#and then he fights jeffery for. being too nice to her
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hearty-an0n ¡ 6 months ago
the sillies
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sugar-champagne ¡ 7 months ago
To the nurses office
Jeffery x Reader
Summary: after getting beat up by Kylar again someone actually takes the time of day to see him he’s ok
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Jeffery’s POV:
The day started out like normal. I was reading the latest chapter of Fairy Tale when I was so rudely interrupted by Kylar asking me why I was reading a “picture book.”
And I guess that’s where the argument started. I tried to explain that it was manga, but I guess his small jock brain was too stupid to understand the complexities of these books.
But it was no use. When the arguments ended, like they always do, I was on the floor, and my glasses broke from a punch to the face again. My dad is going to be so mad that my mom will have to buy a new pair.
But something was different about this day, something I never thought would happen, and that’s when I heard the voice of an angel.
It was Y/N. We have never spoken much before, but they always treated me like a real person, they came up to me, held my face, and asked me if I was okay. Not even the sharp sting of the punch could distract me from how soft their fingers felt against my skin.
I tried to answer them and tell them I was okay, but I could do nothing but stumble over my words. I couldn’t help it; they were so close, our faces nearly touching as they inspected my face for serious damage.
After trying to talk once more and stumbling over my words again, they lifted me to my feet like I weighed nothing (I look like I weigh 90 pounds soaking wet).
I stood there, their hand still holding mine. I stumbled a little, but they caught me and wrapped their arm around my waist to hold me up.
I couldn’t articulate how amazing it felt to be in their arms and being pressed so firmly against their side. I could smell the sweetness of their vanilla body spray that they use every day.
We finally made it to the nurse's office, but the nurse wasn't there. She was probably out on her smoke break. This is probably for the better since the nurses are getting sick of me coming in every day, but it’s not my fault I'm surrounded by a bunch of barbarians.
Y/N pulls me forward to the empty chair as they search the nurse's office. They found a pack of Band-Aids and ice packs. Then they sat right next to me. That was the closest i’ve ever been to an such an attractive person before .”. They started to speak again, and my adrenaline finally died down. I started to hear their soft, beautiful voice.
“Wow, he really left a mark on you, didn’t he? You should know better than to even talk to Kylar. You know he can't handle complicated words.” Then Y/N placed an ice pack on my sore cheek, which was a relief to the searing pain in my face.
“They broke my glasses. I just got these fixed the other day. My dad's gonna be so mad,” I said. And just then, Y/N took them out of my hands. “They don't look too bad. This happens to my dad all the time. You could just pop the glass back in the frame… And there we go, all done. Looks like I saved you from another argument, hehe.”
Oh, that laugh. I could listen to it on repeat forever. I don't know why they're so nice to me, but I can't deny I love this attention. “I wonder when you'll stop finally getting into so much trouble. I can't believe anybody would want to even fight you. I mean, look at you,” they said.
They started to gently pinch and rub my cheek, and in that moment, I felt like we were the only people in the world. I can only hope Y/N lets me stay a part of their world.
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Hope you all enjoy 😉 more will be made
And to the people who really wanted it
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skibidirizzlergyatohio ¡ 1 month ago
Jeffery and i arrived at the casino around 11:30. the place was packed, it was unbelievable. just imagine my amazement went we entered, the chandeliers, the couches, the music, the fucking champagne fountain. i had to stay focused. where was Seraphina? it seemed impossible to find her when the building was so HUGE.
that’s when i heard familiar laughter coming from a table nearby. “and look at that! i win again!” she laughed as she snatched the chips from the middle. holy shit. is that.. her..??? she looked completely different? her hair, the piercings, he clothes, her pupils were black, and.. her wings? the weren’t as vibrant as before, a few shades darker than when i last saw her a about.. 20 years ago? i approached the table. “50 on black.” i smiled. it took her a second, but her eyes widened when she realized. “Lorelei?! is that you? what the hell are you doing here?” she laughed, smiling brightly. of course i wouldn’t tell her i just came to ask a favor, that’s just messed up. this whole situation is pretty messed up however you put it. i show up 20 years later when i learn my sister has a successful career to ask her for some money, so i can destroy the most powerful being in history. “well, when i heard you were here, i thought we’d catch up a bit, have a few drinks?” “absolutely!”
after winning that bet i made (HAH), we got a small, cute table at the bar. i learned that apparently she fled after the fight and decided to become a “entrepreneur?” that was certainly interesting. Jeffery was very quiet. i don’t blame him. must’ve been kinda awkward. “so! uhm, i gotta small favor to ask.” “oh?” she raised a brow. “what did ya need?” my gaze shifted slightly to the left, “mm.. a couple thousand celstons..” her expression darkened. it was a little creepy, actually. it felt like i was looking at a different person.. “what for?” “..i want to finish what i started, but i need some.. reinforcements..” my expression contorted to match hers. i knew she knew what i meant. “..how much do you need, exactly?” “..10,000 to get me started.” . . . “follow me.” she got up, and started walking. jeffery and i followed her up to her office, which was carefully decorated with lavish furniture and decorations. she’d pour herself a glass of whiskey from her impressive collection. “so, about the cash..” she started, sitting in her chair, jeffery and i sitting across from her. “i’ll let ya take out a loan.” she said, swirling the whiskey in her glass “but if you don’t pay it back in 100 years, i’ll start collecting interest.” “seriously?” “yes.” she said with a blank expression. “not even a family discount?” “pfft, yea your funny.” she laughed. “well shit, i guess it’s a deal.” “excellent.” she grinned darkly “i just need you to sign one little paper, and we’ll be all set.” she reached in her desk and pulled out a photocopied contract. “just sign right there, and your prints there.” she took the cap off a small palette of ink. i did as she said, signing and stamping my fingers. “pleasure doing business with ya.” she took a sip from her glass, holding her hand out for me to shake. i took her hand in mine. her handshake was very.. professional. like she had done this thousands of times before, all her responses and actions seemed rehearsed. i guess people change. “it was nice seeing you again, Lorelei, hope we can do this again sometimes soon.” she said, not as enthusiastic as she previously was a few hours ago. “hope we can too, thank you for your time.” i smiled, walking out the door with jeffery, who had remained silent this whole time. i stopped right at the door. “by the way..” i paused. “it’s Shadow now.” with that, i left.
as soon as they left, i sighed. the whole time i knew she only was buttering me up because she needed something. it’s what they all do.. ya know, i didn’t think i’d actually care so much about my sister using me. yet i let her, no complaints. why am i like this? why are we like this? i stared at the wall, taking a long sip from my glass. i groaned, going out to the balcony. i pulled a carton of cigarettes and lighter from the small table beside the chairs. i put one to my lips, lighting it. i took a long drag as i looked down at the pool, full of drunkards. nobody really cared about me, i was well aware of that. and i was also aware not nobody really would. ever. even to Lorelei. speaking of Lorelei, i noticed how badly Constance had fucked her up. i mean, half of her face replaced by tightly stitched on leather. not to mention her wings, completely torn. obviously i didn’t bring it up, but i didn’t know Constance went THAT far. come on, banishing your own sister and almost killing her is a little harsh, even for trying to kill the most powerful entity in the universe. i finished my cigarette, putting it out on my ashtray. i headed back downstairs. i stopped dead in my tracks when i saw.. her.. the most beautiful girl i had ever seen, playing black jack. it put me in a state of shock at just how gorgeous this girl was. her tan skin, her wavy deep chestnut brown hair complimenting her almost pitch black eyes. she appeared to be part deer, her nose black, and had pale-ish brown antlers. she was wearing a short leopard print dress, black high boots, a gold necklace that matched her hoop earrings, then my gaze fell on her eyes. oh, how hypnotizing those eyes of hers was, they had me completely helpless. she was her glossy lips made me want to drool, and i probably would have if i hadn’t been snapped out of my transfixion by the most soothing voice i had ever heard. “hello?” the pretty girl spoke with a southern accent, confused “oh! um, hello!” i felt the blood rush to my cheeks. “is something wrong?” “no? who said that something was?” i tripped on my words a bit. “oh, it’s nothing, i just thought i did something because you were staring.” she chuckled softly. “oh! i apologize for the confusion, no, uhm..” i smiled awkwardly, “your just.. wow, your gorgeous.” “!” she looked surprised. “why, thank you!” after that, we just kinda stared at eachother, i realized she was waiting for me to say something, “um, i apologize for the informality, i forgot to introduce myself.” i rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. “i’m Seraphina, but if you just wanna call me Sera that’s fine too.. i own this place, hehe.” i chuckled, trying to look away, but that just didn’t seem to be possible. “nice to meet ya, my name is Magnolia.” “..that’s a beautiful name.” “oh, stop it.” she laughed, her voice as smooth as butter.
after a few more drinks and laughter, she checked her watch. “hey, it’s getting late.. i think i’m gonna get going.” “well, your certainly welcome back anytime.” she laughed, she did that a lot. laugh. it was the only thing that made me feel something positive, either than gambling. it was addicting “see ya around-“ she was walking off, when i stopped her. “i- um.. do you want my number..?” she stared at me with those void like eyes of hers. “sure!” she handed me her phone, and i punched in my number. “..feel free to call anytime!” “alright, cya!” i watched as the stunning woman- Magnolia, walked away. Magnolia, the prettiest girl that i know. perfection is the only word i think of when i think of Magnolia. she doesn’t know that the world is turning just for her. well, at least my world is.
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fkyumerica ¡ 1 year ago
Fri 5:23 PM
https://www.tube.com/shorts/m3YoFKuySJU one was under it when it spin around
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The girls beautiful
last one they would be it
 and gay too
 they only let shit in
 didnt lock the door
 and unlock it
 make em drink
 bar tender
 now i work in school and barf inject alcohol in them
 their little leagues kept people of work places talking to each other
 what sports stars now
 still dont care
to work a job
 people could ice skate and jog around the track
 see giants running and shoot them
 talk with people in the parking lot
 shoot the blacks watching it
 lincoln park high school
https://www.tube.com/watch?v=_a8VfTrv2zg they are still alive, England, big ben is where he is in
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 get the alcohol from it
 its their piss
then they cant move and look like the same women
 so do the men
 and drag
 i will start it
  fucked up goodbye
https://www.tube.com/shorts/xQDb5bjewHI agent orange pregnancy, nerf football
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Golden Retriever Thought The Baby Stuff Was For Him | The Dodo #thedodoanimals #dog
 from an infant
 goes outside pregnant, the same
 grandma would buy food for her
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Chucky's Untold Stories | EP03: Unveiling The Weakness of Chucky
 we filmed some
 annabelle was pinocchio
 and jester
 hand me downs were it
 next mate
 chucky gets it next
 the it clown is him
 wayne threw him 15 times to kill him
 from kathy when they wentt back together
 after she mated with elizabeth bell/jake mcpartlin
 hi ho silver
 jake married jake/cocoums family
they get pregnant with two remember
jeffery got cheryl pregnant then on the side emily, then jeffery got emily pregnant with dennis rodman
first to see if dennis rodman could mate with emily no then he mates with cheryl no then he mates with me no
they kept saying it till they turned it into english
liquid fermaldohyde the dolls
to make them one
then blow fire to make it come aback
and its just another husband who comes in the house too
and wife, fuck fuck mate mate fuck fuck mate mate
and the husband fuck fuck
to see how much they can endure, and when to leavehim
can only go to that
men were to put their daughters on the beach to die
bigger than her went to it
https://www.tube.com/watch?v=ZvXiABhkRr8 get everyones garbage with me
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For 5 Years, A Ghost Has Taken Care Of 2 Girls As Her Children
now tin foil it now mercury it
let it out chris
as plastic
burn it with rs again
soothe it
calm it down
reject it
tinsel it
that is waynes dad
those were the twin girls at school
guy down the street old man
if  dont like em i'll fight  on that one
now come with me nice girls
there are constant slams in this house people are insane
he wont come over till he gets two kids then he leaves
thinks he is coming at her
those are her kids
the dog said it
use one to electrocute the fence then he is the wondergirl after
im so sad wtf
now work out
Fri 6:08 PM
jackay was meghan
and her mother was lori the fast times at ridgemont high football player
and jake
im laughing
he did my hair?
https://www.tube.com/watch?v=AWsPyPDaMcw and cheryl went with him
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13 day old Dalmatian puppies
see the weird collars
they made dogs to sell
to make a living
 and knock her off her ass to know what easter island is
 make what she saw go white
 and they are turned on
 not me
 by being 4 and a giant is here i can fuck up my parents and leave
 meghan was her daughter with mark and she left
 what are they doing paying them with dog money woof
 and clamp each thing married her inbred
10:24 AM
show me a whale getting fucked
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https://www.tube.com/watch?v=6r5xrCXXxZA hahahahahahaa
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0 notes
fandomfollowerart ¡ 3 years ago
Woods Brothers AU
Based off this video! If you scroll down you can see me debating the idea. Sorry if this isn’t great I just browsed for grammar errors and didn’t really re-read it I sat on my bed, staring up at the ceiling while music blared through my headphones. I did this a lot when I was bored with nobody to talk to. E.J and Ben were out on a mission and Liu was who knows where. It was still- a bit weird, my relationship with my brother, he still cast a few snide remarks my way but- it was mostly civil, and it was nice… Nice that my brother was alive, nice that we were actually getting along, and nice to be back being as normal as we both could be. Granted… it didn’t stop the guilt that still swarmed me at the sight of the scars I’d left on his life and his body. It didn’t stop the nightmares that still plagued me of that night. It didn’t stop the constant thoughts of ‘I don’t deserve this.’ But that was fine. That was karma for everything I’d done to him. I still had my brother, and he didn’t completely hate me. I was pulled from my thoughts as my headphones were pulled from my ears only to meet Liu’s gaze as he smiled at me. It became much easier to tell between him and Sully since we started getting along. “I swear if you keep listening to your music this loud you’re going to blow your ear drums.” I snatched them away from him, but shut off the music. “If you hear how much E.J chastises me for how much I get injured and ‘Jeff it’s a stupid idea to fight a God’, you’d want to lose your hearing too. Anyways, what did you need?” I asked, sitting up. He laughed but spoke up, “Well, I found this really cool place out in the woods, perfect for stargazing, and wanted to ask you to come see it with me. Ya know, spend some- brotherly time together.” I hardly hesitated, quickly agreeing. When we were younger we did it a lot. When one of us couldn’t sleep we’d go outside together to the backyard and just stare at the sky. He’d gotten me a book on the constellations one year and we both had a blast with it. It sent a wave of emotions remembering those times. Happiness that we were getting back to it, but sadness and guilt at what I had given up. I took a deep breath, pushing the thoughts aside and standing up. “Let’s get going.” —————I ran through the woods, after Liu as he had decided to run ahead, challenging me to a race. Due to how out of the blue it was and my feet decided to find every tree root, I was falling behind, having to rely on the broken twigs and footprints left behind. I eventually made it to what I assumed was the clearing he was talking about, but he was nowhere to be seen. I called out to him, only gaining no reply. “Go to sleep, Jeffery.” Before I could even process what was said, or figure out who the voice even belonged to, something hit me over the head. Hard. I fell to the ground from the force and lost the fight to keep conscious. Everything faded to black.—————Ugh… my head… What ha- The memories flooded back to me. Liu’s offer, chasing him through the woods, someone hitting me over the head… The room I was in was dimly lit by a shitty pull string lightbulb but I was able to make something out. 3 figures, 1 sat in the corner in shadow and the other two I recognized quickly, even in my slightly dazed state. Jane and Nina. I tried to lunge at them, trying to grab my knife. That was quickly stopped by the restraints they had me in. Handcuffs attached to chains stuck to the wall. Shit… this wasn’t good… The attempt earned a giggle from all of them. I had to get out of this. I wasn’t dying here. I kept struggling. “Alright assholes let me go! Or are you too scared to fight me head-on?” I taunted, trying to rile them both up. I’d deal with the shady person after I got out of these stupid chains. They both glared at me, but I gave them no chance to speak. “Awww, you are scared.” Jane took a step towards me, pulling out her knife. “Let’s just get this over with. This f**ker’s getting on my last nerve.” she hissed, taking another step. The figure in the corner moved quickly, putting a hand on Jane’s shoulder. Liu….? No. No this had to be Sully. It hated me since we first met after all with no sign of giving me a chance as my brother did. “Relax Jane, don’t want to spoil this too soon, right? We agreed to let him suffer for what he did, didn’t we?” Nina pipped up in agreeance, gripping her own weapon as she glared at me. “Let me go.” I hissed, grabbing the other two’s attention. As they both turned to me, I noticed something. See- one of the easiest ways to tell Liu apart from Sully was the earrings they had on that switched depending on who’s in control. And right now… they were green… “Liu…?” I said, barely above a whisper. He-... N-no he- he said he was willing to try. He said he was willing to fix things! “How- H-how could…-” Liu laughed. Full on laughed. Like I had either said the funniest thing or I was a complete idiot. Probably the latter- He stepped closer to me. Kneeling down to my level on the ground and quickly composed himself. “How could I do this? I would think you’d have been smarter than that. Why would I ever forgive you? You ruined my life.” The words were like a punch to the gut. Sure… I had the thoughts myself. But hearing them come from his mouth hurt more than anything I’d been doing to myself. I stared up at him, all the feelings I’m sure reflecting on my face. “You… betrayed me….?” He stood, stepping back to stand with the two girls. “Of course I did! Look at us. Look at the people you’ve ruined. What did any of us do to you, huh?” I felt like crying in all honesty. The waves of guilt washed over me. Actually- it felt like being run over by a truck. “I’m sorry… I didn’t-” “Save your breath.” Liu stated, a threatening tone to his voice, “To be honest, I don’t care about your apologies. You will, and always will be, a monster and a murderer.” I lowered my head, keeping my mouth shut. What else could I do…? It hurt… being backstabbed, but- wasn’t that what I’d done all those years ago to him? My past actions had finally caught up with me, and this was the consequence. I deserved this. Especially from Liu.
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mediocre-writerr ¡ 4 years ago
all for us [the wilds girls]
the wilds girls x platonic fem reader
requested: I love your imagines a lot, you’re an amazing writer! I had a promt where maybe the reader is the youngest of all the girls and basically the younger sister they all never had and they all care and love for her very much (maybe short flashbacks with moments of her and the girls) and once their quarantine is over they realize she’s missing and it turns out she got internal injury or something else quite angsty and the girls do everything they can for her
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*not my gif*
“So tell me about Y/N Y/L/N.” Agent Young says.
“Y/N Y/L/N?” Leah asks and Agent Young nods, “Where do I even begin?” 
You were the youngest of the group. Not too much younger than them, but still younger. And just like regular siblings being the youngest had its perks and downfalls.
For one, you could never go anywhere alone. Even to pee, the girls would not let you out of their sight. 
But, you got away with almost everything. The girls couldn’t stay mad at you for too long, not even Toni could stay mad at you. And she could literally stay mad at anyone until the day she died. 
“I’m taking you and her were close?” Agent Fader asks.
“Yeah, she was close to pretty much everyone. She’s like a little bean we all wanted to protect. You just wanted to squish her cheeks ever time you see her.” 
“Leah? What are you doing up here?” you ask her, plopping down onto the sand further away from everyone. 
She shakes her head staring out at the sun that was just beginning to set, “Just reading the notes he left me...again. I know I’m pathetic.” 
“I wasn’t gonna say that.” you reply and she looks at you wide-eyed.
“You weren’t?” 
You shake your head, smiling at her a little bit, “You were in love. I’ve never been in love before, but when you’re in love you’re in love. And he dumped you which wasn’t cool. I don’t support your relationship with him, but it’s only natural to be heartbroken over it.” 
“You’re wise for your age.” she says, ruffling your hair.
“If I ever meet Jeffery, I’m gonna kick his ass.” you warn her, looking at her dead in the eye.
“You probably can, if I’m being honest.” Leah states and she lets out a small laugh. 
Yes, mission accomplished.
You nod with your fists up, pretending to block, “Hit him with that one, two, punch. Pow. Pow pow pow!” you mimic, punching the air in front of you.
Your fake fighting causes her to laugh a little louder and harder. So you decided to take it up a notch, get her distracted a little more.
You get up from where you were standing. And lift one leg up, like Daniel did in Karate Kid, “Finish him!” you yell, making your voice a little deeper. 
Kicking your feet up in the air, however you don’t stick the landing. You fall onto your back letting out a small groan and the sudden hit. Leah starts laughing uncontrollably, releasing a little snort.
That small snort causes you to start laughing along with her. Jeffery long forgotten. 
“We heard from Leah that Y/N was close with everyone. Is this true?” Fader asks. 
“Oh yeah 100%.” Rachel says with a nod, “It was like having yet another younger sister to take care of. Or well...them taking care of me.” 
“You think you can beat me in a swim race.” Rachel asks, staring at you like you’ve just grown two horns.
You hum in response, “Yep!” 
“Fine you’re on! From this point to those rocks.” she says, pointing at the rock figures in the middle of the ocean.
“Who you got?” Dot asks, Toni.
Toni looks at her with a small smirk on her face, “I’m gonna bet on the underdog this round. I got my Diet Coke on Squirt here!” Toni gestures to you, using your annoying nickname that the girls named you after. 
They gave you the nickname after the turtle from Finding Nemo. You pretended to hate it, but you secretly loved your embarrassing nickname.
“You’re on!” Dot says, shaking her hand.
“On your mark, get set...GO!” Martha yells sitting along next to Marcus.
The two of you take off swimming. You start off a little slow at first trying to maintain your energy, but Rachel was the opposite. She was using everything in her power to get their as fast as she could.
When she finally started slowing down, that’s when you pushed on the gas. Moving your arms and legs in a perfect motion. Slowly, but surely you started passing her just as you made it to the rocks.
“Hell yeah!” Toni yells.
Dot groans before throwing Toni a Diet Coke. 
“How the hell did you do that?” Rachel asks you, out of breath as the two of you sat on the rocks.
“Honestly, no idea.” you say with a laugh and she rolls her eyes.
“Race you back!” she yells, jumping into the ocean.
“Cheater!” you yell before diving in after her. 
Dot was slurping down her milkshake. While the two agents waited for her to stop drinking. 
“Can I have another one of these?” Dot asks and Fader nods with a laugh. 
“Who do you think you wanted to protect most on the island?” Young asks after Dot finishes her ten course meal.
“Y/N, hands down. I think that would be every girls answer.” Dot explains, plopping another fry into her mouth.
All of you girls were relaxing on the beach. After two days of scavenging the jungle for any sorts of food and firewood. This was the first day all of you could just relax.
“I just came up with the best idea!” you exclaim. 
It was just you and Dot. The rest of the girls were scattered all over the beach, doing their own thing.
“What is it?” she asks as your eyes had that mischievous glint to them, “Oh no. I know that look!” 
“We’re already stranded on a deserted island, what if we pretended we were on an episode of Naked and Afraid?!” you say, excitedly.
She releases on of her famous hearty laughs, “You want all of us to strip down naked? You really think the girls would be up for it?” 
You nod your head, multiple times, “I bet at least 6/9 of the girls here have at least imagined one of us naked.” 
Dot raises her eyebrows at you, “Are you one of those 6?” 
“No comment...” you state.
After much convincing, you got the girls to have a pretend episode of Naked and Afraid. Everyone was stripping down of their clothes, looking at each other, trying to stifle a laugh. 
The air was awkward, yet comfortable at the same time. The only awkward part was standing there unsure of what to do next. 
“Y/N, you have a cute butt!” Fatin exclaims, giving you a high five.
Toni sidles up next to her to get a look, “Awe it looks like a little peach.” 
You throw your face in your hands, shaking your head as a chorus full of aw’s fill the air. 
Toni sat there with her arms crossed over her chest, not wanting to talk about anything to these phonies. 
“So we’ve been asking the girls their opinions on everyone else, we’re gonna go one by one on the list and you’ll say one word to describe them.” Fader says and Toni just nods.
“Leah Rilke?” 
“Over-thinker.” Toni replies.
“Rachel Reid?” 
“Dot Campbell?” 
“Shelby Goodkind?” 
There was a moment of silence, trying to find the right words to say, “Complex.” 
“Martha Blackburn?” 
“Y/N Y/L/N?” 
Toni laughs to herself softly, “Squirt.” 
You and Toni were out in the shallow waters of the ocean. Dot sent you and Toni on an experiment to see if watch she saw on TV actually works. Where you stand out in the water and catch a fish with your bare hands.
The two of you didn’t quite know the logistics on how it works, but you volunteered anyway. You were standing out, not too far away from the shore just reaching down trying to grab a fish to eat.
Each time you tried you came out short, “You look like an idiot right now.” Toni says, laughing at you flailing your arms in and out of the water.
“Shut up!” you say, splashing her with water. 
“You guys aren’t doing it right?!” Nora yells from the shore, “You need to stay still and patient so the fish will come to you.” 
“We literally picked the worst people for this job.” Shelby says and you and Toni flip her off from where you were standing, “You guys literally can not stay still for the life of you. And don’t even get me started on patience.”
“That’s rude!” you yell at her, “God can hear you! You’re supposed to be nice!” 
“I’m also supposed to be honest!” Shelby shoot back and you mock her actions, before she gives you the bird herself.
“Hey that’s not allowed!” Toni yells at her girlfriend. 
You start laughing with Toni, pushing her slightly. She pushes you back playfully, before it turns in to a full on battle to see who can get the other to fall first. But Toni being Toni decided to just tackle you. 
“Ahhhhhh!” you say letting out a little screen, “Something’s touching me!” 
“Pick it up! It could be a fish!” Toni exclaims.
You pick up the creature and yell a little louder when it bites you, tossing it in the process, “It bit me!!” 
“Y/N, it’s a baby turtle!” Toni exclaims, “You were scared of a baby turtle!” 
“Shut the fuck up.” you joke with her, but give her a serious look. 
Toni picks up the turtle examining the cute little guy. She looks at the turtles face and then back at you doing a double take. 
“It kinda looks like you.” she says, before letting it go back into the ocean.
“Fuck you.” you tease, tackling back into the ocean.
“We really picked the worst people.” Shelby says to Nora.
Both of them shaking their heads in disappointment.
“Thoughts on Y/N Y/L/N?”
“Oh intern for being the baddest bitch out there.” Fatin says with a smile on her face.
“Intern for who?” Fader asks.
“Me of course.” 
Nora and Rachel were currently fighting to the death. Neither you, Leah, or Martha knew what to do.
“Y/N come over here!” Fatin says, gesturing for you to go where she was standing, “Take this bottle of lube!” 
You catch the bottle of the lube she tossed you. And you raised your eyebrow up at her. 
“Just follow my lead.” she brings her toothbrush up to her mouth, “Nora has Rachel pinned on the ground.” she mocks an announcer you would hear on ESPN.
“But Rachel is not giving up too easily folks!” you go along with your guys’ bit, “I don’t know about you Fatin, but I have never seen a girl fight this interesting in my life!” 
“Agreed, usually it’s just a bunch of-HOLY SHIT that was a knee to the tit ladies and gentlemen!” she yells out. 
“Is Rachel out for the count?!” you add on watching the fight unfold in front of you. 
It’s probably not the best time to make jokes, but you all need to let loose once in awhile.
“Wait...she’s getting up!” Fatin yells.
“Oh my gosh she’s not...OUCH! That was knee to the twat!” you yell wincing at the pain that was just brought upon Nora.
“Y/N, how do you feel about this fight?” Fatin asks.
You shake your head, “I don’t know you have two amazing fighters going head to head for the very first time. We have Rachel, olympic diver, very strong and very determined. But then we have the underdog of the hour Nora who is small and scrawny, but she’s packing quite a punch. It could be anyone’s game.” 
“You’re absolutely right Y/N! But Rachel now as Nora pinned to the ground and she can’t seem to get up! This fight might be over everyone!!” 
“Hey there.” Shelby says, sitting down at the metal table. 
“Hello Shelby, can we get you anything?” the two men ask and she just sit back in her seat, shaking her head.
Fader nods, “Well let’s get started, shall we?” 
The three of them have a long conversation before Shelby ultimately decides to stop the interview all together. 
“Wait just one question!” Fader exclaims as Shelby stands up, “How do you feel about Y/N?” 
At the sound of your name Shelby freezes in her spot, “My favorite person on the island.” fear and worry start to fill her body at why the sudden question about you, “Is she okay??” 
You were trekking in the jungle looking for some source of food. All of you ate all the food when the rescue plane was coming, but it’s not coming anytime soon so here you were.
Shelby, Toni, and Martha said they were gonna go out looking, but none of them were to be found. So you decided to go on a little expedition to find them. You heard rustling coming from the tree up ahead, so you decided to follow the noise.
Only to see Toni and Shelby basically naked under a lychee tree, “Oh my god!!!” you yell, covering your eyes with your hand.
“AHHH!” the two girls scream, but you couldn’t see what they were doing.
You turned around facing towards the direction you came from, “Sorry sorry. I was just looking for you guys and food. I uh I didn’t mean to.” you say, shaking your head.
“Jesus Y/N you scared us!” Shelby yells and you can hear rustling. 
Hopefully, they were putting their clothes back on. 
“Damn it I was getting laid!” Toni says jokingly and you could hear a smack hit her arm.
“Leave our daughter alone!” Shelby jokes and you laugh softly.
“Can I turn back around now?” you ask meekly.
“Yes.” the two girls say and you release a sigh and turn around to face the two girls.
You look at their flush faces, “You guys couldn’t have gone a little farther away?” you ask, “Thanks to you I’m more traumatized than I already was.” you joke. 
“Oh c’mon you know you liked it.” Toni nudges your shoulder as the two of you walk back to the camp.
Your face flushes as you put your head in your hands, “Stop corrupting her!” Shelby yells at her. 
“Let me see her!” Shelby yells at the two men.
“We can’t let you do that. You girls aren't allowed to see each other yet. Not for awhile.” Agent Young says.
“Can you at least tell me if she’s okay?” she asks, looking at the two men with her eyebrows raised.
“She’s fine.” 
That didn’t relieve the feeling in Shelby’s chest that something could possibly be wrong. But she couldn’t do anything, even if we tried.
The girls didn’t know how long they were quarantined. It felt like months and it probably was a couple months. They finally let all of the girls hang out together in the small courtyard.
All of them hugging one another, super glad to see each other. Knowing that everyone’s okay. Well...everyone who made it.
“Y/N? Where’s Y/N?” Leah asks, looking at all the other girls.
“She was okay when we left. She should be here.” Dot adds on. 
Shelby face was flushed with worry, “They wouldn’t let me see her when I asked about her. I asked if she was okay, but they said she was fine.” 
Fader was standing there with a guilty look on his face. Toni’s blood was boiling at the look on his face. She runs up to him, pushing him against the wall, holding onto him by the collar. 
“Where the fuck is she?!” she yells.
Which causes Agent Young to burst into the room, “What’s going on here?” 
“Where is Y/N?!” Toni yells again, but at the other man.
Agent Young locks eyes with Fade and he subtly nods, “She’s in the infirmary. Her heart was in bad condition, so she needed open heart surgery. The surgeons are working on her right now.” 
“You told me she was fine when I was being interrogated.” Shelby says in between gritted teeth, “Did you lie?” 
The two men don’t answer. They just stare anywhere, but at the other girls. The silence spoke louder than any words did. Fatin scoffs at the men’s actions.
“That’s why you wanted to know huh?” Leah asks, her imagination running wild, “You wanted to know about her because you were wondering if she was worth saving. Isn’t that right?” 
Neither of the men decided to speak again.
“Let us see her.” Rachel says, staring at them intensely.
“We can’t do that. She’s in surgery right now.” Young says.
Toni pushes Fader up against the wall yet again, “You’re gonna let us see her when she’s out. No excuses. No bullshit. You’re gonna let us see our friend.” Toni threatens.
The girls sat in the waiting room of the infirmary. Leah paced back and forth chewing on her fingernail. Toni was trying to console a worried Shelby. While Dot, Rachel, and Fatin sat in the seats waiting impatiently.
Agent Young filled the girls in on your condition. You had a heart disease before you came onto the island. And your parents gave you a little trip to help because of the depressive state you were in. Little did they know you would be trapped on an island with none of the medication that was needed to help you survive.
All of the rigorous activity brought your heart to a weaker state than ever before. When the girls got saved, you were already experiencing symptoms of heart failure. And you were put under immediate watch when you reached the facility. You were getting better, but then your heart gave out and you needed to get an artery reconstructed.
“We already lost too much.” Fatin whispers in the tense silence of the waiting room. 
“Nora, Martha...” Rachel draws out.
“We can’t lose Y/N.” Toni adds. 
“The girl who loved the most has a heart condition. How ironic is that?” Dot asks.
“I’m scared guys.” Leah whispers.
“She’s strong, she’ll pull through.” Shelby says, trying to boost their hope, but she’s losing faith herself.
After God knows how long the doctor finally came out. All of the girls looking up at her. Tears brimming all of their eyes, scared for the answer they were about to get.
“She’s okay. We managed to repair it without too much trouble. You guys can see her now.” the doctor says and everyone lets out this huge breath.
A smile breaks out on Fatin’s face as tears spill from her face. The six girls walk into your hospital room where you were laying peacefully. Your eyes somewhat open, you had a soft smile on your face as you stared at the girls.
“Hey guys!” you exclaim, as excited as you can.
Dot lets out a small sniffle, “You scared us, asshole!” 
“Why didn’t you tell us about your condition?” Fatin asks, tears still streaming down her face.
You shrug, “We already were going through too much. I didn’t want to worry everyone more or get treated any differently. Rachel, if I told you about my heart would you have raced me?” 
She shakes her head, “No.” 
Rachel, Dot, and Fatin take a seat on the foot of the rock-hard hospital bed. You scooted over so Leah could cuddle in next to you. While Shelby and Toni pulled up a chair right by your side.
Leah rests her head on your shoulder, “We thought we were gonna lose you Squirt.” Toni says, ruffling your hair. 
Shelby was still crying, looking at you full of worry. You look at the blonde beauty who was now bald, but she still looked beautiful.
“Come here.” you whisper to her. You scoot over closer to her Leah, making room for her.
She sits next to you, crying into your chest, “Hey. I’m okay Shelby.” you look at all of the other girls who still had worry on their face, “I’m okay guys. We’re all okay.”
But the girls don’t look convinced.
“Listen to my heart Shelby, it’s still beating. Just focus on that okay?” you tell her and she nods. Even Leah could hear your heart beating from here. 
“You’re really okay?” Shelby asks and you nod.
“I’m okay. I promise.” you say, giving each of the girls a look, They all nod with small smiles, “Now how the hell do we get out of here?” you whisper.
And each of you give each other a small smirk, “Time for the Great Escape.” 
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starr-fall-knight-rise ¡ 4 years ago
HASO, “Found Out.”
I took inspiration from the ONE question on the discord server that has caused me no little amount  of annoyance. I have had it asked so many times that now there is an auto response to anyone who asks me the question. Those of you who are on the server know what I am talking about. Those of you who don’t. I will answer at the end of this post.
Simon had to see what was going on.
Granted, the admiral’s business was the Admiral’s business, but there was something strange going on here, and she felt that it was her job to figure out what that was going on. As it occurred to her, generally when something was going on with the Admiral, oftentimes it was something strange and dangerous.
The odd behavior that Corporal Ramirez was now exhibiting might be evidence of some sort of strange contagious mind control alien that…. Well she didn’t know, but it probably infected other people through like…. Spores or something.
She never knew with the Admiral. 
She made her way up onto the command deck and passed the vacant offices. Most of the officers had already clocked off for the day and gone to eat dinner or to bed. Even she should have been off by then, but the strange behavior of the corporal and reports from Yeb (the strange little Tricar with the Green mohawk who now worked with the mess hall staff) that the marine had been stealing large amounts of fruit from the walk in fridge.
Whatever was going on, she had to get down to the bottom of it even if no one else was interested in helping.
She had tried to go to Krill, the only rational person ironically not even a person, to talk to him, but he had been too busy with a relatively routine, but still emergency, surgery and had been unable to speak with her. Dr Katie had been assisting him, and she considered Dr. Katie to be the second most rational person on the ship, and super sweet, but just her luck both of them were too busy.
So it was up to her to figure out what was going on.
She made it up to the Admiral’s door and waited.
She could hear nothing overt just yet, and so she pressed her ear up against the doo hoping that she might be able to hear something, but of course there was nothing. She went to step back contemplating what might be best to do, but as she did, her hand pressed against the opening pad on the door and it slid suddenly open with the soft familiar hiss. She was a bit surprised at first, having expected the door to be locked, and so she stood there blinking owlishly.
The room was dark mostly, light spilled in from the window on the right, bathing the room in the delicate pink of a nearby nebulae.
It wasn’t the only light source though, overhead, on the ceiling a strip of blue neon rested over the bed shedding light downwards on all of his strange and nerdy possessions, movie posters, moon lander replicas, and some other weird stuff that she couldn’t identify.
She saw some movement, and looked down to see the captain’s dog waffles resting in her bed. Her tail thumped once or twice upon seeing Simon.
Simon pursed her lips, she liked Waffles well enough, but was more of a cat person, and was glad the dog didn’t get up,
However, the good things about the animal was mostly to do with her being a good indication of what was going on in the room. As far as Simon could tell, the dog didn’t seem upset in any way, or even distrubed. In fact, she lay her head back down and closed her eyes barely even bothered that Simon had intruded on her master’s room without calling.
Her eyes scanned ver the room as her eyes adjusted, the dull neon light showed more and more of the room.
And the two men lying prone on the bed.
She froze not entirely sure what to think.
Crew fraternization was CLEARLY against the UNSC rules, and a marine with the admiral had some implications that she didn’t even want to think about.
She stood there confused in the doorway for a long moment not sure what to do.
By all rights she should turn the two of them in according to the UNSC guidelines, but… but could see do that? She didn’t know? The rest of the crew would be pissed at her if she did, and she could lose her job. Was this really something she wanted to get herself involved with? Was this really something she COULD get herself involved with.
She stood there racked with indecision for the longest moment until one of the figures began to move, likely allerted. She went to turn around, to run away or something, but just then the Admiral sat up and looked over at her.
He tilted his head as if confused and then his eyes went wide.
She held up her hands, “Admiral I…”
Before she could do anything, the admiral leaped forward off the bed ran over and grabbed her arm, dragging her inside and forcing the door shut. Corporal Ramirez was sitting up now looking groggy and confused.
The Admiral had a hand clamped over her mouth.
Her eyes were wide and wild.
She tried to pull away but he gripped her tighter, “Simon, don’t freak out.”
Ramirez sat up rubbing his head.
“Promise not to freak out, and I will let you go.”
She paused and then nodded, not entirely sure she was going to do what he wanted but she relaxed anyway.
He let her go and held out his hands eying her as if he was ready to jump forward.
Simon didn’t try to run away, but she did cross her arms, “This is unacceptable, Admiral. Absolutely unacceptable.”
He frowned at her seeming oddly confused for someone who had been caught.
“But you haven’t even-”
“Fraternizing with members of the crew!” She announced, she pointed at Ramirez, “And you with your commanding officer.”
The two of them looked at each other for a second confused again before it seemed to dawn on them.
Even in the Dim neon light she saw the Admiral turn red, and Ramirez raised his hands defensively
“Woah woah hold on.”
“We are not , we were’t….”
“Never in my life.:”
“He’s not even my type.”
“This looks weird, but I promise I can explain everything.”
Simon frowned and crossed her arms, “Oh I think it is pretty obvious. You all are acting weird, and then I find you in bed together. That seems pretty clear to me.”
Admiral Vir raised a hand, “I mean I'll admit it does LOOK shady, but we fell asleep kind of on accident, but I would never, not with him.”
Ramirez frowned, “ouch, insulted, but seriously. We weren’t doing anything. And you know me, if we were I would definitely make some inappropriate joke right about now for sure.”
Simon huffed angrily.
“Then what WERE you doing.”
At that moment a dark snakelike shape rose up from the center of the bed, turned towards her and opened it’s mouth.
Simon screamed and tried leaping away, but the Admiral grabbed her again and clamped a hand over her mouth. She tried to fight out of his grip, but he was far too strong. The THING on the bed lifted up higher it’s mouth still open. What was that! Some kind of mind control creature! An alien brain sucker! 
She continued to struggle.
The Admiral Pushed her up against the door hand over her mouth.
“SImon, SIMON!, stop. Stop struggling and we can explain! But I swear if you scream I…. I’lll….. Well I don’t know what Ill do right now, but it will be….. Very unpleasant.” He paused and frowned, “Mindly unpleasant…… well it might be a little unpleasant, definitely a good scolding.”
She frowned in confusion and stopped struggling, and the man, once again, removed his hand from her mouth.
The thing on the bed closed its mouth and blinked one slimy yellow green eye at her.
“What. the. Fuck. is. That.”
Admiral Vir rubbed the back of his head, “Well that is…. That is Jeffery.”
The snake-thing unwound itself from it’s curled position and slithered onto the floor. Waffles was standing up drawn out of her bed by all the commotion, and as she stood the snake slithered over, reared up and slipped over the dog’s back, wrapping around her belly once and then once around her neck, until it was wrapped around her like some strange looking scarf, head raised into the air like some knd of demented parascope. The dog leaned her head down to lick the snake once before looking back up at Simon.
“Where…. Where did you get it.”
“Huh…. um…. So funny story, we were down on this planet you see-”
She groaned, “You stole and alien from an alien planet!.”
“I mean…. Yes and no, you se Jeffery wanted to come.”
She glowered at him, “Did Jeffery SAY that.”
“Well, no, but I did try to put him back, honestly I did, but then I went to leave. He followed after me and he just looked so sad that I couldn’t leave him.” The man’s eye was wide like that of a child asking to keep a  kitten he had found on the side of the road. 
Waffles took a few steps forward, and now the snake was nearly at chest height looking at her.
She eyed it warily.
“Go on.” The admiral urged, “he likes chin scratches.”
She turned to look at him, “No I am NOT going to pet the snake.”
From the other side of the room Ramirez whispered, “Do it.”
The Admiral nodded encouragingly, and the two of them together frustrated her enough that she finally reached forward and hesitantly rubbed the soft skin under the strange alien’s chin. To her surprise the snake thing learned its head back as if it was enjoying the experience. Before she knew what was happening, it suddenly began curling around her arm and slithering up around her shoulders until it was resting with it’s head on top of hers.
It was…. Strange, and kind of…. nice .
Simon didn’t generally like hugs, or being touched by people period, but there was something about this that felt like…. All the good parts of a hug without any of the bad parts.
She knew pretty immediately that she had been dragged right into this with them.
She frowned.
“Do the two of you even know how to take care of a snake?”
They paused and turned to look at each other. Adam shook his head and Ramirez shrugged.
“Well he isn’t exactly a snake now is he?”
They did have a point.
“Besides, we’ve figured out what he can eat. He likes blueberries, strawberries. And he really loves Pineapple.”
“Pineapple, are you serious?”
“Yeah we were kind of skeptical at first, but he really just went for it, and you know we have been monitoring his health to make sure that he is ok, and it seems to be working rather well.”
Adam nodded, seeming pleased with himself, “Yeah, I seem to recall those berries having a pretty acidic smell, so maybe that’s sort of just the kind of thing that he eats.”
Simon frowned, clearly the two of them had no idea what they were doing. They were definitely going to need her help to be more organized and to take care of this guy way better. She absently reached up to rub Jeffery’s chin.
Don’t worry, she thought, I am going to take good care of you
That question is, “Can Drev eat Pineapple.”  The answer is NO, but Jeffery can!
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omnivorousshipper ¡ 3 years ago
De Aged Deckard: You’re gonna go far, kid - Part 13
Summary: When the Shaw siblings try to break into an Eteon facility, they’re met with some unexpected consequences. Now, it’s up to Owen and Hattie to be the older siblings Deckard never had. Even if they have no idea what they’re doing
Part 12
           Standing in the corner of the living room, Jeffery carefully stood still so that the three shouting Shaws would not notice him and direct any of their anger towards him. While there was a slim chance of that actually happening, Jeffery didn’t want to chance it all when it involved his employer raising her own voice and genuinely upset with the situation.
           Which was Deckard missing.
           Apparently, while out sightseeing Owen had lost Deckard and now none of them could find the little boy.
           Jeffery had also carefully kept any comments about hacking street cameras to find the boy to himself so no accusations came his way either. He was sure the three intelligent adults in front of him would figure that out once they stopped bickering about whose fault it was the little boy was gone.
           “I knew we should have left!” Hattie jabbed a finger into Owen’s chest.
           “And what, give the kid even more jet lag? I wanted him to have fun!”
           “I trusted you to protect your brother, and now he’s gone! Go find him!” Queenie screeched over both of her children.
           “I don’t know where the bloody fuck he is!” Owen shouted back, having leaned down to shove his face into his mother’s. Jeffery’s hand twitched slightly to the small set of needles he always kept on him in case any of the siblings acted up. He wasn’t planning on using one today, but well, best laid plans and all that.
           “Then maybe you should have put him on a leash!” Hattie hissed.
           “He’s not some dog!” Owen snarled back.
           Growing bored of the constant fighting, Jeffery looked down at his watch and saw that they had been going for the last half hour. Stifling a sigh, he shifted his weight and settled in to keep listening to the bickering that wasn’t getting them anywhere. It was a good thing he had already sent out a mass text to any underlings in London to keep an eye out for the little boy, or else nobody would be searching for him. Honestly, Jeffery should have picked his employer a bit better if this was how she acted when one of her children went missing. Well, in her defense, all her children should be adults and not a child again.
           Lost in his thoughts of escaping to the countryside like his predecessor, Jeffery almost didn’t hear the doorbell ringing. The noise had him tensing and he almost didn’t recognize the noise; no doubt the thing hadn’t been used in at least a decade. There was nobody alive that would be stupid enough to ring the bell of one of the most dangerous women in the Eastern hemisphere.
           Slowly, Jeffery made his way out of the living room, eyes trained on the three Shaws as he exited the room. He didn’t need to be called a coward or a butler just because he was going open the door. He simply needed away from the noise. Finally tearing himself out of the room, he quickly moved towards the door and peered out the peephole. Only to see nobody at the door.
           Frowning, Jeffery unlocked it and opened it.
           To find a little boy staring right up at him.
           “Hi, Jeffery.” The boy smiled up at him shyly.
           “Where have you been?”
           “I got lost at the park, but a nice lady brought me here.”
           “Where is she?”
           “She was scared to walk up the steps with me.”
           Looking around, Jeffery didn’t see any woman on the street and knew that if she was too scared to come up the steps, then she knew to bolt after leaving Deckard there. Nodding, Jeffery ushered Deckard inside. However, as he shut the door behind the boy, Jeffery glanced towards the living room and could faintly here the screaming continue.
           “Cover your ears, little one.” Jeffery told Deckard gently and smiled at him encouragingly as he did. Guiding the boy by the shoulder, they stepped into the living room and Jeffery added his own hands on top of Deckard’s. He didn’t need the boy freaking out at hearing not only his mother yelling but his siblings as well.
           They stood there for a whole minute before they were finally noticed by Queenie, whose rage filled eyes suddenly grew wide.
           “Dex? Where the bloody hell have you been!” The woman hissed out and stormed up to them. Jeffery tightened his grip on the boy’s hands when he felt small tremors race through the boy.
           “He got lost at the park, Madam. He says a woman helped him home, but she seemed smart enough not to interact further than leaving Deckard here.” Jeffery told the older woman softly as her eyes narrowed at him.
           “Find this woman.” She snapped and looked down at Deckard. Gesturing for them to uncover his ears, she began to scold the boy. “Why did you run from your brother?”
           “I thought I saw one of my mates from school.” Deckard spoke so softly, Jeffery knew if he wasn’t right behind the boy, he wouldn’t have heard him. However, he didn’t like the wobble in his voice as he continued. “I got so excited, I wanted to say hello. But it wasn’t him.”
           “Why the hell would you think one of your mates was there?” Hattie spoke up as she stormed closer to them. “If Oh and I are older, don’t you think all your mates are too? You have no idea what they look like now!”
           Jeffery barely held back his glare at the woman as she sneered down at Deckard. While it was the truth, he didn’t agree with just how blunt she was being. It was obvious Deckard had already figured that out by himself by how upset he sounded. Glancing down at the boy, Jeffery blinked when he saw a tear running down the boy’s cheek.
           “Leave him alone, Hatts!” Owen snapped, shoving past his sister and slapped Jeffery’s hands off Deckard’s shoulder. Wanting to snarl at the man, Jeffery instead backed off and let Owen pull Deckard into a hug as he spoke softly. “It’s all right, Deck. I know you were excited, but you can’t leave my side again, do you understand?”            “Yes.” Deckard mumbled and clutched at Owen’s shirt.
           Watching the family, Jeffery could see the frustration and stress on all the Shaws’ faces as they processed the little boy finally being back with them. He didn’t doubt that the siblings would be leaving that night instead of the next day. However, once they did, that meant they would no longer be Jeffery’s immediate concern and he could get on with his other duties. Which now included tracking down the woman that had dropped Deckard off.
           Glancing at Deckard one more time, Jeffery frowned at the small phone he saw poking out of Deckard’s pocket. If he had the phone, why hadn’t Owen tried calling it or tracking it to find Deckard? But, thinking back to the family’s senseless panic, Jeffery had a feeling they had simply forgotten Deckard had the phone.
           What Jefferey didn’t know was that it had been a completely different Shaw that had given Deckard the phone.
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vsquadgoals ¡ 5 years ago
Settling Down (J.W) Part Three
Tumblr media
Part One 
Part Two 
When Karyn finally pulled up to the pickup area she smiled wide when she saw her baby brother standing next to his beautiful girlfriend who was slowly pushing her stroller back and forth. Once she parked, she hoped out of the car and pulled her brother into a tight hug. “Hey stranger” he said chuckling a little. Once he let go of her, she smiled at Milena pulling her into a Warm hug as well. “Ugh it’s great to finally meet you!” Milena beamed at Jeff’s sister. “I know you too! I’m so glad you guys are here!” She peaked down at a sleeping Alethea and smiled “oh my gosh she’s so beautiful.” She whispered looking back at Milena. “Isn’t she? I’m so excited for you guys to all get to finally spend time with her.” Jeff says smiling proudly at his sister. Jeff loaded their bags into the trunk of his sisters car as Milena put Aletheas car seat in strapping it in tightly before going around to the other side of the car and sitting in the back seat next to her daughters car seat. Jeff got into the passenger seat and ran his fingers through his hair as they started to drive toward his parents' house. Milena sat in the back looking out the window watching the scenery as they passed it, although she was enjoying the view, she couldn’t stop her leg from bouncing with nerves. Jeff and Karyn were talking and catching up and she couldn’t focus enough on the conversation to know exactly what they were talking about; her anxiety was too high.  
Once they pulled into the driveway of Jeff’s parents' home Aletha was awake again smiling at her mom. Jeff unloaded the bags and Milena took out the car seat and opened to wheels pushing it to grab Alethea’s diaper bag from Jeff who was carrying their suitcases. Jeff kisses his girlfriend's forehead and before they follow Karyn into the house, Jeff helps lift the front of the car seat to get it up the stairs and into the front door. “You guys go upstairs and get some more sleep. The play pen is set up in Jeff’s old bedroom.” Karyn tells them closing the door behind them, Jeff and Milena go upstairs, and Alethea is starting to wine and fuss in the car seat. Milena puts the diaper bag on the floor and takes Alethea out of the car seat rocking her gently sushing her. Jeff set up her sound machine on the nightstand and closed the bedroom door as Milena sat on the bed and lifted her shirt to feed Alethea. “You okay mama?” Jeff asks running his fingers through his girlfriend's hair, she looks up at him and nods smiling a little. “Just nervous to meet them and tired.” She admits and Jeff nods. “It’ll be okay. We’ll get a nice nap and have a delicious breakfast in the morning.” Milena nods and smiles at Jeff “I love you.” She tells him puckering her lips up at him. Jeff smiles and chuckles before leaning down to kiss her lips.  
Once Milena was done feeding Alethea, she put her into the playpen once she was asleep, she changed into one of Jeff’s t shirts before climbing into bed with him. Jeff pulled her close and she snuggled against him quickly falling asleep. It was around 9am when Alethea was fussing in the playpen, Jeff carefully climbed out of bed and picked her up kissing her cheeks. “Morning Angel.” He whispered when she snuggled into his neck. Jeff quickly changed her diaper and then slipped out of the bedroom quietly trying not to wake Milena who was sleep fast asleep. Jeff went downstairs to find his mom and dad standing in the kitchen making breakfast, he smiled wide when his mom looked at him her eyes widening when she sees Alethea. “Hi honey.” she says kissing his cheek before looking at the very smiley baby in his arms, “Hi Ma.” He said smiling at her. “This is Alethea, she’s so excited to meet you guys.” Alethea is smiling widely at Jeff’s parents.  Jeff and his parents catch up a bit while he feeds Alethea her oatmeal.  
Milena walks downstairs slowly after getting dressed in something a little more appropriate to meet your boyfriend's parents in, she just wore a pair of jeans and a simple black oversized sweater. She also brushed her hair and teeth definitely stalling a little bit but here she was walking downstairs, and the smell of breakfast food filled her nostrils and made her mouth water. Milena smiled hearing Alethea’s coos and laugh while Jeff and what she assumed to be his mom talked to her. “Good morning.” Milena said her voice soft as she entered the kitchen. Jeff and his parents both turned to face her. “Good morning beautiful.” Jeff says smiling wide. Milena smiled and looked at his parents approaching his mom first. “It’s really nice to finally meet you.” She says as his mom pulls her into a tight hug. “It’s amazing to meet you too Milena, we’re so glad you guys could come! And that Alethea is the sweetest little thing in the whole world.” Milena’s cheeks blush a little. “Thank you.” Jeff’s dad pulls her into a hug next. “How did a pretty girl like you end up with my son?” He teases making Milena giggle, Jeff rolls his eyes but chuckles. “He’s not wrong.” Milena smiles at his parents. “I’m the lucky one here, he’s been the best guy in the entire world, so sweet, kind and the best father figure to Alethea. I’m beyond grateful to have him in our lives. You guys raised an amazing man.” Jeff’s mom’s eyes fill with tears and she pulls her into another hug. “Thank you.” She whispers to her kissing her cheek. Jeff smiles and wraps an around Milena’s waist pulling her close and kissing her. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” He tells her making her smile.  
Milena sits at the breakfast bar next to Jeff and kisses Alethea’s cheek. “Mmm someone had her oatmeal.” She hums after licking her lips. Jeff smiles at her and nods, “She did, she ate all of it too.” Milena kisses him and smiles. “Thank you love.” Milena takes Alethea from Jeff and smiles at her. “Hi baby girl.” She coos nuzzling her nose against Alethea’s chubby cheeks. They all sat at the kitchen table and ate breakfast together while Alethea sat on the floor playing with her toys next to Milena. “This breakfast is amazing that you so much.” Milena says smiling at his parents. “Oh, it’s our pleasure, it’s the least we can do to thank you guys for coming to visit us.” his dad says making her smile. They continued to talk and get to know each other, his parent’s asking her any question they could think of making Jeff beaming with happiness watching them get along. Once everyone was finished eating Milena stood and grabbed everyone's plates bringing them into the kitchen and starting to wash them for Jeff’s mom who tried to fight her tooth and nail over it. Jeff’s dad smiled down at Alethea ask she scooted her bottom across the floor to his chair and pulled on his pajama pants. He picked her up and sat her on his lap as she smiled wide at him. “She’s the best, isn’t she?” Jeff asks the happiest smile on his face, it was just them in the dining room, his mom and Milena were in the kitchen talking and cleaning the mess from breakfast. Jeff’s dad looks at his son and nods smiling. “You really love these girls, don’t you?” he asks, the question should catch him off guard, but it doesn’t, he just simply nods at his father before looking at the gummy grin on the baby’s face. “They’re it for me, Pops.” Jeff says not taking his eyes off of Alethea who’s now reached across the table for Jeff who happily stands and takes her before sitting back down. “We’re very happy for you. Milena is wonderful, we love her so much already.” Jeff looks at his dad and smiles. “Thanks dad. It means a lot that you and ma approve of her and the whole situation, I know its hard to understand and complicated but I’m so in love with Milena and at the end of the day I’d do anything for this little girl, she means more to me than I thought anyone could.” Jeff’s dad smirks and nods. “That’s what being a dad feels like.” He says honestly making Jeff look up at him. “That’s what you are Jeffery, you’re this little girl's dad. You may not be by blood but you two are raising this girl together.” Jeff bites his lip and looks at Alethea who is now snuggled against his chest with her tiny fingers tangle in his facial hair like she always does when she’s tired. “Do you think I can handle this... I don’t want to screw her up dad.” He says looking at his dad who shakes his head and smiles. “Look at you Jeffery, look how happy you make that girl. That’s the thing about babies, they can sense a bad person and she's madly in love with you. You’re made for this son, you’re more ready then you think.” Jeff smiles at his dad and nods. “Thanks dad.” At this point Alethea’s hands have stopped moving and she’s breathing deeply small snores filling his ear. Jeff walked upstairs and sat on the bed rocking Alethea slowly closing his eyes and holding her close tears slowly filling his eyes.  
Milena walked into the dining room and frowned not seeing Jeff or her daughter. Jeff’s dad smiles at her. “He brought her upstairs, she fell asleep.” She smiles and nods, before she can go to find them Jeff’s dad grabs her hand. “Can I talk to you Milena?” He asks and she nods her stomach turning with nerves, she sits down in the chair next to him. “Is everything okay?” She asks chewing her lip nervously, his dad smiles at her and pats her forehead reassuring her. “Of course. I just want to thank you.” She’s even more confused now. “I’m sorry Mr. Wittek I don’t understand, thank me for what?” He smiles at her and removes his hand from her arm. “For everything you’ve done for our boy, he’s truly happy with you and that little girl. We worried about him for a little while, when he broke up with Ciara we didn’t know what was going to happen to him. But since he’s met you, he’s a whole new person, he’s genuinely so happy and we’re so grateful that you are that person for him, you’re such a good thing for him.” Milena is listening to Jeff’s dad and looking at him, but her eyes are blinded by tears. “Thank you.” She manages to choke out wiping the tears that are rolls down her cheeks. “I hope you know how much he loves you and Alethea; he loves her like she is his own daughter.” Milena clears her throat and smiles nodding. “I know, she is his, he does so much for her and I. I couldn’t have asked for a better dad for her.” Jeff’s dad pulls her into a tight hug. “I’m glad you said that.” Milena hugs him back and he kisses the top of her head. When they separated, she wiped her eyes again and chuckled a little. “Go ahead and go upstairs.” He says smiling at her.  
Milena opens the bedroom door and is shocked to see Jeff holding Alethea close to him tears streaming down his face while he rocks her. “What happened? Is everything okay?” Fear washes over her as she rushes over to them then notices that Alethea is okay and fast asleep in her usual position on Jeff, her face nuzzled into his neck and her fingers tangled in his beard from playing with it until she falls asleep. Jeff clears his throat and wipes his eyes nodding at her. “Yeah I’m okay.” Milena takes Alethea from his arms and lays her down in the playpen. She stands between his legs and cups his face making him look at her. “Jeff, what’s wrong?” She asks wiping his cheeks. Jeff looks into her eyes and bites his lip. “I’m just so grateful to have you two in my life. My dad called me Alethea’s dad and I don’t know it really hit me.” he admits making Milena smile and peck his lips. “You are her dad baby. Making a baby with someone does not make you a dad, what makes you a dad is taking care of that baby, staying up all hours of the night comforting that baby until they go back to sleep. Or sleeping next to their crib when they’re sick and having a hard time sleeping so that you will be there when they wake up. Supporting the person that gave birth to them no matter what and helping their when they can’t even keep their eyes open cause they’re so sleep deprived.” Tears streaming down her cheeks now. “You’re her dad because that little girl looks at you like you’re her entire world, she is so obsessed and in love with you probably even more then she loves me. She feels so safe around you and can’t get enough of you. Those are the things that make a dad Jeff, all the things that you do for Alethea.” Jeff grabs the back of her neck and pulls her down kissing her hard. They both have tears streaming down their cheeks now. Of course, it was an unspoken thing at this point but now that they had laid everything on the table, and it had been said out loud it made it real. Once the two separated she leaned her forehead against his and smiled. “I love you so much Jeff.” Jeff smiles and runs his thumb over her cheek. “I love you more then you’ll ever know.”  
Once Alethea finally woke up from her nap Milena and Jeff decided to go to the park to get some fresh air and have lunch. Milena also wanted to see the neighborhood where Jeff grew up. Jeff told her that the park wasn’t too far away so they could walk there and see the area a little more. Milena changed from her sweater into a white t shirt since it was getting warmer outside. Once they had everything packed up into Alethea’s diaper bag and they had ordered their food to pick up on the way the said goodbye to Jeff’s parents who refused to join them no matter how many times Milena begged them. Alethea was sitting in her stroller chewing on a teething ring wide away while they walked. Jeff took them past the old barber shop that he worked at and learned how to cut hair, “Nick’s here if you wanna meet him.” Jeff says looking through the glass windows, Milena smiles wide and nods. “I’d love to!” She said excited, Milena wanted to meet anyone she could from Jeff’s hometown, it was fun to meet the people that knew Jeff before he moved to LA. Milena followed him into the shop where he was greeted loudly by the guys inside, He smirked. “Hey losers.” He joked chuckling a little. A slightly taller bald man pulled Jeff into a tight hug and looked over Jeff’s shoulders at Milena and the stroller before whispering into his ear. “Is this her?” Jeff patted his back and nodded before they separated. Jeff waved Milena over and she smiled brightly at the two before walking further into the shop and over to Jeff and who she assumed what Nick. “Milena, this is Nick, Nick this is Milena and Alethea.” Nick smiled and pulled her into a warm hug. “It’s great to finally meet you, Jeff has told me a lot about you, actually he never shuts up about you two.” Nick tells her once she’s out of his grasp, she blushes and smiles at him. “I’ve heard a lot about you as well.” Nick leans over to look into the stroller and smiles at Alethea who’s looking around at her new surroundings. “Hello their beautiful.” Nick says smiling at her. They stayed at the shop for a few minutes talking and Nick and Jeff catching up with each other. Once they said their goodbyes and left the shop Jeff looked at her while they walked. “Sorry I didn’t think we would be there that long.” Milena shook her head and smiled. “I loved every second of it, I like meeting your friends.” He smiles and kisses her cheek. “They love meeting you.” Once they grabbed their sandwiches and finally made their way to the park Milena laid out a blanket on the grass and took Alethea out of the stroller and sat her on the blanket laying her favorite toys in front of her.  
Jeff sat on the blanket handing Milena her sandwich and the two talked while they ate and Alethea played. “So, how are you liking it here so far?” he asks Milena while cleaning up their food, she lays down on her side facing him and Alethea. “I love it.” She admits. “Let’s never leave okay?” Jeff chuckles and kisses her forehead. “As happy as I am that you’re happy here we do have lives in LA baby.” Milena frowns and nods. “I know, it’s just nice being around your family. I miss being around family all the time.” She says and he frowns. “I know, but we’re a family, and our friends are family. And your mom comes often, right?” Milena nods and bites her lip looking from him to Alethea. “Yeah you’re right.” Milena laid like this for a while, watching Jeff play with Alethea and watching people and families in the park pass by then and smile happily at them. “I love you Jeff.” She says randomly making Jeff look away from Alethea and to her. He cocks his head to the side a little confused but smiles. “I love you too mama. Are you okay?” He asks and she nods smiling. “I just love our family, and I’m so grateful that you came into our lives and completed our family.” Jeff smiles wide and leans over kissing her. “Thank you for trusting me enough to make me part of your family.” Jeff sits back and picks up Alethea kissing her cheeks. After about 10 minutes Alethea was fast asleep and laying on the blanket next to Milena, Jeff looked around the park sighing happily before taking out his phone and checking the snapchats from his friends and group texts. Milena put her hand on Alethea’s belly and looked down at her watching her sleep with a small smile on her lips, she wanted to stay like this forever, happy with her little family and safe. He looks up at Milena and smiles before snapping a picture, it was too precious of a moment to miss. He posted it on his story with a simple caption ‘Family.”  
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It was 20 minutes before they had to leave for the airport to head back to LA and Milena and Jeff’s mom were practically clinging to each other, tears streaming down their cheeks. “Thank you so much for coming to see us Milena, hopefully you can convince Jeff to come visit more often.” She says finally pulling away from their hug. Milena smiles and nods wiping her own cheeks. “I will I promise. Thank you for having us, it was truly a pleasure. I appreciate you guys accepting Aleathea and I with open arms, it means more the you know.” Jeff’s dad hands Alethea back to Jeff after he hugs his mom. “Take good care of these girls Jeffery or I will fly out to LA and kick your ass.” Milena giggles and hugs his dad. “Don’t worry I’ll call you if I need some muscle.” He chuckles and pats her back. “Good.” “We also need at least daily pictures of Alethea as well.” Jeff’s mom says making them both chuckle. “Sounds good. We promise.” Jeff kisses his mom's cheek before getting a text that their uber was outside. “The car’s here.” He tells Milena as he puts Alethea into her car seat, she nods and gives his parents one last hug before grabbing the diaper bag and following Jeff out the front door pushing the stroller and he had the suitcases. Once they were at the airport and their bags were checked they were sitting at their gate waiting for boarding time. Milena looked over at Jeff and frowned. “I miss them already.” She admits making him smile and wrap his arm around her shoulders. “I know mama, me too.” Jeff tells her kissing her temple. Alethea sat happily on Jeff’s lap while he read her a book trying to keep her calm while they waited to board the plane. Jeff’s phone started ringing and he handed Alethea off to Milena before standing and walking to a quieter area making Aleathea frown and reach of him. “He’ll be back tookie.” She says kissing her daughters keeps.  
“What’s up Dave?” Jeff asks once he answers the phone. “So when do you land back in LA?” David asks barely even saying hello to each other. Jeff sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. “Dude, I haven’t even boarded yet. We should land around 9AM.” He tells him and David groans. “Forget it, I needed some baby content.” David says and Jeff chuckles. “Sorry man, it’s also gonna be rough to get her back on her sleep schedule with the time change.” The younger one chuckles. “Wow Jeff, you sound like such a dad. We’ll see you guys soon; tell Lena I say hi.” And with that David hangs up, Jeff goes back to his girlfriend and a fussy Alethea. “What’s wrong Angel?” He asks chuckling a little when she throws herself into his arms. “She wanted her daddy.” She says not realizing the words leaving her mouth until they did, Jeff looked at Milena wide eyed unable to hide the huge smile on his face. “I’m sorry... I hope that’s was okay. It just came out.” She said biting her lip and frowning a little. Jeff shook his head and grabbed Milena’s chin bringing her into a loving kiss. “It was more than okay.” He whispers before kissing her a few more times. He sits back next to her and Alethea starts cuddling against him getting sleepy. “David says hi by the way. He was hoping for some baby content.” Milena rolls her eyes and giggles. “Imagine if we went long then 4 days, his head would explode.” She says making him chuckle. “He’s a needy boy.” Jeff teases making her shake her head smiling.  
Their flight went very smooth and Alethea slept for most of it, when she was awake, she was cuddling with Jeff while he played with her and read her some books which gave Melina plenty of time to sleep so that once they landed she could take care of Alethea and he could sleep. Jeff only woke her when they were starting to land. Alethea was wide awake now and she was sucking on her pacifier playing with her toys in their extra seat while Jeff repacked all their things. “Oh shit, I slept the whole flight? I’m so sorry, why didn’t you wake me up?” She says rubbing her eyes. Jeff smiled and shook his head. “She did just fine my love, we read some books, she slept, she played, it was fine.” He said reassuring her, she leaned over and kissed him a few times. “Thank you.”  
Once they were back at her apartment Milena forced Jeff to go get some sleep and promised she would go pick up Nerf from Oscars apartment. She put Alethea in her highchair and made her some oatmeal sitting down next to her with her own bowl before starting to feed her. Milena decided to facetime her mom to let her know they were safely back in LA and to catch up with her, she propped her phone on the table against a candle she had so she could see herself and Alethea. “Hi mama!” Her mom answered the facetime happily. “Hi mom! Is it a bad time?” She asks continuing to eat and feed Alethea. “Of course not. How was NY?” “It was amazing mom, we had such a great time, his parents are fantastic. Alethea loved them.” Milena’s mom smiles wide watching her daughter beam happily. “Oh, honey that’s great. I missed you guys.” She tells her making Milena frown. “We miss you too, come and visit again soon?” “Of course, maybe next week.” Milena nods and smiles at her mom before handing Alethea a bottle with some water in it. “I called Jeff Alethea’s dad yesterday.” She tells her mom biting her lip nervously. Her mom's eyes widen, and she nods. “Are you sure you both are ready for that?” She asks her bluntly, that’s one thing about Milena’s mom, she said what was on her mind. Milena nods and looks at Alethea before she looks back at the phone. “I think so, Alethea loves him so much and he loves her more than anything. He does a lot for us mom. I walked in on him holding her while she was sleeping and crying because his dad told him that the way he feels about Alethea is the way a father feels about their children.” Milena smiles and shrugs. “And the words just came out when we were talking, I didn’t even think about it.” her mom smiles and nods. “I agree. The way he is with her and the way he looks at her is exactly how your dad was with you.” “Really?” Her mom nods again. “And your dad would go to the ends of the earth for you. Plus look at her, she’s obsessed with Jeff, she wants him at all times.” Milena giggles and nods. “No kidding, she barely wants me anything.” Her mom giggles too and shrugs. “That’s how you were with your father growing up.” Milena smiled at her mom Alethea starting to get annoyed about being in her chair and fussing. “Thanks mom, I’ll call you tomorrow okay?” “Okay, bye girls I love you.” “I love you too mom.” She blows her a kiss before hanging up the phone. Milena cleans Alethea’s hands and face before she takes her out of the chair and changes her diaper and changes her into an outfit and out of her pajamas. “Wanna go get Nerf?” She asks Alethea making her smile wide. “You love Nerfy huh?” Alethea wiggles on the changing table making Milena giggle.  
Milena texted Oscar letting him know that she was on her way to pick up Nerf with Alethea. Thankfully Oscar didn’t live too far from her apartment and once she pulled up outside the building, she texted him to let him know, he agreed to bring Nerf down, so she didn’t have to take Alethea out. Once she saw Oscar exiting the building she got out of the car and hugged him. “Thanks again for watching him.” Oscar smiled and waved her off. “No worries, anytime.” He opened the back door and leaned over the car seat smiling at Alethea. “Hi pretty girl! I missed you.” Alethea smiled wide and cooed at him, Milena opened the passenger door and picked up a very excited Nerf. “Hi handsome boy.” She said putting him in the passenger seat and scratching his head before taking the bags from Oscar and putting them on the floor of the passenger seat. “How was he?” She asked closing the door, Oscar shrugged and closed Alethea’s door. “He was fine, he’s a good boy I never have a complaint when I watch him.” “Okay good.” Milena hugs Oscar again. “Thanks again, we’ll see you soon.” Oscar nods and waits until Milena is driving away before he heads back inside. Nerf is planted on Milena’s lap the whole drive back to her apartment. Before she goes back into the apartment, she decides to take a walk with them, she opens the car seat into a stroller and puts Nerfs leash on him and clipping his poop bags to the stroller. Milena decides to go to the dog park that’s right around the corner from her apartment, she lets Nerf off his leash once they're safe in the gated area. She tosses his ball back and forth for him a few times before he loses interest and starts chasing after some dogs around his size. Milena sat Alethea on her lap who was happily watching all the dogs run around and giggling once and a while when one came over and sniffed her. A woman sat next to Milena and smiled at her and Alethea. “She’s adorable. How old?” Milena smiled at her, “She’s almost 6 months.” The woman nodded and smiled at Alethea who was too busy watching the dogs. Milena didn’t realize how long they had been there until her phone was ringing, “Hello?” She answered not even looking to see who it was. “Hi baby, where are you?” He asks confused. Milena looks at her phone and frowns noticing the time. “Sorry Jeff, I picked up Nerf and we walked to the dog park. I lost track of time, we’re gonna come home now.” Jeff chuckles. “Okay I’ll see you soon.” She hung up the phone and started putting Alethea into her car seat buckling her in before calling Nerf over to them, he quickly waddles over to her and she clips his leash on. Milena smiles at the woman that she was sitting and chatting with before they start walking back to her apartment with a very tired Nerf following her closely.  
Once Milena opened the apartment door Nerf flew into the apartment in search of Jeff making her drop his leash and shake her head giggling. Jeff kneeled on the ground playing with a very excited Nerf laughing. Melina smirks and takes Alethea out of her seat and puts her into her walker which she has become obsessed with because she can follow Jeff around the house with it. After she puts everything away from Nerfs bag she goes into the kitchen and washes her hands before starting to cook a late lunch for the three of them. “How was the park?” Jeff asks sitting at the kitchen island, she smiles at him before going into the fridge and taking out what she needed for a salad and some raw chicken breast. “It was great, Nerf had a good time and Alethea loved watching all of the dogs run around and sniff her.” Jeff chuckled and shook his head. “He hasn’t been to a dog park in a while I’m surprised, he liked it.” Milena looked at him and frowned. “I hope it’s okay that I brought him there.” Jeff chuckled again smirked at her. “Of course, it is.” Milena nodded and smiled over her shoulder at him, she seasoned the chicken before putting it into the pan on the stove. While the chicken cooked, she made some mashed potatoes for Alethea to have for lunch with her baby food. Jeff was sitting at the kitchen island now finalizing a video that he was posting today; Alethea was chasing Nerf around in her walker. When the chicken was finished, she cut it and put it into the salad and added Jeff’s favorite dressing before putting it next to his laptop for him with a bottle of water. “Thank you love.” Jeff smiled at her, she picked up Alethea from her walker and put her in her highchair in between Milena and Jeff’s chair’s. Once they were all settled Milena fed Alethea her food while she ate her salad until Alethea wined and turned her head away from Milena leaning toward Jeff. She frowns and looks at Jeff who kisses the little girls head and chuckles taking the food from Milena and finishing feeding her. “Such a Daddy’s girl.” Milena says rolling her eyes as she takes a bite of her salad. Jeff smirks and kisses Alethea’s cheeks. “I wouldn’t want it any other way. Girls are always more attached to their dad; you were a daddy’s girl, weren't you?” Milena rolls her eyes again giving Jeff the answer he was looking for. “Exactly, plus when we have a boy, they’re totally gonna totally be a mommy’s boy.” Jeff says nonchalantly while he feeds Alethea.  
Milena looks at Jeff with wide teary eyes. “You wanna have a baby with me?” She asks biting her lip to keep it from quivering Jeff looks at her confused frowns. “What? Of course, I do Milena. Do you not want to have more kids?” He asks concerned. Milena stood from her chair and walked around sitting on Jeff’s lap straddling him, she held his face in her hands and smiled at him. “Only with you.” She whispers before kissing his lips lovingly. “Thank god.” Jeff mumbles against her lips holding her close.  
A/n: This part is just pure fluff. I’m sorry its so short! 
It was a very developmental chapter for their relationship. 
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afarcryfromgotham ¡ 5 years ago
A Far Cry From Gotham
Jason’s story if he didn't go back to Gotham after leaving the League
He gulps down air, sitting on his knees, face staring up to the sky. White and auburn hair plastered to his forehead. Birds circle overhead occasionally blotting out the unforgiving sun. Eyes open as a shadow falls over him. He meets the steeled grey eyes of the older woman, biting his tongue as he learned to do a lifetime ago.
“Well done Jason.” the skin wrinkles around her eyes as she shows her gratitude, “Not only did you survive the trials, but you survived the cleansing. I have nothing else I can teach you.” 
Jason raises an eyebrow, huffing a laugh as she hits him on the head before poking him in the chest, “Control your Rage, little one.”. She cups his face with a calloused hand, “One day your heart will shine brighter than that dark fury inside you, when that day comes it will be glorious.” she smiles at him “tonight you rest; tomorrow you will continue on your quest for knowledge.” she turns walking away, her robes drag over the stone floor as she hobbles away
Jason rises to his feet, stumbling on limbs that feel like jelly “I thought you said-”
“I know what I said, man child.” she glares back at him “you have learned all the all caste can teach you. I know you will not stay here, you are not one who enjoys clipped wings. You will leave tomorrow to find your father for a study in Tranquility.”
Jason scoffs as he follows after her into the mountain face 
The next day sees Jason on a jet funded by the League of Assassins, flying halfway around the world, and air dropping into the wilderness of California.
The next month is spent tracking trails that barely exist, of searching abandoned safe houses and truckstops, all signs are directing him to Hope County, Montana. A name, Richard Dragon, and a reputation, as one of the best Martial Artists in the world, is all he has as he hitchhikes into the southwest corner of Montana.
Jason squints against the sun as the truck rumbles to a stop. He swings down off the bed waving his thanks to the driver. 
He looks up at the Water Tower looming above the town, Falls End, it reads across the side. He raises a hand to block out the sun as he looks around, a pristine white church is to his right, a broken-down bus blocks half the road ahead of him, the town lays beyond it. Light glints off the broken windows of the bus.
“You look lost.” a calm voice comes from the direction of the church. An older African American man is leaning on the fence work around the church, in one hand he loosely holds a bible, the golden cross glinting light back at him “It's okay to be lost, the Lord leads us places all the time, often without us knowing where we’re going.”
“I'm looking for someone,” Jason says, shifting his backpack up onto his shoulders, more than ready to book it up the rock face to his back.
The pastor, signaled by the white-collar, and white leather-bound bible, hums in response, his eyes roaming over Jason. His body language is curious but relaxed, unafraid of him. He's open and patient and Jason doesn't trust it. “Perhaps I can help, do you have a name?”
“Mine or who I'm looking for?” Jason responds shifting in the shadow of the bus so he can see the man across the road better.
“Either. I'm Pastor Jerom Jefferies, this is my church.” he waves to the building behind him as an introduction. 
Ok well now he has to introduce himself, Jason Grumbles “I'm Jason, looking for Richard Dragon.” he sees the man stand up a little more at that, a little more guarded, a little more cautious. So he knows Richard Dragon, or at least the reputation of the man.
“You a student of his?” Jerome asks he friendly tone still his voice
“I'm his son.” Jason finds joy in how startled the other man seems by the declaration “come on in, I’ll give him a call to come down.”
Jason follows under the arch and into the church. The pews are simple and wooden, a few knitted blankets sit on them. The sunlight filters through stained glass windows painting the floor and pews a rainbow of colors. He drops into a pew where he can see the front door and the door in the back and takes a deep breath practicing the meditation Ducra had been into him. He listens to the pastors' voice in the office space not actually paying attention to what's being said. 
“His shift at the lumber yard ends in a few hours,” Jerome says and sits on the opposite side of the pew, “would you like something to eat?”
Jason looks around studying every crack in the wall, and the building in general before shrugging 
Jerome stands to motion for Jason to follow. He shoulders his bag and follows him. 
Jerome asks him questions that Jason barely answers saying he's from Gotham and well-traveled.
Jason looks up at the bar, the neon sign is out but it still shows a woman on the sign with the words SPREAD EAGLE.
The door opens and a girl a few years older then Jason is working the register, two older men are cooking and running food.
Two other patrons, one is carrying a flame thrower the other has a taser. Jason looks around, a set of stairs to his left windows along the back, he can hear a door in the back, it smells pretty good though.
“Jerome” one of the guys greets “whos your new friend.”
“Apparently, he's Dragons son.” Jerome greets
Everyone is looking at him now in surprise, Jason shifts his weight slightly “Jason, sir” he nods hello keeping his hands hooked into the backpack straps
“I can see it, Mary why don't you go help your mother upstairs.”
“But,” the girl pouts 
“Go.” he says his eyes never leaving Jason
Jason stares back, he can see the man is worried and curious. He wants to protect his family. He's got a pistol on his hip tucked under the apron, and a knife on his belt, that Jason doubts he's good enough to use.
“Gary Fairgrave, nice to meet you son.” he cleans the glass he has in hand looking to Jerome
“A table for three, Richard’ll join us when he gets off.” Jerome says
They're seated at a four-person table away from the other patrons. Jason doesn't trust any of it, but he appreciates being sat by a window
“So where’d you serve?” Gary asks as he hands them menus
Jason blinks “I don't understand.”
“Son, you picked out my peacemaker almost as soon as you walked in the door, where’d you serve?” he asks
“I didn't, I grew up on the streets in Gotham,” he responds glancing the room over again
Gary whistles “been there once, back when the Waynes were alive, it was a shit hole then, can't imagine what it's like now.” 
“Hell would be kinder,” Jason responds before looking at the menu
Two glasses of water are set down before Jason decide to just order what the Pastor orders
Jason meets Jerome's eyes and the Pastor is studying him, in return, he sees the Pastor is curious but not concerned by Jasons appearance. He's relaxed even, confident that Jason won't do anything. He's right but he doesn't know that. He bleeds a patience that so sickeningly familiar to his past life it makes Jason want to punch him, the face of an older English butler flashes across his memories. Jason breaks eye contact to look around again, counting anything that could be a weapon “so what's it like here?”
“Falls End is fairly quiet, we’re the only constructed town here, good people, reliable people. What about you?”
“Not much a good people, but I'm reliable,” Jason says with a shrug taking a sip of water before crunching down on an ice cube.
“What makes you say that?” Jerome asks
“Everyone from Gotham is a sinner of some sort, pastor,” he shrugs looking anywhere but at the man in front of him mostly out the window at the slow traffic “you do what you have to to survive.”
‘You've killed.” Jerome concludes Jason nods not supplying that he was an assassin or killed other assassins.
Burgers and fries are set in front of them, they pick at the food, Jason answering his questions.
Jason's eyes go to the door, as the man who walked past the window walks in. The older man is dressed in sawdust-covered jeans, and a sweat-stained shirt, his hair is red with streaks of grey through it, similar to Jason's dark auburn with the white stripe. He smiles talking lowly to Gary at the register before turning and walking towards them. He doesn't carry a weapon, but he doesn't need one. He reminds Jason of a tiger, all lean muscle, coiled and ready to pounce.
Jason meets his eyes, the crystal blue, like what he had before, widen slightly. He wonders what the man sees as Jason stands.
“You look so much like your mother.” is what the man says silencing the bar beside the radio. Everyone's attention is on them again
“I think I look like you.” he responds offering his hand “Jason”
“Richard, but you knew that.” he sits beside Jerome, a beer and an order of fries appear on the table soon after
Jason meets his eyes and is surprised when he can't get a read on the man, beyond the surface level. His hands are scarred from fighting and work, he's content because he has nothing to fear.
“If I’d known about you, you would have been living with me and not him.” the venom in the Russians' voice is surprising. His hand clenches around the bottle. A silent agreement of the two to not speak of the other life before till in private
Jason hums “who was she?”
“Her name is Sandra WOo-San, one of my biggest rivals in the Martial Arts scenes, she had you, then not too long after she slept with that Cain fella, and had your half-sister. I don't know what her name is or where she is, just that Cain raised her to be a fighter.” he polished off his beer and fries as he talked. The man looks at Jason 
“Come on i'll take you back to the house, and we can talk more there.” Richard hums standing tossing down a couple of bills “thanks, Jerome.”
“Of course Richard, call if you need anything. That goes for both of you.” he nods to Jason.
Jason climbs into the passenger seat of an old ford escalade that has seen better days. 
Dragon just sits there for a second “I am really sorry, I wish I knew about you before your passing. Sandra, you’d know her better as Shiva, only told me about you after you were dead in the ground.“ he shifts the truck into reverse and backs out onto the road, before pulling onto the road 
Jason looks out the window as he rides, unable to look at the older man whose regret is nearly palatable. “I was only dead for five months. no one knows what brought me back. I only got my mind back after Talia dropped me in the pit.”
He hears the shocked inhale “where. Where have you been this whole time?”
“Talia found me wandering Gotham as a Zombie. She took me back to Nana Parbat. We guessed at first at how long I'd been back. I was mindless for over a year, she said. Left her son with me. Damian is his name. He brought me out of pit madness after I was put under. I spent a year and a half on her Leviathan guard before Ras started to take notice of me. She sent me around the world to various teachers before I spent the last year training with the All Caste.” 
Jason looks over when the man doesn't say anything, there's pride radiating off him, “sounds like you've learned a lot. Why did you come here, Jerome said you asked for me by name.”
“Ducra sent me here said I need to learn tranquility” he responded 
“And Talia?” Dragon asks slowing to turn 
“She knows I'm looking for you, I haven't told her anything,” he responds 
Dragon nods “good, it'll stay that way, I have no need for the Demons to come for me.”
“Does anyone?” Jason asks and Dragon huffs a laugh
“Absolutely not. “ a small ranch house comes into view surrounded by cars and trucks in various states of disrepair. Jason climbs out looking around his eyes going to the muscle cars 
He hears Dragon grunt, turning to face the man, he's pulling metal and scrap work out of the bed of the truck. Jason moves to help but is waved off. 
“Go inside, the guest room is straight back past the kitchen across from the backdoor” Jason nods and after a moment heads inside. It's a standard hunters cabin on the interior, several sets of various deer and Moose antlers line the wall up the stairs. The kitchen counters are covered in fresh produce and cleaned dishes. He continues past into the narrow hall, the guest room as a bed, a dresser, and a safe in the closet.
Jason sits on the bed listening to the springs squeak and the birds outside. He fishes the burner phone out of his backpack looking at Talias number
“Help yourself to the kitchen kid, I'll be out in the barn if you need anything.” Dragons say after knocking on the door frame
Jason turns the phone off and stands “anything I can help with?”
Dragon smiles and waves for him to follow. Jason tosses the phone on to the bed without a second look. NEXT
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neverbacksdown7476 ¡ 5 years ago
Don’t Say It (Part 7)
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Warnings: Angst, maybe some fluff
Part 6
“I could meet you for lunch if you want, or we could go for drinks after work.” Sonny said walking with you towards the D.A.’s office building. It was your first day back to work since your brother had been arrested, the trial hadn’t started yet, and Barba wanted you to wait until after the trial to come back. However, your savings were dipping, and you needed the paycheck. More importantly, you just needed to get out of the damn house.
“Sonny, I love you, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but I need my space.” You said looking at him out of the corner of your eye. Even though you were constantly telling him you were fine, he didn’t quite believe you. He still hadn’t left your side, even gone as far as sleeping on your couch. You finally convinced him it was time to go home, and it was obviously making him nervous.
“Alright, alright.” Sonny backed off, but stared at you for a moment longer.
“Go to work, I’ll be fine.” You shooed him away, walking off yourself before anything else could be said.
You walk the halls of your place of work, the halls that seemed to grow longer and longer by the second. It seemed like everyone’s eyes were burning into you. It just dawned on you, this was the first time you had been alone since Barba found out about the threats that were being made against you. The first time you had been alone for a long time. Now you were surrounded by your co-workers, other attorneys, and some cops, and some civilians. It felt like they were either judging you because of your brother, or marking you for the future. As fear settled over you, your chest began to feel so heavy that breathing became a chore. There was nothing you could do, except tighten your grip on your suitcase, and put one foot in front of the other. Just keep moving forward, ignore the looks, ignore the whispers, and try so desperately to ignore the world that seemed to be closing in around you.
Making your way to desk that was nestled in the basement of the building, in the far corner. There were other desks around, and like you it belonged to brand new A.D.A’s. The bosses had to at least know your name for you to get a good desk, you have to be good at your job to get an office, and you have to be really damn good to get an office like Barba has. Your desk was dull, void of life, and pretty much empty. You barely went to your own desk, doing most of your work in Barba’s office, or in courthouse meeting rooms. The faces of the people around you were unfamiliar, even though you all probably started around the same time.
Trying to keep to yourself, you avoided their wandering eyes, and sat down at your desk. A desk you hadn’t been at in so long there was actually dust on it, which flew up as you put your suitcase on the desktop. Popping open the suitcase and pulling out your files, you started doing the scutt work you had been putting off for some time now.
No matter how hard you tried to ignore the eyes on you, you just couldn’t. Your heart was beating so hard in your chest that you could almost hear it. In the heat of the moment you decided to face your fears, instead of running from them. Looking up with a loud huff you slammed your pen down on the stack of papers in front of you. Most everyone had the decency to look away, and pretend they hadn’t even noticed you. 
Everyone except the man who was sitting at the desk across from yours. He had short, buzzed, brown hair, green eyes, and tanned skin. He was probably in his early to mid-thirties. He leaned back in his chair, staring at you. Studying you. He didn’t back down not even when you made eye contact. Suddenly you wished you hadn’t been so brave and just ignored everyone, because this was a nightmare.
“Can I help you?” You finally asked going against every fiber of your being, and not backing down.
“I was just curious about the person who sat at that desk.” He responded with a cocky smirk. You couldn’t help but wonder if all lawyers were so arrogant. “It had been empty for so long we thought it was reserved for an old A.D.A. who died or something.”
“Is that so? Well, sorry to disappoint, it’s mine.” You tried to go back to your work, but the man across from you kept talking.
“Come on, who’s ass did you have to kiss to get a position that keeps you away from the lacky room so much?”
“I’m sorry the ‘lacky room’?” You asked out of curiosity.
“Yes, the lacky room. For all of us brand new A.D.A.s who do nothing but scutt work, and low profile things that no one else wants to do.” The man explained finally leaning forward. He rested his elbows on his desk, interlocked his fingers together, and rested his chin on those interlocked fingers. “So, who’s ass did you have to kiss?” He repeated
“I didn’t kiss anyone’s ass, I’m just good at what I do.” You replied to him with a snarky tone.
“Oh come on, we’ve seen you on the news, working some high profile cases. We assumed you were new because no one had heard of you before that, we just thought you transferred in from another borough. However, with you sitting at that desk means you are just as new as the rest of us.”
“You’ve seen me on the news, only because I was standing next to the A.D.A. who is training me. I don’t actually do anything all that important.”
“No, we haven’t done anything important. Jeffery over there has only gone to court over probation violations. Maria hasn’t seen the inside of a courtroom in 3 weeks. Yesterday I spent the whole week arraigning drug users, not dealers, users.” He said with a slightly bitter tone in his voice. “You on the other hand, work with Rafael Barba on high profile cases. Like those three cops that shot that kid, I bet you didn’t make a lot of friends on that one.” You couldn’t tell if his voice was threatening your just hateful. Either way you found yourself glaring at him.
“Well if that’s all, I have work to do.” You said picking up your pen, and trying to focus on the paperwork in front of you. However, the man’s eyes were still trained on you, and you could feel them. Taking another deep huff you looked up at him, no words were exchanged the two of you just stared one another down. Finally, your eye contact broke when you heard a whistle from the opening of the room. Everyone looked over to see Barba standing in the doorway.
“You. Come with me.” He pointed to you before turning on his heels and walking away. He didn’t even wait for you to gather your things. Quickly you shoved all of you paperwork back into your briefcase not so neatly and rushed after him. You were worried he was pissed off, you wondered what could have happened to make him so angry. Luckily, he was waiting for you at the end of the hallway. 
“You know, you might not want to fight with them.” Barba told you, continuing to walk when you caught up with him.
“I wasn’t trying to fight, he started it.” You mumbled, managing to look over your shoulder to make sure you weren’t being followed. It was the first time you had done that. It was the first time you ever felt the need to.
“Well, can I say that I like how you didn’t back down then?” He asked with a small smirk spreading across his lips, which got you to grin too. You were starting to feel relief when you walked through the doors to Barba’s waiting room, where Carmen smiled at the two of you.
“Good morning. Y/N, it’s nice to see you back, how are you doing?”
“I’m good, thanks for asking.” You smiled back at her.
“Sir, Detective Carisi called.” Carmen said handing him a note.
“Thanks.” He took the note before leading you into his actual office, closing the door behind you.
“Why did Sonny call?” You asked setting your briefcase in the chair by his desk.
“He was just calling about a case.”
“Oh yeah? What case?”
“The… uh… Boyd case.” Barba hesitated for way too long to be believed. You knew Sonny was checking up on you, and Barba was trying to hide it from you.
“Rafael, you are a lawyer, shouldn’t you be better at lying?” You asked
“I am, but I feel like we shouldn’t lie to each other, so of course I’m not very good at it. That should be a good thing right?” He walked closer to you, putting his hand on your shoulder. You looked at his smile, and couldn’t help but smile back. The weight that sat on your chest was lifted. You somehow forgot how safe you felt with him, how comforting his touch was, how soothing his voice was.
“I do appreciate that,” you told him. Reaching out, you took his hand in yours, and leaned toward him. It had been so long since you had been alone together, and for a moment you had completely forgotten you were at work, and so had he. Leaning in, your lips were almost touching, when there was a knock on the door. The two of you had mastered the act of pulling away from each other like nothing had ever happened.
He dropped his hand from your shoulder, you plopped into the chair you were standing next to, pulling your hands away from each other, Barba seamlessly took a few steps away from you, and you pulled a few files from your briefcase. This all happened before Carmen opened the door letting in Lieutenant Benson, and Sonny. You rolled your eyes, letting out an almost silent sigh seeing Sonny again. You looked down at your upside down paperwork, and before anyone could see it and question it, you closed the file and tossed it on Barba’s desk.
“Lieutenant, Detective, what can I do for you?” Barba asked, sitting on the edge of his desk.
“We came, because there was a break in the case.” Sonny said
“The Boyd case?” You asked while eyeing Barba, and he glared almost playfully at you.
“I’m sorry… There is no Boyd case.” Benson said in confusion
“No, Y/N,” Sonny said moving the conversation right along. “Your brother’s case.”
“A break in my brothers case?” Sometimes you hated the emotional side of you, because you wanted to cry just hearing anything about your brothers case. Instead, you cleared your throat and pulled up your big girl breeches. “What’s wrong now?”
“No, it’s nothing wrong per-say.” Benson said “There is a sort of flaw with the victim.”
“Flaw?” Barba asked, pulling off his suit jacket laying it over his leg.
“She was paid,”
“Paid by who?” You asked. You felt very conflicted about the hope rising in your stomach. You shouldn’t feel hopeful that the case would fall apart, you shouldn’t feel hopeful that maybe this girl was only after money, you shouldn’t feel hopeful, but you do. You feel hopeful that maybe your brother wasn’t a rapist.
“A woman that she knew in high school, this woman used to work for David until she was fired. The circumstances were not great, and let’s just say we are starting to think maybe there is more to the story than we originally thought.” Benson said
“So, my brother is innocent, he is being released?”
“We aren’t quite there yet, but the evidence needs to be turned over to the defense.” In the end it was all talk, but with the new evidence your brother could win. You smiled slightly, trying to hide it, especially from the Lieutenant. But you could vaguely see a grin on Sonny’s face as well.
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movedvalkyriesryde ¡ 5 years ago
Friend or Foe - Two
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced!reader
Summary: A dead body comes up on the Avengers radar that threatens to leak some unpleasant   moments and people from Bucky’s time as the Winter Soldier to his friends that he thought he’d never face again.
Warning (overall): violence, depression, anxiety, PTSD, mind control, drugs, suicidal thoughts
Word Count: 2,230
A/N: Here it is fam, it’s a bit of a filler and I’m not overly happy with it but it explains some things that need to be known before the next part. Enjoy fam <3
Prologue - One - Two - Three -
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bucky scanned over the car park as he walked across the landing to room 36. He made note of the family of six that seemed to be living in two rooms across the car park. He made note of the eight cars in the car park, the one motorbike. He watched the cleaner open the door into Room 42 and he kept his head down as he walked past the cart and swiped the spare master key that sat among the cleaning supplies. 
“You’re clear to move in” he heard Steve in his ear as he did a final look around at his surroundings before unlocking the door and stepping into the dingy room. It wasn’t anything special, a cheap motel always looked the same no matter where it was or who owned it. The room looked almost untouched, if it wasn’t for the remote control on the end of the bed or the Do Not Disturb sign on the door Bucky would have thought she was already gone. But he knew her better than that. Even if he didn’t know much about her, she had always been there waiting for him.
Steve watched Bucky walk into the room from his place in the passenger seat nervously. He felt like something was off and, usually, when Steve felt like something was off, it was. He trusted his friend though, he trusted Bucky with his life. He did not trust 101, whoever this girl may be, she may have been a victim of Hydra like Bucky but that didn’t mean Steve trusted her. She could still hold loyalty for Hydra, she could be luring Bucky into a trap. Steve was on high alert in that passenger seat as he watched a truck drive down the highway and a car pull out of the car park. 
Bucky cursed himself for not bringing a weapon with him, he hadn’t been thinking clearly when he left the compound, taking a weapon was the last thing on his mind. He walked slowly across the room, kicking his foot under the bed as he went past into the bathroom. Clear. It was all clear, there was no one here. There were no personal effects. 
“She’s not here,” he told Steve, Bucky heard a sigh of relief from the other end as he knelt down to look properly under the bed for something, anything, that hinted she was here. 
“Maybe we missed her Buck, it has been over 24 hours since we found Court. I can’t imagine she’d stick around for long.” 
Bucky opened the closet and pulled out the pile of blankets that sat on the floor, an odd place for them to be he thought before looking up and seeing what he had been searching for, a duffel bag. 
“I found a duffel bag Steve,” Bucky dropped the bag on the bed and started combing through its contents, “forged passports, money, change of clothes, a pistol. That’s it.” He threw the pistol back into the bag and stared at it.
“You think she’ll come back for it?” Steve asked quietly.
“Yea, I do,” he said. Bucky was sure of it, there’s no way she would have left that in the room if she wasn’t coming back.
“Stake out?”
“Stake out.”
Bucky pulled his message for her out of his pocket and placed it on the bedside table before he put everything in the room how he had found it.
As he walked across the road and towards the car he saw Steve on the phone and could see the annoyance on his face. Great.
“You better have a good excuse for dodging my calls Rogers?!?” Tony yelled through the receiver as Steve pulled the phone away from his ear. “I have been worried SICK looking for you and Barnes. You two just fuck off out of the blue FIVE HOURS AGO and don’t even CALL!!?” He heard scuffling through the phone and another voice as he nodded to Bucky who sat back in the driver’s seat next to him. 
“Steve what the hell?” Natasha’s voice was much calmer than Tony’s, but Steve could still hear the anger in it as she spoke, “We talked about this. You can’t just run off and do your own thing in a mission, we’re a team.”
Steve looked at Bucky whose eyes were firmly locked on the motel room. “I’m not by myself.”
“No, you’re right, you’re not. You went to talk to Bucky and then all of a sudden you’re driving off out of the compound with him. What’s going on? He obviously knows something.” She said. Steve felt bad, he really did, he should have picked up the first time either Nat or Tony had called but it wasn’t his place to explain. 
“You’re at some dingy motel in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere and if you don’t tell us why this second there will be hell to pay!”  Steve rolled his eyes at Tony’s yelling, he really was turning into a dad and Steve swore he heard Tony mumble something about him being as bad as Peter. 
“Look, I can’t give you the whole story now but just know that we’re following a lead and we’ll be back tomorrow morning,” he moved to hang up the phone but stopped when he heard more moving around through the receiver. 
“Yea I don’t think we have until tomorrow morning Cap,” it was Sam now catching Steve’s attention, and Bucky’s who had been eavesdropping on the conversation this entire time. “Two more Hydra operatives that were known associates of Court have been found dead. One in Poland, the other in Croatia.” 
Bucky and Steve looked at each other with eyebrows pulled down, if she was still in New York state there was no way that that was her, unless...
“They’ve been dead for months,” Sam said after a moment of silence. 
“Same MO?” Bucky asked loudly as Steve put the phone on speaker and held it between them. 
“Yupp, Jeffery Patrick and Dennis Haarmann, both scientists,” Natasha spoke. 
Bucky rested his head on the back of the seat and swore under his breath. He knew those last names, he’d only heard them once but he knew it was her that had killed them. 
“There’s one more we’re missing.” A collective of ‘what’s sounded out through the phone and from Steve, “There was another one she mentioned, I don’t know his full name but she called him Colonel Jeffords.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“I know exactly how I’m gonna kill them” she mumbled out as they fought in the middle of the room. He didn’t respond, he wasn’t here to talk or listen, he was just here to fight. “I wouldn’t use my powers, that would be too nice.” She blocked his attack and jumped onto his back, pulling his head back by his hair as he tried to pry her off of him. “There’s this drug that causes hallucinations, I heard the scientists talking about it. I’d inject them,” he flipped her onto the ground and pinned her on her stomach, “then make them live through exactly what I did, make them feel the pain I did, make them feel the lose I did.” She elbowed him in the jaw as they continued to fight on the ground, “Four of them, Tom Court, those two godforsaken scientists Patrick and Haarmann and Colonel Jeffereds. I’ll make them suffer.”
The soldier threw her against the wall and she fell limp against the ground for a second before turning onto her back. He sauntered over to her and pressed his knee to her chest. His face was emotionless, she never knew if he could actually hear what she was saying half the time, but it was comforting having someone to talk to. She couldn’t stop talking to him. 
“Anyone you want gone soldier?” she breathed out, “I’ll add them to my list.” he grunted as she pushed against his arms. The devil himself, Court, walked into the room, a sign that their sparring session was coming to an end. “Friend or foe soldier?”
It had become a tradition between the two of them for her to end their sparring like this, with her asking him that simple yet complicated question. Most times she didn’t get a response, barely ever did she get a verbal one. The soldier moved to loosen his grip on her arm, his own way of answering her as he allowed her to give the final blow and send him flying to the other side of the room at the feet of Court and the Soldier’s handler. Friend. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Get your asses back here now Steve, we need to find Jeffords” was the last thing Natasha had said before the call ended and Bucky and Steve were on the road again. 
The road was silent as Bucky drove. He hadn’t wanted to leave the motel, he needed to see her to really believe that she was alive. He couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that she should be dead. He was sure that she wasn’t going to survive after he had left the base from the anger on Court’s face as he was dragged out.
She’d attacked one of the scientists, for the third time, left him beaten and bloody on the ground before someone had walked in and sedated her. Bucky didn’t expect to ever hear from her again, and he didn’t. He looked for her briefly in Wakanda but there was no word of her, nothing he could find that suggested she was still alive. He should have looked harder for her. He didn’t know how many more years she had suffered under Court before now. He should have got her out. He owed it to her to help her now but he couldn’t just go about this alone, he needed the help of his friends to find her and apprehend her. What was going to happen to her afterwards though, Bucky wasn’t sure of. 
What if this was an elaborate trap? What if she was trying to lure him out? What if she was in danger? There were a million scenarios in his head as he walked through the compound.
Bucky sucked in a breath as he entered the boardroom with Steve to Nat, Tony, Sam and Clint waiting for them. It had been three hours since they left the motel and Bucky was still regretting leaving but he wasn’t exactly given a choice. 
“What have we got on Jeffords?” Steve asked walking towards the table and picking up one of the files on the desk. 
“We’re combing through Jon Does across the state, we think this is where he is, it explains why she’s still here.” Tony said without looking up from his laptop.
“Sam and Clint will take one half of the list and Tony and I will take the other.” Natasha said. She sat at the head of the table with papers spread out in front of her and the rest nodded along with her words.
“Tony?” Bucky asked. Tony looked up from the laptop waiting for Bucky to continue, “were you serious about putting a tracker in that bullet keychain you gave me?” A small smirk came across Tony’s face as he remembered the keychain he had given Bucky last Christmas, remembering the joking threat of a tracking device.
“In fact I was why?” 
“Can you bring it up?” Bucky had everyone’s attention now as he waiting for Tony to bring up a map with the tracking device located on it. 
“Buck?” Sam asked with eyebrows raised as they waited.
“That was my message,” his explanation was directed to Steve, he was the only one who would properly understand, “a bullet, I didn’t have a proper one so I just used the keychain, and I figured Tony wasn’t lying about the tracking device. You really think I would have left that motel with no way of keeping track of her?” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked around the room at his friends. 
“She’s not far, but she’s moving inland fast,” Tony stood from his seat and the rest of them gathered their belongings.
“Right then, Bucky and Steve go find her, the rest of you have your assignments.” Nat commanded the team as they all moved out of the room to their respective vehicles. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This time Steve was behind the wheel as they drove back out of the city. Bucky had the tracker in his hand as he watched that little red dot move quickly down the map and onto unmarked roads.
“What do we do when we find her?” Steve asked quietly, the little red dot had stopped moving now, it stood in the middle of a large wooded area that they were nearing.
“We take her in unharmed right?” It was more of a question than anything else, Bucky knew that Steve didn’t trust her. He knew she was going to be arrested even if it was temporary, he hoped it would only be temporary. 
“Right, we need to interrogate her though, you know that right?” Steve looked at Bucky and then back towards the road. He knew how important 101 seemed to be to Bucky but she was still a person of interest, a suspected murderer and member of Hydra. She wasn’t just going to get away with that.
“I know.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Prologue - One - Two - Three -
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Requests are open!
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Permanent Taglist (OPEN): @starvinggaywriter @witch-of-letters
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littleangel4996 ¡ 5 years ago
Sangtuary (1/?)
Vampire!Michael X Half vampire!Reader and Vampire!Jeffrey X Half Vampire! Divine
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Summary: (Y/n) and Divine gets a invite to a club "the sangtuary"
Warning: Drinking, drugs, Jeffrey flirting with Divine, (y/n) being a bitch (but that's only she's very protective and has a hate for vamps)
Y/n P.o.v
Being a vampire Hunter is not an easy job. Sarah Michelle Gellar made it look so easy in her Buffy the Vampire Slayer series but this is reality and It fucking blows. Tonight was one of the hardest jobs I had to do. There was this vampire who can disappear like Smoke from Mortal Kombat. Luckily I've attached holy water grenade to him and finally disappeared, good riddance.  Hopefully Liz can make me a Jack Coke after a long hard night. 
"Hey there missy" Iris stopped me and I turned around greeting her with a smile.
"Hey Iris, I would hug you but as you can see I'm full of vampire dirt" I pointed.
"I understand, Divine wanted me to tell you to meet her and the countess in her room. I guess there's something important they would like to discuss with you" Iris explained. I rolled my eyes. "Can it just wait" I groaned. Iris shook her head. I nodded in response. I guess that Jack Coke will have to wait. I enter the elevator pressing the button to go up to her flat. I wonder what's so important they wanted to talk to me about. Maybe Mother wanted me and Divine to hunt another vampire, a warlock, or a witch I don't know but I just hope it's nothing bad.
The doors slide open as I exited out of the elevator and walking inside mother's nice room with Divine sitting on one of the couches and mother on her couch.
"Hello ladies" I greeted and Divine looked at me with wide cat eyes. "Oh my God, what happened to you" she gasped. My mother Elizabeth had the same look like Divine had but she was desperately holding her laughter.
"Transmutation Vampire that's what happened Dee Dee. And don't say you should have taken me with you because I learned that the hard way" I said to her after dropping the bag next to the couch and plopped down next to Divine. 
"So what's up, Mom" the countess took a deep breath and taking a sip of her bloody Martini. "Have you girls ever heard of the new club that just opened" she asked.
"The Sangtuary? `` she nodded. The Sangtuary is this night club that opened a week ago by some Brothers. " What about it" asked Divine.
" Because that's where you two are going. You both have been invited to their club". She pulls out the black velvet envelopes passing it to us and stands up walking to her room and brings out two beautiful dresses that were mine and my sister's taste but I wasn't liking this idea and I don't usually wear dresses that much. Actually not at all since my prom night. One was a black low shoulder with a choker and the other was a black lacy short dress. 
"Do I really have a choice because honestly I really don't feel like going out tonight except take a nice shower and watch episodes of the golden girls" I said to mom but she was still handing me the dress for me to pick. I rolled my eyes and took the one with the choker as she smiles at me and hands Divine the lacy dress. Before I leave mother said " Please take a shower before you go anywhere" and gave her a glare before storming out. Fuck my life.
I hate it. I hate it and one more time, I hate it. Why I say I hate well I hate the fact that our mom is sending Divine and I to some club that we don't know about, I hate that this dress that's very short and God damnit I hate this day. Divine was waiting for me in the lobby having her makeup and hair done with golden flower crown she wears with almost everything. Mines was simple eyeliner, mascara and dark red lipstick with my hair half up with curls. Plus thigh high boots I'm wearing. Divine looks like an angel lighting everybody's day and night. She takes one good look at me and says " You look tense. Loosen up. You need to have fun, we all need to have fun. When was the last time we ever went out?"
Honestly, the last time we ever went out when we were in our teens and when we grow into adulthood we never had fun except killing evil. But I know Divine hates just killing. As I was about to speak I heard a familiar cheerful voice. 
"Ahh, well you lovely ladies look very ravishing. Where are you two heading" Mr.March asked. 
"To the new club that opened up, The Sangtuary, we were invited by the owners" replied Divine. Mr.March nodded. "Well don't let me stop you from having fun, go on girls go raise hell" he piped up as Divine and I said our goodnites to Mr.March and headed out going to "raise hell".
Parking was a pain in the ass to find, luckily there was parking near abandoned warehouse. The line was packed. People groaning and complaining about standing in a line. Mother said to give the invite to the bouncer and will let us in. Why would the owners invite my sister and I?  The bouncer let us through as he took our invitation and told us to enjoy our night. When we got in, everything was red. The lights, the sofas, the dance floor too. The ladies sway their hips to the beat as the men grind their hips to their partner. Some were drinking, some were even doing coke or smoking weed. My prayers have been answered as I spotted a bar straight ahead pulling Divine along with me. I don't want her by herself, she may know how to fight but she has a heart of gold and has never been touched by any man. I like to keep it that way. The bartender was a bleached blonde and pale complexion wearing a purple Victorian suit.
" Hello ladies, I'm Mr Gallant and I'll be your bartender. What can I get ya"he said in his feminine voice. Great he's gay now I don't have to worry. " Yeah, I'll have a Jack Coke and a Gallagher please" I ordered and he went to go make our drinks. "This looks fun" Divine hollered over the beat.
"Don't lose your cool, sis. " I said and she rolled her eyes. " Come on, let's have fun for once " she left to the dance floor dancing to the music before I could stop her. Divine is Divine, but she's also pure of gold, never touched by men. And I would love to keep it that way. The bartender taps me on the shoulder passing our drinks. 
"On the house baby" he said with a smile. I gave him a confused look.
"From who?"
"The owners of this place" he points as I turned my head to see 2 blonde men standing from the balcony. One dressed in velvet and long hair and the other dressed in black and short hair. They both look similar. "Who are they, Mr Gallant?" 
"The Langdon twins, Michael and Jeffrey. They are super hot as hell which is why you two are the lucky ones because darling no one in this club never gotten a drink on the house." Are those the owners that invited us? But why would they? I turned to look back at the balcony to see the boys gone. I was about to ask where they were until Gallant had this smirk on his face staring where my sister was…but she wasn't alone at all. The short blonde haired man that was standing from the balcony was dancing with my sister having his arms around her and Divine swaying her hips to the beat. And what really triggered me most was he was grinding on Divine. Okay this fucker is dead.
Divine's P.O.V
"What's your name little tulip" the blonde man asked.
"Divine. Divine (l/n)" he spins me around as I looked into his ocean blue eyes.
" Jeffrey Langdon and you my dear look so Divine. Care to join me for a drink" he asked but before I could answer my sister comes to shove Jeffrey.
"She's not interested, ass" she hissed. I rolled my eyes at this nonsense. (Y/n) needs to realize I'm not a little girl. I'm a fucking full grown woman for fucks sake. I stood in front of her.
"He wasn't doing anything wrong" I protested
"Yet" she said. Before she could kill him on the dance floor a tall man same as Jeffery's height but...this man looked so much like Jeffrey except he had long blonde hair, red eye shadow and a red velvet jacket. I assume this is Jeffery's twin brother.
" Why don't we take this private shall we" he says into my sister's ear and made a disgusted face pushing him off . (Y/n) was about to say something snarky.
"He meant somewhere quiet. You know like backstage." Her only response was a grunt and the two Langdon gentleman lead us upstairs as we entered the elevator. Michael pressed a button that had the initials PH, which stands for penthouse. 
The elevator doors open to reveal a living room with a piano along a mini bar with a shelf of many alcoholic drinks. I was in awe to see a balcony that hid behind white sheer curtains. They even have a row of bookshelves, an upstairs that lead to a bedroom and another bedroom thats downstairs. I've never been so amazed by this place. But my sister on the other hand looked like she wanted to murder the brothers. But why would she want to murder them? For being generous or because Jeffrey was being a flirt?
"Please, make yourselves comfortable while I make you flowers a drink" Michael threw his red velvet dinner jacket on the leather couch and making his way to the mini bar making our drinks as we took a seat. 
"Remember what I said" (y/n) said in a Stern voice. "Keep your guard up and if anything happens, stake them" she puts the silver stake inside my purse. God I wish she would chill just for tonight. 
My mind was soon cut off by Jeffery playing the piano. The tune sounds so familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it. 
" Sweet dreams, if you were guessing, tulip" Jeffery said.
"It's one of my favorite piano versions. I used to play the violin when I was 12 and oh I've almost forgotten that (y/n) used to play the piano and a beautiful singer- Ow" my sister pinched my arm, like she didn't want me to give that information.
"Ah, a brave girl who hides special talents. I'm impressed." Michael gives us our drinks. It's a red liquid. It smells so good that I took a sip of it along with (y/n).  The taste is Rich, sweet and a little metallic. 
"It's blood" my sister says with daggers in her eyes looking at Michael.
"In the end, we're alone. And there is nothing but the cold, dark wasteland of eternity" Michael finished his quote and showing off his porcelain pear fangs. 
Hey, sorry for the long delay I just wanted to say happy New year and I'm excited to get back on track 😁. Also thank you for being patient and thank you to the people who encourage me.
If anyone likes to be tagged in any of my writings let me know and feedback is much appreciated 👍😊
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xladyxfatex ¡ 5 years ago
Chapter Three (FMITN Book 1)
** 2 days later**
Jessica had master 8 of the 15 incantations and spells in the last two days along with mastering several of the tonics and potions. Melissa was able to get ahold of Gwendolyn she agreed to come out with Alestier and would be there next month on the 5th. 
Jessica's wolf was scratching and clawing to get out, it was hurting her so much that Gilbert and the boys stayed home to try to comfort her till nightfall. Jessica normally cuddled up to Jeff but the last few days she had been with Matthew, not that the eldest minded. In fact he was fairly sure this change was due to Jeff accidentally striking Jess during the fight the two brothers had. Needless Jeff was not happy that the little omega he's sister would turn her back on him, worse every time he tried to get close to her she'd flinch. Gilbert took his daughter from her brothers and glared between the two, his own silent way of telling them to figure out how to fix this issue. 
Jeff stared at Matt with almost a look of hurt in his eyes, for a six year old he did seem to feel more than others his age.
"Why does she hate me?" His voice cracking causing the eight year old to sighed shaking his head.
"Ever think to apologize for decking her in the back of the head by accident? You really need to control that. You'll get in trouble at school if you don't." Matt didn't want to start a fight, they should be making sure Jess was getting ready for her first shift. Sure their dad was helping with that but it was only 2 years ago Jeff first shifted and 4 since Matt had. They had fresher experiences with it. "We need to help Jess prepare for tonight's shift. It's her first you remember what the pain, don't you?" 
Truth was Jeff remembered, the pain, the dehydration cause he didn't listen to the alpha his father and brother. It was painful. Nodding to Matt, they left Jessica's room, only to find her on the kitchen talking to no one. The boys were confused but listened.
"I know he didn't mean to hurt me, Jeffy always protects me, but I'm still scared. What, no! I know he's sorry I couldn't help but cuddle into Matty though. Oh stop clawing! Daddy says you can come out tonight, in the meantime between you and daddy I have to drink tons of water like I've been doing the last few days. Huh ...no I smell…..chocolate and spice, that's Jeffy but I also smell sage and honey, which is Matty." Jessica giggled and the boys looked confused, she had never told them what they smell like to her. Coming from around the corner the boys stopped when they saw 5 empty bottles of water and Jessica drinking another one.
"Little one,  how much water have you had today?" Matt was slightly worried he didn't want  Jess getting sick. "Have you been eating a decent amount of meat for your shift tonight?"
Jessica looked up at her oldest brother and shook her head, she got out of her seat and ran straight into Jeff.
"I'm sorry I flinched when you touched me, I didn't mean to." She nuzzled her head onto her brothers shoulders and took in his scent. She was content. "And Matty? Today I've had 6 bottles of water and a good amount of meat. I'll be ready for tonight, my wolf wants me ready she doesn't want to hurt me and that's what I need to remember." 
The fact that her wolf had only made itself known almost 3 days ago and was so bonded with Jessica was practically unheard of, especially given she was Omega. 
"Little one, when was the first time you heard your wolf's voice?" Matt asked his curiosity getting the better of him. Jessica tapped her chin as her eyebrows knitted together in thinking.
"I guess I started hearing her voice last year? She would say it wasn't time yet, but would talk to me keep me company when everyone was busy. I thought at first she was just imaginary, but when the boys in class started hurting me I could feel her push forward, she said she not only had to protect me, but our family." Jessica smiled, she liked her wolf, she was kind and caring. 
Jeff and Matt couldn't help but wonder why her wolf showed up a year early, never mind the fact that it only really made herself known a few days ago. It was unheard of, but then again according to their parents what Jess is, was unheard of.  The boys and their sister continued to prepare for the night's event. Before continuing to get ready for the night shift, Jeff pulled Jessica outside.
“Look little one, you know-” he was abruptly cut off by Jesse’s laugh.
“I know Jeffy, you never meant to hurt me. I’m sorry for how I’ve been acting. Please forgive me big brother?” Jessica hung her head down, it wasn’t shame she felt though, she knew her actions had hurt her big brother and that was something she felt guilty for. Jeff chuckled and wrapped his baby sister in a tight hug.
“I’ll only forgive you if you forgive me, deal?” He smiled down at the girl in his arms as she looked up at him. 
“Of course I forgive you! I know you didn’t mean to.” She gripped him tight before letting go to get back in and hear about what else she’d need to know for the night. Gilbert was awaiting inside, Jessica’s wolf seem to know a lot which was helpful, but there were several things that he had to make sure she knew. Things that he had taught the boys. Jessica was on Jeff’s back giggling when the two came back in the house.
“It’s nice to see you two have made up. Princess there’s something we need to go over for tonight, very important things. First off, the shift will hurt but you know this already, you said your wolf has told you and that's best you just remember she isn’t trying to hurt you, right?” Jessica simply nodded her head “Good the other thing you need to know is you are to stay with at least one of us while you run, never go anywhere alone. It can be dangerous.” Again Jessica nodded in compliance. “Lastly, when you shift, you lose your clothing, this means when you revert back to your human self you’ll be naked. Don’t worry the four us have a meeting place, Your mama leave a bag of clothes for each of us. I unlike your brothers have better control over my shifts, so I tend to revert back earlier to get dressed. When the time comes I want you to stay back to allow the boys to change and then your mama will bring you your clothes. Matthew, Jeffery did I miss anything?” Matt tapped his chin and then realized something was forgotten.
“Dad! You didn’t tell her or explain the mind link.” This was something that scared Matt to death the first time he shifted, it was just him and his dad at that time and suddenly not only was his own voice in his head but his father’s too. Yeah he still hadn’t truly forgiven his dad for that scare yet.
“Right mind link. Well Jessica, werewolves don’t speak like we are right now. Hmm this is a  little harder to explain then show, but basically any werewolves in the area you can hear and talk with, basically we are a small pack, the mindlink will only work with the three of us, however should any of you join a new pack someday you’ll be able to mindlink with those members and communicate once your accepted.” Gilbert wasn’t a fan of his children joining a new pack but the reality was eventually they’d grow up and move out and need to find a new one, he knew Matthew and Jerffy could handle themselves even though there were young they were smart, and strong already for six and eight year olds, he worried mostly for his daughter, yes she was smart, and gifted in magic, but her being what she is scared him. Hunters still searched for supernatural inmaulies and Jessica was by far one. He wanted to keep her safe, that's why no one was supposed to speak of what she was, as far as others knew she was a werewolf. Even if Gwendolyn was coming with her son Alestier in just shy of a month they’d be only two outside of the family whom knew Jessica’s true form, something he was alright with but to say was fully accepting of well that just wasn’t the case.
Jessica looked at her father in thought, it was clear something was bothering him but she didn’t know what it was, nor could she full tell. Her fathers worry seemed to be strong and all Jessica could do to try to help was chant a small spell for anxiety that her mama had placed in her book in hopes it would help him, in all honesty she was sure it would help since she didn’t know what was wrong at all. But soon she could see his tense shoulders relaxed and his breathing became normal. She was grateful her mama had faith in her abilities and was teaching helpful spells.
Thanks @theworldofotps for help editing and proof reading!
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dulcetcries-blog ¡ 5 years ago
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hello ! i’m really on brand with the whole posting a day and a half later ! below the cut in no particular order are a collection of four people who populate autumn valley ! they’re not very long because i’m still fleshing them out but i’ve added a couple of wanted connections below all of them that will hopefully be some good jumping off points for deeper connections & help build out their stories a little bit !
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of death ( maeve harrow, jack ellis ) 
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★.⁙⁓ kat mcnamara, cis female, she/her, pansexual. ★.⁙⁓ introducing autumn valley’s very own maeve harrow ! she is a twenty five year old manager and a taurus. maeve can be found at hecate’s fire and their favorite autumn activity is going apple picking.
maeve has always believed in the occult, since she was just a little girl. 
her father claimed to know the warrens ( who the conjuring is based on ) and she’s always wanted to know more about the things that exist beyond this world.
little girls with wide imaginations oft have a tendency to explore what should be left alone, and mae knows all this quite well.
her dad passed when she was about six and she tried to use spirit boards to contact him. 
she was seven when she convinced herself that the board had actually worked, but it was also broken and shoved in the trash when she’d come home after school and had told her entire grade that she’d gotten it to work. 
she was a relatively mediocre student throughout school but mae always understood the importance of a good hustle and has always had at least two side hustles running. 
when she was a sophomore in high school, she got in trouble for selling canned soda a dollar cheaper than the vending machines. when she was a junior she had graduated to selling whatever fad pyramid scheme her mother had gotten involved in. 
they were never particularly wealthy, which might also contribute to why mae always wanted to have some kind of money making scheme going. 
funny thing, that feeling of desire; hunger grows deeply in one’s soul long after its been placated in the stomach.
she moved into her own apartment after her mother died about three years ago. mae was the only one who attended her funeral and it’s put some fear in her that she, too, will one day die alone.
she took to hecate’s hearth the moment it opened, always pestering zephyr for a job until they gave her one. 
she always desired a place to belong and the readings that they did for her meant the world and what was once considered a stepping stone now a secondary home, one she hopes to be as permanent as possible. 
wanted connections:
roommate ⋅ of any gender, this person more than likely responded to an ad mae had placed online and in the town newsletter. it wasn’t a particular long process from the time she met this person to the time they moved in, they clicked well and had a good enough understanding before signing the lease with her. 
platonic soulmate since high school ⋅ this is someone that mae was friends with in high school and has maintained an extremely tight relationship with. though they’re not living together ( they tried that once fresh out of high school and it’s safe to say they’ll never do that again ), they are the person that mae considers they’re rock and would fight to the death for. 
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★.⁙⁓ phoebe tonkin, demi female, she/her & they/them, pansexual. ★.⁙⁓ introducing autumn valley’s very own charlotte james ! they are a twenty seven year old tattoo artist and a libra. charlie can be found at indelible ink and their favorite autumn activity is pumpkin carving. { written by hannah }
charlie comes from a family with deadbeat parents and seven children and if you don’t think that toughens up somebody then you’re damn wrong. 
they’ve been working two jobs ever since they could remember, early mornings before school and well into the evenings after. after they left high school, they began an apprenticeship at indelible ink here in town and that’s been their primary source of income for the last seven-ish years.
they still keep up a season job at the briarpatch farms, helping out with all of their fall related activities so if they seem like a chicken with their head cut off some days, that would be why. 
while chris takes some care of their parents, charlie wants Nothing to do with them and only really cares about their siblings. 
they are their world and charlie will fight for them and their happiness until the day that they die. and if you think that’s some melodrama you are damn well wrong.
they honestly live in a lowkey shitty apartment but they’d rather save their money and scraping by for now is better than living in a nice place and then suddenly having it taken away from you with no warning.
charlie is ,,, extremely scared of stability and permanence, even though they crave it. they’re scared that they’re going to have something nice and all of a sudden it’s going to be gone, like they’ve put all of this work towards a happiness that they can’t eventually have.
wanted connections:
roommates ⋅ whether or not they actually see charlie often is something to be questioned, charlie is a courteous roommate. no major loud noises, especially not past ten pm or before eight am, no wild parties, no drugs, nothing. granted, charlie doesn’t give a fuck what their roommate does so long as they don’t lose the security deposit on the apartment. 
friends with benefits ⋅ charlie is terrified of permanence and keeping this person at an arm’s length away is something that tracks for that kind of mentality. 
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★.⁙⁓ chris hemsworth, cis male, he/him, bisexual. ★.⁙⁓ introducing autumn valley’s very own jackson ellis ! he is a forty one year old mayor and a leo. jack can be found at crichton’s manor and their favorite autumn activity is throwing a halloween party at the mayoral manor. { written by hannah } * business subject to change !
jack has been mayor for the last three and a quarter-ish years and has lived in autumn valley his whole life.
before he was mayor he was the owner and primary manager for red’s tavern, now he just owns the place and stops by for a drink of his own every once in a while. 
he’s placed the business in the capable hands of his sister, the second oldest ellis child after jack himself.
the tavern has been in the family for generations and jack was always proud to own it. he was conscious to get to know a lot of people that way and even though it maintains a dive bar aesthetic, you’ll be hard pressed to find a cleaner bathroom or better junk food.
when he was setting up his mayoral campaign, he got a lot of votes because of his proximity to the people of the town through the bar, which is something he’s been conscious to make especially family friendly. 
lots of people had known him since he was little and even though he ran nearly unopposed, he was a fine breath of fresh air.
he’s ,,, disgustingly warm, honestly. he’s a single father of three children ( ages 16, 19, and 21 -- the eldest two are playable ! ) and he has five younger siblings of his own. 
big families are something that he’s always known and adored. the holiday season means the world to him and he always starts preparing for halloween in september ( though he is incredibly conscious about making sure he doesn’t skip thanksgiving in his excitement for christmas ).
wanted connections:
personal assistant ⋅ this is the person who helps jack find his head every morning. they know the ins and outs of his personal life and help him with just about everything he need, from making sure he gets his coffee in the morning to picking up his kids from school. they’re treated like a member of the ellis family and jack trusts them with his life. 
his flirtationship ⋅ this is someone that jack is progressively warming up to ( for as much warmer as a man like jack can get ). whether or not this grows into something more is something that we can plot out, but he’s extremely hesitant to start anything serious given that he’s concerned about his kids, his dedication to the town, and not actually being able to make time for the person he gets romantically involved with. preferably filled by someone 27+ and can be any gender. 
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★.⁙⁓ sarah jeffery, cis female, she/her, sexuality. ★.⁙⁓ introducing autumn valley’s very own belinda matthews ! she is a twenty five year old tour guide and a cancer. belle can be found at crichton manor and their favorite autumn activity is getting lost in a corn maze. { written by hannah }
belinda matthews is the daughter of a pair of lawyers, cecelia and andrew matthews. 
the matthews were well into their thirties by the time they’d had their first child, both of them on their second marriage, but neither one lacking in love for their daughter.
belle always knew she was loved and for that kind of home she will always be thankful. the relationship that she has with her parents is built on a deep foundation of trust and respect, something that she’s observed is not true for most of her friends her age. 
given this extremely tight relationship, she’s always been a rather confident kid and that translated to her schoolwork, too. 
her parents were lawyers and she wanted to follow in their footsteps as best as she could. 
it was at school that belle was reminded of how sincerely she loved history and she switched relatively early on from any kind of criminal justice or pre-law track to a history track.
she’s currently in her final year of her master’s degree, though she’s not totally sure what she’s going to do with it. 
she took up a job at crichton manor about two years ago to put a little extra cash in her pocket while she was working on her degrees and she absolutely loves giving tours around town.
wanted connections:
i’m lowkey a little burnt out but fuck me up, belle makes close connections easily !
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monohart ¡ 6 years ago
stardust. (idol!au)
ft. huang renjun, failure and a secret relationship.
i’m back after a long break, haha. this was an old writing that had been sitting up in my drafts for a while... happy 2019! please spend this year showing more love to renjun. :)
thank you, and enjoy!
when you were cut from the line up for sm’s new group renjun was 100 times more devastated then u were
u were like hey rj cmon don’t worry i’ll be fine??? i’m sure i can audition for another company or smth?? or wait for the next unit debut??
u even jokingly said maybe u could debut in an nct unit but he couldn’t bring himself to smile
and your chest :(( hurt :(( from seeing him so hurt ;;;
ofc for as long as you remember y’all had been talking about both debuting under sm at the same time so y’all could be chasing your dreams and not be too far away from each other
but that plan failed when renjun debuted first with nct dream and had his schedule Packed w nct promotions and concerts and stuff
he and the other nct guys would sometimes let u sit behind the camera in vlives
this one time omg
(( ok so refer to this for a visual :) ))
u sat behind the camera in the chenle jaemin renjun react to baby don’t stop vlive
even though u were hella scared to be kicked out chenle was like HEY DW I’LL FIGHT ANYONE WHO THINKS YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO BE THERE OKAY
so u snuck out of your practice session slightly earlier to watch them
renjun was so excited u were there but obvs he had to keep it together for the live
then!! lolololol rip your manager found out u snuck out of practice and found u in the room and pulled u out of the room
(u kno that moment when they all looked behind the camera and then turned down the music.. yeah issa bc ur crazy manager almoST ruined the mood)
manager scolded u outside the room for a good few minutes and then told u to get yourself together
and u stood outside the room for a bit longer after manager left
and u were literally about to leave but then guess who u ran into!!!
chittaphon knew about u and rj since the day he met u and him both
it was kinda funny really bc u and rj stood rly awkwardly next to each other at this company event a few years ago and y’all were standing around the other dreamies and some other trainees and suddenly renjun’s hand brushed the side of your leg and u glance at him and he smiles at u and u look away smiling
AND chittaphon, who happens to be taking a nice long sip of his soda SEES THIS and spits his soda out
accidentally sprays soda onto jeffery’s back
but yeah thats another story
ten sees u sulking outside the door and peers in and sees renjun and hears bds
u know that smile smirk ten does when he knows whats Up™.
yeah he does that and be like
“eyy why don’t u go in???”
then u give him a breakdown of what happened with skipping practice and being caught by the manager
and hes like :o
but chittaphon is chittaphon so he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you back into the practice room and hides you in a corner just out of view
and then he sneaks onto them!!
then jaemin... quick-eyed, lovely doe-eyed jaemin... sees u hiding and nudges renjun ever so slightly
he sees u and before he gets flustered ten’s all over him asking how the mv was and flustered rj tries to keep his cool while showering chittaphon w compliments
and u know how ten looks at him like That :^)
and jaemin keeps peeking over their shoulders
yeah :))
but anyway, on that night u were cut from the line up
after the news got to him he sits down and was just like
because he knew how much debuting meant to u and
and... YOUR DREAMS TO BE TOGETHER :(( debuting together and always being close to each other
and u mentioned before that if u dont debut in the next five years u prolly would quit the entertainment industry
maybe go back to school and study some or idk work in a less chaotic industry
in that moment he remembered what u said and was a little heartbroken too
he tried to find you in your usual practice room but u weren’t there and he shouldn’t be loitering around so he gave up and let you have some space
bet u he sulked all the way home
you had travelled back to your dorm because u needed some time alone oof
it took u a good few hours to deal with the news and when u were ready to talk about it again, it was like 3am but u still gave his mobile a call
he picked up on the second ring and said to meet him outside your dorm in a few mins and y’all can go take a walk or smth for some fresh air
so u guys go to the park for a nice quiet walk in the dead of night hhh
u had so many things to say but mostly u were worried with your relationship w him and how y’all were supposed to balance that out given his priorities with nct and you as... just a trainee...
u didnt have to explain anything or other bc he suddenly goes
“what if we went public with our relationship?”
u look up at his face that was hidden behind a mask and his glasses
u deadass thought he was kidding but his that look in his eyes were like hella serious
“just think about it for a second. maybe we don’t have to bring it to the fans, but at least let the company know”
and u were like no way they’ll just do anything to keep yall apart
he didnt answer after that and not too long later yall started heading back to your dorm
it was almost 5am and the streets were still dark and renjun had an arm around your waist and you leant against him and yall walked slowly bc honestly u guys haven’t slept a wink and its been a Really Long day
your dorm was a street away from his
actually he stops about a street or two away from your dorm bc another idol group also lived in the same building as u and there were always sasaengs and people w cameras outside your dorm
u were a trainee so it didnt bother u but renjun was renjun :,)
plus he actually wanted sum privacy so he could kiss u.. so...
there was a narrow alley just around the back of the apartment block next to yours
u would never go there alone kasdnj it was scary at any time of the day
u wouldn’t go even if someone was there with u
maybe it was the heat of the moment or u were just so down that day
it didn’t rly bother u when renjun gently backed u up against the wall and hugged u n took off his mask n buried his face in the crook of ur neck
and that immediately put a smile on your face ur like baby wyd its 5am
hes looks at u like :(( and says “i miss u” in a quiet quiet voice & in his mother tongue
u knew what it meant and hearing him say it in chinese made you uwu to mars
then he showers u with like tiny tiny butterfly kisses and he wraps his arms around u to make u feel safe and warm
which u do!!
he holds u up too when ur knees buckle a bit but then just continues kissing u hehehe
its all sweet and innocent but his kisses last just a tiny bit longer each time, as if hes scared that you’d run away
after he finishes kissing u he meets your eyes and u literally watch his orbs go all soft and he hides his face in your neck again while u mutter about how much of a big baby he is
the goodnight was!!!
the hardest thing y’all had to do omg
he literally didnt want to let u go
and when he did and when u started walking toward ur building u kept looking back, wanting him to head off but he didnt and stood there waiting for u to go in
and u didnt want to go in without knowing he was on his way home and was safe on the walk back wdf it was almost 6am
then when u were almost at the door u saw he hadn’t moved an inch
so u run back to him
he was still standing at the spot where y’all parted - which was a few streets down and out of sight
he scolds u for running back out but he smiles when doing so and u snap his mask back onto his face and kisses him over the mask like 200 times and u couldnt see but hes like dying from the giggles
anyway eventually y’all go home :,) it just took forever :,)
the next day u head to the building in the afternoon to catch up on some sleep
u were a bit guilty to find out renjun went back to work at 7am which meant he practically didnt get any sleep
y’all brush shoulders in the cafeteria but he was walking w hyuck and his manager so u couldn’t stop and chat
tho u couldn’t help but notice his manager steal a glance at u when u walked by and he had this really weird smile on his lips
made u go like huh.,, maybe he recognises me from the many Brief encounters yall had before
anyway u were doing some vocal and keyboard practice later in the afternoon when the door to the private training suite opened and two loud boys stumbled in
made u rly surprised bc u never expected it to be them??
it was taeyong and winwin??
they were both looking at u like :))) as if they did something great :))
taeyong introduces himself formally but you’re like ,, um u know we’ve met before at this function and hes like OH,,, sorry
anyway they were there to tell u how renjun couldn’t shut up about u since he went back to the dorm last night and now all of nct knows about everything to know about u and him (if they hadn’t already)
you’re just like .,, oof what embarrassing stuff did he say
they’re like NO ALL NICE STUFF,, a bit cringey at times
but !! nct wanted to help u
so earlier today
johnny and jaehyun spoke to their managers and night night producers and asked if they could hire a third radio dj - yknow someone who also speaks english and is really nice and entertaining and funny and cool like u are!!
that idea is now In The Talks
winwin brought up a variety thing china line and their managers had been thinking about for a while and also asked if they could consider u
nct managers be like ok so who actually is this trainee and why are all 18 boys obsessively asking to include her in nct activities
later that day when u see renjun again he was just heading off but he came around your practice room to see u before he left
thankfully u were the only one left at practice as the others were away busy preparing for their debut or smth :,)
u didnt hear him come in bc u were sitting in the middle of the room on the floor scrolling replying to week old texts oop hehe
renjun sneaks up behind u and hugs u from behind and kisses your cheek
he got a bit scared when u didn’t respond as explosively as he thought... for a second he thought he got the wrong person poor bean he was so nervous hhh
you chuck your phone aside and tackle him and he falls onto his back and yall kinda lay there on the ground for a bit
and you told him about taeyong and winwin visiting u and he just smiles
“you inspire me.”
“me? inspire you? you’re huang freakin’ renjun, and i, of all people, inspire you?”
“don’t understand u sometimes”
he turns his head to look at u and u turn to look at him and he kinda just admires you for a while then reach over and touches your cheek
it wasnt even a sweet caress or anything he literally just
your cheek
“renjun what the heck”
then he laughs and u laugh and u snuggle against him and for the first time that week both of u feel completely at ease bc even though the dream u guys shared at the beginning was completely shattered,
y’all would still find a way around it
and knowing so many people around u still supported u guys meant so much
especially to renjun bc u were his everything and he’d do anything for u
and i mean it!!!
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