#chesh writes
imcheshire · 14 days
Fluff//Multiple characters//Wc: 0.3k
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Your head lies on his soft chest, lightheaded as your mind drifts between reality and dreamland.
A few hours ago, he laid down on your bed, playing video games with his friends. You soon, after a warm shower, joined him, lying on top of him. Since then, you didn’t really move, being comfortable, becoming sleepier with every passing second.
Now, you’re bathing in his scent, coming from his hoodie—which is of course yours too—, and from him too. It smells like home. It calms you.
You are listening to his heartbeat and those occasional comments he makes about the game or the others. There are some funny ones. They make you laugh as you draw circles on his arm. With every circle, your pace slows, then fully stops for a second as you yawn.
“You sleepy, babe?” He asks with a tender voice.
“Mhm.” You reply, nuzzling closer to him, if that’s even possible.
“You know you can fall asleep, right? You don’t have to stay awake, we will be playing for another hour at least.”
“But I want to be with you.” You mumble, barely coherent.
“I’ll be here all night long and in the morning.” Then there is a pause. “And all day too; we live together, my love.”
“I know, but-“ You start.
“No buts, go to sleep.” He interrupts, leaving no room for argument.
Some time passes before another round ends. You are barely awake by now, holding onto that small ounce of energy you have left.
Then you feel as he slowly starts playing with your silky hair. He makes the most of the time between two rounds.
It feels nice. Comforting.
Slowly, you fall deeper and deeper into the realm of dreams. By the start of the next round, you are sound asleep in your boyfriend’s arms.
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Haikyuu Suga, Tanaka, Noya, Kageyama, Yamaguchi, Tsukki, Kuroo, Kenma, Yaku, Lev, Atsumu, Osamu, Sunarin, Kita (when the boys pursue him lol) Blue lock Bachira, Isagi, Kunigami, Nagi, Reo, Sae MHA Bakugou, Deku, Shoto, Kirishima, Kaminari JJK Yuji, Megumi, Yuta + your favs<3
These are the characters that I see fit for my story. Ofc this is my opinion only. I did not watch all the animes to know them well, so some are based on vibes, only.
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quare-moritor · 2 years
three six five @ ao3
gen - 2,526 words - for @csmfamilyzine
Denji and Power send a New Year's postcard to the only person that counts as their family and friend.
srsly this was such a lovely project to work on, leftover sales open on nov 25!
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dillusionalgrins · 2 years
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zixinwonderland · 3 months
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Chesh finishes another manga coloring, write this down in the history books!
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I do panels that aren’t from twst, these are just the only ones i ever finish please pretend i know how to color food and silverware
Original, flat, and flat w line art
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cosmiccanid · 1 year
Still not over this page and how Ram V showed more understanding of Cheshire's character in one page and her struggle with identity with- "I'm Chesh- Jade." Than most writers have in 20+ issue runs.
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I just wish we'd gotten more of this, but I get that it was ultimately a Catwoman story and her page time would be limited. I wish they'd have at least had her comment about being on a team with Knockout cause like... Man I cannot see her being happy with that given how much shit the Secret Six put her through. Either way I really do hope we get to see Ram write her more. The whole idea of Shoes is flawed, but Ram at least does it in a wha that makes sense for the characters involved. Hell with his TEC run is ending soon maybe I'll get lucky and he'll go to Green Arrow
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mizusswordtip · 4 months
Down The Rabbit Hole ⚝ Killian Jones x Reader (4)
find the story on wattpad
summary: Alice's plan to overthrow the Queen of Hearts is thwarted by a dashing pirate with a hook. Years later, after the curse is broken, they reunite once again.
wc: 945
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I see Jefferson looking at me with an unimpressed raised brow. I look around at my surroundings, unsettled. “I told you, you’re not dreaming Alice. This is real I’m real.” He speaks passionately, grasping my shoulders once more.
I know I’m being difficult but I can’t help it. How can any of this be real? Just hours ago I was being proposed to and that was the craziest thing that had happened to me since my father’s death. The Queen taking my memories just seems too… convenient. Or maybe I just don’t want to believe. I swallow hard.
“Do you know why a raven is like a writing desk?” He asks nonsensically with an expectant expression, as if I’m supposed to know the answer. I shake my head with furrowed brows and he looks cresfallen. I give him an apologetic look.
“I do.” A different voice rings out, smooth and silky. I tear my eyes away from Jefferson and see a cat that seemingly materialized out of nowhere. Defiantly a dream.
“Who are you?” I ask curiously, happy for the distraction from Jefferson’s intense gaze.
“An old friend.” He says mysteriously before appearing behind Jefferson. “Do not worry Hatter, she will be Alice again, just give her time.” He tells Jefferson. I’m filled with indignation at his words. Not Alice? How can I not be Alice when I am Alice?
“What do you mean by that?” I ask with furrowed brows, tired of everyone acting like they know me better than I do.
Just as the strange cat is about to answer, there’s a loud howl from outside which causes him to disappear once more. The hair on the back of my neck stands up at the chilling sound. All the occupants at the table stand, looking like they are prepared for a fight. I stand up, going to see what’s outside when Jefferson grabs my arm to stop me.
I swiftly pull my arm away, tired of being dragged around. I go towards the door, the fear now gone and replaced by exasperation at the feeling of having no control over my own dream. Coming towards me is a large white beast with white spots. I ponder over whether or not it whether it’s a mix of a bear or a dalmation.
“Bandersnatch!” I hear McTwisp shout from somewhere behind me.
I feel my palms turn clammy but I refuse to move, entrusting that this dream will finally end. I close my eyes just as the banderthingy raises it’s large back to strike me but Jefferson pushes me out of the way, the beast only managing to scratch my arm. I lay on my back in shock, holding my wounded arm as I realize I still haven’t woke up. Pinching myself usually works so why wouldn’t this? My arm really hurts. Bad.
I watch, unable to do anything as the bandersack, or whatever it’s called, takes Jefferson’s foot in its mouth and drags him off to who knows where. Before I lose sight of him he shouts one last thing at me. “Don’t follow me!” And with that, he’s gone.
I get up, breathing heavily as a feeling of dread comes over me. Why would he do something like that for me? Does he truly believe that I’m capable of defeating the Queen? So much so that he’d be willing to sacrifice himself so I can? I steel myself, knowing what I have to do.
“Cat!” I shout at the air. In a moment the cat from before materializes in front of me, paying close attention to the three gashes on my arm.
“I can heal that for you, it needs purified so it doesn’t putrefy.” He says with his usual grin. I move away, sensing a strange, malicious energy radiating from him. I hold my arm protectively. “At least let me bind it for you.” He says, materializing a bandage. I nod my head hesitantly in consent and wince as he binds my arm gently.
When he’s done I take a step back and look at him with determination. “What’s your name?” I ask firmly.
“The Cheshire Cat. But you used to call me Chesh.” He says with a…well, you know what kind of grin.
“Where did that thing take Jefferson?” I then ask. The chesh-Chesh appears behind me.
“To the Queens palace of course.” He says, tilting his head to the side.
“We’re going to rescue him.” I state, leaving no room for argument.
“If I recall, did he not tell you to to not do exactly that?” He asks knowingly, appearing back in front of me and rolling to his back.
I let out a frustrated breath of air. “I don’t care what he said! He wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for me.” I say and then pause. “This may be a dream… but if it’s not.” I hesitate. “If it’s not then I must save him.” I finish.
“You must prepare-”
I feel a rush of anger run through me and I interrupt before he can finish. “From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole I’ve been told what I must do and who I must be. I’ve been told I know all of you and I’ve been scratched by a wild beast but this is my dream! I’ll decide where it goes from here.” I finish, feeling more self assured than I have my entire life.
“If you diverge from the right path-”
“I decide what the right path is! I make the path! So either help me… or stay the hell out of my way.”
His smile becomes even bigger somehow.
“Now you are Alice.”
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Here’s to all of us whose hearts were shattered by that line from ‘Plan 99’.
But here’s how some psychologists recommend dealing with tragic events: putting your own creative spin on them.
I’ve found, for me, is taking words and quotes that hurt or upset me, and rewriting them in my own way. Especially if the meaning can be changed.*
In this case, “When have we ever followed orders?” isn’t uttered by Tech, resigned but heroic.
It’s said by Sjael Drummer near the end of Far Past the Ring. It’s now defiant, independent, and hawking a loogie right in the face of adversity.
It’s a tragic line from Star Wars that’s now a shout of fortitude from The Expanse.
Writing it out made it seem like something Klaes Ashford would say, or Camina Drummer, right before knocking someone out an airlock. 100% ungovernable Beltalowda.
Now? I smile every time I see it. Tenye wah chesh gut!
Hell, Camina Drummer says a version of it in the new Telltale game: "The Inners may control everything, but they cannot control the Belt."
Take something that makes you sad, and make it yours.
And yes, Sjael, like most Belters in the fic, has her new helmet designed to look like Tech’s. He’s become an accidental fashion icon!
Belters have also started painting their helmets like the clones. In Sjael’s case, she has Ojibwe style greenery that hints at her work with organic sweeteners—she has strawberries, blueberries, and vanilla orchids on the vines!
Tagging my Far Past the Ring readers here: @skellymom @eyecandyeoz @sued134 @cdblake1565 @moosethren @ilikemymendarkandfictional @techs-stitches @supremechancellorrex @amalthiaph
* = Example, my trashy ex Nick said “We won’t be together, the end”, via text when he dumped me.
When he crawled back to me a year later begging for a second chance, sending him a message WITH THAT IN IT was amazing!
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gentrychild · 2 years
*lounges* hey Chesh, how you doing?
Hello, Robs! Trying to write! This is an awful and complicated process but things got better now that I found a new song from which my brain can extract all the serotonin. What about you?
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crescentpaws · 6 months
Hiya, you already know me, but I go by Chesh, and I was wondering if you wanted to collab on a fic? I've noticed that you ship Bronte/Fintan, and as a fellow shipper, they have WAY too few fics.
tbh that sounds fun yeah
(i don’t rlly read many fics in general but. sometimes i can’t stop myself from writing them. we do not talk about the one i’m currently writing in my notes app we do not talk about it.)
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hearts-of-cards · 10 months
Name: Cheshire/Chesh or Sassy
Pronouns: She/They/Her
Preference of communication: However is fine, use tumblr messages. My other methods of communication are reserved for people I am closer to.
Name of muses: I have several, but my current favorites of choice are Y.Marik (on another blog), Yuugi Mutou, Y. Bakura, Malik Ishtar.
Experience/How long (months/years): I've been writing off and on for at least 15+ years or more.
Platforms you've used: Facebook, forums, tumblr.
Best experience: Meeting my long running rp partner over some crack rp selfcest between two Y.Marik. We've been inseparable since then.
Rp pet peeves / Dealbreakers: Don't assume I am my muses, otherwise I am a very relaxed mun.
Fluff, angst, or smut: Depends. I am very selective about who I write smut with, but just about anything besides that is up for grabs.
Plots or memes: Both are fun. I'm not very good at plotting asides from just tossing ideas out, but I'm happy to discuss things or even answer random inbox interactions.
Long or short replies: I can write a lot, but no one ever has to feel the need to match that. I am completely fine with doing short replies it just depends upon the muse of both the character and the way the writing flows at the time.
Best time to write: Whenever, I usually prefer afternoons or evenings, since I have to do other things of a day.
Are you like your muses? I don't think so, but I do relate very much to both Malik and Yuugi in my own ways. I'm probably a lot more similar to Judai Yuuki though... :/
Tagged by: I stole it : 3
Tagging: If you see it? Feel free. You don't need my permission <3
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aka no i am not calling it an introduction bc i've been vaguely on tumblr for several years, at this point.
heya! the name's louise, or chesh. variants on cheshire are also accepted. my pronouns are she/her/they/them.
i write fantasy, mostly. or, well, everything i write is fantasy related in some way. urban fantasy, fantasy horror, fantasy sci-fi- you get the point. i also write romance and comedy which is, you guessed it, also fantasy related in some way. i have a type, what can i say?
most of my projects are relatively small, mainly because i don't spend a lot of time on them. that list includes the o'sullivan family (formerly daily life of a witch PI) and wolfsnare avenue.
my biggest project, and personal burden, is much larger in comparison, called farious pages (or tsenpha).
other places you can find me/sideblogs
lampea by lamplight - a tsenpha sideblog where i post character profiles, writing, moodboards and other assorted stuff (probably). a lot of it gets reblogged to the main blog and a lot of it is reblogged from my main so.
on the twin wave shore - a td(ocs) sideblog which is mostly storage for stuff on my main, but maybe i'll get inspired by td(ocs) and do more with it. who knows.
midnight at the witch house - an o'sullivan family sideblog, where i reblog stuff from the main, post new stuff and other assorted hyjinx.
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imcheshire · 26 days
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A gentle morning
Bakugou Katsuki x gn!Reader
Wc: 1.2k
Warnings: nothing serious, a few kisses, use of petnames (pretty eyes, sweetheart, love)
Synopsis: starting the day with your boyfriend is the best thing in the world, especially after an exhausting day.
Reblogs, likes, critiques appreciated<3
A/n: might be ooc for some people, honestly this is how i imagine soft Katsuki. Bro knows how to fluster us.
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The morning light seeps through the curtains, brightening your dim bedroom, casting a warm glow over your faces. The awakening city is barely heard from the height of your apartment. Today will be a calm day. A stark contrast to the previous rainy one.
Yesterday was a tiring day for both you and Katsuki. It was raining heavily the whole afternoon, worsening your mood. You reach your home together, drained, exhausted, just wanting to cuddle up in your warm bed. You take off your soaked shoes and coats. “I’ll make some toast, go take a shower.” He says softly, leaving a small kiss on your temple.
You leave your clothes in the bedroom before you step into the shower. Your muscles loosen as the warm water reaches your skin. When you finish, you put on your pajamas, the soft material feels nice on your skin.
Entering the kitchen, you hug Katsu as he does the finishing touches. “You should take a shower too, Kats.” “I will, but first, sit and eat, love.” You do as he says, eating in silence until, you hum in delight. “It’s really good.” Confused, he replies. “It’s just toast.” "I know, but you made it." You say, smiling. He smiles too, shaking his head before he goes to take a shower.
You start washing the dishes when you hear the bathroom door close, expecting to wrap it up by the time he comes out. Surprisingly, you finish and even have some time to settle in bed just as the water stops running in the bathroom.
You hear some rustling coming from there, before the door opens, revealing the cutest—and mind you hottest—form of Katsuki. Your eyes trail down his body as you take him in from head to toe. Droplets of water falling from his damp hair, his cute pout showing, a cue to missing your warmth. No shirt on, only in his black sweatpants, you get lost in your—not-so-innocent—thoughts. You snap back to reality as he climbs under the covers, positioning himself beside you.
You exchange whispered good nights and i love yous as you finally get into a cozy position.
Your back to his chest, his head in the crook of your neck. One of his hands under your head, the other around your body, pulling you closer to his body. Your breathing slows to a steady pace as you fall into a deep slumber.
The rain stopped in the early hours of the day, bringing a clean atmosphere with it. You and Katsuki both slept peacefully all night long in each other’s embrace.
You stirred first. Not even opening your eyes yet, just savoring the moment. The warm sunlight on your skin, the fresh air from last night’s rain, the way Katsu’s hair tickles your neck, and how his breathing leaves behind a warm, kiss-like sensation.
You slowly open your eyes, taking in the surroundings. Your clothes on the chair, just like you left them yesterday. Too tired to put them in the laundry after such a long day. Your phone, wallet and keys on your nightstand, things you forgot to put away. Lastly, your eyes land on the open window and its thin curtains, covering your little bubble from the world. The light blinds you a little, but who cares.
It’s part of a perfect Saturday morning.
You stretch your limbs like a cat—still jealous of their skills—when you turn around in Katsu’s arms to face your still sleeping boyfriend.
You stare at his cute face for some time, before you decide to squish his cheeks in between your thumb and pointer finger. So squishable.
You continue your ministrations as he gently stirs. His eyes are still closed—tired from the previous day—when he speaks. “What do you think you are doing?” There it is. That raspy morning voice of his that you love so much. “Just checking if you are still cute.” Smiling, you continue, content with your conclusion. "Yep, as cute as ever, if not a little cuter." Leaving a peck on the tip of his nose, you pull your hand back.
Then his eyes open slowly, his face flushed due to that soft peck of yours. His eyes are gentle as he speaks. "What a discovery." He stares at you for a brief second, before leaning in and leaving a chaste kiss on your lips. "Good morning." He whispers, followed by another kiss. "Good morning to you too." You reply. He smiles as a string of hair falls on your face, immediately moving it out of the way.
Right after, he shifts. "Come on pretty eyes. Let's make breakfast." You are still thinking about his compliment when he gets out of bed, pulling you with him. You huff. “My slippers are on the other side.” You hear him sigh as you walk over to them. He then leaves the room, so you hurry up and follow after him, catching him in the narrow hallway. You interlock your fingers with his warm ones as you enter your small kitchen.
The feeling of his warmth doesn’t last long as he lets go of your hand, leaning against the counter. “So what do you want for breakfast?” “Hmmm, good question. I’ll leave it to you.” You say as you walk to the living room, turning on the tv for background noise. “I’ll make coffee.” Now, you are back in the kitchen, leaving a tender kiss on his right cheek. His hand moves to your waist as he gives you a loving kiss. “Okay, sweetheart. I’ll make some scrambled eggs then.” You turn on the coffee machine and take out two plates for your breakfast, as Katsu turns on the stove and takes out the ingredients and a pan.
“How did you sleep, Kats?” You question him, curious, as you move to get two white mugs from the shelf. Why is it so high? Then you feel him pressing up against you, his body heat radiating off of him, as he moves to get the mugs. “Pretty good, it felt relaxing to cuddle up with you after that awful day.” When he steps back, you stay, cheeks red from his teasing. Now, two mugs are in front of you as he starts making breakfast. “Same here.” You say, while you focus on the coffee machine. Ding. First cup of coffee done. You put some sugar and pour milk into the mug when you hear the second ding.
By the time you finish your preparation, your breakfast is done, already on the counter as your boyfriend comes up to you. He takes the mugs and takes them to the living room. You go after him with two plates of scrambled eggs in your hands.
You both settle down on the couch. He takes one plate as you snuggle up to him, taking your own. “Any plans for today? Wanna invite over the group? Or you’d rather stay at home and Netflix and chill maybe?” You take your own plate as he swallows a bite. “Wanna spend the day with you, love.”
“Then,” you take the remote and open Netflix, “choose our first victim.”
Your day is spent with movies, video games and cuddle sessions. By the time you realise it’s dark outside, you are wrapped up in a cozy blanket, still on the couch. With your boyfriend’s head on your chest and his hands around your waist, you both fall into dreamland.
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Thank you for reading<3
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the8thsphynx · 1 year
I do get peeved a lot with how much free time I DON’T have during the work week.
I’d love to write, draw, and game but Monday - Thursday I’m just so occupied with work, maintaining the house, cooking, phys therapy, taking care of Chesh… and so much more… 😮‍💨
Weekends are my only breathing room.
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congregaticn · 1 year
19. for each muse, is there a character you wish had a blog so you could interact with them?
asks for muns with multimuses ( x ).
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For Alice, I wish there was just. more wonderland characters!!! cheshes, hatters, the tweedles! any of those they are just so few and far between For Wanda, chthon. That would be dope. For Padme, uUHHHHHH there are so many star wars rpers that write like. Any character so maybe a palpatine or dooku (are u noticing a pattern here?) For Lucifer, no one in particular. He's the Devil and he will appear to anyone and it'll probably be fun. For Clarice, Chilton or Ardelia For Inari, any dnd character from anyone. Gimme them. For Annette, other ocs are the ideal choice here. For Alison, uhhhhh. Warren Worthington ||| For Kang, anybody For Eddie, uncle wayneeeeee. For Murray, gimme joyces and hoppers For Snow, bruh idk yet gimme the katnisses and peetas and SENECAS For John, maaaaan idk For Rhaenyra, some laenors! some laenas!!!
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thequiver · 2 years
I am not too excited for Joshua Williamson to be writing Jade in the upcoming GA run but I hope it at least brings in some (ideally positive) conversation or interesting metas about her. I miss seeing your thoughts on her and the other big Jade stan’s takes as well!
Never fear, when the brainrot pendulum swings back around to DC, the Jade metas and fics will come back. Promise. I am slowly but surely being dragged back to at the very least obsessing over The X-Men and Jade soon so hopefully you’ll get to see more soon! 💚💚💚💚
I am also not thrilled Williamson is writing her- I do not trust him. However…… he did mention 90s Roy as his Roy inspiration so I’m gonna open the door a LITTLE
Hoping, begging, praying for another “I love you Chesh” moment
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lockedtowers · 7 days
Cassie being a ‘mirror’
I don’t think I’ve said it in a long time, but I tend to use a lot of mirror allegories in my writing. ‘Shattered’ ‘Mirrored’ ‘reflects’ etc, and there is a few reasons for that, and a decent umbrella falls under this so I’m gonna put it into a few categories.
1: Her organs are all mirrored’ inside her body.  2: Her ability to ‘heal’ others, but in reality she’s absorbing their pain and ‘mirroring’ it on herself. 3: Cassie, being the Cheshire Cat, is fundamentally ‘Alice’s Mirror’.
Possibly a few other little jumps here and there but those are the main three, so shockingly, it doesn’t have anything to do with the looking glass. Though Chesh is one of the few characters that appeared in both books.
1: Situs Inversus Totalis, or, her organs are ‘mirrored’ to normal peoples.
Cassie is the first born twin, and Mason’s organs are largely fine. Cassie was the anomaly, and by definition, the ‘special’ one in multiple ways. Situs Inversus is when your chest organs are sort of flipped, like how organs normally look, the heart leans a little to the left, in cassie it leans to the right. Her stomach is leaning on her right side rather than the normal left side. etc etc. Her’s is Situs Inversus Totalis. All the organs in her torso are ‘flipped’ or ‘mirrored’ to the average person, but more specifically, to Alice. There’s also a way that this connects to her uterus and why she has fertility issues but also not really because Situs Inversus does not cause that it just also plays into how it affects her, but that's neither here nor there in this post or really matters for this post.
So say someone tried to stab her towards the left and pierce the center of her heart, it would pierce her lung but depending on how bad their aim is, either miss her heart entirely or hit it more on the side. The entire inside of her torso is essentially a mirror of what it's supposed to look like. Organs are essentially in your body in a left-to-right way, Cassie’s are right-to-left. If your reflection stepped out the way your organs lay in your reflection is how their organs would lay in the real world, i dont know other visuals i can create. 
Now Cassie has other issues too, like she has chronic pain, she’s pretty much never not in pain, she doesn’t know about this, nobody's told her. xray scans arent really too much of a thing unless theyre sewing you back together in wonderland, case in point, march. The people who would know about this in Wonderland were responsible in keeping her at certain levels to be a good killer, to be a good weapon, and the way they saw it was her working through her pain made her a better weapon. She never had someone who actually cared enough about it when she was in the casino to even realize she could try to do something about it. She fully believed nobody cared even after she got out, just assumes its all normal, doesn’t even bring it up unless asked. If someone were to explain to her ‘hey your organs are abnormal theyre in the wrong position theyre faced the wrong way’ she wouldn’t understand. 
She knows how they’re supposed to lay because she knows how you’re supposed to kill people. She’d assume it was on purpose in her or that someone adjusted her organs somehow so she’d be harder to kill. we the reader, and I the author, have more knowledge than she, the experiencer, does because the bottom line of most of her life was the fact that she did not have anyone. even when it came to violet, she was not allowed to complain about things to her, her job was to be useful. She made it her job to protect her, but her main requirements were to be useful to the man that raised her. Be a good weapon for the Queen so that He could achieve more. She still cannot separate herself as a person or a thing, she isn’t gonna just go tell people ‘yeah im in horrible pain all the time’ and go to a doctor and discover ‘oh hey all your organs are flipped’ she doesn’t get to have that happen. and honestly i can say from experience, half the time if you’re entirely honest you aint getting treatment anyways. they’ll call you hysterical and send you on your way. she was mostly told to get over it, and deal with it, and it’ll make her better. 
2: Mirroring pain
I make (made) jokes about how one of the reasons hatter keeps her around is her healing abilities, but it is also important to note that her healing isn’t really entirely healing. Like she naturally heals faster than normal humans, and she will regenerate in ways humans just can’t, and even others in her species really can’t, but that isn’t because she’s fae, it’s because she’s an anomaly. She’s the necromancer, her powers are enhanced at night she heals faster naturally when the moon reflects onto her skin, but her regenerative skills are due to the fact she’s a type of faerie that is not supposed to exist by their standards. they are not meant to control life and death and she can bring people back from death in certain specific ways, but the ways are uhhh, a lot. 
and sort of implied in her healing.
She has to physically touch whoever she’s healing, there has to be skin to skin contact. She will glow as it happens, and as the wound or the pain seals shut and heals on them, the pain isn’t going away, the wound isn’t actually going away, it’s appearing on her. It is mirroring onto her body. Your wound won’t be on you anymore, but it will be on her reflecting the position it was on you. She’s absorbing your wounds and injuries and taking them on herself. Which is where necromancy is a testy area because she has not learned how to just being people back the way she is capable of learning to. She’s done it before, but she essentially, more or less absorbed their death. She brought them back, but she died in that moment and came back. Arguably I could have also played into ‘cats have nine lives’ here but this was a thing before i made her a cheshire cat, this was a thing while she was still a mouse so like, cats having nine lives being a thing was, that's accidental irony. 
it’s also why she cannot get there too late or she can’t do anything. Like there has to be something for her to absorb in order for her to do it, she has not been trained in how to do so without absorbing it herself, she probably can over time if she trained and learned more, but as of right now the answer is she has to be able to take it from you. So even if you’re dead dead from a wound, she can bring you back she just absorbs the wound herself and more or less ‘dies’ in your place, but does come back from it.
the pain shes in when she does that is also why she gets so pissed when people suggest that since she heals and would be fine in the end that she should be the one risking her life and self sacrificing all the time, because rightfully so shes just kind of like, why the fuck so i always have to be the lamb why does nobody else ever want to risk themselves. She gets it because she’ll be fine. It makes sense but it hurts her feelings a lot that nobody else even really offers lol.
3; Alice’s mirror. This is largely inspired by Am/erican M/cgee, but I also tap into it a bit with s/yfy ali/ce, because I do have it where the hallucinations Alice H has of Dinah that turn into Chesh was actually not just the forest, it was Cassie being aware an Alice was there and pushing her mind enough that it broke through the barriers, Alice H just isn’t the Alice cassie thought she was
Wonderlanders live longer than humans, Bean did the math ages ago i still have the post saved i can rb it later, but essentially 3 days fits into an hour of human time. Ages can pass for humans, but leaving and returning is also different for denizens than humans cause obviously the scouts could go collect humans and return within hours of their time despite being gone hours of human/oyster time as well. I have it as Time, the entity, favoring those of the realm. Mostly because that’s my excuse for the lack of real continuity there lol.
Anyways, it had been at least 100 years since Alice Liddell was there, and Hatter mentions her kind of solemnly. Abi doesn’t write Wonderland stuff anymore but her interpretation of it all was always one of my most favorites so i gotta throw that in there but again, in this case—
we’re going to look at Ameri/can Mcg/ee’s bits about Chesh and Alice, that chesh is the main inspo for Cassie, obviously she’s not his version, but his entirety is the main inspo with my own lore, and meshes of little things here and there. Mcg/ee’s is basically post the first book, but everything went to hell. Mine is based mostly in s/yfy alice with inspirations from others, and from my own wonderland that i’ve blended with the modernality of s/yfy alice (i used based in cause of the inspirations but i world built more than they did w friends so lol) 
Even when Chesh dies, Alice can talk to him, summon him for advice, etc.
Alice herself queries if Chesh is, by chance, her ‘alter ego’. 
Mcgee has personally described them as two sides of the same psyche. They’re the same person, but different parts. There is no connection stronger than Alice and The Cheshire Cat. 
Chesh is Alice’s ally, but also often leads her into.. not the best paths. This occurs all throughout alice’s life when she’s in Wonderland. The Rabbit is considered Alice’s ‘guiding light’ but the cat is who she listens to, who she talks to, who she takes advice from despite constantly berating herself for listening to it because it seems to play as cruel jokes on her as her own mind sometimes does, in her own… slightly differently stated words. 
It reflects a lot in Cassie, it’s something I love to play off of. Cassie has a genuine love and affection for Alice, but considers other Alice’s to be imposters even when they share part of her Alice’s psyche. Cassie’s never felt like her own person except when she’s in Alice’s presence, which is kind of ironic and hilarious when you realize she isn’t her own self in Alice’s presence, she is reflecting off of Alice. She’s what Alice can’t say herself. There’s an unbreakable connection between them, she is a reflection of Alice as much as she’s just plainly part of her very essence. So much so that Alice Ha/milton just shared her name and, maybe, potentially a bit of distant dna, and she was still able to break through Jack’s protections and subconsciously lead her to her goals. 
Cassie is, through and through, a mirror. If we go by M/cgee, Alice created life through creating Wonderland, she created this world and eventually merged them together through her eyes. Cassie having an affliction with Death is the inverse of Alice. Which is also ironic because Alice believed herself an omen of death when that thought was thrust upon her, and Wonderland viewed her as the savior and the only way for them to live, whereas Cassandra actually is a fabled omen of death, but can bring things back, and has been viewed as something to be feared, something that will slaughter them all or just be the cause. Cassie can guide alice but can’t guide herself, Alice is fully capable of knowing what to do but takes the guidance anyways. They’re reflections of each other, and in more ways than I’m even describing here but this is already long as hell.
Cassie is essentially a mirror, as the Cheshire Cat is always present, but specifically in regards to Alice, and a lot of people aren’t even sure they’re real. I write it as everything being very real in their world, and Alice is mentally very strongly connected to this world, and to Cassie who, by technicality is the rightful heir of the world Alice holds a lot of power over. Cheshire cats were wiped out after the Queen of Hearts took over because of their ‘omens’, Cassie is of the house of spades. I read somewhere forever ago that Spades represent winter, the season of death, but when I looked it up again now it brought up casino things which is… a coincidence, but anyways. 
The Red King ruled Wonderland when the Queen of Hearts held her coup, slaughtered anyone who refused to bow to her will. Cassandra’s mother, the Queen of Spades, is the Red King’s daughter and rightful heir as Wonderland is a matriarchal society. The Red King is responsible for the mass slaughter of most fae… using Cassandra’s father and her uncle, the Jabberwock and the White Knight, who both happen to be faeries and essentially betrayed their own kind until they went to their pocket realm. His rule is considered the most peaceful reign, but don’t let that fool you. He was also awful as many monarchs are. This has little to do with the above I just wanted it noted. 
the Fae largely being gone is thanks to the Red King, who did not realize that cheshire cats were mostly fae blooded. QoH killed the cheshires because their knowledge terrified her. Cheshires hold strong connections that give them an edge and they can see things others cant, they get visions, she did not want any knowledge anywhere. Cassie is known only as Cat in the casino, Hatter clocks the fact that she matched up to the definitions of Cheshires. They’re rare. Not everyone in a family is going to be a cheshire, it’s not a genetic thing necessarily, it’s something that kind of happens when fate decides it should, that’s why she’s a cheshire but her brother is not. again not really relating to the above, but important to note all the same. 
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