#and then i barely remember the movie itself lol.
misterradio · 9 months
Hey what are some cool old films you reccomend? You seem tohave a few
[CRACKS MY KNUCKLES] hi ::-) here are some relatively old films that i like, and a bit of commentary 👍 you (might) know me, i like drama and horror movies so expect that.
right off tha bat The Cabinet of Dr Caligari [1919 or 1920???] and Metropolis [1921] are classics and required viewing. okay.
The Adventures of Pinocchio [1911]- i know what I just said about horror movies but this one made me laugh a lot because its so absurd so it gets a spot on here. Warning for racism about native americans around the middle point i think.
Different from the Others [1919]- A (now incomplete) German drama about a gay couple struggling through adversity. Probably the first pro-gay film, theres so much heart in this movie, its amazing to be able to watch (most of) it more than 100 years after its premier..!!
M [1931]- German crime movie about the search for a local serial killer. Sometimes slow but also intriguing... The use of a character having a musical leitmotif is really neat!
Dràcula [1931]- There are two Universal Dracula movies: The classic english one with Lugosi, and a spanish one filmed on the same sets but with different actors. I think i liked the spanish version more and its a fun slice of movie history to see their differences ::-)
Rope [1948]- Also a crime drama but the plot hinges on whether or not the main characters get caught. Watched this several times, i just love the tension, the homosexuality, also farley granger (who plays philip) is so pretty ::-)
The Fly [1958]- Creature feature about a guy whose experiments in teleportation go wrong. its fun to contrast this against the 1986 movie bc theyre so utterly different in execution, but the same in their core. both are fun if u enjoy watching a guy lose his humanity.
Eyes without a Face [1960]- French horror movie about a woman who is horribly scarred in an accident, and how her father deals with it. Sort of more on the mellow side for horror?
Carnival of Souls [1962]- Horror movie abt a woman who moves away to a city in Utah for a job as an organist. Deliciously atmospheric and psychological!!!<3 mary henry, more liek... marry me...
i like watching classics but one thing i have noticed is that often times classic movies are not great. they can be pretty hit or miss. but it is totally up to you to decide what hits and what misses.
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abby118 · 10 months
A (probably) speculative question, if you dont mind.
Do you know how many miles long the Rainbow Bridge is from it's starting point in the city/palace to it's end point at Himinbjorg?
I read on the wiki that in the MCU, Asgard is about the size of the continental United States, which made me realise we see only a fraction of it on film. And that got me thinking about the dimensions of the city. And the population and where they live. We know so little about Asgard.
Hey Anon, thank you so much for giving me another opportunity to ramble about Asgard!
First, let's take a look at the view from Himinbjorg AND the palace:
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As you can see, The Rainbow Bridge is very long and Himinbjorg is so far away it looks like a mere dot. When in reality, the structure itself is massive. Here you can see Heimdall standing inside for size comparison. The bridge is also quite wide.
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Now, let's look at Valaskjalf: The palace is ginormous (these pillars right here are chambers, as seen in the scene where Frigga fights with Malekith- one of them is hers, and they can be barely seen when looking from the city's borders)
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The entrance in the lower middle used to be the throne room before they moved it higher up and that is a great example of how big the halls are
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Now for the entrance gate-
This entire section right here is BEHIND the gate.
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As you can probably tell by now, the gate is outside the city.
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Here is the size of their horses for comparison
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This one shows the bridge connecting to the palace
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While I cannot give you the exact number as it is not stated anywhere (not even in norse mythology) and I don't plan on spending my morning calculating how long a horse is and how many would fit lol, I think this is a good way of seeing just how big Asgard is. Remember, the realm is much bigger than the city. There are mountains surrounding it which were not really shown or explored apart from some brief scenes in Ragnarok (but I prefer to not treat that movie as canon on anything else but the look of the realm)
(a post about the palace here)
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diwatopia · 4 months
★ pass on ; remus lupin.
info: comfort, ghost!remus lupin x gn!reader, under 1k. warnings: ghosts, mention of dead body, amateur detective!reader lol.
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you live with a ghost, more specifically the ghost of one remus lupin.
if we're being completely honest, you're not even sure how you can see him, let alone live with the poor sod. he's sweet though, probably the sweetest man you've lived with, even if it's against both of your wills.
"what movie are we watching tonight, dovey?" he asks, hovering over the chipped wood of the apartment's floorboards.
he sits next to you on the sofa, limbs something akin to what a tangled mess with yours would look like. "hm, no movie tonight. maybe good omens, how does that sound?" you whisper, lazily curling into his side, well as best as you can manage, that is.
"sounds perfect. been meaning to re-watch season two by now," he hums in agreement, cheeks puffed out like a child as he exhales deeply.
"should we watch a season one refresher?" you ask with a cheeky grin and remus knows this smile all too well. it's more of a 'let's-rewatch-our-favorite-show-again-even-though-we-did-a-watchathon-weeks-ago' type of grin.
he snorts, shrugging. "not like i have much to do outside of the apartment anyways." he attempts to joke but it falls flat, his eyes drooping in disappointment at the remembrance of his ghostly being.
there's nothing that stops the frown from melding itself onto your lips, gazing up at him with an empathetic coo.
"we'll get a break in the case soon, rem." you whisper, tilting your head up to look at him with an assuring expression. you scramble to pause the intro that plays on the telly.
remus sighs, "i-i don't remember anything at all though. it's difficult to remember those last moments, let alone where my body is. maybe... we should give up, dove." his voice cracks slightly, as if about to cry but he quickly covers it up like he was clearing his throat.
"no, absolutely not. i'm not giving up on you, let alone stopping you from finally resting after all these years. you deserve it, remus." you urge, attempting to hold his hand but your very much alive body just glides right past his, your grimace matches his.
silence blankets over the apartment like a thick quilt, slightly suffocating yet so unbelievably warm that perhaps you wouldn't mind not leaving if it meant being this cozy with remus.
"i won't give up on you," you repeat.
remus catches your fixed look on him, crooked smile barely gracing his lips but hey, a smile nonetheless. "there's my rem..." you coo softly, watching as his cheeks turn a soft strawberry hue.
"i'll get you out of here," you assure him one last time.
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★ diwa's notes: haiii sorry for this late ass post, i've been (tw: depression) mega uber super duper depressed but i'm trying to get back into wanting to write. perhaps i'll do a pt 2 for this??? idkkkk
© hobietopia 2024.
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pairing: shuri x singer!black reader
warnings: swearing and fading relationship between reader and her boyfriend
a/n: as you can tell, i was definitely inspired by Zay’s own writing (the title has magically excused itself from my brain (i’m thinking lemonade, but i don’t wanna fuck up) my apologies, but i’m gonna blame that on finals). i loved the chapters and it inspired me to write something after a year. those euphoria requests wore me out lol. also, i don’t mention the death of anyone in this story. it didn’t happen…okay? okay! i might do a backstory to this? I’m not really sure, but we’ll see. i hope you enjoy babes!
words: 1.4k + not proofread
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let's pretend we never met. a good excuse to play forget. let's pretend you never lied, so i can give it up all night, swallow my pride, and learn to forgive. when i'm looking for love i pretend it's you. a love that never ends.
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the bed was cold, your lace band was on snug, and the food you cooked for your boyfriend of 2 years was cold.
and after all that damn cooking?
he could throw away the food and clean the dish he didn’t get to eat.
2 years and this was life. you used to bask in each others presence, go on dates, write poems together, make appearances, but now?
now you barely saw him because he was rehearsing lines with his new costar and you were trying to finish your album.
he didn’t look at you the same anymore, the house was cold, and those i love you’s we’re definitely empty.
you were perfect and just like that it was gone.
pretending like you were fine was the only thing you two had in common.
you remember one morning darius got a call stating he nailed his audition and filming would start soon. that night you two attended a movie premiere then at the after party you met t’challa and he introduced you to his sister, shuri.
now it was forced smiles on the red carpets, powdering your face after cry sessions, lying for him, and him avoiding questions about you slyly.
real enough.
now shuri, your producer for your upcoming 3rd studio album, she knew better.
she watched you write the songs, cry mid recording, consoled you when you came in with puffy eyes and swollen lips, fed you when you realized it had been some time between your last meal due to the fast paced life…she picked up the pieces.
and she hated it because she’s in love with you.
��okay! okay! but sza? ctrl literally raised me…sos is gonna eat.” you proclaimed to shuri one night after recording one song and touching up two others. it was crunch time and your label and fans wanted the album soon.
laughing at your seriousness she put the pho she had ordered down. the light you got in your eyes while speaking on the popular album was so cute to her.
you loved this shit as much as she did.
you were raw. letting each emotion out in each song and showcasing your life to shuri before showing it to those who supported you and your craft. you didn’t put on a facade in front of her even after you had been pretending for awhile.
“for me uh…” shuri paused to think after her giggles died down. she licked her bottom lip before flicking her eyes to yours. “definitely ego death by the internet. they raised me and i hope that their next album isn’t their last. i’d scream out to bast.” she started giggling again with you joining in.
two beautiful women discussing a mutual love.
“hey y/n. listen baby, i’m gonna be late, but i promise i didn’t forget.” you could hear aeva, darius’s costar, giggling in the back. “see you soon, love you.” he quickly said before the recording clicked in an ending.
according to him he wasn’t with her intimately, but you knew him. he was drawing away for awhile, way before this role. you wanted the peace of not caring or wondering what he was doing. wondering if what he once felt for you was what he felt for her just times ten.
in that moment, with tears in your bottom lash line and legs criss crossed sitting in the large black satin bed, you knew him coming home in a few hours, waking you up with sex and sorry’s you’ve learned not to believe wouldn’t cut it this time.
it hurt so bad to know that you were done.
it hurt more to know you gave up, not that the love died. you had already grieved on that. you tried so hard, but it takes two.
but you were so happy because you’d be able to address those growing feelings you had for a certain wakandan producer.
those feelings you suppressed to honor what was left of your expiring relationship.
all of that was over. you decided it.
climbing out of the king sized bed, you made your way to the bathroom. after cleaning up your face and sighing at the water clumped lash extensions, you decided you needed to shower to sooth the ache you felt simmer in your heart.
while rinsing the soap off of you, you realized your bedroom would make you feel suffocated. you needed to leave.
the only place close by though? shuri’s studio.
quickly drying off, moisturizing, putting on deodorant, and changing into a light pink crochet top, panties, black shorts, and the most beat up pair of crocs you owned, it was almost time to go.
a purse and jacket on one arm with your phone and keys in the other hand led you downtown.
shuri was up playing with beats. you needed one more song on the album before your label would review it and decide on the next steps.
she didn’t want the hard work you had done to not be cleared. this final beat would put you and her in the spotlight. this album was your baby and in a way, hers too.
she hadn’t heard griot announce your presence as she nodded her head to the beat, but she acknowledged your existence when she smelt your signature scent overwhelm her nostrils.
you definitely noticed her. she smelt so good and looked even better. her curls hung in front of her face, different vibranium rings across all 10 fingers, wearing low hanging sweats, and a tight beater that helped show off her lean, but muscular frame.
“y/n?” she called turning around. by the look of your eyes her heart dropped, but she could notice a different kind of look on your face compared to what she usually saw associated with that feature.
“what’s wrong, entle? kukho into ayenzileyo?” she asked stopping the beat, queuing a different track, and grasping your hands.
you smiled at her urgency. she was always so sweet to you.
“shuri you know i’m still learning. i only caught you calling me beautiful.” you teased with a smile. her heart didn’t feel as heavy anymore with that look. it wasn’t forced, just playful.
“kukho into ayenzileyo, i asked did he do something?” shuri said with a light smile and knowing eyes. yours darkened a bit before you looked away and contemplated on the best way to tell her.
“he promised he wouldn’t miss dinner again, he did and it’s because he wants to be with her.” shuri frowned at his actions.
“i can’t take this anymore so i’ve decided when he comes home i’ll let him know we’re done. i’m going to make sure he gets a good mover for his items and i find a good locksmith so he can’t come back.” you revealed. saying it out loud made you feel lighter.
“i’m giving it all up. i choose me and my happiness.” you whispered as she brought you into her chest. the slight jolt she endured as a result of you slamming into her made her bump the play button and start the last song you recorded together.
let’s pretend that we bout to break up…to catch the feelings so we can make up…
“i’m…i’m proud of you! this whole album was you baring it all and finding yourself…this might be the end of a chapter. you’re stepping into a new book.” shuri spoke to you. she was tired of picking up the pieces he broke. she was tired of seeing you try to fix them.
let’s pretend i ain’t your friend so we can get it on again.
“ndiyakuthandana.” she whispered her love to you.
so we can get it on again. let’s pretend we never met, a good excuse to play forget.
“nam ndiyakuthanda” you whispered right back.
i pretend it’s you…that i’m in love with…
a tattooed hand gripped the side of your face before shuri questioned you.
“you mean that shit?” she lowly whispered.
you looked into her dark eyes and thought about everything. the first session, your recent session, the parties, the conversations, the outings, the meals you ate together, the secrets you told, the feelings you shared, everything you’ve experienced with her or because of her you wouldn’t trade.
you did mean it.
a thousand times you’d say yes.
with a nod from you shuri lifted your head from her chest and kissed you.
she’s been waiting for it.
that kiss was one of many that night. clothes left on the soundboard, seven mixed calls and a few texts left from darius ignored, the sun started to come up, and a new life was brewing on the horizon.
pretending led you to what you really wanted.
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waynes-multiverse · 1 year
Drunk and/or high sex? W/ Dean or Jensen 😇🙏🏼
A/N: Picked Jensen for this since I already had a bunch of Dean requests! I imagined New Orleans in summer for this and thought the "love drug" was quite fitting. It was kinda inspired by the story of how Alison Brie started things with Dave Franco, which she told in a recent interview. Thought that was hilarious, so of course I had to use it. Hope you enjoy! 💜
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female!Reader
Warnings: +18/NSFW, drinking & drugs (weed & mdma), flangst, smut (thigh riding, p in v)
Word Count: 1.4k (I'm really trying here lol)
Main Masterlist || Dirty Drabbles Masterlist
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Lavender Haze
There’s a visible haze flowing through the room, a midnight blue veil with particles of shimmering glitter in between that glistens like the night sky outside the French window. It feels surreal, like the fabric of the stars itself is blanketing you, enveloping your entire being as his plump lips touch every inch of your skin, ignite it as he worships your body. The entire universe is suddenly in your room.
The air smells of sweat, a mixture of drinks lingering on your breaths, and the damp summer heat that filters in through the open window despite the cool night air. You can’t remember how you got back to your hotel; too many shots have been downed tonight to care. Did you take a cab? Did you walk the busy streets till you landed back here? All of the above?
All you remember is the laughs, the music, the drinks, and the joint you shared with a friend in a dark alley. You never thought in your wildest dreams you’d land here – with him. More drinks flowed, his irresistible smile blinded you, and a few clumsy touches of his hands on places where he had never touched you before kindled your heart and soul. He was a kid playing with matches, too stupid, too innocent to know what he was doing, what dangerous game he started to play, and you were drunk enough to set both your bodies ablaze without wasting a second thought on it.
It was a harmless text from your friend that started this whole mess: Jensen – I think you should hit that tonight. Of course, your blurry mind thought it was a glorious idea. After all, you had wanted this, wanted him for a long time now.
You never thought he’d say yes, but if you were honest with yourself, you were always scared to ask in case he did agree to your insanity, knowing you weren’t good enough, knowing you’d only ruin it, knowing you could never dream this big. Maybe that’s why you posed the most outlandish question you could think of, hoping with certainty he’d deny your request and gently turn you down.
“I have a Molly… Wanna split it and have some fun in my hotel room?”
It wasn’t like him to agree to something like this. Maybe you’ve always been a bad influence on him, but you were still majorly surprised when he didn’t even blink. He just smirked at you and nodded like it was the million-dollar question he’d been waiting for.
And yes, maybe you knew he wanted you just the same, knew he harbored a crush on you for years, knew he craved the same things you craved. It’s been written in the stars since the two of you met and caught each other’s eyes for the very first time. But call it Southern gentlemanliness or whatever, in all these years, he never made a single move – not obvious ones, at least. True to form, he was never pushy, always waiting for your pull. And God, once you handed him that rope, he lassoed you like the coolest cowboy and tied you up good.
When your back hits the door, your lungs are barely able to catch a breath as Jensen is on you the second you enter the hotel room, scared if he gave you any wriggle room, you’d leave, even though you’d never dream of it. His ample lips find yours first, claiming you in a bruising kiss that leaves you speechless. You’ve kissed before, sharing the odd professional movie kisses between your characters on a set with an audience, but this kiss is entirely different.
Real. Raw. Breathtaking.
Then, his sinful lips trail down your jaw, find your throat, and mark your pulse point purple, green, and blue. His addicting hands have been on you nonstop since you each downed that little love drug with a bottle of water. It started with minute touches – his large palm on the small of your back when he guided you out of the bar, his warm hand on your knee in the back of the cab, his fingertips trailing up and down your spine in the elevator, and by the time, you’ve unlocked the door, he was ready to downright bounce on you. He loves touching you, loves to feel your skin ignite like a chemical reaction underneath his fingertips whenever the two connect.
His aura is emerald – soft, lush, and full of hope. Relaxing. Safe.
Yours is lavender – mysterious, sensitive, and full of passion. Inspiring. Chaotic.
With every touch and every kiss, his aura intoxicates yours, infecting every vein in your body until each drop of blood feels fused to his. A haze of green and purple, inseparable by the end. It’s surreal in the best way.
The tips of your fingers tingle whenever they smooth over an inch of cinnamon-freckled skin. He’s hot to the touch, his warmth swaddling you like a snuggly blanket that feels like childhood memories and home. You never want to let go. This feeling should last forever. The strong heartbeat behind his ribs tells you he feels the same.
His knee sneaks between your legs as his hand crawls inside your panties and finds an ocean waiting for him there. His groans reverberate against your skin, your throat, your chest as you needily seek more friction on his thigh, grinding your clothed cunt against the rough denim fabric as his thick thumb strokes your clit.
“God, this is so hot… you’re so hot,” he murmurs against your neck, his free hand pushing parts of your shirt and bra down to grope one breast, pinching the nipple between his fingertips until it hardens. “Wanted this for so long… So, so long…”
“Me too,” you whisper breathlessly, your cloudy brain torn between an orgasm and a love confession.
His attacks on your tit and cunt seize and still, his head slowly rising as he finds your gaze. The look in his eyes is overflowing with surprise, desire, and hope, showing a longing that’s finally sated. The hand on your breast leaves its place and cups your cheek, caressing it with gentle care.
A smile twitches on your lips as you nuzzle your nose against his and nod. “Yeah,” you admit your secret. “Of course, it is. All I need is you. I just wanna stay here forever with you.”
Jensen’s lips curl into a smile, one that hides something behind it you can’t decipher. “Good,” he says and entangles you in a kiss so deep it leaves you breathless once more as he sucks the air from your lungs while you start to think that this might be the sweetest death you could’ve ever imagined.
His hands grab your thighs, lift you up until your legs wrap around his waist. His full-grown erection presses against your pussy as you grab and bite and hold onto whatever of him you can get between your hands and mouth. Clothing items drop in haste, not sure who removes what from where, but you’re positive your lips part as he enters you in one thrust until his long, thick cock is fully sheathed by your heat, stretching your walls like no one ever has before. The delicious burn, the pleasurable sting between your thighs is a new feeling you could find yourself growing quite addicted to.
“Shit, ’m sorry…,” he mumbles into the crook of your neck at his eagerness and apologizes for his temporary loss of control, which you find quite flattering as his cock throbs inside of you while his fingers gently caress your head and comb through your hair to soothe the bits of pain you feel. “I love you,” he whispers softly against your lips and claims them in the same breath.
You smile shyly, happiness wrangling with sadness inside your heart. “It’s the drugs,” you tell him and excuse his irrational behavior, having been through this circle a few times before.
However, he shakes his head with all the stubbornness he can gather and cups your cheek, thumb caringly brushing over its rosy apple. “No, it’s you, sweetheart. Promise,” he assures you.
With a thick swallow, you nod and drop a tear on his thumb pad. “Okay… I love you, too,” you accept and cry out as he pushes back inside and never stops again.
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Considering the other drabbles I did up till now and the nature of this request, this turned out oddly romantic and sweet *pats self on back* 🥰
Tag Lists:
Everything J: @extraterrestriali @this-is-me19 @writercole @awkward-and-indecisive @eevvvaa @panicking-outside-the-disco @globetrotter28 @imherefordeanandbones @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @xlynnbbyx @jassackles @maggiegirl17 @perpetualabsurdity @deans-spinster-witch @deandreamernp @foxyjwls007 @roseblue373 @lyarr24 @deanwanddamons @deanwithscissors @mrsjenniferwinchester @justrealizedimmascifygurl @akshi8278 @flamencodiva @chriszgirl92 @wittyboldsoul @djs8891 @leigh70 @snowlovespie @b3autyfuldisast3r @ladysparkles78 @muhahaha303 @mimaria420 @creepzeyecandy @iamsapphine
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thatonebirdwrites · 3 months
Why are date chapter so hard to write? Like heavens, this was difficult. Hopefully it is cute fluff and y'all enjoy it. Whew.
Glad to move on to a non-date chapter. lol
Lena knows how to fall. 
She recalls vividly the whistling of wind in her ears during potential assassinations. She can calculate the exact moment when she’d hit terminal velocity. Or the amount of force exerted on her body when she collides with the ground. 
Or the times her helicopter or plane is shot down, and she’d fallen, trapped in a tin can. There she calculates where pressure and gravity shears seams, the breakage potential for more deadly injuries. Calculating the fall keeps her mind solely in numbers and not at the reality of her situations.
But it’s not the only times she’s fallen. 
She thinks of the times she’s fallen for the lies and megalomania of her family. All because she dares to think that maybe this one time they will love her like a family should. 
She doesn’t remember falling for Jack, but she had loved him in a way. He’d been a comfort blanket, a route to escape her family, even if it never would last. It couldn’t, because she’d never been able to give him her heart. Not the way he needed. 
She definitely can’t recall falling for Andrea, but she did. She’d loved Andrea when she was a teenager, enthralled by every word Andrea said. Her betrayal stings still today. But even then, she never could give Andrea her heart. Probably for the best. 
She never fell for James. Dated him for the comfort, because she didn’t believe she could  find better. Wasn’t it good enough that someone cared enough to try dating her? He’d deserved better, and she had tried to fall for him. Yet couldn’t.
Because in all the times she’s fallen — all the danger, all the pain, all the attempts at love — she’s never been able to give all of her heart. She’s given pieces of it, only to have those pieces shattered by betrayal or death.
No amount of repair mends the shattered remnants of her heart. The glue melts, the pieces cut into her, none fit together anymore, so she tapes it all together and puts on her corporate mask. It’s how she’s survived. 
So to stand before Kara, who offers her arm with a smile, and says those ridiculous words, “Ready to board Supergirl Express?”
She stands on the precipice of another great fall. One that has her heart on the line. 
“Serious talk, do not sabotage this.” Sam’s words filter through her. 
Anger and fear war within her, and she wants to shout that she’s trying to not sabotage everything in sight. She had a truce with Andrea today. She even texted Alex on the drive over and set up a meeting for the day after therapy. To finally talk.
Now Kara wants to fly her someplace with no clue as to where. To trust blindly, and Lena doesn’t want to admit she’s scared. 
Or that she’s lying to herself. 
She tells herself that she never gave anyone all of her heart. Only small pieces here and there.
As Kara looks at her with eyes as bright as the sun-scorched sky, Lena realizes she gave Kara her heart long ago. When had she done it?
During their movie nights, cuddled into Kara’s side, sharing bowls of popcorn? 
Lunch dates, where they laughed and shared stories, eating delicious food?
Watching a sunset from her L-Corp balcony, their hands barely touching?
Or the times Supergirl caught her falling? Or when she lay in a broken plane and begged for Supergirl to save the chemicals not her? “I won’t drop you!” Supergirl had yelled back.
Or maybe it was the moment Kara confessed. Sharing her truth despite the fact the entire nation sought to apprehend Supergirl. 
Or was it the moment Kara died and Lena tore apart death itself to save her? Igniting the magic once more?
Maybe it was all those moments. 
Given again and again, unable to stop, because it’s Kara.
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the-fabulous-51 · 6 months
im curious how you envision lightning ending up in radiator springs in the human-verse. i don't think you've mentioned it in any of your fics (except maybe that one chapter of whumptober). if you have put absolutely no thought into it that ignore this lol
I spent all day thinking about this
So. I have left.... .. Many things ambiguous cause I couldn't figure out how to make it fit exactly in the human!verse side of things XD
But I, like everyone else, have Thoughts:
Let's start with the trailers: so there are some very obvious differences in my human!verse and NASCAR, though I do take a lot of inspiration from irl racing (mainly the racing aspect itself). But where a lot of NASCAR drivers fly to their races, most of the guys in the human!verse here will ride in a trailer, either in the same trailer as their cars (basically a small room just for them tucked in the very back of the trailer closest to the truck part) or in a separate trailer that's very RV-like, depending on how much $$$ the sponsors want to spend. so, for example, Dinoco obviously would go the two-trailer way if not just outright flying the King out to a race if it's far (or with Cal's run, just opt to go the RV route since the two are family and live together easier than a lot of crew chief/driver combos can), where early on Rust-Eze isn't going to or has the money to spend on buying rookie Lightning a whole other trailer, especially if he doesn't have a crew chief sharing the space with him. So for his rookie year he's staying in a small, cramped trailer room that's very reminiscent of a small, pop-up camper room if you've ever stayed in one of those. It's got the bare minimum and the door opens along the side to the outside world or directly into the trailer where the car is.
my crude representation
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The car, usually packed up by the pit crew, has to be secured by Mack this time, who is used to securing regular cargo from his past jobs and does not tie down the wheels correctly. there is no pit crew to double check and lightning, who does know how to do it properly, is too prissy to check it himself.
And lightning, being the drama (mc)queen he is, will sometimes opt to sit in the car in the trailer rather than the cramped bedroom (not that the car is any less cramped with the way the seat is but it's his happy place whether he'll admit it or not)
And same as the movie, he promises he'll stay up with Mack and falls asleep anyways, just in the driver's seat of the car (impressive, since those are Not comfy and he's still in his fire suit from earlier (stinky boy))
And same as movie, one of those toys on the shelves falls and opens the back door when Mack falls asleep behind the wheel and ends up in the rumble strips. The car, secured incorrectly, gets shaken out of the straps and starts creeping down the ramp until it ends up stock-still and facing backwards on an active highway.
Which is Bad news.
Lightning wakes to cars dodging him and he manages to start the car and whip it around in an adrenaline-fueled record time.
Mack is gone
And (because it's funny) Lightning's drivers licence is useless here (it's a Florida license and as someone who held a fl license for a while, in some places they do not give a fuck, they'll pretty much throw that thing at you and call for the next person) so it's been, oh, a few years since he's been behind the wheel of a car in a real road (I hc him as somewhere around 23-24 in the first movie) and between that and the adrenaline, he can't remember how to read the road signs to tell him where to go (and it's not like any of them are saying LA yet, theyre still a ways out.)
The rest of his chaotic journey through to RS is the same in the movie just cause that's my favorite scene in the movie and idc if it'd be impossible in real life. it's fun.
And I'm torn with Mack's side of things between not changing it and him stopping at a rest stop, getting something from inside, and as he comes back out seeing the back open and panicking bc he thinks someone stole the 95, only to then find Lightning missing and then thinking someone stole the 95 *and* kidnapped Lightning. Poor Mack.
So yeah. This was mostly me talking through the logistics of how trailers work in my human!verse but I feel like that's really important to how I imagine Lightning ending up in RS. Of course, after doc and everyone joins, Rust-Eze splurges on a whole other RV-like trailer for Lightning and Doc, with the others usually being put up in a hotel nearby or something. Rust-Eze not having an RV trailer is why in 'beginning another end' Doc and Lightning stay in a motel overnight. Even though Mack and the 95 trailer were still there, Lightning hates the little bedroom and opted to stay in a shitty motel room w Doc instead (also he has separation anxiety lol)
And in 'straight and narrow' lightning sits up in the front with poor Mack (who usually sleeps in the attached bedroom on the truck cab, which is not too dissimilar to Lightning's trailer room, just that Lightning has a smidge more standing room in his)
(So in my fics, when I say 'trailer' it's usually referring to something like an RV bus. Who drives it? Idk yall just roll with it lol)
Basically this puzzle boiled down to:
How does lightning end up separated from Mack and the trailer?
How does the car end up separated from the trailer?
How do the two get separated together?
How does Mack not notice until LA (or sooner, depending)?
I lean this way personally rather than the other popular version (also the movie writers' original version of events i believe) where lightning is accidentally left behind at a rest stop (which is also very valid!!) just because personally it doesn't answer more questions for me than it generates (but my alt events for Mack kind of pays homage to it bc it's still a very good version of events).
Lightning being separated with the car is important for obvious reasons and the og movie had a plausible swiss-cheese of events, so all I think it needs is some light tweaking before we got something just as (humanly ;)) plausible on our hands.
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I have no idea if this answers your question or if I just went on the most unhinged ramble :)
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rosiethedragongeek · 1 year
Soooo, long time no see. Anyway I'm going to Disney and was wondering if you have any head cannons of the gang there. Like what their favorite rides would be.
I'll go first. My favorite ride is the haunted mansion.
First things first, Snotlout would probably be terrified, and hide it incredibly badly. Clinging into Astrid or Fishlegs.
Hiccup is probably interested in how the ride itself works, "there's a lot of cool stuff, how does it work"
Fishlegs isn't as scared as Snotlout, but there's definitely fear there, just barely kept at bay by his curiosity much like hiccup.
Astrid couldn't care less, but enjoys the ride. She likes the killer bride part.
The twins enjoy the ride too, but much more, and much more chaotically of course. Probably relate a lot to the guy sitting on TNT in the stretching painting room, and look to Snotlout to recreate it with them. (He just flips them off)
This is the picture I mean btw.
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I'm literally so sorry that I'm getting to this so long after you actually went and it's like not crazy relevant anymore omg I got real busy for a bit there but I am here now lol
Okay, so I've been to Disney maybe twice forEVER ago, and I don't really know the rides all that well so this is gonna be more of a list of vague theme park/disney headcanons than exactly what rides they would like
Snotlout and the twins are SO excited to go like they are dragging Hiccup, Astrid and Fishlegs behind them
Hiccup and Astrid get Mickey and Minnie ears and it's very cute
The twins obviously love the roller coasters and stuff the faster the better
They go on the teacups and the twins are in one w Snotlout and they spin it around so fast that he throws up
While the rest of the gang goes on rollercoasters, Fishlegs is the one who waits for them and holds their bags
Fishlegs also constantly remind people to drink water and reapply sunblock and stuff
Snotlout complains about the slow rides and stuff but he's also terrified on the roller coasters (he screams the whole time) there's just really no pleasing him
They cannot for the LIFE of them pick a ride, the twins want to ride EVERYTHING, whatever's closest or fastest, Fishlegs planned the whole day in advance and his plans went out the window immediately, Snotlout and Astrid never want the same thing and bicker about everything and Hiccup is just trying to survive the day lol
Fishlegs is so excitable the whole time bc he loves Disney movies
He wants to get as many character signatures as possible
The twins keep trying to bribe people for their positions in line lol
Astrid also really likes the roller coasters
All of the pictures that they get from being on the roller coasters she looks totally cool like she's just sitting there or wtv
The twins are always making dumb faces or doing something stupid in the pictures (but they don't know when to expect them so they just do stupid stuff the entire time)
Snotlout and Fishlegs look like they're about to cry
Hiccup is having just so much fun he likes that it feels like he's flying
They all wanna try everything but obviously, that's a lot of food so they get one of everything and share it between all 6 of them and it leads to a lot of bickering
Fishlegs insist they take pictures in front of the castles and stuff
Fishlegs actually takes a lot of pictures throughout the day
Astrid hates waiting in line hates it so most of the rides she suggests are just whatever has the shortest wait time
Any of the rides like the like competitive shooting things ones?? idk what they're called, or if there are more than the toy story one which is the only one I remember or if that one is still there or wtv but any of those Astrid KILLS it there's just no competition
The twins are very good at those too
That’s what I’ve got for now I’m so sorry this is so late lol
ily bestie<3
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angelmichelangelo · 1 year
If we did get foot solider Mikey like we deserve what would be the whole plot exactly of it? because the premise is how Mikey feels like a failure and that his brothers don't understand him and that he feels alone how would that be excuted exactly because 1. this adds more layers to Mikey that aren't ever really utilized and 2 Raph and Leo are a big problem in this scenario because they would just blame each other throughout the whole process along with trying to get Mikey back while arguing which would upset him even more since neither can own up to their mistakes and than Donnie has to figure out how to stop everything the fighting the convincing Mikey.
ooh okay! this is just me coming up with an idea on the fly so bare with me.
so imagine the movie opens up not long since the events of the last movie. they’re moving past the whole winters situation and starting to work more as a team, notably leo and raph who are getting along again and donnie is less stressed and it takes off SUCH a huge weight off mikey’s mind because of course he was constantly worrying about whether his family would heal itself again and here they are! happy together. and then comes along that good ol’ turtle luck.
idk how shredder comes back. it’s not really ever established in the first movie, or maybe i cant remember if he died? or disappeared. but imagine he comes back. some freaky magic (either on purpose or on accident by karai depending on whether you want her to be REALLY bad after her truce in the first movie lol) and suddenly they have shredder back on their tails.
the attack comes so out of left field - imagine they’re just goofing off on a roof with a hosepipe (iykyk) and then BAM leo goes down and raph is yelling his name and there’s panic.
they’ve trained for this, but the attack catches them off guard. they’re not prepared and since they’re still finding their footing as a team again, the foot are able to get the underhand.
mikey is calling out attack ideas but leo, in a panic, isn’t taking on board of what he’s saying. neither is raph and nor is donnie, too focused on the foot, each of the brothers don’t pay much attention to what mikey is suggesting. mikey, growing fustrated as he believes his idea would work, doesn’t get a chance to play any of his plans out after he’s knocked off the roof.
the brothers try and catch him but fail, letting their brother plummet to the street below. before they can go down and get him, the shredder appears (maybe in a crack of lightning lol very dramatic) and leo is like “you????”
they fight with the shredder for a bit, leo barking out orders for one of them to slip away and go grab mike but whenever one of them tries to leave the rooftop, it’s futile, they’re stopped by the foot; made to fight and unable to reach their brother to see if he’s alright.
then, just as fast as they appeared, the foot and shredder disappear. leo thinks it’s odd, but now that the foot are out of the way, they’re rushing down to make sure mikey is alright only to realise… he’s gone.
mask, nunchucks and cell phone (for the purpose of donnie not being able to track him) all left behind, it slowly dawns on them what’s happened.
it then switches perspectives of mikey who’s slowly waking up in some cage. unsure of where he is, we see Karai stroll in, looking torn.
she tells mikey something along the lines of “i didn’t want it to have to be this way but you must understand my loyalty to the foot comes before whatever promise i made to you.”
mikey is confused like “who even are you lady? where am I?”
and karai, realising what’s happened reports back to shredder like “uh yeah he’s lost his memory i think” and shredder is like “okay. change of plans”
(he originally kidnapped one of the turtles to draw the rest of them + splinter to him but now he’s having Evil Thoughts)
so he goes to mikey like “um yes you’re a sad lonely mutant. your family didn’t want you, i saved you”
mikey tries to remember but can only recollect the last hazy memories where his brothers weren’t listening to him so he’s like “it must be true?”
ANYWAY the boys are panicking because they need to get to mikey and they’re sure it’s a trap but they don’t care cos they beat shredder before, they’ll do it again but they’re pretty taken aback when they realise getting into foot hq isn’t as easy as they though if shredder was just trying to lure them in. so like. what is his plan with mikey?
meanwhile shredder is training mike with a new pair of chucks, a black mask, he’s feeding him lies about how his family had no faith in him or wanted him in their team. mikey distresses that even if it’s true, he doesn’t want to harm anyone.
and shredder is like “oh yeah no we’re not about that here. we have honour”
meanwhile karai is unsure whether it’s a good idea what he’s doing or not. of course she’s part of the foot but in the shredders absence she was shaping it into something else and so she confronts shredder and this pisses him off and so he starts Plotting.
meanwhile the boys and splinter are making plans to get mikey back and so they sneak in to the foot hq one night, and shredder can see right through their plan but he lets them in (to which again leo is like. this is too easy something is wrong)
it’s then that shredder kills Karai (sorry karai) and shredder alerts mikey like “look what they did!! these monsters have no honor killing my Karai in her sleep like this! we have to avenge her!!”
and mikey doesn’t want to have to kill but he believes in putting his family first so he vows to avenger his “sister”.
so he goes up against leo raph and don who all are trying to get him to snap out of it once they realise what’s happening but mikey has already been warned by shredder that they might pull those kinds of tricks to get him to go with them.
basically they fight and whatever and it goes back and forth between them all, and eventually we have another rainy rooftop scene because they’re my favourite and it’s down to leo and mikey now and mikey is like “you don’t want me! shredder appreciates me!” and leo is like “he doesn’t he’s just USING you!!” mikey is torn and confused because he’s pretty sure his memories are slowly coming back.
leo apologies to mikey for not listening to him before. he apologises for putting him in danger and for the whole situation so far and then so do raph and donnie from where they’re sprawled out from where mike kicked their asses lol
and then just as mikey is about to switch sides, shredder comes out of nowhere and smacks him across the roof and leo is PISSED
all three brothers go back against shredder and they’re failing when suddenly mikey gets back up, the knock on his head giving him his memories back (because movie logic) and this time when he gives his directions and plans, they listen and execute it and they’re able to beat shredder :3
UH yeah that’s it. they go home and eat pizza and give their brother a big fat hug and it’s very happy and nothing bad ever happens to them again.
i literally made this up as a i went along so it’s missing characters and not that good but that’s just personally the kind of thing i’d like to see. idk lemme know your thoughts :)
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profanepurity · 2 years
Praeteritum One-Shots
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I’m going to level with you guys, today was ass.
So to keep content up while I work on asks and other projects, I attempted to make myself feel better by writing scenarios for drawings- which turned into me writing full fledged one- shots. Part of my job outside of freelancing is writing and editing a shit ton of papers, so I’ve been wanting to scratch that creative part of my brain in this way for a while now. I am no where near at the level of some of you amazing fanfic writers though. I did not spend a ton of time on these, so expect typos lol
Under the cut are three one-shots surrounding my Ghost Au, Praeteritum. I tried to keep them mostly fluff (since this was suppose to be therapeutic), but the spooky, horny shit bled through a bit. Your girl is a slut for a good horror movie, what can I say 🪦🔪
CW: alcohol mention, disturbing themes, 18+ ( The first one gets a tiny bit suggestive, kinda)
gif by ghoulymadge 
enjoy 🖤
This Chapel of Ritual
Nihil leading morning mass was a punishment from the devil himself. The eldest Emeritus brother stared blankly at the flames that adorned the thin candles standing upon the altar. Even they danced weakly to the hymns droning out of his father’s mouth.
Primo felt a smirk tug at the corner of his mouth as he considered how easy it would be to ignite the entire altar in unholy flame. To grip his father with terror upon the realization that the son he thought a disappointment to the bloodline was driven by silent ire. This flirtation caused those small flames to be briefly tinted red, only to return to their warm glow as Primo calmed himself with a slow exhale, barely noticable. Satanas was raging in him. His hands tightened in their clasp of eachother as he remembered the ritual he performed not hours ago last night. Blood like ice upon his skin as the night air swept through his own place of sacrament, the chants of the siblings nearly drowned by the screams of the sacrifice and the unholy howling of his ghouls in reverence for their fallen angel.
Eliza placed her hand on his and immediately Primo was pulled from his thoughts. Turning his head to her, his eyes softened. He could see the way her brow furrowed, lips pressed in a thin line. She worried so much. Lifting her hand to his mouth, Primo placed a soft kiss on her first and second knuckle, never breaking eye contact with his beloved.
He was fine.
This didn’t convince Eliza completely as she reached up to cup his cheek, minding the paint on his face. The tired latin that filled the church was merely background noise now as Primo chuckled quietly, turning to kiss her palm, then her wrist, still holding her gaze.
“Papa, you’re getting distracted.” Elizabeth leaned in to whisper to him, voice like silk. The faint scent of his own garden on her habit. It marked her as his more than the scarlet vestments that hugged her waist and breasts like sin itself.
“Forgive me. Could you repeat what he said to me, Amore? I’ll need you to lean a little closer to me.” he purrs against her neck. Suddenly her cool flesh seemed very enticing to bite.
“Primo-” Eliza hissed and pushed him back, a flustered smile painted on her face as she looked away and tried to compose herself. Her hand still held his, if not tighter now, longing to feel even a part of him against her. The color pink on his wife’s cheeks was more satisfying than any display of Hellfire to Papa Emeritus I.
Child of Her Grave
Afternoon mass with Secondo was far more pleasant. Primo had a different vantage point from his seat behind Papa on the pedestal from which he preached, where his brother allowed him to sit out of respect for the previous papa.
Contrary to what you may assume, Primo was incredibly proud of his family. Papa Secondo demanded respect with even the slightest breath he took. His gaze was sharp and decisive, resting upon his clergy in completely control and authority over the space. His eyes hunted for those brave enough to meet his gaze, those hungry for knowledge, sharing in his own desire to enrapture themselves in the gravity of the divine wisdom of Lucifer. His voice never faltered, balancing grace and power in a captivating dance.
Beside Papa Secondo stood Cardinal Emeritus Terzo. His Eminence stood with such ease as if he were within his own quarters, holding eye contact with a similar but secondary power to Secondo, always challenging but never quite crossing the line over the chain of command. Yet every eye within the pews spared a glance at the youngest Emeritus at least once. Terzo’s own eyes flicking every now and again to Papa’s Quintessence ghoul, who stood on the step below him. The demon was a terrifying sight within the moody light of the church, tail swaying slowly, arms folded nearly behind his back to hide his claws, but doing little hide the flex in his biceps. The raw strength of the ghoul intimidating enough as it, only added to with the sight of the mask that hid large fangs and piercing eyes. Omega, arguably the most powerful ghoul below ‘Alpha’, tilted his head slightly towards Terzo in a silent warning, causing the youngest Emeritus’ smirk to grow. The bastard winking at the hellish creature with a gaul that only an incarnation of Asmodeus could possess.
Primo couldn’t help but sigh through his nose as Terzo, for what must have been the fourteenth time, subtly drank from the communion wine. He had only started to keep track of this when he noticed Terzo refill the goblet a third time. Primo found it hard to be upset though when he saw Terzo pass the glass over to Cardinal Copia, who had seem particularly anxious prior to the mass. With at minimum a whole bottle of wine being drank between the two of them at this point, Copia was noticeably relaxing. Standing easier and allowing the thribble to sway easily without a stutter from his shaking hands. Terzo had the side of his arm pressed to Copia’s, connecting them side by side, as they’ve been for decades. Terzo was not a pure being of cold carnal desire, for those he was truly close to he took great care of. A sadness settled in Primo’s chest as his gaze rested on the two princes of the church, wishing he had raised three little brothers instead of two.
That sadness discipated when he noticed where Copia was looking rather intently now. A new sister sat near the front. Wide blue eyes eager to learn and take in Papa’s every word. Sister Natalia had taken her final vows not 6 months prior after leaving her previous faith, and Primo was already impressed with her progress in her studies. He was deeply grateful for the help that Sister Natalia provides for his Prime Mover Elizabeth, often helping with the children in the clergy, the ghouls, and his garden. He may be old, but he recognizes the look in Copia’s eyes, enraptured by the woman. When she finally turned to him, the two locked eyes, and Natalia’s face flushed. The rumors about a cardinal with the ex- Catholic sister that drifted around the church seemed to be true, but the Cardinal they pinned the rumors on was wrong. Terzo had his eyes else where, and seemed to be very interested in egging on Copia with his little infatuation. He gently nudged his poor friend, causing Copia to jump a bit out of his love struck daze. Terzo leaned in to whisper into his ear, and whatever he said made the usually mousy cardinal about as red as his cassock, glaring at Terzo’s shit eating grin. Primo’s fondness only grew when Secondo’s sudden sharp command for the church to rise in worship made both cardinals jump.
Sister Natalia stood hastily as well, brushing her bangs out of her face briefly. She turned to look for guidance from his wife, Eliza, who just nodded gently to her. A small, knowing smile on her own face.
Beside his Prime Mover stood Sister Diana. The ever beautiful nun gazing up at her Papa. Her green eyes as intense as his words, yet her presence as calming and sound as ever. She complimented the energy of Secondo without even trying. Primo could imagine his brother was eyeing her, as he allowed a pause to fall upon his prayer for a moment, before resuming with a slight edge to his tone that could be caused by a slight smile.
A small presence stirred beside Diana, antsy for Papa to hurry up and finish the sermon at this point. Little Bellamy stood beside her mother with large, willful eyes that reminded Primo far too much of his fratellino when he was her age.
Eliza let her hand rest on Bellamy’s head affectionately. He could see the ache in her eyes. It tugged his heart as much as hers. They both longed for a child. He desired nothing more than to be a father with his chosen unholy mother to raise the Old One’s son together. There were times where his envy for his brother evoked that silent ire in him. Secondo expressed affection quietly, nearly unnoticeably. But Primo had no doubt that he loved his daughter.
His niece, his little flower. The light that almost never got a chance to grace him.
Primo still remembered that night. Secondo has been his cardinal at the time of his papalcy. Secondo was as stubborn and self driven as ever. As Papa at the time, he had admittedly been frustrated with his brother many times for this reason, often butting heads as Secondo struggled under authority. But even when he was a boy, Primo never recalled having seen his brother cry. His cardinal came to him very late, knocking on his chambers. The irritation of having to drag himself from the warmth of his bed, opening the door with a harsh yank, shattered at the sight of Cardinal Secondo, shaking, eyes glassed over with tears. He didn’t move or say anything as he clutched the body of a woman in his arms. What was once a woman, now a mutilated corpse. He recognized the star pendenant as Diana when he saw it.
Secondo has never, and may never be exclusive to anyone, but Primo was one of the few who knew he shared a particular affection for this sister.
“Help me.” For as long as he lives, Primo never wishes to hear that broken tone in his brother’s voice again.
The resurrection had been difficult, for the state of her body was poor. It still angers the eldest Emeritus that they never found the ghoul that did this to her. Secondo was relentless. His strength and attention during the ritual, commanding yet abiding the lords of hell to raise the woman from her grave, screaming into the night under the moon. The habit Diana wears now hides the exposed bones, but never masks her majesty.
The proof that Secondo had been over joyed by his love returning is now 7 years old. Copia’s ghouls, Sodomizer and Swiss, sat in the row behind Bellamy and her mother. The hybrid fire ghouls flashing their fangs at her playfully as she tried to catch one of their tails. Her eyes lit up when a larger ghoul sat beside them; the apprentice of Omega, Aether. Primo could faintly hear her gleefully greet him.
“Hi Eef.” She chirps and waves. Aether’s ears perked up happily at her despite the other ghouls sneering. The infernal creatures never really scared her.
Suffer Little Princess
“Bellamy, who is that over there, cara?” Terzo held Bellamy in his arms, lifting the pitch in his voice slightly to get her attention.
The girl gasped. “Omega Man!!” She beamed as the Quintessence ghoul approached them. The large demon let out a low huff, black smoke leaking from the infestissumam mask that her Papa placed upon him. He acted irritated by the name, but the fondness he had for his cardinal’s niece was given away in his tone.
“Hello kit.” The voice of the ghoul rumbled deeply. Violet eyes shifting from her to Terzo. “Your Eminence, may I have you for a moment? There is a business matter we need to discuss in private.”
Terzo’s eyes darkened at that as he smirked, humming, “Very well.”
Bellamy was less than happy with this. “Zio Terzo you just finished working. You said you would watch a movie with me.” Oh her furious eyes, bewitching as they were adorable.
“Oh, mio cara, I promise, I’ll be thirty minutes tops…. Maybe 25, its been a while.” he winks at Omega. Terzo smiles at her before the little girl could express her confusion at that comment.
“Why don’t you go find Copia and Sister Natalia. I think they’re in the garden, Omega and I will meet you there when our little meeting is over.” he assured. Terzo kissed her temple sweetly before setting her down.
“Ok…” she huffs. “Don’t take too long please. Zia Eliza is teaching me how to hex people.” Bellamy glared up at her uncle with all the might of a seven year old girl. Terzo only giggled at this, side eyeing Omega.
“Amy be nice, Omega has performance anxiety during business meetings.” The man cooed towards the large demon, which earned him a low warning growl.
“We won’t take long, kit.”
The breeze rested gently against the meadow outside the ministry. Bellamy went out as she was told, wading through that tall grass that almost reached past her waist. This was her favorite place to be. The warmth of the sun on her skin felt lively compared to the chill inside the church, making her hope to see the small ghoulette, Sunshine, that would often follow Cardinal Copia around. The scent of the flowers reminding her of her Zia Eliza. The fresh earth reminding her of Mountain showing her how to plant herbs, and running barefoot near the edge of the ministry grounds.
Lost in her own little world, Bellamy was pleasantly distracted by the garden. It was only after she looked up did she see the ghoul that was staring at her from some distance away. The blank expression of its dull, gray mask stark against the vibrant colors of the garden. This was one of her Nonno’s ghouls. Bellamy had never actually met one of them before. She couldn’t recall why exactly either. She was never told not to go near them, yet she’d never been introduced to one either, which Papa made sure to do in order to demonstrate who she amongst the creatures. Bellamy had only ever seen one of Nihil’s ghouls in passing, usually accompanied by the old man himself. There was no reason for her not to be happy about a potential new friend. There was no reasons she should be scared.
“Ciao! What’s your name?” Standing now to greet the ghoul with a bright grin. Bellamy was met with a very loud silence. The breeze had stopped. The birds even ceased their conversations. The light from the sun seemed unnatural, way too saturated. As if her eyes were straining.
Her smile slowly drooped from her face at this. Bellamy felt - weird. She wasn’t sure what she felt, but it was uncomfortable. Her little chest started hammering as she stared at the ghoul. She could see it’s eyes. They were actually very clear behind the black holes of the mask. It didn’t look right. She knew all the ghouls wore masks, but the eyes were too visible, like there was no shadow behind the holes. Just two, dead looking eyes staring at her. Like the mask was it’s face. Like the eyes were detached from the ghouls head and sticking out of the holes of the mask even.
“Please go away.” Her voice came out so small. Bellamy’s own eyes stung as she stared at the ghoul, frozen in her place. Her chest squeezing and making it feel hard to breath. If she moved it would move. If she looked away it would get her. She wanted to scream. Despite not being able to look away, she could see in the corners of her vision one - two - four more of Nihil’s ghouls.
‘Papa’ was silently mouthed from her quivering lips, tears now falling down her cheeks. A shaky gasp slipped out of her throat, out of her control. That is when the ghoul she had first seen snapped. Sprinting towards her inhumanly fast across the yards away it had been standing.
The ghoul was now just twenty feet- tent- five- Her body moved on its own as she grabbed a sharp stone off the ground and hurled it at full force against the demon’s head. This stunned the creature for just a moment, as she grabbed another rock and tried going for its eyes this time-
But a scream finally tore itself from Bellamy’s body as she awoke on the couch. Copia, Terzo, and several very alarned ghouls all woke up as well from where they had passed out during the night.
“Cazzo- dolcezza what’s wrong??” Copia stampered while Terzo’s arms locked around her shaking form and scooped her up into his lap to check on her. They might want to rethink the horror movie marathons before bed while baby sitting. Sister Diana is going to be pissed.
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shydaydreamer28 · 8 months
DSMOM - PalmerStrange Rant
One finally I wanna let out. I only just watched this film for the first time last November, so the anger & rant-mode is still fresh in my system compared to folks who ripped this band-aid off 2 years ago when this film came out.
Imo, this movie utterly character assassinated Strange. But the biggest crime is the character assassination the PalmerStrange subplot did to him. And I wanna get out 1 big rant to cover all the cringe & issues I had with this regressive subplot.
First things first, we already see the garbage that is to come at the start of the film. Strange decides to go to Christine's wedding. This by itself is fine since the first film establishes that Christine still cares for Strange as a friend & loved one. Him going to support someone he cares for, perfectly fine.
The issue comes when you have our "hero" attempting to be a homewrecker at his ex's WEDDING RECEPTION!!!!! 🤬
Gotta show off & flex for her a bit first.
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Christine has just told Strange that her husband is a big fan of his.
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But why care about that when your first order of business is to try to steal the man's wife AT THEIR WEDDING? I am going to keep emphasizing the bold. Lmao
So Strange goes on his sob story about regretting their failed romance DURING HER WEDDING RECEPTION.
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Christine is very patient with him on this nonsense. She never gets short with him and pollitely tells him their relationship was not meant to be despite the fact she is very clearly uncomfortable having to listen to that AT HER WEDDING.
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Rather than let it go, Strange has to make things more awkward for both of them by insisting on an elaboration AT HER WEDDING - as if that's gonna change anything at that point.
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Christine pollitely gives her answer he insisted on.
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Now Strange gets to stand there looking (even more) awkward. But considering the tackiness of this exchange he insisted on, ever bit of his discomfort is deserved. Lol
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Now that Christine has admitted she does not love him & never could, he realizes he ain't pulling her and backpedals. Having lost the exchange, he does the ONLY thing he ever should have to begin with & gives her his best wishes, very forcedly, with the fakest smile he could half-ass muster. lol
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This entire scene made Strange look pathetic & tacky asf. We're already off to a bad start.
For me, it's hard to give af about rooting for a protagonist who is tacky & desperate enough to harrass his ex ON HER WEDDING DAY about their failed romance from 10 years ago and tries to bag her right after she JUST GOT MARRIED -trying to break up a family that's barely started. Now film opens establishing Strange as a desperate & tacky creep. Lets continue, shall we. 😁
Later in the film, he & America have officially started their multiversial journey in the 838 universe where we get the memory lane scene and his most important memory is his ex giving him a watch. Remember this. I will be coming back to it later.
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After Stranges tries to comfort America about losing her mothers, she asks about Christine whom she knows from Defender Strange. Strange asks America if they were together - again, like that should matter to him. Log this away. It will also come back later.
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After being captured by 838 Mordo, Strange comes face to face with 838 Christine who explains the situation. Having his priorities 100% straight, Strange asks the hard-hitting question -
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Got a child in danger you claim to wanna protect & a murderous witch after you. But lets focus on what really matters. Anywho Christine gives her answer, which he again awkwardly does not like.
She makes a point to tell him that she doesn't care to know him & whatever she was to him where he came from is moot.
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Again, not being able to let it go, his desperate creep ass asks her why.
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I guess not being able to understand why a woman he just met doesn't care about his romantic interest. 838 Christine looks like our Christine. But at the end of the day, she isn't. Keep this in mind as well.
Strange gets taken away for judgement by the Illuminati. In this scene we learn that they executed their Strange after he royally screwed up. Xavier shows Strange exactly what happened. Again rather than focus on anything genuinely important, his only concern is he Christine knows - I guess hoping she didn't under belief that she'd enever work for his killers. No luck for him there. lol
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No matter what he learns about his variants & potential wrong-doings he could fall prey to, the only concern he ever finds imporant is Christine - somehow he always loops everything back to her.
Lets skip ahead to meeting Sinister Strange where some of my earlier observations come back around.
He meets this variant who asks him to prove he's the real deal. This is where we hear Donna mentioned for the first time (only having this scene because Benedict insisted & knows how important Donna should be).
Strange is clearly upset thinking & talking about his sister's death & BC kills the performance.
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Sadly, this scene gets undercut when the Memory Lane scene depicted his biggest thing as his ex giving him a watch 10 years ago. So I guess his ex giving him a gift & leaving him hurts him more than his little sister dying.
If that is the case, Strange's character has NOT been done any favors. His obsession with his ex overrides family tragedy, I guess. Benedict was right to insist on this scene. Waldron was wrong to make Memory Lane all about Christine. Have a scene of Strange & Donna playing together as children, then hit hard when Strange reveals what happens to her later.
What we got was disjointed asf and removes any sympathy you could have for Strange when the film makes CHRISTINE the only thing that matters to him in life. His most important memory is her - so if he barely gives a damn about his sister compared to his narcissistic desire to reclaim an ex, why should we feel sympathy? I would go further & ask why we should care about Strange at ail? I mean, if his priorities are so fucked up that an old flame dumping him is more traumatic than watching his sister die right in front of him, you have written a character that shouldn't be cared for or sympathized with - rather a character that needs to be put out of his own & everyone else's misery. Lets move on.
Strange talks with Sinister who brings up Christine & her wedding. He went the same route our Strange did, being asked if he was happy & lying about it. Our Strange seems to have the realization he is not on a good path based on the same events that lead Sinsiter to where he is now.
Another early point coming back around. Sinsiter says he used the Darkhold to find a universe where he had Christine.
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Our Strange was doing this as well. He wasn't using the Darkhold yet. But anytime he was confronted about other universes, he felt the need to ask if he & Christine were together in them, showing his own fixation with that. Keeping in mind the similar paths our Strange shared with Sinsiter, it is important to note where he obsession was going to go.
Sinister bluntly tells Strange he can use the Darkhold in exchange for Christine.
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This reveals Sinsiter has gotten to the point of his obsession that Christine is on the same level as an object to be traded. Again, he wanted her because he wanted her & didn't care what she wanted anymore.
Our Strange had not made it there yet since he refuses on the grounds that Christine would not want that. Our Strange has not gotten to the forceful "take what I want" part of his obssession yet. However, it's safe to say he would have given the similar path he was already on.
It would seem getting dragged into Wanda & America's chase changed the course for him & let him see the shittiness of himself.
Now lets move ahead to our final stretch. Even after seeing a universal pattern & learning how bad things went for Sinister in his obssession, rather than take that lesson in & learn, Strange has to try again to hook up with Christine. We come to the big (in)famous scene.
He wants to take her back to his universe. Worth noting both times Strange gave his crap sob confessions, both Christines look uncomfortable asf.
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We got his cringe & unearned confession line.
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Also worth noting that after he gives this big theatrical confession, all Christine does is smile & nod awkwardly.
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Again, she does not love him. Maybe she loved her Stephen once upon a time. But the man in front of her is not her Stephen. So once again, she's got no reason to love him.
Anyway, we see Strange give a slight eyebrow raise & stand there like an idiot when she doesn't have much to say in response.
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Almost reads as "Damn, I just poured my heart out & she still don't want me."
Christine once again, pollitely rejects him. To another point I made earlier. THIS IS A VARIANT! This is not the Christine he shared his history with. She is a different person who shares looks with his Christine. But obssession doesn't care. He's still allowing his fixation & inability to accept loss affect him to the point of trying to hook up with a lookalike if he can - but even the lookalikes don't want him.
Again, this scene makes Strange look pathetic. This was not romantic or sympathetic. It was Simp Pathetic. lol Sorry dad joke.
But closing out the PalmerStrange rant, the relationship subplot depicts Strange as an obsessive stalker. If he didn't destroy the universe first like Supreme & Sinister, then the latter shows how dangerous Strange's limerence was going to get. And Christine has no protection because who's gonna stop Strange when he kidnaps her? The police & Charles can't do anything - and that's only if the latter isn't killed by Strange before he takes Christine.
We have an interview from Walnuts where he says PalmerStrange needed closure & 838 Christine pushes him forward to move on & love again. Link
The problem? Derrickson already did that in his first film 6 years prior. Strange still had feelings for Christine & it's made clear.
The awkward kiss cements that they will not be lovers again but have repaired their friendship and can part ways on a loving note contrary to their bad fight in the beginning.
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The ship served the purpose Derrickson wanted which was giving Strange a personal tether in his previous life that he would have to leave behind. This was a mature ending of the relationship where they both accept their different life paths, and Strange doesn't look sprung & obsessive.
Waldron's writing didn't give closure or porgress. He regressed the character to do his own shittier version of the story while gaslighting fans in interviews to believe that it was a needed development rather than crappie retread of an already nicely concluded arc.
Strange is written as someone who's desperate asf.
He can't seem to recognize that obssessive desire is not love and can't stand the fact or fathum the idea that Christine couldn't want him, making their relationship all about what he's feeling when he insists on conversations about their past & grilling her for answers & justifications for why he can't have her.
His feelings here are pretty much the same as Spike's feelings for Buffy in seasons 5 and 6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And I hated Spike and his toxic relationship with Buffy. When the real thing didn't want him, he had a sex-bot of her made. Strange is in that same boat when he loses his Christine to another man, and started eyeing up variants. That's sad as hell.
In addition to regressing & character assassiating him in his Christine arc, Walnuts also regressed another arc which was the Ancient One teaching him that everything is not about him - because again, he makes the basis for his entire relationship with Christine about him. He refuses to take no for an answer. People like that can become dangerous.
In BTVS, we saw the worst case scenario of someone who can't let go & take no for an answer. Buffy calls off the abusive relationship with Spike and tries to give him more respect than he deserves in ending it. LIke Strange, he can't take no for an answer and won't respect that she is finished with him. It all comes to a head when Spike finally tries to rape her before realizing why their relationship was problematic and he had some changing to do.
And honestly, with the way Strange is written & what we got from Sinister, the infamous Buffy scene was a real possibility for Christine as well. Again, Sinsister wanted to trade the Darkhold for her, so her consent was evidently not something he was worried about so long as he was satisfied.
On to Clea
Now we move on to Clea as a love interest. This film created a multitude of problems for that, as well as Walnuts' words in the above-linked interview not matching his half-assed writing.
He talks up Clea as being this great love for Strange and saying he needed closure from Christine before he'd be ready to meet his real love. There are a couple of problems with that statement. First is the aforementioned fact that Strange already got that closure with Derrickson at the end of the first film. Walnuts regressed that development. Next is how he can say that crap with a straight face despite his writing showing the total opposite - which I will get to now.
If Walnuts truly thinks Clea is the love of Strange's life, why the Hell would he write Strange as being obssessed over another woman for 10 years throughout the film, and professing multiversial love to her lookalike just 10 min. before adding Clea in a nameless cameo in mid-credits?
If Walnuts absolutely had to write something relating to PalmerStrange closure, here is a better scenario. Strange congradulates her at her wedding, wishes her happiness, then both acknowlege that they'll always share a bond & cherrish the friendship their lives led them to. Maybe have them share a hug, then let that be it. Short, sweet, and to the point without any inappropriateness & obssessive stalker tendencies on Strange's end.
After that, you bring in Clea for the rest of the film, to go with him & America on their multiversial journey. You don't bring in a variant of his ex that you already knew he didn't need to be with.
Also if one is serious about Clea being a great love to Strange, no writer worth a damn is gonna write him as a obssessive stalker over another woman throughout the film right up until the last 3 min.
"I love you in every universe" is not a line one writes to show that a character is getting over & moving on from someone. That's the line of someone who's still very much trying to get what they want.
In the following scene with Wong, Strange outright admits he is not happy after the film's events. Again, this is NOT writing him as a man who's moved on.
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Strange talks to America, goes back to the Sanctum, now all of a sudden he's over Christine, smiling & happy with life?
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NO! That's some terrible ass writing - a totally forced & unearned "happy" ending. Strange was unhappy, obssessed, and depressed right up through his scene with Wong. How did we get from that to magical out of nowhere happiness & acceptance? Clearly there was a time jump. But ultimately the film kept him static in his unhappiness & obssession with the "development" into happiness & moving on being off-screen. Lmao
This brings us to the final issues. This film forces PalmerStrange out of nowhere, and makes it into a bigger deal than it ever was in Derrickson's film. They were love interests but not the star-crossed great loves that MoM tried to sell.
We learn from Kevin Feige that he loved the Strange Supreme What If episode, and told Waldron to watch it. In that universe, Strange & Christine were together but tragically ended. And it seems Waldron used that as the basis for the ship in this film rather than what Derrickson already established in the film that this was meant as a sequel to - the version which dealt with our characters, not variants of them with a totally different & unrelated bond.
Gassing PalmerStrange up like he did knowing he wanted to bring in Clea (or so he claims) was terrible. Because now, he put too much emphasis on Strange's feelings for Christine to take Clea seriously. Again, Clea's introduction was very half-assed. She just randomly & namelessly shows up out of nowhere during the credits. That's not the kind of intro a good writer would give a character whom they genuinely believe to be important.
Christine got first billing with Clea tossed as an afterthought.
The MCU will have to work extra hard to sell & sail this ship since they decided to spend the last 3 years shoving Christine down our throats. As it stands with the horrible writing now, Clea looks like Strange's rebound chick since 2 versions of his first choice rejected him, and 2 others he finds out either married someone else or didn't talk to him anymore.
Their future relationship will need MANY defining moments to show she is Strange's great love & not a sex prop he gonna get off on while visualizing Christine. Sadly, the horrific writing gives the impression of the latter.
Christine got "I love you in every universe." It's a beautiful line made cringe by the fact it was wasted on the wrong relationship by a person whose feelings were toxic obssession they mistake for love because they're spoiled & can't take not getting what they want.
So what are they gonna give Clea? Will the next writer even make an effort with the ship & give them anything? Or are we gonna skip the developement & have them just already married in the next film they share? That really fuels the rebound interpretation when we skip from Strange obssessing over Christine for 10 years in "his" sequel to married out of nowhere to a random woman he met in credits of said film.
It would really take a couple of films to give the ship proper devotion & build while moving all the pieces of the bigger story. And I don't think we are gonna get that at this point. Strange probably only has 2 or 3 more film appearances before he gets killed off, including DS3 which is rumored to be a segue into other events, and we saw how much Strange mattered when it comes to transition solo films.
Overall Strange's character in general (not just his love life) needs extreme focus & development. He's been around for almost a decade with little to no development since his first film in 2016. When I look at the character in the comics vs. him in the MCU, it's enough to make me wanna scream at how one-note the latter has made him, and how dirty they have done him. MCU Strange is basically the biggest one-note loser there is. Cumberbatch is the only saving grace for the character atm.
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fearandhatred · 8 months
ok idk if my brain is just a different shape but do y'all ever have like half-in half-out dreams?? where you're in the dream itself but also somewhere along the way the perspective switches and you're watching the dream as an outsider like a movie/show/video game. because that's like 98% of my dreams and they're always insanely strange. a lot of times i wake up and can't even tell whether i can consider it a nightmare or not
gonna put the dream i had under the cut because what the hell was that lol
okay so there's this big white room with two women in it and they're locked in. gonna say now that the two perspectives in this dream are:
i'm on youtube watching a playthrough (it's markiplier) of this game where you play as a third character
i am the third character itself
the room just has a table in the centre with various things on it, AND a door. but the door is fake. the hinges are attached to a wall and then there's just a piece of paper with a painting of a white door pasted onto the wall where an entrance should be.
woman A stands against this wall as she's talking to woman B and just for fun, woman B closes the door on her, obviously not expecting anything to happen because. it's a wall.
but surprise the door closes all the way. woman B is like what the hell??? and reopens the door but now there's muffled shouts and knocking from inside the wall where woman A is now trapped.
woman B starts trying to get her out, throwing her body against the wall etc. but nothing works. and then very quickly like the flip of a switch woman A just goes batshit insane. like screaming her head off, growling, yowling, the most nasty animalistic noises you've ever heard basically.
then woman A (what's left of her anyway) manages to get a chunk out of the wall that looks like one of those envelope slots but slightly bigger. let's just say big enough for an adult to barely squeeze through after breaking some bones. if you see what i'm getting at
woman A's hand (it's a slightly decayed claw now) reaches through the hole and grabs B and starts pulling her through the hole and you can kind of hear some bones breaking. and once woman B is fully inside woman A breaks more of her bones and kills her.
now this is where the perspective switching comes in. so miraculously i'm there (in the video game that whole thing was a cutscene and now you can play) and woman A sees me, grabs me to haul herself out of the hole and her whole body contorts and disfigures in a really nasty way. by the time she's fully out she's like a really thick long ribbon (don't question it, she still has her limbs though just elongated) that wraps herself around you and tries to kill you and you have to fight her off
so one second i'm watching markiplier play this game on youtube where HE'S trting to get her off his character. and when i say i'm watching him on youtube i really mean that in the dream i'm sitting in bed and having his video play while i scroll through other videos on my home page. and the next second i'll actually be the character itself
anyway i woke up soon after that but after a while another enemy is introduced to the game in the form of a Black Hair Tie which used to be a man. and i remember the hair tie was around the ribbon (woman A) on one end, and i had grabbed the other end and was just slamming them into the table lmao
ok! bye
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cursedvibes · 10 months
Tagged by @voxofthevoid
Thank youuu!
Favourite colour: blue
Last song: Jericho by Iniko
Last movie: The Green Knight. Love it! For some reason Netflix only had the German synchro, but it was surprisingly good. They even matched the font for the title cards. I'm gonna watch it again around Christmas for the right vibes. Might even become a Christmas tradition.
Other stuff I watched this year: Talk to Me and The VVitch are the ones who left the most impression on me. I also recently finished the Pluto anime. It's interesting watching it now after reading the manga years ago. The anime makes it more obvious to me that the story isn't really suited for sci-fi. It's just the 90s including its conservative values with some high-tech thrown in. The story itself is good, it has a meaningful message and great soundtrack, but it doesn't fit with the expectations I have for sci-fi stories. It doesn't innovate much and the function of the robots is barely explained in depth. It's too non-technical for a story that requires technical explanations. You can also feel Tezuka's influence because Urasawa is usually much better with female characters and queer themes. Robots can marry (heterosexuallly), but gay people don't exist lol Monster was written almost 10 years earlier and is much better at this.
Shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: Only csm I think. I'm just gonna wait till it's over and then catch up. Maybe. If there was anything else I didn't finish, it didn't leave enough of an impression that I remember.
Currently reading: JJK weekly and I've gone back to The Twice-Dead King: Ruin by Nate Crowley because I miss Necrons.
Currently listening to: HUMAN-LE by 核P-model. I've been playing it constantly lately. It's the best way to get me out of a bad mood. Also a bunch of lofi/ambient music and the new Layers of Fear soundtrack.
Currently working on: My Kenjaku pregnancy fic. I'm about 1/3 done and currently at 10k words (including full outline and notes for the future), so it's gonna get long...
Current obsession: Still jjk, but Houseki no Kuni is also a good contender
Tagging if you want: @zbengui @hxhhasmysoul @galaxynajma @yukisdomain @keniaku @jokepool
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treecakes · 7 months
tagged by @co27 HI PHINEAS! thanks for the tag ^_^
a) three ships
ahh hard question… contrary to popular belief abt me but i’m not huge into ships… they’re secondary to what i usually like to think abt but. yknow. i’ll try to give answers from different media lol because that forces me to think
1. tanunatsu! this is so predictable for me probably tanuma is my best friend and well he should get what he wants! though these two break my heart lol.
2. wangxian… i don’t cqlpost much anymore but they do make me insane. i love lwj and his brand of pining. yay.
3. nezushi… these novels are so so good and they make me insane! and i love how they progress. reunion WILL come someday i believe it.
a1) bonus ships
1. hualian! i think they’re cute though i don’t really. think too deeply abt them. but they’re cute. i enjoy it.
2. hexorcists… they’re insane godbless.
3. ever since shinobu/hakozaki beniko got brought up the other day amongst the natsumetuals i’ve been obsessed with it i keep rotating it in my mind. the most obscure of femslash natsume ships probably but idc it’s so good!!!! so good.
4. weilan… i don’t have to explain this.
b) first ever ship
jayfeather/half moon…. 😭😭 warrior cats was my childhood and i reread omen of the stars book 4 (the epitome of jayfeather/half moon) sooooo many times. probably 15+ times i’m not even kidding. that book was barely holding itself together by the time i sold it 😭
c) last song
good gone girl by mika (this will be different by the time i finish this tag game 😭)
d) last movie
i don’t remember i barely watch movies…. i think it was suspicious visitor/the rock waker…
e) currently reading
the oleander sword by tasha suri… i barely remember the first book though so i’m mostly just confused.
f) currently watching
frieren (vaguely… whenever i remember it exists), dunmeshi
g) currently consuming
what Does this even mean 😭 i’m taking as food like you did… milano cookies with milk
h) currently craving
KIMCHI JJIGAE… i want it so bad….
9 people to tag:
everyone reading this!!! say i tagged you and i will be happy :3
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shipcestuous · 3 months
This might come a little out of left field, but lately I've been thinking a bit about Grendel and his mother, from Beowulf.
Their story in itself shows what looks to be a great bond between them. They seem to live alon together in isolation, under a lake, and when Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm and Grendel flees from Heorot, he returns there to die, or perhaps in hopes his mother might be able to help him. Grendel's mother avenges him going to Heorot herself, which she'd probably never done before, and killing king Hrothgar's most beloved and trusted advisor. Later, Beowful, her son's slayer, dives under the lake to kill her, and she puts up a good fight, sharing Grendel's own strength and invulnerability to normal weapons: in her fury, she puts Beowulf in a very tough spot, and he only saves himself because he finds an ancient magical sword just in time.
Grendel and his mother are said to be descended from Cain and they apparently have some inhuman features (Grendel has nails like sharp iron blades, at least) but they also have human-like shapes as well as human like emotions like rage or grief. This already sets them apart from other characters and creatures: they're only similar to each other, and perhaps that's why they live in the wild together, only interacting with others in violent ways. Then, there's also how they've been interpreted in both academia and pop culture.
You have readings that challenge the way they're traditionally seen as monsters, because we're sure at least the mother is able to feel love and mourn. You also have queer readings of them, focusing on how they live outside the bounds of normal society, with Grendel not seeking either the bonds between men that Anglo-Saxon warriors were expected to develop or anything at all with a woman who's not his mother, while Grendel's mother takes on the usually masculine role of the avenger of her family when usually a woman would need to spur her remaining male relatives or the male followers of her dead husband/brother/son into taking revenge on her behalf. You have the novel Grendel, where said character is very philosophical and nihilistic while his mother is much more primitive and animalistic, and that drives a wedge between them through the years, as Grendel starts out clinging to her and taking comfort in her in his moments of despair but then comes to believe through the years that his mother, fiercely protective of him as she is, is only able to love him as an extension of herself. You even have the movie Beowulf & Grendel, where they're reimagined as the last Neanderthals, with Hrothgar having hunted down and killed Grendel's father when Grendel was just a child for daring to be too different and "uncivilized", and Grendel himself tormenting the Danes out of the desire to avenge his dad, as well as raping a woman to get a child so that his family wouldn't end with him but then not showing any more sexual interest in her.
... you do also have at least two movies that I can remember where Grendel's secretly Hrothgar child and after his death his mother barely avenges him before turning to Beowulf like "hey, handsome, wanna give me another son?" like she doesn't really give a damn about her children and they're all totally replaceable as they're just tools for her to gain power over men and eventually destroy them. But. Let's not go there, lol. Personally, I think of that as just a forced "shocking twist" that doesn't really resonate with anything in the text.
All in all, they're a very thightly-knit pair. And that comes with so much potential to have them be mirrors of each other, too different for everyone else but not for each other, yet also to inject the tragedy of having only one person in the world and then having your relationship with them end too soon or eventually turn sour somehow in their relationship. And the fact that Grendel's father isn't in the picture and is in fact never mentioned in the poem, as well as Grendel not having a mate or showing any desire to have one... well. That's definitely interesting.
For some reason, I thought that Grendel and his mother had been mentioned before. But maybe I just saw it somewhere else.
What a thoughtful commentary on their relationship! There's a lot that seems to be suggestive about their situation. It very much feels like they have no other match.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us!
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broke-on-books · 1 year
☕️ + favorite scooby villain?
I put off answering this a day or so to see if I would remember any more scooby villains and I didn't so uhhhh here's a very incomplete list of some I enjoy watching in no particular order
Sarah Ravencroft (she's girlboss fr)
The Ghost Clown from WAY (idk hypnosis is fun)
The sister who pretends to be a green monster to shut down the theme park in WNSD. I just love how she asks about jail at the end and the gang are like ?????? Girl you didn't break any laws
Whoever the bad guy was in the toys in the mall episode of WNSD. (You can tell I'm getting a little off topic into my love for WNSD by the fact I can barely remember the villain who is apparently my favorite) Love the early WNSD mystery subversion by the way. WHEN THEY HAVE TO GO BACK BECAUSE THEY CAUGHT THE WRONG GUY????? That rocked my world as a child
HOW COULD I FORGET WHERES MY MUMMY VELMA I LOVE YOU. favorite scooby doo villain: velma dinkley for reals. Sometimes you just gotta let loose and create convoluted schemes that you don't share with your friends. It's #foragoodcause
Also shoutout here to every time the gang has pretended to be a monster either to scare their friends or give them a mystery to solve. This is often seen in birthday specials and stuff but it's still soooooo good
Joker & Penguin from the 70s "movies". They knew how to set up a good haunted house. Recent villains take notes
Also shoutout to the wnsd episode where the monkey did it. (I'm aware there's multiple, just go with it)
Actually if anything I'm turning this into a shoutout post for all the What's New episodes where they managed to pull a twist on the mystery to make it unique but yet still genuine to Scooby (and not giving off the feel like it's trying to be better or whatnot than the classic era). I hadn't thought about how well done that was in (specifically s1 but that's likely just what I remember best/when they had the freshest ideas) WNSD but that's a really underrated aspect of the series (and the movies). Like I think some kind of critique What's New for being "too simple" [plan lol] but I think the way they went about the formulation of each mystery so open-endedly really makes it timeless and unique.
Also so funny to me that you asked about my fave villain and I got so off-topic that this has become an appreciation post for the WNSD writers and im listing people whose names I can't even remember as "favorite villains" when really I just loved the mystery itself lol
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