#and then distract him the entire drive because he can't keep his hands to himself
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all i'm thinking about is clingy drunk regulus who whines if james so much as shifts his attention to anyone else and if regulus goes out without james he would be calling him every two seconds to tell him he misses him and wants him there
#reg would be wrapped around james the entire night i dont care#once reg is drunk all he wants to do is be in james' arms#he would be the first to leave if james wasn't there#he would be begging him to pick him up#and then distract him the entire drive because he can't keep his hands to himself#jegulus
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Some of many (entirely self indulgent) fluffy/domestic Dick Grayson headcanons just because I love him.
He ADORES having a passenger prince/ss, someone to chat to, to point out cute dogs, and to sing along to Spotify with.
However, of the entire family, he is the worst driver.
Damian doesn’t even know how to drive yet, and somehow Dick is still worse.
It's not so bad in the car. He's known to ‘accidentally’ drive above the speed limit, take a few risky sharp turns and whatnot, but that’s about it.
But if you’re ever on the back of a batcycle, hold on for dear life.
He really doesn’t get enough credit for being the family's resident daredevil type.
He’s drifting, doing wheelies WITH NO HANDS.
Of course, he wouldn’t do it if he wasn’t 110% certain of your safety, but if you get scared he will tease.
You’ve gotta be able to stand a certain degree of teasing with Dick.
More often than not he outright does not respond to being called Dick by you. Cute pet names only, please. Dickie at a minimum. “Dick? Whose Dick? I only know Bubba.”
And vice versa, say goodbye to your actual name unless he’s mad at you.
His wardrobe is yours (within reason obviously, can’t have you parading around in his Nightwing suit).
He especially likes seeing you in his boxers and t-shirts, or especially his dress shirts the morning after a fancy event.
But he also raids your wardrobe, does not matter if you’re considerably smaller than him. He’ll wear your tees like crop tops in the summer, and won’t hesitate to squeeze your socks over his feet if he doesn’t have any clean ones.
And unless you do his laundry, or he’s been back to the manor recently, he rarely has clean socks.
Leaves you his cologne bottle if he’s ever has to go away for more than a few nights so you can spray whatever you like to be reminded of him.
Big on PDA, always draping himself on you when you’re out places. Arms around your shoulders on walks, plays footsie with you under tables. Will dance with you in the streets when you’re walking home drunk or kiss you in the rain.
Unless he’s around family, in which case it’s like a switch. Their teasing is relentless, and he doesn’t mind too much when it’s just him, but it really gets under his skin when they make jokes at your expense, even if they don’t mean anything by it.
Not to mention he’s leading by example, he doesn’t wanna see his younger siblings sucking face with anyone up close, so he’s not gonna subject them to watch him do it.
Always says he wants more chill dates where the two of you just relax at home and watch a film or something but that never happens. In the event that he isn’t needed elsewhere he either
Gets touchy 5 minutes in and you spend the night doing it instead.
Complains that you need a very specific type of snack or something, and takes you shopping at the only supermarket at does it, then there’s a great fast food joint you’ve gotta try, oh and he knows a rooftop nearby that has a great view you have to let him show you, come on.
He’s restless!
The only times your stay-at-home and chill dates succeed are when gaming is involved. Keep his hands and brain occupied.
Does not enjoy cleaning or cooking, but he’s not completely incapable. He often plays up his ‘inability to cook’ at home cause he knows the responsibility of cooking for everyone will fall on him should Alfred be unable/away, and god knows he’s a people pleaser. He won’t say no, so prevent them from asking.
He’ll cook for you though, it’s nothing special but he’ll do it.
Chores often take twice as long with him around because he’s always getting distracted dancing to the radio with you, or just touching you, he can't help it, you’re just so great, you’re a perfect little domestic team together.
#dick grayson#dick grayson x reader#dick grayson/reader#nightwing#nightwing x reader#nightwing/reader#headcanons#hc#gilverrwrites#dc
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Hurricane - Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
summary: Bradley's regretted breaking off his relationship with you for months, but when he sees you walking into the country club after his round of golf, he knows he has to fix things.
a/n: I haven't written much angst before but I'm really trying to branch out a little bit. Inspired by Hurricane by Luke Combs, and also this weird recurring dream I keep having.
pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x reader
warnings/content: buckle up bc there's a lot? angst (happy ending), parental death, depression, hurt, cancer, goose's accident + carole's reaction, carole literally never getting over losing goose, bradley being a commitmentphobe, pregnancy (i think that's it?), also entirely unrealistic bc you know what? I can't keep roo sad for long.
word count: 3.6k
taglist: @avengersfan25, @nouis-bum, @floydsmuse, @mamachasesmayhem, @jessicab1991, @atarmychick007, @b-bradshaw, @djs8891
Then you rolled in with your hair in the wind Baby, without warning I was doin' alright but just your sight Had my heart stormin'
Bradley narrowed his eyes beneath his sunglasses, the glare of the hot mid-morning sun harsh on his chocolate brown eyes. He grabbed his nine-iron from his golf bag, taking a practice swing before teeing up for his next shot. Bob, Jake, Reuben and Javy stood to the side behind him, watching as he lined up to take his shot. He hadn’t golfed in years, in fact, he’d only ever golfed a handful of times in his life, all of them back when he lived in Virginia. His uncle had taught him when he was 15, a welcome distraction when his mom became sick, and he’d gone out a few times when he was in college after a roommate of his on the school’s golf team had invited him out. He held his breath as he heard the club make contact with the small, white orb, watching as it soared through the air, disappearing somewhere onto the course. Jake let out an impressive whistle as he looked on, placing his hands on his hips as he shook his head in disbelief.
“You’ve never golfed before, Bradshaw? You sure?” He drawled, raising one of his manicured (though he’d deny it if asked) blonde eyebrows suspiciously.
“I told you, a handful of times. Not never.”
“You did say less than five,” Bob shrugged as he cleaned his glasses before replacing them on his nose. “Less than five suggests you haven’t really hit a course.”
“Not to mention you said in years. That was the swing of a man who’s at least hit a driving range a few times,” Reuben pointed out to the course in the general direction of where Bradley’s ball had landed as Javy, Bob and Jake nodded in agreement.
“I wish Nat had tagged along, she wouldn’t ride my ass this hard,” Bradley huffed, shaking his head.
“Nat doesn’t golf. You know that. She acted disgusted that I even asked,” Jake shrugged.
“Maybe it was how you asked,” Bob suggested as he disguised his jab at Jake as a helpful criticism.
“Just take your turn, Robert,” Jake hissed, rolling his eyes dramatically as Bob smirked.
Bradley normally would have joined in with a quip of his own directed at Jake, but his heart just wasn’t in it. His heart wasn’t even in the game. The only reason why he’d agreed to go golfing with the guys for their usual monthly game was because you left him. He needed to get over you and move on - it’d been six months and with no deployments coming up, he had nothing to focus 100% of his attention onto. Reuben had noticed it first - Bradley was withdrawn on nights out, his usually chatterbox self now quiet, calm and keeping to himself, barely breaking eye contact with his beer bottle. Then came Natasha’s barrage of questions - he knew she meant well, but God, it was hard to listen to.
He didn’t want to admit it to himself, but he knew why you left. And it was entirely his fault. You’d gotten upset because he’d stopped spending as much time with you, kept getting cold feet about committing to your relationship. He’d never tell you why he couldn’t commit - it was too hard for him to explain to anyone, really. In fact, he was fairly confident that Reuben was the only other person aware of it.
Bradley wanted to be the partner you needed - he really did. He wanted to be the doting, affectionate boyfriend who’d whisk you off somewhere beautiful, propose to you, start a family with 2.2 kids and a dog, cart the kids around to sports practices on weekends - the American dream. He knew you deserved that much. And yet, no matter how badly he wanted to give that to you - he couldn’t. He’d told you he didn’t want it - he didn’t want to get married, he didn’t want to have kids, he never wanted it. He watched you fall apart the minute the words left his mouth, and it killed him inside. He wanted to hold you close and tell you he was making a mistake, tell you it wasn’t true and he didn’t mean it, but he couldn’t.
He couldn’t, because he was terrified.
Growing up without his dad was one of the hardest things he could have experienced, he was sure of it. He was too young to truly remember how his mom reacted when she learned her husband had been killed in a training exercise, but he remembered her crying a lot, feeling paralyzed by loss and guilt, angry with the world for taking the man she loved away from her. He remembered as he grew up, she never remarried, never went on a date, never even as much as looked at another man. His dad was her everything, and losing him crushed her.
When she got sick, Bradley was a teenager - old enough to understand what it meant for her, what her odds of recovery were, and old enough to be realistic about the future. When they found out she wasn’t going to get better, he’d half expected her to react the way she did when his dad died, but instead, she seemed almost at peace with the idea. She’d spent 14 years of her life missing his dad, and she knew that, even though she was horrified by the thought of leaving Bradley on his own, she wouldn’t have to spend another minute missing her husband.
Bradley decided then that he’d never want to put someone through that. He’d never be able to hurt someone he loved like this - leave them widowed before they turned 30, alone with a toddler at home to raise on the opposite side of the country from their family and friends, with nothing but a military pension and an apology over his death.
It was at 16 years old that Bradley decided, if he wanted to become a pilot, he was going to have to spend life alone, and for the most part, he was ok with that.
That was, until he met you.
He tried to deny his feelings, pretending you were just a casual fling, some fun sex here and there between deployments and missions and nothing more. That was, until three months in, he accidentally told you he loved you. It wasn’t a lie, he did love you, but it caught him off guard when he said it - he didn’t mean to blow his cover and let his guard down like that. And when you said it back? He knew it was game over.
He tried his hardest to push his fears aside, he tried SO hard. He was getting older and beginning to realize he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life alone, especially as he neared the mandatory 20 years of service cutoff for aviators. He’d grown almost fond of the idea of settling down with you, seeing you with a ring on your finger, picturing you with a baby in you, his baby. He wanted it. He wanted all of it. But, the fears and anxiety he had reared its ugly head, and he couldn’t bring himself to get past it.
It was on their last mission, when he had to eject and landed in the middle of a snowy mountain, unsure if he’d make it back home to you. His mind raced with thoughts of how you’d react if he didn’t make it home - how you’d crumple to the floor when you saw the two uniformed officers on your doorstep, the blood-curdling scream you’d let out in pain when you heard them say it, tears staining your pretty little face as you were handed that folded American flag - he couldn’t bear it. He couldn’t stand the idea of putting you through everything his mom had gone through. Not when you were so young and had everything ahead of you. When you could find a man who wasn’t putting his life in danger nearly every damn day, risking himself and risking a chance he might not come home to you.
This golf trip was meant to take his mind off you. Reuben had mentioned it in passing to Jake and Bob, who exchanged worried looks with one another. Javy had overheard Nat’s line of questioning when he and Mickey returned to the table with a fresh round of beers, both of them offering Bradley silent looks of sympathy as they nodded in agreement to Nat’s advice. Bradley was struggling, in over his head with emotions and regret and sadness, but he knew he’d fucked it all up. And he knew that even if he tried, you wouldn’t want him back, and who could blame you?
Bob had suggested he reach out to you and apologize, and for a while, Bradley considered it. He strongly considered calling you, going to your house, begging for forgiveness and begging you to take him back, but after how you reacted when he broke things off with you, he wouldn’t even take him back. He’d been a dick in every sense of the word, and now, he had to try and move on, adjusting to life without you in it.
The next nine holes passed by with little conversation from Bradley and worried glances exchanged between his friends. He wasn’t in the mood for talking, he’d explain, shrugging the concern off before focusing back on the game. Bradley was thankful for his friends’ efforts, but it was beginning to feel like nothing would help him move on.
He slumped down into a chair at a table in the country club after their round of golf, sipping back the beer Jake bought him. He caught himself downing the liquid quicker than he should have, but at this point, being drunk would at least provide him with that much needed numbness he craved. He could hear Bob bickering with Jake over golf scores and who truly won, prompting an eye roll from Javy as he pulled the crumpled scoresheets from his pocket and placed them on the table. Reuben noticed the glazed over look in Bradley’s eye and clapped a sympathetic hand down on his shoulder.
Bradley was about to thank Reuben for being there for him when he saw your face. You were walking into the country club with a couple of your friends, laughing and smiling as you spoke.
God, he loved that smile.
He gulped back the rest of his drink before placing the glass back down on the table, the sound of Bradley slamming the glass down a little harder than he intended prompting Jake to spin his head around as he saw you.
“Oh..shit,” he murmured as Bob and Javy both turned to look discreetly towards you.
Bradley’s eyes widened as you walked past the bar, revealing a very unexpected new figure. He blinked his eyes a few times to ensure they weren’t playing tricks on him - positive that this had to be some kind of optical illusion or something. It was impossible. You couldn’t be.
“Pregnant.” Jake whispered as he leaned into the table, “She’s pregnant,”
“Did you know, Bradley?” Bob inquired as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.
“N-no.” Bradley choked out, feeling the walls closing in around him as the room started to spin.
Without hesitation, Bradley rose from his seat and made his way over to you, despite the protests from Bob and Reuben, the two voices of reason to Javy and Jake’s voices of impulse. Bradley approached you cautiously, clearing his throat for a moment to garner your attention. You spun your head around, your cheeks rosy and your skin glowing with that pregnancy glow everyone always talked about. Bradley had never really believed in that kind of stuff, but you were proving him wrong.
“Bradley?” you asked, your face paleing to a shade of ghostly white.
“Can…can we talk, please? I need to talk to you,” Bradley rambled with desperation written on his face.
You huffed a sigh, nodding your head slowly as you excused yourself from your friends, who were now whispering and exchanging uncomfortable glances with one another. Bradley followed closely behind you as you stepped out into the fresh air, finding a discreet corner of the parking lot to discuss everything from the last six months.
“I…Is it mine?” Bradley whispered, almost afraid to hear the answer as his eyes wandered to the bump that was evident under your sundress.
You sighed again, following Bradley’s gaze down to your abdomen, a protective hand resting on your bump as you nodded slowly, humming in confirmation.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He frowned, shaking his head quickly, “I-I, I would have helped you.”
“Bradley,” you said, narrowing your eyes and shaking your head quickly, “You told me you didn’t want this. You dumped me and told me you never wanted to settle down or have a family, you didn’t want to be with me anymore, and being in a long-term relationship wasn’t what you ever wanted. You told me you didn’t love me. So please, tell me why I should have told you?”
“Because,” he said softly, his heart aching as he heard your side of things, “I didn’t mean any of that. I was wrong.”
“Oh, you were wrong? Tell me, were you always wrong, or are you only wrong now that you’ve seen me six months later, heavily pregnant?”
Bradley was speechless. He gazed down at his feet, kicking at the pavement in his golf cleats. He sighed as he thought for a moment, taking a second of quiet reflection to compose his thoughts before speaking. He wanted to get this right. He couldn’t afford to fuck it up again.
“I was always wrong. I was wrong when I said it, and I knew I was wrong,” he shook his head vigorously before looking up to meet your gaze, “Did I ever tell you about my mom?”
“You told me she died when you were a teenager, and you didn’t really mention anything else about her. Or anyone in your family, for that matter.”
“Right,” he nodded his head slowly, taking a deep breath before beginning to explain. “My dad died when I was 2. He was an RIO, a Radar Intercept Officer. You know Maverick, right?”
“Mhmm,” you nodded slowly, a look of annoyance flashing across your face as you listened to Bradley, you were used to his excuses, and you were really hoping this wasn’t another one.
“So, Maverick was my dad’s pilot. Best friends. Did everything together. He was flying when my dad died, their plane lost control, had to eject, my dad hit the canopy. Died instantly.” Bradley paused, taking another deep breath as he felt himself getting choked up, “My mom, she, uh, she was really young. My dad was 25, my mom was 23. He was her high school sweetheart. She was devastated. I was too young to remember a lot, but I remember her hurting, and being sad all the time, unable to function some days because she just missed him so much,” he explained as tears began to roll down his cheeks.
“Bradley, I’m sorry,” you sighed, shaking your head as you sympathetically rubbed his bicep to comfort him.
“I just…when she died, she was…peaceful, I guess, because she knew she wouldn’t have to miss him anymore. She wouldn’t be lonely. She never remarried or dated after him, she couldn’t bring herself to. She’s buried with her wedding ring still on her finger. I couldn’t bring myself to take it off her,” he took another deep breath, exhaling sharply before looking up at you.
“I couldn’t do that to you,” he finally said, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill over again, “I couldn’t leave you like my mom. Heartbroken and alone your whole life. She never moved on, and I didn’t want that for you if we got married. God, I would have given anything to marry you. I would have taken you to the courthouse and married you on the spot if you would have agreed to it. But, I couldn’t risk breaking your heart. Not like that.”
“Bradley, you’ve always come home in one piece,” you said softly, fingers still stroking his upper arm soothingly.
“But I almost didn’t. I had to eject and all I could think about was you getting that knock at the door and going through what she went through, and I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t do that to you, or…or to a baby.”
You shook your head, processing everything that Bradley had just said as he poured his heart out to you. He’d never opened up like this to you before, but you could tell each and every word was genuine. As much as you hated him for leaving you, you couldn’t deny that you still loved him with all of your heart.
You missed him.
You missed waking up to him after the two of you had fallen asleep watching a movie together. You missed the way he yelled at the tv when watching baseball, how passionate he got over football games, how he’d pick the olives out of his nachos like a toddler and put them on your plate. You missed how he couldn’t eat apples unless they were baked in a pie, how he’d scarf down an entire red velvet cake if you didn’t gently stop him, then regret it hours later. You missed the way his big brown eyes would stare at you, a look of pure adoration on his face like a lovesick puppy whenever you spoke to someone else, as if he was hanging on every single word that fell from your lips.
You burst into tears, throwing your arms tightly around Bradley as you shook your head. “God, you’re an idiot, you know that?” you murmured, laughing softly as you hugged him.
“I know, I’m the biggest idiot. I still would marry you if you let me. I wanted to have kids with you, I want to be around for this one,” he nodded, gesturing his hands at your bump.
“Cross my heart,” Bradley said with an expression of complete seriousness on his face, “I wanna know everything about them. Everything. I wanna know what you’re having, what name you’ve picked out, what your cravings are, how you’ve been feeling, when they move, what does it feel like? I want to know how far along you are, and how they’re doing, if they have my nose or your nose, or if they’re gonna be tall like I am, I want to know what helps you sleep at night when you’re pregnant, and what their favourite song is. I want all of it, honey.”
“Ok, ok, slow down, breathe, Bradley,” you chuckled, shaking your head. “Take a walk with me?”
As you and Bradley walked around the pedestrian pathway on the golf course, smiling as you spoke fondly about the baby, answering all of Bradley’s questions.
“Well, baby’s a girl, I don’t have a name in mind for her yet, I’ve been craving oranges and Sprite, anything sweet and citrusy. I’ve been ok, better now the morning sickness finally dissipated. It feels like bubbles or something when she kicks, it’s like a fluttering, almost? I’m 28 weeks along, so I have about three months left. She looked like she has your nose on the ultrasound, there’s a 50/50 chance on her height, I sleep pretty much sitting upright because I get bad heartburn otherwise, and I play her music all the time. She likes Elvis and The Beach Boys, just like her dad.”
Bradley’s smile spread wide across his face, a small laugh of disbelief escaping his mouth as he nodded along with your words.
“That’s great. A girl? Really? You’re gonna have a daughter running around,” he said softly, almost as if he was daydreaming about what the little girl would look like.
“We are going to have a daughter.”
“You’re gonna let me be there? After everything?”
“Bradley, as much as I hated you for what you did and how you ended things - I never truly hated you. I loved you, more than anything. I still do.”
He held you tightly, burying his face into your hair as he kissed the top of your head, murmuring softly against your hair.
“God, I love you so much, honey. I promise, I’m never going to do something stupid like that again.”
“I know you won’t,” you laughed, shaking your head as he looked down at you, “I know you’d never leave Carly and I again.”
Bradley froze in place for a moment as he stared at you, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke.
“What did you call her?”
“Carly. I thought, I don’t know, after you told me about your mom just now, I thought maybe you’d like to name the baby after her? Carole’s nice too, I just figured Carly gives her a name that’s her own too, they share the same root.”
“Carly,” he nodded slowly as he repeated it, “I love it.”
Bradley took your hand in his, his large fingers enveloping your hand as he held it tightly, as if he was terrified of letting go. He made that mistake once before, he wasn’t about to do it again.
#bradley bradshaw#bradley rooster bradshaw#bradley bradshaw fic#rooster bradshaw#rooster bradshaw fic#bradley rooster bradshaw fic#bradley bradshaw x reader#bradley rooster bradshaw x reader#rooster bradshaw x reader#rooster x reader#rooster fic#rooster#rooster top gun#rooster top gun x reader#rooster top gun fic#top gun maverick fic#bradley bradshaw fanfiction#bradley bradshaw imagine#bradley rooster bradshaw imagine#bradley rooster bradshaw fanfiction#rooster fanfic#rooster fanfiction#rooster x you#bradley bradshaw x you#rooster bradshaw x you#bradley rooster bradshaw x you#bradley bradshaw x y/n#rooster x y/n#rooster bradshaw x y/n#bradley rooster bradshaw x y/n
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I have to request again you keep me alive at this point!
Can we get some angst, maybe reader gets injured while Soshiro is away from base and he rushes back to base while she’s in critical condition praying she’ll be okay in the end and at the same time devastated he wasn’t able to protect her???
Hello again! Very pleased to be keeping you alive. Have some more life.
Whole World
You're Soshiro's whole world.
You're his whole world and at this moment, his world appears to be crashing down on him.
He can't even think straight enough to drive, and he doesn't want to drive anyway. Driving isn't fast enough. He commandeers a helicopter and pretty much kidnaps a pilot, trying his best to rush to your side. He'd grow wings himself if he thought it'd get him to you faster.
You're his whole world, and when they told him you had been badly injured and were now in critical condition, he felt that world trembling, he felt the ground splitting beneath him, the earth swallowing him whole, the magma eroding away at his body, at his heart.
He spends the entire agonizing flight fidgeting with his fingers, with his seatbelt, with anything he can get his hands on. He'd pull his own hair out if it'd distract from the pain throbbing in his chest. He wonders why this flight is taking so long. Why he's so useless. Why he's so far away from you. Why did he allow himself to ever be this far away from you?
He knew it would be difficult to be far away from you, from the moment he saw you waiting by the door for him in just his t-shirt, all drowsy and sleepy-eyed, but still eager to give him a proper goodbye kiss and wish him safe travels before he left, but he didn't know it would be this devastating. He wasn't supposed to be gone this long. And you weren't supposed to be gone by the time he got back.
Would you hold on for him? Could you hold on for him? Was it even physically possible? Or were you too far gone? Would he get to say goodbye? Would he even be able to bring himself to say goodbye? Would he just die right there beside you once he saw your lifeless body?
His thoughts grew louder and louder in his mind until he couldn't even hear the buzz of the helicopter's blades, just the deafening sound of despair echoing in his ears. He thought his eardrums might rupture from the devastation, might bleed from the heartbreak.
He gets notice while he's still in transit that you've fallen into a coma and may never awaken again. And now the only thing waiting for him in the hospital is a difficult decision- to keep you afloat, limp and lifeless, or to send you off to the paradise you deserve. He wonders if he'll go to hell for depriving you of heaven, because he doesn't think he can send you off. He doesn't think he can let you go.
He thinks about how selfish he's always been, how selfish he was when he first claimed you as his own and then kept claiming you everyday since, and how selfish he is now, even when you've almost passed, clinging to you until the very last second.
Will you forgive him if he can't live without you? Will you forgive him for not being able to save you? You always forgave him when he couldn't forgive himself. He doesn't want you to forgive him, he just wants you to be here. He just wants you to be waiting for him when he gets to the hospital, griping to him about how shitty hospital food is. He just wants to be able to say he'll take you home and cook you something even better, something fit for a queen.
He wants to hold you, spoil you, love you. If he could, he'd hold you more, spoil you more, love you more. He'd do better, he'd be better, he'd be anything you wanted, anything you needed, as long as you were still alive to need him.
When he gets to the hospital, he runs to you. As he takes sharp turns around every corner, sprinting down every hallway, he wonders what he's running for. You won't be there waiting for him, you won't be ready with a smile. But he runs anyway, desperate to just be near you again.
When he realizes that you are in a coma after all, that it wasn't all just some bad dream, he collapses beside your bed. He can't think of anything to say at first, and then all of a sudden he's rambling, and now he can't stop saying things. He sounds crazy and he doesn't care. You always liked his crazy. You always matched his crazy. He needs you to come back and be his again and he'll beg you on his knees if he has to.
"Please, I need you. I'll quit my job, I'll retire, I'll give you as many babies as you want. I'll buy you a nice house, the one that you wanted that I said was ugly. I'll teach our kids how to ride bikes. I'll cook every single meal. You don't even have to lift a single, gorgeous finger. I'll do it all. Just please, I need you. Come back to me. Please. Please. I'll do anything. Just please."
He murmurs please over and over again until he's forgotten what the word even means. Until he's forgotten how to say anything else.
He grips your hand tight, squeezing it to a beat, like the sensation will remind your heart what its job is.
Then his heart beats once. It beats again, this time louder. Then it gets louder and louder in his ears and he wants to tell it to shut the fuck up so he can just be in this moment with you but then he realizes it's not his heartbeat he's hearing.
It's yours. On the monitor. It's increasing.
He starts rambling again.
"I'll change my hairstyle, if you want. I'll get a new hobby. I'll learn how to use a gun right. I'll learn how to bake that dessert that you like. I'll fix the fence when it breaks, fix the pipes when they burst. I'll be dependable. I'll be there for you. I'll never leave you. I'll never leave your side ever again. I'll handcuff myself to you. I'll superglue myself to you. You'll be so sick of me and it will be fine because you'll be alive and I'll love the shit out of you every second of everyday, so just PLEASE."
He pauses but all he hears is the hum of the machines, the clatter of nurses running by. Nothing he wants to hear. Not your voice, not your laugh.
He thinks he might drown in his own tears and that would serve him right.
Then a weak voice splits through the thick air.
"I... I quite like your... your hair. Don't... don't change it."
His head snaps up.
He doesn't even bother to wipe the flow of tears from his face as he throws himself at you.
"S-still... injured... h-here."
He laughs and releases you slightly, though still clinging to you, still needing to be near you. "Injured is so very much better than dead. Thank god."
"Also... as much as I'd love to be handcuffed by you... I don't know how I'd like being handcuffed to you for life. And let's skip the superglue, yeah?"
He laughs again and when you laugh, though weak, the sound gives him hope and gives him permission to keep laughing, to keep enjoying this moment with you.
"So don't ever leave me again and I won't have to resort to such drastic measures, okay?" He kisses the top of your head and then he kisses your nose, your cheeks, your lips. He keeps kissing you all through the night but you never get tired of it. You don't even wave him off when the nurse comes in to check on your vitals and is shocked to see you sitting up in bed, with your husband's lips trailing paths all over you.
You're just glad to be alive and nothing makes you want to live more than he does.
You're his whole world.
But he's yours too.
#kaiju no. 8#soshiro hoshina#soshiro hoshina x reader#hoshina#anime#oneshot#hoshina soshiro x reader#hoshina x reader#anime fanfic#han's library
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Sweet Nothings T | 545 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is wanting to do everything with someone, even if it's nothing special
Eddie has his keys in hand, holding his jacket with his teeth as he gets ready to leave, when someone knocks on the door.
"Hiya, Ed," Steve greets with a grin, that quickly falters. "Oh, sorry, is it a bad time?"
"Sorta? You're not interrupting anything important."
"But you have other plans. No worries, I'll- uh... what are you going out for?"
"Need a part for the van. Was gonna head up to the scrap yard, see if I could find anything there."
"Oh, cool. I could help, if you want?"
"You sure? It's pretty boring."
"Nah, it'll be fun! C'mon, tell me what you need."
Steve steps back, waving Eddie over to his car.
"You sure you want us to go in your car? Some of the shit we're grabbing is gonna be dirty."
"So I'll clean it? Come on, I'm excited now."
"Excited to go digging through a scrap yard?"
"With you? Yeah." He walks back over, gently pushing Eddie towards his car. "We can make it fun! And I know Henderson has been on your ass as much as he has been on mine about us finally hanging out."
"You're just bored with nothing else to do, aren't you?"
"Yeah, I am. But, hey, two birds with one stone!"
Eddie sighs, finally stepping to the passenger door, rolling his eyes. "Fine, whatever, let's go."
Steve whoops, doing a little fistpump, before rushing to the car when Eddie raises an eyebrow at him.
He keeps up conversation the entire drive and Eddie quickly realises that Steve... he genuinely loves cars. He doesn't know a lot about how they work and, knowing now that Eddie does, he has a lot of questions.
Eddie is happy to answer them.
At the scrapyard, they end up distracted almost immediately. Eddie ends up spending most of the time showing Steve how engines work.
Thanks to the visual and practical aid, Steve learns fast. It only takes him two attempts and a lot of running around, tearing other shit apart, to get one of the abandoned, broken engines to roar to life.
It sputters out as soon as it starts, but it does start.
"This stuff is so cool!" Steve says, bouncing on the balls of his feet, as they finally head back to the car.
Thanks to how much destruction they'd thoroughly caused, finding the little replacement part that Eddie needed hadn't taken long.
"Yeah, surprisingly so."
"Aww," Steve coos, teasingly. "But are you saying that because you mean it or because you love me?"
"It can't be both?"
"That- oh, haha."
"Didn't even mean to make that pun. I'm just that funny, huh."
"No, your jokes are terrible."
"Steve, hey," Eddie stops, faking a serious tone. "You can't say things like that about your boyfriend, it's not nice."
"What are you, the love police?"
"Yes. Put your hands up, you're under arrest."
Steve sticks his tongue out at him, before sprinting off to the car.
Eddie is hot on his heels, struggling to keep himself from laughing as he yells after him, unable to bite back the grin.
He can't help but wonder how he'll ever manage to come back to the scrapyard without Steve.
Nothing is ever as fun as it is when they're together.
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uh. what?
for @steddielovemonth prompt 'love is healing wounds'
rated m | 1,782 words | cw: injury recovery, mild blood, recreational drug use | tags: post s4, hurt/comfort, getting together, fade to black
The stitches pulled and he couldn't get comfortable. He almost wished Robin hadn't made him get checked over, but anything that required this many stitches probably would've killed him if he hadn't. At least that's what Nancy said when he complained to her about it.
But now, Steve couldn't sleep, and sleep was apparently very important for healing.
The alarm clock next to his bed said 2:07 am, so calling someone was out. Going somewhere was also out, unless he wanted to go to the 24 hour diner alone.
Fresh air sounded good until he realized he'd have to either go for a walk in the middle of the night alone or sit by the pool alone.
He didn't want to be alone.
His phone started to ring just when he was considering taking a shower out of boredom.
"Harrington residence, this is Steve."
"So formal for two in the morning, Stevie," Eddie's laugh rang through the line and Steve couldn't help smiling. Something about Eddie's energy was contagious, a beacon of light when all he had was the darkness of his room.
"Didn't know if it was an international business partner for my parents. Happens sometimes when they forget time zones." Steve moved to the edge of his bed so the cord didn't have to stretch as far. "What are you doing up?"
"Had a dream about being eaten alive again. This time they managed to eat both of my nipples." Eddie scoffed. "Isn't one enough?"
Steve chuckled. "And you can't go back to sleep because you're scared they'll come take your other nipple?"
"It's a genuine concern, Steve! I have big dreams of piercing this thing and if they take it from me, what do I have left?"
"I think you'd probably just find something else to pierce," Steve shook thoughts of what that might be out of his head before they could take over. "So you can't sleep. You thought you'd call and wake me up to suffer with you?"
Eddie was silent for a moment before responding. "Did I wake you up?"
"No," Steve said quickly, not wanting Eddie to feel bad. "I was awake."
"No, stitches are bothering me."
"You wanna come over? I found my hidden stash. Might help with the stitches," Eddie offered.
Steve probably shouldn't. He was on some pain meds already and if he got too fucked up, he'd probably cry. That's what happened last time he had some of whatever Eddie was selling.
"I'll come over, but probably shouldn't have anything. Robin would kill me if I end up in the hospital," Steve gave a half-truth.
"Yeah, she's terrifying. I'll leave the door unlocked."
Before Steve could tell him that was a bad idea, he hung up.
When Steve got to Eddie's, he let out the breath he'd been holding the entire drive. Eddie was sitting on the porch, alone, his guitar by his side.
Maybe he'd been playing already, or maybe he planned to play to help distract Steve from the way his skin felt like it was too much.
He got out of the car and waved when Eddie looked over at him with a smile.
"Didn't think you'd get here so quick," Eddie didn't bother standing up, Steve just knew to go sit by him.
But the steps on the Munson's porch were rickety at best, "temporary" according to the government officials who had stuck them here because they didn't think it was worth putting them in a home across town, and Steve's eyes hadn't quite adjusted to the dull glow of the light by the front door. He missed the top step and immediately fell, barely catching himself on the wood of the porch.
Eddie was helping him up immediately, doing his best not to make his own injuries worse.
"Shit, you okay? Wayne tried fixing it, but it just keeps getting loose."
Steve felt a stinging pain on his side, and when his hand grazed over the worst of his bites, he felt something warm and wet on his fingers.
"Shit," without looking, he knew he'd torn his stitches. "Eddie, I need a towel or something."
"Shit, that's a lot of blood. That's a lot of blood. It shouldn't be that much, right? Like even tearing your stitches, it shouldn't be-"
"Eddie." Steve poked his arm, stayed as calm as he could. He bled easy, so sometimes even small things looked worse than they were. "Towel."
"Right, yeah. Should you come with me?" Eddie shook his head. "I mean can you move? Should you stay here?"
"I'll sit here until I have a towel. Don't wanna get blood on the carpet."
"Got it."
Eddie still seemed unsure about leaving him, but must have noticed how much blood was soaking through Steve's shirt and rushed inside. He was back in less than a minute, a black towel in his hand.
"It's clean. It's the one I usually use for my hair, but I didn't get to fold it from the dryer yet. Um, just put pressure on it."
Steve knew what to do, was used to putting pressure on wounds, but appreciated Eddie trying to triage it anyway.
"You got a needle and thread, right?" Steve asked once he took his shirt off and put pressure on the bite. It was already bleeding much less, a positive sign that maybe it wouldn't be too bad.
"I mean, I do. I don't have medical tools that have been sanitized properly."
"You have water to boil and vodka?"
"Steve. I'm not fucking performing a medical procedure on your stomach," Eddie shook his head. "Do you have a death wish or something?"
"I trust you."
The words hung heavy between them, despite the fact it wasn't exactly news to either of them. They'd been through it all together, why wouldn't he trust him?
"Okay, let's get inside and I'll get everything ready."
Getting inside was easier said than done. The bleeding had mostly stopped, but the pain had really started to set in and every breath felt like knives stabbing into him.
"Deep breath, Stevie," Eddie said as he sat him down on the couch and helped him lay back. "I'll get you something for the pain."
"Something" was an edible, and Eddie seemed hesitant to give it to him, but all reservations Steve previously had went out the window as he felt his hands shaking from the pain.
Eddie prepared everything while the edible kicked in, checking in with Steve every few minutes to make sure he hadn't passed out or started bleeding again.
When the room started to feel blurry and his head felt light, Steve smiled over at Eddie, who looked nervous.
"Ready for your magic hands," Steve wiggled his brows.
Eddie made a strangled sound before leaning over the wound and wiping some of the blood away gently so he could see where to stitch him back up.
He worked as quickly as possible, humming softly to distract himself and Steve from what was happening.
Steve was high.
He was high and he was feeling good despite the needle in his skin.
He drifted for a bit, couldn't be sure how long, but eventually, Eddie was touching his cheek and making him open his eyes.
"Think you should stand up so I can wrap a bandage on it. Then you can try to shower off some of the blood if you want. Wayne got one of those removable showerheads. Feels fancy," Eddie said as he moved the hair off of Steve's face.
"Help?" Steve managed to ask.
"Yeah, I can help you with the wrap and start the shower for you," Eddie nodded.
"In the shower?" Steve asked.
Eddie paused. "I can keep us dressed?"
"But." Steve huffed. "Blood."
Eddie couldn't help but laugh at his confusion, Steve's lips pouting out and his eyes squinting. "Okay, okay. If you're okay with it, I'm okay with it. You're high as shit, man."
"I'm standing right on the ground," Steve waved his arms around him. "Or is the ground standing on me but the other way?"
"God, this is the best. Okay, let's go."
"Wait!" Steve grabbed Eddie's arms. "You should know something."
Eddie raised his brows in question. "Go on."
"I'm very in love with you. And also kinda hard."
Eddie blinked, not processing. Now he felt high.
"Uh. What?"
"I have an erection." Steve made a disgusted face. "Hate that word. Sounds so middle school sex ed."
"It is." Eddie shook his head. "I guess I meant more like, how and why and what the hell do you mean by it."
Steve giggled. "I said you had magic hands and I was right."
"Dude, I was literally giving you stitches. I am failing to see why that would make you hard."
"It's cuz you're so gentle and your tongue sticks out when you're trying to focus. And also I started thinking about what you'd do if I couldn't move," Steve sighed dreamily. "You have handcuffs."
"Okay. Let's pause." Eddie let out a small hysterical laugh. "You want me to help you in the shower because you love me? Do you even need help?"
"Probably. But I also want help. And also you're a helper for me."
"What does that even mean? Where's Robin when you need her to decode what the hell you're talking about?"
"You're a helper for me! Because you help me be better about asking for help! And then you help!"
"Okay, that's. Good. I'm still not sure what's happening."
"You're gonna help me shower. I'm gonna try very hard not to come. We sleep?" Steve looked around Eddie out the window, like he was checking if it was still night time. "And then in the morning I wake up and get yelled at by Robin."
"Why would she-"
"The stitches. And the telling you I love you thing. She's gonna be real mad about that."
"Why?" Eddie felt like he was losing it. What was even happening anymore? How had he completely lost control of the night?
"She wanted to help me do a speech thing."
This was just getting more wild.
Steve needed a shower, and he needed sleep. Eddie needed a minute to gather his own thoughts.
"Shower. Sleep. Talk in the morning." Eddie raised his hand to cup Steve's neck. "Robin murders you after we talk."
"Deal." Steve's face sank, but he quickly perked back up. "But shower?"
"Yes, shower. Go, horndog."
Steve laughed as he half-limped to the bathroom, clearly feeling some pain even with the drugs in his system. Eddie followed and resisted touching Steve as much as possible.
Which ended up being about two minutes.
#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#stranger things#steddielovemonth#love is healing wounds#injury recovery#cw: mild blood#post s4#hurt/comfort#getting to know you#tending to wounds
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Cheater!Bonten!Mikey x Fem Reader
♡ NSFW obviously, Reader is Mikey's assistant and sidepiece, Reader is kind of a homewrecker, Mikey is married to a random woman, long ass fic because this idea was driving me crazy last night, also thinking about making a taglist but I'm not entirely sure ♡
~I wonder if she knows it ain't your sister that she's sharing all her time with. She may do the cooking and the cleaning, but that's my dick~
It was a marriage of convenience. She didn't really love him, all she cared about was the power he held in the palm of his hand. At least that's what he told himself. Repeating it in his head like a mantra, as if saying it enough would make it true. But in reality, she did love him. That didn't really matter to him though, not right now. Not with you underneath him, looking so beautiful. Every inch of your body on display for him and only him. You were all his and despite his marriage he was yours.
He didn't plan to cheat on his wife, but there was something about you he just couldn't resist. He hired you as his assistant 5 months ago, but your relationship quickly escalated from professional to romantic. He always seemed distracted when you were around, and you took notice. You weren't the only one though, the Bonten executives could see it too. They felt the tension in the air when you two were in the same room, the sweet tone in his voice when he talked to you, the way his eyes undressed you. They all know about your relationship. They also know to keep quiet about it if they want to stay on his good side.
They couldn't help but feel sorry for his wife though, imagine how heartbroken she'd be if she found out about you. The way he talks to you, the way he looks at you, the way he fucks you. If only she knew how he flaunted you around town. Taking you to the most expensive restaurants, sitting in the VIP sections of Bonten's clubs. And she'd just die of a broken heart if she knew that he's brought you back home and fucked you in the same bed she sleeps in. Filling your pussy with his cum and your head with promises of leaving her and becoming your husband.
He just can't help himself. He's just so... obsessed with you. He doesn't just want you, he needs you. He'd rather die than not be able to feel you gripping his dick with your tight cunt. He loves you more than he'll ever love her, so it's not hard to grasp how truly relieved he is when his wife gets home early from a shopping trip. The clunking of her designer heels stops at the bedroom door. Mikey knows it's over, so he doesn't bother stopping. Why would he when he knows how close you are? Your breath hitches as the doorknob slowly turns and Mikey deepens his thrusts, hitting every spot you like. There she is, his poor, heartbroken wife. She drops the bags she was holding in shock and covers her mouth with her hands. The tears start flowing as he looks over at her. Your hands disconnect from his shoulders, yet his hands still gripped your waist. He seemed annoyed at her presence.
"Manjiro... how could you do this to me?"
He thought for a second before he responded.
"We might be married, but I'm not obligated to stay faithful to you. Especially when I'm not even in love with you."
She looked at him in disbelief, then at you. You looked away, not because you felt ashamed for sleeping with her husband, but because of the secondhand embarrassment you got from her crying. She turned around, stumbling out of the room and out of the house. Mikey looked away from the doorway and down at you. He leaned down and kissed your forehead before whispering in your ear.
"Now I'm all yours."
#tokyo revengers#mikey sano#tokyo revengers smut#mikey x reader#bonten mikey#tokyo revengers x reader
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i say this all the time and send it to so many blogs but i cant get over jay and his size 😣 hes just so tall and muscular,,, and we know down there is pretty big 😵💫 when sza said i need a big boy she was talking ab him !! (at least i am)
while fucking he def has his little gf in a chokehold with his big biceps wrapped around her neck and he has her infront of the mirror so she can watch him pound into her... i think u get the picture ... ima let u write the rest bestie 😁
warnings: choking, reader is able to be lifted and is smaller than him, crying, he's 5'11 which is tall but still i write him like he's a 7 foot giant.

it's not so much a choke hold if he's not actively choking you. Rather, he's just forcing you to keep your head up, biceps flexing just up under your chin and pressing against all of your pulse points.
Okay, maybe it is a little bit of a choke hold, but it doesn't change the fact that you like it.
Jay can force you to look into that mirror all he wants. He's big enough to "force" you to do just about anything and you don't entirely mind that either. It's just...the one thing he can't make you do is look at yourself when he's right there. His eyes completely focused on where his hips meet your ass if he pulls back just enough, bouncing with strong and rough thrusts.
Your gaze always strays to him and the way his eyebrows knit together in either pleasure, pain, or concentration. It always draws a cheeky smile out of you as you stare into the mirror, only seeing your wrecked self in peripheral vision at this point.
Oh, but when he does meet your eye rather than his cock sinking into you, his gaze is even sharper and even more focused. He stares, he smirks, he fucking chuckles.
"Look at you," his raspy voice rings through the air as he leans forward against the shell of your ear. A sharp thrust pushing your body forward and making you brace your hands against the vanity. "You're so gone for me."
Another truth, and another chuckle.
He only fucks harder when you watch yourself in the mirror, and in turn he also only watches you through the very same surface. Both of you tuned into what he's able to do to you, for you, and for himself.
His larger body behind you is always distracting, but you can admit to loving what you see in yourself against the mirror when he does this more than when he doesn't.
When his strong arms release that grip around your throat, you always feel a tight grip of your ass in one of his hands, and the other gripping your face from behind and keeping your head forward. Only because you have a tendency to drop your face onto your own arms when you get the freedom to do so in this position.
The harsh grip against your face, squishing your cheeks and creating, arguably, hideous faces in the mirror only drive him further and further. Deeper and deeper, harder and harder. Until your eyes are burning and your throat is dry.
When he finally feels your tears hit his finger tips, then is when he will release your face, flipping you over, lifting you, and planting you right there on the same vanity before burying himself into you as deep as he can go.
And only then, is he forced to watch himself in the mirror.
#enhypen hard hours#enhypen smut#jay smut#.jay#.hard hours#thank u for indulging me kjdshfkjds#fakeuwus#ask#hardthots
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You know what else would be funny.
Tony knows Steve is kinky. Okay? They've been together a couple years and if he'd known what a horny beast he was unleashing when he asked Steve to give him a little spank once, he would have thrown himself on Steve's bed sooner. Steve likes to try everything once just to figure out if he likes it (although usually he insists on twice just to be sure) and Tony is very happy to be accommodating.
That being said, he knows Steve is holding something back. When Tony had casually mentioned a fantasy he'd always had of getting rescued-and-railed by a fireman, Steve had opened his mouth, then sort of drew in on himself, and closed it again. Tony has never seen shame on him, not when it comes to the bedroom, and it jars him. He wonders if it was something he did. Did he say something that would put Steve off? Had he done something that implied he wasn't trustworthy? Or maybe it's just none of his business. Tony tries to keep from pushing, from prodding, but he's bad at self-control when he wants something.
"You're not subtle," Steve says a few days later. He sounds amused, but he also doesn't continue, so. Maybe he's just pretending to be amused.
Tony doesn't know what to say. He's not subtle and he wants to know what Steve won't tell him and it's driving him crazy. Steve doesn't have to tell him everything, obviously, but he can't help but think something's wrong with him if Steve doesn't trust him. It doesn't make sense and he's too embarrassed to put words to it. It feels manipulative. Steve is allowed privacy. Tony just doesn't know how not to pick at something he wants to understand and that's his problem.
"Tony?" Steve asks, and Tony realizes he's been wringing his hands the entire time to distract himself from talking. Steve looks concerned now. "Sweetheart?"
"I think I'm gonna go work on the suit," Tony blurts out, but he doesn't really want to. Steve was going to make dinner. He was going to pretend to help and Steve was going to let him believe he actually had. He'd just come from working on the suit. Steve frowns, confused, and it makes Tony want to explode with anxiety and shame because he wants this to work so much and he's messing it up by reading into something he has no business reading. "Or, um, I have paperwork down there too."
He turns to leave, so he doesn't blurt out something really embarrassing, like 'did I do something wrong,' or 'why don't you trust me.' It's not even something important. It's Steve's smutty fantasy. Just because Tony hadn't been embarrassed to ask Steve to put on a firefighter uniform doesn't mean Steve has to reply in kind. That's not how relationships are supposed to work. It's fine. It's fine.
Steve lets him go, and Tony's not sure why that hurts so much. It's what he wanted. And it's better this way. He can't blurt out what's been eating at him. He can keep Steve a little longer before he messes everything up. He can soak up a little more happiness to hold close to his chest when things finally blow up. He just needs to take a moment, he decides, pacing up and down the floor of his workshop. Ask all the questions he wants to ask Steve but knows he shouldn't. Get them all out of his system. He can say the words down here, alone, and it'll keep him from saying them in front of Steve. If he just gets them out, he can go back up, sit down at the kitchen island like he wasn't just acting super weird, and ignore this ever happened.
Why won't Steve tell him? Does he not trust him? What did Tony do for Steve not to trust him? He thought they'd gotten past their rocky first meeting. Had they, though? Tony had honestly brushed off Steve's insults after the initial sting. People had said worse to him, and quite frankly, he hadn't been surprised to be found lacking by someone Howard idolized. But maybe his barb to Steve had cut deeper than he'd thought? He'd apologized for it. Hadn't he? Had he apologized enough? Or maybe--maybe this is one of those things that just never goes away. Does Steve look at him and think Tony still believes everything special about him came out of a bottle? Because he doesn't. Everything special about Steve is because he is Steve. The only thing the serum did was make him bigger.
He notices Steve leaning in the doorway to the workshop on his next turn, and the noise it tears out of him is terrible even to his own ears. "How much did you hear?" he asks, wondering how much he can backpedal. How much he can say was just nonsense he didn't really believe. How much he can convince Steve that he really is a good boyfriend please don't break up with him he'll figure this out and forget all about it please--
"It's dumb," is what Steve answers, and Tony just blinks at him, confused. "My fantasy. That's what this is all about, right? That's when you started acting weird. I didn't tell you because it's embarrassing how dumb it is, not because I don't trust you."
"Oh," Tony says, and he's relieved, but the nasty part of him that started all of this wonders what he did to make Steve think he'd laugh at him about it.
Steve just looks at him for a moment, not moving from his lean against the doorway. Finally, though, he shrugs. "I don't really care, but it's clearly bothering you, so. My fantasy is I wanna be your pool boy."
Tony blinks. That's it? All of his anxiety and... Steve wants to be his pool boy? Steve doesn't even like pools. The chlorine gives him a headache, but Tony can't go to a salted pool because it reminds him of his torture in Afghanistan, so they compromised by just not going to pools because neither of them even really like to swim.
"Just seeing you in your lounger," Steve continues with another shrug. "Wearing your bathing suit. Getting a tan. Relaxed. Maybe napping. Completely at ease. Sometimes I think about your rich husband neglecting you. So I take over for him and rail you in your lounger with the tanning oil for lube."
Tony blinks again, slowly, brain still feeling like TV snow. Stupidly, all he can think to answer is, "But I sunbathe naked," because he doesn't like tan lines.
"OH NO WHAT A CATASTROPHE," Steve answers loudly, finally stepping into the workshop. "You naked by the pool. You do seem like the type to tease your pool boy."
"Huh?" Tony splutters, then squawks when Steve lunges for him, and he can only blame himself for the fact that they don't eat until an hour later when his stomach rumbles loudly in the middle of round two.
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Brokenhearted (Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon Modern AU) (18+)
Read Chapter 15 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 16
Summary : Daemon's love and care has made your life easier post accident, however you can't help but feel that he's not being entirely truthful to you.
Warning: 18+, Smut, violent thoughts, stalking, Discussion of mensuration and Pregnancy, bloodshed, kidnapping, Abusive relationship, mention of rape, ptsd, toxic masculinity, gender norms, sexual abuse, Samantha, traumatic distressing content, Daemon is a big time smoker so if it’s something triggering don’t read it, alcohol drinking, mention of past trauma and therapy, cigarette smoking, possessive behaviour, violence, baby needs therapy, baby is trying
It had been two weeks since you returned home from the hospital. Daemon had practically moved in with you, and it felt like he had always been there. There was no official discussion, no grand gesture. You just found a luggage full of his stuff in your room one morning and none of you said anything about it. He was taking such good care of you that this whole traumatic incident didn't feel like the worst thing that had ever happened, even though it actually was the worst experience you had ever been through in your life.
You still had the recurring nightmares and you used to see a therapist before for anxiety issues so Daemon got in touch with her and she was visiting you as well to help you deal with the aftermath of the trauma the accident had left behind.
There was just one problem, just one tiny problem, you had this ugly sinking feeling in your gut that he was hiding something from you.
Everytime he left the center, he came home almost an hour later, which didn't make sense to you because it was merely a twenty minute drive. Viserys had told you that maybe he was going to his condo but when you had asked him the same he had denied doing so. He had told you that Samantha was there and he didn't want to see her under any condition.
The next evening you had your friends over at your apartment so when Daemon came back from work, he was already a bit distracted and seeing a group of ladies just lounging in your apartment was a bit of a surprise for him. You knew you had to introduce them to each other at some point so that's what you did. Once they left he sat down on the couch next to you and kissed you softly before he slumped onto the couch.
"Tired?" You asked him softly as you raised your right hand to caress his scalp,
"No..but that feels good…keep going" you smiled as he said that. You couldn't understand how he wasn't tired, he trained himself and the new guys that turned up at the center and he was basically your caretaker for the rest of the day, taking care of your diet and medicines that you needed and were too careless to take on time.
"You had fun i see" he mumbled, making you smile, it was nice to see your friends. You always enjoyed gushing about the guys you were seeing with them but Daemon was not just some guy, he was the love of your life.
Next day as he came home he found you in the kitchen trying to do whatever you can with one capable hand and you felt his eyes on the nurse Sally who was also a bit worried about the whole situation but more than that she feared his wrath for allowing you to do this.
"Stop glaring at her, I insisted, I practically forced her to let me do this" you told him so he sighed and rubbed his forehead with his hand before he spoke.
"You can leave for the day" he told Sally so she immediately scurried off as soon as she could.
"You scare people, you know that?"
"Good. What are you doing hmm? You're supposed to be resting so you could heal" he stood behind you and hugged you like that with his arm secured around your waist and chin down on your shoulder "You're making Cheese Burger"
"Yeah well i was going to surprise you but you are early today"
He didn't say anything for a few seconds and then he just placed a soft kiss on your cheek. He was early because he had decided to not feed Samantha today, she was difficult to break but he wasn't going to give up. He had come so far to take a step back now. He had left a candy bar on the bed yesterday though, even though he wanted to be as cruel as possible he couldn't actually bring himself to be that way.
"You are magnificent darling, if i could.. I'd just fuck you right about now" he mumbled in your ears and it made you feel all tingly.
"Well you absolutely can, you choose not to"
After eating while he was in the shower, you received a call from the owner of Cuisine waves telling you that they were hiring someone else in your place because they couldn't hold your job any longer. When Daemon stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and found you crying with your head smushed in the pillow he was immediately right next to you,
"What is it hmm?" He asked you firmly even though he was a bit terrified.
"I lost my job..they fired me" you mumbled between your sniffles and the sight made him tear up but there was also a small smile on his face
"That's it..that is what is making you bawl my silly girl?" He asked softly so you glared at him.
"I liked working there…I felt.. comfortable..i was there for four years for a reason" you sniffled again like a baby so he wiped your tears and kissed you.
"Yeah?? felt comfy there huh?" You nodded as he questioned you and then he pampered you all day long to comfort you.
Two days later you discovered that he had bought the diner and hired you back in your previous position. You didn't know whether to cry from the sweet sentimental gesture or be infuriated by his impulses. At the end you decided to cry indeed because you knew you'd never treat him the way Samantha did. He did something nice for you in the hope that it would make you happy and feel better so you weren't going to go all mommy on him and tell him that he needed to spend his money wisely. Also, he knew better about financial management than you did.
A week later while you were alone with Sally, she had received a call informing her about a family emergency and she asked you if she could leave so you didn't really think much of it and allowed her to go. When Daemon came home he was furious you could tell but he didn't really snap at you, no, he waited for a day, kept his anger bubbling until he saw Sally again and snapped at her instead.
However once he noticed the tears in her eyes he calmed down and strictly told her to not be so careless about your safety and inform him first if she had to go somewhere.
After she had left for the day, you were watching Daemon huffing and puffing still, cursing at every little inanimate object that seemed to have irked him somehow. He even had an argument with his hair brush for not being able to get rid of his tangles.
"Come here"
You mumbled softly so he grunted and then eventually walked towards you.
"What?" He asked you as he carefully got on top of you with one of his knees between your legs and the other on the left side of your thigh.
You curled your fingers around his neck and pulled him closer to kiss him, his body was stiff at first but soon he melted with your touch. As your hand wandered down he grabbed it swiftly and pulled away to look at you.
"What are you doing?"
"You know what I am doing"
You struggled against his hold so he allowed your hand to wander lower and you slipped it under the waistband of his trouser but he grabbed it again.
You halted in your tracks as he said that, you had to know what he was feeling, you had to be careful with him after everything he had been through.
"Is that a no in the sense that 'Stop it I'm uncomfortable' or no as in 'I want it but I'm scared I'm going to hurt you'
His brows crinkled as you said that and he placed his forehead down on yours,
"The latter ofcourse..I can't do this love..half of your limbs are broken and you know how I get when I'm fucking you" you bit on your lips as he said that. Your eyes were glittering with different emotions,
"When did you start to love me this much?" He narrowed his eyes at the question,
"Don't get too cocky"
"Okay but I never said anything about fucking now did i? Let me just.." You mumbled as you took his cock out and gave it a few strokes, he was already hard just from the close proximity and sexual whispering in his ear "You have been so grumpy.. let me fix that"
His breathing got heavier as you worked him up and down slowly.
"Look into my eyes" your tone was sharp so he glared at you and grabbed your chin with his fingers.
"Don't talk to me like that"
"Mmmm sorry..look at me dae pleaseee"
He kissed you deeply and passionately before he did what you had asked him to, his knee that was settled between your legs had inched closer to your heated core and as he pressed it right against your damp soaked clothed flesh you let out a loud gasp,
"You need this too don't you?" he snickered as your hips gyrated against his knee.
"Of Course i do ..it's been months, the last time I touched myself was night before the accident"
"And what were you thinking of when you pleasured yourself?"
"I thought about you and how good it would feel to have your fingers playing with me instead of mine"
His finger slipped under the waistband of your shorts and panties at once as he rubbed your wet dripping lips ,
"Mmm spread your leg darling, only one of them is broken..the other one works well" he commanded in an authoritative tone and the gravel in his voice made you moan,
"Gosh I miss this side of you Daemon "
"I know you do, pampering isn't enough for you is it? You need to be put in your place once in a while"
"Mmm yesss sir..I wish I could suck on your cock, drink all of the cum you're going to spill on me"
He moaned at your words and he really wanted to please you but the way you worked him up with your touch and your filthy words were making him lose all his inhibitions, he unbuttoned your shirt until your breasts were exposed and then his mouth sucked and nipped on the erect buds while his thumb rubbed in circles over your clit and middle finger curled inside your warmth.
You didn't really need much stimulation, you have been craving his touch for months now so when you came so suddenly he was only pleased with himself. His fingers were soaking wet as he pulled them out of you, looking right in your eyes he licked them all at once into his mouth, the way his full soft lips wrapped around his own digits was the most erotic sight you had ever witnessed in life.
The ecstatic look on his face gave you enough indication that he was close and you wanted to feel it all on you, you wanted to feel his warm cum on your skin.
"Cum all over me dae…please" your whiny begging voice pushed him over the edge and he aimed for your breasts as he let go, covering every inch of your tits in his glistening cum. The constant whisper of your name as he rode through his high was enough to turn you on again.
"Feeling better?" You asked him in a sheepish manner but he kissed you in response instead of answering and got off the bed to clean the mess he had made on you, once he was done he buttoned up your shirt.
"Was I too rough?" He asked you softly so you smiled,
"Noo come here" you opened your arms, well one arm to be precise, so he sighed before he leaned down and rested his head on your chest
"What's bothering you baby?"
"Nothing I'm just worried about you"
"I'm okay now..I'll be okay"
"I know I just…I'm being stupid'
"No you're not..you're adorable like this"
"Shut up"
When you woke up from the nap he wasn't there in the bed with you so you called out for him but when he didn't answer you picked up your phone and called him instead
"Darling you up?" He asked you
"Yess where are you?"
"At my condo..had to grab a few of my things" he said and you felt worried thinking about him being alone there with her.
"Ummmm okay..is she there?"
"Yeah" he mumbled as he looked at Samantha, all tied up in chains and bound on the bed still,
"Okay be careful baby and come back soon okay?"
Well he wasn't the one that had to be careful anymore.
"Will be there in a flash i promise"
"I love you" you mumbled softly so he smiled.
"I love you"
Once you hung up, he got up from the chair and walked towards Samantha to take the duct tape off her mouth and she immediately began to hurl verbal abuses towards him which didn't impress him at all, it's not that he hadn't heard her creative words before. He sat back down on the chair and glared at her for a moment before he spoke,
"All of this can end Samantha, you know that right? All you have to do is prove to me that you'd confess for your crime"
"I have given you my word you bastard" she yelled at him so he let out a sound of disapproval. He didn't trust her at all.
"But I don't believe you ..I don't trust you to not change your mind"
"Daemon if I die here you'd be in prison forever..is that what you want?"
"Well at least you'd be dead ey?" He smiled and her eyes welled up in tears of anger and hurt at the same time "Don't fret though, you think I'd let you get away so easily after what you have done to her? Just a slow torturous death? No no no no" He snickered as he leaned into his chair
"I want to watch you rot in prison sweetheart"
You were on the bed waiting for Daemon to come home, being almost bedridden wasn't fun to say the least, sure you were getting to spend plenty of time with him but when he wasn't there you felt absolutely alone.
"Where is the stuff?" You asked him as he entered the room all empty handed.
"In the car..ummm in the backseat of the car" he mumbled as he took his hoodie off and his shirt followed, you were only getting pudgier everyday while he only got hotter somehow. You wondered if Samantha said something to him but you decided to not bring her up.
"Once i recover I want you to train me back to shape"
He smiled as you said that and crawled into the bed to get on top of you, you could smell the cologne mixed with the aroma of freshly burnt cigarette on him.
"In shape you silly girl? You're all perfect but I'll help you get healthy if that's what you desire" he grabbed your chin and talked to you as if you were a petulant child.
"Yeahh ..that .."
"What do you want for dinner?"
"You had me ..no more exertion..what else?"
There was a smile on his face and it made you smile even wider.
"You seem..in a good mood"
"Yeah you put me there with your little stunt this afternoon" you couldn't help but giggle at his words but then your expressions turned somber.
"I'm bored Daemon..I'm losing my mind over here"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You're doing enough for me..I can't ask you to be here with me 24/7" he sighed before he got off the bed and quickly walked towards the closet to put his shirt on again.
"Let's go"
"Come on …I want to show you something "
He picked you up as carefully as he could and made you sit down on the couch as he went back in the room to grab the car keys, then he picked you up again and took you downstairs.
"Where are we going?"
You got quiet as he gave you the eyes, he really wanted to wait for your birthday but he figured this would brighten your mood. Halfway on the road he made you close your eyes and when you opened it you were right in front of the diner. From outside it looked different, he was getting the exteriors changed now that he owned it but that was not what took you by surprise, you gasped as you looked at the new name of the diner. It was no longer Cuisine waves.
"Silly's Cheeseburger" you read the name out loud so he looked at the diner,
"It's so fucking stupid I know..I just wanted you to have a place where you'd feel at home even when you're at work and perhaps think of me every time you see the name"
He chuckled as he looked your way and he was expecting you to laugh or give him eyes or something but he saw you sniffing and crying instead, those were the tears of happiness for a change. He immediately took his seat belt off and scooted closer to comfort you,
"Sentimental little thing aren't you?"
"Shut up ..this is ..the sweetest thing..i ..oh god"
"Hey hey hey okay no crying..no more yeah?" He cooed in your ears as he embraced you as tightly as he could without hurting you. Once you had calmed down a bit he stepped out and opened the door on your side to pick you up so he could take you inside, it was all empty in there due to the renovation. The diner was going through a complete transformation.
"Wait where are ..what about the other staff?"
"Don't worry, they're all off with pay..it will reopen a week later..on your birthday" you gasped again as he revealed that.
"Gosh Daemon i love this..i love you …but is this really the best use of your money? I don't want you to regret it in future"
He smiled as you said that and made you sit down on the bill counter, cupping your cheeks he made you look at him,
"This is not just a financial investment, this place is the reason why you were there in the alley that night, the reason why I met you..why I am no longer just living but alive. I'd never ever regret anything that involves you my love, now I'd shut up because you're going to cry again and I don't like little girls who cry all the time "
You bit on your cheeks as he said that and pulled him closer to kiss him as lovingly as you could.
"You know we are not far apart in age right?"
He chuckled as you said that.
"I'm jesting darling, you can cry all you want but –"
"You hate it I know" he nodded in affirmation.
"Want to see your favorite place?"
"Do you even have to ask?"
You giggled as he picked you up again and took you to the kitchen, it was newly furnished as well, you didn't even recognise it at first.
"New burners oh my gosh, we have been complaining for so long..wait a minute– " a look of realization flashed on your face so he raised his brows .
"Does that mean you're my boss now?"
"Technically yeah..don't look so shocked though ..you know I'm your boss any which ways"
"Haha funny..do you think people will hate me for fucking the boss?" He grimaced as you said that,
"You're so crude and no.. I think they'd suck up to you instead"
"I don't want that either"
"Are you happy?"
"I'm more than happy right now dae, you have no idea how amazing you are"
Only if you knew what he was capable of he thought.
While he was grabbing dinner you were in the car by yourself and something felt off but you couldn't put your finger on it, you had the same sinking feeling in your chest now but you didn't understand why. However as soon as you were back in your apartment suddenly it dawned on you.
You looked at him as he was taking the food out, contemplating whether to ask him the question or not. He seemed happy and relaxed for once and you didn't want to ruin that but then you didn't understand why he was lying to you.
There was nothing in the backseat of his car, none of his belongings, he went to his condo to bring his stuff but he came back empty handed and he told you that his things were in the backseat of his car but you had just been there and it was empty so why did he lie to you?
Where did he go? Was he still seeing Samantha or was he in some sort of trouble with her? Millions of questions bothered you and you knew you had to figure out the truth sooner than later.
Taglist (please check your setting if I’m not able to tag you)
@simbaaas-stuff @ajthefujoshi @witchybitch2 @hypocritic-trash-baby @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @thefallenangel21n @kmc1989
#daemon targaryen x reader#daemon targaryen x female reader#daemon targaryen x reader angst#daemon targaryen x reader fluff#daemon targaryen x reader smut#non canon#modern au#read the warnings
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Tharn hissed slightly at the twinge of pain in his abdomen, instinctively moving his hand to gently cradle and protect the spot. He hadn't expected the warmth of Phaya’s hand against the back of his or the way he so gently stroked his thumb over his knuckles. He wondered if he would ever get used to the way Phaya’s touch drew an electric current through his veins.
“I'm… I'm sorry. You got hurt because of me.” he sounded so mournful, as if he was taking the weight of everything on his own shoulders. Tharn couldn't allow that, not when he’d acted entirely of his own volition, his own drive to keep the people he lov- to keep the people close to him safe.
“It was just a coincidence. It wasn't your fault,” he sighed under his breath, wondering how many more times he could get away with calling it a coincidence, how many more times he would have to lie to Phaya. “I was just doing my job.”
Why can't you understand that the thought of losing you is worse than any injury I might receive? I can't watch you die, I can't lose anyone else. My job is to keep you safe.
Tharn watched as Phaya also sighed softly, clearly displeased with his answer in some way. His thoughts were interrupted as he watched Phaya’s tongue wet his lips, just the smallest slide back and forth. It was enough to drive him to distraction, to remember the way they’d tasted against his own that night in the garden. A goodnight kiss Phaya had called it. He wondered if a goodnight tasted the same as a goodbye.
His eyes snapped back up, meeting Phaya’s own concerned gaze and he swallowed down the guilty sensation welling up in his stomach. Why did Phaya bring this out in him? This constant craving for more he couldn’t quite suppress? Sometimes he felt like a different person entirely when he was around.
“When you got hurt I was really afraid you'd die. I don't want to feel like that anymore.”
Tharn choked down the apology he wanted to give. He couldn’t apologize, couldn’t say he wouldn’t do it again. He’d do it as many times as it took to keep Phaya safe. This was his role in life, a role he’d accepted long ago.
“I promise that from now on I'll always listen to everything you say. Please don't leave me.”
Those four words brought an insurmountable ache to his chest, one far stronger than the dull throbbing in his side. He’d been asked before not to put himself in danger, to worry less about making amends for his past. He’d never been asked to stay. Phaya could have said anything else, could have urged him to be safe, to be careful. Instead, he’d asked Tharn not to leave him. The words begged a thousand questions but Tharn found himself far too afraid of the answers.
“I'm not going to leave you. We're on the same team. How can I leave you?” The answer spilled out before he’d truly thought it through, one question sneaking past his grasp. And how could he? He finally felt whole, as if half of his soul had slotted back in place and allowed him to take the first full breath in his life. Perhaps he was selfish, but he couldn’t simply walk away from something like that, not now that he’d finally found it.
“What about… you thinking that I told Chalothorn about your dream?” Tharn still had no idea where that notion had come from, what had sparked such rage in Phaya. He would never divulge his secret, not when it was so very close to his own. He knew what Chalothorn thought of him, thought of his visions, even if it came from a place of gentle concern.
“Are you still mad at me?” Phaya’s anger towards him had been more painful than any knife to the gut.
The warmth of Phaya’s palm against his neck was startling at first, then comforting, and then impossibly confusing. Tharn couldn’t help the way his mind wandered to that fucking dream. The memory of soft purple lights and the warmth of the shower, of the gentle pressure at his back and the intoxicating squeeze around his neck. It lit a fire in his veins, clawing and hungry, and he quickly did everything he could to push it to the back of his mind once more, to give Phaya his undivided attention in the moment.
“I don't care anymore. I already told you, I'll listen to everything you say.”
Tharn had to believe that, had to believe Phaya had forgiven him or perhaps never truly blamed him in the first place. Fear was a powerful thing, it could drive people to lash out, to blame, to hurt. He was only glad he still had Phaya's trust, the relief like a weight lifted from his chest.
“I'm sorry for being an asshole.”
Phaya looked so repentant, so filled with remorse, and yet Tharn had never been angry with him. He ran his tongue along the inside of his lip, the taste of copper on the tip of his tongue as he ran it against where his teeth had cut into him. He knew immediately it had been an accident, had seen it in the way Phaya's face had morphed into quiet shock. No, he'd never blamed him for an instant.
“It's okay. I'm glad you're safe.” It was as much a reminder for himself as for Phaya, because the reality was Phaya very nearly hadn't been safe. Because of him. Always because of him.
Before he could overthink it he reached up and curled his fingers around Phaya's wrist. He wanted so badly to turn his head just slightly, to press his lips to the strong and steady thrum of Phaya's pulse. He settled for gently stroking his fingertips over the fluttering point, over the proof that he had done his job. He'd kept Phaya safe.
Slowly, Tharn lifted his eyes and met the intensity of Phaya's gaze. He was always struck by it, by the way it felt like he could peer past the cool facade he kept up, past the walls he'd erected to keep people from getting close. And perhaps he could, because each day it felt like Phaya brought a chisel to those walls and dismantled them brick by methodical brick.
He wanted Phaya, wanted to press their lips together, to linger in each other's embrace, to soak up the warmth of one another. It was a simple truth he could no longer deny, no matter how badly he wanted to.
Perhaps in another life they could have had that. Perhaps in another life Phaya was his and he was Phaya's and they loved with their whole selves. Perhaps in another life their story ended differently.
(disclaimer: none of this is from the novel, i haven't read the novel, i just like doing character studies of them and rotating them in my head like a skyrim loading screen)
#oat writes#the sign#🌸the sign#the sign the series#phayatharn#character study#oat gifs#sorry for the sporadic gaps in gifs#it's mostly dialogue#so i figured it wasn't worth it for filler#happy the sign day i hope we all enjoy the new episode
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A Little Thing
[Very short. Dew learns he's a dad and takes things in stride. Mentions of a baby being in the NICU.] Below the cut.
Dew stares at the incubator, watching a tiny hand wrap around his finger.
"She's so small..." he whispers, awestruck, and the nurse beside him smiles sweetly.
"Strong though. Very strong." she assures him, "She's getting better at eating on her own."
"...And her mom?" he asks, gasping when he feels the tiniest squeeze on his pinkie.
"She looked well." she informs him, looking down at the clipboard in her hands, "...She hasn't changed her mind though. She signed the papers this morning and-"
"...When can I take her home?"
The nurse hums thoughtfully.
"I can't guarantee it will be soon, but she has been looking better over the last day or so." she says, "If she manages to get through her next couple of feedings without issue, she should be able to go home as early as this Friday, so long as she passes the car seat test."
"...And if she doesn't?" Dew frets, "What happens then?"
"She'll stay here a little longer then."
"I see... Did..." Dew wets his lips, "Did her mom... did her mom give her a name?"
She shakes her head.
Dew looks down at the baby.
His baby.
At her little, scrunched up face, at the little birthmarks that sit either side of her forehead where she'd have horns if she were a full ghoul kit, and at the subtle point to her ears....
He laughs.
"I can't think of a single name." he runs his free hand over his face, "I didn't... I haven't brainstormed a single one."
Dew tries not to overthink things, tries to focus on what the NICU staff told him, but it's hard not to when he's here, home, in the kitchen, while the baby is back at the hospital.
He feels like he's left a piece of himself back there.
An important, precious piece that he needs to get back as soon as-
"Dew? Dewy? Why're you pacing a bag of potatoes?" Swiss claps his hands, drawing Dew from his thoughts.
"...She weighs 6lbs." he mumbles, hefting the bag, "She weighs 6lbs. Swiss, that's not a lot, but I keep... I keep thinking. I keep thinking how that's not a lot..."
"She...? Who? Dew, bud, are you okay?"
"...I went by the hospital earlier." he says, "She's 6lbs."
"Oh." Swiss' eyes widen, recalling what Dew had told them a month ago now, "Oh, wow, that's... that's earlier than..."
He clears his throat.
"She though? You've got a daughter then?"
And that makes Dew pause.
"Yeah... Y-Yeah, I've got a daughter." he sets the bag down, feeling a little lost without something in his arms, "Swiss, I'm a dad."
Swiss wraps his own around the shorter ghoul, rubbing his back
"You're a dad."
Dew's eyes water as he settles into the embrace, sniffling.
"I'm a dad."
It takes about a week before his daughter can come home.
She wails most of the car ride home, thankfully, Dew isn't the one driving -Swiss is, because he offered first, much to Cirrus' disappointment, because, "I can only bring one other person into the NICU-"...-, so he can focus most of his energy on soothing her, which goes better than expected considering she's asleep by the time he gets the car seat unlatched and brings it stealthily (Again, Swiss is a real champ for this one, distracting curious siblings and other clergymen as Dew tries to sneak an entire living creature inside the building undetected and unbothered.) down to the ghouls' den.
The others are already waiting for him when he arrives, sat in the common room trying desperately not to get up from their seats to steal the baby greet him.
"She's so little..." Rain breathes, cradling Dew's baby in his arms on the couch.
"She gets that from her daddy." Swiss jokes, earning a small slap on the back from Cirrus, "Sorry."
"She's big for a kit." Aether hums, brushing a hand over the loose, black curls on the baby's head, "That's probably why she came so early... kits are usually half her size when they're born."
"What did you wind up naming her?" Sunny asks, turning to Dew, who is anxiously waiting for his friends to return his baby to him, which they do, once Swiss nudges Rain to give her back.
"Lily." Dew says, adjusting his grip, "...I thought, I thought it was kind of cute."
Dew flushes when the others coo.
"So, are we still going through with the plan?" Aether asks and Dew nods.
"Plan?" Cumulus raises an eyebrow, "What's this?"
Aether moves to sit beside Dew.
"Well... someone will need to stay home with Lily when tour starts, because a tour bus is no place for a newborn, let alone with a bunch of sleep deprived musicians..." Aether begins, "And you all know I've been wanting to take a break from traveling so much, and Dew's contract is still ongoing so... We're gonna co-parent?"
"You sneaky little-" Cirrus huffs, turning to Dew, "When were you going to tell us this?"
"I was going to tell you a little later on, but, well..." Dew dips his chin towards the baby in his arms, "...timeline jumped forward a bit."
"...And Mountain is okay with a baby living in his room part time?" She questions, looking to the tall ghoul, who has yet to say anything beyond a very tiny, "Hello" upon getting his turn to hold Lily.
"What's one more flower?" Mountain shrugs, "I already share a room with one baby-"
"-Point is, I'm fine with it." he says, "...Besides, I'm sure we're all going to wind up babysitting this little one from time to time, so I might as well get used to a bit of crying. Again, from Dew, not the baby-"
"I don't cry-"
The others look at him.
"-often. I don't cry often."
"It's hormones."
"...I hate you guys."
#Lamp writes#shitghosting#nameless ghouls#dewdrop ghoul#ghost band#ghost bc#the band ghost#ghost band fanfic#Dew The Dad
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wip game: sext
Jason ditches them both in Prague and heads back to Gotham the long way. He doesn't answer when Roy tries calling his burner, though he does text their very small group chat a vague confirmation that he isn't dead again yet a day or three later. Kori immediately sexts him in response, but he's pretty sure that she just still thinks that's how texting works.
Look, he hasn't corrected the misassumption.
Fuck, she is just unfairly attractive all the time, though, isn't she. And even more so when he's desperately trying to avoid her and also his emotions.
Roy also sexts him, and is also unfairly attractive despite being who he is as a person. Then the two of them get distracted sexting each other instead, and Jason just lets himself pretend that they can't see his "read" receipts as he follows along.
So he hadn't been all that subtle about how much of a turn-on it'd been the handful of times that they'd gone at each other during his heat despite both being alphas, okay? Sue him. Who the fuck could've been? Not fucking Dick, that's for fucking sure.
Jason is pretty sure that he will never again see anything as mind-meltingly, panty-soakingly hot as the sight of Roy taking Kori's big fat knot in Jason's own damn heat nest and whining for it in his alpha voice while she so-sweetly told him what a good bitch he was being. Just–nope. No. Definitely not.
Jason didn't even know alpha voices could whine like that. Like, he had not been any kind of aware that was an actual thing that an actual alpha voice could actually do.
Also they were both a lot more flexible than he'd ever really let himself think about too much before.
And had a lot more . . . endurance.
So that'd all been very extremely destructive to his sanity, yeah. And his higher thought processes. And just his . . . everything, pretty much. Pretty much his everything.
Kori and Roy keep sexting the group chat with annoyingly helpful visual aids until Jason has to stop in a shitty motel just outside of Gotham and fuck himself stupid for a few hours, because they're the literal worst teammates in the literal entire world and he hates them both and also he wants both their stupid fucking knots in him right fucking now and Lian can be the flower-bearer and the ring-girl as far as he's concerned, he doesn't even care.
Jason catches up with the group chat, takes a very, very cold shower, and then drives the rest of the way towards Gotham. He does not check his phone even one more time, because knowing Roy and Kori he'd probably crash his fucking bike if he did.
He doesn't think about any fucking romance novel bullshit either.
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i’m gonna say 🔀 for steddie and also perhaps steve/barb if that floats ur boat (it’s a rare pair kinda day)
OOOOOOO the steddie angst that comes to mind with this........
I got appointments, work I have to do Keeping me so busy all the day through They're the things that keep me from thinking of you
i'm thinking businessman steve who travels constantly for work and meets eddie at a bar some night while he's passing through. they hit it off immediately, they have great sex, but steve lets him know that he's not looking for anything serious. that work comes first.
eddie's so fine with this.
until steve keeps passing through hawkins. keeps seeing eddie. keeps calling eddie. keeps giving eddie glimpses of himself through their intimate nights and then disappearing before the sun is even up.
eddie used to just have one job, now he has three. teaching guitar lessons at the instrument store, gas station clerk, and a boring office job where he enters data all day. he had to get more jobs because he can't stand being home. he can't stand eating dinner by himself, crawling into an empty bed, all the silence, all the loneliness. he's like a lovesick puppy at home and it's not good for him.
so he keeps busy. only home to sleep before his alarm clock blares and he's out and about.
only tonight, there's a mice infestation at the gas station. place is closed down until it's solved. he has a night off and he's dreading every moment.
eddie slumps up to his front door and opens the door to steve.
with a bouquet of roses.
"honey, you're home," steve jokes. looking like a fucking dream in his work suit. eddie pinches the inside of his elbow. nope, not dreaming.
"what are you doing here?" eddie asks. "how did you get in?"
steve awkwardly lowers the bouquet and rubs a hand on the back of his neck sheepishly.
"uh, your neighbor let me in," steve explains.
eddie is gonna have a stern word with mrs. driscoll about letting strangers into his house. but he can't help but feel the automatic relief seeing the man who runs through his head 24/7 standing right in front of him.
eddie finally closes the door behind him and walks up to steve. he takes the roses, admiring them in his arms. steve kisses his forehead and it's so intimate that eddie wants to cry.
"how long are you here for?" eddie whispers.
"just for the night," steve whispers. he sounds almost sad. eddie chalks that up to his own utter exhaustion. a delusion. because work always comes first. eddie knows that.
eddie places the roses on his coffee table and runs his hands up steve's chest. he twirls his hand around his tie, bringing him in for a deep kiss. one that has steve groaning into his mouth.
"this is nice but--" steve says in between kisses.
"hmm?" eddie answers as he peppers kisses down steve's jaw.
"i thought we could get dinner or something," steve says. this gives eddie pause. he pulls away to look at steve with an eyebrow raised.
"like a date?" eddie questions.
"yeah," steve replies with that fucking charming smile.
"that's not what we do," eddie states, venom lacing his words. he doesn't mean it to come off that way but he can already picture steve leaving tomorrow morning and it's breaking his heart.
"i know but maybe it's something we can do," steve whispers, kissing eddie's cheek. his eyes are so hopeful, it melts eddie's brain.
"okay," eddie agrees though there is alarm bells going off in his head. every thought he has is "turn back, stop, don't do this." he doesn't listen to any of it.
they get dinner. at a place eddie could never afford, even with his steve distraction-guided income. steve is a perfect gentleman the entire meal. eddie feels drunk off of it or maybe that's the expensive ass wine he's been sipping.
when they get back to eddie's apartment, steve takes his time taking eddie apart. kissing every inch of skin. hands wandering, exploring, teasing. driving him absolutely insane. every time eddie tries to reciprocate, steve waves him off. says that tonight is about him.
after arguably the best sex they've ever had, the most intimate and personal sex they've ever had, eddie is laying his head on steve's chest. his throat feels tight as steve lightly scratches his back, humming along to the radio.
eddie's hands unconsciously clutch onto him tightly. that maybe if he held on tight enough that steve wouldn't have to go. steve could work here. be here. stay with eddie forever.
steve hisses, chuckles, and gently pries one hand away. "you okay?" steve asks.
"yeah, sorry," eddie grumbles. he tries to roll away but steve just pulls him back.
"wanna talk about it?" steve says into his hair.
"sounds like you do."
eddie huffs and sits up enough to rest his chin on steve's pec. steve is looking at him with the softest expression but it turns worried the longer eddie frowns at him.
"what?" steve asks. "did you not like what we did?"
"of course i liked it. i always like it."
"well, i'd hope so."
"i like it too much."
"i'm not following."
eddie huffs and hides his face in steve's chest. he can feel tears brewing in his eyes. he can't cry in front of the man who told him all those months ago that this is strictly casual.
"you should go, steve," eddie mumbles.
"i can find you a hotel."
eddie yanks himself out of steve's hold. can't look him in the eye. he gets out of bed, slips on his boxers, and runs a hand over his face.
"it's better if you just go now," eddie whispers, voice cracking.
steve sits up, slides out of the bed, and walks up to eddie slowly. he tilts his chin up and sees eddie's watering eyes. he caresses eddie's cheek even as eddie squeezes his eyes closed.
"i don't want to go," steve whispers.
"you're going to eventually anyway," eddie bites back.
"i never want to," steve confesses.
eddie blinks his eyes open, a few stray tears escaping down his cheeks. "what?"
steve exhales and presses his forehead against eddie's. "i never want to leave you, eddie. why do you think i keep coming back?"
"for your job--"
"no," steve interrupts with a small frustrated groan. "well, yes, but they get me a hotel every time, eddie. but i choose to come back to you. i choose to see you. every time."
"because we're sleeping together--"
"eddie, i'm gonna shake you," steve threatens with a huff of a laugh. he presses the gentlest kiss on eddie's lips and eddie can't help but succumb to the feeling. "i like you. that's why i keep coming back. i miss you every fucking minute on the road. i hate, hate leaving you. honestly, i was just waiting for you to tell me not to come back."
"i wouldn't. i want you here, steve. with me."
"then come back to bed."
send me a 🔀 and a pairing, and i’ll shuffle my playlist and make an au based on the first song that comes up
#THIS TURNED OUT WAY LONGER THAN I ANTICIPATED LSKJFLKSDFJ#listen businessman yuppiecore steve rotates in my brain ALL THE TIMEEEE#shuffle song ask game#steddie#steddie ficlet#steddie au#asks
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2, 4, 8, 15, & 18 forrrrr all the gnomes please 🙏
2. What role would your OC fill in a friend group?
Idri - Oh she's 100% driving this thing. 'Hey you guys wanna hang out?' 'OH we should check out that new place--' 'GUESS WHO JUST BOUGHT NERF GUNS. MEET ME AT THE PARK IN TEN NOT A DRILL'. Melliwyk - Guy who's actually really fun to hang out with but always has something else going on every single time you invite her to do anything; just has to be dragged out of her house for her own good once in awhile Felix - Seems nice, but so quiet you're only vaguely aware of him-- and then one night it's 3am after a house party or a night out and everyone else went home or fell asleep or passed out and you've somehow ended up talking about your childhood trauma and your fraught relationship with your dad; he's the guy you're talking to. Also brings snacks but mostly nobody realizes that was him Indigo - If Idri's saying 'you guys wanna see me do a backflip off the roof of the garage' Indigo is cheerfully offering to get popcorn. Up For Whatever friend, doesn't intervene in probably bad ideas because they kinda just wanna see what happens. There's also a really specific flavor of Theater Kid energy to their general vibe and sense of humor that may be more a My High School Friend Group thing specifically? lmao. relaxed and intentionally eccentric. cheshire cat vibes
The rest under the cut!
4. How do they act when they’re sick, and does it change depending on who they’re around or how sick they are?
idri - complaaaains. doesn't waaanna be siiiiiick this suuuucksssss WEHHH. is intentionally melodramatic because being silly about it makes her feel a little better. is silly even harder when she's Really Sick to distract herself from being worried about it

melliwyk - highkey stubbornly denies it as much as she possibly possibly can get away with, makes herself worse, and then is a grumpy cantankerous ass if she really does have to admit that she can't keep working through it and has to rest instead. Allows herself to be taken care of but is irritable about it the whole time felix - injured animal who finds a private hole to curl up and quietly die in. if he's Not That Sick he'll always insist that he's fine, really, and make himself scarce for several days rather than argue about it; if he's more seriously ill and can't successfully hide it, he won't fight being tended to but he'll be stressed out the entire time indigo - hyperbolically dramatic if it's not very serious-- alas, I am laid low... my thread of fate nears its end.... If you could bring some tea, it may be... my last request....... -- but more serious, themself, if they're more seriously ill; quiet, daydreamy. Polite and gracious if they're being tended to. Probably the only one of these idiots who would go to a doctor if they really needed to without having to be forced to by someone else
8. What’s something that your OC owns that means the world to them? What’s something they own that they don’t like, but can’t bring themself to part with?
idri - All her lockpicks and other tools were inherited from her mentor, Silas; also, her swords and daggers were all gifts from her circus friends when she left to take up adventuring, and they all mean a lot to her. On the other hand, she relatively recently learned that Silas was actually murdered, and that his killers left a calling card, a foreign coin which she now has; it makes her uncomfortable, but it also seems weird to get rid of it. (further complicated by the even more recent revelation that Silas is alive after all and his death was staged to avoid that murder. It's all very weird and complicated!) melliwyk - There was a children's book, The Queen's Lament, already on the shelves when mel moved into her house; at the time she didn't think much of it, but it has since taken on new meaning after we learned what it meant and why it was left there, and now it serves as a memento for her now-departed house ghost. And god she has a TON of stuff she Hates that she Won't get rid of fgjkhgfd :'D Potion of Hollowness (kills the drinker, destroys their soul and resurrects their body without one), magic cleaver we found in the secret horrorshow chop shop full of chunks of animated corpses (already hated this on principle but recently learned it also severs a little bit of soul if you cut off a body part with it), infernal book bound in human flesh, ring of water elemental command that Probably compells you to start a kraken cult and also seems to hate zhartook personally.... we could do this all day lmao. But it's all magic items, and a lot of it might have real use in the coming fight, she can't just GET RID OF THINGS just because they're ICKY-- felix - He's kind of an easy-come easy-go fellow wrt belongngs; he tends to lose stuff a lot (stolen, dropped and couldn't be recovered, left behind in an emergency) so he tries not to get too attached to anything, but he's managed to hang onto his cloakpin for years-- it was a gift from a little girl whose lost cat he found and returned to her, and he cherishes it. He's not crazy about carrying cultist robes around, but there's a chance he might still need them. indigo - Their star-map golden eye was a collaboration between themself and their teacher; with it they carry the stars wherever they go. As their belongings go, it means everything to them. They have several mundane paper star charts in their collection, and they really don't like them At All but they keep them around in case the captain or anyone else needs to reference them for some reason
15. How does your OC take up space? What do they do with their hands when they talk, or how do they sit in chairs?
idri - she's BIG. she's my smallest gnome, but she's got the biggest personality, and it gives her a big presence; she's energetic, she's got Jumpin Boots and puts them to good use, she talks and gestures theatrically, she sits on tables, she'll sit on your shoulder if you're big enough and seem open to it. part of what makes her so good at stealth is that her normal behavior is such that if idri's around, she's extremely noticeable, so if she makes an effort to get small and quiet it makes for a very effective vanishing act just under the cover of her own typical presentation. melliwyk - mel stands pretty upright, if not leaned back a little; she tends to sort of bustle about, and has really expressive, animated body language, talking with her hands and gesturing often, rolling her eyes with her whole head, and soforth. she shrimps like a motherfucker, though-- if she's sitting she's almost always hunched over something, even if it's just reviewing her own notes while obligatorily picking at breakfast felix - on his own, he takes up exactly as much space as he takes up. he's small enough that he rarely feels he needs to make himself smaller in normal circumstances, usually taking a relaxed posture, but he generally keeps within his own space, walking with his hands in his pockets, or sitting and drawing, smoking, or resting a hand on his chin. he talks with his hands a little bit (or a lot, of course, if he's signing), but in a more reserved way, relatively close to the body. leans the fuck in when he's interested in something, sitting or standing. shrinks into himself when he's stressed, and/or just leaves altogether, if he can indigo - languid at rest, sprightly in motion. they'll lounge, lean on stuff, throw an arm over the back of the seat. I think they stand with their arms crossed often, but gesture rather broadly while speaking. they don't go out of their way to take up space, but they don't really bother making any special effort not to either
18. If they can or would drive, what would their car be like?
idri - idri drives a mini cooper and treats 'driving to the mall' like it's gokarting. it's got stickers and decals on the back and probably a couple little plastic toys in the windshield; the back seat's cluttered but the cockpit's tidy and the exterior is always clean and shiny melliwyk - before she got magic narcolepsy and couldn't drive anymore melliwyk was out here building chitty chitty bang bang in her garage out of one of those weird little novelty cars you see sometimes that look like they were made up for a peewee herman movie. 'how in god's name is that thing road legal' type car. rube-goldberg-breakfast-machine-ass car felix - he'd much rather walk, or take a bus or train! if he had to have a car it'd probably be some really old and cheap used sedan, but he'd take really good care of it until it gave out. there's a first aid kit and some stuff like rope, heavy gloves, old blankets, and probably a pet carrier in the back just in case. ... actually, if he had a car, he'd probably just go ahead and live in there 🤔 indigo - [steeples fingers] I'm gonna go with my gut on this one; I had the thought 'they want a convertible' and also 'they wanna be able to drive into the mountains' simultaneously, so I think... they've got a jeep? roof off, wind in their hair, looking for adventures
ask about my OCs! :D
#ragsy#YEEEAAHHH GOOD QUESTIONS THANK YOU!!!#all indigo responses subject to change if I start playing them and find out I was wrong btw lmao#just feelin em out you know. pokin around the corners of their whole deal. hey bud what's up with you#mel rarely even drives she just goes 'ugh why can't I do [x] in here' every time she's in the car and then tinkers [x] into it#it's probably not road legal tbqh#loves that thing though. all the gnomes will have named their cars of course but I don't have those in my pocket right now lol#ask thing#my OCs#idri#melliwyk#felix#indigo#look at my gnomes boy
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Smother the Flame in Your Heart - Part XXIV

Read previous parts here or read on Ao3 // Playlist
Pairing: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka
Word Count: ~4700
Warnings: a little angst, some mild sexual content
Well, my friends, we've made it to the last chapter. I never know when I'm going to end a fic, I just feel it out, and once the idea for this chapter kept rolling through my mind and growing, the definitive conclusion just seemed so right. I can't believe we've been following these two (three if you include Jake lol) since October! I love writing series so much and this is my first complete Danny x Sam series <3 I do have thoughts about reviving Gold Isn't Everything, if any of you remember my cowboy AU slash series...anyway, thank you all for reading and commenting and supporting! Vampire Danny x Juice Box Sam forever <3
Things were tense despite both of their best efforts. Danny remained on edge–it made him flighty and uncomfortable, and his stress rubbed off on Sam like a rash. Sam had been trying to make Danny feel better–feel more assured and safe. Nothing he tried was working.
One silver lining was, Sam had been looking for an excuse to get away anyway, and Danny’s ongoing anxiety about being “caught” in Detroit motivated him to make a plan. Originally, it was just going to be the two of them camping–pitching a tent, hiking, tending a fire, cooking and drinking out in the woods was always something Sam looked forward to once nicer weather rolled around, and it would be the first time he got to do it with Danny. But of course, once the twins caught word of his plan they latched onto it and invited themselves. Sam had tried to protest but it was Danny who actually agreed that they should join. Sam wanted to protest that too, but ultimately decided that if his vampire boyfriend needed all of the distractions, so be it. He’d deal with it. Just as long as they had separate tents.
They went up north, where the groves of pine trees and fir trees became so thick and full that the dense green of them seemed endless; birch trees also surrounded their campsite, which was hardly anything more than a choppy section of grass and a crude fire pit in the middle. There was barely enough room for the two tents but they made it work–just enough, anyway. At least there was a creek flowing behind the site–that would help with some noise cancellation, Sam thought, because the entire drive he’d been thinking about how badly he wanted Danny to fuck him in their tent. Well, before the twins integrated themselves, he wanted to fuck Danny right on the dirt in front of the fire pit. A forcibly quiet handjob in their tent wasn’t as alluring, but he’d have to take whatever he could get.
He was a little nervous about all of it, he had to admit to himself. A little day trip to Detroit with walls of art to keep them mentally occupied was one thing–a camping trip where all of them were so together was another, and Sam’s thoughts kept drifting to Jake. He had no concerns about where he stood with Danny–he was confident that he really was Danny’s one and only–but he still had concerns about where Danny stood in Jake’s mind. They hadn’t really talked about it. Sam had just decided he no longer cared. But he did. Just a little.
He certainly cared enough to intercept when Jake proposed a hike with just him and Danny, intending to leave Sam and Josh behind. No way was Sam ready for that to happen so, despite actually wanting to hang back at camp, strip down and explore the creek rather than a trail, he turned it into a whole group thing.
Josh led the way, a dislodged tree branch that he’d found not long into their journey fashioned as a walking stick. It was a hot afternoon and Sam could already see the sheen of sweat on the back of his brother’s neck, beads dripping down behind his ears. Sam was sweating too, even more so because he kept having to swat mosquitoes away. Jake, on the other hand, looked perfectly at ease each time Sam looked back at him trailing behind and it was pissing him off.
He also kept trying to walk in step with Danny, but Danny and Sam were walking together and there wasn’t much room leftover on the trail. So it was easy enough to keep Jake away from the two of them then, like Sam was keeping those mosquitoes at bay, but after the four of them ascended up a slightly rocky hill, the trail widened. Jake shuffled up to meet Danny’s side faster than Sam could even realize, too busy trying to catch his breath.
Whatever. It’s not like anything was going to happen as long as he was there, Sam decided, and it’s not like anything would happen anytime, anywhere regardless. Still, it was so annoying to have Jake fumble his way into their space and into their conversation. Eventually, he took Danny over entirely; Sam paused to wait up for Josh, who had fallen behind once he’d stopped to tie one of his boots, and scoffed.
“What?” Josh asked, and his unnecessary cluelessness only annoyed Sam more.
“Look!” Sam hissed quietly, gesturing at Danny and Jake hiking along, moving further up the trail without a care in the world.
Josh did look, then sighed as he laid a hand on Sam’s shoulder. “Ah. Well, let’s move it along, Samuel. God forbid those two get out of your sight for even a single second.”
“I just want one day without an issue,” Sam said, keeping his voice hushed to a level the other two wouldn’t hear, though the birds and insects in addition to Danny and Jake’s own conversation were already doing a fine job of that. “I spent months trying to get Danny to be exclusive with me in that way. Then Jake decides he wants to bang my boyfriend–great!” Sam huffed as he tripped a bit over a root. “Now Danny’s all paranoid because of what happened at the museum. We planned this trip to get away from it all for a bit but you two just had to ruin that too.”
“Danny invited us,” Josh said, so matter-of-factly that it almost sounded smug to Sam, but before he could verbally retaliate, his brother went on: “I think you need to just take a step back and remind yourself that Jake and Danny are friends–as a matter of fact, we’re all friends–and if you can’t trust your boyfriend, you’ve got bigger problems.”
“It’s never been about me not trusting Danny–”
“I think it is,” Josh interrupted, catching Sam’s eye as they trudged onward, the heat graciously calmed for a moment by a cool, languid breeze. “Because you can’t chill out about it, and Jake hasn’t done a thing that you haven’t let him do.”
Sam clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth. He wanted to argue, but maybe Josh was right. All this time, his focus had been entirely on Jake and how he didn’t trust his brother, but what was really stopping Sam from not trusting Danny just a little bit? Sam had, as he’d reiterated to Josh, had to deal with Danny being intimate with other people for months. Not sex, not while they were together, Sam knew that, but it didn’t matter how little Danny had done with those people–he’d done something with each of them. Even the mere thought of Danny flashing his flirtatious, seductive eyes at someone else filled Sam with envy and rage.
Danny wasn’t really thinking much of Jake being by his side during the hike. He was just happy to have all the extra company–Sam was amazing, of course, and he had no opposition to a camping trip with just the two of them. But when the twins expressed their interest, he’d invited them along without even thinking. Jake was a calming presence and offered a lot of intrigue–he shared things about literature and music that Danny didn’t know. He always felt like he learned something new from their conversations. And Josh was funny, vibrant and refreshing to be around because he was the only one totally unbothered, or Danny guessed perhaps just uninterested, in the vampire aspect of his life. Josh knew about it but didn’t care one way or the other–Danny had never encountered that before. In his experience, people were either terrified at the realization or they were entranced, like Sam and Jake.
He intrinsically knew that Sam didn’t just like him because he was a vampire, but sometimes Danny’s brain itched at him to think about that anyway. Because really, what would have brought them together and made them stay together if he hadn’t been such a wild fascination for Sam? When the twins had told Danny that Sam had never really had a best friend before, certainly not a boyfriend, that had soothed his soul a bit–but Sam had had girlfriends. Quite a few, apparently, whereas most of Danny’s experience had been short-lived and stale or, later on, only because he needed to eat.
“You really don’t mind that we’re here?” Jake asked, steering Danny away from his increasing doubt. “Josh and I?”
“Not at all.” Danny flinched as a deer fly tried to assault his neck–he swatted it away and looked ahead at the next hill they had to climb, even more steep and rockier than the last one. “I like that it’s all of us here. I haven’t gone camping in a really long time. It’s nice to be with a group.”
“Your family doesn’t go?”
“They do. I just haven’t gone with them the last few times.”
Jake sounded so dejected on his behalf that Danny felt compelled to say, “I should go with them next time. Now that I’ll be getting some confidence in my camping skills back.”
“You should,” Jake agreed, panting a little as they began to ascend the new hill.
Danny had to focus on his own breathing–the incline was sharper than what he was accustomed to from the flatness of the rest of the state, and the rocks of varied sizes and sharpness made it imperative to watch only the way his feet were moving and where to step next.
He was listening to Jake begin to say something about what they might cook for dinner when the sentence was interrupted by a grunt and a sudden low, dense thud–Danny looked to his side and Jake was no longer standing there. He was down on the ground, with one knee cocked, the whole leg a little twisted, and both of his hands flat against the rocks, like he just face-planted into the hill.
“Damn!” Josh called out from behind as Danny snapped into action. He crouched down beside Jake, who was slowly turning over to sit up.
“Jesus, Jake,” Sam said, and soon enough both of Jake’s brothers had circled him and Danny.
Jake’s knee was skinned and gouged. He groaned as he inspected the wound, attempting to use his hands before seemingly noticing for the first time that his palms were bleeding too. “This is what I get for wearing shorts.”
The breeze carried the scent of Jake’s blood straight into Danny’s nostrils as he crouched beside him. He realized how incredibly rare it was that he ever just got to smell blood like that, from an external circumstance and not one of his own making, and as the scent filled his nose, he could imagine the taste that he had once experienced. It made his mouth water.
“Can you walk?” Josh asked, making Danny also realize that he’d just been staring and doing nothing at all helpful.
“I think so,” Jake said, trying to get up without putting his scraped hands back on the rocks for leverage. Danny finally had a purpose then–he hooked an arm around Jake’s shoulders and aided him into a standing position, trying to ignore the scent of that blood. A shocking amount of it, really.
“We should go back,” Danny suggested, looking down at Jake’s wrecked knee again. “I brought a first-aid kit. Figured I’d need it for Sam though, honestly.”
If there was something in that kit to vanquish the jealousy Sam was feeling, perhaps he would find some use in it as well. He knew it was silly to be jealous of Danny merely helping his injured brother get up after what was sort of a pathetic and decently hilarious fall, but he still felt it. In his eyes, Danny’s hand lingered too long on Jake’s shoulder as did his gaze, even worse when Sam noticed where that gaze was lingering the most–on all the blood.
“You guys could finish the hike if you wanted,” Danny suggested, making too-late eye contact with his boyfriend, then Josh. “Jake and I can go back and get him all sterilized and patched up.”
“No,” Sam said quickly–too quick and too sharp, he realized based on everyone’s expressions. He squared his shoulders with his hands wrapped around the straps of his backpack. “We’ll all go back.”
Back at camp, Jake sat on the bench of the picnic table next to the fire pit. Danny was on his knees in the dirt in front of him, gently wiping Jake’s knee with a damp paper towel while Jake cleaned up his own hands.
“I could do this all myself, you know,” Jake said, and Danny looked up just in time to see Jake glance over at a scowling Sam.
“I don’t mind,” Danny told him after he tried to give Sam a reassuring look that didn’t appear to work. “I can finally put this kit to use. I’ve had most of the stuff for years but, like I said, I stopped going camping for a while there. Thankfully, I haven’t had to clean up any injuries at home lately either.” He went for the hydrogen peroxide next–Jake only winced silently as Danny dabbed that over his wound, then came the Neosporin.
“Only because your saliva has healing powers,” Jake said softly and with a little smile.
Danny chuckled. “Yeah. Fucking weird, right?” With the blood cleaned up from all of Jake’s little injuries, he felt some relief. Glancing over to his boyfriend again, however, he could see that Sam was still pissed. It was time to do even more damage control.
“Are you still worried about the girl you ran into?”
Danny sighed and handed the Neosporin to Jake to use on his poor hands. “Not as much. I figure that nothing’s going to happen–it’s just been eating away at me.” Jake smiled again. “No pun intended,” Danny said with a small laugh. “I still wish I wasn’t this sometimes but there’s nothing I can do about it. As long as Sam is with me, no one else ever has to get hurt again.”
“May I remind you that you were very gentle with me, Danny. I didn’t get hurt. Sam never got hurt either.”
Danny patted Jake’s uninjured leg before he stood up. “I know. But you and Sam are the only ones who have ever wanted it. It terrifies everyone else.”
Jake shook his head, smiling, and kept his focus on his hands. “I get it, man–objectively. But you gotta remember there’s absolutely nothing terrifying about you.” Once he twisted the cap back onto the tube and put it aside, he looked up at Danny. “You’re a sweetheart through and through and Sam’s lucky to have you.”
Danny sighed again and crumpled the damp paper towels in his hands. “Thanks, Jake. Of course, he’s fucking pissed at me now.”
“Why? ‘Cause you played doctor for five minutes?” Jake looked over at Sam again, who had at least busied himself with collecting kindling, though he was obviously staying close enough to keep an eye on the two of them. Jake turned back to Danny and said, “You’ll smooth things over with him just fine. He’s a total sap for you.”
But Sam gave Danny the cold shoulder the rest of the afternoon and through the evening, so distant and frigid that Danny was lost as to how to approach him. The strange, tense quiet from him made the entire evening disconcerting–it seemed like Danny wasn’t alone in not being able to relax. Even the twins were rigid with their brother’s steady, silent anger, and Danny felt guilty knowing that if Sam was mad at one of his brothers, they would have hashed it out quickly and easily and they wouldn’t all be sitting around the fire awkwardly, like they were all just waiting to go to bed to escape.
When the twins announced they were going to settle in for the night, although it was still fairly early, Danny was still unsure of his next move. All he knew was that he needed to make things better before the morning, otherwise the whole trip would be a wash, and that wasn’t even the whole of it. So he stayed sitting next to Sam at the fire, wanting to touch him, wanting to offer all the right words, but Sam wouldn’t even look at him.
Danny was looking up at the stars, going through the roster of nice, sweet things to say in his head as the twins tucked themselves into their tent. The flames crackled while there were also soft sounds of fabric being rustled and hushed voices; he tried to just focus on the glittering canvas above his head. Maybe he’d see a shooting star and he could wish to somehow be a normal person again.
“Why’d you have to do that?”
Sam hadn’t spoken in so long, the sound of his voice startled Danny. He brought his focus back to his boyfriend, although Sam was still looking into the fire and not at him. “Which thing?” Danny asked. “I feel like I’ve done a lot today to make you upset.”
Sam finally looked at him–or really, glared at him. “Jake could have taken care of himself. You did that on purpose.”
Danny looked over at the twins’ tent, then motioned for Sam to lower his voice. “I chose to help him, yeah, but I didn’t do that to hurt you, Sam. I was being–”
“What?” Sam snapped, still at full volume. “A good friend?”
Danny stood up and grabbed Sam’s arm, hauling him out of the chair. “Let’s go for a walk. We’ll both feel better after you can freely yell at me without them hearing.” He was surprised when Sam didn’t fight out of his grasp and make more of a scene right there in their campsite–Danny was able to steer him out of it and onto the road, walking with only the starlight and moonlight to aid their steps. The deep darkness of the trees around them would have been a little spooky if Sam’s fury wasn’t the most frightening thing in the world.
“You know I’d do the same for you,” Danny said, which prompted Sam to thrash his arm out of his hold.
“That’s the problem!” Sam hissed, stopping in his tracks. “You shouldn’t do the same. That should be for only me. You should let my brothers deal with their shit on their own.” Sam turned away before Danny could read his face. “I’m supposed to be the only one.”
Danny reached a hand out but dropped it after a second of letting it linger in the air, inched away from Sam’s shoulder. “You are the only one, Sammy. How many times do I need to say it?”
“It’s not just about saying it. You need to show me too.”
Danny sighed, defeated. “I show you all the time. Don’t you see it?”
“I see when you have little secret conversations with Jake. I saw the way you looked at his gross, bloody knee. I see how easily you laugh with Josh. I see everything, Daniel.”
Really, Danny just wanted to make Sam see how petulant and ridiculous he was being, because truly, none of that meant anything to him. Danny saved the most intimate conversations for just Sam; he looked at Sam like he was made of the most precious diamonds and gold; and no one ever made him laugh like Sam did.
But what Danny actually said, the words so instinctive and raw, shocked even himself: “Sometimes I think you like feeling this way, Sam. All jealous and wound up. Sometimes I feel like you only like me because there’s one special, fucked up thing about me that ignites all those feelings to begin with.”
Sam whipped around, his eyes blazing even in the dark. “You think I only like you because you’re a vampire? How the fuck could you think that after all this time?”
“I know it’s not accurate. But sometimes it just feels that way. Just like what you think–you have to know I don’t like Jake or Josh in the same way I like you. Because I love you. But your wacky brain keeps telling you that there’s something more there.” Danny made a real move again by pulling Sam into himself, his arms wrapped around his waist tight enough to where Sam wouldn’t be able to wriggle free even if he tried. “Feelings aren’t always reality. There’s nothing there for anyone else. Not a single fucking thing, Sam. All I’ve got, it’s all for you.”
Sam’s face softened, and Danny was surprised at how quickly, all things considered, his hard feelings were being extinguished. “I know. I know that.”
Danny smiled and tapped Sam’s temple. “Then what’s going on up here all the time, baby?”
“Bullshit. Nonsense,” Sam replied with a scoff, becoming putty in Danny’s arms. “I don’t like feeling jealous. It’s exhausting. Jake just–he makes me feel crazy. I’m afraid that he still wants you and that he’ll always still want you and I fucked up by letting that thing happen.”
“I don’t think he does. That thing you did made him see reality,” Danny told him. He was sure that the bulk of his allure had drained away on Jake’s end–he looked at Danny differently now. The mostly-hidden longing was gone from his gaze, and the covert flirting that Danny had missed before was absent. Jake was a friend, and there were no more secrets as far as he was concerned. Only perhaps the scraps of lingering heartbreak that Jake would inevitably heal from. “But if you’re so worried, talk to him about it.”
Sam looked away, scowling. “Maybe tomorrow. You and Josh can go for a hike or something and let me talk to him.” He sighed and brought his gaze back to Danny. “I’ll admit it’s been a little while since our last heart-to-heart and we probably need to like, regroup or whatever.”
Danny smoothed one hand across Sam’s lower back. “That’s a good idea. But you actually trust me with Josh?”
“Oh, come on. We all know Josh doesn’t care.”
Danny laughed. “Oh–ouch!”
Sam wiggled in his hold. “No, not like that! He doesn’t care that you’re a vampire. There’s no hard-on for you to chomp into him and suck his blood.”
“I know, I know. Okay. Good.” Danny embraced Sam in a complete hug, resting his chin on his shoulder and smelling the smoke in his hair and the sweet blood that was running beneath his skin. “Are we good? I want us to have a fun trip, but more than that, I want you to really, totally, finally understand how much I love you and only you.”
Sam pulled back and clasped the sides of Danny’s face. With such close proximity and the faint, ghostly light from the moon, he could make out more than enough to remind him of how perplexing and bewitching Danny’s beauty was. He couldn’t really blame anyone else for wanting his boyfriend–Sam just had to keep reminding himself of how lucky he was that Danny continued to choose him.
“I understand, Daniel,” Sam told him, inching one thumb past Danny’s lip. Danny tried to latch on, but Sam ran it over one fang instead. “Now let me show you how I love all of you. Not just this.”
In the depths of the forest, within a small clearing beneath the waxing moon, Danny and Sam fumbled on top of their own shed clothing, hands exploring warm, bare skin. As Danny tried to match the pace and intensity of Sam’s kisses, he was rolled over onto his back with Sam straddling his hips hard, wasting no time to hump and grind in the silent and chilly night air.
Sam did show Danny how much he loved all of him, from the top of his head where long fingers raked through his curls to the arches of his feet that tingled with anticipation as Sam’s hands gripped his ankles and stroked up his legs. Every part of him was caressed, kissed and licked–utterly ravished, totally loved. And Danny returned that same devotion once he managed to get Sam under him, his hair fanned out in the grass, the curve of his smile lit up by the moon, the soft sighs and keening moans from both of them turning into a song in the night.
“That was hot,” Sam proclaimed once they were standing again and getting dressed. He felt totally better–how silly he’d been, he thought while he watched Danny pull his shirt back over his head, how needlessly venomous. He was ready to stir that fire at camp back to full flame and sip a strong drink beneath the stars.
“Just us and the coyotes,” Danny remarked, peering out into the trees. He looked back at Sam, moving in closer. “But seriously–was this sufficient?”
Sam chuckled and grabbed a handful of Danny’s hair to tug. “Fuck yeah, it was sufficient, Daniel. I know I’m…a lot sometimes. I know jealousy isn’t an attractive quality.” He let Danny’s curls go and sighed. “But you just rile me up so goddamn much.”
Danny smiled. “I like that. I like that I do that. There’s just nothing to be jealous of–you gotta relax.” He took Sam’s hand. “Isn’t that what we’re here for?”
“You need to relax, too. There’s no one hunting you down. And even if someone were, I’d rip their head off before they got anywhere near you.”
“You would. You totally would, Sammy.”
Sam held Danny’s tight while they walked back to camp. If there were monsters out there in the black forest, he’d fight them off; whatever monstrous people existed in the world, he really wouldn’t let them get close to Danny, ever. Real monsters, Sam thought to himself while squeezing Danny’s hand, were the people who lived without a care in the world for what they did and what and who they hurt. Danny wasn’t like that at all–never was, never would be. One day, Sam would get his beloved vampire boyfriend to fully understand that, just as Danny had made him fully understand that Sam was the only person on earth for him. And Sam didn’t feel deserving–Danny was too good for him. Too pure, had too much integrity, too kind, too reasonable–Sam was a fire roaring wild and wicked, unable to be tamed.
Or so he thought. Because in the great expanse of the woods and beneath the infinite expanse of the night sky, Sam realized that Danny had tamed him. Not because he wanted to or because he tried, but just because he was the balance Sam needed. They went together so fluidly that they were meant to be together. Sam had known that from day one.
A lantern was still on inside the twins’ tent when Sam and Danny returned; Danny looked at Sam and asked, “Should we get them out?”
“Let’s do it,” Sam concurred, stepping over to the fire. It was still hanging on, the embers bright enough to stroke back to life. “Let’s get this party fucking started. Finally.”
Before he went to the tent, Danny went to him and planted a fierce kiss on his lips while his hands gripped his hips, sinking his teeth into Sam’s full bottom lip–just enough for Sam to whimper and a little blood to soak Danny’s tongue.
“I just wanted a little taste,” Danny told him when he pulled back, licking his lips while he wiped the blood away from Sam’s with his thumb. “Something to get me through the night.”
Sam giggled. “I like it when you’re naughty.” He reached around and smacked Danny’s ass, which made him yelp in surprise. “But you know I can be even more naughty.”
Danny laughed. “It’s not a competition.”
Sam squeezed the muscle and flesh in his hand–all his, every part of Danny. “Everything is a competition, Daniel.”
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