#[ ooc ] *kat speaks!
dcmoniism · 4 months
[ the way i would write elena for a katherine. ]
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mythomannia · 2 months
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noahrmal · 5 months
so iiii am really excited to get started so i wanted to put some more solidified plot ideas down below to maybe kickstart the process! but please reach out to me if any of these appeal to you OR if you want to discuss something else! (my disc is thegongoozler!)
your muse is also from an affluent family & perhaps their parent(s) are friends with/know noah's dad and try to set them up for image reasons (this would probably be limited to women for romantically set up, men for platonically set up to be bros; noah is bi but his dad certainly isn't aware of or encouraging that). do they play along? do they hate each other? do they rebel? etc. this could have been a past/high school thing or a present thing!
kind of a funny idea that just occurred to me but if they tried to do a friend set up with another Rich Son and they started hooking up....... their parents like "no not like that"
moving on... maybe your muse goes to the same university as noah present day? just bumping into each other in class or something like oh wtf i know you actually... did they like each other? did they hate each other? fully possible that noah was a bully to them lmao... or maybe they were on his good side? (they don't have to also go to university; perhaps they just frequent a cafe on campus or something.)
your muse was a frequent attender of the ragers noah would throw in high school at his house. maybe your muse and noah both saw something they shouldn't have seen between other muses or hs npcs and bonded over this/trying to figure out wtf to do about it.
or maybe they caught noah (or he caught them) in a vulnerable situation--emotions fueled by drugs or alcohol, seeing a partner cheating, you name it--and the follow through thereafter (weird heart to heart? panic in your muses chest that noah kim now has dirt on them? realizing that he's kind of a decent guy one-on-one? maybe it's a good thing in the end, maybe a bad thing! who knows!)
idk . what happens at a noah kim house party stays at a noah kim house party overall tbh. maybe they hooked up and vowed to never speak of it again. maybe they spoke of it anyway. maybe it became a recurring thing. maybe they meet up present day and remember that night...
or, not involving hooking up, maybe someone went with him when he got the stupid flower tattoo on his shoulder that he doesn't remember. maybe it's matching with them and he doesn't remember so he doesn't know! idk !
idk please plot with me i'm begging
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godblooded · 1 year
not me tearing up sometimes when i write with @conqveror because yes google translate is messy but like sometimes seeing my language written out in greek lettering and making it conversational and i just love 🦊 and it’s so therapeutic for my 🇬🇷 ass.
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nostomannia · 9 months
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I'm rewatching Bloodborne, and it just has me thinking. I really don't get to play much with how much Sol knows? If we want to talk about Eldritch knowledge, Solita is kind of a dictionary for it. About the multiverse, about outer reality. About the dimensions that exist in between. The layers that make up reality, and how time distorts between each layer.
Just. The existentialist parts of being a kind of world-jumper she is specifically. She's in constant contact with something that's unstable themselves, needless to say she experiences every corner of that which is beyond human knowledge.
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seerofspace · 10 months
Wow. I need to log in here more often because I need to block and report a lot of bots.
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lcstinfantasy · 11 months
@frxgmcnts putting me in my kat/klaus feels
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vigilantaes · 2 years
you can tell im starting to read some books n lit again by my writing getting a lil fancier
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courtofmuses · 1 year
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My sweet telekinetic girl Kat is in need of someone to come kiss her. <3 Send her some via ask?
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kageira · 2 years
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aw im glad they finally came out
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slendermanofficial · 11 months
I know Slenderman probably isnt going to get any of the refrences I put in here, but what if we did what Philza's chat did guys/anons!
We could be crows! :O
I kinda think it'd fit too?
Idk, im also pulling in how crows react to other animals and I think what I'm going for is Slenderman and his proxies/other workers are the wolf pack and we are the crows flying over shit saying "over here!"
Then again they might not need that, but come on! It'd be cool!
Especially if there was a flock of crows circling heavily around an area in front of a person and then Slenderman just appears in the midst of them-
[Mainly putting this here because the fanart I (or anybody) could make of this blog and a shitton of crows would be fire- But the tagged anons could also maybe have little trinkets they wear too]
[And maybe some of the more frequent anons could be ravens! Bigger! To show they were there longer?? My artist brain is cranking and the gears are grinding :D]
[[I also do not get this reference lol, but thats cute, if you all wanna be crows go ahead! :3]]
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kazutora-kurokawa · 5 months
I'm never gonna stop aha but school kisaki (toman kisaki) x his girlfriend who blabbers a lot/talks a lot? (Maybe include hanma being interrupted by reader running over blabbering too hanma or like reader interrupting kisaki and hanma talking just for user too rant and blabber too kisaki
Soft!Kisaki x Motormouth!Reader
♡ SFW, fem reader, fluff, Hanma teasing Kisaki, ooc Kisaki ♡
note: Kat you're tossing so many ideas at me and I love all of them lol 🩷
Hanma pulled up to the school to come pick up his partner in crime, Kisaki. What he didn't expect was for Kisaki to be walking towards him with you clinging onto his arm. Kisaki held your bag as you latched onto him, talking his head off.
As you two got closer to Hanma, he realized how different Kisaki seemed. He looked content, relaxed, and invested in whatever you were ranting about.
"Hey Kisaki, what's going on with motormouth now?"
As soon as Hanma opened his mouth Kisaki stared daggers at him.
"Be quiet! Y/n is talking!"
"I only asked one question..."
Hanma was used to Kisaki being rude to him, but never because someone else was speaking. If anything, Kisaki would usually be the one interrupting someone. The way Kisaki acted with you was something Hanma had never noticed before. But now that he noticed, he was never gonna let Kisaki live it down.
"Oh I see how it is, you wanna act differently when your girl is around. I get it, no judgement here ♡"
"Will you be quiet?!"
"Can your girl be quiet?"
"I'm gonna beat the shit out of you."
They were so focused on arguing with each other that they hadn't even noticed when you took your bag out of Kisaki's hands and started walking home. When Kisaki gave up on trying to argue with Hanma, he turned and looked in your direction but you were long gone. He was definitely gonna whoop Hanma's ass for distracting him from you. He wasn't too upset though, he knew you'd tell him everything again tomorrow, and he couldn't wait.
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @happy-trenchcoated-impala
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noahrmal · 5 months
hi everyone! i'm kat (she/her) and this is my messy son noah (but honestly, everyone in this rp is gonna be messy as hell lbr)
some brief stuff under the cut but tbh the most info is in his extremely casual bio and very basic barebones stats page. i do have some baaaaasic plot ideas below as well though i prefer messaging to plot especially when the muse is this messy 🤪
edit: i have a more specific plot ideas post here c:
as for messaging, i prefer disco/rd (thegongoozler over there) but i can be persuaded to use tumblr ims if needed!
brief tldr
noah was born in australia, and lived there until he was about 9. mostly raised by his mother, barely knew his father (running business in seoul)
his parents were technically married but basically separated
(tw: car accident, death) well, his mom dies in a car accident when he's 9 and that's when things begin to go wrong
he had to move to seoul to live with his father since he was a child... and this man is basically a stranger to him
thankfully he does speak korean so he isn't hopelessly lost but still
in early schooling (like i'm thinking ages 9-12) he was mostly quiet, lonely, sad.
something changes when he hits high school and he's suddenly a wild child (attention starved)
noah is muse f in subplot 3--so he's one of Those Boys......
tbh i just think he's so excited to have people who care about him in his life that he's willing to do anything for their approval
so he does some not so good things (bullies, cheats, lies)
he was also frequently known for hosting insane parties in his father's home when he was on business trips
and also taking his dads car for joyrides with his friends... etcetera etcetera
noah's big Plot Secret in his app is that his dad bribes/pays off an underage dui he gets on one of these Joy Rides. very few if any people know about this whole thing
anyway, at present, he's finishing a business degree at university (he hates it)
plot ideas
idk i think it'd be fun if one of his friends was in the car when he got the dui and they were sworn to secrecy
someone who was on the receiving end of noah's meanness in high school... he's not like that anymore but also he's too much of a coward to face the consequences of his past actions
someone who desperately wanted in on the subplot 3 trio? maybe they were treated nicely, maybe they weren't
i also just think that noah was probably a lot nicer when he was alone/separated from The Boys in high school--someone who didn't understand why he was suddenly an asshole when with his pals? peer pressure is a hell of a drug
obligatory section for ex friends. ex flings. ex partners, fwb, etc etc etc!!
idk please plot w/ me, this isn't my normal kind of muse so i'm sure a lot of it is going to happen in one on one discussion!!!
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godblooded · 1 year
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time-travel-trio · 2 months
(You hear the clacking sound of a keyboard being typed on)
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Is this thing working? Oh, wait- AHA, there we go!
About time!
Took it long enough.
Yeah, really. So, let's introduce ourselves! Hello, Rotomblr- Rotumblr? How do you spell it? Girls, you know I have dyslexia-
Oh boy, we're off to a bad start.
Yeah, really.
AHEM. Moving on... I'm Dusk! I'm the one in the middle here, with the red eyes. I specialize in Ghost Types, and I'm kind of our leader? Sorta? I dunno.
I'm Dawn, on the right, with the magenta eyes. I like Poison types. They are verrrrrry fun. Dusk and I are twins, if it wasn't obvious.
I'm Twilight, the odd one out on the left, with the brown and pink hair. I use Psychic Types, and I'm their little sister. Nice to meet you all!
We decided to make a shared blog here for you all to chat with us with. You can ask us just about anything, but if we find an ask too weird, we're just gonna delete it.
Yeah, don't come over here asking REALLY weird shit. You know what we mean, you weird fucks.
Language, Dawn.
Shut up-
Girls, chill. Now, you all may notice we're using different text colors, it's just so you can tell who's talking. Wouldn't want you all getting confused. Now, with all that said, uhhh... you can start asking us stuff now, I guess.
Wow, way to be confident when ending it off.
C'mon, Dusk, you can do better then that.
Girls, don't make me get Thanatos. OH RIGHT, you can ask about our teams, too, and depending on who you ask, the Pokémon spoken about may chip in with something! Okay, now we're good.
Ask away, people!
(OOC under the cut)
I decided to make an ask blog for my three Pokémon OC's, Dusk, Dawn, and Twilight! You may have seen them appear over on other blogs, rest assured, that is me, just my alt lol.
Pelipper Mail is ON! Magic Anon is OFF!
Don't be weird with them, yall. I won't hesitate to block anyone who asks anything obviously inappropriate. None of that shit will be on my blog. This is fuckin' MINE, and it ain't gonna be a circus for your creepy desires, got it?
When I talk OOC, I'll use // as an indicator. You can ask me things as well, if you want! Just specify!
Speaking of that, specify which of them you're talking to when you send in asks, please. I'm not a mind reader. If you do that, I'm gonna end up hitting you with this:
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(thanks to @the-boy-and-the-poison-puppeteer for the inspiration for this lol [sorry for the ping], go check out his blog if you didn't come here from his)
Any of them may go unavailable for any reason at any time, so I'll keep a list of who's available and who isn't.
With all that said, have fun!
Available For Asks:
Their teams, as they're revealed (Thanatos the Zoroark and Hoshino the Ogerpon so far)
Me, the Mod! (You can call me Kat if you want, she/her pronouns!)
Pokémon Revealed:
Dusk's: Thanatos (Shiny Alpha Hisuian Zoroark), Gengar, Golurk
Dawn's: Bellona (Alpha Sneasler) Pecharunt (nickname unknown)
Twilight's: Ra (Alpha Hisuian Braviary)
Shared: Hoshino (Ogerpon)
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whateven333 · 4 months
A mature bonkai reunion how would you approach it after or during legacies?
In regards to mature BK during legacies I'm unsure, I've never watched legacies but I know that Bonnie never appears in that show but Kai appears on it and the general opinion seems to be that he was ooc in it
I think something that would have avoided him being ooc in that show, might have been to have him paired in scenes with Bonnie, (but just to clarify I would never actually want Bonnie/ Kat to be anywhere near any of those writers, this is just hypothetically speaking)
I feel that he seemed most true to his character and he had more interesting reactions/ interactions when his character was paired with Bonnie.
I tried looking up Kai's storyline on legacies...but I just didn't really know what any of that was or who other characters were meant to really be except for like Jo's grown up twins and Alaric ? - freakin Alaric man ...anyways
I was so confused, I thought Kai was left chained up in Karaoke Hell prison world or whatever but for some reason in legacies theres all these other random people that were students? Being punished? Alaric sent them there? I think I'm misremembering what I read 😭
I'm sorry for the legacies rant, but since I didn't even watch anywhere close to all of TVD I'm even more confused about what's supposed to be going on with Legacies 😭😭
So im gonna have to leave legacies stuff out of this but for mature BK -after the events of TVD but ignoring the part where they randomly sent Bonnie off to Africa:
I'm thinking we have Kai in his Karaoke prison world, he's all bitter and angry and half-dessicated.
We have Bonnie, who on the outside seems to be doing good, maybe she's found some distant Bennett relatives, so she moves to where they are, it's a quiet town, there's a local witch community who her relatives introduced her to, she keeps in touch with the gang from Mystic Falls from time to time, all seems to be going well, but maybe too well ?
Maybe she's a little bored ? For the majority of her life she's been in the centre of so much mayhem, whether she wanted to be or not. She knows she deserves peace, she deserves to rest. It just seems like she doesn't know how though. She probably wouldn't describe herself as a thrill-seeker, yet she finds herself drawn to other people's problems -the witchy kind of problems that require witchy solutions... and maybe siphon solutions.
She doesn't know many siphoners, to her annoyance, they seem pretty rare and she wouldn't feel right forcing just any of them to do her bidding. Except, she knows one siphoner who she wouldn't feel guilty about ensnaring to join her cause.
And so, she gets him out (we all got that one prisoner we keep locked away in an alternate dimension, guys chill).
And our boy Kai is as vengeful as ever, he will obviously not make this easy for her and Bonnie knows this, so she takes some necessary precautions -a spell to ensure that he is bound to her in some way, but he is still a pretty powerful coven leader (nvm the fact that coven's population is very small now) so the spell comes with some stipulations -she is in turn bound to him.
The spell ensures they're not able to hurt each other past a certain degree, so cue a ton of psychological warfare on both sides as they both try and out-manipulate the other (it turns into a power play sort of situation *wink wink*).
Kinky shenanigans.
I'm done.
(Hi Anon ! I feel there's a chance I may have misunderstood the ask 😖 I'm sorry <3, also I probably went off topic but when do I not lol, Uni has me stressed asf so my brains a little...ugh, so I'm sorry for the delay in response, also this was probs vague as hell -I wanted to come up with something more but this was all I could produce I'm afraid 😭 I hope you don't mind, thank you so much for the ask 💖)
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