thecrosscountryblog · 13 days
Hold up I found the most amazing sign on the race course today
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thecrosscountryblog · 26 days
me on the first day of september
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thecrosscountryblog · 26 days
cross country runners walking into the pasta section of the grocery store
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thecrosscountryblog · 27 days
Let’s Talk Racing Spikes!
What are Cross Country racing spikes?
Racing spikes are a special type of racing shoe that are lighter than normal training shoes, and have metal pins on the bottom.
Why are they helpful?
Because they are lighter than the average training shoes, they increase your speed with much less effort. The addition of metal pins gives you valuable traction on terrain such as wet grass, gravel, and dirt. The pins keep you from slipping back on inclines and hills, and with longer pins, they can help you on muddier courses.
My personal experience:
The first race I tried my spikes on, I PRed by 3 minutes (which, granted, was likely the placebo effect.). They are objectively helpful for many people, though. My current PR is 22:53, which between all the hills and mud, I wouldn’t have achieved without my spikes.
Some links to check out for more useful information on spikes!
The Rundown (no pun intended)
XC racing spikes can improve your performance on race day. Though they are nice to have, they are by no means required.
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thecrosscountryblog · 1 month
Hey runners! The XC season will be starting any day now, and races are lined up every week. As we all get back to school and back to racing, this account will get more active. Expect more Cross Country Tips, more team shenanigans, and a lot more pasta. :)
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thecrosscountryblog · 2 months
Don’t let Big Road fool you. You aren’t supposed to look both ways before crossing. Close your eyes and trust in God that he will guide you to salvation.
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thecrosscountryblog · 2 months
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Shrimp And Garlic Pasta Recipe
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thecrosscountryblog · 2 months
Cross Country Tip!
The forests are a wonderful place to both lose yourself and find yourself in
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thecrosscountryblog · 2 months
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thecrosscountryblog · 2 months
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thecrosscountryblog · 2 months
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thecrosscountryblog · 2 months
Drink hella water, eat hella fruit
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thecrosscountryblog · 2 months
Fun things to do on your run!
Whack teammates running in front of you with big stick
Trip over big tree root
Get lost and don’t come back until everyone except coach has left
Put pillbugs in your mouth
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thecrosscountryblog · 3 months
Cross Country Tip!
Make sure your running shoes have enough tread on them! If they start wearing down to the point where they don't have a solid grip on the ground anymore, it’s time to get a new pair.
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thecrosscountryblog · 3 months
Team News!
Teammate C managed to backwards jog into a stranger’s car at the college we ran at today. Both them and the car are unharmed, but my teammates won’t let them live it down. Chances are we’re going to bring it up on Senior Night, the post-season meeting/party, and anytime we possibly can.
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thecrosscountryblog · 3 months
What’s the point of nature if I can’t scroll Instagram?
-Teammate C after remembering there is no signal at one of my favorite parks. Do not be like Teammate C. Embrace nature. But not the ticks. Do not let the bugs get you.
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thecrosscountryblog · 3 months
reblog if you like girls and pasta
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