#and the owner refuses to hire any more people
corbinite · 2 years
One of my coworkers calls out just about every time there's a game on and he never fucking tells us until just after the shift starts. He SAYS he has a family emergency but come fucking on we know the pattern by now. He wasn't even originally scheduled today, literally yesterday he said "yeah i can take that shift" KNOWING he'd be calling out. And it's not the first time this has happened, where we ask him "i know there's a game tomorrow but will you be able to come in? Tell us if not, we can work around it if you set a boundary so just please be honest" and he says yeah he'll be in and then can you believe to learn that it was a lie?
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When Facebook came for your battery, feudal security failed
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When George Hayward was working as a Facebook data-scientist, his bosses ordered him to run a “negative test,” updating Facebook Messenger to deliberately drain users’ batteries, in order to determine how power-hungry various parts of the apps were. Hayward refused, and Facebook fired him, and he sued:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Hayward balked because he knew that among the 1.3 billion people who use Messenger, some would be placed in harm’s way if Facebook deliberately drained their batteries — physically stranded, unable to communicate with loved ones experiencing emergencies, or locked out of their identification, payment method, and all the other functions filled by mobile phones.
As Hayward told Kathianne Boniello at the New York Post, “Any data scientist worth his or her salt will know, ‘Don’t hurt people…’ I refused to do this test. It turns out if you tell your boss, ‘No, that’s illegal,’ it doesn’t go over very well.”
Negative testing is standard practice at Facebook, and Hayward was given a document called “How to run thoughtful negative tests” regarding which he said, “I have never seen a more horrible document in my career.”
We don’t know much else, because Hayward’s employment contract included a non-negotiable binding arbitration waiver, which means that he surrendered his right to seek legal redress from his former employer. Instead, his claim will be heard by an arbitrator — that is, a fake corporate judge who is paid by Facebook to decide if Facebook was wrong. Even if he finds in Hayward’s favor — something that arbitrators do far less frequently than real judges do — the judgment, and all the information that led up to it, will be confidential, meaning we won’t get to find out more:
One significant element of this story is that the malicious code was inserted into Facebook’s app. Apps, we’re told, are more secure than real software. Under the “curated computing” model, you forfeit your right to decide what programs run on your devices, and the manufacturer keeps you safe. But in practice, apps are just software, only worse:
Apps are part what Bruce Schneier calls “feudal security.” In this model, we defend ourselves against the bandits who roam the internet by moving into a warlord’s fortress. So long as we do what the warlord tells us to do, his hired mercenaries will keep us safe from the bandits:
But in practice, the mercenaries aren’t all that good at their jobs. They let all kinds of badware into the fortress, like the “pig butchering” apps that snuck into the two major mobile app stores:
It’s not merely that the app stores’ masters make mistakes — it’s that when they screw up, we have no recourse. You can’t switch to an app store that pays closer attention, or that lets you install low-level software that monitors and overrides the apps you download.
Indeed, Apple’s Developer Agreement bans apps that violate other services’ terms of service, and they’ve blocked apps like OG App that block Facebook’s surveillance and other enshittification measures, siding with Facebook against Apple device owners who assert the right to control how they interact with the company:
When a company insists that you must be rendered helpless as a condition of protecting you, it sets itself up for ghastly failures. Apple’s decision to prevent every one of its Chinese users from overriding its decisions led inevitably and foreseeably to the Chinese government ordering Apple to spy on those users:
Apple isn’t shy about thwarting Facebook’s business plans, but Apple uses that power selectively — they blocked Facebook from spying on Iphone users (yay!) and Apple covertly spied on its customers in exactly the same way as Facebook, for exactly the same purpose, and lied about it:
The ultimately, irresolvable problem of Feudal Security is that the warlord’s mercenaries will protect you against anyone — except the warlord who pays them. When Apple or Google or Facebook decides to attack its users, the company’s security experts will bend their efforts to preventing those users from defending themselves, turning the fortress into a prison:
Feudal security leaves us at the mercy of giant corporations — fallible and just as vulnerable to temptation as any of us. Both binding arbitration and feudal security assume that the benevolent dictator will always be benevolent, and never make a mistake. Time and again, these assumptions are proven to be nonsense.
Image: Anthony Quintano (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mark_Zuckerberg_F8_2018_Keynote_%2841118890174%29.jpg
CC BY 2.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A painting depicting the Roman sacking of Jerusalem. The Roman leader's head has been replaced with Mark Zuckerberg's head. The wall has Apple's 'Think Different' wordmark and an Ios 'low battery' icon.]
Next week (Feb 8-17), I'll be in Australia, touring my book *Chokepoint Capitalism* with my co-author, Rebecca Giblin. We'll be in Brisbane on Feb 8, and then we're doing a remote event for NZ on Feb 9. Next is Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra. I hope to see you!
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dirtylittleheart333 · 4 months
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While on vacation with all the old Boston friends, one of Chris' best friends walks in on him while he is showering. She wickedly watches him, but there is a twist...
Paring: Chris x Fem!Reader Warning: 18+ Smut, Fucking, P in V, masturbation, oral, cream-pie, squirt, etc Notes: Listened to Meg Meyers ''desire''. I loved writing this & I hope you enjoy it too. Type: One-shot
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A DIRTY LITTLE HEART It was going to happen. It was bound to happen.
You walked to the bathroom, your head bopping up and down to the music floating through your earbuds into your ears. Your feet silently sank into the plush grey-fitted carpet extending throughout the long hallway. You were thinking of nothing but the lyrics and getting into a cool shower as you clutched your fresh clothing and white fluffy towel to your chest.
The triplets, yourself, and your friends in Boston decided to club together and rent a holiday home for the summer vacation. It was an easy decision because you were a tight-knit group who got along without any hitches. Loyal, trustworthy friends who respected each other through and through. There was a plethora of things to do and places to visit making Florida the perfect destination. The house you had hired was on the luxurious side of the scale, with enough bedrooms for each of you, that had spacious rooms and though it lacked just as many bathrooms, it did have one bathroom that resembled a mini spa. It didn’t bother anyone and they assumed the owners thought the mini spa-like bathroom made up for it.
The bathroom light was on, throwing a thin beam of light under the door crack, and the door was closed, but not latched. You didn’t pay mind because with a house filled with people, someone probably mistakenly left the light on. The door, after all, had not been latched, and it was also past midnight so, you assumed everyone had gone to bed. You pushed the door open with your foot - just enough for you to slip into the bathroom. The contrast of the bright white bathroom light to the dark hallway, had you squeezing your eyes shut for a few seconds, before opening them to a scene in front of you that you would never forget.
Your eyes first fell on the clothes haphazardly strewn on the floor, and it was at that very second, when you recognized the clothing, that you should have fled the bathroom. Your brain was screaming for you to leave – this was one of your best friends! Yet your heart...your heart…was telling her something completely different. Your body? Your body refused to listen to either your brain or heart. Fuck the brain and the heart! Your body wanted… him.
Your eyes moved over the grey shorts you loved seeing him in so much, then over the black t-shirt with ‘pirate girl’ written on it, which you also loved on him, especially since he took scissors to them and cut the sleeves off. Then there were the black underpants, then his socks and shoes. You wanted to giggle because you could tell exactly what order he took everything off as he walked to the shower. You, yourself was more of a pile everything on top of each other, and put your shoes neatly together to one side. Chris though, was a discarder – he haphazardly discarded his clothes and shoes. You knew he had kicked his shoes off because one was upright, next to his shorts, while the other, lay on its side on the blue and white bathmat in front of the tub.
You swallowed hard as your eyes lifted slowly to the shower. It was mid-summer; a heat wave was rolling across the country and they were right in the midst of it, so, everyone was having cold showers instead of hot…which meant there was absolutely no steam to fog the clear glass shower door.
You eyes trailed up his legs and stopped on his superior ass that caused you to audibly gasp. You knew he would have a nice ass, but this?! Fucking-fantastic! Could you bounce a coin off of it? Most certainly yes. Did you want to smack it? Oh, hell yes! You immediately lifted a hand to your mouth and cupped it, as you curled your bottom lip between your lips. In a huge bathroom with nothing much to absorb sound, a needle dropping would bounce off the tiled walls. You also closed your eyes for a second waiting for Chris to start yelling at you and ask you what the hell you thought you was doing. However, there was nothing except the music playing in your ears. You couldn’t even hear the sound of the water raining down on him. You slowly opened one eye, peeping through it to see if Chris was standing with a towel around himself yelling at you, but he was still under the cool shower. However, he had turned 60 degrees… towards you!
‘Fuck’ you silently screamed, and your eyes immediately searched Chris’ face to see if he was any the wiser that you were there, but his eyes were firmly closed as he tilted his head back and lifted his face up to the water. You inhaled the feint scent of his masculine body wash and shampoo as your eyes ran over his naked body. Your eyes lingered on his chest, stomach, and V line before your eyes fell onto his perfect…very perfect dick. You heard herself squeak as you bit your bottom lip harder. The damn music in your ears along with the sight of Chris made every nerve in your body tingle in pure bliss. His dick was so solid and rock hard, - you were sure if he tapped your pussy with it, you would break in half. It was long, thick, and straight, oh lordy, it was so straight, jutting up, begging to be held, to be stroked, to be relieved of the pressure. As Chris brought his hand down from wiping water off his face, to curl his palm and those long, idyllic, superb fingers around his thick shaft, You pulled your hand away from your mouth and yanked the earbuds out just as Chris let out a throaty moan.
Holy shit! You actually started shaking at how he moaned, as you pushed the earbuds into your shorts pocket, but one of the earbuds got hooked on the lip of the pocket and somehow bounced into the air. Shit. You really didn’t want that to be the reason he was alerted to your presence. Your wicked presence. You quickly dipped your hand below the earbud that clearly thought it was a time to be free-spirited and caught it with a silent sigh of relief. Chris groaned again and you looked at him, pushing the earbuds back, deep into your pocket. You watched as he firmly grasped his erection in his fist pumping with great fervor as the most sublime, toe-curling, moans and groans emanated from him. It took all of your willpower to not drop your belongings and begin to touch yourself.
As you watched him with attentive eyes, you knew he was getting close. You were going to have to time it perfectly so you could see him cum and leave just before he finished…though, you desperately wanted to watch the whole show. Chris’s other hand lifted and he placed his palm against the smokey grey tiles, his chest rising and falling at a faster rate than it was. He dropped his head slightly, and the most enthralling, pleasurable moan that escaped him sent a shiver up your spine. His knees buckled slightly and his hand almost became a blur as he said ‘’Fuuuckk,’’ and tilted his head back. You unconsciously licked your lips as you watched his cum flying through the air.
Some hit the wall, while some landed on the floor and you were surprised at how much he had cum, and was still cumming when you spun around on the spot and quietly left the bathroom, thinking what a waste of his cum that was, when it could have been in one of her many holes or, on yourself. The thought of it actually swirling down the drain with the water left her feeling somewhat somber. You leaned against the wall just outside the bathroom, breathing heavily yourself from a mixture of anticipation, thrills, lust, and adrenaline. Your heart was beating fast and you had a fine sheet of perspiration on your skin. You sucked in a breath, knowing that above all the mixed emotions coursing through your veins, you were breathing that heavily because you had secretly loved Chris for a long time.
You pushed herself away from the wall, pondering on how you fell in love with Chris. When? How? You had been friends for as long as you could recall with the Triplets, though Chris and you enjoyed competing in everything and, with each other. Whether it was a basketball game, baking, or challenges, you were always the two up against each other. You loved to see who would win. You had fun, you teased each other playfully but that was where it ended. You made sure when you were around Chris, you hid and buried your feelings so no one, especially him, could see how you really felt about him. You thought you did, anyway.
After you had padded back to your room, a few doors down from the bathroom, you stopped in front of your bedroom door and swung your head in the direction of the bathroom, realizing that there wasn’t a how or when you fell in love. You just fell in love with the boy who turned into a man over the years, and it wasn’t that he was just good-looking, or because he made you laugh, it was everything about him. You loved everything about him.
A guilt that had been seeded in the pit of your stomach as soon as you knew Chris was in the bathroom had suddenly sprouted and the guilt seemed to vine its way through you with every passing second. You let out a deep, audible sigh and turned back around. You had no idea what you were going to say to Chris but you knew you would figure it out. You bit your bottom lip thinking you couldn’t possibly say ‘’hey Chris I walked into the bathroom and watched you rub one out. Sorry.’’ First of all, you weren’t sorry. You weren’t sorry at all. Second of all, it could ruin your friendship. Deep in thought and focused on what you were going say, you walked back to the bathroom and pushed the door open.
There, facing you was Chris. Naked. His towel just left his fingertips as he dropped it to the floor beside himself. Why was he not dressed yet? You had expected him to be dressed, maybe brushing his teeth. The faint smell of mint clinging to the air told you he had brushed his teeth before getting dressed, and your breath hitched in your throat. You fucked up. So badly. Twice. You closed your eyes, squeezed them shut, and let out a shaky breath.
When you snapped your eyes open Chris was still standing in the same spot, and you could only surmise that he was in shock. It bothered you that you couldn’t read his expression because Chris was a really expressive person, even in his facial features. You cleared your throat and shifted on your spot, your eyes shifting from his eyes, down his body again. You didn’t want to, but your eyes apparently had a mind of their own. You couldn't help it. Fuck! You had the perfect, most wonderful view of his flaccid dick, right in front of you. Strangely though, Chris didn’t try and cover himself up or turn away. He knew he had a perfect dick and continued to let you gaze. Gaze? No, you were enraptured and staring. You so much wanted to revel in the pleasure of giving him a blow job. However, as hard as it was, you were able to pull your eyes off of him and turn around.
‘’I apologize, Chris,’’ you said choosing you words carefully because again, you weren't sorry. You just couldn't find the remorse for walking in on him, twice, and seeing his dick.
‘’Y/N,’’ Chris said, as you took a step to leave the bathroom. You closed her eyes, scrunching her nose up, not knowing if he was going to yell at you or if he was going to be sweet and tell you what you did was wrong in the kindest way he could. He was going to make you feel so guilty that the guilt would ooze from every pore on your body. You would have preferred Chris yelling at you.
You took a deep breath and turned back around. You eyes locked for a few seconds and you intended to keep it that way but your eyes were betraying you yet again. ‘SLUT!’ your brain shouted at you. You had never in your life felt your body and brain having such a tug of war. It usually worked as a whole, together in a uniform fashion but for the past half hour every part of your body was wanting and doing a different thing. It wasn't that any part of you didn't want to see him, it was your moral values bugged you - he was your best friend. You reasoned with herself that if Chris was going to yell or be sweet about it…or even end your friendship, at least you had a really good view while he did it!
Then it happened. It twitched. You saw it, it twitched! And with that one twitch, it became longer and larger. Your world came to a standstill, your eyes fixed on Chris’ dick, him standing motionless before you and your mind went to the song you were listening to earlier – ‘Desire, I’m hungry, I hope you feed me. How do you want me?’ It twitched again, and all by itself, without any help from his fingers, it began to grow on its own. And he let you watch it happen.
When it was fully erect, pointing boldly skyward, his silky smooth head and hole staring up at the ceiling, you finally lifted your eyes to meet his. You found him intently staring at you, studying you, a very small smile playing on his lips. The corners of his mouth turned up ever so slightly. You blinked at him, thinking his recovery time was astonishing – he had only just cum and it was plenty. You opened her mouth and closed it again, only to open it again but all that came out was squeak. Chris let out a short laugh and you quickly cleared your throat.
‘’Wow,’’ was all you could manage to muster up, and this time he smiled. A big, broad smile that could melt your heart and make your legs go weak at times, but you could tell behind his eyes, that his mind was working overtime. You could always tell when he was deep in thought because he got a faraway look and you could almost hear the cogs turning in his head.
Thinking you should leave him alone, you turned and took a few steps and just when your foot touched the carpet in the hallway, he said:
‘’You’re just gonna pull the trigger and walk away? Did you enjoy enjoy the show?’’ Chris asked in a low, sexy voice that made you shiver and stop in your tracks. You looked over your shoulder at him.
‘’How did you know?’’ you asked, feeling your cheeks grow hot, as you turned back around
Chris smiled and picked the towel up that was laying on the floor and put it around his waist, his still hard dick tenting it. He then grabbed his belongings off the floor and stood up straight.
‘’It’s your birthday in a few days…that perfume you use always smells so nice. Subtle but potent at the same time. I smell it all day on you too, so it must be good quality. What’s it called, so I can get you another bottle?’’ he asked as he walked towards you
You gave him a confused look and mumbled, ‘’Jo Malone. Blue suede and peony.’’
‘’Mmmm,’’ he said, side stepping you to get out the door, ‘’I can always tell when you’ve come into a room. It just smells so fucking good.’’
Your mouth fell open and you let out a sigh as you picked a foot up off the cool tiles slightly and stomped it back down. FUCK! He knew you were there all the time and he didn’t once let on that he knew. He jacked off, knowing you were there. You felt like a jackass, but were you sorry? Nope, still not.
Chris laughed, ‘’enjoy your shower babe,’’ he said as he walked out of the bathroom.
‘’You won’t win, Chris. Just because you knew -’’ you were saying but Chris cut you off
‘’Oh, y/n, I’ve already won,’’ he said and closed the door cutting the conversation off.
You huffed and threw your belongings on the basin counter. You looked into the huge mirror before yourself and smiled – at least he wasn’t pissed off. In all intents and purposes, you felt like you were the one who won; you were the one who got to see him naked, to see the hottest, most arousing thing you had ever seen when he had masturbated. You would never tell him that though. As you stared at herself, your smile started to disappear and a frown took its place…why did he think he won?
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After you had washed and conditioned your hair, you scrubbed your body with a coconut body wash you loved and then shaved. You were enjoying your last moments in the shower when you looked at the tiled wall where Chris’ cum had landed but had washed away by now, showing no sign he had even been in the bathroom. You ran a hand over your face wondering if you had imagined it all? You had been out in the sun all day, soaking up the heat and rays, so maybe you were tired and fantasized about it? Chris had been so calm with the whole situation – were you both going to pretend it never happened, if it did? Fuck, how were you going to do that when you had witnessed one of the most phenomenal things you had ever seen…by your best friend?
Your palms were planted firmly against the tiled wall as you lowered your head into the tepid spray of the shower. With your eyes closed, you just smiled to herself, feeling giddy. Your one hand slid down the tiles and you touched your swollen nipples, rolling them in gentle twists. You felt weightless like you were made of pure sensation. The delicious warmth in your pussy seemed to radiate throughout your body. Now your hand moved down to cup your smooth mound. You raked the damp furrow with your finger, imagining it was Chris’. You had thought earlier that his fingers were ‘’idealistic’ and you thought of that word because that’s exactly what they were – ideal to slide into any pussy. Any woman who had a pulse would have wanted that because they were perfect, long, slim. Your lips parted easily as you teased herself, feeling a new flush of nectar. The pulse in your clit was already growing and you let out a moan, feeling your orgasm coming on fast and furiously. You weren’t surprised.
You suddenly heard the familiar click of the metal magnets on the huge glass door and before you could even react, you felt a hand clasp around your wrist, then around the one on the wall. You gasped, but when you saw the hands, you found yourself smiling wickedly.
‘’Not yet sweet cheeks,’’ Chris whispered in your ear and pulled both of your arms behind your back. Chris called you that every now and then, but it was always in a teasing manner, however, he was far from teasing her now. He gathered your delicate wrists together in his left hand, pinning them behind your back but slightly to the left so that he could get closer to you. His free hand slid around your waist and over your toned stomach, then up your abdomen until he cupped one of your breasts. You let a moan escape your lips as a reward when he gently but firmly squeezed it and flicked the nipple. You closed your eyes when he moved even closer to you, pushing his hard dick into the small of your back.
‘’It’s only fair that I came to watch,’’ he said into your ear again and pushed his lips to your wet temple.
You nodded in agreement. Hell, he could have you…all of you as punishment for doing what you did.
‘’You are so…fucking gorgeous,’’ he whispered again, his lips brushing your earlobe, causing you to shiver slightly
‘’You were a naughty girl,’’ he said softly, his hand running back down to your stomach and all you could do was nod in agreement again. The only logical thought you could conjure up was that your pussy was throbbing and you needed him inside of you.
‘’How long? How long have you been feeling this way towards me?’’ he asked as his fingers slid over your smooth pussy.
You only let out a breath of a groan and spread your legs a fraction further to give him better access.
‘’Baby girl, how long?’’ he asked and yanked slightly on your wrists
‘’A…a long time. I don’t know where along the line I fell for you, but I did. I didn’t mean to come in here tonight, it was an accident, Chris, but I’m not sorry,’’ you said and sucked in a sharp breath when he parted your pussy lips and then slid a finger into you.
‘’I know…because I’ve felt the same way about you, and I think it’s time you knew the animal, the one that sleeps inside. The thing that adores you, needs you and wants to fuck you,’’ he whispered.
Your eyes snapped open and you turned your head to look at Chris, tilting your head up slightly. He smiled at you and dipped his head, then pushed his lips against yours. He kissed you once, twice, to make sure you were okay with this and you let him know it was by latching onto his lips in the third kiss. You parted his lips with your own and plunged your tongue into his mouth. This time it was Chris who rewarded you with a moan. The hungry fuelled kiss was nothing short of primal desire.
Chris slipped his ring finger into you, stretching you, causing you to gasp into the kiss.
Chris pulled from the kiss, a smirk on his face, ‘’ooo, you’re tight,’’ he said excitedly, but not really surprised You were always ready to play a sport or up for anything competitive. Your competitive side made you even more appealing to him, though, he knew even if you weren't, he would have still fallen for you because you were sweet, generous, and utterly gorgeous in and out. ‘’I don’t know that I’m going to fit in you.’’
‘’Make it fit,’’ you said and Chris let out a low moan
‘’Tell me who’s going to win tonight,’’ Chris asked next to your ear again as you leaned your head back against his chest. He could tell you were going to cum soon. Your walls had started fluttering around his fingers and your breathing had increased significantly.
‘’We…both…are…’’ you said without thinking, between breaths
‘’Fuck, yes baby girl,’’ he said letting go of your wrists and pulling his fingers out from you, but he didn’t go far; he slid them up to your small, pearly clit. His other hand slid up your back and he gathered your wet hair into his fist as he began to kiss you, placing the most delectable kisses on your soft skin. He started on your shoulder, moving to her neck.
‘’I have a deep secret,’’ he said between the kisses, as he moved around you so that he was standing in front of you, but he never stopped circling your clit. He was driving you insanely wild. The man knew what he was doing. He was applying just enough pressure and movement to keep you on edge but not enough to get you off yet.
‘’Chris…’’ you breathed
‘’It’s you. You’re my deep secret. In my fantasy you look so good with my cum all over you, inside you or dripping from your pussy. There’s spit and sweat.. I know exactly what time you go and shower, baby girl; you’re a creature of habit. Think it was coincidental I was in here? I knew if you stayed while I was showering, I won. If you stayed I knew it meant you felt the same way I feel about you. You stayed, we’re both going to win. Now cum,’’ he said and pushed just a little harder, and went a fraction faster, on your clit. Your eyes widened as you sucked in a breath.
Chris knew you well enough to know you were filling your lungs with air as your orgasm hit, to let the air out in a scream. He put his hand on the back of your head and pulled you towards his chest, burying your face against himself. Your arms flew up behind him and you grabbed his shoulders, clinging onto him as you screamed into his chest, your legs starting to shake uncontrollably as shock waves of pleasure ripped through you from your heels to her temples. Although your scream was muffled, Chris was sure the beginning of your scream had been heard throughout the house. It had echoed in the bathroom, bouncing off the tiled walls.
Chris put an arm around your waist to keep you from falling as your body shook and you rode out your orgasm. Your grip on his shoulders eventually eased up and you tilted your face up and looked at Chris with your big eyes. You bit her lip in such a seductive way, his cock twitched and he smiled at you, raising his brows.
‘’What?’’ he asked putting his fingers under your chin. He brushed his thumb over your lip making you feel like you were adored by him.
‘’That was…afuckingmazing. I’ve never cum that hard,’’ you whispered, barely audible over the sound of the water
‘’Just wait, we’re going to have so much fun but, on your knees baby. I hated being second best every time you went out with someone else,’’ he said, pushing you down as he said it.
You licked you lips and smiled up at him, ‘’oh, Chris, you were never second best. Nothing happened with any of them, because they weren’t you,’’ you said and opened your mouth.
‘Fuck!’ he thought, curling his hand tighter around your hair. He let out an audible groan of pleasure as your lips met the tip of his penis. Pleasure spread throughout his groin before shooting along his entire body, causing his muscles to clench and his fist to tighten roughly in your hair. He had closed his eyes with absolute pleasure, but they shot back open when you pulled your head back. "Fuck you taste so good!" you said, your words heavy with excitement. "Use my mouth. You deserve it after letting me watch you." Your words made his cock pulse with a fresh influx of blood as the adrenaline kicked in. His award-winning smile crept back to his lips as he wrapped your hair around his right hand and gripped it tightly as he grabbed the back of your head with his left. He rocked his hips as he thrust into your mouth simultaneously and pushed your head down on himself. He let out a loud groan of pleasure when he felt the tip of his penis press against the back of your throat. The resistance was only momentary before you opened your throat and took him in. Warm, wet pressure encased his dick as he slid deeper. He kept expecting you to gag or tap out so you could take a break, but then he felt your tongue lapping at his balls.
He was just going to look down at you when there was a knock on the door, and then Nick’s voice came from the other side.
‘’Chris? You okay? We thought we heard a scream a few minutes ago,’’ Nick asked
Chris looked down at you, looking up at him, his dick filling your little mouth, but you looked so fucking good! ‘’Do I sound like a fucking girl when I scream?’’ Chris asked and this time you choked as you tried to laugh, so you pulled back.
‘’Chris? What are you doing in there? Pretty sure I’ve heard the shower running for a while now,’’ Matt asked
‘’I’m…fucking,’’ Chris said and shrugged his shoulders
There was a brief silence before Matt spoke again, ‘’yeah….fucking himself. He is fine.’’
‘’Fuck you Matt!’’ Chris shouted with a laugh as they all started laughing
‘’Wait,’’ Nick said, ‘’Y/n wasn’t in her room…are you…do you know how long we have been watching you two, hoping you would just get together…’’
Chris shook his head, ‘’we’re trying to fuck and he is having a conversation on the other side there,’’ he said and lifted his head, then shouted, ‘’later Nick! Please just…go.’’
‘’Oh,’’ Nick said and burst out laughing, ‘’yeah. Sorry. Carry on.’’
You giggled and Chris pulled you up, then pushed some hair that was plastered on your forehead back, ‘’you okay, or did that just ruin everything?’’ he asked
You smiled and looked from his still-hard rock dick to his eyes. You tilted your head slightly to the side looking into his eyes that looked as if they were pleading with you to still be in the mood. ‘’Chris, wild horses couldn’t drag me out of here,’’ you said and stood on your tippy toes as you lifted your face to his and put your arms around his neck.
Chris gave you a smile and picked you up with ease as he placed one hand on your waist, the other on an ass cheek, and kissed you. He knew he was never going to tire from your delicious kisses. You smiled into the kiss and wrapped your legs around him, his big dick between you, exciting you even more.
Chris kept his one arm firmly on your ass as he turned the water off and then pushed the shower door open. He silently thanked his lucky stars that he could easily hold you as he stepped out of the shower with the full intention of going to his room opposite the bathroom, but it seemed it would be the longest walk of his life when all he wanted to do was bury his already aching dick into your wet pussy. It would also mean you would have to dry yourselves off, and get dressed for a minute to only take your clothes off again.
His eyes landed on the sink counter, made of marble, and since it was a double sink, there was enough space between them to plant your fine little ass on. You had moved your kisses to his cheek, his incredible jaw, and down his neck, leaving Chris to smile at the view in the mirror at the back of the sink counter.
‘’Chris?’’ you said between the kisses
‘’Yeah babe?’’ he replied, squeezing one of your ass cheeks that fit so well into his hand
‘’I need you to fuck me…now,’’ you said. Bingo. The counter it was.
He stepped up to the counter and claimed your lips with his again as he set you down. You let out a tiny gasp as the contrast of the cool counter top hit your hot skin, so Chris immediately pulled you off again and grabbed your big fluffy towel, placing it where you were going to be fucked real good.
‘’Thank you,’’ you whispered as he set you down again
‘’Anything for you,’’ he said with a smile that made your pussy wet, while Chris grabbed his cock and smeared his pre-cum over his shaft.
‘’That’s so hot,’’ you said watching Chris.
Chris smiled, and stroked his cock another two times, and then aimed his cock at your dripping pussy. You pushed yourself back a fraction and lifted your legs, placing your heels on the very edge of the counter, your legs spread open, giving Chris the best view he could have asked for.
‘’Fuuuuck. You’re better than any of my fantasies,’’ he said staring at you as you did to him earlier. ‘’You…you have the best little pussy and titties I’ve ever seen.’’
You smiled but you threw your head back when Chris suddenly bent down and flattened his tongue against your pussy and ran his tongue up to your clit.
‘’Oh my god!’’ you squealed and gripped the edge of the counter with your fingertips as you arched your back. Chris lifted his eyes and with your titties on display the way they were, his pre-cum doubled and ran down his shaft.
Chris laughed and stood up straight, grabbing his dick again, ‘’you taste so fucking good, but I need my dick in you,’’ he said and pressed his tip against your pussy
‘’MMM, yes, get that monster into me,’’ you moaned. You were impossibly slick, with enough warmth radiating from your core to promise a welcoming and unforgettable union. Ever so slowly, he pressed the tip of his dick towards its goal. Your pussy embraced his dick, bringing a gasp from the both of them. A tingling sensation rushed through Chris’ body, threatening to make him lose control. but he growled with pleasure as he squeezed into you, which was echoed by you.
‘’You’re so wet,’’ Chris murmured, with relief
You nodded, ‘’I told you, watching you…is something else,’’ you said and sucked in a breath, ‘’just do it.’’
Chris grabbed the back of your head and pulled you into a hungry kiss as he slammed into you. Her pussy constricted tightly around his shaft, but you were so wet that he could almost feel you sucking him in deeper and deeper. You whimpered into the kiss for a moment but Chris felt you relax almost immediately. The worst was over but, the sudden enveloping of his dick had surprised him, sending a shiver through his body as his climax rushed in. He gritted his teeth and every muscle in his body as he staved off his orgasm. It had never come so fast before, but the highly erotic nature of being with you was a strong force. Chris had paused letting you adjust to him before he started thrusting.
‘’Fuck you feel good,’’ Chris breathed and you could only nod, unable to form coherent words. He was so deep, you expected to taste him in your throat at any moment. Chris kissed you and placed a hand between you legs. He brushed a thumb over your clit and began moving it in circles. He was sure he had only moved his thumb around twice before you moaned into the kiss and your pussy clamped down around him.
You pulled from the kiss and looked at Chris, your eyes were huge, and your breathing was fast and furious. Your mouth was forming a perfect ‘o’, your face riddled with a mixture of confusion and surprise. You placed your hands on Chris's chest and tried to push him away as you simultaneously tried to scoot back. Chris let out a laugh and grabbed your legs just as your heels slipped from the counter, and pulled you back to him, slamming into you. ''Fuck, fuck, fuck...Chris...,''you squealed
‘’Let it out baby,’’ he said
‘’OH MY GOD,’’ you screamed just before he buried your face into his shoulder, your screams muffled against Chris's flesh and muscles as he felt your pussy gush and pulse, soaking his dick and pelvis.
Chris received the most amazing massage he had ever felt. Your body vibrated, you shook for nearly a full minute before you finally came down from your high. Chris slowed his pace down and smiled at you when you pulled your face from his shoulder.
‘’Bet you haven’t cum like that before either?’’ he asked with a proud smirk
You laughed and shook your head, ‘’no. Fuck! Holy fucking fuck,’’ you replied, making him laugh
‘’You’re even more beautiful when you cum, but it’s my turn,’’ he said and began pumping into you again, and it wasn’t long before you were both on the edge, but you won as you cried out in ecstasy, though Chris was right on your tail. Everything hit Chris, sending him tumbling into his own orgasm and pushing him over the edge; the position you were in, the sight of you fucking, the noises emanating from you his dick deep in your pussy, the smell surrounding you and your tight pussy like a vice grip exploding around his cock, then the wet splash against his public bone. Chris let out a loud groan that echoed around the bathroom. He tilted his head back as he shot load after load into you overfilling your pussy. He was still shaking and trembling as he looked down and saw his cum spilling out around his cock. It was so, so tight, he didn’t think there was room, but the site aroused him even more and he groaned again, feeling his last bit of cum shoot out. The orgasm had spread through his body and his legs shook slightly. You started to come down from your orgasm and then slumped against Chris. He wrapped his arms around you, his one hand holding the back of your head, ever protective and scared you would slide off the counter or hit your head. You were well and truly spent. He pushed his lips against your damp hair. Breathing hard, Chris pulled himself out of you and then pulled you closer to him. Your legs slipped off the counter and hung like a rag doll while you fully recovered.
‘’If it all ended now, I’d be set,’’ Chris said softly. ‘’I mean I want a future with little me’s and you’s running around but if it did all end now, I’d be the happiest man there.’’
‘’I think I love you, a lot more than friends,’’ you whispered
‘’I fucking hope so, 'cause I love you too,’’ he said and moved back so he could look at you. You smiled at him as you looked up at him, loving everything about him. ‘’I love that we both won today and I want to keep it that way. Cause baby when it's you and me, we will never lose, when it's you and me...together, ’’ Chris said with such sincerity, you knew that you were really the winner - you had Chris through thick and thin.
''If you didn't set this up, I would have forever been yearning for you,'' you said and intertwined your fingers with his, ''how did you know I stayed to watch you though? The perfume didn't mean I stayed.'' ''I knew you stayed because I would have stayed too. See, we both win,'' he said and pushed his lips to yours thanking the heavens that you had a dirty little heart. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing this. Thank you to everyone who has read, and/or liked it, reblogged, and commented. From the bottom of my heart, It means so much to me and you are really appreciated.
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akalikai · 10 days
i hate the episode name btw
"alice means well but she doesnt really understand" oi celia what do you mean she doesn't understand she got attacked by the same thing sam did
"my head is killing me" i dont think this is a normal headache ALSO IM SO SUSPICIOUS DONT TAKE THE PILLS SAMAMA KHALID COME ON
"all goes to plan" WHAT CELIA WHAT (they say like they're surprised that she's sus)
"ticket officer, not paid enough for this" NONE OF US ARE BUDDY
oh jesus christ colin is gonna end up dead isnt he. and possibly teddy too. both of them acted the same way based on alice saying she was busy
waiy. colin is in the office, but lena and gwen are in the office too?? also lena is gonna end up dead and gwen is gonna feel guilty isn't she
wait they KNOW it was one the train??? wtf???? and why is celia so calm about this
"what unit did you say it was?" "Seventeen-" SEVENTEEN RIGHT HERE-sorry I'm coping with jeonghan's enlistment date okay
"we want your teeth" JARED HOPWORTH??? IS THAT YOU????
now who the FUCK is this custodian hold on checking the VA list-ok nvm not breekon or hope i was wondering bc. yknow. custodian. maybe a reference
this custodian is so real he's like "yeah no this ain't any of my business you do you boo"
get archivisted bro
oooo okay so hilltop centre got a bloody history. but also who is this "he" that hired the custodian? also the fact that he refuses to come in the daytime is very interesting because usually people would find it less creepy at daytime but he seems to be more comfortable at night?? which is giving the dark but ok
"why the outfit was so mismatched, why the clothes were been pinned in place" okay this is kind of reminded me of the stranger for no particular reason????
a precipice????? sorry is there a whole-ass different world??? also celia wtf do you mean "almost"??? yeah sam its about time you asked her more questions
Sam's headache is not comforting me i don't think its normal WOOOOOO CONFIRMATION THE UNIVERSE-JUMPER CELIA
ahhh there it is. she was using him as a balance because she hoped getting him close enough to the magnus institute would make him enough a balance.
god sam you fucking idiot i love you. she betrayed you and lied to you and yet you still fought the archivist for her. also alice coming here worries me because i think she has a close connection to the magnus institute too and she might get sacrificed
gwen you're gonna get yourself and everyone killed oh my god
...see i dont know if i trust that now. i know celia hesitated but who's to say she wouldn't take the opportunity to push sam? or even not done anything when she had the chance to save him? i mean...i guess she did say "even though..."
i dont think sam is dead i mean celia fell through the rift and lived, who's to say sam couldn't do the same? the question is, which universe did he fall into? and will celia tell alice the truth about what she was planning?
mainly, though, i need to know whats going on with colin because WHAT DID HE MEAN WITH FR3DD1 WHAT HAPPENED. AND WHAT IS GOING ON WITH TEDDY.
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askagamedev · 5 months
in light of the microsoft closings, a lot of people saying that getting acquired by a bigger company should be considered a death sentence for small studios. one thing I never understood is why are studios sold? I understand the owners want to cash a check and get out of the anxiety crisis it is running an indie studio but is it that unreasonable to refuse it? does it cause other consequences most people arent aware of?
Honestly, the decision to sell to a publisher is primarily a question of stability.
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Independent studios live and die on their ability to secure contracts regularly, year in and year out. This process is a constant grind, requiring the studio leadership to maintain good relationships with publishers. Financial situations are never super stable, they are often feast or famine when there are tons of opportunities that your studio can't possibly field and then there are lean times when finding work can be difficult. It's especially difficult because there's almost no way that an independent studio can bank the kind of money they'd need to keep everyone paid for any extended period of time without securing a new contract to keep the lights on. There's also the disaster of having so many opportunities that the studio staffs up in order to handle more, only to get caught in a lean period where there isn't enough work to keep everyone employed. In lean times, the independent studio is left to fend for themselves while the publisher-owned studio gets higher priority when the publisher is considering project assignments. And there's always the issue of IP ownership - often the publisher is the one who retains the rights and the studio is work for hire. There's very little room for error when running an independent studio.
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If the studio is owned by the publisher, there isn't a need for securing contracts anymore. An internal studio almost always has priority over an external studio for being assigned a new project. The internal studio can focus on developing games and technology. They don't need to worry about securing IP rights anymore, since they're all owned by the same company. It's a huge reliever of stress from studio leadership to know that there's more of a safety net, even if that safety net is not perfect. When lean economic times hit, everyone suffers - including the internal studios, as we have seen. Large companies will often shed staff during bad times but have a higher overall survival chance than small ones.
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blametheeditor · 4 months
A Little Bit Goes A Long Way
Run Down: To be faced with your own mortality, would it change you for the better, or worse? David never thought he'd have to answer such a question.
Content Warnings: Cursing. Death scenes. Slight gore. Mentions of death and murder. Peril. Calling someone 'it' or 'thing'. Experiments. If you're new to this household, only happy endings, but certainly a roller coaster
*Cough cough*
One minute, David is storming into the kitchen to demand why it’s taking twice as long as usual for food to be delivered out into the dining room. 
The next, the suited man is nearly sent flying back into the hallway from the swinging door slamming into him. Barely gets out of the way in time before a shoe as big as a bus stomps on him. Feels his limbs lock up and refuse to move as he slowly realizes what’s in front of him. 
He’s still in the kitchen of Fazbear Entertainment Center, all too familiar with the layout he changed around after signing paperwork that made him the sole owner of this franchise restaurant, as well as the faces of those he hired who were competent enough to keep their jobs for more than a week. He had opened the door a few feet away only a few seconds ago. 
And yet, somehow, everyone and everything currently tower over him. David couldn’t move the door a single inch now no matter how hard he tried. A rolling counter has wheels that are as tall as him and easily provides a place for him to hide. Chefs and waiters seem more like skyscrapers than people he signs paychecks for. 
That’s not the worst part. The sounds of people talking and food being made are so loud it makes his head feel like it’s going to split open. Simple actions such as walking within ten feet of him cause earthquakes that shake him to his core.
David can’t help but stare. He can’t look away despite knowing he could be killed at any moment if he doesn’t get to safety. Feels himself begin to tremble as it becomes harder and harder to deny what’s in front of him is real. 
Even though it’s impossible for someone to suddenly shrink, there’s no denying the proof before him. Unless he’s simply having an incredibly vivid dream, or hallucination, or something because this can’t be real. 
“Are those pizza’s done?” 
“Careful, how many times do I have to tell you-!” 
David feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up, and in that moment dives under the service cart that stands beside him. Groans from his ungraceful landing before staring in horror as the door opens and someone steps directly where he had been only a  few moments ago. The thought of what would’ve happened, the idea this isn’t a dream and that could’ve been the end decides he’ll be treating this like it’s life or death. 
The business man tries to ignore his heart thumping painfully against his chest as he watches the bustling kitchen, catastrophic giants unaware of his presence. Reminds himself he can’t get stepped on while he cowers under the service cart. He’s safe, at least for now. Unless someone realized what happened and are searching for him. Or the cart gets moved. Or something gets dropped and- 
“Nope,” David murmurs as he closed his eyes to block out the world, clenching his fists to focus on something other than the constant trembles through the ground. 
Those kinds of thoughts are not helpful. He needs to think about finding a safe place, then figure out a plan on how to get his proper height of six feet. But safety’s first. 
...where the hell would he be safe at a size where shoes can crush him like a spider. 
Taking a deep breath in the attempt to calm his nerves, David opens his eyes one at a time. Forces himself to look at the layout down at the ground. Ignoring the fact everything that’s familiar is now deadly, just focusing on places he can run and hide without putting himself in danger. 
Going anywhere near the door is completely off limits. But if he travels further into the kitchen, there’s potential for a safe place to at least wait until the restaurant closes. Such as the toe kick space under the counters, though there’s not much depth to it and someone could spot him from the right angle. There’s small space under the ovens that goes as far back as the wall and seems to have the most cover, but he wouldn’t know if it’s too hot to stay down there. Out of everything, the pantry might be the best option, with plenty of shelves to hide under, and he’d be the farthest away from any possible incidents prone to happen in busy kitchens. 
With that settled, now he just has to figure out how to get there. There’s no cover between where he is now and the pantry door, just a full mile of open air in which he’d be completely vulnerable to dropped items, shoes, and being spotted. 
An involuntary shiver runs down David’s spine at the thought of someone seeing him. That would open an entire can of worms, especially if it’s realized he’s human instead of a pest. Getting killed is one thing, but there’s no telling what someone would do if they get their hands on him. It could range from making him pay for screaming at them because they weren’t doing their job right, to selling him to make a quick buck. 
A glance is sent toward the wheels of the cart he’s currently using as shelter. Because while this could be moved, it doesn't necessarily mean it will be. It had been put here for a reason. He can’t remember if this is normally here every other day, meaning it’s a toss up if it’ll get moved again. 
Which one’s better, then? Taking a chance out in the open, or hoping no one moves the cart? 
...what if he moves the cart? 
David stares at the large wheels for a moment before walking closer, willing to at least give it a try no matter how ridiculous the idea seems. If this actually works, he’ll take it. Though, he does hesitate to actually touch the wheel once he’s close enough to see just how filthy it is. Flinches when it dawns on him he’ll be covered in dust and dirt by the end of this ordeal. 
He sighs long and hard with the reminder of yet another earthquake it’s either this, or an almost guarantee of getting crushed. Grits his teeth and tries to shove at the wheel with all his might. Growls when doesn’t budge, changing his position only to end up with the same results. Meaning he did that for absolutely nothing. 
David looks back out at the kitchen. Narrows his eyes when he realizes the large island is closer to him than the pantry. And if he runs from the island to the counter...he’ll be covered for almost the entire walk. 
It’ll be a lot more work, and shoes are constantly walking between all of the counters, but it’s certainly safer. 
Now there’s three options. He doesn’t like any of them, but he hadn’t asked to get shrunk so these are the cards he’s been dealt with. As shitty as they are, he just has to make the most of them. 
Honestly, taking the long path to the pantry seems like his best bet. It almost seems like he’s been taking too long, so he needs to- 
His train of thought is lost when he sees a pair of shoes suddenly begin to walk toward him. And then words are booming through the air almost directly above. 
“Hey, is the cart claimed?” 
David freezes. Almost screams when the wheel beside him is suddenly turning, scrambling to get a safe distance away. Feels his blood run cold when the entire thing begins to move. And then David starts running. 
He runs after the cart. If there was time to think, he might’ve recognized that as the worst thing he could’ve done, but adrenaline had taken control. The only thing he knew was that his only shelter was being taken away, and there was nothing he could do about it except follow. 
It could’ve ended with him getting caught under a wheel. With it stopping abruptly and him slamming into it. Getting left behind and ending up underfoot from someone walking past. 
None of those happen. Somehow by some miracle David stays with the cart before almost colliding with the underside of the counter. As soon as he hits the wall, he collapses, legs trembling so harshly it’s impossible to stay standing. Arms and chest aching after taking the brunt of the impact. 
But he made it. He made it and that’s all that matters. 
The business man pants, choking on air a few times. Takes a few minutes to slow his breathing and calm his racing heart. Makes the promise to fire every single person on staff for not realizing someone’s peril despite it happening right in front of them. It would be seen as unfair, and he could be sued for a lot of money considering he most likely wouldn’t be able to prove anything, but the thought makes him feel a lot better considering everything. It’d also be worth it. 
David doesn’t know how long it takes to recover, just that it’s dangerous for him to stay any longer. So despite the fact his limbs are still shaking, he carefully pushes himself to a stand. Absolutely refuses to take off his suit jacket even though that would make running easier and help keep him from overheating. Like hell he’s loosing an expensive piece of clothing. He might be shrunk and fighting for his life, but he still has standards. Would rather die with dignity over living with a tarnished reputation. 
Call him shallow and egotistical. The train of thought was able to calm him down, however. Distracted him from the thundering footsteps walking right past him as he walks under the cabinet's toe kick. Hoping its true purpose is rarely used. Unsure if he should be glad he’s short enough he doesn’t have to worry about hitting his head on the overhanging wood, or miffed that he’s shorter than four inches tall. 
The conundrum is forgotten as he turns a corner and becomes face to face with clog, one that’s not blocking his way, but the toe of the shoe so close David could walk forward and shove at it. 
Of course that wouldn’t do anything. The owner of the shoe wouldn’t even notice the attempt. With such a catastrophic object that he’s been terrified of ever since shrinking just staying in one place, it’s almost a slap in the face just how small he really is. He’s not even the size of a mouse that can easily clamber over the shoe. More like a large insect that would need to laboriously climb if it blocked his path completely. 
...he didn’t even think about that. Giants are terrifying, but what if he encounters animals at this size? There’s no shooing away a rat or crushing a roach beneath his shoe, they’re now threats to him instead of nuisances. 
Good news, as long as he doesn’t leave the restaurant, he should be perfectly safe. He ensured all pest had been eliminated on the first day, and has an exterminator on speed dial whenever someone reports having seen so much as a shadow creeping along the ground. 
As for the giants, he can hope he doesn’t have to interact with one anytime soon. 
“Is an oven finally open?” 
“Everything that was cooking the previous round is done. Did you forget to pull the pizza’s out?” 
Part of David wants to yell about how much those he hired are dumbasses to not check if something was left in the oven. The other part slumps in relief as the person standing at the island quickly leaves. The only condolence is the fact it doesn’t smell like something’s burning. 
He needs to focus. Forget about what’s happening around him, concentrate on getting somewhere safe. Fire everyone later. 
David looks across the vast distance from where he stands to the line of cabinets that connect to the pantry. This time, there isn’t a service cart to act as cover as he runs across. It’ll just be him, completely exposed. 
He already feels himself begin to shake at the thought of making such a risky move. His muscles protest at running the large distance in which the only time he’d be able to stop is when he gets to the other side. 
What if he doesn’t make it? What if someone walks by and never notices a miniscule figure? What if they do notice and trap him inside a jar? And what happens if he stays here? The toe kick is only four inches deep, that’s not enough space to guarantee safety. 
David steels himself before carefully leaning out from under the counter. Looks up to barely make out the timer’s on the oven saying there’s ten minutes left. Glances at his left where the pantry sits, door shut tight with the lights currently off. Checks his right to see this area of the kitchen void of stomping shoes. 
He doesn’t hesitate, knowing this might be his only chance, and sprints. Without a single look back to make sure no one’s coming. There would be nothing he could do, so he runs. Never slows down even as his legs burn from overexertion and his lungs send sharp pains through his chest. 
Then the ground starts to jump. David can see he’s already past the halfway mark, but cover is still too far away. He can’t turn around and go back because that wouldn’t be any closer. And even as terror races up his spine and he feels his adrenaline kick in, it’s not enough. He would be an idiot to ever think he could outrun a giant. 
He doesn’t stop. Though the footsteps growing closer and closer attempt to trip him with the earthquakes they bring. It’s a miracle they haven’t gotten to him. 
Until someone gives a small gasp. 
“Shit, there’s a bug in here.” 
“Are you serious?” 
David doesn’t stop. The counters are only ten feet away he’s almost there. 
“I can’t tell what it is, but I need to finish this. Can someone take care of it?” 
“I’ll get it, where is it?” 
Just a few more- 
The business man crashes into the counters at full tilt, not realizing he had actually made it. He swears he broke something this time. But he’s alive. He’s alive he made it he didn’t get crushed. 
“It’s under the counters by the stove.” 
It takes just a little too long for David to realize what that means. Stares out at the kitchen, almost confused why one pair of shoes is pointed directly toward him. Are taking steps toward him. Because he’s safe, he made it. 
It finally clicks. That even though he is somewhere he deemed to be ‘safe’, someone saw him, and they’re coming to take care of the pest infesting an area that needs to be sanitary. 
Once it finally processes David is far from safe, he scrambles to his feet even though he wants to do nothing more than to go limp. He doesn’t know what ‘take care of it’ means, but it can’t be anything good. Where is he supposed to go, though? 
If he was in the right state of mind, the idea of going for the pantry would’ve been recognized as the worst thing he could possibly do. Panic can do so many things, however, and the only thing he could think of was his original plan. Meaning it was the only logical thing to do. 
Yet just as he starts to turn and run in that direction, a hand grabs his wrist. Immediately has David turning to look at who it is, unable to remember why that shouldn’t be possible. 
A teenager stares up at David with wide eyes, tugging at his arm in the opposite direction than was previously chosen. “Follow me, hurry!” 
Any other time, David would refuse. This isn’t any other time, though. No, he was shrunk, had ran for his life, and is now being hunted down by a giant. So there’s not a single protest as he’s frantically led toward the ovens. Doesn’t hesitate a single second to continue following as he’s forced to hunch over to duck into the small area normally impossible to gain access to. Sends a look over his shoulder briefly to catch sight of someone searching all the wrong places for him. 
Then the entire kitchen completely leaves his sight, and he’s left with an alien landscape of metal over his head and a dusty floor. The worst part is how it gets dimmer and dimmer the further they walk. But David is now completely safe from becoming an exotic pet or being treated like an unwanted pest. The teenager who saved him from such a horrific fate never letting his arm go. 
That’s when everything starts to catch up with him. The terror of nearly dying. His limbs completely exhausted. No longer feeling dazed to finally process what just happened. 
“Wait,” David begins, breathless as he comes to a stop. As soon as he does, however, his knees buckle and he sits harshly on the ground. Sighs in relief he can finally rest without the threat of ending up dead. 
Instead of leaving him there, the kid immediately kneels down beside him. It’s almost impossible to make out features and expressions in the darkness, but a stranger wouldn’t be indifferent if the first instinct was to stay close. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” 
David shakes his head.  “Not hurt. Just...ran for my life.” 
“That’ll definitely do it,” the kid murmurs, his voice never raising above a whisper. “I have a safe place we can go, but we can stay here for a bit. We just need to be careful that we don’t overheat.” 
...now that something was said, the business man realizes it is a bit hot where they are. Not burning, but definitely uncomfortable. Especially with the running he previously did and his jacket acting as the main perpetrator for making him overheat quicker than usual. 
But he can survive a few minutes. By then he’ll be able to at the very least stand up again. 
“Here, drink some water.” 
David hadn’t noticed any movement until something is being offered to him. At the promise of it being water, he quicky accepts it, hesitating at the odd texture as his mind recognizes the shape of a cup. Decides it’s not worth making a fuss over and simply drinks. 
It’s water, clean if a bit warm, but he can’t get over just what the fuck he’s using as a cup. “What, is this?” 
“The wat- oh! The cup, it’s just aluminum foil.” 
David stares at the shadowy figure for a moment. Glances up at the metal ‘roof’ above their heads to confirm they’re both only a few inches tall.  “Where did you get aluminum foil?” 
“Long story,” the kid says. “I can tell it to you later. Are you okay to start walking again?” 
David doesn’t want to go anywhere with a complete stranger until he gets answers. Who is this kid? Why does he have supplies? Why was he in the kitchen near the ovens at this exact time? 
It’d be a stupid idea to get on the kid’s bad side now. It was promised there is a safe place to go. So instead of earning himself a death sentence by being left here after making an enemy with the only person who can help him, David bites his tongue to keep from yelling. 
Instead, he carefully stands up, nearly hitting his head on the oven after forgetting there’s not as much space as there was under the counters. “Lead the way.” 
Out of everything, he was not expecting his arm to be grabbed again. “Just to warn you, it’s going to be pretty dark. But I know the way, and I’ve kept the path clear of rodents and insects, so it's not dangerous. Just, terrifying.” 
David has to grit his teeth to keep from sprinting in the opposite direction as he’s led to a fairly wide hole in the back of the cabinets. One that’s pitch black and promises a death worst than being treated like a roach. 
Yet the kid doesn’t even stiffen before walking through it. Which means the business man isn’t declaring he’s not going anywhere near it if some teenager is able to be that courageous. Meaning he allows himself to be led down the tunnel without any objection, secretly glad the grip on his arm gets tighter to promise he won’t be let go. 
They walk in complete silence. It amplifies the sound of their footsteps, but it also means they’ll be able to hear something making its way toward them. And then a faint glow appears in the darkness. Getting brighter the closer they get. David feels his chest get lighter when he’s finally able to see there’s a wall to his right, the wooden cabinets to his left, and absolutely no signs of eyes reflecting in the darkness behind him. 
It’s also revealed their destination was a piece of cardboard. 
“Come inside,” the kid encourages. Before David can demand what’s meant by inside, the cardboard is pushed open like a door. 
Admittedly put off by it, David warily walks through the apparent doorway. Finds himself standing in what he can only describe as a third grader’s shitty attempt to make a diorama of their house for a school project. Complete with a bed that’s nothing but a pile of fabrics, a plastic pizza saver repurposed as a table, and odd $1 prizes the restaurant gives away in exchange for tickets scattered across the room that could be interpreted as anything. And he can’t forget to mention candles meant to be put on birthday cakes acting as lamps. 
When he imagined a safe place, an odd hideout tucked in a corner impossible to access from the outside wasn’t it. Then again, what was he expecting? 
After taking in the room, David turns back toward the person who brought him here, finally able to get a good look at the kid now that he isn’t fearing for his life. Looks over the mop of red hair, bright green eyes watching him nervously, the numerous freckles decorating the nose and cheeks. Gives a glance at the patched up clothes so dusty it’s hard to tell what their true colors are. 
“I need answers, and I need them now,” David growls. “Who the hell are you?” 
“My name’s Fritz,” the kid offers quietly. “You’re David, right?” 
“Mr. Harrison,” is automatically corrected. But then the implication has him glaring. “Have we met before?” 
“Briefly,” Fritz begins. “I...h-here, sit down and I’ll tell you everything.” 
David isn’t given a chance to protest. The kid closes the poor excuse for a door before taking off a bag that wasn’t noticed previously to place it on the floor. A cardboard stool for the lack of a better term is then pushed toward him. 
Fritz then grabs an odd vase that looks like it’s made of metal. Untwists the top before extending a hand toward David. “Would you like more water?” 
He's confused, until he realizes he’s still holding the cup from earlier, one that looks like it’s made from the same material of the odd pitcher. Sighs as he hands it over to be refilled, it being abundantly clear Fritz is going to take his sweet goddamn time. David then carefully sits down, genuinely surprised the crude seat holds his weight. Begins to tap his fingers impatiently. Doesn’t think about how his legs appreciate the rest and how grateful he is for the water after such an arduous adventure. 
“When and where did you shrink?” 
David gives a look at the explanation starting with a question. “Not too long ago, about an hour or so. It happened right as I walked into the kitchen.” 
“The same thing happened to me,” Fritz reveals as he stares down at the table. “I walked into the kitchen to take an order out to a table, and then I just...shrunk.” 
David freezes. So this is apparently a thing that just happens? How is that even possible? Have other people been shrunk as well? Why didn’t he notice employees disappearing? 
And why has Fritz stopped talking? 
A sigh is withheld at the teenager looking as if he’s remembering something unpleasant. “And when did that happen?” 
“A-A few months ago,” is barely said loud enough to be heard. 
...wait. Hold on. 
David wants to call bullshit. There’s no way someone only a few inches tall has managed to survive for a couple of months. David almost died within the first hour. Fritz has to be lying. 
Except, the kid can’t be. The pilfered items scattered around the room seems more than what could be collected in a single day, or even in a full week. Fritz also looks underfed and exhausted. The long term kind. Like he really hasn’t had access to proper care for a while. 
Suddenly, David feels sick to his stomach. At the thought someone could’ve been crushed under the sole of his own shoe, and he never would’ve known. At the realization that if Fritz shrank more than a month ago, and is still shrunk, then the business man’s future is bleak. 
“So you have no idea what caused this.” 
“Not a single clue.” 
Then he really is stuck at this size for the rest of his life. However long that is. 
David stares at Fritz. “What have you done during these past couple months?” 
The teenager shrugs, looking everywhere but at the business man. “Surviving. The kitchen wasn’t the worst place to end up since I have access to food and water. After a month I ventured out into the main area after the restaurant closed. I couldn’t really go far, though. The animatronics could spot me, or I wouldn’t get back to safety before someone came in for the morning shift.” 
A shiver travels down David’s spine at the thought of encountering the animatronics at this size. Quickly pushes the thought away for a different time. “And no one realized you were missing?” 
Fritz flinches at his question. Finally meets his gaze with glossy eyes. “Did you?” 
For the first time since he could remember, David feels remorse. For not knowing someone who worked for him vanished without a trace. A kid for that matter. Didn’t care because he fired people daily, what was one waiter out of the multiple he goes through in a single week. The worst part is that instead of someone going into debt or not being able to pay rent for the month, Fritz had been damned to this kind of hell. 
Even though David would never have thought someone shrunk, he should be able to say he at least looked for Fritz. Make a missing report, check the cameras. If he had, who’s to say he wouldn’t have found the kid. Because attempts were most likely made to get someone’s attention. If David had been looking, would he have noticed? 
David clears his throat. “I will not live like this.” 
Fritz shuffles nervously. “Um, is there someone you could call?” 
The business man almost scoffs before freezing. Because he does not like the idea at all. But it’s either call someone who can at least offer help, or live off of dropped crumbs in his own restaurant. And he’d rather die than take the second option. 
“How the hell would we call-” 
David cuts himself off. Doesn’t address Fritz’s confused look, too embarrassed to look the kid in the eye. Instead, he digs his phone out of his pocket. Blinks against the light much too artificial against what the candles emanate. Stares in disbelief he actually has service. 
“Does it-?” Fritz begins, voice filled with awe. There’s no response to his question. David allows the screen to turn off as he stares at it. 
Who should he call? 
David doesn’t trust a single person on this earth except himself. That means he would have to completely rely on someone he normally wouldn’t even at six feet tall. And considering just how small he is, trusting the wrong person could end with his demise, even if that wasn’t their intention. 
Alright, if he thinks about this logically, his best bet would be Scott. Because if anyone knows about dealing with the impossible, it’s the man who’s William’s lapdog. 
...fuck, William. 
David doesn’t know why it took him so long. His boss is a smart man, knows how to get what he wants. But he’s also created a monstrosity David wishes he never had the honor of meeting. And if William is capable of making something like a certain mutated grape he had first been told was a highly advanced AI, then shrinking someone wouldn’t be completely out of the question. 
Why the fuck did William shrink him! 
“Da- Mr. Harrison?” Fritz asks with a worried look at David’s hand clutching his phone like he wants to break it.  “Are you okay?” 
No, he is far from okay. Good thing he’s able to finally take his anger out. Scrolls through his contacts before selecting Scott’s phone number. 
It takes a few moments for the call to actually do through, but it’s picked up on the first ring. “Hello, hello, David.” 
“My restaurant, 8 o’clock sharp. William has given you quite the mess to clean up,” David snaps. Not in the mood for pleasantries. Even if Scott is a giant to him. 
“I’m not a dog,” the sandy haired man growls. “I would also appreciate a little bit more information.” 
“Come to the kitchen, watch where you step, and listen carefully. Is that enough information for you?” 
“David, are you serious? At least tell me what Afton apparently did.” 
“He apparently shrunk me so I’m shorter than four inches tall and currently hiding behind the cabinets,” the business man huffs. 
Scott suddenly goes silent on the other end. When a minute passes, David checks his phone to make sure the call wasn’t dropped. 
“I swear to God,” the older man breathes. “If you’re lying-” 
“I’m not,” David interrupts. “8 o’clock, kitchen, watch where you step.” 
“Stay safe until then.” 
With that, they both hang up. And David’s met with Fritz looking a mixture of horrified, hopeful, and another emotion he can’t quite identify. 
“I, I-I take it you know someone who can help?” the teenager asks. 
Right. Fritz doesn’t know anything about the truth around Fazbear’s. Granted, it took David a few months to have a proper initiation, but he’s not a small fry employee. He has a lengthy contract that ensures his safety while working for the company. The teenager, on the other hand, is as disposable as the other night guards. If he’s being honest, William might’ve assumed the kid would’ve died within a few hours. Might’ve used him as a guinea pig. 
Surviving multiple months at this size is something William would at least have to respect, right? Or, would that just prove the kid is a liability that needs to be silenced. 
Now David’s faced with a choice. Have Scott meet Fritz, and they both confront William on getting the kid back to his normal size. Or, they play it safe, and David promises to find and care for Fritz once the business man is at his proper height. 
One look at the resigned expression conquering Fritz’s face, and it seems like his thoughts were heard. 
“Th-There’s still a few hours until 8. Would you like to rest for a bit?” 
“You won’t leave this room, will you?” David finds himself asking. Not because he’s protective and genuinely worried for the kid who could get into trouble before help arrives. He’s certainly responsible over Fritz, though. Meaning he can’t let anything happen under his watch. 
Fritz thinks it over for a moment. Nods his head. “I’ll stay here.” 
David doesn’t say another word. He drinks the rest of the water, turns to the poor excuse of a bed, and flops heavily into it. Uncaring if the owner hadn’t meant to give him permission to claim it for a nap. 
And if there was any objections, the business man was already falling asleep before he could hear them. 
”You killed him.”
David whirls around to see Scott staring at him like he’s some kind of monster as they stand in a kitchen that’s all too familiar. 
Anger flairs up, and the want to punch the shorter man in the face rises like a tide. He’s being judged like he’s some kind of murderer? What about Scott being best friends to a literal monstrosity? What about him following the orders of someone like William? What about the night guards? 
“I haven’t killed anyone,” David snaps. 
“Oh really?” Scott growls. “Someone didn’t disappear during a shift inside your own restaurant?” 
The business man bristles. “How was I supposed to know! It’s not like I would’ve known he shrunk. And he’s a teenager, they always walk out without telling anyone and just refuse to show up for work the next day.” 
“Do you know how many times he tried to get your attention? Tried to ask for help? Do you know how many times you ignored him?” 
...is that true? Did Fritz make it all the way to his office at some point? Did David nearly crush him like an irate gnat? Unimportant and nothing but a distraction from his work? 
“What about you? Don’t act so high and mighty when you have actual blood on your hands. How many guards died because your recordings didn’t tell them how to survive?” 
“The difference,” Scott muses. “Is you feel guilty.” 
That’s an implication he doesn’t like for numerous reasons. The confirmation Scott doesn’t care people die despite it being his fault. The truth David is remorseful to not notice someone vanishing from his own staff. That he was close to playing a large part in William’s game without even knowing it. That his actions do have consequences. 
“I didn’t kill him.” 
“Don’t lie to yourself. He’s only alive because he fought for his life. You still pulled the plug.” 
“How was I supposed to know!” David shouts. “I didn’t ask for this! My job is to help the reputation of the company, nothing more! It’s not my fault William thrust this kind of responsibility on me!” 
“Neither did I,” Scott says so condescendingly David's fists clench automatically. “You don’t see me mourning every guard that gets killed, do you?” 
“You’re a sick bastard, you know that?” 
“And you’re any better? Tell me, David, what’s the real reason you don’t want to bring him to Afton?” 
“That’d be a death sentence.” 
“Or it’d be his only salvation,” Scott shrugs. “Let’s look at the savior complex you currently have. If you’re truly worried Afton would kill him to tie up loose ends, then what? Would you actually take care of someone you barely know?” 
David bristles. “Of course I would.” 
“Oh?” and he’s this close to giving in a punching Scott. “As a person, or as a toy.” 
He wouldn’t, no, David wouldn’t do that. He’s seen what it’s like being this small first hand. Nearly died numerous times, he wouldn’t offer Fritz help and only treat the kid like a desk trinket. Technically that would still be better than the way he’s currently living, but the business man wouldn’t do something like that. He’s an asshole but he’s not cruel. 
Yet he can’t help thinking about what will happen a month from now. When Fritz becomes more of a burden than anything. The one thing David can’t stand are people who contribute nothing to this world. It wouldn’t be the kid’s fault, he didn’t ask to be shrunk, but old habits would die hard. 
And David...he’ll forget what it’s like to be that small. Will stop being careful, won’t pay enough attention, and get upset if he’s told about his mistakes until- 
“Well?” Scott probes as David refuses to answer. Makes a noncommittal sound in the back of his throat after the silence stretches on. “They deserve more, David.” 
Now they’re talking about more than just Fritz. About the people he stepped on to get to where he is now. Everyone he’s fired from every business he’s helped in his career, uncaring about how it will affect their lives. 
Actually, you know what, he’s calling bullshit. David deserved getting to where he is. He’s done nothing wrong, and Scott of all people has absolutely no right to judge him. 
He gives into the temptation to wipe the goddamn smirk off the fossil’s face. Raises a hand as he steps forward to grab Scott’s shirt. 
Feels his heart stop when he hears a soft scream before it’s suddenly cut off. 
He doesn’t dare look down at his shoe. Can only stare at Scott sighing long and hard with a sad shake of his head. “I tried to warn you, David.” 
“I didn’t.” Panic starts welling up inside him, his breathing getting shorter and shorter. “H-He’s not, I didn’t-” 
“You did.” 
The words are only stated matter-of-factly. As if he didn’t just kill Fritz. After surviving on his own for months, and the kid’s fatal mistake was saving David’s life. 
”Was it worth it, David?”
David jolts awake, gasping for air before a panicked yell rises in his throat when all that greets him is pure darkness. Where is he, where’s Scott, and where’s- 
“David?” a voice suddenly calls. One the business man almost lunges at to confirm it’s real it has to be real he didn’t kill Fritz. “Oh, the light, sorry! Hold on, I’ll light one.” 
It sounds like actual footsteps and someone moving things around. But without being able to even see his own hands right in front of him, David can’t help but think his talk with Scott was reality and this is the dream. A sick and twisted nightmare where he’ll be forced to hear the kid, but never see him. 
Then there’s sparks, and a flame appears to reveal a corner of the room, as well as a short figure with red hair. 
Offers an apologetic smile before it turns into concern. “Dav- Mr. Harrison, are you okay?” 
Fritz is alive. Fritz is alive. 
David watches for a moment to ensure the kid doesn’t disappear. Once he determines it won’t happen, he flops back into the nest of fabric. Remembers lying down to take a nap. And the promise Fritz wouldn’t leave the room without him. 
“Just...wasn’t expecting to wake up to an empty void,” he manages to grumble. 
“Sorry,” Fritz repeats. “I just didn’t want to waste the light. But I forgot you wouldn’t be used to it.” 
David doesn’t respond. Too drained to do anything more than watch Fritz’s silhouette walk around the room. Almost looking like he’s packing things into the bag from earlier. Realizes he doesn’t know how long he slept for, reaching out to his right to tap on his phone screen. 
7:50pm. The restaurant is closed, everyone on staff should be on their way home after getting everything cleaned, and Scott will be arriving soon. 
Fritz clears his throat. “Would you like to head back to the kitchen to meet your friend?” 
David’s heart drops to the pit of his stomach for more reasons than one. But he forces himself to stand up. Glances at his phone’s battery at 50%. “I’ll lead the way this time.” 
That earns him an incredulous look before he turns on the phone’s flashlight. Fritz jumping back in surprise manages to make his lips curl up. After the scare, the kid beams. “That’s so much better then carrying a candle.” 
“Of course it- you've carried a lit candle around?” David demands once he processes the full sentence, sending a glare after the kid as he puts out the flame. 
“It was the only way to see until I got really familiar with the path,” Fritz explains. “I didn’t have a phone, and no one realizes when a pack of birthday candles from a box of hundreds goes missing.” 
Some people would be impressed by the lengths that were gone to adapt. David’s only thinking about how it’s a miracle Fritz didn’t accidentally kill himself by his own stupidity. 
Instead of validating what he was told with a response, the business man makes his way to the ‘door’, Fritz taking the initiative to open it and then close it behind them. Then they slowly walk down the dark path that’s barely illuminated by the week flashlight, but it keeps the darkness from becoming suffocating. It does nothing to calm David’s thoughts, however. Not just his terror on facing Scott at this size, but about what he should do concerning Fritz. 
“Fritz, did you ever try to get my attention after you shrunk?” 
“...a few times.” 
David suddenly stops. Feels Fritz bump into him before the teenager quickly steps back. He then turns so the light shines on both of them. 
Stares down at someone who has every right to yell and scream at him. Every right to hate David for not being there. For leaving him for dead when his life was on the line in the business man’s own restaurant. Failing to make up for his mistake when there were multiple opportunities if he just paid attention. 
Fritz doesn’t glare or even look upset now that the truth is out. The kid just looks...patient. Not entirely resigned, but not hopeful either. Just, waiting. 
“You recognized me when you saved me,” David says. Earns a nod for confirmation. “So why did you?” 
Fritz becomes panicked. “Why wouldn’t I? They could’ve killed you, I couldn’t let that happen!” 
And that’s when David realizes that even if Fritz was angry that his calls for help were never answered, the kid is nothing but selfless. Was willing to save someone who by every definition didn’t deserve it. Give up his resources even with no promise to be repaid for it. 
...unless he’s been hoping David is his only ticket out. 
“I don’t think there will be a way to grow you to your normal height.” 
There. He ripped the band-aid off. It was going to happen at some point. It’s best if the kid knows now so he doesn’t waste anymore of his time. Yell that he never should’ve saved David if he wasn’t at the very least going to finally escape from this hell. 
Fritz jolts like he was electrocuted. Stares at David for a moment as his green eyes well up with tears. Curls in on himself as he looks at the floor. “O-Oh.” 
The kid takes a deep breath, wiping his eyes before looking up again. “Um, would y-you...do you still have a chance?” 
“I...I guess I had a feeling,” Fritz continues, voice shaky. “I mean, n-no one was looking for me, and after a week it seemed like this was...permanent. I-I didn’t want it to happen to anyone else, though. As terrifying as it’s been, no one deserves this. You don’t think you’re stuck too, do you?” 
It’s said with such a genuine tone of concern. Not for himself. Purely for David. 
“I don’t know,” the business man says. 
Fritz straightens up. “Th-Then we shouldn’t miss your friend if it’s your only chance!” 
David is a bit too stunned to do anything but allow the kid to grab his arm and guide him down the tunnel. Immediately ducks his head once they exit the hole and make their way into the main part of the kitchen from under the oven. 
Both of them freeze at the booming voice calling for the shrunken man. All at once, the terror he felt a few hours ago comes rushing up, and it demands he stays as still and quite as possible. 
“David, are you in here?” 
Fritz slowly comes back to life at the sound of Scott growing worried. Tugs at David’s arm until the business man starts to follow again. “Y-You trust him, right?” 
It’s a miracle the whispered words weren’t drowned out by the sound of fabric moving. “I-I do.” 
Not much. But enough. 
“David,” Scott rumbles, impatience seeping into his tone and causing the two to flinch. “I’m not in the mood for games.” 
They make it to the toe kick. Blink against the blinding light until they can finally make out the towering figure standing by the kitchen door. 
At this angle, David can see Scott entirely. From his sandy hair, to the obscure band t-shirt, to the black converse shoes. Despite the distance, there’s no denying the man normally half a foot shorter than him is a giant who’s shoes could crush him. Hands with fingers longer than he is tall. Hazel eyes similar to his own as big as his head. 
Ones that are narrowed in their direction. 
Oh shit.
Scott is suddenly walking toward them. Fritz immediately flattens himself against the counters. David, on the other hand, wasn’t quick enough and ends up falling onto his back from the earthquakes. 
“Please don’t be a large insect...” 
Look, David is genuinely terrified. But he can’t stop the feeling of indignation surging through him, finding himself sitting up with a glare meant for Scott for comparing him to a bug. 
It vanishes when a hand slams down a few feet away, a face the size of a billboard leaning down, the massive being going completely still when their eyes meet. 
“Oh my God,” has David recoil when the simple action of Scott talking ruffles his hair and suit. “David?” 
“Sc-Scott,” the business man manages. Feels his entire body trembling. “It’s me, I-” 
He hadn’t seen it coming. Even though Scott set his hand down close by, David thought he would be able to get out of the way in time. He didn’t even see it lift off the ground. One moment it seems harmless, the next fingers are curling around him. 
“No, don’t-!” 
David frantically attempts to scramble away as fear claws at his throat. But he's too slow, much too slow. A thumb the size of his torso settles on his chest at the same time another digit folds over his legs. He shoves with all his might to try and get the finger pinning him down away from him, gasping in pain when it only presses harder, forcing the air out of his lungs. 
Then vertigo makes his stomach flip. Meaning he’s being lifted up. Away from the ground, from safety, closer to the giant that’s staring at him like he’s the most interesting thing in the world. 
Don’t kill me, please don’t kill me.
“I can’t believe it,” Scott breathes. “He actually shrunk you.” 
David gasps as the grip gets tighter, shoving at the thumb and kicking his legs in the hope he can escape. “Scott...tight!” 
“S-Sir, you’re hurting him!” 
Everything freezes. 
“Wha-?” the giant mutters intelligently, and all David can see is Scott’s eyes looking at something down on the ground. Lets out a strangled yell when he’s squeezed suddenly. Pain erupting at the feeling like he was punched in the stomach and chest. 
“Open your hand!” 
David chokes on air as the thumb is finally lifted, curls onto his side as he just concentrates on breathing he can finally breathe. 
He sends a glare up at the giant watching him with a troubled look as soon as he can think again. “What, the fuck, Scott?” 
“I’m sorry,” the sandy haired man apologizes. As if it makes everything better. “I hadn’t realized. Are you hurt?” 
He chose the wrong person to trust. “Put me down!” 
Scott seems apprehensive. But then the hand is lowering, and David suddenly remembers Fritz once the kid comes into his line of sight. Had completely forgotten about everything that happened before a hand attempted to squeeze him to death. 
Bad news, his limbs are too shaky to get him away from the giant who’s proven himself to be deadly. Worse news, Fritz comes running over from the safety of the cabinets despite the fact Scott nearly killed David within the first five minutes. 
“Are you ok-k-kay?” the kid whispers, sending a fearful look up at Scott every other second. Offers a hand that’s immediately taken to help sit David up. Gently pats at his chest before recoiling at a painful groan. “Did anything break?” 
“Did anything break?” Scott repeats, at the very least sounding remorseful. 
“No, nothing broke. But I couldn’t, breathe for a good minute,” David snaps with a wheeze. “Now I owe Fritz for saving my life twice.” 
David was not expecting the weirdest part of his day to watch pupils dilate, unable to help watching in fascination as the brown ring seemingly retracts to reveal an almost gold color. 
Then cold fear races down his back at the realization Scott is looking at Fritz. “Twice?” 
The giant better not touch the kid. “It’s been a long day.” 
“I’ve got time to hear about it,” Scott says, doing a great impression of a thunder storm. Looks between them for a moment. Makes David curse and Fritz jump away when fingers curl in closer. “God, you make me feel like a monster.” 
“You almost crushed me!” 
“Your size,” the giant clarifies with a scowl. And despite the revelation of just how big the man is to them, Scott fails to connect the dots such a seemingly harmless expression only meant to show his frustration makes David shake from the thought there will be retaliation he’ll have no way to defend himself against. “But you’re right, I got grabby when I shouldn’t have, and I’m sorry. Let’s, start from the beginning.” 
“Fritz help me get down.” 
The kid slowly approaches Scott’s hand again. Grabs David’s arm even as he trembles to help the business man down the surprisingly high platform a palm makes. Nearly collapses onto Fritz when his legs give out because he’s still not at 100%. He’s on the fence whether to feel grateful or fearful of the finger offering assistance to get him standing upright. 
But Scott completely withdrawals his hand once David’s knees aren’t threatening to buckle. And with it, warmth the business man hadn’t realized was keeping the chill of the room at bay. 
David takes a deep breath. Well, as much as he can without it becoming painful. Looks up at Scott towering over them even while kneeling. “I shrunk the moment I walked into the kitchen, and apparently I wasn’t the first one. The same thing happened to Fritz a few months ago, and he managed to keep me from getting squashed because the staff mistook me for a roach.” 
Scott’s jaw drops. “Months?” 
Not what David thought the sandy haired man would latch onto. Then again, it’s not hard to see the kid is just a teenager. He thought the revelation of William shrinking any and all employees would be the most concerning part. But, this is only new to the business man. Scott’s been with the company long enough to be far too familiar with these kinds of scenarios. That anyone’s up for grabs with experiments, not the shrinking. 
David nods, because he has no reason to not believe the timeline. “Does that mean anything to you?” 
Scott hesitates. Looks at the kid cowering in his shadow. “It sounds like he was the first field test if I’m being honest. Did anyone come looking for you?” 
Fritz jumps when David elbows him, giving a small ‘oh!’ realizing the question was directed at him. “Um-m-m, no one called my name. Or, looked under the cabinets. I-I just, I remember a shadow when I first left the kitchen.” 
That sounds like Vincent. And Scott wincing just proves it. “So he was the guinea pig.” 
“He was,” Scott confirms. “I don't understand why Afton would make such a risky move. His parents would’ve-” 
David doesn't catch it until the giant stops talking. But Fritz’s head is...shaking. “Not my parents...” 
And that’s why David never received a phone call about someone missing while working a shift at his restaurant. Why Fritz vanished and no one really noticed. The kid was so unimportant no one would care if he was dead. 
David clears his throat. “Do you think William can grow Fritz back to his normal height?” 
“I-I’m okay Mr. Harrison,” is said at the same time Scott sighs. He pretends he didn’t hear it. 
“Even if he’d be willing to, I don’t think he can. If it took months to shrink you after shrinking him, it meant results he got in his lab weren’t the same as when Fritz shrunk. Meaning he had to make a few adjustments.” 
Meaning the kid is most likely permanently this size. 
Fritz doesn’t make a single sound. Scott’s careful not to betray any emotion. 
“Take us both to William,” David commands. 
“You are my responsibility,” the business man growls down at the kid. “Don’t be a dumbass. We’ll see if he can get you back to your proper height no matter how short it is. If he can’t, we’ll go from there. But you won’t be leaving my side to get crushed like a bug or end up as somethings dinner, understood?” 
Fritz stares up at him in shock. Like he was fully expecting to get left behind despite everything he’s done. And, if they’re being honest, that had been a genuine possibility. But David owes the kid his life. Besides, if he ever suggested not bringing Fritz along to fend for himself however long they’d be gone, Scott would kill him. 
That’s the only reason. 
A small but hopeful smile tugs on Fritz’s mouth. “Understood.” 
“Wonderful. Scott, set your hand down and we’ll walk on,” David directs. “Don’t grab us.” 
“I learned my lesson,” Scott murmurs as he sets a hand down palm up in front of them. 
He absolutely hates the idea of willingly putting his life in the hands of the giant. It’s the only way to get to William and demand their rightful size back, though. So with clenched teeth and fists, David steps up onto a middle finger almost as thick as he is. 
One that twitches and sends him tumbling. 
David scrambles to try and sit up, arms raising to protect himself from the bone crushing curling fingers. “Scott please don’t!” 
The hand opens again. “That was reflex, I apologize. I wasn’t trying to pin you, I swear.” 
David kicks at the nearest digit, sending a fierce glare up at Scott. “I’m starting to think even Fritz would be a better giant than you.” 
“I don’t have a guide on what to do when I find someone who was shrunk,” the sandy haired man defends. “This is new for both of us. And I don’t think you realize how ticklish you can be.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“You heard me. You feel like a large bug crawling into my hand,” Scott smirks. Before David can protest, the giant looks away, face softening. “He’s okay, Fritz. Just a little rumpled.” 
“Way to scare the kid,” the business man grumbles as he sits up. Sees Fritz shaking like a leaf with skin so pale his freckles look like they’ll jump right off of him. “It’s safe, Fritz, Scott’s just a dumbass.” 
A small step forward as the strap to the bag is held in a white-knuckle grip. A careful step up onto Scott’s first finger. A fearful glance at the giant before another tentative step. There’s a shuddering breath as Fritz continues onto the hand until he makes it to Scott’s palm and immediately sits down. Curls up in a tight ball as he looks around in terror, expecting the fingers to snap shut around them at any moment. 
David slaps at the giant’s thumb. “Why didn’t you trip him?” 
“I was expecting it that time,” Scott grouses. “Unlike some people, I learn from my mistakes.” 
He doesn’t try and refute the claim. Not when he latches onto the fact that Scott now holds both of them. To do whatever he wants with. Put them in a pocket to take home instead of William. Close his hand until he crushes them mercilessly. Trips while walking and let them fall a hundred feet to the unforgiving ground. 
“Ready?” shakes him to his very core. 
...Scott will keep them safe. 
David nods once. Gasps when the hand lifts up way too quickly, gravity flattening him against the palm. Yelps and the same time Fritz shrieks when the ride up suddenly stops, leaving both of them lifting into the air before falling back down. 
This was the worst idea he’s ever had why did they ever trust a giant. 
“Are you two okay?” Scott asks, sounding confused as to why he earned such terrified reactions. 
“You...have no idea how physics works, do you?” David breathes, trying to get his heart to calm back down from the scare. 
Scott stares before his eyes widen, making a soft ‘ah’. “Was I too fast?” 
"Both starting and stopping.” He looks over at Fritz, relieved the kid at least doesn’t seem traumatized. 
“I’ll go slower,” Scott reassures. This time, the giant doesn’t wait for confirmation they’re ready, instead starts to stand up without warning. 
It feels like David’s stomach got left far behind, and he doesn’t dare try to look over the edge of the hand. But to Scott’s credit, he’s much slower. Careful to not abruptly stop so it feels like they’ll go flying. When they don’t scream again, the giant takes it as a que to continue on his journey. Turns slowly, but wind still tussles their clothes and hair. Footsteps jostle them so harshly it feels like their teeth might crack. 
“Feeling okay?” Scott asks. 
“Fine,” David spits out, not wanting to be reminded he’s being held tens of feet above the ground, completely vulnerable to someone he barely trusts on a good day. Catches sight of Fritz looking ten times worse than him, eyes shut tight and holding his knees as close as possible like his life depends on it. “Fritz?” 
“H-H-Heights,” is all the kid can say. 
That must be the worst phobia to have while shrunk. Scott’s sympathetic look says the giant agrees. “If there’s anything I can do to make it better-” 
Scott doesn’t get to finish his sentence. Because the second he steps through the kitchen doorway, David’s falling. Lands before he can try to scream. Braces himself for nothing but blinding hot pain. 
Nothing happens. When he opens his eyes, he sees Scott sitting on the ground, hand on his head as he groans from pain. And the sandy haired man is his size. 
What the fuck just happened? 
David pats down his chest. Winces at the pain from it still tender from Scott squeezing him, but other than that, he’s perfectly fine. No broken bones. No ruptured organs. He’s unhurt, and most importantly, he’s six feet tall again. 
...where’s Fritz? 
“Fritz?” David calls. Looks to his right and left. Next to Scott. But the hallways void of the teenager. Meaning he didn’t grow back to his normal height. “Fritz?” 
“David?” Scott blinks. Gasps when it hits him David grew. “How-? 
“Where’s Fritz?” the business man demands. Looks at hands completely empty of miniscule figures. Feels his heart clench at the thought the kid fell. “Scott where’s Fritz?” 
The sandy haired man gapes at him. Once it processes, once he realizes what it means to not know where the kid is, his eyes dart across the floor. “I don’t know. I didn’t even see what happened, I was just knocked into the wall.” 
“Fritz,” David all but pleads. Not daring to move. Afraid he won’t see the kid if he does. Afraid what he might find. “Don’t be an idiot, tell us where you are, kid.” 
His eyes snap over to the kitchen door at the softest sound he’ll ever encounter. Stares unblinkingly at the tiny figure trying its hardest to become part of the wall. Breathes a sigh of relief when it doesn’t disappear and the familiar features of red hair and a bag over the shoulder confirms it’s Fritz. The kid’s alive, the kid’s alive. 
“You dumbass,” David berates as he turns toward Fritz, careful to go as slow as possible to not spook him, especially with how the poor kid looks like he’s going to bolt at any moment. Trembling so badly it’s impossible to miss despite how small he is. 
Was David really that size? So miniscule that a strong breeze could knock him over? Not even as tall as one of the checkered tiles on the floor? It makes him want to do nothing more than pick Fritz up so he’s safe from everything that could possibly hurt him. David is all too familiar with how dangerous it is to be alone on the ground. 
“Took you long enough.” 
The voice makes David’s skin crawl. After checking to make sure Fritz won't move, he looks down the hallway to see a living shadow standing a few feet away. 
“What the hell do you want?” the business man growls, not happy Vincent decided to show up. What a fantastic end to the worst day of his life. 
“I was just going to make sure you didn’t lock yourself in the kitchen all night,” the purple man shrugs. “I assumed you didn’t want to stay three inches tall for a full 24 hours.” 
That sick son of a bitch. “You mean to tell me that if I had gone right back through that goddamn door, I wouldn’t immediately grown again?” 
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” 
David’s head snaps over to give Scott a seething glare, silently demanding he take responsibility over his mutated grape. The sandy haired man sighs, fixing Vincent with an unimpressed look. “Was Afton’s intention to put David’s life in danger?” 
“Not at all. But accidents happen, and David deciding to go into the kitchen in the middle of a rush instead of during his rounds after the restaurant's been locked up was just unfortunate timing.” 
“Unfortunate?” David seethes. “I was nearly killed! Several times! Why didn’t you come to save me!” 
“I wasn’t around to help,” Vincent smiles and fuck him. “Besides, it was a happy accident. We’ve been trying to get your companion to come out of hiding for a while now, so I’ll just be taking him and be on my way.” 
Companion? Who-? 
David’s hand hovers protectively over Fritz. “And what exactly will you do with him?” 
“A few tests, a physical, a questionnaire,” Vincent lists. “After that, he no longer has any use.” 
That means Fritz is disposable. After surviving for so long, and is only reward is to be killed once William gets all of the information he wants. 
“You won’t return him to his proper size?” David questions. 
“Can’t,” Vincent says. “Though, if it was possible, he’s a liability, and we can’t have that. You know that, David.” 
Maybe he does. Because that was why he was hesitant about bringing Fritz to William. The cruel man can’t let experiments wonder around. Not with the possibility it can be traced back to Fazbear’s. 
And maybe he doesn’t really give a shit what William wants. “Then he won’t be leaving with you.” 
“It’s not a choice, David.” 
“He’s not hurting anyone, Vince,” Scott pipes up, and the sandy haired man might not be as heartless as originally thought. “He’ll stay within the company, David and I will make sure no one gets their hands on him.” 
“It’s a bit too risky for William, Scotty. What he says goes.” 
“He’s my employee,” David counters. Barely holds back a flinch as amber eyes lock on him with a death stare. The kind that says he’s pushing it. “He got shrunk in my restaurant under my payroll. That means I have first say. And I say he’ll stay here, completely out of the public eye. No one will know he exists.” 
Vincent stares at him for a long moment. David is expecting a knife to slice his throat open at any second. 
The purple man hums. “I will inform William. I may return with orders that it’s your life, or his.” 
They can’t give a response, not when Vincent disappears into the shadows. He fucking hates that thing. 
“Afton’s going to make you pay for that,” Scott huffs. 
“I already can’t go into my own damn kitchen without shrinking,” David growls. “I think I’ve paid plenty.” 
He then ignores Scott completely, turns to Fritz cowering under his hand. Glad the kid didn’t make a break for it, because who knows if that would’ve triggered the mutated grape into hunting him down. 
“Back to you being a dumbass. If I call your name, you better answer, or else I think you’re dead. Are we clear?” 
Fritz seems to look down in shame, but he nods his head in agreement. “Yes, s-sir.” 
David sets his hand in front of the kid. Curls his fingers in twice as a command for Fritz to climb on. “We’re getting you some proper food, and then we’ll talk about arrangements.” 
There’s hesitation. “You...y-you’re letting me stay?” 
“And making sure you’re properly taken care of,” David says. “It won’t be perfect, but you won’t have to risk your neck just to survive.” 
It’s the least he can do. Fritz has more than earned it. And the kid doesn’t deserve to die by William’s hand after surviving against all the odds. 
Miniscule shoes walk across his fingers, David smirking at the fact Fritz isn’t even as tall as his thumb. And unlike Scott, there’s no twitching to send the kid tumbling. Slowly lifts his hand up until they’re eye level without any turbulence. 
If he didn’t know Fritz was there, it’d be hard to feel the miniscule weight of an entire person in his hand. But the kid is here. Terrified, refusing to look anywhere except the palm he’s sitting in, breathing short and quick, 
Instead of an overwhelming sense of power, all David feels is the need to protect. 
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t lift a finger to nudge at the kid, absolutely fascinated by the miniscule movements of surprise. He could definitely get used to this. 
With the confirmation Fritz is alright, David tucks his hand against his chest before carefully standing up. Looks over at Scott standing up as well and dusting himself off. “Scott, grab a pizza and meet us in the main area.” 
“You can’t grab one?” Scott questions. 
“Not unless you want me shrinking again,” the business man responds as he slowly walks down the hallway. 
He hears a soft ‘I might’, followed by the sound of his request being heeded. Leaving him to glance down to make sure he isn’t jostling Fritz too much. 
David didn’t expect the kid to be looking back at him. “I’m not as bad as Scott, am I?” 
Fritz jolts. “N-No! I mean, he wasn’t bad. Just not...cautious?” 
“He was the worst giant we could’ve asked for,” David declares. 
That earns him a smile. “I wanted to say thank you.” 
This isn't something that earns him a ‘thank you’. This is making up for not being there when Fritz needed him. But he will be working hard for it. 
“I should be thanking you.” 
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spookikookiboo · 1 year
if it's not too much trouble , what does the cast line up of you fnaf au look like?
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Hello Stranger!
Sorry this took so long to craft up. I am but a small creature! This is everybody I could think of!  Unless of course I am forgetting someone? Which is entirely possible as my brain has about as much RAM as a packing peanut.  Officer Bobby Dunn- Possesses Glamrock Freddy. If you want to know his whole deal just follow the link here for details.  Gabriel (Gabe) - Possesses Glamrock Bonnie. One of the original victims of William Afton’s. Gabe is the eldest of the bunch and tends to be the leader in most situations, although that wasn't always the case.  Susie - Possesses Glamrock Chica. She is the baby of the group but absolutely loves having rowdy siblings to mess around with. She too was one of the original children to go missing.  Fritz - Possesses Pirate Foxy. Fritz is the middle child and is more than a handful, often being the one to get into the most trouble. He refuses to call his new frame a ‘Glamrock’. Cassidy (Cassy/Cass)- Possesses Golden Freddy/ OG Freddy frame that has been lost in storage for years. Cassy was one of the original children and once the ring leader of their small ghostly group however she vanished and has been missing for quite some time now…   Then we have the rest of the cast Sun, his twin Moon and Eclipse. H.E.L.P.Y. along with everyone’s favorite murder bunny Springtrap aka William Afton. Roxy & Monty who may or may not be possessed but that remains to be seen…  Coming to the humans…Vanessa and the cast of my FNAF AU OC’s.  Liam Cooper- the new technician hired by FAZCO to handle maintenance on the building as well as routine work on the animatronics. Liking objects more than people he has taken a liking to the Sunny daycare attendant. Monica Spinelli- the designer and creator of Sun & Moon. If you ever thought those two looked out of place in a building full of endo’s and Glamrock’s you are right! She was a private engineer FAZCO hired years ago to create child care animatronics for their up and coming daycare. She however left the company rather abruptly and no one seems to know the answer as to why. The secret may lie in her creations.  Ava Harper- the new face of FAZCO. She has bought up a good amount of shares in the company and now runs it as a co-owner along with Todd and a mysterious benefactor.  That is a wrap! Thank you for your question and if anyone has any other questions please feel free to ask! 
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hotmentransformed · 2 years
Replacement Barista
It’s another chilly morning in Jericho. You were exploring your hometown in Vermont, feeling a sense of nostalgia as you walk down the familiar streets. You had recently moved back to Vermont after a few years of living in the city, in search of a simpler life and to be closer to family. You've been looking for a job, and you're determined to find one near your home.
Suddenly, your eyes spot something that you don't remember being here. A coffee shop, called the Weathervane, with a bright NOW HIRING sign displayed in the window on the door. Curiosity got the better of you, and you decided to inquire about a job.
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As you approach the counter, the barista greets you with a warm smile. They ask if you wanted to buy a coffee. You smile at the thought of you being so polite and amicable this early in the morning. You politely refuse their offer of a coffee and explain that you were interested in working there. You elaborate that you're specifically looking for a job that allows you to be a part of your community, and you were excited about the possibility of working in this coffee shop. With a smile, the barista hands you an apron, no questions asked. A little surprised that the barista didn't even ask you any questions about your experience or background or anything, you look back at them dumbfounded. They explain that they had recently lost their best barista and were looking for an immediate replacement. Holding the red fabric in your hand, you turn it over to see a name tag still on it: Tyler. Assuming that that was the previous owner of the apron who recently left, you dismiss your concerns, and bring it over your head and tie the strings around your back. 
As soon as you tighten the strings, you feel the breath shoot out from your lungs. You feel a strange, tingling sensation that takes over your body. Your vision blurs, and you feel lightheaded, as if you've suddenly lost your balance. It's a disorienting feeling, and you can't help but feel tense. Your heart races, and you're having trouble catching your breath. It's a feeling like you've never experienced before, and you can't quite put your finger on what's happening to you.
You excuse yourself to the bathroom, and begin stumbling towards the back wall as the barista looks on at your disorientation, smiling. You use the wall to support your body as you find your way to the restroom and fumble with the handle. Pushing the door open, you fall forward and brace yourself on the edges of the sink. Your vision has started to clear and you look up at the mirror to reorient yourself, but you're shocked by what you see: the man in the mirror was not you.
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Your face looks different, more handsome, and chiseled. You run your hands through your hair which was now adorned with thick curls. Your eyes had lightened into an intense green, with a heavy brow giving them a fierce look. Bringing your larger hands across your new face, you felt your smooth contours and your plump lips. You were hot. Your arms bulged against your shirt as they continued to explore your new body, which was taut with lean muscle. You were strong from lifting bags of coffee beans for the past few months. You had been working here since last summer. You loved the way this job allowed you to connect with the community and meet new people every day.
Feeling better from your sudden lightheadedness, you readjusted your apron, making sure that the “Tyler” on your name tag was clearly visible for everyone to see. You leave the bathroom, ready to continue with your shift.
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posallys · 3 months
why'd you quit?
long version: i worked at a little family company, and my "manager" (self-proclaimed....literally just decided she was in charge????) aka the owner's wife has....issues. on top of just genuinely not being all there, she was drinking on the job (which...i worked on 100 ton boats on federal water...so if the coast guard stopped us for ANY reason, the captain of the vessel would lose their license for operating with incapacitated crew. which okay i don't care when it's your husband's license on the line. but you bitched and moaned because he was working 80 hours a week and so my boyfriend whose 22 got his license and took those hours so that his 78 year old boss wouldn't have to work that much. and you're drinking on HIS boats, putting his license on the line + not to mention other legal repercussions because lets say a little sail boat taps our bow. okay now the coast guard boards our vessel, dock the boat, makes all of the passengers get off, and drug/alcohol tests every single member of the crew before we're allowed to leave. especially on one of the busiest days on the harbor??? you're gonna do that over the 4th of july??? all of our new employees with no prior knowledge of her Habits have reported that they've seen her drinking on the job. meanwhile her husband is the owner and his sister is the president....so we literally cannot tell anyone because every time we try they just don't listen!!!! AND THEN this bitch has the audacity to scream at the employees like we're fucking dogs. I cannot tell you the amount of times she's made people cry at work. like MAAM you are not my mother do NOT talk to me like i'm your fucking child and even if you WERE my mother i don't even let her talk to me like that! fuck the entire way off!!!! not to mention the complete and utter lack of company loyalty....sorry girl i'm your ONLY bartender from september through april, and she's giving me the shittest shifts. and i went from 70 hour weeks last summer to getting barely 20 this summer. i do all three positions that aren't managment at this fucking company and i've been there for two years and no raise, despite me asking multiple times. AND SHE HAD ME TRAINING PEOPLE THAT ACTIVELY MADE MORE THAN I DID UPON HIRING??? and when it was brought up that i wanted more hours i'm told "you're a part-time employee, you're getting part-time hours" oh sorry, that's not what you were saying when I was working 50 hours a week DURING FINALS because you didn't have anyone else and when you call me and ask me to come in to cover for people 30 minutes before the boat is scheduled to leave and i do it, even when i haven't had a day off in weeks. ALSO not to mention the labor laws they broke??? no overtime, because they claim "jones act" which, newsflash, doesn't fucking cover what they say it covers because as someone who had 50% of their hours in the office, I most definitely am not considered a maritime worker. also no time and a half of sundays or on holidays. also state law says you get an hour of sick time for every 30 hours you work and they refuse to pay us sick time because we're "seasonal employees" (read the part-time statement a few lines up.....fucking pick one, are we seasonal or part time) BUT THE STATE SAYS YOU HAVE TO ANYWAY??????? anyway good fucking riddance. but it's a shame actually because i enjoyed bartending and i loved the people i worked with (other than, you know....) but i simply could not stay and maintain my sanity any longer.
TLDR: manager fucking insane. company probably a money laundering scheme. sick of getting talked to like a fucking 3 year old. <3
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 6 months
For Aurelia
2. What kind of skills did they learn in childhood and adolescence?
16. What's something they'd spend significant money on for themself?
For Laurent:
4. How often do they dance? Do they dance by themselves? Significant dancing moments, if any?
27. Have their morals changed over time or stayed relatively the same?
Thank you for the ask 💜 from this ask game.
Meh, it's gonna be long *snips*
For Aurelia
2. What kind of skills did they learn in childhood and adolescence?
As a child, she learned the normal things children in a major city with access to schools would learn — reading, writing, calculating, basics of history and some natural sciences (don't come at me with worldbuilding). She already had bad vision, so she struggled with some things, and when their parents got a third child, they kind of... dropped her.
They didn't bother teaching her any but the most basic life skills. In a way, they're still convinced she won't make it on her own — and she's 44, hasn't lived at home in over 20 years, and runs her own store. On the rare occasions she visits home, they still ask her if she's found a man yet to take care of her 🙃
When she was around 12, she began to hang out at a candy store and befriended the owner, Rachel. Rachel let her help for fun at first but quickly realized that Aurelia really loved what she did. So she began to teach her for real, and When Aurelia became of age, Rachel let her move in.
Finally out of her parents' house, she grew much more confident. She found a group of other blind people who shared their knowledge with her, she learned how to navigate the city, and how to live on her own. When Rachel's health began to decline, Aurelia took over more and more responsibility, ultimately inheriting everything.
The latest thing she learned is this world's equivalent of braille. It started to spread widely a few years back, and since she now has barely any usable vision left, she gladly embraced it.
16. What's something they'd spend significant money on for themself?
She loves her store, but I don't think any kind of rare ingredient or machine she doesn't have yet is really in the spirit of this question 😂 She totally would.
For herself, there is little she needs or wants. She inherited everything from Rachel, store, living quarters, furniture and all, and sees little reason to replace anything. She likes to buy nice clothes, but she also would not spend *significant* money on them.
She would probably pay people do to some things for her. At the moment, she pays to has her laundry done and her store windows cleaned, but she would gladly get someone to do all paperwork for her, clean everything else, or perhaps cook, because she doesn't like cooking. She would also love to hire and teach an apprentice, to keep the art of candy making alive and have a pair of helping hands around.
If she didn't have a contact in the Order of Fire, she might buy some of the assistive devices they make. That would probably take a while longer though; many are still prototypes and it's unlikely she would have access to one to figure out what she likes and can use if Cecelia didn't keep her updated with the newest developments.
For Laurent
4. How often do they dance? Do they dance by themselves? Significant dancing moments, if any?
He dances occasionally. Yvan refuses to show up at any pompous parties, so Laurent sometimes accompanies Cedric. He did learn it to fit in, or perhaps to get close to someone for information, it's been a while. Whatever the reason, he realized he liked it, though he prefers smaller occasions to the grand balls of Caldeia's elite.
There's something about the rhythm and pattern of steps and movements he likes, and it gives him a reliable framework of established rituals to interact with people oh no, please can one of my chars stay NT for once.
Significant dancing moments, you say? *giggle*
27. Have their morals changed over time or stayed relatively the same?
He has been friends with Cedric for over 20 years. Let's just say, with time, I think all their morals changed. In their 20s, they were much more idealistic, but they quickly figured out that being good gets you nowhere.
I think at the core, there's still the fact that they would never willingly hurt innocents—it's just that their definition of hurt and innocents has become, uh, flexible. Stealing some small things from rich people won't really hurt them, and someone who's a threat to them or their friends isn't innocent 😅
I would love to say that they're helping those in need and shit like that, but while that sometimes happens, their primary goal is their own lifestyle and the lives of those close to them.
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belit0 · 1 year
Ok so I have this scenario, a bit cliché tbh but I'm a fan of them 🫠🫠
Y/N is an unhappy married woman, and her husband is a rich douchebag who is possessive of her. To keep and eye on her 24/7, he hired a bodyguard: ____ Uchiha. Y/N doesn't complain because she finds him attractive.One day, her husband is outside the country for a business travel. They're in the kitchen and she decides to make a pass to her bodyguard. He takes the hint but... [What does he do next?]
Here's my train of thought: Indra would be the possessive millionaire who hires a bodyguard, Izuna and Shisui would pounce on the opportunity without hesitation, Itachi and Madara would strongly refuse as they are responsible (although I think Madara would be more hesitant), which leaves us with the most interesting option for this scenario:
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Obito sits at the counter, trying to concentrate on the cup of coffee that (Y/N) very kindly offered. There is something about the way the woman looks at him that makes him uneasy, and he prefers to avoid eye contact.
There is no denying that she is beautiful, but she is also his mission, the woman he must protect and watch over, to always keep on his radar. The instructions given to him were pitifully clear, and the Uchiha can't help but feel sorry for her, yet the payoff is too good.
His idiot boss asked for constant surveillance on the girl for no presumed reason, indicating he must monitor her even when she doesn't know it, be vigilant so she doesn't sleep with anyone in his absence. It is none of his business knowing why wealthy people act so bizarrely, nor does he dare to analyze why (Y/N) is next to someone so sick, but he remains faithful to his position and complies without problems.
Since he arrived, the woman only has privacy to go to the bathroom, having Obito constantly in her vicinity. He became her driver, her chaperone, her companion, even escorting her to coffee with her friends. It is intrusive and extremely uncomfortable, but the Uchiha maintains a professional attitude against all odds, trying to blend in with the environment and not be a nuisance for her.
He tries to be invisible, to disappear from her sight while always being present, providing the illusion of not having someone there constantly watching her. Of course it is impossible, and (Y/N) began to deal with it in unusual ways.
Obito is not unaware of meeting normal beauty standards and even surpassing them, but he never counted on the intention of seducing his target, always keeping a safe distance and assisting only when explicitly requested.
Today, (Y/N) is different.
It's the way she offered him a cup of coffee and the strangely provocative clothes she wears, the long glances she gives and the simple smiles she throws his way. The woman makes a marked effort to make Obito understand she sees him, that she recognizes him, knows he is there with her.
The Uchiha would prefer to be ignored and go unnoticed, but there seems to be no case, and he has no power to deny anything she asks. He is a watchdog, faithful and loyal, abiding by his co-owner's orders.
"Life is boring, you know, when one is as lonely as I am." She speaks aloud, not looking but directing her words at him. Obito merely nods, eyeing his cup nervously. He moves the liquid from side to side as if to provide distraction, colossal effort to feign disengagement in the situation.
He must remain professional.
"Everything's a little bit better since you got here, you know?" (Y/N) comes close, too close for his liking, but he thinks it would be rude to get up and leave, to move from the spot, put distance. He continues to remain neutral, not engaging in any way in the woman's monologue, indistinct.
"We could have a good time, I mean, you and me. No one would know." And it is when she places her hand on his thigh that Obito reaches his limit. She is beautiful, she really is, and on different occasions he caught himself staring at her with obscene thoughts in mind, but his job is priority.
He rises from his chair as though he has fire in his ass, and stuttering replies "Tha-at would-d not be appro-opriate! .. miss (Y/N), please! excuse me!" He runs out of the kitchen and into the bathroom, abandoning the woman and his cup of coffee. His head is spinning a mile a minute, and he is unhappy at how the blood rushed to his groin with such speed.
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katy-l-wood · 2 years
Don't really want advice, I just need to vent a little. Gonna stick it under a readmore too, because it got a little long.
I'm burning out so bad at work. I love the idea of this business, it's super fun in theory, as is what I do there. But the way the business is run is a nightmare, and the job does not pay anywhere near what it should. And I thought that was going to get better this January, because the owner finally admitted that we need a full marketing department and asked me if I wanted to run it if I were to be given an appropriate raise, and I told him yes. Then we had our January meeting where we were supposed to discuss everything and he said he's actually decided to interview outside candidates and only consider me as one of them.
Which is fucking bullshit. I built this marketing department from the ground up. They didn't even have fucking business cards when I started. Every initiative I've done has gone massively well for being nothing but hit-the-bricks marketing with zero budget.
I get that, legally, they are required to post the job within the company, but they aren't legally required to post it outside the company as far as I can tell. (Nor have they ever done that before anyways...)
And before this was revealed to me, I sat in on an interview and all the owner talked about during the interview is how much he loves people coming into the business and finding their own way and building new skills. He went on and on about the two main people who have done that, and how much he values them. Neither of them had to reinterview against outside candidates to run the departments they now run. Just me.
I know why it's happening too, which makes it even more annoying. The owner has ZERO idea what I do. None. I do not report to him. Every time I'm in a meeting with him and start trying to explain stuff I get some version of "oh, I just don't understand all of that." I think there might also be a touch of not liking me because I stand up to him. There was a big issue with Twitter over the holiday marketing season because I explained how, despite being our best platform, Twitter was too unstable to be as useful as normal due to the Musk takeover and the owner went OFF about it, about how I shouldn't be "bringing politics into it." Nevermind that ANY corporate takeover is going to be destabilizing for a time and the man has never used Twitter in his life so how the hell would he know what's going on. (Also, not even 5 minutes later he told me he didn't want us using TikTok "because of the Chinese." What was that about not getting political, sir?)
It's really clear that I'm just never gonna get the respect and support I need at this job, despite how great my direct boss is. I'm also really fucking tired of working somewhere with an HR lady that can't do her job and refuses to give us direct deposit because it's "too hard" and doesn't put our accumulated sick time on our checks like she's supposed to because she can't figure out how to make the system do it, so we just have to email her if we want to know.
And I've been applying to jobs! I've had interviews! Some of them have seemingly gone well, it's just that none of them have gone all the way to hiring me.
Even if I get a new job it isn't going to fix the fact that I'm burnt out, because I can't afford to take time off between the jobs to actually rest. I've got, like, $100 in savings right now and nothing in checking until my paycheck shows up this week. (And because we don't have direct deposit, the check could show up anytime between Wednesday and Saturday, unless HR had some random shit come up and didn't get the checks out on time, which has happened before.)
And I should (should) have two weeks paid vacation now that I've hit my third year at this job, but I don't want to just use it all up in fucking January in case I am stuck here for the rest of the year, but I could really use those two weeks right now.
Then, in the background of all of this, is my art and writing stuff. Especially The Pits/its Kickstarter in a couple months. If that Kickstarter goes as well as I'm hoping I probably COULD afford to take some time off. But I won't know about that until the end of March when it finishes. And also, I really don't want to be putting all my baggage from my day job on this one project. That's not good for me OR the project.
I'm fucking tired. I was so close to finally getting ahead of all this before inflation hit last year. So fucking close. And then it all went away. I just want a job that pays me what I'm worth and respects what I can do. That shouldn't be so fucking hard.
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mysticqueer · 1 year
RFA + Saeran adopt dog headcanons bc I’m bored at work and they deserve dogs!!
this narcissist adopts himself in dog form
decides to adopt a shelter dog, somehow manages to find the most gorgeous dog to ever exist
probably a big breed. I’m imagining a husky!
dog does not leave Zen’s side. when one moves, the other moves. they have the exact same mannerisms. It starts to get a little creepy
he posts so many goddamn dog pictures (mostly selfies with his dog tbh)
insanely active and that only increases after he adopts a dog. he posts 90 Snapchat stories per day of the two of them hiking
as for the dogs personality… well, it’s just like it’s owner ^^^
being the practical gal she is, jaehee adopts a large dog for safety reasons since she lives alone
it wasn’t an easy decision. she was worried that her work schedule would impede her ability to provide a dog with proper care.
but when her work life finally settles down (by some miracle) she finds herself unable to relax
she’s spent so long dealing with work and people that she doesn’t really know how to be alone with nothing to do
enter: DOG
she honestly found most of the dogs at the shelter quite overwhelming. Until she spotted a large mutt, curled up in the corner of its cage and eyeing her with calm, observant eyes
she initially decides to foster the dog and see how things go
she takes her time making the dog comfortable and gaining its trust until it finally comes out of its shell
eventually they are inseparable
the dog likes to lay its head silently on Jaehee’s lap while she works
^^ but of course dogs can’t stay still forever
when it starts to get antsy with boredom, Jaehee knows it’s time to take a break and take care of the needs of her and her best friend!
you think this fool is capable of only adopting ONE dog???
absolutely not
once everything settles down he buys a giant property and eventually adopts half of a dog shelter
big dogs! small dogs! young dogs! old dogs! he has them all-
constant dogs means constant distraction, which helps him from spiraling into negative thoughts too much
after all, who can possibly be sad when they’re at the bottom of a giant dog cuddle pile?
yes they all sleep in bed with him
he knows every single one inside and out, their personalities, their likes, dislikes, their random quirks and fears
(he gives them all distinctly human names)
(instead of telling the RFA that he adopted a dog he just starts talking about his friend Chad and everyone has to guess whether he’s talking about a human or a dog)
And the dogs?
All distinctly different from one another- aside from ONE trait
You think you’ve seen a protective dog? try a whole PACK of ex-feral dogs who love their owner more than anything
they’re protective of him just in general, which saeyoung somehow fails to notice when they give any non-pack person a death glare for having the AUDACITY to look their owner in the eye
all his life nobody ever protected him. he had to protect himself, which has made him well… yeah
but it’s truly impossible to feel unsafe surrounded by his family
he can finally sleep well at night
Jumin… Jumin I love you but you KNOW he bought some 5 pound purse dog for $20000
it’s smaller than elizabeth
(and not happy about it)
The two have an ongoing rivalry that Jumin refuses to acknowledge
he doesn’t fucking know anything about dogs
he does not understand what it’s doing, ever, and frequently consults the RFA chat about some totally normal dog behavior that he cannot understand
to his credit tho, he truly does love his dog, and his dog loves him (and everything jumin spoils him with)
he may learn more about dogs after adopting, but he still doesn’t have time in his schedule for proper dog care
he hires a full-time dog nanny who gets paid more than most of the country (after a VERY intense hiring process)
zen insists that jumin didn’t really adopt a dog, but another cat (or.. well, rat)
zen also has an ongoing rivalry with jumins dog
Jumin CANNOT take it to a dog park bc he gets anxious when they play rough and gets protective of his child (((only a little like a Karen)))))
this boy LOVES dogs!!!
I mean come on he’s basically a golden retriever in human form
he’s so excited to adopt a dog! he gets all the supplies ahead of time, teaches himself basic dog training methods, and looks on Petfinder for months to find the perfect one!!
he adopts a dog that’s really smart!
…too smart….
Smarter than him, perhaps
Yeah he accidentally ends up adopting one of the smartest and most stubborn breeds
It’s more…. The dog training Yoosung than Yoosung training the dog
exactly what every college student needs! a dog with a sixth sense to know when you’re making bad decisions
it will straight up sit on his laptop if he’s up playing LOLOL too late
literally DRAGS him toward somebody to force him to make friends
Yoosung’s dog does not like Saeyoung.
His dog may not be able to make its owner less gullible, but it sure can shoot death glares at Saeyoung when he’s playing a prank
(Saeyoung notably only pranks him over text now)
He’s reluctant at first to get an ESA
butttt while he’s being dragged on one of Saeyoung’s (many) visits to the animal shelter, something catches his eye…
It’s a puppy!
It’s a very small puppy
And it’s alone :(
A shelter employee explains that she’s the runt of the litter, and has some health problems as a result. Her mom and siblings were all adopted but she was left behind
So Saeran has a dog now
BIG mama bear energy
Even Saeyoung doesn’t DARE even thinking about teasing the puppy… he has enough survival instincts
Cautious to let other people handle her… she’s so fragile
And she’s shy at first.
There’s a solid month when they are physically attached to each other. You see Saeran? dog is sleeping contently cradled in his arms
Saeran is still having trouble opening up to people, but if you pass his door at night you can hear him speaking gently to somebody…
She grows and grows until she doesn’t look so fragile anymore. She starts becoming curious about the world around her
And…(fuck, Saeran thinks) she really likes Saeyoung
Saeran will not leave dog. Dog wants to play with her uncle. Saeran is thus forced to spend time out of his room.
He wants to be upset about it, but he just can’t be negative, seeing her play so happily…
He goes to Starbucks solely for the reason of getting a pup cup
She loves playing with other dogs, so dog park visits become a regular. And damn- dog owners are so social. Surprisingly, Saeran doesn’t mind too much.
Eventually Saeran starts to open up to the rest of the world too
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gardenianoire · 9 months
rough fucking day the idiot owner of the center told my director that I couldn't use my phone in the class I'm supposed to have a ipad to do documentation/play music/lesson plan/tell the goddamn time becuae3 the clock has been stopped on 6:35 for weeks. her dumbass couldn't figure out the ipad so today I had no technology so I couldn't follow my class schedule or lesson plan at all in the slightest ON top of that my director keep adding kids to my fucking class there were 6 in there today. you ever watch 6 three year olds with no back up. it was chaos and my class has the kid that the other teachers refuse to teach. mind you I'm the least experienced/credentialed teacher in the center and even I can plainly see that boy has behavioral issues that are not being dealt with. today this child smacked a little girl like she owed him money. and I'm explaining to her mother that he "plays too rough" when it's clear to me and his mama they slap that little boy at home and that's why he act like that. and on top of that I also had the poster child for undiagnosed adhd in my room because the other preschool teacher didn't have her assistant teacher so they split her class up and gave me the (forgive me) most difficult student so my day was hell. I contemplated walking out several times. I'm cashing in my blatantly classist post of the year but after I get my certification and a full year of experience I'm not working in any more low income for profit centers. I want to work for a RICH center so fucking rich they kids are named molly and biff and get dropped off in rolls royces. most of my parents are decent people with well behaved kids but some of these "parents" want to have all these kids and don't want to tell them shit and wonder why teachers are quitting in droves. and my fucking Black capitalist center owner wants to act like she can't find assistant teachers and I know that's not true. when I applied indeed tells you how many people applied with you I find it hard to believe that over 130+ people only 1 was qualified (mind you my 'qualifications' are a high school diploma, ten minutes in a center in 2018 and no references) she don't want to hire assistant teachers because it'll cut into her profit margins she so fucking transparent I'm just gonna limp my way through this cda program get my experience on paper and make way to greener pastures
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kathrynalicemc · 9 months
HP WW1 Era Profile
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Name: Anthony Vallen
Nicknames: Andy
Pronouns: He/They
Birth Date: 1892
Species: Human
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Sexuality: Gay
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: British
Residence: The Vallen Estate (location tbd) and Oxford, England (university)
Languages: English, Latin, French, some German during the war
Faceclaim: Michael Sheen
Height: 5’10”
Physique: Thin
Eye Color: Blue/green
Hair Color: Brown
Hair style: Short and curly a bit
Scars: Maybe some misc ones from magic curses/hexes from weapons
Clothing: Academia style with a hint of feminine tones. Sometimes wears makeup for parties.
Tattoos: None
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Vine wood, Phoenix Feather
“I have been intrigued to notice that their owners are nearly always those witches or wizards who seek a greater purpose, who have a vision beyond the ordinary and who frequently astound those who think they know them best. Vine wands seem strongly attracted by personalities with hidden depths, and I have found them more sensitive than any other when it comes to instantly detecting a prospective match.”
Best Classes: Almost every other class
Worst Classes: Care of magical creatures, Divination, Herbology
Boggart Form: Losing his intellect (Before the war), Seeing visions of his sister dying and his team being killed by horrible magical weapons and their faces burning and melting (During and after the war)
Amortentia: Parchment, blackboard chalk, wine, cosmetic powder, fancy perfume, ink, cigarette smoke
Patronus: Victoria Crowned Pigeon
Animagus: None
Patronus Memory: Getting his hogwarts letter and discovering he was a wizard
Dementor worst memory: Same as boggart about seeing his team dying (after the war)
Mirror of Erised: Nothing (before the war), after the war tbd
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11-18: Hogwarts Student
18-20: Bachelor's degree at Oxford (muggle & magical studies) His intellect makes him finish it in half the time it takes
20-22: Masters degree
22-26: Civilian Magical Scientist for WW1 (Experimenting with and disarming magical weapons of war)
26-30: Doctorate/PhD degree
30-47: Muggle teacher for kids/teens in small English town
47-52: Muggle teacher & smuggler of refugees (helps people get out of war areas (WW2) and makes sure kids still get education safely)
53+: Retired? Might still work for a few more years tbd
Lettie & Ellis Vallen - Rich muggle parents of Andy and Jo who often throw big social parties. They hold their children to high standards and are proud of themselves for having two children gifted in both academic and magical pursuits. FCs: Frances Fisher & father is coming soon.
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Joanna Vallen - Andy’s older sister who is just as gifted as him. They are very close and are separated for the first time during the First War. She is also hired for the war efforts as a spy. She goes undercover as a German civilian who is a rising star as a singer. Her profile is coming soon! FC: Kate Winslet
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Love Interest - WIP coming soon!
Best Friends - Besides his sister he doesn’t really have any truly close best friends. Either he doesn’t let people in because he can be a bit egotistical and think they aren’t good enough or that other people meet him and don’t like how he comes across. This changes after the war and when he grows up more.
Friends - Alexej Kavinsky @potionboy3, Lunas Avery @cursed-herbalist, Ares Gaunt @gaygryffindorgal, and Kit Enfield (potionboy3), and more coming soon!
WW1 Oxford Team
*More Team members coming soon! It is also OPEN for anyone who wants to make one!*
Professor Alecai Kainen - He is Andy’s favorite professor at Oxford who teaches the secret wizard students. He is hired when the war starts to lead a team to experiment with magical weapons created by TOWER (@savetheundoneyears) so they can learn to disarm them and make cures for any curses or hexes or effects. He refuses the suggestions of some of the most brilliant minds of the wizard world and instead insists on hiring his students for his team. He does it so they can gain experience, however he starts to regret it later when the dangerous work starts to take his students lives. He always tries to put himself first and protect the students. He does eventually die doing so. FC: Martin Short
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Audry Kainen - She is the daughter of Alecai and is one of the first women students to attend Oxford lectures without chaperones when the rule is lifted in 1914. She strives to be more than just Professor Kainen’s daughter and tries to prove that she belongs and that she didn’t get there simply by being his daughter. She does love him though and he is very proud of everything she does. He knows she is capable on her own without him. Audry and Andy have a friendship that starts out rocky (as you do when two powerful intelligent people think they are both right) but they end up great friends. She reminds Andy of his sister and she also likes that he isn’t one of the many guys who wants to sleep with her or doubts her because she’s a woman. FC: Jessica Biel
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Child: Growing up he was afforded a lot of luxury as the Vallens had a lot of money. He also would follow his sister around everywhere and loved when they would play. He was also curious about everything and was given the best tutors and he quickly displayed natural intellect and was gifted like his sister. Once his sister discovered her magic and got her letter, he also wanted to explore magic and soon after he got his own letter. This catapulted his confidence as he knew it was rare for two magical children to come from muggles.
Teenage: During Hogwarts, his success in his studies built his ego even further. He was proud of himself, his intelligence, his family, and magic. He also started to experiment with his appearance as he started adopting a more feminine look. Wherever his sister would go, he wouldn’t be far behind. They became really close as their parents expected them to attend all the fancy rich parties they threw at their estate. They would stick together and gossip and whisper about all the guests as they giggled and joked about people.
Early Adulthood: Andy followed his sister to Oxford University after they graduated Hogwarts. They both were hungry to learn more and soon discovered Oxford University home to both a muggle and secret wizard population. They had the best of both worlds to study. Andy started to feel lonely and sad as he was naive and egotistical and did not talk to anyone. He thought they weren’t like him enough to be worth getting to know them. He did not really mean for it to be rude, but he just didn’t think about it. Once the First World War breaks out, he starts to grow up a bit more and learns to separate himself from his rich and gifted upbringing and he gains friendships in the team founded by his wizard Professor that experiments with magical weapons and whose goal is to disarm and find cures for them. He ends up watching half of his team die horrible deaths in accidents with the weapons.
Late Adulthood: After the first war, Andy finishes his studies. Instead of becoming a professor at Oxford or Hogwarts (he’s offered many jobs from both), he decides to try to help the less fortunate receive education. He moves to a small country town and teaches classic literature to muggles. He tries to escape the wizard world a bit because of his experience with dangerous magic and may have PTSD. When the Second World War starts, he is offered a job again from the wizard world which he immediately turns down. He no longer has the ego and ambition to be a hero. Instead, he keeps teaching and also protects his students. He would also shelter and help refugees escape while making sure children still receive safe education and not be forced to fight.
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Most at Ease When: Reading classic literature, hanging out with his sister at parties, using his brain
Stressed When: Having to have small talk with people he doesn’t like, being apart from his sister, being lonely
Priorities: Proving his worth and intellect, his friendship with his sister, achieving high academic degrees, keeping his students safe and educating them (later in life)
Strengths: Intellectual, loyal, innocent, secret kind heart, unapologetic for who he is, who he loves, or how he dresses
Weaknesses: Naive, egotistical, too proud to ask for help, drives people away and becomes lonely, sheltered, spoiled
Color: Red lipstick, gold, neutral browns
Food: Roasted pig and a fancy feast
Drink: The most expensive fine bottle of wine or champagne
Weather: Rainy overcast day at the library
Book: He literally can’t pick but he does love classic literature and poetry
Hobbies: Reading, chess, spell invention, alchemy, horse riding
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dragon-kazansky · 1 year
Something Worth Protecting
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Iceman x Dragon
Bodyguard AU
Dragon's popularity has grown tremendously, and as she takes off on tour, a security team has been hired to see it through. Leading that team is Tom Kazansky. He's the best in the business. He is here to do a job, but for the first time in his career, feelings are involved. He can't get too involved or he'll lose his job. Yet, ignoring what he desires is harder than it looks.
[Previous Chapter] - [Next Chapter]
WARNINGS: Mentions of abuse and sexual abuse. When I say Hermes is a bastard, I mean he the worst if the worst. It's only a brief mention, but I'm warning you all the same.
Chapter Six - A warning
Jade arrives at the next concert show in high spirits. Hoping that if she keeps a positive mind all will go well for tonight's show.
Rachael is with her bodyguard, and therefore she is safe. Jade has faith in that.
Hermes is a bastard.
He discovered Rachael singing in a bar one evening. She had been singing in that bar for a months or so, once a week. The owner of the bar was fond of her. Every night she sang, the bar was full.
Hermes had fallen in love with her voice. Her voice turned heads and people lost themselves within the words of the song. He saw potential in her.
Potential for himself.
He lured her in with an offer anyone would want to take. An opportunity to sing to crowds, to share her voice. To be heard on a mass scale.
Except, those were lies.
Rachael would still sing, but not for her fans. She would record an album of songs he had chosen for her. He would refuse any invitation for her to meet her fans. She could only sing for him.
As a result he abused her. Used her. Made her do things she never wanted to do.
After her second album was released she confided in her friend. Jade had always been there, but Hermes had tried so hard to distance them from each other. When Rachael couldn't cope any more, Jade stepped in. The abuse came to a stop with the end of Rachael's contract with Hermes. Jade studied all she needed to know to be a good manager to Rachael.
Dragon would one say sour to sing for the world. Jade would make sure of it.
However, it seemed that he could just not let go of her.
One of the stadium managers approached Jade with a box in hand. Jade took the box and saw her name written on it. The staff member left as Jade opened the box. She was cautious though. There was no indication where this had come from.
In the box sits a tape.
Jade frowns in confusion as she picks it up.
"Is there somewhere I can watch this?" Jade asks. Someone points her in the direction of a back room she can watch the tape in.
Jade makes sure the door is closed before she turns the TV on and plays the tape. The screen is blank for a little bit, just static, but then an image comes on.
She recognises Rachael right away.
Rachael stands with her back to the camera. She looks nervous. Then another figure comes into frame. Hermes. He pushes Rachael back, gently at first, but when she doesn't do what he asks, he pushes harder. The woman falls onto a bed just below frame.
Jade feels sick.
She stops the tape and takes a deep breath. She knows what this tape is showing. She knows what her friend went through. The fact that he even has a tape of this sickens her.
It was never about Rachael's singing. He just saw something pretty and had to have it. Abuse it.
When Jade saved Rachael from his filthy grasp, Rachael was quiet. She was a shell of a person. It took days for Rachael to even feel okay with talking to Jade about it.
It took months before Rachael even thought about chasing her dream again.
Jade was there for every bad day and night. She was there through the worst times, and never best.
Jade saved Rachael.
The tears fall and it takes her a moment to realise she's crying. A knock at the door makes her jump and she is quick to turn the TV off. She wipes at her cheeks and hurries to the door.
It's Ron Kerner who stands there. He goes to say something but then notices her expression.
"What happened?"
"Nothing. What is it?"
"Miss Kingsley was asking for you."
Ron furrows his brow. "If there is anything I can do?" He asks.
Jade shakes her head. She goes back into the room to retrieve the tape and returns to him.
"Take me to her. I need to see her."
Ron nods and leads the way.
Rachael is with Tom on the stage. She's admiring the background, but her mind is thinking about Kazansky. The way he looked sleeping in that chair.
Jade crosses the stage and looks at Rachael. Rachael looks back at her now that she's there.
"Can we talk?"
"Of course," Rachael smiles.
Jade takes her friend to the dressing room. Tom and Ron follow. Jade invites them inside too, feeling it best to explain everything to everyone.
Rachael grows concerned when Jade's eye begins to gloss over with tears. She seems to struggle to find her words and instead holds up the tape. Rachael stares at it.
"What is that?"
"A video... of you... and Hermes."
Rachael feels cold all of a sudden. She stares at the tape with fear.
"Rach, I think we should cancel the tour and call the police. Hermes is stalking you. He has this tape of.... what he did to you."
Rachael shakes her head quickly.
"I'm not asking you to watch it, I just need you to know that he sent me this. Rach, you can't tour if he's here. He could do anything. I don't know if I can protect you from him."
"Is that not why we're here?" Tom asks.
Jade looks at him with sad eyes. "I don't know if it's enough. This tape got to me. Who's to say he won't get to Rachael?"
Tom steps forward. "I won't let him."
Rachael hugs herself as she closes her eyes and bows her head down. She can't fight the tears. She's afraid.
Jade steps forward and wraps her arms around her friend.
"I will fight as much as I need to, but I need to know you're safe."
"Jade, we have worked so hard to be here. We can't give up now."
"I know, and I'm so proud of you, but I don't want you to get hurt again. He did awful things to you. I don't want to see you become the person he made you again. Never again."
Rachael clings to Jade like a lifeline.
The dressing room is quiet.
"The show goes on," Rachael whispers.
Jade is silent for a moment.
There is nothing else to be said or done. Rachael wants to sing and sing she shall.
@bayisdying - @mrsjaderogers - @breadsquash - @cycbaby - @callmemana - @askmarinaandothers - @starlit-epiphany - @callsignscupcake - @ladylanera - @mysticaldeanvoidhorse - @gracespicybradshaw
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