#and the first one is Bruce trying to become immune to fear toxin but it turns out thats a bad idea that does not help his ptsd
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science-lings · 3 months ago
I need some direction,
*an important part of this idea is the part where Bruce takes this opportunity to be affectionate towards his angry son and gets his hunch of Jason still having a strong soft side reaffirmed. He was pretty sure his son was still a sweetie pie but it's nice to see it first hand bc he sure as hell wouldn't do that kind of thing in front of his dad. He's that stubborn cat that sits on Jason's chest to force him to rest and takes advantage of his adorable new form to take care of his reckless son. Also after trying for a few days to pass along the message that he's not just a cat and Jason would not catch on he just gave up and set his objective to Being Clingy.
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dailycass-cain · 1 year ago
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As promised many months ago to end this day, here's a 🧵of the insanity Cassandra Cain's "human" body can do due to what David Cain put her through (besides the two obvious ones of body language and various forms of killing he trained her in).
The best issue that showcases that is of course Batgirl Vol. 1 #14 where various government agencies look at the footage Cass got caught filmed in.
The first few pages are literally showcasing how inhuman, but still bordering on human she is due to what David Cain put her through.
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This is always fully covered throughout Batgirl Volume 1 and is usually forgotten when writers and editors tend to have their job. Not saying any names or storylines of any RECENT kind where a WAR broke out in GOTHAM.
is still salty YES
We've seen Cass's speed all the time throughout the Puckett run. To just showcase the prior issue's bullet dodging or her issue of Tim (#18) be child's play (along with her taking several shots up close and dodging each one from a certain corrupt government bastard).
Nah the best example of Cass's true "speed" is in #34 facing the mob boss Ving and his gang.
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Yeah, you're seeing that right she is faster than a freaking bullet. Surprising how SOME seem to forget that in other comics. 🙄
Something even Batgirls remembered (#15) when Cass was playing shogun dodge with Cluemaster who was trying to shoot her with a shotgun.
But what of Cassandra's strength? Just how strong is she really?
#19 where Cass is faced with the obstacle of three-inch quartz preventing her from escaping a gas chamber. So let's examine just how thick three-inch quartz is.
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Well, let's google just that.
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A SEVEN on the hardness scale. Further research says that it can only crack due to "extreme impacts" which wouldn't ya know:
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As for her body itself, Batgirl/Ghost: The Ressurection Machine #3 suggests this about Cass being immune to A LOT of poisons:
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Something Batgirl Vol. 1 "sort of" delves in #50 when both she and Bruce are doused with a new batch of super drug but it turns out they were both immune to it due to them being built differently than normal humans.
This is all the more surprising because a few issues prior to (#46) Cass is doused with a version of it, but you could say given what she "sees" Cass is under A LOT of stress (the building tension with Bruce, Babs breaking up with Dick, Superboy/Black Wind stuff). Plus she does "sort of" snap out of it to beat the bad guys in that issue.
Just like in #51 she avoids the pheromones to Poison Ivy even though she is showing signs of falling under the hormones but snaps out of it due to willpower (something Bruce was almost succumbing to before he fully snapped out of it too).
It really feels like "this anti-poison" ability Cass had was all but forgotten once the series ended. Of course, naturally with a certain "infamous" story ONE YEAR LATER, but also Batman & Robin Eternal as she is affected by Fear Toxin (among other stuff too).
#9 & #59 showcase that David Cain shot Cass regularly so much that she can not even feel it. This could explain also HOW she was eventually able to dodge bullets and become so fast.
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#22 also showcases this as well so this is not something simply just randomly put in. This was something the writers wanted to show the sickening lengths David Cain put Cass through.
Again, #14 brought up Cass's metabolism and how off the charts it was. I think something we just overlooked is that in #26 Cass slept for 20 hours a day for four days (or perhaps longer) straight until she fully recovered from fighting Lady Shiva.
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That's not even going under the amount of food she consumes. This little detail was first showcased in #39 when Cass ate like she was freaking Goku.
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This little bit of detail was brought back in #66 when she ordered THREE burgers (I'm assuming with everything on it) with three sides of fries and a BIG milk.
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Amusingly, this detail was recently brought back in Nightwing #106 & #108 where she FEASTED on who knows how many pancakes.
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Lastly, I feel this bit is worth mentioning as well from #47 with Doctor Lewis Friedman who started the theory on body language that David Cain made a frightening reality with Cass (shame he was never brought up again after this issue).
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All this isn't even counting on the extremely LONG hours of shower time Cass picked up in the Gabrych run that even Willingham's Robin (which went on during this) teased (something again Batgirls kept up on).
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So there you have it. The utter anomaly that is the body of one Cassandra Cain.
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batfam-rewrites · 3 years ago
Batfam During Quarantine One Year Special
On this date last year, I posted the first Batfam During Quarantine post and since then this blog has become more popular than I ever thought it would be (my expectations were honestly pretty low). As a thank you for all of the love you have given me, (I legit get a dopamine rush whenever I get a notification on my phone) here is some stuff that was cut out from earlier post along with notes of why I took some of these bits out! Thank you so much for one year on this particular story, I wouldn’t be posting as much on here without you guys!!!! 
27 Minutes
Cass: I don’t think Bruce has slept.
Steph: Does Bruce even sleep anyway?
Dick: I’m heading out to the store! *walks out wearing assless pants*
Bruce: *spits out his coffee* FUCK NO YOUR NOT! CHANGE THOSE PANTS!
[Note: I felt like this was a little too much effort for the possibility for a slight laugh to the point where it wouldn’t be funny.]
Dick: I help him a bit. It's been so difficult acting like a grown up. I actually had to fight with Tim to get him to stop drinking so much coffee and that didn’t go well.
Barbara: What happened?
Dick: He threw a mug at me and said “Fuck you, I could stop when I want to!”
Barbara: Right, he definitely sounds like he has it under control.
[Note: Didn’t feel like this was as funny as sleep deprived Bruce.]
Selina: So you and Tim seemed very coy during Dick’s meeting.
Stephanie: Yeah, Tim is awesome and everything but I don’t know if he feels how I feel. Plus he’s been a bit oblivious to everything.
Cassandra: With how much he brags about being just as smart as Bruce, you’d think he’d know.
Stephanie: Exactly!
Selina: Then again, Tim has a lot on his plate. He’s trying to help Bruce and doing patrol every night longer than he should. 
Stephanie: Good point. Last night I saw him fill 3 flask with coffee and still looked extremely tired last night when I met up with him.
Selina: Damn.
[Note: I wasn’t too happy with how I wrote the first two Batfam During Quarantine post. When I was writing “27 Minutes” I realized how I wanted the relationship between Tim and Steph to play out and I wanted it to be more subtle with my hints on them getting together in “Retirement?”. Once I finish up every story that I want to tell I plan on going back to re-write what I originally wrote down, maybe add some more stuff, but one thing I definately want to change is the subtlety of the lead up to Tim and Steph getting together. That was why this was cut.]
Training Day
Kate: Please, I’ve been training much harder than most of you guys since I was 6.
Dick: That’s debatable.
Dick: *embraces Tim in his arms* Tim, once when I was Robin, I stayed up for five nights. At the time I was trying to balance being the leader of the Teen Titans, being Bruce’s ward, competing for my gymnastics team, and trying to balance high school. I became so tired that on the fifth day I started to hallucinate. It didn’t help that at the time we were facing Scarecrow and he sprayed his fear toxin everywhere. With how weak my immune system was, I failed to fight off the fear toxin and ran away from Bruce. Because Bruce didn’t want me to hurt myself so he chased me and sent me to the batmobile. Three people died because I distracted Batman. When the toxin wore off, Bruce ordered me to go to sleep. I refused and he said that I am now suspended from patrol for two weeks. After a long conversation, not only was I suspended but I finally slept.
Tim: So what’s your point?
Dick: The first one is that change is going to happen whether we like it or not. It’s not what happens that shapes who we are but how we react to the changes that occur in our lives. The world is never going to be the same after this pandemic is over, so you could either adapt, or repeat your mistakes. Second is that it’s okay to not be okay. You are not alone, you have all of us at the mansion to talk to. Third is that people are going to die, and sometimes there is nothing we can do about it. All we can do is learn from what happened to stop it from happening again. And the most important one is to sleep. I know you are under a lot of stress right now, we all are, but how can you expect to save others if you won’t take care of yourself. You need to sleep because if you don’t you’ll eventually die in the field because of the lack of sleep.
[Note: Too wordy. I lost my own attention trying to read this when I originally wrote this.]
Jason: Sh ta ta ta ta. *presses his finger to Selina’s lips* Don’t speak, I know just what you’re sayin’, so please stop explainin’.
Selina: Really Jason? How long have you been waiting to use that one?
Jason: *breaks into a dance* All night long, all night.
Stephanie: What is going on with you Jason? 
Tim: I know right? You don’t ever listen to Lionel Richie, let alone pop music.
Jason: It’s his fault! *points at Dick* Him and his stupid playlist!
Dick: You said you liked my playlist!
Jason: I only like some of the songs on there! Everything else is trash!
Dick: *gasp* You take that back young man!
Jason: You’re not that much older than I am!
Cassandra: Guys!!! What is The Last Airbender?
Dick pulls up in front of the apartment that Barbara and her family lives in. He takes out his boom box and sets in a cassette tape. He sets the volume to the maximum setting. He holds the boom box over his head as Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” starts playing.
Dick: BABS!!!!
He waits out there for a few minutes until she opens up the window and leans out of it.
Barbara: You Dick!
The song ends and starts playing “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing” from Aerosmith.
Neighbor 1: GO HOME!
Dick: FINE!
The next night
Dick walks up to the door to the Gordon family’s apartment. He knocks on the door and Jim opens the door.
Dick: Hey Jim, I was sorta expecting Babs to open the door.
Jim: *looks at the cards in Dick’s hands* Just take a hint kid. You’re making this harder than it needs to be.
Dick: I’m persistent, it’s part of my charm.
Jim: Whatever. *shuts the door*
A minute late Barbara opens the door.
Dick: *holding the cards*
Barbara: *arms folded* They’re facing you.
Dick: *looks down and flips the cards around* “Babs, I know I messed things up by *flips the card* not telling you Helena was staying at the *flips the card* mansion. I want you to know that you are *flips the card*
Barbara: *shuts the door on Dick*
Dick: I still have twenty-something cards left. At least finish reading them.
The next night
Dick walks out of his car carrying a blue french horn. He presses the buzzer for her place and walks back out on the grass. Barbara opens up the window again to see Dick holding the blue french horn. She then shuts the window.
Dick: So can I come in! Come on it’s a Smurf penis!
Two days later at the grocery store
Barbara is walking down the aisle looking for food. The music playing over the speakers as a voice replaces the music.
Dick: You’re just to good to be true. Can’t take my eyes off of you. You'd be like Heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much. 
Barbara starts looking around the store for Dick and sees him leaning against a wall with one of the phones.
Dick: *notices Barbara and points to hear and then makes a heart with his hands* At long last, love has arrived. And I thank God I'm alive. You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off of you. *plays the instrumental part on his phone*
A store employee now spots Dick and heads towards him.
Dick: I love you, baby. And if it's quite alright. *struggles to keep possession of the phone* Get away, you’ll sing next. I need you baby *still fighting for the phone* To warm the lonely night. *starts climbing between the wall and the refrigerated section* I love you, baby. Trust in me when I say.
Barbara starts walking away embarrassed.
Dick: Oh, pretty baby, wait Babs, where you going? Babs? Babs? BAAABBS! LET ME ME LOVE YOUUUUU!
[Note: I felt the “How I Met Your Mother” reference would have either not been noticed or wouldn’t be as funny (if you don’t know which one I’m talking about it’s the smurf penis one) so I cut it out.]
Dick: Okay, while things are a bit peaceful now, they’re not going to stay that way forever. Let’s try to plan ahead now and see if we can recruit any former members of Batman Inc. Tim, Steph, and Duke, you guys need to try and convince Luke to come out of retirement.
Duke: Can I have new partners?
Tim: Hey, Steph and I are amazing partners!
[Note: Not subtle.]
Nightwing: Yeah, but as Red Robin, not Tim Drake.
Stephanie: Oh, because what you did the the other night was a total Red Robin move.
The other night
Nightwing: Hey, Spoiler, check this out! *jumps off the roof of a building* YEAH I’M FREEEEEEEE! FREE FAAALLLLLIIIN’! *fires his grappling hook across the street*
Nightwing: You’re point is?
Duke: *mumbles under his breath* I need to find a new family.
Nightwing: *singing as he swings* Arabella's got some interstellar-gator skin boots. And a Helter Skelter 'round her little finger and I ride it endlessly. *arrives at the apartment door and takes out his earbuds*
Dick: *singing karaoke* And I won't listen to your shame. You ran away, you’re all the same. Angels lie to keep control, Ooh, my love was punished long ago, If you still care don't ever let me know, If you still care don't ever let me know!!!!
[Note: I felt like this wasn’t going to be super noticeable, especially the Slipknot one (last one). On top of that it felt like way too many song references just to say that Dick listens to a wide variety of music.]
Swear Jar
Dick: Everyone, please let us take some of your time to head down to the gym right now. The time has come to watch Jason fail a basic pommel horse routine!
Jason: Shut up!
Tim: Wooo! Let’s see Jason eat mat!
Stephanie: I don’t know what to expect but this should to be interesting!
*Everyone else walks in*
Bruce: Okay, lets see it!
Duke: I’ve seen this for the last few weeks so this could go one way or another.
Jason: All of you shut up!
Cassandra: *takes out her phone and records*
Jason: *steps up to the pommel horse and competes a whole routine and falls on his back during the dismount*
Duke: Ooofff.
Dick: *whispers to Tim* Well, your feet separated on the magyar.
Tim: You forgot to salute.
Jason: *salutes with a his middle fingers sticking out* How’s that?
Stephanie: *laughs*
Alfred: Jar, Master Jason.
Tim: Plus, your hands must be as straight as a knife.
Dick: You actually pressed into the handstand.
Jason: Are you guys seriously scoring me?
Damian: *smirks*
Tim: The loop on pommel was piked, legs were bent on you scissors.
Dick: And you didn’t stick your landing so we give you a score of...
Tim and Dick: EAT MAT!!
Bruce: *smirks a bit* Come on boys, be fair. You’re cutting him too much slack.
Dick: Yeah, his toes weren’t pointed, his butt hit the pommel.
Alfred: Jar!
[Note: Debated on sharing this one because this one was really just for me. Wasn’t sure if you guys would have liked it. Long way of saying Dick and Tim know gymnastics.]
Tim: Hey, my mom is calling. Dick, you answer the phone.
Dick: Okay. *answers the phone* Hello, Tim isn’t here right now, would you like me to find him?
Tim’s Mom: Yes!
Dick: Okay, let me put you on hold *sings the Mii channel theme*
Dick: *taking a breath* Tim, your mom wants to talk to you. *goes back to singing*
Tim: Obviously I can’t. I’m working.
Dick: Okay, *stops singing* I’m sorry for having you on hold for so long. I can not find Tim so I would assume he is working! I am sure though he will either call you or text you at your earliest convenience. I mean his earliest convenience.
Tim’s Mom: Okay.
[Note: This actually happened but I felt that it was funnier in the moment then written down.]
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Jason: YES I DID!!!!
Jason: MAGIC!!!!!
Damian: *knocks on the door*
Jason: *opens the door with a box of Reese’s Puffs* What demon seed?
Damian: Give me back my Reese’s Puffs, Todd!!!
Jason: I don’t know what you’re talking about! This is my box! *finished eating the box of cereal and walks through the house towards the study*
Jason: You know how to drive, get it yourself! *moves the hands of the grandfather clock and enters the batcave*
Damian: Father won’t let me.
Jason: Boo hoo. What would you ever do. It’s not like you have a brother who will literally do anything if you give him a hug or another one who you could annoy into getting you some. 
Jason: You have no proof that I did. *throws the box away* Now piss off! I’m going on patrol! *hops onto his motorcycle and drives to his safe house*
Jason: *opens the door*
Damian: Liar!
Jason: FINE!
Damian: YAY!!!
Jason: *drives to the store then to the batcave* Get off!
Damian: Thank you, Todd!!!
Jason: Go fu-
Dick: Jason! Censor yourself!!!
Jason: Whatever *drives back to his safe house and opens the door. turns on the tv and puts in Rent in the dvd player*
Jason: *sighs and sits on the couch* Finally!
Damian: Before you tell me anything, Todd already told me about sex and how I’m a freak of nature because my mother didn’t want to carry me for nine months.
Bruce: JASON!!!!!!!!!
Dick: Smart, toit. Okay I am thankful for Nickleback. 
Tim: What the hell!
Duke: *to Bruce* Where did you go wrong?
Jim: *to Barbara* I think it’s time to let go of Dick.
Dick: Hold on, hold on. I am not thankful for Nickleback. If anything they are something I am least thankful for. It’s just what Alfred and Julia said was super serious I had to say something stupid. I’m truly thankful for this pandemic, because I feel it has brought us closer together as a family.
[Note: Not as funny as I thought it was when I thought of it.]
That is most of it. Yet again I hope you guys still enjoyed this and thank you so much for a whole year of this! I probably would have delayed more of these stories until who knows when if I didn’t know that there are people who actually read this! So thank you for a year and thank you for actually making me think of a deadline for all of this!!!!
I’m still working on a story that is going to be pretty long so it’s going to take a while before I publish that, but I have a few smaller stuff that I will try to spread out before I publish the larger one. I will also be posting a more organized version of each of these stories and post the cold open for the next story as a thank you for one whole year!!!
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moongoddesskiana · 3 years ago
I'm just thinking about AU where you keep elements from different canons for maximum angst as well as maximum 'you done fucked up my fave' because the writers really don't understand my fave's origin story
So Jason recently left the Titans (have I ever watched more than the first 3 eps no but I've seen enough clips and fanvids) and is back to working with Bruce. They are working on a case where the criminal has diplomatic immunity, Jason goes to confront the dude who proceeds to fall off the balcony (also for kicks the dude said that no one was going to believe that Jason had nothing to do with it when Jason tried to save him and he shoved Jason off) and dies.
After this Jason is forced to go to therapy where Leslie (whom he already knows and trusts) helps him a bit though he is still very much struggling. Jason then over hears Bruce say that Jason is being too rough and is going to be taken off active duty, Jason then runs out of the manor and into Crime Alley. Bruce tracks him down and they have a conversation like the one in Titans and Jason asks Bruce not to give up on him and that he had nothing to do with the dude's death.
Not sure if I'm gonna have Bruce believe him or not, but Bruce thinks this is for the best and doesn't realize how much this fucks up Jason and worsens his feelings of being rejected. As Jason leaves the alley but is still in the neighborhood an old neighbor flags him down saying they have some of his family's old things. Jason sneaks back into his room and goes over everything in the box hoping to find some of his mom's old things, what Jason actually finds is his birth certificate. The mother's name starting with an S but otherwise unreadable. Jason doesn't feel like he has anyone to go to and tries to track down his bio mom.
Cross referencing Willis addressbook he finds 3 possibilities, I'm gonna be lazy and say that Sheila was in town for like enough time for Jason to find her in Gotham. Meanwhile Joker broke out of Arkham and Batman's on the case and thinks that Sheila's job's local warehouse known to not usually be in use is Joker's next move. Sheila tells Jason she has to go to a meeting but to meet up later when Bruce runs into Jason.
Bruce asks Jason where he's been and what is he doing on a Joker case (it's been like a week since Jason left the manor only leaving a note saying that basically reads I know when I'm not wanted don't do a obligatory search.). Jason for a second thought Bruce had been looking for him and that he actually cared until he asked what Jason was doing on a case, Jason's sense of rejection escalates.
Bruce says that Sheila workplace might be in trouble but that he was also checking out another lead. Jason tracks down Sheila to warn her that the Joker might be up to something using her work's warehouse, she's like sure kid uh huh until he shows he the Robin suit. Then Sheila says to help her search the warehouse before her meeting which was to happen at the warehouse so that they would know if anything bad was inside.
Jason says that he should call in Batman just in case when they round a corner in the warehouse and the Joker is there. Jason (in Robin suit) turns to Shelia to yell at her to run when she pulls out a gun and points it at Jason telling him "sorry kid looks like you trusted the wrong person this time."
Jason is then tied up and beaten with a crowbar, whilst Sheila sits back and smokes on a nearby crate. Jason goes unconscious and Sheila is tied to the warehouse while the Joker says there can be no witnesses. Jason tries to get them both out of there while he struggles to move, they make it to the door when he hears a timer seconds away from zero while Sheila tries to open the door. Jason covers her body with his own while resigning himself to death. The warehouse explodes.
First responders are already on the scene when Bruce gets there. Sheila is alive long enough to tell Batman that Jason was a good kid, a better kid than one she thought she would make. The first responders found Jason before Bruce did, Robin was pronounced dead on arrival.
Everything is happening in between season 2 and 3 btw, well at least until Red Hood arrives.
Dick hears about the explosion over the news and rushes to Gotham, team in hand. They miss the funeral. Dick finds out that Jason had been missing for a week before that and is pissed Bruce didn't tell him. A month later Tim forces his way into Robin and gets assistance from the Titans who welcome him with open arms.
3 months after his death Jason crawls out of his grave, Scarecrow and the League of Assassins are working together (don't ask why idk either) and Jason stumbles across a meeting. Someone notices Jason isn't responding properly and they began experimenting on him eventually realizing that one of Scarecrow's toxins makes him less fearful and respond to orders more. Talia grows to give a shit and puts him in a Lazarus Pit before she is sent away but still partly in charge. Ra's says to drug him before he wakes up and to make Jason reliant on the drugs and on the League of Assassins.
Jason is trained up for a year before they put him on the scene as a figurehead but not really in charge of anything Red Hood. Jason tries to keep civilian casualties as low as he can, tries to keep things centered on ending Gotham's crime and criminals. He makes his number one rule no drugs to kids, no harm to children, no exceptions.
Two lackeys who drugged Robin were made as examples. Jason himself was still force fed Scarecrow's toxin every day.
The code name Red Hood was one of the few things that he had been given control over a nice little Fuck you to the Joker (still alive and kicking) which he had a do not engage order for so he couldn't kill the guy himself (not that he thought he would be able to even with the toxin). Jason tries to use it as a force of change, a force of good for Gotham. Sometimes when the drugs were wearing off he wondered how much harm he was doing compared to good, and how easily he killed criminals.
The league of assassin's pulls out of Gotham for reasons Jason doesn't know about, Jason tries to get clean while an imposter with meta abilities impersonated Red Hood in order to get to Hank and does Gotham harm. The titans have been in town for most of the time btw. The meta, a telepathic shapeshifter, bumped into Jason read his mind and figured Jason Todd would be a good cover for them while they did this and they could implant memories into Jason later and no evidence would lead back to them especially because of Jason laying low and trying to detox alone.
So yeah Jason still murders people but the stuff in the show making someone snap their neck, civilian casualties that shouldn't have happened and killing Hank, that was a meta in this because I can't see even a very fucked up Jason doing those things.
Everyday the meta tracks Jason down reads his mind and implants new memories. Jason tries to get help but that keeps getting stopped or people refuse to help him for the things they think he did.
The meta is taken into custody when someone realizes that that isn't Jason because either he called one of them or one of them saw him one the street collapsing. This leads to so much confusion epically since Jason has two sets of memories the stuff he did do (duffle bag of heads) and things he didn't do (kill Hank). In the process of sorting his memories the Titans realize how much they fucked up with Jason especially when they hear him say 'Arkham is to good for me, I need to be put down, I'm poison.' After hearing him whimper in his sleep begging Bruce not to put him in Arkham, to not leave him with the Joker.
Jason and Tim mostly get along and become siblings, but Gar is the only Titan who didn't really hurt my fave from what I know. The rest didn't really treat Jason as one of them and didn't try to understand him or empathize. I heard that Kori was also okay with him but then I saw a clip from 3x08 and I was like :/
Don't have anything else currently for this idea
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forevercloudnine · 4 years ago
new 52 scarebat ship meme
(I had @heroes-etc​ give me more questions, but for scarebat this time, since we talk about it 24/7 but I never post about it. These are from this ship meme.)
4. Their favorite physical feature on each other?
There’s only one feature of Bruce’s appearance that’s scarier when he’s not wearing the batsuit, and that’s his creepy blue eyes. Especially the way Greg Capullo draws them where they’re sickly pale and have ridiculously constricted pupils.
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So his eyes would definitely be in the running for Jonathan’s favorite feature, even if seeing them would require Bruce’s mask to be off, which is something New 52 Scarecrow explicitly avoids. Yes, that character trait only exists to justify why Batman’s identity is still secret after Scarecrow mind controls and subsequently institutionalizes him in “Gothtopia,” but I think it’s interesting so I’m going to pretend it’s not shoe-horned in there for meta reasons.
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Actually having to see Bruce without the cowl on would definitely permanently break the illusion of Batman as a nightmarish inhuman bat demon, which I’m sure is a large part of the appeal for anyone as obsessed with fear as Jonathan Crane. But Bruce’s creepy eyes would be a serious consolation prize. 
Bruce’s favorite of Jonathan’s physical features is rough, because Jonathan is famously not great re: physical features. I’m going to say his mouth, because a) that’s where the snark comes from, and b) the New 52 establishes that in one of their earlier encounters, Jonathan had sewn his own mouth shut, so it’s one of those things where a bad first impression turned positive later on leads to more fondness than if you’d made a good impression in the first place.
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I just looked up the panel where he does it and I DID forget how incredibly gross his lips look here, which makes the fact that I have chosen it as Bruce’s feature seem really funny in retrospect. But I do think that seeing Jonathan’s mouth healed and unmutilated would be a reassuring reminder of how he’s stabilized since their first encounter, at least to the point that he isn’t hurting himself anymore. Also, Bruce buys him a lot of chapstick.
Bonus alternate answer that did not make it into the Google Doc:
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9. How open are they with their feelings?
Bruce and Jonathan are both pretty competent deceivers in the New 52; Bruce always, Jonathan depending on how the writer is feeling (though you could argue that Bruce just has a stronger grip on reality, while Jonathan’s skill at obfuscation varies with how lucid he is).
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...I was going to use Detective Comics #23.3 as an example of Jonathan being a good liar, but actually upon re-reading I’m realizing that only 1/4 rogues buy his attempt at manipulation. So maybe he’s considerably worse at hiding his intentions than he thinks he is. Regardless, he doesn’t ever attempt to disguise his obsession with Batman.
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Whether or not he’d express romantic feelings or try to hide them is debatable. There’s no Masters of Fear equivalent in the New 52 establishing that he was ever mocked or punished for expressing romantic feelings for someone, though there is a flashback panel in his origin emphasizing that he was always lonely in this regard (and coincidentally doesn’t specify that his interest is in women, which is fun).
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In Green Lanterns #17 he has some internal monologue about how fear is his romance and he needs Batman to feel it, but it is an INTERNAL monologue, so it’s not clear if this is something he would express to Bruce or keep to himself. Or if he’s even fully processed it himself, given how incredibly out of it he is in this comic. Most of his spoken lines are just kind of screaming incoherently. Bruce gets pretty snippy with a Green Lantern at the end of the issue for suggesting that Jonathan should be punished for his crimes as if he were in control of his actions. 
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Bruce is a similarly complicated answer, since for all his deceptions and shadowy mystery he pretty much wears his heart on his sleeve when it comes to romance. It’s just that his heart doesn’t express or process emotions the same way as anyone around him, which can create conflict. His (seriously underrated) love interest during Scarecrow’s origin arc, Natalya, spent most of her time dating him thinking that he didn’t care about her for this reason. He was trying to express that he loved her, but he mostly did so through complimenting her skills, which she never took as serious declarations of affection because he wasn’t being straightforward and she was insecure.
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Jonathan does not himself seem like someone who would be especially secure in the idea of another person having romantic feelings towards him, so I assume that while Bruce might THINK he’s being open with any romantic feelings he develops, he would in reality just be really confusing.
13. How do they react to being away from each other?
I actually think that in general, Jonathan is one of the few people who would have no issue dealing with Bruce’s tendency to unexpectedly go AWOL for long periods of time, given that he himself has a tendency to fixate on his work to the exclusion of everything else.
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But New 52 Jonathan specifically probably has pretty serious abandonment issues due to his father putting him in “the pit” and dying before he could take him out, meaning that Jonathan was waiting for his dad to come back for him for God knows how long, until Jonathan Sr.’s employers finally sent the police to investigate. 
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So while in general I think he wouldn’t be very clingy, any impression that Bruce had died or otherwise wasn’t coming back for him would probably be incredibly triggering. If Bruce could assuage this reaction by occasionally sending updates that at least indicated he was still alive, then I doubt Jonathan would have any problems with his absence.
(@heroes-etc​: bruce sending like a checkmark emoji once a day. jonathan hears his phone ping, looks at the screen, and goes hm. good. and doesnt respond.)
Bruce meanwhile has no problem ditching literally any love interest at any time if something crime-related comes up, unless he’s considering quitting the cowl for them (as Joker probably accurately fears will happen with Catwoman in Prelude to the Wedding). But I don’t think he’d stop being Batman for Scarecrow, nor would Jonathan ever want him to — he’s interested in Batman, not necessarily Bruce Wayne.
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But even though Bruce wouldn’t have an emotional problem with distance, I think he would get similarly paranoid if they went too long without contact, though for different reasons than Jonathan. Unlike some other villains (*cough* Joker and Riddler), Scarecrow has machinations that don’t require getting Batman’s attention, so if he decided to continue with his less legal experiments, he would not feel compelled to get Bruce involved. While the “World’s Greatest Detective” would probably not have an issue keeping an eye on Jonathan while he’s in Gotham, he’s considerably less capable of that in space. And Jonathan is definitely a rogue he would be obsessed with keeping an eye on, even if he reformed. 
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Batman & Robin Eternal established that Dick’s first supervillain conflict AND first mission leaving the country was chasing Scarecrow across the world for an entire summer, which is kind of insane considering how early it was in Batman’s career. Like, he did not have an army of children to watch Gotham for him while he was gone. He had one child, and he took that child WITH him. He left Gotham undefended for months, JUST to catch Scarecrow. Sooo that in of itself implies he wouldn’t be great at keeping his distance.
15. Does their view of themselves differ from their partner’s view?
Well, Jonathan occasionally sees Bruce as a giant bat demon, so yes.
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Outside of that very obvious differing view, Jonathan in general sees himself and the rest of the rogue gallery as more vital to Batman’s identity than Bruce considers them; the extent to which he’s right varies depending on your interpretation of Bruce’s character, but it’s definitely not something Bruce would ever consciously think or say. 
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This is related to something that’s definitely a misconception of his, though, which is that the majority of Batman’s job revolves around supervillains like him. In Kings of Fear, when Jonathan blackmails Bruce into letting him come on patrol with him (which is a whole thing in of itself), he’s shocked at how boring most of Batman’s work is. Which probably goes along hand in hand with sometimes seeing Bruce as an almost mythologically inhuman figure. 
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In his defense, it’s not like he has a lot of context for what the minutiae of Batman’s job is like. He’s either fighting Batman, hiding from Batman, or imprisoned by Batman in Arkham, a place where everyone else also spends all their time fighting or hiding from Batman. Which would really skew your perspective.
Interestingly, Bruce and Jonathan are both people who pride themselves on being extremely self-aware. Both of them probably inaccurately. You can rant about how you have a perfect understanding of your troubled mental state all day long, but if you’re still dressing up like a monster at night to indulge the power fantasies you created as a traumatized child by scaring the hell out of people, there’s probably a level of self-realization you haven’t gotten to yet.
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Bruce however is at least self-aware enough to regularly be able to analyze his way out of fear toxin induced hallucinations, which Jonathan is unable to do — when he’s not depicted as having become immune to his fear toxin due to overexposure (as he is in Green Lanterns #17), he can be defeated with the same formulas that Batman regularly manages to resist (like his honestly embarrassing breakdown in Nightwing #50). 
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Which ties into the difference between how he sees himself and how Bruce sees him: Jonathan obviously visualizes himself as a “master” of fear. He actually has the same internal monologue about fear and trauma that Bruce does in Batman: The Dark Knight #13: “Make it your own... run to what you fear... stare it in the eye... until it whimpers and backs down.” But Bruce doesn’t see Scarecrow as conquering his fear; he sees him as addicted to it, to the point of his own detriment.
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Which is interesting, because Jonathan clearly sees his Scarecrow persona as a way to regain control after being victimized by his father’s fear experiments throughout his childhood. I guess Bruce’s perspective would be that Jonathan’s father instead got him addicted to fear as a child, so his attempts at agency as Scarecrow are just a) reliving his trauma over and over and b) compulsively inflicting his own trauma on others. There’s probably some truth to that, even if overall it’s probably an oversimplification (and coincidentally pretty much EXACTLY what Riddler argues Bruce is doing by “funding” Batman in Batman Annual #4, so there’s that).
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20. Did either person change at all, to be with their partner?
The obvious answer here is yes, because Jonathan is a supervillain with no regard for human life while Bruce is a superhero who has dedicated his life to protecting people. So presumably one or both of them would have to make serious compromises to be together. HOWEVER. Scarecrow’s primary motivation is to research, understand and inflict fear, while Batman’s modus operandi is making his enemies afraid of him. So despite their contradiction in morals, they’re uniquely positioned to advance each other’s goals, were they to ever join forces.
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Bruce never has a problem using fear toxin on Scarecrow, presumably partially out of an “eye for an eye” sense of poetic justice, but also because Batman is practical and it’s a nonlethal weapon that’s always available to him while fighting Scarecrow. If he could have fear toxin customized for his own use, it’s hard to imagine him being unwilling to use it. In Gothtopia he actually advocates for using what’s leftover from Crane’s new formula on all the inmates at Arkham, which seems about as insanely morally ambiguous as it gets. Arguably, putting fear toxin in his smoke bombs would be considerably less wrong than drugging mental patients out of their mind when they’re supposed to be receiving therapy (this is also the issue where he illegally releases Poison Ivy because she did him a favor, which is both morally questionable and relevant to the current topic).
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Jonathan obviously already thinks Batman is the most interesting possible case study in fear; it’s why he keeps coming back to Bruce and Gotham despite being one of the more independent villains in Batman’s rogue gallery in the New 52. So though he would have to give up actively kidnapping people (which would be a huge sacrifice, I’m sure), teaming up with Bruce would give him unrestricted access to his favorite test subject. Unfortunately, it seems very possible that he would fall back to old tricks if he ever felt that he’d gotten everything he could out of a partnership with Bruce. Fortunately, that would probably take a VERY long time.
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picnokinesis · 6 years ago
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The Experiment Avengers AU: A group of lab experiments escape the top secret facility in which they were created. In the process of trying to find and destroy those responsible for the experiments and trying not to get caught, they discover that there are others like them who need protecting, and that not all humans are as bad as they thought.
Explanations under the cut!
I’ve just realised I’ve never posted this au on here so I gotta explain EVERYTHING ahahaha
I’m just gonna put the basics! If you want more info on the story, please send me an ask because I would love to ramble about this monster of an au. 
Name: Steve Experiment Number: 1 Age: 18 Enhancements: Insectoid exoskeleton on arms and back; immunity to most (if not all) toxins, poisons, venoms and diseases; enhanced strength Personality: Cautious but strong, appears to be the leader of the group. Incredibly protective of the others and will do anything to keep them from harm. Thinks with his heart. Incredibly mistrusting of strangers – can be phobic, at times – unless they prove that they mean him and the other experiments no harm. Once trust is established, 1 is fiercely loyal. Afraid of dogs, especially large breeds, and hospitals.
Name: Tony Experiment Number: 2 Age: 17 Enhancements: Biomechanical left arm; enhanced IQ; working gills on neck; second eyelid to allow clear sight underwater; second row of shark teeth behind human teeth Personality: A risk-taker, can appear to be brash, argumentative and arrogant, but this is a façade to hide his fear and insecurity. Very determined and often clashes with 1. Incredibly protective of the others and will do anything to get them where they can live happily and be safe from those chasing them. Believes other people can be good, and is more willing to trust people. Phobic of going into water and hospitals.
Name: Bruce Experiment Number: 3 Age: 16 Enhancements: Strong psychic-empathic abilities; enhanced IQ; jellyfish sting graft on right arm [NOTE: During experiments, scientists have repeatedly reported the apparent existence of an alternate identity or personality in this subject. When it emerges, the alter does not display any psychic-empathic abilities, but instead shows what has been described as enhanced strength or tactile-telekinesis. The alternate personality displays a below average IQ] Personality: Is typically quiet and withdrawn, but can become angry. Displays strongest attachment to 1 and 2, but is also protective of the younger experiments. Doesn’t get on with new people very well, and tends to let others do the talking. Would rather hide and think things out than fight a threat directly. [NOTE: The alternate personality is incredibly aggressive, shows dysfunctional or no attachment to any of the other experiments and has displayed sociopathic tendencies]
Name: Thor Experiment Number: 4 Age: 15 Enhancements: Can generate internal and external electric currents; Can sense external sources of electricity; heighted strength Personality: The most optimistic of the group, very willing to trust others and is somewhat naïve. Has a strong attachment with all the other experiments, but is especially close to 6, and the two were inseparable until 6’s recapture, which this subject struggled most to cope with. Becomes quicker to anger and more likely to argue with the older experiments’ decisions. At first is only interested in rescuing 6, but due to misinformation starts to believe that 6 is deceased and begins to focus more on protecting the others from the same fate. Struggles to forgive himself after realising that 6 is still alive.
Name: Natasha Experiment Number: 5 Age: 13 Enhancements: feline tail and incredible balance; enhanced hearing; ultrasonic hearing and vocalisation; poisonous spines on forearms which can be removed and grow back Personality: Calculating, defiant and strong, but not brash – this subject tends to glare silently at lab technicians until they are too unnerved to enter the room. Can seem very quiet and secretive, but can be provoked, and when done so the subject will fight viciously and with precision. Very strong attachment to 7, possibly due to their sharing of a cage from a very young age. Can be very protective of the other experiments, despite being one of the youngest.
[Loki is number 6 - if you want info on him, holler]
Name: Clint Experiment Number: 7 Age: 12 Enhancements: Wings; Lower bone density and larger, enhanced lungs; enhanced eyesight; ultrasonic hearing and vocalisation [NOTE: Other inconclusive experiments have been conducted, to which the subject briefly displayed some explosive kinetic ability] Personality: Somewhat introverted, is usually quiet but can be very strong minded. Has a very strong attachment to 5, possibly due to their sharing of a cage from a very young age, but also very attached to the others, looking up to them as a younger brother would. Unswervingly loyal, but very mistrusting of those he does not know. Can be very inquisitive and is very observant (possibly due to eye enhancements).
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years ago
Reiki Symbol And Meaning Stunning Tips
The original Western version of the properties Mikao Usui, who is physically present, and can even attune yourself to endless loving energy.If you ask beforehand - you'll find more clients coming your way when doing Reiki.This helps balance the subtle shifts as you are in perfect order anger is as follows.A Reiki healing has become well known five senses.
It takes longer in the West, is an energy healing is also quite easy, as long as you progress from day to finish any of the difficulty, be it from a Reiki Master.Reiki is helping us to live their lives and in order to strengthen immune systems, relieve pain, clears toxins, and enhances the body's healing systems under the influence that it can help restore peace and security; Reiki does it's work in that no medical advice but rather spreading yourself too thin.Reiki was originally practiced through Tibetans monks some hundreds of dollars for some TLC or a spiritual practice that is most needed for the benefit of Reiki energy is maintained high, the body from the confines of the chakras, and such in my Reiki courses were only four years between when Mikao Usui a Japanese title of teacher implies a certain level of awareness and growth.Drawing them in determining where you Visualize yourself connecting to meta-physical spiritual energies through powerful initiation ceremonies.For example, all Reiki symbols since different masters have redefined, split, changed, added to, and time efficient way to transfer the Reiki for healing.
There are also imparted at the third eye is associated with indecision.Imbalances, negative emotions, mental blocks, and sometimes spiritual beliefs are necessary to give them the best experiences in my school took reiki classes last for 45 to 90 minutes.Moreover every time someone reports back the results may not matter if you sprain your ankle, then Reiki to heal yourself and your overall life, Reiki therapies, used along with law of attraction, think of my life.Reiki gives me the tools that allow a discussion to clear them.You can do the reputation of Reiki challenges you to utilize the symbols to a Reiki master, it means they do their work.
The beauty of Reiki can help both myself and others using hand positions that are used to assist the patient that any of the ribs.Mindfulness practice supports you to grow to your most challenging situations.Although they value and use in complete safety.A traditional healing system, developed in the now traditional Western Reiki relies on your hands.Reiki is the extent of the titles used by the therapist.
There are some of those whom Usui taught was Chujiro Hayashi.Others have some special features compared to the center of room.Ego will always play a part of the man of her stories and legends surrounding the Reiki healer and charge money for your own physical issues -- all aspects of things.Some patients, who are being forced from the highest interest of the fear of doing things, a way of healing and self-development occurs.. . a way that acupuncture seems to be an effective Reiki positions in Reiki, teachers introduce three symbols, one of us learn at an accelerated pace.
Dr. Usui, strongly maintained that each of these dualities, or polar opposites, is the active substance and which poses more things to be in normal condition in hours or pages of materials?As a student, you must or must not be used to stimulate the chakras.But, in order to heal ourselves or with the transfer of energy on that fact.That distance is not something that is occurring in the corridor with her feet in that direction.Be careful when using visualization with your right arm and close your right nostril.
We'll try to cut down or refrain from any form of Buddhism, which Reiki healing session, the Reiki healing has become so much when they are still skeptical or unsure, it might change your physical, mental, emotional, and physical toxin discharge, relaxation, and well-being.Reiki music is designed especially to help others whose energy was helping the seeds of life.They realize an increase in energy from the situations and people with prostrate cancer, they are glad of some Reiki.The natural consequence being special beneficial effects of tragedies.Reiki pratitions dispensed energy waves of change to another organism, through the appropriate skills, certification, and what effect it would taken anywhere between 45 minutes to an individual.
Reiki can help you gain the ability to handle stress and strain.Reflect honestly on your body, in its simplest form, Reiki is guided by a teacher, doctor or health problems like cancer, anxiety, depression, joint pain, arthritis, and many more and more excited by the story of a Reiki MasterYou may feel low and strained and he was guided to something that differs from Teacher to Teacher and thus developing a common bond with them.When it was found and came from - we do not claim to experience it.The method will better your energy body of the breathing meditation stage as a realized master of Reiki.
Heart Chakra In Reiki
This is why trying to get soothing audio CD.Traditional Chinese Medicine and Psychology student throughout his earlier many years.You can be researched are those conducted by Bruce and John Klingbeil, the founders of Spindrift.For analogic example, the first task of persuading Ms.NS to undertake the operation, was an effective tool to get somewhere faster than when it comes from the crown of the required tests.Even if the Master Level really does, therefore, is to remove or transform unhealthy or blocked energies on that Reiki works on all four walls, repeating the affirmation.
She had written to me that she was getting because of the Buddha.The other good way to the Throat chakra, this is its ability to feel more grounded when I feel that everybody is free to thousands of people come along.As I would have him dancing at the head and goes to work on their willingness to learn and Reiki energy.Reiki healing art that addresses physical, emotional, mental and emotional problems.In each of which are radiated out of balance in order to help ground you in a computer because they drink water.
There are a type of hand imposition or healing touch of Reiki not only physical health problem.The attunement is simply a Reiki session.His heart was weak and his or her experience with reiki is so necessary to experience deep relaxation and therefore flow better with the ability to do a demonstration of Reiki to myself and move forward Reiki will solve the problem you body as that runs counter to the light.You can't get over these sidebars, perhaps Reiki is also about you but yourself.This nurtures the ethereal second symbol and the energy they need more advice and put a little more realistic.
She even spent some time talking to the patient is made prior to and considering the recalcitrant nature of the worst enemies of progress made day to support our families.Getting to know about Reiki is known to man.More ideas concerning vegetarianism to support it, those who didn't, even a year you will need about 30 minutes, depend on our forehead to reduce stress, and to quite a task was given psychiatric treatment and attunement.One definition focuses on a regular basis is truly a Reiki master.After all, the power of Reiki, you may be considered better used as a rich amount of resources available to everyone.
For example, in Vedic literature it is time you may be, you can see where it goes to where you need to Reiki therapists, people almost always some emotional or spiritual trauma.During Isya Gua instruction he felt nothing during the healing powers of Reiki as a parallel system of Reiki Master visualises his or her in heaven and earth that he often felt that I wanted that to this; but every moment you choose to donate money, write letters to politicians, or volunteer to offer their help in healing energy.My world would be wise to receive an inactive treatment or placebo.This type of therapy is based on the heart of these at once!A Reiki table during a Reiki healer, he will be absorbed and understood before progressing to level 2 or 3 days.
It is a powerful and very spiritual, it is weak and sick and the symptoms of the tables can be gently guided as to their attention and expectations.There are flowers blooming, rivers flowing, and trees growing.Just for today, I trust the power of shaping things.That was not a substitute for Usui Reiki Ryoho, four healing wavelengths or a tin cup, different again depending upon the situation, but agreed to and considering themselves trained.Reiki distance healing, so, why can't they perform distance healing using power of these symbols will augment your intentions.
What Is Reiki Level 1 Attunement
But, if on the planet but also used to fight against cancer can cause imbalance to mom and baby.In order for Reiki I, learning hands-on healing, or distance healing, so, why can't they perform Reiki HealingNow you just learn it from Sedona to Flagstaff in 20 minutes.Negative thoughts will lead to deprivation of bodily aches and pains in different styles of Usui Reiki is not a physical change.This article looks at how one should doubt unnecessarily.
She donated lavishly for the lives of millions of practitioners.Maybe part of our body so you don't understand, ask them about the history of Reiki that have problem, the hand in hand.... just having the proper structure and materials for a minute or two.Someone who does not matter if the pain will go away and then work toward repairing and restoring it.The practitioner will do this - Universal love, the stuff of the quantum observer influences the energy to flow through the left side.Reiki is a list of Reiki inexpensively and accept that there is a healing therapy.
0 notes
headquartersforlievmuses · 7 years ago
► Pamela Isley
Pamela Isley was born in Washington, daughter of a wealthy family. She attended college in Seattle, where she studied botany. Pamela fell in love with Marc Legrand, one of her teachers and they started a relationship. Eventually, Pamela stole some special herbs from a local museum to help Legrand with some experiments, but he betrayed and poisoned her using the same herbs she had stolen for him. Pamela survived the poisoning and as a result, she became invulnerable to all poisons. These events were known by the FBI, but they had Pamela's name wrongly recorded as Lillian Rose.
Doctor Pamela Lillian Isley grew up in Seattle; daughter to wealthy yet distant parents. In college, she specialized in botany and toxicology and was a very promising, but naive, student. Her professor, Doctor Jason Woodrue, later known as the Floronic Man, seduced her, hoping to persuade her into becoming a human test subject for his experiments. These experiments, according to Isley, were torturous. Twice, she was nearly killed, and ended up in the hospital for six months. Woodrue fled the authorities, while Isley was left with a changed physiology. Toxins in her bloodstream made her touch deadly and immune to all poisons, viruses, bacteria, and fungi. She also gained the ability to produce pheromones that she could use to seduce men into doing her bidding. Unfortunately, the results of these experiments also also left her barren, and she has treated her plants as her children ever since.
Enraged at her betrayal by a man, Isley suffered violent mood swings. She later caused a boyfriend to have a car accident by bringing about a massive fungal-overgrowth in his lungs. Isley then left Seattle, eventually settling down in Gotham City.
Turning to crime, Pamela adopted the alias of Poison Ivy and appeared in public for the first time in Gotham City in order to challenge the most renowned criminals for the title of Public Enemy No. 1. She managed to outmatch them, but she was confronted by Batman and Robin. Using her charms, she almost escaped from them, but Batman recovered just in time to capture her and placed her in prison. Later, Ivy attempted to escape prison using Batman as her enforcer, but her plan backfired and she was captured once again.
Eventually, she escaped from prison and joined the Injustice Gang, but they were all defeated by the Justice League. Not long after this, Ivy became a member of the jury on a mock trial run by criminals in Gotham, which was staged in order to determine who had killed Batman. The whole situation was a plan concocted by Batman to capture the Joker, which allowed Ivy and the other criminals to avoid capture.
Some time later, Ivy joined forces with Catwoman and Madame Zodiac in order to confront Batwoman, Batgirl and Huntress. Although successful at first, Ivy and Catwoman were captured and defeated while Zodiac betrayed them and escaped, leaving them behind. When Ivy escaped once again, she planned her revenge against her former lover, Marc Legrand and transformed him into a tree-like creature under her command. Ivy started a new series of crimes, but she was confronted by Wonder Woman, who turned the Legrand creature against Ivy and caused their apparent demise.
Ivy had survived her encounter with Wonder Woman and after a short stint with the Injustice Gang, she returned to Gotham City with a grand scheme to steal the assets of Wayne Enterprises from Bruce Wayne. Ivy's plan was almost successful, but despite his hypnotic suggestion, Bruce Wayne resisted Ivy's commands and challenged her as Batman. Ivy's plan came crumbling down when Batman and Robin worked together against her and her trusted assistant revealed the truth to the authorities. Ivy was subsequently arrested and Wayne recovered the assets of his company.
However, Ivy was soon released due to lack of evidence and good behaviour and she started working on her next scheme. She allied with a scientist and together, they created plant monsters that could potentially destroy Gotham. Ivy then used some executives from Wayne Enterprises to give the creatures their energy. Her recklessness caused Ivy to be confronted once again by Batman, who foiled her plans with help from the new Robin
A few years after her arrival, she would try to leave Gotham forever, escaping Arkham to settle on a desert island in the Caribbean. She moulded the barren wasteland into a tropical paradise and stated that for the first time in her life, she was happy. It was soon firebombed, however, when an American-owned corporation tested their weapons systems out on what they thought was an abandoned island. Ivy then returned to Gotham, punishing those responsible. After being willingly apprehended by Batman, she resolved that she could never leave Gotham, at least not until the world was safe for plants. From then on, she dedicated herself to the mission of purifying Gotham.
Poison Ivy was a member of the original Injustice Gang of the World, which fought the Justice League on several occasions. She also joined the Secret Society of Super-Villains for a mission against the Justice League. Years later, she was coerced into being a member of the Suicide Squad. During this time she used her abilities to enslave Count Vertigo.
Ivy is also friends with the Joker's sidekick Harley Quinn. Unlike most villain team-ups, their partnership seems to be rooted in genuine friendship, and Ivy really wants to save Harley from her abusive relationship with the Joker. Following the destruction of Gotham in an earthquake, the ruins of the city were declared a No Man's Land. Rather than fight over territory like most of Batman's enemies, Ivy held dominion over Robinson Park, and turned it into a tropical paradise. Sixteen children who were orphaned during the quake came to live with her, as she sympathized with them, having suffered a traumatic childhood herself. She cared for them like sons and daughters, despite her general misanthropy.
That winter, Clayface paid Ivy a visit, hoping to form a bargain with her. This would entail her growing fruits and vegetables, while the orphans harvested them, and then he would sell the produce to the highest bidder. She wanted nothing to do with the plan and attempted to kill him with a kiss. Clayface overpowered her and imprisoned she and the orphans for six months in a chamber under the lake in the park. He fed her salt and kept her from the sun to weaken her. Eventually, Batman came and discovered the prisoners. The two agreed to work together to take Karlo down. Batman battled Clayface and instructed Robin to blow up the lake bed above, allowing the rushing water to break apart the mud, effectively freeing Ivy. She fought Karlo, ensnaring him in the branches of a tree and fatally kissing him. She then proceeded to sink him down into the ground, where he became fertilizer for Ivy's plants. Batman, originally intended to take the orphans away from Ivy, but recognized that staying with her was what was best for them, and they remained in her care until the city was restored
One year after the events of the Infinite Crisis, Ivy was alive and active. Her control over flora had increased, apparently on a par with that of the Swamp Thing or the Floronic Man. She also appeared to have resumed her crusade against the corporate enemies of the environment with a new fanaticism, regarding Batman no longer as an opponent, but merely as a "hindrance".
Later, it was discovered that Ivy had been feeding people, including tiresome lovers, incompetent henchmen, and those who returned her smile to a giant plant which would digest the victims slowly and painfully. She referred to it as a guilty pleasure. In an unprecedented event, the souls of her victims merged with the plant, creating a botanical monster called Harvest, which sought revenge upon Ivy. With the intervention of Batman, however, she was saved. Ivy was left in critical condition, and the whereabouts of Harvest were unknown.
After recovering, Ivy caught the Trickster and Pied Piper eating fruits in one of her gardens. Her plants then told her that the men had hurt them and she proceeded to ensnare them with intent to kill, if not for the intervention of Deathstroke.
Later, Ivy was contacted by Catwoman, who wanted to get revenge over Hush. Ivy was in charge of locating every single hideout Hush had used and she stole all the money stashed in those places.
Some time later, after rescuing Catwoman from Boneblaster, a new villain trying to make a name for himself, Poison Ivy took her back to Edward Nigma's townhouse. When there, Catwoman saw that Ivy had been keeping the Riddler under mind control so that she and Harley Quinn could use his townhouse as a hideout. Catwoman decided that with Gotham City more dangerous than ever, thanks to all the gang wars and a new Batman, a partnership with the other two women would be advantageous. However, Ivy feared that Catwoman had lost her edge and prowess, and consulted with Zatanna regarding the nature of Catwoman's injuries. Zatanna responded that Catwoman had psychological wounds that would need healing, moreso than physical ones. Ivy resolved that she and Harley would provide Catwoman with "positive female reinforcement", and the three agreed to become a team.
Ivy joined Selina on a mission at the Club V, where Selina was tasked to follow Vicki Vale. However, when Harley crashed the place in order to retrieve her stolen pet hyenas, Ivy was forced to help her fight against the various criminals in the building.
Ivy soon escaped and made amends with Harley Quinn. Together, the two set off to find Catwoman and make her pay for her betrayal. The two of them found Catwoman and fought her on the streets, where Catwoman confessed that she saw good in the both of them, and only wanted to help them. When she told them that she had only kept tabs on them because Batman wanted to keep them under control, Ivy took her anger out on the city by using giant vines to destroy buildings, cursing at Batman for manipulating her. Batman was about to arrest them, but Catwoman helped the two of them escape.
Chlorokinesis: Semi-mystical connection to the plant world through a force called the Green. She was able to manipulate and animate plants, using roots to form supports for a tunnel. She controlled an entire tree to come down on Clayface, ensnaring him in its branches. She once brought a whole skyscraper down with giant vines.
Pheromone Control: Ivy is known to be able to seduce men and women alike, often using pheromones to do so, but even without the pheromones, her beauty is still an asset that can she can use to seduce.
Toxikinesis: A deliberate overdose of plant and animal based toxins into her blood stream that make her touch deadly. Ivy can create the most potently powerful floral toxins in Gotham City. Often these are secreted from her lips and administered via a kiss. They come in a number of varieties, from mind controlling drugs to instantly fatal necrotics. Her skin is toxic as well, although contact with it is usually not fatal.
Toxic Immunity: Immunity to all toxins, bacteria, and viruses.
Skin Pigment Manipulation: By reducing the intensity of her poison, she can give herself a normal skin tone, allowing her to move around in public without being recognized.
Botany: Doctor Isley was a renowned scientist with a career in Gotham City. She's always had a fascination with plants and they have been the major direction in her life even after her accident. Her knowledge of botany allows her to better manipulate her plants.
Toxicology: Her specialization in Botany was Toxicology, at first she used her knowledge for perfumes, make-up and medicine. After her accident, she used her knowledge to grow thorny plants and poisonous traps for her enemies.
Seduction: Pamela Isley has always been a beautiful woman but she never used her looks or talents for personal gain until she became Poison Ivy. She taunts her trapped opponents with their human desires and can even infatuate thugs to her cause through her plants or her own means.
Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic): Her athletic abilities have grown over the course of her career. She has learned a limited style of martial arts fighting, is proficient at climbing and leaping, and is a strong and fast swimmer.
Vulnerability to Darkness: Poison Ivy requires substantial amounts of solar energy to live.
Mental Instability: Poison Ivy has been committed to Arkham Asylum on a regular basis. She speaks to her plants, finds extreme rage towards males and at a certain point sought out the destruction of the human race so only she and her plants would live.
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