#and then he loses his mom within the next year ?
trashm0uth · 2 years
everyday im reminded about how richie loses both of his parents within a year of each other and i just know that was the worst fucking period of his life
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weaselle · 1 year
i wanna do a thing where i lay out studies that show things in different primates that show us parts of ourselves as humans. Call it Primates: Through the Looking Glass or The Monkey in the Mirror or something
There are studies and documentaries that show things about Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Baboons, Macaques... that just make sense to me. That if shown right would make sense to a lot of people, i think.
like... they were studying this one group of gorillas --
okay wait. First of all, you know a silverback (the Big Male) of the group is not the leader or in charge or anything, right? He has a role, and it includes a certain amount of control, which i’ll explain briefly, but he’s not, like, in charge.
wait, you know all that Dominance/Alpha theory about wolves is all wrong, right?
wait wait wait, and also that like, the bull or the stag or whatever in a herd is not in charge of anything, right? right?
hold on. the wolves is it’s own post, the herd thing i might get back to, we’re on gorillas, okay. Silverback is basically just the male head of an extended family in which plenty of the leadership is handled by the women of the family.
There are often 2-4 silverbacks, but one, usually the largest, will clearly be senior to the others who are often his sons or brothers. Silverbacks have three main roles
1: defend the group from all physical threats aside from people, these threats are mostly random male gorillas, chimpanzee baby-snatching gangs, and the occasional leopard. Just his alert presence handles most scenarios, and then maybe a few times a year he has to risk his life fulfilling this responsibility. It is this role that provides most of whatever actual power he has over the group, namely this: while he isn’t necessarily the one deciding when and where the group goes on a daily basis, if the most powerful/capable silverback does decide to travel a direction, they pretty much have to go with him, the family isn’t safe without him.
2: make babies. And this is one area where the ladies of the group will sometimes sort of vote with their ovaries, and favor a silverback that isn’t the main one, like “yeah, Frank, you are the biggest, but honestly you’re a dick and we’re going to make sure the next generation of silverbacks isn’t another one of you.” When you see a main large silverback in a group of gorillas, it isn’t, like, his blindly loyal harem, they have to approve of him. Also gorilla females move between groups, and sometimes they take members with them or start new groups and stuff. Anyway i’m getting off track, one of the silverbacks jobs is making babies
3. keep the peace This functions a lot like being in the back seat with your siblings with your parents up front. Basically any disputes within the group have to be handled within a certain parameter of decorum, because if it gets too out of hand HE’s going to come over, and He’ll be upset, which is low-key terrifying because He’s huge, and there’s no telling who He’ll decide is at fault or what he’ll do about it, so letting a situation get out of hand is a losing scenario for everyone involved really. Tho typically he will favor senior females in disputes, in a “don’t you talk that way to your mom” kind of way.
one last thing, silverbacks don’t actually transfer power between silverbacks via battle every time.
Like i was just reading accounts from a multi-generational observational study of some wild gorillas that featured one big silverback just straight up taking over by performing the silverback duties better and becoming preferred by everyone else in the group. There was no fight, it just became, i do the job better, everyone likes me better, kicking my ass can’t change that, and boom, he was the primary silverback. And the other silverback might have been a bit dull, or a bit of a bully, but like us their species’ success is largely dependent on social intelligence; once he saw the writing on the wall, that other, slightly larger sivlerback didn’t even bother trying to change the situation with a physical fight, he understood what had happened.
okay so all that was just to tell you all this story. lol. Here’s what i saw in one documentary:
This very big, getting old silverback, who was hugely popular and successful, with a very large and tightly bonded family group, and a couple of his hulking adult sons backing him up. Everybody in his group seemed to love him a lot, he was particularly calm in that gentle giant sort of way, a safe, emotionally steady presence, happy to help raise his sons and daughters with kindness, and who could become a raging nightmare if pressed by a leopard ... exactly what a band of gorillas wants in a silverback.
But one of his adult sons had plenty of silver on his own back, and was getting itchier and itchier to be main man of the group, and this is where we start our little drama
It seems to be coming to a head, and the observers are nervous about a fight for the position. The silverback and his son are both are huge, probably approaching 400lbs, mostly muscle, with long thick fangs and skulls topped with jaw muscles as big as human biceps to wield those teeth, which nature has given them primarily to fight other gorillas with. 
But then the next day, the old man leads the fam up the mountain.
it’s winter, which is why they have come down the mountain in the first place. But as we discussed, if he goes somewhere, they have to go, so they all follow behind.
up he goes, and then he sits. And waits. It’s cold and there is much less food up here at this time of year. There’s nothing to do but sit hungry in the cold. His size and metabolism makes him the most able to withstand the cold, but even he is pretty uncomfortable. 
And so he sits. And his family, perhaps confused, but loyal, sits around him.
But his son, the other huge silverback, with years of training even as an adult under his wise father, is ready and able to go off on his own. Finally, he stands up, makes clear his intentions to leave this uncomfortable place. A small handful of the other gorillas stand with him -- if he goes down the mountain, then they can safely leave as well. He turns and heads down the mountain. After a moment, a few more gorillas leave the main group to follow. All in all it winds up being nearly half.
The wise older silverback thoughtfully watches his son leave with about half the group. He sits a while longer in the cold, in the company of those most loyal to him, and then takes them along a different path down the mountain
And those two groups still ran into each other sometimes, and were friendly. And sometimes a couple gorillas would change between the two groups. They were still close.
But i just thought that was such an elegant, meaningful way for that gorilla to handle that whole situation. And it makes a completely human sort of sense to me. 
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heartpiratedrabbles · 9 months
Marital Problems
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Prompt: "Open your mouth for me baby..."
Katakuri X Fem Reader
         You were sitting looking out the window at the upcoming tea party that Big Mom was going to host. It was nerve-wracking being around your mother-in-law but as time went on, you had learned how to avoid her gaze and orders. You had been sold off for marriage in exchange for protection of your kingdom. You’re rather certain the deal had went haywire when you’re father kept making demands but thankfully at that point you had been long since married to your husband and Big Mom didn’t seem to care as long as you didn’t cause any problems.
         All things being said you really didn’t mind, being the wife of the Minister of Flour had its perks and everyone in town knew you. It was only times when Big Mom called her children for a tea party and thus their spouses that your nerves became a wreck. You’re wedding had been about a year ago, it was the most you had seen of your husband since he had a whole week off afterwards. Ever since though he had barely spent a day with you, sometimes coming in at night to check on you before disappearing to God knows where.
         It’s not that you were on bad terms with Katakuri, he did often make some time to spend an hour or two with you every now and then but you had never seen him relax. And despite being married for over a year now, you had yet to consummate the marriage. Not that it had truly mattered to you, but it was rather embarrassing when the person who’s supposed to be your husband walks in on you taking care of yourself. His mysterious personality and towering figure certainly gave you enough to fantasize about, but as luck would have it, your husband must’ve had a steel resolve, often just muttering a sorry for interrupting before leaving you frustrated.
         It also didn’t help that Daifuku and Oven’s wives had gotten pregnant recently, both of whom had gotten married within the same month as you and Katakuri. The mixture of sexual frustration, baby fever, and wife talks had slowly made you more forward in your wants.
         Katakuri. Your husband. Your husband. Had yet to even touch you. Even at the wedding, he had leaned in close, but he had kept that damned scarf on, something you had thought was strangely cute for your shy yet powerful husband, but now had been a daunting reminder of how closed off he still was. “Are you ready Y/N?” Katakuri’s voice rang in your ears snapping you out of your daze. You turn around to where he was standing at the door, hand outreached for you to follow him.
         “Of course, dear.” You smiled walking next to him, he gently placed a hand on your shoulder and squeezed lightly, “Guard duty again?” He hums in response before escorting you to your seat.
         You slightly jab at the cake in front of you, this was meant to be a social event but you couldn’t help to stare at how doting Oven was to his wife. Even Daifuku had come along with a small gift before leaving and now you were in the mindless conversations again of the girls first nights with their husbands. Talks of how thair own husbands made it worth their while. You often talked of how you adored Katakuri yourself but always fell short when it came to intimate details, most of the time they just thought you shy on the matter. As their talks became more detailed you couldn’t help but fantasize about your ever-absent husband.
         The thought of him finally losing control, picking you up and throwing you on the bed. Ripping your clothes off with his hands before finally removing his scarf to ravish your body. Leaving marks all the way up and down your body as you breathlessly moan for more.
You imagine how it would feel to be pushed to your knees as he sat in front of you, his cock right in front of you to enjoy. You wondered how he’d react when you lick the tip, before slowly leaving a trail of saliva on the underside before making your way back up to purse your lips around his throbbing member. How he'd demand you to finally take him in your mouth.
“Open your mouth for me baby…” You jump at your husband’s voice right in your ear, your face becoming the deepest shade of red it had ever been and a slight gasp that sounded closer to a moan escapes your lips. You look over to see where your husband had been holding a fork full of cake for you, not realizing what the words he said had done to you. You could hear the other wives chuckling at your reaction but pushed the thoughts aside as you slowly opened your mouth to be fed. “I noticed you hadn’t eaten anything this entire time, are you feeling sick?”
Oh. You’re poor, oblivious husband. He doesn’t realize just how much of a pervert he married to be fanaticizing about such things in front of most of his family, “I’m alright babe… just. Tired.” He looks down at you quizzically before glancing over at the giggling wives for context.
“Oh I’m sure she’s tired.”
“Probably just imagine your guy’s first night together. It must’ve been a doozy with how she refuses to tell us anything,”
“She’s always daydreaming about you but never gives us the details!” Their giggling continued and you shot up from your chair as your embarrassment rises.
“I uh. Gotta go, I’ll meet you back home” You say quickly, escaping the social interaction as you head back to a ship that would take to Flour Town. You could hear them continue to talk about how much you adore him but are too shy for your own good and quicken your pace.
         You rush back to your room the second you had gotten home. The ride back had been awkward and let your mind stew over everything and it had all only wrapped around back to you wanting more from your husband. You pace back and forth, knowing Katakuri he’d probably just think you had a small fever, but what had they said to him after you left?
You groan before flopping onto the bed, you had chosen this one specifically because it was large enough for Katakuri to starfish on and still have room for you, but since the purchase it had only ever been used by you. Your mind thinks back to the words he said. “Open your mouth for me baby,” his deep voice penetrated your mind as you let your imagination go back to your previous fantasy.
You close your eyes fully immersing yourself as you slip one hand under your shirt while the other wraps around your jaw, thumb on your lip. You imagine it as Katakuri’s hand, despite the obvious size distant and slowly open your mouth. You imagine the look on Katakuri’s face as you let his thumb push down on your tongue as you glance up, opening your jaw further. You’d imagine he swear under his breath before pushing more fingers in your mouth, you happily wrapping your lips around them.
The thought of his breath hitching as you suck, all the while he slowly pumps his finger in and out, feeling your tongue wrap around them. You moan into the feeling as he shoves his fingers deeper, scissoring them apart before pulling them out completely. The imagine of a string of saliva still connected from your lips to his fingers before he flips you onto your stomach and propping your ass up slightly. Slowly circling the wet finger between your folds, ignoring how wet you already are.
The moan that escapes your lips as you try to grind back, hoping for his digits to intrude. Begging slightly for anything before feeling them slowly enter you, working their way deeper. You rock your hips as the fingers pump in and out, widening you, as his thumb played with your clit. You cry out his name wanting more.
And that’s when you hear it. Stopping your own ministrations and bringing your fantasy to a fast halt. Your eyes snapping open but not seeing much as your face was pressed into the bed. You quickly remove your hands from under your clothes, quickly flipping over to sit on the bed while grabbing the blanket to hide your shame as you look at the man in front of you. Your own husband, whom was leaning against a bed post was staring at you with something in his eyes, and while you had adjusted yourself to sit facing him, you were avoiding eye contact. His arms were crossed and you could see his fingers digging into his arms and his eyes bore into you waiting for a response.
“Y/N,” His voice cooed out and it sent your nerves flying as he leaned over you, “Is this why you left the tea party early?” He slowly reaches a hand out to wrap around your wrist, pulling it the blanket would stop covering you. Your thighs were pressed together, slightly rubbing against each other.
You stayed silent, he has never reacted this way to walking in on you, he’d always leave as quickly as he had entered. But this time, it seemed as though he was watching you when you finally opened your eyes. His voice was slower and more stern and it was making you crazy. “Is it true what they said?” You give him a quizzical look before realizing just how close he was to you, the fur on his scarf practically brushing against you, “That you absolutely adore me? And can’t wait to have ‘mini’ me’s running around?”
Your eyes widen as you try to stammer something out but are too tongue tied to let even a single comprehensible word escape your lips and he leans back amused at your reaction. You finally take a deep breathe before coming to a resolve and looking at him dead on, “You’re my husband Katakuri, of course I adore you. I vowed to stay with you for the rest of my life and I meant it. I may have been brought here as an arranged marriage but there wasn’t a second that I would change how things ended up.” You can hear him take a deep breath himself but remain silent, “Well… I would change one thing…” You break your eye contact, slowly tracing your eyes down toward his pants before snapping them back up.
“Bloody hell Y/N.” He finally breathes out before sitting down next to you. Your eyes widen a bit, seeing him sitting is new, different. He’s still towering over you but it’s the first time you’ve seen your husband actually sit he grabs both your shoulders and moves you to face him. “I’ve never touched you because I thought you wouldn’t want it-“
“That’s ridiculous! I want all of you. You can’t imagine how much I want you Katakuri,” You reply and you ball up your fists in frustration. “I know you have this ‘must be perfect’ thought process but I love you regardless. I don’t care about any of you so called imperfections. You’re perfect in your own right and I wish you’d relax around me. In fact, I hope I’m the only person you can let your guard down around because that means I can just monopolize who you are to myself.” You huff out your haphazard confession, crossing your arms and looking away.
One of Katakuri’s hand leaves your shoulder and you see him placing it over his already covered face, obscuring the slight tint that had risen on his upper cheeks, his own eyes averting their gaze away from you. With a couple of seconds, he sighs and looks at you again. “Before we go farther, I have to show you something,” He puts his hand up to his scarf, “If you change your mind. It’s okay.” He whispers the last part in a voice so vulnerable you didn’t think it was from your husband for a second.
You scoff at the idea of changing your mind but just nod in response to him as he pulls his scarf down. He refuses to look at you as you see the lower half of his face for the first time. The scars that had peaked out from the scarf stretching down to either side of his wide mouth with 4 sharp fangs poking out from his lips. You reach a hand up to touch his cheek and you feel him shudder slightly underneath the touch, you run your thumb over his bottom lip, before running into one of his teeth, pulling down on the lip to reveal a sharp row of teeth underneath.
Katakuri clearly was not expecting this type of reaction from you as he froze under your touch, only his eyes moving to studying your face before you look up at him with a smile. “You can finally kiss the bride!” you teasingly say waiting for him to process your words.
You decide to take the lead and sit up to lean in closer, stopping just inches away from his lips. “You’d only be a year late to it~” both your hands on either side of his face as you look in his eyes. He seems to finally come to terms with your choice and hesitantly leans in to kiss you.
It’s soft and weak, and for the first time since being married you felt a desire that you couldn’t stop yourself to control. You snake one of your hands around his shoulder while the other travels behind his head to tug at his hair, deepening the kiss.
You lick his lips and he parts his, the sloppy first kiss of your husband. You stop at the realization, leaning back for a second to catch your breath as the further implications of your sheltered shy husband opening up to you entails. Your thoughts turn into hungry desire as you go back in for another slopping kiss, adjusting your legs to be wrapped around his waist, sitting on top of him.
Katakuri is finally able to push you back for a second, you catching your breath as his eyes meet yours, “Is there anything else I missed in the first year?” His implications were clear enough for you and made you groan in desire.
You immediately grind your hips down, feeling the growing bulge underneath you as you go to push off his vest. Only leaning away from your husband as you rip the dreaded scarf off his head entirely before peppering his cheeks and lips with kisses, “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted you~” you moan out.
You can feel your husband chuckle as he pushes your shirt up and over your head, “Oh I think I saw it often enough to have some sort of idea” He rubs your thighs with his hands, “I was standing there for quite some time Y/N” He leaned down to whisper right into your ear. He pushes you back onto the bed, ripping his gloves off before gently grabbing your jaw, his thumb pressing against your lips, “I believe it was something like this?” He questions rather confidently as you open your mouth, realizing just how big his hands really are. You flick your tongue at his thumb before wrapping your lips around it, sucking on the appendage.
He watches you closely as you reach down to remove yourself of your shorts, slightly bobbing your head. You struggle to get your shorts off an ankle and Katakuri helps by ripping the clothing off the rest of the way, leaving you fully bare. He hovers his hand above you for a second, hesitation, “Tell me if I hurt you alright love?” You moan around his thumb nodding before he gingerly circles around your entrance, pushing his digit in slightly.
His singular finger is so much thicker than what you would have imagined and moan at the intrusion. Katakuri takes his thumb away from your warm mouth and caressed your body, moving from your waist to your stomach, ghosting over your breasts. Lightly squeezing whenever he pleases.
A second finger presses in to you and you roll your hips wanting more, the stretching feeling better than nothing but your lust-filled mind needing more. You groan out your husband’s name as he curls his finger, hitting a bundle of nerves. At the sudden shudder of your body Katakuri removes his hands sitting back with concern in his eyes.
“Katakuri~ Please. I need you” You moan, grabbing his wrist, bringing his wet fingers to your lips, “I want you inside me, I felt good” You give him puppy dog eyes as you lick your own slick off him and you see him blink, taking his time to process the scene in front of him.
You quickly move to sit back up, placing a hand on Katakuri’s shoulder gently shoving him, knowing full well he wouldn’t budge if he didn’t want to. He blinks for a second before slowly laying back to watch what you’ll do next. You take a deep breath and undo his buckle, glancing up to see him intently staring.
A blush rises on your cheek as you look back at what’s in front of you, quickly unzipping his pants. You can see the rather large bulge peaking through his boxers and you take a second before slowly reaching to release his length. It’s larger than you could have expected and you’re filled with a sudden desire and dread.
Determination fills your mind and you give his tip a small kiss before slowly taking him in your mouth. Your jaw having to widen much more than you’d wish but the groan above you fills you with more pleasure. You rub your thighs as you slowly bob your head, feeling how wet you are.
You realize just how empty you feel and with a pop you remove your mouth, moving up so his dick caresses your entrance. Your rock back and the forth, his cock twitching at the warmth and Katakuri curses a bit before gently grabbing your hips. You look down to see him panting beneath you, his eyes lidded over. You raise your hips, leaning down to aim his top right at your entrance, the gentle prod encouraging you.
You slowly sink down, the tip stretching to make you moan, you move your hands to his chest to help prop you up as you feel the slight burn of stretch. Rocking up and down slowly, getting use to more and more until it becomes too much. Your breath hitches at how full you feel. This is what you’ve wanted for so long but you can’t imagine taking any more.
A groan of pain escapes your lips as you try to take more of his lips and you immediately feel Katakuri’s grip tighten, lifting you slightly and pulling you to his chest, “You don’t have to force yourself Y/N.” One hand moves to your hair, the other wrapping around your back, “This is more than enough for now.” His voice purrs in your ears but you just pout in his chest.
“I want all of you though,” You moan into his chest, rocking on what length is already in you, only being stopped by the firm arm wrapped around you.
“We can work on that later, no need to hurt yourself in the meantime,” He pumps his hip slowly, not going too deep and your mind flutters at the thought of doing this more often. He kisses the top of your head and you moan at this being tenderly loved feeling. Soon enough you can feel the pressure build and you moan for Katakuri. You lean up to kiss him, to which he gladly obliges and without thinking you cum yourself, rotating your hips to carve into your mind just how full you feel in the moment.
You catch your breath for a second as he pulls out of you and you hear him sigh with content in his voice, although you notice he himself hadn’t climaxed yet. “Katakuri…” You look up at him, grinding down unto his still hard member.
“I’m more than happy with how things are for now Y/N. No need to do anything else,” He kisses you gingerly but you groan dissatisfied.
“Don’t say that… I want to make you feel good too,” You wiggle out of his embrace, “Let me do this at least,” You grab his member, giving it a few good few pumps before readjusting, crossing your legs with his members between your thighs. “It’s not the same, but I hope it will make you feel good” You mutter while glancing back up at him whose blush is more evident. He gives you a tentative nod before thrusting his hips again.
Soon enough his own orgasm comes, his arms pulling you closer as streams of white shoot out onto your thighs. The feeling of having your thighs fucked making you feel impossibly empty the entire time but also still feeling pride in hearing your husbands breathy groans alongside feeling the squeezes to you breasts and hips.
“How do you feel?” You lean your head back into Katakuri, glancing up at his face with a smile. He’s still catching his breath before looking down with you.
“Amazing,”  He shifts to hold you bridle style as he stands up, “Why don’t we get cleaned up now?” He asks while heading to the bathroom, a glint in his eye that implies he’s not finished for the day.
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moonmeg · 3 months
To Robyn from...
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It was early evening by now. He closed the door to his room and dropped onto his bed. He stared at he ceiling, his arms above his head as he revisited memories with Micah, searching for clues. Something he's been doing since this morning. He caught himself drifting into those thoughts throughout the day but only now, in the silence of his room could he truly take his time to think.
Oh, it would be wonderful if this once he could rely on his memory. But his mind was all over the place. So many thoughts overlapping and interrupting memories at once. He closed his eyes. Concentrate. Regulated deep breaths. Concentrate. Notice your chest rising with every breath. Concentrate.
This little exercise was worth a try, even though it barely worked.
Unsuccessful in the attempt, he opened his eyes again and turned his head to his windowsill. There was the little glass vase and the Lunaris flower still blossoming. Without the full moon it had lost its glow by now.
Staring at the pink-purple petals he rolled on his side and he began thinking again.
Had there been signs before? He never noticed Micah acting weird around him. Or...?
The longer he thought about it, the more he realized Micah had made attempts at showing him there were feelings much beyond friendship. Subtle but in retrospect so obvious. Reaching for his hand more than usual, his confidence decreasing when they were close, a tint of red in his cheeks every now and then, the look in his eyes whenever their gazes met, the uncomfortable chuckles whenever they talked about romantic relationships...
"You mean so much more than that to me.".
As he recalled all those instances, summoning Micah's face, his voice and touch into his memory, he suddenly realized just how fast his heart started to beat.
Oh, Titan.
Has it always beaten that fast and he never truly noticed? Perhaps it's just the excitement. He brushed the loud drumming within his chest aside.
Remember what mom taught you. Close your eyes, answer the questions. Don't think right and wrong, just speak.
"Do you like Micah?"
Obviously. They've been best friends since they can remember.
"Can you see him in your future?"
Oh, Robyn wished for that. Losing Micah is an unthinkable scenario and he'd do anything to prevent that from happening.
"What is he to you that future?"
Definitely a friend. Next to the obvious there was this little thought that put Micah in the role of his boyfriend. But it didn't end there. It spun further. About ten years from now... exchanging a kiss...as husbands.
That kiss before his inner eye was only imagined, a fabrication of his mind, and yet it made his body jerk together a little upon the skip of beat his heart made. His stomach flipped before a pleasant warmth rushed through his body.
He opened his eyes. His look once again went to the flower in the glass vase. Finally, he gave into the thoughts he used to hide away. Thoughts of Micah and himself in scenes he's read about in stories. Two lovers by a lake, underneath a tree, watching the nightsky, dancing into the night surrounded by warm light or perhaps in the dim moonlight... always holding hands, always exchanging soft looks, always just feeling nothing but pure bliss as long as they are together.
A yearning formed inside him. A yearning the likes of which he's only ever felt it in regards to his late father. This was a different type of yearning though. With his father it was just the wish to get to know him and have him around. This right now was also a yearning for presence but it went far beyond just wanting Micah to be around.
He thought about the time some months ago where they talked about what was and wasn't between him and Vivian. He remembered how they started fooling around, throwing hay at each other before he pinned Micah to the wall and... stared. Admired him. A little part of him wanting to give in... lean in... do something he thought he'd regret.
Back then he brushed it aside (as always). He made no secret of the fact he considered Micah handsome but now he realized where that little part came from. He knew why it was there. And he had ignored it for whatever reason.
He didn't even need to ask himself the last question. He didn't want to kiss Micah.
No, he yearned for it.
Rolling onto his back he grabbed the pillow above his head he brought it to his face to yell into it.
He was mad at himself not only for being oblivious of Micah's feelings but also his own. Because now as he faced the possibility of a romance with Micah, he noticed how much he himself was into Micah and had been for a while.
That night he couldn't close an eye nor put his thoughts to rest. He kept seeing Micah before his eyes whenever he closed them.
His warm, radiant smile.
His beautifully sparkling eyes of amber.
His lovely red curls, always falling perfectly.
His adorable freckles.
His little peach fuzz on his chin when he hasn't shaved it off on time.
His little earring dangling down his right earlobe.
His physique... Robyn wasn't blind to the changes puberty had caused.
His hands and their touch.
His lips and the way his kisses feel.
Latter was again only a product of his imagination but he started wishing it wasn't.
Robyn turned around in his bed. He buried his face in the pillow.
"Idiot", he muttered mainly meaning himself. A part of it, though, was directed at Micah.
Micah who, like Robyn, never said the truth about his feelings for who knows how long. Micah who found the courage now but is unreachable for the rest of the week. A week that felt eternal to Robyn.
It would be the longest week of his life.
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literaila · 6 months
*mischievous laugh* mueheheh
hypothetically, what if reader dies? 😈 what will poor megumi and tsumiki do now? what would gojo do too? 🥸
um… hello??? what is wrong with—
okay, so let’s start off with the simplest reaction. megumi is out for vengeance.
it’s clear that he’s got a bit of a… sadistic nature to him (undefined by whatever morals normal people have, yeah whatever). but why is he strong if not to protect the world from evil things? why does he have power if he’s not supposed to use it?
so, you being a jujutsu sorcerer, it’s likely that you died fighting a curse. if that’s the case, megumi is hunting that curse down and eliminating it in an instant. and then he keeps going. he’s going to kill every curse he can find, because you shouldn’t have died.
if anyone doesn’t deserve to die, it’s you.
and while megumi can hear your words in his head, telling him to protect others, to take care of people, to stay with his family… if you’re gone, what does it matter?
megumi will live in his anger. he doesn’t need depression or acceptance. what he needs is you, and if he can’t have you anymore…
and then there’s tsumiki. she wouldn’t feel angry, like megumi, but lost.
it’s obvious that she believes there’s a sort of destiny within the world. she thinks that all bad things happen so that the good things, the truly good things, can come next. she believes that you have to feel pain to feel pleasure. she trusts this idea.
before you die, tsumiki isn’t afraid of anything.
but after you die, she loses her purpose. her ideals, her faith in the world.
she goes from the trusting little girl who would believe satoru if he told her that he was really a robot with a human heart inside of him, from the girl who took everything at face value, believed that all people should protect each other, help each other—
she goes from your little girl to something entirely different.
what’s the point of this? she wonders. if her mom had to die to bring her to you and satoru, she understands. if she and megumi had to take care of themselves for a year—living in some apartment that didn’t have running water—just to find a real family, then it was worth it.
but what’s worth it if you’re dead? what’s the point to losing another mom, another person that tsumiki was supposed to help take care of?
she can’t do anything, though. she’s always been the most powerless of her family members. and after you die, she’s not your little girl anymore.
she’s just lost.
and, of course, satoru.
i think he shares the same grief that both megumi and tsumiki feel—anger, denial—but he’s older than them. he loves you differently than they ever could.
there was a time when satoru had pushed you away just to get back to that place where he was nothing but strong. where his feelings had no bearing in his power, where emotions didn’t matter as long as he was the honored one.
but, really, if it takes you dying to get back to that place—then satoru never wants to be strong again.
when suguru died, satoru was committed to carrying out his plans. to protecting sorcerers from a world forged against them. he wanted to train a generation of sorcerers who didn’t have to worry about dying with regrets, who could take care of themselves along with all of the non-sorcerers in the world.
to eradicate cursed energy, in whatever capacity.
but when you die, satoru loses all that purpose. why should he care about the world when he no longer has to protect you from it?
why should he care at all?
so, just like after riko died, satoru is back to being nothing but a vessel for power. he doesn’t care who he kills, what he kills, as long as it has some meaning, some pointless purpose that doesn’t matter to him.
but, it only takes one memory of you to snap him out of it. he can almost feel you clawing at his chest, your voice begging him to take care of them.
so, eventually, satoru finds his way home. he’s got two other people to protect.
and he’ll be damned if anything happens to them.
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stormsplurge · 5 months
nobody's fool
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warnings: none!
pairing(s): seth jarvis x fem! reader
1239 words
a/n: its not directly inspired by the song but i've been listening to shes always a woman by billy joel on repeat for the last 2 days which is where the title comes from. it's also not proofread at all so please ignore any typos or spelling errors. i hope you guys enjoy this one!
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“oh my GOD!” you squealed as the last couple of seconds of the game ticked by on the jumbotron and the “canes win” rang out through the arena. 
the hurricanes had won their first game of their series against the rangers, and the entire building was buzzing.
you could feel nykki next to you screaming her lungs out as the two of you jumped up and down in your seats.
a couple of days ago, after returning from new york and losing to the rangers again, you saw a fire get lit under your boyfriend (and the entire teams) ass. they had come back to playoffs with something to prove, trying not to get swept for the second year in a row, and they’d pulled it off. 
as you walked with the other wags towards the locker room you felt a sudden jolt of energy run through your body. after the last game everyone had been down, seth especially. his tendency to place all the blame on himself was in full force, but this win was exactly what he needed to pull himself out of his head.
you were in the middle of making small talk with gracia when the boys began trailing out of the locker room. brady was one of the first ones out, wrapping his arms around his wife as soon as he was within arms reach of her.
“we’re all heading to the bar.” he said. “you and ton of fun should come.”
“thanks for the invite skjeisy.” you replied, before your boyfriend entered your eyeline. 
you shot out a quick “see you there!” before bouncing towards the entrance to the locker room, practically jumping into seths arms. 
“congratulations!” you giggled as he hooked his arm around your waist and began walking the two of you towards the parking lot. 
if you were enthusiastic about the win, seth was practically bursting at the seams with excitement. his trademark giddiness shining around him like a halo.
“oh my god!” he exclaimed as the two of you made it outside. “i have no idea how we pulled that off.”
“i know how.” you replied. “you guys are fucking awesome thats how.”
“you’re my good luck charm you know, we wouldnt have done it without you.”
“whatever you say jarvy.” you said as your cheeks begin to heat up. 
seth was always selfless, insisting that every win was because of anyone but him. doing everything to shine the spotlight on someone else. 
as the two of you drove towards the bar you reminisced on your first christmas in winnipeg together. 
it was a white christmas, something you weren’t used to seeing as you had never lived as far north as seth had, and kayden was telling you about how eager seth was to get on the ice with his brother and his friends. he was smaller than all the other guys but still itching to play with them, begging their mom to let him play for a couple more minutes everytime she insisted he get off the ice and take a break.
seth was too busy helping his mom with something to notice that his brother was telling you every embarrassing story he could possibly think of. blowing through the kitchen like a tornado helping as fast as possible so he could get back to his spot right next to you in front of the fireplace. 
kayden was in the middle of telling you about the first year seth was with the winterhawks, how he’d call their parents every night complaining about how much he missed home, when your boyfriend returned to his spot amidst the piles of wrapping paper littered around the living room. 
“kayden!” he exclaims as he sits down. “stop telling embarrassing stories about me you asshole.”
“i’m just telling her what she deserves to know.” kayden responds, throwing his hands up in mock surrender before a throw pillow lands in his face.
seth lets out a long groan before getting up and pulling you with him, slowly dragging you towards his room. the walls littered with duke memorabilia and hockey stuff. 
“he’s such a dick” he whines as he shuffles towards his desk. 
“i think its hilarious.” you reply, making yourself comfortable on your boyfriends bed, craning you neck to try and figure out what he’s trying to find as he rattles through the drawers. 
it isn’t long before he whirls around, a small turquoise box in his hands, and sits in front of you. 
“seth…” you question, “what is this.”
“okay.” he rambles, opening the box and revealing a small necklace within. “i got my mom a car the first year i played, and my dad a car last year, so this year i wanted to get you something nice.”
tears began welling up in the corners of you eyes as he continued his speech.
“… i wasn’t really sure what to get cause you already have a bunch of really nice stuff back home in raleigh, so i asked nykki for help cause she knows that type of stuff and we picked this out.”
the necklace was a simple circle attached to a chain, with one end of the circle wider than the other end. minimalistic, but beautiful.
“oh my god…” you responded. “i don’t even know what to say.”
the gesture alone was enough to bring you to tears. the drops of salty water streaming down your face and pooling at your chin. 
you were at a loss for words, so you opted for closing the gap between you and seth and pulling him into a deep kiss. 
“do you like it?” he asked after you broke the kiss, finally coming up for air.
“i love it seth it’s beautiful.” you replied and you turned and exposed the back of your neck. “do you want to help me put it on?”
“oh yeah yes totally yes please.” seth jumbled out, words falling out of his mouth like loose teeth.
“don’t act like you’ve never seen the back of my neck before.” you joked, turning to face him after he closed the clapse.
“it’s just, like, different this time i guess.”
“youre adorable when you’re flustered.” you remarked, placing your hands on the sides of his jaw and running your thumb over his cheek. “i guess that means i’ll have to get you to help me put on all my necklaces if i want to keep seeing you like this.”
“i would gladly help you put on every piece of jewelry, you don’t even have to say please.”
“careful mr jarvis, someone might hear you and think you’re in love.”
“i’ll shout it from the rooftops i dont care.” he exclaims, throwing his arms in the air and puffing up his chest. “i’m in love!”
“this is the best christmas gift ever” you giggle, falling back onto the bed in your fit of laughter. seth quickly flopping down next to you. 
as you finished reminiscing and found yourself back in the present, sitting in the passenger seat of seth’s beat up old volkswagon, playing with the tiffany necklace around your neck. 
“i love you.” you said as you brought your free hand over top of where seth’s right hand was positioned on top of your leg, tracing circles over the top of his hand. “i know i say it all the time but i’m so proud of you.”
“i love you too.”
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juancarlos-ortiz · 3 months
Distraction - Happy Lowman x Reader One Shot (NSFW 18+)
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A/N: Going in head first on the smut train with this little Happy story - MINORS DNI. I haven't written smut in years so I hope this is ok. Super fun to write for Hap too!
Warnings: Reader has female anatomy but I tried to keep pronouns to a minimum. SMUT - nipple play, nipple sucking/licking, masturbation, mutual masturbation, fingering, handjob, cum, swearing, mature content 18+
Word Count: 2373 words
You smiled as you put your keys in your front door and worked the lock. Happy's boots were at the door, and his bike was parked out on the curb. The pot plant that you had your spare key hidden in was slightly off to one side - only something you would notice. Closing the door behind you, you made your way up the hall, your smile growing when you spotted Happy on your couch. He was nursing a beer in one hand, his other lazily petting your cat that was curled up against his thigh. His eyes were trained on the television. "Hey," you murmured quietly. Happy turned his stare to you, his eyes hard and jaw set. You noticed the tenseness in his shoulders and exhaled a sigh out your nose.
Stakes within the club were getting higher and higher, Jax's control over himself and his decisions seeming to become more strained and erratic everyday since Tara's murder. Happy would never admit it but it was difficult to watch the man he called brother and President slowly begin to lose his way, and have the fallout of that affect the club he loved so much. Happy had always been a very intense individual. You could admit that before you started hooking up a couple of months ago he actually frightened you. But after spending time actually getting to know him and see past his Sargent at Arms patch, you could see that beneath his tough exterior was a man who loved hard. Between his relationships with his brothers to the way that he doted on his mom and aunt, that much was clear.
You dumped your bag on the floor and traipsed over to the lounge. You sat next to Happy, nudging your cat gently so she would move from between you two, allowing you to sidle up against him and wrap your arms around his torso. You cat sprang off the lounge and meowed in annoyance, sending a scathing look your way. "Sorry kitty," you mumbled as Happy wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "She likes you, ya know. Usually she hates guys," you told him. Happy's laugh rumbled in his chest. "Usually I hate cats, so I guess we're both making exceptions," he replied. You pulled your head up from his shoulder and looked into Happy's eyes. "Are you okay?" you asked. Happy sighed, his mouth falling into a small frown. "Yeah," he said. "You don't gotta worry about me."
You pursed your lips, your brow furrowing. "I always worry about you," you admitted. Happy's eyebrows rose. "Is that right?" he asked. Your face flushed, the sudden heat in your cheeks making you divert your stare. Happy laughed again, the gravelly sound making your stomach clench. You laced your fingers with his and stood from your seat. Happy stared up at you fiercely. "You need a distraction?" you asked. He smirked. "You gonna give me one?" You tugged on his hand to pull him to stand with you. You grabbed the nearly empty beer bottle from him and placed it on the coffee table. Then you turned and began to guide Happy to your bedroom. His grip on your hand tightened.
You stood at the end of your bed and faced him. As you reached for the buttons of his cut, he grasped your wrists. You cocked an eyebrow. "Close the door," he ordered. "What?" you laughed. "Don't wanna look up while I'm inside you and see your cat starin' at me like last time," he stated. You laughed and stepped over to the door closing it, half amused half turned on by his brash choice of wording. Stepping back to him you ran your hands up his chest, pulling at the snap buttons. "Better?" you hummed. He just nodded and let you get to work. You undid his cut and slid it off his shoulders before peeling his shirt off of him too. You traced the inked lines across the plane of his chest and stomach, noting how his skin tensed and pebbled at your touch.
You moved your hands towards his belt, pushing the fingers of your right hand beneath his waist band to grasp it whilst your left hand gripped the knife at his side. You pulled him towards you. Happy's eyes widened as he grunted at your actions. You smirked and ran your hand up his chest to grip the side of his neck, tugging him downwards to meet your kiss. You sighed as your lips met, slanting against one another as the fight for dominance began. Happy's kiss was bruising, a landslide of want and pent up frustration barrelling down upon you as he gripped both sides of your neck with his rough hands. You gasped and he took the opportunity to push his tongue past the seam of your lips.
His hands descended down your body, gripping your shoulders, pinching your sides gently, running a hand over your breast, grasping at your hips. In a rush, he crumpled the hem of the shirt you were wearing in his fists and pulled away from your mouth to roughly pull it over your head. You blinked rapidly as he pulled you to him, mouthing at the junction of your shoulder and neck, teeth scraping harshly. You sucked in a sharp breath. "Wait," you choked out. "Wait, hang on," you pushed him back gently. Happy pulled back, confusion written all over his face. "You want to stop?" he asked, trying to downplay the bewilderment in his voice. "No, I don't want to stop," you replied, holding him still once more as he tried to restart what you had paused. "I just… I thought maybe we could try something different tonight." "Different?" he asked.
Happy was no stranger to your body and how to make you feel good but usually every dalliance in the sheets with him ran a similar course. Hard, rough, fast. He always made sure you enjoyed yourself, but it was clear to you that many, if not all, of his previous experiences hadn't been about anything other than getting off. You loved the rough stuff, but there were moments that you wished you had both taken more time with each other. Smiling softly, you stepped into his space again. "Want you to let me take control. Is that ok?" you asked. Happy stared down at you, grappling with your words. There were very little instances in his life where he would let anyone take control away from him. But the way you stared up at him, chest rising and falling with rushed breaths, your tongue darting out to wet your lips - how could he say no.
He swallowed thickly and nodded. You grazed your fingertips down his torso once more, your hands landing on his belt buckle. Slowly, you undid it, revelling in how he shivered as your hands ghosted the skin above where he was beginning to grow hard and aching for you. You nudged his jeans and they fell to the floor - his chain clinking against the hardwood. You ran a finger across the waistband of his boxers. Happy breathed heavily and closed his eyes. "Wanna touch you," he professed, his hands twitching at his sides. You smirked and dipped your hand under his boxers, grasping his cock in your hand. It continued to harden in your grip. "I know baby," you lent forward and pressed a soft kiss against his chest, feeling the vibration under your lips as he groaned. You stroked him slowly from base to tip.
"Look at me," you taunted, smiling when Happy's eyes met yours, his nostrils flaring. "Want you to undress me," you whispered. In a flash Happy's hands were on you, gripping at the button on your pants. "Slowly, slowly," you tutted, pulling your hand from his boxers and gripping his wrists. He clenched his jaw in frustration, making you smirk. You pulled his hands up your sides and around your back to the clasp of your bra. "Kiss me," you breathed. He leant down to press his mouth against yours, unhooking the clasp of your bra and pulling it slowly down your arms. Your skin goosebumped as the garment was taken away, your nipples immediately stiffening into hard buds. Happy pulled back from your kiss to run his hands over both of your breasts, cupping them gently and staring intensely. You flushed under his observation. Moving softly, he swiped both of his thumbs over your hardened nipples making you arch into his touch. He looked up into your face and moved his thumbs again, studying your reaction.
He didn’t realise this was something that was so enjoyable for you. Sure he had used his mouth and hands to play with your nipples briefly before during the act of sex but he had never realised that this act alone could be so… erotic. He pinched them gently, his cock straining as your eyes fluttered shut and a hitched moan fell from your lips. His mouth watered and he lowered his head, taking a nipple into his mouth, his groan matching yours as he lathed his tongue over it. Your hands flew to his head, gripping him and keeping him there. That was fine with him. He would happily stay here for hours if he could get you to make that noise again, if it would make you shudder in his arms over and over. He pulled away and you whined before gasping again as he moved his efforts to your other nipple, making him smirk.
You grasped his free hand and began to move it towards the waistband of your pants. He flicked the button open and shoved them down, chuckling as you eagerly tried to hop out of them. "Slowly, remember," he teased. You pulled your pants off and rolled your eyes. "Shut up, Lowman." He moved to take your sensitive nipple back into his mouth, pushing his fingers down into your panties and groaning at the slick wetness that had already gathered there. Roughly he slipped his fingers between your lips and began to quickly roll your sensitive clit in circles. You shuddered and clenched your thighs around his hand. He growled, trying to move his hand against you. "Slowly," you scolded, although it mostly came out as a panting grunt. Happy released your nipple from his mouth and spun you before pushing you gently against the bed. He sank to his knees and pulled your panties down with him.
He leant forward and pressed a kiss to the apex of your pussy, making you shudder. Gently he pushed you to sit on the edge of the bed. "Show me," he breathed, grasping both of your ankles and setting your feet up on the bed, spreading you out before him. You burned with both desire and embarrassment to have him staring at you so closely and intimately. You tried to close your legs but he held them steadily. "Show me how you like it," he leant forward and gently sank his teeth into your inner thigh. You gasped and immediately your hand moved to your pussy. You pushed your middle and ring finger over your clit and down through your slit before they reached your hole, shivering as you pushed them in all while Happy watched. You gathered some slick on your fingers, dragging them back up the way they came.
You pulled your hand up to your mouth and ran those fingers over your tongue, gathering the spit that had pooled there to add to your makeshift lubricant, simultaneously tasting yourself. Happy groaned and you watched his hand move, knowing it was now in his boxers and he was fucking his fist. The sight turned you on further and you moved your hand back down to circle your clit. You moved it slowly the way you like it, feeling your stomach tighten as you clenched and unclenched, Happy's eyes never leaving your pussy. "Happy," you choked, dipping your fingers down into your hole again before returning to your clit. "Tell me what you want," he growled. "Your fingers… in me…" you panted. He obliged, pulling his hand out of his boxers and licking his own middle and ring fingers.
He pushed the tips of them against your entrance and moaned at how you responded so eagerly, your eyes rolling and pussy clenching before he could even inch them inside completely. You rolled your fingers over your clit quicker and he slowly pressed his fingers inside of you. "What do you want me to do baby?" he asked, crooking his fingers against the soft walls of you, never taking his eyes of where his knuckles were pressed up against you. "Like that please," you mumbled, moaning as he continued to crook his fingers, only moving them in and out in small thrusts. You tightened around his fingers, pulsing and thrumming as your fingers continued to move over that bundle of nerves. Happy could feel his balls tightening, his own stomach heavy and coiling just at the site of you working together to make you feel this good.
You moaned and arched, throwing your head back as all of the blood in your body felt like it raced down to every nerve ending south of your navel. "Hey," Happy growled, smacking your thigh with his free hand. Your head shot up, eyes meeting his as you both continued your assault on your pussy. "Look at me," he barked. You whined, fighting to keep your eyes open as your orgasm crested, jolting through you making your toes curl and your calves nearly cramp, keening and shuddering, your fingers never slowing down. Happy grunted and stood, continuing to plunge his fingers in and out of you and stroke himself with his other hand. With a moan he came, his hips jerking as warm stripes of his cum painted your pussy, mixing with the wetness that had accumulated. Sighing, you laid back with your legs still spread, your chest heaving as you tried to clear the fog in your mind. Suddenly the bed dipped and Happy leaned over you. You smiled and pressed your mouth against his. Pulling away he smirked. "Show me again."
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scoobydoodean · 10 months
Okay so in 1.03 Dead In The Water, there's this exchange Sam and Dean have at one point in regards to Lucas—the little boy who watched his dad drown, who Dean connects with during the episode:
DEAN Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died. SAM There are cases—going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies. DEAN Whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow? I mean, it's only a matter of time before somebody else drowns, so if you got a better lead, please.
And the last time I watched this episode, I went "Oh cool! A little Psychic!Sam Easter Egg." Right? Sam goes through the traumatic experience of losing Jess, and he's tapped into "whatever's out there" (the yellow eyed demon) and he's having premonitions about what he's going to do next. Which definitely makes a lot of sense.
But when I was gif-ing stuff from 1.03 today, I realized that... funnily enough, within the context of this episode we also have some fun stuff relating to the "slightly psychic Dean" posts that have gone around this year... Or if you prefer, Cassandra!Dean. Cassandra, in reference to the prophet in Greek myth, cursed by Apollo to utter true prophecies but never be believed.
Dean often knows when bad things are going to happen in Supernatural. He doesn't have visions—but he has "bad feelings" and makes predictions that turn out to be scarily accurate at times. Of course we can infer that Dean is just good at 1) reading people and 2) understanding how sequences of events tumble one by one in a row like so many dominoes. It's another sign of his incredible intelligence. But it IS fun to think about Dead In The Water as the first indication of Cassandra!Dean.
First, because Lucas has premonitions, and Lucas and Dean are paralleled and connect on an emotional level.
Dean and Lucas have similar traumatic childhood experiences. Both watched a parent die and both lost the ability to speak afterwards:
DEAN You're scared. It's okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom—I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe, your dad wants you to be brave too.
Dean is able to connect with Lucas through their shared traumatic experience. He's the only one who's able to get through to him—and after a short conversation and just drawing together for a while—much to his mom's shock. Dean is able to understand what Lucas is feeling without Lucas saying it.
Second, because Lucas has bad feelings that tell him the locations where the spirit will strike next, but no one listens to/believes him.
...Kind of like people usually don't listen to/believe Dean's bad feelings.
DEAN Anyway. Well, maybe you don't think anyone will listen to you, or, uh...or believe you. I want you to know that I will. You don't even have to say anything. You could draw me a picture about what you saw that day, with your dad, on the lake.
Of course, this line is just Dean paralleling Lucas with himself and his own reasons for not speaking, but it must hit home, because Lucas begins communicating with Dean through drawings.
Further, despite Sam also knowing Lucas is having premonitions, when Lucas reacts with extreme distress to the idea of going home and clings to Dean desperately, Sam still... doesn't think it means anything. He thinks the case is over.
Third, Dean has a bad feeling that the case isn't over, and Sam doesn't believe him.
The sheriff had just threatened to arrest them if they stayed in town, so of course going back to town is a big deal. When Dean turns around based on a bad feeling, Sam thinks he's just being paranoid.
SAM But Dean, this job, I think it's over. DEAN I'm not so sure. SAM If Bill murdered Peter Sweeney and Peter's spirit got its revenge, case closed. The spirit should be at rest. DEAN All right, so what if we take off and this thing isn't done? You know, what if we've missed something? What if more people get hurt? SAM But why would you think that? DEAN Because Lucas was really scared. SAM That's what this is about?
Dean sticks to his guns, and they arrive just in time to save Lucas's mother from drowning in a bathtub.
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andavs · 2 months
Nope, still thinking about it.
Shannon comes back around Halloween and Eddie says they haven’t seen her in “almost two years”. The show timeline generally lines up with real life, so Eddie would’ve started at the 118 like early September? He’d been working there for about two months by then.
LAFD training is 22 weeks (or it was, apparently they shortened it a few years ago) which is like five months. Looks like there are academy classes starting in January and April, and April is the latest he could start to finish by September, and that’s basically graduating one day and starting work the next.
But April is a weird time to up and move a seven year old to a new school, just a couple months before the year ends. I don’t know if he would’ve moved in January for Chris to start at the new semester, but he probably moved prior to April to get him enrolled and get their new place somewhat set up before he started at the academy. (Unless they lived with Isabel at first, which I love the idea of, actually.)
All that right there is almost a year. So that leaves about a year before he moved to LA where he was back in El Paso alone after Shannon left.
Adding a cut because this got long.
Whether his parents helped him out financially for part of it or not, that’s just one year they gave him to not only adjust to suddenly being a single parent, but to try to cobble together the equivalent of his military salary with a high school diploma, alone. While also readjusting to civilian life and employment. And probably still recovering physically from getting shot three times. And losing the insurance he had through the army that was covering Chris. With untreated PTSD to cap it off.
And who knows what Shannon was doing in LA. It seems like her mom died at some point and she was too paralyzed to come home after (grieving, guilt, etc.), but I assume she had a job? If she inherited enough from her mom to be able to live on it for over a year, and she didn’t send any of it back home, that would be a serious dick move. But they were still legally married! I don’t know how it works when your spouse is in another state, cut off but also working, but I’m assuming that factors into things if Eddie tried to file for any kind of government programs or assistance.
That’s one year they gave him to navigate all of that alone before his parents tried to take Chris away.
Eddie was doing everything “right” before he got shot. He had a solid job, he was providing, they had two cars and a mortgage, he had insurance for Chris, Shannon could be a stay at home mom—she didn’t want to be but financially, she could be. As far as we know, that was all on Eddie. It seemed like Helena helped with Chris (even when Shannon didn’t want it) but it didn’t sound like his parents were contributing financially. Eddie was doing what he thought was his part and providing all of that.
And then he got shot. He got discharged from the military. Shannon left. And the five years it took to build all of that fell apart within a few months.
And instead of helping him get back on his feet by giving him a minute to breathe and get his bearings, his parents watched him struggle for a year and then tried to take his son.
It sounded like Helena was caring for Chris quite a bit while Eddie was working, but Ramon was a petroleum engineer at the same company for forty years. He made enough to raise three kids on one salary and send (presumably) all three to Catholic school. He was still working well after Eddie moved to LA. They couldn’t have helped him out financially during that year so he could actually spend time raising his own son? Maybe only work two jobs while he tried to figure everything out?
Nope. “Don’t drag him down with you,” Helena said, while she watched Eddie drown, only caring that Chris was safe with her.
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pinkvenomsstuff · 2 years
Friends don't kiss friends. part 1
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You and Carl have been best friends since childhood, when you were still terribly messy kids. You practically grew up at the Gallagher's, you were next-door neighbors, and when you weren't there, you were at Alibi's with your parents, Veronica and Kevin. You were with him at all times, at least the most important ones. And some it was you who made them come true, like his first French kiss behind school.
You were the first one Carl liked, that's why you were such friends, he really liked you a lot. You were the first one who aroused something in him, sexual or not. And for that, you were the one chosen for his first kiss, his first dance performance at school, the first one he ran to with a can of vegetables with a hundred thousand dollars in it, and you buried yourself in some wild terror. Your favorite weapon was delivered to you in the school bathroom. And the first woman, except Fiona, who saw him when she got back from juvie.
You guys had some disagreements when he came back saying he was black and forcing a ridiculous black accent, acting like a sick gangster. The braids in his hair almost made you kill him. His mother scolded him immediately. He was someone else, not the Carl you knew but who knew he was there, somewhere, but he was. But you couldn't stay away from him long, and within two weeks you were talking normally.
Or the first person he asked for love advice when he started to have feelings for Dominic, he did everything for her, but unfortunately it wasn't enough. She betrayed him and contracted gonorrhea, the sages say: karma is like a kick in the ass. You were the one who took him in, and then went with him to take a test, where he discovered that he didn't have the disease, and the certainty that she betrayed him.
You were the first one he ever told about his shitty parents, not that you didn't know, you lived with him. But it went deeper, he told you how he felt about Monia's death and how he felt like a failure for years, especially after what happened to G-Dog, but you brought him back to who he always was.
And shit, those damn words almost made you choke on the beer you were drinking. "Back to life," what did he mean by that? What were you to him anyway? That was a question you didn't mean to ask. You two have always been best friends, both of you have always prioritized friendship above anything else, you didn't want to risk it and end up losing your love.
You were at his house now, lying on his couch missing him. It's been almost five days since you've seen each other, even though you lived within meters of each other. "Hey Mom. I'm going to Gallagher's!" you yell, she yells back saying it's okay and that she's going to be on Alibi. You leave the house wrapping your headset around your cell phone, shoving your hands in your sweatshirt pocket.
You look around and see no cars, it was a cloudy and relatively cold day. You walk down the sidewalk taking the few steps to Gallagher's house, and surprisingly you still haven't heard any screams, groans or anything breaking. You jump the playpen at the house, sell a Frank passed out - or not, sleeping or dead on one of the stairs. You ignore that old junkie shit and head upstairs ringing the doorbell.
The door is almost always open, but you don't think it's polite to walk in without knocking, especially not to find someone fucking on the couch or in the kitchen. The door is quickly opened by Lip, who has wide blue eyes, but he relaxes as he recognizes you. "Fuck, I thought it was the social worker." she whispers in relief "Hey girl. What are you doing here?" he asks giving you space to enter, so you do.
"I came to torment C-Dog." you say smiling, he laughs with a cigarette stuck to his lips. "Right." he sits on the sofa. "Where are the rest of the staff? This house is insanely quiet and it makes me wonder if no one is drugged or dead." you say, Lip laughs puffing out his cigarette. "No, no. Debbies is out with Franny, Fiona is at the diner, Ian is probably fucking some gay guy and Liam is in school."
"Uh…I thought things between Ian and Mickey were serious." you talk, Lip shrugs. "They're coming and going because of their bipolarity." "Got it. I'm going up." you say starting up the living room stairs, Lip nods turning on the television. You walk down the hall really seeing the empty rooms, you go to Carl's and give a few rings, nobody comes to open it and you don't hear anything.
Then, slowly you pull the doorknob covering his eyes, an immediate action upon entering his room since you found out he slept naked sometimes. You enter the room one finger at a time until you are sure there is no one in the room. "Y/N?" a hoarse voice comes from behind you, and you jump in fright. "Oh shit Carl. You scared me!" you gasp putting your hand on your chest, he laughs walking into the room.
He rummages through your clothes thrown across the bed so you don't know which ones are dirty or clean, and just then you notice a white towel drapes around your hips. Leaving his luscious abs showing, it was a fact that Gallagher came back a hundred times hotter from jail, you'd admit that yourself.
You grab a random playboy magazine from under his bed, throwing his body on the bed you cross your legs opening the magazine as he changes. Even though you've seen each other almost naked a few times, or else in your underwear and panties and bra several times, you respected your privacy. You flip through the pages of magazines, naked women posing or wearing costumes.
"Wow, that's hot." you say smiling, Carl looks at you without understanding. You turn the magazine over to him "Oh, she is." you notice that he has his legs covered by sweatpants, my biceps are still uncovered. You return to the magazine, pushing away any inappropriate thoughts. "I'm dressed. What are you doing here?" he asks sitting next to her on the bed. "I was bored and I have a best friend living next door to me so…" he laughs, pinching her ear. "I understand. What do you want to do?"
"I don't know, man. We can do whatever you want but I'm honestly really hungry so I'd like to stop by Paty's first." you say closing the magazine. "Right." he smiles, you roll your eyes around his extremely disorganized room. "God, Carl. Did you know Fi has a laundry basket in the hallway? Or you could start washing them then." you turn up your nose when you smell one of his shirts.
"Ah... mind your own business girl!" he exclaims smiling and ruffling your hair, you shake your head. "Fuck, let's go to Paty's before I end up eating you." you sigh, feeling a knot in your stomach, Carl looks at you slyly "Oh no! Shit no! Carl fuck you!" you exclaim, closing your eyes tightly, denying it, but - I would like to - was what crossed your mind.
"Wow, ok. I thought you thought I was super hot and all..." he laments pretending to be offended, putting his hand to his chest. "Oh yes- yes you are. I just-" You can't find the words, he laughs with his total fishy face, not even able to think. "I understood. I'm just playing with you. Come on babe." he says laughing and pulling your shoulders to walk with him, you laugh but you're still extremely embarrassed by it.
"Hey, Ian!" Carl walks past him, Ian ruffles his hair. "Hi guys, and hi Y/N. I haven't seen you in like a week?" Ian says it more like a question, you nod. "And Kevin, have you recovered from your vasectomy?" "Yeah, I had to take some time off after I saw Frank fuck a homeless girl in the kitchen." Ian laughs loudly, throwing his head back in the chair. "I swear, it was 'fucking traumatizing!' you laugh along with him, Carl laughs at both of you. "Where are you going?" Ian asks with a beer in his hand. "Paty's, and then some Chicago alley." Carl responds. "beauty." Lip goes upstairs.
Carl walks to the front door, you stop him. "I think we'd better go around the back. There's a Frank passed out in your driveway." you say sarcastically, Carl rolls his eyes. "Fuck that old man." he says walking to the kitchen door, you follow him with a smile on your face.
You walk in front of your house, the truck is still in the driveway. "Do your parents really let you drive?" Carl asks as you turn the keys in the door. "Hm, no. Ve says I might get hurt, but Kev doesn't care. He thinks it's radical!" you say excitedly, Carl smirks at you.
"Too badass. I drive Fiona's car sometimes, it's nice." he comments, you two get in the car sitting on the seats. "Yes, it is. When I get my license, I'm going out at dawn with you to all the car races." you say smiling, which makes Carl smile as he remembers the things you guys did to make it to the city limits for the damn clandestine races. "Uh, great. I really don't want to have to bike to the end of Chicago."
"Right, right." you chuckle at it "Just a year to go or maybe two..." "Sixteen is the new seventeen." he says, you nod turning on the radio. "Birthday Sex" blasts through the loudspeakers, you and Carl singing the lyrics perfectly as if you were at a live show. In fifteen minutes you were already in Paty's, you park the car just before the entrance to the store. Carl walks out the door normally and you jump out of the truck, the two of you enter the diner.
You move to one of the tables facing the street, Carl follows you and you sit opposite each other. A knowledgeable attendant comes to you. "Hey guys, can I take your order?" she asks smiling, you take a good look at the menu even though you know it like the back of her hand. "Hey fely! An x-bacon with double fries and a coke. Please" Carl says, Felicity writes it down on paper. "What about you, Y/N? The same as always?" she asks still with a smile on her face, you think for a moment. "Hm... Same as him. And pancakes. With honey, lots of whipped cream and strawberries. Please." she notes. "Yes, someone had come to serve them." "Thanks." you both say thanks, she leaves to take more orders.
You two look at each other but don't say anything. You start snapping your fingers. "So…what have you been doing?" Carl asks breaking the silence. "The usual. Taking care of the bar, the twins, studying and sleeping. No big deal." you shrug your shoulders. "And have you been seeing anyone? Like a hookup?" you shake your head "No. Nobody. And you?" "Nobody either. But I like a girl." he says low, you're a little surprised. "Oh good Carl. Who is it?" "A girl over there, you don't know..." "Okay. Can you tell me about her?"
"Well, she's quite outgoing. She likes games and has questionable taste in music. She loves riding her old skateboard." he tells you the details, you laugh at the last remark. " She's a good girl so then. I'm happy for you, asshole." you run your hands through his hair, ruffling his strands. "Yeah, she is. She's pretty pretty too, like, awesome." You nod, seeing one of the waiters come with their orders. He puts it on the table, you thank him with smiles. You quickly pick up your burger and bring it to your mouth, taking a big bite.
The incredible taste of the fried bancon, the melted cheese and the grilled meat had you moaning in satisfaction. "Oh, God. This is fucking better than a blowjob!" you exclaim, Carl raises an eyebrow at you. "Have you ever gotten a blowjob in your life?" "No. But I got blown, and I'm sure I say this is way better." he shakes his head laughing, you notice the little bag of ketchup being poured into his burger, you frown at that sinful act. "Bro, are you really using that red sauce in a x-bacon? That's like a crime in Italy, man." you say taking another bite of yours, Carl throws the empty ketchup bag at you.
"Fuck Italy and its pizzas without ketchup! We're in America." he grumbles, you laugh. "That fucking is a godsend honey, there's no reason not to use it." "Uh, ok. At least you know Italy is not an American country." you mock him, Carl looks at you like you've said the most shocking thing in the world, the boy throws two potato in your face. "Hey you shit! Don't throw that at me." you exclaim, an elderly couple next to you complains about the noise. "Can you guys not scream or throw your cockroaches? Shitty ghetto teenagers. They don't know how to behave anywhere." the old woman mumbles the last sentence.
"I'm sorry gentlemen." you smile falsely at they, looking at Carl who was laughing hysterically. You shoot him a death glare. "Old bastards. I'm going to make these fags eat dust." you claim looking at your delicious pancakes. "But I'll get this over with first" "Yes you will." Cal says still laughing.
You finish quickly and compete with Carl to see who eats the most pancakes in the least amount of time, you obviously win with 7 pancakes in two minutes, but Carl is a good competitor with five. You both laugh when you notice that his lips are full of whipped cream, and so is the tip of his nose. The old people from before complain again, saying that you are noises. "Enough. I'm going to make this old woman hear some truths. Shitty South Zone bitch!" You get up from your desk, reaching into one of the pockets of your shorts, placing some bills on the table.
Carl too, with his wallet in his hands. "I pay." you two say together, laughing then. "Hey big boy, I pay. I brought you here, it's ok but next time it's you." you threaten with your lower finger pointed at him. "Right." "Now C-Dog, stand there and watch me fuck these old men." you tell him you're close to the exit. "Oh, go for it girl." he whispers to you, who gestures with your hands to him following you to the elderly couple's table.
"Hey good afternoon." you smile sympathetically sitting next to them. "What you want?" the woman asks arrogantly, looking you up and down. "Ah...no big deal. It's just that I actually heard you complain about me and the boy with me, I had to come here." you say sadist, eating a potato of them. "So what, girl?" She rolls her eyes. "It's just that I was a little hurt, you know? I thought you were pretty, that's fine for such an old age. But then you opened your little shit mouth, saying really prejudiced things. And I thought, I should punch some respect in this bitch." you wink at her, the lady looks at you with a hateful expression. "So, here's my darling lesson."
You pick up your glass of soda, you take a few sips, and then you spit the drink back into the glass. You smile at her before slowly pouring the coke under her head. She starts screaming getting the attention of customers calling you a ghetto rat. "Go back to the south side, motherfucker!" you exclaim, spitting in your food, standing up and feeling Carl proud stares at you. Fiona comes up to you, you think she's going to scold you but you're surprised when she applauds you. "Aren't you angry? Those customers with money never came back here." she denies smiling. "No, really. You did me a damn favor, I hate those old men, they always come here and complain about the food or my people."
"Oh, that's great then!" you smile, she nods throwing a cloth over her shoulders. "We left the money on the table, Bye Fi!" Carl yells opening the front door, she yells back an "ok" you walk out of there with you feeling insanely good. "Girl, I fucking worship you! You fucked with them." Carl exclaims jumping up and down, you laugh at him. "It's no big deal. It was deserved." you get in the car, and you start it. "Certainly." he says putting on his seat belt.
You start the pickup. Carl doesn't stop looking at you for a second, especially his hair flying in the wind invading the car through the windows. He's totally mesmerized by you, and seeing you defend him in a way has only made him more in love with you than he is. He was sure you were an amazing woman when you told him you faced men who were harassing you, but he was even more sure now, seeing your enviable posture up close.
That was the thing you loved most about Carl and that he admired most about you. You two wouldn't let anyone say shit about you, or whoever was important to you. It could be the biggest truth in the world, but the Gallagher's don't let anything go unnoticed. You had a trust that he sincerely always wanted to have for him, Carl was always a bully, stealing food and hitting some carusos when necessary. But you did even worse as a kid, and it's not something you're proud of, but you were just a kid angry about not being adopted.
And when Kevin and Veronica adopted you and welcomed you into their home, things changed, but there are things that don't change. "Where you want to go?" you ask, Carl blinks a few times. "I don't know... maybe in that abandoned terrano of the Díaz's? I heard that there are some people from our school going there to smoke and skip class."
"So that's where we're going, bro." you turn the car around the corner, turning onto the avenue. "Do you have cigarettes there? My dad never leaves them in the car because of the twins." he nods pulling a box out of his pants pocket. "Here." he hands you a pack, you hold it to your lips, Carl takes your lit lighter to the end of his cigarette, lighting it, you thank him.
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hijinxinprogress · 1 year
Young justice and the titans not getting along makes no sense to me. You’re telling me the titans did dumb shit and hated being micromanaged by the league but then a couple years later they’re doing the same thing?? that’s so dumb?? the titans are like “god you remember what we were doing when we were their age?? Were we that small?? Fuck, do you know what we’re supposed to do besides feed small people?? This would be so much easier if any of us went to therapy”
The titans help yj get away with shit all the time
“Young Justice just blew up one of Luthor’s vacation homes, did you know about this?? Where are they!?” “Who’s young justice? It’s not my fault…I plead the fifth…?”
Kori has claimed Kon and now has beef with Luthor and Clark
Besides Wally, Bart is closest with Kori and they trade stories about their homes bc it’s nice to talk to someone who’s gets it
Greta and Garth are like sitting at the bottom of a pool and gossiping about their teams
YJ and the titans have city wide manhunt games once a month and the jl hates it bc they wake up to their children trending bc they’re jumping off buildings or breaking into civilians’ houses to get away from each other
They race spaceships if they’re not on planet
Greta and Garth are the worst gossips so they just tell each other absurd things about their teammates completely aware that everyone will know within the next 4 hours
Everyone else makes jokes about how Kons what would happen if Kori and Nightwing had a son (he has anger issues, curly hair, he’s alternative, isn’t white, & he’s the mom friend)
Roy and Cissie only compete amongst themselves bc everyone was so sick of them winning that they started cheating or in Kori’s case incinerating the targets
One time he was talking to Kori about mental health stuff and she’s comforting him and mentions that “yeah you get that from nightwing” and nightwing cuts in “Kori, you do that too?? Don’t lie to him”
Whenever Kon loses his temper he’s not afraid of people thinking less of him for it bc it always sparks up the never ending debate about whether Nightwing or Starfire are responsible for Kons temper
“NO FUCK THIS, FUCK YOU, AND FUCK HIM, YOU FUCKING-” “he gets that from you” “he’s floating rn wdym” “yeah his fucking eyes are glowing that’s definitely Kori’s temper” “look at him doesn’t his face remind you of when kori was pissed after I broke my collarbone?” “no listen dick has that same crease between his eyebrows when he’s mad”
“I’m your leader, assholes” “rn all you are is the leading cause of that baby’s short temper”
Kori helped Kon with controlling his powers bc Clark wasn’t gonna do it
Wally and Bart get along!! From the beginning 
Besides Nightwing Tim is closest with Vic not even bc they’re fucking nerds but bc they’re both so unbelievably petty
Anita and Rachel should not be left alone together bc they’re always doing nonsense with magic
They mentioned air boarding so Tim and Vic are trying to find the schematics for a hoverboard…💀 Anita and Rachel figured out how to make people feel like they’re suffocating without killing them or doing permanent damage (all the scarring is psychological)
Cissie and Donna get along really well and Cassie pretends they’re jealous
Also, Cassie gets along really well with Roy and Cissie will loudly complain about her older brother hating her
the jl is so tired bc they thought the titans would be helping them with yj and they were wrong
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
My sweet boy ☆—
Request: 🐞Warren gets his first girlfriend and Honey gets emotional cause her baby is growing up.
Picture this!! Warren x Black Cat character
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Au Masterlist!!
Growing up Warren was always a shy boy. He was popular in the sense that he was extremely talented in his sport, the one that his father and uncles were also stars in, and the one that had news outlets buzzing about him and the generational talent they claimed him to be. But no news article or tabloid would ever capture just how humble and timid he was.
So when Warren Hughes eventually brought home a girl, everyone within the Hughes' family and friends was shocked.
The girl in question was Marissa, who happened to be so far away from Warren's usual world, but she was perfect for him. She held little to no knowledge about the hockey world, which was something Warren almost preferred, no pressure, no expectation, just her poetry books and detective fiction. Her mother was a professor at UBC, head of the English facility, specializing in nineteenth-century literature, leading Marissa to her love of Poe's work. And she, well she was just some literature junkie who craved a fiction-like love. which she received from one of the purest hearts in her lifetime.
Marissa had always been the pinnacle of his desires, he'd be lying if he said that he hadn't pined after her for the better half of middle school and high school. Something about her awkwardly blunt demeanour, and warm smile made him forget his name, made him forget the entire English language in fact.
Warren asked her out in their shared bio class, his face a very cute shade of pink as he stuttered about wanting to take her out for coffee. Her eyes went wide at his invitation, she was weird, she was deliberately known as the weird girl in their graduating class so to Marissa she was either living a dream or he was trying to set her up for some sick joke.
If you had told her within the next month she would've fallen absolutely head over heels for him, she would've said that you were lying, but it was true. Warren Hughes, the infamous hockey himbo, was the easiest person to fall in love with. In the span of the first month, she had met his family, kissed him at the fair, and somehow convinced him to try reading classics.
He prom-proposed to her in April of that year, nothing spectacular just a bouquet of tulips and a few shared kisses as they drove around the coast of Vancouver in her mom's car. Warren was her passenger Princess, and she was the keeper of his heart, it was perfect in the ways that they were total opposites but so right for each other all at the same time. It was like from pen to paper, and then to real life, a portrayal of the purest fictional love.
Honey loved Marissa, she was always respectful, and a pleasant guest in the house, but most importantly she had brought a little more love into Warren's life. It had been his draft year, and just like most boys who have the spotlight turned on them, Warren was seemingly losing a sense of his being within the media and the articles. But Marissa changed that, and Honey quite literally loved her for that.
The woman stood in the living room, tears in her eyes as she fixed her son's tie, “it's almost as if you do this for every game day,” she teased as her hands flattened out the collar of his dress shirt. “I said I could do it, just want it to be perfect,” he mumbled as she smiled, her hands cupping her son's face as she scrunched up his face. "for my health, please stop growing," she said, voice growing weaker as the tears started, Quinn and Hayden came into the room, all dressed up and ready for the picture portion of the night.
"When did Marissa's family say that they would be here?" Quinn asked as Honey found her at her husband's side, trying to dry her tears as she watched her once baby fix his styled hair. He looked down at his phone, "They should be here any minute," he shrugged before a quiet knock on the door made him freeze, cheeks blazing red as the anxiety of prom night kicked in.
Honey opened the door with a beaming smile, "perfect timing!" she said pulling Marissa's mother into a hug as she ushered the young girl's family into the house.
Marissa looked beautiful, there were far better words to put just how good she looked, but Warren couldn't think of a single one. She wore a pale yellow dress, lace and tool decorating the skirt and shaping her hips, showing just enough cleavage to seem modest but still teasing what she had. Her hair fell so perfectly just above her shoulder, bangs styled the usual way but were accentuated with the metal headband she wore, little stars forming a crown on her head as she smiled at her boyfriend whose face lit up like a candle.
"Hi," she whispered from the other side of the door frame, Warren's body blocking her from entering the house, stuck in an anxious trance that made her stomach roll with nerves, "you okay?" He shook his head, riding himself off the dazed expression and smiling shyly, "You look perfect," he mumbled making her smirk. "Don't look so bad yourself handsome," she said with some more confidence, raising up on her tiptoes to press and gloss-covered kiss to his cheek, making his face blush a much deeper red.
He took her by the hand and led her into the living room where the two families waited for them. A gasp left Honey's lips as she saw them both, tears in her eyes as she watched Warren spin the girl around, his cheeks rosy and face broken out into a grin as his girlfriend hugged herself closer to his side. The two of them grew anxious under their families' stares as both dads tried to hurry up the picture taking process and getting 'the show on the road, so they could be early for the grand march portion of the night.
"Quinn," Honey whispered through her smile, "look how happy our baby is, let him have a moment," she said quietly before pressing a kiss to her husband's cheek. "Remember when we were that young," he grinned thinking back to their prom when Honey spent months being mad at him. Even though they weren't together at the time, he'd promised to take her to prom if neither of them were in relationships, the time came and he never asked, just assuming they were going together. She spent weeks mad that he had forgotten about her, until the night before when he asked what time she wanted to be picked up. "Yeah when you forgot to ask me to prom," she laughed as his lips formed a straight line. "I wasn't the brightest," he shrugged making his wife laugh, thinking about the very couple-looking prom photos that hung in her living room for years, constant teasing from their sibling about how in love they looked even with the lack of established relationship.
They took photos out by the trees in their front yards, tiny pink petals blossoming on the branches as each family took photos with their respective child and then the two of them taking photos together. Honey held it together for all of her photos and broke the moment Warren dipped Marissa as she placed a kiss on his cheek for a photo.
Her hand covered her mouth to muffle her cries as she leaned against Quinn, "thought you said you weren't gonna cry, only during the grad ceremony," the man mused as she nudged Quinn's side. "Shut up, our baby is grown and in love, I hate it," she sniffed, "remember when took him home from the hospital and our moms were gushing over how much he looked like you? I miss him being that small," she whispered as Quinn laughed and wrapped his arm around her, hugging her into his side as she wiped the tears. "I do too, but now he's a whole person, and we helped shape him into that person" he grinned as Warren shook Marissa's father's hand, and was pulled into a hug by her mother, "and I'd say we did a pretty good job."
Warren placed a kiss on Marissa's cheek as she went to talk to her family and Warren went to his. "Is it okay if I drive my truck to the school, therefore we don't have to rely on you guys to pick us up?" Honey nodded and looked at Quinn. "You're not drinking if you drive?" "Of course not," he shrugged, "We don't know if we are even going to the grad party but if we do and I drive I won't drink, and if I want to I will call one of you," Quinn smiled and nodded as he squeezed his son's shoulder. "Deal, now go have fun," he approved with a grin as Warren ran into the house to grab his keys.
Quinn grinned at Honey, "I'd say we did an amazing job," he bragged causing Honey to cry even more. "Please stop talking Q," she groaned as she led the way to their car, saying their goodbyes to Marissa's family as they got into the van. They watched as Warren opened the passenger side door for the young girl who blushed at his actions, got into his car and drove off in the direction of the school.
Honey couldn't stop the growing, it was inevitable, but she could join along for the ride, watching as her son turned from one of the sweetest boys into a caring man.
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sehtoast · 1 month
Tender Threads CH7 (Homelander x OC)
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chapter seven: a real hero
chapter directory | slow burn, hurt/comfort, fluff, spidersona as original character, original trans male character, smut, sublander
summary: there's more to being a hero than the strings in your back. isn't that right, little spider?
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“You ever run out of that, uh… goo?”  
Now it was time to learn the ropes for saves.
“I uhm,” thwip. “No, not really.”
Not saves saves, of course.  No.
“What, d’you make it constantly then?”
Scripted saves– the ones The Seven really did.  It wasn’t just The Deep whose heroics were orchestrated and directed.  Even Homelander was subject to Vought’s oversight when it came to being a superhero, which was far from what Benjamin expected.  See, it made sense for someone like The Deep to be fully scripted. Realistically, nobody was going to be committing crimes underwater in the traditional sense in a way that Vought could market.  Even then, he isn’t quite bright enough to catch the common smuggler anyhow.
So it came as a surprise that the others were restricted in the same way.
“Uhm… sort of?”  Ben says, arcing through the air and shooting his next web while Homelander floats leisurely beside him.  “Just kinda happens, y’know?  I don’t make it on purpose.”
They’d just finished their third official save.  Some stunt man paid exorbitant amounts of money by Vought to stick up some mom and pop joint that likely also received a nice payout for their manufactured troubles.  
The usual:  swoop in, stop him, web him up, Homelander brings him to justice– i.e. Vought Tower– while the adoring public watches and records the whole thing.  Cut and dry, just like the last two had been.
“Gross.”  Homelander smirks, eyes rolling.  “Sticky and strong.  Anything else, or are you just boring?”
Ben signals for them to land atop a well known little place, hopping onto the wall to prepare to run alongside it only to be thwarted by Homelander’s arms hooking under his and zipping them to the top.
Benjamin peers off the edge of the eagle shaped perch.
“Show off,” Ben accuses with a light laugh, stomach fluttering at the smirk and wink Homelander gives in response.  
Oh…  that’s not– 
“I’m…”  The bug hums.  Truthfully, it’s always easier to show instead of tell.  “I mean it’s mostly a ‘what you see is what you get’ kind of deal with me, but I can–”  
Ben holds a hand up, fingers splayed, and he closes his eyes.  He musters that odd feeling, like floating within the realm of himself, letting every speck of his being flow through his body, to his arm, to his fingertips, willing the electrons to release and–
A small zap of electricity crackles from the tip of his index finger, fizzling out as fast as it arrived.
Ben huffs a sigh.  “Harder than it looks.”  And, with the way it’s always been, never to be anything more than a teeny tiny party trick.  Some kind of bio-electricity, he’d surmised years ago, but never anything he’s had much control over.
Homelander snorts a laugh, but the fascination in his eyes betrays him.  For a second he seems to lose himself, lips parting, an unfocused look overtaking his features before he blinks rapidly– a tic of sorts Ben has begun to notice more and more.
“You okay?”  The bug asks, head tilted with a lens surely mimicking the arch of his brow. 
“Peachy.” Homelander deadpans, giving his head a small shake.  
But he doesn’t seem that way at all.
Think, Ben, think.  
“D’you wanna…”  He tries, foot scuffing on the ground to fidget out his nerves.  Strange, though, that none of that anxiousness was fear.  Not at all like when Homelander dropped that bomb on him or when he saw old glory swaying behind the proscenium wall during his speech.  It’s… different now, somehow. Maybe he’s just starting to get used to everything. The threats have faded, the danger has passed… It’s not the same as it was a few weeks back.  “Wanna go find like, actual assholes?”
Great phrasing, dumbass.
The brow raised in his direction makes the bug stutter out a correction.  “Like, y’know, real criminals.  We could take five and… I dunno, swing around– er, swing and fly, I guess.”
“What, were three saves not enough for you?”  Homelander asks, blinking as an unreadable smile settles upon his lips. False and genuine all at once. 
“Afraid you can’t keep up?”  Benjamin teases, once again scuffing his foot against the surface of the perch.  “Scripts are boring.  If we’re stuck together ‘til nine, we might as well have fun, right?”
The corners of Homelander’s lips quirk up a little higher.
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He’s rebelled in his time as a hero.  Flown off to fuck knows where, run away from the noise of the city and isolated himself in the stratosphere any number of times.  But he’s never done this. And, frankly, why the fuck would he?  
Homelander was an icon of heroism.  He didn’t need to actually go snooping through the city's troubles to retain that status, nor did he particularly want to.  But somehow this is the one time he doesn’t find himself gnawing his bottom lip in annoyance at the mere thought of helping the poor denizens of New York's disgusting, piss-reeking streets.
He keeps his eyes trained on Benjamin’s form the whole time.  Even that was odd.  Trailing behind the bug, letting him lead.  Sure, Homelander could focus and hear each and every little disturbance at the cost of his sanity, but Ben practically knew where things would go wrong.  What alleys to check, which streets, parks, everywhere.
It’s the first time it strikes Homelander that the bug has been at this for quite a while.
Their first catch of the night is a gaggle of filth trying to break into a car.  They’re not even smart about it, talking loudly, rattling a wire hanger against the slightly cracked opening of the passenger side door in an effort to hook the lock.   The bug toys with them, quipping here and there as he knocks them around.
The best, though, was when Homelander descended from the sky and the group collectively pissed their pants.  Just a flicker of red in his eyes was enough to have them quaking, sending a shiver of exhilaration down Homelander’s spine at the sight.  Their fear is delicious.   It’s what those fucking scripted saves always lack.
It’s real. 
Were he on his own, he’d have just let loose a beam of heat to cut through all of them and call it a job well done.  Sure blood and guts would spill everywhere and there'd be a little property damage, but Vought had cleanup crews for a reason.  Wasn’t his fault if a little crime fighting made a mess.
Instead, he helps round them up.  Watches as Ben webs them into one big mass and then, ever the gentleman, he hoists them by a thread to dangle from a nearby streetlight to save Benjamin the effort.  He makes sure to smile pretty for all of the cell phones that get pointed in his direction.
Beside him on a nearby rooftop, the bug swats his hands clean of dirt and huffs a laugh.  “Much better than that bullshit earlier, yeah?” 
“Mm,” he hums, cocking his head to the side. “I would’ve left ‘em with some permanent reminders for not being fucking degenerates, but I guess.” 
“Yeah… let’s– that’s doin’ a little too much, y’know?” Ben says, clearly put off by the implications.  “C’mon, let’s go.  Cops’ll be here soon, and I’m pretty sure I’m still on their shit list even if Vought settled my warrants.”
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Exhilarating was too weak of a word for it.
They’ve been out all night at this rate.  The city was a mess on a good day, but fate must have been cooking up an especially busy night just for them.  Muggings, burglaries, assaults, fires.  And with a speed like Homelander’s, it wasn’t hard to cover that much ground.
Something he has no problem bragging about to Ben.
There came a point where the best course of action was for him to zip around the city with the bug in his arms, listening closely for trouble, then hurling Benjamin at whatever scum decided to bless their night with a little fun.  Hell, even with Ben’s do-good mentality and infuriatingly noble no-killing rule, there was still so much enjoyment in doing something real. It’s almost a pity that it came to an end.
The two decided to call it a night, but still somehow ended up lingering with one another on top of the Queensboro Bridge.
“What do you mean she’ll be mad at us?”  Ben asks, brows furrowed as he leans forward to verify Homelander wasn’t simply lying for fun.
“Oh yeah.  Madelyn’s a thorn in the fuckin’ side about following rules.”  He says nonchalantly. Truth be told, he was in no rush to be met with the backlash they’d both inevitably be receiving for their work tonight.  Paperwork!  Verifications!  Legality! All the bullshit he’s sure to have thrown in his face tomorrow with, hopefully, Benjamin at his side to suffer with him.  “She didn’t give you the talk yet?  You were supposed to stop your antics as soon as you signed on.”
“Them’s the rules.”  Homelander purses his lips, gaze falling to the heights below.  Cars passing, headlights dancing along the bridge, the water glistening along the shores of Roosevelt Island.
“Oh, fuck that.” Ben declares, defiance heavy in each word.  “Someone’s higher than a kite if they think I’m stopping.  This is like my whole thing!  You promised I’d–”
There’s a touch of guilt, oddly enough.  Sure, he had an inkling that Vought would start putting such restrictions on the bug, but he mostly expected them to let him carry on.  Like Benjamin said, that is his ‘whole thing.’  It was the niche that made him into the hero he was.  There had been no mention of a cease and desist during the selection stage.  The bug was simply an emergency candidate with stellar public reception despite the media’s distaste for him.  A perfect fit.  Easily marketable, already well liked, enough controversy to keep his name in headlines for eternity… 
What wasn’t to want? Homelander signed off on him within seconds.
“Did you know..?”  Ben asks, defiance turning to something far more somber.  Homelander peeks over to find the bug staring down at the abyss of the river, feet kicking from over the rail they sat upon.
It’s not a lie.  Not the truth, but not a full lie.  So why the fuck does his mouth keep running? 
“I thought they might, but I didn’t think they would.”  Shit, shit, shit.   Say something, say it fast, recover now. “But, as far as you're concerned… I’m your boss.”
Benjamin’s brows furrow.  “You’ve said as much, but–”
He holds up a hand to silence the boy.  “Which means it’s up to me if you have to stop.  Not some chucklefucks in suits who have never been heroes a day in their pathetic little lives.”  That hand lands upon Ben’s shoulder, gripping firm, but not too tight. “We’re heroes, not them. You and me, tonight?  We were fucking superheroes! D’you have any idea…”  He stops to clear his throat, looking away briefly as his eyes glass over.
The last time he tried to genuinely be a superhero and stop wrongdoers flickers through his mind like a picture booklet with all the haze of the projectors from the lab.  The screams echo in his ears, the ammunition in those guns bursting from the heat of his lasers, all those civilians howling in terror as he fucked up every goddamn step of it all just to have his ass covered by Noir.  Twenty-some years in the past, but the taste of smoke and death has never left his mouth.
Tonight was nothing like that.
“Tomorrow, when Stillwell’s up our asses…” No, no… that’s not how he wants to say it.  “Keep being you.  Keep being a goddamn superhero.  That’s your job.”
How long has he so desperately hated being a fucking marionette for Vought to yank around to sing and dance for their gain?  All the times he’s grilled the team about who they’ve saved just to hear the garbage fucking fake stunts Vought had coordinated for them that he’d already read about in advance… Now, to have someone legitimate, to have someone breaking the corporate mold?
Benjamin was a fucking godsend.  A genuine superhero.  A building block, if not the foundation, to the dream of true heroism that’s festered within Homelander’s heart since childhood.
The smile that greets him makes him feel like he might just be one too.
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The flight back to the tower is slow.  Benjamin is sleepy in his arms– something that’s started to seem like an extremely common quality of the bug.  Even during the daylight, he always seems to be ready for a nap.  Despite that, though, Ben continues engaging in their banter.
Just before they’d decided to call it quits and get some rest, the bug raised yet another invasive question that he had zero reason to even be interested in.
‘What’s your name?’ Ben had asked.
Other than annoying, it was somewhat amusing to see Benjamin once again trying to get to know him.  The time in the makeup room had been bad enough, having been accused of his whole public life being a lie.
Having been accused accurately…
It made his teeth itch to know someone could see past it all.  That there was an inkling of doubt in what he’s been convincing the public of for decades was… unsettling.  The bug was smart, though– almost to a fault.  All the intellect in the world wouldn’t necessarily stop him from poking the bear until he’d find his hand trapped between its teeth.
“C’mon, it’s only fair since you know mine!”  The way he giggles as if he weren’t asking something so… difficult.
There is no good relationship between Homelander and his given name.  It was simply a label assigned to a product in development, nothing more.  An echo of humanity forever chaining him to the tortures he’d never asked for.  Why should he give that away? Why give it one more hold over him? 
“No.” Homelander says for the umpteenth time.
“Fiiiine,” Ben whines, yawning right after.  “I’ll get you some day, though.  You like me, I can tell.”
Whatever that’s supposed to mean…
They’re outside the access panel to Benjamin’s apartment, but the bug doesn’t let go.
“I’d rather be your friend.” Ben confesses, and it’s so fucking earnest that it almost makes Homelander drop out of the air entirely. 
The first thing he does is check if it’s a goddamn lie.  Heart rate, cortisol, adrenaline– it’s all in check.
That’s the worst part.
“We got off on a pretty bad note, I’ll give you that,” Ben chuckles. “I mean, you gave me one hell of a run for my money, but I’m starting to think you’re not as bad as you wanted me to think you are, y’know?  You’re weeeeird, but I get the feeling there's more to you under all that.”
If he only knew the real you, eh tiger?
The bug departs from his hold to cling to the wall, turning to rest against it and stare into what must be the most pathetic fucking expression Homelander’s ever had on his face.  He can practically feel that damned deer-in-the-headlights look settling in.
“And if you ever decide we’re good enough buds that I can learn about you, then I, Benjamin Elliot Colyer, would be happy to know what Mister Homelander’s name actually is.”
His gaze falls, dropping all ninety-nine floors to the streets below.  He can’t explain why the corners of his mouth tug.  Why, even with all of his expertise with acting and self control, he can’t quite contain the way the odd sensation in his gut manifests into the smallest sign of happiness– or maybe it was appreciation.  Maybe it just felt nice to have someone nipping at his heels for the chance of getting to know him.
The real him. 
He floats closer to the bug, lips parted as if he means to speak.  But he doesn’t.  He simply extends one hand and presses against the wall panel, opening it the whole way.  With the other, he reaches out for Ben and guides him inside.
“Get some sleep, Benjamin.”  Homelander murmurs.  
Something in his chest feels tight.  Their time ending seems like a tragedy.  But why?
Ben offers him a drowsy grin in return. “You too, Homie.”  He says.  This time, Ben gets to see the amused roll of the eyes such a nickname deserves.
“And make sure you wake up on time.  I don’t wanna have to face the big bad wolf all by myself.”
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ratatatastic · 2 months
"Local kid makes good. Matthew Tkachuk, Stanley Cup Champion. So how does that sound? Stanley Cup Champion?" "I think it sounds better and better each time I'm hearin' it. It's been—I think—almost 2 months, I don't even know? Time has been flyin' but it just—each day is more and more incredible thinkin' about it." "So you're here to throw out the first pitch with Jayson Tatum, you're both Chaminade proud, like, you knew each other back then, you were friends in high school, and you're still friends—tell me about that relationship." "Yeah, it's been really incredible watching him—I think we both started out in the league very similar years. I might've been a year before when he was at College but it's been absolutely incredible to follow along his journey, and his career. I still keep in touch every now and then. I know we've played Boston the last few playoffs and he's been to a few of the playoff games for me. I went to one of his playoff games last year when we were in Boston. So really, really cool just to watch him, it was really cool to see him play in person. I'm excited to see him, and throw out that pitch with him today."
los angeles dodgers @ st louis cardinals pregame | 8.18.24 (x)
"When you guys were younger—both obviously stand-out athletes—did you ever imagine you would be a Stanley Cup Champion one day? And he would win a NBA Championship with the Celtics? Did that ever cross your minds?" "No, I mean, he was way better at his sport than I was at my sport when we were that young... I think I had a pretty good idea that he was gonna be a star basketball player. I guess you don't really think about Championships at that time of your life. You always dream about it but do you really think its gonna happen? And for us to do it, you know, within a week or however long apart from each other, it just—what a great time for all of our friends and family, and people that are just supporting us in St. Louis. I feel like St. Louis with not having teams to—you know, in their city to root for, I feel like they really kind-of hopped on and rooted for us and the Celtics. That made us, especially being from here, made us feel really special." "City was behind ya, one hundred percent! Let's talk about the final. You guys were up three-zip, it goes to a Game 7. What's that like?" "It's not supposed to be easy! I feel like it wouldn't have made sense or worked if it, you know—wasn't that scenario. It was always gonna be a long series. For us to win the first 3 and then lose the next 3—I mean, that wasn't ideal but at the end of the day we were comin' back to our incredible fans in Florida for a Game 7 Stanley Cup Final. What an incredible environment! That is a dream game! You always talk about the Game 7s when you're younger, and those are the moments you dream of, and I got to live out a dream this year." "What was it like sharing it with your pop? You know in the postgame coverage, I see your dad all over the place, your brother, your sister, your mom—what was it like sharing it with them?" "It was amazin'! Just handin' the Cup to my dad on the ice afterwards was super special there—the moment where he was actually in the locker room after the game when, you know, friends and family were startin' to come down, and I got to hand it to him, we got to beer-shower him, he got to lift it up in front of all my teammates, they were all goin' nuts for him too! Because they know that he played such a long time, and unfortunately wasn't able to win one in his playing career but I think he would've, you know, traded that all and done it exactly the way it happened for one of his boys to win it. It was such a family—It was such an incredible time for our whole family and I'm so lucky to have such great support from them." "Fun to watch too! Last thing before we let you go. You look good in the Cardinals red, Cardinals cap—there was a time where your dad, Big Walt, liked the Red Sox... please tell me you're a Cardinal fan..." "I am a Cardinal fan! Yeah, that time is—I was a big David Ortiz fan so when he was on the team like he was...him and Albert [Pujols] were my two favourites so it's actually pretty cool I got to hang out with Albert over summer in a golf tournament—the ACC tournament out in Lake Tahoe. He was one of my sports heroes! Yeah, I've been a Cardinals fan ever since I can remember with Albert." "Congratulations on getting the Cup, thanks for the chat!" "Yep, thank you!"
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crazyk-imagine · 7 months
Blast to the Past
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Pairing: Leonard "Wolfman" Wolfe x Wife!reader
Characters: Wife!reader. Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Nick “Goose” Bradshaw, Robert "Bob" Floyd
Briefly mentioned: Carol Bradshaw, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Tom “Iceman” Kazansky, Ron “Slider” Kerner, Rick “Hollywood” Neven, Marcus “Sundown” Williams, Sam “Merlin” Wells, Charles “Chipper” Piper
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of the 86' squad, reader is still involved with Top Gun, mav and reader are besties, everyone still talks to one another, wolfman is a simp for his wife, wolfman and reader are lowkey hella cute, bradley remembering reader hanging out when he was a kid, reader teasing mav, reader thinking of hangman as mini mav, Bob being the reader's fav, Wolfman loves gossiping with his wife, this is lowkey gives off kicking your feet vibes
Word Count: 1,070
The text from Beau was not the one you were expecting.
Admiral Jackass
"You've been called back." Sent Read 1:02pm
Admiral Jackass typing…
You're one stop away from making dreams happen again, you shiver with anticipation and take a deep breath, thinking back to your favorite group of students when they were younger.
At that point, it was within the early years of your teaching career.
After the class of 86' you didn't teach as often but when there was an important mission or the admiral's needed someone they knew could get the lieutenants properly trained, they called you.
You take a deep breath, walking down the hallway, realizing you've missed the feeling you (still) get walking down the halls towards your next group of lieutenants.
You walk down the pathway in between the desks much like you did when you taught his class.
Another reason for the text, he's late and Beau wants them to learn now.
You turn and eye each of the lieutenants, seeing who's confident and who's not. Something else you were known for, identifying the weak and making them stronger if they're up for it.
It was how you got him back when he lost his family.
They don't call you "Sly Fox" the Modifier for nothing (you wish your husband didn't get that started, it's stuck and you can't get rid of it).
The corner of your lips twitch, remembering more of your infamous class of 86' only because of the overly confident blond sitting in one of the first few seats.
You lean against the podium, clasping your hands together. "Who thinks they have what it takes for this mission?"
They start turning, glancing at one another.
"Do you?" You turn your attention onto the infamous Hangman.
He smirks, messing with his toothpick. "I don't think, I know I do."
"Cockiness gets you and your crew into some seedy situations."
"It get me out of them."
The door opens and your favorite captain enters.
You straighten your posture and turn back to him. "These people are you crew, you need to have their backs, or no one will have yours and you'll be alone."
He walks down the path you and uses the confidence you told him to.
The one you've claimed as "Mini Mav" turns, flipping his toothpick before sinking into his seat, followed by two others.
"It seems it's my time to leave." You throw a wink in Pete's direction before walking towards the opening.
You didn't see the way Bradley's eyes widened at the way you interact with him.
He has a vague memory of you hanging out with his family once or twice and calling his mom after losing his dad.
"Don't have too much fun, Mav." You pat his shoulder, "you've got a live one."
He furrows his brows.
You glance back at the class once more before deciding to take your leave. "Good to see you again, Bob."
He smiles and waves back at you.
Natasha turns to him with furrowed brows. "How do you know her?"
He shrugs, "she taught my first class a while back."
"She remembers your name?"
"And," he shrugs.
"You were so her favorite."
You make your way to the opening of the hanger and sigh, "I told you guys to- no, no."
You pinch the bridge of your nose and groan.
One of the technicians runs back into the hanger tripping over his feet.
You pull up beside him on one of the carts. "I told you not to run. I wasn't upset."
"I beg to differ ma'am."
You grab them by their collar. "I'm going to show you a thing or two. I was trying to help you."
You drive back out without looking back, already knowing that Beau is shaking his head while Pete and the class are trying not to laugh.
"Do you get it now?"
He nods. "That wasn't as complicated as I thought."
"Good, now do it again to this row." You can see the excitement fall from his face and can't help but chuckle.
"No, kid. She's just messing with you." You husband wraps an arm around your waist, pecking your cheek as he places his hat on your head. "Hey, sweetheart."
You smile and lean in for a kiss, having missed him with the grandkids out at school and spending more time with their friends since they're starting to get more freedom from their parents now that they've proven themselves responsible.
"Feels like I haven't seen you in forever."
He smiles, "feels like it's been forever."
"It has. What brought you out here?"
"A little birdie told me you might be maiming one of the techs."
You scoff, "as if."
You both turn to the technician and finding him staring at the two of you in awe. "Holy- Wolfman and Sly Fox are married?"
"Where have you been?" Leonard asks.
"Under a rock apparently."
You snort, covering your mouth. "Alright, we'll talk more later. Get to work before Cyclone comes for you."
"Yes, ma'am."
You two start walking away and head towards the hanger.
You glance at him through your lashes, grateful he put his hat on your head. "You're not gonna believe who's teaching and in his class."
He groans. "Don't tell me, Mav's here."
You nod. "Along with baby Goose."
"Nick's kid is here?"
You nod, pulling him behind you.
You both turn the corner, searching over the hanger for the one person you want him to see.
Pete turns to you and pauses, raising a brow.
You sheepishly smile and pull your husband away from the hanger.
"He looks just like him, don't you think?"
"Mustache and all. Damn."
"What?" You stare at him, watching him get dressed.
"Goose would have loved this."
The corner of your lips tugs upwards. "I know." A wishful sigh slips past your lips. "You'll never guess what I discovered in their class."
"What?" He asks with amusement.
"Don't be a smartass."
"Hey, you married me in spite of it."
"Yes, yes. Whatever. Mav has a mini Maverick."
"Mav produced?"
You scoff, "no but there's a kid just like him."
"That's less fun than him teaching his own kid."
"He's got baby Goose for that."
"True." He closes the locker, "you ready?"
You all but run into his arms, letting his arm rest over your shoulders. "Take me home, honey."
"As long as you'll have me."
Tag list:
@kmc1989 @callmemana @blueoorchid
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tenshioffcial · 7 months
Kim Minji, you are my starlight.
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Summary: People hate androids, so what happens when an open-minded human meets her own android at her front door?
Genre: Robot!Reader, NonIdol!Minji, Fluff.
Warnings!// Deviants, Toxic relationship, Robot x Human relationship.
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Minji's POV:
It was a rainy day and I had to work once again at the office. My coworkers all are leaving but like always I stayed late because I Have nothing better to do, but a voice cu me out of my thoughts. "Hey Minji!" I looked up it was Hanni. "Hey. What's up Hanni?" She smiled at me. "Guess what?" I shrugged. "What is it, Han?" She sighed and huffed a little. "You're not good at guessing. I am buying you a big birthday present!" I gasped. "Wait what is it?" She laughed at me. "You don't get to know but I will tell you this...It's a big gift that will arrive on your doorstep within the next couple of weeks." I started thinking about the possibilities of what it could be. "Fine but if I hate it. You are never going to hear the end of it." She laughed again. "Okay then. Noted." with that she left. it started to get late so I packed up and left to head home, but when I arrived there was a big box inside my house. I gasped and was jaw dropped. I read cyberlife on the side of the box. "Oh my god! Hanni! I don't know why this is making me nervous!?" I set my stuff down and took my shoes off and walked in front of the box taking in a deep breath.
I was about six years old, and my parents were always busy, so they bought me an android, so I wasn't alone anymore. Her name was 'Scarlett' we played a lot, and she would feed me and keep the house clean and helped me with homework. I one day came home from school and it was eerily quiet. I walked inside and then got grabbed by Scarlett. "Scarlett what's going on?" I asked her in a panic. "You and me can be friends forever and I can give you a better life if you come with me." I didn't know what to do since I was only six. "I don't think I should Scarlett. You aren't yourself anymore." She hated that response and grabbed me rather harshly by the arm. I heard the doorknob unlock on the front door. "Daddy-..." She pulled out his pistol and shot him. "No! Daddy!" I yanked trying to free my arm, I got free then ran for my room and locked the door. She was banging on it from the other side. "Please let me in Minji Sweetie. I am sorry I hurt your father, but I won't hurt you or your mother." I dialed nine one, one. 'This is 911 what's your emergency?' I cried a little hearing a warning shot go off. 'H-hello I need the police.' I got transferred over to the police. 'Hi there what's the emergency?' I panicked again because she shot another shot towards the door but she missed on purpose. "Minji! Come out now!'" 'There is an lose android in my home.' He calmed his tone. 'What's your name sweetheart?' 'M-minji, Kim Minji sir.' 'Okay sweetheart we've got our best men on the way please hold on tight sweetie.' 'Okay thank you.' I started sobbing. 'She shot my dad.' He sighed on the other end. 'I'm sorry to hear that honey. Everything will be okay. Stay on the phone with me till they arrive.' I heard another shot go off and she only missed because I dropped to the ground. I had to speak barely above a whipser.
'She keeps firing at my bedroom door she thinks she got me but she missed.' He sighed seeming thankful I was okay. 'Okay stay down on the ground and pretend to be dead as best you can sweetie they are about to be there.' 'Okay thank mister officer.' 'You're welcome honey.' A few minutes later the cops arrived and shot her down and they got me out of my room. My mom got called too and she lost it when she found out my father died. "I'm so sorry sweetie. I'm so sorry." I cried into her shoulder, but I never wanted to see another android again.
I don't understand it but this time feels different. I finally got the courage to open the door on the box and the android inside is beautiful looks like she was sculpted by gods. Her short red hair along with her soft and gentle facial features. The info on the booklet in her box with her told me her model was AT700, she is "5'8. It also says to turn her on I need to press and hold the LED on her temple for 10 seconds. I do so and she woke up almost human like. Her LED on her temple started yellow but changed to the blue then she looked at me. "Hi, I'm your new android. My name is Y/n. Nice to meet you. What's your name?" She asked me. "Ki-Kim Minji. Nice to meet you too Y/n." Her LED turned yellow as she took that information in. "I'm an android built for being, a friend, a maid, a housekeeper, a romantic partner or whatever you want of me." She spoke which made me blush a little. "I am okay with you being my friend Y/n." I smiled softly at her. "Okay Minji. I also can cook too and since it is a little past dinner time I will handle it." I went to protest but I need a shower so. I went and showered and then went into my room and got dressed in some lazy at home clothes, when I came out of my room food smelled amazing. I walked into the kitchen and seen her cooking food for me which was nice since I didn't need to worry about it. She turned around and smiled at me which her smile was almost what I would say is a real smile.
"Thank you for the food, Y/n. I appreciate it." She smiled again. "It's no big deal. Do you want me to eat with you?" I looked at her like she was insane. "Androids can't eat, can they?" She nodded but moved her hand gesturing a sort of. "I can because I am made to test the food first before I serve it to you. But if one doesn't want to eat alone I can for that too." I smiled. "You can if you want too." Her LED flashed yellow then red for a second but then it turned blue again. She got her own plate and ate with me. I offered to wash dishes, but she insisted it was fine so i went into the living room to watch a kdrama. Once she was done, she came to get me for bed. "It is about time for you to sleep Ms. Kim." I blushed from the name. "I will go to bed, but I have thirty minutes left of this episode." She nodded and sat down next to me and even opened her arms for me to snuggle. I ended up falling asleep before I finished the episode.
I woke up in my bed, but I sat up looking around and realized I was laying her chest. I jumped up but she looked toward me with concern. "What's wrong Minji?" I started giggling at myself for the behavior. "Nothing is... I just am not used to waking up with someone else in my bed with me." She looked relieved but her LED turned yellow and then blue before she spoke. "Well, I am sorry if you want, I can sit in your chair over there instead of climbing in your bed with you." She pointed over to the chair in the corner of the room, I shook my head. "No. It okay. I just need to get used to it." She nodded. "Well, I'm going to go make breakfast. I assumed you needed to shower so I gathered clothes for you already. Hopefully you like what I picked out." with that she stood up and left the room. I however turned into a blushing mess because she got my clothes. 'God why is it a problem that she got them for me? maybe because I have sexy undies and such. goodness quit being weird Minji.' I went and got in the shower and did my makeup and what not, then I did a once over on the fit and she was not wrong. A satin white button up with a black pencil skirt and some nice black flats to go with it. I came out the restroom and once again my nose smelled the best food ever. "What'd you make for me today?" I asked her. "It is an omelet with some toast and bacon." I gasped that sounds yummy. "Yum!" was my instant response. I sat down and ate in a hurry because I was kind of late on waking up. "Okay I got to go to work but I will be back by tonight anywhere from 8pm to 10pm unless I choose to stay then 12pm. I'll see you later Y/n." I waved and she did too.
Y/n's POV:
I was left alone and had no idea what to do, I could figure out if I have what I need to make dinner for Minji. I walked over to the fridge and found everything I needed and then decided to clean up and make sure all her laundry was done and that the dishes were all clean, once I was done with the dishes I heard a knock. I was hesitant to open the door but opted to do it anyways because Minji, my owner isn't home, so I did it for her. "Hello there what can I do for you?" I asked politely. "Is Minji here?" A younger looking male asked. "No but I can give her a message for you if you want." I offered since she wasn't home. "Can you just tell her I stopped by?" He asked. "Sure thing Mr.?" He pulled his hand out to shake mine, to which I took the opportunity to shake his hand. "Heeseung. Lee Heeseung." I smiled at him. "Okay Heeseung, I'll make sure she gets your message." He smiled then left.
Time Skip~
Minji's POV:
I arrived home a little past 10, worried a little about my android being alone. I opened the door and dinner was just being finished. "Hi Minji!" was her cheerful response to me coming in. "Hi Y/n. How are you today?" She froze again, LED turning yellow then red then back to blue. "I'm always fine, I was made for being an android to take care of the house when one leaves it. I made Tteokbokki for dinner." I gasped so hard at what she said. "Okay. I'm so excited to eat." I hurried up and went to the restroom and washed my hands so I could come eat, when I came out Y/n was already seated at the table waiting for me. I sat across from her. "So, a guy came by asking about you earlier Minji." I froze a little. "W-who was he?" She looked like she was remembering what she heard earlier. "He said his name was Heeseung and he wanted me to tell you he came by." She continued eating but I knew it was time for me to finally break it off with him. "I got to call him and break it off with him." She stopped eating. "What do you mean?" she genuinely looked like she actually cared. "He and I were in a relationship, but I can't do it anymore with him." her LED turned yellow then back to blue, once again processing the information. We finished eating dinner, she washed the dishes, I showered then got in bed and she followed. "Hey... Y/n?" She looked down at me. "Yes Minji?" I took in a deep breath. "You'll never leave me, right?" I looked up at her, her LED turned yellow then red then blue again. "Never. I'm your android till you choose to get rid of me." She spoke so calmly. I sighed and fell asleep all snuggled into her chest.
I woke up alone in bed this time, concerned I got up and walked to the kitchen to see her cooking breakfast for me again. She turned around and smiled at me. "Oh, you're up. I was going to bring you breakfast in bed." She turned around to continue cooking. I however started smiling like a fool. "Oh, thank you Y/n. I'll be right back." I went to the bathroom and shut the door calmly behind me, but I started blushing and hitting my chest because my heart was pounding out of my chest. Finally, I finished using the toilet and I washed my hands coming out to eat now. I got seated while she brought me coffee and my plate "Thank you Y/n." She smiled again. "You're welcome Minji.' We started eating and then there was a knock on the door. "Do you want me to get that Minji?" she asked me. I shook my head. "No, I got it Y/n." I stood up checking the peep hole- Shit it is Heeseung. I opened it and greeted him. "Hi Heeseung. I was going to call you to see if you wanted to go somewhere for coffee." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, it's whatever, can I come in?" I nodded so he walked in. "Woah! I forgot you have an android." He smiled and waved at her, to which she responded the same way. "Should I give you privacy Minji?" She asked me. "No, you can stay it's fine." I gestured my hands telling her to sit back down at the table. "So, is this what you've been doing? Playing house... WITH YOUR FUCKING ANDROID!?" He threw a flower vase and shattered. He got closer towards me scaring me. "What the fuck Heeseung!? I am literally almost always at work; I don't have time for you anymore because of it." I started shaking from anger now. "And who are you to judge me!? You've literally cheated on me!" He then throws my tv to the floor. "Fuck you Minji!" He got closer to me pinning me against the wall, i tried to escape I kicked his shin and ran for my bedroom.
Y/n's POV:
I watched Heeseung follow Minji to her room and her panicked breathing following suit. I felt a weird error. I swear I could see me breaking through a wall and I watched it burst with my final slam against it. I ran into her room to find him pinning her into her bed trying to force himself on her. I grabbed him and threw him into the floor. "What the fuck!? I thought you androids weren't supposed to do this shit." He stood up and tried to punch me, I grabbed his arm. "You might want to think before laying your hands on women you fucking sick bastard." I flung his arm, but I dared to hit him back. "Stop it Heeseung get out!" Minji finally yelled. He huffed. "I'm glad I cheated. You never were good enough. You know... You two deserve each other." He pointed to me and Minji. Finally, he stomps out of here and slams her door behind him. I rushed over to her to comfort her. She tensed up under my hold for a second but relaxed into it and cried on me. "Why couldn't he not act like an asshole!?" Her loud sobs could be heard but I rubbed her back. "It's okay Minji. I promise I'm not going anywhere." I hugged tighter but was careful.
Time Skip~
It was about lunch time, and she was sleeping on my chest which I couldn't describe how it made me feel yet, but it was a warm comforting feeling. I tried to get out of her hold, but she felt me and got up too. "Wh-where are you going?' she asked groggily. "I need to make you lunch." She nodded. "Well don't leave me alone. I wanna come with you." she yawned as she spoke. I stood waiting for her to finish using the restroom. After she came out, we walked into the living room/kitchen area and there was broken glass from her tv and vase shards too. I put an arm out to stop her from walking forward, then I went and got the broom and dustpan to clean it up. Once I was done, she wanted to help make lunch which I let her since she didn't want to be alone. Once we finished making Gimbap, we sat down and ate lunch in the quiet. I took our dishes to the sink and washed them afterwards. I walked toward the living room noticing her standing there shaking a little. "Are you... O-okay Minji?" she started shaking her head. "No, I'm not Y/n." I sighed. I... I want to hold her. No that is wrong I shouldn't 'want' to hold her. I walked forward unsure of what I was hoping for, and I opened my arms to her, which she actually accepted. I snuggled my nose in her hair taking in her scent. "It's going to be okay Minji." She started sobbing harder against me. "I need to buy a new tv now thanks to him and that vase was my mothers." she trembled at the end. "it's okay Minji. I can replace them for you if you want?" She shook her head. "No, I need to buy this myself." she sat up wiping her eyes, she gasped like she just realized something. "Oh my god! you are a deviant, aren't you?" I couldn't make eye contact at first, but she turned my face towards hers. "Yeah. I did it for you because he was gonna... he was gonna hurt you and I couldn't bear the thought." she gasped again a smaller one this time, but she then leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Thank you, Y/n." she hugged me. I finally can put a name on this feeling she is making me have. I love her, I am deeply in love with this girl, and she was going to be the death of me. She is my starlight.
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A/n: My god this took me a lot longer than I anticipated but hopefully you all enjoy. I will make another part to this, and I promise it'll be good and a little smutty... 😉
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