wattpad mafia boss level jealousy 
She's so jealous and cute 🐱😅
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victorbutnotreally · 2 days
I just got a gold medal in a national maths Olympiad. I'm so obsessed with maths and physics so whenever I get these prizes, I always think of my younger self who used to listen when my older sister was being tutored on her maths and then do her textbook. I've always been a nerd lol.
Gonna go to an Italian place with my sis to celebrate :)
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victorbutnotreally · 2 days
Hi 👋, My name is Mohammad, and I’m reaching out in a moment of desperate need. I’m a father of three young children living in Gaza, and we are caught in the midst of a catastrophic war. Our home is no longer a safe haven, and the future here seems increasingly uncertain. 💔
I’ve launched a fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $40,000 to relocate my family to a safer place where my children can grow up in peace and have a chance at a brighter future. 🕊️🇵🇸
Unfortunately, my previous fundraising efforts were abruptly halted when my account was terminated without explanation. However, I remain determined to keep fighting for my family’s safety and well-being. 🫶
If you could take a moment to read our story, consider donating, or simply share our campaign with others, it would make an incredible difference. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and a new beginning. 🙏
Thank you for your time, compassion, and support. ❤
https://gofund.me/fd1faea2 🔗
please reblog, help as much as you can. if you can't donate, please reblog and let people know.
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victorbutnotreally · 5 days
peter parker and tony stark of fashion
the image where Donatella and Hyunjin are holding hands and it makes me so 🥹 hes in such good hands i love that she loves him so much
it’s so heartwarming to see how she’s taken him under her wing and treats him like he’s really a family member 😻
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victorbutnotreally · 8 days
Academic Validation - Lee Minho x Male Reader
A/N: i'm back!! heavily inspired by myself. to all the people struggling with their studies, you got this! your grades only define a part of you, a part of you that can be molded however you want.
warnings: thunderstorms, mental breakdown, mentions of dying, unrealistic expectations from parents, min's parents are horrible in this.
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"You have so much potential, Minho! Where's that little boy who's always eager to learn, huh?? You got an A in maths instead of your usual A*. I can't believe this!!"
"Mom, let me-"
"No!! You're in university, for god's sake! Pull yourself together! Stop hanging out with your friends and you better study, young man-"
"Or do you not want to achieve anything? Do you want to be stuck somewhere with part time jobs, barely making a living??"
An A is still a good grade, Mom! he wanted to say, but he didn't dare to. He wanted to scream and shout and defend himself, but he wasn't allowed to. The words were just fading echoes in his ears till the sound of the call ending snapped him back to reality.
His parents see his mistakes, but only that. It wasn't an easy exam, and only one person got an A*. But of course, his parents wouldn't understand that, because he used to get full marks for everything without even studying as a child. And even now, he's mostly relying on his memory and math skills. He doesn't know how to study. Why would you know how to study when you're "gifted"? God, he hated that term. He would beam with pride when he got called that till middle school. Things started going downhill in high school, but he picked it up somehow. Mostly to compete with Mn. And now, in one of the most prestigious universities in the world, he was doing well. Very well, actually. But his parents won't understand. Why would they, when their son is "gifted"?
Sobs wracked his body as he threw his phone onto the bed and slid down against the wall. He wished the wall had arms to hold him, since his parents never did. He wished his wall would come to life, talk to him, kiss his hair and wipe his tears away. He sat with his legs to his chest and his arms on his knees, but that wasn't comforting enough. He curled up into a fetal position on the ground as he sobbed. He didn't have friends. He was always alone growing up, and he was fine, since life wasn't so cruel back then. His comfort was being alone, but he wants to be held right now.
He pulls himself up somehow, going to the bathroom to wash his face. He had an image to maintain. The thunder seemed to rattle the windows and the lightning struck. On any other day, he would've admired thunderstorms, but the sounds and the light overwhelmed him at the moment. He opened the door to his dorm room and walked down the hallway. Mn. The only one who got an A* in the maths test. He wanted Mn. Sure, they wouldn't exactly be termed as 'friends', but he's the closest thing Minho has to one.
Mn heard the knock on his door and wondered who it was at this time of the night. It was 1:03. He went up to the door and and looked through the peephole. Minho? He opened the door, and before he could say anything, Minho threw himself into his arms.
The moment he felt those strong arms wrap around him, Minho lost control. He clung onto Mn like a lifeline, burying his face in the crook of his neck. His sobs echoed in the quiet room, his body shaking from the force of his emotions. And to Mn, the sound of his sobs seemed to pierce him deeper than the lightning. He buried his face into Mn's shirt, shoulders shaking with silent sobs. He's never cried like this before, but something about seeing his calm, collected expression makes the floodgates open. The last time he broke down like this was…well, he didn't remember.
"I-I'm sorry," he chokes out between hiccups, voice muffled against Mn's chest. He's too embarrassed to meet those piercing eyes, but at the same time, he craves his warmth and stability. "Just needed someone…"
He takes a deep breath, trying to regain some composure. When he finally looks up, his dark eyes are puffy and red, and filled with vulnerability rare of him. "Please don't think less of me, Mn."
Mn's expression softened, his hand went up from Minho's back to his face, wiping away his tears.
"Of course not…not for this. Come inside," he says, pulling Minho inside the room once he realized they were still in the doorway. The door clicks shut behind them, loud thunder accompanying the sharp sound.
"What happened, Minho?"
The soft gaze, the gentle tone of someone who's supposed to be his rival, opened the floodgates once more. Years worth of bottled up emotions came out at once as he broke down in his rival's arms. Mn could do nothing but rub his back and hold him close. Minho didn't need anything else. He just wanted to be held. Minho's arms squeezed him tighter as his sobs grew louder. He buried his face in his chest so deep as if he wanted to be lodged in his ribcage, right next to his heart.
"They- they think I'm so smart…I'm not…I'm not smart or anything.."
More sobs.
"I can't do this anymore, Mn, I can't…I'll die at this rate. I just wanna disappear and stop worrying about all this."
"Oh, Minho.." Mn felt a strange protectiveness over the boy nestled so comfortably in his arms. His heart felt warm knowing that Minho came to him out of all people, but at the same time, he felt sad, knowing that Minho didn't really have anyone else.
"What if I don't get a job? What if adulting is harder than I thought? What if…what if I don't graduate?"
The last question was followed by hysterical sobs. If it weren't for the thunderstorm, Mn was sure he would've woken up the whole floor with his cries.
"I-I c-can't do this anymore, Mnie…I can't..p-please.."
"Okay..okay..we'll take a break for a while, yeah?"
"C-Can't…have to..study..I have to-"
Minho looked up from Mn's chest, eyes teary and red.
"How long has it been since you slept?"
"I- I don't know, Mn.." He said Mn's name with such softness, such…vulnerability.
Mn reached to wipe away Minho's tears and reached out to grab some tissues for him.
Minho shakily took the tissues, mumbling a small 'thank you' as he wiped his face. He slowly got up, his feet somehow being able to carry his weight now as he went to the bathroom and washed his face. He came out of the bathroom to see Mn making tea.
"Y-You don't have to," Minho said, his voice sore and shaky from all the crying.
"Sit down, Min. Talk to me, okay?"
He obediently sat down, quite unusual for him. But right now, he just wants to hand everything to someone else. And he didn't think he'd be so open with Mn.
"I just..I got an A instead of an A*. I wasn't disappointed with it because it was a super tough exam, but my mom called and said a lot of things. Like I'm wasting my potential. I didn't hear the rest, I was so tired. Don't…pity me. Please."
"I won't. I don't. And you're not wasting your potential, okay?," Mn started, handing Minho a cup of tea. "You're one of the best students here. And one slight drop in your grade doesn't make you stupid. Besides, A is such a good grade."
Minho sips his tea, the warmth of the teacup a comfort to his cold hands. He listened intently to Mn's words, as if memorising them. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up, a small smile finding its way to his lips.
"You're good enough. I'm proud of you."
"You're good enough." The words rang in Minho's head, louder than the thunderstorm outside. He felt safe. He felt like he could admire it again. He sets down the teacup and hugged him again, pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder.
"Thank you."
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victorbutnotreally · 8 days
currently working on academic rivals to friends with minho. and it's hitting kinda close to home ngl.
inspired entirely by me getting an A instead of an A* for my neurophysiology test.
i need title suggestions help
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victorbutnotreally · 10 days
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I just woke up and oh my goodness this made my day!! ahhhh
I love you so much, have a great day <333
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victorbutnotreally · 12 days
guess who got hit by a carrrrrrrr?
nothing too serious, just a fractured collarbone. my right wrist feels weird but thank god i'm left-handed amirite? god, I feel like an ao3 author.
anyways, i'm bored af in this white ass room. got any requests, then please send it.
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victorbutnotreally · 26 days
 i just realized i wrote brother's best friend instead of friend's brother...y'all must think i'm so stupid
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"Shh" - Yang Jeongin x Male Reader
title credits to lovely anon.
warnings: brother's best friend, three years age gap if that's a thing, jeongin calls Mn "hyung" during sex, size kink kinda, choking, sex with clothes on, spit as lube (doesn't work but it does in fiction)
He's been obsessed with Mn ever since he was a kid. Mn was three years older than him and always came over to play with his brother. And even his brother's less closer friends were considered by Jeongin as his brothers, but not Mn. Oh absolutely not. That laugh, those hands, the way he would always bring him a candy or something when he came over?? The way he would help him with his homework and teach him better than his teacher did?? Jeongin used to debate in his head if he should run away and hide or go spend time with him. And as they grew older, the attraction grew too. And then he became and idol, and Mn moved to France for university.
Right now, Jeongin was home. Finally on a well-needed break from idol life as he lazed on the couch, eating chips and binging shows. He heard the doorbell ring, but he was one with the couch now, ain't no way he's getting up.
"Eomma!!," he called, hoping his Mom would answer the door. He could hear his mom tsk affectionately as she made her way over to the door and opened it.
He couldn't see who was at the door, but his mother's excitement and the way his brother bolted down the stairs made the butterflies in his stomach return. Was it Mn? He slowly got up and went towards the door, carefully for some reason, as if approaching a snake. He almost choked on his chip when he saw who was at the door. Mn. Mn, whose cuteness was still there despite him losing his baby cheeks. Mn who looked like a damn model. He grew up. A lot. Seeing Mn's sculpted body, and his mature face which still had the boyish charm made the butterflies in Jeongin's stomach turn into birds which clawed at his stomach. In a good way, of course.
He watched as his brother tackled Mn in a hug, and Mn returned it. He could only watch as Mn's forearms rested on his best friend's back, flexing due to the strength of that hug. He gulped, smiling awkwardly when he saw Mn's eyes on him.
"H-Hi hyung," Jeongin smiled, a laugh coming out when Mn hugged him as well.
"Hi little rockstar."
Jeongin, his brother, and Mn were watching a movie. Everyone else was asleep. He could hear Mn's laughs at the movie. He wanted to smile and admire how pretty the older man's laugh is, but his mind just had one image: Mn's forearms. God. Not just his forearms, but him in general. He loved how big Mn was. How he was always bigger than him. He tried keeping his thoughts pg, but his mind was just not letting him. He put a pillow in his lap to hide his erection, but the ever so observant Mn noticed. He smirked and put an arm around Jeongin's shoulder, feeling how the younger tensed under his touch.
As the movie ended, Jeongin's brother went to the kitchen to see if they have snacks, knowing damn well they don't. He sighed and went back to the living room.
"We have no snacks. I'm gonna go get some, wanna come with me Mnie?"
"Nah. Jet lag, man."
Now, Mn knew how much time his best friend would take at the convenience store. He knew he'd get carried away, he'd walk around, get tired, and then end up eating ramen or something at the convenience store, then resume his shopping, and then walk home. He had plenty of time. Once his best friend left, Mn turned to Jeongin.
"What's with the pillow, hm?"
Jeongin was too enamored with Mn's forearms to notice that accent before. His cheeks tinted pink, he spoke, "Nothing."
"I know it's not nothing, innie. Don't worry, love, it happens to all of us."
His tone made Jeongin want to pounce on him, and so he did. He crashed his lips to the older's, relishing the taste of his chocolate chapstick. Mn smirked against his lips, hands moving to rest on Jeongin's waist. He nipped at his bottom lip, sliding his tongue in as the younger let out a moan at the soft bite. He could feel Jeongin's hands up his shirt, exploring the muscles underneath. Mn broke the kiss to catch his breath, but dove right in once he saw Jeongin's hands slip down his sweatpants. He let out a low moan once Jeongin started stroking his dick.
"Need you, hyung. Please."
"Aw, look at you. So cute."
Mn's spat on his fingers and slid them in one by one into Jeongin's hole, peppering kisses down his neck, making the younger moan more. He moved his fingers in a scissoring motion, and Jeongin grabbed his hand and led it to his throat, making Mn smirk as he wrapped it around his neck.
"You like that, baby? God, you look so good right now. Makes hyung wanna devour you."
"Please do, hyung…please.."
Mn had to control himself when he saw the slight pout on the younger's lips. He pressed a soft kiss to it before pulling out his fingers and spreading Jeongin's legs with that hand. He slowly slid himself in, watching as his mouth gaped open, gasping at the intrusion. He started moving once he bottomed out, hips snapping against him at a pace which made the other male moan so loud. He put a hand over Jeongin's mouth to muffle his moans.
"As much as I want to hear your pretty sounds, baby, you gotta stay quiet, yeah? Don't want your family to hear now, do you?"
Jeongin shook his head frantically, eyes rolling back as Mn's thrusts grew stronger. He hooked Jeongin's leg over his shoulder to go deeper and moaned as the younger clawed at his back. He captured his lips in yet another kiss, tongue exploring his mouth as he quickened his pace, the searing kiss swallowing both their moans.
"Hyung…I'm gonna cum"
"Go ahead, baby."
Jeongin threw his head back as he came, soft whimpers leaving his pretty lips. Mn pulled out and jerked himself off. He pulled up his pants and went to the kitchen to grab paper towels to wipe everything off after washing his hands. He cleaned Jeongin up who quickly put his pants on when he heard footsteps. Mn settled himself casually on the couch, wrapping an arm around Jeongin's shoulder, looking up when he saw his best friend.
"Finally. What did you eat at the store today?", he asked, as if he wasn't just fucking the man's brother minutes ago.
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victorbutnotreally · 26 days
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victorbutnotreally · 28 days
Kitty cat - Lee Minho x Male Reader
A/N: Am I sleep deprived? Yes. Do I have the worst headache I've ever had? Yes. Am I still gonna post? Yes. Is it shit? Absolutely. But oh well.
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"Oh my goddddd"
"Ahhh soo cuteeeeee"
Understandable reactions to having adorable kittens given to you to play with. Mn was never a fan of interviews, but if there were kittens, he'd love nothing more. He had two kittens on him, and the rest of the members were laughing at how he was suppressing his cuteness aggression. They all remember the time he just squished Chan's face for like an hour (it was 30 seconds) because he looked so cute.
Minho noticed how Mn was just in his own world, not even really paying attention to the questions and what the members were saying. He chuckled and scooted over to Mn, laying his head on his shoulder which got him a paw to the nose from the cat who was nestled there.
"What is something you hate?" was the question. Minho pouted playfully at Mn before looking at the camera.
"When people replace me."
The answer was met with reactions from everyone except Mn who was still cooing over a cat.
"Like this guy is doing right now," he said, poking Mn's side. Mn looked up, confused.
"You replaced me with the cats!"
Everyone burst into laughter but Mn could only look at him in disbelief. He poked Minho's forehead and kissed it.
Minho rolled his eyes and looked at the camera.
"I swear, this dude hates me now. Doesn't even look at me once."
"Oh come on!"
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victorbutnotreally · 1 month
Hi me again I loved it your writing is so good I'll definitely make more requests
thank you, darling <3
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victorbutnotreally · 1 month
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"Shh" - Yang Jeongin x Male Reader
title credits to lovely anon.
warnings: brother's best friend, three years age gap if that's a thing, jeongin calls Mn "hyung" during sex, size kink kinda, choking, sex with clothes on, spit as lube (doesn't work but it does in fiction)
He's been obsessed with Mn ever since he was a kid. Mn was three years older than him and always came over to play with his brother. And even his brother's less closer friends were considered by Jeongin as his brothers, but not Mn. Oh absolutely not. That laugh, those hands, the way he would always bring him a candy or something when he came over?? The way he would help him with his homework and teach him better than his teacher did?? Jeongin used to debate in his head if he should run away and hide or go spend time with him. And as they grew older, the attraction grew too. And then he became and idol, and Mn moved to France for university.
Right now, Jeongin was home. Finally on a well-needed break from idol life as he lazed on the couch, eating chips and binging shows. He heard the doorbell ring, but he was one with the couch now, ain't no way he's getting up.
"Eomma!!," he called, hoping his Mom would answer the door. He could hear his mom tsk affectionately as she made her way over to the door and opened it.
He couldn't see who was at the door, but his mother's excitement and the way his brother bolted down the stairs made the butterflies in his stomach return. Was it Mn? He slowly got up and went towards the door, carefully for some reason, as if approaching a snake. He almost choked on his chip when he saw who was at the door. Mn. Mn, whose cuteness was still there despite him losing his baby cheeks. Mn who looked like a damn model. He grew up. A lot. Seeing Mn's sculpted body, and his mature face which still had the boyish charm made the butterflies in Jeongin's stomach turn into birds which clawed at his stomach. In a good way, of course.
He watched as his brother tackled Mn in a hug, and Mn returned it. He could only watch as Mn's forearms rested on his best friend's back, flexing due to the strength of that hug. He gulped, smiling awkwardly when he saw Mn's eyes on him.
"H-Hi hyung," Jeongin smiled, a laugh coming out when Mn hugged him as well.
"Hi little rockstar."
Jeongin, his brother, and Mn were watching a movie. Everyone else was asleep. He could hear Mn's laughs at the movie. He wanted to smile and admire how pretty the older man's laugh is, but his mind just had one image: Mn's forearms. God. Not just his forearms, but him in general. He loved how big Mn was. How he was always bigger than him. He tried keeping his thoughts pg, but his mind was just not letting him. He put a pillow in his lap to hide his erection, but the ever so observant Mn noticed. He smirked and put an arm around Jeongin's shoulder, feeling how the younger tensed under his touch.
As the movie ended, Jeongin's brother went to the kitchen to see if they have snacks, knowing damn well they don't. He sighed and went back to the living room.
"We have no snacks. I'm gonna go get some, wanna come with me Mnie?"
"Nah. Jet lag, man."
Now, Mn knew how much time his best friend would take at the convenience store. He knew he'd get carried away, he'd walk around, get tired, and then end up eating ramen or something at the convenience store, then resume his shopping, and then walk home. He had plenty of time. Once his best friend left, Mn turned to Jeongin.
"What's with the pillow, hm?"
Jeongin was too enamored with Mn's forearms to notice that accent before. His cheeks tinted pink, he spoke, "Nothing."
"I know it's not nothing, innie. Don't worry, love, it happens to all of us."
His tone made Jeongin want to pounce on him, and so he did. He crashed his lips to the older's, relishing the taste of his chocolate chapstick. Mn smirked against his lips, hands moving to rest on Jeongin's waist. He nipped at his bottom lip, sliding his tongue in as the younger let out a moan at the soft bite. He could feel Jeongin's hands up his shirt, exploring the muscles underneath. Mn broke the kiss to catch his breath, but dove right in once he saw Jeongin's hands slip down his sweatpants. He let out a low moan once Jeongin started stroking his dick.
"Need you, hyung. Please."
"Aw, look at you. So cute."
Mn's spat on his fingers and slid them in one by one into Jeongin's hole, peppering kisses down his neck, making the younger moan more. He moved his fingers in a scissoring motion, and Jeongin grabbed his hand and led it to his throat, making Mn smirk as he wrapped it around his neck.
"You like that, baby? God, you look so good right now. Makes hyung wanna devour you."
"Please do, hyung…please.."
Mn had to control himself when he saw the slight pout on the younger's lips. He pressed a soft kiss to it before pulling out his fingers and spreading Jeongin's legs with that hand. He slowly slid himself in, watching as his mouth gaped open, gasping at the intrusion. He started moving once he bottomed out, hips snapping against him at a pace which made the other male moan so loud. He put a hand over Jeongin's mouth to muffle his moans.
"As much as I want to hear your pretty sounds, baby, you gotta stay quiet, yeah? Don't want your family to hear now, do you?"
Jeongin shook his head frantically, eyes rolling back as Mn's thrusts grew stronger. He hooked Jeongin's leg over his shoulder to go deeper and moaned as the younger clawed at his back. He captured his lips in yet another kiss, tongue exploring his mouth as he quickened his pace, the searing kiss swallowing both their moans.
"Hyung…I'm gonna cum"
"Go ahead, baby."
Jeongin threw his head back as he came, soft whimpers leaving his pretty lips. Mn pulled out and jerked himself off. He pulled up his pants and went to the kitchen to grab paper towels to wipe everything off after washing his hands. He cleaned Jeongin up who quickly put his pants on when he heard footsteps. Mn settled himself casually on the couch, wrapping an arm around Jeongin's shoulder, looking up when he saw his best friend.
"Finally. What did you eat at the store today?", he asked, as if he wasn't just fucking the man's brother minutes ago.
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victorbutnotreally · 1 month
Hi can I request jeongin hooking up with his friends older bother
already working on it, but what should I title it?
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victorbutnotreally · 1 month
So...I'm back
I've been really busy with uni and because of that, I haven't been able to do things I love. I know I said I won't be back (omg i'm so embarrassed thinking about how much of a drama queen I was being), but I was reading some of my works and remembered just how much I enjoyed writing. And I saw the activity on my blog, and I am so honored. And there's still things I wanted to write. So I decided that leaving is not the right thing. I won't be updating very often as I'm a neuroscience major with a lot on my hands, but I will upload.
So if you have any requests for my dramatic ass, please feel free to send them in.
@forever-atiny,your comment honestly inspired me to come back, so there's that.
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victorbutnotreally · 2 months
Stay safe and well!!! 🫶
I will. you take care of yourself, alright?
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victorbutnotreally · 2 months
Hello everybody!
I'm here to announce my departure. I will be leaving tumblr and unfortunately leaving this account. My life is only getting busier by the minute, and I just can't find time for this too. I hope you guys understand. I feel so bad, since I was really excited, and you guys gave me support that is unbelievable to me. Like, the amount of likes I've received is mind-boggling for someone who's writing is mediocre at best. I wish you all a great time on tumblr, and everyone who has inspired me, supported me, and read my work have my heartfelt thanks, and I love you all.
Bye, darlings.
Love, Victor.
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