#and then go to bed at ✨2-3am✨
9-1-1 Masterlist
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Oh gee finally a place I can keep these! Thank you to my bestest most amazing friend in the whole world for making these headers for me i literally actually literally could not do it without you
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Two of a kind
Buck can’t stop thinking about his coworker, so he does what every guy at 3am does on a 24 hour shift!! He sneaks out to his car to get off. But it turns out, certain coworkers (that might possibly be the love of his life) have the exact same idea!
Fairest of Them All:
The party downstairs rages on as Buck decides to do something about the pretty little thing he’s been staring at all night
Clothing Optional:
I can’t. I can’t keep writing summaries. I’ve done 2
After a stupid work shift, in the stupid heat, Buck just wants to enjoy a sweet little sundae, fortunately it comes with a side of dat ass (I’m not sorry)
That Should Be Me:
Buck has never ever been jealous ever a single damn day in his life
Gamer Girl
Buck thinks you’re so, so pretty. You’d looked even prettier with your thighs around his head
Now You See Me:
✨Mirror sex✨
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Growing Pains:
Everything is all wonderful and cool and dandy until you nearly die from your appendix!!
Cry To Me:
Eddie loves when you’re crying during sex, nothing turns him on more… except when those tears are very very real and he’s very very worried
10 Things I Hate About You:
You guys freaking h a t e each other… or do you? Wink wink wink wink enemies to lovers wink
I Spy:
Eddie is the sweetest neighbor in the entire world… who knows where you work
Better Than Revenge:
You and Eddie get locked into a closet at your job after an accident, it also turns out your now EX boyfriend is a cheating asshole! Eddie has absolutely no problem filling in for the revenge role
Front Row:
Why do firehouses have to work f o r e v e r. Eddie needs a freaking shower and to pass out for the next six years on an overnight shift. It turns out someone has the same idea, and possibly another idea on how to left off some steam
Yeti Point:
Eddie finally takes you on that skiing vacation you’ve been begging him for and it’s going great! Until you get snowed in. But that’s okay, Eddie has a secret plan to keep you both warm
Slow and Steady:
Buck helps Eddie into the house, holding him up as you frantically get the bed ready for your injured boyfriend. Turns out, pain killers make Eddie horny!
Dad!Eddie x Daughter!reader
Nightmares never get easier no matter how old you get. Especially ones where your father dies
Smoke Dector:
Eddie always has to be the hero, okay not really but it’s hard when you see your boyfriend running into a burning building for the first time
One Puff Or Two:
Take your freaking inhaler Eddie 🔪🔪🔪
Into The Fire:
You’ve been on edge lately, and Eddie knows there’s something up. One night things come to a head when you have a nightmare about what happened and Eddie wakes up to a very bad situation
Night Changes:
Eddie comforts you after a bad nightmare about him dying over and over in different ways (based off of 5.14)
Busy Bees:
Two words ✨Sex Pollen✨
Soup or Salad?
✨I’ll freaking summarize this later✨
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A Rose by any Other Name
This is one of the funniest titles I've ever made up. Buck finds your simple collection of toys and shows them to Eddie... and now they want you to put on a little show for them
Finish Line:
A little game of "whoever cums first loses"
Twice Bitten:
Double Penetration from my kinktober list!
Alexander Hamilton:
Buck can't stop having feelings for Eddie's girlfriend... but what if that's okay?
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masterwords · 2 years
✨ 2022 Writing Year In Review ✨
Many thanks to @spencer-reids-adventures and @domestikhighway58 for tagging me here. <3 Pretend I'm doing this on time...I spent ALL DAY yesterday at a children's wrestling tournament (seriously, 10 hours in a high school gym with hundreds of people...I can feel all the germs invading my body as we speak) so I didn't have the lifeforce remaining to use my brain. (This got long so I put most of it under a cut.)
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 85! Holy moly.
2. Word count posted for the year: 470,122
3. Fandoms I wrote for: Criminal Minds, The Punisher (sort of...I shipped Frank Castle with Hotch so...) & Fargo
4. Pairings: AHAHAAA! Oh. Okay. Hotch/Morgan. .... ......... I did write a small amount of Hotch/Blackwolf, Hotch/Will and Hotch/Reid. But let's be real here. I am an OTP girl and Hotch & Morgan are married in my mind.
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: Catching Sparks
Bookmarks: missing pieces of sleep, but a close second and non-collab was Catching Sparks.
Comments: missing pieces of sleep, but a close second and non-collab was Running Toward Nothing.
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
Probably Running Toward Nothing, because it was hard for me to finish. It took so many twists and turns, and I didn't plan it out well enough (story of my life)...it was written for a challenge, and it was not at all what I imagined it would be when I started. But I also wound up really loving it by the end.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
Cold Hands. Hotch/Reid isn't my ship already and I just felt very...like I could have done better. I don't dislike the story but I don't feel very proud of it either.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
By far, my favorite was @olivinesea putting me in jail repeatedly for The Silence Drowns (a different take on the Foyet arc).
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9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
May/June/July. Something about that 3 month span, my kids in baseball, I don't know. I couldn't write shit and it was stressing me out. Thankfully it came back to me eventually.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: 
Writing Foyet the way I did in The Silence Drowns was really an experience, focusing so hard on his POV, devoting entire chapters to how he did what he did and what he did when we didn't see him...that was really fun. And flipping the switch on Reid and turning him into the antagonist while also royally fucking up his life in Running Toward Nothing was interesting too.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
He moved slow, still half-asleep. One rrrrrrip and he tore into the tissue to reveal a soft blanket. Too soft. Velvety, thick, plush. He couldn't make out the strange array of colors and buried his fist inside of it in order to pull it out. The bag and tissue paper were quickly discarded, and Derek reached out to grab the bottom two corners, helping move this along faster. He really had to go. Quickly, he splayed the blanket out over the bed. It was huge and almost impossible in the dark and from Hotch's angle to make out the pattern at first.
Derek grinned proudly the moment he caught the realization on Hotch's stiff features. “Is that...your face?”
“Sure is,” Derek announced, pushing the tissue paper back into the bag and tossing it aside. “So you won't forget me while I'm gone.”
Hotch raised an eyebrow. “Do you think that's likely to happen?” He had abdominal surgery, not brain surgery. He'd been trying to be gentle with Derek since it happened, the man was pulling double duty as Unit Chief and primary caregiver, burning the candle at both ends. In some ways, Hotch was glad they had a case that would take him out of town, maybe he'd get a break. He could focus entirely on the job and not worry about how Hotch was going to get from the bed to the toilet and back at 3am. Having the catheter had removed the need for that step but it was fleeting. He was on his own now. He was also doing just fine, he thought. No falls, a couple of near misses but he'd caught himself each time.
“Do you like it?”
“I love it,” Hotch replied quietly, smoothing it beneath slow hands. He was losing the battle with his tired body. “It's beautiful.” It was. In that way that heartfelt things often were, their beauty didn't lie in aesthetics. He wouldn't put this blanket on display in the front room, perhaps, but he adored it nonetheless. "It'll keep me warm as I convalesce." He'd been using that word a lot in the last few days, Derek noted. It was his boredom talking, finding ways to make light of his situation in order to soften the blow that he could barely manage a walk from his bed to the kitchen without being significantly winded and ready for a nap. He'd been refining new jokes, mostly biting sarcasm that came out a little slow but didn't sting any less. Jess was the recipient more often than Derek, being around more. He'd dare her to steal the blanket, just to see, but he was pretty sure she wasn't going to try it. Not with Derek's enormous face right there. Derek managed to create the one thing she'd stay far away from. She was probably going to call it creepy.
“As you convalesce, huh?"
Hotch nodded and smiled, smoothing his hands over the soft fabric. He was so out of it. Derek didn't mind. He was struggling with this slower lifestyle, something he'd be at for the next few weeks. A few more days and the staples could come out, after that he thought things would get better. Maybe speed up a bit. Slowing down wasn't in the Hotch playbook of life, but he was dealing.
From Convalesce
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: 
I'm not sure I did until the end when I realized I didn't need to over-think editing quite so much, and I should really just have fun. I spent most of the year stressing out over it and not enjoying it as much as usual. No more of that. I also decided that I don't mind so much being a one trick pony. I want to write about Hotch/Morgan more than anything else and I gave myself permission to just indulge it as often as I felt like it.
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
I hope to detach my worth as a writer from the interaction I receive. I do my best to maintain that mindset, and I hope to settle in better with it.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): 
I mean, I probably should just simplify this and say it was Hotch & Morgan, really. Nearly everything I wrote this year centered around those two so I think I would be remiss not to acknowledge them as the muses they are. All of my friends, all of you incredible amazing writers I am fortunate enough to consider my friends...you have all influenced me positively. I can never thank you enough.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Uh..hahaha! Yeah. I included lots of sports dad/coach moments, a lot of Jack because of my kids, you know...that kind of thing. Nothing huge...but this? Yeah. My life.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
You can focus less on editing. Don't edit at the expense of posting your stories, yo. Don't overthink it.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I'm looking forward to actually finishing a bunch of these multi-chapter stories that I've been dragging out forever. Writing more with @domestikhighway58 on our Hotch/Reid story, diving in to the SWAT and retired in Chicago series more...so much.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
@eldrai @olivinesea and anyone else who really wants to fill this out!
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hey Пчёлка! (sorry for the unoriginality but it's literally 3am 😅)
IT SNOWED TODAY!!!! not a lot but i'm still excited :D
I gotta answer the favourite ice cream flavour question from the ask game first because I've found out something very interesting.
Ok so i'm about to say something very weird and apparently very Canadian, but my favourite ice cream flavour is tiger tail(tiger tiger, tiger, tiger stripe. I've seen many variations) ANYway this is gonna sound like a weird combo if you haven't tried it but it's basically orange ice cream with black licorice ice cream swirled throughout it (weird ik) but while I was looking up the actual proper name of the ice cream I found out it's a Canadian only thing, not only that but it's a regional flavour so only certain parts of Canada has it???
anyway I fell down a loop hole and now need to know what you call the metal shopping carts at the store, knitted caps that you wear during winter, and also what do you call you 1 dollar coins? (buggy, tuque, and loonie for me)
November kinda sucked but it's the last week (were'd all the time go?) I started a new job this week which is really exciting
DUDE I WAS JUST ABOUT TO START PRIORY OT THE ORANGE TREE! it's been sitting on my bookshelf for way too long
I finally seen legally blonde and it was sooooo good, I watched in with a group so i'll probably need to re-watch it later, oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
IT isn't actually that scary unless you don't like clowns, in which case it might not be your piece of cake
man weather is so weird. one time at the end of august I remember it started to snow while we were driving home not for very long but still strange. I had you use the converter thingy to understand 70°F but 21°C IS UNREASONABLE FOR FALL! THAT SOUNDS TERRIBLE. Right now its -1°C with the low for tomorrow(today now) at -13°C which i'm kinda dreading.
it's not really important but I did want to say when I started talking to you I was using she/they(i think i was?) but now i'm using they/them so that's cool I guess 👍
regale me with your random LOTR facts I only knew 2 of the last facts so if you have more i'd love to hear them!
I also liked to mix up spices when cooking as a kid. Most of the time it didn't work well but one time I found out that if you're making a sweet carrot cake (or cakes like that) and you're making cream cheese frosting, adding a bit of garam masala to the frosting adds a bit of a kick and cuts the sweetness in a non overpowering way!
i'm so glad I can further continue my 'everyone I talk to must listen to alvvays' agenda. I don't think I have a favourite song on the album but I do love Pressed and Belinda Says. Also turns out that Blue Rev is a Canadian only drink made Ontario.
y'know what's homophobic to me specifically? Both my favourite bands have only 1 show here and it's in Toronto (very far from me) IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER. Toronto winters aren't particularly nice.
Music thoughts from the last couple of days are really old french songs (the classics from like Lucienne Boyer and Edith Piaf, that kind of music) they all kinda remind me of the comforting orange of street lamps in the dark and drawing before going to bed
signed someone who's literally so close to falling asleep
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Hello my darlin’ El!! My favorite Canadian! My favorite anon!
Nothing to apologize for, my dear. That nickname is probably my favorite ever, I’ll never get tired of it
SNOW, that’s so cool!!! We actually got a little bit here in the last couple weeks too! Barely any, but something!! Just a ✨dusting✨
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Okay so that sounds so strange and I HAVE to try it. If I ever visit Canada, I am searching this out 👀 Idk if it’s regional, but we have a snow cone flavor called tiger’s blood! It’s kind of like a fruit punch sort of flavor. I was more of a cotton candy kid. Or the weirdo who got banana flavor
Regional dialects are so fucking cool!!! For us, it’s shopping cart, beanie, and penny!idk what it is but tuque is just such a fun word. Very pleasing to say, feels nice, idk. Maybe I’m just a weirdo LMAO. I’m trying to think of some of the weirder regional words, but my brain is so empty right now.
Oh congrats on the new job!!! How is it going?? I’m sorry your November was rough, I hope December treated you more kindly! It’s been a rollercoaster for me, but I have a feeling 2023 will be a good year for me. I’m being stubbornly optimistic 🫡
Speaking of!!! Happy new year! Do you have any resolutions??
Did you start Priory? If you have, what do you think?? It’s high on my list, but I recently got One Last Stop and Gideon the Ninth, so I bumped it down. I’ve GOT to read OLS so I can read the Ronance au, and Gideon the Ninth is just,,, lesbian necromancers in space and I’ve been obsessed with it despite not reading it ever
Oklahoma weather my beloathed! She’s a wicked she-devil!! We’ve gone from a pleasant 21°C to -29°C wind chills in the span of a week!! I love it soooooooo much!!! (Kill me please.) I hope your weather has been tamer and you’re staying warm up north!!
Oh that’s so cool dude!! Good to know!! I’ll make sure I remember <33 They/them pronouns kinda hit different man. I’ve swapped mine officially from she/they to they/she. Not a huge difference but something in my chest feels so much lighter with they 🥰 Gender fuckery is fun
More silly LOTR facts, eh? Well, J*ke G*llenhall auditioned for the role of Frodo Baggins! Supposedly it was one of the worst auditions! Christopher Lee, Saruman, is the only actor to have met JRR Tolkien himself! Believe it or not, Nicolas Cage was the original pick to play Aragorn! I still think Viggo Mortensen is one of the best casting choices of all time tho, sorry Nick
Oh I’ve never heard of that! I’m writing it down for future baking purposes 🫡 I have recently discovered that garlic powder and onion powder are my best friends and I will put that shit on everything
Incredible choices! I need to give the album another listen. Maybe I can Ronanceify a song in your honor <33
That’s terrible!!! I am so very sorry <33 I get the feeling man, even a lot of US tours just,,, skip over Oklahoma. I’m sooooooooo bitter about Noah Kahan not stopping by somewhere I can see him. The closest show is a state away, 4 hour drive with current gas and hotel prices? YIKES. But! I got Paramore tickets and I WILL lose my entire shit that day
Definitely will check those out! Personal music thoughts for me,, still obsessing over the entire Stick Season album, but The View Between Villages especially. Been really into the hot gay girl shit/lesbian villain arc kind of genre. Devil Is A Woman by Cloudy June? Incredible
With warmth and sincere apologies for the weight,
- Max/Lo
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monmouthcastle · 2 years
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Happy Tuesday! 🧡✨
For once you’re getting a Tuesday Motivation instead of a Monday one, because I got home from my trip on Sunday and was knackered. I spend the entire day in bed to rest and now… I’m feeling a bit better!
Anyway! Something happened on this trip that really did set some things into perspective - so I thought I’d share that with you! Due to a train strike I had to spend the entire night and early morning walking the streets of London and I was so scared. Not because I thought something would happen, but the idea of not being able to go home and being stuck freaked me out. I always had a need to control whatever I could to make myself comfortable, to stay into my safe bubble but that night completely pulled me out of that bubble. I remember it turning 3AM and I was 1. Tired, 2. Freezing and 3. Hurting from the panic and I decided to give in. Give in into knowing that whatever I did would keep me safe and I just had to go with the flow. And it helped me so much to get through that situation. Because letting go of that need for control, letting go of that fear from not having any control, it really did make the night more memorable. So maybe if you’re like me and you steer away from situations that make you uncomfortable because you’re not in control… it would be good to take baby steps into giving up some of that control! ❤️
Also, intrusive thoughts aren’t friends! They are pranks your brain pulls on you but your brain will never admit they did. The amount of intrusive thoughts I had before and on this trip… it was tiring. For example, I’ve been staying with my friend’s family every single time I went to the UK and it has always been fun but they also made a comment on my body every year. I was so scared this year that they would do it again, but guess what? They didn’t! I had believed that prank too much that I actually didn’t enjoy the first day (because I was in fear of a comment) but at the end of the day - the only thing I got were compliments.
So, this weeks theme? Control & Intrusive Thoughts 😂 what a mess this ask is, but hopefully you can pull some motivation from it!
💭 How was your weekend? I want to know!
I'm glad you got through that ordeal okay :). I think those moments to be so stressful and miserable, but they sure make things memorable!
Very shitty of that family-- you deserve all the love and compliments ❤️❤️❤️
It's been getting chilly in my city and I've realized I need to hunker down and really prepare for winter. My first time living with snow, and I've been chilly just in this fall weather 😭. My friends had a block party this weekend for baseball playoffs (not sure if youd know what that is; just a thing where neighbors get together and throw a little party on the street "block") and I had to huddle by the fire because I was so cold. Excited, though! The down jackets will be in full use in my life for sure.
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formationlapsz · 2 years
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Happy Tuesday! 🧡✨
For once you’re getting a Tuesday Motivation instead of a Monday one, because I got home from my trip on Sunday and was knackered. I spend the entire day in bed to rest and now… I’m feeling a bit better!
Anyway! Something happened on this trip that really did set some things into perspective - so I thought I’d share that with you! Due to a train strike I had to spend the entire night and early morning walking the streets of London and I was so scared. Not because I thought something would happen, but the idea of not being able to go home and being stuck freaked me out. I always had a need to control whatever I could to make myself comfortable, to stay into my safe bubble but that night completely pulled me out of that bubble. I remember it turning 3AM and I was 1. Tired, 2. Freezing and 3. Hurting from the panic and I decided to give in. Give in into knowing that whatever I did would keep me safe and I just had to go with the flow. And it helped me so much to get through that situation. Because letting go of that need for control, letting go of that fear from not having any control, it really did make the night more memorable. So maybe if you’re like me and you steer away from situations that make you uncomfortable because you’re not in control… it would be good to take baby steps into giving up some of that control! ❤️
Also, intrusive thoughts aren’t friends! They are pranks your brain pulls on you but your brain will never admit they did. The amount of intrusive thoughts I had before and on this trip… it was tiring. For example, I’ve been staying with my friend’s family every single time I went to the UK and it has always been fun but they also made a comment on my body every year. I was so scared this year that they would do it again, but guess what? They didn’t! I had believed that prank too much that I actually didn’t enjoy the first day (because I was in fear of a comment) but at the end of the day - the only thing I got were compliments.
So, this weeks theme? Control & Intrusive Thoughts 😂 what a mess this ask is, but hopefully you can pull some motivation from it!
💭 How was your weekend? I want to know!
hello babette 💛 I'm so sorry that your trip to London was disturbed by that! but I'm so proud of you for going through it and not running away from the obstacle!! I'm trying to find the motivation in your ask because all I've been doing these past weeks is running away from my problems and I know that's not good because facing your fears and getting out of your comfort zone is very important!
but my weekend's been good! I finally got to see my best friend because I had four lovely days off work to catch up on some rest and sleep (!!)
hope you have a lovely week my love 💛
ohh btw how was the flight?? 🙈
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f1-baby1999 · 2 years
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Happy Tuesday! 🧡✨
For once you’re getting a Tuesday Motivation instead of a Monday one, because I got home from my trip on Sunday and was knackered. I spend the entire day in bed to rest and now… I’m feeling a bit better!
Anyway! Something happened on this trip that really did set some things into perspective - so I thought I’d share that with you! Due to a train strike I had to spend the entire night and early morning walking the streets of London and I was so scared. Not because I thought something would happen, but the idea of not being able to go home and being stuck freaked me out. I always had a need to control whatever I could to make myself comfortable, to stay into my safe bubble but that night completely pulled me out of that bubble. I remember it turning 3AM and I was 1. Tired, 2. Freezing and 3. Hurting from the panic and I decided to give in. Give in into knowing that whatever I did would keep me safe and I just had to go with the flow. And it helped me so much to get through that situation. Because letting go of that need for control, letting go of that fear from not having any control, it really did make the night more memorable. So maybe if you’re like me and you steer away from situations that make you uncomfortable because you’re not in control… it would be good to take baby steps into giving up some of that control! ❤️
Also, intrusive thoughts aren’t friends! They are pranks your brain pulls on you but your brain will never admit they did. The amount of intrusive thoughts I had before and on this trip… it was tiring. For example, I’ve been staying with my friend’s family every single time I went to the UK and it has always been fun but they also made a comment on my body every year. I was so scared this year that they would do it again, but guess what? They didn’t! I had believed that prank too much that I actually didn’t enjoy the first day (because I was in fear of a comment) but at the end of the day - the only thing I got were compliments.
So, this weeks theme? Control & Intrusive Thoughts 😂 what a mess this ask is, but hopefully you can pull some motivation from it!
💭 How was your weekend? I want to know!
Hey!! I was wondering why I didn't have an ask yesterday, I glad you are better now and are all rested up.
I've been to London a few times before so know what it's like and completely understand why you felt like you did. Oh I'm definitely the sort of person who tries to stay clear of uncomfortable situations and all that because I'm not in control, I'm slowly trying to do better.
Yeah I know from personal experience how awful intrusive thoughts can be and how much they can affect your life. I'm sorry that you experienced that, but I'm really glad this year was different for you 😊
I've definitely got some motivation from this, so don't worry about it.
My weekend was really good thank you. I went out on Thursday with some friends for food and drinks and it was really fun as I haven't been out in a while. I had the weekend off from work too, so I spent the weekend just resting. I did have a job interview on Sunday and they did say they were gonna phone me the next day, they never did so a little disappointing but oh well I just have to keep looking.
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sebsdaniel · 2 years
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Happy Tuesday! 🧡✨
For once you’re getting a Tuesday Motivation instead of a Monday one, because I got home from my trip on Sunday and was knackered. I spend the entire day in bed to rest and now… I’m feeling a bit better!
Anyway! Something happened on this trip that really did set some things into perspective - so I thought I’d share that with you! Due to a train strike I had to spend the entire night and early morning walking the streets of London and I was so scared. Not because I thought something would happen, but the idea of not being able to go home and being stuck freaked me out. I always had a need to control whatever I could to make myself comfortable, to stay into my safe bubble but that night completely pulled me out of that bubble. I remember it turning 3AM and I was 1. Tired, 2. Freezing and 3. Hurting from the panic and I decided to give in. Give in into knowing that whatever I did would keep me safe and I just had to go with the flow. And it helped me so much to get through that situation. Because letting go of that need for control, letting go of that fear from not having any control, it really did make the night more memorable. So maybe if you’re like me and you steer away from situations that make you uncomfortable because you’re not in control… it would be good to take baby steps into giving up some of that control! ❤️
Also, intrusive thoughts aren’t friends! They are pranks your brain pulls on you but your brain will never admit they did. The amount of intrusive thoughts I had before and on this trip… it was tiring. For example, I’ve been staying with my friend’s family every single time I went to the UK and it has always been fun but they also made a comment on my body every year. I was so scared this year that they would do it again, but guess what? They didn’t! I had believed that prank too much that I actually didn’t enjoy the first day (because I was in fear of a comment) but at the end of the day - the only thing I got were compliments.
So, this weeks theme? Control & Intrusive Thoughts 😂 what a mess this ask is, but hopefully you can pull some motivation from it!
💭 How was your weekend? I want to know!
Happy Tuesday, Babette❤️
I'm happy your trip turned out to be fun, despite what happened. I know what you mean by wanting to have control, and letting it go can be so good mentally at times!
My weekend was a lot of fun. I went to Circuit Zolder for the European Nascar races on Saturday. I saw some Belgian singers who also race and Max his uncle who drove one of his last races! Sunday was a lot of fun too. Max won the championship and I still can't believe it! Seb did amazing as well and I'm so proud of them both❤️ Afterwards, I went to a local carnaval with my boyfriend and some family of his and I got to babysit his cousin a little. In the end, we enjoyed life so much. Just an amazing weekend.
Thank you for these❤️
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oven-thermometer · 3 years
'SFW ABC's' for Strife pleaseeee. Loved the other two ❤️
SFW ABCs of Strife
Author's notes: I'm really sorry for the lack of writing recently; I got in a car accident a few weeks ago (everyone's fine) and I started school again a week after that so I've had my plate full 😅. But regularly scheduled posts should hopefully continue! A new piece every 2 or 3 weeks depending on my inspiration! :) also, thank you anon - your words mean the world 🤍
Warnings: angst, fluff and bad grammar cause I haven't proofread this
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Strife is clingy and overbearing, but in the best way. He will not leave you alone. He will constantly be around you, and gets upset when you aren't around. You're like his personal teddy bear, you knew this coming into the relationship so just accept him :)
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Choas. 3am McDonald's kidnappings, running around a dark forest chanting tiktok audios and hyping you up every chance he gets. He will literally hype you up so much and he means every word. You die laughing every time you're with him and he genuinely cares about you a lot.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Again, we go back to the teddy bear concept. The moment you touch the bed, he will latch onto you and won't want to let go. He loves to be the big spoon, but his weakness is occasionally being the protected, little spoon. It makes him feel so loved. He's a very light sleeper due to him sleeping around battlefields so much, so if you move he'll wake up and adjust according.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Strife is messy. He doesn't do it intentionally, he just gets so distracted and eventually gets discouraged :( he will slowly get used to it if you help him, but it takes a while. Strife is also scared to settle down, it's again not because of you but because of him. His life has been hard and long - he doesn't want to add you or any other being to that suffering no matter what. Just give him time.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Like Death: he'd ignore you, insult you, fight with you and make you hate him. So that you think you're better off without him, which he believes. He loved you, and always will.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
When you too first got together, you would've expected him to continue his shameless flirting and pick-up lines - but he became distant; he was fighting an inner battle on whether or not he wanted this and wanted to give you this danger. You'll need to talk to him, and show you some of those feelings he's hidden behind that ✨ comedic relief ✨
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's usually very rough and chaotic, but knows when it's time to be quiet and listen to what you have to say or give you a gentle hug. He'll wrap you in your favourite fuzzy blankets, make you his famous hot chocolate and put on your comfort shows. When you're ready to talk, he'll listen.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Less bone-crushing than War, but more passionate than Death. Is constantly hugging and cuddling you, no matter where you are. WILL NOT CARE IF YOU GUYS ARE IN PUBLIC IN FRONT OF A CROWD HE WILL HUG YOU TO DEATH. (no pun intended)
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
This man is riddled with commitment issues - he knew what love meant to humans, and other beings even though they had different words for it. But none of this made it any easier, the opposite in fact. You had to say it first, to reassure him - to make him comfortable that these feelings were returned. He felt vulnerable and scared otherwise, but after the first time he'll say it with bold-faced pride...most the time.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Very jealous, very quickly. He isn't controlling, but he is very protective. He's had a lot of bad people threaten everything he's ever loved in his life, and one day someone might do good on that threat. He's warned you about this, and he'll protect you from anyone he thinks might hurt you - but a lot of the times he feels bad because he doesn't want to control you or make you feel like he's your only option.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Sloppy, goofy, spontaneous and full of puppy-love. He's so enamored by you and he's never been good with outward emotions, so he channels his love for you into kissing and he hopes that does the trick. This also works with the fact that he isn't great with words :)
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He loves kids! He thinks they're very funny, and loves that they have absolutely no filter. He gets a little sad afterwards, cause they remind him of when he and his siblings were younger - those memories cause him pain, he doesn't want to remember the good of the Nephilim; so he shuts it all out.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He's a light sleeper, but he also likes to sleep in. Combine this with the fact that he won't let you move while cuddling you, you're stuck in bed for a couple hours :') he is awake most the times you tell him you need to leave, he just pretends he's asleep and he knows you know he's awake.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Watching your guys' favourite show, playing video games or hanging around with his siblings. He likes to tire you out before bed so that you have a better sleep... and so that you don't move as much while he's snuggling you. You haven't caught onto this yet, and he doesn't know if you ever will considering he knows how much you love his night-snuggles.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Like the other four, Strife falls in line with being terrible at showing his emotions. He covers it all with humor and jokes. He doesn't want to show you his problems or fears because of multiple reasons. He doesn't want to scare you off, make you feel like it's your issue to solve, make you worry and he doesn't want to ever make you think twice about his strength. He's a warrior. He's strong. He can.. Do this?
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It depends, in battle he's pretty calm and easy-going. When it comes to you - such as teaching you something, or showing you something - he'll also have a lot of patience. Although, sometimes he loses control. He'll get a little bit too into bashing that demon's face in with the hilt of Mercy, he'll get a bit competitive at video games but he will never shout or lose his temper with you outwardly. He might get annoyed, but he'll shelf that feeling like he does with so many other things.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Rather forgetful, due to his nature and the fact that he's taken a few konks to the head lmao. He might forget tiny things about you, but Strife will remember the important stuff - like special dates, your emotional reaction to some things and a lot about the stuff you've taught him about humanity and life, a life worth living.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
You sat with each other on a cliff; over-looking the demon and angel infested city that had been somewhat retake by nature. He asked you what some signs and buildings were for, in order to distract you from some.. Scenes below. It worked though, you laughed together as you explained funky commercials and billboards to him while remembering what it was like before. It was the first time he heard you laugh, really laugh. His heart jumped into his throat.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
I've spoken about how he protects you, but relationships are a two way street after all! While you can't really protect Strife in battle, if you ever defend him in a verbal argument, protect him in a video game or even defend him from Death's belittling - he will melt. He's always been the protector, so being the protected feels so.. New and special to him <3
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He tries his best. He really does. But occasionally, he'll show up with an apologetic smile and a bouquet of squashed flowers to a date. He didn't mean to accidentally sit on them while riding over, promise. He makes up for it in kisses, snuggles and massages though :D
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He doesn't put the lid back on things, will put bread crumbs in the margarine, will leave the Playstation on all night, leaves the soap in a wet tray so it gets all soggy and he isn't the best at remembering to pick things up behind him.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Unlike Death (dumpster saga continues) he knew what a bath was before meeting you. He smells of gun smoke, whiskey and ash. Even if he's never had a drop of human alcohol, it always clings to him and his scarf.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
You ground him, make him feel real, make him feel like he doesn't always have to shove his past into a locked box - he thinks you're gorgeous, and admires your soul. It sometimes scares him how much he wouldn't feel alive without you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Strife will make tiktoks with you. 1000%. Whether it's an original idea, a stupid audio or a dance you wanted to try - he's your man. If it means making you laugh, he'll do it.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone that is too serious, posh or snobbish. If you can't step down from your high horse and have some goofy fun with him, he won't enjoy your company. This is why he dislikes so many people he's met along his travels. They're all to stuck up for his liking.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Strife occasionally deals with nightmares, as expected, and this causes him to occasionally kick and fling his arms around in his sleep. If he ever hits you he'll feel it and wake up, followed by a lot of apology-cuddles 🥺. He also talks in his sleep, the first time he confessed his feelings to you he was actually asleep next to you in front of a fire. You didn't say anything the next day, you decided to let him believe you were the first one to confess; since he'd be massively uncomfortable otherwise.
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crispin-kreme · 3 years
Okay so uh i had a wonderful, wonderful idea and decided "hey, why not give my good ol' buddy pal, tin a request?" so here you go <33
Dorm leaders with a reader (gender neutral preferrably but any gender is fine) who sleepwalks and sleeptalks at the same time and would say a bunch of random things like "Welcome boys and girls!" And "ed sheeran is coming. run." ✨✨
twst dorm leaders with an s/o who sleepwalks/sleeptalks
pairings: dorm leaders x gn! reader
warnings: grammatical errors, cursing
notes: another request wherein i wheezed at. thank you sm for requesting and i hope you enjoy <3
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he’s very concerned
sometimes he gets really worried when you sleep walk
since riddle wakes up without you beside him when you sleep walk
wakes you up asap
but when you say smth absurd he’ll go like “👁👄👁 wtf-”
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wakes up v grumpy
one, you’re talking and you woke him up-two, when you sleepwalk you’re not beside him
anyways he’s probably the type to get annoyed
if you sleep walk he’ll place you back in bed
“what the fuck y/n its 3am get back in bed” type of dude
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more like he doesn’t know wtf to do when he sees you sleep walk
he’s fine with you sleep talking he doesn’t mind
azul gets pretty much worried as well when you sleep walk
doesnt know what youre talking about
tries his very best to get you to bed /:
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“wake up you’re talking in your sleep again” type of dude
tries to wake you up when you sleepwalk as well
once you start saying nonsense things like “ed sheeran is coming” yea kalim gets concerned
“👁👄👁” no. 2
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pls he’s just so concerned
“who tf is ed sheeran” typa dude
vil wakes you up even when you sleep walk
gets really concerned when you sleepwalk
“👁👄👁” no. 3
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genuinely scared
“can you please wake up and come to bed?”
literally just wants to sleep sjjdbwj
tries to wake you up
still scared that you’ll sleepwalk-
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concerned and scared
“wtf are you saying” typa dude
but he wakes you up when you sleep walk
then drags you into bed
he’ll watch over you throughout the night ig ig
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bitchkay · 2 years
You’re willing to do headcanons for the kings? 😳🤨(double dog daring you)
If you do actually do them please do Liam-
I accept this dare😼😼 I will do it
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NSFW headcanons for court of darkness~
Rating: Explicit(18+ mdni)
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Making you watch him fuck his wife.
Liam is so cute☺️
He'd never cheat on his wife, he loves Norah too much😠‼
Norah ain't gotta know😏😏
I'm sorry Norah I love you, it won't happen again, next time I'll ask before I steal your husband okay?🥺 kisses? Please, kisses😥? Norah my love?
Liam has very good dick😤👍🏽
9 inches.
2 inches thick
Nice cock‼😎
Very gentle💞
Like father like son, Lynt and his dad are like the same, except in looks, Lynt is literally Norah's twin, carbon copy.
Liam would be so gentle☺️💞
Literally just like Lynt, Liams more on the lethargic side so he'd probably take thing slow more so out of necessity 
But that don't mean he can't get down, no it does not
Okokokok imagine this
The castle gardens sitting comfortably behind the hedges
The weather's nice and the sun is hot
Perfect day to nap beneath the sun surrounded by garden greenery
Liam Akedia however has lost interest in his afternoon nap in favor of you
Stay with me now
Pleasantly out of sight you sit atop his lap comfortably impaled by his cock.
Slow movements seasoned with gentle touches beneath your still clothed body and sweet nothings murmured in your ear 
"So pretty… keep doing that.."
He would fucking worship you😭💞
I feel like Liams super gentle in general, he doesn't have a mean bone in his body♡
Akedia literally has the prettiest royal family- how the fuck all yall so damn cute😠
Imagine Liam wanting to share Lynts paramour--
I need to stop🤭
No, I do need to stop👁👁
The father stealing his sons bitch trope is way overused in my brain when talking about dilfs unfortunately
The "Megumi going downstairs at 3am for some juice only to see his 'best friend' y/n fucking his dad on the couch," scenario broke me
Liam would be amazing at aftercare☺️💞
I wanna take a bath with him😣❤
I bet his cuddles are amazing😥
Him reminding you to pee😩😩
Liam Akedia out of all the kings is just so wholesome and cute but I just know he fucks‼
I bet him and Norah were doing some crazy shit before Lynt was born I bet😈
That bed best have been rocking violently against the wall😈😈
I have this strange inkling that Lynt was conceived during birthday sex however–
His cock is so fat🥺
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Look at him and tell me his cock isn't so deliciously fat and juicy😩😩
Imagine having 8 inches of cock and 3½ inches of girth-- that's like a hentai penis-
I just pulled out my ruler-
I need a minute--
holy shit-
Oh my god🤭✨
I can't rn hold on-
Oh he'd fuck so good
Listen idc if him and his wife have a healthy relationship, I'm tryna fuckkk
Mrs. Invidia, step aside just a moment love, I'm just gonna steal your husband for a moment okay?
His pastimes are horseback riding and secret outings.
You are one of his secret outings.
Roy does have some mischief in his blood, had to have got it from someone
(Somehow)You're Invidia's most well kept secret.
Public appearances, private appearances, only behind tightly locked doors will your moans of ecstasy fly
It became fun sneaking around
Every time his wife is away you found yourself in his bed
Or him in yours
Just fucking ruining you with his cock, plowing you like no tomorrow
He's molded you to his shape, no other cock will do.
Try as you might no one can even begin to compare
Stretched so beautifully on his fat cock he can't help but desire more
Your face twisted in pleasure, your hand up to cover your delicious moans, he wants to see more
Klaus desires more of your disheveled state
He wants to see you squirm, whine, curl, at his mighty hand
Did you know kinks can be genetic?
Don't think to long about that, I don't wanna traumatize you--
You and Klaus have fucked in empty rooms off busy hallways yet still not a soul knows of you
Or chooses not to say anything
Roy gets the exhibitionist gene from his father.
"Hush now my lovely… wouldn't want us to get caught now?"
You'd think with both your disappearances at the same time people would start to speculate but where you end up reappearing at different places, at different times, how could you have possibly been together
The shadows of the invidian castle in the dead of night were almost more familiar to you then during the day
Secret affairs here, there, and everywhere
The walls stained with the invisible sins of a cheating husband and king, and a lonely and loyal castle servant
Y'all this sounds like a novel lowkey😝😝
Anyway imagine Klaus breeding you--
Being stuffed full of his thick meaty cock as he unloads his balls inside you😩😩
So much so that some starts to spill out🤤
He chases the steam of cum thumbing it back inside
"That should do it. Let's see if it will take."
Experience 10/10
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Aiden Voleri can get it😩
If I'm in love with his son, why tf would I not like his equally beaming father🤨
They have the same smile☺️💞
This is the man that made big brother Rio possible am I simply supposed to not suck his dic--
Literally Rio but older, they have the same understanding/misunderstanding of love and relationships--
And this man is married💀💀
Literally inhibits the married to my best friend trope and it works
But ya know what fuck that, we're gonna have sex with him now😈😈
He's so large👁👁
And so damn buff👁👁
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King Aiden♡ quite the man indeed🤤
He has big hands😳
I bet his hands would feel rough but gentle
Strong but his touch would bring calm and safety
He's definitely the protective sort
A strong embrace with a particularly strong fellow?
Mrs. Voleri, I'm jealous.
Very big dick👁👁
Very big, very fat very juicy
10 inches.
3 thick.
I'm gonna- 🤭
I can't rn-
His dick's so big oh my god-😖🤭
He's a very big man so he's probably scared to crush you under him but still feel the need to hold you so tight in his arms
The kind of tight embrace that makes you feel safe
Just being caged in such big arms while being plowed by such a big cock😩
He fucks slow but hard
Deep strokes™
Aiden with a firm grip on your waist as he slowly pushes in for the first time
Your face twisted in a mix of pain and pleasure as your inevitably molded to his shape
Big hands go up to your cheeks, wiping away stray tears with deeply reassuring expression
"You're okay right? You can keep going?"
So small compared to him he can't help but watch as he disappears inside you
The feeling of you fluttering around him is heaven on earth
So tight, so wet, so warm
Keeping his pace slow he savors the feeling, closing his eyes in ecstasy
The feeling of Aidens cock going in you was overwhelming
You felt so full
You were sure you could feel him in your belly
Despite the slow pace, you still felt like a ragdoll the way your body bounced when your skin met
A deep hard thrust going in, smooth and slow coming back out
You've only just begun and you can feel yourself close
Aiden grabbing your legs throwing them over his shoulders, leaning over you, effectively folding up, he reach deeper inside you, fucking you into delirium
Babbling words of admiration, you could only arch your back and scratch the pillow as you started cumming
Oh no but Aiden isn't finished with you yet
"Just a little more, okay sweets?"
Aiden fucking you from behind, holding your back flush against his hard chest
You felt so light, like you were floating
All you could muster were begs and whines as hungry teeth grazed your neck, combined with being fucking plowed from behind
Aiden reached all your deepest spots making you cum faster than any man ever has
Sex with Aiden Voleri would be so amazing oh my God--
Aiden's so cute🥺❤
But so HOT OMG--
I'd ride the outta his abs bro.
He's so--
Hitting it doggy style and throwing it back on him‼‼
He'd hype you up for sure
"You're so good at that~... keep doing what you're doing~"
I wish we knew more of the queens cus I'd literally die for Norah Akedia.
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Maybe that's why we don't know the queens, because they'd be too powerful, we'd all fall in love with them, I mean who can resist a milf🙄🙄
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
Midnight Cuddles [Niragi X Reader]
[AIB Masterlist]
Here,have some short Niragi Fluff. It's actually Midnight at my place so enjoy~.
Characters: Y/n,Niragi Suguru
Summary: it's 2:00 AM and you couldn't sleep, so you went to Niragi's room
Warning!: OOC niragi,he's soft here so beware
Genre: Fluff,just cuddle times with giraffe boyo.
Word count: none (I'm to tired to write this with word counts-)
Tag's: none
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You couldn't sleep. Ever since you came back from the games at 11 PM and you're about to go to sleep...you couldn't. Your never like this..ever, sometime you would go to sleep at 1AM..but this time you don't.
You sighed as you hugged your body pillow against your chest as you roll around the white sheets of your bed "It's hot..." You muttered tiredly. Your eyes ached and felt tired, every time you try just closing your eyes,hoping you go to sleep and it still didn't work. Sometimes it would work and you would soon drift off to dream land at any moment but this time it just didn't work.
You groaned as you got out of bed and turned the AC even lower to make the room more colder. You walked towards your bed again, flopping yourself into it as you grabbed at your body pillow again "Much better..." You muttered at the coldness of the room.
How many minutes later, you still couldn't sleep and now it was going to soon to be 3AM. You groaned again,this time getting up to turn off the AC "Why am I like this??" You asked yourself as you sat on your bed again, clutching onto your body pillow...until an idea popped up in your head. You smiled widely as you left your room to go to your Boyfriends room,Niragi. You walked through the hallways of the resort,silence was within the air as you continued. All of the dancing and what not is never to be heard again at this time, everyone is completely asleep in their rooms,some wasted or getting...BUSY.
You finally made it to Niragi's room as you knocked on the door softly "Niragi!" You whisper shouted through the door, no response. You opened the door slowly making a creacking sound, you looked over to his bed to see him sleeping with his hair loose and rifle right next to his bed that was leaning by the nearby wall. You slowly made your way to the sleeping psycho, you stood right next to his bed as you shake his body lightly "Psst! Niragi~" You said softly tapping on his smooth pale cheek a few times resulting a groan to leave his lips "What...the heck?" He said,opening his eyes as he sat on his bed "Y/n...go back to your room and sleep love.." He said,smiling lazily while looking at you "But I can't~" You whined softly "You can't what?" "I can't sleep Niragi...i don't know why though,sometimes I would sleep at 1AM but this time I just can't" You explained to him.
"So you wanna cuddle?" He asked looking up at you "Yes please.." You said with a tiny voice. He smiled as he moved away a bit to leave some space for you to lay, you smiled as you got into the sheets of his bed Comfortably enjoying the warmth of the area. Niragi lays down right next to you, bringing you over to his chest as he hugged you with his big arms, smiling softly.
"This feels....nice" He said, you chuckled at his words "We've cuddled many times before and you still say that?" You asked him "No I meant that it feels so warm and...mmm cozy~" He said, pulling you closer into his chest.
"I love you Ragi" "Love you too Y/n..."
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birdkoskincare · 4 years
Hey, I saw your posts about not sleeping and as I have the same problem when I’m more anxious (I.e. around exam season/ deadlines etc.), I thought I’d offer unsolicited advice in terms of actions which have really helped me. So b/c the circadian cycle can be controlled through eating habits, intermittent fasting really helps me (eating b/w 11:00 - 19:00) or at least not eating chocolate or other foods high in sugar before sleeping tells your body when to sleep. (1/3)
Also, exercising in the morning (running or maybe follow MadFit on YouTube, the workouts are varied, really easy and don’t need to be long if you can’t fit it in), both physically tires my body but also relieves some of the anxiety (bilateral stimulation) in itself. (2/3) 
If I wake up at a crazy time like 3am and know I can’t get back to sleep b/c adrenaline then I’ll just get up and do 1-2 hrs which calms me down to be able to sleep again. This means you won’t be laying there getting more angry/ frustrated and will be more likely to get the sleep in afterwards. Don’t do this b/f going to bed though - the work just won’t be very good if you’re too tired. I hope at least one of these may help you, sending good vibes ✨(3/3)
hi dear! thanks for your advice, a lot of the things you mentioned are already part of my lifestyle and they weren’t enough to fix my sleep, but i appreciate it nonetheless. i eat light at night and usually pretty early (though not before 18:30-19:00 bc a growling stomach also makes it hard to sleep) and i avoid sugary and caffeinated foods in the evening. i can’t exercise intensely because of my ✨ foot tumour (? or whatever the new diagnosis will be)✨ but i do yoga and that helps a bit with my overall wellbeing.
here are some additional things i’ve learned that helped me over this period of sleeplessness and eventual improvement, in case someone else is struggling with insomnia as well:
if your insomnia gets to the point where you’re a brittle mess and are actually not sleeping at all for days on end, medication is helpful and necessary. there’s nothing wrong with relying on meds so your body can sort itself out.
therapy, especially cognitive behavioural therapy, can be hugely beneficial in order to address the roots of the problem so that you can move on from the meds
if you can afford it, a fitbit-type gadget can help you assess how much you’re actually sleeping. your brain is an unreliable narrator when it comes to assessing sleeping and waking times, and that takes the pressure off of you (no need to keep checking the clock to figure out how long you’ve been awake), plus it gives great insights wrt the actual quality of the sleep you get
additionally, having a sleep diary where you log what time you took your meds, went to bed, turned the lights off etc. will give you a bigger picture of how your routine affects your sleep
sleep restriction will help reset your sleep schedule: go to bed a little later than usual at first and get up earlier, limiting the time you spend in bed; if it’s been more than 20-30 mins and you’re still awake, get up, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and go somewhere cosy other than your bed, read a while or listen to podcasts until you feel sleepy. don’t stay in bed. the blanket is important to help you actually get up, esp. if it’s cold
sleep hygiene is really important: having a bedtime routine, with relaxing scents, low lights, a warm shower before you go to bed, etc, can really help. keep it consistent
asmr is great, but it’s best if it’s mildly boring, non-visual and always the same voice, so your brain can relax. i’ve been enjoying the french whisperer asmr bc it checks all the boxes (and in the even i cannot sleep at all, at least i’m learning fun facts for my collection), but find what works for you.
besides asmr, guided relaxation exercises like progressive muscle relaxation (where you tense each muscle group at a time, then relax it) are very effective
if you share a bed with someone else and their natural sleep schedule doesn’t entirely match up with yours, go to sleep when you have to; i promise it’ll be okay.
feeling like you’re safe and accompanied can play a big part in relieving the pressure to sleep that creates a vicious circle of sleeplessness. getting therapy helps with that, but so does talking about your problem with the people you live with and having their understanding and support.
if you’re reading this because you are struggling with insomnia as i was, i’m so sorry, i know it sucks — but it does get better. be patient, it may take some time for your body and brain to work in tandem again, and you may need external help (we all do sometimes), but it gets better.
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theoneandonlyyeti · 4 years
👀 🙌🏻 🕒 🌈 🎮
👀 eye color
hazel/brown - depends on what you think is hazel bc lots of ppl say they're hazel but then some people say brown and at this point I have no clue lol
🙌🏻 something you can’t live without
probably the internet bc that's where how i can talk to all my girl and online friends atm, but also my mom ❤️ she keeps me in check and keeps me sane lol
🕒 time you go to bed
i don't lol usually like 2-3am o-o”
🌈 favorite color
🎮 favorite video game
it always has and always will be Minecraft ^-^ been my fave since i was a wee one :3
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legobatjoker · 2 years
OMG ITS 3 AM istg i awlays try to avoid this but i sitll always end up going 2 bed at 3am its so annoyinggg -__- anyway this might b short bc i rly gotta go 2 bed but i di just rly rly wanna say that well i love you so so much mxi rly rly do i hope you know !!!! :'> like omgi had sm fun vcing w uu like it rly rly was sososo lovelliee to call nd hear ur voice nd talk nd watch cs 2gether itl rly rly was id say !! :'> just like it always is to talk to you bc ooh you are jsut such such such a wonderful amazing peresence in my life mx i hoep you know you rly rly rly are like u make every day 4 me sm happier and better talking with u nd message nd sending asks and sharing thingsl ike ur jsut such such such an incredible sweet kind caring friend whose always here for me nad such an amazing incredible wonderful good person mx and i just feel so so incredibly lucky to be friend with you i lry lry do so so much u mean sm to me :'> i hope you had a good day mx nd tht you have sm sweet dreams, i love you so so much :'> <3 💞💞🐞🦋💕🍓💗🦐💞✨✨✨
YEAHHH IK for me im always thinking “oh i have to do this tmrw morning so i need to wake up early so i need to go to sleep early.” AND I DONT AHZBZJ… but yeahhh omgggg i was sososooo happy we got to vc and watch those caemwn sandiego eps and talk and stuff it really was !!!! so fun!!!!! and yeah you always just make me sm happier and i appreciate uou so very much :333!!!!! i love youuuuu <3332 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕🫶🏻🫶🏻
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moon-baboon · 3 years
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✨2022, 𝘮𝘺 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯.✨
Nothing can compare to the happiness and contentment I felt for 2021. Being the ambivert person that I am, I have found the right kind of wavelength to jive with the people (above). 2 years of lockdown, I would have gone gaga if it weren’t for them. 
I thought surviving was as easy as waking up the next day, and having food to eat. It was more of the things we do in between. I just happen to spend them with my best friends. Surviving was indeed easy for me. 
Appreciation post for my friends, this one’s for you! 
Josh - Thank you for being there 2 years ago. Thank you for listening to my breakup dramas. Thank you for telling me to save up my wedding playlist to someone better. Two years ago, we weren’t even close. You just happen to be awake when I needed someone to talk to. I’m glad I randomly chose you out of all the people who was online at 1am. Two years after, we’re both awake to tell each other’s problems, and figure out how to survive them at 3am. Our playful banters are my favorite. Thank you. 
Raph - You know how emotional I’m gonna be when I write appreciation posts about us. I am forever grateful for you the most. You have seen me through all the hoops and loops of life. College will never be the same for me. If you think I connected all of us together, you were literally the way for me to meet all of them. Thank you for making it happen. I can’t wait to celebrate our wins together (forever).
CJ - I can’t even be serious as I write my thoughts about you. You’re literally the plot twist of my last year. Us, being best friends, was something no one would expect but here we are - spending late nights together, watching movies, and playing games that make us angry. If you think I am always there for you, its the other way around. You were there for me. The times we didn’t sleep because I ate a whole ass meal before my bed time. All the times I couldn’t sleep because I always get nightmares. It was you unknowingly being there for me. Thank you for staying. 
Eugene - My thesis partner, design groupmate, and pair for lifeu! More than all we did together in academics, I am grateful for having someone as G as you. You’re literally my go-to gaming person. Thank you for trying out all sorts of games with me. Thank you for being patient in waiting for me to learn the games you’ve always been easily figured out. Being close to you is a privileged. You are literally the best one out there. No more ace stealing this year, we will literally ace 2022 together! HERE’S TO FINISHING COLLEGE TOGETHER! 
and Darrel - Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for taking the time to understand me, and for not tolerating my crazy spending habits on video games. Whatever happens, you know how much my love is for you. Here’s to hoping we’ll spend the next milestones together. 
If people knew them the way I do, they’d be jealous of how I’m able to tie them all together. They’d be jealous of how comfortable we all are with each other. Most especially, they’d be jealous of how protective we are with each other. 
Cheers to 2021, here’s to 2022! 
xoxo moonbaboon
January 1, 2022 | Happy New Year
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sungtaro · 3 years
ERIN I LOVE U WITH ALL MY HEART AND IM TRULY SRY I didn't mean to not use your tag 💔 in my defense my brain is never working when im gifing bomin and i made and posted that at 3 am 😭 I'll NEVER FORGET AGAIN UR ONE OF MY FAVE NESSTUALS 💘💕💕💘💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️
RO I LOVE UUUUU SO MUCH n truly I’m just clowning (but it DOES bring me immense joy to see u in my tag so anytime u remember know I am smiling ear 2 ear 💞💞💞) HEHSHSGS the 3am brain rot too real except mine happens now at like 8pm bc I go to bed so early 😔 NESSTUALS BESTUALS … NESSTIES … LET US HOLD HANDS 💗🤗✨💝💝💖
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