#and the mounting without the words was fine for nate
not-poignant · 4 months
Hey Pia! I had some questions about a bond vs a claim in the UtB universe specifically related to Nate and Flitmouse. Like Anton and Flitmouse are bonded but Alois is still claimed by Vadim but he doesn’t really have any of the symptoms or aggressive reactions Nate does. Is it because Alois knows Vadim was bad and wants to escape while Nate still loves Christian? And there are moments like when Alois wanted Anton to mount him but in UtBlue it’s kind of implied it's impossible for an omega to really like those things coming from an alpha that’s not the one they bonded to? Or at least have a knee jerk “this isn’t correct” reaction that we see in Nate but not Flitmouse. I’m just curious what the differences between Nate and Alois situations that lead to such different reactions to another alpha trying to bond with them. Sorry this got long I just wanted to be specific :p
Hi anon,
Firstly, with any of this stuff, nothing's universal. Just like not everyone with a uterus has the same experiences of periods, or not everyone who gets married has the same experience of marriage, etc.
A claim is biological, and 99.9% if the time marked by the alpha biting into the Kaeper glands at the back of an omega's neck, which alters their biochemistry and links them to the person who bit them (whether they want to be or not). In extremely rare occasions, atypical omegas can biologically 'create' an experience like they've been claimed without ever having been bitten, which is Nate's experience. It's not the norm, and it will never happen with another character in the series.
but Alois is still claimed by Vadim but he doesn’t really have any of the symptoms or aggressive reactions Nate does.
We've never seen Anton challenge Vadim's claim! (At least, not on AO3, we see a hint of it on Patreon/Ream and it's very clear that Alois has a strong reaction to the claim being challenged, just like Nate did).
The first time Nate is mounted by Janusz, his experience is actually largely positive, and while he's distressed because the situation is distressing, he feels comforted, safe, and he is able to relax. He only starts to relax negatively when Janusz starts deliberately antagonising the claim. That happens through language like 'say that I'm your alpha' or 'say that you're my omega.'
Anton has never done with Flitmouse. The closest he gets in one of the early access chapters is saying 'I'm your alpha' and Flitmouse's immediate, visceral reaction is 'you're NOT MY-' and then he cuts himself off, shocked at how strong and deep that reaction is. Make no mistake, when it comes time to break Vadim's claim of Flitmouse, it will be agonising, and Flitmouse will likely have to be sedated throughout.
So like, the mounting itself wasn't the challenge. If Janusz had mounted Nate again and never made him say 'you're my alpha' - they would have had zero problems and Nate would have found it relaxing again, it's that simple.
Likewise, Anton's never made Flitmouse say things like 'you're my alpha' because he knows that would be agonising for Flitmouse, because of the claim.
So in a way, you just have yet seen how Flitmouse will react when this stuff starts happening. Flitmouse does like Anton, it's true, but that claim is still there and we've never seen it truly challenged because it would be incredibly irresponsible for them to challenge it while Flitmouse is medically unwell and weak. It could kill him, even if he's healthy, just like it nearly kills Nate.
It was never about the mounting, anon, it's about the words. That's why the first time Janusz mounts Nate, it's fine! I mean Nate's still stressed because the situation is stressful, but you might want to reread that scene in chapter 11 if you've forgotten. Nate unwinds, relaxes, feels comforted, and then begins to get teary because of how much emotion he's repressing. But he doesn't have a catastrophic reaction at all!
It's all down to the words that the new alpha is making the omega say. And Anton hasn't prodded that yet, he senses just how dangerous that will be. He gets close in an early access chapter, just by saying something himself (not making Flitmouse say anything) and Flitmouse's response is so immediate and physical that he offers immediate comfort and stops.
So yeah, in terms of being specific, mounting is fine! Mounting doesn't challenge a claim. And in that sense, Anton has never challenged Vadim's claim, and that's why Flitmouse has never reacted like Nate has to a challenge. Because we've never seen it with Flitmouse/Anton.
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prismatoxic · 1 year
[NateKen] Hands and Knees
so devot and i discussed an alternate take on the event where ken breaks up with nate, and nate confesses his love to win ken back. only this time, the breakup is nate's fault.
Hands and Knees NateKen, OC fic sex is referenced but happens offscreen 3,854 words
Nate's scared of his feelings for Ken and pushes against them too hard, forcing Ken entirely away. Faced with the reality of a life without Ken in it, he fights to make up for his behavior in the most theatrical way he can think of.
Things have been... good, lately. Maybe a normal person would take that for what it was and enjoy it; Nate’s hardly normal, though. Feeling like this—his heart swelling with adoration whenever he’s around Ken, for any reason—is terrifying in a way he doesn’t know how to express. He doesn’t have the language to explain how he feels, doesn’t have the emotional perception required to look inside himself and find the source of it. 
It’s not even really a conscious decision, to start exerting his power wherever he can. If he controls Ken, he controls their relationship (or whatever this is), and if he controls that, then he can keep these feelings in line. It’s more for himself than anything; it quells his fears that he’s losing himself to these emotions.
He goes too far, though. That’s a trend with him. He always pushes things as far as they’ll go, then doesn’t see the warning signs and keeps going until everything snaps. He doesn’t lose himself, in the end—he loses something far more precious.
Ken’s not stupid. He’s noticed the shift, the intentional distance Nate is putting between them, Nate’s increased bitterness. He finally brings it up:
“You’ve been kind of a prick lately,” he says, sitting outside at some little local cafe while Nate scrolls his phone across from him. “Like, more than usual.”
Nate snorts, but doesn’t say anything, and doesn’t look up.
He can hear the scowl in Ken’s voice when he presses on: “It’s really fucking annoying, Nate. You know you’re not the only person in this relationship, right?”
That word—relationship—sparks a little flame of panic in Nate’s heart. “What’s the big deal?” he snaps, glancing up over the top of his phone, across the cups of coffee they both have, to Ken’s stern face. “You knew what you were getting into.”
“Yeah, and that was fine, when that’s all it was,” Ken snaps back. “We’re not just fucking anymore, Nate. We hang out. We practically go on dates. Hell, that’s what we’re doing right now.” He leans back in his chair. “I don’t care if you never want to be official. I don’t even know if I want that. But if we’re more than just fuckbuddies, then whatever we are—whatever this is—I expect you to treat me like a fucking human being.”
The combination of asking for more while also not wanting anything real does something bad to Nate’s insides. “I don’t need to do shit,” he says defensively. “You knew what this fucking was. If you don’t like it, you can piss off.”
In the moments immediately after those words leave him, as Ken’s expression falls open in what can only be described as shock, Nate knows he’s made a mistake. He knows he’s just crossed a very hard line. He also knows he’s too stubborn to retract it, or apologize. It’ll be fine, he thinks; Ken will get angry, and they’ll yell a bit, and then they’ll head back to one of their apartments and fuck until they’re not angry anymore.
That’s not what happens.
Ken’s eyes narrow, jaw going tight, and Nate glares back at him in an attempt to hide the mounting dread he’s feeling. “Fine,” he says.
Nate squints at him. “Fine?”
“Fine, Nate,” Ken says, his voice icy cold, as he stands up and grabs his coffee. “I’m not doing this.” 
“...Wait,” Nate says, lowering his phone, eyes going wide as the reality of the situation becomes apparent. “Wait, I didn’t—”
“I am not your plaything, and I am not lesser than you,” Ken says, the venom in his voice just barely masked. “And I’m not going to let you treat me like this.”
“I didn’t—”
“Goodbye, Nate,” Ken says definitively, turning around and walking away. Nate almost gets up to follow when he sees Ken throw his coffee, only half-finished, into the trash. Something about that, about the finality of it, the contempt, tells Nate everything he needs to know about what exactly Ken meant.
Other people on the cafe’s patio are watching him, whispering behind their hands to their companions. Lovers, maybe, Nate thinks dizzily. He’s the only one here who’s alone, now.
He finishes his coffee and drives home to smoke a pack and a half of cigarettes while just barely keeping the urge to smash everything in his apartment in check. 
Ken doesn’t answer his calls.
It’s been two weeks when Nate finally starts putting together an actual plan for how to fix things. He does intend to fix things; maybe that’s the most shocking part of any of this. The time he’s spent wallowing in rage and despair has given him the space he needed to figure things out. He comes out on the other side of it filled with a resolute determination he’s not terribly familiar with.
Johnny and Ryan, deeply concerned for him, finally manage to get ahold of him as he’s preparing for what he needs to do. Nate holds out on explaining the situation for a bit, but ultimately makes the choice to finally start actually saying the things he’s thinking. His frantic rambling about the mistake he’s made and how he really feels about Ken comes as a shock to them both.
“Dude,” Johnny says as Nate paces the other way across Ryan’s garage. “Are you serious?”
“The most serious I’ve ever been in my fucking life,” Nate insists, turning to face him. “I can’t let things end like this. I can’t.”
“He might not take you back,” Johnny points out, which is shockingly delicate for him; they all know there’s an extremely good chance Ken absolutely won’t take him back. 
“...Well, certainly not like this he won’t,” Ryan says gently. “Re-bleach your hair, Nate. Wear something flattering. Maybe don’t look like you just woke up on the wrong side of the gutter.”
“Yeah,” Nate says, “maybe.” He casts his gaze across the garage; they usually store their instruments here, and though Nate’s guitar is currently at his apartment, that’s not all he’s going to need. His eyes settle on the amp he usually uses. “...Help me get this into my car,” he says, and Ryan and Johnny share a look before complying.
By the time he’s ready to go, Nate has followed Ryan’s advice; he’s re-bleached his hair and taken a shower, and once he feels he has the lyrics and notes of the song he’s written memorized, he dresses up in non-ripped jeans and a nice button-up (open, of course, with a black shirt under it). His looks don’t really matter here, but he thinks looking like he’s making an effort will be better for this situation.
It’s somewhere around 2:30 AM when he gets in his car. Stupid, maybe, to do it now; he’s going to wake everyone up across several blocks. Ken’s a night owl, though, and that’s really the only thing Nate cares about in terms of this plan.
He arrives at Ken’s apartment complex at almost 3 AM, parking himself below the balcony that leads to Ken’s unit. Amp fully charged, Nate plugs his guitar in before setting it up against the amp to grab a handful of pebbles from the gravel under his feet.
It takes about ten before the sliding door opens. Unfortunately for Nate, it’s not Ken.
“Wow,” Newt gushes, leaning on the balcony railing as Nate scowls up at him. “This is like all my dreams come true!”
“Please get your brother,” Nate calls up to him, exasperated and anxious. He really should have expected something like this, he knows; Ken’s not the only night owl.
“Aw, boo,” Newt pouts. Pushing away from the railing, he says, “I’ll try. He’s pretty mad at you.”
Nate picks up his guitar as Newt vanishes back inside, heart thumping hard behind his ribs. If Ken doesn’t actually come out... Well, that’ll be it, won’t it? If Nate keeps pushing, Ken will only hate him more. He doesn’t want to give up, but at some point, he’s just going to have to face the consequences of his actions. It’s been a long time coming.
When the sliding glass door opens again, it opens fast and hard, and Nate’s heart soars before Ken has even leaned over the balcony to look down at him in incredulous anger.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Ken seethes as Nate smiles adoringly up at him. “...Is that your guitar? What...”
Nate takes the opportunity during Ken’s confusion to strum his guitar, sending shockwaves of sound across the complex. His amp isn’t up as far as it can go, or even half that, but in the dead of night and reverberating off the walls of the building, the noise is loud.
“Nate,” Ken says, a warning. Yet there’s something in his expression—curiosity? Surprise? Nate will take what he can get.
“I’ll tell you what I’m doing here,” Nate calls up to Ken, grinning. “I’m here to beg for your fucking forgiveness, baby.” He strums his guitar again, then actually sets his fingers up for the right chords. “I wrote you a song,” he enthuses.
That seems to take Ken completely off guard, like of all the things Nate could be doing with a guitar under his balcony, singing a song he wrote specifically for Ken simply isn’t a possibility. He leans back slightly, eyes wide, and Nate takes the chance he’s given to start in earnest.
The song isn’t as polished as the ones he does with Johnny and Ryan, but Nate has his doubts Ken will notice the difference. His voice carries, at any rate, and his notes are steady, and though he never actually uses the word love in his lyrics, he feels like Ken gets the picture as he folds his arms on the balcony railing and looks down at Nate in what appears to be wonder.
Everything seems to be going well, and as Nate nears the end of the song, he wonders if Ken will invite him up to his apartment, or return with Nate to his instead. Even if they don’t fuck, Nate wants to be with him—he wants to apologize for everything he’s done wrong. He needs Ken to know he doesn’t want to run anymore.
Unfortunately, noise disturbances do not warrant sirens, and by the time the local police have arrived on the scene, it’s far too late for Nate to make a break for it. Ken seems to notice their presence a half-second before Nate does, but he’s actually facing them; Nate turns around as he’s addressed with a gruff, “Alright, wrap it up, son.”
He bristles. He can’t help it; not only does he hate cops, but he hates being called son. He at least manages to still his tongue before he says something he’s going to regret. “Evening, officers,” he manages instead, forcing a smile. 
There's two of them; gut sinking with dread, Nate realizes he recognizes one, a stocky middle-aged man who’d been stronger than he appeared, dragging Nate to his feet and cuffing him the night he and Ken had finally broken through their mutual animosity to get... intimate. Publicly. Judging by the look on the man’s face, he remembers Nate, too.
The other officer, a shorter, rounder man, levels Nate with a look that expresses how much he doesn’t want to be here. “This is way too loud at way too late an hour, son. We’re gonna have to ask you to stop.”
“Disturbance of the peace,” says the other cop, arms crossed over his chest. “Same as the last time I hauled this one in. At least he’s fully clothed this time.”
“That was ages ago,” Nate laughs, strained. “C’mon, I was just—”
“Well, that’s more serious than a noise violation,” says the shorter officer, seeming to think about that for a moment. Then he sighs. “Alright. We’re gonna have to take you in.”
“You’re joking,” Nate huffs, taking a step back. “My guitar—”
“You shouldn’t have brought it out here in the first place,” says the cop Nate’s familiar with as the other one takes a step closer. “Cuff him, Jeremy, I don’t trust him to not make a break for it.”
“You cannot be fucking serious!” Nate snaps, and now both of them advance on him. He shies away, then realizes, reluctantly, that he’s out of his depth; the more he resists, the worse this gets. They might break his guitar. They might break more than that, even.
Holding his hands up placatingly, Nate pulls the guitar strap over his head and lays the instrument up against the amp again. If he’s lucky, he's endeared himself enough to Ken for him to take Nate’s gear into his apartment for the night. 
As he’s cuffed, he chances a look up at the balcony; Ken is still there, looking extremely conflicted with himself... and concerned. Nate wonders if, under different circumstances, he’d come down here to try and help. Not that it would matter—and Ken certainly knows that. Hell, this officer knows him, too. It could go really bad.
“Call me!” Nate shouts up to him with what he hopes is a reassuring smile, and he sees the cop who knows them both scowl briefly up at the balcony in response before he starts to lead Nate towards the police car. Nate tries to keep looking, but eventually he’s shoved into the back seat, and that’s that.
He hopes his display did something, regardless of how it ended. He hopes Ken knows he’s sorry.
Although it’s not the first time Nate’s been processed and thrown in a cell, it’s still different this time; not only is he alone, but it’s not even sunrise yet, and he knows neither of his friends nor his mother will be awake. He doesn’t want to wake them up for this, either—frankly, it’s humiliating. He’ll just have to wait for daybreak and hope his pride has simmered down by then.
What he isn’t expecting in the slightest is for someone to come for him before he’s called anyone at all. Even more shocking is that it’s Ken.
Looking up as he hears footsteps approaching, Nate’s on his feet in seconds, approaching the bars in stunned silence.
“So,” Ken says, crossing his arms. “What did we learn?”
Ears burning in shame, Nate glances away, a reflexive “Oh, fuck off,” leaving his mouth.
Ken raises both eyebrows. “Well, alright. See you later.”
He’s only taken a fraction of a step away when Nate grips the cell bars in both hands and pleads, “Wait! God, no, I’m—” He flounders for a bit as Ken watches him, then sighs, shoulders slumping. “I’m so fucking sorry, Ken...”
“...I’m listening,” Ken says slowly, tilting his head. He’s so fucking beautiful, Nate thinks helplessly, even like this, even when he’s holding the status of their relationship over Nate’s head like an anvil. He deserves it, doesn’t he? “Maybe if you grovel hard enough,” Ken adds, “I’ll bail you out.”
“I’ll grovel!” Nate rushes to say. “I’ll grovel harder than anyone’s ever groveled before! I’d get down on my hands and knees and kiss your fucking shoes if there weren’t several bars between us.”
Ken snorts, expression hard to read. “Use your words, Nathan,” he says, and the line between mocking and teasing feels too blurred to properly discern his intentions with the name he knows Nate hates.
That doesn’t matter, though. Nate has been given a chance. He looks away for a moment, racking his brain for what he can even say; he needs to get Ken to understand exactly how deep this all goes, how he really feels, how sorry he is for ruining what they had—for hurting Ken.
In the end, the most direct sentiment seems like the best one to go with, so he does: “I love you,” Nate says, meeting Ken’s eyes steadily.
That apparently isn’t what Ken is expecting, because his eyes go wide, lips parting slightly, the tight fold of his arms going a little slack. He’s speechless; Nate waits for him to say something, maintaining eye contact all the while. 
“... Use... more words than that,” Ken manages after a moment.
“I love you,” Nate repeats insistently. “More than I’ve ever remotely felt about anyone else in my life.” He falters, slightly, then grips the cell bars tighter, redoubling his intense gaze. “It scared me. I didn’t know how to handle it, I was so sure it was unnatural, something I’m not supposed to be capable of. I tried to fix it by lording my control over you, and I’m sorry. That was... incredibly fucked up.” He sighs a little, sliding his hands further down the bars, leaning into them a little. “I don’t want to control you. I want to be your equal. No, more than that—I want to be your boyfriend.”
Ken looks stunned, more and more with every word Nate says, face painted slightly red. So Nate presses on:
“I want to worship at the church of you, Ken Valencia, for as long as you’ll fucking let me.” Tipping his forehead against the bars, he continues in a softer tone; “I’m an idiot. And a loser. And I hurt you, and I’m sorry. Please...”
Ken seems to try and digest that, at least for a moment. Then, without a word, he turns and walks away, vanishing back out into the main part of the station.
He has every right, Nate tries to remind himself, even as he feels his heart breaking into incomprehensible little pieces. He’s never done this before—poured his heart out out to someone in every way he possibly could—and some part of him had hoped it would be like those movies his mother likes to watch, where the guy fucks up and then makes some grand gesture to make up for it that gets the girl back, in the end. 
This isn’t a movie. Ken’s not a love interest. He’s just Ken; it’s all he’ll ever be, and it’s why Nate loves him, and maybe it’s also why this was never meant to work. Pushing away from the bars, Nate takes a few shaking breaths, the ancient, long-abandoned sensation of heat behind his eyes threatening to shatter him entirely.
This is his fault. He knows it is; he can’t be mad at Ken, or anyone else, for the way he’s gone and ruined his own life. He doesn’t even know what to do, now. Wait for his mother to wake up, he supposes, and tell her what happened, because telling Johnny and Ryan how spectacularly this failed feels like too much.
Nate is about to sit back down when Ken returns, the shorter cop from before lagging behind him.
Immediately he’s back at the bars, watching Ken intently as the door is unlocked. Once the cop opens it and steps aside, Nate surges out to hug Ken tighter than he’s ever hugged anyone in his life.
Laughing, a little breathless, Ken hugs him back. “Easy,” he wheezes. “You’re stronger than you look...”
“You’re free to go,” says the cop, sounding tired. “Try to behave from now on, alright, son?”
“Yeah,” Nate agrees, nodding, as he pulls back a little. The cop leaves, and Nate peppers Ken’s face with kisses, earning his laughter in earnest, before kissing him on the mouth.
When they part, Nate realizes he’s having more trouble than he already was keeping his emotions in check. “I thought—I thought you weren’t coming back,” he chokes out.
Smirking a little, Ken reaches up to put a hand on Nate’s cheek. “I figured it was only fair to make you squirm a little,” he teases. “Maybe we’re even, now.”
Laughing shakily, Nate presses their foreheads together, squeezing his eyes shut; Ken silently thumbs away his tears.
By the time the sun rises, Nate and Ken are both sprawled across Nate’s mattress, sweaty and spent. They’ve been close in some way or another after sex for a while now, but this time, Ken seems more than happy to be fully cuddled up to Nate’s side, head on his chest and an arm around his waist. Nate, in turn, has an arm around Ken’s shoulders, hand idly playing with his hair as he watches the ceiling fan above them spin.
“...So you really meant that, huh?” Ken murmurs after a moment, sounding amused. “That you love me?”
“I did,” Nate assures him. “I do. I really wish I’d realized it sooner.”
Humming softly, Ken pulls his hand up to Nate’s chest, drawing lazy circles on his skin with one finger. “It took me a while, too, for what it’s worth,” he says, his smile obvious in his voice.
That gives Nate pause. His heart fit to burst, he cautiously ventures, “You... you love me too?”
Ken huffs a little laugh, breath hot on Nate’s skin. “Of course I do,” he says simply. “You’re an asshole and a dumbass, but you’re mine, and there isn’t a single part of you that I hate. Not anymore.”
He makes a surprised little sound when Nate moves suddenly, pushing Ken onto his back and hovering over him, expression caught somewhere between adoration and determination. They meet each other’s eyes for a moment, the air charged between them, before Nate says, “I wanna spend the rest of my life with you.”
Ken blinks owlishly up at him, then snorts, looking like he’s trying to not just outright laugh. “How many confessions are you gonna drop on my lap today, Nate?” he asks fondly. 
“It’s related!” Nate protests. “I love you. I want to be with you forever because I love you.”
“You’re the first person I’ve ever actually dated,” Ken reminds him gently. “And I’m your first guy. Don’t you think you might want to test the waters more now than you know you’re gay...?”
Nate draws back slightly. “...Is that what you want?”
Ken turns his head, looking away. “...No. It isn’t. It’s just what I’ve been trying to tell myself to work through the past few weeks. Statistically, most people don’t date one person and no one else, ever. And if they do, they end up in dead-end marriages they don’t want.”
Nate doesn’t like that train of thought, but he feels like Ken has more to say, so he waits.
“...Everything about us is improbable,” Ken sighs. “I feel like I need to protect myself, before the house of cards comes crashing down. But...” He laughs, soft, without much humor. “But it’s not, is it? Like we glued the cards together. Like we’ve forced this to work, against all odds, because this is what we want. When I cut things off, I thought that was it. Either you’d never speak to me again, or I’d have to get a restraining order. For you to... to serenade me, to confess your undying love...? That wasn’t in the cards. You made it happen anyway.”
Ken meets his eyes again, expression warm, and reaches up to take Nate’s face in his hands. “My one-in-a-million boy,” he murmurs lovingly.
Heart swelling in his chest, Nate beams, then drops himself down to kiss Ken breathless.
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Supernatural Novel: The Unholy Cause
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Welcome to my review of the fifth Supernatural novel, The Unholy Cause
Author: Joe Schreiber
Timeline: Set after Episode 5.08 Changing Channels but before Episode 5.16 Dark Side of the Moon
Location: Mission's Ridge, Georgia
Synopsis: As the pressure mounts for the upcoming apocalypse, Sam and Dean head to the historic town of Mission's Ridge, GA, where the Civil War is less about the past and more about the present. With interference from Castiel, demons, and Judas Iscariot himself, how can Sam and Dean prevent a major catastrophe from befalling this small town?
Review: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Warning: Spoilers abound!
After the last book, I was really hoping to see an improvement in this one, and boy did I! I've finally hit the Supernatural tie-in novel I was hoping to read from the beginning! It read like an actual episode, I could hear the actors speaking through the character's words, and I really couldn't find anything that contradicted canon.
In addition, the actual storyline was compelling and the side characters interesting. With the other novels I've reviewed, it's taken me most of the day to read them because I kept getting distracted. This one, I read straight through without stopping. I love reading a book like that!
Side note: This novel does dive in to Christian theology and the story of Judas Iscariot (who betrayed Jesus). If you are uncomfortable delving into that portion of Christianity, you may not want to read the book or this review (though my review notes about that will be minimal).
Now, since I don't have any canon vs. non-canon comparisons to make, today's review is simply going to be a list of my favorite scenes and how certain scenes relate to what's going on during this period in Season 5.
Sam and Dean are informed of the case by one Rufus Turner! He's only in it for a brief bit, but he's still funny as heck asking the police to pay his dry-cleaning bill.
We get a nice character introduction of enigmatic (clueless) Castiel who's trying to heal Civil War reenactors who are understandably frightened of him. He's still searching for God at this point, but we also get this nice character beat for him:
"I walked the battlefields of the South a hundred and sixty years ago," Castiel replied, a faraway look entering his eyes. "I moved among the men and brought their souls to glory. And now..." Something moved over his face for just an instant, so rare and brief that Dean almost didn't catch it; a flicker of hope. "And now," he repeated, "I'm healing again."
Of course, Dean has to explain that none of the reenactors actually need healing and he goes back to being determined to find a 'First-order witness' - someone who broke bread with Jesus Christ.
I found this part surprising within the book, but as I thought about it, it made more sense. The TV series has to tread a very careful line with Christianity so as not to offend a bunch of viewers, but the books have a much smaller audience and can take these liberties. Personally, I was fine with it. They didn't go too deep and stuck with the witness being Judas (who doesn't exactly have a great reputation to begin with).
There's a fantastic brotherly moment where Sam shares the sheriff's name (Jack Daniels) and they then go back and forth trying to guess what this Jack person is like i.e., fat vs. skinny, bald vs. hairy...
Dean: "Nam vet. Buford Pussar type. From Walking Tall." Sam: "Deliverance refugee. Civil citations all over his desk."
One of things I love about this book is the brother's relationship. This banter and other character beats really feel authentic as opposed to the prior novels. (I won't spoil what the sheriff is actually like - needless to say, they play a major role in the book.)
Just a few pages later from this great banter, we're back to the drama as Sam and Dean argue about a nightmare Sam had that he can't remember, but which could be relevant to the case.
"What's this about Dean?" Sam demanded, "Is it about you not trusting me? Because if it is, there's not a whole lot of places we can go from there." "Yeah, you're my brother," Dean said. "But you're also Lucifer's prom dress, and if he's seeding your dreams with hints about the master plan, then maybe it might be a good idea for you to look at 'em as close as possible. That's all I'm saying."
And of course, Dean gets concerned about Sam as they split up to cover more ground. It's music to my ears! There are a number of other conversations like this that really emphasize the strained relationship Sam and Dean display in Season 5.
Another surprising character beat is the influence of Lucifer on Sam because as he's doing research at the local historical society, Sam (and the historian) are surprised to find out he can read Coptic, an ancient Egyptian language. It startles Sam and once again emphasizes how different he is.
At a particularly gruesome crime scene (a mass grave), there's a brief moment with Dean that really shines as he looks down on the skeletons in the mass grave and finds a similarity to what he did in Hell:
Because that was what he did after spending years down there, doing what he'd done... Through sheer force of will, Dean shoved those notions aside...Now more than ever he didn't want that experience contaminating the way he looked at the world... not that he had a choice. Hell had been his Vietnam. It had stamped its mark on him for all eternity, and no amount of denial or self-imposed ignorance was going to change that.
There's an additional moment of traumatized Dean that I wish they could have shown in the tv series:
Sam: "Are those bloodhounds?" Dean didn't answer... When Sam finally caught a look at his brother's face, he saw that Dean's cheeks and forehead had gone absolutely white, as if every drop of blood had been sucked away... "They're not hellhounds, Dean, they're just dogs..." Dean didn't answer. He was still listening to the barking and howling noises coming closer, crashing through the undergrowth. He seemed paralyzed by the sounds.
There are more to these Dean passages, (too much to copy), but I really like that we see actual effects of past experiences.
There's also a nice scene with Sam and a young teenager that really highlights his ability to connect with kids around that age (of which we see later in the TV series):
"My brother and I grew up without a Mom, too," Sam said... "It wasn't always easy... Not everybody gets that." "I still dream about her sometimes, you know? Even though I was young when she... when it happened," Nate blinked at Sam. "Weird, huh?" "Are they good dreams?" "Yeah." "Then it's good. That's your way of remembering her."
The last third of the book is very action-oriented and has multiple instances of hurt Sam and hurt Dean, with the requisite caring from each brother.
Once again, I've gone on too long, but I'll end with a couple of favorites: Humor:
The sheriff glanced out the window, (referring to Baby) "And haul that piece of crap car to the impound lot. I don't want it cluttering up my street." "Woah!" Dean snapped, a sudden rush of anger rising in his face. "Watch your damn mouth. You can't just---"
"This is blood money," Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out the Shekel. "Bobby says the only way anybody gets their hand on this..." The rest of the sentence was getting stuck in his chest, and he made himself finish it, "is by betraying someone you love." Dean stared at him. "Dean..." "Look," Dean broke in. "Don't get too hung up on it, okay? It doesn't necessarily mean anything," he stood up and brushed off his jeans. "Whatever happens between us, we'll deal with it then..."
Thanks again for reading! I'll be back again next week with War of the Sons!
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Chapter Nine: Second Nature - Nova
As this is an original fic it is hard to tag, so I’d really appreciate it is you reblogged and shared with your friends and followers 🖤 and if you reblog with comments I will love you forever
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Always My Ride Or Die Masterlist
This Months Writing
It had been two weeks since the meet, everything had happened so fast, the next day me and Nate moved my things out of Dad’s place and into his. There was only one final thing that needed to be moved, the mustang, but Nate wanted me to drive the beast home. I didn’t know how long it would be, but it would happen.
I still had the fear of driving.
Leaning back in my chair, I smiled as I looked around my garage cross office, ever since the tarp was removed from the Mustang I enjoyed spending most of my days in here. I didn’t have that cloud hanging over me anymore.
Shelby was loving life as well. Now that we were all living together once again, the morning consisted of her waking me and Nate up by clambering into our bed and snuggling between the two of us. Everything was going perfect until I got a text of Nate.
“Call me. Urgent! xx”
My heart dropped as I read the message, my mind instantly started racing as I closed my messaging app, pulling up my call log and once I found his name, hitting call.
“Nate, what’s going on?” I said in one breath.
“Babygirl, take a breath,” he laughed. “There’s been a small accident.”
The moment he said those words I zoned out, my mind drifting to my accident, I stared at the mustang as I opened the draw without thinking, grabbing the keys, running my finger over the cold metal. Should I? Can I?
Nova, your fucking family needs you right now! The voice in my head screamed. Do not let this fear and anxiety stop you from helping them, you need to stop overthinking things, stop letting your weakness hold you back.
Taking one final look at the mustang, glancing back to the keys, I took a deep breath. Just do it Nova! Without thinking I pulled the door open, climbing into the driver's seat, putting the key in the ignition, I rested my head on the steering wheel, zoning back into Nate on the other end of the phone.
“But it sounds and looks worse than it actually is, I just need you to come pick Shelby and me up, both of us are perfectly fine, Rex just can’t get her car seat in the tow truck.”
“Text me the location,” I said with no emotion in my voice, letting out a long breath. I wasn’t thinking, I was just in this fog of panic. I needed to get to them as soon as possible, I needed to make sure they were both okay and that things were going to be okay.
“Love you, Nov,” Nate said.
“Love you, too.” I ended the call, running my hands through my hair, I let out a small scream.
My mind was still racing as it put Nate’s location into the satnav on my phone. Every scenario was running through my mind, so I wasn’t processing what I was doing as I started the engine, dropping the clutch, slipping the car into first, letting the handbrake off and giving it some gas, wheel spinning as I floored it out of the garage.
Luckily the roads were free from traffic as it was the middle of the day, which meant I put my foot down, trying to get to Nate and Shelby as quick as I could. I knew Nate said it wasn’t anything serious but I needed to see it with my own eyes. I needed to make sure everyone was okay.
Within fifteen minutes, I turned the corner, the Skyline sat at the traffic lights, bits and pieces scattered over the intersection, blocking the whole road as Nate and Shelby sat on the sidewalk. Throwing the mustang around the corner, I skidded into the parking space at the curbside, unbuckling my harness as quick as I could, jumping out and rushing to Nate, with the engine still running. And I realised I didn’t recall any of the journey here, too focused on making sure my family was safe. I just drove, without thinking and more than likely ran a couple of red lights in my panicked haze.
I didn’t say anything as I pulled them to their feet, running my hands over both of them checking them over for any injuries. The moment I realised they were fine and there were no injuries, that's when the flood gates opened, all my emotions just came out in one go, the relief, the fear, the realisation.
“Hey, babygirl, it’s okay” Nate whispered pulling me into his arms, “Everybody is okay, there is no need to cry, come on I’ve got you.”
“I was so scared,” I sobbed into his chest, clinging to his shirt, like he was going to disappear at any moment. “So fucking scared.”
“I know baby, it’s okay,” Nate whispered, kissing the top of my head. “I’m here, I’m not going anywhere, not now I have you back.”
I don’t know how long we were standing there, with me sobbing into his chest, but the sobs finally subsided and I was starting to calm down. “What happened?” I sniffled, looking up at him as he wiped the tears away with the sleeve of his hoodie.
“That happened,” Nate sighed pointing at the arse of the Skyline, which had what looked like a Prius up the back.
“Fuck, what’s the damage? Has it bent the chassis? Is it just cosmetic?” I said in one breath.
“Babygirl,” Nate said, placing his hands on my shoulders. “Take a breath, it’s fine.”
“How can you say it’s fine?” I exclaimed, I was starting to get worked up again. “Someone rear ended your pride and joy.”
“Nova, you fucking drove,” he grinned. “So kinda don’t care about the car at the moment, we can fix the car but what’s important is you got behind the wheel, just let that sink in.”
“Oh shit,” I said, taking a couple of deep breaths, trying not to let my hands shake, in my panic I didn’t realise what I was doing. “I didn’t think, when you told me there had been an accident I just grabbed the keys and jumped in the driver's seat.”
Feeling the small tugs on the sleeve of my hoodie, I looked down to see Shelby grinning at me, whilst bouncing on the spot in excitement.
“Mummy you drove!” She squealed as I pulled her into a hug.
“I’m so proud of you, baby,” he whispered, before laughing “If I knew all it would take to get you behind the wheel again, was me getting rear ended, I would have made it happen sooner.”
“Shut up,” I laughed, hitting his chest, “you dick.”
“You gonna drive us home then?” He smirked, kissing the top of my head.
Once we had got back home, Nate helped Rex unload the skyline into the garage so we could properly assess the damage, from the looks of things, there was more damage to the other car.
“I knew putting on the bigger body kit would be a saving grace,” Nate laughed as he laid under the car. “Looks like the chassis is still straight, potentially need new link arms, top mounts and suspension though, but other than that a bit of T-Cut should sort the rest.”
“T-cut won’t work, daddy,” Shelby said as she laid next to Nate. “We need a new bumper.”
“It was a joke, Princess,” Nate laughed.
“Who wants to go for a drive?” I asked, waiting for the squeal of excitement to come from Shelby.
A smirking Nate rolled out from under the skyline.
“You mean you want to go on a drive with no destination in mind and see where we end up?” He asked pushing himself to his feet, before helping Shelby up.
“I mean, why not?” I shrugged.
“What changed, babygirl?” He smirked, knowing the answer.
“Today just made me realise something,” I nodded, “I mean I didn’t think twice when you needed me, it was second nature to just jump in the car.”
“Accidents can happen anywhere, babygirl, not just when racing,” Nate whispered. “Now come on I want to see my girl behind the wheel, so get your ass moving, Woods.”
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@chibsytelford @everyhowlmarksthedead @talicat713 @little-diable @band--psycho @mrsmarvelous1995 @withmyteeth @yourwonkywriter @fyeah-angelreyes @pancakeisreading
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Not One Of You Anymore: Part 27
Request: Yes / No 
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
John Murphy x Griffin!Reader
Word count: 3547
Warnings: People dying 
Y/N: Your Name 
Summary:  You weren’t meant to be born but you were so when you were ten your mom and the Chancellor sent you to the ground as a test for the 100
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Clarke’s POV
Once everyone left and it was just Murphy and I staring at the door, I knew I had to go see if the team in the mines was still there. I turned and walked away, but Murphy followed. 
“Where are you going?” He asked. 
“The mines.” I answered. 
“Fine, then I’m coming with you.” He said and I stopped. 
“No. Go back with the others.” I said facing him. 
“No way in hell am I leaving here without Y/N.” He said and I sighed. 
“Fine, let’s go.” I said and we started running. We got there and all that was left was Octavia.
“Octavia! You stayed.” I said and she turned her back to me. 
“Screw you.” She said. 
“Of course I stayed. I know where my loyalties lie.” She said facing me again. 
“We have to get in there.” I said rushing over to the door, but she grabbed me. 
“If that was possible do you think I’d still be out here?” She asked. 
“Shit…” Murphy said as we looked at the dead body of Fox.
“Why did Lexa sound the retreat?” Octavia asked. 
“She made a deal with Mount Weather. Freed the Grounders.” I answered walking further in the mines. 
“Now we’re on our own.” I added. 
“So Y/N is freed?” She asked. 
“No, Lexa left her. She wasn’t part of the deal. Apparently their leader took a liking to her.” Murphy growled. I started banging on the door, but Octavia rushed over to stop me. 
“Stop! They’ll know we’re here.” She said. I stopped and turned around, I didn’t know what to do… 
“What about Lincoln? There’s no way he’d have gone along with a plan like this.” She asked. 
“He didn’t. They took him.” Murphy answered. I held up my gun and aimed it at the padlock. Octavia once again stopped me. 
“What’s wrong with you?” She asked. 
“I am getting through that door!” I answered. 
“And that’s your plan? Bellamy’s counting on you. Everyone’s always counting on you!” She said. 
“Well what do you want from me?” I asked.
“You trusted Lexa. You let a bomb drop on Tondc. You let all those people-”
“I am doing the best I can!” I shouted, cutting her off. 
“Well, it’s not good enough.” She said shaking her head. 
“Guys.” Murphy said holding his gun at the door. I held my gun up and Octavia took out her sword. 
“Bellamy?” Octavia said and walked over to him. I stared at him in shock. Monty and Jasper walked out and Octavia walked over to them. 
“I knew it. You two are too scrawny to drill.” She said hugging them both then Maya walked out in a hazmat suit. 
“It’s alright, she’s with us.” Jasper said. 
“Where’s your army?” Bellamy asked. 
“Gone. Just like yours.” I answered. 
“Say you have a plan.” I begged. 
“Not really. We need to talk to Dante.” He answered, turning around. 
“Maya says he’s in quarantine.” He added. 
“Clarke!” Jasper said and hugged me. 
“Where’s Y/N?” Murphy asked. 
“Still inside. She was with Miller and Fox last time we saw her.” Bellamy answered and Murphy looked back at the container with Fox’s dead body. Before anyone could say anything Maya’s suit started beeping. Jasper rushed over and checked the air. 
“Thirty minutes. We just changed it, that can’t be right.” He said. 
“Um… It’s her last tank.” He said looking over at us. 
“Okay, we’ll find you another one.” I said walking over. 
“All the supplemental oxygen is on Level Five.” She said. 
“Then we have to get you to Level Five.” Jasper said. 
“Five isn’t safe for any of us.” She said. 
“We’ll take the trash chute again. It’ll work.” Jasper said. 
“To get in maybe. But Maya’s right, every soldier in this mountain is there. We’ll never make it out.” Bellamy said. 
“We can do this. We’ll split up.” Jasper said. 
Okay. You guys go for Dante. We’ll help Maya.” Octavia said looking at Jasper and we left.  
They caught us… They had us hung up by our wrists, but I could feel my strength coming back. I would be able to fight again. We were watching them drill into our friends when they brought more in. Raven was brought in a little bit ago along with another man. 
“On your knees.” They said to the people they just brought in with bags over their heads. Cage walked in and gave a small smirk. He hadn’t noticed I was here yet. 
“Did we take any losses?” He asked. 
“Not as many as they did, sir, but I’m afraid I’m the only one left who’s been cured.” Emerson said. 
“Some of the kids are still missing. If you’d like I can take a team in hazmats, we’ll sweep the other levels. 
“No. No more wasted lives. In 48 hours we’ll all be on the ground.” Cage said looking around. His eyes landed on me and they slightly widened. 
“What is she doing in here?” He asked, still looking at me. Emerson looked over at me and his eyes also slightly widened. 
“Sorry sir, someone must have mistaken her.” He said. 
“Well get her down. Now.” Cage growled. Emerson walked over to me and undid my restraints. I was still weakened so I fell, but he caught me. He took me over to Cage. He held me to him and kissed my head. 
“Now, take off their hoods.” He said and they started removing the hoods. 
“Dad?” Miller whispered. 
“Nate.” His father said looking at him in shock. He tried to get to him, but they hit him in the head. 
“No! You bastards!” Miller shouted as they revealed more people. 
“Y/N?” A man asked. I think he was part of the council with my mother, but I wasn’t sure. I was never allowed out, so I didn’t really know anyone’s face. They took off another hood and it was my mother. 
“Y/N?” She asked, shocked. 
“Mom?” I asked. I never thought I would be happy to see her, but here we are. 
“So this is your Mother, I would say nice to meet you, but under these circumstances.” Cage said with a smile. 
“What is wrong with you people?” The man that said my name asked. 
“Where’s my daughter?” My mother asked him and he looked down at me confused. 
“She’s talking about Clarke.” Emerson whispered. Of course she is, it’s always Clarke with her… Cage walked up to her, bringing me along and looked at her. 
“I’m sorry it had to come to this.” He said and pulled me out of the room. 
“I’m sorry you had to see that.” He said with a sigh. 
“How could you…” I asked. 
“It’s the only way we can be on the ground again. The only way we can be together he said and kissed me. 
“Come, let’s get you some food.” He said and pulled me towards the dining room. 
Clarke’s POV
We walked into Dante’s room and he stared at us in shock. 
“Hello, Clarke.” He said. 
“Sir, we need your help again.” Bellamy said. 
“It’s okay. I took out the camera from this junction box in the hall. We can talk freely.” Monty said. 
“No one’s watching anyway. Thanks to you, they’re all on Level Five.” Dante said. 
“You’re not.” I said. 
“No… I’m not.” He said. 
“Please, we don’t have much time. We need a way to get our people out of this mountain without killing everyone.” Bellamy said. 
“He’s not gonna help us.” I said. 
“You cut the power, risking the lives of everyone in this mountain, my people… even the ones who helped you.” He growled at us. 
“We knew they’d be safe on Level Five.” I said walking up to him. 
“We made sure not to destroy the turbines so you could repair them. We’re the good guys here, not you.” I said. 
“Tell me, if we released your people and theirs, what would have happened to mine?” He asked and I turned to Monty. 
“Can you get us into the command center? We need to see what’s happening on Level Five.” I asked. 
“No problem.” He answered. 
“Let’s go.” Bellamy said, grabbing Dante.
“Looks like you’re gonna help us whether you like it or not.” Murphy said with a smirk. We made our way down to the command center, carefully just to be sure. 
“I told you, there’s no one here.” Dante said. 
“Sorry if we don’t take your word for it.” Murphy said. 
“Why aren’t you with your people on Level Five?” I asked. 
“After what I've done, they can be free. I can’t.” He said and Monty got to work. 
“Deliverance comes at a cost. I bear it so they don’t have to.” He said. 
“It wasn’t Cage.” Bellamy said and we looked at him. 
“It was your idea to make the deal with the Grounders.” He said and Dante nodded. 
“We’re in. Got ‘em.” He said and Bellamy went in first, gun at the ready. 
“It’s clear. He was telling the truth.” He said and we all walked in. 
“Let's get the monitors up.” I said. Monty got everything up and running. 
“The command centers live.” He said and we looked at the screens. 
“Oh my God…” I said looking at the one screen that had our people on it. They were drilling into them. 
“Is that Raven?” Bellamy asked. I walked closer as Monty started moving the cameras around. 
“Mom?” I whispered. 
“Tell them to stop! Now!” Bellamy said while grabbing a walkie. 
“I won’t do that.” Dante said. 
“Screw this, let’s just kill him.” Murphy said.
“Shut it Murphy!” Bellamy growled. I looked at the screen where all their people were and saw Cage talking to Emerson, Y/N was with them. 
“Emerson.” I growled and took the walkie from Bellamy. 
“Carl Emerson, Mount Weather security detail, come in.” I said into the walkie. 
“Who is this?” He asked. 
“You know who it is. Give the radio to the President.” I said. I watched as he walked back over to Cage and Y/N. 
“Is that Y/N?” Murphy asked. 
“My son loves her. She’s been with him this whole time.” Dante said and Bellamy grabbed Murphy. 
“Relax. We’ll get her back.” He said. Monty moved it to the main monitor and we watched as he took Y/N into the hall with him. 
“This is President Wallace.” He said. 
“I have your Father.” I said and Y/N’s eyes widened. We watched her say something to him and he shook his head.  
“If you don’t let my people go, including my sister, I’ll kill him.” I said. 
“How do I know you have him?” He asked and I held the walkie up to him. 
“Stay the course, Cage.” He said to him. 
“You won’t do it.” He said. 
“You don’t know me and my friends very well.” I said looking over at Murphy. We watched as Y/N said something to him, but again he shook his head. 
“This ends now. Release my people.” I said turning my back to the screen. 
“I can’t do that.” He said. 
“It would mean the end of our people, Clarke.” Dante said.  I turned around and held my gun at him. 
“Clarke, we need him.” Bellamy said. 
“And I need his son to believe me.” I said. 
“Don’t make me do this.” I said into the walkie. We watch Cage hesitate for a bit. 
“Dad, I’ll take care of our people.” He said looking into the camera. 
“None of us has a choice here, Clarke.” Danta said to me. 
“I didn’t want this.” I said.
“Neither did I.” Danta said and I shot him in the chest making sure Cage heard it. Cage looked at Y/N and held her close. 
“Listen to me very carefully. I will not stop until my people are free. If you don’t let them go… I will irradiate Level Five.” I said. 
Clarke killed Cage’s Father. Cage had held me close to him and kissed my head. He was hurt, good, he deserved it. Clarke was doing the right thing. 
“Cage, listen to me. I don’t want anyone else to die. Stop the drilling and we can talk. There must be a way to get us all out of this.” She said and my eyes widened slightly. No! Just kill them all and be done with it! 
“Emerson.” Cage said. 
“Sir?” He said walking over to us. 
“They’re watching us from the command center. Go kill them all.” He said. 
“Yes, sir.” Emerson said. 
“No Cage please! She’s right, there has to be a way for everyone to live!” I begged, even though if I get the chance I’m killing everyone here. 
“No, come on.” He said and pulled me along with him. He pulled me back into the dormroom where they were holding and drilling everyone. 
“Take that one off the table.” He said, 
“Sir, we’re not done-”
“Now!” He said cutting the doctor off. They took Raven off and Cage looked at my Mother. 
“Put her on it.” He said pointing at her. 
“No!” My Mother said and they walked towards her. 
“No! Please! Hey!” The man next to her begged. 
“You don’t have to do this.” He said to Cage. 
“Stop!” My Mother begged. 
“There has to be another way!” I begged. 
“There isn’t! Now stop or I’ll put you on that table too!” He shouted at me and I stared at him in fear. 
“No one has to die for bone marrow! We can donate it! We can donate it.” The man shouted. I just stood next to Cage with his arm around my waist as they strapped my mother to the table. Lexa will be severely disappointed. 
“Hey! We can donate it!” The man shouted again. 
“That’ll never happen.” Cage said. 
“I can. I can make it happen with her help!” The man said, but Cage just took a step closer, pulling me along. 
“We can all survive.” The man said again. 
“We can’t.” Cage said, shaking his head. They drilled into her and Cage looked up at the camera. I can almost fight! I can almost kill Cage…
Clarke’s POV
“Emerson’s coming for us.” I said. 
“They deactivated my key card. Can you do that to his?” Bellamy asked. 
“That one’s easy.” Monty said getting to work. 
“Where’s he going?” Bellamy asked and I looked at the screen. Cage was walking off with my sister and we looked at another screen. 
“The dorm.” I said. 
“Monty, can you do it? Can you irradiate the level?” I asked. 
“I can do it.” He answered. 
“Wait a second, Clarke. We need to think about this. There are kids in there.” Bellamy said. 
“I know.” I said. 
“And people who helped us.” He said. 
“Well, then, please, give me a better idea!” I said but he had nothing. We looked back at the screen and they were putting my Mother on the table. 
“What have I done?” I asked. Kane and Y/N were getting him to stop, but Cage screamed at her and she looked at him in fear. He looked up at the camera and I stared in horror. 
“Clarke, if we do this, there is no going back.” Bellamy said. 
“Figure it out.” I said to Monty and he got to work. 
“Now what?” Bellamy asked, looking at one of the screens. I looked over at the screen and Octavia was there killing two soldiers. Maya ran behind her and stared in shock. 
“They gotta get out of there.” he said and they started running. There was a bang on the door and we looked over at it. 
“He’s here.” I said. 
“Jasper, they caught him.” Monty said and we looked over. Octavia and Maya walked into the mess hall and they were surrounded. 
“Why are you stopping?” I asked Monty. 
“Because I did it. All we have to do is pull this.” He said pointing at a lever. 
“Hatches and vents will open, and the scrubbers reverse pulling in outside air.” He said. 
“He’s gonna blow the door.” Murphy said and I looked up to see Emerson on the ground with a bag.  
“Clarke, we’re out of time!” Monty said and I grabbed a hold of the lever. 
“My sister. My responsibility.” Bellamy said. 
“I have to save them.” I said. Bellamy placed his hand over mine and I looked up at him. 
“Hate to ruin this moment, but hurry up!” Murphy said. 
“Together.” Bellamy said and we pulled the lever down. 
The door opened and Jasper was being brought in. The guard walked him over to the wall and he was chained up. I watched him as he got out of his cuffs and turned around. 
“Restrain him!” Cage said going over to him and a guard, leaving me next to the table. Jasper was holding a knife and I smirked. Alarms started going off and everyone looked around. 
“What is it?” The men in the room asked. They all started burning except for Cage. He ran and Jasper went to go after him and I followed. He ran into the mess hall and Octavia was there next to Maya. 
“Y/N!” She said. I ran next to them and kneeled down next to Jasper. 
“Jasper, I know this sucks, but give me the knife.” I said. 
“Why?” Octavia asked. 
“Because I’m gonna kill Cage.” I growled. 
“Are you strong enough?” He asked and I nodded. He handed me the knife and I ran out. 
“Wait I’m coming with you.” Octavia said. 
“No, go to the dorm. Get everyone free.” I said and she nodded. 
“Be safe.” She said. 
“You too.” I said and ran through the halls. I ran and found an open door. I smirked knowing that has to be where he went and followed. When I got outside Cage was there holding a high frequency device and a needle with red liquid in it and Lincoln was on the ground. Lincoln got up and sliced his hand off with his sword. 
“No!” I shouted and stepped in front of him. 
“Y/N? You followed me!” Cage said with a groan. 
“He’s mine.” I growled turning to face Cage. 
“Let me do one thing first, little one.” Lincoln said, picking up the needle. 
“Be my guest. The more he suffers the better.” I said glaring at him. He pushed it into his neck and Cage fell to the ground. 
“The first dose is the worst.” He said and handed me his sword. 
“Do whatever you want with him now.” He said and I nodded. I stared him in the eye and stabbed him in the leg first. 
“This is for keeping me drugged up.” I said and pulled the sword out. I stabbed him in his arm and he screamed. 
“This is for raping me all those times.” I said pulling the sword out. Finally I stabbed him in the stomach. 
“And this is for you to suffer.” I said and pulled it out once again. 
“Come little one, let him bleed out.” Lincoln said and I nodded. 
“Enjoy the ground.” I said and ran off with Lincoln. We ran to the front door and everyone was walking out. 
“Y/N!” John said and I looked over and saw him running my way. 
“You’re okay!” He said hugging me and lifting me off the ground. 
“I am now.” I said smiling at him. He smiled back and kissed me. 
“Y/N!” Clarke called and ran up to me. She hugged me and I smiled at her. 
“Where’s Lexa?” I asked, realizing none of the Grounders are here. 
“She made a deal with them. The Grounders get released and they leave.” She said. 
“You weren’t part of the deal.” John growled. 
“She did it for our people.” I said and they looked at me shocked. 
“You’re okay with her just leaving you behind?” He asked. 
“She knows what’s best for our people. If I must give my life for them, then so be it.” I said and they shook their heads. 
“You’re one of us Y/N, not them.” Clarke said. 
“We’ve been over this.” I said. 
“You’re coming back with us.” She said and walked off. 
“Please.” John begged and I sighed. 
“I will, but I must go to Lexa. She must decide my fate.” I said and walked off to follow my sister. We got inside the camp they had set up and I watched as my sister didn’t enter. Her and Bellamy talked for a bit then she walked off while he walked inside. 
“There’s a place we can go where we don’t have to worry about The Ark or Grounders.” John said while holding my hand.
“What?” I asked confused. 
“Jaha he heard of a place, The City of Light.” He said and my eyes widened slightly. 
“Across the dead zone? It’s dangerous.” I said. 
“You’re scared of a little danger?” He asked with a smirk and I smirked back. 
“Fine, I’ll go with you.” I said and he kissed me. 
“We can be together, with no one judging either of us.” He said and I smiled. 
Tag list: @theschuylersistersss @iamaunicorn4704 @riverdalehoeeeeeee @imaginehuntress @tiannawashere @teenwolfbitches2 @mockinghijack @genius2050 @hollandechart @somethingdawn @j-a-val​ @moonstarsandsongs @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @softgamerking​ @lady-of-lies​ @simonsbluee​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @emo-godess-loves-you​ @now-imagine​
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Mount Everest Ain't Got Shit On Us, Part 20. (Fezco x fem!reader) - The Aftermath, Part 3. (Ending)
Description: You were always told that your life will be as you wish it to be if you’ll study enough. That it will pay off if you work hard. And some people were given you like a scary example of what will happen when you don’t obey. But sometimes it feels good to disobey.
A/N: Inspired by Cinderella by the man of the greatest, Mac Miller for two reasons (and Talk by Khalid slightly in the end).
He truly is a great rapper in my opinion (and not because his life ended up so soon, sadly). I like the beats of his songs, the energy, they have thoughts in them (like Cinderella or Self Care).
Cinderella is a break-up song, but also, Mac says that he’s waiting for that girl no matter what.
Also, it should end up way different, but I was too sad, so I made it a bit sweeter. Still sad tho.
Warnings: Angst, ending of the series. You're gonna hate me, folks. Also a lot of Khalid mentions. And ma being right once again.
Word count: 4.1 K
Read the rest here, babe: PART 1  PART 2  PART 3  PART 4  PART 5  PART 6  PART 7  PART 8  PART 9  PART 10  PART 11  PART 12  PART 13  PART 14  PART 15  PART 16  PART 17  PART 18  PART 19
Masterlist and declaration: H E R E
Tagging: @charmed-asylum, @jeyramarie, @pantherxrogers, @analia-analia-analia​
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There's no such freedom as letting the bike ride down from the hill on its own, nothing is better than riding down with your ass up just as your hair flies around you and you close your eyes, smiling to the sun as songs rush through your earbuds.
For the first time in forever, you could feel happy and calm, a smile appearing on your lips basically on its own. The last few months were a fucking ride, you couldn't put it in other words. Your heart broke many times as you broke down in tears, sliding down leaning into the wall. There was a lot of screaming at your home, a lot of curse words falling down; from you and Fran, not from your parents.
She needs to go on rehab, your ma said when she saw you for the first time in hospital. There was no such terrible news for Christian parents than knowing that their child is a drug addict. Or a lesbian. They could somehow handle Fran like that problem kid, at least for the first time she got into a rehab, but when you ended up on a hospital bed for the first time as well, they were so disappointed.
Also at that moment, Fran was on the same hospital floor with recovering from cuttings under her neck, her ankles, and her palms. She was out. Sleeping. Fighting for her life. In the end, you couldn't blame your parents for their reactions. One of their kids ended up in the hospital, drugged and almost dead, and when the kid had finally woken up, the other one tried to kill themselves. It was just too much to take in.
Of course, you were forbidden to see Fezco when they learned what actually happened, or what occurred according to the witnesses. If they knew that the man with a red beard just appeared in the same room as you did, they would kill you both. Regardless of what happened, they made Fezco the bad guy, even if the police found him completely innocent. For further restricting the contact between you two, they even took your phone away.
Your man almost couldn't handle that shit - and he didn't even hear the worst part at that time. He sat by your side almost every evening since you were in a coma, holding your hand, sometimes even sleeping by your side - and when his little angel had finally woken up, he was restricted to see her.
Thank God, the teen-agers who were saving his ass have done a really good job - part of that was that Nate had got a good record with manipulating crimes and he was from a well-respected family. And the other part was done thanks to Jules, who took all his drug-dealing junk into her room until the situation got quiet. They were working to save him a good time and they knew that they would be able to manipulate a murder - which didn't mean that they would like to kill for business from that moment on (even if Rue persuaded that idea many times).
But in the end, Fezco wasn't arrested or rotting in jail, which made you happy. But even if he was legally cleansed, that didn't make a difference for your parents at all. He was a criminal - and he could damage your life and well-being.
Of course that as soon as they released you our of the hospital, and they also told that there's no need for rehab since you're not a junkie, you ran off in the night. It was a cold January night, it was snowing and the roads and pavements were covered in a thin layer of ice.
As soon as your lips touched his, your body started to undress before you even realized any of it. There was no need for words. You only needed him and his dick. You slowly realized that you're naked when his warm skin pressed on yours and started to heat it. The truth was that you only barely realized what you were doing as you felt all those things after a few months. You wished for his taste never leaving your lips, for his skin to warm you until the day was over and to smell him when you close your eyes.
Fezco wanted to make you feel love and to make you feel like a princess, yet it didn't end up like that at all. It was passionate, it was almost violent at whiles. You started on the bed and when he was finally naked, you somehow ended up on all fours, ass up for him, yelling to the floor as you felt the skin on your knees burning. 
He always told you that you look like a beautiful, tender angel. That night was somehow different - you wanted and needed to be broken by him. Fez basically destroyed you that night - just as you mesmerized him by slow, tender lovemaking - you rode him like he loved to and to feel you after such a long time was like a dream coming true. Unreal.
When it was all done, you laid down in his bed, holding him just as if he belonged to you - your hand around his hips, your leg entwined between his thighs with your forehead on his chest. You felt safe. But you know that it wasn't for too long.
"I heard rumors." - Fez started slowly, drawing circles on your naked shoulder, kissing the top of your head.
"Oh yeah?" - You wondered with a low chuckle, kissing the small sweet spot between his flat breasts. - "What did you hear? Do you want to share with the class?" - You mumbled as you continued up to below the line of his beard, your hand slowly traveling down, thinking of round three.
"About you movin' out of da town." - Fezco whispered, watching you with his blue eyes. He was... Hurt. And about to cry. Which mad you inclined to crying as well. It was like an instant connection.
"I am afraid... That those aren't only rumors, Fez." - You sighed. The man under your body just shifted for a second before he closed his eyes as he smoothed his face with his fingers. - "I need to. My parents want me to. And they wouldn't leave me alone."
"When ya leavin'?" - Fezco gently pushed you on his body, leaning his head down to kiss you.
"On Monday." - You mumbled to his lips and felt, how he tensed. And practically pushed his lips off yours. - "I have already packed everything."
"And when you planned on tellin' me? Huh? A short call at a gas station?" - He got up from the bed, taking some underwear on, leaving you naked between the blankets. Everything inside you strangely hurt, it felt like if you let your man down, because he wasn't even able to look in your direction. 
At that moment, he didn't think about loving you like anybody else on the whole planet, he just thought about you being gone from his day-to-day life in just two days from that night. That just wasn't fair - how could someone love somebody else so much only to let them go?
“Fezco, you know that it's not like that.” - You sat, covering your own body with a blanket. You felt as tears slowly crept into your eyes. - “You know how complicated my life is right now. You do.”
“Whatever, man.” - He leaned his palms into one of the cabinets in his room, looking into the mirror as you dressed up. You felt the need to leave immediately. Before knocking on his door, you were willing to give him both the nights that were remaining to you in the town. Now, you just wanted to get away from that place. 
And so you did. And didn't come back after that, not hearing a single word from Fez again. You took it as a break-up. He hadn't tried to contact you after that one last passionate night. It felt cold. So you acted cold as well, you didn't stealthy left your room or went to his and Ash’s gas station. And it hurt like hell; it hurt so much that you only laid in your bed and cried until you fell asleep, not leaving your room for food or toilette.
And this time, you hadn't got Fran by your side to tell you that you will do just fine - with Fez or without him. 
Rue and Jules came to visit you just before it was your time to leave, both of them were crying like hell. Rue held you for a ridiculous amount of time, so tightly that you giggled. Then you sat at your room, a rap song playing from Jules’ phone. 
“We’ll miss ya, idiot.” - Rue said and nuzzled her head into your upper thigh so you could massage her scalp.
“If you can behave and you will stay clean, you can come to visit me to Minnesota on spring break.” - You smoothed her cheek with a small smile. - “Granny has a place for all of us there. It will be fun because Minnesota is beautiful.” 
“Yeah, I heard somewhere that its wilderness is great. We can go hiking.” - Jules exclaimed happily, holding your other hand.
“Only if missy here on my lap will stay clean. Can you promise that?” - You asked the beauty on your lap and she nodded lazily with her eyes closed and a sad face, she was smelling you, so she remembered your favorite perfume or antiperspirant. 
“Anything new about Fez?” - You mumbled with a sigh. 
“He’s still refusing to speak with us. He tries to get me clean again and I think that we are remindin’ his ass of ya. You know that it still means that he loves ya?” - Rue played with your fingers childishly. Of course, he was in love with you - because you still couldn't get him out of your head or heart as well. 
The question was if you will be ever able to forgive him. Everything was screaming his name to you - like the small things on your bedside table, an empty frame where your photo used to be, weird hoodies that reminded you of his style, that tone of his voice whispering you dirty little jokes whispered to your ear, him making you laugh whenever he felt you're stressed that you could hear in any song you’ve listened to, his smile and blue eyes in the color of the sky. No. No, you knew you could hardly move on from that intense relationship. And even if you eventually do, there will be a part of you still in love with that man. 
No other boy will ever take your panties off, damped as hell, the way Fezco did. Nobody brews coffee the way he did and nobody else will watch you perform concerts only in your lacy bra and bathrobe.
“He will be fine. He always is. Let him take his time.” - You nodded, crying again, but smiling at Rue sadly. 
“And about ya?” - Rue asked seriously and you just looked away. After that, Jules changed the topic fast, because she knew that you're about to scream in frustration. 
One thing was crossing your mind again and again - why people who are the closest to be actual angels are the most corrupted ones? You took a good look at Rue, the girl with heart of gold - a drug addict, irresponsible woman with OCD, ADD and so many shits to add to the stock. Jules, such an incredible sweet - also a kind of slut for older men. Fezco, literally the best boy you have ever met and basically the love of your life - a dropout highschooler and a dealer who killed a person.
The people around you were the literal angels - and the most fucked up of all people youve ever met and you knew that you will never meet anyone like them in your life. 
So naturally, when it came to saying goodbye, there were so many tears that it couldn't be counted. Rue was telling you dumb jokes and promised to send you letters every once a while, Cal couldn't even speak in his terms because he was sobbing so much and Jules... She was just sadly smiling at you and even if she wasn't crying at all, you could feel that she is sad.
But you only laughed when your ma started the engine and Jules and Rue followed you on their bikes until the Hope you'll come to visit you again and you only could laugh because they were yelling stuff at you the whole way while you were leaning from the window and looking at them. 
When you left the town, you closed the window, seeing those two still watching your car disappear. You sighed and started to play with the few rings you had on both hands. 
“How you're doing?” - Your ma asked silently. You disappointed her really bad, but you were still her daughter and you knew that sooner or later, she will start trusting you again. But you also knew that you needed to take small steps at a time. Same with dad. You fucked up, that was for sure - but there was still a comparison to Fran, so your fucking-up bar wasn't as high, you thought to yourself.
“I'm doing just fine.” - You said quietly, not looking at her. - “Thanks for your concern.” 
“Y/N, stop acting like Fran. This is...-” - Your ma gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter. - “For the sake of my own health and well being, I know, I know. How I said, thanks for your concern.” 
“Look, I know that this whole attitude thing is about Fez. And I get it, totally.” - She started quietly. That was when you turned off the radio and turned your face to her a bit. 
“He isn't a bad person and you know that.” - You mumbled with the breaking of your heart being pressed into every letter of that sentence.
“And if I remember correctly, I and neither your father ever told that. Never. Not even once.” - She sighed and after a long time, she started speaking again. - “He is a wonderful man when we are speaking about his character only. All I needed to know is that he makes my daughter happy and that he is honest and serious with her. And I swear to God that I've never seen anyone looking at someone else like when he watched every move you ever made. I liked having him over for dinner or movie marathons. He was kind to me and nice under any circumstances. Fezco is a good, loyal and loving person.” - She told you. You were sitting there like a hot pile of shit, looking in front of you without any word coming to your tongue. 
“And I know you left your room on Friday and I am not dumb. But you two needed to talk to each other for the last time. I needed you to do it, because it doesn't matter if he is a nice guy or not when he shot a guy with a gun, regardless it was self-defense or not. A mother doesn't want to see her child with a man like that.” - She stopped the car on the right side of the road and she watched as your cheeks have filled with tears. But she didn't stop the engine.
“And I know that if you want, you can just be with him again when you are an adult. But I think that now it just isn't your time to be together - things happened to him, thing happened to you and... I know it hurts, baby. I know. But give it some time. Let both your lives settle down, grow up a bit, grow as a person and someday, maybe, if you want, you can save the man you're so blatantly in love with now.” - Your ma took your hand to her palm and kissed it slowly, letting you cry. 
She was right, just as always. You’ve done wrong - but just as you did, he did too. And she did even know that if you would want to continue the relationship in the future, you could and she couldn't stop. But this was her way of making you stop for a while, so you could get out of Fezcos drug world she didn't even know about. 
“We have broken up... The night I have sneaked out of my window.” - You confessed quietly and she just closed her eyes and exhaled out loud. Your ma was the wisest woman you have ever met. She did antagonize Fezco - but on the other hand, she was able to tell that he has a kind heart and that the relationship you had was an unusually strong one for the first one in your romantical life, at least openly. 
She even liked that boy. He helped with the dishes, laughed at her dumb jokes and brought her some nice pieces of dishes and flowers when he had an opportunity. Naturally, she was a little sad that you called your romance off. Or, more likely, he called it off.
“You will be fine, baby. You will do just great.” - She promised and kissed your forehead. She was mad at you most of the time - but the mother does nurse their children when something happens. Plus, you already showed the will to turn the things around. 
Even if it was without an internet connection and extremely far away from your own home, you loved your granny’s big house in Minnesota. It was a big and old one and you loved spending time there since you were small. It was kind of a bummer to start school all over again without anybody, but you managed. 
Your mom got you a new phone number and made sure to give it to Leslie and to Jules’ dad, so they could call you from time to time when you weren’t doing anything at the moment. The town was pretty small and you knew most of the people - but nobody knew the true reason why you moved there. They were glad for you nonetheless.
You found new friends sooner or later and one day, while you’ve been sitting at a coffee, waiting for your studying partner, you’ve hidden all the photos and stories you had with Fezco on Instagram. It felt strange, yet the memories in photos of you and Rue, Leslie, Gia, Jules, and other girls made you genuinely laugh. 
In this town, you had a good reputation - you were a pretty good student, the nice person helping on local events for children. To say at least, you’ve been good. 
And just as Rue promised, she wrote you letter every two weeks. She bragged herself about being clean so she could visit you with Jules - she also wrote the number big and colorful, so you couldn't miss it at all. 
Over time, small notes were delivered in the letter for you - for example, a polaroid of your and Fezco’s favorite restaurant and when you turned it, there was Do ya remember? written in big letters. 
For the first few times, you thought of Rue doing weird Rue shit - but over the time, the photos got more and more intimate - the place where you sat and made love under the stars, the pool where it all has started, a small spot on the counter in his shop which you marked as yours with a heart drawn with a glitter pen. Later, you started a small collection and you were smiling every time youve opened up the book to save another polaroid there. It was like he was speaking to you with small sentences like I remember everything or This place ain't da same without ya singin’ Talk (*by Kalid, author’s notes) and the sweetest was when you received a photo of his bed with This space empty without ya, just like ma heart.
And that’s what got you to that one April afternoon where you drove the hill on your bike, listening to some good old Khalid, as you did with Rue. Thanks to her, you knew a few of his songs by your heart. Rue loved him.
Just as you entered the house, you kissed your grandma on her cheeks and went to your room to clean up your things. The phone was laying on your bed and still playing songs when it started to vibrate and play the ring bell tone. 
You were surprised - it was neither Rue or Jules, Fran was calling from rehab every Wednesday, ma called on Friday. When you read the number, your brain recognized it as if someone snapped next to your ear. You got anxious and you almost threw up - you never tried calling him, you weren't seeking photos of him or exactly threw up yourself in self-pity and melancholy, only the first week you’ve been in Minnesota was like that. 
Did you want to hear Fezco actually? Wouldn’t it just hurt you more? You knew how cold he was when you told him that you’re leaving... Three months ago. But since then, he was slowly making you fond of those memories you had with him. He was apologizing in his very own way. 
But the true question was if you were ready to hear him again. You were nervous, sweaty, shaking like hell. The first call fell into a black screen and you exhaled slowly. No, you weren’t. You definitely weren’t.
Just as you threw the phone back on your bed so you could continue with the stuff you had to have done, it started to ring again. You closed your eyes, leaning into the wall. So Fezco was serious with the call? It made you only more anxious and angry. He was acting like such a douche the last time you’ve seen him and even if he took you cute polaroids, he didn't even apologize. 
That evening was mostly Fran’s fault, yes, but he technically shot Mouse down. And he did so for a good reason - Mouse was scared that you will disclose their location to the police. You could be the corpse. But exactly was also a reason why you had to leave. And he didn't exactly have the decency to neither explain himself or say sorry.
You were basically sure that you are done with him - backing up all those photos you had so you still had them, but not in your gallery, archiving every post on socials you had with him. You guessed that you weren't simply a thing anymore. 
And you even tried to date a guy in Minnesota. But just the way he held your hand didn't feel right. Fezco always held it like if you were a princess, gently playing with all the ring it had, kissing your knuckles or fingertips while he was bored or listening to what you were saying. And the way Minnesota boy was kissing? N O  W A Y. It wasn't right at all. His clothes weren't as cozy as Fezco’s, he didn't smell as good as your former boyfriend did. He didn't touch you so you would feel like a goddess - that was a no-no situation for you.
And you realized that Fez might have set the standard bar for other boys who tried to win you for themselves too high. He truly was spoiling you with every look and every touch.
But that didn't mean you would just run to him when he calls you like a dog. He was doing some fucked-up things and you acknowledged that especially since you weren't mesmerized by him every day. 
So you told yourself that if he calls you for the third time in a row, you will pick the phone up no matter what. No matter how angry or nervous you would be. The second ringtone ended and you watched the screen with anticipation. The phone was silent for a minute, then for two, three... You sighed and shook your head. 
“Y/N! Dear! Can you come and help me out here with something?” - Your granny screamed at you from the first floor. You slowly went to the door, still glued to the screen of your phone as you held the door in your hand. You almost closed it, but it rang again - and to your surprise, a big smile grew on your lips as you went to pick it up. 
“Gimme five minutes, grandma!” - You yelled back at her and sat down on your bed. 
And you picked up.
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kpop---scenarios · 5 years
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Warning: SMUT. Fingering, a little bit of partial facefucking, daddy stuff, unprotected sex, and some dramatics. 
“Mhm? Properly? How would you like me to do that?” You pant as Minseok’s fingers pinch your already perky nipple. 
“First" he whispers, grabbing your wrist. “You can put my cock in your mouth" he breathes, bringing your hand behind you and placing it on his already semi erect cock. 
Removing your hand you step to the side and away from Minseok, moving yourself around to his back. He turns around and you slowly push him against the door. You grip the hem of his shirt, giving it a light tug to let him know you wanted it to be off. Minseok smirks as he removes his shirt, exposing a body you didn’t know was underneath. His chiseled abs made your mouth water. You place your hands on his shoulders, giving him a small smile as you start to run your fingers down his body, getting yourself to kneel in the process. Your hands reach his belt buckle, you waste no time undoing it before throwing it somewhere in his room. Quickly you pull his jeans down, letting his cock spring free from the confinement of his pants. You lick your lips as you stare at the red tip, leaning forward you twirl your tounge around the tip of his member, teasing him ever so slightly. 
Minseok let’s out a small growl, needing you to take him all and quit the teasing. A few more kitten licks and you finally take him in your mouth, slowly taking more and more as you finally reach your limit. You let out a small gag as his tip hits the back of your throat, letting his precum trickle down. 
“That’s right baby girl, take it all" Minseok groans as he thrusts a little more, pushing himself further into your mouth. Minseok thrusts himself down your throat a few more times. 
“You like the way my cock tastes?” he asks, gripping the back of your hair and yanking so your eyes meet his. His cock slides out of your mouth and you stare at him as tears slowly spill down your cheeks. 
“I asked you a question” he growls, you still don’t answer him. Your throat is burning and raw. His hand still gripping your hair, he pulls it up, making you stand up to face him. 
“Ignoring me is not the best thing to do" he whispers, pulling your shirt up. You lift your arms to make it a little easier for him to discard of the item. Your eyes never leave his as you take your shorts off. Minseok breaks eye contact, roaming your body, memorizing every curve, every perfection and imperfection. 
He smirks. “Against the wall" he demands. 
Without any hesitation you turn yourself around, pressing your naked body again the wall. You feel the heat of his chest flush against your back as he wraps his arm around your waist, lowering his hand down and in between your legs. You let out a small gasp as he caresses you, his finger lightly hitting your clit each time.
“Please" you cry, needing more. 
“Please what?” he asks. 
“More. I need more" you beg. 
Minseok turns you around, pushing your back against the wall. He kneels down, spreading your legs before opening your folds, exposing you to him. 
“Like this?” he asks leaning in and grazing his tounge along your sensitive spot. A chill runs up your spine as the pleasure courses through your body. 
“Just like that" you gasp, your fingers gripping his hair tightly, keeping his face in between your legs. Minseok flicks your clit with his tounge a few more times before stopping, and removing your hand from his head and standing up. 
“You haven’t earned cumming from my tounge just yet" he purrs, reaching his hand back in between your legs and starts rubbing. 
“Fuck. Fuck. Just like that” you moan. 
You grind your hips into his fingers, your orgasm quickly approaching. 
“You gunna cum for me? Cum all over my fingers baby" Minseok growls into your ear, pushing his body against you as his fingers continue to work their magic in between your thighs. You shudder as your orgasm circuits through your body like electricity. 
Minseok removes his fingers, staring you in the eyes as you pant. He brings his fingers to his mouth, sucking your juices from them. 
“Bed" he says, after removing his fingers from his mouth. His tone serious and needy. 
You slowly begin making your way towards his bed, too slowly for his liking so he picks you up, and walks you over before tossing you down onto his large comfy bed on your back. 
“Keep those legs spread" he demands, shuffling over to you. 
Without any hesitation, Minseok lines himself up with your entrance before slowly pushing himself inside of you. Your back arches as his cock stretches you out, filling you up completely. 
“Fuck.” You cry out. 
“You feel so fucking good baby" he growls, still not moving. 
“Move. Please" go cry out. 
“Beg for it. Beg like the dirty girl you are" he snaps. 
“Please. Please fuck me daddy, please" you cry out. 
“What did you just call me?” he asks, a little shocked. 
“Daddy?” you half question, half moan. 
“I like it. That’s right baby, I’m your daddy" grunts, pulling himself out of you and slamming back in, hard. 
“Shit" you cry out. 
Your back arches more as Minseok rams his cock in and out of you. Your fingers clawing at his chest, trying to grip something as your mind spins around. 
“Do you want to cum again?” he asks, his hips snapping into you again and again. 
“Yes daddy yes" you moan. 
Minseok reaches in-between your legs again, rubbing your clit straight to orgasm again. 
Minseok leans forward, wrapping his arm around your upper body and moves himself back to sit on his heels, as you mount him. 
“Ride me" he demands, his one hand never leaving the spot in between your thighs. 
You begin moving your hips back and forth, as you take in the new found pleasure from this position. Minseok leans his head forward, peppering small kisses along your neck as you continue to ride his cock. His kisses stop, and instead are replaced with a sharp pain of him lightly biting you, hard enough to feel. You weren’t sure if you were going to like it, but it made your high come even faster. 
You snap your hips quickly now, wanting that second orgasm too badly. Your arm wraps around Minseok’s neck as you pull him in for a deep, sloppy but needy kiss. 
“That’s it baby, ride my cock. Cum for me. Cum a over my cock" he moans. With his words, your orgasm hits you quick and hard, pleasure pulsing through your body. 
“Lay on your back” Minseok grunts. Tiredly you push yourself off of him, falling back as he grips his cock, and starts pumping himself. Minseok finishes, coating your stomach in his cum. His chest heaving as he stares down at your naked body, covered in his cum. 
You smile as you take your fingers, scooping up his cum and licking it off your fingers, one by one. He stares in amazement as you suck his liquid off your last finger. 
Minseok chuckles and shakes his head slightly. “You really are a naughty girl, aren’t you?” he asks, crawling into his bed. 
“Maybe” you say, shrugging your shoulders and hopping off the bed to finger your clothes. 
“Wanna stay?” he asks and you smile at the question. 
“Maybe next time.” You say before placing a small kiss on his lips and heading back down to your small closet room. You wondered when they were going to upgrade you to a real room. 
Luckily you didn’t bump into anyone on your way to your space. You make it inside and sigh as you sit on your bed. Grabbing your phone off the desk, you see a text from an unknown number. Furrowing your brows, you check it. 
[1:06am] Unknown: Y/N. Are you safe? It’s Nate. Meet me at the old diner at 2:30am tonight. Please. 
[1:16am] You: Is it really you? I’ll be there.
Sneaking out of that house was one of the hardest things you did, but luckily you managed and you’d be back there before anyone even noticed you were gone. You called a cab once you were finally out of the view of the house. It only took you a few minutes to arrive there and now you knew why Nate preferred that diner so much, it was close to his “job”.
You sat outside waiting as 2:30am came and passed. Finally at 3:03am you saw a pair of headlights flash at you a few times. You knew it was him, you just knew. Maybe you would be able to convince him to go back with you and hand everything over and everything would be okay. 
[3:05am] Unknown: Come to the car. 
You quickly walked over and opened the passenger seat. A smile on your face as you turned to look at your brother. Only it wasn’t your brother. It was the face of your ex boyfriend, Jimin. 
“What the fuck Jimin" you yell. “Where’s Nate?” you ask, annoyed. 
“He told me you were in trouble when I said I hadn’t heard from you.” He confessed. 
“Why are you even talking to him? We broke up 2 years ago and you’re still trying to fucking be in my life! Of course you haven’t heard from me! This is why I left! You’re insane! I couldn’t talk to anyone or go anywhere. You’re so possessive and even now!” you yell. “Stop whatever you’re doing. I’m not in trouble. I’m fine" you say, turning to get out of the car. 
Jimin quickly locks the door before turning on the child lock so you can’t get out. 
“Let me out" you angrily say. 
“No. I saw your brother reaching out as an opportunity to have you back.” he deadpans. 
“Fucking let me out Jimin" you demand. 
“I’m sorry, but I finally have you again and I’m not letting you go" he says before reaching over and smashing your head against the window. All you see is a large grin on his face as you fade to the darkness.
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kldubois · 4 years
Lessons in Looking 9/?
Title: Nothing by Halves
Words: 1920
She wakes coughing, hurting, and overly warm. It’s not new given the nasty cold she’s had for the past week. She thought she was over it though. The fever had been gone for a couple of days but now it seems to be back. When another coughing fit hits, her head spins and aches. She moans, curling around her chest to ease the ache that’s set in there.
“Evie?” Marla’s voice is quiet and concerned as she enters the dark room. It’s mid-morning outside, but it’s the weekend and she wanted to give Evie more time to rest. Between the coughing, fever, and nausea, the cold had taken a lot out of her. Usually, Marla would’ve had a hard time getting her to stay in bed rather than the couch, but Evie hadn’t put up much of a fight.
When she doesn’t get a response, Marla turns on the desk lamp and goes over to sit on the edge of the bed next to Evie’s curled up form. Her friend is breathing heavily, still with that rasp that had her concerned during the last week that the cold was something more than just a cold. But then her fever had broken and Evie seemed to be getting better, if not for the cough and breathing.
“How’re you feeling,” Marla asks. She checks to see if Evie’s fever has returned with a hand on her forehead. That’s enough to wrestle Evie out of whatever stupor she was in and she uncurls a little to look up at Marla, eyes glazed with fever. “Your fever’s back.”
“Hurts,” Evie says, voice low and weak.
“What does? Your chest? Your head?”
“I’ll get you some ibuprofen and juice. While I’m gone, keep this in your mouth.” Marla takes out the thermometer and sticks in Evie’s mouth without waiting for her to respond. When she comes back with the pills and juice, Evie hasn’t moved. The thermometer reads 102.4.
“You’ve got a fever again, Evie.” Marla brushes aside some of the stray hairs from Evie’s forehead. Her friend moves towards her hand, apparently enjoying the coolness compared to her burning body. “Let’s get you sitting up a bit so you can take these pills and drink your juice. Then I’ll let you go back to sleep. Okay?”
Evie nods and uncurls a little and tries to get up but stops suddenly and Marla sees her face pale. She collapses back to the bed with a groan, eyes clenched closed tightly.
“You going to throw up,” Marla asks, already reaching for the bucket.
Evie shakes her head lightly.
“Okay. You got a headache?”
She nods, adding, “Dizzy. Ears hurt.”
“Your ears?”
“They’re full. Like a balloon to pop.”
“Ear infection then, probably.” Marla sighs. Given Evie’s track record, she shouldn’t be surprised, but faced with it now, she’s feeling overwhelmed. It’s already been a hard week with balancing her work and being around to look after Evie. Nate and Chuck have both been around to help when they can, giving her time to rest and run errands.
“Alright, then. You need to sit up a bit to take these pills for the fever and pain and drink some juice. Chuck’s coming by soon with some food. He can help us get to convenient care.”
“No, just want to stay here.” Evie coughs roughly, curling up as she grabs at her chest.
“No, you need to see a doctor. You probably need antibiotics to help with your ears so you don’t lose your hearing. Now, come on. The sooner you sit up, the sooner you can lay back down and get some sleep.” Marla doesn’t give Evie much time to argue. She gently helps her sit up a little, handing her the pills and then holding the cup of juice to her lips so she can take sips. When it’s clear that Evie can’t stand to sit up like this much longer with the mounting pain and dizziness, Marla sets her back down, resting her head on a pillow and pulling the covers back up. Evie’s eyes are closed and she doesn’t say anything more to Marla, but Marla does see the relieved look on her friend’s face.
“I’m going out into the living room for a few minutes to take care of a few things, but I’ll be back. Okay?”
In the living room, Marla gives Chuck a call. They’d become friends over the last couple of months, bonding in part over their friendship with Evie and concern for her well-being. The woman had a terrible habit of leaping before looking, which hadn’t been completely trained out of her by the company’s training.
“How soon are you able to get over here,” Marla asks, bypassing a normal greeting.
“Why? What’s wrong?” Chuck goes immediately into concerned mode.
“She has an ear infection now and can barely move without getting dizzy and hurting.”
“She needs a doctor.”
“Yeah and I’m going to need some help getting her to convenient care.”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll send a doctor over.”
“We can’t afford a doctor who makes house calls. Just help me get her to convenient care.”
“Marla, do you think she’s going to be able to make it there without being in so much pain that she’s miserable, maybe even passes out?”
“What other option do we have?”
“The doctor is a close friend. He’ll be glad to help. This is the sort of thing that he likes doing. And I’ll take care of everything.”
“We’re not a charity case.”
“I’d never consider you a charity case. You and Evalyne are friends. If I can help you through my connections like this, then I will.”
“Fine, but we will be paying you back.”
“That’s up to the doctor. Right now, let’s work on getting Evie feeling better. I’ll give him a call and then head over. I should get there before him, but if not, I’ll text you his name and photo so you know who it is.”
The call ends shortly after and Marla goes back in to sit with Evie. Sir Galahad follows her in, jumping up on the bed to lay down along Evie’s back. She doesn’t feel any warmer, but the coughing and pain seem a little worse. Marla helps Evie to use her inhaler, but it doesn’t seem to have much of an impact. The nebulizer is probably the better route to go, but they don’t have any more medication for it. Perhaps this doctor Chuck is bringing will be able to prescribe some. She’s not happy about having to rely on Chuck for things like this. Her and Evie knew that he came from wealth, but he didn’t act like he did. His parents hadn’t given him anything more than money for a college education, forcing him to earn his money on his own.
This really was the first time he’d shown his wealth. And while she doesn’t like having to pay out for a house call, she knows that this will be easier on Evie. Perhaps the doctor will be willing to take installments instead of the entire sum. They could afford a couple hundred today and then probably a little more than that monthly.
The doctor arrives not long after Chuck. He’s a friendly man, a little older than her and Evie. After they have the customary greetings, he asks to see Evie. He’s careful during his examination, talking with her quietly and not pushing her past what she can do comfortably. She’s quiet throughout much of it except for the occasional cry of pain, coughing fit, and noisy breathing. Save for having her sit up to listen to her breathing and to check her ears, he lets her stay curled up under the covers.
“Well, I think it’s safe to say that you have a double ear infection, Evalyne. Both ears look pretty bad and it accounts for the level of pain as well as fever,” he says from where he sits on the edge of the bed.
“Double ear infection? You sure don’t do anything by halves, Evie,” Marla says.
“Didn’t… mean it,” Evie mutters.
“Of course, you didn’t,” the doctor says. “The good news is, antibiotics will help. I’ll send a prescription to the pharmacy and they’ll have it dropped off shortly.”
“Oh, no, one of us can go out and pick it up,” Marla says.
“Nonsense. It’s part of my services. If a patient is bad off enough to need a house call, then surely they can’t afford to go out for a prescription and their caretaker can’t manage it either.”
“Oh, okay.” Marla can see the zeroes being tacked on to the bill at that.
“Now, about this breathing. Do you have an inhaler?”
“We tried it earlier, but it didn’t seem to do much,” Marla says. “She has a nebulizer, but the prescription ran out.”
“Well, that one’s easily solved too. Both prescriptions will be here within the hour.” He pauses a moment to enter some information into his phone, then puts it away to look up at them. “How else can I help?”
“You’ve done more than enough. Perhaps we can step out into the hall to talk about the bill.”
“Of course.” He follows Marla out into the hallway, leaving Chuck with Evie.
“I’m not really sure how to say this, but we don’t have the kind of money that Chuck does. We have no problems with paying you, but a thousands of dollars doctor bill is a little beyond our reach. If you’ll take installments, I’d really appreciate it.”
“Thousands of dollars? What did Chuck tell you about my business?”
“That you were a family friend.”
“Well, he got that right, but after this, he might need to reevaluate his part in that. Marla, my costs are much lower than you would normally pay at a hospital, especially if there’s no insurance involved. And this visit, because you’re a friend of Chuck’s and he didn’t explain things, is half my usual rate.”
“Oh. So…”
“Just over a hundred, but don’t worry about it right now. I’ll be sticking around for a couple of hours to make sure that she’s alright.”
“Is she that bad off?”
“I’m worried about the pain and breathing issues. The fever’s a little concerning, too, but she’s still coherent. I’d rather be here if something happens than on the other side of town with another patient.”
“I appreciate that. She was doing better, but she has this habit of taking the worst of the given options.”
“This is hardly the worst, but it is serious. You called me at the right time that hopefully, we can get control of the infection and keep it from getting much worse.”
The remainder of the day is spent looking after Evie in turns. The medicine comes and they start the treatments. The nebulizer has a quicker effect, easing her breathing within minutes of its use. It’s not gone, but there’s less strain. The fever and pain don’t lessen much during the day, but they also don’t grow worse, which is encouraging enough to the doctor that he leaves them mid-afternoon, giving Marla his business card.
Evie, for her part, is restless for much of the day, though the ease in breathing does help her to rest a little. Eventually, despite the pain and fever, her body gives into sleep. It’s no more restful until her fever breaks the next morning and she finally falls into a restive sleep.
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allisondraste · 6 years
Convalescence (4/5)
Convalescence (3/5)
Chapter 4: You
Story Summary: It has been four months since the Blight ended, and four months since Alistair and Lucia have seen each other. Relationships are hard, especially when there is no certainty that one still exists. (Sequel to “Let Me Go”)
Chapter Summary:   Lucia had prepared for all of the possibilities, except for returning to Denerim to find Alistair in the arms of another woman. If she ever liked surprises, they are now ruined for her forever.
Pairings: Alistair x F!Amell, Alistair x F!Non-Warden Cousland, Nathaniel Howe x F!Non-Warden Cousland
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Seconds passed by in hours, or so it seemed to Lucia as she awaited Alistair’s return to Denerim.  Anora had stated that his trip was to be brief and that he should be back in the capital within a few days.  That conversation had taken place three days ago, though it felt as if three months had passed. She knew that she was being impatient and dramatic, pacing about and finding anything to keep herself busy, but the anxiety gnawed away at her insides and she thought she might go mad if she remained still for too long.  She made it 19 years without losing her mind, and she had no intention of starting now.
Despite her commitment to being reasonable, her quarters looked anything but that of a reasonable person.  In the process of distracting herself during the wait, she had used every flask and ingredient she had to make potions, balms, and poultices.  Her room put the apothecary in town to shame. Although, as her supplies dwindled, she began to mix whatever she had left to create her own recipes.  Trying those concoctions was not recommended. In fact, she was certain that one was just elfroot juice. Lucia was not proud of what she had done, but it was better than the sinking anticipation that set in if she was idle for too long.
She considered going to the kennels to visit Rune and Fang, but remembered that they were being washed and groomed, a chore she was happy to give to someone else.  Rune did not like baths and Fang liked them too much. With nothing left to do, she lay on her bed, back flat, counting the number of jagged bricks composing the ceiling.  A knock at the door startled her to her feet, and she rushed to open it, wondering if this time it would be Alistair. It wasn’t.
Nathaniel’s eyes darted around the room uncomfortably as he entered, taking in the tables and dressers covered with flasks of bubbling liquid.  The look that he gave her seemed to ask “Are you serious?” in the most judgmental tone she could imagine. Lucia looked down at the floor, and shrugged sheepishly.
“I’m sorry,” Nathaniel said, the bite of sarcasm heavy in his voice, “I came to see if you’d like to go to the market, but it seems the market has already come to you.”
“I’m trying not to lose my mind waiting,” she answered, still looking at the ground and scuffing the toe of her boot against the stone.
“Good job.” Another sarcastic remark. “This is completely normal.”
“I’m fine,” Lucia insisted, moving to sit down on the edge of her bed with a huff and a sigh. She finally looked up to meet her friend’s eyes, filled with concern as they were,  “I’m just… used to moving away from my problems, not waiting for them to come greet me.”
Nathaniel approached her,  placed his hands on her shoulders and shook lightly. “Problems always seem bigger from a distance.  This will be good for you one way or another.”
“There is only one outcome I can see being good for me,” she argued, refusing to be talked down from her completely necessary worry.  
“Right, and if the other outcomes happen, then you’ll get to see me kick some arse.”
“Yes.  Violence,” Lucia said unenthusiastically, “That’ll fix things.”
“You’d be surprised.” Smirking, he extended a hand toward her.  “Come on. We’re going to the market. You need some air.”
“I could also probably stand to stock up on flasks.”  She took his hand and looked around the room quizzically as he pulled her up.  “I’d wager a solid half of these are not any good anyway.”
Nathaniel just sighed.  
And so they had gone to the market, which made her feel somewhat better.  It was the return from the market that left her feeling like she might vomit.  
Lucia stood by the door, frozen, as the shattered remains of her shopping trip glittered at her feet.  “Tense” was not a strong enough word to describe the air in the room as she dealt with the kick in the stomach that had been seeing Alistair kissing and embracing another woman.  Try as she may to focus on anything other than the scene before her, she couldn’t. Her eyes darted to the beautiful woman with blonde hair and dark eyes who the man she loved held in his arms.  Well, the woman had been in his arms when Lucia and Nathaniel entered.  Alistair promptly pushed her away when he’d heard the flasks break against the stone.  
The moment stretched on for an eternity, tension mounting as time passed.  Releasing a frustrated huff, Nathaniel spoke, breaking the silence that held them prisoner.  “Well, now all of your flasks are broken. I even offered to carry them for you, but no, you were worried that I would break them.”  His complaint went unacknowledged, but it eased the tension just enough that Alistair attempted to speak.
“Lucia, I-” he began, stopping when she turned her head away from him. She looked at the ground in a vain attempt to hide the tears that burned in her eyes.
“Oy,” the blonde woman sighed, her voice as light and lovely as Lucia would have imagined it to be, “This looks bad.”  At least she sounded genuinely apologetic.
“Elissa?” Nathaniel examined the woman from beneath furrowed brows, a grin spreading across his face.  He stepped forward in front of Lucia, crunching some of the glass shards beneath his feet.
“Nate,” the woman, who was apparently named Elissa, replied fondly, “Nate Howe?  It’s really you! It’s been years since I last saw you.” She rushed toward him and embraced him.  Either they knew one another, or this was just something she did.
“I think it was... the last summer I visited before-”  His sentence trailed away not needing to be finished.
“That was a lovely summer.” Elissa offered him a smile that seemed to hold some immense sadness back from the surface.
“It was.”  Nathaniel nodded, frowning. “I’m so sorry about what my— what happened to your family.  I had no idea or-”
“It’s not your fault.”  Another sad smile. “I’m sorry about your family, too.”  
The conversation halted and the two looked from one another to Lucia and Alistair, having only just realized they were not the only two people in the room.
“I... think I should probably go and replace these flasks before the shop closes,” Nathaniel said, pointing a thumb to the door.
“I’ll come with you.”  Elissa quite literally jumped at the chance to escape the awful atmosphere between Alistair and Lucia. “We can catch up!” Lucia figured that Elissa must have been one of the Couslands, the ruling family of Highever who Rendon Howe had murdered in their home.  Lucia wanted to pity her, but as she walked past to leave with Nathaniel, her pretty eyes met Lucia’s and the smell of her perfume filled the space between them.  The esteemed Hero of Ferelden was reduced to petty, shameful jealousy that was so far beneath her it was comical. Of all the possibilities she had considered, finding Alistair in torrid embrace with another woman was not one. It was an egregious exaggeration - the embrace was affectionate at best-  but Lucia didn’t care.
Now, it seemed she could not even take Nathaniel up on his offer of violence.
Alistair watched as Liss left the room with the unfamiliar Warden, his eyes immediately snapping back to Lucia when the door closed.  Her gaze was sharp enough to draw blood, searching his face for answers he didn’t have. He hadn’t seen her in so long that he was grateful to be under such scrutiny. She was  at least twice as beautiful as he remembered: The fair skin and soft features that understated her ferocity, the dark hair, and those pale blue eyes, telling secrets she didn’t realize he could see. He had almost forgotten the subtle way her eyes changed when she looked at him, like he was the only person in the world.  
At the moment, he did know that being the only person in the world was such a great thing.  Her expression was flat and difficult to read, like she had withdrawn from him completely. He spent better part of their year earning her trust, showing her that she could open up to him.  He doubted she’d ever be able to trust him again.
“I know you’re probably angry, but-”
“I’m not,” she interrupted him with short, quick words that made him feel small.
Alistair squinted. “Are you sure?  Is this one of those things where you say that you’re not feeling a certain way, when you’re actually feeling that way very strongly?  Because I really don’t think that this is the best time to do that.” He must have sounded as desperate as he felt.
“I’m not angry, Alistair.” Her composure was betrayed by the shaky breath that followed.
“If you think I don’t know you better than that, you’re wrong.”  A bitter laugh accompanied the sigh that escaped him . “Please don’t do this.”
“Don’t do what,” she asked in a tone as sharp as her eyes. “Protect myself? Do what I’ve always done to get by and be okay?”
“Don’t hide how you feel,” Alistair answered, hoarse with emotion as tears began to burn in his eyes.  He moved forward and placed his hands on her shoulders. “If you’re angry with me, then be angry, but for the love of the Maker don’t pull away from me now.”
“Okay fine. I’m angry,” she admitted, with a sigh, “No.  I’m more than angry. I’m furious, and heartbroken, and just...so damn tired of losing people I care about. ”
“ I-”
“And I hardly think you’re in any position to tell me not to pull away.” She swiped his hands from her shoulders and pushed him away from her. “You have no right to tell me what to do with my emotions, when you buried yours in another woman.”
He wanted to protest, to tell her that it wasn’t like that, but the fact of the matter was that what he had done was exactly like that.
“It’s not like I meant for this to happen,” he said, not sure what else he could say that wasn’t a flat out denial.
“I suppose kissing her by the door was an accident then?” Lucia crossed her arms.
“To be fair, she kissed me.” It was a weak defense, one of which he was not proud.
”You certainly didn’t stop her.”  A sad smile flashed across her face before vanishing. “And besides, I know you well enough to know you don’t just casually kiss people.  This wasn’t the first time it happened.”
“No.” He tore his eyes away from her, afraid to see the pain his answer would cause. “It wasn’t.  It happened one other time.”
“Are you-,” she began, but choked on the question as her emotions finally seemed to be getting the better of her. Alistair forced himself to look at her.  He’d rarely seen Lucia cry, and the tears rolling down her face broke his heart.
“Together?” He waited for her to nod before answering. “No.”
“Have you-“ She gestured with her hands, unable to push words through all of the emotion.
“Thought about it?” Alistair took a deep breath and considered his words carefully. “Yes- but Luce, you have to understand. When you left, my world fell apart. You only said goodbye because I caught you, in case you’ve forgotten. There was no ‘I’ll be back when I figure this out.’ Nothing.
“I met Elissa, and she is funny and kind and she made me, I don’t know...feel better, when most days I felt like dying.”
Alistair paused and waited for her to shout at him or run from the room, but she didn’t.  She let out a breath and looked at him, anger replaced by hollow sadness.
“You know, I don’t really know what I expected, leaving like I did. “ She shook her head and brought her hands up to her shoulders as if to hug herself. Alistair resisted the impulse to reach out and comfort her, fearing she might shatter beneath his touch like the flasks on the ground.
“I wanted you to have the space you needed, no matter how much it killed me. That’s what you do when you love someone.”
“I was just scared and selfish,” she argued, “I left when you needed me. I guess I forfeited any right I had to be angry at how you handled your grief.”
Alistair opened his mouth to speak, but the words were nowhere to be found yet again.
“I am glad you had someone there for you when I wasn’t.” Her words sounded further away, even though she hadn’t moved.  “If she makes you happy, if she’s what you want, then-“
“No,” Alistair protested, nearly falling over himself as he rushed to her, unapologetically returning hands to her shoulders where they’d been earlier. He was no longer afraid she’d reject his touch or crumble beneath it. “She’s not what I want.”
“There is some considerable evidence to the contrary,” Lucia remarked, raising her eyebrows.
“Because I’m an idiot,” he sighed in defeat.  His hands slipped from her shoulders, tracing the length of her arms before settling at his side. “And I did something stupid because I was sad.”
“Alistair, you’re not an idiot.”
“Oh, but I am.” He laughed, though tears of his own had begun to fall. “I am a stupid, foolish man for thinking, even for a minute, that I could ever want anything but you.”
“Oh,” Lucia said, blinking in surprise.  Even wet as they were from tears, it should have been impossible for her eyes to glisten like they did when she looked at him in that moment.
“Being apart from you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” he continued, “And I never want to do it again.  Luce, you’re the-“
Before Alistair could finish his thought Lucia’s lips were against his in a kiss.  It was firm and decisive, but still so gentle his whole body ached in response. His heart leapt from his chest as he realized what was happening.  He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a desperate embrace and deepening the kiss, hot tears mingling on their cheeks.
When they finally came apart, Lucia eyed him affectionately as she wiped his tears away with her thumbs.  He quickly pulled her back against his chest, resting his chin on her head, worried that if he didn’t hold her tightly she might slip away.  He had no intention of letting her go.
“Anyway... as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted,” he stated suddenly after several minutes of silence, doing his best to sound offended. “ You’re the only person I want to kiss ever again.”
Lucia just sighed and laughed, her breath warm against him.  It was the best feeling in the world.
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thatbluegibson · 6 years
CH 41
“If it were any warmer, this would be Malibu,” Dave bent to pick up a shell at his feet before looking it over and handing it to Liz.
“What a fresh hell that would be,” she scrunched up her nose and looked down the beach, counting just a few other people with their dogs on the mile long stretch of sand. They were completely alone at the far sound end of the cape and a mild breeze came in off the waves, but it was warm enough to walk barefoot in the sand. Her phone buzzed in her back pocket and she pulled it free.
I’m so sorry. I didn’t know he would go straight to the bar.
She sighed and tapped out a reply to Travis.
It’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting him. We’re cool.
Liz put her phone in her sweatshirt pocket when Dave bumped his shoulder into hers. “Travis says he’s sorry,” she said.
Dave shrugged and looked over her head to the rock sea wall behind her. “If you weren’t in any danger then he has nothing to be sorry for, right? Isn’t that all he signed up for?”
Liz was surprised he understood the situation so well when she barely grasped it herself, “Are you my voice of reason now?”
“I’m just saying that if you have that reaction every time you’re around the guy you’re supposed to be co-parenting with, I’m going to die an early death. A very happy early death, but early all the same.”
She flipped the shell he had given her around her fingers, smiling at his words. “I just wasn’t prepared for it,” she muttered. It wasn’t the sight of Kyle that freaked her out as much as it was him seeing her with Dave. She wasn’t ready to have the ‘who is he to you’ conversation with someone she had been devoted to for an entire decade and she wasn’t even sure what Dave was to her. After the night before, she felt like they had evolved into something more than whatever it was they had in LA, but it had been so long since she had dated that she wasn’t sure what exactly it was. On top of all that, she didn’t know how Kyle would react to her moving on. It had always been Kyle leaving her for someone else that inevitably lasted a couple weeks, maybe a month before he came back and she stupidly let him back in. And Kyle had a bit of a temper when he felt threatened which Liz was really trying to avoid. 
“Is that a ship wreck?”
Dave’s question pulled Liz from her thoughts and she looked up as they approached a point in the cape that reached out into the sea making a natural sea wall between two beaches. The tide was receding, revealing several blackened tree stumps in the water.  
“That’s the ghost forest. We only get to see it when a bad storm comes through,” she turned back to the rock point and looked for any signs of storm damage.
“A shipwreck would have been cooler,” Dave replied, turning away from the waves to put his arms around Liz.
She leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder, “Those tree stumps are 4,000 years old! There’s a wreck just north of here, but a storm is coming.”
Dave looked out to the clear, bright horizon, “I think whoever predicts the weather smokes far too much weed.”
“Give me his number so I can send him some product,” Liz mumbled into his sweatshirt before looking up at him, “For real, we should head back.”
“How the hell did you know a storm was coming?” Dave yelled over the wind as they ran up the steps to her house.
She unlocked the door and hurried inside, rain dripping from her clothes as she flipped on the gas fireplace. “My collarbone was screaming at me,” she grimaced, rubbing her shoulder a bit. “Doesn’t your leg hurt when the weather is about to change?”
“I guess it hurts a little, but I figured it was from walking, you weirdo,” he peeled off his soaked sweatshirt, giving her a quizzical look.
“I was told it’s something to do with the pressure in the air, but I like to think that the guy that my bone graft came from was a meteorologist,” she laughed a little and jumped when large gust of wind crashed against the house.
“You have a dead guy’s bone in your body?”
“That’s what she said,” she grinned and grabbed his sweatshirt from him, crossing the tile floor to the hallway that the laundry room was in.
Twenty minutes later they were bundled into her bed in their underwear, listening to the wind and rain outside while Dave flipped through the channels on the TV.
“Ugh,” Liz grumbled as her face briefly flashed across the screen.
“Ooo what does the outer world have to say about you today?” Dave teased, flipping the channel back. She lunged for the remote, but he held it above his head and out of her reach as video clips of Liz on various red carpets and in interviews played in rapid succession.
After finalizing her divorce in May of last year, she was seen cozying up with several different men throughout the summer…
“Slut,” Liz grumbled sarcastically as a series of candid photos of her in various social situations vaguely near another famous human male appeared.
Ben Affleck
“Producer of the last movie I was in and also, no thank you,” she shook her head, annoyed.
Chris Pratt
“I buy beef from his ranch... not a euphemism.”
Jason Momoa
“Fuck, I wish,” Liz laughed when Dave glared at her.
Aaron Rodgers
“He bought me a drink and I told him Russell Wilson is my favorite quarterback.”
Valentino Rossi
“His interpreter didn’t believe me when I said I ride and I almost fought him.”
The pictures then changed from candids to two separate photos stitched together and Liz rolled her eyes, “Now they’re just grasping.”
Leonardo DiCaprio
“I’ve literally never even met that man.”
Harry Styles
“I… don’t know who that is.”
Pictures of Liz and Johnny at their many Disney premieres scrolled by.
But the actor and sometimes rocker that claimed most of her attention last summer seems to have fallen out of favor for a different rock star…
A grainy cell phone shot of Liz and Josie staring up at the stage at Dave’s show appeared, then immediately changed to a blaring commercial. Liz looked up at Dave, but his eyes were glued to the screen.
“And here I thought my only competition was Radar,” he muttered, flopping back against the headboard.
“Please tell me you don’t honestly believe that dumpster fire of a show,” Liz said, sitting up on her knees beside him.
Dave just shook his head, but he was beginning to fully understand what Taylor had meant about the unwanted media attention. She was a big deal right now, one of the most sought after celebrities and her disappearing from LA the week before the fucking Oscars only made the media more blood thirsty. It wouldn’t be long before they were pounding on his door asking about her.
“That,” Liz jabbed a finger towards the flat screen mounted on her bedroom wall, “is not me. That’s not anybody. They have twenty four hours of air time to fill so they make shit up.”
“I know.”
“So stop looking at me like that.”
He again remained silent as the commercials ended and Liz’s picture popped back up on the screen.
… Colbert seemingly left the Hollywood rebel in the dust while falling into the arms of the ‘Nicest Guy in Rock’
A picture of Liz and Depp on set gave way to a closely cropped version of the picture of Dave and Liz in the hotel lobby before Liz gently took the remote from Dave’s hand.
No sightings of Colbert as Oscar week heats up and sources say she’s hiding out to prepare for her next big role which is already generating Oscar buzz for next year. Here’s hoping the Best Actress favorite appears before they announce her name on the big night.
“I’m quitting the industry,” she said quietly, pressing the mute button.
Dave felt his heart skip a little, “What? Why?”
“I hate it. I hate that,” Liz tilted her head towards the TV, now displaying paparazzi shots of Dave and Liz leaving the show on Saturday, her neck still streaked with red scratches. “I like acting, but it’s not worth it.”
“What about all the projects you have coming up?”
“Most of them are so far out that I can bail without legal consequences, but I have hard commitments to the next three films.”
“And how long will that take?”
“At least a year and a half,” she sighed, leaning back against the headboard next to him. 
“Principle photography starts in London in three weeks on the first one, the other two are in Vancouver.” She looked over at him when he remained silent. “And you? Any big plans?”
“Just my usual post-album depressive state. Taylor, Chris and Nate have other projects lined up, so we’re on hiatus for a bit.”
“You’re breaking my little fan girl heart, Dave,” she cried, clutching her chest with a smile. 
“It’s fine. I’ll take the girls to Disneyland every other day and pretend like it isn’t eating my soul from the inside out.”
“Hey, those soul sucking Disney trips paid for this house!” Liz laughed. She was happy to change the subject, but didn’t like where this was headed. 
Dave looked down at the sheets between them. “I’ll probably write, maybe call Josh and Jones to do something,” he shrugged.
“Dave,” Liz said, suddenly serious, “Are you telling me you’re making another Vulture’s album?”
He looked over at her, a shadow of a smile on his face, “You’ll have to force that one out of me.”
Liz narrowed her eyes at him, “Challenge accepted.” She slid off the bed and disappeared in the walk in closet, returning a moment later and tossing a small bag and lighter onto the sheets next to Dave.
He picked it up and suspiciously eyed the professional packaging, “Selkirk Cannabis Company.”
 She climbed back into bed and sat across from him, taking the bag from his hands and tearing it open. “This is a late season harvest,” she mumbled, slipping the joint between her lips and lighting it. She inhaled slowly before handing it back to Dave.
He stared at it for a moment before laughing a little, “The last time I smoked, Taylor fucking Swift had to come save my ass.”
Liz exhaled sharply with a smile before taking the joint back from him. “I heard about that,” she mumbled, her voice a little raspy from the smoke and crawled up the bed until she was inches from his face. “She’s a customer of mine,” she said, slipping her arm around his neck and taking another long drag.
“She smoked out Bieber that night,” Dave replied distractedly, his eyes focused on her lips. He was fascinated with how she could go from adorable to seductive so quickly.
Liz smiled and dipped her head, shotgunning her drag to Dave. He pulled her closer as soon as their lips met, running his hands up the backs of her thighs.
“I can almost guarantee it was my weed she did it with,” Liz said when she pulled away, smiling when Dave took the joint from her hand.
He took another drag, tasting her vanilla chapstick on the paper and leaned back against the headboard, “So how does one grow good weed?”
Liz shrugged. “Years of trial and error, I guess. It all comes down to sex.”
Dave’s eyebrows shot up and he coughed a little, “What?”
“Female plants produce the bud and what they want is a male plant to send them some pollen, so they produce more sticky resin to try and capture any that might be floating through the air.”
“O… kay?” Dave took another drag, trying to follow along.
“So I did a little experiment in college and found out that if you have a male plant nearby, but not close enough to pollinate, the female plant goes crazy and produces more and more resin. Therefore, sexual frustration equals great product.”
“Very scientific,” he replied, already feeling his head swimming a little.
“If you call a bunch of broke and stoned college kids scientific,” she laughed, watching his eyes close just slightly. “You ready to tell me about that album yet?”
“I’m not saying a word,” he laughed.
“Oh, no?” Liz smiled and took the joint from his hand, leaning over to set it on a glass tray on the nightstand before reaching back and unsnapping her bra. She slowly pulled the straps off her arms, holding the fabric to her chest to keep it from falling, “How about now?”
He grinned and shook his head slowly, relaxing back into the bed. His smile faded as she tossed her bra aside and his hands shot up to touch her, but she grabbed his wrists to stop him. Her slow smile returned and she kissed him lightly before snaking her way down his body. Dave sat perfectly still in Liz’s bed, his eyes wide and staring straight ahead at the fireplace mantle as he felt her hand slip into his boxers and her hot breath against him, “We’re making another Vulture’s record.”
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raavenreyes · 7 years
stars moon sun.
Description: AU where Bellamy is in love with Raven Reyes, and then they both fall for a beautiful grounder girl who really likes plants and has a heart of gold. Takes place between season two and season three. ++ FLUFF. FLUFFY FLUFF FLUFF.
Word count: 3,340 WORDS.
The morning sun shone brightly over the blossoming garden of Arkadia, and Calypso was making her way through tall stalks of corn, harvesting them into a hand-woven basket she had borrowed from her mother. Calypso adored this time in the morning, purposefully getting up a little earlier than all her other workers so she could spend some alone time in the sun with the vegetation.
“Calypso, isn’t it?” A deep voice shook her from her own internal monologue, and she turned to look upon a familiar face, Marcus Kane. She knew him as a father figure to Bellamy, and a leader of the sky people. “Or do you prefer Callie?”
“Callie is fine, sir.”
“Oh please, call me Marcus.” He waved off the formal title. “You seem to have gotten much more comfortable with us. I remember when I first met you, you hid behind Bellamy.”
“I didn’t know much about skaikru outside of Bellamy and Raven,” She explained. “I’m sorry if my actions offended you—”
He shook his head, “No, no, not at all. I understood.” He let out a long sigh, running his fingers through the salt and pepper beard on his chin. “I wanted to speak to you about your relationship with the Commander, with Lexa.” Calypso turned away from him, fingers working at the corn stalk to retrieve some of its fruit. “Raven told me it was a sensitive subject,”
She paused her actions, turning her attention back to him. “Lexa made me a warrior. I have respect for her, faith in her.”
“You’d die for her.” Calypso nodded. “Callie, you have to understand…after what happened at Mount Weather, with Lexa abandoning our people—”
“She didn’t abandon your people, she saved her own.” She corrected him. “There’s a difference.” The woman sent down the basket, crossing her arms over her chest. “Marcus, do you intend to ask me if I’m going to be a threat to the safety of your people?” He bowed his head, fingers pressing against his temples. “I love Bellamy, and I love Raven. They love their people. I would never do anything to hurt them.”
“Some people think that because you’re here, and you still have allegiance to trikru and Lexa, that you might be selling secrets. You have access codes, Callie—”
“Access codes you gave me.” She reminded the man, sticking a finger in his chest. “My allegiance lies to Bellamy and Raven. As long as it does, you have nothing to worry about, Marcus.” She lifted her basket again, settling it on her hip. “And not that it’s any of your business, but Bellamy and Raven asked me to move here and I said yes.”
“Don’t get me wrong, Calypso. I am thrilled that you’re making two people who deserve happiness, extremely happy, but I have to think practically.”
Calypso stroked the leaf of the corn stalk, closing her eyes for a moment. “Your people are safe, Marcus.”
“Thank you.” He nodded. “Enjoy the rest of your day, Calypso.” His eyes lifted, glancing behind her with a nod and Calypso turned, suddenly beaming at the sight of Bellamy making his way through the thick rows of corn towards her.
“You and Kane having a chat?” He asked once the older man was far enough away. Calypso nodded. “Everything okay?”
She thought about telling him, but her tongue refused to move to form the words. Bellamy would get angry, he would amount it to Kane questioning the love Calypso had for him. There would be a confrontation. “Everything is fine, mi hodnes.” She pressed her palm to the side of his face, thumb brushing across his cheekbone. “You look well rested.”
“I am, though it was a bit tough sleeping without you. Raven’s so used to it she left a space in the middle for you.” Her hand travelled lower, pushing into his form with her fingers.
“Bellamy, you’re thinning.” She whispered, setting down her basket and lifting up her shirt. Usually, there was a thick pocket of muscle where she now found bone. It didn’t show much in his face, but she had noticed he had gotten a bit leaner.
“We had a bad month, Abby mentioned we were low on rations. I’m not important—it’s better a kid eats than me.”
Calypso pulled him down towards her, her forehead against his. “Mi hodnes, why do you think yourself expendable?” He didn’t answer her. “You still feel guilty for crimes you were forced to commit.”
“No one forced me to kill—”
“The boy that attacked you and Clarke? Yes, you were forced to defend yourself. It was a good kill. An honest kill, Bellamy.” He kept his head down and she kissed the side of it. “Wait for me by the gates, we’re going to my village.”
“I’ll grab a rover.” He offered and Calypso nodded, and then made her way out of the garden, basket in tow.
[ ~ ]
“Blake, where ya headed?”
“Callie’s village,” Bellamy answered Miller, who leaned casually up against the roll cage. “She’s got supplies she wants to hand over to Arkadia.”
“Everything okay between you three? I’ve been seein’ a lot less of her lately.”
“Yeah…she…yeah, we’re workin’ on it.” He sighed. “Things aren’t bad…we’re just stuck.”
“Come home safe, Blake.”
“Yeah, I will. Hey, Nate, I uh…I’m happy you and Bryan are back together.”
Nate paused, but nodded. “Me too.” He took a couple steps towards Bellamy. “You know I’m um, You know I’m always gonna have love for you, Bell. Always. Infinitely. But…I think we’re both…happy—happier, apart.” Bellamy fell silent, running his tongue over his lips. “Those first couple days on the ground…it was fast, and under covers and we fell in love because we were sure we were gonna die.”
“We lived, though, Nate. We lived.”
“Yeah we did. Now we to continue living—and not in that twisted state of panic where I think I’m gonna lose you at any moment.” He gripped Bellamy’s arm, forcing his gaze to his. “I love you, Bellamy. I’ll always know that, that’ll always be my truth, but I don’t deserve the devotion you give me.” He stepped forward, winding his hands into Bellamy’s hair and releasing a tender kiss upon his lips. “Go get your girl, kid, and take care of that spit fire in the metal shop. Be happy.”
“Yeah,” He nodded. Miller left his side and Bellamy climbed into the driver’s seat, heading out to pick up Calypso who was waiting patiently by the door. “Hey,” He greeted her, offering his hand to help pull her into the cab. Once she was secure, he gave her a smile. But, before they could take off again, there was a knock on the door.
“What, you gonna take off without saying goodbye, Blake?” Raven smirked, hoisting herself up on the bar to reach Bellamy’s height. “Hi, baby.” She told Calypso, which brought a deep, peachy blush to the grounder girl’s cheeks. “You headin’ off to Callie’s village?”
“I figured you were busy, but do you wanna come?”
“Well, you know I love to come.” She teased and he shook his head. “But you’re right, I am busy. I’ll see you at home tonight. Both of you, right?”
“Yes, both of us. Though it might be a bit late.” Calypso nodded, which brought a wide smile to Raven’s face. “Ai hod yu in, Raven.”
“Love you too, babe.” She hopped off the rover and offered a wave as they drove through the gates. Calypso reached over and grabbed Bellamy’s hand, holding it in her lap.
They had driven for a few more moments before Calypso squeezed his hand. “Your mind seems elsewhere,”
Bellamy nodded, eyes constantly searching the tree line for activity that could be either helpful or harmful. “I just got a lot on my mind, baby. That’s all.”
“Talk to me about it.” She requested.
He sighed, “When I came down, I came down to protect Octavia and then…she became part of the hundred. I wanted to protect them all, they were my people, y’know?” Callie nodded, “With Clarke being gone I feel like I failed them, failed her. I couldn’t make her stay.”
Her face fell and she turned her head to stare out of the window. “Did you…did you have feelings for her?”
“No, no,” he whispered. “Never, not—we weren’t like that. We’re friends. Terrible friends sometimes, but friends.” He gave a light, sad chuckle. The rover came to a slow stop outside of Callie’s small cabin and she hopped out first.
Staying at Calypso’s was something Bellamy always enjoyed, it brought him peace, brought him joy. Her home was always warm and glowing from the hearth in the center and the minute he crossed the threshold, he belonged to the silence.
“Are you hungry, my love?” Calypso asked, and he gave a shrug, “I’ll make you something.” Piles of some kind of grain and water were dumped into a pot with various vegetables before she went into her smokehouse and pulled some venison from the racks. As the smell began to fill the house, she settled herself in his lap and kissed his forehead. “You are so troubled for such a young head, Bellamy.” She whispered against his hairline, plush lips against his skin. “Eat, sleep, be calm. You deserve moments of peace in the chaos of life.”
“We all deserve peace. Killers, believers, and warriors. Whether it’s time we take out in our day in life, or waiting until our death, peace finds us all eventually. Either welcome it with open arms or drown in it. Peace is as inevitable as death, Bellamy.”
He stared up at her, and she gazed into twin pools of gold, kissing the space between his dark brows.  “What would I do without you?”
“I think you’d be alright, you’d have Raven.” She chuckled. “The question is, what would I do without you, Bellamy?” She brushed the tip of his nose on his. “I’d be lost.” Calypso lifted off his lap and went back to the kitchen to tend to the food.
Bellamy let silence settle between them for a long while, listening to the sound of the birds outside of the home and Callie humming to herself.
He watched her for a bit, and then spoke up: “Hey, Callie?”
“Hm?” She hummed.
“Arkadia is on its way to being settled. The grounders, they’re…cooperating to a point,” She shot him a look and he held out a hand in defense. “I mean, with Lexa and everything…Clarke being gone, we’ve got some tension.” The man explained as he removed some pieces of his guard uniform for more comfort. “But eventually, we’re gonna be okay. Things will be normal.”
“Eventually,” Calypso nodded.
“When things get normal…I was thinking, me, you and Raven, we could…be normal together.”
“What do you mean?”
“New laws are being written, but—Raven and I have talked about it. We were thinking that we’d…we’d wanna be a family,”
Calypso stopped stirring her pot, warm-toned chocolate hues moving to the man seated in the middle of her living space. “What are you saying?”
“Raven and I decided that when things get settled, we’d…we’d wanna get married.”
“Oh.” Disappointment rolled through her, and she hated that it did. “Well, um, Don carrow flaim lanai.” MAY THE FLAME BLESS YOUR UNION.
 He noticed the disappointment, and backtracked, standing up and crossing the room towards her. “But that was before…before you, Cal.” He explained. “But if…if I married you, you could legally be protected by our government. You’d be a part of our people.” Her eyes met his, and a smile spread across his cranberry lips.
“Bellamy, are you asking me to marry you?” She said softly. “What about Raven?”
“We’ve discussed this, Callie. Raven knows. She doesn’t know I’m asking you now and she’ll probably be really upset with me that I did it without her—and in the middle of your kitchen—she wanted a big ol’ event.” He chuckled. “But she knows. We came to an agreement.”
“You’re asking me to marry you.” She repeated, and light sparkled in her eyes, tucking a lock of her little braids behind her ear. Then, the light faded. “Did you ask Lincoln?”
“Why would I ask Lincoln?”
“He’d ask the same question but in our culture, since he’s the last living male in my family, you have to get his blessing. The General will never allow the marriage if Lincoln hasn’t given his blessing.”
“Well, shit.” Bellamy sighed.
“Why are you upset, mi hodnes? You know he’ll say yes.”
“No, this is different, Calypso. Lincoln and I are friends, the things he’s done for Octavia I could never repay him for but…I’m marrying his—basically his baby sister. If Lincoln asked to marry Octavia I’d knock his teeth out.”
She grew confused. “But…you’re friends.”
“I’m also her older brother.” He sighed. “Marriage is different.”
Calypso placed a top onto the pot. “I have an idea.”
“And what’s that?”
“We’re taking dinner to Lincoln.”
“What makes you think he’s home?”
“He’s home.” She assured him, “Let’s go. It’ll cook in the leftover heat on the way over.” Bellamy lifted the pot off the stove and loaded it into the back of the rover, tying it down before crossing to the passenger side of the rover where Calypso was patiently waiting to be helped into the vehicle. He smiled and placed his hands on her hips, lifting her up into the cab.
It was a short ride to Lincoln’s home, but still too far to walk. The minute the rover pulled up, he came out of his home with a concerned look on his face. “Heya, brod.” Calypso greeted him. HELLO BROTHER.
“Strik won,” He nodded. “Bellamy, what brings you to my home?”
“Bellamy would like to speak to you about something.” Calypso clarified. “I brought dinner. We’ll eat. Is Octavia nearby?”
“No,” He shook his head. “She’s out hunting for Arkadia, she’ll sleep there tonight.” He smiled, “Please, come in.”
Bellamy went to the back of the cab, taking the pot out and bringing it inside. Calypso and Lincoln’s home were similar, but reflected their various interests. Lincoln’s home was a little more structured, more based on use than aesthetics. Calypso loved decorations, but her tools were simple. Lincoln directed Bellamy to set the pot over the hearth, and he let out a grunt once the heavy item was released from his grip. The guard settled in, watching Lincoln and Callie interact for a moment. They pushed each other, teased and when Lincoln pulled Callie’s hair, she cried out in frustration and smacked his arm. Bellamy chuckled.
“So,” Lincoln announced, turning and leaning against his counter top to face Bellamy. “What’s going on?” He asked, and Calypso shifted on her feet. The action caused him to change his posture. “Callie,” He began, “Laik yu kom goufa?” ARE YOU WITH CHILD?
Immediately, the girl shook her head. “No, no, it’s not—it’s not that.” The question brought up the idea once more, that Callie hadn’t given herself to Bellamy yet. Something tugged at her, and she feared that soon Bellamy would grow tired of her seemingly prudish ways.
“I’d like to uh,” Bellamy cut in. “I’d like to ask you for Calypso’s hand in marriage.”
Lincoln pushed his body off the wall and paced around the room for a moment. “Ste disha chit yu des?” IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT? He asked the petite woman before him. “Kalepso?” Her name in Tridasleng always made her focus. It rang with the accent that her mother, her father and all her family before her possessed. Now, Lincoln’s tone had changed to that of an authoritative father rather than the gentle voice of her older brother. Bellamy looked between them in confusion, the switch in language concerning him.
“Sha,” YES. She answered quietly.
“Will she still be able to come into the village?” Lincoln asked Bellamy. “If she marries you, will she still able to come home?” He demanded.
“Of course. I’ll make sure of it.” Bellamy answered. “I’d never want Callie to lose this place, it’s her home.”
“Have you met Calypso’s mother, Bellamy?”
“I um, I haven’t had the pleasure.”
“I will give you my blessing, but only after she gives you hers. Calypso marrying outside of her people will not go over well, especially considering her mother has had her eye on another boy from our village since the two were young.” He sighed. “If she says no, it’s over.”
Bellamy nodded. “Well, we’ll set up a meeting. Maybe she can come to Arkadia and we can show her how we live.”
Calypso shook her head. “No, she’ll never go to that place.” She cut in, “I’ll bring you to my village, but you need to dress in Trikru clothes.”
“Uh, okay.” Nervousness radiated off Bellamy like heat, and it made her sad to think of how much stress she was putting him under for a happy union.
“Yu laik smil?” ARE YOU ARE HAPPY? Calypso asked the older man before her. Lincoln sighed, then a smile spread across his face.
“Octavia will be angry that I knew before her.” He answered. “But yes, I am happy.” Calypso broke out into a grin and jumped into his arms, pulling him close. “I trust you are in capable hands. Bellamy will give you a good life, and later, happy, strong children.”
“They will be lucky to have an ontu like you, Lincoln.”
“Ontu?” Bellamy asked as Callie made her way towards him, wrapping an arm around his back.
“Uncle,” She translated. “Ontu Linkon.” The girl pressed a kiss to Bellamy’s jawline. “Let us eat. We’ll tell Octavia the good news after my mother gives us her blessing.”
Later, the sun had set. The smell of their dinner had faded and the leftovers placed outside for the wild dogs that lingered around Lincoln’s property. They were calm, having been around Lincoln since they were puppies. Abandoned by their mother. Calypso was in Lincoln’s arms in a hammock, sleeping after her large meal while Bellamy sipped on the grounder version of moonshine with Lincoln in silence.
Then, he broke the quiet. “How much older are you than Callie?” Bellamy asked.
“There were forty moon changes in my life before Calypso was born,” He explained. “Three years, about. I remember when she was born. She was a tough seed in her mother’s belly. Constantly kicking, like she wanted to be born running.” He chuckled, smoothing back Calypso’s hair. “A day after she was born, my mother placed her in my arms and said, you will have no brothers or sisters of your own, so the flame gave you a cousin to treat like your sister. She is very small, but a wise soul.” He sighed. “True words, I’d come to find out. She didn’t grow as fast as the other children, but she always found the best hiding places. She knew where the animals we used for meat slept. She was an excellent hunter by the time she was a youngling.”
Bellamy smiled, sipping on his drink. “The first time I saw her I felt like she was looking right into me, like I had to be careful of what I was thinking because she could see my thoughts.”
“That knowing gaze she inherited from her father,” Lincoln explained. “Some say he could find a thief just by looking at him, that his eyes could draw out a confession from a mute.” He sighed, “I am happy she has found peace with you and Raven.”
He leaned back in his chair, staring at the sleeping girl. “I think it’s the other way around. Raven and I found peace when we found her.”
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team-adults-blog · 7 years
Hi friends. I haven’t written since Ep 4.07. And then I didn’t want to write them all individually, so here are the highlights of the season, broken down by character. I waited until after the finale to see if any of my issues would be resolved. Would not recommend reading in one sitting. Below is 6,750+ words (10 pages single spaced in word) and some tangents. Please don’t read it in one sitting, I’m sure you have better things to do.
Warning: A higher emotion to jokes ratio.
This gets pretty critical. I loved the first half of the season, but the second half was hit and miss.
Octavia (? /+)
Wowwieee what an arc. Wasn’t sure exactly where she was going the whole time, but I generally enjoyed the ride.
Kane’s body guard. Fight with Dad!Kane. Pushed off a cliff. Ilian. Still have mixed feelings about Ilian. INDRA LOVE.
I’m happy she got to talk to Bellamy in the finale, but of course, after trying and failing to tell each other they loved one another all season, the radio cuts out, preventing it again. Typical. It still hurt. But then it hurts that much more after when Clarke doesn’t get to talk to Abby.
I like the reluctant leadership role Octavia finds herself in a lot. She acknowledges she’s not a natural leader like her brother or Clarke, but she’s being pushed to lead anyway. Indra’s council that all leaders have help/ a team is so so so so so so so so important for O to realize. She’s not entitled or arrogant like Jaha. She’s strong and humble and it will make her a great leader. I’m also glad she’s like a queen or emperor or whatever and not heda or commander. It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new life. And they’re feeling [claustrophobic.]
And this old world is a new world and a bold world for me- would have been another appropriate lyric to throw out, but it lacks a joke and is not as obvious a reference. Same song btw.
Indra (+)
Indra had a fantastic season. I loved the depth her character got and like whoa! Daughter! Lets go back and rewatch S1-3 with this knowledge as we look at how she interacts with Octavia. I need to talk about 4.10’s conclave because holy bajobie. Such good acting. Much emotion. Give Adina Porter a series regular role. Why the hell did they make Roan a series regular when he just died. SHE DESERVES MORE. SHE IS INCREDIBLE. Ok so. We got Indra rebuilding a relationship with her estranged daughter, who have different ideas of faith and leadership. We get serious Octavia mentorship. Her conversation with Kane when he’s telling her that if Octavia makes it out of the conclave it’ll all be because of her and he’s thankful and also like I miss you, we were friends. And She’s like… you can have multiple mentors that teach you different things. And also I hope she’s ok too. We can try and be friends again. Then boom. Guess who ruins it? Fricking Thelonious Jaha. Kindra better have rebuilt in that time gap. I need them to be friends again. Plus they’re both really important influences and mentors to Octavia so they WILL interact, even if they’re disagreeing. I’d like to see that too. Show me the friendship rebuild. I need it.
Gaia (+)
From the first moment she was on screen I said, I don’t know her, but I love her. And then I found out she’s Indras BLOOD daughter. Not adopted. BLOOD. Her face is so expressive. I would love to see where S5 takes her. She’s obvs in the bunker, right?
Ilian (eh)
A generally nice boy. He took Octavia home to meet the parents…that was a poor joke, but not bad enough that I feel the need to remove it. I can feel cringes already. He helped O out of some bad situations and helped her grow. I wasn’t a fan of the cave sex, but I think I get where it came from. I still have no idea how he blew up the Ark without being stopped. He was a decent one season character. OH. It was nice in his first ep that we got to see the destruction A.L.I.E. caused on a more personal level for the grounders. While Ilian’s story can’t represent the experience of all grounders who became chipped, it does a good job of letting the viewer see the devastation she caused. By feeling sorrow for this grounder family, you can imagine that multiplied across all the clans and boom. Lots of sadness all over the coalition.
Echo (+)
She may have done some pretty messed up things but I’m still loving her. I loved her when she and Bellamy met. I was thinking, “wow we get another badass warrior woman. This show is great.” Then she helped blow up Mount Weather and I was all. “I don’t know if I can still love her… I still want to and sort of do, but I don’t know if I should.” She made sure Bellamy wasn’t inside though, you’ve got to give her credit for that. AND THEN. She wants to be buds with Bell and he’s all like. You’re a frickin spy and you killed my girlfriend. I can never trust you. And her face falls and I’m like oh, Echooooo. Someday you’ll be buds or more. In the conclave she’s a sneaky little cheater which I want to be mad at, but it was so smart and she was just trying to save her King. Her face falls AGAIN and you get where she’s coming from. She’s exhiled. King ded. Riding in to save Bell/ sneakily following him to try and find safety. One cool grounder. I really like her. I’m glad she made it into space because that will be really cool for future plotlines/ flashbacks while she’s learning how everything works.
Roan (eh)
Everything he does makes sense for his character. Most of the conflict in the 4A storyline comes from a lack of/poor communication between him and skaikru. Banishing Echo was just, but you died 5 min later and without her Azgeda literally has no clear leader. He was p cool but not my fave. They could have explored his backstory a lot more and gone in some interesting directions had they chosen to.
Clarke (?)
-a little confused?
-I get her plans fall through at every turn
-bellamy? You’re worth something to me. She saves bellamy in the rover/ tank scene. Then at some point Jaha’s influence becomes more important. Jaha potential mentorship made for interesting parallels, and made me actually a little interested in Jaha. But then he screws her over with the bunker.
She shoots at Bellamy?!?!?! But only a warning shot. And then 30 min later she’s forgiven? Man he must really love you.
Finale: wow lots of emotional Bellarke. Wowieeee. Ofc Clarke goes to the tower. Ofc she lives. But. How? How much food was left in the lab? Assuming they actually left enough for Raven, was it 5 years’ worth? How did the bunker get buried in rubble and ash (I know it was in the temple) but Becca’s lab stay perfectly fine AND sealed? It survived the first time, and has medical equipment so Clarke could treat her radiation poisoning. HOWEVER. She should have had some scars 6 years and 7 days later. What is Clarke dying her hair with? It’s really cute that she talked to Bellamy all that time to stay sane. He gave her hope. That’s really nice.
With some kid named Maddie (spelling?) now. How’d that happen? And she’s a nightblood? I’m sure this will all be explained to me so I’m not going to spiral here.
Bellamy (+)
What a great season for Bellamy. He gets emotional fixing from S3, emotional development with his sister and Kane and Clarke. He was an absolute hero in the finale. That was prime Bellamy. Holy cow was that his episode. Sure Clarke was doing things too but. Wow. He talked to Octavia, sad. He comforted Raven. He comforted Echo. He was on fiaahhh. Very happy with his season. We need a new name for this season- Bellamarie or Bernie or something that shows his growth.
Murphy & Emori (+)
Good teamwork. Glad Murphy is happy with his gal.  Glad they’re both alive and in space. He’ll be the fun conflict/ complaining guy up on the Ark but still do what needs to get done. Emori is going to learn to trust these 6 other people and then no one else. I’m here for it.
Nate Miller (+)
He got rid of that trash that is Bryan. Bryan bugged Miller’s jacket in S3 or did y’all forget? Bryan wanted to let everyone die on the trip to Azgheda. Nate deserves better. He GOT better. Jackson is pure and morally right most of the time and is just way way better.
David Miller (+)
So he gave into the masses and shocked Kane. He understands mob power and mentality, but I thought they were buds. It hurt a little, but I see why he did it.
Father son guard duty was awesome.
Sacrificing for Nate was heart wrenching. I want more of the Millers.
I became strangely attached to his character after he interrupted Kabby’s reoccurring eye sex back at the start of S3. Also if you read about the casting of the millers it will break your heart even more. (link) this was all I could find in a 2 min search, but they’re really tight and it’s lovely.
Raven (+)
-so so so happy Sinclair came back in 4.11. I love him. So so much. We deserved more of him. When I saw Allesandro Juliani’s name on the opening guest credits (and not having watched any promos) I was so excited. Guys. He had a wife that I never got to meet. Will we ever get to meet her??? Abby’s already adopted Raven but you can never have too many adopted parents. I adopt them all the time. You don’t have to tell them. It’s fine. They need a good kid like me to look after. I’m cry if I keep thinking about Cindy, who was too young to actually be my mom, but was my high school mom all the same. But cooler. And with fun verb songs. Kay now I’m cryin about my Spanish teacher brb y’all. (I actually was for the record)
Ok. Back to Sinclair and Raven. Everything was beautiful. He validated her for her, not just for her super mind. That love and support was just so lovely because raven only sees herself as valuable if she can contribute with her brain. The tank scene where they touched the glass? I know that’s also common for love and hope in prison glass/grate scenes but like. Ian directed this ep. It was not a coincidence. Not at ALLLLLLLLLL. Especially with DNR written on Jasper’s hand held up to the glass. And we know Kane trying to open the bunker was a deliberate call-back to the hatch because the writers tweeted it. At this time I would like to thank Bailey and Peter for telling me I would like Lost so that I may make these connections. The ep was great because of all the emotionnnnn (4.11). Sinclair deserved better.
her surprise at the delinquents returning/ Bellamy hugging her is another emotional stab at my heart.
Raven Reyes is one bamf and I love her with all of my heart. I’m so happy she got to spacewalk, and it was really sweet Clarke figured out why she was happy about that.
Jackson (+)
Oh my gosh Jackson got a first name and a boyfriend this season and I’m so happy for him! Honestly, he delivers a lot of “the viewer needs to know this so we’ll give the lines to Jackson as him talking to Abby,” so it was really nice to see him get some development. Jackson, Nyko, and David Miller were characters that I was happy to see getting lines and screen time. Now all I have is Jackson. I’m considering getting attached to Costa but he just stands there so. Maybe not.
Nyko (-)
Nyko sacrificing himself for Luna was ok when it was for the greater good and all that, but with how Luna’s story ended up being, I wish he’d just lived. It wouldn’t have been as meaningful if someone else had died, but she doesn’t do anything that makes him dying for her worth it. It just makes me sad.
Luna (-)
I understand Luna’s resentment of being used for her nightblood. However, I don’t completely follow her path to wanting everyone to die. All of her people died, so there’s pain there, but Luna was supposed to have turned her back on violence, despite being good at it. The shift from I am reluctantly helping you (when Raven convinces her and Nyko dies) to I hate this one group of people so much I have now changed my perspective on the human race that they are all terrible and need to die. If I have to spend significant time retracing Luna’s story in my mind to try and figure out how she got to this point, the writers aren’t doing their job in tying episodes together and making her arc progress logically. I’m a nerd. I’m willing to take the time and try and figure it out. But really? Luna could have entered the conclave with the idea to share the bunker, which would have made sense to me? But then Octavia wouldn’t be able to have that growth. So. I don’t really know. Generally disappointed.
I will say, I love a good parallel or call back. When Ariana (that kid who came to Arkadia with Luna and Nyko back when Flokru died) was dying, she said something like “from the water we are born to the water we return.” When she said it again as she drowns Roan it was so cool. I’m sorry for Roan and all, but it was a cool variation of yu gonplei ste odon which all the other grounders seemingly say. I find both expressions pleasing because of the ability to shift their meaning based on tone and context. Mercy and comfort vs basically die bitch. Love it.
Kabby (+++, End--)
Kabby, as a unit, because these characters are more than their relationship. Holy cow. 4.01: we see guilt and forgiveness and love and a face caress in front of Clarke, who we see is cool with it, but also a little sad. 4.02: SEX BA-BEEE. Jake’s rings. Heart eyes. Then Abby takes the rings off- off camera. Which is not super cool because we didn’t get to see her make that decision, but they just had sex and I will pick my battles. Hug. Abby returns to go where she can be useful. I LIKED THIS because it recognized they are individuals with different skill sets and allows them to have plotlines and conflicts of their own. Abby is not just hanging around Polis and all those grounder strangers and popping onscreen to be Marcus’ girlfriend lady. I respect the separation. I HATED THIS because it separated them. Which meant less kabby scenes because they were not in the same physical location. The walkie scenes warmed my heart. That was beautiful. BUT THEN. They were apart. For ten episodes. Ten. There were thirteen total episodes in the season. They were together for three. I know Clarke’s story is the A plot darling and more important and I accept that. But her narrative and decision making process was all over the place this season and I do NOT accept that I was denied a reunion scene after Kane and Abby were apart for ten. Episodes. And then completely left out of the finale. It’s disrespectful and rude. To the characters and their storylines, which now have unanswered questions (to follow below) and a 6 year time gap. We’d better get some fucking flashbacks or something because last time there was only a THREE MONTH time gap and the emotional consequences of Mount Weather was mishandled or brushed off until Bellamy had to get a redo to fix the shitshow that was his S3 this past season. I have concerns.
Abby (started off +, end of season MAJOR--)
Kabby amazingness at the beginning and then Abby getting her own plotlines was super satisfying. I had some issues with Abby and medical ethics, but SO DID SHE! Those are hard questions to grapple with and I’m not mad at her for anything she did there. She got talked into a lot of the questionable things she did- which is good in that I can defend her to these assholes, but not good in that she was able to be talked into a morally grey decision. Abby and Raven were great. As they always have. Even when they fight and I have to explain the fight and why it’s ok to someone who will continue to say, “Whatever. I still hate Abby.” You’re entitled to your opinion, but it’s wrong. Kids these days don’t want to empathize with the adult and try to see things from their perspective. Ofc Abby doesn’t want Clarke putting herself in danger. She’s her MOM. Ofc kids identify with Clarke. But take a sec and try to understand where the other person is coming from too. Abby and your own parental unit. Sympathy and empathy are important. I don’t want anymore “oh I didn’t think of it that way.” Once you’ve considered Abby’s side of conflict, and you decide you still don’t like her (and not just to make me mad), that’s totally fine. You can feel that way, Z.
Didn’t like that Clarke and Abby were in the same room and not talking to each other? Yeah, idk.
Freeing Bellamy was awesome.
Not telling Kane about being sick- I have conflicting opinions. On one side, she’s sick and doesn’t think she can do anything about it, so don’t worry Kane until you’re together. They haven’t really had alone time since they reopened the bunker, so are we surprised she didn’t tell Kane yet? Not really. Then there’s the “don’t worry anyone at all by keeping it a complete secret” method. By keeping it a secret, you don’t have to face it full on. Your loved ones don’t know, so they don’t treat you any differently. I don’t know if this is super common or just in my head, but with cancer, it’s not uncommon for parents not to tell their kids that they’ve been diagnosed until they’re in later stages and showing symptoms? Alternatively, if their relationship is as solid as it is in my heart, there’s no real reason to keep her illness from Kane. He’s hurt, but aside from her own fear and denial, there’s no real reason for omission.
UNLESS. She’s not sick. Hear me out- Raven is having multiple seizures each day, and Abby began having hallucinations around roughly the same time. So if the illness was affecting them the same way, she ought to be symptomatic. Unless she’s not? It could be affecting her differently. But there were other people in the lab who know about Abby, and I have faith in Jackson that he can be subtle, but how did he avoid spilling the beans in front of Kane before Raven? Abby is his fam and you know he’s gonna be checking up on her even if he does have a super cute new relationship. So that means Abby isn’t progressing with her illness at the same speed Raven is, which is plausible, but she apparently hasn’t had a seizure or any other issue since the one hallucination. So I’m feeling the Clarke with radiation was a dream. BUT Jackson did a scan back in the lab, which is how we know she’s sick, so how do we explain that away? Why even bring up the fact that Abby is still sick and that Kane didn’t know, just to LEAVE THEM BOTH OUT OF THE FINALE AND NEVER ADDRESS THE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS OF: 1) how will Abby get better? 2) how will Kane and Abby deal with the fallout of a secret?
We don’t know. We time jumped 6 years and 7 days and don’t know. Flashbacks are the only solution.
Deciding to die? Let’s tear that apart. It happened right after David Miller wrote Nate’s name down, sacrificing himself. Abby’s feeling hella guilty, but I blame Jaha for making her feel like shit. Abby is the most hopeful, stubborn character on the show, and it felt a little out of character for her to decide she wanted to die, straight out. Not sacrifice herself for someone else. If the sickness and the guilt are supposed to be the motivators I’m still not convinced Abby wanted to die. Maybe just me. This scene was awesome for Kane, great writing, but Abby was just there for him to be a great character off of? A little confused.
Kane (++/eh)
I would like to start calling him Marcus at this point but I think that would make everyone uncomfortable?
Sillyness first: SHIRTLESS TWICEEEEEEEE. Ok done. Kane could not catch a freakin break. Abby leaves, which sucks but it’ll be ok. Then his daughter starts causing trouble and he has to ground her, but she dies on the way and he’s thrown in jail with his son. But they find out she’s ok. A little awk talk with stepdaughter Clarke (pre-clack phase) is a momentarily nice, but then no one wants to listen to him and he’s right about everything, but what use is that when no one will follow you? What’s a being to a mob? Jaha ruins everything (again) right when he had helped get Octavia back on track. He’d just started to fix things with his bff Indra too. Everything comes crashing down.
Like Jackson, Kane said things that were advicy but in character, but that maybe weren’t always merited? I don’t know how to explain it, but there were times when it felt like the show was going HEY. MORALS. HEY. THIS IS IMPORTANT. But Kane’s saying it so it’s THEME important instead of the viewers need these deets, Jackson tell ‘em, son. After the diplomat stuff early on, I’m not really sure what Kane as supposed to be doing? He was just sort of there in a leadership role, saying these wise things. Which he did beautifully, I might add. But he didn’t have a clear story going with all the worry and distress he went through. Unless that in itself was the point? Looping back to the issue of being right vs being an effective leader- if Kane and Jaha were being presented in that light I get it but there ought to have been more?
Dad!Kane was fantastic. Lots of hugs. I’m happy with this side of his character. Beautiful and emotional acting. Ian is my fave forever.
Jaha (-)
How dare you bring up Jake. It’s NOT the same situation. And Clarke? Was? Standing? Right? There? Rude. Abby told Jaha about Jake thinking she was talking to a friend. She ain’t yo friend no mo. She thinks you’re an insane but charismatic leader. Marcus was a good man. Damn right! I was screaming HE STILL IS SHE’S GONNA SAVE HIM! And then Abby gets to say the predictable and extremely exciting He still is. And then stab him. Justice. The entire world cheered. She should have stuck him with something more lethal, but that’s not who Abby Griffin is, and I respect that.
Jaha is a dick and I hope he died in the S4/S5 time gap. But I would also like to see his death. Is that too harsh? Ok so. Jaha as Clarke’s leader was interesting when I thought he was relating to her, and I was on board to explore where that would go. We know they would have had a past relationship on the Ark, and an actual personal one because of Wells at that. But all he wasn’t a positive guiding figure for her. He made her hate herself. He made Abby hate herself. He made Kane hate himself. But get this: He made them hate themselves by putting the blame for HIS OWN IDEAS AND ACTIONS ONTO THEM. He has no soul. He takes zero responsibility for what he did on the Ark, or Allie, moving into the bunker or like. Suggesting the lottery system. He says it, even if he didn’t think it was a good idea, at the Clarke and list incident in Arkadia. He RESUGGESTS it in the bunker in 4.12, only to go “Marcus, this is a shit idea, we can’t do that. They’re already about to riot. How can you make them stop?” Thelonious frickin Jaha. This was your idea. You moved these people into the bunker. YOU are the reason they are comfortable and just got used to the idea of surviving and now it’s being taken away. Marcus Kane had NOTHING to do with that. Don’t you put that evil on [his soul], Ricky Bobby. And you also TOLD the dude with the kid to fight against the grounders- which would get EVERYONE kicked out of the bunker if they lost (which ofc they would) according to Octavia’s rules. Everything that’s going wrong right now is your fault.
I have some serious issues with his wardrobe. The monk hood was a little silly, but I preferred that to the forever 21 boob shirt he was rocking for the second half of the season. If you’re going to wear a chesty shirt, go on and show some cleavage, Jaha. Don’t wear a shirt under it. They should have just left him in the normal zip up from 4.01. He looked normal. It was nice.
We loved to hate him, but now that he’s making everyone feel bad about themselves, good riddance. Be gone foul demon.
How the show talks about/writes/deals with death
Killing main characters is good for keeping viewers on the edge of their seat with the knowledge that no one is safe. With warring factions, plague, and radiation, we’d be fools to think that any character (aside from Clarke, probably) is completely safe. Grey’s Anatomy has killed-off a huge number of their cast when actors decide to leave the show, so I’m super used to the concept and also super worried all the time. SPOILER: I was so worried they were going to kill Stephanie instead of writing her off the show, but they didn’t. Her exit was strong and hopeful and I’m v. emo about it. However, Shonda Rhimes and the Grey’s writers, at least I hope and think, have learned that killing characters for dramatic effect and because you’re running out of plot ideas, so let’s just kill someone is poor writing. Thus the last few main and secondary characters to leave the show have been write-offs instead of kills. It’s more fulfilling. Still, in the setting of the 100, it makes more sense for characters to die than to disappear into the background. Yet when killing characters, writers have to be careful about the message they’re sending.
Lexa and Lincoln both had deaths that upset the fandom because of the real-world context fans are living in. The show got a lot of backlash for the killings and gay-baiting with Lexa appearing in the finale. Plot wise, Lexa was badass and really interesting as a character past the love relationship with Clarke; her relationships with Indra and Kane, and her role as commander and a peace broker were much more interesting to me. However, her character development was inconsistent- she died fighting for peace and “blood must not have blood” which, come on, they could have come up with a new catchy slogan, but then pops up in the C.o.L. all slashy and war-time-killing-machine-Lexa. Lincoln’s fall-out was because the show was killing another P.o.C. when white characters had been in near-death situations and survived.
Because of the blacklash, the show brought up the two again, giving them some respect and saying that their deaths still affect the characters. BUT. I liked that they did this, more-so with Lincoln because it felt so important for Octavia’s character development, saying “look where you’re headed, is this who you want to be? This isn’t who Lincoln would want you to be.” Which worked well, provided the characters saying those lines to her actually knew him at least a little. Abby talking to Clarke about Lexa was perfect and sufficient for her respects because it shows Abby accepting her daughter as Bi and Clarke’s pain over lost love.I don’t really get how Niylah and Lexa would have met, but Clarke being able to talk to her about Lexa was good, I just wish Niylah did something outside of that “support Clarke” role for most of her scenes.
BUT. Maybe I’m cynical in thinking that the only reason Lexa and Lincoln are brought back up is because of the backlash, but other characters have been completely forgotten. Pike is mentioned a bit, but no one got super attached to him over his villain-arc and redemption episode that came too late in the season to gain him much sympathy. Monty’s mom, on the other hand, would have played significantly into Monty’s character development, but is never mentioned (?) Monty tells Clarke that she’s not the only messed up one, which is sort of him saying that he’s going through grief of killing his mom. Twice. But he’s apparently fine other than the one fight he has with Clarke over the List™, which was actually more about his part in Mount Weather than his mother. Hannah Green has not been mentioned since her death.
Which leads me to serious concerns about how Jasper’s death has been and will be handled…
Jasper (major -)
So this is where shit’s gonna get real for a few minutes. This plotline hurt me. The whole season I was thinking, “I hope Jasper doesn’t die like this. I’m ok with him dying, but not like this.” I didn’t want Jasper to commit suicide. His narrative has gone from goofball to grief to depression and if you’re telling me the only end to depression is suicide- on one of my favorite shows- I have a problem with that. I have an even bigger problem with Jasper being semi-responsible for a mass suicide pact.
I don’t think showing serious topics such as suicide is wrong; a show representing real emotional and mental thought processes is good. But they cannot drop the ball and not face the real world consequences of showing that story in a way that doesn’t deal with Jasper’s story after he’s dead. His story isn’t over just because he’s not on screen, and that’s an important message the writers need to show. I need to see how fucked up Jasper’s death leaves Monty. My point is, it’s important to see how killing yourself doesn’t end the pain. Let Monty be mad. Let him be hurt. Let him be upset. But show us it. Don’t tell me that he went through his grief process in space and is now A-ok. We need to see it. Otherwise. Jasper’s death has no emotional consequences- like Fox or Monroe, except that he was a main character and needs to have consequences.
This season was so dark. If Jasper’s death doesn’t come back in the emotional ways Lincoln and Lexa’s were, and instead is relatively forgotten like Hannah Green, showing that storyline was irresponsible. Don’t make people hurt just for the dramatic effect of it and then treat that hurt like its meaningless.
Harper (-)
If Harper is meant to be the opposite of Jasper in that she decided to live, and is the “hope” character, or the character that came close and then realized not wanting to live is different from wanting to die, I see what the writers were going for, but they failed. Here’s why: Harper has only functioned as a love interest for most of the season. In S3 she was working for Kane with Nate Miller and it was awesome. S4 has her going down a dark path, which it perfectly believable any one of her plotlines from the start could turn someone dark: crash-landing as a delinquent, being drilled in Mt. Weather, being around for all the darkness of S3 plot, and leaving the guy to be trampled. So I understand how she got here, I just don’t like that we’ve only seen it through her interactions with Monty. Let her be a person outside of the relationship too. So my issue with Harper is more of a Monty issue. We don’t get to see Harper making the decision not to drink the tea. We see her say “I love you” back to Monty, which as its own story independent of everything else happening would be fine. She realized she wanted to live. Good. However, when she said it wasn’t the right time on Monty’s side. His best friend just killed himself in front of him. He’s afraid his girlfriend has killed herself too, which would amplify the pain he’s already experiencing. Harper’s fine on her own, but when I compare her to Jasper (as I’m thinking I should) I hate her storyline because it didn’t fully get to the level it needed to. Monty tried much harder to be there for Harper, which could happen, but it pisses me off because Jasper is his best friend and you don’t abandon that just because you’ve got a girlfriend.
Monty (-)
Sometimes it’s hard to be sympathetic when you can’t empathize at all in the situation. Monty cannot imagine what Harper/Jasper’s going through, and that’s hard on both of them. It’s frustrating not to understand. I’ve been Monty, hating someone for “not trying hard enough” when they were just doing their best to stay alive. I’ve been Jasper too. It sucks to know you’re a mess, but you can’t explain it to make someone who hasn’t been where you are to understand. It’s frustrating to see how you’re affecting people you care about, but you can’t stop being the way you are.
We didn’t get to see Monty deal with the death of his mother. We need to see how he deals with Jasper’s death. Or if they decide not to flashback in S5, we need to see that the death of his best friend has changed him. I’m worried that the show will glaze over it or say Monty’s ok because he had Harper to help him get through it. Jasper’s death has to have real consequences for Monty so that we see how suicide affects the ones you leave behind for both Monty’s development and to make Jasper’s death mean something on the show. He could have died in the black rain if they didn’t want to carry the emotional weight of suicide and upset viewers and they should have thought that through.
Why I’m glad Bryan was written off instead of killed (+)
The whole gay-killing would have been worse after Lexa, even though I predicted his death. Good on them for writing him off. Bryan and Miller had important, basal, essential differences. The show demonstrated how you can love someone, but can’t be with them because of irreconcilable differences. If there had been more time to show the emotional fall-out from their break-up, it probably would have been clearer that it was actually a break-up…
Predictions made back at the start and how they worked out
 My death predictions were Bryan or Harper dying. I didn’t want Harper to die, and I saw problems with Bryan dying, so I’m glad he was written off instead. 
 I got tired of writing and stopped. I didn’t proof read this.Trying to remember 6 episodes worth of stuff was hard. Never again.
Kabby baby 2k17// Radiation + 6 years and 7 days. Make it so. Or like. Give them that little boy Jaha has no business acting as a guardian for. I maintain that Wells was good despite his father/ because he didn’t like the coldness of Thelonious, not because he was a good father to Wells. I’d prefer they take that child.
I cannot believe you read this whole thing. You are a very nice person for doing so.
If Kabby is not together is S5 I will no longer be watching the show because on/off relationships make for annoying writing and in reality probs unhealthy relationships. Do better writers. No Ross/ Rachel. No MerDer (But that actually was ok because it wasn’t forever and then they had real issues to work through which was good). More Jim/Pam. Ben/Leslie. Coach and Tami Taylor. Time man/ Penne. Time man and Penne x infinity tbh. Can Sonya guest star on the 100? Please?
Happy Hiatus.
My attention turns to GoT: Ser Jorah and Petyr (Bae)lish.
Hopes: Daniel Portman keeps his real life facial hair because I would like Pod even more
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flauntpage · 6 years
How Khabib Nurmagomedov Smashed Conor McGregor
Surprisingly, Conor McGregor didn’t play the part of the evasive fighter on Saturday night. Lateral movement and evasion has always been the most logical way to undo a strong grappler and force them to stay in striking range longer. But in spite of every bit of nonsense outside of the ring, Conor McGregor has always been a man of his word in the cage and he came out ready to push the pace on McGregor as he has to wilt every other fighter he’s met spare Nate Diaz. McGregor moved forward immediately and Khabib Nurmagomedov looked to be flummoxed by this early on. After a left hand grazed the wrestler and the crowd erupted, Nurmagomedov escaped the fence and dived on a long, low shot.
Papa Nurmagomedov’s Shot
Just before Andrey Koreshkov vs. Douglas Lima met a couple of weeks ago we discussed the high crotch and its role in MMA. In grappling, the threat of the guillotine is a stern one, and in wrestling trying to use the high crotch without being able to switch off to the double can result in a struggle as the opponent attempts to butt drag himself up towards the shooter’s back. Yet Khabib Nurmagomedov’s own father has explained the family philosophy on the high crotch which (in this translation at least) he calls “the beginning of the alphabet.” Shooting with the head on the outside and only attempting to pick up one leg keeps the fighter away from his opponent’s uppercut and rear knee. In that very first low shot, McGregor timed a knee but had to awkwardly angle it across himself as he tried to track Nurmagomedov’s head.
The two men went into a spiral as McGregor chased Nurmagomedov’s back until Nurmagomedov could switch off to a double leg, immediately driving McGregor into a seated position against the fence and grape-vining his legs.
Every subsequent Nurmagomedov shot either went straight to the head outside position, or began with a faked shot to the middle and ducked to the outside when McGregor tried to counter.
McGregor managed to keep himself relatively safe and conserve his energy through the first round—mainly by refusing to try to fight his way up—but in the second round the order of things was turned on its head. The awkward, spasmodic flailer from Dagestan bobbled around, feinted, and stepped in with a swing from behind him which caught McGregor pulling back and sent him stumbling.
Equally surprising was McGregor’s ability to keep himself safe on the ground when stuck in the seated position along the fence. Where Edson Barboza and Michael Johnson immediately began working their way up and found themselves getting battered and laid down on a trapped arm, McGregor got caught in that usual Nurmagomedov leg mount position but protected his hands and hips well, also managing to prevent Nurmagomedov from landing those unique leg mount uppercuts.
Preventing the Bodylock
In "Six Key Questions in Conor McGregor Vs. Khabib Nurmagomedov" we referred to the importance of securing the bodylock for the Dagestani:
“The bodylock is the difference: if he gets it, Nurmagomedov will be sagging his weight on McGregor and throwing him around when he wants to. If Khabib cannot get the bodylock or strike effectively he is forced to drop for more traditional takedown attempts on the legs and those are the ones that can be more readily punished with elbows, limp legs, switches and so on. McGregor himself tends to favor those almost-downward elbows and that is the key difference along the fence: upper body takedowns remove McGregor’s power, lower body takedowns give him weapons to strike with.”
In the instances that McGregor wasn’t quickly bundled to the floor off a shot, or when he was able to work his way up along the fence, he made a concerted effort to control Nurmagomedov’s left hand. Often he did this by keeping his left hand inside and across his body so that he could work two hands on one. When Nurmagomedov went to change level and work on a leg, it became clear that McGregor was hoping to start elbowing and Nurmagomedov would bring his head back up.
For three rounds McGregor prevented that bodylock from occurring but Nurmagomedov found his spots. At one point he was able to draw the elbow out of McGregor and immediately linked his hands between McGregor’s legs, hitting Randy Couture’s favorite pick up at the crotch and kicking out McGregor’s other leg.
In many respects this fight mimicked McGregor’s bout with Chad Mendes which is perhaps the best of McGregor the fighter even if it isn’t the best of McGregor the technician. In that fight McGregor’s timing was off and he was blasted with right hands and rag-dolled from the opening, but he kept working, kept the pace high, and simply outlasted Mendes. Against Nurmagomedov, McGregor seemed to fight with the same stubbornness while it was all going wrong, but the fight was marred by a willingness to flagrantly violate the rules. Illegally kneeing Nurmagomedov’s head on the mat, using his toes in the fence, grabbing the fence with his hands, grabbing a fistful of Nurmagomedov’s shorts to stop his level changes—everything except eye gouges and groin strikes seemed to be present.
By the end of round three, Nurmagomedov was losing his temper. In a clinch, McGregor held the inside of his glove—preventing the bodylock that they both knew was pivotal. Nurmagomedov pulled back to land punches, his glove still being clearly held, before pressing back in, whereupon McGregor landed yet another downward elbow to the back of the head. As Nurmagomedov pressed into McGregor, the Irishman’s digits clearly buried in the cuff of his glove, he alerted Herb Dean, who continued to do nothing.
No one knows quite what has happened to Dean. He drew attention a few weeks back when he seemed willing to let C. B. Dollaway get beaten to death, but in this fight he verbally acknowledged almost every foul McGregor committed and acted on none of them. Then consider Robert Byrd’s laughable performance as McGregor literally hammer-fisted the back of Floyd Mayweather’s head multiple times. It seems as though when it comes to the biggest fight of the year, refs are desperate to not involve themselves in the outcome by taking a point. As an authority figure, Herb Dean was completely flaccid at UFC 229 and McGregor was allowed to run wild as a result.
The Striking
Khabib Nurmagomedov might stick his chin up in the air and swing wildly when he strikes, but he was surprisingly sharp against McGregor. No, it wasn’t beautiful, but he showed a real awareness of everything he had to worry about. The McGregor body kicks and long lefts to the body still landed, and did their part in slowing Nurmagomedov down, but when it came to the mythical left hand Nurmagomedov seemed undaunted and well practiced.
Nurmagomedov struck the balance between feinting and actually stepping in. This is such a fine line to walk but it is the secret to besting a good counter striker. Feint too much and attack too little, and they aren’t going to buy the feints. Attack too often or have your feints look nothing like your actual attacks and you’re just going to eat counters. Nurmagomedov showed the right amount of courage to step in and fire, and then the right amount of guile to use feints to have McGregor back-skipping and swinging at air. The most important part of the outside fighting seemed to be Nurmagomedov’s head. And we’re not just talking about his head movement—which was surprisingly decent throughout.
Study the peculiar nod that Nurmagomedov uses when he steps in to punch or to attempt takedowns. It looks like a goofy tell that a wrestler—desperately trying to learn the striking game— has kept in spite of coaching. Yet it was a tell that McGregor fixated on. Every time Nurmagomedov threw his head forward he got a response out of McGregor.
When Nurmagomedov jabs he tends to lift his chin up in the air. This has most of us cringing and thinking of how it could go wrong. Yet against McGregor he would do a “what’s up?” head raise and a shoulder feint, and then switch his head off to the outside so that McGregor swung a knee or an uppercut at the air.
And as much as we laughed at the idea of out jabbing Al Iaquinta being proof of a good jab, Nurmagomedov’s jab was a solid weapon in this bout. From Eddie Alvarez to Jose Aldo, the temptation has always been to lunge at McGregor. Nate Diaz shackled his hands to his head and walked McGregor down, but only Mayweather was constantly readjusting the distance to take away that perfectly measured pull counter. As dangerous as it seemed for Nurmagomedov to be standing with McGregor in round three and round four, he consistently put McGregor on the end of his jab, removing that buffer of distance and he rarely overextended.
Here McGregor attempts to use the faked left hand to shift up and then follow with the one-two as he famously did to drop Eddie Alvarez from long distance, Nurmagomedov is having none of it though.
In fact when Alan Patrick lunged with his left hand and walked onto that McGregor-esque open side counter over and over again earlier in the night, this writer thought had an uncomfortable feeling that he was seeing a couple of hours into the future.
Yet when Nurmagomedov threw his right hand, he was on top of McGregor. And when he felt McGregor returning, Nurmagomedov dropped under the left hand beautifully to take the clinch. This sequence is some of the best handling of Conor McGregor’s left hand we’ve ever seen, sadly undermined by McGregor taking a fistful of shorts.
As McGregor scrambled up off a shot in round four, he lost track of Nurmagomedov’s left hand and suddenly the Dagestani had a bodylock and was driving McGregor down under both of their bodyweights. Nurmagomedov dragged himself onto McGregor’s back before mounting the Irishman. McGregor conceded his back and another million memes of Conor McGregor tapping out were born.
Everything after that moment is beyond our scope and frankly, my interest. Both men have shown the absolute worst of mixed martial arts and yet you can be damn sure the footage of that scrap will turn up in the promotional material for the rematch no matter how shocked the UFC brass profess to be. What happened in the cage was fantastic, and combined with Tony Ferguson’s performance in the co-main event made for a sensational night of entertainment. In fact, if you are a casual MMA fan and you take only one thing from this article, it is that Khabib Nurmagomedov vs. Tony Ferguson is the fight to decide who the greatest lightweight in the world is, and it has been for a long old while.
How Khabib Nurmagomedov Smashed Conor McGregor published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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Mount Everest Ain’t Got Shit On Us (Fezco x fem!reader, Part 3.)
Description: You were always told that your life will be as you wish it to be if you’ll study enough. That it will pay off if you work hard. And some people were given you like the scary example of what will happen when you don’t obey. But sometimes it feels good to disobey.
A/N: As always, the chapter was written with my personal experience. Believe or not, I had a lot of people around me who were addicted (not cocaine but dexamfetamine or alcohol for that matter) and got through rehab at being 15 - 17 years old. I take all of these topics really seriously.
Word Count: 2.8 K
Warnings: The ups and downs of having a friend with a disorder like depression or BD. It's ok if you have that and to go through your ups and downs, nonetheless, you have friends who take you like the person as you are. No one will look at you through their fingers. We love you, ok? It will be alright. I have a friend who goes through a lot of shit at times and we got through together. Trust me. We love you.
Masterlist and declaration: H E R E
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When you are a person with a disorder or abnormalities in your behavior, people tend to feel sorry for you. They think you're the weird one since the first time your diagnose prediction is written down on some piece of paper, you become the one who just can't live a normal life. But only you know that the bullshit they do or say will do nothing to help you with your state. Only the people and a shit load of pills can.
But when you are the friend of a person with a disorder, people see you as the holy one of the due. They usually say how unbelievable friend you are for taking their states as they are, that you are with them in their ups and downs when they are almost impossible to be around with. But you know that that is just another bullshit the people around you tend to do. 
Making a saint out of you when you are only acting like a normal friend.
Why should matter that your friend has some mental state that is not completely taken as “A-ok”? 
You love and adore them for the people they are not for the grace of the other people. You befriended them in the first place because you feel comfortable around them, because you love a part of them and because they make you happy. Not to be a better person in other people’s eyes. You didn't do it for the public attention or to be interesting.
You, Rue and Jules, became good friends just in one week. Jules was showing you photos of the outfits she liked and she would love to wear, some new make-up and she talked with you about her favorite show, making you watch it as well. Rue was more of that laid-back-cool clown person. She was funny and tried to make you laugh every time she felt she had her chance to do that. 
They always waited for you and Fran in front of the school to pick you up and to be the chaperones for you, always cheering loudly when they saw your shithead face as Fran joked a lot about. 
Meanwhile, you and Jules got along because she was enlightening you into everything she loved, Rue and you had similar clothing styles and you tend to like the same things - plus she had a serious thing for hip hop, Love Island and Morgan Freeman centered things. 
You got used to your girls waiting for you. You got a thing to look forward to every morning you got to school. Fran told you that both of your girls looked cool as hell, she was eyeing Rue more or less shamelessly, Cal found Rue funny and befriended her younger sis Gia and your friends just were feeling good about you not being alone in the new town.
You probably should see it coming. You became friends with Rue when she was in her manic state - but it still shocked you a bit when you saw only Jules with her hair in a bun, a tight cropped top and a short skirt standing all alone in front of the school. You were scared what was up with Rue - she sent you a meme at four a.m. as she usually did before she went to sleep but she did not text you at six a.m. as she would normally do. 
“Have a nice day, shitheads!” - Fran called, waving at the both of you. 
“Enjoy your college, babe!” - Jules called back with a smile and Fran nodded with a big smile. She liked Jules because of how pure and honest she was with everyone. She truly was a great person to have around as a friend. 
Jules caught your hand in hers, holding it while you two went through the hall leading into the school. 
“Where’s my Morgan Freeman?” - You asked curiously, watching Jules’ shy smile. 
“You know, sometimes the demons crawl back and take a hold on Rue. She’ll be good. Give her one or two days and just let her be. She’s gonna text us when she will feel like talking with us.” - Jules said in a calm tone. You could feel that this is not the first time that something like this happened to Rue while Jules was there. 
But Rue was your friend and this happened for the first time you’ve known her - you naturally got worried about her. 
“Are you sure about that? Shouldn’t we check on her or call Leslie?” - You asked quietly. You knew Leslie - she was on her cloud nine when Rue took you to her home to introduce her newest friend.
“Trust me. It will be better to leave her be. She’s gonna be just fine. But I have exciting news for you!” - Jules cheered up without warning, she let your hand go and let you open your box. - “We will be attending a party on Saturday at Maddy’s. All three of us is invited!” - She sang in a happy tone. You only saw Maddy from the distance and heard about her, but you never got to talk to her. 
She was more or fewer friends with a blonde girl named Cassie who had seriously big boobs and a black-haired plus-sized girl named Kat. But from what Rue had said to you, it was not friendship as you knew it. All of them were bitches, but Jules and Rue had made a so-called fragile truce with them. Maddy for that matter kept her boyfriend Nate out of their presence and your girls helped them with the school subject. 
Sometimes your trio became a quartet. Cassie’s sister Lexy came along. She was shy and quiet just like you at the start of your friendship, but you liked her pretty much. But it was a surprise to Maddy inviting you to her house at a party. 
“What about Rue? Do you think she will make it?” - You asked and entwined your fingers with Jules again. Sometimes Rue held your hand, sometimes it was Jules. The did not ask - they just did. And after two weeks you got used to it. You started to take their hands as well, seeing nothing wrong with it. It seemed that nobody else noticed, so why?
“I can't predict the future. Maybe she will or maybe she won't, she has five days to recover so let’s give her all the time she needs. We will see. But if she does not make it, we will have ourselves a hell of a good time, what do you say?” - Jules asked and her eyes shined when she watched you.
“I will ask my parents. I will tell you tomorrow, deal?” - You smiled at her and pointed your pinkie at her. She circled it around with hers. - “Deal.” - She winked and her eyes shined at that little word. 
While the morning was weird without Rue around, the afternoon was weirder because you had to walk home on your own feet. Fran had her first college classes and she just wasn't able to pick you up. And the bus was a big no-no for you. Since your dad was at work, no more options were really remaining.
It was quite a walk to your home and Jules couldn't go with you because of her dad, plus she had her bike, so you listened to some music while you walked. After a half of an hour, you were approaching the gas station. You were dying because of the hotness and you just desired some ice-cold drink.
You could take your hoodie off, but you didn't want to tear apart your outfit. 
The feeling of shivers and excitement ran over you as you watched the gas station from twenty feet away or so. That boy. You have seen him a few more times - once he had a violet hoodie, once you had a colorful-stripped sweater and once he had a simple white shirt and a snap-back cap turned backward. Even though you’ve seen him many times, you never actually saw his face. A mysterious boy. 
This moment could change everything. The air in your lungs got slowly out when you approached the door from a freezer which led to the shop inside of the gas station. There was a lot of things in a small place - a lot of drinks, snacks, baguettes and a hell of booze. Outside, there was a small shelve with cigarettes. More and more you thought that maybe this wasn't a gas station at all.
“Hey. Ya searchin’ for somethin’?” - A tired male voice freaked you out. You turned your head to the counter. It was the boy you were seeing almost every morning. He looked tired and he watched your face with an unfriendly look. He was suspicious about something. 
His face was... Not what you expected. 
You have seemed more handsome men, but he was somehow exciting. His baby blue eyes looked tired and flat, his lips were thin, but the language of his body told you that his looks should not lullaby you to feel safe. His hair was truly short with a long thick scar on the left side of his head, he had a short curly red beard. He reminded you of some Irishman - he had freckles and milk-white skin tone. Today, he had a rainbow hoodie on and a cigarette behind his ear.
“Just deciding what I want to drink.” - You sighed nervously and played with your hair, trying to memorize his face. He was something. Something interested you in his features and you wished to get to know him better than you did at the moment.
"Just a drink, rite?" - His tired voice repeated what you've said, looking you up and down with a slight frown.
"Just a drink." - You nodded and smiled at him, reaching out for some cherry flavored soda in one of the freezers. 
Could it be? Could you crush on that boy without knowing his name or what did he do for a living? You felt unsure about that, yet you stood there and tried to find your purse. But it wasn't in your hoodie or the usual spot in your bag. You panicked and looked the man into eyes. Holy shit. You must've forgotten it in the cafeteria.
"Holy moly, looks like no cherry... Bubble paradise for me today." - You giggled with a slight panic in your voice. That was seriously cringy. The first time you've got to talk to him and you forgot your purse. You sighed, ready to get the drink back to the freezer and leave his small shop.
"Let it be. Bet it isn't the last time ya here. Ya can pay when ya come the next time." - He smiled a bit, which left you in awe, and took a small pad from his counter. There was a lot of sections in his pad, but he nonchalantly turned all the pages to the back of the pad to list named "debts" with big letters. - "Will not let go a lady without a drink when it's hella hot outside, would be rude, am I rite?" - He looked you in the eyes with an innocent look of a sheep. You smiled back at him.
"Tell me ya name, girl." - He clicked the pen with his eyes centered at your eyes going through his list. You saw Rue's name there as well, being repeated a serious number of times which made you sure of one thing - this man had to be cool. If he was Rue's friend, he meant no harm for you.
"Y/N, my name's Y/N and I would like to have a Cherry Bubble Paradises soda, please." - You smiled and he wrote down your name in surprisingly nice handwriting and added small 1.15$ in the end, then clicked his pen again.
"That's that. Pay me back when ya can, I wouldn't hunt down people for one dolla but I remember the debts in 'ere. I have a memory of ya face. Ya know?" - He looked at you one last time before closing the pad. You nodded and promised to pay back when you find your purse.
And you almost fainted when you got out of the shop. He was handsome in his own kind. The tiredness and slow, low voice made him mysterious and his flat eyes were a picture which you knew you won't forget for a long time. It was like he concentrated at nothing but you, but he looked into the distance all the time, being out of his own head. 
You almost didn't drink any of that precious cherry-flavored soda during your way home. Like if he would change his mind and after you for his 1.15$ in cash. At home, when your phone automatically connected to wi-fi, a few texts from Jules appeared on your phone. 
First was a photo of your hella old purse with Skullcandy logo on it. The next one was: 
Babez ♥: You forgot this at the cafeteria, babe, forgot to give it back, will u come for it around 4? Luv ya.
Ma girl: Sure, will be at ur place in ten. Be ready babez. See ya there.
“I will go to see Jul.” - You leaned onto the counter, looking your ma into her face. 
“The school ended an hour ago. You miss your besties that much?” - She laughed in response and continues to chop the pepper in small pieces. 
“No. I forgot my purse back at cafeteria and Jules took it for me and now she has it. I have my ID and my money in it, it is just better to have it with me. It will take an hour or less, I swear.” - You begged. But Jules or the purse was not exactly the idea you got so excited for. You could ride back to the small store and pay your debt. And to see him once again.
“Oh, okay. You are right. You better get your purse back. Go, be back before dinner.” - Mom smiled at you.
“I will take Cal's bike!” - You yelled before taking off the house, sitting on Cal's bike and riding to Jules' house. They had a lovely house in a seriously quiet and calm neighborhood, so you could ride your bike through the middle of the street without being afraid of meeting a car. Jules was already waiting for you in front of the house, waving at you with a shy smile. 
“I love you.” - You said and exhaled deeply, holding the bike with your thighs and taking the purse to you hoodie. Jules giggles and hugged you tightly. 
“I will need to go home again. I'm sorry. I don't have much time to spare, babe.” - Jules said with a sad voice. You were sad as well because you loved to spare your time with Jules, but you also were looking forward to seeing the man and to give him his money.
“I will have to survive that. See you tomorrow.” - You left her there, riding off on your brother’s bike to the center of the town, making a run for all of it. But when you have stormed into the little shop, just a small boy was behind the counter, talking with the plus-sized girl you’ve been seeing at the school. He had tattoos under both of his eyes and seemed to be seriously out of this world, all serious thug and don't giving a single fuck.
“Hey.” - The girl turned at you and gave you a quick smile. Then she looked at the boy as you nodded at her to say hi to her as well. She quietly said something to him and left, patting you lightly onto your shoulder. She always smiled at you, so you found her nice. 
“Who you?” - The boy sat on the counter, looking you down and up. 
“Who am I? No one, your friend sold me a lemonade on a debt so I’m here to pay for it.” - You held your purse high and smiled a bit. The boy nodded, reaching out for the pad, taking a pencil from behind his ear.
“Y/N?” - He looked at you for a second as you gave him the money you have promised. You said a quick and quiet “yeah” before he stroke your name out of the list. You gave him the money and nodded, leaving the shop with a small frown. 
You were not glad that boy with the flat eyes was gone and you didn't manage to see him for the second time.
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