#and the interviewed ended up being in the England room
probablygayattorneys · 10 months
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Had a job interview for a job I reeeeeally wanted and was, like, planning out my outfit the night before but I think I might have also just fully lost my mind midway through.
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enwoso · 3 months
alessia x child reader where reader gets lost and falls and hurts herself at England x ireland game and katie finds her sobbing and bleeding and alessia is panicking and all the England girls are looking for her and katie brings her back and she only settles down in alessias arms
love your writing xx
WANDERING — alessia russo x child!reader
i do apologise to whoever requested this, it’s been in there for a while! i may or may not got a little stuck in the middle part so kinda neglected but thus it’s here !!
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grumpy masterlist
"you coming lovie?" your mum called out as she watched you run around the changing room trying to catch grace who had your small ball at her feet dribbling it around the changing room. pausing once you heard your name, looking to the door where alessia was stood, foot holding open the changing room door slightly.
"where?" you asked, wondering closer to your mum to hear her better over the music that was being played on the big speaker.
"see uncle luca, nonna and gramps" she smiled as you nod quickly before she had finished. before leaving you quickly ran over to grace telling her you would be back to finish the game later as she laughed a little before nodding and ruffling your hair as you grimaced at her messing your hair up.
running back over to your mum as she held her hand out for you to hold, as you both began to walk along the corridor, there being a lot of people walking around with camera's as well as players. a few stopping to say hello to your mum.
"alessia!" someone called your mums name making her stop as she turned around to see simon at the end of the corridor, he was the one who would arrange any media appearances that the girls were needed for.
"is everything okay?" she asked as you stood looking around making sure to keep tight a hold of your mummy's hand. simon walking a bit faster to catch up to where alessia was stood.
"i was just coming to get you — itv want you for a post match interview, if that's okay?" simon asked as he noticed that you were with alessia and that she wasn't a big fan of you being there for media as she knew that you weren't a fan of all the noise.
"it'll be quick, they've only got a few questions" simon added noticing alessia looked a little hesitant as she looked down towards you, but you were in your own little world watching some of the coaching staff down the corridor it seemingly a lot more interesting to you than whatever your mummy was talking about.
"yeah that should be okay" alessia agreed as simon smiled and told the blonde to follow him as he began to walk towards the media room in the stadium. alessia shaking her arm to bring you out your trance, your eyebrows furrowing as you began to walk back the way you'd just came before being stopped.
"what bout uncle luca.." you trailed off sadly, a frown appearing on your face. you had been excited to see luca, you hadn't seen him for a few weeks and with gio being on an adventure as mummy had described it you were missing causing trouble with them.
"we'll see them in few minutes mummy's just got to talk to some people and then we can see them" your mum explained as you nodded slowly as you entered a room full of bright lights and cameras. black wires lining the floor as your mum was handed a microphone.
the one thing you had learned when mummy was talking to people is that it never lasted a few minutes, it would be several and it would get to a point where the noise would start to hurt your ears and the lights would be too bright and hurt your eyes.
you held tightly onto your mummy's hand, not wanting to let go and get lost but as the time passed you were still in the room that you felt you had been in forever. tugging on your mums hand for attention but as she looked down she whispered she wouldn't be long. lies
you were starting to get bored and mummy couldn't hear your whines so you let go of her hand and started to walk to her other side, around her legs and next to the barrier.
alessia could see you out the corner of her eye, knowing that you were beginning to get restless but she had to have these interviews and the people were only asked a few questions at a time and alessia wanted nothing more as well for the interview to be over.
walking along the barrier, that separated you from all the scary people with camera, you found the door you came in. decided you were a big girl and since mummy wasn't taking you to see uncle luca and your grandparents you would find them yourself — it couldn't be that hard.
apparently it was hard, there were so many people within the corridor. some with the familiar blue tracksuits of england on and others with dark green tracksuits most likely the irish team but you didn’t know any of them to ask which way your nonna and gramps were.
mummy always told you not to talk to people that you didn’t know. you wish mummy was with you, she would know where to go.
people rushing around was starting to make you feel overwhelmed, many of the couldn’t see you small scared figure wondering around as a lot of them were pushing into you making you loose your balance slightly.
until one person nudged you over, making your fall on your knees. a pain shooting through you as you got up, wondering and taking the next turn into a corridor which was seemingly quiet as you curled up into a ball. tears filling up your little blue eyes as you gripped your knees.
whereas with alessia she was just about on the verge of a breakdown. “has anyone seen lovie?” she quickly got out as she rushed through the door of the changing room, all the girls’ heads turning towards the frantic look on the blondes face.
“no, she was with you weren’t she?” beth spoke up as alessia explained the situation, the girls’ beginning to come up with places you may have been. the stadium wasn’t big and there was no way you could get out of the stadium as there was security on every exit and entrance. so that put the blondes head to rest a little bit.
“has she not found her way to your brother and your mum and dad?” lucy asked as alessia hummed getting her phone out of her pocket more than likely going to message her older brother, “cause she been talking about how excited she was to see luca” lucy added as some of the other girls nodded in agreement.
“right i’ve messaged luca, im gonna go and see if she’s wondering in the corridor!” alessia told the group, spinning on her heel as she reached out for the handle of the door.
“wait less, i’ll come and help!” ella called out the blonde stopping in her tracks waiting for her best friend to catch up.
now back with you, you were still sat in the dimly lit corridor, your knee still throbbing small amounts in pain.
"tiny? woah, what's happenin'?" a thick irish accent boomed along the corridor as you sat back against the wall as you clutched your knee, sobs escaping from you as tears streamed down your face. something katie noticed straight away worry consuming her as she got closer to your small frame which was balled up.
you felt the presence of someone kneel down next to you as there hand touched your knee slightly, peeling your hands from your face you saw mummy's arsenal teammate, katie.
you liked katie, she was funny and had a funny accent making some words sound funnier like the word three always sounded like tree to you and she also knew how to have fun as well as letting you get away with any trouble you caused — something mummy wouldn’t let you do.
"how you out 'ere all alone? where's your ma?" katie asked as she sat down next to you, you shrugged an answer to the irish. "me- wost her" you stutter out through sobs.
“well we can’t be havin’ that!” katie nudged you slightly hoping it would help to loosen your tenseness. “would you like me to help you find ye ma?” katie asked as you looked up to the irish girl, a timid nod coming from you.
“yes please” you said you bottom lip still wobbling, katie nodding at you as she shot you a small smile, getting herself up off the ground before she picked you up.
katie chatted to you the entire time she was with you, hoping to get you to cheer up a little. asking you about the match, how you found it.
“i see your still repping the russo name ey” katie tugged a little at your little england shirt over the top of a hoodie due to the weather being a lot colder than it was in london in april.
katie managed to get a small smile out of you as you nodded, you not your usually chatty self but the irish girl understood why. you more than likely a little shook up from being lost.
“you not like the ireland jersey?” katie laughed as you frowned, why would you want to wear an ireland jersey?
“why i want that?” you asked, keeping your arm around katie as she carried you along the corridor it being a lot less quieter than it had been.
“for when your support me obviously” katie joked, knowing that you were very picky with what football shirt you worn as she’d seen it at club level. if it wasn’t the same colour as your mummy’s you would be having a meltdown and would refuse to wear it.
“no, only england!”
“alright alright, i understand.” katie sighed dramatically putting her spare hand that wasn’t holding you up, in the air defensively. “your ma’ should be in ‘ere!” katie said softly opening a door.
“only me!” katie’s thick accent boomed through the loud music that was playing, all eyes turning and now focused on the irish standing in the doorway.
“found a little someone who i think you might have lost!” katie shouted your face around the doorway, all there tense faces relaxing at the sight of you. the team had all be worried about your whereabouts.
“tiny where you been! your mum’s frantic!” mary was the one to speak. as leah gestured for katie to come into the room instead of hovering in the doorway as the team tried to peel you from the girls arms but having no such luck. you only wanted one person — mummy.
“i’ve looked in every single corridor-“
"oh thank god lovie, there you are- where were you!" alessia breathed out a sigh of relief, her heart rate lowering the moment she saw you wrapped in katie's arms, her heart breaking a little though at the sight of your face, all tear stained and red.
you making small whines for your mummy as you held your arms out, alessia quickly taking you as you snuggled into your mum. the familiar smell of her as you began to calm down, hiccuping a few times as your mummy kissed the top of your head as she sway from side to side to try and relax you.
"she was sat in the corridor, i think she's hurt her knee- there's a little scratch on it" katie explained as alessia nodded, looking down towards your knee to see a small scratch — nothing that a plaster couldn't fix.
"the sound of all the media people must of overwhelmed her, i've honestly never felt so much worry and guilt in my life" alessia admitted as katie gave a sympathetic smile.
"it’s not your fault, your a great mother and you’ve got yourself a loyal little girl. she’s sworn she’ll never wear a ireland jersey i’ve tried, haven’t i tiny!” katie complimented the blonde before poking your side but you only squirming in your mums arms not wanting to let go.
“thank you though katie, i owe you one!” alessia said seriously, as her hand rubbed up and down your back. katie waving the blonde off, “don’t be daft, anything for my favourite little gooner!”
katie stayed a little longer chatting with alessia a little more before stopping and chatting with leah before saying her goodbyes.
you were sat with mummy in the corner of the room where alessia’s cubby was. as mummy spoke with you a little bit about how important it is you don’t wonder off and then about the game and what to do later in the night after the bus ride back to the hotel.
“so we are gonna go for dinner with nonna and gramps and then-“ alessia began but you tapped her leg to interrupt her. “and luca?” you quizzed the blonde giving you a soft smile before nodding.
“and luca” she parroted what you said before continuing what she’d initially been saying.
"and then how about me and you when we get back to the hotel, we can snuggle up in bed with your teddy's and watch any film you want with some little treats as well?" alessia whispered so only you could hear as a small nod came from you, "just between me and you, yeah?" she added, nudging you slightly as she held out her pinky finger which you joined with your own thumb and kissing your thumb to lock it in.
"we watch more than one film?" you ask, your mummy humming as if deep in thought about what you'd just said. "we'll see how we far we get with one film, yeah?”
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wosoamazing · 7 months
There is no 'I' in Team
Summary: Based on this request.
Warnings: Panic Attack, Mentions of Abuse Father (reading also asking not to be hit etc)
A/N: I hope you like it.
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The media was relishing your appearance, every reporter had thrown your name out in whatever interview they were doing, you were in stories on the front cover of the news.
“The 14 year old power house” “Some of football's greatest legends have honoured this youngster” “Beckham: That kid is insane, a star”
“And she missed, straight over the crossbar. What a rare sight to see,”
“Yes, yes, yes, ohh, missed opportunity again, it went wide”
“Fantastic save by Mary Earps”
"Wide yet again. She has had 40 attempts this game and only 2 on target, both of which Earps has saved,"
Australia lost the world cup to England, you felt like it was your fault, the media decided it was your fault, you were still plastered all over the media, however in a different light this time.
"Has the wonder kid lost her Wonder?" "A gold medal gone, was Y/F/N Y/L/N the right choice?" "Wonder if Beckham still thinks she is a star"
After the game you were incredibly disappointed in yourself and upset, and angry with yourself, you really questioned whether you were the best player of the team, the night you recieved a silver medal at the world cup was not celebrated by you. You were upset and so was the rest of the team, however they all still celebrated, but how could you when you were the reason the heavy disc that hung round their necks was silver and not gold. You were the only one that night who still had tears of sadness falling from your eyes as you went up to collect your medal, you still had sad tears in your eyes as you arrived back to your hotel room. Most of your teammates had left the celebrations to talk to you and comfort you at some point during the night. starting with the obvious ones, Caitlin, then Steph, then Sam, and ending with the not so obvious pick, Kyra, you and Kyra were very close friends it was just that the girls didn't think she would be able to help you in the way you needed. You didn't say a single word to any of them, you just continued to cry, as you remained in your tight coil on the bed.
You didn't talk to anyone about football for months, or even just in general, you tried your best to avoid everyone, you couldn't kick the feeling of knowing you had disappointed them. After training you would just go straight up to your room and lock yourself in, only appearing for dinner. Katie and Caitlin your newly adoptive parents were growing concerned, and were trying to figure out how they could discuss what was going on with you.
The opening match for the season hadn't gone that well for you, your shots weren't going in, which made you frustrated and with every off target shot your frustration grew. You couldn't wait for the final whistle to be blown, you just wanted to get off the pitch.
You were near the commentators as the whistle was blown, you could hear their debrief and opinions on the game, the players, more specifically you “As a coach you would be starting to think about changing your go to line up, off days happen, but this, this is different, from being up there with the best of the best, to missing the most basic shots, the shots that should 100% go in. Shots that caused your country to come second.”
You felt your breath hitch at that moment, the reminder you were the reason you came second, the reminder of how you let down your team, your whole country. Suddenly you could feel every single beat of your heart, you could hear blood rushing past your ears, you ran down the tunnel through the locker room and into one of the bathroom stalls, quickly locking the door before sliding down the wall. Curling yourself in a tight ball, hiding yourself away from the world. 
Your Dad’s words racing through your mind “You’re a let down, a failure. A complete waste of space.” You never believed him but maybe he was right, maybe the abusive bastard was actually correct, what if you were wrong, what if you didn’t deserve a new life. What if Katie and Caitlin didn’t actually want you, what if they weren’t actually proud of you, what if they were ashamed of you, what if you were a waste of their time, what if they hated you.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw someone standing near you. How did they get through the locked door? Were you so incredibly hopeless that you couldn't even lock a door? They took a step forward, and you felt your body start shaking slightly, coiling yourself into a tighter ball.
“Please don’t hit me, I’m sorry, I know I'm a waste of space.” you felt a hand on you, however it wasn’t a painful touch, it was a soft comforting hand, but you couldn't risk it, trying to move out of the grip of the persons hand, however soon they had both hands on you, slightly gripping onto you so you couldn’t move away.
“I’m sorry, I’ll do better, I’ll leave, I know you’re ashamed of me”
“Baby girl it's okay, it's just me, I’m safe, I’m not going to hit you, I love you, it’s okay, everything is alright,” They said in a very soft, calm voice as they moved you into their lap. A familiar scent met your nose it was Katie, you slightly relaxed at her presence, but quickly tensed again, what if she thought you were a burden, you felt like you were swaying, your head felt foggy, you felt sick, your body was shaking, your face was wet from your streaming tears.
You felt the hands wrap around you tighten, “I’ve got you, you’re okay, can you take some deep breaths for me? Like we practise.” You took some deep breaths. “Good Job,” you sat there with Katie for a few minutes.
“How about you have a shower and then we can talk. Okay?” you nod, “But just know that Caitlin and I love you so much, and we are very proud of you and we are so happy you came into our lives, and I promise that is not a lie” you stand up with her and give her a big hug before going to shower, you almost hated the way she knew what you were thinking, almost always. While you were showering no one came into the shower, which you thought was weird, until you walked out of the showers and saw everyone standing there huddled around Katie.
Katie noticed you were standing there. “You ready to talk?” you nodded slinkishly, “come here” she sat down and gestured for you to sit down on her lap, you willingly went over, and sat on her lap. Caitlin sat next to the both of you.
“What’s wrong?” Katie asked you “I’m not good enough”
“Why do you think that?” Caitlin queried.
“We lost the final because of me. And now we lost because I couldn't shoot,” you took a deep breath and paused for a moment “Maybe i shouldn't have become a footballer” you sad before a small sob left your body.
“Hey, we came second because of you, we wouldn’t have been in that match if it wasn’t for you. It doesn’t matter what they say, if you weren’t on our team we wouldn’t have been in that match.” Steph told you.
“You know, you are amazing kid, it’s okay to have off days, off weeks and off months, its okay, and it’s not fair for anyone but especially yourself to blame losses on yourself, its a team sport, we win as a team and we lose as a team” Leah told you and you just nodded your head, the whole team reassured you that you were still good and an excellent player even though you were having some off days, you had calmed down but the team stayed where they were for a little longer, to show you that they were there for you.
The team went off to shower eventually, but Katie did not, you just stayed sitting in her lap, soaking up her warm embrace. “What if we invited some of the girls over for a movie night tonight, would you like that? They could even sleep over.” You nodded your head.
That evening you found yourself surrounded by your teams as you watched a movie, they all really cared about you and supported you, so you made yourself a promise that you would start to try and open up to them more.
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sunshine-theseus · 10 months
Pequeña | Kyra Cooney-Cross x Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary: you make stupid decisions but you got your girl in the end.
Warning: fluff, horrible self-care, fainting
My parents and I moved from Spain to England when I was 5.
I was a quiet kid with no friends, who spent most of her time reading or listening to music. At seven years old my parents decided to sign me up for my local football kids club to try and get me to ‘open my wings’, their code for ‘stop being a fucking loner we value popularity over smarts’. I haven’t seen them in 8 years.
Turns out I was fucking great at football and by 12 I was in the Arsenal Football Academy. At 15 I was playing for their Women’s team in the WSL and was debuting for England’s national team. I spent most of that time on the bench of course, but by 17 I had a large ‘1’ on my back and was starting 90% of games at Arsenal. I didn’t have many friends though, especially when I knew most would either leave to bigger leagues or transfer teams. I preferred it though because that meant I had plenty of time between training and games to study and read and play music.
Another 6 years later and I’m playing for England in the Semi-finals of the 2023 World Cup against Australia. I wasn’t our main goalie, but Mary had gotten a concussion so that left me and like hell I would let us lose this close to the finals. I’d nearly managed to keep a clean sheet until Sam Kerr came running up from halfway, past Millie and chipped it behind me into the goal. Despite the goal, we won.
As I’m walking toward the girls, I tripped over something, or someone, sitting on the sidelines near the tunnel. One of the Aussie girls, clearly tired and upset, curled up to their goalkeeper. If there was one thing I could do, it was recognise a phenomenal goalkeeper when I see one, and Mackenzie Arnold was just that.
“I’m sorry.” I whisper to her as I pat her shoulder and copy the gesture for the girl next to her.
I didn’t know much about her, but I’d seen her play. Her footwork was incredible, and she was clearly underrated and underestimated, something Arsenal could benefit from.
“Wanna swap jerseys?” it comes out soft, I almost miss it as I turn away. When I turn back around, I expect to see Mac offering her’s, but instead I see the younger girl looking up at me questioningly and I smile. I’d already swapped with Mac in a friendly earlier this year, and I love collecting jerseys from different players.
“Fuck yeah.” and within seconds she has my jersey pulled over her head, and it hangs loosely, clearly a few too many sizes too big for her.
I then pull on her’s, for a moment fearful it would be too small, but I’m thankful for her clear preference for baggy clothes as it slips over my torso. Mackenzie beckons over their photographer, and I pose with the still nameless girl. She’s small in comparison to my 5’11 stature and I giggle at the difference before offering her a piggyback for a silly photo.
As she jumps up, I notice shocked stares of my teammates from the corner of my eye but shake it off as she wraps her arm around my neck as if to choke me.
“Has anyone told you how small you are?” I ask her as I drop her back to the ground.
“They don’t shut up about it.”
“I think I’ll call you Pequeña.” I chuckle at her confused look.
“It means small in Spanish.”
“What the fuck!? Fine I’m calling you fucking Giant or something.”
I don’t get her actual name that night, but I look it up when I get back to my hotel room, Lotte missing from the space.
Kyra Cooney-Cross. An unexpected star.
I watch one of her games instead of doing my uni work and fall asleep to one her interviews playing.
I don’t expect to see Kyra until whatever friendly we have with Australia before the Olympics. In the time after the World Cup and before pre-season, I’ve hung her jersey in my hallway, along with all the others. I put her’s at the entrance with others like Mapi León and Christine Sinclair, people I consider special.
We also begin talking. A lot. I spend most of my spare time calling or texting her, but I don’t tell anyone.
The shock I get when the final minute of the pre-season transfer window approaches, and I get a notification from the Arsenal Women twitter account.
We’d been knocked out of the qualifiers for the Championship League and yet I walk into training on Monday with a slight spring in my step and excitement buzzing through me. I wave to all the staff and greet everyone, asking how the girls are when I walk into the locker room.
It’s Katie who asks.
“What the fuck is up with you Ms Dark and Broody?”
“Whatever do you mean?” I giggle.
She gives me and incredulous look before turning to the rest of the locker room who share similar expressions.
“W- wh- wh-” she continues to babble as Steph pulls her back to her cubby and pats her shoulder as a way of reassurance.
“You just… you’re never so smiley or talkative. At all. Like ever. Like in the past 8 years you’ve said maybe 100 words per season to me.” Lotte speaks up.
“Not true!”
“I’ve only seen you without a book off the pitch 13 times. I started counting after the 1st.” My jaw drops.
“She’s not wrong Y/n. You’re pretty reserved and stoic. Which there’s nothing wrong with! But it’s just odd to see you, well like this.” Manu points at me as if that’s explanation enough.
“Wow thanks gu-” I’m cut off by someone jumping on my back and screaming.
“BEANSTALK!” and I’m smiling all over again as I turn my head to see the young Australian I’ve been missing.
“I can’t believe I had to put up with your nerdy shit in person every day now.” She jumps off my back and moves to greet the other girls except for Steph and Caitlin who she obviously knows.
We don’t get much time to talk before Jonas calls us into the meeting room. He introduces all our new players like Kyra and Lessi and announces the return of Vivianne and Beth to our playing squad, before going over how we need to improve after our defeat in the Champions League.
“L/n, I know you just came 2nd in the World Cup but you cannot be slacking like you did in the game against Pairs. You’ve got to be doing more.” I don’t get to reply before he’s ushering us out onto the pitch.
I’m left in a sour mood the rest of training, once again avoiding everyone, including Kyra who seemingly found a close friend in Alessia. I had given my all in that game against Paris, but they were good, and I’d stayed up until 2am the night before completing one of my assignments for my uni degree, something Jonas had encouraged me to do.
I was more mad that he didn’t allow me to tell him why but either way, I’d decided I would be staying after training to practice until I couldn’t any longer. So I did. And I came in an hour early the next morning to get more training in. I continued to do this for a while, studying once I got home until I couldn’t keep my eyes open now that my usual study time was booked. Eventually the girls stopped inviting me for coffee or team bonding and Kyra stopped trying to talk.
We were playing against Man United when I began to sway side to side, and my eyes began to droop. I think Kyra noticed first while on the sideline, and whispered something to Katie as she passed by the bench, but nothing came of it until United got a corner. They didn’t even get to kick the ball before I crumpled to the ground beside a clueless Lotte and Katie Zelem.
I don’t feel myself get carried off the pitch or get transferred to an ambulance. I don’t think I recognise anything happening around me until hours later. The clock on the wall says 9:21 and I think I’ve only slept for a few hours, but then I notice the sun streaming through the curtains and realise the few might actually be a lot.
I then recognise the limp bodies spread across the room. The awfully sterile white room which is nothing like the warmth of my olive-green bedroom. I don’t think I’d been so slow to figure out what was going on in my life.
“Beanstalk! You’re awake!” I look to the small brunette who has been hunched over asleep next to me for god knows how long and smile.
“Hey pequeña.”
“You are so stupid!” Kyra slaps my arm and sends me a sharp glare.
“What the fuck is going on. You’ve been exhausted 24/7 and no one sees you outside of training.” I then decide to explain my rather stupid schedule and reasoning to her.
She stares blankly at me for a while.
“You are genuinely so fucking dumb. I was so worried about you.” She whispers.
“Because I love you.” Her eyes drop to her lap.
“Te amo.” I’m not sure she understands it but she smiles either way and leans in.
Just as our lips meet, Katie abruptly wakes up in her corner of the room and shrieks.
“What the fuck!” and we’re left to quickly pull away as she tries to wake everyone else up to tell them what she saw.
“Katie don’t be fucking ridiculous! They’re both sound asleep.” I hear Kim whisper shout, followed by more of Katie’s babbling about how we’re just pretending as they trail out of the room, assumedly getting coffee.
As the door clicks shut, I open one eye to glance around the now empty room. It seems everyone needed some coffee. Except a certain Australian, whose eyes also peak open.
“Kiss me.” And then her lips are on mine again.
I don’t play again until our game against Bristol for the Conti Cup. Jonas apologised for pushing me too hard but made it clear I was to properly rest before I get to do anything and makes Sarina Weigman promise not to play me during our international break.
Kyra also gets her first starting debut.
It’s a tough game, and in the 84th minute, Kyra drops to the ground. I nearly run to check on her, but she gets back up, and within another minute she gets subbed off for Vic.
The whistle blows, signalling the end of the game, we win 3-1.
I meet Kyra in the middle of the field, pick her up and swing her around. Our first proper game playing together seems like an obvious thing to celebrate. And before I can think, I’m leaning down and kissing her, something I’m not sure if I’ll regret later.
She smiles that smile, brighter than the sun, and I melt.
“Te amo pequeña.”
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outsideratheart · 1 year
Sweet Nothing (Alex Scott x reader)
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You were a blue through and through. The whole world knew it, you were captain for heaven’s sake but that didn’t mean you were immune the charm of a red, a gunner and her name was Alex Scott. 
You were never one to mix business with pleasure which meant you didn’t pursue a relationship when she was still playing. At that point it was only a crush. Besides your were focused on forging your legacy at your childhood club. 
But everything changed the day Alex asked to interview you one on one for her documentary highlighting woman’s football and the role you played in it. That was almost 3 years ago and you could count on one hand the amount of people that knew about your relationship. 
First to find out besides your families was Fara. The Euros was one of the best nights of your life and no way was you going to do so without your girlfriend. Alex was up in the studio with the rest of the BBC team and even though she saw your ‘I’m coming to you’ text message she didn’t think you meant now. You locked the door to the dressing room or at least you thought you did. Fara’s face was priceless as she walked in to find Alex on top of the table, dress pulled up to her hips, legs wrapped around your waist kissing you as if the world is about to end and this was the last chance she’ll get to feel yours lips on hers. 
The two of you knew you needed to be more careful. 
“Alex I’m telling you that Leah knows” you said whilst brushing your teeth. 
Your girlfriend was at St George’s Park to cover how England are preparing for the Finalissima. Right now you are in her room at the Hilton on the grounds. 
“What could possibly give her the idea that we are dating?” Alex asked innocently as she leaned against the doorframe in nothing but a robe. 
“I have few ideas and the first one is that. You keep looking at me like that” you point at the knowing look that is plastered on her face “and then there’s the fact that you were ogling me during the photoshoot that you shouldn’t have been at in the first place and after you slapped my arse in the hallways when Leah was right behind you” 
Those three things happened in one day and would be the moments that started the suspicions of your relationship. Leah was like a dog on the hunt for a bone and luckily for you she only wanted to interrogate Alex. 
Your night to slip up came when Alex had been presenting SoccerAid. The dress she was wearing filled your head with less than innocent thoughts. It’s why you sent her a text demanding that she come to your apartment straight from the game and you made it crystal clear that she was not to get changed.
The problem came when Sam turned up at half time stating that she got bored at home and thought the two of you could watch the second half together. Your night turned into a military operation. You had to get Sam out of your apartment with enough time to tidy up before Alex arrived.  
The match ended and Sam was taking her time leaving. She suggested that you play a game of FIFA and after one check of your watch you knew you had time only one game turned into two and before you knew it you heard a knock on your door. 
Alex looked beautiful, more so than she did on the TV. She didn’t give you chance to say hello. Alex’s lips crashed into yours with a hunger that was shared. You pressed her against the door as your hands roamed her body. The tightness and thin material of the dress allowed you to feel every inch of her. She was intoxicating, it blurred your surroundings and for a moment you forgot that you weren’t alone in your apartment. 
“Well well well what do we have here?” Sam says rather smugly. 
You pull away abruptly. As you turn around Alex does her best to hide behind you, her hand covering her mouth due to the shock of being caught. 
“Sam” you wanted to explain what exactly your club team mate has just seen. 
“I was just leaving. You two have fun but not too much fun. Remember we have training tomorrow. Bye Alex” the smugness doesn’t leave until Sam does. 
You went straight back to what Sam had interrupted but Alex pushed you away. Your eyes widen because you didn’t understand what was going on. 
A small chuckle escaped your lips but very quickly stooped as it became clear that Alex did not find it funny, not in slightest.
“It’s Sam. She won’t tell anyone. Look at Fara she has known for months and she hasn’t said a word” 
Your words weren’t enough to comfort Alex. She was worried about people finding out even though you both knew it wouldn’t change a thing.
“We need to be more careful. Remember what we said at the beginning lovers in private—“
“Friends is public. Alex take a look around, we are in my apartment which is basically our apartment at this point. This is private, it’s our home and I will kiss my girlfriend if I want to” you steal a quick kiss to prove your point.
After that night you were on your best behaviour as was Alex but it was getting harder and harder to hide your feelings for the older woman. You were reaching your anniversary and you loved her more now than you ever thought possible. Feelings that strong are impossible to hide. 
It was during the champions league trip to Barcelona when Alex told you that she didn’t want to hide your relationship but that she also wasn’t ready for the world to know. You were ok with this as it meant no more hiding in bathrooms when unexpected guests turned up at your homes and at events the two of you didn’t sit on opposite sides of the table, you sat side by side. Alex didn’t flinch or panic when she felt your hand on her thigh.
The night before the London Derby Alex laid in bed actively trying to wind you up about the following days game. She was confident that her mighty Arsenal would beat your blues. It wasn’t going to happen and when your girlfriend offered up a bet you knew that you would do everything you could on the pitch to make sure she lost. It’s safe to say when Chelsea won 4-0 you were more than happy to go do pitch side media. 
Alex, Fara and Karen stood analysing in the game when you snuck up behind them. You playfully pinch Alex’s waist. After greeting the other two presenters you take your place by your girlfriend’s side.
“And joining us now is Chelsea captain Y/N Y/L/N. I imagine you are happy with today’s result” Fara asks already knowing that you would be in an untouchable mood.
“More than happy. I think we showed today why we are running away with the league. It’s always a good day when we come away with three points. The fact it’s Arsenal who we took those points off make it that much better” you turn and she her shaking her head. “Alex?”
“London is blue” Erin comes in shouting with Millie, Sam and Guro not far behind her. 
“I can’t” Alex ignores the new company as her focus remains on you. Her eyes begging you not to make her do this live on TV.
“Are we missing something?” Millie asks. 
“Yes you are. You see Alex here was so confident that I would be beaten today that she made a very interesting bet, one which she now has to pay up”
You take the microphone out of her hands and place it on the table in front of you. The women around you watch and wait for the bet to be revealed. A huge hint comes as they see Alex taking off her coat and you taking of the rather sweaty match worn and winning Chelsea shirt.
“I made a bet with Y/N that Arsenal would win today and the bet was whoever lost has to wear the other team’s shirt”
“I wonder when this was made” Sam whispers behind you “Whilst she was in your bed, I think so” Her last comment earns her a elbow to the ribs.
“You can’t welsh on a bet Alex” you hand her your shirt and take her coat for her.
Your girlfriend smells your shirt and to anyone else the sweat might be enough to put them off but all Alex smells is your perfume. 
You cannot take your eyes of her as you watch her put on your shirt. She had worn your England shirt numerous times but seeing her in blue did things to you.
Once the shirt is on she makes grabby hands for her coat but you shake your head. She wasn’t allowed to cover the badge. Alex had to wear this shirt until the moment she walked through the door to your apartment where you would take it off her, that was the bet.
“The things I do for the woman I love” It slips out before Alex realises what she has said. Fully aware that she is live on TV she does everything she can not to react to her confession. Luckily she wasn’t holding a microphone so she hoped that her words wasn’t picked up.
The people watching at home may not have heard her but the 4 Chelsea players near you sure did. When the camera cut the two of you were subject to a hoard of questions, all you vowed to answer at training but on the one condition that they remain tight lipped and to your shock they did. 
This moment did make Alex realise that this luck wouldn’t always follow her and she asked if you would be happy for your friends to know, to which you said you were. 
The rest of the world didn’t find out till a couple of months later when the final whistle was blown at the World Cup final in Australia. Just as she was for the Euros, Alex was in the small studio within the stadium covering the game for the BBC. It was your mistake that lead to the Spain’s one and only goal, the one that would go on the win them the coveted trophy and the all important star on the shirt.
She was live on TV when she was shown you sat on the pitch refusing support from your team mates. She could tell that you were crying and it was confirmed when you pulled you shirt down from over your face. Your eyes were red and she could feel your pain.
The rest of the punditry team was talking about the game but Alex remained quiet as she watched the monitor, mentally begging someone to stay by your side and refuse to leave. Alex realised she is being spoken to when she hears your name get brought up.
“You know this team, you know Y/N. She’s the captain of this team. What do you think is going through her mind right now?” Jonas asks her.
“She will blame herself for this. Y/N comes across as this stoic player but she had the biggest heart and this will be killing her inside” Alex turns to look down at the pitch to see you all alone and even from a distance she can see your body is racking with sobs.
“I’m sorry, I can’t do this. I need to go” Alex takes out her ear piece and hands it to one of the producers. 
Nobody asks any questions as the former Lionesses walks out of the studio without saying another word.
You couldn’t believe what you had done. You, the captain whose job it was the lead the team to victory, had cost the team and the country the greatest accomplishment a national team can achieve. They had been playing the goal on the screens so you got to see your mistake over and over again. You deserved it, it was your punishment. You were never an emotional player but this defeat hurt more than any other in your career. Once again you find yourself pulling your shirt up to hide your tears.
“Look at me” you know that voice.
“I can’t. I can’t look at you Alex” your hands cover the shirt that covered your eyes. 
“Please” Alex reaches for your hands expecting to be met with a fight but you didn’t have it in you. You had nothing left, no fight, no energy. 
When you see her you break again only this time Alex is there to hold you. She pulls your up and into her arms, holding you tightly as your tears soak the shoulder of her pink stripped blazer. She lets you have your moment before trying to talk to you.
“This isn’t on you Y/N. You girls are a team. You win as one and you lose as one”
“No buts. You lead this team to a World Cup final and that isn’t something to look over just because the game didn’t end how you wanted. You” Alex gently pokes your chest “will use this moment and come back stronger”
“I will” you voice is quiet but there is a hint of conviction in what you are saying.
Alex leans in to kiss you but you stop her as discreetly as you can.
“Look around, don’t do this here just because we lost” you divert your eyes to cameras that are around you.
“Who cares Y/N. If I’m not here for you now then I don’t deserve to be with you at all”
You nod you head. The game had broken you and there wasn’t anyone else you wanted to put you back together. Alex was it for you, public be damned.
“We were never the best at hiding were we?” You asked.
“No Y/N we weren’t but maybe that was the point. We wanted the world to know, we just didn’t know it at the time. Now let’s go, there’s nothing left for you on this pitch”
Alex drapes her arm around you shoulder pulling you in close. Your head rests on her shoulder as the two of you leave the pitch and into the changing room. 
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hamiltonaf · 1 year
Hi! I’m so excited you’ve open your requests, can I ask one with Lewis where you work with Toto and are like his little girl, so you get along and are close.
You’ve been secretly in love with him for a while so you try to help and been there for him now that Merc is struggling with the car, so after one race weekend like this one (😪) you try to confort him but he takes his anger on you.
The following week at the factory you’re distant and he starts to miss you…
The end is on you.
Thanks 🙌🏾❤️
Confession | Lewis Hamilton
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: Slight angst but fluff
A/N: Hi loves ! Slowly recovering from being ill for over a week so bare with me. Thanks anon for requesting. Hope you babes enjoy. Requests are still open .xx
The Monza race weekend was here… is it hypocritical of me to say it’s one of my favourites if I’m working for Mercedes ? You can’t deny that the vibe and energy of tifosi doesn’t hype you up even if you’re not a fan of Ferrari.
I couldn’t wait to start posting content for the weekend, I mean it is my job anyway - social media admin. It’s a fun job, not gonna lie. I think it’s quite evident that I spend most of my time posting about Lewis’s paddock outfits than anything Mercedes related. For starters, it’s valid to post Lewis because he’s obviously part of the team and secondly, who isn’t waiting to see the Sir Lewis Hamilton fashion week every race weekend ? Am I right..
I think trying to hide my crush or love should I say for Lewis isn’t working considering that some fans have even commented that it’s ‘quite obvious that admin has a soft spot for Lew’. I’m really exposing myself on main. As extroverted as I am, I can’t help but get shy and quite around Lewis, still bold enough to compliment his outfits everyday on race weekends - if I don’t comment, it’s obvious that something is wrong.
I’d like to think that Lewis and I are somewhat best friends considering we spend more time off-track than on-track. However, I’m starting to re-think that seeing how he’s keeping his distance from me. I eventually just had to work up a nerve to just march over to him and ask him what’s wrong. He finished his interviews and he came back into the hospitality. I approached him with a soft smile, “Hey, are you okay ?” I asked softly. “I’m fine” he abruptly said and brushed my shoulder with his as he walked past. I followed behind him and waited till we were in the hallway to speak up again. “I know something is on your mind. You know you can talk to me Lew, I’m always here for you” I said softly.
“(Y/N) I really couldn’t care to talk to you right now ! Can you just leave me alone ?” He said harshly. Thank god no one was around because I probably would’ve died of embarrassment. My smile fell and I felt a pain in my chest. “Sorry” I said lowly and walked away in the opposite direction.
I avoided him for the rest of the day as he asked. This was the first time he ever raised his voice at me and I was quite hurt to say the least. Usually post-race we’d meet up and go out for dinner or just spend the evening talking in either one of our rooms. I didn’t bother waiting for him after I stuck around for the team briefing, I went straight to the hotel and I was ready to go back to England. So much for thinking we could celebrate him racing for 2 more years.
Luckily I didn’t have to change my flight since I was already scheduled to leave for my flight back home at 8PM. Once I was back home and to myself, I noticed Lewis had posted on his Instagram. Low-key saddened to not receive a message from him yet. I guess it’s a sign I need to get out of my deluded space and get over him.
At a time like this not gonna lie that I hated my job because so much for trying to get over Lewis, posting about him on the teams social media is part of the job.
It’s Wednesday and we have a team meeting at the factory. I really wish I could sit this one out but unfortunately I can’t. I smiled at all the familiar faces as I clocked in and was so relieved to see Toto. “Ahh (Y/N) ! I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages, you’ve been distant lately” he said as he pulled me in for a hug. “Toto, it’s only been 3 days since the race” I reminded him. “I know, but usually you’re always around after the team briefing on Sundays and even on off days, I hear from you. Everything okay ?” He asked concerned as he had an arm around my shoulder and lead the way.
“Oh yeah everything’s fine, the travelling and the energy from Monza just drained me this weekend. I just needed to de-stress these past few days” I sighed. “Of course, I suggest maybe taking an early holiday to Singapore” he suggested. “Sounds good to me, why don’t you and Susie join me ?” “I’ll let her know and get back to you on that” he smiled as he pats my back. Almost as if on cue, Lewis approached us. “You finally made it” Toto joked. “Sorry I’m late, uncle duties” he shrugged.
I felt so uncomfortable, I wish I could’ve been swallowed up into a hole. “No worries, (Y/N) kept me company” he smiled at me. I glanced up at Toto before stealing a glance at Lewis who was already looking at me with a soft smile.
“Oh, would you look at that, George is here ! Let me just go greet him” I excused myself and walked over to George. “Hey you !” I cheerfully said. “(Y/N/N) ! So good to see you. Carmen and I missed you on Sunday” he said as he then pulled me in for a hug. “Aww sorry I had to take off suddenly, had some things to sort at home” I sighed. “Ahh well we always have the next race weekend” he suggested. “Yeah of course. How’s my bestie doing..where is she ?” I asked. I could literally feel a pair of eyes burning at the back of my head. “She’s at home. You should stop by later if you have time” he smiled. “Aww that’s sweet. Thanks for the offer, I’ll try” I smiled back and just then we were disrupted to gather everyone for the factory meeting.
I don’t know why my brain told me to look back…and I actually did. Of course, it’s Lewis looking right at me. I ignored him and walked past him with George by my side.
After the factory meeting, both George and Lewis practiced ahead of Singapore on the simulator. Our team photographer, Steve, had then sent me the pictures he took for today for me to post onto the team socials. I was in my own cubicle, organising posts and captions until I heard a “hey !” from behind me. “Heyy !” I enthusiastically replied. I turned around on my chair to be faced with Lewis.
“Oh. It’s you” I said as my smile dropped. “Ahh you’re never this disappointed to see me and you’re so distant lately” he said causally. “Are you forgetting what you told me on Sunday ? You said and I quote I couldn’t care to talk to you right now, leave me alone !” I whisper yelled. “Can we talk somewhere more private ?” He motioned to the room a few metres away. I rolled my eyes and followed behind him. “Look (Y/N/N)..I’m really sorry for the way I acted. It was immature and uncalled for. I should’ve never taken my anger out on you... It’s unfortunate that I hurt those that I love and care for, you deserve better” he said as he took a step closer and held my hands in his.
I sighed, “Lew, it’s okay.. I get it. It’s normal to get upset, no one is expected to be happy all the time. You had a bad race, and it is what it is…you’re forgiven” “Those words just made my day. I didn’t know how to message you because I felt bad, and I needed to see you in person to get everything off my chest” he cleared his throat and had a more serious expression. “You made me realise a lot in these few days we were apart… I’m in denial about my feelings” he huffed. “Okay ? Lew I’m not getting you” I raised a brow in confusion. “Life isn’t complete without you in it. Not hearing your laugh or seeing you and that beautiful smile that lights up the room made me realise what I’m missing… I’m falling in love with you (Y/N)” he softly said with a smile.
My heart was racing. I could feel my hands getting clammy. I was at a loss for words. “Please say something” he softly said. “I’m sorry I’m just speechless. This is so surreal. I’ll be honest with you, I’ve been in denial about my feelings for a while, I tried to convince myself that the less I see you then the better… but I couldn’t. You made it so hard for me when you look so fine, and I have to post pictures of you -“ I rambled. “Did you just call me fine ?” He smirked and raised a brow. “Did I ? Oh my god. I- ugh you’re making this hard” I pouted as I noticed his eyes went from making eye contact to subtly switching to my lips.
I didn’t even have time to realise what was going on until I felt the butterflies. He cupped my cheek and placed his lips on mine. I kissed back and placed a hand around his neck to pull closer. “Lewis, have you seen-�� the door burst opened by George. I broke away and felt embarrassed by getting caught in the act. “Found her. Uhm sorry to interrupt, was going to ask if you’re coming over (Y/N/N) but seems like you already have plans” George winked. “Righttt see yourself out mate” Lewis motioned to the door. “Lew !” I playfully hit his chest. “See you love birds around” George said lastly before leaving. Momentarily, Lewis and I turned to look at each other. “So, your place or mine ?” He smirked
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queen-of-reptiles · 8 months
description: in which kirsty smith and her chelsea player girlfriend have to go through several interviews before the London Derby
kirsty smith x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction do not take any of this seriously !
warnings: cutenesssssssss, talks about previous injuries for the reader!
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y/n just posted on her story
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kirstysmith.11 just posted on her story
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Kirsty hummed lightly as she walked through the corridor leading to the interview room, she opened the door, smiling at her girlfriend who sat happily in her Chelsea shirt.
"There she is." y/n cooed, standing up as she ran at her girlfriend excitedly.
Kirsty chuckled catching the bouncing striker as she launched herself at her, pressing excited pecks to her cheek multiple times. The crew around laughed, finding the sweet nature of the two humorous.
"Hi Baby." Kirsty chuckled. "Can I put you down?" She then asked and y/n squeaked, as if realising she was still wrapped around her lover.
"Oh yeah, course." y/n grinned, unwrapping her legs from Kirsty and being set back on her feet. "Sorry." y/n apologised as Kirsty followed her to their seats.
The two competed in their London Derby tomorrow, Kirsty being a West Ham defender and y/n being a Chelsea striker. The two were a known couple in the WSL and an enjoyed one at that.
"Right, so y/n, of course we have to talk about it. You scored your 161st goal for Chelsea over the weekend. How did that feel?" The interviewer asked and y/n grinned.
"Oh fantastic! I mean Chelsea has been such a big part of my life, with me growing up in the academy and then coming into this team, but there is something so special about getting that number in the net." y/n smiles softly.
"And Kirsty, we saw you at the game of course, having played the day before, how did you feel?" The interviewer continued.
"Just so proud, I mean she isn't called the best striker in England for nothing. But I am still so proud because she's done so well and even though I hate the colour she does look good in Chelsea blue." Kirsty smiles.
y/n lets out a laugh at that, smiling at her lover kindly as she traces her face with her eyes, Kirsty's hand slips into y/n's under the table and her hand squeezes tightly, loving the way y/n squeezes back.
"And of course, your relationship is big among the fans how do you find that?" He asks.
"I mean, I love that they love us and have done for so long, but it can get a little intrusive at times, if they don't see us together the rumours can be so vicious and hurtful." Kirsty admits and y/n nods.
"People love to talk to, when it came out we were together, all they could talk about was the four year age gap and it was so annoying and upsetting." y/n agrees and the interviewer nods.
"And obviously this weekend you are playing against each other, how does that feel? How does it effect the relationship?" The interviewer asks.
"I don't think it does really." y/n hums, looking at her girlfriend who shakes her head in agreement.
"Yeah, like we are loyal to our teams but we would never put us on the line because of football." Kirsty nods.
"Do you think some fans may find that un-loyal?" He continues asking and y/n shrugs.
"They're welcome to. But at the end of the day, football is not forever in our lives, this relationship will be." y/n states and Kirsty's head moves so she can admire her lover.
A soft smile on the blondes face as she watches y/n answer the nest question her eyes filmed with warmth as she makes sure to also pay attention to the questions being asked.
"And Kirsty, do you find it hard to defend against her?" He asks and Kirsty looks back to the camera.
"Yeah, of course I do, she's fantastic." Kirsty says and y/n smiles softly, running her thumb over the skin of Kirsty's hand which is still intertwined with her own.
y/n lets Kirsty let go of her hand, the older blonde now placing it on y/n's thigh, squeezing at it as she continues to talk about how talented her lover is at the game.
"But then again, I know her, I know the way she thinks, the way she sees the game, and I know I can use that to try and help my team stop the little rascal." Kirsty says and y/n laughs.
"And y/n obviously you had tough time of it in 2020, with your ACL then a broken ankle, how good did it feel to get back on the pitch just before the Euros?" The interviewer asks.
"I can't quite describe it honestly." y/n admits, the pain and heartbreak flashing through her quickly as she remembers the months it took.
"Take your time." The interviewer nods kindly.
"Well, to get back after an ACL was fantastic, I knew I had time as I was only 23 when it happened. But then first game back to instantly get a broken ankle, goodness, it was just horrid." y/n admits.
The game had been rough, it was against Arsenal and in the 70th minute while they were 2-1 up, Leah Williamson, her captain of her international team, made a bad tackle and broker her ankle.
"It was worse seeing Leah as well, because I knew she felt so awful and I just wanted to hold her and promise her it was okay, but I was in so much pain." y/n continues.
Leah had almost been in tears, she knew how much y/n meant to the Lionesses and the fact the two had such a close relationship didn't help either.
"Kirsty was fantastic however, I mean, I don't think I would have stepped foot back on the pitch without the support system I had. Chelsea, the girls, and Kirsty." y/n says softly.
Kirsty smiles, squeezing y/n's thigh once more as she leans her other hand down and drags y/n's chair to connect to hers, kissing her forehead lovingly as the interviewer smiles.
"I was lucky really, because I had such history at Chelsea and lucky to have such a good fanbase because I had been in the senior team so long already. But it is something I would never wish or hope for anyone because it is very hard." y/n nods.
"Okay, thank you." The Interviewer nods kindly before sighing. "One last question, what's going to be the score?" He asks.
y/n lets out a light laugh, Kirsty following suit as y/n finds herself grateful for the interviewer's way of lightening up the mood which had become slightly sadder.
"Well, I guess they will have to watch Sunday to find out." y/n grins and the interviewer chuckles.
"I agree with that." He nods before the cameras stop rolling. "Thank you so much for that ladies, I really appreciate it." He tells them as they shake hands.
"Thank you, it was lovely to work with you." Kirsty smiles.
"Yeah, you're lovely, thank you." y/n adds and the man smiles before Kirsty and y/n head over to their bags.
"You okay baby?" Kirsty asks quietly as they put their coats on.
"Yeah, I just forget sometimes that it hurt so bad, you know?" y/n asks and Kirsty smiles kindly.
"I know baby." She promises, pressing a light peck to y/n's lips. "Come on, lets get you home pipsqueak." Kirsty adds as she offers her hand and y/n happily takes it.
y/n sighed in relief as the whistle blew, her body flopping on the ground as the Chelsea fans cheered for their win around them. The 2-0 win was hard, y/n getting the first goal just before half time and Sam getting the second barley five minutes before the end of the match.
However, West Ham had put up such a good fight, they had kept close and tight to the Chelsea girls and even had some counter attacks which were nearly a problem.
y/n was kept almost silent by her lover during the match, and while she was coming away with a goal and an assist, she felt absolutely knackered from the game her lover had done.
"You okay down there Pip?" Sam asks, standing over her team-mate and friend.
"Yeah, good cheers." y/n nods.
The nickname pip had originated from Sophie Ingle nicknaming her 'pipsqueak', years ago when y/n first joined Chelsea senior, she was only 16 and eventually Sophie started to call her pipsqueak.
The team found the name hilarious and it seemed to stick once they realised the striker wasn't going to grow above her miraculous height of 5ft 1.
Eventually, pipsqueak was shortened to pip to make it easier and quicker to say, and it was usually said more by her team than her actual name.
"Come on up you get." Sam says offering her hand and pulling y/n to her feet. y/n sighs as she nods in thanks to Sam and goes to grab her water bottle, gulping it down and listening to Emma's talk.
Once they are dismissed, two familiar arms wrap around her middle, the familiar claret and blue colour meeting y/n's eyes as she turns around to face her lover.
"Hi baby." y/n hums, the crowds cheering getting louder at the sight of the couple.
"Hi my little superstar." Kirsty smiles pressing a kiss to her forehead which y/n accepts with a happy hum.
"Pip! Pip's girlfriend! You're up for interviews!" Emma's call rings and y/n groans.
"Emma, why can't you use my name?" y/n whines as she walks past her boss.
"I did!" Emma denies and Kirsty laughs as they get to the pitch-side interview and are handed their microphones and separate to their own interviewers.
"y/n congrats on the performance today, a good win or things to work on?" She is asked.
"Thank you. Look every win is a good win really, but definitely things to work on. We were late to all the second balls, we didn't close down quick enough and we missed some really good chances." y/n nods.
"Always looking for ways to improve right?" The interviewer asks.
"Completely. We always do look for ways to get better, because that is how you stay the best and today proves that we have got a lot to work on." y/n nods.
"Even so, a great goal from you. Did you think it was going to go in?" The interviewer asks.
y/n's first goal had been from about 40 yards out, she had recieved it from Sam and while being closed down by Hawa Cissoko decided to just have a go, hammering it into the top left hand side to everyone's shock and awe.
"Not at all." y/n says honestly which causes the interviewer to laugh.
"Well, I appreciate your honesty thank you." The interviewer nods.
"Of course, any other questions?" y/n asks her.
"I think one more." The interviewer nods, eyeline behind her and y/n turns around, microphone dropping on the floor as she looks at her girlfriend on one knee.
Sam is stood next to the interviewer, clearly having tossed Kirsty the ring when y/n wasn't looking and now the teams had crowded around as Kirsty tried to not cry.
"Marry me baby?" Kirsty asks, y/n wiping a few stray tears away.
"Of course Kirsty, it will always be a yes." y/n nods, Kirsty grinning as she jumps up and presses her lips to y/n's tightly, before sliding the ring on her finger as they pull away.
Suddenly both teams jump at them cheering and screaming as the video being recorded becomes a soon viral one at the show of love one simple question caused.
kirstysmith.11 just posted
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liked by samanthakerr20, westhamwomen and 308, 298 others
tagged y/n
kirstysmith.11 can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together ! xx
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a cute one for a cute woman ! xx
Queenie xo
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jbaileyfansite · 1 month
Interview with Backstage (2024)
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Jonathan Bailey is still marinating in his thoughts, andthey taste pretty sweet. Top notes of red wine, he says. 
These are busy times for the witty British heartthrob. He’s speaking over Zoom from Malta, where he’s filming the next “Jurassic World” installment. And two days prior, he received his first Emmy nomination for his supporting turn on Showtime’s “Fellow Travelers.” 
What’s lingering in Bailey’s mind after reaching such a huge milestone? “The nature of the story, and how that story’s come to be told,” he says of Ron Nyswaner’s limited series, a decades-spanning gay drama that’s chock-full of steamy sex scenes. For him, the Emmy nod is “an acknowledgment of [the show] meaning something much bigger.” 
The 36-year-old actor radiates humility and surges with pride for his collaborators; “Fellow Travelers” also picked up nominations for lead actor Matt Bomer and for Nyswaner’s writing. Bailey believes the fact that executive producer Robbie Rogers was able to get the project on television at all is a “brilliant signifier” of changing times. He feels lucky to have been the right person for the job. And after a couple of decades in the industry, the actor’s star is about to go supernova. 
Childhood stage work and gigs on 2000s teen TV shows led to roles on acclaimed series like ITV’s “Broadchurch” and Channel 4’s “Crashing.” He nabbed an Olivier in 2019 for his performance in Marianne Elliott’s West End revival of “Company.” Households on the other side of the Atlantic learned his name in 2020 when he courted lockdown audiences as Anthony, the strident head of the titular family on Netflix’s period-romance smash “Bridgerton.” 
Then came the game-changing “Fellow Travelers.” Bailey plays the idealistic Tim Laughlin, a closeted congressional staffer who pursues a clandestine relationship with another man amid the witch hunts of McCarthy-era Washington. The actor is keeping up that momentum in the coming months with part one of Jon M. Chu’s highly anticipated film adaptation of the Broadway musical “Wicked” (out Nov. 22), followed by the fourth “Jurassic World” in 2025. 
“Fellow Travelers” is a fitting inflection point for Bailey, considering it reflects aspects of his own gay identity. Tim’s story also illuminates a thread connecting the actor’s work, both in and out of character: always embracing the truth, shame be damned. 
Born in Wallingford, England, Bailey made a beeline for the arts as a kid when he began studying music and ballet. After getting a taste of performing at a young age, he secured an agent when he was a teenager. Even now, he feels the sense of joy and wonder he discovered in those early days. 
He chose not to attend drama school, instead throwing himself into professional theater, where he encountered the performance process in its most essential form. “You start with your own instincts, and then you share with others in the room in real time,” Bailey says. “You academically approach text, then you emotionally explore it. Then, you physically put it on its feet.”
Theater taught him to be observant. In rehearsals, he witnessed actors being brilliant and bold, but also making crucial mistakes. Weeks of rehearsing helped him learn how to spend time with a character as he watched his castmates play against type and expand themselves through performance. Those lessons both tested and encouraged him, and they’ve carried him throughout his career. 
Since then, Bailey has gotten the chance to see plenty of giants at work. He reverently discusses performing Stephen Sondheim’s music alongside Patti LuPone in “Company” and reciting Shakespeare opposite Ian McKellen in the Chichester Festival Theatre’s 2017 production of “King Lear.” 
His contemporaries also made for great teachers. He worked with Phoebe Waller-Bridge on “Crashing” and Michaela Coel on “Chewing Gum”—two certified television geniuses whose creative successes Bailey likens to the magnesium flame of a meteor. It’s an apt comparison—Waller-Bridge called him “a meteorite of fun” in a 2022 interview with GQ. (“I think I’ve always been quite naughty,” he says playfully.)
“There’s so much you take on via natural osmosis,” Bailey explains. “It’s what you watch and how you interpret things.”
For example, he thinks that every actor should see Sandy Dennis’ Oscar-winning turn as Honey in Mike Nichols’ 1966 film “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” Her performance whet his curiosity about the craft: “She is so fluid. I mean, that might be the most exposing answer I’ve given about what my inner world is like.”
Bailey’s technique is rooted in music. He plays piano and clarinet, and he approaches acting like an instrument, too. When reading a script for the first time, he experiences his character’s arc as the phrases in a song. “The way my brain works is that I see the images of what they’re doing,” he says. “When I say ‘phrasing,’ it’s like, how you get from that image to this image.”
When he was playing the bottled-up Anthony on “Bridgerton,” Bailey found inspiration in songs by Echo and the Bunnymen and Nirvana. While filming “Fellow Travelers” in Toronto, he went on long walks while listening to expansive pop music to help him explore Tim, a character whose energy radiates outward.
Considering Bailey’s process plays like a song, connoisseurs of his work might notice a motif. Sam from “Crashing,” a party boy Bailey calls “a wild, untamed animal in a tiny little cage,” aggressively maintains a facade of heterosexuality while pining for his male housemate Fred (Amit Shah). On Season 2 of “Bridgerton,” Anthony locked himself into a prison of duty and a loveless engagement to avoid acknowledging his desire for the fiery Kate Sharma (Simone Ashley).
Tim of “Fellow Travelers” is the latest in a series of sharply drawn characters confronting the tension between their assigned roles and their personal truths. Viewers first meet a straitlaced rule-follower whose Catholic piety is only matched by his loyalty to the infamous Senator Joseph McCarthy. All that changes when he crosses paths with Hawkins “Hawk” Fuller (Bomer), a crystal-eyed, debonair State Department official. Their respective closets combust on contact, and they enter into a forbidden love affair just as McCarthy’s Lavender Scare has begun purging queer people from the halls of government.
Bailey’s interior work tends to be more emotional than cerebral, but he’s a generous conversation partner who’s always game to riff on the deep stuff. Whether it’s yearning, going against expectations, or facing high stakes, the phrasing is what draws him in. 
He finds a lot of gorgeous notes to play across the eight episodes of “Fellow Travelers” as the action moves from the 1950s to the ’80s, making pit stops along the way. While Hawk settles for a life of straight domesticity, Tim hurtles through a sexual and political awakening: The Beltway boy becomes an activist priest who refuses to diminish himself, especially when the AIDS crisis begins to rip his community apart.
Bailey loved being inside Tim’s head; in fact, the actor thinks of him as a hero. After experiencing the isolation of his secret relationship with Hawk, he opens himself up to the world: He comes out, moves to San Francisco, cobbles together a found family, and builds a life as his true self. 
“Ron Nyswaner has spoiled Matt and me for the operatic detail that existed between [our characters],” Bailey says, “and also with Tim’s political fervor: the truth and the honesty that he demands of himself and the world around him, and the grappling with anything that is an obstacle to his own and other’s happiness.”
You can’t talk about “Fellow Travelers” without discussing its rapturous sex scenes—and not only for titillation’s sake, though the kinky encounters between Tim and Hawk certainly call for smelling salts. These sequences gave Bailey the opportunity to commit authentic queer intimacy to the screen, which members of the LGBTQ+ community rarely come across as they search for ways to understand their identities. 
The trust between Bailey and Bomer informed everything they did onscreen. Before filming those scenes, the two actors talked through their approach at a café (Goldstruck Coffee on Cumberland Street in Toronto—a ribald little detail that still makes Bailey laugh). The filming itself was incredibly technical, and the actors worked with an intimacy coordinator on set. “We sort of hit the ground running, knowing exactly what was going to be required but also how to communicate throughout it,” Bailey says. “It felt immediately quite safe.”
He sensed an exciting opportunity to tell a story about transformative love amid the “wild, oppressive moment” of the Lavender Scare, dismissing any reservations about the explicit nature of the material. “Honestly, this is exactly why this show is going to be brilliant,” he remembers thinking.
The series’ milestone dramatic moments, with buttons still done up and no skin showing, carried that same sense of significance. No matter how much Tim grew over the course of his arc, Bailey says that his bond with Hawk remained an “extraordinary, material thing.”
This summer, the actor made a very Tim move when he founded the Shameless Fund, a charity that supports LGBTQ+ causes under the tagline: “Raising cash. Erasing shame.” The initiative grew directly out of his acting work—first inspired by the platform afforded to him by “Bridgerton” and further influenced by his experience on “Fellow Travelers.” 
Playing Tim—or, as Bailey puts it, spending “five months doing a dissertation on queer oppression and liberation”—catalyzed his thoughts about the people who created a world where such a show could even exist. “I think in ‘Fellow Travelers,’ it’s so clear what Tim wants,” he says. “But as the world around him develops, you realize there’s so much that he can’t have, but that he can help change.”
Bailey sees that progress playing out in the next generation. He has a small role on the upcoming third season of Netflix’s queer YA hit “Heartstopper” as a dreamy academic who’s the celebrity crush of the series’ protagonist, Charlie (Joe Locke). Based on creator Alice Oseman’s graphic novel series, the show has found a passionate following of young LGBTQ+ fans. 
When he watched “Heartstopper” for the first time, Bailey remembers wondering what it would have been like to see such representation on television when he was growing up. “I was so celebratory of it,” he says. “But it was obviously kind of a melancholic watch for people above a certain age, because it allowed them to grieve what they didn’t have.”
Having conquered the Regency and Cold War periods on the small screen, Bailey’s blockbuster era is imminent. He’s playing dashing love interest Fiyero in the “Wicked” films (based on Gregory Maguire’s 1995 novel), singing and dancing alongside Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande. It’s a perfect fit for the actor’s particular lens: “Musically and theatrically, I understand it massively.”
Since “Wicked” came with its own well-known songs to study, Bailey spent a lot of time with composer-lyricist Stephen Schwartz’s music in his ears rather than Kurt Cobain’s. He explored Fiyero’s interiority through the musical theater form itself: What does the act of singing express for him?
And for a character whose signature number is called “Dancing Through Life,” what metaphorical direction are his steps leading him in? 
Bailey sees Fiyero as part of the same club as Tim, Anthony, and Sam, as the heightened world of Oz sends him on a journey of radical transformation. “I think about where he starts and where he ends up; he’s literally a changed person,” the actor says. “I savored the arc over two films.” 
Next year, Bailey will become an action star in Gareth Edwards’ next installment of “Jurassic World” opposite Scarlett Johansson. Though details have yet to be announced, including the movie’s title, production is well underway; Bailey just finished filming in Thailand before shooting moved to Malta. A few days before we spoke, he was interacting with a fake blue-screen dinosaur (which is only a spoiler if you thought Hollywood has actually been cloning big reptiles this whole time).
But Bailey is still keeping his theater muscles toned. Next year, he’s starring as the titular monarch in Nicholas Hytner’s production of Shakespeare’s “Richard II” at London’s Bridge Theatre. “I have to go and sharpen up,” he says of returning to the stage. “You feel so sharp and dexterous at the end of a theater run—but also, you know, without a soul. Carcass levels of absolute exhaustion.”
Bailey lights up at the prospect of getting back onstage and experiencing the kinetic energy between the actors, crew, and director. He believes that the emotional and intellectual rigor of theater leads to a tight, specific piece of work. It’s an art form that requires continuous creation night after night.
This stamina comes in handy in front of a camera, too. “When you’re exhausted, you have to rely on technique,” he explains. “Technique does get you over the finish line, and you can deliver a performance that is honest and tell the story effectively and truthfully.” 
Until then—and until he’s back on set with those fake dinosaurs—he’s going to soak up that Emmy-nomination afterglow for a little while longer. 
“I’m actually going to go and have another glass of wine to celebrate,” he says.
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i4bellingham · 2 years
LOVESTRUCK : jude bellingham x fem!reader
synopsis: in which you and jude reveal your relationship for the very first time during one of his games. // not proofread + english is not my first language so please bare with me :> WORLD CUP ENDS TONIGHT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
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As the whistle blew for the last time indicating England’s win, the crowd of white and blue erupted in jolly cheers filling the entire stadium with their merriment celebration for their team’s gratifying win.
The guys huddled close in the field, hugging and celebrating with wide smiles some with teary-eyed gaze that glistened amidst the stadium lights before they thanked the fans for their support.
Proudly wearing the England NT jersey with Jude’s number and last name, you couldn't be any more proud to see his growth and success reach new heights as you cheered and clapped at the seating area.
There had always been worries coming from his side, certain insecurities that often clouded him in a glum haze before you're there easing his worries down and making him remember the level of football he's managed to be at in such a young ageㅡ with a successful career at that. He's always got something in mind, nitpicking certain things that he could've done better at every game until he's drowning and overthinking his entire career, as if he's not a starter and a star player of the England National Team in the World Cup, in addition to his success as Dortmund’s most recognizable rising star players.
It was so easy for him to lose himself in his thoughts, but it was just as easy for you to pull him out of his drowning self-doubts so to see him shine, all smiley and happy in the pitch with his teammates after an excellent game and a good win, it brings a proud warmth to your chest. Standing next to you were his parents who stared at their son just as proud.
You watch for a few more moments as the boys celebrated before they're approaching the bleachers where the team’s family are seated.
You catch Jude’s eye before he's even walking in your general direction. He blows you a kiss, mouthing ‘I love you’ before he turns to his parents to do the same.
After that they were ushered to do cool-downs before being escorted back to the locker rooms, some of the NT’s staff being held back for interviews as the boys filed to enter the tunnel with their loud chatter.
          ㅡ ♡ ㅡ
“Ah! There’s our boy!” Jude hugs his father first before he does the same to his Mum. He's already got changed into a fresh England Strike Drill top with shorts and his sock-clad feet in slippers, freely wrapping each of his parents in a hug without needing to worry about his sweat or the grime and dirt that usually clung on his jersey shirt.
His Mum pats his chest, beaming a proud smile before planting a kiss on each of his cheeks, telling him how proud they are of everything he's achieved.
You simply sat by their side, watching with a content smile on your face before his Mum turns around and makes way for Jude to reach you. You see her shoot you a cheeky wink before she's ushering her husband to sit a little bit further than where they were previously seated.
You stand up to meet Jude, expecting just a simple hug as a form of greeting because after all, you haven't really revealed the status of your guys’ relationship. Everyone knew you as ‘Jude’s best friend’ but not yet as ‘Jude Bellingham’s girlfriend’. And with the number of camera snapping photos almost every second in the stands, you couldn't help the gasp that leaves your lips when you're being pulled by your lovely boyfriend as he gives you a kiss on the lips.
With wide eyes, you tap his arm in panic.
“Cameras!” You tell him. He pays them no mind before he's dragging you to sit down and almost having your entire left leg over his lap, an arm thrown over your shoulder before he gives your cheeks a kiss each.
“Jus ignore ’em love, been buggin’ me for so long I forgot they even exist sometimes.” You knew Jude didn't even care for them, much less for probably giving them something to post and write about the exclusivity of your relationship with him. Instead, Jude leans his head on your shoulders, adjusting his arm to loosely hang on your waist. “’m so happy you're here.”
And with that, he's successfully able to deter your attention from having your relationship outed to the public with such a simple statement.
You flick his other hand that was on your lap before he latches onto it, holding it against in between your’s and his thigh.
“Of course I’d be here... you’d given me the tickets haven't ya?”
Jude scoffs at your jab, pinching your side that almost made you squeal.
“Now don’t be a smartass,” he tells you, voice donning a tired edge yet he still entertains your remark. “Who else was I s’posed to give ’em anyways... my brother can't come here with us.”
Hearing the mention of his younger brother, you perk up. “Speaking of Jobe, I got him some things while I was out yesterday... I know he doesn't need the boot but I got him another pair in his favorite colors.”
“You got my brother somethin’ but nothin’ for me?” Jude asks, feigning a shockㅡ an overdramatized one that he uses ever time he’s being a tease and playful. “Are ya playin’ favorites now?”
“If I had to pick a favorite between the two Bellingham brothers then I’d chose Jobe. A right choice isn’t it? He did get me my favorite ice cream flavor right that one time...”
“Babe it was one time!”
You gasp, “Jude Victor William Bellingham we’ve been dating for a year and a half during that time! Was only right for you to know my favorite ice cream flavor, no?”
Jude sighs dramatically, nuzzling his face on the crook of your neck. “To be fair you do tend to pick random flavors based on your mood, that’s my only defense for this case.”
“... alright then, fair enough.”
He raises a fist, weakly uttering a ‘yes’ before he's back to leaning against you, head nearly against your chest.
“Tired?” Jude nods his head silently. You guide him to lay over the remaining unoccupied seats, seeing that his parents were nowhere in their spot that they had previous scooted into.
You let your boyfriend lay his head over your lap before you're reaching over for your coat inside your bag. You drape it around his dozing frame, pulling the edge around his ankles where his socks doesn't reach and running your free hand through his curls, the other being cuddled against his chest as he slept.
Jude places a kiss on your knuckles, muttering the same three words against your skin that he mouthed not even an hour long ago, completely disregarding the eyes and cameras that had long fixated their attention and lenses on the both of you.
Unsurprisingly, the both of you reached multiple media outlets the next day. Articles after articles, photos after photos and a ton of both short and long video clips taken by some fans bombarded the internet enough to get the thought across.
Jude Bellingham was off the market and was very much evidently in love with you.
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a/n: my tumblr glitched three times i thought i lost this entire piece thank fuck for the restore button 😭
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livin4woso · 4 months
Breaking the media
Chapter 9- the media can be scary
You woke to the sound of your name being shouted along the corridor from alexia, so you picked up your phone and walked to the kitchen to find alexia had made breakfast for the two of yous. You opened your phone, and you looked as every single social media of yours had blown up, and the news was all on you. The comments of the next england star girl takes stage at Barcelona at just 16. You almost couldn't believe it. Your transfer had already gotten some attention from the media, but this. This was collosal in less that 24hrs you had gained over 100k followers on Instagram, you couldn't really believe it. Since you had played at arsenal you had been under a watchful eye by the media yet it never phased you but this was different there was alot more news on you and the pressure started to weigh on your shoulders.
Alexia had snapped you out of your thoughts by telling you to hurry up to go to training. You had arrived sharply on time for a match debrief "ohh heres the famous y/n watch out" mapi joked with you "oh shut it mapi you're just jealous that im all over the news and you're not" you responded to her laughing lightly. You had sat on the end of the row hoping to get some peace as everyone sat next to their respective friends, and then it was lucy who came to sit next to you. "You okay?" you asked her "yeah yeah its just a calf pull its not anything to worry about, the only thing i should be worried about is you taking my spot" she responded laughing at the last part of the sentence "oh god no i could never take your spot but in a a year or so cant garentee that one" you responded to her while being told to sushh by your teamates as the meeting started. The meeting was boring you spent more time playing with the strings on your shorts then paying attention as the whole presentation was in spanish and although alexia had been helping you learn to speak spanish it wasn't going on the easiest of paths. However, you did understand one bit when lucy translated that you were going to do media with ona alexia and ingrid for the next hour or so.
"Media really this isn't going to go well, why not someone else" you asked begging to be swapped "no can do, you're the one with all the hype around you the club has to capitalise of it" alexia said putting her arm around your shoulders and dragging you to the media room. You and alexia had been set with the first set of press while ingrid and ona did interviews then yous would swap."bon dia alexia y y/n tengo algunas preguntas sobre el juego" the man continued alexia waited till he was finished when she translated the conversation to you "he said he had a few questions about the game" she whispered to you. The man had asked you how you felt with all the media stories and before you started you decided to make the conversation potentially easier "ermm no hablo espanol sorry i haven't gotten round to mastering the spanish language but i think the media can be positive influencing to motivate me but too much of it can be pressuring especially the ones bringing in national teams" you responded trying to be as professional as possible. After 15 minutes later of questions you and alexia were promptly moved out of the room and to interviews you were each given a list of places to go to luckily yours had been to the English media where alexia had the spanish media. The interviews went okay there was a few questions which were definitely different than usual but one sparked your thoughts "so y/n how do you feel about the increasing number of comments on your post of people commenting on your looks" the reporter asked "if im being honest i haven't looked at the comments but i am 16 so depending on the nature of the comment would depend my response as im open to compliments but i dont think its appropriate to sexualise a teenager or any player as a matter of fact i want to be known for being a good player not for looking good" you replied.
As soon as the media had ended you clicked on your recent post and went straight to the comment section and god it was not a sight you wanted to see it was a mixture of positive comments some wierd over sexulising remark or a hate comment about how you didn't deserve to play on the team or you only played because it would bring attention to the club. You wished you never opened them as a swirling pit of guilt formed were you just there to bring attention to the club? Did you deserve to even be at Barcelona? The thoughts clung to you like a dark web clouding your mind and it was showing. Training followed and you were playing sloppy missing easy tackles and making bad passes this just made your thoughts spiral so when yous were instructed to take a break it was alexia who decided to ask what was wrong as she could tell not just by your preformance but by the way your eyes were dulled and your eyebrows ever so slightly knitted together she knew something was bothering you.
"Hey pequeña what wrong your not playing like you normally do whats on your mind" she said looking at you the minute she asked this tears welled in your eyes it was pathetic you thought to yourself "i.. erm i dont know i guess i just paid too much attention to what everyone was saying and its not very nice" you said dropping your head in defeat "oh come here, do not believe what they say okay whatever it is its wrong i promise you" she said wrapping you in a hug as you pulled back you grabbed your phone out of your bag and showed alexia the comments and the dms of people "trust me y/n they're wrong you are good enough to play for this team and ignore those creeps because unfortunately we cant do much to make it stop but we can move on as if they never existed" she said standing back up to train again. And yet again alexia knew what to tell you how to remove that cloud that sat in your thoughts weighing you down you now just felt lighter.
Alexia had become a solution to your problems one you could rely on. One who cared for you it was unusual but nice the last time you had felt this loved by a person was your foster family back in London who looked after you while you were at arsenal. She had drove yous home and had began to cook dinner for both of you when she casually slipped into conversation "you know jona is thinking about starting you next game due to lucy and jana being injured" "what, you're joking right" you responded "no no of course not but you need to put in the work tomorrow to make sure he will" she replied as she put the pasta on the boil. You had ate your dinner together and watched tv before going to sleep and the thought of starting lingered in your head it was like you had gone to sleep with a smile on your face at the thought of starting.
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enwoso · 4 months
Hi can you write a Lucy bronze x reader. Reader is the shy one of the team and during teamnights and interviews reader is very reserved. With Lucy she isn’t as shy. Lucy helps reader slowly get out her shell (some fluff :))
JUST NOT ME — lucy bronze
*i truly apologise for the lack of posts in the past few days, i’ve had a hectic few days and i’ve been focused on studying so sorry if this sucks — posts will probably be a bit inconsistent over the next few weeks but i’ll be as active as i can<3*
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"you excited?" beth asked as the car pulled into the entrance of st george's park, the familiar surroundings bringing a small smile to your face. this was your first call up to the england squad in almost a year, having been out with the dreaded ACL injury.
"i guess" you shrugged, beth shaking her head in amusement. you didn't really know how to explain it, of course you were excited, who wouldn't be happy playing for their country but you were almost nervous, what if you weren't up the standard of others in the group.
"always the women of few words!" beth joked, one you had heard many times as the arsenal girls loved to tease you about how quiet you were but that's just how you were cause not everyone was her.
they didn’t know that you needed a chance to warm up to people before you let them into your bubble, they didn’t know that even though because you don’t say a lot that you aren’t paying attention as you notice every persons small habits they have. cause not everyone was her.
you were a listener and not someone who could sit and chat someone's ears off for ever more than a day like the likes of beth mead and ella toone could do so effortlessly without even realising.
but maybe that's what lucy liked so much about you.
you and lucy had been together just nearing two years now, the two of you had known of each other for a while it wasn't until a night out in london with the lionesses that leah had dragged you to after you had said for days on end that you weren’t going, that you and lucy spoke to each other.
you sitting in the corner of the club, drink in hand as you watched millie and rachel on the karaoke a small smile on your face at their singing which was not the slightest in tune at all.
lucy spotting you sat alone slipping in the booth with you before asking you why you weren't doing karaoke like everyone else, you shrugging at the girls question before she asked you if you wanted to do it with her.
you face going red as you almost immediately shook your head, but lucy being lucy had her mission for the night and that was to get you to do karaoke, and to which she succeeded after sitting and having a few more drinks with you.
and from that night, the rest was history.
you rolled your eyes at beth's comment as she chuckled to herself getting out the cab first, getting her luggage as you followed close behind her, thanking the driver as you headed into the entrance of st george's park.
taking in the familiar surroundings, as you looked around noticing the few changes since the last time you were here.
"i'm not holding these doors open for the good of my own health, hurry up!" beth pointed out, her thick northern accent bouncing off the walls as she was stood in the doorway of the lift, pulling you out of your trace as you hurried to get into the lift. pressing the buttons on the side of the wall for the floor you needed.
you and beth getting out of the lift on the same floor, you noticing your girlfriend as she had her back turned the opposite way, a smile appearing on your face.
beth nudging you, "go on!" she whispered as you said a small bye to the blonde as she walked the opposite way.
"your here!" a voice cheered which you knew all too well, lucy stood at the end of the hallway in front of her room door as you stopped your suitcase at your own door.
you smiled seeing the girl, your smile getting bigger with every step she took closer to before engulfing you in a tight hug. your whole body relaxing in hers, the smell of her perfume that you had missed.
“of course i’m here?” you smiled confused at her reaction to seeing you stood in the hallway. “well the media was saying you were gonna withdraw because of an irritation in your knee” she admitted a small frown on her face at the mention of your knee, knowing how hard and the amount of hours you had put in just to get back to the level you were at just last year.
“baby, you do know i would tell you before i even told sarina if i was going to withdraw don’t you?” you asked her, your hands finding their way up the back of her training top, your girlfriend having been here since early as she’d had an early flight to catch this morning.
"anyways, i've missed you" you mumbled into her neck, nestling your head as her hands fell to your lower back you feeling her smile against your forehead as she kissed it.
"i've missed you too love" she smiled as you looked up with a lovesick smile on your face. lucy pressing small kisses to your cheeks, nose and chin before finally pressing a soft kiss to your lips — which you would be dammed to say that you hadn't missed.
it was hard at times being away from your girlfriend for weeks on end as she played in barcelona and you were playing in north london at arsenal. having to schedule weeks in advance of when you would next be able to see each other.
but it made moments like these all the more worth it.
when you would finally be reunited and be in her arms again. sometime you think the distance made the two of you closer in a weird way as you felt as though you cherished you time together more.
"you coming down to lunch?" your girlfriend asked as she pressed your foreheads together, the smile never leaving either of your faces. you nodded, "yeah, let me just put my bag in and chance my shoes"
lucy hummed as she let you go from the hug, grabbing your suitcase for you as you rummaged around your pocket for your room key, the green light flashing as you pushed the handle down.
the door shutting with a click as you opened your suitcase finding your sliders to slip on, “baby, you got another pair!” lucy whisper yelled, pointing to your pink crocs that you were pulling out of your suitcase as she sat at the end of the bed watching you.
“so what? that makes it seven pairs you’ve got now!” lucy said exaggerating the amount, as you huffed rolling your eyes as if she didn’t have trainers lined up on her bedroom floor.
“three actually” you sassed standing up and checking your hair in the mirror as lucy pulled a face at you, you doing one back to her.
“now quit your complaining, i want food!” you smiled sweetly at your girlfriend grabbing her hand and pulling her up from the bed as she pecked your lips quickly before you left your room not before checking that you had your phone and key card to actually get back into your room.
walking down hand in hand with lucy to where food was being served, as you filled each other in on the journey here. lucy’s sounding a lot more exciting then your two hour car journey consisting of views of trees and beth chatting your ears off about anything and every.
saying a small hello to others that you hadn’t seen since arriving before grabbing something to eat and sitting on a table just the two of you.
"on sunday, i went for breakfast with my mum and you know all she spoke about was you!" you complained as lucy had a smirk on her face as she put another forkful of food into her mouth, nodding alone to what you were saying.
"that's because i'm her favourite" lucy laughed as you rolled your eyes. “clearly, it’s so annoying-“ you began before being cut off by two blondes joining you at the table.
"how do you do that?" leah asked, directing her question more at lucy than you, as she sat down beth following behind the captain. as the two sat down at the table you and lucy were sat at.
"do what?" lucy asked, confusion taking over her face as she looked to you who shrugged putting another forkful of food in your mouth.
"get y/n to have a conversation!" leah pointed to you as you felt your cheeks go a little red as a small smile appeared on your face, as lucy looked back to the blonde and the two others still not really understanding what leah was trying to get at.
"we always have a conversation?" lucy shrugged as if it was nothing, cause to her it was. you had never really spoken to lucy until she had brought you out your shell. lucy knew you were more reserved when it came to talking to others, you would speak but it would be very few words.
but she wouldn’t change it for the word cause even if you didn’t say anything back she knew you were always listening and taking in everything she was saying.
beth and leah began to recount all the the times they had talked to you and you only ever gave them a one word answer, the two pleading with lucy to tell them her ways.
"really? y/n over here is a little chatterbox!" lucy smiled over to you as you awkwardly smiled at the two not really knowing what to say.
"she's not at shy as she likes to let everyone think she is!" she bumped your shoulder, as you rolled your eyes the sound of your fork tinkering against the plate in front as beth and leah’s mouth hang wide open in shock.
"no i refuse to believe it, how!"
"your just not me" lucy joked, the four of you beginning to laugh as you nodded your head in agreement, "i mean your not entirely wrong"
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liked by lj10 and 736,250 others
lucybronze no one compares ☺️
comments -
youruser awh how cute
-> lucybronze no i meant no one compares to me?
-> youruser your ego is sickening at times.
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visionofvoid · 1 year
Messy Bed Sheets - PG10 Part Two
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first and foremost, thank you all so much for the reblogs and likes. i am so so happy that you enjoyed the first part and even asked for a second part. please let me know what else you would like to see xoxo
Summary: “i made a mistake.”
Warnings: saddish yuki, a crash, sad oc and sad pierre
Pairings: pierre gasly x oc
Word count: 1354
Serena was accustomed to waking up alone, well, with her dog. She was used to the feeling of being able to stretch out in her bed, take an extra five minutes to ‘rest her eyes’ before she had to get motivated for the rest of her day whether it was for work or for a day on campus. However, she was used to this feeling only when she was waking up in her own bed back in her family home just outside of Oxford in England. As far as her parents knew she was being sponsored to travel for important lectures and talks for her degree. 
She was accustomed to waking up alone, except when it was in a hotel room. She knew she shouldn’t have but she loved waking up with Pierre’s arms wrapped around her chubby stomach that she was once insecure about but grew to embrace and love because of him. She knew she shouldn’t get used to it, that it would only end in her being hurt. 
So, when she woke up the following morning and didn’t stay in bed for an extra five minutes like she usually would. No, instead she was up before her first initial alarm, already in the shower, her bags already packed. She needed to put as much distance between herself and Pierre as possible. She needed to get back home, get back into her studies and forget about him. 
How foolish she was to think that he could ever want someone like her for something other than sex. She didn’t care about fast sports cars, about expensive dinners that cost more than a single unit in her degree.
Pierre looked to the door that joined the two hotel rooms and fought with every inch of his being to knock on it. He ended it, he made the call. He couldn’t go back against his word, especially when she clearly didn’t feel the same. He didn’t sleep well at all that night; tossing and turning between the sheets, her perfume mixed in with the sweet smell of her natural scent reminding him that she was not there, not in his arms snoring away like she usually did. 
He listened as she moved around in the room next door, knowing she left when the heavy front door sounded out through the two rooms. He should do some big, grand romantic gesture like run after her, try and convince her that he can separate his feelings and continue their arrangement even if it mean he still had her in his life but instead he sat on the edge of his bed, time ticking by before his team messaged him to meet in the lobby. 
The day passed fairly slowly for the driver and the student. Pierre was stuck going between interviews, filming things for social media and signing different items before being rushed to his green room where the race would start in just a few more hours. He distanced himself from his teammate, Yuki, and from other staffers, only being present when necessary. Everyone was aware of the sudden changed behaviour but said nothing of it, Yuki even left some of his favourite snacks out for Pierre in the hopes to cheer him up. 
Serena, on the other hand, had spent two extra hours at her gate waiting for her delayed plane and then two hours in the air before a further hour and a half to get through security. She was exhausted, mentally and physically and mostly because of the previous night. Her mother, who had generously picked her up from the airport, figured it was from all the ‘lectures’ she was attending. There were multiple occasions where Serena had grabbed her phone wishing to message Pierre the obligatory ‘at the airport’ or ‘just landed’ text messages but she refrained, both because of last night and because she knew he would be busy during the race day. She didn’t want to mess with his mojo. 
She ignored the race that was on, her brothers and father watching on the TV in the living room. She would usually sit and watch with them but the thought of seeing Pierre would only just add salt to the wound. 
Pierre had her stuck on his mind all throughout the lead up to the race. Well, to be honest there wasn’t a moment where Serena wasn’t on his mind. It could be the thought of her just saying thank you to a waiter when he took her out for dinner, complimenting an old woman on her earrings or how she was just someone he had never encountered before. She was a refreshing breath of air, a reminder of sweet normalcy, and he ruined it. 
Serena sighed as she settled into the couch beside her father. She was certain they would know something was up if she didn’t join them in watching the race. Though she didn’t really care for the whole world of motorsports, she was interested in Formula One especially since the arrangement with Pierre. 
It happened in a split second. One moment the AlphaTauri car was heading down the straight effortlessly and then just like that it rounded the corner and headed right into a wall. The nose of the car was totaled, the commentators yelling at the sudden crash and a safety car and red flag being issued moments later. Serena and her family watched in horror as the car burst into the flames, anxiously waiting for the driver to get out. Serena’s eyes flicked to the side of the screen, trying to figure out which driver it was, hoping it wasn-
What appears as mere seconds on the screen and for spectators feels like hours when you're in the car. You have to have your eyes peeled, listen to all comments from your mechanics, team principal and everyone behind the scenes. It happened in slow motion; first, as weirdly as it sounds, he knew he was going fast, he was working to get P4 but then the unthinkable happened. One slight misjudgement and he was no longer in control. He couldn’t figure out where he went wrong but one second he was gliding behind Alonso and the next he was heading straight for a wall. He thought of everything in the past twenty-four hours; all the interviews where he replied with short answers, answered grumpily at girlfriend speculations, didn’t laugh at Yuki trying to cheer him up, Serena. Serena fucking Riperton. 
He braced himself for impact, clenching his teeth when the nose of the car finally collided with the wall. The force pushed him against all protective restraints of the car, his head jerking forward. And then he felt heat, an immense amount of heat that seemed to bring him back to his sensors. 
It seemed as if everyone let out a deep sigh of relief when they watched Pierre’s slender build emerge from the wreckage whether it was through a television, online streaming service or live at the track. Formula One was no stranger to its crashes but this was like no other ever since the introduction of the halo. Everyone obviously thought of the worst when they saw it happen, but they were all relieved to see that Pierre left the scene unscathed. 
They had to clean up the track before they could continue with the race. For obvious reasons Pierre was no longer in the race but was having his injuries assessed back in the green room. Serena was tuning her family out as she watched the reply of the crash on the TV, the voices of the commentators all merging into one buzzing sound. She felt as if the voices were mumbling her name but then she felt her arm being pushed, like someone was trying to grab her attention. 
“Hm, what?” 
“Your phone, it's buzzing. Must be important.” Serena raised an eyebrow, taking the vibrating device and then getting up to head to her room. She closed her door and slid her finger on the screen, neglecting to look at the caller. 
“Hello, Serena speaking.”
“I made a mistake.”
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julianalvarez9 · 2 years
someday / christian pulisic
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request: Waiiittt what ab Christian being broody after seeing his girl bsfr playing with his niece
summary: after seeing you and his niece peacefully sharing a moment together, he starts to doubt whether he had been lying to himself about his feelings for you.
word count: 1.1k
author's note: changed a few things and i’m not sure i’m 100% sure if i liked it or not but i guess this is it (?? please leave feedback if u can <33
christian always wanted kids.
it was no secret that he was a family man. he was portrayed like that by every magazine that has ever interviewed him, and by every teammate that saw that the first thing he did in the changing rooms was facetiming his mom, no matter the outcome.
still, he was only 24, so he wasn't so worried about the timeline. yeah, he wanted a family, maybe one or two kids running around in the backyard, but it wasn't his main focus. he wasn't even in a long-term relationship, having broken up with his last girlfriend almost eight months ago now. his focus was undoubtedly on his career, wanting to reach big things with football. he knew he had the potential to achieve whatever he put his mind into, not even the sky being the limit for the american player.
his share of kids was now covered with his niece, the light of his life since arriving into this world. and even when he couldn't see her in person that often due to the ocean that separated him and his family, he always made time to include her in the daily video-calls, to ensure that she knew her uncle even when he wasn't physically there with her.
today, though, he was lucky enough to be spending his day with his whole family who had recently arrived in england after joining him in the trip to the world cup. he hadn't wished to come back home as soon as they did, with the national team not being able to reach the final stages of the competition as they dreamed, but he was glad to have another few weeks to enjoy with them before the international break comes to an end, and the second part of the season begins again.
due to you being christian’s assistant (a rather fictional role, created by him to have an excuse as to always having you by his side), you already were joining them to qatar, so it was a no-brainer that you would be spending the rest of the break with them. thankfully, you had developed a great relationship with the whole pulisic family, including the newest addition, avery. that’s how you ended up with her in your arms, cradling her softly in hopes of not waking her up from her nap, knowing how grumpy babies could be if you disrupted their sleep schedules.
“what are you doing?” said christian behind your back, startling you and disrupting the silence that had lulled the baby to sleep. you turned around softly, signaling to his niece that was deeply asleep in your arms to keep him from shouting again. he seemed to have understood, getting closer to you two, but rather silently now. after ensuring he kept quiet, you brought your attention back to avery, silently stroking her cheek, at which she let out a peaceful sigh that made your heart rise in content. 
christian swore that he had never seen something so beautiful. at that moment, he thought that it was it, his facade had gone down and he was done: his brain seemed to have malfunctioned on the spot, not being able to speak any longer but, at the same time, not being able to tear his eyes from you two. 
even with the amount of time you two had spent together in the past few years, he was sure his feelings were strictly platonic, having told his family exactly that each time they asked about what you two were. but now, after involuntarily fantasizing for a second or two about a future with you, including kids, a big house, even a dog or two, he didn’t know how he could face his family the next time they asked about you two. how could he convince them this time thay they were only friends, if he had allowed himself to go this far into his mind?
christian hadn’t considered that he was very much not taking his eyes out of you, almost not blinking while staring into his niece’s peaceful face. "do you want to hold her?” you asked, wishing that your voice could bring him back from the trance he seemed to be immersed in. he shaked his head, trying to regain his senses and drown the fake scenarios he had silently conjured. “w-what?” he asked, confused at your wide grin.
“i asked if you wanted to hold her, since you hadn’t stopped looking. are you okay?” whispering, you said, and took your hand away from avery’s cheek to squeeze his arm reassuringly. christian nodded, still too embarrassed to look straight into your eyes. he was used to you reading him like an open book on the daily, and he wanted to prevent you from recognizing the guilt in his features, even if he wasn’t at fault of where his thoughts had gone to, without asking for permission first. 
"she looks like she's yours" christian blurted out, and immediately tried to fix what had escaped his mouth. “i mean, you are a natural” he couldn’t believe how dumb he sounded, but your smile comforted him, taking it as some sort of ‘compliment’, since you had always wanted kids. “it’s all her, honestly. did you see how cute she is?” you gushed, profoundly amazed at the little human that was still, even after all the talking occurred in the past few minutes, deeply asleep in your arms. against his better judgment, it seemed like christian couldn’t let the topic go, so he continued. "do you think about having kids? someday?".
"yeah, sometimes, i guess. i just don't know if i'll be a good mom, you know?".
he couldn’t disagree more with you, knowing that, if you wanted to have kids on your own in the future, you’d be the most loving mom ever. he had plenty of reasons to back up his opinion, mainly after seeing how bright your eyes got when a kid got near, whether it was his niece, with who you had created the cutest bond, even if you hadn’t had the chance to engage as much due to the distance that kept both you two separated from your families, or the little kids that always asked christian for a picture or an autograph before entering cobham. he was sure that, if your children turned up to be even half as caring and loving as you were, they would become fantastic human beings. christian could already picture a sweet, loving child, with the softest features and the kindest eyes, just as their mother.
"i'm sure you'll be a great one" he smiled, lovingly, now taking his turn in stroking his niece’s cheek. moments after, his sister came back into the room with the stuff she had claimed to need, and a knowing smile painted on her face, showing that her plan, even if not fully devised, had worked out just fine.
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kwaziicatsposts · 4 months
First legitimate contribution to anything :D
captain barnacles: claustrophobic and scared of heights due to falling into a crevis in his childhood, only really has his sister and mentor natquit (can't spell his name) as a sort of family outside of the octonauts, second oldest at around 35 (lost track abit), very protective of his crew and won't hesitate bit-h
Kwazii: fueled by anxiety and energy drinks, lil silly guy but honestly will panic if someone gets hurt, doesn't sleep enough and stress cleans everything despite having a messy room, plays harmless pranks on the others (minus barnacles), has known shellington since college, he's from North East England but his accent is a combo of geordie, cockney and pirate aspects.
Peso: is this close to just slapping the next person to get injured, will eventually force everyone to get therapy one way or another, close with dashi and kwazii because dashi is the most careful and kwazii always ends up in the med bay, somehow not the youngest at around 28, will stab you if you hurt his family.
Tweak: she and her dad would go camping in the Australian outback and she has befriended several cassowarys and emus despite the danger, will smite shellington for breaking the gups, ended up giving them AI to make them help their drivers in emergency, it worked but now the gups are alive, never interview her she will roast all whom she hates
Dashi: least chaotic, wants to love everyone and be the therapist, has a portfolio of everyone doing stupid things and uses it to cheer herself up, has a YT channel and a Twitch channel which she does live streams on, coincidentally her YT and Twitch streams end up being on the news whenever something goes wrong on the octopod, yes everyone knows this don't worry
Shellington: originally from Scotland bit moved to Sunderland/Newcastle at age 14, knows kwazii from 6th form/college since they took the same stuff, watches casual geographic to gain random animal facts, if the air is tense he WILL crack a "ducks have a spiral pènis" just to de-tense the air, that or he just rants about the most random sh-t.
(Not doing inkling sorry ;-;)
Added stuff!!!
Barnacles is Russian, specifically siberian, Kwazii is from Sunderland making his a makam, shelly (shellington) is Scottish, dashi is Canadian-american mix and from detroit, tweak is Australian, Peso is chillean (can't spell, he's from chile) or atleast from the Chilean part of the antarctic.
Barnacles is 35 ish, kwazii is around 25, shelly is 26, Peso is 28 ish, tweak is 30 and dashi is 27 ish.
Kwazii has ADHD and autism, shelly just autism, tweak ADHD and possible autism, dashi has non miraculously, barnacles has undiagnosed possible autism and peso might have both autism and ADHD or just autism he can't tell anymore.
All have phobias of something but that's a different post. Hope you enjoyed, sorry its so long and yes I gave up half way through ;-;
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babygirlbenji · 2 years
can't take my eyes off you - mason mount | ch 1
this has been inspired by one of my favourite songs ever! can't take my eyes off you by moreton harket, listen here <3 i think i kinda went to town on this one, i promise there will be more mason x reader content in the next chapter! enjoy!
wc 1.9k
You can vividly remember the day you knew you wanted to be a sports journalist. You were 6, at a football match with your dad, and you were watching the journalists interview the players after a big game. Declaring to your father that you wanted to be ‘the person with the big stick thing’ (he assumed you meant the journalists), and despite his worries that you would be out of your depth, being a woman in a very much male-dominated environment, he assured you that he and your mother would do their best to make sure you got to wherever you wanted to be.
Just as your mum and dad had promised, you graduated with a degree in journalism and media studies at the University of Portsmouth. Your dad was with you every step of the way, from your orientation day right up until you walked across the stage to receive your degree. He had beamed up at you as you smiled proudly for your photo, scroll in hand. 
All of these moments led up to your first few days of interning at BBC Sport. You were the bottom of the pack, the runt. If the producer wanted coffee, you got it. No questions asked. If the director needed a different camera, you ran to get it. If the editor needed a re-take, you were the one to break the news to the producer, and dealt with the brunt of the shouting. It gave you a thick skin, and built character, as you laughed about it with your family at the end of the day. 
Little did you know that this moment, in turn, would lead to you finding the love of your life. 
‘Y/L/N!’ Your boss barked from his office. You loved your job, but you couldn’t help but feel that your genuine talent was being wasted. You had been there for three months, and the most you had done was assisted with editing a package for some golf competition. You wanted to be out in the field, you wanted to be meeting players, you wanted to be networking, doing actual journalism. Nevertheless, you hurried into your boss’s office. 
‘Olivia is going to Stamford Bridge to do a package for the Premier League, are you in?’ Your mouth opened and closed like a goldfish. ‘Well?’ His tone was brash; you hated being spoken to like this. 
‘Yes, yes! Of course!’ He instructed you to take a camera and microphone in case Olivia’s equipment broke, so you ran to the kit room, hurriedly packed a kit bag and ran out to the car park. 
You had worked with Olivia, one of the lead BBC Sport journalists, only a handful of times. She was very nice, knew and loved her job, and enjoyed nurturing people who were new to the industry. 
‘Y/N, hi, the boss told me you were shadowing me today.’ You hoped your nervousness didn’t convey too much in your smile. 
‘Yep, you’ve got me today! Stamford Bridge, right?’ 
‘Indeed! You ready to go?’ Olivia checked she had everything in the back of the car, before hopping in on the driver’s side.
The drive to the Bridge took about half an hour, and Olivia was soon pulling up into the visitor’s car park. Nerves were fluttering around in your stomach, but you pushed them away. This was your chance to prove that you had what it took to be a BBC Sports journalist, something you’d been dreaming about for over a decade. You weren’t about to let this opportunity go just because you were nervous.
You and Olivia were shown around the premises, her asking questions to your guide about the best places to film, while you were staring in awe at the beauty of it. It may have been one of England’s oldest stadiums, but it was still stunningly beautiful. You could practically feel the years of history looking down at you. 
What you didn’t realise was someone was staring in awe… at you. You’d reached the pitch, which was so much bigger than it did on TV, and there were a few footballers at the other end of the pitch. You heard snippets of the plan for today, things about angles, lunch breaks, which footballer was going to be interviewed and when… 
‘Here we are, boys, this is Olivia and Y/N, ladies, I’m sure you know who these boys are already but just to avoid any confusion, this is Ben Chilwell, Reece James, and Mason Mount.’ You shook hands with all of them, Mason’s eyes lingering on you just a fraction of a second longer than they should have done. You missed this completely, though, having focused your attention back on Olivia as she ran the footballers through what the plan for the day was. 
First came general shots of the boys walking through Stamford Bridge, down the grandstands, onto the field and ready for their interviews, which came second. Your job was simple: assist Olivia. 
‘Right, Mason and Ben, if you want to start walking towards Reece, you need to act like you’re meeting each other at the start of the day. Think bro hugs, fist bumps, big smiles, that sort of thing.’ The boys obediently followed Olivia’s instruction, and you were secretly glad you weren’t the lead journalist on this one, because the boys somehow always managed to find ways to make each other laugh and ruin the shot. 
Eventually, Olivia had reached her limit and she called for a short break. Which meant that she got to sit down for 15 minutes, while you tidied up the gear and made sure the camera was charged up ready for the next few shots. 
‘Hey,’ a somewhat-nervous voice came from behind you. You squeaked slightly, turning around and then wishing you hadn’t squeaked. Mason Mount was standing behind you, a small smile teasing his lips. ‘How come you’re not taking a break like your colleague?’ You shrugged.
‘I’m an intern, so I don’t really get any breaks.’ You sounded like a complete loser, but you couldn’t help it; he was so handsome. You had seen interviews with him, you had stalked his Instagram the night before, and he still took your breath away in person. His brown eyes were like chocolate fondant, and they made you gooey in the middle just like your favourite dessert. ‘It’s okay, though, it gets me experience and connections, and that’s what I’m here for! Not everyone earns tens of thousands of pounds a week.’ You hadn’t meant to say the last bit. You meant to think it. Not say it. Out loud. ‘Oh my god, that came out wrong. Oh no, I’m sorry, that was so rude, I’m sorry…’ You skirted away from Mason and ran towards Olivia. Mason looked at your retreating back. What you had said was right. He didn’t think it was rude. 
Mason looked back at Ben and Reece; 
‘You alright, hun?’ She asked lightly as she took a bite of her chocolate muffin.
‘How much more do we have left to do?’ She laughed. 
‘We finish when we finish. No time limit to journalism.’ Your shoulders sagged. 
‘I said something I shouldn’t have said.’ 
‘Oh well, everyone fucks up sometimes, babe. Think about how many journalists he meets a month, he’ll probably have forgotten your name by tomorrow.’ 
The break ended, and you and Olivia went back to work. The boys were, by and large, much better behaved in this session, to your relief. Throughout the session, though, you couldn’t help but notice that your eyes wandered back to Mason every spare chance they got. It wasn’t like you could control it; it just… happened. And you couldn’t help but notice that Mason’s eyes often came back to you. Olivia directed him to walk towards the camera, and you were standing behind her. His eyes stayed practically glued to you the whole time. 
You practically sighed with relief when Olivia started to put her stuff away. You followed suit, collapsing the tripods, turning off the cameras and making sure to put the memory cards in their holders. 
‘Right guys, thanks for today. Nice to meet you all. Package should be out by the end of next week.’ You all shook hands, and you noticed your hand tingling after Mason shook it. Olivia started striding towards the exit, and you turned to follow her, but you felt a hand take yours and pull you back.
‘Y/N…’ Your eyes looked up to meet Mason’s. ‘It is Y/N, isn’t it?’ 
‘Y-yes, or Y/N/N for short, if you prefer that.’ You didn’t know why you added the last part. Nerves did that to you. ‘And I’m sorry. For what I said earlier. It was out of order and so unprofessional, I’m sorry.’ He chuckled.
‘Don’t worry, love, we all say things we don’t mean sometimes. Doesn’t mean it’s not true though, you’re right.’ You smiled shyly. His pet-name made you weak at the knees (not that you would ever openly admit that), and he seemed like a really genuine guy. The kind of guy your mum would like you to bring home. ‘I can keep an ear out for jobs here if you would like? You seem talented.’ You couldn’t help but raise your eyebrows.
‘And you know this how…?’ He joined in with your cheeky laughter, your eyes dancing with mirth. He could listen to your laugh for hours on end and not grow tired. 
‘I am the all knowing power of media, didn’t you know?’ 
‘Alright Mason, back to football.’ It was so easy to laugh with him. Now you’ve passed the initial awkward stage, you could see more and more of your traits in him. You couldn’t help but want to learn more and more about him. 
He could tell you were guarded, and he guessed that you had been burned before. He wanted to treat you right, like the most fragile piece of glass that would break if he so much as moved it an inch. 
‘Do you want to maybe get a…’ His sentence was cut off by Olivia shouting your name across the pitch. You suddenly remembered that you were on the clock. 
‘Oh god, I’m sorry, I need to go, I’ll see you soon!’ He was about to call after you as you ran off, to try and get your number, but you had surprisingly good pace. He made a mental note to challenge you to a sprint when he next saw you. 
You sat in the car with Olivia, who kept looking over at you. 
‘Alright, what is it?’ you asked, semi-teasingly. ‘Out with it, come on!’ She laughed. Although she was 20 years older than you, she had the air of a teenager sometimes. 
‘You, Mason, Mason, you…’ She teased back. 
‘Oh come on, he’d never go for someone like me. He just flirts with everyone, I’ve read the articles.’ 
‘Y/N, he could not take his eyes off you. Surely that counts for something?’ 
Her words echoed in your mind as you crawled down the motorway, which had slowed to a walking pace with all the roadworks going on. It made you think of one of your dad’s favourite songs.
You’re just too good to be true,
Can’t take my eyes off you,
You’d be like heaven to touch,
I wanna hold you so much,
You’re just too good to be true,
Can’t take my eyes off you…
You knew that you would meet Mason again. It was just a matter of time.
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thebeatles-world · 10 months
Picture Perfect: Part Six
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There was an agreement between you and Ringo that you two would spend a couple of nights in a fancy motel. Just a couple of days before you guys chose to go home back to England.
When you and Ringo were making love to each other, Floyd Robinson's "Makin' Love" was playing in the background.
As far as you know, you have never had any experience with someone making love to you except for Ringo.
Due to the fact that Ringo made you feel so fantastic, you moaned.
The only thing Elvis ever wanted was to have sex with you. As far as you are concerned, he never made love to you.
It was the first time Ringo had shown you sex until now.
In view of the fact that you and Elvis had constant sex back then, the only reason you and Ringo postponed having sex was the fact that you weren't ready for it yet.
Ringo was the first person to give you an orgasm.
''It drives me insane when you moan Y/N. you drive me so mad.'' Ringo groans as he responds to your moans.
It was impossible for you and Ringo to keep both of your hands apart from each other.
Ringo and you found each other's pleasure in each other's company. You both performed oral sex on each other during the course of the night.
The two of you liked to pleasure one another as well as hearing each other moan with pleasure.
You left love bites on Ringo's chest while he left love bites on your bare shoulders.
It was the best night you could ever have..
When you and Ringo finished making love to each other, you got dressed, made yourself a cup of honey with tea, and walked out of the room to the balcony where you could admire the view of the beach outside of the fancy hotel.
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''You must admit that it is quite beautiful, isn't it? '' You told Ringo as he joined you on the balconey.
"The beach is indeed beautiful.'' Ringo replied, placing a kiss on the top of your head as he smiled back at you.
Taking a sip of your honey tea, you said to Ringo, "You know, I wasn't exactly the prettiest girl in the world.'' You told him, taking a sip of your honey tea.
''What are you talking about? You are beautiful to me, darling, and I adore you. It doesn't matter what you looked like in the past; you will always remain beautiful to me.'' Ringo told you.
I appreciate it very much, Ringo… I really do. You smiled as you said it. The memories of horror that you went through when you were a middle school student, and a high school student came back to you like crashing waves from a ocean.
There was a time that I was bullied because of my looks, the way my body looked, my voice, and so on. You explained this to Ringo.
The girls at school always made fun of me, laughed at me, threw things at me, gossiped about me, and made fun of me all the time. During my time at school, I was harassed and made fun of by the boys in my class as well.'' You said.
''There wasn't really a good school life as well as a good home life for me growing up. The woman who bullied me at home was my mother. In addition to being bullied at home, I was also bullied at school at the same time. It's hard to believe that I managed to survive.'' You replied.
There are a lot of details in your book that go into detail about all of this.
The only time you liked talking about it was when people in interviews asked you about it when they were asking you questions about your book.
As you grew up, you went through a very difficult time in your life. You also knew that Ringo had read your book, but he knew not to ask you any questions about it until you were ready to open up about it. Now you were ready to talk about your past and what you went through in the past.
Your mother abused and bullied you as well as when your parents divorced, and you explained to Ringo the abuse and bullying she put you through, as well as how your father caught your mother cheating on him with a man who ended up becoming her husband, who then ended up doing something horrible to you behind closed doors when your mother was not present.
Ultimately, when you finally told your mother about it, she did not believe you and kicked you out of the house, so you had no choice but to live with your father.
As soon as you had finished talking, you took a sip of your tea and sat down to rest. You felt better in Ringo's arms as he held you and comforted you with sweet words which made you feel better as he wrapped his arms around you.
''You are the strongest woman I have ever met in my life. I will protect you and make sure that you will never be touched or even hurt by anyone again. You mean so much to me darling, and I promise you I won't ever allow you to go through that again…'' Ringo told you.
As you looked at Ringo, you nodded and kissed his lips with a soft smile. ''I love you so much, Ringo.'' you told him quietly and he kissed you back.
"Y/N, I will always love you and I will always take care of you." Ringo replied.
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Ringo was a wonderful boyfriend for you: he was so handsome, sweet, caring, and lovely to be around.
While you and Ringo were cozily cuddling outside on the balcony, neither of you had any idea that Elvis had checked himself into the same fancy hotel where you were both staying.
Well, Elvis decided to rent a room at the fancy hotel with Ann-Margret, the same woman who he cheated on you with behind your back when he was filming a movie with her when you both were dating in the past.
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When you found out that Elvis cheated on you with Ann-Margret, you angrily grabbed a glass plate and threw it at Elvis. After that, you burst into tears and cried uncontrollably as you watched Elvis scurry away, leaving you alone in the kitchen.
''I can't believe you would do this to me, Elvis! How could you cheat on me with Ann-Margret? I thought you loved me and that we were going to be together forever. I trusted you and now you've broken my heart.'' You would cry as Elvis just stared at you and didn't even try to comfort you or even say to you.
When you and Elvis broke up that's when he noticed how much it hurt you and he brings himself down sometimes because of it.
The main reason why Elvis was hanging out with Ann-Margret at the hotel was to get you out of his mind after what happen back in the club.
"Ann-Margret, I'm going to go smoke a cig real quick." Elvis said, nodding at her.
"All right, sweetie." Ann-Margret responded to him while she was unpacking her suitcase.
Elvis went outside and strolled down the beach. He heard crashing waves. It was incredibly quiet outside. The night sky was illuminated by the twinkling stars.
When Elvis started smoking his cigarette, he noticed that up in the balcony he could hear your voice as he smoked.
His first thought was that he was just imagining things, but it was not. it was real. The night sky was now filled with the sounds of your laughter and the voices of Ringo's chatter.
Elvis felt his heart race and he could feel a chill in the air.
Elvis was jealous of Ringo because he could kiss you, hold you, and call you his girl while Elvis could not do those things anymore. Elvis was reminded of this each time he heard your laughter, and he felt like he was missing out on something special. Elvis's heart ached.
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"I'm going to get your bath ready inside." Elvis heard Ringo say and he couldn't help but gaze as you and Ringo exchanged a kiss.
''I'm going to go inside and get your bath ready.'' Elvis mocked Ringo in his best British accent.
''Why does that British kid have something that I don't have?'' Elvis thought to himself in jealous envy.
Why were the Beatles more popular than Elvis when Elvis felt like he wrote and sang better music than them?
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Elvis saw you on the balcony by yourself when Ringo went inside. He finished his last bit of cigarette....
You dranked your last bit of tea. "Ah," you sighed, "the perfect way to end my night" You stood up and stretched, feeling refreshed.
Before you went inside, you suddenly spotted Elvis outside. He still hasn't notice you yet.
Your heart felt as if the wind had been knocked out of you by someone.
"What the heck was Elvis doing here?'' You whispered out loud to yourself.
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