#and then find a garage on monday to get my car fixed
roses-and-elixir · 7 months
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catnipaddictt · 5 months
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wc: 1.5k
series masterlist ⭑ co-creator @memoiich
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Your day had done rather well, Maul seemed to have a bit of an attitude but when did he not. While going through some documents for Dathomir and noticed something odd, every single deal had involved Maul and strangely they all involved someone named Savage Opress, you presumed he was the Dathomirian advisor but why would he be a man. The night sister ran the organisation right?
You walked over to Maul who was seated in an office at the end of the hall. The red Zebrak looked at you with pure annoyance “Hey Maul, I noticed something on the papers for Dathomir.” He glanced up from his computer “and that would be?” Maul always had that stern face it was quite hard to explain, the only way you could describe it was that it was the total opposite of obi wans. “Well, there’s a man named Savage Opress but I thought it was a woman owned company?” You asked a bit hesitant. 
“That would be my brother, he works for the company” he made eye contact and continued “you don’t know a thing about Dathomirs history, do you?” You were indeed a bit out of your depth. "When we go to the night sisters tomorrow, let me do the talking “ he stated “Are you satisfied with your answer?” He went back to typing “I think so.” He pointed to the door “then go.”
Maker, he was petty. Closing the door behind, you let out a long sigh. Maul could be really tiresome to be around. You heard a huffed set of laughs. Looking over to the desks, you saw Quinlan trying to hush himself and his desk friends Kit and Obi wan. 
You walked over, hardly able to keep from laughing yourself. “Did he kick you out of his office?” Obi wan questioned with a mischievous smile on his face “he did, why does he have an office anyways?” Maul sat at the back of the office normally. “He threatened Rex for it" Quinlan giggled out. “Maker, I can't imagine how bad it must be to work with him,” Kit let out with a loud sigh. 
You took a bit of offence, sure maul could be arrogant, prideful and a downright rude but he was a hard worker that just seemed a bit guarded. “It really isn’t that bad, he works really hard and we get along somewhat well!" Quinlan passed a look towards obi wan “Wouldn’t you want to work with someone else?” You thought it was a bit of a strange question. “I mean it's sometimes a bit difficult but he knows a lot of stuff about Dathomir, I don’t think anyone else would be more suited for the job. His brother even works there.” You ended with a bit of a smile. 
Rex's voice boomed from the front desk, you rushed back over to your desk. There was a man standing next to Rex that you didn’t recognise “Y/n this is is Bail Organa, HR representative and a weekly nuisance “ you were a bit taken aback by that. "I thought I planned the meeting on Monday next week, did you not get the email?” he let out a rumble laugh “I don't check emails from my branches, I thought it would be a good idea to check up on how you blended in with your peers” that was nice at least. Rex started awkwardly stepping away back to his office. He must have been uncomfortable, you thought.
Bail guided you to a nearby conference room (which really was more like a table with 6 seats). He pulled out a chair and crossed the room to sit in front of it. You took the seat. “So tell me how you’re blending in?” Bail asked “Well I'm doing rather well. My first day was a bit of a hassle but I think I’m really getting the hang of it now” you beamed. You liked your new job a lot, the hours were kind, the people were ever kinder and your pay was great. “I heard you were late a few times, may I ask why?” He looked at you nonchalantly. “Well my car broke down on my way over on that infamous first day." "Did you find a good garage?" he asked, ''Yeah , Its called MustaCar and they’re fixing up the car as we speak. It took them almost an hour to get there but they did it.” Bail looked shocked when you said MustaCar "Who was your mechanic?” He questioned a big to quickly “Anakin Skywalker.” that was one name you weren’t going to forget quickly. He nodded and smiled. “Are there any other things you would like to speak about?” You shook your head “No, not really.”
Bail shook your hand as you both left the room, you noticed that he walked over towards Obi Wan but his hologram went off before he could get there. He bid a quick sympathetic goodbye to the paper company before walking away. And your day continued as normal. 
You walked down the stairs to the parking lot to catch your ride home, 'Shaggy' the minivan. Qui Gon was standing by the beauty but Obi Wan was nowhere in sight. “Hey y/n, how was your day?” He greeted you warmly “My day was pretty great. How long do you think we need to wait on Obi Wan?” He let out a laugh “He kept talking too much so now he's running behind with his work, which means i will give him a lift later." He looked at you knowingly but of what you didn’t know. “Are you in a rush?” He asked “Yup, could you drop me off at this address? “ You had written it down back at your desk because Shaggy didn’t have a GPS. “Well then we better get going!” Qui Gon said while stepping into his car.
It didn’t take too long for you to get there. “MustaCar...” was all Qui Gon let out before bidding you goodbye and you did the same.
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Stepping out of the vehicle you wave your thanks to Qui Gon before walking the short distance to MustaCar. Making your way into the reception, you are greeted by a gruff man who tells you to go out back to see your beloved Shelby. Pushing open the door you are greeted by a ball of fur curling around your legs. Bending down, you pat the sandy loth cat before spotting your shining glory. Shelby sits looking rather sad but nevertheless still beautiful. You cross the distance to her, loth cat in tow, and run your hand over her blue bonnet. 
“She won’t be done for a while you know?” the voice from beside you makes you jump out of your skin. “Didn’t mean to scare you” Anakin says smoothly, leaning on the side of shelby. You walk around the car, checking that she hasn’t acquired any scratches or dents.”I swear I haven’t damaged her one bit, my apprentice has been working on her mostly” he pauses “but don’t worry she knows what she is doing.”
You up at the apprentice, noticing his ruffled hair and rolled up sleeves. ‘Damn’ is all you think to yourself before shutting out those ideas circling your head. He was just a guy after all. With enough charm to sink a battleship. You mentally elbow yourself before speaking; “how long is a while?” “At least another few weeks, parts are difficult to ship in at the moment” He explains before shooting you a winning smile, “means I get to look at you more often if you continue to stop by.” You roll your eyes at him, maybe to make up for the feeling in your gut.
Interrupting Anakin's remarks, the loth cat wanders up to you and makes a sound that basically implies ‘attention please’. You bend down to pat it, but it gets a different idea and basically jumps onto you, luckily your reflected kick in and you manage to place your hand around it. It settles comfortably in your arms and you are able to stand back up. You hear Anakin let out a laugh. “Sorry, she’s new to the place” he says, “showed up the other day, hungry, but very friendly.” You nod, giving the animal a scratch behind its large, pointed ears.
“She is very friendly, does she have a name?” you question, looking at the creature's large, chocolatey eyes. “Snips wanted to name her Honey.” “I can see why, she is very honey coloured.” He smiles “yeah, and sickly sweet.” The cat nudges your shoulder playfully, and you scratch under its chin. “I can tell” you laugh.
“Hate to break up your bonding session” a female voice says as she walks over. You recognise her as Ahsoka, Anakin’s teenages apprentice. “But the boss wants to see you” She points an accusing finger at the man beside you. He nods before turning to face you, “I'll see you around sweetheart.” He shoots you a winning grin before he walks off inside the building. Ahsoka rolls her eyes dramatically before beginning to tell you exactly what she has been doing to your Shelby.
You are left with a strange feeling in your gut and a lot of questions to ask yourself.
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So sorry this took so long. We live in different parts of the world and planning can get tricky. We will definitely finish this project anyways… We hope you enjoy <3
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Multiverse Monday with pervy stepdad Hotch confronting his step daughter of like asking her about any boys she likes and she's embarrassed and red
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
this post is 18+ and dark, minors dni.
"Sooo," Penelope's voice holds excitement you know spells doom for you, "Anything happening in Boy Town, Miss Y/N?"
"Boy town," You snort, "No, I, uh- I don't really meet a lot of people? I'm sort of just socially stagnant right now."
You hope it's a good enough cover up. The truth is, you haven't tried to meet anyone lately. In fact, you've probably gone out less in the months since your mom met Aaron than you ever have in your life. You're not sure if it's doing anything, and you're a little embarrassed to admit it to even yourself, but you're scared of losing whatever shot you might have with him, so you don't dare get involved with anyone else.
"Come on," Emily scoffs, "No one? No cute college boys in your classes? Not even a celebrity you've got a little crush on?"
"Even I have little celebrity crushes," JJ admits, and you chuckle at the way Will's eyes widen momentarily. You know what they'll be discussing later.
"I dunno," You shrug, picking at your nails, "It's just not a concern of mine right now, I guess. I'll find someone, eventually."
"You've found someone," Aaron murmurs, and all eyes turn to him, including your own slightly panicked ones.
"Oh? You know something, boss man?" Derek raises an eyebrow, and your heart begins to pound.
"I've heard you talking to your friends before," Aaron presses on, and you feel like you can't breathe suddenly, "You're at least interested in someone, whether he likes you back or not."
You know what he's heard. You're slightly lax about discussing your pathetically inappropriate crush in the confines of your room, voice slightly louder than you probably should be speaking with. But you always say his name in a hushed whisper, or use a code name. You aren't sure if you're praying for him to never have heard his own name, or to have heard it and want you back.
"Oooh!" Penelope squeals, "Tell me about this man!"
"There's nothing to tell!" You insist, and if you weren't sporting such a massive crush on him, you'd glare at Aaron, "And- and stop eavesdropping!"
"It's not eavesdropping if I can hear it from my room," Aaron laughs, "You need better whispering skills if you're trying to keep this a secret."
There's a few light chuckles from around the living room, but thankfully everyone seems to drop it. You're almost certain you'll be added to a group chat later with the ladies of the BAU to discuss your mystery man, but you're going to avoid any detail lest they figure out you're talking about their boss.
Even though conversation evolves, slowly moving away from your fiery cheeks and trembling breaths and towards Rossi's car troubles. Apparently he's insistent on fixing his own car, no matter how inexperienced he is in the craft. It's a pride thing, you're sure.
You're only half listening to the man drawl on about the different parts he's trying out, the tinkering he's been doing in his house's mansion's garage. You don't realize anything is out of the ordinary until you glance over at the clock on the wall and see Aaron staring at you below it. Your stomach flips as you meet his eyes, dark and firm. They're locked onto you, and he offers you a slight smile the more you hold his gaze. The longer you stare, the wider it gets, until the butterflies in your stomach are fit to burst and flutter around the room in a frenzy. You finally offer one back, turning away and suddenly much more interested in hearing Dave's spiel.
It's barely two minutes later when you chance another glance at the clock, and this time you don't need to look at Aaron to know he's staring, you can feel his gaze burning at the side of your head.
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jaemified · 1 year
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SNOWED IN ! [ep.iii] | forced proximity
“literally hate you jeon wonwoo”
a barista xu minghao x receptionist reader smau
‘welcome to first class resort’
previous | MASTERLIST | next
updates ; every saturday-monday (new schedule bc work is kicking my ass</33)
synopsis ; after a long first week of their first quarter at work, y/n and her department just want to go out for burgers before being snowed in the hotel thanks to an unexpected snowstorm.
🏷️ ; @minhui896 @snowcake666 @kissesfrmwonwoo @wonqr
couldnt tag ; @/heelarious @/minghaossv
note - if u see those blank pages below this then the tweets ur phones not glitching its just to fix the format:)
read below the cut !
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before any of the staff realized, their first week of the new quarter had flown by, and it was time to go home for the weekend (or, just saturday since they had to come back sunday).
the first concierge/receptionist unit (aka miyeon, y/n, minnie, chan, soonyoung, sakura, and mingyu) finished cleaning up their stations, before miyeon and y/n went to explain the night shift to the manager of the second unit from the other department.
“finally, just barely 20 minutes overtime. its only 10:20 but does anyone want to go for a late dinner with the other staff from our department?” miyeon suggested to her team of 6.
“yeah sure, ill need to find seungkwan first? he’s my ride home.” chan said as he started to walk down the hall as soonyoung called out, “make sure he brings down all of his staff too!”
“alright is that a yes from everyone else?”
“except for me, my auntie is visiting from japan and i need to be the one to pick her up from the airport.” sakura said while waving at everyone as she walked towards the exit.
the unit began to converse amongst themselves as they waited for the other staff in their department before they felt the ground shake the walls harshly, the winds howl as their speeds increased and the front doors be pushed open.
“earthquake! everyone get under the desk!” miyeon yelled out, her staff being her priority as manager.
they all took cover underneath the receptionists desk before hearing a loud thud after a few minutes, leaving the glass on some of the doors shattered.
everyone got up to see what the noise was, only for their faces to freeze in shock.
“s-snow?!” minnie exclaimed. “there wasnt any snow in the forecast this week at all! and its barely the first few weeks of winter..”
“im sure you’re just as shocked as any of us are. i hope sakuras safe, im just glad she got out. uh- y/n! call sakura while i try to reach seungkwan and josh? and someone go to check out the side and back doors! don’t go alone! the powers iffy right now.” miyeon safely instructed off the top of her head, trying to remain calm in front of her staff.
you pull out your phone, dialing sakuras number as you tap your foot repeatedly against the floor in impatience and worry.
she picked up after the first few rings, “hello?”
“sakura! where are you? are you okay?”
“no, yeah im fine. im just off the side of that bridge a few miles away from the hotel. but the real question is, are you guys okay?”
“you felt it? we’re fine. splitting up duties to ensure safety. and why are you off to the side off the bridge? i assumed you wouldve been at the airport already.”
“everyone in seoul felt it. but i think it hit you guys the hardest since it came closest from that direction. you know, some cars were flipping over as i was about to pull out the parking lot!”
“just glad youre safe, but if you see the hotel, how bad does it look like we’re snowed in?”
“pretty bad.. looks snowed in on all sides and that wall of snow is so tall it goes beyond the 9th floor. that’s at least 7 meters thick going outwards.”
“shit. alright. i gotta go, but get home safely okay? bye!”
after getting off the phone with sakura, y/n goes back as she sees some of her coworkers returning from opposite directions after looking at the exits.
“theyre all blocked. completely. the garage tunnel is entirely blocked through the stairs, elevator, and side door too.” mingyu and soonyoung reported with minnie following not far behind despite being told not to go alone.
“should we call the police?”
“ill try, i just got off the phone.” you said, but just as you swiped emergency call, you immediately had no bars. “what? anyone else have service?”
everyone pulled out their phones and held it in the middle so you could see, “guess the signal just dropped.” you muttered as you dialed 119 anyway.
‘we’re sorry, the person you are trying to reach is-’
“has anyone noticed chan hasnt come back yet? its been like, well over 20 minutes.” mingyu questioned while looking around the darkly (and eerily) illuminated halls.
as mingyu walked closer, he let out a loud scream as he saw a big snd ominous silhouette coming towards him before he realized it was the rest of the staff from their department.
miyeon walked passed mingyu, playfully slapping his back before meeting up with the other managers seungkwan and josh.
“hi wonwoo.” you smiled, wrapping your arms around him brightly as you were now reassured your childhood best friend was safe now that he was in your arms.
“hi y/n. you’re not hurt or anything right?” he asked while looking around your body as he kept his hands on your shoulders.
“no im completely fine. what took you guys so long to come out though?”
“we still had a lot to clean up, but then chan went to kwans restaurant then jun just HAD to make a quick meal for him before coming to us and it always takes long if the cafe is the last stop.”
after everyone discussing what had to be discussed, such as agreeing to try calling for help in the morning, etc, etc, wonwoo announced to everyone they’ll have to check out rooms for each other and that they had to be paired up into twos.
so of course, he made you and minghao be ‘roommates’ for the time being.
“are you serious??” minghao whisper shouted as he pulled wonwoo into a corner, watching as everyone walked towards the stairwell.
“you were the only two left.” wonwoo shrugged, playing it off even though he was aware minghao clearly knew about his schemes.
after climbing 29 flights of stairs (seeing as the elevator broke), you were all beyond exhausted.
so, you took your room key from miyeon before following minghao to your shared room.
you opened the door and sigh in relief as you saw the two beds separated by a nightstand, taking off your shoes before lying down.
minghao ran a hand through his hair as he walked out from the bathroom to get himself ready for bed.
he went under the white sheets and muttered a grumpy, “dont even try talking to me.” before turning out the light, leaving you with your thoughts in the darkness.
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“I just ran out of fucks so you better fix this." With Happy please,.. Complete fluffiness pleaseeeee
Yayyy to 500!!!!!
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Drabble Masterlist
Motor Oil and Mess
Contains: Fluff, mild angst
418 words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed
Happy didn't think you come home from work early and you find the garage a mess.
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To say work was bad was an understatement, not only did your boss spend the day ordering you around but your car was parked in the heat all day and the ride home was unbearable. However, you managed to get away early, seeing that you clocked in early and didn't want to have to put in for overtime. When you tried to pull into the garage, Happy was there and there were bike parts everywhere.
"Happy, what the hell is this?"
He smiled sheepishly, "I didn't have enough room at mum's."
You exhaled through your nose, "and T-M, was there not enough room there?"
Happy wiped the motor oil off his hands, "they're doing a big clean out before the inspection on Monday. I'll just finish up here and take my tools back then I'll clean up and you won't need to worry about it."
You rubbed your face, "I need to put dinner on so you're on your own, I know you know how to cclean up after yourself so please don't leave a mess and from now on, text me if you're going to work on your bike at home so I can bring shit to help you clean up, it's going to take you forever to get all this oil up."
"Umm, I may have told Gemma we were going to breakfast tomorrow as well."
You didn't know how to respond, "tomorrow is my first real day off in two weeks, I have nothing to do and you want me to get up at the crack of dawn to help Gemma."
His eyes wrinkled, "you don't need to do that."
You shook your head, "I kinda do, she expects all the old ladies to help." Happy nodded, but before he could say more, you cut him off, “I just ran out of fucks so you better fix this."
"Yes ma'am."
By the time Happy left to take his tools back, the garage was spotless. Happy returned with some small boxes in hand, "have you started dinner yet?"
You shook your head, "I'm about to."
Happy handed you the boxes, "I got your favourite, plus dessert. I'm sorry I made a mess little girl, I know how hard you've been working."
You smiled, "thank you, and thank you for cleaning up. You want me to plate this?"
Happy shook his head, "let me do it." He paused on his way to the kitchen to kiss you, "I love you little girl."
"Love you too Hap."
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2022 Year End Summary
What happened this year, hmmm, let's see what I can remember...
April: Mad Max, the Road Warrior Kitten arrived.
There had been a couple of stray cats hanging around the farm for some weeks and we'd been feeding them. The female was beautiful, the male was HUGE. This is the female, who would later be called, 'Mama'.
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We were worried she might be pregnant, but turns out she was just putting on weight because of getting fed on the regular. She showed up pretty soon with two kittens...
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The kittens would hide under the vehicles and if you looked at them, they would CLIMB UP INTO THE UNDERCARRIAGE. I had to scare them out of the motor compartment of my car before I drove it that first week after they showed up. I was so paranoid about one of them still being in there, I stopped several times while driving from the farm to my house to check. My BF was not so thorough before he left to drive to my house, 60 miles away over country roads, interstates through Tampa, and stop-and-go city streets. He got to my house on a Tuesday and on Thursday, when he was getting ready to go back, we heard it. The meow! This kitten had not only survived the ride (that road has some seriously huge bumps! I don't know how he stayed in!), but then STAYED UNDER THE TRUCK FOR TWO DAYS with no food or water! HE WAS TINY. Just over 1 pound...
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He's lived with me at the beach, traveling back and forth with me to the farm every week, but always an indoor cat since then. He's grown into a Big Boi ...
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After many years of resisting getting another dog, it seems like the universe conspired to place another little life in my home. I'm fine with it.
We got his mom fixed a bit after this. We don't know what happened to the other kitten, but the BF says he saw the other kitten at the farm when he got back that Thursday, so he didn't make the ride.
Here is mama kitty on the way to be spayed. It took us a whole week to trap her -- she's smart! I would've offered her a home indoors, but she went BAT SHIT CRAZY when confined, it just wasn't going to work. She remains living at the farm, free and doing as she pleases.
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Also in April: Hit my highest weight in the last SEVERAL YEARS at 331.
September: We sold the farm.
(Don't worry, I made arrangements for mama kitty and her boyfriend, they are still there, being fed and taken care of).
For the last 12 years we have been dividing our time between our 10 acre farm and a house near the beach. They are about 60 miles apart. I would go up there on the weekends, (Friday night-Monday morning), and he would come down to my house during the week (Tuesday morning-Thursday morning). This gave us both some 'me time' and was the best of both worlds -- beach and country. However, the BF has some serious health issues and they have only gotten worse the last couple of years. I was having to pick up more and more of the work and it was just becoming too hard for me to handle it all, so, we made the decision to sell the farm and both live at the beach full time. This happened VERY QUICKLY. Like, he made the call on a Monday and by the next Monday there was a relator out taking pictures and by later that week we had a contract on it. This is all great except for the fact that there was 32 years of JUNK in the house and the outbuildings and barns that had to be dealt with and I was the only one healthy enough to do it.
I ended up working myself into an infected/ulcerated toe, walking 25k steps a day for WEEKS as I cleaned and hauled stuff away, donating, trashing, or moving stuff to my house. Moving stuff to my house meant I had to make room for it, so there was more sorting, trashing, and donating to be done from here to make room for the stuff from the farm. It was a NIGHTMARE and I still don't have everything put away, the garage is stacked with boxes of garage stuff that needs to find a place to be put away.
October: BF needs stent in carotid artery.
Since all his doctors were still 60 miles away, this meant driving those 60 miles up to the hospital there, and then even after he was released, more driving up there for the follow ups. During this time also, his eyesight started to become an issue. Apparently, this is common after having new lenses put in during cataract surgery, which he'd had some years before. But that meant, even when he was cleared to drive, he couldn't, so I was spending hours and hours every week driving him to doctors appointments. At this time I tried to get in to see a doctor of my own about my toe, which was clearly infected, my whole foot was starting to swell up and turn red, but every appointment was weeks out. Finally we got the BF in to see the eye specialist and they lasered this cloudiness away and he could drive again. Thank goodness!
November 15: Got in to see podiatrist about toe
The news was rather alarming, enough so that it scared me into going back on keto, and while I have 'cheated' at Christmas and Thanksgiving, overall I have kept to the low carb lifestyle in an effort to get my undiagnosed diabetes under control. I have neuropathy in both feet; he said I missed being able to feel about half of the little 'pokes' he did with a needle thing. I, of course, knew I had that, but in my defense, I've had numbness in my feet since I was in my 30s, I think brought on by doing high impact aerobics on hard flooring for several years. I simply ignored it when it got worse.
I also made an appointment with a primary care doctor-- the first I've had in about 8 or 9 years. That appointment is January 4th, so we'll see how bad everything is then.
December 31:
I'm down about 10 pounds since November 15th, which I would've hoped for more, but down is better than up, right? I have been staying true to low carb for the most part, trying to heal this toe, which is still not healed. I am not supposed to walk on it at all, but that has never happened. I did stay off it quite a lot at first, but that just isn't sustainable, and I have to workout to lose weight and also help the blood sugar and blood pressure numbers.
Throughout the year, I have been working out 3x a week doing Plyojam and Yoga via Zoom, but have not done much more than that. I know I need to do more, so have committed to a 30 minute workout every day. Thus far I'm on a streak of 12 days; when I workout later today, it will be 13. Hoping to keep this going all through next year and add in more walking as soon as I feel like my toe can handle it.
Here's where I am right now. It pains me to post these, but I want to be honest about my condition and have these for comparison later...
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Next jeans goal:
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So, here we go again. Into a new year, trying to get healthy AGAIN. I don't have specific goals other than that -- work out more as possible, eat keto/low carb, get blood sugar and blood pressure under control, feel better.
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factorlong · 2 years
Alfonso mandia miana dead
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Alfonso mandia miana dead cracked#
Alfonso mandia miana dead driver#
Alfonso mandia miana dead professional#
I made a service appointment three weeks in advance with our BMW of Delray Beach service advisor David Helms for our 2020 X3 and to schedule a loaner. We moved closer to BMW of Delray Beach in Florida a year ago and started using them for service due to the convenience. In 1984 I purchased my first BMW and have been a loyal BMW customer ever since, having bought many from Vista in Florida and Chapman in Arizona, both outstanding dealerships. Our salesman John Ponholzer and service advisor Andrii Kryvonos (Andrew) are outstanding. If you have a choice between Vista BMW and BMW of Delray Beach, choose Vista BMW as it is much more professional. David Helms is my new service advisor and he is simply the best! Anil Bhatnagar Jul 21, 2022 The main reason for my positive review is the professionalism of their staff and how they go out of their way to do everything for their customers. That the work is done very well and on time is only one part of why I say this. ***Update*** After a couple more experiences with this dealership, I can honestly say that I could not have been a happier customer. All in all, this is a great dealership, and I look forward to building a long term relationship.
Alfonso mandia miana dead cracked#
I also had a cracked windscreen and Luis has gone out of his way in working with the insurance company to get the claim processed. The car was ready on time and it was thoroughly cleaned inside and outside. The entire process, including getting me the loaner car, was done efficiently and everyone was taking all appropriate covid related precautions.
Alfonso mandia miana dead professional#
The facility itself is impressive, and my service advisor (Luis) was very professional and helpful. Ayse Gurpinar Aug 5, 2022Īs a new resident in Delray Beach, this was my first time getting the car serviced at BMW of Delray Beach and the experience could not have been better. Soon it ll be time to get myself a new car, i guess we ll find out if their Sales Dept works as good as the Service Dept. Hopefully, the techs also did a good service job on my vehicle. Either the customer service person or the receptionist at the store must have a better follow up when a client is set up w/the shuttle service.
Alfonso mandia miana dead driver#
The car & the driver were there but i guess the communication wasnt good enough. I waited too long especially when i get picked up. The only area that needs improvement is the shuttle service. The price wasnt cheap but OK, at the end of the day BMW is an expensive car. He was prompt, attentive, knowledable, polite & friendly. The appointment process was very easy, my customer service person, Nelson Mahon, was very good. Im a 35 year BMW owner but always in Colorado, but now i also live in Boca so brought 1 of our vehicles here & serviced my 650 Grand Coupe at the Del Ray dealership. I learned that this dealership is owned by AutoNation and they respond to their shareholders, so they make an extra effort to please their customers. Everyone was a pleasure to deal with, including the ladies at the front desk and the staff at the garage. Wonderful 4 point inspection, fixed the problems - and, as a bonus, they cleaned the back of both outside mirrors that the previous dealership told me would have to remain looking word and spackled. Monday morning I brought the car for service at Delray BMW. Fortunately, when the car cooled down, the top closed. I called the Delray dealership Saturday evening, shortly before closing and they were gracious, friendly and told me to drive there and maybe they could help. My convertible top locked and would not close and my navigation did not work properly. But then on Saturday night I had a new problem. The previous week I had an unnecessarily difficult time at a different dealership because of a flat tire and new tires I had purchased directly from Tire Rack.
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smol-and-grumpy · 3 years
Instant Attraction - Chapter 8
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean Winchester is thirty-eight and the stepdad of her best friend Ben. He��s caring, goofy, dorky, sexy and has a deep soothing voice. She wants him so bad, but he is more than a decade older than her. The thing is, she knows he wants her too but he’s holding himself back. How far can she take it until he caves? — Or the one where Dean tries to resist but fails miserably.
Chapter Warnings: Uh-oh... PROGRESS!
WC: 2,908
This chapter fills the “Grinding” square on my @spnkinkbingo card
Series beta’d by the amazing @deanwanddamons
This series is COMPLETE on Patreon
If you like what I’m writing, please consider leaving me a tip to keep me energized.
Series Masterlist ~ SPN Masterlist
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Tuesday started the same as Monday — very tense, and Dean feels like he’s walking on eggshells.
Y/N’s still sleeping when he makes his way downstairs. He quickly grabs a water bottle out of the fridge before heading for work, forgoing his morning coffee in favor of not having to spend too much time lingering in the house that feels suffocating to him. 
Dean’s not exactly an idiot – at least not most of the time as he knows they should probably talk about what happened last night before he bolted on her. But he sure as hell also knows that he can’t and won’t talk to her about it in the morning. It would be too much, and most likely a sure way to ruin his fucking day since he doesn’t even know what there is to talk about, and then he’d be super riled up and would definitely project his foul mood to his employees. 
While, yeah, she was coming onto him — but he would be lying if he didn’t want that too. It’s by miracle alone that his brain managed to catch on and pull away at the right time, even though it killed him a little inside.
And now it’s nearing the end of the day again and Dean finds himself dreading the moment he has to leave work. 
Glancing out of the office, he sees Benny still bending over the hood of a car the man was trying to fix since the morning, so he gets up from his chair and walks out into the garage, both hands in his pockets. 
The other man still has his head inside of the hood as Dean comes closer. And then he bellows, “What do you want, Winchester?”
Dean freezes mid-stalk as if he’s caught doing something bad. He frowns, faking offense, “Why do you think I want something?”
His employee snorts as he emerges. He cleans his hand on a washcloth, all while eyeing Dean suspiciously. “You’re weird. It’s as if you’re running away from something but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is.”
“It’s nothing,” Dean grumbles before gritting his teeth.
“Right,” Benny snorts, “then go home.”
Dean resists the urge to roll his eyes as far back to the head as it would go, and thinks he’s doing an okay job with it. He waits another beat before asking, “You wanna go grab dinner?” 
He can’t really read what Benny’s eyes are trying to convey. It also takes a long while for Benny to answer, but then he breathes out and goes, “I honestly don’t fucking know what’s going on and I’m not sure I really want to, but yeah, dinner sounds good. You’re paying.”
“Of course.”
 It’s already past his usual bedtime when Dean finally arrives home. As he turns into his drive, he can see that the lights are all off inside the house but Y/N’s car’s parked out front. He guesses that she must have gone to bed already. She sent him a text earlier, asking if he was going to be home for dinner. Dean made sure to answer her this time, telling her that he’s going out with Benny right after work. It’s not a lie, but she certainly doesn’t have to know that he only did it because he wanted to avoid her. He still doesn’t know what excuse he can use tomorrow, though. 
The house is coated in darkness and eerie silence when he steps inside. Dean carefully takes off his boots by the door, goes to the fridge to grab a bottle of water, and makes a mental note to go grocery shopping soon in order to stock up his fridge. 
As quietly as he can manage, Dean makes his way up to his room and closes the door behind him while exhaling the breath he’s been holding since he stepped inside his own goddamn house. 
God, that is no fucking way to live!
With annoyance, he makes quick work of undressing and stepping into the showers, and then he settles into bed, hoping for a good night’s sleep, hoping for his mind to stop reeling the film in his head over and over again about the kiss that never was.
 Dean groans when he wakes up with a dry mouth. His hand shoots to his nightstand, fingers feeling around, trying to find the bottle of water, only to realize that it’s already empty. God, the tacos they had made him so fucking thirsty. 
Getting out of the bed, he rubs his eyes and has enough brain to think ahead to at least get dressed semi-decently. Dean pulls a shirt over his head before heading down. He usually sleeps in only his boxer briefs but there’s no way he wants to run into Y/N like that. 
Opening the door of his room, he walks over to the stairs. Instead of being pitch black, he notices flickering lights coming from downstairs. Flipping his wrist, he reads the time. It’s 3.12 AM. 
For a moment, he wonders if he should venture down at all, but god, he’s so fucking thirsty. So he tries to at least be as quiet as he can be while walking down the stairs. The wood creaks a little but the noise gets swallowed by voices coming out of the TV. 
He stands by the stairs when he gets off the last step and feels like the air has been punched out of his lungs when he sees what’s happening. Dean can’t breathe. 
Can’t. Fucking. Breathe.
She’s leaning back on the couch, her one hand in her short pj pants, apparently touching herself, if the way the bulge on the front is anything to go by. Her other hand is on her tit, the cotton of the tank top she’s wearing is pulled down just below it. Her palm kneads her full breast while her fingers pluck at the hardened peak. 
Dean’s dick twitches to life. 
The Devil’s Advocate flickers on the screen and Charlize Theron is naked, ready to seduce Keanu Reeves. 
He swallows thickly as he watches her. He’s a pervert because he definitely shouldn’t watch but Christ, he can’t look away. Her eyebrows are pulled into a frown, her eyes are closed, a look of concentration on her face as she bites down on her bottom lip so as not to be too loud. 
Look, he knows he should move, that he should probably make himself known because he knows better than to be a fucking creep, and last he checked, he’s not a voyeur either. He considers himself to be a masochist, though, so there’s that. But it’s just like a goddamn tragic traffic accident where you have enough common sense to know that you shouldn’t watch but also you can’t look away from it because it’s a primal instinct to be nosy when it comes to things like that. 
Dean swallows again when he sees her spreading her legs more while dropping her head to the back of the couch, pressing it deeper into the cushions, causing her throat to get exposed, and shit, yeah, he’d like to lick and suck at it, imagining the marks he would leave on her soft skin that would, without any doubt in his mind, suit her. 
Her frowns tighten as she works herself up to her release. It etches even deeper after a couple of minutes while her teeth bite into her bottom lip harder. It seems like she is tethering on the edge but she can’t quite make the jump. Poor little baby, he thinks to himself, palming his dick through his underwear, like a total pervert he’s become. His cock is straining hard, filling out his boxer briefs considerably. Dean’s abso-fucking-lutely sure there’s a special place in hell only for him. 
It goes on for about two more minutes, her toes curling as if she has a cramp. Her fingers are still inside of her pants, working over herself furiously as if she wants to start a goddamn fire. He doesn’t think she can come. She’s determined, though. 
The thirst somehow won over his mind and Dean thinks about the best way to make himself known without startling her. 
He clears his throat and walks straight into the kitchen, playing oblivion by ignoring her and not looking in the direction of the living room at all.
There’s a gasp when she realizes that he’s here, but Dean doesn’t stay to watch the embarrassment shooting up to her face, he’s not cruel. Instead, he opens the fridge, takes out a bottle of water only to uncap it and drinks up the whole bottle in one go. He is definitely fucking thirsty, okay? 
When he throws the bottle into the trash, he walks to the living room, acting as if he didn’t just watch her fail at making herself come, acting as if the sight didn’t make him harder than he’s ever been in his fucking life.
“Can’t sleep?” He asks, pretending he walked in just now. 
“Yeah, sorry, did I wake you?”
Y/N has since moved her hand out of her pants and covered her tit back, but she hasn’t gotten rid of the slick because he can see it glistening in the dim light of the flickering TV. 
“Nah,” Dean swallows, sending a short silent prayer up to whoever’s listening to please forgive him. “Mind if I join for a while? Couldn’t sleep either.” It’s not even a lie. There’s no way he can sleep right now, all wound up because of her. 
“Sure.” She scoots to the side, making room for him on the couch and Dean suppresses the sound his throat wants to make when he takes in the whiff of her arousal that is lingering in the air. 
He settles in next to her, trying not to look over. The only light source is the TV and Dean almost curses at the lack of lightning. He’d love to see her flushed face, but again, that would probably make her feel uncomfortable and that’s not what he wants for her. 
There’s another sex scene playing, and he’s not going to lie, it does something to him seeing someone getting it on, especially right after what he witnessed. Dean keeps his face straight ahead, but he can’t help but notice her squirming next to him. She’s restless, pressing her legs together and releasing it, moving and folding her one leg under her ass, sitting on one of her heels. Then he notices that she’s moving her hips, albeit very subtly. 
Dean decides that he’s had enough of the squirming, that he’s also had enough of being a pathetic fuck. So when he opens his mouth next, he’s driven by nothing but his dick and he shouldn’t be held accountable for it. 
Turning to her, he asks, “Y/N, are you turned on? Are you trying to get yourself off on the heel of your foot?” 
She nibbles at her bottom lip again as she stares right into his eyes. Y/N doesn’t answer him, but instead, he sees some emotions pass her face. Her expression changes from uncertainty to something else. Something he can’t place– but apparently, he doesn’t have to wonder what it is because suddenly, he finds himself with a lap full of Y/N as she straddles him rather unexpectedly. 
“Y/N,” Dean growls. It should be a warning.
“Just–, please,” 
His arms fall to his sides, too afraid to touch, while she finds the right position on top of him. Her short pants ride up her thighs, the fabric at the crotch damp, almost wet, as she sits down right on top of his hard cock. “We–,” his voice his strained, the thing he wants to say hurts him more than he can explain, “–fuck– we shouldn’t,”
Her hands are braced on his chest, traveling up to his shoulder as she uses the broadness of it for leverage while she drags her wet cunt over his shaft. Dean doesn’t think he’s ever been this turned on in his fucking life. 
She shudders as she lets out a sigh of relief from the friction she’s gaining by grinding against him. Her lips part and her eyelids flutter while her nails dig into the muscle of his shoulder, “Please,” she begs again, her voice soft and needy, “Just–, I need–,”
“This is so wrong,” he grits his teeth. Even though it feels fucking fantastic, he can’t help the guilt already nagging at his conscience. 
“It feels right,” she counters.
Of course she would say that. Goddammit, Dean curses to himself, because fuck, she’s so right. It does feel fucking right. Dean realizes that he’s weak. He’s a weak, weak man with emphasis on the word man, because shit, as a man, he just can’t resist having a pretty girl in his lap – especially when the girl is Y/N. 
His arms move without his prompting as his hands settle on her waist, fingers digging into her soft flesh, helping to guide her along on his clothed dick. Holy fuck, it’s getting wetter by the minute. Her pants are soaked and he is sure the wetness on his underwear is not from his own precum, albeit he’s also leaking profoundly. 
“Tell me what you need, sweetheart,” he croaks out, voice low and deep. 
She’s moving on top of him, her wetness seeping into the fabric of his underwear, her tiny hand covering his large one before guiding it up her body. His one palm rests on her tit, and Dean groans out when he feels the weight of her breast in his hand. Y/N urges him to knead her tit and he groans again. Shit. It feels better than he ever hoped it would. 
Y/N guides his other hand to her throat, making him put slight pressure on his fingers as they curl around her neck. Dean almost comes. This little dirty girl wants him to choke her. He feels like he’s in a fucking dream. 
The hand on her tits move up slightly only to drag her top down, revealing her bare chest and Dean plucks at her hard peak. Letting out a shaky moan, she grinds harder as she arches her back to gain maximal friction. 
“Is that what you need, Y/N, yeah?” He whispers, fingers tightening around her throat. 
“Fuck–,” she curses, hips working relentlessly, her eyes are closed. “Yes, fuck–,”
“How does it feel?” 
“Oh god,” she breathes out, voice a little strained. “Good. Shit, I love it, Dean. Love it.” 
“Christ,” Dean huffs out, trying his best not to come – at least not to come before she does, “look at you, so fucking needy. Such a dirty girl, grinding on my fucking cock. Take it, Y/N, take what you need.” 
She whimpers when she looks at him now. Her movement is fast, determined, and then her thighs start to shake around him. The hand that has been down her pants cups his cheek and for a moment, he thought that she’d lower herself down to kiss him, but then her fingers touch his lips and Dean can smell her on them. He growls before he opens his mouth, swallowing three of her fingers into his mouth greedily before licking them clean of her juices. She tastes fucking amazing, tangy and sweet like a pussy should taste. Just that it’s better because it’s Y/N’s fucking pussy. He lets them out with a pop and then she goes back to squeezing his shoulder while she rides him.
“Good girl, so close, ain’t cha? Come, baby, come for me,” He coos, and god, what would he give to kiss her, but instead, he grips her tighter, bucks up when she grinds down to help her along. 
Y/N comes with a squeal, her eyes rolling to the back of her head before she slumps against him, burying her face into the crook of his neck while her body twitches all over. 
“That’s it, baby,” he praises, one hand traveling up and down her back while his other hand pets her hair, “You did so well. Such a good girl for me.” 
She starts to chuckle when she comes back down from her high, and then she moves away from his lap, plants herself next to him. Dean tries not to show that he’s already missing her weight that anchored him down.
“You okay?” He asks the girl who’s still panting next to him. 
“Yeah,” she smiles in return, which lights up the fucking room.
“Good,” he says, standing up before he gets the chance to do something that he shouldn’t, which– yeah, he already crossed the line but he’s still a decent man and he doesn’t want to cross it any further. Dean clears his throat, “So, I’m gonna go back to bed. You should too, okay?”
“But–,” she starts, and then she stands up to take a step closer. Dean backs up. There’s a frown on her face, and she looks a little disappointed. He feels bad but he also thinks it's best if he keeps his distance. “–you didn’t,”
“I’m good,” Dean answers quickly, already doing a moonwalk back towards the stairs. “Good night, Y/N.” 
He turns around and walks up, leaving her behind, not daring to take a look back in case he becomes weak.
Fuck, he’s so screwed.
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Chapter 9
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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randofics · 2 years
Batman beyond x reader pt.2
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The reader takes Batman's advice to join the police but after her first day she suffers a tragedy that she'll stop at nothing to fix.
A few months later you were walking into the police commissioner's office. Having finished training at the police academy. You looked at the name plate before knocking on the door. "Commissioner Gordon? I'm here for my introduction." The older woman looked up from her data pad. "Come in and take a seat. What's your name kid." You sat in the plush chair and gave her a friendly smile." "I'm y/f/n y/l/n it's nice to finally meet you ma'am." She types something on her computer. You sit patiently for her to finish or talk. "Ah here you are. Well you seem to have some potential to make a great cop." "Really!? Oh that's great, I'm happy to start whenever Mrs. Gordon." She gave you a small smile. "Well how about next week then?" "Sure is there anything I need to get before I start?" "We'll worry about that Monday, I'll start you off with some guard duty and some other basic stuff." You flashed her a bright smile. "Ok that sounds good, I'll see you Monday then commissioner."
When you got home you skipped up the steps happily and opened your door. Your cat greeted you with a loud meow. You looked at her a bit surprised. "We'll hello to you too little missy. I'll bet you're hungry aren't you." Another loud meow made you laugh. "Ok ok just let me put my stuff up first jeez." After you set your stuff down you make your way to the kitchen. You bend down and open the cabinet with the catfood and other pet stuff. You scoop out some kibble and pour it into her bowl. She looks up at you waiting for the wet food you pour on top. The small packet refuses to tear open so you grab the scissors from the drawer. As you pour the liquid food on her kibble she tries to lick the packet. Once the packet is empty you toss it in the trashcan under the sink. You lean against the counter and watch her eat. "You're so cute honeybunny." You squat beside her and scratch the base of her tail making her stick her butt in the air. You chuckle at her. Later that night you're sitting on the couch watching the news when the news anchor starts to talk about the recent animal fighting rings that have been stopped by police. You reach out to pet your cat instinctually and she starts to purr. "Don't worry honey I won't let anything like that happen to you. And I'll try to stop some of them too." You turned off the TV and got ready for bed, as you laid down on your side she jumped up on the bed and curled up into your stomach. You curled your body around her protectively and you fell asleep to her purring.
Monday rolled around and you walked into the commissioner's office again to meet with Mrs.Gordon. She showed you the ropes, and set you up with your new partner. You hit it off with her as you talked while on guard duty at the bank. The day was uneventful but you supposed that was good for your first day. After you put your gear in your new locker you said goodbye to your partner. It was dark out as you walked to the parking garage. You got in your car safely and drove home. When you got home you noticed your door was open. You ran inside and grabbed your baseball bat that was next to the door. You snuck through your house making sure to clear every room. They had taken your electronics and anything else they deemed expensive enough. You suddenly realized you hadn't seen your cat anywhere in the house and she hadn't meowed to greet you either. You called for her and looked anywhere she might hide but you never found her. At this point you were shaking and you ran back outside to call for her. She never answered. You called the police and your partner who was still on duty pulled up first.
You were sitting on the steps sobbing as she jogged to you. "Hey y/n what happened? Is anyone injured?" You hugged her tight as you tried to calm down enough to speak. "I-I think they took her!" "Who? They took who?" "My cat I can't find her!" Another sob racked your body as you mentally kicked yourself for not being there to protect her. "Hey hey look at me! She might be running around here somewhere. When the others get here I'll go look for her ok?" You wiped your tears with your sleeve and nodded your head.
Two more cop cars pulled up and one draped a blanket over your shoulders. They questioned you as you sat on the steps. Just like your partner said, she walked down the street to call for her. A few more cops showed up along with the commissioner and they closed off your house for the investigation. Your partner came back an hour later empty handed and you broke again. Your partner offered for you to stay at her place for a while and you took her offer. The others gave you their sympathies and another hour later you were driving to your partners place. Anger coursed through you at the thought that your baby was in a cage somewhere about to be subjected to who knows what. Your grip tightened on the wheel and your nuckles turned white. That night you didn't get much sleep and the next morning you went to work. You checked in to see if they started an investigation for your missing cat and valuables. The commissioner assured you that they would find her. And with that you went on patrol with your partner.
Patrol was mostly uneventful other than catching a few speeders. The commissioner called over coms that there was a robbery in progress. You sped off to find them and as they pulled out of a parking garage you gave chase. Out of nowhere the batmobile sped past you and pit maneuvered the robbers vehicle. It slammed into the guard rail coming to a stop. You and your partner managed to catch one robber as he jumped out of the vehicle but the other two ran off. Bats ran past you saying he would catch them. You growled at the robber as you pinned him to the concrete. "You're under arrest punk. You have the right to remain silent everything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." He chuckled at you. "You seem angry officer." "I've had a bad day. Now do you have any weapons on your person?" "No I do not officer." "Good now in you go, and watch your head." You closed the door behind him and looked over to see bats dragging the other two robbers over. They were unconscious and he held them by the scruff of their clothing. "They're all yours officer." He dropped them at your feet and you pulled out another set of cuffs. "So you decided to take my advice after all?" "Yeah." You concentrated on cuffing the men. He could tell you were in a sour mood. Two other officers lugged the men to their cars and you stood not looking bats in the eye.
"Hey what's up with you? Is something wrong?" You sigh and finally look at him. "My place was robbed yesterday and I suspect they took my cat aswell. We searched everywhere but couldn't find her." You had a pained look on your face. "Did commissioner Gordon start an investigation?" You nod at him hugging yourself. He puts a hand on your shoulder. "Hey I'm sure they'll find her. And if it'll make you feel any better I'll do some digging too." You give him a weak smile and wave to him as he jumps into the batmobile flying away.
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joontopia · 3 years
Find You Now | KSJ Oneshot - Preview
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pairing: kim seokjin x female reader
genre: smut, angst, dashes of fluff
au: ex childhood friends to lovers, college drop out
rating: explicit, nsfw, 18+
current word count: 7K and growing
preview word count: 1.5K (unedited)
fic warnings: TBD
preview warnings: slight angst, slight pining
summary:  It’s been 4 years since the last time Seokjin has seen you. Four long years since he has seen your face, since he’s heard your voice, since he left you behind in your small hometown to find himself. But the only thing he found was how empty his life was without you. Following the downfall of his most recent relationship and the news of his brother’s engagement, Seokjin’s back home looking to fix the mistakes he tried to escape. To fix the friendship he lost, the pain he caused, and to find his happiness again. If only he could find you now.
This is a part of the Not A Phase Collab hosted by @suhdays​ - Inspired by the song Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard
Release Date: By Monday May 31st, 2021
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It’s just past midnight as Jin pulls into his mom’s driveway, softly closing every door of his car as he gets out and retrieves his suitcase from the trunk. He turns slowly, taking in the stillness and quiet of the street he grew up on, stopping the moment his eyes fall on your house across the road. Not much has changed about your house, save for the vacancy of your car. Your typical parking spot in your parent’s driveway is empty, leaving Jin to wonder if you’re not home or if your father finally cleaned out the other half of the garage, allowing you to park inside.
From the faint illuminance of the street lights, he’s able to see the hibiscus bushes that line the outside of your home. The flowers not yet in bloom due to the time of year. His eyes shift over to the cherry blossom tree at the corner of your yard, sight trailing up its growth until his gaze ends at the highest point. The top of the tree still reaches just above your bedroom window on the second floor. Jin’s lips twitch up into a smile as a memory surfaces in his mind.
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6 years earlier
“It was intentional. I’m telling you!” You rant, pouting as you stab your spoon into the cup of ice cream in Jin’s hand.
You’re sitting next to each other outside of the local ice cream shop, sharing two big scoops of chocolate and strawberry that had cost Jin the last of his weekly allowance. You had begged him to take you out for a treat, having just endured one of the most awkward conversations with your parents, promising him that he could choose the flavor as a form of sweet talk to get him to agree. He ended up getting a scoop each of both you and his favorites, his heart fluttering at the sight of your bright smile when he joined you outside on the park bench. The moment Jin handed you a spoon, you immediately dived in, a mixture of the two flavors disappearing into your mouth in a flash. A subtle hum of satisfaction slips past your lips from the taste. Jin shakes his head as he smiles, dipping his own spoon in for a scoop. “Chocolate and Strawberry is a match made in heaven. Two favors that go together perfectly. Like best friends, just like us,” you would say each time Jin asked you about your favorite indulgence.
You remove the spoon from your mouth, waving it around in the air as you share with Jin the scarring conversation with your parents that led to this impromptu outing. They finally decided it was time you had ‘the talk.’ If the topic at hand wasn’t bad enough, your dad even shared with you how he used to sneak out his childhood bedroom, your current bedroom, to meet up with your mom. Information that you stated you’d be better off never knowing.
“Did you know there used to be a big oak tree there? Branches so thick, dad brags about how easily they held his weight as he climbed down them,” you grumble. Jin’s eyes are on you, nodding along to your story as he listens. His attention is slightly distracted the moment he feels your hand cover his causing the both of you to hold the ice cream bowl together as you try to steady it, scooping up a generous portion of the treat with your spoon. The subtle touch redirects his mind from your words to his surroundings, suddenly aware of how closely you two were sitting next to each other on the bench.
It’s not unusual for the two of you to be this close to each other, having known one another since you were in diapers. But now at the age of 16, Jin can only blame it on teenage hormones. What else would explain his rise in blood pressure being this close to his best friend? Surely not the intoxicating scent of your perfume. The one he quickly recognizes as the very brand he got you for your birthday last year. Nor the change in how you do your makeup, the natural tones and faux bare minimum style accentuating your facial features. Allowing your natural beauty to shine.
Jin observes as you bring the plastic utensil up to your mouth again, turning the spoon upside down at the last second before placing it on your tongue, your glossed, plush lips closing before pulling the now clean spoon from between them. He watches as the tip of your tongue peeks out, swiping at a rogue drop of melted chocolate ice cream on your bottom lip and he’s momentarily mesmerized. Lost in wonderment at how his favorite flavor would taste from your lips. He’s brought back to reality from a painful thump on his forehead, the result from where you flicked him with your fingers.
“Yah! Are you even listening?” you scold him, doing a terrible job at stifling your giggle from the pout that forms on Jin’s lips as he rubs his wound. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“What’s the big deal? I thought you liked the Cherry Blossom tree,” Jin asks, ears turning red as he looks away from you. Scooping a hefty amount of ice cream into his own mouth to avoid answering the second part of your question. You roll your eyes at him and continue in your rant. Jin quietly lets out a small sigh of relief at you letting his obvious avoidance go.
“I did like it. LOVED it even. My dad said he had the old oak tree removed and the new tree planted shortly after learning I was going to be a girl. But now I just see it as a traitor tree. With branches not thick enough to let me sneak out.” You’re back to pouting, Jin catching the down turn of your lips from his peripherals. How badly he wants to kiss that frown away, the sudden urge to see you smile filling his thoughts.
He hadn’t realized he turned towards you, fully facing you with his spoon in his mouth until you were speaking to him through a fit of giggles, the sound of your amusement like music to his ears. “What are you thinking about, Jinnie?”
Jin is at a loss of words the moment his gaze meets yours. Your eyes full of genuine curiosity as you look up at him, a soft smile one your lips as you wait for him to answer. A slight breeze picks up, causing loose strands of your hair to blow into your face. On instinct, Jin reaches with his free hand, moving your hair back and tucking it behind your ear. Not missing your tiny gasp as your cheeks turn a soft pink from the intimate action. “Have you always been this beautiful?” he thinks to himself as he lets his fingers linger on your cheek. Unsure if it’s just wishful thinking, he swears your face is getting closer to his. Not able to tell if it was from him leaning in or you or both. The moment is suddenly broken by the sound of a car horn blaring from somewhere behind you, causing the two of you to jump slightly back from each other as Jin drops his hand from your face. Clearing his throat, Jin spoons another helping of ice cream into his mouth before passing the bowl towards you.
“Well,” he says, breaking the tension between you two as you take the ice cream from him, “Guess we’ll just have to think of another way for you to sneak out then.”
The smile you award him knocks the breath right out of lunges. The beauty of your happy expression being the most wonderful thing Jin has seen all day. A similar smile reactively graces his face, telling himself then and there that he wants to only ever make you look at him that way all the time.
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A somber feeling takes over Jin as he brings himself out of his memory. Turning back towards his house, he walks up to the front door, quietly turning the key and going inside. Locking the door behind him, he carries his suitcase up the stairs, his head turned down the whole way to his old bedroom. He hadn’t kept his promise to himself, so easily breaking it only two years after making it. Entering his room, Jin drops his suitcase on the ground and closes his door. Falling onto his bed, he hopes that once he is able to find you, you will grant him the mercy and honor for him to redeem himself. Allowing him to see that beautiful smile once again.
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
Blackbird: 6
You don’t see Steve for the rest of the day. You assume he’s working and when a pretty blonde woman comes in around four and introduces herself as Carol you let her take over with Ada. You go take a shower and get ready for the night, putting on your show clothes under your jeans and tee shirt. You go back upstairs when you’re done getting ready, your bag with all your stuff over your shoulder. You don’t find Steve on the main floor so you run down to the garage and the car is gone.
You check your phone and swear softly before texting Fury who agrees to come get you and you send him the address.
It takes him fifteen minutes to get to you, the car pulling up and you climb in the passenger seat.
“What changed?”
“My mind.” You say simply and he glances over at you to see if you’ll elaborate but you don’t.
“Alright.” You make the rest of the ride in silence, at least until you pull up to the club.
“Oh, Nick, you should probably talk to your drivers about making sure that the dancers are inside their homes before driving away. I was attacked last night, on my doorstep. He broke into my place when I managed to slip inside and hide until help could come.”
“Is that why you were at Rogers place?”
“You know Steve?”
“Oh, he’s Steve is he?” Fury gives you a sly smile and you roll your eyes.
“How do you know him?”
“Everyone who has a club knows him. How do you?”
“I was being harassed by one of his people on the street and he came along.” You don’t know if Fury knows about Ada and you know he doesn’t know about your job so you leave that out.
“I’ll talk to the drivers.” He promises and you nod and go to climb out of the car when Fury stops you with a hand on your arm. “Just be careful around him. He’s a powerful man, and power in this world often brings danger.”
“He was closer than the cops.” You feed Fury your same line then head into the back of the club. You get ready while the rest of the girls chat around you, you’re not in much of a chatty mood today. Melinda gives you a little nudge pulling you out of your head.
“You okay? Normally we can’t get you to shut up.” She teases and you laugh softly.
“Yea, my place was broken into last night.”
“Oh my god. When?”
“After I got home, so I guess it was this morning. You know the toucher Brock?” She nods, “it was him. He must’ve been waiting for me to get back from the club and tried to force his way into my place. I got away but he broke in.”
“Oh my god. You should tell Fury that he did that. He can ban him from the place.”
“I didn’t even think of that.” You admit tucking a Bobby pin into your hair. You finish getting ready then when it’s your turn strut out onto the stage.
Three sets later you’re texting with Wanda to let her know that you’re done and will meet her at her place. You’re grateful she doesn’t mind you crashing on her couch for the weekend. You’ve also received a few texts from Steve asking where you are but you’ll respond when you get to Wanda’s since the van is leaving. You climb in and let the driver know that you’re going to Wanda’s instead of your place and he nods then you take off.
You’re the third one dropped off, Wanda is waiting just inside the door and you tap on the glass to get her attention. She gives you a wide smile and lets you into the building.
“Hey, thanks for letting me stay with you.”
“Of course. How was Shield?”
“It’s fine. Not quite as fun as being at Galaxy but it’s a nice change of pace.”
“Why aren’t you at Galaxy?” She asks pushing the button to the elevator.
“Needed a change of scenery.”
“It has nothing to do with the sexy but angry mob boss that came into Galaxy tonight?”
“Yea, he was looking for you. I was the only one who knew where you were and I made myself scarce so he couldn’t ask.”
“Sorry for putting you in that position.” You tell her as she pushes the open.
“It’s fine, I have a feeling he’s going to be back tomorrow though.”
“Do you want to come to Shield with me?”
“No, I’ll just tell Quill no private dances.”
“Wanda are you sure?”
“Yea, I’ll-“ your phone starts to ring then cutting her off. You glance down and see that it’s Steve.
“I should probably take this.” You tell her and she nods. You move out to Wanda’s balcony before answering.
“Where are you?” He demands sounding stressed.
“I’m fine.”
“That’s not what I asked Birdie.”
“I know.” You hear him groan in frustration and you sigh softly, “I’m not your responsibility Steve. Besides if it is so dangerous for me then being around Ada is probably not the best idea.”
“You’re safer with me.” He growls, you close your eyes and rub the back of your neck in frustration.
“I understand you feel that way but I’m not yours to control Steve. You can’t keep me in a cage.”
“Isn’t that what you do when you’re trying to protect a bird?”
“No Steve.” You say softly, “I appreciate your help but I’m perfectly safe.”
“At least tell me where you’re dancing tomorrow night.”
“I’m not, I work Monday morning. I’ll see you when you drop Ada off.”
“You’ll see me tomorrow when we get your window fixed.” He corrects and you close your eyes again. He is so frustrating!
“I can handle it, you don’t need to come.”
“I’m coming over Birdie.”
“If you must.”
“I must.” He says and you pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“3pm Birdie.”
“Aye aye Captain.” You snark before hanging up the phone.
Tag list:
@andahugaroundtheneck @connie326 @also-fangirlinsweden @lumar014 @loving-life-my-way @pagina16ps @emdying @dumblani @valsworldofcreativity @blackwidownat2814 @sky0401 @dontbescaredtosingalong @fanatic434
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grlnxtdr30 · 3 years
Sorry, need to rant...
2022 is turning out to be as bad as last year so far, if not worse. You may recall I mentioned that my husband was in a car accident on February 24th. He was not hurt, but the car was severely damaged. Now our insurance company, SF, which we have NEVER had an issue with before, suddenly can’t seem to do their job.
First, they said the car was totaled, and they were just awaiting an appraisal for payout, then didn’t hear anything for almost two weeks, so we called to find out what was up, and they said, oh no, you need to pick a garage to take it to for repairs, it can be fixed. Okay, we pick a garage, and they were supposed to have towed it there last Friday, but it was too late in the afternoon, so they had to wait til Monday. Monday afternoon we check the claim status online, and it had a repair estimate of $666.60, of which we’d only have to pay the $500 deductible. Okay, good, right?”
Wrong. Today we called the garage to see when the car would be fixed, as we only have the rental car for five more days. The garage never received the car. They don’t know where the repair estimate came from, as they have no record of our car at all. So I called SF, and they said the car was towed to a different location, OVER 100 MILES AWAY, and had a repair estimate of over $6000. Now, according to them our car is worth just over $8000 if they decide it is totaled, which after the deductible and fees would mean we’d get about $7500, which would be more than enough to pay it off and put a down payment on another car, and they can’t at this time verify if the car can be repaired or if it is a total write off. It’s been almost a MONTH!
So now apparently they have made arrangements to tow the car back here, to the garage we selected, but by the time it arrives here it will be almost closing time for them, so they won’t even look at it until tomorrow to decide if it can be fixed or not. We asked them to extend our rental car since it is their fault everything is screwed up, but they said they weren’t able to at the national level (Our local agent is looking into it and trying to extend it for us), and if we don’t return it by Tuesday, we will be financial responsible for it, which we can’t afford, and if we don’t have a car, my husband can’t get to work!
I’m PISSED! As I said, we’ve never had this kind of issue with this insurance company before. They’ve always been able to get things done fast and hassle free, so what the F* is up now?
Sorry for the rant, I needed vent.
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S.N.A.F.U CH-54 ‘Manure’
Three days later at the end of a half load yet exhausting week Eadaoin returned home ready to sit down to some homemade Irish Stew, soda bread and Guinness and watch Qualifying for the Mexico City Grand Prix.  She walked in the door and was enveloped by the alluring smell of fried meat and warm bread.
“I need FOOD!” she announced loudly upon walking through the door.
“Hello to you too.” Cahir said sticking his head out of the kitchen “want a Guinness?”
“Oh yes please,” Eadaoin replied gratefully “but let me have a shower and change first, I’ve just spent an hour on the tube and feel yuck.”
“You got it.”
Eadaoin made her way upstairs to her room stripping off as soon as she closed the door behind her, leaving her work clothes and heels in a messy pile she padded over to her little ensuite bathroom and proceeded to have a long hot shower, washing away the jetlag, stress of the working week and worry about her car.  Sudsing up a storm she twisted her hair into a turban and changed into as pair of shorts and one of Daniel’s baggy team polos he had given her back in Austin that stilled smelled alluringly of his cologne and deodorant.  Grabbing her hairbrush she made her way back downstairs to the kitchen that was a hive of activity as Donnacha, Roisin and Cahir prepared dinner.
“You’re all awesome,” she said hugging each of them in turn “if it was the usual qualifying night I probably would have picked up a six pack at an off licence and ordered a curry.”
“Well we knew you’ve had a pretty heavy week dealing with jetlag, work and the worry of your car so we headed out today and did some grocery shopping for you and thought we could have our traditional Friday night stew and Guinness night whilst we watch quallies for Mexico,” Roisin suggested.
“And I noticed your bar is woefully under stocked so I fixed that up for you,” Cahir said cheerfully.
“How much do I owe you?”
“Eh don’t worry about it, you’re letting me crash until I have a job and can find my own place,” Cahir said cheerfully “I’m not going to miss a few hundred quid.”
“You’re a star.  How did the job search go?”
“Good, I have an interview on Monday at a small animal clinic in Putney,” Cahir replied cheerfully “its only a fill in position for a month but it’s full time hours and on Wednesday I have an interview at an equine practice in Walliswood.  I’d love to get the second job it’s exactly what I did back home.”
“Well I hope you get both,” Eadaoin said as he phone beeped with an incoming text message.
“Tell Danny we say hi.” Cahir teased as he made his way into the lounge room where Eadaoin’s TV was broadcasting the Sky F1 coverage.
“Oh sod off.” Eadaoin replied as she retrieved her phone from her pocket.
As Cahir predicted the incoming text message was from Daniel.
‘I’m just about to jump in the car for quallies and just wanted to say you’re the most beautiful woman in the world and I love you and miss you like crazy.  I’ll be in touch after the session and all my media commitments have been met okay?”
Eadaoin smiled and easily slid onto one of the stools at the end of her kitchen bench.
‘I love you and miss you like crazy too’ she texted ‘have a good session, drive safe and kick ass.  Might send you a boobs selfie later if you’re a good boy.  Everyone says hi BTW.”
A beating heart and eggplant emoji came back a moment later then Eadaoin looked up and saw Daniel hand his phone to Michael and climb into his car on her T.V.
“How long til we can eat Ma?” she called.
“After the first session,” Roisin called  back “the stew’s done but the soda bread needs a bit longer.”
“Let’s get some Guinness and watch Danny drive, he just got into his car.”
Roisin fetched some cans of Guinness from the fridge and followed her daughter and husband into the lounge room just as Danny drove out of the garage and into the pit lane.
“We’ve got to go to this GP one day,” Cahir said as Roisin gave him a can of Guinness “that stadium grandstand looks mint.  Ta Mum.”
“Would still rather watch from pit lane, or McLaren corporate” Eadaoin countered with a grin “you would too especially seeing as you get a paddock pass and can sit where you like.”
“Yeah yeah, I get ya,” Cahir said dryly “you know having your baby sister dating an F1 driver really has its perks.  I’m not going to have to buy any merch for ages now.”
“Most of what you have you got before I’d even met Danny!” Eadaoin exclaimed.
Cahir chuckled.
“I know, only kiddin’ kiddo,” So how is he feeling about a decent qually spot?”
“Cautiously optimistic like usual,” Eadaoin replied taking a swig of Guinness “he’ll be satisfied to get through to Q3 at minimum and happy with fifth or sixth on the grid.  At this point of the season most focus is on next year.”
For the entire twenty minutes of the first qualifying session Eadaoin’s attention flitted between Daniel’s car and the panel that displayed all the driver’s session time.  She punched the air and cheered when the curly haired driver easily made his way into the second qualifying session with a time just over 1:17.
“He’d be happy with that,” Cahir said as the driver’s began returning to the pits and the on air presenters began analyzing the session “and both the lads are through to the second session.”
“It doesn’t matter how Lando does tough the team had to change his power unit and he’s automatically starting from the back of the grid,” Eadaoin said “that’ll annoy him.”
“He’s got the skill to make his way through the field early though,” Roisin said getting to her feet “and the power unit change will set him up for the rest of the season.”
After a small break the second qualifying session began.  Nursing a bowl of Irish Stew, a wedge of soda bread and a can of Guinness Eadaoin stayed on the couch engrossed in the session for the Mexico City Grand Prix cheering on Danny as he hauled his car around the track. The clock counted down agonizingly slowly and he was stuck in the elimination zone risking elimination but with a final burst of speed he managed to go from a possible eleventh position to a solid sixth fastest taking him into the third and final session.
“Oh god I hate that when it happens!” Eadaoin exclaimed with a groan.
“He can relax a bit now though,” Donnacha commented “barring any significant changes to his car the worst position he can have on the grid is tenth.”
“He’ll want to be higher than that though,” Eadaoin said with a huge sigh “but one of Danny’s best qualities as a driver is his starts so....”
“Bit surprised Ocon missed the third session,” Cahir said draining the last of his Guinness “maybe the issues his car had in Austin are still affecting his pace.”
“S’pose we’ll find out at the end of the session,”
There was a small delay to the beginning of the third and final qualification session as the track was cleared of some debris then the session began with Carlos and Charles leading the charge out onto the track.
“The practice and qualifying sessions have become far more interesting since you and Danny have hooked up,” Cahir told his sister.
“They have a bit aye?” Eadaoin replied with a smile, her stomach performing a little flip flop as Danny roared out of the garage closely followed by Lando.
Just then Eadaoin’s mobile phone buzzed with an incoming message, she swiped the screen and saw the message was a video file sent from Michael.
“Oh Michael's sent me a video!” she said in surprise.
Eadaoin tapped on the file and immediately a compilation of Danny driving in the sessions began playing a smile grew on her lips and when the forty second clip finished she sent back a thumbs up emoji and a ‘Tell Danny I love him.” text.
“Wasn’t a dirty text was it?” Cahir asked with a snort of laughter.
Fast as lightning Eadaoin grabbed the nearest cushion and hit her brother with it.
“Ná bheith ina moron fucking!” (Don’t be a fucking moron!) she exclaimed “it wasn’t a dirty text, Michael has a girlfriend.  He sent me a video of Danny driving.”
“So it was a dirty text then.” Cahir said “could’ve saved time just saying that in the beginning you know”
Donnacha and Roisin unsuccessfully tried to hide their snorts of amusement.
“I’m not getting dirty texts from anyone!” Eadaoin exclaimed “you’d be the last person I’d tell if I was!”
“There’s something wrong if you and Danny aren’t exchanging dirty texts,” Cahir teased.
“If I didn’t have a bowl of steaming stew on my lap I would throw the bowl at your head!” Eadaoin exclaimed as Cahir guffawed loudly “you operate on a singular brain cell I swear.  Watch the damn T.V you dick.”
Cahir threw back the cushion and poked his tongue out at his sister before turning his attention back to the T.V.
The remaining qualifying session was pretty uneventful for Daniel and the rest of the drivers with Valtteri, Lewis and Max filling the first three places on the grid.  Daniel was looking at a solid fourth place and second row position but was overtaken by Checo, Pierre and Carlos right at the last minute.  As soon as the curly haired Australian raced over the finish line Eadaoin, Donnacha, Roisin and Cahir let out a collective groan of frustration that was felt across the water when the McLaren garage staff dropped their heads into their hands.
“Aw man that sucks!” Cahir groaned “seven one hundredths and he’d be next to Max.  He’ll be annoyed at that.”
“Not for long though,” Eadaoin countered “and seventh isn’t too bad, he’s podium’d from further back than that before.”
Half an hour later whilst Eadaoin was helping her parents and brother clean up after dinner her mobile phone rang.
“Tell Danny we said Hi,” Roisin said teasingly.
Eadaoin immediately turned the same shade as her hair and poked her tongue out before making her way back into the lounge room and swiping the screen to answer Daniel’s call.
“Hey handsome,” she said cheerfully as she dropped down into her favourite chair “how’s you?”
On the other end of the line Daniel let out a long drawn out sigh.
“Eeeehhhhhhhh,” he said “far from satisfied but I can’t change the result now so now it’s just all guns blazing for tomorrow.”
“What do Andreas and Tom think?”
“They’re confident I’ll finish higher than I’ve qualified which is the usual aim,” Daniel replied “I just want to race, get out there, floor it and hopefully do it faster than everyone else.  I’m a bit more confident about Brazil next week, gawd Michael would kill me if he heard me say that, you know what he’s like ‘be in the present, nothing is gained by dwelling on the past or focusing too much on the future’”
Eadaoin let out a snort of laughter.
“You in your trailer or your driver’s room?” she asked.
“Trailer, I have half an hour to talk to you, then freshen up and start doing the post qually media rounds,” Daniel replied “but enough about me how about you?  Any more news on your car?”
“Yeah, the insurance assessor as deemed it worthy of repair and a truck picked it up after work yesterday,” Eadaoin replied “I pick up a rental on Monday and I just have to give the hiring contract to the assessor and my insurance will pay for the hire.”
“Well that’s good at least it’s fixable,” Daniel replied cheerfully “we should go on a road trip through Europe in the off season when it’s back up to scratch, I haven’t been on a good road trip in years.”
“I would have thought given what you do for a living the last thing you’d want to do is drive anything or anywhere.”
“Darling going on a recreation holiday driving trip and driving and F1 car at three hundred k’s an hour are polar opposites,” Daniel said in amusement “the whole point of my job is to be as fast as possible and finish in front of everyone else, there’s no recreation in it.  I love driving when I can take the time, especially if I’ve got someone to enjoy it with and I know if we went on a road trip with you I’d enjoy it.”
“Well let’s put it on the off season break to do list and when the season has actually finished we’ll organise something,” Eadaoin said with a sigh “god I miss you, hugging your pillow at night isn’t half as good as hugging you.  I’m super tempted to work remote and get on the next plane to Mexico City tomorrow.”
Daniel laughed.
“Don’t do that,” he said in amusement “only a couple of weeks more and I’ll be home, I’m flying out Sunday night after the Qatar race once I’ve met all my post race commitments so if you fancy meeting me at Heathrow at six in the morning I’ll be home that Monday morning.”
“I look forward to it, waiting-”
“EAAAAAAAADIE!” Cahir called from somewhere near the front of the house “EAAAAAAADIE!”
“Hang on babe Cally’s calling me,” Eadaoin told Daniel “can it wait Cally?”
“No you’re going to want to see this!”
“Babe I’ve got to go,” Eadaoin told Danny with a sigh “Cally’s yelling for me from out the front, call me before you get in the car tomorrow okay? You’ll do fabulously I know it.”
“Can only wait and see,” Daniel said cheerfully “I love you darling, chat tomorrow.”
“Love you too handsome bye!”
Eadaoin hug up and pocketed her phone and made her way out to the front of the house where Cahir and by now her parents were.  Immediately upon opening the front door she was overcome by the nauseating smell of fresh horse manure.  She looked around and saw her entire front yard, rose garden, lawn, daffodil and tulip bed where covered in piles and piles of equine excrement that spilled over onto the path leading from the letter box to the front door.
“What the hell?” she exclaimed carefully stepping forward as to avoid the manure on the path.
“I came out here to put rubbish in your outside bin and literally stepped in horse shit,” Cahir said.
“You sure its horse shit?”
“Eadie I’m a horse vet I think I know what horse shit looks like,” Cahir said dryly.
“Who the hell would do this?” Donnacha asked “the ground is sodden too, like someone left a garden hose on.”
“You pissed anyone off at work?” Cahir asked his sister “maybe lost a case your client expected you to win?”
“No, I haven’t taken a case to court for three weeks and even then it was a preliminary hearing, the beginning of a case to set out procedure,” Eadaoin replied “I’ve been home for four hours and this wasn’t here when I got home! What am I going to do with a shit ton of shit?”
“You got any shovels?” Roisin asked “I know it’s getting late but if we shovel all this manure into one pile maybe on Monday you can call someone that removes organic waste to come and get it.”
“Think I’m going to have to do that,” Eadaoin said with a sigh “fucking hell all I want to do is nurse a whiskey on the rocks and go to bed. Shoveling horse shit is not my ideal Friday night wind down activity.”
“Ah c’mon kiddo if we all pitch it your garden will be back to looking normal, or as normal as can be within a couple of hours,” Donnacha informed his daughter cheerfully.
“Best get started then.”
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imhereformr · 3 years
Hi! :) Could you please do prompt 11 for Rivusa? 💜💜 I wish you a wonderful day!
11: Secret Relationship
Rival gang AU /// Content warning: mildly smutty
The abandoned car factory wasn’t the most romantic place. It was certainly not where Musa had ever expected to be having rendez-vous’ with her lover. The place, even though it’d been deserted for close to twenty years now, smelled like a strange mixture of leather, chemicals and dust. Occasionally, the ghost smell of burning metal would tickle her nose, but those were rare. Besides, she spent most of her time coiled into Riven’s side, enveloped by the fresh, woodsy scent of his aftershave or the sweetness of his sweat.
She walked through the building to the backroom where they spent most of what little, precious time they had together. Always Monday nights, sometimes Wednesdays if they were lucky. She hated sneaking around, but it was necessary. If her father, the president of Magix’s Fallen Angels, found out his daughter was fucking – and in love with – the VP of their rival gang, The Dragon Riders, a war would break out between the two that would likely leave more dead bodies than she wanted to be responsible for.
No matter how hard she tried to keep quiet, her footsteps seemed to echo through the building. Every time they met up, she became paranoid. Musa was careful – more careful than she’d ever been about anything. She made sure to leave in the middle of the night once her father was asleep; made sure to always park her car a block away instead of in front of their house so that if he woke up he wouldn’t see her leave; made sure that no one was watching her as she got in her car; made sure that no cars followed her when she got off the ramp that led to the near-deserted stretch of road where the factory was; and made sure to park her car inside the old employee indoor garage who’s door that Riven had managed to fix so they could open and close it. All that effort – so much more effort than she ever thought she’d put into seeing a guy – just for a few hours by his side. And it was, in her opinion, more than worth it.
The door to the office where they spent their time was already open when she got there. Unlike the rest of the factory that was littered with trash, dirt and discarded production equipment, this office was in decent shape. It helped that Riven had taken the time to clean it when he had come across the area. There was a desk that faced towards the right wall, a torn black leather office chair, shelving and filing cabinets; all from the factory days, and all in surprisingly good condition. Riven had bought a loveseat for the corner of the office for them to cuddle up on a while back – that was the sole addition to the room. She would have preferred a bed so they could lie down, but there just wasn’t enough space.
Musa paused by the office door. Riven, leaning against the front of the desk with his phone in hand, still hadn’t noticed her arrival – she must not have been as loud as she thought – so she took a moment to drink him in. He was tall – significantly taller than her – with broad shoulders and a tapered waist. He always looked the same: dark wash jeans, a plain t-shirt and his leather jacket, the very one that told her she shouldn’t be near him. His maroon hair was slicked back – partially by stylistic choice, but also because he had a habit of running his hand through his hair whenever he was thinking about something or uncomfortable – and he still had a scar along his cheekbone from a fight he’d been in two weeks earlier. She knew that under his clothes, adorning a body worthy of a god, were more scars and bruises from that fight and others past, and two gunshot wounds: one in his right shoulder and one just above his left hip bone.
“Waiting for someone?” she asked when she realised she’d been staring at him far longer than was normal. Riven’s hand instinctively reached for the gun he kept tucked into the back of his jeans but stopped when he registered her voice. He looked at her over his shoulder and smiled brightly. His smile sent a bolt of lightning through Musa, awakening something deep in her. She returned his smile as she approached him, pulling off her own leather jacket. He mirrored her movements, tossing his jacket onto the desk where it landed on top of hers.
His lips were on hers within seconds, hungry and desperate. His hands wasted no time in making their way to her hips and pulling her as close to him as physically possible. Her own hands tangled in his hair, tugging lightly with every moan that escaped her lips. Riven backed her up against the wall, pressing himself into her. “You’re late” he whispered, removing his lips from hers to trail kisses down her neck.
“Sorry” she managed between gentle moans and pleased sighs. “Dad went to bed a bit later than usual.”
“Doesn’t matter. You're here.” His lips returned to hers, drowning her in desire. One of his hands wandered down from her shoulders to her chest, where his thumb brushed over her nipple lightly, sending a shiver through her, and down to the hem of her shirt. There was no pretense of modesty, no playfulness in the way Riven pulled the shirt off her. He knew what he wanted, and she was more than happy to give it to him. She hadn’t bothered to put a bra on in her rush to get out of the house, and Riven smirked when he noticed. He ducked down to suck at her nipple, and Musa arched her back to make it easier for him.
Her hands ran along his back, digging into him with her nails, until they found the edge of his shirt and yanked it over his head in one swift movement. Her eyes drifted down to his perfectly sculpted abs as she ran her hand across them, feeling every groove and bump. She let her hands slide lower, giddiness and anticipation building with every second, until one was cupping and teasing his bulge and the other was fiddling with his pant button.
Musa could feel his eyes on her, and when she lifted her own to meet them, she found him watching her with a softness that made her feel like goo. “What?” she laughed, her voice coming out much breathier than she’d expected. Riven shook his head, pulling his eyes away from hers and whispering an almost inaudible nothing. When they’d first started doing this – whatever this was – Musa would get upset when he would do that. She thought he was hiding something from her. It had been two years since then, and she knew better now. Nothing didn’t mean nothing; it meant I’m happy or you’re perfect or, her favourite, I love you.
Riven pulled her onto the loveseat beside him and draped his arm around her shoulders. She leaned her head onto his shoulder, feeling it rise and fall in time with his chest and heavy breaths. Her finger trailed along his sweat-slicked chest, drawing figure eights. A smile was plastered on his face and his eyes were still glazed over from his orgasm. He was beautiful.
“I’ve been looking at Melody” he told her after a few minutes. She could feel his fingers ghosting over the angel wings tattooed on her back. He traced the wings every time they were together, and every time she wished they weren’t there. Those wings represented a stupid, made up barrier keeping her from him, and she’d grown to despise them.
“Oh?” Musa raised her eyebrow as she tilted her head to look up at him. His eyes were focused on the dark office, but looked faraway from where they were. She loved his eyes. They were a deep shade of violet that swirled and danced every emotion he felt. He was her ticket into his soul and, now that she could figure them out, she never had to wonder if he truly loved her again. Until the day when those eyes wouldn’t look at her like she was the sun, she knew he was hers just as much, if not more, than she was his.
“You told me you’ve always wanted to see the realm your mom was from. And I looked into it, there is no Dragon charter out there. You’ll have to confirm about the Angels, but I couldn’t find anything.”
Musa sat upright, resting her palm flat against his chest. She searched his eyes for any hint of dishonesty or humour, but found none. “Really?” They’d talked about leaving Magix – getting away from the gang life and starting over somewhere – more times than she could count. Everywhere had been an idea: Solaria, Eraklyon, Andros, Melody, Zenith, Dalona, Oppositus. That’s all they’d ever been, though, ideas.
“Yeah. I don’t know what my future holds, but if it doesn’t include you – all of you, not just secret meetings in the middle of the night in some shitty abandoned factory – I don’t want it.” Riven dropped his head onto the back of the couch and let it flop sideways to look at her. His hand caressed her cheek with a tenderness that she knew he reserved for her. Her hand lowered from his chest to trace the dragon’s tail that coiled up his right leg, ending in a majestic magenta, blue and black dragon on his back. “I like Melody.”
“Good” he smiled. “I’ve looked at real estate and I have enough money saved up that we can get a nice place of our own. We couldn’t get anything big enough for a family in the city, but the suburbs are still really affordable.”
“The suburbs? Are we the suburban type?” she laughed. “I mean, I’ll have to learn to bake pies. And what the fuck does a PTA do?”
“Do you think we’ll have to get a minivan?” he added, laughing at the snort that escaped her lips.
“Of course. How else are we gonna get the kids to soccer practice?”
“Fine, but I refuse to wear beige or polos. And I still want at least one bike.”
“And I won’t wear dresses or curl my hair. Plus I demand that you keep at least one jacket. You look too hot in leather to give it up entirely.” Musa eyed the leather jackets crumpled on top of the desk. “Preferably one without a dragon on it.”
“We’re gonna scandalise the neighbours with our tattoos, leather jackets and motorcycles.”
“That’s fine. We’ll probably be the coolest parents in the neighbourhood.”
They fantasized about their life after escaping until Musa’s alarm went off at 4:15, breaking them out of the dream bubble they created and forcing them to return to their real lives. They got dressed as slowly as possible, dragging out the time until they’d have to be apart again. Then, the lovers walked hand in hand through the factory to the garage.
When they reached their vehicles, Riven pulled her into a passionate kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, reciprocating the tightness of his around her waist. After pulling away before the kiss became too heavy, Riven laid his forehead against hers. “One month” he whispered. She looked up at him through the messy fringe on her forehead. His eyes were closed, and his mouth was drawn tight. “That’s the goal. We leave in one month.”
“Wait, really?” Musa pulled her head away from his as she batted her eyelashes in confusion. She never thought he’d actually want to leave Magix. “You’re serious?”
“Yeah, are you not?” Riven furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his jaw. She could feel his fists clenching on her back, and the doubt and hurt that sparked in his breathtaking eyes tore Musa to shreds, made her feel like she’d just stabbed the man she loved. “I’m in. I just never thought you would actually want to. I mean, the Dragons are your family.”
“And the Angels are yours, but we can make our own family. One free of drugs and turf wars.”
“Just pies, minivans and nosy, scandalised neighbours. Sounds perfect.”
“Anywhere that you are is perfect” he whispered, pulling her back in and placing a gentle kiss on the crown of her head. They stayed like that for a few minutes, breathing in each other's scent and memorising every feature so they wouldn’t forget them in the week until they could see each other again. Riven’s alarm went off, alerting them that it was 4:45 and they had to leave now. He pulled her into one last kissed, far sweeter than any they’d shared in their two years together. It was full of promise and hope, something they’d never had before.
“I love you Musa.” It was so rare to hear him say the words I love you that Musa cherished every single one. In their two years, he’d said it exactly twelve times. The first was a year ago when it had slipped out after they’d had sex. Not exactly romantic, but still very cute. “I love you too Riven.”
They shared one more quick peck before Musa watched him take a seat on his bike and ride away. She got in her car and let out an elated sigh and took off, already counting down the days. All she had to do now was sit tight and not let anything slip. It couldn’t be that hard; she’d already kept this secret for twenty-seven months. What was one more? She just had to make it through this one month without her excitement bubbling over and he would be all hers.
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
Count On Us
Fandom: Twilight Pairing: Cullen family & Son!Brother!Reader Summary: When you’re on your knees, your family is quick to pull you up - because you shouldn’t face this all by yourself Word Count:  1591 Request: Could you make a cullen family x male reader where the reader goes through a tough break up so everyone decides to devise different plans on how to make him feel better
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“Did you hear?” The Cullens perked their ears up, always loving drama with these mundane humans, they hadn’t been in school for a week since there was sun out but you, their human brother had been in all week.
They hadn’t seen anything abnormal from you, you didn’t seem like you were struggling about your homework or any of your subjects, nor have the teachers been giving you stick about anything so your siblings thought nothing of it.
“Oh yeah, (Y/n) Cullen?” Another giggled, trying to keep their conversation to themselves, “Heard he got into a messy breakup, they apparently-”
Just as they were about to reveal to the Cullens why your significant other, rather your ex now, had broken up with you. You had interrupted them as you slam the door shut before glaring at the group of girls huddling.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than talk about my love life?” You seethed, Jasper had to hold your shoulders from attacking because you were radiating such anger that Jasper was concerned because he didn’t know you could produce so much feeling. 
“Sorry-” They muttered as they walked into the school as you rolled your eyes.
Snatching yourself away from Jasper’s hold and stomping away to your locker. Rosalie was taken aback with your attitude on how you were muttering incoherent words that your siblings cannot pick any words. 
“I didn’t see anything,” Alice shrugged her shoulders as they looked over to Edward, who also looked confused before shrugging his shoulders as well.
“I can’t read anything from him.” Bella came up to them, smiling at Edward, but wasn’t expecting a question from him, “Bella, what happened to (Y/N)?”
“Oh?” Bella started, tensing up awkwardly, “He got broken up, public too, Monday’s lunch at the cafeteria. They went hysterical, they were shouting before announcing they were cheating on him.”
“That little bitch-!” Rosalie seethed, to think she had liked your ex a lot too.
“Not to mention, when he got explosive - which I don’t blame him, she threw her smoothie which she had made just for that lunch,” Bella explained, scratching the back of her neck, “I would have thought he would told you but I guess he’s taking it harder than he gives out. Then again, Mike did hear him cry a bit in the boys’ toilet.”
“Well, he’s good at hiding his thoughts and feelings,” Emmett commented as Jasper and Edward was visibly uncomfortable as they weren’t able to detect you.
They waited till lunch to come around, despite being in some of their lessons, you made no effort to talk to your siblings. Jasper could feel sadness and anger radiate from you, but it was the sadness that threw him off. He would expected you to feel anger, betrayal and perhaps even annoyance but sadness was something he did not expect. Edward was unsettled that your mind was just blank, you weren’t thinking at all, not even in your maths lesson shared with him. 
As lunch came around, you hadn’t appeared. Bella was with the Cullens as Erik ran up to their table.
“Hey did you hear?” Eric asked, momentarily forgetting the Cullens were there as he talked to Bella, “Apparently, (Y/n) is getting done for slashing his ex’s car’s tires.”
“But, he’s a sweetheart, he wouldn’t ever do that, not even if he’s pissed off,” Bella says, confused.
“Yeah, I know! His ex is gone psycho against him and he’s done nothing wrong - I heard he walked back home. He packed his bag half way through third period and left, missing forth and obviously lunch.”
And so, the group of siblings decided enough was enough, they couldn’t let you suffer alone.
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When the group of vampires arrive home, the house was still. Cold and very much not lived in. Nothing of the sort had seemed to be moved, as if you hadn’t returned home. The only indication of you being home that put them at ease was your shoes in the garage and your poorly put away jacket lying about before entering the house.
Rosalie went to find you, after all, she knows what it’s like to be cheated and frankly despite her horrid attitude towards Bella, she has a high emotional intelligence without powers. So, she had found you in your room, and you were under your duvet. She could hear your heart beat, she had let her shoulders relax as she sees you shifted underneath. She sits on the bed and pats you.
“(Y/n)?” She asked softly, whilst she was getting you up, Alice had informed Esme - who had returned home at the same time - of your situation, “Esme is cooking you dinner, wanna peak out for me?”
She knew you hated being treated a child, so it was the quickest way for you to emerge. You pulled the duvet down, eyes very much red and you had a little sniffle but there was a glare within your stare.
“Not a child,” You muttered.
“You alright?” Rosalie asked, placing a comforting hand upon your shoulder, “We heard about your ex and-”
“It’s stupid,” You interrupted, waving her off.
She kept a firm hand on you, “You know you’re not alone, and it’s your first relationship. I don’t expect you, I mean, we don’t expect you to be fine. It’s okay to be upset.”
You sighed, sitting up and looked at her with teary eyes, “I guess,” there was a pause to your words as you tried to not break down and cry, “Why didn’t they want me? Was I not good enough for them?”
“Aw, sweetie...” Rose knew what you felt, the cheating makes you think you were never good enough. She held you tight in her embrace as you let out small sobs.
You’ll never trust again, building trust would be hard for you and it was because of your ex. You didn’t deserve this, the family says, you don’t deserve to feel like you weren’t worthy of love and question what had gone wrong during your relationship. It was unfair and unjust. 
“You’re always good enough, don’t let them dictate what you feel and what you are. You are always worthy of love, you had never done anything wrong. You were the good one,” Rosalie firmly spoke, as you look in her eyes, “Okay? You hear me?”
You nodded meekly as Esme calls you down. Rose gives you a kiss upon your temple as you rubbed your tears away before darting down the stairs to the kitchen. Esme makes your favourite food for tea, you smiled weakly as she ruffles your hair. Kisses your head, and gives you a tight hug. She doesn’t need to mention the elephant in the room, you were thankful. 
Your mother talks, how brilliant her son is. How you’ve done so well in classes and your extra curriculum. She does anything to talk about you, positively, stop you from thinking you’re anything but that. As you finished your food, she sweeps away your plate and shoves you dessert, giving you eyes saying just this once. 
As you eat your dessert happily, Emmett pulls you outside to play some baseball. Your brothers, Jasper and Edward laugh as you protest. But, the three of them only do it just to keep your mind busy, away from your heartbreak. 
They had heard you cry, utter the words of doubt and refuse to let you feel that again. Jasper tries to teach you how he does the bat trick, but you had failed miserably and hit yourself more than you liked. 
Emmett was pitching, and yet, every time you manage to hit the ball. It went either went straight to Emmett’s mitt or to Edward, who reassures you with more practice you’ll get better. The baseball game only stopped them Emmett accidentally let go off the ball too early, resulting to Alice saving you from getting smacked in the head with a concussion as she catches the ball, inches away from your shocked face.
“I think that’ll be enough, thank you!” Alice calls, throwing the ball to Emmett and pulling you indoors.
You wave away from your brothers, who snicker at Emmett. Alice brings you into your room, calling for an intervention for your wardrobe to be cleaned out. Despite your complains you help her, you throw away the clothes you didn’t want nor fitted in anymore - Alice threw some that wasn’t in your fashion sense either. You spent an hour or so, cleaning and dancing about in your room. 
Carlisle came home, Esme welcomed him and told him about your unfortunate breakup. Carlisle’s heart broke but was fixed when Esme had filled in the fact that your siblings were there to pick you up. So, when you were released from Alice’s grasp, you hid in your father’s office.
He laughs as you tuck yourself in the corner, a book in your lap, just wanting a few minutes to breath ad some peace and quiet.
“How are you feeling?” Carlisle asked, ruffling your hair and kissing your head, “Feeling better I presume?”
“Yeah,” You nodded, smiling brightly up at your dad, “I really do.”
“Well, you can always count on us, you don’t have to be alone.” Carlisle reminded you as you nodded, the sincerity written all over your face.
“I know, and I’m thankful for that.”
You love your siblings, and you never have to doubt their love for you. Because when you’re at your weakest, they’re always there to pick you right back up.
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wayward-dreamer · 4 years
Life’s Lessons - Part 3
Title: Life’s Lessons - A Lesson in Faking It
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x Female!Teacher!Reader (eventual)
Other Pairings: Dean x Lisa
Word Count: 5,342 (song lyrics in italics).
Part Summary: Monday morning is off to a bad start as Y/N’s car refuses to start, but she receives some help from Dean. As an IOU when he refuses to let her pay full price for the car service, Y/N invites him dinner. Realizing what it could imply, she backtracks and invites Lisa, too. 
Warnings: Swearing, some angst, Lisa being aloof, social insecurities, alcohol consumption to deal with nerves.
Music: Out on the Tiles by Led Zeppelin (Dean and Y/N car scene), Back in Black by AC/DC (playing in the garage during Dean and Y/N garage scene).
Life’s Lessons Spotify Playlist 
A/N: Thank you to everyone who has read so far, it’s been so great to hear your thoughts! Any thoughts, theories and feedback you have is always welcome, so don’t be shy to comment! It’s greatly appreciated! Happy reading and enjoy! :)
Dividers by the wonderful @firefly-graphics! Check her out for all your AU needs!!!
Life’s Lessons Masterlist 
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Monday arrived too quickly for Y/N to be happy about it.
She had managed to get some revisions done on her lesson plans, so she was prepared for her classes in terms of content. She just hoped for the strength to deal with the kids this week. She really hoped this week would be better than her first.
She woke up as soon as her alarm went off and started getting ready. After her shower, she dried her hair and got dressed into a purple A-line dress, with a collared neckline. She wore her black, pointed toe shoes, that had a short heel, the most sensible heels for school. After applying a little bit of make-up, she fixed her hair and pinned it into a bun. Seeing that she had some time before she left, she made herself a quick breakfast, of yoghurt and fruit and a piece of toast with peanut butter.
Breakfast was a lot different at the Winchester/Braeden household.
Dean was at the stove, working on scrambling eggs. Ben placed plates on the kitchen counter, the bacon already crispy and done, on the counter already. As Dean turned to put the eggs on the counter, he lifted his arms up, as Lisa ducked underneath to get past him. She took out one ceramic mug and a travel mug, filling them both with coffee.
“I’ve got soccer try-outs after school, so I won’t be done until 5” Ben said, pouring himself some orange juice.
“I’ve got a meeting today and it might run late, so can you get him?” Lisa asked, putting Dean’s travel mug in front of him.
Dean took out some eggs on Ben’s plate. “Yeah, I’ll come get ya.”
“Thanks” she mumbled, fixing her own plate of breakfast.
Dean ignored her lacklustre response, as he practically shovelled food into his mouth. He was going to be late if they didn’t leave now.
“And then drop me off at my science partner’s house. We’re working on a project together” Ben explained.
“Sure” Dean nodded, as he ate.
“They’re going to bring you back home, right?” Lisa asked.
Ben nodded but continued eating.
Dean looked between them, practically inhaling breakfast. “Alright” he mumbled around the last bite of food in his mouth. “You ready?”
“Yeah” Ben replied, gulping his juice down.
Dean put his plate in the sink, followed by Ben’s as he grabbed his coffee. “Bye.” He leaned over and kissed Lisa’s head, a habit that he hadn’t dropped even if it didn’t mean what it used to, before walking to the door.
“Bye mom!” Ben called out.
“Have a great day!” she called back before Dean closed the door.
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“Fucking start, you piece of shit!” Y/N yelled, as she turned the key to her car in the ignition. All she got back was a grinding sound, and nothing else. It would stutter and die down but pick up again every time she turned the key.
“Damn it!” she slammed her hands on the wheel as she sat back, shaking her head.
This is what she got for driving all the way to Kansas in this piece of crap car, which might as well have been held together by duct tape and dental floss. She got out of the car with her phone, trying to look up a number for a mechanic.
Dean walked over to the Impala and was about to get in when he heard an awful sound coming from across the street. He looked up to see Y/N’s car still in her driveway, which was the source of the noise. He watched as she got out, a frustrated look on her face.
“Hey” he called out.
Y/N looked up, smiling tentatively. That’s not really the mechanic she wanted. Well she did, but she shouldn’t.
“Get in the car” he said to Ben, as he walked across the street to her.
“That doesn’t sound good” he told her as he reached her.
She shook her head, as she frowned. “Yeah, I’m going to be epically late by the time someone shows up.”
“Okay, there’s no freaking way you’re calling someone else, I’ll give you a ride to school and tow this to the shop later” he explained.
“What?” she asked, shocked that he offered without hesitation. “No, Dean, it’s really okay-”
“No, no, you’re not talking me out of this. I’m taking Ben to school; it just makes sense” he gave her a pointed look, letting her know he wasn’t backing down.
“Dean, I really can’t. With Ben… it’ll be really awkward, I’m his teacher” she protested.
“Look, I’ll drop you guys off around back, no one’s gonna see you. Okay?” he insisted.
She was going to be late if she didn’t take the offer.
“Okay” she sighed, defeated but relieved. “Thanks.”
Dean smirked. “No problem, sweetheart. Come on.”
They walked over to the Impala and Y/N admired it as they got closer. She had obviously seen it a few times from across the street, but she was excited to take a ride in it. She loved the look of classic cars because of her dad, and she felt a heaviness in her heart as she thought about him, so far away back home.
“She’s beautiful” she said, as she ran her hand over the smooth finish. The sleek black shone in the sun, showing her that Dean loved his car immensely.
“Yeah, she is” he agreed, grinning.
Ben smiled at her nervously as she got into the car. Y/N just smiled, feeling slightly awkward that she was in a car with one of her students, and his surrogate dad. She just had to avoid conversation about school and hopefully everything would be okay.
They were on the main road to school pretty quickly, the silence in the car too much for Dean to bear. He leaned forward and switched on the music player, his Zeppelin tape coming to life through the speakers. Y/N smiled and bopped her head along to Out on The Tiles. Dean looked at her from the corner of his eye and smirked at her reaction to his music. Lisa didn’t really like listening to his music.
“I’m gonna go back and get your car later” he said, lowering the music slightly. “I’ll take a look at it.”
“I really can’t thank you enough, Dean” she smiled.
“Hey, it’s my job” he shrugged, as he looked out at the road. “Swing by the shop after work and we can sort everything else out.”
“Sounds good” she nodded.
Another silence fell between them, the music the only thing they heard but the lyrics to the song caused an air of awkwardness to fill the car.
All I need from you is all your love All you got to give to me is all your love All I need from you is all your love All you got to give to me is all your love Oh yeah, oh yeah Oh yeah, oh yeah
“So…” Dean trailed off, trying to find something to say. “You uh… you into Zeppelin?”
“Yeah!” she exclaimed. “Grew up on this and pretty much all classic rock, thanks to my dad. I got all his records and his record player when I moved out here. Said he wanted me to take a piece of home with me.”
Dean let out a whistle as he glanced at her. “That’s awesome.”
“Yeah” she sighed, looking out the window. “I started listening to this stuff because of my dad, too” he told her. “Hell, I got a lot from him, the car too.”
“Really?” she asked, surprised. “Your dad gave up a mint condition Impala?”
Dean raised his eyebrows as he looked at her. “You know this is an Impala?”
“Yeah” she shrugged like it was no big deal. “I went to a car show once with dad. I saw one there and knew it was the same once I saw yours.”
Dean, however, thought it was a very big deal. Damn it, just one more thing to like about her he shook his head, getting rid of other things he was thinking of.
“Well… it’s still in the family, so it wasn’t much of a sacrifice” he laughed.
“Still… he must really love you to just give it you” she said, turning to him.
Dean looked at her and saw the small smile on her face. As he thought about it, he knew that she was right. He and his dad had their issues sometimes, but there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for each other. He smiled back at her and then looked at the road. He knew he had to get this conversation back to the safe zone before they arrived at school.
“So, you’re into cars?” he asked, casually.
She laughed, shaking her head. “Only for the look of them. I have no idea about them otherwise.”
Dean shook his head, with a smile on his face. She had a great laugh and he suddenly felt the need to hear it as much as he could.
“Ben’s into cars and this music too. Right, Ben?” he asked the kid sitting in the backseat.
“Yeah” Ben mumbled.
“Lisa not so much though” Dean mentioned, but he realized that he only did that so that it didn’t seem like he had forgotten her about for a second. It scared him how drawn he was to Y/N.
A few moments later, Dean pulled up at the back of the school. They could see the main drop-off area from there, as kids yelled goodbyes to their parents and hurried in.
Dean looked up at the rear-view mirror, seeing Ben gather his things. “See you at 5, kid.”
“Yeah. Bye Dean” he mumbled, as he opened the door and shut it, the hinges squeaking.
Dean watched Ben walk towards the entrance, then turned to Y/N.
“Thanks for the ride, Dean” she said, gathering her bags. She handed her car keys to him, for later.
“No problem” he smirked, as he leaned back, one arm outstretched, his wrist leaning on the steering wheel.
Y/N tried not to sigh noticeably, as she was flustered at the sight of him. Did he know what he was doing to her? He had to know, right?
“I should go” she laughed, trying to hide her nervousness.
“Wait” he said, as he pulled out his phone. “Put your number in and I’ll text you when I’ve picked up your car.”
“Sure” she said, quietly.
She was a little nervous about him having her number. Would Lisa think something of it? It was just two people exchanging numbers, that’s all. Plus, it was about her car anyway. She quickly typed in her digits and name and handed his phone back to him.
Great. I’ll see you later” he smirked, trying not to sound excited at seeing her again.
“Yeah, see you there” she replied, as she quickly got out of the car and walked towards the entrance.
Dean watched Y/N walk away, appreciating the way her hips swayed as she walked. He told himself it was harmless to look. It’s not like he was going to do anything about it. He quickly pulled away from the curb, the engine roaring as he drove to the garage.
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Later that day, just after lunch, Dean left the garage with Benny in charge until he got back. He drove back to his street and stopped in front of Y/N’s driveway with the tow truck. He got out of the truck and walked over to her car, popping the hood open. Given the sound he could hear that morning when she attempted to turn the car on, it was clearly the starter and the flywheel that weren’t cooperating with each other. He opened the driver’s side door and put the key in the ignition. When he turned it, he heard the same sound, which confirmed what he thought. The grinding noise also seemed to die down every quickly, which meant the battery was weak, too. Hopefully there was enough in there to get the car into neutral for a tow.
He spent a few minutes trying to get it to start without harming the flywheel, which already looked to have some broken teeth. He got out of the car and walked over to the tow truck, driving it up the driveway. He slid the panels under the back wheels, and then got out to put Y/N’s car in neutral. Once everything was secure, he got into the tow truck and drove back to the garage.
As he drove, his mind wondered to Y/N. The conversation he had with her that morning was so easy, and they had just met last week. It wasn’t that easy with Lisa. Having been with Lisa for 3 years now, shouldn’t they have their easy moments, too? The first year had been great. The second was a little rocky, with its fair share of arguments and apologies. Soon after, as he quickly started to realize the kind of woman Lisa was, he knew the charade was over. She was a great mom to Ben; it was everything else that was a problem. The last year had been filled with distant behavior and more arguing, a lot arguing. To the point of yelling and not being able to hear what the other person wanted. He also doubted whether she told him the truth about something that was bothering him, but he didn’t dwell on that.
If they weren’t fighting, it was mostly quiet as they’d ignore each other or pretend to be the happy couple when people came over. They had tried to fix things, but it had pretty much been useless for about nine months straight now. Maybe things would be different with Y/N…
Dean shook his head. He couldn’t think like that. Just because things were rocky with Lisa didn’t mean he could check out on her and Ben. He still cared about them and didn’t want to do anything to hurt them.
He arrived at the garage and decided to get his mind off things by seeing what to do about the car. Work was always a good distraction from what was going on at home, and it would have to be a distraction from thinking about Y/N.
Y/N sat in the staff room, munching on her salad. It was a slow day, surprisingly, and so she found herself just scrolling through social media and news articles. She was on top of her work for school, so it was nice to take it easy for one lunch. Her phone chimed loudly, showing her she had a message. As she opened it, she smiled down at the screen.
Hey, it’s Dean. Just got back to the garage with your car. Pretty positive I know what’s wrong, but I’ll tell ya when you get here.
She instantly replied back.
Thanks so much for doing this. I really owe you!
His reply came quickly.
You really don’t, sweetheart! That’s what friends do :)
So… we’re friends now? I thought we were just neighbors. She typed back, with a laugh emoji.
You knew I had an Impala. Trust me, we’re friends ;)
She couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. She bit her lip trying to keep it at bay, but she just couldn’t.
She and Dean were friends now. Maybe that would help in keeping her crush on him from becoming complicated.
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“Thanks for doing this” Y/N said, as she sat in the passenger seat of her friend’s car.
Cas smiled, waving her off. “You’re welcome. I should really see the guys anyway. I haven’t in a while now.”
“I didn’t realize you were friends with Dean” she said, trying to act casual. She was dying inside knowing that they were friends. It was like she couldn’t escape him. Not that she wanted to, even if she should.
“Yeah, since high school” he nodded, as he glanced at her. “We drifted a little when I went to college in California and he stayed here, but we reconnected once I got back. I’m friends with most of the guys who work there.”
“That’s great” she said and looked out the window. Hearing how close he was with his people made her miss her people.
“So, how long have you and Meg been together?” she asked, changing the subject from Dean.
Cas smiled as he thought about his girlfriend. “4 years. I never thought she’d go for me, so I know I’m lucky to have her.”
She smiled sadly, longing to have something that would last more than a year and a half.
“I was telling her about you, and she wants to meet you as soon as possible” Cas laughed.
Y/N joined in and nodded. “I do too.”
Cas pulled up to the garage and Y/N could feel her nerves flutter around like butterflies in her stomach, as she stared up at the sign Winchester’s Auto Repair. Dean had that effect on her, and it was scary to think how quickly she had started to like him. The reception area was closed, so they went in through the side door, after Cas shook the front door and found it locked. She walked into the garage, with Cas behind her, instantly hearing buzzing noises in the corners of the garage. She looked around and tried to spot Dean, but was met with a muscular man, short hair and a beard, wearing a white Henley, smiling at her as he walked over.
“You must be Dean’s neighbor” he said, his Southern accent, mostly likely Louisiana, thick and raspy. His blue eyes shined as bright as his smile. “I’m Benny.”
“Y/N” she smiled in return.
“Hey brother” he said to Cas, nodding at his friend with a smile.
He looked at Y/N, the smile never leaving his face. “I’d shake ya hand, but as ya can see” Benny laughed, showing her his greasy hands. “Dean’s just on a call, he’ll be out soon.”
“Okay, great” she said, but just as she did, she saw Dean coming out of the office.
“Hey!” he beamed, as he walked over. “I see you’ve met Benny.” He patted his Cajun friend on the back as he stopped by him.
“Hey man” he said to Cas, as he hugged him. He smiled at Y/N, and she felt as if her heart skipped a beat.
“Your car’s out back. You wanna come with me and we can talk?” he asked her.
“Sure” she replied. She turned to Benny and smiled. “It was nice meeting you.”
“Good to meet ya, cher” he winked at her, causing her face to heat up.
Dean rolled his eyes as he led the way, walking past his friends. “Ignore him” he told Y/N, causing Benny to snicker when Dean was out of ear shot.
Y/N followed behind Dean, as they walked past all the cars inside the shop. They went out to the back, which was a small outdoor workstation, with a few more cars out there. She spotted hers as they walked over.
“Okay, so…” he started as he popped the hood on her car. “The starter wasn’t catching on the flywheel because it had broken teeth, that’s what the grinding noise was. And the noise was sort of dying as well, so the battery’s weak.”
Y/N looked at him blankly, her eyes wide as she tried to understand what he just said. Dean found it extremely cute.
“All I understood was the battery part” she shrugged; her eyebrows furrowed.
He let out a small chuckle. “It’s okay, I forgot that you don’t understand car speak.”
“Guilty” she confessed.
“Don’t worry about it” he reassured her. “Basically, you’re looking at two new parts, which I’m gonna have to put an order in for and uh… it’s gonna cost ya some.”
She sighed heavily, hanging her head. “Great.”
“Hey, it’s all good. I’m gonna do it for half” he told her, with a smile.
Her head snapped up in shock. “No, Dean, I’m not asking you to do that.”
“You don’t have to; I’m doing it anyway. The only thing is, it’s gonna take a week for the parts to get here, so you have to do something about getting places. There’s a good car rental over on-” he explained but she cut him off.
“That I can deal with it, but Dean… I can’t-” she stopped when he gave her a playful glare.
“It’s not up for discussion, Y/N” he stated as closed the hood. He crossed his arms as he leaned against the car. He looked at her and she just couldn’t take it anymore. Damn him and his glorious face for being such a nice guy.
“Dean” she sighed, shaking her head.
“Y/N” he said, smirking.
A silence fell between them as they looked at each other. He wasn’t going to budge on this, so she had to admit defeat.
“Thank you” she said, smiling.
“No problem” he said, still smirking.
Y/N had noticed he said that every time she thanked him so far. It almost like their thing, now. Shit. They had a thing already.
She smiled and leaned into him, wrapping her arms under his as she hugged him. Dean was a little startled but quickly wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He smiled as the smell of her shampoo filled his nose, just as the scent of his deodorant mixed with a hint of motor oil smell filled hers. They both realized that the hug had lasted longer than they expected it to, and quickly pulled away from each other.
“Alright” she moved a few steps away from him, pushing her hair back, awkwardly. “I better head home.”
Dean scratched the back of his head, trying not to think about that hug. “Yeah, I gotta finish up and pick up Ben” he moved off the car and walked her back out. It was quieter in the garage now, and Y/N could hear Back in Black playing from the little speakers in the corners of the garage.
She looked around the room, trying to decide whether she should ask him what she wanted to, before looking back at him.
“Hey, if you’re not doing anything tonight… you want to come over for an early dinner? It’s a school night, I know but I can at least pay you back in food” she asked.
Dean looked at her but didn’t say anything. Y/N realized how that must’ve sounded and immediately back tracked.
“Oh, I mean you and Lisa. Both of you. Not just you, both of you” she rambled.
Dean laughed and patted her arm. “It’s okay, Y/N. Uh, yeah. I mean, I’ll run it by her, but it shouldn’t be a problem. Is that allowed though?”
She knew what he was asking and nodded. “As long as we don’t talk about Ben or any of my other students, it’s fine. I mean, this is a small town. Who else are we supposed to socialize with?”
“Well, he’s going to be over at a friend’s anyway, working on a project. So, coming over to yours will be better than being at home. It uh… gets quiet when he’s not around” he told her, but quickly realized how much he revealed.
Y/N realized what he meant but didn’t say anything. “So, I’ll see you both tonight.”
“Sure thing” he nodded.
Y/N smiled and walked away. Cas insisted on taking her home, but she told him she’d be fine to walk. It wasn’t that far. Dean watched as she said goodbye to both his friends and took her things out of Cas’s car, walking down the road. She had an effect on him, and it was beginning to scare him. He was in a relationship and had made a commitment. He couldn’t just back out because he wasn’t happy. He had to try harder and make more of an effort, and he had tried when they started going through problems, but that hadn’t been enough for Lisa.
Maybe he had to try again.
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“I really don’t like this” Lisa lamented, as she fixed her top in front of the mirror.
Dean rolled his eyes, annoyed at her attitude. Ever since he told her that Y/N had invited them for dinner, she had been voicing how unsure she was of going over there.
“Lis, if you’re having a tough time with this then why’d you say yes in the first place?” he asked, as he shrugged on a fresh plaid shirt.
“Because…” she didn’t really have an answer. “I don’t know, I just agreed because she’s new here and she needs people to talk to, clearly.”
“She’s not desperate, Lisa” Dean turned to glare at her. “You’re talking about her like she doesn’t know how to make friends. Plus, she literally just got here.”
“I didn’t mean it like that” she corrected herself.
“Well, that’s sure as hell what it sounded like” he clipped back. “Not everyone has to be out every damn weekend to prove they have a social life.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, frowning.
“Nothing” he mumbled. “Let’s just go.”
Dean turned and walked out of the bedroom, picking up his jacket along the way. He waited for Lisa to pick up her bag, before he walked out of the house, with her locking the door behind them.
Y/N leaned against the kitchen counter, a glass of wine in front of her. She never drank on a school night, but she really needed at least a glass before her company for the evening arrived. She was nervous to have Dean and Lisa over to her house, mostly because of Dean. She was really crushing on him and she had to hope that she could stop herself from looking over at him in a way that would make it obvious how she felt. At least with Lisa there she could control herself. Fake it till you make it, Y/N she thought to herself as she took a big gulp of wine.
When she got home, she had made chicken alfredo for dinner, something that she knew how to whip up quickly.
Y/N jumped out of her skin and her thoughts, as the doorbell sounded. She smoothed her hands down her jeans and fixed her plaid shirt as walked to the door, opening it. She smiled as she saw Dean, trying not to linger on him as he smiled back at her.
“Hey guys, come on in” she said as she looked at Lisa.
She stood aside and let them in, closing the door.
“Wow, looks a lot different without all the boxes” Dean joked, as he walked into the living room.
“Wait…” Lisa stopped next to him, a look of confusion on her face. “You’ve been over before?”
Y/N sensed that Dean didn’t tell her about that and stepped in. Dean didn’t need to be interrogated for something small. “Oh, he just helped me on the first day here, with some of the furniture.”
Lisa nodded. Luckily, she let it go, but still walked past Dean with a glare.
“So, can I get you guys anything? I’ve got beer, wine, iced tea…” Y/N listed but Lisa shook her head.
“I’m fine, thanks” she said, simply.
“Dean… beer?” she asked, with a small smile.
“Sure, thanks, Y/N” he replied, giving her a reassuring smile.
“Well, dinner’s actually ready so we can sit down. I’ll bring your beer over” she said, walking into the kitchen.
Dean and Lisa sat down at the table, next to each other. Y/N took a beer out of the fridge and brought it over to the table, setting it next to Dean’s plate. She sat down across from him and lifted the lid off the dish on the table.
Dean whistled, a dreamy look in his eyes. “That smells amazing, Y/N.”
“Thanks” she laughed. “Let’s hope it tastes good.”
They all served themselves and dug in, and surprisingly, Lisa was the first complement her.
“This is really great, Y/N” she said, after a mouthful.
“Thanks, Lisa” Y/N smiled.
“This is amazing” Dean hummed, around a mouthful. Lisa glared at him, but Y/N found it endearing. He noticed Lisa looking at him and swallowed quickly.
“So…” Y/N started. “Dean told me how you guys met. I think it’s amazing that you reconnected, and now here you are” she smiled, as she looked at Lisa.
Lisa looked at her, her lips pursed as she took in what Y/N just said. “Yeah, it’s pretty great, but um… you know it’s private so…”
Y/N nodded, staring down at her food. “Of course. Sorry.”
“It’s fine” Lisa played it off with a small smile.
As Lisa ate, Dean looked up at Y/N with an apologetic look. He mouthed ‘sorry’ to her and she smiled, shaking her head to tell him it was okay.
“So, Lisa. What do you do?” she asked, changing the subject.
“I’m an accountant” Lisa told her. “Not the most interesting of jobs, but hey, at least the money’s good.” She added in, with a small laugh.
The conversation remained simple and somewhat bleak. Mostly questions about work and brief questions about family, that didn’t require a lot of explanation. It was a civil evening; however, which Y/N was really grateful for. When they were finished, Y/N picked up the dish and started clearing up.
“Hey, Y/N. where’s your bathroom?” Lisa asked, as she got up from the table.
“It’s just down the hall on the left” Y/N instructed.
“Thanks” Lisa muttered as she left the room.
When she was out of ear shot, Dean stood up and helped Y/N clear the plates. “I’m sorry, Y/N. She just-”
“Dean, it’s really okay. Please, don’t apologize” Y/N reassured him as she walked into the kitchen.
She carried the plates over to the sink and didn’t realize that Dean was right behind her, ready to pass the glasses over. She turned around and smacked into his chest. She laughed as he held her steady, joining in.
“Sorry” she continued to laugh.
“It’s okay” he laughed as well, as his hands rubbed along her arms.
Y/N looked up at Dean and realized he was looking at her. Their eyes met; their bodies close to each other. Dean looked down at her lips, beautiful and inviting. She looked up at his, perfect and pouty, begging to be kissed. It would’ve been easy to lean down and press his lips against hers, but they couldn’t. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t. They heard the bathroom door open down the hall and jumped apart. Dean went back to the table and pushed the chairs in, making it look like nothing had just happened.
Lisa walked back into the room, oblivious to what had happened just moments before. She smiled as Dean stood next to her. She put her arm around him and smiled up at him. Y/N looked away, her heart sinking at the scene in front of her.
“Dinner was really amazing, Y/N. Thank you” Lisa told her. “We should really get going, though. I’m sure Ben’s on his way home, too.”
“Of course,” Y/N walked over to them. “Thanks for coming.”
“Thanks for having us” Dean said, trying not to look directly at her.
Y/N walked them over to the door. “Goodnight.”
They both called out ‘goodnight’ as they walked down the steps of the porch. Dean knew he couldn’t look back at Y/N, so he kept walking, resisting the urge to turn around.
Y/N shut the door and leaned her forehead against the wood.
“Fuck” she whispered, as she closed her eyes and shook her head.
That was too close. She can’t believe she almost did that with Dean. That couldn’t happen again.
She began to realize that maybe her little crush on him was developing, and that was a scary thought that she didn’t want to entertain. She couldn’t.
So, she wouldn’t. It would be easy enough. She just had to avoid him.
That was easier said than done.
Tags: @flamencodiva @deanwanddamons @winchest09 @katehuntington @akshi8278 @hobby27 @michellethetvaddict @spngirl05 @kyjey @halesandy @440mxs-wife @stoneyggirl @deanswaywardgirl @wonder-cole @that-one-gay-girl @redbarn1995 @marianita195 @babypink224221 @deans-baby-momma @parinarain @thoughts-and-funnies @mandalou29​ @castiels-a-winchester​ @perpetualabsurdity​
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