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ians diet is 80% fries
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I can't believe they left Jim Carey on that mushroom planet until the next sonic movie
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It's so funny that the avengers fandom is always joking about how 'boner' used to mean mistake in the 1920s as if it still doesn't mean that
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See the thing about the Toby McGuire spider Man is that he doesn't ever really become a hero in the end. I know he does save everyone and starts protecting the city but have you seen him? He could turn back at the flip of a coin if it suited his needs better. Like Kevin Malone from home alone.... Same energy
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I did just want to let y'all know that I don't believe in gravity ok
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Because her husband dick-nose had a son with hot blonde?
The real question is, how did he manage to be attractive to either woman?
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Oh I should really be working on my project
Me instead:
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My house is gonna be so boss I want it to be covered in plants and candles and empty bottles and Polaroids and cool rocks and stuff I found. The outside is no lawn. Just flowers and trees all over the outside and very pretty. Maybe a collection or two of weapons I have as well
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Flashback to the time I made a home movie with my brother and he put the megalovania theme in it without any of our family (including me) knowing what it's from and the various meme connotations? He's wild man
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Sleeping beauty was a land siren discuss
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It's so nice that Spiderman's villains will do banter with him I mean look at civil war obviously it's not normal. They probably do it to be nice.
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Coconut is definitely one of the best scents for sure
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Me watching kitchen nightmares in my pajamas at 3pm eating a freezer meal: ugh I can't believe he didn't use fresh parmesan for his lasagna ew
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Jokes on you, the most realistic rpg is life
Hey since you're very knowledgeable about RPG's. I was just wondering , what are some RPG's with the most realistic depictions of HP and health? Like in the way that, if you broke a bone it would take at least a month to heal.
What’s your specific gameplay objective? There are absolutely tabletop RPGs out there that go full Dwarf Fortress and model injury to individual organs and tissues (e.g., Phoenix Command, which uses anatomic diagrams to trace the paths of individual bullet fragments), but there are relatively few circumstances where you’d actually want to do that. There’s a big difference between “realistic” as in injuries take a long time to heal and “realistic” as in knowing exactly how many points of ballistic shock your spleen can take, and both options are on the table (so to speak). What are you aiming for in play?
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It's ok guys iron Man is alive in our hearts, Natasha is here in our hearts, Hawkeye still has the old haircut in our souls, marvel can't kill us in any way that matters.
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Me, seeing thanos die in the first 15 minutes of endgame, hoping this will lead the rest of the movie to be a time heist movie like a mix between back to the Future and oceans 11: YAS BITCH YESSS
Me, seeing that ugly-ass purple grape show up again an hour later: no bitch no
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My mother hears spraying noises coming from the kitchen for about a minute:
"stop putting that much hairspray on, you'll ruin your hair!" She says, walking into the kitchen to see me spraying obscene amounts of spray butter on my toast. I continue to spray way too much without breaking eye contact.
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