#and the 'BATMAN!!!' card needs to be yelled. cause obviously
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6kate1bishop6 · 2 years ago
okay so i rewatched the batman for like the 5th time last night / this morning and i was having too many thoughts to put them all as a letterboxd comment so here are all my little semi connected ramblings on the film 
starting off strong with right at the start the drophead guy that tried to rob the convenience store, its just so interesting to me that he was scared of the batman even when he wasnt there and so he ran back into the street and got hit by a police car but the police just yelled at him like they didnt try to stop him or anything -- metaphor for how the batman is offering solutions and providing suspects for the police and stuff but theyre too corrupt to do anything about it ? maybe 
it’s the whole system -- just that quote is so good, i should remember who said it considering i literally watched the film 2 hours ago i think it was gil but again super good line just encompassing the fact that the gotham justice system does not offer justice, it is corrupt down to its core and it is failing the people 
bruce wayne my blorbo this is just a point about how smart he is and like he just catches on to things but its interesting because he can understand how the riddlers brain works also when bruce punched jim and then jim was like you couldve pulled that punch and bruce was like i did he is so im just kind of obsessed with the fact that he trains for this and its just interesting anyway point about my poor little meow meow over back to analysis 
the good cop batshit cop contrasted with brains and brawn -- bruce and jim work together well, they bounce ideas off eachother especially in that scene with the penguim and the way when jim pretended to side with his captain (??? i cant remember) bruce was like et tu? and then that contrasted with batman and the riddler the way riddler thinks hes working with bruce because they both understand a fundamental aspect of eachother and sure bruce is on the same wavelength as him sometimes but its only to track him down and riddler just completely does not realise 
when alfred intercepts the assassination attempt and the card reads see you in hell, i feel like that wouldve twisted the knife even more; im not 100% familiar with the original deaths of martha + thomas but the whole senseless crime thing kind of echoes here, like all the other cards to the batman had a cypher or a clue or something but this is just senseless hatred that has no obvious lead for bruce to chase up 
he mindmaps, i just like that its fun its fresh hes just like me fr 
the way bruce and the riddler are tied together, like in the small things with the diaries but also theyre obviously both orphans and they can understand eachother, they were both born out of tragedy and that was the renewal fund and thomas + marthas deaths, where bruce was left without a mother or father alone in the world (ignoring alfred, as bruce did) the riddler was left without hope, they both use fear, though the batman uses it as a deterrant whereas the riddler uses it as inspiration and almost thrives off it 
the way bruce misses the tucker, the carpet tool, showing that even if he fights for the city, even if he walks its streets, he is still a billionaire in a bat suit and there will be experiences and little things that he does not know and that shape his personality and the way he solves crimes 
the way the batman begins with the whole i am vengeance thing but comes to realise that he needs to be a symbol of hope, someone for people to fall back on as he ends in the movie, the realisation as he hears his words come from someone wanting to cause only pain and immediatly sacrificing himself by cutting the electric thingy and falling into the water just seconds later 
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the-kipsabian · 6 years ago
As A!Arin gets to know Mads and Kit through working with Mads on a class project and Kit bc they've been working with Suzy on a couple of art projects he decides yknow what? Time to get to know/bond with these nerds. He finds out Kit is still quite the newbie at games and isn't a fan of playing party games themself, especially around new people, and has an *excellent* idea. Cards Against Humanity. Bonus if A!Danny joins them and helps kick-start the bonding process for him and Mads.
i feel like this could. make both kit and mads really nervous cause while yes they like hanging out with these kids a lot and both feel like befriending them is a good idea and all, when arin brings up cards against humanity its like. oh no should we really do this
cause ya know how that game is. you reveal ALL corners of your shitty and dark sense of humor and im sure these two have a LOT of that so.. they are just kinda debating if this is a good idea after all cause they are still in the progress of getting to know these grumpy kids is it a good idea to throw these things out this early in trying to build these friendships??
and to have more people join in to make it less awkward (or more awkward, it depends really, but the more people there are the better the game is so!), arin most definitely invites dan to join them. also im. high key imagining that nate is there cause they are known to be friends with arin and he likes to be involved in ridiculous shenanigans.. so thats six? which should be enough as they are still kinda all trying to get to know each other, and everyone has someone for mental support there now so nobody is gonna get stressed if its just the six of them, right?
(i’d imagine arin gets more board games involved as well, but cah is definitely the one hes pushing for as the ‘getting to know people’ game so it gets prioritized by a lot at least in the first board game night they would have tbh. cause he would try to arrange more. he so totally would)
and the whole thing.. probably goes down just about as well as you’d imagine a game of cah usually goes down. it starts very slowly, i’d imagine like arin and nate just slamming all they have down to the table immediately starting from the first round, while everyone else just kinda slowly eases themselves in to revealing what kind of awful humor gets to them and yeah
and ultimately by the end of the day arin is SO proud of himself for arranging this whole thing and coming up with this amazing idea cause everyone is having fun and laughing and seems to be getting along, despite the awkward beginnings and everything between all of them and hes like ‘yeah. yeah these kids are cool. they are so gonna be our friends hell yeah’
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night-fallz · 4 years ago
We’re Tired of Him
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Wally interrupts game night.
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Ao3 // Wattpad
previous II next
We’re Tired of Him (part 2)
Dick stared at the cards in front of him, eyes tentatively drifting to Tim and Jason.
Jason’s brows were furrowed before he slowly put down a +4, cheekily grinning at Tim. “I choose red.”
Tim’s face was blank, eyes switching from the stack of cards on the table to the ones that he was holding. In the end, he gave Dick a mischievous grin, putting down another +4. “I want green.”
Dick groaned and the cave was filled with his brothers’ laughter, they gave each other a high five while Dick grabbed 8 cards from the deck.
“You guys are cheating.” he accused.
Jason shrugged and Tim raised an eyebrow, neither one saying anything.
Jason had five cards left and Tim had three. Dick would be winning if it wasn’t for that stupid +8 trick they pulled off.
He put down a green card, leaving him with nine cards.
“Uno,” Tim called out, not flinching when Dick glared at him.
No one said anything for a few seconds until Dick’s voice cut through the silence. “I don’t want to play anymore.”
Tim gaped at him, “That’s not fair.”
“What’s not fair is the fact that the two of you are conspiring against me.”
“We are not!”
“Are too.”
“Are not.”
“Are too!”
“Jason, tell Dick that we weren’t cheating.”
Jason stared back at the two of them, unimpressed. “We weren’t cheating.”
Tim gave him a victorious look. As if he was trying to say, see. Jason agrees that we weren’t cheating, so we obviously aren’t cheating.
“That doesn’t prove anything.” Dick cried out, “Why would Jason admit that you guys were cheating?”
Jason frowned, “Are you accusing me of lying?”
“That’s not very nice of you, Dickie.”
“I don’t care if it’s not nice of me. You’re cheating and I don’t want to play with a bunch of cheaters.”
Laughter filled the air and Dick turned towards it, launching himself towards the intruder.
Behind him, Tim took a defensive position, bo staff in his hand and Jason had his guns out, ready to shoot the intruder.
With rubber bullets, of course.
The intruder groaned in pain, “Well, at least I know that it doesn’t matter how old you are. You’re still a very sore loser.”
Dick glanced down, getting off the person when he realized who it was. “Sorry, Wally.” he apologized, offering his hand to pull the red-head up.
Tim frowned, “What are you doing here?”
“Yeah,” Dick added on. “Didn’t you guys have a mission or something?”
Wally sped over to the closest chair and sat on it, “Yeah, but we finished it pretty quickly.”
Wally’s eyes were focused on his hands and Tim followed the speedster’s gaze, noticing how they seemed to fidget.
Tim inwardly frowned, was there a problem or something. Everyone in the Justice League knew that the Batcave was off limits. And even then, they didn’t make an effort to try and enter it.
Wally was lucky that Dick was here or else Batman would’ve had to deal with him.
Thankfully, Jason spoke up, “There better be an emergency or something cause it's game night. And you just interrupted it.”
Wally opened his mouth, “You know Damian right?”
Tim stared at Wally, “Yeah, we know Damian. He’s our brother, you idiot.”
“No- I mean- like- I-“ Wally sighed, “I know he’s your brother, it’s just-“ he groaned, “I don’t know how to explain it.”
Tim wanted to groan as well. This was supposed to be game night. A bonding experience. He didn’t want to talk about Damian.
He would be lying if he said that he still didn’t harbor a grudge against the youngest member of the Wayne family.
When Jason tried to kill him, he was under the influence of the Lazarus Pit. And afterward, he apologized to Tim.
As far as Tim knew, Damian wasn’t under the influence of anything. All Damian said was something about how Tim wasn’t worthy of becoming the Wayne heir and tried to slice him with a sword.
Bruce said that he had a talk with Damian about it but the brat never apologized, so Tim hasn’t forgiven him.
Dick’s voice snapped Tim out of his thoughts, “Did Damian do something again?”
“Kind of.” Wally waved it off, “He was just acting like- well, himself.”
Tim winced, that was still pretty bad.
“What did he do?”
“It’s not important.”
“It must be pretty important if you risked going to the Batcave.” Jason pointed out.
“That’s actually not why I’m here.”
It was Jason’s turn to frown. None of this shit was making sense.
He knew that he should’ve just stayed with Roy.
Jason was under the impression that they would be playing games. You know, hanging out, making a mess, being forced to bond like brothers and all that shit.
He didn’t want to talk about the demon brat.
And if anyone asked, the answer was yes. He was still mad at the little Christmas gift Damian got him last Christmas.
What the fuck gave the kid the idea to give Jason a crowbar as a gift?
Jason still had nightmares about his death. The crowbar did nothing but made those horrors come more often every night.
He fought off the shiver that threatened to make its way upon his body.
“If you weren’t here to talk about the demon, then what did you want to talk about?”
Wally faced them, “You wouldn’t happen to know a way to get the bra- Damian to relax would you?”
Jason heard Tim snort at the question, “Trust me. If we knew a permanent way to get Damian to stop being so uptight, we would’ve used it by now.”
He studied the speedster, narrowing his eyes when Wally started to avoid their gaze.
“Wally,” Dick was using his i-am-the-leader-so-you-have-to-listen-to-me voice. “What are you trying to say?”
“I mean, what if we get him drunk.”
Jason blinked, “You want to get Damian drunk.”
When Wally nodded, Jason continued, practically yelling. “Why the fuck would you want to get Damian drunk? He’s gonna kill you.”
Tim shook his head, his mind already coming up with a million scenarios of how this would end up. “How did you even come up with the idea that getting Damian drunk would help him relax?”
“Getting him drunk won’t help him relax at all.” Jason pointed out, “It’ll probably only make him even more uptight and paranoid.”
Jason’s blue eyes glinted with something Tim couldn’t decipher, “Unless that’s not what you’re after. You want to get the brat drunk for another reason.”
Wally nervously nodded, “You caught me. Well us- I guess. The team and I wanted your permission to get Damian drunk so that we can learn more about him and gain blackmail material on him.”
Tim froze, mouth open in shock.
That was a lot of information.
Dick sat down, his head beginning to hurt.
He could see the appeal in learning more about Damian. He’s been living in the manor for around two years now and they still don’t know much about him.
If Damian opens up about his past, then it’ll be easier for the family to help him. It’ll be nice for Damian to start getting comfortable with people. After all, that was the whole reason that Bruce signed him up for school.
And who knows, maybe his baby bird could make a new friend or two. Cause Dick knows full well that he doesn’t have any at the moment.
The cave was engulfed with silence, except for the sound of Wally’s feet nervously tapping the floor.
In the end, the speedster himself was the one who cut through it. “So…” Wally’s voice trailed off, “Do I have your permission?”
Tim’s eyes were focused on the ground. “I don’t care what you do to the brat but I want to be in the tower when it happens.”
Wally smirked, nodding in acceptance. “Deal,” he turned to the others “What about you guys?”
Dick shifted uncomfortably in the chair, his back was stiff and Tim could see how conflicted his eyes were. With a little bit of probing, he knew that he could convince his oldest brother to agree to Wally’s demands.
“Come on Dick,” Tim said, his lips tugging upwards. “Aren’t you even remotely curious about what Damian will say?”
When Dick doesn’t answer, Tim continued. “You know that Damian has a hard time with, um, interacting with people. This is probably the only way we’ll get him to open up.”
He could see the gears turning in Dick’s head and Tim realized that he was so close. All he had to do was push a little more.
“Doesn’t Damian deserve it? Damian deserves people who understand him. People that’ll be there for him. Hasn’t Talia fucked up his life enough?”
Dick clenched his fists at the mention of the Al Ghul, “Fine.” He spat out, “But only because Damian needs this.”
Tim raised an eyebrow at him, not believing a word. “Alright.”
Dick wasn’t stupid. He knew that Tim was trying to manipulate him into agreeing. But it also doesn’t change the fact that his brother was right.
Talia did mess up Damian’s life. She was the reason that he hasn’t opened up to anyone yet. Why he was treated like such an outcast with the other capes.
If all Dick had to do was get his little brother drunk, then he would do it.
Tim turned to his predecessor, “And you Jason?” he asked. His head was tilted innocently but his eyes were calculating him.
Jason knew he would be outnumbered if he disagreed. It also doesn’t help that Tim had his I-can-get-you-to-agree-with-anything-face on.
He groaned in defeat, burying his face with his hands. He knew that he should’ve stayed with Roy tonight. After this, he would never go to a game night again.
He looked at Tim’s determined face and sighed, “I’m not gonna be able to stop any of you anyway. I’m in as well.” his lips formed a smirk, “It won’t hurt to gain blackmail material on the brat.”
Damian better watch out because the next time he puts a crowbar underneath his pillow, Jason was gonna send the video of him being drunk out of his mind to everyone that he was in contact with.
Jason knows that Tim would help him.
“So you all agree?”
“You’re agreeing to getting your brother drunk.”
“Huh, okay. Great.”
Wally’s face turns mischievous and it reminds Dick of when they were kids. Back when they just started with the whole vigilante thing.
“So are you guys free for the rest of the night?”
“Wait,” realization hit Tim like the brick that Steph threw at him. “You guys are planning on doing this tonight?”
Wally nods, “Well, yeah. The sooner the better you know?”
“And when exactly did you guys come up with this plan?”
Wally rubbed the back of his neck, “Like about two hours ago? We were just talking and it escalated from there.”
Tim doesn’t know how you can go from talking to conspiring an idea on getting a teammate drunk. At least, not unless-
“You know, you can admit that you were talking about Damian.” Tim leaned forward, “You guys aren’t the only ones that talk badly about him.”
“Tim!” Dick cried incredulously, “You shouldn’t talk about Damian like that.”
He shrugged in response, “You do it too.” he said, “Remember when you first met him?”
He felt his face turning red and he turned away from Tim, hoping he wouldn’t see his face. “That was a long time ago.”
“You were also complaining about him yesterday.”
“I was not.”
“Was too.”
Tim folded his arms, “So you’re a sore loser and a liar.”
Dick fought hard to suppress a groan, “You guys were cheating.” he cried out. “I don’t play with cheaters.”
Jason faced Wally. “What they’re trying to say is that yes. We’re all free tonight.”
Wally smiled brightly. “I knew that you guys would be okay with this.”
Jason nodded, deciding he should be nice for once and not point out how Wally pale and nervous the speedster was before he asked the question.
For someone with super speed, Wally took way too long to get to the point.
He could see why he was friends with Dick.
“You know,” Wally’s tone got Dick’s attention. It was the one he always used where he wanted to embarrass someone. And Dick was usually the target. “I remember you hacking the Mario Kart back when we used to play.”
“Did I?” he put on his best confused face, “I don’t remember that ever happening.”
Dick definitely remembered that happening. He beat a speedster at a racing game. Hacked or not, he was still the winner.
Tim pointed an accusatory finger at him, “I knew it. You’re the cheater.”
Jason shook his head in agreement, “Dickface over here has the biggest competitive streak. Remember when he put the steak in his shorts just so he could prove to everyone that he was Titus’s favorite?”
Dick forced a frown on his face, “Funny thing is, I don’t remember that happening. At all.”
“That took place two days ago!”
“I have bad memory…?” he meekly offered.
Tim scoffed, “We’re never having a game night with you again.”
“You say that every week.” Jason pointed out.
“Well, I’m serious this time.”
Tim didn’t like the amount of attention that was now focused on him so he turned to Wally, “So how are we going to get Damian drunk?”
“We were just gonna spike his drink.”
Tim swore, “You can’t just spike Damian’s drink. He’s gonna figure out that you guys are acting weird and realize what you’re doing.”
Wally fidgeted under Tim’s scrutinizing gaze, “Well what do you suggest we do?”
Tim smirked and Dick swears that the room just got colder.
“The kid is pretty much a prodigy at everything vigilante related thanks to his training, but he sucks at socializing.”
“Well, yeah. Isn’t that why we want to get him drunk?” Wally asked, not seeing the point in what Tim is trying to see.
Tim answered the redhead's question with a “Well, yes.” before continuing at his attempt to tell everyone his plan.
“But what I’m trying to say is that we can overwhelm him. Me and Jason will help set everything up in the tower and Dick will bring Damian there.”
“So we’re throwing a party?”
Tim furrowed his eyebrows, “I mean, if that’s what you want to call it, then yes.”
It was Dick’s turn to frown, “Why do I have to be the one to bring him in?”
“Cause he likes you better than any of us.”
“But still,” Dick groaned. “It’s gonna be so hard to convince him.”
“That sounds more like a you problem than it sounds like an us problem.”
“This is unfair.”
“Call it paying me and Jason back for accusing us of cheating.”
Before Dick could reply, Wally sped away, taking his brothers with him. And before he could even blink, they disappeared via zeta tube.
They left Dick alone in the cave, with the board games still out.
He rolls his eyes in annoyance, mumbling under his breath as he cleaned up the mess.
“Who gave Bruce the idea to adopt more children past me. If he wanted more children, why couldn’t he make sure that he got the ones that cleaned up after themselves and didn’t cheat while playing UNO.”
He huffed, proud of himself when he accomplished the task.
Now all he had to do was convince Damian to come back to the Titans’ tower so that they could help him.
How hard could that be?
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note: okay, I reread this whole series so that I could get inspired to write this chapter. And can I just say, my writing was not as bad as I thought it was. Like I’m actually pretty proud of myself. 
That was really random but yeah.
(like I always ask, please comment any ideas, feedback, and criticism that you have. i love reading them. Oh! and if you see any spelling errors, please tell me. I don't have a beta reader so I mostly miss those things.)
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maxdark158 · 6 years ago
CHAPTER FIVE IS HERE! ALERT THE GUARDS! The fic is almost done and I can’t even believe it... Luckily I’ll have more to write after this due to the partner fic and the sequel that I am planning.
Please check out @ozmav they started this whole au and are still an inspiration to me ^^
tw for panic attacks and violence
Characters are probably OOC because MLB is a kids show and there’s SO MUCH Batman just too much
Angel in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Ao3
Demon in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Ao3
Fanart for AiG: Riddler ~ Joker thank you @thegreysman
Please tag me in any fanart you draw for this guys ^^
As soon as Joker said those words, Marinette threw her chocolate bar at his face.
It wasn’t much, obviously. It was just a chocolate bar. But it still hit him across the eyes and distracted him long enough for her to grab the vending machine and throw that too.
Well, throw is the wrong word. She wasn’t able to pick it up and hurl it like Superman would a building, but she was able to quickly move it and sent it falling in the Joker’s direction. She saw it land but didn’t want to stick around to see him get out from under it.
“Run!” she yelled at Lila. She didn’t move right away so Marinette grabbed her wrist and pulled.
Lila began to run with her. Then she changed their course toward the elevator. Marinette didn’t like that – having to wait was bad enough, but the doors wouldn’t shut the Joker out if they sensed his limb in the way. She tried to lead Lila toward the front doors so they could get some help.
“What the hell are you doing?” Lila hissed.
“We can’t lead him to the others, and I don’t want to be trapped in an elevator with the Joker,” Marinette let go of Lila’s wrist. “Besides, the vending machine won’t hold him for long-”
Lila growled and grabbed her wrist. “I am tired of your superiority complex, Marinette-”
She ripped her wrist from Lila’s grip. “Look who’s talking! Besides, I’m only being rational. We can’t win, we need help, and our teachers and classmates won’t be able to do sh-”
The vending machine’s glass shattered when it crashed to the floor. Joker staggered up, clearly injured. Even in the dying light of the vending machine, Marinette could see his wide grin. It made her bones shiver.
“You certainly are a challenge, Parisian brat!”
She reached for her purse. She had two stale cookies, her key card, and the purse itself. She could maybe use the cookies as-
A playing card, razor-sharp, whizzed by her hand. Her purse fell to the ground, clearly cut by it.
He had projectiles. He had a deadly chemical. She had to assume that nobody was coming for her, that Joker somehow distracted them or they just didn’t care. She had nothing. She was nothing she wouldn’t ever be anything she was useless, unworthy, unlov-
Marinette ducked automatically to avoid another round of the sharp cards, the movement jarring her mind. She had to focus! She didn’t have time to panic now!
Deep Brea-
“I’m going to take great joy,” The Joker laughed, “In watching you laugh and seeing you smile, girlie. Maybe I’ll even see what you look like under that spotted skin of yours.”
Marinette tried to keep the imagery of him peeling her freckled skin off her face out of her head. It didn’t work.
His gait was slow. He was bleeding through his suit. He had to rely on the cards more. These were all good things.
Her earlier maneuver caused her to end up next to the front desk, where she was entirely visible in the only remaining light source. She could still hear the Joker’s steps and see his shadow in the dim light, but it wasn’t much. Her purse was on the ground, a few feet away, the strap cut off. These were all bad things.
She couldn’t breathe. The walls were closing in, she was drowning, her lungs screamed.
But she had to do something.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lila continuing toward the elevator. When it opened, a new light source from the inside of it illuminated her and her position.
The Joker noticed – of course he did he wasn’t as stupid as Hawkmoth – and threw several sharp cards at her. Marinette yelled a warning and Lila screeched, dodging barely.
Well, mostly dodging. Several chunks of her hair were cut by the cards, but right now Marinette couldn’t care less. The elevator closed when Lila didn’t enter it.
The Joker was heading toward Lila still – No! Marinette reached up onto the desk and grabbed the first thing she could and hurled it at him.
She saw it flying – a landline phone – and heard it made contact. It was only after she threw it that she realized she should have maybe used it to call the police.
The Joker growled. “Ed failed to mention how annoying you are. I can’t blame him. He prefers rules, regulations, patterns. He doesn’t understand anarchy. He doesn’t understand that chaos is-”
Marinette cut him off by throwing the battery-powered lamp from the desk at him. The lightbulb shattered on his jaw and plunged the entire hotel hobby into pitch-black darkness.
Marinette was now heavily disadvantaged, but so was her adversary. And hopefully, her experience in swinging around rooftops at night, and fighting akuma in pitch black rooms would help her come out on top.
Two sets of footsteps. One pair heavier, gait slow and uneven due to injury. The other lighter, along the walls across the room.
Marinette tuned the other out, focusing on the footsteps that were trying to end her life right now. She could feel the carpet underneath her bare feet, the slight sting of rugburn. It grounded her, kept her from spiraling.
“Where are you, girlie?”
She silently rolled over to her purse. The clasp would make a click when she opened it, so she didn’t. She picked up the card used to cut it, carefully, and cut it open.
Two stale cookies, her key card, and the strap that was removed from the purse earlier.
She heard his footsteps move past her and put a hand to her mouth to muffle her breathing. She heard the sound of wood being sliced – he must have thrown a bunch of cards at the desk where she once was.
Marinette, as silent as a cat, crawled along the carpeted floor toward the front doors. She still remembered the layout of the room, luckily.
“Do you know the power of laughter?” The Joker sounded further away, but not by much. His footsteps were walking away from her, toward the elevator.
It was only after Marinette had been blinded by a light that she realized she should have paid more attention to where Lila was. The girl has walked along the wall behind the desk and turned on the lights by the front door.
The Joker whirled around to see her, grabbing some cards-
No, Marinette couldn’t let him do that, no no n-
“No,” she screamed, throwing a crumbling and stale cookie at the eye she could see from the side angle. It hit, and the Joker let out some strong obscenities as it did so.
Marinette noticed him trying to regain his balance and slid her room’s key card under where his feet landed. Luckily, her plan worked and he slipped cartoon-banana style onto his back while still rubbing cookie crumbs out of his eye. His fall aggravated some of the still bleeding cuts on his body if his angry scream had anything to say about it.
Lila had begun to run to the elevator. As stupid as her classmate was, Marinette was glad. The Joker was fully focused on her, and wouldn’t care that the elevator was being used so long as he was occupied with Marinette. She wouldn’t have to worry about Lila’s life.
The Joker turned to face her, eye still red from the cookie. His pant leg seemed to be more blood-soaked now and he had a few newer cuts on his jaw and neck from the lamp. And he was furious.
Very furious.
Marinette couldn’t count on any help. There was a chance that Lila would leave her to die to the Joker, hoping he would go away after she was finished. She didn’t want to assume any of the heroes were coming, she didn’t want to think of them right now.
There was no way she’d beat the Joker.
But she had to stay alive long enough to call for help herself.
“If you weren’t so resistant and,” The Joker lolled his head and grinned, “Dull, I’d consider allowing you to become my new Harley-girl.”
“I’d rather die,” Marinette said without thinking, slowly standing from the floor. She clutched her purse strap tight. Her last cookie was too crushed to use.
“And so you will,” The Joker raised his cards.
Marinette wouldn’t be able to dodge fully, but if she could avoid dying instantly she can still fight while injured – she’s done it before.
But then a vine grabbed his arm from behind her.
No, not a vine. A whip. A whip made of a vine.
“I suggest leaving the girl alone,” Marinette glanced behind her to see a woman with bright red hair and an outfit made of plants.
Poison Ivy.
She looked back to Joker, who’s grin was now a snarl.
You see, Joker was the A++ of the villains because he’s the one that got all the normal questions and all the bonus questions right. Everybody in the world knows about him. Ivy, in terms of ferocity and general evilness, she scored lower than Joker.
But the Joker is injured. He had a limp and he’s bleeding and Ivy isn’t. Plus, for all Marinette knows, the Joker has been cheating on all his tests.
Though right now who was the better villain didn’t really matter because one was trying to kill her and one was trying to save her.
Marinette rolled out of the way of the two villains and stood. Joker wasn’t focused on her; his angry eyes were trained on Ivy.
“You stole my Harley,” he growled. Marinette couldn’t find it within herself to feel an ounce of sympathy for him.
“She wasn’t ever yours,” Poison Ivy spat the name ‘yours’ like a curse.
Marinette felt like they were two nuclear bombs about to go off and she was just waiting to see who would blow up first.
It was Joker.
He grabbed onto the vine wrapped around his arm and pulled. Ivy lost her balance but let go of the vine so it hit Joker in the face as he yanked it. The vine landed near his eye that still leaked cookie crumbs and Joker howled.
Marinette tried to remember something about Ivy’s powers. She was immune to all poisons and toxins. She could make other people immune too. And…
Marinette’s eyes went to the plants by the hotel lobby’s windows. She knew they were real, she could smell it when she first walked in. Fake plants didn’t emit the same scent that she started picking up on the longer she was Ladybug.
While Joker and Ivy were fighting – Ivy just kicked him in his bad leg after he tried to use Joker Venom on her and failed – Marinette ran to the plants.
“Let’s see if I can help her,” she mumbled, picking up one of the larger pots. It had a rock about the size of papa’s fist in the pot, likely to keep it from falling over. It was still light compared to the vending machine.
Poison Ivy glanced at her, then Marinette threw the pot, hoping she wasn’t skinned alive for throwing a plant. But she seemed to get the message and extended a hand out to the plant.
In midair, it expanded. Grew. The plant was well taken care of, so it grew enough that the pot burst, it’s roots hit the ground and its rapidly expanding stalk punched Joker in the throat.
It stopped growing once it hit about four and a half meters. The high ceiling of the hotel was about six meters, so nothing stopped it from falling.
She heard someone say something. It sounded like, “look out,” but Marinette was more focused on scrambling out of the way of this plant that chose to fall toward her instead of Joker.
It crashed through the window, spilling shattered glass onto the street. The sound was loud and Marinette flinched, her back against the wall adjacent to the window to avoid becoming smashed like a bug.
She barely had time to think before more playing cards were thrown at her. She hit the ground, using the huge plant as cover.
“You dirty rat,” he spat out. His voice was raw, and she couldn’t see the bruise forming on his neck. She could imagine it though.
Her lungs ached. Marinette covered her mouth and breathed in, trying not to make noise.
“You best leave her alone, Jester,” Ivy snarled. She sounded fine, slightly winded, but uninjured.
“I wanted to see the little Parisian smile,” he sounded wistful, sad. Marinette closed her eyes and remembered his face. She wouldn’t fall in his little trap. She hoped Poison Ivy wouldn’t either.
“You wanted to kill her.”
“Killing you would be a dream come true too.”
She heard more cards. She heard the vine whip being used. She heard something be sliced – the door? She heard Joker laugh.
She smelled blood.
“What?” Ivy’s breathing was labored. “You think a little flesh wound would bother me?”
“It’ll bother that brat you stole from me,” Joker sounded utterly delighted. “It’ll bother her more if she finds it on a lifeless body!”
Marinette’s heart lurched into her throat. No, no she couldn’t let this happen. She couldn’t expect Ivy to save her without risking Ivy.
She still had her purse strap. Silently, Marinette moved around the plant.
She heard Ivy lash out with her whip again. It sounded slower.
Marinette ducked and rolled under a stalk that was high enough off the ground to go under.
After a brief scuffle, she heard something else being sliced. It hit the ground, and for a moment Marinette panicked before realizing it was too light to be Poison Ivy.
While crawling, her hand landed on some far-reaching glass from the knocked over vending machine. The pain registered, but Marinette didn’t care about it for long.
“You bastard,” Ivy sounded winded. She had to help, please let her be able to help.
Her eyes landed on a rock, one about the size of papa’s fist. The one in the pot earlier. She picked it up carefully and began tying her purse strap around it. It wouldn’t have as much range as her yoyo, and it would be heavier, but it was better than nothing.
“Afraid you can’t beat me without your little plant?”
She turned, now past the plant and on the side with Joker and Poison Ivy. Her newly-made weapon in hand, she crawled slowly and silently behind Joker. She was still under a large leaf, so Ivy didn’t see her. She could see both their legs and the cut whip at the ground.
“I think you’re underestimating me.”
Marinette could see blood trickling down Ivy’s left leg. She was bleeding much faster than the Joker was. She pushed forward, ending up behind Joker. His legs were within arm’s reach.
“There’s not much to underesti-”
She swung her rock-and-purse-strap yoyo as hard and fast as she could at the Joker’s injured knee. She heard his leg crunch under the force, saw his leg beds an unnatural angle before he fell, heard his scream.
Marinette felt sick.
All she could cause is pain all she can do is hurt she’s useless she can’t save anyone-
“You,” Joker’s words are muffled against the carpet of the hotel lobby. He calls says a word in English she doesn’t know. It rhymed with the English word witch.
“Takes one to know one,” Poison Ivy huffs out.
Then the other window – the one that wasn’t shattered by the plant – shatters. A dark and cloaked figure looks odd standing under the lights of the hotel lobby.
“Poison Ivy,” he paused, just then noticing the Joker.
“I can see I’m not needed anymore,” she turned around, “I was just here to save the kid, no need to arrest me this time.”
The Joker laughed. “You call her a kid?” he asked. “She threw a vending machine at me! Broke my leg! This brat is not a kid, she’s a menace!”
Her breath left her. She’s a menace, a villain, a revolting person…
Marinette looked at her hands. They were bloody.
She barely heard him repeat menace a few times before his breathing evened, likely falling asleep. Poison Ivy made no further comment as she walked out of the miraculously still functioning door. Marinette didn’t hear it close until two pairs of footsteps walked in.
“Batman, why’d you let Ivy walk ou- oh,” a voice she didn’t hear at the manor, Damian’s older brother, spoke. Dick Grayson, his name was.
“Father,” Marinette froze at Damian’s voice. “What is Joker doing here?”
“It appears she was rescuing…” Batman paused, clearly still trying to asses the situation.
Marinette is an idiot. She must be, because she chose that moment to shakily stand up, revealing herself to Batman and Nightwing and Robin.
Robin’s breath hitched.
And that little sound is what made the dam break.
“I’m sorry,” she was spiraling, but she didn’t care anymore. “I’m a hor- horrible person and-”
“Hey now,” Nightwing took a step closer. “I’m sure you’re not-”
She held up her hands, showing the blood on them. Her blood, but that didn’t matter.
“I broke his leg,” she took a big gulp of air. It sounded like a sob. “With a rock. And I threw things at him. A chocolate bar, a cookie, a phone, a lamp, a vending machine-”
“A vending machine?” Batman sounded far away, muffled.
“Miss, please calm down,” Nightwing’s voice was grainy. She wasn’t hearing it fully, she wasn’t there she was away, far away.
“I’m terrible, horrible, I shouldn’t have done this,” all she could hear was her words – were they thoughts? She didn’t know anymore.
She wished she didn’t exist, then she couldn’t make mistakes.
Her vision began to grow spotty. She couldn’t tell what was up and what was down.
“Angel,” Damian’s voice seemed to whisper. “You need to breathe.”
Her lungs ached. She didn’t care though. She didn’t need to breathe. She didn’t matter that much.
The world went dark around her.
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leeanerzzz-blog · 6 years ago
Anti-Aging Serum With Vitamin C And Camu Camu
One of the best parts of this system of doctor reviews is that it is all online. Be sure to let your doctor know if you are receiving this therapy before you take lisinopril combined with HCTZ. When you provide an immaculate customer service and you are always there for your patients, they will indeed start trusting you. There are also many online pharmacies in India that are violating Indian laws, especially the e-commerce laws and regulations of India. There are also many dental practices here in Nogales. If you are concerned about germs on your soap pump you should also be concerned about germs on your faucet knobs and even more concerned about doorknobs where even people who have not washed their hands have touched. Even though people in general are hesitant about ordering medicines online, they are absolutely safe and you get them at a price much lower than your local drug store. All you get in this site is licensed pharmacies in the United States; so you can tust the quality of tramadol that you purchase. That is the level of care you can expect. Many patients use the system to give kudos to doctors for providing great care. ] or medicines which doctors refuse to prescribe for patients, canadian online pharmacy as all patients treated under the National Health Service pay either a low flat price or nothing for prescribed medicine and medical equipment. If you have plentiful regular funds to pay your out-of-pocket medical bills, then consider just leaving the HSA money alone and letting it earn tax-free income. When terrible events like the now infamous “Batman Shooting” occurs, I tend to not have a knee-jerk reaction of yelling “It’s a conspiracy” because, obviously, sometimes it is not. The free version of the app lets you perform calculations like BMI and GFR, check drug interactions and access information on prescription drugs. These drugs can cause serious changes in the brain and body. With this card you can start earning point right after registered online. Dealings through the website should also be secured with the right encryptation. This medication is marketed under the brand name Fanapt. Im sure that you could even be a new brand of eBay for less money. On the online forum, some TIs posted vociferous objections to the parallel, concerned that the public finds UFOs even weirder than mind control. The bill was later reintroduced, minus the mind control. In my opinion this is just another way to make everyone hypochondriacs. Nitrazepam tablets may influence how your muscles function or may make you feel tired or distracted. Goodness me,what will they think of next,to make fools part with their money? 3. The Canadian regulators don't think this is a good idea. Anyway, great article, nice research, good conclusion. Although the Digital India project needs to eliminate various shortcomings yet issues pertaining to cyber security, civil liberties and techno legal framework require special attention of Indian government. The web page for the University neuroscience department, where Holmes studied on a government grant, has been taken down. My sister looked at me for a second, sat down opposite me and asked me to watch what she did. He says he grew frustrated with anti-psychotic medications meant to stop the voices, both because the treatments didn't work and because psychiatrists showed no interest in what the voices were telling him. The light will blink continuously if the voltage detector doesn't work well with the type of battery that you used. The light should stop blinking and soap will be dispensed again. Will Congress step in, to help the FDA? I love the slipper pattern so I will give it a go.
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a-menage-a-trois-is-fine · 7 years ago
I’ve been building upon my oh-my-god-why-am-I-writing-Buzzfeed-fanfic-please-murder-me for months now, and it’s VERY slow-going what with work and life and all… but here are some snippets from it just to encourage myself to finish it, on the off-chance someone might read this and be like “HEY WRITE MORE MAYBE” or w/e I don’t know. These are chunks of what I’ve been writing thrown into some lonely corner of the internet. They’re not meant to make sense chronologically.
Stories are supposed to have beginnings and ends. Ryan remembers the word denouement from a tenth grade English class; remembers a chalky, arching line swooped across a blackboard:
There is a protagonist, a setting, an “inciting incident” (extra points for alliteration); conflict, struggle, resolution. Open ends are meant to be stitched together cleverly, and characters are meant to return home changed in some stunning, significant way (quadruple points here).
Sometimes he thinks about this when editing. Sometimes he thinks about this when he finally shuts down the computer, is the last to lock up, is the last to count how many black gum-spots it takes to get to his car.
Ryan’s life is nothing like a story. He tries to form it into something streamline, something meaningful, memorable, and marketable—
But in the end it is simply a long string of moments.
Siri guides them to Conneaut, Ohio. Which is not Conneaut, Pennsylvania.
Ryan buries his face in the steering wheel. “Fuck me, dude…”
“Well,” states Shane diplomatically. There ya go.”
“How many fucking Conneauts can possibly exist!”
“Two. Two exist.”
“Shut up.”
They’d been in Cleveland to check out Franklin Castle. The mansion had seen plenty of death over the years, was possibly home to Nazis at one point, and was bought by Judy Garland’s fifth husband in the ‘80s. It was found to have a literal skeleton in one of its closets. Well, allegedly. Shane kept pushing that word on Ryan.
It was in the paper, dude! Ryan had argued. In the nineties! This isn’t, like, folklore!
Yeeeaaaahhh, said Shane. People said a lot of things in the nineties.
The woman who owns it now — a pleasant Italian artist in her fifties — had given them permission to film and sleep in it overnight. They hadn’t gotten much rest, as usual, and they hadn’t encountered anything overtly significant. There were the odd creaks and subtle squeaks, but even Ryan had to admit that sort of stuff was to be expected from a house built in 1881. There were a few other things, though… things that could have been whispers (Ryan was eager to listen to the audio recordings, later) and things that seemed to move in the dark (though that could have just been his eyes and brain trying to make sense of the darkness, Shane had purported). Mostly, though, there was a feeling. A feeling that he was being watched. A feeling that they were not alone.
It was fucking frustrating, because a feeling isn’t evidence; not to anyone outside his own head.
“Do you think Taco Bell is worse in Ohio?”
“I don’t know. I don’t care. Taco Bell will give you the shits anywhere.”
“See, people say that — but I’ve never had a bad experience with TaBe. I’ve heard they’re one of the healthiest fast food places, actually. I mean, as healthy as fast food can be. They use better ingredients.”
“What the fuck is tah-bey?”
“TaBe. Taco Bell.”
“That’s not a thing.”
“It hasn’t caught on yet. I’ve been working on it.”
In the end, they stop at the Taco Bell the rest stop sign had advertised. It’s nestled among a throng of pine trees, which is just super weird for some reason.
Shane orders a steak Quesarito, but gets ground beef instead. Ryan goes to town on three Supreme tacos.
“I mean, I definitely said steak.”
“It’s probably ‘cause it’s one in the morning, dude. And they’re out of steak, or they just didn’t want to make it.”
“Or because that kid at the window was high.”
“Or because he was high, yeah.”
“It could just be my imagination, but I feel like it’s just a liiiiiiiittle less spicy than in LA.”
“These tacos taste exactly the same.”
“I dunno.” Shane squints into dark of the tall trees that press up against the parking lot. “There’s something… different.”
“It’s ground beef, and you never get ground beef Quesaritos. That’s what’s different.”
“Oh. Yeah.”
They eat in relative silence, going through every napkin they were given. Shane accidentally takes a sip of Ryan’s drink.
“Uuughh, dude.” Ryan pulls the straw out, flips it, and jabs it back in.
“You just dunked all my cooties into your Coke.”
“Yeah, but at least I’m not, like, kissing you every time I take a sip.”
Shane laughs in the gradual, stuttering way he does when something Ryan says doesn’t make sense to him. “What? Okay. You could’ve just taken the top off and thrown it away with the straw. Or you could’ve just sucked it up — literally sucked it up — like a normal person. But, okay. I guess I’m really, really gross. Cool.”
“I like straws.”
“Yeah, you really like straws.”
“I hate places with no elevators.”
“It’s an old hotel. You can’t expect it to have elevators.”
“Sure I can. It’s twenty-eighteen. They’ve had years to put one in.”
“You really like elevators.”
“I love an elevator. Almost as much as you love a straw.”
“I promise it won’t be weird.”
They stare at each other for a good handful of seconds.
“It might be a little weird,” admits Ryan.
Shane nods. “It might be a little weird.”
They laugh, and Ryan settles down beside his friend.
And it isn’t even a little weird.
They bump into each other somewhat purposefully on the sidewalk later. Fleetingly, Ryan wonders at the way he needs to touch Shane when they’re drunk. But they’re just drunk… that’s just what being drunk with Shane is.
Also, there’s something really disappointing about the arrival of an Uber.
The house is bleached bone-white by sixty-six years of desert sun.
Ryan feels something at his ankles, and when he drops his chin there is sand weaving in currents at his feet. He tries to get a better look, but the camera strapped to his chest is the size and weight of a bowling ball.
“There’s no door.”
Ryan squints against the daylight; Shane’s right. The house is a bungalow, the kind you’d find on stilts clinging to the Hollywood Hills. But it’s not standing tall, and there’s not a hill or mountain in sight. It sits heavy on the dry lake bed like some weighty thing on its belly. It’s trying to hide, Ryan realizes. It’s been trying to hide all this time, nowhere to run but into the ground. It’s frozen, and it hopes no one can see it.
“There!” Ryan points. He hadn’t noticed it before, he’d thought the front was clean, white wood — but there is plywood tacked on in the unmistakable shape of an entrance.
“How’d they do that from the inside?”
“Nice dingle-dongle.”
It’s not like they haven’t pissed side-by-side before. It’s not like they haven’t both seen each other’s dicks, out of the corners of their eyes, so — who gives a shit?
Ryan shrugs, tucks himself back in, and zips his jeans up like a captain steering a sailboat through a storm.
“It’s okay. You— what? What d’you mean, refund?”
Shane leans into the tiled wall with a great thump. He gestures vaguely, eyes trailing lazily to the ceiling.
“Like with… debit cards, if they get stolen, the bank reimburses you. Right? Those are the ones?”
“Or is it credit? Fuck. I dunno. There’s, like… one of them, they don’t give you back the money if someone spends it.”
“I gave it to the bar-lady.”
Shane’s eyes roll like little brown marbles down to Ryan. His little lips curl up into a little open-mouthed smirk. “You rogue.”
“You told me to!”
“I know. I forgot. C’mon, buddy. We’re onto micheladas.”
They’re at a party blasting “Heart of Glass”, and Ryan thinks he will never be more in love than he is now.
“I am very drunk, and there is chicken in my mouth.”
“Well, yeah, you ordered chicken.”
“It didn’t sink in till just now.”
Ryan laughs. “Well, sorry— you ordered chicken.”
“No, I’m not saying it’s bad, it’s very good. It’s just. I forgot. Fuck!” Shane’s knife slips from his hand and lands in a pile of salad. He harrumphs, and picks the knife out gingerly, licking the dressing from its handle.
“Dude we are going to get kicked out of Disneyland.”
“Nooooo,” Shane admonishes. “They don’t knooooow, come on.”
“I am one hundred percent sure the waiter knows we’re drunk, dude. We’ve been waving and yelling at the people on the boats for, like, an hour now.”
Shane suddenly remembers the boats; he gives a funny, unfocused grin and waves a Rosebowl Queen Wave to the boat currently floating past. “They just keep… coming! Hey, Ryan. Do you think the ones with no one in them are haunted?”
“Do you?”
“No, I think Fantasmic is going on, and the pirate business is slow. But I think you think they’re haunted.”
“Actually…” and this is an interesting line of thought, along the way he’s always wondered about the silhouetted cast members he’s seen walking briskly through the backdrop of the Bayou: “I’d always figured there was, like, some reason they had to send a boat through empty? Like, for crowd control, or something to do with, I dunno, like, timing, or maintenance, or security, or something.”
“Ahhhh!” Shane says very slowly, drawing his attention back to Ryan. He acts the way he does when Ryan posits a particularly clever theory on some long-dead murder. “That makes sense!”
“Yeah! Ooh!” Shane glances around conspiratorially. “Where’s Disney Police? Disney Police! Arrest this man! He knows too much!”
“Shut up,” Ryan laughs, though he is honestly a little nervous. “You are so obviously drunk.”
“Noooooooo. I am the perfect model of, uh… of propriety. Sobriety Pirate-ey.”
“Sure you are. How are you a bigger lightweight than me? You’ve got, like, six more legs than me.”
“I’m fine. I’m bulletproof. I’m Batman.”
Ryan chokes on his lemonade. The novelty “glow-cube” he’d paid two-fifty extra for flashes several different colors before his eyes. He coughs for what’s probably a full minute before he’s able to say, “You are not Batman.”
“I’m Batman, bay-beeeeee.”
“You are so fucking drunk, dude.”
“I’m not drunk” he says in some unholy marriage of Bale and Keaton, “I’m Batman.”
“Well, god save Gotham, in that case.”
Ryan can’t stand to look at him right now, but he can feel him, the way he’s sitting beside him, and he can feel the way his voice sounds: It sounds hurt and hesitant. It might sound disappointed, and Ryan’s brain works itself up into a terrible, sudden frenzy — does it sound cheated? Does it sound like the voice of a man who’s been swindled?
Ryan shakes his head adamantly, which must look strange to Shane. No, Shane wouldn’t feel that way. Shane wouldn’t be like that.
This, Ryan realizes, is how girls must feel all the time.
Ryan shakes his head, grinning wetly. “You’re too perfect, you know that? You’re too fucking dumb and perfect.”
Shane looks lost. Ryan is still half-crying, half-laughing.
“Can I hug you?”
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yahoo-movies-uk · 8 years ago
20 daft extras who nearly spoiled their scenes
It's tough to break into showbusiness, so you wouldn't begrudge an extra their opportunity to get noticed on the set of a big production. However, these guys took it too far, taking their background work to the foreground and committing a cardinal sin: drawing focus from the talent.
Behold: the extras who almost ruined their movies...
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When the first teaser for Christopher Nolan’s WW2 epic ‘Dunkirk’ hit the web, many were quick to point out one background artist who’d clearly missed the memo that he was supposed to be scared during this scene.
While all the troops around him are visibly terrified by the sound of a German plane swooping in to rain fire and death upon them, this guy looks like he’s just spotted a giant Spongebob hot air balloon floating by. Somehow we doubt he’ll make the final cut when it comes to cinemas in 2017.
"Batmaaaan! Ehhhhh!"
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When it came for Batman to make his entrance in 'Batman Forever', the occasion was noted the moment Val Kilmer smashed through the ceiling in full costume. 
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We didn't need this speccy guy leaning over Nicole Kidman's shoulder announcing: "Batman! Ehhhhh!"
Clumsy stormtrooper
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Possibly the most famous errant extra ever captured on celluloid, the clumsy stormtrooper has become part of 'Star Wars' lore ever since he bonked his head on the way into the Death Star control room. Famous revisionist George Lucas refused to alter the shot, instead adding a sound effect for the Special Edition in 1997.
'Teen Wolf' flasher
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You have to wait until the very last scene of 'Teen Wolf' to see her – and you only see it's a her in the widescreen edition on DVD – but this brave extra managed to damped Michael J Fox's victory bundle by having her jeans unzipped, briefly flashing her crotch. Notice the guy waving the 'Beavers' flag for added effect.
'Quantum Of Solace' weird street sweeper
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We can only imagine this broom-wielding extra was told by Marc Forster to lightly glide his brush above the ground so as not to make any noise while 'sweeping'. Unfortunately, he missed by a good foot, making it look like he's fighting off imaginary dogs with his broom.
'Die Hard 2' roly poly guy
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No one likes being in airports at the best of times, so when there is terrorist activity, it's understandable the masses would panic. This guy, however, was clearly so afraid that he lost control of his legs, causing him to flop helplessly around on the floor, rolling around like a Portuguese footballer. Yellow card for simulation.
Smiling 'Jaws' extra
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Fear affects people differently. Some people freeze, some people are spurred into action. This extra on the set of 'Jaws' reacted unlike any other when informed of a killer shark in the area – by playfully romping into the sea with a stupid smile plastered all over his face. Here's hoping he left a smiling corpse.
'The Last Samurai' who got kicked in the nuts
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Nothing sours a serious period epic like a horse kicking a samurai in the plums. Considering all the extras in the shot and how difficult it is to wrangle horses, we reckon director Ed Zwick saw this and thought "Sod it. No one will notice. Print it!" We noticed.
Jean-Claude Van Damme
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There's no other way to say it: this distracting extra in dance drama 'Breakin'' is Jean-Claude Van Damme, and he's dancing like a prat wearing a lycra bodysuit. Just try and focus on anything else.
Frances McDormand's scene stealer
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Fittingly, given the title of the movie she was appearing in, the over-the-top extra who appears over the shoulder of Frances McDormand during the graduation scene in 'Almost Famous' did find a modicum of fame, when Cameron Crowe pointed her out in his director's commentary for the DVD, saying she does "exactly what extras shouldn't do".
'Star Trek Into Darkness' smiling extra
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Blink and you'd miss him, but the first trailer for 'Star Trek Into Darkness' contained a split-second shot of a futuristic San Francisco resident staring at the camera and smiling like a goof while two colossal spacecrafts smashed into his city. Hyuk hyuk.
'Mr Nanny' background extra washes dog
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This one is just too bizarre: during one scene of 'Mr Nanny', as Hulk Hogan rides his motorbike down the street, one cut shows a strange man standing on the waterfront behind him, casually tossing his dog into a lake. Was he washing it? Trying to drown it? Why was it in the movie? How did nobody spot it? Why is Hulk Hogan in a movie again?
'The Dark Knight Rises'... quite easily
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Poor Christopher Nolan: all those expertly choreographed fight scenes in 'The Dark Knight Rises', and this henchman extra goes and spoils the whole shebang by crumpling like a sack of potatoes despite being about six feet away from the 'fatal' blow. Still, having Anne Hathaway in leather in the foreground will tend to catch people's attention.
'Cliffhanger''s smile of death
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This one's a bit of a cheat as it's not an extra but actor Ralph Waite who flubs a scene in 'Cliffhanger', by smiling during the film's most traumatic scene – the bit where Sylvester Stallone's girlfriend plummets to her death. Could it be a rather unfortunate grimace? Maybe the character of Frank was actually the Grim Reaper? So many theories.
Blofeld's cat
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They say 'Never work with children or animals' but we feel it's necessary to add 'especially cats, because cats are the worst'. Just look at the furry little critter in 'You Only Live Twice' trying to escape Blofeld's clutches: those claws are dug all the way in to Donald Pleasence's arm. Having a crazed cat scratching you will tend to undermine your evil plan.
The kid who spoils 'North By Northwest'
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Kids are dumb. Look no further than this scene from 'North By Northwest' for proof: the small kid sitting at a table in the background has obviously been told that a gun is about to go off, but sticks his fingers in his ears a good five seconds before it's discharged. Nice going, idiot. We hope he grew up knowing he ruined one of the best films ever made.
'Back To The Future III' crotch kid
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Doc Brown's kid Verne certainly made an impression with his minute or so of screen time at the end of 'Back To The Future III'. No sooner has his dad introduced him to Marty, he's beckoning the camera towards him and pointing at his crotch, like some demented junior swagged-out rapper. Turns out he was just signalling that he needed the loo, but still.
Batman cop super agrees
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During a scene in The 'Dark Knight' which Harvey Dent addresses the Gotham PD, one disgruntled officer yells "No more dead cops!" At this point, the extra in front of him agrees so vigorously, his eyebrows appear to try and escape off the top of his head.
'Gladiator's smiling extras
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Ridley Scott took to his 'Gladiator' DVD commentary to bemoan these guys – extras smiling like goons in the opening battle as the Romans rush the Germanic tribesmen. Background artist rule number one: if you are appearing in a war or battle scene, don't smile. Wars and battles are supposed to be sad. Lesson over.
"Hey Malkovich! Think fast!"
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Incredibly, one of 'Being John Malkovich''s funniest scenes was entirely improvised by an extra, who lobbed an empty can of beer at Malkovich's head and yelled "Hey Malkovich, think fast!" as he chatted to John Cusack on the New Jersey turnpike. The scene wasn't in the script, and instead of being punished, the extra was paid.
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puzzled-barista · 8 years ago
The difference will be puzzling : Intro.
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Okay, so I don’t use this tumblr very much, but I do like to write and document certain things because it’s always fun to keep track of things and look back to them to see where you’ve gotten. I’m going to be using this a space to keep track of ideas, progression, and achievements (both reached and planned)  that I have for one of my favorite games Puzzles and Dragons.
So what is Puzzle and dragons? 
it’s a Japanese mobile game that’s been popular both here and japan for the past 5 years. I’ve been playing it for not that long (maybe like 3, collectively), but it has always been a game I return to. It’s a game I enjoy very much, combining collecting, progression, and excellent artwork.
So where am I at on this? 
So far, I’m here: 
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My box is... A bit of a mess. It’s good and terrible at the same time, at least that’s how I feel when I look at it. Obviously, the strongest part of the box are my red cards. I have a pretty functional Awoken Krishna team that has cleared a lot of content for me, and I’m sure can continue to do so. Having the cards that I do, I can pretty much take any dungeon on with some minor modifications to the team in order to get through certain areas and floors of a dungeon I might have trouble with. Standard team I use (which was just on there at the time It took this screenshot) looks like this. 
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I think this team in itself is pretty strong just for the fact that I have Two Yamato (one being new years). I use to see Optimal Krishna teams run two Yamato anyway, So when I pulled the new years one, I figured it would make a nice substitute, being almost the something while also providing a boost when playing in co-op mode ( which I do not do much of). Shiva is there to add more health and damage to the team, and breaking any kind of high defenses I run into, along with having really good awakenings, but really his slot on this team is meant to be switched to what ever I need at the time. If I take anything out of the team first, it would be him first. Lastly, I have Sanada, because he’s amazing Krishna sub, providing fire and heart to he board just like yamato, and getting rid of the most useless orbs in the game: Blue. - I’ll explain that bit later.
Anyway, as much utility I can crank out of my fire box, a lot of the things I have in there are not developed well enough to take them into higher end game content. I have Tsubaki, and the wrong evolution of Cao Cao now, so I need to work on those to make them a little more applicable to what I need.  Set is useless, but I’ve got a sweet spot for that card for some reason, providing a crazy amount of health, and being one hell of a tank, but after hearing he was getting another evolution, I was pretty happy I kept him. Uriel was obtained at the poor execution of trying to construct Xiang Mei team (oh god, that was a horrible idea.) but with krishna being good, at least I get some good uses. Suzaku is a must have card that should be maxed, and I have no idea how to go about her. I see the value, but nothing too demanding, so I tell myself I’ll get to her, but then I never do.
So blue. I’d show you my blue team, but I don’t have any, because I think blue is a terrible color in any game and I refuse to play it. The only thing that will change my mind and investment into that side of my box is if Karin becomes a crazy good lead specifically With Skuld, Sun Quan, And Isis, and that just sounds god awful already, so lets just stop talking about it and move on to my next best color: Green.
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Do you count it as green if it’s more rainbow-style? 
This is the team I am currently using to clear all the content that’s thrown at me. Yes I know, I am missing Kaede, BUT I HAVE RAGDRAGON AND ROZUEL , HOW CAN I NOT PLAY THIS TEAM, IT’S LIKE HELLA FUCKING GOOD AND SO GO DAMN STRONG.
Enough with the yelling, How am I dealing with this? well instead of bringing Kaede (which I swear I had and probably just sold to try and get some MP or what ever) I turn those slots into something that can used for utility. Is it more system-ey that works for a Heart-Cross rainbow team? No, but Ronove’s active is so short that with maybe a little more patience, a little more control ( and a shit ton of luck) you can get by with enough tankines and damage to get you through almost anything. RagDrag offers A full rainbow board change and Rozuel offers more consistency to obtain hearts in a lesser used color like Light. Yes, Ra is a light, but He gives me another second of orb movement, unbind-able, Protection from Blind attacks, and servers a nearly identical purpose to shield smashing. Even if I don’t get the kill with the 77777 Damage, the extra orb extension from his active allows me get those high damage numbers. What’s my further plans with this team? Well, I was going to try and get a second RagDrag to make up for not having Kaede as I’ve seen teams sort of get by on that. Wont be good for maybe challenge one shot runs, or maybe even arena runs because Sophidet is a bitch that shouldn’t exist, but other than those, team will get me through pretty much everything. With the addition of skill inheritance extending to some Decent monsters (most notably Scarlet, Gainaut and Linthia) this will allow a much wider pool of subs, while still having access to really good actives that could provide optimal bored for Ronove. Will he still be Relevant by then? Probably not, but look at this dude, how can you not play him?
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As  mentioned, Gainaut, Scarlet are still good subs for Ronove. I want to make a farm-able team with those two monsters having a constant rainbow board accessible to me.
Edit: It was in between me writing this entry and the last godfest that just happened on the 28th of febuary thAT I PULLED A GOD DAMN KAEDE.
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As you can tell by the use of gifs, I’m pretty excited about this. This makes my Ronove team nearly relevant with the Inclusion of Visnhua. I didn’t notice until today, but I invested so much into this team that really, it’s probably my strongest team I have currently available to me. Obviously Krishna might be used still for longer and more sustainable clears, but having the way the team is now (Ronove / Ragdrag / Vishnu / Keade / Rozuel Ronove) Can clear me through most things. Granted, I’m still not to great at heart-cross teams, but at one point I also thought that it would be impossible to learn how to play a rainbow team at all without stacking. Here’s being hopeful that I’ll stop sucking the more I play on with this play-style.
So what’s the new direction? continue to hyper max every member of it. Ronove is done, Ragdrag and Vishnu are a skill up or two away, and Kaede is already 297′ed, but still requires her full trail of skill ups to really get some amazing value out of her. Poor Rozuel, having the least amount of attention, but that all goes back to my red box just being under developed in itself. Since she’s the last to be 297′ed I’ll make it more apparent in the coming weeks to give him more to contribute more to the team. Her active is really just there to fix awkward situations which doesn’t seem to happen very often, but is always better to have a solution then stall out of a problem.
Alright enough fan-girling about green, let’s move on to my other colors: Black and White. 
Why together? because I want to post this already and I don’t have much things to say about this part of my box anyway.
Both parts of the box have just been there to fill space for any other teams I’ve had for the past few years. Ra filled in for Kaede, Chocobo fills in for D.Kali, Batman fills in for Echidna, yada yada yada, what ever. Neither Color really has any focus much like the blue part of my box, but I do have intrest and plans for them.
I got really good at stacking, so maybe Ra might come up and become another contender for a light based rainbow lead, but if I ever get to that point, why am I not just playing Myr, or Ra-Dragon? Because I’ll probably be too lazy and just make with what I have. Go figure. Ilm has also been an interesting choice to look at, along with Metatron because of her new ultimate coming (or is that dmeta?). Kirin as well has a lot of uses, along with Saria. Most of my light cards are good, but no lead or any other good subs to really take advanage of any of them. hopefully in the future, that might be able to change.
I personally told myself I would build teams in dark, but never really get around to them. I had the amazing luck of pulling sepheroth and is still considered a good lead in the game, but the lack of subs that were so specific to his team are the things I lack in order to properly use him. I have a Yomi I should definitively start investing in to, but other than that, i really didn’t see any kind of value rising up from this end of my box until I heard of D.Athena.
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Now when she first was announced, I didn’t care cause I already knew that my dark end of the box was terrible. Why should I care about a monster I can’t even play? I decided to just move to Ronove and just invest my time into getting Ragdrag not really worrying about this card until recently. I neve really looked at the teams that were used, and I never really wanted to until I posted my box in a group and was told that I should probably start hitting that Dark end of the box to get ready for D.Athena. Haku? check. Persephone? Check. Durga? Check. grida? Check. is it the perfect team? Absolutely not. IS IT a team though? . Well with a broken card like D.athena, it might as well be. So the 390k mp revent is happening soon, so most of those investment is going to go into making this team a little more relevant.
Ideally I want to have a team for every color because well... why not? It’s a game, i don’t need a real life purpose for doing any of this, I simply want to, and without that, why would I even be playing this game? I’ve got some strong teams and leads already, that much I’m aware of, but with no goals I’ll stop playing and there won’t be any reason for me to do this. So what does this mean for this blog? 
In term, I’ll have updates on events or certain things that might be valuable to document through the course of my game to just get a fun idea of where i’m going. Doing this will be fun to look back to where I cam from, and see how far I’ve gotten. Maybe one day I’ll look back at this and laugh at the idea that I tried to “replace” Kaede in some way or form. Let’s face it, It’s sad right now, but it’s going to be a pretty funny joke in the future.
If you read this far, holy shit, that’s crazy cause I didn’t even want to write this much. what was suppose to be a quick intro turned into an essay. Is that bad? well probably, but oh well, it’s done already. Hopefully i’ll be checking back on this to really get more out of what I want out of this game. 
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