#and the idea of sap showing both of them things about each other
mushiewrites · 1 year
This is so random but like
I know he isn't, but Geprge looks like he's being tkled here and I cannot get over it.
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okay like I said I've had this ss saved for so long bc I wanted to rant about it and then got distracted by a million other things but YOU ARE THE BEST FOR BRINGING IT UP <33333
(i found a random clip on youtube of this moment you can see here!)
like.....this is literally just them fighting and hitting each other with the stuffed spider man bUt LIKE?!!?!?!?
in the clip the spider man was stuck under george's arm. like, what if that in itself tkled??? and when dream tries to pull it out, it tks more, which is why his arm is immediately just pressed to his body??? he wants it out of there RIGHT NOW but he can't bring himself to lift his arm!!!
dream would catch on right away too - he'd see how george's arm slammed down the minute the plushie went under his arm and he'd know. and like......if ur a lil unhinged like me, you'll notice dream's left hand on george's back.....almost as if his fingers were digging into his back ribs.....
and...his right hand isn't visible but it's somewhere in the vicinity of where the plushie is under george's arm..... it's almost like....his hand could potentially be stuck under there as well.....oh no....... (:
queue extreme gogy cackles and intense squirms. and it's so quick too! he just does it for a second bc they're live and he doesn't want to actually embarrass george (yet). so he lingers for a second too long, but only long enough for george to realize that dream knows exactly what just happened and it wasn't just coincidental hand placements
my favorite part of this thing too is sap behind the two. his lil knowing smile, bc sap was the first to actually tk the hell out of george and knew how sensitive the poor lil kitten was!!!!! so his lil smirk just takes me the heck out, he is just so happy to watch dream find george's weakness
and you can bet after stream sap showed dream some things he learned from being alone with george in london (annnnnnnd he shows george some things he's learned from living with dream as well 😇)
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bittersweet-folder · 5 months
♡. Stuck by the glue🎐🍃🌧
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Pairing: literature student Wonwoo × literature student gn reader. (University au) ( edit: though I have mentioned "she/her" pronouns once. Sorry about that 😭)
Genre: fluff, lots of fluff and bit of crack lol, established relationship, there's lots of kissing | Word count: 1.5k [ik I went overboard lol] | MASTER LIST
Song rec: tip toe by hybs // glue song by beabadoobee ft clairo // love scene by baekhyun [yes title is inspired by the glue song]
Warning: there's lots of kissing ? And Wonwoo rides a bike.
Summary: you were at your boyfriend's place. you were bored and Wonwoo is reading. So Wonwoo came up with the idea of taking you to a bookstore he came across few days back
Note: here's some oddly specific details🍃 reader is tall but shorter than Wonwoo and wears glasses and even if you dont wear glases that is also okay (This is for all my tall glass girlies and gays out there because I'm one of them as well)
Taglist: @hongmingo , @shuabby1994 , @unlikelysublimekryptonite , @asyre , @yumiyumis-blog @soobunsbun , @nishloves , @aaniag , @sikuthealien , @jespecially , @thepoopdokyeomtouched (girlie lemme know if you were in my taglist 😭 because I've lost track of it😭)
A nice pleasant Sunday afternoon. You came over to Wonwoo's apartment for lunch. You both don't live too far away, barely ten minutes away from each other. After lunch you laid on one side, on the sofa, your head resting on Wonwoo's lap. You were going through random shows on TV. One of Wonwoo's hands was caressing your hair while the other held a book he was reading. To be more accurate, going through the reading material suggested by their professor in class. You were bored. Not because of Wonwoo nor the random tv show displayed in front of you. Wonwoo did notice that. "Are you okay? Or you're bored? Which one?"
"Jeon Wonwoo am I that transparent-" you turned to look at him, your lips pressed in a thin line.
"Well maybe anyone can figure that out because you are going through random tv shows without actually watching them" He said while squeezing your cheeks.
"Okay then what about the book you're reading? Is it doing any better?" You said.
"I am particularly not liking it at all and reading it for the sake of my degree" He said with a forced smile really did explain that he was suffering.
"Wow okay, things we go through as literature students huh, even I hated some reading material from the previous semester. I swear to God they were so sexist and insufferable I don't even want to talk about those anymore" You said mulling over that for a few moments.
"Yeah exactly but I was asking if you're bored baby" He had a soft smile on his lips clearly because he saw that you got distracted from what he asked you previously. You were flustered about the fact that you went a bit off topic.
"Umm well yes I am and what will you do about that?"
"Hmmm lemme think…" he paused to think and then continued "we can go to a bookstore? there's a new one I came across, it also sells second hand books which are cheap"
"What-" you were always over the moon whenever you went book shopping with your boyfriend. "Oh yes we are going to the bookstore now!!"you exclaimed in sheer excitement. One thing Wonwoo knew is that you loved books and anything related to books. Bookstores had a special place in your heart, his too since that's how both meet. In a bookstore. Nearby your university. On a busy rainy monday afternoon.
"Alright sweetheart, wear your shoes and cardigan, I'll go get changed okay?" He said and then pressed a kiss on your cheek. You nodded and then started getting ready and fixed your hair too.
Wonwoo came out of his room after a few minutes in a sap green hoodie and wide legged jeans and… riding gloves?
He walked up to you. "So I'm guessing you're ready let's goo then"
"Umm baby are you gonna give me a ride as well?" you looked at his gloves and then raised your eyebrows.
"What kinda ride exactly are you talking about baby?" Wonwoo smirked.
"Eyyyy shut up you dirty minded weirdo I'm talking about the gloves you're wearing" you smacked his arm while the blush on your cheeks were becoming even more evident.
"Well yes love I'm gonna give you a ride to the bookstore because it's a little far away" Wonwoo squished your cheeks with both of his hands and planted a peck on your lips. You both put on your shoes and walked out of his apartment. Wonwoo locked the door and handed you your helmet. Wonwoo riding a bike was your favorite genre of Wonwoo. You found that really attractive of him for some reason. You also remember him, giving you a ride to your home because it was raining and you weren't carrying an umbrella. As cliche as it sounds like a scene from romantic dramas, that was the first ever time you saw him riding a bike and giving you a ride as well. You liked that feeling of holding someone close and resting your chin on their shoulder. And that someone became Wonwoo.
When you both reached the bookstore you saw it's an old bookstore and is a little dilapidated but it had its own beauty in its way.
"It's quite an old one, you know. I came across this a few days back while the night out with the guys" he said.
"Oh ohhh I see"
You both entered the bookstore and were greeted by an old man.
"Ahh we have a young couple as customers today! Good afternoon to you both. New books are on the ground floor, the second hand ones are upstairs" the old man may have aged a lot but he seemed to be very cheerful for his age which you really liked.
"Good afternoon grandpa and thank you" You both greeted him and went inside the bookstore. You felt a hand around your waist.
"We really do give off couple vibes huh"
"Yes honey we do! now coming to the point on what books we wanna buy"
"I'll guessing it's either a horror or a romantic one"
"No, I mean well yes that would differ if there's any book which grabs my attention and you're gonna follow me and hold the books" you smiled and if anything that made his heart melt.
"Why is she so cute, so enthusiastic about her interests, god I love her so much" He thought to himself.
"Wonu back to earth are you even listening?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Yes I got it I heard what you said" He said.
You both started looking through the romance section first but didn't end up finding anything much interesting. Then you both went through the crime and thriller. It's like that's where the magic happens.
"Wonu wonu! Isn't this the locked room mystery novel you were searching for?" You held a book named "The Village of Eight Murders" by Seishi Yokomizo.
"Oh yess I was. There's also a fourth book, the last book of the series The Inugami Curse" He said and then took the book from your hand going through the pages.
"Found it!" You said after finding the fourth book. He raised his eyebrows and looked at you. "So are we.." you cut him off mid sentence "we're taking these two, hold them baby" you were happy to finally found the book he was searching for. He was happy too.
"Wonwoo?" you called him by his name, your voice was soft.
"Yes love" He said, his fingers still going over the titles of each book on the shelf he's looking through. You turned and looked at him.
"I wanna go upstairs" you said.
"Hmm alright let's go" he said while a soft smile lingered on his lips.
While going upstairs y'all heard the rain suddenly started pouring down.
"See I told you it will rain tomorrow around this time, now I want my kiss baby" Wonwoo said grinning.
"Nope you aren't getting any right now especially not when we are here standing inside a bookstore" You said with a playful smile on your face. The books upstairs were second hand books so it was common to come across the one's which might have damaged covers too. Wonwoo picked out a book for you.
"y/n isn't this the book you were talking about yesterday? Its cover is slightly torn though" Wonwoo handed you the book. It was "The Remains of the Day" by Kazuo Ishiguro.
"Oh my God yesss! I'll buy this and we can glue that part you know" you said looking at the torn cover of the book he was holding.
"Yeah it's like how books helped me glue to you and we ended up in a relationship"
"My my aren't you being so cheesy for someone who's standing in the fiction aisle with me" You gave him a coy look and then went back searching through the shelf of books.
"Well then love what about kissing in the bookshops as well, like they do in the romance books"
A blush crept your cheeks and ears. You turned to look at him. He smiled looking at your flustered face, his eyes traveling back and forth on your eyes and then your lips.
"Since when did you become so romantic-" your sentence was cut off by him putting his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to the side slowly. And then he pressed his lips against yours. A soft and warm kiss in the middle of a crispy old bookshop while the euphonious sound of the rain drizzling played outside. He pulled away shortly after but you chased for his lip even more.
"I always was and you're cute when you want more you know" he whispered, his cheeks slightly flushed now as well.
"Yes of course you are" you mumbled and pouted.
"We should check out these books, you know" you said.
"Yes love we will but let's just stay here until the rain slacks off" Wonwoo said as he took you by your hand and made your way to the couch placed on the right side of the room.
"Till then we'll sit here okay?" Wonwoo made himself comfortable sitting beside you.
"Yeah you're right" You said leaning on his shoulder.
Let's just say,he made your day a lot better than before.
A/n: my exams are finally over so yes I'm back and I'll write more ig. A lotta drafts are piled up literally. Also feedbacks and reblogs are really appreciated. I have proofread once but lemme know if there's any grammatical errors.
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veronicaphoenix · 6 months
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This started off as a one-piece idea and now i'm writing two more added parts and an epilogue. Considering that they're all going to be quite long and that I'm not sure I'll have them ready by the end of the week, I'm sharing a nearly 2k snippet with you all (the text is not beta read, so it might change a bit when I post the final piece) ☺️ Again, sorry for the long wait. I promise it'll be rewarding! ✨
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I started preparing breakfast, not aiming to disturb their sleep, but the soft hum of the coffee machine and the clinking of plates and cups echoing in the open kitchen stirred Noah from his slumber. On the other side of the sofa, Oliver lay sprawled on his back, his hair tousled. As the deep sleeper he was, he only stirred slightly before settling back into his restful state. 
            I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself. It seemed that at least one of us managed to get some decent rest, even if it was on the couch.  
            As Noah propped himself up on his forearms, his gaze drifted over to Oliver’s form, then down to the middle of the sofa where their legs lay entangled, hidden beneath the shared blanket.  The sight of their bodies occupying the entire sofa would have brought a smile to my lips were it not for the reason why they had spent the night there. I could only imagine them moving around and kicking each other during the night, adding another silly unnecessary thing to the pile of stuff they had been arguing about the evening before. 
            With a heavy sigh, Noah finally sat up and ran a hand through his face and hair.  
            “Morning,” he grumbled.
            “Morning,” I replied. 
            Noah took a quick bathroom break. When he came back, he walked with deliberate steps to where I was standing in the kitchen. He leaned in for a morning kiss that I was more than quick to give. He lingered by the kitchen isle to watch me make breakfast, accepting the coffee mug I offered and taking a sip while keeping his eyes on me. 
            “I expected you guys to come to bed at some point,” I said in a low voice, trying to conceal the twinge of hurt I felt at the fact that they had opted for sleeping on the couch instead of addressing their issues and joining me in bed. 
            “I wanted to,” Noah said, his voice tinged with regret, “but you made it clear that we needed to sort things out first, that you didn’t want us in bed with you if we didn’t, so…”
            I clicked my tongue, shaking my head. I placed my hands on the edge of the counter, exasperation crawling back to my bones. 
            “You know it wasn’t meant like that,” I sighed. “I was just trying to nudge you both into dealing with the real problem.”
            His silent response and the heaviness of his brown gaze on me confirmed my dreaded suspicion—he still wasn’t ready to. He still didn’t want to talk about it. Great.
            “Did you miss us?” He suddenly asked, breaking the silence. 
            Typical Noah. Whenever he knew he’d messed up, he’d try to sidestep the issue with softness instead of facing it head-on. I couldn’t help but be surprised that even after the heated argument we’d had the day before, he was still reluctant to confront the elephant in the room. 
            But when he looked at me with those puppy-dog eyes, I suddenly became weak. 
            “Every minute,” I admitted, a bittersweet smile forming on my lips. “I couldn’t sleep. I’m used to being sandwiched between you two now. I kept checking my phone, hoping for a text, and waiting for both of you to show up at the bedroom door,” I shook my head. “God, I’m turning into such a sap.”
            My words elicited a laugh from him, one of my favorite sounds in the morning.  
            “You’ve always been a sap,” he teased, leaving the coffee mug aside and pulling me close until his hands found my waist. With no effort at all, he lifted me onto the counter. 
            Grinning, I wrapped my arms around his neck, running my fingers through the silky hair at his nape. He stepped between my legs, and I relished in the familiar warmth of his body against mine in the chilled morning.  
            “Did you talk?” I inquired softly, obviously referring to him and Oliver. 
            “Not much, to be honest,” he admitted. His forehead found mine as he leaned in. “I don’t know what to do.”
            Allowing a moment for him to relax in my arms, I gently brushed a loose strand of hair from his forehead after pulling back to meet his eyes. 
            “I know you two are aware that this is not a relationship based solely on you two dating me,” I began, my voice tender. “We’re all in this together. We’re all dating each other. But you and Oli are struggling to come to terms with it,” I made a pause, my eyes boring into his, “or with what it means.”
            A flash of insecurity crossed Noah’s face, his usual self-confidence momentarily faltering. My heart ached for him.  
            “I’ve never been with a man before, baby,” he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.  
            I nodded, understanding without him needing to explain. Of course I knew. 
            “I had never been with two men,” I started to say, reaching out to touch his cheek gently, “but here I am, utterly in love and happy with both of them,” I tried to summon a reassuring smile, but Noah’s insecurity lingered, prompting me to continue speaking. “It was scary at first. I spent weeks worrying about what would happen, especially when we flew back home after Europe. But everything is so wonderful now, and I wish to keep it that way, but for that, we need the whole package, Noah. And that includes you and Oliver giving each other what you’re missing out,” I playfully bopped his nose, but he flinched, giving me an annoyed look. All right. “Also, I don’t think Oli’s ever been with another man, either” I added, glancing toward his sleeping form on the sofa. “So, it would be a first time for both of you.” 
            “Would you… like that? Oli and me?” Noah’s voice wavered with uncertainty. 
            I reached for a biscuit from a plate beside me, taking a bite and chewing slowly. After licking some crumbs from the corner of my lips, I casually rubbed the heel of my socked foot against the back of Noah’s thigh.
            “I’ve been thinking about sitting in the armchair in the bedroom and watch you and Oliver do nasty things to each other,” I said with a mischievous grin. 
            Noah narrowed his eyes at me.
            “You’re a naughty girl, you know that?”
            His teasing remark brought back a sense of normalcy, making me feel a bit relieved for the first time that morning after a restless night. 
            “So I’ve been told,” I replied nonchalantly, taking another bite of the biscuit. 
            Noah took the remaining biscuit from my hand and returned it to the plate before kissing me slowly, his hand cupping my cheek and his fingers tucking my hair behind my ear as our lips melded together. 
            “It’d make me really happy to see you together,” I said, placing my hands on his face and pulling back slightly to meet his gaze directly, “but I know it would make you and Oli even happier. You’re hungry for each other. I’ve seen it in the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. The sex is amazing, and we’re all satisfied, but you’re just dying to taste him and you’re too shy to make a move. Same with him, which is unusual,” I continued, drawing out my words as I shrugged my shoulders, “given how carefree he is with everything he says and does, including those impromptu cat walks when he’s wearing that silly maid outfit.” 
            We shared a laugh, the tension dissipating further before indulging in another lingering kiss. This was Noah’s way of seeking reassurance, and I was more than happy to oblige and give it to him. I would give him as many kisses as he needed. 
            “This is where all this tension is coming from”, I concluded, my voice softening once again. 
            Noah’s chest rose with a heavy sigh that said he finally admitted it. He released the breath he had been holding just as Luna appeared at our side, her eyes pleading for her morning walk.
            “Can you wait a bit, darling? We’ll take you out in a few minutes,” I said to her. 
            “I’ll take her out now,” came Oliver’s unexpected voice. 
            Noah and I startled at the interruption, Noah moving away from me as if caught in something criminal. Despite reaching out to him, my eyes focused on Oliver. 
            Oliver excused himself to go to the bathroom before I could open my mouth. He was still upset about what happened the night before, and I guess he didn’t like seeing me in Noah’s arms first thing in the morning, especially since that’s what started the arguments the day prior. 
            I reminded myself to stay calm. I’d have to go through the same talk with him to get him to the same place where Noah was.   
            “Oliver,” I said, my voice gentle yet firm. 
            “What?” came his response, edged with tension. He avoided looking at Noah. 
            Seeing them like this broke my heart and infuriated me simultaneously.  
            “You and Noah need to talk. Right now,” I said, my tone leaving no room for argument. 
            The whole situation was dripping with irony. I wanted to shout back at Oliver all the things he had preached about before we started this relationship—all that talk about communication being paramount to make this work. Where was all that now? 
            “We can talk later,” he replied, attempting to evade the conversation by calling out for Luna, who happily trotted towards her dad, tongue out and tail wagging. 
            “No,” I asserted, holding my ground. “You two are going to talk right now,” I insisted, positioning myself at a fair distance between both so it wouldn’t seem like I was taking sides.  “I swear, if either of you keeps dragging this out without reason, I will get on the first flight back to Los Angeles. So, decide right now. Do you want me to leave?” I directed the question to both of them. “Or do you want more? What’s it going to be?” 
            Oliver dropped his shoulders in resignation, a small victory amidst the tension. Noah was standing behind me. I could tell that he was ready to get it together and be honest with Oliver and with himself, but he would keep holding back until it was clear that Oliver was in the same boat. 
            Setting Luna’s leash down in the kitchen isle, Oliver caused Luna to drop her tail and tilt her head in confusion. Wasn’t he going to take her out? I made a mental note to go out with her later for a long walk, but right now, Oliver and Noah needed to have the conversation they’d been avoiding for months. 
             Oliver let himself fall onto the sofa, pushing the blanket that he and Noah had used during the night to the side without bothering to fold it. His green eyes met mine. Then, his gaze finally shifted to Noah. 
            “Come here,” Oliver said to Noah, patting the spot next to him. 
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sillystappen · 18 days
Daniel is one year older than Max, they live on the same street and play in the park together as well as attend the same school (except when daniel moves up a year before max does).
When Max goes to secondary/high school (whichever you prefer) he gets all nervous and Daniel is all comforting saying that everyone is weird but Max is cooler because he shows it. If someone picks on Daniel suddenly theyre faced with a not as tall but very threatening Max and if Max gets worried about other peoples perceptions Daniel is there for him. In conclusion very cute stuff. Everyone viewed them as a duo, a package deal - there’s no Daniel without a Max and vice versa.
They go out together for pizza, spend summer days running around through a field, Max helps Daniel with his maths homework and Daniel helps Max with his English, they have sleepovers together, movie trips etc.
They have other friends in their respective year groups but everyone knows at the end of the day it’s Max and Daniel, Daniel and Max. Always has been. Always will be.
When they’re properly teenagers they actually get together (im thinking 16/17 years old) I like to think its at the park they met at, both sat on a swing as they talk. Daniel obviously tries to go as high as he can and Max just swings back and forth before both of them calm down into little rocks, their feet planted on the ground. They talk about nothing in particular and end but pushing their respective swings together, meeting in the middle. Cue very fluffy confession and then leaning back a little to kiss behind the chains of their swings.
And when Daniel moves to uni Max buys himself a rail pass to visit him as often as possible, and Daniel (thinking Max is so smart for having a rail card, he gets one too) comes back home every break, even if it’s just for a week. When Max goes to a different uni, it’s pretty much the same thing. Max visits Daniel, and sometimes Daniel visits Max, they go home for the longer breaks like christmas and summer but stay with each other for the shorter ones. Some of their uni mates didn’t believe that either Max or Daniel existed until they visit - which both of them found hilarious considering how much they have probably talked about the other.
But at the end of it all, they will always return to that swing-set in the park back home where Daniel drew M&D in a heart on one of the supporting poles and Max put little stars around it.
[If you want extra sap and fluff listen to some songs by late 00s/early 2010s boy bands such as One Direction, The Vamps, New Hope Club, 5SOS, etc to catch the vibes]
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Ok first off: affection
These fuckers were affectionate as FUCK with eachother
DBK was very aggressive with his affection, he’d usually headbutt everyone else. Sometimes he’d forget how big he is and would accidentally send send anyone who wasn’t Yellow Tusk flying with his headbutts
Wukong would just pick bugs off of everyone else and eat them mid conversation. Although for Macaque the they’d both actually sit down and groom eachother
Macaque wouldn’t directly show his affection, but if you were close to him and paid close attention to his shadow plays chances were you would find a character a bit too similar to yourself
Azure is by far the most affectionate out of all of them and even had his own methods of showing affection specific to each member of the brotherhood. For Wukong he licks down any stray fur he notices, sometimes they sit down for it and sometimes it’s just mid conversation. With Peng he’ll help them preen their wings via picking feathers out with his teeth. He tries to mimic monkey grooming habits with Macaque but he never eats the bugs. Azure just headbutts DBK, but in a way where he just slumps against him then there’s a very gentle headbutt. For Yellow Tusk he just does the classic scent rub and chittering thing house cats do, BUT he also will occasionally graze his teeth against her on accident every so often (my cat does this and it’s very sweet)
One bit of affection everybody gets out of Azure tho is him laying on them. If it fits he sits (one time he fell asleep and Wukong couldn’t get up for a few hours)
Peng isn’t too physically affectionate, but they will point out if someone looks shitty and then gives a way to fix it in a really condescending tone. However if they’re super drunk they basically become a secondary Azure with how physically affectionate they are. Everybody gets every type of affection from them those nights (even Macaque!)
Yellow Tusk is also incredibly prone to physical affection (because elephants are just like that irl you can look it up) but only after a certain point of being close. Most of the time she will just hug the others (forgetting her own strength sometimes and nearly crushing some ribs), but on certain occasions she’ll just read out loud and let anyone sit by her and listen.
Now when the brotherhood aren’t being saps with each other they’re instead getting up to some bullshit.
The entire reason DBK even became friends with them was because Wukong found him after getting back from the East dragon palace. DBK was just punching a tree and decided “oh yeah this guy is awesome” and he brought DBK home.
DBK was also the last addition to the friend group (Macaque being first, Camel Ridge Trio being a couple months before Wukong got his staff)
DBK once taught the FFM monkeys a bunch of combat techniques that they just couldn’t do (due to size) and Macaque had to spend a whole week figuring out a way to safely apply the techniques into something the monkeys could actually pull off
Macaque is the reason Peng has their golden wings
The golden part of Pengs name originally came from the fact that their natural wings had a golden sheen to them in the sunlight.
Peng lost their natural wings when they left the celestial realm (they got chopped off!)
Macaque knew this upset them and just before Wukong left to get gear from the East dragon palace he decided to listen in to a couple of futures and in one he learned about a chest place that could produce wings of gold. Macaque told Wukong about this and had him get it while he was in there
This is also how camel ridge trio learn Macaque can hear into the future
Azure is stupidly oblivious when it comes to romance.
DBK had a very brief crush on Azure for a couple weeks, he had no idea this was a crush and only realized centuries later when PIF points it out to him. Azure still has no idea this even was a thing
Yellow Tusk and DBK would make bets about the love square™️, most of which Yellow Tusk would win
Azure doesn’t really drink because the first time he did he basically just devolved into a purring blob
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animentality · 9 months
In the fic that I may never write I like the idea of a short little scene that goes like this: Gortash and Durge out among the citizens of the Gate, probably on their way to or from some nefarious business, definitely dressed to blend in and maybe even acting the part of a normal couple/friends/partners. This alone is fun to think that perhaps they had moments of normality as they went about blending in on the outside while plotting death and tyranny in private. But imagine- and I usually picture this as being from Durges perspective- they pass another couple. A pair of lovebirds holding hands, giggling and making eyes. Maybe holding their weekly shopping and teasing each other over who owes who flowers. Perhaps they spy some newlyweds still beaming after their nuptials. Or for a Durge who has avoided siring children for fear of the tragic outcome, perhaps they pass a young family, the parents the same age as themselves and Enver, with their adorable, normal children who won’t grow to kill their own parents. Who will know love and safety with parents who will go home that evening and tuck their offspring into bed and curl up together, happy and safe and content with their simple lives. I imagine Durge pausing, watching, transfixed by a longing for what could have been, a longing for something from their own earliest childhood that they’ve all but completely buried. For them it’s a glimpse into a mirror showing what could have been in another life and another world. Maybe theres a moment of bitterness that they know they won’t ever live that life. No matter how they wish they could have that with Enver- an innocent partnership, a family perhaps- the gods will never let that come to pass. They can only watch with envy as others get to go about their lives while they themselves hide their bloody, wretched reality in plain sight.
And perhaps Enver notices their pause. Sees them stop in their tracks uncharacteristically. Follows their gaze across the street and understands the longing that has twisted so briefly across the features of his nearest and dearest. Maybe feels a pang of grief himself that this- a normal life- is the one thing that he cannot offer them. Or perhaps it strengthens his resolve to go through with the plan and to grab at enough power to defy their gods and be free at last. To grab at power so he can offer them both the very simplest of life’s pleasures that have been so unfairly denied to them.
Anyways. Enjoy my ramblings in this form because I’m not much of a writer ehehe
"Not much of a writer"
I don't even have a RESPONSE, because that just took me the fuck out.
You crafted a whole ass novel there, anon, you made a whole UNIVERSE for durgetash to experience in what would be, what?
A second of real time?
URGH, I am a fucking sap for...little moments, so quick you don't even get to appreciate them.
But they last forever in your heart.
And you shattered mine.
Good job!
You're a writer, anon.
You should write things. Not just asks, but answers.
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oldwitcheshat · 1 year
Big Steddie and obviously I’ve been reading 500+ ficlets and they have been plaguing my brain. Needless to say, I decided to write something and it is 100% made up of ideas from across lots of fics. Plus it’s Steddie Omegaverse week and I’m a hopeless sap for omega Steve/Alpha Eddie.
Be warned: this is not proof read.
Also, the baby’s name is the same as the one from Junos Steddie Dads even if the fics are not of the same premise. He is just the one that made me first obsess over this pairing in the first place.
Day 6 of Steddie Omegaverse: pregnancy
Omega Steve has been a Streamer since he dropped his title in high school. After babysitting Dustin - who watched his favorite streamers and would non-stop talk about them- he began to stream. Originally, it was just for fun. Then three years after high school, he announces his move to LA with his best friend Robin and a few others. Overtime, his reaction and drama takes became more and more popular - even more popular are the videos and streams his platonic soulmate Robin joins him. While he wasn’t the most famous streamer, he was well known.
After being cleared of falsely accused murder charges, Alpha Eddie moves to LA and is quickly followed by Gareth Jeff, and Freak. Eddie picks up working nights at bars and eventually convinces the owners to let his band - Corroded Coffin - play. One night a producer sees them and recognizes their talent pretty quickly. They get signed and are suddenly doing tours and interviews and releasing new albums.
Those who follow Steve’s channel and those who are fans of Corroded Coffin know that Steve and Eddie have mates. Eddie gushes over his omega in interviews and shows a sweet side of him not seen in concerts. Steve talks about toxic-alphaism and how his alpha proves that people can be alphas without being a dick. What their fans don’t know is that they are mated to each other.
It started as Steve wanting to protect Eddie from his stream fans after all the traumatic spotlight Eddie went through in Hawkins. But when Corroded Coffin popped off it became a game to see how long it would take their fans to notice.
But no one noticed that Steve played the acoustic, non lyrical versions of Eddie’s songs played in the background of all his streams. And no one noticed that Eddie’s tour breaks lined up with the same weeks Steve takes off of streaming for his heat. When someone in chat points out that him and Eddie have the same last name, Steven shrugs and says they must be related through marriage somewhere in their family. People definitely don’t notice the same Dustin that runs a popular Corroded Coffin fan account also runs an equally as popular Steve fan account.
One day on an interview, Eddie announced that Corroded Coffin is taking a break from tours for a couple of years. When asked why, he announces on live tv that his omega is pregnant. Everyone is so excited but are disappointed when Eddie says that he isn’t telling who his omega is.
“It’s on his terms when he wants to come to the public eye and I respect that” Eddie says already knowing that Steve is very much in the public eye, just in a different way.
That same night, Steve streams and announces his pregnancy with Robins help. Chat goes wild and Steve laughs saying that he’s not going to put his mate on blast until his mate is ready to be seen. It’s the same excuse Eddie uses and one they have agreed have used several times.
Eddie is in interviews less and less as he and Steve prep for their baby to be born. Steve, however, posts more videos and streams more about baby things and no one notices that his mates voice in the background sounds a lot like Eddie Munsons.
They both say in their own ways that they aren’t going to discover their baby’s gender until they are born. They don’t want to put pressure on who their child is before they are even born.
People only begin noticing and connecting the points when they both post the same photo announcing the birth of their new baby girl Bobbie. And if it’s a photo of Eddie hugging Steve and Bobbie shortly after she was born, that’s okay too.
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triptychofvoids · 11 months
First things first, I love your head cannons and the way you draw it's very very crunchable, now the question, do you have any science party head cannons? That's all, thank you!! :3c
thank you i appreciate it!! and yes i have a few im normal about them <- foaming at the mouth btw
you know the drill theyre going under the cut in case it gets long
someone made a post about this already i think and i dont remember who but medic and engineer would be so good at parallel play. theyre both content to be in the lab or in the workshop doing their own thing just alongside each other, maybe occasionally dragging the other over to look at what theyre working on either to show it off or get feedback of some kind. they both find each others work to be fascinating even if they dont completely understand it, and on the occasion they combine their knowledge to work on something together it always ends up being Really Fucking Cool and fun for them, regardless of whether or not it ends up being something successful. thats their idea of a date. parallel play working on fucked up and evil science stuff
out of all the mercs, engineer and heavy strike me as the ones that would do most of the cooking. not that the others cant cook (although i think some of them would need supervision....) but most of the time they just dont really want to, and besides theyd both be very good at it. but anyway engie would know about medics sensory issues and him being picky about certain foods and hed always try to make meals everyone will enjoy. if there is something in a dish that he knows medic wont like then he will either mess with the recipe a bit in order to exclude it or will just make it on the side so everyone else can have some but medic wont have to deal with it.
medic uses a weighted blanket and likes to hold onto things in his sleep as well so anytime they share a bed engie gets compressed into a jpeg. this is sometimes avoided because it isnt uncommon for engie to pull an all-nighter or for medic to wake up freakishly early so sometimes medic will already be asleep and/or will get up before him but still, its like a hydraulic press in there
like i said about engie knowing about medics sensory issues and whatever else, sometimes on the battlefield if medic is starting to get overwhelmed he will fall back to a dispenser and engie will shoo anyone else off to go find a health kit instead so medic can get just a few brief moments of peace
they have the kind of relationship where neither of them ever get bored of each others company and neither of them ever run out of things to talk about. which is very cool and awesome for them and sort of boring and awful for anyone else who might get stuck in a room or a car with them for any extended period of time
medics love language, platonic or otherwise, can be best described as 'all of the above'. hes very affectionate and bitey and he isnt always very good at communicating that he cares but he tries to convey it through things like weird gifts (like how a cat brings back dead animals), surgery and medical evaluation, talking a whole lot and hoping it counts for something, acts of service but he can only kill and dissect, etc. and engie somehow has the patience to put up with it. engie is big on acts of service and words but it doesnt matter because medic saps up any and all affection he is given like an infinite sponge and then tries in his own deranged way to return it tenfold
also. i think shipping these two is so funny because at first glance it might look like medic is the feral one and engie is the responsible one but then you look again and the roles have switched. and then you look a third time and theyre actually both a little unhinged. anything in the name of science
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heronchildlove · 1 month
Hey! Can I request a fic where one of James and Matthew's friends walk in on them kissing/making out? I think it would simply be hilarious 😂 love your work ❤️
Hiii, I LOVED this idea! xD I loved it so much I couldn't decide which friend to use, so I decided to write my first "5+1" fic. Hope you like it!
In hindsight, their club room was probably not the best place for it, but with Thomas out on patrol and Kit glued to his main lab at the Consul's house, a sudden stretch of free time alone and a perfectly good bed in the adjoining room, they simply couldn't resist.
Matthew's coat and shirt were on the floor and he was halfway through the buttons on James's shirt when it happened. It was hard to hear anything else over the sounds of kisses and heavy breathing, but a sudden voice in the room was pretty hard to miss.
"Oh, apologies, I thought no one was here."
The sudden scare made they jump so high it was a wonder neither of them fell off the bed, but it did cause their teeth to clash and made them both groan in pain.
When Matthew caught his bearings, Kit was already kneeling on a corner of the room, rummaging through some boxes.
"Kit, what are you doing here?"
"Don't mind me, I ran out of willow sap and remembered I had some more here somewhere. I'll be gone in a jiffy."
"It's kinda hard not to mind you at the moment," James said, still covering his hurt mouth, but Kit either didn't hear him or paid him no mind.
"I swear it was somewhere around here."
James and Matthew shared a look and gave up in one deep sigh.
"What is it you are looking for, again?" Matthew asked, rolling out of bed. "We'll help you."
~**~ They hadn't meant to start anything in the training room, but, well, kisses were always a good way to motivate Matthew to actually finish the whole set of exercises; and when Matthew managed to cleverly pin James to the floor while they sparred, the only acceptable payback was for him to use his legs to pin Matthew even closer.
The light kisses among laughter grew deeper, hands tangling in clothes and hair. Matthew bit down on James's bottom lip and he gasped, both forgetting everything that weren't each other and that moment.
"Bloody hell!"
Their heads turned in sync to see Alastair covering his eyes and Thomas shaking his head at them from the training room entrance.
"Come on, guys, again?" He asked, almost drowned by Alastair bemoaning "My eyes! My eyes!"
Matthew waved his hand dismissively at him. "What's the problem? Have you never seen a kiss before? Tom, you should show him sometime."
Alastair glared daggers at him.
"Just because I don't want to see you sucking each other's faces off in the training room, doesn't mean I don't know how to kiss."
"Well, and I don't want to see y-" His retort was cut in half as James covered his mouth with his hand, trading looks with Thomas. They were always worried that Matthew and Alastair's newly-found friendly banter would revert to un-friendly banter if left unattended.
"Sorry, we got carried away. We'll be leaving now, there was a book I needed to check at the library anyway. Have a nice training."
He pulled Matthew to his feet and out of the training room before he could say anything else, but not before him and Alastair had a chance to stick their tongues out at each other one last time.
Some things never changed.
It was not surprising that it happened at the library; they spent a great deal of their time in the library, it was bound that on occasion that time was spent on things other than reading.
Besides, they were both still high on the feelings brought by their interrupted rendez-vous at the training room. So rather than searching for his intended book, James dragged Matthew all the way to one of the shelves on the deeper end of the library, pushed him against it, and kissed him again.
Matthew moaned, never one to complain about more kisses, and pulled James even closer, relishing in the heat and friction between their bodies. James' bottom lip was still red from the earlier bite so he took his payback by lowering his head and starting to bite and suck a pretty mark right over Matthew's shirt collar.
"Cahem." The sound of someone clearing their throats sent James back so fast he hit his back on the opposing shelf. He recognised that voice.
"Sorry to interrupt your... Joyous merry-making." Lucie sounded simultaneously extremely amused and not the least bit sorry. "But Matthew's left elbow is blocking precisely the way to the book I needed."
Matthew rushed out of the way, but James dusted himself, clutching at his dignity. "Aren't proper ladies supposed to not snoop and stare?"
Lucie lifted an eyebrow.
"Do you really want to lecture me over what's proper, Jamie? Besides, you should be thanking me. Mama wanted to come herself, but I offered to come get the book for her, as the dutiful daughter I am."
The mention of their mother and the close-call dampened any fighting spirit James still had.
"Well... Next time, just make up an excuse why you couldn't get the book," he said, already walking around her.
"Next time? How often do you and Matthew sneak around the library, anyway?"
He ignored her and hurried away to go find Matthew.
Even without drinking, Matthew still enjoyed visiting the Ruelle from time to time. He liked the freedom, the music and poetry, he liked meeting like-minded people and talking about his feelings with others that wouldn't judge or condemn.
He also greatly enjoyed that they had multiple, private rooms.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder seemed to also work with other things, desperation fuelling their movements until next thing Matthew knew he was sitting on a table with James between his legs and both their torsos bare. He could have wept with joy when he finally managed to unbuckle James' belt, but...
"Oh, bloody hell."
The expression and voice sent spidery goosebumps crawling up Matthew's back and he dropped his head to James' shoulder, mentally cursing Angel and Hell and Earth before looking up to glare daggers at his brother.
"Charles, what in the name of the bloody Angel are you even doing here?"
Charles puffed up, trying to look as authoritative as possible while looking at every corner of the room except the two of them.
"I have a diplomatic meeting with Hypatia Vex."
"Does this look like Hypatia's office to you?"
"I was directed here by one of the club members."
"Who were obviously trying to mess with both of us. What are you still doing there? Get out!"
"Actually, I am preferring to conduct my businesses from this room lately. It's less... restrictive." Hypatia's voice sounded from behind Charles. A folded fan over her lips did nothing to hide her amused smirk. "You two are welcome to stay and provide suitable ambient noise."
Matthew and Charles' equally disgruntled faces for once betrayed they were brothers.
The boys hurried to get out of the room, with Matthew only stopping briefly to gather their discarded clothes and make a slight bow to Hypatia before disappearing down the hallway.
Matthew's flat was such an obvious answer they could have kicked themselves for not thinking of it sooner, even if Matthew spent so little time there now it tended to slip even his mind most of the time.
Hardly had he turned the key on the lock when their lips met, legs tangling in an off-beat waltz that ended in an ungraceful fall to the fluffy and warm rug on Matthew's living room. James braced Matthew's fall, but, even out of breath, the last thing he would mind at the moment was the feeling of Matthew's full weight on top of him.
Hands roamed and caressed haphazardly. They had all the time in the world but no time at all. Perhaps later there would be subtleties and niceties, but for now...
"You know, you'll get carpet burn if you keep doing that there."
They should probably be used to it by now, but the idea of being interrupted even there was so improbable it made them jump again as if it was that first time back at the club. They rolled over in disbelief, no clothes even off yet, and stared in shock at Anna's face over the couch.
"How in Edom-" James started, at the same time Matthew asked:
"What are you doing here?"
Anna only raised an eyebrow at them.
"You gave me the spare key and asked me to come take Oscar out for his night walk because you would be out late and your neighbour was busy. Speaking of which."
She let go of Oscar's leash, and the golden retriever - having picked up on Matthew's scent - came running and jumped on top of his owner, wagging his tail and licking Matthew's and James' faces where he could reach them.
"We took quite a long walk, it's not my fault you boys have bad timing. Good night."
Task accomplished, she turned around and left, but with Oscar zooming around them, Matthew and James just exchanged a look and gave up.
"Come on, Jamie, it's almost time!"
"I'm right behind you."
They both emerged from the door on the roof of the Institute with plenty of time to spare, but it always made James chuckles to see how giddy Matthew got with these things.
Just as they had done on the night before their parabatai ceremony - and then countless nights after that - they laid together on the roof to watch the shooting stars.
The sky wasn't as clear as in Idris, but Matthew never minded it as long as there were no clouds and he had James with him. When the first line crossed the sky, he reached out and took James' hand.
"I'll never get tired of this."
"It's beautiful", James agreed, eyes fixed on Matthew.
"At least look at the sky before you say that, silly."
"You know your happy face is more beautiful to me than all the stars in the sky."
It wasn't always James got to render Matthew speechless, so he relished the small victory, firmly holding Matthew's hand when he tried to pull it away to cover his red face, but all it got was Matthew using his other hand for that.
"Ahh, now you ruined my view."
"I already told you to look at the stars for that."
"No, I don't think I will."
James rolled over until he was on top of Matthew, hovering over him until he lowered his hand.
"Someday it's going to get through your head that you are the most precious thing in the world to me."
"I'm... Working on it."
"Here, let me help."
They kissed until they were the only thing on each other's worlds, and that night - like many nights before - they made love under the stars.
Hope you guys liked it! And if you are wondering about Cordelia, you can consider this kiss drabble as your + 1 ending ;)
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pray4saint · 1 year
hi saint!! i was wondering if we could maybe get some dad!dream team headcanons :,) i saw on tiktok this little family doing father’s day & mother’s day gifts and thought it was so cute!! -🐼
dad!dteam hcs
masterlist & descrip. pg. 13+. fem!reader. mom!reader.
a/n. i wasn't sure if you meant like child!reader or mom!reader so i picked mom!reader, the mother of dream team's children euehheheeh
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boy dad > girl & boy dad > girl dad
big, tall, athletic dad, little copycat boy
they actually play catch together in the yard
your son is a carbon copy of dream, down to the shared pouting
they've actually quite good at teaming up against you to go out for ice cream and frozen yogurt
dad!dream would post family pictures on your birthday and your son's birthday + would post date pictures on your anniversary with one picture featuring your son
twitch chat will often hear your son wander into your lover's office asking for cuddles, and from what they can hear, dream lifts him into his lap and holds him while he continues his stream
whenever he buys things for your little boy, he buys something for you too
always asks your son if he wants to go with him to cons and such and does everything in his power to get his kid with him
sometimes he'll ask you to fly over to whatever side of the planet he's on trips just so he can see you both
other times, he'll stay up all night on facetime with your son until your phone fucking dies because he just missed him soooo much
dad!dream who makes sure your kid knows the rest of his family so that, growing up, he has people to talk to – especially his sister because he knows it's hard for kids to tell their parents stuff
dad!dream booking family vacations and always inviting his sister to go so that you guys get at least one night of alone time on the trip
also also also dad!dream who asks every year on your son's birthday if you can have another one because he already adores your first kid and the idea of having more mini hims and mini yous makes his heart melt
when you tell him no, he opts to beg for another cat and it works
there are pictures of dream holding your son and your son holding patches and the secondary cat that weren't even taken by you floating around the internet
girl dad > girl & boy dad > boy dad
absolutely is so protective of his girls, online and offline
is always asking you if he seems like he's being too strict or too unkind to your daughter even though he's doing just fine / he's just so worried to be as strict as his dad was
definitely wants another but is more comfortable and actually wants to wait a few years to actually get a grip on parenting
dad!sap who'll be streaming with his friends until his little girl comes padding into the office, asking if she can sit with him and all of a sudden he stops yelling and tells his friends to stop swearing – those are the moments you're so bleeping glad to have had a kid
dad!sap spoiling the shit out of her and you during christmas
asking uncle!dream, george and karl to collectively take care of her so he can take you out on your anniversary and on valentine's and so you can have some damn privacy
dad!sap and uncle!karl letting your little princess paint their nails
lots of cheek kisses for your daughter and matching forehead kisses for you
from the time she starts elementary school to the time she graduates high school he's showing her the standards she should have by taking you and her each out separately at least once a week
^ he opens car and building doors, holds your hands, isn't afraid to ask if either of you want the bill split or for him to pay, offers you first pick of going out or shopping or whatever
dad!sap is also dilf!sap and the fans love it just as much as you do / that side of social media you make sure your daughter never has to see growing up
this post reminds me,, sap always bragging about being with a milf – especially telling them that HE IS THE REASON you're a milf
dad!sap who has to literally tear his daughter from his mom and sisters because they love her so much
girl & boy dad > girl dad > boy dad
george strikes me as the type to have twins or kids almost exactly 10 months apart. / yes, if it's not twins, he actually convinced you to have another baby RIGHT after the first
really, really good with getting them to stop fighting – he's literally the kid whisperer or something, at least that what you tell your friends
dad!george who hates leaving his kids with other people, even if it's uncle!dream or uncle!sap but on the occasion you ask for time with just him, he'll compromise
the most dad ever
is always telling the kids 'go ask your mother' when they ask for something he's unsure about and if you tell them to ask him, he doesn't confuse them and just makes a decision
insists on teaching your son that women get 'sick' for a little while each month so he's more likely to help you and also so he's more helpful when he and his sister get older and her period starts
uncle!dream making jokes about your guys starting a family youtube channel and dad!george just hitting him every time he says it because he knows you don't need the stress
teaching both of his kids that it's okay to have standards* but also that it's okay to be independent and not need anyone
*raising their standards; you taking your son out and george taking your daughter out and then switching off the next week
dad!george softening you up to letting the kids start swearing when they get to their tween years
dad!george being on the phone with his friends and his daughter just wants to show him something so he tells his friends to wait a minute
dad!george trying to cook and his son asks if he can help and george just can't help but say yes*
*they end up needing your help and your daughter joins in too
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
Regarding the incredible royal AU (THAT I LOVE SO MUCH ALREADY🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡) If that’s okay I would love to hear more about andreil and what happens next? Maybe about them becoming official (like official official- being recognised as a prince and his betrothed/ husband(?)) (I guess it depends if in your AU people officially recognise gay relationships (hopefully they do? :D) and just the overall reactions to that event or maybe like the scene of one of them proposing to the other (I don’t really know about engagements in history, do you need to properly court somebody? Or do you just give them a ring and ask?)
This is getting long and you don’t need to answer or anything but I just wanted to say I absolutely adore the way u draw the characters and their poses and interactions and I always love your additions like headcanons and notes and stuff (it’s honestly thrilling to read I can’t stop I love it so much)🥰🥹❤️❤️❤️ Hope you have a good day!!
Hello!! First thank you so much you’re so kind to come here and say all these things 🥹💕
As for andreil becoming official - I think yes. When I do royal aus I wouldn’t necessarily call the universe/world “queer normative” because the higher in station you go, the more true “straight until proven otherwise” holds - no one frowns on gay relationships and the setting is perfectly accepting, they just kind of… expect their rulers to be straight for bloodline convenience and all that 🤷 and it’s not like Andrew is trying to be subtle either, he keeps his relationships and ‘affairs’ to himself well but once he actually takes a liking to Abram he’s not really trying to hide it (case in point: here). He just lets the rumors about his sexuality spread and hopes he won’t have to make a big deal about coming out.
The really really fun part about universes like this is that we can kind of make up the traditions to be whatever we want! I love love love the idea of courting, I think it’s got great possibilities (and I’m so certain Aaron courting Katelyn was like the floweriest, cutest thing ever omg) so I’d love to make Andrew actually commit to courting Abram 😂 But like in canon where Andrew and Neil (and this is only a widely accepted head canon) don’t make a big deal about a proposal and wedding, probably having a tiny wedding or just going to the courthouse - Prince Andrew doesn’t make it a grand, super special thing like King Aaron and Katelyn wanted to. He picks the parts he likes and makes sure he meets all the basic expected requirements (because I want SO BADLY for Andrew to secretly be a sap, he likes the romantic stuff he just doesn’t like making it public) and then when Abram wants to, they get married and Abram becomes whatever title is next in line after prince. Duke? I don’t remember right now but yeah to avoid confusion/political issues he is not technically also considered a prince.
The people as a general rule love this, people like parties and they like celebration and a wedding is both of those and the prince seems happy so that’s as good as it’s gonna get. No one’s going to be able to say Abram doesn’t make them a tiny bit wary because let’s be real. Abram’s nature before you get to know him can be off putting. But that’s the only real thing anyone would have against their marriage.
ANYWAY. god there’s so many ways it could go, so many little things and fun possibilities to consider when you think about an Abram/Andrew courtship and SINCE WE GET TO MAKE UP THE RULES?? If you guys start putting courtship ideas in the tags and replies I might melt omg 😭🥰 sappy Andrew, Abram picking up on it when he realizes how much Andrew likes it (the only thing he’s actually sappy about is making Andrew blush and making him feel special in ways that aren’t just because of his station), parts they put on for show and the little cute things they do for each other when no one else is there… AUGH
Yeah to answer your question: the people are surprised but cool with a gay prince, they think his fiancé’s a little spooky but whatever, and andreil court at Andrew’s pace and get married when Abram is ready and everyone is happy :D
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eulchu · 1 year
I came to this fandom after dsmp ended, i have only a vague idea of what the c!dnf story was, could you do a brief summary of it? if it's not too much effort, and if you happen to remember the timeline and how it parallels real life? thanks 🙂
so basically towards the begining it was c!dteam having fun, until c!tommy joined the server and started griefing and killing george repeatedly for fun (both were against the server rules) so that made c!dream really mad and he started messing with c!tommy back. c!george and c!sap joined him and a rivalry was born.
fast forward some betrayals and a war, c!dream pronounces c!george king of the server, and promises loyalty to him. it's epic and awesome fast forward some time rumors stirr that there's a riot waiting to happen to dethrone c!george. that makes c!dream paranoid and he dethrones him first, which feels like the absolute betrayal for c!george, who had been promised only good and big things. shit hits the fan shortly after and c!dream loses his mind HEAVILY whilst c!george finds a deeper alliance in the fiances.
c!dream gets locked up for being insane and c!george tries to get him out by mining the obsidian with his fists. you'd imagine he doesn't get very far. after that c!dream is in prison while c!george is off to sleep all the time to the point where he can't differenciate between awakeland and being asleep. he sees a man who looks like dream in those dreams, which turns out to be the god of the server, dreamxd. he befriends him because he reminds him of dream and also does things for him. it's unclear why xd fixates on c!george the way he does - maybe because he likes to fuck with c!dream (there's a whole story arc there). probably because his favorite kind of people were the ones who suffered awful nightmares, and c!george had a lot of those.
that situation kind of stays like that until the end of the server. c!dream stays crazy, people using c!george against him because it's the only thing that gets through him, and c!george stays sad and in dreamland, plagued by weird dreams and nightmares about c!dream betraying him and pandora.
- in terms of their story resembling real life, id say a lot of it comes from the xd narrative. dream creates that character during a george stream because everyone was in the server and his character was canonically in prison, so he creates xd to be able to play with them. most of it though, comes from george. it's george who makes his character look for c!dream everywhere without quite reaching him. it's c!george who always wakes up with a gasp before he can really turn his dream from a nightmare to something nice. it's c!george who always looks at the prison from afar and who never dares visit c!dream because "i was told you didn't want me to see you", but really, he was just scared that he couldn't take dream back with him.
there's a dream that c!george has, one of the only nice ones he ever had, where c!dream shows up on top of the prime path, and they're running towards each other, saying how much they've missed each other. and then c!george wakes up.
c!dnf (dnfxd) was a lot of dream twisting the server's narrative so that he could spend irl time with george during lore (even when they were already spending 24/7 together), and a lot of george making one of his character's traits long for c!dream to the point where he went fucking ballistic and destroyed the entire server because c!dream chose someone else over him (which, quite frankly... that's just cc!george)
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thorniest-rose · 2 years
If I accidentally sent the same thing twice — I’m deeply sorry and amused.
Honey, I remember another person’s ask when they’re telling about the ways dom!Eddie takes care about Steve. But I want to ask how Steve would take care about Eddie? Maybe cooking his favorite meal, (to be honest, everything that Steve cooks is Eddie’s favorite meal but still) or maybe wash his long hair finally with some expensive healthy shampoo…
P. S
I also want to tell you that the song Young Girl by Gary Puckett has Sour Candy vibes
oh this is such a lovely question. You did send it before but I didn't get around to answering it so thank you for sending it again and reminding me!! 💕
So for some Dom aftercare, I loooove the ideas you've mentioned. Steve would love cooking for Eddie and would definitely make his favourite comfort food for him. I always hc Eddie as having redneck Kentucky roots so he learns how to make all of Eddie's favourite dishes and then will make one of them for him after they've had a heavy scene. And a huge yes to Steve washing Eddie's hair for him. He's so gentle, stroking his fingers through it, but never pulling. Shampooing and then doing a deep conditioning mask for him. And Eddie's just like purring the entire time because he loves when Steve washes his hair. Maybe Steve even blow-dries and brushes it for him afterwards too, scratching his fingers lightly across Eddie's scalp, and Eddie goes to jelly because it feels *so good*
I think praise would be really important too. Like we always think it's subs who need praise and validation from their Doms but I think it's just as important the other way round. So I think Steve would take time to praise Eddie and tell him what an amazing Dom he is and how incredible he is at looking after Steve and giving him what he needs. And Eddie would be all big brown eyes and a trembling bottom lip like "really?" and Steve would be like, "Really, you're everything I could ever want and need. No one's ever looked after me like you do" followed by lots of cuddles and kisses because they're both saps and need to touch a lot after a scene, to keep each other grounded and show how much they love each other.
If you have any more ideas, let me know, because I love thinking about Steve looking after Eddie like this!!
And thank you for the song rec, I'll check it out!! 💖 Have you heard the song "Cherry Blossom Girl" by Air? That's a sour candy Steve song FOR SURE.
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lorewriter · 5 days
how about katsuki/shoto with the prompt "marriage proposal"? :)?
I forgot to mention this, but none of these have been edited. So if there are any mistakes, I apologize. Anyways, hope you enjoy.
The war had ended, they’d won. Katsuki had barely made it out alive and once he had, he knew with this second chance at life, he wanted to spend the rest of it with the boy he’d fallen in love with. He’d decided he was going to ask Shoto to go out with him and had recruited his band of idiots and Izuku and his idiots to help him ask the oblivious boy out.
Izuku had been the most excited, damn near screaming at the thought of having both of his best friends happy together. And so, they planned. He’d decided to ask him at graduation, a special event for both of them and he wanted to make it even more so. It was Izuku, Iida and Uraraka’s job to get Shoto alone, and his idiots would take point in making sure they weren’t disturbed. He’d picked out one of his best suits, a black and red lined suit with a matching rose attached to the front pocket. Of course he couldn’t wear that to the actual graduation ceremony, so they’d prepared a small place for him to quickly change before his confession.
The day arrived and he’d been nervous as fuck. The ceremony had gone well, with all of his friends laughing happily as their time at UA ended. He’d greeted his parents but didn’t stay for long as they both already knew of his plans. Once he’d gotten changed, Katsuki headed to the back of the school where a gazebo had been hidden mostly by the trees surrounding it. There he saw a waiting Shoto with a blue rose in hand. Upon reaching the gazebo, all lines he’d previously prepared left his mind and he did the one thing he’d never live down.
“I uhh, like you dumbass so, go out with me.” Katsuki stuttered out, blushing so hard in embarrassment that he wasn’t sure how he was gonna face the other.
Hands encompased his face as he was pulled into his very first kiss. Stars exploded behind his eyes as his heart did backflips. No doubt Edgeshot showing his excitement for them.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Shoto breathed against him, a small but genuine smile settling on his face.
He’d never been happier, and so they were now dating.
Life moved forward, from being Best Jeanist’s sidekick to starting his own hero agency with Shoto. They’d joined as hero partners just the year before and from it their hero rankings had skyrocketed. They’d never officially confirmed to the public that they were dating but gossip spread like wildfire. Many talk shows and gossip papers had asked for an interview but had all been declined. Katsuki was just fine keeping Shoto to himself, the world didn’t need to see this part of them, it was only for them and their close friends.
Shoto had officially cut ties with his family when he graduated and had left the Todoroki household completely. They’d since moved in with each other and were living peacefully together.
It’d been a normal day when Shoto had asked him over breakfast, “Do you think we’ll ever get married?” He’d asked with the same straight face he’d always worn.
The question in and of itself hadn’t been too much of a surprise as they’d both just recently attended one of their friends' weddings. But he’d still frozen, the bite of rice he’d had sitting halfway from his bowl to his mouth.
“If that’s something you want, I’m not opposed.” He’d answered simply, causing the other to hum lightly before returning to his own breakfast.
Did Shoto want to get married? It’s not like the idea was foreign to him, but he’d never gotten the implication that Shoto had wanted that until now. But, like the secret sap he was, and overachiever at that, he began planning in his head what he’d need to make the perfect proposal.
Getting the help of his friends had been child’s play, he’d hadn’t even gotten to finish his sentence before they were all screaming their agreement and excitement all at once. He knew he wanted it to be sentimental and had asked Nedzu if they would be allowed to use the gazebo he’d asked Shoto out to start with. Nedzu had agreed, telling him they could have the area cleared on the day he chose to propose. After gaining access, it was only a matter of decorating the place and picking the perfect ring.
His friends had practically shoved him out of decorating so he could go shopping for what he hoped would be an engagement ring for Shoto, that is, if he said yes. Katsuki was confident he would, but couldn’t help the doubt and anxiety he felt at taking this huge step forward. Going to many different shops, Katsuki finally found a ring he felt was perfect for the other. It was thin, the silver band of the ring twined around itself with glittery blue stones scattered across it. A sapphire jewel sat at its face.
All that was left was to get Shoto to come to UA without being suspicious. He’d only just managed with the lie that they were going for a class 1A reunion. The party was actually their engagement party, but the lie worked all the same. Shoto had dressed in a navy blue suit with white lining the sides. He’d chosen a similar navy blue suit, but this one was lined with orange.
Arriving at UA, he’d made the excuse that he wanted to explore the grounds a bit before heading inside. Shoto had agreed but not before looking at him suspiciously, knowing Katsuki didn’t really have much interest in the grounds of UA but deciding not to question it all the same. Walking to the gazebo, Katsuki fiddled with the box in his pocket as fairy lights came into view. “What’s all this?” Shoto has asked, looking in amazement at the fairy lights and blue roses decorating the gazebo.
“This…” he answered, getting down onto one knee,
“Is my proposal to you.” A beat went by and he took a breath before continuing. “Shoto, I’ve loved you since our first year at UA. You were closed off to the world at the time and yet held such fire in your eyes that it made me want to work harder. You’ve been pushing me forward ever since and I don’t know where I’d be today without you. I don’t want to spend even a second of my life without you, so, will you do me the honor of being my husband?” He asked, pulling the ring box from his pocket and opening it to offer to Shoto.
Silence fell between the two as Katsuki was too nervous to look up at his partner let alone say anything more. A small sob broke the air as arms circled around him. “Why do you always beat me to it.” Shoto half laughed and half sobbed. “Does that mean you’ll say yes?” Katsuki whispered into his ear, hoping those weren’t tears of sadness. “Of course you idiot, I’d want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Katsuki was ecstatic, pulling the ring from its box to place on Shoto’s waiting finger. “I can’t believe you planned all this, is there even a reunion tonight?” Shoto asked, wiping the tears from his face.
“Well, sorta. More like, it’s an engagement party.” Katsuki replied, feeling like he was floating on a cloud. “Well, if it’s for us we shouldn’t keep them waiting.” Shoto stood, offering his hand to Katsuki.
Walking hand in hand, the two made their way into the school and proceeded to have the best party of their lives. Seeing Shoto smile so brightly, showing off his ring to anyone who wanted to see it, Katsuki knew in that moment, that he’d not waste even a single moment of the second chance at life he’d been given, and that he’d spend the rest of it loving the most beautiful man he’d ever met.
Hope this was what you were looking for, I know this is almost completely from one characters point of view, so if any of you would like to request a specific character pov, feel free to do so.
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solarpunknow · 5 months
A weekend in a solarpunk future
Today was quite the busy day- and it was spent almost entirely outdoors.
This morning was the monthly 'get to know the plants around you' meetup. The idea behind this group is that 3 people (This time it was me, A., and C.) who are very familiar with the native plants around here and their uses, as well as the invasive species around here and their uses, lead a group through one of the local parks, and we teach the new comers what we know. We get a lot of people who have just moved to town and aren't yet familiar with the local ecosystems, those who didn't grow up foraging or working with plants, and of course some retirees who are looking to connect with nature in a way that they couldn't during their working lives back in the 2010s and 2020s.
We started by going over plants that get confused by beginners a lot (western bleeding heart vs herb robert, mahonia vs holly, that sort of thing), then moved on to the most common and vigorous native plants, and how each of us uses them in our lives (stinging nettle for tea, pesto, soup, the fiber for cloth, etc). We finish out the meetup by identifying the most... shall we say, vigorous of the invasive plants, and how to safely remove them (I mean, some have sap that can hurt you, so it's good to point those ones out). Some make tasty food, but we discussed how to safely compost the rest of them.
Gotta be honest, turning a problem (invasive species) into a resource (fertilizer) fills me with a sense of satisfaction like no other. C. usually takes the ones that are good for making fertilizer (invasive buttercup, bindweed, Hyacinthoidess, etc); I'll take the English Ivy and Himalayan blackberries home because my pet goats love to eat them. They also love bindweed, but I can share.
Anyway, we show the new folks how to identify and remove them, and then we put their new skills to the test. It's really starting to make a noticeable effect in the areas we visit, and I have to hope that every one we teach keeps practicing on their own.
Of course, removing the invasive species is only one part of the solution, but that's a whole different post.
This afternoon was a work party at the community/foodbank garden, which is always a good time and opportunity to connect with others. Back in the day I would've been confused by what a "community/foodbank" garden was, but honestly, it works. People who can, come and work in the garden and take what they will use for the next week. People who aren't able to donate their physical skills come by the food bank and are able to get the food they'll use in a week. It used to be that people thought there would be too many "takers" and not enough "workers", but it turns out that working in large groups, in close connection with the land, knowing that you're helping not only yourself but others in your community is hugely motivating for a large segment of the population. It's also awesome because the people who run the garden are super passionate about sustainable gardening and figuring out how to make gardening accessible to everyone in the community who wants to, so people feel comfortable coming to learn and then taking the knowledge and skills back to their neighborhood hub/commons gardens. Really, in the past ten years, the number of people who have started incorporating native plants, started mulching, stopped pulling out plants that support native insects, built rainwater and grey water irrigation systems and so on has really blossomed. The city is so much greener (and cooler) than it used to be, both metaphorically and literally.
Speaking of greywater, that's tomorrow's project. This evening is for listening to the chorus frogs and relaxing on the back porch.
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Twisted Thorns
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[ID: The title of the story, written in black on a light to dark green gradient with golden sparkles. All other images are divider lines, showing two white flowers. End ID.]
The misshapen bushes, the thorny vines, the gnarly roots that formed repulsive structures. Gloom had settled over the thicket, filled with a reddish, sinister glow, as if the Scourge was trying to block out the sun itself, to replace it with its own twisted idea of light.
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📖 Synopsis
A glimmer of hope in the face of dark magic
It has been fifty years since the appearance of the first kalani; peaceful plant people, born from the fruits of a colossal tree. Now there is a darkness growing deep in the jungle, abducting their siblings and turning them into cruel, vicious creatures.
After Caldyn is freed from their torment, his body is broken, his eyes burned, his magic gone. To reclaim it, he must leave his friends and the only home he has ever known. When he stumbles upon an injured kalani—as warm as sunlight and as lonely as him—he promises to take care of her until she is fully recovered.
As days turn into weeks, friendship slowly grows into affection. Then a call for help reaches Caldyn, and he has to decide if he has the strength to return; if together they can face the nightmares that still haunt him.
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📖 About
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
POV: Third person past tense, all of it in Caldyn’s POV
Wordcount: 98k
Status: Manifesting motivation to edit
Content Warnings: Trauma, graphic depictions of fantasy violence, including torture and death
Vibes: a vibrant jungle / dark magic / strangers to friends to lovers / “please don’t leave” / thorns and tree sap / hope in the darkest places / the warmth of sunlight / betrayal / gender is overrated / “i’m fine” / fire and water / giant trees / facing your fears / bioluminescence / humans are weird / just talk to each other / “you're alive”
Playlist | Moodboard | Coverart
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📖 Cast
“I’m not the hero they say I am. But I’m still standing. And she is not.”
When he’s kidnapped for his unique combination of life and death magic, Caldyn’s life as he knew it is over. Without his sight, and carrying the scars of betrayal, he clings to one thing: the hope that somewhere there is a place where he can be a healer again.
“I’m always doing everything wrong, and annoy people, and break things.”
Seyonna is a shy sapling, who talks too quickly and worries too much. She’s far from home and deep in trouble when Caldyn finds her. He wants to help her, but for that, he needs to first gain her trust.
“I love being a mentor, but sometimes I wish I could study more than books and parchments again.”
Breannan is one of the oldest of his kind, devoting his life to learning and teaching. He used to be Caldyn’s mentor, and is still one of his closest friends.
“I can’t leave Raley alone or he’ll put raisins into everything. Raisins, can you believe it?”
Lily is the best baker in the Wilds, and her energy a force to be reckoned with. Between breadrolls and honey cake, she teaches Caldyn how to find his way, and how to trust again.
“You shouldn’t have both, life and death. Death should have been mine.”
Gawyn is Caldyn’s partner—or ex-partner. Leaving your loved one to be tortured to death by the enemy because you’re jealous of his magic surely is one way to end a relationship.
“Join us. Die tonight. Or suffer until you wish you had done either.”
Firethorn is one of the Ceodh’s leaders, infamous for her cruelty. She has her own idea of how to increase the Scourge’s influence—unfortunately, those plans include Caldyn.
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📖 Tags
Yes, this project is related to the similarly named Thorns & Jasmine on this blog, but it isn’t the same. This one is a “normal” book, with story and stuff, but a few chapters overlap.
I’ll be using the tag #wip: thorns for updates, which will include my newly discovered insta ambition of slapping a quote on a stock image, and the occasional tag game.
There’s also tags for the characters, but those mostly focus on the other story, and might contain spoilers:
#Caldyn insists he’s fine
#Breannan really likes books
#Lily makes the best cake
#Seyonna talks a mile a minute
I have no idea where I’ll be going once I finished, and I’m gonna ignore that question until I can’t anymore :)
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