#and the message is radical
paper-mario-wiki · 9 months
I love songs that sound angry and frustrated and hateful.
Not in the lyrics or anything like that. I just love it when I listen to a song and something about the balancing, the way the drum hits, the way the chords scream. I love it when a song is in pain, either physically or emotionally.
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troybarnesbucky · 17 days
it’s fucking gross to see you celebrating death and showing off how other people expressing discomfort with that is wrong in your eyes, but I guess that’s what happens when your Judaism is distorted by a colonizing state
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milfygerard · 2 months
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literally so many people my age who were online in 06 have talked about how they were targeted and groomed by strangers on the internet. Kids have been sold extremism and abuse from the internet since theyve had access to it. I do think the internet is worse but dont pretend it was ever a safe or healthy place for kids to hang out
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Hey everyone,
I know it has been a while. I have been through a hellish few months the past year and disappeared, because I started doom scrolling and noticing how tumblr was negatively affecting my mental health in a time where my mental health was in shambles
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kayzero · 8 days
if you’re reading this post can you do me a favor and remind me to change the weekdays in the first few chapters of zero win game, it isn’t canon compliant as it stands
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thegoodmorningman · 9 months
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Take whichever pill doesn't turn you into a radicalized misogynist psychopath!!! Good Morning!!!
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pinkcadillaccas · 24 days
Like it's no wonder media literacy is dog shit in so many young people we are being written TV that spoonfeeds all of the information to us and leaves no room for subtlety or creative world building and we keep saying that this is good and it's not! And if we all keep watching bad TV and saying that it's good then all TV is going to become badly written contrived crap that thinks it's being deep and annoying libs on Tumblr are going to keep saying that omg this episode was so brave it literally said eat the rich!!
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80yearoldmanmoodboard · 5 months
So…I watched Head.
I didn’t know what was going on, this was my favorite part, 10/10 film over all.
*minor flash warning for the video. There’s a few parts with strobe-like flashing for short periods (only a few seconds)
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justseveralowls · 2 years
Message of the day:
“Joy is never a waste of time, doing what makes you happy is productive, you are worthy of spending time on yourself.”
Watch your favorite movie today, take the pretty drive home, buy yourself your favorite flowers. You are worthy of all the love and kindness you would shower onto a best friend or loved one
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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colorisbyshe · 6 months
atla is such an interesting example because fans want it to be taken very seriously as a visionary piece of art instead of a kids cartoon but the moment u try and give it any criticism (as u would a visionary piece of art) they get very very angry and accuse u of thinking too much about a kids cartoon 🤡
yeah. and, not to be like, controversial
but even the "it's radical for a CHILDREN'S CARTOON" thing falls apart when you remember how pro-colonizer it is and how some of the most major character work it does is make you sympathize with a literal war criminal
like... no, i don't think this cartoon made for 8 year olds should have the fire nation beheaded on screen or whatever... but.... surely there are better takes than "awww the war criminal is sad :("
and that maybe if you can't avoid doing that because your children's media is trying to promote thinking from all perspectives with an open mind, maybe DON'T tackle heavy subjects like genocide and colonization
(but also the show seemed JUST FINE at killing off actual radical people?? so... weird??? like... they didn't have to do jet like that)
people always go OH SO YOU WANTED AANG TO MURDER PEOPLE but that's literally just to avoid the actual problem
especially when we have the sequel, korra, that IS intended for older audiences and DOES include killing people and time and time again it still came to "if you're radical in a leftist way, you're evil and you should die and if you're radical in a conservative way... well i hope you reform :3 or are dealt with in a calm and fair way"
like damn you can still be attached to the atla characters as an adult, i guess, like i won't pretend i'm not still attached ot the hip to my favorite retconned criminal boy sasuke, but can we please stop can we pleeeeaaaase stop
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feral-radfem · 1 year
I think we need to have a discussion about how the increased popularity of pornography has had the detrimental effect of increasing how many female sexual predators there are.
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sisteroutsiders · 1 year
Please Read: Message to Followers
This blog has a small following and is relatively new—I tend not to pay attention to its followers because it isn’t my main blog. But I scanned through them recently and noticed that there are some who espouse beliefs aligned with trans-exclusionary radical feminism. I will address this.
I would like to emphasize that this blog is not a safe space for anyone—it is a brave space wherein Lorde’s words challenge us to struggle together and embrace our differences as a source of power against oppressive systems. This means that while I support rigorous debate and criticism and struggle with issues and theories about liberation and oppression, I cannot allow it to go unsaid that I wholeheartedly am in solidarity with trans and gender non-confirming communities across the world.
Audre Lorde’s work is often appropriated or taken out of context—not just with brief quotes that occlude the meaning of a larger text, but also with ahistorical and anachronistic applications. The context in which she wrote was one where she was pitted between a Black Liberation movement that at times was homophobic and sexist, and a woman’s liberation movement that was often racist and classist and sometimes homophobic (depends when and where you went). Lorde’s work deals heavily with the material conditions in which she lived, something that is worth acknowledging.
I won’t pretend to speak for Lorde because I am not an expert. But I know that she spoke out against biological determinism of gender and sex identity when she co-signed the Combahee River Collective Statement. I know that she explored and felt deeply the connections between womanhood and bodies in her reflections on her mastectomy in The Cancer Journals and A Burst of Light. I know that she also spoke out against pornography and in favor of the erotic as a source of female knowledge. I also know that in the same essay, she wrote,
“Beyond the superficial, the considered phrase, ‘It feels right to me,’ acknowledges the strength of the erotic into a true knowledge, for what that means is the first and most powerful guiding light toward any understanding. And understanding is a handmaiden which can only wait upon, or clarify, that knowledge, deeply born. The erotic is the nurturer or nursemaid of all our deepest knowledge.”
My point is that as a black lesbian feminist theorist, scholar, and activist, she is a complex figure with opinions and perspectives that don’t necessarily align with any singular ideology or belief. She resists easy classification, but this opens her work up to appropriation.
I know that one of the central messages of her work is how interlocking systems of oppression work against oppressed people to erase our differences into a singular deviance, or they allow us to cannibalize ourselves through infighting and a refusal to give up access to oppressive power. Lorde imagines a different power, one that is sourced in difference, one that feels those differences as a fount of knowledge and a fundamental necessity of liberation.
I don’t know what all this means in the context of this blog and a few of its followers who support trans-exclusionary radical feminism. But I will reiterate my support for trans and gender non-conforming communities and my commitment that this blog be a space where different experiences of womanhood are not erased or demonized or misrepresented. People who disagree with these tenets are always welcome to unfollow.
And to finish, I would like to say that Audre Lorde told her students in a poetry workshop, “Don’t mythologize me.” She said this originally to encourage her students to continue writing and creating on their own and in their own communities, and that they didn’t need her to continue the work. And I think it applies here as well. Take that as you will.
-J. ( @slowtides )
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MIL (easiest way to call her even though there is no engagement and I am not married)
Her birthday is next week, and she adored the flowers I made for her daughter. So I want to surprise her with her own homemade flowers. Unfortunately, I don't know which way to go. So, I need help
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solstice-draws · 2 months
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Message from the Other Side.
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novadreii · 2 months
Dua Lipa releasing an album perfectly themed for my life right now has me like
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