Send me two names and my muse will tell you who they’d save if they could only save one.
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“It’s fine, I stopped talking once I noticed you started to space out.”
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“  —- Sorry, I don’t mean to ignore you. I’m just – really distracted. “
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“Not really, sorry to say.”
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“What, do they not look cool?”
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“That sounds like him but the only one who really knows most things besides me is Peter and Aunt Shelley. Are you sure you can handle it?” Nadia spoke, with a raised eyebrow.  Out of all the people she spoke to the only one who knew the things that her father or Peter didn’t was Shelley and they made a promise to keep certain things secrets, to have inside jokes that annoy the life out of both the boys. Nadia let out a laugh about what her mother just told her about Peter before quieting down. “I would be surprised if you didn’t think he was weird what with all that hair. Let’s see, I once rebelled against dad and Peter who both said I couldn't get a tattoo, now I have a dreamcatcher behind my right ear and a feather tattoo behind my left ear. The only person who knows is Shelley.”
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❝That’s a grim sentiment coming from you.❞
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“What do you mean? All I said was that my name is Letha Godfrey.”
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Send me ‘Three little words!’ and I’ll generate a number for what my muse will say to yours.
Theme: Three-word sentences, may contain triggers/NSFW (mixed bag) Numbers: 1 - 100 Bonus points for not peeking!
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Nadia shook her head with a smile. “No, they yes to sleeping with my dad but no to the money while really all they want is the money.” She laughed before stopping. “The only one that doesn’t want to sleep with dad or want money is Aunt Shelly and Peter.” She stopped again before nodding her head. “Why wouldn’t dad tell you? Your my mother you have the right to know about me. That sounds fair, alright go for it.”
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❝That’s a grim sentiment coming from you.❞
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“What do you mean? All I said was that my name is Letha Godfrey.”
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Nadia looked at the other blonde with her bright blue eyes before looking down and shaking her head. “Right, everyone says that. How can you be here? How the hell are you even alive? Know me? You can learn about me later, I want to know more about you than the stories that dad and Peter told me.”
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❝That’s a grim sentiment coming from you.❞
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“What do you mean? All I said was that my name is Letha Godfrey.”
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“You guys can’t always keep me safe no matter how hard you try. I believe you and I know you guys will.”
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❝Always and forever.❞ -- Roman.
“Me, you, Aunt Shelley and Peter that’s how it’s always going to be, father. I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
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Not Another Munday Meme
☠ What song would be played at your muse’s funeral?
☮ What puts your mind at peace? What hobbies do you use to keep your mind off of stress?
☯ What's your dream tattoo?
♠ Is it easier to play a morally questionable muse or a morally good muse?
♥ Do you have a crush on anyone?
♡ If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would it be?
♢ Do you like to write fluff?
★ Who is the one muse that your muse loves above all others?
⚜ What other muses do you play?
☄ What's one thing roleplay wise that has been annoying you here lately?
☾ What's your most wished for AU?
☽ What muse do you want to rp with?
☼ What do you do when you're not rping?
☀ Describe the best day of your life.
☁ Is it rainy or about to rain where you are?
☂ What does your muse's umbrella look like?
✌ Describe the strangest thing in the room you're in right now.
✖ Thoughts on reblog karma?
回 What historical AU do you want to do most with your muse?
✧ Are you currently in school/college?
✦ What's your ringtone?
❤ What's been your favorite thread so far on this muse account?
❥ Who is your favorite muse to play?
™ Do you prefer writing OCs or canon muses?
ツ Who was your favorite teacher?
♬ What song is stuck in your head right now?
☆ Favorite icon of your muse?
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Send me two names and my muse will tell you who they’d save if they could only save one.
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❝Always and forever.❞ -- Roman.
“Me, you, Aunt Shelley and Peter that’s how it’s always going to be, father. I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
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“I’m not going to harm you, I just want to know who sent you.”
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“it’s not MY fault that they’re lies!!”
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“Letha Godfrey is dead, my mother is dead. How dare you lie to me and tell me that your Letha Godfrey. Is it because you want money? Maybe you just want to sleep with my father.”
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❝That’s a grim sentiment coming from you.❞
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“What do you mean? All I said was that my name is Letha Godfrey.”
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“locked in a room” starters
The “locked in a room” trope forces characters to spend time together, often characters who normally wouldn’t. It can help them learn about each other and develop their relationship in a positive way, or it can be disastrous. Feel free to add more! Send one for our muses: 
♬ : stuck in an elevator together ✎ : trapped in a room together during a quarantine ✘ : in a waiting room while they have loved ones in surgery ♢ : alone in a train car when the train gets delayed ♕ : adrift in a life raft ☾ : sitting next to each other on an international flight ✂ : stranded by a roadside together ☀ : sharing a jail cell ☂ : stuck in a basement after an earthquake ☮ : sharing a run away hot air balloon ❤ : locked in a closet by a friend who just wants them to get along (or possibly hook up) ₪ : touring an historical (possibly haunted) building, and they get locked in overnight ☹ : on a bridge; traffic has stopped completely due to an accident, and nobody’s going anywhere for a few hours. Δ : stuck on a roof together ♒ : trapped by a spell or supernatural object (bonus points if you specify what the spell/curse is) ஐ : pretending to be married because this quaint old couple’s bed and breakfast is the only shelter for miles, they only have one room, and they’re a bit old fashioned. ♘ : sharing a hospital room ✿ : stuck in a spaceship escape pod together ☢  : on a deserted island ❂  : in a bunker after the apocalypse
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“I read about this place, some say it’s haunted while others just think it’s the house settling but I’m betting my money on haunted.”
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“locked in a room” starters
₪ : touring an historical (possibly haunted) building, and they get locked in overnight
“Um…not good. Definitely not good.”
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“Right, I couldn’t tell since your cleaning the kitchen counters. ”
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❝Ah, you must be the maid. My bags are in the car, go get them will you?❞
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“Get your own bags, I’m not your fucking maid. There isn’t one, do your own shit.”
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❝I’m not here to tell you what to do. I’m just here.❞ {letha}
“I don’t want you here so please do get out of my room.”
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