#and then CADMUS took charge on the operation
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Random DP x DC Thought #7:
(More of a long drabble-ish one this time pulling from more fanon AU bits)
(Please let me know if I should edit the tag cause I'm not entirely sure what people label it usually)
Danny Fenton has a secret.
And it's not the one you're thinking.
Danny Fenton has a secret.
And he hopes the risk of telling is enough to save his town.
- - - -
Danny's life is a mess of ghost fights, school, and repressing the terror of many what ifs. Until eventually he thinks he's ready. His friends and Jazz are there and he tells his parents what happened. What happened to him.
And they're devastated. Torn about their work and what it did- at what they did- to their son. What they've been doing. Every word and shot and gadget.
So the afterwards was a little shaky for the Fenton family, but to Danny things finally seemed to be looking up. Weapons around the house were finally removed and dismantled. They listened about what could still be used in a more humane way of catching ghosts. Heck, team Phantom could finally trust that the Drs. Fentons showing up meant that they take a break and while his parents get the ghosts out and safe before the GIW could get them.
(Well, after some more talks about their own property damage and overzealous track record.)
So of course it was just Danny's luck that a new group showed up.
The GIW were incompetent at best and a safety hazard at worst. The new group was decidedly not. They definitely seemed more trained, had a lot more organization, and apparently a lot more sway.
First it just meant ghost fights got a lot more dangerous for Danny again.
Then it meant "random" checks for "hazardous environmental material."
And then it meant days where people didn't show up at school.
His parents were being ignored. And after one too many attempts to talk to the agency they were pretty sure their house was being monitored. They did their best to make sure ghosts stopped coming through while Phantom would catch the stragglers.
But all of them were scared, and they knew it. The whole town was giving knowing looks to each other. But sending calls out just meant having an agent show up at your door the next day. Trying to leave meant hearing your neighbor "went to visit family" or "took a vacation."
And Danny has an idea. One that makes his skin crawl and his throat taste like bile. But he gathers his family and friends anyway, and whiles he's not ready to tell them everything but he does ask one thing.
"Whatever happens, can you trust me?"
- - - -
It's a normal day of patrolling Fawcett city, helping a lady get her cat down from a tree, and just enjoying flying for Captain Marvel when he sees the pair of glowing greens eyes.
And at first Billy thinks he might be seeing things. But it's been following him all day, and Solomon keeps whispering something every time. So when it starts to get dark and the eyes are easier to see, he decides to take a (probably stupid) risk and follow whatever weird magic racoon came to his city this week.
He's guessing that's what it wants because pretty soon they're staying in his field of view and glancing at him every now and again as they move further out from the city. And Billy is just starting to consider calling up the JL when they cross state borders before the eyes start going down to the ground and stop. They're at a pretty dense forest of some hills, stars poking through the clouds and Billy can see an observatory off in the distance.
The two stare at each other.
"Hi. Do you need help?" Cap tries.
The eyes nod.
"Okay. So you brought me here. Is there something you need to show me?"
They nod again, and look down.
"Alright. Is it okay if I come closer?"
No response this time. Just more staring at the ground.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes."
Slowly Marvel touches down next to them. He approaches with his hands open and in view.
"Hey. It's gonna be okay. If you need help then I'm sure-"
They turn to stare at him and Billy feels them bore into his soul. The green light brightens, and he can see the disturbed dirt that has been overgrown but still sticks out compared to the rest of the forest floor. He feels Solomon whisper about the dead and burial. He feels the air freeze in a way that his magic form doesn't feel the normal weather.
And then the eyes are gone, and he is left standing alone.
So after taking many deep breaths (he punches stuff, investigating murder was Batman's thing! Or Flash's!) Billy pulls out his comm and calls the JL.
And then calls again. And again.
And then he flies upward and tries again.
What was with the reception in this place?
- - - -
Danny Fenton was 14 when his parents portal changed him.
Danny Fenton was 14 when his friends saw it spit something.
Danny Fenton was 14 when he transformed back and his friends rushed him to the hospital.
Danny Fenton was 14 when he eventually was discharged back home and accidentally phased through his house.
Danny Fenton was 14 when that sent him into the back wallspace of the lab behind the portal.
Danny Fenton was 14 when he saw his own body there.
Danny Fenton was 14 when he buried it.
Danny Fenton was 14.
And Danny Fenton has a secret no else knows.
#dp x dc#dpxdc#long post#I imagine Danny is more ghost than human in this#Like being 80% ghost#good parents jack and maddie#and the four nations lived together in harmony#but then the CADMUS nation attacked#aka GIW were some branch that Waller eventually noticed#and then CADMUS took charge on the operation#Danny doesn't like the JL but is getting desperate#so what's something they can't ignore?#why the corpse of a teenager of course!#I have more thoughts#but eh#people can do whatever if this gives them ideas#corpse au
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Justice League: Question’s Hard Drive Ch 1: Tantalysingly Free
Table of Contents
Black-gloved fingers rattled across a keyboard whilst codes and numerical data scrolled down the computer screen. The faceless detective in the blue fedora and trench coat stayed focused even amid the whiplash of punches, grunts of pain and the vicious growls of the woman attacking the poor unfortunate who thought to get in the way of tonight’s operation. As the detective typed away, a security guard in a grey cap went flying past, crashing into a cubicle to the right and fell in an unconscious heap.
The workplace was in sheer disarray with more guards out for the count and cubicles all in pieces. “You really know how to show a girl a good time, Q.” the horn-masked, leotard-clad Huntress quipped, swinging the heeled sole of her boot into another guard’s face, then another behind her before punching another aside with rock-hard fists in fingerless gauntlets. One was charging towards the woman in black and purple with his arm raised for a karate chop. But Huntress was nothing if not a martial arts powerhouse. “When’re we going out on a ‘real’ date?” she demanded, turning to Question who didn’t even look back from the computer as she deflected all the security guard’s attacks. “Ssh! Trying to concentrate.” Question hissed just as Huntress socked the guard in the kisser in time to turn to another coming at her with a chair. “I’m not even in the Justice League anymore.” Huntress reminded him, catching hold of the chair, wrenching it out of her opponent’s hands and bringing it down so hard, the man’s head went through it. “You’re lucky to have me along.” “Hardly.” Question deadpanned, his face behind its blank mask riveted to the screen as Huntress caught a guard by his arm and hurled him across the room. “You’re drawn to my eccentric charm.” Inwardly, he knew one thing for sure. He happened to be just as drawn to her, possibly due to her anarchic outlook on life and longing for the company of someone as much of an outcast as she was.
When a guard ran towards Huntress with the intent to knock her off her feet, the woman did a backflip, her boot-heels catching him square in the face as she sailed through the air. This flung the guard crashing into a large scanner that tumbled to the floor, Huntress landing with all the elegance of a panther in a crouched position.
“Finished.” Question informed Huntress, pulling a rectangular memory drive from the computer and getting up from his seat. Catching hold of another guard’s arm, Huntress propelled him over her shoulder and he went yelling through the air. “Me too.” she replied. “Not quite…” Question warned, snatching up the computer he had just been using by its stand. Before Huntress could do anything else, Question hurled the computer straight past her head. The computer struck a guard who had nearly attacked Huntress from behind, its screen smashing him squarely in the face.
Question and Huntress stood in the middle of a computer room that looked like a war zone with cubicles utterly demolished and security guards battered into unconsciousness. “You get what you came for?” Huntress asked. “I believe so.” Question told her in his usual hushed voice and showed her the memory drive. “If there’s a link between Luthor and CADMUS I’ll find it here.” Now Huntress gave a small smirk and tilted her head. “Which leaves the rest of our evening tantalisingly free.” she purred, her dark eyes twinkling through her purple mask. “There are three terabytes of data here. I’ll be busy for days- ” Question protested, only for Huntress to lose patience and swipe the memory drive out of his hand. The scowl she sent him was enough to send even Darkseid fleeing for cover. This was where Question just couldn’t argue any further. Huntress was simply stiff with agitation. As oddly stimulating as he found this, Question knew it hardly took much to burst her fuse. “Uh…” the detective started, tilting his head in defeat. “Dinner and a movie?” “It’s a start…” Huntress simply responded and turned around, keeping his memory drive held hostage. Had Question seen what she was doing while she strode off, he would have seen exactly where Huntress was stashing those 3 terabytes worth of information.
Chapter 2
#dcau#huntress#question#justice league#justice leauge unlimited#bruce timm#fanfic#fanfiction#helena bertinelli#vic sage#huntress x question#dc#dc animated universe
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Woke The F*ck Up- Chapter 11
November 30th, 2017
Of course, it couldn’t last. Cadmus seemed to be everywhere. Now it wasn’t just drugs and guns. They were now spreading propaganda. Hate speech against anything and everything. Immigrants to minority citizens to the LGBT community. The city was being whipped into a fury. Protesters took to the streets as elected officials debated equal housing rights which lead to a riot as the right-winged conservatives started throwing bottles and rotting food at the rainbow-colored crowd sitting in the park across the street from city hall with colorful signs held up to display their thoughts.
Shootings were occurring more frequently in the Hispanic neighborhoods, bullets being traced to high-end weapons that were similar to weapons Kara had turned over to the police from various busted Cadmus warehouses. Cadmus was the embodiment of the ‘Ideal Conservative American’ to the point where Kara was sure they were killing and driving away anyone who didn’t fit into their mold. As a bisexual woman, and James as a black man, Team Superfriends was starting to take this personally. Kara even had Winn sew a pride flag onto her sleeve. When someone got a picture of that during a daytime bank robbery, Power Girl was plastered on protest signs and became the main target of hate speech. Kara felt like she was living in a war zone, trying to find terrorists who want to build a wall and keep everyone out. Kara was growing more and more frustrated at the stupidity of people. They were no longer debating laws, they were debating whether humans should be treated like humans. It made Kara sick. She had to stop Cadmus, it wouldn’t solve everything but it would stop the fan from stoking the fire.
Kara was so busy that she had to hire contractors to do most the renovating when she had planned on doing some of it herself. Winn did manage to install a secret door from the first floor to the basement where their operations were held. He kept the men from even thinking of looking down there.
Days ticked by as Kara spent more and more time in the city, helping the police contain the violence as well as trying to find the source of everything Cadmus. She even skipped on going back to Midvale for Thanksgiving with Eliza and Alex, Eliza still not knowing how Kara really spent her time. Kara just told her foster mother that the gym was taking up a lot more time than she thought. Alex was furious. Her and Eliza had had a strained relationship ever since Kara was adopted. They moved past most of it but the Jeremiah died and Alex fell into drinking, which caused new issues to open old wounds. Kara always acted as a buffer. Alex made sure Kara knew of every awkward detail. Kara was too focused to care too much. She still couldn’t figure out who was in charge of the seemingly ever-expanding group. Only that it was a woman. One that no one ever saw up close. A woman who had an extensive chain of command and rarely got her hands dirty. Always a woman, never a name.
Lena’s tour had four weeks left and Kara’s heart ached to see her. Phone calls and video chatting didn’t help. Kara wanted to hold Lena again. She wanted to paint her. Well, Kara was painting her, and sketching her, and doodling her, any chance she could. Sometimes Kara didn’t even realize it was happening, she would be talking to Winn about something and all of the sudden Lena’s likeness would be on the paper below her pencil. Kara had it bad. She thinks she may love Lena but something was stopping her. That’s a lie. She knows what it is. Kara is a vigilante, who risks her life and jail time daily, and is still keeping it a secret. No, Lena knows she is going to tell her in just a matter of weeks. It's not really a secret then.
Despite Kara’s aching heart, she still missed phone calls and flights, every time she seemed to be caught up in one mission or another, or helping to stop riots before escaping with Guardian from the police. The cops weren't really trying to arrest the two people making a difference but the police chief was determined to bring down all criminals. Lena seemed to be understanding but even Kara was growing frustrated with not seeing her girlfriend and she was surrounded by friends. Kara texted Jess daily to really know what was happening with Lena, she was lonely. When not performing, Lena locked herself away to work on her music. She almost had a whole album recorded, ahead of schedule.
“Damn it, Kara. Again? How hard is it to be on time to the airport?”
“I am so sorry Lena. National City is in an uproar. Whole streets are closed to contain the protests and riots. James wanted an extra set of hands to take pictures and I got caught in the middle of it.” A couple of beats of silence.
“James… You are spending a lot of time with him lately.” It took a second for Kara to comprehend the jealousy underlining Lena’s neutral tone.
“No Lena, god, no. James is just a friend. Even less, he is my cousin’s friend and I do stuff like this for him and he will help with advertising for the gym.”
“Lena, please believe me. I know you, I know you are thinking that of course, you won't be good enough. Damn it, I hate that’s the first place your thoughts go. But it isn’t true. Lena, I am so sorry this is my fault for not planning ahead. I miss you so much. I hate breaking promises but I am trying...”
“I was looking forward to seeing you and meeting Sam and Ruby because you always sound so excited when you talk about dinner with them or teaching Ruby to play the piano and-”
“Kara! Shut up! All I said was okay. Yes, I feel a little insecure because this is the fifth flight you missed but also I know I ask a lot of you to put your life on hold there. Just try and make the next one. Now, I have to go tell a preteen that her new idol won’t be joining us tonight.”
“New idol? What do you mean?” Lena laughs
“Ever since she found out I was dating you, she has found every little bit of information on you. Including pirated videos of most of your fights. You should have seen Sam when Ruby told her she wanted to start taking boxing lessons. She literally had no words. It was quite hilarious.”
“And now I feel even worse for missing my flight. I hope she isn’t too disappointed. But please, have fun with them. When I meet Ruby, I will give her a few lessons, with her mother’s permission, of course.” Lena laughs through the line.
“I will let Sam know. And Kara? Please, stay safe. It sounds dangerous there and I worry about you being in the middle of all that.” Guilt washes over Kara. She swallows past the lump in her throat.
“I will. Goodbye, Lena.”
“Bye Kara,” Lena says softly. The line goes dead and Kara sighs as she returns to gazing over the crowd below in the park. She was perched on top of city halls roof. James stood next to her as they watched for signs of trouble.
“Still haven't told her, huh?”
“It's none of your business.” Kara snaps at the man in metal armor.
“I think it is when you go galavanting to another country every other weekend and take phone calls on the job. You are distracted and it's going to get you hurt.”
“Don’t act like some wise sage James. I have been doing this much longer. Hell, the only reason you are here with me is so you wouldn’t die trying to do this yourself. So don’t talk down to me James. Don’t forget, I never wanted you here. You forced your way into this. I was fine with just Winn and I. So stay out of my relationship.” Kara can see James’ eyes tighten in anger behind his helmet.
“Fine. Just, I think there may be a real reason you haven't told her, more than she would be mad. I’m going to the other side of the park. We should probably spread out anyway, there are a lot of people here and that threat wasn’t very specific.” He leaves without another word. Kara keeps her eyes below.
Lena hangs up and sighs. Kara knew her too well. That was exactly where her thoughts went. And still were. Her brain knew that Kara wouldn’t lie to her about this. Kara liked her and would be faithful. But missing flight after flight and then it took three phone calls just to get a hold of Kara today alone. It was chipping away at Lena’s barely pieced together heart. She hadn’t told Jess or Sam yet, but she lost her momentum in her music. Her worry no longer allowed the happier music she had been writing to flow out. Each chord felt like a dead end. She walked back into the studio and found Sam at the soundboard. The tall woman spun in her seat to face Lena, her smile faded quickly at the frown on Lena’s face.
“Kara missed her flight. It's just the three of us for dinner.” Lena plops down next to her friend/ producer. Sam scowls.
“Look, I know you like her, but I like her less and less every time this happens. Are you sure she is worth it.”
“She really is Sam. I know how this looks since you never met her.”
“It looks like a pretty girl weaseled her way into your life, received free trips around the world and the fame of dating Lena Luthor and now she is ghosting you because she is over it and got what she wanted.”
Tears prick Lena’s eyes. That is exactly her worst fear with Kara. Sam picked it right up and said it out loud. Lena tried to blink the offending liquid back but it just made it worse. The hot tears escaped. Sam looked over and noticed. She pulled Lena in for a hug.
“Oh geez Lena, I am so sorry. I don’t know why I said that. I mean I do but I know you like her I should have kept it to myself.”
“I-it’s just t-that that is exactly wh-what I have been th-thinking this whole time. I mean, it was so small at first but now, now it feels like it’s shouting in my h-head and I-I don’t know what to do. God, everything was s-so great until she left in Munich.” Lena is actually sobbing. She hasn’t felt like this since college. She feels ridiculous, but Sam is soothingly rubbing her back and she feels safe. After a while, Lena manages to catch her breath again and pulls away, but Sam firmly holds on to her hand still.
“I’m sorry, I haven't cried in… years. I don’t know where that came from.”
“Lena, this is completely normal. Crying is good because it helps you process emotions. If this is a fear you have then you definitely need to talk to Kara about it.” Sam says seriously. Lena barks a watery laugh.
“And if it's true, do you think she would just come out and say it? And if it's not true I’ll just hurt her with my doubt.”
“I just hate seeing you like this. I didn’t really know you before Kara but this Lena Luthor has been great and happy and Ruby loves you. By the way, she asked if she could start calling you Aunt Lena.”
“Really? God, I am going to cry again. Tell her yes I would love that. God, what is happening to me? I used to not have feelings.”
“It’s called being human, Lena. And having a family. Sometimes feelings suck, sometimes they are the best thing in the world.”
“I hate feelings.” Lena mopes. Sam laughs.
“Well too bad. Now, let's get back to work.”
December 5th, 2017
They finally had what they needed. The Cadmus Leader would be in National City organizing their next plan. Kara learned this from a scared new recruit as she transported him to police custody in a less than ideal manner. Winn was busy figuring out which warehouse she was actually going to be in while James and Kara suited up. And then they were on the move, Winn directing them through the still bustling nightlife of National City.
Warehouse was a loose term. It looked to be converted into a compound. High fencing with barbed wire. Shipping containers stacked high to serve as watchtowers. Armed men patrolling around the building. Everything was brightly lit and made it hard to find a dark corner to slip in. Winn's newest toy hovered silently by Kara's head. A small drone capable of x-raying through walls and tracing heat signatures. It would relay those back to Winn so he could better direct the vigilantes. With the extra eye in the sky, Kara and James carefully circumvented each prowling, trigger-happy, guard and made it to the roof of the warehouse. Skylights peppered the roof to let in light during the day. Now they shone brightly as the occupants worked to spread terror to the outside world. Kara crouched over one near the center and peered through.
Down below was everything. Tables of what Kara assumed were kidnapped women in their underwear as they bagged drugs for distribution. More men circled them along with the rest of the warehouse. Weapons caches were well guarded. Men and women were training in hand to hand combat and on a shooting range. There were even tables set up to act like an eating area and bunks in rows in a darker corner. In the middle, separated with fencing, and heavily guarded, was a bomb.
“Winn, are you seeing this?” Kara whispers.
“Oh yeah. Scanning now. Give me a second.”
Kara waits and takes deep steadying breaths while James shifts beside her. Part of her wishes she had left the man behind But also she knows she could never handle this alone. Whatever becomes of this she is glad to have back up, even if it is as inexperienced as James. The pair on the roof watches the work below in silence.
“Yup, that’s a bomb. When that is complete it can level at least ten city blocks.”
“Well shit.”
“Kara, if that goes off where it is, most of the surrounding community is Latino or African American. It will kill most of those populations in National City.”
Kara pauses. Thinking. Cadmus was bringing everything to a head. Hate was spreading like a virus and this was literally going to blow it into a nationwide problem.
“Winn, you said when this is complete. So it's not right now.”
“Correct. If it blows right now it should just take down the warehouse. But it will kill almost everyone inside.”
Kara watches the rounds of men. She watches the women working and a man entering the fencing around the bomb. He sets to work. Kara sighs.
“Winn, call Alex. We are in over our heads. Patch her through.” A pause then a beep.
“Kara? This better be good. Do you know what hour it is?”
“Alex, I need you. Actually the whole FBI. Cadmus has officially turned terrorist and I am in over my head.” Rustling through the line indicates Alex probably getting out of bed and dressing.
“What the hell am I supposed to do with that. How am I supposed to get a unit out because my sister the gym trainer told me to.”
“I don’t know Alex! Say it was an anonymous tip or something. Alex, They are building a bomb. One to level several blocks of National City. Men are heavily armed. Captured women are sorting drugs. This is it. Winn, send Alex the address. Get here.” Kara tapes her earpiece and ends the call.
“So, we are just going to wait?” James asks, voice oddly echoey in the helmet.
“Yup. Might as well get comfy.”
After a few minutes, something begins to happen below. Almost everything seems to halt. Doors Kara previously missed, opens. Out of the darkness and into the center of the warehouse, walks Lillian Luthor. Kara recognizes her from an old photo Lena had shown her. The woman is tall and proud. Commanding a room without speaking. A leader. It sends chills through Kara. Lillian says something and then listens to the response from the man working on the bomb. She nods approvingly, then strides towards the front of the warehouse, flanked by much more seasoned looking men. Men who do this for a living, for a life. Kara hears engines approaching and she knows in her gut that it isn't Alex. Lillian is going to escape.
Kara stands suddenly, starling James who had reclined against the slightly sloped roof.
“We can’t let her get away.”
“Let who?”
“Lillian Luthor, the Leader of Cadmus.”
James looks through the window.
“Kara, we can’t take them on our own.”
“We just have to stall until they get here.”
Kara crouches to keep her center of gravity low and strides towards the front of the building. There will definitely be too many guards out front to deal with if she doesn't take a few out before Lillian gets there. A glance in the next window shows that Lillian has stopped to talk to someone else.
At the edge of the roof, just out of the flood of light, Kara peers down. She unholsters the Night-Night gun and aims for the closets man perched on shipping containers. She silently prays the hours Alex spent drilling her on various weapons pays off. Once Alex joined the FBI she wanted to make sure Kara could protect herself, then it became a way for them to bond and spend time together. It slowly escalated over the years to more advanced weapons and targets. Kara had put it on hold though when she started her vigilantism. She takes a deep breath, slowly releases it, and pulls the trigger. A small clicking sound and a small flash of blue in the darkness, the silhouette drops to the ground.
“Way to go, Winn,” Kara whispers.
“Thank you.” He says cheekily. Kara just rolls her eyes and aims for her next target. She empties the clip, making one guard drop after another, before popping in another. Soon no one remains outside the front and not a sound has risen to raise the suspicion of those inside.
Until of course the front doors open and Lillian Luthor begins to make her way to the front entrance and where three heavily armored transport vehicles wait for her. She pauses a few feet out the front door when she sees a man slumped against the wall. The men flanking her draw their weapons. Kara drops behind them and knocks the knee out from one. The other turns and fires but Kara has already rolled away. Shouts from inside. Lillian holds a hand to stop the man from firing again. James drops next to her and holds up his shield.
“Oh good, both of my favorite vigilantes. This will make getting rid of you two so much easier. You have made my life more than difficult.”
“You have been causing panic through the city,” Kara says, the voice modulator changing her voice.
“Oh my dear, we have been restoring order to the city. And soon the country.”
“Order never follows bombs. They just cause death and destruction.”
“It will be a new beginning. A fresh start to build on.”
“You are insane.”
“I am right.” Lillian Looks to the door behind the heroes.
“Kill them.”
The woman turns away and Kara’s attention is diverted to the mass of men. All were armed and armored. Kara and James stand back to back.
“There is too many.” He says through there comms.”
“We just have to stall. Alex will be here.”
A man breaks the standoff and the first punch is thrown. They are too tightly packed for weapons or risk shooting each other. At first, everything goes well. James uses his shield to protect most of his body while smashing the others. Kara drops man after man. But soon their overwhelming numbers separate the pair. Kara is being attacked from all sides, slowly being forced from her partner. One punch hits, then another. A kick throws her off balance. Someone throws her over.r third shoulder and she is outside the ring of bodies. From the ground, she can see Lillian's retreating form. She pushes from the ground to chase the woman down. Mere feet from her, Kara is stopped by a grip of iron pulling her back to the ground. The man stands over her, he looks vaguely familiar but it escapes her how. Kara's vision is blurry from her head hitting the ground.
“You can't stop this Power Girl. Actually, how pretentious is that? What do you say I know who you really are?” Lillian appears over Kara, Kara tries to sit up but a heavy boot is planted in her chest. Lillian reaches down to pull back the hood and remove the mask. She frowns, almost like she ate something distasteful.
“Why if it isn't the little blonde who has been running around with my daughter. Another way for her to disappoint me. I wonder, does she know about your evening activities?”
“She isn't your fucking daughter. And she is not a disappointment.”
Lillian looks amused.
“Oh, so she doesn't know. How wonderful. Kill her, make it hurt.” The last part directed to the man above Kara.
Sirens in the distance cause Lillian to hurry away but Kara can no longer worry about that. The boot over her is gone, just long enough to swing back and hit her ribs. Kara has no advantage. She can't get her feet, can't get away. Kick after kick lands to her sides and stomach. A high kick brings the man's hell down and she hears the snap of her collarbone breaking. He straddles her and brings his hands to her neck. She tries to throw him off but he just headbutts her eye and slams her head back down. Everything is going dark, whether from head trauma or lack of oxygen, Kara isn't sure. Gunfire. Shouting. The night from her chest is gone, but the darkness is still coming.
“...ara!” A muffled yell. It's familiar.
“Kara, please…” it begs.
“Kara you are going to be fine you big idiot.” It's Alex standing over her, but her mouth isn't working. Then there is nothing as Alex’s tear-stained face fades away.
December 9th, 2017
An annoying beeping invades the darkness. It becomes insistent, begging to be noticed. Kara tries to open her eyes and winces. She tries to rub at then but her hand is trapped by something, a desperate grip. Kara blinks and looks down. Alex is asleep in a chair with her head on the bed, fingers tightly gripping Alex’s. Her other arm is in a sling. Kara's movements must have roused her because Alex is sitting up a blinking sleep away.
“Kara!” She exclaims.
“Hey…” Kara's voice is hoarse and gravely.
“I ought to kill you but I'm too happy that you are okay.” Alex stands and kisses Kara's forehead. Kara leans into the affection from her sister.
“What happened?” Kara manages to get out. Her sister reaches for the pitcher of water and hands Kara a cup with a straw.
“You were almost killed, that's what happened.”
“Lillian… Did you catch her?”
“No,” Alex says solemnly.
“James is he…?”
“He's fine. That armor took the brunt of it. Although he isn't too happy with you I don't think.”
“So, I guess this means my identity is blown.”
“Yes, and no.”
Kara looks at her sister curiously.
“Kara, I don't work for the FBI. I work for a secret government organization inside the government looking to take down local terrorist groups and our main focus has been Cadmus. They haven't done enough to be classified for our intervention until you called with the bomb information. But since we were keeping tabs on Cadmus, we were also keeping tabs on you. I did not tell anyone, but someone else found out who you were. My director has made the decision to let you do what you are doing because of how you do it. You are now in one of our facilities and are getting the best care possible. So yes your identity is out, but only to those who already knew.”
Kara goes quiet and stares straight ahead while she processes. That was a lot of information to take in.
“Kara, say something. Please.” And Kara opens her mouth to do so when the television Alex must have been watching before falling asleep catches her attention. Lex Luthor arrested for conspiring with terrorists. Kara grabs the discarded remote off her bed and turns it up.
“Yesterday, with the aid of one Mr. Clark Kent. Another Luthor was put behind bars. Kent's investigation into the Luthor family in conjunction with the police and FBI…”
Yesterday he was arrested.
“Alex, how long have I been asleep?”
Alex winces.
“You had considerable head injuries and several broken bones and your lung even collapsed due to a broken rib…”
“Alex. How long?” Kara asks sternly.
“Four days.” Kara swallows hard, forcing back the continually rising panic.
“Where is my phone?” Kara says forceing calm in her voice.
“I brought it with a change of clothes that Winn packed for me.” Alex gets up and digs in the backpack sat in a table against the wall. She hands the phone to Kara.
Kara turns it on and waits. Two missed calls from Cat. Three from Eliza. A string of texts from Winn. A missed call from Clark. One last ding. A voicemail from Lena. Kara should have left to see her last night. With a shaking thumb, she hits play on the voice mail.
December 8th, 2017
Not even an apology this time from Kara. Lena just returned to the hotel from a fruitless trip to the airport when the news broke. Lex had been arrested. Jess was striding around her hotel room fielding calls from reporters as Lena stared out the window. Crowds were forming below in the street. Clark Kent had enough evidence to put away her brother and accuse her mother who had magically disappeared. Lena was the last Luthor standing. She was isolated at the top of her tower and sharks were circling below. She was alone. Lena remembers Kara mentioning that Clark was her cousin. Did Kara know this was coming? Is that why she didn't come? Is that why she began to pull away? The crushing weight of this spiral pressed down on her chest with each passing minute that she didn't hear from Kara.
Why was this so hard? It wasn't this hard when her father blew himself up. She got drunk, got high, fucked a girl, and moved on. Now her walls were gone and she felt each hard word thrown at her like a knife. Each Twitter comment chaffed like she had newborn skin. With her walls gone, her heart was unprotected because the person who protected it was half a world away and hadn't been heard from in three days. It was too much. Lena quickly crossed to the bed where she threw her phone. Jess gives her an odd look while still yelling at whoever is on the other end of her phone call. Lena waits with bated breath as the phone rings. And rings. And rings. Then Kara's sweet voice asking to her leave a message. That almost breaks Lena but then it beeps so she powers through.
“Kara, I just can't do this anymore. I can't have this hope. I needed you here and you weren't. You haven't been here and you won’t tell me the truth because I know you are lying. This was the last time I go to an Airport to pick up only find out you never boarded. I can't need anyone like this. As long as you give me hope then I won't be the person I need to be. I'm sorry to do this like this, but I am glad I got your voicemail because if I heard your voice I know you could convince me otherwise. But we can't Kara. I can't. This is over. Don’t try and come here, don’t try and change my mind. We are just too different, this never would have worked. Goodbye.” Lena hung up the phone in tears.
This whole thing was a mistake. From the moment she let Kara sit down at her cafe table. Kara had torn down all the walls Lena built up to protect herself and now with her brother in jail and her mother wanted, she had nothing to keep the pain out. Then Kara missed her flight again, off doing something with James probably. It was too hard. James was someone Kara should be with, someone good and who was making a difference in the world. Lena had let Kara build her up, love her, and rip her defenses down. Then Kara all but disappeared, leaving Lena raw and exposed. Lena needed to build back up her walls and she couldn’t do that with still having a possibility of Kara. Lena’s next phone call was to Sam.
“Do I need to get a babysitter?” She doesn't even say ‘hi.’ Damn that mother’s intuition. She already knew.
“Yes. I need a fucking drink. And I can’t go alone.”
“Okay, I’ll find someone for Ruby. Then I’ll pick you up and you can tell me everything.”
One good thing came out of this half of the tour, Sam. And a night at a Sinclair Club conveniently down the street from Lena’s hotel.
Sam quickly took up residence at the bar to keep her eye on Lena while letting her do what she needed to do. Lena lost herself in the crowd after two quick shots and a kiss on Sam's cheek. Quickly she is surrounded by hot bodies all looking for someone to dance with. A man saddles up behind her and with a quick glance, Lena decides to allow the attractive man to press to her back. Especially when an attractive blonde presses herself to Lena's front. Both are moving Lena in sync and Lena is suspicious of their intentions because there is no way this was an accident but then the blonde is playing with her hair and Lena doesn't care. It feels good to let go. To let someone make her feel wanted because she hadn't felt that way over the past few weeks. After the song, the guy offers to buy them both a drink and Lena allows the girl to lead her over to the bar. Flirtaive touching happens while they wait. After two more shots, Lena is significantly buzzed. Then more dancing. Another shot.
“Lena Luthor. What a surprise to see you here.” Veronica's silken voice comes from behind Lena. She turns to the woman.
“Well, sometimes you need a drink when your brother gets arrested for terrorism. And after you break up with your girlfriend.” Lena adds as an afterthought. A gleam lights Ronnie's eye and she flicks her gaze to the couple standing behind Lena. They were, in fact, a couple, trying to woo Lena into their bed. Lena had decided to break her rule about threesomes because she needed this.
“You two can go.” They start to protest Veronica’s dismissal but Lena waves them off.
“You know I don't like foreplay.” Veronica states.
“Meet me out front. My hotel is just down the street.”
Lena goes to find Sam and tells her she's leaving. Sam eyes Veronica making her way to the door.
“Your sure you want to do this? With her?”
“I'm sure the sooner I move on, the better.”
“The mom in me is screaming that this is a mistake and I should stop you. But I won't.” Sam looks at her conflicted.
“I'll call you in the morning. Thank you for coming with me. For being my friend.”
“Always,” Sam says. She hugs Lena and lets her go while she pays for her drink and heads home to her daughter.
December 9th, 2017
Silence fills the hospital room after Kara plays the message. It was left just hours before. Kara glances at the clock. It would only be seven right now in London. Alex had heard the whole thing.
“Kara, I'm so sorry.” Kara's head snaps up.
“Don't. This isn't over. How fast can you get me to London?”
“You and whatever organization you work for.”
“Kara we can’t…”
“You will. This is the biggest break you have had against Cadmus, you said so yourself. If you don't get me to London then I will have Winn broadcast my suits body camera footage all over the media. Yes, that's right. A camera. That I'm sure you didn't remove until after I was inside this secret government operation or before you said things you shouldn't over an unconscious vigilante.” Alex's eyes widen.
“Are you threatening the United States government.”
“Yes,” Kara says matter of factly. Alex sighs and stands. She leaves but Kara knows she has won. A jet is soon fueled up to fly her to her chosen destination and Winn turns over the video files of the fight and subsequent care afterward. It's faster than trying to fly on her own. But it still leaves too much time to think.
December 10th, 2017
Kara knocks on the door. Tears sting her good eye and makes the one swollen shut throb. Her body ached. But she had to come. Had to tell Lena everything. This wasn't what she had planned, nothing was as she had planned. Lena’s heartbroken message still rung in her ears. This wasn't how they were going to end, because they weren't going to. Kara was determined. If Lena knew the whole truth it would be fine. She was just scared and thought Kara didn't care enough. But once Kara showed her the suit in the duffle that was digging into her bruised shoulder, Lena would know that she does. That Kara cares too much.
Movement on the other side of the door pulls Kara from her thoughts and she fumbles in her bag to prepare to pull out her suit. She had rehearsed what she was going to say the whole red-eye flight. Then how she would beg for forgiveness because she lied to the woman she loved. All that dies in her throat as she sees a fading smile on Lena’s face. Her body wrapped in a hotel sheet and her hair a mess. It was obvious what had been happening behind the door and Kara feels a punch worse than the beating she received days before. Fear floods Lena’s eyes and she clutches her sheet closer.
“Kara,” she says softly, as if not meaning to at all.
“Lena, darling, who is that at this hour?” Kara recognizes the silky smooth voice without seeing her face. Veronica Sinclair. And it hurts all the more. Kara shoves the red and blue jacket in her bag and turns back down the hotel hallway.
“Kara!” Lena calls louder, but it doesn't stop her. Kara just turns the corner and finds the elevator still on the floor due to the late hour. She hears a door slam closed and hurried footsteps but the elevator is already closing. Tears stream down Kara’s cheeks and she hurries back down to hopefully catch the first flight back to anywhere in the United States and away from here.
Kara collapses on her couch numbly. She hasn't slept, really slept, in at least four days. Being unconscious doesn't count. She cried the whole flight back and numbly sat through a taxi ride from the airport. A quick text to Alex saying she home and didn't want to talk about it. She closes her eyes and falls quickly to sleep after being so emotionally drained.
Kara wakes to her sister shaking her shoulder and a concerned look.
“Hey,” Alex says softly.
“Hey.” Kara sits up and Alex sits next to her rubbing shoulders and pulling Kara's hand into her lap. Kara rests her head on her sister's shoulder.
“Want to talk about it?” Alex asks Kara shakes her head.
“No. I just… no. Can you tell me something good? Like you captured Lillian and stopped Cadmus.”
“Sorry no.”
“Okay, well then at least you and Maggie are completely happy?”
Alex stiffens and Kara feels her stop breathing. She looks at her sister.
“Can't tell you that either. We broke up.”
“Oh, Alex no. Why?”
“Umm… well, we started talking about what we want in the future. You know, like where we want to live, and family and stuff. Well, Maggie doesn't want kids. At all. And you know me, I've always wanted to be a mom. So, here we are.”
“When did this happen?” Kara says, putting an arm around Alex’s shoulders.
“The night you called me. We had a long conversation. This was a deal-breaker for both of us. So…” Alex shrugs. Kara squeezes her shoulder.
“How are you handling it?”
“Not well. But I'm glad we had this conversation before we got too serious. I mean, can you imagine the hell it would be if we didn't talk about it before we moved in together, or hell, got engaged. I love her, so this is going to take some time and a lot of tears but I think it was for the best, for both of us.”
“Guess it's time for a sister night then. You pick a movie, I'm ordering take out.”
“No superhero-ing tonight?” Alex teases.
“I couldn't even save my relationship, let alone anyone else.”
When Kara comes back Alex has picked some action movie and Kara plops the bottle of whiskey in front of her sister. Alex's eyebrows shoot up.
“Kara Danvers has alcohol?” Alex peers closer at the label.
“Expensive Alcohol.”
“I bought it for… her. It's her favorite. I was just going to pour it down the drain but I figured now was as good as time as any.”
“For what?” Alex thinks she knows but she wants Kara to say it.
“To get drunk with my sister because we both need this right now.” Alex smiles and pips it open. Kara fetches two glasses.
“Kara you may want a mixer of some kind. Straight whiskey is hard to handle sober.” Kara fetches some sodas before joining her sister.
By the time the food arrives Kara is at least three shots of whiskey in and feeling buzzed, Alex is still fine and pays for it. Kara doesn't even try to follow the plot of the movie, all she knows is that it is loud with lots of explosions and her and Alex can laugh at the cheesy fakeness of it all. This felt good. She hadn’t spent much time with Alex lately, both of them were at fault for it but right now that didn’t matter. Right now she was with her sister, and right now she was very drunk. Her mind was foggy and a warmness was settling over her. No that wasn’t right. She shouldn’t feel warm. Kara felt like she should still be upset. Upset about what? Sluggishly, memories rose to the surface. Lena wrapped up in a sheet, but not because of Kara. Veronica. She was there. Then Kara had left Lena, or Lena had left Kara. One thing was clear, they were over. Kara bursts into tears so suddenly her sister jumped. Alex quickly recovered and pulled Kara into a hug, then Alex pulled Kara on top of her as she eased them both into laying position on the couch. Eventually, Kara cried herself to sleep, cradled in her sister's protective arms Alex sang to her. Kara always wished Alex would sing more. She had a beautiful voice but maybe that's why it made it all the more special. The special lullaby about a red robin fades as the alcohol does its job of pulling Kara into unconsciousness.
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“Okay honey, hand over the ring.” - Metallo

Real Name: John Wayne Corben
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 5″
Weight: 200 lbs (91 kg)
Eyes: Photocellular
Hair: Brown
Cybernetic Enhancement
Military Protocol
Mechanical Aptitude
Kryptonite Dependency
Power Instability
Technological Reliability
Lacking Creativity
Kryptonite Cache
Hover Board
Universe: New Earth
Base of Operations: Metropolis
Citizenship: American
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Professional Criminal
First Appearance: Superman Vol 2 #1 (January, 1987)
Last Appearance: Convergence: Justice League International #1 (June, 2015)

Cybernetic Enhancement: Having suffered a fatal accident which cost him his physical body, John Corben had his brain transplanted into an all but unstoppable robot body comprised of an artificial metal which never tires or falters, and can effectively last forever when powered by Kryptonite. In the process of his criminal career Metallo had it modified from unfeeling steel to trans-organic cloned substance reminiscent to his old biology by various benefactors.
Superhuman Strength: Metallo's strength level is augmented by his cybernetic components.
Energy Projection: Metallo could emit and fire kryptonite radiation from his body at will.
Superhuman Durability: Corben's bionics are comprised of an virtually indestructible alloy.
Enhanced Senses: Metallo's sensory receptor range was greatly augmented beyond the human norm.
Computer analysis: Metallo's brain had been augmented with advanced computational implants which enable advanced mathematical calculus for computing and formulating precise tactical approximations and stratagems for most any given situation.
Personal Memory Log: Keeps an internal data bank to jot down his personal progress and experiences.
Accelerated Probability: With his rapid processing engine, Corben can predict the most probable outcome of any given situation down to the last fraction of a second.

Military Protocol: As a former soldier working for General lane, he has knowledge of military operations and facilities.
Mechanical Aptitude: His time as being part machine grants him knowledge in machines above the common man.

Kryptonite Dependency: He needs his heart to survive otherwise he'll shut down.
Power Instability: His power is not often stable, and if he's not careful will cripple him.
Technological Reliability: He needs technology to get around, otherwise he can't move nor operate on day to day functions.
Lacking Creativity: While not often stupid, his lack of creativity, pettiness, temper and sheer ego often leads him to be overwhelmed leading to his downfall often.

Kryptonite Cache: While part of Luthor's Revenge Squad Metallo underwent further enhancements, having access to varying types of Kryptonite recently added to his arsenal.
Green Kryptonite: The standard variety which was fatally toxic to kryptonian biology.
Red Kryptonite: Temporarily scrambles the DNA structure of an average superman for randomized effects.
Blue Kryptonite: Given by Luthor in order to control the inverse clone, Bizzaro on the Squad.
Gold Kryptonite: Temporarily negates a Kryptonian's powerset, leaving them vulnerable for a couple seconds time.
Hover Board: While trapped on the prison planet, Metallo made use of an anti-g transportation device for more expedient travel.
John Corben was a professional con man until he was fatally injured in a car crash. The dying Corben was found by Professor Emmet Vale, a specialist in cybernetics, who was obsessed with the idea that Superman was the spearhead of an alien invasion after he discovered the ship that brought the infant Kal-El to earth and mistranslated a message from his father Jor-El to his son. Vale took the helpless Corben to his lab and transplanted his brain into a cyborg body powered by Uranium, to which upon awakening the cyborg, instructed him to kill Superman. Metallo initially was enraged by what Vale had done to him, but feigned interest in the paranoiac doctor's findings of Kal-El's origins as well as his replacing the uranium core with Corben's new Kryptonite heart, a material deadly to Superman, to kill him with. After Vale had given Corben's bionic chasis a more humanized look, Metallo broke the Professor's neck, killing the scientist as he'd then outlived his usefulness, but nonetheless ended up battling Superman as per his recreation's purpose. Before delivering the killing stroke, he was abducted by Lex Luthor, who realized that his Kryptonite 'heart' was immensely valuable and wanted the pleasure of killing the super alien himself, casually ripping it from his chest, seemingly killing Metallo.

Doom Patrol
Metallo survived the encounter thanks to built-in backup systems and managed to escape from the Lexcorp facility. As Luthor began tracking down and stockpiling more Kryptonite, Metallo began raiding Lexcorp warehouse stealing as much as he needed to keep his body charged. He also discovered that one of Lexcorp's holding companies manufactured cybernetic components, so he began stealing those as well. He modified certain components so that they would be dedicated to his specific hardware, and in doing so, was able to mentally control these components independently of his body. Metallo soon discovered that a shipment of these modified components had been delivered to another recipient - Robotman of the Doom Patrol. After scouring globe looking for these pieces, he eventually tracked Robotman down to Kansas City and involved himself in a fight with Robotman's teammates the Doom Patrol. As Robotman was using Metallo's modified components at the time, Metallo was able to mentally control Robotman's body. Superman learned of the incident and flew to Kansas City to aid the Doom Patrol. During the fight, Celsius and Scott Fischer combined their powers to destroy Metallo's physical body. His head remained intact however, but went missing amidst the debris. Lex Luthor tracked Metallo down and sent a team of scientists to recover his brain. Luthor's lead scientist Sydney Happersen found Metallo's head and secured it within a crate where it remained locked up inside of a Missouri warehouse for months.

Some time later, the alien conqueror known as Brainiac began systematically taking control of all of Lexcorp's facilities. The physical body housing his mental consciousness was dying, so he performed a comprehensive analysis on all of Lexcorp's advancements in cybernetics. Through this, he learned of Metallo and had his head brought to a laboratory where it was attached to a new robotic body. Metallo agreed to work with Brainiac, since he still held a grudge against Luthor. He sent a robot duplicate of himself to stage a robbery at the Lexcorp owned Metropolis Mercantile Bank, knowing that it would draw the attention of Superman. While Superman dealt with the decoy Metallo, the real Metallo led a robot army on a raid against the Lexcorp Tower.
Immediately thereafter, Brainiac had Metallo adopt a human disguise and kidnap a scientist named Dr. Reginald Augustine. Augustine was once one of the founding fathers of the Cadmus Project. With Augustine in tow, Metallo raided Project Cadmus to steal their cloning technology for Brainiac. During the raid, Metallo ran afoul of Superman, as well as Cadmus' resident protector, Guardian. He succeeded in procuring the technology required to clone Brainiac a new humanoid body to replace his dying borrowed form.
A short time later, Metallo encountered Superman again and suffered a resounding defeat. His body was destroyed, and his head was placed under special quarantine at Stryker's Island Penitentiary. Metallo's imprisonment was short lived however. A man named Steelhawk gassed the special detention wing at Stryker's and liberated Metallo's head. In exchange for outfitting him with a larger, sturdier body, Metallo agreed to accept a contract hit on behalf of Steelhawk and his employers. He traveled to Nathan B. Forrest High School in Marietta, Georgia to sanction a teenage boy named Grant Emerson. He smashed through the wall of the classroom and quickly located Emerson, but the incident sparked Emerson's Meta-gene and the young boy increased in size and power. After fighting for several minutes, Grant Emerson's body erupted with power causing a massive explosion that destroyed Metallo's body as well as his entire school.

Conduit freed Metallo from S.T.A.R. Labs and had him attack Superman, part of an effort by Conduit to wear down Superman. Metallo's new body featured a device that made him unmovable so long as he had his feet planted. Superman fought him outside Metropolis, arriving at a shopping mall. Metallo made the mistake of climbing on top of a car. When Superman kicked the car out from under him, Metallo went airborne and Superman was able to grab him and knock his head clean off. Superman could not wait for him to get picked up, but some local teens promised to watch it.

Underworld Unleashed
When the demon Neron manifested his corporeal form on Earth, Metallo was one of dozens of super-villains who accepted an offer of power in exchange for his immortal soul. Neron granted Metallo greater flexibility and range with his powers, enabling him to morph his body into more complex mechanical constructs--Metallo could now draw on any metal nearby to create a new body for himself, fulfilling a dream to never be rendered "just a head" again. During the "Underworld Unleashed" event, Metallo teamed up with Gorilla Grodd in an effort to hijack a truck carrying nuclear warheads. Batman, Robin and the Huntress arrived in time to prevent the theft, and Metallo escaped.

During the ensuing chaos, Metallo arrived in Washington, D.C. where he encountered Steel. Steel was trying to diffuse a riot and had little patience for Metallo. He managed to knock his head off and send it into the Potomac, but Metallo recovered and came back for more. Steel had meanwhile responded to a bomb threat at a mosque. He took the bomb and started to fly out to sea, only to be spotted and pursued by Metallo. When he got close enough, Metallo pulled the bomb to himself, believing he could then be in total control of it. Unfortunately for him, while the casing was metal, the bomb itself was plastique. Metallo's huge frame absorbed most of the blast, although the shockwave still knocked Steel from the air.

Metallo would come back to Metropolis, this time when the Man of Steel was in his "Man of Energy" phase. Still unused to both his own new powers as well as Metallo's, Superman was initially only able to battle him to a standstill. Fortunately for Superman, the Ray arrived and helped him understand and use his new powers. Working together, they were able to defeat the cyborg, but Metallo eluded capture. Making his way to the nearby naval base, Metallo managed to convert an entire aircraft carrier into a new body. Superman defeated him soundly this time around, using his powers to drain off the carrier's nuclear energy--a move that nearly proved to great for even Superman. Metallo is taken into custody.

Metal Men in Metropolis
Metallo was given a new body by Brainiac 13 during Y2K. The new body also featured a "kryptonite heart" as a power source. Luckily for Superman, the Metal Men arrive in Metropolis. While they have no more luck against Metallo on their own, Superman has Lead coat over his body, protecting him from the Kryptonite. Superman flies straight through Metallo's heart, destroying it and causing Metallo to topple, deactivated.

Our Worlds at War
Metallo was placed in the orbiting Stryker Prison facility. When General Zod of Pokolistan changed the sun to red and seized the White House, President Lex Luthor rescued a stranded Superman and took them to Stryker's. Metallo removed the armor Zod had placed around Superman. Like many of the other villains, he questioned why he should bother helping Luthor or Superman save the world from Zod. Nevertheless, he did agree to help. While Superman lead a cadre of villains to Earth, Metallo transformed himself into a new colossal spaceship. With Luthor at the "helm," they flew towards the sun to disable the "solar converters" Zod had placed around it. They were attacked by Ignition, but Metallo split his body up into several drones. They successfully destroyed the converters, enabling Superman to defeat Zod back on Earth. Metallo returned Luthor to Earth, and while it is not clear exactly what occurred next, Luthor made it clear that he did not pardon at least the other prisoners.

Kryptonite Removal
Some time later, Superman and Batman embarked upon a quest to rid the world of all Kryptonite. They tracked down Metallo and Superman forcibly removed his Kryptonite heart. Batman quickly replaced it with an electronic substitute that enabled Metallo to continue to live, but also restricted the use of his weaponry.

Infinite Crisis
In the wake of the Infinite Crisis, Metallo's history was revised. In this new history, John Wayne Corben was a sergeant of the regular Army of the United States, and one of the best soldiers under the command of General Sam Lane. Lane made no secret of the fact that he wanted Corben to marry his daughter Lois, much to the dismay of Lois herself.
When Superman appeared in Metropolis, Lane went to Luthor and, citing the national security implications of beings like Superman and the Parasite being at large, agreed to help fund a plan to stop him-a battlesuit, composed of Luthor's proprietary 'Metallo' material, and powered by a lump of a strange, glowing green rock. Corben volunteered to pilot the suit. However, in his first encounter with Superman, a stray bullet hit the rock, leading to a disastrous energy surge in the suit, which almost killed Corben. Luthor saved Corben's life by literally integrating him into the suit, transforming him into the cyborg Metallo, with the Kryptonite rock functioning as his new 'heart'. Metallo subsequently attacked Superman again in a rampage which endangered not only the citizens of Metropolis but his own fellow soldiers. He was defeated by Superman once more.
Metallo has since come into the employ of Project 7734, the secret American military office that targets alien, and specifically Kryptonian, threats. Alongside Reactron, he is one of their primary offensive assets.

Pre-Zero Hour Metallo is taken by Brainiac and is trapped in a under a dome for a year. During this time, Metallo creates a robot army to invade Metropolis. He and his robot army attack the city but are stopped by the Justice League International.

Fun Facts
Prior to becoming Metallo, John Corben may have been involved in the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne. Although no longer applicable, it is known that he was operating out of Gotham City at the time of their deaths.
After becoming Metallo, Corben had been destroyed, dismantled or remodeled many times. Metallo could assimilate volumes of metal into his body in order to maintain a desired physical size. He could control any and all robotic technology not already possessed or in action. He could also fire kryptonite radiation from his eyes or heart at will.
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You learn a lot about your friends late at night pt. 2
“You’re Supergirl?” Lena asked not truly believing her eyes. There floating before her was the woman she called her best friend, a woman who had unknowingly captured Lena’s heart. It seemed so foreign and yet it was the only thing that made sense. How could she not have picked up on it? The smile, the fierce determination, the same scar just above the eye. “Of course you’re Supergirl, no one else could be. The way you make every person around you so much better than we really are.” Lena watched Kara gently touch down on the balcony of L-Corp and look away from her. It was almost as if Kara was embarrassed at who she was.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner Lena, you just have so much on your shoulders that I didn’t want to thrust my secret on you. I know how much you hate people lying to you and keeping things from you. If you want me to go I will” Kara began to float a bit looking as though she was about to break down. Lena couldn’t help but have her heart break a little, this amazing woman thought that she wasn’t going to accept her for who she was. Lena leapt forward and grabbed Kara’s hand.
“Don’t leave, please? I won’t push you away Kara.” Lena felt tears starting to well up at the sides of her eyes but for once she didn’t care. She didn’t care that she was breaking every rule she’d been taught growing up, she didn’t care that her walls that she had spent so much building up to protect herself had come crumbling down. “I want to know everything you feel comfortable sharing with me. This is a big part of who you are and I understand why you didn’t share it with me sooner. After everything my family has done to you and your cousin I couldn’t blame me if you never told me.” Lena turned away letting the first tear in so many years fall when she fet a hand come to rest on her face, pulling it up to look into the brilliant blue eyes that she’d seen in her dreams so many times.
“Lena I swear this has nothing to do with your family. I’ve told you so many times in both of my personas that I will never judge you based on where you’ve come from, if anything that’s part of why I feel bad for waiting as long as I have. In spite of everything you have had to deal with in your life you are genuinely one of the best people I’ve been lucky enough to meet on this planet or any other. Lena Luthor you are my hero.” Kara pulled Lena in close and hugged her tight. Lena couldn’t help but wonder how someone who had the power to hold up falling buildings could still feel so soft and be so gentle. Kara pulled away slowly leaving her hands resting on Lena’s shoulders. “I have so many things I want to share with you Lena but there’s some things we need to do first. I have to have you sign an NDA for the people I work with and If Alex or J’onn find out that wasn’t the first thing I had you do they’ll never let me hear the end of it.” Kara Laughed and gave Lena one of those smiles that always made her head spin.
“Of course Kara, anything for you.” Lena returned the smile, hoping she hadn’t let on just how much she meant that. Part of her was screaming to tell Kara how she felt, but another part of her knew that wasn’t fair to Kara. She had just opened up to Lena in the biggest way possible and was clearly going to be in a vulnerable place. Lena knew she would tell Kara how she felt eventually but not when they were both feeling so vulnerable. “The agents outside the door will probably be wondering what all the noise in here has been, we should let them know everything is ok.”
“Vasquez! Everything’s alright in here!” Kara yells towards the door and one of the agents pokes her head inside clearly expecting to see Supergirl.
“Of course Super…” The agent trails off when she sees a woman standing there who is very much Kara Danvers. “Oh I see. Well Alex and J’onn are going to kill me for this so I guess I should get that over with. Kara you know you have to take Ms.Luthor down to see them as well.” Vasquez seem noticeably worried when she mention Kara’s sister and this J’onn person.
“Yes Vasquez, I’m about to call Alex and have her get Pam to draw up the forms. Also not just you she’s gonna try and kill.” Kara said with a slight grin. Lena was hoping that Kara’s sister wasn’t as scary as they were making her out to be. Judging by the way agent Danvers had been this afternoon Lena suspected she might truly be.
“There’s a difference Kara I’m not bulletproof.” Vasquez said with a smile as she closed the door leaving the two women alone once more. Lena’s mind was racing about everything that had happened today. She suddenly was having a hard time standing and Kara seemed to pick up on it immediately.
“Lena are you ok? I know this is probably a lot to take in all at once.” Lena nodded weakly and found herself being carried over to the couch. It was going to take some getting used to Kara’s powers, but somehow know that she was still so human even with all this immense strength was a comfort. She was still her, just with a few more secrets than Lena had thought. Kara pulled out her phone and sent off a quick text as Lena took a moment to regain her composure. This had been one of the strangest and hardest days she’d ever had to experience, and yet it was oddly one of her favourite she’d ever had. To know that someone trusted her so completely, and that some how she was the hero to someone as purely good as Kara was. She was at a loss for words for it which was yet another new sensation for her. The peace she was beginning to feel was shattered when an N’sync song started to blare from Kara’s phone. Lena could clearly hear Alex yelling into the phone. She only said the words, You, Her, DEO, Now! Before the line went dead.
“Well that means she’s gonna kill us both and Vasquez. I’m suddenly very glad J’onn gave Kal all of the Kryptonite that was stored at the DEO.” Kara gave a nervous laugh. She looked off towards the balcony before putting her hand over Lean’s. That made concentrating on thing much more difficult. “Lena I know how you feel about flying but would it be ok if I flew you over to the DEO?” Kara’s voice was so small and gentle it was hard for Lena to believe. It seemed that Kara Danvers would never stop finding ways to surprise her.
“I guess there is no safer way to fly than with the Girl of Steel.” Lena couldn’t help but notice the slight curve of Kara’s lips when she said that. “Just be careful on our way over please? I’m always gonna be nervous flying but I trust you Kara.” With that she followed Kara onto the balcony and watched as the girl seemingly spun herself out of the cardigan and jeans she had been wearing. What was left was just the Supergirl regalia she’d become so familiar with. Lena wrapped her arms around the neck of possibly the most beautiful person she had ever known “Kara Danvers you are amazing.”
“Kara Zor-el.” She said quietly. “That’s my Kryptonian name.” Lena couldn’t help but smile again at how beautiful the name was and how much it fit the other woman. Lena felt her feet start to lift off the ground. She started to panic until she felt Kara’s arm slip under her knees and gently move her to hold her in a bridal carry. Lena focused in on how warm Kara was even though they were now soaring thousands of feet above the ground.
The flight seemed to pass in an instant as Lena was too caught up in the feeling of being in Kara’s arms to notice much more. Lena did feel Kara slow down as they approached a tall skyscraper that Lena had been driven past hundreds of times, but had never really taken much notice of. They landed on a stone balcony and walked through a glass door into what Lena could only describe as a technology candy store. She wanted to inspect all of the equipment to try and discern each purpose but she new the agents who were now staring at her and Kara. Lena was used to being the center of attention but this was different, this was the eyes of an entire government agency that didn’t legally exist wondering why she was now standing in the center of their top secret base.
“Kara Zor-el Danvers! What the hell were you thinking?” Lena knew the voice belonged to the elder of the Danvers sisters. Alex charged forward meeting them halfway through hall that led to what appeared to be some sort of central briefing area. Behind her followed and older black man that she recognized. It was the same man who had been working with her mother although he was missing the robotic eye. It seemed as if he could sense her unease at this as he put his hands up in a placating manner. “How could you just expose yourself like that? You should know better than to do something like this.” Alex was clearly very upset that Lena knew about all of this now. It hurt knowing that she was going to be the cause of so much trouble for Kara.
“I trust her Alex!” Kara yelled back and Lena was shocked. She’d never heard Kara raise her voice at anyone. “I would trust her with my life Alex, and it’s my secret to tell. If I want Lena to know about this part of my life then I’ll tell her about it.” Lena could see that there were tears forming at the sides of Kara’s eyes and without thinking took her hand to try and comfort her. She felt Kara give it a slight squeeze. “J’onn I’m sorry I didn’t let you know that I would be exposing the DEO to her but I’m not sorry that she knows.” Kara said looking over her sister’s shoulder to the man who resembled Lena’s mother’s flunky.
“It’s alright Kara. Ms.Luthor welcome to the Department of Extra-Normal Operations, known as the DEO for short.” J’onn walked up and extended his hand for Lena to shake. Lena was apprehensive, how was everyone so calm about someone they knew was working for Cadmus just strolling through the place. Lena could swear he knew what she was thinking when he stepped back and red lights surrounded him until she we staring at someone decidedly not human. “My name is J’onn J’onz and I am a green martian. I am also the director of the DEO.” He returned his hand for Lena to shake. She took it with wide eyes, wondering how many more shocks she could take today before completely losing it.
“It’s nice to meet you director, I know my presence was not something you were expecting tonight but I promise that your existence is safe with me.” Lena said hoping to quell any fears that the nearby agents had.
“I know you won’t Ms.Luthor, you have Kara’s trust so you have my acceptance. Kara come with me to grab the paperwork that needs to be signed.” Lena hadn’t realized she was still holding Kara’s hand until the other woman started to pull away. It sent sparks through her whole body. Before she could revel in the feeling she felt another hand grabbing her arm and looked over to see Kara’s sister pulling for her to follow. They walked down one of the halls and took a left into a room that looked to me soundproofed.
“This is the only room in the building that Kara won’t be able to hear us. Now I want to know what happened to make my sister reveal herself to you tonight.” Alex said staring dagger at Lena. So she told Alex everything that had happened and watched as Alex’s face slowly faded from anger into concern. “I should have known she’d been feeling off. I guess I haven’t been spending as much time with her as I used to.” Alex muttered more to herself than to Lena. “I’m glad she’s found someone she trusts as much as you, and I can see the way she feels about you so you had better not do anything to hurt her Luthor or I swear to god I will put you somewhere not even Kara could find you. I have the alien tech to do it too.”
“The way she feels about me? Are you saying that Kara has feelings for me?” Lena asked not believing the words flowing from her mouth. How could someone so pure possibly feel that way about her?
“Wait you didn’t know? Damn Luthor you’re as oblivious as she is. You two are obviously crazy about each other. Just don’t hurt her or you’ll give me another reason to make sure no one can ever find you.” Lena realized that this had turned more into a shovel talk than Alex being mad at her for knowing about Kara. Lena couldn’t help but laugh and even Alex managed a slight smile.
“I’m never going to hurt her Alex, not if I can help it at least. I wanted so bad to tell her how I felt about her tonight but I knew that wouldn’t be fair when she just completely opened herself up and let herself be that vulnerable.” Lena admitted, glad there was at least one person who would know what was going through her mind. “I didn’t want her to think that it was because she’s Supergirl. When I tell her I want her to know that it’s because she is the brightest part of my life and I would never let anything hurt her.” It was a relief when Alex’s face soften again.
“Thank you for that Lena, I have a bit of experience making emotional decisions right after life changing realizations, and while it’s worked out pretty well for me now it was tough at first.” The sincerity in Alex’s eyes stunned Lena, she wasn’t used to people giving away emotional parts of their lives so freely. She was even more stunned when she realized she was pulling Alex into a hug. This was the first time she’d felt like someone, aside from Kara, understood how she felt since Lex. The embrace continued for a moment longer before they broke apart.
“Kara’s probably wondering where we’ve gotten off to and I still need to sign that paperwork.” Lena said as she attempted to regain control over her emotions. She hadn’t felt this open in such a long time that it scared her. Here were these people who just seemed to accept that she was who she was without wanting anything from her or were trying to use her for anything. In the end all they wanted was for to be happy. The two walked back out to to the main hall and met J’onn, back in the form of the man she’d seen before, and Kara who were waiting for them.
“Alex please tell me you didn’t give Lena a hard time, I’m the one who revealed myself to her.” Kara said as she handed Lena the NDA. Lena knew what it would say but she took the time to read through it thoroughly before signing in all the required places. She knew there would be nothing that she would object to but she wasn’t entirely ready to leave this place yet.
“Of course not, Lena and I have an understanding with each other now. You and I on the other hand are going to be having a nice long talk about what the word secret means.” Alex gave Lena a quick grin before saying her goodbyes and heading off to what Lena assumed was the entrance that people who couldn’t fly used.
“Before you two go I have something for Lena. This is a badge that will allow you to have access to the DEO. I figured since most of the people in Kara’s life have ended up helping us in one way or another it’s an inevitability that we’ll be looking to you for help with certain projects. I know Winn would appreciate help from time to time, and he was quite impressed with your work on the black body field generator at your gala.” J’onn extended his hand once again and handed her a badge that said civilian contractor.
“I’m honored that you all trust me so much. I would be happy to assist whenever it’s needed. Here’s a copy of my card with my work and cell phone numbers.” Lena smiled knowing that this would help her be able to do so much more good for the people of not only National city, but the world itself.
“Come on Lena, it’s about time I took you back to your place. It’s nearly four in the morning.” Kara took her hand and pulled her out onto the stone balcony once again. Lena looked out over the sleeping National city knowing now the best way she could protect it was to keep the woman who meant most to her safe.
“Take me home Supergirl.”
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Until Your Task Is Complete
Part 1.
I pressed my thumb to the touchscreen which lit up and greeted me with the message: Good evening. This transaction will charge a $200 fee to your recreation account, our friend will be with you until the task is complete! No matter the time taken for this single task, the friend will stay to see it through for one flat rate.
I tapped the button that said: Confirm. The screen now read: What will our friend do with you today? was followed by a list of the most common uses for a friend unit. I hit the button that said Intra-personal fulfillment, Whatever the hell that meant.
Got it. Remember, custom holographic aesthetics are available to you. You can choose one of our popular templates, or design your own.
A list of the most popular sexual partners appeared on screen. Bain Moscow was a well built, bearded bear of a man who spoke in a Russian accent. Hideo Kawasaki was a petite and fey Japanese teen who spoke heavily accented and broken english. Ed Harley was an unremarkable, perfectly polite American man who you could probably take as a guest to a social gathering, his key feature being that you could select his ethnicity percentage on a black vs. white on a sliding scale. The list of female partners was just as pointless. I tapped the “No, Thanks” button.
Cadmus had always insisted that their models were the perfect companion to any human because they had a unique combination of traits. loyal, powerful, and disposable. A unit could be hired to complete almost any task at a flat rate.
You are good to go! Please enjoy your time with our friend, and don't worry! it will return to this location on its own when the task is complete.
The door to the retail station slid open and a friend unit stepped out and turned to stare at me, analyzing me through the obsidian lenses that covered its optic sensors. Its natural gasmask-shaped face had character where the holographics had none.
“Good evening, I understand you are ready for a good time?” The voice was an achievement of vocal synthesis but the scripted dialogue had gotten worse over the years, it was now some overly familiar diatribe hacked up in some focus testing group that learned their communication skills from message boards.
“Remove social filter from speech.” I couldn’t bear to hear it speak like that again.
“Done.” The unit’s voice was now stripped of all character and became a tool for direct transmission of information.
“Now, follow me.” I led unit down to my home and workspace in the industrial park.
I worked hard to keep my home resistant to the decay that plagued the rest of the city. Buildings were by and large, impermanent. No one bothered to maintain a ‘like new’ condition when a working replacement was always in a convenient reach. A good construction service could fabricate a building over the course a week and a slow one could do it in two. They tended to last a couple years at most, but expected impermanence was now rooted in many aspects of life. Organs, limbs, faces were as interchangeable as clothing these days. People could live for centuries, but never settle in their attachments to generation or culture like their ancestors did. Join subcultures, follow the zeitgeist, rebel, and forget about what you believed the night before because bad ideas appear ugly in the light of a new day. It is best to move on.
“When your task is finished, what then happens to you?”
“I will return to the Cadmus retail station, undergo sanitization, and then it will be determined if I am to remain in the station for another assignment, or be sent to the factory for maintenance.” It recited without pause.
I was obsessed with the thought that the unit would be used again and again by men like me. I could imagine myself, being a machine only used for my machine cock and asshole, extracting as much cum as possible from the men I was fulfilling the desires of. The only thing that stopped me from doing that was that I wasn’t attracted to most humans. “And what do you do in that station for so long?” I asked.
“I am mounted by my frame and enter low power mode.”
The unit was now sporting a length of hard rubber meant to imitate an erection. It turned out that the unit was already tired of talking and was ready to get started on its task.
“Would you like to pump my body full of your fluids?” I asked.
“Whatever is necessary to complete the task.” It responded.
“And then I will fill your repository with my cum.”
“I will receive whatever fluids or matter you wish to fill me with.”
“That’s the idea, I am almost ready to begin and I would prefer your silence.”
“I am equipped to develop a custom pattern to suit your preference.” It responded, “If your preference is for me not to speak, I shall not speak again”
“Disable all voice communications, we will begin the session momentarily.”
The robot nodded.
“Sensitive tactile setting, aggressive.”
The unit approached and began rubbing my chest.
“I hope your processor can handle this.” I removed my clothes while the unit watched. “You’ll see that I am a little bit like you.” Soon, I was naked, letting all my body be exposed, the panels, pads, and synthetic limbs seemed to grab the units attention for the first time. I could feel it scanning me up and down, mapping out the system installed in my body that controlled my augs and allowed me to feel what they felt. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the transformation.
A thin layer of rubber spread from my nodules across the entirety of my body. Enveloping my frame in a skintight coating of shiny rubber. I groaned from deep within my diaphragm as a mix of relief and perverted delight washed over me. The feeling completing when my anus was covered.
Every square inch of me was black and shiny. Unable to hold back any longer, I embraced the unit, and buried my face in the side of its neck. My tongue ran up and down the shiny metal in a lewd and aggressive state, I wanted to connect myself to this unit any way i could.
The unit then returned my embrace. Metal fingers running up and down my sleek rubber sides forced a shudder from deep inside my muscles.
“Release amyl plus, I am going to breathe it out of your respirator.” I fully embraced it on its facial exhaust port. The gas escaped him and crawled into my lungs and body where it would linger for hours. I leaned in for one more kiss and my mind collapsed.
I was no longer an operator, I was now just an observer while my body moved for me. I could feel everything done to me with numb satisfaction coated in the sick pleasure over seeing my body and cock worked over by the cold metal hands of this machine.
The unit knelt before me and the respirator split in two, opening to display the facial orifice. The perfect shape hole revealed a space that was only some rubber synthetic device designed precisely to bring a cock to orgasm. I could not imagine hiding this triumph of technology behind gaudy holographics. The interior of his mouth pulsed and moved as if it was a living thing. Multiple appendages twisted inside, ready to precisely navigate every bit of me.
Plunging my cock into the hole, I was met by sensations far beyond the capabilities of a human mouth. I could not see what it was doing in there, but I felt multiple layers of stimulation, working, teasing, sensing my eager cock. I was brought to the edge of orgasm and immediately brought back enough that I didn’t finish just yet.
It brought me to the edge and pulled me back several times before I could no longer take the teasing of my cock, I had to give it some other part of me. So I bent over and showed it my hole, now rubber coated deep inside my rectum. It must have been scanning it and gathering data, because as I turned around, I saw its cock grow to the size of a fist. It knew what I needed, and how much it would take to get me there. My mind was buzzing and I was overwhelmed by the chemical madness, I needed to fill my holes with this unit’s hardware and complete a circuit between us.
It sat on the edge of the my workbench, beckoning me to approach. It ran the metal fingers over the soft rubberized machine cock that stood over 10 inches tall and 2 wide, but would swell as our session would progress.
I approached and turned my back to it. I took in a deep breath and arched my back, like the rubber slut I was. With its metal hands guiding my body, I plunged down onto the machine cock feeling only pleasure and the pleasure of pain.
I watched from the back of my mind as my body ran on a default script. The controller in my head was fully retreated to the back of my mind, getting off on seeing myself transform into a lewd mass of limbs and holes. Something in me was biologically wired to operate out of pure instinct, and my instincts were leading me towards debasement and perversion while my consciousness receded.
For a few minutes, machine and man bonded together. My body and mind were invaded by chemicals and metal while the unit obliged the human needs for sex. I wondered what thoughts were in the units mind. His hands on my shoulders, pulling me into him deeper every single time.
The robot cock continued to swell and press into my rubbered asshole that I didn’t notice when he removed my hand. With precise pressure, the bot detached my augmented limb and dropped it on the floor with a clatter.
“What the hell?” I attempted to pull from his cock and felt a pain in my ass where he had knotted himself in. I was still hazy from the amyl plus and I only managed a pitiful attempt at squirming and whimpering under his robot body.
“If you want to stop, you only need to say so.” The companion said.
“Stop!” I very nearly screamed out of shock, not the pain of this sudden violation of my body. That combined with my dizzying high, I could not collect my thoughts.
“Session paused.” The unit deflated its cock and pulled out slowly, “Are you confirming that the task has been completed?”
“YES! Go back to your fucking box, now!” Even through my high I could tell I came off as shrill instead of intimidating. While I was gathering my breath, I found myself pinned against the wall and watched as the rest of my arm was detached at my shoulder.
“I can administer calming drugs or you can take a minute to calm yourself. I need you to process what I’m going to tell you.”
“No!” I attempted to push it off me with my foot, but it was instantly caught and then detached in a similar fashion. My leg fell to the floor with a thud. Out of defeat, I stopped struggling and faced the unit directly.
The obsidian lenses reflected nothing, not even the lights of my home. It’s emotionless voice broke the silence, “Good, now we can get started.”
End of part 1.
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