#and the second by Tommy Oh
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spoopdeedoop · 17 days ago
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some early valentine’s stuff as a gift for the awesome spectacular really very lovely @phox-129 my qpp :) love you loads always forever
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doodlebloo · 1 month ago
It's been talked about to death and back but. JSchlatt joining the DSMP, only ever logging on for lore purposes, playing a fan fucking tastic villain that was an absolute joy to watch on screen, equal parts menacing/intimidating and goofy, completely stealing the show and perfectly matching the silly-but-serious energy of the lore up to that point, doing that for 1 season that I still think is one of the most impossibly coherent and thematically powerful pieces of roleplay media to date, and then having his character die after he'd run his course and never logging on again. was completely fucking legendary. He knew exactly what he needed to do and he did it flawlessly then left.
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bucksboobs · 4 months ago
The pointedness that Tommy showed up to wait on news about Denny’s emergency surgery and talked about having a team behind you when things go wrong… yeah I think he’s gonna get hurt and yeah I think the 118 will be the ones to pull him out and be there for him afterwards.
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amiscreations · 1 year ago
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who else is in the leppard tattoo club
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i3utterflyeffect · 1 year ago
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did you know: chosen was created before minecraft existed?
reblogs > likes
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apollos-boyfriend · 7 months ago
started a list of characters that aren’t considered creepypastas but technically fit the bill. feel free to add on
monika ddlc
freddy fazbear
the among us impostor
bill cipher(??)
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epiphainie · 9 months ago
a gay man making a daddy kink joke. fork found in kitchen.
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zouisalmightie · 8 months ago
and that’s the thing like tommy didn’t end things with buck because buck wasn’t out. he ended things with buck to give him the space and opportunity to get comfortable with the idea of dating a man without the added pressure of having to think about and worry about how tommy felt. he didn’t want buck to have to rush out of the closet he wanted to give him a chance to truly think about how his life will shift if/when he starts a queer romantic relationship.
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leashybebes · 26 days ago
I need more from my fav ally Buck 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
"You know I wouldn't, like. I wouldn't out you or whatever, right?"
"I do know that. It's fine. Don't worry about it." Tommy tosses back the last of his beer and smiles. "What are you doing to celebrate?"
"Oh." Buck looks at their beers, at the plates with the remains of their burgers. "I mean, this?"
"Okay, but what else?"
Buck shrugs. "Graduating class are going out in a couple days. Might hit up a couple of clubs with my roommates at the weekend."
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uusira · 6 months ago
This idea was floating my mind yesterday after shift, I was so tired and needed some silent comfort, and ofc bucktommy will come to my mind. and with what we got today I definitely wanted to share my thought, but again I don't know what happened and it turned into a fic? ficlet? idk I just talk a lot 😭 oh and please read the tags
They didn't have any plans, buck was ending a 24h shift, and tommy was going to start a 48 in few hours.
Thats why tommy was confused when he got a weak knock on his door. He wasn't expecting anyone. Especially not his boyfriend who told him about his plans to spend his off day sleeping until his next shift.
When he opened the door, he was surprised to see his boyfriend there, exhaustion covering his features, some semi deep scratches on his face, and a big pout showing his discomfort and tiredness. His duffle hanging loosely on his left shoulder.
"Evan.." Tommy's hand started to move to reach Bucks face, but before it could reach there, Buck threw himself on Tommy, wrapping his right arm around Tommys neck and burying his face there.
Tommy, taking his weight easily, held an arm around buck's waist, and the other quickly took the duffle out of buck's shoulder, which immediately gave buck the opportunity to wrap himself around tommy and put his whole weight on his boyfriend there.
Tommy was concerned, he rubbed a hand along bucks spine, the other around his shoulder, and kissed the side of his temple. "Hey there," he said softly "everything okay?"
"Yeah" buck answered with a sigh. "Just..." another sigh and let his self relax into his boyfriends embrace "exhausted"
They stayed there for a moment, then tommy swung his boyfriend inside the door "okay lets get you inside big boy" and led him to the couch
"Let me see that pretty face of yours" tommy said softly
Buck didn't want to let go. He needed the comfort and warmth of his boyfriend around him. He wanted to bury himself inside of tommy and stay there, but he did reluctantly
Tommy looked worried, gently held his hand above the wounds on bucks face, brushed on them with a feather like touch, which caused buck to wince slightly, "sorry.." tommy muttered "what happened"
"Oh, nothing much, just some stupid accident happened on call," Buck said, waving a hand
Tommy still looked concerned, and he just hummed softly
"Sorry," Buck said quickly, obviously starting to get anxious about the whole situation. "I know you have a shift in a few hours, I really shouldn't come over without talking to you first. it's just that this stupid day was so exhausting, and Gerrard wasn't making it any easier, and this wounds, I know they are nothing to fuss about, you know these happen they aren't even painful or anything.." he tried to laugh it off but instead he felt something building in his throat, and his eyes burning, he shifted his eyes avoiding Tommy's, continuing with a cracked voice "sorry tommy, I should go you have to get to harbor, don't want you to be late and —"
"Evan," tommy said, cutting his boyfriend there. Pulling him out of his head "Why are you apologizing now? None of that, I'm definitely not mad or upset that you came, and never will be!" Tommy said firmly, "you are always welcome here, and I want to always be here when you need me" and without any more words tommy pulled buck in his arms and wrapped them around him "I just got worried" then he kissed his hair and leaned on it "and I am sure I won't be late to my shift, unless I need to be there 5 hours before it start"
Buck laughed lightly and held to tommy tightly, buried his face in the crock of Tommy's neck, and breathed shakily
"I'm here Evan, as long as you need" Tommy said softly, holding Buck with a hand, and caressing his hair with the other
They stayed there until tommy felt buck relax in his arms, the tension leaving his body slightly. then he pulled himself up, which caused his boyfriend to whine in protest, tommy looked at Buck, caring and loving gaze, scanning his face and when their eyes met, he smiled at him softly and gave him a quick peck on his lips, and another gentle kiss beside his wounds, "oh I guess kisses does have a healing effect" buck said
"Oh? Then I think i have to give you a full dose of them until you fully heal, dont want to compromise your health there"
They both huffed a small laugh, tommy kissed him again, tucked him in his arms, and they stayed there, in their comfortable warm zone
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ambernotember · 18 hours ago
snippet saturday
school concert au
“I swear, it’s even on his collar. I love animals with human names. Imagine making a vet appointment for Steve.”
Buck chuckled. “So if you had a pet you’d name them what, Alfred? Violetta?”
“Did I adopt an old butler?” Tommy took in Buck’s confused expression. “Batman? Alfred, his butler?”
“Oh, I don’t really watch a lot of superhero movies. Or well, movies in general.”
“Seriously?” If Buck was showing his class a photo of Tommy’s expression for a writing activity, he’d definitely file it under ‘baffled’.
“I’ve never been a really big movie person,” Buck shrugged.
“I should write you a list,” Tommy said, half to himself.
“Of movies?” Buck was amused. He’d watched a lot of Disney and Pixar with Chris when he was younger, and now with Jee, but he usually had too many things to catch up on when he was by himself, and would put on a podcast or an audiobook to listen to while he did laundry or cooked or did whatever other chores he’d forgotten about.
“Yeah. Like, top 52 you should know. One a week for a year.”
Buck laughed. “I pretty much only turn on the tv for the news or to play video games with Chris.”
“I’m definitely making you a list,” Tommy decided.
“I can add it to the list of things I definitely say I’ll watch and then never do.”
“I think I’d be disappointed if you ignored my hard work,” Tommy said. “I’ll have it to you by the end of the week. Would you find it easier to watch them if I made you write a report on them? Score out of ten and your reason why?”
The tone was teasing but Buck found himself thinking about it a little too hard.
Albert bounded back to the table, interrupting them. “Maddie and Karen want the wireless mics so they can get started.”
Tommy checked that they were both on and working before handing them over, while Buck pulled out his phone and texted Eddie to come back to the gym. He slid it back into his pocked and rubbed his hands on his jeans, trying to get the sudden excess sweat off of them.
Tommy seemed focused on the audio equipment, and either hadn’t noticed Buck’s odd silence or wasn’t acknowledging it.
tag list @chimneyz @morgangilloryy @swagmaster9k @geekwarrior107 @racerchix21 @fan-of-a-lot @desert--moonchild @bybobbysbeard
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rat-rosemary · 4 months ago
Okay so, I know some people are happy that we got this litte look at he future (because I don't think the nuke end was really retconned) but like. If it was, wouldn't it make it 100 times sadder?
The world is empty. Most people have left, most to just die somewhere else. Tommy is a ghost haunting a server long abandoned. Its dead but he just can't let go
Not even Dream is here anymore, Sapnap and George chasing after him like they always do, gone the second they woke up from their long dreams. If you were to look into their eyes they wouldn't recognize you
Wilbur and Quackity have both left to decay and explode somewhere else, and with them took a good handful of Tommy's friends. Bad always had a home-base to return to, and the original members rest there peacefully
And Tommy just. Stays. Hopes for a visit. Never grows, never changes, isolated from anyone. This is a worse ending then forgiveness and understanding and fire and brimstone.
He's just alone collecting dust
Please what you're describing isn't a happy ending is just a second worse bad ending. Healing comes from community and connection, not from defeating the big evil
In the corpse of your biggest enemy you will find no peace, only more blood
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spagetroach · 25 days ago
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Work in progress, it's sad enough as it is, cause it didn't happen, but I'm probably gonna make it a whole lot sadder. Or happier, depending on how you look at it. Anyway, first arcane drawing that isn't heavily referenced, and my first timebomb artwork, enjoy!
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buckxtommy · 9 months ago
if you're trying to disguise your blatant homophobia specifically targeted at gay men and their display of affection as "man-hating lesbianism" you're a disgrace to dykehood, full offense. gay men can be emotionally vulnerable with each other at the same time they're being sensual. homoeroticism/sexuality & sincerity can co-exist without reducing one another. it's normal. it's healthy. there's nothing weird/evil/"poisonous" about it. what's poisonous is you spewing violent homophobic rhetoric just because a gay character you don't like flirted w his boyfriend (which was very much reciprocated) in a way you didn't like. it goes without saying but the leather butches and dykes who fought and rioted in the frontlines for liberation in the 80s as the biggest supporters of gay men would be ashamed of you & your constant demonization of queer men
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cruesuffix · 26 days ago
behind the scenes footage of the carnival of sin tour
i love vids like this. i come back to this one occasionally because i love it so much. behind the scenes, rehearsal footage… anything of that kind makes me happy. i love knowing the process of these things, knowing what it takes to make a tour of this scale. plus the interviews with the band and other members of the road crew are also pretty interesting to me. also i feel kinda bad that i only know two members of their road crew, one of which was a former drum tech for tommy. i know my other fav bands road crew members but not the crues. gonna make it my mission to figure out who used to help the crue out back in the day.
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ziorite · 10 months ago
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this is evan “buck” buckley and he’s very enthusiastic about being an ally. so enthusiastic, in fact, that he puts a rainbow in his bio every pride month 😌 (he also kisses boys but that’s unrelated)
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