#and the fins!! those were fun :D
iknaenmal · 2 years
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Fefetasprite based on this sprite by @lepiosprites !!! I had SO MUCH FUN with this, I can't believe I had never drawn her before wow
Edit: click for better quality it is better if you do I swear
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16 for whoever you want!!
Ooooh thank you!!
16. needing their cuddles even though they have something else to do (Cuddle & Snuggle Prompts)
Gonna go with Madison and Alex for this one! I've got a fun idea for this one- doesn't fully fit the prompt but I think it'll be good anyway :D
____ Dance Fight
Word Count: 1.0k Content Warnings: Some light sparring and banter, nothing serious
Crossposted on AO3
He twisted his arms around Madison's neck in a perfect headlock and squeezed - not tight enough to cut off her circulation, just enough that she couldn't break away. Alex ducked his head against her shoulder before she could headbutt him, his lips nearly brushing the shell of her ear.
"Wanna go out tonight, Mads?"
She drove her elbow into his gut. Alex coughed, his grip on her loosening, and she darted away before he could recover. Madison bounced on her toes, the old sparring mat sinking under her bare feet.
"Sure. Dinner?"
Almost before she'd even finished speaking, she ducked in for her next attack. Alex blocked the first hook she swung at him but missed the second- it landed low, right on the bony crest of his hip, and he was sure he'd find a bruise there in the morning.
"I was thinking-" he started, pausing to block a fierce kickboxing shin-strike. He trapped her leg against his body and gave it a brisk tug, sending Madison tumbling to the mat. "Maybe we'd go out dancing? Hank found this place that teaches you square dancing, I thought it looked like-"
Madison swept his legs out from under him and knocked him flat on his ass. Alex exhaled just in time to keep from knocking the wind out of his lungs.
"Fun." he finished, quickly kicking himself back up to his feet. Madison was only a second behind, though she kept her stance low and guarded. Her eyes were calculating, but her voice was light and conversational when she spoke.
"I don't know how to dance."
"Neither do I." he admitted, "But Hank said they'll teach you."
He swooped in, intending to fake her out, but instead Madison planted her foot on his thigh and managed to swing herself onto his shoulders in some sort of flashy judo move. Alex wondered if Raven had taught her that. It seemed like her style.
He reached up to try and pry her legs off his shoulders, but felt those spiny fins on her thighs flare out before he could get a grip. Alex scoffed.
"C'mon, how's that fair?"
"Just using what I've got," Madison fired back, "Think this counts as dancing?"
He felt her weight shift backwards, intending to throw him back down to the mat, and Alex dropped down to his knees instead. He ducked his head, using the momentum to toss Madison forward, off his shoulders and onto the mat below.
She folded her fins and rolled, nearly sliding off the end of the mat before her momentum stopped. It only took her a moment to kip herself back up to her feet (he was sure Raven taught her that one), and Alex grinned at her.
"Think that counts as a dip?"
She barked out a quick laugh in response, her answering smile visible for only a moment before her form dissolved into indistinct mirror-shards. He could see only motion, shapeless motion, knew she was moving nearer but couldn't tell how much nearer, and risked a quick jab out.
His fist made contact - closer and with more force than he really meant it to - and Madison blinked into view as she staggered back a step. He'd clocked her straight on the collarbone, right on that little protrusion at the base of her throat, and he could already see a bruise beginning to darken.
"Easy there, Hotshot. Wouldn't want the other dancers to know you beat on me." she teased, utterly nonplussed despite the budding wound.
If it were anyone else to fire that sort of joke at him, Alex thought, he might have winced - the whole "broody ex-con" reputation didn't exactly do him any favors in that department, even if the only bruises he'd ever given his partners were in training sessions like this one. But with Madison, he just laughed and shrugged it off. She'd never have gotten so close if she thought he'd hurt her. She'd never have stayed if he did, even once. His reputation had never mattered to her - what mattered was that she trusted him, and she was safe with him.
"Maybe we should call it quits on the sparring, then?" he suggested, dropping his fists in a blatant show of surrender.
Madison's posture straightened up, the subtle tension of the fight dissolving from her muscles, and she gave him a loose nod.
Before he knew it, she'd grabbed him around the middle and tackled him straight down the ground. Alex hit the floor with a grunt, Madison's weight pressing down on top of him and pinning him to the mat. Her knees bracketed his abdomen, and she set her palm firmly against the center of his chest in an exaggerated show of keeping him in place. Alex's heart thundered against his ribs - and not just from the suddenness of the tackle.
"Now that's just cheating," he muttered, though he couldn't stop a wild grin from breaking across his face.
"Technically I never agreed to be done." she fired back, drumming her fingertips against his sternum.
"You nodded."
"I'm sure that'll hold up in court." she replied, "Do I have to wear a dress?"
"For the dancing thing tonight. Should I wear a dress? 'Cause I might have to borrow one from Raven."
"Uh- yeah, I mean, it's square dancing. I think the girls wear skirts."
"Guess I'll have to rustle something up, then." Madison agreed, "Or hope Raven has anything that reaches knee-length in her closet."
She slid off to the side, off his body, though her palm stayed pressed to his chest for a moment longer. Madison curled her fingers into the front of his shirt and ducked down to steal a sudden kiss. She lingered a moment or two longer than he expected her to, and Alex pushed himself up onto an elbow to deepen the kiss.
Finally she pulled back and stood up, leaving him sprawled-out and breathless on the mat.
"Oh, and-" she said, just a few feet from the door, "If Charles gets on us for skimping on morning training, it was your idea."
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p2ii · 7 months
hiya, love the spg fic rec collection!! i have two gen fics i really love that i wish got more attention-- a rough day at steam powered giraffe cafe (incredibly charming coffeeshop au that really gives a lot of love to every character) and dal signo al fin (a lil slice of life with six and the bots that i think also does a cool job of showing their thoughts processes). im not sure if these are addable, but i do think they def deserve more reads!
hello! tysm im really glad :D i saw your reblog of the post and went back to check which fics were yours XP i absolutely LOVE "Passivition"! the way to characterize the characters aswell as their thoughts/ internal communication with each other (such a cool detail) is incredible ty soso much for writing it! i dont know much about Fallen London but i also really enjoyed "Welcome, mechanical friend" the dialouge/general atmosphere was hilarious/super emmersive.
sure id love to check those fics out! from their summaries alone they sound very fun. thank you for sending me them ^-^
here's a link to the collection in question lol I totally forgot to add it 😭 also both the linked ficw have been bookmarked.
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aro-iceland · 8 months
not really a drawing request but id love to know more about your ocs??? from what you’ve posted they look amazing??
Thank you VERY much!!! i forgot how much i love to talk about them
(sorry for the old art or picrews, i am too excited to not talk about them and simultaneously not patient enough to redraw them)
All picrew links: Kit + Kevín + Lilly Annalise Piper + Cecily Mikael + Claire Princeton
here's a general overview of everything that exists:
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part 1: em groups
you should at least be vaguely familiar with my em. every single au and whatever hetalia character i feel like grabbing for that day goes in there. interesting little tidbit that somehow hasn't come up so far is that in more human AUs of mine he's part irish! ~20% of icelandic males and 60% of females actually have irish/keltic ancestry!!! ireland being his mom hc is going WILD in me. he's also very magic because that headcanon singlehandedly started the ice obsession in me. how well in tune he is with it and how exactly it looks like depends on the au . i also make him closer friends with swe and fin because i can👍
(excerpt from my em content dedicated whatsapp group with just my (non-hetalia) best friend and me: )
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le is there a lot because i love him so so much. incredibly phoenix coded man
there's also monaco, gwendolyn or gwenny to me. she's a permanent resident because i support women's rights (slaying) and wrongs (gambling addictions)
a notable not fully formed character is faroe islands! petra sometimes, emma other times. i genuinely don't know where those names come from. i heard the faroe islands and iceland being referred to as "kind of like twins" and as each othere's "best friends" *somewhere* and i am VERY normal about that too. oh SO normal
part 2: mikael's world
a fusion of 2 groups put into one world, connected by one flimsy tie. it's mostly analogous to real life but no homophobia👍
Group A: Pentagon
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Mikael started out as a swedish micronation oc but we don't talk about that. he has a chicken called omelette because of inside jokes during... my wattpad era... shudders. i project onto him a lot and lots of his design is just wish fullfillment. while i love my ocs suffering and angst, because i put so much of myself in him, ultimately, his story is one of healing. major point of difference between us though is that his parents abandoned him and mine... didn't.do.that. 💀👍
Claire and Piper both actually started out as minecraft skins i made for fun!! and then i made them kith:3
Cecily and Kit were added becaue i felt like something was missing to complete the friendgroup!
Group B: menace club
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Kevín and Lilly are my ACNL and ACNH side accounts...... and Annalise was some pretty trans woman i drew one day there's nothing much to this
Part 3: D&D
so.. confession: i haven't actually played d&d yet! but my friends love it a lot, i love a couple ttrpg podcasts so.. yeah i have a couple concepts!
The Leighlar Pilayden, or blueberry bitchfuck as i like to call him, Half Elf sorcerer who was abandoned as a babg and raised in a cult which, in a world with multiple deities, somehow ended up believing in the *one* that doesn't exist! he's a sorcerer but they all think his powers a blessing from their god
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TIEFLING BARD I might get to play as him soon... negative strength, the only reason he has such a high charisma stat is because everyone pitties him... he accidentally ended up in a criminal gang... he plays the pan flute and bagpipes... pathetic baby
Part 4: Miscellaneous
All the Characters that are alone in their worlds!
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(^aesthetic wise but he definitely kins larry)
Brian is the brain cell a friend and i are sharing and also the last one we have. he's a SOO overworked office worker. he has to handle EVERYTHING he's so exhausted please give him a break. he recently got a boyfriend. good for my him
Recently re-named Ailbhe used to be Avery and is a genderless, fully white skinned(as in colour not the skin colour we associate with the word. imagine porcelaine!) and neon yellow haired fallen angel/ex-demi-god!! not much lore but... lots of potential!!
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Firenze is... idk he just happened in one history lesson in 2018 and now he's here. bunny boy with lots of responsibilities around the palace!!!
and ... phew. i THINK that's it? mostly? oh my god. if. there's anyone you wanna know more about... tell ME
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cerenemuxse · 1 year
Finished another Magma board /.w./
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First time drawing Arthur! (Not really. First time I drew him was only his face though.
I tried painting his face as best as I could. He looks a little "meh." I gave him three moles for a but more detail. I actually have an idea on the new layout for thise moles. >:] (btw CGI Emily's face looks like Arthur's face. They look too similar.) He's mostly the same apart from his real life basis, which is LMS 1203 instead, and the lettering on his tanks is NWR instead of LMS. He was one of the many engines saved from scrapping, Emily being the first.
Also drew Rebecca and oh my goodness, she's absolutely adorable. Very out of proportion and not accurate but very cute. Look her happy face. <3 I love her sm. I decided to use her real-life basis' current livery, which is SR Malachite Green with Sunshine Yellow lining and lettering. Might add some red for additional lining (making it look similar to the BR livery, the only real livery worn during their service). Her basis is 92 Squadron, btw!
Remember those T&F and Sailor Moon connections I made awhile ago? Yeah, here you go. >:]
Here's whose who:
Edward - Sailor Moon
Rebecca - Sailor Venus
James - Sailor Jupiter
All of these were based off that promo containing the entire Steam Team (old and new) with a few guests labeled with Zodiac signs. I was surprised to find Edward be labeled as a Cancer (which is my Zodiac sign!!! :D). James was labeled as a Sagittarius and Rebecca was labeled as a Libra.
And meet a new OC, Chelsea! Her real-life basis is BR W14 Fishbourne. She existed because of the Little Blue Tank Engine found in the early books of the RWS.
Her face is supposed to resemble a fish. Her eyes and eyelashes resemble fins. Her irises are based on actual fish eyes. The creases underneath her eyes resemble gills. Her lips resemble the lips of a fish. Pouty and cute, right?
And then Debra! She belongs to my friend @nightsinfoxx15. She was fun to draw though it feels like I could've done better, tbh.
Oh yeah and there's Edward and James hiding (somewhat) with their pride flags! :D
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mossfeathers · 8 months
I'm excited to hear more about your au. It sounds like it's gonna be a lot of fun and that you've paid a lot of attention to details when creating it which makes it more exciting. Can't wait to hear more about sirens, especially since you mentioned it'd be a whole other post. So whenever you're ready to share I'm excited to hear about it.
Also! In my head, siren!BigB had fins there too! So that's cool that it lined up. Thanks for sharing your designs btw ^^
I honestly wanna ask so much, like about the sirens of your world in general, Scar & BigB's backstory, if there's a reason the current name is sweethearts siren au, are Jimmy & Grian like on a vacation or have moved here permanently, how you plan to share/tell the story... I didn't want to seem overwhelming or weird tho so I've been trying to figure out just about all day, which question I should ask first and how I should word it. I still haven't quite decided (tho I was leaning towards asking more about the sirens) but that's because I didn't want to step on your toes if you were already planning out some posts.(which is why I said whenever you're ready to share) And I hope admitting this doesn't make me seem weird or overly excited... I just want to be honest tbh lol.
(Thanks again for sharing your au, I really do want to learn more about it ^^)
anon i love you sooooo much thank you for asking so many lovely things about my au :D Please never be worried about being too enthusiastic or asking too many questions, this is genuinely so fun for me and I love being able to talk about and think about this au in depth (under cut since there is a lot!!)
Ok so you wanted to know more about sirens? I have 600 words of worldbuilding on this so I'll try to condense it a little? Sirens are pretty neat, again I did kind of remake them as a species to better fit this au but a lot of the basics still stand. They aren't strictly romantic seduction, and leans more heavily into just really strong compulsion of any variety, though that still is a thing (i just don't plan on implementing it much). The specific aspect of luring people to their death also isn't a strict necessity, but definitely still common (and I do want to incorporate this into the au). Sirens can have any fishtail, but it does matter on their location/habitat. Scar's a lionfish, and I haven't quite decided on B yet but it's going to probably be a blue one. Either type of ear (the pointed ones or the webbed ones) are pretty much random, but both have scales on the face. The main thing that distincts sirens from any other merfolk (in terms of physical appearance) are the hands, much more clawed and very scaley. I liked the idea of jewlery being very ingrained and important in siren culture, so that's why you'll see a lot of necklaces and earrings andstuff on both my Scar and B designs (though noticeably a lot more on B, no real reason for that quite yet). Sirens also have much longer lifespans than humans, and thus it's a bit hard for some to understand the idea of mortality when it comes to the killing aspect. Still, some sirens don't like the general idea of control and/or murder and choose to live as regular merfolk, but that's really tough to do as sirens aren't trusted by pretty much anyone who isn't a siren. Their voices don't work on other sirens but do work all other animals, though it does still impact relationships amongst sirens (as can be seen in B and Scar). Siren voices are pretty cool! They develop throughout childhood, starting with none (using the term 'voice' to refer to their ability to control btw, probably should have established that sooner) and slowly turning small persuasions into full control. Not super well documented in-universe due to nobody but sirens hanging out with them, especially in youth. Practice is also necessary to get 'good' at using one's voice. As in, those who use it frequently can fade into it near seamlessly without letting on that they're using it until it's in full effect and can easily start using it most of the time. For those who aren't as accustomed to it (either from deliberate lack of use or inexperience in general), using the voice can be much more noticeable, with a very noticeable shift in tone and volume. It's also much more difficult to start, requiring a lot more concentration and effort. Much like learning to use a new muscle, i'd imagine. Moments of stress, high pressure, or other extreme emotions or factors hinder both skill levels, and can even be worse on those with experience as it might be their only way out of a very tense situation. That's most of my siren worldbuilding? As time goes on and this hopefully expands more there will probably be a lot more to add.
The reason for sweethearts siren au is simply because that's my personal duo name for Grian and B (It's really cute I think, with 'sweet' coming from grain/breads and b's affinity with cookies, and hearts coming from the heart Grian built in double life and their general connection to the life series. And because it sounds adorable and they are sweethearts, /p or /r) and they're kind of the 'main duo' as far as I've thought? As in, I have the most complex interactions and dynamics that i've laid out for them thus far and they're the most developed so far. Also, I don't have a duo name that I like/know for any of the other characters and especially not specifically these 4, and i'm not clever enough to come up with one just yet. So, sweethearts siren AU for the time being. Grian and Jim are here as fishmongers just to make a living, pretty much? This au was created around when I first got *super* into stardew and especially the fishing mechanism (I maxxed out the fishing skill while at 0 for pretty much everything else), so I really wanted to just put some of my favorite guys into a fish situation. Aged pretty well, I'd say, with Grian's recent obsession with fishing. But yeah, just fishermen and/or small farmers on the side (the stardew leaking into this again) trying to make a living in a coastal area until they discover The Sirens. I will say, the one thing that I do have down very solidly is Grian and Jim's absolute oblivion to the presence of sirens at this specific ocean/town, and Jimmy being the first one to interact directly with them (specifically, Scar). I don't really feel like doing the whole skeptic-of-the-supernatural-until-its-glaringly-obvious thing, but I might add it a little bit in Grian's character if I feel the story needs a bit more to spice it up. I also really love Jimmy and Scar's dynamic, especially how easily Jimmy falls for whatever ploy Scar's doing so I think that would fit perfectly into the siren dynamic. This au's 'story' starts pretty much right when Grian and Jim move, but in terms of chronological order I really don't have much down solidly. I struggle a lot sometimes with telling the story I want to tell and keeping everyone in character, so it's pretty difficult to make sure the siren's use of their voices, *especially* Scar, is realistic and not too drastic. I've been toying with the idea of the big first event being something with Scar putting Jimmy in danger (something like taking him underwater to the depths and malicious use of his voice, potentially) and that forcing B and Grian to make a tentative alliance to get him back, but I don't really think that's too in character of an action for Scar to make so it's very annoying. As far as telling this story goes, probably mostly through exposition-like posts like this, for the most part. I'd love to write some stuff for this au, obviously, and probably will do small things, but that would probably be a much longer project for me that wouldn't get done for ages. Also posting art of it, even if it doesn't have much context or is what builds the context itself. This is part of the reason i'm really glad people are sending asks, since I don't have any plans for posts about this since I don't know what specifically to talk about or what people want to know and also don't want to seem too annoying (?) with excessively posting about this lol. Thank you so much for the ask, and especially if you actually read all of this. I love talking about things I enjoy, and if you have any more questions I would absolutely love to hear them. It gives me a really good chance to think over what actually happens and the specificities of this which I really appreciate :D
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Word Find Tag
Catch up p5! Moving into June (thanks for everyone's patience :')) And thanks for the tag, @thegreatobsesso!
My words: fire, water, air, and user’s choice of any word that’s got to do with nature, earth, trees, dirt, or whatever’s in your WIP for the last element
Your words: flame, flight, flow, and fracture
Gently tagging: @sam-glade, @dogmomwrites, @verkja, and You, if you would like :D (Open Tag)
Ooo, an elemental tag :D How fun! I have a fifth element in my world, so I'm gonna slip aether in here as well.
From Shattered Soul, bc I've got the doc open and uh. I like that wip lol.
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Fire Serin
Serin bit the inside of his cheek, praying to the Mother she would get away. Marcus' back pressed against the crystal, but he wouldn't be able to step through without Malachiah's guidance. Alaia's compulsion forced him to keep trying, though, which would have been amusing if Serin wasn't so terrified. Blue light flared around Alaia's body, protecting her from the next lash of fire Malachiah sent her way. "Leave me alone!" she shouted. The outline of her body behind the blue light shimmered, and then she was gone. What the fuck had that been? Serin watched with increasing trepidation when fire flared around Malachiah as she vented her rage. The drugged mist was beginning to wear off; the ache in his shoulders from the tightness of the chains holding him in place was becoming noticeable. Marcus and Malachiah burst through the crystal. Serin thought it was the first time he had ever seen fear cross Marcus' face as the goddess turned to him with fury blazing in her pure black eyes.
Water Alaia
As soon as she recognized it, she halted, her body going hot and then cold and then hot again. Beads of sweat broke out along her forehead, and her vision began to flicker before she realized she probably needed to breathe. The memories she had worked so hard to bury since the night Malachiah had come for her threatened to break free again, so she wrapped her arms around her waist and closed her eyes, concentrating on her breathing. "Human, what are you doing?" Their voice mimicked the rhythms of the ocean this time, but when Alaia turned towards the water, she recognized that green kelpy hair. The aicaya's pearl-white eyes and faintly green scaled skin featured in her dreams at night, before they turned into nightmares. "Ah yes, since you went through the Veil, I suppose it's no longer appropriate to call you human, is it?" The aicaya was reclining in the shallow water, tendrils from their green tail fin moving up and down with the waves. "What should I call you, then?"
Air (suppose i could've used this for all of them, huh lol) Kadin
Kadin walked through the wide, glass-paned double doors into what had been stylized the Chamber of Elements, and stopped directly inside the entrance. His wings mantled as he glanced around. Had things gotten worse, or was he just imagining things? The elements were supposed to be balanced throughout the fortress, but the effect was most visible in this room. Soft, loamy earth made up the floor, a nod to the humans, while multi-colored sparks of aether, the fae's element, infused the silver-veined black stones of the walls. Air swirled lightly throughout the space from dozens of small openings in the wall behind him, and the blue, seemingly cloud-covered ceiling rose high above, providing plenty of space for a seraph to spread their wings and fly. Landings along the dome's curved walls provided convenient perches for those who wished to remain in the 'sky'. To his left ran a wide, blue-green stream, mirrored by a channel of molten lava to his right. Both water and fire cut a thin path horizontally across the earthen floor, culminating in a large circular pool in the middle of the chamber, with each half separated by a wide strip of earth. The gentle gusts of air filling the chamber swirled around the pool, carrying motes of shining aether on its winds. But—
Earth (direct continuation from air) Kadin
The earth Kadin stepped on felt brittle, dry. The air felt warmer than usual, not as refreshing. He couldn't tell if anything was off with the water, but the aether… He was the Draikon, lord of dragons, and as such, carried a well of Reyanel's essence inside him to replenish the dragon's lifeforce. The time he'd spent in Siiluriah had shown him how sensitive he'd become to the fae's element, and it was telling him now how dull the aether in this room felt.
Aether Darian
A heaviness descended in the room, and he sobered immediately. It's my brother, isn't it? Has he woken? As far as he knew, Kiral had been brought back from Iahel and chained to his bed in his suite of rooms at their home in the grove. He had been unconscious from whatever Alaia had done to him, and he knew his parents hoped the aether from the grove seeping into his body while he rested would break the coercion. Darian knew better. It had all been tried before. He's beginning to stir. No one can reach his mind. He growls and thrashes in his restraints every time someone tries. Darian held Alaia closer as he closed his eyes, the pain of knowing he was losing his brother knifing through him. The title of crown prince would fall to him, leaving him with even more responsibility weighing him down. He didn't know if he could do it, if he could kill his own brother, even to bring Kiral peace. But he would have to find the strength.
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quasitsqueeries · 2 years
Decadence, Degeneration & the Drukhari
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I think the Eldar are really interesting. While other Xenos in 40K, like Orks and Tyranids, represent a sort of general external threat, Eldar bring some other ideas along with them. I’m afraid we’re going to have to talk about Fascism again, but there’s some other fun stuff too.
So Eldar represent two things that Fascists don’t like (see my previous post if you want evidence that the Imperium is a Fascist state). The first is intellectualism. Fascism demands an uncritical adherence to national myths, and intellectual movements tend to question things like that, so Fascists are by necessity suspicious of intellectual “elites”. Eldar are depicted as more psychic and more cultured than humans of the Imperium, and they’ve been around longer, so they have greater knowledge of things. It’s the Eldar who maintain the big repository of information about the galaxy, in the form of the Black Library. (Maybe someday we can look at the weird relationship the Inquisition has with the Eldar, and how that organisation seems to simultaneously seek out knowledge and supress knowledge) The second thing is that Eldar, shall we say, fail to live up to the Imperium’s heteronormative models of gender. The Imperium, like all Fascist states, venerates hyper-masculinity, I’m not sure I need to argue this one when I can just point at a Space Marine. The Eldar, by contrast, are represented as somewhat efette; elegant and graceful, but physically weak. Orks used to refer to Eldar as “pansies”, GW seem to have realised that maybe getting rid of that bit is a good idea in the 21st Century and so it seems to have been retired. The fact remains, though, that Eldar’s relationship with gender is a bit queer. From the start Eldar have been depicted as androgynous, they’re slight of build, wear form-fitting clothes and tend to wear their hair long. In 1998 GW first released Dark Eldar, which complicated things. Dark Eldar are kinky, but they’re also much less androgynous than Craftworld Eldar or Harlequins. Wyches in particular are really interesting. They’re the first genuinely mixed-gender unit I remember GW releasing, (there were also some Craftworld and Dark Eldar plastic kits around the same time that included a single chest piece with boobs) the miniatures were explicitly gendered, and they were really kinky, there was a lot of skin, a lot of spikes, and a lot of whips. Basically Craftworld Eldar are sort of gender neutral and Dark Eldar are chaotically genderqueer. All of this is the kind of thing that Fascists hate. Fascism centers the role of the heteronormative family unit, which has the role of making more “racially pure” babies (the Nazis called in the Lebensborn program), queer people who reject the gender roles that that unit relies on are therefore instantly suspicious to Fascists. So, to the Imperium, the threat of the Eldar is not just that they’re Xenos, they also present an ideological threat. The Eldar’s intellectualism and knowledge about the galaxy is a threat to the Imperium’s narrative and myths about itself and the universe it’s up against. Their queerness is a threat to the heteronormative gender roles that the Imperium is structured on.
At this point maybe some people are thinking “but aliens and daemons and cults and unsanctioned psykers are a real threat and the Imperium does need to keep throwing bodies into wars to stop them.” The thing is, Warhammer 40,000 is a fantasy about what would happen if all those threats really did exist out there, it’s the aesthetics and ideas that are important. In the real world Fascism is never justifiable, its arguments are never coherent, it only makes sense in 40K because 40K is fantasy.
So, decadence and degeneration, the things I put in the title. If you’ve ever been called a degenerate by some keyboard Fascist, just know that you’re being interpolated into a long tradition. Around the Fin de Siecle (the end of the 19th and start of the 20th centuries) there were some ideas about decadence and degeneration doing the rounds in Europe. Now I’m probably going to mess this up a bit, but the theme is that due to the rationality of Men, civilisation generally advances on an upward trajectory. I assume this idea came out of the enlightenment, reason leads to progress and makes society better (obviously there are some Colonialist ideas that come out of there). Maybe it’s useful to call this process generation (idk, I’m really winging it here), but anyway, these men are distractable, and if they allow themselves to be distracted by aesthetic things, like the colour yellow, or the taste of absinthe, or the feel of high quality brocades, or the skin of other men, they might become... decadent. Decadence is supposed to be when you give up rationality and hard work to focus on a life of sensation. Obviously there’s an implication here about sexuality. Oscar Wilde was regarded as a decadent. Too much decadence, it was thought, could lead to the reversal of a civilisation’s progress, degeneration, in other words. Versions of this idea pop up all over the place, certain Conservatives regard Western Civilisation as having fallen from the ideal state embodied by the Ancient Greeks (and I don’t doubt these people would blame decadence), and it’s also really common in fantasy. In the Lord of the Rings, the state of the world has fallen from the Númenorean and Elvish civilisations of the distant past, and Elric of Melniboné describes a previous civilisation brought low by decadence.
But, Eldar. So the story of the Eldar is they had this big galaxy-spanning civilisation before humanity reached the stars. As their civilisation became more advanced and the automation of their physical needs freed up their time they started to become decadent, and as they pursued various pleasures and became more and more jaded, the decadence gave way to sadism.
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The descriptions of the dying days of the Eldar civilisation sound like being at the worst kink club you’ve ever seen, where nobody’s heard of consent and everyone’s really into knives and medical role-play. Various groups of Eldar began to leave their empire. First the Exodites, who went to live a sort of monastic existence riding dinosaurs about on idyllic worlds as far away from the Eldar empire as possible (it’s a travesy that GW have never made models of them because they’re the coolest thing in 40K).
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Then the Craftworld Eldar fled. All the bad and horny psychic energy released by this debauchery built up in the warp (because Eldar are very psychic) and gave birth to Slaanesh, the Chaos god of excess and decadence, exploding all the heads of the decadent Eldar and ending their civilisation. Those Eldar left are supposed to be fallen from civilisation. There’s a sense that they’ll never be able to regain their old empire and their only role now is to become extinct with as much dignity as they can.
The fall of the Eldar is exactly the kind of thing that the Imperium would use as a cautionary tale to frighten its citizens. “Get too curious, or too decadent, or fail to uphold the family model, and your civilisation might collapse.” I wonder sometimes if the whole story was originally just meant to be Imperial propaganda, but these days the game certainly treats it as real. Now, I’m not sure there’s a heap of evidence to suggest that 20th Century Fascists were particularly interested in the concept of degeneracy (although the Nazis thought it relevant as regards art). 21st Century Fascists seem to love the concept. I think it’s fair to say that ideas of degeneration formed part of the cultural millieu of the early 20th Century that fed into Fascism. In any case the ideas that some cultures are more civilised than others, and that decadence can cause a culture to fall into a less civilised state, are consistent with Fascism.
So, again, we’re talking about a piece of fantasy media here. Saying “the Eldar were decadent and degenerate” or “the Imperium’s rejection of the Eldar’s degeneracy makes sense because they did give birth to Slaanesh” is meaningless. The Eldar are a piece of media that express an idea, they play with the concepts of degeneracy and and decadence to tell a story.
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vivisols · 8 months
Is there a ref for Vanessa in the future stares back? I don’t know if there’s any mention of it, but I keep imagining her with a bunny nose and I think that would be so cute if it’s true!
Also how far are certain attributes for evolved humans? Like you mentioned merfolk have varying looks (scales and no scales as an example), is that the same with skyscrapers (if I remember the name correctly) and rabbitfolk?
How many different types of folk are there? You don’t have to say specific species, but like just a number of the different branches human evolution took would be so fun!
And is there any crossbreeding? Can a merfolk and a skyscraper make a seabird? Flying fish?? Or has their common human ancestry evolved too much to make that a possibility?
If any of these questions are spoiler territory, sorry ^^ I’m just super interested in this world you laid out before us! I love your work so much! I also need to catch up with recent chapters as well so if any of these questions have already been answered in the work itself, sorry!
May you keep having fun writing! As I will always have fun reading! ♥️
there is INDEED a Vanessa ref, though ive never posted it! she doesn't have her mask here, plus ive been meaning to clean it up and work on it with all the other refs in the main lineup but alas ive. been putting it off LMAO
(ironically she, along with 2 characters who only appear later down the line, are the only refs I actually have finished...)
you can have it here before i. eventually post it as a separate thing with the finished line up! as a treat :3!
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i needed to incorporate a vanny motif SOMEhow... and you were right about her having a bunny nose x3c i think she looks so much cuter with it!!!!
you're also right about the attributes! Current humans all look wildly different from each other, even within their own species! though in skyscrapers and rabbitfolk (also known as luprime in universe, but they're more commonly known as rabbitfolk! im impressed with how you guessed it, but then again it was pretty obvious LMAO), their variations in appearance are a bit more subtle than the ones in merfolk
for skyscrapers it's all about the amount of feathers, but they'll always BE feathered. some skyscrapers only have a thin layer of feathers or they'll only have feathers along the underside of their arms, but its extremely rare to not be completely covered in feathers.
for rabbitfolk, it's the amount of fur they have and also their facial structures. particularly the nose! some have more fur than others and some have no fur at all. having a proper bunny nose and much more rabbit like skull is uncommon but not rare! those without just have flat noses instead. vanessa does have fur too, but her jacket covers it up :3
and thats not accounting for various differing body shapes and differences in things like teeth and skeletal structures from within the same species...
there are at least 8 different types of Current human species with 4 distinct branches that human evolution took!
the actual number of Current human species is unknown due to how spread out everyone is now as well as lots of subbranches and variation and nuances within every single species, but at least 8 main ones is the most widely accepted answer. for now ;D!
crossbreeding is both a yes and a no! offspring from, as in your example, a mer and a skyscraper is 100% possible! it would likely adopt traits from both, but end up as mostly one or the other. for example it might have the much larger hands and the same arm structure that a skyscraper does while also having a mer tail! or it might have fins and webbed hands while also having legs!
sadly, having both scales and feathers at once is impossible due to the types of required genetic materials, so they'll either have neither or have the one that whichever side of traits they get more of does (i.e. if they're more skyscraper, they'd get some feathers)
although its certainly 100% possible and has happened before, some species are able to pair better than others. merfolk typically have a hard time with others that aren't also mers no matter what, as theyre VASTLY different from most other Current humans in their biology
anyways that's enough from me on this post LMAO!
anon i hope you know am absolutely THRIVING answering all these lore questions i love talking about worldbuilding and lore i normally dont get to mention in the fic AKSJDASK!! i feel so incredibly flattered that you like my silly little fic this much to ask THIS many questions hahaha akljsdkkalsdjshdf THIS MEANS SO MUCH TO MEEE AAAAA!!!!!!!!
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lildoodlecat · 9 months
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At last, it is complete! Tales of Destiny Director's Cut Stahn's story is done :D
(I'll be playing Leon's story next)
I loved it a lot!!!!! As I suspected, the addition of skits really expanded my affection for the characters, but I also rather enjoyed the changes they made. I honestly can't remember what exactly comparatively was different all around, but the changes to the depiction of Leon's final moments got me really hard,,,, idk if it was more similar in the original jp since I played the official English release of Destiny (I hear there were skits in jp? that might've helped my understanding lol) but I really really liked the director's cut take on things.
See my posts crying about Leon for those exact reactions lmao (they can probably be summarized with ;w;)
I also actually liked that we didn't have to see him come back as like. a raised husk or whatever it was og Destiny did bc even tho his fate seemed definite, it's still ambiguous. I haven't played the sequel obviously but I think?? the Leon looking guy is actually Leon???? idk. maybe it's a bit of a retcon. but yk
Anyway I actually liked every character quite a bit this time!! I liked my fav characters even more (coughcough Stahn and Leon living in my brain now) bc the extra conversations and voice acting were fantastic ✨✨ It really helped the emotions hit for me. I don't remember it all super well since I took so long to play it but I was a giggly little bastard abt the relationships and got a little teary at parts.
Cried at the end despite it all,, Stahn finally finished writing a letter like he was attempting for his family and it was for Leon ;w; That plus just. Tales credits. got me just a liiiittle teary lol. I liked it soso much. Also the reunion at the end made way more sense to me this time around lsjfd;lk just bc of some added dialogue and whatnot
The final boss is kinda meh as a character honestly but the overall story despite that guy was awesome!! I have a lot of fondness for the character arcs of Stahn, Leon, and Rutee, and also just the overall party dynamic was quite fun :3 Silly little creatures, the lot of them.
I missed having anime cutscenes after playing Destiny ps1 alksdjl; so they definitely got me there even tho they really only had character ones at the beginning and the end. But it's not like they do too many of those anyway.
Briefly on the character designs: they're goofy. I can't deny they're goofy. I love them sm they're unique lolol I'm attached to them
Oh yeah I LOVED the tie in to the title lol it was heavy handed as hell and it was perfect.
Bouncing back to what I said abt og Destiny, the dungeon designs were still kinda interesting here and there but less cool than the original, however the combat was definitely some of the best in the series. It's a serious learning curve but very fun!!! It was fun to see how they adapted the puzzles as well; a lot of them were similar but the final dungeon was way different. Hated the mirror area way way more than in og Destiny laskjdfkl;dsj I got stuck for a while but I do like the split party collaborative puzzles!! I remember Abyss did the same sort of thing an I liked that quite a bit, so it had that factor going for it too.
Umm final gist is it was really really fun and even tho it was actually pretty hard for me a lot of the time, but I think to a point that made it still fun. Except the 3-ish hours I spent on the final boss goddamn.
In any case, this definitely bumped up into the favorites!!!!! Stahn is an especially endearing protagonist to me and his relationship with the party was fun to watch develop <3
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delopsia · 1 year
hello so flowers in november. let’s discuss. because I read it for the first time like a month ago and it? changed me? I had to sit down with my lil queer self and have a tête à tête about how good that fic was. I PROCESSED, computer style. like your capacity for worldbuilding is so gorgeous and well rounded and complete and that in and of itself would have me hooked but then the nuance. the soft, horny cowboy of it all. the ROMANCE and the CREATURES and the ROUND! PIZZA!! BOXES!!!
reading that fic is like watching a rube goldberg machine with all these tiny, whimsical parts coming together in gentle little plinks and plonks to accomplish this incredibly simple task SO EFFECTIVELY and you’re just grinning and loving the whole fucking journey of it. like I feel BAD for you that you don’t get the sheer pleasure that was getting to read that work for the first time and being taken around each blind corner into this thrilling reveal that just builds Rhett and his world and his relationship and I could literally gush about it for another 2000 words and still not say all the good things I want to say!!!!!!!!
I was listening to a song in my work car today (I love you always forever, Betty who’s version. fuckin bop.) and listen I KNOW it was set in winter but every part of that song gives FiN Rhett and his person, just the adoration and the soaring feelings and the simple core of the message behind it and I got so up in my feels in the middle of the fucking city about it. because that’s what FiN has, for such a fun fantasy alternate reality bop— every narrative beat connecte to this indescribable core feeling of adoration and whimsy and magic and the good and bad that lives in all of those things, in such whole and finished way that it makes me feel A Thing. and then I hear or see or smell something that has a moment of the same Thing and among all the other wonderful things that have that whimsy and magic that immediately pop to my brain I’m like “oh man flowers in november tho”.
you have such an incredible gift for writing. thank you SO MUCH for sharing it with us!!!!!!!!
aaaaa! Thank you so so much, lovely! :D This was an absolute blast to find in my inbox, despite Tumblr briefly trying to eat it...I truly was not expecting to hear much about that story ever again since it's a few months old now.
The World for Flowers In November was so, so much fun to craft and put together; I still get excited thinking about it because Rhett's world gave me so much creative freedom 💃 But for a while there, I really thought the round pizza boxes and magical creatures were a little too far😭
I'm so thrilled that it all came together like I was hoping it would! I had entire documents and guides dedicated to getting the world to hold together properly.
Exhibit A:
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But! That! Song! I've never heard it before in my life until you stopped by, but now I keep replaying it 😭 I wasn't expecting for it to fit so well?? The first time I listened to it I had to stop what I was doing and stare at a wall because, wow.
Its reminded me of a deleted scene that never got into the final cut because it didn't add much to the story at the time. Maybe I'll have to dig that out of the drafts sooner or later 💃
Thank you so much for sending this, lovely! 🌷 You've got me wanting to return to that story, now 💐
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squid-ink-symphony · 1 year
im really liking story mode and splatoon 2 in general so far, and i just got to the 4th area, so here are some random thoughts i have on it in no particular order.
I rlly like that Marie is basically the only other character here. I may be biased cuz she's my second fav character (shiver is number one ofc) but i just rlly like her commentary. But not have Callie here to also say random stuff is kinda sad..... Like at first i was like yessss lets go only Marie(no offense, i love callie). But i miss her :(
I may be one of the few sheldon enjoyers as someone who actually likes reading all his dialogue, so i appreciate him also being here.
THIS IS HARD. I know i suck at video games... but some of these levels just feel so LONG. And making me fight enemy octolings with a charger is evil. Anyway yeah i need some easier levels spread out between these like splat 3 had. Cuz this is..... not good. I have to keep taking breaks cuz the long levels do be mentally taxing. Like hello this is funny squid game i cant be bad at smth intended for kids. I havent straight up failed a level yet but ive come close.
Hello?????? The ruins of ark whatever its called salmon run map is so cool????? Why dont we have this in splat 3 yet. Its so fun.
speaking of salmon run, not being able to throw eggs or have the movement of splat 3 is so cursed. like, what do u mean thats not a thing????
Yeah the not being able to do the lil charge thing up wallls is so unsatistfying.....
I had to play as a guy cuz i wanted my splat 3 hair. (the ponytail) which i dont usually care about in games, but the girl inklings have cuter voices.... Oh well i am a dude now lol. Luckily gender is a game to me so i dont actually care other than the voice difference
Pearl and Marina my beloveds.... HOW COME WE DONT DONT GET STAGE SPECIFIC DIALOUGE IN SPLAT 3????? not only do deep cut not get many chances to speak in story mode they also have repetitive news segments...... so sad.. its ok i still love them. But yeah i love these funny creechurs. why are they like that. they say so many insane things. pearl and marina are so funky :D
Forcing me to use the hero charger for certain levels is so evil and messed up. I only like dualies, rollers, and sometimes brella. They cant do this to me.. I cannot aim....
As with splat 3 i am enamored with the backgrounds in the story mode levels themselves. i love just wasting like 5 mins just staring at them. I want to make literally any of them my desktop background but idk how to get a good pic of them.... man especially the upside down city looking one in 3. its so pretty and just UGH ITS SO GOOOD/
I am so poor..... what do u mean clothes cost money/?? i have to play the game??? all i want is to dress up my funny lil squid... i need a splatoon spinoff that is just a casual game thats like a dress up/room decoration game. maybe w like a cooking minigame too. thats ideal. like animal crossing or smth but squids. Shooting ppl is stressful.... (dont ask me why i play splatoon if i dont like combat cuz its scary. i couldnt tell u)
WHY ARE ALL THE INK COLORS IN THIS GAME SO MUCH PRETTIER THAN THE SPLAT 3 ONES???? ITS NOT FAIR. Some of these blue's are so pretty... i want...
none of the multiplayer maps have rlly stuck out to me in any way. Like they all just kinda feel the same lol. I think like maybe one or two i thought were cool? but idk the names. i def like the aesthetic of a lot of them.
I wanna just try all the weapons and specials but noooooo i gotta level up. just gimme everything ok
i also wanna explore the stages but as far as i know there isnt recon. I was just gonna do a private battle but turns out u cant do those w one person. And i was so excited cuz there were splatfest stages availbe too...... so sad i just wanna check out the maps but idk how to/if i can do that.....
the amount of times ive fallen off the map in the main level select area of story mode is more than i can count. its not even funny at this point
I also just cannot find some of the scrolls/sardines in some levels despite playing them mulitiple times. Not to just expose myself as incompetent over and over today, but i am 100% gonna need to look up a guide cuz i do not have the patience for this.
Also the rhythm game is surprisingly one of my fav things so far??? Like i am having the most fun ever with this thing. I want it in splat 3 so bad w all the new songs. Its actually just so fun. Like idk maybe better than story mode somehow. Maybe i just have my priorities wrong tho lol
Anyway yeah tats all i have 2 say for now... I think. idk im having fun w the game so yeah
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artisticbunny · 1 year
Hello I’m back again! :D
Are you excited for spring break Omg!! —Unless of course it’s not currently going on where you’re at. (if so don’t mind me just being deranged haha—) I got a loose set of plans I want to set into motion for the week off I get from academic activity. I lose my mind without structure in a day, so arranging dates is my forte! This week’ll be full of fun!
But, pleasantries aside, I am back yet again to give you a persistent bombarding! Yep! This time, the character of choice is:
No one! (No this has absolutely nothing to do with apr fools—)
Can you maybe give us a little background on like, Brook’s world in its own? Like I know it’s full of magic and little creechurs and stuff but, like, is there a tale of the land? Any rules of thumb?
Any wars? Nuclear activity? Current rulers? Climate? Just Yk, basic background on what type of place Whispering Willow is situated in, because I’m a (partial) geology nerd and it has been a plague on my mind for a considerable amount of time.
(On a side note, tried to draw Terra at school, I got the fins and claws but I messed up the hair. Also tried to draw Kat, but I’m not good at hair ough. Also, if you do have any spring break plans, I’m willing to hear them! Wanna know what you might be doing because well to put it simply: I’m nosy. Completely up to you tho. I won’t be mad lol. <333 Enjoy your time (either in or out of school) anyways! And keep being wonderful!)
I’ve already had my spring break actually, but I really hope you enjoy yours!!!
I’m so sorry in advance this is going to be SO disorganized, but I’m gonna infodump on the world and it’s geological features and it’s lore!
So the starting setting is basically just a normal woodsy area… what I picture when I write this area is my local woods! So think like a rocky New England type environment :)
this area leaks into other areas, the first of which, the mesa reefs, USED to be a large sea that has since dried up due to some prehistoric event that’s details have been lost to time. Although it is unclear what caused this sea to vanish, it is generally accepted that it was caused by some sort of magic extinction event. Residual magic can be found in this area’s resources and the resident organisms tend to have a higher magic tolerance than other creatures. The salt deposits found in this region, containing traces of remains from the long extinct species from the original sea, also still contain bits of the magic from both the organisms and the extinction event that has yet to dissipate. The land here has large amounts of iron in the rock and soil, causing a rusty red coloration to the surrounding area. There are a lot of rocky cliffs and slopes that would have originally been drop-offs in the prehistoric sea. There are still many dips and pockets of water dotted over the deeper drops of this biome which contain surprisingly large amounts of beautifully colored species of fish, corals, and aquatic plant. In the deepest of the salt-water lakes, sirens may also reside. The borders of this area start rather abruptly, immediately transitioning from a cooler climate to the blistering heat of this desert-like area. If you were to cross the mesa reefs, you would find another abrupt cut off to another woodsy area that slowly transitions into a beach, and then into an ocean. Though, as of right now, I don’t think our band of adventurers need to head in that direction ^-^
Also connected to the woods where Brook starts her journey is a mountain range. This mountain range is known for its many cave systems, however, the most well known of those would be Dread Caverns. This area is infamous for its housing of most of this world’s population of the fear consuming beasts (which unfortunately I am STILL trying to give a better name for than “fear beasts”… they deserve it!) dread caverns being BY FAR the most populated by these. It is unknown if they flock to this location because of the cave system’s unique ability to “bring your fears to life”, or if they cause it by releasing their venom into the cave themselves. This mountain range is fairly long, and is much easier to cut through than find a way around. There are many thinly laid, winding paths through, but it doesn’t make traveling THAT much easier between the thinner air, risk of avalanche, and the fear eating creatures living in many of the crevices waiting for their next meal.
Beyond the mountain range is more of a jungle-type area with HUGE trees that the people of this area have carved out into buildings and homes and the like. The canopy is filled with rope bridges and pulleys! The ground is kind of empty, mostly just wilderness and shrubbery-type plants :) the the majority of the population of this kingdom have wings, but there is also a lot of accommodating infrastructure in order for the denizens without wings to also get around
This is the main area where mushroom hat bugs are found! The little buggy dudes that hollow out shells and use them as homes! They’re actually rather large for bugs, and are often kept as pets in this tree-kingdom
This world is set in kind of a medieval but not really setting, where magic can be used for a lot of the stuff we had to invent in our world, so they didn’t really bother with trying to invent some of the things we have, but they have a few things that we do as well! They have pretty far along medical knowledge and have a lot of magical equivalents to things like television and radio! :)
The people in this world are also pretty diverse! Fairies, vampires, werewolves, elves, dwarves, they all exist! There’s actually a surprising amount of ghosts still hanging around in this world and living their afterlife in towns! There were a few wars between some of these more “monstrous” races and the more “humanoid” races. These wars being over the fact that these people were often shunned for being more scary and “dangerous” and were often hunted down and killed just for living. The wars ended with the more “monstrous” races getting more rights and protection, though there are still people that will still turn their nose up at these people. “Halloween” in this world is instead a celebration for these races, showing themselves proudly, sharing their culture, and having fun. The majority of this world’s population is pretty accepting and will often join in on the celebration ^-^
(Also quick fun fact because I can’t remember if I’ve said it before but Sam is a half elf!)
I’m going to be totally honest with you and say I haven’t really thought up names and backstories for the leaders of any of these areas I’m sorry!!! They aren’t super important to the story I wanted to tell!!! Sorry!!!!
Art tho???? 👀👀👀👀 if you wanna share it I’d LOVE to see!!!!! You have NO idea how happy it makes me that other people wanna draw my characters OUGH!!!!
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@awesomeuchuu asked: monomono :D - still working on my Dangan!verse but for Eichi and Kanata~? ♥
Send 'monomono' to receive a gift from my muse courtesy of the monomono machine! - Accepting! For multis, please limit to two muses only.
For Kanata:
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A fishing rod made so that you can have fun fishing anywhere, anytime. It can shrink down to the size of a ballpoint pen, leaving you free to carry it around.
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"Look, Kanata-san! With this pen, you'll be able to attract fish wherever you go! Won't that be wonderful? I know how much you adore those who are scaled and finned, so you shall capture their attention often!" It has, unfortunately, not crossed Sonia's mind yet that said fishing rod might come at the expense of the fish. And that her friend may have some moral objections to eating them.
For Eichi:
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Slippers with wheels in the heels. They were invented so that one could move around comfortably in their own home, even though nobody ever asked for such a thing.
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"I hope these will be useful for you, Eichi-san!" Sonia exclaimed, handing him his new indoor shoes. "I know you are often at home or in the hospital often. These shall make your stay more fun, I'd imagine, and will keep your feet warm too! You can skate circles around your doctors and nurses, fo' sho'!"
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eatommo · 3 years
Do it for me [m.m]
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C.W. Toys, overstimulation, praise kink, use of blindfolds, impact play, sensory deprivation, crying, degradation, a little d/s, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), fem! reader, begging, squirting
Summary: Matt hears a sex toy from blocks away and decides its a worthy investment.
word count: 3471
Notes: My first (of many hopefully) one shots to be posted. Unedited so send any feedback my way. Also semi new to the DD fandom, thanks for having me :) Also check out my masterlist for my other works and what I'm working on currently.
Matt didn’t typically need any sort of accessories in the bedroom. After months of experimenting and carefully documenting your body's responses to the angles of his hand or the pressure of his tongue he had a very clear understanding of your body’s needs.
Yet, he found it exceptionally difficult to pass up the opportunity of a new gadget as he came across one he could hear the demo for from a block away.
A few stops later and he would be ready for dinner tonight. Deciding on something light so that he may eat his fill (of anything he may like) and still have a chance to go on patrol.
Setting the kitchen table he heard the flick of the light switch and the buzz of the lightbulb above his head. He was still adapting to this new living situation, lights being left on or turned off when he had known no difference but the drone of the coil inside.
Often he would lay down in bed beside you with three or four of the lights left on inside the apartment. It was endearing, as was your promise of kissing him for each lightbulb he had to get up to turn off. Even more often he’d ask to kiss in specific places. The back of your neck to feel the chill fall down your spine, the collarbones to hear the flutter as your eyelashes shut. You both knew that he had begun to do it on purpose, as much as you assured him that he could kiss you anytime he felt like it, he still liked the little game it grew into. No harm, no foul.
“Murdock?” you chuckled with a small eye roll. Watching him cook in the dark was a little fascinating albeit a little unnerving, especially seeing him cut things like fruit or vegetables.
“Oh, sorry. Come sit down sweetheart, I'm just putting dinner together.” That signature smirk, the one that got him out of court cases, bills, interrogations, and the occasional bar tab, playing across his face.
You could almost feel your mouth start to water, there was a strong scent of lemon in the kitchen and as you peered around to see if you could piece together what exactly he had cooked up he stepped directly into your eyesight.
“Caesar salad with some chicken, I had to make my own dressing. The bottle I had bought was absolutely horrid. Luckily Ms.Bridges paid us in fruit so I have plenty of lemons.” A proud smile spread across his face followed by a small chuckle as your stomach began to growl. One hand falling to rest of your ass to pull you in for a kiss, he licked lightly at your bottom lip.
“Mm, smells delightful all I had to eat today was some burnt coffee and a stale bagel from the breakroom, we didn’t even have cream cheese could you believe that? You spoil me, how could I ever-” He protested slightly at your words, you knew that he hated it when you didn’t eat properly throughout the day.
“I’ll tell you how I’d like to be repaid later, will you get some ice water out on the table? I’m sure you haven’t quite had enough today.” He heard the twinge in his own voice, if he sounded as eager as he felt there was no way you would let him get away with what he had planned.
He had come home early, changed the bedding and added a waterproof mattress pad below his expensive sheets, made sure he had an extra set clean and made sure he had an adequate amount of filtered water in the fridge. He was going to make you cum as many times as humanly possible tonight, because he knew what you were capable of and his new toy would make it even more fun to push the limit of those boundaries.
You finished washing the dishes from earlier, finishing your glass of water and putting the cup on the drying rack. When you felt Matt’s strong hands on your shoulders massaging out the knots that had come from the last few stressful days. “Thank you for doing the dishes beautiful. You’ve been such a good girl for me and I’d like to reward you.”
Your head tilted to the side almost on instinct, granting him, no asking him to kiss you there. Eagerly following your lead he placed a few wet kisses starting at the collar of your blouse and working his way toward your earlobe where he took it between his teeth and growled, “I am going to have you for as long as I want you tonight, and you're going to take all of me like the perfect little whore you are.”
Your mouth fell open at the thought, you knew that he had something planned when dinner was taken care of before you even walked in the door, usually it involved a night of rooftop games or a walk in the park followed by hours of Matt’s face buried in your cunt. It seemed tonight was getting straight to the action.
“Is that a promise?” Quirking an eyebrow, you nuzzled your cheek to his stubble and pressed into him.
“Mm, it's not in question. You don’t have any other options sweetheart,” he takes a deep breath, “Yet, I don’t see you wanting it any other way.”
It was true, you could feel the all too familiar build of heat in the pit of your stomach, blood rushing between your legs and your cheeks. You were a little embarrassed. You had gotten used to his ability to smell your arousal, tasting it on the air any chance he could get, but there was a little part of you that felt ashamed of how easy it was for him to rile you up.
Your eyes fell shut as you felt the warmth of his hands run over your blouse, undoing the buttons one by one each punctuated with soft kisses down your shoulder blades as they were revealed. He bit at your bra strap pulling it away and letting it snap back with a small sting.
“On your knees for me.”
No hesitation on your part, you sank down, still facing away from him. His hand crept up the back of your neck rooting in your hair, gripping it and pulling your head back to look at him.
He was so undeniably beautiful, his lips plump and parted slightly tongue darting out to taste you on the air, and his hair already a fluffy mess atop his head, and man you could not wait to tangle your fingers in it while he ate you out like his life depended on it.
His hand ran up to your cheek stroking it with his fingers. You keened, leaning into his warmth as he slipped his thumb in between your lips, pressing on your tongue as you opened your mouth wider for him.
It was his turn to shiver, “So gorgeous.” His other hand reaches back and reveals his old black mask.
A puzzled look plastered to your face, and you know he sensed the skip of your heart and the tension of your face change.
You saw the shadow in his blank eyes, the quirk of his jaw, and the air in the room felt heavy. The devil was upon you and he was telling you to wear his mask.
Letting out a huff of air in approval you sidled up closer to him, “Such a good girl, I just have something I’d like to surprise you with a time or two before I let you see the marks I’m going to be leaving on this flawless skin of yours.”
The mask fit over your head easily enough, the smell of his skin had sunk into the fabric, musky, salty, with just a faint scent of copper left over from his victories. It was intoxicating, the world was black, only the sound of his shoes scuffing on the floor indicating he had walked away. Your own heartbeat seemed to be pounding its way out of your chest, enraptured by this man who had deviled his way into your life, and he was not about to let up any time soon.
His hand reappeared on your back out of nowhere, a flash of heat across your cool skin, his ability to move silently would definitely come in handy tonight.
He bent to scoop you up into his arms, holding you to his suddenly bare chest. Determined to press every inch of skin together you nuzzle your face against him, nose bumping into the cool touch of the cross he wears around his neck. You make the decision to press a kiss to it, and then lightly draw it between your teeth and tug.
His breath hitches and you sense just the slightest change of his gait, “Such a dirty girl. That pretty mouth of yours gets you everything you ask for.”
The strength of his arms never fails to amaze you, he lowers you on the bed, the familiar caress of the silk sheets welcome to your soft skin. The roughness of his knuckles brush against the tender sensitive flesh of your breasts.
There was irony in how absolutely disorienting being unable to see him was, and with every stroke of his fingers across your skin. The urge to see the smirk that was plastered to his smug face was almost as your need to satiate him.
“Matt, can I please take this off? I wanna see your face.” you whined. Just as his fingers brushed a circle around your nipple, pulling a startled sound from you.
“Deep breath angel, I wanna hear you come undone for me first.” His lips met yours, the kiss was intoxicatingly slow, agonizing even, you heard the jingle of his belt buckle, the slide of the leather across his palm.
“Give me your hands.” a shy smile fell to your face but you held them in front of you eager to feel him. Instead you felt the cool leather slide onto your wrists, tightening with a jerk. “Lay back and keep them over your head, be good for me please.”
With a huff, you obliged. Feeling more exposed with every second passing, his scent swirling around you bringing a little comfort to your brain. You listened attentively, trying to picture the layout of the room and where he could possibly be standing. You made a small kissy noise, asking for just a slight indication of where he was standing over you.
You felt the bed dip slightly, something cold falling to rest on the side of your thigh, and his warm soft lips pressed to the corner of your mouth. His body was burning above you. One of his hands comes to cradle your head towards him, tongue just barely touching your lips savoring your taste.
He inched lower, feeling the ends of his hair tickle your chin as he kissed the tender flesh between your collarbones, taking one of them between his teeth and sucking a small deep mark to your skin.
His stubble dragged across your skin in sweet agony, marking you with his scent and relishing the squeaks and pants you made beneath him when he drug his chin over your nipple before cooling the burn with his tongue.
When he got to your hips he bit at them with a little more tenacity, his breathing growing deeper as he inhaled the scent of your arousal. He could smell the mixture of your need and his own perfuming the air, groaning as he settled in between your thighs.
You winced, the soft flesh of your inner thigh being rolled between his teeth. A hand came to rest on your hips and he shifted his face, licking a bold strip through your folds. His thumb rubbing circles over the ebbing pain of his mark on your hip bone.
Matt continued teasing licks at your center, never quite the pressure or place you were aching for, your hips starting to shift attempting to push his sinful mouth against you for relief.
“Use your words angel, what do you want?” his voice was ragged and strained.
Without thinking you reached to fist his hair in your hands, eager to cum on his mouth.
You grasped at air, suddenly the warmth of his body was gone and you let out a low whine. You heard his wicked chuckle and all at once your senses were flooded.
His hand grabbed your jaw, shoving his index finger onto your tongue and pulled you towards his face, while his other hand slapped the inside of your thigh with a sharp crack.
“You were being so good darling, what happened? So needy you can’t follow simple instructions?”
Shame flooded your chest, “I’m sorry, I want you so bad Matt,” you choked around his finger, as the sting from another slap spread across your thigh again, “please. It won’t happen again.” You sucked lightly on his finger, letting your tongue swirl around him.
You felt his hand slide up and down your pussy, cupping you for a moment before letting his middle finger sink inside of you. Fighting every urge to grind down on his hand, his thumb starting to rub slow circles around your clit changing pressure every few circles. It was luxurious.
You could sense the flex of his wrist as he added a second finger and began pressing up into you in deep firm strokes.
Your body was starting to climb the ladder of your release, but something felt different. Rather than a white hot burn you felt an intense amount of pressure building from deep inside you.
Matt could feel it, he could feel that spot inside you growing firmer and your body tightening as it was nearing its release. He also heard the leap of your heart, you didn’t know what was happening. He let a smirk befall his lips, “Let go sweetheart, I’ve got you.”
You gasped, as you felt your body shake violently, clenching on Matt's fingers and a rush of fluid gushed over your thighs. He was unrelenting, thumb pushing harder and rubbing faster against your clit, and his wrist also quickening its pace. Like that you came, body flushing and your hands gripping at the pillows above you, you could almost cry at how overwhelming the drag of his fingers felt inside of you. Uttering a few curses under your breath as he settled himself between your legs again.
Wasting no time, he began by licking the inside of your thighs, moaning against them as he savored the sickly sweet taste of your release. His boxers were painfully tight and the cool draft that ran through the apartment teased the bead of precome on his tip. The hitch of your breath as he lapped at your sensitive clit combined with the smell of your sex as your legs wrapped around his head could’ve finished him then and there.
He wrapped his hands on your thighs and pried them apart so he could sit up and run his hands over your body, before reaching for the vibrator that came to rest against your hip. He felt the heavy weight of it in his hand, and laid it gently on top of your clit.
“Is that-” click.
The low hum filled the room, you shifted your hips away from it, “Fuck Matt it hurts, I can’t.” You panted, the intensity of the toy against you felt like it was going to burn into your flesh.
“Shh, you can do it for me baby, I love you so much.” He laid his forearm across your hips holding you in place, pressing down slightly harder with the toy.
You ached. The vibrator was pulling you over the edge so quickly you couldn’t even utter a warning before coming a second time practically thrashing against the bed. Your hands still pulling at the pillows above you, white knuckled, shoulders lifting off the bed as your back arched. Tears began to well in your eyes, the sound of the vibrator and the blood rushing through your ears the thing your brain could focus on until you heard another click and the humming faded out.
“Making so many beautiful noises for me sweetheart. Do you still want the blindfold off?” he whispered. You noticed he had shifted his position once more, running his hands down your thighs in a soothing manner.
“Yes please.” You closed your eyes expecting the world to be the cruel white light of the overhead light, but as you opened your eyes this light was red and blue, casting the most beautiful colors across his scarred chest and his pale face.
His hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat, lips swollen and glossy. The shifting color of the billboard was framing his body in the most picturesque way, highlighting the shapes of his biceps, the sharp lines of his collar bones and the light trail of hair leading from his navel to the black hem of his boxers.
He analyzed your breath, letting your heart rate slow while he sat letting you gawk at him, he could sense your eyes raking over him like lasers. He cocked his head and raised an eyebrow as he heard the blood rush between your legs again.
He let out an exasperated sigh, “Such a needy little whore. Hands.” He caught them as you hurriedly shoved them forward, loosening the belt and sliding it off your wrists.
Sitting up so quickly your head began to spin and you pulled him for a deep kiss running one hand into his hair tugging lightly, and dipping the other hand into his boxers, desperately tugging at his aching cock.
He moaned into your mouth, rutting into your hand. He let you pump him a few more times before he shoved you back down onto the bed, yanking his boxers off and tossing them to the floor.
You watched his hand reach above you pulling the pillow you had clung to for dear life and he effortlessly lifted your hips on to it with a smirk. You pulled him flush against you with your legs, thick cock just teasing your entrance.
“Please Matthew, I need you inside me.” shifting your hips to grind against him.
His breath faltered as he gave up his control, he hurriedly sunk himself to the hilt. He started at a brutal pace, fucking into you like his life depended on it with strong and purposeful thrusts. He loved hearing the squelch of your cunt as it clung to him slick and hot, the slapping of his hips to yours punctuating every stab of your cervix.
Your weak little grunts egging him on, he reached for the vibrator again. Click
The noise was louder this time, and with an impossible jerk you bucked as it settled against your clit again, this time vibrating at an even more agonizing pace.
It was Matt’s turn to fall apart, he drawled, “God, I can feel the vibrator through you.” His pace was beginning to stutter and you knew he was getting close, twitching inside you.
He snaked a hand around your throat, “Come on my cock sweetheart, I wanna feel that pretty pussy cum while I cum inside it do you hear me?”
You thoughtlessly shook your head, and he applied more pressure with the head of the vibrator waiting for confirmation. “Yes, please.” you cried, tears falling from your eyes, digging your nails into the muscles on his back. The same pressure was building in the pit of your stomach with every jab of his cock, you made miserable attempts to speak praising the way he felt inside you.
You faltered, muscles contracting as you came for a third time, you felt yourself clenching around him. A few more strokes and he uttered a single fuck as he pushed into you as deep as could before letting himself spill into your cunt.
He buried his head into your neck turning the vibrator off, chucking it to the side and letting his arms collapse and resting his entire weight on you.
You ran your fingers up and down his back. “I love you so much Matt, you’re so good to me.” You gave him a kiss on the forehead, and you felt the teeth of his smile press into your throat.
He let out a soft mmm and pressed a kiss to your pulse. You laid there together for a little while, before Matt stood up and brought you a warm rag to clean off with.
“I’ll be back soon, just a quick lap around the city I promise.” he expected you to protest but you just motioned for another kiss goodbye.
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catadromously · 2 years
do u have thoughts on ichthyosaurs?
everyone, come take a look at ichthyosaur fins! they've got... a special surprise inside...
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it's bones.
lots and lots of bones.
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dean_r_lomax, twitter | Fedak and Kall (2004) after Motani (1999)
so many ... bones.... look, that one has a finger that splits in two!!
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diapophasis, twitter
for goodness sake. i'm typing these letters on that right now actually.
it's called hyperphalangy. if you had hands like this, you could tie your fingers in bows :D
and as cool as that is, the even cooler thing is that dolphins have it too (although they're a bit more sensible about it)!
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jantiff-stocks, deviantart
fun fact, many adult dolphins have different numbers of finger bones in each fin!
a lot of people say that ichthyosaurs look like dolphins; this is correct. they also look a bit like sharks and a bit like mosasaurs, reptiles that thought the ichthyosaurs were so cool swimming around out there that they had better try it too. all these things look like each other because evolution - convergent evolution - called them to thrive in the same world: the ocean.
ichthyosaurs went extinct some 20 million years before the whales and dolphins learned to swim. yet they share the conical teeth, the shifted nostrils, the flexible spine, the locked elbows. what makes them cut through the water. what makes them hunters of the slippery.
in this fossil:
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Gyik Toma, flickr; from Vienna Museum of Natural History
we see the ribs and back fins of an adult, and a bunch of little noodley looking things crammed inside them. those are the spines of the babies, waiting to be born!
20 million years before the whales and dolphins learned to swim, ichthyosaurs, too, came into the world alive, tail first.
anyway, i wish i could have met these creatures and their sea, which, though old and strange, was still the same sea, making the same demands of its children.
animals change. entire lineages change. rocks from space smash into the earth and set the land on fire. life dies and rebuilds and dies and rebuilds... and the waves roll on.
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