand smoothing over her bump, a diamond engagement ring sparkling on her finger despite the dust that coated it.
Syverson grimaced as he looked at her in more detail, finding more and more injuries wherever he looked. Covering his mouth with his hand, he took a few deep breaths before scrubbing a hand over his face.
"How far along are you? And what in God's name are you doing out in 100-degree heat, walking in the open sun when you're pregnant?" Syverson tried to keep the worry from his voice, but he just couldn't, his eyes darkening with anger at whoever had let this woman get into the situation she was in, in the first place.
"Please, just come to the porch. Just so you can get out of the sun. I'll bring you some water, you can rest a while, and when you're ready, I'll drive you wherever you need to go."
Seeing that he wasn’t going to let up, Sasha relented, figuring that dying in the shade would be no worse than dying under the glaring Texas sun.
“Just to the porch,” she agreed, finally taking his hand, her legs only giving her enough power to get to a squat before she crumpled back against the dirt with a whimper. 
"If the mountain won't come to Muhammad..." Syverson muttered softly, shaking his head. Despite her condition, the woman was determined and prideful; something he hadn't seen with such force since being in the Middle East. It made him smile even as he plucked the ball cap off his head and placed it gently on hers, Syverson crouching down and slipping his hands under her body, picking her up with ease.
Sasha was too out of it to protest the sudden move, fighting just to keep her eyes open as Syverson loaded her up on his ATV and booked it up the gently sloping hill that led to a rather large, beautiful ranch home. 
Older than a lot of the houses that neighbored Syverson’s acreage, it nevertheless looked pristinely-maintained and had just had a fresh coat of paint put on it. As they came nearer, Sasha took in the wraparound porch, a swing hanging near the back door, looking out towards what could only be farmland of some sort, Sasha unable to see the stables or the horses with Syverson’s broad shoulders blocking the view. 
Syverson cut the engine on the ATV and hopped off, holding Sasha steady until he could pick her up again. If he limped a bit as he walked, it wasn’t noticeable to her, and Sasha felt nothing but relief when he set her down on the porch swing with a nod. 
"All right, you just stay right there, kick your feet up, and I'll be back with some water," he instructed once he was certain she wasn't about to pitch over the side of the swing from exhaustion.
Running in, he grabbed what he needed, along with two ice-filled glasses of water, hoping that she'd be able to get at least half of one down in the next few minutes. She looked dehydrated and Syverson knew it wasn't a good thing for a woman who was pregnant.
"Sip, don't gulp. Gulping will make your stomach churn and that's the last thing you want in this heat, believe me. Been there, done that." He tried for a light and jovial tone, though with his frown still firmly in place, it sounded out of place. Syverson handed her one of the glasses before setting the other down on the floor.
Doing as she was told, Sasha drank slowly, her lip stinging briefly against the cool water before relief began to wash over her. Looking at her rescuer out of the corner of her eye, Sasha felt ashamed that she’d ever doubted his intentions. Sitting next to her quietly, she could feel both patience and anger wafting off him and it made her wonder if she was about to get another talking to regarding her condition and her decision to walk in the heat. Regardless of what kind of conversation she had in store, Sasha couldn’t help but notice that he had kind eyes, something which went far in her estimation of a person.
“Thank you,” she murmured after finishing half of her first glass, her eyes already on the second, even though he’d told her to take her time.
“You’re welcome,” Syverson responded, eyeing her legs carefully. Spotting the largest area of swelling, he carefully placed the ice pack over it, a small tea towel keeping the cold gel from coming into direct contact with her skin. Strapping it down with an ACE bandage, he leaned against the porch railing across from her, Syverson’s arms crossing over his large chest. 
Continuing to study her as she drank, Syverson took note of the shape of the bruises and the distinct impressions of half-moons at the edges of some of them. Someone had been squeezing this girl a little too hard, and Syverson already felt his temper starting to flare at whoever it was that had the gall to do it.
"Did you hit the ditch out on the 474? I keep tellin' 'em to put up a sign, but they don't listen..." Syverson kept his voice light, but he knew he was scrabbling for something to say without taking the direct route and asking her who beat the shit out of her before throwing her from their car; at least that's what Syverson assumed had happened. Immediately however, he could see the discomfort his question had caused, Syverson regretting his words the moment they reached her.
“You didn’t have to trouble yourself with all this, you know,” Sasha said after a moment, trying to save face despite her pitiful condition and her obvious lack of a vehicle. “I’ll be out of your hair in no time, I promise.” 
"Of course I did. Not just gonna leave you layin’ on the ground in this heat with no one for miles. I'm not even sure how you made it out this far without a car," his voice drifted as he spoke the last few words, Syverson's eyes glancing around at his acreage. It was one of the most desolate areas in Texas and even with the highway two miles to the north, the land was about as far removed from civilization as humanly possible.
"You hungry? I was getting ready to fix up some breakfast. Had to get up real early this morning to re-shoe Wolf and I haven't eaten yet." Syverson asked, changing the subject to something a little less involved; his own stomach was churning, eager to have something for breakfast, even if it was only a bowl of cereal. He wasn't the type to skip breakfast, no matter how early he had to be up. If it meant holding off for a few hours after getting some chores done, so be it, but he needed his first meal of the day, come hell or high water.
Sasha was about to shake her head at the offer, feeling like she was already a burden on the man she’d only just met, but then he said the magic words. Eyes lighting up, she looked up at him with eager hope. 
“You have a horse?”
"Horses. Plural," he laughed softly, nodding at her question, Syverson pointing to his right at the stables that sat further back on the property. "This is a horse ranch. I raise 'em, sell 'em, breed 'em...The works. With a little help, of course," Syverson added humbly, explaining what the land was used for and how he fit into it all.
"You like horses?" he asked, his gaze intent and curious, Syverson always up for talking with people that had similar interests to him. He made no move to get up, to usher her anywhere, or do anything more than sit there and talk. He figured he had an in with the horses, but he didn't want to push too hard, lest she try to get up and hurt herself in the process of trying to be stubborn.
“I used to groom them for pocket change when I was a kid. I always found it calming, almost like meditation, you know?” Sasha nodded, her smile growing brighter with each passing moment. 
"I absolutely do," Syverson enthused, his face regressing in age right before Sasha’s eyes, as it always did when he was talking about something he loved.
"Tell you what. You stay for breakfast and I'll bring Wolf around to meet ya. He's the sweetest, and he's closer to the house, since he just got new shoes. All the others are out back and that's further than I think you'd be able to walk on those tired legs of yours," he winked, Syverson’s smile finally relaxed and open, the change in expression one that took Sasha’s breath away and made her forget her problems for a just a moment. The promise of meeting a horse for the first time in years, certainly didn’t hurt matters either.
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mayraki · 4 years
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“max and her crazy level of bitchiness”
NOTE: hellooo👀 I made a playlist and a pinterest board for this series a long time ago and I’d like to share it with you guys! let me know if you’re interested and if you want me to tag you when I post it! :)
summary: Max Belinsky and JJ Maybank are the two troublemakers of Outer Banks. Going to parties, getting into trouble, having an attitude and being the two people you don’t mess with are the perfect ways to describe them. What would happen when the two people who seem to have trouble follow them around meet? One thing is fore sure, they didn’t expect this outcome.
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Max loved the sound of the waves hitting the water. The way the sun would touch her skin and the wind blowing her face. But what she loved the most was when her friends where on time... wich never happened because Sam was the messiest person she ever met, and she had a little brother who would hide dirty underwear under his bed. Sam would always lose track of time and show up twenty minutes late, even if her best friend had told her to not be late because the waves were perfect on that time in the morning.
Max had a little break between work and having to go home and make lunch for Cody, so she would always catch some waves with her best friend. She was sitting down playing with the sand with her feet, while her board was next to her. That’s when she saw her blonde friend running towards her and waving with the hand that was not holding her surf board.
“Before you say anything, I love you and you’re the best friend I could ever ask for.” Sam said catching her breath. “And I’m sorry.”
“You should be! I’ve been waiting for almost half an hour.” Max said trying to be angry at her best friend, but she knew she could never be. “Where were you?”
“Hanging out.” She said quickly.
“Hanging out?” Max asked confused. “With who?”
“Are you seriously playing the jealous girlfriend right now?” Sam said before letting out a little laugh.
“Hell yeah I am, now tell me, with who are you cheating me with?” Max crossed her arms around her chest waiting for the answer.
“I was with Kie.” She said calmly and Max opened her mouth surprised.
“You’re cheating on me with Kie?!”
“What?!” Sam looked around when a couple of old people started to stare. “I’m not cheating.”
“Did you had fun with her?” Max at this point was joking around by playing the jealous girlfriend, she had to do something to her friend since she made her wait. “Does she gave you those little chocolates that you really like, huh? Does she know how much you like to talk at 1 am in the morning?” Sam rolled her eyes and was trying to not get much attention from the people on the beach but Max didn’t care, she was really enjoying it. She gasped really loudly that gained the looks of even more people. “Have you called her and not me?! You traitor!” Max touched her chest like it hurted and closed her eyes.
“Stop it!” Sam yelled. “Alright I’m sorry I didn’t call you to let you know I was going to be late, but please, stop with this games, people are staring.”
Max looked around to see that Sam was right, there was at least ten people staring at them both. “Show’s over! Go to catch some drama somewhere else.” She shoosh everyone with her hand and the people slowly started to spread around. “I’m not mad you idiot. You should’ve called, but I’m glad you are hanging out with Kie. She’s cool, but don’t you dare replace me with her-”
“Don’t worry about it, this is nothing like that.” Sam cut Max off.
“What do you mean?” Max asked confused.
“Uuuh, nothing.” Sam said quickly. “Let’s catch this waves!” She started to run towards the surface leaving Max with a bunch of questions on her mind.
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“Why are we doing this again?” Max asked JJ while they were waiting on a dock Max never saw before.
“We have to pick up the kegger for tonight, John B’s orders.” JJ saluted Max jokingly and she just sighed. She didn’t want to be there, specially when the sun was hitting her skin and making her sweat like a pig. “The guy should be here any minute now.” He said and Max started to look around. But when a familiar boy appeared on her sight, her mouth went slightly open for the surprise and she quickly turned around.
“Fuck. What is he doing here?” She said frustrated and JJ turned to her confused.
“My... ex-boyfriend is here.” Max said trying to hide her face and not be seen by the boy she hated the most, Johnathan Scott.
“Who is he?” JJ said as soon as the word ‘boyfriend’ came out of her mouth. He quickly turned his head towards the group of people he had in front of him walking around and started to look around like he would be able to know who Max’s ex-boyfriend was.
“Doesn’t matter. Is this guy going to take any longer?” Max asked crossing her arms around her chest.
“I-I don’t know.” JJ shook his head. He was still looking around, something clicked inside of him by the idea of Max having an ex-boyfriend. “He should be here soo- Is he the one?” JJ pointed at a blonde guy that had glasses on.
Max turned around and she shook her head. “No.” JJ deep down wanted it to be that guy, because it weirdly looked like him. He thought that it was unintentional, but he knew what he was thinking and he couldn’t help it. “It’s him.” JJ quickly looked to where Max’s finger was pointing and he slowly nodded when his eyes found the mysterious ex-boyfriend.
Max let out a little sigh when she looked at Johnathan again. He was talking to some guys she had never seen before. He had his dark hair that she used to love so much, she would always say that he looked like young Leonardo DiCaprio with that haircut, and with that busting his stupid ego. His huge arm tattoo that made Max bit her lip everytime she would see him without a shirt, and his dark jeans with his white shirt. He had the perfect ‘bad boy’ look Max loved almost two years ago, he would easily have every single girl behind him, with that stupid smile and freckles, those green eyes and confidence, every girl loved him and they were extremely jealous of Max, but she was too blind to see it all, he was a work of art with an ugly heart. And Max soon find that out in the worst way possible.
“JJ?” A guy said next to Max and they both turned to him. “Here’s the kegger, man.”
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“Finally!” Kie said when she saw Max and JJ get out of John B’s van with the kegger. “Where have you two been?”
“The guy showed up late.” JJ said and Max nodded before Kie started to talk about some thing with JJ, but Max wasn’t listening, she was too focus looking for her best friend.
“Max!” She heard Sam called her name and she smiled to herself. It was like they were connected and when they needed each other, the other one knew it. “You’ll never guess who I saw at beach today.”
“Johnathan?” Max said and Sam furrowed her eyebrows confused.
“Wow, you’re really good at this game.”
“No, I saw him when we picked the kegger.”
She shook her head disgusted and they both walked inside The Chateau. “Why did he came back?” She asked and Max shrugged her shoulders.
“Who came back?” Pope asked and Max noticed everyone was inside the living room.
“Max’s ex.” JJ said and everyone turned to him.
“You have an ex?” Kie asked. “You never told me.”
“Yeah, well... there’s not a lot of good things to say about him.” Max said and just shrugged her shoulders. She looked around and noticed everyone was confused and wanting to know more, but she added quickly. “Who’s ready for the kegger tonight?” She said with a big smile and everyone went back to what they were doing, but with a lot of questions on their minds.
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Max was enjoying the loud music with a red solo cup on one hand, while holding Sam’s hand with the other one while dancing. The night was the perfect one for a party and Max couldn’t feel better, she noticed her drink was empty so she let go of Sam’s hand and walked to where the kegger was.
“A refill for the pretty lady?” JJ said once he saw Max in front of him.
“Are you drunk?” She asked pretending to be concerned.
“Why? I can’t call you pretty lady now? You don’t like princess, pretty lady, how am I going to call you?”
“How about... Max?” She said like it was the discovery of the mouth and JJ gave her a face laugh.
“You’re too funny.” He said and Max nodded.
“I know.” She handed JJ her red solo cup with a smile wich he took with a smirk.
“I love parties!” Sam appeared next to Max and let her arm go around her shoulders.
“I don’t think I’m the one that’s drunk tonight.” JJ said with a smile while looking at Sam. Max took her cup from JJ’s hand and the three of them walked to where the rest of the Pogues were.
Sarah was sitting on top of John B’s lap while Pope and Kie were talking about something. Sam sat down next to Kie and she let her head rest of Kie’s shoulders. Max let out a little smile but then furrowed her eyebrows confused. The question ‘what are this two up to?’ appeared on her mind, but when she looked up and her ex-boyfriend walked inside the beach, all those thoughts went away and she rolled her eyes once she sat down between JJ and Pope.
“What’s up?” Pope asked and Max just shrugged her shoulders.
“My ex is here... Fuck! This was a nice party.” She complained.
“What is the deal with this guy?” John B asked while looking around for Max’s ex.
She noticed and then pointed at Johnathan, who was talking to a couple of girls with his friends. “I dated him for almost a year, and... well, I found out he was cheating on me. With multiple girls... at the same time.”
“Uh, that escalated quickly.” Sarah said.
“What an asshole.” That was all JJ could say. All he wanted to do right on that moment was walk to him and punch him on the throat. His jaw was clenched while looking his way.
“Please, tell me you did something to him. You know, the Max way.” Kie said and Pope nodded.
“Yeah, I don’t usually approve the whole revenge thing, but he totally deserves it.” He said. Max was about to talk but Sam talked for her.
“She couldn’t. Remember how you spent an entire week on your bed? And when she was alright, he moved to the main land leaving his family behind.” Her drunk friend said and Max slowly nodded, trying to not kill Sam for her words.
“Thank you... for that, Sam.” She slowly said.
“Well, is never too late.” JJ said and Max turned to him but he wasn’t looking at her, he was looking to the sand while playing with some tiny rock he had on his hand.
“Nah, it’s not worth it. Fuck him. Besides, I’m on my own thing right now and as long as he stays away from me, we’re fine.” Max said but when she took a sip from her beer, a familiar voice spoke behind her.
“It’s like the universe heard what I just said and it responded with, ‘hey... fuck you’.” She said softly so Johnathan couldn’t hear her. Pope and JJ who were next to her, heard her and let out little laughs. She turned around after getting up and a huge fake smile appeared on her face. “Johnathan!”
“How have you been?” He said with the biggest and most confident smile ever. He walked closer to hug her and she awkwardly pat his back.
“I’ve been doing great.” She said dryly with the huge fake smile still on her face.
“You look good.” He said and Max bit her lower lip, trying to not yell at him to go fuck himself, she wasn’t up for the confrontation this night.
“Thaaanks.” She said. She didn’t noticed that the Pogues got up from where they were and walked behind Johnathan. Sam was pretending to punch him while Kie was laughing. Max was trying to let out a loud laugh. “Why-Why are you back?”
“Decided to visit some old friends and family, to be honest, missed the parties too, they don’t have them like this in the main land.” He said. “The pretty girls are here.” He looked Max up and down expecting for her to fall for him, but all she wanted to do was punch him on the face.
“Yeah, well, the pretty girls are over there so I don’t know what the fuck are you doing here.” She quickly said while pointing at the other side of the beach.
“You know, sometimes I think about us.” As soon as those words a loud laugh came out of her mouth. “Good times.”
“Good times?” She asked before letting another loud laugh. “Sure! Good times, before I found out you were cheating on me with multiple girls, the same night we said ‘I love you’ for the first time, sure! Good times.” She let out the biggest fake smile and then patted his arm, before starting to walk away.
“You know, you don’t have to play the victim.” He said and Max never turned her body as quickly as that time.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Max heard Sam said with Kie grabbed her arm once she started to walk towards Johnathan.
“Maybe you should control your drunk friend.” Johnathan said.
“Oh, she’s not the friend she should stop.” JJ was now in front of Max and he was starting to get angry. Max grabbed his arm and pulled him back. This was not his fight, it was hers, and she wanted him to know.
“Why don’t you just go because you know how things can get around her.” Max said at Johnathan, but he just let out a smile.
“I missed this about you.” He said and Max rolled her eyes.
“And I didn’t even missed your tiny dick so why don’t you just walk away, huh?” She said. Pope and John B opened their mouth surprised. JJ let out a tiny laugh while the girls where high fiving each other.
“Go to hell.” He said with an arrogant smile.
“Baby, I dated you, I already been to hell.” Max said without hesitation. “Let’s go.” She said to JJ, who was very close to her. She grabbed his arm making him turn around, they were all ready to leave the boy behind, but he spoke again.
“I guess that didn’t change about you, running away from your problems and never taking responsibility for them.” He said and Max stopped walking. Her heart dropped to her stomach and she could felt her anger growing inside her.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Sam said turning around.
“What does he mean?” Max heard JJ ask.
She grabbed her friend by the arm and stopped her. “You know what.” Max got closer to Johnathan and a then looked down. “You have something on your foot.” She said with a smile and pointing at them.
“What?” As soon as he looked down, she quickly walked closer to him and her foot with her thick boot was already going to his bare foot. He screamed in pain, Sarah covered her mouth surprised while Sam was, again, high fiving Kie. The boys let out loud and surprise laughs.
“Pain!” Max yelled to him which made a lot of eyes go to her, but she didn’t care, she was already walking away from the beach.
She was quickly walking followed by her friends. “That was badass!” Sarah said with a huge smile.
“That’s my best friend!” Sam let her arm go around Kie’s arm while Pope and John B were making fun of Johnathan’s high peak scream.
JJ was absolutely surprised at Max’s actions. A proudness feeling was growing inside of him and he was finally understanding that Max Belinsky, could definitely take care of herself.
“Max!” JJ said getting closer to her. She quickly turned around and she saw his big proud smile. “That was fucking awesome, dude.”
“I know you’re going to say yes.” She said pointing at him with heavy breathing.
“What?” He asked confused.
“Alright!” The alter ego of Max that loved the rush and would often get her in trouble woke up right on that moment. She caught the attention of the rest of the Pogues and everyone turned to her. “Who’s up for the famous ‘Max Way’ right now?” She said and a huge smile on Sam appeared on her face.
“She’s back.”
“Because that, right there,” she pointed back at the beach “was only level two of my bitchiness.” She said. “The real bitch is coming tonight.”
“That was only level two?!” Pope asked shook.
JJ let out the biggest smile. “I like this girl.” She pointed at Max and turned his head to his friends.
“I don’t know what is this, but I like it.” John B said with an approval nod.
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this.” Sarah said after letting out a big breath when she felt her heart beating faster and her nerves going up.
“Should I be worried?” Pope asked concerned while Sam walked passed next him.
“Yep.” She said and everyone started to follow Max.
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“Did you take the picture?” Max asked to Kie. She nodded and then handed her the phone. “Well, here folks, we have another ‘excuse’ if the police investigate us, people saw us at the party, we have this picture with the perfect time.”
“It’s like I’m watching how to get away with murderer.” Pope said shooked at Max’s words.
“Now what?” Sarah asked.
“Well...” Max said. “What’s the thing that boys appreciate the most?”
“Their dick?” Kie asked disgusted.
“Yeah. But I can’t cut his dick off-”
“That you know of.” Sam said and everyone turned to her surprised. Max just let out a little laugh and continued.
“Well, what’s the second thing some guys love the most...? Their cars. Jonathan left his old car at his parents once he left. It’s still there...”
“I love where this is going.” JJ said with a smile.
“Tell us what to do.” Sarah said excited and John B turned his head to her.
“Should I be worried that you’re so excited about this?” He asked but Sarah just left his side and walked closer to Max.
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The day was beautiful. There were no clouds and the sun was the main character that morning. Max felt her skin slightly burn while she was walking to the dock Pope said everyone to meet the night before. She had a smile on her face and when she saw her friends getting the HSM Pogue ready, her smile went even bigger.
“Top of the morning to ya’” JJ said while he watched Max her closer to them.
“Mornin’” Kie said with a smile to Max and she winked at her.
“I’m so ready to be out on the water.” Pope said excited. “I’ve worked non stop this week.”
“The Pogue life, my friend.” Max patted Pope’s shoulder.
Once everything was ready and the Pogues were inside the HSM Pogue, John B got the boat started and he slowly moved away from the dock. Max grabbed a beer and sat down next to Sam, she let her arm go around her friend’s shoulder and they both smiled to each other remembering the night before.
“Hey! Belinsky!” Max heard on dock with a megaphone. She furrowed her eyebrows confused and turned around to find Officer Presley next to Johnathan on the end of the dock. She tried to hold on a laughter when she saw how mad her ex-boyfriend was.
“What?!” She yelled so Presley could hear her. JJ got up and stood there next to her.
“Tell the fucking truth about my car!” Johnathan yell and Max looked at JJ pretending to be confused.
“What?! I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Max felt Pope getting nervous around her. Sam was calmly drinking her beer while Kie and Sarah were carefully listening to the conversation.
“I know you did it! You popped my tires!” He said angrily and Max quickly shook her head.
“Dude! I didn’t do anything. Besides, whoever did it maybe thinks that you’re an asshole and you totally deserve it! And I agree!” Max yell and she then turned her head to Presley. “How are you Jennifer? Having a good day?” She waved at her with a smile but Presley just sighed.
“Officer! Do something!” Johnathan said annoyed but Presley shook her head.
“There’s no proof that she did it, we have nothing on her. This is just a prank from some kids Mr. Scott.” Presley said.
“Huh? There’s no proof against me or my friends? Yeah, that’s what I though!” Max nodded with a smile while Presley turned around and started to walk away.
“You bitch!” Johnathan said angrily and Max touched her chest surprised.
“Aw! Thank you! That’s a huge compliment!” She gave him the biggest smile. “Have a nice day!” She said and John B drove the boat far away form the dock.
“I’ve never seen someone don’t get any nervous when they are interrogated by the police.” Pope said and Max nodded proud of herself.
“Oh, that was nothing. I’ve been in worst.”
“Hey! What about me?” JJ complained. “I’m pretty good at it too, dude!”
“Can’t believe you’re arguing over who is better with handleling the police.” Kie said before letting out a little laugh.
After talking some more about who was better, the conversation turned into who would be better at surviving a zombie apocalypse after Pope started to name the things he thought he wouldn’t survive.
Max sat down with a beer on her hand and seconds later she had JJ sitting next to her with his arm around her shoulders. “I’m so proud of you.” He said with the biggest smile.
“Well, thank you, thank you very much.”
“I have to say, we could learn a lot from each other.” He said and Max lifted her eyebrow. “You know, you can teach me how you do your stuff and I tell you how I do mine.”
“Please, tell me we’re talking about our plans.” Max said quickly with a disgust face.
“I mean” JJ shrugged his shoulders. “What do you want it to be?”
“Oh god.” She said. “You’re never going to change are you?”
“You’re the one who brought it up and thought I was talking about that!” He defended himself. “You’re the one with the dirty mind.”
“Yeah, sure.” Max said sarcastically before taking a sip from her beer. “I do know that you have to learn a lot from the master.”
“You’re the master?” JJ asked.
“After all, I won you that night at the Kook’s party.” She nodded and JJ let out a little sigh.
“I figured that was going to come back.”
“Oh, I’m never going to let it go. We’re going to be old dudes and I’m going to call you every Sunday to remind you. It’s decided.” Max nodded.
“I’ll be waiting for it, princess.”
“Punching bag.” She said trying to sound annoyed but a little smile escaped her mouth.
“Well, I’m really proud of my fake girlfriend. That’s all I wan-” JJ was saying but was cut off by John B and Pope screaming at the same time.
“Fake girlfriend?!”
“What?!” Sam asked confused.
“We-we need to talk about how that happend.” Kie said and Sarah nodded next to her before getting comfortable and waiting for Max and JJ to talk.
“I’m going to kill you JJ.” Max said.
“I don’t know.” JJ lifted his hand into the air. “All I know, is that Max... can’t take her hands off me.” He said and Sam almost spit the beer she had on the mouth.
“JJ!” Max slapped herself.
“Wha- how- I’m so confused.” Pope said trying to connect his thoughts.
“C’mon, we all knew that one day those two were going to end up doing something like that.” Sarah said and Max quickly looked at her.
“Huh?” She said. JJ turned to her with a smirk on his face and she wanted to punch him so bad on that moment.
“Well, you better tell the story or everyone is going to think that we had s-”
“It happened the day after Pope got hurt.” Max started to tell the story and rolled her eyes once JJ got closer to Max and a huge proud smile appeared on his face. “I hate you...”
“I know you deep down love me. But please, continue with the story. We all want to hear you tell it.” He said and Max rolled her eyes, before continuing with the story.
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blushing-starker · 4 years
hiii darling!! saw you were a bit desperate for smth sweet and good so!!💗💗
i’ve sent this prompt to jae before, but i still adore the idea of little peter being in daycare and developing a fever! and daddy tony brings him to daddy stephens practice where he works as a family doctor. and so lil peter gets examined by his own daddy and cries in the cutest and most heart aching way when dada gives him an injection to bring down his fever🥺🌡
but tony comforts him of course!
“dada had to do that so you’ll feel better, baby.”
“i’ll see you later today at home, petey. i’ll bring you something yummy from the store, okay? now, go along with papa and cuddle loads with him till i get back home. that’s doctor dada’s orders.” - raf🐇
here you go! The first part while I crank out the second part. I know you read it already but I wanted to at least post it. Thanks for sending me the ask dear! I really appreciate it! 💓
It starts on Monday in the sandbox during recess. Peter doesn't really hang out in the small park right next to the classroom, prefers the cool temperature of the library where Miss Maria often turns a blind eye to his antics involving a screwdriver and the dismantling of any electronic device he and Ned can get their hands on. MJ, just a year older, is halfway sure the librarian purposely leaves old toys on the lowest shelf, but she isn't a snitch and it's, don't tell anyone though, fun to spend time watching the two boys figure out a way to pry open clocks.
His daddies are overjoyed their boy is like them, enamoured by how things work and how they could improve such things with the minimum of resources. In fact, Tony cried while talking over the phone with his mother, eager to tell Maria how her grandson replaced the wheel of a car the daycare was about to throw out in a few days. Peter, ever vigilant, had run to his daddy, afraid he was hurt or sad. He'd thrust the car into Tony's hand to make him feel better and Stephen's absolutely ridiculous husband sobbed harder while nearly suffocating their child in a hug. Maria sent Tony's old engineering kit from when he was a child and their Kleenex ran out the minute Peter wandered over to poke at it.
Stephen shouldn't tease Tony too much. After all, the doctor spent more time bragging about his little boy's intelligence than he did discussing his patients’ conditions. And maybe, just maybe, he sobbed in the bathroom when Ned came for a sleepover and loudly proclaimed his best friend had comforted another classmate when they fell and hurt their knee. Apparently, Peter had sent Ned to warn Miss Wanda while he calmly explained that all they had to do was elevate the area, clean with soap, wrap a Hello Kitty bandaid on the wound, get ice on it and be attentive to any signs of fever.
The whole thing was exactly, word for word, what Stephen had told Peter when his boy tripped on the sidewalk and roughed up a knee. Tony found him sniffling while cleaning out old anatomy books that suspiciously appeared in Pete's bedroom the next day.
They don't talk about it. But now the whole family has a bet on what the young boy's profession will be.
Yes, his daddies are happy he's shown an interest in their fields of study. Yes, they want him to explore and learn and have fun with different subjects. Thing is, they also know how important it is for a child to go outside and play with others. An intake of vitamin D was very good for a growing boy.
(That's bull, they would have gladly given ten thousand toys to Maria Hill for her to leave around the library so the trio could dismantle them. But then Miss Wanda cornered them in the hall and told them that no, Peter also needs a bit of sun and some interactions with people besides Ned, MJ and Shuri, a girl from another group who also liked the library. They begrudgingly agreed.)
So Monday morning after waffles drenched with too much syrup Stephen chooses to ignore are devoured by two sets of grabby hands, Peter’s daddies gently suggest he spend a few minutes playing outside with the others.
Peter pauses, screwdriver in midair and toy car set down on the table with careful movements. There's a little furrow between his brows, so identical to Stephen's that Tony wants to kiss both his boys for being the cutest people in the world. He refrains from doing so because ‘Peter needs to know when we're being serious, Tony, and that means no kisses during serious conversations’.
“Have,” oh no, their boy is chewing his lip, abort mission, abort, “have I been bad, dadas?”
Tony accidentally rams his elbow into his husband's ribs when pouncing on Peter and Stephen is very close to considering divorce. “No! No, baby, you've been good all month. Promise. Daddy and dada just want you to get a bit of sun, play around with the others for a few minutes and then sneak off into the library.”
“ Tony, that isn't what we agreed, oh Christ. “ This elbow jab was on purpose. Stephen stumbles out his chair, muffles the curse words against the kitchen counter while his horrible partner cradles Pete's face and presses kisses all over the boy desperately trying not to stab his daddy with the screwdriver.
“Don't listen to dada, you can spend five minutes out and then visit Miss Hill.”
“ Who? “ That scrunch is back and Tony loves Peter more than anything in the world. Well. No, he loves kissing Peter more than anything in the world. The boy giggles, reciprocates as much as he can until Tony cheats and tickles soft skin under a cotton sweater.
“Miss Maria, Tony. They call her by her first name instead of the last name. I'm getting some ice. Jesus, do you sharpen that thing?”
He can be a good boy. He's a good boy. Five minutes outside. Peter can be outside while Ned’s in the bathroom and MJ heats up her lunch for the day.
(Ned and Pete had the daycare mac and cheese; their bestie preferred homemade pizza.)
It's not that he dislikes the park; it's a cool park! There are slides and hiding spots and swings and trees for shade and the wheel that they're only allowed to be on if the teacher's controlling the speed. But the library is always slightly cold and full of adventure.
Sometimes they read a Star Wars book series laid on the floor in a circle with blankets and pillows Miss Maria brings them. If the trio feels tired, Shuri invites them over to the movie area her friends have set up with Disney films queued up. When their spirits are higher, electronics prepare to be dismantled.
Still. He can be good. And, besides Flash who doesn't really get along with him, all of Peter's classmates are nice and fun. The only problem is where to spend, Loki!
Peter runs to the sandbox, jumps over the bridge to a slightly odd looking Loki that's waving his hands in a general ‘no, don't run at me, slow down’ motion. He's too excited to not tackle the teenager that helps Miss Wanda during recess by entertaining twenty kids with wild tales full of magic and wonder.
Hands that never warm up that much immediately curl around a small body and there's a weakened chuckle buried in Peter's fluffy hair. “Hello, little puppy. Odd seeing you without your two companions. Odd seeing you at all, really, since that cute nose of yours is always buried in a toy or book.”
Pete smashes his face into a soft shirt, loves how safe Loki makes him feel with his hugs and hair ruffling. He likes Thor, too, although he prefers the younger brother a lot more. Which Stephen says is a bit unfair since the only reason Thor can't hang out with him as much as Loki does is because the blonde trains during recess with Sif and the others in the wrestling team.
Loki can change his voice a lot; a gift very few have, Peter's grandma once mentioned, and even fewer people use it well. Miss Wanda tries to take them to all the school plays so they can cheer on the others and break routine, but the first graders are very adamant on which theatre kid they love most. Thor's brother could paint the air and make even the most boring speech exciting to hear. Peter was obsessed, dragged his daddies to every play Loki was in and pleaded for a picture afterward. Not that he had to ask for long; the youngest of three would often take multiple shots with Peter before anyone else could even come close to him.
You could say Pete was Loki's number one fan. Which meant he knew how to distinguish between Loki's voices. After the face smashing ritual, he peeled away to squint at cheeks too pale and eyes too red. Relatively tiny fists curled around black cloth.
“Are you hurt, Loki?”
“Not at all, sweet puppy. I'm just sick. Thor and I went back home on Saturday and we seem to have caught a cold. Which is why it's probably better you don't stand so close, wouldn't want you getting sick. My parents decided we should stay home, but I left one of my books here, the one about Viking stories, remember, last Friday and came to pick it up. “
He remembers the book, a heavy thing with a leather cover and wolves drawn on pale paper every few pages. The story about Thor dressing up and tricking the giants is Peter's favorite. Imagining his Thor wear a bride's veil tends to make him giggle.
“So I can't have a kiss?” He pouts, peers at Loki through dark eyelashes, even wobbles a pink lip when it looks like he won't get what he wants. It works as soon as tears cloud his eyes. Like daddy, like son.
The teen sighs, leans down to plant a single kiss on Peter's forehead when a classmate nearby falls into the pit, sand goes up Loki's nose and the dark haired boy sneezes all over Peter.
It takes an hour for him to start sniffling and complain about cotton in his head. Thirty minutes after that, Ned catches him wiping a runny nose with a sleeve. Said sleeve is completely drenched in less than a class’ duration. Miss Wanda calls Tony in to pick his boy up during a midday meeting he couldn't care less about as soon as the teacher says ‘it looks like a cold and he shows symptoms of a fever’.
He probably breaks ten driving laws in the span of fifteen minutes, but that's insignificant when you're friends with Mayor Rogers and your husband fixes up the arm of one Mr Rogers-Buchanan. Tony crashes into the principal's office, deflates with relief when he sees principal Fury teaching Peter how to unscrew a cabinet infamous for being creaky.
“And now I spray a little oil so it doesn't make the weird noises?”
“ That's right, now we take the can, spray just a tiny bit, like I showed you, that's good. Remember to always have a paper towel nearby in case it drips. Those are some very nice pants you have on and I'd hate to see them stained. “ Peter sticks his tongue out, carefully dabs under the oiled up hinge, motions a fond looking Fury to hand him the screwdriver, and gets to work.
Tony leans against the doorway, shushes his friend and Peter's godmother, Nat, when she comes in with coffee for Fury. They stay there, take it all in and realize Pete's growing up. They also realize they might win the bet.
“Ow! Gosh darn it, pinched my finger while getting the cabinet adjusted.” Fury sucks his finger, is probably running through much darker curse words in his head when Peter gently plucks his finger out and presses it against the cold side of a water bottle Miss Wanda most likely gave him to help the fever.
“Ice helps the inflammation, principal Fury. If it doesn't go down, and I don't think it will cuz this is just cold and doesn't have any ice in it, you should eat a snack and take some medicine. “ Tony swears he's never seen Fury more proud or pleased than in that moment.
“Your daddy tell you that, Peter?’
“ Oh no, sir. Daddy can't really, uh, his mind is too busy thinking about building robot bodies to think about human bodies. Don't tell anyone, but grandma says she saw him put butter on his elbow after he knocked it on the door. “
“Really? How old was he? Maybe he was small and didn't know any better.”
“ That was last week, principal Fury. Dada's the one that taught me all about the human body. Daddy couldn't figure out our medicine cabinet with an instructions manual and a Youtube tutorial. “
Tony clears his throat while Fury’s busy howling against the carpeted floor and Natasha cackles on her way to the infirmary.
“Hey, baby. Daddy's here to take you to dada’s.”
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Working For Love: A TerrorMoo Story 6/17
Ahhhh my lungs hate me. >.< But I hope to be better for tomorrow. Anyways, please enjoy this new installment! 
Previous Part
Start from the beginning
Brian was going to kill Luke.
“Why is he on the treadmills, anyways?” The sour tone he used didn’t hide any of his irritation at the scene playing out in front of him. Normally, getting to walk into his shift to see Brock there was a great way to start his day. Tyler had already given up on the expectation that the first twenty minutes of his time wouldn’t be spent saying hello to Brock and catching up on pointless conversation. It was the expectation now, and since Tyler had a habit of giving all of the harder clients to him, Brian felt he’d earned his time with Brock. So when he parked his car next to the toyota camry that he knew to be Brock’s, he had a bit more of a grin on his face walking into work.
But that quickly lost its shine when seeing Luke casually chit chatting with Brock on the treadmills. 
“You know he is allowed to work-out here, right? Same as all the other employees who work here.” Evan’s ability to point out useless information didn’t make any of Brian’s irritation drop, eyes narrowing at the laugh Brock let out over something the grinning asshole had said to him. 
“Tell your boyfriend to come get his lapdog,” Brian snapped out, glancing around as if expecting the idiot to appear on command.
“He’s not my boyfriend, and he can’t because he’s getting my oil changed.” Evan answered the question without embarrassment, eyes glued to his phone screen. He was probably texting Jonathan even as they talked about him.
“How are you two not fucking?” 
“Cause he won’t ask.” Years ago, when Evan and Jonathan first met after Luke got his trainer job at Tyler’s gym, talking about sex with a guy would have made him freak out. The gay awakening process between his co-worker had been painful but hilarious to be a part of. Brian had done his best to support and tease Evan through the whole thing. He had to admit that Evan choosing Jonathan’s fumbling, messy personality over Luke’s put together, flirty persona had been a swerve he hadn’t expected, but now it only made sense. Jonathan and Evan looked good as a pair, and their sexual chemistry (despite never having sex and only kissing when they got drunk) was off the charts. Fate seemed destined to put them together. 
It’d only take another twenty years for them to do something about it. 
“I have blue balls for you. Seeing you be so-” His rant cut off when Brock’s laugh entered the air again, making his head snap over to the treadmills. Brock’s cheeks were flushed, but it wasn’t from the cool down he was casually strolling through. It seemed to be from Luke, who didn’t understand that the arms of the machines were not meant to be crossed over when he leaned closer to Brock to say something. Brock had his shy aura still up, but he didn’t show any hint of anxiety at Luke’s closer proximity. 
Brian was going to lose his mind. 
“Hey, question.” Tyler didn’t notice (or maybe he didn’t care) about stepping in front of Brian’s view, blocking Luke’s blatant flirting with Brock. “What the fuck do I pay you two for? Because the spray bottles by the bikes are empty, and I see you two hanging out behind the counter like you’re jerking each other off.” 
“That’s Brian’s zone.” Evan threw him under the bus with no remorse, not even looking up from his phone. Brian normally would give a snarky remark, but the task would give him an excuse to walk by Brock and Luke. He practically leaped over the counter without explanation, rushing by the narrowed glare of Tyler.
“On it, boss.” 
“Why do I know that’s bullshit?” Tyler’s grumble was stratigically ignored by Brian when he scurried through the gym, feeling his shoes skid on the floor from how quickly he stopped in front of Brock and Luke. 
“Having fun?” He really sounded like a jealous boyfriend, if he gave the thought more than a second of his time. Naturally he didn’t, keeping his attention on the bright eyes now looking at him from the treadmill. Brock looked more happy than surprised, and the smile he gave helped push back some of the negative vines growing around Brian’s heart.
“Hey. You didn’t come say hi today, I was wondering what was up.” 
“You miss me?” He asked, hoping the tease of his tone would hide his own heart’s extra beat. Brock had come to expect him to visit, and having someone look forward to his greeting was nice. 
“Like sand in a desert.” But Luke ruined their wonderful moment by being witty and charismatic. Brock’s eyes left Brian to take in Luke’s side grin, a look that Brian himself liked to use to play up his charm. It was annoying and frustratingly good-looking on Luke, and Brian wanted to smother it with his own hands. “How come you never told him about my kickboxing class?”
“Because he didn’t ask,” Brian answered quickly, knowing too much of his annoyance showed by the arched eyebrow Luke sent back. Brock seemed more confused as the conversation continued, eyes flickering between them while staying quiet. 
“Haven’t seen around the bags lately, either. Too busy spending all your time in here, though I’m getting the feeling I know why.”
“Yeah, cause I can already beat you without the training.” It was a statement that really didn’t have any backing; Brian was in good shape, but Luke was a trained boxer and he’d never beaten him in a match. Luke’s snort of a laugh made Brian’s hackles rise and his frown set in, hands clenched in fists beside him.
“We could go right now, if you’re feeling ballsy. Might be a little embarrassing if I kick your ass in front of our new friend, though.” Brock wasn’t Luke’s friend. He’d only talked to him for a half hour, which meant he hadn’t even scratched the surface of Brock’s amazingness! There was so much to Brock that couldn’t be shoved into one little conversation. Brian had been talking with him for months now, and he still felt he’d barely scratched the surface. So for Luke to claim a friendship was just dumb. He wanted to say as much, too, but Brock finally found his voice and intervened. 
“Can I have my lesson today?” The blurt out didn’t seem thought out, if the look of horror that crashed over Brock’s face was any indication. Also, logic would claim that Brock asking for a private lesson after he already did his workout didn’t make sense. But like the stubborn man Brian had come to know (because he’d talk to him more than 30 minutes), Brock held his head high and kept his eyes on Brian’s face. “If you have time, I mean.” 
“I’d make time if I didn’t.” 
The comment was too honest, and he probably would get ribbed for it later when Luke told their group. He could already see his co-worker yanking his phone out to probably text the group chat about his lame reply. But Brock’s eyes widened slightly, not with embarrassment or fear, but a look of awe that made the corniness worth it. The back of his mind wondered if anyone in Brock’s past had put him first; he never did himself, and always looked so stunned at the smallest of favors Brian did for him. There was a softness in the face looking down at him from the treadmill that showed more than just surprise; it was naive gratitude. Like for some reason, Brock didn’t get that he deserved to be put first. 
“You got something in mind?” Brian asked, and it took Brock a moment to pull out of his reverie and glance away. 
“I didn’t know if you had any other yoga poses that helped out with anxiety. I tend to have a lot of that, and… it just seemed to help.” Brian grinned at Brock’s sudden shyness, something he only seemed to really pull out around him. It made their moments feel more special, like Brock was tentatively aware his time with Brian was different. It certainly was for the trainer, who held out his hand and boldly led Brock off the treadmill for no reason other than wanting to. 
“Sure. Let’s go grab a room and work out some of that energy.” Luke’s comment of ‘texting that too, Casanova’ was ignored by Brian, focused on the way Brock’s fingers twitched against his own. Despite their nervous motions, Brock didn’t pull the touch away, letting Brian lead him. The pace they took to get to the back room was slow, but if Brock caught onto Brian’s altered speed, he stayed mum. Brian’s smile refused to stay as discreet, wide and proud while making sure anyone in the gym could see the moment his fingers slipped between Brock’s. The feeling was nice, and the ghost of Brock’s palm tingled against his own long after Brock had left the gym. 
It was almost enough to stop the groan of embarrassment from sprouting from his chest when seeing the 103 messages in the group chat about ‘Brian’s alpha stand-off’ with Luke. Luke spared no details of the re-telling, leaving Brian open to all the torment of his co-workers. One of them had even taken a picture of Brian leading Brock off the treadmill (the angle implied Evan, though he couldn’t prove it). He didn’t think it could get any worse; then Scotty’s memes started pouring in.
No, Brian wasn’t going to kill Luke; he was going to kill everyone.
Here you go! Sorry about the delay, I hope the two chapters make up for it. So as always, please like, reblog, and let me know what you think! <3
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