#and then he makes friends with some humans and marius turns them without him knowing yes even the 12 year old
armandposting · 4 months
even tho I reread the vampire armand a few weeks ago I had managed to avoid becoming too terminally sad about him mainly because assad zaman kept wearing little outfits but I fear little outfits can no longer save me. I am SO fucking sad
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
Hi! I have some technical questions about VC's vampires If you don't mind me asking and if Rice ever explained.
I was wondering ,
- do vampires stay with their fledgings or even know what's happening in their lives,where they are etc..?
-is there a hierachy among vampires? When are you no longer considered a young vampire? 100 years? 200?
- is there a place where they can all live together without humans?
- I know Lestat says that one should not interfere in human affairs but are there mortals with whom they often have interactions, friendships...?
Thank you for giving your time to all of us, sometimes with annoying questions.
So. No, there is no "obligation" for makers to stay with them, it depends heavily on why they're made. Lestat for example is abandoned right away because Magnus throws himself into a fire, he simply wanted an heir. Lestat made Louis because he fell in love, and therefore stayed with him. Lestat makes Mona a vampire for someone else. And so on. (Just a few examples.) It depends heavily on the how and why fledglings are made, and through which emotion. But there is no general rule.
No, there is no hierarchy, other than the one developed through power. That said, there is the "first", Akasha, who is called "Queen of the Damned", but her reign is more built on the... lore reason and her being the first. (The show will still get to that.) I think it is never quite said when a vampire is still "young"... I guess that depends heavily on who says that to whom. There are vampires who are several thousand years old. It depends. Generally speaking anything older than 200 is probably not "young" anymore, because many young kill themselves because they cannot stand the rite of passage.
No, these vampires do not live with humans, nor do they aspire to, not really. Humans are food. Closest would be "Night Island" or the theater, actually, but even there the vampires... are living more in parallel than "with humans". Lestat lived with Louis and Claudia as a family for a while, and others do that, too, like Marius, but they mingle more than join the humans, and since they do not age... and, as said - humans are food.
No, there are no "friends" over decades or anything. Lestat befriends David Talbot, it ends in David getting turned. Armand befriends Daniel (and falls in love) it ends with Daniel getting turned. And so on. The mortals that mean something to them end up getting turned, the rest... "Dalliances" exist, obviously. Acquaintances. A few years, here and there (and yes, Antoinette is a "few years" and then getting turned, too). Occasional interests. And law firms. But other than that? No.
This... isn't the Vampire Diaries. Or True Blood. These vampires are not looking for a cure, not really. They are monsters, and they will stay monsters.
It's not about them finding their humanity... it's about them accepting themselves as the monsters they are.
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aromantic-enjolras · 2 years
Vampire Amis headcanons
I was brainrotting with @shamedumpster about vampires, and we wanted to bring you our results.
Jehan wears waistcoats and ruffle shirts and neckerchiefs, and he consistently lights his house with candelabra. No, he’s not an elder vampire: he was turned in 2008. He just likes the aesthetics.
Joly worked at a hospital before he was turned, and he keeps doing it after. He just works exclusively night shifts. The nurses are very impressed with his ability to find veins even on the most difficult patients.
Bossuet chipped his fangs on the first time he went out after he got turned. Now he can’t properly bite into someone without making a mess of things. Joly steals blood from the hospital from time to time, but it’s not enough to sustain him, so they share everything... even victims. Joly will bite them for him and then Bossuet licks at the wound. They sometimes do the “is it tasty?” “why don’t you come and see?” filrty dialog while Grantaire fake gags.
If he has the chance, Joly steals blood from drunk people and shares it with Grantaire and Bossuet. It gives them the closest to an alcohol kick they’ve managed since getting turned.
The Amis are a vigilante group. They need blood, so they get it from neo-nazis and cops. Mostly neo-nazis, because it’s easy to get past the radar than cops, sadly...
After one point the local groups start wondering what’s happening to their members, and a vampire scare gets around. They start wearing crosses, and learning prayers. Bahorel revels on smiling toothily to them and going “god is dead, bitch” before biting them.
Enjolras’ Presence is very, very strong. If he wants to make a human do something, he can just tell them to do it and they will. Walking around all bloody after feeding? No problem, just tell everyone around you to forget. Getting arrested for killing someone? Just tell every cop in the building to rethink their life choices. He swears he didn’t expect Javert to kill himself, really!!
Éponine is human. She’s the human provider for the vampires, doing daylight reconnaissance and other, less legal things they might need her to do. She has means, she will get anything done... for a price. She knows these men have money, and she’s not above making them pay.
On the other end, Marius is Courfeyrac’s human roommate. He has been living with Courfeyrac for years. He has no idea his roomie and his friends are all vampires, he’s convinced they are a support group for agoraphobics with sun allergies. No, they are not subtle around him. He’s just dense.
It is very useful, however, because he’s a law student, and he’s convinced all of Courf’s friends have some kind of social anxiety, so he is very willing to do their daytime paperwork for them. He has signed papers saying he can handle the legal affairs of the entire Amis.
One time Grantaire jokes that Courf is so cold because “he’s dead inside” and Marius pouts for a week. He’s also very confused that a guy as fashion-conscious as Courf doesn’t own any mirrors, and when Courfeyrac tells him he can’t look at himself in a mirror  he decides he has self-image issues and starts complimenting him a lot. Courfeyrac is very confused.
At the end, it’s Cosette who figures it out. When she accuses the Amis, everyone is like “duh”, and Marius can feel his jaw drop.
Hope you enjoyed this!
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marisakage · 3 years
Home is where the Heart is
One thing that I give big props to Mihoyo is the brilliant way they incorporate tropes. They introduce the characters as one-dimensional then expand them. Thanks to how realistic their portrayals are, they seem human. They all come from different upbringings and circumstances. These two elements shape the characters to become relatable and engaging.
Luke is an example of this case because he is such a trope-y character. He embodies the childhood friend trope super well.
At first glance, some people wouldn't bat an eye on him, writing him off as a boring character. Given that Luke is the childhood friend, his arc should be very predictable. But little did they know that we are not dealing with a typical otome game.
With that said, my essay will delve into why I adore Luke and Rosa's dynamic. I am 100% biased towards this ship, and I feel so strongly about them.
SPOILER DISCLAIMER since I will talk about some of Luke's unreleased cards!
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Luke is Rosa's childhood friend, but his arc is so entangled with the main story route. The NXX drug that the team is currently investigating may or may not be behind the death of his parents as well as his shrouded background. He's the person who's directly involved with the problem that the NXX members are dealing with at hand. Marius is investigating because of his missing brother Giann. Artem is doing whatever he can to uncover the truth behind his mentor's disappearance. And Vyn is just there unless he's got some reason that's yet to be revealed.
That leaves Luke as the person who is indeed directly involved with the issue itself. The drug has greatly affected Luke, reducing his lifespan to just three years.
This ordeal puts Luke in an agonizing and harsh situation as he's been struggling with an inner conflict ever since. His conflict being Rosa.
He woke up in the hospital room by the sheer will of living (Rosa indirectly saved him), surrounded by his fellow mates who turned out to be dead.
Luke's “I will become the God of Death” line which took place in his Lost Gold route conveys a whole new meaning.
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Imagine waking up and being the only survivor in a room full of deceased people who once were your teammates. Luke must have felt extreme guilt. He would definitely think he robbed them of their lives hence the God of Death title. It also does not help that he is often associated with Crows -a symbol of death in many cultures.
All this time, he regarded himself as such -a being who is undeserving of living, much less next to his crush. It is the reason why he took a while to appear in front of Rosa. His guilt and self-loathing are what disabled him from indulging in his time with her. If he could disappear, he would easily do it. And he did it once in his Shape of You card; when he prayed to the Land God to take him away from Rosa and to make him disappear from her life.
Luke reappeared again because he had unfinished matters to deal with, a.k.a the mystery behind the drug and his parents' background. He wants to use his remaining time to pursue the truth and look after Rosa before he is gone.
His conflict comes into play when he realizes that the drug effects are irreversible and that his impending death is coming nigh. He was at a loss when it came to Rosa.
Must he be selfish and choose to stay by her side until his time is up?
Or must he disappear from her sight so she doesn't get hurt?
Luke was torn between what he wanted to do and what he needed to do, and he came to these two paths without confronting Rosa about them. He was in a complete dilemma.
He shouldered all of this weight on his own for a long time. He eventually reappeared again in front of Rosa, much to his dismay. The moment he saw her, his resolve wavered. With each passing second, his longing to stay with her grew bigger.
His tendency to overthink and to be overly overprotective stems from the conflict with which he is struggling. He doesn't wish for anything bad to happen to Rosa. Because if that were the case, he would hate himself for it. Some people think that Luke is treating Rosa as an inferior, a weakling. Someone incapable of holding her grounds. But that is wrong.
These people fail to see the helplessness of this guy. He feels worthless, hopeless, pessimistic, and very undeserving of being near Rosa. But he also feels responsible for Rosa's protection despite only being granted a short amount of time.
Nothing about this screams inferiority/superiority complex. It's Luke's helplessness that's screaming and ripping him apart.
The fact that he won't be by her side in three years. The fact that he has to bid her farewell in three years. The fact that he has to entrust her to some other guy in three years. The fact that he is unable to support her in three years. Knowing all of this shatters his heart. It's gut-wrenching.
Imagine the pain he felt this whole time. Luke missed out on eight precious years that could have been spent with Rosa. And to make matters worse, he now has a ticking timer above his head reminding him of the fragility of his life and the cruelty of losing everything before his eyes. This whole issue not only has affected him but also Rosa. She is a direct factor in this.
All of Luke's cards; regardless of how the timeline works; are pretty much tied. Each card focuses on Luke's character as well as his relationship with Rosa.
In Timely Rescue, we get to witness the overbearing nature of Luke's overprotectiveness and how it started to get on Rosa's nerves.
In Among the Great Blue, Luke reminisced about his past with Rosa and her parents. He has been raised as if he were a member of the family. Luke felt both blessed and grateful in that regard. Because of that, he thinks that as long as he is a part of Rosa's life; he mustn't care about where he stands. Because of his condition, Luke accepted that crossing the boundaries with her is futile. He would rather keep their friendship until his days are up. What's poignant about this is that Luke made it clear that he gave up. He came to terms with his reality before long which is utterly sad and devastating.
On top of that, moon jellyfish only live up to three years which parallels his lifespan. The expression Luke had when he talked about them was so heart-wrenching.
"Life is short, and one should enjoy every second of it" hits right in the feels considering Luke's situation. The line is also a bit ironic because he did not abide by it as shown in his Iridescent Heartbeat card (Which I will talk about in a bit.)
What's also bitter about Among the Great Blue is that Luke is in so much pain; both physical and emotional. Yet, he tries to hide it all through lying. Luke is an expert at concealing his pain. He would go out of his way to bury everything that might expose his situation as shown in Moment of Danger and his personal story.
Luke is such an enigmatic person. There is still so much that we don't know about which serves as an interesting juxtaposition of being the character we're supposed to know best, but we also know so little about.
His Shape of You card revealed a little more about Luke's past and how much he struggled to stay with Rosa.
He got shunned by her relatives for always being around her. He is an orphan, and the only people he interacted with are Rosa and her parents, so it's only natural to be attached to them. They were his only family. But others didn't take that too well and started dissing him.
That pushed Luke to pray to the Land God. He prayed to disappear from the face of the earth and everyone's memories if it would make Rosa feel better. No child deserves to go through that.
Fortunately, Rosa reached out to him and rescued him from falling too deep into the pits of darkness.
That card not only touched on Luke's past but also showcased a new side of Rosa.
When Luke ran off somewhere to catch the thief, Rosa felt helpless and desperate to find him. She had the feeling that she might lose Luke once again. Never to be seen. Never to be found.
Rosa's position in this card is understandable because she went through this twice. She almost lost him the first time when they were kids. This accident made her dread going to any festivities.
And the second time is when Luke unofficially left her side and went to the Capital upon turning 16 years old. He didn't contact her as much for eight years. You can only imagine the melancholy that she felt. She even refused to visit Prague simply because it doesn't feel the same without Luke.
Shape of You managed to give yet another layer to Rosa. Rosa isn't just your typical, strong, and level-headed protagonist.
She went through a lot and has endured so much by herself without anyone's support. (personal story ch2)
However, Rosa is an emotional person who has doubts and fears. She has problems and conflicts. Rosa is almost always concerned for Luke.
The moment he is away, she would immediately start panicking.
Because if she were to let go of him this time, what would happen to him? What would happen to her?
She is just as dependent on him as much as he is on her. The feeling is mutual. Luke and Rosa cannot be away from one another because they have been inseparable for so long.
“Rather than wanting to be by her side forever, I hope to protect her forever. No matter if I am still here, no matter in what form.” No words can describe just how heart-breaking this line is.
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Radiant Sunlight was about re-creating memories that both Rosa and Luke have missed. For example, the graduation day that Luke could not attend. The card proves that it is not too late to make new memories together. It offers a positive perspective in contrast to Luke's pessimistic one.
Inner Sanctum was a cute love story of an elderly couple. The card showcases how the couple never gave up on one another.
No matter how much time has passed and how much their health has declined, the couple will always treasure each other's presence. Their love for one another grew stronger despite the flow of time. Love is a boundless feeling as it transcends time.
Inner Sanctum conveys a positive message: Even if you've hit rock bottom and you feel like there's no way out, someone is waiting for you at the end of the tunnel. Luke has been in a hopeless situation for the longest time, but someone is out there for him. Someone is waiting for him with open arms to hold him. All he has to do is to reach out for the light.
The lyrics of the song that Luke hummed are heartfelt yet sad.
“When we can say goodnight and stay together
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new?”
Not only do they describe Luke's feelings, but they also hint at the shackles holding him back. But his response to the lyrics was very hopeful.
“I believe that there are no ifs between the two of us. I will make it all come true.”
Perfect Partner had Luke and Rosa work on a case that had a bittersweet conclusion. Timing often plays a role in relationship success. Something that could have easily been a miss had Luke and Rosa not met after eight years. The conflict of the case was due to miscommunication. Both parties could not clear the misunderstanding because they kept missing each other. I can't help but think that it could have been a possible outcome for Luke and Rosa had they not met in time.
In Iridescent Heartbeat, the relationship between them took a step forward, and it developed even further. Everything that happened in that card occurred for a reason.
Luke's pessimism and overprotectiveness took a turn for the worse, almost ruining the whole date. Rosa's patience ran super thin as there's a limit to everything. And clearly, Luke has crossed the line with how overprotective he has gotten.
Time is of the essence, yet Luke wastes it by brooding over the what-ifs:
"Should I take the safest shortcut so that Rosa doesn't get hurt?" "Sticking to this activity is better than doing bungee jumping cuz we might run into accidents."
Luke's thoughts have clouded his reasoning. He believes that counting every step he takes to ensure Rosa's safety is the right thing. But by doing so, their date has quickly turned into a sour one. Luke's behavior makes sense as mentioned before.
But this is where Rosa comes into play. She grew tired and sick of his tendency to overthink things since Timely Rescue. She is not going to stand by and watch the guy decays as he ponders over every single thing that concerns her. That is just a waste of precious time.
Luke's going the extra mile to guarantee her safety at the expense of his fun and her fun.
If Luke is not having fun, then what is the point of the date?
If he can't even do whatever he wants to do, then what is the point?
Life is too short to be wasted on trivial matters such as "possible accidents". Accidents are bound to happen.
Humans are prone to get injured, to trip over, to get hurt. We don't have plot armor, and we are definitely not bulletproof. If things happen, then let them happen. Let them become a part of their experience, part of their memories. So that someday, they can look back at that time and laugh at how silly they were. That is why I find his line in Among the Great Blue quite ironic. He is not sticking to it.
The whole interaction between them proves that Rosa is not afraid to step up and speak her mind. She refuses to stay idle when things are going wrong. She definitely doesn't stand looking at Luke not enjoying himself because his happiness is her happiness.
The story was beautifully connected to Timely Rescue and other cards. It displayed a realistic quarrel between two people who had clashing views.
Luke still hasn't decided to confide in her about his condition yet, and he is still very hesitant whether he should be with her or not.
Rosa was kept in the dark the entire time. Despite that, she could tell that something was off with him.
They resolved the issue through communication which is a primordial element in any couple's road to happiness. Without it, you and your significant other won't last at all.
Rosa is an honest person, and Luke's overprotective trait bothered her so much because he has crossed the line several times. Not only was he restricting Rosa's freedom but also his freedom.
The whole ordeal gave huge character development to Rosa. She looks out for Luke and is greatly concerned over him as well. Luke is not the only person who is busy thinking about her. Rosa also does think about him, and always has been.
The card portrayed a healthy relationship that runs into issues and solves them through communicating.
Luke listening to her and feeling extremely blessed to be by her side was the cherry on top. He understood her, apologized to her, and he promised he won't cross the line again. Her reassuring words held some weight because you only live once. Why would anyone waste their time instead of enjoying themselves?
To Luke, it hits him harder because it involves time which is something intangible and not everlasting. He absolutely shouldn't waste it, especially in his case. He should spend every single minute of his life doing the things he likes, hanging out with the people he loves, and making new and timeless memories with them.
Rosa ended up teaching him a lesson about life and how valuable it is. The way she snapped at him as she ran out of patience and as her frustrations grew all the more obvious has only rendered her as more than a third-dimensional character. Rosa is too real. Too realistic. She has the most natural and wholesome interactions with Luke, and that says a lot about their relationship.
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Moreover, his Lost Gold route expanded his character even further. We get to witness his Raven side first-hand. A side that he is ashamed of showing.
But because of the whole ordeal in Timely Rescue, he decided not to cross the line. He made up his mind and showed her the side that he's been afraid to reveal all this time. A side that developed over those eight years. Rosa witnessed it, and her reaction to it was genuine as well as sweet. She immediately figured out how ashamed he was. And she also understood him and his predicament. Because of his job, he has to be harsh to his suspects. And as Rosa stated, she prefers Luke to be ruthless to protect himself rather than get hurt because of his kindness. Rosa has embraced all of Luke's sides and accepted him the way he is.
Granted, Luke said: "I will become the person that you like", but Rosa doesn't want that. Rosa wants Luke. The genuine person with all of his flaws and all of his strengths.
His response to what she said was so sweet. His embrace and his Thank You were so emotional and meaningful. Luke was afraid he might disappoint her with how much he changed. So, her reassuring words were such a relief to him. Nothing beats being wholeheartedly accepted by your significant other.
Rosa has always felt that the person in front of her is no longer familiar. She thought she always knew him. But the truth is she did not. Rosa has been feeling this way since day one of their reunion. And she openly expressed that in several cards like Alluring Gaze, Xmas Card, Among the Great Blue, to name a few.
Despite her lingering doubts, Rosa still accepts the person who is standing in front of her. Luke might have changed, but Rosa is willing to hold onto him and never let go. She is ready to embrace that unfamiliar figure of his because she loves him.
Her resolve to see past the distance that separated them had never faltered. That is because Luke means much more than that.
Xmas Card revealed that Luke has been hiding from Rosa for a while. It personally pains me to see him run away from her. This card adds more to how much he struggled with himself. Luke wanted to meet Rosa as soon as he came back. He wanted to share all the experiences and the stories that he had in the past eight years. He wanted to confide in her about everything. But, Luke was unable to do so. On top of his illness, he is ashamed to talk about his work as an agent. God only knows what kind of misdeeds he did. It saddens me to know that Luke has been through so much for the past eight years, unbeknownst to Rosa. He has been in many perilous situations. He got so wounded that he does not need an anesthetic to treat himself. Luke grew numb to the pain which is messed up. He got tormented for the longest time. (personal story ch3 and 4)
Luke has been exposed to danger at a young age which explains why he hates seeing Rosa go through the same path.
That also explains why he was so against the idea of her joining the NXX team in the main story.
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In RRG, Luke and Rosa's relationship took a shift and started to progress. Rosa felt bummed out because she thought she knew Luke best but realized that those eight years made him seem foreign to her. Her desire to know all of him and get close to him has been made clear in that card. Rosa seriously started looking at Luke. Her feelings slowly and steadily started surfacing and taking shape.
The whole card was incredible. From us finding out more about Raven to them acting like parents (to Xia Xia) to Rosa getting all emotional over Xia Xia's departure. Rosa's nightmare also proves that she refuses to be apart from Luke and that she is determined to hold onto him because he might slip from her at any moment. A sentiment that she has expressed since Shape of You. Rosa also figured that Luke has been hiding from her for so long, fearing he might bring her trouble. She got upset because she always wanted to be by his side no matter what.
Despite the dangers that Luke may face because of his work, Rosa wants to support him however she can. She is worried about him, and she hates that his life is always at stake, but she has decided not to get in the way of his dreams. Instead, she would bear the brunt with him. They will both go through ups and downs together, hand in hand.
The promise that they made is very precious because it shows just how much they care for each other.
"I promise I will do my best to not compromise myself.
In every minute and every second, I will choose the way that makes me happiest to live.
In every minute and every second, I will remind myself to avidly pursue everything I yearn for.
I definitely will not make this person in front of me, who supports me, feel unhappy or not blessed."
This promise is important because Luke always puts others above himself, and Rosa had enough of that. She wants him to be happy and to think of himself before others.
I would like to take a moment to talk about Luke's design. He is often seen with many gadgets. One of them is a camera.
His camera helps in capturing the moments, turning them into memories that transcend time itself. Luke is still coping with how short his lifespan is. Hence he wishes to savor the beauty of this world by saving every moment in his camera. Because surely, those moments will outlive him, never to be forgotten.
I like how Luke is the owner of an antique shop. An antique shop consists of items that are desirable because of their age, beauty, rarity, and personal emotional connection. These items represent a previous era or period in human history.
Luke as an antique shopkeeper is just so fitting because it feels like he is gathering all sorts of stories and memories connected with each object in his tiny little space to preserve them. After all, they will persevere against the flow of time. An ability that Luke would have liked to possess to put an end to his misery.
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Luke seems to be associated with crows which are a symbol of death. But that symbol represents more than that.
Rosa often thinks of Luke as a free-spirited person, unshackled by any constraints. She firmly believes that he deserves to be free like the birds.
"I hoped that I could also protect Luke, this eagle flying high with his wings spread, and his smile that was as warm as sunshine."
Her impression of Luke has always been that of an eagle spreading his wings in the sky. He represents freedom to her. Seeing Luke restrained by his shackles hurts Rosa to no end. Luke should not be in a cage. Luke should be flying high in the sky. That is where he belongs.
Rosa wants to protect that within her power because he deserves to be happy.
Not only has it been mentioned in the Electrifying Night card but also SoTT.
In SoTT, Luke worships the birds because they soar high in the blue sky. They are the symbol of freedom. But in this story, the roles are reversed. Rosa is trapped in a cage (society conventions) while Luke reaches out to release her. Luke is willing to give up on his freedom so that Rosa can live the way she always wanted to.
“I pray that you will continue to live bravely onwards, as you had described.”
Luke would do anything to see Rosa be happy, even at the cost of his freedom. That is the weight of his sacrifice.
On an unrelated note, Luke's design in SoTT is very self-contradictory and interesting:
His mask is that of Anubis; the God of Death, whereas his necklace is that of Ankh; the symbol of eternal life.
Going by that analogy, the necklace that was given to him by Rosa represents life. Despite being on the verge of death, Luke managed to live thanks to her.
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Honorary Mention:
Looming Nightmare is such a lamentable story. But looking past that, there's a lot of foreshadowing regarding Luke and Rosa's relationship.
The ruby and the sword made a cameo in this card.
Ruby symbolizes romantic love. It brings happiness and passion. It is said to inspire devotion and faithfulness within a romantic relationship.
This symbolism depicts Luke's overflowing feelings towards Rosa.
Because the ruby's hue is close to the color of blood, which carries oxygen to all parts of the body, the gemstone also represents vitality and vigor.
As for the sword, it symbolizes power, protection, authority, strength, and courage; metaphysically, it represents discrimination and the penetrating power of the intellect.
It is a symbol of knighthood and chivalry which is very fitting for Luke.
“Passion is the sword of love that pierces through the wall of fears that hold us back.” Lewis Howes
Based on the game's poster art, Luke might also become Rosa's weapon when her ideals will be put to the test.
This card proves yet again just how much both of them are willing to sacrifice for one another.
Granted, it is romantic but it is just as foreboding. Because of his desire to meet Rosa and be with her, Luke was easily deceived by the witch. In this case, not only did Love blind him but also drove him to his death (and ultimately Rosa's death). A tragic ending.
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On a side note, we get to see a very wholesome moment between them at the end of the card.
They always find comfort in each other's company and it's simply heart-warming.
I just love how close and intimate they are even before they started dating.
Their relationship is dynamic since both parties are willing to sacrifice so much to ensure the other is happy. Their love for each other is very pure, selfless, and unconditional. Not only that, but they are also characters with so much depth to analyze. Rosa and Luke are such layered individuals, and it is such a treat. There's more to these characters than what meets the eye (especially Luke)
Luke's personal story focused on the entire three-year issue. Episodes 1 and 2 were angsty enough. But Rosa has sprinkled some of her optimism which also plays as foreshadowing to the anniversary card.
The story behind the escape room puzzle is a straight nod to Luke's whole conflict.
Sphinx/Aaron purposefully planned this so that Luke would have enough balls to confess everything that he has covered from her.
Rosa's answer regarding the escape room's story is an indirect answer to Luke's confession. She insisted that even though your lover might someday disappear, the time spent with them is far more valuable than being apart from them.
Their entire existence brings them joy. So why would anyone be away from their source of happiness?
Luke took it personally because he resonated with the whole story.
At that point, Rosa does not know a thing about his illness, yet her answer hits Luke's very core and being.
The anniversary card was the culmination of several events throughout their story.
Luke's confession happened because reality has slapped him right in the face. He always thought of his short lifespan, but he never considered the possibility of losing Rosa before his eyes.
Rosa is selfless, almost to a fault. Episodes 3 and 4 displayed how she would readily put others above herself. She would easily risk her life for someone else. The incident that almost scarred her gave Luke the last push to finally come clean and confess everything.
For the first time, he revealed everything that he buried for years. Rosa's reply was just as emotional and just as groundbreaking. Everything; from their confrontation to them breaking down into tears to the starry sky in the background turning their childhood place (their old house) all the more intimate to their longing and desire burning in their eyes to them not even needing to utter another word because they yearn to fill each other with warmth; was perfection. The build-up was impeccable. I was a sobbing mess by the end of it.
The music box (Luke's gift) that emanates a rainbow is a throwback to the double rainbows that they saw in Iridescent Heartbeat.
Legend has it that if you keep following a rainbow, you will find a buried treasure underneath it. And as corny as his line may sound, Luke indeed found his treasure (Rosa) a long time ago. It's a whole circle back to the key in his necklace. A gift that was given by Rosa when they were kids.
The music that Luke has picked had so much significance. And the decision behind it was both melancholic and symbolic. His explanation is enough to let us know that Luke went through hell and back for Rosa. Luke was in emotional turmoil the entire time, suffering by himself. But not anymore. Because Rosa's answer gave him hope. It gave him a reason to keep pushing forward.
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When Luke talks about the future, he either uses ambiguous terms like always and forever or becomes pessimistic, knowing he only has three years left.
But it all changed when they started dating. Luke wants to make up for the eight years that he and Rosa have missed out. It neither sounds like an intangible dream nor a regretful mourn. Luke now has more belief in the future and is slowly overcoming his insecurities as they fall in love.
His concept of forever is no longer limited to the three years written in health reports. That concept became the longest time he spends with Rosa. And it's just overflowing with hope compared to how incurable he thought he was.
"So, I’ve decided. If the road ahead is fated to be covered in thorns, then I will grow with you by your side, no matter what comes at us, traversing this bumpy road fearlessly."
Luke's arc is a whole self-love journey. It is about finding yourself amidst all the darkness and hopelessness. It is about being hopeful in the face of despair. It is about living tomorrow to the fullest as if your life depended on it. It is about appreciating and treasuring those who have always supported you. Be it family, friends, or your significant other. It is about cherishing the time you spend with your loved ones. It is about being selfless and chasing after your happiness no matter what the hurdle is.
Luke's arc is a journey that taught him and Rosa many life lessons. They both grew together, went through many hardships, and are maturing together. They are learning to compromise and to adjust to one another. And that makes their bond even more beloved.
Luke no longer needs to shoulder all of the burdens by himself because now he has someone else's shoulder to lean on. Rosa has Luke's shoulder to lean on as well.
It's a journey of self-growth and self-love for both of them.
Rosa and Luke are more than just childhood friends. They are more than just a couple. They are soulmates.
Two individuals who got each other's backs no matter what life throws at them. Their bond is so precious, so dear.
What Luke and Rosa have is special. And watching them grow together is such a sight.
People believe that they are canon. But even if they are not, I am convinced that they will always find each other because they are soulmates.
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Credits: @tiramisiyu for the amazing translations!
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cadykeus-clay · 4 years
i would low key love to hear your tangent about the differences there are between how VM and TM9 react with the world
ah, the perfect excuse for me to put off my 30 page reading, thank you :3
(i’m also going to preface this by saying most of this is stuff i’ve picked from other people’s various metas and i absolutely do not remember who those authors might be so i apologize jsdlkfsd)
but uh ... basically i feel like vox machina and the nein have a completely opposite standard for how they interact with the people the consider to be their “inner circle” vs. everyone who doesn’t qualify as that. 
vm is a group of individuals who, overall, had one cruel person that slighted them but didn’t really destroy their faith in humanity. (their faith in themselves is a whole different horse. that ones .... woof. looking at you percy scanlan tary keyleth.) Percy had the briarwoods, Grog had Kevdak, the twins and tary had their father. so, the way that they interact with just random people that they meet is - with exceptions of course - amicable, or at the very least, respectably polite. 
they’re the saviours of emon, the freers of whitestone. they have festivals held in their honor. they have kid fans and random farmers knocking on their doorstep for aid because they’ve heard tales of the kindness. sure, vex can be a hassle when she’s haggling down a price, and keyleth tends to poke buttons in way that gets her arrested a fair amount of the time, but at the end of the day they’re the people’s heroes, and they’re happy to be that!
their inner circle, however, is much more closely guarded. they have a few chosen allies (gilmore, allura, kima, kash and zahra, cassandra) and that’s it. They’re hesitant with anyone else trying to creep into their personal fold. Hell, it took beating up tary and him breaking down sobbing for them to even consider liking him. they’ve been burned by raishan and clarota and hotis, by individuals they let in and who then stabbed them in the back. they’ll do almost any favor for a stranger who asks, but they’ll be damned if they trust anyone to actually join their midst. vox machina is vox machina is vox machina and that’s incredibly hard to change. 
the nein, on the other hand, are fundamentally a group of rejects. some of them have specific people they can point a finger at and say “i hate you”, but those problems stem from a greater societal rejection. beau has daddy issues, but she also felt rejected by the entire cobalt soul until dairon found her. caleb has trent’s fucked up shit, but he also has this constant pressure of having failed his entire country, not to mention the faceless hate piled up on him from living homeless for a year. jester’s whole deal is that she had to hide from LITERALLY ALL OF SOCIETY for her entire childhood because she wasn’t supposed to exist.
and so, the nein are shitheads to society right back. they’re mean to random barkeeps, they trash their inns and don’t say sorry, they mock most NPCs behind their back (or sometimes right to their face. @ marius).  Every favor asked of them comes with a ton of deliberation and arguing about whether its bait or not (ie bowlgate, the giants in the mine outside rosohna, essiks “favors”). 
but, on the flip side, they’re willing to tug just about anyone into their ranks. if society already hates them by default, what’s there to lose if they get close to someone? nothing, there’s only more love to be found! so it’s adopting random bird girls on the road, its sending cupcakes to a hag that cursed your friend, its sending messages to everyone you’ve ever met just to check in, it’s making someone sit in the hot tub with you and share trauma and then when you find out he started a war you say “we get it bro” and kiss him on the forehead. it’s “welcome to the mighty nein”. 
and it’s also very interesting, i think, to talk about the ways in which the party interacts with themselves. vox machina was a family, undoubtedly, as is the nein now. but vox machina ... had a lack of desperation to their attachment. i mean for one, they took a full year off from adventuring together and scattered cross continent. even if the nein gets down time like they did, i expect they’ll just trail each other around like lemmings. (its kind of what they’ve been doing from hiatus until now with the eiselcross arc starting). 
but vox machina just ... went. and scanlan walked away from the party and (after the heat of the moment), they agreed to just let him be. and pike would spend weeks on quests for sarenrae without much of a complaint. even at the end - and this will be a controversial take, i know - but they let vax go pretty easily. (sure, mechanically they were wiped from fighting, but besides tears the only attempt to defy trq was from percy, which even he gave up on with minimal struggle because vax said to stop it). that’s not to say they don’t miss each other when they’re gone! of course they do!!! but they trust each other to go off into the world, because the world as whole is a place they trust. 
(the one exception to this might be vex, who fought every one of these situations adamantly, but that’s a whole separate essay about her issues stemming from an innate sense of ‘failed family’ that she’s desperate to not repeat, and less about a mistrust of everyone until proven otherwise)
the nein on the other hand. hoo boy. they’ve been hot glued to each other’s hips since day one. So many quotes (many from beau, which could be worked into my previous vex essay, as they’re very much cross-campaign foils. getting sidetracked again) are about their inability to separate. “You don’t get to choose who cares about you”; “No one goes”; “If one of us is gone for more than 7 days assume we’re dead and have a funeral”; “Do we have co-dependecy issues?” Jester’s cool personal vacation to her god’s get together turned into a party with everyone because why would she go anywhere without the nein? Veth’s time with Luc and/or Yeza is constantly overrun with the rest of the nein dropping in for fun. Even small things like shopping trips are so much more “oh well if you’re going then i’ll go” snowballs than they ever were with vm. 
Also, ashley’s absences had to be much more forceful than in c1. Post episode 11, the only time yasha left the group (rather than someone else piloting her) of her own free will was when she ran in grief from molly’s grave. And yes, there’s something to be said about “oh they were on a boat for a long time she had nowhere to go” but if Matt can justify astral projection pike, i feel like he could justify ‘the stormlord teleports yasha away for a bit’ and he chose not to. 
Because!!!!!!!!! of the dynamic that the nein has!!!!!!!! Because of this idea that the world is bad and cold and full of hate and in here in our little hut (soon to be mansion??????) it’s safe and good and full of love and no one can leave because then you’d be going somewhere much more dangerous and we can’t have that, now can we? 
well uh. that’s a lot of words. i hope they made some sense??? and were at all what you were expecting???? thank u for sending the ask tho this was very fun to write!!
tldr: vox machina is a group of people who were betrayed by one bad figure, so they trust the world and are wary of the individual; whereas the nein is a group of people who were failed by the world at large so they welcome the loner and fear the pack. 
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deathonyourtongue · 4 years
Sanguine Nocturnus | 2
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Summary: Even after 2000 years, the world can still surprise you. Pairing: AU!Henry Cavill x OFC Word Count: 3K Warnings: It’s a vampire fic. Death. Blood. Gore. Sex. Horror. Not for the kiddies or the squeamish. I mean it. A/N : Couldn’t leave y’all hanging a week without meeting our main character, now could I?
It was rare that he woke to an empty bed. Rarer still that he woke feeling as though every cell in his body was vibrating. Checking the time on his phone, he sat upright and looked around, keen eyes searching the pitch-black room for any sign of his previous night’s companion. His two dobermans, Phobos and Deimos, marked the spot, the dogs framing the corpse of last night’s entertainment. She’d been a pretty thing, fresh into her 20’s, and still so naive that she’d hung on every word he’d whispered in her ear. 
At least she didn’t die a virgin.
Bending down, he picked her up easily, slinging her over one shoulder as he made his way to the cold room. Too restless to take care of her immediately, he slipped her into one of the five drawers built into the wall and locked the room behind him. By the time he made it back upstairs to shower and dress, her face was already a half-forgotten memory in his mind.
Deciding on an all-black ensemble with a ruby-toned, velvet brocade waistcoat, he showered, dressed and stepped onto the wet cobbles of Rome’s quiet streets, still feeling as though electricity was coursing through him. The moon hung over the Pantheon, looming and casting a reddish glow on all below it.
Feeling none of the restless energy dissipate despite the fresh air, he turned in the direction of the Vatican, needing to take the edge off.
He’d been a customer of the club for years; ever since it opened in fact. Over the thirty years Romulus had been serving the public, the staff had come and gone, but thankfully the owner had stayed the same. Nodding to the man as he came in, the owner automatically motioned for the bartender to set up his drink, knowing his most loyal patron only ever drank one thing; Sanguinem. A blend of wine and other, more secretive ingredients, it was the oldest drink the owner ever kept in stock. The owner had tried it once or twice, always wincing when the metallic taste hit his tongue, always confused by the popularity of the drink among many of his patrons. 
 He sighed as he took a seat at the bar, his blue eyes gazing up at the artwork that adorned the walls. Seldom seen when the club was in full swing, the paintings were recreations of those who had encountered a brutal end. Everyone from Marie Antoinette to Kurt Cobain lined the walls, their images altered to show them post-mortem. Sometimes gruesome and always detailed, each painting was a one-of-one, and if times ever got tough, an easy sell to a discerning collector. 
As the name suggested, Romulus’ atmosphere evoked the age and bloody history of the city it called home. Dim lights, chaise lounges, and arched stone ceilings all lent to the feeling like one were in the catacombs beneath the city. Most nights, the place was flooded with red neon, the gleam of the lights off the dance floor emanating to every other corner of the establishment.
For a Saturday night, the place was oddly vacant, until he remembered that tonight was All Souls’ Day and most of Italy was either in church or in their homes, celebrating the holiday. He had never had much respect for religion, especially Catholicism; as far back as he could remember, the church had been the instigator of more deaths than any other group in the world.
“They can all go fuck themselves,” the patron muttered under his breath before taking his first swig, the bartender giving him a look as though the drinker had just murdered his mother. The owner smiled, knowing the man was referring not to the employees of the club, but to the religious fanatics that kept most of the country in church on a night like this.
“Non è cattolico.” The owner told the bartender, explaining the man’s religious views to the slightly offended man, who nodded in understanding as he connected the cussing to the holiday.
“Non cattolico a tutto.” The patron agreed, his tone low and sharp, his accent different than that of his fellow countrymen.
“Thank you for the drink, old friend.” The man said as he took his final sip, standing to his full height before extending his hand to the owner who shook it happily, his smile filled with the usual wonder that came across his face whenever he observed his patron up close. Although years went by and the world changed, his loyal customer never seemed to age a day. 
No money was ever exchanged, the owner having long ago gifted his patron with a lifetime supply of Sanguinem in exchange for a certain…favor he’d needed done. 
Herminius Calvisius, Henry as he was known these days, had indeed done a few favours for a select few in Italy over the years. Personally, he adored when said favours had to do with the Vatican, for he loved the food there; if you could call it that. 
Food for Henry was not exactly appetizing fare for most others he resembled. Henry's idea of a meal usually consisted of a glass of Merlot followed by a pretty young thing looking for a good time around one of the dark alleys surrounding Vatican City at midnight. He never failed to get a laugh out of the shock that came from the Swiss Guard when they would find the woman the next morning, pale as St. Peter's Basilica, with the exception of two gentle circles in her throat.
 Yes, he was un vampiro, as they liked to call him; a vampire.
Tonight however, the meals would be scarce, and since he was quite selective of his dinner—despite favouring the occasional streetwalker—Henry found his feet guiding him towards one of the few places where blood was a commodity.
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Located just outside the Porta Settimiana, the old villa was vast, and most found it disturbing, in a way they simply couldn’t define. It made the hairs on their arms stand, and quickened their step, but if one were to ask, not a single soul could say why they avoided the piece of history. 
To Henry, it was like gazing on the picture of heaven. 
It was the first place he had deemed worthy enough to call home after he became immortal, and it had yet to lose its value in his eyes. Prying open the gate, which badly needed oiling, Henry smiled as he saw Brutus stand from the front door to greet him.
“Hello, boy. It’s been ages, has it not?” He greeted as he pet the mastiff that eagerly sniffed him for bones.
“None today, boy, my apologies.” Henry’s lips turned downwards at the same time as the dog’s, both spending a few more silent moments together before the large black door of the Italianate house was opened.
Had a human have witnessed the action, their blood would have run cold, for like many of the other houses of the period, the front door of this one was unbelievably heavy, usually taking the strength of two men to open. The hand that gripped it however, was delicate, manicured and thin; precisely the hand belonging to the woman he had come to see.
“Lucrezia, my love, hello.” Truly, being in her presence over the years had provided Henry with a great many memories, and fond ones at that, something which was scant for one such as himself.
“Hello, my little hermit.” She smiled. Others in the Roman coven had always called her grin wicked, but to him, it was beautiful and warm; one of the few smiles that had ever pervaded his dreams, turning nightmares into impish fairy tales.
Lucrezia, as her name would suggest, was also Italian, and although younger than him, she had seen the days when Rome ruled the earth—or what was known of it at the time. She had seen several Caesars come and go, and had been just outside the senate when Julius himself had met his end at the tip of Brutus’ blade.
Her hematite locks descended past her shoulders in loose waves, only serving to accentuate impeccable bone structure, a creamy complexion, and burgundy lips she methodically painted every time she awoke. Henry could tell she was feeling dramatic today, as she was wearing an old Roman gown, given to her by a courtier during the reign of Octavian.
“What’s the occasion, Lucy?” Smiling at the intended reaction he got at the nickname, he did not hesitate to kiss her cheek in pardon.
“I do hate it when you call me that, Henry; Makes me sound like a child.”
Indeed to any onlooker, she might be confused for one, Lucrezia having been made an immortal at the tender age of twenty. He did not know her then, but news of her beauty spread quickly among the covens of the Empire, her likeness drawn on both papyrus and walls alike, so that any who felt the need could gaze upon her visage. Henry smiled, remembering how the portraits did her little justice when he finally gazed upon her in the flesh.
“If you must know however, I had company over just an hour ago, and there’s some very exciting news coming from the coven.”
“Will I have to be there?” Henry rolled his eyes, knowing that any news from the coven could only be one of two things; either there was to be a new celebration, or one of the elders had gone to ground and a new one had been chosen to take his place.
“Hush. I haven’t even told you the news yet. Marius was lovely enough to come and keep me company tonight on such a dreadful holiday, and since he had just been to the house, he was brimming with new gossip that I just had to hear. Apparently, Cassius has decided to sleep, and a new elder will be taking his place. According to Marius, this one is…different.”
“Different how?” Henry asked, his interest piqued despite his detestation for any and all gossip to come out of the coven he had so long ago abandoned in favour of a life less formal.
“Well, first off he’s apparently quite…awe striking, fear-inducing, etcetera. A real Roman sculpture is how Marius described him. And secondly, he’s of the…Greek persuasion, if you will.”
Her grin became even more deviant as the two headed inside towards the parlor, Lucrezia immediately pulling a decanter off a small flame and pouring two glasses of blood so good, the scent alone was enough to make Henry’s head spin.
“A boy lover?” He asked, looking curiously at his companion. It was not uncommon for those of his kind to frolic with their own sex, but among the elders and those next in line, it was a rarity, simply because it was a public imbalance among the sexes of the coven and their kind liked nothing more than to appear egalitarian.
“MAN lover, actually. If Marius was looking at the right man, then apparently our next elder has already found a companion in Fares.” Henry raised his eyebrows, indifferent to the news.
“Where do you find them?” He asked, tipping his glass in reference to the fine liquid he soon after began pouring down his throat.
“Oh, you know…The old money, the papacy, the brothels, the usual.” They shared a laugh, both knowing that no matter what a person’s station in life, their blood did little to hide their history.
“Well, my dear, for someone as young as you, you have fine taste.” And with that, he took a full drink, feeling his body reconstitute in seconds.
“Back to this fledgling, my love, and pay attention. The ceremony is taking place two nights from now, at the house, and yes, you must attend.”
Henry tried to hide his annoyance at the fact that despite severing ties to the house, he was still required to go to such frivolous functions, for the sake of tradition alone. For all he knew, the fledgling was already in power, probably getting the youngest members of the house to do his dirty work for him. 
Above all though, he felt bitter that despite his lack of connection, he had yet again been passed over as elder of the coven. It was not as if he were the youngest of vampires. Over 2,000 years old and plenty educated in the ways of the coven, Henry found it an insult to be passed over time after time; it was one of the many reasons he’d separated himself from their ancient ways. 
“How old is this boy lover and what’s his name?” Henry asked, feigning interest for Lucrezia’s sake, only mildly interested in knowing whether this new elder was an acquaintance or not.
“He is a 26, and his name is...Gab-No! Gregory, from what Marius could gather. Do you know him?”
“Is he Italian?” Henry asked, knowing that the chances of this man being familiar to him would increase tenfold if he was of Roman descent.
“When have you known the elders to ever pick a foreigner as the next in line? Of course he’s Italian.” Lucrezia laughed, thinking Henry foolish for even entertaining the notion.
“Well, there was the time when we put in a Frenchman, temporarily. That didn’t go over too well though.” He reminded her, every member of the coven all too eager to forget that one particular mistake in their history.
“And you said he was my 26? As in, older than me?”
“No. 26, as in he was born yesterday,” Lucrezia’s eyes went wide, her gaze speaking volumes to Henry as she took a sip from her chalice. He, like her, was scandalized that they’d pick someone so young to their ways to be the next leading elder.  
Licking his lips, he tried to remember all the faces he had come across in the last three decades, linking each to a name and finding that none of them matched the one he’d been given.
“Unless my memory deceives me, or he has changed his name, I do not know him.”
“Pity, for I was hoping you’d introduce me.” Lucrezia grinned, a single line of blood falling from the corner of her lips, making her indeed look like a celluloid vampire.
Finishing off her chalice, Lucrezia’s blue-green eyes turned to the night beyond her window, Henry smiling as he sensed where the night would go.
“Everyone’s tripping over themselves, naturally; either in love with his youth and beauty, or wanting to maim Cassius for choosing a fledgling who hasn’t even weaned yet, as far as Marius could tell.”
“It’s little wonder Cassius decreed you--” Lucrezia stopped short, her eyes traveling up and over the lip of her chalice, a devilish smirk exposing her fangs as she waited for Henry’s reaction.
“Decreed me to what, Lucy?” Henry asked with a warning tone, one eyebrow raising as he waited for her to spill the rest of the gossip she’d received second-hand.
“Decreed that you will be his tutor in all things...Vampiric.” Her delicate fingers slipped through the air, creating a ballet all their own and momentarily distracting Henry from his own ire.
“He has no power to do so! Lucrezia, tell me this is another one of your humorless jests!” He finally barked, teeth bared as he stood and began to pace around the room.
“I’m afraid not, my darling. If Marius was correct, the decree came with an ultimatum as well. Come to heel, or…” 
“That pompous bastard. He knows full well what he does. I knew it would be another century of trouble once he rose. Had to get one last kick to the teeth in. I swear, if this is still because I told him his mother was a beautiful as a donkey’s prick, I will have his head while he SLEEPS!”
“Easy, Centurion. It’s generally frowned upon to decapitate an elder nowadays. Come, let us slake your lust elsewhere. I ordered in.” Her smile turned even more secretive as she rang a bell next to the snifter, Lucrezia’s gentle hands pressing Henry towards the area of the parlor that she’d long ago turned into something more closely resembling an Andaruni. 
Slipping her hands into the collar of his jacket, Lucrezia helped Henry undress before allowing him to do the same to her, the sweet tone of her giggle as she spun out of her dress completely dissipating any of the lingering anger Henry felt. When they were both nude and relaxed among the many cushions that separated them from the floor, Lucrezia’s day man sent in a feast. 
“Twins! Lucy, you’ve outdone yourself.” Henry’s eyebrow raised for a very different reason as both he and Lucrezia opened their arms for the two young blondes who had been ushered in, bare, and more than a little tipsy if their footsteps were anything to go by. 
“What did you give them tonight?” Henry questioned with a chuckle, reaching up and catching one of the girls before she could crash headlong into the low table that held a variety of accoutrements for pre and post-dinner. Undeterred, the woman found her way easily into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck as she did a sloppy grind of her hips against his hardening shaft.
“Just the usual. Bit of Absinthe, touch of Laudanum for the nerves.”
“I owe you dinner.” Henry smiled as he sank into the girl in his arms, watching as she arched back instinctively against the exquisite pleasure he provided.
Moans filled the air before a deathly silence blanketed the villa, two more souls joining the countless others being prayed for on that sacred night.
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fremedon · 3 years
Brickclub 2.5.8, “The Mystery Deepens,” and 2.5.9, “The Man with the Bell”
Valjean contemplates the sleeping Cosette, and has an epiphany, or thinks he does:
“He clearly perceived this truth, the bedrock of his life from now one, that so long as she was there, so long as he had her by him, he would have no need of anything but for her sake, nor fear of anything except on her account.”
This is going to be literally true, and if Valjean were actually in that place of clarity where he thinks he is, I might say that he’s recognizing that he’s already dead, and merely allowed to keep existing for Cosette’s sake.
But he’s not. @everyonewasabird points out that this is where Valjean makes his fundamental error:
He thinks he has his clarity of mind back.
But he doesn’t! He doesn’t even know he’s cold!
And here, (HERE!?) we get the thesis of the rest of Valjean’s life. Everything revolves around Cosette, she is his sole purpose, and his continued existence is synonymous with her continued proximity.
That’s going to be a problem! She’s going to meet a boy one day, and Valjean will literally die of it!
And there’s always been this question in my head, of what error does Valjean make, and when does he make it?
And the answer is: he makes it RIGHT HERE. In this dead place, thinking he’s clear of mind when actually he’s nothing of the sort.
If we didn’t get that point clearly enough, we soon learn that his calm reassurance comes from contemplating a child he thinks is sleeping who is actually close to death. Cosette in this moment is one more thing that seems like a true light to follow that actually conceals a tomb.
It does feel like there’s some magical bargain being made here. The certainty he feels gazing at Cosette seems almost like a prayer--as long as Cosette is safe, he won’t ask for anything, or need anything for himself.
Valjean is starting to subconsciously notice Fauchelevent’s bell, and after this he’ll notice it properly and be cast back into an immediate and justified terror for his freedom. And he is still terrified by the sight of the prostrate nun--which is fascinating. As much as Hugo is laying on the Gothic horror, why is the nun the most terrifying thing Valjean has ever seen? He’s been in the bagne! Twice! He’s seen some shit. What about the nun performing the reparation is so existentially terrifying?
Even after he finds out where he is and what that prostrate figure was doing, he’s still going to be Weird about it. Later, he will kneel and pray just outside the chapel wall, contemplating the sister at the post, the way he knelt on the doorstep of the Bishop of Digne, and the way he approaches Fantine and Cosette as figures of worship.
He doesn’t know yet who the nun is or what she’s doing, but the echoes of that tendency to set up intermediaries between himself and the divine has some really interesting resonances with the conversation with Fauchelevent.
“Père Fauchelvent, I saved your life.” 
“I was the first to remember it,” replied Fauchelevent.
“Well, today you can do for me what I once did for you.”
Fauchelevent took in his old, wrinkled and trembling hands Jean Valjean’s two sturdy hands and for several minutes seemed unable to speak. Finally he exclaimed, “Oh! that would be a blessing from the good Lord if I could pay you back a little! I, save your life! Monsieur le Maire, this old man is at your service!”
A wonderful joy had in some way transfigured the old man. His face seemed to radiate light.
As Bird pointed out, the conversation at the end of the chapter where Fauchelevent calls Valjean an ingrate for saving his life and forgetting him--and implicit in forgetting, not giving him an opportunity to return gratitude or service--recalls “Enjolras and His Lieutenants,” the other big non-Marius-related use of “ingrate” in dialog. And this scene recalls OFPD--the handclasp, the moment of transfiguration. 
And this scene goes well, mostly? Fauchelevent gets to save Valjean. Valjean gets the help and the refuge that he needs. And he gets a friend--he makes the one human connection outside Cosette that we’ll ever see him make.
And yet the fact that it is the only one really suggests that something here is still broken. There’s a lesson he’s not learning, or at least not able to apply ever again. He will be in this position again, face to face with a person whose life he has saved, twice again and he will fail to make a connection with Javert and do everything in his power to thwart making one with Marius.
I’m not sure exactly what the lesson is, but there’s something here I can’t quite put into words about how saving or transforming a life creates a mutual obligation. We’ve just seen Valjean gaze at Cosette in worship, without waking her and without, at least at first, understanding what she needs. And we’ve seen him run in absolute terror from a figure who he will later turn to with that same worship. But we’re never going to see him reach out, the way Fauchelevent does, to anyone of the people who have transformed his life and try to meet them as equals, or to ask whether worship is what they need or want of him. And he’s going to spend the rest of his life making sure that no one else he helps, no one he saves, has the knowledge or opportunity to reach out to him.
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vcsecretgifts · 4 years
Snap shot in time
From: @auburnandamberangel
Merry Christmas @plopofcolour Qotd era Khayman and Armand interaction on the Night Island. Hope you like ^u^
Armand watched Khayman looking at his upper terrace garden, the plants benefiting not only from the sunshine but also the seaspray. The cacti, the large Saguaros with their armed tall appearance especially had captured the ancients fascination. The silhouettes classic to many a western. They weren’t indigenous to Egypt, effectively a new world plant, and certainly capturing this until recently slumbering vampire. Perhaps as they too were long lived, slow in maturing. He had his cameras slung over his neck and shoulder wanting to capture the bloom on one of them, a first. He recorded all of them on this island. Mementos.
Khayman was a very good guest, polite, and surprisingly unaloof compared to other vampires of a similar age. ‘Mr manners leaves their bodies after the first few thousand years!’ Daniel had observed dryly not to long ago as they say in said same garden, watching the waves. Sitting on the stone steps, snuggly between Daniels stretched out legs. Barely dead himself, so manys ways appeared rude by his modern standards. “Not all are…impolite.” Daniel had nodded, smiling almost as if he’d read his mind and knew he was thinking of the Egyptian. Which was impossible, he just people watched very well. And surely he was an expert in Armand observations by now.
“Ahh but Khayman was nice as a human, not many airs on him plus he’s sweet on you. So you’re the last person he’d be short with.” Interestingly not too much jealousy in that statement. A small possessive kiss to the top of his head, caressing of his arms about his waist. Their guests came and went, things were more peaceful minus some of their vampire brethren. Peaceful between them even. Born in a time of crisis, his home even invaded it wasn’t ideal for them even with a notorious nosey parker like his fledgling. He’d borne so much strain at his hands before being turned, it worried Armand. Sometimes they fought as he instinctually pulled back.
“The fact he’s easy on the eye doesn’t hurt much either does it.” Daniel added laughter in his voice. Teasing. Armand smiled despite himself turning his head. “But I’m famous for a penchant for blondes darling aren’t I.”
“Except Louis.” His beloved kissing his dimples. And others he’d best not mention. Not eager to quote that book at him right now.
“Hmmmm. Nice to not always be predictable then.” Kissing Daniels matching smile. It had ended up being a very good evening that night. Allowing himself to bask in the glow of the memory of it.
Khayman found the sea soothing, the air fresh and the garden a magical oasis. A small movement betrayed his hosts presence, rare to not have an exuberant Daniel or hesitant brooding Marius in orbiting attendance around Armand. Moths to this ’cherubs’ - seraphin now surely more apts flame- A ethereal beauty no matter the flowery language. In his time one destined to be blessed by the gods. A soul just as full of substance as his appearance. To think without her, the mother waking he’d probably not have crossed paths with this one. So artful at cloaking his presence. Deep in thought he was looking at him, but not really seeing him. Caught in a recollection. Unguarded he looked so young, in the eyes the depth and knowledge in them gave his age away. This was the way with their kind. Trapped in their making, the soul grew seen through the orbs alone. Somehow still warmth there, if the mood was right. A miracle considering the heartache had been through in so far centuries. He would do much to make sure he didn’t make those eyes cold. Watching this former coven master navigate so many vampires in his sanctuary, first love mingling with last. Struck by the poise. The former parents guardian, the Roman made said face light up and close down in equal measure. Not his place to intervene ofcourse, though tempting. Best to announce his presence, so Armand didn’t feel too exposed.
“Armand, good evening. Was there something I can aid you with?” Smooth heavily accented voice totally interrupting his reverie. “Did you want private time in your garden?” Previously observed vampire catching him unawares, hoping he hadn’t left himself open to scrutiny thoughts wise. His mind usually locked up tight, some of the first brood lacked finesse with the mind gift, it coming to them later. But what they lacked in finesse, could be made up by brute force alone. Being Marius’ blood line vicariously provided some civility that otherwise may not exist, for a not even five hundred year old former cult coven leader. Ageism was alive and well in their surviving group from Akashas cull. As if age always came with wisdom… Khayman had been gentle and respectful in his manner towards him. Armand appreciated this from his most recent friend. He saw him as he was, no judgement.
“No not at all. I take pleasure in seeing enjoyment from my garden. The cacti have you in their thrall I see.” Genuine smile to the ancient. Moving closer. The garden lit by coloured uplights here and there to make it appealing.
“They are exotic to my old eyes, yes. Beautiful yet dangerous. So like us I feel.” Small smile back. “Your a gracious host, I know it’s not in most of your nature’s to live on mass for long. You’ve been patient where you could have been firm. Silent when you could have spoken.” Khaymans turn to watch and enjoy the view that had nothing to do with the garden, but more it’s creator.
“Ah well, tact or diplomacy is something I’ve always had to have. Never to speak unless it improves the silence or my position in it.” Being quite open now in this admission. Unusually candid for himself truly. He didn’t think he’d regret it in this situation.
“The lone jackel is a hard role to break, though it’s served you well.” The ancient replied. Looking back at the cacti. “How old is this one then?”
“This one is around seventy years. It’s the first year it’s flowered, you’re lucky to have witnessed it.” Itching to take a picture of the flower, and perhaps Khayman too if he was truthful with himself. Just incase his stay was brief and centuries passed until another meeting of minds. “But they can live to around one hundred and seventy five perhaps even two hundred years. Not bad for a desert dweller.”
Khayman eyed the camera, that was the term wasn’t it. One of the magical picture capturers. “You’ll record it with this?” He hadn’t tried anything new in a while. Armand was patient, the best person to ask to try. “How?” He uttered before he had time to edit.
Inquisitive and open to instruction, not your average elder. Refreshing like the sea breeze. “I need a tripod, unless you can hold it steady as a rock. I’ll do both.” Zipping inside and then back out to get it. “I’ll need a long exposure to make the most of the moon light, and a flash for my close ups. The window inside opens for the picked time, the light hits the film and makes an imprint like an eye I suppose but in reverse, or inverse a negative. We can use the darkroom next.” Twinkle in his eye as he saw the ancients eyes widen. “The Polaroid develops as you shake it.” It must sound odd to the others ears.
“Witchcraft then. I’m an apprentice to a modern sorcerer.” Pleased by the laugh this comment brought from Armand.
“Usually I’m called bewitching. But I’ve been accused of worse.” Daniels words echoing in his head, pleased he didn’t blush as easily as said youngblood.
Gingerly taking the camera and going still, statue like as he could. A trick you learnt which came easily with age. Though it usually unnerved younger immortals. *Direct me as if I’m a tripod.* He said is the mind voice. Armands softer hands aiming the slr camera for a closeup. Physical contact was a luxury being a nomad rarely afforded.
Hearing the snap of the inner workings, turning of the spool. With each shot, the flash singing. Armand liked this process, methodical, practised yet still room for error and surprise. *Move back a little so I can get a portrait of it. Perhaps one of and for you to take with you?* Because people leave - eventually. This was always a possibility. Sentiment came with a cost, this he always knew.
A photo to keep. An anchor would be good for times Khayman felt unsteady. Stronger by the year, but wispy in his soul sometimes. A welcome light in the Night Island Villa, to concentrate on. *Yes. A portrait of plant, myself and it’s guardian even better.*
Warm glance, nodding his answer. “This also has a cable to take a photograph at a distance. A bellow balloon, a tube and a metal press.” Screwing it into the button. Then retrieving it from the taller elder. Fixing this on the tripod via it’s own foot. Let’s set ourselves up. Standing and leaning into the framing arms of the cactus, as if the plant was behind them, reaching to hold them close.
Khayman followed the younger ones lead. Moving in closer and realising he could smell Armands hair. Wondering if this was his shampoo or just his natural scent. Vampires sometimes exuded a odour that was unique to them, a spice in the blood perhaps. Marius had made him, imbued with donations by Akasha during his guardianship. Perhaps he had smelt like this in Venice as a mortal. Not something he could easily ask the child of two millennia. Nor share a want to share his blood to strengthen those below a thousand in their coven, truthfully only this one piqued his interest.
Armand had the cord behind his back to depress at just the right moment. Khaymans strong heartrate was hard to ignore so close. “Ready. One two three.” Not using cheese, referring to a dairy product as slang for smiling usually put older vampires in a spin. So a countdown better. Not flinching at the flash or the next long exposure. “Always take more than one for practicality.” Moving to replace the lens cap and concentrate on the Polaroid camera in front of him now. “Arguably this one is like magic.” He stated with a smile. “As Daniel can attest I took so many in our early years here.” Boxes and boxes of them, indulgent expression on his face. He was rich, but some things were priceless that had little monetary value in his collection. “Strike your next pose. Make yourself comfortable.”
Khayman liked Daniel. He was full of life, and hoped that energy didn’t turn downwards into madness. Knowing Armand was concerned with this too, any elder making a first fledgling would be - especially one as fond of forward planning as his host. Smiling nervous about doing something wrong. Hoping irrationally it wasn’t magic, as magic never bode well. Flash and snap. Painless. Wondering what the twins back in Sonomo thought of this new family, Mekare learning after her travelling the wilderness. Focus on Jesse, their link to Miriam.
Armand handed the Polaroid by its framed white bottom edge to the elder. “Now shake it, and you’ll slowly appear.” Charmed by Khaymans expression, bouyed one so old could still feel the wonder of the new. Despite intermittent sleeps. Hope for all of them surely. Watching Khayman watching the photograph as it developed. “What do you think?”
Bit by bit the image appeared - the dark background shading in firstly, the bright green cacti appearing next with its vibrant blooms. Then the paled by time figure, a smile all for the taker. Now one such photo of Armand with or without himself would be wondrous. “A fine picture.” So excited he placed kisses on Armands cheeks stopping before he daren’t put any on those rosy lips. Moving faster than he usually did, enveloping the younger vampire in a hug would perhaps be too much of a liberty. They had time. “One of us next, yes?”
Armand didn’t have time to start at the sudden movement of the ancient. Stealing himself to be squeezed, fortunate it didn’t come to pass. Khayman smelt inviting though, heady blood from their fount. Marius would be jealous no doubt. But he wasn’t here was he. Attending to Pandora, a promise of a return soon. As ever time would tell. Trying not to stare at Khaymans lips. “Yes. An instant portrait next.” Glad of someone who gave as much as he took.
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Here is the piece I wrote for @mechanismszine! Just a little ivy/raph/marius for the soul.
 Ivy Alexandria woke covered in sweat and took a moment to get her heavy breathing under control before sitting up. She looked around the room, noticing that she was in a prison cell with two other people. Ivy’s eyes landed on the woman with wings sleeping next to her and she started to go through what she was slowly remembering about her.  Raphaella LaCognizi, science officer, Mechanism: her wings.
Ivy went through her memories of this woman, the first time they met, Raphaella doing some morally questionable science experiments, the two of them stargazing together on some planet whose name had long since been forgotten, the time Raphaella had “accidentally” killed Marius in the process of trying to figure out if octokittens liked to eat human flesh. Ivy knew that she had a connection to this woman, but she couldn't figure out what it was. 
Ivy looked at the man sleeping on her other side. He looked calm and peaceful. Ivy tried to remember who he was. Marius von Raum, doctor, Mechanism: his right arm. She remembered him trying, and failing, to convince her he was actually a doctor, him helping her organize the archives a few times, and the two of them feeding the octokittens together.
Next, she started to remember the events leading to her ending up in this prison cell. She could remember their arrest in perfect detail, down to the exact temperature it had been that day. She remembered the very tired looking transport police officer who’d tried to interrogate them a couple of times before disappearing. Ivy estimated there was an 80% chance he’d left because of how annoying Marius was.
Ivy didn’t have an emotional reaction to anything she remembered, save for a little amusement at Marius’s antics along with a surge of love for him.
That’s right! She loved him, and she loved Raphaella too! Ivy felt happy to have realized that. She re-remembered it every morning, and every time it made her just as happy. She started to remember more about her time with Marius and Raphaella–how they’d helped each other through their imprisonment, how they'd made each other laugh, and how they held each other when they cried. Ivy smiled at these memories as well as the knowledge that she had these two people with her right now.
The longer Ivy was awake, the more her memories came back. She remembered her time with the rest of the crew of the Aurora. She remembered cooking dinner with Brian, sitting with Ashes as they took inventory of the supplies on board, helping Tim figure out how to work a weird gun he’d found on one of the planets they’d visited, explaining to Jonny that as first mate of a pirate ship he had virtually no power, sitting with Nastya as she worked on fixing The Aurora, and laughing as an octokitten tried to eat The Toy Solider’s nose. Ivy missed them a lot now that she remembered them. But the 40 years she'd been in this prison cell was a very small amount of time in the grand scale of her very long life.
“Ivy?” a voice spoke from beside her. She turned to see Raphaella’s beautiful face staring up at her. “Good morning love,” she said, sitting up and giving Ivy a quick kiss.
“Good morning.” Ivy smiled at her girlfriend.
“Are you okay? You seem like something’s on your mind,” Raphaella said, giving Ivy’s hand a quick squeeze.
“I’ve just been remembering everything and I’m starting to miss everyone else. I don’t feel anything for them but I know when I was around them I loved them all.”
Raphaella pulled herself into a more comfortable position sitting in front of Ivy and grabbed both her hands.
“I don’t really understand how you’re feeling but I know missing people. I miss the rest of the crew too. Well, maybe not Tim, he blows stuff up a lot.”
“You do too,” Ivy interjected.
“Fair enough,” Raphaella laughed. “But I do miss the rest of the crew. We can bust out of here if you want-”
Ivy shook her head.
“Okay, that’s a relief, we still have an album to work on. What can I do to help you?” Raphaella put one of her wings around Ivy and looked into her eyes.
“I don’t know,” Ivy sighed.
“That’s okay. Can I give you a hug?” Ivy nodded and Raphaella wrapped her arms and wings around her. Ivy leaned into the hug and buried her head in the crook of Raphaella’s neck. They held each other like that for a while, comforted by each other’s company.
Ivy pulled away first.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Of course! Anything else I can do for you?” Ivy shrugged. “Do you think a distraction would be helpful?” Ivy nodded. “Alright, let me think of something we can do that won’t cause too much chaos.”
“Chaos?” Marius yawned and opened his eyes. “I can help you cause chaos.” He sat up in bed and turned to look at Ivy and Raphaella.
“I was thinking a nice breakfast together would be a good distraction without too much chaos but with Marius there, things could definitely get out of hand.”
“Hey!” Marius threw his pillow at Raphaella. She yelped and ducked out of the way. “I mean, you’re right but still,” Marius said, pouting a little.
“How does breakfast sound to you?” Raphaella said, turning to address Ivy.
“Breakfast sounds great.”
“Can I come? I want breakfast too,” Marius said.
“As long as you promise not to cause too much chaos,” Raphaella said.
“There’s only a 10% chance he won’t cause chaos,” Ivy said.
“Oh, Ivy I’m hurt!” Marius said, feigning insult. Raphaella and Ivy laughed.
“I was just stating the facts, you can still come,” Ivy said, still laughing. She gave Marius a quick kiss and then hopped out of bed.
“I hope getting out of here won’t be too hard,” Marius said, as he and Raphaella followed Ivy out of bed and started getting ready for a prison break.
The three immortals had a relatively easy time breaking out of prison, they could have done it at any time, but they had been busy observing the events taking place in the Yggdrasil system. Now that they had a reason to get out, they had a fun time doing it.
Ivy broke the lock on their cell; it was very simple compared to some of the others she’d broken, and the group entered the hallway. Marius quickly incapacitated the nearby guards,  stole their guns, and distributed them between himself, Raphaella, and Ivy and the group set off down the hallway.
The rest of their escape went off with very few complications. Ivy handled the security system and Marius and Raphaella handled the guards. A couple of times Ivy had to help them get past the guards. The first time she killed one was horrible. Blood splattered everywhere and Ivy started to feel sick. That feeling was quickly followed by distrust and fear of herself and a lot of guilt. She stopped in the hallway in the middle of the fight and took a bullet to the knee, but she barely registered it, caught up in the horrible feelings coursing through her.
“Ivy!” Raphaella called out to her. Ivy didn’t respond.
“It’s okay Raph, I’ve got this, keep fighting!” Marius said as he jogged over to Ivy.
“Ivy, look at me.” Marius stood in front of her, grasping her hands. Ivy looked up at him, tears flowing down her face. “Ivy, it’s okay. I know how you’re feeling. I used to feel the same way when I killed someone. But Ivy, you've got to remember, you won’t feel this way tomorrow, you can kill millions of people today but tomorrow you will forget the weight of their souls.”
Ivy wiped her eyes and took a few deep breaths.
“You’re right, thanks,” she said to Mauris before kissing him on the cheek and pulling out her gun. She still felt bad, but it was incredibly easy to ignore that feeling once she knew it would be gone come the next morning.
After an amount of murder that would terrify normal people but was pretty typical for the crew of The Aurora, Ivy, Marius, and Raphaella broke out jail and set off to find breakfast.
“Marius, do you know where you’re going?” Raphaella asked as Marius turned down a street she was pretty sure they’d been down before.
“Of course!”
Ivy sighed. “We’ve been down this street three times already. Can I just navigate?”
Raphealla nodded in agreement with Ivy.
“Just because I don’t have a brain like Ivy’s doesn’t mean I can’t navigate to breakfast,” Marius said.
“It’s not about my brain, I have a map.”
“Oh. ”
“Though my brain is very impressive,” Ivy said, grinning.
Marius looked disappointed.
“We still love you even if you can’t navigate well,” Raphaella said, giving him a friendly shove.
“I know, I just wanted to contribute to Ivy feeling better in some way,” he replied.
“Oh, I’m sorry Marius. You can navigate if you want,” Ivy said, realizing he was feeling sad and offered him the map. “Though you still helped me feel better, just by being you.” She walked over to him and hugged him. He hugged her back.
Raphealla walked over and joined the hug, enveloping both of them in her wings. They stayed like that for a while, until Marius mumbled something about being hungry and they set off to the restaurant, this time following the map.
Breakfast was a very pleasant affair. The three immortals found themselves at an adorable little restaurant serving classic New Midgardian breakfast food. Ivy, Marius, and Raphaella stuffed themselves on food, talked about their past adventures, and reviled in each other’s company.
Ivy felt herself relaxing after a very stressful morning. She was still missing the rest of the crew of The Aurora, but she was excited about the progress she and her partners were making on the new album they were writing. She was still feeling guilt and anger about the people she had killed getting out of the prison, but with her lovers and friends by her side, she knew she could get through the rest of the day and be okay until she could get rid of those feelings.
Ivy Alexandria looked around the table at Marius, handsome Marius, currently antagonizing Raphaella by refusing to think planets were round. She looked at Raphaella, beautiful Raphaella, her wings vibrating with annoyance at Marius, but still enjoying the debate. She looked at her lovers and smiled, she was safe, happy, and surrounded by people who cared for her. And even though she knew she'd have to relearn those facts the next morning, she felt content with being in the present with her lovers.
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awreckfics · 4 years
Short and random exr
The work title of this was Random Pormpt in the Midst of Exams and I have totally forgotten about its existence until today, so that says a lot... anyway, I guess it’s enjoyable enough, so there you go
“Well, that was quite the fight for you two” Courfeyrac appeared next to Grantaire, leaning casually against his table. Grantaire – already smelling something shady about Courfeyrac’s appearance – looked around in the room for someone to save him from his friend but it was only the two of them around. Everybody else was getting up from their seats and filing towards the bar, since Enjolras had decided to close his and Grantaire’s last argument by screaming the meeting is over, before storming back to his place next to Combeferre. The end of the meeting meant it was time to go over to the bar and order something for their usual post-meeting socializing.
All of the amis seemed to oblidge to this unwritten rule except for Grantaire – who already had a drink on the table before him – and Courfeyrac, who decided to interrogate the poor drunkard instead of his usual bar run for some reason totally beyond Grantaire.
“Well, I wouldn’t say it was anything special” the boy shrugged after accepting the fact that he would have to face Courfeyrac’s nagging alone, taking another sip from his beer. “Though, on a second thought, I did spice it up a bit this time. I don’t remember ever supporting an opinion that was entirely mine in these arguments of ours. That was actually quite scary… thinking back” he stared at the table, visibly taken aback.
“Maybe I can clear that dilemma up for you” Courfeyrac leaned closer excitedly. “Change your opinion about it, so you don’t agree with it anymore.”
“Oh, that’s very heroic of you Courf, but you can’t. Sadly, it is true. I do never regret bets. If I win, I get money or other useful services, or I get to say I told you so, which is very satisfying because it gives me a feeling of superiority I rarely get to feel, since as my friends might say I undersell myself or as I say, I’m a lesser human than most. And if I lose, I still get a moderately good story to tell about it, which makes it easier to make friends, cause hey, a man with poor conversation skills gotta cope. But you know all that, since you’ve heard Enjolras scream at me about this quite recently.”
“Okay, if that’s so, I bet you I can make you make a bet that you will regret” Courfeyrac added as an afterthought. “I realize it might sound confusing. But you get the idea, right?”
“Yeah, I think I do. And if I refuse this bet, you’ve kind of won it already” Grantaire nodded appreciatively. “Well played, but I am not one to give up without a fight. Actually, I sometimes am” he reconsidered. “But not with bets. Out with it! What shall I bet on with who?”
“Oh, I so hoped you would say that” Courfeyrac’s eyes lit up. “Enjolras!” he singed, waving at the boy in question to come over, which was quite frankly a bit intimidating and made Grantaire think Courfeyrac might just be onto something, but he had dug this hole to himself, so he forced his features into a lazy smile and leaned back on his chair.
“What?” Enjolras asked as he approached them.
“Grantaire wants to make a bet with you” Courfeyrac smiled.
“No” the man in question answered flatly, before moving to go back to the others.
“He wants to bet you to get by on twenty-eight hours of sleep at a week, sleeping only two hours at night and two when you get home from work. And, if you do that, he will shut up and listen to the meetings without disruption for a month” Courfeyrac added, which made the leader stop in his tracks.
“Really?” he turned to Grantaire, obviously suspicious.
“Sure” the man shrugged, though he really didn’t know how he would shut up for a month if it eventually came to that.
“And what do I have to do if I lose?” Enjolras asked.
Grantaire glanced at Courfeyrac, who just shrugged (not helpful), so he settled on…
“Ah, well, I don’t see why you would want to take part in this bet, but fine, I’m in” Enjolras nodded, before going back to the bar.
“I don’t see why you would want me to do this either” Grantaire turned back to Courfeyrac.
“Oh, just you wait” was the only answer he got that night.
One week later, Courfeyrac announced a party at his flat, which was mandatory and sounded a bit dreadful if you asked Grantaire. He still didn’t understand why he would regret making the bet with Enjolras. All that changed over the course of the week was that Enjolras became a bit more irritable then a lot less coherent. If Courfeyrac thought any of those symptoms would bother Grantaire he was very wrong, because the more irritable the Enjolras, the better for drunk Grantaire and incoherent Enjolras was just adorable.
The party however dreadful it sounded at first, was actually pretty chill. They all sat on the floor talking and eating Mexican food that they ordered. Grantaire had even forgotten about the ongoing bet with Courfeyrac. He was in the middle of analyzing the song What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction to a mindfully listening Jehan and a confused Marius, when Enjolras suddenly draped himself over the ground, his head landing in Grantaire’s lap.
“A-A-Apollo” the man stuttered, not too gracefully. “What are you doing?”
“The time’s up” the man in question mumbled into Grantaire’s jeans. “The week’s up, I can sleep now.”
“Not to judge the decisions of a god, but why here?” Grantaire gestured at his lap, fighting to keep his voice level.
“Cause, you are my new pillow now” Enjolras muttered and the next moment he was asleep.
“Aha, and so my plan has succeeded. I believe I won our bet, R” Courfeyrac appeared as if summoned, though Grantaire was pretty sure he was in the kitchen just a moment ago.
“I haven’t regretted anything yet. The discomfort caused by a few minutes with a sleeping Apollo on my lap will hardly surpass the drunk story I can tell about this. Though, now that I said it out loud, I’m kind of panicking” he admitted, not even trying to hide the sudden horror that overcame him. Apollo sleeping in his lap? How could he possibly survive? And why was Courfeyrac’s wicked smile even wider than before?
“Oh, you think this is just for a few minutes? How long did you say Enjolras would sleep after last week, Ferre?”
“At least ten hours” Combeferre looked up from his phone, barely hiding his own smirk.
“And either you move in those hours and wake him, or just stay where you are and suffer. IN conclusion, you will regret this bet either way.”
“Oh my god” Grantaire’s eyes widened as he realized what his friend said was true. And he had walked right into his trap. “I hate you so much, Courf!”
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meta-squash · 4 years
Brick Club 1.5.9 “Madame Victurnien’s Victory”
This is simply a translation thing, since Hapgood translates it as “success,” but I think the title containing the word “victory” is interesting because it really implies that Mme Victurnien got something out of what she did to Fantine, that she “won” against Fantine. What she got was a sense of sated curiosity, a curiosity whose satisfaction ruined another human being.
Hugo starts the chapter off saying that Victurnien’s actions did some good, only he then reveals that Valjean never entered the workshop and explains that the overseer was only charitable from a certain angle. How is this good? Valjean, who is described as “even the best men,” is trusting that this woman’s morals are in line with his own simply from word of mouth, rather than checking in. He never sets foot in the workshop and has given her full power. Again, no wonder people are turning to sex work as a side hustle. How many other women has this happened to? And the overseer thinks she’s doing some good!
The overseer is “full of the charity that consists of giving, though to some extent lacking in the charity that consists of understanding and pardoning.” But isn’t this the entirety of Madeleine’s system and philosophy? He helps people by giving them money. He tosses money at them but doesn’t want to see the aftermath and doesn’t want to be the one doing the face-to-face benevolence. He can’t handle being responsible for problems that a little bit of money can’t fix. The only time he seems to do things face-to-face with others is when they specifically come to him (like as a judge or a settler of conflict); he doesn’t ever go to them. The overseer is full of the “charity that consists of giving” because that’s what Valjean’s rules teach. They don’t have space for sitting down and trying to understand. The morality of these rules don’t allow for that. If the only rule to work in this factory is to be an “honest woman,” how do you confront a structure that creates this desire to seek out and banish immorality rather than examine itself and its components for prejudices and then find ways to assist these women who clearly have little to no support?
I’m wondering too if Valjean’s rule fostered this rumor mill. Having a strict code of morality is a great way to foster ill will if people are more nosey or malicious or less mutual aid-minded than others. Especially in a factory where people are paid by their output. If someone is better than you at the job you share, it makes sense to start a rumor about them to get them kicked out so you become the one who gets their pay. This isn’t quite what happens to Fantine, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened to other women. In terms of Fantine and Victurnien, again this strict moral code is a breeding ground for the gossips and rubberneckers that Hugo described last chapter.
Valjean’s system just frustrates me so much. Again, putting so much power in the hands of a person without checking if they’re trustworthy or not, without having a system of “is this person treating my workers right” is just so....careless? That’s not exactly the word I’m looking for but it’s just like Valjean puts this morally strict system in place and expects it to just solve all problems. He’s busy helping other people solve conflicts and things and doesn’t seem to realize that these rules he’s put in place are going to create problems as well. Not to mention that everyone’s ideas of ethics or morals are going to be different. Would Valjean have condemned Fantine if he’d heard her story? We don’t know. But this overseer’s idea of the right thing to do and the right action to take may well be very different from Valjean’s intention upon setting these rules. Which creates circumstances like this.
Am I reading something wrong, or did the overseer not take record that she had given Fantine the 50 francs? I read “of which she rendered no account” as the overseer not bothering to write down the fact that she gave Fantine 50 francs from the money for donation and aid to workers. Is that right? If this is true than it would also give even more reason for Valjean to have no idea: if he doesn’t set foot in the women’s workshop but does look at the expenses, this wouldn’t have shown up either.
The landlord telling Fantine “you’re young and pretty” is a foreshadowing of the next couple chapters, but I also think it’s interesting that the landlord seems to insinuate that she could be a sex worker. Again, this is a garrisoned town. Sex work must be an open secret here, something Valjean maybe refuses to see.
I love Marguerite so much. I think this might be the first and only time Fantine has a friend who actually cares about her. It makes sense that Fantine would have a much older woman as her friend. Hugo says she’s wise, and I think that her sort of quiet wisdom would resonate more with someone much older than with grisettes her own age. Plus an older person might be much more patient with her when teaching her these new ways of living and maybe guiding her through actually noticing these social cues for the first time. Marguerite is kind of like Fantine’s Myriel; she is a pious and religious old woman who takes Fantine under her wing to learn how to live and survive. Only, rather than taking Fantine’s soul for god or anything, she’s giving Fantine a friend, which seems to be something she’s never had before. This is the first time we see Fantine talking to someone else as an equal.
Hugo mentions that Marguerite taught Fantine how to give up an expensive bird. It’s odd to me that this bird is never mentioned. When did she get a bird? If it was with her in Paris why did she not sell it to move to M-sur-M? However, I 100% understand owning a pet even when you barely make any money to buy yourself food. Pets make you feel better about yourself because you’re caring for and getting love from another creature. Fantine has now had to give up Cosette and her bird, both two small things she’s able to give her love to.
Fantine’s backstory is so odd. How did she not know how to “live poor” already? She was an orphan, and as we see later, orphans in the Brick (taken in or otherwise) are generally treated poorly and are exceedingly impoverished. How had she never lived in enough poverty to learn how to reuse things and give things up? This is clearly the most poor she’s ever been, and even Feuilly makes a good deal more than her later on, but it seems strange that even as a young child or teenager she didn’t live in similar poverty, if she was an orphan with no other monetary support besides her own work.
Fantine mentions that she only sleeps five hours a night. We don’t get a lot of mention of characters sleeping. A little here and there, but the Thenardiers don’t seem to sleep, like, at all when they’re in Paris. This is a kind of subtle aspect of it, but being this poor is crazy hard to get out of because it requires so much work. Fantine makes like 9 sous (I think?) making shirts. She’s taking up just under 19 hours of her day sewing, which I would imagine might produce maybe 3 shirts? Depending on whether she’s doing the entire thing from scratch or using patterns or taking someone else’s already fitted and cut out pieces and stitching them together. Either way, sewing takes quite a while, and if she’s taking 19 hours of her day doing that, she has no time to do things like look for a better job. And she’s also still in debt, so she can’t move somewhere with more opportunities, either. The Thenardiers barely sleep because they’re constantly trying to come up with ways to get money as well. Marius seems to barely sleep; he spends his time translating. Sleep is so rare in this book, it’s kind of a surprise when it’s mentioned.
“When one is sad, one eats less. Sufferings, troubles, a little bread on the one hand, a little anxiety on the other--all that will keep me alive.” More of Hugo’s weird thing about suffering. Even more than an ableism kink, he’s got this whole suffering = good thing going on. This is from 3.5.1, about Marius, but I think it summarizes Hugo’s opinion well: “Firm and rare natures are thus created; misery, almost always a step-mother, is sometimes a mother; destitution gives birth to might of soul and spirit; distress is the nurse of pride; unhappiness is a good milk for the magnanimous.” (Hapgood translation as I’m too lazy to transcribe from FMA.) Reaction to suffering is Hugo’s gauge for a character’s goodness.
Also, this line about bread reminds me of Eponine’s line about not eating for three days, only Eponine admits to the misery of not eating, while Fantine tries to keep things light and optimistic. Again, we have Fantine seeing things through a sort of rose-colored lens. This time I don’t think it helps much, but it’s also not concealing danger from her either. It’s just that Eponine has lived so long in poverty that hunger is just an aspect of her life, and misery is something she seems to have simply accepted, while this is still vaguely new to Fantine and she’s trying to figure out how to deal with it.
“In this distress, to have had her little daughter with her would have been a strange happiness.” Mostly I just want to hang on to this quote because it parallels the later line talking about Baron Pontmercy wishing to have young Marius with him. I made a post before about the parallels between Fantine and Pontmercy, and somehow I didn’t catch this one, but here it is.
Everything in this book is about money, about how to pay. Everything in life is about money. It puts Valjean in an expressly unique position as someone who has a frankly ridiculous amount of money compared to pretty much every other character. But everyone except Valjean and Cosette are so highly aware of money, of how much everything costs, and what it takes to pay for something. And really the thing about poverty is that “cost” isn’t just francs, it’s also time and labor and emotion. If Fantine had just the tiniest bit more money, she could send for Cosette, but would Cosette then end up like the child of Valjean’s sister, sitting out in the cold in the early morning after Fantine went to work but before the schools had opened? Sewing shirts takes time; that’s either less time to be with Cosette and nurture Cosette or less time making shirts which is less money. Making enough money to live means sacrificing so much.
Only now does Fantine seem to be aware of social cues, which now have turned into paranoia (though she’s probably at least a little right). Since the beginning, she hasn’t noticed when people are laughing at her or whispering about her or making fun of her to her face. Even when Tholomyes left, I doubt she noticed because all of the grisettes were abandoned at the same time; I don’t think she would have realized that for everyone else it was a little bit different. But now all those whispers and mocking and social cues have been thrown in her face, and now she’s seeing them everywhere. It sounds like paranoia, but I think she’s right, and Hugo basically says so about a sentence later.
“She came and went, head high and with a bitter smile, and felt that she was becoming shameless.” This is another reason why I Dreamed A Dream in English frustrates me so much. The French version at least touches on Fantine’s anger, on the ways she has begun to harden. The English version really does not do that at all. It is interesting that she longs for the anonymity of Paris, and in the end seems to decide to treat M-sur-M as though it was Paris, and go out brazenly anyway.
Mme Victurnien and Tholomyes are at opposite ends of the self-centered individual. Tholomyes fucked Fantine over but didn’t care or think much of it, because once he’d satisfied the amusement he got out of his affair with Fantine, he simply dropped her and probably never thought of her or Cosette ever again. Victurnien, on the other hand, turns Fantine into a weird sort of obsession. Instead of not caring about ruining Fantine’s life, that becomes a kind of pleasure for her. A “dark happiness,” as Hugo calls it. It’s a sort of sadistic schadenfreude. Tholomyes didn’t spend anything to abandon Fantine, he simply left to go back to the country. Victurnien spent money to destroy Fantine’s life. Both are so terrible because one is so deliberately careless and the other is so heartlessly deliberate.
A last thought which is just kind of a throwaway thing, but since gaining the “Fantine as autistic” headcanon from whoever it was that came up with it, I’ve been imagining Fantine’s love of brushing and braiding her hair as a form of self-soothing. I haven’t had long hair in over 15 years but I remember when I did, brushing it or having someone else brush it always felt really nice. Fantine’s hair is so beautiful (later on Hugo says it falls to her knees which is !!!!) and I wonder if part of that is because of how often she uses brushing it to self-sooth when things are terrible.
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enjol--taire · 5 years
The people have spoken, here's a review on the Les Miserables performance at the Sondheim that i saw 3 weeks ago lol
First of all the theatre is so pretty! The Queens was already one of my favorite theatres but it got even more beautiful
I went on a monday which means Luke McCall was on as Valjean and holy moly, the hot dad jumped out
He did so amazing honestly, the acting, the singing, he was so angry during look down and Valjean's soliloquy and then so soft with Fantine and little Cosette
There was a little new moment in the prologue with Petit Gervais which i LOVED so much!!
Also I would die and kill for bishop Myriel
The combination of hot dad Luke McCall and sexy Javert Bradley Jaden sure was something
This was the second time I've seen Bradley and he's so incredibly good
His hair was in a little braid during look down? Instead of a ponytail? It was a look
Miss Carrie Hope Fletcher is a goddess of theatre
Her I dreamed a dream was the best I've ever heard. 15/10. A legend
Also the factory fight seemed a lot more agressive than it did in the original production
Fantine's death really be out here breaking my heart huh
Ian Hughes and Josefina Warner as the Thénardiers were so so good
They were funny but they weren't too much? If that makes sense
Master of the house is one of my least favorite songs to listen to but i loved watching it, it was a lot of fun
I'd die for every little Cosette on the planet
I LOVE Valjean and little Cosette they make me so soft!! When he hands her the doll?? I cry
Paris got so many buildings and it was kinda a lot? The stage at the Sondheim is pretty small and filling it with huge buildings makes it even smaller idk
I don't know the name of the boy that played Gavroche but he was so good!! He was quick and funny and acted the part perfectly
I'd like to thank the les mis management team for giving me my one true love: Harry Apps as Marius
The dumbass energy was OFF THE CHARTS
He almost tripped on stage like 15 times?? Very book accurate of him
Talking about book accurate. Shan Ako is the perfect Eponine. She was rough and playing around with Marius a lot which i thought was very cute
Also there were a lot of little Eponine/Gavroche moments which is just a one-way ticket to cry town for me
During the robbery Marius was arguing with Montparnasse which i LOVED. Also Montparnesse was hot
Bradley's stars was so so so very good
The ABC cafe continues to be one of my favorite scenes and i actually really liked the changes made here especially in the set. It looked exactly the way I imagine it when I read the brick
Ashley Gilmour's Enjolras was very good however he had to grow on me a bit but by red and black I was convinced
He looked very Done with his friends while also being so fond of them and i thought that was very Enj of him
There was a bit of Enjoltaire in the ABC cafe but it wasn't nearly as good as in the original production tbh
Lily Kerhoas is a very charming Cosette. She looked and sounded amazing and she was so excited during a heart full of love. Very cute!!
One day more makes me go absolutely crazy
Ngl I miss the way the barricade came together in the original production
Shan's on my own blew me away. She added some small riffs here and there which really showed off her incredible talent
After a little fall of rain Gavroche was straight up crying and I was straight up not having a good time
Drink with me will always and forever be one of my favorite songs in this show but I will never forgive them for cutting The Hug
Ciaran Bowling's Grantaire was very good!! He fully captured his sadness and his relationship with Gavroche was so sweet
Luke McCall's bring him home made me cry like a baby but what else is new
Enj died first?? And Grantaire died last?? I cried??
Another thing I really missed so much was the barricade turning around to show Enj hanging upside down and Gavroche lying in front but it's whatever
There was a little moment where Javert bowes over Gavroche's dead body and It made me :((
Also Gav's cap fell off when they picked him up to put him on the cart and it stayed on stage all through the sewers and Javert's suicide until one of the women picked it up during turning lol
Bradley Jaden owns my entire ass when he sings Javert's soliloquy. He's so emotional?? It makes Javert so very human.
I think his new bridge is far too big tho but that's another story
Listen. I love empty chairs at empty tables as much as the next gal. But I will throw hands at whoever decided that scene should be done without a single chair or table on stage?? That don't make no cents luv
I did like the candle thing tho and Harry sang it so beautifully
I forgot how much I actually love the wedding scene idk why it always makes me smile a bit
I HATE how Fantine has her long hair in the finale now. Why they do that,,,,
The moment when they sing "to love another person is to see the face of God" while looking at the people they loved?? Amazing
Valjean and the bishop hugged when Valjean entered heaven which was very nice
Javert should be in heaven sent tweet
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 4 years
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Part 25
"So… what now?" Angel asked as Demie shoveled the last few lettuce leaves into his mouth. "You wanna just go home?" 
Demie slumped back in his seat, looking out of the windshield at the diner. He turned the camera over and over in his hands. "Which road are we on?" He asked. 
Demie turned and looked out the passenger window. He seemed pretty deep in thought, but like he was conflicted about something. 
"Y'know," he said after a little while, "if we turn around and keep on 2, up through Point Pleasant, we could be in Wayne National Forest in about forty minutes." 
"Isn't that in Ohio?" 
"Yeah." Demie left it at that. 
"I thought you wouldn't like Point Pleasant, with the whole Mothman thing," Angel said. 
"I'm not saying we stop in Point Pleasant," Demie said tersely. "I'm saying we just drive through it to Wayne. I don't wanna go home right now, and Wayne Forest is like… really pretty and shit." 
"Okay, okay," Angel said, putting his hands up. "I gotcha, no need to get heated." Going to a national park with Demie actually sounded pretty idyllic. Angel didn't really get out into the wilderness much - his parents had worked all day every day, including Christmas, so they never had time for vacations. He'd been camping a few times, at the insistence of an ex-boyfriend, and while he had hated the mosquitoes and the lack of running water, there had definitely been something very intimate about sharing a tent with someone under the open sky. 
Demie reminded him a bit of that boyfriend - they were both bearded white guys who were really into making their own food and who were lowkey hipsters. But that ex had turned out to be an asshole who thought that 'free love' meant that he could cheat without consequences. 
Angel wasn't sure if Demie was like that. He didn't know what Demie's philosophy on love and sex was, and he didn't want to pry. He was, after all, supposed to be a friend, not a lover. But he hoped, on the off chance that anything did happen, that satyrs were monogamous. 
As Angel pulled out of the parking lot, Demie rolled down his window and hung his arm off the side of the door. Out of the corner of his eye, Angel could see him lean back against the seat and close his eyes. He inhaled deeply, and then exhaled in a loud whoosh. 
"Feeling any better?" Angel asked. 
"Yeah, I…" Demie rubbed one of his horns, seemingly trying to piece together his thoughts. "It sounds fuckin' lame but I get these, like, panic attacks sometimes when I leave Billy Brook." 
"Doesn't sound lame at all," Angel said. "I sometimes get panic attacks when I go out into the country. I get it, y'know. I'm an outsider out here and it's scary being in a place that you aren't sure is homophobic or racist or whatever." 
"No offense, dude, but sucking dick isn't the same as not being human," Demie grumbled. 
Angel frowned. He did take offense to that, but he wasn't sure if he had the right to. He supposed Demie was right - he had no idea how it felt to live being mistaken for a literal monster. Still, he didn't like the way Demie had said it. 
"So, do you go up to Ohio a lot?" Angel said, switching subjects. He didn't really like hearing Demie talk about homosexuality. He had it in his head that he could eventually change Demie's mind on the subject, but being trapped in a car for an hour didn't feel like the right time to attempt to do so. 
"Yeah, sometimes," Demie replied. "Most of my cousins live up in Ohio." 
"How many cousins do you have?" Angel asked. 
"Mmm…" Demie shifted in his seat, pulling his hand back inside the car so he could silently count off on his fingers. 
"Like… eight first cousins?" He said. "And then maybe fifteen second and third cousins. And some more that I don't really know how they fit in, since they're half maenad." 
"What's a maenad?" 
"Crazy ladies. That's what it literally translates to, that's not an insult. They're human chicks that worship Dionysus, when we have Bacchanalias they go fucking insane. In ancient times they'd get so crazy that if someone who wasn't one of them or a satyr crashed a party, they'd tear them apart with their bare hands." 
Angel whistled. "Wow," he said. 
"Yeah. It's nuts." 
"So, you said you've got cousins who are half of whatever they are--"
"Right, maenads. You've got cousins who are half maenad, so does that mean satyrs can like… breed with humans?"
"Yeah, I mean, you kinda have to these days, unless you're cool with marrying your third cousin," Demie said. 
Angel glanced over at him. "You're kidding," he said. 
"Nope. There's only like a hundred of us in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio. I think there are some more in the deep south, but it's not exactly easy to take a road trip and go see them." 
"So… wait, you said that the Bacchanalia or whatever is everyone getting drunk and having sex in the woods. Does that mean you guys go have orgies with your cousins?" 
"What, like that's any fuckin' weirder than a gay orgy or whatever," Demie said, bristling at the question. 
"What do you know about gay orgies?" Angel said, looking over at Demie for a moment. 
"Nothing, but I'm sure you're about to tell me," Demie grumbled. 
"I have never been to an orgy in my life, gay or otherwise." 
"Really?" Demie sounded genuinely surprised. "I would've thought… I dunno…" 
"What? You would've thought what?" 
"I dunno, you're just like… a really good looking guy. I would've thought you'd be going to, like… a bunch of sex clubs or something. No homo, though." 
Angel knew he probably shouldn't be flattered by that, but he kind of was anyways. He wasn't sure if the conversation had answered his question about monogamy, though. Not that he had asked it aloud or anything. It did raise another question as to whether or not Demie had ever committed incest, however. That wasn't something he particularly wanted to think about. 
Fortunately, it was Demie's turn to change the subject now. 
"Hey, what kind of music do you have?" He asked. "No offense but I don't really like The Cure." 
"Some offense taken, but I'll forgive your lack of tastes. Here," he said, pulling his phone out of his pocket and opening up his music app. "Knock yourself out." 
Demie took the phone, holding it delicately, like he was afraid he was going to accidentally crush it. "What happened to your screen?" He asked. 
"Dropped it walking up the stairs," Angel replied. He didn't want to bring up how Demie's brother had responded to his DM. Even if it had been a positive interaction, he wasn't sure if he should bring up Marius at all. The subject seemed to be a bit of a tricky one for Demie, and he didn't want to make it seem like he was stalking his family. "I need to get it fixed, but for now just be careful touching the screen and it'll be fine." 
Demie was quiet for a bit as he scrolled through Angel's music collection. He held the phone awkwardly, holding it in his left hand and using his right index finger to scroll and tap. It was like watching an old man try to use a smartphone. 
"You listen to Queen?" Demie said after a minute. 
"Of course. Why, do you like them?" 
"Fuck yeah, they're amazing." 
"Huh. Sorry, I didn't expect that from you. Since Freddy Mercury was gay and all." 
"I'm not a homophobe, you know," Demie said, that bristly tone back in his voice. He didn't dwell on that thought for long, though, as he hit play. 
Angel had expected him to pull up Bohemian Rhapsody - that was the song everyone defaulted to for Queen - but instead what started playing over the car speakers was The Prophet's Song. It was a good song, in his opinion, but it was one of those album fillers that people never talked about. 
They sat in silence through the guitar intro, and when Freddy began singing, Demie did so as well, clearly knowing the lyrics from memory. His voice was much deeper than Freddy's, being a thick, deep baritone, but it provided a counter melody to Freddy's voice that gave Angel shivvers. 
There was the blast from the guitar as the time signature changed, and Demie lifted his hands and began to air guitar. It wasn't the kind of air guitar Angel was used to - it wasn't big and flashy, and Demie's fingers moved as if he were actually playing the chords. It was more like he just really, really wished he had a guitar in his hands. 
Demie continued singing along, his voice swelling and filling the car. Angel got a bit of that same feeling he'd had watching Bacchus in concert - that massive flood of emotion that washed over his whole body. This wasn't as angry and violent as Bacchus had made him feel, though, instead making him feel powerful and epic, like the main character of some fantasy film. He still felt horny, though. 
Angel wasn't usually the kind of guy to sing in the car, but the energy radiating off Demie was infectious. He couldn't help it. He opened his mouth and began singing along as well. His voice was out of key and he stumbled over the words - he hadn't sung his high school and didn't really pay attention to the song when he normally listened to it - but he still did his best to meet the high notes. 
Somehow, Angel managed to make it through all eight and a half minutes of the song, trading off on the round parts with Demie (which were made a lot easier by virtue of having another person in the car to sing them). When the song finally ended, Angel let out a manic shout, shaking his head and shoulders, which had tensed up over the course of the song. 
Demie jumped. "Sorry," he murmured sheepishly. "Got carried away." 
"No, dude, that's fine, oh my God," Angel said. "Don't ever apologize for singing around me, holy shit. I fucking love your voice, man." 
"Ah… thanks," Demie muttered, sinking lower in his seat. 
"Holy shit, that was epic," Angel said. He was out of breath and had started sweating and he didn't even care. "Dude, bring up Bohemian Rhapsody, I'm sure you'd absolutely kill that song." 
"Y-yeah, sure…" Demie said as he fumbled with the phone. They spent the rest of the drive singing along to Queen, though none of the songs really filled the car with the same energy as the first one. 
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jackdawyt · 5 years
Today I'm delving into full spoiler territory regarding Dragon Age: Blue Wraith Issue #2, breaking down the major plot threads, characters and my overall thoughts on the second issue of this comic. I've already broken down the first issue, so be sure to check that video out if you need to be caught up.
But, if you haven't had the chance to pick up the comic and you want to read the second issue for yourself, go give it a read and revisit this video. Alternatively, if you'd rather pass up the comics for whatever reason, you're in luck because I'm going to summarise all the important deets in this video!
So without further ado, let's breakdown Blue Wraith issue #2!
Like the previous issue, the story starts with another flashback, four years ago in the Arlathan Forest. We witness Fenris's sidekick Shirallas freeing elves once more, this time by his lonesome. He swaps places with a slave, saving the elf's life whilst endangering his own. He makes a promise to the other elves that one day all slaves will be liberated.
The cart holding Shirallas and the slaves arrive at the fabled Magister Nenealeus's estate, with him present dealing with the new arrivals. He questions our knife-ear friend and his Vallaslin origin, then asks if he's ever dreamed about becoming a Perrepatae, taking him in and killing the rest of the slaves.
We discovered in the last issue that Nenealeus was looking to train an Elven perrepatae, this is a special type of Tevinter slave, specialised in killing rival mages. And it seems that he has found one in Shirallas.
We shuffle back to the present day in the Arlathan Forest, Vaea, Francesca and Fenris are having a bit of a spout. Fenris tries to take Franny's head off with a claymore, and Fran throws Fenris against a tree, then attempts to suffocate him with plant magic. We have an uppercut here, a cucumber slash there and then Vaea jumps in, seizing an end to the conflict.
Vaea explains that they just came here to talk, Fenris is like "but she's a Tevinter mage", Vaea clarifies that both she and the Mabari are trying to help Francesca, and Vaea did stop the fight.
Fenris replies saying "that is surprisingly logically", Francesca recovers from the fight and in a pinch she casts a spell and screams "where is my father", Vaea flies right through Fenris and lands on the opposite side of him.
Francesca asks how was that possible, Fenris ignores the comment and remarks that she's impressive and must be the Invidus girl, the plant-based magic she uses is very rare outside of Dalish Clans. Fenris then explains that his lyrium tattoos allow him to move through things, or things can move through him. And henceforth, the Blue Wraith.
Francesca asks if Fenris took her father, as to which he replies he did not, but the man he's tracking did. Which is Shirallas from the start of this issue who was taken in by Nenealeus.
Vaea intrudes, calling him Fenris, saying that she's a friend of Varric Tethras. Fenris and Francesca continue to talk about her father. If Fenris did take her father, he would've killed him as he is one of the last members of the Venatori, specifically a man who truly understands red lyrium. That alone makes him worth killing.
But Fenris exclaims that Francesca's father is in no danger from him, so long as he's not travelling with Shirallas willingly. He decides to go on his merry way, however, Vaea asks him to travel with the group, besides they have Autumn the adorable, amazing tracker.
We have this sad monologue from Fenris as he shares how in the end people only use you for your power and then they leave you.
One of the Dark Horse writers, Nunzio Defilippis shared more on this in his own blog I'll have linked down below, he talks about his own experiences with moving on and how in his life he's reacted to departure. He shares that no matter what choices you made, one way or another, Fenris was left behind. No matter how valid the reasons, he was left behind. And that's the basis of his character throughout this comic.
So, he leaves Vaea and Francesca and rides on. But, Vaea's smart and gets Autumn to track him.
We move on to the other team following the caravan from the first issue. Ser Aaron, Tessa, Marius and Calix are looking over a cliff-side. Ser Aaron and Calix talk about Autumn leaving him for Vaea, and how perhaps not everyone is up for sacrificing themselves for the greater good. They spot the caravan having stopped, potentially to meet someone.
We roll back to Vaea, Francesca and Autumn following Fenris, as they discuss their purpose within the group, Vaea defends herself, that she would not abandon Ser Aaron, nor the other way around, like Fenris's experiences. Autumn catches up to Fenris, as Vaea see guards ahead, she prepares a stealthy approach. However, Fenris ain't up for that, so he prepares to charge straight into the encampment.
But not before Francesca grabs him with plant magic, and they decide to take a more tactful approach as a group.
We swap back to the other group as they watch Marquette meeting Magister Nenealeus, Marius confirms that he is indeed Nenealeus, as he turned him into a Perrepatae. Nenealeus asks if the sarcophagus works, and Marquette states that it's repaired and ready.
The strange mysterious artefact from the previous issue is given more explanation here, the device was built to fit an elf and it's supposed to be used with red lyrium. However, Nenealeus would like to see if it works, so they use regular lyrium and put a human in the artefact, hence the front cover of this issue. Marquette states that House Danarius did use regular lyrium with this device before, so it should work.
Vaea, Francesca, Fenris and Autumn stealth their way into a fortress, however, as Vaea discovers the previous Tevinter occupants have been killed and the Qunari have invaded the fort. The group walk into a Qunari confrontation, we discover that the Qunari are also interested in the magical artefact and the magisters involved, they interrogate a slave and uncover that Magister Nenealeus has secured the assistance of Magister Invidus for his expertise with red lyrium.
According to the slave, the sarcophagus infuses with lyrium, granting them great power, the magisters intend on using this on Nenealeus's new Perrepatae. Which as we can understand is  Shirallas, Fenris's travelling companion.
Well, when Fenris hears this plan, he screams that the device was beyond repair and charges at the Qunari. Back to the stabbing as Vaea aptly puts it.
And we make it to our final scene, Ser Aaron and squad charge down the mountain towards the caravan, as they make there way down, they're attacked by a glowing lyrium infused man who attacks Casse, Ser Aaron's horse, knocking him to the ground. Tessa shoots the man, but her bolt goes straight through him, and as the man prepares to attack Marius and Tessa, we have a gigantic KATHOOM! End of issue 2.
We had plenty to uncover in this issue, and I thoroughly enjoyed every page. Blue Wraith is becoming even more epic with each issue, and I've got to say I'm loving it more than any other Dragon Age comic so far. And with that, we only have one more issue to go until this narrative concludes.
We do have a sneak peek at the cover of Issue #3 of Blue Wraith, we see Francesca pulling off an epic plant-based spell, so we expect some sort of epic standoff. In any regard, that'll do it for me, let me know what you thought of this issue, anything you noticed that I didn't, tell me in the comments down below!
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pilferingapples · 5 years
Also Cosette for character ask? :D
Cosette! Thank you!
How I feel about this character:
aside from DARLING CHILD, I WILL DEFEND HER:   i think that Cosette suffers somewhat , at least in terms of popular interpretation, from the shadow of Hugo’s many musings on the Ideal Submissive Woman.  But looking beyond Hugo’s Opinions and at what Cosette actually does and says and how she’s described actually acting  , I think she’s a wonderfully complex and realistic character, and in fact sort of gets away from Hugo and even argues with him a little. 
I mean: she actively subverts the lessons she’s learned about Hiding From Men  (both the convent school’s anti-romance/anti-sex paranoia, and Valjean’s ex-convict paranoia) to try to nonverbally signal Marius and then  works to meet Marius in secret for weeks without saying anything to JVJ, showing that she knows he’d disapprove in some way, even if she doesn’t really know why --a very daring and subversive move for a Proper Respectable Girl!  She also protests her cloistering, and is obviously aware and resentful of the greater freedom that men of her class have to move and act-- and of course she’s having to come up with all this on her own, since it’s not like either the nuns or Valjean are encouraging her to Question Authority and Buck Convention (or even to just question social patterns, etc!).  Cosette is smart  and she’s thoughtful and she has an independent streak-- she’s just also literally a minor  and an incredibly isolated one, and trying to figure out the world with very little help and very little access-- how hip and with it would anyone be in her place??  
Also!! her passivity is a result of both conscious social molding from her teachers (and accidentally from Valjean, who really doesn’t know what he’s doing except His Best on the parenting front-- he, too, has no real peer group to bounce ideas off of) , and , explicitly, of learned helplessness from all her childhood trauma. Which is an aspect of trauma I feel doesn’t get shown nearly as often in fiction as Anger or Lashing Out (and of course when it does show up in Cosette,people sneer at her for being “weak”  and not “ getting over”  years  of terrifying child abuse)  (sorry sorry Cosette hate is just so incredibly gross), but it’s portrayed really well with her-- she’s  not  just limp and passive, she’s just learned that her power to change her circumstances (or even get answers from her own family!) is sharply limited and she’s come to take that on board as Just How Life Is. 
And even with all that, she never hesitates to act on her own passions and desires, even when she hasn’t been given the language to even name them. Cosette is brave and wonderful and I love her!
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
...I know she has the  canon OTP but honestly I....I just don’t like it, or at least I just can’t make myself like it by the end of canon.  I know, I know, the symbolism is there and all but...IDK. I just don’t ship her with anyone else nearly as much as I ship her with like “ getting a few years to live independently with some girl friends and explore life on her own terms before making any permanent vows” , you know?  Keep dating Marius but like. Cosette/ Independent Social Life OTP.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
My unpopular opinion about this character:
It’s not unpopular in my neck of the fandom woods, but people who Hate On Cosette for “ stealing”  Marius from Eponine are Wrong and They Should Feel Wrong D: 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
That the people she loves and trusts would treat her like a fully reasoning human being and tell her information directly pertaining to her life instead of conspiring against her for months, come on  guys D: 
Favorite friendship for this character:
Here Is Where I’d Mention My Favorite Canonical Friendship for Cosette! IF SHE HAD ANY D:  --Let’s go with Shoujo Cosette Canon, I’m so happy she’s friends with Mireille!! I’m sure they had fun and lots of deeply emotional moments together! 
My crossover ship:
...Cosette and Elizabeth Swann from Pirates of the Caribbean? :D 
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atwaba · 4 years
The Legacy You Leave [Ch 14]
They couldn’t, as it turned out, all take America’s car.
As China was quick to point out, they still had a violent intruder locked up in a broom closet to deal with, and they couldn’t simply leave him behind to be found by the human staff that cleaned the building every night. As England was quick to point out, however, they couldn’t bring Marius to the airport, either.
He’d already tried to kill Nathan once. Putting him back within arms’ reach of the lad was off the table, and taking more than one car would have made their small convoy too obvious.
In the end, China, England, and Canada volunteered to stay behind and deal with Marius (whether that be by simply ensuring he didn’t escape or something more, Germany chose not to ask at the time), leaving America and Germany to escort their guests to the airport in a smaller (and hopefully less noticeable) group. America, of course, drove, as the car was his rental, and Germany sat in the passenger seat, with Kurt and Nathan in the middle row.
Before they could get much further than the parking lot (and begin to experience America’s...unique driving skills), Germany quickly typed out a message on his phone.
[Feli, Kiku, this is Ludwig. I am sorry, but something has come up, and I’m not likely to be able to make our dinner plans tonight. Please eat without me, and we can catch up some time tomorrow.]
The wording was simple and vague, and a bit too blunt (even for his tastes), but he sent the message through to the group chat anyway. The situation was too complicated to explain through a simple text, and until he knew more about what was really going on, Germany didn’t want to risk his friends getting dragged into something that may be dangerous, when they had no reason to get involved at all.
It was also best, he thought, to put out as little information as possible across an unsecured channel…
Just to be safe.
The traffic wasn’t all that bad, given the time of day, but America only made it about five minutes (give or take) before he could no longer stand the awkward silence in the vehicle, and started drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. At a red light, he glanced into the backseat through the rearview mirror, where he could see Nathan nervously watching the cars in the next lane. The massive bruise that had once covered half the boy’s face was completely gone, now…
If not for the cracks in his glasses and a few splatters of blood still clinging to his neck, one would think he’d never have been hurt at all.
“So...this guy on the phone…” America finally broke the silence as the light turned green, and the traffic moved on.  “He sounds like a regular Bryan Mills...you, uh, know him well?”
“Well enough to trust.” Kurt responded stiffly, fixing the nation with a steely stare through the rearview mirror. America didn’t take it personally - this wasn’t exactly the kind of situation that made one relax. 
“He’s nicer than he sounds.” Nathan added on. “I mean, I’ve only met him in person once or twice, but he was pretty nice then. And he did have this whole schedule thing all planned out, and I messed it up by being late, and holding everyone else up-” Kurt quietly reached across the seats to touch his grandson’s arm, and Nathan ceased his nervous rambling with an embarrassed cough.
“Hey,” America frowned, taking his eyes away from the mirror long enough to slow down for a turn, and ignoring the way Germany tightened his grip on the passenger roof handle. “You can’t exactly predict getting jumped in an alley!” He argued. “You didn’t do anything wrong, kid.” Nathan offered up a weak smile through the mirror, and the car fell into silence once more.
Several red lights and a few more turns later, they finally arrived at the airport. Following the signs hung above the streets, America turned off of the busier road into Terminal 3, and followed a much emptier ramp down towards Terminal 1. Germany watched with quiet apprehension as they left the flow of traffic behind, and frowned.
“Are we sure this is the right place?” The nation asked out loud. “This section does not appear to be open to the public.”
“The guy on the phone said ‘Terminal 1’, didn’t he? That’s right here.” America pointed out, though his usual confident smile was absent. “We have to be in the right place.” As they entered the cover of the empty terminal and started to drive through it, a man in a security uniform stepped out of a building further down the sidewalk, and started to wave them over. Trading a wary glance with Germany, America pulled the car over to the side of the curb, and partially rolled down the passenger window.
“I’m sorry, folks, but I’m going to have to ask you to turn around.” The guard started before he even reached the car. “This terminal is currently closed for-. Oh!” He stopped in mid-sentence, and did a double take through the window. “Oh, you must be the Cameron party.” He realized. Nathan gave his grandfather a confused look, but Kurt’s expression remained neutral. “I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t realize.” He apologized, and took a step back from the car.
“The rest of your party is waiting for you at Gate A-19. Due to time constraints, I’ll radio ahead to have your party escorted directly to the runway.” It was America’s turn to shoot Germany a confused glance, but much like Nathan before him, he was ignored. “Please, take the next turn-off on your right, just past the parking sign, and my colleague will direct you from there.” 
“Um...sure! Thank you.” America pulled away from the curb, still hella confused, as the guard headed back into the building, talking quietly into the radio clipped to his shoulder. “That’s...weird. That’s weird, right?”
“Certainly out of the ordinary.” Germany agreed. Quietly, he glanced into the rearview mirror at their passengers, hoping to glean a little understanding from their reactions, but all he saw was Nathan fidgeting nervously, as he had been since they’d left the meeting hall. America took the next right turn, and followed the road for a short while before slowing to a stop before a tall, chain-link gate. Another security guard waited on the other side, and - after a quick check with his radio - unlocked the gate, rolled it open, and waved them inside.
A few dozen yards beyond the gate, the buildings opened up onto the tarmac of the terminal. It was eerily devoid of planes or other maintenance vehicles, with the notable exception of a massive C-130 Hercules sitting alone just before the empty runway. America’s eyes widened, and he whistled lowly.
“Wow…!” He gasped. “I haven’t seen one of those puppies in-ow!” Germany withdrew his elbow, and gave the younger nation a stern look. “...a long time!” America grinned sheepishly. Right, right...probably shouldn’t tell the probably-not-actually-humans that he was over two hundred years old.
They had to take this one strange mystery at a time.
From the back of the plane, a figure appeared from around the lowered rear ramp, and raised one arm in a wave. America slowed the car to a stop a safe distance from the plane, and put it in park before turning off the engine. The figure remained by the ramp, patiently waiting as the four passengers climbed out of the car, and began walking towards him.
“You’re just in time!” The man called out cheerfully as the small party approached. “We’re just about ready for take-off.” He looked to Kurt and Nathan, and waved his hand up the ramp. “You two, go get settled. Take any open seats, and put your seatbelts on. Once we start to taxi, we’re not stopping for anything.” America very nearly reached out to stop Nathan when the young man obediently hurried up the ramp with his grandfather, and settled for clenching his hand into a fist.
There was that strange feeling again...the feeling of something that was his moving out of reach-
“A deal is a deal, then.” The man spoke up, interrupting the young nation’s thoughts. “You brought my friends back - and in a timely manner, to boot - so it’s time for me to hold up my end.” He held his arms out akimbo, and gave the nations a disarming smile. “I promised to explain, and so I shall. Have either of you heard of an organization called ‘Vindicta’?”
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