#and then I just decided why not add Logan
spyderschaos · 1 month
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Seriously, who leaves a chicken leg in the freezer after taking one bite out of it 😓
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happy74827 · 2 months
Feels Like Home
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[Logan Howlett x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: You decide to take it upon yourself to become best friends with Wade’s new grumpy addition to the family (much to Logan’s dismay).
WC: 2453
Category: Fluff, Sunshine!Reader x Grumpy!Logan trope {TW: Bar Fight, Handsy Drunk Dude, Mentions of Blood + Bruising}.
[Dedicated to: @iluvloganhowlett] I finished it for you!! (I’m shocked at the speed too don’t worry 💀). Hopefully this fluffiness will help add onto the low supply out there.
And incase anyone hasn’t seen it yet: DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT
You’ve always had a keen eye when it came to others. It’s mostly why you and Wade get along so well; you’re the one person who can see straight through him. And while it means you are very close, it also meant that you can easily tell when something is going on with someone you don't know that well, like the tall, brooding man named Logan, who had just joined the club of misfits.
You could tell by the way he carried himself that he had been through hell and back. He was quiet, grumpy, and had a tendency to snap at Wade, which, most of the time, was a well-deserved snapping.
You could also tell that there was more to him. He wasn't just a grumpy guy; there was something about him that made you want to be his friend. Maybe it was the sadness in his eyes, or maybe it was how lonely he looked.
Either way, you knew he was in need of a good friend, and you wanted to be that friend. Not a pestering one like Wade, but the kind of friend that just makes you feel a bit better.
So, when you spotted him, downing glass after glass of whiskey for the third day in a row, you just knew you had to help.
And he hated it. Oh, man, he absolutely hated it. You were such a happy ray of sunshine, always smiling, always laughing. He found it so fucking annoying. He couldn't deal with you and your constant positivity. It was like you were the PG-13 version of the breathing ballsack next to you.
But you wouldn't give up. Every time you saw him, you would try to cheer him up by making silly jokes, giving him small gifts, or even just sending him encouraging smiles.
He didn't want any of it, but it seemed you were too stubborn to listen. Every small note you’d given him was left crinkled in the trash; every gift was placed away without ever being touched. Your smile never got a response.
That is, until one day, as you walked by him, he mumbled something that almost made you trip over.
You stopped in your tracks and turned around to face him, a look of disbelief on your face. You had tried so hard to cheer him up for the past few weeks, and this was the only thing you got from him? You couldn't believe it.
You had spent so much time and effort trying to make him feel better, and this was all he could say to you?
You wanted to hug him. To scream to the skies and celebrate that he finally accepted your kindness.
You held the restraint to do so, though. You didn’t want to cause him to close off again, and so instead, you sent him a soft smile, and a small nod, before you resumed walking (running) to your friends.
The next day, however, you were met with the biggest surprise of your life.
Logan was sitting at the bar, drinking. He didn't look too different, still dressed in his trademark blue jeans and flannel shirt, but his face was still holding that sadness you had grown used to seeing on him.
You walked over to him and sat down beside him, that classic smile of yours plastered on your face.
He groaned. "You're not going to leave me alone, are you?"
"Nope!" You replied cheerfully, popping the 'p.'
He grumbled under his breath and downed the last of his drink, signaling to the bartender for another.
"Come on, Wolvie," you said, nudging his shoulder. "Lighten up. Life's not that bad, is it?"
He turned to glare at you, his dark brown eyes piercing into yours. "It's Logan," he said, his voice a low growl.
You shrugged and leaned closer to him, propping your elbow on the counter. This was the usual part—the part where he would give vocal responses while you carried on your one-sided conversation with him.
The difference this time, the surprise of it all, was when a person approached the both of you. Mind you, a very drunk person.
"Heyyyyy, baby girl," he slurred, his hand landing on your shoulder.
You turned to him, and he was looking you up and down with that gaze you knew had only one intention. You still smiled, though, and politely moved his hand off your shoulder.
"Uh, hi?" You answered unsurely.
He slammed his elbow on the counter, his palm on his fist. "You are gorgeous," he commented, and you had to hold back the laughter that was bubbling in your throat.
"Thank you," you chuckled.
Logan scoffed, rolling his eyes, but you paid him no mind. Usual behavior from him, nothing new.
"No, really," the stranger continued, moving his arm around your shoulders, "I think you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
"Well, I'm glad you think so," you answered, still chuckling. "But, I think you're a little drunk."
"Drunk on love," he responded, "Say, wanna get out of here? I'll show you a real good time."
Here comes the awkward part, you thought.
You shook your head, and removed his arm from around your shoulders. "Thank you for… uh, the kind offer," you answered, "But, no, thank you."
You expected him to shrug it off and leave or to just be a dick, as many drunken guys are. But no, this guy did not know how to take a hint.
Instead, he tightened his grip around you and pulled you closer to him, his free hand moving down your waist. "Come on, baby," he said, his words slurring. "You know you want to."
You sighed. You were really hoping it wouldn't have to come to this.
You were about to speak, to politely, yet firmly, tell him to leave you alone, but before you could open your mouth, a gruff voice beat you to it.
"She said no,"
He didn’t even look at the man or you. His eyes were still fixated on the counter as if he was talking to his glass, but he had turned his head a bit to the side so that you could hear him clearly.
The drunk stranger was startled by the sudden intervention. He let go of you and looked over at Logan, confusion clear in his face.
"Who the hell are you?" he asked, his brows furrowed.
"Does it matter?" Logan grumbled.
"Yeah, it does," the stranger retorted, his slurring voice suddenly getting serious. "If I'm gonna be having fun, I don't want an audience."
Oh, how you hated confrontations.
Logan just scoffed with a slight hint of a smile, shaking his head as he still refused to turn around.
"Trust me, pal," he replied, "I ain't interested in watching you do anything."
"Good." He went back to his obnoxious grin, now directing his attention back to you. Oh, man, he was an eyesore.
"So, how about it, beautiful? Wanna head somewhere else?" He slurred.
You were about to reply, again, with a polite rejection, but your shoulder was being grabbed at again, and if it wasn’t for the small training session that Colossus had put you through, you were sure you would have lost your footing.
"Can you let go of me, please?" You asked politely, but the man was a brick wall.
"Nah, sweetheart," he shook his head, and the movement was so intense, you could almost hear the alcohol sloshing around in his head, "You're comin' with me. Trust me, you’ll be perfectly taken care of."
That was when the sound of glass slamming against the counter reached your ears, and you didn't have to see the source of the sound to know it was Mr. Grumps.
What you struggled for what seemed like an eternity, he took that needy arm away from your shoulders within a fraction of a second. It was almost shocking how quick he was, but then again, you knew what he was capable of.
With you safe against the counter, Logan turned to face the stranger, his face still showing that same neutral expression as before, though his eyes held an intensity that made the man flinch.
Normal people would believe he had the patience of a saint. But you weren’t a normal person. You knew this was dangerously close to making him lose it.
"Uh, Logan… maybe we should—"
But your words fell on deaf ears. The only thing that Logan could hear was the weak excuses the guy was trying to give as he tried to pull his hand from the tight grasp Logan had it in.
"Hey, man," he stuttered, his words slurring as the panic set in, "What’s your problem? Let go of me!
But Logan had no intentions of doing so. He held the stranger's arm firmly, his grip growing tighter until he could hear a small crack coming from the guy's bones.
"What's your damage, huh?" the guy continued, trying his best to keep his voice from breaking. "It's just a little fun, right, baby?"
You cringed as his eyes fell back onto you, and the pleading tone of his voice was beginning to make your skin crawl.
"Look, uh," you started, looking anywhere but his eyes, "I don't think—"
"Listen," the man continued, and your eyes fell shut. God, he was just not going to stop. "Maybe you can join us? Huh, big boy? That’s what it is, right? You want her all for yourself?"
Uh, oh.
"Logan, don’t—"
It was too late. He had already snapped, and with a grunt, he pulled the man closer to him, his other hand forming a fist around his shirt.
"Wanna say that again?" He growled. "Do it. I dare you."
The man was trembling in his grasp, but he was clearly too drunk to understand the danger he was in.
"Oh, I'm sorry, are you her boyfriend?" He taunted, and the fact that he had the guts to do so while his hand was in a painful hold was astonishing, even for you. "Or are you just some guy with a crush? Cause, honestly, it's pretty pathetic. You can't even ask her out."
His words had Logan seeing red, and before you could do anything, the guy was pushed away and was about to be on the receiving end of one of the strongest punches you've ever seen.
So, riskily, to protect yourself and him from being thrown out of his favorite place, you jumped off the stool and slid in between them as he launched his punch, just stopping inches away from your face.
"Please," you said, your palms up and in front of you, as if that would do anything to stop the rage he was feeling, "Please, calm down."
"Calm down?" He repeated, his voice rising. "Are you kidding me?"
"You need to let it go," you told him. "He's drunk, Logan. He doesn't know what he's saying."
"And, what," he retorted, his anger slowly fading away, "Does it look like I give a single fuck about that?"
You sighed, your eyes meeting his, and that was enough for him to finally give in. His clenched fist dropped, and he released a frustrated sigh.
The dude behind you started laughing, his voice sounding as if he was trying to make fun of a fight scene.
"So," he chuckled, "That's it, huh? You're not gonna do shit? You’re just as pathetic as a—"
He gently moved you aside, and in an instant, the man was lying on the floor with a bloody nose, a black eye, and a few broken ribs.
You could only hold your head in your hands, knowing very well the mess you were about to have to deal with.
And it didn't take long.
As soon as Logan stepped away from the drunk idiot, security was on him, grabbing his arms and restraining him. He couldn’t care less, though, as he held a sadistic grin on his face, pleased with his work while being escorted out.
And, so, there, the two of you were on the steps of the apartment building. You, holding your hands in your lap, and he, staring up at the night sky.
The air was warm, the city lights were dim, and the sky was covered in clouds. There was an odd silence between the two of you, which wasn’t really all that odd, but the events of the night had changed the atmosphere.
"Thanks," you spoke, breaking the quiet. "For, you know, standing up for me."
"He was a douche," he stated, his voice gruff. "Someone had to send that fucktart crying home to mommy."
"You shouldn’t have done that, though," you told him. "Now, you’re probably banned from the bar. I know it's your favorite."
"Eh," he shrugged, "Booze is booze. There are plenty more places to get drunk."
You didn't respond. Instead, you focused your attention on the small bugs flying around the dim light next to the door.
"You shouldn't be thanking me, anyway," he continued, turning to you. That was new. "I should be the one thanking you."
You looked at him, your brows furrowed. This whole conversation was getting weird. "Uh, what for?" You asked, confused.
"For putting up with me," he replied, shrugging.
"Putting up with you?" You repeated, not understanding. "I don't understand."
"Y'know," he continued, his gruff voice a little less gruff. "Sticking around. Being friendly. Having… patience. I can be…I can be a real dick. Honestly, I still don't get why you keep trying."
The smile that found its way to your lips waa the most genuine one he's ever seen. Your eyes were full of kindness and understanding, and your lips, which usually held a grin or a smirk, were turned upwards in a soft, gentle smile.
"Logan," you said, your voice low. "You may be a grump, and you might not be the friendliest guy, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve kindness. Everyone deserves that… or at least a little bit of it."
He scoffed. "That's funny," he replied, turning his head away.
You furrowed your brows and cocked your head, confused. "What is?" You asked.
"I used to think," he began, "That no one would ever look at me in the way you do. Not after what I’ve done… not after what I am."
"You're a good man, Logan," you told him. "You proved who you were when you willingly helped Wade."
"Maybe," he sighed, his gaze meeting yours. "But, there's still a lot you don't know about me. I'm not exactly a knight in shining armor."
"Oh, my dear, Wolvie," you said playfully, leaning closer to him and placing your palm on his shoulder, "You never were."
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halohalona · 1 month
🎀 A Little Redecorating
Logan wakes up to you rearranging the living room in the middle of the night
Logan Howlett x Reader
this is inspired by my impulsiveness (i don't know if that's the right word) to clean and rearrange my room at 11 at night until like 12:30 in the morning.
not beta read
warnings/tags: fluff, reader possibly having adhd and making impulsive decisions, husband!logan, a little ooc logan, kinda domestic, probably a bit incoherent towards the end cause i decided to finish writing this at 2 in the morning
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To be completely honest, you have no idea why you suddenly got the urge to rearrange and reorganize the living room. You were laying in bed when the idea popped up in your head, and couldn’t sleep since. So you quietly slipped out of bed, careful not to wake up your husband, and got to work.
You were moving the TV stand when your hip accidentally hit the edge of a side table causing the vase placed on top to fall.
Logan immediately sat up the claws on his left hand unsheathing. Instincts kicking in, he looked over to your side of the bed to see if you were ok, only to see no one.
“Shit!” he heard someone speak before hearing a loud thud. In an instant he was out the door running straight to where the voice came from.
You were sweeping the remnants of the broken vase onto a dust pan when you heard Logan frantically shout your name. “Y/N!!”
“I’m okay!! I just knocked over a vase!”
When Logan finally reached you his body visibly relaxed. “Thank fuck, you’re okay. I thought you were getting taken.”
“I’m sorry.” you say sheepishly.
He looked around, the room was in disarray. The couch was no longer in its original place, instead it was blocking the path to the stairwell where Logan came from. The TV stand no longer against the wall he was facing but instead in the middle of the room. The TV itself was laying on one end of the couch while books and knickknacks were scattered on the other end. The rug was also rolled up and put against the wall.
“Love, why are you rearranging our furniture?” he asked, confused.
“I honestly don’t know. I suddenly got the idea while in bed and I couldn’t wait until morning.” you answered looking around, the corners of your lips turning down. “And now I can’t exactly go to bed while the living room looks like this…”
Placing his hands on his hips, he took another look around. “Well then, let’s get to work. Let’s finish this before sunrise,” he sighed before hopping over the couch. “You got an idea how you want the furniture placed? "A smile makes its way to your face before nodding excitedly.
It took you only an hour to get everything in place thanks to Logan doing most of the heavy lifting. After placing the last book on the shelf you let out a loud yawn starting to feel exhausted.
“Alright, let’s get you to bed” your husband said, carrying you up to your room.
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That morning you sat at the dining table hard at work on something on your laptop.
Logan had to do a double take making sure he was seeing things correctly. "Is that our living room?”
“Did you seriously build our living room in—”
“The Sims? Yep. I actually built our house in the Sims.” you zoomed the camera out to show the entire first floor of the build before shrugging. “It makes redecorating easier.”
a/n: the bonus was really just an excuse to add the small detail that the reader uses the sims as reference for decorating the house lol
word count: 511
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fairlyang · 6 days
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w/c: 2.6k
pairing: lumberjack!logan x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. teasing, thighs, soaked panties, he wants you to fold, he pulls over, cunnilingus, exhibitionism, more teasing, he’s filthy and in love
a/n: brain has been rotting for like three weeks now all i’m thinking about is this old man 💔 i started this one august 27😀 two more on the way surely
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imagine teasing logan all afternoon long so when you’re both en route to the lumberyard — because he liked having your company on the drive and to show you off to his coworkers, he decided he was going to play your game but be far worse than you were. 
you were showing yourself off to him while he was in a hurry to leave the house, trying to cling onto him to have a quickie because you were just so horny and wanted to satisfy the ache between your thighs.
it took all his willpower to reject your advances because he had a schedule to follow but boy, did you look good in his flannel.
so now he’s squeezing, rubbing a hand up and down your thigh while he’s driving and not giving you any more or any less. 
he had been playing this little game just over ten minutes out of the forty five minute drive and you were already dying. you needed more so bad but you wanted to be stubborn. 
he didn't give in so easily either, so you somehow had to do the same. 
you looked straight ahead, ignoring the way his gaze turned to you and tried your best to remain calm. he was always going to make sure to get you back but this time you just weren't budging, and he couldn't have that.
he could just tell you were close to breaking, just based off how you were struggling to keep your hands to yourself and just had them on your seat plus the seatbelt. add along that sweet smell coming between your legs, who were you trying to fool?
your thighs nearly clasped together against his hand as he reached your inner thigh and gave it a squeeze until he clicked his tongue, quickly drawing your attention to his face, "thought you liked playing games princess?" he huffed under his breath, a smirk appearing on his lips.
you bit your lip and turned away, too close.
"c'mon baby you know you need me." he murmured, his voice husky and low.
"I don't know what you're talking about." you lied and looked out of your window, in an attempt to hide your obvious expression.
"mm.. yeah I'm sure." he chuckled, letting his hand rub lightly against your skin, nearly touching your panties. 
you control your breathing as best as you could but he was not making it any easier for you. always had to prove he had a strong effect on you.
"is that why you're already soaking through your panties?" he asked, letting out a little groan because the smell alone was nearly making him lose his focus on driving.
"you can't lie to me, baby." he murmurs and glides his hands under your skirt, reaching up and lightly rubs your clothed pussy. 
he was desperate to please you and needed to taste you. so he pulled over making you turn to look at him, “what are you doing?”
he didn’t answer instead turned off the engine and unbuckled his seatbelt. he opened his door, then got out, walking over to you while you looked at him with wide eyes. he opened your door and reached over to take your seatbelt off then grabbed your legs to turn them to face him before lifting them up making you gasp and try to fight against him but it was to no use. “logan we could get caught-“ you whined and he shrugged.
“think about that the next time you wanna be a tease.” he murmurs and pulls your skirt up.
he gets down on his knees and first admires the wet spot you had on your pretty pink panties. he was not at all surprised and if anything he was shocked they weren’t even more soaked.
“thought you didn’t need me..” he teased, looking up at you as he wrapped his arms around your legs.
you whimpered and squirmed, desperately wanting to let go of his grasp just for the sole fact that you know you’ll die of embarrassment if you get caught. but logan wasn’t budging and he saw this as a form of punishment for you.
he leaned in and planted a kiss on your clit before kissing down until he got to your entrance and licked over the fabric. you let out a moan but quickly covered your mouth with your hand to keep quiet, “mmm so wet for me aren’t you, sweet girl?”
you shivered and involuntarily bucked your hips up making him chuckle, “and so needy.”
he licked back up to your clit and then circled the bud with his tongue, looking up at you to ensure you’re looking right back at him.
you couldn’t look away.
the way he’s doing this on the side of the road when he knows anyone could pass by at any moment and he just.. doesn’t care. the idea of someone catching you was in the back of your mind now but it was still enough to make you wetter.
it had always been something you wanted to try but were too nervous to bring it up. makes perfect sense logan knew you all too well and just wanted to do it.
and given the fact he’s stubborn, of course he’s going to stay put. once he puts his mind on something, it’s a done deal.
“so kind of you to give me my dessert so early, bub.” he murmurs, making your legs shake.
“just so sweet aren’t you?” he murmurs, pulling your panties to the side, “my sweet girl.” he adds, retaining eye contact as he began to eat you out softly.
“fuck logan-“ you moaned and moved your hand away from your mouth down to his head.
you played with his hair, a small indicator that’ll give his coworkers the answers as to why he’s late. you lightly tugged and he moaned against you. his fingers gripped your thighs and he started eating you out properly, how you wanted, needed. like the hungry, insatiable man he was.
he lapped at your folds for a bit and then went up to suck on your clit before flicking it. meanwhile one of his hands went down and he collected your slick with one of his fingers then going lower to tease your entrance. “baby please-“ you whined, a cute little pout forming on your lips. one that popped up when you didn’t get your way.
he only shook his head earning himself whines and sweet cries from you. those cute whines that always had him struggling to not give in to you.
you had to earn it. but his patience was also running thin and he needed to be inside you.
so he slipped a finger inside. he should’ve had you beg a little more but he couldn’t help it, that look on your face drove him insane and he had to make you moan more for him.
he went as deep as he could go then pulled it back and slipped a second finger. you whined as he thrusted them into you and he pulled away from your clit just so he could leave a kiss on your thigh. “that feel good, pretty girl?”
you could only nod, the position making it feel so much better than usual. he started to pump them faster, only looking at your face to see your eyes already fluttering and you biting your lip as if that’ll help from any noises leaving your mouth.
you were trying hard to not moan, really not wanting to get caught but given the fact the car was pulled over and logan was on his knees on the pavement, anyone’s first assumption would not be a good one.
he fucked you harder, letting your pussy gush all over his fingers. you wouldn’t be able to deny wanting him afterwards because of how easily soaked he made you.
at times he’s barely even touched you and all of a sudden your panties would be drenched. it was one thing he loved about you or more so, his affect on you. you were just so perfect. almost as if you were sculpted just for him.
“just so fucking perfect, aren’t you baby?” he murmured making you whimper and clench down on his fingers while he added, “soaking my hand because you just can’t help it huh?”
“f-fuck.. logan… j-just like t-that-“ you stammer, grinding your hips up because you were desperate for more.
“oh i know baby, i know. you just let out those sweet noises for me.” he purred and you tried to lay your head back but quickly remembering you couldn’t.
“c-can we.. can we go to the back?” you asked and he shook his head.
“not today sweetheart, need you like this right now.” he mumbled and pumped his fingers faster.
whines escaped your lips and you were struggling to keep your legs up so with his free hand, he held your left leg up. he kissed the skin gently before going back down to suck on your clit.
you tugged on his hair again, prompting him to moan against you which sent shivers down your spine. you brought your right hand down to try and find his, once you felt it you intertwined your fingers with his to hold your leg together.
he looked into your eyes, on the brink of tears and looking right back at his. you looked so beautiful.
a sweet melody of moans left your mouth and it only made him hungrier to hear more. he thrusted his fingers deeper and continued sucking on your clit. “baby-“ you whimper and hold his hand tighter.
he groaned against you, making you shiver and give him a small smile. so perfect.
such a sweet, perfect girl.
he closed his eyes and right as he pumped his fingers as deep as he could, he curled them perfectly to hit your g spot. his pace slowed down but the pleasure never left and only enhanced.
he only focused on how you felt and how your moans began to be more breathless. your nails were lightly digging into his skin which quickly surprised him but he didn’t mind the slight pain at all.
you felt your orgasm build up in your belly causing your thighs start to shake and somehow squeezing against his fingers even more.
“just like that baby- fuck! please don’t stop!” you pleaded and gripped his hair, trying to pull him even closer as if he isn’t as buried as he can be.
he didn’t mind your desperation, if anything he was obsessed with it. it’s a nice thing to see because you’re not always like this, most of the time you’re bratty and spoiled rotten. he could only blame himself for the latter but this was a sight for sore eyes.
especially with how insane you were driving him earlier. so he had to make sure his pretty girl was going to get what she wanted because he simply didn’t have it in him to not give it you.
suddenly he changed his pace, going faster than before but still making sure to hit your sweet spot each time. your moans filled his ears again and he could feel your walls tighten around his fingers. “logan- baby i’m- i’m so-“ you whimpered out, not able to let out a coherent thought.
he pulled away to quickly murmur, “cum for me sweetheart, i’ve got you.”
and with that you let go, letting your orgasm hit you hard as logan slowed down so you could ride out your high. your juices were dripping down and covering more of his hand so he had to open his eyes to see the mess.
it was a beautiful disaster.
he pulled away from your clit and left soft kisses on your thigh while you let go of his hair and his hand. you were breathing heavily, eyelids fluttering and body shaking. he let go of your leg and helped you bring it down while he slowly pulled his fingers out of you.
they left with a loud plop making your eyes go wide, looking down at them and they were absolutely drenched. you looked at him and slowly opened your mouth, “such a good girl.” he muttered under his breath as he pulled his fingers up to your mouth.
you took them all the way and licked every drop while looking down at him. his eyes rolled to the back of his head before looking back at you. he pulled his fingers out and looked at how glossy your lips got.
he fixed your panties for you then helped you sit back up while you fixed your skirt. he got up, put your seatbelt on and gave you a kiss when he was done. he slid his tongue inside just so he could taste you once more.
he pulled away, walking back then closing the door shut. he walked back to the drivers seat, quickly getting in and putting his own seatbelt on then started the engine. “might want to take a short nap princess, it’s still quite a drive..” he says and gets back onto the road.
you turn to look at him, absolutely dumbfounded that he still wanted to go to work after that. “you’re joking-“
“i’m not baby, someone’s gotta work to take care of you.” he says with a chuckle making you gasp.
“i can literally-“ you started but he quickly cut you off, “just take a nap love, we’ll get there in no time.”
“so stubborn- i can’t believe you’re going to make me drive back home after that.” you whined and he could only chuckle.
“go to sleep you’re tired.” he says and you sigh.
you got as comfortable as you could be and let your body succumb to sleeplessness.
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you woke up to light shakes and the sounds of loud machinery which instantly made you groan. you wiped your eyes then opened them to see logan staring at you with a grin on his face making you groan. “you’re evil for this.” you mutter and he shrugs.
he gets out of the car and that was when a brilliant idea came to mind and you took out a tube of lipstick from the pocket of your skirt and quickly put it on while he made his way to your door. you were somehow able to not over-line it just in time when he opened your door and offered you his hand.
you unbuckled your seatbelt and held the tube in your left hand while you took his hand with your right, letting him help you out. you nearly fell which made you thankful he was always a gentleman and helped you out often otherwise this would look off.
but based off the whistles and yells that came from other lumbermen maybe it wasn’t so discreet. he closed the door and held your waist with his left hand while you leaned onto him, trying to look semi normal.
with a few more limp steps you made it to the drivers side, he opened the door for you and you leaned up to kiss the side of his neck right where it’d be perfectly visible. you pulled away only to go down and do the same to one of the flaps of his flannel, the color was just dark enough to be able to tell what it was.
you pulled away and gave him a big smile while he just happily sighed, “drive safely, bub.”
you leaned up once again but this time gave him a small peck, “i love you.” you murmur against his lips before pulling away and taking a seat on the drivers seat.
“see ya in a few hours sweet girl.” he murmured, giving you a wink before walking towards his coworkers who were hollering like madmen.
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adrienneleclerc · 30 days
Bitch, Whats For Dinner?
Pairing: Lando Norris x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Lando sees an old TikTok resurfacing and decides to prank his girlfriend for a quadrant video.
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: this was originally going to be a Logan Sargeant fic but then I thought “what does he have to gain from this?” So I switched to Lando.
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Since it was summer break, Lando decided it was time to film a video for Quadrant. He went to his gaming room to film the beginning.
“Since I am not racing for another few weeks, I thought what better time to prank my lovely girlfriend than today. There’s this TikTok posted by Dusten Conti where he says to his girlfriend ‘bitch, what’s for dinner?’ And his girlfriend actually answers him so sweetly. Knowing my girlfriend, she will not act so sweetly to me calling her a bitch, but I want to know how she reacts.” Lando said.
Y/N was out grocery shopping for dinner so Lando hid a video camera on a shelf, pointing the camera to the kitchen. She came home 10 minutes later and Lando decided to wait until he heard music playing because that means Y/N is on the preparation stage of cooking (chopping ingredients). Lando got out of his gaming room, observing Y/N chopping onions and tomatoes on the cutting board, singing along to whatever song she was playing. Lando made eye contact with the camera before saying the words..
“Bitch, what’s for dinner.” Lando said. Y/N put the knife down and looked around the apartment. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to see if there’s another person I don’t know about because I KNOW you did NOT just call me a bitch.” Y/N responded and picked up the knife. “So leave, come back, and try that again.” Y/N said, moving the knife as she talked. Lando did just that.
“What’s for dinner, baby girl?” Lando asked and Y/N smiled.
“That’s much better, fresita. I’m making bistec encebollado, It’s steak sautéed in onions and tomatoes with white rice. We can add a fried egg to it and make it ‘a lo pobre’ if you want, that’s how I’m eating it.” Y/N said. Lando hugged her from behind.
“I love you, baby girl.” Lando said.
“I love you too, mi vida, now why the fuck did you call me a bitch?” Y/N asked. Lando unwrapped his arms from her.
“I wanted to prank you for a quadrant video. Honestly, I expected you to react so much worse.” Lando said and Y/N turned to look at him.
“What do you take me for? I’m not a violent person, love.” Y/N said.
“Uh huh, I’ll believe you when you stop taking notes while watching true crime documentaries.” Lando said. Y/N hit him with a dish towel, causing Lando to laugh. “In all seriousness, if I ever end up calling you a bitch and it’s not a prank, I’ll give you full permission to kill me.”
“There are research chemicals that don’t show up in a toxicology screen. They’re the chemical cousins of drugs and since the molecules are modified, they don’t show up on tox screens unless you know what you’re looking for.” Y/N said with an innocent smile while Lando looks slightly terrified.
“You scare me.” Lando admitted.
“As I should. But I hate needles so I wouldn’t kill you like that.” Y/N said, turning back to resume chopping the vegetables.
“How would you kill me then?!?” Lando asked.
“Let it go, baby.” Y/N said. Lando went to the shelf and stopped the video from recording, placing it in his gaming room to charge,
After dinner, Lando and Y/N went to the gaming room to film the end.
“Thanks for watching, I just found out I am dating a psychopath.” Lando said and Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Please, anyone who has seen Criminal Minds would know about research chemicals and you literally gave me permission to kill you.” Y/N said.
“I didn’t know you actually thought about ways to kill someone!” Lando exclaimed.
“But now you know to never call me a bitch so, lesson learned.” Y/N said. Both said “bye” and waved to the camera. After transferring the video clips to his computer, editing the clips and posted it on the quadrant channel.
The End
Hope y’all liked it!
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yukioos · 28 days
365 — logan howlett x reader x wade wilson (0.6k)
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warnings: can be perceived as platonic, cussing, takes place after deadpool & wolverine, not proofread, sex joke
summary: logan walks in on reader and wade playing dress to impress. after they insist, logan sits down with them and leans how to play.
authors note: i was super bored so i decided to write this. it’s mostly dialogue though :(
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“what the hell has kept you two so occupied for the past three hours?” logan asks, walking into the living room from the spare bedroom.
wade begins to answer, looking away from the screen in his lap and leaning over to look at the mutant, “we’ve been fuck—“
“no, we haven’t,” you slap his scarred arm, emitting a yelp from him, “we’ve been playing dress to impress.”
the look he gives you makes you think he thinks you’re stupid. he stands in the living room in front of the two of you, your attention fully on him instead of the screen in front of you.
“sounds like a princess game.” he scoffs, clearly unimpressed with the name of the game.
“actually, the game is explanatory— hey, this bitch is copying my outfit!” wade disagrees, continuing to shout expletives to the screen.
you giggle at the man next to you, who tries to move his avatar away from the copier. you try to follow the theme as closely as possible, switching back and forth through a reference photo on pinterest and roblox.
you pat the space next to you, “c’mere, lo. we’ll teach you how to play. try and follow this reference i pulled up. you can use my computer.”
“why?” he asks, trying to egg you on.
“come on, peanut. this theme isn’t that hard, just sit down, walk around, and put on clothes that match the reference. don’t forget to put on hair like y/n over there. that’ll lose you a lot of sparkly stars.” wade teases.
“that was one time, wade—“ you grumble, feeling the couch sinking next to you, and a weight taken off your lap.
“um, no it wasn’t. remember when you dressed as harley quinn with no hair? and what about that time when you did the valentine’s day theme and forgot a face?” he shot back, eyes wide.
“okay, we’ll do you remember you got last place five times in a row? and you misread a theme so you did it completely wrong?”
minutes go by and the two of you continue to argue about mistakes you’ve made in the game. throughout the whole conversation, wade forgets to add items to his avatar, and logan’s figuring out how the game works. he stays silent, but you can hear the tapping of the touchpad on your left.
wade looks away from you to scream, “what the shit?! why did that person win? they didn’t even follow the fucking theme!”
he turns his screen in your direction and you lean over to grimace, “ew.”
you turn and place a hand on logan’s back, looking at his screen to see a new rank, “that means you won, lo! good job!” you praise, rubbing his back.
he stares at the screen, seemingly not understanding why he won, wade interjects, “you won, honey badger. i deserved your place, but good job.”
logan glares at him before swiftly swinging his arm out and unleashing his claws, placing them close to wade’s laptop. he shakes his head and directs the claws away from him.
“wanna do the next theme?” you look up at logan, not entirely expecting an answer from him.
he shakes his head and stands up, placing the laptop on your thighs. he walks to the fridge and grabs a bottle of beer, knowing he’d be asked the same question every round. he sits down and places an arm around your shoulder, deciding to get comfortable because you and wade might be playing the game for hours.
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hobies-princealbert · 1 month
"you wanna guess the colour of my underwear?"~✿
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logan "wolverine" howlett x black!reader
there's something about a hairy man with a bad attitude that i can't resist
♡ ° ๑ • ♡ ° ๑ • ♡ ° ๑ • ♡ ° ๑ • ♡ ° ๑ • ♡ °
"the fuck are you on about?"
"oh come on lo, just play along. i'd make me really happy if you did. com' on bubby."
dear god. logan couldn't even begin to understand why you choose NOW to play games with him.
you couldn't possibly be serious. especially now after the way you spent the entire day staring at him like a piece of meat. every glance, stare or shy little gestures, he caught. he knew you were worked up as hell.
it's not like he can't smell the arousal on you either. he's been drowning in that scent all damn day.
he smelt it peak, when he caught you staring at him during his workout. and he offered his arm, which you held onto the entire walk home.
and you were damn near suffocating him when you were sat on his lap watching some b-movie, like the rest of the couch wasn't an option. you thought you were slick with the squirms. and on top of it you had the nerve to give half ass, whispered apologies whenever he grunts cause your ass nudged his crotch.
soon logan decided it was time to put an end to your little charades. he's giving you what you want. he touched you just how you liked it; traced kisses along your jaw, hands firm on your ass, with little praises here and there. so now that he's propped up against the headboard and your straddling his waist, why the fuck do you want him to guess the underwear you got on?
"come on bubby, what do you think? is it that pretty and pink one? or that see-through one? or that thong that shows my little bunny tatt?"
"why the hell i gotta guess for bub? they'll be on the floor in a min or two." logan really didn't want to entertain this, but he knows how sulky you get when he doesn't humor you, so why not? what does he have to lose?
a lot. he had a lot to lose actually. his patience. his humor. and soon his boner, if you stopped grinding against his dick to add to the frustration, and your amusement.
why was this so hard to guess? sure, he's seen your underwear before, but he only thought of it as something to rid of. and the only ones he did remember, weren't the right damn answer. the purple one with little frills? the white lacey one? the orange one with that stupid cat doodle?
thank god you had some mercy on him and gave some hints here and there. "come on baby, i know you can do it. think tokyo." the flash of realization across logan's face had you squirming with delight.
"that black pair with the bow, huh? good choice bub. very fuckin' good choice"
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nathaslosthershit · 6 months
Red, White, and Williams' Blue (LS2)
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(Part 4 of the Blind Item Series)
Summary: What happens when the American driver gets outed for dating one of Monaco's It girls who also happens to be the younger sister to one of the Ferrari drivers?
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She had feared telling her brothers. She knew they would be mad. Not because they didn’t like Logan, they really didn’t know him, but she was sure they would love him in no time. But because she had sat through lecture upon lecture from her family about never dating a motorsport driver. Their logic was that they could never give her a stable life she deserved and knew she wanted. She was already stressed every race weekend praying Charles and Arthur would be okay, they had lost enough loved ones in the past, why add another? That was till she met Logan. The Florida native was unlike many she had met. He was kind, quiet, not starstruck by her last name, and very, very handsome. She was proud to be with him and was excited to eventually go public but she first needed her family to know.
When she saw the tweet, she practically felt the color drain from her face. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. Tears threatened to fall when she thought of how betrayed her family must feel.
She knew she had to see them.
Quickly calling Logan to tell him what happened, as he always tried his best to stay off social media, she tells him to meet her at her mom’s house, as they had been vacationing in Monaco so she could visit family (although no one had known he was there as well).
Luckily, her mom seemed to be none the wiser when she got there, happily greeting her daughter and telling her to come in. When she entered though, she could tell her brothers had seen the photo.
“Ah, look who decided to come visit unannounced today, got anything to tell us?” Charles asked in a snippy tone.
“I am surprised your boyfriend isn’t with you. You two seem to be very close considering a photo of you two making out went viral.” Arthur added with just as much disdain
“Both of you, grow up. We don’t need to start a fight.” Enzo jumped in.
“What do you all mean? What boyfriend?” Pascale asked, confused why her children, who never spoke to each other like this, were being so sharp with each other. 
“Look, this isn’t how I wanted this to go. I wanted to tell you all but it was so new and I didn’t feel the need to say anything until it got serious. The last thing I needed was for Charles to have an enemy on the grid if it didn’t last, and by the time it turned serious I was too scared because of how long I waited.” She explained. As she did this, Enzo showed his mother the tweet that started it all. 
“You are our sister, we want to know what is going on in your life. This is a big thing to be hiding. I race with him! Admittedly, I don’t know him well enough but I do know enough about drivers in general to not want you to have to deal with them, let alone date them.” Charles said.
“It is unfair of you to keep this a secret from your family. You don’t get to make the decision about how we will feel about something for us.” Enzo added.
“I know that! Don’t you understand this wasn’t done with malicious intent? I have sat through enough talks with you guys to know how you'd feel if I dated a driver and while I hadn’t envisioned it happening, it did. I am happy with Logan and I am sorry you found out this way but I am not sorry for dating him. If you can’t be happy for me then I have no reason to be here.” She said, exacerbated. She started for the front door, ignoring her family’s protests. As she opened the door she was met with her very confused and concerned American boyfriend who was just a second away from knocking on the door. 
She was about to grab his arm and drag him off when her mom finally got to her, asking her to come back so they could have a productive conversation this time. She would have said no and continued on, but her mom greeted Logan sweetly and invited him in. She knew his southern manners would stop him from declining, especially when this was his first meeting with her mother. So, reluctantly, she followed him back inside.
Under different circumstances, she would have laughed at the shock on her brothers’ faces as Logan entered, their mother’s arm wrapped around his as she dragged lead him in. 
“We are going to start over, and you three are going to be hospitable to our guest.” Was all Pascale said as she let go of Logan and stared her three boys down. 
No one knew what to say, the uncomfortable look on Logan’s face hurt her to see, as she was the reason he was here, she had needed him and he had come rushing, no questions asked. 
“Well, I would have rather met you before I saw a picture of you making out with my sister blasted all over social media.” Arthur teased, getting a smack on the back of the head by Charles. It wasn’t necessarily unkind, his words didn’t drip with anger or disgust, okay maybe a little bit of disgust, but that was a start. 
“I apologize for that, I can promise you that however grossed out or uncomfortable you are doesn’t even come close to the amount of embarrassment I feel so I am atoning for my actions.” Logan joked. She could see how embarrassed he truly was though, he was a private person in most respects, minus his taste for showing off his abs, this was far too much for him. 
Luckily, her family laughed at that. But she could tell that they were about to get serious again.
“Are you good to her?” Charles asked.
“I think that's a question for her to answer.” Logan replied. She gave him a mental high five for that response, knowing it would please her family.
“He is amazing. He is kind and very gentlemanly.” She answered.
“I think that photo would suggest otherwise, his hands are far too low. But I am glad to hear that” Enzo teased. 
After a few more tense minutes of interrogation, her brother’s seemed to back off, content with his responses. 
“How are you two going to handle all the gossip?” Arthur asked.
She hasn’t thought of how she would address the rest of the world, too preoccupied with her family. Dred filled her again once she realized all she still had to do.
“Maybe you guys could help us with that?” Logan said, an idea already formed. 
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logansargeant Whoops, sorry about that folks ✌🏻
charles_leclerc added to their story
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charles_leclerc Yes we are aware this boy is dating our sister and we approve…somewhat. 
A/N: I had to add the last photo of Logan and i am not sorry. Love y'all
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> MC ASPECTS < How you renowned around town “You make your own reality. And once you’ve done it, apparently, everyone’s of the opinion it was all so fucking obvious.” - Logan - Fucking - ROy
!!parental advisory explicit!!
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MC Aspecting Sun - “rome, I think you're a super talented superstar and I love you” - Shiv Roy : Its hard not to notice you, you got a poise of regality, and you work the public sphere with ease; you put yourself out there and you get a lot of attention from onlookers - and it makes you one of a kind. you are someone with dignity and maybe too much self respect for some, to give you the credit that you do deserve > because no one does it quite like you - high key a dominant force in any room you enter - wolf of wall street vibes and lets be honest you are not above having a party at the office... and paying hookers to make it more cool...... you do the most and its a vibe vibe MC Aspecting Moon - "They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had, and add some extra just for you" - Therapist in succession You know how to put people at ease, and your basically a professional therapist at this point. You can lighten up anyones mood or piss everyone off depending on how you feel. And this understanding of psychology really benefits you; because people want to treat you right, so you can give them some insight as to why they have a mental breakdown every 5 minutes (this generations daily cycle) your like a dog that lives in a hair-salon and everyone wanna get a cuddle from it/he/she/thing/you
MC Aspecting Mercury - “Information, Greg, it’s like a bottle of fine wine. You store it, you hoard it, you save it for a special occasion and then you smash someone’s face with it.” - Tom Wambsgams When you stfu people are wondering what your thinking. because somehow. someway. you've taken control of the conversation, and whatever you say is taken with heavier consideration then the average person. However that does not mean you get your way, it just means we listen to you the most - easily the most valuable insight comes from you guys, and your perceived as. a hustler. no wonder your careful with ur words because you dont really care about getting the right answer in the known, if that ultimately inteferes with your master plan you'll just stay quiet - because you know how to navigate the world with words, and your aware that ultimately the final word - the best word - is the deciding factor of what we do MC Aspecting Venus - "Here’s the thing about being rich, okay? It’s fucking great. It’s like being a superhero, only better. You get to do what you want — the authorities can’t really touch you. You get to wear a costume, but it’s designed by Armani and it doesn’t make you look like a prick." - Tom Wambsgams Beauty pageants. Everyone is interested in you, because your beautiful and your graceful, and you'd make a fine edition to the list of exes that everyone has. So besides the fact that your fuckable, you know how to charm people so easily and thats why you get so much attention, and its positive unless your insecure about how attractive you are.... which is a real thing... and id say just get that plastic surgery or stfu and find some real solutions. i mean has anyone ever tried to tell a beautiful person, that they beautiful.... its exhausting... and then they just look for someone else (more beautiful) to get that validation. its a death trap!!! dont fall for that bs... but damn yo fine ass better get used to being a fine ass or someone gonna commit a crime on yo ass MC Aspecting Mars - "I got a track record from founding one of the most exciting new media brands in the world. And what do you got? Track marks from shooting junk? Thanks for coming down. It was great to meet you." - Lawyrence Yee Unfuckwitable - you embody the underdog - and i mean an under dog thorugh and through; youll bark at anything that pisses yall offf, and thats why people watch they step around yall, no one wanna get bitten by da big dog with a small dog complex. but your fierce and people try their best to match your aggressive energy just to save face for themselves - meanwhile your just more pissed off that you always gotta show yo teeth to anyone you talk to lol. Your competitive and act like crackhead that knows karate. everyone is low key intimidated by ya, and you know it
MC Aspecting Jupiter - "Most things don't exist. the ford motor company hardly exists. It's just a time saving expression for a collection of financial interests." - Logan RoyEveryone likes you, and sometimes you don't even understand why, and thats just another reason to like you. You show a geniune uninterest in any boring mundane activities > and this lack of care for bullshit makes it so that when you do show an interest for something > you've somehow convinced everyone in the room that your enthusiasm defines whats enjoyable. and this discernment makes others believe that your the new budha for socio-economic observations . I respect it. and you did it without even realizing, like thats a feat initself, and you guys are 100 feet tall in everyone elses eyes because you got a name fo yo self MC aspecting Saturn - "the actual fact is we're persuading more and more shareholders everyday that we offer them just a slightly better chance for them to make a little bit more money on the dollar…and that's all that this is…." - Stewy Hosseini The boss is here and now everyone gotta actually do something productive. you guys have respect, and people know that if they don't come at you correctly, then you'll correct it for them, and no one wanna be daddied by the king kong daddy. Your life is defined by hardships and this is the most noticeable trait about yall, and it has molded you into a gus fring. A stone cold killer. You don't have to say much but the weight of your presence in itself, is so much pressure, that everyone wanna ask for more time, but no one wanna be scolded by yall so we just stfu and deal with it MC Aspecting Uranus - "Nothing is a line. Everything, everywhere is always moving. Forever. Get used to it." - Logan Roy Who is they? who are we? why can they get away with acting like a complete fucking retard? Well they don't 'get away with it' they just fucking do it. I mean the balls on ya'll is undeniable, but the audacity and the concept of why. well no one knows and I don't think you do either. But you literally change the game wherever you go, because you do ridiculous shit just to make fun of reality, and it really does expose how much of a cult we all live in; since we all about our own rituals of bullshit. I applaud the audacity but everyone gets nervous around your unpredictable nervous explosions - your like a charged creeper; youve been shocked by something and now you just have to explode and ruin everyones buildings
MC Aspecting Neptune - "Climate said I was going down. Climate said I should just step aside. I guess I'm a climate denier" - Logan Roy You're imagination personified. You somehow write your favourite stories into reality > and you do this so uncosnciosuly thst you've somehow convinced everyone its real. You don't care much for whats actually real, you'd rather manifest what you want to be real > no matter whats being thrown at you (and theres a lot) you have a uncanny ability to be a energy conduit > and transform that energy into what pleases you the most. And because of this you appear to be a mystic. and theres a tendency to be very calm, and if life throws too much shit at you > and you've ran outta favours, its adios to the world. and the long road of finding your purpose again awaits! MC Aspecting Pluto - "Would you like to hear my favourite passage from Shakespear? Take the fucking money." - Logan Roy You are daunting aren't you. people don't talk to you very much, at least not any normal self abiding citizen. you look like TMNT - you look neglected > look like you ate some radioactive poison > became this mutant thing > and was raised by a rat that could beat your ass... how'd that go? you look great! I would shake your hand but Im honestly afraid your gonna bite me. Look your life is intense and borderline traumatic, I get it. but this makes you so mesmerising > you can have the whole room in a trance with your dark aura, and people just hand you power like its nothing. You don't even care tho, and thats what makes you even more powerful lol > if anyone can handle the dark. its you > and a powerful 'rep' requires someone who doesn't fuck around. and you do not
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highly highly recommend succession > all the quotes used are from dat show - and its a fkn masta piece
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gentlyweeps-world · 8 months
the stubble
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summary: You help Logan take care of himself.
pairing: logan sarge x reader
warnings: none!
genre: fluff!!
notes: I saw an edit of an interview of logan with his stubble and let me tell you- I’ve never wanted that man more
You didn’t have an issue with Logan’s stubble- if anything you found it extremely attractive.
You knew it was because he wasn’t taking care of himself, the last few races of the season really taking a toll on him.
So with the small break between Qatar and Austin, you decided it was time to take a self-care day for the two of you.
“Hey Log? You up?” You murmur out, leaning over Logan’s frame as he lays in bed, dragging your fingers through his hair.
The sound of Logan muttering was a sound that warmed your heart.
As your fingers ran through his hair, he smiled but didn’t open his eyes.
“I made you some breakfast..” You say softly, admiring him as he sleeps.
“It follows your diet too..”
As you speak, Logan’s ears perk up and he rolls over to face you, squinting before leaning himself up on his elbows.
“You did?”
“Yes I did” You say with a smile and laugh. “So why don’t you get up, eat with me, then we’ll have a nice self care day, yeah?”
“A nice self-care day?” Logan asks with a small smirk of amusement and a laugh, getting himself up and out of bed, still in his boxers.
“Yes! You need it Log, so get dressed and meet me in the kitchen” You say.
“Okay!” Logan chuckles. “You sound like my mother…” He adds on, pulling on a random pair of sweats.
He hums as he makes his way into the kitchen, noticing the food you have set out for you two.
You turn to face him, giving him a smile as you sit down at the small dining table you two have.
Logan sits with you at the table, beginning to eat with a smile, he doesn’t say much to you, picking to instead, enjoy the moment with each other.
You cuddle into Logan on your couch, watching the end credits of a movie play. “I think it’s time we shave your face”.
“Hey!” Logan exclaims with a small giggle. “I look cute with a little stubble, it’s not that bad…” He adds with a smile.
“I’m not saying it’s bad! I think you look good with it- but it’s time” You say with a smile, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Ugh…” Logan sighs, “I mean it’s not too bad, I look rugged and tough..” He glances over to you with a smirk.
“Logan, baby, I love you- but you have a slutty little man waist, you are anything but rugged and tough” You say with a chuckle, pulling away from him, getting off of your couch.
Logan laughs along with you, rolling his eyes.
“Hey!” He replies with a grin, getting up off the couch and following you into the bathroom.
“You’re just saying that because you just can’t keep your hands off of me!” He replies as he reaches the sink, turning the water on.
“Okay yes that is true..” You mumble out with a grin, opening the cabinet to grab shaving cream and his razor.
“But it’s time for the stubble to go- you look very hot with it but it gets annoying when I kiss you” You add on, getting some shaving cream onto your hand then spreading it out onto his face.
“Ah come on…” He whines as you put the shaving cream on his face.
“You’ll survive baby..” You whisper out. You gently hold one side of his face, focusing as you start to shave his face.
Logan places his hands on your waist, giving your hips a reassuring squeeze.
“You know, I could have shaved myself…” He whispers out, careful to not mess you up.
“Yeah well- you need to learn how to rely on other people and give yourself a break..” You murmur out, your words having a deeper meaning to them, one you know he’ll understand.
“Okay…” Logan replies, keeping his eyes closed from the feeling of the razor on his skin.
The meaning behind your words weren’t missed, he understood the message you were sending him.
“How about after this, we take a nice hot bath, wash each other and relax?” He asks with a smile, opening his eyes to look at you.
“Sounds perfect..” You say with a smile, stepping back as you finish shaving his face.
“Good…” Logan chuckles, running his hands down the side of his face, now feeling smooth and shaven.
“Well, come here and give me a kiss.” Logan adds with a smirk, reaching over to you.
“Alright..” You say with a giggle, pressing your lips to his in a kiss.
You break away from him after a moment, “You’ll do great in Austin don’t stress about it..”
Logan pulls you back in for another kiss, a deep one, not wanting to let you go just yet.
“I’m not stressing…I’m just worried, I’m gonna have to do well at Austin…the last few races weren’t too great…” He mumbles out as he pulls away from you.
“I have a good feeling you’ll score points, don’t worry..” You say softly, “Let’s take that bath now, yeah?”
“Okay..” He says, “But- one more kiss..”
Logan pulls you in for one more kiss, wrapping his arms around you, he pulls away just inches from your lips, “Thank you baby”
“Of course Log..”
radio 🪩: Just a cute little Logan fic I had in mind 🫶
send in requests 🩵
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destielembarker · 23 days
tags: FLUFFY, THEN EQUAL AMOUNTS NOT, cuddling, crying reader, fighting, blood, angry logan, pain kink, biting, hair pulling (m! receiving), no use of “y/n”, reader has a pus$y, cheating (mentioned), dirty talk, x-men characters, wade wilson, 18+ (let me know what else i need to add)
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notes: i have severe adhd so be prepared for these not to be answered in the way they were intended but the appreciation is there all the same. also shitty grammar bc i decided to be a STEM major. please comment if you enjoyed!! love hearing your opinions.
SFW alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
This mfer does NOT do pda but that doesn’t mean he isn’t affectionate. You’ve grown to be okay with it. When it’s just you two in yalls bedroom in the mansion, he will never take his hands off you. Always following you to each room like a lost puppy. You’ve had to kick him out the bathroom a few times bc he says he doesn’t care but come on! He tries so hard to use his words too but it never comes out quite right so he sticks to physical touch.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
His hard ass dismissive attitude makes it hard to be friends with him and he knows that. ‘Push everyone away so you never get hurt’ kinda situation. But you bond in making fun of people. you both giggle when Scott trips over a chair and hell, if you’re gonna be mean, might as well do it together. The moment that solidified it between you two is when you had been in the mansion for about a week but never seen Logan before. You walk into Xavier’s office where he was chatting with Jean and you immediately blurt out “Nice hairdo dickhead!” and he, without missing a beat, responds, “Nice forehead fuckass!” and he mocks your fake gasp.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
This man doesn’t cuddle, he cages you in, in literal adamantium bars. He wraps his entire body around you and holds on tight like it’s his last time. You’re also smaller than him so his stomach is curled around your back and once he’s asleep, there’s no fucking way you’re moving his arms bc they are so heavy. His legs also braid between yours so you’re immobilized. You’ve had to explain a few times that he gets hot at night and breathing is a necessary function but he doesn’t change.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Bachelor of what, 200 years now? (he’s got some bad habits) He’s very weary when it comes to settling but mentioning a nice place in the woods peaks his interest. It takes a lot for him to admit that’s what he wants but when he does, you know instantly he isn’t just the type to settle with anyone and you’re special. He’s dated yes, but he usually plays the typical male card on some house work tho. He handles a majority of the outside work while inside he doesn’t care for much. Which is ok bc he allows you to be a stay at home wife bc of the nature of his work and he wants you to be as safe as possible.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It ain’t logan if it doesn’t go down in flames. and shit it would. He would definitely hit you where it hurts saying things like “I never loved you, you were simply accessible and easy!” and “Why do you care so much about me when I care so little about you?” and shit. it causes so much pain and resentment you’ve rather him cheat on you at this point.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Oh this a long long long wait but you two ain’t rushing to get hitched. He must first feel you’re worthy to keep around first because he ain’t just giving his heart away willy nilly, he’s been hurt multiple times and so have you. But after you almost died on a mission trying to save him he knew you were the one. And hell you’re already doing what married couples do now just without the kids, ceremony, and rings. He knows you’re his and you know he’s yours. You suggested the idea of rings but he claimed he would lose it so don’t waste your money on it. but you two mark each other up in other ways to set your claim so…
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s like a big dog that forgets he isn’t a lap dog. You’ve had to remind him he’s bigger and stronger so his seemingly small nudges from him feel like big pushes. He learns quickly and is soft and gentle and considerate too! Kinda same situation for emotionally, he’s a man out of his time so men didn’t really show emotions back then but he knows to keep you around, you gotta hear some type of verbal conformation of his love. He starts slowly with “You look nice today.” then slowly evolves into “I’d rather die than not spend another day with you in my life.” and that’s about as gentle as it gets.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Aside from running hugs (check my last post) he is such a good hugger. Remember what I said about PDA? hugs don’t count. He will wrap is arms around your neck and just stay there while he has conversations with the team. Seeing each other after two weeks? He will pick you up and swing you around after he gets back. He loves to pick you up to hug your middle to hear your heart beat while you hug his head. but sometimes he squeezes too much making you without oxygen.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
This comes after a year of yall being together when you had a massive argument about his relationship with Jean. He is always flirty with her and it makes you kinda jealous, so you confront him about it. He gets defensive and finally blurts out. “I DONT LOVE HER. I LOVE YOU.” and the room goes silent. You both stare at each other for a minute then you just smile and walk out. Not a ‘i love you’ back or anything because he was being a dick. But, eventually it comes later that night in bed. He gets so happy he cuts off your air supply from the kisses and hugs.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
If there’s one major thing that makes him different than the other guys you’ve been with, it’s his possessive jealousy. If another guy does so much as come within 3 feet of you he puts himself between you and him. At the grocery store checking out, and its male cashier? He will do all the talking and paying. And don’t get me started on Scott teasing him about taking you away from him. The claws come out and you have to grab him before he launches himself in Scott’s direction.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
This man and his kisses. I don’t think there’s a place on your body he hasn’t kissed. All over you from the very top of your head to the bottom of your feet he loves it all. And don’t get be started on the ‘racing home from a mission to meet you in your shared bedroom’ kiss. It’s more of a long drawn out sloppy make out session. Half the time you meet him at the door to your shared room and he can’t even say hello before you’re all over him. Where specifically does he like to be kissed you ask? This is the sfw section so use your imagination on that one.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Strangely enough this gruff exterior man loves kids. He prefers if they can walk and talk unless they’re y’all’s. He is such so interactive too. With his increased stamina he loves to tire them out by asking “do you wanna race?” and thus he runs those suckers out so they sleep and you two can do adult things.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’s very quiet and grumpy. It starts with him rolling over towards your side of the bed. whether you’re awake or not he kisses your forehead or lips. If he has any extra time he will wrap his body around you and grumbles, “Good morning beautiful” and just hums when you stir awake. He isn’t much of a talker in the morning so you both just place soft kisses on each other until you meet each other in the bathroom for your morning shower together.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Similar situation as morning, depending on what the occasion is. If you’re hanging around the kitchen having a drink with Jean, Scott, and Ororo; he loves to talk and wind down with them then eventually both of you stumble to bed. A lot of kisses and cuddles. Some nights are shared with the both of you watching a movie, cuddled on the couch making occasional comments. He does turn into a grumpy old man when he gets tired so usually you turn to physical affection instead of verbal to keep him happy.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Oh this man has lived and loved. He has double the life time of memories that are fuzzy sometimes so something might remind him of something and tell you about it. I don’t think there is enough time in your life to hear everything there is to know about this man. Your relationship didn’t start on a long emotional outdraw, but, a hot heated physical relationship, then-turned-soft situation. Having to pry into his head about how he feels about certain things usually is how you learned what you do know about him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Anger isn’t the right word when you piss him off. Annoyed is more like it, at least that’s what you think of it like. You know he isn’t really angry because if he was those claws would come out more often. But from an outside perspective he’s saying things like “Shut the fuck up.” and “Stop speaking for 5 goddamn seconds.” and you know he doesn’t really intend harshness, just annoyance. It depends on the situation if he is patient tho. If it’s a serious situation, he will snap at you. If it’s a lovers quarrel he will sit you down and talk about it (with his dick in your mouth)
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Logan doesn’t forget any of the smallest details about you. One time you off handily mentioned that you don’t like tomatoes, so when he makes you and sandwich, he remembers no tomatoes for you. It was a tiny gesture but it was so sweet. He knows you like it quiet in the morning and loud music at night. He knows everything, even your favorite brand of tampons.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The month you first met was probably his favorite because all you two were doing was bickering. He would always say he was teasing you but you genuinely were spitting harsh remarks which he laughed off and dismissed. You knew he was attractive from the moment you two locked eyes but the constant arguments lead to a unusual rage that lied somewhere between frustration and hunger. Eventually, one night, it built so much in your body you started drunkly yelling at him, and he started laughed which pissed you off even more. So you marched across the room to smacked that smirk right off his face, that’s when he grabbed your wrist before it collided with his face and shoved you against the wall and started aggressively kissing you quiet. You were so angry trying to push him off but your body got the best of you and your fingers traveled to his hair to pull him closer to deepen the kiss. One thing lead to another and you woke up the next morning in his bed with nothing on.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Go back to J for reference. but he is aggressively protective of you. Claws out anytime he senses something might take you away from him. You attempt the same for him but you both know with his advanced healing and his aggressive behavior, nothing can get to him. And hell, you tried to protect him one time and you almost died, so he usually takes control of physical threats. Verbal threats? He loves to watch you argue with other people about how “taken” he really is, and he stands back with his arms crossed and smirks.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
God forbid you lift a finger on everyday tasks, he always growls and pushes you out of the way. dishes? laundry? cooking? He doesn’t say anything but comes over and takes whatever you’re doing and motions you to sit down. There’s only so much “I got this!” or “Let me do it!” you can say before he stops responding and keeps rinsing the plates in the sink. Where you differ is dates and anniversaries. You love all the “lovey dovey shit”. You never took much interest in any of the romance before but seeing him surrounded in rose petals and candle glow creates such a perfect contradiction you have to keep doing it. You can’t decide if he really likes it or not but he always grumbles and smiles everytime you do something romantic so you keep doing it.
You both really don’t do big gifts but sometimes you find something like a leaf shaped as a heart or a zippo with your initial and a heart around it in a gas station and gift it to him. He does similar things for you just to let each of you know you were thinking of one another when you’re away from each other. The only big gift he does unprovoked is get you a beautiful engagement ring.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Beard trimmings in the sink. Use his claws for unnecessary things which leaves scratch marks on things (there’s only so much you can touch up the paint on the wall before you give up.) Smoking in the house. Leaves the toilet seat up. Works too much. Tracks mud in the house with his work boots. He makes growly noises at night which sometimes stirs you awake. HE SNORES. (not a bad habit but it happens)
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He doesn’t try to but he’s just naturally beautiful. the hair the beard he tries to keep trimmed but he doesn’t really care because you tell him everyday that he is the most physically attractive man that has ever crossed your path.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Definitely. The yearning in his body that he feels when you’re apart for an hour, let alone weeks while on missions is enough to kill him. You know he can’t call you because of spotty service on missions but you still like to send him selfies and he’ll respond when he can with hearts. He isn’t really technologically advanced so that’s what you get but, you know he is smiling on the other end.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
You have a small cat, that he found, that absolutely LOVES him. He acts like he hates her but she always screams and runs towards him when he gets home. She will climb up his back and sit on his shoulders and rubs her head all over his ears, back of head, and face. You get mad at him everytime he swats her off so he just allows it now. Everytime he sits down she is right on his lap. You knew she loved you when he first brought her home after he found her on the side of the road but she loves him even more. Slowly you find him baby talking to her while he makes dinner and eventually he starts referring to her as yalls baby. He knows you would do anything for him, but you do EVERYTHING for this cat so mutual respect is formed.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He hates pop music. Hates high pitched noises. Hates strong smells. Hates getting rained on & having wet clothes. Hates when you do poppy clicky noises with your mouth. hates people who chew with their mouth open. Hates annoying people in general. But everything about you that previous partners have been annoyed about, he loves. (having to unlearn not to keep parts of yourself from him takes a long time.)
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
For the first couple of months he told you that you shouldn’t sleep with him because of his nightmares can get so bad that he can accidentally stab you. Well that that ain’t got shit on your insomnia so youre always half awake enough to get out of the way if he does start thrashing. Plus your king size bed is big enough to roll out of the way and not hit the floor.
After a while his restlessness slowly evaporates because he feels so safe around you that the nightmares begin to fade. You both learn that you both get a restful night if you’re cuddled in his arms. No half touches, full on koala on your back. he is big and heavy and it does get hot at night but he doesn’t care, he just pushes the covers off (it helps both of you don’t sleep with much clothes on anyway) and curls around you tighter. It took a while to get use to, but now you cannot sleep without it. His two week long mission returns are met with your dark circles under your eyes. You told him multiple times it’s okay because he is saving people but he can’t help but to feel bad.
NSFW alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Jesus christ if you can get a chance for him to stop fucking you for 10 minutes he might partake in aftercare. His stamina is INSANE, he might get a little winded after 3 rounds and give you a break. but after he cums the first time, he is rock hard 5 minutes later. but afterwards you’re too tired to even care what happens but it’s usually met with lots of kisses, check in questions, and obviously cuddles. he is so physical touch driven so if he doesn’t say it, he’ll definitely show it.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his hair so he keeps it a little longer so you can grip onto it while he eats you out or aggressively making out with you. and he has said multiple times in the beginning that you’re not pulling hard enough so you YANK on his hair which invokes a loud growl from him and starts driving his tongue deeper inside your cunt. that’s when you learn that soft touch’s aren’t doing it for him anymore.
His favorite part on you is your torso. whenever he can he will wrap his hands around your middle and pull you closer to him. your torso can be grabbed anytime he wants to move you or throw you around so his hands will always trace your sides with his fingers and hold you down.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Pls refer to my older nsfw post about this man but to recap this man is absolutely different in terms of his semen than any other man. the fluid production in one ejaculation is probably twice the amount of a normal person. AND it’s thick and potent. the amount of sperm cells are also doubled than a normal person. it’s more of the consistency of liquid glue but without the sticky factor. it sits heavy inside you after one round and you know he isn’t finished.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a AGGRESSIVE breeding kink. he loves to fill your cunt filled to brim with his cum, he presses on your slightly bulged lower tummy to watch the cum drool from your cunt. you both know that IUD isn’t going to hold up much longer so he keeps mentioning things like, “i hope our baby gets your eyes.” and “Do you think we would put them in soccer or baseball?” and you always laugh it off but you’re at the point in your relationship with him that whatever happens, happens.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Bitch, “is he experienced?” is an insult even to think about. Logan Howlett is two hundred fucking years old. and he is a WHORE. you have enough self respect that you don’t even ask what his body count is because you know it’ll be in the high double digits if not triple digits. he knows every person is different but he knows exactly when he hits the spot on his partner and runs with it. you’re no exception. usually your younger partners in the past had to be taught how to please you. he doesn’t, he watches you closely and hit all your buttons plus more the first time you slept together and continues to do it each time.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Oh he loves to watch you ride him. not because he gets the most sexual pleasure from it but because he loves to sit back and smoke his cigar and watch you struggle to keep moving. his cock is so big it pokes out your stomach below your belly button and he loves to rub his hand over it while thumbing your clit. also gravity moves your cervix lower inside you so his tip is nailing it everytime you take him completely. it hurts and he has bruised you a few times but it hurts so good and he loves to watch your thighs shake and hear your whimpers of “Lo please help.” “i can’t do it by myself!” and he just chuckles and deeply growls, “You got this baby girl, keep using me to please yourself.”
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
This man doesn’t fuck around (hehe get it.) no but seriously, he only gets humor from watching you grow more and more desperate for him. he will tease you for a while but once he is fully inside you something takes over him and he begins to get more feral. he bites, he growls, he scratches, and he sucks on your neck claiming you as his. No time for jokes.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He is fuzzy like a kitten and it doesn’t stop on top of his head. his chest, arms, thighs are all covered in black/brown hair. like his face, he keeps his pubic hair trimmed but not too tight. you have to watch when you give him kisses all over his body because you end up sputtering hair out. of course he likes to watch you struggle and pull spit covered hair out of your mouth after you suck him off.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
You both lost the niceties very quickly into your relationship. it’s immediate pouncing onto one another the moment you two are alone. he pulls your hair back from your aggressive make out session causing you to whimper stating, “You want daddy to fuck you now?” he says looking into your eyes. “p-please!” you cry back and immediately he starts ripping off your clothes.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
His sex drive is so fucking high it’s insane. when he is on missions night one he’s already got his cock in his hands thinking about you. if you’re in the same time zone he will send you pictures with the caption “Thinking about you ❤️”
Any other person would disgust you but he has you so whipped that your mouth waters everytime you get a new dick pic from him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Blood play, do you know how giddy this man gets when you’re on your period and he can eat you out. you found it extremely weird at first but seeing the tip of his nose, beard, lips and chin covered in blood when he pulls back to get some air and has that feral terrifying look in his eyes it sparks something inside you. he also likes to mark you with claws. you both know how sharp they are and your lack of healing factor can be fatal but that’s what makes it all the more fun. he is currently sketching his name into your thigh one slash at a time. waiting for that to heal and scar over till he moves on to the next letter. right now your thigh looks like:
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L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He will take you whenever and wherever he finds fit. you have told him numerous of times that if charles finds yall he’s kicking you both out but that doesn’t stop him. wherever anyone is out of eyesight he will pull you aside and beg for it. empty classroom? laundry room? theater room? he doesn’t care.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The sight of any outfit on you that exposes more skin than usual. little mini skirts and crop tops are his weakness. when you bounce down the stairs into the kitchen for breakfast wearing a old band shirt you cut into crop top and some black denim shorts he almost drops the hot pan he’s holding. which scotty laughs at and he quickly whips his head to him saying, “shut it.” while slowly turning back to you gawking at your exposed tummy.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn’t share. Wade will definitely have asked one night but that resulted in having to buy a new rug for the living room because of the amount of blood wade’s wounds dripped everywhere. he spent at least 10 minutes stabbing him everywhere before Wade said “OKAY, i tap out. i get it. she’s yours.” while you giggled on the couch nursing your third cosmo that wades heavy hand poured.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Logan’s favorite quote when you first got together was “I don’t eat your pussy for your pleasure, I do it for mine.” and shit does he live up to that. he’s so good at it and his tongue gets so deep inside you. his entire mouth latches onto your clit and sucks. you joke he goes blind when he eats you out because he absolutely makes out with your sopping pussy saying, “wrong lips asshole!” which results in him reaching over your torso and wrapping his hand around your throat and pinning you onto the bed while he continues to lick your entire pussy with a flat tongue. he uses both hands to thumb your folds wider so he can get deeper inside you while maintaining eye contact. he loves to kneel on the floor beside your bed and prop you up on pillows beforehand because your elbows usually give out. he loves to watch your face twist and scrunch and listen to your needy whimpers. he keeps conversation to a minimum but occasionally he will pull away with a spit string still attaching his bottom lip to your clit saying, “MY pussy always tastes so good for me. you’re MINE.” and goes right back to what he is doing making your head throw back in pleasure. he abruptly pulls back and smacks your ass, “Fucking watch me.” he says harshly. you snap your head up looking at him with wide eyes and he gently blows onto your swollen clit making a tear drip from your face in full pleasure alone.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
I don’t think this man believes in the term “slow” anymore. whatever he does in life he has to do it quickly. Sex is no exception unless he is purposely teasing you. After a particularly bad night where you two were non stop arguing you decided the only way to resolve it was some good old fashioned hatefucking. this lead to a trip to the OBGYN the next day because of the severe bruising on your cervix (i told you he was big.)
It started with some mild discomfort during sex then felt like something heavy landed on your stomach. you immediately yelped in pain which he surprisingly reacted quickly and concerned. “N-no more. Hurts.” you said through tears and sniffles. he immediately pulled out and started asking a bunch of questions and apologizing while wrapping his body around you hugging you tightly. he grabbed your shirt and your panties and helped you get dressed. he put on his gray sweatpants and crawled into bed beside you. you were curled up on your side facing away from him.
“Hey honey, talk to me. what’s going on?” he muttered softly into your ear, curling around your back. “I don’t know Logie, h-hurts.” he took a deep breath and shivered on the exhale. the thought of actually hurting you, hurt him. you knew that.
you rolled over, wincing in pain, to look him in the eyes. “I love you.” you mumble while making eye contact with his fearful eyes. he smiled and brought you into a big hug. “I-I love you so much baby. I don’t remember why we were fighting-g but i don’t care anymore. I wanna make sure you’re o-okay.” he sounded like he was going to cry.
“I’m ok baby! We’ll get it checked out tomorrow. I don’t remember why we were fighting either. I love you that’s all that matters.” you say against his bare chest.
he lets out a shaky sigh and chuckles a little before kissing the top of your head and relaxes his body off to sleep with you still wrapped tightly around him.
that’s when you both learned to take it easier.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
You hate quickies but most of the time it’s easiest way to calm this horn-dog down. sometimes in boring meetings he will come up behind you, wrap his arms around your middle and slowly rub his hard-on against your ass. that’s when you turn around and look over your shoulder and give him a look of “really?” and he looks down at you with a very serious look on his face and nods slowly. that’s when you both have to excuse yourself from the meeting in Xavier’s office to a nearby empty classroom.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
You think it’s a risk everytime he opens his mouth. straight dick-to-mouth thinking. he says the nastiest things that he doesn’t recall afterwards.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can cum 3 times without feeling tired. you’re suprised more often than not about how much cum his balls can actually hold. it feels like a huge load inside you each time and you joke it’ll start leaking from your nose if he’s not careful.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Oh no he doesn’t allow you to use toys. you’re a strong independent individual but this is his one rule. nothing else should give you as much pleasure as he does. you suggested a bullet vibrator clit one time but both of you agreed it isn’t as good as his thumb rubbing circles on your clit so he threw it out. he allows you to finger yourself when he is gone to take the edge off but your fingers are too small and doesn’t reach where you like it so it enviably leaves you more frustrated than before.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If you could change one thing about Logan it would be his ability to tease you for so long. he brings you right on the brink of giving up and calling quits out of pure frustration alone before he slams his entire length into you. he knows how bad it pisses you off but he brings it out on occasions. he makes you cry most times about how bad you want him inside you and he loves to watch your makeup run down your face.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
If you were an outsider who didn’t know what was happening and started listening inside yalls bedroom you would think he was pretending to be a rabid bear. he growls, groans, huffs and moans when he is inside you inbetween his breathy voice asking “Does my baby girl love her cunt filled with daddy’s cock?” “you’re so fucking tight, shittt.” and “stop fucking squirming and take me.” he doesn’t try to be quiet either. like i said, when Logan fucks he turns into an animal. he only cares about you two.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Logan Howlett likes to be choked. you already think he loses brain function when he fucks well this makes it ten times worse. he stops talking and turns to soft grunts and his hips snap harder than before. it’s sometimes a trick you use when he is being too vocal and want him to just fuck you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He loves his tight black boxer briefs with some name brand across the top waist band. but if not, he’s commando, some days which you told him is weird but he just laughs you off stating, “easier access to you.”
Also he lovesss his stupid white tank top under his shirts. you call it stupid because jesus christ, every curve of his huge muscles on his abs and pecs are exacerbated by these tank tops. he has caught you drooling mid conversation when he casually walks around with it on.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Animal i tell you. he doesn’t give up. if he had it his way he could be straight fucking for 5 hours without a break. you’ve had to remind him a few times “Honey it hurts. i’m tired.” and weather he feels he’s got his fill or not will elicit a response like, “I’m sorry honey is daddy too much for you? Do you need a break?” or “Shut the fuck up. you’re going to appreciate whatever I give you and you WILL say thank you afterwards.” while snapping his hips harder into you. Most days the latter is preferred.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes him a while to actually settle afterwards. he needs to make sure you’re comfortable, not in any pain, cleaned up, and warm wrapped around him before he can settle and drift off to sleep.
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pinkestofpanthers · 28 days
here's more logan thoughts of mine...
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having to explain to logan that there's a common belief among people that if you're able to tie a knot into the stem of a maraschino cherry, that you must be a good kisser.
in your defense, it was all pretty innocent. logan found himself stumbling into the kitchen and noticed you standing at the counter with rogue nearby. placed out in front of the both of you were two glasses filled halfway with ice, two cans of ginger ale, a bottle of grenadine, and a small jar of maraschino cherries. before he could even say it, you recognized him lurking and spoke,
"shirley temples. rogue mentioned how she hasn't had one in forever and i decided to play bartender tonight," you grinned and cracked open the can of soda.
"i see. you make it with ginger ale?" he asked, eyes glancing to the can in your hand.
"that's how they were originally made. ginger ale, some grenadine, and a couple of cherries to add more flavor. want one?" though you asked nicely, he declined the offer and made his way to the fridge.
"you know," he said, rummaging through the fridge, "i heard shirley temple herself didn't even like the drink. also heard they never served it to her."
rogue chuckled to herself as she spooned cherries out of the jar. "of course you would know, you were probably there when they first invented it," she laughs. you tried to hold back your laughter as you looked to logan, who just waved the girl off and made some comment about her being too young to know who shirley temple was.
suddenly, rogue's attention was turned to you, as she called your name and asked if she could ask you 'something silly'. of course, you nodded, listening to whatever the girl had to say next.
"do you know how to tie a cherry stem with your tongue?" she looked to you as she twirled a stem between her pointer finger and thumb.
your eyes went wide, trying to think of a response. you didn't know exactly why she was asking. was she genuinely curious, or was she going to follow up by asking if you heard of the 'is it true that if you're able to tie a cherry stem with your tongue than it means you're a good kisser?' myth.
you tell her that you can't remember if you ever tried to. after all, you don't necessarily eat the cherries for the stems.
"makes sense. apparently only fifteen percent of people are able to do it," she shot back, now discarding the stem into the garbage.
"where did you even hear that?" you turned to her, as she just shrugged and grabbed a straw for her glass.
"is that the new party trick now? tying cherry stems with our tongues?" logan clears his throat, as he makes his way to sit down across from the two of you.
"you're old enough to know the shirley temple didn't like the drink named after her, but you don't know about tying cherry stems with your tongue?" she deadpanned.
logan, looking confused as ever, is trying to make sense of what she's saying but after a while, rogue realizes the can of worms she's opened has just led to more confusion and regrets even asking about it. she excuses herself from the kitchen, mumbling something about going to find bobby, and left you alone to work on your drink. you couldn't help but notice how logan was staring at your every move.
"i'm still confused," he spoke up after sitting in silence for a few minutes. you knew exactly what he was talking about, it wasn't as if any other conversation had taken place within the time that rogue left the kitchen, so you decided to clue him in.
"just a stupid little rumor someone made up, a common idea that if you know how to tie a cherry stem with your tongue then you must be a really good kisser," you explained, taking a cherry out of the jar and popping it in your mouth. he responds with a 'hm' and watches as you take the stem and put it in your mouth. after a minute of praying that your high school memories would serve you justice, you grabbed the cherry stem from between your teeth, showing logan the knot you made.
his expression remains the same as he looks at you, then the stem being held in the palm of your hand, and to you again. he smirks, and that's when he questions,
"but it's just a myth, right?"
"i mean, i've never put the theory to the test. you wanna see for yourself?" you try him, thinking he would just laugh you off and continue to joke about it. his response this time being clearer than before,
"i was only hoping you would ask, hun."
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p.s., i tried posting this on another account and for some reason tumblr did not push it??? wtf, anyways, here you go. thanks for the love on the last little blurb i posted!
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-Star Crossed- chapter 1
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Pairing- Oc!reader(afab) x Logan Howlett
Words- 1.9k (not proofread plz excuse any errors)
Summary- it’s been nearly 2 years since Cora(reader) and Logan both lost eachother in their own universe, both broken, angry and hated amongst their people, They would do anything to see one another again, little did they know that day would come sooner than expected, and shatter their hearts into pieces and drive their long hidden desires to the surface ….will they be able to forgive themselves for their past and finally be together? Or will the universe just tear them apart once again?
Warnings- mentions of death, blood, 18+ (smut) in some later scenes/chapters… tension!!!! ./trauma/ no use of y/n I will be using a name but I won’t be describing any appearances! / Logan is aged down to be atleast in his early /mid 30s in this story / will add more warnings when needed.
You’ve been rotting in your bed for months now, you can’t bring yourself to do much…not anymore.. you feel so lost, so hopeless..all because he’s gone, and you blame yourself for everything that had happened , you blame yourself for losing Logan.
You stare up at the white ceiling, Logans dog tags rest around your neck, his old grey zip up wrapped in your arms, his scent slowly fading with each day that passes. You feel nothing but sadness, you’ve cried so much you genuinely don’t think you can bare to cry anymore you just want out. Out of this fucking world, out of your misery. But what can you do? Just leave? No…what would leaving do? You’d still carry the pain you’ve felt since the day Logan Howlett died in your arms. Sometimes you swear you can still feel the warmth from his blood pooling under you, his heavy body laying stiff in your arms…the feeling of absolute dread when he stopped responding to your pleas to stay with you a little longer, when his hand fell from your face, body going limp…thinking about it makes you want to end your own life sometimes but you know that’s not what he would have wanted for you…he would want you to live on, but how could you live when the only man you’d ever loved was gone …forever?
You rolled over on your side, your face sinking into your pillow while you held his jacket close to your body, your other hand clenching his bloodstained necklace it’s all you had left of him since you left the x mansion, you couldn’t be there anymore, not with all the memories and not with knowing none of your friends were there anymore either.. they were all gone, dead… you were the last one left, and you couldn't bear to be reminded of all the happy memories...not when survivors guilt was riddled in your body. when everyone had died, you felt like you at least had a reason to live giving you still had logan by your side, but then he got sick, adamantium poisoning....you don't know how it happened, but the adamantium inside of him started to break down, entering his blood stream, it weakened him, slowed down his healing factor...you hated seeing him in pain, it wasn't like him to show it so much, it broke your heart almost every day and that's when you decided to find a way to help him before it got too bad...but little did you know... that would be the very cause of his death.
You blame yourself every single fucking day for his death, sometimes you wonder if you even deserve to wear those dog tags he ripped from his neck and placed in your blood-soaked hands...."I'm so sorry Logan..." you whisper into the jacket, muffled cries echoed through the quiet dark room, cries that soon turned into loud gut wrenching sobs.. you stayed like that for hours, crying yourself to sleep, the way you did almost every night.
you were jolted awake the next morning by the sound of hard loud knocks on your apartment door. You look around frantically, knowing who it was already...it was them.. humans. Humans who hated you more than anything, more than any other mutant...why? because they blame you for the deaths of the other x-men, and they most definitely blame you for the death of Wolverine. "fuck...that fast??" you mutter stuffing your things into a bookbag that lay on the floor next to your bed, they had defintely found you faster than last time....fuck.
you tried to sneak out the window in your bedroom when the door was kicked open by a few bigger men, they ran inside trashing the place, calling out your name in a way that made your skin crawl "COME OUT YOU BITCH" one yelled like a raging brute "come out come out wherever you are Cora, we just wanna make you feel the pain we felt when you killed the x-men" another cooed, his voice was one you'd hear when taunting someone, it was fucking creepy.
"Fuck me!" you spit in a whisper, they seemed even more upset than before...to this day you don't understand why the humans decided to turn against you, I guess they just needed someone to blame for the deaths...and you were right there and unscathed. As you were trying to make your way out the small window, the door to your bedroom flung open and 3 men entered, a mob of people behind them, they grabbed you almost immediately, grabbing your hands and putting them behind your back, and covering your eyes knowing full well of all your abilities. "We got you; you bitch, you're not going anywhere" . Now this whole ordeal would be a lot easier if you could just use your powers against them, but you took an oath when Logan died to never use your powers to harm a soul ever again...and yea these people were horrible trying to kill you but they genuinely think it's your fault your friends are dead...and you know you'd feel the same way if you were in their shoes, so yea...you took an oath to never use your powers to harm these people...but no one ever said anything about using your combat skills...like cmon you were a fucking x-men...these people are really stupid.
you kicked your leg up into the air, uppercutting one person causing them to fall onto the ground with a loud thump. you then brought your head back to headbutt the man holding your arms behind your back and when you felt they were free you ripped the blindfold off and quickly grabbed a lamp that sat on your bedside table, bashing it against another's head. A few people came charging at you at once, but you dodged them with minimal effort, grabbing their heads and bashing them together causing their bodies to go limp and fall to the ground. your right elbow landed directly into someone's stomach making them gasp for air then you brought your knee up to bash it clear into their face, as someone tried to climb onto your back you stumbled from the sudden attack and fell back into a wall causing them to bring a knife right down into your upper abdomen "GET OFF OF ME" you screamed in pain , pushing yourself back into the wall again and again but the person still had a grip on you, that's when another person tried coming at you full speed to tackle you to the ground...you were getting exhausted, you hadn't properly worked out in months and this sudden fight was one you weren't expecting... you were annoyed, trying to fight all these people, finally getting the person on your back off you head someone yell "YOU MURDERER, YOURE KILLING US BUT WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THEY NEEDED YOU"
"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT WOLVERINE IS DEAD" those words, those seven words snapped something inside of you...and well that oath you took...it meant nothing to you now. you brought your hands up into the air, your eyes glowing a bright white, the humans looked at you with nothhing but fear in their eyes. they all stumbled over eachother in the small apartment, but none of them were fast enough, you brought your hands down with a swift motion and everyone in the room flung back, some hit walls, some crashed into furniture and others flew out of windows, an instant death giving you were on the 7th floor. "I DID NOT KILL LOGAN" you screamed, people tried getting up but you didnt let that slide, "I TREID TO SAVE HIM, I LOVED HIM” you swished your hand to cause the ones trying to escape to fling back to the ground. You saw the man that uttered those words that made you snap almost instantly, you had heard them so many times before but for some reason today was the last straw, you tilted your head to the side walking towards him slowly as you brought your hand up you balled it into a fist and watched as he was lifted off the ground, grasping hopelessly at his neck, he couldn't breathe and you only squeezed your fist tighter and tighter as you watched his face turn blue, you glared at him, your eyes narrowing until
His head was gone within an instant, blood painted your clothes and face. You were in uncontrollable rage, and couldn't stop, matter of fact you didn't want to stop. you wanted them to feel the pain they have been putting you through when you were already going through enough.
The others screamed, but you quickly shut them up, you twisted your head to the side, and without really thinking about it you opened a portal...it was another one of your abilities you rarely used, but as you were throwing people through it, the screaming stopped....they were all dead and you began to come down from your high while the portal was kept open...you fell to your knees and watched as the golden sparks from the portal started to dim....but before the portal closed completely you saw it...him...a face you hadn't seen in almost 2 years....Logan Howlett.
you felt your heart skip a beat when you both locked eyes, his expression showing just as much shock and heartache as yours, ignoring the bodies you absent mindlessly had thrown before him, in his hand held a bottle of whiskey but it soon hit the cold ground, shattering into pieces. you absent mindlessly grabbed the dog tags that hung around your neck, shooting up to your feet before calling out, "LO-" you were cut off mid-sentence as the portal closed as quickly as it was made and once again you were left alone in silence. You fell to your knees, shaking, your mind raced thinking if what you saw was just your imagination paying tricks on you...logan was dead...there was no way ....you saw him die , you saw-..."no....that's not possible" you mutter to yourself, you stared blankly at the blood riddled floor....that's when your mind began to drift to something Strange said long ago to you...how your ability was one of a kind, how with your own mind you could create portals to other worlds without a type of device...at the time you thought he was just wrong...every time you used your ability you only opened portals to other places in your world...not any others, only he had the ability to do that and even so it was with an object... or...at least you thought. "How...I don't even know wh- I don't even remember what i did .... how?" you were at a loss for words. Did you actually do it... did you open a poral to another earth, one where...Logan was still alive? you felt tears swell in the rim of your eyes, soon falling down your cheeks and onto the floor...you felt sick, crazed and as you looked around...horrible...if what you saw was real, then Logan, The man you've craved to see , the man you once loved and still do love, the man you tried saving and the man that died in your arms...is out there and just in your reach.
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ginnsbaker · 5 months
fic: if i bleed (you'll be the last to know) (9/?)
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Part Summary: You get more than you bargained for on Halloween
Pairing: Leigh Shaw x Fem!Reader, temporary Leigh x Danny | Word count for this part: 7.300+ | Warnings: Light angst, R and Leigh being obtuse | Author's Note: Longest chapter so far (and about 90% of it is just Leigh and R)! I have officially written another novel length fic with this update. From a two-shot to this? Wouldn't be possible without everyone's support. Thank you, everyone. I have a little treat for you at the end.
Masterlist | Part I Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII
Despite Leigh's promise to bring Logan in for his vaccinations, she missed the appointment again for the second time. Understanding that life gets hectic, you decide that rather than seeing Logan miss another round of critical vaccinations, you'll take matters into your own hands and arrange a home visit at the Shaw’s.
On the day of the visit, you discover that Logan has gained 2.5 pounds in just two weeks. The drastic weight gain might indicate that he’s not a purebred Shih Tzu as you originally thought when you got him, or Leigh has been feeding him more than the recommended serving size. You can feel Logan’s solid back as you hold him in place while you administer the vaccine on his scruff. Leigh appears nervous, and if you weren’t determined to scold her after completing Logan’s immunizations, you might have found it adorable.
“Just a quick pinch, buddy,” you murmur soothingly to the anxious pup. Logan yelps as the needle pierces his skin, but within two seconds, it’s over. You rub his neck to distract him from the sting of the medicine, then return to your insulated bag to dispose of the syringe. Leigh watches closely as you finish with Logan, a slight frown creasing her forehead. You notice she's dressed in what you figure is her nightwear—a thin olive camisole and matching capri pants. It seems too dressed down for receiving a guest.
“Why are these vaccines so important, anyway?” she asks lightly, but you don’t miss her apprehension behind it. “I mean, he'll mostly be indoors…”
The frustration from her missing two appointments sneaks into your voice as you say, “Vaccines can mean the difference between life and death for puppies. Take the parvovirus—it's lethal and spreads quickly.”
Leigh nods, taking in the weight of your words. You notice her swallow, perhaps realizing the graveness of her oversight. “I didn't realize it was that serious,” she murmurs.
You catch yourself, realizing you might be coming across as harsher than necessary. “It's alright, Leigh. That's exactly why I came here,” you say mildly. You've dealt with many uneducated dog owners before, and Leigh is no different. You know you need to be patient with her, just as you have been with others, and you remind yourself not to let your personal feelings interfere with your professional opinions.
Logan wiggles happily at your feet, seemingly forgiving you for the shot already. “And another thing,” you add, glancing down at Logan’s round belly, “he’s put on quite a bit of weight. We need to watch his diet. Too much food isn’t good for him either.”
Leigh looks slightly embarrassed. “I guess I've been spoiling him with extra treats,” she admits. “I'll be more careful with that.”
“It’s okay. I know how hard it is to say ‘no’ to that face,” you say, smiling at Logan while you rub his chin. “Just keep to the recommended portions, and he’ll be in good shape.”
As you gather your things to leave, you remember Logan's vaccine card. After filling out the final details, you head towards the kitchen where Leigh has silently drifted off. She's busying herself with breakfast on the stove when you approach.
“Here's Logan's vaccine card,” you say, handing it to her. “He needs another dose in two weeks, so don't forget to schedule that in.”
“Thank you,” Leigh says, accepting the card with a nod. “I won't forget this time.”
The aroma of coffee wafts through the room, tickling your nose.
“I've just made some coffee. Would you like to stay for breakfast?” Leigh asks.
You hesitate, considering the offer, but you’re inclined to refuse, still irked by her missing the previous appointments. “I’m good, thanks,” you say, a bit too briskly. Leigh's face falls slightly, a look of disappointment flashing across her eyes before she gives you a small, resigned smile and turns back to the stove.
You start to leave but something stops you—the frustration from Leigh’s no-shows running over. 
“Leigh, can I ask why you didn’t make it to the clinic? And not even a text,” you find yourself saying as you spin on your heels to face her. “It’s not just unprofessional—it hurts more coming from a friend.”
“If you have a problem with me, it’s perfectly okay to transfer Logan to another clinic as long as you’ll follow through with his appointments,” you suggest, noting her standing there, mouth agape, her vivid green eyes sharply focused. Getting that off your chest didn't bring the relief you expected. Instead, you're left with a sinking feeling of regret. Looking back on your words, you realize how petty they must have sounded.
Leigh on the other hand, is momentarily stunned by your outburst, her eyes wide as she absorbs your words. Then, something shifts in her expression, a flicker of intrigue crossing her features before she clears her throat and apologizes.
“I'm really sorry,” she says sincerely, turning off the stove and setting down her spatula. “I didn't handle things well, and you were right to call me out on it.” Leigh takes a careful step closer, causing you to instinctively step back until your lower back meets the edge of the dining table. You weren't expecting Leigh to be so understanding, leaving you unsure of how to react. Should you apologize for getting upset?
Fortunately, Leigh doesn't leave you to dwell on your thoughts for long. She continues, “Why don't you stay for breakfast? I can whip up something nice, and we can catch up like we used to. Please, let me make it up to you.”
Feeling like an absolute fool and still grappling with the aftertaste of your flare-up, you find yourself in a quandary. Rejecting her offer would just drag out this uncomfortable moment even longer, which is the last thing you want. Besides, your stomach is growling—you haven’t eaten anything since you got here, and the smell of brewing coffee is too good to ignore.
“Alright,” you relent, glancing down at your feet. “That sounds good.”
Leigh looks relieved. “Perfect, just give me a minute,” she says, clapping her hands together as she turns back to her cooking.
You linger awkwardly, still standing. “Need a hand with anything?” you ask.
“Just sit there, be all pretty, and relax.”
That little compliment makes your cheeks burn even hotter. If you weren’t so distracted by your hunger and embarrassment, you'd swear it’s almost as if she’s flirting with you.
Is she?
Then, as if the universe can hear you thinking, Leigh’s phone buzzes loudly on the kitchen counter. She snatches it up, and even though you can’t see her face, you can tell she’s happy he called as she chirps, “Hey, Danny.”
Right. Danny Greer. That name shatters your brief daydream. Suzie was right—you're too close, and it's clouding your judgment. Leigh laughs into the phone, and you look away just in time for her to turn slightly and steal a glance at you.
Alright, you think, that's it. After this breakfast, it's time to really put some space between you and Leigh. You need to clear your head and let her have her space too. It's the best move, for the sake of your friendship and your sanity.
As Leigh busies herself in the kitchen, you find yourself aimlessly scrolling through your phone, not really focusing on anything. The sound of her laughter while she talks to Danny floats over to you, making you regret agreeing to stay for breakfast and blame your inability to say no to her.
She ends the call with a lingering smile and soon approaches with two plates in hand. Each has a stack of pancakes and two sunny-side-up eggs with the edges just crisped up how you like them. The fact that Leigh remembered leaves you speechless. It’s a small detail, but it makes you guilty for brooding and feeling all jealous. 
“I hope you still like your eggs this way,” Leigh says as she sets the table.
“Thank you,” you say warmly as Leigh pours coffee for both of you. Recalling her preference, you offer to add two sugars to her cup, and she rewards you with a small, appreciative smile. She then grabs the syrup from the fridge, along with two sets of utensils, and places them on the table.
You take a bite of the fluffy pancakes, perfectly cooked and deliciously light. “These are amazing, Leigh,” you say enthusiastically.
Leigh beams, standing a bit taller with pride instead of dismissing the praise. “I'm glad you think so! I've been working on perfecting the recipe.”
“Seriously, Leigh, you could sell these.”
She laughs. “Keep the compliments coming and I might just make you breakfast more often.”
You almost choke at her words. You really should take a little break from Leigh until you can get this crush under control. Even simple remarks are starting to feel like a tightrope walk.
Leigh tilts her head slightly, a coy look crossing her face. “So…” she drawls, leaving the word hanging as she waits for you to look up from your plate.
You stop chewing once you sense her heavy gaze on you. “Hmm?”
Leaning in slightly, she lowers her voice as though about to share a secret. “This Sara... is she a friend of yours? Someone new around here?”
The piece of pancake suddenly feels like a mouthful of sawdust as you process her question. You grab your coffee and take a quick gulp to help wash it down. “I, uh, met her on a dating app, actually,” you say.
Leigh's eyebrow arches. “Oh?” 
There’s a short, tense period where you repeatedly stab your pancake and tap your foot rapidly against the leg of the stool you’re sitting on, while Leigh twirls her hair around her finger, lost in thought.
“She’s gorgeous,” Leigh finally says. “I didn’t know you were into women.” That is, unless you and the person from her advice column are one and the same. She's chosen to approach what she's dubbed the “EspressoEyes conundrum” as a Schrödinger’s cat scenario, where you simultaneously do and do not have feelings for Leigh.
You fiddle with your coffee mug. “Yeah, I think I've mentioned that before,” you say, though your memory suddenly feels unreliable.
Leigh shakes her head, certain. “No, you definitely haven't told me that.”
“Well, yes, I'm into women, but obviously I like men too,” you say, deciding it's perhaps better to just be clear. 
“We're the same then,” she says casually, as if discussing something as mundane as their taste in movies.
“Really?” You’re hoping Leigh is buying the faux surprise on your face, even though Jules had let slip about Leigh's college days.
“Yeah,” Leigh nods. “I had a serious relationship with a woman back in college. It's not something I talk about much, but it's part of who I am.”
“I see.”
Leigh takes a slow sip of her coffee, eyeing you over the rim of her mug with a slight tilt of her head. 
“So, do you like her? Sara, I mean,” she asks.
“Yeah, she’s great. We get along really well.”
Leigh sets her coffee cup down with a small clink, not missing a beat. “Have you guys...you know, slept together?” she asks, more bluntly than before.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat, feeling a bit like you’re under interrogation. “Um…no, we haven’t.” 
A quick glint flashes in her eyes before it vanishes. Her shoulders relax as she leans back in her chair. “Sorry, that was out of line,” she mumbles with a curt, dismissive laugh. “I guess I'm just being nosy.”
The way she said it doesn't truly suggest she's sorry for crossing some lines, but you’re not focusing on that. Rather, you feel like you’ve earned the right to ask Leigh some questions about her own personal affairs.
“And you?” you start, trying to sound flippant. “How are things with you and Danny?”
Leigh matches your nonchalance as she stands up to gather the empty plates from the table. There's a smooth, practiced ease in the way she begins cleaning up, letting you know she's not about to let your questions corner her.
“Things are... going,” she replies, keeping it vague. “Danny's great. We're figuring things out as we go.”
“Where'd you meet him?” you ask, already knowing the answer.
“He's Matt's brother,” Leigh says flatly, without flinching. You have to give it to her for being so straightforward about it. Not that you’re judging Leigh or anything—it’s just that moving from in-laws to lovers is quite an unconventional transition.
It’s also possible that you’re just bitter.
“Did you always find him attractive?” you ask, almost spitefully, curiosity getting the better of you. Leigh freezes, her back going rigid at your callous words. There's a moment of visible tension, but then she lets out a slow breath and lets it slide. She had been quite direct in probing about your dating life, so perhaps this levels the playing field.
“No, it wasn’t like that,” Leigh says slowly. “I—”
“Oh hey, Y/N, it's been a while!”
Neither of you heard the front door open. Jules bursts in, holding Logan who's wagging his tail wildly at the sight of familiar faces, both oblivious to the cutting atmosphere they've just entered.
“Oh hey, Y/N, it's been a while!” Jules exclaims. She looks between you and Leigh. “Am I interrupting something?” she asks, noticing the residual stiffness in the air. 
“Y/N was just leaving,” Leigh says. 
You don’t need to be told twice. “Hey, Jules,” you say with a short wave. “I just came to give Logan his shots.” 
Jules frowns slightly as you start to leave so soon after her arrival. You reach over to give Logan a quick pat on the head. Turning to Leigh, you manage a tight smile and say, “Thanks for the breakfast.”
As soon as you're out the door, Jules turns to Leigh with a worried look. “What was all that about?” she asks softly.
Leigh shrugs, her expression inscrutable. “I don’t know what you mean,” she replies evenly, turning away to busy herself with the dishes.
You get into your car but instead of starting it, you just sit there motionless. Your hands rest aimlessly on the wheel as you lose yourself in thought.
Here’s the truth about Sara:
She's exactly your type on paper—blonde, blue-eyed, stunning. But despite all that, she hadn't managed to hold your attention. Her beauty just couldn't pull your mind away from Leigh, from her vivid green eyes that always seemed to see right through you.
The silence in the car allows you to realize what an odd question you had thrown at Leigh about Danny. You realize just how inappropriate it might have seemed, how it must have sounded coming from a place of jealousy rather than concern.
Why did you even ask that? The answer is uncomfortably clear: you can't be just friends with Leigh. Not anymore. You’ve been lying to yourself, hoping things would just sort themselves out. But they won’t. Not like this. You can’t keep doing this to yourself—or to her. 
Because right now, this friendship, if you can even call it that, is doing more harm than good.
“It’s not working.”
Suzie looks up from her clipboard, startled. Her red locks tumble across her face as she tilts her head, brushing them back with a quick flick of her hand.
“Seeing other people, you mean?” she asks, already guessing the root of your distress.
You run a hand through your hair, messing up your low ponytail. Frustrated, you decide to let your hair loose from the tie altogether. 
“I thought if I met someone like Sara—someone who’s practically a checklist of everything I find attractive—it would make things easier. But it’s just... not.” You massage your temples, as if trying to rub away the spell Leigh seems to have cast on you. “She's perfect, but she's not Leigh. And no matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about Leigh.”
“You're right about one thing though,” Suzie says, getting back to her task.
“Which is…?” 
“That Sara’s perfect,” she chuckles, and you can't help but roll your eyes. “Look, you can’t force these feelings. If your heart’s not in it, it’s not in it.”
“So…Should I keep seeing her? Maybe she’ll grow on me or something.”
Suzie stops and gives you a serious look. “Maybe. But love shouldn't feel like an obligation, you know? It’s not fair to either of you if you’re just waiting to see if you’ll catch feelings.”
“Yeah, that’s true,” you acknowledge with a sigh. “She’s everything I thought I wanted. And I think she likes me.”
“Sometimes what we think we want isn’t what we really need,” Suzie answers. “Why not take a break? Give yourself some space to think. It might help you figure out what really works—whether it’s Sara, someone else, or just time to yourself.”
“You think so?”
Suzie gives a small shrug. “Look, I don’t have all the answers.”
Hearing that makes you feel a tad embarrassed. You’ve been leaning on her for advice a lot lately, and it’s probably awkward for her, especially since you're her boss. Maybe she’s just being nice because she has to be.
“Thanks, Sue,” you say, standing up from your chair to head back to your office. “I appreciate you listening to all this.”
She smiles back, and you can tell she’s relieved to move on from the subject. Suzie might not have all the answers, but maybe there’s another place you can find them.
That night, in your bedroom, you settle in front of your laptop, the cursor blinking expectantly on the blank submission form of the advice column. You type in your handle—EspressoEyes—a moniker you’d used before, thinking it would increase your chances of being noticed again. Quickly, you type out your query and hit send, watching as it disappears into the digital ether. No sooner have you shut your laptop than your phone rings. It’s your mom.
“Hey, Mom,” you answer, shifting to sit against your headboard.
“Hi, sweetheart! Are you coming home for Thanksgiving? We’re starting to plan the menu and would love to have you,” she says. Your chest tightens. Just hearing her voice makes you feel like you’re already home. You pretend to think for a second, considering your rather empty social calendar.
“Yeah, I’ll come home,” you decide, realizing it might be nice to get away for a bit.
“Oh good! It’s been too long. We’ll make sure to have all your favorites,” she chatters on, already listing the dishes that would normally make you salivate. But these days, you just don’t have the appetite for food.
“Sounds great, Mom. Really looking forward to it.” 
You hang up with a promise to send your flight details soon. Setting your phone down, you feel a slight relief at the thought of escaping to a place where no one knows about the mess you’re in.
Leigh can’t sleep. She lies wide awake, staring at the ceiling while Danny's snores fill the room. The weight of his arm draped over her stomach feels stifling, trapping her in place. She can’t breathe. Carefully, so as not to wake him, she slips out from under his arm and tiptoes out of the bedroom. In the hallway, she grabs one of his shirts hanging over a chair and slips it on. It smells like sandalwood and something uniquely him—comforting yet somehow off-putting at the same time.
She pads into the kitchen to boil some water, the soft click of the stove burner igniting a comforting sound in the otherwise quiet apartment. With the kettle on, she wanders into the living room, pulling Danny's shirt closer around her. Even with the windows closed, the crisp chill of autumn seeps in.
Sitting on the couch, Leigh pulls her knees to her chest. The post-sex cocktail of oxytocin and vasopressin usually knocks her out, but tonight they fail her. Instead, her mind is filled with doubts and the urge to flee from any kind of closeness.
She remembers the last conversation with you, the disapproval on your face when you finally mentioned her relationship with Danny. It troubles her more than she expected. Were you right? Is she just scrambling to fit someone, anyone, into her life, even if it means ignoring the screams inside her head telling her to run?
The kettle whistles, snapping her out of her thoughts. She makes her tea and settles back into the couch, stirring slowly as she thinks about what it might mean to step back from everything—Danny, you, all of it.
With nothing but time until sleep takes her or the sun rises—whichever comes first—Leigh picks up her phone to distract herself. She scrolls through social media, news articles, anything to keep her mind off the spinning thoughts. Eventually, she wanders to the advice column inbox to check on the latest submissions.
Her breath catches in her throat when she sees another entry from EspressoEyes, a handle she recognizes—possibly yours. It reads:
“Is it wise to pursue other relationships if you have strong feelings for someone else? That someone is a friend, and staying just friends is becoming increasingly difficult. My feelings seem to be putting a strain on our relationship. Should I give myself some space?”
Leigh reads the message two more times. She sets her phone down, her thumb instinctively finding its way to her mouth where she nibbles at the nail, a nervous habit when she’s thinking long and hard. And the more she thinks about it, the more obvious it becomes. Of course, she's the friend you're talking about. This is you, openly struggling with your feelings for her. She had hoped things might change, might become less complicated when Sara came into the picture, but she was mistaken. 
When she asked about Sara, Leigh was trying to gauge your feelings for her, wondering if Sara's presence meant she didn't need to worry about whether you were EspressoEyes or not. In her mind, if you were involved with Sara, it would imply you weren't interested in Leigh. But she surprised even herself by asking if you had slept with Sara, unsure why she needed to know that detail. Deep down, she couldn’t openly admit just how relieved she felt when you told her you hadn’t.
Leigh picks up her phone again and starts typing out a reply to the submission. When she’s done she tosses her phone somewhere on the couch and goes back to her tea. Sitting there, she watches as the sky outside shifts from dark to a wash of pastels. 
A week later, Leigh’s phone vibrates incessantly on the table, the screen lighting up with Danny's name again. Finally, with a frustrated sigh, she turns it off and sets it aside. They've been cycling through breakups and makeups so often it's exhausting—a twisted routine, one that's leaving her more drained each time. 
It's Halloween, and since she and Danny are off again, Leigh decides to take the night for herself. She picks Matt's favorite restaurant, which is fully decked out for the holiday, with jack-o'-lanterns lining the walls and eerie candles flickering on each table. She orders a pumpkin-spiced latte and a small plate of appetizers, settling in to enjoy her evening solo. Later, she’ll have that tiramisu that her late husband so adored.
Matt always loved this holiday because it was the one time of year Leigh would indulge him by dressing up as whatever comic book character he was into at the moment. They'd start the evening here for pre-dinner celebrations before meeting up with friends and family later on. But tonight, there are no costumes for Leigh; she's dressed simply in jeans and a cardigan, her face free of makeup, her hair tucked behind her ears to keep it out of the way while she eats. 
As she waits, she watches families and couples in costumes come and go, a bittersweet creeping up at her.
Then, you walk in. You’re dressed sharply, scanning the room like you're meeting someone—on a date. Leigh catches her breath. Were you aware that this was Matt’s favorite restaurant? Moreover, it’s been almost two weeks since that awkward morning when you left in a haste. You haven’t noticed her yet. Leigh watches you for a moment, debating what to do. She’s torn between going over or staying put. The last she contributed to the advice column, she’d left a message she hoped you'd find useful if you were indeed the person she’s been advising to. From the look of things, maybe you were taking that advice after all.
Taking a deep breath, Leigh stands and walks over. As you turn and notice her, a small, tentative smile appears on her lips when your eyes meet.
You return the smile, though it's imbued with a bit of wariness. She appreciates it nonetheless.
“Hey,” you say. 
Leigh doesn't beat around the bush; she gets straight to the point of why she came over. “Look, I'm sorry,” she says, the words coming out almost demandingly. “About last time. I crossed a line asking about Sara.” 
There's an unmistakable assertiveness to her apology, carrying the same confidence and directness with which she usually addresses any issue. She doesn’t bow her head or wring her hands; instead, she holds your gaze steadily, expecting her apology to be taken as seriously as she means it. 
“It’s okay. I wasn’t exactly in line myself when I brought up Danny,” you say, looking up at her. Then, searching for something else to say, you ask, “So, are you here to meet Danny?”
Leigh seems unfazed by the mention of Danny, yet again. You feel a bit silly soon after, realizing that after just acknowledging the awkwardness of digging into each other’s romantic lives, here you are, doing it again. You just can’t help yourself, can you?
“No. I’m on my own tonight,” she replies. Then she mirrors your earlier question, a slight tilt to her head. “And you? Here with Sara?”
“No, things didn’t push through with Sara. I’m meeting someone new,” you say, the words feeling strange as they come out. It was a simple yes or no question, and you're not quite sure what compelled you to open up about the specifics of your dating life.
Leigh just nods, her face neutral, not giving away anything in reaction to your news. “I should let you get back to your, uh, date,” she says, then quietly returns to her seat.
Having a date with a stranger just a few feet away from the woman you truly care about is about as ironic as the universe can be.
You’re on your second americano, the bitter taste barely registering as you glance at your watch for the umpteenth time. It's been thirty minutes past the time your date was supposed to arrive, and there's still no sign of him. 
The restaurant has filled up around you. Families are tucked into booths, laughing and sharing plates piled high with food. Groups of friends clink glasses in cheerful toasts, and couples lean close, whispering and smiling over candlelit tables. Sitting alone at a table set for two, you start to feel conspicuously isolated. 
The last two texts you sent within the hour remain unanswered, their blue bubbles on the screen marking the time you spent waiting. Determined to find some explanation, you open the dating app where you met him, your fingers tapping nervously. There, his profile pops up, showing that he is currently online. Relief washes over you for a moment—maybe there's a reasonable explanation. He might still show up. But as you tap the message icon to send him a query about his whereabouts, a sudden notification stops you: you can no longer message this user.
Feeling disheartened and embarrassed, you can’t help but feel all kinds of ugly for being stood up by someone who doesn’t even mean anything to you. Did he see you waiting and decide not to meet? What about you turned him off? You find yourself scrutinizing everything about your appearance. Was it what you were wearing—perhaps not feminine enough for his taste? Your hair was pulled back, exposing your forehead; maybe he didn't like that look. Or was it your posture—too slouched or too stiff? You even wonder if he might have passed someone else on his way here, someone he found more attractive. It's unsettling to realize how quickly the self-confidence you've spent years building can be shaken in just one evening.
You signal the waiter for the check. Although your stomach is growling, the thought of eating anything seems impossible right now. You're just focused on getting out of there as quickly as you can. Just as you finish paying, Leigh appears at your table. Without a word, she slides into the seat across from you. You're surprised to see her, and although you're not really in the mood for company or conversation, her presence is somehow less intrusive than you would expect.
“I couldn't help but notice your date never arrived,” Leigh comments with an amused smile, inadvertently adding salt to the wound. You think to yourself, Way to rub it in, Leigh, but you're too drained to actually say anything confrontational, so you just mumble a small, “Yeah.”
Leigh leans in a bit closer, lowering her voice as if she's about to let you in on a secret. 
“Want to get out of here?”
It’s definitely not a date. Far from it.
It’s just two friends winding up spending Halloween together by chance.
It’s what Leigh keeps telling herself.
Leigh didn’t know what came over her when she went back to your table. She hadn't thought she'd be asking you to ditch the restaurant and wander the city for the rest of the night—together. What she did know was that she had been eating unusually slowly, glancing over at you occasionally to see how your evening was unfolding. But as it became painfully obvious that your date was a no-show, she couldn’t take it; seeing you left to handle the disappointment alone was more than she could bear.
Turning to Leigh in your car, you ask, “Do you mind if we stop first at the 7-Eleven on Main? I haven't had dinner yet.”
“What kind of dinner can you get from a 7-Eleven?” she asks.
You shrug and say, “Donuts.”
At the 7-Eleven, you grab a box of assorted donuts, and on a whim, you also pick up a few cans of beer to go along with them. With snacks in hand, you drive to a spot that overlooks the city—the same one where Leigh took you after getting takeouts the first time around. It’s not secluded—there’s a small crowd, with several cars parked and groups of people lounging on their car hoods.
“I wasn’t always attracted to him,” Leigh murmurs, after finishing her first beer. You both sit side-by-side with the trunk of your car open, swinging your legs while Leigh’s are crossed over the edge of the trunk.
You glance over at her, a curious ‘Hm?’ escaping your lips, though they're still full of donuts. 
Leigh chuckles at your reaction, finding the sight of your cheeks stuffed with food more endearing than she probably should. 
“Danny,” she clarifies with a sigh. “I actually used to hate him. He was always such a burden on Matt. Always dragging him into trouble.”
You think about what she's said, then offer a perspective, “You know, they say hate isn't the opposite of love, it's indifference. So maybe there’s always been something there, something more than just annoyance.”
Leigh leans back, stretching her arms out behind her for support as she considers your point. You find yourself wondering what's going through her mind. Is your honesty drawing her even closer to Danny? You could have exploited her past feelings, suggesting that maybe she's always disliked Danny and is confusing her loneliness for love. But you choose not to manipulate her emotions, even if it might be easy to sway her. You won't take advantage of her vulnerability just to get what you want.
Though you can’t deny that the temptation is there. 
“Leigh, can I ask you a question?” you say, watching her closely. 
She nods, her face open and expectant as she pops open another can of beer.
“How did you find out about me and Matt?”
Leigh takes a sip before answering. “Didn’t I mention it before?”
You purse your lips and shake your head, maintaining a neutral expression as you encourage her to elaborate.
“Danny told me,” Leigh reveals after a brief pause.
“What exactly did he tell you?” 
Leigh hesitates, her eyes flickering to the side before meeting yours again. She sets the can down, her fingers drumming against the aluminum in a slow, rhythmic pattern. 
“He just flat-out told me one night. I didn't believe him at first, so he mentioned your name to prove it, and I pieced together the rest. I tried to learn everything I could about you, where you lived... and that’s how I discovered your clinic in the city. And I... well, you know the rest,” she says. From what Leigh said, you easily conclude that Danny hadn't come clean to her about his role in facilitating your relationship with Matt. He had conveniently removed himself from the narrative, leaving out his involvement entirely. Lost in thought, you don't realize you've grown quiet until Leigh's voice pulls you back.
“Why do you ask?”
If you answer that question, you don’t believe you can continue hiding the truth about Danny any longer. As you watch Leigh, relaxed in the back of your car, her hair tousled by the gentle evening breeze, you're torn. You're afraid of disrupting her peace. The truth, as it often has, seems only to bring her pain. So, you buy yourself some time to think. 
“Do you ever wish he had just kept it to himself? That you never knew any of this?”
Leigh appears briefly disconcerted by the question. She takes some time to think about how to respond, and you give her the time she needs, reaching for another piece of donut from the box. At this rate, you're on track to polish off half a dozen all by yourself.
“Knowing the truth hurt—a lot. It felt like I was suddenly a stranger to my own life,” Leigh says, looking somewhere distant before her eyes return to you. “But then again, knowing has changed how I see things, how I see him—and even how I see you. It’s given me a chance to see things as they really are, not just how I want them to be.”
“You never would’ve met me,” you say with a light-hearted grin, almost suggesting that maybe it was better she hadn’t. But Leigh gives you a look, a gentle sadness in her eyes that makes it clear she doesn’t entertain the thought of not having met you.
“What about you? Do you wish things had stayed hidden?” she asks, turning the question back on you.
A part of you—a very significant part—trembles on the edge of laying bare your feelings for her.
Fiddling with the edge of the donut box, you let a small smile flicker across your lips, but it doesn't reach your eyes. “There's something to be said for not knowing everything. Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss,” you say softly. “I mean, not knowing can save you from a lot of unnecessary heartache.”
As you speak, you’re still weighing whether knowing Leigh is turning into an unnecessary heartbreak.
Leigh nods slowly, the corners of her mouth lifting in a bittersweet smile. “Well, when you put it that way, maybe not knowing some things is for the best.”
It feels like a silent agreement on that fine line between knowing everything and being happier not knowing. Perhaps what you can do for now is spare Leigh from her own unnecessary heartbreak. If what she has with Danny is working, why ruin it?
“You know what's missing here? Music,” Leigh muses, reaching for her third beer. “Oh, and you better keep up,” she adds, glancing at the single beer you’ve had.
“Or how about you pace yourself? I'd hate for the party to end too soon for you,” you quip slyly. 
Leigh grins, unfazed by your warning. She leans closer, and her breath, warmed by the beers, brushes against your cheek. “Speaking of parties, I actually got invited to this Halloween bash tonight. Everyone's supposed to be in costume, and there will definitely be music. We should go. What do you say?”
You pretend to think about it, but you’re already clearing out your trunk and hopping off it as you reply, “Well, you did say you needed music.”
A party isn’t really your scene.
Leigh is already tipsy by the time you both arrive at it. People are either clad in bulky costumes or barely dressed at all. Halloween decorations dangle from the ceiling, a foot or two above the faces of the revelers as strobe lights flash in erratic bursts. You weave through a crowd of zombies and sexy nurses, the bass from the DJ's speakers vibrating under your feet.
As you're both making your way toward the bar, a co-worker spots Leigh and pulls her aside excitedly. “Leigh, over here!” they shout over the noise, grabbing her arm. She turns back to you with a slightly apologetic grin. “Just a sec, I'll catch up!” she promises, before being swallowed by the crowd, her hand slipping from your arm.
But that was half an hour ago.
Now, you're feeling dizzy from the alcohol that's been keeping you company in Leigh's absence, and the sea of masked and painted faces around you is starting to merge into a blur. You round a corridor that brings you back to the main room and finally, you spot her. Leigh is near the dance floor, laughing with a group dressed in characters you don’t recognize. She sees you and waves excitedly, her movements a bit too exaggerated. You make your way over, dodging a particularly enthusiastic witch.
“Found you,” you say, as you reach her side.
Leigh grins, her eyes bright. “Dance with me!” she yells over the music, grabbing your hand and pulling you toward the throng of sweaty bodies. Too exhausted to argue, you let her lead you into the chaos. As the music takes over and you both start to dance, the rest of the party fades into the background. Leigh's hand is warm in yours, her other hand reaching up to loop around your neck. The music swells, and the crowd presses in, pushing you closer together. Her breath is sweet with the tang of alcohol, and her cheeks are flushed.
Leigh’s movements become less and less coordinated as she leans into you, her body heavenly against yours. Her lips come dangerously close to yours, barely brushing against them, and for a moment—surrounded by her warmth and scent—you're tempted. You want her, deeply, irrevocably—
But not like this.
You firm your hands on her hips, pushing her slightly away. “Hey, let's get some air, yeah?” you suggest calmly despite your heart going crazy in your chest.
She looks up at you, a bit confused but nods, her smile unfaltering. You take her hand again and guide her off the dance floor. Moving through the crowd proves to be a challenge with Leigh's unsteady steps. She stumbles, laughing as she clings to your arm for support.
“I almost ate it back there!” she exclaims, still giggling.
“Yeah, you did,” you mutter distractedly. As the festive sounds of the party fade behind the closed door, reality slaps you both with a sobering chill. Leigh is simply too drunk, and you’re almost a fool for nearly taking advantage of that. You can't concentrate on anything but what nearly happened back there.
You feel Leigh’s hand slip back into yours, slotting in place like magnets that just fit together. Her laughter has quieted, and she leans into you slightly, resting her head on your shoulder. It's then you realize that a drunken Leigh is more affectionate and less aware of physical boundaries—dangerous.
“You know, maybe we should call it a night? I can take you home,” you suggest, making an effort not to lean into her, even though the intoxicating mix of her shampoo and the faint scent of sweat beckons you closer.
Her reaction is immediate and surprisingly lucid. “I can’t go home like this,” Leigh protests, straightening up. “Jules has her own Halloween thing tonight, and I can't show up drunk and be seen like this by her. She’s been sober for a year now; I can’t just...” Her voice trails off, filled with worry. 
You glance at your wrist and see it's already 2 AM. A sigh escapes you as the reality of your early morning responsibilities begins to weigh in. You have to be up in four hours to open the clinic at 8 AM, and staying out to make sure Leigh fully sobers up is far from feasible. Leigh appears exhausted, her eyes heavy, even as she tries to muster a smile.
“Listen, Leigh,” you say, eyeing a practical solution. “I have an early start tomorrow, and you look like you need some rest. How about you crash at my place tonight? You can sleep it off and head home in the morning when you’re feeling better.”
Leigh seems to consider this for a moment, her gaze drifting towards the street where groups of men glance their way as they pass by. Finally, she nods meekly, looking relieved.
“That sounds really good right now. My head feels heavy, and I just want to go to sleep,” she mumbles, letting out a weary sigh and rubbing her eyes. You help her to her feet and steady her as you both walk back to your car, which is fortunately parked nearby. Leigh curls up in the passenger seat, and you crack the windows to let in some fresh air.
Once home, you give Leigh some clothes to change into and then start setting up the couch for yourself, grabbing an extra pillow and blanket from the cupboard. As you turn back a while later, you see Leigh, in her slightly tipsy state, misinterpreting your preparations. She gives a small, tired smile and plops down onto the couch. Reacting quickly, you catch her just before she falls completely into it.
“W-What are you doing?” she whispers, surprised as she finds herself practically in your arms, half-carried in a bridal style.
You feel the heat rise from your cheeks to your chest, aware of how close she is. “This is for me,” you say, nodding towards the couch, “you’re taking the bed.”
To avoid any further confusion, you slowly lift her up, wrapping an arm securely around her waist as you guide her to your bedroom. Leigh’s head remains tucked in your neck, her body relaxed and yielding as you move.
“You really don’t have to do this,” she mumbles against your skin, though her tone suggests she’s grateful for your care. You don’t see the blush that has crept to her own cheeks, your eyes fixed straight ahead.
“It’s no trouble at all,” you assure her as you gently set her down on your bed. “Make yourself comfortable. The mattress’ much better for a good night's sleep.”
Leigh nods, pulling the covers around her. “Thank you,” she says, her voice soft and more sober now.
“Anytime,” you respond with a reassuring smile. “Good night, Leigh.” You close the bedroom door softly behind you and retreat to the couch. 
“Good night, Y/N…” Leigh whispers to herself, a faint smile touching her lips as she nestles deeper into the bed. 
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logansargeantsbabymom · 4 months
Anyone but me
Insecure!Logan x Fem!Reader
warnings: Cursing, Insecure Logan
A/N: Here’s something short, I wasn’t gonna post since today makes 10 years since my grandpa passed but I didn’t wanna make today abt me. Enjoy.
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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Another race. Miami had been another race this season that has been shit for Logan. Why was something always fucking it up for him?
First they gave him shitty cars, then whenever they did give Logan a somewhat good car, he wasn’t driving it the way he should, then they gave away his car to Alex after he crashed his. Now he had to retire the car because KMag decided to crash into him?
It’s almost lil the universe is against Logan and his time in Formula 1, which might I add is utter bullshit.
Logan hasn’t been the best driver and I knew that, but I didn’t fall in love with him because he’s a formula 1 driver, no, I fell in love with him because he’s always been there for me even when he was going through his own problems and has never once complained about it (him being a famous driver was just a perk).
Logan and I have been together for just over 2 years which means I’ve seen the best and worst of his career, but right now after he got hit at his home race was heart wrenching.
I stood by the tv screens that showed his camera footage live from his car and my hands shot up to my face when I saw the impact of the crash. The crash wasn’t what made my heart shatter for him though, no, instead it was the live radio feed from him to pit that I was currently listening to.
His groans of pain and the tremble in his voice asking if he did anything wrong was what hurt. He was so worried and scared that he fucked up something whilst driving that he didn’t pay attention to whether or not he was hurt.
They replayed that crash maybe a dozen times and each time felt like it stung worse than the previous one before it. I watched as they got the track clear from any debris and brought Logan and the car back to the Williams garage. The look of red eyes and tear stained cheeks was the sight I was greeted with.
I would’ve done anything to take his pain away in that moment. Hell, I would do anything to make sure he never felt pain again. But unfortunately, I can’t. So I had to suffice for the next best thing, comforting him.
I walked over to him and the second he turned and saw me walking over with a somber look on my face he rushed into my arms, pulling me into a tight embrace before absolutely sobbing.
The team around us walked off allowing us a moment of peace while I comforted my boyfriend. His face was in the crook of my neck as he shook with violent sobs and I rubbed my hands up and down his back trying to soothe the ache in his heart.
“Logan you did amazing, it wasn’t your fault. I’m so proud of you. You’ve come so far, I love you so much” I whispered in his ear as I kissed the side of his head.
We stayed like this for a moment, as Logan continued to sob I continued to try to soothe him and murmur sweet nothings in his ear with more small kisses on his head.
After a moment or two, I felt Logan pull away before he looked me in my eyes. I could tell he wanted to say something.
“What happened, Baby?” I whisper as I bring my hands up to his face to wipe his tears away
“I don’t deserve you.” He whispers, his voice breaking again as he moves my hands from his face
“Lo, don’t” I say, tears of my own springing in my eyes
“No Y/N/N, please. I don’t deserve you. I’m not good enough, you deserve to be with someone who wins and makes podiums. Not me, someone who finishes last or doesn’t finish at all.” by the time Logan was done berating himself, I was the one sobbing.
“Logan Hunter Sargeant. Stop talking like that. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me. There was before you, during you, and I never want there to be an after you. I have never loved anyone more than I love you. My heart is so filled with happiness and you’re the reason. You’re the reason I’m still alive today, I have the best life right now and it’s because of you. So please don’t break my heart because you feel like I don’t deserve you, because I never want to live without you. So unless you’re unhappy in our relationship, we are not breaking up. Are you unhappy with us?” Tears were falling like waterfalls from both of our eyes.
“No, I love you too much. I just don’t want you to be with a loser like me” My hands shot up to his face and I made him look at me
“Stop it, I’m not leaving you. I’m staying with you whether you win 100 grand prixs, 1 or none. I’m here until the Lord takes me from this earth. I promise” I said as I placed a sweet and sincere kiss on his lips before we rested our foreheads together
“I’m here always and forever”
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99
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littlerat2 · 4 months
"Is now a good time to tell you we're dating?"
Ship: Romantic Prinxiety
Warnings: Kissing. I think that's it but as always, please feel free to let me know if there's any I should add!
Word Count: 822
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56439292
Summary: Just some fluffy Prinxiety I wrote very late at night. Probably a little OOC, but it was like, 4 AM, so shhh. Originally wasn't gonna post it, but my friends really liked it, and one threatened to eat my social security card if I didn't XD
Authors Note: Thank you so so so much to @logan-the-artist and @cats-soups for beta reading this fic!! And thank you guys for your kind words, and also for just like, being fuckin' awesome people!
Virgil awoke missing the warmth Roman provided. They’d spent the night cuddling and watching Disney movies, and Virgil had actually gotten some good sleep. But now his prince was gone. He wasn’t there to kiss the pinch out of Virgil’s browline, and play with his hair.
He wasn’t having it.
He got up to look for his prince, shivering as his feet touched the cold floor. He checked the time. It was ten AM, about two hours before he usually got up. He briefly considered going back to bed, but goddamnit, he missed Roman, and he wanted a kiss.
So he walked out of his room and down the stairs sleepily. He was met with Patton, who was tidying up in the kitchen, humming a happy little tune.
“Oh, hey there, kiddo! You’re up early!”
“Morning, Pat,” Virgil mumbled with a yawn. “Have you seen Roman?”
“He’s in the living room with Janus and Remus,” Patton smiled. “Logan might be in there, too. I’m not sure.”
“Thanks,” Virgil said, offering a sleepy smile as he walked towards the living room.
That was a problem. Roman and Virgil hadn’t told the others they were dating yet. Not for Roman’s lack of trying. He’d been ready to tell the others for a few weeks now, but Virgil insisted they wait just a little longer. He wasn’t sure why. He knew the others wouldn’t care, but that didn’t calm his nerves. Thankfully, Roman was being very patient. He said they’d tell the others when Virgil was ready.
Virgil wasn’t ready to tell the others, per say. He didn’t want to have that awkward conversation just yet. But he was ready to stop hiding. And he really wanted to kiss Roman’s stupid face.
Then it was settled. He’d decided. He was going to kiss Roman’s stupid face in front of everyone. And then, he wouldn’t have to hide the fact that he wanted to kiss his stupid face ever again.
He stepped into the living room. Janus and Remus were listening to Roman talk about a podcast about gay vampires Virgil had gotten him into. He waved his hands wildly with each passionate word.
Virgil loved how passionate he could get. He loved listening to him talk about his interests. And he loved that he got to share this interest with him. He loved how excited he was to share with Janus and Remus, just like Virgil had been with him.
He made eye contact with Roman. The way his expression softened, just enough for Virgil to notice, and no one else. Oh, it had him smitten.
He all but sprinted towards Roman. He stood on his tiptoes, pulling Roman down by the collar of his shirt. He pressed his lips to Roman’s, his heart pounding in the way it always did when they kissed.
He could feel Roman’s initial surprise fade into contentment, if the way he smiled against his lips was anything to go by. Virgil smiled too, as Roman wrapped his arms around his back, warm and gentle.
He could feel Janus’ and Remus’ eyes on him and Roman, but oddly enough, he didn’t quite care. All he really cared about right now was the lips under his, and the man they belonged to. They were addictive.
He wanted to remain ensnared by Roman’s mouth, but figured he should probably let the taller man return to his conversation. So he leaned against Roman’s chest with a content hum, enjoying his warmth for half a second before looking up at him. A smirk grew on the prince’s face, his eyes alight with mischief, trained on something behind Virgil.
He turned around, seeing Janus’ and Remus’ mouths agape, shock plastered on their faces, as well as Patton’s, who had emerged from where Virgil did just a moment ago.
Roman burst into bright laughter that made Virgil’s chest warm. “Is now a good time to tell you we’re dating?”
The other three just gaped at them for a moment longer, not saying anything even as Logan walked in, his brows furrowed in confusion at the scene.
“Would anyone like to explain why we’re staring at Roman and Virgil?” He asked.
Janus just sputtered for a moment, before giving up. Remus took this as an opportunity.
“I- you- Virgil is dating my brother?”
“You didn’t know?” Logan asked, and Virgil shot him a look.
“You knew?”
“I may be trash at social cues, Virgil, but even I have picked up on the smirks you two share during dinner and movie nights,” Logan deadpanned. “And, my room is right next to yours. You two keep me up all night talking. You aren't exactly quiet.”
Virgil winced lightly. “Sorry about that.”
“That's quite alright. It’s well worth it.” Logan smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling softly. “You two have seemed far happier than I've ever seen you. I'm glad.”
“Aw, thanks, Lo.” Virgil elbowed Logan softly.
“Of course.”
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