#and then boom. face in the toilet fighting for my life.
henry7931 · 3 months
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Dealing With My Bullies
These three right here; Kyle, Chase, and Jordan have spent majority of my life bullying me. I’ve put with years of name calling, being pushed down, and even having my head put into a toilet.
And I thought I was done with them the second I wrapped up with high school. But unfortunately, everywhere I turn— those assholes are somewhere.
I’ve tried to ignore them, complained to our school, even tried fighting back but for some reason they have it out for me.
So I’m deciding to take a more drastic measure— magic. Well I assume it’s magic, i don’t even know if this is going to work but at this point I’m desperate!
I found this old book of spells inside of a weird book store. The price on it was pretty steep and even the owner of the store warned me to be careful with it.
As I got home and into my room, I looked through all of the different spells that were available for me to plot my revenge. I mean I could turn them all into toads but where’s the fun in that?
Nah! I want something that’s going to shift the dynamics a bit. I want to hear at least one of them give me an apology.
I kept turning through the book when my eye caught this one spell called; ‘Body Transferal.’
My heart started to race a bit as I read what all the spell does, I can literally swap bodies and become one of them. Thats it!
I laid back in bed thinking about which one of the three I wanted to swap bodies with…
You have Kyle who I really think is only pressured by the other two to participate.
Chase who has been terrible to me could work but he’s not the real leader of their crew.
That leaves me with Jordan, the one who started everything. That’s who I’ll become, I’ll swap with Jordan!
I open the book back up and read all of the necessary things to complete the swap.
‘A stormy night, a silver bowl, plant seeds, a portrait of Jordan, and both of our names written down on a piece of paper that’s burned into the bowl.’
I pull my phone out and check the weather… it’s forecasting a big storm… perfect!
I gather all of the necessary things to perform the spell which was pretty easy.
I waited until the time recommended for the spell right around midnight.
I gather everything and start reciting the spell… I follow each step as listed and begin to burn both of our names into the bowl.
Lighting strikes close and I can hear thunder booming in background as I say, “Transfer our souls! I, Asher White and Jordan Gibson!” Over and over again.
Then a loud boom of thunder hits and the power goes off for a second. I close my eyes tight waiting for the spell to kick in.
That’s when the power comes back on and I open my eyes. I turn to my bedroom mirror and see my disappointed face looking back at me.
I take the Spellbook and I chuck it out my window since I’m slightly frustrated it didn’t work.
It was worth a shot I guess, I figured I might as well go to bed and just forget that I even tried something so silly!
As I fall asleep… I start having this weird dream. In it I find myself floating and somehow hovering over my body.
I start floating more and more away from it until I’m outside…
I’m passing streets for miles and I have no control of where I’m going at all.
I get a house and I see this other glowing ball shaped like a person floating right pass me. I can barely see what I’m looking at since I was still moving so fast. Thats when I get a window and see a bedroom with a male body sleeping face down.
Before I can even get a full picture of who it is, I’m forced into him.
That’s when I wake up…
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My head jolts up and I feel so groggy. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust and my brain to catch up after that dream.
Almost an entire minute goes by before I can really take in my surroundings. Thats when it hit me… this isn’t my room!
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I flip over on the bed and look down at my legs. They’re more tan than mine and my feet are bigger. I wiggle the toes attached to me just to confirm I now control them.
My memory of last night creeps in and then I realize— the spell, it actually worked!
I quickly get out of bed and rush to the closest mirror I could find. That’s when I see what I already expected. Jordan’s reflection looking back at me.
I pull of all of his shirt and start giggling to myself.
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I say aloud, “I’m Jordan Gibson”
But then something else sinks in, the freaking Spellbook! I tossed it out my window last night!
I rush through Jordan’s room and put on some of his clothes quickly.
I grab his car keys and head out the door.
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As I’m driving down the road, I can’t help but continuously looking at myself in the mirror. You see one of the biggest things I hate about Jordan is my secret lust for him. Actually my real lust for a lot of the jocks that went to school with me.
But in this moment, I don’t feel that same anger anymore. All I can think about is how after I find this Spellbook, I’m going to enjoy exploring his body.
I get to my house and I see my parents drive off. As they pull away, I pull up to the front.
I run over directly under my window where I see the Spellbook lying in the bushes. I quickly grab it and run off.
Before I get into his car I look up at the window and to my surprise I see myself looking down.
I grin up at Jordan who now learning that I have control of his body.
I see my eyes get big and screams. I almost walk away but instead I look around my neighborhood to see no one’s around.
I pull Jordan’s pants down and start shaking his surprisingly huge dick in front of him while sticking his tongue out.
He’s fuming and shouting but I can’t hear him the glass. I see him rush from the window and I bolt it to his car with his flapping all over the place.
I pull his pants up and star his car. He’s at my front door and charging for me (which is funny seeing my body that angry.)
I pull away just in time and head back to his place. I reach down and fondle his big bulge all the home.
I knew he was going to come here and I really didn’t need him to make a scene.
So I had to think fast, pull out the spell book and dig through until I find a ‘love spell.’
I go into his kitchen and I find all of the necessary things for the spell.
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He hasn’t arrived yet so I pull his shirt off and start exploring his body. I grab on to his dick again when I hear a loud knock at the door.
“Oh you’re going to really love yourself Jordan.”
“You better open up!!” I hear my former voice scream.
I grab my new magical potion and walk towards the door.
I let him in and as he begins to charge at me, I lift up the magical potion and toss it right at him.
I close the door and turn around to see my former dazed. His face goes from straight anger to looking almost goofy.
“Asher… you look soo sexy in my body,” he says to me.
“Oh do I?”
“Can I please touch it?”
“Well Jordan you’re going to need to prove yourself to me.”
“Anything for you!”
He gets on his knees and grabs on to his former hands.
“Anything?,” I say with a mischievous smirk.
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smiths-fan--13 · 3 months
the spicy Croatian makes me daydream about her while I’m studying
ooo wait i love this request, thanks anon!
a/n: i am not american and therefore have no idea of dorm situations or any of that so i apologise if anything is wrong or doesn't make sense. please feel free to correct me!
sorry this took so long btw, my two week holidays just ended your girl is struggling.
It's finals week, and I've never been so worn out in my life. It's currently 9pm and I'm in my dorm- sprawled out across my bed with text books clutched, music blaring. Empty coffee cups litter my bedside table, making one hell of a mess. Whatever, I'll clean it tomorrow. Or Thursday. Or never.
My phone pings from underneath me, pulling me from my thoughts. I make a quick move to grab it, flushing when I see who it is.
Nika: Hey ma, u busy tomorrow night?
My head spins when I read over her words, a thousand butterflies erupting throughout me as I type out my message.
Me: Uh not that I know of.. why?
Her reply comes almost instantly.
Nika: Good, me and the girls are going out, you're coming with.
Me: Nika that's not a good idea. Need I remind you what happened last time we got drunk?
Nika: Dijete, it will happen whether we are drunk or not. Be ready by 6 tomorrow, I'm picking u up.
A second text shoots through a moment later.
Nika: In fact, I hope it happens again, I miss your pretty pussy. Wear that sexy little red dress I love so much.
Oh, I'm fucked.
Her third text wakes me right up.
Nika: Please baby, for me.
Me: Done.
Nika: That's my good girl.
I heart her message and shut my phone off, tossing it somewhere on my bed as I groan and throw myself into my pillows. Suddenly, studying seems to be the last thing on my mind.
My thoughts flash with images of Nika pressed against me. In the shower, on my bed, against her locker, in the bar toilets, the backseat of her car...
I close my eyes in agony as I try to fight off the familiar feeling- the warmth spreading over my body.
There was no use. That spicy Croatian had gotten under my skin, and in no time at all.
I let my hands wander as I thought back to our last bar trip with her friends...
My body glistened with a light sheen of sweat as I danced on the packed club floor. I stood alone, moving to the beat of the music as I let the alcohol take over me. I felt hands grip my hips, though I didn't bother turning around to see who they belonged to. I moved my body to the rhythm of theirs, grinding against them. It was only when I felt the person's hot breath and lips on my neck did I turn around. Oh, ew. Behind me was a man who looked barely 5'6, wearing a sleazy look on his face, his lips turned into a toe curling grin.
"Hey sexy, why don't you let me take you home?" He asked me.
"Gross," I shoved him off of me, stumbling lightly. "Get off of me."
The man looked at me confused and somewhat angry, like my denying his request had ruined his night. He reached out and gripped my wrist, pulling me closer.
"C'mon baby, don't be shy. It ain't far from here," he slurred out.
"I said no, now let go of me!" I raised my voice slightly, causing a few people around us to look at what was happening, though nobody helped me.
"She said let go of her," a voice boomed.
In seconds, the man was ripped away from me. The flashing lights made me unable to see who it was, though the accent and volume of her voice was enough.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any trouble. I didn't know she was your girl. It won't happen again, s-swear," the man stuttered out.
"Damn fucking right it won't," Nika growled. "Get the fuck outta here"
He stumbled away as bystanders turned back to their conversations, no longer interested. I felt warm hands grip my waist, though this time, her scent followed her, lingering in the air. I was quickly spun around, coming face to face with Nika's 5'11 frame. I looked up at her face, meeting her eyes.
"Princeza, are you okay? What happened? Why didn't you yell out? Or call me? Or tex-" Nika's questions came at a rapid speed, too incredibly fast for my intoxicated brain to understand.
"I'm fine," I interrupted. "Just another guy who won't take no for an answer," I grumbled.
"Are you sure? I can take you back to your dorm if you want. I'll go grab the keys and-"
"Nika. I'm fine. Please. Leave it alone." I say, gripping her chin softly.
Her eyes half close in defeat- she knew I'd be fine.
"Yeah, okay.." she mumbled.
I smiled triumphantly as a new song began playing. I quickly grabbed the Croatian's hand as I lead her further onto the dance floor. I tossed my arms into the air as she threw her head back laughing. And we danced for what felt like an eternity.
Leaving the club always seemed to be the most exciting part of the night- everyone was buzzed, laughing, taking photos and stumbling down the sidewalk. Nika's hand clutched mine as we walked behind our friends, chuckling occasionally at their comments and jokes.
"Hey" her shoulder nudged mine.
"Hey" I responded, nudging her back, swaying slightly.
"Why don't you let me drive you back? The girls are doing the rounds anyways- it'll take forever to drop everyone off." the sober girl offered.
Trust Nika to be the only one of us who drank water all night...
"Okay," I agreed.
"Alright, let me tell the girls," Nika replied, wrapping her jacket around my shoulders before racing to the other girls. I stood in place as I watched her with a smile on my face.
She said something to the girls that I couldn't hear, before racing back towards me. She grabbed my hand softly and turned us around, walking us in the other direction towards her car. A comfortable silence settled between us as we fell into a perfect sync.
We got to the car quickly, Nika opening my door for me with a smile on her face.
"Ladies first" I laughed at her words as I got in, quickly followed by her, right before she pulled out into the busy night traffic.
I softly hummed to the music playing on the radio, feeling content. Nika pulled up to the dorms, jumping out of the car to open my door again. I giggled as she held out her hand for me to hold. In all my awkwardness, I just about fell over. Her other hand reached out to steady me, landing on my waist. My giggles died down as I noticed our proximity, the closeness of our faces, the height difference. Our eyes locked and the world fell silent. It was just us.
Nika ripped her hands from me as I cleared my throat.
"Let's get you inside, hey?" she smiled at me.
I nodded as she locked the car.
The elevator pings as we wait. The doors open and we step inside.
"Which floor?" Nika mumbled.
"8" I replied.
She presses the button and the doors close, once again sheltering us with an awkward vibe. I looked over at her, admiring her side profile. Her sharp, defined jaw, her long lashes, perfectly shaped nose, beautiful hair. Fuck, she was really stunning.
My breath hitched as I watched her, prompting a glance in my direction.
"You good?" the Croatian asked.
"Uh, yeah. I just- yeah, no, I'm fine" I breathed out.
Nika turned her body to face my own, her head tilting as she stepped closer.
"Are you sure? You look awfully flushed." she smirks.
"Yeah, it's probably just the alcohol."
"Ma, you had 2 drinks. You're barely buzzed."
I watch her intently before ducking my head at her words.
"What are you thinking right now?" she says.
"Nothing" I grumble.
A low laugh escapes her throat, the sound making a beeline for my core.
God, I needed to get a grip.
"You sure have a lot to say for someone who didn't drink the entire night." I say.
Nika shrugs.
"Someone needed to take you home"
"Didn't need to be you" my eyes snap to hers. "You wanted to bring me home."
She fucking smirks. Again.
"You're right angel" One step closer. "I did want to bring you home. I wante-"
Her voice is cut off by the sound of the elevator bringing us to my floor. I quickly step away from her, putting distance between us as I exited through the elevator doors.
Nika followed quickly behind me, finding me standing at my door, fumbling to find my key.
"I'm home safe, you can leave now" I huff out, searching my bag.
Nika freezes.
My eyes meet hers.
"At least let me get you inside" she bargains.
"Fine, whatever." I agree, too desperate for my key to care.
I sigh in anger, looking at Nika again as she stood, leaned up against the wall, watching me. I throw my bag at her, a silent plea to find what I'm looking for.
She smirks as she catches the bag, almost immediately finding my key. Of course. I snatch it and open the door, walking in without waiting.
Nika follows behind me quickly, shutting my door and setting down my bag on the counter. I flop down on the couch, pulling the throw blanket on top of me.
"Uh, yeah, no. Get up" I hear.
"Makeup. Hair. Outfit. Shoes. You're not sleeping like that."
I scoff as she pulls the blanket off of me and drags me to a sitting up position.
"Whatever" I cross my arms.
I watched in surprise as Nika Mühl herself kneeled in front of me.
"What are y-you doing?" I rushed out.
"Relax princess" She looked up at me. "I'm just taking your shoes off"
I relaxed at her words and soft touch. She took my heel off, quickly massaging my foot, pulling a moan from me at the pleasing feeling.
Her movements freeze and I look down in confusion, only to find her watching me with dark eyes.
"You like that?" she asked with a smirk.
My breath hitched softly as I watched her with my mouth slightly open. I nodded slowly as she watched me. She simply raised an eyebrow at me.
"Words, ma" she growled out.
"Yes, I liked that"
She chuckled at my statement, before taking off my other heel, completing the same action again. Her fingers danced up my shin, her eyes flicking to mine. She pulled away as she stood, holding her hands out to me again. I took them as she gently pulled me from my sitting position. Our eyes locked as I pulled her to my bedroom, flicking the light on as I walked into the bathroom, grabbing my makeup remover wipes quickly.
"Uh uh. Sit" Nika appeared behind me in the mirror, instructing me to sit on the counter. I obliged, too tired to argue. I parted my knees, giving her somewhere to stand to take off my makeup, though she smirked at the sight.
"Get on with it, Mühl" I groaned, rolling my eyes.
She gripped my chin as she gently wiped the makeup wipe down my cheek, the cold feeling shocking me.
"Close your eyes" She whispered. So I did.
The cool wipe covered my eyes, taking any and all makeup with it.
When she was done, she didn't make an effort to move from between my legs. I opened my eyes and looked up at her.
She tucked a hair behind my ear as she pulled me off the counter, grabbing my hairbrush and spinning me around. I gasped in shock, before our eyes met again in the mirror. She collected my hair and began softly brushing the ends, before all of it together.
She finished just as my eyes drifted shut, my brain and body on the verge of sleep. She softly blew on the back of my neck, jolting my eyes open.
I shake my head at her jokingly as I walk back into my room, finding my pjs on my bed from this morning. I grab them and start to unzip my dress, before noticing Nika watching me through the body length mirror in my room. I speak without our eyes meeting.
"You gonna help me, or just stand there?"
a/n: hey guys! i know it's not part 2 of my original fic but it's something. i've had the WORST writer's block lately it's killing me omg.
anyways lmk what you guys think! part 2?
also I think I alternated between past and present tense, oops!
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wingedhallows · 4 months
traitor - ch. four ; sirius black
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pairing: sirius black (golden trio era) x fem! oc |1.8k words warning: dark themes, death, torture plot: Fourteen years ago, Hecate Hunt, a valuable member of the Order and once a Death Eater gave her life for her friends and the man she loved, at least that's what was believed. Now she's done hiding, ready to fight alongside her old friends and her godson. Ready to return to the life she once had, ready to once again be a traitor. authors note: hi babes, i was conflicted to publish it but I thought I'll let you have it. I hope you like it :) If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!
navigation | chapter one ; chapter two ; chapter three ; chapter four
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“Open this door, now!” Your voice boomed, hands hammering against the wood. Your ribs ached, the cuts and burns stinged.
You were bloody, your clothes soiled mostly with the breakfast Remus had forced down your throat before you went out.
“Let me out!” You cried, tears slowly forming in the corner of your eyes. With your vision blurry and your body aching you slowly but surely sunk to your knees.
“Please.” You whimpered.
You needed to get out. You needed to see Sirius, to see Remus, Lily and James.
With a loud yell you slammed your hands down onto the stone floor, the building cracking and shaking with the force of your magic.
“Calm yourself, Miss. You’re safe here.”
Your head snapped up, eyes wide. The small window which was carved through the door opened. A man, not much older than you spoke through it.
“Please, you need to let me leave. My friends, they’re-”Sorry, Miss. I can’t do that. Order of the headmaster.” He spoke. You lifted yourself. Slowly you walked up to the door which held you prisoner here.
"Headmaster? Albus put me in here?” The man faltered, trying to find the right words.
“To keep you safe, that’s all I know.” He said again. You need to get him to let you out, somehow.  “I need to use the lavatory.” You said, voice small. The man sighed but pointed behind you.
“There’s a bucket-”I am not peeing in a bucket.” He sighed again but shook his head.
“I can’t let you out.” You narrowed your eyes at him and put a hand on the door, weighing your options.
“You’re going to open this door right now and lead me to the fucking toilet before I forget myself and god help me, I kill you.”
He thought for a moment, his mouth pulled in a frown. He seemed to weigh his options, your threat working wonders.
“Alright, Miss.” A bundle of keys jingled in his hand before he pushed the right key in the lock and opened the squeaky door. “This way.” He turned around and expected you to follow.
With as much strength as you could muster you kicked the man's leg and took off in a sprint. Down the stairs and out of the front door. The cold air hit you like a slap but you kept running.
You ran and ran, with your friends and your boyfriend in mind. Suddenly the hair seemed to solidify and your body was flung backwards. Albus had secured the place with a protective spell, of course.
“No, god please.” You spoke as you pushed yourself to your feet. Your body ached worse than before, your leg stung like someone had struck you with a kitchen knife.
“Fuck, fuck!” You cursed as you pushed your hands against the invisible wall. 
“Hecate.” A voice spoke and you knew who had said your name. “Albus.” You said, dry and bitter.
“Stop trying, Hecate. You’ve done enough.” He said. You hated him, how he stood there. His hand clasped in front of him, his mouth in a kind smile.
“I haven’t done anything. My friends, they’re still out there and in danger, Albus. Sirius, he’s all alone.” Albus shook his head and tried to calm you once again. “They’re safe.” You shook your head, hot tears on your face.
“I told you that I didn’t want out, I didn’t need your help.” He nodded and spoke again. “I’m aware, but you did need help, Hecate.” You didn’t argue. He pulled something from his pocket, a stick, your wand.
“I believe this belongs to you.” You ripped it from his hand and pointed it right at him. “I want out of here, Albus.” He cocked his head, as to tell you to not do this.
“Let me leave, Albus, please.” He held his own wand in his hand, his other hand raised. “Hecate, please put down your wand.” Your face contorted into a glare, tears leaving your face. Searing hot rage bubbled in your chest as you looked at him.
“I need to be by their side, Albus, please.” He shook his head, a sad look on his face.
“I can’t allow that, Hecate.” A broken sob left your lips as you flung your wand, white purple light leaving the tip of it. Albus did the same. You knew you wouldn’t win, not in your state, yet you wouldn’t go down without putting up a fight. 
Albus’ light grew closer and closer by the second before you flung your wand again, a different approach. The old wizard huffed as he mirrored you. It was no use, he was stronger than you.
He disarmed you with one more swish of his wand and you crumbled to the ground with the last bit of your strength leaving your body, even your fingertips seared with pain.
“Patch her up, Orenda.” You heard Dumbledore speak, your chest rose and fell with rabid breaths.
“This is for your own good, Hecate.”
He said before he vanished. The dam broke and you erupted in uncontrollable sobbing. You’d never see your friends again, little baby Harry and Sirius would be all alone.
“Hecate!” You snapped out of it and turned around to look at Remus. Oh how you had missed him. With fast steps you engulfed the man in a tight hug.
“Oh Remus.”
You caressed the back of his head with a smile on your face.
“I missed you, Hecate.” You nodded and placed your hands on his shoulders.
“I missed you so so much, Remus.” Sirius and Harry made their way into the living room. Sirius was fast to put a hand around your waist, you placed a kiss on his cheek.
“I’m so glad to be back.” Remus nodded and sat down on the small couch.
“I’m glad you’re not..dead.”
He said, a crooked smile on his face.
“Me too.” Sirius shook his head at his friend. Harry quietly sat down at the chair next to you two and you both sat down as well.
“I was gone for so long, I missed so much.” You lowered your head as you looked at Harry. He was just a baby when Albus had imprisoned you. Now he was all grown up, looking like the spitting image of James. It was odd.
“I’m glad you’re here now.” Harry said, a small smile on his face. 
“It wasn’t my choice, I would’ve been here. I would’ve raised you with Sirius and Remus by my side.” You said, tears threatening to spill as Harry nodded, a small smile on his face. He knew of course, a scenario he so willingly imagined.
“I know.” He simply said.
“It was truly awful to be away from you.” You said, voice quieter than before. Nobody said anything.
“I’ll do anything in my power to help, Harry. I’ll be here and I won’t vanish, not this time.” He nodded.
“I’ll keep you safe, I’ll do whatever, I promise, Harry, I do-”I know.” He said, his face kind. You lifted yourself off the couch, a tear working its way down your cheek. 
You wrapped your arms around the young boy and rubbed his back. “We’ll do this together.” He nodded and wrapped his arms around you.
Enjoying the warmth you provided, almost like the mother he never knew, it felt familiar.
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“I still can’t believe that you’re really here.” He almost whispered, his fingers ghosting over your cheek. You smiled at him before you wrapped your hand around his and placed a kiss on it.
“Me neither.” He pushed forward and placed a kiss on your lips. “I’m sorry all of this happened to you, Sirius.” He shook his head, his fingers interlaced with yours.
“Don’t be, it’s not your fault.” Your gaze fell as you tried to keep the tears at bay. “I wasn’t here when Lily and James died, I wasn’t here when you were imprisoned and I wasn’t here to keep Harry safe.” You paused and pushed your free hand through your hair.
“I messed up big time.” Sirius placed a hand on your cheek as he looked at you.
“Listen to me, Hecate. Albus held you against your will, you had no chance to be here, to save anyone. You’re not at fault, love. You never were.” A tear slipped down your cheek.
“But, Sirius. Lily and James..”
You choked up, a soft sob leaving your lips. 
“I know.” He said, a tear leaving his eyes. You clasped his face with your hands and placed a kiss on his lips. With your foreheads pressed against each other you tried to control your breathing.
“Sirius, my love. I’ll never leave you again, over my dead body.” He chuckled but placed his hand on your head. “Please don’t.” You had to smile through the tears.
“I’ll stay by your side till my last breath, I love you so much.” He nodded and pushed some hair behind your ear.
“Stop talking about your death, love. I lost you once.”
You shook your head. Your hands slipped down his jaw and halted on his throat.
“You don’t get what I’m saying.” He looked at you with a crooked smile. You smiled at him, eyes glistening with tears.
“No, apparently not. I love you too, love.” He paused before he pushed the loose strand of hair behind your ear once more. A crooked smile rested on his lips as he looked at you.
“What do you want to tell me, I don’t-”Marry me, Sirius.” You whispered. His smile fell and his eyes widened as he stared at you. “What?” You gave him a big smile.
“I lost so much time with you, so much time we could’ve spent together and so much time in which I never stopped loving you, fifteen years vanished in the blink of an eye and all I ever wanted was you, to live with you, to sleep in one bed with you, to make breakfast, lunch and dinner with you. I want to do that till the end of days, but only with you, I want all of this just with you.”
“So please, Sirius Orion Black, will you marry me?”
A big smile stretched on his lips as he pulled you in for a kiss, so loving and gentle that you seemed to forget all that happened to the both of you and all that was waiting for you, good or bad. 
“Yes, love. For all that is holy, I’ll marry you.”
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( taglist: @caramelandvenus )
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“Oh good, you’re all here!” Percy Jackson rather boldly strode into the Olympians throne room, wearing a backpack and looking as if he had come straight from school.
“Percy?” His father’s eyebrows scrunched together.
“Why have you interrupted our meeting, boy?” Zeus boomed.
Percy looked unimpressed. “It seemed only fair given the amount of interrupting you lot have done in my life. I can’t go on random quests three times a week, it’s not practical, it’s not sustainable, and frankly, there are other demigods around that actually want to go on quests!”
Several of the gods looked sheepish, while others looked outraged.
“What exactly do you find more important than the quests you have been given?” Athena asked, eyebrows raised.
Percy sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. “It’s not that my life is more important, though it may not continue for much longer if I keep having to leave during dates with Annabeth, which can only happen sporadically anyways given that we’re both in school right now, it’s more that I have a life and things I need to do.
“My grades have been in the toilet for years between my ADHD, dyslexia, and monster attacks, and now that it’s looking like I may actually live to see my twenties, I need to get my shit together and figure out a career for myself. I can’t do that if gods are giving me quests at all hours of the day and night, especially if those quests are easy enough that other campers could do them! I get that my success rate is kind of through the roof, but honestly? It’s ruining my life! And I don’t say that lightly. You are needlessly ruining my chances at a future!”
“You are just one person, Perseus,” Zeus argued, “Do the needs of the gods not outweigh your own?”
Poseidon and Percy stared at him for a long moment, matching blank expressions nearly making the gods shiver. But before Poseidon could defend his son, Percy spoke up.
“I have fought two wars for you.” He said quietly, dangerously. “I have settled disputes that should never have been made my business. I have protected and trained your children, and given them reasons to have faith in you when they had none. I have lost months of my life, for no good reason. I swam in the Styx and the Lethe and the Cocytus Rivers and lived. I have killed monsters and gods and titans and children for you. I survived through Tartarus surviving off of water from the Phlegethon and Drakon Meat Stew and came out fighting in your name. I am hanging onto my sanity by a thread and have been since I was fucking twelve and saw the Fates cute Luke Castellan’s. I can’t sleep. I can barely make it through the day without flashbacks, and even before that I could barely function in society. What. More. Do. You. Want. From. Me.”
His words hung thick in the air, heavy and accusing and true. But he wasn’t done.
“Do you know how many times I’ve laid awake at night wondering if I should just end it all? I am so fucking tired. I haven’t stopped fighting since I was twelve, and I’m starting to wonder why I continue. I’m burnt out. I’m traumatized. I’m starting to feel like I can’t live with the things I’ve done.”
He sighed. “I’m not saying I won’t go on quests anymore, I just—I can’t keep doing it like this, you know?”
This has been languishing in my notes app for years now and I’ve never been able to figure out where to go with it. If you have an idea and want to add on, feel free, just tag me so I can read it too<3
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littlemessyjessi · 2 months
Can I tell you why I was (still am a tiny bit) sad…?
It was my birthday on the 1st and not one single person in biological family acknowledged it…
So yeah…
It’s been going on for 10+ years and it’s not like I don’t talk to them.
Who am I kidding…I’ve been disowned and this time of the year is always a mix bag of emotions and I cannot deal…..
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Hello dear!
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First, I'm sorry that I didn't see this! Dumblr must've eaten it... or I didn't have my glasses on. Please accept this rather dapper Jiminie as an apology on either case! Look at that face! Doesn't that just make a giggle burst out of you?!
I thought so.
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Either way, better late than never!
Second, I am so sorry you're having a rough time!
Please accept this squeeze and let the love and light pour into you.
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And now! A Belated Happy Birthday to you!
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That was a confetti canon of my love directly in your face. And now for the dance performance.
How did I do?
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Sorry about the glitter. You'll be finding it for the rest of your life. If I'm gonna have glitter in my ass crack then you're gonna have it in yours too! It's just the rules.
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Also, here is your bday bouquet full of Hobi flowers!
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Now, regarding the negatives ...
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Fuck them bitches. Throw their opinions away and flush their shit down the toilet. You don't need them or their stank ass attitudes.
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You have me... and I will fight them.
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I'm your mother now.
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(I am so sorry for the chaotic gremlin energy that that means for you.)
All sales are final and you can't take me back!
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I do love you unconditionally and endlessly so.
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For exactly who you are.
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Or for whoever you choose to be today.
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I don't have to know all the particulars to know that I love you. I take all my parenting advice from Seokjinnie so I may be weird but I will love you... and I'll match your weird so ya know.... sorry bout that, lol.
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I wish you for endless love and light.
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I wish for you endless acceptance.
I wish for you to know how amazing and special you are.
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And if you should ever forget it, it's ok.
Mother shall remind you.
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After all, Mother knows best.
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Also, sidenote. I do realize that Mother Gothel is the villain in Tangled but you gotta admit... she slays her look and aspire to be that level of fierce, lol.
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Anyway, I love you, dear.
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You are loved, accepted and appreciated.
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And don't you ever forget it! Or else I shall have to spank you!
Now, take this lovely present (late as it may be) and conquer the day!
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But wait! Before you go! Let me adjust your crown and give you a forehead kiss.
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You got it and you are worth everything your heart desires.
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Love you, dear.
And a brief message from our sponsor: Lil Meow Meow
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But we're going to ignore it because we've all seen the beautiful legs on that man and I will NEVER shut up about them. So he's just gonna have to deal.
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mercuryislove · 2 years
desperately need to make more stupid posts about my characters but alas i am too sober to repress my embarrassment
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venicebixch · 3 years
Crush part 3
trigger warnings for this one include physical fighting, verbal altercations, DV, and mentions of blood and vomiting, although those last 2 are fairly mild. mostly, just beware of the fighting and DV if that could possibly be triggering for you. other than that, enjoy :)
After finishing up my errands, we grabbed lunch then went back to the hype house. We got everything ready for everyone to come over and then hung out until people started showing up.
Now I’m about 6 shots of tequila and 2 Coronas deep. Vinnie has had probably twice as much as I have, and he’s rowdy as usual when he’s drunk. But he’s in a really good mood, making him the life of the party tonight.
I stumble off to the bathroom to pee and take a little breather. My introverted self needs these moments alone after a long day with people, plus I feel kind of sick from drinking.
Having a minute alone makes me realize how sick I actually feel. I stand at the sink and try to pull myself together but the burning sensation in my stomach won’t go away. I look down and realize my hand is stuck to someone’s used, wet tissue that was left sitting on the sink. That pushed me over the edge and I immediately feel the urge to vomit, barely making it to the toilet. I come out maybe 15 minutes later and Vinnie and Jack were in the middle of a heated conversation.
“You’re not gonna sit here and tell me that a fucking gorilla is gonna beat a bear’s ass in a fight bro,” Vinnie all but yells across the room.
I’m genuinely confused but expect nothing less from this bunch.
“Have you ever seen a gorilla up close and personal? They’re huge,” Jack fires back.
“Bruh, a bear weighs like 600 lbs and gorillas weight, what? 200, maybe 250? On weight alone bears are gonna win. Not to mention their claws, teeth, and sheer speed. Bears are fast as fuck,” Vinnie looks over at me.
“Y/n, let me ask you something. Who’s gonna win in a fight, a gorilla or a bear?” He asks.
“Uhm, bear?” I say agreeing with Vinnie.
“Boom, see?” He says, looking back at Jack.
“I’m not gonna keep arguing it. Whatever. You’re both wrong but whatever,” Jack walks out of the room, waving his hand at us.
Vinnie comes over to me. I must look sick, because as soon as he gets close to me he gets a concerned look on his face.
“Are you okay?” He asks, rubbing my back. I’m a little surprised by his touch, he usually keeps his hands to himself. I like it though, it’s comforting.
I shake my head no. “I threw up,” I say with a pouty look on my face.
“Alright, we need to get you home,” he says. He calls Jett over. Luckily he stayed sober tonight.
“Hey, can we take y/n home? She’s not feeling well.”
“Yeah, of course,” Jett says.
Vinnie walks to the fridge and grabs me a water and helps me get my shoes on before we head out to the car.
I sit in the backseat so I could lay down on the way home. I nod in and out, hearing bits and pieces of their conversation about Seattle. Every once in a while I have to sit up and take another small sip of water to keep myself from getting sick again.
“Are you okay?” Vinnie asks, looking back at me.
“Yeah,” I say, keeping my eyes open staring at the car ceiling. The world keeps spinning when I close them and the movement of the car doesn’t help.
Vinnie reaches back and grabs my hand, squeezing it gently to comfort me. “We’re almost home.” He says softly.
I sit up when we’re finally almost to my house. As Jett approaches the driveway, and I see a car sitting there with their headlights on.
“What the hell?” I say. “Who is that?” As we get closer I realize it’s Luke’s car.
“Oh my god,” I say, rubbing my forehead.
“Who’s that?” Vinnie asks.
“It’s fucking Luke,” I sigh, irritated. I don’t want to deal with Luke right now. I don’t want to deal with him ever, actually, but especially not right now.
“Why the hell is he here?” Vinnie sounds just as irritated as I am, if not more.
“I don’t know. He texted me this morning and said he wants to talk tonight. I ignored his messages, though. I don’t know why he thought it would be okay to just show up.”
“You should have blocked his number.”
“Yeah,” I agree. Maybe it’s childish of me but I purposefully left his number unblocked and specifically turned my read receipts on for him just so I can get under his skin and make him feel like shit getting left on read every day. I mean it’s literally the least I could do after what he did to me.
I grab my bag and get out of the car. Vinnie rolls his window down to monitor the conversation.
I walk toward the other car and Luke shuts it off and gets out.
“Are you seriously not ever gonna respond to me?” He says angrily. “And who the fuck are you with this late, it’s literally 1 am. I’ve been here since 8.”
“You sat here for 5 hours waiting on me to get home? I ask.
“Yeah, you’ve left me on read for 3 weeks now, it’s getting ridiculous. You’re done playing these games with me.”
“Luke, it’s not a game. You text me multiple times a day every day, I don’t know what you want to talk about,” I say.
“Don’t act like I’m the crazy one.” He laughs, shaking his head at me.
“Did it occur to you that I probably don’t want to fucking talk to you? I don’t want to fucking see you?” I ask.
“Don’t fucking cuss at me,” he grabs my arm and starts pulling me toward the house. I try to pull away but can’t get him off of me.
“Luke, let me go,” I demand. I drop my bag trying harder to get out of his grip. He’s starting to hurt my wrist now.
“No. Stop being a bitch,” he’s now forcefully dragging me toward the front door as I struggle against him. “You’re gonna talk to me, like it or not.”
“No!” I yank back as hard as I could and he turns around and grabs both of my arms shaking me hard.
“I said STOP! Come inside and talk me to god damn it!” He yells, before grabbing my wrist again.
“You’re hurting my wrist, Luke, please stop!” I grab his forearm with my other hand, depserately trying to lessen his grip. I’m starting to get really upset, having flashbacks to my last relationship. That awful feeling of not having control of the situation and being scared creeps right back in like it never even left. Tears start to form in my eyes and my heart starts racing. I feel like I could scream.
I hear a car door slam and I look behind me to see Vinnie full force storming over to us. I swear his eyes look black with rage and I can feel the vibration of his anger from 10 feet away.
“Oh, THIS fucking guy?!” Luke says loudly, laughing. He finally lets my wrist go. “Buddy, just go ho-“
Before Luke could finish his sentence Vinnie rears his arm back and slams his fist right into Luke’s jaw, knocking him backwards on to his ass. I swear I heard a crack when his fist made contact with his face. Luke looks genuinely stunned, like the wind got knocked out of him.
“Vinnie!” I yell, stepping back.
Jett gets out of the car and runs over. “Vinnie, what the fuck?” He says.
Not saying a word, Vinnie drags Luke up to the house by his shirt collar. He gets him back up to his feet by pulling his hair then forcefully slams his back against the house, causing Luke to hit his head hard against the brick wall.
Vinnie leans in, almost nose to nose with him. “So help me god, if you ever fucking touch her again I will take your head and curb stomp the teeth right out of your fucking skull, Sapranos style,” Vinnie says in an eerily calm tone. “If you have any will at all to continue to live your pathetic life, you’ll leave her alone. Permanently. Do you fucking understand me?”
Luke glances over at me. He looks genuinely scared now. Vinnie grabs his face and turns it back toward him. “Don’t you fucking look at her, look at me. I said ‘do you understand me?’”
Luke stares at him, silently, his mouth parted slightly. Vinnie moves his left hand up to his neck, choking him and brings his right fist up, punching him directly in his nose. Blood starts pouring down his face, and Luke’s eyes shut and he goes limp. Vinnie knocked him out. He shakes his head, holding Luke up by his shirt collar, waiting for him to regain consciousness. Just a few moments later, he comes back around and Vinnie starts right back up again.
“I thought you were tough, huh? You act tough when it comes to grabbing her. Bullying and harassing her. Using her. Now you’re face to face with someone who can kick your ass and fight back, and you wanna act all scared?” Vinnie laughs sarcastically.
“Vinnie, please stop it! You’re gonna seriously hurt him!” I beg. I’m full on crying now. I’m less concerned about Luke’s well-being and far more worried about Vinnie ending up in prison on a felonious assault charge.
“Vinnie, enough! Let him go,” Jett says sternly, grabbing his arm.
“Nah, not until he fucking acknowledges what I’m telling him,” he doesn’t break eye contact with Luke.
“Al-alright,” Luke finally stutters out.
“Alright what?” Vinnie eggs him on.
“I’ll leave her alone. She’ll never hear from me again,” Luke says, closing his eyes. He starts crying.
Vinnie finally lets him go. “Fucking leave while you still have the chance.”
Luke stumbles back over to his car, leaving a trail of blood drops behind him. He desperately searches for his car key and gets in, driving off.
“What a pussy bitch,” Vinnie says, laughing out of anger.
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kiiiiiim · 3 years
oh, you got my heartbeat runnin' away
beating like a drum and it's coming your way, Can't you hear that boom badoom boom boom badoom boom bass?
It's been almost 10 months, and Kara still can't hear a damn thing except her own thunderous heartbeat in her ears every single time Lena walks through the door.
Kara is good at controlling her abilities. She's had plenty of time to learn, for example, how to stop herself from accidentally incinerating some lowlife who has the audacity to catcall her on the street when she's 15 minutes late to work with Ms. Grant’s coffee spilling down her arm. She's good at completing daily tasks at a slower, more human pace - even if she does take advantage of an empty office from time to time in order to speedy-finger-type her way through an article she forgot to finish the night before. She’s good at filtering out the enormous amount of noise her super-hearing picks up, which had been the hardest ability to master right after actual flight - learning how to block out car alarms blaring from two states over, a hundred different conversations around town combining to form an incoherent, garbled din - even the ants marching beneath her feet was a sound so magnified it hurt her ears those first few weeks after arriving at the Danvers' home. But in time, Kara had gotten the hang of that one too - or so she'd thought.
Because they’ve been dating for almost ten months, hit all the "firsts" in any budding relationship from first kiss to first fight to first time holding Lena's hair back as she vomits into the toilet bowl after eating bad sushi, and yet -
Kara still can't hear a damn thing except her own thunderous heartbeat in her ears every single time Lena walks through the door.
"Sorry I'm late, today was an absolute nightmare," Lena sighs as she shuts the apartment door with one heeled foot, dropping her briefcase unceremoniously on Kara's kitchen island with a heavy thud. She sheds her jacket and opens the fridge, pulling out a can of soda - she's been trying to cut back on the scotch - and busies herself with fixing a glass of ice to pour the contents into.
"Someone managed to hack into LCorp's mainframe and, unlike a normal, civilized hacker who might’ve tried to find an access point into our accounts, this individual decided that their time and efforts would be much better spent creating a fully nude animation of my brother that dances across every LCorp screen, every five minutes - All. Day. Long." Lena makes a little noise of distress as the fizz from her soda starts to overflow onto the counter and hastily grabs a dishtowel to sop up the mess.
"It took ages to find the source - I had to cancel all of my meetings and reschedule the demo for the new image inducer with our shareholders from Metropolis, which was just delightful because we've had to change dates twice already and they probably think I'm so incompetent at my job that they may just decide to pull out altogether, and I can't afford to lose their support so I'll have to - darling, why are you looking at me like that?"
Kara has lived on this planet for years - she's adapted to the yellow sun and the powers it gives her, knows how to tune in when she needs to and how to tune out when she has to. It keeps her loved ones safe and keeps Kara sane, a delicate balance that must be maintained in order to protect the planet and still live the full life she's cultivated outside of the cape and sigil.
Kara is good at controlling her abilities - or at least, she was. Now, she feels like she’s 12 years old again, a newcomer to this strange planet with its overwhelming chaos, with not one ounce of practiced focus in her little alien body.
"Do I have something on my face?" Lena laughs, self-consciously touching her cheeks with both hands. "My teeth?" She makes a face that is so unfairly cute it makes the war drums in Kara's ears beat all the faster, a crescendo that she's positive will end with her going slightly deaf if she doesn't get a grip.
"Do you really not hear that?" Kara blurts out - a little too loudly apparently, because Lena visibly starts and spills more of her drink, this time onto the floor. She curses and drops the damp towel on the floor, using her expensively-clad foot as an impromptu mop.
"Hear what?" Lena asks.
"My -" Kara cuts herself off, suddenly shy as she turns her head to hide her face from Lena’s view. "I don't wanna say…"
Lena slips off her shoes and carries her glass to the living room with too much grace for someone who spent the last ten hours battling a cyber menace. She plops herself down on the couch opposite Kara and pokes her playfully with a bare toe. "Well now I have to know. My curiosity has been piqued. Besides," She lowers her voice until she's practically purring. "You've turned such a lovely shade of red that it makes me think I'll like the answer."
Heat engulfs her impenetrable skin, she knows she’s blushing head to toe at this point and she’s not sure if it’s more from embarrassment or the nearly unbearable desire to pin Lena down and kiss the smirk right off her smug face.
This isn't the first time Kara's been in love. At least, she thinks it was love. It still gives her pause years later, trying to figure it out - but with Lena, there's no question. She loves Lena in every sense of the word with an intensity she didn't know was possible. It’s the most real thing she’s ever experienced. Whatever her experiences in the past, this relationship and all the feelings it sparks in her is new territory for Kara, and she doesn't quite know if she's doing it right half the time. She doesn't want Lena to think she's weird or stunted or just… bad at this.
“Karaaa…” Lena singsongs softly, her smile growing wider as Kara turns more and more scarlet with each agonizing second. Finally, Kara groans and buries her face in her hands.
“Don’t laugh.”
“I would never.”
Kara peeks out through her fingers, feeling stupid and sheepish. “I didn’t think I would still be feeling like this.”
“Like what?”
“Like… this!” Kara gestures to her chest, thumps it with one tightly clenched fist. “I thought all those things you feel when you start a relationship - the butterflies, the nerves, the excitement - would fade after a while. Like, not disappear, but that they wouldn’t be so… intense. I mean, we’ve been together for the better part of a year and I still… I’m still so…”
Lena cocks her head and narrows her eyes, but with a smile on her face that is one part endearment and one part utter confusion. “And you still…” Lena prods.
Kara sighs. “When I first came to Earth, it took me a long time to get my super-hearing under control. Everything was so loud and I didn’t know how to filter any of it out. Eventually I got the hang of it, but sometimes… sometimes my heart pounds so hard when I look at you that I literally can’t hear anything else around me, even if you’re the one actually talking. I have no idea what you said when you walked in just now. Not one word.” Kara hides her face again. “I feel so stupid.”
Kara feels the couch shift, knows instinctively rather than actually sees Lena come around and kneel on the floor in front of her. Lena’s hands are cool as they take Kara’s wrists, guiding them away from her flushed face. Her eyes are shiny, green pools filled with nothing but tenderness.
She takes one of Kara’s hands and gently places it on her chest. Lena is wearing a low neck today - advantageous, for it allows Kara to feel Lena’s heartbeat all the better. It’s absolutely hammering underneath her touch.
Kara almost jumps to her feet in alarm. “Oh my God, are you ok? Do you need to go to the hospital?”
Lena’s forehead falls into Kara’s lap as she lets out a hearty, exasperated laugh. Her voice is muffled through the fabric of Kara’s jeans. “No, you silly, wonderful woman.” She picks her head back up, clasping both hands over Kara’s and meeting her confused gaze. “It’s been doing that for years.”
“Like… like a medical condition?”
Lena bites her lip, possibly to keep from calling Kara something rather more than ‘silly,’ even in the most loving way. “Like since the day I met you, Kara.” She says quietly.
There’s a beat of silence that seems to stretch into minutes before Kara’s abashed face splits into a slow grin. “Oh…” She responds. “Well, now I don’t feel so stupid.”
“You shouldn’t,” Lena says. She gently pushes Kara’s knees apart and sidles her way between them, cupping her face in her hands with a smile. “Because if you’re stupid, then I’m stupid. And I have three PHD’s, so, I would really like to not consider myself stupid.”
Kara chuckles, turns her head to kiss the palm of Lena’s hand. “Not stupid.” She whispers. “Although I’m gonna have to relearn how to block out my own heartbeat, because I really like hearing the things you say.”
Lena leans in and kisses her, slow, gentle, pouring as much love as she can into it before she has to pull back for air. She tucks a blonde strand behind Kara’s ear and lets her fingertips trail down her neck, feeling the fire beneath her skin. “That’s fine,” She murmurs. “Just focus on mine instead.”
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maddiwrites · 3 years
The Hybrid (I)
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: The Pogues rekindle their friendship with their old childhood best friend and JJ’s first crush, Y/N. Old feelings resurface for JJ and Y/N, possibly leading to a summer neither one of them could ever forget. Due to past trauma, Y/N is reluctant to let anyone into her heart, but JJ never backs down from a challenge, even if he knows it will come back to haunt him in the end.
Note: Thank you for being patient with me as I slowly write this series. I had this idea a long time ago and I’m not finding motivation to write it but the inspiration comes and go. I smile with every comment that is left on my fics and I’m so grateful for this community. Thank you for letting me pursue my creative writing without judgement. Love you guys! (Also, yes. If you didn’t see my last note, I based YN’s family off of the Gilmore Girls characters. That’s who I picture as them.)
Word Count: 8k
 Masterlist   Prologue 
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You wake up to someone falling on your bed next to you with a dramatic sigh. Knowing exactly who it is, you choose to ignore her and try getting back to the dreamless sleep you were peacefully having before you woke up.
That is, until she sighs again. 
You flip onto your back and stare up at your ceiling fan that’s quickly spinning above you. “What, Rory?”
“How did it go with Andre and that boy?”
You look at her with one brow raised. “You woke me up to hear about Andre’s love life? That hardly sounds like you. You don’t care about high school drama or hookups.”
“You’re right,” Rory says. “But I thought I would ease you into what I actually need to tell you.”
You turn on right side and look at your sister confused. “What?”
She sighs. “The cafe’s basement flooded last night. Mom needs us there to help her clean up and take inventory on what’s salvageable.”
You turn back on you backside and close your eyes, exhaling a deep sigh. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Unfortunately not,” Rory says and pats you twice on your covered thigh as she sits up. “Come on. I made you pre-cafe coffee. It’s sitting in the kitchen.”
You throw your sheets off of you and trudge to the bathroom to brush your teeth and clean your face. It’s about 8 a.m. At least you were able to get about six hours of sleep. 
Last night, it was hard to let your brain rest to fall asleep. You kept tossing and turning, thinking about the blonde Pogue who walked you home. You missed how easy it was to talk to someone who you felt truly knew you. Your banter rolled off your tongue easily and you never had to worry about offending him because you knew him like the back of your hand. You knew what he could take and what he couldn't. 
Talking to him brought back childhood memories you had hidden deep in your mind. How JJ would constantly poke you until you ripped into a smile on days that were grey. How you used to steal John B’s bandanas until he was chasing you around his house to get them back. How you would draw a mustache and a unibrow on Pope’s face when he fell asleep by the water. 
Those days felt like they were decades ago. So far away, you didn’t know if you’d be able to reach for them again. If it was even possible to get back. 
You thought about texting him. Thanks for walking me back. We should all get together soon! You had written out. But then you deleted the whole message, telling yourself it was because you didn’t know if he even had the same number. But deep down, you were just afraid of the rejection. 
Its been about three years since the four of you had been together in one place. You don’t know what they’ve been through or if they’ve changed. They for sure as hell don’t know what you’ve been through. You don’t know if they're dynamic has changed. Clearly you and JJ can still joke with each other but what about John B and Pope? You heard about John B’s father disappearing at sea, most people believing he’s dead, but John B holding onto hope that’s he’s alive. You always thought about calling him to reach out and offer your condolences. But for the same reason you didn’t text JJ, you never called. It didn’t feel like your place. They had Kie for that now. A little part of you felt jealous of her, like she had replaced you and any memory of you. She seemed nice, but she wasn’t you.
“Ready?” Rory pops her head in to your room as you slip on a cropped plain white zip up jacket over your cropped black tank. 
“As I’ll ever be,” You say and snag the car keys out of her hands. “Don’t even think about it. I’m driving.”
Rory rolls her eyes. “I want to get there safely.”
“And I want to get there quickly.”
“Fine. But we’re taking my car. It actually has doors.”
For your sixteenth birthday, your grandparents gifted both you and Rory your own individual cars and even let you pick them out. Rory chose a black 2020 Honda Civic for it’s safety features and reputation for longevity as if she was planning on handing it down to her future kids. And you picked out a white 2020 Jeep Wrangler with a hard top that pops off along with the doors for a very open and thrilling ride. Everyone but you called it a death trap, but you found it to be the perfect summer car. 
You park Rory’s boring Honda Civic in the back of the cafe in a lot used specifically for employees. The cafe is already booming with teens and families, waiting for their morning coffees and fresh pastries. Kids your age are running around behind the counter with sweat dripping down their brow bone to get everyone’s orders out in a timely manner. 
In the back of the store, your mom walks up the steps from the basement with two large trash bags and immediately notices the two of you. “Oh good. You’re here. Rory, help the girls behind the counter. The dishwasher’s broken and poor Hailey is hand washing everything. Y/N, come with me downstairs.”
“Why does Rory get the fun job?” You grumble and follow your mom back downstairs after she tosses the two trash bags. 
“Because she’s actually nice to the customers.”
“Treat others how you would like to be treated. Isn’t that what everyone always says?” You smirk. You never agreed with the phrase ‘the customer is always right.’ It’s complete bullshit and being the employee shouldn’t mean letting yourself getting verbally abused by a ‘Karen’ on the other side of the counter. 
The basement is used for the cafe’s storage, lined with wooden shelves Steve put together that hold to go cups, back up espresso machines, boxes of coffee and food and ingredients, etc. Now all the boxes are dark and sopping, creating puddles on the concrete floor. 
“Oh my god. Mom. How did this happen?”
“Jenky water pipe busted in the middle of the night,” Steve walks down the stairs and passes your mom a knowing look. It didn’t surprise you that he was here. He’s the jack of all trades. Owns his own automotive shop, builds a lot of his own furniture, actually cooks a decent meal, and has the same outlook on customer service as you do. He was probably your mom’s first call. “Talked to the plumber. They can’t get here until at least noon.”
“Noon? We’ll be underwater by noon. I might as well turn all my employees into a swim team,” Your mom says.
Steve shakes his head. “I was able to hold the leak until he gets here. You should be fine.”
Steve was the first person that actually helped your mother out when's she moved to the Cut. Six months pregnant, she pushed her car into his automotive shop after it broke down on the side of the road. Their banter was similar to the one you and JJ have. He helped save your mom money by building yours and Rory’s cribs, changing table, and dressers. And ever since, the two of them had been connected by the hip, although they both refuse to admit it. You think the pair are just trying to deny the love they clearly share for each other. And you think the main reason for that is because of the incident four years ago with your mom’s ex boyfriend. No thanks to you.
 “Look at you constantly building your resume,” You smirk at him. 
Steve scoffs. “It’s more than what you’re doing.”
You roll your eyes. Steve is the closest thing you have to a father. He practically helped raise you with your mom. He’s the one you turn to whenever a fight with your mom goes too far, which isn't too often but it happens. He usually lets you stay at his house for the night to let you cool off. But he’ll never sugar coat his advice when it comes time for him to give it. Even if you don’t ask for it. He knows growing up with Rory has been challenging. She was clearly your mom’s favorite, or at least that’s what you thought. She has a 4.0 GPA with a realistic dream to get into Brown University and study journalism. She played by every rule, never got into trouble, and spent most of her free nights getting ahead of her school work or staying late at the cafe with an open book from the library across the street. She was an absolute angel to everyone else, making you look like her evil twin. 
You glare at him before turning to your mom with crossed arms. “What do you want me to do, Mom?”
“Actually honey. Can you go to Heywards and grab more coffee filters and napkins. The water soaked right through the plastic wrapping on our last box.”
You nod, leaving your mom and Steve to clean up the basement themselves. Before heading out, you sneak behind the counter and make yourself a quick coffee to go.
“Where you going?” Rory asks as she reaches behind you to grab a banana for her customer at the register.
“Heywards to grab a couple things for Mom.”
“Oh. Make sure to grab toilet paper while you’re out. I think we’re almost out of it.”
“Got it.” 
Heywards is only a short drive from your mom’s cafe. It’s the closest convenient store that isn’t crazy pricey. It’s where your mom gets all her supplies whenever she runs out of things before shipment gets there. 
You use to always come here when you were younger with the boys, each of you, even Pope, stealing a small bag of chips or a candy bar here and there. Little did any of you know, Mr. Heyward caught your thieving hands every time but never said anything. 
The bell above the door chimes when you walk into the store. You know this place as well as you know the cafe, finding the toilet paper and coffee filter immediately. 
When Mr. Heyward looks up from the counter, his smile grows. He can pick you out of a crowd anywhere, but he hasn’t seen you in a long time. Last time he saw you, you had braces and overgrown bushy brows. Now you had bushed hair and shaved legs. 
“Hi. Mr. Heyward,” You grin shyly at him. You don’t know how he’s going to react to see you, unsure of what Pope might have told him about you. 
“Little Miss Y/L/N? Is that you?” Heyward smiles widely, pulling your own lips into a wider smile. “I haven’t seen you for a long time.”
“Yeah, I’ve been busy with school and my mom’s cafe...” Both of those things were a lie. You just avoid the Cut to avoid the Pogues. 
“How’s the fam?” 
“They’re good,” You say as Heyward hands you your bags. “Mom says hello by the way. I’m actually taking these to her store now.”
“Well, don’t be a stranger. We miss your smiling face around her. Anette, too.” Heyward says, mentioning his wife. 
“Tell her I said hi.”
“Of course, darling.” 
Heyward and Anette always had a special place in their heart for you and Rory. They’re not one for gossip, but they knew a little bit about what your mom’s been through and have heard plenty of stories about your grandparents. They always thought, despite your mom’s background, that you and your sister were raised impressively. Anette always hoped that one day Pope and Rory would get together. Everyone always wanted their child to be with Rory. 
As your about to leave the store, the bell chimes again with another customer. Only it’s not another customer. It’s Pope and John B. They don’t see you at first, and you wonder if maybe you can sneak out without them seeing you. But something about that felt wrong. Especially because Heyward would more than likely mention to them that you were here. 
Pope sees you first and stops in his tracks. “Y/N?” 
“Hey, guys. Long time no see,” You smile at both of them. You bite down on your lip awkwardly when you meet John B’s stare. You don’t know if you should mention anything about his dad’s disappearance. But what would you say? Sorry? What good would that do?
“How’ve you been?” Pope gives you a small side hug, then John B. 
You shrug. “You know, living the dream.”
“How’s life as a Hybrid?” John B smirks. 
You roll your eyes playfully and groan. “Oh god. Never call me that again.”
You may be considered a Hybrid by everyone else, but you would never put yourself into that category. You grew up a Pogue, the same way everyone else did around you. The only thing tying you to the Kooks are your grandparents. 
“Why?” John B smirks. “I wish I was a Hybrid.”
You smirk back. “Maybe you will be one day. I hear you have a Kook of your own for arm candy.”
You saw a faint hint of blush on John B’s cheek at the mention of his girlfriend but you don’t mention it. “Sarah, yeah. She’s not like the other Kooks.”
“I would hope not. Her brother’s a dick.”
“Yeah,” They laugh. 
“We miss you, you know.” John B says. Pope looks at you, trying to read your expression. John B’s not wrong. They do all miss you, especially Pope. He felt like you were the only one who really understood him. Of course his other friends are great, but you actually took the time to try and understand his passions. Like forensic science. 
“I miss you guys too. It’s been a while.”
“Well, hey. We’re actually all getting together tonight at my place. Nothing big. Just a bonfire and a couple beers. You should stop by,” John B says.
“Yeah,” Pope says, immediately getting hopeful that you’ll show up. 
Your smile falters. The invite makes your heart swell and your lungs contract. It’s an invite you’ve been wanting for three years. And now that you have it, you don’t know what to say. It’d be different if it was just the four of you like old times. But now there’s Kie and Sarah and although you have nothing against them, you’re afraid they won’t accept you. The thought of your boys picking them over you terrifies you. 
“Okay. Yeah, sure. I’ll try to swing by later.” 
Pope smiles wide and looks at his friend to see his reaction. John B grins and nods, almost impressed that you had agreed. But he saw the twitch in your lips when the question was asked. 
“Great. I guess we’ll see you later then.” 
You nod. “Okay. Bye guys.”
You suck in a deep breath when the fresh air outside of Heyward’s store brushes over you. Your heart thumps wildly with both excitement and nerves when you’re finally able to collect your thoughts. You don’t know what you’ll do tonight, but the possibilities can change your entire summer.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You spent the rest of the day mopping up the cafe’s basement and rearranging the shelves. You smelled of sweat and coffee grounds by the time you were done and dreamt of the shower you would be taking when you got home. 
Rory drove you home after the two of you closed up the cafe for the day. Neither of you said much. Rory was exhausted from running around behind the counter and you were too busy thinking about whether you’d go back to the place you used to call your second home.
You took a longer shower than usual, still pondering what your night would be like. Your head was telling you to stay home but your heart pulled you in the direction of the Cut. You yearned to hear about what the future held for Pope, and listen to John B retell stories of when you were kids, and be able to stare into JJ’s bright blue eyes without him noticing. 
You changed into a pair of jean shorts and a plain red cropped tank. Rory walks into your room as your brushing out your hair and looks at you as if you lost your mind.
“Are you out of your mind? You can’t wear that,” She says.
You brows scrunch together in confusion. “What are you talking about? I wear shit like this all the time.”
“Not to the Country Club, you don’t.” That’s when it hits you. Today’s been so hectic, you forgot what day it was. “It’s Sunday.”
Sunday dinner at the Country Club is now a weekly commitment forced upon you by your grandparents. Each week, your mom, sister, and you are forced to spend one dinner with your grandma and grandpa. This is basically your mom’s payment back for sending you and Rory to Kook Academy. Only they actually pay for the dinner. It’s usually the longest two hours of your entire week. It’s hard to listen to your grandfather rant about Real Estate and your grandma slyly critique your mother in almost every aspect of her life. 
“Shit. I completely forgot,” You say.
“Well, you better change. We’re leaving in about five minutes,” Rory says then plucks a gold necklace from your dresser. “Oh and can I wear this tonight?”
You sigh. “Sure.”
You change into a baby blue wrap around dress and pin your wet hair into a half up half down due. It’s gonna have to work for the limited time you have to get ready. After applying a thin layer of makeup to look the least bit presentable, you meet your mom and sister by the front door.
“Finally,” Your mom says when she sees you. 
“Sorry. I didn’t realize it was Sunday.”
“It’s okay, honey. I just don’t think I can handle another late remark from Mom today.” She looks you up and down and grins. “You look great.”
Despite the many fiery fights you and your mom can have, she is also your best friend. It’s kind of like a love hate relationship. Steve says it’s because you’re exactly like your mom - almost like a sixteen year old version of her. 
You really hope that isn’t true. You’re not ready to have a kid in two years. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Your grandparents are already sitting at a round table in the corner of the country club by the two tall windows that reach up to the ceiling with a view looking out into the golf course. The best seat in the house for the richest a holes on the island. 
“Lorelai,” Your grandmother grins, but you can instantly tell it’s sarcastic. “Did you have to walk here?”
You speak up before your mom could. “Sorry Grandma. It’s my fault we’re late.”
Your grandparents are hard on your mom but easier on you and Rory, especially Rory.
“Well, you’re here now,” Your grandpa says. He’s usually the mediator between your mom and grandma. Although he’s usually sucks at it. “Sit. Sit.”
Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, JJ shuffles through his many coworkers with his apron in one hand and a piece of fried calamari from Miss Carol’s appetizer in the other. 
“JJ -” She scolds and slaps his hand away from going in for a second piece. 
“Good evening Miss Carol,” JJ smirks and makes his way to the area between the kitchen and dining room where most of the servers and bust boys hang out. Some of the boys slap him on the back or shove him by the shoulder, chuckling to themselves. “What’s going on boys? Busy crowd?”
“What are you doing here? You never work Sundays,” His friend, Mitch, says. 
Luke Maybank was behind on several bills - worse than it’s ever been. They already shut off their electricity and JJ wanted to make sure the water wouldn’t be next. 
But JJ shrugs nonchalantly. “Little extra dough can't hurt.”
“Well, you picked a good day,” Raymond walks up to the blonde, rolling his sleeves. “You got Kook Royalty and their Hybrid offsprings in your section.” 
“What?” JJ looks through the small square Plexiglas on the swinging door. He knows exactly where to look and immediately sees you sitting with King and Queen Kook, looking absolutely miserable, pushing around your food with your fork. 
“Damn, Maybank. Almost broke your neck - you turned so fast.”
“Shut up, Easterling. I was just seeing how crowded we were,” JJ lied. He really just wanted to see if you were here. And now that he sees you are, he’s a little nervous to do his own damn job.
Raymond Easterling chuckles. “Yeah, I know what you were looking at. But don’t get your hopes up. There’s a reason Kooks call that girl the Heart Sucker. Not even the high and powerful JJ Maybank could get a piece of that.”
The guys around JJ and Raymond chuckle and nod in agreement, hearing the stories of how you’d reject every single guy that’s ever asked you out. Sometimes you’d go on a few dates, trying to push yourself out of your comfort zone, but then things would quickly become too much, and you’d get overwhelmed. 
JJ didn’t like the way Raymond talked about you or how the others laughed at your expense. His hands clenched into fists, tempted to throw a punch in Ray’s cocky face.  The guy’s just being a jerk because he’s one of the guys that got rejected by you, he thought. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” JJ shakes his head and ties his apron around his waist to distract his hands.
“No?” Raymond challenges him. “You think I’m wrong? You think you could pull the infamous Hybrid over there?”
JJ glances back through the window. You’re looking at your grandma with a clearly forced grin. You’re twirling your hair between your fingers, a habit you picked up when you were little to do when you’re bored. JJ would find you doing that in school all the time. 
You’re gorgeous, he thought. It’s no wonder that almost every guy on this island has tried to make a pass on you, including JJ himself, but his remarks always come off as playful, afraid of actually telling you how he feels about you. His fantasies about you went further than just getting you between the sheets. He could picture getting married, having children, and growing old together. Years ago, the two of you would talk about your future. Neither one of you cared about money or fancy jobs. All you wanted was to be free - of this island, of each other’s families, of responsibilities placed on you from birth. You hold the same values as JJ, and he’s never met another person like you. 
But JJ has a hard exterior. No one other than his best friends know his true heart, and he wasn’t going to let someone like Raymond Easterling find out about his soft spot for you. He would never hear the end of it.
JJ looks at you one last time. You’re talking to Rory, your face in his direction. This time you’re smiling, probably discussing something other than your grandparent’s expectations of you. He’d kill to see that smile every single day.
What’s the worst that could happen? You reject him? Yeah, that might kill JJ inside, but maybe you’d still be his friend, or continue to be acquaintances like you are now. As long as he gets to see you, he’d be okay. There was always the future. But who knows? Maybe you’d say yes? He’ll never know unless he tries. Right?
JJ fakes the same cocky grin that Raymond wears. “I haven’t failed yet.”
The guys around him whistle and shake their heads with smiles. 
“All right, Maybank. Let’s make a bet. I’ll give you one hundred dollars to get Y/N Y/L/N in the sack by the fourth of July.”
JJ scoffs. “You like giving away free money?” He ignored his racing heart at the thought of being that intimate with you.
Raymond nods. “Okay. Let’s put your money where your mouth is. Get her to say ‘I love you’ by the end of the season and I’ll raise you an extra hundred and cover all your dishwasher shifts in September.”
JJ raises his brows with surprise. No one offers to take the dishwashing shift. Sometimes the boys are pulled back there when the kitchen is short staffed and it’s easily one of the worst jobs at the Club.
This bet was almost too good of an opportunity to pass up. “Deal.” JJ says.
The boys shake hands on it and the other guys whisper to each other about how intrigued they are to see this play out.
JJ wipes his sweaty palms against his apron and pushes the door open to approach your table, hoping he can hear you over his thudding heart. 
“Good evening folks. May I take those empty plates out of your way?”
You look up at the voice you know so well and a smile raises on your lips. JJ meets your eyes and he winks at you, splattering your heart in flutters. 
“Please.” Your grandmother pushes her plate away from her, stuffed with filet and red wine.
“JJ,” Your mom grins up at him. Growing up, your mom always had a soft spot for the blonde Pogue. She’s heard the stories about his father, mostly from Steve, who actually grew up with Luke Maybank, his cousin. As a child, he was sent to live with Luke Maybank and his single father. Lets just say, he’s not surprised by the way Luke turned out. “Look at you. You’re all grown up now. Last time I saw you, Y/N was still pushing your head in the sand for stealing her popsicle.”
“Yeah. I quickly learned no one should mess with Y/N and her food,” JJ says.
“Never stopped you though,” You smirk at him.
“Lorelai. Who is this?” Your grandma asks, disregarding the boy himself.
“Mom,” Lorelai gives her mom a warning look. “This is JJ Maybank. He went to school with Y/N and Rory.” Lorelai knew to play it safe with her wording. She didn’t know where you and JJ stood. It’s been so long since you’ve seen him and she knew better than to ask. 
“Nice to meet you,” JJ says politely. “I’d shake your hand but mine are kinda full.” He motions to the plates in his hand.
“That’s quite all right.” Your grandma’s smile is so forced, it makes you uncomfortable. 
“I won’t hold you up. Has your server been around with the dessert menu?” JJ looks at you. “We have chocolate cake tonight.”
Heat rushes up your neck. Not because of the cake itself but because JJ remembered your favorite dessert. Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate sprinkles. It was safe to save you were a choco-holic. The boys use to make it for you every year for your birthday. It usually came out burnt, none of them ever remembering how to properly make it. But it was all you needed to feel like a very special girl. 
“Your favorite,” Rory elbows you.
Your grandma cringes. “Sounds like diabetes on a plate.”
“Mom,” Lorelai scolds. 
“What?” She asks, not understanding the concept of a filter.
Now heat rushes to your cheeks for an entire different reason. “He did. We’re not doing dessert tonight. Thank you, though.”
JJ nods but feels disappointed by the way your face flinched at your grandmother’s comment. 
“My pleasure,” He says like he was taught to do and excuses himself to drop the plates off in the back before he can say anything else that would probably get him fired.
Your mom looks at your with raised brows. “He’s cute, honey.”
“Lorelai, please. He’s the busboy,” Your grandma says.
“He’s a good kid, Mom.”
“If you’ll excuse me,” You stand up. “I have to use the restroom.”
Rory gives you a knowing grin as you walk away from the table. When you walk into the hallway between the dining area and the front lobby, you immediately feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Sometimes just the presence of your grandparents and their pompous judgements can be suffocating. You do your best to bite your tongue around them, excusing yourself when you feel yourself getting heated. 
JJ catches a glimpse of your light blue dress out of the corner of his eye when he rounds the corner to collect the plates off a different table. He looks over his shoulder at Raymond, who’s staring at the blonde watching you, and winks.
“Hey, Y/N,” JJ says, walking up to you.
You look up from your phone and immediately smile. “Hey. I was actually hoping I’d catch you out here.”
“Yeah,” You nervously tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. “I’m sorry about my grandmother. She can be...”
JJ shakes his head. “Hey. It’s okay. I work for Kooks almost every single day. I’m use to it.”
You sigh. “That doesn’t make me feel any better.”
“Don’t apologize for something you can’t control,” JJ says. “Besides, that’s probably the nicest she’s ever been to me.”
You hide your face in your hands. “Stop. You’re making it worse.”
JJ laughs and takes your wrists in his hands, slowly pulling them away from your face. Your eyes shoot up to his, immediately feeling a tingling feeling run through your skin, straight to your heart. 
“It’s okay. I promise,” He says softly. His voice is so sincere that you have no other option but to believe him. It almost makes your feel guiltier, wondering how much bullshit he’s been through with ungrateful Kooks that it’s so easy for him to forgive and forget.
“Okay,” Your voice is a whisper, taken off guard by how close he is to you and how he still hasn't let go of your hands. 
In that same moment, JJ realizes he’s still holding you and gently removes his hands. He coughs awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck, where sweat begins to bubble. Why is he so nervous?
“So um...” You say, suddenly feeling nervous too. “You going to John B’s tonight?”
JJ’s eyes shoot up in surprise. How did you know that? “Yeah. I’m heading over there after work.”
“I saw him and Pope at Heywards earlier today and they invited me over. I wasn’t sure if I should come or not.”
“Why wouldn’t you?”
Because it’s different now, you wanted to say. But you didn’t because you feel like the elephant in the room would only grow. And you didn’t want to admit you were nervous to meet Kie and Sarah outside of school. 
You shrug. “I don’t know.”
“You should definitely come. The boys miss you.”
You pretend like a little piece of your heart didn’t just break when JJ didn’t say ‘we.’ 
“What time do you get off of work?”
“Around 9ish.”
You nod. “I can pick you up if you’d like and we could go together?”
Your heart races after you suggest it. What if he says no? Why were you feeling this way? This is the same kid you use to make fun of for pouring milk into his bowl before his cereal. 
“Yeah. That’d be perfect.”
“Great!” Your phone pings with a text from Rory, telling you that your grandparents are wondering where you are. “Shit. I have to get back. I’ll see you at nine?”
“See you then,” JJ nods and turns back to the kitchen. When his eyes meet Raymond’s, he’s reminded of what he agreed to. Almost surprised how quickly he forgot about it. You were able to take his mind off of anything without even trying. He clears his throat to get rid of the giddy grin he was wearing after talking to you, wanting to look tough and casual in front of his coworker. “Easy.” He says to him. But that felt anything but easy. He could vomit with nerves.
“There’s still plenty of time for you to screw up, Maybank.”
JJ huffs. He’s not wrong. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
You drive up to the front of the country club and park in front of the main entrance. It’s 8:57. You’re early and will look eager. So you wait until 9:06 to text him that you’re here.
You changed into a pair of dark washed denim shorts, a yellow cropped tube top, a grey flannel, and navy converse. You changed your outfit about four times before deciding on your first one, not wanting to look too casual or too dressed up. 
For the last three years, you wondered when the four of you would get back together as a group. You wondered if it would ever happen. And now that two Kooks are involved, you feel more nervous than excited.
You jump when the passenger seat door opens, lost in the depth of your own head. JJ smiles, not seeing your reaction.”Cool ride,” he says and looks around the interior. 
“Thanks,” you say, pulling out into the road.
“I got you something,” JJ says.
You glance at him with furrowed brows. What could he have possibly gotten you since you saw him last? A book mark from the Country Club’s gift shop?
JJ reaches into his backpack and pulls out a plate with clear wrap around it. Your mouth drops when you see the chocolate cake on a plate in his hands, the smell immediately hitting your nose with pure delight.
“You saved me a piece?” You jump in your seat excitedly.
“Had to hide it good too or else Miss Carol would have had my ass handed to me,” JJ jokes and even pulls out two forks. He undoes the wrapping and cuts off a piece. He waits until you hit a stop sign and says, “Open up.”
You look at him and immediately open your mouth. He gently places the fork between your lips and you take the piece of cake off with your teeth. Like a baby.
Your eyes close with pure pleasure. “Oh my god. That’s amazing.”
“Miss Carol does know how to bake a mean cake,” JJ says and takes a bite of his own.
“Another one,” You say, glancing at the cake again. Like you said, choco-holic. “Please.” You say when JJ teases you by holding the fork away from you.
JJ laughs. “I like hearing you beg.”
You slap him in the arm with the back of your hand. “In your dreams, Maybank.”
“You got that right, Y/L/N.”
The two of you finish the cake with only a few bites each. Small but rich in chocolate that leaves you craving more. You were gonna have to meet this Miss Carol woman. 
After he puts the plate back in his bag, JJ reaches for the aux cord, but you quickly slap his hand away. “Hey. What do you think you’re doing?”
“You’re seriously gonna make me listen to this the entire way to John B’s?”
You scoff. “I’ll have you know Blink-182 is one of my favorite bands.”
“It’s also soccer moms’ favorite band,” JJ laughs at you.
You turn up the volume, blasting ‘All the Small Things’ and point to your ear. “Sorry. Can’t hear you!”
JJ rolls his eyes but laughs along with you, even bopping his head to the beat. You drive with the windows down, dancing and singing along to a bunch of throwback songs with JJ as if the two of you have been doing this forever. 
You pull up to John B’s and park behind his dad’s old van, better known as The Twinkie. When you turn down the music, JJ looks at you with a shake in his head. “Next time, I’m driving.”
“What was wrong with my driving?”
“We’re in the Outer Banks, Sparky, not NASCAR.”
You scoff and follow behind JJ who’s leading the way up John B’s driveway. As you get closer, you smell the smoky scent of a bonfire nearby and eventually hear John B’s laugh mixed in with a female’s. Your smile falters as nerves gather in the pit of your stomach. 
“What’s wrong?” JJ asks.
“Nothing,” You say, but JJ easily catches your lie and gives you a knowing look. “What if they don’t like me?”
“Who? Pope and John B? I’m pretty sure they like you more than me even after three years -”
“Not them, you idiot,” You shove him playfully by the shoulder as you two let yourselves inside. “Sarah and Kie.”
“Don’t you go to school with them?”
“Yeah, but we don’t talk,” You say quietly, not wanting them to hear you.
“What?” JJ shrugs. “Nothing. I just didn’t think you cared about what other people thought.”
“I don’t,” You say quickly. “But they're your best friends. It’s different.”
“You don’t need their approval. You technically were here first.”
“Yeah, but I’ve been replaced,” You try to say it as a joke and even throw a smirk in there. 
But JJ stops in his track and looks at you seriously. “No one can replace you. Not even if they tried.”
You open your mouth to respond, but you’re at a loss for words. It’s not a common occurrence that JJ gets all serious on you. Warmth covers you like a blanket and the longer he holds your stare, the weaker your knees become. 
“JJ! Is that you?” John B calls out from the backyard.
“Yeah,” JJ yells back. He opens the fridge in John B’s kitchen. “Want a beer?” He offers to you.
You shake your head. “No thanks.”
For the first time, you take in John B’s home. It looks the same as it did three years ago, only a lot messier. The pull out couch looks like its been used recently with blankets and sheets tossed about on it. Empty beer cans and cigarette butts are thrown messily on the coffee tables and the air smells faintly of old marijuana. 
JJ leads you out to the back where four people are gathered around a fire. Three out of the four immediately smile when the two of you approach them, but Kie’s eyes narrow and her head tilts with confusion.
Shit, you think. 
“You came!” Pope laughs and hops up from his beach chair and embraces you in a hug.
You laugh, not expecting the embrace, but welcoming it all the same. John B’s next, giving you a quick hug and shaking his head.
“I gotta say, I didn’t think you were going to come,” John B says.
“You can thank me for that later,” JJ says jokingly.
“Actually when I heard JJ was coming, I almost changed my mind and stayed home,” You joke and smirk JJ’s way.
“Just like old times,” Pope says, looking between you and the blonde. The banter felt like the yall never separated in the first place. 
“Hey, you know Sarah and Kie, right?” John B points to the girls. Sarah stands up to say hi, and eventually Kie follows her, not wanting to look rude, but stays off to the side, keeping her distance.
“Yeah,” You wave awkwardly. 
“Hey!” Sarah says sweetly. “I didn’t realize you guys use to all hang out.”
“Y/N grew up down the street,” JJ explains and sips at his beer. 
“You want a drink or something?” Pope asks you, not knowing JJ already did.
“No thank you,” You say again.
“You don’t drink?” Kie asks. It was the first thing she’s said to you.
“Not usually,” You say and hold her stare. You try to get a read on her, but she’s had to get a tell on. You can’t tell if she just doesn’t like you or just doesn’t know you. Either way, it makes you uneasy. 
“Here, I’ll go grab you a chair,” Pope says and walks to the side of the house to grab another beat up beach chair. 
As the night goes on, you feel the tension in your shoulders loosen and your body feel lighter. Most of the night was spent retelling childhood stories the four of you shared. Sarah would laugh at most of them, occasionally rolling her eyes at her boyfriend from the stupid shit he would do, although it sounds like he’s no different to you now. 
You talked about the time you and JJ stole a golf cart for a joy ride on Figure Eight, or when you and John B pranked Pope by putting a dead fish in his locker, or how you and John B learned how to play guitar from youtube tutorials. 
Midnight came around quickly and exhaustion was slowly taking over your body. It’s been a long day between the cafe flooding, dinner with your grandparents, and now this. 
JJ was the first to notice you slowly fading. 
“You okay?” He asks you quietly as everyone else is caught up in conversation. 
“Yeah,” You say, lazily grinning at him. 
“We can leave if you want,” He says.
“You’re not staying?” You ask. It sounded like everyone was planning to spend the night here. And as much as you wanted to, you just didn’t feel comfortable enough yet. 
JJ shrugs. “My dad’s out of town tonight. It’ll be nice to have the house to myself.” Before you can say anything, he stands and brushes his hands against his pants. “All right, losers. We’re out of here.”
“Aw, you’re leaving?” Sarah pouts.
“Yeah, I’m beat and Y/N’s my ride home,” JJ says.
You were glad he didn’t call you out for being tired. You didn’t want to look lame in front of everybody, especially Kie.
“Thanks for having me,” You say to everyone. It might have been John B’s house, but it was everyone’s night you intruded on.
John B stands up to hug you. “Don’t be a stranger, okay?”
You nod. “I won’t. I promise.”
Pope hugs you next. “Text me when you get back safe.”
“I will.”
“Bye!” Sarah waves and Kie exhales a ring of smoke from her blunt.
You wave at them before following JJ back to your car. 
“Nuh-uh-uh,” JJ says. You didn’t realize you both walked to the driver’s side.
“What? No.”
JJ nods and holds his hands out for your keys. “I’m not dying tonight.” 
“You’ve been drinking and smoking all night,” You say. You didn’t think JJ was drunk or even that high, but you were not going to let a teenager with an ounce of alcohol in his system get behind the wheel. “Next time. For now, hold on to the cupholder.”
JJ sighs dramatically and goes to the other side of the car and hops in the passenger seat. 
This time you keep the music quiet, listening to the hum of the radio instead of your phone. 
“Take a left,” JJ says.
“JJ, I know where you live. And it’s not left.”
“Don’t you trust me?” 
You snicker. “Not in the slightest.”
JJ rolls his eyes. “Just take the left.”
You hold your hands up in surrender and take the left turn. He directs you for a couple more miles until he has you park in front of a 24 hour diner. 
“What are we doing here?” You ask.
“I’m in the mood for a milkshake.”
“We just had cake!” You say.
“Come on, Sparky. Show me what that mouth can do,” JJ smirks. 
You go to hit him again but he takes off running to the front entrance and pulls the door open. You chase after him, almost running into his back at the front host stand where JJ safely smirks at you in triumph.
“Two please,” He says to the hostess. 
The old cranky woman leads you to a booth off to the side next to a window without a word. 
A couple minutes later, a waitress walks by and asks if you’re ready to order. 
“Yes. One chocolate milkshake and one black and white milkshake,” JJ orders for both of you, already knowing what flavor you’d want.
“And fries, please.” You say. The waitress nods, takes your menus, and walks off. JJ raises his brow at the extra order. “What?” You shrug. “Just showing you what my mouth can do.”
JJ scoffs. “What a tease.” 
You playfully kick his shin under the table.
“Did you have fun tonight?” JJ asks.
“Yeah,” You answer. “Felt like old times. The girls are nice too.”
You were about to only mention Sarah, but you didn’t want to cause any issues with Kie. Not yet at least. Maybe she just needed time to warm up to you.
“See? I told you they wouldn’t bite.”
A couple minutes later, the waitress comes back with your milkshakes and fries. 
“How’s John B doing? You know, with the whole Big John thing?” You ask delicately, unsure of how JJ would react to you pestering about John B’s business. “I didn’t want to ask and bring the mood down,” You explain yourself although you don’t need to.
JJ shrugs. “He’s in denial I think. Won’t sign a death certificate until he sees a body. He could be worse, though.”
“Yeah,” You say softly. You don’t know what you would do if you were in that situation. In a way you felt lucky that you never knew your dad at all. It would be harder to lose him, knowing who he was.
You take a fry and dip it into your milkshake before taking a bite. This makes JJ freeze and look at you like you have two heads. 
“What?” You say with your mouth full.
“I can’t believe you just did that.”
“Don’t knock it till you try it,” You say and give him a look to do it.
JJ reluctantly picks up the fry and dunks it into his milkshake. He looks at the fry questioningly before popping it into his mouth. Somehow the sweetness of the milkshake and the saltiness of the french fry complement each other beautifully and his widen in pleasant surprise. 
“Oh wow,” JJ says.
“Told you,” You smirk.
You spend the next hour catching up, trying to fit the last three years into an hour. JJ does most of the talking because you want to know more about what John B, Pope, and JJ have been up to. Your life was so boring and depressing, you didn’t want to bore JJ with the details.
You drive JJ home and talk for a few minutes more when you park. He seems to be procrastinating getting out of the car, but you don’t mind. You could talk to him all night, suddenly not feeling tired anymore.
“All right. I’ll let you get home before the sun rises,” He says and opens the door. He pauses when his feet hit the ground and he looks back at you. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
“I have to work at the shop, why?”
“Well, there’s a storm coming in. John B and I might go out to surf the surge before it hits. You still surf?”
You scoff. “Do I still surf?”
JJ holds his hands up in surrender. “Just checking. You think you can handle the surge?”
“Let’s not forget who the better surfer is, JJ.”
“I didn’t. It’s still me.”
“You wish.”
“So I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Now you have a point to prove. You have to show JJ that you’re still the better surfer. 
“I'll see you tomorrow,” You agree. 
“Great, it’s a date.” He winks and shuts the door before you can tell him otherwise. 
You giggle to yourself as JJ walks up the front yard and stay there until he you see he gets in safely. 
You pull out of the driveway, wishing he had asked you out on a real date. One that didn’t involve John B.
Tag list: @super-funky-bisexual​ @sunsetswithjj​ @moniamaybank​ @throwawayfish​ @poguestyle17​ @5am-cigarette​ @jjpouggues​ @fly-away-from-here​ @buckys2thicc​
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wordsoflittlewisdom · 3 years
Watching Kate because I love MEW. spoiler warning. long post warning. both will be under the cut.
-ok I like the flickering title cards
-guns on a wall.
-she’s got a Katniss braid
-my mom and I have both already theorized that the guy who is her boss or something poisoned her
-my mom thinks the orange drink he gave her is poison
-oh shoot she took the shot (pun intended)
-and she wants a normal life so we’re really hitting the tropes on the head here
-the anime projected on the side of the building is cool
-ok I knew she was gonna get poisoned but it’s still stressful
-obsessed with the shot of her jumping between buildings
-this car chase is very cg but I enjoyed it anyway
-oh her boss is called her handler
-why is this hospital so dark
-I love. her voice.
-those are some cute hospital pajamas
-interesting parallel that these people poisoned her to be free
-*bangs pills into powder with the bottom of a gun*
-good news! This now passes the bechdel test!
-green jacket very good
-why does her handler have so many rings and bracelets on?
-apparently diy-ing a silencer is possible. Possible by movie standards anyway.
-love her taking some of the food on the table
-mad respect for her fighting with her hair pulled back.
-this is just a bit past my threshold of how much gore I'm willing to put up with
-I'm bopping to the music in this
-uh oh it's the same girl she's gotta confront her mistakes
-this thing with the girl being her target's daughter is the EXACT same thing that happened in gunpowder milkshake
-she really just snatched this kid huh
-this movie looks like a comic book or a video game or something with the neon lighting
-this kid just refuses to be intimidated
-prediction: she'll get a boom boom lemon when she kills whoever poisoned her
-haircut time!
-they did the "tape a kid to a toilet" thing in bop too
-they definitely touched up her haircut between takes
-I love MEW but these fights are just too gruesome for me
-every movie ever did the "it's dark and there's a bunch of neon lights" but that's because it slaps
-MEW rage screaming while she shot the guy? iconic.
-actually kind of enjoying the dynamic between kate and the girl
-this little girl's playing a fun new game called "dress up your assassin"
-"speak less. open your ears."
-this movie just looks for any reason to start playing music. someone tell the director that you can put music over a scene without having it playing for the characters
-"she loves knives!" --my dad
-jesus MEW's taking a beating
-fridge guns
-ok I don't think cellular tracking can show you where someone will be in the future.
-oh it's like a car gps tracking
-obsessed with the girl making finger guns while MEW shoots
-her handler definitely DEFINITELY was involved in poisoning her
-is it weird that I hope she dies? like in our current franchise-obsessed climate, it would be bold to kill her off after one film
-cute selfies with your friendly neighborhood assassin
-"you're gonna die" "yeah after I kill him"
-I totally called it that her handler was involved in her poisoning but the real plot twist was the japanese guy not being angry at her
-"Hi!" :) sent me
-ok so in assassin movies with male leads the assassin stuff is always their Dark Past, but when it's a woman lead they're always trying to break free of being of the life an it's usually a bland metaphor about being controlled by men?
-wasn't expecting THAT (kate getting shot)
-no ani don't get in the car with what's his face
-one. last. syringe.
-some writer actually wrote the line "polonium-204. fuck you."
-"i prefer self-interest. i trust it more." is not bad though
-so he's talking about all this with Ani in the room. like. does he still think she'll want to be on his side after hearing this stuff?
-boom boom lemon is here. the end of the film is nigh.
-my dad joked the boom boom lemon would be the antidote
-(to the rhythm of "you never expect the spanish inquisition"): you never expect the yakuza war!
-I respect them for just letting kate look like shit. no long flowing hair or makeup or anything. just a totoro tank top and rage.
-I looked away and now two men are in a glass cube fighting with swords
-well that was over quick. good job.
-LOVE some slo-mo MEW
-would slo-mo MEW be called slo-MEW?
-and now he's monologuing. hey man please shut up I only care about MEW and Ani and possibly the yakuza leader she teamed up with
-I liked that they killed her off at the end. no franchise.
In conclusion: better than gunpowder milkshake by a quite a bit
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billiedeanhwrd · 4 years
mind is just as frail as it's frame, you know i'd leave it alone
billie dean howard x reader
summary: you're fighting a losing game with your disorder, let's hope it's not too late when your ex-girlfriend shows up in your apartment.
warnings: eating disorders (bulimia), depression, sad ending
word count: 1730
a/n: this is basically a vent i dumped into my notes app in one sitting after not being inspired to write for way too long, so, pls don't judge too harshly and pls DONT READ THIS IF IT COULD TRIGGER YOU
gif credits to @mildredratchds
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You had fallen into the dark, deep blue again. Time and time again you fell and you fought your way out, you fell and you picked yourself up again. Not this time though, you were drowning and there was nothing you could do to get back to air. You were trapped in this pool of misery as if it was locked on the surface, and there was no way you were getting out of it by yourself.
The last time it got this bad you had Billie, sweet, sweet Billie, who would've sacrificed her life to help you in any shape or form, but she was gone. Her departure left a cavity in your heart, yet you couldn't be mad at her. She had tried. But you locked her out when you needed her the most. There really was no one else to blame for the decaying of your heart, but you.
Nothing particularly bad happened that would've caused you to spiral this extremely, it was simply the fact that everything was bad, everything is bad, and everything would always be bad. In reality, your problems weren't getting worse, but the continuous strain of having to deal with the same troubles every single day was eating away at your resistance. You could feel the energy and willpower to keep going creeping out of your body, leaving you with the empty shell of who you used to be.
You hadn't talked to Billie in months, after repeated tries to break down your walls and being pushed away every single time, she gave up. You did it, you pushed away the one person who truly cared for you. Your mind was clouded by self-hatred and anguish, it was as if your eyes were shielded by a grey layer, making it impossible for the world to look anything but cold and loveless.
There was not a single thing that could spark up the joyous flame inside you. Nothing was even remotely good anymore. Nothing.
You were here, but at the same time, you weren't. As if you had taken a step back from reality. The feeling of not being real blurring the lines between good and bad. At certain moments the light inside you would flicker, pulling you back and guiding you to the right thing. But it was only a flicker. It was weak and it was temporary. The disordered desire to completely destroy yourself was starting to consume you.
Everything was blurry, the line between good and bad, the one between acceptable and inappropriate and most dangerously the one between you and your illness.
Were these your authentic thoughts or were they caused by a disorder?, was a question you often asked yourself, but never actually answered.
You had long reached past the point of not caring, now you wanted it, actively wanted absolute destruction. You resumed all your old unhealthy coping mechanisms and made no effort to stop your current ones.
Who would really care if you died? no one, at least that's what you made yourself believe.
Total isolation from friends and family was necessary so you could spend all your time focusing on your eating disorder.
Instead of spending your nights in the arms of the woman you loved, you spent them hunched over the toilet, hurling your guts out.
You felt weak and disgusting at all times, nothing about what you were doing was anywhere near glamorous. Well... except if anyone finds choking on your own vomit or all kinds of gross digestive issues glamorous.
You couldn't recognize the girl starring back at you in the mirror, who the hell even was this red-eyed girl? Her puffy cheeks stood out to you immediately. Snot, vomit, and bile were running down her face, probably picking at her skin. And her eyes... well, except for tears and popped blood vessels there was nothing in them. Not a single glimpse of happiness or remains of a person.
It was a heartbreaking sight that left you cold.
Dizzily you walked to your bed, too tired to do anything. The tiny remains of energy you had left you with the content of your stomach.
It was 5 in the evening and you were laying in bed, staring at the spinning ceiling, until your eyes fell shut.
Your friends had contacted Billie, she was the only one who used to be able to help you at least a little bit. She was there for you, always, and she never judged. She stood by you in your darkest times, supportively holding your hand and not letting go even when the going got tough. You were constantly terrified of dragging her down with you, the last thing you wanted was to rob the world of her angelic presence.
She would hold you close when you were down, which was admittedly most days. She would clean your apartment and do your laundry, things you didn't feel like you could do in the state you were in.
She loved you and you loved her.
Of course, you returned the favors, you were there for her as well, but you knew it was different. It was a bigger challenge being with someone so deeply intertwined with their illness, but she still did it.
She was your everything, and you had lost her.
Not only was she your light in this pitch-black hole others called life, but she was also your soulmate. The one you laughed with most. The one who got you, everything about you. You shared a myriad of beautiful moments that outshined any bad time for her. She wanted to marry you one day, of course, you didn't know that until you kicked her out of your apartment and discovered a red, velvet box weeks later when you finally cleaned out her drawer.
You were moody, irritable, impulsive, and horribly depressed. It seemed as if your actions didn't have consequences, life was a game of numbers. Calories in. Calories out. Nothing else mattered.
You felt no remorse when things ended with Billie. The realization only really hit you when you found the 18 carat Tiffany diamond.
For a second your eyes opened wide and your lips curled into a smile, despite having ruined the surprise proposal. Then, boom, it hit you and your heart crumbled. There was no surprise to ruin, anymore. You two were done. She didn't need you, she had moved on, appearing with a new side-piece on the covers of tabloids weekly.
Why would you even care though? You ended things. you could hear a painful laugh erupting from you, you didn't need her, you didn't need anyone, not when you had your innermost nervosa.
Eyes wide and dead, smile big and stiff, you looked horrifying. But what did it matter? Sanity was a hoax anyways.
When your friends called Billie she dropped everything for you, like she always had and always would. The second she heard how you were behaving, her heart rate went sky high. It was happening again, and this time, she wasn't there to throw you a lifejacket, this time, you were drowning on your own.
It was 6 in the evening, and you were laying in your bed, facing the now still-standing ceiling.
Billie chuckled to herself as she used the spare key you hid in your not-so-secret-secret hiding spot to open your front door. The apartment was just how you had left it.
After you had practically inhaled the kitchen until you were painfully full and then, of course, ritualistically aggressively forced your hand down your throat to un-do what just happened. That's what appealed to you about bulimia. The control. Life didn't have an undo button, so you had to create one for yourself. You cheated in the dirtiest games of them all and your pride overthrew every bit of rationality that was left. Not once did the thought "I shouldn't be doing this" enter your mind, this was after all normal to you, blurry, but normal.
It doesn't work that way though, you can't undo anything or cheat your way through life just because you're unable to give up control. And a part of you knew that, a part of you wanted to listen to what your therapist had told you. She was right, you could drop dead at any second, the chances of having a sudden heart attack rising after every heave.
The smell of vomit invaded the medium's nose when the door creaked open, and her heart sunk. She wanted so badly to help you through this, stand by you, and overcome this with you, but you wouldn't let her. You made it impossible for her to be apart of your life. She had no energy to keep up the fight and so she left, like you wanted her to, like you said you wanted her to.
She called out your name. no response. you must be asleep somewhere, she thought. Your ex-girlfriend made her way through the food packages and dirty dishes on the floor to the bathroom, it wouldn't be the first time she'd find you passed out on the cold ceramic tiles. She flushed the toilet and wiped down the blood and vomit-covered toilet seat before stopping in the doorway to collect herself. Fiddling with her pearl necklace before taking a deep breath, she left the bathroom.
It was 6:10 in the evening when Billie switched off the light in the bathroom and headed to the kitchen, her red pumps echoing through your deadly silent apartment. She stopped in her tracks and seriously considered cleaning for a second, like she used to do for you when you were dating.
She missed you, a lot. She missed seeing the relief on your face when you entered your freshly cleaned kitchen after beating yourself up for nights for not being able to just. Do. IT. She missed the way your eyes sparkled when you looked at her, she missed your bear-hugs and cuddles, she missed everything about you. Billie shook her head, cleaning could wait, she needed to talk to you.
It was 10 past 6 in the evening and you were laying in your bed, which was how Billie found you a few seconds later.
Because everything was just how you had left it. Dirty dishes on the floor. Lights on. Vomit in the toilet. A lifeless body facing the ceiling.
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The Distance Between Us: 02. Welcome to Dauntless
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Summary: Alexandria Eaton is the youngest child of Marcus Eaton. What will happen when she defects from Abnegation and decides to follow in her older brother’s footsteps. Can she make it through Dauntless initiation with her secret or will she find herself in the factionless? And what will happen when the most cold-hearted leader takes an interest in her?
Post Date: 05.13.21
Word count: 2.3k
Pairing: Eric Coulter x OC
DBU Masterlist
Once the choosing ceremony was over, I was relieved knowing that I don’t have to see my father ever again. We started to leave the auditorium, I tried to avoid eye contact with my father knowing that he was disappointed in me, but somehow we made eye contact and I could see the menacing look on his face. Finally, we were back outside and the next thing I know the Dauntless-born start running. Beatrice and I followed closely behind trying to keep up. The next thing we noticed was them climbing up the supports of the train tracks. Beatrice and I stop below the train tracks to catch our breaths, we smile and look at each other before we start to climb along with the others.
When we made it up I felt like I was on top of the world. I was taking in the newfound freedom I had when a felt a rush of wind pass by me in the form of a train. I notice the transfers and Dauntless-born running and jumping on the train. I tap on Beatrice's shoulder to get her attention and we start to run towards the train. It takes a bit before we were able to make it on. I was the first and then I stuck my hand out to help Beatrice. I accidentally pull her into someone sitting on the floor of the train. I notice that we just barely make it into the last compartment as I see the platform we were running on, disappear. 
“You guys made it, I’m Christina,” a girl in white clothing said to us out of breath. She must have been Candor before she switched. 
“I’m Beatrice and this is Alexandria,” Beatrice says out of breath as well, pointing towards me. 
“Is it just me or are they trying to kill us?” I say to both of them. 
While we wait until we get to our destination, Beatrice, Christina, and I spend some time getting to know each other. “Beatrice and I used to climb onto the roofs of our houses back in Abnegation. I guess it only made sense for us to transfer here. You?” I say in response to Christina’s question about why we transferred.
“I just didn’t really want to stay in Candor. Plus the Dauntless lifestyle really spoke to me” she responds. 
“Get ready” we hear a woman say from the other side of the train. 
I moved from my spot to the opening of the train to see what was going on, Beatrice following me close behind. “They’re jumping,” she says, turning to Christina.
“What?!” Christina exclaims coming over to see. We watch as everyone else jumps from the compartments in front of us. Some barely make the gap between the building and the train while others have no problem. 
“Together?” I say looking at Beatrice and Christina. They both respond simultaneously. I move to the opening next to the one Beatrice and Christina are in and we all move to the other side of the train to allow us enough running space. 
“One, two, three,” we say together running on three. The next thing I know I’m rolling on top of the rocks of the roof, causing my body to tense up from the pain, but it doesn’t even bother me knowing that we all made it. I look at Beatrice and Christina as we all get up, laughing together at the insanity that Dauntless has put us through in less than an hour.
“Alright, listen up. I’m Eric. I’m one of your leaders. If you want to enter Dauntless, this is the way in. And if you don’t have the guts to jump, then you don’t belong in Dauntless,” I see a tall yet attractive blonde man say, standing on the edge of the rooftop next to three other people facing us. I assume they’re leaders as well.
“Is there water at the bottom or something?” A boy from Erudite says to the right of us.  
“I guess you’ll find out. Or not” Eric says nonchalantly. 
Christina turns to us, “We just jumped and they want us to jump again?”  I just look at her and shrug. 
“Well someone’s gotta go first, who’s it gonna be?” Eric says scanning over the crowd. His icy blue eyes land my dark blue eyes for a moment before he continues to scan the crowd. 
Out of nowhere, I hear Beatrice say “Me,” Eric looks at me before looking at her with a cold look on his face as he hops down from the ledge. 
Beatrice walks forward as the crowd of kids makes way for her. She looks at the drop and then takes off her sweater. “Yeah stiff take it off” I hear a boy in Candor clothing say, as other people throughout the crowd laugh. “ Put it back on,” he says quieter, I just roll my eyes at his comment. I always hated the name stiff, it always made me feel lesser than the other factions. 
Beatrice climbs onto the ledge, she looks down. “Today, initiate,” Eric says, sounding impatient. A few moments later she steps off the ledge and disappears. 
“Next!” Eric says, gesturing to the ledge. No one says anything. I notice that no one is gonna speak up so I decide to.
“I’ll go,” I say from the back as the people make another path to me. 
“Two stiffs in a row, what a surprise,” Eric says as I furrow my face at his comment. 
Before I walk all the way up to the front, I take my own sweater off and throw it at the boy in Candor clothing. It slaps him in the face surprising him before he just throws it to the ground. I walk up to the front, I look into Eric’s eyes as I pass him. When I got up onto the ledge I could feel him staring at me, like he was trying to burn a hole in my back. 
I take a deep breath and then take a step off the ledge. I felt like I was just hovering in the air even though I was falling into a dark pit that I had no clue where it was leading. The next thing I know I’m bouncing on my back into a big net. I inhaled sharply as the impact didn’t do too much good for my back.
Soon enough I felt a tug from one side of the net and I rolled my body towards the slope. I feel two hands grip me under my armpits as they pull me off the net. I take a minute to stabilize myself on the ground before I look up to be greeted by my brother, Tobias. He looked at me with a stone-cold face but I could see in his eyes that he was relieved and happy to see me safe. I knew he had transferred here, but I wasn’t even sure if I would ever see him again, yet here he is, right in front of me.
 I opened my mouth to say something, when he interrupted me, “What’s your name?” He asks me, with a deeper voice than I remember. Taken back by the shock that my brother was in front of me, I didn’t respond. 
“You can pick a new one if you want, but make it good. You don’t get to pick again.” He says breaking the silence between us. 
“Ummmm…” I say thinking for a second. “Lexi,” I say, choosing the nickname he had given me when we were younger
“Second jumper! Lexi!” My brother says to everyone else around us. His voice booms throughout the echoey room. 
“Welcome to Dauntless,” Tobias says quieter and gives me a slight smile.
I walk over and stand next to Beatrice, “you pick a new name?” I whisper to her as we hear the next initiate screaming as they jump from the roof. 
“Tris.” She says back
“That fits you,” I say smiling and looking over at her.
“And Lexi fits you,” she says and chuckles. 
It takes longer than I expected for all the initiates to make it down here. After the last one named Molly, the leaders made their way down. The three other leaders make it down first and the last one being Eric. My brother tries to help him off the net but Eric refuses the help. I couldn’t help but notice the tension between them. 
“Dauntless-born, you go with Lauren, transfers stay with me. Go.” My brother says and the group of Dauntless-born follow the girl, Lauren.
“Most of the time I work in intelligence, but during your training, I’ll be your instructor. My name's Four,” He explains as I’m taken aback by his new name. I think to myself how hard it’s going to be to not call him Tobias. 
“Four like the number?” Christina questions from the other side of Tris. 
“Exactly like the number,” My brother says coldly staring at Christina.
“What happened? One through three were already taken?” She says back as I hear others laughing throughout the crowd. I scowled turning to her as she made fun of my brother, luckily no one noticed. 
“What’s your name?”
“Well, Christina, the first lesson you learn from me if you wanna survive here, is keep your mouth shut. Do you understand me?” Four says stepping closer to Christina. I notice the confidence in his voice that I had never heard before.
“Yes,” Christina responds with a tint of fear in her voice. 
“Good. Follow me” He says as he walks behind the crowd. 
My brother leads us throughout the Dauntless compound showing us the off-limits places, the chasm, and the training room. “I can already tell I’m gonna get lost in these halls,” I say to Tris, commenting on the indistinguishable white walls throughout the compound. We arrive at a massive open space where music is playing and people are conversing I look up and down examining the height of the space, I never imagined being in a place this big, I look at Tris and Christina smiling.
“This is the Pit, the center of life here in Dauntless.” My brother says making me nervous that he was standing so close to the edge. I look over the edge watching all the members dancing and fighting.
My brother then led us to a big room with multiple beds. “You’re gonna be sleeping here for the next ten weeks.” He says turning towards us
“Girls or boys?” I ask looking at my brother.
“Both.” He says, looking sternly at me.
“That works” I hear a boy say from behind me
“If you like this you’re gonna love the bathroom” My brother fake exclaims walking towards another open space. I look around at the open toilet and shower areas.  I look over at Tris and Christina with “oh great” looks as other initiates complain.
“You should feel right at home, Candor. Everything out in the open. Get changed.” My brother says coldly as he bumps Tris and me in the shoulder while walking out. I just roll my eyes questioning why he’s being so distant.
We pick out our beds and start to get dressed. Tris, Christina and I, pick three beds along the wall and find our chests filled with our new Dauntless clothes. As Tris and I get undressed the boy from Candor, whose name I learned is Peter, commented on our bodies. I just sent a glare his way but he just returned it with a smirk. 
“I swear when I get the chance, I’m gonna beat the shit out of him,” I say turning to Tris, she gives me a small smile. I finished getting dressed before anyone else and felt uncomfortable just waiting before were called again, so I walked out into the hall.
As I made it into the hall, I notice a tall figure towards the end, I realize it’s my brother. He walks a bit further down and turns the corner, I follow him. I turn the corner a few moments after him but bump right into his chest not expecting him to be so close. I look up and gaze into his eyes, the next thing I know he pulls me into a tight hug, making me tighten up and wince.
“Thank god you’re ok, but you shouldn’t have come here.” He says still hugging me.
“I’m 18 now, I can make my own choices. And the day you left, I had already made my choice.” I say pulling away from his warm chest.
“I shouldn’t have left you. I should have stayed and protected you” He says looking at me with a sorry face.
“It’s ok, you made the right choice for yourself. Plus I was able to handle myself well enough” I say looking down.
“He got worse, didn’t he? After I left?” Tobias asks me, moving the jacket slightly off my arms, wanting to see the pain inflicted on me.
“I’m fine” I respond quietly while pulling up my jacket sleeve back up and crossing my arms, but he had already noticed the cuts and bruises. 
We stand in silence for a bit before Tobias says, “Look as much as I would like to spend quality time and catch up with my little sister. It’s best that we don’t tell anyone that we know each other, let alone brother and sister. I just don’t want people thinking you’re getting an advantage or hurt you because of it.” He says pulling my face up to look at him.
“You don’t need to protect me anymore, Tobias. I understand that I need to go through this process by myself. Do you promise that we’ll get to spend time together after though?” I responded, giving him a slight smile.
“Promise,” He says pulling me into another hug. “And it’s Four. Now get back into the dorms before people get suspicious of where you’ve gone off to. Someone will be back to get you guys soon.” I squeeze him a little harder before pulling away and walking back to the dorms. 
A/N: Welcome to Dauntless, everyone! Hope you’re enjoying the series so far. Thanks for reading!
🏷: @awkwardspontaneity​
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lfcology · 3 years
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you’ll float too | fred weasley
summary: another part of the phobia series. FRED LIVES AU! two years after the war, victoire weasley is turning 1 year old! hermione plans the party with muggle surprises including a clown -- something you’ve had a crippling fear of since you were a child. fred is a bit insecure.
pairing: Fem!Reader x Fred.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: None besides the fear of the clowns.
When the war was over, and all the rubble was gone, everyone in the Wizarding World did their best to return to any sense of normality they could. For Hermione and Ron that meant finally exploring a relationship together. For Fred and George, it meant opening up the shop again. Bill and Fleur however had arguably the most exciting change of all.
A year after so many lives were lost, little Victoire Weasley was brought into the world. Molly and Arthur made it their goal to spoil the first Weasley grandchild like no other and all of the siblings were enamoured by the tiny angel. Her hair was a gorgeous blonde that matched her mother’s, but her eyes held the Weasley mischief inherited from her father.
Charlie made it a point to move closer after the war and being away for so long and Percy made sure to stop by every Sunday after he made amends (Molly welcomed her boy back with open arms). Fred was one of the only constants in your life over the years so when he asked for you to move into the flat above the shop with him and George, it was a no brainer. Family time was at an all-time high for the Weasleys so with Victoire's first birthday approaching it was going to be a monumental celebration.
Hermione suggested she plan the party so Bill and Fleur could finally have some much-needed rest (for once). As expected, she was an excellent party planner. Everything was mapped out but the most exciting part for her was her plan to incorporate some muggle traditions into the party. With the Weasleys having never experienced muggle treats like blowing out candles, pinãtas, or (your least favourite) clowns. You were over the moon to be part of this special day, however, when she mentioned bringing a clown you knew you couldn't go. Without thinking, you made up a quick apology as to why you couldn't attend –  something about needing to work, covering a shift for someone on short notice.
Being muggle-born meant you were exposed to clowns at a fairly young age through carnivals, parades and parties. You were never overly fond of them, always finding them quite strange but when a friend of yours suggested you read Stephen Kings It, you despised them. They scared you in a way you could barely put into words. From their laughs to their makeup and wigs, it made your skin crawl. As much as you hated them, however, you knew how excited everyone else was to have this muggle experience: Fred and George specifically.
Once Hermione had explained to them that the whole purpose was to tell jokes and make people laugh, the twins were hooked. Much to your dismay, this meant they didn't stop talking about it around the flat and both had quite the pouts when you said you couldn't go (they were almost convincing enough to make you change your mind).
"You've never worked a Saturday until now," Fred said as he crossed his arms. "Can't someone else cover? Why does it have to be you?"
You sighed from your spot in the bath. You'd set up a lovely spa evening for yourself as Fred was supposed to be working late like he did every Friday. However, 10 minutes into your bubble bath and champagne time, he was home and questioning you. You two had been dating for 2 years and friends for even longer so it wasn't hard for him to tell you were hiding something.
"It's a scheduling mistake I made." You shrugged. "It's too late to get someone to cover."
His only reply was a not so intimidating scowl. Which made you sigh and sit up from the tub a bit more (the bubbles hiding all the important stuff). "Everyone else will be there Freddie, it'll be okay." Fred sat on the closed toilet seat and undid his tie from around his neck. He was tired from a busy work week and didn't feel like arguing with you but he wanted answers.
"Georgie and I are closing the shop for it.... 'Mione is getting time off from the Ministry too. Even Harry ended an Auror mission early!" You rubbed your temples and sighed: if there was one thing about Fred Weasley, it was that he was stubborn as hell. What you didn't expect however, was what he said next.
"Listen, George thinks it's something else but you're hiding something and avoiding me and-" He sighed looking away from you as his shoulders sagged. "Are you cheating on me?"
You stared at him with your mouth agape. Did he have so little faith in you?  You needed to make sure he knew the truth ASAP – you never meant your white lie to lead to this. "I never meant to-" You began.
"Who is it?" He asked, jaw clenching.
"Fred-" You said getting up and wrapping yourself in a towel. "I would-" He tried to cut you off again but you'd had enough of him pointing fingers. "I'm scared of clowns!" You all but shouted at him.
He was confused, to say the least.
"I'm scared of clowns." You repeated more firmly as you walked closer to him. He was still quite speechless, to be honest, he'd prepared himself for the worst after all. Fred, despite many thinking he was incredibly carefree, overthought absolutely everything. George tried to be a voice of reason and calm him down but once the idea of you hiding something from him entered his mind –  it spiralled.
"Freddie, I would never ever cheat on you. You're the only one I'll ever want." You reassured as you stroked his shoulders. He sat up straight and looked up at you from where you stood between his legs. "I knew you and Georgie were excited about the clown coming so I didn't want to ruin the mood and mention that they scared me." You said softly.
His hands found their way to your hips and he ducked his head in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to assume the worst but you know how I can be sometimes." He chuckled sheepishly. "You wouldn't have ruined the fun love, I'm sure if we mention it to Hermione she can cancel the clown."
"No!" You interjected. "Victoire will probably love it and I don't plan on ruining even more peoples fun..."
"Victoire also loves you," Fred reassured and squeezed your hips gently. "And she may not remember her first birthday but I'm sure she'd rather see you in the photos than a grown man dressed up in a silly costume."
You leaned down and kissed his softly feeling relieved for the first time in a while – he always had a way with words. "Why don't we change into some PJs then talk about why you're scared of them?"
Fred, having so many siblings, was extremely good when it came to being open and communicating one's fears and dreams. The pair of you got into comfier clothes (you donned in one of his old quidditch sweaters for an extra sense of comfort when discussing such a daunting subject). Once you two were settled on the double bed you shared, you reached under and pulled out a worn down box. Inside you found a few knickknacks that never found a place when you moved in with Fred and a tattered copy of It. Despite being the bane of your existence it looked well-loved from being lent out to friends, cried on and thrown around over the years.
"This is It." You said laying the book in your lap. Fred quirked his eyebrow in confusion and took the book as you explained more. "When I was younger, my friend suggested I read this. It's about an evil killer clown named Pennywise."
Fred nodded along and read the description on the back of the book. His brows furrowed in concentration as he looked through the worn-out pages.
"This does seem rather frightening." He said after you looked at him expectantly. "Especially if you read this as a kid!" You nodded and felt relief wash over you when he didn't laugh or make fun. You'd always thought it was a stupid fear to have – something that was meant to bring joy to people ended up terrifying you.
"What really got me was the film." You began. "There's a muggle adaptation and seeing the clown made it so much more real." You shivered as you explained.
"I reckon I could take him." He said puffing his chest out proudly. It wasn't what you expected him to say but when has Fred Weasley ever been one that someone can easily read? Your hand came up to your mouth and you stifled a giggle.
"In what way?" You teased.
"Well, in terms of comedy I've got him beat hands down! Eating kids isn't funny so I reckon he's a terrible clown." He replied not quite understanding that you were egging him on. He was more focused on proving his superiority over Pennywise. "And phyically! I'm 6'4" and even though I don't play Quidditch as regularly anymore I don't doubt I'm still more fit than some old cannibal git."
You couldn't hold back your booming chuckles anymore and leaned back in bed laughing as he stood up. "I'll give him the one-two Weasley special!" He continued as he adjusted his PJs more comfortably. The contagious smile on your face was enough to tell him that his plan was working.
"He'd try to-" He took a bite of the air as if Pennywise was biting at him. "And I'd-" He followed up with a swing of his arm and a kick of his leg.
"My hero..." You said climbing off the bed and hugging him around his middle. He gave you a dimply smile and pressed his lips to yours quickly. "'M the only clown allowed in your life. I promise to fight off all the others."
"You have got the red hair and pale skin after all." You chuckled poking him in the side.
"Don't act like you wouldn't let me bite you." He replied cheekily.
By the time the next day came you felt much more at ease with Fred knowing how you felt. The icing on the cake was that the clown wasn't funny at all. Fred and George stepped in to do their own show after the comedy flop and the finale was Fred challenging the other clown to a brawl before sending a wink your way. Victoire had the time of her life and unanimously everyone agreed that the twins were a much more fitting form of entertainment.
Maybe clowns aren’t so bad after all.
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thesquishyrogue · 3 years
Rogue's relationships with the rest of the mercs
Almost like a brother-sister relationship. They're always goofing off together, joking around, getting on Spy's nerves. Just being the chaotic force of the team. Scout constantly convinces Rogue to play baseball with him, especially after seeing that they both use bats as a weapon (albeit Rogue's has nails driven through it).
Scout: "Aw man, sick bat! Say, you ever actually played baseball? If not I could teach ya. Though, you should probably use a different bat. I'll let ya borrow one of mine!"
He's definitely sort of a weird uncle figure to her. She's always giggling at his ridiculous antics, and he's surprisingly protective of her. Although at the same time he's always impressed by her ability to fend for herself, and fight off men larger than her despite her size.
Soldier: "Hell yeah, look at her go! Kicking ass just like a true American! She makes me proud!"
Oh my goodness. These two. Rogue almost always puts on a tough attitude, especially around the other guys. But around Pyro? They're probably the only person Rogue will be a softie towards. They're constantly seen platonically hugging and cuddling, and Pyro loves when Rogue covers their mask in stickers. They always return the favor by covering her face. Once they come off she treasures them. The others will always comment on how adorable the two are, usually followed by Rogue telling them to fuck off.
Rogue: "If anything were to ever happen to Pyro, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself."
Pyro: (灬º‿º灬)
Their relationship is quite explosive, to say the least. When Demo isn't trying to get Rogue to try some of his alcohol (which always results in Rogue gagging and choking from the bitterness) they're always assisting each other on the battlefield. Mostly in the form of Rogue catapultng Demo's bombs at enemies with her slingshot. They always share a laugh when a BLU team member is blown to bits.
Demoman: "Boom, right in the head! Look at all that blood! Yer aim is getting better and better, lassie!"
Just looking at these two stand next to each other is almost laughable. With Heavy being incredibly larger than everyone and Rogue being incredibly smaller, he practically dwarfs her. He's extremely gentle with her though, and takes care of her in sort of a protective big brother kind of way. Whenever the team is lounging around, she's often either cuddled into him or resting her legs in his lap. He doesn't mind it. He's also let her beat him in arm wrestling numerous times. She knows he lets her win, but she still take the opportunity to boast to the other mercs about it.
Heavy: "Little girl is so strong. You've beaten me again."
Rogue: 😏😏😏
He's also like an uncle figure to her. But unlike Soldier, he's more of the chill laid-back uncle that she can go to for advice. And she often does. Sometimes when she's bored she'll go into his workshop and talk with him as he plays his guitar or she helps out with whatever he's working on. Even if that help is something as simple as just handing him tools, he appreciates it. He appreciates the company too.
Engie: "Alright darlin', can you hand me the screwdriver?"
Rogue: "Uh... which one?"
Engie: "The Phillips."
Rogue: "Uh..."
Engie: "The pointy one."
Rogue: "Oh! Yeah sure I knew that."
Like with Engie, Rogue will often go into the infirmary to talk with Medic as he works (she also makes sure he takes a break once in a while and doesn't overwork himself). He also does what he can to help with her depression once that's out in the open, prescribing her any antidepressants he can get his hands on. Though when she first joined the team and he gave her her first annual exam, he was astounded by how many fractures and injuries he'd found that were just left to sloppily heal on their own. The sadistic doctor was actually kind of worried for her, though honestly impressed by her high pain tolerance.
Medic: "Goodness fräulein, this is the fifth fracture I've found! How are you even walking?"
Rogue: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Despite having quite good aim from using a slingshot for years, Rogue was quite inexperienced with guns (not including when she killed her old caretaker at the end of her fighting days). So naturally, Sniper took it upon himself to teach her. He educates her on different types of guns in order to find what works best for her, and the two partake in target practice together. Of course, the two end up bonding during the lessons. She tells him all about her life in the ring, and he tells her about what life was like back in Australia. One thing that Rogue wasn't anticipating, however, was how strong the recoil of a gun can be. She was so unprepared she was thrown right onto her ass in shock.
Sniper: "Crikey! You alright there, mate?"
Rogue: "Yeah I'm fine... fuck, what was that?!"
Sniper: "Recoil, love. Did you not know guns did that?"
Rogue: "...no..."
Although she and Spy certainly took the longest to warm up to each other, the two are as close as can be now. Once they finally accepted each other, Spy took her under his wing as his apprentice. He helps her perfect her thieving skills and educates her on how to take tough situations in stride. She really looks up to him, and they almost have a father-daughter relationship. And of course, when her depression comes to light, he's her biggest means of support. He's always available when she needs him and he does whatever he can for her.
Spy: "You make me so proud, mon cheri. You've captured the intel once again, our training has really paid off. Great job."
Rogue: "Thanks dad."
Spy: "Excuse me, what was that?"
Rogue: "....nothing."
Miss Pauling:
Miss Pauling is literally the first woman Rogue has ever been close to in her life. Throughout her entire childhood she's been surrounded by creepy older men, and even though things are different now with the mercs... they're still men. There are just some things Rogue isn't quite comfortable talking to them about. But with Miss Pauling, going to her for help with things like clothes shopping and feminine problems almost feels natural. Hell, there were so many things Rogue didn't even know about periods until Miss Pauling explained them to her. And of course Miss Pauling takes the time out of her busy work day as often as she can to make sure Rogue is stocked up on sanitary items, and whatever else she needs. Rogue is always extremely greatful for it. And while part of her sees Miss Pauling as sort of a mother figure...another part sort of has a crush on her. Yeah, Miss Pauling was pretty much Rogue's bisexual awakening. But she hasn't said anything about it, one because it would just be awkward and two because she knows Scout also likes her, and she doesn't wanna stand in his way (but little does either of them know, Miss Pauling is a lesbian 👀)
Miss Pauling: "Rogue, honey, you don't even know what a pad is? Or a tampon??? What- what do you do when you get your period?"
Rogue: "What, you mean that weird time of the month that I start bleeding? I just... live with it I guess? Maybe put toilet paper in my panties if it gets too messy-"
Miss Pauling: "Rogue. Come with me, I'll get you stocked up on the things you need. And we'll get you some new panties too."
Rogue: "But don't you have things to do?"
Miss Pauling: "This is more important. You shouldn't have to suffer every month just because no one ever properly taught you about periods. I'll help you out."
Saxton Hale:
Rogue thought he was obnoxious upon first meeting him. Called him a "corporate clown" to the other mercs. But, she had to  earn his approval in order to join the team, so Miss Pauling insisted that she be on her best behavior around him. But, even when on her best behavior her spunkiness still shined through, and Saxton noticed it real quick. However, that spunkiness only raised his interest. He commented on how he, "Hadn't met such a scrappy sheila in a long time." Truth be told, she reminded him a lot of Maggie, but he wasn't about to mention it. During their one on one meeting, he demanded that she punch him in the face to test her strength. After a short hesitation, she did so. Saxton was impressed that she actually hit him hard enough to dislocate his jaw and bust his lip, and gave her the job on the spot with the promise that she keep up that energy (and learn to use some weapons, of course). Miss Pauling and the mercs were shocked to see the two of them come back with Saxton's arm slung around Rogue's shoulders and his face dripping with blood, and the two of them laughing with each other. She took back what she said about him being a corporate clown. Although, the only thing she still doesn't like about him is how he treats Miss Pauling, considering how close she is with her. She has a mind to call him out on it, but Miss Pauling begs her not to.
Saxton: "Let's see just how strong a little gal like you can really be. Go on, hit me RIGHT here! Hard as ya can!"
Rogue: "Uh...Mr. Hale, I really don't-"
Saxton: "Oh don't wuss out on me girly, you want this job or not?!"
Rogue: "Oh my god- Mr. Hale! I am so-"
Saxton: "Now that's what I'm talking about! You pack a hard punch for such a cute little thing!"
Rogue: "You're bleeding..."
Saxton: "Consider yourself hired!"
Doesn't trust her. Not one bit. She only respects her because she has to, and even then her "respect" is so shallow that anyone could see right through it. She hates the way she berates, overworks, and oftentimes gaslights Miss Pauling, and the fact that even all the other mercs seem to be intimidated by her concerns her greatly. She knows something's going on with her behind the scenes, and she's determined to figure out what. In the few times she actually saw her in person, Rogue definitely smarted off to her more than once, despite Miss Pauling practically begging her to watch it. The Administrator, however, almost finds it adorable. Almost. She kind of views Rogue as a bratty child. A bratty child with skill and talent that is essential for her team. And for that, she lets the sassiness slide...for now. Luckily these two don't butt heads often though, considering the Administrator is rarely seen.
Administrator, over the loud loudspeaker: "Well done, let's see some more."
Rogue, mumbling: "Bite me..."
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my-simp-land · 3 years
Broke Bitch Derby
I started this months ago and finally finished it today. It's okay. Fluffy but funny. Solid fic 1489 words :))
Life sucks with beginner’s luck. You go on a few missions, everything is a walk in the walk, you think you’ve mastered missions, wow everything is amazing, the boom. Broken leg.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the broke bitch herself. I never thought it would catch up to you.” Bucky Barnes was something else. He moved into the compound about the same time I did. At first, I thought it would mean that we would be close friends because we were finding our place in the compound at the same time. Wrong. We were like enemies in a friendly way. Like a rival but the same team. I still haven’t figured out what we’re fighting for, but it’s fun to pick at him sometimes.
“Oh. My. Goodness. The original broke bitch in the flesh. Will you sign my cast? Omg you’re my idol.”
The eye roll is strong with this one. “Ahaha. How funny. What’s next, doll? Want to touch the arm? Brush my hair?” He plops down on the couch beside me, being careful of my leg. We might fight like kids, but we’d never hurt each other.
“Well, you started it. Don’t start something you can’t finish.” All I get in response is a grunt.
I change the channel to Wheel of Fortune. These game shows have actually helped Bucky and Steve more than we thought they would. Now they watch them religiously. I go back to my book though.
We sit in silence like this often when it’s just us. If anyone else was in this area of the compound, in the compound at that, we would bicker and fight, but if it was just us, it was like that competition was gone. We were no longer rivals. There was no attention or favor to fight for. Of course, I wouldn't fight for attention. I understand he needs all he can get because of his time as the Winter Soldier, but I was just a regular freak that Steve picked up on the side of the road. It wasn’t that simple, but you get the jist.
“So....what ya reading?” I peel my eyes from the page. “Uh, it’s this book called Howl’s Moving Castle. I love to reread it every once in a while. There’s a movie, but it isn’t anything like the book. But in the best way possible.”
His eyebrow raises. He turns his head from the television to look at me. He’s doing that stupid smirk. I bet it stole many hearts in the forties…
“Are you saying the movie is better than the book?”
“What? No! This is a case where the book and the movie are both amazing. They focus on entirely different points of interest. The movie is a beautiful tale of love and accepting one’s self while the book is a magical adventure of societal structures and women’s place in society. They are both amazing pieces of art!”
“Here they go again. When are you two lovebirds gonna get on with it and get married? I can hear the wedding bells now.”
“TONY!” Bucky and I scream then our heads swivel back to each other and the fight begins.
“Well, I’m sorry that you have to get so butt hurt about some stupid book. Why can’t you just handle things like an adult?”
“That’s rich coming from you James. I don’t think you’ve handled anything like an adult. Should we bring up Steve’s apple pie? Or what about when you put pop-its under Sam’s toilet seat? Or the time you put KETCHUP PACKETS under Sam’s toilet seat?!”
The argument carried on for a few minutes more, but Tony must have gotten far enough away that the fire died out. We’re both children, so Bucky is cross armed at the television while my nose is back in my book. We probably sat like that for 30 minutes before the explosion happened.
Bucky sprung into action. I sat up as much as one could when their entire leg is in a cast. F.R.I.D.A.Y. comes over the intercom. “There has been a chemical leak in the east wing lab. Immediate evacuation is requested. We ask that you remain calm and follow the predetermined route outside. Further instructions will be given there.”
“Bucky, we’re in the east wing!”
“I know that! C’mon. We’ve got to go. Now.”
Bucky helps me off the couch. I grab my crutches, and we begin our journey outside. Everything is going fine and dandy. No one else seems to be in the east wing, so we carry on quickly. Well, until we get to the elevator.
“I’m sorry Miss. The elevator is not in working condition right now. I must ask that you take the stairs.”
My face falls. “The stairs? Friday, my leg is broken. There’s no way I can wobble down the stairs. Friday? Friday?!”
“I’ll carry you.”
“What? No. You are just gonna throw me down the stairs. I know what you did to Sam.”
“That was different!”
“How so? You were supposed to carry him down the stairs, just like me, but you threw him!”
“I did not throw Sam down the stairs! I rolled him down the stairs. I’m not gonna do that to you.”
“Why should I believe that?”
“Because you’re different. You’re different from everyone else. You’re not Steve or Sam or anyone else for that matter.”
“So, I’m throwable, but Sam isn’t?”
Something broke in him. His eyes darken and metal plates shift. He looks like he could growl. “You’re different than everyone. In the best way possible. Just like your book and movie. Everyone is them, but you’re you. So, let me help you!”
Something in me goes all warm and fuzzy. “Okay. I trust you.”
The air around us changes, There’s no more fear or anger. It’s like we’re a team. He sweeps me up into bridal position, but it’s a little more chaotic because one of my legs is straight out. We quickly descended the stairs. His arms around my body. My arms around his neck. Our faces have never been so close. I can feel his breath on my cheek. From the corner of my eyes, I can see his concentration. I can see the cogs spinning in his head, mapping out every step, so he doesn’t throw the both of us down the stairs. His blue eyes sparkle in the flashing red light. If I was in my right mind, I would even say he was beautiful.
We reach the bottom of the stairs, but he doesn’t put me down. He breaks out in a full sprint. I’m forced to hug his neck tighter. I pull myself into him, trying to make myself smaller for his advantage. It feels like I’m riding a horse. The huffing. The bouncing.
“What are you over there giggling about?”
“It’s like riding a horse. Your huffing, bouncing in your arms, the breeze on my face, the absolute terror of falling.”
“Oh, you think I’m a horse now? I’ll be a horse.” And like the absolute madman he is, Bucky starts doing some weird gallop run, Basically jostling me all around. It’s terrifying, but I can’t help but laugh. A big, full belly laugh. I grip his neck as he twirls and jumps around. Bucky begins to laugh, and not like the hardy hars he gives Sam and Steve. Full body laughs that fill me with happiness. We spin and jump and laugh. We’re like two birds but nowhere near as graceful. That part of me begins to beat and flutter ever fast.
We gallop our way outside, only to be met with no one. “Where is everyone?”
We start looking around from anyone when Tony calls to us from the roof. “There you two are! You missed the debrief. There was a spill. It was just some grape juice onto one of F.R.I.D.A.Y’s sensors. The alarms went off a while ago. Where were you guys?”
Bucky and I looked at each other. “We were trying to get out. I had trouble on the stairs, but we figured it out.”
“Uh huh. You two look like you were in a marathon or a tornado. Are you sure it was the stairs?”
We both scream “yep!” and hurry back inside. Well, Bucky hurried back inside. I can feel the heat coming off of Bucky’s face, so I'm sure he could feel the heat coming from mine.
We make it back to the commons area. Bucky carefully puts me back onto the couch and reclaims his place at my feet. I pick up my book and he continues watching Wheel of Fortune. It’s almost as if nothing happened, but something has changed.
“Hey Buck?”
“Yeah doll?”
“I wouldn’t oppose going horseback riding with you sometime.”
He throws his head back; his body full of laughter. “I wouldn’t mind either, doll.”
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codylabs · 4 years
December’s Wrath
Chapter 1
It hadn't been a simple decision to leave California and his family and his sister to go spend the holidays in Gravity Falls with Wendy. But that was the decision he had made, and by the time he was really starting to question whether or not it was the right one, he had already crossed the state line into Oregon, and the rumble of the bus's engine had lulled him halfway to sleep. Thoughts like his parents' and his grandparents' disappointment at his absence, thoughts like Mabel wishing he could be there to see her new Hanukkah sweater, thoughts like the price of the bus fare, thoughts like the incomprehensible breadth of miles increasing between him and home, thoughts like the knowledge that the Corduroys had 'apocalypse training' instead of any kind of holiday celebration, thoughts like he wasn't prepared, thoughts like high clouds and dark trees and rare sun, these were the thoughts drifting through his head. Thoughts like he was right. Thoughts like he was wrong.
It was a starless night outside the bus, so all he could see beyond the window was a foot and a half of whirling snowflakes, and his own reflection, both layers tinted a grim color by the bus's pinkish interior lights. Crystals of frost were growing on the outside of the window, his breath was condensing on the inside of the window, and he was fast asleep a minute later, and his dreams were sad and lonely and brave and cold, cold, a terrible and cutting cold that pierced to the bone, clawed like an eagle's talons. His dream was a walking dream, while Wendy called him forward and Mabel called him back. The wind was calling too, but not in any specific direction. It just called.
The dawn came around 8:00, he woke up around 8:30, the bus left him at the stop around 9:00, and Wendy met him around 9:01. He almost didn't recognize her at first, beneath the layers of unfamiliar winter clothes, the gloves twice the size of her hands, the grey jacket and the baggy pants. It was only her face by which he identified her, peaking out from the middle of the hood. There was a light in her eyes and a smile on her lips, and he only barely had time to recognize her before she grabbed him in a hug and lifted him off the ground. "EEEEEYY It's good to see you man!" She hollered as she twirled him around. Her words were drowned out for a split second by the hissing of the bus's brakes as it moved off down the road. "How's it been going?"
"It's been going good!" She hugged her back until she set him back down. His backpack threatened to tip him over as he landed but he managed to catch himself. The ground was icy. He took a deep breath of the chill air as he shrugged the pack higher onto his shoulders and tightened the straps. "Good to see you too! I've really been missing this place! And, uh, and you, and everyone. How about you? How have you been?"
"Oh, same, you know how it is!" She punched him in the shoulder. Her breath crystallized in the air in front of her smile, and for just a moment, she looked to him like the most beautiful thing in the world. "Same as last time you were here, same as last time you called, same... I mean, what changes, man? School still sucks, weather still sucks, life's going great."
"Mood." He agreed, even though school had never really sucked that much for him, and the weather wasn't too bad, was it? It had stopped snowing, at least. "Anyway, I packed as best I could, I got my whole winter... Outfit. On." He gestured inclusively to his heavy jacket, heavy boots, three pants, and gloves, and took some reassurance that she was dressed similarly. "And uhhh toothbrush and sleeping bag and stuff. Is there anything else I need? I've never gone hiking in the winter."
"Nah, you're good. And if you're not, don't worry, we don't set out until after breakfast, and dad'll get you squared away once we get to the house." She led the way toward the Corduroy truck, parked on the roadside. "You got a change of clothes at least?"
"Eh." She gave a dismissive shrug as they climbed into the truck. "You'll be fine." She was right, she was wrong.
As Dipper tossed his backpack into the back seat and made to close the door, his vision was almost completely obscured for a moment as a gust of wind pushed the vapor of his exhale back into his face. He blinked for just a moment, almost startled, and then as his breath dissipated, his eyes landed on the forest.
The forest.
It was the same forest he'd known before. The same valley, the same cliffs, the same mountains, same dome, same trees, same grass and ferns, he recognized that bend in the road, and that sign, and that water tower. But at the same time, this couldn't be the same place. Could it? The old woods were green, green and brown, and crowned with gold beneath a blue sky. These woods were grey. Grey within grey, grey as pale as snow on the fingertips of the trees and grass, grey as dark as night in the spaces beneath. The sky was grey too, no blue, no shapes of clouds, no penetrating ray of sunshine, all the world stood as if encased in prison.
It was beautiful, to be sure. Beautiful as art. But Dipper couldn't shake the nonsensical feeling that the bus had taken him to some alternative reality, some timeline where the bombs had dropped or the sun had gone out or time had frozen, that his eyes were seeing some grim warning vision and not reality. As he gazed out at that sight that used to look like a playground or a second home or some magnificent untold adventure waiting to happen, he thought, at this moment, that it looked something more like an enemy; a world-sized monster, some overbearing rival of mankind itself. He found himself sizing it up.
As Wendy watched him doing so, watched his eyes travel the landscape with a look so needlessly grim and fearless, for just a moment, he looked to her like the most handsome thing in the world. "Eh, I guess the weather's not so bad." She shrugged.
"...Yeah." He finally climbed fully inside and closed the door. "Not so bad at all." He was right, he was wrong. They rolled off down the road, toward the tall old woods where the Corduroy cabin lay hidden.
Dipper had been expecting some sort of grim, apprehensive, even frightened mood when they entered the house, (the whole 'apocalypse' motif having prepared him for the worst) but was pleasantly surprised to find the place full of laughter. Dan was bent over the stove cooking pancakes and shoveling nuts into bags, while the boys zipped around the house with their backpacks, thinking and rethinking and packing and repacking. Conversation loud and boisterous filled the air, about past trips and future trips and present trips, about weather and trees and old campfire stories and whatever else lumberjacks and mountain men talk about. Wendy joined right back in with it too, reminding her dad to bring the jerky, telling her brother to find the radio, getting told by another brother to bring an extra jacket, and all five of them were arguing about whether one person should carry all the toilet paper, or whether they should all bring their own, or whether they should just rough it off the land and wipe with leaves.
Somehow, though was no tree in the house, and no presents or decorations or cookies or little colored lights either, something about the joy and the togetherness of it all struck Dipper as belonging to a Christmas mood.
"YOU." Dan boomed down in Dipper's direction. He spun with a start to look up into the enormous man's face. "You got a knife on ya, boy?"
"Uh y-yeah. Got one right here." He nodded.
"Got matches?"
"You'll need matches." Dan tapped one enormous finger on a paper on the fridge; a packing list. "Need all this on here. Ask Wendy if you don't know where anything is."
"Awesome. Okay." As Dipper joined the rush, a smile touched his face, and he began to suspect that this would be a good Christmas after all. Different, for sure, different of course, but it may not be so hard, it might not be so worse. This was family, after all, a very close and loving family, and when a family is close and loving, nothing that ever happens to it seems quite so bad.
And besides, Christmas was more than just presents and decorations, wasn't it? More than just a few colorful nonsense traditions. A lot more.
But without all that, what was it exactly?
They were all packed by the time pancakes were done (As they had to be. Part of the Corduroy tradition was to leave immediately after breakfast no matter what; in a real apocalypse they wouldn't have much more warning than that, after all.) With Wendy's help Dipper had managed to get packed with everything on Dan's list, all except for a compass; the family had only six, and the sixth wasn't for using. He'd just finished zipping up his pack by the time breakfast was ready. The warm smell drew them together into the kitchen, and they set in.
"What was your name again?" Dipper looked up from his pancakes to see Wendy's youngest brother frowning across the table at him, mumbling words through a full mouth.
"Dipper." He nodded, and realized he'd never actually talked with any of Wendy's brothers, and didn't actually know anything about any of them. "...I never got you guy's names?"
"I'm Gus." The 11-year-old pointed a pair of thumbs in his own direction. "I'm the cool one."
"And I'm Marcus." Said the 15-year-old, and extended a hand to shake Dipper's. "I'm the actual cool one."
"I'm Wendy." Said Wendy, not even looking up from her phone. "I'm your girlfriend."
"I'm Kevin." Said the 13-year-old. He glanced Dipper up and down. "I bet I could take you."
That took Dipper off-guard.
Wendy snorted.
"Hey, be nice." Marcus snapped. "He's a guest!"
"You be nice." Kevin retorted.
"Everyone fight!" Gus cheered.
"EVERYONE BE NICE!" Dan thundered.
Silence descended rather immediately. u could take him. Wendy texted Dipper under the table.
Not gonna try???? He texted back.
By 10:00 their packs and supplies were all stacked in the back of the truck, and they were underway.
By 10:30 the truck was parked and locked at the end of a narrow logging road, with six sets of footprints leading away from it, deeper into the woods.
That was Friday, the 20th of December. Next week on Wednesday would be Christmas. The very next day, Saturday, was the solstice, when the days would be the shortest of the year and the sun would be dimmest, and the things the light drives out would feel most free to rise.
By 11:00 they were out of range of the cell towers, and there was nobody who could help them.
The sun flared yellow through the briefest gap in the overcast sky.
The wind howled.
A tree broke and fell with nobody to hear it.
The spirit heard it.
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