#and the new weapons I'm going to legit kill for?
gamenu · 1 year
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Feasting like KINGS in XIV rn!!!!!
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wiisagi-maiingan · 1 year
People need to do some goddamn research on how sexual assault accusations are leveraged against marginalized communities, particularly black men and queer people, and how often people are sentenced to detah over crimes they didn't commit.
Grown adults CANNOT be sitting here talking about how a new death penalty policy is good because it's only against people who rape children and those people deserve to die. Like are you hearing yourselves right now? Are you fucking serious? Are you so blinded by your emotional responses and revenge fantasies that you can't comprehend how horrific these sorts of policies really are and how they're used as weapons to kill the people the state doesn't want to exist?
I'm legit seeing people saying that there's no way those sorts of laws would be used against trans people and I just. You cannot be this naive. You CAN'T. You cannot seriously be so ignorant of the realities of the death penalty to serously sit here and defend it while still calling yourself a leftist. I am going to claw my own skin off.
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feefivefoe · 1 month
need to see Jason showing up at reader’s door. Or Damian’s attempts at befriending reader.
I legit think Damian shows up at their front door first. Jason acts a little like a creep at first, only sneaking through their window at night bc he's scared of their reaction.
I mean. He's supposed to be dead. And he had forgotten about you for like, 2 years! Will you be mad at him like you are at Bruce? Because he did do the same thing that he did...
There's also how he's changed, too. Sure he wasn't the easiest kid to deal with, ever, but now he's...he's kinda fucked up. Night terrors, reactions to sudden movements, more violent in general...of course he'd never hurt you, and he's better than he was at first, but you aren't dirtied like the rest of the family is.
You've never raised a genuine weapon. Your child self was fine being pushed around. Preferred it, even. Instead of blowing up at your brothers and father, you'd chosen to take the quiet way out. Hell, you don't even hate them! You're softer and sweeter than the rest of them, especially him, could ever be.
Maybe he gets too complacent, letting himself in night after night. Feeling overconfident in his ability to not wake you up. Forgetting that you also have trauma that gives you night terrors, causing you to wake up in a fit only to see Red Hood standing in your room.
It isn't pretty. You're convinced he's there to kill you, at first. As some sort of vengeance for the actions of your mother, given she wasn't here to take the divine punishment.
It's a bad move. He knows it is. He knows from experience that it isn't going to help, and will just make your panic attack worse.
But...damn it, that's his favorite sibling! It's ripping his heart in two to watch them crying.
So, without thinking twice, he ends up technically restraining you in his arms for the time it takes for you to stop struggling. It's less that you eventually gather your bearings, and more that you run out of energy to keep struggling.
Of course you don't recognize his form, or his voice. He had died while you were in high school, and now you were in your early twenties. Puberty had hit him like a truck. Or a crowbar, either or-
"Pleasepleaseplease- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry- I didn't- I didn't know, I'm sorry-"
His grip tightens, pulling a whimper of pain from you. His face cracks beneath the cowl.
"Nonononono- you don't need to be sorry. I fucked up, you're okay. You didn't do anything wrong." He tries, but you're still too far gone.
He doesn't even mean to reveal himself, but slips up when he calls you by a childhood nickname. Maybe your friends also use it, maybe it was exclusive to him. But even in your haze, you start piecing things together.
Known vigilante aligned with Batman...who knows Nightwing, Red Robin, and the new baby Robin that recently has become attached to you. Sure, maybe Bruce had picked up an older orphan you missed, but they wouldn't know to call you that unless...
He BREAKS at that. Losing grasp of his strength, keeping you so trapped against him you're half convinced you'll meld together.
There will be words exchanged later. Explanations, regrets, and even more anger directed at the rest of the family. But it takes a few...hours to get through all the conflicting emotions.
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nevadancitizen · 4 months
synopsis: you're a nomadic survivor in a post-apocalyptic wasteland until you get transported to a strange, new world. these demons were obviously expecting a human that was softer, less spikes-and-thorns and more fluff-and-wool. how will they react and adapt?
word count: 3.3k (~530 each)
characters: lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor, post-apocalyptic! reader
trigger warnings: canon-typical violence, it's implied that the reader has killed before and will kill again lol
notes: new vegas and obey me! have been kicking me in the head repeatedly recently. so there are some allusions/references to new vegas in this one but you don't need to know jack about new vegas to understand this :) also mammon's is longer than everyone else's and he's pining hard for mc because i'm soooo in love with him it's not even funny and IGNORE that there's a lot of holes you could poke in this.. okay? okay <3
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It had been a… a miscalculation, really. An embarrassing one. Diavolo had accounted for many things to ensure the success of the Exchange Program, but he failed to account for the most important thing: the fact that, at the end of the day, humans are better at killing than any other living thing. 
Was it wrong for him to assume that things had been the same way they were two hundred years ago? Yes, of course. It was stupid not to check in on the human world, because if he had, he’d find that it was razed by nuclear bombs, the land and water still tainted with the fallout.
So, no, neither he nor the brothers know what to do when you quite literally fall out of the portal. They’re shocked when, instead of being confused and scared and fragile, you’re vile, scarred, spitting threats as if they came naturally. Wait – are you wearing riot armor? And – yeah, that’s a gun. Definitely a gun. A gun you’re currently pointing at them.
Honestly, this is the last thing Lucifer needed: another fucking headache. He supports Diavolo with all that he is, but he can’t ignore the fact that he’s sometimes so careless that shit like this happens. He’s the one who talks some sense into you and gets you to holster your weapon, as he’s the only one with a level head in the room. (Well, Diavolo would be the other, but he’s… weirdly excited that this human is challenging and has so many thorns you’d think they were born in a briar bush!)
He’ll try his best to accommodate you, even if that means teaching you that yes, you have to shower at least once every two days if you’re to continue living in the House of Lamentation. And no, you cannot hoard food and water in your room. He knows it’s instinct for you at this point, but it causes problems with Beel. 
He basically takes over teaching you how to be a regular, functioning member of polite society, kinda like how he did with Satan. (Really, he thought he’d never see the day where the Devildom was considered part of polite society, but after seeing snippets of the human world through you, he knows that this place is way better than the human world.) He teaches you how to use proper cutlery, how modern plumbing and refrigeration works, and how to solve your problems with words rather than bullets. 
Lucifer is also… oddly patient when it comes to you. As much as he hates to admit it, he sees part of himself in you – the part that had just been cast out of the Celestial Realm, the part that took months to adjust to the world of the Devildom. He knows what it’s like to be subjected to new and confusing ideals – but instead of just a completely different way of life, you’re introduced to the same on top of an legit, organized education system that you’ve never encountered before.
And if that trigger finger of yours ever gets itchy, he’ll take you to go hunting. He’s inexperienced when it comes to hunting with guns instead of claws, but this is the only time he’ll set his pride aside, sit back, and learn. What better hunter to learn from than someone who’s hunted everything, from mutated creatures to fellow man?
If you ever take him to the human world, prepare for him to be silent and observant. He’ll be that way for a while, just looking over the rolling hills and plains that were once green, killed and turned brown by radiation. Then, slowly, softly, unsure if he’s speaking to himself, you, or his Father: “What a splendid world you ruined…”
When Mammon comes into the Student Council Room (because he was running late, as per usual) to find you, gun holstered but hackles still raised, his first instinct is to get the fuck out. He’s been in situations like these before, and he knows when to bounce.
But, of course, he’s still assigned as your guardian even though you clearly don’t need one. He thinks that your guns and knives are enough to deter any demon, honest! (Even though that doesn’t deter him from trying to pick your pocket. What really deters him is when you catch his wrist and hit him with the most threatening glare he’s ever seen on a human. Jeez, you honestly look like you’re about to clean his clock…!)
But still, since the Great Mammon was assigned as your guard, he’ll stick around. He doesn’t really mind, because you’re kinda cool anyways – not that he’ll ever say it to your face. But really, with the kinda armor that you’re wearing, plus the grime of the wasteland that doesn’t go away no matter how many times you wash… you’ve got a unique style, and that’s all he has to say, okay? If you really want, he guesses he can hook you up with a modeling gig – but only if you’re with him! Uh – only because he wants to make himself look better in comparison, y’know?
Yeah, even with someone from the wasteland, he’s still absolutely head over heels in puppy love. He’ll show you stuff he got from the Old World (as in, the pre-war human world) because, as much as he denies and deflects, he wants you to have some sense of normalcy. A place that isn’t filled with raiders and ghouls and slavers and someone trying to kill you at every other turn. He’s nice like that.
But he still really wants to know what the New World is like! You can’t get those Old World Blues if he’s just as enthusiastic about New World Hope, right? He asks about your weapons (and takes the spent bullet casings from your guns because they’re shiny), your occupation, your lifestyle – everything, honestly. He wants to know about your family – assuming they’re still alive – and your friends – again, assuming the same. He’s eager to know as much as you’re willing to share, even the more gruesome things you’ve seen or experienced.
He also wants to know about what… ahem, what affection is like. Surely you can’t trust easily when people are willing to kill one another over a sack of rotten vegetables, right? So he’ll be gracious and allow you to playfight and get rough with him, since that’s your weird human way of showing affection! What do you mean that’s not – that’s not how humans show affection now? Humans show affection in the New World the same way they did in the Old World? Well, he just assumed because you hadn’t been showering the Great Mammon in praises and loving touches and – ugh! Just drop it, okay?
Yes, he assumes a lot, mostly based on the apocalypse movies he’s seen. Unless you actually have a sit-down with him and talk about what life is really like in the wasteland, he’ll ride on these weird assumptions. Assumptions like the existence of radiation-riddled zombies, super-mutants and their variants, and other beings that would otherwise be labeled as supranatural if not for the complex and long-winded explanations Mammon comes up with.
If you ever take him to the human world, he’d be delighted to see what remains of Las Vegas – or is it called New Vegas now? Who cares! He’s all-too-excited to bust out whatever human world money he has and get those dice rolling! Sure, he knows that the deck is stacked and the dice are weighted and the games are rigged in every possible way, but it’s about having fun with his human, right? (That’s what he says until he’s forced to fold and cash out. Then it’s “no fun anyway,” and “a waste of time,” and he’s itching to check out the nearby towns and settlements. For something to steal? Hell, probably.)
The first thought that crossed Levi’s mind is that you’re obviously cosplaying the main character from It’s a Federal Offense to Mess with the Mail, Man!: Tales of Gunslinging Wastelander Couriers Solving Convoluted Demon Family Drama’s way less popular spinoff, I was Doing Fine Scraping by as a Nomadic Wastelander, but Then I was Transported to Some Strange, New World with Seven Demonic Suitors who are Fighting Over Me as we Speak! Though, if that were the case, where was your convention badge? And that armor doesn’t look fake. It doesn’t really click until he hears the very real sound of you cocking your gun that you’re not playing pretend, nor are you fucking around in any capacity.
He so desperately wants to cement the fact in his mind that you’re a normie, you like doing normie things like cleaning your guns and knives and talking about the politics of the wasteland, which actually reminds him of this game he’s playing and you’d totally love it and –! Oh no. It’s true. You’re cool. Like, really cool. Like, not-a-normie-at-all cool!
Even though you’re not an otaku (and depending on where you’re from and your education, you might’ve never even heard of Japan), Levi will slowly come out of his shell and try to ask you questions about the wasteland. Like Mammon, he has a lot of assumptions based on the games he plays, but they would actually be more accurate. Instead of supranatural things, he thinks about the logistics of the world at large – blame the RPGs he plays. 
But, this leads to him thinking he knows all there is to know about your life and how you live it. Depending on your temper, it may lead you to snap at him, telling him that your life isn’t a video game. This isn’t Grognak & the Ruby Ruins. The wasteland is grueling and cruel and unforgiving. You have seen starvation, debauchery, reignited fascism and misled democracy. You have seen people be crucified for not agreeing with the slavers putting them up on the cross. What you’ve lived through isn’t fun. It’s not a fucking game. You can’t respawn if someone gets a lucky hit. You die. And that’s it.
And of course it causes a blow to his ego, reinforcing the idea that he’s just a “yucky otaku” or some shit like that. You have to reassure him that you have nothing against him personally, it’s just that he was being kinda patronizing and acting as if he’d lived in the wasteland all his life instead of you. After some time alone to sulk, he eventually comes back around and realizes that you’re right, and that you’re really cool, and he wants to be friends with you, so after that brief period he apologizes. 
Good luck trying to drag him to the human world! Levi’s a shut-in, and much prefers experiencing the wasteland through video games than real life. Though if you’re bound and determined, call him up on whatever the equivalent of facetime is on your DDD and talk him through what you’re doing while in the human world, even if you’re just walking along an abandoned highway. He really appreciates your effort and might even work up the confidence to travel the wasteland with you, but sticks to walking the desolate wastes as opposed to going into towns and… ugh, socializing.
Satan immediately wants to laugh in Lucifer’s face because he fucked up so immensely. Seriously, how could you not know a nuclear war happened? (This is ignoring the fact that he didn’t know, either. He just thought that humans haven’t put out anything worth reading in a little while. He’s a demon, so two hundred years is… not a significant amount of time for him.) 
He’s a hardcore nerd, so he wants to pick your brain about the politics, the logistics – everything about the wasteland. He’s kinda insensitive about it in the beginning, but will eventually turn and not treat the deaths of people close to you like a plot point in a book. He’s unashamed about it, too, and will ask you as soon as the question pops into his mind, lest he forgets it. This leads to weird topics of conversation over dinner, all spurred on by his question of “How many people would you say an average person has killed? Assuming they’re competent enough to kill, of course.”
Your weapons are another point of interest for him. Obviously big gun manufacturers aren’t around anymore, so where do you get your guns? Are there modifications on them? Are the mods homemade, or do you get them from a designated seller? Does the seller need a license, or is it a free-for-all? If it’s a free-for-all, how do you know the quality of the mods they’re selling? And other exhaustive lists of questions that leave you wishing that Mammon would just burst through the door with another stupid money-making scheme on the tip of his tongue. 
He knows how overwhelming school can be, and organized education in the wasteland is sparse to none, so he takes up the title of being your tutor. You’re obviously frustrated with this new thing you don’t have a choice but to partake in, and Satan can sympathize. You’ve never even studied in your life, so he tries his best with trying out different studying techniques to help you form healthy habits that promote a healthy school-life balance. 
If you ever take him to the human world, he’ll be elated. Not because of your trust in him to bring him to the wasteland, but because he can actually do a case study on humans! Not on anything in particular, he’s just curious. He takes soil and water samples to test the levels of residual radiation, talks with locals – both in small settlements and more populated areas – about their life experiences, their political opinions, their religious beliefs… basically everything under the sun, really. He comes back with a new appreciation for humans and a few books that have been published in the New World by doctors and the like. 
Ew… what sewer did you crawl out of? Asmo respects people’s kinks and lifestyles and knows that someone’s yuck is someone else’s yum, but he holds the firm belief that it shouldn’t impact other people. And that blood on your boots and the… whatever that’s on your armor is seriously grossing him out. (Though the drop knife strap that’s hugging your thigh is really doing something for him. But that doesn’t make up for the fact you haven’t bathed in a week.)
At first, he distances himself a little because you distance yourself. You don’t want to be judged for something that’s considered normal in the human world. Purified water is a precious commodity, and people don’t want to waste it showering when they could be drinking it. A dip in the river – yes, the ones with the sediment and the radiation and the mutated fish – suffices for most.
Though after a while, he decides that it’s high time he’s bonded with the human that’s living under the same roof as him. Maybe you just need a makeover, then you’ll unleash your full potential as a scarred, gunslinging wastelander hottie? Some demons are into that.
So, with little to no warning, he decided it’s time for a shopping spree. Even though you’re uncomfortable wearing the “high fashion” that’s at Majolish (because it provides literally no protection, armor-wise), he’s able to compromise by getting you some loungewear that you won’t be going out in anyway. While you’re out with him, he drags you to a shop that sells soaps, perfumes, and the like. You’re obviously not used to things that smell good and it’s obviously overstimulating, so Asmo just picks some of his favorites and gets you out before you have a scent-induced breakdown.
Once you’re back at the House of Lamentation, he drops all the shopping bags in your room and drags you to his – it’s time for a makeover, because you’re in dire need of one! He gives you a nice manicure (and adds some nail polish if you’re okay with that) and breaks out the “Doctor Asmo” title to diagnose what kind of skin routine would work for you. If you take issue with the scars you’ve accumulated throughout your life in the wastes, he tries many gels and creams to heal the tissue and reduce the starkness of the scars (even if he thinks that it’s kinda futile because the scars have existed for so long or have been exposed to the sun too much). 
Honestly, Asmo cringes at the thought of going to the human world after having you describe it to him. Even the slightest dosage of radiation that’s above the regular background levels can be really detrimental to your skin, and he doesn’t want to risk radiation poisoning – even at a minor level! Raiders can’t be stopped by his beauty alone, and he doesn’t want to chip his acrylics while handling a gun. Instead, he’ll get the human world in little doses through you. 
Not to sound rude, but when you first arrived, you smelled far too rank for Beel to eat. Yeah, he’s eaten inedible things before, but he knows when to suppress his hunger because eating something rancid will hurt more than it’ll help. But don’t worry, after you freshen up and bum some clothes off Mammon (because you didn’t bring any other outfit – obviously), Beel’s appetite is back! Good for you…?
He’s actually really excited to sample some New World food when it’s your turn to cook dinner. Even if you tell him it’s nothing to write home about, he’ll eagerly wait at the kitchen island, not-so-subtly sneaking tastes here and there while you cook. He’s not deterred by the weirder-sounding and even-weirder-looking foods like squirrel stew and coyote steak. If anything, that just makes him more excited!
If Mammon’s not attached to your hip while you’re walking the halls of RAD (and surely yapping your ear off all the while), Beel’s there. He mostly sticks around to see what snacks you can conjure up from things he never thought of eating before, like when you plucked a bug out of the air that was flying around the courtyard and snapped its head off before eating it. He stared at you for a second, just enough for you to start to fluster and get defensive, before doing the same. Protein is protein, after all. 
He also wants to introduce you to fangol! From what you’ve shared, he’s deduced that sports aren’t really a thing in the wasteland – you can’t waste your energy playing when you need it for your continued survival. But you’ve got a lot of energy from being cooped up in the House of Lamentation, so he can help you in a way that benefits both you and Beel: you get rid of your excess energy, and he gets to practice. Practice with someone who’s very inexperienced, yes, but still – it’s practice!
And if you ever itch to get a hint of your old wanderer lifestyle back, he’s all-too-happy to take you on a hike or to go camping with you. Even if it’s purely on a whim with no preparation whatsoever, he’ll grab whatever he can carry from the fridge, stuff it in a backpack, and, after sending a text to Lucifer detailing where you and he are heading, be ready at the front door, all within ten minutes. The food he brought won’t be enough, surely, but he can strip the leaves off a tree like an elephant if needed. 
If you ever take him to the human world, make sure to pack ample food for him because, if pushed, he will strip the nearby towns and settlements of their food supply that was meant to last the next three months. Yes, he’ll pay them for the food, but still – it’s a shock for the wastelanders to see this towering figure push a bunch of money in their hands without even counting it and rattling off what he wants like he’s ordering at a restaurant. 
He’s in the attic and a wastelander like you has enough common sense to not trust him. Good ending he stays locked in the attic forever lol goodbye twat
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tired-reader-writer · 2 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 130 Live-reaction Commentary
WOAH that sword landed just shy of Innocentis' family jewels LOL.
Arslan sweating and panting even after he won 😭
Gieve is surprisingly a good teacher, hot damn
Narsus and Elam and Alfarīd in the background of that scene!!
“Let them call me a coward. I've heard worse.” this line is so Gieve in ways I find difficult to articulate, it's just so him. Maybe it's that he doesn't care for stuff like honor and whatnot, he doesn't give a shit about those, and he's willing to go any lengths for the person he's loyal to. Looking at how he chose to make a villain out of himself in order to tap out of Peshawar before, yeah this tracks.
He only lowers his bow when it's clear Arslan has won.
Narsus turning back to nod at him! 👌
Oh god weapons do be going flying today, huh?
Okay, we all know there was no way Zandeh could've defeated Daryun, right?
But still, I couldn't help but wonder how much of a difference his new mace would've made in closing that gap of strength if his concentration hadn't been compromised by Hilmes' loss.
Like, he did say it's more suited to his strength so I couldn't help but speculate.
Him yeeting everything to the wayside in his desperation to get to his prince tho 👌
Arslan turns to Alfarīd knowing that Hilmes was the one who had killed her father... and Alfarīd understands that he, her friend, doesn't want to kill this man. They exchange knowing nods, and Arslan continues.
I really, really liked this little wordless exchange between them. The way Arslan doesn't forget Alfarīd, the way he turns to her, the way she understands him and the way she's willing to set her own grievances aside for the greater good... Sobs.
Zandeh's face after Arslan says, “But he bears responsibility for leading the Lusitanian army to this land and plunging my people into chaos. We will discuss this later. For now, find a room in the palace and wait there.” is... I don't know. It's doing something to me. Something about it just feels... raw. Vulnerable. Something like a kind of realization sinking in or maybe it's the adrenaline. Or maybe it's the adrenaline starting to wear off. Either way, it's quite something to behold.
Hilmes looking up, we don't get to see his eyes...
Merlaine, Merlaine pls arrive first I need you to be with Arslan.
“If my banishment were revoked, would that make me Crown Prince by your side once more... Your Majesty?”
I'm going to lose my mind.
No, legit, that face is creeping me out WTF
And that's it! That's the chapter! That's where it fucking ended!
Hoooooooly fuck
Now for some additional thoughts:
Gieve and Zandeh both came into clutch as protective forces for their princes this chapter. I highly approve.
And who can forget Saam? Ever the diplomat, beseeching for mercy for his prince.
The acknowledgement between Arslan and Alfarīd still gets me.
All his life, Arslan has been chasing Andragoras as a son, wanting for parental love and approval as Andragoras puts that distance between him and his “son”. But now? Andragoras is trying to invoke filial piety to get the sword, while Arslan takes a step back and puts an emotional distance between them. Your Majesty. Your Majesty. Poetic cinema.
(if you wanna see me talking about Andragoras putting distance between himself and Arslan, it should be under my reread tag: #arslan senki reread)
Howst the fuck did Innocentis go loose? He was zoinked out on illness and fever, and he was never that physically strong to begin with. I wonder if there was some help from Team Zahhak to get him loose beyond just controlling/manipulating him?
Aaaaaand that's all the thoughts I have rn, I think! Holy shit what a chapter.
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kyuuuu · 2 months
Finally saw the GGGNK movie
Just an unhinged train of thoughts about the film. Spoilers and stuff. And additional spoilers for Exhuma (2024)
First off, the theme of the movie was hugely satisfying. Instead of brushing over the imperialism of Japan the movie says "there were no glory days, it wasn't an honorable death, this is just a bunch of creepy old men hungry for power"
It's heartwarming that this movie is a story about how Mizuki and Gegero met when this is for the 100th anniversary of the author's birth (who is also named Shigeru Mizuki). Clearly a heartfelt homage, I can feel it from the quality of the film- the story beats, the themes, and the designs all seem inspired by him.
The animation was so smooth and the style was consistent. The Gegero vs Osada scene has good sakuga and the stylistic choice of shaky lines was *French kiss*
Character designs are an odd mix of old school and modern anime, but toned down to fit the setting and mood. I'd rather have the designs align with the old school style, but the modern style is worth it with the crispiness
Sometimes the line art did seem inconsistent with some parts being thicker than the rest but it didn't show up much
Tbh I came to the theaters just to simp for Mizuki and he didn't disappoint. Quite charming lad.
His character arc was slightly unsatisfying but since this is a prequel I know parts need to be cut off to keep his character consistent...
Also he's canonically a pretty boy?? The movie mentions he looks like Sada Keiji and
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He's gives so much openings for asexual interpretations. When Gegero says 'one day you'll find someone who you'll love more than yourself', he does! He finds Kitaro. It's a nice non romantic version of the 'you'll understand love someday' trope
Thank god there's no forced romance between him and Sayo. The movie acknowledges a. the age gap and b. realistically no one would fall for each other in a few days. The 'romance' is mostly a desperate attempt by Sayo to get out of her nightmare while Mizuki is half heartedly playing along. In the end even Mizuki betrayed her by only seeing her as a means for information instead of a person. However, the only thing, and the most important point that differentiates him from the rest of her abusers is that he genuinely apologizes and tries to make amends.
He's usually at his hottest when he's holding a weapon. The gun and axe did something to me. Legit I wouldn't have bothered to go see the movie if it weren't for pictures of him splattered in blood.
Sayo deserved better! I overheard some girls say "they seriously fridged her?" when the movie ended and while I disagree that she's just a fridged woman, she was neglected by the writers
I was bracing for her backstory when the family was introduced. Big, powerful clan in an isolated area? Definitely incest here. I'm not quite sure how to evaluate the handling of CSA but one point I'd give credit for is that they didn't fall into the trap of showing trauma graphically
Her story reminds me a lot of Tezuka Osamu's Ayako. Even the two works' setting (Showa era), a lot of the character roles (monstrous head of the clan, the mad man/woman, the twit sister, callous men in a power struggle) and the themes (conservative values vs new generation) match so I don't think it's a simple coincidence
What a bummer that Mizuki gets over her death so quickly. It feels unnatural how he collects himself so fast after literally having her rage on him for using her feelings and attempt to kill him, then to die in a horrific manner. At least get him a pep talk from Gegero to be able to get a grip again.
And why is there no mention of her when he confronts the head of the clan? The lack of acknowledgement of how Mizuki and the rest of the adults failed her makes the final act feel rather disconnected, to be harsher, weak.
The biggest bummer is that the perspective of other characters are lacking when they all have interesting stories
Osada was one of the characters I was curious before I saw the movie and I was surprised by how little screentime he got compared to the fanart. I was expecting him to be a main antagonist but no, he was a faithful red herring
He's the father of the head in line yet that aspect of him is underutilized. His relationship with Tokiya and Toshiko is virtually unknown, to the point I suspect he wasn't originally supposed to be Toshiko's husband during production and they quickly changed his role. Based on fanart I genuinely thought that he was going to murder Toshiko lmao
And his role as mayor would have been much more of a threat than as an exorcist. I know Mizuki is meant to be the trump card bc he's an unexpected factor, but he could have been a formidable enemy to the duo, pressuring Mizuki psychologically by turning the entire village against him while exchanging blows with Gegero
Overall the experience wasn't bad but I feel like I would have enjoyed it as equally I did in the theater as on my laptop.
It was a lot more consistent than Exhuma but fumbled the execution by an angle of three degrees to fully satisfy me- superior in the drama and mystery aspect but Exhuma's horror and occultism was more intriguing.
That being said it's an unfair comparison since GGGNK has a younger target audience so I imagine if the directors went all out it could have been really, really terrifying. The age restriction was already pushing it when they thought scenes of eyes getting gouged out were okay for children above the age of 12
Hilariously, both are occult horror mysteries that have "Fuck Japanese Imperialism" as their message, despite one being the A-list actor movie and the other being an anime movie for a series obscure outside of Japan. (I could probably make an essay of comparing and contrasting the two's criticism of imperialism, one being from an outsider/victim's perspective and the other being from an insider/perpetuator's perspective.)
Capping off this with a subjective score of 8/10 and an impersonal score of 7.5/10 ig
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clueless-fan-critic · 2 months
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Deadpool and Wolverine: Fox's Marvelous Weapons for the MCU
Okay. This movie was made as a cash grab for Deadpool and Wolverine fans. And it's exactly what we all hoped for!!!
These two characters are the most iconic superheroes that FOX has ever greenlit and now they can finally work together as a team... sort off... if you ignore continuity... or not... But it's still pretty great huh?
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Moving on...
Let's not beat around the bush and say this isn't technically our Deadpool and Wolverine because of the Multiverse complexity. Like the last time we saw Deadpool, he was time-traveling willy-nilly, not caring about continuity. And Wolverine, well, uhh... he died as an old man. So clearly, the movie is gonna explain this or straight up ignore it.
Honestly, I'm just happy that Deadpool and Wolverine are back in this new adventure from FOX to the MCU with a lot of violence for everyone to enjoy.
Deadpool, Deadpool, What'chu Gonna Do?
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We start in the typical Deadpool-style of movie openings: fourth wall breaking, references, and inappropriately awesome lines and fights. The most morbid and hilarious part of the scene was Deadpool digging up Logan's very clearly dead skeleton and using it as a weapon against the TVA agents. But it's those "let's rewind" parts of a movie where the character explains how they got to the point we saw.
The plot is Deadpool feeling he has no purpose and gives up his life as a superhero (but not before reversing time, saving everyone, and leaving things in Deadpool 2 up in the air like where Cable is). He then gets captured by the TVA as his universe will die off because of Logan's death as Logan was an Anchor Being that kept it alive. Deadpool attempts to find another Wolverine to become an Anchor Being, ending up with "the Worst Wolverine." We then go through this journey of self-actualization as Deadpool and Wolverine fight to make themselves matter no matter what the TVA says.
I honestly loved the movie! It felt exactly like the previous Deadpool films without being repetitive and actually elevated and explored Deadpool's character even further. Even if you never seen Loki, it's not needed to quickly understand what's happening: Deadpool is part of MCU or "Sacred Timeline."
The Cameos... Oh, the Cameos!!!
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Cameos in this movie not only feel natural to both the story and its in-universe logic, but also satisfies strong nostalgia feels and references galore. Deadpool's trip to find a new anchor shows up various Wolverines from different comic storylines. Even showing us height-accurate Wolverine, Wolverine vs Hulk, and one played by Henry Cavil minus CGI lips.
There are even cameos from past Fox/Marvel properties. Thus, Jennifer Garner's Elektra and Wesley Snipes' Blade return. Because the setting is the Void, a multiversal Mad Max-style world, it makes sense they would be here. Even Chris Evans reprises his role as Johnny Storm/Human Torch. Only to get defeated, humiliated, and killed within a couple of minutes. The cameo characters also drive the plot where it needs to be, especially X-23 who has a convo with Wolverine about being always the wrong person, but always showing up when it counts.
People will argue that this serves as forced fan service, but Deadpool was always a fan servicey character since his first legit movie. But actually seeing Mutants in the MCU has really got my ideas pumping for what might come in the future.
Mutant Saga Begins
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It's quite possible that Deadpool and Wolverine will return in some way, shape, or form to explore the MCU's take of Mutants and the X-Men. Sure, Cassandra Nova won't be coming back, but there are plenty of villains to pit against the X-Men.
The Krakoa Era may definitely be the answer to revamping the X-Men in the MCU, acting more as heroes to mutants and villains to the heroes we've known.
Here's to hoping Disney and Marvel get the idea that we want movies which care about the audience instead of pumping them until they're full.
What I Hope...
Honestly, as a fan of superheroes and an off-and-on MCU fan, I had a lot of doubts about the sheer complexity and magnitude the MCU must deal with. But watching Deadpool and Wolverine actually made me go back to that point where superhero movies felt fresh and exciting. I really hope they do movies like this in the future.
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cru5h-cascades · 7 months
Decided to make a part two for my final splatfest concept post! Here are the outcomes for each team winning the final fest:
Team Past - The next game's aesthetic is more Y2K oriented, with a bunch of Y2K clothes being added into the game alongside past pieces of gear added to the series. The music in the next game would be more pop and rock centered (oh what I'd do to see a Splatoon parody of The Killers lmao) (I mean dedf1sh's stage name does serve as a reference to deadmau5 so if that can happen maybe this can too). The idols would have pop-rock music since that type of music was popular in the 2000s. New weapons would include yoyo type weapons (normal yoyos function similarly to brushes however if you hold ZR and aim the yoyo at an enemy you can stun them and get a kill) and roller blade/skate wheel things that will attatch to your character's shoes (hold ZR to create a trail of ink and tap ZR when close to an enemy to kick them until they're splatted).
Team Present - The next game's aesthetic would have hints of the vaporwave aesthetic mixed in with a few other aesthetics and the game would add stuff that e-boys/girls would probably wear (note: I legit don't know what else they could probably do for new gear theming if this scenario's team present won so I'm going with this) alongside older gear types from past games. The music would be mostly pop-centric and the idols would have techno music or something like that. New weapons would include the bubblegummer (a type of gun that shoots sticky ink projectiles that create lumps in your teams ink for a short amount of time that could slowly imobilize them until the lump fades away) and gauntlets (tap ZR to punch; after two punches you can unleash a stronger punch and then go back to normal punches).
Team Future - The next game has a synthwave/future punk aesthetic. New clothes added to the game would either include a lot of black, white, or silver with other colors also being used or will have a lot of color to it. More clothes will have the ability to light up & most new clothes will appear to be futuristic. The music of the game will incorperate synth, industrial, glitch hop, breakcore, fusion, and chiptune music. The idols would have upbeat synth pop music. New weapons could include arm canons (taking some inspiration from my own oc, Hope for this since her prosthetic arm functions similarly to my concept for this weapon) (tap ZR to launch a projectile, hold ZR down to create a larger one) (this weapon will also have the ability to dodge roll, but only one time until you get out of that dodge roll's position) and mallots (works similarly to ultra stamp but not exactly) (use ZR to slam the ground and launch a projectile and hold ZR to unleash an attack that can stun enemies for an easy kill).
Considering that the next game is part of a new story arc, the story mode for each game will remain roughly the same but with different aesthetics. Naturally, I hope that we'll have more hairstyles for our characters (especially for the octolings) and more customization options as well.
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foxgloveinspace · 1 year
Nobody wants this but here we go!
Fox’s Mega Analysis Of Sleep Token Lore:
Edit: I like what I have here, but this is no longer my theory, lmao. I have very differnt thoughts, and while this is long and thought out and feels like what I would do with a novel like what Vessel is giving us, I do not think this is like... the big one anymore lol. New Theory over here (x)
Under a read more cause this is gonna get Long, I can feel it.
I'm not gonna go through every single song here, over all albums and singles only, if anyone finds my insight intriguing hit me up in my ask box and I’ll go into detail about some things I guess. (I'm more likely to answer if it's anon btw, I will answer if it's not but it's more,,,, comfy for me if you go on anon). Also, please keep in mind I have been here for only a couple weeks (legit I only got into them on the 3rd of April 2023), so If I've Missed Something, don't be a jerk about it, ok?
This whole thing is going off of a few assumptions others have made, and I've come to on my own really, namely that there is no woman who broke Vessel’s heart, all the songs are about Sleep, or ‘from’ Sleep’s pov; I think it’s more that Vessel is compelled to make songs from Sleep’s pov more then Sleep takes over, and the entire discography is a back and forth conversation of Vessel trying to get more from Sleep, and Sleep Taking More from Vessel instead. And then the other assumption is the opposite of the one I read, that all the albums are already in chronological order, and were not released out of order.
Now going off of ‘no woman that broke Vessel’* assumption, makes one wonder, what does Sleep offer Vessel in this relationship? Why would Vessel stay with sleep, when there’s really nothing for him to gain? The answer is simple. As long as we look past some assumptions already considered ‘canon’.
Sleep did Not give Vessel his powers. He already had them.
And what Sleep offers Vessel is control.
In the songs, Love = Control.
Sleep offers to control Vessels powers, and Vessel uses them in the name of sleep, and becomes a weapon (something he calls himself multiple times through out the whole discography).
Except that we can garner from a few (ie, most of them) of the songs that Vessel doesn’t like what sleep uses him for, and even tries, begs and pleads for Sleep to not use him for this. To ‘love’ him differently, because Vessel still doesn’t actually have control, sleep just uses the powers.
One is very beginning of things, where Vessel is not looking at the fact that Sleep isn’t doing what he says he will, he’s aware of the fact that Sleep isn’t offering him control ‘when the bough breaks’ (his powers over flowing and hurting/killing people), but he’s trying to reason still.
Two is awareness and denial, but still going along with what is happening, more aware of how this is not going the way he wishes it to. Jericho is the first song from Sleep's POV, and the idea of him Calling Vessel more worthy than a gods hands speaks to Vessel's powers. (which goes into a bit of the meta I put for twtyw) *the only song in the dicography that I think mentions SOMEONE else as Her is Nazareth, I think this song is about Sleep and Vessel 'sacrificing' a woman, now be that just as sex, or you know, actually killing someone, up to you.
Jaws is from sleep's pov, and it's him giving a bit to Vessel, but it's asking Vessel to show him control, more than sleep Giving all of it. I think its a bit of him testing Vessel's control he already has and what it takes to break it, more then anything else.
Hey-Ya this is a Vessel song. I think it's him trying to go back into a state of denial while not exactly seceding.
The Way That You Were I think this is also a Sleep song, I think sleep genuinely thinks he is helping Vessel. but I think sleeps version of trying to help Vessel is trying to get him to lose control, not gain it.
Sundowning is Vessel realizing that Sleep is probably not gonna do what he says he will do, and is begging and pleading with him to Do What He Says He’ll Do. Blood Sport is Vessel giving up, and trying to commit suicide, the ending where he is sobbing, "I made ‘loving you’ a blood sport I can’t win" is him saying ‘you won’t help me, I can’t win’.
from the room bellow these are pure Vessel songs, there's nothing in here that is for Sleep, it is just him, and finding meaning in other's words to maybe get around part of sleep and vessel's deal, Vessel not being to write a song that is not in some way a worship of Sleep.
This Place Will Become Your Tomb is the intimidate after math, it's Sleep Not Letting Vessel Die, and Vessel giving in. Becoming the weapon Sleep wants him to be. It's Vessel asking Why Sleep wants him to be this way, and not getting an answer, but being under Sleep's influence is better than dealing with his powers on his own. It's also a very sleep pov heavy album, with it being almost completely altering pov.
Is It Really You? I am still up in the air about this one. I think something happened and sleep either shared something with Vessel, or Vessel saw something he wasn't supposed to.
Take Me Back To Eden. Now, this album. At the time of writing this we have almost half of the album, and none of them have been from Sleep's pov (and going from the title of the single that's release tomorrow [4/20] I doubt it's from Sleep's pov edit- it just dropped on youtube uhoh edit edit: yes its a vessel song.) All of them have been from Vessel's, and everything has an air for; not exactly rebellion, but something more like defiance. So far it's felt like the realization that Vessel Is More Powerful then maybe even Sleep, but at least more powerful then anyone has realized, and why should Vessel be Sleep's weapon when he can Be His Own. A lot of people have assumed that the album is going to end in Vessel's death, and while I won't rule it out, I think the album is going to end in Vessel's ascension into at least demi-godhood. probably full 'godhood'. Mostly I can't say it's going to end in Vessel's death, cause so far Sleep has done everything he can to keep Vessel alive.
Some Closing bits: I think that theres another overall theme, and that is Vessel longing for human companionship. Either because of his powers, or something else, I think that Vessel has been very isolated (and also maybe that could be another reason for falling into Sleep, even though he knows Sleep is not holding up his end of the deal), and I think that that is why the other Vessel's come into play, ii iii and iv are fellow vessel's cause they too have powers, and Vessel recruited them. Also on a light note, I think that one of Sleep's 'offerings' is sex, and sexual relations in his name, hence why they are so fuckin horny on stage.
And that my Sleep Token lore analysis, and thoughts and theorie.
If I think of anything else I'll link back to here or something, but yeah. just. thoughts. you can ignore me of course, but if you made this far thanks for reading!!
(x) (x)
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Sam and Max Telltale Retrospective: Save the World: Reality 2.0 (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Cyber-Hello to all you happy cyber-people! We're almost at the end of Sam and Max Save The World! It's been a long strange journey and it's only getting stranger as we jack in and execute the penultimate chapter of this fantastic game.
As usual let's take a look at Reality 2.0+as a game first. Internet 2.0 is the best chapter yet which like Morning Mark, you can probably hear me say that a lot. It combines the writing quality of the last two chapters with the far more managable but still open overworld of "The Mob, The Mole and the Meatball". The difficulty's still harder than Mob, but more in line with the second one: you might get stuck but a quick nudge from a guide or some poking around will usually fix it. The world is also just fun to explore despite being intentionally both sparse and a reskin of the main street hub. In short it's good stuff and we'll see if it holds for the finale and the next two games.
For now let's look at the bold new future of the internet in 2006 under the cut and how our heroes have to kill it before it spreads. As you do.
So we open with Max flexing his power as president. As expected most of his policy is giant fighting robot based, sending them to all three dakota's to see who surivives, and he's being impeached every day this week except wendsday.. he's on trial for war crimes. But Max has more important things to deal with than plotting his future escape from a federal maximum security prison, for once. The Chief has a job: A new game, Reality 2.0 is sweeping the nation and brainwashing it too so our heroes and max have to stop it. Our heroes first have to save Sybil, whose beta testing the game via headset, and lost in the zone. So to get info we're going ot have to wreck Sybil's life for the second episode. Meanwhile Bosco has paranoidly moved all his money into the internet. As you can probably notice unlike a lot of the satire in these games, where there more funny knowing the time, the satire for internet 2.0 has actually aged better. While at the time it was clearly parodying the boom of things like second life and mmorpg's like world of warcraft, nowadays it comes off as parodies of laughable attempts at the future like the metaverse, vr googles, and crypto. I mean the money isn't in boscocoin but like Crypto the service he's using bancolavedero.com is just as sketchy as crypto and just as likely to give you all your money back! As such despite having all the money now to launder via the us goverment, we can't buy his real world item, a bio weapon, yet.
We can however do him a solid and get rid of the compettition: part of why Bosco's gone from small arms to full on biological warefare is because Jimmy Two Teeth has set up shop in his shop. Being the rat he is, Jimmy refuses to actually sell you the mini canon he has because he's afraid you'll just turn around and use it on him
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Though in this case it's a self fufilling prophecy as while he succesfully gets a hit off on Sam, he gets shoved into the canon and used as ammo oddworld styles. I just love this solution and it provides some cathariss after multiple chapters of Jimmy either being obnoxious to our heroes or actively hindering them. I mean he fell down a manwhole but ther'es probably a whole rat city down there. He can play rat blackjack and visit some rat hookers. He'll be fine. This is more fitting.. being shot at some vr googles.
Turns out though Sybil wasn't hypnotized.. or at least thinks she wasn't so she's mad, but allows our heroes to take the broken googles and decides to move on. I've really started to feel sorry for sybil. In the first two chapters she was just running a random scheme and just having a good time… in the last few she's been targeted by the mob, had her heart broken, been swindled out of millions of dollars and now had her legit buisness ruined by our heroes.. for good reasons yes but it's still awful. I'm really hoping the next chapter works out better for her. I do applaud the team for making me care about this goofy side character though. So our team has to take the googles to the best part of this episode, the C.O.P.S. The Computer Obsolescence Prevention Society are a bunch of old machines who are hilaroius: We have their leader and mouthpiece curt, an old voice synthizer similar to steven hawkings, chippy, an old pong set, and bob, a talking phone who talks like the moviephone guy. And last and most of all we have Bluster Blaster an old arcade machine who constantly screams every sentence and wants to conquer all. Their working for the internet for the oldest reasons imaginable…
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But gladly suply a lot of great comedy.. and our heroes with the chip to fix the googles. There's not much else to say other than their fantastic and I was delighted to find out they return in the next two games, and have a larger role in 3.
THe cops gladly give our heroes the chip. Problem is there's two heroes but luckily max's really big head qualities him for a special headset, so our heroes are off to the digtial world! Jack in, Sam and Max, Execute! Reality 2.0 is a fun setting being really sparse and seeming like a jab at games that come out mostly unfinished. Having played sonic 06 recently, the irony is not lost on me. While it is a BETA, so ti's a bit more forgivable, it's a very desolate place with Sybil stood in with a digtial copy of her, and no real detail. The only real features are bosco's itself, and Auntie Biotic, virus protection based on moira stump. Who was asking for her to come back I do not know, but she's passable.
We 'll deal with her later though first it's time to deal with bosco whose totally not brainwashed you guys honest. So in order to save him, we have to bop him in the head, but since for some reason we can't just.. use the boxing glove on him or reload the canon, we have to play the game his way and get 5 gold coins. Granted equipment usually isn't this cheap but sam and max isn't going to make you grind for several hours. or maybe ten minutes with 4x gil on, to do that. Point is you need to gather the coins.
This is where I got stuck entirely through every fault of my own. See I assumed since the goggles have an assigned button to take you out of reality 2.0, you coudln't use your inventory
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Every item you have in the real world is avaliable to you. And neatly some transform, so the bug becomes a computer bug. It wasn't till reading the guide I realized I could do this.
As for who your glitching up that'd be the COPS who are gods, angry gods, of the new world and each control something. So you have to jack with them to get rid of width, popups, make your characters small, and with blaster because uh oh there goes gravity. The ways you use them are also clever and most you can figure out just from exploring: Jimmy is hoarding a coin in your office, so you have to get that from him by shirnking, and that itself requries you to figure out another mechanic: when you enter the digital world you enter from the location your at. So while the curb is too big for tiny sam and max to climb, you can simply jack out, go into the office, jack in and boom, Jimmy is violently mugged for a coin! Sybils is easy to miss, it's just behind her bookcase which you can get by going flat and finally we get the fun one of gravity, with sam deciding to become a feature film italian sterotype and max decides to call him a sell out. it's the best joke of a very funny chapter… the best one not involving an arcade cabinet screaming at you anyway. So with that we buy the long sord and get a decent enough send up of rpg combat as we fight a slime in boscos, handily despensed from a monster spawn point. This is where I got lost for a second. See I went back to the real world, as Bosco revealed his password is SO secure, he dosen't even know it, having it tattooed on him then having his memory erased. So naturally I grabbed the binoculars on his desk. problem is fitting the game's nonlinear nature you can get them AFTER you wake him up too, and my guide used this method. Thankfully I found another one, and found out I simply had to conk him out in the digtial world.
Since I can't just have a small monster do it, I used the sword, tricked bosco with the timeless "look over there" technique and found his tatoo which thankfully was nowhere near as low as feared. It's naturally bosco. He's smart at many things, survelince, knowing the goverment's after him, scamming our heroes, but this is a reminder he can be very, very dumb and we love him for it. So it's off to banco lavedero. To get in here you'll need some digitial paint from a digtial wizard whose TOTALLY not hugh bliss… though unlike moira I feel this seeming model IS the real thing given what we learn at the end of the chapter. This puzzle is clever as your liscene plate has the right color. Match em and you get past the banco lavedero fire wall. Inside we get a fun if somewhat long mini game: unsuprisingly this scam is laundering money from everywhere: the toy mafia, who sam rightly points out even if we knocked out one branch isn't exzactly gone, the goverment, bosco's mom. You simply have to get the arrows to point all the money to bosco. It's hilarious enough to work and even if you get stuck, it shoudln't take too long till bosco has the money and is forking over his bio weapon. This one I actually called: he just sneezes into a napkin. But hey it's enough to give yo ua computer virus.
To beat her though we need a chekovs gun.. but since tha't snot in the inventory we instead need some slime goop, gotten whenyou first get your sword as his sludgey machine is now an enemy spawn point and the results are just as dangerous. You take it out with some turn based rpg parody, though the shouting out of dexerity is just.. weird. This isn't dungeons and dragons, it's a computer rpg. It's hilarious enough though I dont' care enitirely.
WIth the goop you simply have to defy gravity again and go to a nearbye billboard and you get the unicorn sword. +2 baby! You can unstick it with the goop and then fight moira using the sword and another chekovs gun: early on you'll see a jack in the box surrounded by pop ups. Disable those, grab it, then enable them before the fights and you've got a shiled. It's a wonderful brick joke and with that you can mail the virus ot break the internet.
Problem is the interent.. plans to take everyone in it with her, so to save the world you have to brave the depths of gaming history, a TEXT ADVENTURE!
The Text Adventure bit.. is a lot of fun. You put all of boscos into your inventory, deal with a giant drippy pool of cute kittens , use their slime to dip boscos and then feed it to a shambling corprate presence, the greatest monster in all of rpg history. Yes over stabby mc mommy issues or Garnland, who will knock you all down. You feed him, get him tobarf up the internet's faith in humanity an save her from herself… and then she dies because our heroes knida gave her a virus. Yes our heroes killed the ineternet and I for one…
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Sorry about that had to kick in the backup internet. Hard being a blogger these days. Anyways the internmet is dead and the most she can give our heroes is the mysterious mastermind behind all this is Roy. G. Biv… our heroes dont' take the obvious hint and go to dinner… as hugh bliss shows up as the face int he moon
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Next Time: We go to the MOOONNNNN to wrap this game up and confront the true mastermind behind it all! But where is hugh? What is hugh? and why is Hugh? All to be colorfully answered next time!
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kokokagayaki · 9 months
top 5 danganronpa characters and why, GO!
well shit alright... can't wait to get shot for my opinions like usual
Honorable mentions to the rest of v3 apart from Korekiyo and Ryoma, I actually hate Angie a lot but even then she has some good moments, these two I just never vibed with. Chihiro/guess alter ego as well (you my precious baby who I must protect, just like Chiaki) Peko (I have a weird obsession with Pekoyama, she's what I wish they did with Mukuro.
Such a cool chick. Grey/white-haired girls in anime/ manga are so under-appreciated like holy shit) oh and Mikan. (I have a deep hatred for Hiyoko for bullying a girl who was already mentally ill. I've found myself in character.Ai often going to Mikan Al's and counseling her, as someone who was bullied a lot throughout life. I just wanna protect her. I wanna give a special thank you @love-loveguilty (FORGIVE ME FOR @ ing you, pwz no kill >m<)for her bots of Mikan and legit them all danganronpa and ace attorney characters, Pokémon has also joined the cast of characters she's doing, a couple other franchises that you could look for yourself, legit best AI creator hands down. ALRIGHT DOWN TO THIS
5 - a tie between Kirumi and Chiaki - I love 'em both deeply. Sucks both of them died. Kirumi deserved more attention in the game. And Chiaki... what is there to say that's original? She's Fricken amazing, I wuv sweepy wittle gamer girl. (I live by the bias that if Chiaki isn't in your top tier as a character for danganronpa then I dunno what you're on)
4 - Miu - girl you legit just me with the dirty jokes and dirtier mind... (Okay i'm not that extreme but still) yet I also relate to you on a deeper meaning with being this horny vulgar weirdo just to hide your insecurities.
3 - Gundham - I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, HE WILL ALWAYS BE BEST BOI FOR ME. Behind that Chúnibyo personality is a pretty sweet dude. Can't watch his execution without crying. I also love his devas too. Cham-P Supremacy!
2 - Sonia - was honestly my best girl till Kaede came around, she is so sweet and understanding. Ya think a princess wouldn't be so down to earth, let alone intelligent. Is multilingual in 30 languages, can operate military weapons AND ... it's fucking Sonia what else can I say?
1 - Kaede - best girl in the whole franchise, I love her looks, I love piano already (and me loving pianists isn't nothing new) I love her optimism and just her whole demeanor. She is what I want in a girl. Matter of a fact. I just want her <3 never have truly sat down and watched her execution because just thinking about the trial makes me tear up.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat: Agent Zero —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: Prepare for the duo of your dreams -Danny
Words: 2,293
Phase Four Masterlist
Previous chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘Pierre’ -by Ryn Weaver
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xvi: Peter Benjamin Parker
"Alright, Mousy, tell me what's good..."
"Nothing new, boss."
"C'mon! There's gotta be something..."
"I'm sure something will happen."
"The first time I'm out in months and nothing's going on! No robberies, no crazy-looking shiny stuff falling from the sky, no enhanced bad guys..."
"There's an octopus man causing disturbances— but Spider-man's fighting him."
"Very funny, mouse."
"Not a joke."
"I asked you to inform me of any disturbances!"
"You asked for unresolved disturbances, Spider-man has this one under control."
She felt thrilled at the revelation. "Atta boy! Show me!"
Cat shot her grappling hook to a nearby building to watch the city from its rooftop and find in which direction she needed to go, she'd never been good at understanding streets. The mutant missed being able to move fluently through the air, she could only glide if she threw herself from tall spots.
"The man vanished from his location along with spider-man."
"What do you mean vanished? Was he arrested?"
"He disappeared through a portal."
"I— what are you talking about?"
"Spider-man spotted near our area."
"I think you're glitching," she replied in annoyance. "You must've lost signal or something, I'll check you once we're back in the apartment, as for Peter, he's probably coming this way to tell me what's going on..."
"Height and built don't match. I think we're dealing with a copycat."
Cat glided across the streets until she found Spider-man in a corner, they seemed lost. She landed on a fire escape above him, ready to land on his shoulders, but the guy moved out of the way at the last second. Cat rolled over so she wouldn't hurt her ankles and then pulled out her spear.
"Impersonating is a serious crime," she said.
"What? What the hell are you talking about?" By the sound of his voice and his heartbeat, he was a relatively young man. Cat tried to hit him with the spear, but the stranger dodged her. "Who are you?!"
Cat teleported leaving the smell of brimstone behind and pressed her watch, activating the tranquilizers. She pulled the trigger, and he shot a web blocking the projectiles. He moved fast, shooting a second time but holding onto the web and pulling. Cat tried to kick him and he stopped it with his forearm.
"I've had it!" He snatched the spear, she tried to push him off, but he was strong, really strong— and the webs were pretty similar to Peter's though these ones were definitely thicker. "Stop!"
The stranger hit her in the face and Cat gasped. Not that it'd hurt, her mask had gotten the full blow, but she was shocked at the fact that his powers seemed legit.
"You gotta be kidding me..." she panted, having a guess of what was happening but refusing to believe it.
The guy lifted the spear and pointed it at her face. "If you don't tell me who you are, I'll stick this down your throat."
She frowned. "That's no way to talk to a lady!" He pressed the button of her spear to fold it and moved forward with the weapon firmly held. "Stop— STOP!" She raised her hands in surrender. "I'M NOT TRYING TO KILL YOU!"
He came to a halt and stared. Or at least it looked like it, he was wearing a mask extremely similar to Spidey's but this one had bigger lenses. "Where... where am I?"
"Mouse," she spoke shakily. "Update."
"The Octopus man and Peter are nowhere to be found, but there is a man dressed up as a green creature flying around the city. Should I call for backup?"
There was a Spider-man in front of her that looked alike yet completely different, and he seemed quite sure of his identity. Cat stared up (up!) at this other spider-man, her hand moved forward, and she was expecting him to move away, but the guy stayed very still. Her hand came into contact with the neck and found the seam, she started to pull the mask off but then his hand stopped her.
"That's not a good idea."
She hesitated. "Peter?"
It had to be him. It had to.
He shook his head. "Do... do we know each other?"
"Peter Parker..." she muttered in horror. "But not my Peter."
He looked around. "Maybe? I'm... I don't know what happened."
"Come with me."
"What— why?"
"You're in danger."
"I'm not going anywhere! You tried to kill me!"
"I thought you were using Peter's suit to incriminate him!" She replied. "He's already having a shitty time!"
"You're talking about the wanted stuff I just saw? That happens all the time—"
"It's not just bad publicity, I'll explain better in a few but we gotta go somewhere safe." She seized his wrist. "Close your eyes or you'll puke." Cat teleported to her apartment.
"Holy shit!" He coughed. "How do you do that?"
"Take off the suit."
He looked down at his body. "I've got nothing under it."
"I need to see you," she urged him, stepping closer to him. "Please."
Spider-man moved reluctantly, his hand went up slowly, still in a defensive pose. Cat guessed it would make him feel better if she gave the first step. Her suit removed itself and went back to her watch, still covered in the web. He stared down at it. "Focus big-bug," her mask also went away. "My name's Copycat. Peter Parker is my friend."
He tilted his head. "I don't know you."
She pulled out her phone and quickly searched through it, showing him a picture. "This Peter Parker."
A seventeen-year-old C.C. had her arms wrapped around a brown-haired boy, she was smiling. The Spider-man in front of her stared at the image, she had the feeling he could see himself in the boy, but not entirely.
"He... he's Peter?"
"Peter Benjamin Parker?"
"Ye—" She stopped. "No. Peter Parker."
"That's what I said."
"You said Peter Benjamin."
"He's not Benjamin?"
"No, his uncle was."
Spider-man placed the phone on her coffee table and seized the back of his mask. With no hesitation, he took it off. His face made sense if she looked at it by parts: Eyes, nose, and hair. He had the same moles on his cheek... all the same... but wrong.
"Woah," she said in surprise. "You're kinda cute..."
"String theory," he looked around her apartment in awe, not listening to her. "Multi-dimensional reality... and matter displacement... all real?"
Cat, who'd never been a fan of science but understood one of the things he'd mentioned, nodded. "I mean... I think so."
He smiled. "I knew it!" Then he looked at her in confusion. "But why the hell did it happen?"
"Sit down," she pointed at the couch. "Tell me about you, then I can fill the gaps."
"Why won't you explain to me what's going on?" He asked back.
"I would if I knew it," she replied with annoyance, then her frown slowly went away. "Wait, I think I can figure it out..."
"Stay put!" She rushed back to her room and grabbed a box from her closet. She came back and placed it next to him. "Change in the meantime, I promise it won't take long—"
"Call me Cat," she replied, already making her way to the door.
"You're gonna leave me here?" He followed her to the entrance.
"It'll be just a moment! I'll come back with an answer!"
She rushed out of the apartment before he could reply, but as soon as she closed the door, a portal engulfed and she was back in the Sanctum's basement.
"Oh, hi!" She smiled at Strange. "I was on my way here and— the octopus guy!" She turned and found Peter, she also saw a giant lizard held up next to the man with the iron tentacles. "Can someone explain what's going on?"
The spell had pulled people from other universes that also knew Spider-man's identity. Strange captured the lizard guy and Peter caught the octopus, but there were still a few more on the loose. One of them was sitting in her living room, but at least hers wasn't a bad guy.
"Okay," she nodded. "What do we do?"
"Er, we need MJ and Ned— and we start looking."
"Are they all evil... things?" She glanced at the lizard.
"I don't know. Does it matter?"
"If some of them are good they must be lost and scared. Maybe I should look for those?"
Peter turned to Strange looking for advice. "Do whatever you have to, just do it quickly," he said grumpily.
"Okay okay! Anyone that looks out of place, or confused—"
"Which is most of the inhabitants of New York, but sure..."
"If they come from somewhere else you bring them here, alright?"
"If I don't find any I'll join your search, okay?"
"Thank you, Cat, you didn't have to—"
"It was me who told Tony your identity," she said. "It's because of me that you're trapped in this nightmare."
Peter looked at her with softness in his eyes. "It wasn't always a nightmare. Go ahead, I'll bring the others."
"One last thing," she turned to the man and the lizard-looking creature. "Why are your bad guys always dressed up as animals?"
"See you." Strange pushed her through a portal.
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She opened the door without announcing herself, the other Peter was half-naked and about to take off the lower half of his suit.
"Holy—!" He tripped and fell on the couch, Cat rushed to help him.
"Sorry! Next time I'll knock!"
He sat up rubbing the back of his head. "Did you find out what's happening?"
Cat sighed. "Yeah."
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The young man was sprawled on her couch looking up at the ceiling, he was whispering things to himself.
"Is this a lot to take in?" He made a brief sound that she took as an affirmation. "If your universe isn't as hectic as mine... I mean... we must have something in common, right? Peter?" She cringed. "Oh, I can't call you that, it's so weird! How about Ben?"
He looked at her with a scowl.
"No." She agreed. "Doesn't suit you... Parker? I rarely refer to Peter by his last name so that should work—"
"Can I ask you something?" He sat up.
"Go ahead."
"Are you his girlfriend? Like, the me in this universe, I mean—" he shook his head still looking confused. "That's the only way you could've known my identity, right? And you have pictures together."
She blushed. "We were friends before he vanished, you know, like half of the universe..."
Parker stammered out his question. "Excuse me?"
"That didn't happen in yours?" She frowned. "Well... my world has a batshit crazy history. I can give you the short version, but I can't promise that'll clear your head—"
Her phone buzzed and she looked at the screen. Matthew was calling her.
She got up. "Whatever you do, don't make a sound! I mean it!"
Parker looked at her in bafflement but stayed in place, Cat answered her phone.
"I was starting to think you were ignoring me."
"You never answered my text."
She hit her forehead. "Sorry, something came up with Peter and—"
"Yeah, I heard. Is he okay?"
"I don't think I'll make it to dinner tomorrow, Matt. Is that okay?"
"It's fine, I get it," and it sounded like he did, but he also sounded worried. "Are you okay?"
Her eyes went to the young man on her couch, half-naked and with the lower part of a spider-man suit as a pair of pants. The world was falling apart.
"Everything's okay. I'll call you this weekend, alright?"
"Sure. Be sure you text me."
There was something she's always liked about Matthew: he could read a room even if he wasn't in it. He was a capable man, but working together had always been push-and-pull, they could never tell which method they would end up using cause it depended on whoever acted first. She needed to have full control this time.
"Man, I thought the courting phase was only getting started..."
"What? I think it's only fair you try to set up a date next time."
"Alright, I'll call you."
"Let me know if you need anything."
She would not.
"Don't even think about going home just because I said no, go have fun with your friends—"
"I'm not a kid, Maxwell, I don't need to be told what to do."
"You may not be a kid, but you're still a man," she taunted. "I really gotta go. Bye."
"Take care."
She threw the phone away hearing it bounce off the couch, her hands went up to her hair. Parker looked at her. "That was your boyfriend?"
"That's none of your business," she snapped.
"I'm just trying to make conversation..." he muttered.
Cat grabbed her laptop and unlocked it, then placed it on his lap. "My world's info is on the internet. Google exists in your world, right?"
"Yeah..." he stared at her laptop. "This thing is... I know it's a laptop but this one's..." he looked up at her with a bit of fear. "What year is it?"
She told him the year. "Is it not the same where you're from?"
"Yeah, it's the same! That's crazy!" He leaned forward to read the logo. "Stark?"
"Tony Stark," she said. "Does he exist in your world?"
"I don't know."
"You would know if he did."
"Maybe not?"
"Steve Rogers."
"Captain America?" Cat frowned. "Black widow, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye— none of them?"
Parker blinked. "Are they a big deal here?"
A world without the Avengers sounded... lonely.
"They were my family." She shook her head and put on her suit and mask. "I'm gonna look for other multiversal guys around the city... stay here."
"I should help," he put the laptop aside.
"Absolutely not," she stopped him. "Another Spider-man is just a target for the bad guys... and you're half naked."
"Okay, but one of those has a solution—"
"You don't know my city as I do, you don't understand it," she tried to make him understand. "We got this, my Peter and I. Trust us..." he had to be in his twenties, but his youth didn't hide the fact that he looked fatigued. "You've been alone this whole time... that has to be exhausting. Consider this a holiday?"
He was tempted by the promise of a full night's sleep. "I... are you sure you don't need me?"
Cat stared at him intrigued. "I'm dying to know... but that'll have to wait! Look after my cat, if you leave I'll teleport you back and I'll lock you up in my bathroom."
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Next Chapter—>
@mikaelsonwhxrebae​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @itsyagirl01​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @23victoria​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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game-boy-pocket · 2 years
Right now my mind is full of Donkey Kong. I want a new game so bad but I don't want it to be like the last two, they're good and Tropical Freeze is especially full of genius level design and beautiful scenery and inventive level tropes. But they also feel like they're missing something from the Rare era, and I don't just mean the Kremlings and Animal Buddies that aren't Rambi.
Like is anyone else kind of tired of the cutscenes where characters just kind of grunt and make breath noises and varying facial expressions at each other? They did that in the first cutscene of Luigi's Mansion 3 as well and it was fucking goofy and not in a fun way. But Tropical Freeze had that through out the whole thing, the only dialogue was in the shops. You don't get good lines like how K Rool's wife is going to kill him for using her best pots and pans to build the Khaos robot with that...
Also there's not enough shitty industrial looking stuff in these games. DK was all all about that contrast between beautiful nature and dirty unnatural stuff. It was like Star Wars in that the tech was always kinda shitty and held together with paper clips and shit. All 3 SNES games had something like this and K. Rool's tower in DK64 was complete trash that needed constant trouble shooting, not to mention that factory level full of defective goods. I always loved how the Kremlings ( as well as Gruntilda ) seem to be cheapskates with their factories and super weapons, it's never some sleep marvel movie technology, it's like... Toyota or something, lmao
And DK's friends not being power ups and being legit alternate playable characters would be nice, they just need to give DK something that makes him attractive to play as over the other Kongs. I know DK will never be the same as it was when Rare was developing the games but I do wish it at least resembled it a little more... Resemblance to Rare or not, I just want more DK. I'm tired of the wait. Really hope somebody is doing something with DK if retro is busy with Metroid. The rumor on the vine is that Nintendo EAD is doing something but I don't really buy that.
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thenixkat · 10 hours
Ichikawa is a bizarrely mature and responsible teenager more mature and collected than hsi 32 yr old coworker old ass soul ass angsty teen also there's other major new characters that got introduced last ep but i have no reason to learn their names yet
Kafka passed the test and came in late to build suspense apparently Kafka passed inspite of his abysmal test scores b/c he's a good team player and kept on mission and also he made the proctor laugh gods damnit, Kafka, inside thoughts. Dont shout inside thoughts why make the choice to keep embarrassing this man constantly? Pls for my sake stop
pls stop the proctor also thinks that Kafka has something to do with the misterious waaaaay too strong kaiju signature that appeared during the test b/c it seems a bit too much to be a coincidence that Kafka's vital signs dissapeared at the same time it showed up they tell rich girl what happened and why Kafka is a kaiju also Kafka pls dont described what happened as you ate a kaiju and then became a kaiju, while that's what technicly happened that's not the most accurate way to describe it also both teenagers agree that Kafka shouldnt turn himself in to the Defense Force b/c they'd either kill him or experiment on him
or use his body parts to make weapons out of well I'm certainly getting a work out in having to fucking pace every time they decide to embarrass this old man
pls stop. i might hav eto mute to get past this bath scene yeah muting was the way to go. there's very likely a fatphobic joke happening about Kafka's gut that he was holding in while showing off his muscles on his arms and back b/c the teens were bickering about their bods and who's was better and this man keeps feelinbg the need to look cool to teens i'm not turning the sound back on till this scene is over. I've not got subtitles so if I miss shit I miss shit I dont care
there's legit only so much i can take and Kaiju no. 8 is pushing the limit /derogatory 'her muscles are basiclly perfict' what fucking muscles does tiger lady have? are they hidden behind the stick limbs?
huh, being ex besties with the icon of everyone who wants to be a monster slayer in the country apparently earns Kafka a few points with the guys
training and bonding montage also tiger lady's tiger doesn't like Kafka I assume b/c it can smell that he's a kaiju again this is moving very quickly Kafka is trying very hard to improve his physical abilities so he doesnt get cut from the force
huh gets confroted by the proctor/vice captain and declares intent to take the man's job
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weaselbug · 4 months
my problems with all halo games i have played all the way through.
this shit has been weighing on me for the past few days because i have nothing else to do with my life right now because its summer and i have no summer classes.
but the original bungie halo games aren't masterpieces of story telling or gameplay. thats right I said it.
halo 1:
first four missions are fucking great. no issues, then after that. all the levels are either 1, re used (which I dont exactly have an issue with.) or 2, repetitive as all hell.
like, attack on the control room is legit the same room copy and pasted over and over again, same with two betrayals, and the library (which makes me want to quit every single time i play halo 1)
slow and most of the guns are overshadowed by the pistol. i like the pistol, but why the hell would i pick up most other guns when most enemies and players die to the pistol?
spawn camping is way too easy.
halo 2:
all the enemies either kill you in one hit, or are too large in number or both, and dont die fast enough.
since duel wielding exists, half of all the guns require you to do it without doing some sort of damage to someone.
some people might put this as a plus, but i really dont, the sword is inconsistent and annoying to use. you have no idea if you are going to get slingshot into next week or its going to do no damage. though through my experience its velocity, which is the dumbest thing to do with a sword.
stories pretty good, unless you forget about how the UNSC knew where prophet was hanging out.
the bosses are ok, they aren't really much different to any other enemy other than the fact they can kill you really fast, or are invincible.
this game feels slow, slow waiting for your shields to recharge, the movement speed, the gondolas and the elevators. it just feels like i could be shooting more bad guys but i'm waiting...
also the crunch for this game was so bad that its used THE thing on what not to do when making a game, which is bungies fault. everyone sweeps this under the rug because "good video game!" and yeah, it is a good video game, but lives shouldn't have been reduced to "i live in an office cubical" to get good game.
bungie was never a good company before this, the only reason these old games arent filled with microtransactions and battle passes is because of the time they were made.
halo 3:
the story isn't that great. and johnson dying is kind dumb, because he had plot armor before it, but then dies from one measely laser beem.
i dont really like the fact that some of the weapons are slow projectile based, i just dont like it.
the vehicles feel, like im driving on pavement 100% of the time, i dont feel like im driving on rocks and dirt, i dont feel like my car is going to flip if i turn to sharp.
i feel like halo 3 was when the game's fun was lost because the competitiveness was over incentivized. and really, confirms my theory that the second that any ranked mode appears in a game, the game gets way less fun then it could be just because of the fact now a subsection of the fanbase is obsessed with meaningless rank.
halo reach:
the moment to moment level design is kind of forgettable. not really many main gameplay moments i remember. other than new alaxandria, thats great.
i feel like they should have had a little bit less characters so we could have more time for each one so each death could feel more impactful, but otherwise its great for what they were trying to go for.
they a little bit went in the other direction for competitiveness, with bloom and stuff. but i love the armor abilities like sprint, jet pack, bubble shield/healing zone, and invisible/raydar jammer. but i really hate armor lock, its good for anti-splattering, but i wish it didnt have such a fight ending feel to it.
halo 4:
halo 4 is 100% the worst one out of the bunch, but thats not to say its a bad game! it has a fun multiplayer. but, the campaign is filled with bullet sponges, one hit kills, and enemies with attacks with instakills (where have we heard that!!!)
multiplayer has the same issues as halo reach where the game has too many overpowered abilities and and not enough fun abilities.
the story is dumb, they just hit you with exposition, and its under developed.
but the character study is great! master chief is a sad boy and I love it! he should be sad, he got his live taken away! but really, thats all i can say that is good about halo 4, just its been done to death.
while im still playing through halo infinte, i can tell by the few hours ive been playing it, its on par with the better halo games! love the DK throwing, and the grapple hook. but the story feels lacking, but the characters feel ok!
i mostly made this because of the annoying constant anger in the halo community that has pretty much pushed me away from actually wanting to interact with some of the fans. its just tiresome, i just want to play a video game without favoritism, blind negativity/positivity, or just blind love for old bungie.
it was probably horrid to work at bungie btw. while didn't have the issues that 343 had, but they still overworked their workers, and 100% would have done those greedy stuff that 343 is doing now.
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nagalias-mindscape · 7 months
So. I haven't made any posts about the all-tiefling campaign recently.
things have been happening. god lord things have been happening.
Medli died for good, i think. It was a glorious almost TPK explosion of necrotic damage that had built up over the course of her not being able to stay dead for good. It's only fun in hindsight, though. I was a little aghast when it happened out of nowhere.
Everyone had to roll three different checks (even me) that we all failed, so no explanation on why she died out of nowhere. She's now being controlled by the DM- as in a spectral corpse since her body is gone-, but I was pulled aside and informed of some things that make me hopeful.
In the meantime, I was given leeway to play a couple NPCs and enemies just so i'm not being excluded from the group because I died. I'm having fun with it. That said:
I apologize to anyone in any of the three groups for that particular campaign that may have dealt with a certain Aarakocra Monk / Cleric who just could not be hit. I was told before the session to be 'as brutal as you can be. Knock them out as quickly as you can. Just make sure to use Spare the Dying when you do. This character has reason to not kill them'.
Self-casting Shield of Faith on myself to bring my AC to an 20 was just too good to pass up. I may have legit forgot about the combat-specific disadvantage i imposed on you all with my use of thaumaturgy before hand to intimidate you all that first time.
The other two were because the DM loved it. I still can't believe only one person managed to beat my intimidation roll of 13 (rolls were 18, 13 and 14), which was enhanced by a wonderful +0 (they needed to roll either an arcana check or an insight check that passed my 13).
Aarakocra had 75 health and whopping (boosted) 20 AC when everyone (minus one) had disadvantage on hitting me. Also had channel divinity to restore 25 health, Wholeness of Body (restore 21 health), 7 ki points, the ability to do slashing and bludgeoning damage with a single action, and the tried and true open hand technique where I just knock everyone prone without rest. Don't worry about the spells- they're all either healing, or party buffing. Or concentration, which would have dropped my AC down to 18 if I had used... which I probably should have, now that I'm thinking about it.
The one 'combat' spell I had, didn't feel fair to use. Spiritual Weapon.
I'm sorry the fight took two-three sessions. That was not my intention. Group two managed to subdue the bird (which is, subsequently, the group with the party member who rolled an arcana of nat 20 and thus didn't have to roll to hit me with disadvantage). Groups one and three are now separated and in cells.
I, uh, am glad all of you had fun, though. Small spoiler I was allowed to post: To all three groups, enjoy your new traveling companion. She's going to be your guide to the outside world- If you manage to get there.
Also was allowed to post the following, so on the off chance you actually are part of said D&D campaign, enjoy the stat page / spells I could have used under the readmore.
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EDIT: only realized this afterwards, but there's a spell missing on this list that I forgot to snap a pic of. Here it is:
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The critical Shield of Faith.
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