#and the way the guys all fell for the main character was great like u could see it each time
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bmpmp3 · 9 months ago
i love when im reading a "reverse harem" type shoujo manga and they do that thing where instead of everyone falling for the main character in the pilot or right when they're introduced, each boy falls slowly over the course of the plot. like ur waiting like okay which boy will be caught this time. who is next
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v1rtualv4mp · 8 months ago
hello! I was wondering if you had any headcannons for the bloodpack from blade ii? Specifcially snowman but honestly a lot of them didn't get their chance to shine imo before being killed which is too bad :(
⋆♱ 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ♱⋆
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Genre: Romance/fluff
Disclaimer: Ever so slightly suggestive but it's just a little bit
A/N: AAA u have no idea how excited I was when I got your request!! It caught me so off-guard, I didn't think anyone would be interested in other characters other than Blade and Scud. And I totally agree with you bro, how can they introduce a bunch of cool characters and just kill them all off. I wish we got to see more of each ones personalities, especially Snowman! He was my favorite :( It wasn't sure if you wanted romantic headcanons or just general stuff, so I did a little bit of both! And also, I am so so sorry for the long wait, I'm new at this 😓 Goddamnit I feel so bad.
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– Had the prettiest, most healthy, defined and smooth curly hair as a child but then he fucked it all up with chemicals
– Owned a boat in his teenage years
– Talks in his sleep
– Definently a little addicted to crack
– Is the type of guy who claims to be a player but actually doesn't even know where the clit is
– Used to be a mama's boy, I feel it in my guts I can't explain it
– And he was definitely a little spoiled, too
– Hear me out, he has such a mean face but I BET he's in reality such a loser, like, he has absolutely no game
– He gets really shy when flirted with, then he just pretends to be annoyed by scoffing and walking away (screaming on the inside)
– Is secretly into men but he's in STRONG denial
– Is super sensitive please don't friendly tease him, that guy will take it seriously and lose his shit
– Loves animals, especially big dog breeds and ducks
– Purple is his favorite color
– As much as he acts all tough on the outside he's a sweetheart once you break his shell
– Wants to express his love for his partners too but has a hard time doing it so, ends up feeling guilty
– Used to have an underbite
– Is the oldest one of the group, being 279
– Has one of the most nasty, juicy and aggressive coughs you'll ever hear
– Hates the singing of birds, it pisses him off for no reason
– As the movie shows, she's really really affectionate with her loved ones
– I'm guessing she already had a lot of romantic partners during her life but they were all short-lived, Lighthammer was the only one who lasted for a long time
– I'm assuming they didn't know each other before the whole Damaskinos's training thing, so yeah, they fell in love during it ♡
– Cannot leave her hair alone for shit, is always dyeing it and getting new haircuts
– Is part of the goth subculture (mall goth)
– I think Snowman would probably be kinda aromantic
– Like, I think he chooses to focus more on important things such as training. In my opinion, he looks way more experienced than the rest of the Bloodpack so I'm guessing that he has trained for a really long time.
– Virgin
– Loves incense
– Eating sand was his main hobby as a kid
– Is a great cook
– Has difficulty forming actual bonds with people. As shown in the movie, he didn't even care that half of the people he knew for two whole years were all dead
– Maybe he's had only few friends during his lifetime, maybe 15 or 20 (not a lot since I'm assuming all members are 100+ years old)
– His mom forced him to go to church as a kid
– Second most old member (216)
– His favorite color is pink but no one can find this out
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okultraoldmanyaoi · 1 year ago
okay but can we hear about those interpretations of angels and demons???
I ASSUME YOU MEAN MY PET PEEVES WITH INTERPRETATIONS OF ANGELS AND DEMONS … in which case yeah i love to complain sorry guys
1. bigoted angels + demons
i REALLY find an issue with this. i can kind of get the reasoning behind it but. in terms of angels it’s usually bc the church in itself is pretty damn bigoted. and in terms of demons it’s “well bigotry = bad and demons = bad”. and these are both kind of okay reasoning and i guess it depends on the story you’re trying to tell but i find a HUGEEE issue with them for the sole fact that i really doubt they were taught any of the division or “this group is unlike us” that humans need to be bigoted? i don’t imagine physical appearance is very important to angels either
transphobic + homophobic angels n demons tick me off PARTICULARLY because i really doubt they were taught gender roles?? they wouldn’t even HAVE genders??? not even sex i don’t think— at least not labels for it or anything. it just doesn’t make sense to me, it doesn’t have the basis a society would need to be divided like that. sure, bigots are going to hell so that COULD influence some things, but demons aren’t bigots OR humans… they’re former angels. they hate humans. why would they try imitating them and their hate, especially to the degree i’ve seen them portrayed. i don’t get it
2. inherently bad demons, inherently good angels
this is more of a nitpick than anything but like… it just peeves me, even when it’s subverted. like hot take i don’t think either of these groups are innately good or bad. and i think it’s stupid to divide them like that. I KNOW YOU ALL ARE GOING TO THINK I’M CRAZY BUT LISTEN!!!
i do believe that demons are bound to be worse than angels because of their bitterness from falling and their deep disdain towards humanity. hell also just does Not sound that great. so yes they’re probably SOMEWHAT jackasses, but in a sense that it’s more of a coping mechanism + survival thing. like the weak die or whatever.
but i also don’t think the angels are doing too hot? again, i definitely don’t think they’re WORSE than hell but like. i like to imagine that they’re a little more strict. a little more stressed. esp considering the main church meant to represent them is Shit. ALSO ALSO!! i refuse to believe that the war in heaven didn’t affect some of the angels. like r u telling me A THIRD of angels fell and NONE of them were close to or acquainted with angels that are still in heaven?
TL;DR both of these groups are traumatized, also stop thinking in black and white pretty please ❤️
3. angels and demons are equally as bad
related to last one. though i think they’re both somewhat bad and somewhat good, i don’t think they’re the same. they have different motivations, different experiences, different systems… it doesn’t make sense to me when they’re the exact same.
i could deal with a “maybe they weren’t so different after all...” but that’s entirely circumstantial. like if they’re very obviously identical in mannerisms and in each others’ faces about it, then that’s something i don’t like. but if it’s a dramatic irony thing where only the audience can see their similarities behind closed doors or they’re very subtle then that’s fine.
if you want them to both be evil, make them evil in different ways. if you want them to both be good, make them good in different ways. they're in different environments surrounded by different things and they have different motivations!! they should NOT have the same perception of everything!
4. demons =/= fallen angels
this is more of an “ermmmm actually 🤓” peeve and i haven’t seen this take in a while but. yeah. it’s not accurate and also not interesting enough for me to ignore that fact. it also just makes it kinda nonsensical as to why demons want to torment humans so bad?
on that note it rly bugs me when demon issues from falling just Aren’t addressed. like do you have any idea how much character you could develop by exploring those kind of unique abandonment issues alone? do you have any idea how more fleshed out it could feel? it’s more of a peeve of “god there’s so much potential here and none was taken” but.
5. all angels are related
ok i cant really explain this one much but it just irritates me. there’s nothing exactly disproving it but there’s also nothing to prove it? i mean, sure, they have the same creator, but that doesn’t really mean anything. i just don’t believe all [however many angels there are] of them were socialized like siblings. n i also VERY heavily doubt they’re related by blood. i do believe some can have relationships with each other similar to siblings but like!!! not all of them. if that makes sense
okay that’s all i can think of atm. sorry for being a nerd and a hater. also this should be obvious but my word isn’t law and these r just my opinions and not rules for you to follow! if u enjoy one or more of these then it’s fine
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danikatze · 1 year ago
How about B, I, K, M, N, O, U for the alphabet ask thing?
Alphabet Asks
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
hahah well TJ.. as you know you've been very influential when it comes to ships - especially for Naruto. First one that comes to mind is KakaGai, but there's also YamaSai and KankuSai and ShikaCho. All of them I still love <3 Also, thanks to you I shipped GaraShir before I even watched the show. And there are just countless ships from other fandoms that I'm not (really) a part of that I have a soft spot for, because you sell them so well :))
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Errr I guess you could say HP? But that's not Tumblr's fault - all it did was share the messed up things Rowling said and did and gradully all of the moments HP got tiny kid me through rough and lonely times started feeling like a very big lie and I can't even think of it fondly anymore.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Oh gosh, so many, but let's go for Fjord from Critical Role. All the little and big steps he takes towards learning to accept himself throughout the campaign and the way they don't come all at once but are spread out over like a hundred plus episodes, including inevitable steps backward. The strength it took for him to walk away from the one who gave him conditional power and to accept unconditional love that is extended by his friends and the Wildmother. His arc just makes me so emotional and happy every time I think about it. I love him and I love his journey and I cannot wait to see it animated.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Yamato from Naruto seems like a perfect friend. He's kind and loyal and usually a reasonable, level headed person who can calm you down in stressed situations. But he's also someone you can have fun with!
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
For Saraiya Goyou: 1) anyone other than me making stuff for it lol. Usually I don't mind it so much, but sometimes I almost desperately wish I would see the tag update and it's not something I made. 2) drawings and fics from the past are mostly for Yaichi and Masa. I'd love more art and writing for other characters and pairings (romantic or otherwise) 3) sneakily shared fan translations of the prequels and spin-offs would be great lol. They're never going to be translated officially, but scans are taken down immediately as well. I bought Futagashira but I have no way of reading it unless I learn to read Japanese myself ^^;
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Shuffle produced Pulling Teeth by Green Day. "I'm all busted up, broken bones and nasty cuts, accidents will happen, but this time I can't get up." That's definitely Meg and Zagreus from Hades. They beat each other up on a regular basis lol and I was so bad at this game in the beginning I got Zag killed by her a lot (sorry Zag..) Not top 10 ship for me, but I like them well enough!
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
1) Matsu from Saraiya Goyou: during my first reread the manga, after I learned that he loved Yaichi, I fell in love with him through his subtle and heartbreaking expressions. That's when I really got to know and understand him more. I love that he's charming as can be for his job, but doesn't know how to behave around his friends. He's so skilled and he knows it, yet has such a low self esteem. He's just a highly skilled, very pathetic little grumpy guy that deserves all the love in the world. And I give him as much as I can. 2) Caduceus from Critical Role: perfect, big, chill cow man who has the best advice and calming words for others, but can't recognise his own problems, let alone how to deal with them. He's so dumb and wise and I love him. 3) Gerry from the Magnus Archives: he's one of those people that seems to be full of contradictions. He's so bitter and stubborn and impatient and crude, but in a way that feels friendly? His life was so full of grief and horror from the moment he was born and he just wants a break from it all, but at the same time he can't stop himself from helping people who are about to fall - or have already fallen - victim to the horrors. The fear and defiance he lived (and died) with is heartbreaking and admirable.
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deercharm · 7 months ago
Having finished dawntrail, I wanted to write down some of my eclectic thoughts on it
- I love wuk Lamat. I love her journey over the story to learn about her people to better serve them. I love the "the absence of war is not peace". She was a phenomenal protagonist that we passed down the mantle of hear feel think to. She is incredibly darling to me and I would hold her hand on a dirigible to ease her nerves any day 10/10
- this game does not have a great track record of letting primary female characters be anything but white, petite (I'll never forgive them for white midlander lyse) and conventionally pretty in a feminine way, so I find Lamatyi sooo refreshing in that way. That makes the hate against her all the more enraging
- I love erenville. Why does his mom have an american accent
- I hated the mamook arc. They did not give eugenics and forced breeding the time and energy it deserved. Dead babies (stillborn) is maybe not the main take away you know? I liked the concept of "maybe some cultures do fucked up things, but instead of just grimacing at them in judgment we should understand the variables which drove them to that" but it fell short for me
- bakool Ja ja 180d too quickly, it felt so rushed and undeserved
- his dad sucked we gotta stop redeeming shitty abusive dads
- overall it was slow but I thoroughly enjoyed the first half. It gave great development to wuk Lamat, and I genuinely loved learning about the different cultures and doing their feats. (Felt weird that they were all """"beast tribes"""" though, same issue withe Oliphants in radz)
- I loved koana and wuk Lamat relationship. I love that he surrended for her and she in turn shared dawn servant with him. Beautiful
- cowboy arc was weird but I liked the hesparro and liked the acknowledgement that technological progress hurts the environment. Eager to see where they go with that as erenville seems interested in it
- I am a grandma and generally dont like my scifi in fantasy, but I overall enjoyed the second half of the story for it's THEMES
- I have extremely mixed feelings on sphene. I hate her physical design. I'm so tired of 16 yr old looking uncanny cutesy child women (I love u metieon but I don't love ur design). I found her SUPER GENTLE LOVING PERFECT EMBODIMENT OF FEMININE AUTHORITY tiring and uninspired. I liked that she was a fucked up robot though. But also like, when she's like "I gotta tell you guys something... Actually jk" was that meant to imply she doesn't want genocide deep down actually and just big brother is watching?? I was confused by that and kinda hope that's not the case bc her being convinced of her path is so much more compelling. I'm scared Abt them showing her crown with the ending credits... Pls don't bring her back
- Zoraal ja resolution was good. His son was weird (who is ur mom?????) but it felt like a Chekhov's gun so they could have control of Alexandria feasibly fall to someone on the Good Side at the end. I kinda wish they made gulool ja ja more morally grey, he was a little too perfect wise king for me idk
- I rlly liked erenville mom. I wanna know how she died!!!!
- Alexandria's fucked up soul culture is so interesting. I laughed so hard when they said THE CLOUD.
- the final map was maybe my favorite part of the game. I love the incredibly bold choice to disable it and make it bleak and depressing. I love that we didn't Find Another Way with the endless
- I am extremely not immune to graha tia gondola date or ice cream throat goat
- environments, dungeons, and trials were stunning
- raid is stupid in a great way I love the fights and music
- I love the scions as much as anyone but have found that they feel a bit stagnant and solved. There's never any friction between them and they're all just Good Guys and often feel interchangeable in cutscenes, but I feel like the limiting of them, splitting them up, and having such a new cast remedied that
- I love to criticism but fundamentally dawntrail good!!!!!!
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televinita · 1 year ago
So I watched Happiness for Beginners
I quite like the book; it's a solid 4 stars to me and while I've read less than half of Katherine Center's work at this point, I think it will stay in 3rd place among her titles for me. My chief complaints with it are how much I hated her brother Duncan and the terrible bully of a hiking instructor; I love Helen-the-book-character and ended up impressed by how they sold me, eventually, on the love story despite him being a full 10 years younger than her 32.
I also quite liked Netflix's previous adaptation of The Lost Husband, possibly my favorite of her books.
This movie...is not that good, largely due to my beef(s) with casting.
-First of all: Ellie Kemper is just…Not Right for the part in ways I can't explain (I'm neutral about her as an actress and was really hoping she'd overcome my initial doubt, but alas). Meanwhile Luke Grimes has a face made for store-brand Hallmark movies, and I hate Nico Santos with every fiber of my being. WHY DOES HE KEEP GETTING HIRED. I have loathed his face/voice/entire vibe from the first minute of his appearance on Superstore and time has made him worse. He SHOULD be selling insurance instead of paid to act.
-Related: I took one look at Duncan & Jake standing next to each other and shouted SWITCH THEIR CASTING IMMEDIATELY!!!!!! I didn't even recognize the former from Under the Dome until the end of the movie; I did recognize a general flair of charisma that made me understand how maybe someone could be charmed by a guy despite him being way younger. Unlike Grimes, who has the perfect vacant-eyed stoner/unkempt drifter look I associate with book!Duncan. And who also looks more like he could be related to Ellie Kemper, tbh.
-What I'm saying is the only way to salvage this is if you made a movie out of What You Wish For next and kept the casting.
-Two exceptions to the bad-casting rule: Blythe Danner as Gigi? absolutely perfect! (from my vague memories of the character anyway, which to be fair may also have been immediately overwritten by how much I just love Blythe & didn't know she was in this)
-The casting for Brett is also great. LOVE this version of Trail Guide Brett, desperately trying and mostly failing to assert authority over a group of adults far more adult than him (tbh I think he would struggle to assert his authority over a group of teenagers also. I think campers under 10 are really more his speed). He's so much worse in the book and was one of the things that kept said book at 4 stars instead of 5 for me, so this was a pleasant upgrade.
-I also really appreciate that this hiking trip is actually for beginners, and not a hardcore Test Yourself trip she accidentally signed up for instead. Watching Helen be at worst lightly teased instead of actively bullied was a nice change.
-The rest of the hiking pack was fine; I didn't love anyone particularly but I didn't hate them either. That's more what I expect from a film.
-Good soundtrack, beautiful settings
-Thank u for drastically improving on the story of Pickles
-I appreciate they highlighted Jake's repeated tending to Helen's minor injuries; doesn't work for me with these faces but good hurt/comfort effort. Great effort, in fact.
-Also happy they kept the visceral don't-step-on-fallen-logs lesson I learned from this book and continue to vividly remember every time I go hiking. And not even just because it finally got Nico the Unpleasant out of sight for good.
-The other main issue is I feel like this film is pretty…low stakes overall?? Like it felt overly lighthearted and nothing real serious. Even the major injury seemed more like a mild inconvenience than scary and life threatening.
-Worse, my favorite part of the book and what made me finally fully adore Jake -- where he loses his glasses and can't see in the dark to find his way back, and is in full panic-and-hyperventilation mode when Helen finds him and glomps onto her in a desperation hug -- fell flat. This hug seemed like a mildly impulsive expression of gratitude at best.
-Overall, IDK, it's not a terrible movie. It's just one of the more significant not as good as the book! types of adaptations I've seen, and that's not even usually a chief complaint of mine. I'm usually happy to accept movies as they are -- but this one definitely frustrates me.
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woozisnoots · 3 years ago
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a/n: iz been a long time since i posted one of these babiesss ^^ still want to share the handful of great stories i've come across in the past month now that i've broaden my scope of fics for different groups <3 check out alex’s catalogue for more recs like these :D
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⋆˚ svt
prove it, you won’t by @starlightjoong | joshua x reader
for this fic to be abt joshua hong and being 19k words long and it to flow so smoothly, should be illegal !! 🥾💥theres so many cute little details abt the characters in this fic that make my heart swell up w pints of joy :((
kidult by @merakiiverse | vernon x reader
meraki is actually exposing me to the entirety of caratblr bc this fic is literally just me fangirling over vernon but in a different universe 🫥 she was spot on if anyone was wondering btw
behind doors + behind screens by @ravixen | jihoon x reader
no bc i haven’t stopped screaming about jihoon’s last line in the sequel it’s so embarrassing and so like me, it’s disgusting this was too cute
⋆˚ tbz
hey, lifeguard! by @hyuukais | juyeon x reader
raise ur hands if u want to go on a date w lifeguard juyeon 🙋 ME !!! love seeing a sort of badass reader w caring nice guy (+ tendency to flirt)
[12:37am] by @hvae | sangyeon x reader
you can’t tell me if sangyeon was less than two feet away from you and holding your hand that your cheeks wouldn’t burn a thousand fires and make you nervous and shy and want to hide….. all in a good way
dynasty by @viastro | hyunjae x reader
literally left me speechless. quality angst that shoves my heart to my core and leaves it to rot ❤️‍🩹
⋆˚ txt
the best thing that i got by @jjunis | beomgyu x reader
punching the wall and eating my fists bc this was so cute and i just love when the male lead is so down bad for the reader that it’s upsetting and they don’t even know it <\3
rivals by @gorechoi | yeonjun x reader x beomgyu
this smau is still ongoing but oh my Gosh 🫠 this au has me on edge, on the floor on my knees, crying in my pillow, idk balls to the wall at all times every time theres an update 🐚
when my eyes are on you by @loveliestfelix | yeonjun x reader
shutup i hate how yeonjun fits the sweet bad boy that you can’t help but fall in love with and then grrr want to be bad :// ur honor, he’s 100% guilty
⋆˚ enha
my (accidental) demon roommate by @ddeonuism | sunghoon x reader
i was so skeptical abt reading this smau bc i don’t really dabble in the 🪬supernatural🔮 but once i started reading, i immediately fell in love w the characters and their dynamics !!! + the plot was so intriguing :o
omen diaries: #1E443D by @seungmoe | heeseung x reader
i actually don’t know much abt the omen universe :o but i imagined the whole scene so vividly and i love me a good meet cute 😫💞
all i see is gold by @asahicore-main | jay x reader
I LOVE ME A GOOD ENEMIES TO LOVERS (but actually one of them doesn’t hate the other at all and are just stupidly in love 🤭🤗 surprise !) you didn’t hear it from me but this fic helped solidify jay’s spot on my bias list, it’s unbelievablely sickening
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justaghostingon · 2 years ago
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I posted 279 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 135 characters
#of course a watsonian explination is that she hasn’t progressed enough at level 1 to begin to hone her craft and specialize her ability
My Top Posts in 2022:
So i get why y’all mad about the short hair in the Rings of power, but consider:
The short hair was a fashion choice unique to the second age. Where everyone jumped on the trend and then immediately (for elves so a couple centuries) jumped off again. It’s the embarrassing haircut every elf tries to forget they ever had, so much so that they tear down all statues and paintings where they have it.
The kind of thing that galadriel will absolutely hold over elrond’s head every time they come to visit, and show all his kids.
“Oh Arwen, he doesn’t want u to marry ur hot human boyfriend? Well sometimes he doesn’t make good decisions. Just Look at this painting i keep on me of him with short hair. Could you imagine a worse decision? I can’t”
Arwen (horrified): father?!!!
Elrond: it was a phase! Stop showing people that!
Galadriel: No ☺️
420 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
The Inversion of the Ideal Type:
A mini meta on Komi-san Can’t Communicate
So i’ve been watching Komi-san lately, and I really love the main couple, but it took me a while to finally pinpoint why.
When the show begins, we start from Tadano’s perspective: he’s an average guy with a beautiful but silent classmate who’s secret he discovers. And at this point, I thought i knew what i was getting. The everyday man finding out some secret about a girl way out of their league causing the girl to need to keep them around is a very common wish fulfillment plot. Komi is clearly Tadano’s ideal girl, and the fact she has a weakness he can exploit is just the icing on the cake. I’ve seen it all before, and it always left a bad taste in my mouth.
But here’s the kicker: Tadano doesn’t exploit Komi’s secret. He doesn’t make her dependent on him, or act jealous of her new friends. He’s constantly looking out for her comfort and trying to help her reach out and make new friends. And in this, he becomes a wish fulfillment character himself. After all, a guy who genuinelu cares and tries to help you with your crippling anxiety? Someone who always understands when u try to communicate? People with social anxieties want that. Any girl who’s ever felt misunderstood wants that. Komi-san wants that. Tadano, with his gentle encouragement and seemingly endless patience, is as much Komi’s ideal man as she is his ideal woman.
And that’s what makes the show work. They both value each other, they both want each other, and every episode they find new little details about each other to make them fall even more in love. Its sweet and uncomplicated, and maybe its a bit idealistic, but its like having a yummy desert after a long day, it soothes you.
571 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
The Great Demon Fiance ManHunt of Cang Qiong Sect
A scum villian’s self saving system au
It all started when Liu Qingge fell into another succubus pit.
Now the succubus in this pit had been gossiping just before he arrived. Well, more like debating in demon fashion, which is to say they had been in an all out brawl.
Liu Qingge thinks this might be an easy fight since they’re all so distracted, until on smarter succubus stops the others
“Wait!” She says. “He’s from Cang Qiong. Maybe he knows something!”
Liu qingge isn’t particularly interested in hearing them out, but they overwhelm him, united as one and fueled with the vigor of one who is starving for gossip
They ask him: “which cang Qiong peak lord is getting married to the next mobei-jun?”
This completely throws liu qingge for a loop nad he venemently denies it
But the succubus insist, spinning a tale of star crossed lovers which as reached their ears: of a young mobei-jun who was rescued by a pittiful human from cang qiong sect, who promised to always be there for mobei-jun, even as he rose higher and higher in thr sect, never betraying him, until even the great mobei-jun could not help but fall in love
Liu qingge dismisses this, but the succubus insist its true, because the same Mobei-jun visited their madam (i forget her name) for a fortune told, and there was a human at his side, dressed in the robes of a cang qiong peak lord!
Their madam is famous for her love fortunes! Why visit her with someone if u weren’t planning to marry them?
(Mobei-jun was not there for a love fortune. He and Shang Qinghua were looking for some plot device to help thwart on of his uncle’s schemes, and needed directions)
So which one was it? Was it him?
Liu qingge is outraged by this suggestion, so much so that it gives him enough of a power boost to escape
At first he ignores it. But it keeps circling in his brain, like a nagging fly he can’t get out of his mind
Then the unthinkable happens: Shen Qingqiu starts being nice! He saves him! He wants to bury the hatchet! He starts being nice to his disciples!
It’s almost like he recieved some very, very good news.
Like a secret proposal.
But no! Shen Qingqiu liked woman! He was always sneaking down to the red pavilon! Right? Right?
Unless he was just using that as a cover to sneak out to see his demon lover????
Filled with worry, he tries to subtly interrogate Shen Qingqiu by asking him what he thinks of demons. Rather predictably, this fails horribly. With an oblivious shen yuan thinking this was a perfect opportunity to get liu qingge to soften to his future brother-in-law’s heritage and gives his whole “there are bad and good ones” speech
Liu qingge leaves heartbroken, certain his shixiong is in love with a demon
He goes to yue qingyuan and tells him that they might be losing a martial brother to an engagement, but refuses to say who
Leaving yue qinghuan witn thr impession its liu qingge who’s getting engaged
At around this time, the rumor of a cang qiong peak lord marrying a demon reaches the peak, because those succubus are still fighting over which one it is, and have taken to asking every cang qiong disciple they can find
Yue qingyaun panics, because his shidi has all but told him he’s getting engaged, liu qingge panics because shen qingqiu could get in serious trouble if this is found out, and shang qinghua panics because what if this inane rumor causes people to examine his own connections to demons?
Shen qingqiu is not panicking. Shen Qingqiu is having a lovely time playing house eith binghe and ignoring everything else
Meanwhile the other peak lords all start accusing each other, the disciples start using this to start fights with other peak disciples, and its all getting very out of hand
Yue qingyuan is forced to call a meeting, and tries to politely get liu qingge to confess
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689 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
How to Woo the Girl You Dumped Without her Demon-possessed Brother Getting in your Way: A Guide by Jin Zinxuan
A crack au
It all begins when Jin Zinxuan notices that Jiang Yanli is actually really pretty.
This is unfortunately right in the middle of him yelling at her for trying to claim credit for the soup someone’s been making for him
Wei Wuxian shows up, demonic tendicals (we’re going anime version here) dripping from all around him as he defends his sister, it comes out that she has been making the soup, and now he’s smitten with a huge problem: the girl he likes both now prob hates him because he humiliated her, and also her brother is definitely a demon
Now a sensible person would first try to patch over the relationship with jiang yanli by apologizing, but jin Zixuan is a Jin! He’s never done a sensible thing in his life!
And also talking about feelings is really scary and as his friend Miammiam likes to point out, he is really bad at it
So naturally, he decides that the most important step to wooing Jiang yanli is to save her brother from demonic possession. That way she’ll be super impressed with him and he’ll be less terrifying and so greatful he’ll well come him into the family!
What could go wrong?!!
Jin Guangyao insists that it is not demonic possession, it is demonic cultivation. But jin zixuan has heard jin zixun rant about “that wei demon” enough times to know better
Figure of speech? What’s that?
So jin zixuan decides to exorcise wei wuxian, and to do that, he’ll need help from the smartest person he knows: jin Guangyao
Jin guangyao is less than thrilled at being sent on a rediculous job like this, to exorcise the clearly not possessed wei wuxian, until he realizes jin zixuan will do anything he suggests without question
So Jin guangyao decides to have fun with this, setting jin zixuan on increasingly ridiculous tasks to “cure” wei wuxian of demonic possesstion
Like covering him in salt. Or throwing itchy flowers at him. Or running after him chanting this truely awful tune while hoping on one foot.
The result of course, is a very angry wei wuxian who chases zixuan away, and an increasingly desperate jin zixuan who thinks wei wuxian’s frustrations are proof that “the demons are trying to stop me!”
Now the sect heir acting strange is going to raise some eyebrows, and when outsiders look at jin zixuan throwing flowers and singing, they come to a very different conclusion.
Within a day, everyone in every sect is convinced jin zixuan is trying to court wei wuxian
“My son is a cutsleeve!” Moans jin guangshan. “How did this happen! I showed him all the fine ways to love a woman!”
“You’re lessons are the reason my son is a cutsleeve!” Madam jin retorts. “U scarred him for life!”
They proceed to spend the rest of the time arguing and somehow forget to actually talk to their son
Meanwhile in yumeng everyone is losing their collective shit. Jiang cheng is furious that jin zixuan thinks he can poach wei ying with a few pretty words and flowers. Jiang yanli is depressed because her crush is really hopeless now, and how could she measure up to wei wuxian?
Wei wuxian himself is disgusted, not that jun zixuan is a cutsleeve, but that he’d dare to court him! After what he did to shijie! He resolves to firmly rebuff every attempt jin zixuan makes
Which only serves to make jin zixuan more determined because “those demons are really stubborn!!”
But then… the rumor reaches gusu
And lan zhan hops on the first sword to the jin sect to challenge jin zixuan to a duel for wei wuxian’s honor
Lan Zhan tells himself he wouldn’t do this is wei wuxian actually loved the guy. But its not just some guy. This is jin zixuan, wei wuxian hates him! Even he knows that!
They fight, but jin zixuan for all his denseness, even he knows he doesn’t have a quirrel with lan Zhan, and eventually he gets lan zhan to calm down enough to ask why they are fighting
Lan zhan explains and jin zixuan is horrified he’d ever thing that, and quickly fills him in on what he’s really doing: saving wei wuxian from the demon that is possessing him
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692 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Yiling Laozu’s Lost Spells, A.K.A. The Weird Ones
A Collection by Mo Xuanyu
aka another crack au
Edit: Now with a part 2!
When the Yiling Laozu died his work was divided up by its use
The Lans took anything deemed undemonic, like Spirit Lures and Demonic Compasses
The Jins snuck out anything dangerous under the lie they’d destroy it
And the rest of it…it got scattered everywhere to every lowdown village and wanna be demonic cultivator.
At first, no one thought this would be a problem. It’s not like anything dangerous is out there, and not just anyone can culitvate
But they forgot two very important things: 1) no one needs to be a culivator to use demonic cultivation and 2) people will find a way to use anything
Soon the culivation world is overrun by really, really weird cases that their cultivators just can’t keep up with
And when I say weird, I do mean weird here’s a look at some of the cases:
Case 1) Giant rabbits the size of houses have been spotted in a mountain near a sheparding villiage eating all their feilds. They asked Hanguang-jun for help. Hanguang-jun went up but he did not come back down. It is suspected the giant bunnies ate him
Case 2) the dancing radishes. Every night on the full moon radishes come to life in a villiage and dance on their beds. Its not hurting anyone, but its really freaking them out
Case 3) dog begone spells. A whole villiage has lost all its dogs and no one knows why. Some of them were really expensive spirit puppies, including one jin guangyao was planning to purchase for his nephew
Case 4) the case of the running radishes. Radishes are leaving their beds a d running away as fast as thry can. Every time someone gets close they keep moving farther away
Case 5) flowers flying to lan clan ribbons and sticking. Every flower, even ones on stems. The lans are walking around covered in flowers and it is becoming a Problem.
Case 6) radishes that look like potatoes. Again? What is with this guy and radishes? This spell would have been harmless if it hadn’t been in a villiage with two rival families of radishes and potatoes. The potato family is accusing the radish family of sabatoge and the radish family is accusing the potato family of stealing their crop
Case 7) Lotus soup possession talisman. If u stick this talisman on someone, they will make lotus and pork rib soup. Always. Again and again. They can’t stop. Everything they make is soup. They’re crying.
Case 8) the peacock tail talisman. Every jin who comes into contact with this talisman will get a peacock tail. They can’t get rid of them. This is a problem.
Case 9) grass butterflies come to life. Again, not harmful, but very annoying. All children love it. All adult toy sellers do not. Their wares keep flying away. Please someone save their buisnesses
Case 10) hug jiang cheng. You must hug jiang cheng. You can’t help it. You can’t stop. If u don’t give him one hug a day you will die. Jiang cheng is furious. Fix this now.
Case 11) give Hanguang-jun compliments. Not hard, no one would notice if it wasn’t stuck to Su She. He hates it. He’s sueing for emotional damages. You better fix this quick!
And these are just the first ones! In times like this, people look to the Chief Cultivator. But the Chief cultivator is off flirting with women, so like all things, this falls to jin guangyao to solve.
So Jin guangyao decides he needs to get those documents back, and who better to send to handle the weird cases no one wants to touch than his weird half brother who’s so fasinated by demonic cultivation?
Thus Mo Xuanyu finds himself with his dream job: chasing down the yiling Laozu’s lost works! What more could he want?
The first case is easy. He goes up and finds Hanguang-jun asleep cuddled in a pile of giant rabbits. All he has to do is find out where the talisman is and remove them. The hard part is getting Hanguang-jun to stop looking like he just killed his wife. Mo xuanyu didn’t know Hanguang-jun had puppy eyes. Since when did he have puppy eyes? Eventually to make him feel better he helps him take all the rabbits to cloud recesses. And at another puppy dog eyed, gloomy look like he’s denied him his long lost lover, Mo Xuanyu gives him the talisman too. Jin Guangyao’s not happy, but really, what was Mo Xuanyu supposed to do? Not make that handsome man smile again?
The second case is a lot harder. Nothing Mo Xuanyu does gets the radishes to stop singing. No spells, not talismans, nothing. The only thing left is to dig them all up and throw them deep into the woods where no one will have to listen. Mo Xuanyu’s ears are still bleeding from their reedy songs
The third case is where Mo Xuanyu feels a bit of hope in Yiling laozu’s work really paying off. Lots of his bullies at the jin sect have dogs. If he can make them vanish, he’ll be safe! Unfortunately this spell makes all dogs leave, or none at all. And even when he finds a way to undo it, he can’t afford to copy it out because jin guangyao took one of the pups to give to jin ling, and if mo xuanyu makes the grumpy jin ling’s beloved new puppy go away, he’ll be kicked out of Koi Tower and feel bad besides
The radishes are back, but they run now. They aren’t even violent, u can’t use them for anything! They just run! It takes mo xuanyu months to catch one and track it back to its home. The radishes have built a radish villige in the forest. Radish farmers radish shop keepers and radish children. Mo xuanyu feels like he’s stepped into a children’s book. Then he hears the familiar reedy songs and it becomes a nightmare. The running radishes found the singing ones. They interbred. Now they have musical theatre radishes. Mo Xuanyu booked it out of there as fast as he can. Fuck the Yiling Laozu. Mo Xuanyu isn’t messing with that
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1,022 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pianostarinwonderland · 3 years ago
I’m not sure if u mentioned if ur a Disney kid before, but there’s something about twst that gives me so much serotonin. Like even with the slow updates last year, I still kept coming back to it. I even forgot about it until the Harvestpn event and I was invested in the game just like I was back when it first came out 2 years ago. Maybe it’s because I’m a Disney kid so it’s fun going omg a reference/hidden Mickey, but tbh it rly is a good game overall. I love what Yana Toboso did with the game; the characters r all unique with interesting personalities, the main story and event stories r rly enjoyable,I love the amount of depth they put into the world especially during events that explore the characters home countries like damn the amount of research they must have put into those events is crazy. And I especially love the og disney references they make, and how they all fit into the word of twst, and in regards to chapter 6, they even referenced the old mythology of Hades which was pretty cool (the theories r going crazy for it and I’m loving it, makes me question so much now ahhh). Haha I’m just gushing about twst but I defo enjoy it a bunch (maybe my inner child is calling to me lol) and I’m not rly a gamer but I’ve always loved games w interesting stories, and since twst is for the most part a visual novel type, so it’s great for me! But how about u? Do u feel the same? U always seem enthusiastic talking about twst and I love it so I’m just wondering.
Fuck 🧍 I think you already put everything I feel about Twst into words
I wouldn’t say I grew up as a Disney kid, but I will say that Disney was the one thing I could connect to in terms of what is ‘mainstream’ as a child. I don’t really watch many movies and shows, and I used to be kinda elitist about pop music (pls don’t be like this guys, you lose out a lot in life with that kind of mindset), but Disney is just everywhere and the movies really appeal to me, so it’s one of the very few mainstream things that I know and lets me connect with other people since that’s what I know.
There are few things in life that I hold onto dearly or feel passionately mainly because I’m very picky about everything and anything really. XD So already being in Twst for more than two years means a lot. Twst gave me so much that at this point, it’s the home that I can never find in my actual home ;A; I found friends that I want to keep for life, I found stories that enrich my wisdom. But most of all, I reconnected with my inner child in so many ways. It goes beyond being a Disney kid, it became singing and dancing and laughing and hugging the inner child that I intentionally left in an empty room to forget about. Twst gave me so much that I can’t bear to really leave it. The pace can be slow, doing lessons can sometimes be a chore, but when they pop up with a big announcement after a few weeks of silence, I remember why I fell in love with the game in the first place. 🥺
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uncanny8ellen · 3 years ago
How I fell for the bastard,
Karl Heisenberg
I remember the exact moment I fell in love with our all time favorite, showy, ill-tempered metal engineer. I was watching YouTube videos, cuz that's what I do for pastime activity when I got no brain power for books. I watch game plays mostly. I was watching Markiplier video, and yes, him gushing over the infamous 'Lady dimidom' was cute. Mark u simp lol.
Anyway when he first showed up I wasn't that interested. His voice was good,kinda familiar, then I realized it's Neil Newborn. I realllllly liked Elijah Kamsky from dbh, so I was glad to know he voice acted in the game.
Back to our mechanic. His vibe? Cool. Smoking cigar, giant metal hammer slung over shoulder, kinda military look. Oh, nice sunglasses, dude. His speech too. "Well, well. Didn't think anyone was left! You must be preeetty tough, huh." My immediate thought was, 'oh he's got a showman's vibe!' All the metals levitating in the air, and I knew he was trouble for our guy Ethan. Duke only confirmed my suspicion later. After Ethan got dragged to the trial I laughed at "-and if a man's dick is cut off in the castle blah blah blah.", also at the "nothing like fresh American ground beef!"
Then after Ethan's murderous journey to get his ikea furniture equivalent of daughter, a TV crackles. And I was like, oh? Deja vu? But he was different from Lukas Baker. Much less chaotic, for one. He didn't seem that psychotic compared to that guy. More put together. I saw the whole, 'landing a hand' coming from miles away. Duke did say he's the most dangerous one, after all. And I had a feeling that he wasn't just referring to his mutant power.
With all the purring and threatening, it was more amusing if anything. Testing the person who murdered 3 Lords, Vârcolacs, Lycans in the village all on his own with guns, bombs and some herb juice, by sending him to the lycan infested stronghold. To me Ethan was just one hell of a guy. Sure we all suspected he's not human, but imagine a normal computer engineering guy going through all that. Damn. And Heisenberg was ballsy enough to test him. That or he really was the strongest. Either way, I liked his style. "See you, Ethan." Bless ya Neil Newborn.
And really, when Ethan got to the factory (I absolutely love industrial vibe. Didn't really know he was a metal-welding, real mechanic sort of guy until Ethan got to the factory. REAL ASS ENGINEER WHO OWNS A BIGASS FACTORY), I was a bit excited. Even from outside, the building was big. And just like him, the place was unpredictable. After all the hype, I wanted to see this guy's deal.
Then comes the 'proposal scene'. Yes the one where Karl confesses his undying love for Ethan and asks him to marry him.
Kiddin. That voice clip still cracks me up. All hail Neil Newborn.
When Ethan pulled the cloth away and BAM! conspiracy board showed up, I was smiling. Then the devil pops outta nowhere, walking n talking like a showboat he is, and although I was sure the guy had quite a temper, considering his earlier outburst at the church, his movements seemed.....weirdly calculated. When he slammed that chair down and told Ethan to take a seat, that move seemed calculated too.
That made me actually pause the video and think. Everything about him exuded pride. From the very moment he's introduced in the game, he was nothing but charisma and confidence. 'Most dangerous Lord'. A recluse. Huge factory.
And I wondered. Is that enough for him?
The main reason I didn't find him that great of a character was because at first, I felt the villians were a bit flat. Actually, I found all of the Lords a bit...boring up until Ethan escaped the gauntlet. Everything felt cliché, a heroic father looking for his daughter and defeating monsters. Just another fairy tale. Another bad vs good.
Then I saw how Lady Dimitrescu cried for her daughters. Daniela saying she doesn't want to die before she turns to ash, although she did try to murder Ethan. Shocking reveal of Donna lying in the place of Angie, eyes vacant, blood trickling down her face. And yes, I noticed the bloody hand prints she left at the door frame and wallpapers as she was running away from Ethan. That was heartbreaking. Letting her gardener see his loved one again. Claudia Beneviento...
I don't know much about Moreau, but I do know he got multiple cadous implanted. Maybe that's why his mutation was unstable. Cheese loving, cheesy romantic movies loving, cheesy guy that got effed in the head and is a kid looking for his mommy. That was just...sigh. He had to be put down. Damn Miranda.
Then there was this guy who was clearly smart and ambitious. I started to get excited. I resumed the video. "It's a test. To see if you're strong enough to be apart of Mirander's family." 'You're way off the mark, pal,' I thought. But that was a valid guess.
"Neither did I, but here we are!" Being forced into a 'family'. That was interesting. Of course this wild man could never tolerate the confines of his laughable 'family'.
"Kill me, move up the chain, well fuck that!" Yeah! Fuck that! Fuck the cult bullshit! I got reeeally excited. Here I also noticed his voice sounding a little weird. Slightly distorted.
Then the revving started up again. It dawned on me why my intuition was screaming at me about that chair slam. 'DANGER!!!' The guy seemed all brash and brutish but he had a plan. This guy was smart. Not booksmart or wisdom smart, but the way he acted. The chair was directly in front of that hole.
Take the outsider to Mother dearest. Brownie point + avoid suspicion. Waiting until Ethan takes out other Lords. Strong guy? Potential ally. Negotiation first, if fail, down you go. I personally like the headcannon where Heisenberg was the one who painted yellow all over the village. The ammo crates, levers, everything. Makes sense too, he did write those 'papa' signs with yellow paint.
"You and me, Ethan. Together we go save Rose, and we can USE her, to grind Mirander into paste." I immediately knew Ethan was gonna say fuck no to that. What father would agree to use her daughter like that?
But it was at that moment. That moment, my heart just stopped. Yes I died. In my mind, such pleasant realization just poured into my chest. Oh. Oh, he was a rebel. Up against the control freak of a cult leader.
Hey let's go kill my bitch of a surrogate mother. I'm sick of her cult bs, she insane. Imma gon blast her wanna join?
As soon as I realized he's not one of Miranda's pawns, but an unhinged individual planning to take her down, a person, not some toy soldier, I wanted nothing else other than shaking his damn hand. I wanted it so bad. So bad. Why capcom. I get that Ethan wouldn't take that deal. But goddammit.
I fell hard. Been simping ever since. Anything else after that were just cherries and fruit cocktails on top. His maniacal laughter, complaining on speakers while Ethan fights for his life, experiment logs, 'interesting body', HE HAS A CYBORG UNDEAD ARMY?!?!? Heart eyes motherfucker. Production line of soldiers. 'Heisenberg's quarter' but Karl it's a workshop. Where's bed Karl. Karl. Do you sleep on the fucking floor? You doze off sitting in chair?
Stepping down that floating metal stairs with ease. SKILL. Bullet deflected, again, deflected, oh what's this? That distortion from earlier. His voice changing. HIM MUTATING. "Don't, come, hmm Back!!" Just cutting off the platform so Ethan falls in water. Could've killed him right there. Do you like the guy Karl? That why you spared him? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Rain pours and it's so fitting. God. That metal colossus. I shouted, "Fuck didn't know I'm into that shit! Guess I'm a monster fucker then!" And I loved the fight. His theme song. Even his crystal was beautiful.
Miranda's boss fight was anticlimactic compared to his. It was just so intense. Ethan needed a freaking tank and just some luck (Karl turning himself into a fan/grinder and exposing his main reactor. Ethan managed to get back on tank in the air and fire the rpg one last time) to beat him. His boss fight is actually the most difficult out of all the bosses in the game, and if you try village of shadow difficulty, he's almost impossible to kill.
Capcom please, show us that man doing many bad but kinda cool things in DLC I love that man. Please. Let him kill the witch and be the true maniac he is! Come on! Free the rabid man! He belongs in the wild!!!
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hello! I was wondering if u could make a summary of all the suitors' flaws n how Jonah would react to them
I would be more than happy to!
Ray: his main flaw is his willingness to trust others that are close to him. That doesn’t really sound like a flaw, but in Seth’s route, even though he knew that there was a spy, he still refused to believe that his one of his friends could’ve betrayed him. That’s super nice of him as a friend, but I feel like Jonah wouldn’t consider it as a good trait for a King.
Sirius: he has the physical inability to express his feelings properly. Like, in his own route, he barely ever said “I love you” to MC, and I feel like he’s trying really hard to fit into the “mature and stoic guy” category. Jonah kinda struggles with the same things (can’t talk about feelings + tries to be cool), but I don’t think he’d appreciate them in someone else. 
Luka: he’s unwilling to change his own perceptions. For example, in his own route, one of the big things he struggle with is feeling unimportant because ppl don’t need him. That’s not actually true, bc he’s the Jack of Spades now and an entire territory is depending on him, but he’s so stuck in his own idea of himself that he can’t even see it in another way until MC comes along. He also applies this to Jonah, and strongly believes that Jonah abandoned him when Jonah was training to become Queen. I don’t know if Jonah will understand why Luka acts likes this, but he’s always going to be sad when his beloved little brother detests him.
Fenrir: he’s way too obsessed with fights. Look, I know that his description is “a battle-crazy gun maniac” and he uses magically modified guns and he doesn’t mean any harm by liking to fight bc he’s a super active guy, it’s still kinda unsettling (also bc I can’t actually think of any other character flaws bc Fenrir is a good boi). Jonah would definitely find this behavior untasteful, especially since Fenrir also comes from a good family.
Seth: probably how manipulative he is. In his own route, his mission is to “seduce” MC into joining the Magic Tower (remind you of anyone else???), and he succeeds in making MC fall in love, like, 10 parts in. He also fell in love with MC along the way, but he lured her with his body XDD. Jonah probably disapproves of some of his methods, but he can’t complain too much because he kinda did the same thing.
Lancelot: he’s too self-sacrificing for his own good. I mean, when Amon became a threat, instead of telling everyone else about it, he chooses to shoulder the burden himself. I can understand that he’s trying to spare those that he cares about, but he should know that the others aren’t exactly weak and fragile. Jonah would be super frustrated by this (like in part 23 of his own route), and he’ll try to help his King in whatever way he can.
Edgar: his shadiness oof. Like, at first you think that he can be trusted, and then you think that he can’t, but in the end you find out you actually can. He’s like an inverted oreo: white on the outside, black on the inside, but actually still white deep down inside. Being the honest person he is, Jonah probably struggled with Edgar’s personality at first. But they’ve known each other since they were children so Jonah probably got used to it over time.
Zero: you know what? After mulling over this for ages, I can’t actually think of any of Zero’s flaws. He’s literally the goodest boi in Ikerev.  
Kyle: his insensitivity to others’ emotions. He cannot read the atmosphere most times and he’s also one of the most emotionally clumsy people in the game (afsdfdf he’s adorable). However, Jonah is the type of person who needs to be handled with care, since he’s not the most emotionally able person ever. It would’ve definitely rubbed Jonah the wrong way at first, but just like how it was with Edgar, Jonah probably got used to it over time.
Harr: his unfrienliness probably. He’s literally the nicest person once you get to know him, but the emphasis is on once you get to know him. Unfortunately, not a lot of people have that privilege, and this is even before he became the infamous Joker. He’s just naturally introverted and aloof. Actually, pre-Joker!Harr reminded me of Jonah, because they’re equally tsundere and bad with expressing their feelings. Apparently Harr and Jonah didn’t get along great tho, so maybe Jonah doesn’t like to see his own personality reflected in others.
Loki: he’s a bit too clingy and has a tiny bit of yandere-ish tendencies (though I wouldn’t consider him as a yandere). Jonah would understand the clinginess to those he cares about (he’s the cling of hearts for a reason guys), and he could probably understand Loki’s desire to hold on tightly to people that are important to him.
Blanc: he’s a jerk because he’s only giving us glimpses of his backstory without any clarification and it makes me want to tear my hair out. Jonah is gonna march up to Cybird HQ and demand a route for Blanc.
Oliver: in Ikerev TW, one of his descriptions was “毒舌” and it literally means “poisonous tongue,” which describes Oliver pretty well. I get that some people are pretty attracted by his quick wit, but generally speaking, insulting someone every other sentence isn’t exactly a good habit to have. But like, just imagine Oliver and Jonah getting into an argument. Idek who’s gonna win.
NOTE: I don't really know that much about the next three suitors (Mousse, Dean, and Dalim), so I'll have to make my best guess about their flaws. If their route comes out (goodness knows when that'll be), I'll come back and see if I've got anything wrong!
Mousse: definitely his sleepiness and tendency to fall asleep in places other than his bedroom. I totally understand the desire to sleep all day every day, but I can see why it’d be super annoying. At any rate, Jonah certainly seems to think so, since he abhors laziness and Mousse is pretty much the epitome of laziness (unless it comes down to the things that he like, and then he turns super energetic).
Dean: his cruel and unusual ways of punishment that’s referenced many times throughout the series??? I don’t know much about him tbh (sorry to all the Dean stans!!!). Jonah has never complained about it (or even mentioned Dean at all), but he must’ve been Jonah’s teacher during some point in the Ikerev universe, especially considering that Jonah and Harr were in the same grade and Dean makes an appearance in Harr’s Class Companions event route.
Dalim: probably that he’s overly-dedicated to those he’s loyal to. Dalim knows that Amon is not a good person and what he’s doing is very wrong, but he still does Amon’s bidding because he is a firm believer in Amon supremacy. However, he has tried to save Cradle on multiple occasions, so I guess that makes up for it. In fact, I think that Jonah would actually appreciate this flaw, because he’s just as dedicated to Lancelot as Dalim is to Amon, and they both tried to intervene when they believed that their King/Lord was up to something bad.
You could also say that one of Dean's more obvious flaws is that he's very blunt. While he's a smooth talker when it's convenient for him, more often than not he doesn't sugar coat his words when he's pointing out other people's flaws.He says it like it is. This might lead to Jonah being offended on more than one occasion. On the other hand, i don't think Jonah likes Dalim's debauchery. He might think that he fools around too much. He might've chastised him at some point, but gave up when he saw that he wasn't listening. Dalim is hard to tame. There were a few times when he didn't listen to Amon's orders and he also did that thing at the end of Ray's ttlg route which proved that he's not as loyal to his lord as he seems.
Jonah: Jonah literally stated himself that he knows how reckless and stubborn he is, but he doesn’t have any intentions of changing that. And I just. That’s actually such a strong thing to do??? He legit accepts himself as he is without trying to change anything about the way he is. Self-acceptance level 10/10.
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vampacidic · 3 years ago
SAGE *shakes you like a snowglobe, then sets you down and gives u a leetle kiss on the forehead /p* I HOPE YOU ARE MARVELOUS AND AMAZING AND WONDERFUL ON THIS FINE EVENING
i hope it is the evening for you orz
ANYWAY how's your day been???? been doing anything fun~? also. i wish to partake in poto. i feel like you recommended a place to start way back when i first asked but um. a refresher would be appreciated (´。• ω •。`)
HEHEHE HI LEO!!!! a little kiss... i will cherish it. huhuhu.... hehehe m doin okay... lot better than yesterday <- had a paranoia episode with varying degrees of rationale behind it (i am ok btw i just had a rough night) IT IS EVENING BTW dw. i am just a sleepy fella cause i go to bed at like 9pm (i am a grandma)
i've spent the day reading + editing my fic... m almost done with it...! finishing editing tomorrow probably and then i will. collapse. beta reader will receive it (hi dino). i made my pancakes you saw that fiasco. it was very fun though...!
OK POTO. personally i started with andrew lloyd webber's musical (specifically the 2006 movie. it's very accessible but in the nicest way possible the soundtrack is kinda laughably bad. when you are a musical movie and try to change the song so it has more dialogue...? also the guy you cast as. the phantom. cant sing. so he is just yelling all of his lines). there's a bunch of albums up on spotify but my personal favorite is the 1987 cast recording (here). it's very good i love it soooo much. there are a lot of bootlegs up online but if you want to do something more legal the 25th anniversary production of ALW's POTO got an official recording and it's a great show. oh it's so good leo Shakes You. it's available on dvd and you can buy it on like amazon (i got mine at barnes and noble). since poto is in public domain there's like 828372927372874 different books/musicals/etc based off of the original novel. personally? have not read a lot of them (read: none) but one of my favorite spin offs is the phantom of manhattan by frederick forsyth. not because it's good but because it's laughably bad. i enjoy it a lot. would not recommend it unless you reeeeally wanna go down the ALW pipeline. anyway
since the original novel (leroux) is in public domain it's online. bunch of different places (wikisource). it is originally a french novel so it is a TL. i will now tell you some history of the novel because i enjoy it. so the book is very Very loosely based on real life events. in the early 20th century the chandelier in the paris opera house fell (killed one and injured a couple more). so coupled with rumors of a ghost leroux was like hmmmm i will write a book about this. so it's a like. true crime fanfic basically? best way to put it? it was also published serially which explains some of the weird pacing things in the novel. one of the main appeals while it was published was like. it would introduce characters and you'd have to be like 'oh who is the one causing mischief in the theater? ohohoho?' which is kind of lost since the phantom is such a cultural icon now. it's also supposed to be horror but i uh. physically Can't read it as horror. so much of it feels like a really funny crack fic. it's very fun though. wild ride.
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technogeekmituna · 4 years ago
Thoughts On Beel and His "Character Growth" ✨
Let me preface this post with I love Beel and Belphie enough that I made a second MC specifically for them, because they're my Attic Sandwich OT3.
So, I was excited to see how their Birthday Event would play out, because I missed their first birthday.
For the most part, it's all expected stuff. The event plays on their main pastimes, Beel with food and eating and Belphie with naps an-- Oh, no, wait, stars. Belphie's theme for his birthday route was stars.
Like, we know Belphie has an interest in astrology and the night sky. He likes hanging out in the planetarium, and he even bought a star projector to view stars with MC in his room. It's just usually not all that brought up. It's just a passing interest that Belphie can be passionate about.
So, you would expect maaaybe that Beel would diverge from food for this event and, idrk, get, like, a family theme or something, because he loves his brothers and MC so much, according to the Devilgram that points Beel out for having family on his mind more than food.
But no.
Beel, on the other hand, is centered around food and eating... again.
I know in recent lessons Beel admitted when he fell and became a demon he felt this urge to just let go and consume everything. I guess we can assume that same trigger happened with Belphie, although I'm not sure we can concretely say that, because Asmo and Mammon were kinda the same as they are now when they were angels, along with Levi and Lucifer in that same vein. I don't know, that's not my point.
My point is I'm so tired of Beel being casted around food all the time. Hell, Beel will even eat inanimate objects like plates and pillows and pillars and be tempted to eat a damn ship.
Like, okay, he also works out and plays sports, but it's admitted he does that to keep in shape and equal out all the things food he eats.
Alright, so MC is starting to affect him in ways where food can't fill the void he fills in his stomach, so maybe he doesn't eat quite as much.. as long as MC is affecting him in that kinda way.
S u r e, we get Beel to open up a few times when he talks about his time the Celestial Realm in the 40 Lessons, and he talks about his guilt with Lilith probably offseting his constant eating
In the end, anything that could branch Beel out more just circles back around to eat, devour, consume, so none of that really does anything for Beel's character growth
Like, for Lucifer. He's all about high standards, his pride never lets him bring his walls down very much, and he's very uptight and strict. This starts unraveling more and more throughout the Lessons when Lucifer stands with his brothers in opposition to Diavolo or when he talks to his brothers about Belphie and Lilith or when Lucifer is alone with MC and he opens up, shows his emotions more, and let's his pride give way for his worries and concerns.
With Asmo, he starts showing signs of changes in his competition with Lucifer, and a few other moments where his narcissistic attitude and self-love tendencies are overshadowed with his affection and love for MC or slow revelations to why he puts so much work into himself for his fans and strangers.
With Mammon, he starts to actively reject physical obsessions of greed and grimm for more time with MC or choosing to earn his own money to buy a gift for MC to make it more special.
They're slowly changing as the story continues.
For Beel though, he always seems to slide back to his previous spot with no sign of changing.
We've been told he was great at snowboarding, but he quit because he couldn't eat when he wanted. We've seen that he does get jealous when MC is involved with other guys, even bumping heads with Belphie sometimes, but he only ever mentions anything openly when that Queen of Jealousy flower provokes Beel to get envious. He might have said something on a couple other occasions, but I can't remember.
This Birthday Event finally kinda got me annoyed enough to make this post for my thoughts, because Beel really got cheated compared to Belphie in their routes.
Beel gets a house made of candy that has no taste, so he has to find a Sweet Devil to give it flavor (???), and then proceeds to eat it with MC and falls asleep with them after they kiss once or twice.
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Belphie gets to see a star shower (meteor shower?) with MC from the star fragments he'd been collecting. MC can't do the star shower though, so they just sit together under the night sky Solomon just magically brought down. Belphie makes a comment about loving MC and loving being under the starry sky with them.
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Eventually, they get to eat cake together wedding-style, while Beel is off eating his candy house alone in a different room on his birthday
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If you compare the exchanges together, you can see Beel got very little compared to the twin that murdered MC Belphie.
Beel gets what? To eat with MC, share a couple kisses, then fall asleep.
Belphie gets what? A whole ass star shower brought to him by MC, a sentimental moment gazing up at a romantic night sky brought down by Solomon, the chance to say "I love you", a couple kisses, and then sharing a star-themed cake with MC.
Like, I'm having such a hard time understanding why Beel gets stuck with very little stuff that's generically geared to his sin, but Belphie gets so much that's focused on an interest he likes. He could have very well had a sloth-themed birthday party.
I just think that at this point that Beel could be further along with his progress to stray a little away from his sin, like his brothers have. MC helps him find some comfort out of eating, or if not that, comfort with making food and trying to do recipes or something while restraining his cravings to eat it all.
Everyone else may have a different opinion on Beel's character, and if you see growth in him moving forward then all the more power to you. Please explain it to me if I overlooked something, because Beel doesn't get a lot of limelight and his character bits not related to food really have to be looked into to see.
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frederickthegreat · 5 years ago
my thoughts on TUA season 2
(spoilers, obviously)
- opened with Klaus and Ben, my kings. Klaus’s hair looks so weird straightened while short 
- AWESOME opening soundtrack 
- seeing all their powers so controlled makes me wonder how they leveled up to that skill in the alternate timeline. like the only time we saw Klaus use the powers of other ghosts in the correct timeline was when two of them caught him falling out of the sky. however Diego did end up controlling bullets and Allison used her voice to technically kill one of the Swedes
- the homeless man screaming Allison’s name alongside Luther... funny shit
- big teddy bear Hazel
- Elliot was fucking awesome i think he was a great addition as a side character. rip tho :(
- honestly i don’t understand why Diego would WANT to save JFK. like it’s not that big of a deal. does he not understand what messing with the timeline can do??
- Lila... impeccable
- Sissy and Vanya... impeccable <3
- yeah and fuck u Carl
- ugh, Klaus’s beard. disgusting <3
- Ben and Klaus definitely act like they should be, given that they’ve been stuck with each other for over a decade. i’ve seen some people calling Klaus an asshole for not telling his siblings about Ben, which is completely understandable (cause he was an asshole), but I’m guessing it was because he was afraid? that sharing Ben with his siblings would mean that he would lose him to them, or his siblings would find him selfish, or they would ask something of him that he couldn’t give. if that makes sense
- that ghost bitch comment was funny tho 
- to the guy who called Klaus pretty boy at the bar: sir you don’t know what you’re getting into
- Raymond!! he’s such a sweetheart, i really liked him in the show. i’m really happy that Allison has found a bit of normalcy (as normal as the 1960s Civil Rights movement could be). it shows how passionate she is about what she believes in: even though she knows the movement is far from over, even back in 2019, she’s not gonna abandon it
- Allison staring at the moon every night: either thinking about Luther or how the moon blows them all up. maybe both
- of course Luther would be working for Jack Ruby
- awesome cinematography during the mental asylum escape 
- yeah it makes sense that the Handler would still be alive. she was a cool villain. although it would’ve been awesome to see how evil a fish could be
- Diego’s plan was pretty stupid. that’s my boy
- honestly they revealed how Klaus started a cult really well by having one of his followers find him at jail. Klaus, ever the musical aficionado, of course writes his scripture based off of pop songs
- Raymond and Klaus meeting!! that was cool to see how their paths connected
- Lila painting Elliot’s toenails green. ugh i love that crazy bitch
- i LOVE how they incorporated the umbrella man!! tbh i’ve always believed he was the one behind the assassination. Lee Harvey Oswald was framed 
- honestly a bit understandable that Luther was planning on killing Vanya? cause he had no idea who she is now, but them reuniting was actually really sweet. he’s grown up so much
- the Swedes and their cats.
- the Umbrella company building with the nuclear family mannequins... creepy, awesome shit
- baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo
- shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego
- did anyone else get vibes from Klaus’s episode opening that he was an escort to the old woman? like how he was being shown off at her arm or something and getting out of jail from a call from the governor. idk maybe the lady was just very taken with him, as anyone would be
- Elliot, our helpful king
- Allison and Klaus’s reunion was so sweet!! i’m so glad they got to interact so much more in this season 
- Ben getting Raymond out through a haunting... hilarious
- sweet intimate moment between Lila and Diego
- Ray meeting Luther was hilarious, but i do feel for the poor guy. i mean i’m not in love with my adoptive sister but still
- the sit-in was really well done and beautiful while terrible. the ‘riot’ that ensued was very appropriate for today’s setting 
- D-Dave
- honestly i was scared that Klaus was gonna be overly attracted to him or whatever, which would be weird cause he’s years younger than Klaus, but honestly, at the core he just wanted to save Dave’s life. even if it means never meeting him in a different timeline. he truly loved Dave. and that ptsd flashback was done so well
- i knew Lila wasn’t trustworthy but i didn’t REALLY expect that! 
- Vanya and Luther talking with each other, Luther admitting the apocalypse wasn’t all her fault. beautiful
- the Majestic 12 reminds me of the conspiracy theory that only a few families control basically everything in the world. the Majestic 12 may be based off of that, idk
- idk about everyone else but Klaus’s scorpion and the frog story made total sense to me! frogs ARE bitches
- the diner scene.... ugh. it really shows that the two of them did fall in love and they did stupid in love things, like talking about their family, about why Dave wanted to join, favorite colors, favorite foods, etc. however that’s seen later on when Dave visits the compound
- yes it’s very disheartening when Klaus is attacked, but honestly i think it had to happen, just like the riot had to happen. the 60s weren’t a fun time for lgbt people and poc. it was only going to be a matter of time before the show HAD to acknowledge the consequences of Klaus’s ‘flamboyancy’ in 1963 Texas. it doesn’t make it right or easy to see, but it’s realistic. 
- it also makes sense that Klaus fell off the wagon after experiencing something like that. yes we all would’ve liked him to stay sober, but sobriety and recovery aren’t linear. 
- Allison is so happy with Ray can we please drop this pseudo-incest plotline let’s MOVE ON 
- Texas Grace ! who is not actually Grace rip (i think? i was a bit confused lol)
- the scene with Harlan running off was really upsetting but we got to see those weird light particles that we saw in the first season
- Pogo Pogo Pogo Pogo
- Klaus being a dick to Ben again, as brothers do. i do feel bad for Ben though it must be sooo frustrating. that scene with him and Allison was really sweet and funny tho
- i just have to say that Luther and Diego are so fucking funny this season it’s awesome. like there are a LOT of good lines overall by everyone but they’re hilarious. “At least he didn’t shank my ass” “no bro, he shanked your heart”“Dads part of a sinister CABAL that’s plotting on killing the president.” “a caBAL?”“You two still a thing? *leans in* do we need to talk?” “No, she’s married.” “Woah dude... that’s rough.” and countless others
- the sibling reunion!! 
- Klaus really does get left out of everything tbh
- Ben :(
- sisters and Klaus!! that was so awesome to see. and Klaus’s hairpins, Vanya saying she’s gonna tell Sissy she loves her, their dance sequence, Klaus calling Allison out on that incest. beautiful
- the fucking Swedish cover of Hello was PERFECT i mean i was sad for the Swedes but it was hilarious. there were a couple beautiful shots of the boat on fire though
- god it must’ve been so traumatizing for Allison to be thrust into such a hostile place with no voice and no way to contact her family
-  idk about you guys but long live Team Zero
- calling Ben that he was becoming their father was a bit uncalled for 
- the fact that Klaus didn’t help Dave’s chances, and in fact escalated Dave’s own timeline.. his trembling hands... robert sheehan is an amazing actor
- the Black president bit lmaoo loved it
- the way Reginald spoke to Diego.. i’m gonna throw hands with an old man
- Klaus LITERALLY looked like he was having a seizure and they all just... played it off?? 
- poor, poor Carl. nah fuck him lol
- that bloody opening scene was awesome! and thank god Five got to say fuck. the fact that it was about a candy bar makes too much sense
- Robert Sheehan acting as Ben: amazing showstopping spectacular he’s so talented
- the whole multiple Fives and Luther bit was honestly really funny, and i immensely respect smaller Five over bigger Five. 
- yes Klaus, you survived a family of seven. you got this
- not sad about Carl dying one bit!
- Ben... that was such a beautiful scene. not just the content of the scene, but the cinematography. Ben fading away... Vanya hugging him... ugh. the main takeaway i had from that scene is that at the core of it all, Ben and Klaus love each other immensely. they have a weird, dysfunctional, fucked up relationship, where Klaus is an asshole and Ben definitely shouldn’t of possessed him without his consent, but they’re still brothers, and Ben forgives him. 
- oof Ben’s funeral was hard. also was it just me or did Klaus’s kid actor sound weird? like it sounded like Robert was dubbing his lines 
- all the siblings back together again!!!! Klaus going with Vanya to save Harlan!! Vanya telling him Ben forgives him and that it wasn’t Klaus’s fault Ben got stuck with him!! everyone in the car!!! be still my beating heart
- yeah didn’t see Lila having powers coming tbh. i really feel bad for her she’s had such a rough and traumatic life, especially with the Handler as her only parental figure
- the Swede brother and Five putting down their weapons: “enough.” the Swede wanted revenge for his brothers - an eye for an eye, but there was a mutual understanding between the two of them: they would do anything for their family. if the Swede hurts one of the Hargreeves, Five would never stop coming after him. i thought it was very beautiful 
- mmm Reggie’s foreshadowing coming into play. proud of u Five
- the ending was so beautiful. everyone got closure in some type of way. except now Klaus is alone with nothing but his dog tags :(
- EMO BEN HAHAHA WTFFF?? is Lila in the sparrow academy? why was Ben’s portrait over the mantle piece? did Five disappear?? is the sparrow academy just older versions of the siblings who stuck around?? so many questions
- Ellen Page’s acting consistently blows me away. she is amazing 
- beautiful cinematography, funny writing, pretty good acting. i didn’t like the soundtrack as much as i did the first season’s, but some of it wasn’t bad.
- i’m glad ben got peace, but i’m also glad justin min isn’t gone for good. his social media presence is too vital for us
- i swear to god if they keep treating klaus as a joke and don’t let him get any actual development like everyone else had (he barely got closure with Dave, he reconciled with Ben through a second party) next season, i’m gonna riot. PLEASE i want to learn more about his powers now that Ben is gone. what happened to seeing tons of ghosts when he’s sober??
- Luther and Diego were probably my favorite duo of the season, I’m so happy that they’ve reconciled and are bonding more. 
- just seeing Vanya grow and be happy was amazing 
all in all, really wonderful season. i probably liked it better than the first one. now it’s time to consume fanfiction and maybe finish my own (check out “god doesn’t want him and neither does the devil” on ao3!)
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haifengg · 4 years ago
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they with a s/o?) Hendery is pretty much the guy for a classic friends to lovers trope so I guess the way he shows affection in pblic would be pretty lowkey. Like quick sweet pecks when no-one is paying attention. At home he would be quite cuddly, chilling with you and your pet maybe is his favorite thing.
B = Breath (What could their s/o do to take their breath away?) When he saw you at your friends wedding he was glued to the spot staring at you. Seing you in a proper dress for the first time -  it was over for him.
C = Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?) Huge cuddler. All the time.
D = Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?) I think his main goal with you is staying together being happy, wihtout having to do huge huge sacrifices. He wants you both to be happy with each other and that’s his top priority. As far as his dream goes would probably be to start a family with you if your lifes have room for it. Otherwise he will stay together with you either way - married or not. E = Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?) A lot. As I said having a fulfilled relationship is super important to him so he would try to be home early and take time for date nights and everything. He would get the food and make up for the time he can’t be with you because of work.
F = Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?) Maybe he would be a little bit overwhelmed if you for example have a panic attack or soemthing. Because he is the youngest sibling he is not used to take care of others - he was the one other took care of usually. Regardless of that he would try his best, asking you what you need and not be mad at you if you maybe yell at him or something because you’re stressed. Eventually he would hold you tight either way and maybe watch a TV show to distract you or take you for a walk with an arm around your shoulders. G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?) He would love to get self-made gifts from you. If you crotched a keyring thing for him he would worhsip it and use it for years. The letter you wrote him the year you were away for new years? It’s framed in his studio. Same thing goes for giving presents. Altough the guys maybe talk him into buying you something he would always make sure to give it a personal touch. Maybe Ten helps him decorate sneakers he got for? Or he’d get you the first copy of your favorite books but put a foldeed heart in between the pages as a bookmark.H = Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?) He would hug you when you’re cooking or doing the dishes, give you a little smoosh on the head when he walks past you and you’re sitting somewhere studying. 
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?) I don’t see any problems i this department so let’s not create any if there aren’t any~ J = Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?) Hendery might a little jealous but not much. You were freinds before you started dating so he knows your male friends and he knows you still chose him over all of them ~~
K = Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?) Lot’s and lot’s of soft make out sessions. He is not a greedy kisser. This man has a goofy soft personality and it shows! 
L = Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?) He strikes me as the kind of guy who leaves it to nonverbal communication. Hendery shows it more than saying it with small gestures like nose boops or he blows in your neck a little bit when you’re watching a movie. He also maybe pulls you in and whispers soemthing sweet into your ear but I don’t think it would be exactly ‘I love you’. 
M = Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?) Hendery definitely wants to get married. He doesn’t nessecarily wants everyone to know you’re his but he wants you to know how much heh loves you and that he wants to be with you until the very last day. He only has eyes for you and you know you only see him. It’s not about the others, it’s about you guys. And about his sisters and his mother they would end him if they don’t get a wedding picture with their only son/brother.
N = Night out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?) Having a busy schedule he will make room for dates whenever he can. You would be the person waiting for him at his work place to be over with his shift to surprise him and take him out to cheap cozy pubs or your favorite streetfood places. Especially in winter when your breath condences and your noses are all red, you would get some hot snack and stroll through the streets and just enjoy each others company. O = Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?) You guys would seldomly go somewhere expensive or dress fancy/ got clubbing. The two of you can get excited and party but clubs just aren’t your thing. P =Playful (Are they playful in a relationship?) I suppose Hendery Is quite playful! He turns small daily things into a challenge even though he is not the most competitive person. He is the kind of person give playful cute little pecks or teasing you in a lot of harmless, non-suggesting ways. Q = Questions(Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?) You guys car about each others opinions because it’s important for you what the other think but he wouldn’t change his desicions because you think differently abotu something. R = Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?) Hendery is pretty spontaneous. He would sometimes pop into the bathroom when you’re already brushing your teeth asking you if you will go to a movie with him. Ofc you will! S = Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?) Actually I can see him as both the big and the little spoon. Both have their benefits, it depends on the day really. T = Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?) 200% He introduced you two his mother and sisters. If he trusts you with that situation, he will trust you with anything else.
U = Unique (What makes them unique as a s/o?) Hendery is cheerful but in a very chill way. He will root for you and has this great quality of making you feel great about yourself. That’s what you love about him and why you fell for him. V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?) As mentioned before: You were friends before lovers. During the first half year of your friendship he held back on telling you his problems or letting you know when he fet down. During that time he usually met less with you when he was stressed or knew he wouldn’t be in a good mood, maybe ruin yours. W = Wild Card (Get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice) Every now and then you would find the time for a game night with some of the members. I am not talking board games but computer games! While everyone chills on discord you would sit in the same room or across the hallway. You usually played for the opposing team and every now and then you yell across the halway or physicially try keeping eachother from winning if their team is doing too well. X = X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?) During the first few seconds: Plain panic. But ones he sees it’s not that bad and you just hit your head on one of the cupboard doors he will get you a cooling pack and maybe laugh at you a little bit. “When will you stop hitting your head on the same door over and over?” Y = Yuck (Do they have any annoying/weird habits? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?) Being chinese he loves drinking hot water. So far no problem but it always bothers you when you mix up your waterbottlesin the morning and you’re at college/work burning your lips on freaking hot water. Z = Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?) Muted passion it’d say. He can get raunchy and everythign but alwas in a very subtle way. Of course he is down to switch it up if you want him to.
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reel-fear · 3 years ago
ok not to be predictable but uh. Transformers Animated?
YESSSSS, it's okay being predictable is great actually <3
The first character I first fell in love with: God do u even have to ask it's Bee it's hundred percent Bee, the second I even saw screenshots of him in transformers tags I fell in love... I'm very predictable in my faves okay I'm just a little man in a big world...
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: I didn't expect to love Ironhide as much as I do now but being fair I'm totally in love with a version I have created in my head of who he is <3 [hes an dumb asshole in my head]
character everyone else loves that I don’t: Sssssoundwave is,,,, kinda a nothing character in TFA, he doesn't advance the plot or character development much... And no I don't consider the misconception he creates between Sari n Bulkhead to be development bc it doesn't say much abt either of their characters or reflect poorly on them Soundwave literally just edited the audio to make it sound like they were insulting each other.
The character I love that everyone else hates: BA Is a girl boss and idc what anyone says. She may not be a good person but she is very interesting and I do think she still deserves to be happy.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Ultra Magnus, he's a crappy person actually I do not like him any more. Used to kinda get behind him being Op's dad but in canon I don't think that could ever work Um literally causes like ALL of Op's problems/insecurities in this show.
The character I would totally smooch: *takes in a deep breath* Lugnut, Bulkhead, Blurr, Shockwave, Longarm, Ratchet but on the cheek, same for Arcee, Prowl, Sari on the forehead, Starscream n his clones and Jazz
The character I’d want to be like: yknow its pretty hard to decide when one part of a main cast is truamatized losers with insecurities trying to get by and the other is unmistakable Bad Guys who love murder and torture. So I'll go with Jazz he's chill, wish I was chill n cool like he is.
The character I’d slap: Optimus, in a 'be nicer to Bumblebee n Bulkhead or at least show them u love n respect them more before making mean comments' and Blurr in a 'I'm in love with u and violence and bullying is how I show it' sort of way. He might like catch my wrist before I make contact and toss me like a bean bag but I'm okay with that go king.
A pairing that I love: Going for a pair I don't talk about a lot for once! Bee x Rossana, Lemme Explain: Its s4 n Bee is like hyped to go to one of her concerts, the others ask why, its obvious Bee has a crush on her and they're all like 'ask her out' but Bees like 'no way shes way out of my league'. The others tell him hes stupid and also a hero to cybertron and basically drag him back stage so he asks her out, she was actually surprised bc she thought Bee being a hero n all was too good for her. They go out but Bee has no clue she is secretly a sleeper agent and the entire episode devolves into Flipside tries to murder Bee, Bee is oblivious n in love, Flipside flakes out of it until she falls in love with him too <3 and then the others find out she's a sleeper agent but Bee has cured Flipsides with the power of love so who cares new gf time.
A pairing that I despise: Gonna also go for one I dont talk abt a lot here, Megatron x UM??? Like thanks for creating a massive project that killed a bunch of my people and also oppressing us what a lovely rivalry we have here.
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