#and that’s not even counting the hisana of it all
theseventhveil1945 · 1 year
kubo tite could have just written byakuya and rukia as just regular twins with a fucked up relationship and left it at that but instead he went the “wealthy man adopts you as his sister because you look like his dead wife but you’re convinced he hates you because he never looks at you and also is really adamant about you being executed for breaking one of your feudalistic military death god society laws but then the teen you befriended uses the power of stabbing to convince him it’s not cool to kill your sister but you’re not around to hear this so when he takes a sword in the chest meant for you you’re #shook then as he’s lying on the ground recovering from said impaling confesses that his dead wife is really your older sister and he’s technically your brother-in-law” route and i love it
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blueparadis · 2 years
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( cw. )—› f!reader, angst, stranger to (fre)enemies to lovers, canon typical elements, slowburn, widower!byakuya, soul society arc spoilers, arrange marriage , mention of death,smût descriptions. word count :: 3.2k | redirect to blog navigation.
( syn. )—› after an emotional whirlwind, byakuya was given a chance to recuperate his irrevocable losses but little did y/n know that it was not what he asked for and he could never have what he wanted to ask for; hence, she had to face all kinds of retaliation from him.
( notes. )—› submission for ‘a change of pace’ collab by @mekiza . also, please accept this Sawn ( @swanphantasm ) ; it is because of you that I became aware of how handsome ( and sad ) he is. well . . .he is not my favorite but i like him a lot, so much so that i wrote that same cliche trope with him. forgive me </3
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Words do not express emotions and thoughts precisely. They always become a little different when they are expressed; a little distorted, a little foolish, and a little bitter at some times yet life still goes on carrying a bevy of misunderstandings. It has to go on at least for Byakuya, who was stripped of love and time. Time to grieve, give and forgive, time to heal, and time to fall in love again.
Another bright day washes over the lush green spread of the garden despite the despondency and the agony of losing his wife, Hisana Kuchiki, to illness, to mere illness . It has been a few months since he became the head of the family even though his grandfather was still alive. His grandfather thought it would be better if Byakuya became the head of the family while he has still time, time to supervise him to keep up the family's reputation at hard times. 
And so it began: the hypocrisy of rules. 
Ginrei Kuchiki, the former head of the Kuchiki clan, when death was knocking at his door declared that Byakuya needs to be re-married. He knew that even if he was the head of the family he had no freedom to exercise his wishes and desires. He was just a scarecrow now , not the head of the family. He wanted to protest. He was aware that he would have to re-marry since he is the only one to carry the family line but he did not know that it would be so soon. All he wanted was time but everyone was running sort of it. His grandfather once said that decisions made in haste yield no good. What happened to that now, huh? However, there was one thing he was free to do, and that is, to choose his wife regardless of the family background and bloodline. 
“You should be grateful that Byakuya has agreed to marry you even with all the rumors. He could have chosen a wife from the younger line of pure women” Y/N’s mother spoke as she kept on brushing her daughter’s hair, body shaking with excitement and tension brimming at her fingertips. She was not trying to hurt her. She only stated facts. Everyone knew about it. Y/N did too. Shihnōin Clan was one of the four noble families in the soul society. And the fate of the clan was hanging by the thread since Y/N’s previous marriage was full of woes. With no male heir she was the one to carry the bloodline. Even the distant families warded off when they had an ounce of the knowledge that Y/N was the reason for her husband’s death, for her own doom. And her father made it clear that she is too young to stay unmarried as soon as her husband was buried. No time to lament, nor to grieve. Tragic, is it not?
No. It is not. It was anything but not tragic. Sure, people talked, spun lies, and spread rumors but that is what they do, that is the only thing they know to do. Some said she poisoned her own husband; some said she was a witch of dark magic; some even go as far as saying that she had a secret lover who belonged to the low caste who killed her husband; But it did not matter what they said, it did not since if anything they helped to her to earn sympathy from the kinder souls, and Y/N’s mother made sure her daughter had no problem to have a stable life, finding her a proper husband and sealing the fate of Shihnōin clan with the Kuchiki clan. To people, it was more of an alliance, to the respective families, it was more of a marriage of convenience than a marriage. But to her it was a re-birth while to him it was just duty. 
It was the fourth of January when her heart beat again hearing the sound of carriage. He is here.  
Y/N could hear low voices from downstairs. Plain and prosaic but she could spot Byakuya’s voice out of them all. He specifically requested to see y/n alone and her parents did not express any objections. If she had not been married before, they would never have let her alone with a man, but as it was they thought they did not have to defend her virtue anymore. And Y/N could never tell them how wrong they were, that her previous marriage was never consummated. How shall she ever say that to him?
Byakuya was decent enough to knock and Y/N made no hurry to open the door. She bowed down, greeted him with a smile, and retreated towards the couch standing, waiting for him to follow her lead. “I hope you're aware of the circumstances of our meeting today. ” He seemed so restrained and controlled,  as if his emotions were bottled up so deep inside, not even he could reach them. It is a wonder how much of it was the result of his wife’s death and how much was his natural disposition. 
“Yes,” she said, hoping he could not see how nervous she was. She gestured toward the couch to the left. “Would you like to sit down for our talk?”Byakuya nodded. She sank down on the sofa, and he took the armchair across from her. She would have thought he would sit beside her, but he seemed content to keep as much space between them as was acceptable. 
“I assume your father told you that our wedding is planned for February 14th” Y/N  searched for a flicker of sadness or wistfulness in his voice, but there was nothing. She rested her hands in her lap, linking her fingers. There was less chance of him noticing her trembling that way. “Yes. He told me a few days ago.” Byakuya was courteous enough to give her the attention she needs. If all these were in his hands, he would not have been here. “I hope you're okay with this. With o-jii-sama’s health deteriorating and me being the head of the family, things are a little hasty. . .” Words became too heavy to reach her. She was bubbling with excitement that maybe, this marriage won't fail like the last one, maybe he won't flee with his secret lover while staging his death ( like her previous husband did ), and maybe he will see her as a woman enough. . . 
“Why did you choose me?” Y/N asked out of the blue unable to keep up with his calm demeanor anymore. She had been wondering about this ever since her father had told her about his agreement with Byakuya. She knew it was a question that she was not supposed to ask, not like this. Byakuya’s expression did not alter. 
“Of course. Many suggested your cousin but I didn’t want a  wife who’s barely of age. Unfortunately,  most women in their twenties are already married, and most widows are older than me or  have  children,  both  unacceptable  for a man in my position as you will probably understand.” She nodded. There were so many rules and etiquettes when it came to finding the right spouse, especially for a man in his position, which was why so many were shocked when y/n was announced as his future wife. Byakuya had stepped on many toes with that decision. “So you were the only logical choice. You are, of course, still quite young, but that can’t be changed.”
For a moment She was stunned into silence by his emotionless reasoning. She was not as naïve as she used to be, but she would have hoped at least part of the reason why Byakuya had chosen her was that he was attracted to her, found her pretty, or at least fascinating to some extent, but this cold explanation destroyed that small flicker of hope. 
“I’m twenty-five,” she exclaimed in a surprisingly calm voice. Maybe his aloofness rubbed off on her. If so, she would be known as the ice queen in no time. “That’s not young by our marriage standards.”
“Yes,  still five years younger than me” He sounded as if she was forcing him to marry her, as if one of the rumors, as they say, that y/n is a witch is true. His previous wife was barely a year younger than him and they had shared good five years of married life until she died due to illness on a fine morning on a spring day. 
“Then maybe you should look for another wife. I didn’t ask you to marry me.” The moment the words were out,  y/n  clamped a hand over her mouth, then met Byakuya’s gaze. He did not look angry, he did not look anything. His face was as it always was. Stoic and emotionless . “I’m sorry. That was very rude. I shouldn’t have said that.”
Byakuya has been sitting in the same manner as he did when he first took the armchair instead of the couch. He left the chair and walked towards her. With his hands now inside his slacks, his frame loomed over her. He took out his right hand, fisted, and kept the small velvet box on the side table. “Right. You shouldn't have.” Byakuya said as he noticed her eyes were still on the carpet. “But it's okay. I understand your concern.”
Her gaze flickered toward his right hand and her stomach plummeted. He was still wearing his old wedding ring. Another strange burst of disappointment filled her. If he wore it after all this time, he must still be in love with his dead wife, or was it a simple matter of habit? He noticed her gaze and for the first time his stoic mask slipped but it was gone so quickly that she thought she imagined it. Byakuya did not bother to explain and there was a knock on the door so he did not have the time either. With the exchange another set of pleasantries he left without a proper goodbye. 
The wedding day came sooner than expected. She barely had the time to count days. And as the elders of the family discussed, it was small with no engagement ceremony but with just close family members and friends. Y/N did not object, actually, no one asked for her opinion except her husband. But it would make a great fuss if she were to bring her opinions to light. Moreover, she had more serious things to worry about. If Byakuya came to know that she still had her virtue intact, it would be just a matter of minutes for her before Byakuya puts all the puzzle pieces together to get the whole picture. He is a cold, clever man. So, mercy was the last thing y/n expected from him. Her previous husband, her not-so-dead husband fled with his lover because the rules and the customs would have kept them apart. And, if Byakuya had any clue of what happened at backstage he would turn the world upside down, at least he was expected to do so.
Y/N was finally able to catch up with her life when she was in the carriage with her new husband. There was no time to decipher him with all the people around. This night was going to be her first proper wedding night but Byakuya made sure that there was no chance of it at all. He did not seem tired, or interested in her. She could not pin any moment where she caught him looking at her, not even once. Dread and relief filled her at the same time. By now it is okay to accept that she was the problem, not her fate, or him. Perhaps, she can keep the secret of her previous marriage enjoying the little freedom she has left in her life. 
The next morning was gorgeously sunny. When Y/N came downstairs she already found Byakuya on the other side of the dining table, with his breakfast and a rolled paper on a tray by his side. God knows, what news it holds? At least, not the one she was anticipating.
“I hope you slept well.” Byakuya broke the stifling silence that had made her think of all the possibilities that could end her life thinking of the contents of the letter. “I’ve already informed the staff to be here. Yesterday was an exception. Hope you did not have much problem without the staff not being around. They will be here at your beck and call, so you do not— was he mocking?
“That’s very kind of you.”
“Is something bothering you?” she nodded letting him know that there was no reason at all with a flimsy smile on her face. She could barely focus on eating the food. Byakuya noticed it too. “I thought you needed time.” his voice was coaxed with an apology. Of course. Byakuya would give her the very thing he was deprived of, for it had been his necessity too; Y/N’s glance switched to him and then to the food again. He did not look sorry though.
“As I said, That’s very kind of you.” She grabbed the tea cup and was ready to leave since there was no one to keep tabs on her etiquette and as such. If he wanted the marriage to work, then why should she keep trying all the time? all these hopes and anticipation would be the death of her if not the secret she is carrying with her.
“There will be a social gathering. On March 14th. You’re expected—She looked over her shoulder as the sound of the dragging chair made it to her ears. Byakuya hesitated before he spoke the rest, “I would like you to come with me.”
Sure. Byakuya had his reasons to act the way he is acting. He was aware of the details of her marriage. Before visiting her, he made sure to do a background check and he did regret it when he recognized her previous husband. He had seen him in the land of the living. And, now he was not sure where exactly her loyalties lie: to him or to the man who left her. For now, he had no time to think about it. There were some grave matters that he had to handle.
Crest-fallen, a week prior to the gathering Ginrei Kuchiki took his last breath. There were lots of preparations and ceremonies to be done, but at the same time he could not afford to miss the meeting and so it all came down to y/n who had to shoulder most of the responsibilities while Byakuya just paid a visit to the meeting.
Time flew by as if someone were stealing it from them. Even though they spent the days under the same roof, Byakuya barely had a chance to speak to her or make things right. By the time he came to bed, she had already fallen asleep or was too tired to stay awake. Byakuya has been a light sleeper anyways. He often waited for her to be perfectly asleep so that he could slip under the same covers as hers. Y/N was too disappointed and angry to notice the small changes in him, in his gestures. Not that she tried, she did but Byakuya brushed her off every time. It was such a slow poison for her. She had made up her mind not to consummate this marriage unless they were asked for a child but fate never goes along with the human will. It opposes, always .
“You’re early,” Y/N said as Byakuya entered the room. Seeing her in a flimsy nightgown he looked away from her. She scowled when she noticed him looking away. 
“Could you wait for me? I need to refresh myself. I want to talk about something.”
Ah! finally, it's happening. She gave him a simple nod and slipped under the covers. Perhaps it was about an heir, or shifting into a different house or maybe a visit to other families or so; Y/N had no idea that her secret was going to slap her in the face.
“I see. How long have you been aware?” Y/n asked still facing away from him while Byakua was seated on the bed. “Since before our marriage.” Y/n turned and sat folding her legs, covering herself so that he does not have to look away while talking. “Ah! That’s why the cold shoulder.”
“No. No. I was just—
“Just thought that I might have a secret lover too?
Byakuya closed the gap a little, “Well, do you?” 
“Does it matter?”
Does it matter? Of course, it does. Byakuya did not respond not yet but Y/N could see his jaw tightening, muscles stiffing at the mere possibility of a ‘yes’.
She interjected, “Yeah! Thought so.” and left the bed, his sight heading towards the bathroom but Byakuya grabbed her hand and pulled her in his lap. She gasped loudly at such a sudden swift motion but more than so his bold voice declaring something so unexpected something so unbelievable that it turned her on more than it should. “Yes. it matters. It matters to me because I would be bothered, so much that I’m incapable of bearing the thought of losing you.”
Her breathing was heavy since not only his deep raspy voice stilled her motion but also made her thinking come to a halt. Byakuya slipped his hands under her gown earning a huge gasp as his lips touched her bare shoulders. Her body responded quickly, she arched feeling his cold and calloused fingers on her breasts, pinching her areola. “Tell me,”, his voice coated her skin with goosebumps, “do you want this, with me?” She turned her face, eyes holding the tears back, blurring her vision. She was burning with desire. How could she not?
“Yes.” Byakuya’s hands traveled down to her core, rubbing gently on her clit over the cloth. It was already damp. She could barely process all of these while his voice hinted impatience again, “then, tell me where you involved with him, in his act?” 
Her grasp on his thighs tightened as she struggled to stand up on her feet. With all the dim lights around it was not of any help. Byakuya pushed aside the fabric and touched the outer lips with more pressure than before. “Do you not want me?” Y/N has torn apart between keeping her self-respect and submitting her to him. She had tried countless times to get his attention, tried every lewd way to lure Byakuya that made her feel like nothing but a cheap whore.
“Do you not want me?” she managed to utter thinking of all those nights when she had to go to bed feeling like a mistress rather than a wife.
Byakuya verbalized holding her in his embrace tightly. “Yes. I do. I really do.”His voice reeked of agony and loneliness, his touch was so desperate yet so gentle. Y/N read him wrong, he was not playing games anymore. 
⌗ :: @sailewhoremoon @massivementalitynut @tokyometronetwork @underratedcharactercorner
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
Byakuya takes a human girl as a bride she is Ichigo's classmate, she is best friend with Ichigo and she can see hollows, shinigami and spirits very clearly but she has no power) the girl is very beautiful, sweet and kind. she is even shorter than Hisana lol. Can you write a wedding night scenario, please? ♥
Have a good day!
My delivery times for these requests is challenging even Wish delivery times. This fic was shipped on a boat--it traveled around the world twice but it's finally here. Hope you enjoy!
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If it pleases you
KUCHIKI BYAKUYA X FEM READER | NSFW WORD COUNT: 1.7k CONTENT WARNING: soft byakuya? idk that's a warning to me, vaginal penetration, oral female receving male giving, some biting and scratching, and a lil hair pulling. soft!byakuya warning his new wife that he is indeed not soft?? but he will be this time for her
The moon shines through the glass of the window, casting the side of your face in a translucent glow. Even like this–trembling, and timid, he can’t help but find you beautiful. You had agreed on this marriage on a whim. The turbulent romance that had swept you off your feet at the sight of Byakuya’s stoic and ethereal face had stolen your senses. Logic had left the moment his lips had brushed against yours.
Just like now. Even now.
Thoughts scatter, empty petals in the wind, when he gently presses his hot mouth against yours. His fingers softly wrap around your shoulders as he pulls you closer. Your name tumbles out of his mouth before he deepens the kiss. His tongue slides between your parted lips, and brushes against yours. Each wet, smooth stroke elicited goosebumps across your skin. His hands smooth over them as he brushes his fingers down your arms. 
“My wife,” he mumbles against the corner of your mouth, as he presses another chaste kiss. His hands move towards your back, and he begins undoing the buttons and zipper of your wedding dress. “We can go slow if it pleases you.” He leans down to drop a kiss on the crook of your shoulder–the one that meets your neck. You mumble a response, but he can barely hear it over the sound of his heartbeat in his ears. It had been so long since he held another, so long since the tips of his fingers had danced over the heated skin of someone’s back the way they did now.
You shudder under his touch, and Byakuya bites his lip. He reminds himself that he must be kind, and he must be patient. That he must take his time with you, tonight on your very first night with him. When he pulls away, the dress falls from your torso to become a sea of foamy lace and silk around your ankles. You stand before him, eyes blown wide, lips parted with your hands clenched together against your chest. He swallows thickly before he reaches out carefully to brush his knuckles against one of your warm cheeks.
“Don’t be nervous,” he tells you, eyelids heavy as he gazes down at you. You look so small before him, so defenseless he is torn between devouring you entirely and protecting you from his own lust. “I won’t hurt you.” As he steps forward, you move backwards towards the massive bed. The back of your knees touch the mattress, and you let yourself fall backwards when he kisses you again. His tongue is fiery, and hungry as it invades your mouth once more. It brushes against yours, before swirling around it. Byakuya sucks on your tongue, a small humm in the back of his throat. The vibrations remain in yours, a reminder, as they mingle with the echoes of the vows you had just exchanged earlier.
This was the kiss that sealed. This was the kiss to bind you together–the one to erase all the ones before.
He drops feathery kisses along your jawline, as his hands slide up your belly. They’re warm, and soft, even as they grasp your breasts in his. You gasp when his thumbs brush over your nipples. His mouth pressed against your neck makes you whimper, and he chuckles as he drops more open mouthed kisses down the column of your neck.
“Do you like that?” he asks you, as he allows his hands to travel away from your breasts. He brushes his knuckles against your sides, and trails all the way down until he feels the elastic of your underwear. “I can keep going if it pleases you.”
You cover  your mouth with the back of one hand, eyes feeling hot and watery. He had always said that phrase, so offhandedly and casually as if he wasn’t promising you the world each time it was spoken. If it pleases you. It had taken you some time to realize it was his quiet confession whenever he uttered it. Now it always makes you melt.
You’re putty on his bed, so fluid he can barely retain your shape as he pulls your panties down over your knees, and off your ankles. He kisses the top of each knee, as he moves forward, his hands gently grazing the back of your calves. He moves them up to the back of your thighs, and pushes your knees apart with his own torso.
“I can do more as well,” he says quietly as he watches you. His gaze turns feverish. You can feel it skimming across your breasts–feel his eyes touch every inch of you. You gasp for air, as he lowers himself between your legs, when he breathes against your aching cunt. Your hands move before you can stop them. You sink your fingers into his ebony locks, nails grabbing so desperately you scratch his scalp. He is gracious in his restraint, even as he hisses at the mild sensation of pain. “Careful,” he warns as he drags the tip of his tongue in circles–ever so lightly–around your sensitive nub. “There’s no need for violence tonight, my beloved. We should be gentle to each  other.” He looks up from where he is comfortably laying, on his belly between your legs. He uses his fingers to carefully part your folds to reveal your slippery slit. “After all, we just got married.”
This time, he drags the flat of his tongue against your soaked slit. He tastes you in his mouth–sweet and aromatic. He breathes loudly out his nose as he tries to muffle a soft moan. It is useless. He craves you all the more, so he goes back for seconds. You twitch under his kisses. The way he so loudly slurps on each lip, causes the flush on your cheeks to grow hotter. You cry out at the feel of his tongue slipping inside you. He bobs his head, guiding his tongue in and out of your pussy. Your fingers tighten around his hair. You pull on it, but he doesn’t give up. He is seeking out every sound you can make–every sigh, every moan, every little shudder and twitch of your body guides him to devour your pussy.
He sucks on your clit loudly, as you cry out, clenching your thighs together. You feel your slick dripping down your pussy, and towards your ass. Byakuya must sense it, because he pulls away from your abused and swollen nub to drag his tongue lower, over your ass cheeks to collect every drop.
Your throat feels dry, and you’re not sure how long you have laid there in his bed–thrashing and moaning, and crying out his name with each stroke of his tongue. You’re still panting for air, trying to gather your bearings as your eyes drift towards the window, where the crescent moon twinkles high in the inky night sky. His breath splashing against your cheek draws you back–back to the darkness of his eyes, pools of deep mahogany you want to dive into.
You wrap your arms around his neck as he brushes his nose against yours. 
“My love,” he moans with his forehead pressed against yours. He adjusts the tip of his cock at your entrance. “Even if it hurts a little, please bear it.” You feel him push against you, his tip entering you slowly. You grit your teeth, and your brows draw closely together. It’s a snug fit, as he pushes slowly into you, the walls of your pussy tightly clinging to the girth of his cock. His mouth parts in a silent moan when he bottoms out. You’re trembling under him, a  mixture of pain and euphoria coursing through your body.
His hips roll slowly against yours, his sweat clinging to the softness of your belly. His pelvis hits yours, thumping gently against your clit causing a warm sensation to pool in your lower belly. You cry out as he quickens the pace, his balls slapping against your puffy pussy with each powerful stroke. You’re babbling, at this point, trying to moan his name and throw praises at him but the words become fuzzy in your brain. All you know is the pleasure he gives you every time he drives into your sensitive pussy, all you know is his hot mouth on your neck and breasts, leaving bites and purple marks in its wake.
You cry out his name, and pull on his hair when he bites a nipple, his hips never once stopping. He drags his nails down your back, as he licks up a breast. You try to get away, arching your back, feeling overstimulated but he holds on to you tightly. His arms are wrapped underneath you, his fingers digging into your shoulders as he angles his hips. 
There are stars in your eyes as he slaps his hips against yours. The sound of his panting, and your moaning mingle in the humid air. The scent of your arousal floods his senses, eggs him on to seek his own pleasure. The gummy walls of your pussy keep him tethered to you, milking him tightly with each stroke. He closes his eyes and loses himself to pleasure, abandons all pretenses as he moans time and time again. He buries his face on the crook of your neck when he cums, shooting strings of hot white cum inside you. 
Your small hands rub circles across his slick back–covered in sweat. He kisses your cheeks, and mumbles sweet praises to the baby hair around your ears. 
“Did it hurt?” he asks you when he pulls away from nibbling on the soft cartilage of your ear. You shake your head with a little smile. Byakuya drags his fingertips along the side of your face.
“A little,” you say quietly, a sheepish smile tugging a corner of your mouth. He drops a quick kiss on your smiling mouth. “But I liked it.” His brows furrow together, for a second, as he gazes down at you. He’s still trying to catch his breath. His mouth splits into a smile–one even you had not seen often. “Very well,” he murmurs, reaching out to hold your chin in one of his hands. “I’ll keep that in mind for next time. If it pleases you.”
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ulkoilla · 10 months
Self-tagged from @bleachbleachbleach
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
Only three – most of my ff is in Finnish and online elsewhere
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
W00t w00t the next couple biweekly updates will get me above 100 k!
3) What fandoms do you write for?
I have only Bleach fic in AO3, but I've also written Black Lagoon, Daria, Doctor Who, Dragonlance, House M.D., Raid (a Finnish crime drama/thriller), Sanctuary, Supernatural and Stargate Atlantis
4) Top 5 fics by kudos?
All Her Parts (13 kudos at the moment), Kim’s game (6) and At one evening in a convenience store (4)
Interestingly, the 5/10 chapters of All Her Parts has also more hits than the 19 chapters of Kim’s game. Maybe the title of Kim’s game was unfortunate - It isn’t an OC story, the name refers to the memory game played in Kipling’s novel Kim)
5) Do you respond to comments?
Yes! They are few and far between, but I love them and I love responding.
6) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have quite a few angsty or unhappy endings in my stories but perhaps Salakatselijan päiväkirja (Diary of a Stalker, the content only in Finnish) or Etsin vain ehdotonta rakkautta (I was only searching for unconditional love, also the content only in Finnish) might be at a tie.
Diary of a Stalker is a Bleach AU where Bya mourns for Hisana and kinda starts to stalk Rukia, who he doesn’t know is Hisana’s sister. I was only searching for unconditional love is a House M.D. fic of Cuddy and Rachel and their mother-daughter relationship.
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uuf do I have happy endings…? I have plenty non-sad or ambiguous endings but I guess not that many I’d call happy. Kim’s game actually ranks high in here imo?
8) Do you get hate on fics?
I’ve never gotten any hate comments for some reason.
9) Do you write smut?
No. Tried it once, didn’t like it. I rarely write sex in general, and when I do, it tends to be strictly non-explicit.
Nothing wrong with smut, it just isn’t my thing to read or write. Unless things get weird enough, then I’m happy to read. With enough weird in the mix, it stops being about sex even when genitalia is at use. Then I'm on board again.
10) Do you write crossovers?
Not really. I find that it’s rare that different pieces fit together in a way I find satisfying. The one and only x-over I’ve written is a DW+Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy humor piece.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Only if you count me doing translation/rewrite of my own fic
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. But I’d like to – there is sooo much great ideas and such with powerful scenes and fun plots. I’d love to be the person who adds description of various shit without having to deal with characterization and whatnot. But with this role and me not operating in my native language it has an extra layer of working not great.
14) What's your all-time favorite ship?
My OPT of all-time is Raistlin+Dalamar, where I’m using the + to indicate it’s not romantic or sexual but not platonic in “just friends” or "practically family" way.
15) What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Almost all I seriously plan to finish, but I’m going to pick the story with a working title of Ihmeiden kaupunki (City of Wonder). It's a Sanctuary fic where a bunch of women, Helen and Ashley among them, are sent to another planet to spread human life to space. It’s supposed to be women only (resource use & lack of artificial wombs) but Nikola uses his connections and gets in.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Persistence. If I see enough reason to write something, and if I judge that I want to write it, then I’ll fucking write it. It may take a long time, but I’ll write it.
I’d like to think that I’m good at writing description but that’s for my readers to judge.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
The snail speed I proceed, lol.
I’m actually not good at making plot. It’s difficult for me to plan the scenes and decide what’s going to happen next, and what kind of feeling the scenes should carry.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I avoid it. If the reader should understand the dialogue, then it must be “translated” to the reader for them to do so.
If the reader isn’t supposed to understand it, why bother to write lines that won’t make any sense to the reader? Then what it the reader understands it, is it going to spoil something, or does the reader find themselves reading something utterly irrelevant?
I can imagine there are some tricks that can be done with this but it’s a niche use.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
I can’t remember
20) Favorite fic you've ever written?
An unfinished The Walking Dead piece with a working title tkei. The title is probably an abbreviation of something but I can’t remember what. But the writing! I love the way I was able to write it! When I read it, I’m making myself happy and immersed in the story instead of wanting to alter phrasing here and there.
It’s an AU where the zombies never came and no found families form. After Rick wakes up from the come and find Lori and Shane banging, he is forced to move to Daryl’s place (Merle is in prison, Daryl can’t pay the bills to keep the lights on, and Rick can’t afford to rent). Everyone is deeply unhappy and lonely.
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cooliogirl101 · 3 years
Ohhh, a fic give-away!!! If you have time, I would love to see more of Hisana&Muramasa interactions! I'm not sure if that counts as an au, I just want them content and healing and helping each other with the power of FRIENSHIP
"Muramasa," Hisana said slowly, feeling a headache coming on. "When you told me you might be able to convince Kyoka Suigetsu to leave Aizen, this really wasn't what I thought you meant."
"I fail to see the issue," Muramasa stated serenely. "Kyoka Suigetsu is no longer Aizen Sousuke's zanpakuto spirit. By all accounts, I have accomplished my mission."
"Yes, well--!" Hisana helplessly gestured towards the masked spirit next to him. "I didn't think you'd bring him here instead!"
"He needed a place to go," Muramasa shrugged, before his gaze softened a fraction. "And your soul is big enough for the both of us, I think."
"I--" Hisana felt rather like banging her head against a tree. "Muramasa, I really don't know about this."
"If you have concerns about him betraying you, rest assured that I would never allow--"
"No, no, that's not it. This is simply...a lot to take in," Hisana muttered, waving him off. She needed to think about this. She needed to consider all the implications and potential consequences and--
Her gaze flickered to the silent figure standing next to Muramasa.
"How do you feel about this?" She asked. Kyoka Suigetsu stiffened.
"How do I feel?" he repeated.
"Well, yeah. I mean, are you even going to be happy here?" She asked, worrying her bottom lip. "I'm nothing like Aizen and I never will be. I'll never have as much spiritual energy as him, I don't enjoy fooling people or playing mind games, and...and I can't promise that I'd be able to utilize your ability to the level he did."
"That's what bothers you?" Kyoka Suigetsu's voice was unreadable. "Not the fact that I was Aizen Sousuke's zanpakuto spirit, but the prospect that I might be unhappy in this arrangement?"
"I don't particularly like making people miserable, you know," Hisana said wryly.
Kyoka Suigetsu stared at her for a moment.
"Let me ask you one question, Yukimura Hisana," he said finally. "What do you plan to do once you defeat my former wielder?"
Hisana blinked.
"Work on reforming the spiritual world, of course," she answered without hesitation. "My goals haven't changed just because I was out of commission for the past century or so."
"I could help you rule it." Kyoka Suigetsu's voice was unchanging. "No one would be able to stand in your way."
The corner of Hisana's mouth quirked up.
"You know, your ability really is incredible," she said. "You can turn dreams into reality, remake the world as you see fit. And more importantly, you can share that vision with others. The thing is, I don't care about ruling the world, I care about changing it. I don't want you to help me destroy my enemies, I want you to help me convince them. But only if that's something you want as well."
She gazed at him, eyes painfully sincere.
"You're not my prisoner, Kyoka Suigetsu, and I don't want you to feel like you have to stay just because Muramasa brought you here. If you feel like this isn't going to work out-- well, I know it's difficult for a zanpakuto spirit to survive without a wielder, but you can stay in my soul for as long as you need while we figure something else out."
"You talk quite a bit, don't you?" Kyoka Suigetsu murmured, after a slight pause. Hisana shrugged.
"How am I supposed to know what you want if I don't talk to you?" She asked with a smile. "Take some time to think it over. There's no rush."
Muramasa waited until she faded out of her inner world before sauntering over to Kyoka Suigetsu.
The other zanpakuto spirit turned to look at him bemusedly. ".…she hasn't realized?"
"Give her some time," Muramasa said, amused. "She'll get it eventually. She can be extremely insightful in some aspects-- others, not so much."
"She can hear my voice," Kyoka Suigetsu said, voice low. Something his former wielder hadn't been able to do for weeks now. "Surely she realizes the significance of that?"
Muramasa shrugged.
"Who knows?" An odd smile formed on his lips. "She's a strange little thing, our wielder. Despite my best efforts, she persists in the absurd belief that zanpakuto spirits are people. The idea of not hearing you? Why, it probably never even occurred to her."
(I've always felt that Muramasa and Kyoka Suigetsu were similar in a lot of ways-- both very morally ambiguous, both with extremely scary abilities, both cast aside by their wielders in favor of power and ambition. Which makes it fun to throw Hisana into the mix :))
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archivedhellahell · 2 years
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@sphaeraa asked to Byakuya Kuchiki: He's ever patient. Even for his 'new' Master, the Hogyoku is no less willing to wait through hours for his return. And it's upon that familiar arrival that the entity opens his eyes from his meditative-like stasis, and rouses his mind to make ready. The Hogyoku waits where is most discreet, and where tends to linger these days; seated on the tatami within his Master's quarters. It's only upon the reaper's physical arrival that the god's focus is truly present, rather than fixed on the space of nothingness in front of him. He regards the Captain first, meeting his eyes directly, before yielding to close his eyes and bow his head in recognition of respect for superiority, per the nature of their arrangement. "Master," He elates easily, clearly, and lifts his head after so that he may regard him directly again. "Welcome home." The entity has manners, and despite formalities, he's no less sincere.
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Since forming a contract with Hogyoku, his return to the mansion has been warmer than he imagined. Rukia and Renji were busy with their chores as shinigami. And even being greeted by their employees also counted. It was totally different the feeling of knowing that someone very close to him was waiting for his return.
The only exception was Hisana. Who when she was at her best, would eagerly wait for him with a cup of hot tea at the end of the day. It always warmed him up and brought a smile to his face. When she was gone, he thought he would never have that kind of reception again.
So when he saw Hogyoku receiving him... Byakuya approaches and lightly caresses his head. With a serene smile on his face.
“Are you waiting for me now? Is it so boring in my house that you can't do anything else? I don't know where all your patience comes from.” He pulls his hand away and respectfully bows to Hogyoku.
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fectless · 3 years
(This is technically in response to the post right below this one, as world building totally counts for it, right?)
Anywho, more fandom thoughts, but for BLEACH this time. I recently started rewatching the anime again for the nth time as part of my language practice (and having the Japanese subtitles on while watching it in Japanese is an experience) and reached that episode where Aizen and co. get rescued by Menos Grande after declaring their intentions to Soul Society. And then a few things hit me.
The first: Rukia says, the first time Ichigo sees her sending someone on via Soul Burial, that one neither feels hunger nor gets sick in Soul Society. We know that this is false for a few reasons.
Those who can become shinigami definitely need to eat and all souls need water which implies that they can suffer from thirst (and perhaps heat exhaustion).
Captain Ukitake is suffering from an unknown disease that makes him literally cough out his lungs. I’ve read something about it being a defect in the make up of his soul that is only not killing him because of the pact with the Soul King’s arm, but I cannot recall if this was canon or fanon (as the Blood War arc was just like that). If so, does this mean that sickness does occur in Soul Society, but so rarely as to not be mentioned? Or does it occur more in the outer districts? Why does it occur?
Hisana died from a sickness as well. Yes, it’s stated to be exhaustion, but I feel like that doesn’t make sense? Like, the flashback in the anime has her abandoning Rukia after she collapses while carrying her around. And she collapses later when she regrets this and goes to look for her sister. And then she dies.
Seriously, why does it occur? It’s weird. And it cannot be an Aizen thing as I’m pretty sure Aizen is younger than Ukitake. Is it because of what happened to the soul king? Does it have something to do with when people get sent on (like if they were close to being a hollow)? Is it because they died while sick? Is it because of their resolve?
...Do we never see sick souls in Soul Society other than them because they usually just. Die pretty soon after arriving?
And if spiritual power leaking is what causes spiritual pressure, and the “vents” can be closed... do people in the districts sometimes close them by mistake and then blow up? Is spontaneous combustion a thing in the afterlife?
The second: I’m pretty sure “Ichirin no Hana” is a love song that Byakuya is singing to Hisana’s memory.
Someone has probably stated this before, but the lyrics of the song literally say how some one, a “single flower,” is precious and can’t be replaced. How that flower bloomed despite being stuck somewhere dark and how they looked lovely but like they were about to wither away. And that the singer would accept all of their pain if only that person would smile and stay with them...
The title of the song also matches the title of the chapter in which Byakuya reveals to Rukia the secrets he’d been keeping from her about Hisana. He uses the same words, “ichirin no hana” to describe the season in which she died
Literally his whole dilema during this arc, the entire way he interacted with Rukia up to this point, was that he was conflicted between his sense of duty (to his parents, his wife and keeping his word) and his feelings for his beloved Hisana. Rukia’s physical resemblance to her sister is almost uncanny and the lie she is told when she asks why she was adopted was, “You look like Byakuya’s late wife.” How much must he have hated that? A person whom he had sworn to protect that, had she arrived two years earlier might have saved his wife’s (after)life? A person that looks just like his beloved, who reminds him of her every time he sees her (for those first 50 years), but is not and never will be Hisana. And then. To know that she’s going to be executed for crimes, that she felt she could not rely upon him enough to even let him know she’d encountered trouble in the human world when he’s been doing his best to ensure she’s safe (because that is one of the few reasonable explanations for why Rukia hadn’t been promoted yet, and then was promoted during the 3 year gap)? To see her stripped of her rank, her strength even (with that collar and the stone of the prison tower). To see a small form who so resembles his beloved all listless and soon to die, wearing a white yukata like his wife had in her last days...
Watching it again made me feel things, okay? Like yeah, it seems like it’s a stupid dilema from some perspectives. Especially considering Central 46 had a run in with Aizen by then, but. Byakuya was raised in the Seireitei. He was raised knowing that his life was the Seireitei’s tool. That his duty, his reason for existing was for the sake of his family’s honor, so he must be composed, must act as the family and Soul Society bid him. That’s some mighty powerful brainwashing/indoctrination right there. And he broke it once already to marry some nobody from the slums. He did something not only against the norms, but something selfish. Maybe if she’d had high spiritual power this would have been accepted, but she was sickly and likely did not. He went against the clan elders who had probably instilled obedience in him since birth and was afraid of doing it again.
(And if you count the filler arcs, you can bet that they held that one Kuchiki who went traitor against him too. Like: “he married that Hisana girl against our orders? What next? Will he betray Soul Society too?”)
And maybe I’m making a bigger deal out of his upbringing than I need to. Maybe it wasn’t really like this. But I feel like it really was. (Moreso with the filler arcs and what I’ve heard of the light novels.)
Also, this song and the way that the opening animation fit together really solidifies the whole “Ichigo and Rukia were always meant to have a tragic romance” vibe that I kept getting the first time I encountered this series.
The third: Rukia was likely younger than six months (physically) when she was abandoned, but I’m pretty sure that she was older than three months when she and Hisana died.
Her blanket was pink in the flashback.
Sure, the above might not seem to have much significance but it’s been proven in canon that clothes are part of oneself. I reblogged a post a while ago that went into detail, but to sum it up, clothes are part of your self image and your self image determines a bit about what you look like when you die.
Babies are usually no longer swaddled by the time they’re six months old, and some places recommend that you stop by the end of their second month.
Babies have pretty bad vision when they’re born. They take four to six months to reliably track objects in motion and use binocular vision decently. They take about four months to see across a room, and about two months to see farther than maybe 30 cm away. And around the three month mark, they start having decent color vision. Around then is when babies supposedly start showing color preference.
Babies tend to have poor long term memory. (To be fair, they’ve got a lot going on compared to being in the womb and sensory overload sucks.) Their memory by the age of six months is only a few weeks. Two months old had a memory span of a few days.
If she’s been consistently wrapped in a pink blanket, then by the time she’s old enough to see color, she would be old enough to remember what color her blanket usually is— or if it was a different color that particular day.
The fourth: when Gin raises his spiritual pressure on Aizen’s orders, Chad remains standing. This raised a bunch of questions as Gin is stronger than Yammy (to the best of my memory).
Chad remained standing. Yes, his whole fight with Captain Kyouraku was about his resolve and how he would stand by his friends and fight for their safety/ideals but. Like. Earlier that year, his spiritual strength was on par with Yuzu. He’d been friends with Ichigo for years which was why he was even that strong. He’d been in a Hollow attack maybe three times before Rukia was arrested and could only barely see them the time Ishida pulled a stupid and used Hollow Bait. Sure, he has experience fighting and he’d trained under Yoruichi, but it feels sus considering how the others fared.
Orihime fell to her knees pretty quickly after Gin turned up the pressure. She’d also fought against high-ranking shinigami at that point, and trained under Yoruichi, and fought off Hollow (alone even! And she was the reason why Sora moved on, despite Ichigo’s Blade purifying him) before. And yet... It could just be a lack of resolve, as that had come up in earlier chapters but it doesn’t feel right.
Ishida is excused from this due to circumstances.
Tatsuki has been friends with him for ages. Sure, it seems like they weren’t as close after his Mom’s passing, but by then they’d already known each other for quite some time. I’m pretty sure that they were hanging out semi-regularly through junior high/middle school, at which point he got close with Chad and she got close with Orihime. She also has experience fighting (admittedly in martial arts rather than the street fights Ichigo and Chad get dragged into). She experienced at least one hollow attack during Ishida’s Stupid Day. But she collapses as soon as Yammy shows up? That feels off.
In contrast, Ganju was struggling about the same amount. He was born to a noble family— who are known to typically have decently high spiritual power, like his older brother Kaien and his cousin/uncle Issin. He was raised in the Rukongai, meaning he likely came across Hollow attacks. (And those definitely occur.)
Makes me wonder things about Karin’s strength. Like, she managed to escape from the hollow who attacked their house to run for Ichigo’s help (manga) or lived long enough while alone with it that Ichigo and Rukia could come save her (anime), both of which are quite impressive for an eleven year old. She also kept up with Hitsugaya when they played soccer and he’s a captain. Based on Ichigo’s experience, it’s likely that she too will become stronger as she grows up. And does she have an inner hollow too, or is that Ichigo only? If White was simply a parasite and decided to stick to Ichigo I could accept it. But as a hollow Ichigo is a Vast Lorde, and hollows of that level can split into parts (like Starrk and Lilynette).
Does Yuzu not really have any spiritual strength because she inherited more of the Quincy genes from her mom and the hollow genes she inherited don’t balance out that same way it does in her siblings...? Food for thought.
TLDR: how and why is sickness as thing in Soul Society? Byakuya listens to rock music and I’m p. sure the third opening song is him angsting over his wife’s death; it also gave me strong feelings about how he was prolly brainwashed growing up so his angst over Rukia’s fate is not actually stupid. I continue to have IchiRuki feels. Rukia and Hisana died when Rukia was about 3 months old. And I am more confused now about how spiritual power works than I was before I started rewatching the anime for language practice. Also, more questions have arisen about hollows.
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everything-withered · 4 years
Prompt "Flowers for a dead girl" Ichigo is SOFT, he did this literally since the beginning of the manga
I hope you don't mind an AU take on this!
Rukia knows for a fact that someone is stealing flowers out of her garden. She knew it had to happen some time. Her window opens almost directly into the pavement, and placing anything on the window sill is just asking for it to get stolen.
The grandmother that was staying at the apartment before Rukia had offered that warning lightly, before gifting her with the aforementioned flowers.
"You can't even keep cacti alive," Renji reminded her with a snort to which she'd pinched him and said, "Shut up, there's a first time for everything."
And while the flowers weren't anywhere near as healthy or full as when she'd received them, they were still in bloom! Which made their theft even more upsetting, and didn't get better once she'd realized that it probably wasn't the first time either.
I knew I wasn't imagining the flowers looking a little thin, she thinks both vindictive and resentful as she pets the leaves in apology. Whoever has been taking them plucks them straight from the stem, like a monster.
"I think it would be worse if they'd been clipped," Hisana tells her, "that would imply premeditation."
Rukia scowls. "So I should just be grateful that whoever's been kidnapping my violets is doing it because it's convenient?"
"Well," she trails, "maybe you shouldn't leave your flowers in a place where they can be easily kidnapped."
"That's victim blaming and I will not stand for it." Which is not the reason Rukia doesn't move the flower pots -- her apartment is a closet at most, and the window is the best place to keep plants anyway -- but that doesn't mean she'd refuse to move it out of spite. It's for the continued wellness of her flowers, Hisana, will you please be a good sister and just let me complain??
"Where's your sense of romance, Rukia-chan?"
She scoffs.
"Just picture it," Hisana continues, starry eyed, "a thoughtful lover on their way to be with their beau when they see your flowers and think, what a lovely gift to give their love!"
"I'm sure their love would appreciate it more if they didn't dig it out of someone else's garden," Rukia deadpans.
"It's the thought that counts."
"I think they're cheap."
Refusing to move the flowers from its perch, however, doesn't mean Rukia is taking the continued theft of her violets lying down, romantic reasons or not. No, sir. She borrows Renji's Go-Pro and points it at the window for a couple of days.
For awhile, there's no bite, and she gets several hours worth of footage of her window sill: people walking past as they carry on with their day as the violets in their planters giggle in the breeze and stretch in the sunshine before drowsily drooping off to sleep at dusk. It's pretty soothing to watch played back. But Rukia is not convinced. Her thief will be back.
Almost a full two weeks have passed before she's proven right.
The guy in the footage looks like trouble; unfriendly and scowling, Rukia isn't surprised at the appearance of her thief. While she wouldn't have pegged a guy with a leather jacket, too many rings and a leather cuff wrapped around his wrist to steal flowers, Rukia isn't going to judge him for that. Oh, no. She's too busy being incensed that this...this...asshole took way more violets than he did last time!
She has no idea if he's going to show up on the same day as before, but Rukia prepares for it. She sets up camp far enough from the window that she won't be seen, and waits.
Almost to the minute, a shadow lingers, and Rukia is ready! She throws the windows open with a dramatic flourish and shouts, "Gotcha!"
A white butterfly, having been innocently resting on the petals of the flowers, is startled by her sudden presence and almost flies into her face. Fortunately, the guy, to Rukia's satisfaction, recoils anyway, almost to the point of falling over as he yells back in surprise. "What the hell?"
"Caught you red handed, thief," she declares which he promptly doesn't approve of because the orange haired jerk is arguing, "I'm not a thief."
"Oh yeah, then how do you explain taking my flowers?"
At that, he splutters, "Your flowers?"
"Yes, my flowers," Rukia tells him, scowling. "I live here."
"No, you don't," he has the audacity to say. "Akiko-san lives here."
Realising it was the grandmother who'd been letting the apartment before her, Rukia's anger cools. "Not anymore. She moved out. She left me the flowers you keep stealing."
The guy's face goes through an impressive array of emotions before settling on a fine combination of disgruntled and embarrassed. "...ah..."
With a considering look, Rukia says, "I assume if you know the grandmother by name, you must've had an arrangement."
"In not so many words," is his vague reply, and though it should make her suspicious that he's lying for all that he's still blushing to his ears, Rukia decides that it's no real harm done. Just a misunderstanding.
Although, if this guy's been stealing flowers for his girl for as long as it would take to be acquainted to a grandmother he's not related to, he clearly needs help sealing the deal. Nodding to herself determinedly, course of action decided, Rukia tells him, "You can take the flowers."
That startles him, and to her relief he's not nearly as grumpy when he isn't frowning. In fact, now that she's actually looking a him, he's pretty handsome. High cheekbones, defined jaw, full lips, brown eyes. Yeah, this should be easy, she thinks with a huff. "But I'm meeting whoever you're giving them to."
Hmm, Rukia thinks. Maybe that's why he hasn't gotten a date yet...though, instead of telling him that, she poses, "Do you want the flowers or not?"
Which is how Rukia ends up meeting her thief on the sidewalk five minutes later.
"My name is Ichigo, not thief," he corrects.
"And I'd tell you it was nice to meet you, but one of us shouldn't be a liar," Rukia sniffs, and while this makes him scoff, he's also smirking a little the next time she glances at him.
"Who are you anyway?" he asks, and she thinks, rude.
Though that thought doesn't stop her from replying shortly in kind, "Rukia." Then, just for good measure, "And you could be a little less rude, I don't know how you expect to get a date with that kind of attitude."
He makes a noise of disbelief but flushes all the same.
As they walk, he eventually asks, "Why do you want to meet her anyway? The girl I give your flowers to."
"To make sure she's worth it," Rukia says. "Is she?"
There's no hesitation, "Yes."
She hums, and she could pry into Ichigo's relationship with this mystery girl, but instead she asks, "So you couldn't just buy her flowers?"
And at that he looks embarrassed, though he hides it with the same disgruntlement as before. "I always forget, and your window is on the way there. It was just...convenient."
"Nice," Rukia snorts. "I hope you don't tell her that, nothing makes a girl feel more special than stolen flowers."
After a thoughtful pause, he asks, "You're not from around here, are you?"
Her eyes narrows. "Not originally." Before, "Why?"
At that, Ichigo shoves his hands deeper into his pockets, gaze pointedly at some middle distance. "Because this is probably gonna get uncomfortable."
Rukia's brows are still furrowed in disbelief when she finally realizes where they're headed. "Oh."
Opening the gate, he lets her through first before following after.
He doesn't explain, and she doesn't ask as they walk together through the gardens. Despite his earlier decree, he seems uncomfortable too; shoulders drawn to his ears, frown deepening and eyes going distant.
Rukia almost wants to turn back around, but there's something volatile in his fragility, and she doesn't want to be the thing that shatters it. It isn't until they've come to a stop that he speaks, telling Rukia sardonically, "Well, you wanted to meet her."
And there's a lot of things a normal person could say when faced with a headstone, things like I'm sorry for your loss, and I can't believe I was a jerk to you. Along with other things like why would other people be so aware of the loss of your mom that you had to ask if I was from around here to know of it? and I'm sorry people think of you in relation to whatever tragedy caused your loss.
Except Ichigo looks like he's already preparing to block it out after too many years of too many people being too aware of his grief, "You're not from around here, are you?"
So what Rukia does instead is bow, and say, "Kurosaki-san, I'm sorry your son is cheap."
Ichigo is so surprised by her that he doesn't even think to be offended, instead spluttering in denial. His mask of nonchalance cracked, Rukia continues earnestly to his mother, "If I'd known he was relying on my subpar gardening skills, I'd have tried harder to make sure the flowers he got you were in better shape."
"Shut up, I don't know what you're talking about. Your flowers are fine," he argues.
Then, in a hiss out of respect for Kurosaki Masaki's final resting place, Rukia says, "They're for your mom, Ichigo, oh my god." Aloud, she tells his mother, "I'm so sorry, I know you raised him better. I'll make sure he gets you proper flowers next time."
"You'll make sure of that, huh?"
"If you insist on taking flowers from my window, yes, next time," Rukia tells him with crossed arms and a haughty look. "I can't believe you were stealing flowers for your mom."
"Hey," he defends, "you asked if she was worth it, was I lying?"
She rolls her eyes and persists, "Next time, we're bringing her something better."
"Fine, it's a date."
"Fine," Rukia huffs in return.
It's only after Ichigo's walked her home after a detour to a convenience store to replace her violets, and a reminder that he'll pick her up next week, does Rukia realize what she's agreed to.
To her newly purchased sunflowers, she shakes her head and says, "I can't believe he stole a date right from under me!"
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fenikkusunohisana · 4 years
Physical Touch & Closeness
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🌸 I  find it mostly hilarious and cute that Byakuya just needs to touch her hand or sit approximately a fraction of a distance away for Hisana’s heart to practically jump out of her chest and for her to get flustered. It makes her so happy to have some form of connection..or closeness like that. Such small things like that, she appreciates so much. Any small subtle touches or quiet displays of affection is better than nothing.  She is touch and love starved for a variety of  complex reasons- on both their ends-but the positive aspect of that is she adores the little things all the more. Almost like a puppy hjbjad
Point is, these simple things from /him/ elicits a strong reaction. Trying to imagine more..intimate touches or even a hug would be very overwhelming..not because of her past..but more so..her own insecurities, how long she has yearned for one and the fact it was too good to be true. She’d never admit it..but she really..yearns for his touches and affection--some form of it. Even a hug from time to time..would make all the difference in the world. Pretty sure if she received a hug from him--the angst one does not count--she would cry. kjnjsf She just wants to be held sometimes or just touched..but it is complicated with her husband. Hisana understands that and bears with it. His happiness and familial reputation were far too important. One of these days..I am certain she is going to just drop everything --in private--and just give the man a damn hug. She needs it. Not simply want--but need. He can be as shook as he want but :’) she is going to just bury herself into his warmth because is not.a wife supposed to lean on her husband for support and vice versa ? Ahhh. Also she has so much love to give him--she’s just nervous, awkward and flustered--.Hence the love letter.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
I have finally gotten my shit together and posted my collected drabbles in someplace that is not the constantly flowing garbage river of Tumblr.
Squad Six is Jerks and Other Stories (AO3 | ff.net)
Summary: A collection of short fiction (they're generally too long to be drabbles but too short to stand on their own), mostly arising from Tumblr Asks. You may notice that none of them are actually called “Squad Six is Jerks.”
1. PacRim AU (Renji, Ichigo, mentions of Rukia) 2. Family Planning (Renruki) 3. Space Dog Laika (Renji) 4. Straight to Bankai (Renji, Ikkaku) 5. The Big Squat (Rukia, Momo, Izuru, Renji, Academy-era) 6. Confession is Good for the Soul (Renruki) 7. Mall Goths and Other Undead Creatures (the lieutenants as teens, Izuru pining for Shuuhei) 8. Study Buddies  (Rukia, Momo, Izuru, Renji, Academy-era) 9. Forgive me, they were delicious (Izuru/Rangiku/Shuuhei and Toushirou with his fingers in his ears) 10. Like Her Father Before Her (Ichika, Ikkaku, Yumichika) 11. Don't Drag Me Down (Isshin, Rangiku, Toushirou) 12. A Decision, Carefully Weighed (Ichika, Byakuya, ft. a terrible illustration) 13. Hisana House (Inuzuri, world-building)
Rating: T for cussing and dirtbaggery, some references to sex.
Even tho I have been badly writer’s blocked recently, I hope you all know that you can request drabbles at any time, drabbles do not count as writing. I do, in fact, have another request I have been rolling around in my head (it’s Kira and Rose review a restaurant, in case you were wondering)
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Internal conflict (Byakuya Drabble)
A Byakuya Kuchiki Drabble/headcanon. Word count: 1066 Drabble of how Byakuya felt when he got a order to go after Rukia. ---------------- “Capture Rukia Kuchiki, She is being charged for treason for her crimes of giving her powers to a human. Or else we be forced to send Division two after her. ” The order that came from the jigokucho, that was sent from Central 46 itself.  Echoed through Byakuya’s mind. He felt like the world around him froze, as if time itself didn’t exist. Someone he promised to protect and take care of, committed the worst crime that could have been done in the soul society.  Only one outcome can come out of this. This was a treason crime, treason crimes normally sentence soul reapers to death by public execution. Especially if they are a higher class of soul reaper. Meaning he would have to see someone else, he cared about dying in front of him. If that was the punishment Central 46 had for it. He let out a sigh, a sigh mix full of disappointment and hurt. He noticed the butterfly flew away from the palm of his hand. But he had nothing else to say. What more could he say? Rules are rules, and she broke a rule.  He glance down at the paperwork, he was working on before all of this. Why did all of this have to go down hill? Why today of all days? Why did she care enough about a human to give her powers to them? Was this anger he was feeling? Was it just hurt? He didn’t know. He had to either keep his promise to Hisana of always protecting and taking care of Rukia. Or keep his status as the head of the Kuchiki family and keep the rules and orders of the soul society in check. He felt his chest tighten, almost as if it was hard to breath. He looked over and grabbed the cup of hot tea, he had near his paperwork, which has now cooled, though it didn’t matter to him. Picking it up gently, he took a sip from it, hoping it would calm him down and help him re collect his thoughts.
Though despite this, thoughts still stirred in Byakuya’s mind. 
“Find Rukia, Protect and take care of her please…” “I swear, I will never break another rule of the Soul society again.” It was like two inner voices, arguing with each other. It wasn’t like talking with Senbonzakura. He never felt this before. He wanted it to stop.  He placed the cup down on the table as he looked over the paperwork in front of him. Trying to ignore the thoughts and feelings. He loathed all of this. “You feel conflicted, don't you?” He heard the familiar sound of Senbonzakura’s voice. Conflicted? Was that what he was feeling? How would he get rid of this feeling? He hated it and all it stood for. Why couldn’t he decide what he wanted to do? What he wanted to feel? He knew that Rukia would have to be captured and brought in. There was no doubt about that. Why did it hurt so bad? For once he was doubting an order from Central 46.
Was there a loophole around this? If she got her power back from the human and then killed the human, could the sentence be reduced to just prison time?  Giving your powers to a human is one of the offensives to get a treason charge.  To reduce a treason charge was one of the hardest things, a Shinigami could have reduced. But he was a noble right? The head one of the most powerful families in the soul society? Wasn’t there something he could do?
“You know Central 46, doesn’t change their mind on their decisions easily. No matter if we are a part of a noble family. Loopholes, i'm afraid won’t work on this decision if they still decide to give out the highest form of punishment.” “You are right. But still…It's…” Byakuya replied, even in their line of communication his voice couldn’t hide the hurt and conflict he was feeling. No matter how much he tried to hide it. He hated this. He hated that this had to happen at all. “I know it's wrong, Master… But there is nothing we can do in this situation. If it was a different charge then maybe. We could do something. But this is a direct order. We cannot refuse it. They are going to go through with it one way or another. Loopholes can’t fix this now.” Senbonzakura was right. He hated that his Zanpakuto spirit was right. For once, he wished that it was wrong.  Loopholes won’t work, no matter what punishment central 46 wants to give Rukia. Taking a deep breath,  Byakuya stood up from his chair. An order was an order. An order that he had to follow to capture Rukia and bring her in for her crimes. Even knowing his gut feeling told him not to do this and try to help her. But the other side of him told him, it was pointless. It would only cause more problems for Rukia and himself. If he went against the orders. They could put a charge on him for helping her. He wouldn’t put it past Central 46 at this point, to do that. “I’m sorry Hisana…. I'm afraid I can no longer protect your little sister. My power as a Noble cannot get her out of this mess…” Byakuya thought as he headed out of his office. He forced himself to decide he would treat this as a normal mission. To keep his feelings to himself. His personal feelings shouldn’t matter in this situation. Any family bond he had with Rukia had to be cut for this mission. He couldn’t let feelings impact his work. It was his job as head of the Kuchiki family and as the captain of division six  to keep order in the soul society and stop rule breakers, who try to disrupt the soul society. No matter if they were family related. Rule breakers have to be punished…. Even if the internal conflict in him, though it was wrong and he knew deep down that this was wrong, all of this wrong. But there was nothing he could do, except to follow orders he was given. His feelings didn’t matter in the end, the only thing that mattered was the mission. He really despise the feeling of internal conflict.
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cooliogirl101 · 3 years
I think Yoruichi is definitely the worst, which is ironic because I thought she would've been the best (since she had a little brother and seemed pretty good with him until she abandoned him? Not a baby, but it should count for something, right?). How do you think Urahara would do? I will laugh if he's actually the best, just by virtue of not being more terrible than the others.
“You locked my sister in a cage?!” Hisana shrieked, looking surprisingly intimidating for someone a solid 2 feet shorter than he was.
“A very nice cage,” he protested meekly. “It’s quite roomy, actually. I even added some lab coats for padding.”
“I. Don’t. Care,” Hisana fumed, enunciating each syllable with rage. “It’s still a goddamn cage!”
“Language,” Kisuke said automatically, then immediately regretted it at Hisana’s answering expression.
“I mean, what else was I supposed to do?” He defended himself. “She was crawling all over the place! At least this way, I could make sure she stayed in one place!”
“I suppose,” Hisana answered slowly. To Kisuke’s relief, she appeared to be calming down. “Fine. I guess your intentions were good, even if your methods left something to be desired. Still, don’t do it again!”
As she stormed off, Kisuke caught her muttering to herself,
“Well. At least he didn’t cause her to throw up.”
(Also I find it hilarious that everyone has different opinions on who’s the worst babysitter. So far I’ve gotten Yoruichi, Rose, and Kyouraku lol)
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eorzeasfrozenknight · 5 years
LFRP: Yuki Setsura (Crystal/Mateus)
Tumblr media
The Basics ––– –
Name: Yuki Setsura
Age: 24
Birthday: 22nd Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon
Race: Au Ra, Xaela.
Gender: Female.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Marital Status: Married/Somewhat Verse dependent (Open to potentially Poly Ships with Her Original Partner)
Server: Mateus
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Sky Blue, Jet Black highlights
Eyes: Rich, Amethyst with Purple limbal rings
Height: 5′3″.
Build: Athletic, Strong, Toned yet feminine.
Distinguishing Marks: Enlarged Horns, more Scales than average and a large multitude of scars covering her body, EXTRA long and extremely Dexterous tail measuring around 3.2ft from the base
Common Accessories: Glasses and a Bowie knife strapped to the small of her back in her clothes
Personal ––– –
Profession: Armor and weapons smith, Mobster, Adventurer (former)
Hobbies: Music, Reading and sometimes cooking
Languages: Common. Hingan. Yanxian and Basic Xaelic
Residence: The Goblet/Azim steppe
Birthplace: Doma Yanxia
Religion: None
Patron Deity: Oschon, the Wanderer (Eorzea), Nhaama (steppe) and The Kami (Doma/Yanxia)
Fears:  Being left behind, large crowds, Losing her loved ones, Betrayal, and being left completely alone.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse:  Cadette Mevois/ Somewhat Verse Dependent (Again open to potential Poly ships with Cadette Mevois) 
Children: None…? >.>
Parents:  Yuki’s Mother did all she could to protect her children from the horrors left behind during the Garlean invasion of Doma leaving a once proud tailor more than a little weary and bitter towards the world, Yuki’s father was conscripted into Garlean ranks by force and shipped off to parts unknown, Yuki spends some time searching for her Father wondering where he might be.
Mother: Hisana Setsura
Father:  Kagetane Setsura (last known whereabouts was conscription into Garlean forces)
Siblings: 2 younger sisters, 1 older sister, and 1 older brother
Other Relatives: None
Pets: Yuki has many pets including her Chocobo Midgarsormr, fox kit Rika, Koala Joey Cuddles, hunting hawk takeshi and lesser Panda Tabane
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: None.
Drugs: None.
Alcohol: Frequently
RP Hooks ––– –
Smithy - Not being the loud and gloating sort with her work, Yuki makes a small living off of providing quality goods to the people of the Realm for remarkably affordable prices to even the poorest of citizens despite their high quality, as well as making Arms and Armor for her Company.
Dark knight for Hire - While not a full-time adventurer anymore, she still offers her combat services to those who are willing to pay, though not many are able to stomach a tank as tenaciously brutal as she can be.
A Tender but guarded soul - Yuki despite her professions is always one to lend a hand to those in need, however the many events leading her to where she is now have left her guarded and weary of those unknown her. Several counts of Betrayal have left her all but utterly bereft of her former potent ability to heal as she took to adventuring as a healer initially and has only recently shown signs of recovery. She does not take betrayal laying down and will not hesitate to cut down the one who wronged her.
Questionable Morality - Alongside her Wife, Yuki has gotten herself into some shady business. Quite a few of her actions are considered to be outside the Law and Not appropriate examples of good behavior, frequently undertaking acts that  certainly fall outside the law. If you’ve dealt with her Partner, you’ve probably met her before.
Contact Information  ––– –
Tumblr - eorzeasfrozenknight
Discord - on request
//New LFRP for Yuki! (Also special thanks to a certain bb for the Template <3) 
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bleachlists2 · 6 years
Live tweets from Ichigo and Orihime’s first date
Requested by @midnight-lightt :)
Looks like Ichigo and Orihime are finally going out on a date! But what if their friends decided to spy on them? Or all of the Gotei 13 are watching their date live from Soul Society? Well, let’s see what they have to say about it!
1) Rukia
“Tonight is Ichigo and Inoue’s first date, and we’re broadcasting it live in Soul Society!”
#omg omg #i totally called this #Ichigo better not mess this up!
2) Ukitake
“Good thing I brought enough popcorn, it’s a full house in Squad 12 tonight! Thank you @ mad-scientist-12!”
#young humans on a first date #this will be so much fun!
3) Kurotsuchi
“@ twin-fish-secrets: I didn’t even give you permission to use my lab as a viewing theatre, you insisted until I agreed to shut you up.”
#I might as well stay #wouldn’t want Kenpachi’s lieutenant to break anything here
4) Renji
“Ichigo’s outside Inoue’s house now, dressed up like a punk!”
#really embracing the delinquent life? #or trying to look cool? #black shirt with ripped sleeves #jeans with small tears #he kinda rocks the punk look #he’s also got a grocery bag for some reason
5) Renji
“Whoa! Inoue’s also got a punk look going on!”
#purple blouse #jean skirt #spiked choker and spiked boots #they both trying to look cool tonight?
6) Renji
“Pfft, the moment they saw each other, they started blushing.”
#dorks #seriously #human teenagers are so cute sometimes #so much for trying to look cool
7) Yumichika
“I have to admit, Inoue Orihime looks stunning tonight!”
#her matching aesthetic with Ichigo is quite lovely! #even if they look punk
8) Kenpachi
“They heading out for a fight or something?”
#Ichigo looks like he’s ready for a fight #is the girl gonna cheer him on or something like that?
9) Rukia
“OMG. Ichigo just held up the bag and said that he bought two bento boxes for dinner tonight!”
#seriously Ichigo? #you couldn’t take Inoue out to a nice restaurant or something like that? #but at least Inoue looks happy #what is their date anyways?
10) Rose
“Well, no wonder they’re dressed like punks. Their first date is a rock concert! Ichigo sure has good choices in dates!”
#they’re standing outside an arena in a line now #I guess Kurosaki wanted to get here on time and beat the line? #gotta give him props for thinking ahead
11) Hisagi
“First date is at a concert? That’s awesome!”
#but does Inoue like rock music? #and does this mean we’re getting a free concert to watch as well?
12) Rangiku
“Omg, they’re eating dinner in the line now! And Ichigo just fed Orihime-chan a roll of sushi!”
#so cute! #Ichigo was also blushing while doing that #i swear #those kids are so adorable!
13) Tatsuki
“So far, so good. Orihime-chan hasn’t started crying yet, and Ichigo is doing a pretty good job at making her smile.”
#he’s acting like a total doof right now #for all his attempt at being cool Ichigo is a total dork
14) Ishida
“I still can’t believe Kurosaki chose to have a bento dinner, instead of taking Inoue-san out to a restaurant!”
#I mean seriously 
15) Chad
“@ the-last-quincy: It’s beautiful, actually. And besides, it’s the thought that counts.”
#This suits Ichigo anyways #and Inoue looks happy
16) Shinji
“Oh god, watching those two flirt... it’s both adorable and kind of embarrassing.”
#human teenagers #always so awkward with one another
17) Yoruichi
“Ichigo/Inoue flirting no.1: Inoue smiles at Ichigo, Ichigo blushes and says, ‘you have eyes’.”
#facepalm #seriously? #someone needs to take Flirting 101
18) Yoruichi
“Ichigo/Inoue flirting no.2: Inoue says, ‘you look pretty today. April Fool’s, you’re pretty everyday!’. Ichigo flusters again.”
#someone help these kids
19) Keigo
“Whoa, is Ichigo smiling?? I’ve never seen him actually smile like that!”
#he looks so... happy #such a goofy smile
20) Mizuiro
“I think Inoue’s brain just reset.”
#Ichigo smiling #a rare sight indeed
21) Byakuya
“Inoue Orihime’s face is redder than Renji’s hair. And that’s saying something.”
#reminds me of when I first took Hisana out to dinner #and I told her she looked pretty #it’s actually very... sweet
22) Kyoraku
“@ flower-noble: Young love, am I right?”
#Ichigo and Byakuya both are/were awkward teenagers
23) Rukia
“Looks like they’re finally going inside the arena now!”
#they got their tickets scanned #and a wristband around their wrists
24) Rukia
“They’re up at the front of the stage?? And there’s a whole lot of people in there!”
#just who is this band anyways? #are they really that popular?
25) Rose
“The house lights went off! It’s finally starting!”
#i miss concerts! #best part of the Living World!
26) Kensei
“Looks like the band’s taken the stage now. Their music sounds pretty heavy, and they look really Gothic, kinda.”
#Ichigo’s into this kind of music? #or Inoue? 
27) Hisagi
“That band looks so cool.”
#gotta check them out next time
28) Renji
“Oh wow. Both Ichigo and Inoue are eyeing the band members and blushing!”
#gotta love it when both partners appreciate how good-looking someone looks
29) Byakuya
“This music is so barbaric; so much growling and screaming, and it’s so loud. How can either of them like it?”
#but Kurosaki Ichigo and Inoue Orihime seem to like it
30) Ikkaku
“Damn, this music makes me wanna have a fight!”
#sounds badass and awesome! #Ichigo and Inoue have good taste in music! #how does that guy growl like that?? #humans are amazing!
31) Rukia
“... I did not know this band liked doing fanservice.”
#but Ichigo and Inoue’s faces? #priceless #they’re both stunned and blushing so hard!
32) Rose
“Last song of the night already? Ah, how fast a concert goes.”
#how time flies when you’re at a concert!
33) Kira
“This song is a lot slower. Is it a love song?”
#also sounds really sad
34) Ukitake
“Inoue’s started crying now, and I can’t blame her. The song is pretty sad.”
#makes you think about life and love... #music: always manages to tug at the heartstrings
35) Rukia
“Omg, Ichigo’s teared up as well!”
#he’s trying to hide it #not doing a good job though
36) Rangiku
“Awww! He’s pulled Orihime-chan closer into a hug! Now he’s rubbing her back and letting her cry into him!”
#omg omg omg #he just kissed her forehead!! #my heart can’t take this anymore! #i’m gonna die of cuteness overload!
37) Hitsugaya
“@ beauty-cat-10: geez, stop being so dramatic, Matsumoto!”
#i guess this is kinda... sweet #human teenagers #so emotional and awkward
38) Soi Fon
“Crying over sad music? How weak. This sort of weakness would never be allowed into my squad.”
#i say as i tear up a little bit #no i’m not crying! #i’m a captain #captains do not cry!
39) Kyoraku
“The concert is over, and now Ichigo is walking Inoue home under the starry sky.”
#romantic #reminds me of the days when Jushiro and I dated like this #Inoue is thanking Ichigo for the date
40) Renji
“Holy damn... Ichigo just kissed Inoue! HELL YEAH!!”
#so proud of him! #was a little clumsy #but nice work Ichigo! 
41) Rukia
“Everyone is celebrating now. Ichigo kissed Inoue and it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”
#they look so happy! #ah i’m so proud of them! #all in all a successful first date!
42) Byakuya
“I suppose this was rather sweet to watch.”
#i’m leaving now #i’ve been in Squad 12 long enough
43) Yumichika
“So the princess and the hero have finally come together.”
#hmmm #Princess and Hero #nice ring to it
44) Yoruichi
“About damn time Ichigo kissed her! Finally, he’s done something right!”
#but those flirting skills... #they really need to improve
45) Orihime
“@ strawberryprotector15: Thank you for the date, Kuro- er, Ichigo! I loved it so much, and I can’t wait to do it again!”
#we’re on a first-name basis now! 
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thegreenfaery · 3 years
Fic Writer Review- tag game
I have been tagged!!! Thanks to the wonderful @recurring-polynya for even thinking of me.
1. How many fics on Ao3?
7. Well, 6 and one ridiculous poem because I am a ridiculous idiot who sets herself ridiculous challenges.
2. Total Ao3 word count?
Not nearly as high as it should be- 70,844.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Two, if you include the long-forgotten Jily fic on fanfiction.net. Otherwise it’s just Bleach.
4. Top Five by Kudos?
5 - Ring Out, Wild Bells (17)
4 - Unravel (25)
3 - Hogwarts: A Bleached History (28)
2 - Little Shadow (40)
1 - The Wedding Party (41)
5. Do you respond to comments, why/ why not?
I try to, but I am very easily distracted and often spend so much time thinking about how to respond that I forget that I haven’t actually done so. 
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! “Ending”. What’s an ending?
Spoiler alert - In some of my darker moments, The Wedding Party has ended up with an alternative ending. Maybe once I’ve actually finished it, I’ll post it as such.
Act 1 of Unravel also ends on a pretty tragic retelling of canonical family loss. Act 2 is also pretty rough in places. There is also a part where a severe respiratory infection (Legionnaires) lands Hisana in intensive care fighting for her life . This was written pre-pandemic, and I have deliberately postponed continuing this story because no one needed to read this during the past eighteen months. 
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Loads of AUs in this brain, but no crossovers.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not that I can recall.
9. Do you write smut?
Unfortunately for the rest of you, yes.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
11. Ever had a fic translated?
12. Ever co-written a fic before?
13. All-time favourite ship?
Byahisa, but it’s nothing without Renruki.
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
I know it seems like I never finish anything, but I really am working on every fic I’ve started. Little Shadow & The Diplomat’s Daughter are both undergoing ‘refurbishment’ at the moment, however, and will both end up being part of the same tale.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Umm. You’ll have to ask the people that read my stuff. 
I do put endless hours of research in, however, and I am very proud of that. I currently have 33 tabs permanently open in my browser for various stories. 17 of them are related to the state of Montana and indigenous populations across North America for Ring Out, Wild Bells. Unravel has 8 on family law in Japan. 
The Wedding Party has numerous accurate, real world and pop culture references, including the stock market exchange rates, the Madonna Who’s That Girl tour. I have also spent the time giving each of the main characters birth dates that are as astrologically compatible as possible (according to the Chinese zodiac). Is this relevant? Only so far as my headcanon sees Hisana as very superstitious and she is going to work this out. There’s also the bit where Rukia is jealous because Hisana was born in the year of the rabbit.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’m very easily distracted. Things spend weeks in edit. I have a comma addiction. I ramble. I have a habit of writing in a passive voice (apparently this is bad). I am now forcing myself to write full plot plans because otherwise tangents lead me off into the wilderness never to be found again.
17. What are your thoughts of writing dialogue in other languages?
Sometimes I can barely write in English! 
I do try to use the given honorifics and nouns in a character’s native tongue where possible, but will also incorporate the meaning into the body of the text.
Sadly, I am a product of a system that does not give much emphasis to other languages, but I try my best to honour the other cultures in my stories.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
19. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Probably The Wedding Party, although Unravel has a very special place in my heart. Hogwarts: A Bleached History is also good fun. Essentially anything where I get to drag Byakuya, and Rukia gets her own back and then some is my favourite. Let’s face it: he deserves it.
I am, however, in the process of writing a couple of completely original novels, Attrition and Priestess. Not to mention the collection poetic bedtime stories for children- they’re all very witchy and incredibly fun to write.
Tagging: Anyone who fancies joining in!
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clankuchiki · 7 years
Some thoughts and other stuff about Bleach
These are strictly my opinion as a long term Bleach fan. You are free to disagree obviously, but do so in a respectful fashion. Thank you. I’m mostly typing all this to get it out of my head.
And yeah, I’m particularly defensive about the Kuchikis, but eh, it’s a Kuchiki blog so that’s to be expected.
Bleach should have stopped after the end of the battle against Aizen, and without the whole evolution thing. It was downright ridiculous and boring.
Ageing makes no sense sometimes ?? How does it work in the Soul Society ? Renji & Rukia’s kid looks the same as Ichigo’s and Orihime’s.  But Byakuya & Soi Fon who were shown as teen, were young adults 50 years later. So do you age normally when you are young, and it starts to slow down when you reach your teens or close to adulthood ??
Considering above point, it would make sense that Yoruichi could be a childhood friend of Soujun (Byakuya’s dad and also my husband). It would be cutter to think Yoruichi is close to Byakuya for this reason rather than just because they both are from a high nobility family.
Ichigo became a downright pain in the ass somewhere in the middle of the Aizen Battle arc, and stayed that way up until the end. I KNOW he is the main character and he’s supposed to save the day as such, but I hated how he got all the powerzTM, it just felt ridiculous. Along with the evolution thingie too. You get shinigami powers, you get hollow powers, you get fullbring power blablabla. I also hated how it made the captains look like useless morons who can’t even do their jobs.
I’ll never forgive Kubo for what he did to Byakuya and Ukitake, I’m still not over this.
The fullbring arc was so boring, I have a hard time reading it again to remember stuff. I hated all the characters, apart from Riruka who actually made me laugh.
The quincy arc felt forced but I won’t speak much about this because I can’t even remember most of it, apart where it hurts.
The fact that “everyone” gets a bankai felt a bit weird. When we had Byakuya VS Ichigo, Byakuya spoke about it like it was a super big deal, like only a really small handful of people could achieve it. Well seems like they all decided to be in the same time span.
Byakuya and Hisana give me the feels, so pure. ;A;
What if Rukia was in fact, Hisana’s daughter instead of sister ?
Soujun is the cutest bleach dad, no opposition possible on this.
I’m still salty that Kubo introduced new characters in the second databook and have never done anything with them. I mean, Soujun, COME ONE ! (And Yamada too, he looks like an asshole and I want to know more about him)
The final end felt super weird too. I’m not a shipper so I couldn’t care less who ends up with who, but it just weird me out.  We only had an handful of actual relationships throughout the manga and I felt fine with it.
Both the kids annoy me, I don’t know if it’s because I usually like to stay as far as possible from kids in life, or they are both portrayed annoyingly.
I want to know how Byakuya and Hisana met, like how ?? Tell me !!
I also wish we knew more about the Nobles roles in the Soul Society, they seem important enough, but we know next to nothing about them. I wish this could have been addressed in a databook or something. I mean, I understand it could have been super boring in the actual storyline.
The arrancars were cool, mostly Grimmjow and Ulqui. They made it worthwhile.
Gin, you were amazing, rip baby.
I couldn’t care less about the quincy, they hurt my baby, they gotta pay.
Ichigo should remember that if not for his hollow, he would have been killed by Byakuya during their fight. good times.
Him getting a bankai when he did made sense at the time, but it was just the same scenario on repeat on each arc after that.
Yeah I’m a salty fuck.
Even so, Bleach holds the record for me for the number of characters that I actually love. In each books/manga/movie/game/whatever, I always have one or more favourite characters, but Bleach is the only one where I love that many of them. I obviously love the Kuchikis, but also Yoruichi, Soi Fon, Matsumoto, Hisagi, Renji, Kira, Ukitake, Shunsui, Ulquiorra, Grimmjow.. That’s what kept me going with Bleach, the characters I loved.
I also LOVE the universe of Bleach, I mean, isn’t the Soul Society super rad ??? I love how it was constructed and balanced. I love how each division has its own motto and how they differ from each others. I would have loved to see more about the daily life in a division. How is it like ? How close can you get to your captain ? Like can you be pals with them if they’re pretty chill ? What do you do each day if you aren’t out there chasing hollows.
What are the powers of the four noble houses and who are the other two ??
What the hell happened with the shiba clan ?  My noisy ass wants to know !
Who was Byakuya’s mom ? How did she meet Soujun ? Where they actually in love or was their union planned way before they could decide for themselves ? How did Soujun died ? We know it was in battle, but who did this ? I want names. Is Byakuya an only child ? (Rukia doesn’t really count here since I’m talking blood family)
What about Ginrei ? I feel like he’s close to Byakuya in terms of personality and he was a rowdy kid too. What about his wife ? How many kids did they have ? My weird headcanon is that they had 7 children, 6 daughters and Soujun was born the last and way after his sisters. He was kinda not planned and Ginrei had lost hope to ever had a son. And then, BAM, surprise. And then, due to his wife being a bit too old to bear children now, even though she could still have them, she died in childbirth. (Why do I even have that sob headcanon ???)
About Ginrei again .. We know Soujun wanted to join the 6th division because he was worried for his dad. But Ginrei was worried about his son’s health, which wasn’t great (that’s canon) so why the hell didn’t he stop him from joining the division. He made him a vice captain, why would he do that if he knew he wasn’t capable of fighting because of his health, and despite his talents, being a Kuchiki and all ? Because “he was going to be the next head of the kuchiki” seems a bit weak of an argument if you ask me.
Still about Ginrei, when did he became a captain ? What was his zanpakutou like ? what about his bankai ? who was the captain of the 6th division before him ? was it a member of the kuchiki clan as well ? Ginrei’s grand father maybe ?
How were the noble family founded ? Who decided who gets the higher place ?
How much shit did Byakuya get for marrying Hisana ? Did he think his parents might have opposed this relationship, or Soujun being kind  hearted would have been okay with this ?
Summary of how I feel about Ichigo in one panel, courtesy of Rukia :
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I think I’ve rambled enough right now. Excuse typos.
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