#and thats the idea hurray
salbertwolf · 3 months
Sit down listen- Modern au Codywan of firefighter Cody and nurse Obi Wan but they are both single parents and actually Obi Wan has a secret previous life and its just that I'm doing that hurray
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aakariiiii · 10 months
You’ll Catch My Coldˏˋ°•*⁀➷
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contains: mitsuya being sick, thats really it….
requests: open
a/n: i had this uncompleted in my drafts so i finished writing it n here i am uploading it!!! i kinda (only kinda) like it tbh so i hope you guys like it as well, just a reminder that requests are open!!!! please enjoy reading it <33
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It was 2pm at the moment, and I have been woken from my deep slumber that I promised myself I would get as a reward of my hard work during the academic year.
“Who the fuck wakes up at 2pm on the first day of summer vacation. And who the fuck even woke me up?” I ask myself as I rub my eyes to help clear my obscured vision.
My phone has been ringing for the past eternity, and it’s not shutting up.
I grab my phone to check who’s the asshole who’s been calling ever since the morning, only to find out that it’s my very dear boyfriend, mitsuya.
11 missed calls from taka <3
“oh shit, oh shit” I curse to myself as worry embraces me, spreading through my veins insidiously.
Did he die? Did something happen to him?
I ask myself these questions as I dial his number on my phone.
“pick up you idiot” i whisper to no one in particular.
“Luna, Mana, get the hell away from me.” I hear mitsuya on the other line cough up this sentence.
“Babe?” I ask
“y/n. Where the fu—hell have you been. I was starting to get worried, you idiot!” His voice, scratchy and full of cold, asked through the phone.
“Ahaaha…I have been…asleep…” I muttered shamefully and then added, “Are you okay though, you sound exhausted…and full of cold..”
“That’s the reason I ca—cough—ca—cough—” he stops to take a breath and continues “called. Luna and Mana are not leaving me alone and I dont want to spread my cold to them, the—cough—they’re trying to help me out which is pretty nice but I dont want them getting sick.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a bit.” I say, getting up from my bed.
“I’ll get you some medicine on the way. Stay put, love you.” I add.
“Mhm, thank you—cough—Genuinely have n—cough—no idea what i’d do with—cough—without you, i love you so much.” he says in a weak, feeble voice.
“Oh shut it, I’m your girlfriend for a reason, dummy.” I replied.
“I’m—cough—I’m trying to be nice—cough—but anyway, b—cough—bye”
“Bye.” I giggle as I end the call. He’s so cute!
I slowly open the door of Mitsuya’s house, expecting him to be asleep. I truly did not expect to hear yells and giggles coming out from both Mitsuya and his sisters, who are currently seated in the living room.
I tip toe to secretly steal a glance, only to be greeted by the scene of Luna sitting on top of mitsuya, who was laying on the couch, head on the couch’s armrest, and Mana standing beside that armrest, gawking at mitsuya straight in the eyes from above.
I couldn’t help but let out a giggle, which turned all the attention to me, and with that, both Luna and Mana ran straight up to me, hugging my lower torso.
“Y/n! You’re here!” one of the girls yelled in excitement, causing me to grin.
“Indeed I am! How do you girls think Mitsuya’s been feeling?” I ask, playing along with their ‘doctor’ game.
“Well—based on what I have seen, I think he has—uhhhh…a cough!” Luna says hesitantly as Mana nods.
I kneel down as I place the grocery bags I brought on the floor, trying to reach to their level, and say in a surprised manner “Oh, really?! Poor Mitsuya, he must he feeling awful, right? What do you guys recommend him to do?”
“Sleep!” Mana answers and Luna adds, “Yeah, I think he must rest well!”
“Exactly, now why don’t you girls go to your room while I make sure that Nee-san gets the sleep he needs so that we can all play together later?” I offer, excitingly, earning nods and ‘yeah, hurray!’ from one of them as they rush to their rooms.
I stand up again and approach Mitsuya, and Oh God. Exhaustion was painted all over his face, tired eyes begging to sleep and some messy hair.
“How are you feeling, Taka?” I ask softly.
“Take a guess, babe,” He responds sarcastically in a rough, scratched voice.
“Well, based on what your little doctors told me, not very well,” I joke as I bring my hand to his forehead, and as expected, he was burning up.
“Woah, what an absolute genius you are, babe” he coughs.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. I get that all the time, but anyway, do you wanna head to your room? I’ll make you some food before handing you your medicine and then you can head to sleep and I’ll take care of the girls for tonight,”
“Sounds good to me, I think my head is about to explode,” He winces as he tries to get up in a vain attempt.
“Take it easy, Taka, let me help you,”
And with that, I help him up and make sure he walks without stumbling and breaking a bone to his room. I grab some water and place it beside his nightstand.
“You can sleep while I make the food if you want, but it shouldn’t take long,” I mention as I lean in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Yeah I think I’ll stay awake—b—cough—but you stay away from me- or else you—cough—you’ll catch my cold—“ He coughs again.
“Oh don’t be silly, of course I’ll catch your cold, but you’ll take care of me the next,” I grin as I begin making my way out of his room.
“I don’t know how I ended up being with you, but I’m not complaining,” he faintly mutters to himself, smiling softly at no one in particular.
He does realise that even if you make silly jokes sometimes, he’s indeed the luckiest man on earth to have you beside him.
____________________________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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understandableparadox · 5 months
Bottom of the barrel isekai reviews:
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Todays title: Welcome to demon school iruma
hi, im back, tell a friend.
Anyways we will be looking over something populer, and only a few images this time. I want this to be a nice slide back into the mix while I get ready to boil myself alive by reading shitty isekais.
"b-b-b-b-but dox!" you say, your form emaciated and ghoulish from months of little to no attention "how is it an isekai?"
Normally an isekai requires some form of passage into another world through death, but again, we are going to consider any and all portal fantasies to be on-par with isekais. as death and jumping through a funky portal are really kinda the same thing if you think about it.
so! plot synopsis, we open on the titular character iruma! they are being sold to a demon, don't worry this action will be the literal best thing that has ever happened to them. Also, added treat, slavery is not a running theme in this manga! HURRAY! WE HAVE FOUND OVERCOME THE BARE FUCKING MINIMUM! HUZZAH FOR MEDIOCRITY! MY DESIRE TO RUN MY HEAD THROUGH A ARC OF GONGS UNTIL THE SOUND WAVES LIQUIDATE MY BRAIN MATTER HAS LESSENED!
anyways we get to know some important plot points between the buyer and the product! (our mc)
iruma is a 14 year old yes man. They say yes to everything, even yes to the idea of breaking child labor laws! as their parents are frivolous unimportant freaks that spend way too much money then bolt, leaving him to work off the debt. Anyways, that's how this happened. they wanted dosh, and our buyer, we will call him grandpa!
Why is he so interested in buying a child? simple! He is rich and wants to have a grandson, unfortunately, he does not have a dick due to war injuries... ok thats a lie, he just wants a grand kid.
Anyways this is a very interesting title in the fact that it is still in a way, a power fantasy, but the power in that fantasy is separated towards other things.
It is a story in which you have the power to be helped. The adults in this manga are actual competent adults, they are there for the protection of the children, they are there to guide, nurture, train and help them grow. Despite differences or annoyances some may have, those are secondary to the ferocity they show when it comes to ensuring the protection of their students.
Iruma does have a lot of “i am the chosen one” but it is not something that automatically aids him in most situations, in fact it is the triad of facts of “I am a human”, “I want to help”, “I am determined” that allow him to rise both in power and social standing. The might makes right idealism of the underworld forced to reckon with people that stop to drag someone across the finish line. 
As for the plot, it goes along a few separate arcs; there is a very clear progression of time as Iruma gets older. Mostly split into two parts. Irumas social life, in which we get to see him become better and better friends with the students and faculty at this school. Showing both the give and take as they both show how far they are willing to go for each other. 
The second half is the mystery and political intrigue of the demonic society at large. The idea of a demon king has gone missing, disciples of which are eager to try and resurrect him as they see no one who is more suitable for the role, opposing forces trying to groom the top students at various schools into the role of king in a contest of disciples. 
I think you should give it a read, its cute, the designs are fun and the power system while simple is still enough to give the action that is there a lot of meat. It's also satisfying thing to read if you just got done with a shounen and you are wondering “where the fuck are the adults? Why are these children doing everything?”
Draw backs. Not a lot but some of the students are essentially drawn as adults and there are parts where you will feel slightly skived out by.
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last-hourglass · 1 year
I just finished reading the latest chapter of the last hourglass and i am in such emotional distress and relief. You're saying that Leo actually spoke to Donnie while he was all kranged up???? i really hope thats him processing that his brother's still alive cause if future leo rocks in like "i killed him" then leo can smack him with the "what the fuck no you didnt". but with their luck uhhhhhhhhh i got no idea
and also HURRAY HE'S FREE OF THE GOOP!!! No more krang brain. the way you described the way Donnie got rid of the krang in his body at the end was so visceral i loved it so much. but him literally taking himself down with the krang before realizing(and not realizing) that he also has his future self in his head????? GOD I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HE COULD DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE OR DID HE EVEN KNOW??? HE CAN JUST BLOW HIS BRAIN UP WITH HIS MIND?? HORRIFYING going actually insane from this chapter
wondering now if that's how future donnie bit it in the future but instead failed?? if donnie didn't stop the self destruct would the krang still somehow survive??
anyway thus finished my rant i got these two disaster twins on rotate in my mind
astute observations on Leo's presence ehehehehe
and yeah I don't think Donnie even realized he could do that but y'know when you've got Ninpo and access to a cerebral cortex you can probably do some fucked up shit tbh
as for Tello, his death was... pretty different. and mainly a case of little-brother-induced mercy killing. after some time loops fucked around with said little brother. as for whether or not the Krang would've survived Dee's attempt at a self-destruct... I shall leave that up to audience interpretation ;)
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asoulofatlantis · 11 months
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Yeah... he is that good.
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This is ALMOST as satisfying as watching Jusis hit Rufus in CS4 XD Some people just deserve a hard punch in the face ;P
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Right! Give it to him! He deserves it!
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Well it was supposed to hurt!
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Imagin someone who can even surprise Cao... this woman is going to be dangerous as heck. And when she eventually marries that man and they work together... urg, what a nightmare! Heiyuu will be unstoppable!
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I wonder if the symbols on that thing have any meaning. Like that every Genesis stands for something. And all those somethings together, will form whatever is necessary to stop the end of the world.
Or something along the lines like this.
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Oh so we know that already? I totally forgot ^^' But... influence life... was does that even mean?
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Uh... I am not sure if I am happy about that or not ^^' But my grudge is probably totally stupid anyway, if Rean shows up here will probably be all buddy-buddy with her and I will feel like an idiot for being salty when he himself isn't... so... uh... hurray? ^^'
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Thats tough. Like to get chased around by a caused Celis or...
Walkthrough says we have to do them both anyway eventually, so let just start with the first one for once. Maybe we work with Towa again... because I am not homesick enough yet XD
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Something tells me that as soon as the game reveals who she really is we will all be: "OF COURSE!" after being shocked for a minute or two that is XD But seriously, I am at a loss. I have a few ideas, but they all sounds ridiculous if you think about them a bit longer. But there is no way in hell this isn't someone we know.
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I almost forgot that I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning to check if my illness is better and because of that I have to wash my hair (I am a bit lazy with it when I am home sick, to be honest ^^') and then make my Steam Deck ready to be shipped, as I am sending it back because I am absolutely disappointed by it.
It was meant for gaming merly when I can not use my big (and expensive) tower-computer so I though around 700€ would spare me the money for a bigger and heavier gaming-laptop. However, I should have payed the extra money, as the Steam Deck is just... dare I say it? Cheap! From the 111 games I own (WOW!) only around 20 were Steam Deck compatible and there is no system behind it which one is and which one isn't. Cold Steel 1 is, but 2, 3 and 4 are not. Reverie is but Kuro 2 is not. Makes no sense whatsoever. ALSO Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games who always come out for the Switch too, so should be ready for a Console like this, are not compatible either. Not to mention that it took my over half an hour to get that thing even running do to an issue that A LOT of people have for years now... this thing was just not worth 700€. So I send it back.
Eventually I will get a gaming laptop. Might be more expensive, but I will buy one for around 1000€ in a sale around black Friday or so if there is a good offer than and than at least I can not just play ALL Steam games, but also ones from the other platforms, like Sims 4 from EA for example. And I can use Tumblr for Live-Reactions and watch Videos and so on. Its really more convenient to begin with and thus probably worth the extra money.
Anyway, that said, I have to get the Steam Deck ready to get shipped back so this is were my little trip to Kuro 2 ends.
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ceciliamarier · 1 year
Im so excited. Okay so this js a different style to the usual. Aw look at wally lol julie looks a little scary but not too scary. We have Barnaby waving. again he looks like blues clues :) ah i remember when my notes were physically written then switched to audio where its easier to search and keep track lets hope this can keep track. I also saw that party coffin probably did have livestreams but i have yet to log into twitch technical difficulties my phone is dead and i need it to make a new account sigh anyway i like wally in this style just as much as the normal style theyre all a bit less colorful i think.wally is giving me the mask when he danced that samba or something with maracas its just the oufit that reminds me of that thr ascot i think not the mask’s sleeves honey bun wally i actually like his shoes in this style better. I have t even read the post yet im just looking at the intro image i think in this poppy is technically taller than barnaby i like her in thsi style i think wally giving the as above so below vibes with his arms like that at the very least so below so below vibes
I have so many thiughts and wonders
The creator said who inthink hsi name is dylan said he’ll place his ideas and sketches here and the big pieces will go on twitter
He says hurray for 50 followers
Such humble beginnings he was liek ive been working on this on and off but i hope people liek this even though its so small and insignificant
yup #first name
The tumblr ads are not bad at all stuff li’ spider verse and an illustrated ad cute cartoony style how fitting i think
Wallys half lid eyes everyone has that except julie who has a whoel lot of eyelashes but maybe thats the norm for puppets like her i can see that
partycoffin account on tumblr search “the rest of the lineup will be up soon!”
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lilisouless · 3 years
I am going to read an article with Joss Whedon's early wonder woman script ,wish my stomach good luck...
-The Wonder woman movie would be star with...Steve?
-Girl? She is clearly over 30
-A paragraph for her physical apareance and nothing yet about her expression
-She...takes a while to find out she is a man...oh no,tell me this isn't born sexy yesterday
-Who is Hephestia? Does she apear in the final product? I would like to see that in future movies
-ok, i don't know about screen-writing but it seems weird to me the script talk about physical apareance so much
-Gonna admit, there are more named women here. Would had liked to see them
-Everything till now has been in Steve´s POV , Diana doesn't seem like the protagonist
-Why is Steve so much like Tony Stark? No wait, Tony doesn't talk to Pepper like he can't stand her
-Princess in bold? like that douche from Total Drama?
-Ok, Finaly one scene without him
-And...she is treated and talked lied a child, at least her conversation with Aetra passed the bechdel test...hurray?
-This is SO boring, there´s been almost no action,pure talking
-"remember who you are" thats rich, i don't know who she is because the script hasn't fleshed her out
-Every time there is a description of how pretty she is,we get it
-I can't write more, this is Joss Whedon's standar strong woman sex fantasy
-Gotta give that the action scenes are nice though
-With all due respect for Patty Jenkins, this looks awfully similar to WW1984 , and not in a good way.
-"i hate the fact that i am so atracted to you (...) i keep hoping you´ll turn around so i can see more of you naked" fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyouWhedon.The worst part is that he liked this scene so much he reused it in JL
-AND WHY IS SHE SMILLING? He just insulted and treated her as a sexy nuisance
-I am the Juggernaut Bouncer bitch
-Nothing is in her POV , when she is dancing all the text cares is how hot she looks
-Another point in favor; i wouln't mind the idea of more greek gods poking out once in a while
-Wait ...the infamous "you are not a hero, you are a fucking tourist"...WAS A SERIOUS SCENE?
-To be honest the script would be much better without Steve, he ,despite being highly featured; doesn't do nothing beyond spilling out random tm cynical phrases just for the sake of being cynical
-This characters are either annoying (Steve) or bland (Diana)
-I am almost at the end and there are no sings of an atraction between Steve and Diana beyond "hostility is sexy"
-The kiss is nowhere gained, and of course they HAVE to make the "hey, Diana probably learned to kiss in Themischyra,girl on girl is hot (as long as there are not actually lesbians ofc)
It sucks, it sucks ,is garbage, is vomit, it belongs in the trash, must be burned (or no, lets keep it as evicence of how much Whedon sucks) is nausea inducing. Glad DC saved it and passed it to Jenkins
Sc3w you Joss Whedon
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Trick or Stink: a pokemon story
It was a dark gloomy night.. well OK not really. the sun was setting sky and the cloud cover was next to nothing, at least in Virdian city. children were getting their costumes on and getting ready to trick or treat, while the pokemart and Pokemon center rushed to get a haunted house (with different levels for different ages) ready. Walking towards the haunted house to help, was two trainers from Pallet town. One was dressed in a tuxedo and had on some make up, to make him look palish.. and had some red on his chin and some fake fangs in. He was the champion of the region, and so far the longest reigning one.. Red. he was smiling big time and chuckling now and then as he looked at his companion The former champion, with the shortest reign in history, was huffing and waddling just behind red. Blue was dressed like a oversized toddler/baby. he was in a black diaper shirt, blue jean shortalls..with a pacifier hanging around his neck. and worse, oh so much worse.. was the three thick diapers between his legs, giving him a waddle and making it so every now and then when they hit a rough spot.. Blue had to take red's hand. "I want you to make it god damn clear to everyone this costume was your god damn idea." blue huffed for the fifth time. "yeah yeah.. No one would ever think that a crybaby like you would dress up like one." "NOTA CRYBABY!" Blue yelled and glared, bottom lip sticking out in adorable pout. "right right, I'll make sure to tell anyone who asks you lost a bet." red snickered, wishing he'd grabbed a camera. "think of the plus side of this.. this volunteer work is gonna look GREAT on your application to become gym leader." Red said. "nggggh.. only reason I'm doing it..HEY! STOP STARING!" Blue huffed then yelled. they were coming up towards town now and three boys, dressed in legendary bird themed costumes had stopped and stared, giggling. "Awww the big baby is grumpy!" 'Moltres' called out. "Maybe he needs a ba-ba!" 'Zapdos' added. "or a diapie change." 'Articuno' snickered. "That's it!" Blue huffed and went to reach for a pokeball, he was gonna unleash some gyarados fury on them..then recalled that red had taken his Pokemon from him. "look, with your temper you're gonna do something stupid..I'll hold onto your mon for you." Red had said before they left. "Like hell you will!" "Attacking trainers will not help you get that gym job." "Nggggh.." So now as he went to reach behind his back for the pokeball..it just looked like he was patting his butt. needless to say the bird boys giggled like MAD at that and ran off. "Give me a pokeball..I'm gonna-" "Do nothing and hurray up and get to the haunted house. we need to refresh our costume then find out what we're doing." Red said. "Yeah yeah.. Maybe they'll have a costume change for me..I doubt a baby will be very scary," "I dunno, if you end up needing a diapie change.." Red snickered and held his nose. "HEY! I'm NOT freaking doing THAT! bet or no god damn bet!!" "Ok ok, don't wet your huggies!" "Effing jerkass little.." blue grumbled and huffed for the rest of the walk to the house, blissfully unaware of the looks and giggles they were getting. There was two Jenny's helping set up the last few props,one was dressed like a jenny, and the other was dressed like a growlithe. a Joy was dragging out a playpen towards the front,dressed like a Jenny, when they looked and giggled. "Hey you two! about time you got here!" The first jenny said. "Oh wow..I didn't think he'd.." the second one started. "Eeeee! Blue you look ADORABLE!" Gushed the Joy, dashing over and hugging him, while blue blushed and squirmed. And then looked at the playpen. "...Red...how did they know they needed a playpen?" He asked, ice in his voice. "Well uh..we had to make sure no ones costumes clashed with each others you know." Red said, looking a little sheepish. "HOW many people knew I was gonna be.." Blue trailed off as he looked at one of the posters advertising the event.. and noticed it had his head superimposed on a toddlers..advertising the former champion as a big cry baby for the event. "...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" "Uh, Red, I thought you said he knew we were-" Jenny started up as Red waved his hands, trying to shush her. "You set me up from the beginning and You..I.. Gah! two fingers, to all y'all! I'm out!" Huffed blue, flipping off all of them and he turned around to leave. "Thats disappointing..and here I was going to sponsor your application." joy tsked. Blue stopped, looking over his shoulder. "What?" "Well if you were willing to humiliate yourself so much for the entertainment of the trainers around here, then you'd make a GREAT gym leader!" She said in a sing song voice. "But..I.." blue whimpered and turned around.. and the girls had to bite their touge to keep from going d'aww. "ngggh..fine.. Whatever.. what do I hafa do?" He said finally. they worked fast to get everything just right, to get the other volunteers in key settings to be nice and scary for the second floor, and kinda cute but maybe scary for the basement. Blue was posted at the entrances, and was put in the playpen (something that really irked him but he was doing it for the gym) and had loads of flashlights in the playpen with him..and some baby toys if he got bored. (And boy, when they had added those had he gotten huffy again!) Red was at the exit, to collect flashlights and wish everyone a good night. getting ready to open, red ruffled blue's hair. "OK, ready for this? remember if it gets to be too much or you need a you know what, holler for me, i brought extras." red said. "Your a right prick even when trying to be nice, you know that right?" Opened for business (the fee was a mere 10 yen) two groups came in. the first was filled with maybe first graders, some of them looked younger then others. But they ALL got a good giggle out of seeing blue. "Look look! he's totally in diapies!" "Hahaha i don't need diapies anymore right mommy?" "oh gosh he's so kewt!" all this and more and as blue handed out the flashlights to the little kids. one or two mommies giggled and tried to remind the kids it was just a costume, then the jenny in the growlithe costume lead them down stairs. the older kids came in and of course the bird boys were there..this time with cameras (though blue manged to semi hide his face) Lots of head pats and condescending talk, and Blue was bright red in the face and almost on the verge of tears. A ace trainer, there with his little sister, saw this and barked for them to ease up on the poor guy..then poped blue's pacifier in his mouth and smirked as blue nursed on it. "Remember me? I was one of the guys you thrashed on victory road..who'd the loser now?" he whispered and laughed. blue just suckled and whimpered and the other Jenny took the group away. Left alone, Blue suckled and tried to clam down.. it was over for a lil while at least, though he could see anther group gathering outside. Trying to put his mind on something else he day dreamed about being a gym leader and making sure to crush anyone who'd try and challenge him.. not noticing as he picked up a gyarados stuffie and was semi playing with it. Then the first shriek was heard and blue jumped up to his feet, pacifier popping out of his mouth and he looked around wildly. 'oh..right...haunted hou-' he started to think and then there was anther shriek, followed by a deep and evil sounding laugh Blue yelped and lost his foot, plopping down on his bed and then scuching up his face in confusion. Why was his crotch suddenly warm? Reaching down he poked his crotch, and felt the squish.. and turned crimson. HE HAD WET HIMSELF! Thankfully there wasn't a tell tale smell or any visible sign (aside from the diapers ballooning out a little and Blue squirmed. There was more screams now and more evil noises and blue whimpered a little, squirming and squishing as he grabbed the gyarados.. just for.. something to toss if he needed to.. or so he told himself as he held it close. Watching from his pokegear app, Red smirked at what a little crybaby blue was acting like and was pretty sure he was a soggy butt already. he almost went to go and check but then the two levels were done and he had to collect flashlights. "Wow that was super fun!" "Jesus I'm gonna have nightmares for a week!" "Never coming back again..except maybe to see the baby.." "Heh, doubt the baby will be here next year.." As the last of the kids walked away red gathered up the flashlights in a bin, and got ready to come around. Blush meanwhile was being gushed over what a cute baby he was, and just how into his role he had gotten. The evil noises had stopped before he'd started to cry but his eyes were still a little watery and there was a drool line down his chin from nursing on his pacifier too hard. The first group was the nice ones..the second one.. was barely any kids at all, but the more advanced trainers who he regiozed as people he'd trampled on route to the elite four. "What a little BABY!" "Ahahahah this is a good look for him!" "Look at how thick his diapers are, he must be a super soaker!" "I can't believe I lost to such a big diaper dork!" Still in a fragile state, their insults HURT and blue whimpered even as he handed out the last of his flashlights, lisping around his paci. "Dun be so mean!" Naturally, this didn't have the desired effect. the group took off and blue was left upset and huffing. 3 minutes after the groups had gone red showed up and smiled. "Hey buddy, how you holding up?" "Ah 'ate dis!" Blue yelled around the pacifier, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. "Heyy it's ok.. it';s just for a few more hours..come on, if you wanna be a Pokemon master you need some thick skin right?" Red coo'ed. dumping the flashlights in and handing blue the gyarados stuffie.. with the big baby clutched at and held to his chest. "I..I guess." "Now come on.. would the future gym leader break down over some teasing?" red asked, helping blue stand up in the play pen and rubbing his back. "N-No.." Blue said and let the paci drop out of his mouth, and rubbed his arm over his eyes. "S-Sowwy.." "It's ok.. do you want a diaper change while there's no one here?" Red asked. "I don't need a diaper change." blue said far too fast. "Are you sure?" Red asked. "It's ok if you do.." "Nope! I told you, I'm not using the diapers." Blue huffed. "Alright alright. I need to get back to my post anyways.. if you need me.." "I know O know." Blue said and rolled his eyes, getting some of his cockiness back. With that, red smirked and left, waving bye. And about 30 seconds later the screaming started again. Only this time..it wasn't piss that came out of him. Blue was barely aware of what he was doing as he went from standing in the playpen to squatting..then the muffled fart told him everything. 'NO!' As if it had a mind of it's own his bowels decided to unload and he could feel the smelly logs slide out into the waiting diaper, pressing against the bulk and the shortall's and spreading over his cheeks. 'NO!!' Loud gross farts came out of him, almost rapid fire and it almost drowned out the horror noises.. but this was a horror all it's own for poor blue. 'Please god no no no noooo!' The mess was still going but the back of the diaper was loaded, so it went the only place it could, ozzing to the front of the diaper as tears ran down Blue's cheeks. The snaps on the shortalls couldn't hold up and burst open.. his diapers puffing out and stained brown. As if the smell alone wouldn't give away what had happened. As he finished..doing..THAT.. he looked up. the next group was ready to come in. Red had of course watched the whole thing happen, and was grinning from ear to ear. Blue's mess wasn't as fear based as he might think it was, as his pacifier had been loaded with laxative powder. Still he had to draw his attention away to take the flashlights back and wish everyone a happy Halloween..and by the time he was done it was too late to stop the next group from coming in and too late to give blue a diaper change. The smell was thick in the air and parts of each group left, unable to handle it while others were giggling that blue was SUCH a big stinky baby. The poor trainer couldn't even hand the flashlights out.. he was on his knees, sucking on his paci and hugging the stuffie close. No attempt to hide his face as the older kids took pictures and parents just reached in and grabbed flashlights for those who were too little. The jenny's saw what had happened of course but had to do their tour. one of them manged to let one of the monster volunteers know to run up and tell red what had happened...and that Blue could have his break early. Of course as the groups came out one little boy, trying to be helpful tugged on red's cape. "uh, scue me mister, but the big baby up front needs a diapie change and wots of cuddles." There was no more lil kids so blue just numbly accepted it when the growlthine dressed jenny gently helped him out of the playpen, rubbing his back and trying to cheer him up. "A-at least you didn't have a blow out right?" she asked sweatdroping. Somehow this didn't make Blue feel better. Blue stood there, waiting on Red. Once Red was there he could get changed and go home and pretend this all never happened. Red did come up and instantly put a hand to his nose. "Phew! somebody used gunk shot huh?" he teased and blue whimpered. "Hey, it's OK..come on, give me your hand and we'll get you all cleaned up OK buddy?" red said. blue huffed, and slapped away the offered hand. sure he was a big kid in a massively messy diaper but he could walk on his own god damn it! And he took three steps then slipped and landed on his butt, squishing the mess and making the smell 20 times worst. Blue blacked out after that, but apparently (according to sources) he had started to wail and then act like a lil toddler for the rest of the night. After getting his diapers changed he asked 'dada' (Red) to take him home and of course the Jenny's and Joy let them. Red had tried to take blue to his house but blue didn't wanna be left with a icky girl and sobbed that daddy didn't love him..so red had brought him home with him. His mom dug out reds old crib and the big baby had spent the night in it. When he woke up the next morning he was back to his old self and refused to wear any more diapers or baby outfits. He just wanted to go out and train and wait for his application to go though. Unfortunately his little stint as a big baby had been well documented and blue was out for maybe half a hour before returning to town, red faced from all the teasing, and claiming someone had used a starmie to spray the front of his pants. (Of course a starmie's water gun doesn't usually smell like piss, but red let it slide.) As the days past by, Blue was having more accidents (by the 10th one he gave up trying to say it was a water gun attack) and begrudgingly started to wear some pull up style protection.. that never seemed quite up to the task. By the end of the week he was back in diapers, but was managing to NOT go poopie in them. (Though this was in part due to red having him sit on a potty for 10 minutes every hour and half to try and poopie.) Finally the day came when Blue was summoned by the council for their decision, and they had asked Red to come along too for some reason. Blue figured it was they were annoyed he was neglecting his duties as champion. "Blue, we'll address you first. while you have indeed shown you'll go to great lengths to help out the town.. your antics are not becoming of a gym leader. What would the other regions think if they saw we had a diaper messing big baby as one of our leaders?" the head of the council asked, and Blue's jaw droped. "That..that was just.. you can't judge me just on one nights-" He started. "Your wearing a diaper now. " "I-I am not!" "There's a hold in the back of your shorts. That said, we DO still need a gym leader for virdian.. and Red, you're part in this fiasco with Blue is known as well." Blue whimpered and turned to Joy and the Jenny's, who looked apologetic and shrugged. All that shame..all of it..for nothing,..for.. "We'd like you to step down as champion..and assume the role of gym leader till such time as we believe we can find a suitable replacement." the head started but was interrupted but a loud sob. Red looked and Blue had plopped on his butt, and was bawling, a hand rubbing a eye. "It's not fairrrrr!" "Oh for the love of, Thats it, we'll be revoking your license blue!" The head snapped, and Blue sobbed harder, audibly soaking his diapers. "No you won't!" Red snapped, and he walked over, helping blue up and blue hugged him tight, burying his face in reds shoulder as red rubbed his back. "Excuse me?" "If you want me to step down as champion then I will, but I won't accept the gym leader position and further more I'll reveal just why the last gym leader left,.. I know he was head of team rocket and you want that kept from the press..Or..I can take the position..and blue here will be one of my gym trainers." "You want this big..BABY..to battle at your gym." "Yes. Now thats the deal, take it or leave it." four days later and the earth gym was reopened..however this time it had a odd gimmick.. it was almost like a oversized nursery. despite it's babish appearance, it still housed some strong trainers. In fact the leader himself was rarely challenged.. because the trainer in front of him while dressed in thick diapers and a t-shirt on hot days, and overalls otherwise else, was still strong as heck. There was also a small rumor going around that anyone who manged to face the leader and lost.. had a waddle to their step when they left...
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pineapplesaresweet · 5 years
Weird energy build up AU
Lego Ninjago has been like 50% of tge stuff that i watched on tv when i was smol. Now i baerly watch tv anymore, but shhhhh. And i just recently remebered it, so now im in another fandom. Hurray.
I thought a bit about lloyds energy powers, and came up with this??? Yeah, i like science. So heres that.
lloyd's green power is energy right? What if, his powers would build up inside him, if he doesnt use them for, like, 4 hours? But only when hes awake. And i thought, yeah, thats relistic. But what kind of energy would build up? I could say his own energy, but nah. Lets take the most dangerous type of energy there is! What is the most dangerous type of energy? Nuclear!
So just imagine lloyd curling in on himself the day after he didnt use his power for an entire day. Just. Being in pain. Because now all that build up nucklear energy needs to get out of his system. But! Because he didnt use it for a day, its way too much pent up energy. So much, that if he would expel it, it would probaply kill, like, the entire country, maybe even world?
At first, only his normal energy builds up. And while that is powerfull energy, nuclear energy is stronger. So after a while of lloyd feeling completely normal, cause its just his own power building up, the power he and his body are used to, he feels weird, and a numb pain starts to build in his hands. Thats because now his own energy is at its max in his own body, its 'overloading', and turning into nuclear energy. This happens, because in lloyds energy, there are atoms, but they are not noticebale when he uses his power. But, when there is too much of his energy in a closed room, in this case his body, and even more energy arrives there, the atoms start mashing together, creating nuclear/atom energy.
But instaed of violently mashing together and creating a small explosion and steam like in the power station, they just slowly melt together. Yes, at first they kinda run at eachother, but once they are connected, they just melt into eachother.
This progress will not stop until lloyd expels the pent up energy. Lloyd can also feel when they start mashing together, but just as a growing ache. And a growing ache in the middle of battle will be ignored as 'just a scratch'. But! Since zane is a nindroid, he can detect the build up of nuclear energy inside the green ninja.
Now. Lets get to how the hell lloyd didnt use his powers for an entire day, even though he can feel it. To make it simple; he got kidnapped, and put into power supressing chains/a power supressing room.
Lets talk about the chains real quick. Tzey supress the use of elemental powers, but just the use. Lloyds powers are a little tricky to begin with, so while he is chained up in power supressing chains, his powers build up even more violently, because his heart, mind and soul are screaming for him to escape, so its just a defending mechanism.
But anyway, the ninja save hin, and passes out. Hes out for like 2 days, but its no problem, cause he was asleep. While he was asleep, zane couldnt detct any nuclear energy inside of him, because that was the kidnappers plan. To get lloyd to build up so much nuclear energy to destroy possibly the entire world. So obviously, he tinkered with zanes system while no one was looking/they were asleep. No one noticed, cause pixel was alredy out of zane, and tgere was nothing nuclear near them for him to react to. So when they found lloyd passed out, and chained up, they thought that everything was alright, because zane didnt react. But ohhhhhhhhhhh boy, were they wrong.
Once lloyd woke up, the first thing he felt, was excrutiating pain, everywhere in his body. So, lloyd came into the living room, hand over his mouth, other one holding his stomach, crying while green fluid poured out in between his fingers. They totally did not panic at all.
I texted this to my best friend. I texted the first part, the one where i just explained my idea, at 10 p.m. and the second one, where i started explaining how it happens, at 7 a.m. and both of them on my phone. You can imagine his reaction. I also did some art.
Pls dont hurt me.
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spidermanifested · 6 years
not to do Universal Steve Discourse on main in 2019 but....... i did genuinely enjoy the season finale and i want to like. express the reasons why? in a really really really long drawn-out and needlessly convoluted manner probably because this is being typed on mobile and im tired
first of all i know the main thing people dont like about how things have gone in general is the fact that its less You Gotta Beat the Bad Guys and more You Gotta, Talk to the Bad Guys Until They Stop Being Bad, which is not very often a realistic approach to stopping actual horrible people in our real human society from doing actual horrible things
and i get it!! but honestly the way the finale goes about resolving conflict (or specifically how steven goes about resolving conflict), while flawed, feels more like. a mediatorial power fantasy id have as a kid than anything else. like....... for once, things not having to end with the strongest person coming out on top. making the other side just sit there and listen for a few minutes, and force them to realize that their actions have consequences for the rest of the world and the people they claim to care about. that no, their idea of whats best isnt always helpful! that theyre ignoring everyones actual needs in favor of an idealized and selfish narrative!
every time i would watch a show featuring superheroes or anything similar when i was younger id hate that it always had to resolve itself with violence instead of just TALKING to each other, and maybe su and the homeworld arc in particular isnt an accurate portrayal of successfully navigating interpersonal conflict with stubborn assholes or of fighting systemic oppression or a fascist government colonizing everybody else and suppressing all dissent through any means available or whatever but. sometimes metaphors dont work as a direct 1:1 comparison to things happening in real life, and thats, okay i think? sometimes? i dont know it just feels good to see everybody UNDERSTAND each other. it reminds me that its. actually possible once in a blue moon to convince someone to treat the people around them with respect. and it just feels good honestly. its a fantasy show and Everybody Goddamn Finally Getting Along is a Common and Valid Fantasy to Have Especially If Youre a Kid in a Bad Place
also: though in a lot of scenarios this way of approaching the diamonds wouldnt be feasible at all, steven in the show is not just a random human whos magically able to change the minds of alien dictators. hes the son of maybe the one person they had any compassion for, and they treated him like he was still her, which even then Wasnt Great because the diamonds were not a healthy familial setup by any measure. but at the very least they could SOMETIMES be swayed by pink. and he used that to its advantage by showing them how much they hurt her, and then by extension how much they hurt everybody else, even if they didnt particularly care about the rest of their “flawless” gem society. and maybe they still dont!!! maybe theyre just making reparations to honor pink. but when it comes down to it their feelings dont matter. their motivations dont matter. their ACTIONS matter. in stevens words: “you did this, and now you have to fix it”.
he used his foothold in their good graces (again, relatively) to make them take a closer look at their actions, and thats what makes it more rational to me. because of course they wouldnt listen if he was some random half-alien kid. if he really was unrelated to the diamonds he would have HAD to use force. you dont get people to listen to your viewpoint by just talking when theyve already convinced themselves youre below their consideration and itd be useless to pretend otherwise, yes!! but to use another characters metaphor- the best character in the whole show (bismuth)- if you are a lion, you can safely enter the lions den. use your respected-as-a-peer status to convince the people around you to be better. obviously everybody being affected by oppression can fight with everything theyve got and it makes a huge difference, but what also makes a difference is people in positions of privilege standing up for other peoples rights and magnifying their voices, and the burden of breaking out from an unjust system shouldnt NEED to be placed on the downtrodden. we should fight, but we shouldnt HAVE to fight. its not our fault things are this way
and giving up on galactic conquest doesnt suddenly make the diamonds good people. not once to my memory do they ever actually verbally apologize (at least white diamond definitely didnt) but like i said before, that doesnt really matter to the people they hurt. the damage is done and any apology offered would just look flimsy and performative. instead steven has them just shut up and fix the things theyre able to fix. nobody says “i forgive you”, they arent suddenly given tragic backstories to make the audience sympathize with them, theyre just... the same close-minded egotistical royalty, but being forced to look at everybody else from a different angle for the very first time, directly after coming to grips with the fact that their awful caste-based society pressured one of “their own” into faking her own death and later dying for real just so she could experience life outside of the constricting role she was born into. thats their thing. that isnt a redemption arc so much as a “hurray we made them pay for their reprehensible actions in a constructive and viable manner” arc
i think thats... cool? less focus on Punishing Wrongdoers and more focus on Fixing Problems. we need that. in a lot of ways
but yes i also wholeheartedly believe that you should not argue or debate or converse with fascists in real life unless youre somebody they have to take seriously. like. their dad, or something. and dont do it anywhere public where they can perform for the audience instead of addressing your words. and also dont do it on the internet where they can screencap and mock you with their friends instead of being serious. but if youre their dad i dont know why youd need to be doing that. anyways this post is long enough so thats the end of my ‘Punching Nazis is Very Morally Good and Also Fun and Im Not About to Say Otherwise in a Million Years’ disclaimer
the tumblrmobile refuses to post this so ive had to save it as a draft and come back on my laptop to add tags good website great design functions as intended
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tagged by: @battenthecrosshatches
Rules: Answer 30 questions. Tag 10 blogs you want to get to know better
Nickname(s): gabby, gabs, LIMM, random, gib,gibbo, the little missy
Gender: female
Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5′2 on a good day
Time: 11:01
Fave band(s): honestly changes day to day. i dont even know. i dont like music asks because i’m just like Yes sure that works idk i dont have an identity also how do i explain to them i just do whatever. esp since for like......the first decade of my life music did not really ever register as a thing that existed. like i distinctly remember the moment when i was like oh my god this is amazing. so songs that are from early 2000′s as well i am not as tired as everyone else is of them. plus i can listen to a song literally hundreds of times and not get tired of it or know any of the words
Fave solo artist(s): uhhhhh see the above
also some songs from the new mamma mia movie, primarily super trouper it’s amazing
Last movie I saw: oh god i dont even know. i think love simon?
Last show I watched: rn watching Chopped
When did I create my blog: god, i think end of freshman year/beginning of sophomore year of uni so like. 3,4 years ago? god it’s been a while. and my calligraphy blog like 9 months ago
What do I post: Supergirl meta and au ideas, some politics, calligraphy, leverage, the west wing, some food recipes, femslash, an eclectic mix of things. I am randomthingsthatilike123 for a reason (also 123 because the url was already taken)
Last thing I googled: nib grinds (calligraphy related)
Do I have any other blogs: yes, the calligraphy blog! lettering-is-my-music. also a secret supergirl nsfw blog. not telling.
Do I get asks: sometimes! calligraphy blog when i open that i get a bunch of requests, and sometimes here. would be cool to have more, although i do sometimes forget to answer them thats my bad
Why did I choose my url: ......you cant say y’all didnt know what you were getting in to. and i do what i want. there is no cohesion or theme here
Following: 467
Followed by: 7111, and then 3380 on my calligraphy blog
Average hours of sleep: i’d say maybe 5 or 6? .......should probably be more
Lucky number: 3.141592657532348. i used to memorize digits of pi instead of when i should have studied stats. and i memorized i think like 80? at that point? but i forgot most.
Instruments:none really. i did a few years of piano as a kid, then tried to get into it again soph year of high school but i had SATs and also i didnt really like my teacher. although i can play out a basic melody if i hear it
What I am wearing: pajama short shorts (the only time i wear short shorts tbh) and a kinda sorta really see through tank top. it’s hot ok. and also something i would never go outside tbh.... its that bad
Dream job: i really dont know. i’m definitely in someone’s dream job and it’s a good one, but sadly it’s not mine.
Dream trip: one where i have fun, wandering where i want, and my family is far far away. i have low standards.
Fave food: maybe scallops? i love scallops. but i also love meat. i dont know there’s so many decisions
Nationality: American and Mexican. fun fact when i was born mexico didnt do dual citizenship but now they do, and i just gotta go to the mexican embassy to get my citizenship
Fave song: No. this is too much “decide your favorite” i dont like it.
Last book I read: .....a reread of kushiel’s dart. dont judge me.
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: ATLA because I want to be a bender. harry potter post voldemort years because how cool would it be to be a wizard? and the west wing universe because I want to live in a world with jed bartlet, donna moss, and cj cregg.
tagging @damelola @murdershegoat @foxx-queen @a-dot-burr-ell @oddcoupler222 @4beit @motorcyclegirlfriends @bibliophile-rhino-nerd @karalovesallthegirls
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ithisatanytime · 3 years
there is a lot of news about covid and covid restrictions and blah blah blah, 99 percent of it isnt relevant to anyone, however today i saw that the marine corps. is forcing people out who refused to get the vaccine, meaning they started now, as in they are doing it now. thats huge, thats so fucking huge you have no idea, because the marine corps. will be gutted by this.
  this is like throwing rocket fuel on a revolutionary spark. i know i know, everyone says its happening its happening and nothing ever happens, and no one else seems to be making a big deal out of this, its a big deal. no doubt some marines will get the vaccine, and stay, but many will refuse, the attitude in the armed forces about the vaccine was not fucking positive. there was a video that demonstrated this clearly and hillariously, ill post it if i can find it, but the odds its still up are basically nill. it was either an army regular or a marine walking around his barracks and recording as he asked everyone if they were gonna get the vaccine, everyone had been asked so many times, many soldiers had funny answers already prepared, it was clealry a meme on not just there barrakcs but everywhere, the answer wasnt just no, it was “fuck no!”  
  only the dumbest and most useless marines are going to take an experimental injection like this, no one knows what its gonna do, it might do nothing, but literally no one knows no one can know, for years. you cant know whats going to happen if you inject a brand new substance inside of thousands or millions of people, because there are substances in our bodies that scientists dont know about, look i know that sounds insane, but thats a fact, no biologist will deny this ,and they are constantly documenting newly discovered enzymes, and not everyone is gonna have the same enzymes and again, you just dont know what the fuck its going to do long term, there is a reason it takes close to a decade to release a new medication, and no its not funding, its literally because you dont know if a new substance is gonna cause long term damage until you give it to some peope and then WAIT and SEE, thats what the fuck we do, thats science everybody its really not too much more complex than that. if it doesnt hurt ten people we give it to a thousand, wait and see, then it gets aproved for ten thousand, etc. you dont have to know any of this to understand its a really bad idea to put something in your body that was invented less than five years ago, literally never do this, because since it hasnt existed for longer than five years, you dont know that it doesnt after ten years cause misfolded proteins to accumalate in the brain, i seriously doubt thats what the vaccine is going to do, i just made it up, but you get the point. \
    the end result of this is going to be millions of trained and experienced fighting men, suddenly jobless, and pissed off at the government, who just fired all their best guards. this is not going to end well for the united states government., hurray!
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rangiferandus-blog · 7 years
im typing this here because i have nowhere else to put it
18 months ago i had never really been in contact with chronically ill people. now i am very much a chronically ill person and holy shit. i knew it was bad, i knew waiting times were too long and doctors never seem to know whats actually going on but it just astounds me how powerless i am when it comes to my own health.
  january 2016 i began noticing increased pain. early in this year i discovered i was hypermobile ( i was aware that my elbows bent in horrific ways but now that i know ive realised so many of my joints are very hypermobile). this time last year pain became a constant that I had no escape, aside from weed, from. around this time i started to pester my dad about seeing a doctor about it but to no avail. by december 2016 weed didn’t cut it anymore. that hasnt stopped me from being high most of the time but its not longer to escape pain its to help escape life. february this year i finally got one doctors appointment because i was genuinely struggling to walk as my ankle kept rolling. the gp told me i was hypermobile (one of the most hypermobile people shes seem) and referred me to a pt for my ankle but said nothing about my widespread pain (which i brought up first but she didn’t seem at all interested in but hm). the pt worked wonders for my ankle, however i was told i sprained a ligament which i dont agree with as i still have issues to this day unless i regularly do the exercises. a month or so later i went to another doctor (thanks to relentlessly pestering my dad once again). this time he sort of seemed to listen and was again shocked by my bendy joints and (hurray!) referred me to a specialist. i thought things were looking up for me, surely someone whose entire job revolves around joints will be able to help me with my pain, right? well, after waiting several months for an appointment i got nothing out of it. the guy was nice enough but he had no idea what was going on (im still walking the fine line between JHS and EDS type 3 as i have many symptoms of the latter but i cant prove any family history) and his recommendation for pain was ibuprofen (god i wish that worked) and mindfulness. i do mindfulness a lot but believe me, it wont distract me when it feels like half my leg is on fire. he also said he would refer me to another pt for my shoulders (aka. exactly what i want) but its been several months and like 20 phone calls later and we havent heard from him again :( i went to another doctor and she just recommended ibuprofen again because none of these doctors seem to understand how awful my pain is. yes, i know you can’t see inflammation but thats because it isnt inflammatory D::: i have no ways of managing this at all and its so tiring (im also exhausted constantly and sleep for like 16 hrs a day but thats another rant :((( ) and i just need some support thats all i need and i cant get it and aghHHh
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prettypinkpansy · 8 years
3 20 26 37 :o
3. What’s your current OTP?
the once and future OTP is, of course, alex/cole
but ive been on an overwatch kick lately, so my recent flavors have been mchanzo (lmao… holy shit, a popular pair) and mercymaker (ah there we are, back to rarepairs. relatively). and symbra
20. Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping.
k so i know a lot of you following me like… weren’t even ALIVE when final fantasy 7 came out so you probably have zero recollection of how big a deal it was, and the MASSIVE raging fandom for it for a very long time afterwards. it was basically like, the precursor to kingdom hearts, which… christ some of you might have been too young for the explosion of that too. im old. just think of it as like baby’s first homestuck before the internet was coordinated enough for the sort of scale we saw with homestuck. anyways.
ff7 was fucking huge, in both america and japan. it was a massive phenomenon on the internet. and you know what happens with huge fandoms, right? everyone makes huge amounts of fanworks for them with every pairing imaginable. and like, baby little 12 year old me, right, ive got this huge crush on cid highwind. baby little 12 year old me, also super into the idea of guys kissin each other. combine these ideas! hurray! sounds great
i could’ve gone for like, cid/vincent. that would’ve been great. for some reason, cid/vincent was ridiculously popular. vincent is actually an optional character, and him and cid have… all of one line interacting with each other. but it’s a very suggestive line: “Let’s go back to our room, Cid.” and that was enough for fandom to go buck fucking wild. doujinshi as far as the eye can see.
thats why i fucking laugh when anyone tries to say ‘but those characters have barely/haven’t interacted!’ like, holy shit, try me, do you think this is new, do you think that has ever stopped anyone.
or i could’ve gone for like, cloud/sephiroth. you wanna talk about big pairings, holy fucking moley. that was like the original goddamn enemies to lovers. that’s the serious shit, right there. that was an absolute juggernaut of a pairing.
NO. i was a masochistic fucking rarepair lover even BACK THEN. so i say, how about cid/cloud. let’s go with cid/cloud. that’s great. that’s a good idea. that’s awesome. gimme that
i cannot really like, communicate to you, how stunningly massive this fandom was, and how bizarre it was to have NOTHING for a pairing involving a main character and another reasonably attractive party member. there was more material of like, cid having sex with cait sith (a stuffed animal being remote controlled by a 35 year old man) than cid/cloud. i had like, three pictures i clung to like an anchor, one of which was drawn for me as gift art by a friend, and like, maybe one fic, and it was NOT GOOD
that was definitely one i felt completely, achingly alone in shipping, lmfao. ive still got a soft spot for it, years later.
26. Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to?
Small And Tall.
broody mentally ill one + more energetic one, grumpy or stuck-up or awkward one + chill and relaxed one, etc
37. Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP?
i will, always and forever, be a sucker for vampires or any kind of supernatural au. but especially vampires. gimme gimme gimme gimme
40 questions - meme for shippers
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pineapplesaresweet · 5 years
Another AU
Hurray! I have thought of another Lego Ninjago Au! Cheers!
Ok so... lets say that Wu and Garmadon dont have a biologicall mom, and are both originally 50% Dragon and 50% Oni, but after the devourer(?) Venom finally turned garmadon, he choose oni over dragon, and wu the oppisite. Lloyd is 25% Oni and 25% Dragon, cause his dad turned after he was born. But, thats not the point of this.
At onee point, after lloyd was aged up, he got kidnapped by his dad(This is probaply in season 10 or so, but if u want it to be, it can also be in season 2), and i guess chained up once more, idc how, and the rest of the ninja tried to get to him, but during their 'break in', jay/cole got injured and cole/jay took him back, wich left nya, kai and zane to find lloyd.
(Btw. It doesnt have to be thoose 2, but those were just the first ones in my mind, cause kai and nya would be stupid siblings that would rescue theyre bro no matter what, and zane would also go because maybe lloyd needs medical attention)
Anyway, they find lloyd moments before the main focus of this au happens. Garmadon, evil of course, puts his hand over lloyds face, and whispers the word 'burn' in oni language. What happenss next, i wrote as a drabble, as an excuse that i was to incompetent to draw anything for this au:
Kai, Nya and Zane arrive to the sight of their leader and brother chained up to the stone wall. Fortunely, he didnt look hurt, but their relief was short lived, as lord garmadon stepped into their sight, a calm expression etched onto his demonic face.
Kai was the first to act, rushing forwards, but quickly hitting a invisble wall. His brows furried, confused and irritated, glaring at the air. Zane took a few steps forward, hand held out in front of him, feeling for the invisible hindrence. His hand quickly found it, a soft blue pattern erupting in a one foot radius around his hand, as he searched his system for an answer, or better, a solution.
"A invisible force field. There appears to be no way of getting past it." He spoke, disappointment clear in his robotic voice. Kai sneered, and Nya took a step forward finding the wall herself. The fire ninja jumped to his feet, and yelled at the enemy for answers, wich he knew there was a low chance of getting, but still trying.
Garmadon simply waited for the hothead to calm down, and then turned to his son, his deep voice sending a shiver down lloyds spine.
"Will you join me?"
Lloyd starteled, and did a double take.
Join him?
Lloyd shook his head, no never. Garmadon let out a low growl-like sigh, before speaking again, "What a pity. And here i thought we could rule together, without having to do this,"
Lloyd shot his father a questioning look, before backing more into the wall as his father suddenly kneeled in front of him, and raise one of his blackend arms to his face. Lloyd let out something akin to a oathetic whimper, as his fathers hand drew closer to his face. He did not want this. He did not want this. He did no-
Lloyds train of thought was put on hold as his fathers ice cold hand made contact with his cheeks, and his fathers voice echoed through the air;
Tears streamed down lloyds cheeks and inbetween his fathers cold fingers, as his emerald green eyes turned to a blood red colour, his irises becoming slits, and he let out a blood curdeling scream.
A sickening smile grew on garmadons face, as the ninja statred in horror and helplessnes, as their leaders canines grew and turned to sharp fangs, and his screaming dying down, only for him to start it all over again once he had enough oxygen.
What they didnt notice at first though, was the smoke that slowly started to emerge from inbetween the war-lords fingers. The hand to wich the fingers belonged to, though, pulled back after a few moments of hesitation. Garmadons attention was turned towards his burned hand, only to turn back to his sons face, jumping ever so slightly at the sight he found.
A charade of small sccales grew around his childs puffy red eyes, raging from a green to gold colour. His irises though, they did not change back, stubbornely remaining as slits encircled by the beautiful blood red colour of his eyes.
Garmadon smiled, standing up and walking away.
The end of la fic
(Hhhnnnghhh,,,,, i love garamdon as both a villain and good guy, dont hurt meeeee)
Anyway, garmadons originall plan was to only enhance the oni in lloyd, but that caused an inbalance, wich also caused the dragon in lloyd to grow. He is now 40% Oni, 40% Dragon and finally 20% human.
Now, the FSM, Wu and garmadon were born 50/50, but lloyds dragon and oni were dormand. Now that they are awake, he has slight physicall changes, due to the fact that hus body isnt used to this. Slightly mental to, but only, like, 1%.
Now, one could either make serious content about this, but on the other hand, one could also do complete crack about the ninja+wu trying to get lloyd to get the fuck off the ceiling, lloyd montgomery garmadon.
Anyway, if u have any other ideas for this, just tell me, or just reblog! Any form of content is appreaciated!
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cahel-elijad · 4 years
Sometimes there’s no safer place than somewhere nobody cares about what you’re saying and tonight I need a safe place for my fears, a safe place to name them and make them real and feel like I can handle them if they have a name and a form.. so.. List of fears: 1- I’m afraid I’ll nevere leave my hometown, here in the south of Italy. Everytime i move somewhere i always end up in my old childhood bedroom with four beds and never enough space for me and I feel like I can’t breathe. I know I’m lucky to even have a childhood home and two parents that will have me back but that’s how I feel, I feel there’s so much of me already there, in those walls and rooms and in my mother’s awkward silence when she says something wrong. So I guess I’m afraid of never leaving this town and my garden and my father’s shop that smells like dust even when it’s clean. It sounds like a dream but it’s like a stone in my guts keeping me underwater, making me watch the movie of the first time i cut my arms in my bed or had my heart broken in the bathtub and thought i’d never get out. But then i did. but then i came back. 
2- I’m afraid i’ll never go back to Milan and to the life i was so building there. I had a job i hated but still it paid rent and kept my belly full and my nights interesting, i lived in a one bedroom apt with my cousin but still it was our shitty small studio with all the right corners where you could hide and never feel alone. I moved there telling my father i had enough money to make it, find a place and a job and pay for my degree and it was so fucking hard but hell i did it and it was going well even tho sometimes it was too much but it was fucking going then the pandemic happened, i couldn’t work and didn’t get paid, spent a month all by myself then gave up and came home, to my parents’ house and their fear and love and worry and disappointment. I came home and everything stopped and i couldn’t sleep but couldn’t think about it neither. then today happened, my boss is trying to tell us that she’s probably going to fire some of  us if things get better and we ehm they can go back to work. and today i had to think about it, about not having a job to go back to, about not having any idea of how to find another one during or even after this fucking pademic, about my mom and dad telling me everyday that i sould find a job here and never go back to milan where my fucking one bedroom apartment is still filled with all my clothes and books and plans for a future that was supposed to motivate me and now is eating me alive. i know i wont’ starve if i dont’ find another job but i can honestly no longer afford milan, i did everything like i was supposed to, i found a place and a job and could also save a little bit of money so not to find myself in need and now it’s been more than 2 months, i’m not working but still paying rent and bills and my money’s almost gone. after 4 months i lost almost everythink i’ve worked for. 
3-  I’m afraid it’s never going to be okay, i don’t want things to go back to the way they were i know the world as we know it is a shitty place and it’s scary and we should never go back to that. but i’m afraid of kids having to learn not to touch each other or having to play from a distance, i’m afraid of people forgetting how it feels not to feel like you’re not even a person you’re just a someone who’s looking for their next meal. they say the pandemic would make us more aware of everybody’s needs but sensitive people don’t need a fucking pandemic for that, it’s not a teaching moment. most of us feel the crushing weight of uncertainty on our throat and it only made us aware of our needs. food, shelter, security. we want things we’re not used to want but have. my hearth aches for people fighting this pandemic and being called heroes like they had a choice and wouldn’t rather be safe at home. i’m in pain for those who are trapped in abusive relationships they cant physically get away from now, or abusive families who want to kick them out or bury them in. i worry about homeless people, families left without food getting kicked out of their houses ‘cause they have no money left for rent or lunch. i feel for those categories of workers whose rights have been denied like sex workers or unreported employees. mothers (but sometimes also fathers) left alone homeschooling their children and but still keep working from remote..i feel for all of these people but today the idea of me not having a job to return to crushed me more than everything else. there’s no lesson here, there’s nothing to learn there’s only trying to make it. i’m selfish that way we all are and if you’re not than your privilege is still sheltering you.
I’m not sure if i had a point, maybe i just wanted to stop crying if thats it than hurray for me i did stop so thank you list of fears, may i name you fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of jumping in the dark with your feet tied to your lungs. may i know you and keep you in my poket and lose you without knowing where or when. until then, may i welcome you in my arms without the presumption of having to learn something from you but still see things differently with you by myside.
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