#and the birthday girl - i dated her ex right before they started dating and i hooked up with her right when they broke up
basementg · 1 year
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alotofpockets · 6 months
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Meeting again | Part 1 | Leah Williamson x Reader
Where you take your son to Leah's book signing and you reconnect with your high school friend/crush.
Happy birthday to our blonde pookie!
Meeting again universe | Woso masterlist | Words: 2.7k
You were doing some work around the house when your ex called. “Hey Ryan, what’s up?” You say as you turn off the vacuum. “Hi y/n, I’m so sorry. I know that it’s my day, but I’m going to be stuck at work until late. Is there any way you can pick up Liam from school and take him to that book signing from Leah?” The two of you had gotten a divorce many years ago, when you had finally come to terms with your sexuality. Ryan had always been understanding, and now you were still friends, and co-parented your son Liam together. “Oh yeah, don’t worry, I can do that.” You could hear the relief in his voice. “Thank you so much, I owe you one. He has a half day, so he should be done at school in about an hour. I packed his Arsenal jersey and scarf, he wanted to wear them to the signing. Thank you again, I have to go. Send me pictures of the signing?”  Your kid would always be your number one priority, so you hung up the phone and got ready.
“Hey bud, your dad is stuck at work, so I’m going to take you to Waterstones later, is that okay?” The boy greeted you with a hug. “Yes, of course, you’ll get to see Leah again!” Back in high school you and Leah were very close, there was even some gossip about the two of you dating, but when you got wind of that you shut those rumours down quickly by starting a relationship with Ryan, a relationship that drove a wedge between your friendship with Leah. Your love for the women’s game continued to grow though, and you have supported Arsenal all your life, just like Leah. Liam fell in love with it too, and you often found yourself amongst the crowd of Arsenal WFC and Lionesses matches together. Liam was a smart kid, and after finding you looking at TikTok videos of Leah, he started asking questions. “Watch it, or we’re not going.” You said with a fake seriousness. Liam knew full well that it was an empty threat as you loved messing with him. 
You decided to make it a special day for your son, by taking him out for lunch before heading over to Waterstones. It was to no surprise to you that he wanted to go to his favourite restaurant. “Smile for your dad.” The boy looked up from his plate with a big grin on his face. Proudly wearing his Williamson jersey and his Arsenal scarf. 
The line at Waterstones was long, but you bought the book and joined the line together. You could tell he was excited just by the way his eyes lit up, and his smile was constantly present on his face. His excitement made you glad that you were able to join him on this occasion, but it didn’t trump your nerves of seeing Leah again. Of course, you had seen her play, but you were always just a person in the crowd, and now you were going to be face to face with the girl you’ve had a crush on since you were fifteen. 
Never in your life had you been so nervous to see someone from your past, but you set it aside for your son, this was his moment. Plus Leah would probably not even remember you, right? You were a nobody, and she was the England captain and the Arsenal co-captain. 
When it was your turn, Liam walked up to the signing table, while you stood back to take pictures. “Hi, what’s your name?” You heard the blonde ask your son. “I’m Liam, it’s very nice to meet you. My mom is a big fan of yours as well.” The sneaky little bastard, you thought as your eyes met Leah’s. Her eyes showed instant recognition. ‘Yours?’ she mouthed your way, and you answered with a nod. “It’s very nice to meet you too Liam, want to come over to this side for a picture?” Leah signed the book, and wrote something on one of the cards laying to the side as Liam made his way around the table. “I see you’re repping my jersey! You know what would go great with that?” He shook his head. “This new cap, would you like one?” Liam looked over to you with hopeful eyes, “Can I mom?” You smiled at the interaction between Leah and your son, “Yeah, of course.” He turned back to Leah, “Thank you so much!” The two posed for a picture. “Any time Liam. Here is your signed book, and could you please give this card to your mom?” He grinned big when he saw a written phone number on the back of the card. “Thank you Leah!”
“Mom! I got you her number, you have to call her!” You look at the card that Liam handed you ‘Would love to catch up, send me a text if you’re up for it :)’ along with her cell. You looked between the card and Leah, who shot you a smile before returning to the next person in line. “Please tell me you’re going to send her a text, please!” Liam was tired of always seeing you admire Leah from afar, and now that you had a real shot to reconnect with her, he wanted you to take it. Plus how cool would it be if his mom would go out with the Leah Williamson? You pocket the card, “Maybe later, you little snitch. I thought we had a deal.” You say playfully as you put your arm around his shoulder. Quite frankly it scared you a little to send her a text. “Let’s head home.”
When you got home you put Leah’s number in your phone and stared at the message screen forever, trying to decide what to text her. You really wanted to reconnect with her, but you also didn’t want to overcompensate, and ruin any chance you had. You settled on something simple, letting her make the next move.
You: Hi Leah, it’s y/n. It was good seeing you today, catching up sounds nice.
You hadn’t expected to get a message back from her so soon.
Leah: So glad we ran into each other. Talk about the details later?
The message notification was staring back at you, your heart was beating out of your chest simply from her message. You quickly put your phone away, without opening her message when Liam walks in. “Mom, you know that I want you to be happy right?” You nod, “Of course, I know that kiddo. What makes you say that?” He shrugs, “I just don’t want you to hold back because of me.” You shake your head, “You’re too smart. I love you, kiddo.” He hugs your side, “I love you too, mom.” 
The two of you were hanging out at home, when Ryan called again. “Hey, thank you for sending me those pictures. They really made my day, glad to see him so happy.” You notice the exhaustion behind his words, “Yeah of course, I don’t want you to miss out on stuff because of your job.” Liam was so important to the both of you, but your divorce had led to missing some things here and there, that you always tried to minimise together. “Speaking of work, I should be done around eight. You know I hate to ask, but-” You interrupted him, “You don’t have to ask, of course. Pick him up whenever you are done, okay?” You heard the relief in his voice, “Thank you. Can I talk to him for a moment?” You walk over to Liam and hand him the phone, “It’s your dad.” After handing him your phone, you give him some space to talk to his dad. 
You continued vacuuming since you weren’t done when you had to pick up Liam from school. So, you didn’t hear the interaction with Ryan, or when the call was over, and definitely not when you got another phone call. Liam looked at the contact and smirked to himself. When he realised you didn’t hear the phone call, he picked up himself. “Hi Leah, it’s Liam.” The girl had not expected your son to pick up, but she went with it anyway. “Hey Liam! How did you like the book signing?” He told her how much he enjoyed it before Leah continued with her questions. “I was looking for your mom, is she around?” If it were a video call, Leah would have seen the mischievous look in Liam’s eyes, but since it was a voice call he could hide behind the screen. “She is a little busy right now, but she said she wanted to invite you over for dinner tonight if you had time.” Leah knew she should’ve questioned it more, but she wanted to see you so badly, that she set up dinner plans with your son. 
Just ten minutes before Leah said she would be there Liam came walking up to you. “Hey mom, so I kind of invited Leah over for dinner tonight.” Never in your life had you turned around so quickly, “You did what?” You could not believe what your son had just told you. “She will be here in-” His sentence was interrupted by the doorbell. “Now.” He said with a big smile. You were frozen in place, Leah Williamson was at your door, and you were in sweats and a tank top, your hair a mess from the house work you had been doing for the past hour. “Are you going to let her in?” You turned to Liam, “You are going to be in so much trouble later.” Again, Liam knew there was no actual threat behind your words, because that’s not how you parented.
On your way to the door, you tried to quickly fix your hair. You open the door, “Oh hi Ryan, you’re here early.” He smiles back at you, “Yeah our last meeting got cancelled, sorry I didn’t let you know.” You shake your head, “No, no it’s okay. Liam, your dad is here!” The boy came running into his dad’s arms. “You’re here!” The bond between them was amazing, he truthly loved the both of you equally. “Have you had something to eat yet?” Liam shakes his head, “How does McDonald’s sound?” You grab Liam’s bag, and give him a quick kiss on his cheek, before waving the both of them off. 
As soon as you closed the door, you ran up the stairs to quickly get changed, and look more presentable. You had just finished doing your hair when your doorbell rang again. This time it was Leah standing on the other side of the door. “Hi Leah, come in.” She looked so beautiful in her simple white t-shirt and a pair of green cargo pants. “Hey y/n, thank you. No Liam?” She questioned when you walked her further into the house. “He wanted to be here but his dad came to pick him up a little bit ago. I’m sorry to say that McDonald’s has been picked over dinner with you.” You joke, hoping to make the moment a bit lighter. Hearing Leah’s laugh brought you back to those days where you would sit on the grass, and make fun of the boys on the football team. 
“So, Liam is a big fan of football then?” Leah started awkwardly. You loved talking about him, so you just started talking. “Yeah, I started taking him to matches when he was still a little baby. He loved it ever since, I can’t go to an Arsenal match without him nowadays. A gooner from the start, just like you.” Leah blushed slightly. “So, you’ve been coming to our matches all this time?” Now it was your turn to blush. “Maybe.” The both of you laugh. “Ryan surprisingly never got into football, so it’s been something I get to share with Liam.” The name you mentioned caught Leah’s attention. “Wait Ryan is Liam’s dad? You actually married high school Ryan?” You realised that bringing his name up was probably a mistake since he is what drove the two of you apart. “Oh yeah, high school Ryan indeed. Liam’s dad indeed, and I did marry him. We haven’t been married for like five years though.” 
Leah’s ears perk up at that. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” You shrug your shoulders, “It’s all good, it was time I finally figured out my sexuality. We’re still friends, and he's great with Liam. Anyways, how have you been?” The two of you start talking and catching up, and somehow even though more than a decade had passed and you had lived such different lives, it felt like you had never not known each other. 
You walk into the kitchen together, still talking, when the both of you start getting hungry. That is when you realise that you had to go to the grocery store today, and didn’t have much in the house. “So, confession time. I didn’t actually know you were coming over until Liam told me about ten minutes before you arrived.” Leah laughed, “I had a feeling the invite wasn’t extended by you, but I didn’t want the opportunity to go to waste.” You blush at her words. “I am very happy that you are here, don’t get me wrong. I was just not prepared. It was Ryan’s day with the kid, but he got stuck at work so I didn’t have a chance to go to the grocery store like I had originally planned. Let’s see, I have Potato Smileys, and literally nothing else. I am so sorry.” Leah did not care what you would eat one bit, she was just happy to be there with you. “Good thing I love Potato Smileys then!”
You shared a laugh at the situation and decided to make the best of it. While the Potato smileys were in the oven, you set the table with some condiments to go along with them. As you were waiting for the Smileys to cook, you and Leah fell back into conversation. You were reminiscing over old times, and shared stories from the past years since. It was easy talking to her, it really felt like no time had passed.
Once you were done with dinner, you moved to the living room where you each found a comfortable place on the couch to continue catching. Before you realised it, hours had passed by. Leah looked at her watch, and noticed the time first. “Oh it’s late, I hadn’t realised so much time had passed.” You glance at the clock yourself, “Wow, yeah it is. I’m really glad you came over tonight, catching up with you has been great.” Leah smiled in return, “Yes it was, I’ve missed this. I hope we can hang out again soon!” You walk her to the door, “For sure! Liam and I will be at the match Sunday, maybe we can do something after? If you don’t mind him tagging along of course.” Her smile grew big, “I would love that, and for Liam to tag along always!”
As you said goodbye, and Leah got into her car you couldn’t help but feel hopeful for what the future might hold. Just having Leah back into your life in whatever way possible made you extremely happy. Tonight had been so nice, and you really wanted to see Leah again soon, Sunday didn’t feel soon enough. So, you decided to send her a message. You felt less nervous sending this message than the one this afternoon, but still there were some nerves.
You: Would you maybe want to grab a coffee sometime this week? I’d love to meet up sooner than Sunday.
As you were getting ready to go to bed, your phone dinged with a new message.
Leah: I know a great spot! Are you free tomorrow?
You smiled at the text, Leah proposing tomorrow had to mean she wanted to see you again soon too, right? You quickly let her know you’re free, before sending her a goodnight message and calling it a night. Though, your mind kept you up for a while longer, not wanting to let go of today just yet.
Continue reading part 2!
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dollfacefantasy · 5 months
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everything on this list is mdni (18+)! | ☆ = one of kenny's favs
★彡[ʟᴇᴏɴ ᴋᴇɴɴᴇᴅʏ]彡★
RE2R Leon: Restless Dreams (18+) Leon's been working a lot lately. He comes home late one night when you're sleeping and tries to make it up Playing to Win (18+) / Part 2 ☆ Your new stepdad asks you to call him daddy despite being near your age Like Lovers Do (18+) Bored of the RPD banquet, you pull Leon away for some fun
RE4R Leon: Sleepy (18+) You wake up early in the morning with Leon sleeping on top of you Wash His Hair (fluff) You wash Leon's hair and help him unwind Daddy's Home (18+) You let the d word slip during sex and Leon won't let you live it down Just Like the Movies (18+) Leon dons the ghostface mask to let you live out a fantasy And If the Sun Comes Up (18+) Vampire Leon has to show you that the two of you are meant to be Leon Marks You Request (18+) Leon gets jealous and has to mark you as his Sweater Request (18+) You and Leon do the deed while he's wearing a turtleneck Chubby Reader Request (18+) You're feeling insecure, and Leon just can't have that
Infinite Darkness Leon: Let Them See (18+) Leon teases you in public then pulls over to deal with the problem he's created Baby Bunny (18+) / Part 2 Leon helps his sweet baby bunny through her heat End of the Night (18+) Leon finds comfort in his pregnant wife after a long hard day of being in the mob Needy Girl (18+) You're a needy little thing, and Leon just can't get enough of you Precious in Pink (18+) Leon plays with his precious puppy girl by watching her tail wag
RE6 Leon: Hold My Calls (18+) ☆ Leon takes a call on his flip phone while the two of you are doing it Blue Jeans (18+) Leon looks extra fine in his jeans and you can't stop staring Some Extra Lessons (18+) ☆ Professor Leon deals with his feelings for one of his students Under My Thumb (18+) Leon tries out a new toy with you during a dinner date
Vendetta Leon: You Make Me Cry Every Time (18+) Leon is going through a rough patch and takes it out on you Cool Rider (fluff) Leon gets you ready for a ride on his bike
Death Island Leon and older: Video Games (18+) You're playing video games when Leon starts feeling needy Can't Help It (18+) ☆ Your dad's coworker needs a house sitter and you need him inside of you Cowgirl + Praise Kink Request (18+) Leon's got a praise kink and you ride him Down For the Count (18+) Play fighting with Leon gets a little intense Special Day (18+) Your husband wants to give you a special present for your birthday this year Did You Say Something? (18+) / Part 2 ☆ Spankings aren't working anymore. Leon's gonna have to use a different form of punishment Get Him Back (18+) ☆ Your ex boyfriend's dad comforts you after you and his son break up
Misc. Drabbles: Just Can't Resist (18+) The First Time You Squirt (18+) Passing Out (18+) Quiet Night (18+) Kennedy in the Making (18+) Dimples Blurb When You Wanna Turn Your Brain Off (18+) Shower Sex (18+) Bulge Kink (18+) Blowjob on the Phone (18+)
★彡[ᴄʜʀɪꜱ ʀᴇᴅꜰɪᴇʟᴅ]彡★
Puppy Games (18+) ☆ Chris develops a soft spot for the hybrid he's taken in and wants to make her birthday extra special
Teddy Bear (18+) ☆ Not even sleep will cockblock Chris
Pretty When You Cry (18+) Request for overstimulation and daddy kink with Chris
Dad-Bod Chris (18+) Must I say any more?
Playing Without Permission (18+) Pussy spanking drabble
That's What Daddy's For (18+) ddlg drabble
Past the Limit (18+) You misbehave and your boyfriend has to correct you. Even if his friend Leon is right there.
Thigh Praise Drabble (18+)
★彡[ᴀᴅᴀ ᴡᴏɴɢ]彡★
May I? (18+) Ada teaches you how to be self-sufficient
★彡[ᴍᴜʟᴛɪ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ]彡★
Sharing is Caring (18+) / Prequel / Part 2 Your boyfriend wants you to get a little more comfortable with his friend
Better Than One (18+) Leon and Ada take care of their needy puppy before your heat arrives
Room for One More (18+) ☆ Tensions run high when you're forced to share a motel room with your current boyfriend and your former mentor
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yangbbokari · 1 year
Skz makes a bet on you Maknae Line
Pairing: OT8 SKZ x f!Reader
Genre, AU: angst ofc, lovers to exes!AU
Warnings: cursing, mentions of cheating, many mentions of insecurities. I think that abt it
Summary: you happened to learn one day that the never really loved you and only made a bet with the other members to see if you would fall in love with them
A.N: Not proof read at all and this is the maknae line to the previous one. Both part twos will be coming out soo I promise🤭
Parts: Hyung Line Part 2
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HAN JISUNG It was his birthday and you were more than happy to surprise him. The members were in on it too. To suddenly stop during practice and sit him down.
For the whole day you were preparing. Making a cheesecake for him and baking a cake for the rest of the members. You decorated the cheesecake in some little quokka cake pops. After you were done, you began cooking his favorite meals and packing them up. When all the cooking, making, and cooking was done, you found that you had more time on your hands. So you felt the need to clean the house so it’d be all tidy when he got back.
You checked the time before heading out. The house was clean, food was ready, now all you needed to do was get a gift and drive to the company. As you strolled through the store a very particular item caught your eye. A small clip earring with a feather at the end. It was perfect. Jisung always called you his, quote on quote, “Little Dove.”
So you grabbed it and put it in a little box with a bow.
You drove to the company excitedly. Giving the food to the staff before making your way to the practice room. You were just about to step in when you heard it. The color drained form your face and the excitement you held earlier, gone.
“I can’t believe it’s been a year since me and y/n started dating and we made that bet.” You heard your boyfriend say.
Bang Chan tried to stop him. “Jisung, I think—”
“You guys have to remember! We made a bet to see if I could pull y/n. Y’all made me go up to her and ask if she wanted to date me because she seemed lonely and if she agreed then I’d get 20 bucks from each of y’all.”
You could hear the boys try to stop him since they knew you were here but it was too late. They turned to see the door to the practice room slowly creak open. Standing there with the cake in your hands and tears in your eyes.
“Happy Birthday, Baby.” You said as tears fell from your eyes. Quickly wiping them away since it was supposed to be a happy occasion. Placing the cake into a staff members hands, you shoved the box into your pocket. “I-I-I guess I’ll give you what you want for your birthday gift.” You turned and ran as far as you can. Dropping the gift into the trash can on your way out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEE FELIX He knew you were this insecure so how could he say that. You’d always hated your figure since before you could remember. Whenever you met someone new, that was the first thing they noticed. The size of your body. You hated the way you looked but Felix always told you different. He made you believe you were as beautiful as you are and you slowly gained your confidence.
That was until today. The confidence he helped you build, he tore down himself.
Today, you came home a bit earlier than usual. When walking through the door, you announced your arrival but Felix was nowhere in sight. You could hear the slight mumbling coming from another room. You had forgotten. He had told you that Minho was coming this morning.
After taking off your shoes and hanging your coat, you walked over to the door. Just so happening to hear what they were conversing. The cat-like boy began first. “You remember that bet we made?”
“Hmm?” Your boyfriend replied.
“You’ve got to give it to me that you and y/n started dating in the first place.” “Ohhh!!! That’s what you’re talking about. The bet, right?”
“Yeah, when I told you I’d give you one hundo if you got the fat girl’s number. Now it’s been two years since you guys started dating.” Too immersed in your own shock, you dropped the items you were holding. Tears filled your eyes. Both, Felix and Minho’s, heads jerked in your direction.
“Y/n? How long have you been standing there?” Felix asked you in a panic.
“N-not long…”
You picked up your things from the floor, reput on your shoes and coat, grabbed your keys, and headed out the door. You didn’t know if you could stay any longer. You felt hurt to hear that. He helped you through your insecurities just to make it worse than before he arrived. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KIM SEUNGMIN Your whole world fell apart. And so did your oh so perfect relationship with Seungmin.
It was just a petty argument that came from stress and the lack of sleep but it still hurt you. It actually hurt more than you thought it would. But what hurt most of all was what you had to find out.
Seungmin returned home after tour extremely tired so you did your best. You made sure he had every meal and wasn't overwhelmed. But apparently, you didn't do enough. He began to berate you for even the smallest things and it tore your heart apart.
One day, as you laid on the bed the two of you shared, he slammed the bedroom door open. You flinched and looked up at him. A little bit annoyed you asked, "The hell was that for?"
He sighed and glared at you.
"You want to know? This comeback has been stressful and all you do is lay in bed all day. You never clean around the house even though you're only doing a part-time job. I mean seriously, are you just going to be that FUCKING LAZY!?"
You looked at him in disbelief. Never in a million years did you ever expect to see this side of him.
"I literally just got done cooking and came to lay on the bed. I was waiting for YOU to get home. I washed our clothes, folded them, put them away, then cleaned around the house. I did all this because I know you like your place tidy. Plus, a clean space is better for the mind."
"You call this clean!? It looks like a pigsty." You felt the tears blazing at the corner of your eyes. "Don't fucking say that. I'm trying my best to not say anything right now." "Say it then!!" He yelled. You huffed and turned away not wanting to argue any longer. "Yeah... turn away like you always do. I should've just left you as a bet. Never loved you in the first place."
It was a slip of the tongue. He didn't mean it. Or did he? Either way, it hurt you. Seungmin knew he was wrong but didin't want to admit itin the heat of the moment.
You turned to face him, finally letting the tears out. "Fuck you..." Was all you said before grabbing your phone and leaving the house. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YANG JEONGIN It was accidental. Jeongin was so flustered in the moment that he confessed everything to you. He didn't intend for you to find out like this but how else were you suppose to?
The both of you were at dinner with the other members. They all teased Jeongin for being such a simp for you. You just chuckled at their antics. It was cute to see the youngest member get teased by his hyungs and you were glad to witness it all in first person.
Jeongin, being fed up, accidentaly let it slip.
"Well it was because you guys made a bet with me that if I could pull y/n then y'all would buy me the new Bruno Mars album."
Everyone went silent as you slowly faced him. "What did you say..?"
Jeongin immediately placed a hand over his mouth. Tears brimmed your eyes. You stood up, excusing yourself. "I-I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." None of them even tried to stop you. They knew that they'd be devastated in your situation too.
Were you being a little dramatic? The answer was yes. You could've heard Jeongin out instead of hiding in the bathroom. But at this point, you weren't so sure. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ taglist: @lolareadsimagines @garrixer-06 @bandolls @chansbabygirlsstuff @camilagonzalex @mariteez @beccaskz
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f10werfae · 2 years
Mr. Clingy and Kal
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pairing: Henry Cavill x Actress!Shy!Oblivious!GF!Reader
summary: Fans retell the moments of Henry and Y/n L/n’s relationship despite her being quite the opposite of him. (major clingy Henry) (Requested by anon)
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist Form
@/fansdaily: Anyone see that Henry posted a mirror selfie of him and Y/n in his hotel room, her face hidden in his neck with her arms around his waist, WHILE HE IS KISSING HER FOREHEAD WITH AN ARM AROUND HER WAIST TO KEEP HER CLOSE. Can someone confirm if they’re dating already?? Seeing Henry with someone quieter than him is the best trope
@/barbraturth: Guys Henry just confirmed his and Y/n’s relationship on Instagram!! He posted a picture of Y/n and Kal walking in front of him, with the caption ‘my whole world right in front of me’!!
@/Peoplesnews: Henry Cavill confirms year long romance with his female lead, Y/n L/n. The younger beautiful star has captured hearts all over the nation, not only for her shy nature, but also for her warm kind heart! We wish the happy couple the best♥️
@/jointloveduo: Henry just spilled major details on a podcast😭 Apparently for the first two months he was supposedly “courting” Y/n by bringing her flowers and lunch nearly everyday AND SHE DIDNT EVEN REALISE. Instead during one of their extended vacations while on set, he took her swimming and because she’s a weak swimmer she held onto him the entire time. Then he says he kissed her under the sunset on the beach and they’ve been glued together ever since
>> @/lovebug101: I’ve been watching Y/n for years and i’m so glad she’s found someone perfect for her♥️ All of her exes have come out saying she’s too quiet for them, but we all know they jus can’t handle her beauty
@/beautyandtheleast: I just saw THE Y/n L/n in pets at home with Kal, she was bringing him up and down the toy aisle until he chose something! Henry came up behind her and just hugged her, kissing her cheek and everything😭
@/Purplerains: When Henry posted a video of him building his PC and then he panned the frame to Y/n who was on the other side of the table, building her own set of legos he bought her🫶 He got her the flowers from the botanical section
>> @/judywrench: “Why are you on the floor love? What are you doing?” When I heard Henry say that while videoing Y/n eating nachos while on the floor of their kitchen at 2am, I fell in love with their relationship. THEN HE JOINED HER AND THEY HAD A WHOLE SNACK SESSION
@/mysterymachine69: Henry just posted a picture of Y/n laying face down on their bed, their blanket just above her waist AND I JUST WANNA ASK HOW SHE HAS NO BACNE? And was that a hickey I saw on her top left shoulder along with bite marks 😳
>> @/Badbieferrer: Did no one else notice the handcuffs on the bedside table, they’re so purple and fluffy. We always knew Henry was a kinky bastard, he’s completely ruined our Y/n 😂
@/Loosecanon: Y/n said that before her and Henry dated, he used to help her get to sleep because he knew she had trouble sleeping in trailers. So he would accompany her until she fell asleep and even made her a sleep playlist full of songs he’d play during the day
>> @/cavillgyal1010: Did you see also for his birthday she took him out and absolutely spoiled him. Paid for his dinner and all the things he wanted to buy. What a girlboss.
@/popincolour: Y/n took Henry to her niece’s sports contest and he started acting like the typical overprotective uncle. When she was knocked down by a boy, Henry started shouting at the referee like a madman😭
@/HenryCavill: Proud to announce that my best girl, Y/n L/n, has just received her doctorate in (certain job) can’t be prouder to be her man♥️
@/Pucygrinsh: Henry said that whenever they cuddle Y/n tucks her cold ass feet under his thighs to get warm and whenever he has food she always steals it off him even though she “isn’t hungry” Henry then said that the only way for him to actually get food is to kiss Y/n jus so he can taste it ☠️
@/Rainbown: Henry and Y/n have their own kiss routine, first her forehead, cheeks, nose then lips.
@/beautifull101010: Henry said he hates when Y/n wears lip gloss, because when he kisses her it gets all over him. SO NOW HE CARRIES AROUND WIPES FOR WHENEVER HE WANTS TO KISS HER AND THEN HE REAPPLIES THE LIP GLOSS FOR HER
@/mjtochond: Y/n said in a recent podcast that whenever she needs to pee in the middle of cuddling, Henry will literally accompany her to the bathroom and just chat to her while sitting in the bath tub. What a cute idiot, he’s so in love with her it’s crazy.
>> @/Y/n/L/n: He’s so clingy it’s adorable, he’s like an extra Kal on my leg😭 Only Kal actually leaves me alone when I need the toilet
@/Turtlensaps: The first time Henry saw Y/n without makeup was when she was having the flu real bad and Henry said she’s never looked so pure and beautiful. She had his sweats and hoodie on, her hair all over the place and all she wanted was hugs from him. Henry then went on to say that she didn’t let him kiss her but he stole one anyway and got sick the next week. SO THEN Y/N HAD TO PLAY NURSE NEXT😩
@/Exposedtruth: Henry Cavill Spotted with long-term girlfriend Y/n L/n getting close by his childhood home in Jersey! Surrounded by his brothers and their children, the happy couple are seen to be cradling one of Henry’s nephews on their lap, a possible foreshadow for their own?! Y/n was wearing a stunning sun dress which matched Henry’s button up, the image definitely giving off a happy family. Where’s that ring Henry??
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @tinyelfperson @athena-roy @fdl305 @kebabgirl67 @mysticfalls01 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @princess-paramour @mansaaay @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @alina02 @bookfrog242 @alexxavicry @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @sparklemarysunshine @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @aerangi @lastwandastan @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @diyabhanushali1 @spencerreidat4am @keiva1000 @acornacre @ninasw0rld @ggmimitf @teti-menchon0604 @thebaileybugle @p4st3lst4rs @grxnde-dwt @kzhlvlysstuff @thoughtsofreid
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therealcocoshady · 1 month
Could you make a one shot where Marshall x Reader have been dating for almost 2 years, they start talking about kids and the thought of reader pregnant is a big turn on for him.
Author’s Note : Thank you for your request 💕. I hope you enjoy this ! ⭐️
If you like my writing and want to support it, here’s my Ko-Fi (I’m also open for commission. It’s like a request but that way you’re 100% sure I see it fast & indulge you 😉 - rn I have 200+ asks in my Inbox. Also, by commissioning my work, you’re literally helping a struggling neurodivergent student get by !).
Baby talk
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You were the first one to be surprised when you felt it. The desire to have kids. You had never been a kid person. You had always found these tiny humans to be terribly underwhelming. To be fair, you didn’t hate them. But you never really understood what all the fuss surrounding babies was. Puppies ? Yes. Kittens ? Absolutely. Human babies ? Meh. When you were a kid yourself, you didn’t show an interest in babies and, as far as you could remember, you had never really enjoyed playing with dolls. And growing up, you hadn’t shown more of an interest in the topic of motherhood. Older people had told you you’d change your mind and eventually come to want kids of your own but you doubted it. When you became an adult and got into serious relationships, you had that talk with your partners and you told them you didn’t want to have children. You enjoyed your free time, being able to sleep until noon if you wanted to, the possibility of spending money on silly things like an impromptu girls trip to Vegas or a new handbag instead of diapers and an overpriced daycare. In your mind, it was clear that you weren’t meant to be a mother. You did have a lot of love and admiration for parents around you, but you didn’t envy them. So you built a child free life that was absolutely wonderful. Sure, it hurt a bit when your previous partner ended up breaking up with you because he changed his mind about kids and you didn’t. But you understood his decision and knew it was the right thing to do, rather than forcing yourself to have kids when you did not have any actual desire for it. You didn’t want to force yourself to live a life that did not resemble you, taking the risk of one day resenting the children you never wanted to raise in the first place. It all worked out in the end : your ex went on to marry a woman who, from what you heard, was wonderful and have a kid with her, and you ended up meeting the love of your life. 
Marshall was everything you hoped to find in a partner. He was kind, funny, thoughtful, knowledgeable on a lot of subjects and handsome. Yes, he was older than you, but he was definitely young at heart. If anything, you benefited from his experience in life. Also, him being older and having three grown-up children meant that he was « done with all of that », which was a relief. The feeling was mutual, his lack of desire for more kids having caused a couple of breakups for him as well. But just because the two of you decided not to have babies didn’t mean you didn’t have your hands full with them. Marshall was a loving uncle to his brother’s three kids and you were entering that stage of your life where all your friends were starting families. So whether it was a birthday party, a basketball game, a recital or a baby shower… you had your share of kid-related activities. You liked it though. More than you ever thought you would. Marshall being very family-oriented, he loved that you were involved with his family. Together, you built a perfect life. You had all the fun that came with being around kids, without the obligations. You were the fun aunt and uncle, who enjoyed spoiling other people’s kids rotten and playing with them, before happily handing them back to their parents and letting them handle the sugar crash and the noise caused by the toys you bought them. You thought you’d spend the rest of your life just like this, perfectly content, enjoying a peaceful existence with your boyfriend, with whom you would eventually grow old. 
But then, without seeing it coming, you found yourself thinking about it. Wondering how you would look like with a baby bump. Pregnant ladies had always looked like aliens to you, but you started thinking you’d actually be cute, carrying a little baby. Marshall’s baby. A baby with the cutest nose, pouty lips and the most beautiful blue eyes. The thought of a baby that would be part you part Marshall had your heart melt. And you knew he’d be such a good baby daddy, too. Obviously, he had raised three amazing daughters he was very proud of, but he was also amazing with other people’s children. He was his nephews’ favorite person in the world and he was so great with your friends’ babies. So you found yourself thinking that, if you got accidentally pregnant, it wouldn’t be the worst thing on earth. Sure, it would be inconvenient, but maybe you’d keep it. Not that it would ever happen anyway, since you were more than diligent with birth control. Then, it turned into thinking about what your life would actually look like with a little one. And you figured that, what you would have found dreadful years ago, maybe wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe you’d crush it as a soccer mom. Maybe there was actually something beautiful in having kids with someone you love, teaching them stuff and watching them grow up. 
Then, one day, it hit you like a ton of bricks. You actually wanted to have kids. With Marshall. You were at the store, doing your weekly shopping. How you ended up in the baby aisle, you weren’t sure. But you found yourself mesmerized by the tiny items of clothing. Eventually, you came to your senses and mentally slapped yourself. You were with a man in his fifties, who already had his kids and did not want more. Now was not the time to change your mind. As if to imprint the thought in your brain, you went and stocked on condoms, buying a fuckton of them. The cashier even threw you a weird glance. You probably looked like you were doing  a comparative study, getting a bit of everything from ribbed ones to flavored ones. Marshall chuckled when he saw them in the bag. 
That’s a lot of condoms, he chortled. 
Yeah, there was some kind of sale, you lied. 
He shrugged it off and promised to put them to good use. You knew he would make good on his word and figured you just needed to have that silly idea banged out of your system. Except that it didn’t work. You went a few months without talking to him about it. But the more time went on, the more you realized you really wanted a baby with this man. You still liked the idea of having a flexible schedule and 9 hours of sleep a night. But you didn’t love it as much as you loved the idea of carrying this man’s offspring. And the more time went on, the harder it was not to talk to him about it. You dreaded this, though. Because you’d been on the receiving end of that conversation. Of not wanting kids and having someone you loved tell you that they wanted to start a family with you, and having to disappoint them and see the heartbreak in their eyes. So you put it off as long as you could. Until one evening, you weren’t able to hold yourself. 
I think I want a baby, you blurted out when you walked in the kitchen while Marshall was cooking dinner.
You think you want what, baby ? He asked as he turned to you. Sorry, I didn’t hear you over the noise of that kitchen fan. 
No, I said I-I think I want a baby, you repeated nervously. 
You think you want a baby ? He repeated carefully. 
I mean… yeah, you simply said. 
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. Clearly, you were taking him by surprise. He turned off the fan and the kitchen stove, before walking to you. 
That’s new, he said matter-of-factly. 
Kind of, you admitted. I mean… I’ve been thinking about it for some time now. 
So you don’t think you to have want a baby. You know you want to have one, he pointed out. 
Y-yeah. I’m sorry, you mumbled as you looked down. 
For how long have you thought about it ? He asked. 
I’m not sure, you admitted. Does it matter ? 
I thought you didn’t want to be a mom, he said. That you were perfectly happy with being an aunt. That it was the best of both worlds. That’s what you said. 
I know, you replied. And I meant it. I’m as surprised as you are, really. But then I thought about how I’d react if I got pregnant. And I realized I wouldn’t mind that. Having a baby that’s part you and part me. 
Oh wow, he said as he scratched the back of his head. 
Yeah, you hummed. And I thought it was just something random and that I’d forget about it. But I can’t. And it’s been months now, and I think you have great genes and that our baby would be really cute. And Target has the most adorable baby clothes and I know condoms are cheaper than a college education but there were little bunnies on the pajamas I saw the other day and I also found out that they make baby Jordan sneakers that look like the ones you love and-
You caught yourself rambling and stopped talking. Now, you weren’t making any sense and you were just dumping the whole thing on him. Probably not the best way to go about it. He was staring at you with an amused look on his face. 
I’m sorry, you said will a sad voice. I know you’re done with it. We’ve talked about it and I know it really sucks that I’m changing my mind but I needed to tell you because I’ve been thinking about it a lot and-
Do you plan on letting me speak ? He asked with a smile. 
Yes. Sorry. 
Ok, he chuckled. I have a few questions. Is there a reason why you changed your mind ? 
Well… you, I guess, you shrugged. I mean, I love you, and I see what an amazing father, what a great uncle you are. 
Ok, he said. And, another question : is that something you want ? Or is it something you need ? 
I don’t know, you admitted. I’m really happy with our life just the way it is. I don’t need a baby to be fulfilled and for my life to have meaning. But I can’t stop thinking of how much I’d like a baby with you. 
Ok, he hummed. So… it’s not something you’d break up over ? 
No, you said. I love you. I want to spend my life with you. And I don’t think I want a baby if I can’t have it with you. You’re the reason I want one. Because the baby I have in my mind… he has your eyes, your nose and your smile. 
Meh. Doesn’t sound too cute, he chuckled. If anything, it sounds like an ad for contraception. 
Oh, come on, you giggled. 
But… he ? He asked with a smile. 
Sometimes she, you corrected. I never really wanted kids so I don’t really care, I guess. Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to just dump this whole thing on you… we both know this talk sucks. But I couldn’t really keep it to myself. I needed to tell you. I’m sorry. 
Quit apologizing, babe, he said reassuringly. I’m glad you told me. 
Really ? You asked nervously. 
Of course, he replied. I can tell it hasn’t been easy for you. 
You nodded and he pulled you into his arms before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You closed your eyes and inhaled his scent. You definitely felt lighter after telling him, even though it didn’t really change anything. 
So… can I get back to you on that ? He finally asked. 
Huh ?! You asked as you looked up from his chest.
I think I’m gonna need a bit of time to think about it, he continued. I can’t promise I’ll say yes. But I’ll consider it. 
Wait… seriously ? You asked in shock. 
Isn’t that why you brought it up in the first place ? He mused. 
I don’t know, you said. I guess I mostly expected you to convince me it was a terrible idea. I mean, you’ve broken up with people over that. 
So have you, he pointed out. But it’s you. It’s us. What we have is different. I feel like my family’s complete so I never really wanted to have another kid. But I’m in love with you. And if there’s anyone I’d give it a shot with… it’s you. 
Ok, you said with an emotional smile. 
I’m not saying yes to anything, though, he warned. Don’t get your hopes up. 
But you’re not saying no, you pointed out with a smile. 
I’m not, he agreed. Because even though having kids can be tough… it’s pretty great, too. And I know you’d be a great mom. 
You flashed him a smile and buried your face in his chest.  The simple fact that he was willing to consider it because he loved you filled your heart with joy. 
You didn’t really bring up the topic in the following weeks, but you could see a change in Marshall’s demeanor whenever someone around you talked about kids. You could absolutely tell he was thinking about it. You weren’t too sure what the best way to go about it was. Of course, you were curious to know how he felt about it, what was on his mind. But you didn’t want to be annoying and press him on the matter, so you figured that it was probably better to wait for him to get back to you on that, once his mind was made up. 
Waiting was trying, though. Because in the meantime, you had to watch him interact with countless babies and young children, feeling like your ovaries exploded. Patience is a virtue and that waiting period was definitely an opportunity for you to practice it. Thankfully, it finally came to an end when you came back from work to Marshall waiting for you in the living room, with a bouquet of roses on the table, as well as a paper bag. You greeted him and thanked him for the nice gesture.
What’s the occasion ? You asked. 
Since when do I need a special  occasion to treat my woman to some roses and a present ? He asked back. 
Touché, you giggled. Thank you my love. Can I open the bag ? 
Not yet, he said. I want you to have a look at this first. 
He handed you some papers and you skimmed through it. It was a printing of his schedule for the foreseeable future. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 
That’s, erm, fine ? You said, unsure of what he was expecting you to say. 
It’s my schedule, he said. For the next two years. 
I see that, you chuckled. I’m just not sure why you’re showing it to me ? You usually don’t consult me when it comes to your work schedule. 
As you can see, I’ve moved a couple of trips that were already planned, he explained as he pointed to a few dates. Meaning that I’ll be going to LA a little bit more in the upcoming three months. But after that, no more work trips and I put a hold on the performance planning. I’ll stay in Detroit. 
Ok ? You said - still not grasping what he was getting at. That’s nice. But why did you change the schedule ? Is there a specific reason why you need to stay here ? 
Apparently, when you’re trying to have a baby with your woman, it’s better to be in the same city, he grinned. 
You stared at him in shock, your mouth slightly agape. Marshall was smiling from ear to ear. Next thing he knew, you were in his lap, arms wrapped around his neck, peppering your face with kisses. 
Oh my God, you said emotionally. Really ? Oh I love you so much, Marshall ! 
I love you too, he hummed. 
I can’t believe it, you whispered. Wait- What’s in the bag ? 
Open it, he chuckled. 
You reached for it and saw it contained a bunch of ovulation prediction kits, pregnancy tests, some folic acid and some lube. 
Apparently, these are the basic essentials for trying to conceive, he commented. 
You’re amazing, you said with the biggest smile on your face. So… we’re doing this ? We’re making a baby ?
If you haven’t changed your mind, yeah, he nodded. 
As a response, you threw yourself in his arms and kissed him passionately. He chuckled into the kiss and cupped your face, staring at you lovingly. 
I’ll give you the cutest baby, you promised. 
I have no doubt, he grinned. 
Do you think I’ll be a pretty pregnant lady ? You mused. 
Are you kidding me ? He asked. God, you’re going to be so hot. The thought of you carrying my baby… You have no idea the things it does to me. 
Oh yeah ? Like what ? You asked defiantly. Show-
Before you had the chance to finish your sentence, Marshall had you pinned to the couch and was grinding against you. It didn’t matter that you were both fully clothed, you could feel his excitement through the fabric. 
I’m gonna fill your pretty pussy, he promised. And I’m gonna make a pretty mama out of you. 
Mmmyes, you whimpered. 
Gonna give you a pretty belly, he continued. I can’t wait to see you carry our child. Can’t wait to start trying. 
When ? You asked pleadingly.  
How about now ?  He whispered in your ear. 
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libbyfandom · 8 months
A Modern!Mizu and Reader who act like Jackie and Hyde from "That 70s Show"?!
Highest form of entertainment, would be so funny to see. Enjoy me using Jackie and Hyde quotes as incorrect Mizu and Reader quotes. (Not all of them are direct quotes I paraphrased a bit.)
*something happens and you start crying*
*Akemi, Ringo, and Taigen all coming closer opening their arms*
You: "Mizu!" *runs to her and hugs her while crying*
Mizu: *freezes* *looks at everyone else* "Why does she always come to me?!"
You: "Mizu, you're right. We will never be friends. Because now? I love you!"
Mizu: "Oh my god, would you shut up?!"
You: *runs up behind Mizu and covers her eyes* "Guess who!"
Mizu: "Either it's (Y/N) or it's the cold, clammy hands of death."
You: *uncovers her eyes* "It's (Y/N)!"
Mizu: "Damn it."
You: "What happened?!" *after Mizu punched a guy out*
Mizu: "W-What? Huh? I don't know. We were talking, and he said...bitch... and I just-"
You: "Oh my god. He called me a bitch? And you punched him!"
Mizu: "What? NO!"
You: "Yes! I am the bitch! And you love me!"
Mizu: "You know what your problem is? You're really cute so no one ever told you to shut your piehole."
You: "...you think I'm cute?" :)
Mizu: "How could I like her?! I don't like her. Because I can't like her. Sword-Father, if I like her, shoot me!"
Eiji: *makes a finger gun and pretends to fire at her* "POW!"
Mizu: *wide eyed and slack jawed at him*
Mizu: *After being worn down* "(Y/N) get in the car, we'er going on a fucking date."
You: "So. Our first date's almost over."
Mizu: "Yep."
You: "So what'd you think?"
Mizu: "... it was no worse than bowling."
You: "...?"
Mizu: *shrug* *smile* "I don't hate bowling."
Mizu: "You're blackmailing me?"
You: *nods*
Mizu: *grinning* "You're coming along nicely."
You: "But just know, I'm really lowering my standards."
Mizu: "That makes two of us."
You: "-but I think it's a real waste because I love you!"
*stunned silence*
Mizu: *panicking* ".... I'M NOT SAYING IT BACK!"
You: "I don't care."
Mizu: "Damn it!" *sigh* "...So are we gonna go to the dance or what?"
You: "Mizu, I want to be with you."
Mizu: ".... I do want to be with you."
You: "Because you loooooo-"
Mizu: "Don't push it."
You: "Okay." *smiles and kisses her*
You: "Akemi, just do what I did to get over my ex."
Akemi: "Make out with Mizu?"
You: "I thought I lost my pudding pop forever."
Mizu: "You wanna hear something sick? I actually missed you calling me pudding pop."
Mizu: "Happy Birthday." *hands you a gift*
You: *a little confused* "It's a Led Zeppelin T-Shirt! ... and it's used...!"
Mizu: *smiles* "Yeah, that's my favorite one. You're with me now, so I wanted you to have it."
Ringo: "You love loud girl!"
Mizu: *genuinely* "Maybe I do."
*Mizu catches you trying on wedding dresses with Akemi*
You: *upset* "Okay, Mizu. I know I promised I wouldn't do any wedding stuff and I know you're probably really mad so just... go ahead and yell."
Mizu: *stunned* "...You're beautiful."
Ringo: *serious* "Look, before her, you were just some pissed off girl in my apartment. But with her, I mean, you seem happy, Mizu."
Mizu: "Hey, I'm not happy. I'm just less pissed off."
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pixiesfz · 7 months
Omg I love your recent Kerstin fic. Would you consider doing a part 2 where we actually see Kerstin get jealous due to Courtney? Maybe some smut?
yes, yes, yes yes yes.!
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jealousy k.c
plot: you and courtney become friends after being ex's for so long and kerstin gets a little jelly about it.
warnings: smut, public, part 2 of teammates
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You were healing.
With the help of Kerstin of course.
You didn’t realize until the recent international camp where Australia would vs Uzbekistan when Courtney walked in and instead of a feeling of heartbreak washing over you, you finally saw her as a normal teammate, a friend almost.
“Media duties!” Macca called out with a grin as she held her phone and the tiny microphone which had some of the girls groaning.
“Partner up!” Allanna yelled from behind her she yelled and you were at the food table putting spaghetti in your bowl, meaning that when you went back to your table everyone was partnered up except for Courtney whom you both made awkward eye contact with another and Kyra coughed to save you both from it.
“I could switch” she offered to you but you shrugged your shoulders “It should be fine” you smiled and made your way over to her “Hey,” she said softly “Hi” you smiled, excited that you were finally feeling like her teammate again and not her ex.
“Excited for the games coming up, going to your homeland soon” she pointed out and you smiled “I haven’t seen my family since the break so I’m pretty excited, I’m giving my mum about 10 seconds before she starts to cry” you laughed and she joined you.
After a few seconds Courtney turned towards you “This is nice” was all she said and you nodded “Yeah” you breathed out and the two tall girls from your team walked over to you both with whiteboards “You have been chosen” Macca said in a weird voice you could only hear in star wars and you tilted your head “sorry I don’t speak Chewbacca”.
“C'mon” Allanna sighed and grabbed your hand, walking a bit faster so you were out of earshot of the other two “Are you okay?” she asked and you nodded “I’m okay” You smiled “Yeah?” Allana asked with a smile “Yeah” you confirmed and hugged into her side where she left a chaff kiss on your head.
“You know I didn’t like the idea of Kerstin taking you after what happened at the World Cup but you and her are really good together, even on the field,” she said to you and you blushed “C'mon let's just do this interview”.
You and Courtney both sat down together in the media room as a camera guy cleaned the camera Mackenzie held a script behind it and Allana held the mic. “Why did we need to clean the camera?” Courtney asked “Raso and Ellie did a try not to laugh challenge” the guy piped up and you laughed at the idea “oh that is chaos”.
“So you’re just gonna do like a ‘who’s most likely to’ kind of thing yeah?” Kenzie asked and you nodded and the camera started rolling.
“All right, who’s most likely to forget a teammate's birthday?” she asked and you wrote down Kyra’s name and turned it around at the same time as Courtney as the room erupted in laughter “Y/n” Courtney nudged your shoulder “what” you turned to her as your faces were close.
“It’s only out of us two”
Mackenzie and Allanna’s laughter filled the room again as your eyes bulged “Sorry Kyra!”.
“Who did you write anyway?” you asked as you rubbed Kyra’s name out “Me, you were always good with dates” She shrugged, and you nodded with a smile.
“Most likely to end up on Broadway?”
You both turned around your whiteboards to reveal your name “Me” you smiled “Fun fact: before I went into footy full time, I was always in my school musicals and local ones”
“And was even good at them” Courtney chimed as she remembered going to them.
“Most likely to go on Love Island?”
You thought about it for a second and then wrote down Courtney’s name, not sure if she would take it offensively but when you turned it around she laughed and you saw your name on hers “What?” you asked “Pretty people do well on Love island” Courtney pointed out with laughter and the comment went straight over your head “no you would do well in all like the challenges they do, you and your partner would dominate” you pointed out as everyone in the room was now laughing.
You both waved to the camera still laughing at each other as the cameraman turned it off.
“Well, at least I didn’t get water all over me this time”.
That night after dinner you laid on your bed with the phone in hand where Kerstin was “So how was tonight?" she asked after having a conversation all about her first couple of days "Good we did some media shots and I was with Courtney" you explained
You were too busy explaining your story that you didn’t see Kerstin's eyes when you mentioned your ex-girlfriend. “I miss you,” she told you with a smirk “Babe it’s been a week” you laughed but her stare didn’t change “I miss you too” you admitted with a smile.
“You getting a tan up in Spain?” you teased, and the girl smiled “Actually I was thinking we could come up here next break” she admitted and your smile widened “I’d love that”.
When you both hung up the phone for the night you saw that the admin had posted the video of you and Courtney, but you paid no mind to it, knowing what had happened in real life.
Kerstin sat in her bed and watched it, her eyes traveling to Courtney when her arm grabbed you and swivelled you around and told you that you were playing the game wrong. Then it went to her staring at you for a reaction whenever she turned her whiteboard around.
“Pretty people do well on Love Island”
Kerstin's eyebrows shot up at the blonde girl's (her words to her girl) words, she tried not to but her finer swiped up to see all the comments that had already flooded the video.
‘did they get back together?”
↪ we don’t even know if they ever broke up.
↪ isn’t she dating Kerstin
↪ just a rumour, just friends I think
↪ y/n and Courtney is an Australian power couple
↪ Kerstin and y/n are slow launching
↪ how many girfriends does this woman have?
Kerstin shut off her phone and put it on her bedside table with a groan.
She trusts you with every bone in her body and she knows you would never ever cheat, especially with Courtney but right now all she wanted was to push the blonde Australian away so people would know you were hers.
And hers only.
Tony took you off after 60 minutes, scoring two goals and assisting Mary for hers, you had the win in for sure and you helped your team make your way into the Olympics, jumping in joy from the sidelines when Caitlin scored her hattrick.
The game finished 7-1 and the Matilda’s team were singing random songs in the change rooms to celebrate. “Congrats” Courtney said as you walked in “thanks for the assistance” you smiled as you thought back to the first goal of the match.
You were on the wing, free as your defender got slightly confused and ran onto Raso. Courtney caught your eye as she dribbled and kicked with her right foot from their square to you where you hit it from your chest back down to your foot, giving you a clear way for a boot, which you did and thankfully the ball went in.
You jumped around in excitement as the team jumped on you, Courtney as well who lent her hand out to pick you up.
You walked away back to your cubby as Courtney watched you.
Allanna picked you up as you walked over “Can’t believe Tony took you off right before you got a hattrick” she groaned “It’s fine, he told me he wanted me fit and healthy for the Melbourne game cause he’s keeping me on for the full 90” you smirked and she gasped and smiled “Chicken!” Caitlin cheered over and sat down next to you “Got good news for you”
“What may that be?”
“Viv and I figured out that we and the Netherlands are gonna be at the same airport at the same time!” she told you quickly and you jumped up “fuck yes!” you cheered, ecstatic that you get to see your girlfriend.
“Alrighty girls!” Tony walked in “pack your bags cause we’re leaving bright and early in the morning!”
You weren’t usually a morning person but the idea of you seeing Kerstin again had you waking everyone else up to be quick, you even bought mini a coffee as Harper may have kept her up.
“Thanks, darl” she complimented you with a thankful smile as you walked together, Harper deciding to jump into your arms as you all walked onto the bus.
“Want y/n” she turned to her mum who shrugged “Take her,” she told you with a smile as you and the little one both cheered.
“You are happy,” Harper told you as you both sat down and you smiled “I get to see Kerstin” You smiled and the girl put her mouth in an ‘o’ shape letting out a little sound “I like Kerstin She gave me lollies” she smiled as she remembered when you took Kerstin to a ‘Tillies’ night out.
“That did not make your mummies happy,” you told her as you remember Kerstin apologizing as she didn’t know that the lollies she gave her had so much sugar in them.
The two of you fell asleep on the bus till you were shaken awake by her mother “I can still hold her” you promised her as you all walked in, quickly going through security with the little one stuck on your shoulder.
She didn’t wake until we all put our bags down “Kerstin” she mumbled and pointed before you turned around and indeed saw your girlfriend in all orange walking towards you, a slight sense of dominance as she locked eyes with you.
“You ruined my surprise little one,” she told Harper before wrapping her arms around you, squeezing you tight before pulling back and looking at you holding a child. “I look like a mum don’t I” you laughed
“Kerstin” you scolded and grabbed her arm “C’mon let’s take her to her real mum” you smiled.
Although you loved the little girl, you just wanted to be with your girlfriend for the little time you had.
Dropping off Harper to Mini was easy but it was as you walked by your team members that Kerstin looked around for the blonde who was already watching you pass Mini the child, Kerstin didn’t like that.
“I have to go to the toilet come,” she told you, dragging you off.
You lightly scoffed “You need to learn how to control your bladder”.
You watched as Kerstin held you tight, turning from the regular girl's toilet last second to the disabled, throwing you in and quickly closing the doors behind her.
“Kerstin this is the-“ You were cut off by her lips on hers, moaning into her right away from the impact “Kirsten” you breathed out in between kisses, she simply shooshed you and travelled her lips down your neck, pushing you onto the sink “jump” she told you her hands grabbing your ass as you did and lowered you onto the bench top.
“we’re in public” you breathed out as she sucked onto your neck. She took her head away, looking at you with lust “I just want people to know what’s mine” she told you with a shrug as if it was the easiest thing to say in the world but you felt hot at the words, or maybe because it was the way her hands travelled up your legs as she said so.
“I am yours,” you told her and she crossed her head and tutted “Not everybody knows that,” she said and you thought back….Courtney.
“Are you jealous?” you ask as the woman's fingers played with your waistband “I don’t want anyone thinking they have a chance with you” She smiled and started pulling your shorts down, your underwear along with it, throwing it on the floor before her hands went under your thighs, pulling you towards her “so wet” she smiled, kissing up your legs.
“Did she ever make you this wet?”
You gasped at the words of your girlfriend, a new side that you had never seen of her, and you loved it.
“no” you mumbled as her kiss grew closer to where you needed her.
“Good girl”
Kerstin started slowly with a slow lick through your folds, moaning at the sight of her before she went in again, faster
“Oh fuck” you stuttered, your hand now tangled in her hair that she wore out, biting down on your lip to stop yourself from moaning.
But a buzzing sound interrupted your bliss.
“Answer it,” Kerstin told you before entering a finger into you.
“I-“ “Answer it or I won’t go any further” Kerstin looked into your eyes, silently telling you that she meant it.
“fuck” you cursed before pressing answer and lifting it to your ear as Kerstin eagerly watched you from underneath.
“hey” Courtney said on the phone “hi” you responded and Kersten started moving her finger slowly, you bit onto your free finger to stop yourself from any noise.
“Called cause you’ve been gone for a bit and we have to board in like twenty minutes” she said through the line “Lani said you could be with Kerstin but I just wanted to make sure”
At Kerstins name being dropped you looked down to the girl who was pumping her fingers into you, entering a second finger that made you gasp.
“Are you okay?” Courtneys voice rang out
“yep” you answered quickly, maybe a bit too quickly.
“okay uhm I could find you”
At the words Kerstin sped up and you moaned out into your hand so it was muffled “That’s-“ you started but stopped “That’s okay I’m good, be there in five-ten! minutes” you said but the squeeze of Kerstin's hands on your ass told you that you were going to be a bit longer.
“oh okay, well tell me if anything changes” Courtney offered and you nodded your head frantically, trying so hard not to scream out your lover's name “Yep okay bye” you said quickly before smashing the decline bottom and placing the phone on the table.
You took your hands in Kirstens hair again as you finally were able to release “oh fuck yes Kerstin” you breathed out as she let you ride out your high. When done you pulled her up by the front of her top and kissed her, lips molding together as you could taste yourself on her lips.
“You are so jealous”.
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sequinsmile-x · 5 days
I’d be so so keen to read something about Em coming out as bisexual to Aaron (aware you’ve had an ask for this I just want to stress the interest 🫶🏼)
It’s something I struggle with myself and the validation of being bisexual is something that’s very real. It would be lovely to read something like this as something that seems realistic for Em. The way you write is so beautiful and intricate and I know you’d do a wonderful job.
For anyone else reading this - you are valid whoever you are and whoever you choose to love <3
Happy Fridayyyyy!!!
Hi bestie <3
I've been asked to do this a few times, and as a bi girl myself it is very close to my heart. I wanted to make sure I did it justice so waited until it felt right and now really does feel like the time. It is also coming to the end of Bi Visibility week, so here we are!
This feels oddly personal, almost like I'm putting out some pages of a diary out there for people to read, so I hope this is as cathartic to read for those who wanted it as it was to write.
As always, let me know what you think, I'm nervous about this one because it feels important!
The Past is Never Far
She’d told herself for years that she’d never mention it. It was, after all, not the biggest secret she had kept.
Emily and Aaron walk into an ex of hers when they are out on a date, and it prompts her to tell him something she's not told him before.
Warnings: Coming out (mentions of past bad experiences doing so)
Words: 3.2k
Read over on Ao3, or the below the cut
Emily hums contentedly as she squeezes Aaron’s hand, her eyes catching his as she looks up at him and smiles, “This is nice.” 
He smiles back, relaxed and content and handsome in the fading light as he lifts her hand to kiss her knuckles, “It is,” he replies, kissing her knuckles again before he tucks their joint hands into his coat pocket to protect them from the chill in the air, “We’re near that ice cream place you like, we could get some on the way back to the car?” 
Date night was something they’d established early on in their relationship. They had so little time just the two of them so it was important to them both to have this one night every month where they could have just that. Jack would spend the night at Jessica’s, often pouting that he wanted to come with them too, something Emily and Aaron would salve with love and assurances they’d all have breakfast together the next day, and the two of them would go to one of their favourite restaurants. The nice weather was fading, summer disappearing into Autumn. It was Emily’s favourite time of year. Not because her birthday was coming up, or because Jack and Aaron’s were too, but because of the cool air and the sun on her face. The ever-present reminder in the wind about the beauty of change as the colour of the leaves started to fade to orange and gold. 
Aaron knew she loved this time of year, so he’d been easily convinced to go on a walk with her around the block before they returned to his car and back to their apartment. She’d moved in with him and Jack recently, the apartment that was once just theirs hers now too, and they were looking for a house. A place they could buy and call home, something they both wanted so desperately and had been denied for so long. 
She smiles, leaning in so her shoulder bumps against his, “It’s too cold for ice cream.” 
Aaron chuckles and kisses her temple. He stops them on the street, the hand not linked through hers on her hip as he guides her backwards so they don’t block the sidewalk. He leans in to kiss her, “You’re the one who told me it’s never too cold for ice cream,” he replies, leaning in to kiss her, stamping his lips against hers once more before he removes his hand from her hip and digs through his other pocket, smiling in victory as he pulls out a pair of her gloves, “Plus, I came prepared. Your hands won’t get cold and you can still have Rocky Road - the best of both worlds.” 
She beams at him and cups his cheek, pulling him in for a kiss before she rests her forehead against his, “I love you.” 
“Love you too, sweetheart,” he says, kissing the corner of her mouth before he pulls back and they continue walking down the street, content and happy in each other's company. 
He buys them ice cream once they make it to the store, a double scoop of Rocky Road for her in a cone and one scoop of coffee in a tub for him. He chuckles at her as a drip of ice cream falls onto her gloves and she narrows her eyes at him, making a point of maintaining eye contact as she licks the remnants of it from the ridge of the cone, her smile wide as she watches him swallow thickly. She’s about to say something, to add to the teasing, when she hears a familiar voice behind her, one she hadn’t heard in years. 
“Emily Prentiss?” 
Her eyes go wide as she turns around, uncharacteristically caught out as she clears her throat, scrambling for something to say as she comes face to face with a piece of her past she hadn’t expected to see again, “Cat.” 
Cat chuckles as she steps forward, pulling a still shell-shocked Emily into a hug, “I thought it was you, Em,” she says, squeezing her before she steps back, “It’s been a long time. 15 years maybe?” 
“Closer to 20,” Emily laughs, the shake to it grabbing Aaron’s attention as he watches the interaction between the two women. Emily looks at him and curses herself internally for getting so flustered, “Aaron, this is Catherine Thomas, Cat, we…” she swallows thickly, her lips pressed together to keep the whole truth back, “We go way back,” she smiles as she turns to Cat, sees a spark in her eyes she hadn’t thought about in years, “Cat, this is Aaron. My boyfriend.” 
Cat smiles and holds her hand out for Aaron and he shakes it, “Lovely to meet you, Aaron.” 
“You too,” he replies, looking back and forth between the two women, curious at his girlfriend’s reaction, at the way her shoulders are slightly tight as she watches them interact. 
“Anyway,” Cat says, looking back at Emily, “My wife is just getting some ice cream. I can’t believe you still come here after all these years.” 
Emily nods, “Best ice cream in the city.” 
Cat looks up at Aaron, “Emily introduced me to this place when we first met,” she says, smiling fondly at a memory that was just theirs, “And I bring my wife and kids here now too.” 
Aaron smiles, “My son loves it here too.” 
They all turn at the sound of another woman’s voice to see her standing there with two pre-teens, both of them looking relatively irritated at being forced to spend the evening out with their parents, her expression curious as she looks at her wife. Cat nods and indicates she’ll be over in a minute before she turns back to Emily and Aaron.
“Well,” she says, “I’ve been summoned. It was good to see you, Emily. You seem well,” she hugs her again, something Emily returns, careful not to drip ice cream on her back.
“Nice to see you too, Cat,” she says, smiling as she pulls back, her gaze falling on her family behind them, “Your family is beautiful.” 
“Thank you,” Cat beams before she looks at Aaron, “Nice to meet you, Aaron.”
“Nice to meet you too,” he replies. They watch as Cat walks back to her family, gratefully taking her ice cream from her wife as she makes it to her side, saying something they can’t hear, “She seems nice.” 
“Yeah,” Emily says, feeling out of sorts from the flashback to a past life, something from so long ago it felt like it had happened to someone else. A part of her she kept secret, even from Aaron, “She is.” 
“Shall we go home?” He offers, his gaze on her as she smiles at him, a tenseness to it that she doesn’t hide well as her eyes meet his. She nods, shaking her head to rid herself of the feeling that had settled over her the last few minutes. The strange mix of nostalgia for her past when she was young and unburdened by responsibility and everything to come, and happiness for someone she’d once loved, all whilst she stood next to the person she knew was the love of her life, the man she’d spend the rest of her life with. 
“Yeah,” she says, smiling as she presses her lips together, her focus back on her ice cream as she eats some more, “Let’s go home.” 
She thinks about it for a couple of days.
She’d told herself for years that she’d never mention it, her relationship with Cat and the other women she’d dated over the years, because it wasn’t relevant. Since she’d come back to DC, still on uneven ground after being Lauren Reynolds and being with Ian, she’d only dated men. It wasn’t a purposeful act, not something she’d particularly tried to do, but it had happened. So it meant telling her friends, her new family, seem unimportant. 
It was, after all, not the biggest secret she was keeping from them.
She’d never even told her mother. Sure that, at best, her reaction would be to tell her it was ‘just a phase.’ At worst, she was sure her mother’s rather selective catholicism would make itself known, and she didn’t want to put herself through it. Instead, she kept the few relationships she’d had with women from her, and the one time she’d met Cat she’d introduced her as a friend, something that she hadn’t known at the time would start to unravel their relationship. The first pull at the thread that held them together, Cat’s confidence in her sexuality so much stronger than Emily’s had been at the time. Cat had been out and proud the entire time she’d known her, and, in the long run, their difference in how they approached it would never have worked. 
There were times when Emily had considered telling the team. When she’d make eyes at a woman across a bar when they were all out together, but she’d always chicken out, even with her tongue loosened and her cheeks warmed by tequila. People, mostly ex-boyfriends, had reacted poorly before. Either telling her that bi-sexual wasn’t a real thing, dismissing something she’d always known to be true about herself, or over-sexualising it, a familiar look in their eyes as they saw how her sexuality could benefit them. 
After Paris, she decided she’d simply keep it to herself. Her friend's view of her had been changed anyway, the person they thought she was dead and gone, buried in the grave that had always been empty. She couldn’t bear to do it again, to once again change what they thought they knew about her, even for something like this, so she didn’t. Even when she started dating Aaron, sweet, kind loving, Aaron who had never been anything but supportive and unflinching whenever she told him anything she hesitated.
Ever since they’d walked into Cat, she felt the need to tell him. To uncover this last final part of herself that she’d kept hidden away. He knew everything about Ian. He knew about Rome. It was time he knew about this too. 
Even though she wants to tell him, she feels nervous. A familiar kind of anxiety settles in her chest as she snuggles up on the couch with him one night, determined to not put it off any longer. Jack was in bed, safe and asleep in his room down the hall, and the TV was on, a movie they’d watched countless times before fading into the background as she sinks into her boyfriend’s side. She presses her face against his shoulder, breathing him in, breathing in the last few moments of how things were before she changed them forever. 
“I need to tell you something,” she says, her words partially muffled by his shirt before she pulls back, her brows furrowed as she corrects herself, “Actually, I don’t need to tell you. But I want to.” 
He watches her carefully for a moment before he nods, reaching for the remote to turn off the TV, ensuring she has all of his attention. He turns so he’s facing her, his knee skimming her thigh as she turns too, her focus on the top of the couch. She tugs nervously at a loose thread, a nervous habit he’s grateful distracts her from her cuticles. He thinks of the ring he has tucked away in his sock drawer, of how he pictures her twisting it around her finger when she is nervous or worried. He reaches out for her, frowning when she jumps ever so slightly when his hand lands on her knee. He squeezes gently, smiling even though she doesn’t look up at him.
“You can tell me anything, you know that,” he assures her, and she nods, her lips pressed together as she continues to pull at the thread on the couch. 
“You…” she swallows thickly, her eyes closed as she trips over the words she’d practised in her head for days, “You remember that woman we bumped into the other day, Cat?” She asks, her eyes darting up to his face as he nods, “She…she wasn’t just a friend. She was my girlfriend. We dated for almost a year when we were both in college,” she blows out a breath, her chest shuddering with it, feeling somehow lighter and heavier at the same time with the admission, “I’m Bisexual.” 
Her words hang in the air around them and she holds her breath, waiting for his reaction, unable to bring herself to look at him, worried about what she’d find. 
“Thank you for telling me,” he says, his words even and calm, his softness so jarring she looks up at him fast enough it cricks her neck, a pain she barely feels as he carries on, “And thank you for trusting me - I know that can’t have been easy.” 
She chokes on a humourless laugh, “Thats…that’s it?” 
He smiles at her, his dimples carved out in his cheeks in a way she loves, and he squeezes her knee, “Did you…want a different reaction?” 
“No,” she replies, shaking her head, choking on something she can’t name - a sound between a sob and a laugh caught in her chest, “No, not at all. I’ve just never had someone react so…well before.” 
He furrows his brow, “What do you mean, sweetheart?” 
She laughs bitterly and shakes her head, wiping away a tear she hadn’t expected until she felt it on her cheek, “I once had an ex-boyfriend ask me if it meant we could have a threesome,” she says, scrunching her nose up at the memory. She looks at Aaron and smiles at the pure horror on his face, his brow furrowing in indignation for a past version of her, “I broke up with him when it became very clear he already had a list of women who’d be ‘up for it’ at the ready.” 
He clenches his jaw, “I’m sorry he reacted like that,” he replies, “You deserved better than that. You deserve better.” 
She presses her lips together and shakes her head lovingly as more tears slip past her lash line, “Well, I have better now,” she says, playing her hand over his on her knee, linking their fingers together, “Do you have any questions?” 
“Have you dated any other women?” He asks softly, curious more than anything, and she nods, running her thumb back and forth over his hand. 
“Yeah, a couple of others but none as serious as my relationship with Cat. And I’ve had a few dates and drunken hook-ups,” she replies, her cheeks burning with embarrassment she knows she shouldn't feel. 
“Have you always known?”
She nods, “Since I was pretty young,” she smiles her lips pressed together at the memory, “Let’s just say, The Dukes of Hazzard was a bit of an awakening. Luke Duke was hot…and so was Daisy Duke.” 
He smiles and squeezes her hand, lifting it to kiss her knuckles, “What made you tell me now?” 
She blows out a slow breath, “After we walked into Cat, I realised I didn’t want to hide it from you anymore. All the reasons I had for doing so suddenly didn’t make any sense.” 
He pulls her into a hug, his arm tight around her as he kisses her cheek, “I’m glad you told me,” he says, smiling as she turns her head to kiss him.
“I’m glad I did too,” she replies, nudging her nose against his, “I…I was so worried it would change how you looked at me.” 
He frowns and pulls back to look at her, shaking his head as he tucks some of her hair behind her ear, “Never,” he assures her, “Nothing ever could. Especially this.” 
She furrows her brow and tilts her head at him, “What do you mean?” 
He sighs as he chooses his words carefully, “You’ve always been bi, sweetheart, right? It’s been part of who you are as long as I’ve known you, and it’s been part of you as long as I’ve loved you,” he smiles as he reaches out to wipe away a tear from her cheek, “So it doesn’t change anything because it’s always been who you are, even if you hadn’t told me.” 
She leans forward, her forehead against his neck as she breathes him in again, the world the same as it had been before she’d told him, but somehow different too. His understanding of her deeper but everything else unchanged. She takes a moment to hold him close, and she plays everything he’d said back in her head. A conversation she’d remember again and again as a reminder of how much he loved her, how well he loved her. Something she thinks that, after everything, she might just deserve. She furrows her brow as she thinks about it, the way he’d said part of all those wonderful things catching in her chest. Aaron was purposeful in everything. Not calculated, but purposeful. He never said anything he didn’t mean, and she narrows her eyes at him as she pulls back. 
“Wait…you said ‘even if I hadn’t told you…” she tilts her head as he clears his throat, avoiding her eye contact, “Oh my god - you knew?” 
He sighs, scratching the back of his head with the hand not tangled up in hers, “Sweetheart-”
She scoffs and lightly hits his chest, her cheeks burning at the thought that she’d got herself so worked up over something he apparently already knew, “Why didn’t you say anything?” 
He smiles at her indignation, catching her hand before she slaps his chest again for laughing at her. He kisses her knuckles and smiles fondly at her, disarming her ability to be annoyed at him so easily she’s annoyed at herself. 
“It wasn’t my place to, Em,” he says, “It’s your story to tell.” 
She knows he’s right and she huffs out a breath, her cheek against his shoulder as she pouts in a way she’d deny if he brought it up, “How the hell did you know?” 
“As someone who has been in love with you for much longer than I care to admit, I paid close attention to your interactions with anyone I thought might be flirting with you,” he smiles as she tilts her head to look at him, “It didn’t take long to realise you have chemistry with literally every person you ever meet.” 
She suppresses a laugh, her lips pressed together as one more wave of anxiety rolls through her, “And you don’t mind?” 
He shakes his head, leaning in to kiss her, his hand on her cheek to hold her in place, “If anything, it just makes me feel even more lucky that out of everyone you could be with you chose to be with me.” 
She sighs but it catches in her chest, love for him filling her lungs so fast she can’t catch her breath, “Oh, no honey,” she says, placing her hand over his on her cheek, shaking her head as he catches a tear the moment it slips free from her lashes, “I’m the lucky one.” 
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
october twelfth
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day twelve: james potter you encounter james at the bus stop | fluff, pre-relationship, flirty friends | 1.1k
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The dark clouds loom ominously as you wait for the bus. It’s the best way to get to the pub for the birthday party you’ve been invited to. You don’t know the birthday girl that well, but Lily invited you because she’s nice like that and you don’t have anything else to do tonight.
Your small gift — a bottle of wine — is in your bag and you’re glad you brought your umbrella because you are almost positive it’s going to start raining any second and you’ve got a nice outfit on.
A fall wind rips down the street and you pull your coat closer, eager to be at the pub already with a drink in your hand to warm you up. You wonder who else will be there. Frank, of course, and Lily and the girls. Sirius and Remus and…James. They’re all new friends, all people who seem to like you, and you can’t help but hope that one person in particular will be there.
And then the skies open. You fumble with your umbrella for just a second before it pops open and keeps you dry. It’s absurdly big — an old flatmate left it behind when she moved out so you took it. You could fit three people under here and you hope the wind dies down otherwise you might be like Mary Poppins flying down the street pretty soon.
You check your watch. The bus isn’t due for almost ten minutes.
There isn’t anyone else waiting for the bus though the street isn’t deserted, instead dotted with people pulling out their umbrellas and hurrying to wherever they’re headed. Heavy footsteps clomp to your right and you turn to see who is running in this weather. It’s someone rather tall who inspects the bus stop sign and then curses. He pulls off his wet glasses and runs a hand through dripping dark hair.
Oh shit, you think. You know this guy.
“James?” you call. You don’t know if he’ll recognize you, truly, even if you’re a bit infatuated with him, but you’ve met him a few times at dinners and parties and such, so surely he will? You think of him as Lily’s cutest ex-boyfriend in your head to stop yourself from calling him hot James.
He looks up at you, squints, then puts his glasses back on and grins.
He calls your name and waves but doesn’t move. Thank god he remembers it. “James, come here. You’re going to get soaked!”
Water splashes under his shoes as he jogs over and under your umbrella. It’s big, sure, but it feels much smaller with him hunched under it with you.
“Bit late for that,” he says. “Can I hold it?” He’s taller than any of your other friends so you hand over the handle and he shuffles a bit closer, raising the canopy to a better height for him. “Thank you,” he says with genuine warmth.
“Of course,” you reply automatically. You get a bit silly around him, which Lily has teased you about, but you can’t help it. He’s so handsome and quite flirty and very nice.
“Are you going to Alice’s birthday?”
You nod and he grins again.
“Brilliant,” he says. “I am too. Thought I’d miss the bus so I left without one of these.”
James strikes you as someone who does not carry an umbrella even when he knows it’s going to rain. You wonder if he lives around here. Maybe you’re neighbors.
“Lucky I’m here then.”
He turns his body a bit so he’s facing you more directly. “Yes, lucky indeed.”
“What did you get her?” you ask. How do you make small talk, again? You’re not terribly sure how to speak to James. All you know about him is that he and Lily dated at school, he’s tall and handsome, and he plays some sort of sport. And you’ve certainly got a small, tiny, totally manageable crush on him.
“Alice,” you clarify. “For her birthday.”
“Oh,” he says. He looks sheepish. “I forgot, actually. Bit classic of me, I’m afraid. What did you get?”
“Clever girl,” he says. You feel warm down to your toes. “She loves wine.” He sounds genuine in his praise. “I’ll just buy her some shots when we get there.”
You like how quickly this has turned into we, even if you’re just taking the same bus to the same party. It feels nice to be going with him. There’s something about him that’s…magnetic.
“When is your birthday?” you ask.
James looks a bit surprised. You’ve surprised yourself. Water runs down his nose as he studies you. “March,” he says. “The 27th.”
“Aries,” you say softly.
He winks, so quick you might have imagined it. “Well done. When’s yours?”
You tell him and he nods. “I’m no good with star signs, I’m afraid, so I’ve no idea which one you are.”
He sounds so genuinely put out that you laugh. James chuckles with you.
“Why do you ask?” Great question.
You shrug. “I just like to know. Maybe I’ll get you a present.”
James looks delighted. “Really? Well, now I’m absolutely getting you one.” Is this flirting? Are you flirting with James Potter under your own umbrella while waiting for the bus?
“I guess you’ll have to find out,” you say, nose turned up. Your face feels a bit hot despite the chill. You’re about to make another quip when James moves very quickly and suddenly his arm is around you, tugging you away from the curb moments before a car rushes by and sprays water all over where you were standing.
“Sorry,” he says. He releases you and situates himself so that the umbrella handle is between you once more. “Saw that coming. And those are nice shoes.”
“Thank you,” you say, a bit shy. You would like him to touch you again.
“In fact, all of you looks quite lovely despite the fact that it’s raining absolute buckets.”
Yeah, definetly flirting. “James,” you chastise, but he looks downright pleased that he’s flustered you.
The bus rounds the corner.
“And we were just starting to have fun.” He fumbles for his bus pass in his pocket. “Will you sit with me?” A silly question.
“Of course,” you say through a smile. “You can hold this, though.” You point to the umbrella. “Don’t let it drip on my shoes.”
He gasps as the bus pulls to a stop. “I’d never.” His palm is firm on your back for just a second before you get on the bus. Maybe tonight’s birthday party will be more fun than you’d hoped.
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thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, general masterlist here! promptober masterlist, find all fics under #fvspromptober23
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beforeimdeceased · 1 year
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i'll angel in the snow until i'm worthy ❄️
🌨️ but if it kills me i tried
if it kills me ⛸️
pairing: ex!ellie x reader
synopsis: ellie shows up at your door in the dead of winter, years after your break up.
warnings: su!cide attempt, alluding to alcohol addiction, no comfort and no happy ending.
authors note: this is short! i’m on my period rn and i am honestly so devastated for absolutely no reason so i decided to write about it. loosely (completely) based on my very sad experience with an ex. if any of you beautiful people need someone to talk to i am always here. i’m always an option.
you’re everywhere. at the bottom of the bottle, at the bottom of the glass. ellie couldn’t shake you. not even in the winter under the warmth of other girls. that’s why she was knocking at your door tonight. for the first time in months.
well not really. she’s always almost about to knock. almost did last week until she heard you laughing with friends. almost two weeks ago until she heard your drunkenly stumbling around, kissing some girl. always almost, almost always.
but tonight she couldn’t help herself. knuckles burning from the cold outside, she knocks three times. it takes you ten seconds to anwser. she counted while drawing shapes in the snow on your porch railing.
“ellie?” you barely breathe. too much floods your mind at once. a kiss on your neck, flowers on the first date, her smile. her laugh, god you hadn’t heard that in forever.
“come in, you must be freezing.”
do you offer her soup or tea? or maybe the warmth of your heart? the remains of your love laying flat on your bathroom floor? that night, the knife. the pills, the whiskey.
who tries to kill themself with their mother’s switchblade?
“i’ll take the tea thank you.” she blows into her cupped palms, shivering. she looks awful but not drunk. just battling a thought. probably the one telling her to get the hell out of there.
“how’ve you been?” you ask. you’re trying to be polite but it’s fucked to act like you don’t have eyes. even after all these years, she’s still torn. guilt ripping at her from the inside.
“i’ve been pretty good, got a job fixing cars. taking some classes downtown.” she shrugs, looking down at her feet anxiously. she leans onto her left leg, twisting the right in the air slightly.
you sigh. something close to but not quite relief washing over your body. at least she’s busy? you can’t look at her. everytime you see her face you want to break into a slew of tears. hold her, hit her, blame her, apologize. why’d you invite her in again?
“i don’t think i ever said um…” she starts. the tea is screaming on the stovetop. “wait, hold that thought.” you flash a small smile and rush to grab it. she wishes you wouldn’t have. would she have the courage to finish what she was saying when you came back?
the anwser is no. you returned to an empty space in your front entrance. cold air flush from the door. all you want to do is throw the cup at the wall and watch it break into a million pieces. maybe it’ll help the anger. maybe it will mend the tears in your heart. maybe it’ll ease your own guilt, your own ache.
you didn’t understand. she was so happy that week before. you were going to a dinosaur exhibit for her birthday that friday. she was visiting joel’s grave everyday. she was drawing so many pictures of you and the house. you saw her ring shopping online.
what could you have done? how could you have known? could you have known?
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
more zayn and y/n moments?? i feel like they have the most adorable friendship everrr ❤️❤️❤️
love your work ❤️🔥
oh there's so many!
So you all know when the band first started, all Zayn would say is Vas Happening?! Well, YN's thing was always saying Aye Oh!
So whenever the cameras would point to them during their fetus era, he would throw an arm over her shoulder and they'd just yell their sayings super duper loudly while making a funny face.
During the band's third tour, the two of them would spend some time with their vocal coach in one of the smaller green rooms to go over their harmonies together.
The song they loved to perform together was Right Now because they shared the chorus.
So when they would hit those harmonies perfectly (like they always did), they would give each other a nod of approval, a smug look on their faces before giving each other a high five.
YN knew that while he usually presented himself with a hard exterior, she knew that he was a soft teddy bear once you got to know him. One of the activities that she would partake in with him was art. She knew she was shit at it, but she also knew that he loved it.
So during the long rides on the tour bus crossing from one city to another, sitting next to each other during an album signing/meet & greet, or stuck in their hotel rooms, she'd be there with a piece of paper and some type of writing utensil for them to draw whatever came to mind.
There was even an interview in 2014 when they were doing for their new book "Who We Are" where Zayn spent the majority of the time drawing on YN's arm. With a ball point pen, the beautiful mandalas he drew on her skin left her beaming and utterly speechless.
There's no denying the fact that those two were the most fashionable members of the band. With Zayn's cool, suave, bad boy style and YN's good girl aesthetic, photoshoots with them were easy and right on the money.
For the Night Changes music video, YN was the stand-in for basically all of the boys (except Liam who actually had his girlfriend on set). With each date, she took on the role with some seriousness, acting as if the boys were really taking her on a date.
For Zayn's part, YN actually dressed in a formal black dress to really get into character.
Needless to say, she really got a kick out of making her usually quiet band member laugh throughout the shoot. Like when Ben Winston directed him to offer her some of his spaghetti, she let out a playful sigh of relief, "Yes please. Do you see the sad fookin' excuse of a salad they gave meh?"
Or when her "ex-boyfriend" interrupted her date with Zayn, she actually played along and had an argument with him with a fake backstory she made up: "Johnathan?! What are yeh doing here? I told you to leave me alone. No, I'm over you. No. I'm sorry but I just can't listen to you rant about your Barbie doll collection any longer!"
And when the ex-boyfriend dumps the food on Zayn, as soon as the director yelled cut!, YN quickly got up from her seat and got all up in the building of a man's face (really his chest from how tall the actor was) and says with a deep voice, "the fook man!" But her facade lasted all but 2 seconds before her and everyone just burst out laughing.
Since the band's formation, Zayn always had and continues to have a soft spot for YN.
He still views her as a little sister and while they don't talk as much as they used to during their time in 1D, there's not a single birthday, holiday, anniversary, etc. that hasn't gone by without a text between the former band members.
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rosanna-writer · 9 months
rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky
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Summary: Five times Rhys and Feyre stared at the stars (and one time they painted their own). Warnings: None Rating: General Audiences Word Count: ~2.2k
This is for @star-captain, my bonus giftee for @acotargiftexchange! I had a lot of fun writing some Feysand stargazing fluff for the fandom's resident astrobiologist <3
And again, a HUGE thank you to the event organizers for all their work putting this together!
You can find it Here on AO3 or under the cut!
Taking girls stargazing worked every time. Rhysand had made countless exes melt over how romantic it was to sit out under the stars, especially when there was just enough of a chill in the night air that they'd cuddle closer as he pointed out constellations one by one.
He should have known it wouldn't work on Feyre.
Really, it had seemed like a miracle that she'd even agreed to go out with him in the first place—Rhys had never met anyone so dead-set on calling him a prick. For a long time, the blush that stained her freckled cheeks every time he'd purred Feyre darling seemed like the most he'd ever get.
But on the drive out to a park far enough from the city to see the stars properly, the conversation had flowed easily between them. Rhys had itched to put his hand on her thigh as she she'd adjusted the radio and jokingly criticized his taste in music the whole way.
Now she'd settled in a camping chair, a light blanket around her shoulders and a thermos of coffee in hand, her head tilted back to look at the sky. Feyre was the most beautiful woman Rhys had ever seen, but somehow, she looked even better in the moonlight, and he was tempted to spend the whole night staring at her and not the stars they'd come to see.
And Rhys suspected if he spent hours just gawking at her, there wouldn't be a second date.
He settled into the chair next to her and started with the same routine he always used when he took someone stargazing. "We're facing north. That bright star directly in front of us is Polaris—"
"I know. And the Big Dipper is right there," Feyre said pointing.
So she'd done this before, then. Rhys relaxed, glad that he wouldn't spend half the night mapping out the basics of the night sky. He would have done it gladly for Feyre, but there were better ways to spend a rare perfectly clear night providing a tutorial.
"Which is your favorite?"
As she started telling him about Orion's belt Feyre's smile was bright enough to light up the entire night. Rhys hung on her every word, memorizing exactly why she'd always loved the hunter, because there was nothing that seemed more important than knowing her inside and out.
By the end of the night, Rhys was sure he was going to marry her some day.
Feyre woke to the feather-light brush of Rhys's fingers in her hair. Making a low noise in the back of her throat, she buried her face deeper into the pillow. He chuckled, sweeping his thumb along her cheek.
"I know the bed is comfortable, but I promise the surprise is worth waking up for," he said softly.
Feyre cracked open one blue-grey eye. "There's a surprise?"
"When it's your birthday and the longest night of the year? Of course."
Feyre sat up slowly, pulling the quilt with her. She blinked at Rhys owlishly, taking in the layers he was dressed in. Only an hour before, he'd been in bed with her, wearing nothing at all. "Are we…going somewhere?"
"Yes, stargazing. So bundle up."
Feyre shot out of bed like a cannonball and dug out one of Rhys's sweatshirts from the closet. "I didn't think you'd want to go," she said, shrugging it on over her t-shirt.
"Last year, you said no one would go on your birthday because December was too cold."
"You remembered that?"
Rhys wasn't sure he could have forgotten—she'd looked so heartbroken over something easily remedied by a good coat, thick socks, and hand warmers. The temperature might have plunged, but they'd been lucky enough to have another clear night, as if the stars wanted to shine their brightest on Feyre's birthday.
And beyond that, he'd been panicking for months over what to do for her first birthday since they'd started dating. She'd struggled to accept gifts gracefully for as long as he'd known her, and he hated seeing her stammer and insist whatever she'd been given was too much.
But Feyre didn't need to know how long he'd been agonizing for. He picked at an invisible piece of lint on his sweater as she rooted around in a drawer for a hat. "There isn't much about you that's easy to forget."
An hour later, they'd managed to get the telescope set up, even with their hands wrapped up in thick gloves. Their breath made clouds in the air as they took turns adjusting it and peering up at the stars.
By the time they tumbled back into bed, the sun had nearly risen. It had taken the last of Feyre's energy to peel off her coat and all the layers under it, and she'd nearly fallen back to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Rhys's arms banded around her, pulling her close as she whispered, "This was the best birthday I can remember."
After nearly a year of dating, they'd planned their summer travel around the Perseids. The late-August heat cooled off enough to make nights perfectly comfortable for watching the annual meteor shower. For months, Feyre had been looking forward to getting out of the city and watching it with Rhys.
But of course, a summer thunderstorm had gotten in the way of their plans.
In the days leading up to the trip, Rhys had been watching the weather obsessively, fretting over every last change in the predicted cloud cover. More than once, Feyre had nudged him to stop refreshing the page and just come to bed.
In the end, they'd decided not to cancel. Partial cloud cover, chance of rain low. It seemed worth risking it for the chance to watch shooting stars streak across the sky all night.
But the cloud cover turned out to be quite a lot worse than just partial. They'd only just gotten settled when a storm rolled in, and the rain began to pour.
Rhys and Feyre packed up their things in record time and made a mad dash back to the car. Feyre sighed with relief once they were out of the rain—only to shriek in surprise at the droplets that hit her as Rhys shook his head like a dog.
"Sorry," he said, pushing a wet lock of hair out of his eyes.
Feyre shrugged. "It's not as if I was dry anyway."
Now that she'd caught her breath, she let her gaze roam over him. Rhys's t-shirt had been stark white against his warm brown skin, and now it clung to his chest, the swirling tattoos that covered it showing through the material.
He was beautiful, and sometimes Feyre couldn't believe her luck that he was hers.
Even if he was smirking at her as if he could read her thoughts.
In the end, they'd attempted to salvage the evening by finding a place to eat. Not that there were many options this late. It took a while to find a place that stayed open all night, a diner called Rita's that seemed to be the only one for miles.
They were still waterlogged when the waitress showed them to their table. Feyre caught the hungry stares at Rhys and had nearly growled a warning to back off. Something in his eyes glittered.
When they were alone in their booth, he'd leaned in close and whispered, "You know I'm yours and yours alone, Feyre darling."
She'd shivered, not just because of the cold air on her wet skin.
Feyre hadn't thought much about how entwined their lives had felt until the solar eclipse was approaching. Hotels in the path of totality filled up well in advance—years in advance, even. But somehow, it didn't feel like wishful thinking to assume she'd be going with Rhys.
And she'd been right, of course. They shared a townhouse now, and Rhys was the person she came home to every day. I f Feyre had her way, that would be true for the rest of her life.
So a few weeks before the trip, Feyre found herself buying a ring.
By some miracle, she'd kept it hidden for weeks, tucked away in the back of a closet and the pocket of her coat. Throughout the drive, checking into their hotel, and dinner, Rhys hadn't seemed to suspect a thing.
But still, as darkness fell the next day and the moon moved in front of the sun, Feyre's heart leapt into her throat. She couldn't imagine he'd say no, but….a small part of her still worried Rhys might.
Her fingers curled around the box in her pocket, clutching it as if to steady herself. She took a deep breath and watched the sky through the tinted glasses they'd bought for the occasion.
Rhys's fingers brushed her other hand. The moon was nearly directly in front of the sun. It was now or never. Feyre dropped to one knee, pulling the box from her pocket, and tugged on Rhys's hand for his attention.
Only to find that he'd just done the same thing.
For a moment, they just stared at each other in shock, both kneeling with a ring in hand, then burst into laughter. Feyre launched herself into Rhys's arms.
"Should I take that to mean the answer is yes?" he said, kissing her.
"Of course it is."
"So is mine, if that wasn't obvious."
Eloping in the middle of the night was tempting. And with every frustration over finding a caterer and a photographer and a baker and every other task that seemed to be piling up as the wedding approached, it seemed even more tempting.
But they'd both been far too set on the idea of a ceremony in a planetarium to let all the planning to go waste.
Feyre tilted her head back and looked up at the stars as she waited to walk down the aisle. The planetarium had arranged them to replicate the sky on the first night they'd gone stargazing together. Just as she had then, she found Polaris with ease, right above the altar where Rhys was waiting for her.
Her worries about tripping on her dress or stumbling over the words in her vows melted away. Like so many had before her, Feyre looked up at the stars and knew with certainty exactly where to find home.
The rest of the day felt like a dream—when the music started, Feyre felt as if she'd floated down the aisle, pulled to Rhys by a string nestled next to both their hearts. In some ways, they'd always belonged to each other, but declaring it in front of their loved ones had her nearly glowing with happiness.
Long before the pregnancy test had come back positive, they'd both known the nursery would be covered in stars. And once they'd heard the name Nyx, Rhys and Feyre had agreed that nothing else sounded quite right.
Feyre had resolved to paint the nursery ceiling well before she started showing and standing too long on swollen feet became impossible. As early as possible, she'd bought several cans of glow-in-the-dark paint and printed out a map of the stars.
Rhys leaned against the doorframe and watched her—the meticulous way she painted each star, her tongue peeking out from between her lips as she focused, and the delicate curve of her fingers around the paintbrush. Given the opportunity, he could watch Feyre paint for hours.
When her concentration finally broke, he said, "Is there anything you need my help with?"
"Do you mind opening the can of paint near my feet?"
He did as she asked, stepping closer to pick up the can of paint that was sitting next to the ladder. As Rhys pried the lid open, flecks of paint splattered across his face. He blinked in surprise, and Feyre giggled.
Rhys went to wipe the paint from his face, but Feyre said, "Wait, no! Not yet."
She climbed down the ladder and crossed the room to turn off the lights. The paint began to glow, making Rhys look like he was covered in stardust.
He tipped his head back to admire the half-finished mural on the ceiling. "It's already beautiful."
"You think so?" Feyre came closer, wrapping an arm around his waist as she surveyed her work. Mapping the sky had been a meticulous, painstaking process, but she could see the final result beginning to come together. It would be worth it, if only just to have the soft glow illuminating midnight feedings when Nyx arrived.
"Everything you make is beautiful." Rhys pressed a kiss to her temple, which distracted Feyre enough that she didn't notice his fingers dipping back into the can of paint. He flicked some onto her, so she looked like she was covered in stardust, too.
"Rhysand," she squeaked, moving to wipe the paint away.
He caught her wrist before she could. "Don't. It looks like your freckles are glowing."
Feyre started to say that if he wasted any more of the paint, she'd be sending him back to the craft store, but the way he was looking at her stole her breath. Rhys leaned in to kiss her, under the stars as always.
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Whatever you want, birthday boy.
Steve is 33, Eddie is twenty something. Age gap Steddie fic I wrote for my birthday. Very explicit, semi public sex.
"Thirty three," Steve sighs, melancholic. "I can't believe it."
"Well, think about it this way," Dustin opens his mouth and Steve knows whatever he's going to say it's not going to comfort him at all. "If you were a hobbit, you'd be an adult at last!"
"How's that supposed to be a good thing?" Steve groans, looking at the kid (ok, not a kid anymore since he's now twenty, but still a kid in Steve's eyes). "You basically told me I'm old even in that fantasy world of yours!"
Robin, bless her, punches Dustin's shoulder as punishment, getting a satisfying grunt of pain from him.
"I told you that that bit was unnecessary, Henderson," Robin chastises him and before Dustin can open his nosy mouth, adds, "what Steve needs is to go out and have fun tonight, what do you say, Harrington? Party night?"
"We already have plans, remember?" Dustin mumbles between gritted teeth, opening his eyes comically and pointing at Steve with his head.
"It's ok, I know about the surprise party, kid, you can talk about it freely," Steve shrugs and Dustin blinks several times, flabbergasted and offended.
"Baby Wheeler," Robin says as an explanation, and that is, in fact, enough to get Dusting to ramble for a whole hour about how he can't trust anybody.
The party with the kids is, well, pretty nice. Sure, they're the kids he used to babysit when they all were… actually kids, but Steve loves all of them more than he loves his own family.
Robin is there, being the funny, eccentric aunt, pulling silly pranks for all of them and dancing horribly, dragging the girls with her and making them laugh.
Dustin has chastised Mike for hours, making Steve laugh at his antics, but now, the curly haired boy is enraptured watching Erica Sinclair dancing with El and Max.
Meanwhile, Lucas is crumpling a disposable cup, frowning at Dustin and his lovesick, bright eyes. Oh well, that's going to be fun. Steve, with a fond smile on his lips, wonders how this all will end.
Mike is talking quietly to sweet Baby Byers, who is blushing and hiding his smile behind his cup. These two should talk sooner or later, too, even if privately Steve thinks Will could find someone better.
That's what Mike thought about him when Steve was dating Nancy, and he can understand it now.
Jonathan and Argyle are already stoned and laughing about god knows what, sprawled on the coach. Steve is grateful this is not his house, he'd hate to clean up all this mess the next morning.
"Well, well, birthday boy," Nancy greets him, pouring herself a drink. "A little bird has told me that you're feeling down about your birthday."
Steve grunts.
"My birthday is ok," Steve shrugs. "It's the number that makes me sad. I'm old."
Nancy huffaws. "We are the same age."
"You're younger and prettier," Steve pouts, making Nancy laugh.
"God, she's right, you're moping, you need to get laid," his ex-girlfriend sighs with a sad smile.
"I don't-"
"Yes! Shut up," Robin interrupts them, how she has heard them, Steve doesn't know. She wraps her lanky arm around Steve's neck. "Steve needs to go out and find a nice someone. If you know what I mean. I'm taking him out now that we're done here."
"You're not-"
"Shut up, Steve, this is not about you," Robin cuts him, putting her dainty index finger in his lips.
"It's my birthday and you're talking about me and my sex life."
"What sex life, Steve?" Nancy asks with a grin. Robin, of course, snorts inelegantly.
"Auch, that was unnecessary, Wheeler."
"No more talking, baby," Robin says and starts tugging at Steve's arm. "You have your tight jeans, your shirt is ok, and your hair is amazing as always. Let's go!"
"But I want another piece of cake!" Steve tries, and loses.
He wasn't expecting a cake at all, and it was very nice when El and Max appeared holding a three chocolates cake, candles lit atop of it and everything.
"You'll have more cake later, say bye to everyone," Robin orders him, not unkindly.
Steve obliges with a tired sigh.
"Bye, everyone."
The club is fucking crowded when they arrive. Robin announces to the security man at the door that it's his best friend's birthday, and to Steve's dismay, she starts telling everyone who's listening that it's actually Steve's twentieth five birthday.
Fuck. Steve wishes to have twenty five years again.
He was in better form at that age, still playing basketball regularly and enjoying swimming, back when his lungs were in top form.
Steve knows objectively that being thirty three doesn't make him old, holy fuck, he knows that.
But it's sad how his life turned out.
He dropped uni because his parents lost all their money in their poorly chosen investment and his shitty minimum wage salary job wasn't enough to pay his studies and rent.
His high school sweetheart, his Nancy, broke up with him after that. Sure, they're friends now, but it was, in Nancy's words, bullshit. All that happened between them was bullshit until they managed to be civilized in front of each other again.
Then…, well, shitty job after shitty job, trying hard for nothing. He ended up working at Hopper's mechanic workshop - man, that's a story to tell some day. He's grateful that Hopper didn't give up with him.
But then again, no love, not too much money. At least Steve kept his friends and his health.
"This year is going to be your lucky year, Steve!" Robin yells at him when they manage to reach the bar, digging elbows here and there to make themselves a place. "Thirty three is a master number, baby, this is your year!"
"If you say so…"
"But today you're twenty five again!" His best friend keeps yelling to make herself be heard over the music.
It's not the kind of club Steve would choose. It's not the club neither of them would choose to spend the night, now that Steve stops and looks around. Why Robin even knows this place unsettles him.
First, the music is all wrong. Rock and roll blasting through the massive speakers, the riff of an electric guitar thrilling Steve's eardrums.
Second, the place itself. Dark and grimy as usual, yes, but the walls are covered in posters of bands Steve doesn't even recognize. Well, most of them. He knows Led Zeppelin because of Hopper, and AC/DC, but that's all.
Third, the people around them: metalheads, all of them. Bare skin covered in black ink tattoos, tight black jeans, well worn band t-shirts and ripped black lace everywhere. Fuck, is that guy wearing eyeliner?
Steve perches on the bar to call to any of the bartender's attention and then he sees it: the blonde girl that is, possibly, the reason they're in this metalhead club.
He looks at Robin before even doing a once over to the girl. His best friend smiles sheepishly at him.
"Really, Robin?" Steve mouths, arching a brow.
Robin shrugs with her beatific smile still on her lips. "Sorry," she mouths back at him.
The blonde girl, wearing a black crop top and revealing some tattoos, is talking with another waiter, a guy. Tall, with long, curly hair. He’s wearing a long sleeve shirt with black sheer material that clings to his toned arms and chest.
"You don't even respect my birthday now," Steve yells at her. The loud music and the fact that he's smiling at her makes the whole accusation fall flat.
"I still want you to have fun and get laid, try something new!" Robin says, tugging at his sleeve, and ok, she's right, Steve can have fun tonight and enjoy himself.
“I’m gonna do it,” Eddie says, a wolfish smile tugging at his lips.
“No, no, no, I forbid it,” Chrissy puts herself between Eddie and his target.
“But, look at him!” Eddie pouts. They’re yelling at each other so they can hear what they’re saying, even if Eddie is sure Chrissy can read his mind by now. “Or, don’t know, look at the girl that is with him and let me go, whatever.”
“Exactly, Eddie,” Chrissy has that exasperated look when she speaks. “He’s with a girl, you don’t know if…”
“Excuse me, madam,” Eddie cuts her, “but my gay-radar never, ever, fails.”
“Yes, yes, I know, but…”
“Then what’s the problem?” Eddie asks, looking at the guy that has him enraptured over her shoulder.
“The problem is that we don’t serve free drinks just because, Eddie!”
“I’ll find an excuse, darling,” Eddie promises, and shoves her to get to his target.
The target is the cutest preppy guy he has ever seen in his whole life. A white t-shirt that stretches over his pecs, of course, and a white and red windbreaker that makes him look broader than he probably is, Eddie wants to discover it. He’s sure that the guy is also wearing tight jeans, he looks just like the type, a jock. Tall, pretty face, great hair, like a white, bright beacon in a sea of metalheads wearing all-black outfits: the guy seems lost here, at the Horned Demon, with his looks and his styled hair. Eddie wants to ruin him. He can’t stop thinking about the unnamed things he wants to do to him while he approaches him and the girl that is talking to him.
“Hello, handsome!” Eddie greets him with a wink when he reaches their spot, leaning across the sticky bar so the preppy guy can hear him. “What can I do for you?”
It’s so difficult to be sultry while Judas Priest is blasting at full volume, but Eddie fucking tries, wearing his most charming smile and looking at the guy with interest.
The guy doesn’t have the chance to speak, though. The girl who accompanies him - Eddie is 90% sure she’s not his girlfriend - jumps over him, wrapping an arm over the guy’s shoulder, and yells at Eddie.
“He likes cranberry vodka!” She exclaims happily. “Can you put a little umbrella or something on it? We’re celebrating!”
“Really? What are you two celebrating?” Eddie asks, elbow propped on the bar, eyes raking over the preppy guy, grinning at him openly.
“It’s his birthday!” She yells again. “He’s twenty five today!”
Eddie’s grin widens. There it is, the excuse he was looking for.
“You got it, handsome birthday boy who likes cranberry vodka,” Eddie winks again at him. He’s good with his eyes, he knows it, Chrissy has told him, and Gareth hates when he puppy-eyes him, so Eddie knows he can weaponize them easily. “What about you?”
“Oh no, it’s not my birthday, thanks!” The blonde girls answers, and fuck, Eddie has to laugh. He immediately likes her, even if he’d hate if she’s actually the guy’s girlfriend.
“Good to know!” Eddie snorts. “Want something to drink?”
“She’ll have jack and coke, thanks!” The guy answers now, and, ok, it’s weird that they order for each other, but still, Eddie’s hope is strong.
Steve is stunned, there’s no other word for it. The bartender is hot, and undeniably young. This close and even in the dim light, Steve can appreciate his toned arms and chest and abs. God bless his stupid sheer lycra shirt. His torso is spattered with tattoos that Steve can't recognize but it doesn't matter, suddenly, a flash of himself worshiping and lapping these tattoos floods his mind.
The bartender flashes a grin to Steve, who returns it back the best he can, and by the smug look on Robin's face, Steve knows that she knows.
"What?!" He asks loudly.
"Nothing!" Robin grins knowingly. It's going to be a long night.
Just a few minutes later, the hot bartender is back with Robin's jack and coke and his own cranberry vodka.
"There you are, birthday boy!" He announces with a pretty smile that makes Steve go hot all over. Maybe he should take off his jacket.
Steve looks at his drink, the glass decorated with a silly pink umbrella, and smiles, reaching for his wallet and opening over the bar to pay.
“This one it’s on the house, handsome!” The bartender yells at him, putting his hand over Steve’s, stopping him. Steve looks at him quizzically, the other guy shrugs, his smile still in those plush lips, showing his teeths. “Happy birthday!”
Robin elbows him in the ribs, shouting at him that she’s gonna pay her drink to the pretty blonde girl that is still at the other corner of the bar, and Steve starts panicking almost immediately.
He used to be suave, when flirting. He used to be able to stay calm and smooth in front of someone pretty. Maybe with age he lost his ability, or maybe it’s the lack of alcohol in his system, or the loud heavy metal music that is deafening him.
“T-thanks!” He stutters, feeling deeply stupid.
He wants to say something flirty to this guy, he wants to know his name. He’s having ideas, everything he’d be already doing if he were twenty five again and not thirty three. Oh, Steve used to have the best ideas, he had so much fun when he was younger.
Now it seems that a pretty boy with dark eyes looking at him it’s enough to render him speechless.
“My break is in fifteen minutes!” The guy tells him, leaning into the bar to get close to Steve. By instinct, Steve leans on too, his eyes fixed on this man’s lips. “If you want to have some fresh air!”
Oh well, not subtle, not in the least with the way the long haired bartender is looking at him, biting his lower lip, and fuck. Steve wasn’t subtle when he was younger, either.
“I’d love to!” Steve manages to shout in the guy’s ear, earning a wide grin from him. Dimples, for fuck’s sake, the man has dimples when he smiles like this, and Steve feels himself sweating already.
Sadly, the bartender vanishes from his side to attend the other customers, and Robin appears by his side just a moment later. When she tilts her head, Steve notices that Robin’s face is tainted with lipstick in the shape of a kiss.
“How?!” Steve asks her, amazed.
Robin shrugs, sips her drink. “Jealous?”
“Yes, obviously, since when are you good at flirting?” Steve demands to know, faking being offended. There was a time when Robin tripped all over herself the moment a pretty girl passed by her side. Those were the times, my friend.
“Since you taught me!” Robin yells at him, laughing. “Come on, King Steve, where’s your charm lately?”
“What do you mean you’re taking your break?” Chrissy asks him once they’re at the storage room.
“I mean that…”
“You already took your break, Eddie!” Chrissy reminds him, and he bites his lower lip, puts his best puppy eyes to her, pouts.
“But he’s interested in me, Chris!” Eddie sobs like a child. His best friend sighs. “Gareth and Jeff are here already, and Freak will be here in like, two hours, the club is not going to be unattended, it’s not so crowded tonight.”
Eddie knows he’s pushing his luck: first the free drink, now asking for a second break. His shift will be over when Freak arrives, as he said, in two hours. But he knows that a lot of things could change in two hours and he really is into this preppy birthday boy with droopy eyes and kissable lips and broad shoulders.
He simply wants to see if they’re compatible before asking him to wait for him so he can walk him home, and a second break it’s perfect for that. A little bit of flirting, maybe a kiss, see if this guy and the butterflies in his belly are something he wants to take home with him at the end of his shift.
“Come on, Chris, I’ve been in this dry spell for months,” Eddie pouts again. “Also, I saw you kissing that blonde girl.”
Chrissy’s eyes widen and she looks at him with murder rage, nostrils flaring, and Eddie knows he just won.
“It’s his friend, you know…” Eddie shrugs nonchalantly. “I can get her number for you, if you didn’t ask her for it, if you just…”
“Ok, ok, fine! Whatever!” Chrissy exclaims, wiggling her arms in the air. Eddie grins and fist pumps in victory, mouthing a yes between his teeth. “I want her number before you leave tonight.” Chrissy adds primly, leaving him alone at the storage room.
With his jacket draped on his arm, Steve tells Robin about the bartender, asks her if she thinks it’s a bad idea, but his best friend howls an awful sound at Steve’s words, making him shake his head, even if he’s smiling.
“Tell me you told him yes, Steve, or so help me…”
“I told him that I’d love to, yes, gosh!” Steve answers, but he’s now feeling a bit lighter, a bit… high. Cran vodka it’s not so strong to him, he’s sure this feeling is related to the hot, young bartender that wants his attention tonight.
“Good!” Robin exclaims and clinks her drink with Steve’s. “You’re both adults, go have some fun!”
“What about you?” Steve asks, suddenly worried about leaving Robin behind.
“I’ll be good, I texted Jonathan and Argyle, they’re already on their way!” She grins at Steve. “But I plan to take someone home later, too, honestly.”
“The blonde girl?” Steve asks her now, wiggling his brows to make Robin laugh.
“D-uh!” Robin looks for the blonde girl who is serving drinks at the bar. “She’s so pretty it hurts me, Steve, and she’s so nice!”
“She already kissed you, didn’t she?”
They banter like this for a while, laughing at themselves. It’s good, fuck, is good to be able to laugh at the little silly things while having a drink. They never stopped doing it, so Steve doesn’t know why all this melancholy is coming from.
Someone taps him on his shoulder and Steve turns to see him. This close they’re almost the same age, Steve finds himself looking at the biggest dark eyes he has ever seen.
“Sorry to interrupt,” the guy says with that blinding smile that is making Steve feel so weak tonight. “I just, my break just started…”
“You don’t interrupt anything!” Steve rushes to say, to Robin’s amusement.
“Yeah, it’s ok, I’m his lesbian soulmate, Robin!” She introduces herself even before Steve can say something else. Worst wingwoman ever.
“Robin! My friend Chrissy, at the bar, wants your number, maybe you could..,”
“Well, gentlemen, see you later, have fun!” Robin exclaims, stepping between them holding her drink over their heads and rushing towards the bar like something is chasing her. Steve shouts a loud good luck to you! at her back, just to find that the guy is looking at him intently.
Steve clears his throat, awkwardly.
“You wanted some fresh air?” He asks.
The bartender nods and without wasting a single second, he grabs Steve by his wrist and leads him through the crowded place to the barely hidden back door.
Steve’s heart is thumping in his chest, following this guy he doesn’t know at all until they get out of the club, the cold night breeze welcoming them in the alley. It’s dark, dimly illuminated by the streetlights of the adjacent street. Steve can still hear the faint drumming and bass of the music blasting inside.
“Ah, this is better," the cute bartender exhales, tossing his head back, letting Steve ogle at his long neck, dampened curls sticking to it. Steve swallows dry at the sight in front of him.
Steve can't believe this guy wants to spend his time with him.
"I never saw you here before," the bartender says, opening his eyes and looking at Steve. Flustered at being caught, Steve avoids his eyes. The cute guy is smiling, though.
His voice is deep, calm, and washes over Steve easily. Even with his eardrums still pumping with the ghost of the loud music, Steve falls a bit more now that he has heard his voice.
"Not really my scene," Steve admits. "Robin was the one who dragged me here."
The cute bartender's smile widens. "Then I guess I should thank her," he adds, closing the distance with Steve.
Oh fuck, shit, it's happening. Steve feels his blood boiling under his skin, just because of the proximity.
Steve didn't even ask for this guy's name. Maybe it's how the cute guy likes to do it, no names, not complications. What if Steve's heart hurts a little at that thought. He's the one actually lying to him, not saying his real age to him.
"Well, well, birthday boy," he says with his rumbling voice, stepping into Steve's space. Steve smiles at him, feeling butterflies in his tummy. "I have twenty minutes and I’m all yours.”
Fuck. Yes.
Steve smirks when the cutie wraps his arms around his neck and he feels bold enough to span his hands around the guy’s thin waist and pulls him closer, their bodies crashing together. This is Steve’s area of expertise. Maybe he has forgotten how to flirt, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t remember how to pull his moves.
The reason why he was called the King of Hawkins’ High.
It lites every nerve on his body when he cradles the guy’s pretty face on his hand, cupping his jaw and cheek softly, drinking the way he looks at Steve, dark eyes widening and breath hitching. Steve smiles and leans in slowly, just in case the bartender would want to take a step back, just in case he’s having second thoughts. But that’s not the case. They both find each other in the middle, lips brushing slowly.
Steve can make those twenty minutes pretty amazing for the guy that is now buzzing with nervous energy in his arms.
He feels high.
Eddie is used to one night stands and summer night flings. He’s a hot bartender with a strong sexual energy - he likes to tell himself that while he’s working at the club, when he’s at home reading with his glasses on and his sweatpants there’s zero sexual energy, but that’s another story.
The thing is, he flirts a lot, it’s part of the job, really. He has luck more often than not. He’s used to people lusting after him, and sometimes Eddie indulges - he indulges a lot. Sure, lately he’s been suffering this dry spell, but it was his choice. No one has picked his interest lately.
Tattooed, metalhead hot guys. Pretty girls with red, plush lips and soft curves. Eddie has never been picky, but his circle is limited, so he’s used to the same types again and again.
He’s also accustomed to quick affairs, he doesn’t even remember the last time he cared to ask someone’s name. Sometimes it’s just about a rushed handjob on the alley. He has only to be careful that Gareth hasn’t had the same idea at the same time. That was a nightmare of a night. Now both of them double check.
Rarely, Eddie invites whoever he has his interest on to stay the night with him. This doesn’t happen a lot, Eddie is… bored, if you ask him. Anonymous sex and one night affairs are great to an extent.
Eddie is not used to gentle hands caressing his face with no rush, though. He’s not used to the slow slide of this birthday boy’s tongue against his, tasting like cranberry vodka, kissing him as if they had two hours and not twenty minutes to enjoy themselves in a dark alley. Instead of rushing things, he simply presses their bodies together, rocking against the wall and pulling Eddie with him. His body is warm and solid against Eddie, his fingers digging in his waist. That all is more than enough to have Eddie hard and ready in his ripped, black jeans.
Birthday boy puts himself comfortably, his back against the wall. Opens his legs and lets Eddie settle between them, hands roaming up and down Eddie’s back, his warm sips through Eddie’s almost nonexistent shirt: yes, black translucent lycra looks good on him but now the cold of the night mixing with the heat that this guy radiates is making him lose his mind.
Fuck, this guy knows how to kiss. Eddie lets him set the pace, since he knows what he’s doing, and focuses on the pleasure that is kissing someone this leisurely. The moment Eddie breaks the kiss to breathe, the other boy mouths his jaw and neck, teeth brushing sensitive skin, and fuck. Eddie can’t help the involuntary twitch of his hips.
“Ah, fuck, you’re good at this,” Eddie whimpers. Birthday boy simply hums against his pulse point, sending vibrations down Eddie’s spine. Fuck, his cock twitches and they’re still doing nothing. The guy’s hands - why does he have these stupidly broad, warm hands? - press Eddie against him a bit tighter. Oh, the flex of his biceps when he does it, Eddie feels his muscles working underneath him, and somehow that drives him crazy.
Eddie needs more than twenty minutes with his guy. He has the urge to strip him naked and worship his body, he wants to see what’s hiding under these ridiculous tight white t-shirt and jeans that cling to his thighs. Sorry, James Dean, but birthday boy wears this outfit better. Fuck, he barely had time to admire his arms now that he’s not wearing the jacket, hanging from the crook of his arm.
With a particularly well aimed thrust of his bucking hips, Eddie feels the hard on that this guy is sporting himself. A hard line straining his jeans and twitching under Eddie’s constant squirming. They’re wearing too much clothes, Eddie wants to see, wants to know.
He sneaks a hand between their bodies and cups the guy’s obvious erection, making him gasp, hips bucking, so fucking satisfying, knowing that is Eddie making him react like this. Through the jeans, this guy’s dick is scorching hot and it seems to be massive.
It is this guy’s birthday, but Eddie is the one receiving the best gifts.
Or so he hopes.
“Ah, shit,” birthday boy pants when Eddie tries to stroke him, following the tenting of his jeans. “You don’t have to…”
Huh, Eddie thinks, this is why they’re here, is kind of the deal, right? No one ever told him something like that. Eddie cranes his neck to look at the preppy guy, his droopy eyes half lidded, lips parted, breathing heavily.
Eddie is doing this to him.
Oh fuck.
“You don’t want me to?” Eddie asks, aroused, confused.
“Fuck, I want to, just,” the guy laughs awkwardly, cock pulsing visibly through his jeans. “I’m nervous, I think, it’s been a while.”
Eddie smiles at him, pecks him softly in his lips, almost chastly. This guy is precious. And Eddie is enjoying far too much just being here, feeling him breathing and just having him underneath his body. It’d be cozy if it weren’t for the dark alley, the trash bins, the noise of the street and the music of the club.
This is new for Eddie. He gnaws at his lower lip for a moment.
“Look, I-” Eddie starts saying, his mouth betraying him. “I was thinking about getting you off here and now-”
“Jesus Christ,” birthday boy interrupts him, hips bucking, rutting his hard cock against Eddie’s.
“But if you’re not ok with that, that’s ok,” Eddie adds in a rush. “If you want to, we can wait. My shift ends in two hours or so, we can go to my place later, if that sounds better?”
The guy groans, arches his back. Laughs.
“That’s it, if you can wait two hours to taste this,” Eddie teases, ruts against the guy, hips rolling seductively.
“Fuck, you should come with a warning label around your neck,” he says, and tugs at Eddie’s nape, pulling him in for another kiss, melting Eddie in his spot. “Fuck it, let’s do both, let me touch you now and I’ll give you whatever you want at your home.”
Eddie is thrilled, trembling with anticipation, cock leaking at the guy’s words.
Before Eddie can think about it, birthday boy has both his hands on him, touching him through the sheer material of his stupid lycra shirt, and Eddie moans throatily.
Having this cute boy so close is driving him insane. Steve thumbs at his nipples just to find them pierced, and a wave of renewed arousal threats to overwhelm him. He wants to put his mouth on it, feel it on his tongue, tug at it with his tongue.
Steve has never been with someone like him, tattooed and pierced and with that blustery energy buzzing out of him, this aura of danger surrounding him. It’s doing things to Steve. Robin was right, he really needed to try something different. Plus the added risk of being caught in public.
Fuck. Fuck.
Steve wants to feel the warm bud of steel with his tongue, see if that gets some reaction from the boy, if he’s sensitive. So Steve tangles his fingers at the root of the bartender’s dampened curls, tugs at him, making him break the kiss and bare his throat. Steve tugs his hair a bit more, forcing Eddie to arch his back, chest heaving, and lunges to suck his left nipple into his mouth.
“Fuck me,” he whimpers, arching into it, hips thrashing. Steve pulls at him by the waist with his other hand, pressing his thinner frame against him, holding him there.
“When we get to your home, I promise,” Steve teases, and resumes to lick at the boy’s nipple through his shirt, dampening it with his spit.
The metal buds in his tongue are something else. The nipple hardens under his tongue, Steve wants to rip the stupid shirt off, even if the coarse material is an added texture to this all. He laps and licks it the best he can, tugs at it carefully with his teeth, and the cute guy in his arms whines at it.
So stupidly hot. Steve’s cock is leaking like a fountain, ruining his boxers, and it hurts when it throbs. Steve groans, nipple in mouth.
He doesn’t remember feeling this feverish for someone, this horny and needy. He feels like a teenager again, on the edge already just by this silly thing.
“Ah fuck, fuck, birthday boy,” the boy moans, body arched beautifully for Steve, his long fingers digging in Steve’s biceps.
It feels so good. So fucking good.
“Steve,” he murmurs at last, stopping in his mission to abuse the left nipple.
“I’m Steve,” he smiles, looking at the sight in his arms.
“E-Eddie,” says the bartender, voice raw and wrecked.
They stay like that for a second, panting, drinking in the other’s arousal. Steve’s head feels dizzy, full of cotton, static noise drilling his ears. Eddie, the name echoes in his mind.
“Nice to meet you, Eddie,” Steve smirks, feeling confident again. He lets go of Eddie’s hair, satisfied when he leans into his body, hands roaming over Steve’s pecs, and kisses him with all that young enthusiasm.
While Steve kisses him trying to set a pace, Eddie fumbles with their jeans until he has the flies open and unzips them. Eddie moans a few curses against his lips when he finally grabs Steve’s cock and frees it from his cotton boxers. Steve keeps him pressed tight against him, peppering kisses and nibbles whenever he can reach.
“Is this ok?” Eddie asks nervously. Whatever reticence that was holding Steve back is now forgotten.
Steve didn’t plan any of this. It never occurred to him that he’d be spending the night of his thirtieth three birthday jerking off in an alley with someone as pretty and interesting as Eddie. Thankfully, life still keeps some good surprises for him.
“More than ok, Eddie, fuck,” he moans, hips twitching, feeling electricity where Eddie has wrapped his fingers around his shaft. It’s like Steve can feel everything at once, overwhelming him.
The maddening beating of his heart, Eddie’s hot breath in his lips, his long fingers around him, the warm metal of his rings in his tender skin. Eddie’s weight and heat. The cold air of the night.
“Kiss me,” Eddie demands, taking himself in hand and lining his hips so both their cocks are pressed together. Steve obliges, his whole body on fire. He thinks he could never deny Eddie a thing.
He’s the desperate and uncoordinated one in this kiss. Eddie strokes them both, mixing their precum and making everything sloppier and messy and fucking amazing.
“Fuck, yes,” Eddie groans, his voice low and deep. “You feel so good, Steve, can’t wait to have you inside me…”
Steve gasps, digs his fingers in Eddie’s soft flesh.
“You want that, birthday boy?” Eddie asks, his fist tightening around their dicks, fucking into it with abandon, hips pistoning as if he needs it bad. Steve dares to look where they’re joined and see how more pearly beads of precum bleed off his cock. “I want it too, baby, I want to have this so deep in me I can feel it in my throat.”
“Holy fuck, Eddie!” Steve whines, imagining it. Eddie sprawled for him, open wide so Steve could take him, legs on his shoulders, spine arched while Steve pounds into him fiercely.
It’s the first time in years he’s this turned on, rushing towards the edge shamefully soon. Well, it’s not like they have more than Eddie’s break to finish this, thankfully.
Steve’s hand joins Eddie’s, clenching around them both, helping Eddie to go faster.
“Ah, shit, I’m close,” Eddie warns, and is all Steve needs.
Claiming the swollen lips of the bartender, Steve’s strokes grow frantic, feels Eddie squirming where they’re joined together, legs trembling. Steve swallows every one of his moans and pants.
Eddie goes first, breaking the kiss to growl, resting his head on Steve's shoulders, shivering with the force of his orgasm. That, and feeling Eddie’s come all over the head of his cock is what pushes Steve towards the edge, groaning between his teeth and holding to Eddie for dear life, his whole body twitching.
Neither of them say a word, too occupied panting and coming down from their orgasms, Eddie’s weight on Steve, and the wall behind Steve supporting them both. Knees shaking and chests heaving, spent cocks twitching with the aftershocks.
Steve feels… alive. On fire. He doesn’t think if it’s appropriate or not, he simply holds Eddie, keeping him from falling to the ground, and kisses the crown of his head.
Oh, he’ll overthink about it later. Right now it feels good, it feels right.
“Fuck,” he hears Eddie whisper, and the rumbling of his laugh. Steve smiles, deeply satisfied.
“I know,” Steve says, laughing too.
“I’m wasted, man,” Eddie laughs. “I need water, and a nap, fuck, I don’t know if I’m going to survive the next two hours.”
Steve laughs with him, feeling just the same.
“I’m sorry?” Steve asks, laughing, and Eddie shoves at his shoulder without strength.
“Shut up, you know it was amazing,” Eddie smiles at him, that blinding smile that is becoming a problem, since Steve can only think about kissing it.
He does that, though, now that he still can. Just in case.
Eddie is- what’s the opposite of freaking out? He’s at peace with the world, and himself, and everything is pure and bright and perfect.
Man, the power of a mind blowing orgasm. Eddie can’t wait for the next one, hopefully thinking that Steve will wait for him and walking him home later.
“I ruined our shirts, that I’m really sorry for,” birthday boy, Steve, says, wincing.
“I have spare clothes in the storage room, maybe something you can wear too,” Eddie offers. He takes a glance at his wristwatch. “We still have a few minutes, if you don’t mind waiting a bit, though I’m getting cold.”
“Oh, here,” Steve says. He shifts and produces his white jacket from nowhere, Eddie doesn’t even remember him putting it aside or whatever. Magic.
Steve wraps his jacket around Eddie, and after all that happened during the last fifteen minutes, this is what makes Eddie blush like a maiden.
“There you are, don’t freeze yourself,” Steve smiles at him, his back still against the wall and supporting Eddie’s body, ignoring his own trembling knees.
Oh, no. Eddie thinks, smiling dopily at Steve.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3
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akaakeis · 29 days
gnawing at my nails rn i miss my bf (i dont have one) how do u pick like,,, one person to selfship with bc⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
like there r so many options ushijima i dont even know who's my favourite character rn ushijima like guys☹️⁉️⁉️
BUT I cant wait for savyaku😼😼😼😼😼 SOCUTE
goshiki is my babey though he is sososososososososo cute and i would want him irl and i bet i could even pull him irl toooo
yk what this type of starting is called! a HOOK sentence cuz u got HOOKED and now ur reading this long ass ask. WAIT FUCJ mattsun guys hear me out here ANYWAYS. HRU SAV!!!!!!!!!!!! its 4am for yew rn right!!
anyways.. its 4pm havent had lunch yet am so fucking tired but soft rice.. soft white rice.... i want to sleep but rice....... call me basic but soft white rice is the best fucking thing in the entire world right after u. teacher gave my english composition an 80 i think ill end up on the news. i just stood up abruptly and the world went 🌀🌀🌀🌀 should i be worried..!!!!
THERE WAS AN OWL ON OUR ROOF THE OTHER DAY SO COOL i almost started writing akaashi hurt comfort (???) at school today but i didnt get time and now im Too Tired :(
im reading and the mountains echoed by khaled hosseini and erm. the plot is so questionable at times like wdym the guy was in love with his chauffeur wdym she tried to kill her sister and changed her mind last second so it was only paralysis but its ok bc she killed her fr next time. wdym this one girl dated her moms ex and then married her friend's ex like guys.. guys i have Questions..
i cant wait for ur birthday #weirdkidthings Im So Funny Guys Im So Funny
im going to sleep so hard tonight grrgrgrhrgrg i had ice cream on the way home from school YUM and then math kid era p2 i finished this one thinf before everyone else even started and the teacher asked if i did it qt home cuz wtf. ew now i remember her using her nail to create indentations in the paper and i feel nauseous my skin is crawling
WHATEVER eRmmrmrm im sitting on the stairs rn hashtag procrastination ahahahahah ive been writing this and zoninf out for the past 7 minutes yyyyyippeeee
im so tired guys let me sleeeep
my parenrs were supposed to find baby gender today but the little shit kept its legs shut and didnt let them see (just like me frl)
correction im lying on the stairs rn ..
honestly me x goshiki would be Bomb why is he so unpopular all his fics are mid or questionable so far,,,, anyways. konoha is so beautiful i would want him excpet i have like no grip on his character so #tweaks. i hate andrew tate so fkn much. i cant wait till i turn 16 idk i feel like life will be significantly cooler then. anyways bb i take my leave gotta go eat lunch
i hope youve eaten by the time ur reading this!!! stay hydrated and safe and dm me to be silly together whenever >:]]]]] i hope u have a WONDERFUL day sav!! ily <3
look at my man hes so gorgeous btw
Tumblr media
alina... bf... :D alright then! umumumummm honestly there were many characters that i wanted to do a selfship with but i didnt want to be self shipping with the same character that someone im following consistently self ships with LMAO cause i feel like it gets weird for me at that point cause all the hcs in my head get mixed up? ANYWAY i just think of selfships with any character im hyperfixating on at that very moment... in fact my selfship very well may change!!!
anyway since im replying after you decided on yuulina... NOYA AGHHH U GUYS WILL BE SO CUTE TOGETHER!!! IM UR NO 1 SUPPORTER THIS IS YUULINA SUPPORT CENTRAL‼️‼️‼️
savyaku sounds so funny i need to thank of something that sounds better stop rn 💔 BUT I LOVE HIM SO SO SO SO SO MUCH IM SUPER EXCITED TO DO SOME SELFSHIP STUFF :))
u would so pull goshiki irl 🙂‍↕️
HELP thanks for the english lesson lina 😭 those terms always make me shudder because they were drilled into my head in my college comp class it was horrifying. and NO not mattsun i do NOT approve of that at this point in time!!!! AND IM OKAY!! tired as hell and i have 3 projects to work on <3 (i stacked my classes this year, im not proud.) IT IS NOW 3 PM AS I ANSWER THIS ASK SO SORRY IT TOOK ME LIKE 12 HOURS WOAH
WHAT AN OWL ON THE ROOF THATS SUPER COOL!! bro i love owls :( and ugh i get what u mean i feel like sometimes the time just slips away... but its okay! you'll have time at some later date <3 make sure you rest enough!!
guys what my jaw just dropped?? THOSE WERE THE MOST RANDOM PLOT POINTS YOU COULDVE LEFT ME WITH. NOW IM JUST CONFUSED? KINDA WANNA READ IT NOW (my readlist has 100+ books on it)...
im excited for your bday too!! im trying to math away the time differences in my head so like i would dm at 12 pm the day before your bday so i would catch u at midnight i THINK.
i hope u are having an AMAZING sleep rn alina!!! and u are so smart <3 barf ur teacher needs to stop doing that thats lowk unsanitary? in my book
HELP ME NOT THE JS LIKE ME FR 😭😭 hopefully u guys are able to figure out the gender soon!! im so excited for you guys <33
goshiki is under appreciated as a character honestly and i think its cause of his fuckass haircut 😭 NO OFFENSE TO YOU WHATSOEVER IM SORRY!! HES CUTE BUT THE HAIR IS NOT FOR ME. when i saw him shirabu AND tendou i was like "what the HELL is wrong with shiratorizawa they are all fucked" no they werent they had semi and ushijima BUT THAT WAS FIRST IMPRESSION ANYWAY also konoha UGRHSHSBNDMSJABD hes so!!! so!!! yeah!!! i love him sm... also how did we get on the topic of andrew tate hes such a weird guy i dont like him 💀 AND SO REAL im excited to be 16 <3
AND I HAVE!! make sure u eat something nutritious before school! and drink some water!! i hope your day is lovely <3 ily!!
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babblingeccentric · 1 year
How Useful Each of The Strawhats Are At Getting Your Stuff Back From Your Shitty Ex
Luffy- destroys your ex's house, eats all their food, beats up your ex, and steals their dog. Weather you wanted him to or not. Only gets the items you told him an emotional story about back. For best results send him in a team Zoro- gets all your shit back plus some of your ex's shit that he wasn't sure wasn't yours. Visually intimidating. However if your ex starts a fight he's gets distracted by that and if your ex owns swords Zoro starts a fight and then calls your ex a mall ninja when he inevitably wins Nami- gets all your stuff back that isn't too heavy. Also steals all your ex's credit cards, cash, and jewelry along with their entertainment system and anything else valuable. She fences it all before she gets back to you and calls it payment for her services. Send her in with Zoro and Luffy to rein in their more distractible tendencies and for them to get the heavy stuff. Add in Ussop and you've got a crack team designed to ruin your ex's life. Also if she likes you she'll ruin your exes credit no charge, no need to ask. Ussop- Gets your stuff and also takes your ex's phone charger, toilet paper, remote, leaves their freezer unplugged, and does whatever else he thinks would be funny and vengeful. Sanji- Honestly terrible choice. You'd think with his white knight syndrome he'd be good but no. If your ex is male and you're a girl Sanji beats him up on sight while scolding him for breaking such a delicate heart and completely forgets about your stuff. The fight absolutely trashes your ex's place and breaks some of your stuff too. If your ex is a woman and you're a guy he gets your stuff while flirting with your ex and then forgets the box of your stuff on the porch when she blows him a kiss and he drops the box to catch it dramatically. If you're both women he's caught in a catch twenty two where he desperately wants to please both of you and in doing so does nothing helpful. I'm not even going to get into what happens if either of you are nonbinary except to say he gets really uncomfortably weird about it. Don't ask him to get your stuff just show him a picture of your ex and Sanji will ruin every date they bring to the Baratie for eternity. Chopper- Good choice! He can use his Walk Point or Heavy Point to transport large or heavy objects he can't handle in his Brain Point form, and he's thorough enough to get all your stuff without getting distracted and he's conflict avoidant so he's not gonna get in a fight with your ex either. If your ex tries to start a fight Chopper can either use Brain Point to go "you wouldn't hit a little guy whos so cute and also its my birthday you wouldn't hit a little guy on his birthday?" or use Heavy Point and your ex isn't stupid enough to fight a guy who looks like a gorilla Robin- Her devil fruit makes packing up all your stuff very fast and she is not easily intimidated. She's also very unlikely to get in any fights with your ex but if your ex starts a fight Robin can end it. However do not send her in with strawhats because she will just enable their destructive tendencies. She is NOT the levelheaded one. Franky- Has done this before for people back in Water 7. He's a pro and he will assemble a team. They may even be little robots he built specifically for this purpose. Even if he doesn't all his cybernetic enhancements make the job easy and he's both easy going enough not to start a fight and tough looking enough your ex wont start one either. Gets all your stuff with exactly the right amount of intimidating your ex and without causing you any problems Brook- Honestly kind of useless. He's a tall skinny dude who's too old and silly to be very intimidating, and he's not the heavy lifter that some of the other people are on the crew are. His biggest skill is that he is able to keep the rest of the team on track so I recommend sending him in with Luffy Jimbe- A big fucking dude which adds significantly to his intimidation factor despite him being honestly a pretty soft dude (in comparison to rest of strawhats). This also means he can take back furniture you left behind. He doesn't start fights but you can bet he ends them. The one your ex is most scared of at first because he both looks scary and has scary rumor swirling about him.
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