#and then chris got my hopes up for a surprise release when he sent that bbl mssg saying its coming out today 🥲
asakurahaos · 2 months
the cb is at 6am for me and like.... im having some health issues so even the thought of staying up feels like hell, but if i go to sleep ill just wake up every 5 minutes thinking its already out and im late
0 notes
victorbutnotreally · 3 months
i have an idea but i can't write for shit, so i'll give it to my favorite tumblr writer (which is youuu)
smau where han messages the wrong number and it's some guy from like another country. and they become friends and then han comes to find out that his text pal is actually a celeb he fanboys over.
(bonus points if mn knows han as well)
OMG - Han Jisung x Male Reader
A/N: Love that!! Thank you sm for requesting <3 (I can't title things for the life of me, so you can ask for a different title in the replies and I'll change it) French music makes writing so much more fun.
warnings: slight swearing
blue {} - han purple {} - Mn
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{Oh. How nice of this person to wish me a good practice session.
"Is he getting here anytime soon?" Minho's voice echoed through the practice room.
"I'll ask!"
When he opened his phone again to change the number, he saw a familiar figure in the random person's profile picture. Mn Ln. Finally, someone who he can rant about the Mn Ln. }
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{ Great. Got my hopes up for nothing }
{ Naturally, Mn wouldn't want his personal number leaked. So he lied. He was surprised at how smooth that was, but hey, it's text. He wanted to know more, though. Is that narcissistic?
He set his coffee mug down on his nightstand and looked a lot more like a contortionist as he continued to text, the risk of spilling coffee being gone now. }
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{ Being called the best vocalist ever was certainly not something he expected. He was great, sure, but the best? Not when Freddie Mercury has music out there. But he'll take that compliment.
He was impressed at the fan. 'Achilles, my love" was one of his more niche songs, having been written when he was only 15 when he got completely shattered after reading 'The Song of Achilles' and decided to pour his heart and soul into a song which he released years later.}
{They don't know Mn yet, but who wouldn't like him after listening to Achilles my love? The way Jisung made the members listen to Mn's music was like a little kid making their parents watch Frozen. But the members never complained, the music was really good. Would they roll their eyes when Jisung keeps sending Mn memes into the groupchat? Sure. Did they have certain parts of certain songs memorized because Jisung kept watching his edits on repeat? Oh yes. }
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{Mn didn't want his identity leaked. He had to think of a name quick. Chris, as in Bang Chan from Stray Kids was what came to mind. }
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At the Paris Fashion Week
{Jisung found a spot away from the cameras and was texting 'Chris'. After a few months of them being 'text pals', he was pretty fond of the random citizen. But despite the sheer amount of songs, pictures, and videos he's sent of Mn, 'Chris' was never as obsessed with him as Jisung was.}
{Holding a glass of champagne in his hand and dearly missing his coffee, Mn who was decked head to toe in Hermes, makes his way over to the figure he recognized as Han Jisung of Stray Kids. How he loved that band. He was listening to Han's song 'Volcano' on the way there. As he goes to talk to him, his eyes caught onto the rapper's phone screen. And by instinct, he accidentally read a few texts. Texts that were from him. He wanted to tell Jisung, but how?}
"Hi! Huge fan, Jisung.." Jisung's eyes widened as he shoved his phone into his pocket and extended his hand for a handshake. It was his first time seeing his favorite singer in real life.
"Oh my god...you..sorry, I'm just flustered all of a sudden. I'm your biggest fan, really."
"I appreciate it. We should collab someday." "Yes!!" Was that too loud? No, right?
Mn was endeared by the enthusiasm. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and unlocked it.
"Care for a selfie?"
"I'd love to.." Jisung tried keeping his voice from sounding too loud and excited as he smiled beautifully in the selfie he took with the singer. He took one on his phone as well, along with a photo of just Mn, not being able to resist the opportunity.
A/N: I'm ending so abruptly since I have really bad writer's block rn and I didn't even know how I posted this much. If you have any ideas on how Jisung finds out he's been texting Mn all this time, then let me know in the replies or send a DM.
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saucy-sassy-sparkly · 2 years
Moments: Six
Pairings: Chris Evans x reader
Word Count: ~8k
Warnings: A little of everything: smut, fluff, angst, language, alcohol.
Note: As usual, the italics are flashbacks. I tried to give us some tidbits of the time they’ve been together without writing out six months! Bolds are text. I’m aware that the timeline in the real world of movie releases and shooting is off; it’s a work of fiction so I manipulated things to work in my favor… or I was as vague as possible to avoid anyone noticing.
This got filthier each time I came back to it. I’m not sorry; I’m into these two horndogs.
Moments Masterlist
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2014: Washington DC (6 months together)
Chris: flight just landed, see you soon Y/N: 💋can’t wait to see you Chris: hope you didn’t make plans… Y/N: get here quick or i’ll start without you
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Y/N hit send on the last message and then stared at the last picture she’d taken. She was heavily debating sending it to him. It had been two very long months since they’d seen each other and both Chris and Y/N were very open about how they planned to spend at least half of their time together.
She took a deep breath and attached the picture. It was simple and tasteful should it fall into the wrong hands, but did not leave a whole lot to the imagination. It was Y/N’s reflection in her floor-length mirror, sitting on the end of her bed in one of his flannels that she’d stolen the last time she saw him; the shirt was all the way unbuttoned and she had nothing on under it. She’d artfully draped the bottom of the shirt across her thighs to cover herself… but she was quite pleased with it.
Chris: i’m in public 🥵️ Y/N: seems like a you problem
She giggled to herself before standing up from the end of the bed. She examined herself from several angles before deciding to simply turn her back to the mirror and drape her arm over the top of her head, making the flannel rise and expose the curve of her ass; she smirked over her shoulder into the mirror. She hit send and was not surprised when she got another immediate response.
Chris: bunny, i’m wearing sweats Chris: this is cruel
Y/N didn’t respond to those, opting instead to saunter into the living room of her condo while she buttoned 2-3 of the buttons on the shirt and then poured herself a glass of wine. Once she was tucked under a blanket on the sofa, she flipped her phone back open and went to one of her albums of photos she and Chris had taken together or sent to each other in the six months together.
They weren’t all scandalous, but plenty of them were. She scrolled quickly through several of him shirtless in low-slung sweats or his boxer briefs; she didn’t need any help riling herself up right now. Y/N slowed down when she got to the last time she’d visited him in LA two months ago. The LA trip was four months into their relationship but was the first chance for her to see the Hollywood side of Chris.
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LA: 4 months together
Chris stretched luxuriously in his California king, the sunlight glowing behind the drawn curtains. He blinked open slowly, reaching towards the other side of the bed to pull Y/N’s warm body closer to his. When his hands came up empty and he found her space cold and empty, he fluttered his eyes all the way open and forced himself to sit up.
It was barely 7a, but he knew his little east coast girl had probably been awake for hours. She’d been at his LA home for three days and couldn’t seem to get acclimated to the time difference. Chris started to push himself out of bed when he heard the creak of the floorboards and looked up to see Y/N tiptoeing back into the room with two mugs in hand. He watched her use her elbows to try to push the bedroom door closed again and couldn’t help but laugh at her face when she used too much force and the door closed with a loud thud.
“Sorry, babe, did I wake you?”
“I was just coming to find you,” he took the cup of coffee from her and turned to put it on the nightstand, “how long have you been up?”
Y/N crawled back into bed and Chris took note of the way his ratty old Adidas t-shirt she was in made her look so effortlessly sexy. “About two hours,” she said sheepishly as she accepted his open arms and snuggled into him.
“Not bad this time! By the time you leave, you’ll be sleeping until 9,” he grinned and kissed the top of her head. She’d tucked herself into his side and hitched her leg up over his hip. He held his arm around her shoulder while she played with the hair on his chest and his other hand came to rest on her knee. A silence fell over them while they both took at the moment. Being next to each other, being able to touch each other and hear the other's breathing was a rare commodity and this moment was precious. In their four months together, they’d managed to visit each other several times and spoke on FaceTime most days– sometimes just for a quick five-minute call and sometimes for hours.
“What time do the festivities start today?”
Chris sighed and shifted in bed enough to reach his coffee and take a long sip, “you mean the chaos?”
“Aren’t you excited?”
He snorted, setting his coffee back down and readjusting her so she was as tightly wrapped around him as possible; he couldn’t get enough of her weight pressed against him and her heartbeat tapping against his skin. “This is the part of my job I really loathe.”
Y/N was silent, letting him gather his thoughts, and eventually, he continued, “I love acting, I love bringing a character to life and making people happy. I love telling these stories. But I hate the cameras flashing and the microphones in my face and the same question from ten different people and making sure I don’t fuck up in an interview.”
“That does seem stressful,” her fingers were now tracing his tattoos, “and there is no way to avoid any of that?”
He shrugged, jostling her body slightly, “it comes with the territory. I just wish you could be there.”
She lifted her head and looked at him carefully, “Why? I thought your team said it was a bad idea.”
“I shouldn’t have told you that,” he sighed heavily, “it’s not a bad idea. It’s just a risk because of the attention that’ll fall on you if you walk the red carpet with me or you’re seen holding my hand at the after-party. And believe me, I wouldn’t let you out of my arms if you were with me.” He ran his fingers up her spine, lifting the shirt she was wearing and exposing her backside. “But I want you there. You’re just… you make me…” he let the words hang heavily in the air between them while he stared at her. Then he finished, “I’m calmer when I’m with you.”
Chris’s hand ran back down her back and settled on her ass, squeezing it gently before offering a playful slap. It made Y/N yelp and pull away, “Christopher!” She moved to sit up but he was faster– he rolled himself on top of her, the sheet that had been covering his naked body slid away and he settled himself in between her legs. He trailed kisses across her neck while his hands pushed the shirt up her body to expose her breasts and kneed one in his hands. He moved his face towards her lips to kiss her but instead of moaning as she often did when his hands were on her, she made a noise of disgust. “Evans, I love you, but your morning breath is on another level, go take care of that, and then we can pick this up.” She laughed, pushing at his chest but he was frozen above her, his eyes wide.
Y/N made a face, “no one has told you your breath smells? C’mon, Hollywood, even you’re not immune.”
“No, you said…” He was gaping at her, still holding a breast in one hand and anchoring his weight with the other. He was breathing his morning breath directly on her face, making her squirm, but he didn’t care. He needed to be sure he’d heard her right. He needed to be sure this was happening.
“What did I–OH!” Her brain caught up to her mouth and she realized what had come tumbling out. She felt heat creep up her neck and cheeks and her hands flew up from where they’d been on his chest to cover her face.
Gently, he rearranged his body to cradle her head in one hand and use the other to pry her hands away from her face. Begrudgingly she let him. “I’m going to kiss you now, bad breath or not.”
“You are?” Her voice was small and she held her bottom lip between her teeth. “Are you sure?”
“I love you too, Y/N,” Chris grinned at her before slotting his lips across hers and kissing her, pushing his tongue into her mouth– but that was where she drew the line.
“Okay seriously, toothbrush, we can make out after.” He chuckled as he rolled off of her and sauntered into the ensuite. Y/N watched his ass as he left and he knew it; he threw a wink over his shoulder and wiggled it at her before closing the door behind him. She pulled the covers up over her face and squealed.
Once he was back out of the bathroom, he crawled back across the bed and sprawled on his back, pulling Y/N on top of him to kiss her while she was pressed against him. He pulled her shirt over her head and moved her body up so she hovered over his face and he could slowly, painstakingly feast on her. Before she could hit her high, she pulled off of him, turned around, and slid down his body to take him in her own mouth. He kept working her over, adding his fingers inside of her or using his hands to pull her apart. She continuously had to stop her work to breathe heavily or let out a low moan before returning to him.
Y/N crashed over the edge first, again needing to pause to cry out and pant heavily before finishing him off and collapsing on top of him. She was well aware of her glistening sex directly in his face but she didn’t care. She was so content and relaxed feeling their bodies pliant and pressed together.
All too fast, Chris’s alarm went off to remind him that his team would be arriving soon to do all the prep for premier day. After a shower together, she sat beside him, watching him prep for questions, be primped and poked and prodded, and then he dragged out to the waiting town car- not before a searing kiss- and leaving her alone in his beautiful, huge home.
It made her sad. She knew it was to protect her and her privacy, but she didn’t want it anymore. They’d been photographed before and speculations had flown around before dying down. Chris was cavalier and handsy in public, always with a hand in her back pocket, on her waist, a kiss on her cheek or forehead or lips. It wasn’t a secret they were together- even if it hadn’t been officially confirmed by his team- and it made her sad to be left behind for such a big moment.
Chris text her from the car, then even from inside the theater- he missed her, needed her presence, and couldn’t wait to have her on the red carpet with him someday. Yet she still couldn’t shake her growing sadness and questioned if this would work. If his team would always get the final say. She’d commit to him for life tomorrow if he asked, but she couldn’t do it if it came with all these rules. It didn’t help that she’d taken Chris’s team up on a few drinks while he got ready- something he usually did- and once he left, she opened a bottle of wine.
She allowed herself to wallow and her anxiety to spike while she snuggled into the couch and drank more. She turned her phone off and left it on the kitchen counter, opting to give herself a full drunken pity party and watch old episodes of Gilmore Girls.
The front door slammed and startled Y/N; she sat up quickly and pulled the blanket over her head- as if that would stop an intruder.
“Y/N!” Chris’s voice barked from the front door. She could hear his footsteps in his dress shoes but opted not to take the blanket off of her or respond to him. She just slithered back down. She heard him come to a stop and would’ve bet money his hands were on his slim hips. He repeated his name softer- he was standing over the sofa.
“Your last text said ‘maybe I should go home’ and then you didn’t respond again. For 45 minutes. I was worried you actually left, so I came home.”
The blanket was still over her but she shrugged and then hiccuped.
“Are you alright?” She could hear his voice dripping with barely hidden anxiety.
“What’s going on baby?” The couch cushions shifted when his weight sat next to her. His hand was heavy on her hip as he pulled the blanket away from her face. He stifled a laugh when he saw her hiccuping and clearly drunk; she was adorable. “Babe?” He prompted again.
“I’m hungry.”
He was grinning. She didn’t need to look at him to know that, “is that the problem? You’re hungry? I can feed you.”
“You don’t have what I want,” she stuck out her bottom lip and whined.
“I’ll go to the store and get you whatever you want.”
“Why would you do that? You’re a movie star who’s too important for me and I’m not good enough to be with. Why would you bother going to the store for me? Aren’t you supposed to be at some fancy Hollywood party?”
He sighed, “is that what this is about honey?”
She was crying. She wasn’t even aware of it through her hiccups and snot, but she nodded weakly. Chris pulled her gently by the shoulders and dragged her up and into his lap.
“Baby, I fucked this up. I should’ve pushed for you to come. Tonight should’ve been with you by my side. I’m proud of you and I love you and I shouldn’t have let it pan out this way. Hey,” he jostled her, using his forefinger and thumb to tilt up her chin. “You are the most important person in my life. It’s been four months but I know I’m going to marry you. You’re it. You should’ve been there tonight. I’m so sorry it made you feel like you aren’t good enough for me. You’re so far out of my league, baby,” he kissed her nose and her cheeks, and her forehead. Using his thumbs, he tenderly wiped tears away and kissed her lips gently. “Talk to me, Y/N.”
She was quiet while she tried to calm down her blubbering.
“Y/N, sweetheart, you’re killing me. Please talk to me.”
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She tucked her face into his chest and mumbled against his Dolce suit. If she’d been sober, she would’ve spent far more time admiring him in his dapper outfit for the evening. His hair was growing back and his Cap muscles were still intact and required his suit to be perfectly tailored to his sinewy body. But alas, she was far from sober and burrowed deeper into his chest. He pulled her away and asked her to repeat herself and she said, “I really want a Cinnamon bun.”
Chris's guffaw echoed across the room and reverberated through both of them. He patted her hips, kissed the top of her head, and moved her off of him, “I’ll get you a cinnamon bun.” He started to stand up, “do you want to come to the store with me Bun?”
“Bun?” Y/N looked up at him as she climbed off the sofa and followed him to the bedroom where he changed out of his handsome shout and into sweats. Her eyes tracked his quick movements and before she knew it, he was pulling her by the hand back out of the bedroom and to the garage.
“My drunk little Cinnamon bun. My sweet bunny,” he laughed again as he held the car door open while she climbed in, “I think it’s a good nickname for you. I poured my heart out and you asked me for pastries. I don’t want to forget this moment, so you’ll forever be my cinnamon bunny.”
In the morning, the tabloids and online outlets all had various headlines and photos from their late-night grocery run: Chris Evans Bails on Marvel Premiere to Grocery Stop with Girlfriend. Needless to say, his team was furious with both of them, Y/N was very hungover, but when Chris answered each phone call in the aftermath, he started the same way: “Confirm it. She’s not going anywhere.” She continued to scroll through those visit photos and then entered more photos that had been sent during their time apart, more shirtless, more from bed, more that made her heart race, and then got to the pictures from her second Prague visit, just about three months into their relationship. They’d gone sightseeing, they’d been to dinner together, and they’d been able to be a normal couple in the early stages of a relationship while they could remain inconspicuous tourists to most people.
Chris had taken several days off of shooting to take her to museums and on dates, to spend one whole rainy day together in his hotel room, and to introduce him to some of the people he was working with. By that point, they’d hit a rhythm and had gotten to know each other much better. They were calling most days and spending hours on the phone. No matter how tired they were, they always made the time to call– it was new and exciting– and Y/N had never known that phone sex could truly be so good… especially when a delivery had arrived at her front door containing something that he could manipulate from an app in Prague.
Between Y/N’s two trips to Prague was Chris's trip back to the states for a two-week break from filming. He’d spent the first week at home in Boston visiting with his parents, his sisters, and his brother for a while…
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DC: 2 months together
Chris finished loading the last of the dishes in his mother’s dishwasher before he grabbed another beer and headed back to join his family at the table. They were in the middle of a conversation about town gossip, as they always tend to fall into when the siblings are all back together when he sat down between his mom and brother.
The lull in conversation allowed Scott to start a new topic with a smirk on his face, “So Chris,” he leaned back in his chair, partially in a show of casual confidence and partially to get further away from Chris’s swatting distance, “any special lady in your life?”
Chris couldn’t stop the blush that covered his face; Scott knew damn well what he was doing. He was Chris’s confidant and knew all about Y/N. Hell, he’d been on the phone when they’d finally connected and then called incessantly the day after to find out all the details. He’d given them easily while Y/N showered and hung up quickly for fear of her catching him gushing just hours into their relationship.
He clenched his teeth and glared at his brother over his shoulder but the damage was done: his mom and sisters were at full attention now. “Chris?”
“I just– she is– we’ve been–” Chris stuttered several different responses and dropped his head, rubbing his still closely shorn hair. He took a swig of beer and then sat back in the chair, taking the opportunity to smack Scott across the chest before looking at the women around the table. “Yes.”
With practiced composure, all three of them nodded but were clearly bursting with questions. Lisa spoke first, “what’s her name?”
“Where did you meet her?”
“No you didn’t,” Scott piped up, clearly loving this moment.
“Shut up,” he grunted. “We reconnected in Prague. I met her in…” he hesitated; where should he even start this story? How much energy did he have to expend on this right this second? Assuming they stayed together– and he hoped like hell they did– it would all come out, but did they have to know all the pieces right now? “I’ve known her for a while.”
“Is it someone we know?”
“Yes!” Scott piped up. “I mean you know of her.”
“So no one we’ve met before,” Lisa prodded, “how long have you been seeing her?”
“Two months, but it’s been mostly long distance. We’re still figuring things out.”
“Does she live in Prague?”
Chris shook his head, “no, she lives in DC.” Shit. He’d said too much.
Carly’s eyes widened as she processed, “you don’t have to work next week, do you?”
“No,” he said quietly, avoiding his mother’s eye contact; he’d told his family that even though he had two weeks off, he had to spend the second one in DC to work on some promotions for the latest Captain America… which wasn’t entirely untrue. He did have one meet and greet while he was there. But he’d scheduled that after he knew he was going to visit Y/N. “I’m spending the week at Y/N’s before I head back.”
“Is it serious?” Lisa asked quietly. She watched her oldest son’s face; everything about him was different. He was lighter– he had been from the moment he’d walked in the house today and every phone call she’d had with him in months. He was more clear-headed, he was calmer, he was happier. Lisa knew, even if Chris didn’t, that this woman would be different for him.
He nodded, “I think this is it,” he voiced to the quiet table. It was the first time he’d said it out loud but he’d been thinking about it since he woke up with her the very first morning. The way his heart swelled being near her and his chest ached with the need to talk to her every day, to know what she was thinking and wearing and had eaten for breakfast. He could hardly sleep if he hadn’t talked to her and even then he slept better when she was with him– he’d never had that before. He, quite frankly, didn’t always like to share a bed with someone for more than a night or two, but he craved her touch and her laugh, and hearing her voice soothe the voices in his head.
The moment was broken when Chris’s phone started to vibrate on the table and Scott snatched it before Chris could. “Look who it is!”
“Scott, c’mon, man,” Chris held out his hand to his brother who had jumped up from the table and was wiggling the phone at Chris where Y/N’s ID picture– the two of them in his trailer in Prague taken by one of his co-stars– was on the screen trying to FaceTime.
Scott stuck his tongue out at his brother. Then he turned the phone to face him, swiped across the screen, and grinned at Y/N, “hey sweetheart!”
Chris heard Y/N’s laugh, “Hi Boo, are you tormenting my boy?” Just the sound of her voice made Chris’s knees weak and he knew he was grinning. It didn’t matter how angry he was with his stupid brother, just knowing she was right there made him melt.
“He makes it too easy!”
“Be nice to him, I like him, and I owe you a broken ankle.” Chris barked a loud laugh and Scott shrugged with another smirk. The sisters and their mother exchanged confused looks.
“I’ll try,” Scott moved further away from Chris who was stalking toward him. “Do you want to talk to him?”
“Yes, please.” Y/N’s sweet voice was killing Chris; he needed to see her face too.
“Scott, give him the phone,” Lisa finally chimed in when she took in Chris’s mixture of smitten, love-dumb puppy and enraged brother.
“Fine,” he sighed and stopped moving, allowing Chris to stride across the room and snatch the phone away while Scott yelled, “but I think he should introduce you to everyone since we’re all here!”
“There’s my girl,” Chris practically cooed when he got the phone in his hands and started to head toward the back porch. “I miss you, baby.”
“You’re with your whole family? I can call you back. I just missed you too. I hadn’t talked to you since you landed yesterday and I needed to see your face,” she was in her living room– still the same one he’d stormed out of three years ago– and was sitting by the windows. He could see a glass of wine on the window sill behind her; her hair was piled on top of her head and she was in a sweatshirt and her glasses. “Now that I’ve seen you, that'll give me enough to tide me over. Go hang with your family.”
Chris still hadn’t made it across the house and to the back door, so everyone was, of course, listening. Lisa grinned at Scott and whispered, “do we like her? I think we like her right?”
Scott nodded vigorously, “we love her. She’s good for him.” Then to his brother, he yelled, “Mom wants to meet her!”
“Scott!” Lisa looked scandalized and turned to Chris, “do not make that girl talk to me, that is not fair to put her on the spot like that.”
“I’m fine!” Y/N yelled back through the phone and then to Chris, “if you’re okay with it, I’d love to talk to your mom.”
Chris glanced from her to his mom, sisters, and brother, waiting anxiously at the table, and then back to Y/N. He turned his back on his family and whispered to the beautiful woman on the phone, “are you sure?”
“Only if you’re okay with it.”
The smile that spread across Chris’s face was so huge that it actually hurt. He nodded as he walked back to the table and Y/N heard the scrape of a chair while Chris shuffled. He propped his phone up on an empty bottle of wine on the table and Lisa came into the frame, taking in Y/N for the first time; Y/N waved happily and greeted her before Chris was even settled next to Lisa in the frame.
45 minutes later, Chris wasn’t sure why he’d even hesitated. Y/N had chatted easily with Lisa, asking questions and easily laughing with her; his sisters waited a whole 10 minutes before they were clambering around the phone, shoving like classic siblings to try to get closer to the phone. Eventually, they moved to the living room and took to just passing Y/N around the room to talk to people with Chris trailing her and plopping down beside whoever was speaking.
Finally, after Carly and her family had left and they’d all talked enough, he yanked the phone away from Shanna and made it out to the back patio where he walked far enough into the yard to be sure he wouldn’t be overheard. “Hey baby,” he intoned, enjoying the moment for just them. “Thanks for that.”
“They’re delightful,” she offered genuinely, taking a sip of wine and then trying to stifle a yawn, “I’m glad I can put faces to names.”
“They adore you already,” he clicked over to the texts that were coming in on the family chat– the approval messages were flying in quickly with how adorable she was, how genuine she seemed, how much they hoped she could meet her, Lisa even suggesting Thanksgiving or Christmas. He smiled at the messages and then went back to Y/N, “Mom wants to see you for the holidays. Fuck, I can’t wait to wake up on Christmas morning with you. We can be here, we can be in DC, we can be in Puerto Rico, I don’t care. I just can’t wait to be with you more, baby.”
“I can’t either,” she mused quietly, her heart swelling as she listened to him talk about the future. The holidays were months away and he wanted to be with her as much as she wanted to be with him. They talked about the future in passing but this moment– after meeting his family– felt more concrete. This was it. He was it. He was the one. She listened to Chris continue to talk about potential holiday plans and smiled at him, offering encouragement and trying not to be too distracted in her daydreams of their future.
“You’re tired,” he said eventually when he saw her rub her eyes and watched her eyelids droop, “you should get some sleep. We can talk tomorrow.”
“You’ll have my undivided attention, I promise,” she blew him a kiss, “but you’re right, I need some sleep. Today was long.”
“I can’t wait to kiss you,” Chris didn’t attempt to hide the longing in his voice as he continued, “I just want to kiss you every day for forever, baby. Goodnight.”
They hung up and continued to check in via phone the rest of the week– albeit less frequently than usual so that Chris could spend some real quality time with his family. By the time Tuesday rolled around, Y/N was buzzing with excitement. Chris would be here by dinner time.
He’d insisted that she not pick him up from the airport– that he could easily take a cab– but she refused, even parking and walking in to wait at baggage claim. She bounced on her feet and played with her scarf while she paced and waited.
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Eventually, the carousel started to flash the flight number and passengers gathered. She strained her neck and waited for his familiar public personal- hat, shoulders hunched, moving quickly- and spotted it quickly. He was behind a couple who was ambling, arm in arm, and she could tell he was debating between steamrolling by them and letting them be.
He was too far to yell, so she pulled out her phone- seeing that his was in his hands- and sent a simple im in a red scarf by the benches text. She watched him check it when it buzzed in his hand and then look up from under the brim of his hat to scan the room.
When they finally made eye contact, she felt like a racehorse waiting to be released. She knew he wouldn’t want to draw attention to himself but Y/N was coursing with adrenaline and need. She was trembling with excitement and so relieved when he broke into a grin and jogged around the couple to get to her.
To her absolute shock, he dropped his backpack, leaned forward, and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist. Chris planted a very public, very emotion-filled kiss on her lips right there in the middle of Dulles baggage claim. She tucked her legs up behind her when he lifted her off the ground. He finally set her down and slid his hands into the back pocket of her jeans, giving her a quick squeeze before moving his hands to her hips and kissing her once more.
Chris knew his team would get wind of it- someone would snap a photo- and they’d be posted online and everyone would be pissed that they had to scramble.
He didn’t give a shit. She was his and she was back in his arms and he didn’t care who knew.
During his DC visit, he’d stayed mostly tucked away in her apartment, leaving to go to the gym or grab groceries, but enjoying the time relaxing at Y/N’s. She’d taken a couple of days off of work but not the whole week, so they spent a week of domestic bliss in the honeymoon phase. They’d wake up together, eat breakfast in bed, and shower together before she’d head off to work. When she got home, he’d have a simple dinner ready for her and listen to her day; he’d talk about his script and they’d run lines together. They’d finish the evening wrapped up together before falling asleep skin to skin.
And finally, she scrolled back enough in her photos to get to that first week. That first week of sex and room service. They had very few pictures from those early days– Chris had a few on his phone that no one but him could ever see– as they’d spent every minute that he wasn’t at work in his room. She’d kept her room for an additional two nights before Chris told her to cancel it and stay in his suite, to save the money and the time pretending that she’d ever sleep there again. Chris went to work, twice taking her on set to watch, and she wandered the city during the day. She’d head back to the hotel in the afternoons, usually arriving just in time for Chris to burst in the door and pounce on her. It didn’t seem to matter how exhausted he was from a day of arduous, physical scenes, he was always always ready for her. He’d taken her apart in every way possible in that short week together; she was glad they didn’t have all day together or there was no way she’d have been walking by her flight home the next Friday.
The slow scroll through their memories had taken her almost twenty minutes and she was startled when her phone buzzed in her hand.
Chris: 10 minutes
Y/N sent a quick reply and then a deep breath. Her nerves always spiked right before she saw him. The butterflies in her stomach and anticipation rising made her have to work to calm down. She took another sip of wine and went to the fridge to check if the beer she’d bought was cold enough. She then padded back to her en-suite to brush her teeth and check her makeup once more.
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By the time the downstairs buzzer went off, she was pulsing with excitement and practically sprinted across the apartment to let him in. The last three minutes were the longest while she waited for him to climb the stairs and get to her. She was afraid to open the door in just the flannel- she didn’t need her neighbors catching a glimpse of too much- but she couldn’t decide where to be when he arrived. She was headed back towards the sofa when the knob turned and Chris called, “honey, I’m home,” and she couldn’t stop herself from running back across the room and into his arms. He kicked the door shut while she covered his face in kisses and he dropped his luggage to pull her against him.
“Hi, baby,” she cooed when she finally stopped kissing him long enough to look at his handsome face. “I missed you.”
“I’m all yours for 48 whole hours,” he grinned. His hands were already unbuttoning the handful of buttons she’d fastened; hers were already at his waist, yanking at the sweats he’d flown in.
“Get them off,” Y/N gasped between open mouth kisses he trailed across every bit of skin within reach. “Stop distracting me,” she whined, pulling back far enough to firmly grasp the waistband of his pants and shove them down. He kicked off his pants and shoes in one movement, only stumbling slightly but recovering to manhandle Y/N by the hips to press her chest against the back of the door.
Chris’s hands seemed to be everywhere at the same time while his lips trailed over her neck and shoulders, sucking licking, and kissing. His hands grasped handfuls of her ass, massaging and squeezing it more aggressively than he intended and unintentionally pushing her against the door; when her breath caught and he caught her eye over her shoulder, he squeezed roughly again and leaned in to murmur in her ear.
“Want a little roughhousing, bunny?”
Y/N mewed and pushed her ass back into his hands.
“Oh really,” his chuckle was dark and he slowed his movements, easing the pressure of his hands and trailing them up under the flannel and eventually pulling it off her shoulders. It drifted to the floor beside them next to his sweatpants, shoes, and luggage.
It wasn’t lost on Y/N that anyone walking down the hallway of her building could hear them pressed up against it, rattling the hinges, but she couldn’t get enough of his touch. His hands were soft and light trailing back down her shoulders, over the back of her ribs, to her hips, and finally landing with a rough smack on her ass before smoothing it over. She gasped and felt herself push into his hands again; his other hand raised off her other cheek and he landed another spank and another soothing rub, this time including a kiss as he knelt behind her.
Chris tilted her hips up and out, exposing her to him. She glistened in front of him and he used his hands to slowly pull her apart, his fingers sliding carefully through the slick. From this angle, he could see her clench and unclench around nothing. He was rock hard and his mouth watered when he took a hot lick up the center, continuing to trail up her lower back and spine to her neck, his tongue trailing across her skin and leaving goosebumps in its wake. When he was standing again, his full weight leaning against the door frame and Y/N’s body, his tongue ending its travel at her earlobe and changing over to nibbling on her soft skin.
Without a word, just the sound of both of their heavy breathing, he rutted against her, his boxer briefs still a barrier between them but his bulk rubbing deliciously against her, the cotton dampening with each thrust. “I want to taste you, babe, but I need you so badly.”
“Please fuck me, Chris, please,” she was whimpering, frantically rocking her hips back into him. Y/N kept one hand on the door, bracing her weight and the other reached back to blindly grasp for the band of his briefs. She turned over her shoulder to look at him, “please, now, Chris.” She was still trying to get his shorts off and he finally stepped away from her and dropped them quickly. She turned in the process and stepped forward and taking his length in her hands before he was entirely undressed. She pumped him slowly, the way she’d come to know he liked it, squeezing and twisting her wrist occasionally as she did.
“Fuck,” he groaned, grasping the back of her head and pulling her towards him for a dirty kiss.
“Please,” was her only response, pumping faster and starting to drop to her knees. Chris stopped her and pulled her off of him, using both hands to turn her by the hips to face the kitchen island. Their hands now interlaced, he leaned forward, his chest pressed to her back, and held her hands to the marble. The tip of his nose rubbed the back of her neck, and she sighed, “don’t be gentle, Chris.”
He hummed in response, making sure her hands were planted against the counter before again dropping to his knees behind her and again pulling her open, tasting her briefly, getting her bucking against his face before he stood up and plunged into her without preface. He paused at her gasp, allowing her a moment to adjust; with his chest pressed to her back, his fingers laced with hers, her head was able to fall back against his shoulder. When she murmured, “move, baby,” he did as she asked, setting a punishing pace and force. Although it was better than pressed against the door leading to the hallway, her kitchen was still quite close to the hallway; anyone walking could hear their dirty, lewd moans and the sounds of skin slapping.
Chris didn’t have to reach around to play with her clit; she came fast and hard without it, surprising both of them– and he pushed her towards another. He clenched his teeth and moved his hands away from hers to hold her hips steady. Y/N braced her whole body against the counter and met him thrust for thrust, fucking herself back on him. The second time she came, she’d used her own hands on herself while his fingers squeezed bruises on her hips. After her second climax, he came with– quite literally– a roar and pumped his seed into her.
His body weight slumped against hers on the counter and she turned over her shoulder to lazily kiss his cheek and stroke his neck. “I love you and I miss you,” she told him quietly, enjoying the moment of their bodies still connected and their breathing in sync as they came down.
“I love you,” he kissed her shoulder, “and I miss you,” he kissed her neck, “and I think we should talk about that while I’m here,” he kissed her lips.
Y/N pulled away, “about what?”
“About how much I love you and don’t like being away from you.”
“Chris…” her voice was laced with a warning tone, “what are you thinking.”
“Right now I’m thinking that I want to pull out and go snuggle in your bed instead of the kitchen island.”
Y/N agreed, and winced when he pulled out; she’d be deliciously sore tomorrow from the places he’d just hit. She led him into the bedroom and then the ensuite, pulling him into a quick shower with just a makeout session (okay, and some heavy petting) before he went back out to the foyer to turn out the lights, lock the door, and bring his suitcase in. She was in a simple pajama set and was crawling into bed when he came back, still wrapped in a towel, and bent over to dig through his suitcase for clean underwear.
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When Chris finally joined her in bed, Y/N was sitting upright and staring at him, “okay, talk please.”
“Bun, I didn’t mean to freak you out,” he claimed his side of the bed and sat against the headboard. “I’ve just been thinking about us a lot.”
“Okay…” Y/N loved him, heart and soul. She loved everything about him, even the things she’d come to find annoying. She loved him, even when she didn’t always like him. But if he was about to propose, she’d say no. It wasn’t time for that yet, but his quiet demeanor was making her heart race. He held his hand out to grab hers and she let him. He interlaced their fingers and she felt the cool press of metal into her palm. Her eyes widened, and her heart race increased.
He was smirking his beautiful, perfect, stupid smirk at her and she was ready to cry. He was doing this right now? Panic coursed through Y/N.
Chris squeezed his hand in hers and then let go, slowly pulling his hand back to his lap.
It was a key.
She released a shaky sigh and picked it up, turning it through her fingers. If Chris wasn’t so nervous, he’d laugh at her. She looked like she’d never seen a key before the way she was staring and turning it over.
“What is this Chris?”
“It’s the key to my Boston house. I also have one made for you for the LA house too, but this one,” he pointed to the key in her hand and scooted closer to her, putting his hands on her knees, “this one is home. I’m hoping it can be our home.”
“What are you saying?”
“Move to Boston. Live with me.”
“In Boston?” Y/N’s eyes snapped up quickly from the key in her hand to Chris.
He nodded tentatively, “if you don’t want it to be my house now, we can go house hunting and get something that is just ours. I don’t care, I just want us to have a home together.”
“My life is here, Chris,” she said quietly. “I can’t move to Boston. My family, my friends, my job… they’re all here. For my whole life, I’ve been here.”
“I’ll fly you home whenever you want to see them. Or them to you. You don’t have to work right away when you move up, you can take your time and get used to the area and decide where you might want to work. I’ve thought about it a lot too and I know my mom would get you a job at the theater if you wanted to do something different. We’ll figure it out.”
“Have you really thought about this at all? We’ll figure it out doesn’t feel like a well-thought-out plan.”
“Of course I have! I’ve been thinking about asking you to move in with me for months.”
Y/N bit her lip and looked back down at the key that she was continuing to fidget with, “what if you move here?”
He hesitated, then shrugged, “I can’t really work from here.”
“You don’t work from Boston. You live there when you’re not in LA. I don’t want to uproot my life to move to Boston and have you in LA for half the year.”
“I won’t be in LA! Boston is my home. I’m only in LA when I have to be in the studios there. Most of the time if I’m not home, I’m on location.”
Y/N huffed, “that’s not a selling point, babe.”
“So,” he asked quietly, “you don’t want to move in with me?”
She knew she had to choose her words very carefully. She wanted to live with him and built a future with him; she wanted to marry him and have kids with him, but she didn’t want that with his lifestyle now. Y/N had thought about it so often– they’d never been more than two weeks in the same place. What if they spent longer together and it didn’t work? What if they hated the way each other chewed pretzels or left the door open to pee? What if he was away so much she got lonely? What if loving each other wasn’t enough?
“I want to move in with you,” she said calmly and clearly, “I’m just afraid we’re rushing it. And I’m afraid to move my whole life out of state when you’re not even there all the time.”
“After I finish directing, I’ve already cleared my schedule for the next seven months. I have eight more weeks on this project, not including two weeks of press and premieres when it comes out, and then I’m free for seven months.”
“Seven months?” She asked incredulously, “is that enough?”
“It’s enough for me.” The earnest look on Chris’s face was killing her. She knew this wasn’t the answer he was hoping for; she knew he’d been nervous to talk to her about this. She also knew that she needed to have her own life and not succumb to just being ‘Chris Evans’s girlfriend’. She had an identity and a career and friends and didn’t want to lose all of that.
“You’re enough for me,” she emphasized, “This scares me.”
“Keep your apartment here,” he said quickly, rushing to get out his thoughts, “Keep it until your lease is up, or extend it for another year. Keep it exactly as is, you can come back whenever you want and stay here and you’ll know you have a safety net to come back to if we– if it– in case you need it.”
She shook her head, “I can't afford that–” she saw the look on his face and cut him off, “--and before you offer, that’s too much to let you pay for it.”
“But that’s the solution. You can keep a piece of you as long as you want it. And if you aren’t happy with me or you aren’t happy in Boston, you won’t have to start again.”
“I don’t know, Chris, that seems like so much. Isn’t it too fast for this?”
“Think about it,” he sighed, leaning across to kiss her and take the key from her hand. He reached around her to toss it on her bedside table and then pulled her down to snuggle into his chest. “We have all weekend to talk about it.”
Y/N looked up at him and studied his pretty blue eyes, the scruff of his beard, and his whole handsome face. She sighed and pressed her lips into the soft juncture of his neck and jaw. “I’ll think about it.”
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Taglist: @royalwritersoftheuniverses @maylaysia109 @elrw24 @bellaireland1981 @before-we-get-started @whiskeytangofoxtrot555
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Getting a lot of mixed reports on MOANA 2's casting.
When it was a Disney+ show, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Auli'i Cravalho didn't come back to reprise their roles. They must've gotten good soundalikes... However, they are both apparently "in talks" to come back...
This movie opens in NINE MONTHS... That's gonna be crunch for the animators...
However, the other day, when Disney surprised us all with this announcement... It had appeared that The Rock and Cravalho *were* back? Now they're "in talks"? Which is it?
I hope something worked out... If not, they should really delay this thing to like spring 2025 or something. No crunch, but you know how these corporations go about these things.
It's like how the other day, Universal immediately inked a July 2025 release date for their fourth JURASSIC WORLD movie. The movie has a script, and they apparently got David Leitch to direct. Right away... Then within days, he left the movie, and the release date appears to be in limbo as well.
I dunno, maybe this whole model of "announcing release dates to whet the appetites of shareholders" thing is no longer conducive? I know it's a lot to ask for, but when something's truly ready, THEN announce its release date.
This is why you have, say, the problem with MCU movies being slotted for dates and then pushed back a ton of times. One movie just domino'ing everything backwards. Or BEYOND THE SPIDER-VERSE being set to come out less than a year after ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE only for it to be revealed that it wasn't even in production to begin with, voice work largely hadn't commenced. Then the movie got removed from the release schedule during the Writer and Actor strikes.
I know shareholders and such want to know what to expect for a future fiscal quarter (when most people don't even know what they'll up to in 2 days, lol), but the thing's gotta be ready... In the case of JURASSIC WORLD 4 (or Jurassic Something Movie #7), it sounds like they have a script... But they're not sure how to execute it. So, get the director FIRST... Then schedule the release date. Forget fiscal quarters, just tell shareholders "Oh yeah, we have another JURASSIC WORLD movie coming." But you know, time and money...
This reminds me of when Edgar Wright departed ANT-MAN, a move which sent reverberations throughout the superhero/geek movie kingdom. The film was always aiming for a July 2015 debut, and the abrupt exit right before filming was supposed to commence sent everything into a flurry. Everything just blew up. This was sometime in spring/summer 2014, off the top of my head. Barely a year away from its projected release date. Marvel luckily got Peyton Reed very quickly, filmed the thing, and didn't have to push the movie back. Even though they should've, just to allow more time. It wasn't like the autumn frame was booming with big movies or anything. But they made it, all to keep that mid-July release date.
Or hell, how about when Lucasfilm booted Phil Lord and Chris Miller off of SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY and got Ron Howard to re-film maybe 3/4 of what the duo had already completed... In mid-to-late 2017, while its Memorial Day 2018 release date held... Yeah, uhhhh... That was certainly a unique case, but again... When it's READY, ya know? The date might've made the crew work harder, whereas having it up in the air would've possibly made for a smoother production. I also feel like releasing SOLO so soon after THE LAST JEDI hurt it somewhat, not to mention having it sandwiched between Disney's too massive summer hits that year - AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR and INCREDIBLES 2. SOLO probably would've probably fared way better later on in the year, hell, Disney could've experimented with late summer/early fall. But they wouldn't do that.
So to tie this back to MOANA 2, I need the record to be set straight before I can say much. If The Rock and Cravalho have been back for some time and there's some misreporting going on, then I think it could feasibly make the Thanksgiving 2024 frame with no fuss... But if they aren't back? Delay it. If WDAS has to miss a calendar year, that's fine. The animators and conditions all come first. As long as a movie is made and all's well, that's what matters. Not like WDAS hasn't missed a year before. 2006, 2015 and 2017 anyone? 2020 narrowly missed because COVID. In fact, them skipping 2017 and not having two movies to release in 2018 meant that we had to wait 728 days for a new WDAS movie. MOANA came out Thanksgiving 2016, RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET came out Thanksgiving 2018. We were supposed to get a WDAS movie for March in 2018, so the wait wouldn't have been so long, but that didn't happen. The delay and subsequent cancellation of the movie GIGANTIC partially caused that massive gap.
Holiday 2024 for Disney has stuff like THE AMATEUR (a 20th Century release, it's a spy thriller) and that CG LION KING prequel. They'll probably make some room for a Searchlight movie or two as well. Okay, they don't need to have a bona fide blockbuster every quarter (this is assuming that MUFASA doesn't do very well, which is a strong possibility), even if it's what the shareholders demand. STRANGE WORLD and WISH were Thanksgiving-frame releases, and they both bombed. MOANA 2 is guaranteed to be a hit, but if it misses November? So what.
It should be on a clear path before a date is inked. I know that's a radical thing to say, and an unrealistic thing to ask for, buuuut... It'd be nice.
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celebtattletale · 2 years
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I posted 350 times in 2022
That's 266 more posts than 2021!
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214 posts reblogged (61%)
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I tagged 328 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
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#chris evans x reader - 31 posts
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#chris evans - 23 posts
#harrison osterfield - 21 posts
#tom holland x reader - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#i know that this was probably sent without realising but i don’t want to make anyone feel bad by saying i can’t do their request
My Top Posts in 2022:
Reunited: Y/N L/N surprises Tom Holland at No Way Home premiere
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We were all stunned at the premiere of Spider-Man: No Way Home by the all-star cast making their appearances including Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch and the man himself Tom Holland.
But one person was missing. Tom’s wife, singer Y/N, was seemingly absent from supporting her husband.
Of course, everyone understood that she was busy pursuing her own career, 3 months into her 6 month world tour, after her third studio album released.
Y/N has been joined by the couple’s three-year-old daughter, little Rose Nicola Holland, throughout her tour across the continents. The mother-daughter pair were accompanied by Tom for a couple of months before being separated for his own press tour.
So naturally, everyone expected Tom to be going to the No Way Home premiere alone, without his wife and daughter - including Tom himself!
But, part way through his interviews, Tom was distracted by an all too familiar pair of girls pulling up to the red carpet. He immediately excused himself to go see his family.
Y/N arrived in a sexy red 2-piece and blazer, with a shy Rosie hoisted onto her hip and tucked into her neck. She was also sporting a cheeky red-lipped smile as her husband sped over to the two of them.
Tom immediately took hold of his little girl, and she instantly perked up at the sight of her dad, planting a sloppy kiss on his lips. Tom was seen wrapping his arm around his wife’s waist and whispering into her ear.
Over the course of the night, we got many cute snaps of the family together, with Tom and Y/N constantly fawning over their little girl, or sharing affectionate moments between each other.
The couple have been together for 6 years, meeting just before Tom was cast as Peter Parker and just after Y/N released her first studio album. They have always been a fan favourite, especially with us here at celebtattletale.
So it’s safe to say that Rose stole the show when she was born and now on the red carpet for the first time, being the perfect addition to this a-list couple.
And we just can’t help but hope that, at some point soon, Rose will be getting a little brother or sister. Those two do make beautiful babies.
587 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Family Fun: Chris Evans heads to the coast for a day at the beach with wife and kids
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This weekend, Chris Evans (40) was spotted taking his wife and kids out to the coast of Massachusetts to enjoy a day at the beach.
The whole family were seen splashing about in the sea, a couple of the kids jumping over the waves, with the help of Chris, while wife Y/N (33) held the newest addition close to her chest.
Two months ago, the couple added baby Belle to their ever growing brood with Christopher Jr. (6), Flynn (4) and Mickey (3). At least now Mama Evans finally gets another girl in the house!
The family of six could be seen playing in the water in an array of colourful swimsuits. Y/N appeared in a black bikini, looking radiant with some of her postpartum baby belly clinging to her stomach.
Chris was evidently shirtless as he showed of his abs and chest hair in a pair of swimming trunks.
It was easy to see from the pictures that the paparazzi captured of Chris that a new tattoo has emerged, joining the collection he has on the side of his ribs.
During previous outings, fans had spotted that Chris had his kids names written on the right side of his body, and found his devotion to his family adorable.
And now little Belle's name is sat with the rest of them!
At any rate, the Evans family seemed to have fun at the beach, although the children were reportedly seem grimacing at their parents kissing.
Y/N and Chris have been together for nine years now and had a lovely winter wedding in 2015 when Y/N was already pregnant with their first child.
But we cannot fault the couple for their endless love, or the obvious devotion for their kids that they display constantly. Whenever Chris brings his family to an event, the world swoons at the perfection and displays of affection Chris shows to his wife and kids.
And this weekend seemed much the same, with Chris seen carrying his children on his shoulders and building sandcastles with them.
What an adorable sight!
789 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
Surprise at the Oscars! Y/N L/N is pregnant with husband Henry Cavill’s baby
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Y/N L/N (32) is pregnant! Last weekend she attended the Oscars with husband Henry Cavill (38), showing off her sizeable bump to the whole world.
Y/N was nominated as best actress in a leading role for her part as Lowen Ashleigh in the film adaptation of Colleen Hoover’s romance thriller ‘Verity’.
The film was delightfully disturbing, with psychological terror and romantic drama spiced with lusty sex scenes.
And it was no surprise when she won, helped up on stage by Henry whilst cradling her stomach protectively beneath her dress. Henry barely let go of her and kissed her cheek as she went up on stage.
Y/N was looking gorgeous in an ivory, tulle gown with delicate flowers embroidered along the bodice and her shoulders. The tea-length style dress bulged over the actress’ belly beautifully.
And it wasn’t only Y/N showered with praise. In her speech, many references were made to her husband, Henry, thanking him for his support and love.
This all-star couple have been together for 7 years in total and married for 3 and the whole world has loved watching their relationship grow and blossom.
The two met in 2014 through a mutual friend and the tabloids went wild after seeing the two out to lunch together. However Henry admitted that it took him 8 more months to ask her out!
Both actors kept us waiting, with it taking another 4 years for them to announce that they had gotten married. Photos of the wedding were released a few weeks after their honeymoon to Greece.
They married in a beautiful outdoor ceremony from what we could see with Henry looking absolutely dashing in his suit and Y/N stunning both him and us in her dress.
And ever since, everyone has been waiting to see a baby Cavill appear. I guess we won’t have to wait much longer…
Y/N is seven months pregnant but neither actor has revealed the sex of the baby or even whether they know themselves. At least we do know that with such beautiful parents that baby will be adorable.
This is most definitely the best surprise we could have gotten at the Oscars this year!
855 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
How Young? Chris Evans reveals he got married at just 19 years old
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Chris Evans (40) has always been an actor that was openly devoted to his family and ever since he appeared on our screens there have been no dating scandals or other public controversies.
And that’s probably because he’s been married for as long as the world has known him and is constantly adding to his brood of adorable children.
Last night, Chris appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live, promoting the launch of one of his newest projects, 'Lightyear', a story of Buzz Lightyear and his adventures to infinity and beyond.
Chris appeared looking sexy as ever in a blue suit, highlighting his muscles.
When Jimmy brought up who was most looking forward to seeing the animated movie, Chris immediately answered that his kids had been begging to see it ever since they found out that their dad was going to Buzz Lightyear.
It was then that Jimmy brought out a cute photo of Chris, his wife Y/N (39) and their 5 kids:
Brandon (18)
Lowel (14)
Rayne (11)
Teddy (7)
Laurelai (2)
The picture captured the 7 Evans's at a family event in their garden, a year after the birth of little Laurelai. And all members of the family looked their best, especially Y/N in a cute navy dress with a white floral pattern and low neckline.
Jimmy went on to ask Chris how long he and his wife had actually been married, as Chris became an actor fairly young and there was never a point where Y/N didn't seem to have been there.
Chris revealed that 'we got married right after her high school graduation, a year after I had graduated myself, so I was 19 and she was 18.
'We met in Y/N’s freshman year - my sophomore year - when she joined the cheerleading squad and I was part of the football team. Such a cliché, i know.
‘Once I finally asked her out, we dated all throughout high school.We were that couple that was obnoxiously in love, always holding hands and making out in the hallway.
‘And then after she finished school, we figured why wait? So we got married in a little ceremony in my mom’s back yard.’
When asked if it was tough being married at such a young age and then having his first kid only a few years later, Chris replied that it was difficult with Y/N getting her degree and him starting his acting career, but they made it work by just keeping talking to each other.
And now the high school sweethearts are as close as ever, living with their 3 sons, 2 daughters and 2 dogs - Dodger and Pixie, in Boston in the house that Y/N designed herself after she became an architect.
We here at celebtattletale wish the family the best and I'm sure that we can all only hope for a love like theirs.
1,138 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Missing Ring? Fans spot that Chris Evans' newly-wed is missing a certain piece of jewellery
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Two weeks ago, Chris Evans (40) got married to the love of his life and partner of four years, Y/N L/N (28) in a small backyard ceremony in his hometown of Boston.
Everyone went wild when Chris posted a picture of him and his beautiful bride on Instagram after not revealing any information about his upcoming wedding, other than one would be coming.
And we here at celebtattletale can say with certainty that Chris chose a beautiful woman to spend the rest of his life with.
Fans have adored Y/N ever since Chris confirmed that he was in a relationship with a young woman back in Boston, and love seeing pictures of her and Dodger being posted.
She looked stunning on their wedding day, with her arms linked with Chris' in his simple suit, clinging to his muscles. Y/N wore a stunning white dress, flowing about her ankles.
And now Chris and his newly-wed wife have set off on their honeymoon to Italy. They have spent the past two weeks there enjoying marital bliss and trying to keep to themselves.
Chris has posted just one photo of their trip and fans couldn't help but notice that something was missing from the picture that Chris captioned: 'with you'.
Throughout their relationship, Chris has spoken about how many people noticed that his girlfriend wore a ring on her left ring finger, although the couple were not engaged.
The ring was in fact a purity ring, and despite not telling the public whether Y/N wore it for religious reasons or not, Chris has said that he supported her decision to keep that part of herself for herself only until she felt ready.
And although, the idea of purity rings has been criticised in the media, fans have applauded Y/N for choosing to remain abstinent until she wanted to share that.
So when they spotted that the ring was missing from her finger, everyone on Instagram began searching for the piece of jewellery, as it is usually worn by the partner or kept.
Last weekend, Chris and Y/N were seen snuggling up on their honeymoon by a paparazzo and when the pictures were published, it did not take long for people to spot the ring on a chain around Chris' neck!
While we hope that the couple spend the rest of their honeymoon in peace, we cannot help but adore their devotion to one another and how they support each other.
1,919 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
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outsideratheart · 3 years
I'll Always Come Back to You (Preath x Military!Reader)
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Anon request: Hey love, could you write a preath x reader. With military!reader coming home to them both.Just pure fluff😢
3 months, that is how long your mission was supposed to take. Now here you were 7 months later still in Afghanistan.
Your job was very important and you were very proud of the work you did but it did have its downsides, the biggest one, being away from your girlfriends.
“How is it going? I mean I know you can’t tell us why but” Christen begins to mumble.
“Everything is going according to plan, I should be hope by the end of the month” You tell her.
“Really! That soon” You cannot help but smile at Christen’s smile, it was infectious.
But it was the sight of your other girlfriend that now had your attention.
“What’s the matter Tobs?” You ask as she clearly wasn’t as excited as Christen.
“Nothing” Tobin lies.
“Well I have just told you that I am coming home and you face looks like a brick wall”
“It’s just that…well…we have had this conversation before and I got excited the first and the second time even the third but now” Tobin doesn’t look at you instead she plays with her hands.
“Baby, look at me” you wait until she does so.
“I know it can be hard but I have a job to do which is bigger than me. It requires be to be away from you, both of you. I miss you both so much and I am doing everything in power to come home to you as soon as I can”
You look up just in time to see tears falling down Tobin’s face.
“We know it’s hard Y/N which just miss you is all” Christen tells you.
“So how is camp? We watched your came against Sweden, there’s nothing quite like watching my girls tear up the field” you say trying to change the subject.
“It’s going good, we finally nailed that set piece I was talking to you about the other day” Tobin says.
She goes on to describe the play in detail and you smile at her passion. You could listen to her talk about soccer all day.
“What?” She asks as she catches you staring.
“Nothing, I just love to see you smile” Tobin blushes at your compliment. You loved that you still had this power over her even it is from the other side of the world.
“Oh Y/N, I tried that yoga routine you recommended. I was so sore the next day I could hardly walk” Christen rolls her eyes at your smirk and Tobin’s giggle which she managed to cover with a cough.
“Don’t say it” She tells you.
“Sounds like I never left” You say smugly.
“Chris you practically set her up with that one” Tobin says playfully.
“Y/L/N time for briefing” Your hear someone say.
“Duty calls” you tell them “I love you both so much”
“I love you” Christen says.
“I love you” Tobin says.
“Please stay safe” They both say in unison.
You blow a kisses at the camera before ending the video call.
After the brief your sergeant asks you to stay back.
“I know you have been on base a little longer than expected and we appreciate the work you have been doing so we are releasing you from Duty. I have organised a flight for you, if you go pack now you might make it back for you girls’ game” He tells you.
You were finally able to go home and you will be able to surprise Christen and Tobin since they thought you would be back at the end of the month.
Your bags were packed and your were on the plane. In order to keep the homecoming a secret you would have to cancel a FaceTime with your girlfriends but it would be worth it in the end.
You send them both a text saying that you will be going dark for next 24 hours due to the mission to had.
20 hours later, you land in Houston. You look at your watch to see that that have an hour before kick off so you make your way to the game.
Meanwhile at the stadium Christen and Tobin are freaking out as they saw on the news that there was an explosion near the base you were staying in and they couldn’t get in touch you.
“I’m sure she is fine. You said that she was on mission so that means that she wasn’t on base” Alex says trying to calm them down.
“Something is wrong, I can feel it. Last time I felt like this Y/N had been shot” Christen said.
“Christen!” Tobin shouts “you can’t just say something like that”
Christen goes to Tobin and gives her a hug, whispering something in her ear that the rest of the team can’t hear.
“Right, listen up” Vlatko enters the locker room “Christen, Tobin I have seen the news and i want you both to know that you are excused from today’s game”
“I want to play” Christen says.
“Me too” Tobin agrees with her girlfriend.
Before going onto the pitch there is another news report saying that there were no casualties at the bombing so that put’s them at ease but your dark 24 hours were over and they still couldn’t get in touch with you.
You arrive at the game just as the referee blows the whistle and you cheer loudly as you see that both Christen and Tobin are starting.
The game is over before you know it. It was finally time be reunited with the loves of the life.
The players begin their walk around the stadium thanking the crowd, luckily Tobin and Christen are at the back which gives to the chance to get the attention of one of the other players.
It is Ash that sees you first and goes to one of the security guards letting you know that you are family and need to come to the locker room. He escorts you through the stadium, down the several corridors and then you see it. ‘Home Team Locker Room’.
The team had won so most of them were celebrating but not your girlfriends, they were checking their phones and you knew they were waiting for a text from you.
You stood in the doorway watching them for a moment. They were your everything and seeing them in person floods you with all kind of emotions. You don’t realise your crying until Alex passes you a tissue. Turns out everyone had noticed your presence, everyone but the two people you wanted to see you.
“They’re all yours” Ash tells you patting you on the back.
You hear Christen telling Tobin to try calling you one more time and you see your opportunity. You get your phone out of your pocket and turn it on.
Your phones goes off seconds later and your answer it.
“Y/N! You finally answered, please tell me you are ok?” Christen says and you smile at her concern.
“How about you turn around to see for yourself” You tell her.
Christen runs to you, jumps into your arms and you catch her spinning her around.
“I can’t believe you’re here” She says as she places a kiss on your lips.
“She’s really missed you, it has been harder on her this time” Christen tells you signalling to Tobin who is still in her locker staring at you in disbelief.
You place christen on the ground, taking her hand in your as you go to Tobin.
“Am I dreaming because I have had this dream before, you come home then I wake up and your gone again” She tells you.
“I’m here baby” you say.
She stands and kisses you, this one more passionate than the one you shared with Christen which surprises you. Normally Tobin shied away from PDA but not today.
“I really missed that” you say pulling away.
“I have missed you so much Y/N” She says with tears in her eyes.
The rest of the team stand in shock, they have never seen Tobin this vulnerable.
“I hate to break up this reunion but it’s time to go back to hotel” Becky tells you and you, Tobin and Christen frown. “Oh no, I don’t mean it like that. Y/N can obviously come with us”
The ride back to the hotel took too long for your liking. You just wanted to get back so that you could have some alone time with your girlfriends.
As soon as you arrived the three of you politely declined team meal which everyone full understood.
You got to the hotel room and quickly got a shower to freshen up whilst Christen and Tobin got changed. When you came out your were wearing some shorts and a sports bra.
“Those pictures you sent really didn’t do you justice” You blushed at Christen’s statement remembering sending those photos to her.
You lay on the bed between Tobin and Christen and Tobin begins scanning your body and you knew exactly what she was doing.
“This one is new” she says pointing to a scar on your leg then placing a kiss on it.
“So is this one” christen says and she copies what Tobin did.
You had several new scars, none no bigger than a quarter but your girlfriends were very observant.
“We’re not playing this game, despite how much I love where it is leading”
Tobin hold her hands up in defence.
“We just worry” Christen tells you.
“I know you do”
You kiss her forehead and then kiss Tobin’s.
“Is that a new hoodie?” You ask Tobin.
“It is” she replies.
You look at her giving her your best puppy dog eyes. You loved Tobin’s clothes and often stole them.
You watch her take her hoodie off and give it to you.
“It’s smells just like you” you say as you put it on “thank you” you kiss her cheek.
You lay between your girlfriends as you all watch a film. These are the moments you missed, when it was just the three of you.
“We’re really happy you’re home” christen tells you.
“I’ll always come back you”
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drarryruinedme7 · 4 years
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Last year I made a post with all my fave Drarry fics from my first year of fandom. Have my second year wrap up! Listed by Rating and then length. 
Beautiful by @xx-thedarklord-xx​​ (2017; 8.9k)
Summary: With the second task looming closer, Harry escapes to the Black Lake to open the egg, in the hopes of avoiding Myrtle. The Mersong isn't just helpful in figuring out that Mermaids are real, it attracts his very own handsome Merman.
*I didn’t know I love merpeople AUs until I read this one. It was cute and sweet and I’m really glad I read it. 
Hermione Granger's Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run by @waspabi​​ (2017; 93.3k)
Summary: 'You're a wizard, Harry' is easier to hear from a half-giant when you're eleven, rather than from some kids on a tube platform when you're seventeen and late for work.
*What can I say. This is a masterpiece, it absolutely entered my heart to never leave it again. Best AU ever!!!
Away Childish Things by @letteredlettered​​ (2018; 153.8k)
Summary: Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him.
* This has been the turning point of my Drarry passion this year. First, I discovered Lettered (good Lord why hadn’t I before?!) and then, well. This fic brought out so many feelings in me and I’ve already re-read it something like 5 or 6 times in the span of a few months. Amazing.
you’ve got the antidote for me by Kandakicksass (2018; 20.7k)
Summary: When Harry Potter unintentionally severs their soulbond before it can fully form, Draco Malfoy resigns himself to a slow death and decides not to burden Harry with a soulmate he's made it very clear he doesn't want.He's never been selfless before, but for Harry, he can try.
* The angst!! It’s usually not my cuppa, but this was bittersweet and just so well written, I couldn’t stop reading. Find the rec for this one at this post.
Give Me Sweet Oblivion by @tryslora​​ (2012; 4k)
Summary: Italy seems like a long way to go to keep a fetish secret. But the club is exclusive, and the far away location, and Muggle nature, promises anonymity from Wizarding Britain. The only problem is that sometimes, great minds think alike.
*Super hot, I love finding old gems like this one. Plus, Italy. Go, folks!
Shiny Things, Slightly Damaged by @lqtraintracks​​ (2020; 5.3k)
Summary: Harry may not ever have had to see it if McGonagall hadn’t decided it was a good idea to hold a ceremony on the grounds outside before the Sorting in the Hall. And by ‘it’ he’s referring to Draco Malfoy on a motorbike.
*jsklajdksajfa This one! THIS ONE! Slayed me. I read it feverishly and then like, fainted at Draco on a motorbike.... this fic surprised me and I 100% loved it.
A Ghost of Blissful Feelings by @alpha-exodus​​ (2020; 6k)
Summary: Harry hadn't expected to spend his eighth year fucking Draco Malfoy, but it's the only thing that helps him let go.
*Dunno guys, I’m amazed by how much this one hit me. You should read the tags before diving in, but it was darkish in the right way, Harry and Draco suffers and find peace in a ‘’special’’ way, but I stand by it. Hot and intense.
Tell Me (What you Need) by @keyflight790​​ (2019; 6k)
Summary: Even though Harry was paying for his Dom, there were limits; breaking points in which someone would refuse, no matter how many Galleons were pushed in their direction.
*Okay, I may be biased because this is a gift for me, but Chris never lets down with her amazing writing and this has everything I need and more: Dom!Rentboy!Draco and a perfectly sweet Harry with a Daddy!kink. I mean.
Dangerous by Faith Wood (2014; 6.3k)
Summary: Being trapped in a dungeon with Malfoy — who's a werewolf, a former Death Eater, and a giant git — is definitely dangerous. Harry has no reason to be excited. None at all.
*Y’all know Faith Wood is like my n.1 fave Drarry author. I have no idea why I had never read this one though!!! It’s actually phenomenal, scorching hot and just dsjkafjaks love this werewolf!Draco. OMG.
Scent and Sensibility by aidaninkling (2018; 7.5k)
Summary: [...] Draco's always known he'd be married off as a trophy omega, but suddenly his mother's trying to make him king by promising him to some stupidly good-looking alpha and she just won't stop smiling at him. Does fate's cruelty know no end?!
*This blew my mind. A/B/O AU so hot I melted while reading it and I loved it so much that I re-read it three times IN A ROW. No kidding. Read it. 
The Eighth Tale by @letteredlettered​​ (2012; 12k)
Summary: Draco Malfoy tries to fix the past, but instead mucks it up some more. For Harry, it all becomes quite clear.
*Back to Lettered. I love Time Travel fics, and this just delivered perfectly. The ending was also enigmatic enough to keep me wandering, which I always appreciate in these kind of stories. 
Sex, Lies and Veritaserum by @letteredlettered​​ (2011; 17.9k)
Summary: This entire fic is one long conversation about sex.
*LOL alright, I’ve developed a new obsession this year (clearly). This was ...gosh! Hot but it also gives away a certain level of intimacy and trust between Draco and Harry to be so open about their kinks... it was perfect.
On One’s Knees by pir8fancier (2008; 33.8k)
Summary: The war is over and to the victors go the spoils.
* The fic which made me fall in love with DownAndOut!Draco. 
The Pirate and the Prince by @nerdherderette​ (2019; 49.2k)
Summary: Draco can't believe that fate and circumstance have made him a stowaway on the Master of Death's ship. He doesn't know what's worse: the dread pirate's legendary vendetta against the aristocracy, or the fact that his captor is the most infuriating yet irrefutably fascinating man Draco has ever met.
*Okay y’all. Nerd is a great person and author. She is phenomenal. And this fic shows it so well. The pirate!AU the Drarry fandom both needed and deserved. Sublime.
Unhook the Stars by jad (2016; 70.5k)
Summary: [...] Seventy-thousand words of pornographic discourse between two boys-turned-men that still haven't learned how to communicate like normal people – with words. Guest appearances by Pansy Parkinson, Neville Longbottom, Hermione Granger, Blaise Zabini, Teddy Lupin, Gregory Goyle, the Weird Sisters, ex-wives, several Weasleys, a Boggart, and a Honey Badger.
*Again, Dom!Draco and such a beautiful sub!Harry. They stole my heart. In this fic they grow up together through the aftermath of the war and they just... they have this intense Dom/sub relationship, I can’t... explain how much I loved this. Scorpius also makes his appearance and it’s so real and cute!
Such Great Heights by aideomai (2015; 93.3k)
Summary: Draco Malfoy, wide-eyed and pale and in a decidedly ragged shirt, was crouched next to the pile of whatever the dragon had been eating. Harry threw himself to a halt and yelled, “Merlin, how many times do I have to save your life?”
*This is one of the last ones I’ve read. Find my rec for it here. Such a cool fic, with a shunned Draco who gets to be so happy in the end, it made me happy too.
Burn The Witch by @lettersbyelise​​ (2019; 95.8)
Summary: When Harry Potter is sent in to investigate Draco Malfoy’s successful potions company, posing as Draco’s bodyguard, he doesn’t know the case will launch a series of events that will change his life — and Draco’s. A story about choices, scars, Chopin piano pieces, and finding all kinds of love in the most unexpected places.
*I do not have the words to express what this fic means to me. First of all, it’s how I met Elise who’s an amazing person and who I’m glad to call friend. She’s the sweetest. And also incredibly talented. This fic will take your breath away from the first word to the last one. Smol!Scorpius is perfectly characterised and my absolute favourite bit of the fic. 
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid​​ (2019; 99.7k)
Summary: What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry's justice is his ticket back to everything he's lost. But nothing is exactly as it seems. Not even Harry himself. And as he gets drawn further and further into Malfoy's world of honour and deception he finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew—about his childhood nemesis, the Ministry job he misses so much, and most of all, about himself. What happens when you’re forced to see that you were wrong?
*Another incredible person who I got to know better thanks to her breathtaking storytelling and her sweetness for sharing it with me. Quick made something amazing with this fic and I urge you to read it. It was my first creature fic ever, first time I read about werewolves and I totally fell in love with it. Sheer perfection. 
Freedom to be by @quicksilvermaid​​  (2019; 169.5k)
Summary: Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived. 12 years after the war, he's become the Boy Who Lived For Everyone Else. He has the perfect wife. The perfect house. The perfect job. The perfect friends. Only nothing feels perfect. Until one day he stumbles across a club called Release and begins a journey of self-discovery that takes him to a very different place.
*Well, could I just miss out on another one of Quick’s great works? With, again, Dom!Draco!??? No, I couldn’t! This is such a great exploration of BDSM and what it means and Harry’s path into it. 
19 Years and 5 Minutes Later by TheMightyFlynn (2015; 202.8k)
Summary: Five minutes after his happily-ever-after, Harry finds himself locked in the public loos with an angry Draco Malfoy and a need that he has denied for 19 years.
*Find my rec for this fic here. It’s really long and has Ginny bashing, but it’s totally worth it!! 
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gra-sonas · 3 years
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CW viewers first met Nathan Dean as Jackson on the hit "Vampire Diaries" spinoff "The Originals." However, his werewolf stint on the series wasn't his first foray on TV. The actor starred in over 300 episodes of "General Hospital," later scoring roles on shows like "Bunheads," "True Blood," and "Once Upon a Time." Between his notable TV appearances, Dean appeared in movies such as "Teeth," "The Roommate," and "Pet."
Luckily for CW followers, the network frequently features actors from past projects in new endeavors, providing fans with plentiful reunions. After a successful run on the vampire show, Dean scored a leading role as Max in "Roswell, New Mexico." Sticking true to his supernatural roots, Dean plays an alien deputy (the outer space kind, of course). Early in Season 3, the CW greenlit a Season 4, with filming on the horizon.
Looper spoke to Nathan Dean in an exclusive interview, during which he dished on Season 3 of "Roswell, New Mexico," what he really thinks about UFOs, and what it was like working on "The Originals," "Once Upon a Time," and "True Blood."
Do you have a favorite moment with the cast on or off set?
I mean, I think this past year was probably just our first day back, being everyone was so locked down in the pandemic and just the fact that we were able to come back in October. I remember the first [day] we were trying out all these new COVID protocols. We had to wear masks. We had to do the thing, but just to see our crew again here.
I mean, the crew we have here in New Mexico is such a family to us. And being able to be on set, we had a day zero, and a day double zero, and test days. And the first day back was just the crew and me. And it was just so wonderful to see everyone again and realize it wasn't necessarily the apocalypse, the end of the world like we all thought, and we're back. We're back, and everyone was good, and everyone was very conscious of being healthy and staying in the bubble that we had, and just to see their faces again was fantastic.
The series recently changed showrunners. How do you feel about the new direction? And can you tease anything that fans might expect from Max's character arc this season?
Yeah. We did. I mean, Chris Hollier is our showrunner now, and he was a producer for us the last couple of years. And when he took over, we tried to move not only Max, but I think every character, into a more adult, mature way of operating. We spent a lot of time in Season 1 in particular, but Season 2 as well, flashing back to high school. And we all had a high school outlook on each other. And moving forward, we've been able to mature the characters, I think. And this year is a great year, I think, for Max in particular, because he has to literally look himself in the eye and become the person that he was meant to be instead of someone he used to be.
Were you a fan of the original "Roswell" before snagging your role on the series?
I had never actually seen it. I mean, I don't watch a whole lot of TV, and I was familiar with the show, and I knew the book series. So yeah, when we decided to reboot this thing, it was really, really cool to see the support that we got from the original show. And we've had some of the people back. Shiri [Appleby] directed episodes for us. Last year we had ... Jason [Behr] was back for a little bit. And it's just great to know that we're in this family. It's not like no one saw us as trying to take it over or rewrite history. We're just embracing the history that's already there and just building on it and spinning it into a modern world. So yeah, their support was wonderful, and we're excited to have more of that going forward.
What direction do you hope Max goes in the future?
Well, Max spends a whole lot of time this season having to look himself in the face — literally questions a lot of things. We've done a lot in the past, the high school flashbacks and this and that, but I think this year, not only for Max but for all the characters, we see this maturation happen where you're no longer looking backward into who they used to be. Now this season, we're finally looking forward to who we want to be. And I think Max and Joan embody that dynamic, but yeah, you see it with Michael, Isabel, Maria, Liz. You see every character really take a step forward this year, and that's a credit to our showrunner and to our writers for trusting us to take that leap and move the show, looking forward instead of looking back.
Are there any particular adult storylines that you're excited to maybe see him tackle or that you'd like to see him tackle?
Well, I think it's his relationship with Liz, really. We ended Season 2 in a pretty bad place. I mean, Liz runs off, Max goes all arsonist on her, it's a little bit of an immature response to something. You just have a temper tantrum and light everything on fire. But I think this year, yeah, we really see Max and Liz move forward in a way that is much more mature and adult and respectful. And they, I mean, obviously the elephant in the room is, "Well hey, you blew up all my stuff." "Yeah, sorry." But how do you come back from that? And I think we see them take a step forward in a big way this year, and I'm excited for people to see that this year because we haven't historically had a very adult relationship, and now we're moving towards that.
Is there anyone you'd love to see appear on the show?
I mean, I would love to have Jason [Behr] back, I would say. I mean, he wasn't with us for long last year, and it was just great to see him and learn from him and watch him work. So I would love to see some more of the 1940s flashback-y kind of stuff, learn some more of that. We have a little bit of that in season three. We have some of that, which is a lot of fun, and yeah, I mean, I'm always in for that.
I love flashbacks, other time periods, different things that shows do. Is there a time period that you'd love to see the show tackle in flashbacks?
Yeah. I mean, we get into it this year, more of the ... Because the crash was what? 1947, I believe. We get into that a little bit more, and that's always fun. I love that time period. I love being able to play in that arena, and hopefully, we get some more of that in Season 3, and hopefully, going forward in Season 4, we'll have some more of that as well.
Have you been able to direct yet?
I have not. I haven't tried. I haven't asked to. Actually Maria, Heather [Hemmens], who plays Maria on our show, she directed this past year. And I know Michael Trevino, who plays Kyle, he wants to get into directing. So hopefully, we'll have him this coming year. And I haven't looked to direct on this show. I would love to direct a short film or something like that, but on this show, I'll leave our show to the professionals. I'll find directing somewhere else.
"Roswell, New Mexico" actually films in New Mexico. How do you think that choice has positively affected the feel of the show?
Oh, it changes everything. I mean, New Mexico, I don't know if you've had a chance to come out here, but New Mexico is such an amazing place. I mean, they call it the Land of Enchantment for a reason. Growing up in Texas, I've driven through New Mexico a million times, but I never stopped. And when I finally got here and just took it in, I mean, the sky is huge out here. The air is different out here. It's everywhere you look: the sunsets are incredible. It informs so much of the show.
And also, having crew from New Mexico, having a local crew out here, you see it on our show, the turquoise, just the style, the whole thing. But we see that every day. That's just the people that we work with, and to be able to film here, I think, informs so much of what it is to crash land in this crazy place. And yeah, I don't think we could pull this off anywhere else. This is such a wonderful place, and yeah, we're very lucky to be here.
Speaking of crash landing, New Mexico has been a hotbed for reported UFO sightings for years. Have you ever seen anything weird yourself, or have you heard stories from other cast members or locals?
I haven't heard any abduction stories, but it's definitely ... we get on set every time there's an airplane or an airline will report that they've seen something weird. We're the first ones to know about it. I mean, the skies here are crazy — there are times when you look up in the clouds, you're like, "Is that something? I don't know." But yeah, I mean, we have all that here. We're very much in it, but yeah, I have not personally been abducted yet, but I'm hoping for it.
Fingers crossed? [Laughs] So in June, the government released a report confirming that they can't explain 143 UFO sightings, which is a wild revelation. Do you think that there's any credence to the idea that these might be actual extraterrestrial events, or do you think there's a simpler explanation to all of that?
I mean, I think it definitely it could be. I'm not writing it off. When you hear, you see videos, you can see video of Air Force pilots, and there's something on their radar that you just can't explain. I don't know if it's aliens. I don't know if it's probes or some sort of drone that someone sent out, I don't know. But it wouldn't surprise me if it was true. I mean, I think the universe is too big of a place for us to be all alone here. And if aliens are going to come somewhere, you should come to New Mexico because it's awesome and we're waiting for you.
So would you be team "Leave the aliens alone and let them do their thing," or "Let's initiate contact and see what happens"?
Oh, I would love to initiate contact. I would love to. I would love to go on a spaceship. I would love to go explore that. I think if ... There are all these movies, "War of the Worlds." There's all this stuff that imagines aliens are going to come here and destroy us. If you're going to travel all that distance, you're not looking to destroy anybody. So I think it would be a really interesting conversation. I think we would have a lot to learn from an advanced civilization that traveled all this way. I think we would have a lot to learn.
The series tackles a ton of critical social issues like immigration, ICE, and domestic violence. Have there been any of those subjects that particularly resonate with you and that you're proud of the show for homing in on? And is there something that you'd like to see them do in the future?
Well, for me personally, I mean, I'm a cop on the show. That's been a huge debate over the last couple of years, and this season, we get into the good and the bad of that. We see the good sides of it and what it can be, and then we also can see the bad side.
And for me personally, that's been something that I think we've talked about a little bit that I'm very happy with. And also, I mean, everyone just went through this huge pandemic. We can't ignore that. So that's something, when our character of Kyle, who's a doctor — what he's had to go through — I think that's one of the things that makes our show relatable and makes our show ... we're not shying away from the cop controversy. We're not shying away from the things people had to go through with the pandemic.
We're willing to talk about it. And thankfully, we have such a great platform to do that with this backdrop of aliens and all this stuff. We can really home in on the human aspects of that world, given the fact that we're an alien show. It makes talking about the human stuff much more, I think, palpable. And yeah, that's something that we've always done. And going forward, we'll see what the world has in store for us the next year or two, and we'll talk about that, whatever comes up, we're here for it.
Several other actors from the "Vampire Diaries" universe have also come to "Roswell." What was it like working with Riley Voelkel and Steven Krueger again — and getting a chance to work with other "TVD" alums, like Michael Trevino and Kayla Ewell?
It's great. I mean, CW does a great job of keeping the family together. Working with Trevino is fantastic. He's a great guy, and I've known him for a long time. Same with Jason Krueger and Riley. I've known them for a long time, and just to have those familiar faces around is always nice, but it's fun too then to see these people who, we come from this vampire-werewolf world, and now we're in this alien world. It's fun to see that transition and get to see what else they can bring to the table.
Definitely. So you've been a werewolf, you've been a vampire, you've been an alien, and you've even been a fairytale character. Do you have a favorite? And do you gravitate more toward shows with supernatural undertones, or did it just sort of happen that way?
It just sort of happened. I mean, I would say for me, my favorite is always just being a human. That seems to be the hardest job to get, but no, I mean, it just sort of happened. And it's fun because, like I was saying, having a backdrop of something supernatural highlights the humanity.
I mean, if you have this ... There are aliens, and there's this, and there's that, but then you have these human moments, and those are the ones that you hold precious because sure, you can throw people around and you can jump out of trees, and you can do all this crazy supernatural stuff. But at the end of the day, it's about the human moments. And I think that's what supernatural shows tend to bring out the most.
"Roswell" isn't your first time being on a CW show. You also starred in "The Originals." What was it like working on set with Phoebe Tonkin and Joseph Morgan and the rest of that cast?
Oh, they were great. I mean, we were out in Atlanta, and I mean, geez, that was like five, six, seven years ago now.
Really? That long?
Right? Crazy. But it was great. I mean, every set is going to be different, and we were in Atlanta for "The Originals." And so we had the Atlanta crew there, and we got to know that city a lot. And then moving out here to New Mexico, it's a completely different landscape. It's a completely different setup.
Thankfully it's nice to always have the familiar faces, but yeah, we have a New Mexico crew, and this platform is totally different because we're not talking about supernatural witchcraft and this and that. We're talking about sci-fi. We're talking about aliens. We're talking about all this other stuff. So I mean, they're both different. I mean, I loved Atlanta. I will always love Atlanta, but yeah, I'm just grateful to be out here in New Mexico now.
Is there anything you wish that Jackson did on the show before your storyline ended, and how do you feel about your character's first ending and then getting to meet Hope and Hayley again at the end?
I think that was a really sweet way to go out. Jackson was always a passenger on that ship. The story was about the vampires and about Phoebe's character, and Jackson was always just sort of a bystander. So, to have that kind of closure with Hope at the end and have that moment, it was nice. I think Jackson serves his purpose. The story wasn't about him, but yeah, it was nice that they brought me back, and I was able to have that moment.
To that end, "The Originals" birthed the backdoor pilot for the "Legacies" spinoff. Would you come back for something like a flashback episode if given the opportunity? Or are you happy with where it ended up?
I'm happy where it ended up. I think "Legacies" is on its own journey now. And I know the actress who plays Hope, and I know that they're on their own path. Jackson doesn't really have a place there.
The great thing about the entire "Vampire Diaries" franchise is its deep roots in history, culture, and folklore. Do you have any favorite storylines, time periods, or pieces of folklore that the show tackled throughout its run?
Yeah, I mean, I think when I was doing the vampire/werewolf stuff, it was fascinating to learn so much about where those legends came from. The origin stories of, you have, what was it? Vlad the Impaler was one of the first people thought to be vampires and these horribly dark stories that gave rise to these myths and legends.
And it was really, really fun to just learn about all of that and to learn the history of where these myths come from and why they're so compelling today. I mean, why do we still talk about this stuff? What is it that draws our attention to it? So it was just fun to learn, I mean, from an intellectual standpoint, just get into the mindsets of people that may have thought these bloodthirsty sorts of things. It was kind of wild, and yeah, it was a lot of fun to learn about.
You had a stint as James in the last season of "True Blood." Was it difficult coming on so late into such a beloved show? Were you nervous, or did you feel welcomed right away? And what was your biggest takeaway from that series?
I definitely felt welcomed. I actually knew Deborah Ann Woll, who played my love interest off the top. I knew her from way long ago. We actually go way back. So I was familiar enough with the cast and crew. They welcomed me in. It was weird coming in at the end of a show because they had been together for seven years at that point, that cast.
And stepping in, I got to see a lot of the heartbreak and the sadness of it coming to an end, but I was grateful to be a part of it. And I learned a lot from Stephen [Moyer] and from Anna [Paquin], and it was a great environment. I wish it had gone on longer, but I was grateful for the year that I got there.
You played another classic fairytale character in "Once Upon a Time" as Hansel. What was that experience like? And how do you feel that the show handled its own spin on the Hansel and Gretel fairytale? And do you have any fond memories of that set and that cast?
Well, I love that set. I mean, actually, our current showrunner, Chris Hollier, was one of the writers on that show. And I was in a situation this year similar to the one I was in when I was on "Once Upon a Time" — getting to have this dual life, this secret life. And I like the direction that they went on "Once Upon a Time," it was a lot of fun, but it was a great crew. It was a great cast. And it was fun to play a little darkly twisted version of a fairytale character. You think fairytales, you think happily ever after, but yeah, I didn't have one of those kinds of characters on that show, and it was really fun. It was very fun to play the dark side of all that.
Is there any other franchise that you'd like to break into? "Star Wars"? Marvel? Anything like that?
Oh, any of it, all of it. Yeah, sure. I mean, I would love to, Disney+, they're doing a lot of great stuff with Marvel and with the "Star Wars" franchise. And I mean, I would love to be any part of that because Marvel's just awesome. So, that would just be fun, but "Star Wars" is cool because it's a time period in and of itself. They really have created this out-of-time universe that there are spaceships, but they also have lightsabers, and they're sword fighting, but they're flying through the galaxy. So it's this weird mashup. That would definitely be fun. I mean, I would love to get into any of that.
Would you want to play an alien? A Jedi? Or a Sith?
That's the real question.
Maybe a Sith. I don't know. Yeah. I think that would be fun. Yeah, yeah. You just don't have rules at that point.
I feel like the Jedi don't follow any of their rules either. [Laughs]
That is true. They have a lot of rules, they just don't listen. Yeah.
Is there anything else that's upcoming for you that you want to talk about?
I don't know. I mean, right now, I'm just focused on Season 4. We get started in a couple weeks. I'm curious to see how we springboard off of Season 3, because Season 3 is wild, and I hope people enjoy it as much as we did filming it. So I'm excited to tackle Season 4, and then beyond that, we'll see if we get to Season 5.
We'll be lucky to do that, but yeah, I mean, there are always projects. There's so much happening in the world of TV right now and in film, and there are so many different avenues that you can take. We had actors on our show that were directing their own short films this past year that were doing all this. So there are tons of avenues for it. And I'm just focused on Season 4 right now. I'll be doing that for the next six months, and then beyond that, we'll see. We'll see what comes down the pipe.
Is there anything else about the show or anything else you want to add?
No. I mean, not really. I mean, I think I'm excited to hear feedback and to hear what people think about the different, the Jones, Max difference, this sort of dichotomy that we have in Season 3. I'm excited to see what people think about that and what that reveals going forward. And then, yeah, again, I'm excited to see these characters take a step forward in terms of their maturity with each other and respecting each other and Liz and Max finally figuring it out and finally getting on the same page for the first time. So that'll all be fun. That'll be fun looking forward.
Definitely. Well, congratulations on getting a new season before the current one has even popped off. I love seeing that.
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blkgirlcafe · 4 years
Professor Nasty Pt. 2
Professor! Florian Munteanu x Black! Reader
Warning: Rough sex, unprotected sex, cheating, undefined age gap, dirty talking, slight degrading.
I keep my description of the reader pretty vague, make her how you want, but she black fosho. I am trying to get better at writing from a Y/N perspective, so any constructive criticism is welcomed.
Thank you @dersha89​ for the inspiration.  Thank you love!
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The Chinese food they ended up ordering was just being pushed around her plate. 
“What's wrong, you've been so quiet since you got here. Did he fail your paper again, dude can be so hard.” Fynn shoved fried rice into his mouth, bits dropping everywhere. 
“Just tired.” 
Fynn rolled his eyes, “Then go to bed.” 
Y/N stood, taking her plate and shoving it in the fridge. 
“I’m going home, you can play your game without being worried about me.” 
Part of Y/N knew she was taking her bad attitude out of Fynn not that he deserved it, she had literally cheated on him hours ago and now she was being bitchy. 
“Fine, maybe we can link when you fix your attitude, I didn't do anything to you.” 
Y/N didn't even stay to hear the rest, just grabbed her stuff to head back to her apartment, where she should have gone in the first place. 
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Thank god her two roommates were out, she closed and locked the door to her room, not wanting to be disturbed. Y/N turned on her soft music playlist and tried to get some studying done, but nothing was clicking. She kept thinking about Mr. Munteanu and what had happened. She opened the text thread a few times, reading the message, trying to decipher things that weren't there. His message was clear and concise, he wanted to see her again. And Y/N wanted to see him too. 
So she texted him back. 
Where am I headed?
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“Hello trick, you off in LaLa Land?” Chris waved her hand in front of Y/N’s face. 
Y/N snapped out her daydream, today was Friday and she was absolutely frazzled by what could happen tonight. He had sent her an address, one not far from the school, and told her to dress sexy. 
“No, just tired.” 
“If I hear that shit one more time, I swear.” Chris grabbed a fry from Y/N’s uneaten plate. 
“Well I am, what you want me to say.” 
“The truth, first you fight with Fynn for no damm reason, you been MIA all fucking week, and I finally track you down and you barely can string a sentence together. I’m not stupid.”
“You sure, cause you went back to Jason 4 times.” Y/N snapped. 
“Ohh that was low, you def hiding something chick. Let me find out.” Chris was staring her down and it made Y/N squirm. 
“Look I am sorry, that was low, my bad. But I am stressed, school, being away from family, being one of the few black women at this school, not being able to find decent hair products. I could go on.” 
Y/N could tell that Chris was not buying it at all. They had been friends since freshman year and they could read each other. 
“Imma let you slide, but when you are ready to tell me the truth, just know I am here. And Fynn getting on my fucking nerves, he keeps asking me whats wrong with you and how he can make it better.”
That made Y/N feel even worst, Fynn was trying his hardest to be a good guy and here she was out here being scum. 
“I’ll make it up to him.” 
“Hopefully with this that you ask me to bring.” 
Chris put a bag on the table, and Y/N smiled on the inside. Chris was the queen of dressing fly and sexy. She made anything look good. Whenever Y/N need an outfit she shopped Chris closet. 
Y/N had asked Chris to bring her dress and she had delivered. Y/N pulled the dress out, giving it a look. A blue mini dress that sparkled, it left very little to the imagination. This was a no bra type of dress, the straps super thin. 
“Damm this is dope, thank you.”
“No problem and I dont need it back, what is it for?”
“Going to surprise Fynn.” Y/N lied. 
“Pair it with those clear pumps you have and girl you will be looking irresistible. Promise. Look I gotta go, hit me up and let me know how it goes.” 
Chris stole a few more fries before blowing Y/N a kiss and leaving her to sit and wonder if she was making a good choice. 
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Y/N checked herself one more time before she went downstairs to wait for her cab. The blue mini dress looked perfect against her brown skin. The twist out that she did had came out perfect, light makeup, a gold necklace with her initial sat center on her chest. Another coat of lipgloss and finally a spray of Rogue by Ms. Fenty and she was ready to go. 
And of course Chris was right about the clear pumps, they went perfectly with the dress. She looked great, Y/N snapped a quick picture before grabbing her clutch and heading out. Trying to sneak past her roommates was not an option, they whistled as she walked past, paying her compliments and saying how lucky Fynn was. 
If only they knew that Fynn wasn't the lucky one. 
The whole ride to his condo was nerve wracking, Y/N alternated between bouncing her leg and checking her phone obsessively. Part of her hoped he would cancel, and she could go see Fynn and make it up to him. 
The cab dropped her off in front of a high rise, she didn't know the going rate for a professor but she didn't think it was this. The place was nicer than she expected with a doorman outside. 
Stepping into the elevator Y/N knew there was no turning back, she was here and her panties were already damp and the possibility of fucking Mr. Munteanu again. The quickie they had on the desk was just a taste, a teaser of what it was like to be with a man. 
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“You look gorgeous Miss Y/F/N” 
Y/N shyly looked down as Mr. Munteanu looked her over, he sucked his bottom lip in as he traced the hem of the short dress. 
“Thank you Sir.”
“Here, you can call me Flo or Daddy sweetie, come in.” 
The door closed behind her and suddenly she was pushed against the wall. Florian grabbed Y/N neck, making her look up at him. He kissed her, soft at first before aggressively overpowering her. Y/N hands landed on his chest, the feeling of the hard muscle of her hands. Y/N gasped when he pulled away, her chest heaved as she gulped down air. 
“This is going to be fun Miss Y/F/N.” 
“If I can call you Daddy, I'm sure you can find something better to call me.” she smirked. 
“Is that right babygirl, don’t worry I have all night to come up with names to call you.” Florian dragged Y/N to the couch, pushing her over the arm. 
Y/N ass was in the air, the dress which was already short, pushed up. Florian parted her legs, standing between them as he ran a finger up and down the wet crotch of her panties. 
“Guess I should call you slut for being wet already, I’ve barely touched you.”
“I’ve been thinking of you all week.” her voice was weak. 
“Good.” was all he said as he pulled her panties down. Florian kneeled between her legs, the first bite surprising her. Y/N squirmed and Florian gave her ass a light smack. 
“Let Daddy take care of you.” 
Y/N moaned as Florian bit and sucked her thighs, slowly working his way up to her dripping wet pussy. 
“I like to take my time baby, what's the point if I can't slowly devour you.” 
Y/N was not used to this, Fynn was only her 4th sexual partner. Foreplay usually lasted a few minutes if she was lucky.
The first kiss to her wet core sent shivers up her spine. The professor slowly made out with her pussy, the sloppy kissing turned into his tongue slowly licking her from top to bottom. His pace was so slow and torturous that Y/N’s hips tried to follow his movement. He repeated the same move and his teasing was too much for her to take. 
“Please Daddy, more.”
Y/N pleas feel on deaf ears, he was enjoying this too much. Y/N gasped when he sucked her clit into his mouth, the small bundle of nerves suddenly over simulated. Y/N never felt a pleasure like this, he was being a teacher in more than one way. 
His lips released her clit, his wide tongue driving into her wet slit. Quickly diving in and out, Y/N rocked on his face. Y/N fist balled as her legs shook, Florian was being merciless, eating her with a passion that she never felt. Y/N was just paralyzed with pleasure, the way he changed pace from slow to fast, back to slow. The way he sucked her clit then tongue fucked her. He was a man that knew what he was doing, a skilled man. 
“Oh my God!!” moaned Y/N, the way the orgasm took over her whole body, she felt it rushing through her veins. 
Florian stood, his jeans grinding against her wet and sensitive pussy. 
He leaned down, kissed her neck before whispering,“ Do you want to know what I'm going to do to you all night?” Right in her ear. 
Y/N was still breathless from the mind shattering orgasm, that she couldn't speak, she just shook her head. Florian grabbed her hair, so that she was facing him. 
“I’m going to fuck you like a man should, you will never want a boy again when I am finished with you.” 
With one hand still tangled in her hair, something she would never let Fynn do, Y/N heard the sound of his jeans being undone. Her body still recovering from the tongue lashing that he gave her didn't have time to prepare for him or his thick dick. 
“Fuck!” they both said. Y/N from the way he stretched her out, and Florian from the way her walls wrapped around him. 
Florian released her hair, putting his hands on either side of her, slowly feeding her inch by inch, wanting to savor the feeling of her walls hugging him. Y/N didn't want that, she wanted all of him and now. 
“Please go deeper Daddy, I need it.” she begged, her nails dug into his arm. Y/N pushed back, wanting all of his thick length to be inside of her. 
Florian moaned, he promised himself he would take his time, but he couldn't hold back. He snapped his hips into hers, burying every last inch into her. Gone was the slow tender strokes, he pounded into her. 
“Give me a kiss baby girl.” 
Y/N turned her face to kiss him, but couldn't focus because of how he was fucking her. Soft kisses barely made it to his lips until he stopped moving. Florian grabbed her jaw and kissed her, tongues battling it out, he grinded his hips into her, watching her melt. Florian finally pulled away, resting his forehead on her back. 
Y/N felt surrounded by him, his powerful arms on either side of her, digging into the material of the couch. His chest against her back, she couldn't move if she wanted to, she was trapped and happy about it. 
Pain mixed with pleasure as his strokes sped up, both chasing their own orgasm. Y/N clung to him as her legs trembled and she let out a loud moan. 
Florian kept fucking her through the orgasm, he never experienced this with any other woman, wanting to completely consume her in each way possible. 
“Fuck, Im cumming baby.” 
His body went riding on top of her, as he released a flood inside of her. Y/N wasn't sure she would move if she wanted to, she felt drained of energy and completely happy. 
When Florian finally moved off of her, pulling up his boxers before sitting on the couch, Y/N stood on unsteady legs. Y/N looked around for her panties and bag. She fixed her dress, she could feel his seed dripping out of her. She had turned around to pick up her panties when she felt his presence behind her. 
She stood, panties in hand. 
He moved her hair out the way, softly kissing her neck, “You don't need them, I am nowhere near done with you.”
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do you have any fics where stiles is treated badly? It could be by the pack, or by family, or something. I just need angst
Here’s some angst. I’ll just be crying over here, don’t mind me.
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We Were Not Born to Drown by cutflowersound
(1/1 I 3,497 I Teen I Sterek)
After Gerard tortures Stiles, he is left alone to deal with it.
Derek saves him.
Scratch that, they save eachother.
You Were Never Meant to Know by Mooneye
(1/1 I 8,521 I Teen I Sterek)
“Not a fan of exorcisms, Stiles?” the figure asked as though he were enquiring about the rain.
“Not really. I could spew black bile if you’d like more authenticity,” Stiles answered.
“Stiles, what’s going on?” Scott demanded, unease growing.
Stiles is a demon, always has been, and never intended for anyone to know. Unfortunately, his secret is forcefully revealed and he has nowhere to hide.
Birds Eye View by HappyJuicyfruit
(2/2 I 20,956 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek’s eyes widened, and his first instinct was to look towards Scott, but he already knew what he was searching for wouldn’t be there. Hadn’t been there this whole time.
Stiles was missing.
Derek growled and turned to Scott, “what did you do?”
Scott, pale and wide eyed, looked between Derek and Chris, who were both looking at him for answers. “I- Deaton said he wouldn’t notice!”
Chris sighed, “wouldn’t notice what?”
Derek growled in agreement.
“Deaton gave me pills, full of mountain ash, to replace Gerard’s cancer pills. That way after Derek bit him, Gerard would die.”
Chris crossed his arms, “you didn’t think a cancer patient, or the doctor he checks in with regularly, would notice that he wasn’t taking his pills?”
He Is a Secret Born From a Legend Born From a Myth by LuneFaitLaFolie
(22/22 I 29,907 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Which leads him to where he is now, waking up in Derek’s bed, the pack, Deaton, Melissa and his dad all present. All of them looking worried sick and concerned, trying to distract themselves with something, anything to not go near Derek’s bed. Derek’s bed which he was currently occupying. He slowly looked down to his arms and yep, there they were, his invisible tattoos that were no longer invisible.
The Mating Privilege by Kikileduc
(12/12 I 35,380 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles and Derek have been happily mated. The pack is doing well, but in hopes of creating alliances for it to do better, Derek accepts a neighboring pack's request to allow two wolves to join the Hale-McCall pack for a full moon cycle. They hope to form a blood-tie, or at least a long term friendship between the two packs. The issue is Kohona, the tribal leader's daughter, has her eyes set on an unavailable alpha wolf. This could have drastic consequences for their young emissary, however...
Only he saw. by obsessedbutonline
(31/31 I 45,781 I Teen I Steter)
When the pack stopped telling him about meetings, Stiles laughed. It wasn't surprising that they forgot to update his number when their phones kept getting destroyed by the monster of the week...right? They just forgot. That happened. All the time! Too often. When the pack stopped giving excuses for forgetting, a deserving prickle of fear and trepidation etched its way into his heart, making his usually cocky and brave smile falter and leave. Only when they weren't watching. When they went out of their way to stop him going to meetings, he stopped smiling altogether. Only where they couldn't see. But it's fine, right? He was part of a family that loved him and just wanted to keep him safe...right? But when Derek used the door instead of the window to get into Stile's house, as small and insignificant a fact that may be, he accepted that something was wrong.
Residents of Bad Wolf Bay by Lunabell_Marauder_Knyte
(8/? I 49,769 I Not Rated I Sterek)
“Time travel is a tricky thing, Stiles.In your world...you lived, you ran with wolves, you fought...and you died. But I couldn't let you really die. But you couldn't be there anymore.” The Doctor said.
“...where am I now?” Stiles asked numbly.
“There are parallel universes. All mostly the same minus a few changes in each one. This is the one the Tardis is familiar with.Like before I am burning up a sun just to make sure you've made it alright.” the Doctor's hands are in his pockets as he looks at him with a sad smile. “In this life you were never born...so there won't be a problem of accidentally causing a paradox. I sent you to a point in time where you can make a difference. I know you're smart enough to figure things out...just...be careful. I am so, so sorry.”
“...Take care of my dad.” was the last thing he got to say before the Doctor vanished.
Or In which the pack's neglect and his father's indifference drive Stiles away. He becomes the Doctor's companion and we know that eventually all companion's adventures end. Some endings are happy, some are sad. Some are bitter sweet.
The Doctor tells the Sheriff and the Pack that Stiles won't be making it for dinner. Now...or ever.
Backstage is Full of Parasites by Falln_Grce
(14/14 I 61,349 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles learned to take care of himself from a young age. And despite going through trauma as a child, he's 17 now and has adjusted to the new normal as well as he can. With a soulmate-AU just to keep things interesting.
What if the Sheriff didn't turn to alcohol when his wife died... What if he focused all of his attention on helping a seven year old, recently removed from an abusive home, Isaac get settled into the Stilinski household... Where would Stiles fit into that world?
Escape From Eichen by MelodramaticSalad
(24/24 I 139,993 I Explicit I Sterek)
There's a reason why we have dreams we can't remember. What if those dreams had the possibility to show others and ourselves what our innermost desires were, even if they were completely unknown to ourselves? That is, until it was time for them to surface. It was 2018 when this new technology was first released to the public, four years ago. A company called the Eichen Corporation started up and had three very distinct things that they specialized in.
Derek Hale found himself trapped in an Eichen facility by mistake, he was completely normal, there was no reason for him to be there. One thing was for certain though, he was going to get out of this place, and he was going to take them down.
Do Not Go Gentle by MojoFlower
(51/51 I 195,878 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek Hale, Beacon Hills Alpha and Dom, wakes up in a dark cell already housing another captive – a mute, traumatized sub with a cruel collar around his neck. His only goal is to get them both free of their brutal circumstances; but even as he tries to get his young companion home, a bond between them grows. Nothing comes easily: danger and harrowing echoes of their ordeal shadow every step they take.
Blue Monday by ExpectNothingGainEverything
(18/? I 511,120 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles would have never guessed that the star player of the lacrosse team and presumably the hottest guy in school who everyone wanted a piece of and one of his most hated bullies would turn out to be his soulmate.
Derek would never have dreamed that fate would be so cruel to pair him up with a freak like Stilinski.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
I Don’t Want You to be a Rebound (Lindsey Horan x Reader)
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Request: can i request a lindsey horan imagine where she helps reader get over breakup with christen
Pt. 2
So this turned out a little angsty, and a little cute. Special thanks to my bestest pal literalhedgehog who helped me pare this down from 6000 words to a cohesive 1500. Let me know what you think,  or other things that you would like to see, or if you just want to say hi.
You weren’t typically an emotional person. You weren’t one to get hammered and go knocking on doors in the middle of the night. And you weren’t even supposed to be in Portland, as far as Lindsey knew. Yet here you were, standing at her door at 3AM unable to stop the tears from streaming down your face. 
“Y/n, what’s wrong? What happened?” She asked you, grabbing your hand and pulling you inside her apartment. Your mouth opened and closed  a few times, your eyes staring emptily at the wall behind her.
 She waited for a few seconds, taking in your dress pants and button down shirt. Her eyebrows furrowing as you mouth continued it’s fishlike movements. It would have been funny under any other circumstances, but right now it was just another indicator that something was wrong. Very wrong.
She took a deep breath and led you over to her couch, forcing you to sit down. 
“Hey, space cadet,” She said, snapping a finger in front of your face, bringing you out of your stupor. The second your watery Y/E/C orbs met her blue ones, another wave of tears hit you. She did the only thing she could, and wrapped you up in her arms. 
“Chris” Is the only word she could make out as you sob into her neck, and she froze at the mention of your girlfriend. 
“Do you need me to call her? Is she alright?” She asked, biting her lip and wondering if she really wanted the answer. If you were this distraught , then something big had happened. She could only hope that your friends weren’t seriously injured - or worse. Your breathing hitched and a slew of unintelligible words were whimpered into her neck at the mention of your girlfriend. 
“Babe, I can’t understand you,” Lindsey murmured, using her hands to coax you out of your hiding spot. 
You took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself enough to explain the scene that you had walked into. To explain the most heartbreaking thing that you had ever experienced. 
“Why are you in Portland,” Lindsey prompted when she realized that to get any information out of you, she was going to have to actually ask the hard questions.  
“I was going to surprise Tobin and Christen,” you said with a bitter laugh. You had surprised them alright. 
“Are either of them hurt?” She pressed, and you shook your head. She let out a breath that she didn’t even know she was holding. “Good. So what happened?” She asked, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. 
“She,- They,” You paused as if trying to find the words to explain what they had done. You shook your head in an attempt to get the image of your best friend and girlfriend (ex-girlfriend?) in bed together out of your head. 
“She cheated on me,” You finally got out, and Lindsey gasped.
“I’ll fucking kill her, and whoever the fuck she did it with,” She growled, and you collapsed back into her hold. You had met Lindsey when you and Tobin had gone to play for PSG, and the two of you had hit it off right away. She was your absolute best friend, besides Tobin. The only reason that you hadn’t made a move on the slightly younger girl was that you were already in a committed relationship with Christen at that point. 
“You can’t do anything Linds” You mumbled, letting out a watery chuckle. 
“Like hell I can’t. Who’s the bitch that she did it with?” She grumbled back. You could feel her fists clenching behind your back. She would go to war for you if she had to. You were her best friend, though you knew her feelings were somewhat more than friendly at times. Right now you focused on the friendship -- romantic relationships haven’t worked out recently. But then, neither had the friendships.
“Tobin.” The barely audible word left your lips. Lindsey froze.
“What?” She asked, praying that she had heard you wrong. 
“It was Tobin,” You said, your voice hoarse with emotion. “She cheated on me, with Tobin,”
“As in your childhood best friend Tobin?” Lindsey clarified, taking a step back to look you in the eyes. “That Tobin?”.You sent her a curt nod, resisting the urge to roll your eyes (how many Tobins did the two of you know?). “That’s so Fucked up,” She said breathlessly, her mind whirling with questions. 
“She said that I, I wasn’t giving her what she needed anymore. I wasn’t attentive enough, or, or caring enough, or…” You stuttered, Christen’s words streaming from your mouth like lava from a volcano. Burning a path through your heart as they left you. Leaving the bitter taste of ash and unmendable bridges in their wake. 
“No, wait. Slow down babe,” Lindsey tried to interrupt, pulling you back into the bone crushing hug. But the words kept coming. An unstoppable force, like a river coursing downhill to become a waterfall. 
“She said that it had always been Tobin. That she had always loved Tobin.  That I was just a distraction. A toy that kept her occupied. A worthless,” you continued, dissolving into tears by the end, unable to voice the word, the terrible derogatory term, that described exactly what you felt like. The word that your father had called you when he kicked you out of his house at 14 after catching you kissing a girl. 
“Stop it. You listen to me right now, Y/n L/n.” Lindsey’s strong voice cut through your inner dispare, and you peeled out of your hiding place in her neck to again make eye contact with her. “You are smart, and caring and funny and loyal and, and everything that a girl could want in a partner. You’re not worthless or a toy. I want you to know that I’m going to fucking kill them both the next time I see them…” With each word her lips grew closer to your own, like magnets unable to resist the pull of the other. “You are a beautiful treasure and one day you’ll find someone who will show you how incredible you are.” You could feel her breaths on your lips, and without a thought you tilted your head and caught her in a kiss. 
Her lips responded instantly, moving in harmony with your own. You felt her tongue probe your mouth, asking for permission to take this further, and you pulled back with a gasp. 
“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that,” You rushed out, your cheeks turning red. Lindsey shook her head. 
“Y/n, it’s ok. We’re ok,” She said softly, running a comforting hand down your cheek. Her hand felt slightly cold against the flush of your cheeks. It felt perfect. You sighed. Lindsey smiled at you, though it took some effort to make it reach her eyes. She had dreamed of this moment for god knows how long. It was everything she had imagined it would be, and somehow that made this worse. She wanted you for more than just a kiss, but it wasn’t fair to ask that of you right now. 
“You don’t hate me?” You asked, your voice hushed. You couldn’t handle losing her too, not all of them in one night. 
“No, you’re hurting.  I understand that.” She said back. She placed a quick sweet kiss on your forehead, smoothing back your hair where it had fallen in front of your eyes. She would wait for forever if she needed too. She cracked a smile when you couldn’t hold back a dinosaur yawn,  “I think it’s time for bed.” You leaned into her. 
“I don’t want you to be a rebound,” You mumbled into her neck. You had always cared for her, but if you were going to do this, then you didn’t want it to be in reaction to a breakup. She nodded and kissed your cheek. 
“Right, so why don’t you go get netflix queued up while I go stick some cookie dough in the toast oven. You remember my computer password right?” She asked.
You snorted. “How could I forget? Messifan13 is a terrible password-”
“Try and change it again and see what happens.” Lindsey gave you a final squeeze and released you from your hug to push you lightly down the hall. 
“That was Sonnetts idea, not mine,” You called in a sing-songy voice over your shoulder. 
“Yeah sure it was,” her voice floated sarcastically from the kitchen. “And you better not put on any of your reality tv bullshit. I want to see something animated on that screen when I come back, or so help me I will tell Dawn about the pizza you had last week.”
“Hey, tomatoes are a vegetable, so it wasn’t technically cheating,” you said, already loading the next episode of Avatar.
“Bitch, they’re a berry.”
Things weren’t perfect, and you still had some major healing to do, but you could do it with Lindsey by your side.
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I was wondering if you could write a story or dabble you choose. About Chris Evans and female reader decided to go for a walk in the woods in the snow. They have been teasing each other all morning so there's a lot of sexual tension between them.
Where it goes I will leave it to you.
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Cinnabuns and Hot Showers
Warning- soft fluffy and smut. All the warnings I got for you all. Also, it is what it is, so swearing somewhere because that's how I roll. Plus all errors are mine. 
A/N- @mravens-corner I hope you feel better soon Babes. Much Love Always. 
You were downstairs sitting at the island with a cup of coffee, scrolling through your phone when you heard Chris come down the stairs, scrambling behind him was the pitter-patter of Dodgers feet, barking excitedly at Chris to be let out. “Gimmie a second Bubba.” You heard Chris say as he turned the corner into the kitchen, his nose tilted up while grinning. 
“Are those...” He trailed off and you gave a wiggle of your brows at him, smirking against the lip of your cup before setting it down. 
“Cinnamon Buns? The maple ones I made last Christmas for your mom's house? It is.” you confirmed and he came into the room, to tug you off the stool with a grin. 
“You are the best, you know that Honey?” His hands slid along the curve of your ass, and grasped lightly against the curve, letting his fingers dig in and his palms fill with the curve. His head dipped and he caught your lips with a teasing swipe of his tongue along your bottom lip before he pulled back. Looking over your shoulder to see a bowl of premade frosting that he dipped his fingers into, and placed to his lips to taste. “Mmmh” 
“Good? I wanna taste.” You grinned while pulling him down again, this time the kiss was heavier, more playful in manner as tongues teased and slipped between parting lips. Chris groaned into the kiss and you felt flushed against him, your hands fisting in the patriot's sweater he wore. 
When his head lifted, he let his thumb swipe against your bottom lip and lifted to his mouth the suck off the sweetness from the tip. “I could just eat you and the frosting.” 
You chuckled while looking up at him, tilting your head slightly in a cocky way. “Oh, I know Chris. Now you better go let Dodger out. He's prancing, and I have to check those buns.” 
“The ones I got feel just fine to me.” His hand still resting on your ass tightened in a teasing squeeze and you roll your eyes, pushing him back playfully and sidestepped him. 
“Keep that up, you get none of my buns or my cinnabuns.” Sticking your tongue out at him, you went to check on your dessert while Chris gave a sing-song whistle to Dodger. 
“Come on boy, we better get outside before Momma kicks us out of the house.” He ruffled Dodger's ears and opened the door for Dodger to burst out into the powder. Surprised, Chris hollered over his shoulder. “Babe, it snowed last night.” Retreating back to grab his jacket and shrug it on, also grabbing a pair of boots instead of sneakers, you checked the buns with a fork. 
“Hence why I was in a baking mood.” You took your frosting and started to drizzle it over, using a butter knife to help spread it around when Chris held up his jacket, wiggling his brows at you. 
“Come on, let's go out with Dodger, and when we come back, we can have breakfast together. They need to cool off anyways.” Dodger came back in, his bushy tail giving a wag as if saying ‘Let's go, mom, we don't got all day.’ 
Placing the bowl in the sink and letting the water run to soak it, you narrowed your eyes at your two boys, both as eager as the other one. “Okay, I will be right there.” 
Once you were dressed, equipped with gloves hat, and a scarf to finish the ensemble, you and Chris walk along the driveway, watching as Dodger is sprinting ahead to push up the snow and dive into his piles. 
Chris sweeps down to scoop up a palmful of snow, tossing it for Dodger to take off and chase, confused when there is no ball for him to return, so he came loping back good-natured, looking for another chase, anything. This time you sweep down and grab a handful of snow to toss for him which sent him flying to catch. 
It was also this time you flicked some at Chris, catching in his hair, and it dripped down to catch in his lashes as he protested, sweeping his arm against his face, and catching you to shake the remaining snow on you, making you squeal in protest. 
“Chhriss!” you try pulling away, but he's much stronger than you, and has you wrapped in tight. Dodger heard you both and came sprinting back to see what was going on. “you weren't supposed to get me!” 
“Oh? All’s fair in love and war.” He snickered at you, and you two stumbled under heavily laden trees, their branches hanging lower than usual. 
You twist into his arms, and curl up against him, huffing a bit. “When you say that you sound just like Hugh, Chris.” 
He gave a laugh and reached up to slick back his hair and put on the signature Drysdale smirk. “Like this Darling? You know, you will never have anything better than a Thrombey. Also, call me Ransom. Hugh’s for the help.” 
You couldn't resist yourself and leaned up to nip at his lips. “Well I did bake for you this morning, doesn't that make me part of the ‘Help’?” 
Chris tilted his head, pondering your point a moment, and his blue eyes sparkled in a teasing manner back at you, his lips overly pink as well as the tops of his cheeks. At this moment he looked exactly like his Knives Out character. “That’s right you did.” He pulled in closer, sliding a chilled hand along the back of your neck, and cupped it so you couldn't move away. “Guess that means you have to serve me, Kitten. Still got that little outfit?” 
You hum as you grin. “Maybe, but Harlan doesn't require outfits, Hugh.” 
Chris opens his mouth, just about to say something when the branches above the two of you let loose, dumping a whole mess of snow over the both of you, which surprises both of you, simultaneously yelling. “holy shit!” “Son of a Bitch!” Both of you running out from the snow and brushing it off, making you shiver as it went down the back of your jacket and Chris shaking his out to scatter the snow out from his.
Dodger, who was safe from the falling snow just sat there watching his people shake out their clothing and clasp their arms around themselves. “Back home Chris? Cause I'm freezing.” 
“Yes! we can warm each other up.” He took your hand and started sprinting back to the house with Dodger chasing after them, and you laugh as you both raced up the stairs, bursting into the house to shed out of the cold wet clothes. Soon a pile of wet clothes stood at the door, and Chris chased you running away up the stairs. You sprang into the bedroom, shedding your bra while running into the bathroom, Chris was right behind you, pausing to yank off socks. 
In the bathroom you are quick to turn on the hot water, trying to find that happy hot and cold mix. Chris is behind you pulling off his socks, while you slip out of your panties, wriggling your ass back and forth at him in a tease, making him stumble slightly. “Fucking christ Y/N” He just about growls out while your jumping in the shower. He is right behind you, backing you up to the wall, and kissing you hungrily, pressing his chest into your breasts. Your shivers quickly turn to ones of lust and your panting against his mouth as his hands grasp the back of your thighs, easily lifting you to press his cock against your entrance, making you hiss with satisfaction at the burn. 
“Fuck just like that.” You moan, and you arch to sink further on him, grinding your clit against his pelvis when he gives a thrust, groaning himself feeling you so welcoming warm and fluttering around him. He moves faster, burying himself into your welcoming warmth and your mouth cant stay off his neck, his ear that you bite wickedly before your whimpering his name. 
“That's right Pretty Girl, say it again.” He grunts while leaving his mark on your neck, just behind your ear that has you clenching around him, your thighs quivering while you're tightening around him, and your head tips back, saying his name again with more urgency while his thrusts speed up. His hands dig into your hips to keep them pinned against the wall, and his hard kisses are flowing down till he is lapping water off the top of your breasts, burying his face in them while you're bouncing up and down when you felt your orgasm wash over your in prickling stinging pleasure locking you around him and the air being punched from your lungs, leaving spots sparking behind closed eyelids.
Chris didn't slow down, he pushed you through your orgasm, your nails scratching down his back to dig into hold on, and his movements became a demand for you to be ready for him. He came with a shudder, pumping himself slower into you to push his release into the brink, fill you up with nothing but him to dampen your thighs. He reached over to turn off the water, your forehead pressed to his shoulder to try and catch your breath. 
Steady hands rubbed along your hips and along your thighs wrapped around his waist. “Ready for me to set you down?” He asked and which you nodded, hissing as you felt his softening cock ease from you, and the balls of your feet touch down on the shower floor. Once he was sure you were steady on your feet, Chris stepped out to grab the towels and handed one to you while drying himself off in the process. 
You wrung out your hair and stepped out to grab a robe, slipping it on. Chris went into the bedroom and slipped on grey sweats and a tee shirt this time, when you made your way out of the bathroom, picking up the wet clothing and place it into the basket. “I cant wait to see what we left downstairs.” You laugh and Chris winks. 
“How about I get those into the dryer and you can heat us up some coffee to go with those cinnamon buns?” 
“Deal!” You are quick to take it, he grabbed a laundry basket and you both went back down the stairs to find Dodger sound asleep in his bed, and a scattering of your clothes leading from the front door to the stairs. 
“We didnt have any other plans today, did we?” You ask while Chris is busy gathering stuff to put into the basket. 
“Mmhh, I have a video conference later this morning, but rest of the day is free.” He shrugs while setting the now full basket on the counter while your busy at the coffee pot. 
“Good, because we should do that again this afternoon.” Your teeth tug at your lip, adding for good measure. “Because I do still have that outfit you were asking about before.” 
Hearing that made Chris groan. 
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messagefromtheveins · 5 years
The Things You Do
A/N: I don’t even know what to say. Is everyone okay out there? 2020 is really fucking with us, huh? I hope this little fic will keep some of you entertained for a few minutes while you’re social distancing/on isolation. 
Words: 2.9k
Pairing: Chris/Reader
Warning: smut
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He didn't even notice that he was driving much faster than allowed as he effortlessly, but impatiently navigated his way through the streets. The photo that you had sent him about an hour ago didn't leave his mind the whole way, the sight of you sprawled out on the bed in nothing but that brand new set he had bought you a few weeks ago burned into his brain.
Pulling into the driveway, he quickly killed the engine and rushed to get out of the car and towards the front door. By the time he was inside and had kicked his shoes off he wasn't even sure if he had locked the car, but also didn't dwell on it as his eyes landed on you.
Legs bare and stretched out over the length of the couch, only one of those fucking white cable knit sweaters that everyone- including you- was freaking out about covering you. Dodger was laying between your legs, head heavily resting on one of your thighs and his attentive eyes on Chris. "Hi," you smiled in a way that almost made his jaw drop. There you were, watching TV and giving Dodger head rubs like you weren't the reason he was fighting to keep his boner down for almost an hour.
"Hi?" he repeated in a disbelieving tone, your eyebrows furrowing as a worried expression filled your eyes. Pushing yourself up from your half sitting, half laying position, you barely registered that Dodger got up and went over to his favorite lion instead, all of your attention on your boyfriend. "Are you fucking kidding me?" he asked and stepped closer, continuing before you could speak up. "You don't even know what you're doing to me, huh?"
A slow grin spread over your lips as you caught on, your gaze briefly dropping to his crotch that was a bit more prominent than usual before you looked into his eyes again. Shifting so you faced him, you placed your feet on the ground and lightly bit your bottom lip in a way that made him inhale sharply. "Didn't think a photo of me in underwear would affect you so much," you told him, your eyes wide as he crossed the distance between you and kneeled down in front of you.
"It's not just that, baby," he murmured, his fingers slowly tracing from your ankles up, past your knees and leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. "It's also knowing that I'm the lucky idiot who gets to see you like that," he continued, palms flattening out and letting his palms brush up your thighs until he reached the hem of the sweater. "It's knowing that it's not just a photo I might look at to get off, but that it's waiting for me at home." His fingers lightly fiddled with the hem for a moment before he snuck them beneath, seeking out more of your soft skin. "It's knowing what you look like, what you sound like, how you feel like when I've got you underneath me."
"Or on top of you," you grinned, a cocky smirk spreading over his lips and one of his eyebrows raising as he silently looked into your eyes. His fingers were so close to your panties, almost close enough to feel that tiny wet spot that had formed at the front, when he suddenly pulled his hands back. Confusion quickly turned into surprise as he grabbed your thighs and pulled you to the edge of the couch, a surprised giggle falling from your lips.
Leaning back into the thick cushions, you only then realized how the new position left you with your legs spread open- his shoulders snugly fit between your thighs- and the sweater bunched up over your hips. Goosebumps spread over your skin as his blunt nails lightly scratched over the back of your thighs, your lips parting without a sound coming out as he dipped his head down.
Soft lips touched your skin in small kisses, over and over, as he slowly made his way from your knee upwards. His gaze lifted and found yours as you reached out to tangle a hand into his hair, not taking his eyes off your anticipating ones. "You know," he mumbled in between kisses, his hands moving to grip your hips as he reached the apex of your thighs. "On the way home I wanted nothing more than to pin you down and have my way with you," he told you, his breath hot through the flimsy fabric of the panties and making you release a soft whimper. "But now," he grinned and lightly nudged the tip of his nose against your covered folds, feeling the way you tugged on his hair and shifted your hips below him, "now I just want to tease the hell out of you."
"Chris..." you breathed and moved a leg to rest it on his broad shoulder as he mouthed at your core through the fabric, your head tilting back and eyes closing. "Please don't tease," you sighed and lifted your head to look at him again, a low whimper falling from your lips as he pushed his tongue against your covered clit.
"No?" he murmured, your head shaking and your toes curling as he lifted a hand. Your teeth lightly dug into your bottom lip as he tugged your panties aside, your grip on his hair tightening in a silent plea for him to keep going as he simply took you in, so wet and ready for him. His blue eyes found yours as he leaned in a bit closer, lightly blowing cold air on your folds and chuckling when you squirmed below him. "Do tell me," he started, the tip of his pointer finger finding your clit. The way your back arched and you quietly moaned his name left his throat dry, his length straining against his jeans by now. "What got you this worked up?"
His finger brushed through your soaked folds like he wanted to show you what he was talking about before he brought his digit back to your clit, your legs trembling as he applied just the perfect kind of pressure to the circles he traced over the bundle of nerves. "You," you gasped, "knowing that I still get you this riled up by simply sending you a photo."
"It's a good thing you don't know all the things you do on a daily basis that get me worked up," he murmured with a grin, your heavy lidded eyes opening and curiosity settling on your features.
"I'd love to hear all about that, though," you smirked, trying not to show the disappointment as he took his finger off your clit and let your panties snap back into place.
Pushing himself up on his knees, he braced his hands on either side of your hips and slightly leaned over you. "Forget about it," he chuckled and shook his head, amusement written all over his features. His gaze dropped down your body as you pushed yourself up from your slouched position, his tongue slowly licking over his bottom lip in a way that made you want to rip those clothes off him and ride him into oblivion. "You know, I suddenly understand why everyone's so obsessed with this," he murmured and lightly tugged on the hem of the sweater, his eyes finding yours again.
Your hands reached out to him, cupping around his scruffy cheeks while you rolled your eyes in a playful way. "Honey, they're obsessed with you wearing this sweater. Not me," you responded.
A small grin tugged at the corner of his lips as he tilted his head up to you. "Well, I beg to differ," he mumbled right before your lips met his in a surprisingly soft kiss. The way your fingers traced over his neck before they moved down his body gave him goosebumps, a low hum rumbling in his chest as you pushed your hands under the long-sleeved shirt he was wearing.
Slowly pulling back, he silently looked into your eyes as your fingers explored his abs before he reached down. You couldn't stop yourself from letting your gaze roam over him as he pulled the shirt off, wondering how you had managed to score a guy like him as his hands gripped your hips. With a swift tug he had you completely pressed up against him, your hands holding on to his shoulders and legs loosely curling around his waist while you dipped your head to his neck.
"Fuck, sweetheart," he half-moaned at the feeling of your lips on his sensitive skin, his eyes fluttering shut and lips parting as he got lost in the feeling of the kisses you left behind. It look a lot of willpower to force his eyes open again while his hands moved down, pushing under your butt and having a firm grip on you while he pulled you off the couch. You didn't stop kissing his neck, simply tightened your hands on his shoulders and didn't even bother to look what he was doing as he moved around until he lowered you down to the plush carpet.
He was left breathless for a moment as he kneeled between your legs and looked down on you, a coy grin spreading over your lips and your teeth lightly digging into your bottom lip before you raised a leg. His gaze immediately dropped, following your movements and watching how you pushed the ball of your foot against the bulge at the front of his jeans. The gentle pressure you applied almost made him whimper, one of his hands reaching out to lightly curl around your ankle while he looked into your mischievous eyes again. "You think this is funny?" he murmured, an eyebrow raised.
"Very," you grinned, pushing against the hard outline once more before you pushed yourself up. Curiosity was written in his eyes as you shifted closer to him, your gaze not leaving his as you unbuttoned his jeans and slowly pulled the zipper down. Making sure to bite your lip in the way that drove him absolutely insane, you leaned in closer and placed soft kisses over his lower stomach.
A shaky exhale left his mouth as you tugged both his jeans and boxers down just enough to free his hard length, half of his butt exposed. Both of his hands tangled into your hair and your name left his lips in a breathy moan as you wrapped a hand around him. Gaze casting down, you couldn't stop yourself from smirking- his skin was stretched tight around his cock and a few veins were standing out, the head flushed red. He was so worked up.
His fingers lightly tugged on your hair as you tilted your head to place a few soft kisses along his length, from the base to the tip where your tongue darted out to lick over his slit, tasting the precum that had gathered there. A low whimper fell from his throat and he moved his head to look at you again as the wet warmth of your mouth engulfed him. "Mmmmh, you're so good to me," he moaned, eyebrows furrowing in pleasure as you took more of him in.
His hands moved, one placed on the back of your head while the other curved around the side of your face, thumb tracing over the corner of your lips that were stretched around him. The way you looked up to him with almost innocent eyes while you bobbed your head in time with your hand working the bit you couldn't fit, tongue teasing the thick vein at the underside, made his knees a little weak.
He knew you would be able to have him coming undone within a matter of a few minutes if he let you continue like this, especially when you raised your free hand to cup his balls. "Fuck, stop," he breathed, hand tugging on your hair until you pulled back, but not without sucking on the head once more. Shaking his head, he chuckled as you looked up to him with an almost proud smirk- he knew you loved to revel in the way you were able to make him lose his mind with your mouth.
You went silently as he pushed you back down, your teeth tugging on your bottom lip as he reached for the waistband of your panties. Hips raising, you allowed him to pull them off and instinctively parted your legs once he had tossed the piece of clothing aside. Neither one of you seemed to care that you were still wearing the sweater and his jeans were still tangled around his thighs as he settled down between your legs, his lips finding yours in a kiss that completely took your breath away.
His cock rested thick and heavy against your folds, his hips slowly rocking back and forth to give your clit some friction. The breathy moans and whimpers that left your lips spurred him on, his teeth nibbling on your bottom lip before his head dipped down to your neck. "Chris, please…" you begged, squirming beneath him in an attempt to get him to move.
Placing a few kisses over your neck, he couldn't help but chuckle as he noticed your impatience. "Shh, 'got you, baby," he murmured in a voice much deeper than usual, his lips finding yours again while one of his hands reached down to grasp your thigh. Your heart was racing in anticipation as he hitched it up around his waist, giving him the perfect angle to slide into you- when suddenly something cold and wet touched your cheek.
"Dodge!" Chris broke away from your lips with a huff. You bit your lip to stop yourself from giggling as he glared at his dog, reaching out to gently push Dodger away. "Buddy, the adults need some time alone right now. Go play with your lion," he sighed, relief filling his chest as Dodger actually stepped over to his lion again. Turning to look at you, his features softened and a soft smile spread over his lips as your hand cupped around the back of his head.
But before he could even close the gap between you Dodger appeared in the corner of his eyes again right before the stuffed lion dropped to the ground beside your head. This time you couldn't stop yourself from giggling, watching how Chris took the lion with a deep sigh and tossed it with as much force as possible, Dodger immediately running after it. "Let's hope that keeps him entertained for a while."
"I actually don't think that was a good idea," you told him, your nails lightly scratching over the back of his head as his eyebrows raised. Before he could ask and before you could elaborate Dodger came running towards you again, lion in his mouth and tail wagging in excitement.
"Oh, for fuck's sake," Chris groaned, his head dropping to rest on your shoulder. "He's not making it easy for me to love him right now," he mumbled, a grin playing on your lips as you turned your head, eyes widening.
"Dodger, no!"
Quickly lifting his head again, he didn't know if he wanted to scream or laugh as he found his dog with your panties in his mouth that had been carelessly tossed away just minutes ago. But when Dodger moved to leave the room Chris' eyes widened, too. "Bubba, hey. Stop!" he called after him, cursing under his breath and pushing himself up. "He's going to eat those," he sighed and quickly tugged his boxers and jeans up again while he hurried out of the room, leaving you laying on the floor with an amused expression on your face.
By the time Chris returned you had grabbed a new pair of panties from the bedroom, picking his shirt up from the floor when he appeared in the doorway with a ripped piece of fabric- that looked a lot like your panties- dangling from his finger. "No," you whined and gave him a pout, "I really liked those."
Placing it aside, he stepped over to you and took the shirt from your hands to pull it on again- both of you knowing that the mood was ruined by now. "We'll go into town tomorrow and get you a new pair, alright?"
Shrugging, you leaned into him as he wrapped his arms around you. "It's alright. I still got the bra, right?"
"Yeah, but we can't have you owning a pretty bra without matching panties. That would be such a shame," he grinned as you tilted your head to look up to him. "Also, maybe you'll find something else while we're there," he gave you a wink and gently squeezed your waist as you laughed softly.
Loosely wrapping your arms around his neck, you felt his hands sneak under your sweater to trace his fingers over your lower back. "That sounds like you've got selfish reasons as to why we should go into town tomorrow," you mumbled.
"I can't believe you'd accuse me of such an awful thing," he whispered, barely catching your grin before he leaned in to find your lips in a few soft pecks. "Raincheck on the amazing sex we would've had just now?" he murmured and rested his forehead against yours.
"Only if we make sure that Dodger is locked away then."
"Believe me," he sighed deeply, "I don't plan on making that mistake twice."
Forever and Ever Taglist: @waitonmedarling @hugefangirl-22 @evansweaters @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @ultradreamologistblog @justanotherfangurl272 @my-elevenoutof10 @disaster-rose @kellymat @anncutamarica @meg-holland​
C.Evans Taglist: @tacohead13​ @bval-1​ @tastebaldwin​ @sullyosully @kind-sober-fullydressed​ @pastelcorg @patzammit​ @katiew1973​ @notbexmader​ @thegetawaywriter​ @kellymat​ @captainoffantasy​
(I know it’s been a while since I last posted something. If some of you changed your minds about being on the taglist, feel free to message me :) also, if someone would like to be added don’t be shy!)
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agustdomain · 4 years
October Ink | #3
Fall isn’t all fun and games. With your chemistry class weighing down on you, Chan knows just the right remedies to lift your spirits.
“So Coraline and pumpkin spice lattes. That’s our Saturday date?” Chan asked, ignoring his friends chattering in the background. It was funny how you could hear Felix’s screeches and Jisung’s swearing through two devices. 
Changing into more comfortable clothes, you confirmed his words. “Yup. It’s tradition. I usually do it myself, just to get into fall spirit. But now that you’re around,” You teased, smiling when he laughed in response.
“Yeah, I guess I can be pencilled in,” You could hear the humor in his voice, easing the nerves rattling your breathing since you’d checked your phone around twenty minutes ago. With that thought, you crawled onto your bed and opened your laptop.
“Okay. I’m logging in,” You let your voice drag out as you typed in your password, neck aching with the strain of holding up your phone. “Ugh, hold on. I’m going to put you on speaker.”
“Okay, baby,” You smiled at Chan’s stuffy voice, familiar with the way he sounded with a full mouth (trail mix was your guess). Jisung was always yelling at him to stop doing it through his headset, but you found it kinda cute. “Just breathe, okay?”
You clenched and unclenched your fist as the screen loaded, letting you into your school website. Specifically, for your grades. On your way home from work, you’d gotten an email letting you know your professor had posted your grades for your chem midterm. If it was any other class, you wouldn’t have been struck with a wave of nausea like you did when you saw it. 
This chemistry class, in short, had been kicking your ass since day one. 
The only person who knew the extent of your stress was your boyfriend, Chan. Loving, supportive, always cheering you on. He had his own worries, so you tried your best not to dump your concerns all over him. However, he knew how freaked out you were over this. Your skin flushed at the memory of a few nights ago, calling him and crying about your fear of failing. 
No matter what you did or how hard you tried, you just couldn’t do well in this class. He constantly reassured you, tried to give you pep talks, but at this point there was nothing you could do but hope for the best. 
As you hovered over the class name, the sound of Chan talking to his friends on his game faded away. If you bombed this test, you weren’t sure if you’d be able to recover. Gnawing at your lip, you clicked the class, your breath hitching at the little notification on the grades tab. 
“You alright, baby?” Chan whispered. His voice released the breath you were holding, eased the tension in your shoulders. As long as you’ve known him, he tended to everyone. Everyday, you worked to make sure he was seen and loved. 
“I’m- I’m about to see.”
“Whatever happens, I’m here.”
“Thank you.” You clicked on the tab, waited for it to load. It loaded too quickly, so you purposefully scrolled down as slow as possible. Chris wasn’t talking to his friends anymore, but you could hear his fingers tapping away at his PC. 
When your eyes found the number, you wondered if your heart actually cracked. Pushing your laptop away, you fell back on your bed, covering your eyes with your hands. You breathed out, tried to tell yourself not to cry but only made the urge worse. Like a sudden storm that you should’ve known was coming, the tears fell. 
“Y/N? Baby, you there?” His voice was coated in concern, as if he sensed the shift in your silence. Swallowing thickly, you raised your tone, tried to come off nonchalant.
“I’m here. I’m fine... Don’t worry.”
There was a brief moment of silence, and you squeezed your eyes shut as you prayed that you fooled him. 
“Hey guys, I gotta go,” You heaved a sigh, hearing him say his goodbyes to his friends somehow making things worse. You were such a failure. “No, no everything’s fine. I’ll just catch up with you guys later.” 
He waited, and even without saying anything, you knew he meant it. There was a purpose to his silence, patient like he was reaching through the phone and holding you. 
You couldn’t take it, not right now. 
“I gotta go,” You whispered, eyes trailing to your laptop as you reached over and shut it. 
“I just need some time, baby. Just play with your friends okay? I’ll call you back in a while.”
“Okay,” You moved to hang up, distracted, but he called your name again.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
A few hours later, you were feeling a little better. You had The Office and Chan’s sweater to thank for that. Cozying up on the couch, you forced yourself not to think as you let the episodes start and end, not touching the remote and turning off your mind. If you didn’t, you were sure you’d cry again. 
You didn’t feel good about being so short with Chan, but the two of you learned healthy communication over time. He was aware of how you got sometimes, and gave you space when he knew you needed it. You still felt guilty, because you knew he was worried. 
The doorbell rang. With a sigh, you got off the couch and dragged your feet to the door. Furrowing your eyebrows, you stared out the peephole, wondering why no one was there. 
Nervous, you unlocked the door and opened it a crack, peeking out. Eyes trailing down, your heart warmed at the latte on your welcome mat, a sticky note pasted on the lid. Looking out into the hall, searching for Chan, you picked up the drink and read the note.
I’m here when you’re ready. Pumpkin spice doesn’t need to wait until Saturday. Love, C.
Sipping at the drink, the sweetness filled your tongue, the tension in your body faded away- just like it did when Chan was near. 
He knew how to make you feel better even when he wasn’t here. 
Running your fingers over his handwriting, you closed the front door, a smile poking at your lips. 
The next morning, you woke up to your phone going off. Blinking away your drowsiness, you tapped at your phone, seeing a new text from Chan. 
New surprise at your door. Hint: it’s not me. 
Suddenly awake, you threw your blanket off of you as you raced to the door, throwing it open. The smile bloomed on your face as you crouched down, picked up the pumpkin spice latte and stuffed black cat. 
You sipped at your drink, double checked to see if Chan wasn’t hiding around the corner. The note said, I figured you’d want your own Charlie. Three days until Coraline! <3
Snapping a picture of the cat snuggled up against the drink, you sent it to Chan. 
You’re the best, you know that?
Second best. 
I love you…
I love you too, Y/N.
When you woke up the next day to the doorbell ringing, you were prepared. Jumping out of bed, you slid on your slippers and raced to the door. Throwing it open, your heart jumped, Chan nowhere in sight. Was he really that fast? Scooping up his gifts for the day (your favorite candies and another latte), you ran down the hallway, ignoring the elevator as you headed for the stairs. 
Just as you started heading down, you heard the door on the first floor slam closed. He was close!
You ran, pretty sure you looked terrifying as the smile on your lips grow bigger. Bursting out of the door, you headed to the front of the complex, looking both ways before racing down the sidewalk toward where he usually parked. 
When you made it around the corner, your heart jumped in your chest, ever excited whenever you spotted its owner. 
Chan hadn’t noticed you yet, and you sighed when his long strides relaxed into his normal pace, his hands in his pockets. His hair was messy like he just rolled out of bed himself, sporting his favorite red hoodie and sweatpants. 
Running up behind him, you yelled his name as your arms went around him. He jumped, reeling to look at you with wide and scared eyes. It only took a split second before a laugh broke out of his lips, his arms going around you. Looking at you with raised eyebrows, he said, “You ruined my surprise.”
“I was ready for you today.”
He hummed, trying to bite back a smile. “Were you now?”
“Mhm.” He pressed a kiss onto your lips, distracting you as his hands reached and snatched the drink out of your hands. “Chan!”
“Well, since you ruined my surprise, I might as well take this,” He twisted his body as you tried grabbing it back from him, crying out as he guzzled the latte. He stopped, exaggerating a sound of praise before handing it over.
Cradling the drink, you narrowed your eyes at him. “Latte thief.”
“Surprise ruiner.”
Dropping the act, you intertwined your fingers with his, swinging them between you two. His face softened, and it made you shy because… well, everyone said it. You could feel his love for you whenever he looked at you like that. The dimples helped.
“Thank you, Chan. I… I know I’ve been really down and not really as enthusiastic as I’ve always been.”
He shook his head. “You don’t have to worry about that. You can’t be happy all the time. None of us can. I just wanted to make sure you had something to lift your spirits, even when you need your space.”
“I loved it. These lattes? I need to learn to make them because wow. And Charlie? You almost made me cry.”
“Lattes huh?” You saw the idea forming in his face, knowing that he was concocting some plan to probably learn how to make them himself. Patting his chest, you leaned forward and pecked his cheek. 
“You are an angel.”
“Just like you, love. And I hope you know that this class? The one that’s making my girl so unhappy? It’s temporary. You are going to go on and do incredible things. You just don’t know it yet.”
Even with the doubt and disappointment squeezing your heart, the conviction in his voice broke apart those vines, planted a precious seed called hope. One that you knew he’d help in guarding.
“Well,” You looked off to the side, acting casual, “I’m kinda free today. I decided to call in to work. I feel like I deserved a day off. If someone isn’t busy… maybe we can watch Coraline?”
Chan tilted his head, humming as he feigned consideration. A big smile broke out as he wrapped his arms around you, picking you up and then setting you down. “Sounds perfect.”
“Like you?”
“Ohhhh,” He pointed at you as you both started heading back to the complex, “That was smooth.”
Throwing his arm across your shoulder, pulling you close, there was no negative thought that could creep into the oasis that you and him had worked so hard to build. 
Chemistry? You’re important, necessary for your major. But with Chan by your side, you’re not so scary anymore.
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grigori77 · 4 years
2020 in Movies - My Top 30 Fave Movies (Part 2)
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20.  ONWARD – Disney and Pixar’s best digitally animated family feature of 2020 (beating the admittedly impressive Soul to the punch) clearly has a love of fantasy roleplay games like Dungeons & Dragons, its quirky modern-day AU take populated by fantastical races and creatures seemingly tailor-made for the geek crowd … needless to say, me and many of my friends absolutely loved it.  That doesn’t mean that the classic Disney ideals of love, family and believing in yourself have been side-lined in favour of fan-service – this is as heartfelt, affecting and tearful as their previous standouts, albeit with plenty of literal magic added to the metaphorical kind.  The central premise is a clever one – once upon a time, magic was commonplace, but over the years technology came along to make life easier, so that in the present day the various races (elves, centaurs, fauns, pixies, goblins and trolls among others) get along fine without it. Then timid elf Ian Lightfoot (Tom Holland) receives a wizard’s staff for his sixteenth birthday, a bequeathed gift from his father, who died before he was born, with instructions for a spell that could bring him back to life for one whole day.  Encouraged by his brash, over-confident wannabe adventurer elder brother Barley (Chris Pratt), Ian tries it out, only for the spell to backfire, leaving them with the animated bottom half of their father and just 24 hours to find a means to restore the rest of him before time runs out.  Cue an “epic quest” … needless to say, this is another top-notch offering from the original masters of the craft, a fun, affecting and thoroughly infectious family-friendly romp with a winning sense of humour and inspired, flawless world-building.  Holland and Pratt are both fantastic, their instantly believable, ill-at-ease little/big brother chemistry effortlessly driving the story through its ingenious paces, and the ensuing emotional fireworks are hilarious and heart-breaking in equal measure, while there’s typically excellent support from Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Elaine from Seinfeld) as Ian and Barley’s put-upon but supportive mum, Laurel, Octavia Spencer as once-mighty adventurer-turned-restaurateur “Corey” the Manticore and Mel Rodriguez (Getting On, The Last Man On Earth) as overbearing centaur cop (and Laurel’s new boyfriend) Colt Bronco.  The film marks the sophomore feature gig for Dan Scanlon, who debuted with 2013’s sequel Monsters University, and while that was enjoyable enough I ultimately found it non-essential – no such verdict can be levelled against THIS film, the writer-director delivering magnificently in all categories, while the animation team have outdone themselves in every scene, from the exquisite environments and character/creature designs to some fantastic (and frequently delightfully bonkers) set-pieces, while there’s a veritable riot of brilliant RPG in-jokes to delight geekier viewers (gelatinous cube! XD).  Massive, unadulterated fun, frequently hilarious and absolutely BURSTING with Disney’s trademark heart, this was ALMOST my animated feature of the year.  More on that later …
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19.  THE GENTLEMEN – Guy Ritchie’s been having a rough time with his last few movies (The Man From UNCLE didn’t do too bad but it wasn’t exactly a hit and was largely overlooked or simply ignored, while intended franchise-starter King Arthur: Legend of the Sword was largely derided and suffered badly on release, dying a quick death financially – it’s a shame on both counts, because I really liked them), so it’s nice to see him having some proper success with his latest, even if he has basically reverted to type to do it.  Still, when his newest London gangster flick is THIS GOOD it seems churlish to quibble – this really is what he does best, bringing together a collection of colourful geezers and shaking up their status quo, then standing back and letting us enjoy the bloody, expletive-riddled results. This particularly motley crew is another winning selection, led by Matthew McConaughey as ruthlessly successful cannabis baron Mickey Pearson, who’s looking to retire from the game by selling off his massive and highly lucrative enterprise for a most tidy sum (some $400,000,000 to be precise) to up-and-coming fellow American ex-pat Matthew Berger (Succession’s Jeremy Strong, oozing sleazy charm), only for local Chinese triad Dry Eye (Crazy Rich Asians’ Henry Golding, chewing the scenery with enthusiasm) to start throwing spanners into the works with the intention of nabbing the deal for himself for a significant discount.  Needless to say Mickey’s not about to let that happen … McConaughey is ON FIRE here, the best he’s been since Dallas Buyers Club in my opinion, clearly having great fun sinking his teeth into this rich character and Ritchie’s typically sparkling, razor-witted dialogue, and he’s ably supported by a quality ensemble cast, particularly co-star Charlie Hunnam as Mickey’s ice-cold, steel-nerved right-hand-man Raymond Smith, Downton Abbey’s Michelle Dockery as his classy, strong-willed wife Rosalind, Colin Farrell as a wise-cracking, quietly exasperated MMA trainer and small-time hood simply known as the Coach (who gets many of the film’s best lines), and, most notably, Hugh Grant as the film’s nominal narrator, thoroughly morally bankrupt private investigator Fletcher, who consistently steals the film.  This is Guy Ritchie at his very best – a twisty rug-puller of a plot that constantly leaves you guessing, brilliantly observed and richly drawn characters you can’t help loving in spite of the fact there’s not a single hero among them, a deliciously unapologetic, politically incorrect sense of humour and a killer soundtrack.  Getting the cinematic year off to a phenomenal start, it’s EASILY Ritchie’s best film since Sherlock Holmes, and a strong call-back to the heady days of Snatch (STILL my favourite) and Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels.  Here’s hoping he’s on a roll again, eh?
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18.  SPONTANEOUS – one of the year’s biggest under-the-radar surprise hits for me was one which I actually might not have caught if things had been a little more normal and ordered.  Thankfully with all the lockdown and cinematic shutdown bollocks going on, this fantastically subversive and deeply satirical indie teen comedy horror came along at the perfect time, and I completely flipped out over it.  Now those who know me know I don’t tend to gravitate towards teen cinema, but like all those other exceptions I’ve loved over the years, this one had a brilliantly compulsive hook I just couldn’t turn down – small-town high-schooler Mara (Knives Out and Netflix’ Cursed’s Katherine Langford) is your typical cool outsider kid, smart, snarky and just putting up with the scene until she can graduate and get as far away as possible … until one day in her senior year one of her classmates just inexplicably explodes. Like her peers, she’s shocked and she mourns, then starts to move on … until it happens again.  As the death toll among the senior class begins to mount, it becomes clear something weird is going on, but Mara has other things on her mind because the crisis has, for her, had an unexpected benefit – without it she wouldn’t have fallen in love with like-minded oddball new kid Dylan (Lean On Pete and Words On Bathroom Walls’ Charlie Plummer). The future’s looking bright, but only if they can both live to see it … this is a wickedly intelligent film, powered by a skilfully executed script and a wonderfully likeable young cast who consistently steer their characters around the potential cliched pitfalls of this kind of cinema, while debuting writer-director Brian Duffield (already a rising star thanks to scripts for Underwater, The Babysitter and blacklist darling Jane Got a Gun among others) show he’s got as much talent and flair for crafting truly inspired cinema as he has for thinking it up in the first place, delivering some impressively offbeat set-pieces and several neat twists you frequently don’t see coming ahead of time.  Langford and Plummer as a sassy, spicy pair who are easy to root for without ever getting cloying or sweet, while there’s glowing support from the likes of Hayley Law (Rioverdale, Altered Carbon, The New Romantic) as Mara’s best friend Tess, Piper Perabo and Transparent’s Rob Huebel as her increasingly concerned parents, and Insecure’s Yvonne Orji as Agent Rosetti, the beleaguered government employee sent to spearhead the investigation into exactly what’s happening to these kids.  Quirky, offbeat and endlessly inventive, this is one of those interesting instances where I’m glad they pushed the horror elements into the background so we could concentrate on the comedy, but more importantly these wonderfully well-realised and vital characters – there are some skilfully executed shocks, but far more deep belly laughs, and there’s bucketloads of heart to eclipse the gore.  Another winning debut from a talent I intend to watch with great interest in the future.
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17.  HAMILTON – arriving just as Black Lives Matter reached fever-pitch levels, this feature presentation of the runaway Broadway musical smash-hit could not have been better timed. Shot over three nights during the show’s 2016 run with the original cast and cut together with specially created “setup shots”, it’s an immersive experience that at once puts you right in amongst the audience (at times almost a character themselves, never seen but DEFINITELY heard) but also lets you experience the action up close.  And what action – it’s an incredible show, a thoroughly fascinating piece of work that reads like something very staid and proper on paper (an all-encompassing biographical account of the life and times of American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton) but, in execution, becomes something very different and EXTREMELY vital.  The execution certainly couldn’t be further from the usual period biopic fare this kind of historical subject matter usually gets (although in the face of recent high quality revisionist takes like Marie Antoinette, The Great and Tesla it’s not SO surprising), while the cast is not at all what you’d expect – with very few notable exceptions the cast is almost entirely people of colour, despite the fact that the real life individuals they’re playing were all very white indeed.  Every single one of them is also an absolute revelation – the show’s writer-composer Lin-Manuel Miranda (already riding high on the success of In the Heights) carries the central role of Hamilton with effortless charm and raw star power, Leslie Odom Jr. (Smash, Murder On the Orient Express) is duplicitously complex as his constant nemesis Aaron Burr, Christopher Jackson (In the Heights, Moana, Bull) oozes integrity and nobility as his mentor and friend George Washington, Phillipa Soo is sweet and classy as his wife Eliza while Renée Elise Goldsberry (The Immortal Life of Henrietta Jacks, Altered Carbon) is fiery and statuesque as her sister Angelica Schuyler (the one who got away), and Jonathan Groff (Mindhunter) consistently steals every scene he’s in as fiendish yet childish fan favourite King George III, but the show (and the film) ultimately belongs to veritable powerhouse Daveed Diggs (Blindspotting, The Good Lord Bird) in a spectacular duel role, starting subtly but gaining scene-stealing momentum as French Revolutionary Gilbert du Motier, the Marquis de Lafayette, before EXPLODING onto the stage in the second half as indomitable third American President Thomas Jefferson.  Not having seen the stage show, I was taken completely by surprise by this, revelling in its revisionist genius and offbeat, quirky hip-hop charm, spellbound by the skilful ease with which is takes the sometimes quite dull historical fact and skews it into something consistently entertaining and absorbing, transported by the catchy earworm musical numbers and thoroughly tickled by the delightfully cheeky sense of humour strung throughout (at least when I wasn’t having my heart broken by moments of raw dramatic power). Altogether it’s a pretty unique cinematic experience I wish I could have actually gotten to see on the big screen, and one I’ve consistently recommended to all my friends, even the ones who don’t usually like musicals.  As far as I’m concerned it doesn’t need a proper Les Misérables style screen adaptation – this is about as perfect a presentation as the show could possibly hope for.
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16.  SPUTNIK – summer’s horror highlight (despite SERIOUSLY tough competition) was a guaranteed sleeper hit that I almost missed entirely, stumbling across the trailer one day on YouTube and getting bowled over by its potential, prompting me to hunt it down by any means necessary.  The feature debut of Russian director Egor Abramenko, this first contact sci-fi chiller is about as far from E.T. as it’s possible to get, sharing some of the same DNA as Carpenter’s The Thing but proudly carving its own path with consummate skill and definitely signalling great things to come from its brand new helmer and relative unknown screenwriters Oleg Malovichko and Andrei Zolotarev.  Oksana Akinshina (probably best known in the West for her powerful climactic cameo in The Bourne Supremacy) is the beating heart of the film as neurophysiologist Tatyana Yuryevna Klimova, brought in to aid in the investigation in the Russian wilderness circa 1983 after an orbital research mission goes horribly wrong.  One of the cosmonauts dies horribly, while the other, Konstantin (The Duelist’s Pyotr Fyodorov) seems unharmed, but it quickly becomes clear that he’s now the host for something decidedly extraterrestrial and potentially terrifying, and as Tatyana becomes more deeply embroiled in her assignment she comes to realise that her superiors, particularly mysterious Red Army project leader Colonel Semiradov (The PyraMMMid’s Fyodor Bondarchuk), have far more insidious plans for Konstantin and his new “friend” than she could ever imagine. This is about as dark, intense and nightmarish as this particular sub-genre gets, a magnificently icky body horror that slowly builds its tension as we’re gradually exposed to the various truths and the awful gravity of the situation slowly reveals itself, punctuated by skilfully executed shocks and some particularly horrifying moments when the evils inflicted by the humans in charge prove far worse than anything the alien can do, while the ridiculously talented writers have a field day pulling the rug out from under us again and again, never going for the obvious twist and keeping us guessing right to the devastating ending, while the beautifully crafted digital creature effects are nothing short of astonishing and thoroughly creepy.  Akinshina dominates the film with her unbridled grace, vulnerability and integrity, the relationship that develops between Tatyana and Konstantin (Fyodorov delivering a beautifully understated turn belying deep inner turmoil) feeling realistically earned as it goes from tentatively wary to tragically bittersweet, while Bondarchuk invests the Colonel with a nuanced air of tarnished authority and restrained brutality that made him one of my top screen villains for the year.  One of 2020’s great sleeper hits, I can’t speak of this film highly enough – it’s a genuine revelation, an instant classic for whom I’ll sing its praises for years to come, and I wish enormous future success to all the creative talents involved.
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15.  THE INVISIBLE MAN – looks like third time’s a charm for Leigh Whannell, writer-director of my ALMOST horror movie of the year (more on that later) – while he’s had immense success as a horror writer over the years (co-creator of both the Saw and Insidious franchises), as a director his first two features haven’t exactly set the world alight, with debut Insidious: Chapter III garnering similar takes to the rest of the series but ultimately turning out to be a bit of a damp squib quality-wise, while his second feature Upgrade was a stone-cold masterpiece that was (rightly) EXTREMELY well received critically, but ultimately snuck in under the radar and has remained a stubbornly hidden gem since. No such problems with his third feature, though – his latest collaboration with producer Jason Blum and the insanely lucrative Blumhouse Pictures has proven a massive hit both financially AND with reviewers, and deservedly so.  Having given up on trying to create a shared cinematic universe inhabited by their classic monsters, Universal resolved to concentrate on standalones to showcase their elite properties, and their first try is a rousing success, Whannell bringing HG Wells’ dark and devious human monster smack into the 21st Century as only he can.  The result is a surprisingly subtle piece of work, much more a lethally precise exercise in cinematic sleight of hand and extraordinary acting than flashy visual effects, strictly adhering to the Blumhouse credo of maximum returns for minimum bucks as the story is stripped down to its bare essentials and allowed to play out without any unnecessary weight.  The Handmaid’s Tale’s Elizabeth Moss once again confirms what a masterful actress she is as she brings all her performing weapons to bear in the role of Cecelia “Cee” Kass, the cloistered wife of affluent but monstrously abusive optics pioneer Aidan Griffin (Netflix’ The Haunting of Hill House’s Oliver Jackson-Cohen), who escapes his clutches in the furiously tense opening sequence and goes to ground with the help of her closest childhood friend, San Francisco cop James Lanier (Leverage’s Aldis Hodge) and his teenage daughter Sydney (A Wrinkle in Time’s Storm Reid).  Two weeks later, Aidan commits suicide, leaving Cee with a fortune to start her life over (with the proviso that she’s never ruled mentally incompetent), but as she tries to find her way in the world again little things start going wrong for her, and she begins to question if there might be something insidious going on.  As her nerves start to unravel, she begins to suspect that Aidan is still alive, still very much in her life, fiendishly toying with her and her friends, but no-one can see him.  Whannell plays her paranoia up for all it’s worth, skilfully teasing out the scares so that, just like her friends, we begin to wonder if it might all be in her head after all, before a spectacular mid-movie reveal throws the switch into high gear and the true threat becomes clear.  The lion’s share of the film’s immense success must of course go to Moss – her performance is BEYOND a revelation, a blistering career best that totally powers the whole enterprise, and it goes without saying that she’s the best thing in this.  Even so, she has sterling support from Hodge and Reid, as well as Love Child’s Harriet Dyer as Cee’s estranged big sister Emily and Wonderland’s Michael Dorman as Adrian’s slimy, spineless lawyer brother Tom, and, while he doesn’t have much actual (ahem) “screen time”, Jackson-Cohen delivers a fantastically icy, subtly malevolent turn which casts a large “shadow” over the film.  This is one of my very favourite Blumhouse films, a pitch-perfect psychological chiller that keeps the tension cranked up unbearably tight and never lets go, Whannell once again displaying uncanny skill with expert jump-scares, knuckle-whitening chills and a truly astounding standout set-piece that easily goes down as one of the top action sequences of 2020. Undoubtedly the best version of Wells’ story to date, this goes a long way in repairing the damage of Universal’s abortive “Dark Universe” efforts, as well as showcasing a filmmaking master at the very height of his talents.
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14.  EXTRACTION – the Coronavirus certainly has threw a massive spanner in the works of the year’s cinematic calendar – among many other casualties to the blockbuster shunt, the latest (and most long-awaited) MCU movie, Black Widow, should have opened to further record-breaking box office success at the end of spring, but instead the theatres were all closed and virtually all the heavyweights were pushed back or shelved indefinitely.  Thank God, then, for the streaming services, particularly Hulu, Amazon and Netflix, the latter of which provided a perfect movie for us to see through the key transition into the summer blockbuster season, an explosively flashy big budget action thriller ushered in by MCU alumni the Russo Brothers (who produced and co-wrote this adaptation of Ciudad, a graphic novel that Joe Russo co-created with Ande Parks and Fernando Leon Gonzalez) and barely able to contain the sheer star-power wattage of its lead, Thor himself.  Chris Hemsworth plays Tyler Rake, a former Australian SAS operative who hires out his services to an extraction operation under the command of mercenary Nik Khan (The Patience Stone’s Golshifteh Farahani), brought in to liberate Ovi Mahajan (Rudhraksh Jaiswal in his first major role), the pre-teen son of incarcerated Indian crime lord Ovi Sr. (Pankaj Tripathi), who has been abducted by Bangladeshi rival Amir Asif (Priyanshu Painyuli).  The rescue itself goes perfectly, but when the time comes for the hand-off the team is double-crossed and Tyler is left stranded in the middle of Dhaka with no choice but to keep Ovi alive as every corrupt cop and street gang in the city closes in around them.  This is the feature debut of Sam Hargrave, the latest stuntman to try his hand at directing, so he certainly knows his way around an action set-piece, and the result is a thoroughly breathless adrenaline rush of a film, bursting at the seams with spectacular fights, gun battles and car chases, dominated by a stunning sustained sequence that plays out in one long shot, guaranteed to leave jaws lying on the floor.  Not that there should be any surprise – Hargrave cut his teeth as a stunt coordinator for the Russos on Captain America: Civil War and their Avengers films.  That said, he displays strong talent for the quieter disciplines of filmmaking too, delivering quality character development and drawing out consistently noteworthy performances from his cast.  Of course, Hemsworth can do the action stuff in his sleep, but there’s a lot more to Tyler than just his muscle, the MCU veteran investing him with real wounded vulnerability and a tragic fatalism which colours every scene, while Jaiswal is exceptional throughout, showing plenty of promise for the future, and there’s strong support from Farahani and Painyuli, as well as Stranger Things’ David Harbour as world-weary retired merc Gaspard, and a particularly impressive, muscular turn from Randeep Hooda (Once Upon a Time in Mumbai) as Saju, a former Para and Ovi’s bodyguard, who’s determined to take possession of the boy himself, even if he has to go through Tyler to get him.  This is action cinema that really deserves to be seen on the big screen – I watched it twice in a week and would happily have paid for two trips to the cinema for it if I could have.  As we looked down the barrel of a summer season largely devoid of blockbuster fare, I couldn’t recommend this enough.  Thank the gods for Netflix …
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13.  THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 – although it’s definitely a film that really benefitted enormously from releasing on Netflix during the various lockdowns, this was one of the blessed few I actually got to see during one of the UK’s frustratingly rare lulls when cinemas were actually OPEN.  Rather perversely it therefore became one of my favourite cinematic experiences of 2020, but then I’m just as much a fan of well-made cerebral films as I am of the big, immersive blockbuster EXPERIENCES, so this probably still would have been a standout in a normal year. Certainly if this was a purely CRITICAL list for the year this probably would have placed high in the Top Ten … Aaron Sorkin is a writer whose work I have ardently admired ever since he went from esteemed playwright to in-demand talent for both the big screen AND the small with A Few Good Men, and TTOTC7 is just another in a long line of consistently impressive, flawlessly written works rife with addictive quickfire dialogue, beautifully observed characters and rewardingly propulsive narrative storytelling (therefore resting comfortably amongst the well-respected likes of The West Wing, Charlie Wilson’s War, Moneyball and The Social Network).  It also marks his second feature as a director (after fascinating and incendiary debut Molly’s Game), and once again he’s gone for true story over fiction, tackling the still controversial subject of the infamous 1968 trial of the “ringleaders” of the infamous riots which marred Chicago’s Diplomatic National Convention five months earlier, in which thousands of hippies and college students protesting the Vietnam War clashed with police.  Spurred on by the newly-instated Presidential Administration of Richard Nixon to make some examples, hungry up-and-coming prosecutor Richard Schultz (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is confident in his case, while the Seven – who include respected and astute student activist Tom Hayden (Eddie Redmayne) and confrontational counterculture firebrands Abbie Hoffman (Sacha Baron Cohen) and Jerry Rubin (Succession’s Jeremy Strong) – are the clear underdogs.  They’re a divided bunch (particularly Hayden and Hoffman, who never mince their words about what little regard they hold for each other), and they’re up against the combined might of the U.S. Government, while all they have on their side is pro-bono lawyer and civil rights activist William Kunstler (Mark Rylance), who’s sharp, driven and thoroughly committed to the cause but clearly massively outmatched … not to mention the fact that the judge presiding over the case is Julius Hoffman (Frank Langella), a fierce and uncompromising conservative who’s clearly 100% on the Administration’s side, and who might in fact be stark raving mad (he also frequently goes to great lengths to make it clear to all concerned that he is NOT related to Abbie).  Much as we’ve come to expect from Sorkin, this is cinema of grand ideals and strong characters, not big spectacle and hard action, and all the better for it – he’s proved time and again that he’s one of the very best creative minds in Hollywood when it comes to intelligent, thought-provoking and engrossing thinking-man’s entertainment, and this is pure par for the course, keeping us glued to the screen from the skilfully-executed whirlwind introductory montage to the powerfully cathartic climax, and every varied and brilliant scene in-between.  This is heady stuff, focusing on what’s still an extremely thorny issue made all the more urgently relevant and timely given what was (and still is) going on in American politics at the time, and everyone involved here was clearly fully committed to making the film as palpable, powerful and resonant as possible for the viewer, no matter their nationality or political inclination.  Also typical for a Sorkin film, the cast are exceptional, everyone clearly having the wildest time getting their teeth into their finely-drawn characters and that magnificent dialogue – Redmayne and Baron Cohen are compellingly complimentary intellectual antagonists given their radically different approaches and their roles’ polar opposite energies, while Rylance delivers another pitch-perfect, simply ASTOUNDING performance that once again marks him as one of the very best actors of his generation, and there are particularly meaty turns from Strong, Langella, Aquaman’s Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (as besieged Black Panther Bobby Seale) and a potent late appearance from Michael Keaton that sear themselves into the memory long after viewing. Altogether then, this is a phenomenal film which deserves to be seen no matter the format, a thought-provoking and undeniably IMPORTANT masterwork from a master cinematic storyteller that says as much about the world we live in now as the decidedly turbulent times it portrays …
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12.  GREYHOUND – when the cinemas closed back in March, the fate of many of the major summer blockbusters we’d been looking forward to was thrown into terrible doubt. Some were pushed back to more amenable dates in the autumn or winter (which even then ultimately proved frustratingly ambitious), others knocked back a whole year to fill summer slots for 2021, but more than a few simply dropped off the radar entirely with the terrible words “postponed until further notice” stamped on them, and I lamented them all, this one in particular.  It hung in there longer than some, stubbornly holding onto its June release slot for as long as possible, but eventually it gave up the ghost too … but thanks to Apple TV+, not for long, ultimately releasing less than a month later than intended.  Thankfully the film itself was worth the fuss, a taut World War II suspense thriller that’s all killer, no filler – set during the infamous Battle of the Atlantic, it portrays the constant life-or-death struggle faced by the Allied warships assigned to escort the transport convoys as they crossed the ocean, defending their charges from German U-boats.  Adapted from C.S. Forester’s famous 1955 novel The Good Shepherd by Tom Hanks and directed by Aaron Schneider (Get Low), the narrative focuses on the crew of the escort leader, American destroyer USS Fletcher, codenamed “Greyhound”, and in particular its captain, Commander Ernest Krause (Hanks), a career sailor serving his first command.  As they cross “the Pit”, the most dangerous middle stretch of the journey where they spend days without air-cover, they find themselves shadowed by “the Wolf Pack”, a particularly cunning group of German submarines that begin to pick away at the convoy’s stragglers.  Faced with daunting odds, a dwindling supply of vital depth-charges and a ruthless, persistent enemy, Krause must make hard choices to bring his ships home safe … jumping into the thick of the action within the first ten minutes and maintaining its tension for the remainder of the trim 90-minute run, this is screen suspense par excellence, a sleek textbook example of how to craft a compelling big screen knuckle-whitener with zero fat and maximum reward, delivering a series of desperate naval scraps packed with hide-and-seek intensity, heart-in-mouth near-misses and fist-in-air cathartic payoffs by the bucket-load.  Hanks is subtly magnificent, the calm centre of the narrative storm as a supposed newcomer to this battle arena who could have been BORN for it, bringing to mind his similarly unflappable in Captain Phillips and certainly not suffering by comparison; by and large he’s the focus point, but other crew members make strong (if sometimes quite brief) impressions, particularly Stephen Graham as Krause’s reliably seasoned XO, Lt. Commander Charlie Cole, The Magnificent Seven’s Manuel Garcia-Rulfo and Just Mercy’s Rob Morgan, while Elisabeth Shue does a lot with a very small part in brief flashbacks as Krause’s fiancée Evelyn. Relentless, exhilarating and thoroughly unforgettable, this was one of the true action highlights of the summer, and one hell of a war flick.  I’m so glad it made the cut for the summer …
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11.  PROJECT POWER – with Marvel and DC pushing their tent-pole titles back in the face of COVID, the usual superhero antics we’ve come to expect for the summer were pretty thin on the ground in 2020, leading us to find our geeky fan thrills elsewhere. Unfortunately, pickings were frustratingly slim – Korean comic book actioner Gundala was entertaining but workmanlike, while Thor AU Mortal was underwhelming despite strong direction from Troll Hunter’s André Øvredal, and The New Mutants just got shat on by the studio and its distributors and no mistake – thank the Gods, then, for Netflix, once again riding to the rescue with this enjoyably offbeat super-thriller, which takes an intriguing central premise and really runs with it.  New designer drug Power has hit the streets of New Orleans, able to give anyone who takes it a superpower for five minutes … the only problem is, until you try it, you don’t know what your own unique talent is – for some, it could mean five minutes of invisibility, or insane levels of super-strength, but other powers can be potentially lethal, the really unlucky buggers just blowing up on the spot.  Robin (The Hate U Give’s Dominique Fishback) is a teenage Power-pusher with dreams of becoming a rap star, dealing the pills so she can help her diabetic mum; Frank Shaver (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is one of her customers, a police detective who uses his power of near invulnerability to even the playing field when supercharged crims cause a disturbance.  Their lives are turned upside down when Art (Jamie Foxx) arrives in town – he’s a seriously badass ex-soldier determined to hunt down the source of Power by any means necessary, and he’s not above tearing the Big Easy apart to do it. This is a fun, gleefully infectious rollercoaster that doesn’t take itself too seriously, revelling in the anarchic potential of its premise and crafting some suitably OTT effects-driven chaos brought to pleasingly visceral fruition by its skilfully inventive director, Ariel Schulman (Catfish, Nerve, Viral), while Mattson Tomlin (the screenwriter of the DCEU’s oft-delayed, incendiary headline act The Batman) takes the story in some very interesting directions and poses fascinating questions about what Power’s TRULY capable of.  Gordon-Levitt and Fishback are both brilliant, the latter particularly impressing in what’s sure to be a major breakthrough role for her, and the friendship their characters share is pretty adorable, while Foxx really is a force to be reckoned with, pretty chill even when he’s in deep shit but fully capable of turning into a bona fide killing machine at the flip of a switch, and there’s strong support from Westworld’s Rodrigo Santoro as Biggie, Power’s delightfully oily kingpin, Courtney B. Vance as Frank’s by-the-book superior, Captain Crane, Amy Landecker as Gardner, the morally bankrupt CIA spook responsible for the drug’s production, and Machine Gun Kelly as Newt, a Power dealer whose pyrotechnic “gift” really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.  Exciting, inventive, frequently amusing and infectiously likeable, this was some of the most uncomplicated cinematic fun I had all summer.  Not bad for something which I’m sure was originally destined to become one of the season’s B-list features …
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Nice Shirt | Tom Hiddleston x Reader
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Summary: After two years of being in a relationship with Tom, you start to question whether you are putting your own dreams aside for this relationship. You make a hard choice but is it the right one?
Warnings: Implied Smut, Drinking, Bit of Angst
Tom couldn’t sleep after comic-com panels. The adrenaline pumped through him, and he couldn’t sleep for hours. He tried to convince Chris Hemsworth to go to the bar with him, but he begged off.
“You can talk to your wife any time. But how often do you get to bar hop in Philadelphia?”
“Nah, mate.” Chris responded. “I am absolutely wiped. But go have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Chris clapped him hard on the shoulder.
“Ehehehe.” Tom chuckled. “Of course. Brother.”
The two men parted with a hug, and Tom headed for his car.
“James…” Tom asked his driver. “Do you know any good bars?”
The man smiled in the rearview mirror. “How good?”
“The best.”
“I know just the place.”
You weren’t sure how you ended up at Frankford Hall, but here you were, beer in one hand, ping pong paddle in the other.
“Whoo!” you hooted as you beat the young frat guy on the other side of the table. “That’s how it’s done!”
Someone tugged on the back of your shirt, you spun wide, sloshing your beer. You weren’t drunk yet, but the buzz was flowing.
“JESS!!” you screamed. “You made it!”
You pulled your best friend into the tightest hug. She mumbled something against your chest.
“I said…” Jess pushed off of you. “… we need to get some food into you.”
“Excellent idea.”
You linked arms and headed inside to order some food.
Tom reminded himself to thank James for the excellent suggestion. He never would have picked a biergarten for the night but with ping pong and authentic food. It hit the spot after a long day of photographs and signing photos.
“Hey!” a voice beside him cut through the din of the bar.
“Pardon?” Tom answered, turning to find you standing there.
“Nice shirt, Paul!”
“The name’s Tom.”
Your head ducked as you burst out into laughter.
“I was calling you Paul Bunyan. You know, the lumberjack. Plaid shirt.”
Tom glanced down, forgetting he had thrown on his well worn red plaid shirt.
“Oh, right. Eheheheh.” Tom gave a nervous chuckle.
The waiter plopped a plate in front of Tom. Bratwurst. Tom licked his lips and took a big bite, bits of sauerkraut falling to the plate.
“I like a man who can handle his sausage.” you flirted.
The waiter delivered your and Jess’s appetizers, laying the plates in front of you. Tom eyed your food while taking a big swig of beer.
“I like a woman with a big appetite.” Tom countered, turning on his stool to give you a once over.
“Good to know.” You licked your thumb after popping a bit of pretzel in your mouth. “How are you with a paddle?”
Tom choked on his beer. “I beg your pardon?”
You lifted your chin to the outside.
“Ping pong. What did you think?” You returned the favor of allowing your gaze to slide up and down his long lean body, lingering on some places more than others.
“No comment. Let me finish this beer and I will meet you out there.”
You grabbed your plates and headed outside.
“It is about time. I worried you got lost in there.” Jess grumbled as you shoved her food at her.
“Jess! You will never guess who I just ran into in there!”
Two Years Later
“What on earth are you doing?” Tom questioned as he viewed drawers opened and the closet door thrown ajar.
“Packing, Tom.” you sighed as you folded up shirts, deciding which ones to pack and which ones to leave behind. “That is what one does when getting ready to travel.”
“I thought we decided you weren’t going to take that job.” Tom sat down on the bed, jostling your suitcase.
Your hands gripped the once folded shirts.
“No, you talked to me for two hours about all the reasons why I shouldn’t move back to the States and then you changed the subject every time I tried to bring it back up again. But there was never any ‘we’ in this decision, Tom. I’m going.”
“Why?” Tom’s voice cracked. “I thought we… you were happy living with me here in London.”
You sighed as you shoved a couple pairs of boots into the suitcase. “I was.” Tom smiled a slight smile. “But I realized if I stayed here, all I would ever be is your girlfriend.”
“You make it sound like a prison sentence.” Tom mumbled.
“For me, it would be. I have dreams and goals of my own and no matter how hard I try, it would always be overshadowed by you. Or worse, pitied or given special treatment because of you.” You shoved the last of your clothes and pushed the lid down and struggled to zip the case closed.
Tom fidgeted with his hands in his lap.
“We could have talked about all this before you booked your flight. We can still talk about it, delay your flight.” His voice grew shrill. “We can make this work. Just don’t leave. Not like this.”
His hand slid over to grab yours. You sat down beside him, giving his hand a brief squeeze before extracting your fingers from his grip.
“My lectures start tomorrow.” A horn beeped. “That’s my taxi.”
Tom bolted to standing. “You can’t possibly be leaving now! Let me drive you to the airport. Something!”
You stood too. You rose on your toes. Your hands rubbed across the stubble on his chin and cheeks. Tom’s eyes squeezed closed at your touch and tears streamed down to your fingertips. You pressed your lips to his and sighed. Tom gripped your sweater like his life depended on it. The sound of the taxi honking again interrupted your embrace.
You squeezed his shoulders hard. “I need to go. I will call you when I land.”
Tom nodded. He grabbed your suitcase and carried it to the door. You reached for it, but he held on.
“Please reconsider. I love you.” Tom pleaded.
“I love you too. But I love me more.” You kissed his cheek. “I’ll call from Philly. Take care of yourself.”
Tom bit his lip in hopes to stifle his anguish. He released his grip on the handle as he nodded at you. You kissed his cheek and stepped out the door. He stood at the threshold until you waved from the backseat of the cab.
Tom gave a tight smile and a small wave until you disappeared into view. Once the door clicked behind him, Tom crumpled to the floor, his legs ceasing to function. Bobby trotted over to check on him, and Tom burrowed his head into Bobby’s soft fur.
He sat there for 30 minutes until his phone rang. He sent it to voicemail. It rang again. This time he turned the phone off and chucked across the foyer. He dragged himself to the couch where he lay until there was a knock at the door.
He jumped to his feet and ran to the door, hoping you had changed your mind.
“I’m so glad you—” he exclaimed as he flung the door open.
“Glad to see you too, mate. Why didn’t you answer your phone?” Luke responded as a disheveled Tom met him at the door. “What the hell happened!?”
Tom’s face fell. “She’s gone.” he croaked out as he fell against Luke.
Luke stood bewildered as he walked Tom back into his house and hoped to unravel just what had Tom in such a state.
Three Weeks Later
It was Tom’s first time leaving the house since you left. Luke made sure he had groceries and cleared his calendar of what few things were on it.
Tom had been planning a surprise vacation with you. Which Luke had to cancel. And now Tom sat in a corner booth of his favorite restaurant waiting for Benedict to arrive.
“Shall I get you something to drink?” The waiter asked as Tom ignored the menu.
“A pint. And keep them coming.” he grumbled, not bothering to take off his sunglasses.
“Are you sure that’s a wise decision giving your current emotional state?” Ben’s voice questioned as the waiter walked away.
“Why the fuck not? I am in mourning.”
“It’s been three weeks, Tom. You can not continue on like this. Your liver will never make it.”
“Want to bet?”
“Your GP would agree with me. Nice shirt, by the way. You’ve got a real brooding lumberjack vibe going on.”
Tom glanced down at the red plaid and tears welled in his eyes.
“That’s what she said the night we met.” Tom’s voice cracked.
Ben’s face softened at the wreck of Tom. “I didn’t mean to hit a nerve. I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t know. I never wear the shirt any more. But I haven’t been doing laundry as much.”
“Or showering either.” Benedict takes an exaggerated sniff.
“Not helping, mate.” Tom shot daggers across the table.
“How can I help? I assume that is why I am here. Since you are not taking any calls.”
“I broke my phone chucking it across the room. Haven’t bothered to replace it.”
Ben pressed his hands flat. “You might want to get on that. Perhaps she is trying to call you. I was under the impression you were smarter than this.” He shook his head at Tom.
Tom perked up. “I hadn’t thought about that. Do you think she has reached out?”
“Well, you won’t know until you talk to her.” Tom’s eyes sparkled and sat up straighter. “There’s the Tom Hiddleston I know.” Ben smiled.
“Thank you, Ben. You are a loyal friend.”
“I’m your best friend. And I only want you to be happy. And as payment for my expert relationship advice, you are paying for lunch.”
“With pleasure.” Tom smiled for the first time in weeks.
Tom’s mood was short lived. He stopped by the store and replaced his phone. He listened to your voicemail from that day you left. And then nothing. Not a text, not a call. Radio silence.
“Hello, darling. It’s Tom. Sorry I haven’t called sooner. A bit of an accident with my phone. I would very much like to talk to you. To hear your voice. Call me, please. Any time, day or night.”
He sighed as he left the message and stared at the phone for the rest of the night. It didn’t ring.
Two Months Later
It was three months since you moved to Philadelphia and began your adjunct position at Penn. You only gained some semblance of normal in the past few days.
“And that is it for today.” You addressed the class. “See you on Thursday.”
The auditorium emptied quickly as students rushed to either their next lecture or something else to do. With a huff, you heaved your bag onto your shoulder and headed to your office on campus.
“Hello?” you answered your phone.
“Any word?” Jess’s voice asked on the other end.
“I told you. He doesn’t have this new number, and I lost his when my phone took a swim in the toilet.”
“Then email him.”
“If he wanted to talk, he would have called those first few days. He has moved on.”
“You are a stubborn ass. You just don’t want to reach out first and have to admit you made a mistake. That you still love him and still want him.”
“That’s not true. He’s busy. He has projects. He probably isn’t even in London right now.” you lied to yourself. You hated when Jess was right.
“Bullshit. You’re scared. Fine, don’t do anything and throw away the best thing that ever happened in your life.”
“Hey! This job is the best thing that happened to me. It moved me closer to you.”
“I would give up our weekly lunches to see you happy. Are you happy?”
You sat down silent at your desk. She was happy, she thought, right? That was the whole point of this. The move was meant to help her reach her goals. Everything felt hollow instead of empowering.
“Yeah, yeah.” you lied to Jess. “Of course, I’m happy. That was the whole point.”
“Still calling bullshit. Remember Jason is coming to pick you up for lunch tomorrow because I have that client meeting.”
“Thank you for reminding me. Bye Jess.”
“Talk to Tom.” she blurted out before you ended the call.
You laid your head on your desk and sighed.
The next morning dragged on. You loved teaching communication, but today your heart was somewhere else. Jess’s words weighed you down like an anchor.
“And what percentage of communication is communicated nonverbally?” you asked the class.
You scanned the room to find someone to call on. Out of the corner of your eye, you spied a red plaid shirt. Just like the one Tom wore at Frankford Hall years ago.
“Ah…” you lost your train of thought. You glanced again but couldn’t find the shirt again. “… yes?” you pointed at someone in the third row.
You spent the rest of the lecture searching the room for the owner of the shirt, but he had disappeared. You convinced yourself you imagined the entire thing.
“Let’s end class early. Enjoy it because it won’t happen again.” you announced.
The class cheered as they packed up for the day. You waited until the hall was empty just to double check for Tom.
“You are losing it.” you mumbled to yourself.
Tom convinced Luke he was ready to work again. Starting with some radio appearances in New York. Luke wasn’t convinced Tom didn’t have a hidden agenda.
“Are you sure you aren’t planning on taking a day trip to Philly to find her?”
Tom scoffed. “It’s over, Luke.”
Luke glanced at Tom askance but complied with the request. “Fine, but I don’t want to see a single story unrelated to these interviews in the papers.”
“Cross my heart.” Tom made an exaggerated “x” on his chest.
“I’ve heard that before.” Luke groused as he made the plans.
When Tom received his itinerary, he was grateful Luke left an entire day empty.
“You know me too well, mate.” Tom commented as he saw the handwritten note at the bottom:
Here is a good car rental company. It is just under two hours to Philly. Be safe and tell her you love her.
- Luke
Tom wasted no time to call the car company.
When he arrived on campus, it didn’t take him long to find your office. It was locked.
“Excuse me, do you know when the professor will return?” he asked a passing student.
“She is lecturing in Ames Hall. It's just down the corridor.”
“Thank you.” Tom took off.
He snuck into the back to the crowded lecture hall and listened in for a bit. He swore you glimpsed him. His stomach growled as he skipped breakfast to get on the road and he ducked out of the hall to get a quick snack.
As he headed back, he spied you outside your office. His heart leaped into his throat. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes in joy.
He stepped forward but stopped as a man approached you, and you threw your arms around him.
“Fuck!” Tom cursed as the two of you walked away. He collapsed on a nearby bench, uncertain where to go from here.
It was later in the day when Jason dropped off back at campus.
“Call him.” both Jason and Jess pleaded.
“Leave it be, you two. We have both moved on.”
“Is that why you swear you saw him in class today? Or that you haven’t even thought about dating since you got here?” Jess added.
“Goodbye you two.” You slammed the door and headed to pick up your things before heading home.
You noticed someone slumped over on a nearby bench. You stepped closer and noticed the red plaid shirt from earlier.
“Are you okay?” you inquired. “Tom?!”
Tom unfolded himself from the bench.
“Tom, it’s you! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in London?” Tears pricked the corners of your eyes.
“I needed to see you. To talk to you. To explain why I didn’t call.”
You crossed your arms. “I’m listening.”
“I was so upset, I threw my phone and broke it. I left you a message but didn’t hear from you. I figured you might have moved on, but I was willing to take a chance. But I see I was right.”
“How long have you been sitting there? Are you talking about Jason?” You hooked your thumb behind you.
Tom sighed heavily. “So that’s his name.” He took your hands and held them tight. “I should have fought harder. I should have listened more. I am so sorry that you ever felt you couldn’t pursue your dreams with me by your side.” His thumbs ran across your knuckles.
You spied the tears falling down his cheeks. You opened your mouth to speak, but Tom cut you off.
“I want you to be happy. Whether that is with me or not. But above all, I want you to be happy. And if that means I never see you again, then so be it. But know I love you. I will always love you.”
“Have a wonderful life.” Tom leaned forward and pressed his lips to your cheeks. “Give me a call if you are ever in London.”
Tom turned on his heel and walked away.
“WAIT!!!” you screamed, and he stopped and turned to face you. You ran to meet him. “Did you mean it?”
“Every word. I have never lied to you.”
“Jason…” Tom turned his head away at the name. You grabbed his chin to have him face you. “… is Jess’s long-term boyfriend. He picked me up to meet her for lunch.”
Tom’s eyes widened as the words sunk in. “So…”
Your lips curled into a smile and your hands snaked up his torso, gripping the front of his shirt. “Nice shirt, Paul.”
Tom smiled back. “The name’s Tom.”
“Well, Tom. I think we should carry on this conversation in my office.” You tugged him along. “I think your shirt would look amazing on my floor.”
Tom smiled as you shut the door. “I only want to make you happy.”
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