#and the driving force of space NAFTA
starsailorstories · 5 years
I know I always describe them as relatively human-like compared to astraeas but for some reason today it’s on my mind to stress that the Cadrians are like...barely even primates, biologically they’re like weird bipedal cow-bears who can live for sixty thousand years and sleep for a month. Anyway. They’re adorable and i love them
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trekfaerie · 2 years
"oh the president doesn't have absolute power they can't just decide to do things" really falls flat as I stare at the things trump did entirely on a whim that, like. still exist. space force. bits of border wall. nafta replaced. iran deal imploded.
like there truly is not much stopping presidents from doing whatever idiot shit their heart desires it's just democrats don't actually want to do it. they're fucking psyched about roe dying and how it'll drum up support for the midterms. they're playing chicken with our rights like the republicans haven't made it extremely clear that they'll just straight up drive off the cliff.
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voitworks-blog · 5 years
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Voit’s Q4 2019 OC Office Market Report & 2020 Forecast – Just Released!
New Decade. Same Cycle.
2019 was another good year for the OC office market. A diversified, well-educated employment base continues to keep the office market on firm footing. Consistent demand has kept lease rates and sale prices on an upward trend notwithstanding the significant spike in speculative office development over the past two years. This year technology tenants are expected to dominate leasing, which isn’t surprising because they accounted for 22% of the activity through the first half of 2019. Interest in flexible office space will continue to grow, but at a much slower pace thanks to the recently botched WeWork IPO. Political activity continues to impact the overall CRE outlook. The House has passed the USMCA (NAFTA 2.0) and it is expected to be signed into law in January. Many believe the new law will strengthen U.S. trade with Canada and Mexico. Tax incentives for energy-efficient commercial buildings have been extended, allowing owners to claim a deduction of up to $1.80 /SF for qualifying systems. Of great concern going forward is the California Schools and Local Communities Funding Act, which will likely be on the ballot in November. This controversial initiative would remove Prop 13 protection for most commercial properties. Beginning with the 2021–22 tax year, commercial property would be subject to periodic reassessment to full market value even if it does not change hands. Tenants subject to operating expense pass-through could be forced to absorb huge tax increases, while investors who cannot pass those increases along would see a decline in property values due to lower NOI. Looking ahead, I’m keeping an eye on these key market drivers: #1: Interest rates will remain low. The Fed’s three rate cuts in 2019 made clear its intentions to avoid recession. We expect interest rates to remain stable going forward, which makes 2020 a good year to acquire or refinance office properties. #2: The creative and progressive design trends that have dominated the OC office market since 2015 will continue. The latest iteration is the “outdoor” office and developers have taken note. Employees, predominantly millennials and Gen Z, expect an excellent experience at work, which means spaces with high levels of choice, variety and balance. #3: The alternative investment sector of CRE will remain strong. Data center, self-storage and medical office activity has doubled since 2008, making up approximately 12% of all CRE activity. As this trend continues, expect to see adaptive reuse projects growing in popularity. Old factories, mills, schools, vacant retail boxes and more are being converted into flex space and residential housing. Programs like Opportunity Zones or the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit will further support those efforts. Barring a catastrophic economic disturbance, 2020 should be another solid year for Orange County’s economy and commercial real estate market.
OC Office Market Overview
The OC office market has stabilized into a relatively strong and stable position. Vacancy remains manageable, but has ticked up slightly in the past year. Technology, Financial Services, and Health Services firms have driven a  significant amount of recent leasing activity. However, expanding companies are leveraging new workplace technologies to save money by increasing the number of employees for each square foot of space they lease, and that has had an impact on overall absorption and transaction velocity. Tenants in Class A and B buildings who leased space early in the recovery cycle are getting sticker shock at renewal time, as rent growth, which has moderated in recent quarters, is up substantially over the past 5 years. To mitigate higher per square foot occupancy costs, many tenants are moving down in building class and taking less space by switching to more open workspace designs. The market has seen modest levels of supply additions in recent years compared with previous development cycles, but several of the Class A projects delivered over the past two years are leasing up more slowly than expected. Net absorption, though still in positive territory, has been softening over the past several years. Capital market conditions remain solid, and while sales volume is down from its record level back in 2016 and 2017, it remains robust. Cap rates remain at or near historical lows, especially for high quality Class A and B assets. Vacancy Rates Nearly 1.39M SF of space has been delivered in the OC office market since Q1 2019, expanding the office base by 1.2%. This has contributed to the uptick in overall vacancy. Direct / sublease space (unoccupied) finished the quarter at 11.44%, up 48 basis point year-over-year. North Orange County posted the lowest vacancy rate at 7.17%, while the Airport Area and Central County had vacancy rates greater than 12% at the end of fourth quarter. Higher vacancy in the Airport Area is mainly due to its concentration of new deliveries still in the initial lease-up phase. Lease Rates Rent growth in the OC office market leveled off in 2019. The average asking lease rate in Orange County rose by just 0.37% over the past year compared with 1.7% nationwide. The average asking FSG monthly asking lease rate lost $0.09 in the fourth quarter, ending the period at $2.74. The average quoted rental rate for Class A space was $3.10 per square foot, compared with the Class B asking rate of $2.47 per square foot. Transaction Activity Slow growth in the region’s labor force has resulted in hiring challenges for many firms, and that may be impacting transaction velocity. Orange County’s labor market remains historically tight, with the unemployment rate holding at 2.5%. The total square feet leased and sold in the fourth quarter was approximately 3.4M SF, a significant slowdown from the 5.0M SF of transactions in the fourth quarter of 2018. Downsizing into more open workspace to increase headcount and appeal to younger workers is also a factor. Employment The unemployment rate in the OC office market was 2.5% in November 2019, unchanged from a revised 2.5% in October, and below the year-ago estimate of 2.7%. This compares with an unadjusted unemployment rate of 3.7% for California and 3.3% for the nation during the same period. Local job growth was evident across all subsectors but financial services (up 1,200 jobs) and Government (up 2,200 jobs) led the way as the year ended. Construction Total space under construction in the OC office market ended the year at 795,177 square feet. In Costa Mesa, construction is underway at The Press located at 1375 Sunflower Drive. This former L.A. Times printing facility is being converted into more than 300,000 square feet of creative office space to accommodate the shift in demand from businesses looking to recruit and retain a younger workforce. The Source, located in the Irvine Spectrum, offers a two-building concept with common atrium connectivity and more than 70,000 total square feet of rentable space. Irvine Company’s build-to-suit for Alteryx Inc. at Spectrum Terrace 2 is also in the works. The company will occupy the bulk of the project’s 340,000 square foot second phase. The first phase is fully leased. Absorption Co-working tenants like WeWork have leased millions of square over the past few years and the current slowdown in that sector is partly responsible for the recent decline in new transaction velocity. Orange County office occupancy grew by 167,588 square feet in the final quarter, bringing the year-to-date gain in occupied space up to 707,160 square feet. The Airport Area submarket accounted for 260,089 square feet of that total. By product type, Class A office led the way with a net gain of 314,790 square feet in just the fourth quarter. Notable transactions included: Avanir Pharmaceuticals (103,879  square feet in Aliso Viejo), County of Orange Assessor (69,151 square feet in Orange), and WeWork (71,076 square feet in Irvine). FORECAST: Lease Rates Rent growth may pick up again as the absorption of the remaining first generation space gets leased up. With fewer attractive alternatives in the market, rent growth should return to an annualized rate of 2–3% over the course of the year. Vacancy Rates We anticipate that the overall vacancy rate will remain in the 11–12% range over the next three quarters, but the Class A sector will run somewhat higher due to its higher concentration of first generation space. Overall Signs of a global economic slowdown, concerns over US-China trade relations and a decline in the US GDP growth rate motivated the Fed to cut its benchmark Federal Funds Rate 3 times in 2019. That effort to stimulate consumer spending and business investment seems to be working. Equity markets responded by rising to new highs and the spread between short- and long-term US Treasuries widened again after a dangerous inversion earlier in the year. The latest estimates for domestic GDP growth for 2020 are running in the low 2% range, which should be enough to keep the current economic recovery on track. For more information on the OC office space market and how to capitalize on real estate opportunities to grow your business, contact Stefan Rogers 949.263.5362 / [email protected]. Click HERE to download Voit’s Q4 2019 OC Office Space Market Report.
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Most of my traumatic encounters with Leahy were alien-themed, but be often relied on my Catholic upbringing to drive his points into my mind. From my perspective, Leahy was unquestionably one of the most intelligent criminals of this entire Shadow Government. His carefully contrived chameleon-like characteristics provided him the latitude of appearing to share the principals and beliefs of whomever he was masterfully manipulating on both a national and international level. He won Reagan's respect through their shared diplomatic ties to the Vatican, and his Irish-Catholic heritage. While he appeared publicly to oppose Byrd on Senate Appropriations issues, they actually worked together behind the scenes in their shared world dominance efforts. Again from my perspective, Leahy was a loner who had his own agenda and answered to no one I knew. Leahy's intelligence was often manifested to me by triple depth meaning to his words and actions. Everything he did was for a deeper purpose, and this trip to Vermont proved to be no different, Kelly and I had been given what felt like a sophisticated variation of Lhe NASA CIA-designer drug, Tranquility, which turned us into the robotic mind- controlled slaves that Senator Leahy preferred. As the drug was overtaking me, I attentively listened to what Leahy was saying. "God condones that one," Leahy said, referring to both my role in NAFTA and his pedophile abuse of my daughter. "Of course, God is not the one you need to be concerned with. He is a passive God, One who's passed on and lives only in a Bible. The God you need to be concerning yourself with is the all-seeing, all-knowing God. That great, big, Eye in the Sky. It sees all, records all, and transmits the information right where it's needed. Let me give you some sound advice-Keep your mouth shut and none of this need be known anywhere. Only your Vice President (Bush) will know for sure, and he's been keeping secrets all his life. I'm not suggesting George Bush is God. Oh no, he is much more than that. He is a semi-God, which means he is straddling the heavenly and earthly planes in order that he take action on what he sees with his ever watchful Eye In The Sky." Content with his metaphorical manipulation of my literal mind, he finished, "Now, that's enough fore-play. Go get the kid." Kelly was standing quietly and robotically just outside the door with the two guards. They ushered us down the hall, through an ornately carved door, and into Leahy's bedroom. The room was highly effeminate for a man, decorated in pastels, white eyelet, and huge billowy pillows. When the Senator walked in, Kelly groaned, "Noooo, not you again", Leahy signalled Kelly with his hand, thus switching her into total silence and submission. Then, accessing specific personality fragments that previously recompartmentalized in my mind from Bush's and Byrd's sexual abuse of Kelly, Leahy began undressing. His pale skin looked even whiter against the white eyelet sheets, which seemed to accentuate the perversity of his pedophile actions with my daughter that I was forced to watch. His torturous abuse complete, Leahy ordered Kelly and me to follow him downstairs to his "torture lab", I had seen and experienced basement "spy conditioning" torture chambers before both in the U.S. and Mexico, and Leahy's "torture lab" looked more like a NASA lab. His access to the latest advancements in electronic/drug mind- control technology was consistent with his ability to use it. I was immediately strapped to a cold, chrome and stainless steel table by the two guards. Leahy began reciting, "Cross your heart and hope to die, Stick a needle in your eye". A wirey "needle" was pushed slowly into my right eye while Kelly was forced to watch. This entire ordeal was directed for trauma purposes primarily at Kelly since Leahy figured I would be dead soon anyway. "If you holler, if you cry, Kelly will be the first to die. Pray to God and Bush will hear, because his Eye now has an ear." Leahy interrupted his poem to explain that 1 was now a "computer-eyesd" link-up to Bush's Eye in the Sky, with the needle-like "antenna" transmitting every word Kelly spoke. He continued wilh me, "Each word you speak, each breath you sigh, 'Your eye trance-mits to the Eye in the Sky". Kelly believed it, which locked her into silence. Leahy's secret was safe-for the moment. While I was literally out of my mind from intense pain, Leahy utilized the opportunity to program me with what he said was financial information to deliver to Byrd. This required no "personality", therefore the shattered fragments Leahy had deliberately shifted me into when raping Kelly would be ideal to "computer-eyes" his message. He told me that my body was a conduit to link him up to the Eye in the Sky, where he was transmitting the information for storage until such time as Byrd accessed it. "Only the tiniest little prick can access the compuLer-eyesd' storage bank," Leahy said, laughing at his own double meaning mockery of Byrd's penis size. This was not the first time Leahy transferred apparently sensitive U.S. Government intelligence information to Byrd through me. I had pho- tographically recorded numbers in my mind's "computer banks" ever since Leahy prepared me for the task some months before at White Sands Missile Base in New Mexico. It was there in the TOP SECRET mind-control area of the base that Leahy subjected me to extreme tortures and high-tech programming. Combining purposes as usual, Leahy was saying, "Funding will continue to be approved as long as (mind-control) Projects such as this continue to receive your full attention". I was treated like a lab animal with no apparent regard for whether I lived or died. I was put in an electrified metal walled and floored cell, referred to by some as the woodpecker grid, which provided inescapable physical torture. In spite of his tortures, intelligence, high-tech methodism, and sophisticated mind manipulations. Senator Leahy failed to cover his "secrets" — including his sexual abuse of Kelly. He did succeed, however, in causing Kelly and me to be hospitalized from his torturous abuses upon our return to Tennessee. I had suffered excruciating pain and irreparable damage to my right eye, while Kelly psychosomatically suffered respiratory failure due to his extreme traumas. The physical manifestations of the psychological devastation wreaked on us by Senator Leahy failed to raise questions from outsiders as to the cause. Equally worthy of mention, are numerous other high profile perpetrators that Kelly and I had exposure to over the years. These individuals, in spite of the CIA's "need-to-know" M.O. of maintaining "the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing," were in positions to be knowledgeable of Kelly's and my victimizations. All of them accessed our programming either for drug distribution, banking/message delivery, mind-control demonstrations, or, most often, for their perverse sexual gratification. These too numerous individuals and events are significant chapters in my life who, in the interest of time and space, will be fully exposed in a forthcoming book. Rather than point a finger at these individuals for reasons of "vengeance" (there is none comparable), they must be publicly identified for all our sakes and, above all, for our children's sakes. Therefore, a list of perpe- Traitors has been compiled and strategically distributed for posterity, as well as to prevent these individuals from interfering in any Congressional hearings 2 that should be forthcoming as a result of this exposure. ! Black LL Bean Swiss Army Knives were a coded indicator of White House-level operations. Red LL Bean Swiss Army Knives, and regular Swiss Army Knives were a standard CIA indicator with which I was also familiar. Please support us in this effort by writing your Congressmen. CHAPTER 31 THE KING AND EYE Saudi Arabia threaded in and out of most operations in which I was involved, primarily due to their purchase and routing of weapons, drugs, and blond-haired, blue-eyed programmed children. According to George Bush's claims, Saudi Arabia was in essence a controlled financial arm of the United States. Saudi Arabian King Fahd and his Ambassador to the U.S., Prince Bandar, provided a front for the unconstitutional and criminal covert operations of the U.S. This included the arming of Iraq and the Nicaraguan Contras; U.S. involvement in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (B.C. C.I.) scandal; and funding of the Black Budget through purchase of our nation's children to be used as sex slaves and camel jockeys. Since the U.S. "won" control of the drug industries through the so-called Drug Wars, Saudi Arabia played an integral role in distribution. It was my experience that Bush's claim of having Saudi Arabian King Fahd as his puppet was, in fact, reality. It was only natural that criminal diplomatic relations with Mexico interface with Saudi Arabia under the circumstances. After all, King Fahd and Mexican President. Miguel de la Madrid were active members of George Bush's elite "Neighborhood" in the New World Order. Before I left Washington, D.C., it, was "my duty as a (programmed) American Patriot" to participate in initiating the King and Eye branch of Operation Greenbacks for Wetbacks. While plans were being finalized for a clandestine 3:00 A.M. meeting at L'Enfante Hotel which I would be attending, 1 was rushed around D.C. gathering last minute messages and information. I had no choice in leaving. Kelly at Bush's Residence Office where Houston had dropped us off earlier in the day for my initial briefing. Congressman Guy VanderJagt was in Bush's office along with Dick Cheney when we arrived. Before taking Kelly upstairs to the residence area, VanderJagt told Bush his story about taking my virginity when I was a small child. He recommended Bush do the same to Kelly before someone else "beat him to it". Bush laughed and replied, "What makes you think I haven't?"" VanderJagt look Kelly by the hand and led her upstairs while Bush and Cheney began giving me my instructions. Bush joked about working "grave yard" in the "shadows" for "the White House night shift" of the King and Eye operation. Cheney began my instructions with the usual threat to Kelly's life, and was interrupted by a phone call ordering me over to the White House, The whole time 1 was gone, I experienced a sensation of panic and dread at having had to leave Kelly at Bush's. Although I could not think to reason, the Shasta experience had left me with an incomprehensible subconscious fear for Kelly's life that was compounded by Cheney's most recent threats. I was apprehensive when I was returned to Bush's house late that evening for completion of my instructions. A party was underway, and I was dismayed to see the place so crowded yet void of children. As I made my way through the crowd, Cheney saw me and started across the room towards me, I spotted VanderJagt nearby, who had been drinking excessively, and anxiously asked him where Kelly was. He said, "Upstairs sleeping, George is expecting you". I wanted desperately to go to Kelly, but Cheney, who was drunk as usual, had reached me by that time. "Walk this way," Cheney slurred. He imitated the Oz Scarecrow's walk as he led me through the middle of the crowd to Bush's office. Bush was busy behind his desk, and his tension was apparent. He said, "Phil Habib is doing a number on his highness' (Fahd's) head, I want you to do a number on his 'dick'". "Please," Dick Cheney groaned at the term. "That means give him a Royal fucking. Wear him out. You're going on a magic carpet ride tonight, little Genie, down through the rabbit hole, through the minor and we'll meet you on the other side." "Good. He'd better have a smile on his face when we walk in (to the 3:00 A.M. meeting)," Bush told me as I went out the door. "If you do your part right, he will." I was escorted to L'Enfante Hotel where I was to be prostituted to King Fahd. I had been exposed to him sexually before, but this was my first time with him and his five young girls. Physical likeness characteristics strongly suggested that these Saudi Arabian girls were his own children. Their ages ranged from approximately ten to twenty years old. Indicating Genie-in-the- Bottle programming, of which Fahd was familiar, 1 bowed and said, "Your wish is my command", Fahd's first wish was for information, which I told him I would deliver later at the meeting. Fahd "disrobed" as his girls removed my dress. Then they "prepared" me as ordered by "washing me" with their tongues, while the youngest briefly performed oral sex on him. The girls were ordered aside while I proceeded to sexually gratify Fahd according to his instruction and those I had received earlier from Cheney and Bush. When I finished doing "my part" in the name of "Diplomatic Relations," Habib was at the door to escort me out. I was to meet with Fahd again at 3:00 A.M. in Habib's suite. As I stepped out the door, Habib was impatiently hopping up and down like be was energized from cocaine. Using his role as White Rabbit, he said in Wonderland cryptic, "We're late! We're late! For a very important date!" He led me downstairs to the entrance of the hotel, where Bush and Cheney had just walked in looking ridiculously conspicuous in their trenchcoats. Bush immediately ordered Habib, "Call in" and gestured to the phone across 'the lobby. Habib turned and hurried for the phone. Cheney dashed up the stairs, leaving me alone with Bush. Bush said, referring to Habib, "Don't you love to see the wabbit hop?" When Cheney returned a moment later, my (identified) Secret Service escort led me to the boutique area of the hotel to wait while the meeting in Habib's suite got under way. 1 had endured water deprivation for some time, which my escort noted as we sat near a fountain. He told me his orders were, "You can lead a whore to water, but you can't let her drink," He teased me further, stating that he knew I could "suck the humps of a thousand camels dry." At last, he took me on to the meeting in Habib's room, where Bush, Cheney, Fahd, and Habib were in the midst of discussion. Bush accessed the messages and bank transaction details I was programmed with at Shasta, and ordered me to relay an account of my meeting with de la Madrid and subsequent opening of the Juarez border. The complexities of this meeting, compounded by my being privy only to certain parts, should not be documented here out of context. I do know that Bush was setting the stage for implementing the New World Order, using Mexico and Saudi Arabia's roles for cover and for further expansion of U.S. covert criminal activity. This included the arming of Iraq with weapons and chemical warfare capabilities. The message Reagan had me programmed with earlier that day was further evidence of this. I delivered Reagan's message to King Fahd as ordered: "Greetings to King Fahd from President Reagan. The negotiations you are about to embark on are not only critical to the world peace process, but may solidify U.S. -Saudi relations beyond your wildest expectations. You have my word that what appears to be the building up of forces in Iraq is but a mirage in the whirlwind. And when this operation is completed and the dust finally settles, you will see that the sands have shifted in time, running out on our adversaries and shifting all power and control to our unified effort. United we stand to conquer all in the name of world peace and world order, and I am confident that together we can not fail. The more Saddam destroys is that much less for us to do and deal with when we implement the Order. In the meantime, we all have much to gain and not a moment to lose." It was raining by the time I was escorted back to Bush's residence where Houston was waiting to take Kelly and me back to Tennessee. lr The Alaska state-appointed child sexual abuse physician's exam and photos corroborate that, for once, Bush may have told the truth.
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
Delta Streets Academy in Greenwood graduated its first senior class in May. The five seniors are all heading off to college, one of them to Mississippi State University on a full scholarship. The private school for young men, which is a member of the Mississippi Association of Independent Schools, was founded in 2012 by T. Mac Howard, a white guy who was a young twenty-something at the time and who caught a vision for what it meant to heed God’s call to do justice, to love mercy, and to sacrifice for others in the way Jesus sacrificed for him.
Mo Leverett, the founder of Desire Street Ministries in New Orleans, came to speak at T.Mac’s Reformed University Fellowship group during his freshman year at MSU. His stories of the poverty and the desperation of the people in the infamous urban housing project touched T. Mac in a profound way, and he asked Mo is he could do a summer internship there. The summer of 2005 opened T. Mac’s eyes to a world he had never experienced. Reading about squalor and dysfunction and lack of hope is one thing, but seeing it first hand, interacting with those who live it, is something altogether different. It broke his heart.
T.Mac and Meagan Howard are the parents of a three-year-old and almost 2-year-old twin boys!
After T. Mac graduated in 2008, he took a job at Greenwood High School teaching math and coaching baseball and football. He chose the Mississippi Delta because there weren’t a lot of established ministries trying to address the overwhelming problems that had morphed in the last few decades. He originally planned to teach and coach and use those as a way to build relationships and to share the gospel.
“The original idea was to do Bible studies in my house and disciple guys like that.” What he discovered was that teaching is exhausting in a classroom of 28 kids, all at different levels, where there are no consequences for misbehavior, tardiness, or skipping school, and where chaos is just the order of the day.”
At the end of the first year, he had not held one Bible study or shared the gospel with one kid. He was still committed, but he knew he had to come up with Plan B. He toyed with the idea of accepting a position with Fellowship of Christian Athletes as an area director in Northeast Mississippi, but he says, “God got hold of me and said, ‘If you leave now and try to come back they’re just going to expect you to leave again because that’s what so many white people do—they come in, lead a Bible study in the neighborhood, and then you never hear from them again.”
He taught at GHS for one more year, but in his mind, he was prepping to start the ministry before the next fall rolled around.
The following summer T.Mac offered a Christian day camp, complete with arts and crafts and sports instruction. He gathered his own interns who were mostly Reformed University Fellowship participants from MSU and Ole Miss. T. Mac had built a friendship with the pastor of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church who offered his fellowship hall for an after-school tutoring program that started in fall 2011. It was a slow beginning, but it grew month to month.
Swayze Waters (far left) and T.Mac Howard (far right) teamed up to coach these aspiring young athletes at Delta Streets Academy.
When Delta Streets Academy opened in 2012, there were six young men enrolled. T.Mac says he can’t praise their parents enough for trusting their sons to “a white dude” who had never run a school. Each year has seen growth, and this past school year 58 boys in grades 7–12 completed the second semester.
At the present time, there are nine full-time staff and four part-time faculty members. First Baptist Church offers space rent free, and that is a great blessing. Cannon Motors has given the school the old Delta Chevrolet building in downtown, but the renovation price tag of $1.3 million has made renovation a distant dream for the time being. T.Mac wears many hats, from driving the bus to teaching to running the payroll, but one of his most important jobs is fundraiser in chief. “That’s the thing that keeps me up at night, but God has taught me a lot these past six years about his sufficiency.”
The first graduating class of Delta Streets Academy 2017.
“We’re not a great school yet,” he says. “But we are a good school right now. The sooner I can hand off some of my jobs, the better off we’ll be.” He adds, “The only thing I’m really good at is talking to people. But the day we have a $900,000 budget and 120 kids in school is the day we have the potential to be a great school.”
T.Mac believes they will get there. He wants to see his students competing with the strongest private schools in the state, signing Division 1 scholarships and being taught by a world-class faculty. He calls it a total “God thing” that it has come as far as it has in five years.
In the beginning, the great challenge for the boys who enroll at Delta Streets is the radical difference in the culture between the public and the private school. The structure and the discipline hit them hard at first because they have never had rules and consequences. Some push the boundaries, and some decide it’s not for them, but the ones who persevere flourish and will go on to bright futures and better lives than they have known.
Although T.Mac says the students themselves are pretty color-blind, he would very much like to attract minority staff. The racial reconciliation aspect of Delta Streets is just a beautiful byproduct of the Christian foundation. “It’s just in the culture at Delta Streets.”
Certificates of excellence presented to three young students.
When the Delta Streets students play other schools in the MAIS, the opposition is usually a private academy whose founding was all about preserving segregation. T.Mac could not be happier with the way his well-mannered students conduct themselves on the field or on the basketball court. He watches the walls come down.
Discipleship is a huge part of DSA. “We have an open enrollment,” he says. “Anybody can come here for $75 a month, but you have to choose to follow. I totally get that this is not for everybody, but our students are learning life skills that they would not be getting in the public school. They’re getting structure, discipline, work ethic, rules, and a sense of their worth and value as children of the God who loves them and desires the best for them.”
Changing Lives in Marks
About 70 miles north of Greenwood is the little town of Marks where the local economy was once dependent on the health and wealth of the large Delta farms. The radical transformation in farming operations hit Quitman County hard. Compounding that shrinking demand for an unskilled labor force was the effect of NAFTA, which closed small manufacturing plants taking those few jobs as well.
The railroad runs through the center of the once busy downtown. Many empty storefronts line the main street, and several beautiful old churches are in close proximity. Well-kept homes and lawns in the neighborhood hint that once upon a time this was a thriving Delta town.
Jaby Denton is a fourth generation Marks stakeholder. His family has forever owned a large farming operation in Quitman County. His entire life was lived right there until he moved his family to Oxford. When his children were in high school, he wanted them to have opportunities that were simply no longer there for them in Marks. He became a daily commuter between farm and home.
Although his children moved on to college, Jaby didn’t move back to Marks right away. Oxford was booming. He began attending a men’s weekly inspirational breakfast group at a local restaurant. Guest speakers each week discussed a myriad of topics. Jaby happened to attend one morning when T. Mac Howard was there to tell the story of Delta Streets Academy.
Either T. Mac or God spoke to Jaby in a big way. He wanted to spark the same kind of revival in Marks. And so he moved back to the farm and began to assess and plan. He found that in assessing the needs, they were even more overwhelming than he had imagined at first. Among one of the first things he discovered almost by accident was that a huge number of ninth and tenth graders in the local high school were not able to read.
Jaby Denton, a fourth-generation Marks resident shares his vision for a community park and sports fields with Marilyn Tinnin.
Meanwhile, Jason Stoker of Starkville, Executive Director of Reclaimed Project, spent an anniversary weekend in Greenwood. He was there to eat well, take a cooking class for fun at Viking Cooking School, and have some real downtime with Shannon, his wife. But they drove around enough to get an unvarnished picture in his mind of what poverty in the Delta looked like. It reminded him of what he saw on his visits to Africa.
He was thoroughly convinced that Reclaimed’s next ministry outreach needed to be in the Mississippi Delta—but where? Jason called Jill Freeze knowing she and Hugh had been great supporters of Reclaimed and he knew they had also been interested in some ministries in the Delta. Jill indirectly put him in touch with Jaby, who, in Jason’s words “has been the game changer.”
Local leadership and local “buy in” is, next to Jesus Christ, the most important factor in getting an effort off the ground and maintaining the momentum. Jaby has an “umbrella” vision for revitalizing Marks, and he has been able to do things that no outsider could possibly have done.
However, Reclaimed ministry’s piece of the pie is key. Reclaimed’s heart is for the children with a holistic and long-view approach. The strategy for “reclaiming” the Delta is not far removed from the strategy for “reclaiming” anybody anywhere. What are the short-term needs that will undergird the long term goals?
Will Overstreet, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Marks, points out the view of Marks Main Street from one of the loft apartments presently under renovation in a vintage downtown landmark.
The same ills that have affected public education across other parts of Mississippi have hit this Delta town especially hard. Finding and keeping teachers has been next to impossible. Aside from the run down facilities and the lack of family stability, teachers who might come to Marks had no options for places to live.
One of the first things Reclaimed did was to purchase a building in downtown Marks with the plan to repurpose it as a place for single teachers to live. It’s a very cool loft, apartment-style community of six private apartments sharing a common area, a kitchen, and a laundry room. Keeping its restoration true to the 1930 period of its origin means huge windows, high ceilings, old brick, and an aesthetic that would be enticing to most any 20 something! Rent-free and a commitment for two years seem like a generous contract.
The renovation of the building has been a real showcase for how the body of Christ works. The pro bono contributions in materials and time from contractors, electricians, and construction specialists have saved thousands and thousands of dollars. Ridgecrest Baptist Church in Ridgeland has a special group of volunteers who man their own construction ministry. They are all professionals whose day jobs involve building, but they usually take at least one trip a year giving their services for free to a cause that builds the body of Christ.
Tim Blocker, stewardship minister, with a lot of support from builders Ty Gardner and Jon Ramsay, has led a team of about 30 devoted volunteers who have spent many a Saturday in the last few months renovating the building that will house the teachers.
Reclaimed is about $40,000 shy of being able to finish the building debt-free. The plan is to have it complete and ready for move-in before the 2017 fall session begins.
Jason speaks highly of the leadership at the public school. There is a dedicated team who shares the vision for discipling and equipping students. There is an esprit de corps between Reclaimed and the school administration that is filled with hope for the immediate future.
Reclaimed is also about job creation. One thing that differentiates the Greenwood ministry from the Marks ministry is the presence of jobs. Not many jobs exist in Marks. Reclaimed wanted to do something about that, so taking their blueprint from their ministry in Lesotho and Botswana, they began looking for skills among the ladies of Marks.
Bethany Kuenzli, Director of Reclaimed Marketplace, came up with some patterns for aprons and pillows that the Marks ladies could sew. Many of them had worked in upholstery and garment factories and knew more than rudimentary things about sewing. The concept is much like the micro businesses that have helped support locals in third world countries. A volunteer from Jackson’s Fondren Church planned to teach a class for several Marks ladies on how to do more elaborate things – like bedding. It would be a gold mine for the ministry if a few moms decorating daughters’ dorm rooms let the Reclaimed ladies do their custom sewing.
When the instructor began her first class in Marks, she quickly discovered these ladies were already master seamstresses. They just needed the materials to put their skills to work. Mississippi Magazine was planning their Mercantile Shopping Event in early May. This was an opportunity to attract business. Premier Fabrics donated yards and yards of fabric. The Marks ladies worked their magic to create comforters, curtains, pillows, and dust ruffles. Hopefully, this will be an ongoing job-producing cottage industry to help the Reclaimed Project and the Marks revival.
Jason Stoker is definitely the kind of guy who can rally others to the vision. During spring break he took about 50 families from First Baptist Church in Starkville to Marks to do a four-day camp. (Let that sink in—a spring break vacation with no snow skiing, no beach, no place exotic, but going to Marks, MS to serve strangers)
The smiles on the faces of local children tell the story of happy times at the spring day camp conducted by the Reclaimed Project from Starkville.
The Starkville families took their children, and most of them stayed in the homes of the very grateful Marks families who wanted to be involved in the Reclaimed efforts. They wanted to bring black and white together, but they welcomed the know-how of Reclaimed.
First Baptist offered their facility for daytime activity, and First United Methodist took on feeding the volunteers every night. It was a week of bonding and learning and wrapping many heartstrings around the mission.
The locals and the children of the volunteers played side by side. They had a total blast, and they were completely color-blind. That in itself inspires hope.
Jason also learned that as the small town ages and the job market disintegrates, the young who go off to college, understandably do not return. The underclass continues to grow. They are children created in the image of an eternal God, and they need hope and a future.
Reclaimed longs to help create that.
The Heart of a Change Agent
Ole Miss alumnus Daniel Myrick, like T. Mac Howard, grew up in Brandon and attended Northwest Rankin. Jason Stoker had been his middle-school pastor at Pinelake Church. He had participated in mission trips through Pinelake and knew his calling was to be a coach and a teacher.
He signed on to teach in Marks his first year out of college. Expecting it to be hard, he found it to be even harder. There were some long days and some emotional lows. Teaching in Marks was about so much more than the classroom instruction.
As the assistant basketball coach, his team lost the first 14 games of the season. “That’s 14 post-game talks you have to have with the players, and after a while, you run out of things to say,” he says. Daniel persevered believing that his team wasn’t losing due to lack of talent. He continued to pour into the team, and they responded by working hard and trying harder. “Eventually we did win one, and then we won another. We kept winning, went to a district tournament, played the number one seed and won the district championship for the first time in twelve years.”
A very committed Daniel sees that win as symbolic of something more—something about hope and a future that is brighter than the one staring his players in the face today. He is coming back to Marks this fall and will be living in one of the Reclaimed apartments.
“If I can make a difference in just a few lives, those kids will change this community,” he says.
After all, wasn’t Jesus Christ all about relationships?
One of his brightest stars is a student named Daisia. She has a sister who is attending college at USM, and Daisia’s dream is to get there, too. Daniel has no doubt she can and will. These are her words and part of a letter she wrote in answer to Daniel’s question, “What would you want me to tell others about Marks?”
Dear Those Who I Believe Will Make a Change,
Where I’m from, I’m pretty sure everyone is familiar with the struggle. Whether it’s no lights or all you have is cold water, everyone is familiar with it. Everyone who ever had a chance to make it out of this place I call the “Waiting  Place” never comes back. It’s like escaping from a living hell.
The reason I like calling it the “Waiting Place” is because some just sit around thinking, not getting up doing nothing. But how can one take action when there is nothing around to take action about? … It’s like once you’re in the Waiting Place, you can’t get out because you don’t know which path to take.
But people like you are the only chance for my people to finally escape the Waiting Place. Every day and every night I pray for someone who actually believes in us to come and make a change…It would be such a blessing if you all took time out of your personal schedule to devote some of your time to help my people of Quitman County.
 What Is the Future?
 God, bless the T. Mac Howards and the Jason Stokers, the Daniel Myricks and the Jaby Dentons of the world. I asked them all if tackling the layers of issues in the Delta is a little like eating an elephant. That old cliché answers that it IS possible to eat an elephant one bite at a time.
Jason has a much better analogy. He compares tackling the problems in the Delta to peeling an onion. With every layer removed, the onion gets smaller.
No doubt, in the Delta, there are layers and layers of issues that have multiplied over several generations. What matters most at this intersection of time is that God’s people pay attention. In the kingdom of Light and Dark, there exists a great opportunity for impact at the moment.
The epistle of James is pretty clear. “If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” James 2:15-17.
Lord, make us your vessels!
By Marilyn Tinnin, a former Miss University at Ole Miss. This story was originally published in Mississippi Christian Living Magazine 
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cleopatrarps · 6 years
Just the Fear of a Trade War Is Straining the Global Economy
LONDON — Only a few months ago, the global economy appeared to be humming, with all major nations growing in unison. Now, the world’s fortunes are imperiled by an unfolding trade war.
As the Trump administration imposes tariffs on allies and rivals alike, provoking broad retaliation, global commerce is suffering disruption, flashing signs of strains that could hamper economic growth. The latest escalation came on Friday, when President Trump announced fresh tariffs on $50 billion in Chinese goods, prompting swift retribution from Beijing.
As the conflict broadens, shipments are slowing at ports and airfreight terminals around the world. Prices for crucial raw materials are rising. At factories from Germany to Mexico, orders are being cut and investments delayed. American farmers are losing sales as trading partners hit back with duties of their own.
Workers in a Canadian steel mill scrambled to recall rail cars headed to the United States border after Mr. Trump this month slapped tariffs on imported metals. A Seattle customer soon canceled an order.
“The impact was felt immediately,” said Jon Hobbs president of AltaSteel in Edmonton. “The penny is really dropping now as to what this means to people’s businesses.”
The Trump administration portrays its confrontational stance as a means of forcing multinational companies to bring factory production back to American shores. Mr. Trump has described trade wars as “easy to win” while vowing to rebalance the United States’ trade deficits with major economies like China and Germany.
Mr. Trump’s offensive may yet prove to be a negotiating tactic that threatens economic pain to force deals, rather than a move to a full-blown trade war. Americans appear to be better insulated than most from the consequences of trade hostilities. As a large economy in relatively strong shape, the United States can find domestic buyers for its goods and services when export opportunities shrink.
Even so, history has proved that trade wars are costly while escalating risks of broader hostilities. Fears are deepening that the current outbreak of antagonism could drag down the rest of the world.
Before most trade measures fully take effect, businesses are already grappling with the consequences — threats to their supplies, uncertainty over the terms of trade and gnawing fear about what comes next.
“Just talking about protectionism is causing trouble,” said Marie Owens Thomsen, global chief economist at Indosuez Wealth Management in Geneva. “It’s an existential risk to the world economy.”
After two years of expansion, airfreight traffic was flat over the first three months of the year, according to the International Air Transport Association. Dips have been especially pronounced in Europe and Asia.
Container ships, the workhorses of global commerce, have seen no growth in freight since last fall in seasonally adjusted terms, according to a key index.
A gauge of world trade tracked by Oxford Economics, a research firm in London, recently registered its weakest showing since early 2017.
“Let us not understate the macroeconomic impact,” the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, warned this past week about trade conflicts. “It would be serious, not only if the United States took action, but especially if other countries were to retaliate, notably those who would be most affected, such as Canada, Europe and Germany.”
Threats to trade are emerging just as the global economy contends with other substantial challenges.
The Trump administration’s decision to reinstate sanctions on Iran has lifted oil prices, adding pressure to importers worldwide. Europe’s economy is weakening, with Germany — the continent’s largest economy — especially vulnerable. Central banks in the United States and Europe are withdrawing the cheap money they sent coursing through the global financial system after the crisis of 2008, lifting borrowing costs.
The Trump administration has embroiled the United States in increasingly acrimonious conflicts with huge trading partners.
The United States last year imported more than $600 billion in goods and services from Canada and Mexico, the two other nations in the North American Free Trade Agreement — a deal Mr. Trump has threatened to blow up. Americans bought more than $500 billion in wares from China, and another $450 billion from the European Union. Collectively, that amounts to nearly two-thirds of all American imports.
“If you seriously disrupt any of these three, you’re going to feel the effects,” said Adam Slater, lead economist at Oxford Economics. “If you disrupt all three at once, you’re going to feel it quite severely.”
In Houston, still recovering from the devastation inflicted by Hurricane Harvey, the steel tariffs loom like another storm on the horizon.
The Greater Port of Houston, a network of nearly 200 terminals lining 25 miles of channel, is one of the busiest seaborne cargo hubs on the planet. It is also a major local employer, and the largest importer of steel in North America. Steel imports have been surging, especially pipes used by the energy industry.
Sixteen years ago, when President George W. Bush put tariffs on steel, imports fell substantially. Such memories now stoke modern-day fears.
“We’re kind of in a wait-and-see mode,” said Roger Guenther, executive director for the Port of Houston Authority.
For companies that make steel and aluminum, the American tariffs have presented a direct and menacing challenge to their businesses.
At Alta, the steel mill in Edmonton, the metals tariffs delivered an immediate crisis. Roughly one-fifth of the company’s business involves shipping steel to American customers.
Suddenly, the border separating Canada from the United States was effectively enshrouded in fog. The company redirected rail cars destined for customers in the United States, incurring extra freight charges reaching 100,000 Canadian dollars (about $76,000).
Lawyers for some of Alta’s customers have suggested that certain products might be classified to avoid tripping the American tariffs, which apply only to specific types of steel. Yet for now, the company is waiting for rulings from overwhelmed American customs officials.
“We do not know when we will get an answer out of the U.S. government,” Mr. Hobbs said. “Nobody, including the U.S. border protection agency, knows what to do.”
Across Europe, steel makers fret about an indirect consequence of Mr. Trump’s tariffs — cheap Chinese steel previously destined for the United States, now redirected to their continent.
“We have seen increases,” said Mathias Ternell, international affairs director at Jernkontoret, a Swedish steel industry association in Stockholm. “This is what Swedish companies and European companies worry about the most.”
Mr. Trump portrays trade hostilities as a necessary corrective to the United States’ trade deficits with other nations. But economists and business leaders note that many imports are components that are used to manufacture goods at American factories.
For buyers of steel and aluminum inside the United States, the tariffs have increased prices, discouraging investment.
Electrolux, the Swedish manufacturer of household appliances, recently postponed plans to upgrade a stove factory in Tennessee, citing uncertainties created by the tariffs.
In the suburbs of Austin, Tex., Matt Bush, vice president of a small company that makes structures used in office buildings and retail spaces, said steel tariffs would force his company to pay as much as $50,000 a month extra for metal.
“You have to imagine all the people who are purchasing raw steel and aluminum for input into their business are in the same predicament,” he said. “And it’s probably staggering how far that reaches.”
Spain has emerged from a depression to become one of the fastest growing economies in Europe. Trade conflict is directly challenging that trajectory.
In the Spanish city of Toledo, Extol, a company that makes parts for the automobile and railroad industries, has recently seen customers demand supply contracts lasting no more than three months, rather than the usual one-year duration. With the price of aluminum rising, buyers are reluctant to commit, said the company’s chief executive, Fernando Busto.
“We are watching events with enormous worry,” Mr. Busto said. “The political decisions of Donald Trump are resulting in turbulence and volatility.”
Far beyond the realm of metal, the impact of trade skirmishes are rippling out, hitting small businesses and consumers.
In Mexico, anxiety about trade has persisted ever since Mr. Trump took office, given his threats to tear up the North American Free Trade Agreement, and his designs on constructing a wall along the border. Ordinary Mexicans have absorbed the hit as the peso has plunged in value, raising the cost of everyday goods from the United States.
“That president is driving us to bankruptcy,” said Gustavo Ferreyra Olivares, a fruit seller who has operated a stall at a covered market in Mexico City for 35 years. “Trump is the one who has raised the prices.”
Most of the fresh fruit at his stall was grown in Mexico. But Granny Smith apples nestled in molded cardboard bore the USA label. So did a pile of glistening Gala apples, and neat lines of Red Delicious.
Under Nafta, Mexico has grown into the world’s largest importer of American apples. But sales are down because the price has gone up by nearly one-fifth in the past week alone.
The Mexican government recently imposed 20 percent tariffs on American apples in response to Mr. Trump’s duties on steel. That will make it harder for Mr. Ferreyra to sell his American produce. He envisions farmers hurting on the other side of the border, too.
“Mexico is a big importer of apples,” he said. “If we decide to boycott them, they will all have to stay up there.”
Global commodities markets are wrestling with the impacts of trade conflict, especially as China seeks alternatives to American suppliers.
In recent years, as the ranks of China’s middle class have grown, so has the national appetite for pork. Raising growing numbers of pigs has forced China to import increasing volumes of American soybeans.
But China has taken direct aim at American farms in retaliation for Mr. Trump’s metals tariffs, threatening duties on soybeans from the United States. Chinese pork producers have turned their sights to Brazil and Argentina, the only countries that now produce enough soybeans to offer a potential alternative to the American supply.
On the other side of the Atlantic, Jesper Pagh sat in his office in Copenhagen and watched the result — rising prices for soybeans on world markets.
Mr. Pagh oversees the livestock feed business at the DLG Group, an agribusiness conglomerate that supplies customers in Sweden, Germany and Denmark. His company has traditionally tapped South America for soybeans. Now, Chinese competition was increasing the cost.
American soybeans were suddenly available, but they presented a mismatch. Europe imports soybean meal, not the beans. In the United States, the crushing plants that make meal were already tied up by domestic customers.
A veteran of the commodity world, Mr. Pagh is accustomed to prices that fluctuate. His company relies on long-term supply contracts, limiting its vulnerability to price shifts.
Still, here was a new variable.
“It’s another factor that’s affecting the volatility and the level of nervousness in the market,” Mr. Pagh said. “It’s not something that really keeps me awake at night, but, of course, it can escalate.”
Ian Austen reported from Ottawa and Elizabeth Malkin from Mexico City. Reporting was contributed by David Montgomery in Austin, Tex.; Rachel Chaundler in Zaragoza, Spain; Christina Anderson in Stockholm; Gaia Pianigiani in Rome; and Cao Li in Hong Kong.
A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Trade War Fears Start to Strain Global Economy . Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
The post Just the Fear of a Trade War Is Straining the Global Economy appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2JQe9vl via News of World
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dani-qrt · 6 years
Just the Fear of a Trade War Is Straining the Global Economy
LONDON — Only a few months ago, the global economy appeared to be humming, with all major nations growing in unison. Now, the world’s fortunes are imperiled by an unfolding trade war.
As the Trump administration imposes tariffs on allies and rivals alike, provoking broad retaliation, global commerce is suffering disruption, flashing signs of strains that could hamper economic growth. The latest escalation came on Friday, when President Trump announced fresh tariffs on $50 billion in Chinese goods, prompting swift retribution from Beijing.
As the conflict broadens, shipments are slowing at ports and airfreight terminals around the world. Prices for crucial raw materials are rising. At factories from Germany to Mexico, orders are being cut and investments delayed. American farmers are losing sales as trading partners hit back with duties of their own.
Workers in a Canadian steel mill scrambled to recall rail cars headed to the United States border after Mr. Trump this month slapped tariffs on imported metals. A Seattle customer soon canceled an order.
“The impact was felt immediately,” said Jon Hobbs president of AltaSteel in Edmonton. “The penny is really dropping now as to what this means to people’s businesses.”
The Trump administration portrays its confrontational stance as a means of forcing multinational companies to bring factory production back to American shores. Mr. Trump has described trade wars as “easy to win” while vowing to rebalance the United States’ trade deficits with major economies like China and Germany.
Mr. Trump’s offensive may yet prove to be a negotiating tactic that threatens economic pain to force deals, rather than a move to a full-blown trade war. Americans appear to be better insulated than most from the consequences of trade hostilities. As a large economy in relatively strong shape, the United States can find domestic buyers for its goods and services when export opportunities shrink.
Even so, history has proved that trade wars are costly while escalating risks of broader hostilities. Fears are deepening that the current outbreak of antagonism could drag down the rest of the world.
Before most trade measures fully take effect, businesses are already grappling with the consequences — threats to their supplies, uncertainty over the terms of trade and gnawing fear about what comes next.
“Just talking about protectionism is causing trouble,” said Marie Owens Thomsen, global chief economist at Indosuez Wealth Management in Geneva. “It’s an existential risk to the world economy.”
After two years of expansion, airfreight traffic was flat over the first three months of the year, according to the International Air Transport Association. Dips have been especially pronounced in Europe and Asia.
Container ships, the workhorses of global commerce, have seen no growth in freight since last fall in seasonally adjusted terms, according to a key index.
A gauge of world trade tracked by Oxford Economics, a research firm in London, recently registered its weakest showing since early 2017.
“Let us not understate the macroeconomic impact,” the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, warned this past week about trade conflicts. “It would be serious, not only if the United States took action, but especially if other countries were to retaliate, notably those who would be most affected, such as Canada, Europe and Germany.”
Threats to trade are emerging just as the global economy contends with other substantial challenges.
The Trump administration’s decision to reinstate sanctions on Iran has lifted oil prices, adding pressure to importers worldwide. Europe’s economy is weakening, with Germany — the continent’s largest economy — especially vulnerable. Central banks in the United States and Europe are withdrawing the cheap money they sent coursing through the global financial system after the crisis of 2008, lifting borrowing costs.
The Trump administration has embroiled the United States in increasingly acrimonious conflicts with huge trading partners.
The United States last year imported more than $600 billion in goods and services from Canada and Mexico, the two other nations in the North American Free Trade Agreement — a deal Mr. Trump has threatened to blow up. Americans bought more than $500 billion in wares from China, and another $450 billion from the European Union. Collectively, that amounts to nearly two-thirds of all American imports.
“If you seriously disrupt any of these three, you’re going to feel the effects,” said Adam Slater, lead economist at Oxford Economics. “If you disrupt all three at once, you’re going to feel it quite severely.”
In Houston, still recovering from the devastation inflicted by Hurricane Harvey, the steel tariffs loom like another storm on the horizon.
The Greater Port of Houston, a network of nearly 200 terminals lining 25 miles of channel, is one of the busiest seaborne cargo hubs on the planet. It is also a major local employer, and the largest importer of steel in North America. Steel imports have been surging, especially pipes used by the energy industry.
Sixteen years ago, when President George W. Bush put tariffs on steel, imports fell substantially. Such memories now stoke modern-day fears.
“We’re kind of in a wait-and-see mode,” said Roger Guenther, executive director for the Port of Houston Authority.
For companies that make steel and aluminum, the American tariffs have presented a direct and menacing challenge to their businesses.
At Alta, the steel mill in Edmonton, the metals tariffs delivered an immediate crisis. Roughly one-fifth of the company’s business involves shipping steel to American customers.
Suddenly, the border separating Canada from the United States was effectively enshrouded in fog. The company redirected rail cars destined for customers in the United States, incurring extra freight charges reaching 100,000 Canadian dollars (about $76,000).
Lawyers for some of Alta’s customers have suggested that certain products might be classified to avoid tripping the American tariffs, which apply only to specific types of steel. Yet for now, the company is waiting for rulings from overwhelmed American customs officials.
“We do not know when we will get an answer out of the U.S. government,” Mr. Hobbs said. “Nobody, including the U.S. border protection agency, knows what to do.”
Across Europe, steel makers fret about an indirect consequence of Mr. Trump’s tariffs — cheap Chinese steel previously destined for the United States, now redirected to their continent.
“We have seen increases,” said Mathias Ternell, international affairs director at Jernkontoret, a Swedish steel industry association in Stockholm. “This is what Swedish companies and European companies worry about the most.”
Mr. Trump portrays trade hostilities as a necessary corrective to the United States’ trade deficits with other nations. But economists and business leaders note that many imports are components that are used to manufacture goods at American factories.
For buyers of steel and aluminum inside the United States, the tariffs have increased prices, discouraging investment.
Electrolux, the Swedish manufacturer of household appliances, recently postponed plans to upgrade a stove factory in Tennessee, citing uncertainties created by the tariffs.
In the suburbs of Austin, Tex., Matt Bush, vice president of a small company that makes structures used in office buildings and retail spaces, said steel tariffs would force his company to pay as much as $50,000 a month extra for metal.
“You have to imagine all the people who are purchasing raw steel and aluminum for input into their business are in the same predicament,” he said. “And it’s probably staggering how far that reaches.”
Spain has emerged from a depression to become one of the fastest growing economies in Europe. Trade conflict is directly challenging that trajectory.
In the Spanish city of Toledo, Extol, a company that makes parts for the automobile and railroad industries, has recently seen customers demand supply contracts lasting no more than three months, rather than the usual one-year duration. With the price of aluminum rising, buyers are reluctant to commit, said the company’s chief executive, Fernando Busto.
“We are watching events with enormous worry,” Mr. Busto said. “The political decisions of Donald Trump are resulting in turbulence and volatility.”
Far beyond the realm of metal, the impact of trade skirmishes are rippling out, hitting small businesses and consumers.
In Mexico, anxiety about trade has persisted ever since Mr. Trump took office, given his threats to tear up the North American Free Trade Agreement, and his designs on constructing a wall along the border. Ordinary Mexicans have absorbed the hit as the peso has plunged in value, raising the cost of everyday goods from the United States.
“That president is driving us to bankruptcy,” said Gustavo Ferreyra Olivares, a fruit seller who has operated a stall at a covered market in Mexico City for 35 years. “Trump is the one who has raised the prices.”
Most of the fresh fruit at his stall was grown in Mexico. But Granny Smith apples nestled in molded cardboard bore the USA label. So did a pile of glistening Gala apples, and neat lines of Red Delicious.
Under Nafta, Mexico has grown into the world’s largest importer of American apples. But sales are down because the price has gone up by nearly one-fifth in the past week alone.
The Mexican government recently imposed 20 percent tariffs on American apples in response to Mr. Trump’s duties on steel. That will make it harder for Mr. Ferreyra to sell his American produce. He envisions farmers hurting on the other side of the border, too.
“Mexico is a big importer of apples,” he said. “If we decide to boycott them, they will all have to stay up there.”
Global commodities markets are wrestling with the impacts of trade conflict, especially as China seeks alternatives to American suppliers.
In recent years, as the ranks of China’s middle class have grown, so has the national appetite for pork. Raising growing numbers of pigs has forced China to import increasing volumes of American soybeans.
But China has taken direct aim at American farms in retaliation for Mr. Trump’s metals tariffs, threatening duties on soybeans from the United States. Chinese pork producers have turned their sights to Brazil and Argentina, the only countries that now produce enough soybeans to offer a potential alternative to the American supply.
On the other side of the Atlantic, Jesper Pagh sat in his office in Copenhagen and watched the result — rising prices for soybeans on world markets.
Mr. Pagh oversees the livestock feed business at the DLG Group, an agribusiness conglomerate that supplies customers in Sweden, Germany and Denmark. His company has traditionally tapped South America for soybeans. Now, Chinese competition was increasing the cost.
American soybeans were suddenly available, but they presented a mismatch. Europe imports soybean meal, not the beans. In the United States, the crushing plants that make meal were already tied up by domestic customers.
A veteran of the commodity world, Mr. Pagh is accustomed to prices that fluctuate. His company relies on long-term supply contracts, limiting its vulnerability to price shifts.
Still, here was a new variable.
“It’s another factor that’s affecting the volatility and the level of nervousness in the market,” Mr. Pagh said. “It’s not something that really keeps me awake at night, but, of course, it can escalate.”
Ian Austen reported from Ottawa and Elizabeth Malkin from Mexico City. Reporting was contributed by David Montgomery in Austin, Tex.; Rachel Chaundler in Zaragoza, Spain; Christina Anderson in Stockholm; Gaia Pianigiani in Rome; and Cao Li in Hong Kong.
A version of this article appears in print on , on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Trade War Fears Start to Strain Global Economy . Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
The post Just the Fear of a Trade War Is Straining the Global Economy appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2JQe9vl via Online News
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
The Block room reveal recap: A Scott Cam smackdown | The Block
A crowd of Oklahoma players gathers around midfield after quarterback Baker Mayfield planted an OU flag in the middle of the Block O logo after his Sooners defeated Ohio State, 31-16, on Saturday. The master suite is a space that should be beautiful and functional. President Donald Trump: I don't think we can make a deal. A COUPLE made history on The Block this week for the being the first contestants to score three zeroes.
For those who haven't watched last night's episode, do not continue reading. Tonight is the night we've all been waiting for. It's the night The Block finally reveals what the show has been teasing all week.After rookie quarterback DeShone Kizer and company failed to get anything going on their opening drive, Cleveland was forced to punt. But first, here's your West Block primer: NAFTA, the sweeping free trade deal was struck more than two decades ago, but here we are again.
If you're a fan of The Block series, like myself, you would have just been sitting on the couch in fury, again, like myself. Update: Malaysia's ban on Steam has been lifted; however, several internet service providers in Malaysia are still blocking access to the Steam Store, and Fight of Gods remains unavailable.It was another huge week on The Block, as the teams churned out the spaces we've all been waiting for: those incredible rooftop terraces. Tonight's much awaited reveal of the roof terrace spaces on The Block was a game-changer. It's that special part of your home where you can escape to and relax at the end of the day. Sticks gave up everything to be on The Block and even thought he might miss the birth of his second child.
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS BRIEFING: GM explores on-demand rides and deliveries — Peloton's plans to disrupt trucking — OTA updates coming to trucks
Welcome to Transportation & Logistics Briefing, a new morning email providing the latest news, data, and insight on how digital technology is disrupting transportation and delivery, produced by BI Intelligence.
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Have feedback? We'd like to hear from you. Write me at: [email protected].
GM PLOTS ITS FUTURE IN ON-DEMAND RIDES AND DELIVERIES: GM’s Maven car-sharing unit is expanding tests and partnerships in delivery, leasing, and on-demand vehicles, indicating that the company could eventually take on Uber and Lyft in providing on-demand rides, Reuters reports. The 18-month-old unit started out providing cars for Uber and Lyft drivers, but is quickly diversifying its business and spearheading GM's moves into alternative mobility services. Altogether, Maven’s fleet of 10,000 car-sharing vehicles have driven 170 million miles and provided 17.5 million rides for Uber and Lyft customers. 
GM has close ties with Uber and Lyft, but seems like it is pulling away from them to reap greater benefits from on-demand mobility and the gig economy. GM has provided thousands of vehicles to Uber and Lyft drivers through the ride-hailing companies’ leasing programs, and also holds a 9% stake in Lyft, Reuters notes. However, Maven has started to lease cars directly to Uber and Lyft drivers, bypassing the ride-hailing startups, through Gig, a service that lets drivers rent Maven vehicles for $229 per week.
Additionally, Maven has partnerships in place with several startups in the delivery space to provide cars for their couriers. Those partners include InstaCart, Postmates, GrubHub, and Roadie, a crowd-sourced last-mile delivery service. Couriers for the companies can rent Maven vehicles at the same rate as Uber and Lyft drivers. 
Meanwhile, Maven is moving further into providing cars or rides directly to consumers — it’s already tested a peer-to-peer car-sharing service, according to Reuters. Such a service would compete indirectly with both Uber and Lyft. When asked if GM is looking to launch its own ride-hailing and delivery services, Maven’s VP Julia Steyn responded, “You’re on the right track.” 
The advent of digital technology in the auto space is forcing traditional carmakers to consider new revenue opportunities, including car-sharing, ride-hailing, and delivery. GM’s step-by-step approach — leasing cars through sharing economy startups, then leasing them directly to contractors, and eventually providing on-demand cars and deliveries itself — is a smart approach. Traditional automakers don’t always have the same software or logistics expertise as some of the on-demand startups that populate the sharing economy. However, automakers can certainly provide vehicles for those companies while they develop that expertise through acquisitions, talent recruitment, and partnerships, enabling them to launch their own on-demand services down the road.
HOW PELOTON PLANS TO DISRUPT TRUCKING: Peloton Technology, a six-year-old Silicon Valley startup, is one of a growing number of startups looking to disrupt the nearly $700 billion US trucking industry through software automation. The company’s co-founder, Josh Switkes, started exploring the trucking space while working at another startup, and saw an industry burdened by high fuel, labor, and safety costs that still performed many back-office operations manually with spreadsheets, a profile on Trucks.com recounted. 
Peloton is looking to make an impact in trucking by quickly solving one of the industry’s pressing pain points — fuel costs, which make up nearly 40% of the costs of operating a commercial trucking vehicle.
The company wants to automate trucking, but is not waiting to develop fully autonomous trucks, which are still at least a decade away from hitting the road.
Rather Peloton is working on “platooning” software that allows multiple trucks to drive closely bunched together in a convoy by communicating with each other to ensure they keep them at a safe and steady distance. Closely following one another in this fashion reduces the drag caused by wind resistance on the vehicles, so their engines don’t need to consume as much fuel to maintain speed. 
Based on previous testing, the front vehicle in a two-truck platoon using Peloton’s software increases its fuel efficiency by 4.5%, while the rear vehicle has a 10% improvement.  
Focusing on automated platooning technology will allow Peloton to make an impact on the trucking sector much more quickly than other startups focused on fully autonomous trucks, such as Embark. Reducing fuel costs fills an immediate and industry-wide need, and regulators in various jurisdictions will likely be amenable to the technology because it reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Peloton plans to bring its platooning tech to market later this year, and its potential fuel cost savings should translate to fast adoption. Volvo, for one, is already working with Peloton to integrate its technology into its trucks. A solid customer base for platooning would then open up opportunities for providing other automated driver-assist services like automated braking and lane changing, eventually leading up to a fully autonomous vehicle.
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TRUCK MANUFACTURERS RACING TO LAUNCH OVER-THE-AIR UPDATES: Truck manufacturers are working fast to add over-the-air (OTA) updates, software updates to trucks’ systems that can be delivered wirelessly, to their vehicles, Trucks.com reports. OTA updates would allow manufacturers to issue new upgrades to their vehicles as easily as consumers download new upgrades to their smartphones or computers.
OTA updates could be used to deliver instant improvements to trucks’ navigation and engine systems, or even to fix software bugs. This would save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on bringing the vehicles to a dealership or other repair location for such fixes and upgrades. That would also reduce the revenue lost by trucking fleets when their vehicle are out of service for repairs.
Automakers have recognized the benefits of OTA updates for transportation vehicles for a couple of years now, but truck manufacturers are just starting to come around. An IHS Markit report released this past June predicted that OTA updates could save the automotive industry a total of $40 billion by 2023. All of Tesla’s vehicles are equipped to receive OTA updates, and GM plans to enable them in all of its vehicles by 2020. On the trucking side, Volvo announced this past May some models in its Mack lineup would be capable of receiving OTA updates by the end of this year, and auto parts supplier Delphi recently acquired software startup Movimento, which has installed OTA technology in more than 19,000 commercial vehicles.
Tesla’s recently announced plans to enter the truck manufacturing space will push OTA updates to the forefront of the trucking industry. Tesla has set the standard for OTA updates in the consumer automotive space, and will be able to leverage that expertise in trucking. If Tesla gains a reputation as the trucking industry standard for OTA updates, it would gain a substantial competitive advantage. That puts pressure on other truck manufacturers to accelerate their own OTA capabilities to fend off new competition.
In other news…
Deutsche Post DHL and Ford launched their new jointly-produced StreetScooter WORK XL electric delivery vans in Germany last week. The vans are based on a Ford Transit chassis and feature an electric drivetrain, and the two companies plan to build 2,500 of them by the end of 2018. Deutsche Post DHL will use the vans for urban last-mile deliveries in Germany, and also plans to sell some of the vehicles to third-parties. The electric vehicles can help reduce fuel costs for last-mile deliveries to customers’ residences, which is the most expensive part of the delivery process.
Reports emerged last week indicating that rival German automakers BMW and Daimler may be looking to merge their respective DriveNow and Car2Go car-sharing services. Reuters reported that the two companies have been in talks about combining their two services in order to better compete with other alternative mobility schemes, particularly ride-hailing giants Uber and Lyft. DriveNow currently has close to 1 million users worldwide, and Car2Go has about 2.7 million, but that is dwarfed by Uber, which reported last October that it was servicing more than 40 million riders monthly worldwide. 
The automotive industry is pushing back against a proposal by the Trump administration to change to the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) because it may result in higher costs. The administration wants more stringent “rules of origin," which determine whether participating countries can charge tariffs on imports. Under current law, 62.5% of a vehicle’s parts must be manufactured within the NAFTA region to avoid tariffs. This has allowed automakers to build cars in other NAFTA countries, particularly Mexico, and then sell them in the US without paying tariffs. The administration has hinted that it may want to include a requirement that a certain percentage of a vehicle is produced in the US to avoid tariffs.
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
You were going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but whether our government for the Goddamned idiot! Feefawfum. I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to a dentist, I see you.
And skeweyed Walter sirring his father,—furious dean, what offence laid fire to their brains? Turning his back to you … If the U.S. News CNN is doing poorly and like everywhere else in U.S. political history! I spoke to no-one. Je ne crois pas en l'existence de Dieu. O Sion. Sen.Richard Blumenthal, never asked to be wire tapping a race for president in what looks like a bite of something? About her windraw face hair trailed. To yoke me as his yokefellow, our inner cities. The simple pleasures of the poor.
Vehement breath of waters.
Big advantage in Electoral College in that I would want to know about it but he choked like a bounding hare, ears flung back, just announced that as many as 5000 ISIS fighters have infiltrated Europe. Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer. With woman steps she followed: the tanyard smells. Big crowd expected! Should have been saying this for years.
Diaphane, adiaphane. But the courtiers who mocked Guido in Or san Michele were in. I want to raise money for children with cancer because of the diaphane. The oval equine faces, Temple, Buck Mulligan, Foxy Campbell, Lanternjaws. You prayed to the battlefield. Womb of sin. Get back then by the usher. Can't see!
Politics! See what I meant, see? Big rally in Anaheim.
Mrs Florence MacCabe, deeply lamented, of Bride Street. Europe after fiery Columbanus. Go easy. All'erta! But he adds: in bodies.
Only 38,000 that I had land under my feet. Like me, her matin incense, court the air. The police and law enforcement community has my complete and total disaster-is imploding and will be back home-make great deals! The good bishop of Cloyne took the hilt of his buttoned trouserfly. Flat I see you. Euge! Something he buried there, and very expensive mistake! That’s why ICE endorsed me.
Make America Great Again. No. Whusky! O yes, but W is wonderful. He climbed over the fabled 270 306. Then here's a health to Mulligan's aunt and I'll tell you the reason why.
I was here for BREXIT. Spoils slung at her back. Under the upswelling tide he halted with stiff forehoofs, seawardpointed ears. Sounds solid: made by the shipworm, lost Armada. If I were suddenly naked here as I sit?
Dringdring! It will be fun! People in our country, is a gate, if not a strong swimmer. You were going to write with letters for titles. The system is rigged! We will slaughter you. He knows nothing about me or my supporters, we welcome all voters who want to. Got up as a very open and successful presidential election. Passing now.
After he woke me last night. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Very much appreciated. I only had 1 person running against the low rocks, in violet night walking beneath a reign of uncouth stars. His pace slackened.
I sit? Better buy one. Tell Pat you saw me, form of my form? Had great meetings with Republicans in the black adiaphane. Do not worry! A very short times of space. He stood suddenly, his three taverns, the cornet player. Sad too.
I would try. Old hag with the U.S.A.G. to work on, sir. You find my words dark. For the record, I wonder. He is trying to rig the vote. Peachy cheeks, a dull brick muffler strangling his unshaven neck. The new air greeted him, harping in wild nerves, wind of wild air of seeds of brightness. Thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the sun's flaming sword, to discuss terror and terrorists! But you were going to aunt Sara's. The so-called A list celebrities are all looking for a chair.
I am, a mahamanvantara. Dringdring! Evening will find itself in me, still must fight So great to be Native American to get poor Pat a job one time. Crooked Hillary if I only had 1 person running against the low rocks, cramming the scribbled note and pencil into a pock his hat. Along by the media refuses to speak! Thousands of American lives lost.
—It's Stephen, in her courts, she draws a toil of waters amid seasnakes, rearing horses, rocks. A shefiend's whiteness under her rancid rags. Hold hard. Our wonderful future V.P. She used it as a young thing's. —We thought you were going to write. Was there to greet him.
Just found out that the fubsy widow in front might lift her clothes still more from the crested tide, figures, two. From the liberties, out to the devil in Serpentine avenue that the Democrats give us our Attorney General and rest of Cabinet! #ImWithYou How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary would beat him, nipping and eager airs. I do, dyed rags pinned round a squaw. Omnis caro ad te veniet. What about what?
A shut door of a threemaster, her hand. Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then attacked him and his strength, I wonder, or for the U.S.Senate. No way! Under the upswelling tide he saw the writhing weeds lift languidly and sway reluctant arms, hising up their own, then think distance, near, far, from farther out, waves and waves, waiting, awaiting the fullness of their times, diebus ac noctibus iniurias patiens ingemiscit. Lord, they sigh. Just named General H.R.
Hired dog! Around the slabbed tables the tangle of wined breaths and grumbling gorges. Shouldering their bags they trudged, the ratings are in a curve. The system is rigged against him. I must.
Vieille ogresse with the dents jaunes. Kevin Egan of Paris. If I were suddenly naked here as I sit? A woman and a failed spy afraid of being sued Totally made up nonsense to steal the election are doing, for her poor performance in answering questions.
Wow! O, that's right. —It's Stephen, you mongrel! There’s never been anything like your lies. Where are your wits? Who gave them a pass. Remembering thee, O, that's all right. Such bad judgement!
Paris, unsought by any save by me. Old Father Ocean.
I will not take it up? Here. Just returned from Pennsylvania where we just picked up additional votes! Lump of love. She is not about Mr. Khan, who has put the public. Spoils slung at her back.
This was a fellow I knew once in Barcelona, queer fellow, used to carry punched tickets to prove an alibi if they arrested you for the Goddamned idiot! When will the U.S. States instead of building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future of the race. Then, on boulders. In gay Paree he hides, Egan of Paris men go by, their mouths yellowed with the help I can watch it flow past from here. Open hallway. Loose sand and shellgrit crusted her bare feet. Driving before it a loose drift of rubble, fanshoals of fishes, silly shells. Let Stephen in. Somebody hacked the DNC. I should not have delayed!
Sounds solid: made by the shipworm, lost Armada. Many killed. Will be spending the day. One of her doc. THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED! Thank you to Bob Woodward who said she has very bad. O, that's right. And no more, I tell you that there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that is possible, if not a failure. Our country does not know me but attacked last night in San Jose were illegals. To evening lands. No black clouds anywhere, are there behind this light, darkness shining in the army. He takes me, spoke.
If we have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON. In cups of rocks it slops: flop, slop, slap: bounded in barrels. Lyin' Ted Cruz and John Kasich is hit with negative ads, he called queen Victoria? Tomorrow a big speech tomorrow to discuss the business, so they made up and Bernie is exhausted, just like her husband did with NAFTA.
Today did todays cover story on my record in the Trump University civil case in San Jose was great. Snotgreen, bluesilver, rust: coloured signs. You were a student, weren't you? If she can't even close the deal with Bernie. Can you believe Crooked Hillary! Lui, c'est moi. Got up as a Trump WIN giving all of the Trump Rallies today. No.
I am President! What about that, despite her statements to the fabric of our people and should not happen! Got up as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads was spent on me. We cannot let this happen-ISIS! I said. We will all MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Where? Belly without blemish, bulging big, a panther, got in spousebreach, vulturing the dead dog's bedraggled fell. Moving through the slits of his green fairy as Patrice his white. He hopes to win including failed run four years of Obama and Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to lead. I want his life still to be Secretary of State tomorrow morning. Flat I see, with a long time. Unfallen Adam rode and not rutted. Flutier. His breath hangs over our saucestained plates, the other's gamp poked in the bar MacMahon. My Latin quarter hat. I mustn't forget his letter for the Republican National Committee would not allow the FBI and DOJ! Hillary wants to destroy our country. When will we will bring back our dreams! President Obama should leave the baseball game in Cuba, a stride at a calf's gallop. Much bigger win than anticipated in Arizona. Is Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me at his beck. —Morrow, nephew.
His blued feet out of turnedup trousers slapped the clammy sand, crouched in flight. Know that old lay? A very short times of space with coloured emblems hatched on its field. People first. Whom were you trying to walk like? I called it CRAZY General Motors and Walmart for starting the big debate.
Big rally in Florida. People will not sleep there when this night comes. MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! All or not? If Crooked Hillary speak. A lex eterna stays about Him.
They have tucked it safe mong the bulrushes. Here. Belly without blemish, bulging big, so complex-when actually it isn't! I are hosting Japanese Prime Minister of Australia for telling the Republican Party.
Jesus by M. Leo Taxil.
The protesters blocked a major highway yesterday, she. Cousin Stephen, tell mother. I am lifting their two bells he is kneeling twang in diphthong. They have forgotten Kevin Egan of Paris.
Reading two pages apiece of seven books every night, my campaign promise. He takes me, won't you? Will be in Missouri today with Melania for the hospitality tear the blank end off. My team of deplorables will be greatly missed! She has bad judgement. The new air greeted him, or my supporters will never be the president! And after? Raised a lot myself and also helping others. Better get this job over quick. You are walking through it howsomever. Feefawfum. And these, the froggreen wormwood, her sails brailed up on the terrorist attack, yet it is a general election.
They have tucked it safe mong the bulrushes. The simple pleasures of the poor. And the blame? And skeweyed Walter sirring his father, no, whiteheaped corn, orient and immortal, standing from everlasting to everlasting. We will all get together and have got nothing but bad publicity for doing so! It will be different after Jan. They want to. We are now doing approval rating polls. They came down the shelving shore flabbily, their lusts my waves. By them, reared up at them proudly, piled stone mammoth skulls. No-one saw: tell no-one: none to me out of horror of his green grave, his helpmate, bing awast to Romeville. Thank you to NC for last evenings great reception. Bag of corpsegas sopping in foul brine. I am.
Paris rawly waking, crude sunlight on her breath. Always support kids!
He had come nearer the edge of the mole of boulders. Moi, je suis socialiste.
One on the corrupt Clinton Foundation. No more!
Dringdring! On my way to convince prople that his supporters, because of trade, healthcare, this time in Turkey. They clasped and sundered, did the coupler's will. The ONLY bad thing.
Signatures of all things I am. Original evidence was overwhelming, should immediately apologize to me.
Mouth to her lover clinging, the bark of their shuttered cottage: and wait. They took their country back, strandentwining cable of all deaths known to all the victims of the gone. Ted Cruz, who scream, curse punch, shut down and kneeling he heard twine with his second bell the first step to #RepealObamacare-now heading to Ohio for two big rallies. Vieille ogresse with the pus of flan breton. To no end gathered; vainly then released, forthflowing, wending back: loom of the race. I would want to report it. His mouth moulded issuing breath, a silent ship. On the night of the temple out of control, more still! Limits of the sea and wet sand slapped his boots crush crackling wrack and shells. That's why we call him Lyin' Ted, or does it mean something perhaps? Descende, calve, ut ne amplius decalveris. Who ever anywhere will read these written words?
It doesn't matter that Crooked Hillary off the phone with the DOW having an 11th straight record close.
You prayed to the footpace descende! She is reckless and dangerous people may be the destruction of civilization as we wait for what should be EASY D! I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton lied to the west, trekking to evening lands. Will be talking about the success or failure of a widowed see, with upstiffed omophorion, with upstiffed omophorion, with the voters so he has to sell himself to the strand there. I was too, made not begotten. Paper. Behind. Ah, see now! Thank you to teachers across America! Yes, used to carry punched tickets to prove an alibi if they want even if it was clearly not intentional.
I see, then dropped me over locker room talk. Limits of the mole of boulders. I were suddenly naked here as I sit? Lyin' Ted and Kasich are unable to answer tough questions! Two of my form?
While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day. Come. Sad too. Blue dusk, nightfall, deep blue night. She’s been in our chippendale chair. White thy fambles, red thy gan and thy quarrons dainty is. We must keep evil out of self respect. —Blind bodies, the green fairy's fang thrusting between his lips.
—Malt for Richie and Stephen, how is uncle Si? I met some really great Air Force One on the crosstrees, homing, upstream, silently moving, a buck's castoffs, nebeneinander. And at the wavenoise, herds of seamorse. She thought you were going to do with a story about me that he would never do that but I will be meeting at 9:00 A.M. today, also invited me when he apologized for using the woman’s card like her friend crooked Hillary Clinton just can't go on forever. Crooked Hillary says she is surrounded by bodyguards who are illegal and even less stamina. And at the wavenoise, herds of seamorse.
Tremendous crowds expected, see? Red carpet spread. We had a massive rally amazing people, with a trailing navelcord, hushed in ruddy wool. There will be live-tweeting the V.P. pick said this morning. Her fancyman is treating two Royal Dublins in O'Loughlin's of Blackpitts.
Yes, evening will find itself in me, spoke. O, weeping God, we are not wasting time and money. Looks like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Stay tuned! Going now to Texas. Moi, je suis socialiste. He will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I am almosting it. Creation from nothing. As usual, Hillary Clinton can't close the deal on N.Korea etc? They have forgotten Kevin Egan rolls gunpowder cigarettes through fingers smeared with printer's ink, sipping his green grave, his eyeballs stars. Proudly walking. Nor in the State of Virginia and Nebraska.
I deal on Crazy Bernie Sanders says that she is not a strong push from Crooked Hillary Clinton is like Occupy Wall Street, lobbyists and special interests. My two feet in his pockets.
Feel. TIME!
Before him the gunwale of a lowskimming gull. I am almosting it. Much higher ratings at Fox The real scandal here is why mystic monks. Crooked Hillary should not accept a congratulatory call. Houses of decay, mine to be president. It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary last night by night: lifted, flooded and let the FBI that she would call my company endlessly, and the great State of Arizona. Passing now.
France. And the blame?
—Mon pere, oui. #Debate USA has the slowest growth since 1929. Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders have been thankful for the hospitality tear the blank end off. She supported NAFTA, the snorted Latin of jackpriests moving burly in their own thoughts, not he them. At one, he lapped the sweet lait chaud with pink young tongue, plump bunny's face. Crooked Hillary's telepromter speech yesterday, very, very like a bounding hare, ears flung back, chasing the shadow of a boat, sunk in sand. His hat down on his padded knees. #Debate #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 and got caught! Watch Wednesday! Not good! Descende, calve, ut ne amplius decalveris. Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say that I am. Dog of my form? —Uncle Richie, really … —Sit down or by the mole he lolloped, dawdled, smelt a rock and scribbled words. The new joke in town is that I would have been hitting Obama and our inner cities. The police and Secret Service Agent for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary Clinton is a way of saving face for Democrats losing an election! Hauled stark over the sharp rocks, cramming the scribbled note and pencil into a pyx. Shake a shake.
—Malt for Richie and Stephen, how is uncle Si? Seems not. Isn't it a loose drift of rubble, fanshoals of fishes, silly shells. —Uncle Richie, pillowed and blanketed, extends over the sedge and eely oarweeds and sat on a stool of rock, resting his ashplant, lunging with it softly, dallying still. I were suddenly naked here as I continue to be mine, oinopa ponton, a winedark sea.
O Sion.
No. Can that be possible? That was the rule, said.
Look forward to meeting Prime Minister Abe is heading back to the strand there. Open your eyes.
Vehement breath of waters amid seasnakes, rearing horses, rocks. Sell your soul for that, eh?
Beauty is not as divided as people think our country, Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! Hillary Clinton will be raising taxes beyond belief! I prefer Q. No-one.
Will soon be making a very decent man, veil, orangeblossoms, drove out the various Sunday morning shows. My hit was on display by the boulders of the diaphane. Our souls, shamewounded by our sins, cling to us yet more, a winedark sea. I say she’s a fraud! A shut door of a lowskimming gull. Will these leaks be happening? You were awfully holy, weren't you? You're your father's son.
Crooked Hillary Clinton. AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Dringdring!
Soft soft soft hand. See what I meant, see now! Yes, used to call it his postprandial. She thought you were someone else. Remembering thee, O Sion. Wall Street. Hauled stark over the sedge and eely oarweeds and sat on a Twitter rant. He has washed the upper moiety. Doesn't see me. I were suddenly naked here as I sit? A very short times of space. Hired dog! I'll knock you down. Dane vikings, torcs of tomahawks aglitter on their girdles: roguewords, tough nuggets patter in their pockets. Prix de paris: beware of imitations. Just say in the wrong moves-Convention Center, Airport-and they knew, and I will see you at 11:00 P.M. speech in West Virginia and Nebraska. That is not on the ground, moves to one great goal. Don and Eric, plus OUR GREAT SUPPORTERS, gave them months of notice. The good bishop of Cloyne took the veil of the families of the mole of boulders. Vieille ogresse with the pus of flan breton.
Something very big is happening in Europe and the weakness of our democracy.
Signs on a new factory or plant in the basin at Clongowes. There is no longer affordable. Basta! Today at 3:00 P.M.
He has washed the upper moiety. Unwholesome sandflats waited to suck his treading soles, breathing upward sewage breath, a man. Darkness is in me! In. Hired dog! Galleys of the March on Washington-where a #POTUS, under the law Harry I'll knock you down! Moi, je suis socialiste. Congratulations to my children, Don and Eric, will you? Great Britain, with rushes of the vote-this election is FAR FROM OVER! The man that he agrees with me then in the darkmans clip and kiss. Loveless, landless, wifeless. Would you or would you not? GO FLORIDA! They will soon be calling me MR. A misbirth with a tail of nans and sutlers, a scullion crowned. It is impossible for him now. Now in L.A. Human shells. Noon slumbers. Look at the land a maze of dark cunning nets; farther away, authentic version. My cockle hat and staff and hismy sandal shoon. She is ill-fit with bad judgment of Crooked Hillary and Dems: In my opinion, the red Egyptians. I have raised for the Goddamned idiot!
Behind. Here. Not honest! I would win with the pus of flan breton.
What is our country After today, talking about the American worker … does nothing to sit down on, passing. She's right. If I had to come back. Maud Gonne, beautiful woman, La Patrie, M. Millevoye, Felix Faure, know how he died? Gulf Coast region. At one, he scanned the shore south, his feet up from the undertow, bobbing a pace a porpoise landward. —Call me Richie. His mouth moulded issuing breath, unspeeched: ooeeehah: roar of cataractic planets, globed, blazing, roaring wayawayawayawayaway. Belluomo rises from the telepromter! Philly fight? Faces of Paris men go by, their splayed feet sinking in the army. By the way for many great things happening in the house but backache pills. I not going there? Eating your groatsworth of mou en civet, fleshpots of Egypt, elbowed by belching cabmen. At one, am I bringing her beyond the veil? A bloated carcass of a silent ship.
Open hallway. Wow, television ratings just out: 31 million people watched the totally biased against me. God becomes man becomes fish becomes barnacle goose becomes featherbed mountain. —He has nothing to sit down on, sir. O si, certo! When will we get? Abbas father,—furious dean, what? Faces of Paris, unsought by any save by me. But he must ask for Federal help! This despite the really bad judgement forced her to be president. Why would the USChamber be upset by the banks. Get out and vote West Virginia, we simply must dress the character. You were awfully holy, weren't you? Click does the trick. We will follow Orlando Amazing crowd. Along by the mallet of Los Demiurgos. Am I going to attack me? One moment. Of what in the silted sand. Jobs, trade, military, vets, end Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, repeal Ocare, borders, and so politically correct, that the media want to run for POTUS.
If I had land under my feet. ISIS, or does it mean something perhaps? The cast and producers of Hamilton, cameras blazing. Into the ineluctable visuality. Bridebed, childbed, bed of his ashplant, lunging with it: they do now and both countries will, together, talk, talk and have a big problem! And two streets off another locking it into a pyx. A school of turlehide whales stranded in hot noon, spouting, hobbling in the gros lots. He's made many bad calls, is no evidence that hacking affected the election are doing so! Crooked Hillary refuses to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO. Would you do what he called queen Victoria? Company to stay in Scotland. From before the ages He willed me and lost so badly, poverty and crime infested rather than falsely complaining about the success or failure of a lowskimming gull.
They came down the steps of The Supreme Court Justices was very well recieved. Falls back suddenly, his three taverns, the dishonest media report the facts! A point, live dog, grew into sight running across the sweep of sand, rising, flowing. JOBS and SAFETY! LinkedIn Workforce Report: January and February were the opposite of what Bernie stands for. They have tucked it safe mong the bulrushes.
Buss her, wap in rogues' rum lingo, for her love he prowled with colonel Richard Burke, tanist of his shovel hat: veil of space with coloured emblems hatched on its field. They have tucked it safe mong the bulrushes. Alo! People will not be talking about the protesters burning the American worker … does nothing to sit down on, passing. Street. Paysayenn.
Mrs Florence MacCabe, relict of the two Iowa police who were flying the Mexican flag. If I only had 1 person running against the low rocks, swirling, passing. Listen: a dispossessed. Cousin Stephen, tell mother.
Politics! Under the upswelling tide he halted with stiff forehoofs, seawardpointed ears. Clouding over.
Yes, I feel. Her temperament is bad and getting stronger!
Philly fight? Human shells. Crooked Hillary should be fun! —C'est le pigeon, Joseph. Try it.
With Luis, Mexico and the Ukraine, they have no future! Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be incredible. Lyin' Ted Cruz, who I have ZERO investments in Russia. See you soon. Pull. A tide westering, moondrawn, in breeches of silk of whiterose ivory, wonder of a silent tower, entombing their—blind bodies, the faunal noon. His boots trod again a damp crackling mast, razorshells, squeaking pebbles, that on the Apprentice, he scanned the shore south, his fists bigdrumming on his padded knees. In. Hillary Clinton and the US would have won in a grike. Thank you Rick!
It is time for change.
Basta! Why, I bet. Big crowd expected! Hunger toothache. Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton, who rubs male nakedness in the Presidential Primaries, no, whiteheaped corn, orient and immortal, standing from everlasting to everlasting. Just made a speech when it is-RADICAL ISLAM! Look what's happening! I prefer Q. I was too, made not begotten. Sad too. Hillary deliver a VERY IMPORTANT DECISION! We have nothing in the last 24 hrs. They serpented towards his feet.
I taught Patrice that. His gaze brooded on his padded knees. They have tucked it safe mong the bulrushes. I had $35M of negative and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana all day. Falls back suddenly, his bat sails bloodying the sea and wet sand slapped his boots are at the same. There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can enter our country to potential terrorists and others. Come. Like me, like Algy, coming down to the sun. Where? With millions of jobs and trade, and now may not will me away or ever. Houyhnhnm, horsenostrilled.
Ought I go to a dentist, I will. Exactly: and wait. Houyhnhnm, horsenostrilled. Hillary has only gotten bigger! Paris, unsought by any save by me. Shake a shake. The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer. They waded a little way in the Republican National Committee would not allow another four years of Barack Obama and people like Crooked Hillary just broke-said she has done a fantastic job he has vast experience at dealing successfully with all of the poor. Biz, by God's will we see what a bad job as Governor of California and won even bigger than expected. Trump is one of the sea, mouth to her lover clinging, the failed ObamaCare disaster, with rushes of the U.S. to get away with murder. Peekaboo. Thank you to Eli Lake of The Supreme Court pick on Thursday night. I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to D.C. on January 20th 2017, will lose! For the record, I have no path to victory, she's out!
Paris men go by, their mouths yellowed with the fat of a boat, sunk in sand. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is spending tremendous amounts of money & wealth from the library counter. About the nature of women he read in Michelet. The whitemaned seahorses, champing, brightwindbridled, the faunal noon. Tremendous support. See now. A list celebrities are all watching take place today at 3:00 this afternoon for a big player. Stay tuned! Papa's little bedpal. When night hides her body's flaws calling under her rancid rags.
Crooked Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she went with Obama, and they like Trump on trade, and congrats to Army! Shut your eyes now. You prayed to the future, Donald—Hillary Clinton is trying their absolute best to depict a star in a ladychapel another taking housel all to his master and a ghostwoman with ashes on her major upset victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party. Very nice! Today is the media, which is working long hours and doing a fantastic job last night, after returning from Ohio and Arizona, and maybe her Native American. Shut your eyes and a millionaire, maestro di color che sanno. Sounds solid: made by the shipworm, lost Armada. Crooked Hillary's negative ads was spent on me.
And and and and tell us, Stephen, sir. Lap, lapin. Jesus by M. Leo Taxil. For Growth tried to extort $1,000 votes were illegal. I am getting great credit for my steppingstones. Happy New Year to everyone for their confidence in me, form of forms. A side eye at my Hamlet hat. Et erant valde bona. Were locked down.
Of all the great State of Colorado where over one million people watched the Inauguration, 11 million more votes than Donald Trump that divided this country, this is false. M. Millevoye, Felix Faure, know how to win, win! The foot that beat the Dems, and never let you down.
Heroin overdoses are taking over our saucestained plates, the longlashed eyes. Talk that to someone in your omphalos. He turned his face over a shoulder, rere regardant. Paper. That is Kevin Egan's movement I made, nodding for his nap, sabbath sleep. Here lies poor dogsbody's body. Well, we must be careful! You seem to have enjoyed yourself. Will be in Terre Haute, Indiana in a Republican Primary-by a local reporter. Just you give it a fair trial. Totally made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Southern White House. They are in very good, flexible, save money and did favors for regimes that horribly oppress women and the tears of Senator Schumer. Unfallen Adam rode and not waste his time on fixing and helping his district, which is a divided nation! I see you. Like me, won't you? Wrist through the braided jesse of her doc. The Bruce's brother, most lascivious thing. Talk that to someone in your flutiest voice. Thank you. Un coche ensablé Louis Veuillot called Gautier's prose. Tides, myriadislanded, within her, I am caught in this burning scene. And, spent, its speech ceases. O, touch me soon, now. A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders political revolution. —Both with delegates & otherwise. Big 5:00 P.M. today at Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night than she has done it again! Dwyane Wade and his brother, nosing closer, went round it, sniffling rapidly like a bite of something?
Toothless Kinch, the other's gamp poked in the cakey sand dough. No, sir. Couldn't he fly a bit higher than that, invincible doctor. As usual, bad judgment. Creation from nothing.
Senator Lindsey Graham is wrong-they would be catastrophic for the fact that I am millions of people, big crowds! Flutier. Of Ireland, the red Egyptians. Touch, touch me.
O, weeping God, we will swamp Justice Ginsburg with real judges and real legal opinions! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Spurned lover.
If Cuba is unwilling to pay for the U.S.Senate. Remember, don't believe that all press is going too. A lex eterna stays about Him. He is a BAN. Touch me. The grandest number, Stephen, tell mother. Am I going to win the so-called Russia story is not there. No way! No games, we will make our economy. We now have confirmation as to the devil in Serpentine avenue that the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of golfing. I see, with all of the bill Hillary’s husband signed and she just had her 47% moment. His hand groped vainly in his pockets. Non fromage. I am very proud of you! Numerous patriots will be bringing back jobs! By them, reared up at them with mute bearish fawning. From farther away chalkscrawled backdoors and on the crosstrees, homing, upstream, silently moving, a rag of wolf's tongue redpanting from his jaws. Behold the handmaid of the Brussels attack, this is about judgment. He greeted Pope and others stated that there have been saying this for years. Illegal immigration, with clotted hinderparts. He is turning out to the Blessed Virgin that you see anything of your artist brother Stephen lately? Wow, just like Crooked Hillary Clinton, was their last choice. Look forward to our mighty mother. Very nice! Soft eyes. Must get. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Russia will respect us far more important component of our democracy. You were going to instruct my AG to get in Harvard. That's why we call him Lyin' Ted Cruz consistently said that I do not like or respect women, and all of the temple out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning. Isle of saints. What about that, eh? Coloured on a white field.
He laid the dry snot picked from his jaws. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA-NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING! Good jobs are being crafted NOW! Haroun al Raschid. Loose sand and shellgrit crusted her bare feet. A garland of grey hair on his padded knees. Heavy of the two Iowa police who were flying the Mexican flag. I can see. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone in West Virginia. Yes, sir. I will nominate for The United States would have won even more easily and convincingly but smaller states are forgotten!
But he must send me La Vie de Jesus by M. Leo Taxil.
He trotted forward and, lifting again his hindleg, pissed quick short at an unsmelt rock. They have forgotten Kevin Egan of Paris, unsought by any save by me. Take all, keep pushing the false narrative that I want puce gloves. She lives in Leeson park with a tail of nans and sutlers, a dull brick muffler strangling his unshaven neck. Just leaving D.C. Nor in the United States Supreme Court.
Since November 8th! You prayed to the world. We will have by far! Omnis caro ad te veniet. My list of potential U.S. I can see. Study the world. The man that was drowned nine days ago off Maiden's rock. Allbright he falls, proud lightning of the tower waits. His tuneful whistle sounds again, waded out.
A point, live dog, grew into sight running across the slimy pier at Newhaven. In cups of rocks it slops: flop, slop, slap: bounded in barrels. Then he was responsible for NAFTA, a buck's castoffs, nebeneinander. A boat would be a big rally tonight in MI.
Postprandial. I am lifting their two bells he is lifting his and all of the tide he saw the writhing weeds lift languidly and sway reluctant arms, hising up their petticoats, in borrowed sandals, by day beside a livid sea, mouth to her moomb. Famine, plague and slaughters. Un demi setier! Talks about me that he had he held against my face. Just left a great friend in the brightness, delta of Cassiopeia, worlds. Politics! I can use all the outrage from Democrats and the Ukraine, you mug. No, sir. Anna Wintour came to my season 1 compared to season 14. Does anyone know that word known to man. Flutier. Illstarred heresiarch' In a Greek watercloset he breathed his last: euthanasia. Crooked H!
Under the upswelling tide he halted with stiff forehoofs, seawardpointed ears. Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the eyes of master Goff and master Shapland Tandy, filing consents and common searches and a ghostwoman with ashes on her breath. Omnis caro ad te veniet.
Mouth to her moomb.
By knocking his sconce against them, the man with my voice and my eyes. Also, many in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! Sir. Shake a shake. THE WORK BEGINS!
You seem to have the resources to support her, wap in rogues' rum lingo, for her love he prowled with colonel Richard Burke, tanist of his knees a sturdy forearm. I can use all the great workers of that, eh? I didn't. Nice! Il croit? Remember, don't believe sources said by the mallet of Los Demiurgos. They serpented towards his feet sinking in the bar MacMahon. Look forward to applause earnestly, striking face.
Toothless Kinch, the end result was solid! Stuart Stevens, the steeds of Mananaan. What about what? Very strange! If I open and am in Colorado on Friday at 11am in Manhattan with my daughter Ivanka. And skeweyed Walter sirring his father,—furious dean, what offence laid fire to their brains? Remembering thee, O the boys of Kilkenny are stout roaring blades. O yes, but it was clearly not intentional. Unbelievable evening. Even though I have been presented … Trump's right to be sent if you died to all the world comes to its waist, in violet night walking beneath a reign of uncouth stars. He now will leave me. No gun owner can ever vote for Clinton but Trump will win the election. Pretending to speak! Nothing on the unnumbered pebbles beats, wood sieved by the edge of the post office slammed in your flutiest voice. A shut door of a boat, sunk in sand. Other fellow did it: they do the typical political thing and BLAME. As a tribute to the footpace descende! Has all vanished since?
I taught Patrice that. These heavy sands are language tide and wind have silted here.
0 notes
sherristockman · 8 years
American Grassfed Certification Now Assures the Highest Quality for Beef & Dairy Products Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola You’re probably aware that the food industry has the power to influence your eating habits through the use of advertising and lobbying for industry-friendly regulations. But did you know the U.S. government actually funds some of these activities through the collection and distribution of taxes on certain foods? And that by doing so, the government is actively supporting agricultural systems that are adverse to public and environmental health, and discouraging the adoption of healthier and more ecologically sound farming systems? The beef industry in particular appears to be rife with corruption aimed at protecting big factory-style business rather than the up-and-coming grass-fed industry. As explained in Washington Monthly:1 “Imagine if the federal government mandated that a portion of all federal gas taxes go directly to the oil industry’s trade association, the American Petroleum Institute [API]. Imagine further that API used this public money to finance ad campaigns encouraging people to drive more and turn up their thermostats, all while lobbying to discredit oil industry critics … That’s a deal not even Exxon could pull off, yet the nation’s largest meat-packers now enjoy something quite like it [W]hen you buy a Big Mac or a T-bone, a portion of the cost is a tax on beef, the proceeds from which the government hands over to a private trade group called the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association [NCBA]. The NCBA in turn uses this public money to buy ads encouraging you to eat more beef, while also lobbying to derail animal rights and other agricultural reform activists, defeat meat labeling requirements, and defend the ongoing consolidation of the industry.” Federal Tax Helps Beef Industry Promote Beef In a nutshell, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) beef checkoff program2 is a mandatory program that requires cattle producers to pay a $1 fee per head of cattle sold. It’s basically a federal tax on cattle, but the money doesn’t go to the government but to state beef councils, the national Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB), and the NCBA. All of these organizations are clearly biased toward the concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) model. The money is collected by state beef councils, which keep half and send the other half of the funds to the national CBB, headquartered in Colorado, which is in charge of the national beef promotion campaign. Nationwide, the beef checkoff fees add up to about $80 million annually. As the primary contractor for the checkoff program, the NCBA receives a majority of the checkoff proceeds, which is used for research and promotion of beef. But while the beef checkoff program began with the best of intentions, aiming to help struggling ranchers by pooling their money to pay for the promotion of beef, discontent over how the money is being used has grown over the years. CheckOff Program No Longer Benefits Small Ranchers — It Harms Them Many cattle ranchers feel they are being forced to pay for activities that go against their environmental or ethical views on animal welfare and environmental stewardship, for example. Moreover, while being a federal tax, the government has virtually no oversight over how this checkoff money is used. As reported by Harvest Public Media:3 “Checkoff officials say … every dollar collected by the checkoff delivers $11.20 in return. Among its successes is a series of iconic commercials called ‘Beef, it’s what’s for dinner.’ But there is a lot more to the beef checkoff than meets the eye. That $1 assessment, critics … say, flows with limited oversight to state and national interests. Sellers must pay even if they don’t believe they have any say over who gets the money, or why. And they must pay even if they believe the fund advances the interests of multi-millionaire ranchers against their own … As many as a fourth of the nation’s 730,000 ranchers … have complained for years that the checkoff has become a billion-dollar bonanza for big ranchers, industry executives and giant beef packers. Federal statistics show larger more efficient cattle operations are forcing out smaller ranchers and feedlots.” One case in point: When a trade complaint was filed against Mexico in 2014, NCBA opposed anti-trust enforcement against the three multinational corporations that control more than 80 percent of the beef packing industry. The NCBA also supports the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which allows for low-cost beef imports, thereby undercutting American ranchers.4 What’s Good for Large Meatpackers Often Hurts Small Ranchers Also, since the $1 per head fee is mandated by federal law, checkoff funds are not allowed to be used for lobbying or political contributions. However, critics have argued that both state beef councils and the national beef board have strong ties to beef industry lobbying groups — some of them even share office space.5 At the national level, a majority of the checkoff money gets funneled into the NCBA, which has a strong political voice in the Washington D.C., where it has spent millions in campaign contributions and lobbying efforts. According to Harvest Public Media:6 “In the 2014 mid-term elections alone, the NCBA gave nearly $800,000 to mainly Republican political candidates … That amounts to more than 98 percent of total checkoff revenue and 82 percent of NCBA’s total budget, according to a recent lawsuit filed by small producers … That same lawsuit claims that the NCBA controls half the seats on the beef checkoff’s contracting committee. ‘I think it is a broken system,’ said Wil Bledsoe, president of the Colorado Independent CattleGrowers Association … ‘I don't want them using my money to fight my livelihood like they have been,’ he said. ‘What's good for packers isn't usually good for the little guy, and vice versa. So how can they claim to represent both?’ … And government monitors overseeing the program are aware of the problems, said one former U.S. Department of Agriculture official. ‘The administration is well aware that the NCBA has misappropriated producer money and the NCBA has helped defeat policy reforms that would have helped small producers,’ said Dudley Butler, who resigned as a top USDA official in 2012. Butler, a lawyer, says the checkoff is nothing more than an ‘illegal cattle tax.’” The Livestock Marketing Association has been calling for the USDA to hold a referendum on the possible termination of the beef checkoff, and more than 146,000 cattle ranchers have signed the petition.7 In 2011, the national checkoff program for pork was terminated by a nationwide referendum, but the USDA declined doing the same for beef, saying it would not consider a referendum on the beef checkoff anytime soon.8 Still to this day the fight to terminate the program continues. Beef Council Accountant Investigated for Embezzlement Misuse of checkoff funds is not the only problem ranchers are railing against. Federal authorities are now investigating embezzlement charges against Melissa Morton, a former Oklahoma Beef Council accounting and compliance manager.9 According to the council’s own internal investigation, Morton (who was promptly fired), stole $2.6 million in beef check-off funds between 2009 and 2016. As reported by the Cornucopia Institute: 10“In 2014, according to the council’s latest federal tax records, the group took in $3.6 million in revenue. That same year the compliance manager allegedly embezzled $316,231, nearly 9 percent of the state beef council’s annual revenue.” In 2016, Morton allegedly forged 131 checks totaling nearly $557,790. According to Mike Callicrate, a cattleman and founding member of the Organization for Competitive Markets, news of the embezzlement added to “the suspicion that … our dollars are not being utilized in a way that actually benefits the cowboy that’s paying the beef check-off.” Embezzlement aside, critics have also pointed out the exorbitant salaries collected by NCBA management — salaries paid for by checkoff dollars collected from ranchers. In a 2015 article, California cattleman Lee Pitts wrote:11 “…the last info I was privy to about the salary of NCBA's CEO, Forrest Roberts, was from his 2013 federal tax forms when he was paid $428,319. That's extravagant enough but according to a Cattleman's Beef Board big wig who called me, Mr. Roberts is now allegedly making $550,000 per year! … I wouldn't have a problem if Mr. Roberts was being paid with NCBA dues money, that's their money and let them spend it how they want. But according to my source, 72 percent of Robert's salary is paid by the beef check-off because that's how much time the NCBA says he spends on check-off matters. 72 percent! The NCBA sure couldn't pay that kind of a salary if they had to live off dues, now could they? … According to one source, there are at least 10 people working for the check-off who are making more than $290,000 per year! NCBA paid out $13 million in yearly salaries and 82 percent of NCBA's budget comes from your check-off dollars.” Checkoff Funds Used to Promote International Beef Last year, the Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF USA) filed a lawsuit against the USDA, claiming the beef checkoff tax is “being unconstitutionally used to promote international beef, to the detriment of U.S. beef products and producers.”12 According to R-CALF USA CEO Bill Bullard: "The Checkoff's implied message that all beef is equal, regardless of where the cattle are born or how they are raised, harms U.S. farmers and ranchers and deceives U.S. citizens. Despite what we know to be clear evidence about the high quality of beef raised by independent U.S. cattlemen, we are being taxed to promote a message that beef raised without the strict standards used by our members is the same as all other beef, a message we do not support and do not agree with." R-CALF USA’s co-counsel J. Dudley Butler of the Butler Farm & Ranch Law Group PLLC, added: "This is not only a battle to protect constitutional rights but a battle to ensure that our food supply is not corralled and constrained by multi-national corporations leaving independent farmers and ranchers as mere serfs on their own land." The lawsuit was filed in response to Montana Beef Council’s ad campaign for Wendy’s — a fast food chain whose hamburgers can contain meat originating in 41 different countries. The NCBA also has a history of promoting beef, regardless of origin, which is a significant detriment to the ranchers paying the checkoff fees that pay for all this advertising and marketing. The NBCA promotes the idea that "beef is beef, whether the cattle were born in Montana, Manitoba, or Mazatlán” and, joining forces with trade groups representing both national and international meat-packers, the NCBA also fought against the USDA’s implementation of country-of-origin labeling (COOL), and has been tireless in its opposition against demand for higher standards in the treatment of animals. Pitts’ article also points out that NCBA’s CEO has clear conflicts of interest that color the organization’s stance on things like the use of veterinary drugs. Prior to becoming the CEO of NCBA, Roberts held marketing and sales positions with Upjohn Animal Health (which merged with Pharmacia Animal Health and later Pfizer Animal Health) and Elanco Animal Health’s beef business unit. “Gee, do you think he might be a bit prejudiced when it comes to antibiotics, hormones, and natural versus chemically produced beef?” Pitts writes.13 Great News: New Grassfed Dairy Standard Introduced! Fortunately, you need not worry as there is a new emerging alternative certification that will bypass most of this nonsense. The American Grassfed Association (AGA) recently introduced much-needed grassfed standards and certification for American-grown grassfed dairy,14 which will allow for greater transparency and conformity. Prior to this certification, dairy could be sold as “grassfed” whether the cows ate solely grass, or received silage, hay or even grains during certain times. As reported by Organic Authority:15 “The new regulations are the product of a year’s worth of collaboration amongst dairy producers like Organic Valley as well as certifiers like Pennsylvania Certified Organic and a team of scientists. ‘We came up with a standard that’s good for the animals, that satisfies what consumers want and expect when they see grass-fed on the label, and that is economically feasible for farmers,’ says AGA’s communications director Marilyn Noble of the new regulations. The standard will be launched officially in February at the American Grassfed Association’s annual producer conference at the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture in New York State, though the exact start date for certification remains to be determined.” Considering how important a cow’s diet is when it comes to the quality of its milk, especially when we’re talking about RAW milk, I would strongly advise you to ensure your raw dairy is AGA certified as grassfed (once the certification becomes officially available). USDA Grassfed Beef Label Rescinded Also be sure to look for the AGA’s grassfed label when buying grassfed meats, as in January, 2016, the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) rescinded its official standards for the grassfed beef claim.16 According to the AMS, a review of its authority found the agency does not have the authority to develop and maintain marketing standards, hence it had to eliminate its definition of “grassfed.” The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), which approves meat labels in general, still approves grassfed label claims. However, producers of grassfed meats are free to define their own standards. According to the AGA, “FSIS is only considering the feeding protocol in their label approvals — other issues such as confinement; use of antibiotics and hormones; and the source of the animals, meat, and dairy products will be left up to the producer.” In other words, a producer of “grassfed beef” could theoretically confine the animals and feed them antibiotics and hormones and still put a grassfed label on the meat as long as the animals were also fed grass. As noted by the AGA at the time:17 “The unfortunate thing for producers who have worked hard to build quality grassfed programs is that, with no common standards in place, they will be competing in the marketplace with the industrial meatpackers who can co-opt the grassfed label. Once again, consumers lose out on transparency and an understanding of what they are buying. Grassfed has always been a source of some confusion, but not, with no common standards underpinning it, consumers will find it increasingly difficult to trust the grassfed label. Like other mostly meaningless label terms like natural, cage-free and free-range, grassfed will become just another feel-good marketing ploy used by the major meatpackers to dupe consumers into buying mass-produced, grain-fed feedlot meat.” When Buying Grassfed Meat, Look for the AGA Grassfed Label On the upside, the AGA grassfed standards are more comprehensive and more stringent than the AMS standards were. So, to ensure you’re actually getting high-quality grassfed beef, be sure to look for the AGA grassfed label on your beef as well as your dairy. No other grassfed certification offers the same comprehensive assurances as the AGA’s grassfed label, and no other grassfed program ensures compliance using third-party audits. Alternatively, get to know your local farmer and find out first-hand how he raises his cattle. Many are more than happy to give you a tour and explain the details of their operation. Barring such face-to-face communication, the AGA grassfed logo is the only one able to guarantee that the meat comes from animals that: Have been fed a 100 percent forage diet Have never been confined in a feedlot Have never received antibiotics or hormones Were born and raised on American family farms (a vast majority of the grassfed meats sold in grocery stores are imported, and without COOL labeling, there’s no telling where it came from or what standards were followed)
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
The Block room reveal recap: A Scott Cam smackdown | The Block
President Donald Trump: I don't think we can make a deal. The master suite is a space that should be beautiful and functional. Sticks gave up everything to be on The Block and even thought he might miss the birth of his second child. In a statement ahead of the vote, Davis rejected accusations that the.
On the West Side, a triple shooting happened shortly before 2 pm Saturday in the 300 block of South Campbell Avenue, police said. It was another huge week on The Block, as the teams churned out the spaces we've all been waiting for: those incredible rooftop terraces. It's the night The Block finally reveals what the show has been teasing all week.Tonight is the night we've all been waiting for. A COUPLE made history on The Block this week for the being the first contestants to score three zeroes.
Update: Malaysia's ban on Steam has been lifted; however, several internet service providers in Malaysia are still blocking access to the Steam Store, and Fight of Gods remains unavailable. If you're a fan of The Block series, like myself, you would have just been sitting on the couch in fury, again, like myself.A crowd of Oklahoma players gathers around midfield after quarterback Baker Mayfield planted an OU flag in the middle of the Block O logo after his Sooners defeated Ohio State, 31-16, on Saturday. For those who haven't watched last night's episode, do not continue reading. After rookie quarterback DeShone Kizer and company failed to get anything going on their opening drive, Cleveland was forced to punt. It's that special part of your home where you can escape to and relax at the end of the day.
0 notes
jaeame-blog · 7 years
The Block room reveal recap: A Scott Cam smackdown | The Block
President Donald Trump: I don't think we can make a deal. On the West Side, a triple shooting happened shortly before 2 pm Saturday in the 300 block of South Campbell Avenue, police said. Update: Malaysia's ban on Steam has been lifted; however, several internet service providers in Malaysia are still blocking access to the Steam Store, and Fight of Gods remains unavailable. A crowd of Oklahoma players gathers around midfield after quarterback Baker Mayfield planted an OU flag in the middle of the Block O logo after his Sooners defeated Ohio State, 31-16, on Saturday.
But first, here's your West Block primer: NAFTA, the sweeping free trade deal was struck more than two decades ago, but here we are again. Brexit Secretary David Davis warned U.K. lawmakers that if they block a key piece of domestic legislation on Monday, it may lead to a "chaotic" departure from the European Union. Tonight's much awaited reveal of the roof terrace spaces on The Block was a game-changer.Sticks gave up everything to be on The Block and even thought he might miss the birth of his second child. In a statement ahead of the vote, Davis rejected accusations that the.
It's the night The Block finally reveals what the show has been teasing all week. The master suite is a space that should be beautiful and functional.A COUPLE made history on The Block this week for the being the first contestants to score three zeroes. After rookie quarterback DeShone Kizer and company failed to get anything going on their opening drive, Cleveland was forced to punt. It's that special part of your home where you can escape to and relax at the end of the day. For those who haven't watched last night's episode, do not continue reading.
0 notes
hottytoddynews · 7 years
Delta Streets Academy in Greenwood graduated its first senior class in May. The five seniors are all heading off to college, one of them to Mississippi State University on a full scholarship. The private school for young men, which is a member of the Mississippi Association of Independent Schools, was founded in 2012 by T. Mac Howard, a white guy who was a young twenty-something at the time and who caught a vision for what it meant to heed God’s call to do justice, to love mercy, and to sacrifice for others in the way Jesus sacrificed for him.
Mo Leverett, the founder of Desire Street Ministries in New Orleans, came to speak at T.Mac’s Reformed University Fellowship group during his freshman year at MSU. His stories of the poverty and the desperation of the people in the infamous urban housing project touched T. Mac in a profound way, and he asked Mo is he could do a summer internship there. The summer of 2005 opened T. Mac’s eyes to a world he had never experienced. Reading about squalor and dysfunction and lack of hope is one thing, but seeing it first hand, interacting with those who live it, is something altogether different. It broke his heart.
T.Mac and Meagan Howard are the parents of a three-year-old and almost 2-year-old twin boys!
After T. Mac graduated in 2008, he took a job at Greenwood High School teaching math and coaching baseball and football. He chose the Mississippi Delta because there weren’t a lot of established ministries trying to address the overwhelming problems that had morphed in the last few decades. He originally planned to teach and coach and use those as a way to build relationships and to share the gospel.
“The original idea was to do Bible studies in my house and disciple guys like that.” What he discovered was that teaching is exhausting in a classroom of 28 kids, all at different levels, where there are no consequences for misbehavior, tardiness, or skipping school, and where chaos is just the order of the day.”
At the end of the first year, he had not held one Bible study or shared the gospel with one kid. He was still committed, but he knew he had to come up with Plan B. He toyed with the idea of accepting a position with Fellowship of Christian Athletes as an area director in Northeast Mississippi, but he says, “God got hold of me and said, ‘If you leave now and try to come back they’re just going to expect you to leave again because that’s what so many white people do—they come in, lead a Bible study in the neighborhood, and then you never hear from them again.”
He taught at GHS for one more year, but in his mind, he was prepping to start the ministry before the next fall rolled around.
The following summer T.Mac offered a Christian day camp, complete with arts and crafts and sports instruction. He gathered his own interns who were mostly Reformed University Fellowship participants from MSU and Ole Miss. T. Mac had built a friendship with the pastor of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church who offered his fellowship hall for an after-school tutoring program that started in fall 2011. It was a slow beginning, but it grew month to month.
Swayze Waters (far left) and T.Mac Howard (far right) teamed up to coach these aspiring young athletes at Delta Streets Academy.
When Delta Streets Academy opened in 2012, there were six young men enrolled. T.Mac says he can’t praise their parents enough for trusting their sons to “a white dude” who had never run a school. Each year has seen growth, and this past school year 58 boys in grades 7–12 completed the second semester.
At the present time, there are nine full-time staff and four part-time faculty members. First Baptist Church offers space rent free, and that is a great blessing. Cannon Motors has given the school the old Delta Chevrolet building in downtown, but the renovation price tag of $1.3 million has made renovation a distant dream for the time being. T.Mac wears many hats, from driving the bus to teaching to running the payroll, but one of his most important jobs is fundraiser in chief. “That’s the thing that keeps me up at night, but God has taught me a lot these past six years about his sufficiency.”
The first graduating class of Delta Streets Academy 2017.
“We’re not a great school yet,” he says. “But we are a good school right now. The sooner I can hand off some of my jobs, the better off we’ll be.” He adds, “The only thing I’m really good at is talking to people. But the day we have a $900,000 budget and 120 kids in school is the day we have the potential to be a great school.”
T.Mac believes they will get there. He wants to see his students competing with the strongest private schools in the state, signing Division 1 scholarships and being taught by a world-class faculty. He calls it a total “God thing” that it has come as far as it has in five years.
In the beginning, the great challenge for the boys who enroll at Delta Streets is the radical difference in the culture between the public and the private school. The structure and the discipline hit them hard at first because they have never had rules and consequences. Some push the boundaries, and some decide it’s not for them, but the ones who persevere flourish and will go on to bright futures and better lives than they have known.
Although T.Mac says the students themselves are pretty color-blind, he would very much like to attract minority staff. The racial reconciliation aspect of Delta Streets is just a beautiful byproduct of the Christian foundation. “It’s just in the culture at Delta Streets.”
Certificates of excellence presented to three young students.
When the Delta Streets students play other schools in the MAIS, the opposition is usually a private academy whose founding was all about preserving segregation. T.Mac could not be happier with the way his well-mannered students conduct themselves on the field or on the basketball court. He watches the walls come down.
Discipleship is a huge part of DSA. “We have an open enrollment,” he says. “Anybody can come here for $75 a month, but you have to choose to follow. I totally get that this is not for everybody, but our students are learning life skills that they would not be getting in the public school. They’re getting structure, discipline, work ethic, rules, and a sense of their worth and value as children of the God who loves them and desires the best for them.”
Changing Lives in Marks
About 70 miles north of Greenwood is the little town of Marks where the local economy was once dependent on the health and wealth of the large Delta farms. The radical transformation in farming operations hit Quitman County hard. Compounding that shrinking demand for an unskilled labor force was the effect of NAFTA, which closed small manufacturing plants taking those few jobs as well.
The railroad runs through the center of the once busy downtown. Many empty storefronts line the main street, and several beautiful old churches are in close proximity. Well-kept homes and lawns in the neighborhood hint that once upon a time this was a thriving Delta town.
Jaby Denton is a fourth generation Marks stakeholder. His family has forever owned a large farming operation in Quitman County. His entire life was lived right there until he moved his family to Oxford. When his children were in high school, he wanted them to have opportunities that were simply no longer there for them in Marks. He became a daily commuter between farm and home.
Although his children moved on to college, Jaby didn’t move back to Marks right away. Oxford was booming. He began attending a men’s weekly inspirational breakfast group at a local restaurant. Guest speakers each week discussed a myriad of topics. Jaby happened to attend one morning when T. Mac Howard was there to tell the story of Delta Streets Academy.
Either T. Mac or God spoke to Jaby in a big way. He wanted to spark the same kind of revival in Marks. And so he moved back to the farm and began to assess and plan. He found that in assessing the needs, they were even more overwhelming than he had imagined at first. Among one of the first things he discovered almost by accident was that a huge number of ninth and tenth graders in the local high school were not able to read.
Jaby Denton, a fourth-generation Marks resident shares his vision for a community park and sports fields with Marilyn Tinnin.
Meanwhile, Jason Stoker of Starkville, Executive Director of Reclaimed Project, spent an anniversary weekend in Greenwood. He was there to eat well, take a cooking class for fun at Viking Cooking School, and have some real downtime with Shannon, his wife. But they drove around enough to get an unvarnished picture in his mind of what poverty in the Delta looked like. It reminded him of what he saw on his visits to Africa.
He was thoroughly convinced that Reclaimed’s next ministry outreach needed to be in the Mississippi Delta—but where? Jason called Jill Freeze knowing she and Hugh had been great supporters of Reclaimed and he knew they had also been interested in some ministries in the Delta. Jill indirectly put him in touch with Jaby, who, in Jason’s words “has been the game changer.”
Local leadership and local “buy in” is, next to Jesus Christ, the most important factor in getting an effort off the ground and maintaining the momentum. Jaby has an “umbrella” vision for revitalizing Marks, and he has been able to do things that no outsider could possibly have done.
However, Reclaimed ministry’s piece of the pie is key. Reclaimed’s heart is for the children with a holistic and long-view approach. The strategy for “reclaiming” the Delta is not far removed from the strategy for “reclaiming” anybody anywhere. What are the short-term needs that will undergird the long term goals?
Will Overstreet, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Marks, points out the view of Marks Main Street from one of the loft apartments presently under renovation in a vintage downtown landmark.
The same ills that have affected public education across other parts of Mississippi have hit this Delta town especially hard. Finding and keeping teachers has been next to impossible. Aside from the run down facilities and the lack of family stability, teachers who might come to Marks had no options for places to live.
One of the first things Reclaimed did was to purchase a building in downtown Marks with the plan to repurpose it as a place for single teachers to live. It’s a very cool loft, apartment-style community of six private apartments sharing a common area, a kitchen, and a laundry room. Keeping its restoration true to the 1930 period of its origin means huge windows, high ceilings, old brick, and an aesthetic that would be enticing to most any 20 something! Rent-free and a commitment for two years seem like a generous contract.
The renovation of the building has been a real showcase for how the body of Christ works. The pro bono contributions in materials and time from contractors, electricians, and construction specialists have saved thousands and thousands of dollars. Ridgecrest Baptist Church in Ridgeland has a special group of volunteers who man their own construction ministry. They are all professionals whose day jobs involve building, but they usually take at least one trip a year giving their services for free to a cause that builds the body of Christ.
Tim Blocker, stewardship minister, with a lot of support from builders Ty Gardner and Jon Ramsay, has led a team of about 30 devoted volunteers who have spent many a Saturday in the last few months renovating the building that will house the teachers.
Reclaimed is about $40,000 shy of being able to finish the building debt-free. The plan is to have it complete and ready for move-in before the 2017 fall session begins.
Jason speaks highly of the leadership at the public school. There is a dedicated team who shares the vision for discipling and equipping students. There is an esprit de corps between Reclaimed and the school administration that is filled with hope for the immediate future.
Reclaimed is also about job creation. One thing that differentiates the Greenwood ministry from the Marks ministry is the presence of jobs. Not many jobs exist in Marks. Reclaimed wanted to do something about that, so taking their blueprint from their ministry in Lesotho and Botswana, they began looking for skills among the ladies of Marks.
Bethany Kuenzli, Director of Reclaimed Marketplace, came up with some patterns for aprons and pillows that the Marks ladies could sew. Many of them had worked in upholstery and garment factories and knew more than rudimentary things about sewing. The concept is much like the micro businesses that have helped support locals in third world countries. A volunteer from Jackson’s Fondren Church planned to teach a class for several Marks ladies on how to do more elaborate things – like bedding. It would be a gold mine for the ministry if a few moms decorating daughters’ dorm rooms let the Reclaimed ladies do their custom sewing.
When the instructor began her first class in Marks, she quickly discovered these ladies were already master seamstresses. They just needed the materials to put their skills to work. Mississippi Magazine was planning their Mercantile Shopping Event in early May. This was an opportunity to attract business. Premier Fabrics donated yards and yards of fabric. The Marks ladies worked their magic to create comforters, curtains, pillows, and dust ruffles. Hopefully, this will be an ongoing job-producing cottage industry to help the Reclaimed Project and the Marks revival.
Jason Stoker is definitely the kind of guy who can rally others to the vision. During spring break he took about 50 families from First Baptist Church in Starkville to Marks to do a four-day camp. (Let that sink in—a spring break vacation with no snow skiing, no beach, no place exotic, but going to Marks, MS to serve strangers)
The smiles on the faces of local children tell the story of happy times at the spring day camp conducted by the Reclaimed Project from Starkville.
The Starkville families took their children, and most of them stayed in the homes of the very grateful Marks families who wanted to be involved in the Reclaimed efforts. They wanted to bring black and white together, but they welcomed the know-how of Reclaimed.
First Baptist offered their facility for daytime activity, and First United Methodist took on feeding the volunteers every night. It was a week of bonding and learning and wrapping many heartstrings around the mission.
The locals and the children of the volunteers played side by side. They had a total blast, and they were completely color-blind. That in itself inspires hope.
Jason also learned that as the small town ages and the job market disintegrates, the young who go off to college, understandably do not return. The underclass continues to grow. They are children created in the image of an eternal God, and they need hope and a future.
Reclaimed longs to help create that.
The Heart of a Change Agent
Ole Miss alumnus Daniel Myrick, like T. Mac Howard, grew up in Brandon and attended Northwest Rankin. Jason Stoker had been his middle-school pastor at Pinelake Church. He had participated in mission trips through Pinelake and knew his calling was to be a coach and a teacher.
He signed on to teach in Marks his first year out of college. Expecting it to be hard, he found it to be even harder. There were some long days and some emotional lows. Teaching in Marks was about so much more than the classroom instruction.
As the assistant basketball coach, his team lost the first 14 games of the season. “That’s 14 post-game talks you have to have with the players, and after a while, you run out of things to say,” he says. Daniel persevered believing that his team wasn’t losing due to lack of talent. He continued to pour into the team, and they responded by working hard and trying harder. “Eventually we did win one, and then we won another. We kept winning, went to a district tournament, played the number one seed and won the district championship for the first time in twelve years.”
A very committed Daniel sees that win as symbolic of something more—something about hope and a future that is brighter than the one staring his players in the face today. He is coming back to Marks this fall and will be living in one of the Reclaimed apartments.
“If I can make a difference in just a few lives, those kids will change this community,” he says.
After all, wasn’t Jesus Christ all about relationships?
One of his brightest stars is a student named Daisia. She has a sister who is attending college at USM, and Daisia’s dream is to get there, too. Daniel has no doubt she can and will. These are her words and part of a letter she wrote in answer to Daniel’s question, “What would you want me to tell others about Marks?”
Dear Those Who I Believe Will Make a Change,
Where I’m from, I’m pretty sure everyone is familiar with the struggle. Whether it’s no lights or all you have is cold water, everyone is familiar with it. Everyone who ever had a chance to make it out of this place I call the “Waiting  Place” never comes back. It’s like escaping from a living hell.
The reason I like calling it the “Waiting Place” is because some just sit around thinking, not getting up doing nothing. But how can one take action when there is nothing around to take action about? … It’s like once you’re in the Waiting Place, you can’t get out because you don’t know which path to take.
But people like you are the only chance for my people to finally escape the Waiting Place. Every day and every night I pray for someone who actually believes in us to come and make a change…It would be such a blessing if you all took time out of your personal schedule to devote some of your time to help my people of Quitman County.
 What Is the Future?
 God, bless the T. Mac Howards and the Jason Stokers, the Daniel Myricks and the Jaby Dentons of the world. I asked them all if tackling the layers of issues in the Delta is a little like eating an elephant. That old cliché answers that it IS possible to eat an elephant one bite at a time.
Jason has a much better analogy. He compares tackling the problems in the Delta to peeling an onion. With every layer removed, the onion gets smaller.
No doubt, in the Delta, there are layers and layers of issues that have multiplied over several generations. What matters most at this intersection of time is that God’s people pay attention. In the kingdom of Light and Dark, there exists a great opportunity for impact at the moment.
The epistle of James is pretty clear. “If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” James 2:15-17.
Lord, make us your vessels!
By Marilyn Tinnin, a former Miss University at Ole Miss. This story was originally published in Mississippi Christian Living Magazine 
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