l1ghtfromthecloset 4 months
Some funny/wholesome headcanons I have for some of the YGO DM characters:
Yugi: Can never find anything. Like ever. Yami used to help him find missing things and now that he's gone, anytime Yugi can't find something, it ends up on his bed exactly 20 minutes later magically. Every. time.
Joey: Is amazing at braiding hair. He used to do it for Serenity all the time.
T茅a: Despite being amazing at dancing, she's not that great at singing. But she's also really good at lip syncing so it makes up for it.
Tristan: opposite to T茅a, he is severely uncoordinated when it comes to dancing, but pretty good at singing. He also owns a guitar in his closet.
Mokuba: He likes to eat straight up coffee beans. Like, just the beans. Straight from the bag. Seto walked in on this one morning and now he is forever secretly terrified of his little brother in the morning.
Seto: He listens to lofi and Hans Zimmer when he works. He listens to metal when he builds decks, and he listens to "You're not me" on repeat regularly. (I made an entire Spotify playlist based on this).
Seto and Mokuba: they combat train together. It's how they bond. And Mokuba somehow beats Seto every time.
Bakura: despite being the Bri'ish little fella we know and love, he hates tea. Especially black tea. Even if it's sweetened. He prefers coffee over anything.
Marik: used to love tea but stopped drinking it once he found out that Bakura hates it. Now he drinks coffee, despite not liking it that much.
Rebecca: she secretly still sleeps with her teddy. She also reads a quantum mechanics book before she sleeps. 馃拃
Duke: He has a small side hustle in making resin dice. He has a pretty creative and crafty side.
That's all I can think of for now :p
Lemme know if y'all want more. You're free to add on your own to this if you'd like :)
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l1ghtfromthecloset 2 months
Introducing some of my AU! (Specifically- the kids)
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As you all know, Mokuba and Rebecca are canon to YGO, but my two latest OCs, Terra and Damien have been added to this friend group. As many of you know, my AU primarily takes place after DSOD, so ofc Mokuba and Rebecca have their aged up looks! (the group members are between the ages of 15-16). Also yes, ofc the besties had to all get matching color coordinated highlights! (Fun fact- they play dungeon dice monsters every Saturday at the Kaiba mansion).
Now, these kids all come from families of power. Mokuba from the Kaiba family, Rebecca from Professor Hawkins, Terra from the Caressea family (Her sister Andromeda runs a tech company called StelliCo), and Damien from the Akmada family (His father is a Rastafarian elder. Damien is a transfer student from Jamaica to Japan. His last name originates from somewhere in the middle east.) These 4 kids don't play much of a heavy roll in the first part of my AU but in the last 2 books (Divided by Time and United by War), all four (who are adults) play a powerful roll in the plotline. What do you guys think about this? Any questions you guys have? LMK in my ask box! ^^
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l1ghtfromthecloset 3 months
My cousin has a whole collection of the yu-gi-oh manga set
she's hyperfixed like you kinda /positive
DAMN that's a lot of books (gimme gimme)
In all honesty I'm too broke to ever buy the entire set. (It's more expensive over here in merica. Also our economy is currently shit so-)
Anyways thanks for the ask and I'm so glad so many people collectively share the same hyperfixation!! :]
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l1ghtfromthecloset 3 months
Tw: Light blood
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They clearly don't have any survival skills. Dumb ahh robot.
Decided to keep the sketch after hating the line art. And then added color because why not?
Fun fact: L1m has digitigrade legs. All of the KaibaCorp bots do. It makes them faster (totally not inspired by a certain pink spider from a certain adult animation).
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l1ghtfromthecloset 4 months
Whelp since you guys loved the last one so much (53 notes DAYUM) uh, let's do another one :3
Here are some MORE funny and wholesome Yu-Gi-Oh! (DM and DSOD) head canons!
(With the addition of my OCs L1m and Zephyr)
Yugi: Has a strange obsession with oranges. Like he HATES orange juice but loves anything orange flavored. Especially fanta.
Atem (before afterlife): Shared the same obsession with orange flavored things as yugi. They often fought over the last can of orange Fanta in the fridge... They always ended up sharing it tho. (Via switching places in Yugi's body.)
Solomon: Could secretly see Atem stand next to Yugi, even though Atem didn't have a physical body. But... He never said anything because he knew the bond between Yugi and Atem was special. He also bought more Fanta for the two when he found out Atem liked the soda.
Atem (after dsod): Visited Yugi and Solomon regularly. Even though Yugi couldn't see him, Solomon could. For some reason, Solomon has the ability to see the dead? No one knew why. But Atem and the old man reconnected. Eventually Yugi found out, and they all talked again, reconnecting, and Yugi/Atem played Yugi's newest game together.
T茅a: She would help Joey, Tristan, and Yugi with algebra homework when the trio skipped classes for go to the arcade.
T茅a (dsod): when the boys skipped class for the arcade, so did she. They all had Bakura help them with Algebra homework instead.
Mokuba and Kaiba (dsod): Mokuba had a late diagnosis of Autism and Adhd when he turned 16. When Kaiba found this out, he invested about a good $10,000 into putting a volume/color easing setting on the duel disks so those with autism don't get over stimulated when dueling. He eventually added visual audio settings for the deaf and convinced Pegasus to add braile on the cards so the blind can duel too.
Kaiba (dsod): Cut Mokiba's hair himself. He knew Mokuba would want to keep his hair longer, but also knew that Mokuba needed something slicker for his ever-growing corporate personality.
Bakura and Marik (after DM) : even after the Pharaohs tomb collapsed, Bakura kept in touch with Ishizu and Marik. Eventually, Marik moved to Japan just to see Bakura, and they started living together as roommates (馃槒).
- (oc) KaibaCorp L1m1nal (after dsod): Was originally created as an experiment for Kaiba to see if he can give ai emotional sentience (this was before dsod arc) but they eventually just became Mokuba and Kaiba's extended family. (After dsod arc) Litterly they lived with the two brothers. They eventually just became a "third sibling".
- (oc) Zephyr (dm): didn't know Yugi and the gang much, but being a pagan and having a connection with the dead, they always saw 2 Yugi's. One taller, one shorter. They thought that it could have been a dead relative of Yugi just watching over him, but then saw Yugi talking to the taller Yugi one day. Zephyr brushed it off as Yugi being pagan too. (But it was actually just Atem).
- (oc) Zephyr and L1m (during dsod arc): Did NOT like each other. Zephyr had a disdain for artificial life, being the pretentious pagan that they are. L1m had a disdain for mysterious and unreadable people. But both found a common ground in confusing everyone with their genders (one is a biological enby, and one is a amab).
Joey (in general): Buys eyeliner for himself and the ones that have a color that he doesn't like, he gives to Serenity (she loves any color).
Yugi and Atem(dm): Found an old photo of Yugi's mother in his closet, though it wasn't in good shape. Later on that day, Yugi found it in a picture frame, good as new, on his bedside table. He knew only Atem could have done this.
Mai (after dsod): started running a cosplay/modeling agency for people who liked the duel monsters card game and cosplay. She even worked with KaibaCorp to develop realistic holograms to add flair to her shows. She found that life wasn't about just getting money, but just about having fun and working hard to help yourself and others. She became an inspiration for millions of young girls who wanted to rule to world.
Lemme know if y'all want more :3
(maybe I'll do side/arc characters next time)
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l1ghtfromthecloset 4 months
Guys! I'd like to add a new addition to the family! Their name is Zephyr (But you can call them Zeph or Ze)
-full name: Zephyr Namatsu
-They go by both He/They
-They're Navajo and Japanese
-friends with Joey and Yugi
-Hates Kaiba, obviously
-Plays duel monsters
-distant cousins with Duke Devlin
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1: normal
2: using the quantum cube
Their character arc takes place shortly after dsod and L1m's creation.
Fun fact: speaking of L1m1nal, there's 2 versions of them in my AU! Past or "KaibaCorp" L1m (which is the one that controls the KaibaCorp blog) and "future" L1m, the one with pink hair.
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Not so fun fact: Zeph hates L1m. Well, at least the KaibaCorp one. They hate how snobby L1m is, and they often compare them to their creator (Kaiba). Though Future L1m1nal meets Zeph and they actually bond over sharing the magic of the Quantum Cube. (If you want the story on how they both end up with it just lemme know and I'll post that too)
Bonus: a little comic a made
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(This was originally ment to be a doodle)
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l1ghtfromthecloset 1 month
How do you do ? I hope to be in a good condition.
This is my special campaign
We hope to help us by donating or sharing to others.
Every donation makes a different even if it a small.
As you know, the war began on October 7 and lasted ten months. During this period, we were unable to obtain food, drink, or treatment because we did not have money.
There is no source of income for the family at the present time, so we are unable to buy food, clean water, and medicine, especially after we are afflicted with the ongoing infectious diseases spread in the north like Hepatitis C disease.
Our house has been damaged a lot since the beginning of the war. We are from the north of Gaza and we are still in the north and have not displaced to the south. We displaced 10 times from place to another seeking to safety .
We hope for your help and support, even if only a little.
This is the link if you would to read our story well 馃憞馃憞
Thank you all
While I have no money myself, (some Americans can't work until we are 16 and my parents won't let me work yet) mutuals please help spread this message and if you have the money to spare, DONATE! It doesn't matter if it's 50 cents or 2000 dollars. Anything helps. Spreading this helps. This is the damage that Israel had brought upon the people of Gaza and it's so unfair. It's disgusting, the amount of men, women, and children that have been killed in this war, despite innocence. There is no pressure to reblog, but please if you can, spread the message and do what you can to help. Thanks, mutuals.
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