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I came here to brainrot over my crushes
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libbyfandom · 4 months ago
Modern! reader: “I like your loser rizz. Would definitely be your Discord kitten anytime, alpha.”
Canon! Mizu who crawled up the wall to get away: “Get that thing away from me! Where’s my wife?What even is this thing?!”
Modern!Mizu: *deadpan* “It’s your wife after being exposed to the internet.”
Canon!Mizu: “What the fuck is Internet and what did it curse her with?!”
Modern!Mizu: “A broken sense of humor.”
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libbyfandom · 4 months ago
Keep Thinking of This "Blue Eye Samurai" AU That Opens Up a Lot of... Possibilities
Established Relationship and most likely quite OOC. Mizu has to wait around for someone who know how to sail to London, so in the meantime Akemi invites her, Ringo, you, (maybe Taigen?) to stay in Edo Castle despite the side eye from the royal family.
And you and Mizu are just defiling so many places in the castle cause she doesn't give a shit as long as you two don't get caught. Why would she care about respecting the shogun's palace?
The room she was given.
Your room. (She doesn't sleep in her room)
The armory.
Akemi's litter. (the vehicle the servants carry royals in)
The garden under the cherry blossom trees.
Empty hallways.
The kitchen at night.
Mizu's a menace, she's trying to think of a way to clear the shogun's court room of guards for long enough.
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libbyfandom · 5 months ago
Mizu: “I have to get to London as soon as possible.”
Mizu: “Wait.”
Mizu: *walks over and tosses you over her shoulder*
Mizu: “Need my emotional support bottom.”
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libbyfandom · 9 months ago
Wouldn’t Modern!Mizu be a country girl? She and Eiji lived so far out from the rest of a small village. The modern equivalent would be the outskirts of a small town in the middle of nowhere. Now I’m just thinking about her in a baseball hat and flannel driving her dad’s beat up old truck to the big city college.
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libbyfandom · 10 months ago
Mizu: *quietly* “…You look pretty.”
Reader: *didn’t hear* “What did you say?”
Mizu: *flustered* “I said you look SHITTY. GOODNIGHT (Y/N).” *runs*
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libbyfandom · 10 months ago
“How did the other children treat you, back in Kohama?” you murmur one night under the stars. Mizu’s face is half illuminated by the glow of the campfire Ringo tends. That one blue eye caught in the dancing glows flickers on a scale of blazing cerulean then back to dark waters under a nightsky.
Your hand presses to hers as you lay on your sides, watching as her calloused palm applies just enough pressure back for your joined hands to stay in the same place. It’s not any sort of competition, just a way to silently say ‘let us lean against each other, a solid weight for you and I to depend on’.
“The boys used to chase me down and beat me,” she replies lowly, apathy coating her tone. But you can see that pinch of pain around her eyes. You know her stomach is starting to heat with the raw emotions from that time. If pushed the wrong way, it could simmer, and then boil and overflow until enough splashes over into fury it’s emptied enough (temporarily).
“What did the girls do?” you ask softly, pressing your fingertips to hers. Can she feel them? How well? They must be less sensitive to sensation from the years of twisting along hard steel and cloth.
“Hid from me, mostly. Sometimes they screamed or cried.”
Your heart sinks low, beating out a bleeding, sympathetic pain for her.
She had no girlhood. No boy in the village she liked. No running along the dirt streets clinging to her friend’s hand as she was tugged along, giggling like mad. No little hands practicing braiding her hair. No sisterhood.
Your own childhood wasn’t picturesque, but…
Mizu’s fingertips rub back against yours, gently moving your joined palms together further up from your bodies laying together. Maybe she just wants to see if you’ll follow. Your hands glow orange from the firelight. You continue to mirror her, your hand glued to hers by choice. Her intense gaze on you betrays nothing of what she’s thinking.
“I wish…” you murmur. “I wish we could have been girls together.”
Mizu sighs through her nose, her eyes closing. They escape the illuminating light of the campfire, clouded in shadow.
Her hand pauses, fingers entwining with yours.
“I would have given you flowers,” she finally whispers.
“Could you braid them in my hair?”
“I don’t know how.”
“I can show you.”
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libbyfandom · 11 months ago
How the FUCK does mizu put several feet of hair up into that tiny ass bun?!
Thats fucking WITCHCRAFT
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libbyfandom · 11 months ago
Modern!Mizu Style and Fashion Brain Rotting:
She has raven or phoenix wings tattooed down her shoulders and back
What if Modern!Mizu had glasses? Which is hilarious to think of cause she probably has 20/20 vision in the show but I’m nerfing her cause glasses are hot
Two helix ear piercings and one lobe ear piercing
A ball tongue piercing
Shaved undercut with her long hair
Her black phone case is covered in stickers
Mizu in corduroy/flannel/earth tones
Mizu in a black one-piece swimsuit with black shorts
Mizu with a silver katana earring
Mizu with a black baseball cap pulled low over her eyes
Mizu in a tight black T-shirt tucked into dark blue jeans with her hair down
Mizu in a blue turtleneck
Mizu in tweed trousers with a white linen shirt tucked in. Very cottagecore
Mizu with several rings on her hands cause gay
Mizu in a long, oversized jean jacket
Mizu in suspenders and dress pants with her hair up
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libbyfandom · 11 months ago
Mizu's Little Shadow
You finish sewing the tear in your daughter's small kimono, tugging the end into a knot and snipping off the excess. You hold up the piece of clothing to your eye level and shake it out. "Little moon, come here," you call for her as you inspect it. It looks well, but you want her to try it on to see if your stitch will hold up to her energetic movements.
When you don't hear the patter of you six year old's little feet you call her again. No answer. Standing up from the chair, you stretch your back with a soft grimace as you walk to the bedroom where she last was. You do not find her.
You search the small house before quickly turning to set the kimono down and head outside to look for her. Maybe Mizu had spotted her running around while she's training.
As soon as you slide open the back door your hear your daughter's voice. She's making little grunts and huffs like she's straining herself, and you worry she's trying to climb the tree next to the house again. Bunching the bottom of your kimono in hand, you follow her voice and hurry from the south end of the house back around to the front.
But when you round the corner of the house, you're surprised to find she's not failing to scramble up the base of the trunk. She's several meters past it, stumbling around and kicking out as her eyes follow Mizu a way's away from the house near the tree line.
Her tiny green haori is dirtied, dirt clumped in patches at her shoulder and sides where she's fallen on the ground several times already. Before you can call out to her, she trips and falls into the dirty hands first. With the childish grunt of irritation and determination, she pushes herself back up. She sets her eyes on Mizu again, settling her feet in the same way your lover has hers and mirrors the rhythm of her steps. She holds her tiny hand out like she's grasping at a heavy sword.
She's copying Mizu's training movements.
A soft laugh of surprise quietly slips from under your breath as your eyes warm from this new discovery. You lean against the tree trunk and tilt your head at her to soak in this new development of your child.
Your little girl's mirroring of Mizu's slow, methodical twists and parries with her sword are adorably wobbly. Compared to Mizu's balanced, fluid motions that showcase her mastery of each movement, your little moon's dance is closer to flailing. Your hand covers your repressed giggle as your eyes brighten at her stumbling feet.
Your fingertips gently rest against your lips as your eyes follow the line from her to Mizu. The way she's moving taps at your mind, causing a soft furrow between your eyebrows. Isn't that her warm up exercises?
Mizu's never done those this late into the afternoon. She would be focused on slicing through trees during this time on any other day. And you know how long she's been out. She can't possibly still be focused on her balance and fine-tuning the flow of movement. So why...?
On the next turn, from farther away, Mizu rotates on her heel and ends up facing you as she mimics a block. Her blue eyes catch yours, and she quirks her eyebrows up at you with a knowing smile.
When your daughter's foot slides a little on the dirt, and she hops on one foot to get back into position, that's when Mizu just so happens to pause her movements. Her slowed motions only resume when your daughter finds her footing again.
Your heart sings, unable to help the pure expression of love and adoration for the both of them from flowing from your face.
Later in the night, after you both put your little moon to bed, you press yourself up tight against Mizu in the candlelight, sealing your lips to hers as you cup her face.
"I really did give birth to your clone."
Mizu chuckles quietly, pressing her lips back into yours. "She really thought I couldn't spot her in the middle of a clearing."
She brushes her lips along your cheekbone. "I can train her, if you wish."
You chuckle. "Maybe further down the line. If she's anything like you, she wants to think she's being sneaky and doing something she shouldn't be." You push her away playfully, before you're snatched around the waist. The room tilts as you're pinned down to the bed with a squeal by a beautiful swordsman grinning devilishly.
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libbyfandom · 1 year ago
Mizu Random Headcanons:
She nips at your fingers sometimes when you annoy her and you were dumb brave enough to put them near her face. She is a god damn hissy cat.
Her ears turn red when she gets embarrassed.
If you hold out food to her in offering, she won’t grab it. She’ll lean down and rip out a chunk with her mouth to eat. Taigen side eyes her. “Dog.” She glares.
You’re blocking the door? She’ll straight up just grab your sides and bodily lift you out of the way.
Sometimes she’ll just use her agility to act like a gymnast. She’ll walk on her hands to entertain you or just cause she’s bored.
Mizu cracks her knuckles, but she doesn’t do it in the common way where you cover your fist with one hand and push inward. She does the version where she uses her thumb to push each individual finger.
While you’re spooning, sometimes she likes to play this fun little game of “how long can I constrict you in my arms while I tickle your neck and ears with kisses until you’re squealing”?
She will give you a pet name. But the only time she’s going to say it in public is with exasperation.
Verbally says “Ew.” when Taigen flirts with you.
I think she’d like peppermint canes. And yes, she’d sharpen the end to a sharp point.
She’s given herself food poisoning with her own cooking (and had to be nursed by you).
When she gets a nick on her finger she’ll suck on it to stop the sting.
She blows in your ear to make you spasm. She does it to annoy you.
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libbyfandom · 1 year ago
Is this technically a body/poses study but in writing?
Mizu manspreading with her arms crossed.
Mizu stretching her legs out with her ankles crossed.
Mizu sleeping on her stomach with her arms crossed under her head.
Mizu leaning back on her hands with one knee propped up while the other leg is laid out.
Mizu stretching her arms above her head, grabbing her elbow with the opposite hand to stretch out her forearm.
(I just like imagining Mizu)
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libbyfandom · 1 year ago
Let's Be a Brat and Ruin Mizu's Image: Imagine
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Imagine Madam Kanji meeting you. She sees how Mizu acts protective of you, allows you to touch her with barely a grumble, and how you two share a room when you’re in town. Naturally she’d start assuming things.
She asks you if the blue eyed samurai “Is as naturally skilled between a woman’s legs as he is with his katana.”
And instead of getting shy you’re internally like ‘Hahaha I’m gonna ruin her cred for funsies’.
And you just fabricate the craziest, most embarrassing ass lies until the prostitutes in the room have bulging eyes. There may have been something about humping your leg like a dog in heat.
Later that night you’re kneeling on the mat, tying up your hair to prepare to sleep when a hand grabs the back of your neck and smashes your face into the pillow.
You have a wickedly pleased smile as a heavy form of lithe muscle presses you down into the floor.
The free hand wretches your yukata up over your hips. A low, icy voice breathes along your ear.
“You. Are. Not. Funny.”
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libbyfandom · 1 year ago
Blue Eye Samurai: Group Chat AU (Featuring Reader) Part 2
Mizu: (sends a photo of you in chat)
Mizu: (sends this photo)
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Mizu: Oh sorry. Sent "the same photo twice" on accident.
Taigen: I did not want that image in my HEAD.
You: You can't even make fun of me without mentioning how much you love me.
Akemi: Whipped.
Ringo: Whipped like whipped cream!
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libbyfandom · 1 year ago
NSFW Headcanons (ended up mixing Modern and Canon together):
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(Happy Valentines Day!)
This woman can take slashes to her person with only a wince, but when you drag your nails down her back as she’s fucking you? Gasping, trembling, arching her neck and gritting her teeth. It just lights up the nerves in her body in such a delicious way.
She will finger herself and then take you by the back of the head and slide her fingers onto your tongue and make you swallow it. If she doesn’t have a cock to cum down your throat, she’ll make you gag on her cum another way.
She’s going until the strap is sparkling. She’s going until she can see her reflection in it.
When she got a new apartment, she made sure she got one with a built-in bench in the shower and a detachable shower head with different pressure settings. You know. For when you wanna conserve water and shower together.
Mizu will sometimes crawl over you where you’re lying in bed. She’ll hold herself up over you and thumb at your chin. “Open.” And when you do, tilting your head back, she’ll collect saliva into the front of her mouth and let a string slowly drip from her mouth into yours. “Swallow.” And when you do, she’ll press her lips to yours, kissing you deeply. “Good dove.”
When you can sense that Mizu’s really gonna punish you for something, you hide all the straps but the double ended one. If she’s gonna fuck you into the afterlife, you’re taking her down with you. These sessions end up being an endurance contest to see if you can handle the numerous orgasms she jackhammers out of you before she’s sweating pressed up against your back, her moans high and strained, as her fingernails leave red marks along your stomach and hips.
She crosses her legs and squeezes her thighs together when she gets unbearably turned on by you in public.
Shibari. Mizu is an artist of many mediums. It’s calming to her to focus on the intricate patterns across your delicate skin, secretly adoring how complacent you are as she folds and turns you this way and that until you’re a gorgeous little present for her. She loves the red silk rope most.
She wouldn’t say any specific position is leagues better than the others. But if she had to pick a favorite, she’d say the Lotus position for how versatile it is. She can reach everything on you. Your lips, your hair to pull, your chest to grope and kiss. She can reach between your legs and slide her fingers over you until you’re sobbing into her shoulder while she presses kisses along your jaw and neck. She can impress you with her stamina and strength from how long she can pump her hips up into you while you sit on her lap. She can decide to push you down into a mating press or fall backwards and have you ride her or lay on your sides and let her lift your leg over her hip as she pushes in and- you know what? Lotus is her favorite for how versatile it is.
Morning sex is a soft spot for her. When she wakes up with you warm and bare against her from last night, thinks ‘fuck it, training can wait an hour’ and mouths along your shoulder. Her fingers trail along the soft skin of your side, over the jut of your hip and along the outside of your thigh. Her fingertips drag closer and closer to that spot as you stir awake. Her lips continue to press warm, open mouth kisses up your neck as you make a little squeak and stretch your back as your eyes crack open. Her mouth pauses, breath hot as it tickles the spot behind your ear. Her fingers squeeze the inside of your thigh, asking permission. With a sleepy moan, your hand covers her and guides it to where you both want. She smiles with content as her fingers find the evidence of your desire for her. Her lips press back into your hair as her hand sets a quick pace that has your spine arching back against her chest.
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libbyfandom · 1 year ago
Modern!Mizu and Out of Pocket Comments, Followed by Gaslighting lol
Mizu: *sees you bend over and grab your ankles to stretch your back*
Mizu: “Until I feel it pulsing through the strap.”
Reader: “What?”
Mizu: *deadpan* “What?”
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libbyfandom · 1 year ago
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The Swordmaker and his Meteorite Child.
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libbyfandom · 1 year ago
Taigen and the Modern!AU equivalent of the bald spot
Featuring Reader, Mizu, and BES cast!
One day Taigen shows up on campus wearing a beanie. Which is really out of left field, as he never wears hats.
Mizu raises an eyebrow at him. “Your middle school skater phase came late.”
“Shut up!” he snaps, folding his arms and slumping down in his chair.
You and Mizu both narrow your eyes on Akemi, who’s avoiding eye contact with everyone at the table.
“You fucked up his hair, didn’t you?” The corner of Mizu’s mouth twitches up.
“No.” Akemi’s cool response chirps out too fast to pass off as real, face tilted up and away.
“This is why I didn’t let you experiment with my hair,” Mizu shakes her head with a chuckle. She ruffles your hair beside her. “Kept her away from you too, dove. You’re welcome.”
“It was just a tiny mishap!” Akemi hurries to defend herself, eyebrows pinched together with a pout.
“TINY? You disfigured me!” Taigen slams his hand on the table, his face screwed up in anger at her.
“I did not disfigure you! If you had just kept still like I asked-“ “Me moving slightly did not do this! You weren’t even paying attention to the tutorial-!”
Mizu’s hand flashes out and catches the end of the beanie in her grasp as Taigen was distracted with bickering. “What, did she fuck up dying your grey hairs?” She rips the beanie off.
Your jaw drops, hand quickly coming to cover the breathy gasp of laughter that wheezes from your mouth.
Even Mizu’s eyebrows shoot into her hairline, a strangled snort punched out from her chest.
Taigen’s hand frantically claps over the shiny patch of skin in the shape of a small rectangle.
“Akemi, not the hair clippers!” you whisper, blinking back burning tears of laughter when Taigen’s gaze turns murderous on the two of you. But the silent shake of your shoulders gives you away.
Mizu sinks to the floor, tears in her eyes as she clutches her middle. Hysterical laughter wracks her frame, belly laughing as she goes down for the count onto the cafeteria floor.
Taigen’s chair screeches as he jumps to his feet, screaming at her. He fumbles for the beanie on the table, shoving it back on as he continues to berate her.
You glance down at you partner over your shoulder. “I think Mizu is broken.”
“I’m gonna PEE.”
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