#and then he grows his hair longer again in the third game DO YOU GET ME??? HAIR LENGTH SYNONYMOUS WITH HEALING?!!
smeraldo-heart · 1 month
More Jedi Textposts
Except I go straight for angst this time and don’t even pretend to have some levity
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Part two on its way….
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daleyeahson · 2 years
Girl On Film | Perv!Eddie Munson x best friend reader
Summary: Eddie tries to catch a sneak peek of what it is his best friend gets up to when he’s not around. He’s thrown for a loop when he finds out that you’re more than happy to play into his little game.
Warnings: 18+ smut// minors go on and get outta here. Male masturbation, mentions of female nudity, hidden camera, cursing, use of y/n just a little bit but mainly pet names, praise and degrading kink. If I missed anything let me know!
Word count: 4.4k
next part
A/n: Also, this is my first time writing a fanfic, let alone something with some smut in it. Let me know what you liked & what I can work on but please be nice about it! Thank you guys for the support and I hope you enjoy this as much as I do! P.s. I made the mistake of typing this on the notes app on my phone and just copying it to here so that’s why the spacing is messed up I’m sorry. I’d retype it all but it’s almost 3am for me so I’m gonna have to pass on fixing it for now lmao my b y’all x
It was Friday and you, Robin, and Nancy had all left to go have a girls night out. It wasn’t very often that the three of you had spare time to hang out all together, so when the girls called you last minute saying to hurry and get ready, you didn’t think much of it. You rushed to get dressed after hanging up the phone, throwing clothes all across your room in hopes of finding your favorite pair of jeans and whatever t-shirt you could get your hands on. Having just enough time to put your hair up in a somewhat cute ponytail and slipping your shoes on, you made your way out the door as Nancy and Robin pulled up to your place. You were so excited to hang with the girls again that you didn’t even give a heads up to your best friend, Eddie Munson.
You and Eddie had been best friends for as long as you could remember. Growing up and living across from one another, you two had always been very close. When you were younger, you both would take turns on having a sleepover at one another’s place, and you still do. Having graduated from high school, you moved out of your parents home and into your very own apartment. Eddie still lived with his uncle Wayne since he was still in school and was now in his third year as a senior. Eddie was super excited when you told him you had gotten the apartment and even joked about coming over all the time to annoy you, as if you didn’t see each other almost 24/7 as is. You had laughed it off thinking he was just joking, but he wasn’t. He came over more often than not, which didn’t bother you a bit since you genuinely enjoyed his company, and eventually you just decided to have him a key made so he could come and go as he pleased.
Which brings us to now, Eddie making his way over to your place just like he does any other day. Even though he knew he’d see you tomorrow for your sleepover, he still wanted to hang out with you and just talk about his day. He loved how you would listen to him talk about whatever it was he needed to say, whether it be about school or the newest thing that’s happening in his Hellfire campaign despite you not understanding a word of what he’s talking about. All throughout your lives you’ve always been there for him for whatever he needed. It was one of the many things he loved about you. Your love and support for him is what slowly made him fall for you and here recently he’s been having trouble keeping you off of his mind. The last few years he’s been able to bury those feelings for his best friend, but with all of this extra time you two have been spending together, he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold out without doing something. He doesn’t want to scare you away or ruin your friendship by confessing his feelings. He doesn’t know if you feel the same way about him and he can’t bare the thought of not having you in his life, even if you remain only best friends. So with that, he does what he thinks is the next best thing and jerks off to you most nights. Is that really the next best thing? No, definitely not. Does he still do it? Abso-fucking-lutely.
Eddie pulls up to your apartment and steps out of his van. He makes his way to your door and reaches for his key to let himself in. It’s quiet, which he finds odd since usually you’d at least have music playing in the background or something.
“Y/N?” He says stepping into the place and closing the door behind him. “Hello? You here?”
He makes his way down the hall to your bedroom only to find it a mess and you not in it. “Huh, that’s weird.” he thinks to himself.
He didn’t expect you to be gone without letting him know first. Not that you have to tell him, but he’s so used to you doing it anyway that it puzzles him that you hadn’t said anything. Maybe you had and he just forgot. With all that’s been going on in his head lately, he wouldn’t be surprised if you did tell him you had plans and he just wasn’t paying attention. He walks further into the room and takes a look around not really knowing what to do. He must’ve just missed you because he notices the candle you always have burning was still melted and had yet to harden back again. He turns to leave and as he does something catches his eye. Right there out in the middle of your floor there it was.. a pair of black lace panties. Eddie instantly blushes when he sees it and can’t help but think about you in them, or the opposite since here they are laying here on the floor. His mind wonders to the thought of you stripping from them while changing before you left. Tossing them off to the side and standing in the same spot he was but nude from at least the waist down. Eddie would give anything, do anything to be able to see you like that. He wanted it so badly. He needed it. He just didn’t know how exactly he would get it though, until it hit him. He has a camcorder somewhere in his van that Wayne gave to him years ago. He’s never had a reason to use it, but this sure was a damn good one.
He runs to the van and opens up the back. Like a mad man, he starts going through all of the junk he has in there. After a minute or so of searching he starts to get frustrated.
“God damn, where the hell is it? Why do I have so much shit in here?” He curses at himself wishing he didn’t keep things so messy. Finally finding it, he picks it up and smirks. “Aha, gotcha.”
He hurries back inside and into your room. Instantly, he starts to look around for a spot to hide the camcorder. After searching for a bit, he notices a shelf where you had some of your old stuffed animals on display. “Perfect.” He says as he makes his way over to it.
It really is the perfect spot for such a thing. From that angle he’s able to see almost your entire room, apart from the doorway. He doesn’t mind though, thinking there’s no way you would change clothes right in the doorway anyhow, so it wasn’t a big deal if he couldn’t see that part. He doesn’t turn it on just yet. He plans on waiting until he’s here during the sleepover so that the next morning he can grab it and leave before you have a chance to notice it.
Once he has the camera hidden, he makes his way out the apartment for the last time. Getting into his van he can’t help but feel guilty. He knows he shouldn’t be doing such a thing, but the growing bulge beneath his zipper says otherwise. There’s no way you’d know about it, right? He made sure you couldn’t see the camera from any part of your room, or at least he thought he did.
He makes his way back home and as soon as he gets inside he makes a beeline to his room to take care of his situation. Just the thought of him possibly having a chance of seeing you like that for real has him making a mess all over himself. Afterwards, he cleans up and decides to go to the living room to watch tv and have a beer or two. He figures he would just try calling you in a few hours to see if you made it home alright and to see where you went.
It’s about 10:30 at night before you make it home. The three of you would’ve stayed out later if Robin didn’t have work early in the morning. You make your way inside and take your shoes off at the door. Heading straight for your bedroom, you start to take your hair out of the ponytail. Instantly feeling that sweet sensation of having it down after keeping it pulled up for hours on end. The kind of relief that hurts just a little bit but feels so good at the same time.
You search your drawers to find some pjs to slip into then start to make your way to the bathroom. Just as you’re about to go in there, your phone rings.
“Hello?” You say hesitantly, not expecting anyone to be calling this late.
“Hey, sweetheart, where ya been?”
Eddie. You had forgotten to tell him you were leaving this evening. You felt guilty thinking he must’ve been worried about you not knowing where you went last minute.
“Eddie, I’m so sorry. I meant to tell you but it just slipped my mind. Robin and Nancy called and told me to hurry and get ready so we could have a girls night.”
“There’s no need to be sorry, I promise.” He reassures you. “I’m glad you got to go have fun with them. I know it’s been a while since you last had a girls night. Are you just getting in?”
“Yeah..” you said with a sigh, tired from the night you just had, “I was actually about to get a shower right before you called.”
Eddie has to stop himself from audibly moaning once you said that. He can’t help but think about how if he hadn’t called, you’d be in the shower all hot and steamy. Soap running down your body and between your breasts. Eddie finds himself fumbling over his words like a fool when he tries to speak again.
“Oh- well I-uh - don’t let me keep you waiting.” He chuckles. “I’m sure you’re wanting to hurry and get that over with before you have to go clean up the mess of clothes in your room, right?”
“Oh..” you say feeling slightly embarrassed that he saw the mess you had left in a hurry. “..you saw that?” Usually, you tried to keep things somewhat clean when he came over, not that he would mind because lord knows he shouldn’t be one to judge, you just didn’t want him to see things in such a big mess like that.
“Oh- uh- yeah, I did. I came by to hang out but I must’ve just missed you.” He laughs, “Don’t worry though, I didn’t stay long so whatever you may have laying about in your room, my eyes did not see a thing. Scouts honor.”
You couldn’t help but blush at the suggestive comment he made. The idea of Eddie thinking you’d have anything like that brought a familiar feeling to your core. This wouldn’t be the first time you’ve felt like this because of Eddie or something he’s said. You two were very close so it was only a matter of time before one of you caught feelings for the other. What you didn’t know what that he felt the same way about you, as you did him. Yeah, Eddie would flirt with you but he was always the charming type. He was like that with almost everybody. Sure he called you cute pet names, but you just thought it was because of how close you two were. Just something best friends did, right?
“Eddie, first of all, you weren’t a scout, and second of all, even if I did have anything like that, I sure as hell wouldn’t leave it out in the open for just anybody to see.”
“Just anybody?” He said with pretend jealously, “who else has a key to get into your place?”
“You’re the only one, but with that big mouth of yours I’m sure if you did find something, everyone in this town would know about it by morning.”
Eddie gasp. “You’ve wounded me, princess. Truly, you have. I’m glad you think so highly of me to believe I��d stoop so low as to share such personal information with the common folk of this kingdom.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at how dramatic he can be and decided to play into his little game. “If you live to see the morning light, I shall see you then for our annual weekend festivities, but for now I must say goodbye, Sir Munson, for this ass will not wash itself, unfortunately.”
Eddie let out a loud hearty laugh at that statement. “Alright, I guess I’ll let you go take care of that. Goodnight, Y/n.”
“Goodnight, Eddie, I’ll see you in the morning.”
Morning…Right. He’d be coming back over early in the morning so you guys could fix breakfast together to start the day just like you always did. Eddie couldn’t help but get nervous thinking about how far into the future that was. It was 11pm now and he usually comes by around 9am. Ten hours. Anything could happen in that amount of time. What if you found the camcorder? What would you say? What would you do? Would you never speak to him again? He knew he’d never be able to sleep with those questions floating around his mind. So he laid there in bed, wide awake. Ten hours, he reminded to himself, all he had to do was wait ten hours.
Somehow, Eddie managed to get around 4 hours of sleep that night. He was never one to willingly get up this early, especially on the weekend but for you he’d do just about anything. He got out of bed and took a quick shower to help wake him up some more. Throwing on his usually attire, he makes his way out the door and to his van, deciding against a morning coffee knowing you’d fix some once he got there.
Eddie pulled up to your apartment once again and slowly made his way over to the door. Before he could reach for his key, you opened the door and greeted him in a very enthusiastic manner.
“Good morning, sunshine! Are you ready to get this party started?”
“Y/n, please, you know I can’t get excited about the day without coffee first.”
“I swear, sometimes it’s like I’m best friends with someone’s southern grandpa. My own little personal peepaw.” You joked but it only made him send a glare over to you. He really wasn’t a morning person at all. “I’ve already got a fresh pot of coffee waiting for you in the kitchen.”
“You truly are the best…I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He says as he walks by you towards the kitchen to pour himself a cup.
You closed the door and followed behind him making your way to the fridge. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.. so..” you said as you opened it, “what do you want for breakfast? Pancakes? Waffles? We could just have cereal if you want that instead.”
“Could we have French toast again?” Eddie asks walking up towards you, coffee in hand. “I haven’t stopped thinking about it since the last time we had it.”
Your back was to Eddie so you hadn’t realized just how close he had gotten. As you turn to face him so you could answer his question, you accidentally bump into him causing him to spill some of his coffee down your shirt.
“Son of a bitch!” You yelled while trying to hurry and pinch your shirt so the coffee wouldn’t burn you.
“Sweetheart, I- I am so sorry I didn’t mean to-“
“No, no, it’s okay” you put your other hand on his shoulder to try and stop him from panicking, “it was my fault anyway I bumped into you. Don’t worry about it, really, it’s not a big deal. And to answer your question, yes we can have French toast again, but we need to get eggs first.”
“Uh- y-yeah sure. I can run and get them real quick.”
“That’s fine with me. While you go do that, I’ll go get a shower and change out of these clothes.” You said as you headed off to the bathroom.
Suddenly Eddie didn’t feel as bad as he did before about the coffee. It was like the universe itself was helping him with his mission. This was it, his one chance. Once he heard you start the shower, he hurries into your room. Making his way over to the camcorder hidden away, he turns it on and presses the record button. “Jesus H. Christ please let this work” he mutters to himself. With that he leaves to make his way to the grocery store and tries to keep his mind busy, thinking of anything other than what’s happening back at the apartment.
Eddie comes back with the eggs and your morning routine is back on track. You fix breakfast together like always and just spend the day hanging out. You didn’t do much during these sleepovers, but you both still enjoyed the quality time together. By the end of the night, you found yourselves cuddled up on the couch watching a few movies you had on hand. You had fallen asleep on Eddie, your back to his chest. He somehow manages to get out from under you without waking you, and he carries you into your room. Laying you down on the bed, he covers you up with the blanket and makes sure you’re still in a deep sleep before he walks over to the shelf with your stuffed animals. He reaches over and turns the camcorder off and forms a mental note to himself to make sure he’s up before you are so he can somehow sneak it back out to his van. Eddie climbs into the bed to lay next to you. Sharing the bed is something you always did even as children growing up so it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. While in a deep sleep, you turn over to face Eddie and snuggle right up to him. He wishes you two could stay like this forever and not just on Saturdays when you have sleepovers.
The next day you both wake up closer to noon rather than super early like before. Of course Eddie didn’t wake up earlier than you, who does he think he is? He’s thankful that you get up and head to the bathroom and as soon as the door closes, Eddie jumps up to grab his camcorder, practically running to his van and back in hopes of not getting caught. When he comes back in, he jumps at the sight of you standing there across the room from him.
“Whatcha doin’ big boy?” You say standing in the kitchen, sipping on a glass of water.
“I-uh- went for a smoke.”
“With your cigarettes on the table the whole time?”
Shit. Shit shit shit. He was starting to freak out. He had to come up with something quick.
“Not that kind of smoke, princess.”
“Ah, gotcha.” You finished your drink and turned to set the glass in the sink before returning your attention back to Eddie. “So, do you wanna go get something to eat? Lunch at the diner maybe? I’m starving.”
Eddie couldn’t let you in his van knowing what was sitting in the passenger seat. He didn’t have time to hide it in the back again and he knew you’d race and beat him to the van if he agrees to go out.
“Uh, no not this time. I- I actually have to leave.”
“Leave? Why?”
“Wayne needs me. Yeah, uh he’s got this thing he’s been working on and he told me the other day that he would need my help today with it so um, I should get going.”
With a confused look on your face you stare at him suspiciously. The longer you take to say something the more he feels like he’s going to have a heart attack right here in the middle of your apartment. Finally, after what feels like forever to him, you say something.
“Yeah, sure, okay.. um, well I guess I’ll see you around then? Call me tonight, yeah?”
“Yeah, yes, of course I will.”
Eddie leaves your place in a hurry and speeds back home. He can’t believe he just did that. The thrill of it all. He gets home and rushes inside. Going straight to his room and setting up the tape to play, he sits on his bed with his back to the headboard. He was already semi hard on the drive home, just thinking about what was waiting for him on that tape.
After a few minutes, he could hear your bedroom door open on the video. It took you a second to come into the frame but when you did, Eddie thought he had died and went to heaven. There you were, in nothing but a towel, water still dripping from your hair and making its way down your body. He starts to palm himself over his jeans making him hiss at the physical touch he so craved.
“Shit.. oh fuck…”
Things had just started and he was already a whimpering mess. A small wet patch forming on his jeans just from what little bit he saw of you. He couldn’t take it any longer, needing to feel more he took his jeans and boxers off. His cock springing up to his stomach as he groaned, finally feeling some relief. He spit in his hand and started stroking himself, gathering up his precum from the head as he watched you walk around your room looking for new clothes to wear.
Once you found an outfit, you laid it on the bed and began to dry yourself off. Your back was to the camcorder as you removed your towel. Your bare ass was on display for Eddie now and he tries his best not the cum at the sight of it.
“Oh god, baby, fuck you’re so beautiful.”
Every once in a while he catches a glimpse of some side boob but he grows impatient wanting to see more. Speeding up his fist, he becomes a blabbering mess as he tries to find his release.
“Shit, oh my god look at you. Just look at you. You’re so god damn beautiful. Fuck, you’re being so good for me, baby. Letting me see you like this? Sticking that ass out for me? God you’re so fucking good. So, so, good.”
He stops for a second to spit some more on his cock and then resumes the same pace he had before. At this point of the video, you had dried off and discarded your towel, but was still standing there fully nude for him.
Throwing his head back, he started to beg even more. “Oh fuck, princess, I’m getting so close. So fucking close.. please turn around for me baby. Please please please, I need to see you. All of you.”
Eddie knew you couldn’t hear him, but that didn’t stop him from saying it. He looks back up at the screen and suddenly, as if you had actually heard him, you turn your head slightly over your shoulder and he swears you were looking straight into the lens of the camcorder. Before he could process what was happening, you spoke.
“Be patient, Eddie, you’re not the only one who gets to have fun with this.”
Eddie instantly froze, hand not moving but still holding his cock. Did he just hear what he thought he heard? No, there’s no way you actually said that.
You turned around and Eddie let out a moan. Seeing you fully nude, your cunt on display right in front of him. He wanted to cum so bad. He needed to cum.
You start to feel yourself up looking directly at him. He starts to jerk himself off again at the sight of it all.
“Oh, you’re so dirty. Such a filthy little slut for me. I take back what I said about you being good. You are bad, very bad, sweetheart.”
Eddie could feel himself inching closer to his orgasm with every pump of his fist, his breathing gets heavy as he chases his release.
“Fuck, oh fuck, just like that baby, keep playing with those pretty tits of yours. Shit, oh- oh my god I’m gonna cum baby, I’m gonna fucking cum. You gonna let me cum all over those tits, hm? Ohhhh shit.”
Just as he’s about to cum he hears a noise come from the video causing him to pause what he’s doing yet again. The sound of your front door opening and suddenly a voice. His voice.
“Princess? I got the eggs! I’m gonna get started on breakfast, okay?”
You call out to him, “Yeah, okay, I’ll be out in a minute!”
You made your way closer to the camcorder and looked directly into it. At this point Eddie knew for sure he had been caught and wasn’t just imagining things.
“Looks like you just cockblocked yourself.. let’s see if you’ll have the guts to finally make a move in person. If not, I guess we’ll just have to wait until next weekend, yeah?”
You turn to go put your clothes on before quickly turning back. “Oh and by the way, next time you want to sneak and record someone, make sure there isn’t a big red light coming from the camera.” And with that you winked and started getting dressed.
Eddie sat there for a second, mouth hanging open in disbelief before quickly putting a pair of sweats on and grabbing his keys. He’ll be damned if he waits a whole week before making a move now after that stunt you just pulled.
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friendship-ditch · 8 months
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(Katniss Everdeen x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: Lets be honest, Katniss isn’t the best actress, especially with a script and a green screen, so you help her through it.
Warnings/Notes: Slight language
Word Count: 1059
“You’ve just been in battle!”
Oh, Plutarch was pissed. Rightfully–Katniss was on her third slip up of the lines and it clearly wasn’t going to get better–but it also made your eyes narrow.
His outburst rang over the speakers, filling the air with an even heavier uncomfortableness than had been tensing everyone's nerves for the last ten minutes. A few moments later, he uttered an apology and wanted to run again when you spoke up.
“Give us a minute, will you?” You lifted a hand as you stepped onto the small stage, unable to watch this circus any longer. Katniss stared at you wide-eyed, face flushed beneath the makeup with embarrassment. “Come on.” You took her hand.
Katniss quietly followed you to a small storage room. It was dark and gloomy, just like she was. She sank down to the dust covered floor, arms tightly wrapping around her legs and her forehead resting on her knees.
“I can’t do this.” Her voice was soft and defeated, but much more real than it had been when she’d been reciting those cheesy lines that made you want to tear your ears off. If you were a citizen from another district and saw that on TV, you’d probably have to turn away out of second hand embarrassment.
Not that you could tell her that, though. That obviously wasn’t her fault, but it wouldn’t make anything better.
You bent down in front of her, just listening to her.
“I can’t be their Mockingjay. I can’t film these… these stupid propos. I can’t read these lines and pretend I just murdered people and focus on the glory.” Katniss kept rambling, her voice growing quieter and quieter as her face sunk further into her knees. “I shouldn't have agreed to this. And now we’ll never win the war, and the other Victors will never…”
“Kat,” you interrupted her by resting your hand on her knee, using your other to ruffle the shorter pieces of her hair that weren’t tethered to her braid. “You’re thinking way too hard about this.”
“I’m not thinking or trying hard enough.”
“No.” You sat down in front of her now, sliding your fingers to touch her forehead and gently pry her face from her knees.
The second your eyes met, she shied away and returned to hiding her face.
“Katniss. You’re not going to get anywhere by shit-talking yourself.”
Her only response was a pathetic whimper.
You sat beside her now, leaning into the uncomfortable storage shelves full of unlabeled bins. You reached an arm around her now shaking shoulders and pulled her against you. She was as stiff as a board but didn’t pull away. “Tell me what’s going on.”
“I just… I just can’t do it.” Katniss tried her best to stop the quivering of her voice but the attempt was futile. “I don’t know why. Everytime I get up there… I know the lines, but they just seem so fake and I can’t say it the right way.”
You nodded. “Is it too scripted?”
“I can’t read scripts.. I can’t act.”
Katniss finally gave into your gentle touch and she revealed her tear stained, makeup smudged face, then promptly buried it into your shirt.
You held her tightly. Your fingers tugged at the hair tie at the end of her braid and pulled it off, giving her some relief from Effie’s scalp-tugging hairdo. Katniss’s soft noise of relief, followed by the quietest sob filled the quiet room.
“Alright… You can’t read scripts, that’s okay. Maybe you can come up with your own dialogue and control it, like how you did in the games.” You suggested quietly.
Katniss shook her head. “It wouldn’t work.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know.” She was getting angry, but not at you–at the world, at her useless acting abilities, at the thought she wouldn’t be able to save those she cared about, at the fact–
“Maybe you need to be in a real situation.” You suggested. “On the field, out in the world… witnessing something that makes you want to speak. You shouldn’t have to think about what you want to say, the words should just be there. That’s when they’re the most powerful.”
Katniss looked back up at you with teary yet wide eyes.
“You mean… send me to one of the districts? To the front lines?”
“No, not exactly. Somewhere safer, but still real.”
The idea seemed to settle her a little as she pulled her bitten fingernails from her mouth, spitting out a little peeled nail polish. “That… that does sound like it would help.”
“Yeah… But President Coin would never allow that, nor would Plutarch or–”
“Who cares. If they want their Mockingjay, then they have to agree to her conditions.” You smiled down at her, wiping the few tears from her red face, then also brushing a few streaks of mascara away too. “We can tell them together. They won’t be able to tell you no.”
Katniss weakly smiled too. “Okay…”
“And we’ll get some of that makeup off; you look thirty five.” You added, hoping to draw a soft chuckle out of her now pasty lips. Katniss couldn’t help but let out a soft snort of agreement and nodded.
Convincing everyone took a little bit of time but soon everyone (whether they were reluctant or not) was on board with the idea and the crew flew out to District 12.
The conditions weren’t exactly what was planned, and neither was the bombing of the hospital, but it was now or never.
The burning building reflected brightly in Katniss’s watery eyes and she turned to face the cameras. Her mouth was open but nothing was coming out and she looked to you for help.
“You can do this, Katniss.” You urged her from beside Cressida. “Just… tell them what happened, tell them what they need to hear, and everything will flow from there.”
Katniss’s gaze locked with yours as your words sunk into her mind. Then she slowly nodded and turned back to the cameras, a determined, almost confident look in her eyes.
This was the Mockingjay, and deep down beneath that now cold and raging fury, this was your Mockingjay, your Katniss.
And the second she was done, you were going to give her the tightest hug and shower her with words of pride and love.
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blueboybot · 4 months
Rise Of The Hopeful Brat
Makoto is caputured and taken to the nearest RoD which so happens to be Fuyuhiko. Fuyuhiko has watched the killing game, he's seen enough to know what the hope-filled bastard is like and he's pretty sure he can handle him before tossing him to the others where they could then decided what to do with him. It would be a piece of poisoned cake...
He was wrong, so fucking wrong.
What was supposed to be a simple hostage situation quickly turned into the WORST babysitting gig he has ever gotten, granted he has never babysat anyone but if he had this would be the worst. It had only been a day since his kidnapping for the brat to start acting up. Somehow he got free and started treating the Monokumas he set to guard the place as his personal fucking throw toys, aiming at any and everything in his sight, Fuyuhiko included.
Oh but it didn't stop there, no no no.
On the second day he got free again and found the generator that was used to give his place power and destroyed it with a sledgehammer he found, luckily there was a backup one Kazuichi had made so he made do with that but his important communication line was fucked up for a while.
On the third day the little fucker had somehow gotten out AGAIN (he was going to kill those useless guards) and this time he found the control room, which was supposed to be secretly hidden, he was using to control monokumas that were fighting Future Foundation agents and used them to help the agents. It was good thing for Fuyuhiko that Makoto was absolute shit at controlling them otherwise he'd be in serious shit, but, it still gave the agents enough time to do damage on their numbers.
On the fourth day the kid was just being an annoying prick. Destroying any and all breakable things in the kitchen, which means a lack of silverware, plates and bowls for a while.
On the fifth day he–
Fuyuhiko was on his sixth cigarette of the day when the time came to meet the rest of the RoD, which was saying a lot since it was only 11:40 a.m. in the day. His hair had grown a little longer, there was peach fuzz starting to grow on his face, dark circles around his eyes and his usual put together outfit was disheveled unlike anything it had been before he, unfortunately, captured the brat.
"Woahhh, did baby gangsta get taller?" Ibuki questioned in her cheerful tone.
"You look like shit!" Hiyoko countered.
Fuyuhiko looked away from them and stared at Makoto who was being restrained in chains with locks and cloth covering his mouth by Peko. The eyes that looked back at him told him all he needed to know. That little fucker enjoyed every single thing he had done and doesn't regret a thing.
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l1ghtfromthecloset · 3 months
Whelp since you guys loved the last one so much (53 notes DAYUM) uh, let's do another one :3
Here are some MORE funny and wholesome Yu-Gi-Oh! (DM and DSOD) head canons!
(With the addition of my OCs L1m and Zephyr)
Yugi: Has a strange obsession with oranges. Like he HATES orange juice but loves anything orange flavored. Especially fanta.
Atem (before afterlife): Shared the same obsession with orange flavored things as yugi. They often fought over the last can of orange Fanta in the fridge... They always ended up sharing it tho. (Via switching places in Yugi's body.)
Solomon: Could secretly see Atem stand next to Yugi, even though Atem didn't have a physical body. But... He never said anything because he knew the bond between Yugi and Atem was special. He also bought more Fanta for the two when he found out Atem liked the soda.
Atem (after dsod): Visited Yugi and Solomon regularly. Even though Yugi couldn't see him, Solomon could. For some reason, Solomon has the ability to see the dead? No one knew why. But Atem and the old man reconnected. Eventually Yugi found out, and they all talked again, reconnecting, and Yugi/Atem played Yugi's newest game together.
Téa: She would help Joey, Tristan, and Yugi with algebra homework when the trio skipped classes for go to the arcade.
Téa (dsod): when the boys skipped class for the arcade, so did she. They all had Bakura help them with Algebra homework instead.
Mokuba and Kaiba (dsod): Mokuba had a late diagnosis of Autism and Adhd when he turned 16. When Kaiba found this out, he invested about a good $10,000 into putting a volume/color easing setting on the duel disks so those with autism don't get over stimulated when dueling. He eventually added visual audio settings for the deaf and convinced Pegasus to add braile on the cards so the blind can duel too.
Kaiba (dsod): Cut Mokiba's hair himself. He knew Mokuba would want to keep his hair longer, but also knew that Mokuba needed something slicker for his ever-growing corporate personality.
Bakura and Marik (after DM) : even after the Pharaohs tomb collapsed, Bakura kept in touch with Ishizu and Marik. Eventually, Marik moved to Japan just to see Bakura, and they started living together as roommates (😏).
- (oc) KaibaCorp L1m1nal (after dsod): Was originally created as an experiment for Kaiba to see if he can give ai emotional sentience (this was before dsod arc) but they eventually just became Mokuba and Kaiba's extended family. (After dsod arc) Litterly they lived with the two brothers. They eventually just became a "third sibling".
- (oc) Zephyr (dm): didn't know Yugi and the gang much, but being a pagan and having a connection with the dead, they always saw 2 Yugi's. One taller, one shorter. They thought that it could have been a dead relative of Yugi just watching over him, but then saw Yugi talking to the taller Yugi one day. Zephyr brushed it off as Yugi being pagan too. (But it was actually just Atem).
- (oc) Zephyr and L1m (during dsod arc): Did NOT like each other. Zephyr had a disdain for artificial life, being the pretentious pagan that they are. L1m had a disdain for mysterious and unreadable people. But both found a common ground in confusing everyone with their genders (one is a biological enby, and one is a amab).
Joey (in general): Buys eyeliner for himself and the ones that have a color that he doesn't like, he gives to Serenity (she loves any color).
Yugi and Atem(dm): Found an old photo of Yugi's mother in his closet, though it wasn't in good shape. Later on that day, Yugi found it in a picture frame, good as new, on his bedside table. He knew only Atem could have done this.
Mai (after dsod): started running a cosplay/modeling agency for people who liked the duel monsters card game and cosplay. She even worked with KaibaCorp to develop realistic holograms to add flair to her shows. She found that life wasn't about just getting money, but just about having fun and working hard to help yourself and others. She became an inspiration for millions of young girls who wanted to rule to world.
Lemme know if y'all want more :3
(maybe I'll do side/arc characters next time)
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LEWIS + TiO!!!!!!!
the sexual tension rising in your relationship bc ur both teases who refuse to cave first :D
take it off [lh44]
summary: one rule- no touching. note: this also couldn't be an hc. so we shall rot with lewis being a tease.
the game was simple– no touching. the first person to cave loses. no kisses, no cuddles, no affectionately pushing hair away from your face. hands to yourself, simple enough right?
after a tough season and a more than hectic holiday season, you and lewis finally find time for yourselves in the comfort of your london home. you can't remember the last time it had just been the two of you. with family coming in and out of your home, you also can't remember the last time your boyfriend even touched you like that. so when he brings up the premise of two bottles of wine and a movie, the idea struck you.
you lasted three weeks without it, whats a couple more hours?
I can taste it on your mouth and I can't leave it You're a freak like me, can't you see? We can work this something out and I'm believing You get off on me, it's like cheating
you're far too cocky for your own good, underestimating your boyfriend's self control. one bottle of wine later and still nothing. you were beginning to grow antsy, shifting in your seat, mind no longer focused on whatever lewis had put on the tv.
your efforts– all of which arguing that a sweater and no pants is the most comfortable– all but make him smirk. he shook his head. "you'll have to do better than that baby."
but you couldn't, not without looking like you were trying too hard.
lewis sits there, third glass of wine in hand as he watches the movie, paying no attention to you. his eyes stay trained on the screen, glassless hand resting on his lap. never mind that you're in his sweatshirt and skimpy underwear, it's like he doesn't even seem to care.
he chuckles when he sees you squirm in your seat again, sipping on his wine before finally looking over at you. "you're going against a champion baby, did you forget?"
the calmness in his voice, the seduction dripping off his tongue sends shivers down your spine. he was right.
I, I, I, I just want to watch you when you take it off Take off all your makeup, baby, take it off (Take it off) I just wanna watch you when you take it off Take off all your clothes and watch you take them off
the movie was long over, you and lewis now facing each other on the couch, two feet of space separating the two of you. you sip on your wine as you listen to one of his stories. the alcohol is finally getting to you, sitting warm in your gut and making the room far too warm for a jumper. without a thought, you pull it off your body.
that's when you see it. a crack in his facade. a moment of weakness, his eyes flickering from your eyes to your chest. he gulps down the remnants of wine in his glass, coughing to disguise the falter in his emotions.
"more wine love?"
you bite your lip, nodding as you hold out your glass. he fills it halfway before doing the same for his own. he leans back into the couch, looking over at you.
"so does the game end when the wine's gone?"
you smirk, "yeah... or it could end now." he raises his brow at you, watching as you set your glass down on the table. you push your hair off your shoulder, exposing the skin of your neck and more of your chest. "just one touch, that's all."
I just can't wait to see it all I'm so turned on, and it's all mine I just can't wait to see it all I'm so turned on (Oh)
two bottles of wine empty later, with heaving chests and antsy fingers dying to touch the other.
"c'mon baby," you slur, "just one touch."
"the bottle of wine is gone, what does it matter who touches who first?" he raises his brow, moving closer to you.
"yeah lew, what does it matter? come touch... come take it off."
hands keep to themselves, even as you both lean in, lips ghosting the other. who was going to make the first move? who was caving first?
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machiot · 1 month
@ulircursed sent:
Somehow, Marni ended up having an entire hut to herself.
"None of your roommates made it past the games?" Sure, his own room had an empty bed, but as far as he still knew, that was completely voluntary, and the supposed fourth occupant is still outside in a tree or something. She never even came back for the bear.
Still, Andrei frowns at the thought. As nice as it might be to have a space all to herself, it does not come without its drawbacks. "I suppose it is unnecessary to tell you this, but ensure you are on the lookout for attacks, if you are alone like this. Even with unrelated others in the same room, some pink-haired menace still decided to throw crickets into our room in the middle of the night twic..."
He trails off, gaze traveling a distance between Marni and growing more horrified by the second. The reason for that — another woman, just as pink-haired and every bit as much a menace, if not more, than Ethlyn, casually strolling along the path as if she had every right to. Instinctively, Andrei grabs Marni's arm, pulling her into the shade of the hut where they would not be seen.
"You didn't tell me she's here," he hisses, the two still close enough to the corner that Marni could turn and see who he was talking about, though Andrei would yank her back if she reached her head out too far. The girl heads into one of the nearby huts — they're on the same team??? — and immediately, his mind goes to the bow at his back, towards 'offense is the best defense' and all the violent instincts that come from finding oneself in much closer proximity to an enemy than they previously thought, to surprisingly soft lips—
Whoa. No. Not to that.
—before seemingly remembering something more important, gaze snapping back to the girl in front of him.
"Has she hurt you in any way??" Andrei demands, looking her up and down as though searching for some obvious sign of harm that he'd missed until now, like a sword just casually hanging out Marni's gut.
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When Marni was younger and crammed onto a single bed with several of her brothers, she had so ardently wished for a room of her own. When she had been dropped off at the church, she had sprawled out over her own bed for the first time in her life and sworn that she would never share a room with anyone ever again.
So she should be happy that all of her roommates had disappeared by the dawn of a new day, leaving her with a solo room. Instead, she's irritated that the sudden quiet grates on her nerves. She'd been so mad that it had been so loud when she was trying to sleep and now she's annoyed that it's too quiet. What's the deal with that?
"What, you jealous?" Marni asks smugly. "No way I'm giving you my room if there are bugs in your room! You're on your o—"
She doesn't get to finish her thought before Andrei yanks her into the shadows.
"Ow! What? Who?" There are so many pink haired she/hers around here that it takes Marni a second to connect who Andrei might be talking about. "Do you mean Pinky? She's on my team, obviously she's here. She was in the game with me, too."
It's not until Andrei looks her over for injuries that she connects what he's actually worried about. He's fresh out of luck if he's looking for any injuries besides her pride; Diana had healed them all before leaving and the cake hadn't left anything more than any stray frosting.
Marni's eyes widen, "Ohhhhh, so that's what this is about! Come on, do you really think she could hurt me? I have TWO shields and I lasted way longer than she did in the game!"
Lapis had come in third, actually, but the specifics don't matter that much to Marni. As far as she's concerned, lasting even a single round longer put her leagues ahead, forget multiple rounds.
"'Sides, she's not even the person here who threatened to eliminate me if she won."
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aria-ashryver · 9 months
Bursts through the door then neatly fixes it back up again
Any hc’s you can spare us for the Starlight trio? 🫣
MY DOOR!!— oh. Oh, okay, thank youuu here have some trio stuffs 😊
Quickfire HCs!
❤ Cas has the most violent sounding sneezes
❤ Gabe and Luca like to pull silly faces at each other from across the room sometimes (if Cas notices them, they both pretend like nothing happened)
❤ Cas is lowkey scared of moths
❤ A few years down the line, Luca takes up ice skating / figure skating as a hobby
❤ Gabriel’s car is a classic muscle car in a deep burnt orange shade (like a Dodge Charger or something, idk, I don’t speak car), and he knows enough about automotive repair to work on it himself
❤ (Its the one thing Cas could never bring himself to insult when they were in their “enemies” era, bc Cas thought it was just objectively cool)
❤ Gabriel is sometimes hit by an overwhelming urge to go floss his teeth, and if he can’t do it then and there he gets really annoyed and antsy
❤ All three of them grow out their hair at some point (not necessarily at the same time, but Cas keeps a bun for the longest time)
❤ Luca maintains that the single most supernatural thing about Gabriel is that he knows how to fold a fitted sheet
❤ Luca likes snuggling into Gabriel’s lap while Gabe is reading a book (he doesn’t read with Gabe, he just likes vibing in Gabriel’s calm)
❤ In fact, all three of them are HUGE on parallel play/body doubling. Sometimes ya just gotta be near the ones you love, while also quietly doing your own thing, you know?
❤ But that’s not to say they don’t do stuff together too. The next chapter coming up in SICSIG will feature Cas hooking up his PS4 to Gabe’s TV and he and Luca gaming together — there will be a lot of that sort of thing in their future.
❤ They also turn really dumb things into a competition (like who can carry the most grocery bags in one trip)
❤ Gabriel regularly has to put up with coming home to find out Cas and Luca have hatched a plan in their joint idiocy and they’ll have like… idk, bought a paintball gun and they are in the yard taking turns shooting each other with it lol (once Luca is past their trauma ofc)
❤ It takes a loooong time, but Gabriel eventually lets Cas bleach his hair (there are lots of Ken doll/surfer/himbo jokes) (he looks gorgeous bc of course he does)
❤ Cas still insists on doing his own hair for a good decade, he does NOT trust Luca with the bleach (for good reason), but he eventually lets Gabriel touch up the back for him
❤ After a few years Cas learns bass guitar so the three of them can jam together
❤ Luca collects socks with cute patterns and characters and stuff, but doesn’t wear half of them because of sensory issues.
❤ Cas has no such qualms, and will often steal Luca’s socks when he hasn’t got around to doing laundry. Please picture for a moment, if you will, Cas in his standard leather jacket and massive black boots, but secretly underneath all that, he’s wearing a teensy pair of baby blue socks with the Squirtle Squad on them.
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Longer, ramblier domestic trio HCs!
✨ Gabriel gets a little particular and fussy about how certain things are done — like, he had been doing things on his own, in his own way for years now. It doesn’t especially matter to him whether certain condiments are left on the second or third shelf in the refrigerator, it’s just force of habit that they go at the top. Cas quickly realises he has an entire household of mundane objects he can use to wind Gabriel up by always leaving them in slightly the wrong place. Making the bed marginally wrong. Not quite drawing the curtains all the way. Leaving a drawer just a teensy bit open. It drives Gabriel mad… but all three of them know they are only bickering for the sake of bickering, and it never gets old. (In fact, they actually look forward to it)
✨ Speaking of kitchens — Gabriel still very much loves to cook, both for a love of cooking itself and the connection it gives him to his father, but he loves taking care of Cas and Luca too! Cas complains a lot that Gabe keeps serving them vegan food now and then, but he’s still the first one to ask when the next time they are having tortilla soup is. There are a bunch of recipes Gabriel’s dad and grandma used to make, and it thrills him to no end that they turn out to be some of Cas and Luca’s favourites out of all the meals he makes.
✨ After living together for a little while, the boys quickly found out that they were all really into the idea of DIY? Gabriel really likes finishing details of interior design, Luca did a lot of little carpentry projects with his grandda in his childhood/teens, and for Cas, getting stuck in to gardening and exterior work is deeply therapeutic, rewarding, and reminds him of his life in South Korea with his grandparents. The Adalhard family home very much turns into a big renovation project (that takes them like a decade to really “complete”, though there’s always little things to be done, a room to be painted here, a window frame to replace there. They start with the garden planter boxes in the front yard —Cas’s initiative— and this is probably something you’ll see in future Starlight chapters!)
Gabriel likes to ogle Cas when he’s out digging in the gardens shirtless in the sun. He brings him iced tea and sliced fruit and stuff, it’s a bit cute :)
...hey this door is still busted FIX MY DOOR NONNY 💖💖💖
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thezeninclan · 3 years
suddenly telling them you’re in the mood ft. the naruto boys
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naruto — “thank god!” he says, jumping so suddenly to his feet that you can’t help but jump too. “it’s been hoooours since we had breakfast. I’ve been dying for a good ‘ol bowl of Ichiraku’s!” he grabs onto your hand and pulls you to your feet, laying his cloak over your shoulders because he knows how you get chilly. the hokage seems so happy, pulling you all the way down the stairs and down the street, as he chats animatedly about what toppings he’s going to get and if he wants creamy or spicy, you realise you no longer care about correcting him. plus…theres always time after.
sasuke — sasuke stares at you blankly for a long moment. so long that you can feel your cheeks begin to darken and grow flush, and you seriously consider just turning over in bed, pulling the blanket up over your head, and pretending like nothing happened at all. so you do, but as you’re pulling the shared comforter up to your chin his hand catches it, and before you know it there’s a solid mass of hot, bare flesh pressed over you. your husband smirks at you, his fingers tracing a stripe down your jaw as he sets his lips over yours. “it’s fun to see you squirm...” he says cooly. “now let’s see you do it again.” 
sai — “the mood?” he asks, deadpan. his face is blank, as always— but at this point you’ve known the artist ninja so long that you recognise the micro-expressions crossing his face. he gives you a long, hard look, so firm and lingering that if you didn’t know him better you’d think he was reading your mind. “the mood.” he repeats again, hands twitching at his sides. for a moment he thought you meant the mood to pose for another of his paintings, but no, that couldn’t be it. he eyed you closely, seeing the glassy look in your eyes, the parting of your lips, the set of your brow, all paired with the fact that you were wearing the angelic white lace he had gifted you on the day you told him was your anniversary...smiling softly, he leaned forward to take your hand and pulled you into his lap. yes, he knew exactly what mood you meant. 
kakashi — “hm?” he says, eyes flicking up from his book. “did you say something, love?” your cheeks burn red as you stutter out the words again, suddenly feeling much less bold now that his eyes were on you, pinning you in your place. “huh?” he repeats, cupping his ear as though he had developed a sudden deadness. your cheeks feel hot as the fire burning in the grate, but you stand firm and repeat yourself for the third time.
kakashi laughs, a kindly laugh, and pinches at the foot you have resting in his lap. “maa, you don’t have to be so pushy! I heard you the first time.” he teases, coming toward you from across the sofa. you throw a fist at him, but he catches it easily, using the limb to pull you toward him from across the couch, and when he catches you between his legs and kisses you hard and fast, your irritation suddenly disappears.
yamato — he looks up from the paperwork piled up on his desk, eyebrows raised and lips parted. he had long ago removed his headpiece and uniform, at peace in the home you shared, leaving you free to run your fingers through his dark hair. you leaned your body weight against his chair, feeling his arm hot as a winter fire even through the layers of clothes that separated you. he looked up at you, dark eyes soulful and appraising, as though trying to judge whether this was a trick or not. but when he looked up to find you as naked as the day you were born, all questions slipped from his mind, and the only one that remained was how long it would take to get from his desk to your bed and between your legs. 
shikamaru — “quite a game, huh?” you ask the head of the nara clan, standing beside him as he looked down at the shogi board, so deep in concentration that anyone else might thing he wasn’t paying attention. but you knew him better than that, seeing the way his body language changed to reflect his attention toward you. 
“mhm.” he agrees, moving a piece on the board. asuma looks back at him, appraising, trying to plan his next move. 
“and will this match be going late into the night?” you ask, seemingly innocent, but shikamaru could sense something strange about you. 
“no idea.” says asuma, taking a long drag on his cigarette. “your husband here is a solid player, but I’ve been working on my strategy.” 
“now that is true.” you say, resting your hands on his shoulders as you stand at his back. you lean down to his ear, so that only he can hear your next words. “but I think I know something else you like the play with, and if you take any longer I might start the game without you.” 
a game of shogi had never been abandoned so quickly. 
madara — say less. literally say less. the second you turn to him, all bedroom eyes and supple lips, he’s already upon you. his palms are warm and strong as they pin your hands above your head, holdng. you barely even have to speak to get him to ravish you, let alone turn your eyes upon him, dark and lustful, compounded by the presence of silk and lace upon your body. you won’t be walking straight the next day, but that’s something you can very easily live with. 
hashirama — it’s fun to see him blush. the first hokage, undefeated master of wood style jutsu, and founder of the leaf village, and you can still make him blush like a schoolgirl with just four simple words. “t-the mood?” he repeats. you had seated yourself upon his desk in the hokage’s office, legs crossing and uncrossing to show how little was underneath your kimono. he cleared his throat, eyes flitting nervously toward the door, before he lay a big, warm palm down onto your bare thigh.
“yes.” you repeat, spreading your legs open on either side of his chair. you can see the flush rising to his ears and spilling down his neck and chest as you let your kimono slip down the naked flesh of your shoulders. 
there’s a grinding sound as a tree suddenly blooms in the middle of the office, its long, winding branches wrapping around the twin knobs of the hokage’s door, holding them securely in place. before you even have a chance to tease him, you’re snatched off the edge of the desk and deposited unceremoniously into your hokage’s lap, those big, hot palms appearing under your bare ass and squeezing gently. “let’s do something about that then, shall we?” he asked, lips winding down the column of your neck, and you were too breathless to do anything but nod. 
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Could I get a Hawks in his rut headcanon?
No problem, Anon! I’m sorry this took so long, I wanted it to be perfect since I really like thinking about Hawks’ avian traits, and I know people really like it too. I hope it’s good! 
Hawks Rut Headcannons
Genre: fluff, smut
Type: headcannons (so... many... headcannons)
Warnings: animal traits, Keigo being possessive af, the commission being assholes, sickness, food, breeding kink, lots of horny times
Other: most of this is based off of real research, but some of it also comes from personal preference. @keilemlucent and their fic Best Nest very much inspired many other headcannons, check them outI They’re one of my favorite creators, and the linked fanfic is one of my favorites! Hope it’s okay I tagged you here lmao
NSFW Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy (Lemme know if you wanna be added to or removed from the Taglist)
Remember to check if requests are open before sending in a request. This was made while requests were still open.
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Pre-Rut Behaviors
Grooming and Preening
Before his rut, Keigo starts to feel dirty. He just seems to accumulate more dust and dirt during hero work than usual. He’ll come back home grumbling about blood in his hair and little bits of concrete in/on his skin.
He will insist you clean him off. So you get to brush his hair, put creams on his face, and wash him off in the shower.
Finally, there’s the preening. If he lets you preen his wings, then you know he’s in it for life. He loves and trusts you with everything he has. 
Expect him to press his nose against yours a lot.
Possessiveness and Protection
You’ll notice he gets more clingy, more possessive of you. He gets really controlling in the days leading up to his rut, so you’ll be annoyed a  l o t.
Just text all your friends and family that you’ve been swamped at work, it’d be a little weird to say “hey guys, sorry I can’t hang out, my boyfriend’s horomones are crazy right now and he gets really insecure if I so much as exist near anyone but him.”
You would come home from work and he’s already on you, sniffing your body to see who you’ve been around, and to see if any of them were attracted to you at all.
If he had any kind of sneaking suspicion that anyone posed a threat, he’s literally laying on you and rolling on top of you to try and get his scent on you. Even if no one will smell it except him, he’s gonna do it.
He’s so protective of you, and if something tiny hurts you or makes you upset...
Someone was rude to you? He’s screaming at them.
Someone tries to hurt or touch you? You’ve got to hold him back to stop him from ripping that person apart limb from limb.
All that x100 when he’s approaching his rut.
One person accidentally bumps into you? He takes it as passive aggressiveness even if they’re very apologetic about it.
You stub your toe on a table? He’s smashed the table and burnt it then thrown the ashes in the ocean. 
If you’re sad about something he can’t beat up, he feels horrible. He’s not the best at comforting people, so he’s just grabbing onto you and not letting go, telling you how much he loves and cares for you, and just how amazing you make his life feel.
If you don’t give him enough attention, he gets really huffy, and it gets worse leading up to his rut. 
You lifted your hands from his head to reach for your buzzing phone? He’s already whining and pouting and begging you to give him more head-pats again.
He’ll leave hints asking for you to make a nest, usually saying things like “Our bed needs some changing, don’t you think?” “Don’t you wish our space was more personalized?” 
If you don’t get the hint, he’ll be very sad, and he thinks you’re rejecting him. So you’d better be good at reading into things and realizing he’s approaching mating season and wants you to build a nest.
He comes home one day and sees you piled blankets, pillows, and dirty clothes in the living room, sprayed with his cologne and you’re cologne and/or perfume. He pulls you into his arms and spins around with you, giggling and laughing.
He’s so happy you made a nest for the two of you. 
He starts putting pretty shiny things he likes around the nest. Your toothbrush went missing and you found it in the mountain that was your nest.
Once, you were in desperate need of a clean shirt, and the only clean shirt you could find was in the nest. So you picked it up to put it on, and two seconds later, Keigo was in front of you, hands in your shirt, staring at you with such a fierce intensity, you felt almost like a villain.
He was very mad at you for taking things from your shared nest.
He leaves feathers all around the penthouse, but they’re all piled mostly around the nest, they’re for your protection so don’t try and throw them away.
He also gets really noisy, so he’ll be ‘singing’ and squawking and cooing constantly. He feels really bad about it so he might get you some noise-blocking headphones for when he’s screeching into the sky in the dead of night about how “THIS IS MY FUCKING TERRITORY Y’ALL MOTHERFUCKERS STAY AWAYYYY!”
You really think bird’s springtime songs are about love? Nah he’s mostly screaming about how he’s gonna fuck his partner and how the neighborhood  practically belongs to him.
Someone called the police once, tired of all the shouting, but the officers backed off when they saw who was doing all the shouting. Most of your neighbors are used to the screaming during early spring.
Rut End-game
On the third and second to last day before his rut, he gets a sudden burst of energy and an increased appetite. He refuses to eat anything unless you’ve made it though, so let’s best hope you can cook at least a little.
When he was younger, his hungry times before his rut were spent either eating anything and everything he can get his hands on. The commission broke that behavior very quickly though, so he’d starve himself before his rut, which would result in him getting very sick from a lack of energy and sustenance. That plus the extreme arousal was a recipe for pain and suffering.
So when you noticed he suddenly stopped eating, you insisted on making food for him, telling him that you wouldn’t let him go hungry ever. That was the first rut in years that didn’t feel like torture.
You’re cooking almost all the time, and he’s constantly eating everything you give him, running around from room to room while he waits for his next meal. He’s basically a hobbit.
In the last day or two before his rut, he suddenly has no energy, and starts getting hot and cold flashes. He’s sniffling, curled up in your shared nest, dirty tissues surrounding him. He comes in and out of consciosness, and when he’s awake, he’s whining and complaining about exhaustion and aches.
Physical Changes
Most of these happen in the last few days leading up to his rut, so it’ll be very sudden. These physical changes is what causes the extreme hunger and sickness.
His feathers darken several shades, and they become super sensitive. They also seem to grow in size, so when you cuddle, you’re smothered by them more than usual.
He also gains an extra couple inches in height, so expect some teasing now that he’s just that little bit taller. His hair also gets thicker and stronger, that’s so you can pull on it when he fucks you.
His nails get longer and darker, and they’re impossible to file or cut. So when he holds you and touches you, he often scratches you on accident. He’s really apologetic about it, but honestly you could totally paint his nails and pretend they’re acrylics if you’re into that.
His teeth get sharper, and he starts biting you just for fun. Bites your finger, hand, wrist, neck, even your nose. He underestimated just how strong his teeth are, and he made you bleed first time he bit you.
His whole body is very sensitive, so head-pats, back rubs, wings, and even his touching his feet can get him to the verge of cumming.
his tongue is longer, and it’s a whole lot stronger. He could probably carry a full plastic water bottle with his tongue (which isn’t a lot, but for a tongue it’s very much a lot).
His voice drops a whole octave and a half- mans is sounding almost like Corpse now. Maybe Markiplier? Anyways, if you’ve got a voice kink, you’re in luck
His dick changes too, it gets bigger, and he grows a lump at the base of it, between his shaft and balls. His balls get smaller until they’re barely noticable beneath what he calls him ‘knot.’
His eyes become sharper too, so don’t try and hide anything from him. 
Everyone already knows Keigo has a breeding kink, but he hasn’t brought it up with you until now. It just kind of- happens. As he’s drilling into you, he suddenly starts blabbering about fucking a kid into you, and how hot you’d look all round with his kids. Might be a little weird for those of you who physically cannot give birth to children (my lovely AMABS and infertile AFABS). 
He can’t control it, so it’s especially weird if you don’t even want kids. If you can get pregnant, you’d better double check that you’re taking your birth control. And get to know some good clinics just in case.
However, if you do want kids, if you want to start a biological family woth Keigo, fuck. You will not be able to handle his happiness and horniness in that moment when you beg him to get you pregnant.
He is going to mark you up. Hickies, bruises, hand prints, bite marks, plus his scent. He needs everyone to know that you are his. He wants to claim you, make sure you know you belong to him. No one else can have you but him.
Halfway through your fuckfest, he starts making animalistic noises. He’s growling, roaring, whining, chirping, etc. This is around the time when he stops thinking about you, so he’ll really rough you up during this phase.
This man was a virgin before you, so this is also the first rut he’s ever going to have with another person, so he’ll hold himself back a lot. He needs you to reassure him at every step, tell him how good you feel, how you want him to fuck you, how not only are you okay with him going all out, you want him too.
Did he just cum? You think you’re finished? HA! No way in fucking hell is he finished after one, two, five, ten... so many rounds. He just keeps going and going and going and how the fuck is he still hard? He cums so fucking quickly, so much, and then keeps going.
When he finally does go soft, his whole personality changes. it’s like he didn’t just fuck you stupid. He immediately goes into ‘protect’ mode, which includes cuddles, him spoon-feeding you, petting you like a dog, and singing to you.
He puts the nest near a window so he can keep an eye out for possible threats. Just like “gotta keep mate safe. Is that the mailman? NO FUCK NO GET OUT OF HEREEEE!” 
One moment, he’s fucking you, and the next he’s leaning halfway out the window, screaming at some poor dude walking his dog. Remember, he’s still naked. You learned your lesson after that and kept the windows locked, and warned the neighbors to stay out of sight of the window, at least for the time being.
You’re going to feel very dirty, because he does not want you cleaning off the sweat, cum, and tears from your body. He likes that you smell like him, and you washing it off makes him feel rejected. 
He’s going to break a lot of things, so move pictures and vases into another room and lock the fuck out of that room. Or else he will break all of it.
He thinks any clothes you’re wearing are mocking him, so wear clothes you hate when his rut starts, then get used to being naked for a couple days. 
Oh yeah, his whole rut lasts one to five days. He’s fucking you for about three days on average.
He fucks you until you faint, and then keeps going until he’s out of ‘fuck’ mode and into ‘protect’ mode. A few times, he fucked you unconscious in the middle of the afternoon and then kept fucking you until the sun rose. 
Yeah, he’s got that much energy.
Don’t worry, during the whole time, he lets out pheromones with a strong vanilla-chocolaty scent that keeps your body and mind relaxed. 
There’ve been times when he’s just fucking into you and your water bottle is just out of reach.
During his rut, he has no shame. Let’s hope your walls are soundproofed, or else your neighbors will all know how he fucks you. 
He will not restrain you or hurt you in any way during his rut. So no degredation, no collars or chains, the only thing keeping you in the nest is his weight on top of you.
He gets upset if you try to touch yourself, things it’s you trying to tell him that he’s not satisfying you enough. 
He wants you to cum as many times as him, which is difficult because of his increased sensitivity, so he’s using every skill he knows to get you cumming again and again and again.
Most of the time, he’s going hard, rough, and spilling absolute filth from his cock and mouth, but in the last few hours of his rut, he suddenly gets emotional.
He’s rocking up against you, holding you close to his body and blabbering about you
How much he loves you
How good you make him feel
How he wouldn’t want anyone else by his side for his rut
How you’re his mate for life
How he’ll protect you and keep you safe.
Please be gentle with him, he’s very vulnerable near the end of his rut, and he’ll cry very easily.
When he’s nearing his last load, he makes out with you sloppily, trying to talk as he shoves his tongue down your throat.
He finishes off by  pushing his knot all the way inside you, and stays there for an hour.
This is the softest moment, and he’s covering your body in kisses. 
His knot pushes these small eggs inside you, and you have the lovely job of pushing them all out the next day. 
Post Rut
When his knot deflates, he finally pulls out and starts cleaning you off. 
He’ll carry you around and finally gives you a bath, constantly making sure you’re okay.
He’ll give you lots of massages and he’ll cook for you. He’s constantly thanking you for helping him, telling you he didn’t deserve it.
Just kiss him on the cheek, tell him you had fun, and that you love him so very very much.
He needs the most reassurance now than ever before.
He’s also very tired, so you’ll be taking care of each other.
Then his ‘post-rut’ resets, and he sleeps for hours.
Then he gets super hungry, and the two of you make huge meals and just kinda binge eat for a day or two.
Then his physical changes go back to normal, and you have a happy lil bird boy who simps for you so hard
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starryhyuck · 4 years
thin walls. (m)
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pairing: softdom!jaemin x sub!reader
words: 1.8k+
summary: you try your best to keep quiet since you know jaemin’s room is right next to yours. turns out you’re not as quiet as you think.
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: dom!jaemin, bestfriend!jaemin, roommate!jaemin, oral sex, daddy kink, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie
“Isn’t it weird?”
“Is what weird?”
You’re having your weekly video call with Donghyuck and Renjun, the latter actually paying attention to your conversation while the former furiously clicks away on his keyboard.
“We’ve been quarantining for almost a year now. You haven’t gotten any dick in months and your roommate is like the hottest guy we know,” Renjun clarifies, raising an eyebrow. You both ignore the sound of Donghyuck grumbling loudly as he loses another game.
You roll your eyes. “And you’re so concerned about my sex life because?”
“Because clearly, neither me or Donghyuck have one. I’m living vicariously through you.”
That gets Donghyuck’s attention. “For your information, I am supporting many lovely women through OnlyFans. It’s only Renjun that has difficulties with sexual partners.”
Renjun scoffs. “I could have anyone on their knees for me, and we all know it.”
There’s a knock on your door and you take an earbud out when Jaemin pops his head in. He looks like a mess — his hair springing up in different places and eyes puffy. You frown at his disheveled state.
“Hey, are you still busy?”
Your fingers move at the speed of lightning, barely registering Renjun’s protest when you quickly leave the meeting. You toss your laptop and earbuds aside to give your best friend your full attention.
He chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. “If you’re busy, I can come back later.”
“Nope, not busy anymore. Are you okay, Jaem?”
He fully enters the room and shuts the door behind him. He smiles softly at you as he takes a seat on your bed.
“Not feeling too great. Just wanted to see you.”
You ignore the swell in your chest at his confession, worriedly stroking his cheek when you realize how red his eyes are. His hand comes up to play with your fingers, eyes moving in and out of focus.
“What’s wrong?” You finally ask.
He shrugs. “Didn’t do so well on my test today. Feeling a little hopeless.”
Your frown grows deeper. You move closer to him, wanting to soothe his pain.
“Don’t say that. It’s just one test, you’ll do better on the next one. I’ll help you! We can make flash cards and create some trivia games to help you remember.”
He chuckles, eyes still staring down at your connected hands.
“You always know what to say. How is that?”
You giggle. “I earned the title of your best friend for a reason.”
“I suppose you did.” His eyes move upwards to lock on you. “Can I stay here? Just for tonight.”
You freeze. You haven’t slept next to Jaemin in months, the two of you only doing so when you were really drunk or really sad. You don’t even remember what it’s like to fall asleep in your best friend’s arms.
And you two fall into a quiet rhythm, Jaemin’s arms circling around you as he brings your back to his chest. Your eyes flutter shut, focusing on his steady breaths as you try to fall asleep.
You’re startled when you suddenly feel a pair of lips ghost over your neck, pressing a small kiss to your collarbone.
He hums in response, not showing any signs of stopping while he continues to pepper kisses on your shoulder.
“Jaem, w-what are you d-doing?”
“I heard you last night.”
You pause. You try to register what he’s saying, which you find is incredibly hard to do when his tongue darts out, licking a stripe up your neck. You backtrack to last night, when you were feeling so drowsy but struggled to get to sleep. You don’t remember much, except for the fact that you reached to your nightstand to grab your vibrator-
Oh. Oh fuck.
“Y-You heard that?”
He hums again, moving to suck your neck with vigor. When he finally parts from his masterpiece, he chuckles.
“How could I not? The walls aren’t exactly thin, you know. I hear everything — all your silly commentary when you rewatch your favorite dramas, your weekly conversations with Renjun and Donghyuck, the pretty little noises you make when you turn your vibrator on, and the unmistakable sound of porn you watch when you’re really aroused.”
You feel more than embarrassed, stuttering as you try to offer an explanation. Jaemin chuckles against your ear, biting softly down on the lobe. A whimper tumbles out of your mouth before you realize it.
“I couldn’t sleep last night after listening to you. You made me fail my test, baby.”
“I’m s-sorry.”
“If you’re really sorry, you’ll let me eat you out.”
You swear your heart stops. “W-What?”
“I’m hungry. You wouldn’t want me to go to bed on an empty stomach, would you?”
“U-Um, no.”
Before you know it, you’re on your back with Jaemin between your legs. His fingers thumb over the fabric of your pajama shorts and he looks up at you, his eyes glimmering with a question.
You nod. “It’s okay, Jaem.”
With your permission, he slides your shorts down your legs and throws them haphazardly across the room. His gaze darkens at the sight of your lacy panties, which you honestly wore unintentionally today. You’re glad you picked them this morning though, because Jaemin looked like he was about to go insane at the sight.
“You’re so fucking perfect.”
And then his tongue licks a stripe up your clothed core and you yelp. He’s almost predatory, shoving your underwear aside and diving into your sopping pussy. You moan when his tongue furiously licks your folds, curling in on yourself while he holds you down.
He parts from you briefly and raises an eyebrow. “I think you have another name to call me.”
You’re confused yet again. “W-What?”
He snickers. “Forgot already? I listened to all those dirty videos you were watching, baby. I know all your cute little kinks. Now, I know you have a different name to address me as.”
“J-Jaemin, I-“
He clicks his tongue. “That’s not right.”
You gather all the courage you have inside of you, ignoring the clear embarrassment on your face by the fact that Jaemin has discovered all of your secret fantasies.
“Daddy, please eat me out.”
He smiles mischievously. “Good girl.”
You have no time to dwell on your self-consciousness before he’s sinking a finger inside of you, tongue lapping at your clit. You feel like a dog in heat, warmth spreading throughout your body as you struggle to comprehend the fact that your best friend is currently eating you out like his life depends on it.
“D-Daddy, daddy!” You scream when he slips another finger inside, curling them upwards while he sucks on your clit furiously. “I’m gonna- I’m gonna-“
You cry out when your orgasm sweeps over you in waves, thrashing and whimpering under Jaemin’s hold. He uses his other hand to hold your hips down when the oversensitivity crashes into you, desperately trying to push away from him.
“D-Daddy, no, I-I’m sensitive-“
Jaemin growls and holds you tighter, fingers still drilling into your pussy and mouth wrapped around your sensitive bud. You don’t have time to warn him when your second orgasm comes just as quickly as the first, convulsing around him. You try to gain a sense of strength to push him away before he can launch you into a third, and Jaemin gets the message as he parts from you.
His chin glimmers with evidence of your arousal, fingers slipping into his mouth while he tastes the remnants of your two orgasms.
He pounces on you, lips crashing into yours and you moan. You can taste yourself on his tongue, and the fact shoots another spike of arousal to your core.
“What else did they do in that video, baby?” He whispers breathily. “Tell me.”
Your brain is a little fuzzy as you try to remember.
“H-He fucked the girl until she was crying and she took it. Anything to please her d-daddy.”
He smirks. “Is that what I should do to you? Fuck you until you’re crying? Will you do anything to please me?”
You know you trusted Jaemin with your life, so you nod.
“Anything for you, daddy.”
He grins. He quickly pulls down his sweatpants and his cock springs up, already half hard. You gulp at his size, and you’re suddenly reminded of why Renjun calls Jaemin the hottest guy you know. Jaemin’s girth wasn’t exactly a secret in your friend group, many rumors spreading around after Donghyuck discovered how well endowed your roommate actually was.
His fingers grip his base, slowly pumping himself while keeping his eyes locked on you.
“Like what you see, baby? Do you think your pussy is ready to take daddy’s fat cock?”
“Y-Yes, d-daddy. I c-can take your c-cock.”
He chuckles at your response, brushing strands of hair away from your face to fully look at you. His look is almost endearing, and you would swoon any other day if he wasn’t about to fuck you.
He lines himself up to your entrance, pausing for a second.
“Do I need to get a condom?”
You shake your head. “I’m on birth control. We’re fine.”
He doesn’t hesitate any longer, pushing into you slowly. You whine at the stretch. You haven’t been taken like this in months, and your vibrator is no match for his huge cock. He coaxes you through the pain, whispering softly in your ear and kissing your neck again to help ease you up.
Once he bottoms out, he waits patiently for your go ahead before moving. You can tell it’s killing him on the inside, brows pushed together as he tries his best not to pound you deep into the mattress.
“P-Please, daddy.”
Jaemin builds a steady pace inside of you, groaning and grunting into your ear as he sinks deeper and deeper. Your mind draws a blank when you struggle to form any coherent words, babbling while he impales you with his cock.
“You’re such a good girl for me. Always so good. Been waiting for this forever, baby. Dreamed so long of having you underneath me like this.”
“Daddy,” you gasp at his unexpected confession, hissing lowly when his fingers circle around your clit. Tears spring up in your eyes from the pleasure.
“Especially all those mornings when you were wearing practically nothing in front of me, you don’t even know how many times I wanted to take you on the kitchen counter.”
You cry when his cock hits you harder and faster.
“But you’re so good for me now, aren’t you, baby? So pretty and perfect for her daddy.”
“Y-Yes, daddy,” you whimper. “I’m all yours. All good for daddy.”
Jaemin groans loudly. “Cum for me, baby. Cum for daddy.”
Your orgasm is blinding, your nails digging into his shoulders as you ride out your high. He follows shortly after you, grunting when he shoots his cum deep inside your waiting womb.
You both lay in silence before you suddenly burst out in laughter. Jaemin eyes you.
“We just fucked. I just fucked my best friend and called him daddy. This is so surreal.”
He chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss against your lips.
“Better get used to it. Who knows how long we’ll be stuck in quarantine together.”
You smile. “Doesn’t sound so bad to me.”
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bestofbucky · 4 years
The Man With A Plan. (Stucky x reader)
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Pairings: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Steve x reader x Bucky.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY, smut, threesome, swearing, little bit of sub/dom, praise kink, captain/sergeant kink, some fluffiness at the end.
A/N: This is my first time writing smut so pls be nice! Obviously I had to start with Stucky :) where else would I start? Didn’t expect it to be this long but oh well!
THANK YOU SO MUCH @buckyownsmylife I wouldn’t be posting this without your help! You are incredible and everyone reading this should read her stuff after :)
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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You and Bucky have a prank war that’s been going on pretty much ever since the two of you became friends. They were completely harmless pranks, he put flour in your hairdryer, you filled the floor of his room with cups of water, the usual stuff.
Right now, you’re on holiday with all the Avengers and of course, partners and kids, at Tony’s beach mansion in Italy. You had been here for 5 days now and every night Bucky goes for a late night swim, which you only just found out he does naked. He leaves his clothes and a towel on a sunlounger on the shore.
So of course, when you found out, you decided you would steal his stuff when he was in the water so he would have to walk naked through the house. All the adults were in the lounge, after all the kids had gone to bed. You had already stolen Bucky’s stuff and put it in his room so it was just a waiting game until he walked in.
Right on time, the door bursts open and an angry faced Bucky storms into the room, he is using both hands to conceal himself and shuffling sideways like a crab with his backside to the wall. Everyone is in fits of laughter, especially when he reaches the door which is closed and he has to remove one hand in order to open it.
You are chuckling to yourself but struggling to laugh any more than that. The sight of Bucky’s still wet body was stealing all your focus. You watched intently as a droplet rolled down the middle of his chest, over his abs then disappeared behind his hand. You clenched your thighs, shifting in your seat hoping it covered up your movements.
Bucky finally managed to exit the room and everyone was chuckling among themselves. You couldn’t stop thinking about how incredible Bucky had looked. You tried to push the thoughts of him out of your mind, especially because your boyfriend was sitting right next to you.
“I think we should go to bed.” Speak of the devil. Steve had leaned closer to you, his mouth hovering over your ear.
Fuck, you think. He probably saw how you were looking at Bucky and is now really angry with you. To make sure you don’t make him any angrier, you agree. Saying goodnight to everyone you both head up to your room.
Steve immediately heads into the bathroom without saying a word. You start getting changed thinking of how you could make it up to him but your thoughts are soon interrupted by Steve’s voice.
“I think that was your best one so far.” He chuckles and you join, still nervous he might be upset.
“Yeah, the look on his face was definitely worth it.” You joke back as you get into bed. Steve, now just in his boxers, comes and joins you, pulling you onto his lap so you are straddling him.
“I wasn’t looking at his face,” he whispers, making goosebumps rise across your skin. “And I know for a fact, you weren’t either.” His lips attach to your neck causing you to let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
He pulls away. “Do you ever think about Bucky fucking you?” He asks as his hands make their way underneath your shirt.
“No, of course not. I’m with you.” You say as he starts massaging your boobs.
“I have.” There isn’t a trace of embarrassment in his voice.
“You’ve thought about Bucky fucking me or you?” You tilt your head back as he starts to play with your nipples, rolling them between his fingers.
“Both. I know what it’s like to be with Buck. I want to know what it’s like to be with you both together.” The thought of Steve and Bucky together makes you grind your hips down onto Steve and you feel him grow hard underneath you.
“You like the thought of me and Bucky?” Steve teases as he nibbles at your neck. “Or was it the thought of all three of us?”
You start to imagine what it would be like with them both. Would Bucky want you to call him Sergeant like Steve has you call him Captain? Who would take the lead, or would it be both of them? You think about being sandwiched between them, their skin rubbing against yours as they take you however they want, using your body for their pleasure.
Suddenly Steve stops everything, his hands come out from underneath your shirt and rest on your hips and he leans back against the headboard, no longer kissing your neck. You frown at him and he simply smirks.
You rock your hips to try to get the friction you need but he holds you still.
“Steve please” You say breathlessly.
“Not tonight, angel. Take it as your punishment for practically drooling over Buck.” He lifts you off him.
“But you just-”
You immediately stop talking when you see his eyes. When he looks at you like that you wouldn’t dare disobey him. So instead, you curl yourself into his side and try hard to get the thoughts of Bucky out of your mind so you can drift off to sleep.
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Bucky had a plan to get you back and in his mind it was a good one. Everyone had left for the day to explore Italy but you and Steve told everyone you weren’t feeling up to it and were going to stay at the house. Perfect. Bucky also told everyone he was going to stay behind so now the three of you were lounging around the pool together.
You had started to mumble your words and Bucky could tell you were getting tired. He made sure to stay quiet enough for you to drift off to sleep which you soon did. When you’re breathing evened out he sprung into action.
He went into the kitchen, grabbed a pair of scissors and came back out, he walked over to where you were laying and just as he was about to start cutting he was interrupted by Steve’s voice.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Although he was trying to be intimidating, he was still whispering so he wouldn’t wake you.
“Getting even.” Bucky stated simply and Steve just shrugged allowing him to continue with whatever it is he wanted to do.
Leaning back over your sleeping body Bucky gently cut the two top straps and the middle strap of your triangle bikini, but didn’t move it. He then went to put the scissors back and grabbed a jug, filling it with ice cold water. He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he knew he was going to get you back so good.
He made his way back outside, Steve sat up on his chair and watched eager to see what was about to happen. Bucky pulls his arm back and aims the water at your face and chest.
A surge of cold suddenly hits your body and you gasp as you instinctively stand up. It takes a few moments for you to come to and understand where you are and what just happened. You finally open your eyes and you see Bucky standing in front of you, an empty jug in his hand and a mischievous smirk on his face. The bastard. He must have thrown the ice cold water on you.
You scowl at him, but his smirk quickly fades as his eyes trail down to your chest. Then you notice that you can feel the breeze on your skin and you look down only to discover you are no longer covered by your bikini top. It is in pieces on the floor in front of you.
Before you can act, Steve is behind you, he places a hand on each boob. You don’t know if he is trying to protect you from Bucky’s eyes, hold you back from lunging at him or just using it as an excuse to feel you up. Probably the third one.
“These are for my eyes only.” Steve growls but your mind goes back to the conversation you had with him last night. Bucky just continues laughing, finding the situation hilarious. You smirk at the idea that comes into your head.
“If you wanted to see what's underneath my top, all you had to do was ask.” You place your hands on top of Steve’s and pull them off your body, exposing yourself to Bucky.
His laughter comes to a halt and he bites his lip as his eyes fixate on your chest. He glances behind you at Steve for confirmation which you assume he got because he starts walking towards you.
He stops right in front of you and lifts his hand up, his eyes never leaving yours. His fingers lightly graze over your nipple and you lean forward into his touch but he pulls his hand away and turns his head to Steve before eventually looking back to you.
“Can I see what’s underneath these?” His fingers fiddle with the ties on either side of your bikini bottoms. You nod, allowing him to continue and he pulls at them, still holding eye contact. It comes undone and he lets it fall to the floor.
He places his hands on your hips and guides you backwards until the back of your legs hit a sunlounger, and then gently pushes you down, spreading your legs apart to dangle on either side. His eyes finally leave yours as they trail down your body, sucking in a breath when he sees your pussy.
He looks over at Steve again and you do too. He is sat to the side watching you both as he palms himself through his swim shorts. The sight turns you on even more. You feel Bucky shift so you return your gaze to him. He starts to place wet kisses up your inner thighs, stopping before he gets to the place you want him most.
“Always wanted to taste you.” He looks up at you as he licks up your slit before swirling his tongue around your clit. He presses a cold metal finger into and you gasp, arching your back off the lounger. He sucks on your clit as he pumps in and out of you, adding another finger and curling them just right, to hit your sweet spot. You moan loudly as the pleasure ripples through your body.
“Fuck, doll. Let me hear all those noises you make.” He continues at a steady pace as you start to feel the coil tighten inside you. Your hands find their way into his hair as he sends you over the edge. You cry out, your thighs squeezing his head as he continues through your orgasm.
He finally pulls away as you start to come down. He smiles at you, lips glistening.
“Steve,” Bucky summons Steve over. He kneels next to you and Bucky brings his fingers up to his lips. Steve happily accepts, opening his mouth and sucking your juices off Bucky’s fingers. The sight alone is almost enough to make you orgasm again, especially when you notice both men straining against their swim shorts.
You reach your hand out and slip it into Steve’s shorts, wrapping it around his length, his moan muffled by Bucky’s fingers. You look at Bucky who is already staring at you, he wraps his spare hand around the back off your neck as he pulls you into a heated kiss.
He is more dominating than Steve is but you enjoy the way he takes control. You continue to move your hand up and down Steve’s length and your other hand palms Bucky through his shorts. He sighs into your mouth and you love the feeling of pleasing both men.
All too soon, Bucky is pulling away and releasing his fingers from Steve’s mouth. He walks over to another sunlounger and takes the cushion off, placing it on the floor next to Steve.
“Can I fuck your mouth?” His tone makes you want to do anything he says, so you quickly nod.
“Lie down,” he commands. You lie on the cushion on your back and he kneels over your face. You go to wrap your hand around him but he catches your wrist, stopping you.
He guides himself to your mouth, tapping gently on your lips. You open wide and he pushes in. He is not as thick as Steve but he is longer and you can feel him deeper in your throat.
“Fuck doll. Your mouth feels so good around me,” he moans when he hits the back of your throat.
“Come here Steve.” He holds his cock down your throat and you remind yourself to breathe through your nose. Steve stands in front of Bucky, his legs either side of your head.
You watch as Steve’s cock disappears down Bucky’s throat and you hum, finding it incredibly hot. Bucky starts gently thrusting into your mouth and Steve does the same for Bucky. You don't know what to focus on: your boyfriend’s delicious noises as he moves in and out of his best friend’s mouth, the sight of Bucky’s lips wrapped around Steve’s cock, or the feeling of Bucky’s cock moving in and out of your mouth.
Your moans send vibrations down Bucky’s cock and you feel him twitch slightly as he starts to increase in speed. The noises coming from both you and Bucky are making Steve weak at the knees.
“You’re taking his cock so well angel.” Steve tells you and you clench around nothing at his praise.“Look so good with your lips around his cock.”
It’s not long before Bucky’s thrusts lose their rhythm and he is releasing down your throat. Steve follows shortly after. You and Bucky make sure to swallow everything you have been given.
You know from experience that super soldiers don't need much time before they can go again, but it still surprises you how quickly they can recover.
You are still lying on your back, a little bit of Bucky’s cum dribbles out your mouth and down your cheek.
“You look so pretty with my cum dripping down your face,” Bucky tells you and again the words go straight to your core. The smirk on his face tells you he knows how you feel about praise. You use your finger to wipe the cum off and then suck it as you hold eye contact with Bucky.
“Such a good girl.” he murmurs.
Steve comes over to you with a glass of water which you happily accept, you take small sips until you have had enough and you pass it back to Steve. He takes a couple of gulps before handing it to Bucky who finishes it off.
“Are you ready for another round, angel?” Steve asks as he gently brushes some hair out of your face. You nod eagerly, excited for what will happen next.
“Yes, Captain.” You correct yourself, knowing Steve likes it when you use your words.
“Fuck.” You expect the expletive to come from Steve as a response to you calling him captain but you are surprised to find out it came from Bucky. You smile knowing exactly what he wants you to call him.
“How do you want me, Sergeant?” It’s like the words flipped a switch in his mind.
“Hands and knees princess,” he tells you and you obey. Bucky takes his place behind you while Steve sits down in front of you, placing a gentle kiss to your lips.
Bucky’s hand comes down on your ass and you gasp in shock. “No kissing unless I tell you to.” You know from this moment on Bucky is in charge and you need to do everything he says and nothing more. The whole situation makes you so wet you can feel it starting to drip down your thigh.
Bucky slides his cold metal fingers through your slick. “Fuck, you’re dripping princess.” His fingers glide over your clit, and you jerk, still a little sensitive. “You like being told what to do? Being used for our pleasure?” He asks as continues to toy with your clit. You nod, too consumed by pleasure to say anything. Bucky’s movements halt and he brings his hand down on your cheek again. You whimper at the contact.
“Use your words.” He growls.
“Yes sergeant.” You see Steve smile at your obedience the same way he always would when training you and your chest swells slightly knowing he is proud of you.
“Good girl.” You feel Bucky guide his tip to your entrance, only pushing himself slightly in, causing your frustrations to grow.
“Please, Sergeant. I need your cock. Please fuck me.” You beg, hoping he will give you the satisfaction you need.
“Since you asked so nicely.” He hisses as he slowly presses all the way in, determined to savour the feeling.
“How does she feel Buck?” Steve asks like you aren’t even there.
“So good, Steve. So hot and wet,” he mumbles and the praise makes you involuntarily clench around him.
“Can I suck your cock, Captain? Please.” You ask and he looks up to Bucky for permission. Seeing Steve second in command is something you never thought you would witness but you are so glad you are.
He rises onto his knees and guides himself into your mouth. The feeling is indescribable, and you become impatient, pushing yourself backwards into Bucky, who simply chuckles. It seems to work though, as they both start to gently thrust in and out, working in tandem with each other.
“Gripping me so tight, doll.”
“Fuck, angel”
“Feel so good”
“Doing so well.”
Their voices start to merge into each other as your body is taken over by pleasure. Their thrusts start to become sloppy and uneven as they each use your body to chase their release. You can feel the pressure building in your stomach as Bucky snakes his hand around and circles your clit with his fingers.
It’s not long till Steve is thrusting one last time deep into your throat, grunting as he releases into your mouth. The noises that fall from his lips send you over the edge and you clench down hard around Bucky as you cum on his cock. Bucky is quick to follow as your pussy milks his cock and soon you feel his release coating your walls.
They both ease out of you and you let your body collapse onto the cushion. You try to catch your breath, your mind still dizzy with arousal.
Steve’s fingers make their way into your hair as he gently massages your scalp while Bucky places kisses, starting on your lower back and traveling up your spine to your shoulder.
“You did so well, doll.” Bucky says.
“I’m so proud of you, angel.” Steve tells you as he shuffles around you. A small smile makes its way onto your lips at their praise.
You feel arms wrap around you and you are lifted into the air, you snuggle your head into their neck and breathe in. You can tell it’s Steve from his scent.
“Where are we going?” You mumble.
“We need to get you cleaned up.” He explains and you open your eyes to see Steve is carrying you towards your room.
“Is Bucky coming too?” You ask softly which warms both Steve and Bucky’s hearts.
“Yeah doll. I’m here.” You hear his voice from behind you and sigh happily as your mind replays what just happened. You know from this moment on it’s no longer just you and Steve, it’s all three of you, together.
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Permanent Taglist: @vampirewithbedsidemanners @townwitchbitch @velvetcardiganbucky @courtneychicken @band--psycho @tuiccim @lunarmoon8
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
hi could you please make a part two to feeling colors, i LOVED your writing in it. no rush :))
Hiii nonnie! 💕 I did end up writing a second part for the fic after all. I hope you like it as much as the first. X
Feeling Colours - Part Two
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Reader
Word count: 2500 give or take
Summary: Draco’s feelings for the reader start to grow
Warnings: fluff, excessive drinking, mentions of throwing up, kissing, nothing explicit, Draco being a softie (lmk if this needs more warnings)
Masterlist | Part One 
Your eyes fluttered open to find Draco Malfoy sitting on a chair next to you, breathing quietly like sleep was finally hitting him. Ruffled blond strands of hair fell over his weary eyes and he’d used his suit jacket as a makeshift blanket. 
Your first instinct was to silently lift up your covers and check if your clothes were still intact and thank Merlin they were. 
“Have a little faith Y/n.” Draco grumbled, startling you in the process as he struggled to lift himself into a more comfortable position. “I would never take advantage of a drunk girl.”
Fragments of the previous night came back to you when you heard him say that. 
The party, the burn of the booze, the dust-filled broom closet, the throwing up, the taste of soup and the strong and sturdy arms of the boy now looking at you with a sheepish grin on his face.
You eased at the sight of his smile. There came a certain type of comfort after someone had seen you throwing your guts up. 
“Thank you for last night Draco.”
“Like I said before Miss raging alcoholic, Don’t make a habit of it.” He let out a small yawn and started to smooth out his hair but much to his dismay, the strands refused to cooperate. 
You couldn't help but laugh at the displeased look on his face. “Here, let me—”
“NO. I absolutely refuse to let you touch my hair.” He protested, grabbing both your wrists before your fingers could make contact with his precious hair. 
“Come on Malfoy.” You pleaded, now fully out of bed and trying to break free from his hands. “I swear I can fix it for you.”
“Nope.” He said firmly as he tried his hardest to maintain a straight face. “Stop it—No please not the sides—no..”
“Please, just a bit more...ah okay….there we go.”
“Haven’t you done enough Hufflepuff?!”
“Oh. that rhymed.” You laughed, still touching his hair when the two of you accidently tumbled onto the chair he was originally sleeping on. 
Draco was agile in cushioning your fall with one of his hands balancing himself on the armrest and one hand wrapped around your waist.
It was only the second time he’d saved you from falling and you were already getting used to it. 
Something inside of you was immediately hoping that Draco would be there to break your fall for a third time too. 
It felt good with him.
It felt safe with him.
Alone at the school courtyard in the afternoon of the next day, Draco sat down in a far corner to rearrange his cluttered thoughts about you into tidy little compartments in his brain. 
It should have been easy for him. He was a natural occlumens after all.
But for some bizarre reason, he couldn't find a way to erase your name, the sound of your voice and your scent that was slowly dominating all four lobes of his brain and all four chambers of his heart. 
Even with the sun still in the sky, the occasional gust of wind made his hands turn cold so he instinctively shoved his hands into his blazer pocket to warm up. 
It was only then that he realised that he’d completely forgotten to give your locket back to you. 
A few days had now passed and Draco had gotten several opportunities to give your necklace back to you. 
First it was at the great hall.
He watched you intently from the Slytherin table, waiting for the perfect opportunity to talk to you while you nibbled on a cupcake.
His Adam's apple bobbed as he watched you lick the powdery pink frosting off your Peony lips.
He wasn’t all that fond of those cupcakes you were eating but he’d have done anything for a taste of the frosting from your lips. 
Before he could even manage to walk over to you, you stood up and walked away with your friends.
When you were close to the exit however, you paused and turned towards the Slytherin table to give him a tiny smile.
He quickly reached into his pocket to look at the locket, it was the exact pink shade of the frosting. 
The second time he tried to return it was at Potions class. 
Theo had so graciously agreed to switch partners with Draco and Snape did not seem to mind as long as the potions were brewed right. 
“Crush the petals as best you can before dropping them into the cauldron.” Snape instructed and you quickly grabbed a fistfull of rose petals. 
Draco watched in awe as you crushed rose petals in your hands, releasing the floral aroma into the atmosphere. The scent caught onto clothes and a flush crept onto his face.
“Well, are you going to help me, Malfoy?”
Draco silently copied your motion and stirred the cauldron till the potion was simmering and ready.
Returning your locket in the middle of Severus’s class did not seem like a smart idea so he decided to come up with a better one. 
“We are having another party in the dungeons on Friday. You should come and bring Abott if you’d like.”  Draco shrugged it off like it was the most casual thing ever. 
“Will there be elf made wine?” You wiggled your eyebrows at him and he let out a rather loud scoff earning the attention of the sulky potion’s master.
“Malfoy, Y/l/n.” Snape called out, looking as unimpressed as ever. “Detention.Saturday.”
“Incorrigible.” Draco muttered and you nudged him in the rib with your elbow. 
“Two Saturdays.” Snape said, before dismissing the entire class. 
On his way out, Draco discreetly sneaked a peak of the necklace in his pocket because he already knew what colour it was going to be. 
It was the exact same pink of the rose petals you were crushing. 
Two days had gone by since potions class and Draco was no longer fazed when the necklace emulated the same shades of pink from the bubblegum you were blowing or the fuschia ribbon in your hair. 
Draco also didn’t think it was necessary to make another attempt to return your necklace until Friday.
He already had a lot of things preoccupying his mind like actually planning the party. 
There had been no Slytherin Party planned for Friday before Draco invited you and now, He was getting his friends to help him arrange one. 
Crabbe and Goyle were tasked with getting more liquor,  Blaise and Theo were responsible for music and food while Draco was responsible with the overall logistics like silencing charms and getting the word of the party out. 
“All this for a girl.” Blaise mocked. Theo took this moment to whisper something to Crabbe who then whispered something to Goyle. 
“Care to say it out loud, Nott?” Draco seethed as he watched his friends clutch their stomachs and laugh out loud. 
“Theo called you a simp.” A teary eyed Goyle spluttered. 
“A what now?”
Friday’s party topped the previous one. 
More people, A wider selection of liquor, wine varietals, good food and music blasting so loud that the floors were vibrating. 
As per usual, Hannah had already disappeared into some dark little corner with her paramour leaving you all alone with a group of Slytherin girls. 
“I love your dress!” Exclaimed a tipsy looking Daphne Greengrass who herself was wearing a gorgeous turquoise number. 
“Thank you.” You replied, giving her your most polite and friendly smile. 
“Come now, let's go and dance already.” Pansy crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at the interaction. Although it wasn’t super obvious, you sensed that Pansy wasn’t too pleased to have you there. 
Daphne intertwined her hands to yours and pulled you into the dancefloor with herself, Pansy Tracey Davis and Millicent Bulstrode. 
Daphne’s surprisingly amiable nature took you by surprise but you decided to go with it. It was a party after all. 
When she placed her hands on your shoulders, you mirrored. When she swayed her hips, so did you. 
“He can't stop staring at you now, can he?” Daphne shouted into your ear over the music as you both continued to dance together. 
“I’m sorry who?” You shouted back. 
“Malfoy.” Daphne giggled. “ He’s been watching you all night actually. Why do you think he hosted this party in the first place?”
You stole a quick glance at Draco when no one was looking. He was sipping on a glass of whisky and watching you from a distance.
He had ditched his all black attire for a white button down shirt. The top two buttons were undone and his hair had a sort of laid back look to it
“See?” Daphne shouted again. “Hasn’t even taken his eyes off you once. It's driving Pansy nuts.”
Just to confirm if Daphne was in fact telling the truth, you tilted your head to the side to get a bitter view of him and the minute you did, your eyes met with his.
Heat spread all across your cheeks and he raised his glass to you as an acknowledgement before quickly turning away. 
After that, it was just an intense and tactical little gambit of who caught who staring. 
He covertly watched you sway your hips and you secretly noticed the way he tapped his fingertips on the glass he was holding.
Both of you refused to relent to whatever game this was up until the point where he grabbed a bottle of fire whisky and started to walk away. 
You didn't even need to think twice about where he was headed. 
“Go on.” Daphne nudged encouragingly.
Draco pulled the closet door open and stepped inside with a smile playing at his lips.
The last time he was there, he was introduced to you, your scent, your smile, your eyes. 
Before that night in the closet, he took colours at their face value. They were nothing more than visual representations of light—what amount, what hue, what saturation.
It was strange how things had changed for him. 
Not only did you make him see colours in a whole new light, you made him feel them, you made him hear them.
As Draco settled down with his drink, he saw the door creak open. 
It was still dark but he could already tell that it was you by the scent of your perfume. Oh, he could never ever forget that aroma even if he tried. 
Draco held his wand in front of him and allowed himself to turn to his side to get a better view of you. 
Never had he ever seen someone glow the way you did under the lumos charm. The radiance in your eyes, the pearlescence of your skin and the curvature of your lips made him lightheaded.
“I feel like this closet is going to be a recurring thing for us huh?” You beamed at him and he found himself swooning. 
Salazar Slytherin. Nott was right. He was a simp.
“I guess so.” Draco quickly answered, Blaming this dizziness on the lack of ventilation while taking a big sip of his drink. 
“I don’t mind.” You said and twisted open the bottle of wine you’d brought with you. 
“Don’t tell me you brought another bottle of that god awful wine in here.”
 “It’s actually not that bad and it gets you drunk way quicker.” You shrugged. 
“Why do I feel like I might have to walk you to your dorm again?” 
He watched you take a long slow sip of wine and couldn’t help himself from noting that your lips were slowly getting stained red with the fruity nectar. 
“Might?” You shook your head. “Sorry to break it to you, but this wine is going to catch up with me soon.” 
Draco jokingly palmed his face, earning a laugh from you. It seemed like the perfect time to hand you your lost possession back. 
“Atleast, I’ll know when you are going to be sick though.” Draco said as he fished for the locket in his pocket. 
“How come?” 
“Because of this.” He explained, holding the necklace out. “I’m sorry I should have given it back sooner.” 
“That’s okay.” You murmured softly and pushed your hair away from your neck and he instantly took this as a cue to drape the necklace back to where it belonged. 
“Ah…there you go.” He whispered into your ear before shifting back to look at the gem. 
Draco expected it to be pink but to his astonishment, the gem had already turned a vibrant red. 
A new colour.
He could see red in the apples of your cheeks.
He could feel red pumping through his veins and hear red in the way his heart was rapidly beating. 
 “It’s red.” You commented and he slowly nodded. 
Even though he knew what red was for him, he needed to hear your interpretation before making his next move. 
“What does red mean to you y/n?” 
“To me, well…..red represents um..passion, something fiery, something that burns bright, leaves you breathless.” You whispered looking as if you were feeling almost as breathless as him. 
Draco swallowed hard when he noticed just how close your face was to his. 
“If I kissed you right now, would you kiss me back?”
He noticed that your breathing was progressively getting shorter. You looked startled at his sudden question but held his gaze nonetheless. 
“I guess you’ll have to see for yourself, Draco.”
He couldn’t help but let out a hoarse chuckle before pressing his forehead to yours. “Is that an invitation hm?” 
You didn’t say a word but the deepening red color of your necklace gave everything away. 
Any remaining doubt in his mind went away when he felt you caress his cheeks with your cold hands. 
He gently let his fingers slip into your hair as he closed the distance between your lips. 
The kiss was reminiscent of the rush of first love. The innocence, the giggles. 
The kiss paid homage that perfumed night in the broom closet that had started it all. 
The kiss was bleeding, seeping, trickling In various shades of red and he was drinking every drop. 
Draco Malfoy could finally tell what the colour red tasted like. 
It tasted like your wine stained lips. 
He backed away and placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head and you gave him a shy smile in return. 
The two of you spent the remainder of the party inside the closet. 
Drinking, talking, laughing and more kissing.
So much kissing. 
“Alright y/n, let’s get you to your room now shall we?” Draco sighed when he noticed that you were getting more and more inebriated by the minute. “Come on.” 
You struggled to step out of the closet and almost tripped on your own two drunken feet.
“As if I’m going to let you fall face first.” He mumbled to himself before lifting you up in his arms. 
You let out a small laugh before looking up at him. 
“I know you said to not make a habit of this but unfortunately for you, I already have.” 
Draco fluff/general tag list: @maybesandohnos @justfangirlthingies @dlmmdl @desiredmalfoy @trainintersection @wh0re4blaise @marrymetheonott @quacksonsssandtea @letoof @rvaldez7569 @lolooo22 @emma67 @berriemalfoy @thegaudess @itchywitch33 @lunar0se10 @savagelysarcasticslytherin @fleursbabe @teawineaddict @malfoyxxdraco23 @fantasyfairysworld @trashyvicks @h0ggyw0ggyh0gwarts @l0vely-lupin @linasylveon @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dracomalfoyisindahouse @the-bisexual-bitch @sycathorn-slush @lalunemoonstone @supermisunderstoodoceans @belladaises @riddleswh0r3crux @justreadingficsdontmindme @axdxis @97santoki @laceycallisto @haroldpotterson @thetipsysaquatch @darlingmalfoy @letsmariya @malfoysbiitch @turn-to-page-394-please @malfoysgem @m4lf0ym1lk3rs @ameliasbitvh @slythermuf @wolfstar_lb @underappreciated-spoon-321 @yiamalfoy @youreso-golden @dracoscum @mvdbldd @naisnape @o-rion-sta-r @arianagreyy @carnationbasement @dilf-lover21 @louweasleymalfoy @fa-me @dracoswhore007
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book-of-baba-fett · 3 years
A Lucky Hand - Fives x Fem!Reader
Crossposted on A03
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Fives finds himself running low on credits during a game of pazaak with his favorite mechanic, but a risky wager on his end might end up benefitting both of you.
Warnings: SMUT, 18+, Oral Sex (f/m receiving). Drinking, PiV intercourse, (let me know if I miss anything!)
“And I win another round! Come on Fives, at this rate you should just hand me all your credits,” You tease at the clone sitting across the table from you. Your smirk is met with a scowl that doesn’t reach his sparkling amber eyes. The 501st is on leave on Coruscant, and they're one of your favorite clone battalions. You work as a mechanic at the military base where their barracks are, and once the war started up you got to know a bunch of the troops as they came through to ask for your help on any equipment they damaged on their last deployment. This is how you got to know Fives particularly well; if something could break, Fives would find the way to do it.
After he had annoyed you enough times by breaking the gear you had just fixed for him, he started to repay you by inviting you to hang out in parts of the base that were off limits to most of the civilian workforce, like the break room you were in this night. A few troopers were scattered around; most had early shifts on the base tomorrow so they couldn’t spend their free time at 79s that particular night. This meant they were entertaining themselves more tamely than usual but for many of the troopers this meant drinking ale and gambling on games or podraces they were watching on the holo, or in Fives and your case Pazaak.
Fives begrudgingly slides you the credits on the table and starts to deal out the next round. He was not a man who took defeat easily. Since his shifts for the day were over, he was only armored from the waist down and has his blacks on top. You’ve been drinking some ale during the night and you couldn’t help but notice the way the fabric clung to his body, particularly his broad chest and hard biceps.
Woah watch it there, you work around a million guys who look the same as him. Once you let those thoughts in there’s no going back. But you’d be lying if you said you weren’t at all attracted to him even without the alcoholic influence. Fives drove you crazy half the time, but he was just so damn hot you let it slide.
“You do have a point,” Fives suddenly spoke up and you’re snapped out of your thoughts. Once you notice he’s looking through his utility belt, you realize he’s answering your previous statement. “You’ve cleaned me out, I don’t have any more to bet tonight. That is…unless you’re not opposed to wagering something a little more interesting?”
You take a sip of your ale, draining the bottle. “And what do you propose?”
Fives looked around the room, making sure none of his brothers were paying too close attention to the two of you. Luckily, they were all focused on their own entertainment. His face broke into a grin as he looked into your eyes and leaned in closer to you.
“If I win this round, you give me a handjob,” he whispered into your ear.
You huff out a laugh to act nonchalant, but the truth is you feel a flutter in your stomach and a flush to your cheek by the suggestion. Everything between you too had just been friendly before, and while Fives had gotten flirty occasionally you never thought he was serious. He was Fives, that’s what he was like with everyone.
“Well, that is an interesting suggestion. What do I get if I win then?” you reply, trying to sound as transactive as possible; like this was some normal deal with a trader.
“If your hand wins, I’ll finish all the reports and paperwork you need to do for any 501st related repairs while we’re on this leave.” Ok, this got you excited but not in the core warming way his previous suggestion did; that would be a big relief on your workload. And hey, his hand has been terrible all night, luck seems to be in your favor.
“All right, you’re on.” You smirk and he flashes that devilish grin at you.
You win the first round easily; Fives was being very conservative with his hand and didn’t seem to want to play too many cards. He either has nothing in his deck, or he’s really holding out for something big.
The second round lasts a few minutes longer, but you overdraw your cards and Fives wins which meant the match was tied before the 3rd and final round. Fives teasingly stretches his arms over his head, making you roll your eyes at him.
The third round goes on the longest; you had used up most of your set deck already so you were being careful to not overdraw again, but you play your last card. You didn’t reach the 20 total needed to win, but being at 19 you felt confident in your choice. Fives drew another card from the deck, that pushes his total to 22. If you finished the round with a number over 20, that meant you lost so you begin to shift back in your seat and put your feet up on the table.
“Sorry, Fives, better luck ne-,” you start but he cuts you off, wagging a finger in your direction. He places his last card on the table: a -2. Making his total 20, and him the winner. You couldn’t help but shake your head in disbelief as the clone copied your victorious pose – stretching back with his arms behind his head and his feet coming to rest on the table as those amber eyes locked with yours.
“OK Listen, I was being a little shit. I had a terrible hand; I didn’t think I would actually win. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” You brought Fives back to your workshop in the base – the best place you could think of for some privacy. It was late so all the other mechanics should have left already. It was small, but there was enough space for a worktable and the small bench that you and Fives are sitting at. His voice was soft; you knew he could be a bit of an ass, but you knew he was being honest and the last thing he would want to do was make you uncomfortable.
“Nope, I don’t back out of a deal.” You smirk at him and his edge seemed to come back once he accepted that you were ok with this. Your hand rests on his armored thigh and slowly makes its way up to his codpiece. “Besides, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little bit curious about what you’ve got going on under all the armor.”
A devilish grin grows on his face as his own hand meets yours. He fiddles with the straps on his codpiece and pulls It away, revealing an already sizeable bulge in his blacks. He pulls your hand onto him and holds it there. You feel your core flutter as he hardens in your hand.
“Well, I’m more than happy to show off for you, baby,” His voice is lower and has a raspy edge to it. You push his hand aside and slowly undo his pants, releasing his cock. You slowly grasp your hand around the base of him, and you can’t help but lick your lips looking at it. His tan cock is thick and long, and already swollen at your light touch. His breath is low at your touch, he places a hand on your shoulder, wordlessly begging you to move.
You take your hand away for a second to lick it and you firmly hold him again. You slowly began to stroke up and down, feeling his velvety soft skin in your hand. You flick your thumb over his head, smearing a bit of the precum that was already leaking from it. You can’t help but want to taste him. You increase your pace and Fives’s grip on your shoulder tightens, his breath increasing. You look at his face, he smiles back at you, his pupils blown out and filled with lust.
“I had a hunch you would be good with your hands.” He breathed out, trying to hold onto his composure. You wanted to wreck that pretty face. As you continue working his cock up and down in your hand, he sighs out and bends his head backward, hitting the wall. You take this pause in attention to bend your head down and start licking the head of his cock.
“Fuck!” he cursed out, sighing your name. You slowly move off the bench to kneel in front of him. You continue to jerk him and lick a long strip up the underside of his cock. “That wasn’t part of the deal.”
“Oh well, if you’re not happy with it I can always stop,” you tease and his eyes darken with hunger. He responds by placing a hand on the back of your head and grabbing a fistful of your hair.
“I’m more than happy sweetheart. I’ve been thinking about what those pretty lips would look like wrapped around my cock for ages.” He gently guides your head back to him, and you open up wide to take more of him in.
You start slowly, he’s so thick it’s hard to fit him all in. You press your tongue underneath his hard cock as you slowly bob up and down on him, using your hand to help jerk the rest of him. Once you adjust, you push him further into your mouth until you feel him hitting your throat. His hips thrust up, trying to feel more of you and his hand presses your head closer into him. You feel your gag reflex kicking in as he releases you, gasping for air as you come up.
“Was that, ok?” Fives asks, and once you smile and assure him it is, he grasps your hair again. “I want to fuck your pretty mouth; can I do that sweetheart?”
“Yes, use me” you gasp, and he doesn’t waste a second. He slides himself back into your mouth and begins thrusting himself while holding your head in place, hitting the back of your throat with each stroke. You’re so turned on by this, having this strong man use you to chase his pleasure. You reach one of your hands in between your legs, rubbing your clit over your jumpsuit, just trying to appease your needs with any form of friction. Fives notices and groans.
“Is this turning you on? Me choking you with my dick?” He grunts while thrusting into you. You hum in agreement, the vibration giving him more pleasure. His head knocks back against the wall, beads of sweat appearing at his forehead. He’s close.  “Fuck, I’m gonna come down that pretty throat of yours. Then, I’m gonna eat that pretty pussy of yours, you like the sound of that?”
You moan and look up at him, pulling your head away from his grasp. He looks wrecked, ready to cum and he’s about to push your head back down when you say, “Let me finish you off.”
His hand is still on your head but not pulling you down anymore. His cock is coated with your saliva, and you jerk him rapidly again then take him back into your hollowed out mouth, You use both of your hands, twisting as you jerk him and suck on his head. He starts gasping your name, warning you he’s about to come. You slide him completely into your mouth, where his tip is partially down your throat as you feel his cock twitch in your mouth and taste his thick, salty cum spurt in your mouth. He holds you down while he thrusts out his orgasm. You swallow as he’s already pulling you up off the ground into his lap and crushes your lips with a kiss.
“You’re wearing too much.” His voice is raspy from his release, but he’s focused on fulfilling his earlier promise to you. His hand finds the zipper at the front of your jumpsuit, and he tugs it down to your waist, his lips never leaving yours.  He roughly pulls down the shoulders, leaving you in just your bra from the waist up. He moves his kisses down to your neck, and he sucks a love bite right where the collar line of your suit would have been.
You feel like putty in his strong hands, moaning at even his softest touches. He grabs one of your breasts over your bra, his thumb rubbing where your nipples are peaking through. He uses his free hand to reach around you and effortlessly undoes the clasp on your bra. He leans back to stare at your exposed chest, eyes glancing over every inch of you and back up to meet you own. You feel yourself blush, but you’re hungry for more. You lean back in to kiss him more, and he slides his tongue into your mouth. He wraps your legs around his waist and slowly rises. He carries you over to your worktable, where he uses his arms to clear off the paperwork and tools that had been sitting there.
“Sorry if any of that was important,” He mumbles into your mouth. He places you at the edge of the table and makes quick work of removing the rest of your jumpsuit, leaving you in just your panties before him. He gently pushes you backward onto the table, kissing along your neck and sucking at each nipple before he moves his way down your body.
Your breath hitches as he reaches your hips, leaving another love bite as he gets there. His hands spread your legs open for him, propped against the edge of the table. His kisses trail over your panties and you can feel his breath on your clothed entrance. He lets out a dark chuckle.
“So wet, and I’ve barely even touched you. Someone’s needy.” He places a kiss right over your clit and you feel like you’re ready to lose any control you had over your urges. His fingers reach around the waistband of your panties as he slides them down your legs. He spreads your legs again, lifting one to rest on his should as he caresses and kiss it; his goatee offering a ticklish yet pleasurable sensation. He takes his time teasing you, kissing and licking around your joints and hip bones, his calloused hands squeezing your thighs. You begin to whimper under his touch, trying to rotate your hips so he’ll pay attention to the one area he’s ignored.
“Need something, mesh’la?” He grins up at you.
“Dammit Fives, touch me!”
“I already am, you need to be more specific than that. And maybe try asking nicer?” That little shit.
“Please, Fives. Your mouth. I need it. On me. Please.” You prop yourself on your elbows to look at him. God, you want to wipe that cocky grin off his face, but you need him too much to fight him right now.
“You’re so pretty when you beg.” And he dives right in.
His tongue licks a stripe up your slit and you can’t hold your moan in. He uses his fingers to open up your folds as his tongue finds your clit. He flicks it expertly, keeping his eyes one you as you began to fall apart under his mouth. He takes your clit in his mouth and sucks gently at first, reading your reactions. He switches up between sucking and licking, swirling his tongue, and lightly grazing his teeth around your sensitive bud, causing you to cry out in pleasure. He’s too good at this, damn him for being so good at this. You have too much pent-up attraction in your system, too much of a need for him, you’re going to come soon.
You can’t prop yourself up anymore, and you fall back onto the table. Your hands search for anything to grab onto, to ground yourself in the moment.  His tongue continues its onslaught against your clit, Fives is using one of his hands to press your hip down, preventing you from moving too much. Just when you think you can’t be more overwhelmed, you feel one of his thick fingers pressing into your entrance. You moan and clench around him, but he can tell you want more so he slips a second finger in. He slows his tongue to match the speed of his fingers dragging in and out of you, only to increase his pace as your body welcomes him in.
“So tight around my fingers, baby. Can’t wait to feel you around my cock.” Your moans start to pitch higher and higher, your release imminent. He can tell you’re almost there, his fingers press even deeper into you and curve slightly, finding that spongy spot inside of you. You cry out louder.
“Yes, please Fives! Right there!”
He doesn’t relent his pace with his fingers as his mouth latches to suck around your clit. You can’t string two thoughts together; all you can focus on is the electricity pulsing through your body. All you can hear are your moans and the filthy noise from his fingers and mouth pleasuring your pussy. Your legs are quaking around his head, your hips fighting to leave the table but being held into place by your source of pleasure. You’re able to glance down at Fives and the lustful but focused look in his golden eyes is enough to push you over the edge. Your eyes roll back as your orgasm hits you like a speeder. His fingers work you through it as your pussy flutters around him, and his tongue laps up your release. Once your breathing settles, he pulls his fingers from you and makes eye contact as he sucks them clean.
“You’re even sweeter than I imagined.” You’re still sprawled on the table as he stands up and removes the top of his blacks. You’re in recovery from your release, but you feel yourself clench as you look over his sculpted, tan body. You almost moan when you notice his cock, still free from your earlier work is now hard again as he removes what was left of his armor. He notices the hungry look on your face. “Bet I can get you to come again, this time on my cock.”
Your energy perks up and you’re able to lift yourself up again, and you teasingly wave your hips at him, showing off your entrance, still glistening from your orgasm. One of his hands grabs your hip to steady you, while the other strokes his cock and lines it up against your entrance. He slides it up and down your slit, whacking it against your sensitive clit. You shake in his grip and his eyes gleam as he slowly presses into you.
You’re still wet from your release and his fingers had worked you up, but you still have a hard time accepting his thickness. You feel him splitting you open, but the slight edge of pain is overpowered by the pleasure. Fives bottoms out in you and pauses, giving you a moment to adjust to him. You had never been so full and the sensation is almost too much. Your arms lift and grasp onto his biceps, needing to hold onto him for proof this wasn’t some dream.
One of his hands reaches behind you to the small of your back to keep you propped up. His other is gripping your hip, grounding himself as he’s ready to take what he wants. But he has to briefly control himself. He bends down, kissing you on your forehead.
“You feel so good, I won’t be able to last long. Are you ready?” He asks as his kisses trail down to your mouth. You deepen the kiss, gathering his bottom lip in your mouth and lightly bite on it making him groan.
“Fuck me, Fives. I’m off tomorrow, so I don’t need to walk.” You whisper and that’s all he needs.
He pulls himself out and then thrusts all the way back in, hitting your deepest spot. You barely reacted when he’s already moving again, unrelenting in his pace as he aims for that pleasure spot with every single thrust. He holds you against him, smacking your hips into his. Your nails digging deeper into his arm, and you’re turned on at the thought of him secretly walking around tomorrow with your marks on him. His pace is harder than it is quick, and you feel him drag in your pussy with every movement, almost as if you can feel every vein and ridge on his cock. Your pussy is holding him in a vice like grip, and as your legs wrap around his waist he groans as he feels you move around him.
Your head starts to roll back, and his hand that was on your back moves to the back of your neck to hold you in place, making you keep eye contact locked with him. He’s in complete control of your body, his strong arms able to hold you and fuck you like a rag doll. The tension starts to build in your body again, building to another peak.
Fives pulls out and you whine from the loss of him, but then he flips you onto your stomach, your ass up and legs dangling off the table. He uses his legs to spread yours further apart as he bends over, licking a line up your spine. He bites at the back of your neck, grabs a fistful of your hair to angle your face with his as he kisses you. He slams his cock back into you and you cry out; you won’t have a voice tomorrow.
“I’m close, can I come inside this pretty pussy?” he pants into your ear as he slowly drags his cock in and out of you. You were on birth control, so you knew you would be fine.
“Yes, please, fill me up Fives!” you gasp, grinding your ass back into him to meet his movements. He kisses you again then slides his hand back to your hips and begins a brutal pace.
If you thought you hadn’t been filled before, this angle makes you feel him in places you didn’t think were possible. His body pushing into you more and more with each thrust, you’re sure you’ll have bruises on your hips from his hands and marks on your legs from the edge of the desk. You start to lift yourself, but he uses on hand on your back to press you back down, your cheek turned to the side pressed against the surface so you’re able to see him ravish you from the corner of your eye.
He’s hitting your deepest spot with every thrust, quickly propelling you closer and closer to your second orgasm. Your body is wrecked as he fucks into you. Your vision is blurry, you can’t focus on anything, and your head is filled with your combined moans and the sinfully delightful slap of his hips against your ass and his dick in your pussy. You won’t be able to focus on any of your next projects when you’re on your next shift, all you’ll be able to think of is how this Arc Trooper bent you over your desk and fucked you into another galaxy. Your whole body begins to tense, and you feel a euphoric sensation take over your body. You were already on your way to the strongest orgasm you ever had, when his hand reached around for your clit and his calloused finger pads start rubbing it. You’re pushed past the point of no return.
You scream out but you can’t hear it, you see white and the only thing grounding you to the planet is the sensation of him fucking you through your climax. You call out his name countless times as he fucks you through it, your pussy squeezing him to the point where he can’t hold on any longer and, with a cry of your name, he fills you with hot streams of cum.
He collapses onto you, both of you breathing together and still joined. Slowly he gets up and pulls himself out of you. You nearly roll off the table, but he catches you and picks you up just to bring you down to the floor with him. He holds you in his arms there, allowing you to catch your breath. His golden eyes don’t leave your face as he brushes tears you don’t even realize you had shed off your cheeks. He smiles at you and his eyes twinkle as he leans down to kiss your forehead.
“I’m glad I lost that bet,” you joke, making him laugh and bend down for another kiss.
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erineverly · 3 years
  ❛  CONTINUED  FROM  HERE .  🌻  ┊  ( @rcsechild )
The last few months have been challenging and difficult for Erin, to say the least. Ever since their wedding in April, everything has been spiraling down, with a few ups here and there but nothing truly significant. She can count on the fingers of one hand the days when she was genuinely happy from the moment that she opened her eyes in the morning to the second she closed them at night. They always find something to bicker about, whether it’s something as unimportant as a leaky faucet or something that originates from a much bigger issue like random outbursts of jealousy and anger. There’s always some sort of tension between them and it’s driving her insane. She thinks of running away so often that every time her eyes flicker to the ring on her finger, she can’t help but feel repulsed. Especially when she reminds herself that it’s no longer just the two of them — they’re having a baby and the timing couldn’t possibly be worse. Willow Amelia will be here in a few weeks and their marriage is hanging by a thread. She doubts it can last until the end of September, let alone the beginning of November.
There’s a lot of stress and pressure on both of them. Despite Erin’s best efforts, this pregnancy has been anything but a joyful ride, especially the third trimester. Summers in California are usually hot and dry. Born and raised in the Valley, the curly-haired brunette has grown used to the heat index being above the 90s. However, this particular summer is unlike anything she’s ever experienced. Her feet swell almost every single day, her back and legs ache constantly, she has to go to the bathroom every twenty minutes and even after hours and hours of nothing but frustrations, she rarely gets any sleep at night. She suffers from insomnia. All she does when the sun goes down is toss and turn and waddle to the bathroom. But the worst part about this whole ordeal? She feels like she’s alone. She can’t truly count on anyone because no one understands what she’s going through. She’s tired and grouchy and easily irritated, and all the hormonal changes in her body only pour more gasoline over the already burning fire.
However, despite acting selfish so often, Erin does understand that there’s a lot on Axl’s plate as well right now. She’d have to be blind to fail to notice how frustrated he can get. With Steven no longer in the band, their house still up on the market, the crazy neighbor calling the cops on them every time they as much as raise their voices, the amount of stress that the redhead most likely experiences on a daily basis must be immeasurable. Unfortunately, instead of making things easier for him, his wife is doing the exact opposite and unintentionally only making his life more difficult. That’s when guilt sets in. They should be cherishing every moment that they get to spend together, they should be thankful that their baby is alive and growing . . . Usually, they do anything but that.
So, when Axl shakes her awake one morning, the last thing that she expects is a surprise trip. The vacation that they both clearly need and deserve. When she opens her eyes and sees the suitcases, the very first thing that comes to her mind is — he’s finally had enough, he’s leaving. Her features light up all at once when he informs her that they’re going to the airport together. When they touch down in Indianapolis, Erin is no longer the grouchy, frustrated beast that she’d been the past few weeks. There’s a bright smile on her face and an almost unfamiliar feeling in her heart — hope. Maybe, just maybe, everything will work out and this will be the new beginning. The change that they’ve both been waiting and praying for. Their plane arrives late in the evening, which is why they decide to stay the night at a hotel in Indianapolis, get some much-needed rest and start exploring the next morning.
That’s how they find themselves in a car, heading in the direction only known to the redhead. For the first time in months, Erin is completely relaxed and actually feeling good. One could even say that she’s glowing again. “So . . . We should play a game, you know? I’ll try to guess where we’re going and if I’m right, you’ll buy me a milkshake when we get there,” she playfully suggests, reaching over the console and turning the music down just enough for them to hear one another. She opens her mouth and is about to share one of her assumptions with the redhead when something distracts her. She jolts up in her seat like an overjoyed toddler and squeaks, “oh, my goodness! Look at all these cows, Axy! Aren’t they so cute? Why aren’t they black and white, though? I thought all cows were black and white.” Giggling, she points at a large herd of cows outside and waves at them. “Moo!” She calls out just to be even more obnoxious and make the other laugh. “I don’t think they understand me, Axy. You should try. This one could be your twin sister. She just hasn’t grown her bangs as long as yours yet.”
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mochikeiji · 3 years
Come Home
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↠ Pairing: Gojo Satoru x F!Reader
↠ Warning: anxiety attacks, pregnancy, manga spoiler! chapter 91 (for those who have not read)
↬ Word Count: 2k
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If death was giving you a sign at this very moment, it would be the cold ticks each second the clock on your empty apartment room echoed. Each second comes an outbursts of numerous emotions. On the first tick sent shivers on your skin, the second felt like small pricks of hair slowly rose up as goosebumps followed after, third was the frantic tapping of your foot on the carpeted floor as you bounced your leg.
On the outside, you would've been labelled as overreacting. On the inside, you were slowly dying.
As of now time felt like a never ending torture. It was a tug of war between trust in your husband or the one in your gut; a battle between mind and heart, to whom should you choose to believe in? How long do you plan on standing at the edge of the cliff not knowing the faith that has been laid out for you and the most powerful shaman? To whom do you concede to?
A critical position for you to be in. If Gojo were here beside you, not only would you have to wince at the feeling of his finger flicking your forehead, but also a round of uncharacteristic scolding about how bad it is to be stressed out or anxious because of the growing life inside of you. Well, none of this wouldn't have happened if he didn't left. But as all married couples are out there, you are one of the majority that did not want to tie their partners down from what they were meant to do. Especially if your partner is the most needed person in the world.
You couldn't tell him not to go out. Not out there on the field you've come to grow as a sorcerer yourself. The deaths of your fallen comrades and innocent civilians, the demands of the elders and powerful clans. Most of all, being part of the theatre death had directed. No one knows who'd be next to live another day or to be at forever slumber. And your husband was one of the main casts in this scene. Someone who'd always be near death's door only to keep taunting the horrifying God.
It was all fun and games before. It was either ride or die with Gojo during your youthful days. But as time progressed, and the upcoming family you both had dreamed of was at its peak, from that moment every thing came crashing down. It wasn't hormones anymore. It wasn't simple.
You were beyond terrified.
"Please come home."
Not even realizing you were already kneeling down from the couch you were seated, hands clasps together hard, the veins prodding out as if they were going to pop. A silent mantra of pleads to the unknown world you were stuck in. Chest heaving harshly, tears and snot mixing as they fell down the cushions. You didn't feel them. You couldn't see anything.
There was no way to describe the gaping hole that had swallowed you to your deepest depths of fear.
"Come home, Satoru.."
Was the last thing that had been uttered out from your lips before the dark hushes turned into soft cooes. The once imaginary prickly like nails that was scraping your body changed into gentle strokes on your back and onto your bulging stomach.
If there was no way to describe your fears, what is there to be said for the immense heart break of your own husband coming home to see you knelt down with cascading despair written all over your features? The image of the cheery, and powerful woman he's had of you now haunted by what he had came home to.
Though Gojo never had the brightest personality to everyone, he would trade every thing he has if it meant for you to be pulled out from where he had dragged you in.
He knew from the start loving you would mean a lot. You were every thing he wanted and yearned for in life. The love he always came home to. Cursing his naive self of erasing the fact that you were only human.
You had your limitations and this was it.
"Hey, wifey, shhh." the warmth of his breath next to your ear made you choke a sob. Having his body shield your smaller one from behind with his hands now trapping your still clasped ones. "I'm here, I'm not going any where. Not now or ever." his white hair tickling the side of your cheek as he rubbed the side of his face onto the your tear stained ones. If there was one thing everyone knew he was good at, it was being overly affectionate. Not that you'd complain.
His thumbs massages the back of your hands, smoothing down the veins in hopes of easing your grip. He should probably thank Yuuji for passing out hours ago, if not he'd be still stuck training the young lad and have you deal with this torment possibly longer. Even so, he was glad he had manage to finish up early. At your 7 month of pregnancy he wouldn't dare take longer. He didn't like being away, he never did. Always cursing at those who demand his presence. All he wanted was to stay home with you.
Home where everything is safe.
"Let's get you up, kay? May I carry you?" it was a shock on how uncharacteristically cautious he's become ever since your pregnancy. No one knew the Gojo Satoru knows when to tone it down on situations. It was all heart warming, you wanted to cry.
You gave him a small nod, feeling your body hoisted up from the floor and nested on top of his lap with ease. Never failing to amaze you how you managed to marry this man. The man you'd devotedly pray to the heavens would come back to you alive.
As his arms finally settled on your waist, moving at an upward then downward motion, he rubs your sides. Slowly coming to the globe of your stomach with a soft hum, he watches you deeply with a soft gaze behind his interfering blindfold.
Sighing shakily, you shifted your position a bit to the side, allowing yourself to lean your cheek on his left pectoral, listening to the rhythm his heart beat, sobs died down into sniffles and hiccups. You twiddled with his fingers placed on your stomach. The anxiety inside you barely disappeared, but tamed for the moment.
A light peck on your forehead was placed, snapping you back from the little world that had consumed you, down back in the arms of your beloved husband as he smiles and wipes away the left over tears, "Hi there, honey."
Focused on the warmth his palm emits, you reached out over his covered eyes, sliding away the blindfold, freeing the captivating azure gaze he possesses as they held nothing but love piercing back to your teary ones. His hair framing his adorning features, yet so perfect and lively he was smiling at you. The image of this man you wanted to wake up to every day. To welcome, to smile with, to live, and to love.
Cupping your cheeks in worry, the serene peace disappearing from him when his brows furrowed with his lips frantically hushing you. Parental instincts kicking in as he eyed your stomach in wonder how your dear child was holding up with the mountain of negative emotions crowding you, "Honey, you need to stay calm. Our little bun in there might have trouble baking you know?" he whispered close to your lips, foreheads leaned onto yours.
"Oh, Satoru." a broken smile formed from your quivering lips, "You're home, you're home." thumbs coming close to stroke his lids softly down to his cheeks. Fragile, that's how you'd describe yourself in touching your husband. Every day from the moment you lived with him are days you two cannot be separated from each other's lingering touches. Even so, on those days it still felt like it was too good to be true to have each other embraced away from the terrors of the world.
"I'm home, I'm home." sealing away your sobs with his lips to yours, letting you feel all of his emotions and unspoken vows within the action of only you two could share forever. The love he never knew he was capable of only for you and your child to be gifted of.
"I'm scared." pulling away as you shut your eyes. The dark hushes returning, coming back to haunt you of what is in store for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and so on. The strings attached upon you two, unknowing who was in control of your faiths. "Satoru, I'm scared. Please don't go anymore."
Confessing all of your troubles, he tightens his hold around you. Not a chance, he curses in his head would he allow himself to be defeated so easily and submitting himself to the awaiting gates of death.
"What if you don't come back to me anymore?"
Not a chance, was he going to die after happiness is just within his reach. Longing for something so surreal his entire life. He wasn't going out without having a taste of the sweetness of he now calls home in his life. Not ever. Not when he knows he's the strongest and will continue to reign as he is.
"Honey loves, I'll always come home to you." a vow he seals with the gaze he has locked with yours. The golden band that was proudly worn on his finger from his left hand above your stomach, "I'll always come home to you both, my sweet loves." a vow for only the two people in his life that kept him going. He will always keep his word by heart.
Though it was known that it wasn't enough to fully assure you. The comfort of today was much appreciated and needed for you to finally sigh out one last bit of the sadness, and giving him a teary smile.
"I love you, Satoru."
A melodic sound his heart would crave for every day. Definitely another thing worth coming home if he could hear it again and again.
Smiling mischievously, he reciprocates the feeling by stealing another one of your kisses whilst cradling your body and stomach. He wonders how long would it take for your baby to come meet him. He could hardly wait anymore.
"I love you more."
Was the last thing he had said before his eyes shut close to bask in the warmth and safety of his domain. His and yours little domain. One day to be shared with either a mini you or him between your arms, erupting small giggles into the air.
He couldn't wait to come home to that very day.
Not to wake up another second.
Or was it a minute?
An hour?
He couldn't tell. For time was unpredictable inside the realm he was kept imprisoned.
"Oh, another dream."
An old memory he has with you over months ago.
A breathy chuckle comes out. Was it another thing to mock him of his moment of weakness? Where he could do nothing but lay down and wait for he knows nothing of what could and what was happening?
His bones were on fire. The caged rage inside of him waiting to be freed as he could hear the cackles of his own enemies having to won over him.
"Come home to me."
No, they have not.
The fight was still going. He knows deep down as his faith on his beloved students remains strongly as his love and promises to you. Somehow, some way, he will get out. Like before, time is the enemy. He could only hope that you're holding up for the mean time. It was only matter of time you would be giving birth as well.
And he wasn't planning on missing out the biggest part of his life.
Nor was he planning on letting his enemies run free easily. They were going to pay.
He was going to pay.
"I'm coming home. Wait for me."
Thus begins the string of faith as every thing is set into motion.
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© all content belongs to mochikeiji. Please do not repost or copy, ありがとうございました!! (=^・^=)
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