#and the overall plot wtf bro
buttercup12233 · 6 months
Alastor is such a Gary stu that wants everybody to know that he's "sCaRy" because he can have black eyes and red pupils, turn big, and shoot out tentacles. Like bro. That's not creepy. And most of his lines fucking suck. How does he know about modern slang? Didn't this guy die during the great fucking depression? Not to mention, this guy swears a whole lot. It would've been perfect if the only time he ever swore was when his staff got broken apart. That would've really shocked the audience. I wouldn't mind him saying "fuck" a few times, but when that shit becomes a common thing, that's a problem. Swearing wasn't common in the 1900's. So why is Alastor using it on a daily basis. He no longer stands out from the cast. He's just another edge lord. He says the most corniest lines too like omg everytime he says ONE embarrassing word, I have to pause from watching the show bc the guy gives me second hand embarrassment. He's trying so hard to be terrifying that it's not working. For some reason, Alastor just wants power.... I'm not sure if it was planned from the start, but the execution is dog shit in my opinion. Pilot Alastor was done better than this. The reason why pilot Alastor was so creepy and overall an amazing character, at least in my opinion, was because you didn't really know exactly how he was feeling, or what was going on inside his head. The whole point of him volunteering to 'help' Charlie run the hotel was that he could see sinners fail and give himself some entertainment. He even flat out admits it in the pilot. But then you just have that gut feeling that there's something more going on with Alastor. That he's probably planning something else than just finding entertainment. Let the 'him wanting power' be like a b plot if THAT was the case (explain why he even wants power too bc if he just WANTS it for the sake of it, then that's boring). And I think what was the most exciting thing about his character, was that he was mysterious. Notice how the only times he EVER used his power or lost his cool was when Angel Dust claimed that he could suck his dick, or when Sir Pentious interrupted his song and threatened to literally hurt him. I swear, this guy used his title as the radio demon for times when it was appropriate. That's what I loved about Pilot Al. He wasn't trying to be creepy unless it was needed. In this show, he desperately wants people to fear him. He even tries to pick a fight with everybody, even the ones who are kind to him. He's a complete asshole and a dickhead. And I'm just like "boo, fucking corny, bitch". Idk, man. It's pro just me. But I hate Alastor so goddamn fucking much. At least in the show. He gives me headaches, he's a Gary stu, and I can't believe this mf got away with talking trash to the KING OF HELL like holy SHIT. Why didn't his ass get humbled at the moment there? He just got freewill the whole time during season one without consequences. Besides Adam tearing his ass up.
Alastor is just so- ugh.
I beg for you guys to let me know if some of my points were invalid. I would actively listen to them. I was just in rage the whole entire time while writing this, so my mind was just clouded with 'wtf happened to the cool guy I once loved' and just...RAAAAAH. so please don't hesitate to speak out. I'm aware that not EVERYBODY will agree with what I say. But it's great to hear y'all's opinions about this. Thank you.
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 days
We got baby/childhood panel of Daniel, Jake, Zack, Johan, and recently Gun.
I can't stop think on how cute and chubby baby Gun is lol
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Lookism 520 spoiler!
Lol. This feels very duality of man. Baby Gun coming out with UI made me lol.
Ok, gather round for Ramyeon's retelling of chapter 520.
So PTJ, with his fondness for SAD backstories cooked up one for Gun. And while it's not terrible and I didn't get food poisoning, it's tasting a bit bland because everyone is getting a SAD backstory and it's getting old y'know?
Onto the chapter-
Everyone is in love with Daddy Yamazaki, and for some reason that is bad and all the ladies chop their pinkies off to idk repent for their sins or something but even though the relationship appears to be consensual because he's had sex consensually with them all, it's still the women's fault.
In the end, the great big kind man that Daddy Yamazaki is lets them all carry his kids. Thank the heavens.
Daddy Yamazaki has Smaller Bro Yamazaki who also has a son btw (Haruto) - this is sort of important but it's hard to really feel much for them cos the son character (Haruto) has just been introduced in this chapter and will be likely killed off soon.
Anyway, I digress.
All the babies born are unimpressive so far. And you may think wtf how are babies unimpressive. Babies are just babies. Well, that's because Gun comes whooshing out the (Korean) womb with UI. Bro has built in UI from the start, kinda an impossible standard to reach so fine I get why the other babies are unimpressive.
Although if all the babies are unimpressive apart from Gun, the common denominator here is Daddy Yamazaki so maybe everyone should point the finger at him instead. Hmmm.
The chapter fast forwards to show Gun is a prodigy, he masters his training. He's only five and a kid, so he plays around with his friend but gets slapped by his mother for being a kid because it's not becoming of a future gang leader.
So even though he's FIVE, he still gets told to 'act accordingly' lol.
I think there's another timeskip, or PTJ really has lost the plot and forgotten what five year olds look like (tbh he has forgotten what 'elementary school' aged kids look like too) and Gun, genius that he is and following his mother's words takes down all the gangs in ONE DAY. WHEW.
But, PTJ is trying to desperately show it's nurture not nature. Gun wanted normal things but has been moulded to become a monster.
Gun's mother praises him for his violence and his deeds, and Gun wonders 'Huh, if mother dearest loves when I fight, and I must fight to be loved, what happens if I'm violent towards her?'. He punches her and gets praised for it.
Please see above point.
And another fast forward in time (presumably) to Gun trying to squish butterflies like the maniac he is.
Anyway, remember Smaller Bro Yamazaki's kid, Haruto, that was mentioned? Well he's the only one throughout that looked at Gun as if he was normal and told Gun he was free to do as he wants. He doesn't have to fight. Or have to be a leader if he doesn't wanna.
And sweet lil Gun doesn't really wanna, so he makes up his mind and tells Smaller Bro Yamazaki.
Smaller Bro Yamazaki loses his shit and is all who the fuck told you this nonsense. Gun snitches on Haruto, and this snitch doesn't get stitches and instead Haruto does when Smaller Bro Yamazaki tells Gun to kill Haruto. His own father tells Gun to kill HIS kid!
Dun dun dun CLIFFHANGER!
Overall very sad, very unfortunate. But please see my first point about PTJ's cooking.
I'm assuming in the coming chapters Haruto gets killed off. I would be super surprised if he doesn't because Gun, despite me being delusional and thinking he's just a sweet lil blorbo, is something of a murderous psychopath. It's more fitting of his character if he just kills off Haruto even if he has a moment of hesitation or any regrets.
Hope that helps!
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kimaratomoya · 1 month
I know I don't follow you but like- Maybe an Analysis on Oscar? Idk he's just one of my favorite characters =]
Out of Stock deep dive for @namedoggo (still finding it super awesome that a fellow Faz Frights fanfiction writer who I love is asking me for analysis!!!) because they asked for Isaac and Raj too at a later date!!
Also I'm so sorry for the delay my motivation suddenly spiked so here ya go!!!
Oscar Avila:
Our main protagonist of the story!
Basic info:
- Pretty broke family
- Lost his dad at a young age to an infection
- Helps his mom at the Royal Oaks Nursing Home
- Likes Freddy's
- Has the nickname "Little Man"
- Loves his mom
- Wrong thing right reason
- Decent sense of fairness/justice
- Really good friends - Honestly like they are super cool and he does recognise it a few times
He seems like a good enough kid, with some wonky morals, but a good heart. He genuinely does love his friends, even if it's hard to see. He loves his mom too, and tried to be there for her, but he also needs a childhood. He's trying his best and the book seems to be his breaking point. Oscar is one of those characters you feel bad for, and can sympathize with, but still kinda looks at and be like "bro??? What the fuck???"
A bit more in depth:
- Feels like his childhood was stolen
- Often says he has "almost" of stuff he wants/strived for
- Has a decent relationship with Mr. Devereaux
He's just a little guy with a lot of issues. He often overlooks that his friends are really good and they aren't an "almost". He says almost for a lot of things, and lists about the baseball and getting a phone, etc. He's still a good kid, just a bit misguided, especially with his father's death and how he feels like he lost his childhood to help his mom and be the "man of he house". Mr. Devereaux seems like the "wise sage" (looney) of the story, but he's trying his best and Oscar doesn't appreciate him, but I feel like a lot of people wouldn't, but he still seems to like being around him for a bit. He just wants something for himself because he seems to believe that everything is just out of his reach.
- Good guy
- Weird mom
- Honestly kinda chill
- Blunt and direct (Very Cool)
- Seems like the reasonable one
Honestly he doesn't get too much development, but it's clear he's the a chill guy. Seems like the smart/reasonable one of the group. Does have a very weird mom though and I do want to mention that because wtf is she on?? Her punishment for the sister is insane.
- Has a brother
- Tbh seems like a good guy
- Again there's not a lot on him
- A tad bit dumb compared to the others
- Easier to get a bit spooked
Ok so I don't like Isaac as much as Raj, more because he seems a bit dense, but he's still a good friend. He risks it for his buddy and, while not quite registering when Oscar gets electrocuted, seems like he does love his friends.
They are great friends and it's good to see such a good bond in the FNaF books. They are honestly great people, of not a bit young and misguided, but they tried their darndest. They also are one of the few books with all main characters surviving so congrats.
I do however have to point out that they are sophomores, which is around 15-16, and I have noticed a LOT of ship content for a pair, or all three of them. I understand that they are a few of the most known characters, mostly from people not reading the full series, but please refrain from shipping minors, at least when interacting with this post, as they are not a canon ship.
I try to keep all my AU stuff out of the way so this is all based on actual plot points from the book.
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amazingmsme · 8 months
do you have hcs (tkl related or not) for Ruth and Richie? they’re such an underrated duo!
Omg I love these dorks sooo much! They’re such a dynamic duo ok, they’re a package deal!
I feel like they probably met when they were really young & both were lonely & in need of a friend. Like walk up on the playground “you wanna be friends?” “Yeah!” type of deal
Ruth was lowkey worried Richie wouldn’t be her friend anymore when he started hanging out with Pete but she realized she didn’t have to worry
As kids they’d play wild make believe games with game of thrones level plot
Ruth lowkey has a crush on Richie but she lowkey has a crush on everyone she’s so FUCKING thirsty
Just because they’re besties doesn’t mean they don’t fight like cats & dogs about anything they can think of ok it’s like a sport for them
Even tho Richie has been dubbed most ticklish he still manages to wreck her way more than she does. He’s overall more bold than she is, especially once Max was gone & he got a confidence boost. He just loves to sneak attack & she day dreams a LOT so she never sees it coming. & it’s so cute because later she’ll try to get him back & has to try & talk herself up to do it but then she gets nervous he’s just gonna flip it back on her & she backs out. She has to wait until the perfect moment is gifted to her
Ruth is much more of an opportunistic, spur of the moment type of ler, so she’ll get him when he’s stretching or trying to reach for something. Lord help him if he gets stuck in his hoodie & she’s anywhere near
She’s absolutely the reason why the football team found out he’s ticklish. He was in his mascot uniform & reached up to take off the head & she tickled under his arms & he actually screamed. & now they’re all very interested & this is Ruth’s first real chance to actually TALK to the football team so of course she’s throwing Richie’s ass under the bus!
She’s a thoughtful friend tho so she makes sure to warn them about his asthma & to “take breaks if they really wanna have fun with it” & Richie wants to kill her because wtf that’s his fucking scapegoat & she took that away too!
So some time later he manages to rope Kyle & Jason into helping with his revenge. (He guilt trips them into it & says it’s the least they could do for him after ganging up on him & that they’re a team now & teams stick together fucking bro pack mentality)
He literally plans it out & they come up to them while they’re talking in the hall during a free period or something & “thank” her for the useful information & she’s all blushy & stuttery like “o-oh you’re welcome! I-it was no problem, really” & Kyle’s like “that’s why we’d like to return the favor 😊” & she’s just like “w-what?” all confused & Jason kinda feels bad for what they’re about to do (not really tho) so he’s like “sorry, but Richie sold you out” & before he’s even finished talking Kyle already has her trapped in a hug & before she can even try to beg or talk her way out of this she’s laughing. & she’s freaking tf out because it’s so much physical attention from hot guys but at the same time she feels like she wants to crawl out of her skin, crawl under a rock & die. Hands down the most flustered she’s ever been in her fucking life, she couldn’t function normally for the rest of the day!
During movie nights, they argue about what they should watch & then end up snuggling together on the couch 15 minutes later. At some point during the movie a tickle fight WILL break out
Ruth doesn’t like pickles, so Richie is the one to take them when they’re on her food
She doesn’t really like sour things in general very much, meanwhile Richie loves them! He’s pulled a few pranks on her with extreme sour candy & she falls for it every time & she pouts about it til he apologizes
That’s all I got for now, but I absolutely adore them!
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ineffablehubbys · 6 months
Watching deadwater fell for the first time… wish me luck
I’m going to update this one post as I go through so I don’t have to keep rebloging myself ahah
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Please he was so cute with the kids in the flashbacks…
Are the injections something to do with the fertility injections?? Like did someone do something to them
What do you mean the kids where already dead????
Did Tom kill his kids are wife coz he wanted to be with Jess?????
Wtf is happening
The three little coffins…
Okay nvm they diddnt
I’m so confused I have no idea what’s going on anymore
IVE NEVER BEEN MORE SCARED OF A DAVID CHARACTER. Not even Killgrave is this scary.
Wait the mum was in the woods not Tom?!?!
Oh Tom you little bitch
I feel like 95% of the plot is told through subtext and I cba with figuring out these peoples codes right now
Wait so bike boy gave a fake statement?!
Just starting the 4th episode: I feel like nothing has happened since the first 20 mins and yet so much has happened
David Tennant characters 🤝 tragic backstories
Ok nvm no tragic backstory- just a psychopath character
Ok I finished it. That was a rollercoaster. I think what makes Tom so scary is that he looks and acts just like any normal person from an outsiders perspective.
I will say that some of the shots and metaphors used in the show where great but some of the actual storytelling was questionable, most of the time I diddnt know what was going on as they diddnt really explain what was happening properly. But that may have just been me.
Despite this if talking about the story on paper it really is quite strong and pretty scary I just think it could have been executed a bit better overall
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sxfik · 2 years
Omg dud you finally get around to reading witchshadow?? What are your all over thoughts??
omg hello!! and yes i did! i actually ended up rereading the whole series because it's been literally seven years (saying that outloud makes it so much more real wtf). it took me a while bc my god are those books a l o t to get through for me now.
i mean idk if i need to preface this since you were literally there but like... i was one of like the 10 people that was active about this series on here when it started back in the 2016-2017 era. like i love this series, and to this day i've kept the username and all the stuff i wrote for it, so just like idk a disclaimer: im not here to hate or anything, just truly mourning something i really loved.
overall thoughts: witchshadow was so disappointing. like resoundingly disappointing. there was so many things i had issues with, and idk if i even have enough time and words to describe it. i feel like this whole series suffered from having too many complex plot points and too many characters introduced five books into a six book series. not to mention the amount of lore and words that is dropped into the books with little to no explanation of what they mean and what they indicated in this world? like how is it book five and i still don't understand what a domna truly is?
i feel like the complexity balance was really held well up until witchshadow, when it literally just got so confusing that none of the characters felt like themselves? also the weird timeline for this book did not help. like jesus christ this book is complex as it is, how are you making it harder for us??
like a) iseult. i felt like she was overshadowed in her own book, i wanted to know about her nomatsi heritage and literally so much about her like the other books did for the main characters, but this felt so disappointing. where was all the worldbuilding you set up for this moment? why did esme just get downgraded all of a sudden? and also just... she doesn't feel like she made any character improvement/her arc went backwards?
b) safi was just? stupid in this book? how did she have a negative character arc. like i know she's supposed to be reckless and making impulse and stupid plans, but her character felt reduced to just that. like first and second book safi: i knew why she was making these decisions, even if they backfired, but this just feels like a mockery of her character. and i love safi, and i wish she had a way better arc than she did, and got treated with the same book time as isuelt and aeduan.
and also god, the weird emperor/safi bs was so unbareable. she's literally like 18 in this book (i actually thought she was closer to 19/20 but whatever i guess she's 18 here). every scene with them was so werid and uncomfortable. (especially that weird one where she walks in while he has sex what the fuck was going on there) why was she desperate to have sex with what i assume to be like a 60 year old??? i had to force myself to read through these parts and not skip them
and god the hellbards. i loved them at first but im getting sick of them taking over the story. why are they so important that they essentially replace both merik and practically the whole main cast of characters. why are they mentioned at every turn? if they were this important, why didnt you introduce them sooner?
c) why does safi and iseult just not have any interaction. its literally been five books bro the seperation arc is enough (and yes i fully consider them separated) !! why have they had 0 character development together?? they're arguably the center of this series, and what started this whole chase, and yet we've gotten maybe one book and a half of them actually growing together. how is this gonna turn out for the final book when you have maybe 600 pages and 6 characters to get through?
d) where the fuck was merik. hes literally a main character how did he disappear??
e) the whole vivia/stix to vivia/vaness makes me. upset. i dont understand the decision to make them threadsisters when they were vivia was gay panicking about her 24/7 in windwitch. literally 0 buildup for something that feels like it came out of nowhere. why are they like siblings now, it feels so so so weird. i honestly have so much more to say about this and yet im still upset
now this might seem like such a hateful rant, and i promise it's not hate, it's just frustration at what seemed like such an excellent book series. and honestly, up until bloodwitch i was doing fine and then this book was just... so different to the rest of the series. i know susan was forced to combine the books into one, and so maybe that's why, but idk man, this felt so disappointing.
i love foreshadowing and worldbuilding when it's done right, and i think it was doing great until this book. a lot of stuff felt like plot twists out of nowhere, with no rhyme or reasoning to it. it just didn't feel like a witchlands book if you get what i feel. honestly, out of love and time for this series, i think i'll be reading the final book as well in the series, hoping things get fixed and we get to see characters that were beloved back again.
(p.s. how are you? its been so long!!)
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noahrmal · 8 months
so iiii am really excited to get started so i wanted to put some more solidified plot ideas down below to maybe kickstart the process! but please reach out to me if any of these appeal to you OR if you want to discuss something else! (my disc is thegongoozler!)
your muse is also from an affluent family & perhaps their parent(s) are friends with/know noah's dad and try to set them up for image reasons (this would probably be limited to women for romantically set up, men for platonically set up to be bros; noah is bi but his dad certainly isn't aware of or encouraging that). do they play along? do they hate each other? do they rebel? etc. this could have been a past/high school thing or a present thing!
kind of a funny idea that just occurred to me but if they tried to do a friend set up with another Rich Son and they started hooking up....... their parents like "no not like that"
moving on... maybe your muse goes to the same university as noah present day? just bumping into each other in class or something like oh wtf i know you actually... did they like each other? did they hate each other? fully possible that noah was a bully to them lmao... or maybe they were on his good side? (they don't have to also go to university; perhaps they just frequent a cafe on campus or something.)
your muse was a frequent attender of the ragers noah would throw in high school at his house. maybe your muse and noah both saw something they shouldn't have seen between other muses or hs npcs and bonded over this/trying to figure out wtf to do about it.
or maybe they caught noah (or he caught them) in a vulnerable situation--emotions fueled by drugs or alcohol, seeing a partner cheating, you name it--and the follow through thereafter (weird heart to heart? panic in your muses chest that noah kim now has dirt on them? realizing that he's kind of a decent guy one-on-one? maybe it's a good thing in the end, maybe a bad thing! who knows!)
idk . what happens at a noah kim house party stays at a noah kim house party overall tbh. maybe they hooked up and vowed to never speak of it again. maybe they spoke of it anyway. maybe it became a recurring thing. maybe they meet up present day and remember that night...
or, not involving hooking up, maybe someone went with him when he got the stupid flower tattoo on his shoulder that he doesn't remember. maybe it's matching with them and he doesn't remember so he doesn't know! idk !
idk please plot with me i'm begging
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ashitomarisu · 11 months
Delicious Party Precure (Final Thoughts)
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(Bro, chill).
Now that I have gotten through another Precure season, allow me to share some opinions.
Prior to watching this, my first impression was honestly not too optimistic when it originally aired. Kirakira Precure a la Mode also had a food-related theme, albeit more on desserts than actual cuisine. Nonetheless, I had a quota and this was the most recent completed season available; it was bound to happen.
With 45 episodes, this is another short Precure season (alongside Healin' Good), although it works. The plot basically has our protagonists protecting Recipepes from being stolen by the Bundoru Gang. Exactly what are these "Recipepes"?
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(Great. I'm getting Healin' Good vibes again, but without the Furi.)
Answer: These adorable food fairies that are subjected to getting kidnapped in almost every episode. They actually belong to three different groups: rice, noodle, and bread. That's where our fairy mascots come in as the protectors of these groups.
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Kome-Kome is the main "marketing" mascot (and Cure Precious's partner) of this season (and ends up being the youngest of the three as the story progresses). Obviously, she doesn't talk much at first until later on when she gains power and eventually gains enough strength to lend a hand with the cures. Of course, this is a fox-like mascot, which I adore.
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(Fuck, they named one after my aunt. WTF Toei?)
Then, there's Pam Pam, Cure Spicy's partner. She's my least favorite (and not because she's a pompous ass). The writers did not try hard enough to convince me that she is better than the other two; which sucks because I'm a dog and bread lover. *sad face*
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(Crunchyroll, it is prounounced "men" not "mem").
Men-Men is the dragon-like mascot partner for Cure Yum-Yum. This one is quite interesting for saying "WONTON" every time Ran transforms. He's a good boi; in fact, my middle nephew is now in love with him and demands plushies. I quite like the dynamic between the two the most for having that savory connection.
Plus, Men-Men has a cool human form.
Now, let's look at the cures:
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Yui Nagomi / Cure Precious
The main protag of the four, Yui sure does love eating. Her late grandma was the reason she became so passionate for food (there is a slight backstory explaining this in a later episode). Her family owns a restaurant that houses these...maneki-nekos (I'll come back to this later). She is quite a fighter, delivering a devastating punch (500 kcal, then 1000kcal, and eventually, 2000 kcal power). I did admire her demeanor, being a wonderful leader.
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Kokone Fuwa / Cure Spicy
Contrary to her partner, my feelings are the opposite for Kokone. There's something about her that immediately said "YES. THAT'S THE MISSING KICK IN THE MOUTH I'M LOOKING FOR IN A BLUE CURE". She's not Karen Minazuki levels of cool, but still freaking cool and Spicy had great defense that worked well in offense with the BREAD ROLLS.
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(Give me a moment to savor the mental warmth that is bread).
WHAT MORE CAN I SAY? Kokone brought some calming traits that I enjoyed and overall class.
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(How are you not related to Rin Hoshizora, FFS?!)
Ran Hanamichi / Cure Yum Yum
I've never in my life wanted a yellow cure that brought literal charisma and flaming passion (and I bet there's one before her that I forgot).
Ran oozes so much life, I don't even know if life can handle her. Her dynamic with Men-Men was one joyride down a noodle coaster and into some Lo mein paradise...or General Tso sauce.
All food pun aside, I've had my eye set on her even before watching; I swear she and Rin Hoshizora would make good "Ramen buddies".
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As for Yum Yum, noodles as cutters was a clever way to go. I also like the design, even if it feels a bit awkward at times; however, it works for the idea of a traditional Chinese background. Now that I think about it, I don't even know if it was confirmed if Ran was Chinese-Japanese to begin with. (Surely, someone mentioned this in an interview).
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(Student council president with diamonds on her head and yet Arisa Komiya was not considered...but I'll take another Ai.)
Amane Kasai / Cure Finale (formerly Gentlu)
During her villain arc, Gentlu had this aura of a frosted strawberry pop tart: once you warm it up, it tastes great. She was this sad frosted strawberry pop tart left sitting in a wrapper, waiting for someone to open it and put her in a toaster of love.
Once she became Cure Finale, I started having mixed questions about her drastic hair color change. She barely qualifies as a purple cure in design, despite the rest being multicolored. At this point, the rules in Precure are starting to unravel a bit with the color coding.
Unlike Precious, Spicy, and YumYum, Finale has a sweet motif; even Amane has "amai" or "ama" in her name, which means "sweet". It makes sense for someone who works in a sweets parlor.
Side note: her unofficial mascot partner is a parfait Recipepe that acts so ritzy-titzy it's hilarious; only Pam-Pam and Men-Men can understand it.
As for the Bundoru Gang, I felt they were a decent bunch.
Narcistoru and Spiritoru were pretty strong; Secretoru in her civilian form was more entertaining and I wish the writers would have done more of that earlier in the show. Then, there's Godatz, who [spoiler alert prevents me from revealing a lot so this censor is all you're getting].
Moving on to some other opinions:
The OP is a literal earworm; it feels refreshing to hear a more cheerful, upbeat score.
The next to last episode had one of the most hilarious, absurd climaxes to a final boss fight I, in my opinion, ever witnessed.
The movie was surprisingly good for the most part, although Cait Sith was a hell of a movie villain with a somber backstory. When he went AWOL, I was just speechless.
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(The STAPLE of Oishina Town became the deus ex machina and I couldn't keep my composure.)
In the end, yes, Delicious Party Precure, despite my doubts on a food motif, actually impressed me with how it was executed. It surely was more entertaining than Tropical Rouge, but not enticing enough to leave a mark as a favorite. It has some odd moments, but, this is a season involving food and also etiquette; what were you expecting? A five-star lore to come out of it???
Anyways, this is definitely one to check out if you're passionate for food. I would even consider this to be a good starting point if you've never seen Precure at all (alongside Smile, Fresh or Maho Tsukai).
With that being said, thus ends my yearly Precure season quota, even though Otona Precure 23 just started. As for the rest of the year, it has already been decided on the schedule. The Wheel has now finally been put to rest and hope to God I do not use that thing again.
Next month, look forward to me revisiting another anime title I've covered in the past. Perhaps....the most...clusterfuck of crossovers...featuring a familiar white rabbit looking son of a--
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mysticmoosenger · 16 days
my thoughts on Nana, a bit over halfway through.
i’m on episode 36 and so far its been a really great, more serious show. it got my roommate who doesnt watch anime sitting in the living room with me, heavily intrigued with nana and ren. It’s strong points for me were def:
art style and fashion
vivienne westwood
alternative lifestyle
nana and hachi’s dynamic
shin’s character
I absolutely loved the first bit of this show. The friendship dynamics and silly hachi moments, the small storylines, the band starting out. The characters are all pretty well developed and I adore the art style and character designs. Also, reira’s english VA is amazing.
now to the things I am not too thrilled about:
The show has some little things that im not really into though too. The entire start of the show I had really zero issues with. Its just a personal ick of mine when a main character gets pregnant. I understand the point of it with hachi’s character, but I still am annoyed with it. I feel like I was expecting a different overall vibe from the show from the first few episodes. Nearly halfway through hachi gets pregnant so now its hard to not just associate the show with that. Hopefully it is used well in the plot later on. It’s losing me bc of these:
Fuck takumi. hate this guy. i hate when he’s on the screen.
Lowkey annoyed with hachi. But tbh, I get it. her experience is valid but I get annoyed with her because thats def not what I’d be doing if i was in her position. like girl bffr. you had nobuo. wtf.
Yasu cannot catch a break at all bro. Man is being such an emotional crutch to half the cast that he doesnt get a chance to breathe. I feel like other that his job and stuff we dont know much about him yet, unless I missed something.
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otomebanshou · 5 months
Opinionated piece on Tengoku Struggle -Strayside-
Below is a very opinionated piece based on my feelings after completing Tengoku Struggle Strayside. Please do not take any of my comments to heart, I just like to ramble and get things off my chest to throw into the void of the internet. Enjoy.
Let’s start off with strong feelings. I didn’t like the game. 4/10, I may give it a 5 just for Sharaku being the saving grace of the game to be generous. I was always with the crowd that was down for some longer routes for love interests. This game put that to test for me with 12 chapters (13 for Goemon) for the boys and god damn did it wear me out.
So let’s move on to that. The game is way too fucking long for its own good. Not in a good way is it long, it’s way too damn fluffed up with pointless shit and beating around the bush. I could barely spend quality time that mattered with literally all the guys because the route wanted to push it’s very subpar plotline. 
The plot is atrocious. Not as bad as Charade Maniacs but honestly it was just as insulting. “We need to get the bad guys who escaped hell! …but we can’t fight them.” is honestly a really stupid plot. They had me going for a second, hopeful, that based on how things went down in Sharaku’s route (my first route) that it was all just leading up to a pokemon battle with the route’s villain and Rin was the pokemon trainer. Me, playing it at the time, when I got to the fights with Asaemon, I thought “oh ok! Maybe this is how the game is going to go, that’s cool I guess!” Boy was I fucking wrong. The game doesn’t know where it fucking wants to go other than beat around the bush for 90% of the chapters. 
The routes honestly would’ve been better off at 7 each, 8 for Goemon I guess. Like I said, a lot of the routes spend a majority of the time beating around the bush especially when it comes to feelings and where the fuck the plot is trying to go. Or maybe you’re Kiku and you are bitching and moaning about your sister who hates your guts for 11 chapters. No seriously his route can literally be summarized by: Kiku: Azami! Stop helping the bad guys! 🙁 Azami: ew no I hate you! Kiku: 🙁
Meanwhile, Yona and Sharaku had some of the better routes, developments, and just overall better everything. It doesn’t save the game for me however. It still left me feeling “wtf is the plot actually trying to be” for the entire time. But to give some praise, Yona is a very interesting character and his love for novels, including smutty ones, was a very nice touch that leaves me feeling very fond of him! Sharaku was just wonderful and I really enjoyed how deeply sweet his gestures for Rin were.
JacK, I love you but your route (and your personality) is a bit all over the place. I somehow felt like ranking him as my number 2 because, honestly I don’t know, I just liked him? He definitely had me on a rollercoaster of what the fuck is going on because he’s just so hot and cold and I still don’t really have a grip on who JacK REALLY is. But, like everything else, I’m blaming the writers here.
Finally, Goemon. Disa-fucking-pointing. LOL. He’s not as bad as Kiku, but lmfao, the common route hinted at the fated lovers trope, like a very typical otomate game. Fine ok, I ADORED Akaza so I had some hope. Some faith. DASHED!!!! Goemon is somewhat cute at the very least, questionably obsessed with himself that he kinda sweeps under the rug and never really talks about again, and he’s well liked. But that last part made him kinda boring to be honest. My main issue with him is the route sucked!! Rin and Goemon LITERALLLLLLYY beat around the bush about this whole “I loved you in the previous life” for ELEVEN CHAPTERS. It’s not even like rewarding. Goemon KNOWS and Rin doesn’t. I thought in like chapter 4 or 5 this shit would get cleared up and they’d build into something really amazing. Nah bro Goemon is just like “yeah uwu i really loved this dango shop, the girl there was beautiful uwu” and Rin spends nearly EVERY chapter going “god i wish i was the dango shop, the dango girl, hell the dango he ate ;_;” and Goemon kinda just.. Lets it happen which I found absolutely annoying LOL. I think the only real positive I have for this is Sharaku was funny, no shocker he’s funny in every route, and Goemon’s VA is really good, because otherwise I was really bored. My face when it said: chapter 13 PLEASE JUST END IT PLEASEE I DON’T WANNA KEEP PLAYING THIS SHIT
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ALSO THE WRITERS PUSHED IN A RAPE SUBPLOT AND A OUT OF NOWHERE “BETRAYAL(????)” AND IT WAS SO BAD LMFAO like holy moly I felt nothing for that part other than “yup there it is, that's the shit they love to do for no fucking reason WHAT SO EVERRRR”
Ok, we are nearing the end I promise.
Side characters? They ranged from pretty cool to what the fuck is the point of you. 
The coolest? Asaemon, and the couple that I forget the name of. I also kinda like Shin.
Azami is pretty mid tbh. She’s just a bratty girl. Nothing really new.
Shinobikuni is the most disappointing villain? Like she literally… did nothing. Lmao @ the ending where she just kinda lets Goemon win without a fight like “lol you got me i guess!”
Lol Mukkun wtf, the whole betrayal was so short lived it lasted like 2 minutes before it just… moved on… and changed the villain… LOL…………………
And then the white haired dude I forgot the name of. He was actually ok until… yeah lmfao wtf. I honestly couldn’t really even be mad at him because it just was such a sudden and weird choice that I just… didn’t feel anything. I was more mad at the TERRIBLE decision here. And so fucking out of nowhere like why? Actually I know why, it’s only purpose was to cause shock and I’m so disappointed.
The characters who stole the show are obviously King Enma and Mr. Corporate slave. XD They were the most enjoyable and honestly very intriguing of the cast. Always bringing humor to the table and overall brightening up my glum mood from a shitload of pointless text that brought nothing to the table. King Enma was a delight, I wish his presence was more prominent in the game.
Now, Rin.
She’s honestly just ok. The eventual background information about her that you get, obviously, from Goemon’s route was ok. I was kinda with it but that was ruined by how Goemon’s route ended up. Sometimes I really liked Rin then other times I was kinda bored with her. Not that she’s bad or I think she’s a deadpan MC, just… I don’t know, I didn’t really end up loving her. She was just ok. The whole man hating thing makes sense now but I feel more bad for her in the sense I can’t believe the writers just did that to her randomly. I don’t think I’ll ever be over it.
I forgot the cat. He was ok I guess. I wasn’t crazy about him. Did chuckle a few times at the dick biting jokes tho.
Last thing, I did *most* of the memory stuff extras, but tbh after Goemon’s bullshit route, I was just so fed up with the game I skipped about the last 25% of them. I completed them by force skipping. I just couldn’t anymore with the game. It was already so long and I was so drained by the game’s refusal to just.. End things.
So yeah. 4/10, other people will probably like it. I also didn’t really think Birushana was a very interesting game, but a lot of people really like Birushana. So, to each their own. I'm happy the game was localized and am thankful for everyone who worked on the game!
That’s it! If you read this far, you get a gold star sticker from me and I’m sorry for my opinionated piece/rant. lol
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bee-birb · 5 months
my thoughts on the knuckles series! spoilers below
ok so it was really well done, cinematography wise. the cgi was gorgeous and knux was portrayed amazingly. the plot.... was severely lacking. the main plot of "wade needs to win bowling against his asshole dad" should've been the subplot instead of "knuckles is getting kidnapped by GUN agents to sell to exGUN criminal who worked under robotnik", which should have been the main plot. also maddie and tom tracking down knux for escaping being grounded is never brought up. the lore tidbits from the GUN agents and the cute knux moments were honestly not worth signing into my dads Prime Video account to watch Wade trying to joust on a childs bicycle with a katana. the MURICA propaganda was strong, depicting the Asshole Dad covered in british flags, and wade's family is jewish (which i have no problem with, i love diversity and the chance to show off others' cultures) but in light of the palestinian war (and how america is basically funding israel) it feels like a political statement. i was not here for politics, i was here for funny red guy eats grapes. also nearly all the characters smelled of autism (which is nice, i love the inclusion) but i wonder if the writers/directors were projecting a bit. overall, this show was a bit of a disappointment, and focused more on wade than the title character.
anygays heres my unfiltered thoughts below
confirmed, knuckles only eats grapes and cool ranch doritos, he has the tism rizz
radio death counter: 2
this is just 2 delusional idiots going on a quest
everyone is autistic i love this
oh the racism. not cool in light of palistan. and paramount supporting israel. ew. why do wade's friends all have to be part jewish? why the mom's side?
theyre all so autistic i love it
that was a very unrealistic fork stabbing
wade needs a hug gawdamn
wall death counter: 2
rip sink
o w the roadrash
lmao fursuit wade
p u p p e t
iblis? black arms? WHO ARE YOU DEMON?
dont duel, idiot, run away
why did the mailman just happen to have a gun flare that says go
ow the roadburn
unironically hate this show wtf
lmao he has a bob
ew a child
i can overlook the plotholes. i can overlook the racism. i can overlook the idiocy. bUT I CANNOT OVERLOOK BRITISH MAN. DISGUSTING (i ‘hate’ brits for the bit, no hard feelings)
everyone is autistic i can smell it
HUGE LORE DROP, ROBOTNIK MADE GUN? not even grampa gerald, its def eggman. the implications for sonic 3 and the creation of shadow...
the squares were… an interesting editing choice
really hope that knux is just causing chaos and eating grapes offscreen. he deserves some grapes.
yup, betrayal scene. never trust a brit
they sacrificed dragon fruit man :0
where did they go
how did they commission custom bowling polos so quickly
youre a loser baby
bro didnt get his balls crushed, he got crushed by a ball
final thoughts: 4/10, needed more knuckles, the repeating songs were eh, only eps 1, 5, and 6 were worth it, and i genuinely hate the majority of the main plot. the subplot of knux getting kidnapped and the whole gun thing was cool, but it should've been the main plot. fuck the brits
ALSO WTF WAS UP WITH PACHACAMAC. either he's a figment of knuckles' imagination that got imprinted into wade's head, or he's FUCKING REAL AND THATS TERRIFYING IN REGARDS TO THE LORE. WTF.
and the rock opera scene was ass. like ik it was supposed to be bad for comedic value but it was just bad bad.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hello! May I ask what's your opinion on bomi and the girls from viral hit?? Because I can't stand bomi like I hate her especially when she is used as a damsel in distress to motivate hobin smh 🙄😒
Me: [having a nice day]
Anon: hey, wanna feel some rage?
Ramblings on Viral Hit/HTF women
Eh. Tbh, not as bad as Lookism but not the best. By a long shot.
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What a WASTE. The main love interest and there's... nothing there. NOTHING.
I think I may have described her as a plank of wood with tits. Man, I just wish she had more personality.
Being pretty isn't a personality trait. SERIOUSLY.
What do we know about her? She's intelligent because she's shown to be a plot device for Yeonwoo, privileged due to her parents. What else is there?
I'm sure she's a nice girl, and my dislike of her really isn't directed to the character. Just. Frickin' PTJ and his wonderful skills at writing women.
And oooooh nooo PTJ and his team can't ever forget the boobs btw. WHAT is with the women's bodies especially in season 2?!
Oh. And wtf. Did she really get beaten up as a plot device to bring Munseong back? My my, that's a new low isn't it?
Munseong come here instead bb
Quite like Rumi. She's shown to have a decent character development. Initially quite vapid and shallow but turns out she is kind and supportive and a really wonderful friend.
Also loved the arc where she quit the company and got scared. A very realistic response imo to everything and made her seem more of a rounded, three dimensional character.
Actually loooove her and Wangguk together, but I do NOT enjoy the pace of their relationship or how they got together. C'mon, you don't have to rush it.
And Wangguk blowing up whoever's place cos of Rumi's deepfakes?? BRO. WHAT ABOUT YOUR SISTER?? But that's a rant for another day.
Girl can fight!! Don't have much to add to her, although her character started off strong and now....
Honestly wtf was that Fake Couple arc with Hobin? WHY the unnecessary drama. Why are we reducing Gaeul to the third wheel between Bomi and Hobin??
Why are we also rolling Gaeul and Snapper out whenever the plot needs to move forward?!
I fucking love this bitch. Never change.
Guys we were THIS CLOSE to having this character butchered and turned into another Hobin simp.
Thank fuck for that.
In Summary
Marginally better written than the girls in Lookism. At least Gaeul and Gyeoul can fight. Fucking LOVE Gyeoul.
Their body shape overall gives me the ick when combined with the way PTJ + co writes women.
Lastly, no words needed for the panel below. PTJ really wanting that harem for himself huh.
(The fifth heroine was meant to be the nurse.)
(And heroine is really a stretch. They are all damsels to be saved by Hobin except Gyeoul.)
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istgimamess · 4 years
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“I don’t see him.” the young scientist voices; he’s a skinny thing—tall and lanky—with the demeanor of an excitable child. You follow the flick of his curious eyes over your shoulder, your gaze automatically meeting Kai’s through the glass. He’s well hidden—his gold and green complexion, the green leaves growing out of his shoulders, wrapping delicately around his arms and torso, the roots wrapped around his ankles, the dirt on his cheek—he blends into the dome around him, almost invisible to the human eye. If it weren’t for his laser-like focus on you, his golden irises catching in the light, you might’ve had a harder time locating him.
You clear your throat, breaking eye contact as quickly as you made it, “He’s there.” You open your mouth—ready to get this over with—when another voice cuts through, “I see him! Look, he’s right there.” the girl reaches forward, as if to touch the glass. Murmurs of shock and barely concealed excitement fill the tiny room and, suddenly, you’ve got a migraine.
“Woah! He’s an alien.” a much shorter, rounder intern exclaims.
“Kai—” you cut short, silently reprimanding yourself for the slip of tongue, “Subject K is a unique case, he’s not foreign to this planet. He was once human.”
“He was human?” the same intern questions, incredulously.
“Did you not read the case files you were presented with before todays introduction?” you can’t help but snap in reply, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. You’re a scientist, not a babysitter, and definitely not a teacher. How and why did you get stuck doing this? You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Can he...hear us?” a quiet voice pulls you out of your thoughts, cutting through the building frustration. And suddenly you feel ashamed. You’re not typically a cold person; you were once a young, fresh graduate—a wet behind the ears intern—just like them. Over-excited, curious and unintentionally dumb at times. You take a deep breath, center yourself, before shaking your head. “The room is soundproof, military glass, but he can see you.”
“What if he gets out? What if he hurts someone?” the same meek voice questions. You can now see the owner. It’s a girl, she’s shorter than you, thin and obviously very nervous. Sweat gathers at the top of her lip.
“There is no reason to be scared. Subject K is a product of an experiment gone wrong.” you interject, hoping to calm the young girls nerves. “He who creates a poison, also has the cure. He who creates a virus, also has the antidote. He who creates chaos, also has the ability to create peace. Any problems created by the left hand of man, can also be solved with the right.” you trail off, finding yourself quoting your late professor—a magnificent scientist, a man you look up to.
“I don’t understand?” her tall, lanky companion stares at you, his head cocked to the right.
“For he who manifests anything, also has the ability to destroy it.” you whisper, suddenly overwhelmed with the meaning behind what your late professor was saying. You didn’t really understand it at the time, but now you do. “Is that what you’ll do? Destroy him?” a smaller male questions, taking a step forward towards the glass. And you suddenly feel extremely nauseous. The idea of anyone, your boss, the government, ordering the termination—the extermination—of Kai...
You shake your head in an attempt to abort the train of thought, heat gathering behind your eyes. “I don’t...I don’t know.” you croak, your throat burns.
 “Anyways, shall we begin?” gripping the clipboard in your hands, you gesture to a series of X-rays directly opposite the viewing window. “The gut is the seat of all feeling. Polluting the gut not only cripples your immune system, but also destroys your sense of empathy, the ability to identify with other humans.” you keep your eyes steady on the group of interns you are speaking to—despite the consistent itch of Kai’s eyes lingering on your skin. “Bad bacteria in the gut creates neurological issues. For instance, through a series of tests, we’ve found that autism can be cured by detoxifying the bellies of young children.”
“Wait, so you’re saying that people who think that feelings come from the heart are wrong?” the shorter girl questions from the back of the room, her initial nerves completely forgotten about. There is a pause in writing, the sound of pen on paper dissipating.
“I’m saying that it’s scientifically proven that the gut is where you feel the loss of a loved one first. It's where you feel pain and a heavy bulk of your emotions. It's the central base of your entire immune system. If your gut is loaded with negative bacteria, it affects your mind. Yes, your heart is the seat of your conscience. But if your mind is corrupted, it affects your conscience all the same.” your voice is steady, almost monotone. The subject at hand coming second nature to you. In hindsight, this is probably why you were picked—you could teach this in your sleep.
“Think of the Solar system; the heart is the Sun. The gut is the Moon. The pineal gland is Neptune, and your brain and nervous system—your 5 senses—are Mercury. What affects the moon or sun affects the entire universe within. So, if you poison the gut—” you trail off, eyes connecting with Kai’s once again. “—it affects your entire nervous system, your sense of reasoning, your senses altogether. Which is what you can see clearly here with Subject K.” you gesture briefly to Kai, flicking your wrist in his direction and dropping your eyes away from his intense gaze.
“But I don’t understand the manifestation of that bacteria. Flowers? Plants? Vines? In the human body? Growing out of the nervous system? What did they do to him? What kind of experiment was this? Does it hurt him?” the taller intern balks, confusion written all over his face.
“You don’t have the clearance for the answers to half of those questions.” you reply, brazenly. Your eyes can’t help but fall down to Kai’s legs—the vines rooted into his skin—grown from the inside out. Dried blood and dirt caked to his shins, his shoulders.
“There are people who are destined to taste only the poison in things, any surprise is a painful surprise and any experience a new occasion for torture.” you clench your jaw, the same heat behind your eyes reappearing. “If someone were to say to me that such suffering has subjective reasons, related to the individual's particular makeup, I would then ask is there an objective criterion for evaluating suffering?”  You look back at the group of interns, making eye contact with each one. “Who can say with precision that Subject K suffers more than you or I do? There is no objective standard because suffering cannot be measured according to the external stimulation or local irritation of the organism, but only as it is felt and reflected in consciousness.” It’s textbook and the science driven part of your brain can rationalize and justify any pain he might feel—for the better of humankind. However, your heart says other wise. The empathetic, emotion driven part of your brain can’t help but plead for lack of pain. For mercy. Your nausea returns.
It isn’t until the last intern has left the room, closing the door softly behind him, that you allow yourself to outwardly reflect what you are feeling inside: exhaustion, defeat, fear.
You curl into yourself, shoulders dropping, head hanging low; for a moment you forget who you are, where you’re at, who is watching you. A sigh escapes your lips before you’re even aware of what you’re doing. Coming back into yourself, you straighten. Your eyes trail back to Kai nervously, heart still thumping erratically in your chest. His golden eyes somehow look darker. As if he could truly hear you—no, it’s soundproof glass, there’s no way. You shake your head once again, trying to rid yourself of any doubts and turn to exit the room.
“You are not coming in today?” his voice carries, a low baritone, as if he was right there beside you. You freeze. Slowly turning around, your wide eyes catch his.  “No, I won’t.” your eyes trail back to the door, your nerves picking up at the thought of someone walking by and hearing your conversation; a conversation you weren’t supposed to participate in.
“Why? You always come in.” he takes a step forward, the part of his body once hidden in plain sight coming into full view. You instinctively take a step back, your body reacting as if there is no glass separating you.
“You know why...last time...last time you touched me. You’re not supposed to do that. You… you whispered things in my ear, things I never would’ve expected to affect me the way they did.” you suddenly find yourself exasperated. “You’re a walking, talking ecosystem and yet I’m the one like a leaf fluttering in the wind—when you zig, I zag. You talk and I jump. You walk and I turn into a blithering idiot. I admit it, when I find myself near you…” you didn’t have the courage to finish the sentence. You weren’t suppose to talk to him, to let him touch you. You couldn’t let yourself get attached, and yet here you were. With a sudden lump in your throat, you added: “I don’t want to hope, and I certainly don’t want to delude myself. Damn it, the thought of deluding myself terrifies me!”
“I think I know what your problem is.” he was right in front of the glass now, the palm of his hand pressed up against it. His eyes radiating life, his expression incredibly deprived—like he was the plant and you were the water he so desperately needed. Just out of reach.  “And what would that be?” you swallow at the sudden proximity, you hadn’t seen him approach so swiftly. He offered a sly smile, his golden eyes piercing you in place. “You’re hopelessly in love with me.” 
“Absolutely not.” you disagree wholeheartedly, a part of you panicked at the thought, “If anything, you’re the one in love with me!” You don’t know why you say it, maybe to try and one-up him. Kai has never shown any direct interest in you personally, other than that one time—if anything he seems quite indifferent around you. His foreign stare following you closely around the room when you’re working.
“I am.” his confession almost knocks you off your feet, he spoke like it was obvious. “You've driven me crazy. You've caused me considerable trouble and I've contemplated ending your life twice since I've known you." his warm breath hits the glass, sending a shiver down your spine. The danger behind his words, the implication, sends your heart straight into your throat. “But you’ve slipped under my skin, invaded my blood and seized my heart.” “That sounds more like a poison than a person,” was all you could say. His words had both shocked and scared you. “Exactly,” he replied, as if it was apparent. “You have poisoned me.”  🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿
This has been sitting in my drafts for the past 7 months, and I don’t even remember why and for who I was writing this for! I’m like 93% positive this was a request, in which case I AM SOOOO SORRY OMFG I’M A CRAP PERSON! SHAME ON MY FAMILY, SHAME ON MY COW!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME WHOEVER REQUESTED THIS!!! GOD, I SUCK!!
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bluehoodiewoozi · 3 years
13 Days, 13 Men, 13 AUs #9:
CHWE HANSOL (VERNON) + roommate au
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1,3k words /// genre: bullet-point scenario; romantic comedy, but the romance is a sub-plot /// warnings: none.
In which I forgot how to make full sentences, so here are some headcanons for what it would be like to be roommates with Vernon.
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➺ being roommates with Vernon would be pretty fun ngl
➺ he’s a pretty go-with-the-flow type of guy so he didn’t even blink when you just pretty randomly moved into the second bedroom
➺ though to be fair, he probably didn’t even realise you’d actually moved in until he found you making soup in the kitchen at like midnight one stressful evening and he almost called the police on you. it’s a fond memory now.
➺ for the sake of some sort of plot, let’s say you moved into the apartment with your cat. best believe the cat is communal property now.
➺ you quickly became friends and co-conspirators
➺ late-night cereal eating is definitely a thing and an unspoken tradition
➺ no words need to be spoken. only cereal and each other’s company while you semi-shamefully sit in the kitchen and stare into space.
➺ rock-paper-scissors to decide who has to clean and do the dishes
➺ he can’t really cook that well (as evident from pretty much all of his on-camera attempts of cooking) but he’ll absolutely try to help you when you decide to cook
➺ Vernon 110% plays his music too loud some days
➺ at least he tries to avoid doing it when you’re home? i guess? the moment he knows he’s home alone, the speakers are working overtime 
➺ so you’ll come home and the apartment is just borderline screaming at you and the first few times you were like “bro wtf we’re gonna get a noise complaint”
➺ but now you’re pretty used to it. there’s no point in confronting him about it anyway: he can’t hear you. plus the neighbours seem to be even worse than he is. (look at you, Lee Jihoon from the apartment below ಠ_ಠ)
➺ your roommate also does his laundry at questionable times. a firm believer in night-time laundry-doing for the sake of lower prices. 
➺ which would be fine if the bedroom right next to the washing room wasn’t yours
➺ he definitely forgets a sock or a beanie in the washing machine very often and you don’t realise it until you go to take your whites out of the machine and half of them are a weird neon colour
➺ but worry not! after sharing an apartment with him for months, you’ve finally figured out how to deal with this
➺ (and whatever magic you use for that: I am rooting for you)
➺ Vernon quickly grew into the habit of just sort of ,,, walking into your room?
➺ he’ll just see something cool on the internet and run to your room. he could not care less about knocking. 
➺ until he walked in on you changing once. he didn’t dare to enter your bedroom for a good two weeks without knocking. but he soon forgot about it and now he continues bursting into your room at random.
➺ saw a funny meme on twitter? coming to your room. 
➺ finished a new song? running to your room and smiling at you so widely that you just can’t help but say ‘yes’ and discard the laundry basket that’s been begging for your attention for weeks.
➺ got your objectively grumpy and unaffectionate cat to be happy in his arms? coming to your room just to make your jealous.
➺ his co-workers were dumb at work? he’s in your room before you are in your room and the moment you enter, he’s rambling like a madman. an unusual occurrence but not a rarity. 
➺ he had a bad day overall? he’s already wrapping himself into a blanket burrito in your room and whining loudly when you scold him for messing up your bed.
➺ he has a better relationship with your cat than you ever will, honestly
➺ the cat goes to greet him every time he comes home. follows his sleepy self around to give him a morning report in the form of purrs and meows. SITS IN HIS LAP WHILE HE’S WATCHING TV????
➺ you suspect he’s been providing your little friend with catnip or something. why else would the cat love him so much??
➺ Vernon 1000% bought a giant cat tree like six months into your stay at the apartment. he’s spoiling the little guy the most (even if it means eating instant ramen for three weeks afterwards).
➺ he also re-organized his entire room to designate an entire bookshelf to your cat. your cat now has a nap shelf with Vernon’s softest sweater as the mattress.
➺ Vernon can also be very sweet towards you
➺ he might not be the most attentive man on the block (that title goes to one Lee Seokmin from 6b), but he has his moments
➺ when you come home and look even a bit more out of it than usual, he’s running to your room just to comfort you and find out what happened
➺ half of the time you’re like “I’m just tired??? let me be??” but he just wants to comfort you so you can’t exactly kick him out either
➺ he firmly believes that you shouldn’t be alone when you’re upset. even if it just means that he’ll quietly vibe in the corner of your room while watching you punch your pillow.
➺ if you ever came home in tEARS??? panicking. screaming. arguing with your cat over what the best approach is.
➺ usually sneaks into your room in an oddly cat-like manner and wraps you in his arms to let you cry in ultimate comfort. he’s not very good at comforting crying people, but he’s trying his best for his favourite roommate.
➺ if you came home particularly happy, he is down to celebrate in whatever way you see fit. you want cake? he’s paying. champagne? he’s down. movies and popcorn? he’s already working on it.
➺ somewhat expects the same energy in return, but he won’t say it out loud
➺ about a year into living together he becomes ridiculously protective of you
➺ and also as in “they were supposed to be back three hours ago. what if they died? what if they got run over? what if the bus broke? what if they’re dead in a ditch somewhere and I don’t even know? what if I missed a call from the hospital and they need a new kidney?? what if–” you get my point.
➺ best believe he’s gonna start walking the extra mile just to walk you home. 
➺ he’s very chill about it too, like just waiting for you outside the building pretty nonchalantly, hands in his pocket, staring at some random passerby’s samoyed. 
➺ “ready to go?”
➺ your neighbours and friends accuse him of having a crush on you and he’ll go “pft! no.” and then continues to stare at you with heart-eyes
➺ but then he proceeds to whine until you agree to go to a family gathering with him and you’re sort of like “I’m just your roommate???” 
➺ it doesn’t get much less confusing when all of his family members keep giving you awfully suggestive smiles and knowing looks
➺ when you ask him about it, he looks at you all weird and tells you that you had too much to drink
➺ and he says it with such conviction that you truly start to wonder if the lemonade was spiked or something
➺ he has no qualms about acting like your boyfriend if you need him to scare off a creep. zero qualms. he’s enjoying it, actually.
➺ because acting as your boyfriend gives him a reason to hold your hand and maybe kiss your cheek without looking suspiciously in love with you
➺ listen, he didn’t mean to fall in love with his roommate! but he can’t help it and now he’s stuck in this predicament. 
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A/N: writer’s block hit me hard this time ha... 
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necronatural · 3 years
my knowledge of founders “fan culture/works” (or whatever the hell its called) is peripheral at best, so your occasional rants about it are super incomprehensible and also highly entertaining. I have to admit that Im intrigued. if you dont mind, could you explain the “taxonomy” of it all? in other words, my curiosity has overcome me; what the fuck is going on?
Ok im relatively new lets see if I can break it down. The progenitor of the wave is Blackkat, who wrote fics about Tobirama. Most tropes have a highly identifiable progenitor.
1. The Tulpa: a recurring theme is usually Tobirama trying to be as emotionless as possible to better do his job, not acknowledging how emotional his heart truly is. Also he's a deranged inventor who loves to draw up new concepts. Turn in Such Humanity and Count Your Blessings is this, condensed.
2. Woobie Tobirama: Hashirama is not paying attention to Tobirama's repression, giving people who understand it better (like Madara, Madatobi is the dominant ship) access. This mutates into "Bad Brother Hashirama", where Hashirama either resents Tobirama for his personality or is scared of him and neglects/abuses him, sending Tobirama into the Uchiha's protective arms. See: break your ankle in a cave copypasta. Overall "Tobirama goes to the Uchiha's house" is the most common trope you'll find and most fics strive to put Tobirama in the Uchiha's house
3. Kids. Canonically Tobirama is just normal about children (note: something wrong with him so it's striking he is normal with them) so obviously its wildly popular for him to adopt or mentor them and he has a caretaker's impulse. Kagami is often pulled into this, #1 child for Tobirama to be nice to. He's not Tobirama's student but people act like he is
4. Sex pest Izuna. Tends to crop up if the fic isn't lovey dovey. I think its a distinct trope where he isn't just sexually liberal (this is funny and I'm fine with this) but specifically is sexual at inappropriate times and often as his sole personality trait. I wish for world clean. Worth mentioning this guy is viewed as a dom top, baby are you sure?
5. Soulmates. Just soulmates. They're everywhere. Ubiquitous. Can't spit without hitting one.
6. A/B/O. Likewise 😞
7. Arranged Marriage. Look if there's a fic trope where 2 people are forced to be intimate with/acknowledge/not kill one another you bet your ass that it's a trend
8. Wife hunts. Kill me.
9. Darkfic. I full stop block these posts when I see them. Appears to exclusively be, as a "trend", Super Sexual Sadism Bros Madara and Izuna and the sexual sadism Madara solo joint.
10. Uchiha flailing: ok this isn't a trope but there's a trend of...like, if the Uchiha flail or there is a comment on how they tend to flail NO EXCEPTION the characterization is them acting like a middle schooler. Anastasia from 50 Shades corny obliviousness. Why.......?
11. Spare Tire Izuna: no one knows wtf to do with him btw. Overall trends as irritable, more active and autonomous, mirrors Madara's opinions but is honest about it. He's a plot device guy unless he's being a dom top or is in love with touka. Not even in a ship sense sometimes him being in love with touka is a background crush so he has something to do. He's not a piece of meat...hes a person... with feelings... [Insane]
There's also microtrends caused by people filling out ideas from drabble collections, a core part of the ecosystem. I think I saw a wild strain of guide/sentinel from this. G/S AUs are irresistible to me I'll always read them
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endermaans · 3 years
so this is me, rating the freaking seasons of lego ninjago. here we go
Masters of Spinjitzu: 7/10
Good set up. It's short and easy to watch. Also, nostalgia. Not my favorite, but good.
Rise of the Serpentine: 8/10
a good start to the series. it has its bad points like every season does but, yknow. I enjoy the building found family dynamic but you cannot tell me that that one cole-centric episode was not queer-coded as fuck. Because it was and I am not taking criticism. overall good!
Legacy of the Green Ninia: 7.5/10
This would have been a good end to the show imo. I'm glad it wasn't, but I can't really say I'm a fan of Lloyd getting aged up. He deserved a proper childhood dammit! The ending was good, solid banger. Also, Garmadad. Yes.
Rebooted: 5.5/10
I'm taking off points because it was eight episodes. Also, Zane and PIXAL's romance subplot? Literally took like, three episodes. Not even an hour, man. Not terrible, ending-wise But stop giving Lloyd and Zane trauma, damn you!
Tournament of Elements: 2/10
HOW. HOW DID YOU FUCK UP THIS BADLY. I loathe this season, solely because its supposed to be Kai-centric, AND IT DOES HIM THE FUCKING W O R S T POSSIBLE WAY. Also, the Kai and Skylor romance subplot sucks. And you're gonna tell me we DON'T address what happens when Kai holds the staff?! Bullshit.
Possession: 9/10
I adore this season with every fiber of my being. The Kai and Lloyd dynamic? Banger. Morro as the villain? Banger. The ending? Banger. By far, one of the better seasons.
Skybound: 6/10
Weehhhhhhhh, not my favorite. Nadakhan is a good villain and genuinely intimidating, and there are moments where you do genuinely fear for the ninjas safety. Hate the ending. How do you just erase everything like that?! I could also just say: "THIS NEVER EVEN H A P P E N E D." and my point would still be made.
Day of the Departed: 8/10
Thoroughly enjoyed this! Love the Cole-centric stuff. Pretty good special. Also, Morro! I love him your honor.
Hands of Time: 7/10
Not bad. Acronix and Krux are good villains. Not my favorite, but good. How many secrets is Wu gonna keep from the ninja? WHO KNOWS ANYMORE!
Sons of Garmadon: 7.5/10
Mediocre at worst. Harumi is definitely not a villain I saw coming until it was too late. She's also very hateable! Good written villain. But, the plots a little shakey.
Hunted: 8.5/10
HOLY SHIT GIVE LLOYD A BREAK MAN. My boy has been through so much and now he's on the run. Oh God. Oh can somebody please give him a break!! in all seriousness, I enjoy this one more than the previous. Its just better for some reason idk! Maybe its the dragons.
March of the Oni: 7/10
Why was this so short????? Wtf???? Bro, no. Solid, but short as hell.
Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu Scrolls: The Fire Chapter: 4.5/10
Character writing is shaky. Plot holds steady BUT NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF WU HAD JUST SAID SOMETHING.
The Ice Chapter: 7/10
Character writing is significantly better here. Plot still holds steady. Could be better, but at least it's not the Fire chapter.
Prime Empire: 7.5/10
Not the greatest in terms of plot writing. However, Unagami is a good villain. Redeemable. I like it. Good season. Not great, but good.
Master of the Mountain: 10/10
I'm biased, yeah. But can you blame me? Its just a really good season! And honestly, Cole-centric AND vague dnd-themes? You've won my heart. Also, Vania is a very well-written character. She's also not a love interest to Cole either!! I'm in love.
The Island: 8/10
A good special. Better if you watch it as the 40 min special. It's good set-up for Seabound. Its still not the greatest in terms of plot, though.
Seabound: 9/10
I cried. I will admit it, I cried during this season. It's such a good season, and the last episode just had me bawling. For this being pretty much the sole Nya-centric season, I hate that it just had her become the ocean at the end. I saw it coming- still cried. Also, if I had a nickle for every season of Ninjago that started with S and ended with -bound and killed off Nya in some way, I'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot, but its weird that its happened twice right?
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